#your goal should be focusing on helping yourself and seeing the value in helping yourself OUTSIDE of how it will help others too.
snekdood · 4 months
idk who needs to hear this but im giving you a free pass to not give a fuck about anything going on in the world and to unplug from tumblr for a while to focus on yourself and actually take a breath. your problems matter just as much and deserve just as much attention. dont over weigh the worlds problems over your own. you cant even help the world if you dont take a breather. focus on yourself and what you still need to heal or whateva's goin on for you personally.
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thesirencult · 5 months
Pick A Card Reading : New Year Guidance
What you need to leave behind in 2023.
What you should keep from 2023 and wisdom it gifted you with.
What you should start doing in 2024.
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What you need to leave behind in 2023.
7 Of Pentacles Leave behind not aligning your goals with your values. Sunk cost fallacy is when you don't stop doing something that is costing you and harming you because you have been doing it for a while. This is so 2023 babies! Are assesing your input vs the output you receive. Where in your life are you selling yourself short?
What you should keep from 2023 and wisdom it gifted you with.
4 Of Swords, 6 Of Pentacles In 2023 you learnt that everything comes with the cost. The cost though, better not be your physical and menatal health. A piece of wisdom you shoul keep is that resting is as important as growing. Also, remember to not sell yourself short and to stop self sacrificing and overgiving. Equal giving and taking is a moto you should keep repeating throughout 2024 and the end of 2023.
What you should start doing in 2024.
4 Of Cups, 10 Of Cups In 2024 you can start practicing being grateful for all you have already received or want to receive. Focusing on what you have and what you want to accomplish is more important than looking into what you lack. This will help you fight off any remaints of the "scarcity mindset". Also, practice patience and learn to bask in the light of the journey, not obsessing over the destination.
What you need to leave behind in 2023.
King Of Cups Rx, 3 Of Cups Rx What you need to leave behind in 2023 is your inability to express your true emotions and to listen to your heart instead of your mind. Many people around you do not have your best interest in mind. You have noticed that due to how they act when you succeed on your endeavors. Leave these people back in 2023 and use their jealousy as fuel to gas yourself up. Your inability to see your worth clearly is another hinderance. Learn to autonomously realize what your true value is without needing to use others as a mirror. Sometimes the mirros around you are broken and a change of surroundings can go a long way. Being autonomous and self-sovereign will help you navigate life in 2024.
What you should keep from 2023 and wisdom it gifted you with.
9 Of Swords 2023 taught you that negative self talk and a toxic environment affect your self esteem, image and life choices. You should hold close to your heart all the moments you suffered and you were left alone with your thoughts. This will help you understand that you are far more powerful than you think and that in big life choices we are always on our own with only Spirit by our side. If you wanna go fast, go by yourself. If you wanna go further, go with others, but, remember, that others have to want to reach the same destination as you, or else, you will keep visiting cities in ruins.
What you should start doing in 2024.
The Lovers Be independent and learn to make choices all by yourself, without considering how it affects others, if your choice is not directly harmful to them. Being a part of a unit and team is amazing but spreading your wings and flying is even better. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Be yourself unapologetically and authentically. Stop trying to blend in and fit in or you will bleed out.
What you need to leave behind in 2023.
8 Of Swords, The Fool, 6 Of Wands Let go of the belief that others can hold you back or that your past dictates your future. Do not let others tell you what you're capable of accomplishing. Everything lies in choice and perception. Master the last two and you have the key to open the door of success and happiness. Stop closing your eyes to the truth. You are capable of setting yourself free. YOUR choices dicatte your life. You are responsible for yourself and your future. Leave behind analysis-paralysis and planning but never following through. Keeping the promises you make to yourself is as important, if not more important, than making them. Clear your head and your vision. Stop feeling unlucky and fallen from grace. Stop thinking you are uncapable of being seen as succesfull, powerful, beautiful and being able to connect with others. You can be a leader and example for others in the future. Authority comes from self-belief. It should make you mad that people with one third of your talent, wisdom and capabilities are achieving more because their ego is inflated. Be the good guy who wins in the end. Your scars are your medals. Show em. Let yourself be seen.
What you should keep from 2023 and wisdom it gifted you with.
The Hierophant, 7 Of Wands, 10 Of Pentacles IDK. Maybe, I said, MAYBE THAT YOU ARE THE ONLY THING STANDING IN YOUR F*ING WAY AND SPIRIT WANTS YOU TO SEE THAT YOU'RE MEANT TO BE HAPPY AND WEALTHY AND SUCCESFULL, you naughty little thing! In 2023 you saw a glimpse of what lies ahead and what you can accomplish, if and only if, you dare to have faith in yourself and to trust in the highest power. Remember that you are not meant to follow the "traditional" path to success. This reminds me of the "Dumb Money" movie. Outrageous succes. Overnight success in the making for years. Looking in the dashboard and seeing the 000s pileing up while brushing your teeth in 8am unaware type of success. Rebel against the norm. You're in service of spirit because you have a pure soul. You are chosen and protected, you dumb lucky b*tch (I'm aggresively affectionate and you KNOW it). You are meant to be a leader and a guide for others. You are the reverse of pile 2 when it comes to this. Others can see the power and the beauty of yours. They love basking under your warm rays. You are the one unable to see your light. Just like a star, you only see the darkness around and the lights of others. You have been cursed to be unable to see your own beauty and light, so, take this as a sign and continue shining, tone it UP a bit. Connecting with Spirit/Universe/God and channeling is something you learnt this year. You might be my creator/energetic healer/tarot reader/coach/astrologer/crypto bro pile.
You are a creator at heart. A trendsetter, an influencer (in your own unique way). Keep sharing your ideas as they attract abundance and wealth in all forms, as well as your tribe. Sidenote. This year you had to protect yourself and learnt how to set boundaries. If someone disrespects you do not hesitate to get those claws out pantheress. Community, legacy, wealth and abundance were the pillars around the pieces of wisdom this year gave you. Also, read "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Be brave and fierce.
What you should start doing in 2024.
Ace Of Swords, The Magician, Temperance
What you should start doing from now on and going forward is learning how to act as the equaliser, alchemist and embodying the witch/wizard archetype.
The next year your consciousness will further heighten and your task is to communicate your insights with others.
Accept and believe that you are a winner and develop the "winner's mindset" that will lead to triumph.
Don't play small, for once. Be selfish. Hold the mirror up and see the light. This is your light. No one can take it away from you. Profit from your light, don't let others be warm while you are burning yourself up or shivering in the cold.
Act with your personal interest in mind (Honestly, how much of a people pleaser are you? Do I have to tell you that? *Totally hugging you and playing with your hair while flaming you.*
Go watch some YouTube beauty influencers from 2016 and take some notes from Kim Kardashian when she was searching for her earrings in the Carribbean or somewhere, while people were dying.)
Keep on having that tunnel vision and focusing on personal gains.
Be resourceful. Create, transform and pivot when it is necessary. We are making this whole thing up along the way, this is LIFE, get over it, lol.
Meditating will help you ground yourself and set those energetic boundaries.
Hmmm, last random thoughts : Dare to blend multiple energies and to unite extremes. Be your OWN niche. Keep connecting people with spirit and their highest potential. Be a mediator for others and lastly, share as you keep on studying and learning.
We are not here to be perfect, we are here to BE. FULL STOP. PERIOD
Bye my fellow unhinged b*tches.
XOXO, the CEO of being unhinged, 💋💕🤎
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yourstardarling · 3 months
Aquarius Through The Houses
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Aquarius in our charts signifies where we stand out from others in society. It is where we are ahead of our time for being different than the popular majority. Aquarius is the inventor and pushes us to make things anew. By doing this we propel ourselves forward to the future, but this often leads us to feel outcasted by society. We may feel like an alien in the area of our lives the sign influences. It is because this is where we are called to be unique and shine for being different. Authenticity should be our top priority wherever Aquarius is placed. Conforming to everyone else in this area of our lives will only lead to self-destruction. Embracing what makes you different will lead to a since of liberation and freedom. In turn you will get to shine in your full capacity.
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Aquarius 1st House: These people are the embodiments of indifference in the world. Your whole being is built upon standing out from the crowd. This might make you feel uncomfortable though, by how much you stand out from other people. When you were young, you may have had an identity crisis of not fitting in with groups of people your own age. You've often felt like an alien among your peers and may have dealt with a lot of people shunning you out as a kid. You feel validated when you surround yourself with other people, music, shows and things that are considered unconventional in society. Might have fears surrounding getting attention in the public eye. Something about your physical appearance is striking and makes it hard for you to go unnoticed. Your style and way of dressing is entirely different from the norm. Your goal is to learn to embrace your individuality and that not everyone needs to accept your uniqueness. The sooner you do this and try to stop fitting in, the easier you can shine and meet the ones who will support you. Understand that you are a futuristic individual and that it’s okay for people not to process who you are right way. Someday they will get it and see how ahead of your time you've been. Don’t be ashamed for being different!
Aquarius 2nd house: These individuals hold unconventional values that separates them from other people. You have a unique way of accumulating wealth and assets in your life. Innovative and forward thinking, towards how you gain stability. Your financial plans may be frowned upon by other people. You strive to find new ways when it comes to achieving your financial goals. While others might think you place high value on money, the freedom it gives is what you are really after. Not worrying about not having enough. In fact you are pretty detached when it comes to wealth and this unique approach is why you shine at gaining. It’s not about the money, but what can you do with it. You value your networks of people and they can help you a lot when it comes to gaining sustainability. Might invest into humanitarian causes to see the betterment of society. You truly do care about the collective knowledge. Intelligence is very important for you. Finding intellectual ways and concepts to help you achieve your goals is a priority. Your open to foreign concepts to see how other people view certain situations. Overall, you find liberation through your physical possessions and financial independence. What's most important to you is gaining freedom from the material world. Aquarius here urges you to figure out a unique outlook to what wealth means to you and focus on pursuing it in your life.
Aquarius 3rd house: The mind of Aquarius third housers are always one step ahead. Very future oriented people focusing on what is the next goal. They think of things quickly and find unique solutions to issues. As a young child, you could have felt very different in your school education. It's because your learning style and the way you pick up information is unique from those around you. This could've caused you feeling shunned out and doubt your intelligence because you couldn't operate the same way others received information. You have a unique communication style that can seem unconventional by other people. It can come off as somewhat detached which leaves some people to feel offended. Your siblings can see this detachment and you may have a distant relationship with them as well. The thing is you do care, but when you communicate your focus is on being as literal and factual as possible. You like talking about things that are out of the norm and thinking about the future. Your mind is always in the future and this leads you to having a lot o progressive ideas. It's because you desire to be a free thinker and be liberated through your mind. That is why you could’ve had a rebellious attitude towards school because it conformed your thoughts to be like everyone else. Aquarius is teaching you here that your forward thinking and unique curiosity should be cherished to separate you from the point of view of other people. Don’t just believe anything just because that is the popular way of thinking. Find unique ways to see things from different perspectives. You learn differently from your peers and need to find a way to gain knowledge that personally works for you.  Freedom of speech is important for you and you are called to raise your voice for humanitarian causes.
Aquarius 4th house: Family dynamics for these people is a little chaotic. Random changes could've been occurring around your home as a child. You may feel like an outsider within your own home. Something about your background separates you from others in your family. It could be you have a different nationality or ethnicity than the family majority. Your family could be foreigners within the land you live in. The detachment from your family members can make you clash and have different ideals than them. You may not show much emotion around them. An original thinker between your family, you see things differently and futuristically than them. You can be considered the rebel within your family and you are not afraid to speak out against them. Mainly because your able to see the generational issues and traditional values your family holds that don't align with you. What they push on you to do is just not who you are. Might be the black sheep in your relationship with your family and feel shunned by them. Aquarius here wants you to help your family progress and let go of ways that no longer serve them. Focusing on the liberation of the family line. A desire for social changes and humanitarian causes to be valued in your home. Your social networks and friends can be considered your family. You have a unique way of viewing what family means to you. The online world can be a place of comfort for you, offering a space for you to gain a sense of freedom.
Aquarius 5th house: Creativity is unique to you. You’re able to see new patterns and different ways to make creations. You stand out for your talents. The interest of these individuals can be shocking for other people to see. Through your art and creative expression, a sense of freedom is gained. You may value intellectual pursuits and gaining knowledge about topics you are interested in. Spelling is Fun. These people can find a lot of joy by learning new things. You are always trying to find unique avenues to gain a sense of happiness. Your friends can be a good source of fun for you and bring you a lot of excitement. This makes you stand out when you are in a crowd of people. Attraction towards romantic partners that are intellectually stimulating. Your children may be rebellious themselves to the systems that is placed around them. This is a result of your progressive approach towards parenting and finding out unique ways to raise your kids. It can also be because you can have a detached parenting approach with them. Aquarius pushes you to be experimental towards what brings you pleasure in your life. A push towards finding joy in spontaneity and that different is not scary. The more you do this, the easier it becomes to stand out from what everyone else is doing.
Aquarius 6th house: You have a unique way in how you move through your day to day that separates you from other people. Time is of the essence and you want to find a different approach to spend it wisely. Your schedule may be somewhat chaotic with you always having something new to do. The people who view you in your day today might not like your approach to your daily routine. However, that is what fits you personally and helps you keep composure through the storms in your daily life. You may be dealing with a lot of disorganization within your daily environment. Since this is the house of bad fortune, misfortunate events can occur out of nowhere. This can greatly disrupt your routine and send you into a state of panic. Aquarius is teaching you here that no matter how hard you try, not everything in your life will be order. You overcompensate in your life by trying to keep things in check, but something will happen and things will fall apart. It's about adaptability and being detached from the hurdles that come your way. In doing so you find unique ways to navigate your life. You can also have an unconventional approach towards health and wellness. Might be into home remedies and alternative medicine. Keeping your body healthy in a personal method that works for you, helps separate you from other people.
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Can I request more 2012? I really like your table tease story with Donnie BTW! My request is what do you think would be good turn ons and turn offs for the 2012 turtles.
Turn Ons and Turn Offs (18+)
2012!Turtles x reader
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A/N: Of course you can!💚 And I’m happy that you liked it😘💜 These focuses mainly on the spicy stuff, but there’s also some general relationship aspects in there. As you know, not all turn ons has to be strictly sexual💙❤️ 💜🧡 (Btw, thought you all should know I wrote this while listening to Shady Lady by Ani Lorak).
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All characters are aged up.
Warning: Talk about sex, and possible break ups. And spelling. My head did a upsi every once in a while.
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Turn Ons:
Your admiration for his leadership skills is evident, and Leonardo is drawn to your determination to better yourself, just like he always tries to better himself. He finds your disciplined nature and eagerness appealing, often finding himself lost in admiration as you dive into whatever you’re passionate about.
Your respect for tradition and loyalty to your friends resonates with his own values. Your ideas of a relationship matches up with his, and both of you found that you had the same goals for your love lives.
When you let him geek out and take an interest in his sci fi series, board games and martial art rants. It made him weak in the knees to have you sit next to him, listening intently to all his words.
Leo likes to view himself as an independent leader with a mind of steel, making the decisions and leading the flock. But, he did like it ALOT when you took control in the bedroom. It gave him a change to relax, and, well, you looked hot as fuck on top of him.
But as much as Leo LOVED it when you took control during intimate times, it made him feel like a true man and a real leader, whenever you looked to him for protection or help. It made you look so small and cute, and he could just eat you on the spot.
Training you. More than once a small training session between you and Leo had turned into a heated makeout.
Calling him Sensei. Leo will lose his shit and become dominant very quickly.
Your eyes. Leo loves to watch your eyes during sex. Both of you made a big deal out of looking into each other’s eyes during your climax.
Teasing. Him or you? It didn't matter. Leo just had a thing for teasing and foreplay, finding it amazing the longer it lasts.
Turn Offs:
If you did not understand his role as a leader and what it meant to him, Leonardo was OFF. Leo is committed to his given role, and he can become frustrated if he senses any disrespect towards their mission or disregard for his orders. That same goes for his partner, if they decided not to see how important it is for Leo.
He values structure and organization, so if you're too spontaneous or disregard the importance of training and preparation, it might put a strain on your relationship. It’s not that Leo doesn’t like a few spontaneous things, but he has a daily routine that he needs to follow.
Leo doesn’t like it when it gets too messy in the bedroom. Sure, he can get into the kinky stuff, and bodily fluids tend to get involved, but it has to be easy to clean. So it’s a big no when it comes to bringing food into the bedroom. Maybe something to drink so you can keep going, but other than a few snacks for movies, no food.
Degradation. Leo likes it when you call each other things; good boy, good girl, Sensei, slut has even been used, but he will never talk down to you. He’s not against talking about how much one of you was loving it, but peeling each other apart with words. Never ask or expect him to call you dumb, stupid or something worse, because he won’t do it.
If you bleed, either from a bite or Leo being a little too rough with you, he shuts the whole thing down. You can say you liked it, but Leo wasn’t having it. Blood meant pain, typically a pain that was way stronger than any pleasure. Leo did not like it, fearing that he was hurting you too much.
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Turn Ons:
Your fiery spirit and unwavering determination catch Raphael's attention from the start. He's drawn to your confidence and independence, finding your willingness to stand up for what you believe in incredibly attractive.
Raphael appreciates your straightforwardness and isn't afraid to engage in some friendly banter and teasing with you, loving the challenge you present. Nothing could get Rapg in the mood, like when you returned his comment with an even fiery one, continuing back and forth until one was the ultimate winner. That winner tended to be the dominant one that night (even though Raph tended to take that role from you very quickly), or some very hot brat taming.
 Just like playful banter, playful fighting could rail Raph up so easily, trying his best to keep you pinned to the ground. He found it adorable to watch you struggle against him, and at times he would let you think you had the upper hand, before he pushed you to the ground, smiling mischievously at you, your flustered expression keeping him going every time.
Rough sex is his favorite kind. Though he would never try to intentionally hurt you, he did have a thing for hearing you whimper and plead for him, often turning into a whole game of dirty talk.
Begging has Raph spinning. He could lose his mind, just to the sound of your begging. However, if you really want him to enjoy it, don’t beg straight away. Make him fight for it. That’s the most fun part.
This man LOVES spanking. It is the sound, and the way your flesh jiggles afterwards, and the reddening of your skin, almost matching the color of his bandana. Raph loves watching your ass turn red during doggy style, calling it proof that he has been the one doing this to you.
Sex outside the bedroom? This man will do it anywhere with you. All you have to do is ask, and he will do it.
Turn Offs:
While Raphael admires your independence, he can become frustrated if he feels like you're shutting him out or keeping secrets. He values honesty and loyalty above all else, so if he senses any deceit or manipulation, it could lead to some serious clashes between you two. He can easily become insecure, overthinking very quickly, and make up ideas in his head, based on things you once said. Just talk to him, it makes everything easier.
Raph’s not a fan of overly clingy behavior and needs his space to process his emotions. That does not mean that he doesn’t want you around, but sometimes, when he’s mad at his brothers, he just needs to punch a punching bag first, before he tells you what's going on.
Raph loves to choke you doing sex, but if you choke him, he will pull away. Make sure he’s okay with it before you do it, otherwise he will start gaining some real trust issues when it comes to your intimate activities. He may be open for it one day, but he NEEDS to know it before you get down and dirty.
Stay. AWAY. From. His. ASS. No finger, no nothing. He ain’t doing it. Nope. Nuh-uh. Your butt, hell yeah! But his butt? FORGET IT.
His tail too! Ask first, otherwise, he will get aggressive or just walk away.
If you as much as joke about getting down with one of his brothers, his done. Leave. Raph is a pretty insecure guy, so a small joke can easily break him. Don’t do that to the poor guy. He’s trying his best.
You can get your ass spanked and your throat used and choked, but he will never make you bleed. He wants you to enjoy it just as much as him, so as soon as you tell him you don’t like it, he will stop. He will shut the whole thing down, even if you protest, deciding to spend the time cuddling instead.
As much as Raph loves to do nasty things with you, don’t you dare tell anybody. It’s not because he doesn’t want people to know that you two are intimate, but he just doesn't want people all up in his and your very personal business.
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Turn Ons:
Donatello is captivated by your intellect and curiosity, often finding himself engrossed in deep conversations with you about science, technology, and the mysteries of the universe.
He's drawn to your creativity and innovative thinking, appreciating your unique perspective on the world. Your passion for learning and exploring new ideas resonates with his own interests, creating a strong intellectual connection between you two.
Donnie is a BIG fan of phone sex. Masturbation together over the phone or sexting when you couldn’t be together. He loved it all. If you’re in the mood, just send him a pic and he is ready. He can fix whatever he was working on another time.
He has a thing for seeing you in his color. A purple shirt, or maybe even surprise him with purple underwear, and he will be ON. Sometimes he will even let you wear his bandana, maybe even wrapping it around you during sex. He just loved the sight.
Donnie LOVES dirty talk. All of it. He can be so sweet and caring on any other occasion, but during sex, he can talk so nasty to you, making you wonder where all that came from. But in truth, he had always been like that. It just took a person he trusted to bring it out of him.
Neither you or Donnie have a set role when it comes to sex. You feel like being submissive? Sure, then he’ll dominate you until your world starts shaking. Or let’s say that you feel like dominating, Donnie will happily be submissive, begging and pleading for you.
Let him watch you. Please! He finds it so hot!
Your purple genius turtle likes to try out news in the bedroom. He has a very open mind when it comes to your sex life, and will pretty much try anything you bring up, and things that has been thinking about for some time.
Turn Offs:
Donnie doesn’t have a lot of sexual turn offs, most of them having something to do with the maintenance of a relationship. But he will NEVER do anything you don’t want him to! Never ever! If you don’t want to, he will throw the idea away, prioritizing your comfort way more.
Donnie values honesty and transparency in a relationship, so if he feels like you're hiding something or being evasive, it can cause some tension between you two.
When it comes to relationships, he's also not a fan of recklessness or impulsiveness, preferring to carefully analyze situations before taking action. He wants to talk to you first, going through all the pros and cons, making sure that both of you are on the same page, and that nothing is left in the unknown. If you disregard safety protocols or act without thinking things through, it could lead to some disagreements.
Donnie is not always available, even though he really wants to be. Since he’s the only one that knows how to fix a toaster, his help is often needed in the lair. Therefore it would really discourage him in the long run, if you didn’t come down to visit him.
Cut him off during his long rambles about the newest thing he was working on, or show a general lack of interest in his work, and Donnie will quickly find himself rethinking the entire relationship. It’s not a lot he’s asking for, and his trying his best to make space for you in his life, so if you can’t give him that, is it even worth it?
Break some of his work on purpose, and he will feel like you have betrayed him.
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Turn Ons:
Your fun-loving nature and sense of humor immediately click with Mikey's laid-back personality. He's drawn to your adventurous spirit and willingness to join him on spontaneous escapades around the city. Mikey loves your positive attitude and ability to find joy in the simplest of things, often finding himself laughing and smiling more when you're around.
There’s many ways to get Mikey in the mood, one of the easiest ones being just telling him. Whisper in his ear and tell him you’re in the mood, and you’ll find that he too will be in the mood. It doesn’t take much more than that.
Something as simple as cuddling could get him going. Hug him in a certain way that reminded him of how you would press yourself against him, and his mind would go wandering until he couldn’t contain his excitement anymore.
Dress up in something revealing, and Mikey will not be able to keep his hands from himself. Especially something that puts focus on your chest. It will definitely help with this boob man.
There’s no way around it, but Mikey will bring food into the bedroom, and he will find a way to involve it in your acts. Licking syrup off of each other, or maybe eating ice cream from your chest. If Mikey can think of it, he will do it.
Mikey genuinely wants sex to be fun and enjoyable for both of you. It is a light hearted and pleasurable affair, and he will not see any reason to stop before you and him are satisfied… for the time being.
Sneaking around in the lair and in the city above can also really get him going. Mikey can’t help it. The thought of getting caught did some very interesting things to him.
Does Mikey like to be a little submissive sometimes? Yes, yes he does.
Roleplay? YES! This man LOVES it! Anything creative in the bedroom and he is hooked!
Turn Offs:
Mikey is not a fan of negativity or pessimism, preferring to surround himself with positivity and optimism. He understands that not everything is a dance on roses, but if you continuously point out the negative, he can find himself growing quite bored or maybe even tired of the relationship.
If there is one thing Mikey can’t stand, it is when he is forced to put a damper on his imagination and creativity. Tell him no to a good roleplay one too many times, and he will become quite agitated.
Mikey understands that sometimes life gets serious, he does not like it when his sex life has to be serious too. Mikey is not against intense intimacy with eye contact and all that, but let him have fun dammit! Can’t he have fun, then what is the purpose?!
Stick to one position for too long, and Mikey will get bored. And once Mikey is bored, the mood is gone. Keep it interesting, listen to his suggestions and have fun.
Keep Mikey stuck in the bedroom for too long, and he will - you guessed it - get bored. If you won’t sneak around with him, he will feel utterly lost in boredom. It takes a lot to make Mikey rethink a whole relationship, but with everything combined, he may be getting close to that point.
And the worst of them all. Probably the one he would put as the base for a break up; make him feel or call him childish. Now, Mikey wouldn’t care if his brothers called you and Mikey immature and childish, but if you called him that, along with sucking all the fun out of his life, Mikey would call it quits. He wants to have fun with his partner, and if his partner refused to do that, he wouldn’t want to be with them.
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prettieinpink · 5 months
how do i learn to develop JOMO? (joy of missing out)
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Jomo is the joy in missing out. JOMO encourages intentional living and finding fulfilment in the present rather than seeking validation or fearing missing out on what others are doing. It celebrates the freedom and peace that comes from consciously choosing to miss out on certain social activities and trends. 
DISCONNECT. Social media is an illusion, it makes everything look better than it truly is. Not only should you put boundaries on how you manage and use your accounts, but you should also shift your mindset when using them. 
Begin to think of social media as a tool to help you become the best version of yourself. Consume content that resonates with your current life or the life you’re working towards. This will motivate you to work hard for what you want. 
EMBRACE SOLITUDE. Learn to find enjoyment in being alone. Using this time by ourselves to reflect, recharge and indulge in our pleasures allows us to connect better with ourselves. 
To get used to being alone, challenge yourself to do things that you would usually have to do with someone else, by yourself. Whether it’s eating out, studying, shopping etc. 
REFRAME YOUR MINDSET TO GRADITUDE. Someone else’s assets, skills or experiences do not take away from your own. Be thankful for what you have, and what you are going to get. 
Begin to focus on what to cherish currently, other than what you could be missing out on. A way to practice gratitude is at the end of the day, to list 5 things that you’re thankful for (and you wouldn’t trade for someone else’s life!). 
PRIORITISE YOURSELF. You should start to see that the ability to take care of yourself is a privilege that you shouldn’t ignore. Instead of saying ‘yes’ to every commitment, only go to the ones that align with you and bring genuine fulfilment. 
The times when you’re not at any commitments, use it to invest in yourself and practice some self-care rituals regularly. Your health is more important than any other event. 
BE INTENTIONAL WITH YOUR TIME. Stop chasing after every single opportunity, especially ones that do not resonate with your dream life. Only do the things that align with your values and goals. 
Stay focused on what truly matters to you. This doesn’t even have to be about going out, it applies to scrolling, laying in bed all day, or watching TV shows, do something intentional instead. 
PRACTICE DETACHMENT. Focus on you and you only. Other people’s lives, words or actions should not play a role in how your days go. It does not matter what they’re doing, you’re just wasting energy on someone who probably could not care less. 
CELEBRATE OTHER’S SUCCESS. Someone else’s success is proof that you can do it too. There is enough success for everyone, be happy that others are achieving what you want to achieve because that allows you to open up to the opportunities you want. 
GET MOTIVATED & INSPIRED INTERNALLY. While I’m all for using other people’s lives as motivation, there is a line when your life becomes misaligned with your goals and values, because that’s still someone else’s life. 
You know yourself better than anyone else. You know why you want this, and you know how you envision it. Tap into those feelings and embody them. 
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thesensteawitch · 5 months
What 2023 taught you? {A Nostalgic Hit!} 🎯👀
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hey, Senstea Souls!
Welcome to another collective reading. Here you'll get a glimpse of the year 2023 and what it taught you. Also, a tip for 2024 is given at the end of each pile. I hope you find the reading helpful!🤍
Please DM me for personal reading.
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A Nostalgic Hit! + One Line Guidance For 2024
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- King of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune, 10 of Pentacles, Page of Wands, The World, 5 of Pentacles
Animal Spirit- Beaver
Well, pile 1 I see that this year has taught you to come out of the cyclical nature of your mind. This year taught you to be more focused and detail-oriented. It showed you intricate details especially when you were struggling. At the beginning of the year, you were okay with being in a box, in your own tiny space. But the scope for your growth became stagnant. You may have had anger outbursts. The dream you had somehow shattered because a new dream was emerging. You were coming out of your cocoon. Achieving goals became impossible to imagine. But you were divinely pushed to have hope and keep believing in the impossible even though it seemed delusional. And as the year started to approach its end you started to see some clarity. Without knowing you become the master at what you do. Something didn't work out the way you wanted it to but it worked out completely different from your imagination. Some of you may also have felt stuck in family dynamics and now I see healing in that area. You fought so many battles within a year. You broke more than one cycle this year. Wow! You were being prepared for the ultimate abundance that you deserve. Something in your DNA needed to be changed. Something significant happened during April, May, and August. No matter what you did you found yourself coming out of one circle to entering into another one. But now this cyclical process is over! You did it! You learned the importance of planning and understanding life as a whole. You learned the true value of actions and what's the best way to make long-term plans work. Some of you were looking for financial stability which impacted you emotionally. But now I see you are almost out of the lack phase and are entering into the phase of abundance.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Cards- 4 of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, Knight of Cups
Don't settle for breadcrumbs or stay in a relationship more than you should. (Strong Earth energy I can sense.) There's a soulmate out there waiting for you to come out of the relationship trauma.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- Temperance, The Hierophant, 7 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, 8 of Cups, The World
Animal Spirit- Owl
Hello, my dear pile 2. I see that 2023 taught the true meaning of give and take. It taught you how to balance. It taught you that you too deserve to receive love and effort. It taught you to walk away from anything that is not helping you grow or relationships that are keeping you stagnant. You learned the truth of selfless service. You can discern better when it comes to your emotional mind. Now you know what being at peace truly means. Something major might have happened around August. Perhaps, you found the courage to let go. You've freed yourself from always being in your head. You have learned so much that now you are capable of guiding others. You are finally gaining the light that shines within you. For some of you, I feel as though you have understood relationship and friendship dynamics pretty well there's still something lingering around that you need to deal with. There's something you still can't let go of or stop wishing for. There's a wish that you are attached to and you need to let go of the attachment. As soon as you become happy without the idea of having it you'll see it coming. This year brought you closer to spirituality but you still have a long way to go. I hear, “August slipped away like a bottle of wine 'cause you were never mine.” For some of you, I see that somewhere you still hope for someone to change. Perhaps, somewhere deep down you are pretending that you are over someone but you truly aren't. This year taught you a lot in terms of relationships and I hope you carry forward the lessons into the next year as well.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Card- Death
A spiritual transformation is coming your way. You may need to let go of something that might hurt you but it will be needed.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Queen of Pentacles, 8 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 5 of Cups, The World, King of Pentacles
Animal Spirit- Hyena
So my dear pile 3 I sense some conflict between your divine counterparts (Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine). Some of you may be questioning your identity. You thought you were over something but then suddenly this year made you realize that there's more to this world and there's more to you. It was uncomfortable for you to accept yourself. For you, there was no way out of this misery. The problem is that you let the situations define you, and others' opinions define you. You didn't move based on your choice but you moved or made a decision based on what others perceive of you so that you still can be loved. You were or still are trying to prove something to the world. I hear, “You make me glow but I cover up won't let it show.” I am sorry to say but I see that there's a huge lack of self-love here. And you are still making peace with yourself. You are still learning to accept yourself. But the good news is that this tough cycle is about to end as the Capricorn season ends in January. Slowly but steadily you'll be out of this mess. You will find the courage to take the action. You need to. And you must. This year taught you what it looks like to see and feel the truth. It might have been uncomfortable but was necessary for your growth. You've suffered on the soul level and it's time that you take the right action and not what the world deems right.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Card- The Star
Deep down you wish to love yourself and that wish is coming true. Stay true to yourself.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
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netherworldpost · 1 year
Hi! I followed you for a long time with alot of "jeez someday I hope that can be me some day" fervor and now I am starting my own small goth shop. Do you have any tips on reaching the alternative audience? or tips on general about running a shop I'm nervous.
1a. Protect your cash flow
This is to say constantly question "does this shiny envelope packaging pack in make people love my shop more or is it a money drain?" This is not a simple answer.
It is an answer you'll ask yourself all the time.
The answer is going to shift. Fun unboxing videos? Great for social media posts. Great to get attention. Great fun. Expensive to produce. Worth it? Constantly check.
I really want to stress this: I am not saying "do not do it" -- I am saying "do what makes sense."
In the business-to-business world (you're a business, other businesses are going to sell to you), one of the most effective/common sales tactics is "take this thing you do and make it fun."
Your product is fun.
Your product is quality.
Your packaging etc.'s primary task is to get your product to your customer efficiently (easy to read address labels) and safely (stuff does not break).
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1b. Protect your cash flow part two
Evil Supply Co. was the original shop. It experimented with everything -- color changing cereal spoons (launched), temporary tattoos (launched), umbrellas (did not launch), plates and bowls and towels and toothbrushes and shower curtains (did not launch). So much more.
It was primarily a stationery company.
The experimenting was incredibly fun, I regret nothing, and it cost me giant truck loads of cash. That's why Netherworld Post is focusing far more tightly.
2. Can't meet budget? Reduce scope.
When you're talking to designers or web hosts or whatever, and they say "We want $$$" and you say "I have $," reduce your scope down. This fits into the above, you're noticing a theme maybe.
This is a business. It has to make money to continue, it has to make profit to pay you to continue, it has to compensate you for your time to continue.
It is a hobby.
And it doesn't have to do any of those things, it just has to scratch that itch that made you pursue it. It can still sell stuff, it can be a shop, it can be open when you want and closed when you want.
There is no moral, ethical, social value difference between a business and a hobby.
Do what fits into your goals, and if your goals shift, change your shop to accommodate.
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3. Have fun
Your biggest competitor by a factor of 1:100 is other shops:folks posting your work without attribution or links.
You've seen the videos where someone is saying "Oh you're so pretty, you're so cute? No, YOU are so pretty, YOU are so cute." That's small business life.
There is enough for us all. Just have fun.
4a. Reaching people
Post stuff. Works in progress, memes, rambles, whatever makes you "you". Pepper in shop links and email sign up links occasionally.
Just be you.
If you don't know who you are, well, that's what you should post.
There is this idea that there is a "brand" that you have to build, and you're going to get (if you aren't getting them already) a million targeted ads to help you build this brand.
"I sell stuff. It has a price range of $X. It is high quality! Or it is cheap quality and priced accordingly! It can be found at xyz dot com. It will get to you in Z days/weeks." = 99% of branding.
The other 1% is "when you think of me, you think of X." Such as, when you think of Netherworld Post, you think of atty's antics and Fang's amused exasperation and Halloween and spooky things and mail and ghosts and mermaids, etc.
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4b. Decide your social media bandwith and stick to it
There are ten billion social networks.
It's common to feel like you have to be on them all 24/7. Attempting to reach this is going to burn you out and use up limited resources, it is far more effective to have an email list (this is independent of all networks) + the networks you, as a person, enjoy using and focusing there.
See #3 above. Fits here too.
5. Keep going when things are hard or convert this into a hobby You're making this shop for a reason.
That reason is more important than money, otherwise you wouldn't be doing it.
Building a shop is infinitely harder than playing video games and reading books and watching movies and dancing -- every hour you are working on your shop is an hour you're not playing video games about dancing books.
If you say "this sucks," convert it to a hobby. See #2.
The reason I'm building Netherworld Post instead of doing other business things that would make much more money is because I love it. It feeds a part of me. It makes me more "me" to run this shop than to not run this shop.
The minute that changes, I'm converting it to a hobby. Keep the door open when I want to play, close the door it when I'm tired, re-open after I rest.
If you want more money in your life, get a second job.
If you want money doing THIS -- take every problem as it lunges at your heart, take that tender in your black painted talons, look at the problem carefully, then tear it apart until you have the answers.
You are going to be doing this constantly.
It should be part of the fun.
If it's not, make this a hobby.
There is no inherent value in having it as a business.
The value is this project is it should make you more you.
Every single problem you are going to face -- every single question you are going to ask -- every single opportunity, every issue -- listen to me, everything -- has at LEAST one industry built on solving it.
Not company. Industry.
Keep going until you find someone or something that fixes it for your budget and scope.
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6. You do not work for other people
You mention you've been around for awhile following me, so maybe you've seen my...
...occasional ...lack... of delicacy...
...when dealing with people who have a confusion about who is running this blog (them vs. me)
People are going to say "you should lower your prices, you should post more X, you should post less Y, you shouldn't post about Z person/ business/ entity/ thing because of Reasons."
Critiques and criticism can be valid.
They are not directives that need be followed.
There are consequences for not following them (people may leave).
There are consequences for following them when you disagree with them (your shop may feel less like your shop and more like someone else's).
This is not license to be a jerk.
It means that this is your shop and it has to make you more "you" and if it doesn't then it isn't your shop it is a pain in the ass job that pays you far less than you should be paid.
It's like dating as the most confident person in the world.
"This is who I am. Am I compatible with you? IF SO we will drink root beer and dance badly to old cartoons and dress up in silly costumes and be absurd. IF NOT then I wish you well, and the instant you are gone, I will never think of you again."
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I ask no one to change who they are when they follow my blog or read my rambles or shop in my stores.
I do not change who I am for the people who follow my blog or read my rambles or shop in my stores.
You must adopt this attitude too.
Or it's not your shop.
It belongs to people you don't know who make you uncomfortable.
Which is the exact description of the world's worst paying job or second job. Which is the exact opposite of why you are building your shop.
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azure-cherie · 2 years
PAC : What can you do right now to improve your finances in future $
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Hii how are you doing? This is a general reading, take what resonates and leave the rest , take whatever you want from every pile ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
Pile 1
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This pile is about working Hard , being independent, this pile definitely has some people with creative blockage because of society because they couldn't express themselves, now they have come to a fatigue or a burnout, trust me you definitely need to avoid working too hard and having a burnout i remember hearing it somewhere " Money is emotion" the value of things around you change according to the people who control it , so rather than focusing the amount, focus on ways you can secure it in future , some people here might be least bothered about money or either they are going on and on and on without any direction , i get it things are difficult but you need to affirm sometimes, get some root chakra healing, it's time you take control of your life and actions don't let people step on you because you are too sweet, focus on your ambitions, don't worry about short term accomplishments, some of you could invest in the share market as well , uhm idk how much of gambling is good but you could be good at it , be self assured, go for what your heart desires with rationality, have mercy on yourself don't overwork , i heard some of you really must study right now , initially their could be some disappointments , don't let them bring you down , just go on their will be an overflowing amount of money coming to you in the future i sense it so heyyy learn some management skills , somethings that can help right now might be affs , cutting up people who exploit you financially, be the boss take your life in your own hands , everything will be great, All the best.
Pile 2
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I think your situation with money right now is kinda mediocre and you're like into getting enough to buy expensive stuff , BIA once said " I don't hang with jealous bitches that's a weak disease" , well babe , you need to let go of these people they are seriously affecting your mindset , you're becoming pessimistic, could be family as well , i see some of you must literally travel in order to earn , a job in a place outside where you stay could be really fruitful, you should avoid money transactions as of now since you are prone to be scammed , some of you might have to go through a great loss , it will make you really sad and frustrated, i sense some of you getting into arguments with your loved ones since they don't support you , i must say sometimes its good to let go of people and mindsets that doesn't serve you , let it go , but beware who you let go , some of you might reach rock bottom as well , the beauty of rock bottom is there's no option but to rise above, that's what you have to do , pick yourself up ,note down what went wrong, i also sense some of you should definitely donate , you might have some karmas related to finances you have to clear them , don't feel pity for yourself, don't sacrifice yourself, learn from your mistakes , this could be the pile of people into business , advocacy , interns etc , their could be someone coming to guide you , they will help you strategically to get to your goal be their student, learn from them , let me assure you something a very probability of you guys going from rags to riches , hehe so focusing on the good and see how your finances improve like a miracle .
Pile 3 :
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Some of you here could be born rich or might achieve success and fame in life very early however it's advised for you to not let the fame get to your head and be genuinely grateful of what you have achieved and how far you have come , some of you might break free from what you have learned from your family, like all of your family went for being a lawyer and you are going for becoming a painter , you are breaking generational patterns , there could be a lot of jealousy or really established people trying to stop you from reaching your goal , however you are advised to not let it harm yourself, you have to keep going against all odds , people here could be entrepreneur, unique professions etc , develop your character and persuasion skills , the better you communicate the better you will earn babe , you will get chances for growth right now take it , use it , excel it , don't ignore opportunities that come your way , unrelated but spend some time in nature , for all you have to take you need peace and mediation, your responsibility is huge , some of you here should literally go on a vacation or atleast spend less time thinking about money , because you maybe thinking about it so much its becoming obsession and obsession is a negative emotion, think and feel in the frequencies of abundance, learn to be united and try to work in group settings it will help you so much, you are meant to lead and so should you but before that learn to manage all you have , don't loose any opportunity where you can make friends , these connections can take you very far in life , stay away from rivalry, always acknowledge how far you have come and how beautiful life is everything will be awesome.
Let me know if you resonate, feedbacks are really appreciated .♥︎♥︎♥︎
Have a great day/night ♡︎♡︎♡︎
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Do you have any tips for writing short stories? I want to write a collections of stories all taking place in the same setting with an interlinking meta-narrative and mysteries between them. However I also want all the stories to stand on their own merit but I'm struggling to come up with an actual story for most of them. When I do get ideas they usually balloon to the point of no longer fitting in a short story. Thanks for all the help! Your blog is really useful.
Think of a short story as a snapshot - limited characters, limited time, one concept to explore. Let's say (for the sake of focusing on something) your collection is about cryptids. Lots of mystery there, definitely a lot of interlinking you can do. We're going to focus each story on one cryptid, one point to make, one story to tell.
First, some questions to answer:
What question are you asking with each story? I mean yeah, the question could be 'what the living fuck were the Fresno Nightcrawlers,' but you're better on focusing on what you're trying to say with a story rather than it's actual contents. Is it that some mysteries better left unsolved? That the unknown is not as scary as we think it is?
How are you framing this question? Is it within a conversation where it's never directly asked? Shadowing the actions of the main character as they chase something through the woods? Implied through analysis of grainy home camera footage? An encounter with the Nightcrawlers may balloon into too long of a story - but merely the idea of an encounter, waiting in the dark for something to come, can hone your story down to its key point and visuals.
Does the question have an answer? If so, is it explicit on the page or left for the reader to gather? If there is no answer, was there value in asking the question? (If the theme of your collection is mystery, than yes). What does the character get it out it? What does the reader get from it?
Here is the core of your short story - the question you're asking, the framing of that question, and if that question is answered. Let's put this core into a idea for an example:
The Concept: A man waits in the dark to catch the Fresno Nightcrawlers in the act.
The Question: Should we treat the unknown as a potential threat?
The Framing: In one hand the man has a camera. In the other, a bat. (Representing the question - does he use the bat or the camera when tested?) We learn a bit of his backstory and what drives him out in the dark. We learn what drives him to do this. We will see what he does next with his eventual encounter.
The Answer: In my draft concept of the story, the man uses neither. He goes back inside and he does not wait up for white figures walking through the dark ever again. What lesson he takes from this - and what the reader will - depends on the content of the story.
You can see how this could spiral - obviously that backstory is important and what happens if he decides to follow the Nightcrawlers? - but remember, I have one question to answer, and I want to answer that with a specific setting and event. If I want to follow those other threads, I can save them for other supernatural critters, and other stories.
You don't have to frame every short story this way, but outlining your end goal is always a good idea. Remember, a short story is capturing a moment, a decision, a single act. It can't be a wide character study, but it can focus on a universal experience - fear, anger, facing the unknown. Focus on the core theme of your story and keep it to a strict concept. You can always save those spiraling ideas for later, so don't force yourself to banish them (you never know where a whole novel idea might lurk), but don't let them lead you off track.
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helianthus-tarot · 11 months
Hi Julian. Would you please give me some advice on how to be a secure person? In every dynamic I either feel superior or inferior than people. I hate it. And I have lately realised that feeling superior than other people makes me feel secure(safe). I want to change this way of relating to others. I just want to be independent and neutral. Just normal. Would you please share your thoughts and wisdom on this?
Sorry for the late reply, anon.
My guess is seeing yourself as superior is a way of you feeling better about who you are currently and where you are right now, when in fact you are actually insecure about those things. You feel inferior because of the same reason, you don't fully accept who you are and where you are right now. You use a roundabout way to feel better/worse about yourself without facing the real reason why you do it. You sound like you have problems accepting yourself for who you are. You also sound like you over-rely on external validation or 'proof' to feel confident in who you are, where you are standing, what you are doing, where you are going.
Insecurity is a complex problem to solve, simply because there are many reasons and possible solutions, so it's impossible for me to tell you exactly how to solve it. I'm not a professional either, so I can only share what I would do if I were in your place.
These are what I would do if I were in your place:
Change my reference point from external to internal, and look within to define myself instead of looking at other people. I am not better than that random person. I am me, and that's enough. X is what I do best, Y is what I don't do best, Z is something I'd love to be better at. My hobbies, my values, my principles, my dreams, my goals, etc— these represent who I am. I choose these for my betterment, I choose them because I truly love and believe in them. These have nothing to do with what other people value, or how other people judge themselves. Accept your individuality, accept other people's individuality too.
Acceptance and improvement. I would accept where I am right now and who I am right now. My flaws, what makes me insecure, my needs, my unhealthy habits, etc. And then I would find ways to work on those problems one by one, find healthy ways to meet my needs; change ones that I can change, accept ones that I cannot change. If I looked at another writer and felt superior because I secretly had a desire to be a good writer, I would just focus on being a good writer and do things that can help me achieve that. I could look at other writers to learn but my focus would be on applying what I learned, instead of focusing on feeling better/worse about myself.
Have an internal measure of success. I would only compare myself to my past self, I should be better than who I was. I have the same past as my past self, the same obstacles, the same illness and trauma, the same brain and the same body. This kind of comparison makes more sense and is more productive, than comparing myself to a random human being whose past I can't even fully understand, much less how their brain works.
Fix my values. How I value myself and how I value other people. How I define my worth, and how I define other people's worth. What do I base my judgement on, basically? Is it right? Is it healthy? Do I judge people's worth based on their superficial performance? Someone can be shit at a particular thing I'm good at, but they still deserve respect as my equal, because in terms of humanity and our inherent value as human beings, they are my equal.
Improve empathy, put myself in other people's shoes more often. Everyone has their own journey in life, we are given different set of 'resources' and all we can do is make the best of what we have. You may be 'superior' or more successful simply because you don't have to deal with the things they have to deal with— their disabilities and illnesses, their cognitive abilities, their kind of family, their lack of financial stability, their lack of social connection and support— to arrive to where you are currently. Vice versa. They may be superior than you in a particular field, you may have to struggle more to succeed in that area simply because you have your own set of obstacles that they didn't have to experience.
Comparison itself is normal, it's just how our brains work, we do it to understand more about our world. This is bigger, this is smaller, this is taller, this is shorter. Comparison that leads to feelings of superiority and insecurity is the problem here. If you compare yourself to other people's performance to gauge your own performance level, to understand what you do right and wrong, to know the standard or competition in your particular industry/field, that's fine because that can help you learn and improve. But if you do that and instead of learning, you look down on other people or you feel terrible about yourself, you have a problem.
Remember that people can't choose what type of brain they get and what type of family they have. Our childhoods heavily influence the trajectory of our success in this world. Sure there are miracle stories— someone changing their terrible life through sheer force of will and hard work. But environment and genetics influence us so much, luck plays a part in whether you die of starvation or not, whether you can get out of poverty or not, whether you have internet access or not, how fast you can be a millionaire, how many people around you are willing to lend you a hand and make life easier for you, and so on. At the end of the day, you are not the person you compare yourself to and they are not you.
Focus on practicing gratitude and thank the Universe or God for assisting you with luck and the right opportunities, instead of feeling superior. Also learn healthy competition.
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sunisglowing · 1 year
🌕 Full Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra- PICK A CARD🌕
(sidereal gemini)
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This Full moon asks you to revisit your career, finances or business. See of your goals have a practical plans and that you aren't just dreaming things all the way. If had started something new, like a career or a business, see if that's what you enjoy and if it's working for you . You need to take a look at your work environment and see if it supports your mental health and your peace. Take a look back at all your missed opportunities and accordingly create more priorities. Assess your foundations and your skillset. See all the missed and the achieved targets.
Go back to your roots. If you have been getting delays in achieving your goals or not achieving your desired goals, then you may need to change your approach. Set realistic standards with yourself in terms of achieving your goals. This can also be applied if you are in college.
Work with others and take their help and their advices. You can't do everything by yourself. You will need to plan, organize your resources, make schedules and you can't do that all by your self. Prepare yourself before hand and work in a group. A group works well only when you everyone puts effort for it to work. It can be in work or in school.
For others, you may want to reassess you long term goals. Where we think about the legacy we want to create. If you have doing things the same old way, change your methods. Take the support and help of your family and closed ones. See if the path you have been walking on will support you in the long term.
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This Full Moon asks you to revisit your friendships. If you had a pattern of friendships who didn't treat you the way you deserved, you need to reassess how you should keep your boundaries and saying no to those people. Of you have been the one nor respecting your friends boundaries or treating them the way they need, please change your ways and make things right.
Deep down you know when you or someone does wrong. Intuitively you know if the friend you have is treating you well or not. Trust your intuition when it comes to the people close to you and your friends. This can also be applied to siblings. If they are jealous of you, are you still keeping them around??
You need to see the value you bring into a relationship and if you are matching others on that frequency. You need to consciously have a balance to whom you give your energy to. If you have a pattern of being overly generos to the people how YOU KNOW don't deserve it please try changing that. You are the one is responsible for those actions, when you the likely outcome.
Stop ignoring the signs and your gut feelings when it comes to friendships, siblings or your close relationships. Be conscious of who you allow in your inner circle. I also see karma playing big role in your friendships right now.
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This Full Moon asks you to reassess yourself contrary to your relationships. It feels like you have been overthinking too much because of the multiple options available in front of you. You have been overthinking about your love life a lot and if you will choose the right person. Listen to me, you need to calm down. I'm sensing a lot of anxious energy from here. I think it's the fear of making the wrong choice in your love life.
You are way too focused on it that out of desperation, you might actually choose something that doesn't deserve you. Ground yourself. Relax. This is not a test or a race. You won't be rewarded if you find the your soulmate soon. You need to learn to have patience. When you are patient, you realize the value of your and other people's time. Desperation is not good for your heart too.
I see that you are a dreamy person who fantasizes about relationships a lot. You may jump on relationships if you get a chance. It's not healthy everytime, or I shall say, in the coming time. Have patience and most importantly have FAITH that you will find the right one in the right time. Don't settle for the bare minimum. Please.
You need to assess if you are secure within yourself first. Start healing issues around codependency. Reassess your past relationships and see what made you insecure. What is it because of the partner or something else? Become the person you want to be with. Selflove is key.
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This Full Moon is see that you need to assess your family dynamics and your relationships with them. A phase of your life is coming to an end. You may be go through a massive transformation around your home life. Maybe you are moving out and changing places. I'm sorry but I do see a sad or painful ending.
this maybe a sign too that you should reassess your relationship with your family and your community. There are some relationship/s in your life that is broken and you should consider taking the first step of walking away. it could be anyone who considered or regarded as family.
You need to look back at the people who took unfair advantage of you. You might have a fear of being the failure in your relationships which is unfair honestly. These people might have affected your confidence and underestimated your potential. You need to assess your role in those relationships and the efforts you put out.
You doubt yourself a lot but this time you should see things as they were without any filter. You are not selfish for choosing yourself over your family or community. If they don't treat you as you should be treated, you should walk away. Although I'm seeing you walking away, bit this phase has taken a toll on your mental health. Please take care.
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myfirststeps · 1 year
1 # What you have been avoiding
hello there!
So where to start …. heheh
I hope you like this reading, it’s the first time that a make a group reading like this, I’m more use to do readings for my close friends but I run out of ideias and friends. I'm also doing this to practice tarot more.
You can pick any group and if it doesn’t resonate feel free to pick something else.
Warning : a lot of grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
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Pile 1
At first glance I can see that you aren’t taking care of yourself well.
But also, you are defiantly ignoring the signs that the universe is sending you or just straight up interpreting them wrong;
You are really picking the narrative that you want and holding on to it;
And surprise is about a person and their romantic intentions towards you;
I would bet on it and say that you are seeing a lot of those tarot readings on tiktok about said person coming towards you and confessing their love for you …well my advice is deleting the app because this is something that you need to stop focusing on so much is turning toxic for you and making you feel like you lost your head.
Also, even if good stuff were coming in your life you probably don’t even notice it because you are focusing so much on it;
You much likely have such amazing people around you that want the best for you, but you don’t even notice this or care because it’s not that person;
You’re avoiding being alone with yourself and figure yourself out;
I could see that you have some bad habits that you need to get rid of; 
You are definitely procrastinating on focusing on yourself and the environment that you’re around;
My advice is really to focus on yourself, spend some time off of social media it may help (if you resonate with it of course) and pick the people around you carefully some may not be what you need to be around right now;
~~well good luck my love and i hope that you can find clarity ~~ (P. S~~and a good night of rest love some of you may need that)
Channelled Advice Song: Fearless- Le Sserafim
Pile 2
 You are avoiding making a decision about your feelings;
This can either go two ways or you are indecisive about two people, or this can be just one person;
I can also see that some of you manifested this;
And what I mean is some of you in time that you were hurt to pick yourself up you said that the next person better be like this or that like that best person alive ….because it’s what I deserve…. and I guess that the universe said “bet” ;
So now here you have it, and you are being extremely defensive about it;
As a said before this can be two people or just one person take what resonates;
You manifested someone strong, someone you could rely on and be vulnerable with without being judged, someone that could take charge but still be gentil when needed, also see a traditional type of relationship or values ( for example a long lasting relationship or even marriage);
They can also be natural leaders, some one that follows their goals and are really passionate  ( for those who are confused between two people this is one of them) ;
Also see someone with a clear mind, really intelligent and authoritative ( another one ~~);
You are defensive about this, and I can see that you are doubting that this is really it or you can be intuitive and you’re doubting it and you shouldn’t;
Channelled Advice Song- Skinny Dipping - Sabrina Carpenter
~~well my loves I wish you the best and I hope that you can accept that love in your life because you deserve to love and be love ~~
Pile 3
You’re all over the place bestie;
I’m seeing that you’re sad about your manifestations not coming towards you but that is because you’re not letting go of the baggage;
And some of you already did a lot but it’s not over yet or what you did wasn’t necessarily what you should of focus on (still you should be proud of yourself for what you already accomplished, Keep going love you got it )
Whatever is not serving you anymore is going out either way you can do it right now or you can wait until a tower moment takes it for you ;
I can see that for some of you your higher self is trying to reach you and help you, but you are stuck in your pain so you’re not willing to listen to it;
Also, for some of you have all this energy and motivation to do something but you don’t know what to do;
You may have a lot of different ideas, but you do it out of impulse and jump right into it with no real plan;
you lack direction so you go around towards all those different things until you get burn out ;
And then you just try and go forward but you’re burn out so of course you’re going to be distracted, not interested and unfocused and then you’re just going to procrastinate and get mad at yourself for your lack of progress;
Channelled Advice Song: Souvenir-Selena Gomez
~~Well love I wish you well and I hope that you can receive all you wished for)~~~
Pile 4
This pile is a sad one loves I hope you’re doing better now.
 can see that you had to walk away from something or someone recently or you’re going through it right now;
even if it feels like a lot and made sad about it, it was necessary (I’m proud of you for going through it keep walking the best life for yourself)
And that’s exactly what’s going on you are avoiding giving the next step in your life ;
You may have a plan in your head but you not taking action and that’s normal after walking away like that you may be tired or scared that it will happen again if that’s the case ;
Fear not I see that you got some opportunities coming up for you and even for some of you someone can be coming in to help (water sign);
See your options see what you want to do and go for it also remember to ask for help and work with other people I can see that you can benefit a lot if you do ;
Channelled Advice Song: Doughnut- Twice
~~And that’s it my love I wish you the best, I’m proud of you and I hope you can do a lot of wonderful things~~
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shxhdbdkodn · 6 months
The Fruit of 2023 :
-Not anti social, but socially awkward and selective.
- 90% of the time its not about you, realx and let it go.
-Stop interpreting, or assuming. Take things as they are, for who and what they are.
- sometimes its ok to stop, or take a pause.
- Sometimes your nature ( way of being ) is hindering your growth. I find it hard to fight for myself or defend myself and when i do its rare but it should not be.
- Islam is the end all be all. Faith is the only constant.
- Ignorance is bliss.
- Time is your friend.
- Stop and take responsibility of your own life.
- know when to be kind.
- Stop blaming other people for your own actions.
- Stop being entitled, you don’t deserve anything.
- trusting my instincts sometimes is a must.
- People come and go. Horrible people teach you life lessons.
- its okay to offend people sometimes.
- Its okay to be misunderstood not the end of the world. رضا الله غاية تدرك.
- People can know you, and still choose to hate you. No matter how good you are they’re still going to hate you.
- Don’t overly forgive and act like they’re not doing you dirty. Constantly trying to make themselves look good by making you look bad, is real envy.
- العلم نور.
- المشكله ممكن تكون نعمة وتهذيب.
- العمر رقم.
- الاستقلالية الفكريه والتغيير شيء لازم.
- Don’t try to adjust or persuade a thought that someone deems as a fact of you. There is no winning in a battle with hatred. It is what it is.
- The culture and language of a Society, may differ but people are people, the way they move and how they react is distinctly the same.
- If you have a platform, use it.
- Being literate can make you look like you’re evil, you can be ignorant and be good at expressing your thoughts.
- Your ignorance of how to deal with a situation, even if you are in the right, will get you to be overlooked and in the wrong.
- Ask for help.
- Subjectivity and immorality is an item.
- Having something doesn’t equate using it.
- Happiness is not conditional.
- Its normal to have different emotions, sadness, happiness, anger, etc. Express it.
- اعرض وتجاهل لنفسك، وكن طيبا لوجه الله.
- المريض يمرض.
-لاتنتظر شي و انطلق بالدنيا.
- Tolerance for ignorance in my opinion is the highest form of intelligence, also, seeing everyone’s perspective.
- to achieve ones goals without the need of praise is healthy.
- A healed mindset focuses on one’s life and less about others.
- working on yourself is mandatory.
- having flaws is the norm.
- not everyone wants you to be better or happier, especially at the cost of thier own self esteem.
- change change change.
- Don’t let anyone hold you accountable for reacting, when they can’t be accountable for a slap, a beating a punch then a spit.
- know when to use silence.
- Family is more than a last name that we share.
- knowing one’s biases, softens the way you react and act. It allows you to be more human.
- never bitter, never envious, never unpleasant. Keep your soul and heart protected.
- You have only acquired so little of knowledge, there is always more to learn.
- Rest with the knowledge that you have done the best you can, with the tools you had.
- Building good habits, having a clear routine and plans is important.
- No one cares.
- Your value is where you place it.
- السكوت ذكاء وليس انهزام.
- الرضا راحة بال وسعاده.
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optimal-living-lab · 8 months
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mental health and wellness tips
Mental health and wellness are important aspects of our overall well-being. They affect how we think, feel, and act in different situations. Stress, anxiety, and depression are common mental health challenges that many people face at some point in their lives. They can have negative impacts on our physical health, relationships, work, and happiness. However, there are ways to cope with them effectively and improve our mental health and wellness.
One of the ways to improve our mental health and wellness is through meditation. Meditation is a practice of focusing our attention on a single object, thought, or sensation, such as our breath, a mantra, or a sound. Meditation can help us calm our mind, reduce stress, enhance our mood, and increase our awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. There are different types of meditation, such as mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and guided meditation. You can choose the one that suits you best and practice it regularly.
Another way to improve our mental health and wellness is through mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of being present and aware of what is happening in the present moment, without judging or reacting to it. Mindfulness can help us cope with difficult emotions, improve our concentration, and increase our happiness. You can practice mindfulness by paying attention to your senses, your body, your thoughts, and your feelings. You can also practice mindfulness by doing everyday activities with full attention, such as eating, walking, or listening to music.
Other practices that can improve our mental health and wellness include:
Getting good sleep. Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. It can help us restore our energy, regulate our hormones, consolidate our memory, and improve our mood. To get good sleep, we should follow a regular sleep schedule, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, limit screen time at night, and create a comfortable and dark sleeping environment.
Connecting with others. Social connection is vital for our mental health and wellness. It can help us feel supported, valued, and understood. It can also provide us with opportunities to share our feelings, experiences, and perspectives. To connect with others, we should spend quality time with our friends or family, join a club or a group that shares our interests, volunteer for a cause that we care about, or seek professional help if we need it.
Living a healthy life. Our physical health and mental health are closely linked. Eating well, staying active, and avoiding harmful substances can benefit both our body and our mind. To live a healthy life, we should eat a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. We should also exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, and limit or quit smoking and drinking.
Doing something for yourself. Self-care is important for our mental health and wellness. It can help us relax, recharge, and cope with stress. To do something for yourself, you should find activities that you enjoy and that make you happy. You can also treat yourself to something nice once in a while. Some examples of self-care activities are reading a book, taking a bath, listening to music, watching a movie or show that you like.
Writing a letter to future you. Writing a letter to future you is an exercise that can help you set goals for yourself, reflect on your achievements, express your gratitude, and motivate yourself to keep going. To write a letter to future you, you should think about what you want to accomplish in the next year, month, or week. You should also think about what you are proud of, what you are grateful for, and what you are looking forward to. You should write the letter in a positive and encouraging tone, and seal it in an envelope. You can then open the letter when the time comes, and see how much you have grown.
These are some of the ways to improve your mental health and wellness through meditation, mindfulness, and other practices. They can help you cope with stress, anxiety, and depression, and enhance your self-esteem and happiness. However, these practices are not substitutes for professional help. If you are struggling with your mental health, you should seek support from a qualified therapist or counselor. They can provide you with more guidance and treatment options that suit your needs.
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kelleah-meah · 1 year
My 2023 New Year's Tarot Reading
As expected, I did a tarot reading to help me focus a bit on what I can expect in 2023. Now, I do a Witch's New Year tarot reading for Samhain, which I feel is a bit more detailed and insightful than the calendar new year's spreads. But my intuition won't let me pass by any type of new year without dedicating a tarot reading. (I'll do another one for the Lunar New Year too.)
Anyway, I did find this one to be fairly insightful too, and thought I'd share it here.
This is the spread I used (found here):
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As I mentioned in a previous blog, I have been sick for the past several weeks, so I've taking things fairly slowly compared to my usual routine. That kindness is not only for my health, but also for common sense. Until I can get a handle on my situation (it involves high blood pressure), I'm viewing this illness as a sign that I really need to pause, take stock and slow down ... not just at this time, but perhaps for all of 2023.
But onto the reading ...
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You can tell I thought this reading was extra special because I did it on the floor, instead of on my bed.
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The other deck you see there on the right are my Adinkra oracle cards. In addition to the tarot spread, I decided to pull an oracle to represent what my ancestors want me to remember, learn and keep in mind throughout 2023. More on that at the end.
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Here is what the New Year tarot spread told me:
Theme of the New Year
2 of Wands
Interpretation: A new world is calling your name and you are confidently stepping forward, ready to see what's next. Remember, not all those who wander are lost.
What I need to let go from last year
The Hanged Woman
Interpretation: Stop sacrificing your time and values to please other people. Putting a lot of effort and energy into a situation is wearing you down. There are other options, and they will reveal themselves to you as you keep going toward your path.
What I should bring with me from last year
9 of Wands
Interpretation: Throughout this journey, you have accumulated experience and gained enough wisdom to handle anything that is thrown your way. Trust in your strength and power to make it to the end.
Obstacles or challenges I may face in the new year
8 of Swords
Interpretation: All the things that may keep you up at night will be your biggest challenge until you take back what is yours. Work your way out of emotional lethargy. That is the first step in meeting any challenge you face.
How to overcome these obstacles
8 of Wands
Interpretation: Progress is a process. Harness every window of opportunity with swift and focused movement. Fueled by your passion, you will pick up inspiration along the way. Within structure, there is freedom and room for self-expression and creativity.
What is my goal for the new year
8 of Pentacles
Interpretation: Hustle, grit and craftsmanship will lead you to your goal of turning your passion into artistry. The culmination of all your experience, education and insight form a painter's palette to designing the life of your dreams. You're up to the challenge, just take your time and know the picture will come together day by day.
How to achieve this goal
King of Wands
Interpretation: With finesse and intention, you will light a fire to your ideas and vision. Create goals for yourself with clarity and imagination, and don't stop until you get where you want to go. Unleash the offbeat weirdo that you've got inside, and be absolutely unapologetic in your pursuit of the stellar.
External influences affecting me this year
7 of Swords
Interpretation: This is a time to be discreet and protect yourself, as confiding in others can bring more harm than good. Work smarter, not harder, and be strategic in your course of action. Be grateful and resourceful, and take only what you need.
My mantra for the year
Queen of Cups
Interpretation: Set empathetic boundaries and your artistic efforts will flow with ease. Healing past wounds with kindness and self-expression will be your gift.
Overall, I really like this reading. I especially took note of the three 8s that appeared as well. I pulled an 8 of Swords, 8 of Wands and an 8 of Pentacles. And if you're inclined to pay attention to Angel Numbers (I'm not sure if I do, but I'm trying to stay open-minded.), the 888 implies -- "Something very good is coming your way. Good news, good times, good relationships, good health, and many blessings" *and* "Everything is falling into place. just the way it's meant to be. Financial abundance is on its way to you. The universe is letting you know you're successful."
As for my Adinkra oracle card message, I pulled this:
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The "Mpatapo" adinkra symbol is the guiding message I'm meant to follow throughout the upcoming year. I interpret this to mean that I need to continue to work on my journey involving shadow work and healing through forgiveness and reconciliation. More importantly, that forgiveness should be focused on myself just as much as it could of others.
I need to let go of the blame I place on myself for not being what I dreamed of so I can step into the reality of who I truly am. I deserve compassion for myself as much as anyone else deserves it from me.
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wavestatebliss · 1 year
How to Think Like a Winner: 8 Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your Life
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The mindset of a winner is something that sets successful people apart from those who struggle to achieve their goals. It's a mindset that's focused on growth, resilience, and determination. Winners don't see failure as the end, but as an opportunity to learn and improve.
They're willing to take risks, push themselves out of their comfort zones, and put in the hard work necessary to achieve their goals. A winner's mindset is characterized by a positive attitude, a strong sense of purpose, and the ability to stay focused on their goals, even in the face of adversity.
In this article, we'll explore the mindset of a winner and provide you with some tips on how to cultivate it in your own life. Whether you're an entrepreneur, athlete, or simply looking to achieve your personal goals, understanding the mindset of a winner is essential to your success.
So, let's dive in and discover what it takes to think like a winner.
Characteristics of a Winner Mindset
The mindset of a winner is characterized by several key traits that are essential to success. One of the most important of these is a positive attitude. Winners approach challenges with optimism and see setbacks as temporary obstacles that can be overcome. They don't dwell on past failures or allow negative thoughts to hold them back. Instead, they focus on the present and future, and look for opportunities to learn and grow.
Another key characteristic of a winner mindset is a strong sense of purpose. Winners have a clear understanding of what they want to achieve, and they're willing to put in the hard work necessary to make it happen. They set ambitious goals and are constantly striving to improve themselves and their performance. They're also able to stay focused on their goals, even when faced with distractions or setbacks.
Finally, winners have a high level of resilience. They're able to bounce back from setbacks and failures, and use them as learning opportunities. They don't give up easily, and are willing to put in the time and effort required to achieve their goals. They also have a strong sense of self-belief, and are confident in their ability to succeed.
The Importance of a Winner Mindset in Personal and Professional Life
Having a winner mindset is essential for success in both personal and professional life. In order to achieve your goals, you need to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. Without this belief, it's easy to become discouraged and give up when faced with setbacks or obstacles.
In addition, having a winner mindset can help you to overcome self-doubt and negative thoughts. When you have a positive attitude and a strong sense of purpose, it's easier to stay motivated and focused on your goals. You're also more likely to take risks and push yourself out of your comfort zone, which can lead to new opportunities and experiences.
Finally, having a winner mindset can help you to stay resilient in the face of adversity. When you're able to bounce back from setbacks and failures, you're more likely to achieve your goals and succeed in life.
How to Develop a Winner Mindset
Developing a winner mindset takes time and effort, but it's something that anyone can do with the right approach. Here are some tips on how to cultivate a winner mindset in your own life:
Set Clear Goals
The first step in developing a winner mindset is to set clear and ambitious goals for yourself. These goals should be specific, measurable, and achievable, and should be aligned with your values and priorities. When you have clear goals to work towards, it's easier to stay motivated and focused on your objectives.
Adopt a Positive Attitude
A positive attitude is essential for developing a winner mindset. Focus on the good things in your life and look for opportunities to learn and grow. When faced with setbacks or challenges, try to see them as opportunities to learn and improve rather than as failures.
Overcome Self-Doubt and Negative Thoughts
Self-doubt and negative thoughts can hold you back from achieving your goals. To overcome them, try to identify the underlying beliefs and thought patterns that are contributing to them. Then, challenge these beliefs and replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
Practice Visualization
Visualization is a powerful tool for developing a winner mindset. Take some time each day to visualize yourself achieving your goals and experiencing the feelings of success and accomplishment. This can help to reinforce your beliefs in your ability to succeed.
Focus on Growth and Learning
Winners are always looking for opportunities to grow and learn. Make a commitment to lifelong learning and development, and seek out new experiences and challenges. This can help to keep you motivated and engaged, and can also help you to develop new skills and knowledge.
Strategies for Maintaining a Winner Mindset
Once you've developed a winner mindset, it's important to maintain it over time. Here are some strategies for staying focused, motivated, and resilient:
Stay Goal-Oriented
Keep your goals in mind at all times, and make sure that your actions and decisions are aligned with them. This can help to keep you motivated and focused on your objectives.
Surround Yourself with Positive Influences
Surround yourself with people who support and encourage your goals, and who have a positive attitude towards life. This can help to reinforce your own positive beliefs and attitudes.
Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health
Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential for maintaining a winner mindset. Make sure that you're getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise. Also, take time to practice self-care and stress management techniques, such as meditation or yoga.
Examples of Successful People with a Winner Mindset
Elon Musk – Founder and CEO of SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring Company. He overcame multiple obstacles such as bankruptcy, failed business ventures, and setbacks in his space exploration missions.
J.K. Rowling – Author of the Harry Potter series, which has sold over 500 million copies worldwide. She faced financial struggles as a single mother while writing the first book and was rejected by several publishers before finally getting her break.
Books and Resources for Developing a Winner Mindset
There are many books and resources available to help you develop a winner mindset. Some of the most popular include "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale, and "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol Dweck. These resources can provide you with valuable insights and techniques for cultivating a winner mindset.
Developing a winner mindset is essential for achieving success in both personal and professional life. By adopting a positive attitude, setting clear goals, and staying focused on your objectives, you can cultivate a mindset that is focused on growth, resilience, and determination. Remember, a winner's mindset is not something that you're born with, but rather something that you can develop over time with the right approach and mindset. So, take action today and start developing the mindset of a winner.
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