#you promised you wouldnt put me between you anymore
thechatteringshrike · 1 month
Kristen Applebees was so right when she said the eldest daughter is a shield.
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Shaun Evans imagine
You can find more of my imagines in my book Imagines on wattpad.
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He was down there throwing lavish party in my garden for people who hated my name, pearl skin and necklines in sunlight, raybans, loud music and world i dont belong in he brough them here and didnt even ask me if i am okay with it
He should have known from absence of my smile but he never took time to learn tides of my heart
While i was watchng it all from upstairs window
Curtains flowing between us
Each on one side coming in style banners of silk baby come get your crown when you  call me yours don't you know i would do anything to see you satisfied
You are in blue it suits you so well
You dont anymore wait for ride
You made yourself known that you are one of knights here to stay
We are hiding so they dont catch a glimpse
It irks you to see me anything but happy
Smiling in sunlight
It's casual intimacy that we find in every place just one glance and presence is enough
Ed comes stands between us facing the scene
We stand on sides in curtains
Ed knows by now where my heart lies so he isnt surprised to see you here
You are part of family by now
One of meadow royals
He has very important audition for couple of days and he cant put up with licentious youth. Our meadow is not used to souless debauchery
We are coming up with ideas how to put a stop to all of it
He comes in with someone on his arm but still calls me babe after i tell him there is no more chmpaign
You just stand there all ready to be smart and throw snarky remark but you don't because you are lost trying to come up with world in which i deserve to be treated like this
And i see it takes everything in you not to show how much you care but you wont give away our fairytale in hiding
And i imagine myself dying down on pebbles on driveway in midst of party and him crying, his tears on my lips because underneath all the recklessness he cared otherwise he wouldnt start this charade
But them i reprimand myself for thinking that way and wonder if i romanticize something violent only because i have another pair of hands to fall into if i think of death because i can still sell my youth
Should i leave you in memories before you grow bitter and time makes you disappoint me
go with sunlight boys into sunrise of masquerade balls and modernity that will make us hate each other even if we cant speak from love we hold for one another
shall i come home to peace you built and step out from behind curtains, free as bird on breeze, unafraid because you are there
leave the golden boy to someone else even if it will break his heart that loved me in its own recklessly restless way?
You are apparition transparent mirage of my heavy heart, ethereal promise of days passing but love stays the same as curtains fly on breeze You are mirage on sunny day there but not really there mine but never fully mine because words are too heavy they will sink us before we find courage to reach for the other side You are not him You are more sophisticated you don't throw blame like a bait for end you don't have balls to spell out
In between curtains you are ghost that will disappear if I reach out like particles of dreams I dream translucent stardust I can't keep nor make mine
I am stuck in cage i confined myself to for i hold the key to my freedom fears mean it's worth it i know every lock combination but my mind is lost in daydreams comfortable is killing potential the trill the need to leave please save me from myself give me some of your valour i want to be knight too i know i can be i just need someone to recognize my skill i dont want to live behind curtains with shadows forever i am human i am alive i wasnt born to hide and live out someone's else idea of who i should become 
I feel hand finding mine
And I can breath
Everything will be alright if you never stop believing impossible is possible just beyond the curtain of self imposed fears and doubts.
Tear down that curtain and step into the garden that's growing from your brilliance.
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truly-deceitful · 2 years
okay so i was on twitter and this video showed up on my tl: https://twitter.com/lunartokki/status/1551882046376656901?t=jNxUZI29PojS2PYnp_26ig&s=19
Rubius: "I promise you for the sake of my Vegettita that ill never steal again"
And i had a thought, that only sleep deprived people have.
Tw: mentions of threats, blood and death (?, Angst lmao
Eventually Quackity gets tired of all the silly little "jokes" the rest of the residents play on him. He has to expect every day to come on in and find his house trashed, spikes placed outside, free fall traps outside and the god forsaken landmines placed everywhere.
Hes tired, but the one thing that makes him snap is when he realizes who tended the traps that day.
Rubius had sworn over and over again, he had sworn over his family, over his pets, over his friends, over his own existance! And every single time he would come back and place another landmine. It became clearer every day, the man couldnt keep a promise even if he wanted to.
Petty getbacks had gotten old by now, karma is a cycle that never breaks and the stakes get higher and higher.
Quackity needed this to stop and to put an end to it all he had to go all in, hes tired of being seen as the naive newcomer, but what could he possibly do to make Rubius listen? What could he do to finally put him in his place?
Whats his weak point?
Oh, he knows damn well who it is.
Rubius finds a nicely wrapped chest outside his house, inside? a couple of iron and golden goodies, but the thing that got his attention was the purple, neatly wrapped envelope. If there was anyone in this town that could make things look so perfect is Vegetta, his Vegettita.
"Meet me at my house, ive been missing you and i have a present waiting for you"
This man knows how to get his attention.
With no hesitation he barely grabbed the necessary stuff and ran towards his friends house, exitedly awaiting whatever surprise he had tended for him.
He knocked the door sevral times but no one answered, he came in after a few minutes, he was expected to show up so hes really not breaking any laws.
A rustle coming in from the kitchen startled him and as soon as he approached the scene left him in shock.
Vegetta tied to a chair and a meanacing Quackity lingering behind him, an enchanted diamond sword lying in the tble beside them. The expression of his friend, terrified. Quackity’s face in the other hand, blank yet a horrifying smirk lingering, he almost looked happy.
"Quackity what are you doing?! This breaks every single law abided by the gods!"
Rubius tried to get closer and free his friend but as soon as a single foot touched the kitchen floor Quackity had already grabbed the sword. He had forgotten everything at his own, he wouldnt be able to fight him now.
"Since when is tht so important to you, huh? You never cared when you placed the mines in my house, or Staxx's house or anyones house really"
He stepped behind Vegetta once again, smiling when the man tensed when he couldnt see him anymore.
"You never cared when you got diamonds before anyone else, or when you made something from the forbidden pages of the carftmans book. Do you care now that Vegetta is in danger now?"
Before he finished the sentence he placed the sword at Vegetta’s neck and started applying evident pressure. Rubius tried once again to step in but the sword started drawing blood.
"I am sorry, i was just goofing around! You know how i am! Its though love!"
Quackity wasnt even looking at his eyes anymore and insted fixiated in the bit of blood runing from the mans neck.
"Qusckity please! Why are you taking it out on him? What do you want? Whatever comes to mind ill give it to you, just drop the sword!"
Their eyes locked but Quackity’s stare made Rubius take a step back, how could the goofy kid he met months ago be the same monster standing infront of him.
"I'm sorry blondie, but you swore youll never do something like that again."
He spared a glace between the two one last time before smiling and grabbing at Vegetta's hair to keep him in place.
"You swore for the sake of your Vegettita"
The sword slashed trough his neck, his limp body falling to the floor around seconds. Rubius falling right beside him, surely he would come back from this.
Rubius tried to scream but once again cowered under the mans stare.
"You swore Rubius, this are simply the consequences of your own actions."
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I alredy told you about the love story between this two and of course now you think they have a happy ever after they never fight they never have bad days well now i will tell you a story where they have a huge fight.
Nightmare comes home all angry he had a really rough day and just want to sleep but of course Grillby decided to have a romantic lunch with him he prepared a nice dinner with all the things Nightmare loves he puts candles on the table and buys roses for his prince. When nightmare opens the door there is Grillby standing in front of him with a giant bouquet in his hands the older one looks at him coldly "i just want to sleep" Grillby puts the flowers aside understanding his husbands needs but still a bit sad because they dont often do things like this for each other "its okay love,we can do this later" the prince watches as he begins to clean the table with a sad look and this was the moment he snapped he didnt know why maybe because hes tired maybe because he hates to see his husband sad,he slammed his hand on the table screaming "i cant to this anymore" the smaller one looks at him surprised "you always play the victim,every time i dont do what you want you start to fucking cry! Im so tired of this so tired of this life so tired of _you_" he watch as the man in front of him starts to tear up looking down at the floor "i wish i never met you,maybe i couldve married killer" saying so nightmare goes upstairs leaving his husband on the floor sobbing and trembling with a broken heart. They spent the rest of the day in silence but the older is starting to feel bad he didnt know why he sayd all that he truly loves his husband meeting him was the best thing that happened to him and marring someone else wouldnt bring him the feelings he has married to grillby he loves his husband with all his heart and would never harm him he promised himself to always protect him no matter what instead he scared him made him cry he felt ashamed, loving his husband he approced him and wrapped his arms around his wrist Grillby flinced at his touch relaxing at the feeling of kissed on his neck the older moves his hands caressing his chest continuing to suck gently on his neck earning sweet moans from the man below he picked up the moaning boy walking to theyr bedroom closing the door and placing him gently on the bed looking in his eyes for consent Grillby just looked at him blushing "just be gentle" Nightmare took his hands kissing them "i swear on my head my beloved i will not demage any part of your skin" he started sto strip him kissing every centimeter of his skin with growing desire. Soon the fire boy is laying naked under him a masterpiece for the older one who passed his hands on his body caressing his chest while turning his skin purple, moans filled the air pleasure filled his body and love filled his heart, Nightmare stops to look at his husband with love in his eyes placing sweet kisses on his cheek while caressing the other feeling the warmth looking in his eyes " god youre so beautiful how could i be more lucky?" The words making Grillby deeply blush "i love you so much" kissed the smaller boy who kisses back tearing up "dont cry my love please every tear on your face is a scar on my heart" that night he made love to the younger, once again moans filled the air but he never hurt him once,the prince showered him with kisses and loved him like he never did watchs as the smaller moans squeezing the sheets with broken voice begs his husband "more,please dont stop" the words make Nightmare even more lustful "your wish is my command" he hit all the good spots making him cry and tremble from pleasure the prince hugs his husband and together reach theyr climax. Now he is cuddling him giving him sweet kisses and whispers sweet nothings "you are the eighth wonder of the world" he kisses him "i love you so much,so precious so beautiful" and so he kisses his again "im glad to be your husband i never ment to hurt you i was just tired im so sorry my beloved" he felt hands cup his face and kiss his sweetly like honey "i know dont worry i know you would never lets just love each other now" its normal to argue its normal to make mistakes the important is to never let that break love never let that separate you,never.
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y0un1ce · 2 years
Regrettably Drunk
Modern au; Venti x Fem!Oc (Miriam) (Can be read as x reader or x y/n idc)
Cw; Drinking, Unrequited but maybe Requited love, Fluff to Angst/No comfort, cursing, oh and also implied xiaoven but not rlly official but lingering feelinsg between them that wont appear here.
Note; I haven't written in a long time and its kinda shitty. This is also not read proof bc it is clearly 3am
Its about 1:50 am. It's clearly midnight now with the dark sky covering the world and its splattered stars in the sky kissing its smallest light on to the ground. Down below there are miriads of houses and with one of it having loud booming yet muffled music and closer look there are crowds of people all ages and gender there- except literal children obviously- and just a blocks away from the house there could be seen a silver colored car parked on the side of the road.
And that certain silver car has our two destined people who start this story. With a close look inside, there are two people sitting at the back of the car, the smaller of the two, Venti, had black hair with two braids on the side of his face showing a visible gradient of teal hair dye and his outfit, a white collar shirt popping up underneath the teal sweater and loose black pants with one having a loose thread and ending with a pair of teal converses. And who is visibly holding a bottle of what seems to be a wine bottle at the tips of two of his fingers that was barely holding on whilst laying the back of his body to someone whos trying to remove the bottle.
Now the taller of the two, Miriam, had her hazel hair put up as a bun with several strands of the front of her hair fell and her outfit being an orange wrap shirt with bell sleeves showing beautifully sewed light orange flower designs clearing showing her stomach and a small view of her top half and paring with a black pencil skirt with a few flowers sewed onto trim of the pockets and ending with some parker boots that had few scratches on the bottom of the boots. And who is trying to stop the small man ontop of her from drinking too much and who is also practically vibrating inside on how close they are too each other.
"He-hey! I, uh I promise I won't drink too muuuch" Venti whined to Miriam clearly trying to take another sip from the said drinkable wine bottle. "Venti we've been over this—! Hey! I saw that- your dumb charms wont work on me" Venti trying to persuade Miriam into giving back the bottle by giving her a quick kissnon the cheek that tends to work in his favour. "Come oooon, please, please, hic pretty pleeeeeeease? I hic really do promise to noooo-t! Drink evah againn- just please on mworhe sip!" Venti drunkly ended his sentence with a pop before again trying to take the bottle back before he visibly felt Miriam behind his back move forward to put the bottle under the front passengers seat.
"H-ey!" "Venti please I'm trying to hel—! Hey stop that and listen! Im trying to help you with this drinking problem, and also that shits not gonna work on me again now!" Miriam was internally and externally exhausted with Venti being drunk and the partying too much taking effect even tho she was fully sober. If you were to put a peeved exhausted Miriam next to an apple there wouldnt be a difference. After a few seconds of silence from Venti, Miriam was getting worried considering she never had experienced a quiet Venti before. "You know.. you're really pretty hic like a freshly picked rose, ehe, that's so clicheee" Venti confided to Miriam, his head laying on her chest had been moved as well his body to be straightened a little with a slight slouch and his head turned to her with a slight tilt to it and with a dumb smirk with droopy eyes that were a bit red eyed.
What "What?" Miriam craved for an answer to what the hell did he intend with that unexpected sentence. Miriam wasnt blushing from peeved exhaustion anymore, she was now blushing with the blood rushing to her face from that really flattering comment from her supposed friend and was she going crazy or was her heart spiking weirdly and her breathe hitching a little. "Eheh— come oooon- I can just shee-shay it to youu! You ar-are hic reallyyy reallyyyy! Prettyy.." Venti specified, his body wasnt turned slightly anymore but now the front of his body was facing her now with his arms interlocked at the back of her head and his knee was ontop in the middle of her legs and the other at the lazily on the bottom. Miriam was practically melting on the inside feeling the pit of lava that is called infatuation growing hotter and hotter in her she felt so bashful and embarrassed from this out of nowhere sort of confession from the guy she liked for a year.
"That's- uhm- That's re-really flattering Venti—" Miriam was cut off her sentence by the sudden movement of Venti's arms sliding suspiciously farther until her eyes looked back from the floor to him seeing him much closer to him than before with the back of his slightly arched. "You- you look hic much prettier like this.." Venti quietly settled, now mesmerized by each freckle on her face they were like the stars to him. Miriam felt her heart spike greatly and felt a twinge of fear and some kind of anticipating from how close they were if venti just slowly slid his arms farther then theyre lips would meet- oh god now all she's gonna think is about Venti's lips now! But then again this isnt the first time thinking about his lips.
"He-hey Miriam.." "Yeah?"
There was a couple beats of silence until Venti hazily looked up at Miriam with doopy dreamy look on his face that made him look too ethereal and what he said next made Miriam's anticipating heart burst.
"Can I.. kiss you?"
Miriam's heart felt like it had escaped it's shell and was jumping in joy with fireworks bursting out of every cell in her body to make her feel ecstasy but she remembered that she's still in the moment of his question and hadnt answer yet. "Yes! I me- mean, yes you- uh can.." Miriam bashfully answered, now there was a pause of silence between them. Venti removed one of his arms behind miriams neck and slide it onto the side of Miriams face cupping her cheek, making Miriam anticipate again until both of their eyelids flutter down and have their lip meet by the softest and warmest impact onto one another. The kiss to Miriam was practically what she imagined back then even now and it was still that relaxing and yet exciting feeling to well- feel.
The kiss lasted for a few seconds and yet those lasting seconds to Miriam left her a flustered yet loving look when her eyelids hazily opened back still trying to catch that last moment of what was left lf his lips. "Eheh.. I guess I can deduct that hic you are a good kisser.. Xiao.." Venti Drunkily mused. Venti turned back to his first position with his back facing Miriam and going take a hazily nap ontop of her. Miriam felt her ecstatic heart fall back to its cocoon and she felt so fucking stupid, what was she thinking, no what the fucking was she even thinking in the first place that someone like Venti would like her back, it was so fucking stupid to hope or even dream for it. And to think that even for a moment that maybe just maybe Venti couldve like her back, what did Xiao have that she didnt, thinking now alot of things Xiao could do better that stupid fucking Miriam.
"I love you Venti, I hope one day that your future lover would have the courage to say it too." Miriam softly spoke now accepting and to also smile softly with a single tear letting go like this infatuation with Venti. It's 2:00am now.
Her heart felt so fucking painful, she obviously notice her vision going hazy from the tears building up on her eyelids she didnt care now that her cheeks were streamed with wet and felt like lava tears to her. She was so hopeful, but no, the fucking world decided to give her a good kick and decided that the guy she loved loved to be paired with the most incomparable best person for him to be with its so fucking unfair. Miriam looked down at Venti who snores softly with his head at her chest, she couldn't help but move a braid of his hair behind his hair just to look at his face one more time before it all changes to the way it was.
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A Bad Feeling Pt 2
Levi x reader
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Pt 2 (Final part)
Pairing : Levi x Cadet reader
Warnings: mentions of attempted rape, mentions of injury, cursing, violence. 18+ only please
Hey guys! Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments! You're all amazing! I did my best to write Levi not ooc, so please lemme know if I did an ok job. This chapter was hard to write so please lemme know what you think! Enjoy!
"Look at me" he was less angry now and more concerned. Because although he would never admit it. He cared for his team deeply and hated to see any of them hurt.
Knowing you couldn't disobey you sucked in a breath and slowly lifted your head up.
And when Levi's steel eyes met your teary ones they turned into one of shock.
Slowly his eyes travelled over your form. His eye brows furrowed at the grip marks that covered your chin. He looked down further and saw that both your wrists were red. His eyes travelled back up and his whole body froze when he saw the angry looking bruise peeking from under your collar.
He stood there in shock for a moment before snapping out it.
"Y/n.." he started slowly, almost gently.
"Tell me what happened" he clenched his jaw when he realized how scared you look. It did not sit well with him that a girl as strong as you ended up in this state.
Tell him?? I can't... Oro said that he would-!
"I-I c-can't" you closed your eyes feeling completely overwhelmed. Levi was going to be so angry with you, but you couldn't risk being expelled from the survey corps.
Had your eyes been open you would've seen the flash of concern that crossed his usually stoic features. Knowing he wouldnt get anywhere with you in that state he asked you to follow him. Not knowing what else to do you did...
Silently he led you to a room you had never seen before. It was neat and organized, and off to the side you saw a small stove and sink.
You were so out of it, the shock taking over that you didnt even remember being sat down at a small table.
You stared at the wood in silence, listening to some clanging around you for several minutes but snapped out of it when a small plate and tea cup full of something steaming and sweet smelling was put in front of you.
Wordlessly you looked up at your captain who took a seat near you, but far away enough not to add to your nervousness.
"Drink, it'll help" he ordered quietly. And so you did. You both sat in silence until the last drop was gone. You thought he would yell at the clattering noise your cup made every time your shakey hands grabbed it but he didnt. He sat there quiet and silent.
When you were done you let out a small thank you. You felt a tiny bit less shakey but no where near relaxed. How could you be?
Levi silently took the cup, and deposited it in the sink.
When he was finished, he made his way back to you and sat down.
"Y/n, I know you don't wanna talk, but I need to know what happened" he started calmly.
You looked into his eyes and saw that he was patient and not at all angry.
Could you tell him the truth? Oro said that he would ruin your future but if you told captain Levi, would he protect you? Despite his harsh demeanor you knew that Levi did care and protect his team when it came down to it. Even his harsh disciplines were usually for the best. Even if we couldn't see it.
But even so...Oro is his friend... way longer than I've been his cadet...what if I tell him and he talks to Oro and oro tells him something else that he believes over me.
Levi noticed the hitch in your breath and tried to calm you down once more, "Listen to me y/n, Its my job to look out for you, you're safe now" he promised gently, well as gently as he levi could be) you looked and saw sincerety in his orbs. Your mouth formed the shape to speak. But you still were not able.
"If you're not able to tell me what happened yet, I need you to at least give me a name" he tried to reason. You couldn't believe how calm and patient he was being with you. You so desperately wanted to tell him. But you were terrified.
"I-I'm afraid.." you admitted quietly in shame..
Levi felt anger rise within him, not at you no, but at whoever made you like this. He'd seen you take down titans like it was playtime at school. And now you were shaking like a leaf afraid of something he still had no idea what/who caused this.
"Like I said you're safe now-"
" Thats not.." you cut him off, "I-I'm afraid you won't take.... my side.." you admitted as a fresh set of tears ran down your face.
His eyes widened a little at this, did you not trust him?
"Y/n, listen to me" he waited until you raised your teary eyes up to meet his once more.
"You have proven yourself to be nothing but trustworthy during your time as my cadet. You have my word that no matter what you say, I will believe you" he said with finality.
And that was all you needed to hear to unlock the fear that held you back.
"Oro" you whispered.
His eyes widened in utter shock before turning into quiet rage.
"Oro did this.."
Levi did a remarkable job of holding in his emotions as you told him what happened. You didn't do it all at once. You kept having to pause to collect yourself. And some things were harder to say than others. But slowly you told him everything, his words and what he did.
The whole time you couldn't bring yourself to look at him. Afraid of what emotions his face held. But when you were finished and he stood up, you couldn't help but steal a glance.
You sucked in a breath.
*Ok small teeny tiny spoiler in the next paragraph from season 3*
The last time you witnessed levi in that state was when he fought the beast titan. His body was eerily calm, but his eyes. His eyes held death.
"Stay here" and with that he was gone and you were alone...
It was torture waiting in that room. What was he going to do? The anxiety of waiting and doing nothing was killing you.
The panic mixed with exhaustion was such a strange feeling to you. Your mind was racing but your body felt on the verge on collapse.
Sighing you threw your head on the table and tucked your arms underneath.
You couldn't help but let your eyes droop.
You were somewhere between a light sleep and a deep one when the click of a door opening made you jolt awake.
"Heichou.." you went to stand but he motioned for you to stay put. To be honest you weren't sure you could stay upright. It felt like you had been thrown off a roof.
"W-what happened?" You couldn't wait another second before asking.
He stared at you for a moment, much more calm than when he had left earlier. "It's taken care of" he said finally.
You waited a few seconds for him to continue but he didn't.
"Um, by taken care of you mean...?" you nervously fidgeted with your hands.
He sighed and walked over to a nearby cabinet, not facing you he replied, "I mean that bastard won't be bothering you or anyone else anymore" you were slightly frustrated by his lack of elaboration.
Before you could press any further he turned around and cut you off, "Forget about it now, we can discuss it in the morning." You nodded hesitantly although all you wanted was some answers.
It was then you noticed that Levi was holding a small med kit in his hands. Before you knew it, he was sitting next to you, scooting the chair slightly closer.
"Hand" you stared blankly at the outstretched hand for a moment in confusion.
Whats he?... oh!
You snapped out of it not wanting to annoy him after all he had done for you by taking too long.
And despite the situation, you somehow found the capacity to still blush like a school girl when his soft hands gripped yours with surprising gentleness.
A comfortable silence filled the room as he got to work tending to your wrists. With more care than you thought he was capable he applied a cool ointment and wrapped them delicately.
You didnt even realize you were crying until you saw a fat tear plop onto the table. Levi looked up at you, pausing his movements.
"S-sorry! I didn't mean to-sorry..."you babbled embarrassed, your words not really making sense. You suddenly felt bad for putting him through all this. And now you couldn't even stop crying like an idiot.
You squeezed your eyes trying to stop the flow, but for some reason you couldn't stop. All the panic and relief caused you to feel so overwhelmed you couldn't help but let it all out. You also couldn't help but to keep apologizing over and over.
"Don't apologize.." your breath hitched at the quiet kindness in his voice. He had surprised you at least 20 times tonight by how gentle he was being. You slowly opened your eyes letting the tears fall freely. It was like the floodgates had opened, "heichou..." you swiped a hand over trying to quell the tears, "thank you" you sobbed out sincerely, not holding back.
And for the 21 time that night you were in utter disbelief when Captain Levi, the cold hearted, sadistic, cruel leader of the survey corps turned in his chair, facing opposite of you, reached a hand over to cradle your head and pulled you into his shoulder.
"It's alright y/n...its alright..." he whispered holding you close. Your wide eyes eventually closed and you clutched the arm cradling you. It was warm and safe and secure, and your heart filled with happiness, because despite everything that had happened, you knew you always could trust him, and maybe it was selfish to think this but a part of you believed that out of everyone on his squad, he only had showed this kindness to you.
The next morning as you made your way into the hall for breakfast. You couldn't help but feel everything was a bit too normal. Despite your fears, people weren't whispering about you, or giving you looks.
Sighing you found your usual spot by Sasha and Mikasa. Luckily the Mark's on your chin had lessened enough to where you could pass it off as a "I fell out of be and hit my chin on the floor" kinda thing.
After some time the boys joined as well,
"Ne did you guys hear?!" Armin exclaimed suddenly as he placed his tray down.
"Hear what?" Eren asked chewing on a piece of bread.
"About Captain Oro!" At that you felt your heart skip a beat.
Shit, what had he heard?
"What about him?" He asked raising a eyebrow.
"He was arrested!"
"No way!"
"There's no way!" They all were in shock.
"Its true!" He exclaimed.
"I was on my way to deliver some things to Hange-San when I saw him get dragged away by the police! And get this, he was all bloody and bruised! Like he had just been in a fight or something! They were practically carrying him!"
What?! Did Captain Levi...?!?
"Why was he arrested??" Mikasa chimed in.
"I don't know, I asked around but no one seems to know anything.."
"Huh, weird.. I wonder what happend" one of them responded.
One day you would tell them what happened but for now you decided to keep quiet.
Suddenly a flash of raven hair caught your attention. You spotted the captain making his way to Hanges table across the room. When he caught your gaze you couldn't help the small rush of heat and found your lips pulling up into a grateful smile.
He nodded simply and continued on.
Despite everything people said about him, he truly was a good person. And you couldn't help but feel a little giddy at the thought that he beat up Oro because he hurt you.
You still felt the rush of heat at the memories of last night and how he held you. After your cries had quieted down he escorted you to your room and told you to get some sleep.
You thanked him again and that was that. All night all you could think about was- well of course everything that happened- but also, the gentle way Levi tended to your wrists, the way he held your head close, the way he smelled up close the way-
"Hey y/n?" Jean leaned over with an eyebrow quirked.
"Why are you so red?"
And that's the end! I hope the ending was everything you guys were hoping for, thank you all for taking the time to read it. I hope Levi didn't seem to ooc. Until next time!
@justanotherlifeff @fangirlingonrhys @haikoo @peculiarinsomniac @charlie-rose-thegay @babyshinso28 @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @eleventhdoctorsangel @cravrat @hawkssnugget @kimbapkidding1004 @xruna @huffelpuffers @sofflepoffle  @sunisenpai  @kuromihomii @deadcalmlol @smokeychan1216
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jjkpls · 3 years
the wishlist (m) - 3
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“You used it.”
> genre : smut, fluff
> pairing : jeon jungkook x reader (f)
> words : 4.2k
> content/warnings : back at it again w/ the bff2l; one sided love, lot of pining; sextoys talk and use; explicit language; masturbation (f); ambiguous infidelity; awkward oc; koo being cute but insufferable
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For about a week and a half, you simply ignore the outrageous box sitting in the centre of your living room.
If you omit to remember what’s inside, it’s just a nice-looking decoration, embellishing your messy coffee table. It’s perfectly fine sitting between the unopened mails and the takeout brochures. You see Jungkook glance at it each time he comes over but he has the decency to not mention it. You might have read a little disappointment but he didn’t share it with you, not wanting to bother you, as you rightfully assumed, and in any case, you’re just doing exactly what you said you would: not use it. 
Then comes a glorious day of resting from work for you, and miraculously it matches your two closest girl friends' schedules and they owe to come over, celebrate a belated Christmas with you. And as you’re quickly tidying up the place, the question of the box being way too present here is raised again. They will ask about it. One will surely open it before you even get to answer.
The box has to go. 
And in your room, hidden in your bedside table where you know no one will peak, it goes. 
When you wake up from the fantastic, long-awaited Christmas celebration, it’s with a terrible headache. Mary, the amateur singer, received a ridiculous karaoke mic and if karaoke is involved, so is alcohol. You didn’t know that but apparently, you can get a severe almost deadly hangover from rosé. Well. Starting this new year already learning new things, how great. 
One thing that’s unchanged for this new year, as it seems, is Jungkook's talent for psychic arts. He somehow knows you need a copious breakfast made with love and by him, and the curious hangover shot only his roommate has the secret recipe of, to cope with being alive this morning. 
“Hello, Sunshine.” Your face feels so bloated and tensed at the same time like it’s made of playdoh and some devilish kid came and punched at it then squished it hard with its chubby mean fingers.
Very unpleasant.
You know you have very little to do with a ray of sunshine at the moment. You're more alike a gremlin or something. Therefore, as a gremlin would, you groan an answer. You catch through the minuscule slits you now own for eyelids a grin from him. It’s not even vexing or upsetting. His lovely, lovely smile is always a blessing. It’s the only thing that makes you not want to head back to bed and just sleep until death ensues. The pretty, pretty thing. With the big bunny front teeth. He is the sunshine. 
“Had fun last night?” He asks, still grinning, once he’s served you and himself two good plates of pancakes. He’s sitting in front of you, in front of this delicious looking good, yet he’s ogling you with a strange insistence. When he starts eating because you take too long to formulate a response, he munches slowly, still staring, instead of stuffing his face and swallow down the whole thing like a starving man, like he usually does. 
“Yeah. They spoiled me.” You say, quietly. You’re confused. You feel uneasy like there’s something you’re not getting. You hate this feeling. Usually, this friendship is filled with inside jokes you can make up exclusively via telepathy. But here you’re missing something, it feels. Or you might just be confused by the headache and possibly somehow still a bit drunk. 
“Oh did they?” The beam is even wider. You frown, nod, decide that it’s too early and your brain too foggy to try and investigate a confusion that might just be the product of your imagination. 
It doesn’t click then. It doesn’t click the next three times he asks you again, with slightly different formulations if, really, you had fun last night. 
He departs an hour later because he has an appointment with a client, as always leaving some of himself for your guilty pleasure and the marking on your eyelids of that curious grin. That curious mischievous grin. With the crooked shape, the white teeth looking menacing like a wolve’s and the eyebrows arched in suggestion.
How come such an attractive look can be so anxiety-inducing? You’re too fidgety, too confused and concerned to focus on anything. Remnants of the conversation rolling back again and again, trying to make sense of things that probably do not necessitate further explaining. 
The whole ordeal made you so nervous, you end up after an hour of trying to go about your day and failing poorly, sitting on your sofa, lotus style, eyes closed and hands turned up to the universe (hoping It might offer you some clearance It would just drop off in your palms). The thing is meditating is hard. Making so your brain would shut the fuck up is hard as hell. And you suck at it. 
Spoiler alert, you don’t reach the state of inner peace and quiet you wished to find. Instead, you make enough silence for your noggins to be more performing and suddenly it hits. Your eyes grow ten times in size, you almost fall from your sit for the shock is violent.
The moron.
You or him, probably both. 
I did NOT use it.
I put it away because the girls were coming over but I DID NOT USE IT
He simply replies with a winking emoji and you hate him for it. 
Jeon Jungkook, ur a dick I said I wouldnt use it EVER and I won’t, have a nice day moron. 
And again, this time, you mean it. You’ve never said anything with this much conviction in these twenty-five years of living.
Why would you now? When you now have experienced what it felt to have him look at you thinking you’ve done it. It felt mortifying without even knowing why. In all the case scenarios you could have come up with, you’ve never imagined that one. You would use it, he would know about it somehow, he wouldn’t be disgusted (it wouldn’t make sense for him to be as he is the one who offered it to you but your brain and soft ego sometimes are annoying like that), he would be amused, maybe content, but he wouldn't make you feel mortified. 
Having him considering you in a sexual position should be... cool, shouldn’t it? If you really like him that much. Maybe you were confused all along and actually, you don’t, you mistook your own feelings. 
Just a quick check of a mental picture you have of him, the fond smile growing just from his pretty face with the pretty everything on it can’t be trusted because, for all you know, everyone smiles this way when they think about him. On the other hand, the swift blush invading your cheeks when you (by accident) linger on parts you really really like about him -like his thighs or the man titties he’s been growing lately- serve to remind you that yes, yes indeed you like him. 
But he’s an asshole.
No matter how much you thought about it (and you thought about it a lot even though you’re ashamed to admit it), you've never consider it to realize, you never and you still don’t believe anything non-platonic would ever happen with him. You’re just made to be friends. The best of friends but still just friends. 
Not even taking a step but simply dipping the tips of your toes in these unknown waters turns out to be terrifying and you're mad at him because he’s putting you in this situation where you feel awfully uneasy. 
It should all remain a very personal, very intimate fantasy: your attraction for him.
He cracked the wall for a second, it felt wrong and terrible but it’s done and over with now.
It’s only you and your thoughts. 
You don’t ever mention it, he doesn’t bring it back up. Soon the season of celebrations and wishes is behind you, the world starts rolling slowly, boringly so with its lots of little annoyances and distractions and you’re not even thinking about it anymore, neither is he. 
You’re stressed out. Work is being a bitch as it does. And because it sucks most of your time and patience, the only quick way to unwind you know comes to play. 
But the hassle is not worth it. Unfortunately this you always need to realize afterwards. After having searched the internet for good masturbatory content for half an hour, working yourself for two hours and then, there’s the safety wee and the freshening up before bed, to wake up the next morning feeling like shit because of course, you sacrificed hours of sleep for an unsatisfactory outcome.
It’s not worth it.
It hasn’t been for months. Even if you’re still more able to take care of yourself and pleasure yourself better than most if not all men you’ve ever been with, something is missing: a man (or maybe just a dick). 
You feel bored and empty (in both senses). Stuck because the more you need to unwind, the more you try, the less you feel better. 
It’s the snake biting its own tail. 
Until a certain pretty blue box, sleeping inside your bedside table, recalls itself to you. It feels like a century had passed since the box arrived in your life, it doesn’t seem as scary as it used to, as stressful. The fact that Jungkook hasn’t mentioned it, might even has himself forgotten about it, help immensely. 
And it is the very moment, you forget to remember about this promise you made to him and yourself, the promise that you would not use it. 
Right about now, not only stressed and annoyed by everything but also horny for no particular reason, this dildo with the box that matches your planner sounds ideal. 
And it is ideal.
Feels like exactly what you needed. The size is not ridiculously big, it’s fairly tiny actually but given you haven’t had sex in a while, it suffices to stretch you out just fine. It’s new and exciting. The texture feels really nice, smooth, slipping perfectly right between your walls. It’s rather long, slightly curved, filling you in deep and teasing the spot that you could never even dream of reaching with your short ass fingers. And in no time (and you actually regret that) you’re on cloud 9, it’s a thought of the Santa that brought this blessing of a gift in your life that sends you there. You feel satisfied, content, fulfilled from the tip of your hair to your toes, smiling like an idiot because damn, that was a good orgasm. 
Right this moment, you feel fine about using the present. About quickly having thought about him too because it’s not that much of a big deal. He won’t know about it. He doesn’t really seem to care about your sex life anymore (which is, ironically, a blessing). Therefore why should there be a problem? Why would there be?
Apparently, you’ve underestimated the crankiness of your attitude for the few weeks that passed before the phenomenal orgasm. 
Apparently, you had been the worst kind of truculent bitch there is, to a level you didn’t even know you could reach (also no one told you!), because when Jungkook meets up with you, maybe after the third or fourth times of having used your lovely new companion, he noticed something has changed. Instantly. 
“What’s going on?” He asks with a bright smile and excited shiny eyes as if he expects you to have great news to share. 
“Nothing special...” Tilting your head to the side, you drag the words out as you try to think about it for a second, wondering if there’s something that needs to be told.
“Really?” He sucks on his banana yoghurt with eyebrows frowned, staring at you as if he’s studying you. Once the thing is empty, he tosses it in a nearby bin, crosses his arms on his chest and glares. He looks like a detective about to interrogate you. He would look intimidating if it were not for his lips, sucked in to gather the last taste of his yoghurt. “You look awfully happy.”
“Do I?” It makes you smile, shrug your shoulders. It doesn’t hit just then. It should be fine. He can’t unravel something that you don’t even have knowledge of, can he? But Jungkook is a little weasel. He loves to know everything.
Especially when it’s about you. 
“You better not be seeing anyone-“ You should wonder where this is coming from, all of a sudden. Instead, you take offence, how dares he?
“What do you mean ‘I better’? I do what-“
“Without telling me? You better not.” He has that shit-eating grin, his signature brat's smile, because he knows you can’t reach over the table to smack him in the head without risking to tip over your drinks or dip your sleeve in soja sauce. 
“Anyway. Nothing's going on.” For a second, a staring contest takes place on this convenience store's terrace. You’re not sure why. He’s daring you for no reason. Until his mouth twitches, wanting to smile and it makes you laugh so he follows along. “Were you not supposed to tell me about your next appointment?” 
“Client Amy, yes!” It shouldn’t make you laugh to hear him name her like that as it’s been his trademark to mention his clients as if they were Pokémon trainers but it does.
You’ve always thought that it’s his very personal way of living this childhood fantasy of existing within the Pokémon universe. His life is full of potential trainers. Most of the time it’s just Client Enter the Name here but sometimes it’s Baker Jin -who’s not actually a baker but a salesman at his neighbourhood’s bakery-, there’s Dancer Hoseok, who’s the main dance partner of his best friend and Roommate Park Jimin. Sometimes he calls you Friend Y/N, it’s frustratingly funny. You hate that you spill at least a nose snort at each and every single one of his stupid jokes. His grin always grows ten times bigger, his eyes twinkle in a lovely way but you know that you are encouraging him. Encouraging him to be fucking annoying, like a little brother who’s just pushing unfunny jokes too far, just keep repeating them because he knows he can get a reaction. “She wants me to tattoo the dragon from Spirited Away on her arm-“
You gasp and he smiles even wider. 
“I know, right? And I was thinking- to give it flow, I would have it- like fly through cherry blossoms.” Attentively, you listen, squinting a bit when he gets technical to try and picture the project you have a hard time making up alone in your mind.
Imagination and creativity have always been his thing. He had you impregnated with it long ago because he is too passionate and too much of a sharer to allow you to keep away from all arts -because you can’t hold a pencil straight without panicking at the idea of having to draw something- which you would have gladly done if it weren't for him. He’s the gifted one. And his drawings, either on paper, screen or skin, have always been a subject of huge admiration for you. You’re a bit ashamed to admit it but you’ve never really touched to anything really artistic. You often don’t really get it. But his stuff does something to you -and not only because you adore him but actually impartially. There’s no finesse, no pertinency, no trait nor emotion you’ve acknowledged and connected to better than the ones he creates. “You know this scene where he’s struggling against the little paper thingies and he’s flying through them and they’re going everywhere, I was thinking that, replace them with cherry blossoms. And there would be little petals like everywhere around it. Sounds cool?”
“It sounds fantastic.” You say honestly. You’re impressed by every single one of his projects. Always surprised, somehow, by the pieces he ends up making. Sometimes scrolling through the Instagram page he uses as a book, where he publishes his most elaborated, most expensive pieces and while recognizing his touch, the delicacy in his traits, the peculiar curls of certain lines, the overall feel to them, there’s always this sort of paradoxical disbelief. How could this kid make these and at the same time, who else but him to have made these?
Cute nose scrunches up. 
“I’ll send you my drawings when I’m done with them.”
“Cool.” He is mimicking you. Same pose with the head nod and the leg cross. Same tone and same expression apart from the discreet light dancing in his eye. “So what’s up? You needed to talk to me about something yesterday, didn’t you?”
It takes a second for you to remember as the drastic change in your mood makes it seem the distressed text you sent him yesterday, right when you left work, was written a whole week ago. You don’t remember very well having felt so stressed and pissed off, pushed to your very limits by useless co-workers, that you felt the urgent need to rant about it all, vent your anger and frustration out to him. He was busy and didn’t answer right away. You got home, find the comfort of your sweater sitting on the warm heater and the glorious stand of your dildo and it all went away, bad mood, headache, grudges. 
Of course, it awakes a wave of shame within you. If you have been able to use it without feeling guilt nor embarrassment on your own, it’s something else to think about it in front of Jungkook. You’ve made sure not to think about this dildo in front of him ever. But here, it’s him recalling it to you without even knowing. 
Whatever, you can pretend that everything’s normal. With a barely natural cough, and the even more suspicious dismissive wave of the hand, you try to kill the conversation, “It was just my coworker getting on my nerves again, it’s whatever.”
Jungkook is watching you soundly. It’s nothing unusual for him. He’s the kind of persons that lean in when they listen to you, you never know how conscious they are of it but it’s like they really mean to make you feel important and heard. Therefore it shouldn’t worry you, he’s just doing his usual thing. 
It still makes you grow increasingly more nervous. 
It is factual that it is never “whatever”. The topic of your stupid dumb bitch of a coworker messing with you has always been a pressing subject you, every now and then, more often than you’d like, needed to ramble about to anyone willing to listen because she tended to make your life a pure living hell. The job sucks in itself but she made it a hundred times worse. And here you are, dismissing it. How suspicious. 
“When you texted me yesterday, I thought it was for something bad.” He starts, frowning and staring deep inside the empty cookie package sitting on the table. “Then I saw you earlier and I thought it was for something really good, because of your face.”
“What’s up with my face?” You try to play it cool. Play it nonchalant and oblivious. If you can’t see the aura of contentment he can visibly observe around you, surely you’ve seen the glow up your skin has encountered since you’ve started using this sex toy. Unexpected benefit of using it that wasn’t even listed on the box, the stress it’s relieved and the pleasure it’s given have just cleared your skin out. Unbelievable but true. And apparently, he noticed. 
“I don’t know. You look really... contented.”
You shrug, looking down, at the crumbs on your side of the table, praying silently that the embarrassment you feel creeping up your face doesn’t show. “I’ve been used to you looking tired and all but you look-“ Like every single once of misery has been fucked out of your system. “Lately, you look... good.” The chosen adjective makes you tilt your head. For so many reasons, you didn’t expect to hear this one and for similar reasons, you don’t understand what he means. Without having you saying aloud anything, he gets your dubious grimace and chuckles, “Rejuvenated, actually.” Even worse.
To simplify in a few words, you used to look like an old decrepit hag and now that you’ve been thoroughly fucked -by yourself technically but still- you look rejuvenated. A word literally no one ever uses in real life.
You detest that he’s probably right. And now, embarrassment is not creeping but actually moving in, with all its stuff and luggage. Hopefully though, again, it doesn’t show on your stupid youthful face. “Are my compliments making you blush?”
“You can’t make me blush, moron. And if you think those were compliments then-“ You give him big wide eyes of “well fuck” and of course he laughs at that. 
“Indeed, I can’t make you blush.” He has his serious, investigating type of expression again. You almost expect him to fetch a little notebook out of his pocket and start scribbling observations while asking you more questions. 
“What’s making you blush then?”
“I’m not blushing, it’s just hot.” His eyebrows jump in a rude disagreeing curve. You don’t get why. It can happen, to be hot outside, at the near end of Korea’s winter, while simultaneously having red and painful looking fingers on the verge of congelation desperately seeking warmth in your pockets. 
And maybe because it’s not the first time, he’s getting better at catching the signs, at drawing the lines in between the clues. Your caricatural post-orgasm happy face, your systematic defensiveness whenever the conversation is leading somehow to your sexuality, the blatant tell of shame on your cheeks when there’s nothing else ever that embarrass you in front of him. There’s only the common cause missing and quickly, ignoring completely your attempts at diverting the conversation on something else, a giant light bulb turns on on top of his head. It brings the light of understanding through his eyeballs who suddenly look extra bright. 
“You used it.” For a second, you consider packing up your things and just leave this fucking terrace along with the conversation. But you’re cold as fuck, the way home seems like too much torture to be going through alone.
Why are you like this?
Maybe there’s a vain hope that it will lead to some resolution. Some pleasant resolution. Maybe he won’t talk about it ever again if you just accept to have this conversation without showing the stubborn reluctance you’ve used each time. 
“Yes, I did. So what?” His grin is blinding. It’s one of the very very wide, very very bright ones. So wide it shows all his teeth and it doesn’t even look like the cute bunny smile anymore. It’s the predatory grin. It’s intimidating to solely focus on therefore you chose to pick the corner of his eyes and the top of his nose, all wrinkled up that have anything but intimidation to them. 
“You have no idea how happy that makes me.” You grimace. Indeed. You have no idea because you don’t even fucking understand. 
“You’re a weirdo.”
“I’m just happy you used my dildo.” You scoff and almost choke at both his phrasing and the way he so naturally says the word while you’re outside. There’s no one as dumb as you to sit outside with this weather but still, someone passing by could hear. 
Maybe there’s no deep further explanation to look for. Maybe it’s literally as simple as him getting you a present and him being happy that you found usefulness to it. Like most people. People are saddened sometimes pissed when they flop with presents. Maybe it’s that simple. 
“Don’t say it like that.” He cackles like a witch and you know, that once again he’s just messing with you, knowing exactly what to do or say to tickle your patience. 
“So I can gather it was good?” The worse of the nervous wave has passed. He asks quite nonchalantly. Perhaps it’s your ego wanting that but you hate the idea that you’d find yourself in a situation where he’s clearly more adult than you -even if on so many levels he is. If he can talk about it then you can. Try. You can try. 
“Hm. Was nice.” You kind of sound the way you do when as a teen your mom would ask you about your day and you just didn’t want to answer because of laziness, lack of interest, lack of willingness to share, but that will do. He nods, smiles with his lips tight, rather fondly. 
“How many times did you use it?”
Taking a deep breath, you mumble, shrugging faux casualness, “A few times.” More like a dozen times but he doesn’t need the details, does he? He nods again, still smiling, taking in your answer. 
“Cool.” And he’s satisfied. With the answer and the turns of events as it seems.
There you go, you did it.
You resolved the thing.
Now he can leave you alone with your fantasies and your -not his but your- dildo and there wouldn’t be any further occasion to bring it up. You might be a coward but it’s perfectly fine by you.
Sounds absolutely peachy.
If he chooses to play his part right.
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A/N: oh myyy, we’re getting somewhere arn’t we? i really hope you enjoyed this part, let me know your thoughts, scream your frustration, i’m all ears (or eyes). next update will be a double one because the first part is quite short. hoping you’re excited. i wish you a beautiful sunday and a lovely week. take care, lots of lots love.
Tag list: @infernal-alpaca​ @kaepjjangiya​ @channiespup​ @jinsonaz​ @kpopfandomftw​ @ggukkieland​ (sorry love)
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bloodycassian · 3 years
 Cauldron Damned. 
Reader x Cassian + Feyre BFF
Prompt -  bestie bestie bestie a cassian x reader fic where reader helps feyre with the cauldron - not rhys and she ya know  like rhys did and cassian basically breaks down and it’s super angsty but rhys lives so the reader gets to aswell ig tag @ bellefleurs and @ eerievixen
Her hair was a mess and painted to her neck with sweat but you still held her. Still gave and gave, until you were out of breath. Until you could feel yourself slipping. "Keep going.... You're doing so good." You panted out, trying to put a smile in your tone. She was the Mother herself, forging that cursed Cauldron back together.  Rhys was breathing heavily behind you after being knocked out by Lucien. You had given the Autumn court son a look and he had known what you needed him to do. Rhys would be snarling mad when he woke, but you knew what you had to do. To save your home, to save the entire world. Feyre was ready to risk it all, fearless and full of hope. You had to save that hope for your Court. Better you than her, better the high lady and lord survive than just an officer. You smiled at the thought of what you'd told Cassian before this final battle. Before you knew it would turn into saving the entire world from the Cauldron's vengeance.  "You better make damn sure my memorial statue looks fantastic. No priestess, though. Make sure it makes my wings stand out." You joked on the flight to the base camp. Cassian danced around death like he was it's balancing point. Like he was in tune with each and every death or life dealt. He laughed at your abruptness on the subject.  After months of skittering around each other, of trying not to stare too long or acknowledge that pull you felt towards him... It was nice to finally be alone. To let that tension ease out with a few jokes. It was too easy to be with him, like you'd known him much longer in the year of preparation for this battle.  "And you better make sure my wings are bigger than yours on that sculpture." He banked around a large cliffside and you followed, like a magnet. Like you could read his mind, you turned when he did. He rose with you, compensating for the cool mountain wind.  You rolled your eyes dramatically, flapping a bit higher than him for emphasis as you drawled out "Poor War General, his wing size matters so much to him." He shrugged, circling lower and lower with you until you were on the ground together amid a clearing. The grass was soft, covered in early morning dew. "Some say wing size dosen't matter, you know." You said with a wink, making him double over with laughter. It made you begin laughing too when he started running out of breath.  Once you had both collected yourselves, You began building a fire together. Rather, a massive bonfire that was to act as the signal to the army for where to move. His face was grim when he threw the last of the logs together. You understood why. "The Kings army will be here before us." You said, voice low. He only nodded. You kneeled in the wet grass, one knee down the other one supporting your wrist bracer. He followed you silently.  You spoke in unison, the ancient words from all the Illyrian warriors before you: "Name me God of Death today. Let us bring that name to those who do us wrong." + Feyre muttered something you couldn't hear. The darkness crept further in on you. You could see some light between your blurred vision. You could see how her hands lit up the cracks in the ancient stonework. You could feel her practically vibrating with the strain.  Your tears dribbled on to her shoulder, knowing these would be your final moments with her. Your final moments in this world. There was no better way you'd spend it than saving her. Spending those last few minutes being able to tell her how amazing she was. You felt her smile when you leaned your head against hers. Your heart ached. You whispered what you hoped were encouraging words in her ear. A rupture of sound- a crack fully mended -and your chest filled with blooming pride at your friend.  There was something crackling, ripping. You weren't sure if it was inside you or if it was the magic Feyre was performing. There was a gasp behind you and rustling, but you dared not take your concentration away from her. Away from how she leaned back into you. Dared not speak a word to distract her other than giving her those little jabs of confidence when she started to shake.  "You got it, Feyre. You can do this." You managed, before that caving feeling in your chest seemed to give in. You were breaking, you knew that much. But she wasn't done yet. Your breath leaked out from you, like you were being squeezed.  "Make it all worth it, Feyre." You managed to whisper out before you could no longer hold yourself up anymore. You laid back, your legs wrapped around her, mirroring her own. You hooked a foot on top of hers and gave her what you could from where you crumpled.  Death was easy, slow. Like a soft lullaby taking you away. You knew what lay before your body, and only hoped you were enough to get Feyre to where she could mend the rest on her own. You gave her all of your soul, all your being. She had to make it. You let the wave of that soft lullaby take you under.  + Cassian didnt think before shoving his way through the crowd into the tent. Didnt consider what he might find there, and how his heart may be ripped from him at the sight of it. The death that crept at that tent was a feeling he wouldnt forget in a thousand lifetimes.  His best friends lying unconscious on the floor before the cauldron. He went numb, still like a cold glacier. Lucien frantically shook Rhys, attempting to wake him. Cassian's head roared and he was falling to his knees at your side. He took your head in his lap, gently. As if he could still hurt you. He didn't notice he was crying until he saw the fat teardrops on your cheek. He wiped them away, leaving dirt smeared there. Another yell of anguish, and Rhys was coming to. From the sound of the yelling or from Lucien shaking him.  Azriel entered the tent then, solemn. Then his eyes widened. Those shadows darted around the room, taking each member of the court into account. The shadowmaster rushed to Feyre, checking her pulse and sighing. He noted the way your leg tangled around hers. His heart gave a painful squeeze. He saw both his brothers in agony. And he swore on his life there would be no place for the cauldron to be found again. Cassian cradled his mate's head in his lap, rocking gently. Rhys' dark power cracked the sky outside the tent once he was conscious.  Rhys rushed to Feyre, scooping her in his arms. He brushed her hair back from her face. Azriel could practically hear the mental screaming coming from both of them. The shadowmaster laid a hand on top of yours, closing his eyes and letting his tendrils of power, of those whispering shadows reach out. They circled your head, slowly like a snake.  He felt that song then, singing back with his own. The essence of your soul, dancing around your aura.  His eyes flashed open in surprise, then a manic laugh rumbled from his chest. "Rhys-" He breathed, pulling his attention away from a waking Feyre. Cassian looked up in a flash at his brothers, watching them exchange looks.  "Bring my mate back now." Cassian growled at Rhys. The tone was utterly deadly. Promises of death from the Lord of Bloodshed if his command was not answered. Azriel's eyes darted between his brothers. As if he was expecting Cassian to attack. The high lord would have been gaping at him if he hadn't experienced the same pain of almost losing a mate. He nodded, pulling himself together long enough to enter your vacant mind. Then the cauldron was humming, as he dipped a mental hand into it as well. +  Rhys' commanding voice rang out over your land of lavender and sunshine. "She will miss you." His voice was soft, but the attention it drew was still there. The meadow you laid in was softer than any silk in Velaris. More luxurious than any chair made to accompany your wings. You sighed, taking in the sweet scent before he spoke again.  "Too much, I believe. Especially when she hears about what you did to save her." He appeared at the edge of the soft meadow, the grass around him waving like the sea. You sat up, dazzled at the sight of him here. In such a bright, lovely place. His tanned face seemed to glow with the smile he held for you. "I'm tired." You said, voice groggy. You wanted to lay back down. You closed your eyes, for just a second and when you opened again he was in front of you, crouched. He held a tattooed hand out, giving you a nod. "Just come with me and you can nap all you want." His eyes sparkled. Not with that starlit power, but with tears ready to spill over.  You took that hand and closed your eyes.  + Feyre's warm hand in yours was the first thing you felt when you woke. Rhys held her in the corner atop a pelt rug beside you. The brothers leaned against each other. Rhys played with Feyre's hair as she rested. The sight of them together, him protecting her so well made your heart sing in approval. you knew she always deserved someone as good as Rhys. The fire where the Cauldron once was made the tent cozy. There were no sounds other than the soft breathing and the occasional pop of wood on the fire.   Azriel sat at the door, sword on his lap. Ready to kill if anyone dared enter. Then, you looked to the softness that cradled you. Cassian's face was covered in dirt, blood and more. He looked exhausted. Like he had been beaten, lost and beaten again. You tried a weak smile at him.  Clean rivers ran down from his eyes, revealing the dark skin underneath. "I couldn't let you get a statue without me." He said, voice trembling. You smiled the best you could and reached a hand to stroke his cheek.  "How-" You began, but he shushed you. "Just..rest for now. We can talk in the morning." He brushed a thumb over a silent tear that trickled from your eye. You nodded, and let him pull the blanket more firmly around you. Lulling you to sleep with soft humming.
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ablackfangirlwrites · 3 years
Jealous ll
Part 2!!!! I linked the sone again cause its a bop and I love it also heres pt one!
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You had had enough
Thats what you kept telling yourself
As you got ready tonight
You weren't going sit in the house anymore waiting for keigo to show up whenever he felt like it
Tonight you were going out for you
You thought about how you used to have fun, how you used to be happy
And how miserable you had been lately and you decided
If Keigo didnt appreciate you anymore
Then you'd find someone who would
So thats why you found yourself looking in the mirror admiring how well you dressed up tonight to go out
You almost forgot how hot you were when you put in a little effort
You had originally stopped because keigo would tell you how beautiful and perfect you were without make up or anything
But now you were on the prowl for someone new to notice you and keigo's words meant little to nothing to you right now
Tonight you were gonna find someone to show you just a little bit of attention you craved so much and it wasnt going to be keigo
Just then you saw keigo staring at you from the reflection in mirror
he was home unusually eailer
"Dont you have to work?" You asked bitterly
"Where are you going?" He asked ignoring your statement
Sighed and rolling your eyes and picking up your purse you turned to him before leaving the bedroom, "Out. You don't have to wait up for me."
"You're being ridiculous y/n."
He said following you but you ignored him
"Y/n? Y/n?" He kept calling you, "You cant just go out an-"
"And why not?" You turned to him before you left the apartment, "according to you were not even really dating-"
"You know why that is." He told you seriously
You huffed out a fake laugh, "yeah, but its still okay for you to flirt with anyone?"
Keigo didnt respond to that making you chuckle, "Exactly...like I said im going out dont wait up." Then you slammed the door leaving.
You knew you were being unreasonable with him
You knew the two of you needed to just talk and make up
But you kept letting your anger from all your arguments cloud your judgment
Because you just wanted him to feel the same hurt and jealously you had been feeling more then anything
Keigo stared at the door you had just slammed
Things somehow got worse in the following days after your argument on your anniversary
You refused to talk to him
He tried to apologize to you but you basically brushed him off
Keigo wasn't sure what to think you said you hated him, you wouldnt sleep in the bed with him
Yet you hadn't packed up and left so that was good right?
But that distance that was growing between the two of you was wider then before
And he didnt know what to do to fix it
And now you were going out clearly dressed to find someone else
Did you really hate him? Had you really had enough of him?
Hell, he couldnt even blame you if you did he thought
You had put up with so much of him up until now
And maybe some of what you said the other night was true? Had he gotten too comfortable with you always being there?
But that was only because he loved you
Keigo was truly in love with you, and dispite you suspensions he never cheated on you
And he would never do that, you were the only one he wanted even now when you two seemed to be at each others throats
He still wanted you, and he couldn't picture his life without you
So thats why he ended up following you to the bar you were currently at
He made sure you hadnt noticed him staying in the back out of your sight
And he hated what he saw
He saw you having fun
You had met up with some of your girlfriends the three of you all laughing and drinking
You acting like you didnt have a care in the world, like the two of you didnt argue before you left out
Having a good time as if you didnt leave him alone in the house
He watched you dancing as though you were having the time of your life as other mean stared and gawked at you
He watched as a guy singled you out and was clearly flirting with you
And worst you let him and was encouraging him
You kept touching his shoulder laughing at his jokes letting him dance against you
Words couldnt describe the irritation he felt watching
He wanted nothing more then to rip that mans hands off you and fly away with you in his arms
But part of him felt like he deserved this
This feeling he had, was it how you felt?
If so he needed to fix this, was all that he could think
And he was about to go to you, but before he could someone called out his name
"Hey! Hawks is here!"
Fuck he said to himself when a crowd started to form around him
His eyes then connected with yours knowing you heard he was here
And for a moment he thought you were gonna come up to him
But instead you kept talking to the random guy ignoring him
Hawks wanted to go to you and talk to just take you back home
But was having trouble getting away from the crowd
He was all smiles talking to his fans but the whole time he kept his eyes on you
But somehow it became a battle to see who was going to be more stubborn
You continued to dance with the random guy, but now you knew keigo was here watching you
You convinced yourself not to care, you came here to have fun and he wasnt going to ruin it for you
But thats just what he was doing as you watched him talk to some random girl now
He was here to get under you skin, you were sure of it
But two could play this little game
Both of you having this little war with each other watching each other from across the room
And you couldnt lie you were enjoying it a bit
Seeing his eyes watching you, knowing he had to be feeling the sting of jealousy as another man held you close
But It all came to a head when you saw the girl he was dancing with lips on his neck
He wasnt looking at you when you saw that all his attention clearly on her
You couldn't deny the sharp feeling in your chest at the sight
And not wanting to see anymore you left the dance floor telling the guy you needed to go to the bathroom
Hawks pulled away from the handsy fan
Denying anymore of her advances
Yeah he had been trying to get under your skin now but thats was a bit much
But now when he looked up to find you again, only to see you were gone
His stomach sank
Where did you go? You had to had just seen that?
Did you leave with that guy? Hawks started to panic when he didnt seem him either
Where did you go? Why was he being so stupid just now? He should have just went to talk to you
Just then keigo noticed the guy you had been flirting with at the bar and went up to him
"The girl you were dancing with? Where'd she go?"
The guy looked at him like he was crazy "whats it too you?" He challenged him
But keigo wasnt in a playful mood and grabbed the man by the collar, "Answer the question asshole."
The guy quickly put his hands up in defeat, "she just said-
He heard his name called out and looked behing him to see you
"What are- you are so unbelievable." Yku shook your head storming off
You couldn't believe him he had the audacity to attack the guy you had been talking to
It didnt take much thought to figure out why
And it annoyed you to no end
So keigo could flirt and let girls kiss all over him but if you had a guy around you that was too much
He was such a hypocrite
You were angry your whole way back home
You stood in the mirror once you got back
But with a different feeling in your stomach then the feeling you had before you left
You felt defeated your plans of fun had been ruined and you felt like your back in the same spot you had been in
Hawks was giving you a little bit of space taking his time getting back home
Because now you were probably madder than before at him
When hr got in he saw you had just got out the shower
You heard him call out your name But you ignored him
Y/n, you have to listen to me."
You werent going to turned around but before you knew it he hugged you from behind
"Im sorry."
"Let go of me hawks." You spat out but he didnt budge
"Just listen to me y/n..."
"Why are we doing this to each other?" You asked quietly, "Why do you keep hurting me? What are we even doing? It clearly isnt wor-"
"Ive been an idiot, y/n."
Keigo buried his face in your neck, "I've been so stupid, but please please dont leave me."
You were trying to fight back tears, "I dont want to leave you keigo....but I cant-"
"Dont say you can't with me anymore. I need you." Keigo pleaded holding you tighter
You were so frustrated
You still loved him, you still wanted to be with him, because when things are good between you they're great
But the way your relationship had been it was becoming too much
But you wanted to stay with him
Because you loved him
You moved your hands and held on to his arms secretly enjoying his embrace that you missed so much
"I know you mean well keigo-"
"I love you so much y/n," keigo cut you off again, "I know ive been an asshole, ive been neglectful, ive been the worst, but dont give up on me. Please."
You finally turned around to face him and hugged him back
You could see the sincerity in his eyes as you did "I love you too keigo but I just cant do this- we keep hurting each other...thats not what your supposed to do to the people you love."
Keigo pulled back "You want me to tell everyone about us? I will." He told you, "You want me to tell you everything ive been doing I will, I promise you Ill to whatever it takes to fix us. I dont want to live the way we have anymore."
You knew he was serious and your heart leaped hearing his words but you werent sure
"You're the only one I want y/n" he said giving you a light kiss
Almost like he was asking for permission
"Ill do whatever it takes for you to forgive me."
He said inbetween kisses, "you're so important to me, im sorry i made you think you weren't."
You couldnt lie he was finally saying everything you wanted to hear
And you wanted to believe him
"You promise?" You asked him
"I promise."
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
It's sentimental that makes Dabi pick it up. Same as the first time, but diffrent as well. The little pot and the soil, the eggshells put at the bottom.
Dabi dosen't garden anymore. He expects it to die anyways.
The evidence of how terribly Hawks takes care of things is evident throughout his apartment.
It's just, if there was anything that brought him more discomfort than Keigo's Enji plush, it was the plant Touya had once given Hawks.
It had been stupid. Practical in a way. He remembered deciding it would be a good gift, one that could have come from anyone. Could sit on Keigo's desk and brighten his day. It's rather ridiculous now.
Keigo keeps the pitiful thing on a shelf. Its died several times from neglect, its needs not even attempted to be met. Secluded here where he forgets about it. Which, would be fine. Dabi may have honestly preferred it that way, a dead thing sitting forgotten in the corner until it was more dust than plant.
Hawks remembered it sometimes. That was the issue. He'd remember it and throw some water on it. It would sprout again, just to kill it. Unfortunately Touya had given him a plant that evidently seeded rather easily. When their relationship had been soft smiles and hidden kisses, dreams of moving out. Of being more open with each other without fear of getting caught.
Keigo couldn't keep his mouth shut.
"What's that?" Hawks interrupted Dabi's sulking as he firmly patted the new plant down.
"A plant. Stop killing that one on the shelf. Throw it out." He grumbled.
"I've told you. It does that." Hawks snipped at him as he investigated the new one. "I don't really like plants anyways. The one I have is a exception."
"Let this one die too then." Dabi stood up and stretched carefully. Joints cracking and stiff. He didn't remember the name of this plant either. Just that it took time and effort, died easy from what he remembered of the card. Keigo would kill it anyways, this one wouldnt come back.
"Who's the other one from? A fan?"
"It's a secret, promised I'd never tell." Keigo gave him a teasing grin.
Sure the Hero wouldn't tell anyone now. Touya seemed to be a part of Hawks life he didn't let go. The plant he kept reviving like it was going to bring the dead boy he'd had a hand in killing back to life.
"Who would even trust you with a Secret birdie?"
"Touya was the one that kissed me. We've been dating for almost a year. I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone." Keigo word vomited everything to his handler. As Touya was frozen on the plush chair in a nameless room at a nameless event he'd been dragged to.
"Keigo, stop. Please stop." Hed barely managed to whisper.
Tears streaked down Touya's cheeks and he pressed his hands together between his knees so they stopped shaking so noticeably.
Keigo's handler had shushed him, encouraging Keigo to speak.
"I just, I'm tired of keeping it a secret. I want permission to go on a official date with Touya. Next month Mark's our first anniversary."
"I suppose, the press could be favorable." Keigo's handler had hummed. "Provided of course, that Touya's patents agree."
Touya hadn't lived past that weekend.
Hawks leaves the plant Dabi gave him alone. It sprouts, growing just to test thing as living things do. Grows big enough that if Hawks had wanted, he could have placed a key underneath the leaves. Feeding off the dead things Dabi had placed in the bottom. Keigo could have given Dabi the ticket to his apartment with it. In theory anyways with how big the dumb thing got. Let Dabi in whenever he was cold or wet, hungry or just wanted to wait for his bird to come home.
Instead it stays where Dabi placed it after he was done. Beside Hawks kitchen counter.
It dies a few weeks after it stops growing. Giving up and withering quickly.
Dabi puts his cigarette buts out in it. Keigo keeps reviving Touya's gift all the same.
Later, Hawks will water the Dabi's plant, for the shriveled stems and leaves to turn to mush. Petals long since dissolved into it's own soil. Touya's plant gave up a week before. Refusing to be revived or reseed. No matter how much care and attention is done to it now.
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its-afucking-mess · 2 years
one petergwen edit introduced me to a song and now i have to write soft angst about it w ethan i guess
stan "only love can hurt like this" by paloma faith. just do it i promise u wont regret it.
an interpretation (one of ones i have) for the song, with our beloved ethan torchio, since he's the one that is mostly headcannoned to be less for long term commitment (which. same king)
There isn't any reason you wouldnt be together. Why you should limit yourselves to few encounters in the dead silence of the night, few kisses and lingering touches.
But you do, because you can't bring any opposition to the rules. There isn't a way to fight the system, or search for where the problem stems and pull at the roots.
Ethan had been adamant about this. He would never cross lines, expected you to act similarly. Things had ended and restarted from various passionate moments between the two of you, whether fighting and yelling at night, or making up and making out in the soft, warm mornings.
What are the lines? They appear blurry, still are to your eyes. It was one thing. It was that deadly kiss that dragged you both, that stitched your hearts together and made your separation impossible. Hiding in alleys, just like drug addicts do, waiting for the fix that are those deadly, dreadful kisses. Exhausting on one hand, necessary on the other.
You can number the times you haven't managed without him, or his soft embrace, the raven locks that framed his face so prettily. Every time he left, it was a knife in your chest, a wound that itched and itched and itched. And you try to convice yourself, you say "Ethan has no hold on me", and then you crumble to pieces, waiting for his gentle hands to put you back together. Even if the trembles run harsh through you when he's there.
You tell yourself that you don’t care when his lips don’t even quirk with recognition as your eyes meet backstage. They used to. But the distant laughs and the charming smiles are gone. Even the teasing, the one that now, you want. Anything. Anything but this. This indifference. This cold. Anything but the cold. Not when the same lips would burn their way across your skin at night.
You tell yourself that you don’t care when his eyes glide carelessly over you as you face each other on the stage. They used to tell you everything. They used to glint with challenge, shine with glee. They’re empty now. Anything but this. This emptiness. This cold. Not when they burn with desire as you press your bodies flush together during the chilly winter nights. You can’t stand this cold from him. Not when he's the one who warmed you when the rest of the world was freezing.
You tell yourself you don’t even like him. He's exactly the kind of person you despised. He is never sorry. He never regrets anything. Not the spiteful things he has said. Not the things he did. Except you. He regrets you. What you had is nothing more than a stain to him.
And that is why you despise him.
Yes. You despise him.
But then, why does it hurt so much? Why is your soul being swallowed by a chasm of pain? Why is your heart hammering itself into shards of glass that pierce your body from the inside? Why do you ache, why do you scream, why do you hurt if you doesn’t care?
Only love can hurt like this.
Only love can make you feel as if your heart will shred itself to pieces with wanting so much. Only love can make your chest collapse, deflate completely, suffocating you with desire, unable to take another breath. Only love can make your eyes sting hot and cold at once. Sting as if whipped by a freezing wind in a flaming room. All because he can’t admit he wants you too. Not even in those painful, self-indulgent nights in dark streets and bankrupt dinners.
And then he tells you. He tells you it all, one night.
You never tell him anything. And he tells you this.
I don’t want to hurt anymore.
And you know. You know his heart is ripping itself apart too. You know his chest is heaving too. You know his eyes are hot with tears. 
Because he loves you, still.
Because only love can hurt like this.
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eijie-cavies · 3 years
Wen Kexing and the great divide.
So as we all know Episode 32 and 33 has left us with a plethora of questions and the fans are divided in terms of their view on Wen Kexing's plan. Tbh that is to be expected if you look at it. It was an asshole move to hide everything from A-Xu and leave him to find his soulmate's dead body only to find holy shit this motherfucker is alive still what the hell. And so a lot of the fans sided with the argument that Wen Kexing never learned and was acting like a selfish lone wolf. But today i am here to try to analyze the plan between Scorpion king, Wen Kexing and Ye bai Ye.
Please keep in mind i haven't watched the entirety of the show yet and so some theories here might not fit in with the rest of Kexing's explanation for the next episode.
Also thid will contain spoilers so please be warned.
Alright let's start. I will be dividing this analysis into parts. 1st part is the show's script and budgeting and why they chose the route that the went with.
2nd part is my theories on the heroes conference and why it was rushed as well as the timeline.
And lastly Wen Kexing's POV and the analysis for his plan and why he did what he did keeping A-Xu in mind as well.
A few extra bonuses is the romeo and juliet plot and why i think it had to be in the plot somehow.
So lets start, sit down and grab a drink for this you will need it.
1st part.
Scriptwriting and budgeting.
This show was supposed to have 45 episode and so the plot would have had more time to marinate and kick in if it weren't for the shortening of the epsiode.
With this in mind the scriptwriter had originally planned for this 45 episode and sadly we won't probably know what was supposed to happen if it weren't cut to 36 episode. But we do have Wolong nuts to thank for giving the drama sponsorship and making the drama into 36 rather than 32. If we had only 32 episodes in this drama everything would have felt too rushed and fast paced. And so to have to cut 9 episodes worth of plot the screewriter was put in a tight spot on how to cram three different events. Namely the kidnapping, the exposing of Zhao Jing and of course the wedding plot as well.
Thus the Romeo and Juliet plot was born. We will be discussing this plot in depth later on in the analysis. Nonetheless if they have had all the freedom and budget it would have been nice to see a plot of Zhou Zishu, Wen Kexing and The Scorpion King all work together to bring Zhao Jing down. For now let us work on the plot given to us.
2.) Timeline.
The heroes conference is a huge deal, this is where EVERYONE of big sects and names gather in the martial arts world, its the equivalent of the whole world witnessing everything. This event is a big part of the plan that the three accomplices had, if they didn't act right away Wen Kexing and Xie'er (Scorpion King) wouldn't have had the chance to expose Zhao Jing in the future, because like what the beauty ghost relayed, once the heroes conference is over Zhao Jing planned on killing Xie'er and eradicating the ghost valley. There would have been no other time to take him down, no time to wait for another heroes conference as Zhao Jing would have risen in power already, they would have been too powerful to stop and the merits he would have gained by then would be multiplies, the people wouldnt see him as evil anymore. Therefore it was crucial to strike at the time where they are most vulnerable and the seed of doubt was still fresh, if they had waited, everyone would have disregarded Wen Kexing as a mad man and praised Zhao Jing for saving them from the purges of the ghost valley.
And scorpion king? Who would believe him if he was the only one to take a stand? His Godfather no doubt would have acted as if he didnt know what Scorpion was saying and act innocent. Even if he was spared Scorpion had no allies other than Wen Kexing who's allies was also born out of the same hatred they had for Zhao Jing. Everyone was forced to act swiftly, it was an all or none kind of situation. Now if we backtrack to the previous episodes, not two episode ago Zhou Zishu was heavily injured because of the kidnapping and was given no time to properly heal before everything needed to be set. As you can see in episode 31 Wen Kexing was in a hurry to meet Xie'er, don't you think it was iffy that he would leave A-Xu like that if he was still injured? The Wen Kexing that we all know would not have moved a single inch from Zhou Zishu's side if he were injured. And this is because of a lot of things which we will be getting to in the third part of the analysis.
Now on the subject of the plan and how Chengling had somehow gotten a hold of it. Simple, Ye bai Yi. He is free to roam around, sending messages and talking to people behind the scenes, we never really knew what he did after he left Wen kexing at four seasons manor and the reason why he had agreed on the rushed reopening of the heroes conference. but if you think about it it fits with the timeline. Zhao Jing wanted to reopen the heroes conference and Ye Bai Yi was sure that they were out to hunt down the chief of the ghost valley. If you remember the letter in episode 27 you will understand.
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Why did they get that letter in the first place when the four seasons manor wasnt even fully restored yet? The martial arts world didnt even know that Zishu was on the road to reopening it and yet he got an invitation. This is Ye Bai Yi's first clue and a nudge for Wen Kexing to take action. This leads us to part 3. Wen Kexing's plan.
3. Wen Kexing's plan.
Now the question is why didn't Wen Kexing think to tell Zhou Zishu his plan? Simple. He is heavily injured. Now i was stuck here as well because i would have thought, why couldnt he just trust Zishu of his plan? BUT you all have forgotten this.
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Wen Kexing has asked this two times, he wanted tell Chengling already so the kid could process it before he could stage his plan and possibly even tell Zhou Zishu on how he can use the heroes conference as an event where he can expose Zhao Jing. But Zhou Zishu was kidnapped, tortured and injured. There was no time to tell him of the plan without him having to stop Wen Kexing from doing it. At first i thought this didnt make sense, Wen should have trusted Zishu enough to carry on without distrubance right? Well a very nice person in Youtube provided some very interesting and eye opening points for me.
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And they are right, if i were Wen kexing i wouldn't want to burden Zishu of having to wait around thinking where i went off to, why do you think he told A-Xiang to take care of Zishu and promised to go back in one piece?
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A-Xiang was also kept in the dark of the plan, the only plan she knew was that Wen Kexing is planning to have an alliance with the scorpion king and thats it. He didnt fully disclose everything either.
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Wen Kexing's plan was simple, after he was regarded as "Dead" he probably would have went home to tell Zhou Zishu he was completely fine and it was all a ruse to trap Zhao Jing. BUT the problem was that Zishu set out to find him, Bei Yuan and Da Wu couldn't stop him either as they had no time to explain everything without Zishu panicking. Like i said this was all too rushed of a plan for Zishu to comprehend specially when he needed to heal as fast as possible.
What they could only do is give Zishu a medicine to ensure that if he ever did take out the nails he would still be okay. And that was the downfall of Kexing's plan. He didnt expect Zishu to have escaped his friends watchful eyes and go to the siege, ever wonder why Kexing said this when Zishu arrived?
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He was trying to convince Zishu to leave, make him believe that Wen Kexing is out for blood. But Zishu didn't fall for it, instead he stayed which was NOT a part of the plan at all. There was nothing Kexing could have done now, the siege was happening and he could only play along and move forward. And if you look closely again just as they were about to attack Kexing, Ye Ba Yi came to fight Kexing at the VERY right time, and who fought Zhou Zishu?
The three ghosts WuChang, his subordinate and Happy ghost. Why didn't anyone else go for Zishu? They could have had the scorpions attack him but they chose the Ghosts who are a part of Wen Kexing's valley, mind you these three ghosts were there when they rescued Zishu wouldn't it just sound stupid if they were fighting Zishu to kill him? No. What they tried to do is separate Zishu from Wen Kexing. Ye Bai ye could have eliminated Wen in 10 moves, he said this himself. But they had this complicated dance that somehow landed Wen Kexing at the edge of the cliff and left Chengling to do the rest.
And so he fell and Zishu followed. If you look closely even Ye Bai Yi was surprised that Zhishu jumped. NONE of it was part of the plan. From the moment Zishu entered to the moment he jumped no one planned for it.
And if you are upset of Zishu having to see Kexing's dead body and breaking his heart, this again was NOT A part of the plan. Beauty ghost was there to protect the corpse, if the corpse had not been burned it would have been presented to the martial art world and Kexing would come back as a different person and telling them "They got it wrong. That corpse is the chief of the ghost valley, i am Wen Kexing the disciple of four seasons manor" and it would have been more belieavable. But plans went south, Zishu found the corpse further solidfying that Kexing (in his mind) is dead and so he took out the nails. Ke xing couldn't show himself to stop Zishu either, there was so little time and he couldn't risk himself be seen.
Some others had been in the dark of the plan as well, not just Zishu, and the reason Wen Kexing didn't dare tell him was not because he didn't trust Zishu to stay away and let the plan carry out, instead he know EXACTLY what this will do to Zishu. Wen Kexing's plan was to HIDE Zishu away until the conference ended. Because with Da Wu and Bei Yuan, there would have been no news about Ke Xing dying that would have reached their place and Zishu would have had all the time to recover as Ke Xing took revenge and finally come back home as a new person.
He NEEDED Zishu to stay away from the fight to help himself heal just enough to get the nails out.
His revenge done and his new goal to be with Zishu for the rest of their lives. But unfortunate events happened, Zishu found out and there was other way to go but forward.
Ever wonder why Kexing had this look on his face on episode 33?
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He wanted so bad to explain everything but the spotlight was on him and this was the only time he will be given the chance to take a stand. This is now between him and the Zhao Jing. Like everything there was nothing to do but move forward.
Now for bonus part.
Romeo and Juliet plot.
Romeo and Juliet plot is basically person A percieved as "Dead" and person B endagering their life to the brink of death only to find person A was alive and well but Person B is for real dying.
Now tbh i wasn't a big fan of the Romeo and Juliet plot, this was the reason why fans became so divided and saying Kexing didn't learn his lesson therefore lossing their faith in Kexing and Zishu's relationship. He was pervieved as childish and selfish, And tbh they would have had so many plot devices that they can use to maximize full on plotting and bringing down Zhao Jing. But going back to my first point of the budgeting im guessing the scriptwriter had struggled to cram it all in. It was already episode 33 and they still had two more plots to cram in (the wedding and curing Zishu) so im not as upset as much. In the end the whole staff gave their best and poured their heart and soul into the drama. On an ending note i'll just let this nice person do the talking for me
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Thank you for reading! If you guys have your own theories feel free to discuss or voice them out.
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nyan-koii · 3 years
Hashira ft. Sabito as genshin impact players
aunotes : Bad grammar ahead! I didnt proofread it so be aware of brain damage. plus i initially wrote it at the 1.6 update
PART 1 : T.Muichiro, R.Kyojuro, K.Shinobu, S.Sanemi, U.Tengen 
Muichiro : he probably would be uninterested at first. He's more to first person shooting game or anything other than this concept of farming or investing. So that's why when he saw yuichirou banging his fist on his desk, trying to get his fav character, he would simply just watch
"Fck this game, i've had enough,"
"But you havent finish your wishing things yet,"
Stares. "How about you give it a try mui. You might get the character i want,"
"You sure about that? You might get angry at me," "better than nothing. Now go go, get em you donkey,"
His first ten pulls on the game brings out a light we all want to see
Apparently, it was one of the luckiest wish yuichiro had ever seen so far
"I think i get your fav character?"
"Yeahh!! More than that to be honest. I want klee but you brought me two more person," sniffles and cries "you're really lucky mui. You should try and play the game,"
"It's probably the system. I doubt im that lucky tho,"
Nah, he really is lucky. Apparently he wished for his friends and got what they all really wanted for so long
"Thank you for getting me the aquila favonia, muichiro,"
"It's nothing really. I just simply press the button. It might be the system that's giving you the thing you want when i wish,"
"But still, even if i were to wish, i can get really scared and paranoid over it,"
"That's bad. You shouldnt invest yourself that much in the game tanjiro. It's just a game,"
"Ehehehe, i guess so. But you're really good at it muichiro! If you download it, we can play together :D!"
It took the word "play together" to get muichiro down on his knee for that game. Usually the idea of playing with your friends is not that interesting. So when tanjiro said that, you bet he's going to play it
Type of player
Extremely lucky it's not even real. He got a five star on the beginner's banner
Fast farming. He probably will complete all the quest and become an endgame player within one month
"I just wanted to play with tanjiro..." bashfully
He's really good with whatever he's doing. Attack combo, dodging, elemental reaction and all sorts of stuff. If he invest more of his time on artifacts, he would probably even one shot it!!
He's very lucky. Very
Kyojuro : he wouldnt even know the existence of this game. Well, he took a glimpse of it one day and boom, heart stolen. Maybe it was the fiery burning passion in bennett that made him play the game.
'oh wow!! What a determined young boy! Even though he has a very bad luck he still keep pushing forward! Amazing!!'
'I want to be like him'
Kyojuro's the type of player to read and pay attention to every single lore of his fav character. Bennett, oh my how he wish he could've had bennett in his team. Every wishes he made would make him a c6 bennett main if only barbara wont stop coming home
"I really like you barbara but i dont want you!! Thank you for the c6 though!! I promise to use you in the future but just-" he prepares to wish
"not NOW!!" Clicks
The highest con of bennett he had ever gotten is probably c1. One day the paimon's bargain shop offered bennett as their monthly character. Kyojuro had never been so excited over a game before. He usually perks up over academics and not this kind of thing. But it's bennett, the character he admires the most.
Unfortunately he couldnt get it due to low currency. He had never feel so sad in his life.
"I shall not give up. Dont worry, i will be a c6 bennett main!!!"
He will be a c6 bennett haver!!
Type of player :
Carefully reads every stories and listens to their lines attentively. He finds it amazing how the company spent their everything on this game. It amazes him. From the stories, lores and lines, he truly appreciates it.
Balance his team pretty well. He mains bennett so he doesnt need that much of a healer in his team.
Enjoys bennett's hangout very much!! He tried to not get him killed by the dungeon's trap but ended up having to sacrifice him which ultimately ends the route. He had never felt so down and guilty before.
Not much of a damage dealer. He prefers to play it in normal mode and doesnt care that much about one shotting monster.
He feeds his character three meals a day!! If only there's a sleep option, he would be sending bennett to sleep first before the rest.
Everyone loves his teapot
Shinobu : found the game while she's scrolling through the app store out of boredom. Initially she played it on her phone but due to the fps and a really bad ping, so bad that douma wouldnt find her interesting anymore, she finally downloaded the game on her pc where things has starting to get real
"Ara, shinobu chan, it's lunch time already. Come downstairs please,"
"Sis give me five more minutes, JUST FIVE PLEASE I NEED TO KICK CHILDE's ASS,"
"he's not going anywhere sweetie,"
"DIE DIE DIE!!" Aggresive clicking intensifies
"Shinobu chan dont hurt the keyboard that much!!"
She got lucky on the beginner's banner too and pulled a 5 star along with bennett and noelle. Who's the 5 star? Diluc Ragnvindr in all of his glory. Shinobu benched him sadly. She prefers sword over any other weapon
"I mean he's cool i guess but i just really dont get that 'WOAHHH COOL' vibe from him you know?"
"then give your diluc to me! I really want him so bad shinobu chan!"
Deep sighs "yeah sure. You can have my c2 diluc mitsuri..."
Loses 50/50 to diluc everytime everyone would think she either is lucky or cursed by the amount of that man greeting him on the screen. She still bench him though, sadly
Type of player :
Suffers a lot in the abyss because she just want the primos which is a valid reason to do because that's the only thing that keeps her going
She's a sword character main. She'll properly build every character as either support or dps. The support would be kaeya and bennett, and her main dps ayaka
Ayaka main btw
Honestly at some point she wanted to quit the game because of how tiring it is but then inazuma came out
Fragile resin = 0
Resin = 160/160 happens once in a blue moon
"i should probably control myself with the amount of resin i've used,"
"But i cant,"
Hates domain but always can be seen playing in there
Only coops if mitsuri is there
"So that someone can calm me down,"
"That's not a really good reason shinobu chan,"
Sanemi : dude probably know the game through obanai. He watched the latter play and finds it interesting on how high the numbers he dealt. He loves challenges so a game like genshin impact would probably satisfy his need.
"Obanai, are you hearing this shit?"
"What is it sanemi, im busy doing this event,"
"That loser giyuu is also playing the game,"
"Oh yeah i know,"
"i just know right after you told me,"
Sanemi's a meta but a mediocre one. He's meta but he doesnt show it that much. Probably buys welkin once in every three months or when he really needs it same goes with battle pass too. Honestly, he really just use his money when he really needs something
"Donno if my allowance can buy me a welkin so i'll probably skip,"
"But the next banner is zhongli's,"
"Ah fuck it," buys
My man cant dodge after he got zhongli. Its very painful because he used to studies the enemies movement in the early game so that he can utilizes it on the team but zhongli's shield is so tank he forgot that dodging exists
"Im gonna kill you and you and you hhahaahhaah just you wait im gonna shred all of yo- oh shit zhongli's shield. puT IT BACK PUT IT BACK ON,"
That one event where zhongli's shield plays an important role in the domain? Yeah, he felt like a god at that time. Even got his c2 on his rerun. Sanemi just really like zhongli because it kinda reminds him of himejima. Calm and wise and strong too. He looks up on that kind of person
"Zhongli sama, im in debt for all of your hard work protecting my team," bows and wipes tears
Type of player :
Spends a little money on the game to get what he wants
Zhongli main
Is that one player that has hoards of food but doesnt even use it
"Why need healer when you have zhongli's shield,"
Compare to kyojuro, he doesnt even touch the teapot because he finds it ridiculous and bothersome to create and design everything in it
Loves one shotting bosses and compares it to giyuu. He ask for advices from obanai regarding team build supports and stuffs
Doesnt do character's story quest. The key is full every single time. He unlocks it but leaves the quest like that.
"Ah shit, i accidentally activate the quest,"
His friend list only has obanai in it. Whenever people sent him friend request, he wouldnt hesitate, more like wouldnt care to accept it
They either have to coop in obanai's world or his world and after that, unfriend immediately
Says thank you after coop because he has manners and then completely disappears
"Zhongli main forever,"
Tengen : played since 1.0 this madlad has been staying loyal to the game ever since. Quite huge amount of money he spend on this game to be honest but he never gets broke by it. You can see his regular donation to the game by purchasing welkin and battle pass and some genesis crystal too. He's loaded with money, he didnt know what to do with it.
Uzui also plays honkai impact and guns girl Z so when he saw the unknown god at the intro , he was not surprised.
"Oh we have to pick between the siblings? Cool cool co- oh hi kiana,"
"Thats so herrscher of void hahahahah,"
Although he is a loyal fan to MihoYo games, he lost his composure when he saw the 1st genshin anniversary reward because what was that. Imagine getting billions of money and they give us this? Tengen cant believe this shit
"Oh god wtf was that reward, i have to draw to get a welkin and some primos?? aND I ALSO HAVE TO BE LUCKY? WHAT-"
In need of mona. He needs mona so bad he literally spent his money on standard banner to get mona but always ends up with qiqi. Not that he's complaining but he just wants the astrologist to complete the support team
"GOD QIQI YOU AGAIN? WTF WFF WTF-" converts genesis crystal to primigems
"Tengen, you should control yourself!"
"yeah but my f2p ass is hurting with how many bennett cons you got," droops
Tengen sees potential in every character. Everyone has their weakness and strength so when kokomi comes out, he diss her at first but then realize maybe its a new way for a character. Adds the uniqueness if he may say so.
"Meh i dont care honestly. You guys should pull whoever you find nice or beautiful. Like me ;)"
"Who do you main uzui?"
Type of player
Spoils the storylines, lores, leaks A LOT THE REST HAVE TO BLOCK HIM ON SOCIAL MEDIA
Speed runs the game and has become an endgame player ever since but he still does his daily commission and helps people with domains and stuffs
R5 every battle pass weapon
Fights azhdaha for fun and to test out his characters rather than ruin guards and stuff
Mona wanter
Puts traveller as the pfp and doesnt display any showcase of his characters and namecards. You can only see his achievements and spiral abyss ( 12-3 ). Says its for fun and mystery
Throws a lot of pickup lines and roleplays a lot. Spams your chatbox messages with stickers and censored stuffs
Probably steals your ores and exotic things like violetgrass, qingxin and silk flowers
Screams in the chatbox whenever he saw Mona until Kyojuro had to calm him down
Changes signature every single time and sometimes put spoilers in it
In every survey he would complain "MihoYo where the fuck is my Mona,"
Doesnt heals his characters
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kittydripuwu · 3 years
Hello, I'm the anon that requested the Dazai being kidnapped scenario and I didn't see it on your pinned post anymore. May I ask what happened to it / if I did anything wrong?
hi sorry omg, i posted it earlier but tumblr was acting up and i had to take it down and forgot to repost it! here u go :>
req - Can I request some angst to fluff where Dazai purposefully puts himself in a dangerous position and everyone thinks that he's dead so a usually stoic reader goes on a rampage in their grief on the organization that supposedly killed him during an agency raid but then finds out that he's alive? And reader hasn't confessed their feelings yet?
never again | dazai x reader
words - 1951
warnings - swearing, angst
genre - angst/fluff?
note - this is so poorly written im sorry my ideas were ALL over the place :’)
the long period of time in which the agency had upheld peace and quiet with all of the known criminal organizations in yokohama, had come to an end. the port mafia and the agency had started to notice odd and quite brutal murders around the city. at first, the agency thought it was the mafia going on a killing rampage, only to notice the method used to assasinate was quite different from the mafia's. whoever it was, they killed brutally, leaving an X cut into their victims throats. they were a bloodthirsty bunch and all they were here for was to kill and take over any other gifted organizations.
the agency had already dealt with a few attacks, but none with other ability users making it easy to fight them. everyone from this unknown organization seemed to dress in all black and wear sunglasses to cover their mysterious identities. when taken hostage, they wouldnt speak, no matter what was done to them, it was an impossible case.
you had been calm throughout everything the agency went through in the last few weeks, knowing that you and your fellow agency members knew how to fight well and deal with these kinds of situations. it was all peaceful and quiet that day when you were sitting in the office doing some work until, the agency building was yet again attacked. an ability user with an inferno ability, able to burn anything down to ash. they did not seem to seek destruction of the city but rather, the people in it. it was a difficult fight but you and your colleauges were able to get through it as always.
after this, the president of the armed detective agency declared it a case to find out more and stop this organization, but urged everyone to do it at a distance.
"whatever you do, do not go near anybody from this unknown group of people. they seem to seek bloodthirst, and will kill everyone in their path" he said during a meeting that occured that same day. you knew this wasn't going to be easy but you were going to try to do as much as you can to help.
it was getting pretty late and you had just finally finished some work, standing up and heading out the door to head home. you walked the streets cautiously, knowing that at this point in time, the city wasn't particularly safe. you ended up getting home with no troubles, and instanly falling asleep after a long and tiring day. meanwhile, there was still one person in the agency who was awake during the long hours of the night, and that was dazai osamu. despite what he was told by the president, he had his own plans for how he was going to find out information. he knew this could easily get him killed and he knew this was dangerous but it was the only way he could think of.
dazai's plan didn't seem all that bad to him, he was simply going to find one of them roaming the streets, disarm them and question them. he was aimlessly roaming the streets at night in search of one of the people dressed in black, with nothing on him but a loaded gun. he didn't really know why he chose such a dangerous plan, he knew there was a high chance that he could be killed but all of that didn't matter to him now. he, who had been concealing his emotions for too long, feeling empty and inhuman on this planet, felt somewhat at peace when coming this close to death. he kept trying to tell himself that if he died helping the agency, helping you, maybe everything would have been worth it after all, maybe the pain and suffering was worth something, maybe it would mean that he was finally a good person.
but no, none of these invasive thoughts were true, for when he ran into one of the unknown men dressed in black, he had broken a promise he made long ago to a dear friend.
he stood above the man who was on the ground now, disarmed. this man was unlike the others, he spoke. maybe it was dazai's forceful interrogation methods, or maybe it was just another man surrendering. he told dazai about the organization's intentions, where their base was and all about their powerful ability users. he told him that the only way to get rid of them, was to kill them all. they were a group of soulless men, wanting nothing more but to kill and take over yokohama.
"kill me" he pleaded after speaking to him about the organization.
"please kill me"
"why do you wish to die?" dazai asked him.
"there is no place for me in this world" he said simply.
this sparked something in dazai, he understood suffering very well and he could tell by this man's voice that he was in pain, and like dazai, he desired nothing more but to get a taste of sweet death.
"i'm sorry oda" he whispered to himself before shooting the man a few times.
after this, he continued to wander the empty streets, realising that the only way to fight them was going against agency rules. but he thought if he was able to do this on his own, maybe he could keep you and everyone at the agency, safe. he managed to reach the base of the place, and seeing no one around to gaurd it, he simply walked in. he managed to sneak through to what looked like a computer room. there were plenty of computers and different kinds of technology, but none of that mattered when he saw a usb on one of the desks in the room. he was quick to slip it into his pocket right before three men appeared in the doorway.
there was something different about these men, they didn't instantly shoot, but rather took him as a hostage. these men spoke aswell, they told him that they wouldn't kill him yet, but rather wanted to find out more about the other organizations in yokohama. they said they had questioned multiple people already, who gave them nothing of use and were brutally murdered. he was handcuffed and left to sit in this room until dawn.
you woke up feeling pretty sore and tired from all the events of the day before. after getting ready, you took your regular route to the agency with caution, ready to attack if need be. when you arrived at the office, you were informed that dazai never came back to the agency dorm that night, and that he had gone missing. normally, everyone including you would treat this as just dazai being dazai, but with the current state of the city, everyone began to panic. there was a meeting to discuss the next plan of action after multiple phone calls to him, resulting in no reply.
"dazai would never do this in such a situation"
"he wouldn't disrespect the presidents order's like this"
"not in a situation like this for sure"
"i agree, he may be reckless but not so much to go this far"
you sat through the meeting, mind filled with worry as you listened to what everyone was saying. you've always gotten along very well with dazai, and always found him to be a very interesting person. you hated to admit it but, you liked him, alot. you were too shy to confess to him for the longest time but you had promised yourself to finally do it after all of this was finally over.
"could he be dead?"
"ranpo help us out here"
"no can do, all i know is that he's most likely at thier base"
after being so caught up in your own thoughts, this managed to snap you back into reality. dazai osamu. dazai osamu was dead? no, you tried to tell yourself that you shouldn't even consider that but the thought kept coming back to haunt you.
"everyone search for him" said the president as he dismissed everyone.
you and your fellow agency memebers spent the day looking for dazai. you looked in all the spots you knew he could be, but he was nowhere to be found, and his phone going straight to voicemail when called.
if he didn't show up the next morning, everyone would presume him as dead. you couldn't sleep that night, your thoughts draining you with worry and sorrow.
the next morning, dazai was still gone. everyone was worried and discussing what to do, when you simply stormed out of the meeting room, running out of the building.
"i'll kill them all i swear i'll kill every last one of them" you muttered to yourself as you ran down the streets, looking out for anyone who was wearing black. your thoughts were now clouded with fear, worry and rage as you desperatley searched the streets for someone to give you information. no one seemed to reveal anything, no one spoke, not a single one of them. you had no choice but to hurt them and even kill a few in order to get something. one of them managed to croak out an adress as you repeatedly kicked them while holding a gun to their head. luckily, you hadn't encountered any ability users, only weak men who were too easy to disarm.
"what did you say?" you asked the man.
"o-our base" he replied, in between coughs.
within a minute, you were out of the alleyway, back on the street and heading to the given address. you swore to yourself that you would make sure anyone who hurt dazai would be dead.
lost in your thoughts, you weren't paying attention to where you were going when you bumped into someone. you looked up, only to see a familiar face.
you began to cry. dazai was standing right infront of you, looking down at you in confusion.
"what the fuck is wrong with you" you said between sobs, throwing your arms around him.
"what??" he replied, hugging you back.
"everyone thought you were dead" you said as you cried into his shoulder.
"i was only gone for 2 days" he replied, rubbing your back gently to calm you down.
"where the fuck were you?" you asked after a few minutes of silence, pulling out of the hug.
"i got myself caught by the organization to find out information"
"why would you do that"
"because that was the only way" he replied, with no emotion in his voice.
"please don't ever do that to me again" you said as you looked down while you two began to walk back to the agency.
dazai knew how you felt about him, despite the fact that you haven't confessed. he felt the same way but he wasn't going to tell you that, he was going to wait for you to do it.
he stopped in his tracks suddeny and turned you around, pulling you into his arms, and hugging you tightly.
"never again" he said, as you gladly accepted the hug.
he wanted to make sure you knew that he cared about you. he wasn't very expressive of it, but he told himself he would do anything to protect you and the agency, no matter what it took.
you two then returned to the agency, where everyone began to yell at dazai but also praise him for the information he was able to get. they knew exactly how many of them there were, the abilities they had, and how to properly deal with them. thanks to him, the agency was once again able to save the city.
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frogtanii · 3 years
so now that we've established that i get attached easily and you are stuck with me indefinitely.
let me just-
akaashi was a romantic at heart, longing for a love like the one between the pages of the books he adored so much.
kisses shared under starry skies, promises exchanged in fields of dandelions, and intwined fingers amidst the busy streets.
he wanted that for himself, and for a while, he thought he did.
with a sigh, he closed the laptop he was editing his latest video on, hot chocolate sounded great right about now.
so he made his way to the kitchen, The Princess Bride by William Goldman in his hand.
upon approaching the kitchen, however, he saw the light was on, and a smidge of dread grew fron his gut at the possiblity of encountering meiko, the man hid the book behind himself as he slowed his pace to the kitchen.
"y/n," he sighs a breath of relief when he spots her donning atsumu's hoodie and a small pang of jealousy hit him.
were they dating?
if so, for how long?
and if so, why wouldnt they tell the rest of them-
"akaashi?" y/n asks again, a little firmly as he wasnt listening to what she said.
breathe, he told himself, dont get ahead of yourself.
"hmm?" he fidgets with the book in his hands, taking in how she looked at night, makeup-less, relaxed, comfortable.
she looked beautiful.
the kind of beauty that left the main character in his love stories speechless. the kind that you only see under a certain light once, and remember forever, and that made him smile in his heart of hearts.
"i was gonna make hot chocolate, would you like some?"
"please," he says with a smile, moving to sit across y/n.
she sends him a smile before proceeding to pull out the ingredients for hot chocolate, along with two mugs.
"The Princess Bride is a good read," she comments with a soft voice, "i've always wanted my own westley, a bandit after my own heart," she giggles.
akaashi didnt know what to say, he looks back down at the book he read time and time again and all the words seemed to merge together.
what was this feeling? he wanted to keep that smile on her face and that giggle on her lips constantly.
forget the butterflies in his stomach, he felt like elephants were trying to escape the confines of his stomach.
flip, flip, flip.
he wasnt even paying attention to the story anymore, just absentmindedly flipping through the pages just so he wouldnt look y/n in he eyes.
how could he? after all he said, did and didnt do.
how could she be so kind?
despite keeping them at arms length, she still cared.
tears welled in his eyes, he couldnt see, or hear, but he felt a sting on his finger so he put the book down and blinked the tears away.
"oh no," y/n tsked, letting the hot chocolate bubble on the stove as she rumaged through the cabinets for a band-aid.
"may i?" she gestures to the paper cut on his finger, and he lets her take his hand to wrap a hello kitty band-aid around it, "be careful next time," she fake scolds, "i get that the story is great but flip the pages carefully,"
akaashi just stared. he could see all the details of her face fron this angle, the scars, marks, bumps, the focus in her eyes and her tongue peeking out a little.
yes, she was beautiful, he decided, with that silly grin on her face when she was with everyone, AND with the serene look in her eyes brought out by late night thinking.
still staring dumbfoundedly as she went back to stirring the hot chocolate, he barely missed her speak as he was caught up in a lovestruck stupor.
"could you read to me while i make the drinks?"
stuttering out a reply, he flipped to the first page with shaky hands and cleared his throat before starting.
maybe this was something he could (and wanted) to get used to.
late night drinks, a good book, and y/n, taking in every single word he said with a gentle smile on her face.
ok i gotta go subject myself to schoolwork now but HAVE A GREAT DAY ILY TOO (ʃƪ^3^)*platonic kith*
omg first of all, ur the cutest thing ever kith kith <333 && ur drabble??? made me so soft????? my heart is so warm i jus wanna give akaashi a hug and a kith on the forehead :3 ur so lovely muah :platonic kith back hehe:
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redheartwriting · 2 years
Cowritten with @itsfundy​ - spacyboi [Addict]
Origins - Chapter VI 
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz watches Rose leave, and hears their front door close. They look to Addict, giving a look* And what are you still doing here? I'm not going to say "you're welcome" because you shouldn't thank me for doing my damned- *at the crack of thunder, Quartz jumps up, a hand flying to where their sword would be* IS THAT A WITHER?! *they immediately grab Ginger, pulling her close. And, without realizing it, they grab Addict too* YOU GUYS HAVE WITHERS HERE TOO!? I THOUGHT IT WAS A MYTH. *Quartz' tail poofs up with their fear* Don't worry- I'll still- I can fight it.
<spacyboi> Quartz its fine, its just a thunderstorm-
<ProcellaCor> A what- I don't care what you call it! That /thing/ is a beacon of death. Just- *they hold Ginger out to Addict* Take her, and stay here. I can take it. *They force a smile, but there's fear in their eyes. But there's an earnest sense of bravery, too. Quartz genuinely believes they're both in danger, and that they alone should go and fight a wither* I'll be fine.
<spacyboi> *They take ginger anyway, holding onto Quartz arm* Its rain. theres no wither- thats just the thunder and lightning that comes with it sometimes
ProcellaCor> The- the water that falls from the- *Before Quartz can finish their question, another clap of thunder practically shakes their house, they look around frantically, looking terrified* Damnit, wheres my sword- *they're borderline hyperventilating, both from being startled and from the idea that they might fight the wither*
<spacyboi> the water that falls from the sky. the "blue lava". its just passing over us it'll be fine *they move up and grab quartz hand*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz' hand is shaking, their eyes wide, their ears back, and their tail as fluffed up as it will go* But the- the noise- that sounds like some sort of bomb- *they don't realize they're crying with fear, either* It sounds so-
<spacyboi> Quartz it can't hurt you, If it could I promise I wouldnt let it
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz takes a couple of shaking but deep breaths, more tears streaming down their face. They realize they're crying* Oh, dragonsake... *they wipe away the tears* that isn't your job. It's- it's fine. I- *they jump again at another flash of lightning and thunder, jumping forward a bit to grab Addict and Ginger just a bit too protectively. They're shaking* It sounds like war out there…
<spacyboi> it'll be over soon, im stuck here until it does though since rain kinda burns me- sorry about that
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz shuts their eyes tight, trying to stop the tears. This is awful, now both of them have seen them cry. They can't be this weak, this childish. But they can't stop it, either* ...mane. *they whisper it, barely letting themself have anything, and hoping Addict won't know what it means anyways*
<spacyboi> *Addict pulls Quartz into a hug*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz tenses up, but then leans into it. They're still crying, but they're not saying anything anymore, they just can't. It sounds like the world is ending, like the war they were a child in, like the destruction that took their people from them. They shift to look at Ginger, in between them* ...erit bene... *they whisper to her, putting a hand on her head*
<spacyboi> I promise..
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz laughs softly* They say my world is hell, but this world is fucking terrifying…
<spacyboi> trust me, I know that well, but there's so much beauty here too..
<ProcellaCor> Like- like the flowers... *Quartz is trying to distract themself* I really had never seen that shade of blue before... I've never seen a lot of colors before…
<spacyboi> mhm, the rain can leave behind beauty to, sometimes if you look closely you can see a rainbow
<ProcellaCor> What's a rainbow?
<spacyboi> colors, a arch of colors in the sky, Like auroras or the sunset.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz blinks* Uh, in my language, Aurora means like... the beginning of something. That's why my sword is named that way. A sunset is... when that bright thing goes away?
<spacyboi> Yeah, when the bright thing- the sun- rises and sets, a day has passed. both the beginning and the end of it are stunning, and in the night the auroras will show, so even in the darkness theres still grace until the sun returns, everything here has so much meaning
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz listens to it, the rain passing on and leaving the two in a sense of quiet, they think for a moment.* When I was little, my mother told me about the sky... it was hard to imagine. Having lived in a cavern my whole life. I never thought... *they trail off* The sky is- always changing here.
<spacyboi> everything is.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz gently takes Ginger from Addict, stepping back. The fur on their tail flattening again. They're silent, but they notice now that the rain has moved on* ...so... this rainbow?
<spacyboi> you wanna go check for one?
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz pauses, then they cough a bit* Ah- uh- well- I would rather survey the damage, that's more important-
<spacyboi> sure if thats what you say, cmon then *they smile a bit, rolling their eyes*
<ProcellaCor> It's important to survey the- you wouldn't know, living here so peacefully! *Quartz' tone sounds almost offended, but they're just embarrassed a bit that they really, really want to see the rainbow. It's unfitting of a warrior* Let's just go *they grumble*
<spacyboi> *Once they had gotten outside, addict held out a hand for Quartz to take* Here, ive got a idea on how to "see the damage" better
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz raises an eyebrow, but they take Addict's hand* Is this a trap? This feels like a trap.
<spacyboi> if it works, then no! *before Quartz could question about what "if it works" means, Addict threw a pearl up, bracing themselves as they landed onto the top of the roof together*
<ProcellaCor> DRAGON- *Quartz stumbles a bit on the other side of the teleportation, keeping a careful hold on Ginger. Ginger jumps from their arms, but climbs up to their shoulders and starts chirping angrily. Quartz looks disoriented, to say the least* NEVER do that again…
<spacyboi> alright alright, but look at the sky!
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz sighs, but they look up, and they pause. And then they smile brightly, brighter than Addict would have ever seen them.* It's beautiful! *Their entire jaded persona drops entirely, this is much more of the /real/ Quartz* I've never seen anything like it! *they reach up towards the sky, with a childlike curiosity about being able to touch it* That's amazing!
<spacyboi> *they smile with* they aren't comm⍜n, but when there is one, everything feels just a bit more worth it
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz smiles brighter, and then they look at Addict, still smiling. It's like they're a whole different person. Hardly the Brute, but more just... a person. Who has a fox on their shoulders and a smile on their scarred face.*
<spacyboi> Hey Quartz?
<ProcellaCor> Yeah? What is it?
<spacyboi> You can let go of my hand now
<ProcellaCor> Wh- AH *Quartz lets go of the hand, practically throwing it* I was- I was still disoriented from whatever you- I just- I was- *their face heats up as they stammer through excuses, in truth they hadn't even noticed, too wrapped up in the rainbow* /Never/ tell Rose about this. *they seethe, knowing he'd be all over them about their emotions or whatever*
<spacyboi> I promise, on the dragons name *they laugh a bit*
<ProcellaCor> I'm serious! I'll murder the both of you! I swear on the dragon- *they clearly don't mean it, and more than anything they're just embarrassed. But then they think fast to distract Addict* So when ARE you going to confess your love to Rose, anyways?
<spacyboi> when are you gonna stop pretending you're tougher then you say
<ProcellaCor> Hey, I once took on a whole enemy encampment on my own. I'm plenty fucking tough, thank you. *Quartz scowls at them, but then they smirk* You didn't even deny it this time
<spacyboi> ..so what if i have a /little/ crush on them? they clearly dont reciprocate it *they turn their head away to hide the embarrassment of it*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz blinks* You're... joking. Right?
<spacyboi> about what?
<ProcellaCor> Dragon's wings, you're not kidding. *Quartz drops their scowl* Addict, he likes you too. Even /I/ could see that, from the moment I met you.
<spacyboi> you swear alot on the dragon, we've made it clear we're both just friends to each other before
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz shrugs* Common saying. But, come on, you're not this dense. *They giggle a little, clearly amused with it all* Friends can become more, yknow.
<spacyboi> Well its clear he has no plan on it then
<ProcellaCor> Then make the first move *Quartz jokingly elbows Addict a bit* Get him some flowers or something
<spacyboi> you- you said gold was a way to show someone a gesture of love right?
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz nods* Mhm. If you like someone, giving them something shiny never goes bad.
<spacyboi> I wont tell him about the rainbow thing if you dont tell him about this, got it?
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz smiles* Of course, that's for you two to figure out. I'm just another villager, simply making an observation
<spacyboi> give yourself a bit more credit, you're more then a villager- you're our friend
<ProcellaCor> I'm just your Brute, don't oversell me. *Quartz automatically responds, but then they pause* ...and... also your friend... *they mumble it, their face heating up again*
<spacyboi> *They smiled a bit again* Thanks
<ProcellaCor> Look, sorry about the... the thunder.. I uh... *they don't really know how to explain it. That war ruled their world when they were a child, that they can't be around loud noises like that* I-In the nether, sounds like that meant certain death. Or, worse, the beacon of death itself.
<spacyboi> Its alright, if the wither ever shows up one day then we'll fight it together
ProcellaCor> ...Together. Yeah, we can do together. *Quartz smiles* Um, I gotta feed Ginger, and you gotta find something shiny for your booyyyfriend *they draw out the word, smirking*
<spacyboi> hey! thats it im not teleporting you down *the threat is empty*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz gives Addict a long look, and then they wave their tail up, reminding Addict that they can just... jump down and not be hurt* He's got you bad huh?
<spacyboi> bye Quartz. try not to get yourself hurt worse. *they pearl down, ignoring the comment*
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