#yelana x reader
alexxxamichelle · 2 months
What and who I will write for
Who I will write for:
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Silena Beauregard
Clarisse La Rue
Grover Underwood
Thalia Grace
Leo Valdez
Hazel Lavesque
Frank Zhang
Nico Di Angelo
Will Solace
Luke Castilian
Reyna Ramírez Arellano
Finney Blake
Vance Hopper
Gwendolyn Blake
Robin Arellano
Billy Showhalter
Bruce Yamada
Natasha Romanoff
Yelana Belova
Kate Bishop
Maria Hill
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Wanda Maximof
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Deena Johnson
Kate Schmidt
Tommy Slater
Ruby Lane
Constance Berman
Abigail Berman
What I will write for:
Social media
37 notes · View notes
jemilyswhor3 · 2 years
The 1
A/N: This was inspired when I was listening the The 1 by Taylor one day. The thought just popped outta nowhere. Pt 2 of notes will be at the end <333
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Warning: fluff, VERY light to no smut, and only kinda proofread. Also, unnecessary pairing mentions: Yelena Belova x Reader (friends), Kate Bishop x Reader (friends), Peter Parker x Reader (friends), Stephen Strange x Reader (Father/Big brother figure), Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers (friends), Natasha Romanoff x Reader (friends).
Summary: A long day after a big mission just ended. The Avengers decided that they need a break from saving the world 24/7. They thought going to a club would be a nice way to let off some steam. As the only person who can actually sing, Peter and Kate pushed you into joining the singing contest. Only to find the consequences of your decision after.
Was it bad? Was it good? I guess the only way of finding out is to start from the beginning. 
Word Count: 8.6K
After a huge battle, the group thought that they need to have a break from having to save the world. They've decided that they're going to a nearby bar, three blocks away from them. Some just want to rest and stay at the compound, so the only ones who are going are Wanda, Nat, Vision, Yelena, Kate, Steve, Bucky, Scott, Peter, Stephen, and you.
Wanda and Vision thought it best if they should fly over to the bar instead of coming with the rest of the group, to have some quality time. Stephen opened a portal to the bar entrance, and all of you just went there.
At the bar, you and Nat were holding hands, while walking toward the bartender, cause knowing Nat, physical touch is her love language.
"One cosmopolitan for the lady and three shots of tequila for me," She told the bartender who's wiping out glasses.
"Coming right up" The bartender replied, putting the glass and cloth down.
"Hey, only a cosmopolitan for me?" You pout.
"You're still a baby, Y/N. And I'm... well, I'm all grown up!" She replied mockingly.
"Haha, very funny. Didn't think you were allowed to be called a "grown-up" since you broke the bathroom sink 5 times in the last two weeks, cause you were convinced enough that the pipes could carry a homemade miniature grenade" You look at Natasha, annoyed.
"Oh, come on. Cheer up! Have a drink"
"You ordered one cosmopolitan for me, Nat. One. Could've at least made it two. I'm twenty-four, for Chrissake, Nat"
"Awe, Y/N being all sad and depressing today?" Yelena interrupts you and Nat, whilst leaning into the counter.
"She is, yet again!" Natasha replied sarcastically.
"Is it because of the Sokovian girl again?"
"What?! You told Yelena?!" You push Nat on her shoulder, hard enough for it to hurt a little, but not enough for her to fall down.
"I'm sorry. Yelena is my sister, and she has ways of getting secrets out of people" Nat sincerely tries to apologize.
"Even with the great, Black Widow?!" You exclaim.
"Yes, even with the 'great, Black Widow' Yelena replies, teasing you. "Look, detka, you're as clear as a glass window with your thing with the redhead"
"She's right" Natasha interrupts.
"And the only person too blind to see how you feel about her is her herself. I bet the android even knows- and he's a robot!" Natasha slightly nudges Yelena.
"What it's still pretty weird to me, okay?" Yelena mumbled. "My point is, even if Natasha didn't tell me, I would've known either way. The look you have whenever she walks by, can say it all" Yelena takes a sip of beer that's in her hands.
"You guys are overreacting. I don't have a 'look' whenever Wanda passes by"
"Then prove it"
"Prove what?"
"Prove that your feelings for the Sokovian girl aren't so obvious" Yelena demands.
"How do you want me to do that?"
"Ask anyone here from the compound if they suspect you having feelings for Wanda"
"And how am I suppose to do that?!"
"Just ask them- I don't know" Yelena shrugged.
You're so desperate to prove that your feelings for Wanda aren't exploding, that you decided to grab the first person from the compound that walks by.
"Hey, Scotty!" You grab Scott by his shoulder.
"Oh, hey, Y/N, what's up?" He drinks his beer.
"Yeah, not much. Listen, I have something very important to ask you" You tell Scott while still gripping his shoulder.
"What is it?" He asks.
"Do you think I have feelings for Wan-"
"Oh, yes! Absolutely!" He exaggerated in relief.
''Well, I don't!'' You defend yourself. Denying the fact that actually do.
''Whatever you say, Y/N'' He sarcastically replied.
"Thanks, Scott" You pat him on the shoulder.
"No problem" He walks away as you roll your eyes at him.
"I told you you have a look thing" Yelena teases you.
"Yeah, whatever" You shrug.
"Speaking of, where is Wanda? And Vision?!" Natasha questions.
"Yeah, where are those two love-" Natasha interrupts Yelena by clearing her throat.
The bartender casually slides the drinks Natasha ordered to them.
"I mean, those two- those two... idiots?"
"Honestly, I don't care anymore," You said as you grab the cosmopolitan Natasha had ordered for you.
"Oh, come on, Y/N. There is much fish in the sea!" Yelena exclaims, but you just rolled your eyes at her.
"Hey, guys!" A familiar voice from behind shouts. You turn to see who it is.
"Wanda!" You raise your eyebrows, smiled, stood up, and walked towards her in a hugging gesture. She hugs back, and let's go.
"And she said she 'didn't care' " Nat mumbles to Yelena.
"Where were you guys?" You ask her.
"Vis and I stopped at a food cart we saw on the way" She smiles and grabs your shoulder.
"Oh, I thought you guys flew here?" You awkwardly ask.
"Yeah, we did. But, we flew slowly and I guess you could say that we also went sightseeing while doing so" She explains.
"Ohh" You smile back at her. Wanda walks past you to go to the bard and order a drink.
"Two Stella Artois, please," She tells the bartender with a bit of her Sokovian accent showing.
"Coming right up!" The bartender exclaims.
Wanda turns around to make contact with the three of you. "So, how long were you guys here until we came?"
"Twenty minutes" Natasha replies.
"Really? We took that long? Huh..." She slightly nods.
"Here you go, ma'am" The bartender hands Wanda the drinks she ordered.
"Thank you" She replies whilst grabbing the drinks. "Listen, ladies, I would really like to talk more with all of you, so if you guys want, the others and I are gonna be at the table, right there" She points out the table where Peter's showing Kate her web-shooters and accidentally webs Bucky's arm
"Sure, we'll be there in a sec" Yelena responds.
Wanda left the three of you to head towards their table.
"Yeah, I am not going there," You say.
"What? Why not?! You can spend some time with your witchy!" Yelena exclaims. "I even did the talking for you!"
"First of all, she's not in any way mine, and second what 'talking'? You literally said 'Sure, we'll be there in a sec' "
"Yeah, 'cause you're too much of a... of a..."
"Wuss" Nat helps Yelena.
"Ah, yes, wuss!- To do it yourself"
"I am not a wuss. If anything, you're the wuss! Scared of Vision" You mumbled the last part while taking a sip of your cosmopolitan.
"How dare you bring my phobia with the Synthezoid! You know how I feel about it"
"Lena, "it" is a he- I think" Nat hesitantly corrects Yelena.
"You better lower your voice, cause if Wanda hears you, you'll be dead meat by then. And Vision isn't that bad. He's really cool if you get to know him better"
"How do you know?!" Yelena exclaims.
"We hang out sometimes..."
"Wait, you hang out with your crush's boyfriend?!" Nat laughs.
"Vision is- has nothing to do with this"
"Nothing? You're literally in love with her girlfriend" Yelena laughs, almost falling off the stool.
"Shut up! They might hear you!"
The sisters continue to laugh their asses off, but eventually, Nat shushes Yelena, despite still dying out of laughter herself.
"Okay, let's go" Nat stands up, drinks a shot of vodka, and grabbed the other two with her.
"Where?!" You exclaim.
"To the table. Before they suspect us doing something... well, suspicious"
"I don't wanna go there!" You resent.
"Oh, come on, dorogoy (darling)! Stand up, stand up!" Yelena tries to pull you up while you hold tightly to the counter.
"No!" You shout, but not loud enough to attract a crowd.
"Moya Lyubov (my love)" Nat stares at you with her puppy eyes whilst reaching her arms out for you.
Natasha calling you my love in Russian has always had an effect on you, so you stand up and reply, "Fine" whilst letting go of the counter.
"Okay, come here," Natasha says, as she puts her arm around you, while the three of you walk towards the group's table.
"Ah! You guys are finale here!" Wanda exclaims as she moves aside to make room for the three of you.
The three of you just smiled and nodded at Wanda as you all sit down.
"Hey, can I grab Y/N for a sec?" Kate asked.
"Oh, what's up?" Yelena asked.
"There's just something Peter and I would like to talk about with her" Kate smiles.
"Without me?" Yelena pouts.
"Come on, don't be such a drama queen! You're always in conversations. Can't you sit this one out?"
Yelena gasps. "How dare you- Kate Bishop- talk to me like that!"
"You're doing the full name thing again. Just call Y/N for me" Kate demands, annoyed.
"Ugh, fine!" Yelena rolls her eyes at Kate as she turns around to tap your shoulder.
"Hey, hey" Yelena mumbles. "Kate needs a second with you" Yelena interrupts your talk with Wanda.
You turn your head and whisper, "What? Why? Can she wait until later? I'm talking with Wanda right now" You reply as Wanda tells her story.
"She said she needs you to talk about something with Peter. Also that it'll only take a second"
"Ugh, okay" You whisper, turning your head to Wanda again. "I'm sorry to take a pause on our convo. Kate seems to need me" You apologize.
"It's okay, we can continue when you get back" Wanda smiles at you. Ugh, that smile. That smile always makes you feel butterflies in your stomach, makes you feel like you're melting, and makes you feel this incomparable sense of comfort. Can't believe you're missing it for whatever reason Kate needs you.
You stand up and excused yourself to Yelena and Nat who were at the other end of the table, where you need to go through. You walk to Kate and Peter who are standing close to the bathroom.
"You called upon me?" You say.
"Yeah, we wanted to show you..." Peter says while Kate makes drum noises.
"This!" Peter reveals a flier that says Singing Contest.
"What's this?" You reply as you grab the flier from Peter's hands.
"It's a singing contest, here, tonight!" Peter replies.
"And you're a great singer!" Kate exclaims.
"Point is, we want you to join" Peter looks at you with his puppy eyes, smiling, while slowly jumping up and down, from excitement.
"I- I can't sing you guys" You decline.
"What? Sure you can!" Peter exclaims.
"And you're good as hell at it too" Kate adds to build up your confidence.
"Guys, I really can't-"
"Look at the bottom" Kate interrupts.
You look at the bottom of the flier and saw that there's a $10,000 grand prize for the winner. "Holy shit! $10,000?!"
"We told you," Peter says in a sneaky voice.
"But again-"
"We hear you in the shower every time you sing" Kate interrupts you again.
"Thin walls, Y/N. Thin walls" Peter adds.
"Okay, I'll join! For you two to stop bothering me and for $10,000. Happy?"
"We most definitely are!" Kate exclaims. Peter and Kate proceed to hug you as tight as possible.
"But what song am I even gonna choose?" They both release you from the hug as they try to think of a song you could sing.
"Definitely something by Taylor Swift," Kate says.
"Mhm," You agree.
"Something from her newer albums" Peter suggests.
"Yup" You reply.
"And something from your favorite album" Kate implies.
"Yes, Folklore"
You all think for a brief moment until a song from the album pops up in your mind.
"The 1!" You exclaim.
"Perfect" Kate replies.
"Okay, so it's settled. Y/N is going to sing 'The 1' by Taylor Swift!" Peter confirms.
"When's it gonna start?" You ask.
"Oh, ten minutes from now" Peter replies.
"Ten minutes?! You decided to tell me before ten god damned minutes?!" You yell at them.
"Well, we just saw it five minutes ago before we saw you" Kate reasons.
"I have to do vocal warmups!" You say, worried. "Where on earth can I do vocal warmups?!"
"Uh... Here! You can do it inside the bathroom!" Kate suggested.
"And we'll be out here by the door to make sure no one gets in" Kate adds.
"You guys," You hug the two of them, "Are lifesavers" You release from the hug and took a step backward, and continue your way into the bathroom.
After five minutes, Stephen goes to the bathroom, only to find both Kate and Peter guarding the door.
Kate moves close to the door while Stephen reaches for it. ''Oh, excuse me'' Stephen says.
''I'm sorry Mr.- Doctor Strange,'' Kate apologizes. ''You can't go in...''
''Because something important is going on inside'' Peter adds in.
Stephen makes a questioning face and overheard you doing vocal warmups, but didn't recognize it was you. ''What do you mean? What's going on inside there? And is that someone singing from the inside?'' He questions.
''I, uh-'' Peter sutters.
Kate gestures to just tell the truth to Peter since Stephen does look like an understandable man.
Peter sighs. ''Look, Doctor Strange, Y/N is actually doing vocal warmups inside, and she'd like it if no one disturbs her'' Peter explains nervously.
''Wh- Why is she doing vocal warmups?'' Stephen asks, confused.
''She's actually going to join the singing contest'' Kate interrupts them.
''Oh, okay then'' Stephen was confused at first but has always had a soft spot when it comes to you. He's always been more of a father figure to you, so when he heard that you were going to join the signing contest, his mood lightened up. The only people you've sung to was him and whenever Nat takes you out on car rides, but most of the time, you two just scream the words. The thought of you showing your talent to the crowd made him feel proud of you since you were always the shy one. So, he couldn't wait to see you up on the stage in a couple of minutes, singing your heart out and showing people your hidden talent.
''When is the contest going to start?'' He asks them.
''In about five or so'' Peter replied.
''Guess, I still have time to go to the bathroom'' Stephen opens a portal to the New York sanctum's bathroom door.
''Woah'' Kate mumbled while looking at the big circle portal.
Stephen was about to go in until he realized something. ''Wait a minute. How old are you again, Peter?'' He takes a step back to the portal.
''I'm twenty-one, sir- doctor'''He stutters. ''Turning twenty-two in two weeks, actually'' He proudly smiles.
Stephen then turns around to give Kate a look.
''Oh, I- I'm twenty-four''
''God, you kids look young for your age'' He mumbles as he goes fully into the portal while it closes behind him.
After that encounterment, Kate gave Peter an omg look and Peter replied by raising his eyebrows.
''I fought with him in spa-''
''I know, Peter, shut up about it'' Kate said, quickly interrupting Peter, and feeling a tad bit jealous about it.
Eight minutes pass by. Two contestants have already done their part, while the third is about to finish his. You then suddenly heard a knock on the door.
''Hey, Y/N, it's almost time. You only have a minute or two left'' Kate said.
''Okay, I'm coming!''
''Damn, this guy is... sure is something'' Peter says to Kate while listening to the guy practically nail the highest note from 'I will always love you'  by Whitney Houston.
''You think Y/N could top that guy?'' Kate asked.
''Yeah... yeah, sure, Y/N could top that guy!'' Peter replied hesitantly and a bit worried.
''Have you heard Y/N sing?''
''Well, n-not outside the shower''
Kate sighs.
The guy had finally finished his song, and you've finally just come out.
''Perfect timing, you're already up next. Go! Go!'' Kate shouted at you while both she and Peter push you up the stage.
''Damn, okay, you guys'' You replied.
Once you've reached the side of the stage, a woman asks what song you're going to sing. You politely say The 1 by Taylor Swift. She then nods at your response, sets the tune background, and hands you a mic, to which you politely say thank you.
''You got this, Y/N!'' Peter whispers as Kate pulls him, over the table so they could see you properly perform.
You give Peter a nod and a huge smile before heading to the middle of the stage.
Wanda noticed Peter and Kate sitting down in front of her, so she asks them a question.
''Hey, have you guys seen Y/N?'' Wanda asked.
''She's actually going to perform any second now- look there she is!'' Kate replied, pointing to the stage where you were standing.
Yelena chokes on her drink when she overheard. ''What?! Y/N is joining the singing contest?'' She blurted out.
''Yes, there she is already'' Peter replied.
''Well this is going to be interesting'' Bucky said as he took a sip from his beer.
All of their attention was on you. You look over to the crowd before saying anything to spot Stephen. You were shaking a bit when you couldn't spot him, but when your head turned towards the bar, there he was, smiling at you, looking proud, and when he noticed that you were looking at him, he raises both his arms and gave you two big thumbs up. The sight of that made you less trembly and calmed you down. You smiled back at him and looked back at the main crowd where you saw Wanda. Wanda. Wanda was looking at you. The sight of that made you seem nervous, but you remembered the thing Stephen once told you, ''Everybody dies. It's the one thing human beings can be relied upon to do''. Sure, it was a weird quote, but that made you think that life is short, so take your chances whenever you're offered one. Especially chances that could end you up with the love of your life. But that isn't possible, Wanda's dating Vision. And they look happy, even though it's just been two months, six days, fourteenth hours, and eight minutes since they've been together. But that's besides that point. Is it though? Right now, you thought that it'd be best if you focused on winning the prize money. I mean, it is $10,000 after all.
You stood up there confidently and introduced yourself.
''Hello, everyone. Good evening, my name is Y/N, and I'll be singing The 1 by Taylor Swift''
You awkwardly smiled and cleared your throat as the karaoke instrumental plays.
A/N: Sorry to interrupt. I suggest playing The 1 while reading this part if you want. And you could just imagine singing it like Taylor even if you're irl voice doesn't sound good lmao. Also, I'm gonna write this the way it's written by stanza, so it doesn't confuses people.
''I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit'' You started singing. Your eyes slowly close as your body sways to the rhythm.
''Been saying "yes" instead of "no" I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though I hit the ground running each night I hit the Sunday matinée You know the greatest films of all time were never made'' You sang whilst slowly opening your eyes and focusing on the audience further back, so you don't feel much conscious.
''I guess you never know, never know And if you wanted me, you really should've showed And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow And it's alright now'' You look at Nat whilst you sang.
''But we were something, don't you think so?'' You looked vaguely at Wanda but turned your eyes towards the audience as fast as you can, hoping she wouldn't notice.
''Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool And if my wishes came true, It would've been you'' You looked back at Wanda again as you said ''You'', and luckily this time, she wasn't looking at you, but at Vision while laughing about something. But, were you really lucky?
''In my defense, I have none For never leaving well enough alone But it would've been fun if you would've been the one'' All you can think about was what you're life could be if you were with Wanda. She's the woman of your dreams, the person that keeps you up at night,  filling your head with fake scenarios between the two of you- heck, the person that even made you try shifting. Yes, shifting! She was all you can think about while singing the lyrics of the song. A single shed of tear drifted from your right eye. It quickly dropped, so nobody could've possibly noticed it. All of this was making you emotional, really fast.
''I had this dream you're doing cool shit Having adventures on your own You meet some woman on the internet and take her home We never painted by the numbers, baby But we were making it count You know the greatest loves of all time are over now'' Singing this part of the song just reminded you of the moments where you see Vision and Wanda happy with each other. And that every time you see them, you wish that it was you with Wanda. Giggling, cuddling, cooking, bonding with Wanda. How you started to envy Vision's life because of his relationship with Wanda. How you wished you could've been the one inside that body of his.
''I guess you never know, never know And it's another day waking up alone'' You continue to sing.
''But we were something, don't you think so? Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool And if my wishes came true it would've been you In my defense, I have none For never leaving well enough alone But it would've been fun if you would've been the one'' The thoughts in your head were filled with the times you and Wanda had moments together. Moments where the both of you felt like kissing each other. Moments that made you feel goosebumps whenever the two of you share physical contact, where your skins would touch each other. The wasted potentials that could've led to something- something deep, true, and passionate. But you also thought that there was always something that held you both back.
''I, I, I persist and resist the temptation to ask you if one thing had been different Would everything be different today?'' Would everything be different if you had pushed yourself to Wanda? Your eyes started to get watery as the thought runs into your head. It was getting harder to stop the tears from falling down. Some might've even noticed it. But, someone did. Stephen noticed. He noticed how your body movement changed, and how your facial reaction changed. And how he doesn't know what to do about it. This is your first time singing in front of an audience, and he wants it to be a perfect experience for you. He could rewind time, but is tampering with time really worth the risk? For him, yes. But he also thought about the infinite possibilities and consequences it can lead to. Not soon enough, Natasha also noticed that your eyes were getting a bit teary. She noticed how you kept adjusting your eyes, for tears not to fall down. She was worried that you were going to have a full breakdown in front of everybody, and how it would ruin your mental health. But other than them, nobody really noticed.
''We were something, don't you think so? Rosé flowing with your chosen family And it would've been sweet if it could've been me'' You kept swaying your body to the rhythm of the music, and thankfully your teary eye was nowhere to be seen. At this point, you relaxed yourself, your whole body, and your mind. As if no one was in the room but you. It made you feel more comfortable and free.
''In my defense, I have none For digging up the grave another time But it would've been fun'' You continue to sing with your whole heart, while your eyes are closed, and your head pointing upwards, feeling the moment.
You slowly tilt your head down and opened your eyes whilst singing the last words of the song. 'If you would've been the one'' As you fully opened your eyes to the part where you said ''One'' you locked eyes with Wanda, who's  looking at you like she has sparks in her eyes. You just stood there, staring into her beautiful green eyes. You felt whole. Staring into Wanda's eyes made you feel whole. Not because you weren't whole before, but because the person you're in the same room, sharing the most passionate eye contact with is the love of your life. The person that reminds you through her actions, words, and vibe, that you're worthy of love. Every second with her, makes you feel that way. You, still standing there, in the middle of the stage, still locking eyes with Wanda. You wanted to just run towards her and kiss her so passionately, that it could feel like you two are the only ones in the world. And you saw it in her eyes that she felt the same way.
After the song fully ended, you shook your head, breaking eye contact with Wanda, and left the stage. You ran towards the back door, to which Stephen noticed. Stephen followed you not so long after you went out. While you were alone, all you could think about is how the dream you wanted with Wanda will never be possible. She's in love with Vision. She loves Vision, and Vision loves her back. Even if it was somehow possible, it also means breaking Vision's heart. You have a good relationship with Vision, and he was there to help you when you needed someone. He might not have been the best at it, but he always tried his hardest to help you with your emotions. You couldn't do that to him. The thought of someone noticing how you and Wanda locked eyes suddenly accrued to you. What if someone did notice. What if they saw what Yelena and Scott saw. I mean, even if they just thought that I'm having feelings for Wanda- them noticing our look could simply confirm that I'm practically in love with her. No. Nobody could've seen it. Nobody could've noticed it, right?
Inside the bar, while you were leaving, clapping started. You didn't really notice it cause your head was spinning, but a lot of people were really impressed by your performance, including the team.
"Wow, that was some performance Y/N pulled there," Scott said.
"Yeah, didn't really know they can sing" Bucky replied.
"Really? Didn't hear her through the walls whenever she takes a shower?" Steve implies.
"Wait, you guys also hear her sing in the shower?" Kate questioned.
"Yeah, I mean, the walls are thin, kid"
"I thought Mr. Stark reconstructed them with noise-proof..." Peter said worriedly.
"He is, but he's still not done with the full compound" Vision answered.
"Oh... so, did you guys by any chance-" Peter got interrupted.
"Yes, Peter, we heard your attempts at ordering a meal in Mcdonald's" Nat replied.
Peter got a bit embarrassed and his cheeks slightly turned red. He slightly puts his head down and slides under the table, out of humiliation. Peter then showed up beside Vision, coming out from the bottom of the table.
''Hey, Mr. Vision'' Peter said.
''You can just call me Vision, Peter'' Vision corrected.
''Oh, well, Vision. Can we talk about Mr, Stark's wall repair?'' Peter asked.
''Yes, we could. What is it you want to know?'' Vision replied.
''Can we- Can we discuss this somewhere private?''
''Well, yes'' Vision excused himself to Wanda and the team, saying that he and Peter will be close at the door exit talking about compound matters.
After they left, Wanda was left alone with an empty spot beside her. Yelena and Kate were debating, Nat watched as Yelena and Kate debated whiled drinking her beer, Bucky was trying to shoot nuts inside Scott's mouth cause of a bet, and Steve noticed Wanda looking upset.
''Hey'' Steve said whilst he sat in front of Wanda.
''Oh, hey'' She slightly smiles.
''You okay there?''
''Yeah, why'd you ask?'' She said a bit annoyed. She wasn't annoyed at Steve. She just has this upset feeling after your performance, and she couldn't rub it off.
''Are you sure? I saw that look you and Y/N both had after she sang'' He confronted.
''What are you talking about? Y/N looked all at us, and we all were watching her'' She laughed it off and denied the truth.
''Well, whatever it was- or was not- I saw love in that stare'' He said while looking at Wanda in a concerned way. Wanda just brushed off what Steve said and took a sip of her beer.
''I've been observing you two-'' Steve got interrupted.
''Creep'' Wanda mumbled as she rolls her eyes and puts her head down.
Steve lightly laughs it off. ''And, believe it or not, it looks like something's been going on, with you guys. Don't you think you should tell her the truth?'' Steve asked.
Wanda lifted her head and replied, ''Don't you think I don't want her to know? I can't risk what's at stake here for some puppy love''
Ouch. Does Wanda think the potential relationship between you two is just some puppy love? And what's at stake? What are they talking about? And most importantly, are we forgetting about Vision?!
''You don't have to'' Steve replied with a smirk.
''What do you mean?'' Wanda's mood suddenly lightened up.
''Look, you've done most of your part. We'll be able to handle it without you guys'' Steve replies.
Who the fuck are ''you guys''? What the hell is happening?
''Are you sure?'' Wanda says hesitantly.
''I'm sure'' Steve assured Wanda. ''Besides, it's Y/N we're talking about. If anybody's good at keeping secrets, it sure is her''
''You're right'' Wanda smiles, knowing she could finally tell you the truth.
'Well, what are you waiting for? Go tell her!'' Steve exclaimed.
''Right, right!'' Wanda gains her attentiveness back and quickly stands up.
''Do you know where she is?'' Wanda asked agitated.
''Back door'' Steve replied and continued to take a sip from his beer as he proudly smiles and mumbles, ''Go get her, girl''
While the conversation between Steve and Wanda was going on, you and Stephen had another in hand.
You were rambling and overthinking every possible worse scenario in mind. It made you feel very overwhelmed, so you sat on the floor. As Stephen opened the door, she saw you on the ground, head down, hugging your knees, while rocking back and forth. The sight of that made Stephen eagerly worried. He rushed towards you and leaned down at you.
''Hey, hey. It's me'' He said in a soothing voice while he pats your back.
Hearing his voice made you feel comforted and somehow secured. ''Stephen?'' You said whilst you lifted your head to look at him.
''It's me'' He looks at you concerned.
You just looked back at him with drowsy eyes and a twitching mouth, not knowing what to respond.
''What happened back there?'' He asks.
''I- I- I-... I don't know'' You said whilst shaking your head. ''I just- I just... I got caught up with'' You paused for a brief moment. ''Wanda. I- I didn't know what to do. I just felt it. All of my emotions running through my body, and I couldn't handle it. It was all too much, all at once'' You continued, stuttering. ''So, I ran'' You gave Stephen a sad smile.
Stephen looked at you worriedly. Wondering if not doing anything while you were up there was a good decision. If not doing something in his powers was the right choice. He didn't know exactly what to say, so, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled your head closer to his chest while he pats your head and kisses it.
''Everything is gonna be okay, Y/N. I know you're stronger than this'' He comforted.
You, still rocking back in forth, but this time at a slower pace, trying to catch your breath.
Stephen noticed how you were struggling to catch your breath and how tense you were, so, he took one of your hands, placed it on his chest for you to feel his breathing movement, and started to do breathing exercises. While doing so, you stopped rocking back and forth, you let go of the grip you had on your legs, leaving them to relax on the floor, and slowly, you started to catch your breath.
After doing breathing exercises for about five minutes, you've finally caught your breath and are able to breathe properly.
''All good?'' Stephen asks.
''Yup, all good'' You replied. ''Thank you'' You whisper to him whilst giving him a tight hug.
He smiles and kisses your head as he hugs you a bit tighter. While suddenly, the door opens.
''Y/N!'' A woman from behind shouted. You looked up to see who it was, calling your name
''Wanda'' You said, in a state of shock. You release from Stephen's embrace and stood up. ''Wh- What are you doing here?'' You stuttered.
''I have to tell you something, Y/N'' She quickly responded.
Stephen overhearing what Wanda said made him realize that it was his cue to leave them both. He stands up, pats your shoulder, and nods at Wanda as he heads towards the door.
''What is it you want to tell me?'' You said.
''I know you felt it too'' She replied.
''Wh- What do you mean?'' You said whilst you tuck your hair behind your ears.
''The look'' She paused briefly. ''The look we gave each other on the stage. I know you felt it too''
Your pupils dilate a bit hearing those words- you thought you'd never hear. It made you want to grab Wanda's head and kiss her on the lips, but the thought of Vision, yet again, entered your mind.
She grabs both your hands and holds them tightly. ''Vision and I-'' She got interrupted.
''Look, I don't wanna ruin anything between you and Vison-'' She stops you by letting go of one of your hands and presses her hand on your lips to shush you.
''Vision and I aren't real, Y/N'' I swear you felt your soul exit your body for a second when you heard her.
You took her hand and removed it from your lips as a tear shed from your eye. ''Okay, I need you to elaborate'' You sarcastically giggled, trying to process all of these emotions coming and going.
''We were never together. We needed to pretend that we were because of a mission, and both of us are the only ones who know the mission well enough to properly execute it without suspicion'' She explains.
Are all the feelings and moments the two of you shared together real? Did she feel it too- the heat and passion- whenever one of you accidentally brushes your arm at one another. It wasn't just her being a typical flirt? Is she kidding? Is she playing some kind of dare? I need to know before anything goes sideways, you thought to yourself.
''Then why didn't we know? You could've told us. Could've trusted us- ME!- with this information'' You exclaimed.
''It was too much of a risk to take. We were afraid that there was gonna be a mole-'' She said whilst shaking her head and looking down at you when you interrupt her.
''Did you think I was the mole?!'' You angrily exclaimed at her.
''No, no!'' Wanda aggressively shakes her head. ''I never thought you were the mole. But telling you this information might've gotten you in trouble. It might've hurt you'' She said with a concerned tone. ''And not in a million years would I risk anything if it means you'll get hurt''
''Then why tell me this now?'' You wondered.
''I- I wanted to. We're practically done with the mission- At least mine and Vision's part of it. And nothing will be traced back at us''
''Then explain all of the flirty things you guys have done in the past months'' You said, taking your hands off Wanda's and crossing them.
''We needed to be deep undercover. It was easier to believe and live a lie for us to make other people believe it's true''
You scoffed at what she has said.
She looked at you with sincerity and burning desires in her eyes. She couldn't help herself any longer. She wanted- needed- to kiss you. She pulls your head close to hers and starts to kiss you so passionately and softly. You kissed her back, putting your hand on her head, and gripping her hair. It was... it was so magical. As if you were a little kid in Candyland. With every moment of her lips, you let out a soft moan. You came back to your senses and pulled her off.
''Oh, I'm sorry- I- I should've asked. I-'' You stopped her the same way she stopped you with her hand against your lips earlier.
''Tell me this is all true. That you aren't lying. That this isn't a dare or some kind of game they pushed you to do''
''Y/N-'' She mumbles under your hand.
''I need to know. I need to know, Wanda'' You looked at her.
She gently takes your hand off of her mouth and gently held them with both of her hands.
''This is all true, Y/N. This isn't some kind of dare or game. This- my love for you- is all so very true'' She softly reassures you as she leans closely towards your body.
You can't stop looking at her lips, and with that being said, you pulled her hips close to your body with your left hand and pushed her head to yours as your lips both crashed together. You started to kiss her with all of your heart. The cold breeze of air touching your faces. All of those moments you wanted to kiss her but can't, you remembered as you were kissing the redheaded witch. How you were so thankful that the agony of waiting and desperation is now over. It was getting heated. You pressed her against the wall and started to remove her blaiser and stockings as you two were making out. You started nibbling on her neck. Your knee slightly pressed against the in between of her thighs. It let out a slight moan in her gorgeous, soft, pretty, little mouth. God, you loved teasing her, like how she teased you with all the pretending that they've been doing for months. You felt how soaked she was and you loved it. You can't believe it's actually leading to this. Nothing can stop the both of you right now. Until...
''Woaahhhhhh!'' A woman who just opened the door, behind you and Wanda exclaimed.
You both got startled and stopped making out as you both looked at the door to whom it might be.
''Yelena?!'' You exclaimed.
''Y/N, I didn't think that you'd be going down Maximoff, tonight'' She made fun of you.
''Oh my God!'' You rolled your eyes at her, annoyed. You excused yourself to Wanda and made your way towards Yelena.
''Oh, hey, Maximoff!'' She exclaimed as she wiggles her hand, gesturing a wave whilst popping her head to the side of me blocking her view, not being able to see Wanda.
Wanda returned an awkward smile and wave back, covering her face, embarrassed by the fact that someone had just seen her helplessly tremble.
Yelena returned her head and sight towards you and mockingly smiles.
''So-'' You cut her off.
''Not a single word. Tell this to anybody and I will chop your head off'' You said aggressively.
She puts her hands up with her beer bottle mockingly, again as she laughs.
''Leave. Right now'' You demanded.
''Okay, I will leave now, and let you two lovebirds be'' She said still making fun of you.
She leaves and you continue to close the door and locked it. You awkwardly head towards Wanda to apologize.
"'I'm so sorry about Yelena. She's weird that way'' You cupped Wanda's cheeks as you apologized.
''it's okay. It was an accident. It could've been any other person'' She replied as she rubs both your arms.
''So, when shall we continue this... whatever this is'' You laugh it off.
''Maybe,'' She pauses and leans closer to you to fix your hair. ''We could start this over with a date, perhaps?'' She suggested.
You smiled at her and hugged her waist. ''That sounds great'' You smiled.
''I'll text you the address of what I have in mind. Friday, 7:30 sharp. Don't be late. And we can't see each other until the date'' She teases you.
The thought of not being able to see her for the next three days made you doubt, but you thought it through and responded with, ''Yes, ma'am''
You both shared a kiss. You both pulled back at the same time and headed your way through the exit. Before leaving you just had to tell Wanda something.
''Mhm?'' She stops and looks at you.
''You're really needy for me, aren't you?'' You teased her.
''Oh, just wait until Friday'''She gives you a wink.
You both laughed it off.
''I'm really glad this turned out well though''
''Me too'' Wanda smiles.
You put your arm over her and entered the bar again.
You both headed towards the table with a big smile, but sat separately, opposite each other. You excused yourself to order something at the bar. There, you saw Stephen.
''I see it went well'' He says to you while drinking his scotch.
''How'd you know?'' You asked.
''Cause last time I saw you, you were a bit of a mess, and now you're all happy and smiley!'' He sarcastically says.
''Well, it did. And it wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for you'' You thanked him.
''Pft! Oh, please! I barely made an impact'' He laughed off.
''Oh, you sure did make an impact'' You laughed with him.
''Here you go, ma'am'' The bartender said as he gave you two bottles of beer.
''Thanks,'' You replied.
''Uh, hey. I'll be there if you need anything'' You told Stephen, pointing at the table you're seated.
He responded with a smile and nodded as you head your way towards the table to give Wanda her favorite beer, a Stella Artois.
Sitting across from Wanda, a person suddenly taps the mic on stage catching everyone's attention.
''Good evening ladies and gentlemen- and people in general'' The host nervously laughs. ''Here are the result of the winner of the singing competition!'' He exclaimed as he opens the envelope.
''And the winner is...'' Drum roll music suddenly comes out of the speakers. ''Y/N Y/L/N!'' He looks to the crowd and sees you, Peter, and Kate standing up, gathering together. ''Ah, I guess there they are!'' He said in an awkward tone.
''Oh my, God! Y/N! YOU WON- YOU ACTUALLY WON!'' Kate exclaimed as she approaches you with a hug.
''I know! I can't believe I actually did!'' You exclaimed back.
''You guys can't just leave me out of a hug'' Peter pouted from behind. You opened your hug for Peter to get in it as well. As you three, hug out, you saw Yelena looking left out and upset.
''Hey, Lena. Come here'' You whispered to her while making gestures out of your brows for her to join you.
She jumps off of her seat and ran toward the three of you as her strong impact on the hug almost made you all fall.
''Woah!'' Kate exclaimed.
''Okay, I need to go now. They might give the prize to somebody if I don't get up there'' You said almost out of breath.
''But I just got here'' Yelena said with an upset tone.
''I know, Mladenec (baby). But we can hug again after'' You said with an awful pronunciation of Mladenec.
''Okay, never speak my mother tongue again, or else I will send you to Russia and strand you there until you learn proper Russian'' She joked.
The three of them release from the hug as you approach Yelena to make an offer. ''I'll buy you a vest with lots- and I mean lots of pockets after this'' You smile at her.
''Fine'' She nudges your shoulder.
You walked up to the stage and took the big check prize the host was handing you.
''Congratulations" The man said.
''Thank you'' You said to him as he has you the mic for you to give a little speech.
''Ahh, what can I say?'' You look at the big check while Awkwardly laughing. ''I guess, thank you. All of you for making this happen. I really appreciate it'' You said whilst looking at the crowd while they all look back at you as well. ''And, special thanks to my friends- Kate and Peter- for pushing me into doing this!'' You added.
''You did a great job! I hope you and the redhead at the table are dating! You guys really seem to have a connection!'' A person from the audience shouted.
You blush as you turn to Wanda. ''Yeah, sadly we aren't dating. Just good friends'' You said smiling. She smiled back at what you said whilst trying to hide it with her hair.
A small portion of the crowd booed at what you said, expecting you and Wanda are a couple. Seems like other people did notice.
You walked off stage and headed your way to the table.
''Congratulations, Y/N!'' Steve said.
''Thank you'' You replied as you put the gigantic check down and sat beside him.
''To Y/N!'' Bucky exclaimed as he raises his glass.
''To Y/N!'' Everyone exclaims as they all raise their glass and clicked their glasses together.
''Thank you, thank you'' You said to all of them.
''So, Y/N, what are you gonna do with all of your money?'' Natasha asks.
''I don't know. Maybe change my bathroom walls so people don't hear me sing in the shower'' You replied sarcastically.
''Don't! We love hearing you sing!'' Scott exclaimed.
You just gave him a 'Yeah, right' look.
''But for reals, I might donate half to some charity,'' You said to Nat. ''And for the rest... drinks for everyone!'' You exclaimed. Everyone shouted ''Yay!'' and headed toward the bar.
As you were headed towards the bar, Yelena catches up to you.
''Hey, Y/N'' She said.
''Oh, hey,'' You turned to see her. ''Oh, right!'''You suddenly remember something. ''Here's $200 and I am hoping that that's enough for the most pocketed vest in the world'' You hand her two $100 bills.
''Thank you'' She exclaimed in an exciting tone and ran toward the bar with the others.
''See, the crowd loves your voice'' Stephen's voice sneaks from behind,
''Ah, yes. But, devastated by the fact that Wanda and I aren't dating'' You replied turning your head to him.
''Well, I'm very proud of you. Congrats, Y/N'' He pulls you in for a hug and you kiss your forehead.
You look around for Wanda only to not see any signs of her. It made you wonder where she could possibly be. A sudden glimpse of red flow shows up leading to the backdoor, and you followed it whilst being prepared for whatever comes up. Wanda did tell you a secret that could endanger you and the rest of the team. As you got closer and closer to the door, your grip on the hidden gun on your side tightened. You kicked the door and were relieved by what you saw. You saw Wanda creating red wiggly woos on the tip of her fingers.
''Gees, you scared me there'' You sighed out of relief, putting your gun down.
''Sorry to scare you there. I just didn't know how I could approach you without looking suspicious'' She looks at you while trying to apologize.
''It's okay,'' You took her hand and comforted her. ''I just don't get why you aren't inside with the rest of us- In fact, why aren't you?'' You asked.
''I just wanted some alone time with you'' She answers softly.
''I thought we weren't allowed to see each other until Friday'' You teased her.
''Well, I make the rules, and I say that we should remove that rule'' She says flirtatiously.
''Mhm, I like that idea'' You leaned closed to her, gripping her hips as you look into her intoxicating green eyes and pulled her into a kiss.
After approximately three minutes of your make-out session, you both pulled back to catch your breath.
''I almost forgot to tell you...'' She says while gasping for air.
You were a bit anxious about what she'll say since the events of telling the truth earlier. You give her a worried look.
''Congratulations'' She smiles gently while tucking some of your hair back behind your ears.
You smile back at her and cup her cheeks. Looking into her emerald eyes, you lean in for another kiss. The kiss lasted longer this time. About five minutes. She pulls back and gave you a pouting face.
''Why what's wrong?'' You said holding both her hands while gently rubbing them.
''I just- I don't want this to end but, I feel like we have to go back inside before they come looking for us. I mean, we don't want another Yelena accident, don't we?'' She giggles.
''Ugh, fine'' You jokingly rolled my eyes and sighed.
You wrapped your arm around Wanda as she opens the door in advance using her powers.
''I can't wait until Friday'' You sigh and smiled at her.
''Me too, Y/N. Me too'' She lifts your hands and gently kisses your nuckles.
''Hey, funny thought'' You both stopped for a moment.
''What is it?'' She lifts her head, looking directly at you.
''Taylor Swift made this-'' You got cut off by her giggles caused by what you said.
''I'm serious, if she didn't write The 1, I would still been sulking in the corner of my room'' You laugh with her.
''I guess we should we thanking Taylor then'' She jumps along with your joke.
You both entered the bar and headed toward the team. As you got closer, you took your arm off Wanda and separated ways. After a few minutes, you came to her and handed her a drink whilst giving her a wink. She grabs the drink off your hands and tried her best not to blush, and cutely failed at doing so. You went back to sit in between Peter and Kate- who are arguing about walls, somehow- and saw Yelena from aside scrolling through online shops, trying to find a vest. You laugh at the sight of it. Luckily for you, Wanda was sitting just across from you, so seeing her just across made you feel butterflies. You both glimpse at each other from time to time, and when you sometimes caught each other, you both giggle about it.
The rest of the evening went well. Drinking beer, talking about stupid stuff, Kate and Peter practicing how to order in Mcdonald's, and Yelena being the cashier- odd enough. Nat, Scott, and Bucky were the most wasted of all cause of playing a drinking game, where you drink each time Scott says a real fact about assassins. How did Scott get drunk? He dared Nat that if she could say a single fact about his suit, he'd take eight shots. Which was stupid, given the fact that saying 'it can shrink you' is an obvious actual fact about the suit. Nat said 'it could make you bigger', though. You guess Scott was a bit tipsy making that dare. You all went home around 1:48 AM. Steve and Vision were the ones who helped most of the members go to each of their rooms whilst Stephen opens a portal to each of them. Peter and Kate had already fallen asleep, while Yelena drunkenly took silly pictures of them. The cloak of levitation wrapped both Kate and Peter while it drags Yelena to their rooms from the bar. You, Stephen, and Wanda are the only ones left. Stephen opens a portal through Wanda's room, as you guide her inside. You mouthed 'thank you' to Stephen, to which he responded with a nod whilst the portal was closing.
You help Wanda sit on the bed, and when she did, you sat beside her.
''Hey, do you wanna change?'' You offered whilst you rub her back.
''Nah, I'm good with this'' A tipsy Wanda responded.
You laugh as you help her lay down, tucking her in and giving her a kiss on the forehead. You continued your way out, but she suddenly stops you.
''Stay. Please. Just for tonight'' She mumbles, attempting to open her eyes, only to fail due to the extreme heaviness of it.
You walk back at her, leaning close to her face. ''I don't think I can. And I'm assuming Vision is gonna be expecting his space beside you'' I whisper to her.
''Why not? Can two women not sleep in the same bed without the assumption of them dating together? Besides, Vis and I don't sleep together. He prefers his own space'' She replies, her eyes being the smallest wide open.
You chuckle at her response and blush at the fact that she said you both could be 'dating'. You walked towards the other side of the bed and slowly lay down beside her. She turns to you and hugs your waist, pulling it close to hers. You wrapped your arms around her, whilst looking at her, peacefully sleeping. Your mind isn't able to process the fact that you're actually sleeping with Wanda Maximoff. Wanda Maximoff. You smiled at that thought and sight of her. After a few minutes, you finally gave in to sleep. And as for the rest of what happened, we'll just assume the best.
A/N: Hello! I'm glad that you read the whole thing, lmao. I hope you guys liked it! It's my first time writing in a very long time, so apologies if this is a bit rusty. Constructive criticism and suggestions will be highly appreciated <3. I've been thinking about doing a sequel to this story or making this a non-one-shot (if that makes sense). Should I go for the sequel or should make this a whole story?Suggestions for the sequel are also very welcome if you have any in mind :). Again, I am so very thankful that you've come across my works and read the whole thing! Sorry for it being a bit on edge or if it didn't achieve your expectations, lol. If some things don't make sense, I apologize for it, and please point them out or tell them to me. It took me like 2-3 weeks to finish this, and some details might've slipped my mind. Also,
P.S. Expect more tswift inspired one-shots. So, if you're into that, you know where to find me ;)
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kenjiro-kun · 1 year
Attack on Titan: Annie Leonhart, Mikasa Ackerman, Sasha Braus, Ymir, Christa Lenz, Hange Zoë, Hitch Dreyse, Yelena, Pieck
‼️ Fem Reader ‼️
[Scenario #2] Who Introduces You
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Annie Leonhart: Hitch, her roommate, introduces you to Annie. It was awkward at first due to Annie's anti-social behavior with those around her, but to some type of miracle she was slowly warming up to you and Hitch was very impressed with herself over your success.
Mikasa Ackerman: Armin, her friend, introduces you to Mikasa, and she didn't know what to expect from you since she didn't exactly know you. Armin knew you were going to be a good friend towards Mikasa by how you treat everyone around you along with how you act on the front lines. He had high hopes and by the look of it, Mikasa was growing attached to you.
Sasha Braus: Connie, her friend, introduces you to Sasha. At first, you were overwhelmed by her obsession and love for food, but you found that an adorable characteristic. You would give her the leftovers that you didn't eat when Connie dragged you over to her and she soon became friends with you.
Ymir: Christa, her friend, introduces you to Ymir. She wasn't very fond of you at first, but when getting to know you she became excitingly opened with you. Doing things she would do with Christa she did with you.
Christa Lenz: Ymir, her friend, introduces you to Christa. She was polite, since she didn't know you, but didn't have high hopes since it was Ymir's friend. To her surprise you weren't anything like Ymir, and she instantly wanted to know you more
Hange Zoë: Erwin, a commander, introduces you to Hange. She didn't understand at first, thinking you were another titan shifter she could experiment on, but with further explanation she understood that you both had similar interests which got her excited when meeting you. She wanted to have you stay with her, but you had other duties to do.
Yelana: No-one really introduced you to her, she had just bumped into you one time, and finally had you to herself. She was very fond of your personality,  knowing you were taking things seriously, and understand the reasons of everything around you. It was satisfying hearing your voice with out anothers interrupting you on various meetings, and it was rare to have you alone to have a talk one-on-one, so when she did she waa grateful.
"It is nice to finally be able to talk to you, L/N."
Pieck: Porco introduced you to her, you weren't ready. She was a complete goddess, you wanted more than to just hug her right then and there, but that would be too impulsive. "I am Y/N L/N!" She was very found of your flustered behavior and played around with it, but Porco stopped her before you busted into flames.
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
sick yelena x reader on christmas using the prompts “Santa brought me the sniffles.” and “Was it really worth being out in the snow?”
Santa And The Sniffles
Yelena is back again, woo! Another drabble done, might be able to get afew more done today too. Lmk what you think, Im still trying to get into writing for her so any advice or thoughts are appreciated :) enjoy :)
“How is this fair?” Yelena whined for third time that hour, “Im Russian, this isnt fair.”
“Maybe if you stopped whining then your throat would feel better.” You chided as you ran your hand through her hair.
“Im allowed to whine, I’m sick.” She looked up to pout at you, earning herself a laugh from you.
“Was it really worth being outside in the snow?”
Yelena gave a fake gasp, before exclaiming, “What?! Of course it was, we got to make snowmen.” Only the action caused her to throat to rebel against her, sending her into a flurry of damp coughs which trailed off into a fit of exhausted sneezing, “Hh’kkhsshooo! Hh…Hhep’ttshoo! Hih…Hhiiitshoo!”
You sighed, “Easy there. Bless you.”
You hated seeing her sick, but it didn’t come as a surprise when she had woken up with the sniffles. Two days prior, it had snowed hard. The ground was covered with a white blanket of pristine snow and Yelena being Yelena had to go and immediately build a snowman. You’d think that any reasonably sane person would think to grab a coat, maybe even some gloves? Nope. She ran out there in just her jeans, a t-shirt and some trainers.
Now she was paying the price, her head in your lap as you held her on the sofa, both of you unable to sleep. The small clock ontop of your fireplace chimed as it struck midnight.
“Happy Christmas princess.” Your kissed her warm forehead as she smiled.
“Presents?” Yelena asked weakly, her voice growing tired as her eyes grew heavy, “I think I already have mine though, Santa brought me the sniffles, must’ve been on the naughty list.”
You tried to hold back your laughter, you didn’t want to giggle at your feverish girlfriend but sometimes she came out with the funniest of things, “I don’t think it was Santa which brought your sniffles, we can do presents later after you get some sleep.”
She nodded seeming content with your answer, “But you need to sleep too though.” She added, knowing that you hadn’t really gotten much rest yourself lately.
“Okay, budge up a little.” You said, shuffling yourself to lay down beside her, laying your arm over her waist to hold her close.
As the pull of sleep tugged at you both, you felt her interlock her fingers with your own, leaning into her neck and you mumbled a soft, “Sleep well princess.”
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avengerslittleone · 2 years
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You were sitting around the avengers compound when your mom comes in and you say hay mama and Natasha say’s come on time for training and then you say no wana and Natasha say’s ok I will carry you there and then one there you were practicing your powers and then Peter comes in and you mess up using your powers and the next thing you saw was a back ally and you and Peter walk around and you smack him straight on the face and then you walk by a karate studio and you hold your arm and you roll up your sleeves and say Peter there here my soulmates my mama and dada and then Peter say’s let’s go in and you walk in and some old guy says beginning classes are on Monday’s and then you say ha me a beginner at fighting I was raised by hydra and the red room so I know how to fight and then yelana and vision walk in and you say fine old man give me your best fighter here I can beat them blind folded and then you fight sensei kreese and then after the fight kreese says you are a excellent fighter I would like to have you join cobra kai and then you say depends on how long we are stuck here so yes and then kreese says where did you lean moves like that and you say like I said hydra and red room and Robby say those are made up there not real and you say and you all should fear me I am not from this universe am from the universe where the redroom and hydra do exist and then bucky walk’s in say’s take us back now and then you say fine but if we end up in twilight not my fault but my powers are not working the same here and then Robby say’s is that the winter soldier and you say yea he’s one of my dad’s I am y/n avenger they all had a big fight who would end up my parents so now all the avengers are and the Natasha grabs kreese and body slam’s him and say’s if you ever touch my child like that again you wouldn’t have a head and then Tory says wait if your the real avengers show us your powers and then you turn into a mini hulk and you turn back and then Peter climbs on the ceiling and crawls on it and then Tory say’s so it is true and then Robby and Tory look at you and they say y/n can we talk outside and then you walk out side and they say your our little one we could feel it and then you say when we leave your coming with us and they say ok little cobra and then you lean on Tory and say tank ou mama,dada and then tony fly’s down well seems you have found your soulmate’s and then after class you took them to your house and you run up stairs and Robby grabs you and picks you up and carry’s you up stairs and you whine and Tory says we don’t want you hurt and then they find your nursery and Tory say’s you want mama to change you and then later on Robby say’s oh no you can’t escape me the tickle monster and then later on Tory put you to bed and then a month later you went back with your mama and dada and your real parents and from then on you were no longer rude and Moody
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stuckysbike · 6 months
Moonlight Kisses
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Angst, unrequited?feelings. Fluff.
Summary: You’ve fallen in love, but he wants someone else, and it’s you he’s asking for advice!
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It was a cold December Friday night when you realised you were in love with Bucky Barnes.
Natasha had ushered you out of your solitude and over to her private apartment on the compound. Steve was already there, along with Sam, Joaquin, Yelana, a few from the medical team and a few mechanics.
The place was decorated for winter, with playful snowmen and fuzzy christmas trees stacked in the corners. Everyone got comfortable on the big couch and music played in the background whilst you snacked on festive foods and sipped seasonal alcoholic drinks.
Bucky had been telling a story, his face lit up and his big hands flying everywhere as he described his mom chasing him with a broom during his teenage years after a stray snowball missed its target and landed on her. Occasionally his eyes met yours and they sparkled with mischief, but you figured he was like that with everyone.
You’d been crushing on him since you arrived in January and he was first to greet you. He seemed fascinated by your job, research and data analyst, but it was ultimately boring to almost everyone but you.
You lunched together sometimes and you swapped books every few weeks. You even got him into podcasts and you were always swapping recommendations.
But tonight he looked happy, relaxed even, and when Natasha dropped her dainty feet into his lap you felt the world skip underneath you, you wanted to put your feet in his lap. You wanted his big hands dwarfing your feet.
He rubbed her toes without thinking, and she snuggled down as the mechanics started describing the prank they’d played on Tony this week, going so far as to rope Pepper in. Bucky was listening intently, laughing along with them but his hands never stopped moving. It was obvious they were intimate with each other from the tiny looks and touched they shared.
You couldn’t understand why your heart suddenly ached, and then it hit you like a train. You were jealous, more than jealous, the revelation of their relationship hurt.
“Wanna stay here tonight?” You heard Natasha murmur to Bucky during a lull in conversation. Yelana was changing the music and Joaquin was setting up tequila shots.
He smiled at her but shook his head. “Nah,” his voice was thick with tiredness.
“You finally made a move on that girl?” She teased wiggling in her spot.
Bucky’s cheeks tinged pink and you dropped your eyes when you realised you were staring. You didn’t want to be caught looking like some dumb kid. You studied your hands but your head was swimming with this sudden realisation.
It was foolish to think that Bucky with his wonderful abilities and handsome looks would be interested in you who spent most of your time at work or alone. Bucky had been to hell and back, he deserved someone gorgeous who could distract him from reality
“Think I’m gonna’ take her out, yeah,” he nodded. You snuck a glance at him in time to catch him looking from you to Natasha.
Oh god, he must have noticed you staring. How embarrassing!
Tears that had no right to form in your eyes were there anyway and you stood suddenly distracting Steve who was kneeling at the coffee table next to you. Sam took the opportunity to defeat him in their thumb war game much to Steve’s annoyance.
“I’m going to head back, I’m just really tired,” you said to the room, avoiding Bucky and trying to look above Natasha’s head. “Thank you for the invitation Natasha.”
There were a few comments asking you to stay but ultimately everyone wished you a good sleep. Your own room was a fifteen minute walk away in a shared block and you pulled your arms around yourself to fight the cold as you stepped outside. You wished you brought more than a hoodie to keep you warm.
You looked up into the sky and focused on the moon and sucked a deep breath of cold air deep into your lungs. It grounded you so you did it again.
“Hey Doll,” Bucky called startling you. You hadn’t noticed him leaving behind you but he was closer than you expected.
“Bucky, hi,” you frowned.
“Thought I’d walk you back,” he said falling into step with you. “And I wanted your advice.”
“So there’s this girl I like. She’s not like the others, she’s not really - she’s different. And I really want to make a date special for her, you know?” He glanced as you, letting his arm bump yours as you walked.
“I do,” you sighed resigning yourself to your fate. You didn’t want to have this conversation but you didn’t want to not help him either. He was your friend after all and despite your feelings you would be there for him no matter what.
“So I’ve had a few first date ideas, but I’m thinking farmers market then making brunch together? I started this really great podcast and I was thinking we could listen together as we cook then talk about it while we eat? Then after we could go to a museum or something?” Bucky licked his lips and stopped turning to look at you.
You didn’t want him to share a podcast with her. That was your thing with him. You knew you were being unfair, childish even but right now you didn’t care. His deep blue eyes searched your face. He looked so vulnerable in that moment.
“That sounds lovely,” you said. And it did, you wished you were that girl, you wished Bucky wanted to go to all that trouble for you but instead you’d have to sit home alone tomorrow whilst he woo’d someone else. You hoped it would be a long time before you were forced to meet her.
“Yeah?” He asked excitedly. “I really just wanna’ hold her hand, at the market, in the museum, I just crave that feeling you know, like this,” Bucky reached for your hand and laced your fingers together, holding your joined hands up to inspect. “It’s been a long time since I held a girls hand like this.”
“I-I’m sure it has Buck,” you swallowed. His hand dwarfed yours and his heat easily crept onto your skin. His thumb caressed your knuckles and your breath hitched but Bucky didn’t seem to notice.
He resumed walking and you could do nothing but join him, he still had your hand in his. He described his outfit for his date and wondered if you had a cosy chunky sweater.
“I do, it’s so comfortable,” you said softly. You couldn’t hide the disappointment as you slowed in front of the doors. “It’s my favourite colour too.”
“Will you wear it tomorrow?” Bucky tilted his head to the side.
“Why does it matter what I wear?” You couldn’t help but giggle at his odd request. You couldn’t do it though, thinking of him with someone else whilst you wore what he asked you to.
“I want to know that you’re warm tomorrow. You know, on our date?” Bucky pressed his cool left hand on your cheek as he turned to face you. His kiss was soft, just a sweet brush of the lips and then he pulled away. “I’ll see you at nine thirty?”
“Uh huh,” you nodded dumbly. He kissed you again, and you caught the faint taste of whiskey on his lips. He was warm as he pressed into you and you let your hands slide up his chest to his shoulders.
“See you tomorrow baby girl,” he pressed one last kiss to your forehead then opened the building door for you.
You walked inside in a daze, waving goodbye and drifting up the stairs like you weighed nothing.
You couldn’t remember getting changed into your pj’s, all you knew was that you were snuggled under your duvet setting an alarm for your date with Bucky in the morning.
You smiled, and suddenly your legs kicked and you let out a little squeal. You were going out with Bucky Barnes and he kissed you three times.
You feel asleep to the memory of one hot hand and one cold hand cupping your cheeks as he kissed you in the moonlight.
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3cremepie3 · 2 years
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18+ lesbian Drabble Multifandom x Afab reader ,Dom/sub dynamics, squirting, overstimulation, edging
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Smacks your ass
She can’t help it when you walk around those tight shorts bending down to pick something up she purposefully dropped. Or even when your wearing a pair of plain jeans they just fit your figure so perfectly so she just smacks your ass. You always yelp a bit surprised. She loves getting the reaction out of you. So when your busy lost in thought riding her strap in reverse cowgirl a simple slap brings it all together. And another until your ass starts to sting she’ll rub you later. But for now she keeps slapping watching your asschecks bounce even more while she increases her pace her hips grounding on your sore ass.
Nami, Mitsuri, Sasha, Piek, Ino, Vanessa
Smacks your pussy
“Come on you can hold out a little longer.” Do it for me will yah,” she begged. But you came anyway squirting on her half sunken fingers. “Seems this pussy can’t behave itself huh.” She slaps your pussy hitting your swollen clit stoping your orgasm mid way. Tears fall from your eyes in defeat your mascara begging to run. “You look so pretty when you cry let’s try that again.” She continues to edge your pussy slapping it anytime you begin to feel relief. If only she found out about this sooner. At least she knew your new routine.
Hange, F.F, Shizuku, Joyelne, Robin, Mey Rin, Anko, Histora, Hina, Yuzuha
Slaps your face
She hit you and it felt like a kiss. “Open your mouth whore.” She demands her palm running across your cheek. You follow her commands opening your mouth to willingly accept her spit. “Damn how desperate could you possibly be?” Hmm that’s what I love about you such a filthy slut huh?” You nodded agreeing. “Answer me.” She slapped you again. “Yes Ma’am I’m everything that you say anything you want,” you smiled. “That’s my girl now suck on this.” She shoved her strap in your mouth.
Yelana, Quanxi, Makima, Shinbou, Temari, Miruko, Mikasa , Mereoleona , Annie, Ymir, Shoko
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Jealous/possessive Nat. Maybe she leaves y/n willingly for a few years on a mission which breaks y/n heart but when she finally comes back, y/n is sleeping with kate/Wanda or even better Yelana so Nat makes a point of claiming what is hers. Nat doesn't share what is hers.
If you're comfortable, make it smutty af as well please
Jealous Girl
WARNINGS: break ups, 18+ themes, jealousy, slight toxic!nat, strap-on use (reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving), thigh riding (reader receiving), degradation, daddy kink
WORDS: 3,108
PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader, fwb Wanda Maximoff x f!reader
A/N: a lovely ask from a lovely anon, after this hopefully i will be updating my series! @daddynattt i better see you in a pink hoodie 🙄
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She loved you. Loved. Loved? Love is for children. She loved you enough to let you go. Was that enough? Was letting you go enough? She was a fucking liar. She lied to herself, and to you.
It was a cold winter night in January. You and your girlfriend sat in your room in the Avengers compound, surrounded by blankets and pillows. A comfortable silence in the room, you could hear faint police sirens from afar. A light glow in the dark room came from your open window. Your hand ran through her soft red hair, her head on your lap. A blanket draped over the both of your bodies. It seemed perfect. Almost seemed perfect.
“Babe?”  you hummed as a response, taking the hands that were once stroking her hair away. “Yeah? What is it Natty?”  the comfortable silence growing uncomfortable by the second, “can we talk?” what? What did she mean by that? You felt your anxiety spike at those 3 words. “What do you mean? I– we're talking right now Natasha.” your words follow with a nervous laugh.
“Y/N.” her tone was rather serious. You've never heard her this serious in your entire relationship before. It scared you. Oh, how it scared you so very much. “y-yeah what is it?” she could almost hear the fear in your voice. Almost wasn't enough. Were you not enough? “I have a mission soon.” was that it? Hopefully, it was. “oh! Is that all? I thought it was something serious.” your palms get clammy, and you were quick to wipe them off with your shirt. Your lap felt lighter as she took her head off of it.
Her gaze towards you seemed so empathetic that it made you feel pathetic. She sighed, holding onto your wrists as she spoke up. “Detka the mission is over 6 months long.” you lock eyes with her. Her beautiful green eyes, the soft gaze that was there just a while ago changed to a dark one. “So..?” you ask, cocking your head to the side. “Look I'm trying to say that this can't happen between us. We.. we can't happen.” fuck. God no. Why is this happening? She loves you. She does. You've been together for 4 years, why is she doing this?
“w–why do you think that..? You've been on missions before Natasha! What's wrong this time?” did those 4 years not matter to her? Did you not matter to her? She just had to go. Didn't she know that you love her? Did she not care? Why must she do this to you? Did she not love you like how you love her? Was this relationship all a lie?
“I just think it's best if we take a break baby.” you felt tears prick your eyes, blurring your vision. You couldn't tell if you were angry or sad. “Natasha..” her grip on your wrists loosen, “Nat just get out.” she seemed surprised at your words. Did she think you'd beg for her to stay? If she didn't want you, what would begging do? She made up her mind. It's not your fault you want her to stay. “Y/N–” your gaze lowered itself onto your hands, looking everywhere but at her. “Natasha, please. Get out.” she sighed and got off the bed. “Goodnight detka.” you couldn't bring yourself to say goodbye back. The tears spilled from your burning eyes as soon as she stepped out of the room. She left you. And you couldn't do anything about it.
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“You're doing so well malysh..” she coos, gripping your waist as you rode yourself against her thigh. Your moans and whimpers were heard throughout the bedroom. You were tightly holding onto her shoulders. “Wanda fuck.” your breathing labored as you were reaching an orgasm, “what is it sweetheart?” she flexed her thigh. Fucking hell. “Please. I'm so close Wands..” your juices were dripping down her thigh and onto the bedsheets.
“Let go dorogaya.. make a mess all over my thigh.” you dig your nails into her shoulders, leaving behind crescent shaped marks. “ohh my God–” you came all over her, your cum spilling onto her thigh and probably drenching the sheets as well. She chuckled, pressing her forehead to yours, “that was hot.” she admitted, watching how your breasts were pressed up against her body. “Sorry about your sheets Wands.” you say, looking down at her dampened bedsheets.
“It's okay Y/N/N, wanna stay the night?” you think on that question for a few seconds. “Sure, why not.” she kisses your cheek before laying down on the bed, pulling you down with her.
It was summer now, 6 months quickly passed by since she left you. She was still away at her mission. Sometimes you wondered why she even chose such a long mission. But eventually, you stopped wondering. She left you. End of story... Right? January soon became July, the cold breezes in the air soon became warm. Your love for her? You didn't know. She hurt you. You felt as if your heart shattered in a million pieces. Did she not care about that? She promised. Did she lie? “moya lyubov I could never hurt you like they did. I promise.”
The room's atmosphere was warm and quiet. Slight noises could be heard from the fan. It was a bit quiet outside tonight, it was dark out but you could hear birds chirping in the distance.
You sighed into her hold, nuzzling your chin against the crook of her neck. “Goodnight Wands.” she kissed your forehead, “goodnight dorogaya..” you two quickly fell into a deep slumber. You breathed softly in your sleep, and Wanda lightly snored.
January 21st was the day she broke up with you. The date tonight was July 20th. She's supposed to come home tomorrow morning. Supposed to. You didn't want anything bad to happen to her. You just didn't want to see her so soon.
Was that so bad? You were sure she didn't want anything to do with you either. So why must she come here first instead of debriefing at SHIELD? Why did you have to see her so early? She didn't love you. You were wrong all along. Were you?
You woke up the next morning being absolutely crushed by Wanda. “Wands– get off of me, I can't breathe.” she looks down at you from under her, “oops?” she said with a chuckle as she got off of you. “Oops?! Wanda? You bitch.” you giggle and shove a pillow at her face. The fun didn't last long as the both of you were called in the lounge room.
“You called?” you asked Tony, “yeah, your girlfriend is back from the mission or whatever. Thought you'd wanna know, y'know?” he said, looking up at you from his laptop screen. “My girlfriend? Who?” he raised a brow in confusion. “Red hair? Russian? A bit mean sometimes.” you laugh slightly, “ohh, yeah no. She broke up with me right before her mission.” he widened his eyes in shock. “Nobody ever tells me shit in this god damn place.”
“Y/N?” you turn to look at the familiar voice calling out your name. “oh, hey Nat.” you say before walking back to Wanda's room. “Y/N wait–” you quickly ran into her room and closed the door shut. Your heart was racing. You didn't think for one second that you'd see her after all those months, standing there and calling out your name. “Malysh? What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining but–” you grab onto her wrists, and place her hands on your waist. “Touch me. Wanda please.” she hums, gripping your skin harshly. “What happened sweetheart?” you whine against her touch, slowly backing up to the edge of the bed.
Why did she have to come back? Was breaking up with you not enough? Did she want to hurt you more? You were so done with it. Yet you weren't. “It's Natasha..” you choked back a sob, desperately clinging onto her shoulders. “oh.. I'm sorry Y/N.” she peppers kisses onto your neck, and pushes you onto the bed. “What do you want me to do? hm?” you sigh, “mark me. Leave marks please. I–” she smirks. “wanna make her jealous? Make her mad?” you nod, clutching her wrists as she bites onto your neck, sucking on your soft sensitive spot. “Wanda..” you moan out her name and gasp softly as she brings a hand up to take off your bra. She unhooked your bra and slid it off your chest. “Just marks? Nothing else?” you nodded.
“Thanks, Wands.” you laugh, taking a look at the many marks she had left on you in the mirror. A few on your neck, your collarbone, and the upper area of your breasts. “No problem, what are friends for?” she chuckles, putting her rings back on. “Fucking?” you giggle, burying your face into her shoulder. “Just kidding Wanda, you're the best.” she smiled and kissed the top of your head.
It was a bit past midnight, and you were attempting to sneak out of your best friend's room unnoticed. But as soon as you stepped out of her room, “Natasha! Hey.. there.” she cleared her throat, her eyes fixated on your neck and your hand on the witch's doorknob. “uh..” you sighed, closing the door. “okay..” you whispered and walked past her and made your way into your bedroom.
“What the fuck was that?” Natasha muttered to herself as she was walking into her room. Did you get with someone already? Was it Wanda? Were you with Wanda? She realized her mistake. She shouldn't have left what was hers. She should feel sad, despair even, that the love of her life that she willingly chose to leave had their eyes set on someone else. But no, she felt longing, a sense of need. A drive really, a drive for claiming. Claiming what belongs to her. You. She wanted you, and she's going to get what she wants. No matter what gets in the way. You're hers, and she'll have you.
That night she went to bed, her thoughts were contaminated by you. Your beautiful face, those soft, plump lips of yours. Your hands.. the way they'd clutch onto her muscular shoulders whenever she'd have her way with you. Your neck, the one littered with sinful marks just now. The way your hips would stutter upwards when she'd tease you. Your voice, the moans, and whimpers that would sneak past your mouth. Your cheeks all flushed, bright red, when she'd whisper something in your ear.
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You groaned as the sunlight cracked through the blinds. “ugh.. why is it so bright?” you sat up on your bed, rubbing your eyes. “Wait– fuck I'm late for training.” you throw off the blanket and run into the bathroom to freshen up.
“Y/N..” the sight of you made her fall in love all over again. “let's just get training over with Natasha.” you sighed. She chuckled under her breath. You were trying so hard to seem unphased, how cute. “Your position is all wrong.” she rasped, oh fuck, how her husky voice still managed to make you completely weak in the knees. “I– I can do it myself!” she briefly pauses, contemplating on whether she should let you do it on your own or step in and help. “As your mentor, I can help.” she pressed her body against your backside and brought her hand to your arm.
“You need to raise your arm up..” she gently moved your arm upwards, putting your hands in a combat position. “You didn't need to ‘help’ me Natasha.” your words came out colder than you expected, Natasha smirked. Did you expect her to be upset? “yeah well,” her hands slid down from your shoulders and down to your waist. “I wanted to, so I am.” she squeezed your waist lightly. “Nat..” you were about to give it all up at this very moment. Taking off the mask that you put up to hide the love that you still had for her.
“..Are you in love with her?” she asked, slowly backing you to the wall. You let out a shaky breath, “why should it matter to you?” she sighed, holding your wrists back with her free hand. “Do you love me?” you froze for a split second. You did love her. But were you going to tell her? What if she– “y- yes. I do love you..” but why? She hurt you. She'll do it again. You were sure of it. “I love you too. I'm so sorry detka.” she admitted, pushing you against the wall. A soft gasp escapes your mouth when your body harshly makes contact with the wall.
As much as you didn't want to admit it, the way you could tell she was packing when she pressed her crotch against the curve of your ass made arousal gush in between your legs. You flutter your eyes shut, “I'm sorry moya lyubov..” she whispered. Her slender fingers latched onto your pants and slid them off, leaving your panties on. “Tell me how much you love me Natasha.” you say, almost letting a moan out when her fingertips brush against your clothed clit. She hooked onto the hem of your underwear, slowly discarding them away.
“I love you so much. So much kotenok..” she lightly pressed her lips to your inner thigh, “so much.. I love you.” her words repeat over, and over like a chant. You almost wanted to believe her. “I know.. I know that I betrayed your trust baby but, please. Let me make it up to you.” you melted into her touch, lolling your head back. Her touch was different from Wanda's. It was gentle, but at times she would be rough. Her hands grazing against your thighs, your waist, your neck.. it sent your skin ablaze. It was heavenly, so good it was sinful. You would almost risk it all for her touch, just for one moment. She peppered light, feathery kisses up to your uncovered pussy. “Please.. Natasha please.”
“You're so beautiful.. ” she lightly bit down on your neck, “I missed you so much baby girl.” she mumbled against your burning skin. You exhaled shakily, a soft smile displayed on your face. “I missed you too Natty, s- so much..” the need for her was unbearable, you couldn't stand it, just her voice itself made you go insane. “mhm?” she slowly brought her hand in between your thighs. She chuckled when she noticed your slick inner thigh, wetness running down your legs. She dipped in a finger into your soaking cunt. Your spongey walls immediately clenched onto her finger. “Fucking hell. You're so tight detka.” she pumped her finger in and out before sneaking in a second finger. You squeak out a moan, your hands clutching at her back, your arms draped over her shoulders. “mmn..” she brought her lips to yours, pulling you in for a sloppy kiss. You whine against her lips, her fingers still moving inside of you.
You couldn't tell if you wanted her to stop or needed her to keep going. She got back up and pinned you against the wall once more. “Please what? do you want daddy to fuck you?” a slutty whimper escapes your mouth when you feel her hot breath against your skin. “Please.. daddy I need you.” she hums, tracing two fingers down your waist in a swift motion. Your hips stuttered upwards at her teasing, “God, you're dripping.. is this all for me?” you nod vigorously, hoping that'll answer her question. She pinched at your thigh, “who is it all for slut?” she asked again, “y–you! it's all for you daddy. please.” she smirked. “Look at me.” you turned around to face her. She grabbed your thighs, hoisted them around her waist, and pushed your back onto the wall.
She loved you enough to come back. She loved you enough to do this. Right? Oh, how she loathed anyone that would look your way. You were hers. But was she yours? You've never thought of it that way. You threw your head back against the wall in pleasure. Whatever she was to you didn't matter in this moment. A moment of pure bliss, whatever lies and deceits that were happening didn't matter.
“Baby let me fuck you properly..” she muttered against your lips, her hands clawing at your covered chest. “Please.. I need you.” she smiled and unbuckled her belt, taking out her faux cock. “Yeah? How bad kotenok?” you buck your hips onto the tip of her dick, wanting nothing more than her to be fully inside of you, “please.. please daddy I need to so badly.” you begged. Pathetic. That's what you were. Begging for the woman that didn't want you. She didn't want you, she wanted your body. Isn't that it? She didn't give you a proper apology, she just did what she always does. Fuck her mistakes away. She thought you'd forget about all her problems, the arguments just by touching you. But you remembered. You just couldn't leave her, she was everything to you. You loved her, but you wished you didn't.
She aligned the tip of the strap-on with your entrance and pushed a few inches into you. Eliciting lewd, slutty moans out of your mouth, “oh fuck daddy!” your nails dug into her back, and you were sure you left red marks on her skin. She grunted as she shoved completely into you, “take it, show daddy how much of a whore you are for her.” she said, thrusting in and out of your throbbing cunt. “Natasha.. oh my God–” you felt tears prick the corners of your eyes, blurring your vision as she fucked harder into you.
She loved you. You loved her. She– she loves you as much as you love her. Right? You wanted to believe that with all your heart. “Fuck- daddy ’m gonna cum!” you slur as she slammed into you. “Do it. Cum all over my cock detka, show me who you belong to.” with her words you did as told. You bit down on your lower lip as you came onto the silicone dick. “mmh– fuck- fuck Natasha!” her name repeatedly being moaned out of your mouth.
“I love you so much.. you did so well baby.” she kissed the side of your face, taking her hand up to your cheek to flick away your tears. “I love you too Natty..” you mumbled out breathlessly.
You loved her. She loved you. That's why she told you. “I love you.” those three words. She meant it. Right?
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imaginedanvrs · 5 months
encrypted relations
part 6 l masterlist
summary: yelena belova x reader. when natasha takes you under her wing, she becomes like family, and the last thing you want is to lose that. but when you meet her younger sister who you know is off limits, you have to decide between what you really want and hope for minimal damage
word count: 3.4k
warnings: nothing, just platonic romantic fluff with a hint of angst at the end
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Yelena scratched her fingers under Marty’s chin as the pair of them waited for you to reemerge from the small supermarket. You had been in there a while and the blonde was beginning to wonder if you had been somehow kidnapped in the building. She wouldn’t put it past you. Just as she was about to send you a text, you came out of the exit with your rucksack noticeably full. 
  “What took so long?” Yelena grumbled. 
  “I wasn’t even that long,” you defended as you started out of the parking lot. 
  “I thought you had been kidnapped,” she huffed. 
  “You said that when I took too long in the toilets last time we went out for lunch.”
  “Kate agreed with me,” Yelana stated.
  “It’s not my fault I got lost!” The blonde hummed thoughtfully. 
  “And you're leading the hike?” She queried. You shot her a dirty look that she merely grinned at. 
  “Don’t you trust me, Belova?” You nudged. 
  “I am just hoping that Marty is secretly the leader,” she said. Marty looked back at the blonde upon hearing his name. “Am I right?” Marty barked back. “Thank goodness,” Yelena muttered loud enough for you to hear. 
  “Ass,” you muttered back. 
  You made it to the start of the trail without digging into your snack supply too much, mainly due to Yelena scolding you for doing so, and made your way through the start of the forest. There was a light chill to the breeze that you knew you would be grateful for once you began to work up a sweat and enough sunshine to pak through the gaps in the trees. As you predicted, there weren’t that many people around due to it being a weekday morning so you let Marty off the lead to ‘scout ahead’ as Yelena called it, leaving the two of you to stroll side by side. 
  You didn’t talk much, not feeling the need to fill the comfortable silence that allowed you to focus on the scenery around you, until you felt Yelena’s familiar hand slip into yours. You were taken aback at first, risking a glance at the blonde who seemed tentative about her actions. You smiled, not saying anything, and interlaced your fingers with her own. It felt right. 
  “How often do you come out here?” Yelena asked as she watched Marty take interest in an oak tree. 
  “Whenever I get the chance, not as much as I used to though,” you answered. 
  “Why not?” 
  “I guess I used to come out here more when I needed to clear my head, around the time I met Nat actually, and I don’t tend to need that so much these days.” You could tell Yelena had some follow up questions there so you swiftly continued. “Besides, I don’t always have the time and I never want to drag Nat out here after her missions and Kate’s not good with nature and neither is Ava so,” you shrugged.
  “Is Ava the coworker?” 
  “That’s the one,” you nodded. A beat passed between you. 
  “She seems friendly,” Yelena noted, yet her tone seemed to suggest otherwise. 
  “Yeah, she’s also really into your sister.” Yelena looked like a deer caught in headlights. You chuckled and gave her hand a light squeeze.
  “That might be good for her, maybe if she got laid she wouldn’t interrogate me about my love life so much,” Yelena huffed. 
  “She does?” You queried, surprised that Natasha was actually so upfront about that with her sister. 
  “Everytime I see her,” Yelena grumbled. 
  “What do you tell her?” You asked, keeping your focus on Marty as he paused to wait for you to catch up. 
  “I tell her I have fun,” Yelena said simply. You nodded, not sure what to make of that summary. The blonde recognised your silence though perhaps misreading your mood. “I don’t tell her about you, don’t worry,” she insisted. 
  “Do you want to?” You didn’t think before you spoke. Yelena didn’t answer for a long moment, making you realise that you had never actually asked the blonde how she felt about keeping your secret from her sister. You never thought that, given how close they were, that might be an aspect of her life Yelena would want to share with her big sister. You had Kate to talk about it with, who did Yelena have? 
  “I don’t know,” she finally said, though she sounded unsure. 
  “Really?” You stopped, pulling on Yelena’s hand gently so that she paused as well. She looked to the floor and you lifted her chin with your thumb.
  “I want whatever you want,” she said, sounding almost too devoted. “Come on,” she smiled, pulling you back to the trail. “I want to see where this ledge is.” 
  “It’s just up there,” you pointed left to a steep hill half a mile away, struggling to forget the obvious signs that Yelena wasn’t as comfortable with your secret as you were, not that you were particularly enjoying it yourself. 
  Marty seemed to recognise the area because he started to dash on ahead until you called him back, cautious of him getting too excited by the ledge. He came back to your side promptly and you compromised with his eagerness by sprinting up the final stretch with him until you reached the top. The ledge overlooked the entire trail with a sea of trees beneath them and the city just beyond it. You could only hear the faint hum of New York if you listened closely for it, otherwise it was pure peace. 
  “This is a cool view,” Yelena stated as she gazed out. 
  You took your rucksack off and pulled out the flannel print picnic blanket that you had triple checked for before you left the apartment, and laid it down on the ground. Yelena joined you as you pulled out the food you had brought, some of which being new to the blonde, and got Marty’s water bowl that you filled with water. 
  “I’m sure you’ve seen some pretty cool views before this.”
  “Yes, I was always the best sniper so I always got the sights,” Yelena recalled somewhat fondly, as though they provided a silver lining in hindsight. “Lots of cities,” she added. 
  “What was your favourite?”
  “Amsterdam,” Yelena answered immediately. 
  “Did you go to the red light district?” You asked, only half joking.
  “Where else would I have been?” She deadpanned. “Our transportation was late so I got to go sightseeing a little.” 
  “I’m sure you got an eyeful,” you accused, making the blonde chuckle without denying anything. 
  “So what if I did, you would too,” she pointed out. 
  “If I ever go I’ll let you know,” you said. Yelena hummed as she rummaged through the snacks you brought. 
  “What is a twinkie?” Yelena questioned as she held up the packaged cake. 
  “Something you need to try if you're gonna stay in America,” you told her almost sincerely.  
  “Nat said she would bring me back food from England,” Yelena said as she opened the treat.
  “She better be bringing me some too!” You exclaimed. 
  “Perhaps I will share,” she considered. 
  “I can’t see you as the sharing type,” you grumbled. 
  “Depends how good it tastes,” Yelena muttered back. You bit back a smile.
  You spent some time with the blonde introducing her to the western foods she hadn’t yet tried, most of which she surprised herself by enjoying, while she pointed out the different species of birds that could be heard from the ledge. 
  “I never knew you were such a bird head,” you quipped. 
  “I thought this was basic knowledge,” she objected. 
  “The red room thought that was basic knowledge?” 
  “I can also identify types of snakes,” she said. 
  “That’s pretty cool,” you admitted. 
  “Snakes are very cool,” Yelena corrected. “I want one.”
  “I would come over to see that.”
  “Just to see that?” She asked, a small smirk playing on her lips. 
  “What else would I be there for?” You asked, a coy smile starting on your own lips. 
  “Maybe the owner of the really cool snake,” she replied, leaning closer to you. 
  “Well I guess she sounds like a fun person to hang out with too,” you muttered, placing a hand on the blonde’s cheek to pull her in for a tender kiss, both of you smiling. 
  “Come on,” you said as you pulled away. “There's a creek a little way North that Marty likes swimming in.” Yelena helped you pack up before you both made your way back down the hill with Marty starting on ahead, his tail whipping through the air frantically. 
  This time, you were the one to reach out and take Yelena’s hand, swinging it comfortably as you felt her give you a soft grin. “How does the assassin keep her hands so soft?” You queried aloud. 
  “It’s important to moisturise,” she said simply, enjoying the way you ran your thumb over the back of her hand. 
  You made it to the creek within an hour, comforted by the fact that it was entirely the same as the previous times you had visited. As you strolled down, you found the thick oak tree that had fallen over the creek what looked to be years prior and didn’t hesitate to climb onto it with Yelena close behind. You held out your hands steadily, cautious of any slippery spots and occasionally feeling Yelena’s hands on your waist to steady you. You made it to the middle and sat down, your shoes barely an inch above the water. 
  Marty stood several feet in front of you in the creek, unaffected by the gentle current that only reached his stomach in the deeper areas. You kept a watchful eye on him as you picked up the stick on the tree and threw it as hard as you could, making Marty go bounding after it. Yelena laughed lightly as she observed your dog find the stick with impressive ease and come bouncing back, surprising you both when he stood in front of the blonde to give her the stick. 
  “Does that mean he thinks I’m in charge?” Yelena asked as she took the stick and threw it back into the creek, getting it significantly further than you did. 
  “He has good intuition like that,” you said, taking your phone out to snap a couple photos of Marty running back. 
  “And you found him in a dumpster?” Yelena recalled. 
  “Yeah, he was being kicked out by a family of raccoons,” you said, remembering how you had been passing by the alley when you heard the commotion. 
  “And he protects you every night,” Yelena mused, throwing the stick again.
  “In his defence, he was injured at the time! I took him to the vet and… I don’t know. I guess I thought it would be good for both of us if he stayed with me. He seemed to agree,” you recalled. “He stopped my nightmares,” you added after a pause. 
  Yelena glanced your way for a second then looked back at the creek, considering her words. “What did you dream about?” She asked outright. You didn’t mind. 
  “I kind of used to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D before I started working for them,” you started. Yelena looked at you with a wide grin, seeming somewhat impressed. 
  “No way,” she laughed. “And they hired you?”
  “Thanks to Nat,” you nodded. “Anyway I used to pass on the information I found to some not great people and it got a lot of people hurt,” you explained, the guilt still present. “So I used to dream about what happened to them, because of me.” Yelena stared down at the water running beneath her, knowing that feeling of guilt all too well. 
  “You help people now though,” she said. “You made it work.”
  “Yeah,” you smiled. You had rebuilt your life the way you wanted it, you couldn’t dwell on past mistakes.
  You stayed by the creek until Marty eventually tired himself out and decided to head back. Yelena hopped down first, greeting Marty several steps ahead and giving you a chance to take your phone out again and take a swift photo of the blonde while she was distracted. You smiled at the moment you had captured and pocketed the device before Yelena noticed. 
  The blonde gave a dramatic cry of distress when Marty began to shake all of the water from his body while Yelena was standing too close. “You’re not ready for a dog if you didn’t see that coming,” you called to her. She gave you a middle finger in response as she wiped the droplets from her face. 
  “Now I’ll have to shower you both down,” you told her with a tut. 
  “I’m not sharing your shower time with your dog,” she told you with a glare though she held out her hand to take your backpack from you to give you a break.
  “Thank you for showing me this,” Yelena said.
  “Thanks for coming,” you shrugged. “I knew you would like it and you’re not bad company,” you quipped. 
  “You’re not so bad yourself, detka,” she smiled. You loved when she called you that, but you were admittedly more conscious of it since pondering the ethics of keeping what you and Yelena had a secret. 
“We’ll tell Nat soon,” you said suddenly. Tell her what you weren’t sure, having never used any label with Yelena before. “Just let me get my will finalised first.” Yelena gave you a soft smile that you got the impression from that she wasn’t entirely certain. 
  “We don’t have to,” she assured but that didn’t matter to you now that you knew how she really felt. You needed to ask Yelena what you would even tell her sister. It felt like you were more than friends with benefits but to say it aloud? To be the one to do it? You didn’t want to risk discovering you were wildly misreading your connection to Yelena. You didn’t want to be the one to admit you wanted to be more than that. You didn’t ruin what you hoped to someday look back on as your first date. 
You didn’t look up when you heard the six small wheels run across the floor in front of your desk followed by the dull thud of your coworker propping her elbows up next to your screen. She peered around to gain an awkward look at your work before setting her gaze on you. You cracked a smile but didn’t meet her gaze having been used to Ava’s interruptions since you first met her.
“You wanna come over to eat leftover pizza and watch cringy reality shows tonight?” She asked. 
  “I don’t even get fresh pizza?” You quipped. 
  “I’m too broke to spend on you,” she said with a grin until you swiped your hand out to knock her elbows off your desk. 
  “Some other time, Nat’s coming over tonight.” It had been a while since you had seen the redhead. She had been away for a few months which you had leant to be normal in the years that you had known her, but it didn’t mean you hadn’t missed the Russian. 
  “Tell her I say hi,” Ava smirked.
  “Stop trying to get in her pants, she’s too much of a workaholic to try that with,” you chuckled as you saved your latest report. 
  “As long as she’s not straight I can still work my magic.” 
  “Work it at Stark's next party,” you said with a pointed look. As much as you loved Ava, you weren’t going to spend your rare evening with Natasha as a wingwoman. 
  “Fine,” Ava huffed with a smile as she pushed herself back from your desk and wheeled back to her own in the office chair to grab her bag as you did the same. 
  The walk back to your apartment was as safe as they came. Once you reached the mainland, it was a ten minute walk to your apartment complex with every step of the way being unofficial S.H.I.E.L.D grounds just like your apartment. In some sense, it was a safehouse. Not all of its tenants were those that needed some precautionary protection, but they were all S.H.I.E.L.D personnel. 
  In your first year working at S.H.I.E.L.D it was mandatory that you lived in the building, partly as house arrest and partly from genuine concern. Though you had struck a deal with division that let you off lightly, there was still a trial period needed to ensure that you had the intentions you claimed you did. But they had also never found Rae. She never returned to your old apartment though occasional public security footage showed that she was still out there and able to avoid S.H.I.E.L.D with alarming ease. 
  After the first year, you were welcome to continue staying in the apartment building and Natasha had insisted that you should for your own safety. The redhead had given you various self defence lessons and encouraged you to take the ones S.H.I.E.L.D offered, then told you it was best to stay at the building for practicality. Then she had told you, in a less guarded tone, that she wanted you to be safe. That protectiveness had only grown over time. 
  When Natasha arrived, she brought with her a six pack of beers which you knew meant a lot of catching up. “Hey, flash drive,” she said as she hugged you in the doorway, holding on for a second longer than usual despite holding the pack. Yeah, she had a lot to catch you up on and she wasted no time in doing it. 
  “Then, being the dumbass she is, she put her batons together and shoved them into the propeller! Luckily I had a parachute pack on and got to her quick enough to get it on her otherwise I would have been so pissed at her!” Natasha exclaimed before taking the final swig of her beer. 
  “She sounds badass,” you input as you tried to visualise everything Natasha described. Her little sister sounded like somewhat of a firecracker and you were dying to see that in person. Maybe it was just the alcohol in your system, but Natasha made Yelena sound like someone you definitely wanted to get a drink with. 
  “I’m sure you two would get on great,” Natasha said as she rolled her eyes with a small smile. 
  “I hope I do meet her soon, I want to hear all about what you were like as a kid,” you admitted. Natasha shook her head as her smile widened, though a second too long passed for her to think about how things weren’t always good. You knew this, she had told you before. Once you had told Natasha about your time living with Rae, she had decided to share that vulnerability and tell you about the red room. So to hear that the redhead and her sister had been able to give them such a blow? You were thrilled for her. 
  “She’s helping the other widows now, the ones we couldn’t get to.” You hummed, thinking about the scale of what Yelena was taking on. “I told her I would help as much as I can but…” she gestured around. 
  “The rest of the world needs you to,” you shrugged, knowing that was what she meant. 
  “I wouldn’t be back if I wasn’t so sure I was leaving it in safe hands,” Natasha admitted. “I just hope she's not doing anything I wouldn't do, especially with Alexia there to encourage her.” 
  “You wouldn't be happy if she did some of the things you do actually do,” you pointed out. 
  “That's different!” She exclaimed with a laugh. “I have a lot of big sister nagging time to make up for! Just wait until she has her first girlfriend.” Oh? 
  Natasha must have noticed you taking note of that because she tapped your cheek with the back of her index finger. “Don't even think about it,” she warned with a knowing smile, making it impossible to tell if she was joking or not. You were about to ask, but Natasha was reaching for the TV remote. “And you better not have been watching Survivor without me.”
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peachyteabuck · 1 year
do you want this (like it wants you)
summary: kate likes to misbehave, but yelena has just the thing to keep her in line
commissioned by @caroldantops. 
want to commission me? find my commission guidelines here
pairing: kate bishop x yelena belova x reader
words: 4018
content warnings: hair pulling, heavy bratting, intense D/s dynamics, orgasm control/denial,  sybian use, dom! yelana, sub!kate, sub!reader, polyamory, pet play, breath play, vaginal oral sex, breathplay, aftercare is administered to both subs
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Yelena just wants to rest.
She’s a busy woman, scaling the corporate ladder, a tough task given the complicated gender dynamics of the firm she’s been working at for the last year. It’s not as though she’s not highly qualified, but for whatever reason men with names like “Jason” or “Brett” or “Matt” spend most of their time questioning her qualifications or requesting reviews from someone “higher up” every time she presents, regardless of the fact everything is checked 3-4 times before being spoken about publicly.  
This is why she’s been letting Kate get away with as much as she has today. Ever since she’d let the both of you out of your shared crate, all Kate had done was push the boundaries of Yelena’s strict rules. Touching herself? Check. Trying to touch you? Check. Talking out of turn? Check. You’d been on your usual good behavior—saying “please Daddy” and “thank you Daddy” and staying close to her—but you’d also been your usual, easily-influenced self. Kate had convinced you to let her rub over your weeping pussy while Yelena was busy making breakfast (pancakes, Kate’s favorite).
Her breaking point came when she’d separated the two of you, questioning why you were dripping through the simple cotton panties despite Yelena’s very strict direction not to. That’s when she learned that, not only had Kate swirled circles around your clit as you desperately attempted to muffle your moans, but she’d also said that Yelena would blame you instead of Kate for going against such an integral rule.
Kate knows she fucked up, too—another thing that adds another ten to the running total in Yelena’s mind. She can hear the threat in the way Yelena beckons her closer, the “Puppy, come” command a much lower tone than usual.
While not the most critical thinker, Kate’s real deviousness comes in how decisive she is. A car with no breaks, a scent hound caught on the trail of a fox, a baseball flying through the air at 97 miles-per-hour. None of these could compare with Kate, not when she spotted the leather swatch that was used for spankings haphazardly balanced on one of the arms of the couch (Yelena hasn’t had much time to do a lot of things lately, including clean).
Before she can do anything, the well-worn leather is in Kate’s mouth, the woman on all fours with her collar jingling as she pants.
“Let it go,” Yelena sighs more than commands.
Kate does not let it go. She does not even loosen her jaw just so she can tighten it up again once the other person trying to grab it believes they’ve won over her. She just holds it between her teeth, staring with narrowed eyes and a growl forming at the base of her throat.
You’re not sure what to do. Kate, a sharp contrast to your own fear of retribution, loves to misbehave. She likes to tease, to poke and prod and see what sort of volcanic eruption she can trigger with the least amount of effort. Yelena normally humors her at least a little before enacting strict punishment—getting out the whips and the darkened cage and the electric shock collar and the touching you while Kate remains tied up.
But Yelena doesn’t seem in the same mood as she does when she fingers you until you cry as Kate’s arms remain restrained behind her back, the rope connected to a hook in the wall to keep her in her place. Doesn’t have the same “try me” glimmer in her dark eyes, the same teasing smile.
This is different. Something—something you can’t quite describe—is different, and all you can do is watch.
As she decides what to do, Yelena thinks about the whiteboard Natasha had custom-made for her, the words “DAYS WITHOUT BRATTING” underneath a large “zero” she had written nearly two weeks prior. She knows she’s been working a lot, and (even though her office is within the house, and both of you have places to sit with her while she works) Yelena knows both of her subs had been feeling lonely.
But subs like Kate require consistency—give them an inch and they’ll find a mile. She’s not like you, nice and self-correcting. Once you found yourself grinding against a pillow while waiting for Yelena to clean you up after an intense squirting session, and almost cried from the shame. Kate? The definition of gluttonous in her lust, couldn’t stop even if she wanted to, which she doesn’t. Yelena is her guardrails, a yellow light, a tree for her to collide against.
“Give Daddy what you have in your mouth,” Yelena says through grit teeth. “Or I’ll have to reteach you what it means what someone loses their patience.”
You remain seated, curled up next to where Yelena props her feet up on the coffee table. A fluffy pink dog bed with Bunny embroidered on it, you were happy to spend the morning (or all day, really), resting your head against her legs while she occasionally pets your hair.
But no, the universe continues to punish you with the presence of one Kate Bishop.
A stare-down ensues in front of you, neither of them moving, but alert in case the other does. You half expect tumbleweeds to roll in the distance--as if the town isn’t big enough for the two of them.
But nothing happens, and the world stands still.
That is, until Kate makes a run for the bedroom, where there’s the only closet in the house that locks from the inside.
What Kate failed to consider, though, is that Yelena isn’t just fast: she’s strategic as well. Leashes with hook ends drilled in the wall are placed on each side of every room, useful for a litany of play. Now, though, they act as anchors Kate can’t easily avoid on all fours. She gets a few feet, if that, before Yelena’s got one hand on wrapped around the collar and the other on the leash’s clasp. One click later, Kate’s stuck in place, the short leash keeping her on her knees with her back straight.
Yelena’s fuming as she releases the leash, keeping her other hand occupied with the collar. It’s not loose, and she can tell Kate’s struggling to breath against the minimal give of the leather. Good, Yelena thinks. Maybe that’ll remind her how vulnerable she is.
“Let. Go.” She says through grit teeth once more, rage a fire in her eyes.
Kate’s got fire, too, but the kind that yearns for more gasoline, more newspaper, more anything to keep the blaze growing. Slowly, she moves her head from side to side, refusing to give up her bargaining chip. Does she know what she wants? Not exactly. But does she kind of, sort of, maybe have a plan on how to get it? Absolutely. And it involves the leather piece in her mouth.
“Fine,” Yelena cedes. Kate perks up at that, believing she’s won for now. “If you want it so bad, puppy, go ahead keep it in your mouth.”
What she doesn’t hear is Yelena mumbling under her breath, the blonde woman rubbing at her temples as she murmurs about how she’ll need something to bite down on in a minute.  
“Stay right there, bunny,” she says, more audible now. She turns to Kate to say the same thing, then snorts.
Distorted by the leather, the stuck sub looks at you and smirks. Look at what I can do, her face says.
Yeah, yours replies, much drier. Sure.
Yelena returns a short time later carrying the sybian in her arms, silently setting it up. You can tell Kate’s as confused as you are—the sybian is usually a reward. Kate doesn’t let it show, though, still holding the leather in her mouth even as drool begins to drop from the corners of her lips. Once she sets it down as close to Kate as she can, she moves to you, her eyes full of concern.
“You okay, bunny?” she asks, wiping the tears from your eyes. You’re sweet—too sweet, sometimes—and she knows you require more emotional support regardless of what’s happening.
You lean into her hand, letting her caress your cheek. You’ve always been bad with chaos, with the unplanned. But Yelena’s there, always, to calm the storm.
“M’okay daddy,” you mumble. “I promise.”
This time her smile is genuine. “Good, bunny. Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
You nod, moving your head to the side to kiss at her palm.
When Yelena’s certain you don’t need anything for now, she turns her attention back to Kate.
“Go ahead and mount it, puppy.”
Delightfully unaware, Kate does as she’s told, moving ever-so-carefully with the constraints of the leash’s length. Time stands still until she finally has it between her legs, her huffs of determination the only sound in the room. She looks pleased with herself as she rests on the rough silicone pad, a small triumph given the circumstances.
Yelena, once again, remains silent. She remains silent as she stares, waiting for Kate to move (she doesn’t). She remains silent as she opens the coffee table, the top lifting to reveal a batch of meticulously organized toys. She remains silent as she regards her options. She remains silent as she grabs purple rope and walks back to Kate.
Yelena only speaks when she crouches down and begins to wrap the ropes.
“I didn’t want to do this, you know,” Yelena mutters as she ties the them so that they keep Kate’s legs folded. She tests the give of the rope with her fingers, moving to tie her wrists behind her back after Kate gives her a nod. “But if you want to test me, fine.”
Yelena turns to the side, grabbing the large pink wand vibrator that had been charging in the bedroom. As she moves, her tank top falls down her chest, the silver keys on a matching chain nearly visible. One engraved with a P, the other a B; the keys to each of your chastity cages remain an ever-present reminder of one of Yelena’s favorite punishments.
Be good, she said once as she edged you, dangling them back and forth in front of your hazy eyes. Or I’ll need to make sure these still fit in those cute little locks over your pussy.
“C’mere bunny,” she says, beckoning you over. “Come here to Daddy.”
Your legs feel like jelly as you get up, slotting yourself in the chasm that’s formed between them. You stand in front of Yelena, a little apprehensive but ultimately willing to trust her with whatever plan she has formed while she was waiting for Kate to stop misbehaving.  
Yelena leaves soft kisses along your jugular, her hands finding your hips. They’re still sore from the night before, covered in light, spotty purple bruising. She holds you as though you’re fragile, breakable—not wanting to crush you with her skilled hands.
She pushes up your shirt a little to cradle your tummy. For some reason, it makes you feel exposed.
It’s not like you were wearing much anyway, your preferred at-home attire being a well-worn shirt from either of your girlfriends and a comfortable pair of cotton panties. The shirt today is a two-sizes-too-big t-shirt from a tech startup Yelena had the misfortune of working for (and caused her to swear off startups forever), the underwear a pink pair with a small bow on the front. They’re also joined by your day collar, a silver necklace with a bunny outline and “property of Daddy” engraved in the back.
“Eyes up here, puppy,” she says, teeth scraping now along the column of your throat. She knows how sensitive you are there, how easily you’ll melt into her palms with a few well-placed kisses. She also knows how much Kate needs attention—and hates when others get it when she doesn’t.
When Kate finally meets your eyes, you feel one of Yelena’s hands move and then hear a faint click—followed by the sound of vibrations and Kate’s muffled moans.
“Stand right here with Daddy,” she whispers in your ear, voice low enough Kate can’t hear. “I want to see what she does when she realizes which one of you is about to get off.”
Kate’s close to your pussy, close enough that you can feel her heated breath against your core. She’s panting in that desperate way you’ve always loved, the kind that makes her face flushed. Her lips are swollen and red from rubbing them against the leather, making them extra kissable.
You love her like this, fucked out before even being fucked. But you wished you got to see her like this outside of Yelena’s intense punishments.
That’s when you hear another click, another vibrational hum joining the symphony of lewdness. With one arm around your middle to keep you upright, the other grabs the vibrator and runs the head over your covered, unsuspecting clit.
“Oh!” You’re caught by surprise, wrapping your shirt in your fists as an alternative to grabbing something for balance. You’re able to lean on Yelena, your back pushed against her chest. But there’s nothing else to keep you upright. “Oh Daddy!”
“That feel good, bunny?” she coos at you. You can feel her smiling into your heated skin, sometimes leaving small nips as she revels in giving you pleasure.
You suck your bottom lip between your teeth as she presses harder, still making those large, slow circles meant to tease you. The nods you give her are quick, frenzied. All you want to do for her is find the nearest tall surface and bend yourself over it, pulling your soaked panties down your trembling thighs to give her free access to your dripping center. You want her to fuck you in the hard, fast, rough way you liked; the kind that left you struggling to walk the next day.
When you don’t reply immediately, she decreases the speed.
“No,” you whimper, grinding your hips down as best you can. “Daddy no, no, no please don’t please!”
“Then answer me, bunny,” she responds. “Don’t want you to end up like puppy here, do you?”
While a keen ear could hear it immediately, you’re too fucked out already to tell that the sybian Kate’s riding is on the setting that rotates through intensities. It never stays on the higher settings long enough for her to cum, but never gets low enough to give her any sort of relief.
“Yes, Daddy!” It’s hard to form words, your speech speeding up as the vibe rolls over your clit. “Yes, fuck Daddy it feels so good.”
“Good, bunny. I’m glad.”
You think she’s going to let you cum now, going to press the vibe as hard as she can into your aching center. But she doesn’t—she just continues her cycle, not telling you she’s timing them so you and Kate are on opposite settings. When one of you is moaning, the other is begging for more. Yelena revels in making the two of you play off of each other, forcing the two of you to intersect in ways she orchestrates.
“You look so pretty, bunny,” she coos, her eyes flitting between both of you. “Doesn’t our little bunny look pretty, baby?”
Kate tries to say something, but it dies as something muffled by the material still in her mouth. Still, she continues to try, the mumbled words sounding more and more desperate as she continues. You assume you look like a mirror of her—same fuzzy brain leading to the same pleading eyes and choked cries.
“Puppy, do you want something?” Yelena’s words are coated in the fake-caring tone that sends another wave of heat through your abdomen. A noise that sounds something close to a “yes” comes from Kate’s throat.
Yelena just tuts. “You need to tell me what you want, puppy.”
Kate whimpers, drool starting to pool at the sides of her mouth. Tears, too, are now flooding her cheeks.
Yelena’s smile is sinister, a light laugh bracketing her words. “Oh, that’s right, isn’t it? You lost that privilege when you decided to be a stupid brat and disobey a simple command. I trained you better than that, puppy.”
The desperate brunette couldn’t defend herself if she wanted to. Yelena’s always been a domme with high standards, standards she’s always communicated clearly and effectively. Kate has just…always liked to push buttons, the envelope, boundaries. Anything she thought she could defy, she would.
But Yelena still loved her, always providing the punishments appropriate. There was never a challenge she couldn’t meet, and Kate loved her in return.
“Are you willing to drop it now?”
Kate blinks at her once, twice. Then nods.
Defeat, Yelena thinks, always tastes just as good as she predicts.
“Then drop it.”
For the first time that day, Kate does what she is told without a fight. She doesn’t realize how sore her jaw is until she’s finally able to move it around, the muscles resisting the stretch.
“Do you want to come now?”
Kate nods, the words a little garbled because of her jaw. “Yes, please Daddy.”
Yelena doesn’t respond to her, instead turning to you.
“Go ahead and cum, bunny. I’ll hold you, don’t worry.”
Her permission is all you need, crying out as the avalanche of gratification floods your veins. The white-hot euphoria burns your fingertips, Yelena’s strength able to keep you from falling on your face. She turns the vibe down as your orgasm succeeds, slowly pulling you from the euphoric edge.
“Such a good girl for me,” she says, holding you to her as you pant. “Such a good little pet for Daddy.”
When your breathing finally evens out, she slowly lowers you to the ground. She’s wearing the same sweatpants she was last night, the soft fabric a welcome pillow as you lean against her. They smell like her, too, like the cologne she wears even though she works from home and the honey shampoo she likes. You drink in the comfort of being near her, of being enveloped by her.
Yelena pets your hair as she speaks once more. “I want you to cum while eating our perfect little bunny out,” she says. “Can you do that? Or do you want to go to bed without an orgasm?”
“I-“ you watch as Kate grinds against the toy, her pussy so slick you can see her wetness seeping over the silicone bit of the sybian. It catches the light, and your fried brain is mesmerized by the sight. “Yes, Daddy. Please let me eat our Bunny’s pussy while I cum.”
“Good girl.”
Yelena picks you up and moves you into position, pushing your shirt up and your panties down. You don’t have to think or do anything but stand there, leaning on her for balance as Kate licks up your weeping slit.
The angle is awkward for both of you. Every time Kate presses herself to you, she has to hold her breath—which can never hold long enough for you to get anywhere close to your peak. Yelena makes a mental note to try this again if she ever wanted to edge you, especially since Kate loves a little breathplay now and then.
Despite all of this, though, it’s easy, for both of you to lose yourself to the pleasure, and so you do. You don’t think about the strain in your knees, or how dry your mouth feels. Kate doesn’t think about how sore she’s going to be tomorrow from her muscles tensing so often, or the fact her cunt aches in that way Yelena’s only been able to draw out of her. All you can think about is the feeling of Kate’s tongue lapping at your soaked folds; all Kate can think about is how much she loves drawing those little gasps out of you she loves so much.
“Such perfect pets,” Yelena murmurs. One hand is threaded through Kate’s hair, the other reaching around your waist to palm at your ass. “So good to each other...”
She remembers, vividly, when the two of you couldn’t seem to stop hating each other. There were fights and so much bickering that drove Yelena insane. In the end, an extra extra large crate; an extra, extra short leash attached to both of your collars; and a few overstimulation sessions got you two to get along quite well.
It’s good—so good—and all your fucked-out brain can do is babble nonsensically. Her movements are jerky and mistimed, but with how sensitive you are, it really doesn’t matter.
Kate finally cums a few minutes later, moaning lowly into your cunt. Her whole body shakes with each breath, her chest red hot from exertion. Ecstasy flows between the two of you, settling on your skin like glitter.
“You okay?”
Both of you nod. Kate’s face is covered in your wetness, the same wetness that drenches your thighs.
Yelena watches you both for a second the same way hunters monitor their kill even after they’ve hit the ground. There’s something special about knowing she’s the one who did this—who set the scene where both of you finished so worn out that neither of you could do anything else but fall to the floor in exhaustion.
But she’s a sadist, not a monster, and so once she’s had her moment of fun, she carries you to the couch before untying Kate. The ropes have made beautiful indents in her pale skin, and Yelena can’t wait to trace them once all three of you are cuddled up in bed. Yelena carries Kate so you two can lay together as she checks the minifridge in the bedroom, making sure there are enough water bottles and light snacks to last you until you can eat something more substantial. After making sure the covers are in the right order (you’re ridiculously picky), and the heated blanket is on its lowest setting (Kate always gets cold, but hates being too hot), she returns to find the both of you cuddled into each other like newborn puppies.  
Fuck, she thinks. She always feels bad moving either of you once you’re snuggled up and comfortable, let alone when you’re all cozy together.
But Yelena also knows the couch definitely isn’t big enough for the two of you, and you’re already going to be sore tomorrow, and there are no blankets, and there isn’t any room for her in the mix of all of this. So, partially selflessly, partially completely selfishly, she slowly detangles the two of you. It’s a mess of limbs reminiscence of a tangled pair of earbuds, but somehow she manages to free you from each other and carry you up to bed one by one (Yelena’s strong, but she’s definitely not strong enough to carry both of you at once, unfortunately). You’re on the right side of the California King with Kate on the left, leaving a big enough space that you can’t find the other one and tangle back up again. Once both of you has consumed a full water bottle’s worth of water and are wearing clean shirts to sleep in, Yelena finally crawls under the covers to join the both of you.  
“I love you both,” she says as each of you cuddles into her chest. You prefer resting your head in the crook of her neck, while Kate prefers to be face first into her chest. Even half asleep, Kate’s always a little obsessed with Yelena’s tits. “Even when you act like spoiled little princesses.”
And she does, truly. She loves Kate even when she bites her out of nowhere, and she loves you even when you go along with Kate’s ridiculous schemes. She loves Kate even when she refuses to just ask for what she wants, and she loves you when you beg for whatever Yelena’s willing to give you. She even loves you when you snore ever so lightly right into your ear, the sound lulling her into a deep sleep.
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kaziee2 · 1 year
Not yet but soon
Summary: Reader a soft omega with a ready to kill alpha
Warning: Cursing, like really small violence, smug men
Pairs: [Alpha Yelena x Omega reader]
[Words: 2.4k] [A/n: not totally proofread, been in my drafts for like months, first ever writing a/b/o hopefully you guys enjoy]
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“Yelena you have to let go of me,”
“Because I said so, I’m the Alpha..hmp,” Yelana complained with pouty lips, holding onto you tighter. 
You mentally groaned at her, after a minute of trying to wriggle yourself out of Yelena’s arms, you gave up and wrapped your arms around her, hearing a contented sigh from her. You look down Admiring her sleeping face, you never understood what made everyone so afraid of her. She is such a sweetheart. You both stayed in the same position until you fell asleep on top of her, cuddling to one another. 
It was late into the afternoon when you both started to wake up, neither of you wanted to leave the bed, but you knew you missed the morning report and most probably will expect a disappointed Fury, you wince at imagining his disapproval look staring at you. 
You looked to see your mate’s sleeping face, you savor the peace of the moment you and Yelena were in. These were just one of the rare times you both could relax without the thought of the world ending at every opportunity it gets.
But every peaceful moment doesn't last when suddenly you jumped out of bed surprised, when your door room burst open with a very angry looking Natasha. Her angry pheromones radiate around the room and you suddenly feel sick to your stomach. 
Yelena finally stirring awake when you suddenly jumped out of her arms, she instantly feels another Alphas presence (which she feels is familiar). She turned her head to face the door, ready to practically fuck up the person who dare ruin both her and your moment together but most especially for scaring you. 
Once Yelena sees Natasha at the door, she stands up and rushes to push her and her sister out of the room, trying to rid of the angry pheromones in the room. 
Once both were outside, you stared down the door feeling more calmer than you were seconds ago, the pheromones of an angry alpha still lingered in the air but soon it started to dissipate. You sat at the edge of the bed, hugging the blanket which Yelena uses often, her scent was strong on it. You can hear the bickering from the other side of the door, but you didn’t really delve yourself to know the reason for the outburst of the redhead alpha. You just laid down and waited for Yelena to return and fill you in.
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“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Yelena whispered with a harsh voice to her sister, “You were scaring (Y/N)! What is so important that you couldn’t have just knocked like any regular normal person would do?” she raises one brow while crossing her arms. 
“Well if you didn’t make me wait for you for fucking two hours in the training room, then MAYBE I wouldn’t be so mad,” Natasha with the same harsh voice, she points to her sister. 
“Pshh, I don’t need training, it's one damn day! I’m practically better than everyone here in physical combat, I’m at par with you сестра (sister),” Yelena huffs, “If anybody needs training, train the damn newbies. They have no combat training, go bother them.” Yelena was mad, she didn’t need this daily training all the time, her fighting skills are perfect.
“Yelena, you know damn well, we need to keep on training to better ourselves and for your information, those kids can technically still beat you up,” Natasha points out, “With powers maybe,” she hears Yelena mutter. 
Natasha thinks for a moment before having an idea that will surely get Yelena to train, “Why don’t you bring (Y/N) to train with us, they could just sit and watch us train,” she offers, “And why should I let my precious omega be bored to death with watching us?” 
“Why would they get bored, you’re there to entertain them. Flex your muscles, show your omega how strong you are,” Natasha says with a cogent voice. 
Yelena doesn’t seem so convinced but does think about it, you watching her, and her very broad muscles, you’ll practically drool over it! 
With one last attempt to get her sister to train with her, she gives her a deal she know Yelena would never refuse, “If you train with me now, I’ll let you beat me couple of times, to show off,” and with that Yelena agrees, “Not like I need that to beat anyway,” a smug smile on her face.
Natasha pats herself on the back on being able to convince Yelena to train with her. Technically it wasn’t so important and she could’ve just let Yelena miss a day at best, but nobody else was available or capable to match her hand to hand combat. Steve may be strong but his combat skills could truly need some work, she internally sighs at that. 
They both start to prepare themselves with Yelena going back inside the room with a smile on her face, excited to bring you to training with her (even with you just watching). Natasha, on the other hand, goes to the training room to set up a spot for them, since most likely there would be agents scheduled to train today.
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The moment you saw Yelena walk back in, you knew something was up. She had this smug smile on, and her scent smelled of pride, now you're wondering what she's planning. 
“Detka (baby), change of plans! We’re going to train with my bitch of a sister,” Yelena announced while changing into her gym wear. 
“Don’t you mean you’re going to train with your sister, as you know. I am not an agent or an Avenger, I’m an assistant and you know how Maria feels about me joining your training sessions,” you remind her, Maria has always been so protective of you since you were the only omega female that has been hired into S.H.I.E.L.D.    
Yelena looks at you perplexed to why she would have to worry about Maria at all, “Oh detka (baby), you misunderstand me, I will be training with my sister, you will be there to accompany and cheer for me as I beat my sister,” you roll your eyes at that. 
“I guess it's fine. At least I’ll have a good view of something while waiting for you,” you purr your words while walking up behind Yelena and wrapping your arms around her midsection, putting your head to her shoulder, “None of that milaya(darling), do not start something you can not finish,” her voice held want but she held back. 
“We should go before my sister comes barging in again,” Yelena removes herself from your hold and holds your hand in her own dragging you with her as she leads both of you out of the room.
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Upon entering the gym, you immediately recoil due to the smell of every alpha scent that hits you. It's not strong enough to make you want to puke but it does slightly make you dizzy. Yelena squeezes your hand to bring a sense of comfort when she notices you recoil when entering. You love her so much for that, she always knew when something felt wrong for you and would always try to help you feel better, marked or not.
Your loving gaze on her was quickly cut short when Natasha approached you both from the other end of the gym, “Yelena glad you could make it,” she said with sarcasm,”(y/n), it’s always nice to see you, glad you could come too, makes it easier for this one to comply simple orders,” she points at Yelena with a pointed look, “Well as you know Nat, if Maria finds out I’m here you're done for,” you smirk at her, “And you will most probably be sleeping on the couch for the month,” 
Natasha's eyes widen after some realization and now she looks absolutely scared, “Oh please don’t tell Maria about this,” she practically begs. 
“The black widow begging now, never thought I'll see the day,” you and Yelema both laugh at her, barely being able to hold it in. 
Natasha looks mad but keeps a calm and stoic face, “Let’s just start our training, come on Yelena. I set up a bench near out training spot, you can sit there (y/n),” 
When everyone was settled, Yelena walked over to you and kissed you on the cheek, “Watch me beat my sister,” she puffs her chest in pride, ready to show her mate how strong she is. You just roll your eyes at that. 
Few minutes goes by, and you’ve kept score on who won each time. You were about to score another win for Natasha when someone blocked your view, looking up you see a man standing in front of you, just by inhaling his scent due to him pumping it out to show himself off to you, he was an alpha. “Uhm…excuse me you’re blocking my view, can you please move,” your voice came out low, you were never good at asserting yourself. 
“What’s a sweet omega like you doing in a training room, hm?” he ignores your request and continues to flaunt at you. Showing his broad muscles, that just makes you want to gag, but you’re just too polite to do it. You give him a nervous smile, starting to get really uncomfortable with how close he’s trying to get to you, but you just keep on moving away until you reached the end of the bench you were sitting on. 
“Come on, don’t you want a strong alpha like me to take care of you,” he grins at you, “An omega like you need an alpha like me,” he gets closer to you prompting to wrap an around your shoulders, but before he could even get close he was quickly punched in the face, him staggering a bit to the left due to the force of the punch. 
“DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT A MATED OMEGA LOOKS LIKE! Ty sukin syn (You son of a bitch)!” Yelena yells at the male alpha, she was angry, angry like you have never seen, her chest was heaving and her eyes had dark intentions. 
You immediately snap out of your shock and stand between her and the alpha that was currently cowering in pain and fear. “Move out of the way omega, let me deal with this!” she yells at you, her pheromones overcome you, trying to make you submit but you stand firm. You felt if you let Yelena move towards him, there will be blood. 
Yelena growls in frustration that HER omega was protecting a piece of trash, she moved towards you but suddenly was held back, and she knew who the culprit was, her own fucking sister, “LET GO! LET ME AT HIM! I'LL SHOW HIM NOBODY TOUCHES MY OMEGA!” Natasha’s hold on her is strong, “YELENA! Calm down, just let him go, he learned his lesson,” but Yelena still tried to wiggle her way out of her sister's hold. 
From this point on, you couldn’t handle the stressful situation more so after defying Yelena’s orders is taking a toll on you. You immediately helped the male alpha recover and ordered him to get out, you hoped with him gone it would help relieve some tension in your alpha. But when it didn’t and you saw Natasha starting to struggle holding down an enraged Yelena, you took a more direct approach. 
Walking up to Yelena, she looked at you with anger and possessive eyes, you cupped her cheeks and kissed in the lips. The longer the kiss went on, you felt her body slump in ease, Natasha deeming it safe to let go, she did, and when she did that, Yelena quickly held onto you, Natasha took that as her que to leave both of you alone. 
Both of you only parted ways when needing to breathe became a necessity. Yelena looked at you softly, any residing anger in her had died down, she could never be mad at you, never at you. She loves you too much to let anything happen to you, and when that alpha started to approach you and started making you uncomfortable, she couldn’t handle it anymore and just marched her way to separate him from you, punching him just came to instinct. 
“I’m sorry moya lyubov’ (my love), I couldn’t bare the look at that svin'ya (pig) being near you and when he tried to touch, I lost it…oh I know you hate violence, bu-” you stopped her apologizing, knowing it wasn’t really her fault.
“I know love, I don’t blame you, it was probably my fault too anyway, I should have said something instead of just sitting there,” you kiss her on the cheek in gratitude, “Well he should’ve known better,” Yelena puffed her chess, and started to nuzzle her face in your neck, just right where her mark should be. 
You love when she does this, it always brings comfort to you. “I guess we made everyone leave,” you giggled softly when looking around the gym over Yelena’s shoulder. 
Yelena didn’t really care if there were other people around she just wanted to hold onto you and never let go. You quickly noticed how different she was acting when her hold on you got tighter, “Hey are you ok, what’s wrong?” you ask her softly. 
Yelena didn’t know when she started to feel this way, so vulnerable…she hates it and loves it all at the same time, she’s scared that the more she falls in love with you and you suddenly think she isn't a good enough alpha for you, it might just break her. She doesn’t want to lose you. 
“Yelena,” you gently called her and she looked at you, “Whatever you're thinking, it will never happen. I know you're new to this whole love thing and I know you get scared sometimes being soft, but I promise you, that I will always be there for you and we can explore the new things together,” you smile at her, and kiss her on the lips, but Yelena knew this kiss was different from the rest, it was filled with passion and love, and she loves the feeling of it. 
“I love you, my alpha,” 
“I love you too, my omega”
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marilynthornhilllover · 10 months
Natasha romanoff x fem!reader
Warning: angst, grief, depression themes,heartbreak, death,adoptive daughter,just sad stuff🥲❤️‍🩹
A/n: I apologize for any tears shedded through out this fanfic😭🥲
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It's been 5 years.....
5 long years
5 hard years
5 depressive years
5 lonely years
5 years without her by your side
5 years without her laughter
5 years without her smile
5 years without her hugs
5 years without her.
It's been 5 years since natasha romanoff died....Your lover. Your wife. The mother of your daughter. The one who kept you going when you so badly wanted to stop. The one who kept you smiling, Laughing, living when all you wanted to do was die.
The evening you found out natasha died, your world fell like a dynasty. It crumbled like an old castle on a mountain. Clint came back with the stone in his hands trying to reason with you but you couldn't even look at him. Yelana tried to cope you through the grief but she needed the comfort also.... she lost her sister...It's crazy how your world fell apart in one day. You felt lost, empty, broken, confused. You felt everything at once and you needed it to stop you needed everything and everyone to go away.
The hardest thing you had to do was tell your 6 year old daughter natalie who's birthday was a day after Natasha's birthday "that mama wasn't going to be coming back but she's in a more better and safer place". Your heart broke when you saw your daughters eyes filled with tears as she dropped her teddy bear and ask " do mommy not like me anymore?,did she leave becauseof me?". You hugged her and told her that "that wasn't the case and mommy is just resting and one day you'll see her again".
Even though Natalie wasn't you or Natasha's biological daughter she reminded you of natasha more than ever. Her laugh, her little pout when she didn't even her way, her stubborn personality, her giggles and smiles to the way she would try to do cartwheels all the time but still couldn't land them successful. You saw natasha in everythingshe did or even said. she even had natashas slice red hair color.You wanted to name her after natasha but natasha thought it was weird so you both settled for Natalie.
You would call natasha 'natty' sometimes or even 'tasha' and it's the name name you'd call your daughter by. You'd still remember the way natasha held her, played with her, lift her up when she cried, gaved her candy even when you said no, start prank wars with her against you, braid her hair she they can be twins, bring her toys when she was gone for a long time, read her stories, pick her up from school, buy her smoothies, blow her food for her when it was too hot, sleep in her bed when she had nightmares, teach her Russian. You remembered it all as if it was yesterday.
Part of you wanted to cling onto the memories natasha left you with, the love she inspired you to use, the confidence she made you learn to have the there was this bitter side of you that wanted to forget all about her, and move on. Forget how she would wash your hair, cook your favorite spicy food, gaved you nose kisses, let you wear her sweater, bought you teddy bears that she found cute, the way she would cuddle with you. The way she made love to you... so gentle and caring. You wanted to forget that she even existed. But how evil could you be if you did.
She did exist, and she was a legend. A kind soul, a beautiful human being, a pure person. Someone who cared, someone who loved, someone who provides, someone who protects, someone who shares, someone who teaches, someone who's fights. She was real..... and she was perfect....
Your sad that she's gone but your happy that she was yours. Yours to laugh with and at, yours to love, yours to kiss. She was everything to you and she still is. Because she left you with a beautiful little girl she shines brighter than her. Everytime you look into Natalie's big green eyes you see natasha, everytime you braid her beautiful long red hair, you remember natasha, everytime Natalie didn't get her way and pouted you remember natasha, everytime Natalie laughed, smiled or do something remotely funny or silly or even brave, you remembered natasha.
You remembered her through her clothes, her pictures, her favorite food, her favorite things, her favorite places, her favorite books, her favorite songs. Natasha will always be in your hearts. Always.
Even though she's gone she still hasn't left. Because she's with you in spirit and that gives you comfort. You smile at sunsets because it's what she loved looking at, you take natalie to cloud watching because it's what natasha spent half her childhood doing, you loved doing back bridges with natalie because it's one of the things natasha was good at. You even dyed your hair red because no one rocks the color like she does. You'd laugh at bad Russian pronouncing because she was flawless at hers.
You loved watching action movies because it was something she loved doing....
You chuckled as you kissed her tombstone, falling into your trance again before you were quickly pulled back by a whistle. Natasha and yelenas whistle. You looked back to see yelena chasing your daughter natalie who was chasing a blue butterfly. Natalie giggled as yelena caught her and pushed her down on the ground. Yelena smiled as she tickles the poor girl. You smile at the scene before you, wishing Natasha could see it. But she was... she was smiling from heaven...
" natty" you called out and your daughter turned to look at you. Yelena did too and the name made her heart clench harder than the day she heard about Natasha's death. You saw her eyes flash as the throbbing pain came back to her chest. She sniffed and looked away from you as she helped natalie stand to her feet, dusting her dress and teddy bear from leafs and grass.
" Come here natalie let's say goodbye to mom" you spoke trying to stay strong into front of the little girl, making sure tears don't well in your eyes and your voice don't break but yelena saw right through you.
You daughter ran up to you smiling her pig tales swinging in the wind as her dress flew freely. You daughter huffed as she wiped a strand of hair from her sweaty forehead and sat in your lap. Yelana sitting on the other side of you. You caressed your daughters head as you looked down at her.
" what do you wanna tell mom baby?" You asked and she looked up and placed her tiny finger on her chin.
" ummm" she spoke as she continued to look up, she gasped as she looked at you smiling. She turned to the tombstone and giggled.
" so mama, mommy took me to take out my tooth because it was wobbly and we placed it in a small zip lock bag and put it under my pillow and the tooth fairy gaved me 10 dollars!" She exclaimed clapping her hands. Yelena smiled at her and gasped.
" good job малыш" yelena spoke.
" so mama I got you this teddy bear that says, I miss you because I do miss you" she spoke placing the teddy bear and some flowers on the grass. You sighed trying your hardest not to cry as your daughter kissed the tombstone.
" mommy says one day I can see you again and I hope it's on my birthday so we could have all the cake in the world" she spoke as she giggled.
" good job baby, now say goodbye to mom" you spoke rubbing her back, and she did before running off and doing a cartwheel that she actually finally landed. You smiled at her, yelena has been teaching her for weeks and your happy that she finally learned how to do one. You looked over and yelena and she smiled at you but it didn't reached her eyes. She was in pain... you tapped your shoulder and left, getting in the car with natalie.
You sniffed as a tear broke free but you ket the rest a bay before you broke down.
" I miss you nat, so much..... I love you, keep doing heavens most beautiful angel.... bye my love" you spoke as you kissed her tombstone. You placed the flowers down and took a good look at it.
Natasha romanoff, a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend and an avenger....
You smiled and walked away. You'll come vist her grave again in the next 3 weeks..... who knows if it will be the last......
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curseofaphrodite · 2 years
summary: just a small blurb because I couldn't resist! :) also, using my own gifs for fics feel surreal haha [tw; slight acephobia, death threats (not to you), fake ass friends (except yelana <3)
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"You're dating Stephen fucking Strange?" Elena (one of your co-workers) asked, her yell barely visible over the loud Stark party. You grimaced anyway.
"Can you lower your voice? I don't want anyone to know," you said sharply, but one of your other friends had already arrived on the scene.
"Know what?" she asked, handing the drink over to you.
"She's dating Doctor Strange."
"Elena!" you exclaimed in shock.
"An avenger, and does she tell us? No!! Here I'm thinking we are platonic soulmates—"
"We've known each other for 2 weeks," you interrupted, reminding them that you were indeed the newest addition to Stark enterprises.
"Doctor Strange is hot," the other friend (Lisa) said, sighing dreamily. "Does he use the magic rope thingy in bed? I bet he does."
You blinked. "Uhm, actually we didn't-"
You let the statement hang in the air, hoping they'd take the hint and drop it. Hoping that they'll assume your relationship with Strange to be super new. You weren't ready to tell them you were on the asexual spectrum, not anytime soon.
"Why the hell haven't you fucked him yet?" Elena asked blankly. "He's an avenger. Suck his dick so he stays around longer."
"There you are!" Yelena walked into the conversation, almost making you yell out in happiness. She was your best friend, and you knew you could just make a random excuse and get out of there.
"Yelena!" you smiled easily, hooking your hands around hers, steadily preparing to walk off.
Of course, Lisa didn't let you.
"Are you scared he'll dump you if your skills are poor or something?" Lisa asked instinctively, making you halt all moments.
"Wait, what's going on?" Yelena asked, frowning.
"I don't want to talk about it," you replied, mostly to Lisa.
"Then what?" Elena asked. "Does he have anything weird down there? Ohmygod you have to tell us!!!"
Yelena connected the dots and didn't look happy about it. "She said she didn't want to talk about it. Now move."
"This is fine," you said, trying your best to be bold. "It's okay. El, the reason why I didn't have sex with him yet is 'cause I'm asexual. Now that you guilted me into sharing something that I didn't really trust you to share with — can you please stop being a dick and move?"
"Asexual? Like the ones who are afraid of sex?" Lisa asked, seeming genuinely curious.
(It was like you were back in high school again, backed up in a corner with questions you didn't want to hear. You gulped, feeling the first wave of vulnerability wash over you.)
"I always thought it was a fancy name for virgins," Elena said without thinking.
"I always thought you were little pieces of shit glued together but we keep some thoughts to ourselves," Yelena snapped, her eyes screaming murder.
(You shut your eyes. Breath. One.. two..)
"Y/N?" a comfortingly familiar voice called, and you turned to see Stephen in what appeared to be the most "casual" outfit he could be in. He had a suit over his t-shirt and his hair was slicked back, with just that one strand of hair falling across his eyes.
You had a terrible feeling that he could see how helpless you felt.
"Holy shit," Elena said, her mouth open in surprise. "The doctor strange, right in front of my eyes. Someone please pinch me, preferably Stephen himself. Haha, can I call you Stephen? Or Steve?"
"No," he cut short. "Y/N, are you okay?"
No. No.
"I-" your eyes went from Elena to Lisa to Yelena to Stephen, knowing anytime you'd start having a panic attack. You could already feel the tears building up. You took a deep breath in.
"I'm fine," you whispered at last.
"No, she's not!" Yelena protested. "Look at her! These dummies think they can be on top of the world just because they are horny all the time."
"Oh." Stephen stared at Elena with clear anger on his face. "And here I thought you wouldn't be as stupid as you are clearly annoying."
"Hey!" Lisa gasped.
"You're both stupid," he corrected himself. "I love Y/N with all my life and you already know I'm a sorcerer. Think twice about what you're going to say from now or you'll magically end up in another universe with no money."
"Stephen—" you began, but Elena cut you to it.
"Are you threatening me?" she asked dramatically.
"Yes." Both him and Yelena said in unison.
"You can't do that-"
"Why? Because we're supposed to be the good guys?" Yelena snorted. "Believe me, plenty of people go missing every day. No one would suspect us."
"They got the hint," you interrupted firmly. "Can we please stop this before all of us get kicked out?"
Stephen took your hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "I'm sorry you had to deal with their bullshit."
"We're right here," Lisa said, mortified.
"Their bullshit," Stephen repeated, not taking his eyes off yours. "I love you and if you're up for it, maybe we can go dance?"
"Even though you hate dancing?"
"You know you're always my exception."
You smiled. "Let's go, then."
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kenjiro-kun · 1 year
Character: Yelena (AOT)
Theme: Fluff/Nothing
Words: 368
Reader: Female
POV: Second
Summary: Reader is thinking about her wearing a suit
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You saw Yelena walking around the camp, and you raced up to her. You took notice of the white attire, and frowned, missing the time when she was in a suit. Then again, it wasn't a peaceful day when she did, sadly.
"Yelena!" You called.
She turned around, and smiled at your presence. Even in time of error, even if the world were to fall, she was glad to have you by her side through all of this Hell. She held out her arms, and you jumped right into them. She held herself, not moving an itch to the impact of your embrace.
"What are you doing out here?" She asked, her eyes soft.
You backed up. "Heh, it may be corny -- about you."
She snickered. "About me huh?" She pulled you back into her embrace. "What about me? What were you thinking of?" You turned red, and she chuckled.
"It's embarrassing. . ." You pouted.
She grabbed your hand. "I won't laugh."
You sighed. "I was thinking about you. . .wearing a suit." She looked at you, and her smile grew.
"Really?" She caressed your cheek. "When this is all over, I'll wear a suit, but just on any normal day." She lift up her hand, a ring on her finger. "When the world is ready for us."
You smiled, ear to ear, and felt your heart swell to her promise. You couldn't believe you found her in all of this, but you would never complain. She was with you, and you were with her. In this.world, you'll fight together, and if one were to fall -- keep going. They will be with you until it is your time to see them again.
"Come on," Yelena said. "Let's get some rest, we don't know what the world as in stored for us next." She took your hand, walking with you.
She adored you, she loved you. She would do anything for you. Even kill. But that is a story for another time. You relax in her embrace and drift to sleep, and to be awaken when the sun raises.
With her right next to you.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Hi. A request for something where both Yelena and the reader are sick.
Forever Together
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〚 Notes - Just a lil Yelena fic to pass the time :D 〛
〚 Pairing - Yelena Belova x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - You and Yelana are miserably sick but aleast you've got each other 〛
〚 Wordcount - 760 〛
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Yelena was lying on her bed, feeling utterly miserable. Her head was throbbing, her throat was beyond sore, and her nose was non-stop running. She had caught what felt like the worst cold of her life and it seemed like there was no end to her discomfort. 
The discomfort only increased when there were three loud knocks echoing from her door when all she wanted to be was left alone to wallow in her pool of self-pity. She ignored them. Yet nevertheless, the knocks came again seconds later. Yelena groaned, forcing out a, “Nobody’s in right now, come back during business hours.” 
“Yelenaaaaaaa.” A familiar, albeit distorted voice whined from behind the door. 
Yelena’s eared practically perked up at the sound of it. Even if she wanted nothing more than to hide away from the world and its occupants right there, there was always one exception to this. 
“Y/N, I love you, but you can’t come in, I'm dying.” She called out, her voice breaking off into a series of raspy coughs. 
Much to her annoyance, the door clicked open, “Y/N, seriously baby, I don’t feel well, I don’t want you to catch this-“ Her voice trailed off as you shuffled into the room in your pyjamas, judging by your rather dishevelled appearance it was obvious you didn’t feel good either, “Oh.” 
With a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, you slowly padded over and flopped onto the bed where Yelena had shuffled up to make room for you beside her. 
“You not feeling good either baby?” She whispered, moving some stray strands of hair out of your fever flushed face. 
You shook your head a little as you scrunched up your nose, trying to ignore the desperate itching, “Mmmhm stupid Bruce and his stupid germs.“ 
Yelena chuckled, pulling you closer into her chest - she might’ve regretted that decision though because you soon lost the battle with your nose and found yourself sneezing loudly against her shirt. 
“Eeshiew! Hh’iiishoo!” 
“Do I look like your own personal tissue?” Yelena raised her eyebrow, feigning annoyance before softening her expression as she reached over to pick up the tissue box on her nightstand, nestling it in between you, “There you go baby.” 
You sniffled and rubbed at your nose before reaching for a tissue, blowing your nose loudly. "Thanks," you muttered, leaning back against Yelena's chest. 
The two of you lay there in silence for a few moments, both feeling miserable and not really sure what to say next. Yelena's hand began rubbing soothing circles on your back, and you closed your eyes, trying to ignore the pounding headache that was making it hard to think. 
"I'm sorry I crashed your private pity party," you finally joked, breaking the silence. 
Yelena's arms tightened around you, "Don't be sorry, baby. I'm glad you're here. It's nice to have someone to suffer with," she teased weakly, a small smile on her face. 
You chuckled softly, but it quickly turned into a coughing fit. Yelena softly continued to rub your back and held onto you close, waiting for it to pass. When it finally did, you took a deep breath and snuggled closer to her, feeling a little bit better just being near her. 
"I love you," you whispered, your voice hoarse and quiet. 
Yelena kissed the top of your head, "I love you too. And we'll both feel better soon, I promise." 
With that promise, the two of you settled into a comfortable silence, the only sounds in the room being the occasional cough or sniffle. Despite the discomfort of your sickness, being with Yelena made it a little more bearable. As the hours passed, the two of you drifted in and out of sleep, occasionally waking up to blow your noses or take some medicine. But even in your sickly state, being with each other made the experience a little bit more bearable. 
Eventually, the worst of the sickness passed, and you both started to feel a little bit more like yourselves. You shared a small smile when you realized that you were both wearing the same matching pyjamas, courtesy of Yelena's penchant for cute couple outfits. 
"Looks like we're a pair in sickness and in health," You joked, and Yelena rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile on her face. 
"Always," she replied, leaning in for a soft kiss. 
And as you both settled back into bed, feeling a little bit better than before, you knew that even in the toughest of times, you’d always have each other to rely on. 
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aceoflove · 4 months
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆Hello Darlings!!!⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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I'm Bee. I'm a uni student who adores fandoms from across the galaxy
Pronouns: She/Her
I adore writing.
This is my second blog, but I've barely posted my writing anywhere, so I thought why not! I also thought that I could post my art here!
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆Fandoms + Characters⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Ask about ships, I will most likely do anything from the fandoms except incest. The ask will be deleted if it breaks those rules/my personal rules
Platonic Only ✯
Set Ship (one that will be present as a background one if appropriate) ۵
𓆸 Marvel:
Tony Stark ۵
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Peter Quill
Rocket ✯
Groot ✯
Cosmo ✯
Kamala Khan
Bruno Carrelli
Scott Lang
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Pepper Potts ۵
Carol Davers
Yelana Belova
Kate Bishop
Shang Chi
𓆸 Narnia:
Aslan ✯
𓆸 Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Oliver Wood
Cedric Diggory
Mattheo Riddle
Regulas Black
Sirius Black ۵
James Potter
Remus Lupin ۵
Lily Evans
I may be inexperienced with writing for some fandoms, but feel free to ask if I do know the fandom!
Ones that I am less confident in, but will write for include:
𓆸 Maze Runner:
𓆸 Six Of Crows (Book version mainly):
Kaz ۵
Inej ۵
𓆸 Wonka (2023):
Willy Wonka
Noodle ✯
Lottie Bell
Piper Benz
𓆸 Top Gun (both):
Goose ۵
Carole ۵
𓆸 Across/into the Spider-verse:
Miles Morales (Both)
Hobie Brown
Gwen Stacy
Peter .B
Mayday ✯
Miguel O'Hara
Pavitr Prabhakar
Spider-Ham ✯
𓆸 Anne Of Green Gables (1985):
Anne (with an E)
Gilbert Blythe
Dianna Berry
𓆸 Little Women:
Jo March
Amy March
Beth March
Meg March
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆Notes⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
𓆸 I can do ships and x reader.
𓆸 I don't do smut.
𓆸 I can do requests, but they maybe a little slow
𓆸 Is this self indulgent.... yes
𓆸 I don't do some AU's, so if I don't do your AU request, I'm sorry
𓆸 I am straight cis and white so I am sorry if I do get representation wrong, I will try to do my research if it is specific and I will ask people around me to get it accurate as possible
𓆸 Please ask if you don't know!
𓆸 I may post OC's and their stories too
𓆸 I am open to talks btw!
Thank you my darlings!
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