#will be dog sitting when she leaves so at least i’ll have a companion in the apartment
valentinemachines · 20 days
long distance relationship visits are so awesome and idyllic and beautiful i sure hope there isn’t a part of it where eventually it ends
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 1 year
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*Warning: Adult Content*    
- Skylar -
"Absolutely not," Skylar West says. "I forbid it."
Alpha Dane Hunter stares him down, testing the force of his will against the Mer-man’s own. 
"I don't know how things work in Fish World or wherever you're from but in this Pack, our mates speak for themselves."
Behind his back, Dane’s own mate, Julian Hart snorts and rolls his eyes.
"Martin may speak for himself as soon as he is able to but," Skylar says. "In the meantime, the last thing he needs is to wake up and find that... that woman anywhere near him or his kids."
"You think I like having her here?" Dane growls. "Yeah, she kidnapped her own children and tried to take them off to be raised by some neo-Nazi-wolf cult. She tried to fucking cannibalize mine. Believe me, I'm at least as unhappy with the situation as you are."
"Then why is she sitting in the fucking parlor, sipping fucking tea?" Skylar grits through clenched teeth and gestures in the direction of the room to which Elena has been confined.
"Because Noah made me get rid of the pit in the basement," Ambrose Thorne says easily, descending the curve of the grand stairs, at the bottom of which we'd gathered for our impromptu emergency meeting. "Martin's awake, by the way."
"Is he alright?" Skylar asks, anger forgotten as he places a hand on the rail and a foot on the bottom step, ready to dash to Martin's side.
He'd barely been able to tear himself away and had only done so when their unwelcome guest arrived.
"He's asking for the kids and for you," Ambrose says evenly. "I said I'd send you up."
Skylar glances towards the other end of the hall where they'd sequestered the children in the library with snacks and whatever entertainment was at hand, which included Ambrose and Noah's rambunctious young dog.
"I'll keep them company for a bit," Julian offers. "Let you two talk. I know he won't want them overhearing anything about that..." he adds, nodding towards the parlor.
"And I shall entertain our 'guest,'" Ambrose says. "If she's hiding anything, I'll soon know i, and if she tries anything..." he shrugs. "Noah bought a new hoover recently, a vacuum, as you'd say and apparently it has a special attachment for ash. Haven't had a chance to try it out yet."
Skylar conveys his thanks and takes the stairs two at a time. 
Dane follows at a more measured pace and Ambrose ambles down the hallway to the 'parlor.' 
Something in his gait and bearing tells Skylar, the handsome Scotsman is almost looking forward to the encounter and that Elena had best behave herself if she doesn't want to end up in the dustbin with the rest of the trash.
Throwing open the door to the spare bedroom where Martin lies, Skylar sees Noah helping his brother to sit up and adjusting a pillow at his back.
Martin looks better than he did when Skylar had left him but still far from as well as he'd like. 
An IV trails from his arm, though it's just a saline drip for hydration and his usually vibrant brown skin has a grayish, unhealthy undertone. 
Seeing him like this, so vulnerable and weak, does something strange to Skylar’s heart.
He couldn't remember ever feeling as afraid as he had when Martin had collapsed, unconscious, after falling down the stairs.
Not knowing what else to do, Skylar had scooped him up, called for the kids and raced out to his van. 
Bundling everyone inside, he'd driven here, banging on the door and shouting like a madman in the middle of the night.
Then he'd been pushed aside as Ambrose swooped in like a doctor in an ER drama and watched anxiously as he assessed Martin's condition and did his best to determine it’s cause.
'Just unconscious' was the final determination, despite some bruises from the fall and a troublingly weak pulse. 
Skylar had spent a sleepless night at his side, keeping vigil for any change, good or bad, in his state, until  Alpha Dane and his mate arrived in the morning with their unexpected and unwelcome companion in tow. 
Then, leaving Skylar’s stricken lover in Noah and Ambrose's care, he'd gone downstairs to check on the children and to ensure that his unhappiness at Elena’s presence was, in no uncertain terms, made clear.
Now, Noah Hunter relinquishes his place at Martin's side as Skylar goes to him and takes his hand.
"How are you feeling?"
Martin’s eyes search Skylar’s with a question and his voice is low and soft when he speaks.
"I'm not sure."
Skylar frowns. 
"You needn't see her. Whatever she has to say, she can say it to me or to your brothers."
"What about the kids? She hasn't seen them, has she?"
"I made sure she didn't," Dane says, coming around to the other side of the bed and pulling up a chair. 
He turns it around and sits straddling it with his arms resting across the back. 
"Julian's with them now."
"Do they know she's here?"
Dane and I exchange a glance.
All four children had been distraught, to varying degrees, over their father's health but the older pair had taken responsibility for the younger. 
Once they'd assured them their father was in no immediate danger, Noah had set them up with sleeping bags and blankets in the library. 
They'd still been asleep when Elena arrived with Julian and Dane.
"We told them to stay in the library and look after the dog," I say. "To keep him from running about the house and disturbing you. The younger pair bought it and have taken their duty quite seriously but Flora and Miguel know something else is going on. Fortunately, they've been playing along."
Martin leans back into the pillows and shuts his eyes momentarily. 
"Good. Try to keep Nico and Rio in the dark, if you can. They're still so young and she's still their mother, despite everything. I don't want them getting the wrong idea, thinking she's come back or something. What is she saying, anyway?"
Skylar gives Martin’s hand a gentle squeeze, concerned by the weary resignation in his tone. 
Sharing another look with Dane, Skylar lets him take the lead.
“She's claiming the two of you are still bound as mates or at least that your bond didn't sever properly," he says, his gruff voice cracking a little as he leans against the back of the chair. "She says that the broken bond is killing your Wolves and that until you make a complete, clean separation, neither of you can completely bond with a new mate."
"That's impossible," Martin says, his eyes flicking open again with a flash of amber. "I felt our bond break when she betrayed us. And I've felt...”
Martin looks at Skylar and he nods.
"I've felt it, too."
Alpha Dane sighs and bunches a hand in his long, ropy dread-lock hair.
"All due respect to the both of you but Martin you've only known the bond you had with Elena and by your own admission it was never strong. As for Sky..." 
Dane rubs his hand across his mouth and hunches his shoulders a little.
"I'm not a Wolf," Skylar say mildly. "As we are all aware. Which begs the question, if this is a Wolf matter, it must be a terribly obscure one for none of you to have suspected it as the cause of Martin's sufferings, much less heard of it before."
Dane nods. 
"You don't have to tell me. I've already contacted our parents and asked them to verify and I've reached out to several other Packs as well. Chiaki, Travis' mate, is a healer and her Alpha's pack is almost a hundred strong. If anyone will know if this is a thing, it'll be her. In the meantime..."
"What does she want, anyway?" Martin asks. "Elena, I mean."
"Apparently, to be heard," Dane says. "But she won't say more until you're present."
Martin sighs and sits up, pulling the IV from his arm.
"Wait. Are you certain?" Skylar asks, moving to help him as he swings his legs over the side of the bed.
Martin nods. 
"Yes. If there's even a chance she's telling the truth, that I can be well and free of her for good, then at the very least it bears considering. But I want to see the kids first."
Noah nods and rises from the seat he'd taken in the corner. 
"I agree. But I think you should get dressed first, for appearances sake."
Martin looks down at himself and winces. 
Having been carried here in his unconscious state, he still wore nothing but boxers and a sleeveless shirt.
"Never fear," Noah says, tugging at his own impeccably tailored waistcoat, which Skylar has rarely seen him without. "You're a size or two larger than me, generally speaking and longer in the arm and leg but with all the weight you've lost in the last year, I think I've got something that will fit you."
Martin grimaces but nods. 
He can hardly face his nemesis in his skivvies, Wolf or not and yet, as they follow Noah from the room, it's hard to tell whether facing Martin’s ex or Noah's wardrobe is the more fearful prospect. 
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The first tell was the body next to her. The second was the warmth. Her bed was never warm these days. The first two things had already clued her in that there was something off. Off was an understatement. She’s certain she passed out on her office floor clutching a bottle of alcohol and Jess was going to kill her in the morning. So, how the fuck-
The longer she stays there, eyes closed, feeling the breathing of a stranger, the more she’s convinced she’s suffered from amnesia. 
Beyond scared she opens her eyes, hoping, praying that she didn’t bring home some idiot from a cheap lesbian bar. Her eyes land on blonde hair and an all too familiar set of defined shoulders and Lena lets out a gasp of surprise. She sobers up, jerks upright. Jolting the pair of arms wrapped around her waist and making her companion wake abruptly. 
“Lena- Wha- Why’re you awake?”
“Kara-” That was all she was capable of as of the moment, because Kara was sitting up and flicking on the bedside lamp, letting Lena glimpse the small clock on the nightstand that read 4: 00 a.m. 
Kara’s voice was all raspy and sleep-laden and she was looking at Lena with concern. She was looking at Lena like they’ve done this all the time. And they did. 
She remembers jerking awake screaming from nightmares and Kara holding her; remembers waking up to Kara’s screams and holding her. 
But this-
This wasn’t right. 
“Did you have a nightmare?” She asks, crinkle forming. And Lena just stares and stares and-
“Kara, this isn’t real.”
“What? Oh, baby, come here. That dream must’ve really done a number on you, huh?” Kara coos and she gathers Lena in her arms. Lena can do nothing but melt and follow Kara’s movements, her mind is still reeling. 
Trying to decipher the events that had led here. This wasn’t real. This-
A tremble shakes the bed. Lena’s heart rate ticks up, Kara seems to have heard because she’s tightening her embrace and more words come out of her lips, but Lena doesn’t hear a word of it.
“I’m here, you’re safe. I’m here.” 
Lena finally finds her voice and she slowly tries to extricate herself from Kara. She can feel her hesitating to let her go. 
“This isn’t real,” She repeats and Kara is ready to protest, “Please, Kara. Please listen to me?”
She nods. Kara was never one to deny Lena anything, anyway. Lena sighs a breath of relief. 
“Thank you. Uh- I think this isn’t real, Kara. I think I’m inside a Black Mercy induced dream.”
And as if it heard a cue, the bed and the rest of the room vibrates as if ashamed of being called-out so easily. 
“No, no, no. You aren’t. You’re real. I’m real, You-” Kara is scrambling for words, “Look- Here, feel this?” Kara frantically grabs her hand and presses it to her own chest, “Can you feel it? This is real. Don’t say it isn-”
Lena feels like sobbing, because it does feel real. The strong beats underneath her palm thundering through her very soul. It feels so so so fucking real. She’s never wanted something to be real as bad as this. She wants to believe, because Kara is looking at her with those baby blue eyes and she wants to say that ‘Yes, I believe it real. We’re real.’
She can’t.
“Kara, the bed is trembling. Can you feel it? This isn't real. You’re in my head.”
It was brutal. She watches Kara’s face fall. She retracts her hand back. 
“How are you so sure that this isn’t real?”
The question was asked with so much fear. 
“Because,” she starts shaky but certain, “I hurt you, Kara. And that is the one thing that I can never forget.”
It was true. She can never forget the way Kara crumpled to her feet. Can’t forget the way the Girl of Steel broke by Lena’s hands. Can’t forget the tear-stricken face. 
Can’t forget the pleas. 
“Don’t do this, Lena. Please, come on. Please, stay. Don’t leave. Not you, please I can’t-”
The silence was deafening. She can’t look at Kara as she processes everything. So she takes the time to survey the room. And God, every inch of the room screams how much they’ve stitched their lives with the other. 
There were books haphazardly stacked in one corner, a painting easel in the other, Kara’s cape shining in the dim light of the lamp, Lena’s old MIT sweatshirt at the foot of the bed. 
A wedding portrait. They were married here. Fuck. 
Lena chances a glance at her left hand and not only does she find a ring but also a matching gold bracelet. A Kryptonian mating band. Now, she notices that Kara’s ring was worn on her neck next to her Mother’s necklace Lena supposes she wears it underneath the Super suit and a matching bracelet sitting on her left wrist. 
“I’m sorry,” Lena says ‘for everything.’ she wants to add but she remembers this isn’t her Kara. She doesn’t have a Kara. She doesn’t have any part of Kara. Not anymore.
“What are you sorry for? If anyone could figure out they were inside a parasite induced dream, it would be you.  You’re a genius but you’re dumb for apologizing. You should reject the fantasy now, Lena. You’ll die.”
Damn it, even here. 
Even here Lena is still hurting her and Kara still wants to save her. 
The tears finally fall. The sobs come next. 
“Oh, Lena. Come here. It’s okay. I’m here,”
“I- I know, I’ll die but God, Kara, I want to stay here. I- You’re my everything, you know?”
“I know, Lena. I’ve always known. You don’t have to die because I’ll always know. You need to get out of here now,” She whispers against Lena’s temple and Lena takes the time to breathe her in. God, even the scent smells real. 
“Y-you’re right. I should go, but-” Lena doesn’t know how to ask for what she wants. That was what her therapist had said the first time she booked an appointment.
“But what?”
“Tell me about our life here first?” At that Kara pulls away a bit to look into her eyes; gauging if this is really what Lena wants. 
It is, it’s what she wants but more than that it’s what she needs. The reassurance that somewhere out there, there was a world in which they made each other happy. That in a universe out there--whether real or not--the both of them had a taste of a happy ending.
“Okay, okay yeah. But first, promise me you’ll get out of here as fast as you can, once we’re done?” 
She was never one to deny Lena Luthor anything, remember? She was more than happy to recount the entirety of their love story to her.
“Thank you.” And Lena can’t help but press a soft kiss to Kara’s cheek. 
“Where do you want to start?”
“Do we have a dog?”
“Krypto,” Kara says with a shy smile as if she knows that Lena would laugh at the goofy sentimental name choice, “And a cat, Streaky Jr., you don’t allow pets in the bedroom so,”
“I’m impressed we have the time for pets,” Lena whispers as she shifts closer to Kara in the bed. Heart now beating in a steady calm rhythm, gone was the panic earlier, now replaced by a sense of security, no matter how false it is. 
“Well, you decided to distribute most of the workload to Jess--who you promoted to board member by the way, and to Sam. And since, Wednesday is my first day as Editor-in-Chief, my schedule’s not as busy as it was.”
It was nice to hear that. The way they have obviously chosen to grow into themselves together. She was glad that in her perfect world she hadn’t forgotten about Jess and Sam.
“Oh, and also you spend most of your days in our home lab with Jack anyway. So, the pets get plenty of love.”
“Jacky’s alive here?”
“Yeah, you reversed the nanotech matrix. You saved him.”
And the crying fest begins anew. 
“I miss him, so much.”
“I’m sorry.”
Lena doesn’t have to explain her reaction, Kara knows how to read her anyway.
At the reminder of Jack, Lena finds the courage to ask a question she’s never thought she would want to ask.
“What about Lex and Lillian?”
“Well, your brother’s probably drunk in an L-Corp gala somewhere and Lillian’s probably plotting about how she’s going to insult my next article-”
So, she still has her brother and it seems like Lillian’s not much of a xenophobe as she is in reality but she senses that she still is a bad mother with the way Kara talks.
“When did we get married?”
“Two years after we first met. We had two, actually.”
“I’m guessing I insisted on a Kryptonian wedding and you insisted on a human one?”
She knows that one, because she’s been thinking about it. Well, at least she was before everything went to shit. She wanted to give Kara a Kryptonian ceremony. She had wanted to show her that Lena would be honored to share everything Kara’s world had to offer.
“Are we-” she hesitated, “Are we happy, Kara?”
She wasted no time in answering, “The happiest. You make me the happiest soul alive in this universe and in any universe.”
Fresh tears fall down the side of her face and Kara wipes them away before speaking, “Can I ask you a question?”
“Well, I guess it’s only fair.” Lena sniffles and prepares her mind for what she knows will be an emotionally-charged exchange not that this has been an easy conversation thus far.
“Out there, are you happy?”
Lena’s air is stolen from her. Well, she doesn’t know how to answer that one. 
“Sometimes,” she whispers. She’s not happy most of the time but sometimes she is.
Sometimes, Ruby calls her to tell her about a science project or sometimes Nia sends her meme even though she hasn’t been to Game Nights for almost a year now, sometimes Brainy takes her out for a drink and she feels like she’s got a little brother to call her own. 
So yeah, sometimes. Because the thought of perpetual happiness without Kara in her life is impossible. 
“Only sometimes?” Kara asks, brow furrowing.
“Yeah, only sometimes. Not like it matters, anyway.”
“Well, of course it matters! Your happiness matters!” Kara exclaims, old habits die hard what can she say?
But then Kara takes a turn from defensive to curious again, “Am I happy? Out there? I mean?” 
“I- I have no idea.”
Lena waits for the answer to sink in to Kara. 
“What? What do you mean you have no idea?”
“Remember when I said I hurt you?” 
Kara gives her a nod.
“Well, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I’ve been avoiding you. Normally people tend to not seek out their exes, you know.” 
She’s trying to keep it lighthearted. She’s trying not to let this Kara see how much she craves her presence, how much she wishes she could see Kara again. Don’t get her wrong, Supergirl is plastered every minute on the news, but- 
That’s not who she wants to see. 
“She’s miserable,” Kara answers point-blank leaving no room for argument, “If you’ve been avoiding me, I’d be miserable.”
That has Lena speechless. 
Because miserable would be an understatement of how things had been ever since they ended things. 
Ever since Lena ended things. 
“I don’t like not being with you, you know?” Kara states as if Lena doesn’t feel the same.
“I- I don’t like that either.”
“I know.”
She has to go. Lena knows she has to go but Kara is looking at her so sincerely and she can feel the love and she knows this is nothing but an intricate trap formed by an alien parasite slowly killing her. She has to go but-
The both of them are startled and four eyes immediately land to-
Kara?! No, not Kara. Supergirl.
“Supergirl,” She says; surprise coloring her voice. She didn’t know Supergirl would go in and save her. Hell, she didn’t even know how she found her. But then again, she’s tried solving the puzzle that is Kara Zor-El but had never been able to piece it together. 
Supergirl takes a look at her doppelganger in bed with Lena; a scene so familiar to her. A scene she’s replayed again and again in her head. A scene that was once their reality then a memory and now an illusion. She takes a step closer.
“Lena, we have to go, please. Please believe me, this isnt-” 
“-real,” Lena finishes for her and Supegirl looks stunned, “I know, Supergirl. I know how to reject my own fantasy. I’ve had plenty of practice, after all.”
She aims for sarcasm, because fucking fucking hell, how the fuck does anybody expect her to function if there were two Kara’s in front of her?
That was asking for too much. 
Beside her, Kara had gone silent. It seems like she knows what comes next. She knows what Supergirl intends to do. They’re the same person after all. 
“It’s okay,” Lena hears Kara say and she breaks away from the hero’s gaze to find Kara looking at her with those eyes again.
“It’s okay, Lena,” She repeats, “It’s okay, Supergirl’s here. You’re gonna be safe. Stay safe for me, yeah?”
“Lena we have to go. Now,” Supergirl commands from the other side of the room. 
“Okay, yeah,” She whispers then she turns to Supergirl, “Just give me a chance to say goodbye, please?”
Supergirl stares at her for a moment then at Kara then she gives them both a nod and turns back to give them privacy.
“Last question?”
“Hit me.”
“What’s your surname?”
Fuck. She shouldn’t feel this surprised but damn, hearing Kara confirm it? Lena doesn’t know how to feel about that. She doesn’t know how to feel about all of this. 
“Just like you promised.”
“Just like I promised.” 
The words are echoed back to her and Lena hates the way she’s noticed how stiff Supergirl’s posture had become in her periphery. Ignores the fact that Supergirl has superhearing. 
“Thank you for indulging me, Kara.”
Goodbye, darling.”
And then everything fades to black.
author’s note: hiya lovely people send me an ask if i should write a follow-up for this.
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theperfectlovestory · 3 years
Hello my lovely boo. Congrats on the follower growing. You deserve it for all the works you have shared with us ❤️❤️
For Sentence starters, here's my request
Misc no.5, fluff no.6 and angst no.6, 4, 11.
Have at it 😏
May have got a little carried away again 👀
Painful Act of Secrecy [Natasha X Reader]
Line Prompt Request: 5. “Can I pet your dog?” “Do I know you?” (Misc) 6. “Can we stay like this forever?” (Fluff) 4. “Why are you lying to me?” 6. “Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” 11.“Nobody’s seen you in days.” (Angst)
A/N: Thanks for the request! I hope you enjoy :)
Word count: 2,033
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Meeting Natasha was like heading towards a storm, you can’t see it yet at the beginning but the wind started to pick up, and the sky slowly started to become dark and gloomy and it seems like only you weren’t prepared for the day that it comes
It was just any other day for you, closing your car door and going to your favorite diner. You ordered your usual breakfast take out and ate on your truck with your dog, your best friend, companion for life
You were on your second pancake when she walked in your life, well, towards your car, hand clench on the side of her stomach and limping. You squint your eyes at her but she continued walking towards you. Your dog is in alert but it doesn’t look like she’s sensing danger and you trust your dog’s instinct more than yours when it comes to trusting someone
“Hi” She greeted with a pained smile, you nodded at her “I’m hoping you have some medical kit”
You tilted your head, analyzing her as she stood, one leg shouldering more weight than the other
“I have one at home but it looks like you need more than a medical kit, there is a nearby clinic, I can drive you there”
“No!” she wince at her sudden movement and you frowned “No...no clinics, please, just a med kit is fine”
You were hesitant but the way your dog licked the stranger's hand made you trust her just a bit more, she smiled at you, a silent confirmation to pet your dog, you nodded. After your dog calmed down from getting pets, the woman looked at you once again and you sighed this time
“Fine, get in” You hopped down your truck to help her get in, she moved swiftly for someone injured but it seems like she’s used to getting injuries as she masterfully cleaned up and stitch her own skin the moment you gave her what she needed
“You can sleep in this room until you need to” You offered “Well, that is if you can tell me a bit about yourself, can’t exactly trust a stranger so easily, can I?”
Natasha was hesitant for a second but she nodded, needing the place to stay at least for the night “I’m Natasha” she stopped for a second and you see the hesitance in her eyes, she opened her mouth, probably to voice out the lie she conjured up her mind
“Name’s fine” You said, stopping her with a smile. Maybe not knowing is the best course of action here “Kitchen downstairs in case you get hungry, bathroom down the hall. No one else here so I’ll know who to find if something goes wrong” you said with a grin and she chuckled nodding
“I understand, I’ll behave” she sighed “Thank you for the help”
“No problem, anyone in the countryside will help you anyway, even in situations like this” you eyed her gunshot on the leg “Well, I have to work the barn but feel free to rest up, I’ll leave my dog here, she can fetch water for you”
Natasha eyed the happy dog sitting besides you and nodded “Thanks, she’s beautiful by the way”
“Thank you, I try to keep her clean” you smiled before leaving
It was a full day of work for you, handling the barn and the apple shipments. It was a satisfying day of work. You went back a few times to check on Natasha that’s sleeping peacefully, only waking up when you knocked and gave her some lunch and dinner
You let her since she looks like she hasn't had a few days of sleep and with an injury like that on top of it. Once you are done with everything you needed for the day and night, you checked at Natasha one last time, calling your dog so you can turn in for the night. She happily followed you to your room
The next morning though, when you tried to call for Natasha, she was gone with the clothes you gave her neatly folded at the side of the bed and a note besides it
‘Thank you for the hospitality, I’m sorry I have to leave like this but there are things I have to do that might put you in danger if I stayed longer. I will come and look for you again soon to properly thank you
- Natasha’
You sighed and picked up the clothes to wash when a metallic sound hit the wooden floors. You dropped to your knees and picked it up. It’s a belt buckled with a red hourglass-like symbol. You smiled
“Let’s meet again, beautiful stranger”
. . .
The second time you met her, you didn’t recognize her. Her once blonde hair now a reddish hue, it looks more natural on her. She walked by you on the same diner, now a smile on her face as she utter her request
“Can I pet your dog?” She asked and you blinked, your dog already wagging her tail at her so you nodded, confused why your dog is being so friendly with a stranger. Your frown deepened when you felt the sense of deja vu, like you’ve met her once before but you just can’t remember when
Natasha noticed the confusion in your face and backed off your dog “Do I know you?” You asked, genuinely curious and a smile on her lips was formed
“I guess it was a short meeting for you to remember” Natasha offered her hand “I’m Natasha, and you saved my life exactly a year ago” And the memories of her come flooding back at you as you shake her hand. The recognition in your eyes was visible to her and she smiled.
“I’m sorry, your hair is different this time”
“It’s okay, I looked terrible when you found me”
You both stared at each other for a second before you started laughing, she did too.
“You left so hastily last time” You smiled, showing no signs of resentment
“I know, I’m sorry” she scratched the back of her head “I got in a mess last time, things are better now though” you nodded and you both stared at each other awkwardly before she cleared her throat “Well...I was hoping you haven’t had lunch yet, so I can treat you”
Your brows lifted and your lips turn into a grin “Only if it’s a date” you teased and she smiled
“A date it is then”
Time passed so fast between the both of you. You got in a relationship with her soon after and she’s been a constant in your life. She was very secretive with what she do but it never seemed to be a problem to you even though your friends are hesitant of her
But Natasha became your sun. That one shiny thing in the middle of a desert, the favorite book you pick up every time. Your small world easily revolved around her and the new things and experiences she brought to you
You were easily blinded by her green eyes that glow under the moonlight. The most beautiful gem you have ever seen
“Can we stay like this forever?” You asked, looking up at Natasha as you lay on her legs, watching the beautiful view of the stars from the back of your truck
She looked at your eyes, smiling while caressing your hair, her other hand enclosed tightly in yours
“Of course, love. We will be together forever”
You have never felt more secure in her hand that night. Everything was perfect, just like you thought it would be forever.
But that night ended and the storm started brewing. Natasha started to become distant, a bit more secretive and a lot more absent. Sometimes she’ll disappear in the middle of the night and she will think you don’t know but the coldness you felt in the middle of it will always wake you up to see you’re alone once again
You decide to confront her on one of those nights and just like you expected, she lied…
You let it go, blinded by your feelings for her. You think, as long as she comes back in the morning, you care not if she lays with others at night. It was toxic thinking, you knew you were being a martyr for her but she was your sun, and you can’t live without it now that you’ve felt what it’s like to be basked in light
But there is always a breaking point for being a martyr. And it was when she didn’t come back for days
“Nobody’s seen you in days” You said and Natasha startled, flicking on the lights to see you better. Your eyes hollowed and red, your hair a mess and you looked like you haven’t eaten in a while
“I had to go back home” Natasha sighed “It’s for my work”
“The same work that left you injured last time?” You asked, finally looking at her and you were right, she has scars and bruises again this time “Where you were so pale and bruised and battered? What is it that you really do?”
Natasha looked away, trying to find an excuse, a way out of this situation. You patiently wait for her answer, even though you know it will be a lie
“I just fell on the site you don’t have to-”
“Why are you lying to me?” You spat, angrily standing up to face her better “Can’t I be trusted with your superhero secret?”
Natasha’s eyes widen and guilt immediately sets in “You researched me?”
“No” you looked back “I saw the battle on the news” Natasha’s eyes squinted
“You never watched the television, you only listened to the weather on your radio, your friends told you didn’t they?” she stepped forward, pissed at the situation. You would’ve never found out if not for your nosy friends
She knows they disapproved of her relationship with you and--
“Why does it matter?” you pushed back
“They hate me from the start! They want to break us up” Natasha shouted and you were startled for a second before you started a low laugh
“They hate you because you were so secretive” you licked your lips “I was blinded by love but they know secrets can be dangerous”
“It was still my secret to tell” she sighed
“You lost that privilege when you lied to me and left me ignorant and alone” You picked up her bag of the stuff she left at your house “I guess it’s better for you to just go home now”
You walked towards her, raising the bag in front of her “For good” She stared at the bag and back to you
“Please...give me another chance” Her eyes were sad and sincere, and you melt immediately at the sight of it. No matter how tough you want to act, you still love her and nothing will change that
“Can you promise to be more honest and open?” You asked, hand falling to your side
Natasha’s brows furrowed and her lips twitched, something you noticed when she’s deep in thoughts. You knew the answer immediately “I can” a lie...
You laughed, can’t believe you almost fell for it again. All she can offer you are lies. Her job is too important and you can understand that but it doesn’t hurt any less “Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” You threw her bag at her and she catches it easily “Lying is your best friend, Natasha” You scoffed “And pain is my lover when I’m with you so please, just go”
Natasha gripped the handle of the bag so tightly. Regret and sadness flowed through her body as she watched your determined face. She never wanted to give you pain but she wanted you safe and maybe...leaving is the best action if she wants to achieve that
Hesitantly, she walked to the door, leaving you a one last look before she closed the door and the moment it clicked, all the pain you’ve been holding fell on your face. Sobs wrecked your body and Natasha heard it all...
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mythicalgemwrites · 3 years
Selkie x F! Reader (Linn) Part 1
Sorry for not posting earlier guys! I've been very busy with online classes.
Warnings: mentions of drowning. Pics are not mine, all credits go to the owner!
M! Selkie X F! Reader
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Living on an island your whole life has its perks. From the fresh scent of the salty ocean air to the calming sounds of the waves crashing lazily, it never failed to wake you up with a serenity that could be found nowhere else. You had lived alone with your Toller pup for the past couple years, in the house that your grandparents had left for you. You grew up with them, as your parents always had to move from town to town due to their profession. They were both marine biologists and had taken up a job at a top secret research facility when you were 12, so they decided to let you stay with your beloved grandparents. However, on a stormy day a couple years ago, when you were 19, both your grandparents got caught in a storm while they were out fishing, and they never came back. During the funeral, you had found out that in their will, they had stated that you should get the house, in the event of something tragically happening to them.
And that’s how you got the house three years ago. When it became too lonely, you decided to adopt a Toller puppy for company, and you had named him Sam, which was your grandpa’s nickname. He provided good company and unconditional love, which is important in every home. The house had its own dock leading to the beach, so every morning, after your walk, you’d put Sam’s retriever genes to good use and play fetch with him, fetching the ball from the ocean was one of his favorite past times. Whenever you brought him to the beach, you sometimes feared he was going to be the reason why someone almost drowned. To date, you were grateful nothing like that had ever happened, but you sometimes couldn’t brush off that fear. You were a writer, and sometimes, you couldn’t control how far your imagination went, and sometimes, the words you put on paper would be some of your worst fears, if they were to come alive.
As the days go by, and the weather gets chilly, you would often take Sam on a walk to the nearby cove, usually in the warmer months it would be filled with children playing by the beach and in the waters, but as the weather got cooler, it was mostly couples going on romantic walks, or some who preferred the solitude, just came to enjoy the sunset. On this particular day, there weren’t many people by the cove, just a couple strangers. It was around 6:15 when you threw the ball the last time, and waited for Sam to retrieve it. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, fully inhaling the chill autumn air, when you heard a whelp coming from the water. Opening your eyes, you saw Sam caught on a wave, and struggling to get back to you. In a panicked state, you took off into the water, not worrying about the growing current, but more worried about your faithful companion, struggling in grasps of strong waves, at least for a dog his size. As you grab him by his collar, attempting to pull him out, another wave comes crashing into the two of you, causing you to go under. Trying to call for help, and failing, as the water fills your lungs, you stop struggling, knowing it might make your situation worse, however, Sam starts barking, with his head barely above the water.
Suddenly, you could feel yourself being pulled out of the water, and being held against a broad chest by strong arms. Once you reached the water, you looked at your savior, beautiful greenish-blue grey eyes met yours, and you saw a cute familiar face looking back at you. It was Linn, the barista in the cute local café. You had to admit, you’ve always had a crush on him, but from afar. You didn’t know anything about him, except that people claimed that his family had lived on the island for years, centuries even.
He had shaggy brown hair, and small freckles were scattered along his face. With his help, you got up from the ground and called out to Sam. “Are you alright? I saw you getting pulled under and saw your dog barking. Do you want me to call someone?” he asked , in a boyishly deep smooth voice. Gaping like a goldfish out of the water, it took you a few seconds to process what was said. Coughing, you rasped out “ Yes… I’m fine, thank you! My dog , Sam, got caught in the waves, and I tried to get him out.” you started babbling like a lost child. “ Can I call someone to come get you?” He asked again, a hint of concern in his eyes. “ oh, no… no it’s okay, I live alone, well with Sam. There’s no one to call.” you said, trying not to act like a 15 year old who just couldn't help but be nervous around her crush. “I’ll be fine, really, I just need to walk home and dry out. Thanks again for helping!” you exclaimed. Calling Sam to you, the both of you started to walk home. “ Hey! Wait!” you heard Linn calling from behind, “ I’ll walk you home, if that’s okay. It’s getting dark anyway. I’ll see to it that you both get home safe,”. Before you could say anything, you felt him putting his jacket over you, helping with the chill. You didn’t realize you were freezing until he wrapped his jacket around you.
When the three of you reached your home, Sam was happy to be back in the warm embrace of his bed. Standing by the door “ Would you like to come in? Maybe a cup of coffee… or tea or anything else, if you prefer?” quickly giving him the option of whatever he preferred, to make sure you didn't seem ignorant. Sure, he worked as a barista in the local café, but that doesn't mean he loved coffee, right? “ Um, sure! Anything will do,” he said, as he followed you in. Looking around, you kicked yourself in your head, not keeping up to the schedule you set yourself for cleaning up around the cottage. Sure, it was decent, but paper everywhere? A heaping amount of mugs were strewn around your coffee table, as you sat there working on your next work.
Quickly picking them up and moving them to the sink, you filled up the kettle and turned it on to boil. “ There’s tea and coffee in the cabinet above the kettle, feel free to help yourself. I’ll go get dried up,” the words left you, as if you were telling them to an old friend, hoping to not make a fool of yourself anymore, you gave him a sheepish smile and made your way upstairs to your bedroom.
(Linn pov)
I made my way to the cabinet, looking through the various tea blends. Something which would help with the cold temperature would be nice. There in the right corner of the cabinet, was a box of peppermint tea. It would definitely help make her feel better, since she was soaked to the bone. I can’t help but feel a sense of concern for her. This beautiful strong woman that I always encounter in the café I worked in, and possibly have a crush on, I can’t believe I never spoke to her. I’ve always seen her writing in the corner of the café, in her spot, as my coworkers and I have labeled it. She always seems so sure of herself, and always seems ready for anything, but today, out in the water when I saw her struggling, something came over me. I had to save her, felt a sense of protectiveness for her, hence why I offered to walk her home. Taking two bigger than average mugs from the cabinet, I filled them up with the boiling water, after placing a tea bag in each and placing them on the coffee table before the couch. Her dog was in front of the heater, longing for some warmth and hoping to dry off. I heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.
As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw Sam laying before the heater, trying to get warm. Making my way to the tiny laundry room, I picked up Sam’s towel. Making my way to him, from the corner of my eye I saw Linn, sitting on the couch, two steaming mugs of what seemed to be one of my teas in front of him.
“ I made some peppermint tea, it helps with colds, we don’t want you to catch one now do we?” grinned Linn.
Thanking him, and taking the mug he held one, I sat next to him on the couch. Keeping some distance between us, I asked him if he wanted to use the bathroom to clean up.
“ If you have any spare clothing that might fit, I’d like that! It’s okay if you don’t though!” he nervously exclaimed. “ I do have some spare clothing that belonged to my grandpa, they should fit. Gimme a sec! I’ll go grab ‘em, and a towel too!” I exclaimed, leaving the cozy embrace of the couch.
Making my way to my room, where I kept a spare drawer full of my grandparent’s clothes, I dug out a jumper and a pair of pajama pants which belonged to my grandpa.
When I went down, I saw Linn drying Sam with the towel that I had left by his dog bed, and Sam being the belly rub loving dog he is, happily accepted Linn drying him with the towel, belly rubs being a necessity. Letting out a chuckle at the scene before my eyes, I held out the spare clothes and a fresh towel to Linn.
“ There’s a bathroom two doors left from the stairs upstairs,” I exclaimed, reaching for the doggy towel he left by the couch and chucking it in the laundry room. “Thank you,” he exclaimed, leaving to go to the bathroom.
Once Sam was dry enough, I picked up my mug of tea, making myself comfortable on the couch. Looking out the living room window, rain droplets trickling down the class, I sip on my tea, waiting for my guest to arrive from the bathroom. A couple minutes passed, looking up when I heard soft footsteps heading towards me, I offered Linn a smile and patted down the space next to me on the couch. “ Here, you can leave once the storm stops,” I handed him the mug.
We both sat beside each other, talking about what we remember about my grandparents and how we never spoke to each other when we were younger. Sam sitting at our feet. The dying fire casted a warm allure on his face, illuminating the soft scattered freckles. Hours passed as we enjoyed each other's company over another mug of tea, laughing at all the brief mutual moments that were shared between us. He mentioned that he would always get excited to see me whenever I visited my grandparents by the docks. I didn’t want to admit it, but I always loved to catch a few glimpses of him, whenever he wasn't looking as well.
I laughed at his words, tired but somehow feeling rejuvenated. It had been a long time since I last laughed with someone. It felt good to let go.
His expression of awe paused me mid laughter. He was gazing into my eyes, as I his. For a brief moment, his gaze averted to my lips. Moving his gaze up to my eyes, as soft as a whisper “ May I kiss you?” he asked, a foreign emotion lingered behind his now soft eyes.
Giving him a gentle nod, I felt him place his hand at the nape of my neck. Inhaling a deep breath, his scent which reminded me of the sea with a hint of musky peppermint enveloped my senses.
Linn leaned in, gently bringing my face towards his. He closed his eyes, and for a brief few seconds I admired him until mine shut involuntarily as I felt his lips on mine. After a few seconds, he pulled away, still gazing into my eyes, “ I’ve been wanting to do that for quite a while now,” he said, with a sheepish grin, before kissing me again.
He deepened the kiss a little, giving my bottom lip a light lick before pulling away. “ I regretted not telling you how I felt about you earlier… I did ask permission from your grandpa before he passed. The last thing he said to me was, he’d be happy if you chose me,” he paused for a second, a hint of sadness and regret casting a shadow on his blue eyes. “ I… I need to tell you something. I might … might not be who you expect. And I understand if I’m not who you want,” he stammered. Grunting, “ The rain’s about to stop. I should probably get going,” he said as he started to get up.
Grabbing onto his hand, “ No...don’t! Please… It’s late, you should stay!” I stopped him. “And I’ve had a silly little crush on you too… I just never knew how to tell you” I whispered. He sat next to me, slowly, as if I were made of fine china. That, at any moment, I might crumble. “ You did?” he breathed, his breath close enough that I could feel it on my face.
“ I also know what you are. Grandpa made sure to educate me on myths, and he said some were not myths. I’ve seen you carry your pelt around sometimes,” I closed his hand between mine. “I know you’re a selkie, Linn. I don’t want you to hide that from me.” I breathed, gazing into his eyes. I could catch a glimpse of adoration in them. “Thank you… for not running away, even when you knew what I was,” he sighed. I gazed at his lips, before catching them with mine, a soft peck, to let him know I accepted him for who he is.
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dumdumsun · 3 years
The Loveliest Lies of All
A/N: Accidentally made this the longest chapter in the entire story. Oops ❤️
Warnings: slight violence
Word Count: 5282
Chapter Three: Schooltown Follies
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“I don’t know who she is or how she is, or when or why she is
But as for where she is, she is where we will go
To Adelaide, to Adelaide
Come on and join the Adelaide Parade-”
“Adelaide, to Adelaide
Let’s go to Adelaide’s house…”
Greg’s joyful marching melted into a simple walk at the flat ending of his song, glancing up at Scout with raised brows. “I need to fix that last part, but that’s the idea.”
“Yeah, of course.” Scout chuckled.
“So,” He pointed to each person as he addressed them. “Beatrice, you sing the high part. Wirt, you sing the really high part.”
Wirt raised a brow. “What?”
“And Scout will direct us.”
Scout hummed with squinted eyes. “Conduct.”
“Scout will conduct us. And-”
Beatrice sighed irritably, causing Scout to frown in confusion. “No one is singing anything anymore. And Wirt, keep moving.”
The group turned to said teen, who had stopped a few paces away to kneel down, tying the laces of his mismatched shoes. “But I-I have to- ugh. Alright…” He stood to his feet defeatedly and joined them again.
“But we have to do something fun.” Greg insisted.
“You know, we really don’t,” Beatrice shrugged. “We can just keep walking silently, you know? And- ugh. Wirt, let’s go! Come on!”
Wirt stood to his feet again. “Sorry, sorry!”
Scout’s irritation towards their winged companion only seemed to grow the more she watched Beatrice push her friends around. Personally, she was not a fan of Debby Downers, and Beatrice happened to be the downest Debby she’d ever met in a short amount of time. Greg tried to insist on the group having fun on their journey yet again, but the bird cut him off. “Greg, don’t you wanna be more like your brother? Just always doing what you’re told-”
“Just a pathetic pushover who relies on others to make all his decisions?”
“Hey! What?! I’m not a pushover.”
“Hold on, Wirt. Let me get to my point.”
Wirt scoffed, unsuspecting. “Fine.”
“See, Greg? No willpower whatsoever.”
Embarrassed to have been so gullible, Wirt turned forward with a huff. Scout sighed and moved closer to the boy’s side. “Greg, don’t listen to her. I think it’s important you have fun on this journey,” Her eyes then snapped up to Beatrice. “And you shouldn’t discourage a child like that.”
Beatrice rolled her eyes. “He needs to learn from a young age that he can’t be like… this forever.”
“Like what? Like a normal, sweet, loving kid? A-And what do you even know about kids, huh?”
“What do you know about kids?”
“I know enough.” Scout crossed her arms and turned her head forward.
Sighing, Beatrice flew to the boy’s other side. “The world is a miserable place, Greg. I know it doesn’t sound fun, but life isn’t fun.”
Exhaling deeply, Greg frowned sadly. “Then I’ll do what I need to do, I guess…”
As Beatrice continued on whatever negativities she had focused so intently on, Scout felt a tug at her jacket. Glancing down, she saw Greg standing still, holding the tea kettle on his head, his frog lounging on top. Slowing her pace to a stop, she quietly joined him. “Greg? What’s wrong, bud?”
He grinned and took one hand off his “hat”, slipping his fingers between hers and leading them through an opening within the woods. “We need to do our part to make the world a better place!”
“We couldn’t have at least told Wirt? He’ll be worried about you.” She glanced over her shoulder, Wirt’s figure growing smaller the farther they ran. Greg hummed before shrugging.
“Wirt trusts you, right? He knows we’re in the best hands in the whole world.”
“Oh? You mean these hands?!” Scout mischievously grinned and scooped him into her arms, huffing as she struggled to keep the giggling boy up. Perhaps she had underestimated his weight. It had been awhile since she’d carried him.
Greg cackled, holding his frog close to his chest before his eyes caught something in the distance. “Whoa! What’s that?” He pointed forward. Scout’s laughter quieted as they reached a clearing. Stepping out of the shadowed wood, she moved closer to the small red house, a giant bell hanging above it to alert those around of the time.
“Ah, this, Greg, is a schoolhouse. The oldest of these date back to-”
“School?!” He scoffed. “Not today!”
Scout chuckled and set him down on his feet. “Well, I think we should check it out. If you hate school that much, go find a log to sit on and wait for me.”
“Yes, sir!”
He saluted before scampering off. She watched him for just a second to make sure he hadn’t tripped and fallen before turning back to the schoolhouse. From where they had just come from, she could hear Wirt’s calls. “Greg! Scout! Greg?!”
“Over here!” She called back, smiling softly as he and Beatrice emerged from the darkness. She pointed off to the side as they approached her. “Hey, so Greg went that way to find a place to wait. He’ll be fine. But I do wanna check out this place. You know, maybe find someone else to help us sooner than some rando lady with supposed powers?”
Scout ignored the glare Beatrice sent her way. Wirt only blinked at her, so she continued. “Anyway, we only need one person to go in. Which one of us should go inside and who should stay with Greg?”
Yet again, she received no response, just a blank stare from her friend. Glancing between him and the bird, the latter only shrugging, Scout rapidly blinked. “What is this? Why are you staring at me like that? Is this a game?”
“Okay, Greg will be fine. Let’s both go.” She threw her hands up in the air before spinning on her heel and leading them up to the schoolhouse. “But you’re gonna need to talk soon.”
As if that had flipped a switch, Wirt nodded and strode to her side. “Right. Okay.”
Scout widened her eyes at him as they stood in the opened doorway of the house. Tearing her gaze from him, she settled it on the room inside. Standing in front of a blackboard decorated with delicate and cursive calligraphy was presumably the teacher, her cheeks red and rosy and the nest of chocolate brown hair was put into a bun at the top of her head. She looked something straight out of a children’s book. Before her was the… class.
They were animals. Literal animals in school clothes. Cats, bunnies, pigs, dogs, the likes, all dressed as 1800’s school students. In fact, Scout observed, every stop they made felt as if they had travelled two hundred years back. The attire, the lack of technology, the use of language. It was all a dead giveaway.
“Excuse me?” The teacher softly called. “Please, take your seat, children. You’re late. You know the rules, ‘Once the bell has rung, class has begun’.” She gestured to the saying on the board.
Beatrice snickered. “Oh, sorry, everybody. Sorry. No, this boy doesn’t have a brain. He can’t learn anything. Let’s go, Wirt. Come on! Here, boy!” She called and whistled to Wirt as if he were a dog. Scout fumed at the nerve of this bird, opening her mouth to tell her off before Wirt spoke up for himself.
“What? Did you say something? I can’t hear you because I’m too busy doing what I’m told.” He shrugged before walking into the room, taking a seat at one of the desks.
“Atta boy, Wirt.” Scout chuckled and took the seat beside him.
Beatrice hurriedly flew over to him. “What? What are you- No, no. Let’s go.”
“Oh, no. See, I’m a pushover, remember? I have to do what she tells me to do.” He shrugged. Beatrice widened her eyes and turned to Scout.
“Hello?! Knock some sense into his conehead!”
Scout quietly shushed her, her amused smile directed forward at the blackboard. “I’m trying to focus on class.”
“Wirt, your brother could be… in trouble somewhere!”
Tapping on the window just beside Wirt gained the trio’s attention. Greg stood outside, as happy as can be, waving at them with a smile. Then, in a mocking manner, he pointed to each “student” in the room before giving a thumbs-down. Scout lovingly shook her head as he giddily ran after his croaking frog, cheering and whooping as he went. Beatrice let out a deep and long sigh. “Bluebirds have a short lifespan. You three are literally killing me every moment I’m forced to spend with you.”
Scout quietly laughed when Wirt simply let out an “oh”.
“Young man,” The teacher sternly started. “I will not stand for such nonsense in my class room,” A shadow casted over her face as her expression turned gloomy. “I got enough nonsense from that no good, two-timing, low-down handsome man of mine! Oh, Jimmy Brown, why did you have to leave me so-”
Wirt and Scout glanced at each other as if to ask if this were actually happening.
“-And now with my father threatening to close the school and that wild gorilla on the loose, why, Jimmy, I just have one thing to say…”
What they hadn’t expected was for her to turn around with a bright smile and begin singing,
“‘A’ is for the apple that he gave to me, but I found a worm inside.”
Beatrice didn’t bother lowering her voice, “Ouf, that lady’s got some baggage.”
“What’s that?” The woman abruptly stopped her singing and pointed to a slim and tall box with one small opening in the corner of the room. “Young man, go to the dunce box!”
“Oh,” Wirt glanced down before standing to his feet. “Sure, okay! Sure!”
Scout watched her friend hum to himself as he situated himself into the box, closing the door to seal himself in. She furrowed her brows as Beatrice facepalmed. “And you’re not gonna stop him?!”
“No, he can do what he wants,” Scout shrugged. “This lady’s no help, anyway, so I’ll wait until he’s done here.”
“Now, where were we? Oh, yes- ‘G’ is for the gentleman I thought he was, when he first said ‘hi’-”
The young girl stood from the desk. “I’ll just wait outside. Tell me when the dunce is released or whatever.”
“Wait!” The bluebird called out. “Don’t leave me here with him!”
Greg and his frog found themselves amongst a racoon, a possum and a deer, all dressed in tattered clothing. Some of them were missing buttons, they had badly stitched patches, and their clothing was either baggy or too tight on them. They looked the part of unschooled street rats -- street… animals, and Greg had befriended them almost immediately. Currently, they were all sitting on a log, just as Scout had asked of him, as the boy rambled on and on to the verbally unresponsive animals. “So, my theory is hot dogs are not actually dogs, regardless of what they teach you in school. But you guys don’t go to school, huh? I’m gonna stick with you guys.” He whispered, laughing when his racoon friend picked up a black turtle and chucked it into the nearby pond.
“Hey, you found a log!” The voice of Scout caused Greg to perk up and crane his neck. The two shared a grin as she joined the group on the log, hesitating slightly upon noticing the company. “Who… are these guys?”
“Scout! These are my new friends!” The boy turned to the animals and gestured to her. “Gentlemen, this is Scout. She’s probably the smartest person in the world. Who needs school when you have Scout, huh?”
She snorted and set a hand atop his hat. “What is this, the Anti-School Club?”
“Huh… Yeah! That’s a great club name! Good job, Scout! And as founder of the ASC, I elect you president.”
“What an honor.”
“So, Ms President, what is your first order of business?”
Scout hummed in thought as she kicked her feet back and forth, tilting her head up to the bright blue sky. “Well, Ms Langtree is still singing her sorrows away, and Wirt is still being a dunce… So, I guess we just kill some time until he’s done.”
Greg nodded in satisfaction and snapped his fingers. “Perfect. And I know just the way to spend our killing time,” He hopped off of the log with a smile. “We play ‘Two Old Cat’! Me and Scout came up with it last year. It’s the best game ever created! Do you guys know how to play ‘Two Old Cat’?”
When the raccoon only blinked in response, Greg pulled Scout with him to a bush. “It’s fun. We’ll show you.”
“Be careful.” She warned and crouched down to help him carefully pull out a scraggly brown cat, surely blind in one eye. It meowed as the boy gently petted its dirty fur. Standing straight, she walked over to a tree and leaned against it to rest her throbbing leg.
A weak meow had her turning her head in the direction of the deer that had just picked up another cat. This one wore reading glasses and clutched a small walking cane in one of its paws. Greg frowned at this. “Wait. No. I think that cat is too old. What do you think, Scout?”
“Hm… Yeah, he’s too old. But we should at least feed the poor thing-”
“Hey! I think there’s one behind you!”
Scout twisted her body to peer into a bush behind her. She spotted a heap of dark black fur that rose and fell with raspy breathing. A pit formed in her stomach as she cautiously reached her hand into the bush. Just as her fingertips brushed the fur, the figure shot up to reveal itself as a gorilla. A pathetic roar sounded past its sharp teeth, yellow eyes staring into hers. Scout frightfully screamed and scrambled to her feet.
“Gorilla!” Greg waved his arms before he was being pushed forward by his friend.
“Go! Run!” She ordered, quickly leading Greg and the animals away from the gorilla that now began to chase them. “Keep going this way! I’ll distract it!”
Greg gasped. “Scout, no-”
“Just go! Go!”
The small group ran towards the schoolhouse, Scout huffing out a breath before turning back to the incoming gorilla. “Hey, ya big dummy! Come and get me!” She waved her arms wildly, darting off in the opposite direction of the schoolhouse. The gorilla growled quizzically before rushing after her. Despite the hot pain in her thigh, spreading past her knee, Scout managed to reach a tree, wrapping her arms and legs around it. She used her feet to hoist herself up, grabbing onto branches to pull her body farther up the tree. She cried out in shock when she felt a tug at her shoe.
Whipping her head around, she saw the gorilla trying to pull her off. Using her free leg, the injured one, she brought her knee close and then kicked her foot out, slamming it into the gorilla’s head and causing him to stumble back.
The tolling of a bell rang from above. Scout sat upon one of the branches and tilted her chin up to see Greg and the animals in the bell tower, swaying back and forth on the bell they desperately clung to. Her heart dropped at the sight. “What the- Greg! Get down from there now! S-Safely! Get down safely right now!”
Noticing the bell tower gang, the gorilla roared again and charged its way in their direction.
“No!” Scout wailed, quietly cursing to herself as she attempted to climb down the tree. Her uninjured leg slipped off the branch, eliciting a yelp from her as she clung to the wood, since her life quite possibly depended on it. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”
“Scout!” She heard Greg call. Tilting her head back, her upside-down vision saw the gorilla chasing them towards the tree she dangled from. “We’re here! We’re here!”
“What the heck is even going on?!” She shouted as the gorilla rounded the tree over and over in the chase. Scout closed her eyes and inwardly wondered for a second if she were living in a cartoon at this point. Her body instinctively flinched when she felt scratching at her shin. It was the possum, holding a large, thick stick in his tiny hands. “Uh- hey. C-Can you help me?”
He blinked and stood on his hind legs, demonstrating a few swings with the stick before pointing down to the gorilla below them. Her eyes widened in realization. “O-Oh, you want me to knock him out?”
He nodded.
“Okay.” She let him slip the stick into one of her hands. Very quietly muttering to herself, she allowed her arm to leave the branch and dangle just above the gorilla’s head. Each time it ran near her, she would take a swing, but miserably miss just by an inch. Swing after swing, she let out little grunts and curses when she missed.
Sighing irritably, she moved her eyes up to the possum, who stared at her in exasperation. As if the solution were obvious, it used both its hands to demonstrate a very harsh swing, stumbling around to mock the gorilla. Inhaling deeply, she reared her arm towards her chest before bringing down the branch and connecting it with the gorilla’s head.
“Aah!” He groaned before falling to the ground, unmoving. Greg peeked from behind the tree and grinned up at her.
“Scout! You did it!”
She blinked. “I did… Hey! I did it! I did it- Aah!” She cried out when the branch broke from the tree, Scout letting go out of shock and barreling to the ground. When she landed on her back, the air was knocked out of her, forcing a choked gasp from her chest. She groaned in pain and rolled onto her side, her entire body pulsing in pain. She could hardly hear the hurried footsteps over the ringing in her head.
“Are you okay?! Scout?! Did you knock out all your memories and give yourself amnesia?!”
“Ugh… W-What…?” She rasped and let Greg help her stand. He watched carefully as she stumbled forward, holding onto the tree for support.
“Come on,” He put a hand on her back and handed the top hat to her. “We gotta go.”
After leading the group into the school and past Ms Langtree to the dining area, Greg slowly sat Scout at the picnic table beside Wirt. The teen frowned worriedly at his friend as she groaned. “Greg? What happened to Scout?”
The boy peered up at his brother. “She fell out of a tree after knocking out the gorilla.”
“She what?!”
“Are you okay?!” Beatrice widened her eyes.
“She’s like a superhero. But now she needs rest. I think she might have gotten amnesia. Oh! That means we need to remind her of all our good times, Wirt! Good times!”
Wirt gingerly touched the back of her head, flinching when she hissed in pain. “I-I-I-I’m sorry. D-Does it hurt? I mean- I mean… uh-”
“I’m okay,” She whispered, placing her top hat on her head. “I think I just need to rest…”
“Yeah! Get your energy! You’re gonna need a lot of it for the trip down memory lane!” Greg scooped a spoonful of mashed potatoes and shoveled it into her mouth. Scout cringed at the bland tastelessness of it and took a sip of water. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s very bland. No taste.”
Greg hummed and assessed the room around him, watching the dismal and cheerless expressions of the animal students as they brooded over their plates of potatoes. He gasped when his eyes caught an object on the piano Ms Langtree currently played a melancholy tune on, no doubt feeding into the somber mood.
Wirt hardly noticed his brother shuffle away from the table as he picked up his spoon. “It can’t be that bland, can it?”
“Hey, nobody ordered you to eat yet.” Beatrice cut in.
“Yeah, but… Hm.”
Scout raised a brow at the pair. “Wirt, eat your bland potatoes.”
He sent a grateful smile her way. “Sure.”
Beatrice rolled her eyes. “You’re no fun…” She mumbled, scrunching up her beak at the forced smile Scout gave her. The trio jumped at the sound of wild, clashing, tuneless notes on the piano coming from Greg. Ms Langtree softly smiled and took over, playing a much more pleasant swing song. Greg’s face dropped his smile for a beat before giving a thumbs-up and climbing on a chair to grab the container of molasses. Bouncing to the beat of the song, he began to sing.
“Oh, potatoes and molasses
If you want some, oh just ask us
They’re warm and soft like puppies and socks
Filled with cream and candy rocks!”
As he sang, he pranced around the room, adding just a bit of molasses to each plate to add a bit more cheer to everyone’s hearts.
“Oh, potatoes and molasses
They’re so much sweeter than algebra class
If your stomach is grumblin’ and your mouth starts mumblin’
There’s only one thing to keep your brain from crumblin’!
Oh, potatoes and molasses
If you can’t see ‘em, put on your glasses
They’re shiny and large like a fisherman’s barge
You know you eat enough when you start seein’ stars!”
Absentmindedly, Scout tapped her spoon against her glass to the beat of the song. A wide smile spread across her face when she noticed Wirt doing the same. And as if on cue, the animals all joined in the song with their instruments. The sight and sound of this made Scout feel at home. Music was her life and band was a great part of it.
“Oh, potatoes and molasses
It’s the only thing left on your task list
They’re short and stout to make everyone shout
For potatoes and molasses!
For potatoes and-”
“That’s enough!”
The door to the dining area burst open along with the booming voice. In the doorway was a tall figure, decked out in a large black trench coat and top hat, much shinier than Scout’s. His pale skin complexion stood out against his all-black attire. His greying hair peeked from under his hat, his dark eyes were hidden behind his circular prescription glasses, and his thick lips were curled into an upset frown. “Is this what I’ve been paying for?!”
“Hey!” Greg defended from where he stood on the table. “We just wanted to have a little fun.”
“I didn’t invest in this school to have fun,” He then marched over to Ms Langtree, who cowered under his scorn. “I thought we were trying to do important work here, teaching animals to count and spell.”
“We are!” Ms Langtree whined. “Oh, please, Father, don’t close the school! It won’t happen again!”
But he only walked past her. “I should say it won’t,” As he passed the animals, he snatched their instruments from them, definitely not forgetting to send a glare towards the three human children. “This… this… and this are all coming with me. Now send them to bed!”
“You heard father,” Ms Langtree sadly motioned to another room. “Off to bed with you.”
In a single-file line, the children, human and animal, trudged into the room filled with well-made beds, one for three students maximum. On the way, they were each given a nightgown, Scout choosing to just throw hers on over her clothes along with her friends. “Wirt,” She whispered. “Are we seriously doing this?”
“Whatever you want, Scout. D-Don’t you need rest anyway? You look like you hit your head pretty hard.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…” She climbed into bed with Greg, his frog nestling under the blanket between them. Scout took their hats off and set them off to the side, frowning at the boy’s pout. “What’s on your mind, Gregory?”
Said boy tore his eyes away from the saddened animal folk. “I just wanted to have fun, change the world, and make it a better place.”
“Who says you didn’t?” She hummed and began tucking him in.
“You probably forgot because of your amnesia. I just made everything worse, Scout. Look at them…”
Scout glanced over her shoulder at the animals who were now sniffling and sighing to themselves. Exhaling through her nose, she turned back to the boy. “You know, changing the world isn’t easy, Greg. And you won’t get it right the first time. But you know what?” She gently pressed her lips to his forehead. “You change my world for the better everyday.”
“Really, really.”
“So, you remembered our good times! You’re cured!”
From between them, the frog croaked, causing the two to giggle. From the bed beside them, Wirt softly smiled at the interaction, his heart warming as well as his cheeks. Beatrice watched him with narrowed eyes. “Okay, Wirt, I’ll admit it. You seem like a pushover, but you’re not.”
“Oh?” He shifted his gaze to her.
“Deep down in your heart… you’re a stubborn jerk! When are you gonna give this up?!”
Wirt stared forward with a determined look. “Maybe never. Maybe I’ll never give this up.”
Greg hummed before pushing the blanket off of he and Scout, the girl quietly groaning to herself. “Yeah! Wirt’s right! Never give up!” He cheered before grabbing his sheets and tying the ends together, throwing them out the window. “C’mon! Let’s go save the day!”
“Okay, if you say so,” Wirt left his bed, halting at his friend, who painfully sat up and turned to assist Greg. “W-Wait, w-what about Scout?”
Her head slowly turned to him. “What about me?”
“You’re hurt.”
“You know what? I order you to stop being such a Worry Wirt.” She playfully rolled her eyes. He sputtered for a second before giving in and following her out of the window.
After discarding their nightgowns, the gang wandered the blackened wood, the hooting of an owl being their only source of sound beside the three sets of feet shifting through the grass. Scout wrapped her arms around her sore body for warmth. From beside her, she felt Wirt fix her hat that had been leaning atop her head. She glanced at him with a thankful smile, sending heat to his cheeks and then to hers in turn. Clearing his throat, Wirt looked to his brother. “So, what’s the plan, Greg?”
Scout tilted her head. “Yeah. You need to plan to change the world, bud.”
“Oh. I don’t know.” He shrugged.
Just then, a pitiful moan sounded from behind a bush. “Oh, who would’ve thought making a primer school for animals was a bad idea?”
Upon parting the bush, the three quietly gasped at the sight of Mr Langtree crouching on the ground, surrounded by the instruments he had confiscated, talking to himself. “My life savings, my home, everything I had went into that dear, dear school. And now I’m forced to sell these instruments just to keep it open,” As he continued, he removed his trench coat to reveal a quite scrawny man underneath the threatening facade, using his coat and a trumpet to act as a sorry tent. “All the while, that loathsome Jimmy Brown is off galavanting who knows where! Not to mention that wild gorilla on the loose. If only something would go right for a change…” He defeatedly sighed as he laid on the ground.
Soon, the sound of his snores filled the area. Scout hummed and shook her head. “Poor guy…”
“Yeah,” Greg nodded. “Okay, I think he’s asleep. Let’s go steal his stuff.”
Wirt, Scout and Beatrice widened their eyes. “What?”
As the sun emerged and the mildew leaked from the trees, Scout checked every last detail of the area before nodding to herself. Throughout the night, Greg, Wirt and Beatrice helped build a stage and notified anyone around of their benefit concert as Scout gathered the animal students to quickly learn a single song on their instruments. The work was tiring, but nothing she wasn’t used to. Rounding the front of the stage, she found Greg waiting for her, holding a baton for her. “There you are! It’s time to do what you were born to do! Do it for the world, Scout!”
“Alright, alright.” She chuckled and took the baton into her hand. Facing the band, she raised her arms in front of her, commencing the song. Her heart swelled with pride as the students played along perfectly. A joyful laugh bubbled in her throat as her arms waved and glided through the air to cue entrances and cut-offs. From the corner of her eye, she spotted people, apparently wealthy by their fine clothes and generous donations, trickling in from wherever they came from and dumping their purses and pockets clean into buckets provided. Her grin widened as they stopped beside the stage to stand and enjoy the beautiful music.
Her smile dropped when the students slowly halted their playing. “Guys, why’d you stop?” She raised her brows. Greg jumped onto the stage and pointed past her.
That same pathetic roar from the previous day triggered the screaming of the audience. Scout spun around to find the gorilla she had knocked out was back and charging towards poor Ms Langtree. “Young man, do something!” Mr Langtree shouted at Wirt. The teen looked around uselessly before blindly running forward to do… something.
Before he could stop or hesitate, he tripped on his still untied laces and collided with the gorilla, sending them both to the ground. When they hit the ground, the head of the gorilla popped off and rolled to the side. Everyone gasped as Wirt scrambled to his feet. The headless gorilla sat up to reveal himself as a young man with silky, blonde hair and a handlebar mustache. “Finally.” His southern accent sighed out.
“Jimmy?” Ms Langtree gaped.
“That’s right, darlin’. I was the gorilla.”
“But… why did you do it…?”
“Got a job in the circus so’s I could finally buy ya that weddin’ ring,” He struggled to stand as Ms Langtree joined his side. “But when I got stuck in the dang suit, everybody was too doggone scared to help me out.”
Scout wringed her hands together in embarrassment. Ms Langtree cupped her cheeks in her hands as she swooned.
“Oh, Jimmy…”
The two lovingly embraced, Greg shaking Scout as everyone cheered for them. Mr Langtree sniffled and wiped a tear from his eye. “I guess the world really is as sweet as potatoes and molasses…”
As if on cue, Greg plucked the baton from Scout’s grasp and turned to the band, starting his own song once again,
“Oh, potatoes and molasses.
If you want some, oh, just ask us!”
Sensing her work was done, Scout hopped off the stage and searched for her friend. He was leaning against a tree nearby with Beatrice perched on a branch above him. Giddily smiling, she shimmied her way over to them with a skip in her step. Wirt quietly chuckled as he watched her, raising a brow when she finally reached him.
“I did pretty good, huh?”
“You did great, Scout.”
She happily sighed and leaned beside him, their shoulders brushing at their closeness. Beatrice smirked at this. “Hey, Wirt.” She softly called.
“Yeah?” He glanced up at the branch.
“Tie your shoe.”
“Hm? Oh. Mm… okay.” He hummed and bent down to do as he was told.
Peeking over his cone hat, Scout spotted Beatrice glancing from Wirt, then to her, sending a wink her way. Scout widened her eyes and blushed furiously.
Taglist: @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner
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arc852 · 3 years
A Companion for Loneliness 1/2
Summary: Tommy is lonely, so Phil takes the advice of Tommy’s therapist and gets him a pet.
Warnings: Dehuminization (treating people like pets)
Word Count:  2234
 Phil hung up the phone and let out a long sigh, hanging his head. The call from his boss, about having to work longer hours, was a good thing money wise. Especially since his boss guaranteed he’d be paid overtime for the longer hours. What it wasn’t good for was his son.
 Now Tommy was old enough to take care of himself. The fifteen year old reminded him of that everyday, calling himself a big man and other such similar things. But, though Tommy didn’t admit it, Phil knew that he got lonely when Phil was out all day and night at his job. And especially now that it was summer, Tommy no longer had school to distract him from that loneliness. 
 Phil was hoping to spend more time with Tommy during the summer but with his increase in hours, that wasn’t going to be possible. It wouldn’t be so bad if Tommy had friends to hang out with but…
 Of course, that wasn’t Tommy’s fault. But it made Phil feel even worse about not being able to be there for his son.
 His phone rang again, pulling Phil out of his thoughts. He glanced at the caller ID before answering it. “Hey Puffy,” Tommy’s therapist was a wonderful young woman and had helped Tommy a lot. Tommy didn’t see her as often anymore but Puffy always made sure to call every once in a while to see how things were going. Phil appreciated it and he knew Tommy did too.
 “Hey Mr. Minecraft! Just checking in. How is Tommy doing? Summer should be starting soon, right?” Puffy asked, cheerful as always. 
 “Yeah, it just started actually. And Tommy’s...good.” The silence he received made Phil wince.
 “And how is Tommy actually doing?” Puffy asked, tone softer this time. Phil sighed. He really couldn’t get anything past Puffy. Not that he was really trying to but still.
 “He is doing well at the moment but I just received some news from my work. I...They need me to put in extra hours. The money will be great for us but--” He was cut off.
 “But Tommy will be left all alone.”
 Phil shut his eyes, using his free hand to rub at them. “Yeah. For the most part. And I hate doing that to him but there really isn’t anything I can do about it.”
 “...Have you thought about getting Tommy a pet?” Puffy said suddenly and Phil opened his eyes again, blinking.
 “A pet?”
 “Yeah, ya know, a companion to keep Tommy company and distracted while you're gone. Pets are wonderful for that sort of thing.” Puffy explained. Phil had never thought about that before, mostly because he never really cared for having a pet in the first place. But if it was to help Tommy…
 “So, should I get him a dog? Or would a cat be better? A hamster?” What pet would be best for Tommy?
 “Actually, for Tommy, I was thinking more along the lines of a borrower.”
 “A borrower?” Phil didn’t pay much attention to things happening around the world but even he had heard about the discovery of borrowers several years ago. They were huge back then but the hype had died down over the years. They were still fairly popular but the novelty had long since worn off. “Why a borrower for Tommy?”
 “Well, unlike other pets, they can actually have conversations with us.” Puffy said and, well, she had a really good point there. “It might be good for Tommy to be able to talk with someone. My nephew recently got his own pet borrower and he loves him and my son has had one for years. They make great companions, in ways a dog or cat can’t be. I think one would be perfect for Tommy.”
 Phil had been nodding along, a smile slowly creeping onto his face. It really did sound perfect. A pet that would not only distract Tommy but one he could also speak to and hang out with. 
 “I think I’ll take you up on your advice Puffy, thank you so much.” Phil could hear the smile on Puffy’s face as he spoke back.
 “That’s what I’m here for! Literally. Anyway, let me know how it goes and I wish you luck in picking one out for Tommy. Oh and I would stick to males when picking out a borrower and either around Tommy’s age or a bit older. It’ll hopefully make it easier for Tommy to connect with a borrower like that.”
 Phil nodded despite knowing Puffy couldn’t see him. “Thank you Puffy. Talk to you later.”
 “Bye Mr. Minecraft!” And with that, Puffy hung up. Phil placed his phone down on his desk, feeling better about the whole situation. He glanced at the time and went to grab his keys.
 He started working again tomorrow, so he might as well go out and get Tommy that borrower while he could.
 Phil entered the pet store, looking around to try and see where they kept their borrowers. He must have looked as lost as he felt though, as an employee came up to him with a smile on her face. Her name tag read Niki. 
 “Hello sir, is there anything I could help you with today?” Her voice was cheerful and authentic. It made Phil smile.
 “Yes, actually. Um, I’m here to buy my fifteen year old son a borrower.” Phil said and he almost missed the way Niki shifted and tensed up slightly at the mention of a borrower. But as quickly as it came it went and Niki was back to her relaxed self. Phil must have imagined it.
 “Of course! Right this way, I’ll show you our selection of borrowers.” Niki started walking towards the back of the store and Phil followed, looking down the aisles as they passed them. Finally, Niki turned into one and Phil followed, seeing the rows of cages filled with borrowers. Though, there weren't as many as Phil would have first thought.
 “Our selection in this store is a little small but you should be able to find one here.” Niki said with a smile. Phil glanced around at the cages, biting his lip at all the choices. How was he supposed to pick?
 “You said this was for your son, right?” Niki chimed in again and Phil’s gaze landed back on her as he nodded.
 “Yeah, my job is keeping me extra long this summer and my son...doesn’t really have any friends. He gets lonely, though he won’t admit it, and I feel bad for leaving him. His therapist is the one who suggested I get him a borrower, actually.” Phil explained.
 “I see.” Niki hummed. Phil noticed how her gaze had softened though it was weird considering Phil hadn’t noticed her tense before. “Well, I have to go back to the front but there are a few borrowers in that last cage at the end of the aisle that might catch your eye.” She pointed at said cage, gave Phil a smile and then walked past him to head back up to the front.
 Phil watched her go and then turned back towards the cage she had pointed at. He headed over that way, glancing into the cage once he came upon it. There were about five in this one cage and Phil looked them all over. A couple seemed to simply ignore him, while one seemed to try and make itself smaller and another refused to even look at him.
 The fifth one though, was actually actively glaring at him. 
 Phil blinked, meeting that one's gaze. It was hard to make out the finer details of his face from the corner he was sitting in but he was clearly tall for a borrower, or at least, compared to the others in the cage with him, and his hair sat in a similar way to Tommy’s but was brown instead of blond.
 In fact, though Phil couldn’t quite place why, this borrower reminded him a lot of Tommy right off the bat. Maybe it was the fire behind that glare or even just the hair, but it was there and Phil couldn’t ignore it.
 “Hello mate,” He said in greeting, smiling softly and ignoring the glare. The borrower jumped slightly but his glare only hardened. “What’s your name?” 
 “F*** off.” The borrower spat out and Phil’s eyes widened. He was reminded of Tommy more by the second. 
 Well, that had been easier than Phil thought.
 He stood up straight and walked away, ignoring the confused look the borrower had sent him. When he came back with Niki, the borrower’s eyes widened and he hurried to a stand. “Oh f*** no.”
 “I had a feeling you’d take a liking to Wilbur.” Niki said with a smile towards Phil.
 “Wilbur?” Phil asked for clarification and Niki nodded.
 “That’s his name. Wilbur Soot, 22 years old. He was caught and brought into this pet store around 6 months ago.” Niki explained and then turned her attention to said borrower. “Hey Wilbur, it looks like today is the day.”
 Wilbur shook his head, looking panicked. “N-No! What the hell, Niki?!”
 Phil glanced between the two, confused. Niki let out a little sigh and sent a sad smile towards Phil. “Sorry, he’s just nervous.” She turned back to Wilbur. “Trust me Wil, this will be good for you.” Phil watched as she reached in and wrapped her hand around the borrower. Said borrower squirmed and tried to fight his way out of the grip but it proved fruitless. Niki brought him out of the large cage, only to place him into the smaller one she had brought with her from the front.
 Once he was locked inside, he was handed over to Phil. “Alright, let’s go and get the payment all settled.” Niki said and Phil nodded, following her once again back towards the front. He handed his card over once Niki took to the register and Niki started the payment process.
 “Were you getting anything else today?” Niki asked, she was still smiling but it was a little less wide than before. Phil blinked at the question, glancing down at the borrower in the small cage. He was still being glared at but now the little guy was curled in on himself near the center of the cage.
 “Um...should I be getting something else? Sorry, this was sort of a last minute thing. What exactly do borrowers need?” Phil asked, feeling sheepish at his lack of knowledge. Thankfully, Niki’s understanding gaze made him feel better.
 “Well, honestly, they don’t need a lot. Or, at least, they don’t need a lot of things that you need to buy. They eat human food just fine, so no need to waste money on that. I would recommend a borrower bed for him to sleep in though. And a collar for if he gets lost but those aren’t required.” Niki explained and Phil nodded along. 
 “That sounds good. Could you throw in a borrower bed and I’ll go ahead and take the collar too.” Phil said and Niki nodded, fetching the items and placing them in a small bag. She then rang up the order and Phil was hesitant to see the price. But when it appeared on screen his eyes widened. It wasn’t nearly as much as he would have thought.
 “Here you go.” She handed over the bag, which Phil took and picked back up the cage that he had placed on the counter.
 “Thank you so much for your help.” Phil said and Niki grinned.
 “Of course, if you need anything again, I’m happy to help!” They waved goodbye and then Phil was out the door.
 He got into his car but hesitated placing Wilbur down into the front seat. He looked down at the borrower, noticing how the little guy hadn’t moved much from his earlier position but now he seemed to be refusing to look at him. He looked sad and it made Phil’s heart melt just a little bit. 
 “Hey mate,” He spoke and Wilbur’s head snapped up to look at him. The glare was back but it was less intense this time, another emotion that Phil couldn’t quite pinpoint getting in the way of the heat. “Just thought I should explain. I’m getting you for my son, Tommy. He’s fifteen and doesn’t have any friends. His therapist suggested I get him a borrower, so here we are.”
 Wilbur’s expression dropped and Phil suddenly felt the need to reassure him. “Don’t worry though, Tommy is a good kid and I’m sure he’ll love you. You’ll be just fine.” Satisfied with that amount of reassurance, Phil put Wilbur’s cage down and locked it into place with the seatbelt, just in case.
 Once he was sure the cage and the borrower inside were secure, Phil started up the car. He glanced at the time and hummed to himself. “Should probably pick up some dinner on the way home.” He’d pick up Tommy’s favorite, to try and further ease the pain the news of him working extra hours would bring. Hopefully the food and the new pet will be enough for Tommy.
 “Don’t worry mate, we’ll be home soon.” He spoke aloud to Wilbur again, for some extra reassurance before backing out of the parking space and rolling out of the parking lot.
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Word count: 1,9K
Warning: angst, kinda messy writing, bad grammar
Tag list:@gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld
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You were always a hopeful person. Trying to be positive no matter what. Seeing the good in people. Even in Loki.
You first met him in his glass cell in helicarier (a/n i have no idea how to spell it, it's that big flying thing in Avengers 1). You two talked and got to know eachother. He told you how his father lied to him, how Thanos tortured him and how he doesn't want to hurt anyone. You believed him. And promised him he will be okay.
Two years after the battle of New York you finally talked to your team mates. You made an entire power point presentation for Avengers to show them Loki is not evil anymore and they should at least give him a chance, like you did.
That's how you and Loki became close friends. Always spending time with the other one, talking about your interests, your cultures, books, movies, anything the both of you came up with.
You comforted him, when he had nightmares. He cuddled you when you watched horror movies and got scared.
He always came to you for advice and opinion and you were more than happy to help your best friend. He always hugged you afterwards as thanks.
Sometimes he even brought you a cake and some flowers, just because he 'felt like it'.
One rainy day he fall asleep on your lap in your room. As you played with his black silky hair you realized you don't view him as your best friend anymore. But as a crush. You felt a shy blush come up to your cheeks as you imagined how would it feel like to cuddle him whole night, to be held by him, kissed by him.
You caressed his cheek and hoped one day he would feel the same.
And as always, you became hopeful. You started to remember all those times he was very close with you, doing something only couples do (like the afore mentioned cuddling, falling asleep on your lap or even the freaking flowers) and hoping he is developing feelings for you.
You were wrong.
You remember that day clearly. It was nice and sunny outside. A perfect day for a walk in the park. You walked out from your room and started looking for Loki. You wanted to have a walk with him.
You heard some voices coming from the kitchen below. Including a velvety one you knew all too well.
You jumped down those 20 stairs. Voices got louder as you came closer. There was Loki and some woman in the kitchen. And nobody else. Your name fell from one of their mouth's.
Quiet as a mouse you stood behind the corner just outside the kitchen and listened.
"Don't tell me she's not annoying! She's practically your shadow and trails after you like a lost puppy. And not even a cute one!" the woman giggled. From her tone of voice you imagined her as a classical blond plastic fake gold digger. You expected Loki to stood up for you, like any good friend would.
He only chuckled. "You are right! She is always behind my back. So bothersome and clingy..." you heard gulping. Maybe they were drinking some alcohol. You prayed for him to be just drunk and not knowing what he's saying.
"So why do you keep her around so much?"
A moment of silence. "I don't really know. For fun, I suppose? She was only good for me to get out of prison. She's so naive to really think I am her friend it's hilarious!"
You couldn't breathe. You stood there like a statue. He was only manipulating you and playing with you. All this time.
Tears clouded your vision as you walked away from them. The whole world looked like a big grey blur to you.
You still went out. Better than stay in the same building with him. Sitting on a bench in the nearby park, listening to birds chirping and watching dogs play with their owners was somewhat comforting. The pain in your chest was still too big though. How could you trust someone who's a 'God of Mischief' or a 'Prince of Lies' of all people? He really did go out of his way to make you trust him, didn't he? All those gifts, hugs, hanging out, watching movies under one blanket. All of that was just him pretending. And you believed him.
You groaned and hid your face in your hands. You're friends with spies and trained soldiers, what if they're pretending just like him and they secretly love when you aren't with them? What if everytime you talk to them they secretly wish for you to shut up and leave? Paranoia and anxiety just won't leave you, will they?
"It will get better after high school they said," you stood up from the bench, "you will be more confident they said. My ass-" suddenly you tripped over a string and fell on your face. Your right cheek stung, your knees were scraped. As you were standing up a wet tongue started to lick your face. A golden retriever's way to greet you, apparently.
"Ollie, stop! I'm so sorry," the dog was yanked back by his leash. Ollie's owner held out his hand to help you stand up.
"It's okay. It's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going," you dusted your clothes when you were finally on your legs. Ollie was jumping up and down, still trying to lick your face. Even through your emotional pain you couldn't resist and smiled.
"He's still an untrained pup, sorry if he's bothering," the unknown man was trying to calm him down once again, but you stopped him.
"He's not bothering," you bent down and scratched behind his ears. "Hi there little fella, aren't you one cute boy? Yes you are," you scratched and caressed his fur.
"He is cute, but quite handful. Still I wouldn't exchange him for anyone in the world."
"Anyone?" you asked.
"Yeah, you see I got him when I found out my partner cheated on me. I felt so betrayed I thought I'll never trust anyone else again," he said and sat down on the bench you were previously sitting on. "Sorry, I'm telling way too much than I should."
"No, it's okay. I know exactly how you felt. Something similair happened to me too," you looked away sadly and stopped scratching Ollie's fur. "That's why you got a dog? To replace that somebody who was previously in your life?"
He nodded. "At first I though I needed a pet to distract myself from the pain, but in reality all I needed was a life long friend who will never betray me. And what's better than a man's best friend?" he hugged his goldie and he licked his face.
You smiled. Maybe that's what you need. A loyal dog to keep you company. To give you emotional support through cuddles and to never leave you or lie to you. Unlike certain someone.
You chatted with him for few more minutes and then made your way to the nearest dog shelter.
The cutest little fluffy german shepherd was dozing off in your arms when you walked into your room. You naivly thought Loki will greet you and pretend to be nice again but he was nowhere to be found. Actually, none of the Avengers were nearby. 'That's okay' you thought. 'I'll at least be alone with this cute guy.'
You let him run around your bedroom, sniffing every corner of his new home, chewing on everything he could reach with his tiny snout. You threw him some of the squeeky toys you bought and watched him play. It lifted your mood, somewhat.
The dull ache from your chest didn't leave. Even when it got dark outside and your new companion dozed off in your lap. Soft laughter was coming from the party deck, which was quite far from your room so in reality it must've been much louder.
'So they returned, huh? Didn't even check on their supposed friend' you thought. Maybe you were right afterall. They never concidered you a friend.
Your phone started buzzing, a silly selfie of you and Loki lightened up the screen. 'What does he want? I don't wanna talk to him.'
You picked up. "Yeah?"
"Y/N!" hearing his voice nearly made you cry. "Thank Norns you finally picked up! Where are you?"
You squinted your eyes suspiciously. "Why?"
"I've been trying to reach you all afternoon! I couldn't find you anywhere and I have called you 5 times already. Are you okay?" he sounded worried. He really should've been voice actor.
"5 times? I didn't hear anything."
He groaned. "Yes, 5 damn times. You made me really sick with worry."
"Whatever. I can do things even without you, you know."
"Why the attitude?" he asked a little less worried.
"You know what Loki? Do me a favour and leave me alone," you hung up sooner than your voice could crack. Silent tears streamed down your cheeks.
As you were standing up with the little pup in your hands and putting him in his bed Loki practically smashed down your door. You jumped back startled and nearly let go of your little friend who woke up and started barking.
"What the fuck Loki?!"
He looked at you, mix of fury and happiness in his eyes. "Okay, I don't know what I did that made you react like that to a simple 'where have you been the whole day' but you could've at least tell me you were going out. What if someone attacked you? And I wasn't there? What if-" he took a deep breath, anger leaving his eyes. "I'm just glad you are home and safe."
Your puppy stopped barking and started wagging his tail, excited to have a new friend. He is just like you. Naive.
"Oh, and who is this little bundle of fur?" he reached out to pet his tiny head but you backed away.
"He's my new best friend. This is Rex."
Loki's face turned into confusion. "Darling, I thought that's my title," he laughed awkwardly.
You glared and hugged Rex to your chest. "Not anymore. Not after what I discovered about you."
"Discovered about me? What are you talking about?"
"Drop the act. I heard you. I heard you saying how I'm naive enough to think I'm your friend, how I'm bothersome and clingy and I was only good for you to get out of prison!" tears were flowing freely but you didn't care.
"Darling, what are yo-"
"I wasn't finished! I really thought you were honest with me. I thought all those times we hung out meant something to you! That you at least respect me. But no! You used me. You were pretending to be nice. All those times! And I believed you!" you started taking steps towards him, he was backing away.
"You misunderstood, I-"
"No! I don't want you to tell me anything! I'm not your plaything anymore! I grew a spine. And you can bet your ass I'm training Rex to bite you whenever you get close to me again!" his eyes started glistening but that must be just your imagination.
"Love, please let me ex-"
"Get lost Laufeyson," with those words you slammed your door in his face.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fallout 3 companions react to the Lone Wanderer getting in contact with the Followers of the Apocalypse and asking to join them. (Possibly resulting in the creation of a Capital Wasteland chapter of the Followers?)
With the Enclave in full retreat and the Brotherhood of Steel officially installed at the Jefferson Memorial and Adams Air Force Base, the kid from Vault 101 seemed to be adrift. They wandered from Megaton to Underworld, Canterbury Commons to Rivet City, helping those they met along the way as they always had but growing more and more despondent with each passing day. "It's just me out here," they would mutter to themselves occasionally, after particularly tough run-ins with raiders or wasteland vermin. "What am I supposed to do?"
That question didn't have an easy answer, or so they thought. Then, like a lighthouse cutting through fog, a summons on Galaxy News Radio brought them to Three Dog, who parked the Lone Wanderer in an office chair and jammed a set of headphones over their ears. The kid talked for days, tuned to different frequencies, scribbled notes on every piece of paper within reach, and their missing smile gradually returned. When they finally stood up and gathered their thoughts together, a new dream came from their lips like a sermon: "There's a group on the West Coast that heard about me. They're called the Followers of the Apocalypse, and they help people. They like what I've done so far, and they want me to start a chapter here in the Capital Wasteland. I want to do this."
Butch DeLoria: Butch stared at them, flabbergasted. "You... haven't we... what more do you think you owe to these people?"
The kid he used to bully sighed. "What do I owe to anybody, Butch? This isn't about settling a debt. I think it's pretty clear now that I can make changes around here, big changes, and this is just another opportunity to do that."
"But why?" Butch pulled out a comb and ran it through his hair, visibly anxious. "So you purified the water, ran those Enclave upstarts out of town. Leave it there. Kill anyone who tries to jump you on the road, and stop worrying about everyone else."
"I..." The Lone Wanderer clenched their fist, unclenched it. "I can't. If I can make things better for everyone, I have to."
"Well that's not what Tunnel Snakes are about," Butch replied angrily. He seized his traveling pack, shook out his leather jacket and headed for the radio station's door. "You change your mind, you can find me at the Muddy Rudder."
The door slammed behind him. Three Dog, who'd been eavesdropping from the next room, poked his head in. "Is your friend coming back?"
"Ugh." The Lone Wanderer sank into their chair again. "Give it an hour or two. He'll come around. Probably when he runs into the super mutants in Georgetown."
Charon: Charon nodded. "As you wish."
The Lone Wanderer pressed a hand to their forehead in exasperation. "Okay, I tried to phrase that as openly as I could so I could get your thoughts, but I realize now that I should've just said... Charon, what do you actually think about this idea?"
The ghoul shrugged. "I don't."
"Come on Charon, there has to be something-"
"Fine." Charon rolled his eyes. "It's more of the same. More time on the road, more time building up and securing settlements, more time spent fending off attacks from those who want your stuff. I'd say you're also more likely to die, but you've defied my expectations before."
"And..." the Lone Wander pressed. "Are you okay with that?"
Charon, who was still unused to this kid's attempts to include him in decision-making, glared at them. "I am."
They studied each other silently. The Lone Wanderer broke first. They always did. "I'm not going to order you to do this with me."
"You don't have to," Charon reassured them. Half-facetious, half-sincere. "That's not how this works."
Clover: Clover examined her nails, clearly not that interested. "So what's the angle, lover?"
"Clover..." the Lone Wanderer hesitated. "What if it's not an angle? What if we just... did this?"
Clover stuck her tongue out playfully. "Whatever, honey. You probably have some scam cooked up already. Lure them out here, take their stuff, feed them to a deathclaw... you're such a tease."
"Uh-huh." Her companion crossed their arms. "A real scam. Like that time I used a GECK to purify the DC basin. Or that time I led a giant robot to fight the Enclave and eventually took over their crawler. Or that time I rescued a bunch of slaves from Paradise Falls. Clover, we've been on the road together a while. You know I'm not like that."
"I know, I know..." Clover trailed off and looked away. "S'just that I need a good story to tell when you take me back to Eulogy. Otherwise..."
The Lone Wanderer dropped their headset and took her hand. "You're not going back there. Ever. You hear me? You don't belong to that motherfucker anymore. You don't belong to anyone."
Clover still couldn't meet their gaze, but her eyes filled up with tears. "Mmm-hmm. Sure, lover."
Star Paladin Cross: The Star Paladin smiled. "I've encountered the Followers. They bring a noble cause to the wasteland, even if they stretch themselves too thin."
"Well, the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood is stretched too thin right now." The chapter's newest Knight sank back against the desk they'd been tethered to for the better part of the last 48 hours. "Scribe Bigsley is tearing his hair out about water caravans, the Enclave still has holdouts in the area, and Elder Lyons..."
They trailed off and sighed. "We need help. I don't know if I can be a Follower and a Knight, but I know they're more open to working with me because of Elder Lyons' decision to break with the High Elders. We have the same mission: To help the people of the wasteland."
"Our missions are similar, but there are a few fundamental differences," Cross corrected them. "The Followers emphasize the sharing of knowledge and learning, while the Brotherhood seeks to protect it. That said, your assessment of the Elder's decision for our chapter is apt. Perhaps we have opened ourselves up to common ground, in our desertion of our primary mission."
"Right." The Lone Wanderer nodded. "We're deserters. Let's use it. I'll start making plans and a list of potential recruits. I'll start with Reilly's Rangers and the Temple of the Union and get some leads."
Dogmeat: The mutt that accompanied the Lone Wanderer wherever they went barked, excited by his owner's excitement. The noise drew Three Dog's attention from the other room.
"Kid, I'm trying to run a radio station here," he said, leaning on the door frame with a mug of steaming tea in his hand. "Don't get your little buddy too riled up. Fight the good fight and all that, but do it outside."
"Sorry, Three Dog." The Lone Wanderer dropped to their knee and scratched the mutt's back and neck. "Just thinking out loud."
"You take their deal?" the DJ asked, before taking a sip from the mug.
The kid grinned. "You bet your ass I did."
Fawkes: The super mutant that had shadowed the kid since Vault 87 nodded sagely. "These Followers. Would there be room within their organization for an individual such as myself?"
The Lone Wanderer shrugged. "I didn't ask. The woman on the radio made a point of saying they were okay with ghouls, but she didn't say anything about mutants in general. I've heard that the mutants out west are more like you though, so probably?"
"Then I would like to be the first to sign up for your new chapter," Fawkes replied.
"Okay." The kid from Vault 101 grinned. "Great. Even if they aren't good with mutants, it's my chapter, and I say it's okay. It's not like they're going to be peering over my shoulder."
"And what do you intend to christen your first project?" Fawkes asked.
"Hmmm." The Lone Wanderer scratched their head. "Well, after recruitment and finding a base of operations, I think we should help stabilize the water caravan system. From there we can move on to tackling the slave trade."
Fawkes chuckled. "'From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow.' Then let us begin."
Jericho: The retired raider, who had been taking a nap in one of the office chairs, snapped awake with a snort and grabbed his assault rifle. "Who-whatsit?"
"Chop-chop." The Lone Wanderer tossed him his pack and punched him playfully on the shoulder. "We're going to shake up the Capital Wasteland hierarchy a bit."
"Well, that sounds like something worth getting up for," Jericho replied, somewhat more agreeable. "Where are we going?"
"Seward Square," they answered, throwing their own pack over their shoulder. "I know a crew over there that might be interested in helping."
"Reilly's gang?" Jericho stopped them. "Wait a minute. This isn't more of your usual goody two-shoes shit, is it? I told you, I was done after the business with the Enclave. Can't we just roll into a settlement and take their chems like the good old days?"
"Thought you were awake, Jericho." The Lone Wanderer smacked him on the cheek a couple of times. "You want to sit on top of the Capital Wasteland, you have to make yourself indispensable. Capisce?"
"Oh, fuck you," Jericho grumbled. "Should've kicked you off my steps back in Megaton, kid."
Sergeant RL-3: "Sir, yes sir!" the Mister Gutsy agreed. "Anything for our good old Uncle Sam!"
"Right then, soldier," the Lone Wanderer replied at the same level of enthusiasm. "Pack our gear and have this place spotless, on the double!"
"All recruits will be responsible for their own bunks!" Sergeant RL-3 shot back, before moving to retrieve the traveling packs from where they'd been stashed away.
Three Dog, who was watching from the door, shook his head with a grin. "I need to get me one of those models."
"Well, I know a guy out by Tenpenny Tower that might have a bot with your name on it," the Lone Wanderer offered. "Or at least the parts to build one."
"No time to dilly-dally, sir!" Sergeant RL-3 commented from across the room.
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hockeylvr59 · 3 years
Collide Part 2 || Sidney Crosby
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Summary: Life as a single foster mom and a pediatrician didn’t leave much time for dating. But when Dr. Erin Lancaster becomes the pediatrician for Pittsburgh Penguins Defenseman Brian Dumoulin's baby boy, her association and quick friendship with his wife Kayla turns her crazy but quiet life upside down. 
Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: Apparently my brain is just on a Sid kick lately. First a blurb update, now this one. Let me know what you think. 
Warnings: alcohol consumption        Word Count: 2,001
The weeks leading up to the holiday season were usually some of the best as a foster mom. The kids that I called my own, even temporarily, generally didn’t have a great experience with family holidays in the past and it was always exciting to teach them the magic of the season. The joy of watching the Macy’s parade and then football before having a big meal, going looking at Christmas lights, and everything else that filled the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
This year though, this year was tough. A few weeks ago, just days after my trip to the hospital, the seven year old I was fostering was moved to another placement. More biological siblings had popped up in the system and taking them would have placed me over my permitted limit. So instead, the rambunctious boy I was finally starting to make strides with was moved so that he could be with siblings he had never met, all because of the preference of keeping siblings together. A week later, my five year old was transferred back into the care of his mother who had successfully completed a rehabilitation program. I wasn’t sure the woman could be trusted but the court had decided she was fit enough to regain custody and there was nothing I could do about it. 
Finally, yesterday, my newborn had been deemed stable enough to be placed with a paternal grandmother now that he was completely off the drugs. I had done my limited job of making sure that he got elevated care and now he was in the placement I knew he’d end up in all along. 
It was the weekend before Thanksgiving and for the first time in a long time I didn’t have any kids under my roof. Honestly, I couldn’t remember the last time I didn’t have any kids placed with me, it had been that long. Yesterday, it had been easy enough to ignore, I went into the office to catch up on paperwork, I picked up dry cleaning and went grocery shopping before drinking half a bottle of wine and falling into bed exhausted. 
Today though, things were quiet and now that the world had stilled around me, my normally thick exterior cracked and I found myself sobbing steadily. I loved being a foster mom, I really did, but it was heartbreaking to know that these kids would never be mine for one reason or another. That while most days my house was full of laughter and as much love as these kids could manage, days like today would always be waiting at the end of it all. 
While drowning my sorrows with a pint of ice cream I definitely didn’t need to be eating at 11am, my phone buzzed beside me with a message from Kayla Dumoulin. She had texted more than once over the past few weeks with worries such as whether Brayden’s cord was healing normally and whether she could cut his nails because he didn’t like the mittens but she didn’t want him to cut himself. Through our text conversations she had learned of my rapidly emptying house and her message this morning was just to check in and see how I was doing. 
She was such a sweetheart and I replied with a shrug emoji declaring that if sobbing over a pint of ice cream at 11am was normal then I was doing just fine. The phone rang a moment later and I sighed seeing her name pop up because the message wasn’t intended to make her feel guilty or anything, it was just genuine honesty. Still, I answered the phone, setting the pint of ice cream aside for a moment. 
“It sounds like you need some baby cuddles.” Kayla stated, the sound of soft chatter coming through the line. “Why don’t you come over. Brayden wouldn’t mind seeing his favorite doctor.” She suggested. 
“That’s sweet but I’ll be okay.” I assured her. “I don’t want to impose. I’m sure I can find something to do.” 
“You’re not imposing.” Kayla insisted. “Me texting you at 2am with a breastfeeding question was imposing.” Her voice was teasing and I sighed softly remembering being up with my own newborn when she had a question about hers since Brian was on the road. 
“Seriously.” She continued. “Come over, snuggle Brayden, and give my husband a second opinion on this bottle of wine he just got since I can’t drink.” She suggested. Sensing that she truly meant it, I sighed and agreed reluctantly telling her to send me the address. 
45 minutes later, I had cleaned myself up so it didn’t look like I had spent the last few hours sobbing. After putting on some light makeup, I had thrown on some black jeans, a striped long sleeve tee, and a tan pullover before deeming myself decent enough to head out. 
Plugging the address in my phone’s gps, I drove over to Kayla and Brian’s neighborhood, parking down on the street in front of their house. It didn’t even register that there were approximately a half dozen cars spread between the driveway and the street already as I made my way up to the front door. 
Kayla greeted me after just a minute and I gently teased that if I didn’t know better I wouldn’t believe she just had a baby as she let me inside. That made her smile, and as she guided me to the kitchen for a glass of wine I realized that there was a significant amount of noise coming from the living room. It wasn’t until she was murmuring for me to make myself comfortable that I realized the living room was occupied by almost a dozen Penguins players, football pregame on tv. 
“Alright Muzz, you can give my baby back now.” Kayla declared half-joking, half-serious. As soon as the goalie handed the baby over, Kayla was crossing the room back to me and handing off the little boy who just snuggled into my chest as soon as he was placed there. “There...baby snuggles.” She murmured. 
“Thanks.” I whispered, resting a hand over the infant’s back before taking a sip of wine feeling slightly uncomfortable as eyes slowly landed on me. 
“Hey doc.” Brian greeted appearing from somewhere else in the house. “Let me know what you think of that wine, not sure if this brand is a keeper or not.” He stated simply portraying the feeling that I wasn’t at all anywhere I didn’t belong and that this was a normal occurrence. Nodding I promised to do so before just focusing back on the baby in my arms. The physician portion of my brain noted that he was doing well and had certainly been growing while the rest of me just found myself relaxing at the feeling of a baby’s steady breaths. 
Most of the guys paid me no mind as the game started. Yet I felt one pair of eyes linger. As I stepped outside after handing Brayden off to feed just before halftime, a four legged companion joined me and I chuckled petting the Dumoulin’s dog Roo while sitting on the steps of their patio nursing my second glass of wine. 
The patio door slid open and then shut before a body slid down next to me on the steps. 
“So where are your foster kids?” A familiar voice asked and glancing over my eyes met those of the Penguins Captain. 
“With another foster family, with their mother, and with their paternal grandmother.” I whispered, quickly taking another sip of the wine to try and push back another round of tears. “The sucky thing about being a foster mom is they always go away in the end.” 
“I...I didn’t know.” Sid mumbled after a moment and I waved him off petting Roo and wiping at my eye with the back of my hand. 
“I didn’t expect you to.” I stated simply. 
“So that’s why…” Sid trailed off, stopping when I nodded. 
“Baby cuddles to try and make everything better.” I shrugged. “To fill the three new cracks in my heart. It’s been a long time since I was childless.” I whispered. “I’ve been trying to recall when it was and I honestly can’t remember. I feel like it had to have happened at least a few times but I really can’t recall not having anyone since I became a foster mom in the first place.” 
“How long is that?” Sid asked, tone softer now than it had been that day at the hospital. 
“Two...almost three years. I applied to become a foster parent toward the end of my residency.” 
“Can I ask how many?” Sid questioned. 
“In three years? That’s...wow.” Glancing over I could see the genuine shock on his face. 
“I don’t know what the turnover rate is generally but I’m fairly certain my rate is higher than average. I get a lot of the drug addicted babies because of my skills and they’re generally only with me 2-3 weeks until it’s safe to move them into a more permanent placement, often with other family members.” 
“How do you handle that?” He murmured, reaching down to pet Roo as well who had rolled over onto her back for belly rubs. 
“Usually I just focus on my patients, on the kids that I do still have with me because they deserve all of my love and attention. This time? Crying over Ben and Jerry’s at 11am until Kayla insisted I come over.” A smile cracked Sid’s face and he apologized quickly declaring that this isn’t something to smile about. 
“No it’s okay. You can find it amusing, I know it wasn’t the most healthy coping method.” 
“Are you going to be okay?” He inquires softly. 
“Yeah. Well, I should probably lay off the wine. Dumo has really good taste.” Sid’s eyes crinkled a little bit and he looked at me like be serious. “I will be. I mean it’s only a matter of time before I get the call that another child needs me.” I assured him. “I just...sometimes...days like this...they make me wonder whether I still want to do this, you know…” 
“Go on…” Sid urged. 
“I just...it’s so hard. Never knowing whether I’m going to wake up and have to say goodbye again. Constantly giving away pieces of my heart that I’ll never get back. Days like today make me just want to be a mom. Not a foster mom but a mom. To have my own kids who won’t be there one day and gone the next.” 
“I get that feeling.” Sid murmured after a moment. “Not the ‘here one day gone the next’ part, but uh, wanting your own kids part, that I get.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke before dropping his hand back down to pet Roo, his fingers brushing against mine. Immediately my mind flashed back to the feeling of his hand wrapped around mine and I quickly pushed that aside. 
“There you are!” Kayla exclaimed, popping her head out the door, her eyes shifting back and forth between you and Sid and noting how close you were sitting. “We just put out some food if you’re hungry and want something other than ice cream.” She grinned, dipping back inside looking like she was about to burst with what she just saw even if it was absolutely nothing. 
When Sid stood he offered a hand out to help you up, murmuring for Roo to come inside and he’d see if he could find her a treat. The bulldog was eager for that and followed after him as you brushed yourself off and picked your wine glass up moving to rejoin the group. 
Ridding of your buzz with some food and water and more baby snuggles you finally headed home with the feeling that there was something more to your conversation with Sid that you hadn’t put your finger on.
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cassiabaggins · 3 years
A/N: This is my first Fili x reader fic, so please be nice! It’s adapted from a scene between Fili and my oc that I never used in my original story but still wanted to share. I hope you all enjoy and please reblog and leave a comment if you can!
Warnings: descriptions of an approaching meltdown that never happens
Wordcount: 1395  | Pairing: Fili x Autistic Fem!Reader
Summary: The Company stops at an inn one night, and you find it exhausting and overwhelming
Tags: @beenovel @rowandor @claraofthepen @annkdarar @curiosityunsated @myrin1234 @guardianofrivendell @frogmuttforever @swillowraven @lexdrillo @clownkid246 @classynerdchick @anjhope1 @legolaslovely 
"There's a town about three miles ahead," Balin says, peering at his map. "We could stop there for the night, resupply."
Thorin strokes his beard. "Aye, that sounds good." He calls the change of plans back to the Company, and you frown. You aren't the biggest fan of towns, they always end up being exhausting and loud. Overwhelming. But the plans are final, and everyone else seems delighted by the turn of events. You sigh, and resign yourself to an exhausting evening.
The town is just as bustling and loud as you feared, carts and people and horses rushing here and there, shouts ringing out from a marketplace. A dog sprints through the legs of your mount, causing her to startle. You steady her, the suddenness of the event causing your heart to race. You can't wait to get inside the inn… but inside turns out to be just as bad. The cacophony coming from the bar area is physical to you, slamming against your ears, and once the fifteen of you venture into the crowd, it quickly becomes too much. You clap your hands over your ears and let out a panicked little sound as some stranger jostles you. You aren't paying attention to the others as Thorin negotiates for room and board, just concentrating on staying calm. 
You all sit down at a corner table, waiting for the rooms to be readied. You rest your head on the cool wood, trying to relax. A warm hand lands on your elbow and you look over at Fili. His lips are moving, but you really can't hear him. You glance briefly up at his eyes, look back down at his chin, and shrug to show you haven't a clue what he's said. His lips curve into a frown. He turns to Thorin and they exchange words and a small object, and then Fili takes your elbow and gives a little tug. He leads you out of the crowd and up the stairwell to the second floor of the inn, out of the crowd and noise. He stops before a door and turns to you and you take your hands off your ears. "Sure was loud down there," he says, holding up a key and unlocking the door. "I suppose you want to turn in early?"
Your heart warms at his kindness. "I do. I dislike crowds."
He grins at you. "Me too. They make my skin crawl."
"So many people, all yelling? Please no!" You say with exaggerated horror. Fili laughs and holds out the key. 
"Here. Turn in for the night. The barmaid said they drew us all baths, as well. She said it was all ready for you. I also asked for them to bring you up a meal."
You open your mouth to reply but are interrupted by the rest of the Company trooping past. Kili comes over and slings his arm around Fili's neck.
"Fili! After cleaning up Uncle said we could have some fun! The bar is open all night!"
Fili pushes off Kili's arm. "Stop," he says bluntly. "I don't want to be touched right now."
Kili takes the command with grace. "Sorry," he says. "But will you come down and have a drink with me? You're invited as well, Y/N!" He adds with a grin to you. 
"Not tonight, Kili," you reply. "I think I'll just turn in." You can feel your exhaustion making everything around you feel overwhelming, but are trying to stay civil. It's not his fault. 
Kili looks disappointed, but turns his attention to his brother as you slip into your room and shut the door. 
It's dark and quiet inside, a peaceful respite from the rest of the world. You survey the room, getting your bearings before entering further. An oil lamp burns on a low table near the bed immediately across from you, a window above the headboard. A chest of drawers is pushed against the wall to the left of the door with a small mirror hanging above it. A room divider separates a corner of the room, near a crackling fireplace. You can see the edge of a bathing tub around the three sectioned divider. You quickly lock the door and drop the key on the dresser, placing your pack on the bed and peeking around the divider. The bath is full to the brim with clean, steaming water, a bar of soap and a bottle of hair oil on a low table beside it, along with a pitcher, a clean cloth, and a towel. 
Your companions will either have to use the city's public cold baths or take turns for a warm one but you… you get the luxury immediately. You strip down quickly and hop into the tub, sinking down into the warm water. 
You take your time getting clean, relaxing in the silence, before the water begins to go cold. You step out of the tub, dry off, and dress. The bed looks beyond inviting, the soft sheets, the plush pillows… you're mere seconds away from diving in and falling asleep, when a knock sounds on your door. 
It's a polite knock, but somehow the most grating noise you've ever heard, like a thunderclap in the quiet room. You grit your teeth against the urge to scream "go away!" and move to the door. Upon opening it, you're immediately grateful you didn't yell, as Fili is standing outside with a tray of food. 
"Sorry to bother you," he says immediately. "I was just bringing you supper."
You look down at the tray. It's piled high with food, seeming to be two of everything. "I can't eat all that," you say. 
"I know," he replies. "Half of its mine. Can I hide from Kili with you?"
"He's trying to get me to come down to the tavern and I really, really don't want to. It's so loud and exhausting down there and all I really want right now is a quiet night. He even likes the commotion and doesn't understand that I just need to get away from it right now!"
He sounds genuinely distressed and you get the feeling this is a common argument between the brothers. While you too want a quiet night, you take pity on Fili and open the door wider. "Come in."
The smile he responds with his blinding. 
Luckily, Fili is probably the least exhausting person to spend time with. He's quiet and predictable and doesn't ask exhausting questions as most of the Company tends to do. He doesn't say much, setting the food out on the rug before the fire as you sit on a pillow and watch him. Finally he sits down and holds a buttered roll out to you. You take it gratefully and you eat together in relative silence, broken only by the occasional "can you pass that?" There's a quiet camaraderie in the activity. 
"Kili can be exhausting," you say between sips of wine at the very end of the meal. Fili nods in agreement, tugging absently on one of his mustache braids.
"He can."
"They all can," you add. 
Fili nods again. "It's hard to make people understand when I need quiet time," he says. "When I was younger I would always cry and scream when it got too overwhelming."
"Me too!" You say enthusiastically, sitting up straighter. "Sometimes it's as if everything is too much and I just need to yell! But I can't because I'm an adult."
He looks over at you. "Exactly! I know exactly what you mean!"
"Sometimes, things are hard for me to handle," you continue, "even little things. And then I cry about them. Do you ever feel like that?"
He nods. "Yes. I do." He meets your eyes. "I've never… I've never told anyone that before," he admits.
"Not even Kili?"
Fili waves his hand dismissively. "He already knows. But he doesn't understand. You do."
You smile and scoot closer to him. "I do. I suppose we're more alike than we thought." Suddenly overwhelmed with affection for him, you lean over and press your head against his shoulder in affection. He presses back, seeming to understand. "I like you, Fili," you say.
"I like you, too," he replies happily and the two of you lapse into a peaceful silence, secure and happy in your understanding of each other.
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Genre: AU 
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: There’s a new Spider person in town and it’s not Parker.
A/N: This is a continuation of the Parker story that I posted last year. I’m sorry to everyone who reads and likes my ff, I’m very slow when it comes to writing. I’ve been feeling down for a while and now I’ve decided to try and work on stories that I was already in the process of writing. So hopeful I’ll do better in time. Also I don’t live in NY so streets and stuff might not always be correct. Also I can’t spell half the time and spell check doesn’t always catch things and sometimes I miss words for a sentence to make sense, I never reread my writing I just didn’t in school and so I don’t really do it now, SORRY!!
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You’ve reached the phone number of (Y/n) (L/n) please leave a message at the tone of the beep...
Peter groaned as he tried to reach you for the third time wondering when you will be home since you had to work on a chemistry project with him. Even though you weren’t the best in the science area you said you didn’t want Peter to do all the work on his own. You told him to come to your house around 4, but it was now 6:30 and he didn’t know when you would be home. Your aunt allowed him to stay in your room until you came back, he thought it was a little weird she didn’t really seem that worried about where you were.
As Peter looked around your room, he realized that he didn’t know that much about you. All he knows is that you transferred from a different state to New York to live with some distant relative in 8th grade. The both of you would have small encounters with just a small smile here or a quiet ‘hi’ there if you were sitting next to each other.
Then out of the blue one day during sophomore year, you just sat down at the same table as him during study hall. 
Peter was working on his calculus homework having not finished the night before, having to focus on his chemistry homework and then having a tiny project for World History, which he had to do all by himself because no one else chose to help him out. He didn’t stress himself too much about the homework, his brain worked fast enough to understand the problems plus his class was after lunch and if he didn’t finish now he’ll just finish then. He was brought out of his thoughts of fast working math problems and numbers, when a loud thud sounded through the library and even louder when it was placed in front of him at his table. He heard the librarian shush the person from her desk.
“Sorry” the person responsible replied back loud enough for only Peter to hear.
Peter looked up to come face to face with the culprit. They looked disheveled, their hair a bit of a mess, their shirt had a couple of stains in different colors on the front. They just had a simple jean jacket covering them from the slight autumn breeze of Queens, New York. You seemed to have noticed Peter’s gaze on your face having turned towards him with a bashful expression on your face.
“Sorry, sometimes I don’t know my own strength.” you said quietly.
“No problem” Peter said with a light smile on his lips.
“I’m (Y/n)” you outstretched your hand for a shake.
“Peter” he said, grabbing your outstretched hand.
‘There seems to be no more crime happening at the moment’
“Okay, well I guess it’s time for me to head home then. At least I have far less bruises than normal so it’s not gonna be a big deal when I get home, I don’t want to have to sit through another lecture.” you rolled your eyes behind the mask on your face covering your features. 
‘You seem to have missed a phone call, you have one voicemail from a Peter Parker’
“Hey (Y/n)...um I’m at your house right now waiting for you so we can work on our project. I’ve been here for about two hours now and it's getting late so I’m probably gonna end up leaving since my aunt is probably waiting for me to get home. I guess I’ll just see you tomorrow at school. Okay, bye (Y/n).”
“Crap! I forgot about the project, Peter’s probably upset with me.” you sighed and decided to call Peter.
Nothing. You called again. Nothing. Again and again. Nothing. You tried five times and he never answered, a part of you thinks he’s probably just ignoring you for standing him up. The other part worries that he could be in trouble right now. It is Queens.
“Hey Karen can you do another sweep of the city? Any type of crimes or assaults happening at the moment?” worry lacing your voice hoping nothing is or happened to Peter, sweet Peter.
‘There is no crime at the moment (Y/n)’
“Can you search for Peter Parker? Can you give me his current location?” you ask with a slight shake to your questions.
‘Peter Parker is currently on the streets of 7th and Jefferson ave’
He’s not that far away from me you thought to yourself with a sigh.
You were only a few buildings away from Peter so you lept from rooftop to rooftop, sitting nicely on top of an apartment building's roof looking down onto the passerbyers, everyone in their own world and minding their business. As you were watching everyone walk by you kept your eyes open for Peter, even though he did look like every normal teenage boy with brown curly hair from atop, he did have little charms on his backpack; for one being a Ironman POP! Figure keychain for the opening of the big pocket.
You were walking down the halls of Midtown trying to find your locker on the first day of sophomore year. It was kinda difficult with everyone walking to and fro not minding you any time or stepping out of the way just a little.
Just as you found your locker someone ran into you causing you to drop the notebooks and textbooks out of your arms, dropping to the floor with a loud thud. You just scuffed yourself and chose to open your locker first so you don’t have to deal with the weight in your arms. After trying your combination for a third time and nothing happening, you just leaned your head against the metal doors and just sighed out through your nose to try and keep yourself calm and not cause tears or your fist to hit the metal. 
“Um...sorry to bother you, but do you need help?” Someone beside you asked timidly and quietly.
You looked up from the floor being face to face with someone who was kneeling beside you on the ground stacking some of your textbooks onto each other. He was a boy around your age with a delicate sprinkle of freckles dotting his face. He had glasses on the bridge of his nose and eyes that looked to be brown colored, but it wasn’t his eye color it was the way his eyes looked at you that drew you in a bit. He looked a bit like a deer in headlights mixed with puppy dog eyes that were just looking into yours with some concern and maybe embarrassment coming in since you were taking a long time to answer him and was just staring at a stranger.
You blinked out of your stupor and smiled at him and asked if he could try and place your locker combination for you. Because if you tried one more time and it didn’t work you might actually punch it. The boy smiled at you and was able to open your locker for you and helped hold half the textbooks.
“Thank you for helping me, since everyone else chooses to be rude.” You grumbled out the last bit.
The boy just smiled at you and said it was no problem and then he walked away probably to meet up with his friend.
 You still haven’t seen Peter walking anywhere and you were just about to give up and head home when Karen alerted you to a crime in progress.
‘There is a mugging in progress two blocks from here in an alley behind a deli’
You rushed over to the position that Karen sent you and hoped that it wasn’t Peter. Well, it was Peter sadly who was on the ground and shaking with his backpack ripped open and the contents spilling out. The thug was pointing a knife at Peter and yelling at him for money.
Deciding that now was the time to intervene you shot a web to the thugs knife and yanked it out of his grasp.
“You know you shouldn’t be pointing sharp objects at people, what would your grandma have to say?”
Honestly you had to roll your eyes a bit, really (y/n)? His grandma?
You jumped down from the balcony of an apartment and landed in front of Peter blocking him from view. You rose to your full height and placed your hands on your hips, cocking to the right a bit. You turned your head to look at Peter making sure he was okay and safe for the moment, he wasn’t shaking anymore which was good, but he now was just staring wide eyed at you.
“Are you okay?” You asked him
He just nodded his head then looked to your left and pointed a finger, presumably at the thug. When your spider senses went off you just lifted both hands and grasped the thug's arm and flipped him over onto his back making him gasp for air. You then webbed him up to the balcony and had Karen call the cops.
When you were done you walked back over to Peter and knelt down to help grab his stuff off the ground and place them back into his backpack. You then held out your hand to help lift Peter off the ground. When Peter placed his hand in your grasp you might have pulled a little more than you meant causing Peter to collide with your chest and moving your arm to his waist making sure he was stable.
You both stood still in the position for a few seconds before breaking apart chuckling awkwardly. Peter rubbed his neck and you just held your hands behind your back. The silence was starting to become suffocating, so you were about to ask Peter if he wanted a ride home, but he broke the silence first.
“Thank you for what you did earlier.” Peter said quietly
“Eh, it’s no problem.” You shrugged off
You both still stood there not knowing what else to say at the moment. So Peter just took that as a cue to leave since he started to walk out the alley. That prompted you to remember what you were thinking earlier.
“Hey!” You called out to Peter
He stopped in his spot and turned around facing you.
“Would you like a ride? Or even a walking companion?”
Peter just smiled at you showing that the requests weren’t weird to him so you started to walk towards him.
“I could use a walking companion. I would take the ride suggestion, but I’m pretty sure you mean swinging on webs about 15ft or more in the sky away from the ground and I already have a bad fear of heights.” Peter rambled out
You just chuckled to yourself and walked next to him prompting the both of you to walk in silence for a while.
“So what were you doing walking by yourself? It’s never a good idea to be by yourself, especially if you don’t have some type of weapon.” You questioned
Peter didn’t answer right away so you turned to look at him and he was looking at the ground with a slight pout to his mouth. You already know he’s gonna say it was because you never showed up at your own house.
“Well I was supposed to work on a school project with a classmate at her house, but she never showed up for some reason and I was there for about three hours and I told my aunt and uncle I would be home around 8 so I just decided to leave hoping to make it home before it was really dark out. Then I was cleaning my glasses and they dropped, so I had to pull a Velma from Scooby-Doo and look for my glasses. I think the thug was hiding behind the trash or something.” Peter spoke while still looking towards the ground.
You could tell that you not showing up really hurt him, he probably thought you were just using him for a good grade and lied or something.
“Looks like I’ll be doing the project by myself like usual. I just thought that I made a friend, especially for that class since my friend Ned doesn’t share it with me.”
“Well I’m sure she didn’t bail on purpose. Maybe something she accidentally forgot.” You tried to save yourself from looking bad in Peter’s eyes.
Peter just shrugged his shoulders and the conversation ended since apparently you ended up outside of Peter’s apartment. You both turned to each, having yet another awkward silence between the both of you. You took the silence to look at Peter’s features which looked softened in the moonlight, but also harsh with the fluorescent lighting of street lamps. As you were getting lost in Peter’s details Karen rang in your ears telling you that your aunt wants you home in the next 20 minutes or you’re grounded.
“Um well Peter I got to leave, but I hope you have a good evening.” and then you salute in a flirty way at least you hope it came off like that.
As you swung off into the night, heading home to finally relax; Peter was eating dinner with his family and as he was slowly chewing his chow mein he realized what was bugging him for the past 15 minutes, he never gave you his name. He was both curious and a bit worried, worried that you might have been following for a while before tonight and curious because if you weren’t a stalker which he decided to rule out since you have to protect Queens; that means you probably know him from somewhere else. And Peter was going to find out where.
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hualianff · 3 years
head empty, hands full (from petting your dog & holding your hand)
Modern AU where HC has been released from the military due to health reasons, both physical and mental. After serving for over a decade, HC struggles to adjust to life outside of the military and find another fulfilling purpose.
HX, an old comrade, convinces HC to adopt a puppy once he settles down back at home. A part of it has to do with the lingering PTSD and anxiety HC developed from being in the military.
Never having the opportunity to own pets in his childhood, HC quickly realizes that puppies need to be trained. A lot.
The largest pup of the litter he adopted was a wild card from the start. Even though HC knew he wanted her as a companion at first hand-lick, HC certainly can’t have the little vermin tearing up his sofa or peeing wherever she likes.
HC brings his puppy, E’Ming, to a top-rated training class. The first day consists of rambunctious puppies and puzzled new dog owners. HC internally breathes a sigh of relief knowing he isn’t the only one with an uncontrollable beast. However, one would think the more training sessions, the more progress would be made.
With E’Ming, it’s a little more difficult than that.
It’s honestly a bit embarrassing when the other dog owners can clip leashes onto their dog’s collars with a simple snap while HC has to full-on wrestle E’Ming to gain access to the ring where the leash attaches. Fortunately, E’Ming is quite a big puppy compared to the other dogs in class, even for a Dobermann. HC doesn’t have to worry too much about squishing her.
During the times E’Ming does not obey regardless of what HC says or does, the instructor comes over to personally help. The instructor’s name is Xie Lian, a youthful and gentle character who never fails to make HC’s heart race. It seems he isn’t the only one, as E’Ming listens to XL when told to sit, roll over, and high five. It takes HC five minutes to get her to sit–even when he dangles her favorite treat in front of her nose!
When XL introduced himself on the first day of class, he talked about his general love for animals, especially dogs. Since he was young, XL volunteered at a no-kill dog shelter where he would take part in cleaning the kennels and playing with the dogs. Since then, this passion has stayed with XL. 
XL is back in university after taking a years’ long break because he couldn’t afford school once his parents cut him off after not following in their family’s business footsteps.
He’s now studying to be a veterinarian and trains dogs on the side for money. As the first few weeks go by, HC can clearly see XL loves what he’s doing from the bottom of his heart.
HC’s exterior remains guarded but he grows to admire XL and his determination and compassion. It’s refreshing, a different type of dedication HC knows from the military. 
When XL works with E’Ming, HC spends time with Ruoye, XL’s own dog who he uses for demonstrations. Ruoye listens to HC without a problem–even nuzzles against HC’s hands for pets–meaning HC must be doing something right. (Ignoring the fact that XL has probably trained Ruoye flawlessly.)
During the third week, HC observes from the side as XL pampers E’Ming with praise after successfully completing three rounds of basic commands.
“Who’s a good girl!? Who’s a good girl!? Oh, I think it’s you. Yes, you’re the good girl, the bestest- '' XL coos as he strokes along E’Ming jaw, scratches behind her ears, then eventually rubs her belly as she rolls onto her back.
HC watches with starstruck eyes. Of course, XL knows what he’s doing. It doesn’t mean HC isn’t amazed by his work every time. At this point, HC is gradually learning that having a dog is not about molding E’Ming into the companion he expects her to be, but about working together to best meet both her and HC’s needs in their relationship. 
As XL finishes showering E’Ming with affection, he looks over and catches HC staring. HC, aware that his face must either be one of evident enamoration or resting bitch face, awkwardly clears his throat as he straightens his already rigid back. 
“You’re doing a great job with her,” HC says truthfully. His heart is warm and full from the interaction between his dog and XL. He wonders if E’Ming will ever act so carefree with him, going on to joke that, “Perhaps she would prefer to have you as her owner instead.”
XL laughs lightly as he slowly stands up. He shakes his head. “I highly doubt that. She just needs to know that she can trust you.”
Realizing her belly rubs are over with, E’Ming flips onto her feet with a confused whine. She goes to nudge at XL’s leg, tail wagging as XL pets her one last time. With a bark of satisfaction, E’Ming bounds over to HC. 
Judging by the excited expression on E’Ming face, HC can tell she is preparing to jump. HC does not encourage this behavior by any means. He is lucky that he is tall and strong enough to catch her sixty-pound body without toppling over. Other people do not have the same privilege, especially strangers who unknowingly entice E’Ming to come over.
But HC doesn’t have it in him today to scold her before she jumps. So he allows it. He allows E’Ming to leap into the air with the expectation to be caught by her owner’s arms and coddled against his warm chest.
The Dobermann happily licks HC’s neck. Saliva pools into HC’s collarbones. 
“See? You already have her trust. Additionally, you have the discipline and verbal cues down. The top thing I recommend to improve your teamwork is to be more expressive with her. It wouldn’t hurt to freely display your emotions to back up your commands, ” XL suggests. He walks a little closer until he stands right in front of HC. “This will let E’Ming know you trust her just as much.”
HC nods in understanding. Growing up and spending his youth in a constant cycle of order or obey, his default attitude is indifferent yet respectful. While HC is not overly eager to wear his emotions on his face, he’s willing to make an effort to change in hopes it will strengthen the bond he has with E’Ming.
To think, HC’s closest company he’s had over the last two months is an over-energetic, unhinged puppy. 
“All right. Thank you, Xie-xiansheng.”
“San Lang, how many times have I said that you can just call me Xie Lian? I’m only thirty-five; Xie-xiansheng makes me feel too old,” XL says, smiling. HC briefly thinks XL is the first person to smile at him like that. 
“My apologies.”
“No apologies needed, San Lang. If it’s not out of my place, may I ask how old you are?”
“Ah, so you’re my didi. How about San Lang refers to me as gege?”
HC doesn’t take more than three seconds to nod his affirmation. He bets none of the other participants get to call XL “gege.” Or at least, he hopes.
“Hmm. Gege sounds...nice.”
“I’m glad. I’ll see San Lang next week for our next session?” XL cheerfully asks. “We’ll be working on proper etiquette for walking your dog out in public.”
E’Ming lets out a high-pitched yip as she wiggles around in HC’s hold; almost as if she can understand XL’s words. 
Oh boy, the magic word to trigger every dog into a buzzing ball of energy. Walk.
HC leans down to put E’Ming back down on the ground but pauses when she growls lowly in warning.
This little brat, HC thinks with exasperation. XL patiently waits for them to leave since they are the last ones left before he closes up the training space.
HC conveys a look of “you win this time, but watch yourself” to E’Ming as he readjusts her in his arms. HC starts to walk towards the door with his spoiled dog snuggling up to his chest.
“Yes. See you next time, Gege.”
They exit the building, both anticipating next week’s class, with the instructor both dog and dog owner are hopelessly infatuated with.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 years
Notting Hill AU Snippet #4
The next day and a half passes in a blur. Lena gets a call from a Miss Poppins and nearly crumples the message note to throw it away before a treacherous thought wonders what if.
When she calls the number Brainy scrawled down, she connects with the Ritz. When asked for a room number, she can only respond with "Miss Poppins?"
To her surprise, the clerk patches her through, and an increasingly familiar quiet voice answers. "Hello?"
"Um... hi." Lena nearly smacks herself on the forehead. "It's me. I mean, Lena. I mean. Is this?"
"Hi," Kara responds, and its said in such recognition that Lena releases the breath she'd been holding.
"You called. I'm sorry I wasn't here."
"It's okay. I just... about the other day--"
Realization hits. "Oh, you're calling for payment on the cleaning. Here, let me get my card--" Lena begins to rummage for her wallet, and almost misses Kara's next words.
"No, no, nothing like that. Please, the orange juice is not a big deal."
Lena pauses. "Oh."
"Yeah. No, I called because I wanted to apologize. For how I left."
"Oh." Lena's heart falls. "You mean the..."
"No!" Kara says quickly. Too quickly. Lena's heart lifts again. "I mean, unless you didn't..."
"No! No, I did. I absolutely did."
God. It's like she's never held a conversation before. Lena runs a hand through her hair in frustration. Then--
"Can I see you again?" Kara asks.
Lena almost forgets to answer, she's already nodding. "Yes. When--"
"Tomorrow? Three oclock, here at the hotel?"
"Of course. I'll be there."
Lena arrives early, and feels out of place the second she steps into the hotel lobby. She'd thrown on another button down and an open vest for good measure, but she started doing up the buttons as she strode towards the elevator, conscious of the attire and ambience around her.
Catching sight of her reflection in the shine of the elevator doors, she quickly combed through the messy braid she'd thrown her hair into, until it lay tousled and wavy around her shoulders. Better.
Still, her feeling of displacement only grew when the person who opened the door to the room wasn't Kara Danvers.
"Here you go," the stranger said, thrusting a folder of press material towards both Lena and the man approaching from behind. He at least, seemed to know where he needed to be.
"Um, I think--"
But the woman who handed her the packet was already talking again. "Please come on in, make yourselves comfortable, we've got refreshments on the far side of the room." She ushered Lena and the man inside, and guided them towards a free table. "So, how did you enjoy the film?"
Lena freezes, caught in the headlights, but her companion answers swiftly. "Quite enjoyable, and oddly less derivative than I expected. Sort of a... Alien meets Gilmore Girls."
Relief overcomes Lena's confusion, however briefly. She nods. "Totally agree."
"And your names?"
"William Dey, CatCo Worldwide."
Both their gazes turn to Lena. Heart racing, she casts her gaze around the room for anything that could help her. Finally, her gaze settled on a stack of magazines on a nearby table.
"Um. Lena Luthor, with..." She read the magazine sitting prominently on the top of the pile. "Horse & Hound." She nods. "For Miss Danvers, specifically. She may be expecting me."
The woman, who Lena now realizes is Kara Danvers' publicist, nods. "All right. Stay right here and I'll check with her shortly."
Abandoning Lena to her plight, the woman disappears, and Lena can only stand and wait. What are you doing---?
"Miss Luthor?" The woman returns, her eyebrows lifting as Lena turns towards her. "Right this way."
Oh thank god.
Lena's led to a suite further inside the room, and when the door opens she sees Kara Danvers seated on a loveseat, shoulders back and legs elegantly crossed. For the first time, Lena's struck speechless at the sight of her, until she's introduced as a rep from Horse and Hound.
"Oh?" Kara Danvers' brows lift skyward as she renders Lena a quizzical yet amused expression.
Conscious of the publicist who remains in the room with them, Lena settles in for the duration.
"Yes, well, you see our readers are very interested in how the film utilizes its... horses."
"I'd have to say that our options were fairly limited," Kara responds diplomatically, "considering it takes place in a spaceship."
Lena blinks. "Right. Very... humanitarian?"
The publicist dips out again, and Lena almost collapses in relief. "I'm sorry, they asked, and I just answered and I have no idea what I'm doing, I just wanted to see you--"
"No, no," Kara waves away. "It's my fault, I thought all this would be finished by now."
"Listen, are you doing anything tonight?" Lena asks, desperate to see Kara when she isn't bumbling like an idiot.
Kara smiles. "Yes."
Lena closes her eyes. "Right, yes. Of course you are--"
"Make this your last question, please." The publicist chooses that moment to return, pouring herself a glass of water as Lena snaps to attention and back to business.
"And would you consider starring in a film that does include horses, here on terra firma?" she asks. Kara stares at her, an incredulous smile on her lips. "Or hounds, for that matter? Our patronage have a fondness for both. Obviously."
Kara seems on the verge of breaking into laughter, until she realizes that both Lena and the publicist are both waiting on her answer.
"Yes," she coughs out, then covers it by smoothing her skirt across her laugh. "Yes, I would... consider starring in a film with horses or dogs. Perhaps even both."
The publicist clears her throat pointedly. Lena shoots to her feet. "Our readers will be thrilled to hear that, Miss Danvers, thank you for your time."
"Right this way, Miss Luthor, and we'll rush you through the others as well." As the publicist leads her to the door, Lena shoots Kara a plaintive look over her shoulder and mouths a silent help. Kara only grins, covering her giggle with a hand to her lips.
Over an hour later, Lena leaves her final interview absolutely drained. She hasn't had to fib so much since she left school. Unbuttoning her vest to breathe, she almost makes it to freedom.
"Miss Luthor!" The publicist is back. Lena plasters on a smile and turns to face her. "Miss Danvers would like a word."
Suddenly, Lena's smile isn't so forced. She follows the publicist back, and this time the Kara Danvers she sees isn't the pristine, impeccable representative of a film, but someone exhausted and half-undressed, with her heels kicked off and hair loose from its french twist. Lena nearly chokes on her tongue.
"Your offer," Kara says. "About tonight. I'm free after all."
"Really? But you said--"
"I told them I had to spend the night with Britain's premier equestrian journalist, so..."
Lena's grin widens, then comes crashing down as she remembers. "Shit! I can't!"
"What? Oh..." Kara's bout of nervous confidence fades to just nerves.
"I'm sorry. It's my brother's birthday, I totally forgot. Fuck."
"All right."
"No, wait! I'm sure I can get out of it. It's totally fine--"
"No, I mean," Kara swallows audibly, but continues, "if it's all right with you, I'll go as your date."
"My... date?" Lena's head starts to spin. "All right. Yes, of course. Right! I'll just pick you up here then? Seven thirty?"
Kara nods, smiling bashfully. "Okay."
"Okay, great!" Lena shoves her hands in her pockets to keep from shaking. "I'll see you then, then."
She doesn't notice the way Kara's gaze of anticipation follows her out the door.
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rachelsteapot · 3 years
Rescued: Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader Part 3
This is it! This is the last part of Rescued! I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Diclaimer, I had a moment while writing this and managed to switch tense without noticing so if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I’ll change them as soon as I can. 
Part 1 / Part 2 
Warnings: None 
Tags: @bat-luna-cat , @nothingleftthaticando​
That night, Tommy reluctantly dropped Y/N back at her Battersea apartment, having practically begged her to return to his city centre townhouse. The more time Tommy spent with this woman, the more and more he wanted her in his every day. This attraction wasn’t sexual like his previous women. It was more akin to what he had felt for Grace... 
Tommy was not going to let her face back into his mind. Grace was gone, a ghost that tormented him in his darkest moments. Y/N was alive, living, breathing. She had hopes and dreams that could still be fulfilled. Hopes and dreams that Tommy wanted a part in. And Tommy always got what he wanted. 
Y/N’s mind was also churning. In less than twenty four hours, she had become a person of interest to one of the largest criminal gangs in the midlands, if not the whole country, simply because she had caught the leader’s eye. And what striking eyes they were too. Slipping into her nightclothes, Y/N placed her kettle onto the fire that she had started moments earlier, before settling into her armchair. Slowly, Y/N drifted in and out of thought, her pensive eyes glazed over as she stared into the flames. She was faced with one of the biggest decisions of her life: Tommy Shelby or Battersea cats and dogs home. 
The next day, Y/N arrived at the shelter, and was met by an odd sight. A large poster was placed on the door and read, from what Y/N could decipher, ‘Under New Management’. So, doing what every good employee would, she opened the door and stepped into the foyer. It was quiet. Too quiet for an animal shelter. Quietly, Y/N approached the door of Mr. Smith’s office, and knocked. 
“Come,” came a reply. 
Y/N opened the door, once again releasing a haze of smoke, and stepped inside. 
“Mr. Smith,” she began, but stopped. Sat in Mr. Smith’s chair, behind Mr. Smith’s desk, was Tommy Shelby. Y/N’s words caught in her throat, and she stood, stunned, until Bruce pressed his head into her knees. 
“Mr. Shelby, what are you doing here?” she queried, bending down to stroke the dog. 
“Y/N, I own it.” Swinging his legs off of the desk, Tommy stood and took the gently smoking cigarette from his lips. “I thought it would make your decision easier if I bought the place.” 
A look of sheer confusion engulfed Y/N’s face. She knew Tommy was rich from his nice suit and ability to pay for almost everything, but she didn’t think he was ‘buy-a-dog-shelter-because-you-want-one-of-the-workers-to-go-home-with-you’ rich. 
“I’ll stay for a few days.” In that moment, Y/N saw a flicker of a smile cross Tommy’s face, and she knew he had won. 
The drive back to Small Heath was dull. But, at least, Y/N had Bruce for company. Tommy had been silent since they had left London, and Y/N assumed it was because he was concentrating on the road. In reality, however, it was something entirely different that was consuming Tommy’s attention. 
Tommy’s mild swirled with thoughts: some about business, some not. Every now and then, the car rocked, causing the crime boss to catch scent of his passenger’s perfume, making his head spin even more. Out of the corner of his eye he could just see her stroking Bruce and god did she look cute. 
Slowly, Tommy’s hand moved from the gear stick onto Y/N’s thigh. He heard her breath hitch slightly, and waited. 
Y/n turned to face him, meeting his steely blue gaze, and nodded slightly. She was okay with this. Part of her brain had been begging for Tommy to make a move, and finally, he was. She felt her stomach twist slightly as his fingers pressed into her thigh slightly, having received permission mere seconds earlier. 
Tommy was one of a kind, Y/N had decided, and if his family were half as intriguing as he was, she would be in for one hell of a trip. 
After what felt like forever, Y/N and her guide pulled up in Small heath. Tommy marched from the car, pushing the front door open, and striding inside, followed dutifully by Y/N and Bruce. 
“Tom. You’re back early.” A thick liverpool accent wafted through the smoke, and Y/N froze. 
“Yes Pol, I made the deal so there was no reason to hang around.” A chair scraped against the floor and a figure stepped towards them. Sharp, hawk like eyes glared at the two as the woman pulled a cigarette from her lips. 
“And who may this be?” Tommy’s hand found the small of Y/N’s back, willing her to answer for herself. 
“My name is Y/N L/N, I worked- I work at a dog shelter in London,” she squirmed slightly under Pol’s gaze, waiting for a response. 
“I was talking about the dog, but nice to meet you dear.” she muttered with an exasperated sigh. “Polly Grey. I call the shots around here, despite what Tommy may have told you.” 
The woman released a long stream of smoke and reached down to stroke Bruce. Y/N’s face flushed with embarrassment. 
“This is Bruce.” Tommy grunted, striding between the part-demolished walls, causing his companion to look to Polly for directions. 
“Well go on then!” she cried, watching the new girl scuttle after her nephew. 
The betting shop, as Y/N discovered, was noisy, smokey and down right boisterous. Finally, she spied Tommy leaning over a desk, and upon noticing her discomfort, Tommy beckoned her over, sliding his hand around her waist as she arrived. 
“Y/N I want you to meet my little brother, John,” the young woman nodded shyly in the direction of a man holding a thick leather bound accounting book as he winked. “Be careful of him, he's a womaniser.” 
“Ah! Says you Tom!” John interjected, holding a hand over his heart in mock hurt. “Don’t listen to him, love, he's boring and old. Come for a drink down The Garrison tonight, yeah? You can meet the rest of us.”
Seeing Y/N’s confused face, Tommy sighed in frustration and shot John a glare. 
“I have three brothers and a sister, You’ve met John and, if you want, you can meet Arthur, Ada and Finn tonight.” taking a last drag of his cigarette, Tommy stubbed it out and stalked away, leaving Y/N in silence with John, who was watching the happenings intently.
“He bought the dog shelter that I work at so I would come to Birmingham with him,” Y/N explained, hoping that he wouldn’t ask questions that she didn’t know the answer to. 
“Ah,” John nodded, as if this was a common occurrence. “You look tired, there’s a sitting room just through there. If Tom asks, I’ll tell him where you are.”
Y/N thanked the Shelby brother and wandered in the direction that John had indicated, the sounds and smells of the betting shop making her head spin. Finally, having located the sitting room and, finding nobody else inside, she settled onto the soft armchair and closed her eyes, drifting into a dreamless sleep. 
When Y/N awoke, the sky had turned the telltale inky blue of night. Stretching gently, she sat up to find that she was not alone. Someone was sitting on the sofa adjacent to the armchair that she occupied, smoking a cigarette with Bruce at their feet. Upon noticing that she had awoken, Bruce stood and waddled over, plonking his head into her lap. 
“Heya Brucie,” Y/N croaked, scratching his ears before stretching out her stiff limbs more thoroughly. She squinted into the gloom and slowly was able to distinguish the identity of your companion. In the half light, his features seemed elegant, his high cheekbones turning into mountains and his cheeks became the deep valleys below. If he wasn’t so attractive, he would have looked gaunt, almost skeletal, like the death he caused every day. But to Y/N, the features of his face were angelic. 
Tommy Shelby sat on the sofa, gently smoking his cigarette while the young woman awoke. He noticed her studying his features and turned his head, locking his eyes onto hers. 
“You’re staring,” he croaked, standing abruptly and rousing Y/N from her thoughts. She tilted her head to watch as he shifted his weight, as if testing the floor. “They’re all at The Garrison waiting for us.”
It was not a long walk from Tommy’s house to the pub, but in a dark unfamiliar place, it felt like miles. Hooked onto Tommy’s arm, Y/N shivered slightly as the evening breeze cut through her clothes making her wish that she had a thicker coat. As she approached The Garrison, however, her muscles relaxed, sensing the warmth and welcoming environment radiating from the glowing windows. 
Tommy pushed the doors open, striding into the pub dramatically. 
“At ease,” he sighed, nodding to the barman as you stepped into the pub behind him. Without so much as checking on his companion, he turned sharply to the right and stepped into a private booth, the noise inside the pub rising like a tsunami.
Y/N slid inside the booth after Tommy like an obedient puppy as a hush fell over the occupants.Looking around hopefully, Y/N searched for a familiar face and found Polly, the ghost of a smirk playing on her lips. 
“Y/N!” her head snapped around to find the source of the voice, finding John picking his way to wrap his arm around her shoulders. 
“Everyone, this is Y/N, she’s Tommy’s new flame, so keep your hands off!” His jest caused Y/Ns  cheeks to flame up and she looked at the ground, attempting to avoid the eyes of the booth’s inhabitants. One by one, she was introduced to the Shelby clan by Tommy and John, and eventually found herself gravitating towards Polly and Ada, who, between them, also happened to possess most of the Shelby brain cells. 
“So how did you and Tommy meet?” the younger Shelby woman sighed, sipping at her Gin. 
Y/N looked up, meeting her gaze and chuckled gently, “He wanted to adopt a dog from the shelter that I worked- that I work at, so I showed him Bruce, and he decided then and there that he wanted him.” Ada nodded as she paused, and Polly let out what seemed to be a chuckle masked as a cough. Y/N furrowed her brow, clearly confused, until Ada interjected. 
“Let me guess, he then bought the shelter so you’d come back here? It's very predictable Tommy behaviour is all.” her clarification caused Y/n’s heart to sink. If this was so predictable, then there was no reason to feel as special as she did. 
Sensing her dejection, Ada sighed. “Don’t worry sweet, If he did it, it means he’s serious about you. Tommy likes to seem all big and hard, but really, he’s just as much of a softie as Bruce is.” As if to prove her point, Ada reached down and scratched the top of Bruce’s head. Y/N smiled softly, nodding to show her understanding. 
“Men, am I right?” she giggled, causing the two other shelby women to smile. 
“I’ll drink to that, my dear,” Polly smiled, raising her glass. 
The next few days in Small heath were relatively uneventful. Despite having been invited to Birmingham by Tommy, Y/N had barely seen the man, except for ten minutes here and five minutes there. Largely, she had spent her time with Polly and Ada, becoming acquainted with the bustling city. The more time Y/N spent in town, or helping Lizzie with some accounting, the more at home she felt. 
Birmingham, Y/N had decided, was largely like London. 
Yet something was bugging her. She wanted to know exactly what was going on with Tommy. His hot and cold nature was intriguing to begin with, but now the novelty had worn off and she was stuck in an unfamiliar world without the one who had invited her there. 
After a morning of shopping with Ada and mathematics with Lizzie, Y/N found herself draped across one of the armchairs in Tommy’s office while he worked on some contracts at his desk. 
“Tommmmm,” she whined, causing the man to raise his eyebrows and hum in response. “Why am I here if all you’re going to do is ignore me?” 
Tommy’s head snapped up, Y/N’s question had caught him like a wild right hook. 
Finally, she had Tommy cornered. 
Tommy gulped, fighting the urge to blurt out the whole reason, that he, Tommy Shelby, was infatuated with this girl from London who worked with dogs and rendered him speechless. 
“I- I um thought you would like to see Birmingham,” Y/N raised an eyebrow as the crime boss stumbled over his words. 
“We both know that’s not it, Tom. Be honest.”
Tommy glared at the woman in his armchair. She knew why, she was just taunting him. Tommy didn’t like to be taunted. Slowly, he stood from his chair and made his way towards his guest, who looked up at him from under her eyelashes. Then, coming to a stop directly in front of Y/N, he took her chin in his hand and pressed his lips to hers. 
“Is that enough of an answer for you?” he muttered against her lips. As they broke away, Tommy thought he heard Y/N mutter something under her breath. 
“What was that?” he asked, raising one eyebrow as his icy blue eyes bore into hers. 
“I love you, Mr. Shelby.”
“I love you too, Y/N.” 
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Rupert and Sanoh (Lemon)
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Female Kobold/Male Human, Female Half-Elf/Male Tielfling Additional Tags: Exophilia, Tiefling, Elf, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Kobold, Half-Elf Content Warning: Sex, Rough Sex, Biting, Marking, Group Sex, Dom/Sub, Breath Play Words: 3349
A story with DuMont’s friends, Rupert and Sanoh! Rupert and Sanoh are having sexy fun in a bath when Kharis and DuMont enter the room. Not willing to stop, they try to be stealthy. It doesn't work. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler’s Masterlist
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“Why do wererats always have to live in sewers?” Kharis grumped. “Every time we get contracted to kill rodents of any kind, I just know we’re going to have to go somewhere gross.”
Kharis, DuMont, Rupert, Sanoh, and Norman all pulled themselves out of the sewers of one of the larger towns west of the capitol. People had been going missing, and the mayor of the town realized that the rats in town were multiplying at an incredible rate, even with preventative measures. It was a clear indication that wererats were responsible.
“It wasn’t all that bad,” Sanoh said. “The humidity down there was good for my scales. They’re so itchy.”
“It may have been good for your scales, but it definitely wasn’t good for your clothes,” Kharis remarked. “That stink isn’t coming out. You might as well burn that shit.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” Sanoh said with a sigh. Her dancer’s outfit, which she always wore regardless of the situation, was torn and it’s bright red hue was now dark brown. “I really liked this one, too.”
Rupert seemed even more miserable that Kharis. “Can we please find a bathhouse? I haven’t been this filthy in years.”
“You’re one to talk, look at poor DuMont!” Kharis said, pointing at her giant lover. DuMont, the mountain of a tiefling that he was, was splattered head to toe in muck and grime and rat guts. His large church-bell bludgeon that he had slung over his shoulder was absolutely caked in blood and gore. “He’s not even complaining!”
“That’s because he doesn’t know how to complain,” Sanoh said. “He takes the phrase ‘roll with the punches’ far too literally.”
“Is that wrong?” DuMont asked, his cavernously deep voice echoing through the city streets, causing many who weren’t already staring at the group to spin in surprise.
“Of course not, love,” Kharis said, patting his arm as he walked on all fours. “I much prefer silent temperance to someone who does nothing but complain.” She looked pointedly at Rupert.
“Norman complains more than I do!” Rupert retorted.
“I haven’t said a word!” Norman protested. “Don’t pick on me because you’re a whiner.”
“Oh, my god, everyone shut up!” Sanoh said, rubbing her forehead. “There’s a bathhouse one block over, so will you all just please stop bitching.”
“I’m not bitching,” DuMont said in an undertone. “But I am hungry.”
“I’ll order you a rack of lamb and a sack of potatoes when we get to the inn, hon,” Kharis said. “Get cleaned up first. You don’t want to eat when you’re that dirty or you’ll get sick.”
“I’ve never been sick.” DuMont countered.
“Even still, you should be clean…er. And I don’t want you to drop pieces of food in the bath, either. It’ll feel like we’re all sitting in a stew.”
“You weirdos can sit in the stew, I’m getting a private bath,” Norman said.
“Why do you do that?” Rupert asked. “You always get your own instead of bathing with us, even though private baths are so much more expensive. It’s no wonder why you never have any money.”
“I’m not trying to get head by a paid companion in front of you lot,” He said sniffily.
“Suit yourself, but I bet that’d be fun to watch,” Kharis said playfully.
Norman snorted. “You would think that, you pervert.”
“You’ve become so shy since we started traveling, Norman,” Kharis said. “You used to be a nice, relatable pervert, just like the rest of us.”
“Maybe being with you people has made me see the error in my ways,” Norman remarked.
“Pssh, there isn’t anything wrong with being a pervert. Besides, I think DuMont balances me out. He can be such a prude sometimes.”
“I imagine being raised by a priest in a church will have that effect on a person,” Sanoh said.
“You are a pervert, Kharis,” DuMont said, as if in agreement with Norman.
“Does me being a pervert bother you?” Kharis asked him, grinning.
He looked at her and cocked his head as he walked, considering her, looking like a massively oversized dog, as he always did when thinking.
“No,” He said eventually.
“See? He likes it.”
“Now, I didn’t say that,” He said. His face wasn’t built to smile, but Rupert thought he could hear laughter in his voice, and Rupert grinned.
“We would be the ones to pick brazen, sex-crazed women, wouldn’t be, big guy?” Rupert said, smacking DuMont’s broad shoulder in solidarity.
DuMont grunted in a way that could have been mistaken for a chuckle.
DuMont had been very taciturn since they had met him nearly a year ago, but his personality was slowly beginning to emerge as the five of them spent more time together on the road, doing jobs. Rupert was glad he finally felt comfortable enough with the group to try joking with them.
The bathhouse came into view shortly afterward. It catered to adventuring sorts, so it wasn’t necessarily a high-end place, and the five of them tended to frequent it often. The staff there barely batted an eye at DuMont anymore. The laundresses despised the sight of them, however, since they always arrived splattered with all manner of filth, much of which was hard to wash out.
“Hey, can we get the big tub, please?” Sanoh called out as soon as they entered the place. “We’ll pay extra to reserve the whole thing, though I doubt many people will want to come in after us.”
The woman at the front desk curled up her lip at them as they entered, but said, “Yes, of course. You’re usual packages?”
“Yes,” Norman said. “Private room for me, please. Do you have any companions available?”
“Derek is available.”
“Ugh, no, not him. What about Vincent?”
“Vincent is away visiting family. Connor?”
Norman nodded. “Connor will do. Just make sure he brings the right massage oils this time.”
“That costs extra,” The woman reminded him.
“I’m aware,” Normal said, starting toward the private baths.
“I’m beginning to think Norman is too fancy for us,” Sanoh said. “We can’t afford him.” She walked up to the counter. “Do you have any scale oil?”
“We don’t have any specifically for scales, but there are plenty for skin and hair.”
“Hmm…” Sanoh said. “Give me the hair oil, then. It tends to be thicker. What scents have you got?”
Kharis snorted. “Come on, let’s get these clothes off before they stick to us. She may be at this for a while.”
Dumont and Rupert followed her to one of the larger public baths, one with a door, and closed it behind them. Now that they had been together for a long time, they were less shy about bathing together as they had been. Even DuMont had stopped blushing when he saw them all nude in the same bath.
“Kharis, I’m hungry,” DuMont said insistently. The only time DuMont ever seemed to get grumpy was when he needed a meal.
“Let me at least scrub you down once and we’ll go get some food,” She told him, pushing him into the bath still wearing his loincloth. The robes and towels weren’t nearly large enough to cover him, so they just had taken to washing him in the bath, clothes and all. They usually did him first, drained the bath, and refilled it for the rest of them.
Once Rupert helped Kharis give DuMont a once over, getting him clean enough to go into the tavern, they left to get something to eat and Rupert and Sanoh waited for the tub to be refilled. When that was done, the fresh water was nice and hot, and Sanoh arrived with her purchased oils. They both stripped down and got in with a satisfied sigh.
“Oh, gods, this is nice,” Sanoh said.
“Mmm,” Rupert agreed. “I think this is the first time in a month that my shoulders have relaxed.”
“My scales were starting to get so brittle. Will you get my scale brush and scrub the oils into my back? I can feel them flaking.”
“Sure, just a second,” He said, getting out with a splash and grabbing her back. She had a special boars-hair brush she used to clean and sharpen her scales and horns. Her favorite thing in the world was laying out and letting him groom her tiny body all over. It often got her in a frisky mood.
Sure enough, after only scrubbing her back for fifteen minutes, she started to wiggle in his lap, rutting her hips backward into him. He began to harden immediately. Sanoh seemed to revel in getting him aroused in dangerously public places, but it always caused Rupert anxiety.
“What are you doing?” Rupert said. “Kharis and DuMont will be back any minute.”
“Then let’s be quick,” She said, looking back at him over her shoulder.
She lifted up in the water and slowly sank her swollen lips down onto him. He gripped her hips and groaned, his head falling back, trying to keep his voice down. There really was no arguing when she was in a mood like this. He began to thrust up into her, sloshing the water around them.
She laughed breathlessly. “Good boy.” She thrust back into him as he moved inside her. Before long, he picked her up and lay her over the side of the bath, slamming himself into her hard enough to make her thighs ripple. She began to moan loudly.
“Shh!” He hissed. “You’re going to get us thrown out.”
“But it feels so good,” She whimpered. “Norman has sex in the baths all the time, don’t worry about it.”
“Don’t make me gag you,” He said, panting.
“You can try,” She said, laughing, before crying out against the tile. He put his hand over her mouth, but she bit him. He let go, inspecting his hand, and when he found she hadn’t broken the skin, he instead grabbed her throat, squeezing.
“Oh, fuck,” She wheezed, her eyes going glassy. As bossy as she was, she loved it when he was rough and took charge.
“Shut up!” He snarled in her ear. “You started it. Be quiet and take it.”
“I will,” She simpered, and he squeezed harder.
“I said, shut up!” He slammed hard into her, and she squeaked against his grip on her neck, her body trembling in excitement. She came suddenly, gushing down her legs, but he didn’t relent, crushing his body against hers, breathing down her neck and spine, moving at a frenzied pace.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum,” He said through his gritted teeth. “Stand still, don’t fucking move.”
Before he got the chance, however, he heard the far door open and Kharis’s voice drift through.
“Shit!” He exclaimed, pulling out suddenly and ducking under the water to hide himself. His cock was throbbing with the unfulfilled promise of climax, but there was little he could do about it now. He was just going to have to sit there and suffer in silence.
Until Sanoh sat back down onto him, spearing him inside her, her inner walls still quivering from the orgasm.
“Now what are you doing?!” He asked frantically.
“Just act natural,” She replied in an undertone.
“They’re going to know!”
“Not if you don’t make a big deal about it! Lay your head back and pretend you’re sleeping!
“Just do it!”
Rupert lay his head back against the tile on the edge of the bath with Sanoh in his lap just as Kharis and DuMont re-entered the bathing area, stripping down to join them.
“Well, DuMont cleaned out the tavern, so if you want food, you’re going to have to find a vendor somewhere,” Kharis said.
“Not surprising,” Sanoh said, stealthily riding Rupert’s cock under the water, pretending to be washing her arms to cover the movement.
“What’s with him?” Kharis asked, nodding at Rupert.
“He conked out almost immediately after you left. I’m just keeping his lap warm,” She said smoothly.
Kharis snorted and said, “I wish I could fall asleep as easily as he can. DuMont’s like that too,” She reclined on the large red tiefling. “He can fall asleep mid-sentence.”
“A gift and a curse,” Sanoh said in agreement. She squeezed Rupert’s length with her inner muscles, and it took all his effort not to grunt or move. He dug his fingers into the skin of her hips as a warning. Sanoh snorted. She moved under the pretense of adjusting herself and nearly made Rupert jump out of his skin with how deep she’d push him into her. He couldn’t help but make a small sound.
Kharis noticed. “What are you doing?” She asked Sanoh, her eyes narrowing.
“What are you talking about?” Sanoh asked innocently.
Kharis gave Sanoh a sardonic look. “You don’t have to pretend to be asleep anymore, Rupert, I know what’s going on. I’m a pervert, after all.”
Rupert sighed and lifted his head. “The jig is up, I guess. Sanoh, hop off.”
“I didn’t say you had to stop,” Kharis said. “Far be it from me to interrupt your fun.”
“What about DuMont?” Rupert asked skeptically.
“What about him?” Kharis replied, reaching over in the water and placing her hand in DuMont’s lap.
“Wha…” DuMont said, startled. “What are you doing?”
“Having fun,” Kharis said. “Don’t you want to have fun?”
“But…” He looked at Sanoh and Rupert.
“They’re already having fun,” Kharis said. “They started before us.”
“They are?” DuMont asked in surprise, squinting at the pair.
As if to answer, Sanoh let Rupert’s organ fall out of her and spun in Rupert’s lap. Now that she didn’t have to worry about stealthing, she rocked on him and moaned.
“Oh,” DuMont replied, and then sucked in his breath when Kharis squeezed him.
“Are you okay with this, buddy?” Rupert asked over Sanoh’s shoulder, though he was beginning to lose speech. “We’ll stop if you aren’t comfortable with it.”
“Speak for yourself,” Sanoh said with a snort.
“We’ll stop if you aren’t comfortable, DuMont,” Rupert repeated, giving Sanoh a warning look. Sanoh rolled her eyes and shrugged.
“I’m fine, it’s okay,” DuMont replied, playing with Kharis’s hair and she fondled him under the water.
“See? He’s fine, don’t be such a baby,” Sanoh said, pushing him into her deeper. He grunted and stopped speaking.
Kharis held her breath and ducked her head under water, and DuMont tensed and groaned, his hands balling into fists on the side of the tub. From then on, there was little talk, just moans, grunts, groans, and breathy whimpering.
Kharis came up and went to the edge of the bath, bending over and presenting her rear. DuMont followed her and knelt down, pressing his cock into her and thrusting in hard, pushing her forward and down onto the tile. She laughed breathlessly.
“That looks like fun,” Sanoh said, going over to bend over next to Kharis, wiggling her butt at Rupert and moving her tail out of the way, so he could see her dripping between her legs. Rupert followed DuMont and rammed back into her, thrusting fast and hard.
“Wanna see something really fun?” Sanoh said to Kharis. Kharis nodded, and Sanoh leaned over and kissed her on the mouth.
The reaction was instantaneous. Rupert grabbed Sanoh by the throat again and pulled her up against his body.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked, his voice hard and angry. He sped up, fucking her roughly as he held her in place. “You belong to me. Don’t you dare do that again without my permission.”
Sanoh’s face went slack and she nodded, whimpering, completely at his mercy.
DuMont’s reaction was also immediate. He grabbed Kharis up and vaulted out of the bath, throwing her to the floor. He pinned down her arms and legs and put his face inches from hers. He didn’t say anything, but a low, guttural snarl issued from his throat, his brows furrowed as he stared at her with the intensity of a predator looking at prey.
“What’s the matter, big guy?” She said with a grin. “Are you jealous?”
“Mine,” He growled lowly, almost indistinguishable from the threatening, thunderous rumble of his voice.
“Prove it,” She challenged.
He opened his mouth and sank his front canine teeth into her shoulder, drawing blood. He thrust himself back into her without letting go, his jaws locked, and he lifted her off the ground and just railed her.
There was no hope of keeping their voices down now. If they got kicked out, they got kicked out. Sanoh and Kharis screamed, shouted, howled, and swore in pleasure as their lovers used their bodies to climax.
At some point, there was a knock on the door.
“Is everything okay?”
“Go away!” Sanoh and Kharis shouted in unison.
Kharis and Sanoh came several times before the boys were done with them. While Kharis had as much stamina as DuMont did and was just as active, at some point Sanoh’s legs gave out and she simply lay there on the floor in a perpetual orgasm trance as Rupert pumped her full of his warmth and kept going like a machine, finally collapsing on top of her, breathing as if he’d run five miles in a minute.
DuMont was the last to reach his peak, gushing into Kharis, his seed pooching her stomach and dripping out of her, down his legs, and splattering onto the floor. For a solid minute, the room was quiet, safe for a lot of heavy breathing.
Finally, as they all caught their breath, the re-entered the bath to wash each other.
“Kharis, you’re bleeding,” Sanoh said, pointing. There was a very large bite in her shoulder, and it was rather deep.
“Oh,” DuMont said, flustered by worry. “I… I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, big guy,” She reassured him. “I wanted you to do it. It’s proof.”
“Proof?” He echoed, his brow furrowed.
“That I belong to you,” She said simply. “Help me wash it.”
As rough as DuMont had been, his gentleness in tending the wound was a mirror opposite. Rupert and Sanoh sat cuddled together and watched fondly as DuMont lovingly treated and bandaged Kharis’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry, DuMont,” Rupert said. “Sanoh marked me, too.” He turned and showed DuMont a bite on his left shoulder blade. “And Sanoh’s bites can be venomous. I was sick for a week.”
“I said I was sorry,” She said reproachfully. “It was the heat of the moment, I couldn’t help it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” He said, hugging her in close and kissing her forehead.
“Does it hurt?” DuMont asked Kharis.
“Not really,” She said. “I’m sure it will tomorrow when the sex high has worn off, but I feel great right now. And it’ll scar up nicely, I think.”
“I’m sorry!” DuMont said, hiding his face.
“Honey, it’s okay!” She said, pulling his hands down. “I like it! It lets everyone who sees it know that I’m yours. Don’t you want people to know that you and I are in love?”
“Well… yes…” He said, frowning.
“There, see? It’s all fine.” She went up and hugged his neck. “Don’t fuss so much. I’m fine.”
He pulled her back and fixed her with a glare. “No kissing other people.”
She grinned at him. “I won’t, I promise. It was just an experiment.” She winked at Sanoh, who stuck her tongue between her teeth as she smirked. “And I’d say it was successful.”
DuMont grumbled. “I didn’t like it.”
She patted his face and kissed his exposed jaw. “I won’t do it again.”
“Okay,” He said, seemingly satisfied, and he pulled her into an embrace, careful of her shoulder.
The wound healed up really quickly, and Kharis took to wearing asymmetrical shirts, so that she could show it off. Most assumed that it was a grievous injury from a wild beast, and Kharis would laugh and say that was partly right.
Sanoh and Rupert didn’t engage in sex around the two of them again, but it was definitely something they kept in the back of their mind. For a rainy day, maybe.
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