#which is why im not saying any of this maliciously but instead to explain how it looks like from MY point of view
hella1975 · 9 months
obligatory 'i feel a bit bad to that one anon bc it's the usual case that your ask wasn't actually bad so much as a bit annoying but alas it's the breaking point of something that's been bugging me so now im making a post about it' disclaimer but if you really really REALLY feel the need to ask me when the next update is going to be on a fic - and please ask yourself if you really need to - then i have some things for your consideration. the first is that i have a tag called 'taob updates'. when i am writing taob, i talk about it on here. initially and mostly, it's bc i genuinely enjoy sharing the experience and it helps me get my thoughts in order, but also it's my way of going 'hey, taob is happening! look!' if there have been posts in the 'taob updates' tag lately, then yay! an update is imminent and/or i tend to actually SAY on those posts how long i think the chapter will take. 'what if there haven't been any posts in that tag for a while?!' i hear you cry. 'what if you're actively posting for another fandom and clearly enjoying yourself and dont want to constantly have cold water dumped on you for a thing you currently aren't thinking about?' well.... maybe.... maybe i am not writing taob at that time..... and crazier yet.... maybe you demanding it isn't going to make me switch interests at a moment's notice.... food for thought x
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somekindofsentience · 2 months
through the looking glass, or understanding windows and their relation to colour theory in OMORI
I feel as though people miss the smaller symbols in this game.
Obviously it's easy to look at, say, flowers throughout the game, or what Something and Stranger demonstrate, or maybe even mirrors and our understanding of reflection, but there's plenty of symbols that people don't look at or write about, because they feel less relevant. Symbols are easy to overlook when you're no longer studying English Lit.
But I am your certified Wet Rat, and I spend hours overthinking this game, so I'm going to talk about what windows represent in Omori, and how this relates to colour theory.
There are several colours that are designed to remind players of the truth, or at least hint toward it, and these are bright red (light), saturated blue, and monochrome. These are all somewhat relevant here, so I'll go through them, and explain their connections with windows.
Windows as a Foreshadower of Truth, but also Repression
Before we discuss the relevance of red light shining through windows in foreshadowing Truth, we have to understand why they stand out among the rest of the house.
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To do this, let's discuss saturated blue.
Saturated blue is a very deliberate choice - we know this from Omocat herself - it is the colour of the Phobias, and Sunny's house during Phobia sequences, as well as Basil's boss fight. The use of saturation conveys intensity and fear, and there is a sense of impending failure - we cannot "beat" any of these boss fights by normal means, but instead are doomed to lose or wait until Mari consoles us. This blue is also deliberately not black - this somewhat disconnects these segments from the Truth, because the ultimate purpose of the Phobia bosses is to provide a comparison between Mari saving Sunny's life and Sunny ending hers. Within the Basil boss fight, more features are monochrome, which ties it more closely with the Truth. (Saturated blue is also the colour of Hellmari, but she's more relevant when I talk about Spirit Mari later down the line.) It's prevalent in the Deeper Well, but notably absent from many Black Space rooms, who choose to use solid monochrome or other colours to convey emotion. It still exists within Black Space despite this.
Red (light, specifically in windows) is symbolic of distortion, but it also foreshadows the Truth creeping into Sunny's life. I am talking about red light in particular - while red is carefully used in the final boss fight, Red Space, several areas of further Black Space and in the Red Hands, red has more complex meanings in this game, where it depends entirely on the other colours around it (red and black represents malicious intention, red and white is more closely tied to repression, and red standing out against the Dreamworld is tied to Truth).
It is designed to feel wrong, the same way the encroaching fog across vast forest feels wrong, and the deeper well's atmosphere feels wrong. This discomfort is very well-captured throughout the game, and the careful use of red contributes to this.
In several segments, red light streaming through a window is shown to represent repression of Truth. We know that the sky was not red when Mari was killed - it was late afternoon, with some light streaming through the trees - so, in some ways, the Truth has already been distorted, being shown as worse and more horrific than the actual events. This is likely a result of Sunny's repression.
There is one particular moment where this glowing red light represents repression. This occurs in the Hikikomori Route, if you wake Sunny up during the night. You see several horror sequences relevant to the truth, and the piano room lit with a red glow. Entering it reveals this...
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I'll talk more about the symbolism of that particular window later, but we know that the piano is being repressed here. Instead of the pure red light, we see the combination of black and red - which we know represents malicious intent - showing how Sunny's repression of the Truth has become more powerful than Sunny himself, and Omori is now taking over his mind.
Windows as a Door to the Truth
During the Truth sequence, there are red windows in almost every room, aside from backstage-like areas. We know from the previous section that this foreshadows the Truth, and the increasing number of these windows brings it to the player's attention, standing out more than it did previously. The same glow is also found coming from the TV in the first room. Sunny is notably drawn to this glow, as is the player, and you are also required to interact with (which implies potentially entering) the window in the Hospital sequence to proceed.
To understand windows acting as doors, we need to talk about the sliding glass door.
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The sliding glass door in Omori is both a window and a door - letting in the eerie red light, but also letting the player (and Sunny) access it and understand it for the first time. This makes it the ultimate foreshadower of Truth, and we must enter it in order to view the entirety of the Truth photo album.
Sunny never represses the sliding glass door, but will refuse to go outside until forced by his friends in Faraway visiting the Treehouse. In the real world, it is shaded over, making it impossible for the player to see through (save for a short Stranger encounter). This opaque nature is present in the Truth segment as well, except it is glowing red.
You can't see through it, but you can finally enter it.
This door leads us to the peak combination of our colour theory.
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To the eyes, this first looks like a fade between red and purple, but the only possible relevance purple would have is its association with Mari.
This colour scheme is actually the result of a fade between red and saturated blue. Combining the colours of the Phobias, fear, as well as Mari's support and safety, and the day of the Phobias' creation; and the Truth, repression, and the fateful day of the recital. Although subtle, this is the game's big comparison, and the main purpose of mentioning the creation of the Phobias at all.
These two days are designed to compare Mari and Sunny, increasing his guilt as he remembers the way his sister generously saved his life, and remembers what he did to kill her.
Windows as a Symbol of Ascension
Monochrome is a key colour associated with Truth in Omori, and it does so in a relatively obviously. It is the colour of White Space, Black Space, Something, Stranger, and, notably, the colours of the photos that show the player the Truth. In this way, monochrome simultaneously represents repression of the Truth and the past; but also the desire to uncover it. Areas and characters that contain more black than they do white tend to represent truth, whereas the opposite tend to represent repression, save for portions of the Final Duet and the Hospital, where white represents acceptance. White also symbolises Sunny, shown in the pinwheels, and it has further meaning in the multiple flowers associated with it.
Spirit Mari is also associated with monochrome, her sprites existing in this colour. We contrast this to Hellmari, who is coloured in the saturated blue beforehand, and we can start to understand the mechanics of Headspace as a whole.
Despite Stranger's quote, Sunny, Basil and Mari are all split in halves, each half with different goals. Sunny, although he doesn't always know it, wants to seek the Truth; but Omori wants to repress it. Stranger wants to free the real world's Basil; but Headspace Basil is a representation of desire, the idea that everything is okay. In a similar way, Spirit Mari wants Sunny to seek forgiveness, and Hellmari is a hallucination of a Mari who would never forgive him.
I personally do not believe that Spirit Mari is Mari's actual spirit trying to communicate with Sunny - as much as that is a nice thought, and even though it is backed up with meaning of the White Egret Orchid, I choose to believe that Spirit Mari is Sunny's own desire for acceptance. As much as Sunny hates himself, the game is about seeking and forgiving yourself for what happened that day, and that requires this hidden desire, which is channeled through Mari.
The window above the piano room is found in several locations in Headspace. It is found in the first Black Space room, just above the first ever key you collect, and Mari is found hallucinated in front of it several times in the Real World. It is an important reminder of the real world, everything Sunny is leaving behind.
Spirit Mari also ascends through the this window during the North Lake sequence, and again during the Final Duet.
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The whiteness of the area is highlighted with a light, pastel blue. Unlike the horror of saturation, pastel in-game represents peace and purity, being directly contrasted with each other. Pastel isn't symbolic of repression, although it is the main theme during the happier segments of Headspace. These particular colours - white and pastel blue - are also found in the Hospital, and in the final scene of the good ending. Pastel means acceptance, and it means there is no need to "saturate" the events of the recital day.
Here, the colour gradient, and Mari ascending through the window, are symbols of freedom. Sunny has accepted the Truth, and can now properly grieve his lost sister in peace. Simultaneously, you could argue Mari's spirit is finally free - she isn't tied down by Sunny's repression, and her ascending through the window is symbolic of finally entering the afterlife.
sorry for going so off-topic. as with most of my analyses, the idea came to me at 5am when i was half-asleep and i just had to write it out. lmaooooo.
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hezuart · 11 months
Hey, you recently reblogged the first page of my ‘Rewind’ comic, which is the continuation/fix-it I asked you months ago if I could make and in your reblog you wondered where I’ll take it.
I actually finished the whole comic months ago and even made an animatic video of it (you can easily find it on YouTube), so you can see how the rest of the comic goes. Plus I’m making a midquel comic for it too.
Plus I’m thinking that if anyone continues to ask you about what happened to Six in your ‘Channel change’ comic, perhaps point them in the direction of my ‘Rewind’ comic. That way the boys can still have their happy ending in your comic, but Six and someone who was left out entirely of Channel change aren’t left in the dark.
Though I do find it your explanations pretty biased with how you mentioned how Six ruined Mono’s life but neglect to mention that he ruined hers too by releasing the Thin Man and cursing her with the hunger that ended up costing Six’s innocence and humanity. And given that he is the one who cursed her with the hunger in the first place, RK’s death is partially on him.
Oh im very excited to see the animatic for it!!! I noticed there were more pages with links, I'll have to go and read and reblog those too.
I don't recall if I said Six ruined Mono's life. But Six purposefully dropped him, while Mono didn't know the Thin Man was behind the door until he opened it, and he also didn't know the Thin Man would capture Six and cause her hunger pains. (which aren't really explained even now) I don't think Mono knew he WAS the Thin Man either.
We don't know why Six dropped Mono, we just know that she came to hate him after he destroyed her music box.
I will say, I adore Raincoat Girl and Six's relationship you portrayed in the comic! But in the actual game, Six and the Raincoat girl sadly don't have much of a relationship. They assist each other, but not more than necessary. Raincoat Girl is being chased by the Butler. She runs straight past Six (who was collapsed on the ground) without helping her up. Someone bangs on the door of the shed, highly likely to be Six. Raincoat girl locks it, refusing her entry. (and potentially leaving her for dead; or as bait)
At the end of the story, Raincoat girl dies, and the game suggests that Six goes down to a boat and snatches her raincoat to wear for herself. (What kind of person wears a dead friend's clothing?)
and also I don't know if the mobile game is canon or not since it seems like Tarsier studios had a different backstory in mind for Six (growing up in the city instead of lost at sea hopping from ship to ship)
But the point is we don't have any explanation for why Six is the way she is. She has a malicious side to her, she is untrusting, she's a lone wolf, but she also knows kindness, she also knows when she needs help, she also finds comfort in soothing music, and she's best known for fleeing from situations and usually only harming people when absolutely necessary.
Her ending being ambiguous in my Channel Change comic is only to let the viewers know she's not part of Mono and Seven's story because intentional or not, bad things have happened to them when Six is involved.
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lonelyquail · 2 years
6 is a good number
hehe so polar opposite of hugslug then... hugslug has many images and no lore. mack has no images and an okay amount of lore. alright letsgo. so my guy mack is an angel (i went googling so his name is actually short for macroprosopus but like if you ask him he'll say its short for something you Cant pronounce and He doesnt care to try to. anyway). his deal works best if i explain my other guy mortys deal because they are gay do not separate, but ill do my best to explain it without their deal.
anyway hes not. fallen but he decided that he wanted to fuck off to go hang out in the mortal world and he causes so many problems on the daily that none of his fellow angels really contested him on this theyre just like god please get out of our house. anyway being a fish out of water/deserter he does get some drawbacks like a bit of a handicap on his immortality. so hes Sort of immortal in the "only dies if killed" variety but even when he does get killed whatever deific system exists in my brain doesnt want to deal with him so he just gets sent right back, albeit at a random time and place.
anyway mack really doesnt mind this because he, is a being of pure hedonism! hes a prankster and a shitdisturber and while hes having fun its mostly fucking around w mortal people that he can never really relate to but he thinks are terribly interesting (as well as their reactions to his bullshit). also his whole Maliciously Lackadaisical attitude is only helped by the fact that dying is basically just a get out of jail free card for him, so while a normal mortal person would have enough fear of death to learn the valuable lesson of talk shit get hit, mack fucks shit up Way beyond the bounds of stupidity because 1. its not like these people's problems are going to matter on an even remotely widespread scale anyway (and really why would he care if they did) and 2. its not like they can really punish him for his actions because he's got nothing to lose, babey!
so i gave him something to lose!
somewhere along the line he manages to run into another person just as immortal as he is (thats my "god wont let me die because im already dead" skeleton grandpa morty who ill talk abt later but just know theyre my favorite <3) and both of them realize how Terribly Lonely theyve been in their own ways (morty gets too attached to the mortal people they meet and kind of Have to distance themself to not get hurt. this does not work.) (meanwhile mack as previously mentioned has never been able to relate to mortal people at all and distances himself somewhat by assholery but also somewhat just by Being Immortal) and now that they have someone they can care about and love without any fears or pretenses, they can't afford to lose each other. sooo basically mack has to clean up his act and Not get himself killed because he cant just run away from his problems now
(now heres a spoiler mack does die. a lot. but what makes me more emo is that morty is just flat out unkillable immortal so this basically means that there Is an unspoken agreement that no matter how far back, forwards, away or close mack ends up, morty will always be there waiting for him. morty's his sole rock in the stream of time and im EMO ABOUT IT!! also since morty spends so much time listening to others and paying attention to the little things while mack has all these stories of wild ass events he's seen over the times and places they both can just trade stories back and forth and rub off on each other and they have all the time in the world to listen and make new ones and wauu)
i think?? thats all ive got on mack so far?? apart from the fact that with morty hes like. still a being of chaos but a domesticated shitdisturber yknow. instead of causing a war every sunday he mixes and matches clothes from all sorts of time periods just to confuse people and grows an obscene amount of eyes just to tell morty that he only has eyes for them (which morty thinks is corny and delightful)
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shotorozu · 3 years
BABE , i saw a hc ( i think it was urs) where the boys’s s/o was really fashionable, ( as somebody that’s gone viral on pinterest a little too many times ) I WAS WONDERING , what if you did a todobakudeku ( separately please omg) with somebody that’s like the emma chamberlain of fashion and they own everybody’s pinterest boards and stuff AHAHA IDK , the amount of times somebody has said ‘ wait ur that one pinterest girl right?? ‘ ANYWHAHEEIE I LOVE YOU N HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! 💗💗
pinterest famous s/o
character(s) : midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, they/them pronouns (at the request of anon) strong quirk hinted; not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (x reader)
note(s) : thank you anon!! so ok, i still used they/them pronouns even though the reader is afab (again at the request of anon) and whdjwkd sorry for the inactivity :,) also im gonna post more later so— sorry for the delay
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midoriya izuku
when middle school midoriya finally got a phone, he downloaded pinterest for the sole purpose of looking at screencaps of heroes
but then, he hasn’t touched it a few months, because he’s been training with all might
then, when he finally had enough free time again— he decided to go on pinterest
but instead of finding any heroes he could look at, he found the prettiest human being he has ever seen in his entire life 💀
that person was a different type of beauty, y’know— they weren’t just fashionable, but their beauty was,,
timeless? that’s how he’d describe it. yeah. that person lived in his head rent free for a while
sadly, he feels like you’re that person he sees once in his life, and never again 😔 which isn’t the case
when he finally meets you, midoriya realizes that you look VERY familiar— someone on pinterest, that he unfortunately, didn’t know the name of
but then wait! he realizes that you’re that person. that one person that blew up on pinterest, and ended up in all of the fashion boards.
okay, you’ve been recognized a few times in the past, just because you were pinterest famous— but you didn’t expect him to recognize you
“wait,, you know me?” you asked him when you saw the realization sink in
and you were honestly,, flattered when he went on a tangent on how you were on all of the pinterest boards, and how your sense of fashion was timeless
but you know what’s the best thing of it all? when izuku developed a crush on you (and not because he thought you were just an attractive face)
it was very easy to find pictures of you online! he says it’s for research but,, he tends to look at them for a long time
probably has 3-4 pages dedicated to your hero costume— since fashion icon = fashionable, yet a very practical hero costume!
does he get jealous whenever people fawn over your looks, or whenever he sees comments in pinterest comment sections just asking for your socials in such desperation?
hmm,, yes? he does occasionally feel like someone like you, should be with someone as equally beautiful as you
he thought he was always plain looking, but you wholeheartedly disagree! in fact, you fell in love with his ability to pay attention to detail.
to the random creeps in the comments section, he just contacts the uploader and asks them to delete any malicious comments and it works 100% of them time.
on the brighter side, he helps a lot with taking your pictures (if you ask him to) and sometimes! he’ll even appear in them
izuku will always be your #1 fan!
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bakugou katsuki
at first, you’d be like “katsuki owning pinterest? naaah.” but! i think he would
being an all might fan, he liked looking at all might screen caps— and while katsuki would be on the discreet side, he’d find himself looking at them whenever he has extra minutes to burn
not to mention, the cooking recipes on there aren’t the worst, so he doesn’t just use pinterest to look at screen caps of heroes doing their work
and, how could he forget that you’ve been bugging him to search for rare screen caps? he says that it’s useless— but he finds himself digging for you anyway,
which is whyyy
he finds an entirely different rabbit hole, and it’s way past 10pm, 3 more minutes wouldn’t wound him.
the blond doesn’t know how he even stumbled on.. this side of pinterest. the one that kind of hurts his eyes.
the more well known side of pinterest, that is covered in pictures of fashion boards, and the standard pretty person.
the ‘aesthetic’ side, kaminari calls it— it makes bakugou cringe, and he was just about to refresh his page
when he spots something familiar, it’s you‼️ well it wasn’t just you but, you were dressed in something,, nice.
like sure! you’re attractive. but that’s not why he’s dating you, there’s a lot of reasons as to why
but, he’s baffled. seeing you in a different light, and in such nice clothing, what more, when he sees that you’re actually everywhere. he hasn’t seen this much of you and your attractive ass before
katsuki told himself that he was going to sleep a few minutes ago, but now? he’s left admiring all of your pictures.
how did he not know that his s/o’s pinterest famous? you’re practically in every single board!
he confronts you the next day in an oddly weird manner, “you didn’t tell me you were famous on that stupid pinterest app.”
you’re sheepish, “welll, i didn’t know that you were going to stumble on that side of pinterest!”
he doesn’t say anything, and really! it looks like he doesn’t care about the newest discovery of his s/o
but he shows his feelings in his own way.
like, how katsuki insists that he finds a new outfit that you’d absolutely love— one that’ll fit with your aesthetic
and that he insists that he does your graphic liner, because you’re going to ‘poke your eyes out’
makes an entirely different account to reply to those simps and creeps in the comment section, sort of like
random pinterest user : “the things i’ll do to be crushed by them 💦”
pinterestuser461903 : “go touch some fucking grass.”
also would’ve commented “your art sucks” at the poorly done drawings of you in the comments, but knows you appreciated the art— so he doesn’t
(still thinks the fanart doesn’t do you enough justice)
he’ll be super proud when someone notices you in person like “yeah that’s fucking right, but too bad they’re super attractive and way out of your league.”
in short, it looks like katsuki doesn’t care at all about your pinterest famous life, but he’s your #1 supporter
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todoroki shouto
i am certain for this one— he doesn’t have pinterest
well, he didn’t have pinterest, until midoriya convinced him to create an account, but it kinda just ended at that
but the person that actually made him use pinterest was sero, because he kept bugging him to give it a try
todoroki finds the app very practical— he can find screen caps of heroes in action, and he can also find oddly helpful tips in cooking (and in anything)
but sero was like “todoroki, what about the aesthetic value??” and todoroki didn’t really get that part to be honest 💀
todoroki, being clueless didn’t know what to search for— so sero being the wonderful friend he is, helped him search for it
and that’s when it happened. it didn’t take that long, but they eventually found an entire section just full of pictures of you; their classmate and crush
“is that Y/N?” mina notices what they’re looking at, and she observes the picture “oh wow— it is her! no wonder why she looked familiar.”
“it’s impressive! our classmate is pinterest famous!” they continue to look at every single post in each board, and todoroki’s left to observe in silence
he has definitely taken a liking to you, even if he didn’t realize it at first— he liked you because of your hard work when it came to training, personality and patience, not because of your looks
obviously, todoroki thinks that you look good in anything, trashbag style or not. but seeing you in this light was interesting.
so after training, todoroki would spent a good portion of his time scavenging for more pictures— not because he was obsessed or anything
but because,, he really liked your pictures. maybe it was because without you in those pictures, it would feel incomplete
he didn’t know how to approach you after this discovery, which is why he’s glad that you approached him first
“todoroki! what are you looking at?” you took a peak at his screen, and you’re baffled to see yourself, and that very famous picture of you
he’s quiet for a second when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at your pictures, but he explains calmly, “sero accidentally discovered your pictures,, and i just wanted to take a peak at them, if it was okay,,”
and he’s relieved— well, you’re also relieved. you didn’t know how your crush would react if he ever saw those pictures, but your heart skipped a beat knowing that he enjoyed looking at them
“it’s alright todoroki,” you smile, honestly over the moon as you spoke “i’m really glad that you like them.”
sometimes you’d get shy whenever he’d go on pinterest just to look at your pictures, “todoroki, not that one! that one was really old,,” is what you’d say whenever he’d look at your older photos but he’d still look at them anyway 💀
at first, todoroki helped you in his own subtle way. since he’s quite the fashion icon— he’d recommend you clothes to wear for future pictures
he eventually confessed— and it was because you were talking to him while he was really tired, and he blurted out that he really, really liked you and you almost passed away because of his words
so yeah— it was a case of secretly admiring their beautiful best friend to lovers scenario
he’d go the full mile when it came to taking your pictures. he’d check the weather forecast just in case if it was going to rain for that date, and impromptu picnic photoshoot
that boyfriend that has pictures of you in his photo gallery, and has a backstory for each photo if anyone were to ask
also that boyfriend that knows how to take pictures, will probably even lay down to take them, even if you didn’t kindly ask him to
when you asked him to join the picture, he didn’t really know how to— but he made it work! and the both of you guys went viral
but this isn’t all one sided, no— whenever you guys would cuddle, shouto would simply stare at you with HEARTS in his eyes,
and even before he leans in for a kiss, he’ll stare at you with so much love in his eyes, while he traces his thumb across your cheekbones. man’s in love— you’re gorgeous.
he knows that you know that he’s not with you because of any ulterior motive, you both have mutual trust in each other— so it’s not something you guys will bother on questioning because you’re both hot asf lets be real
he’s not uncomfortable whenever people gawk at you in public— i mean, you two get stares on the regular. and how could they not stare at you? you’re very attractive, and he’s glad that people recognize that
but he’ll get protective if they’ll try to be a threat to your loving relationship with him, he won’t be afraid to be blunt
regarding the comments on each pinterest post— he hates it when people say things out of the line
always tries to hide them from you so you don’t feel bothered by them, but if you knew about them— he’ll be sad :,(
but he’ll end up mass reporting those nasty comments— and they always get taken down, because of the shouto todoroki luck
in short? man’s whipped, and the both of you guys are SO attractive together— what more if people knew about the om chemistry?
really— you being pinterest famous was just a nice plus, he fell in love with you for you
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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amethyst-halo · 2 years
tbc rewrite explanation thingy
wawawawawa ive been trying to word this post for ages here we go
tbh a lot of the purpose of the rewrite initially was to test out ideas that i thought would’ve been interesting instead of what the erins did so like. tbh a lot of this is up in the air atm as i start solidifying my ideas into an actual plot
i implemented my guild thing on this as a test and i liked it a lot better so there’s that; im gonna be referring to the groups as just their like. different names. “thunder”, “shadow”, “sky”, etc. im also gonna hand full names to kits and apprentices, remove any ceremonies, and take away the -star suffixes and extra lives from the leaders bc that’s how my guilds work
the beginning is just. things happening a lot quicker mostly bc i have a lot i wanna try to fit in. shadowsight gets struck by lightning, codebreaker vision, and cure for brambleclaw all in one go. he has to stay in thunder a couple days bc he, yknow, was struck by lightning, and while there rootspring falls in the lake so he’s also there and bristlefrost chills w them and that establishes the protag trio as friends!!!
right before shadowsight goes home, brambleclaw falls ill and shadowsight nervously explains his cure and gets a “uhh yeah no that’s a last resort” which he is 100% cool with and he goes home to chill
the whole “bramble gets worse, shadowsight tries to help and kills him and he revives but not really rootspring’s powers kick in” happens within a couple more days so it would NOT be the end of lost stars. lost stars would end later
brambleclaw is weird and really soon into that, the sickness he had seems to spread. first twigbranch gets it, then lionblaze... shadowsight notices the trend pretty quickly but is still hesitant to say his codebreaker vision. at some point in here puddleshine and alderheart have an argument about whether or not shadowsight was malicious in his attempt to help; alderheart has been listening to berrynose and bumblestripe basically and puddleshine’s not happy about it. cant remember why i put it in there i think i was just having a Night(tm) and never took it out so. anyway when the aforementioned cats “die” and “revive” and start acting strange, it scares him into finally blurting it to his parents and puddleshine.
literally RIGHT after that, in thunder, an argument between brambleclaw and alderheart ends with alderheart being full-on chased out. he winds up in shadow territory, where puddleshine finds him and brings him back to his guild. alderheart won’t(or can’t? i haven’t figured this part out all the way yet) say what happened he’s just there now. squirrelflight and sparkpelt come looking for him and, once they see he’s ok, ask them to keep him there, explaining they straight up don’t think it’s safe right then. tigerheart agrees.
i have this idea in my head that im considering where berrynose shows up in shadow suddenly and claims to be checking in on alderheart. when everyone’s backs are turned, berrynose straight up attempts to kill him. shadowsight tries to stop him (and cant bc he’s tiny) and kind of manages to slow him down enough that puddleshine and tigerheart come in. berrynose tries to claim shadowsight was trying to kill alderheart, but gets caught in his lie, and it’s implied that he was ordered to do it but won’t say by who. he’s taken back to thunder to answer to brambleclaw, who- completely unexpectedly to literally everyone- kills him on the spot. (my thought process on this was “if berrynose was like down to help ‘kill’ shadowsight i feel like brambleclaw could ask him to kill pretty much anyone” so. yeah. this is solely an idea i have in here through a mix of “i want some other stuff to happen” and “if ashfur’s gonna literally try to kill squilf’s kids then he would probably do it to all of them” and “i simply want alderheart to chill with puddleshine for a while”)
it’s not long after that that jayfeather falls ill. with no other clerics, brambleclaw goes to shadowsight. not tigerheart, shadowsight. since he cured brambleclaw, he argues that shadowsight- despite being an apprentice still- is capable of helping them. tigerheart is very hesitant to send his kid there, especially since brambleclaw killed berrynose, but shadowsight agrees to go. tigerheart is like “absolutely not” and puddleshine offers to go or to show one of the sky clerics how to do it so they can go but brambleclaw insists and shadowsight also insists because he’s kinda scared to say no
shadowsight goes to thunder, where bristlefrost is surprised that he agreed and tells him she won’t let anything happen as a sorta silly reassurance when he’s anxious about the whole thing. he gets to work and jayfeather dies and revives and acts mellowed and confused and doesnt seem to know anything healing related in the slightest. so shadowsight’s extra stuck there now
this is a weird lil fuzzy spot where idk what to do? i wanted to put shadowsight in thunder because i think ashfur would want to hold him close because at this point, shadowsight is trusted enough. his visions are trusted ESPECIALLY after it gets around that he Knew who would get sick (aka the codebreakers) so everyone kinda listens to him. so ashfur wants to keep him close to try and use that to his advantage and make sure shadowsight shares what he wants, and not share what he doesn’t. this leads to, eventually, shadowsight being attacked to keep him quiet, probably because he learns something he wasn’t supposed to (i.e. maybe he saw ashfur doing something that made it super obvious who he was or he overheard something he said idk yet).
during the fuzzy spot i DO want to establish that the rebels are forming by now. stemleaf and spotfur are in charge and have cloverfoot, blossomheart, whorlpelt, sneezecloud, finleap, frecklewish, rootspring, tree, and puddleshine kinda to start and more join in over time. i also want at some point for rootspring to finally admit to his family and friends that he can see the ghosts of the possessed cats, and also that the possessed bodies have like. idk. an aura. they’re colored over in red like a little scanner would do or something. he can tell if they’re possessed or not essentially
shadowsight is thrown into half-ghosty mostly dead time while bristlefrost is like “???where did shadowsight go” and starts investigating. but it isn’t long after that that squirrelflight and brambleclaw get into an argument, and squirrelflight is kicked out. bris takes her to shadow to ask them to protect her with alderheart. they agree. she keeps looking around for shadowsight and gets like her siblings to help but before long, brambleclaw implies if she doesn’t stop looking something might happen to her like what happened to shadowsight and she’s like “?!?!?!?!?!?!”
the illness seems to pick up along with brambleclaw heavily punishing any little rule break he can think of which involves exiles, attacks, and other heavy punishments. the weird thing is that if a cat is exiled, they usually return after a few days but are acting like the cats who got sick. spoiler alert, ashfur is getting them ✨possessed✨ in secret or something. 
during all this that thing w stemleaf attacking brambleclaw and dying as a result that still happens i just can’t remember exactly where it goes
shadowsight’s ghost is either hanging out with rootspring or investigating. he finds his way into the dark forest, and almost gets stuck there as he explores a little and nearly gets attacked by like. mapleshade, when juniperclaw rescues him. juniperclaw and snowtuft have teamed up and know about the guy that’s doing this. they ask what the hell shadowsight’s doing there and he explains, so they explain that the guy doing this came there trying to recruit df cats. most df cats agreed upon the promise of new bodies and revenge, but juniperclaw and snowtuft didn’t for various reasons. they show shadowsight the island where a bunch of dead and mostly dead cats are milling around, including berrynose, lionblaze, jayfeather, and more. he’s keeping tabs on all the ghosts of possessed cats and trying to get them to help him figure out a way to get their bodies back, but it quickly becomes apparent that something can control the ghosts. while shadowsight cannot be controlled, the same power really messes with him so he can’t do a whole lot about it. he sure tries though. he figures out that the cat possessing brambleclaw is the same cat that gave him the visions, and he is FURIOUS.
shadowsight’s body starts in sky as per usual but he takes long enough to wake up that tigerheart insists on moving him to shadow because they don’t know if he’ll wake up and he should be home or somethin. ghost shadowsight is like “yeah ok” bc he isn’t tied to his body to the same degree as he is in canon.
after shadowsight figures out that ashfur is both brambleclaw and his vision giver he gets rootspring to do the “show ghosts” thing at a rebel meeting, which involves way more cats by now with cats that got away from thunder river and wind as well as random shadow and sky cats, and explains his findings to them. squirrelflight realizes it's ashfur and they start debating what to do about it. someone suggests asking the sisters, who know a lot about ghosts. tigerheart doesn’t want to get them involved and they eventually are like “yeah im sure we can figure this out on our own”. bristlefrost rootspring and shadowsight all think this is bullshit and start plotting for bris and root to sneak off to find the sisters.
as they’re getting ready to leave, shadowsight starts to wake up so he’s hauled back to his body only to be knocked aside and someone ELSE is in his body and he’s like “HUH? WAIT A MINUTE. HUH???” and he goes BACK to rootspring and is like “WE HAVE A PROBLEM”
idk what they do about said problem but anyway rootspring bristlefrost needleclaw and spotfur go look for the sisters and they find them and bring them back and the sisters try to call ashfur out but it for some reason just makes him way stronger?? and essentially releases the dark forest onto the living world?? so now any possessed cat can make someone else possessed it's kind of an apocalypse scenario. anyways the guilds are all dangerous and everyone tries to get away but most cannot and are either possessed or trapped.
rootspring makes it away and finds the rebels, who have moved just outside of the territories to get away from the chaos that is the lake. squirrelflight, mothwing, crowfeather, alderheart, sparkpelt, finchsong, finleap, turtlecrawl, kitescratch, and nightsky are there and they’re scrambling around trying to figure out what to do, where to look for cats that aren’t possessed, trying to get a plan, etc. with rootspring there, they now kind of have like one of those computers that scans a guy and says if he’s like. sick or not or smth in the movies y’know? yeah he’s like that so that solves an issue.
bristlefrost is trapped in thunder with her mother and flipclaw, hunkered down in a makeshift den near the twoleg den that jayfeather had herbs by. they try to figure out what to do when fernsong and thriftear find them and join them and they’re all relieved because they answer like a question to prove it’s really them. they get to plotting how to get out of there.
ghost shadowsight is Avoiding Everyone and trying to figure out how to get his body back and stop ashfur. idk what he figures out there tbh. he runs into berrynose who’s really mad at him bc “he got me killed grr grr” or smth but some of the other ghosts, jayfeather notably, defend shadowsight from him and point out berrynose Didn’t Have To Attempt Murder. they then get separated bc ashfur shows up.
rootspring is helping the rebels as more cats arrive; spotfur, dappletuft, harelight, icewing, breezepelt, sedgewhisker… puddleshine and slatefur arrive together, injured, and violetshine is not far behind them with needleclaw. pouncestep and sunbeam arrive a day later. they’re still trying to gather as much info as they can on what might stop ashfur as more cats arrive but they don’t have much. also life in the rebel camp is it’s own sort of chaos; squirrelflight and crowfeather can’t agree on anything, mothwing wants nothing to do with it, and they have no leads. rootspring hasn’t seen any ghosts around and is worried about shadowsight.
bristlefrost and her family come up with a plan. idk what the plan is yet but it ends up working out that thriftear, bristlefrost, and fernsong get away but ivypool and flipclaw are nearly caught and are still stuck. in the commotion, bristlefrost manages to get back to ivypool and flipclaw, but thriftear and fernsong get separated from her. they are still stuck.
rootspring greets thriftear as she arrives and guides her to the rebel camp. she’s distressed and upset and dovewing tries to comfort her as she explains the rest of her family is missing. 
squirrelflight calls a meeting and is basically like “okay. what do we do.” and no one knows but they have ideas and they debate the ideas for a bit
shadowsight is still following his body around and he sees that it like. found bristlefrost and is about to attack her and he panics and lunges for himself and it's like he hits someone. and suddenly, he’s in his body.
bristlefrost is like “what are you doing??” and he tells her it’s Him and idk he convinces her it’s him for real and he’s in his body again and she’s like “sick ok we need to get to the rebels camp” and they start for it but something happens and bris gets separated from him and he ends up stumbling across the rebel camp and exhaustion from travel when he’s still healing plus exhaustion from getting his body back makes him just kinda collapse for a couple of days
he wakes up and finds puddleshine who explains what happened and he talks to rootspring a little and his sister and eventually goes to squirrelflight and crowfeather and explains both how he got his body back and also that bristlefrost is okay but he lost track of her. they decide to go and search for her and for others.
they find ivypool fernsong and flipclaw as well as tigerheart, tree, cloverfoot, a bunch of others that are okay and bring them back. they gather up everyone, especially whoever they have that was a dark forest trainee, and start debating what the best way to take down ashfur is. ivypool is hesitant because she’s pretty sure the only way for them to fight ashfur on remotely equal footing is to fight him in the dark forest. they decide to do that
i HAVE NOT FIGURED OUT AN ENDING YET SO THAT'S AS FAR AS I GO RN if i update it ill like reblog later and mention it
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arhvste · 4 years
can i maybe request some comfort hq’s w any of your favorite boys (but maybe throw in some oikawa) when their s/o doesn’t get invited to hang out w her friends but like all her friends are hanging out and they didn’t invite her so she just has to watch them all have fun on social media and stuff? totally not speaking from experience haha.. take your time if you’re busy! i love your writing so much 🥺✨💘💖
hi bby i love u a lot <3 ✨🐉🦋
you’re minding your own business at home in your room scrolling through instagram when your heart sinks 
you see your friends have posted group photo they took today when they went out and failed to invite you
you felt silly being bothered by it but you couldn’t hep it 
friends are meant to invite each other out not leave individual members out
while you’re staring at the picture, you’re interrupted by a facetime call from your boyfriend
you answer and see his smiling face on your screen
“hi y/n-chan i- wHATS WRONG?!”
he sees you’re not smiling back and he immediately knows somethings up
“its nothing tooru, don’t worry”
you give him a little reassuring smile and he frowns a little 
so anyway you guys go about your call just talking as normal and you casually mention that your friends hung out without you
you can’t actually see oikawa’s face because he has you on pause and kept muting and unmuting by what you assumed was accident
but you just assume he’s on his daily run because you can hear him doing so
you carry on telling him about how you’d been left out and just talking about it made you tear up a little
“i know it’s stupid, but i can't help but feel annoyed.”
as you’re explaining to tooru you hear a knock at your door
muttering a quick “hang on” to your boyfriend you go downstairs to see who’s at your door
you open the door to reveal your panting boyfriend with a bag containing, one of his favourite hoodies you like to borrow, his laptop, another bag of take out food and a bunch of sunflowers gripped under his arm
“sorry i took so long y/n-chan”
“tooru? what's all this?”
“as if im gonna let my pretty girl feel upset all by herself, come here”
he pulls you in for a tight hug and you let him inside where he unpacks the contents in the bags 
the fact he did all of this for you make you want to tear up again
and you do just that
he pulls you back into his chest and wraps his arms around you 
“what did i do to deserve you?”
“i should be asking you.”
you guys eat your take out, oikawa has a shower because he was lowkey sweating with all that running about, you pull on the jumper he brought round for you (he only took it back in the first place because you mentioned his smell wasn't as strong on it anymore)
you watch a few films before you both start to just lay there and cuddle
“come on, lets take cute photos!”
“so we can show your stupid friends that you don’t need to be with them when you have me”
you guys take some immaculate pictures and upload them to your insta story where a ton of people are swiping up compliment how cute you both are
including a few of your friends who swooned over your boyfriend saying how they wished they had a boyfriend like tooru
oikawa looked at their messages and sneered
“ignore them it’ll piss them off”
he is so petty
but so are you fdshfghu
he’ll stay over for the night because he refuses to leave you until you’re totally over it
best boyfie
63/10 experience would die for this boy 😼
bokuto is actually the one who points out that your friends are hanging out without you
you two have just left grabbing breakfast together when he sees your group walking and laughing together across the street
“hey y/n? aren't they your friends?”
you turn to look and you wish you hadn't 
bokuto saw the drop in your face and suddenly felt sad too
“do you want me to say something?”
“don’t worry kou, it’s nothing”
you give him a weak smile and pull him back to your house
the walk back is quiet which is unusual for the two of you as usually you two never stop talking to each other 
when you get back home you turn away from your boyfriend and wipe a few stray tears that you’d been holding back the whole time
bokuto notices and grabs you shoulder and turns you to face him
“oh y/n please don’t cry! shall we make a blanket fort? do you want to go out somewhere? shall i get akaashi to come over and we can plot muder against your friends?”
the boy isn’t used to seeing you upset
he’s used to seeing you so happy and cheerful around him because he always does his best to make sure you’re comfortable 
you laugh dryly and smile at him
“no baby it’s fine, i just need to let it all out and i’ll be good”
he pulls you and and wraps his big arms around you as your sobs grow louder into his chest
“k-kou am i stupid for feeling like this? it’s not even that serious i just feel kinda betrayed they didn't even ask me you know? like this isn't even the first time -i”
you look up when you feel chest chest move and you sees HE’S got tears falling down his face too
“kou!! i know why i’m crying but why are YOU crying?”
“i-i don't know?? seeing you cry makes me cry??”
the two of you are laughing and sobbing together you forget why you were even sad in the first place
he picks you up bridal style and carried you over to the couch where the two of you proceed to just cuddle and enjoy each other’s presence
“hey, y/n you should hang with me and akaashi at lunch if you want”
“come onnnn, if your so-called ‘friends’ don’t wanna hang with you, we most certainly do!”
he’s giving you his big toothy grin you can't say no to
“okay kou, i’ll start spending my lunches with you”
he doesn't even hide the fact he's excited lmao
“yES!! we get to spend even more time together now and everyones gonna see how cute we are together!”
bokuto just wants to make sure that wherever you are, he can make you smile and forget about all the bad things 
so the fact you agree to spend your lunchtimes with him makes him ecstatic now that he knows he can make it his mission everyday to make you smile more
he won't ever leave you alone when you’re sad so you spend the rest of your day playing on your switch and making tiktoks together
because bokuto will always want you to feel like you’re having fun with him because it’s your smile that first caught his attention before you started dating 
you and tsuki are at his house in his room together
both of you are going through your phones until your group chat starts spamming with photos and videos 
your notifications are going off like crazy and its driving tsukishima mental
“since when were you popular?”
you glare at him as you open the messages and your face drops 
your supposed friends were all sending videos and photos of each other into your group chat
they had all gone out and hadn't mentioned it to you
tsukishima glanced over to your phone and watched as you mindlessly tapped through the never ending stream of content 
“i don’t know why you surround yourself with such loser’s y/n, i’d be embarrassed to send videos of my friends screaming like babies”
this made you smile ever so slightly
you’re not a mean person
but there's something about tsukishima’s snarky comments which make you feel better about the situation
tsuki has obviously noticed you were bothered about not being invited but he won't tell you he knows because it may trigger you to get upset
instead he pulls your back into his chest as the two of you lay in his bed together as he rests one of his arms on your side and the other over your shoulder
instead of being overly comforting, tsuki will encourage you to tap through the group chat but he’ll make a snarky comments for each picture or video
“ew she really left the house with confidence looking like that?”
“why has the girl on the right done her make up like that? did they go out for a day at the circus or something?”
“you can see the people in the background literally cringing, i can feel the second hand embarrassment through the screen”
the two of you sit there for a while laughing and making snide comments 
tuski’s are way worse than yours because he literally doesn't know how to stop 
after you finish tapping through everything, you set your phone down and smile at your boyfriend 
“hey, thanks for that”
“for what? being myself”
“for making me laugh you idiot”
“i was being honest but okay then”
you’ll just lay there together in a comforting silence
“you know... you’re too good for them anyway, ditch them”
you hesitated before answering
“but, they're my friends? i can't just ditch them out of nowhere”
“they had no problem doing it to you”
harsh words 
but he’s right
they didn't have a problem ditching you so maybe tsuki was right
“i don't mind doing a bit of charity work and letting you be with me at school”
“oh? how considerate of my boyfriend, the one who’s meant to love and be there for me unconditionally! you’re too kind!”
you both snicker at this before he presses a soft kiss to the top of your head
“go on, leave the group chat... if you’re bad 😈”
he gets lowkey excited watching you leave it he’s got a stupid little evil smirk 
tsuki may seem like he enjoys conflict and malicious behaviour 
but really he just wants to make sure you’re kept away from people who clearly don't value or deserve you
‘their loss’ he thinks to himself as he pulls you closer
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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yuzhousky · 3 years
Bummie, regarding the post from the girl/boy about being hurt over zz's weibo post, I honestly think it was a little bit harsh to say his/her feeling came solemly as a result of overthinking, and let me explain to you why. But, before i do that, first i want to say that i 200% second everything you said about the bloggers, you could tell from the last time i wrote to you how heated and PISSED i am when it comes to those unreliable and mean platforms holding the ability to affect/ruin anyone's reputation without any accountability. I mean, i have never let go of what they had tried to do to johnny, nor i ever will.
Now, you said we all knew that it was a malicious blogger behind that changba business. Well, we didnt. I didnt know. With the language barrier that i have, there are some people on instagram i find trust worthy and reliable, and with a few of them i talk to privately very often as well. I have your blog as the holy grale and a legit yz lifeline, and as of recently, i have a weibo account which i mainly use for lurking with the help of that tragic translator option. So, after that zz's post, what i gathered from instagram (im talking about those reliable accounts) was first that it was indeed zz's account and he was just blatantly denying it and i gathered from weibo that it was a fake account. Now, i didnt feel hurt, my skin is thicker than that, i know zz's mom raised him well and i also knew where he was coming from with that post. What didnt sit well with me was the choice of words he used as well as the confusion who exactly he was referring to so i threw my 2 cents in on that regard and vented about it on instagram the next day.
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These comments came out purely as a result of my confussion and being completely misinformed, and i cant have been the only one. Also, the fact that out of 2 boys i have extra soft spot for zz and it came from him added to overall discomfort. It was already late at night here in Europe when you posted about it and finally cleared it up for me, so i immediately took back what i had said.
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Bummie im not trying to be an attorney here and defend anyone nor i am trying to argue with you - i have too much respect for you, and i also get what you were trying to say with your reply, im just giving you another insight where the hurt comment may have come from, without necessarily being the result of overthinking or inability to separate the mean bloggers from cpfs, but bad circumstances instead, like it was in my case.
At the end, as usual, i want to thank you for being so amazing and doing such a good work bummie 🤗🤗🤗
Thank you for sharing your opinion with me and I'm sorry for my consumption on the overthinking matter. Let me explain a little about your confusion about ZZ's Changba account.
ZZ's Weibo name in the past was 许魏洲PROME which is the same as that Changba account, and there were some audios posted on that Changba account before 2016, so MAYBE that Changba account used to be his and was linked to his Weibo account (just like Oasis and Weibo now). However, after ZZ changed his name on Weibo to the current one 许魏洲ZZ (now the previous name had been taken by a Chinese cpf), maybe he had lost the control of his Changba account or maybe something happened that he couldn't access the account anymore.
Anyway, whatever happened to that Changba account, whether it was once his or not, ZZ has clarified that now it's fake and he didn't switch it from being private to public or upload the pic with JY. This is a good way to prevent further false info spread by malicious bloggers.
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misstrashchan · 3 years
Since @im-the-king-of-the-ocean did a post about what TMA fear entities the RWBY characters are aligned/avatars of, I’ve been itching to do one myself because as a result of overlapping hyper fixations I think about this A LOT
The basic concept is that avatars in TMA become what they fear most or embrace a fear they have developed the most complex relationship with that plays into their motivations and drive as a character. What negative impulses they have to constantly fight themselves on, the shape of the monster that lives in their heart.
To quote the RWBY song Fear, “But our greatest fear will be realised, if we fall and lose ourselves to fear, we’ll become what we’ve feared all our lives” yeah that’s a very loose definition of what becoming an avatar is.
Since MAG s5 has proven that you can be an avatar of more than one fear, (Like Martin serving both the Eye and the Lonely) some of the RWBY characters might have more than one, but I’ll try to limit it to two to avoid getting complicated, but at the end of the day it’s all fear soup, we might categorise them according to Robert Smirke’s 14, but they all bleed into one another, like Gerard’s colour analogy in 111:
I always think it helps to imagine them like colours. The edges bleed together, and you can talk about little differences: “oh, that’s indigo, that’s more lilac”, but they’re both purple. I mean, I guess there are technically infinite colours, but you group them together into a few big ones. A lot of it’s kind of arbitrary. I mean, why are navy blue and sky blue both called blue, when pink’s an entirely different colour from red? Y’know? I don’t know, that’s just how it works.
And like colours, some of these powers, they feed into or balance each other. Some really clash, and you just can’t put them together. I mean, you could see them all as just one thing, I guess, but it would be pretty much meaningless, y’know, like… like trying to describe a… shirt by talking about the concept of colour.
O-Of course, with these things it’s not a simple spectrum, y’know, it’s more like –
An infinite amorphous blob of terror bleeding out in every direction at once.
Now you’re getting it.
Like colours, but if colours hated me. Got it. 
Ruby Rose: The End. The fear of death itself, uncaring and unstoppable. Man this was hard to think about but I have a lot of Big Feelings about this one. Initially I really, really wanted to give Ruby the Eye simply because “can laser beam monsters with their eyeballs once they become powerful enough” and there is a fascinating overlap in how the Beholding powers and Silver Eyes function in the same way, (especially in how Cinder being exposed to the Silver Eyes fills her with an overpowering fear and reopens old wounds from trauma that have never properly healed; which is VERY similar in the psychological affect Jon’s has on his victims when he Beholds them) they’re both direct enemies/opposites to the Dark that expose their enemies/victims true nature and destroying them in the process at times. Only one feeds on fear and the trauma of others while the other feeds off of hope and love (Gerard says there’s no such thing as an avatar of hope and love, clearly he’s never heard of Ruby). 
But nope! The fear and nature of the Beholding just doesn’t really match with Ruby at all. She isn’t driven by a need of knowledge, nor does she fear being watched, followed or having her secrets exposed. The End though? Death itself? Ruby outright states that’s her biggest fear in volume 5 to Oscar “It doesn’t matter if you’re standing in Salem’s way or not. She’ll kill anyone. And that, scares me most of all” to me Ruby’s fear of death itself is projected onto Salem here, I think. It’s uncaring, unstoppable, it doesn’t discriminate, and it could come for the people she cares about at any time. What matters though is the context she says this is in explaining her motives to Oscar. Her whole life has been shaped by her inability to process death, her relationship with grief, all starting with the tragic and abrupt death of her mother Summer as a child. She’s also surrounded by a lot of death motif too, the hooded cape, mostly wearing black, the giant grim reaper scythe. She’s the End. 
Of course, her being an Avatar of the End means having to imagine the worst version of Ruby, one that is fully consumed by that fear. Avatars of the End are not malicious or destructive in nature but instead are… very apathetic. They don’t need to seek out victims to feed off of, nor do they have a ritual, because the End comes for all. And that fits with what Ruby would be like if that fear fully consumed her. It’s more or less established in vol6 during the apathy arc when she tries so hard to fight against their influence and how horrified she is when everyone around her falls prey to it. Giving up, not caring, accepting the inevitable demise of everyone and yourself? Ruby was terrified of that. And when looking at the vol8 opening where we see Ruby being dragged down by what looks like the arms of the apathy? She fights the hardest against it because it’s what she’s most afraid of, but because of her inability to process her grief properly is ultimately what will make her the most vulnerable to it when she’s pushed to her limit. All Salem needs to do to break Ruby is to remind her of Summer’s death. Not even what actually happened to her or how she died, just the death itself. Hell, the first time we see Ruby in the Red trailer, she’s at her mother’s grave, the first verse in Red like Roses that’s about Ruby “Red like Roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest” in which we come to understand that the “Red like roses” lyrics in both part one and two of the song is referring to Summer’s abrupt death which Ruby apparently dreams about, which brings to mind Oliver Banks, our most prominent Avatar of the End, whose first statement to The Magnus Institute in 011 (underneath the fake alias of “Antonio Blake”) is concerning how he started dreaming about the deaths of others, which he didn’t begin to take seriously- until it was his father that he saw in his dream. Upon which Oliver realised how terrifying death really was and that fear began to consume him. 
Okay I’ve probably gone off long enough about this but yeah. Ruby is the End. I mean, she also just got a song in the v7 soundtrack called Until the End 
Weiss Schnee: The Lonely. The fear of isolation, of being completely cut off and alone or disconnected from the rest of society. I don’t really have to go too deeply into this one. It’s pretty cut and dry. “The loneliest of all”? And the Schnees basically are the Lukas family. Actually thinking about it the Lukas’ are actually somewhat better? They were the only ones in the whole of TMA that understood to raise a child to be an heir/avatar of their fear they needed room to reject it or actively choose it, even if that had an 80% success rate. Both are still awful though. (Damn, I can’t believe Jaques is an actively worse parent than an eldritch fear avatar)
When Weiss comes back to Atlas in v4 she’s more aware of her loneliness than ever, feels more aware of how she and atlas high society as a whole is disconnected from the rest of the world and its struggles. Whitley commenting on her being in her room for months implies she’s purposefully been isolating herself during this time as well, in order to avoid her family members “A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change” (sidenote; the fact that whenever Whitley shows up it always catches Weiss off guard, like she didn’t even notice his presence until he wanted her too. That’s. That’s a BIG Lonely thing. Given Peter’s siblings eventually ran away and he was the only heir I can imagine Peter being what Whitley would end up like if no one intervenes)
I’d say they might also be an possibility of the Stranger due to her struggling to find her own identity and inability to recognise oneself, but that can be an aspect of the Lonely too, as we see when Martin is in a house that is a domain of the Lonely in s5, and is unable to recognise himself in the mirror or recall who he is.
What I do have to say about this is it’s pretty interesting considering at this point in the show Weiss’ relationship with loneliness is actually somewhat healthy and something she can use to relate to and help others. She understands other people’s loneliness, that Blake in v5 needed space and in time she’d come back, and Weiss would be ready to be there for her when she did. And she also understands Yang’s loneliness in the same volume and that she needed someone there to support her.
“But you’re right. I don’t know loneliness like you do. I have my own version. And I bet  Blake has her own version too.” 
Speaking of Blake…
 Blake Belladonna: The Stranger, I Do Not Know You. The fear that you cannot trust the perception of yourself or of others. The creeping sense that something isn’t right. I considered the Spiral, but the Stranger and the Spiral overlap more than any other two entities so I’m just gonna go with the Stranger. Especially with her semblance being a metaphor for disassociation, a coping mechanism for the abuse and gaslighting from her relationship with Adam being kind of the biggest thing here, since the Stranger and Spiral deal with that a lot. She literally creates false copies of herself, shadow clones which she uses to feint, distract and evade. As well as statues/mannequins when dust is involved, which the Stranger is known for manifesting. Her fighting style centres around misdirection, stealth and fooling people’s senses. She also used to be part of the White Fang, known within Sienna and Adam’s faction to wear the masks of monsters, appearing anonymous. And she literally disguises her identity as a Faunus in order to escape the White Fang and enroll at Beacon. Blake at first was hesitant to trust and rely on the others in the earlier volumes, to let her guard down, and when she finally did, the worst happened and her fears were proven right. In s2 Jonathan becomes more paranoid due to being marked and in close daily proximity to the Stranger (as Not-Sasha), much like how Blake in v2 becomes far more paranoid and less trusting of her team. She also does seek knowledge or answers even at the cost of her wellbeing, which is an Eye thing, but Blake’s desire for knowledge and answers isn’t really consistent or important enough with her character and motives beyond vol2 for me personally to consider her an Avatar of it, but I do think she is Eye aligned. 
Yang Xiao Long- The Eye. The Ceaseless Watcher, It Knows You, as well as The Hunt. For the Eye, the first time we see Yang is her trying to find information on her mother, and we see Raven in bird form at the beginning too, as she has followed Yang her whole life, never actually interacting or doing anything for her, just… watching her. We learn in vol2 that her search for answers surrounding her mother has been a part of her entire life, almost overwhelmingly so to the point where in her childhood she and Ruby nearly lost their lives to the Grimm when she decided to journey to a shack in the woods she thought would lead to clues in finding her mother. She is adamant because of that experience to never let her need for the truth and answers control her, but it is a need that is always there. When she finally meets Raven, she’s encouraged to “start questioning everything she knows” which, she does. Questioning and knowledge is a big part of Yang’s character, even now. She’s the one who questions Ozpin the most, as well as Raven herself, and in the recent volumes is the one who challenges and questions Ruby’s leadership the most. There’s also a moment in vol7 of her drawing parallels between herself and Robyn and relating to her when she says “I won’t stop until I find out the truth” Her being the one to take the relic of knowledge is hugely significant in this too, especially given the context that she acquires it right after confronting her mother, getting the answers she’s searched for her whole life, holding an artefact possessing infinite knowledge, and she sinks to her knees and cries because there is no sense of closure, that anything is better because of her knowing who and what her mother is, and that her choosing this path might have cost her ever having a relationship with Raven (which is more Raven’s fault of course, and Yang knows that, but that’s not how she’s feeling at that exact moment). 
For the Hunt, this one’s a bit simpler. The thrill seeker aspect to Yang’s character and motives in becoming a huntress and enjoying the chase and fighting in of itself. There’s another element in that as most Avatars of the Hunt start out as monster hunters who then develop the need to hunt and kill monsters, and gradually what qualifies as “monster” starts to blur more and more as they become consumed by the need and thrill of the chase and hunt itself. I bring this up because in vol3 Blake draws parallels between Yang and Adam after she is disqualified for attacking and injuring Mercury, worries with how familiar this all feels and that Yang might turn out the same as him (and just for the record Adam is a full blown Avatar of the Hunt, and the Slaughter too most like) 
 “I had someone very dear to me change. It wasn’t in an instant, it was gradual. Little choices that began to pile up. He told me not to worry. At first they were accidents, then it was self-defence. Before long, even I began to think he was right. This is all just… very familiar.” What Blake describes is… kind of similar to Basira’s relationship with Daisy with how Daisy, an Avatar of the Hunt, would justify to Basira and explain away how the violence and murders she committed as being for the greater good. 
Also just one more, because I have to
 Pyrrha Nikos: WebwebWEBWEB. Hoo boi Pyrrha is the Webbiest of Web Avatars as they come. Her whole character’s themes surrounding destiny, control and agency, feeling like her whole life had been decided for her, the fact she’d been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities meant she was supposed to be a huntress, the fact her talent as a world champion meant she was placed on a pedestal without her realising, becoming separate from the people who placed her there in the first place, that Ozpin and his inner circle tell her she has been chosen as the next Fall Maiden, but the method in which she must become so might result in the loss of her identity, that though they ultimately leave the choice to her do pressure and manipulate her into it. The idea of destiny being a predetermined fate you can’t escape is Pyrrha’s greatest fear, and rejects that idea in that she will not let her life be manipulated but will be the one to take control it instead, which is manifested in her having a semblance that she uses to subtly control and manipulate her surroundings. As Cinder puts it, “People assume she’s fated for victory when really she’s really taken fate into her own hands”.  
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Submission about possible gaslighting
Hey i need some advice, I often over think and analyze stuff and ppl have told me that i have, but i cant tell if im gas lighting someone or not. My sister has terrible mental health and my mother whos a very conservative asain mom just doesn’t understand her problems. So ofc my sister and mom have a terrible relationship. They both hate each other but wont admit to it bc for us family is “everything” and especially bc my parents worry about how others may view our family as a disaster. But bc my sisters has depression and anxiety she also tends to over think like me. And she will sit me down and tell me why she thinks our mom hates her. Even the smallest things like not saying goodnight back, i feel like i would respond better if it was a once or twice a month thing but it’s almost like 2/3 times a week, so it becomes exhausting. I love both my sister and my mom, even though my mother is emotionally abusive and doesn’t support my sexuality. I usually agree with my sister on things that are obviously not right like my mother saying that her depression is fake, but with things like our mom not saying goodnight or looking at her funny makes it difficult and irritating. Its not as if i LOVE my mother but i want some sort of peace or nuteral area in the house. So i have often times told her “maybe your overthinking it” but once we ended up fighting over it and i said it was probably her anxiety that she was over thinking it and that our mother doesnt hate her EVERY move, i told her I understand that our mother doesn’t favor or is nice to her but i told her she was over thinking things bc of her anxiety. And recently I found the term gaslighting when i thought it though, I realize my mother did almost all of the things to do when “gaslighting” but i went back to all the times i told my sister that her feelings were invalid just like what a person who gaslights does. Although i said it far nicer and not as harsh and “your feeling dont matter” type of way i feel extremely guilty. I once even asked (in the heat of a fight) what evidence she has on our mother hating her on the small gestures that comes off negative to her. I ofc regret it and i know that in fights i can become too heated. Would this be considered gaslighting and if it is how can i stop and better myself and react differently. I want to improve and change but also these weekly conversations are exhausting I’ve told her that they are and she recognizes that, but continues to do it. So i feel incredibly stuck.
Hey lovely,
I’m sorry to hear that this has been going on. I can imagine that it’s quite hard to figure this all out and to be worrying about it. I can imagine that you feel stuck! 
It sounds like there’s a lot going on between your sister and your mum. It’s hard to be caught up in all that! So I understand that these conversations with your sister are taking a toll on you and that you can’t always be patient and understanding about it all. That sounds like a normal sibling-relationship. I love my brother but sometimes we just can’t stand each other and we fight. That happens! 
I think there’s a key difference to what’s been going on between you and your sister, and gaslighting. That’s my personal opinion though so I also understand if that isn’t universally agreed upon. But in my opinion, the key difference is the intention. Gaslighting is done with the intention of harming someone emotionally, it’s done with malicious intent. And while you might feel irritated by these conversations, you don’t have malicious intent towards your sister.
That being said, I do think it’s good to consider your phrasing. Anxiety can cause overthinking and that overthinking isn’t always rational. But being told ‘that it’s just overthinking’, doesn’t help. Instead, maybe you can try to provide more rational thoughts instead while acknowledging that she’s overthinking about it now. It isn’t always easy to then believe the rational thoughts, but that’s a whole next step.
I also think it would be good to talk this out with your sister! Explain to her that you feel guilty about saying these things, but that those conversations are hard to have so often and that it makes you feel irritated, which leads to reacting that way. By talking it out, maybe you can find a middle ground. It needs to be doable for both of you. 
Is your sister receiving any help for her depression and anxiety? If not yet, maybe that’s something the two of you can look into together? That way she won’t also need those conversations with you as much, because she’d have a professional she could talk to. I don’t know if it’s possible considering what you told me about your mum, but if it’s something that you can look into that’d be great.
I hope this helped at least a little bit! Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with.
Sometimes what seems impossible, is just hard. Love Pauline
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annoying-lucy · 4 years
Evan Evagora did an AMA involving the Star Trek Shitposting Facebook Group - the questions and answers below were copy/pasted direct from the collated master post. Evan is a member of the group, who participates under an unknown pseudonym.
AMA Master Post!
Thanks so much to Evan Evagora for taking time out of his day for our AMA earlier. To make the questions and answers easier for ya'll to find, here they all are together below.
Q: How does my love of cats compare to Elnor?
A: Im actually more of a dog person, there was a scene that had Elnor and spot 2 unite briefly but unfortunately it didn’t leave the editing room
Q: How familiar was I with Star Trek before and did I have to do research?
A: I grew up with TNG, I’d have to say either worf, Guinan or Q are my favourite characters. And I was given episodes to watch that were to help with information before filming Picard
Q: How was I prepped to deal with the crazy fans?
A: I got told to join Star Trek shitposting 😉. Not but in all seriousness, it was Jonathan Frakes who gave me advice on entering the world of fandom from the other side and he said it’s been nothing short of a pleasure
Q: So if Hugh had survived would they have made out?
A: what happens on the cube stays on the cube
Q: My favourite moment of s1
A: getting to slice that romulans head off
Q: How did I hear about Star Trek shitposting?
A: most of the crew is either a part of the group or knows about, one of the amazing hair and make up ladies got me into I think my first or second day
Q: If I had to be Tuvixed with someone excluding elnor?
A: mirror verse Elnor, nah worf to be honest
Q: What is something I’d like to do in season 2
A: Id like to see Elnor and spot 2 together
Q: How am I passing my time woth quarantine?
A: ama for the gronp! Nah I’ve just been reading, writing and also the contact I’m having with the fans too has really helped a lot
Q: If I had to quarantine with any of my costars who would it be and why
A: I’d go with hardy treadaway he’s got the nicest place
Q: What am I hoping to see in Elnor’s future
A: Inner peace, contentment and possibly shorter hair?
Q: Am I intimidated by working on a show with such a big fan base?
A: no I grew up with Star Trek, you’re really in a bubble of filming when you’re making the show, it all didn’t really hit home until the first trailer at San Diego
Q: Would I consider playing Elnor as non binary
A: I’ve seen a lot of debate and discussion about not only my character but others in the series, if there is something that connects you with a character on this show and it resonates with you, even if it’s shown, not shown or hinted at I’m all for it. I am not for the constant belittlement, bullying and criticism of not only the characters on the show but also other fans. It really does break my heart reading comments where people aren’t welcoming of one another, because that is the whole reason why Trek has bought so many together and by spewing these disgusting cruel words out your not only showing the world you don’t understand the meaning behind the show, you also are destroying the thing that makes us all love it
Q: Is there Australia on romulas
A: yeah they have a down under I’m sure of it. No the accent can easily be explained with, Elnor left romulas at a young age, moved to a planet with different species and languages spoken so that influenced his accent
Q: Have I seen Elnor fan fiction and art?
A: yeah some of it has been really amazing! And some others have been...creative
Q: How excited am I to make home movies with my action figures?
A: my plan is to buy everyone’s, make them record audio and then film shit using the dolls and their voices
Q: Are you playing animal crossing?
A: I’ve preordered it because they’ve sold out here in aus, but in playing civ 6 to pass time and Mario party
Q: Did I get to try Romulan ale?
A: no I wish, I’m kind of hoping for a scene next year where Elnor gets drunk for the first time
Q: What character did I wish would appear in our show?
A: one word, one letter Q
Q: What’s my background have I been acting long?
A: Picard was my third acting gig, and the first project to release, so I have got some experience acting and I have previous work but it has either just aired or is going to next year
Q: Please my friend choose a charity you would like us to donate to
A: food bank
Q: Favourite ninja turtle
A: it’s always been Raph and always will be
Q: Do I know much about Elnors background
A: I know things that haven’t been mentioned yet, but also given his character is new and season 1 just finished, hopefully some of those things are explored
Q: How would o feel about the fan theory that Spock is my father
A: I mean, I’m not really sure, I can always shoot Ethan a message and ask him what he thinks too
Q: Which classic episode trope would I like to see?
A: mirror universe
Q: Can we look forward to more ninja representation?
A: is Elnor not enough? ☹️
Q: Were there any particular characters I drew inspiration from, any elves?
A: there’s a particular group of people I think Elnor might have been inspired from. Can I just say how cool it would be if Elnor is just cosplaying as an elf because Picard left him a copy of Lotr when he was young
Q: Would I be open to exploring Elnors sexuality in s2 and what would it be?
A: I am totally open for that, and as for Elnors sexuality, I’m not sure he’s only 17 he’s just left his planet and gone off on an adventure where he openly knew the success may lead in his death or others he hasn’t had time to figure himself out so seeing his sexuality explored would be amazing
Q: What stories did you hear about working on precious trek series from the OG actors?
A; So we found out Michael Dorn used to muddle his lines up because he was normally the last close up of the day. They used to put bets on to see how many takes he’d have to do. All I must add in very fun spirits nothing ever malicious or mean
Q: My long term career goals
A: id like to keep pursuing more roles I’m acting, I’m a big writer and have some projects I’m looking at getting created but right now I’d say I’m just here to learn and grow
Q: What do I write?
A: right now I’m working on three screenplays and two pilots most of the stuff I’ve written is just sitting on my hard drive just waiting to be used
Q: Ever fried an egg, buttered and vegemite'd some toast and eaten it like a sandwich?
A: what I just read, scared the crap out of me, I love vegemite but the most I’ll do is add cheese to it
Q: What is one of my favourite stories about s1
A: Jeri Ryan and I had a scene together in the borg cube (what a queen she made!) it was shooting at night and I think it was the final shot of the day, we couldn’t keep a straight face and just laughed through about fifteen takes
Q: Are you a big fan of fandom besides Trek?
A: Star Wars, lotr, the magician series Raymond e feist, a song of fire and ice series, avatar last air bender and legend of Korra (would love to play zuko) and of course Batman (fav Jason Todd as the hood)
Q: Could I see myself playing Elnor for six or seven years?
A: as long as there’s a good story that myself and fans will enjoy, but if it didn’t meet my expectations no. And also hopefully the writers and creators would want to
Q: My top TNG eps are in no particular order
I borg, all good things, tapestry, the measure of a man and all good things
I’ll also add I borg especially because it’s just cool seeing where Hugh began and how he ended up
Q: How did I land the role of Elnor?
A: I was on a break from filming Fantasy Island (a movie based off the old tv show) and I was home for pilot season which is when they cast for shows, I had two weeks of daily auditions before I was due to fly back and start filming again, two days before I was meant to leave I got an audition for Picard, the script had a code name and Elnors name was Kbar on it, but I was told it was Star Trek. I went into the room and thought I didn’t do a very good job, then I flew to film and two days later I was told I’ve made a list of people being considered, after a few more auditions and a couple of phone calls from producers and everything I found myself on a plane to LA five weeks later
Q: Have I made friends among the cast?
A: no, we tried really hard to become friends, but unfortunately we ended up becoming a family instead. Everything we say in interviews about us getting along is all true and not fake. I’m the newest to acting out of everyone so I was kind of of shocked to find out that how close we all are isn’t necessarily how it will be when I shoot other projects, so I think we just got lucky or they casted really well
Q: Have the Picard people seen your memes?
A: yes I’ve shown them the memes from the page, I’ve shown everyone including Patrick we find most of them funny (some shocking)
Not shocking in a bad way
Unexpected I should say
Q: How do I feel about the ears?
A: I wore them so much they came up in my dreams, but they were the easiest thing to apply onto me
Q: Which non tng character would I like to see return?
A: I wouldn’t mind seeing the doctor
Q: The most relatable Star Trek character?
A: Look for me growing up it was Wesley, i just picked anyone who was the young one. And I grew up with my sisters and was always being told I’m either wrong, an idiot or just to shut up
Q: Did I have previous martial arts experience before the show?
A: I have a background in boxing which helps when it comes to movement, reflexes and just all around fitness for stunts. I didn’t have any sword fighting experience before we began training for the show however
Q: How do you think being raised by an order of women affected Elnor?
A: I think it gave him a healthy understanding of not only the strength and resilience of women but I think he understands not only gender equality but just equality in general and I think that’s directly to do with growing up in a sect of all female warrior nuns
Q: What is a type of meme you would like to see more of in the group?
A: I love all the memes in the group, I hardly like any of them now incase someone figures out who I am though ahahah
Q: Favorite recent memes?
A: See my comment below
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How Guzma and Cyrus became close friends
(The following scene takes place in Giovanni’s mansion, a few months after the Villains had moved in to that place, and therefore happens previously to the moment depicted in our comics.)
    It's around 3PM, Giovanni is in his office, Archie and Maxie left for a walk and Lusamine is knitting in the backyard with her Pokémon. Lysandre is in his room recording a make up tutorial and no one knows where Ghetsis is, but no one really cares much. Cyrus has just finished sweeping the floor. He enters the living room to find Guzma lying on the couch, reading his diary.
CYRUS – Guzma! What the... What are you doing with my diary?!
    Cyrus quickly approaches Guzma and tries to grab the diary from his hands, but Guzma dodges him.
GUZMA – Yo, Relax, Cy-boy! I was just takin' a look! Nothin' much, just readin' a bit of it!
CYRUS – [angry, but trying to hide it] Well, “a bit of it” is already too much! It's a diary, that means it's personal Therefore, you shouldn't be reading any of it. Now give it back to me!
GUZMA – Sheesh... [gives him the diary] Here, don't be so friggin' anxious, dude! What's the matter with sharin' your secrets with a friend after all? Are you hidin' anythin'? [giggles]
CYRUS – [still annoyed] No! The matter is that I did not choose to share anything with you. You just went and... started meddling in my personal stuff. Which I very much disapprove, if you allow me to add!
GUZMA – Tsc...  Meh. Chill! Not doin' it again, if it bothers ya that much! [He winks at Cyrus, smiling].
CYRUS – [in a rather sarcastic way] Thanks for that, although I do not believe you...
    Cyrus sits on the couch one seat away from where Guzma is. Hugging his diary against his chest, he wonders what Guzma could have read from it. There's a brief silence.
GUZMA – Yo...
    Cyrus glances at him, a little bit apprehensive, for his housemate might bring up something from his diary.
GUZMA – Y'know, I was just... thinkin'... Cause, like... You wrote there tha-[Cyrus interrupts him.]
CYRUS – I do not want to discuss anything I wrote. It's personal. And it's already bothersome enough to know that you read it, so please spare me the embarrassment of further explaining whatever it is you want to comment on...
GUZMA – Aw, c'mon, dude! Don't be like that!
CYRUS – Like what?
GUZMA – Like... y'know... Carin' so much about this and all!
CYRUS – [sarcastic] You mean having dignity?
GUZMA – [chuckles] You're so dramatic, bro...  
   Brief silence. Guzma stretches his arms and legs, trying to look as casual as possible before resuming his speech.
GUZMA – [with a carefree intonation] Anyways! You wrote it there that no one cares about ya, and, like... Dude, that's a pretty rough thing to say 'bout yourself, ey? [giggles]
  Cyrus clenches his jaw and stares at his own feet, embarrassed and upset.
GUZMA – Tsc... Like, c'mon, why all that drama? Who broke your heart, eh? [giggles] You can tell ya old boy Guzma here!
CYRUS – [looking up at him] Sigh... Don't turn that into some romantic gibberish, Guzma! It has nothing to do with that.
GUZMA – Yeah? Right, whatever. Still somethin' must have happen'd if you feel like that. So! Who hurt ya?
CYRUS – [Looking away] Why are you asking me that? Why does it matter to you?
GUZMA – Meh. Dunno, dude. I'm curious. Also, like... That's not true.
CYRUS – What is not true?
GUZMA – That no one cares 'bout ya! Like, I do, for example! That's why I'm askin'! Makes sense, right?
CYRUS – [snorts sarcastically] Right.
GUZMA – I mean it, bro! I'm here for ya! [winks again] Now, go on! Tell me about those feels, I know you wanna talk about it!
CYRUS – [out of patience, very emphatic] No, you do not. How would you know that?
GUZMA – [still smiling, folding his arms behind his head] 'Cause why else would'ya write it in your diary? You feel like tellin' someone! That means you need to talk! [winks for the third time]
CYRUS – [looking away, trying to hide his amazement at Guzma's perceptive mind.] Well, even if that were the truth, this conversation is useless. You should know what hurt me by now, if you read my diary.
GUZMA – Yeah, true, but... I didn't read, like... all of it, y'know? As I told ya! I was just readin' a bit of it! 'Cause, y'know, I'm not that much of a passionate reader, like... [giggles] When you start with those huge chunks of text I just skip ‘em! I only read some short parts and that's all!
CYRUS – [not amused] Hm.
  Cyrus glances around, discreetly checking if there's anyone else near. He then glances at Guzma, who is still smiling, as if nothing had happened. He sighs. He knows Guzma will not give up on his curiosity.
CYRUS – OK, so you want to know who hurt me? My parents did. That's all. Happy?
GUZMA – [stops smiling and tilts his head to the right] Ya parents? Yo, really?
    Guzma scratches his chin, as he sits up on the couch.
GUZMA – Dude, that's somethin'... Like, I know how that feels! My old man was also a real son of a Jynx, y'know? Like, real mean AF!
CYRUS – Oh. [frowns] I thought you said you had been raised in a sewer, by Raticates.
   Guzma briefly widens his eyes and stops smiling, but soon goes back to his previous expression.
GUZMA – [giggling, trying to hide his awkwardness and make something up quickly] Eh, yeah but, like... He was a mean Raticate! Totally savage, like, real bad parentin'! Like Ghetsis, y'know?! [thinks for a second and corrects himself] Uh... Actually, no, not that bad. No one's bad like Ghetsis as a parent! Even a Raticate is better.
CYRUS – Ugh. Please do not involve Ghetsis in this conversation, he is the last person I would like to think of now... or ever.
GUZMA – [laughing] Heh! So you also hate old Ghetsis, ey?
CYRUS – I do not “hate”. Feelings are irrational and useless. I hate no one.
GUZMA – [smiling maliciously] Dunno, bro, you seemed to have a fistful of feelings to write about in your diary!
CYRUS – [keeping a straight face, but blushing] I don't know what you're talking about. [brief pause] But I guess  I do prefer to keep my distance from Ghetsis.
GUZMA – Yeah, same. I dead serious hate that dude!
CYRUS – Why?
GUZMA – [Amazed] Dude, why?! Like, why would anyone not hate 'im?
CYRUS – [nodding] Point taken. Still, I do not see personal reasons for you to dislike him. Most of the time, he seems to ignore your presence.
GUZMA – Yeah, but dude's a big old friggin' stinky wild hog, like, what's wrong with that dude? He's a son of a Jynx who treats everyone like they're Pidgey poop! I don't need no personal reasons to dislike a guy like that!
CYRUS – That's fair enough.
GUZMA – Yeah, that dude doesn't care 'bout anyone but himself, that's a fact. [brief pause] And talkin' about “carin'”, let's go back to the main point here...
CYRUS – Sigh...
GUZMA – That is... You feel broken!
CYRUS – [offended] I don't- I never put it on those words! Actually, you're definitely over-interpreting things right now...
GUZMA – [Ignoring his protests] Why'dya feel like no one cares about you? [giggling] Do you feel needy or...?
CYRUS – [irrtated] Are you making fun of me?
GUZMA – [Skipping a seat on the couch to sit by Cyrus' side] Nah. I mean it for real. Why do you feel like that?
CYRUS – [annoyed again] Well, I thought it was pretty self-explanatory that when I said “no once cares”, I meant that I think other people don't give a flip about how I feel! Or about whether or not I'm even alive! [Guzma stares silently for a while and Cyrus blushes a bit, then takes a deep breath] I don't feel... appreciated. That's it.
GUZMA – [Suddenly more serious] Hm... That's rough...  
CYRUS – [Slightly ashamed] Look, I only write about those things in my diary because my therapist says it will help me understand myself, all right? Please, stop making a big deal out of it. It's not. It's nothing important.
GUZMA – Dude, like... I ain't the one makin' a big deal out of it...
    Cyrus widens his eyes a little again.
GUZMA – Like... I'm just talkin' about it 'cause it's not, y'know... normal? I mean, to feel that way, y'know? But I'm just chattin', like, casual talk! I ain't making a big deal outta anything! You're the one who's makin' big deal out of it, as if talkin' about that was a problem... Like, what's wrong with just talkin' about it?
    Cyrus looks away.
GUZMA – Wanna know what? I've felt like that before. I'ma be honest with ya, Cyrus, I've felt like that too in the past! I mean, livin' in the streets is not that easy sometimes, y'know? And when you ain't got nothin' and people just walk by and pretend they don't even see ya, how do you think you're gonna feel?
    Cyrus keeps looking to the other side.
GUZMA – But then, like... You end up findin' people who care! Like, I founded my team, made my friends, everythin' was all right! And screw the rest! So, like... Screw your parents, and Ghetsis and all of those Fudge-brained jerks like him! Life goes on and stuff. Things change. Time passes... Y'know?
CYURS – [looking at him with the corner of his eyes] Yeah, I suppose time doesn't usually just stop flowing in our dimension. Any other generic piece of advice?
GUZMA – [chuckles] Quite a sense of humor, eh, Cy-boy?
CYRUS – I don't have a sense of humor. What's the point of humor anyway?
GUZMA – Well, havin' fun!
CYRUS – What for?
GUZMA – Dude... like... for fun? [laughs] The heck of a question is that? There's no point! It just feels good!
CYRUS – Feeling good is just temporary. It will go away and you'll feel bad again later.
GUZMA – Which is just as temporary, 'cause you'll eventually feel good again! And so it goes! Ups and downs! Am I right? So instead of thinkin' about all that until you get a headache, why not just livin' your life?
CYRUS – The amount of cliches is gonna give me a headache, to be honest. What are you, a walking self-help book?
   Guzma bursts into a sincere laughter, leaving Cyrus slightly surprised.
GUZMA – Now that's a better mood! See, you do have a sense of humor, it's just kinda acid! I like that! [giggles] Yeah I like that...
   Cyrus stifles a chuckle and looks away again.
GUZMA – I saw that!
CYRUS – [Looking back at Guzma] What?
GUZMA – You smiled!
CYRUS – Must have been your imagination.
GUZMA – [chuckles] Right. [not that brief silence] But welp. Just to finish what I was sayin'. You had your share of pain in the past, like, you been hurt, I've been hurt, we all been hurt, 'K? Some more than the others, but...
CYRUS – You really don't give up on the cliches, do you?
GUZMA – Shush, let me finish! You had a rough past! OK! But that's over, dude. Look at us! We're livin' with friggin' Mr. Mafia Boss Giovanni here! I mean, dude's rich. Dude's above the law. Dude's nice. Kinda short-fused, I gotta say, but still nice! We got this big old house here... Free food... What else could we ask for, ey?
CYRUS – Aren't you deviating a bit from the topic?
GUZMA – Nah, I mean it! We're all livin' here now! And life here is good, is that not right? and like... You'll never see your parents again! Screw them! They're in the past!
CYRUS – They've been in the past for a long for me. This is not a problem anymore.
GUZMA – You were the one who brought up your parents...
CYRUS – Because you insisted on asking me about my wounds! But it's been a long time I haven't cared about my parents, and I don't intend to change that.
GUZMA – Yeah! Great! And now you've got a buncha people livin' with ya who are totally not like them! Like me and Maxie and Archie and Lusie and Lysandre... I mean. OK. Let's be honest, no one is like Lysandre, right? But still, we're all different from your parents! Just 'cause they made you feel like trash when you lived with them, that doesn't mean we all think you're trash too!
CYRUS – I'm not trash.
GUZMA – Yeah, that's the spirit, bro!
CYRUS – I-... OK. Whatever. Your point is...?
GUZMA – My point? [giggles] Dunno. Stop being an emo prick?
CYRUS – [rather offended] Well, I can be a caustic prick, since you prefer it.
GUZMA – [with a malicious smile once again] Nice, I love caustic humor! Then we kill two birds with one stone: you get your appreciation and I don't get none of your gloomy drama anymore!
CYRUS – What?! You frickin-...  I'm not making any drama, you brought this up yourself! I didn't even want to talk about it!
    Guzma laughs a bit and then taps Cyrus' back, making him a little bit uncomfortable.
GUZMA – Just jokin', bro! Relax!
    Cyrus crosses his arms and looks away once again, slightly grumpy. Guzma quickly grabs his diary.
CYRUS – [turning back at Guzma and trying to grab the diary] Hey!
GUZMA – Now let me just add somethin' here!
CYRUS – [Still trying to get the diary back] What?! Guzma!
GUZMA – [writing with a pencil while dodging Cyrus] And... Here... we... go!
   Guzma finishes writing and gives Cyrus his diary, which he grabs rather aggressively and immediately opens, searching for whatever Guzma wrote.
CYRUS – What have you written here?
  Cyrus gets to his last entry. At the bottom of the page he finds Guzma's handwriting. It reads “Guzma slaps!”.
CYRUS – [sarcastic] How touching.
GUZMA – What? Disappointed? Didya expect a somethin' mallow like “we all wove you, Cywus! Pwease don't feel wejected anymowe!” [laughs].
CYRUS – [Closing his diary and rolling his eyes] Shut up...
GUZMA – Welp. Hope to see some more cheerful stuff next time I grab your diary!
CYRUS – Next time?! [Guzma ignores him]
GUZMA – [stands up] I'm off now. Gonna meet Plum for a beer! But, hey, let's do somethin' together any day, how 'bout that, ey, Cy-boy?
CYRUS – [rather lost] Uh... I...
GUZMA – Do you play chess?
CYRUS – Uh... Y-yes. I do.
GUZMA – Thought so! Let's play a game of chess tomorrow then! Deal?!
CYRUS – Well... I can't see why not.
GUZMA – Nice! [taps his shoulder and leaves, then stops and turns back, giving him finger guns and winking once again] See ya, bro!
  Guzma leaves. Cyrus remains sitting on the couch, silent. He opens the diary again and stares at the bottom of his last entry for a few seconds. He grabs a pen and starts writing.
“Dear diary. Something rather peculiar just happened: I think I just made a friend... … That does not mean I give you permission to read my diary, Guzma. Close it. Now.”
------ (Scene by GabiWaffle)
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ombreecha · 4 years
what exactly happened w birkastan? i read your posts responding to them but i didn’t rly understand what the issue was, sorry 😬
No no it’s always okay to ask. I’ll do my best to explain the timeline of things
- I made a post letting my readers know that I don’t require any one specific form of appreciation.
- Birk reblogged one of my stories right after she liked my post and took a very small section out of the post I had made to my readers and pasted it in her reblog. The portion she took without context makes it appear that I don’t care about my audience and readers.
- I reaffirmed that I do not require any one form of appreciation and do not pressure my readers into verbal feedback. Birk confirmed she could see how what she had done could be looked in poor taste, but took this as me reaffirming her instead of being me essentially doing damage control for her taking something I said away from it’s original context.
- After a few replies because I cannot use the reply function with this account as it’s a side blog I request to move the conversation to PM as I didn’t want her feeling like I was putting her on blast in front of my audience.
- For roughly a week we proceeded to converse in PM over the topic of Content Creator vs Consumer. I typically would only respond once a day as, honestly, this was time consuming since no matter what response I provided she would cherry pick one or two sentences she decided to hyper focus on instead of responding to everything I had presented. We touched multiple times on how she should make an actual post properly addressing the fact she was calling literal strangers on the internet “sociopaths”, but her response each time was that it would be pointless as no one would read it.
- Friday came and after consistently watching her try to side step my points to focus on one or two things in paragraph long replies I put my foot down and very flatly just laid things down on the table with her. This specific response is actually public and can be found on twitter as I screenshotted it and released it to the public. She took me being flat as “malicious”. I responded back in kind that if she could not respond thoroughly to what I had to say we had nothing to discuss as this was just wasting my time at this point. She didn’t want to discuss things she just wants to press an agenda after all.
- Finally, Sunday morning I wake up to multiple notifications as @notimeliketoday had been going back and forth with Birk over on my story “Wild” due to Birk taking my words out of context.
- In this fight there appeared to be some kind of confusion that I deleted my portion where I tried to rectify her taking my words out of context. I think they just couldn’t find it because it got buried but Birk proceeded to make the claim that during their fight I must have deleted the post (this was not the case. I went to bed at 4:30 am and woke up sometime around 9 am and the fight had been started and ended during that time).
- I, at this point, became fed up. Other than putting my foot down and being flat in my resolve to no longer have my time wasted by someone who wasn’t actually even conversing to the points I presented had been pretty cordial about it all and was letting it slide that she, whether out of lack of realization or intention, took my words out of context. So to wake up to two parties flinging shit back and forth on one of my stories just was a final straw with Birk.
- Kyo did move the convo to a separate post (which is why Im not having an issue with her) somewhere in the midst of the fight which was massively appreciated but seeing the claims I was deleting things when I wasn’t and the lack of responsibility for taking something I said out of context after giving admission that she could see how she had done that was a breaking point for me to just publicly let it be known I’m not tolerating this behavior nor do I want her touching my work.
- I then made that post calling her out for essentially walking into my “home” so to speak flinging shit on my walls as I slept, lying, claiming I’m deleting things, and trying to side step the fact she’s under some delusion that what she did wasn’t inappropriate—as she tries to play victim hood the entire round.
- Birk then, cowardly might I add, dug her heels deep into all of the four mentioned in the above paragraph responded and then blocked me so I could not properly respond (I’m very familiar with this tactic online as people do it anytime they’re confronted for poor behavior—it’s essentially “haha! Got you I got the last word in and you can’t confront me or say I’m wrong!”)
- I then proceeded to screenshot and respond to each section of what she had said, and now we are here.
So that’s it. That’s what happened and occurred 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’s also evidently very upset I am making an informational post on the content creator vs consumer discourse so readers can understand what exactly is going on. I’ve seen a few posts where people are really confused and so I figure an informational post should be made so they can understand and decide how they personally feel about it.
Hope this helps!
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anarchistsuggestion · 5 years
hey, vaccinate your kids you jerks!!!
thanks for coming to my essay! now that i have your attention, i think we should stop talking about anti-vaxxers like theyre all backwards hyper-religious dumbasses. like, im frustrated too, and i agree that "personal/religious reasons" should not allow someone to keep their kids unvaccinated. furthermore, as an autistic person, i despise the myth that vaccines cause autism. i especially hate that it scares people into avoiding vaccines, because theres nothing wrong with me.
but ridiculing these people will only make the problem worse, and here's why: i think that a lot of anti-vaxxers and their communities are used to feeling like the most important aspects of their cultural identities are universally mocked or demonised (im not qualified to say whether these feelings reflect reality in every case, but either way im just talking about feelings, ie, what people think we believe about their culture). for instance, my only knowledge of amish people comes from jokes ive seen others make about them. yes, none of these jokes were very serious, and its easy for me to laugh at them because im not amish, but despite my low empathy i can understand that it just feels bad to hear a whole bunch of jokes about something important to you. i'll get back to this point in a moment.
anyway, i bring up the amish because in 2014, there were measles outbreaks in some amish communities in Ohio. and i think that a lot of the people who dont vaccinate their kids are used to being ridiculed for their "weird" or "new age" or "hyper-religious" or "unchristian" lifestyles, so they just see our concern as more of that mockery. we all sound the same to them, and cant you see why?
"ughh all these people ignoring science and being stubborn about vaccines because their church said--" you sound like one of those atheists. if you cant say anything productive, please stay out of the discussion. why do you act like ridiculing people will change their minds? we should be reaching out, instead.
we need to make the effort to approach anti-vaxxers in a way that distinguishes us from those who only converse with them to mock them.
i want more people to understand that the best way to change someone's mind when they're defensive is by listening. you need to be willing to accept whatever they might rant about, and respect that, even if their fears seem ridiculous, even if their fears are rooted in ableism, their fears still terrify them. thats why theyre called fears. you can validate someone's feelings of anxiety and confusion without validating their bigotry, and you must be willing to accept that this is work. this is difficult. it's much, much harder than yelling your opinions. it's exhausting, and sometimes it doesn't even pay off. sometimes you just can't convince somebody, and you have to be able to accept that.
if this seems too hard for you, i have good news: you do not have to do it. this kind of thing is not for everyone, and it's okay if you just don't want to. this doesn't have to be your responsibility.
i only ask that you stop making things worse by (performatively, in the case of yall who arent in danger of dying/losing a loved one to a preventable disease) mocking anti-vaxxers, because we are the ones who need something from them. we are asking them to face their fears (which were sometimes instilled in them very early in their childhood) for the good of humanity. i don't know about all of you, but i'd be hesitant at best to face even my third worst fear (spiders) for the sake of strangers who regularly mock my culture and heritage, and i know for a fact that most spiders cannot harm me!
this is natural. this is human. it is easy to dismiss things you dont understand, and it's even easier to dismiss them when all the scientific evidence agrees with you. however, your evidence does not make these people's experiences and fears less real for them. it does not lessen the effect their fear has on their choices. knowing that a tarantula won't hurt me if i follow certain guidelines will not stop me from shaking and having a breakdown if i think too hard about touching one. knowing that nothing bad would happen doesn't motivate me to go over to the science building at my college and ask to hold their fucking tarantula.
there are no shortcuts here. if we want anti-vaxxers to accept vaccines and stop putting so much effort towards keeping their children unvaccinated, we have to convince them that they don't need to be afraid of vaccines. we need to actually address their concerns. telling them their fears are ridiculous is just not convincing no matter how much scientific evidence you have. this discussion has become too performative. people just tell anti-vaxxers to vaccinate their kids, and they dont bother to address the fear that motivates their opponents. they don't care that they're asking people to trust a yelling internet stranger with their child's health.
it is inconsiderate to demand things from people without stopping to think about what you're asking for. please think about it from their point of view. if vaccines were dangerous, and they vaccinated their kids, then anything bad that happened to their kids due to the vaccines would be their responsibility. and remember, these people have not been given a convincing reason to believe vaccines are harmless. okay? they do not want to be at fault for their children getting hurt. yes, they are wrong. yes, they are frustrating. yes, they are endangering immunocompromised people like my dad, but there is a huge difference between being malicious and being misguided. please do not treat them like they set out to hurt you.
also? stop telling them to care about other people when you don't care enough about them to respect that they're doing their best with the resources they have. stop saying "i dont know how to explain to you that you should care about other people" when you really just want them to magically stop being scared. maybe you say it out of genuine frustration and bewilderment, but when everyone is saying it, it comes across like a smug 'gotcha!' phrase that excuses you from spending more energy on the debate. you can just say youre tired and stop.
i am trying to explain to you that you should care that these people have felt scammed/hurt by the medical industry enough times that they feel justified in risking the health of their whole family (assuming they even think vaccines work). you should care that theyve never been given a convincing reason to trust remedies promoted by rich strangers who make claims that sound too good to be true. the government has promoted harmful things to underprivileged people before, like milk (it took me a half hour to sift through unrelated stuff about soy milk to confirm this, so i'll go ahead and link my source). it is logical to mistrust an industry that operates for the profit of people youve never met. not everyone trusts the FDA to keep the pharmaceutical industry in check, and it's actually pretty smart to rely on direct accounts from people you know personally when you aren't sure how well something actually works, and you dont trust the ones selling it to you.
with that in mind, talking to people is probably the best way to tackle this issue, but many of you haven't bothered to compile introductory information about vaccines. you havent bothered to present these resources in a way that doesn't ridicule people who are scared. i am trying to explain to you that you shouldn't debate with people if you won't treat them like humans. i am trying to explain to you that "you dont actually care about others" is a hurtful and manipulative sentiment, and when you say it to people who are trying their best, you become part of the problem. you reinforce their mistrust. i am trying to explain to you that trusting doctors doesnt make you morally superior.
put yourself in their shoes for a moment. imagine that someone comes up to you and makes it clear that they think the choices you've made as a parent are ridiculous. they make claims about your child without offering proof, or the only proof they offer also mocks you and people like you (or they just tell you to "google it"). furthermore, they tell you that unless you give in, something bad will happen to their own children, and it will be your fault.
this is manipulative. even if you are correct, it is manipulative. demanding that someone treat their child in a way that they consider harmful is just ridiculous and i don't know why you expect people to listen to you. do you expect this to be easy? do you honestly believe that if someone isn't converted within minutes, they're just being stubborn? do you think these people know the truth, and only persist out of spite?
these questions are necessary, because many of you talk about anti-vaxxers as though the answer is 'yes.' there is a difference between being correct and treating people right. please be more aware of that line in the future, and do your best not to cross it.
oh, and by the way, if i see any of you using this year's measles outbreaks as an excuse to be hateful towards jewish people, i will block and report you. antivaxxers usually arent malicious, and if you perceive orthodox jewish antivaxxers as being worse than other antivaxxers, you need to rethink your beliefs. they arent rejecting vaccines just to hurt you. maybe theyre tired of being demonised and blamed for everything from climate change to unemployment to dead kids*, and theyre unwilling to trust random people with something as important as the health of their children when a lot of us have never bothered to listen to their struggles. (* ive seen a whole lot of people saying things that border on blood libel without quite involving blood during these discussions, so can we all agree to be careful not to do anything that resembles that shit now that ive provided a handy link about what it is? thanks)
lastly, all of this criticism of anti-anti-vaxxers is very easy for me to say because i have less of a personal stake in the issue. i know it must hurt in a way i can't currently understand to lose someone to a preventable disease. if i have made anyone feel dismissed or invalidated in this essay post, i'm sorry for doing so, and i want to make it clear that it is okay if you hate anti-vaxxers. i know their fear has hurt you, and i wouldn't ask you to pretend otherwise. i dont want to make any of you feel like you shouldn't talk about your experiences and fears. i'm just asking that, before you hit the post button, you read through your post and edit out anything manipulative or guilt-trippy. your contributions to this conversation are valuable, and i want the people youre trying to convince to be able to read them without feeling like they have to defend themselves instead of listening to you. the culture around this debate has become almost hostile, and while we dont all need to work directly with anti-vaxxers to make it better, we do all need to agree to stop making it worse.
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lightshielded · 5 years
guy im writing out the summary of the laws of stone and i CAN’T fathom how sylas even has followers. like riot has fractured demacian lore with a few sentences and actually made demacia kinda chill to live in as a mage before the events of him breaking out compared to the lore we had before. not saying it’s great just better than the other lore.
“You’ve been here before, then, lord seeker?” said Cithria, after Gunthar ordered the soldiers to follow the mageseeker’s directions. The mageseeker nodded.
“A young girl lived here,” he said. “Powerful mage.”
“You… captured her?” said Cithria, wide-eyed.
“She gave herself in,” chimed in Arno. “She was benign. Registered. Normally, one such as her wouldn’t be taken in, but ever since—”
“Arno!” snapped Cadstone.
The younger mageseeker fell quiet, looking chastened.
. . .
“You took her daughter…” Cithria breathed, looking at Cadstone.
The mageseeker nodded grimly.
“We had to,” he said. “The law was amended. Any citizen with known magical power, benign or otherwise, is now ordered to be brought in for judgment. Every mage in the kingdom.”
“She was just a girl!” shouted the woman, jabbing her crossbow in the mageseeker’s direction. “You locked her away! With all those criminals! Or maybe she has been exiled and is out beyond the borders, alone! You condemned her!”
the fact that the law was amended means that the current state wasn’t how it is currently. and the fact that he mentions ‘ benign or otherwise ’ means BENIGN magic citizens used to be CHILL in demacia as long as they followed the laws of stone aka don’t USE magic. you can have it, be as powerful as you like, just don’t use it within the borders. control yourself. also the previous bit which says a benign and registered mage wouldn’t be brought in, they were fine but the laws have changed which also supports this.
like even the mother knows those locked there were CRIMINAL mages either just minor or MAJOR idk but her actions seem like they might be major criminal mages and like her daughter isn’t one we can all agree. even the mageseeker knows but as he says later the law is the law and he had to follow it ( and then the mother rightfully says the law is wrong ).
“You have been a guest within the borders of Demacia before, have you not?” said Cadstone, without any pretense of small talk. “You are aware of the Laws of Stone?”
“Yes, I have been here before, good seeker,” said Arjen, “and I am aware of your kingdom’s rules and regulations. I shall honor the Laws of Stone and make no use of my… talents… while within your realm. I give you my word.”
“Good,” said Cadstone. “Mageseeker Arno and I will be with you, from now until the moment you leave Demacia. It is our task to hold you to your word. Know that there will be repercussions if you do not abide by our laws. But if you abstain from using your… talents, as you call them… then all will be well.”
and we don’t even know if this mageseeker escort existed before the laws were amended. foreign mages might have just had to alert the authorities like demacian citizens did then do their stuff and maybe have escorts if they were envoys. like the implication of a mageseeker ASKING if he has been to demacia before implies that he has NEVER been escorted by a mageseeker before.
ESSENTIALLY, this new lore implies that the harsh treatment of mages ( that we were used to in demacia ) is due to sylas killing all those people in demacia. this is shown by this which gives as a point on the timeline and what the soldiers themselves think.
“Why send us all the way out here?” said the soldier leaning against the wall of the gatehouse, arms folded across his chest. “There’s blood on the streets of the Great City, and we’re sent to the border?”
. . .
It was only a month since the rogue mage Sylas had escaped imprisonment and ripped the heart of Demacia apart. That insane, horrifically powerful rebel had ignited a wave of unrest across the kingdom, and even now the Great City was locked down, the military controlling the streets to ensure order.
which means he is responsible for most of the CURRENT suffering of mages like that girl being ripped away and either locked up and exiled ( if you recall those were the punishments of mages in lux’s lore so they must have been ‘criminal’ mages ).
and then you might ask ‘ but what about sylas, he was used by the mageseekers to find other mages. ’ yeah so he turned himself in like that girl did but he wasn’t exiled or locked away because he was benign. if it wasn’t for his particular gift he would have been returned home after being registered just like that girl would have. instead they saw his gifts useful in finding CRIMINAL mages. note, he was following those that USED their magic and so broke the laws of stone. this skews his view quite a bit as the punishment for breaking the laws of stone is exile or imprisonment which becomes death should you attack the mageseeker as they will defend themselves or they will die and then they are branded a murderer which is ALSO a death sentence in demacia if you read ‘ for demacia ‘.
so due to being used as a sniffer dog to track down criminal mages he saw only the treatment of criminal mages and suffered at the hands of the most prejudiced in demacia  he has a very warped view point towards the entirety. so when he breaks out, AND CAUSES THE LAWS TO BECOME STRICTER, he finds himself justified as now all mages have that horrible treatment even if he was ultimately the cause.
and my issue is wouldn’t most mages know this? that the laws changed right after? which makes me believe that he has an army of youths and old criminals ( where the crime was USING their magic ). cause at least to me, no person who knows someone has lead to a deepening of their suffering would join them. y’know?
but it also kinda helps explain sona to me. why sona’s adoptive mother would bring her to demaica, a magic hating nation. and that answer seems to be, because it WASN’T as bad as it was now. like idk. maybe she is dumb or malicious and doesn’t care about sona. but i don’t know. i think it just wasn’t as bad and that having a magic daughter ( as long as she didn’t use the magic ) wasn’t an issue. idk. all this changing lore and changing law is very confusing.
AND AN ADDITION! it also explains shyvana. why jarvan didn’t seem too fazed about her being a half - dragon. it only says he was raised to distrust magic and that his people are suspicious of it. NOT OUT RIGHT HATEFUL AS THEY ARE NOW. even the villagers only were scared when she turned into a dragon and jarvan was able to calm them down. like her being a dragon was LESS of an issue as it is NOW. people were suspicious of her, but now her life is in danger and rioters note she is keeping on the down low.
why must i have a political muse and a need to understand everything about him / his home?
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