#when you don't have the motivation to write drawing the characters is the next best thing I guess.
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I updated her design a bit.
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ciel-yuu · 10 months
I really loved the last post that you posted "Can I draw on you?" And I was wondering if you could draw it for Diavolo too..
You can ignore this if you don't feel like writing, I don't mind! 🙀🫶🫶
Don't forget to drink lots of water, and know that you are loved 😋💞
Hello! Thank you for your lovely greetings ^^ I don't mind writing it because I plan to write for the side characters too so dont worry :D I hope you enjoy this version too, have a nice day! o(≧▽≦)o
"Can I draw on you?"
Scenery: You have a habit of drawing doodles on your notes or sometimes your hands when you get bored. One day while you're sitting next to him, you get bored and after turning both of your arms into paintings full of random doodles, you start to turn your attention to his arms. And so after a while of staring you decide to ask him. "Can I draw on you?"
Pairing: Side character x gn!reader. Warning: None
He invites you to visit him at the student council office after he's finished his day's paperwork and has been given Barbatos permission to rest for a while.
"Hmm? Draw on me? What is that?"
He doesn't understand what you mean because the idea of drawing something on him makes him think more about makeup or tattoos. Seeing this you extend your hands so he can see the colorful little drawings on it and explain how you like to do doodles in various places.
Extremely excited and agreed to let you do it with a big smile on his face. Watching you draw cute little drawings on his hand attentively because he has never seen this before and no one dares to do this with him.
Take a picture and send it to Barbatos and Lucifer's chat group to brag all week.
Enchanting the drawings so they don't fade despite Barbatos' objections to keeping the image of a prince, he promises not to pull up his sleeves and reveal the drawings in public so Barbatos couldn't force him any further.
Let you draw on him whenever you want. Also wanted to draw on you and was extremely happy when you agreed.
You visit him after he ask you to came over to try the new cake he just created. He's fixing the recipe after you've tried it so it can be perfect, he wants you to try the best.
"Hmm? Do you really want to do it now?" nodding with puppy eyes "Haiz, I'll take this as your reward for coming to help me try the cake today then."
Smiling helplessly at your request but not refusing, he loves that you enjoy doing things with him.
Hold out one hand for you so you can get creative with the pens on his arm, while he perfectly do all the baking steps with one hand and his tail. He was used to getting multi job done at once as a butler, working with one hand was not something new to him.
Compliment your work once you're done with a gentle smile and decide to decorate some cookies in your drawing style as a gift.
Also enchant your work so it doesn't fade and enjoy looking at it as he does errands by himself. It makes him feel like you're with him.
(Of course no one knows this because he is also covered from head to toe like Lucifer.)
Will always let you draw on him every time you ask no matter how busy he is, he always has time in his busy schedule for you.
You visit him in the Purgatory Hall during a group study session or, more accurately, you are the one studying while he is finishing a manuscript for his latest work. It makes him feel more motivated to write, especially when you're with him.
"Draw on me? Of course, here."
He holds out his non-dominant hand to you with a gentle smile and goes back to writing. Simeon doesn't mind you wanting to use his hand for something, sometimes you hold his hand or fall asleep on his shoulder during your time with him so it doesn't make him feel inconvenience or anything.
After finishing the work he carefully looks at your lovely works in his hands and gives you many compliments for them. He especially likes the doodle of a puppy with a beret because he knows you drew it after Luke.
Also took a picture and sent it to Lucifer to show off but his photographic ability was of course not very good so Lucifer didn't understand it at first until he explained what it was.
Keeps your work perfect for a few days and doesn't mind showing it off, he even took off his gloves so it wouldn't be hidden.
Alway let you do it again everytime you want, he sometimes asks you to draw the demon brothers on his hand to tease them.
You are in Solomon's room after completing another sorcerer study with him. Solomon is currently researching an ancient book for a new experiment, he just found it so he's excited to try it out.
"Drawn on me? Like on your hand?" Nod. "Hmm… Okay, how could I refuse a request from my lovely apprentice."
He agrees with an amused smile and then holds out a hand to you so you can do whatever you like. Actually usually his hands will have a lot of pact marks on it so he always wears long sleeves but since you wanted to draw he purposely made it disappear so you have room to do it.
Pretend to keep reading, but he's actually still staring at you as you continue to doodle on his hand. Giggle when he sees you draw a picture of him with a star wand beating little demons.
Compliment your drawings with a hint of teasing and say that he and you are now has matching drawing on hands like a couple.
Showing off to everyone with a smirk, especially the demon brothers to the point where Mammon almost bit off his arm.
Allows you to draw on him whenever you want, especiall like it when you draw it similar to the drawings on your hand at the time.
master list | the demon brothers ver | thank for reading ^^!
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iraprince · 4 months
do u have any advice for those that want to run a quest?
it feels a LEETLE silly answering this when all my own are currently on hiatus bc i got busy (SORRY TO CALLIST0 READERS LOL) BUT!!! yes i do. i have only ever run quests/interactive comics on the site questden, so i guess as a baseline this will kind of all be geared towards that, but i think most of this should translate to any hosting situation
you have to be cool with your plots branching and mutating in unexpected ways, and you have to be willing to play ball with your readers. quests are a collaboration between the author and the audience. it often feels a lot like gming a tabletop campaign (and that's the origin!! questden, specifically, was originally an offshoot of /tg/.) -- we've all had or heard about bad GMs who view their position as that of a narrative dictator who exists to punish and prod a captive group of players thru their own personal novel, but a good GM is interested in telling stories as a group. u have final say and have to stay true to the important stuff abt ur story, but if u get mad or frustrated when ur readers want to explore something "off topic" or aren't following the threads of ur narrative the way u expected them to, u don't actually want to run a quest, u just want to make a webcomic w mandatory comments. (the flip side of this is: consider if the story u want to make is the right one for an interactive quest. if it is REALLY important to u that the plot beats of a story go a certain way, maybe save it for a medium where u have more control!)
keep it loose and fast. the art does not matter. i am rly guilty of not following this one, but i still think it's really important! one of the things i like best about quests is the barrier to entry is very low and you SHOULD be able to start and maintain one very quickly. if i were better at keeping my art scrabbly and sketchy and loose, my stuff would not go on hiatus as often as it does. draw fast! it's NICE if the art is gorgeous to look at and definitely will draw readers, but it's way better if the art is simple enough that you can update frequently and without much stress. the quality of ur writing + character building, and whether u are telling a story that's engaging and that ur readers feel meaningfully involved in, is 100000x more important than the art.
on the more nitty gritty side: try to have a hook in each update. one of the most common reasons suggestions die off is readers being unsure of what they're supposed to do next. sure, too much spoonfeeding could end up feeling like railroading, and you don't have to end every single update by getting right in their faces and yelling "WHAT DO YOU DO NEXT??", but when you finish an update try to take a second to put yourself in a reader's shoes and see if there's an obvious next step. is there a course of action to decide on/debate, are there clear questions they can ask an npc, etc -- i can't think of a great way to describe it, but you want to avoid ending an update on a note where the player character and readers are basically sitting there looking at each other like "um... okay. that's that, then." some ppl even just end all their updates w multiple choice options, which is a super simple way to keep things moving if it fits the style of what ur doing. if you don't want it to be that overt but you still can't think of a way for there to be a clear hook, you can at least try to leave a little nudge in the narration that invites the readers to try to tie whatever they've just done/learned back into the pc's main goals/motivations or current tasks. (on this subject, VERY useful for your main character to have a very specific goal or end destination that everyone is on the same page abt. it's harder for your plot to lose momentum if you can always point at what your readers are supposed to be moving toward!)
finally: KEEP UPDATING EVEN IF YOU GET VERY FEW/NO SUGGESTIONS. it's a niche genre. questden is a small website. it's hard to get people to read something new, especially if it's in a new and unfamiliar format (and especially especially when it's on a website that looks like a chanboard lmao). picking up readers takes a long time, and a lot of people lurk without suggesting (ESPECIALLY if it's a difficult/plot-important decision, and also especially in the opposite, if it's a very obvious next step and someone else has already commented what most ppl would say). it's very tempting to want to wait for more suggestions bc u "only" have one or two, and then that wait becomes stagnation, and then you're frustrated and u end up dropping the quest bc "nobody cares." instead u just have to push thru!!!! u only have two suggestions and u wish u had more? maybe next update u'll get more. u have NO suggestions and u feel like that means ur quest is dead in the water? NOPE! the solution is to update again, bc maybe ppl with latch on more and have something to say in the next scene. the more u update ur quest, the more u'll be able to talk abt it (and maybe get more readers), and specifically in the case of questden the more ur thread will be bumped to the front page. think abt how many times you've seen ppl talking abt a webcomic or a book and thought "i need to check that out eventually...." but it takes months for you to actually do it. 99.9999% of the time, ppl need to see something MULTIPLE TIMES before they check it out!! most readers do not come from clicking something the very first time they see it!! i know it can feel lonely and discouraging, but u owe it to ur art and the stories u want to tell to keep trying, even if engagement is very low at first, otherwise you're killing it before it's even had a chance. like, get shameless about it. ask your buddies to comment on your quest. but give that horse a few really good whacks before you decide it's dead!! i think that's my main thoughts. if you have any more specific questions i'm happy to help if i can! but also i think you'll learn the most by just jumping in and fucking around. quests are easy to pick up and easy to drop, and imo do really well as a playground where u test different ways to draw and tell stories, so might as well just get messy.
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writer-freak · 4 months
Crackling Tension | Childe x Gn reader College AU
Summary: The undeniable tension between you and Childe had to snap one day and that day was finally here. 
The headcanons and the fic are separate and aren't intended to play in the same universe
Warnings: gn reader, modern au, college au, have never played genshin so could be ooc, fluff, kissing, english isn't my first language
A/n: Wrote this for my bestie's birthday but personally I don't really know anything about genshin, still tried my best because he is my bestie's fav character. I wasn't very confident in writing him so I did some headcanons and also a little fic (they are not really related to each other)
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more
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Childe as a Roommate (college Au):
Childe is that roommate who's always out partying
Whether it's a random weeknight or the weekend, you can bet he's got some plans or is trying to convince you to join him
His room is always cluttered with sports gear, gym bags, and probably a couple of questionable protein shakes
He's the guy who's always hitting the gym or asking you to come along for a workout, claiming it's a great stress reliever
Childe loves cooking, and surprisingly, he's good at it
Expect to come back to the smell of some mouthwatering food he's whipped up for the both of you.
And yes, he will brag about his cooking skills
There's a constant stream of friends coming and going from your shared apartment. Childe is social and has a wide circle of friends, so your place becomes the unofficial hangout spot
He's a bit messy but somehow manages to charm his way out of any cleaning responsibilities. You'll often find yourself picking up after him, but he'll make it up by treating you to his latest cooking experiment
Childe is surprisingly good with plants. He has a couple of potted ones in the shared living space, and he's convinced they respond better to his presence
You're not entirely sure if that's true, but you don't mind the greenery
His music taste is all over the place, one moment, you're hearing classical music and the next, it's heavy metal
Childe says that he believes in appreciating all genres
The atmosphere around Childe and you crackled with an undeniable tension, one that seemed to intensify with each day of your college life. From the moment Childe decided to sit in the seat next to you, the spark between you two was inevitable.
It all began innocently enough, with friendly exchanges and polite smiles. However, Childe's teasing nature couldn't be suppressed for long. He can't recall the specifics of that day, the one where he shifted from pleasant banter to outright teasing. All he remembered was the scowl that adorned your face in response, and for some reason, that scowl did something to him.
From that moment on, Childe made it a point to tease you relentlessly. It became a daily routine, a game of cat and mouse where he was the mischievous feline and you were the feisty mouse. The scowl on your face only seemed to fuel his determination, and your responses, though annoyed, held a subtle hint of something more.
The teasing became a dance, an unspoken agreement between two individuals who refused to acknowledge the magnetic pull drawing them closer. It wasn't just about the words exchanged, it was about the charged glances, the stolen moments when your eyes locked, and the unspoken understanding that lingered in the air.
Onlookers couldn't help but notice the palpable tension. Friends whispered about the chemistry, the undeniable attraction that hung between you two like an electrified thread.
Yet, neither of you were ready to admit it. Pride and uncertainty danced hand in hand, keeping the unspoken truth buried beneath layers of playful banter.
Then came the night of the frat house party. The air was thick with anticipation as the music played in the background.
Childe, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist pushing the boundaries. The teasing took a different turn that night, the playful banter evolving into something charged with desire. Perhaps it was the dim lights or the energy of the party, but the tension that had been building finally reached its breaking point.
Childe's teasing became more daring, and your scowls began to transform into smirks and witty responses. Amid the crowded party, the world around you faded into background noise.
It started with hands wandering, you don't even remember how you ended up in a corner together with Childe.
But it didn't matter how you ended here, the only thing important for you was to finally feel his lips on yours.
Childe on the other hand wanted to prolong the teasing for just a little longer, seeing you so desperate was his favorite look on you.
Instead of connecting your lips with each other he purposefully stayed away from them deciding to ghost his lips around your ear.
While he continued his ministrations, you knew that there was a way to finally make him buckle. You leaned closer to him and breathily said his name into his ear, and that just snapped something inside of him.
The tension that had defined every one of your interactions finally found release in the searing heat of that unexpected kiss, leaving both of you breathless.
As the kiss deepened, the world outside of your moment faded into the background. The music became a distant echo as you and Childe started to completely get lost in the moment. His hands found home on your waist, drawing you closer, while the teasing glint in his eyes transformed into a more earnest hunger.
For a moment, everything melted away, leaving only the raw, unfiltered desire that had simmered beneath the surface for so long.
Childe's lips moved against yours with a fervor that mirrored the intensity of the tension that had led to this moment. Every touch, every sigh, became a testament to the unspoken connection that you finally expressed.
In this moment you completely lost yourself, intoxicated by the feeling of Childe against you.
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Divider by: @saradika-graphics
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holly-fixation · 1 year
Jenova is such an interesting creature/concept and is absolutely the reason this is the series I write fanfiction for. I have plenty of other games I've played for much longer yet the combination of Sephiroth, Jenova, the Cetra, and the Lifestream always keep me coming back.
So, for fun, here's the way I break down Jenova in my own work. Or what I like to call "the Jenova Mindset".
What is a mindset? I have yet to meet a single writer that doesn't immediately know what a "mindset" is even if they don't use the word. It's really the head space you need to be in to write a certain character. How they think, how they react, what their motivations are, what they want to do next vs what they need to do next, etc. I still find myself changing certain ways of thinking to fit characters more and more, even if I've basically solidified what they are.
Jenova is an interesting case for me.
I always stuck to rules for "Her", even when I first started. Jenova is the Calamity, the virus, the doppleganger, the first meteor. But Sephiroth did willingly go to her, so there must be some kind of draw, some pull. This draw is governed by the internal pull of Reunion and by "Her voice". But Jenova is an alien creature that consumes the life forces of planets. She doesn't sound like anything we would know or recognize or even understand. Not once do I describe Her voice with gender or pitch. Perceived emotions, intentions, dizzying feelings, and descriptions that do not exist for voices, that's what She would be. "Cosmic, astral, celestial, galactic, gravitational". I can go on all day.
Do I think She can speak in the games? Do I think she spoke to Sephiroth at Nibelhiem? I have no idea. I just like playing with potential draws of what She could say.
Now that She has a voice, what does she say? This is extremely difficult for me because every word must draw you in, give this feeling of concern and false care in your chest when you read. As a writer, this really difficult to pull off, but I try. How?
She is always kind to Sephiroth. Always. Ignoring whatever will happen when Evercrisis drops, we can easily assume he had a terrible childhood and a standoffish adulthood. Sephiroth is weird and sheltered and doesn't have a lot of common ground for normal conversation. He grew up in a cruel environment most likely controlled by Doctor Hojo. With a few words, she needs to make him feel accepted and cared for. She copies this perceived kindness from Gillian, Angeal's mother who canonically had Jenova cells implanted in her before his birth. She will only coax Sephiroth, she will never push. Drilling the same phrase into Sephiroth's mind is risky and is only used when there is no other option. If he is too far from Her or too distracted by his not-yet-completely-tragic life, small messages like 'come to me' or small feelings in dreams are Her best chance. Usually Her words spark Sephiroth's childhood desire for a mother, warm and comforting and uncomfortably safe. She speaks with a kindness he is not used to until he calls her 'Mother'. Only once he gives Her that title and unknowingly that power does She call him 'my son'. She fills that hunger within him with or without his title from then on.
Next, as you've probably already noticed, She should not feel normal. She should not seem the same as the other characters throughout the world, thus "She" and "Her" are always capitalized to give that subconscious feeling of Jenova having a greater presence in any situation. To aid in this, Her words are at minimum bolded. Maximum they are italicized and bolded, but this is usually reserved for telepathy. She does not speak in full capital letters. She does not lose her Temper, not anymore, not after failing to the Cetra. That's what Sephiroth's for. All she needs to do is point him in the correct direction. He is Her weapon. She is his support. They share one goal. She may be at Sephiroth's side, but by then he is already carrying out her legacy.
Lastly, (and silly me, I almost forgot), She will never lose. I make jokes about being "The Queen of the Nibelhiem Incident" because even when I'm given a scenario or set of steps where Sephiroth choses not to join her that makes perfect sense, I subconsciously take it apart, I analyze each detail before his decision is made, and I change the outcome back to its fiery course. Jenova will always be at Sephiroth's side and they will claim the planet. End of story. That's their goal. I've literally asked other writers for permission to make new endings for their own stories just because these plans never leave my head, and for SOME reason even the HAPPIEST, FLUFFIEST, NO FIRE ALLOWED writers say yes. Not every one of my fics ends or will end in flames, but there's a constant struggle between Her power and the will of the protagonists that I must keep in check. Though this isn't directly related to The Jenova Mindset, it's what constantly drives Her. She is a virus. She is a survivor. She is persistent. She is patient. She waited two thousand years to complete her goal and get revenge on the Cetra. She will use the last of Her control to use the son humanity gave Her.
I will never lose. I will never leave. Time is a precious resource. Use it well. Recover, build, control your puppets.
Claim what is rightfully ours when you're ready. Be patient. Be calm. Our time will come. Rest for now. Regain your strength.
That's what the Jenova Mindset is.
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rohirric-hunter · 3 months
Oh yeah and this is the shortlist of my OCs/stolen canon characters that are going to Umbar:
Leonys. Leonys is getting to Umbar in an unconventional manner and will not be involved with most of the Epic.
Hathellang. I know the devs aren't reading my fanfic because that's illegal*, but I honestly do find it hard to believe, after they wrote the perfect foil for Hathellang in Nakasi. And it's a delightful challenge because while there's a fair chance I couldn't do so well myself, there's a 100% chance I wouldn't have. Like this is not something I would have thought to write, regardless of how perfect it is. And that's always fun to play with!
Indarant. I mentioned at some point the idea of multiclassing her "back" into Loremaster, but wasn't really sure what I would do with that. A really good setup is a sorcerer antagonist who makes a big deal out of drawing his power from nature. Make her face head-on what scared her so much about the power way back when. Also Kholtekh is going to come up to her like, "I think maybe Thorongil might have possibly become a king. What do you think of that?" and she's gonna fully look him in the eyes and say, "He did. What about it?" Like in public. Woman has No Tact. I am still figuring out her in-universe reasons for going, though.
Dahlia and Ferelin. I may or may not have mentioned on here that their big motivation for leaving the Shire was to track down their missing father, who, being a Took, had gone off on an Adventure, as Tooks do, and then never came back before they were born. So they've actually never met him. And spoilers technically but I don't really care -- they do eventually find him, one of the oar-slaves aboard a Corsair ship in Pelargir. Pretty quickly after the Black Gate he goes back to the Shire to see their mother. The twins, dealing with mixed feelings about All That, stay behind and go adventuring with Leonys and Hathellang some more. They need to see some of the things their father saw, and also have some conversations with a certain old friend going by a really stupid name and playing at being a bounty hunter assassin. For character development.
Helegdil. Helegdil is my mariner alt and is specifically being developed to stop this from happening again. Leonys and Hathellang weren't even supposed to go to Gundabad, let alone Umbar. They need to go home before I have to rewrite major parts of Blood of the Covenant on account of it happening years in the future. So the next time the Urge strikes me to throw them at a new questline I am going to do my level best to throw Helegdil at it instead. He's a new character and hasn't told me much about himself yet, but I've got a strong base with some wibbly themes that I can work into whatever stories he ends up in, probably. Heavily inspired by many indulgent fanfics set in post-war Gondor that I read as a kid.
I am putting Candaith in this situation. Candaith has an arc in Blood of the Covenant that I think will benefit from this sort of adventure.
I would really like to put Boromir in this situation too. I don't know how feasible it is from a logistical standpoint, since Imrahil's very good reasons for not going would also apply to him I think. But I have this vague fuzzy idea for what to Do With Boromir post-war and I think this would lead into it very well. That's the trouble with writing an AU that saves characters that die in canon. You have to Do Something with them, especially if, as in this case, parts of the shape of the story after their death are defined by their absence. It can be a lot of heavy lifting.
*It's not illegal actually I don't think but their lawyers will tell them not to do it. For this specific reason. If I was of a less agreeable sort and could produce evidence that they were reading my fanfic then they run the risk of getting sued. I wouldn't win this particular case, I don't think, but getting sued is expensive. And this has happened in the past I think with some TV shows. So unfortunately no fanfic for writers while they're actively writing for a property.
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spectralstitions · 7 days
Some progress I've made this month! + goals
May's not over yet, but... Well, you know that point you reach as a creative when suddenly just thinking about working on the thing you want to work on is physically painful? Well, I've hit that wall, and frankly, I'm a little sick of the migraines and nausea I keep getting from trying to push through, so I figured the next best thing would be to write up an exhilarating post summarizing the month's efforts!
The largest chunk of progress on I made on anything this month was Art Fight prep! I started pretty early this year, but unfortunately I cannot claim this as a calculated move on my part. More like my overwhelming desire to bring my designs to paper just happened to line up with the Art Fight cycle, which, surprisingly, hasn't happened before this year! I'm glad for it because it'll mean a lot less stress closer to the event. I've also decided to think of it as a good omen for this year. My mindset regarding art is at the best its been in a very long time and I'm excited to see what comes of it!
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Characters in order: Jesper, Mikolaj, Silas, Lilybelle, Finlay, Fenmore, Jaks, Mila & Wenzel, and Jitterbug
These height charts are probably the best visualization I've got for this month's progress, although they don't reflect everything I made. There are three other refs for non-drifter characters that I finished this month, too. In total, that's nine refs, or eleven designs, that I've completed over the course of these twenty-eight days. I was feeling a little inadequate about that until I reminded myself that creating a functional drawing via a character design is pretty different than just making a character drawing. With the latter, you can get away with a lot of looseness and vagueness no problem, but in creating something meant to fully represent a character and communicate all the important info to another person in one go, it's a little more of an involved process. So, considering I was doing that on top of actually designing a lot of the characters more or less on the spot, I actually think I've made pretty good progress, or at least I have by my standards!
The sketched characters on the chart represent my progress on the last three characters I absolutely want to have refs for before Art Fight starts. There are three other characters I would like to have refs for if time and energy allows: River, Crow, and Antares (a character from my other project, The Already Dead), but the ones on the chart are the priority.
For context, since I can't wrap my head around measurements, I imagine the average height for a character in this world would be somewhere between Mikolaj and Silas' height.
After I've completed the height chart, I might do a bit of color touch up to improve the cohesion. In particular, Mila and Wenzel are looking a little washed out. It'll be a bit annoying because that would mean re-uploading the refs to Art Fight and to Toyhou.se and to my Google Drive art folder... but that's the price I pay for not working on everybody at once.
As for the remaining characters: Lilybelle needs to be designed completely and both Mikolaj and Jitterbug have shape designs but no color designs (I just realized I saved almost every single girl for last lol). I kinda expect the three of them, plus Jaks, to go through significant changes again by next year - the four of them have not really been marinating in my brain this past year the way the others have, so they're closer to first drafts than the others. Which is probably part of why I'm starting to feel discouraged from working on their refs, but I reaaallllyyy want to have them on my Art Fight page, so I'm just gonna suck it up. Or I will after a short break, anyways.
I've also been updating everybody's descriptions which has been fun! I don't enjoy writing spreadsheet-esque character profiles characteristic of Toyhou.se so I summarize everything on Art Fight instead. It's a little easier and more motivating to write when there's a functional purpose to it. I'm gonna do a final round of editing once everybody's up, but all the core information has been made up-to-date!
For my Last Art-Fight related point, I wanted to list out a few goals for myself for the event! The first is to get out more attacks than I have in any previous year (which should be very possible thanks to my new and much-improved process and mindset) and the second is to revenge as many people as possible, even if only with something small. I really need to balance out my battle ratio lol.
I've also began slowly-but-surely thumbnailing for OC illustrations that I'm actually genuinely interested in as well as for a few page-long micro-comics featuring my characters. There are some much longer ones I'd like to make some day, but when you have the attention span of a door knob it's hard enough to make long-form media without all the worldbuilding and lore and backstory stuff and THINKING I've gotta do on top of that. Drawing the stupid thing is easy, it's the planning stage that's a complete nightmare. So although I'm starting to plan for bigger things, I wouldn't actually expect any longform comics, or anything longer than like a page or two, for multiple years or until I get ADHD meds (If I can ever remember to do anything about that lol). But hey, itty bitty micro-comics, I can do that. I'm gonna practice with those and who knows what'll happen!
There've been a few worldbuilding developments as well, the two biggest ones being that I figured out the cultural clothing styles between all the different species (which I very much hope to make a nice post about one day) and that I cemented the concept behind faefolk a little more firmly (something else I'd love to make a post about one day). But being vague is boring so I'll just leave it at: I've got ideas and I'm hoping to share them in a fun way... eventually. Fun behind-the-scenes things are in fact happening, I swear. They're just a little stuck in my brain at the moment.
That's everything I can think of for the time being. In the next few days I might do a little bit of fun drawing but I will absolutely be taking a break from ref-making until at least June. I'm not sure what I'll do in the meantime (besides draw and go outside lmao), but Undertale, Unwound Future, and TOTK have all been on my list of Games I Want To Play for a long while, so perhaps, potentially, perchance, now is the time...
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glorified-red · 6 months
Can you give some examples of show vs tell in your own fics? And do you always have to show?
I'd love to! Writing advice is one of my favorite things to do on here
Whenever it comes to show vs tell, there's always the question of how much is too much of one category, how to balance it properly, etc. When you have an excess of showing, your writing will read like poetry. When you have an excess of telling, your writing will read like scholarship. Both are useful in their own genres but the fun part is figuring out where your style lies within the spectrum.
I find my balance depends on what I aim to do with my scene. Whenever I want to set the vibe or setting, I begin with telling so my readers instantly know what to imagine, but then I dive into the details to really sharpen the image. This is seen best with You Are Loved, Damian Wayne:
Within the first line I tell: "Gotham was particularly gloomy tonight . . . A thunderstorm was brewing in the distance."
But the next paragraph I show evidence of what I just said: "Tonight the clouds were a harsh shade of coal . . . Rain pattered against the window like tiny bullets trying to chip away at the glass."
So these lines happen within the first two paragraphs very close together. The difference lies within implication. Within the "show" category, it's very obvious theres a storm happening but it doesn't explicitly say "theres a storm" like it does within the "tell" category.
I do the opposite whenever I talk about a character's headspace. I like to show evidence of everything to get the readers to speculate or draw conclusions of whats happening to then tell them the reality when the right moment hits. I find this creates tension rather than confusion.
This is also seen within You Are Loved, Damian Wayne:
Showing: "Damian was many things, vigilant was one of them. Yet, he was still as stone, even his fingers laid without so much as a twitch on top of his lap—it was unnerving . . . His katana was missing from his side, that fact alone made your heart sink . . . You had never seen him weaponless before."
So now we know something is wrong but we can't quite figure out what. It builds tension.
Showing: "There was blood soaked into his hands . . . From so close, you could see a streak of blood on his jawline, a tiny handprint that sagged downwards in a jagged line."
It doesn't explicitly say a child died, but it's painfully obvious and now we know why Damian is upset, but again, that lies within implication.
The best advice I was ever given with telling a character's motivations, emotions, actions, etc, is that you should do this through dialogue rather than exposition. It feels more natural this way and feels less "omnipotent narrator" and more like actual storytelling.
So when I tell within this scene, it's within this line: “A child lost their life today because of my own incompetence,” Damian sighed out harshly, “my own stupid mistakes left a family broken and grieving.” 
Now everything is crystal clear. We know why Damian is upset (he blames himself for a child's death) and it's done so in a way that drives the scene forward emotionally. We can now dissect his emotions and see how him and the reader interact together within this tense moment.
So how you utilize both is what will determine your tone and your style. Again, they're both useful! Especially when paired together in intentional ways. For creative writing, I usually try to reserve telling for establishing setting intially and dialogue. Most writers and movie scriptwriters will do this a lot with driving plot forward through dialogue.
Just experiment, I know I sound like a broken record, but tbh, it's all about experimentation. I didn't get good at the concept of showing until I wrote Nightmare and my entire goal was to just dive into imagery.
Best advice? Write out a scene where you can't say where you are. If your character is at the beach, don't just say that. Talk about the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore, the sand in the shoes, the sun hot against the shoulders. That'll get your brain to start getting used to showing.
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vodid · 1 year
How do you plan your stories? Do you actually have a sheet where you write anything down? And if you do, what do you put in it?
Cause I’m planning a story and I have no idea of where to start 😭
here's a tldr(ish) for how i approached writing a fic. we'll use my blitzbee fic as an example:
come up with a scene you really really want to write for the fic. for me, it was the first meet of blitzwing and bumblebee arguing on the cliff in chapter 2. write everything that comes to mind with that scene and do not worry about making it fic quality. important actions, dialogue, setting, etc. make typos! make mistakes! make it silly! you'll rewrite it later
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when you write out a scene, you may get hints of a plot (such as conflict characters can work through, whether internal or external) and character portrayals + interactions. from the example above specifically, we have a) bumblebee is big sad, b) the autobots don't like bee for some reason, and c) blitzwing is so weirded out by bee's big sad that he doesn't want to immediately kill him. all of these can be expanded upon, so from that:
write out the main characters' traits. their strengths, weaknesses, secrets, fears, quirks. anything. then write out reasons why they may have these traits and how it's important to their character development/conflict. make it fancy if you want!
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i have more things in this part, such as motivation, the actual development/struggle, why he helps the other and why he lets the other help him. these are bullets a lot more in depth (and spoilery) and were added after i wrote this:
write out a basic plot. start middle end, if you can. you do not have to figure out every little thing (i didn't!) just a general idea of where you want to take this story. it does not have to be set in stone either. after all, my fic has six plots written out. four of them are drafts (lovingly titled Plot X, Plot 2, okay a more sensible plot and basic plot) and the last two are other important plots (overarching plot and trauma plot!) i have been actively revising these as i write the fic itself and with each plot written out, they increase in detail — let it happen! make all sorts of notes, whether in an indented bulleted list under each point or comments on the doc itself. i have 32 comments on mine full of notes!
if you're stuck here, studying the shape of stories by kurt vonnegut really helped me figure out a direction. also making the plot points written in silly ways took a lot of pressure off to get it perfect! while i may not reference the shape as much anymore (especially since the plot i wrote with it is outdated) it still gave me a really good start
and a side note, the overarching + trauma plots are to help guide me through the main plot. overarching is in the background, controlling and being controlled by the main plot's events, while the "trauma plot!" is for figuring out blitzwing's trauma. how did he get bpd? why? how does it affect him? how has it and others added more trauma? this is basically a glorified character past section lol
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at the bottom of my outline doc, i have a section for future scenes i want to include. i have notes/comments on various spots and plot points that all have scenes attached, but these are the ones that are more detailed and need their own space. exactly like the first scene blurb in the very first bullet (which is actually at the top of my outline! i haven't deleted any of my past notes, even if they're outdated) actions, dialogue, notes — throw it all in there!
so after posting a chapter, i tend to take a break a few weeks long (or however long others need) to get back to the drawing board, making sure everything is up to date to prepare for the next chapter. it also really helps (for me personally) to have a buddy to rant to. i figure things out best when i'm talking to someone, or acting like i am, and can get feedback on it! ..or just let my brain figure itself out bc man have i gotten stuck on certain points before lol (see: trauma plot! and thats not even half of it)
it's not something that works for everyone — it didn't for me a year ago! but once you let go of rigid formatting and needing to have EVERY little thing figured out from the get-go, and just start typing what you want — with a little semblance of organization (at least labeling which is what) — you can go pretty far. but if not then maybe at the very least, it can lead you to a technique that works best for you.
true tldr: it's good to remember that anything relevant? write it down. doesn't have to be pretty, it just has to be functional. you want it to be easy to reabsorb if you forget the info
anyway tysm @morethanmeetstheass for all your writing advice :') its really helped my writing and my confidence 💖 i hope my post here can be as helpful to you anon 🥺
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clay-cuttlefish · 9 months
Out of No Man's Land, into Cry for Blood, plus a couple more comics for Renee before Officer Down next batch.
I'm free from having to decide on context, woo!
Renee gets a promotion for how well she handled Two-Face.
The Honored Dead (Tec #742)
Renee gets partnered with Crispus Allen, who I hate infinitely less than Bullock. As far as cops go he's a pretty likeable character.
Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood #1
Them! I love Helena so much, I love her and Batman's hostility, I love that Vic decides the best way to get in touch with her is to nearly get hit by her car. Iconic.
The art style's very different from the Question run, but it feels like it resonates with it somehow, and it might because they have the same colourist? I can't usually pin it down but there's a certain something about the smoke and mist. Maybe I'm drawing arbitrary connections to explain the vibes but it's the best I've got.
She's SO pretty in this. Women!
I like it when Bruce is a huge bitch.
Drowning motif spotted.
Truly catastrophic "I can fix her" levels here.
Extremely cute that Richard calls Vic "butterfly."
Honestly Helena is handling this extremely well, all things considered. Sure she's pissed but she's been kidnapped, that's entirely reasonable.
Wait hold on, Jackie's death gets retconned here! Somehow I missed that before, I don't know if that's on purpose or if Rucka just forgot/didn't know she died. Either way I'll take it.
This is such a good telling of her backstory, it hits.
Road trip as bonding moment my beloved.
Bruce hates Vic's ass so much for no reason other than because he's annoying. Fair enough.
Sorry girl you might not be part of the family but that will not stop Tim from having little brother energy.
Father-in-law behavior on Bruce's part tbh.
Renee pulls this exact same move in Lois Lane which is cute.
Can't get over Vic being described as a GQ candidate.
"When is it enough?" takes me out.
Vic taking off his mask to look her in the eye???
This is a Character Thesis Moment for both of them imo. Vic has fundamentally overlooked Helena's motives in his attempt to find solidarity - Helena knows exactly what the Huntress is here to achieve, despite her reservations and her willingness to seek balance. They're cute in JLU, but this was never going to work for them here.
Happy Birthday Two You (Tec #747)
This issue is a lot of what keeps me sold on Renee genuinely caring about Harvey's well-being, despite everything he's done and will continue to do. The tulips are pushing up against her boundaries, but Harvey didn't try to contact her directly or make it known they were from him. It's an attempt at doing an actual nice thing at a time when she's starting to slip, and clearly that matters to her enough that she's willing to take it in good faith and make an effort in kind, despite her annoyance at Bruce over it.
I just really love this issue. It's so pretty, and so grounded, and it works so well as a snapshot of Renee's life before everything gets worse for her.
Scavenger Hunt (Catwoman #83)
Mostly a Gordon-focused issue, but Renee follows him and Batman on their scavenger hunt. Not that important for her characterization but hey she's involved.
She gets more outwardly upset over Gordon being taunted by a reminder of Two-Face's trial than by being reminded of her own involvement. It's because of Gordon-centric writing, and partly that she's trying not to reveal how she's affected, but it's also reinforcing my interpretation that No Man's Land was so fucked up and traumatizing in general that she's not as angry about being kidnapped as she "should" be.
That isn't to undermine how bad being held prisoner was, it's just that everything was bad. She went directly back to work after NML despite killing people/indirectly getting people killed/seeing her friends and coworkers die/seeing so many people die/watching other cops give up even remotely pretending policing isn't about power/the general absurd trauma conga line of it all, there is some POWERFUL repression going on.
The Dark Knight Project (Batman #584)
Not a lot of Renee I just have a pet peeve: I absolutely do not buy that Batman is an urban legend by this point in his career.
I'm willing to suspend my disbelief on a lot of things but this is so silly to me because it's unnecessary - Bruce can want to avoid the spotlight as much as possible so that he's still shrouded in myth without having to pretend that people don't know he exists! Like, it can still be a matter of debate if he's one person or many, human or monstrous, what his superpowers are...
Even if I accept that Bruce is just that good at hiding, Jean-Paul got into a lot of very public shit both as Azbat and on his own and Helena is overt enough that she can get a ridiculous-but-roughly-accurate caricature in the paper. Everyone knows Gotham has vigilantes.
I do kind of vibe with the idea that Harvey's been pinned with the creation of the Bat-myth.
Superman and Batman: World's Funnest
Irrelevant, but it manages to get a tiny Vic in both a Crisis group shot and an Earth-4 panel, which is twice as much as most of the cameos I haven't been mentioning.
Measure for Measure (Batman #585)
A minor Renee appearance, but she's comfortable enough with Batman by now to call him out on his shit.
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rissi-chan · 4 months
Patreon Launch!
Hey, fellow fanatics!
I decided to finally take the plunge and launch a Patreon for my art (fanart and original) and writing (fanfic and original). Both becaue it will motivate me to draw and write more often, and because of my current life situation (which will be explained as best I can under the cut, for those that care to read).
There will be NSFW content in certain pledges, so MDNI with the subscription levels that include that stuff!
Fanart will mostly be BG3 as that is my most recent and current hyperfixation, but other fandoms I am likely to produce content from include:
Dungeons and Dragons, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Touchstarved
AND potentially the occasional/rare otome/dating sim fandoms, Fire Emblem, and various anime and/or manga.
Along with original content and characters that live in my head rent free!
I will also most likely periodically do commissions—but I will have to set up a pricing breakdown/separate web page for that, probably.
Here is the link to my freshly launched page!:
Now, the life ramble that explains my current situation:
So, life is hard.
I've been lucky. I don't pay rent (I still live with my mother). I only have to help pay for groceries on occasion. I have a job (barely, but we'll get into that) with probably the most freedom/flexibility on could possibly imagine. I have free time—loads.
So what's the problem?
The job I mentioned is hard to really call a job. I'm all but officially unemployed. My parents (when my dad was still alive) bought the local newspaper that my mom has worked at for nearly as long as I've been alive. We live in a small, SMALL town. The run of each weekly issue is maybe in the 2,000-4,000 range. We make most of our money selling ads (which is gross, but the newspaper industry is failing in general, and we are a just a local, rural print and many choose other, more advanced forms of advertisement which reach a broader audience). We've been in the red for the past 2 years, my mother often skipping her own pay check to ensure that she can pay the 2 other elderly employees that are on staff. I make less than $400 a month. Much less.
That's the price you pay for freedom. Little pay, LOTS of time. The reverse is also true, which is something I'm sure a vast majority of people can relate to.
Capitalism is so much fun, isn't it?
Those that are out of college and live with a parent may also be able to relate to what comes next.
The relationship between my mother and I has always had its strained moments, to put it mildly. We are very different people. We have different life experiences, we cope with stress differently. There is a running joke on social media that living with your parents after college/as an adult has the financial advantages, but at the cost of your mental health—and that is very much the reality of our situation.
My biggest insecurity in recent years—since the sudden passing of my father in 2018—has been the feeling of being a burden.
I've never been a healthy person. We always joke that I got all the sickly genetics and my brother got all the cosmic bad luck. I'm autistic. I have anxiety and depression. I have an autoimmune disease. I inherited the genetic heart condition that killed my father. I had a blood clot 2 years ago. I no longer have health insurance. None of this is uncommon, certainly. But I avoid healthcare entirely unless it's an absolute necessity (like the blood clot).
I limit my eating, so we don't have to buy groceries as often.
But my mother has always had a temper, especially when she's stressed. And with the business so up-in-the-air and the constant worry of having to close our doors and find new jobs in a VERY small town + in a society with very limited options, spam job listings, and bogus opportunities, she is almost ALWAYS stressed these days.
She takes it out on me. I'm the only one here.
My feelings of being a burden are all but confirmed for me in those moments. She knows just what to say to hurt me most (whether she realizes it or not, she uses my insecurities against me), and my mental and emotional health worsen, as does the relationship between my mother and I.
I play games or draw or write to feel happy. To have some reprieve from reality.
But "it doesn't make money" and therefore it's a waste of time.
And that brings me to where I am now.
I may make next-to-nothing by launching a Patreon, but it will still be more than the next-to-nothing I make now as well as the LITERAL nothing I will be making if the business is forced to close.
I continue to job hunt on a daily basis, mostly for remote work given my middle-of-nowhere location (if anyone knows of any legit positions I could look into PLEASE let me know—send me a PM, reply to this post, anything). But this will both motivate me to keep doing the things that make me happy and also provide a tiny bit of support to our financial situation.
I have also been in a long distance relationship going on 9 years now. Long distance as in nearly 9,000 miles and an entire ocean away. I try to visit every year, but obviously during Covid that was not an option (totally and completely understandable), and with our finances so precarious, it gets more and more difficult to see my now (as of my visit last year) fiance.
If I can manage to get the money together, we plan to elope during my visit this year. But our future is undeniably going to be difficult without money. Moving isn't cheap. Immigrating isn't easy.
But that's all on the back-burner for now, while we address the more immediate concerns.
I am motivated to do what I can to make ANY extra money while looking for a legitimate job to provide a more stable situation.
Any support—a reblog, a share, a pledge/subscription, a job listing suggestion, ANYTHING will be MASSIVELY appreciated.
I know life is difficult for pretty much everyone on the planet right now. If we could all help each other easily, we would. But I understand that that's not an easy ask for most people at this point in time. I hate having to resort to monetizing my passions, and asking people for support (not pressuring, but even asking is hard in the current state of the world).
But I see few other options.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my rant and please reblog/share <3
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chayscribbles · 1 year
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ february 2023
words written: 11 606
projects worked on: Andromeda Rogue; The Gemini Heist; and a Third, Secret WIP
proudest accomplishment: i'm about halfway through with AR1 draft 2! and i finished like, a bunch of drawings
books read: Architects of Memory by Karen Osborne; All Systems Red (Murderbot Diaries #1) by Martha Wells;
why do i feel like i wrote a lot less than i actually did. like i looked at my total and thought "now that can't be right... there's no way i wrote that much."
things are going better for some wips (AR) than they are for others (GH) so maybe my head is cancelling it out lol.
reading comments: Architects of Memory was basically "a corporate war over alien weapons featuring messy sapphics in space" and i liked it but it wasn't quite a coup de coeur, 4/5 stars. All Systems Red was an absolute delight, 5/5 stars, will be reading the rest of the series once my holds on Libby come through.
(also i started reading Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo this past weekend, and i blame it + it's precursor Ninth House for putting me in the mood to work on Third Secret WIP lately, as Ninth House is partially responsible for the genre shift in Third Secret WIP.)
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
i'm about halfway through this draft! i've passed 40k this month!
things are going super well. when i have the magical combo of time and energy and motivation to write i can get through scenes pretty easily, now that i don't have to worry about overall plot as much. plus i get to add little things here and there to beef it up.
i've mostly worked on the second act this month, which is where the team really starts going through things together.
there's one particular Azami chapter right before the midpoint that's a monster of lore-dropping. i had to rework it several times as i had an entire page of editing notes to make sure everything is coherent... and i'm still not entirely sure i've gotten it right 😭
☆ COMMENTS: THE GEMINI HEIST (outlining / draft 0.5)
not much to say about this one. didn't work on it as much. the plot for this wip continues to frustrate me. i'll find myself coming up with little ideas for the characters and the world... but when i try to sit down and come up with actual scenes and plot, my brain turns to soup.
this wip is consuming me. devouring me with its teeth. i'm surprised to find i may actually have a plot. turns out letting it hibernate for 3 years and tweaking with the genre has done some good.
i might cave and post an intro in the next month. stay tuned...
this is from the like, one scene i wrote for gemini heist this month. i just think it's funny. for context, Leo and Gabi are trying to get access to some archives in a university library, and are posing as students.
As [Leo and the archivist] talked, Gabi slipped her hand into the pocket of her ridiculous jacket. Her fingers closed around a small round device. She glanced around. While Leo was doing a great job at keeping the archivist distracted, the commotion had caught the attention of nearly everyone in the room.
Just be normal, she told herself. She inched her hand out of her pocket.
“Which archives exactly do you need access to?” [the archivist] asked.
“Art of the early Viheldan Empiric era,” Leo said. “My paper is on the Gemini statuettes.”
“Ah, that might be why. You need a special authorization form from a professor or another faculty member to access those.”
Leo pouted. “But my professor said he got access for me!”
“Perhaps you can message him—”
“Ugh— can’t you just call him right now and ask? I don’t have time for this.”
“Alright. I’ll give him a call.”
Shit. Gabi wasn’t ready. She fumbled to take out the device, concealing it as best as she could in the palm of her hand. All she needed was to place it on the archivist’s computer terminal without him seeing a thing before he made that call.
The archivist’s fingers hovered over the screen for a second before pressing an icon at the bottom. With a starburst motion of his hand, he expanded a search window and began typing in the name of the professor. Panicking, Gabi slammed the device in her hand onto the side of the terminal.
The already quiet room went completely silent. All eyes turned towards her. The archivist’s were wide and stunned. Leo’s were sharp and furious.
“I, uh,” Gabi sputtered, awkwardly keeping her hand glued to the terminal. The device whirred to life, vibrating softly under her palm. “I-I thought I saw a bug.”
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @retrogayyde @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
andromeda trilogy taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @retrogayyde @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa
gemini heist taglist:
@florraisons @akindofmagictoo @cream-and-tea @nicola-writes @memento-morri-writes @antique-symbolism @rose-bookblood @afoolandathief @pepperdee @avi-why @zonnemaagd @chazzawrites @analogued @enchanted-lightning-aes @innocentlymacabre @kahvilahuhut @celestepens @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @retrogayyde
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studentlifesworld · 1 year
I care actually.
About all these seemingly cringe things and the thing is, they aren't cringe or extra to me. I only say they are because that's what I see on social media sometimes. But to me they aren't.
I make a big deal about how my body looks, I really do, and this is not me trying to go against what body positivity stands for. No. I like working out, cause I feel good and my body looks good.
I care about my grades, a lot. And yes, grades don't define me or my worth. But you know what, I like being smart, I like working hard to earn a good grade.... And you know what, it doesn't feel odd or extra, it's just how I am.
When I study I like to play something that I have watched before for background noise, probably a kdrama(I have watched True beauty so many times, I can complete the characters sentences by now). But on most days of focused studying, I like to play a specific song in a hour loop. It's often this song from a Chinese drama sound track or some Japanese beats.
And I care about these things.
I wake up between 5:30 and 6am on most days, (sometimes I stay up too late reading some random manhua I stumbled upon). And I make a big deal out of this because I work best in the morning. And that's just how I am.
Reading and studying comes easy to me, and I am still getting used to that, because sometimes I feel like things need to be hard for them to be meaningful (that's how I ended up in course I didn't really like, but convinced myself it was okay because it was hard, thankfully I dropped out and got into something else).
I care about art, I often stop and just look at how beautiful architecture is and take a picture or make a short video. I care about poetry, I have one too many pins and screenshots on my phone, I bought two books with just poems in them.
I love art, as in drawings and paintings. I am leaning how to sketch at the moment. And I don't do this for the aesthetics (okay, maybe like 5% lol). I do this cause it feels good, life makes sense like this.
I care about flowers, I love flowers, I buy them when I have money. I take pictures when I am broke.
I don't drink coffee, it gives me an upset stomach for some reason. I am Lacoste intolerant, so there is a limited number of dairy products that I can consume in limited amounts that don't have me running to the bathroom.
I care about music, movies, books and how beautiful sunrises and sunsets are. I complete 1 or 2 journals a year. I write a lot , I feel like if I don't empty my mind I might go crazy.
I care about the "that girl lifestyle". Simply because I am firm believer that life should be lived in the most romantic way ever, but then again,it's your choice.
I care about all these seemingly random things and I feel okay if it seems odd or extra to the next person, we are wired differently.
And I know, some years from now, my interests might or might not change. But until then I am very cool with being me, this aesthetic loving, study motivated, tea drinking girl. I really like it.
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belong2human-kind · 1 year
Hi guys 🌻
Sorry for disappearing again 😞💔 I'm not so fine, but I'll try be a little more active in the next days. I feel really tired and overwhelmed those last days, a lot has happened and honestly I'd just like to sleep to skip this tumultuous times and the pain that it causes. I don't really even know what's making me down lately, I guess it's a big mix of feelings. Lately, I've been having this depressive episodes frequently where I just can't play what I like to, where I can't draw, write or even see joy of entering here to role play with my friends. This is quite sad and unexpected because I'm taking antidepressants (to treat my severe OCD and GAD, I don't have any depression diagnosis) so I don't think I should be feeling this sad out of nowhere. I don't have motivation to do anything, but usually even though I lack energy to do stuff I like, I still want to do them, I usually don't feel so so sad without a strong motive (like when I have to face traumatic events and situations, involving people and alcohol as an example)
Don't really know what's happening 😞 I was getting better, but I guess it happens right? I've heard that healing is a curve of ups and downs, not a straight line, but sometimes this downs do get me really unmotivated
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Letting go of something that still hurts you deeply is really hard... but it's worthy.
Some people here know that I'm the Mun of the account of @lothal-cat-jedi . I roleplay Ez, my dearest jedi boy and for sure his character is always teaching me so many stuff. Since I get to disappear a lot due to my health, I'd like to say that I will still continue to roleplay with Ezra, but if my group that roleplays with me wants to roleplay with another mun and account, I hope you guys know that you're all free to do it 🌻 after all, the much Ezras the better 💙😂
@oldmanwithashield my dear friend, I'm sorry for not talking too much with you and disappearing from here and from our rp💔 I ADORE role-playing with you, youre the best Sabine ever! Rebellious at heart❤
Adore you all guys, hope you all are safe cause world have been really crazy lately🤍
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awesomegirlystuff · 7 months
Whoa, I totally forgot to do my Beavis and Butthead end of season ranking. Guess I'll do it now! Ranking from best to worst and my opinions under the cut.
Take a Bow - Definitely my favourite episode of the season. Honestly, I was expecting more stuff like this after DTU, since the movie leaned into their friendship so hard. Actual introspection on Butthead's character is always welcomed.
Hunting Trip - Felt so much like a classic episode! Loved the simple concept. Super funny and lots of cute drawings of the boys was a plus.
Sleepover - Again, just a really fun episode. Both boys felt super in character, and I loved the little details like Butthead dropping the puzzle pieces into his tea. The ending with Beavis as Cornholio and Butthead stealing the game console were super satifying.
Married - I feel like this was the episode everyone was hyped for. And it totally delivered. Again, just a really simple concept, and Beavis and Butthead's reactions to the scenario felt really natural.
Vasectomies: - Mostly putting this one next because I LOVED their fantasies about having kids. Really cute. Really funny. The episodes built on these simple concepts like 'Beavis and Butthead do X' usually work the best IMO.
Needle Dicks- Loved this one! Beavis with all the needles in his face was such a funny visual, and Butthead being afraid of needles was a nice touch to his personality, and also worked really well for the plot of the episode and gave him some actual motivation for not wanting to see Beavis like that.
Warehouse - Beavis and Butthead work at an amazon warehouse. It practically writes itself.
Pranks - Just a cute, classic feeling episode.
Stolen Valour - Such a funny episode! Maybe a little convoluted, but still overall very funny.
Breeding Frenzy - Again, just a simple concept done well. i liked the callback to last season, and the ending was cute.
The Ciabatta Zone - I liked this one. I liked that Butthead actually got to have something good happen to him in the plot, and Beavis' costume was just hilarious.
Abduction - Overall, the plot was okay. Mostly what was great were just the Smarts interactions. And honestly, the music video segments were really what made this episode!
Pardon Our Dust - Butthead yielding his time to Mr. Beavis made me lose it.
next, here are just the mid episodes i don't really have anything to say about. (still in best to worst order)
Spring Break
Tobacco Farmers
Meditation Sucks
Polling Place
Old Man Beavis
Sad Boys
Are You There God, It's Me Beavis
and now the ones I didn't particularly like....
The Warrior - idk man. This episode started out strong and then just got worse and worse. Just kind of fizzled out into nothing.
Hoarders - I actually liked this episode. It was really funny. The ending just felt unnecessary and kind of ruined it.
The Day Butthead Went Too Far - The presentation was...interesting I guess. I hated the portrayal of Butthead in this episode. Can we force the writers to watch the original series? Anyways, the presentation i felt also took away from the joke. Beavis thinking he's hiring hitmen when he's really hiring painters could be funny, but the presentation ruined the joke.
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captainkurosolaire · 2 years
~ Update & Withdrawal ~
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For this year and potentially next, I'm giving away my keys and my pen, ink, and banning myself from participating in the XIVWrite. Unfortunately I've learned myself and I found I'm too intense and passionate when it comes to certain things especially writing which is my true love in life, I have to cheat on it... I stress my entire existence to limits beyond thresholds until it breaks me and it takes everything for me to recover. Yet... I need one more XIVWrite before I can ever potentially retire here or feel like, I fulfilled everything I absolutely could-do. But I can't have that last one be anything shy of my best the only solution is to starve myself from my drug of choice which is this form of mindbogglingly passion that is my addiction, I need to be able to perform at a level that feels truly, like a climatic frontier.
I still intend to write, but I can't risk taking the XIVWrite especially this year with my other challenge and obligation cause that'll bring my certain demise, I don't quit until the foundation literally crumbles, I was incredibly close after last year of losing this all due to health reasons. -- I'm way too stubborn for this, you love something enough, it draws you in and you can't quit it almost always will see yourself returning to the shore for just the mere sight of it. Doesn't matter if I wake up with little to any energy, I will force it out of me and that's the levels I go. I will ruin my life and take away it all disregard and discard everything for the sake of my interest, my passion, my love, because letting my heart beat for anything less is not living to me.
Not going to lie it's going to be incredibly tough to conqueror my itch. Creating is in my bloodstream, it's what I was born to do, and that's something I say without any inferiority or something I say for the sake of it, I live it, I breathe it, I am it. Writing is the freest form to me.
So I am leaving my closest in-charge of me and gonna have them whack me with a mallet if I try to write for it. I'll still write, chapters, arcs but I should do that organically and I should do it to further stories along so when I do my XIVWrite my characters have a final point to stand on. I don't even know if two years is enough for me to really get all that flushed out so it may take ever longer. But after this one-year challenge, I've set... Ideally I take a break and return and go after only writing in the next wave, probably won't be doing writing everyday but sometime of challenge dedicated to strictly writing so I can keep developing that. I'm going to be watching intently with the people partaking this year, getting fueled and motivated, still going to encourage that up and I recommend you seize and write with your fullest too but be mindful of your limits, do not become me, you are far better than I could ever be my fellow. I cannot, personally, do it safely within my limitations which I know mine. Recently wrapped up Month 2 of my Challenge pretty much of other stuff I worked on and that put a stress-test on me because of how deeply I stuck to the Theme. Forced myself to find solutions to things that didn't exist, create stuff with ingenuity that surely is going to show when releases. And as my last update rambled, I'm already stacked with my mind on the horizon for up to 6 Months ahead. Thinking and visualizing every piece on the chess-board and how I'm going to move, advance. This third month, is where I always drop-off, I've never done three pure full months or been unscathed, I always lose at the count of three it's my failure point.
But I'm going to fight hard. Because I'm not creating just strictly for myself, I'm pulling people in and reaching and gradually seeking to do features, collaborations in this challenge, I want to bring your muse and make art unlike anything ever made before. I will use my best days ahead of me to produce that, the same passion I use for my XIVWrite used to fuel others! No matter how small or large I will always give you what I can. I can't do this alone, that I am strong enough to say upon these days. If you would like to help me feel free to send asks or messages or anything in the inboxes, I take it all on anymore, I'm not slowing down, I have ten months to unleash absolutely everything I have, this stuff keeps me functioning.
With any energy, I will take it and I will disturbing and I'll use it to make something better out of it, for a benefit, not destruction. Even against the most pessimistic, or sour, I will transmute it into something much greater and useful, every-time. You'll find I'm unfathomable and boundless.
My most flaws, weaknesses, are my strongest strengths. My limitations, they only exist for me to stop and survive at the doorway to them, otherwise I'd never surrender. Might start up getting @lordshiroelune more active sometime too within this Year. Even if means I'm sending squabbles IC to myself, always knew this point would come. But I enjoy this stuff too way too much.
Anyways, cheers hearties.
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