#unique aesthetic notebooks
ajaygiftkyade12 · 26 days
Aesthetic Combo 2 in 1: Good luck desk organizer and mobile stand that bring good luck to any desk. Wherein Our unique aesthetic notebooks are made to create a more productive, personalized planner experience Elegant And Smart: A laughing Buddha statue and lucky bamboo can help improve concentration and let you get more done. Permanently record important information in this diary for lasting reference, great for legal notes, research data, personal memory, and more.
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Flying Starfish Studios. Link in Bio.
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How to organize your to do list? Organize by priority, Start titles with Verbs, Always put a deadline and Break big task to smaller task.
Visit us: www.flyingstarfishstudios.com
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sprinklesdonut15 · 9 months
Advice For Making Realistic Characters:
Make them have multiple interests - Your character doesn’t have to fit one aesthetic alone. For example, I like collecting feathers and vintage keys, but also notebooks and squishmallows, none of which are all the same aesthetic
Allow for improper dialogue - We know not to use “and” at the beginning of a sentence, but humans do that anyway. We stutter and catch our breath and forget how to word things properly. We don’t have to be diagnosed with a stutter or speak multiple languages to screw it up now and then
They should all have their own voice - This is mainly for writing in multiple perspectives. Personally it’s hard to give each character their own voice rather than my own. Regardless of the language or era of your story, each character should sound unique, whether they have certain catchphrases or use more slang or talk more formally
Give them all a self-presentation - We all act differently depending on who we’re around, and characters should be this way as well
Give them mindless habits - Possibly for a filler scene or something in the background, but give your character more than just nail biting habits. Allow for a small or simple change (like moving furniture around) where your character still has a habit of doing the old thing (going where the furniture used to be, not being able to find anything after it was moved)
Let them be bored - People are always and I mean always finding ways to entertain themselves. If you’re writing a character that sits still and thinks and doesn’t always have to be doing something, just make sure that it fits their personality. I don’t know a lot of people who can go for long without some form of entertainment.
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smorgasbort · 6 months
It sounds weird considering they're mute and featureless but I really like the character of C4-621. I suppose I should say I like them conceptually, rather than just liking the specific C4-621 self-insert that I play as.
I like this stoic shell of a human being who's gone through so much that at this point they're pretty much only capable of piloting an AC and doing nothing else. They're merely functional.
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But they're still a person with thoughts and drives and they still manage to express themself with the sole outlet they have available, the AC they're doomed to pilot. It isn't just a weapon and a lifeline, it's a canvas which Raven uses to design (or regain) their personality.
It's my own personal headcanon, but because of the reasoning above I like to imagine that when I get obsesses over ACs working both functionally and aesthetically and spend longer on colour-schemes that weapons, that's reflected in C4-621 spending hours between missions poring over notebooks and sketchpads and colour palettes.
It helps that on Tumblr I've seen so many people interpret their own personal C4-621s in so many different ways that all feel very personal and unique.
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prettieinpink · 10 months
Journalling Guide xoxo !!
A journaling guide for anyone who wishes to start journaling; if you’re looking for reasons to start, journaling helps with mental health, overcoming fears and discovering your identity. Or it can be just a chill thing you do in morning/evening <3 
Use a cute journal and stationery!
While yes, you can use any pen or pencil and paper/notebook to journal, using journals and stationery that are aesthetic to you will make you much more inclined to journal, and it helps with romanticising your life! 
Do it during a certain time of day
Select a period of your day to start journaling, it can be evening or night, or both. When you do it everyday, at similar times, it’s much easier to get into the flow of writing. 
Start with a goal
When you’re just starting to journal, having a goal can help you to achieve progress quicker. Ideally it’s an small goal that doesn’t require much work, like writing down a sentence a day for the week or journal every day for five minutes for the fortnight. 
There aren’t any rules you have to conform to while journaling. It’s for you and you only, make it personal, messy, cute, scary or whatever how you want your journal to look like and what you want to write. Let your pen move and your mind wander, understand that journaling is a hobby that is going to be unique to everyone and everyone has their own way of doing it, you just need to discover yours.
Then… that’s it. Quite literally. Here’s some journaling Qs to get started! 
For morning <3
What are my intentions for the day?
Anything that I fear?
Anything that I look forward to?
How do I want to feel at the end of the day? 
For evening <3
What did I achieve today?
What did I feel?
Anything that i’ve learnt today?
Can I say that i’ve grown as a person today?
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raven-the-claw · 9 months
A Complete Guide To Chaotic Academia
bc its my fav aesthetic and there is not enough content about it
most people say that chaotic academia is just dark academia but a little bit more messy, and, well, chaotic. the truth is, chaotic academia is A LOT more messy than dark academia. you can still use dark academia as kind of a "base", but you are going to replace your blazers with flannels, your turtlenecks with tshirts. as for pants, you can go with litteraly anything: cigarette pants, tailored trousers, ripped-up jeans or normal black leggings. i personally really ike ripped up overalls bc they give that "i dont really give a damn, im so misunderstood, my parents didnt love me, im a crazy lonely introverted teenage child" vibe...idk. whatever you wear, make sure you feel comfortable in it! even tho in chaotic academia there are almost no rules at all, here are some things that might help you!
colours: any earthy tones are fine, brown, caramel, dark green, dark red, white, etc etc
fictional characters that might inspire you:
-remus lupin
- any dpc character
- jess mariano
- sydney novak
accesories: flannels (a personal fav + they make even the most boring fit look better), cardigans, converse (bonus points if you draw/write on them or if you have them laced in a weird way), bracelets or necklaces that mean something to you, harry potter back packs, tote bags...
hairstyles: whatever you want, just make sure your hair is ALWAYS messy, looking like you just fucking woke up
Activities and Traits
ok now we're getting to the actually important part bc (repeat after me): chaotic academia is not about how you look, its about how you live and how you act. so here r some thing that might help:
- annotating books with the most unhinged random thoughts
- learning poetry or speeches word for word but not remembering most of the things for school
- studying in the (school) library and being besties with the librarian (optional)
- leaving notes (on trees, mailboxes or library books) for strangers to find
- "studying while listening to classical music" and then instead of studying you end up agressivly mouthing your favorite song
- im sure yall already heard this one, but yes, swearing and slag while discussing deep academic topics is incredibly important
- speaking of important topics: posting something important on social media knowing no one will read it
- doodles on your hands 24/7 (NO SUSAN, I DONT GIVE A DAMN THAT ITS BAD FOR MY SKIN)
- sarcasm. a lot.
- random thoughts
- random quotes
- knowing a ton of conspiracy theories that you dont even beileve in by heart
- listening to all different types of podcasts
- one day reading the classics, the next ya fantasy and day after that ao3 smut
- multifandom, multishipper
- tea/coffee addiction
- adding b.c. to todays date when writing it in school
- random thoughts and the weirdest annotations in your school notebooks, especially the classes that you find boring
- "going to the bathroom" and then spending half of your math class drawing/reading/smoking/crying/thinking/whatever the fuck you wanna do there bc ur tired of everything
- stealing random stuff from stores (tho it is not encouraged blah blah blah)
- watching gilmore girls every fall
- telling people ur favorite colour is green even tho it isnt just to let them know that ur gay
- reading in class, on breaks, at home, parks, meetings, aethletic events, and generally all the fucking time
- doing (mostly) everything last minute
- bad at photography, but you enjoy it
- cold tea my beloved
- wearing one item every day: it can either be a necklace, a flannel, a bracelet, a badge, headphones, earrings etc etc
- extremely messy handwriting, always writing with black pen
- crying at least once a day, but only when ur alone, being super emotional but never showing it
- hobbies include reading, screaming in your pillow, learning unique languages that you will probably never use, rewatching dead poets society, harry potter, enola holmes, end of the fucking world and gilmore girls
- massive bookworm, reads all the time, always has a book with them
- skipping class, not that often tho
- 💫anger issues💫
- hyperactive and lazy at the same time
- uses big words but makes fun of other people when they do it
- writes (rebellious) book quotes everywhere, every single one of their notebooks had IF WE BURN, YOU BURN WITH US written in them lol
- random useless powerpoints
- analysing taylor swift's folklore and evermore instead of sheakspeare because its just better
- retired almost-emo, had a phase when they wore black and acted all mysterious but were never really emo i cant explain it
- likes mcr. this one speaks for itself.
- gay and sad. no explanation needed.
Books, Movies and Music
- Harry Potter by you know who (WE DONT SUPPORT HER THO)
- The Secret History by Donna Tartt
- Night School by CJ Daugherty (is that how u spell it lol)
- The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- Emma by Jane Austen
- Hamlet by Do I Really Need To Say Who
- The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
- The Picture of Dorain Gray by Oscar Wilde
- Frankenstein by Marry Shelley
Movies/TV Shows
- end of the fucking world
- heartstopper
- harry potter
- enola holmes
- dead poets society
- gilmore girls
- httyd (no kidding lol)
im not really a film girlie so if yall have any recs please lmk
- Mother Mother
- Taylor Swift (obviously)
- Lana Del Slay
- Conan Gray
- Olivia Rodrigo
- My Chemical Romance
- Lovejoy
- Bowie
- Queen
- Radiohead
- Björk
- Those random Disney songs i know you scream to at 3am
also whoever sings the IMJUSTATEENAGEDIRTBAGBAABBYY song
here is my playlist if yall wanna listen to it
hope that helps lol
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coqxettee · 1 year
How to be coquette in school ♡
Some tips on how to romanticise and give off coquette/studious girl vibes when in school <3
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♡ Make your uniform look cute. (I’m going to write a separate post on this)
♡ Take cute, aesthetic notes. Pretty pages and notebooks fillllled to the brim with cute notes will make you want to study!
♡ Listen to music when you can, in the halls, after class, on the way to and from school. It really helps romanticising things. (Never forget your headphones bby!)
♡ Bring a book/read wherever you go. It makes you look so much smarter and more studious/mysterious. Bonus points if you read at lunch/in breaks
♡ Wear ribbons in your hair. They look so smart and are such a coquette staple. They make you look so classy too! Ahhhh perfect <3
♡ Do your homework when you get home. That way you have the rest of the afternoon/evening to relax, pamper and unwind.
♡ Get a cute schoolbag! You could decorate it with charms/badges and make it look really pretty
♡ Buy pastel and unique stationary. If it means spending a little more than you usually would, to make school materials more motivating to use then it’s so worth it!
♡ Get into a good routine (I’m going to write a separate post on this too) but a good routine will ensure you make the most out of, and have the best school days
♡ Always make sure you look clean, healthy and put-together for school/class
♡ Wear sweet and fresh smelling body sprays/perfume allll day long
♡ Wear a sparkling, plumping lipgloss!
♡ Use a sugary smelling handcream/lotion/hand sanitizer throughout the day to keep your hands soft and safe from school germs
♡ Surround yourself with good energy people. (I know these can be hard to find in an environment such as school) but don’t let people ruin your school life for you like I did. You only get one!
♡ Study and work hard. Being intelligent is attractive, gorgeous and most of all, one of the keys to success. So read your books, study to your hearts content and get the grades you deserve you gorgeous person.
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I wish you all the most happy, beautiful and memorable school life ever. All my love, mwah! - Kellen ☕️
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cu-taibhseil · 1 year
i think a lot of people who are working on their grimoire / book of shadows or what have you forget is that it's supposed to be unique. your book of shadows isn't supposed to be filled with generalized information that just any witch can open up and use. you're not marketing your practice to the masses to consume. it's supposed to be unique, and weird, and messy, and filled with information so unique to your own practice that it's borderline gibberish to someone else.
here are some ideas on how to make your grimoire / book of shadows less accessible to other people and more accessible to yourself.
you can have as many books of shadows as your heart desires. you can have one for divination, one for spells, one for mushroom hunting, one you only use in the summer or the winter, etc. you don't have to shove all of your information into one notebook. separating the information will give you more room to go more in-depth for certain subjects. and it will make it harder for people to know exactly what you've got going on, if that's something you're into.
forget about aesthetics. forget about looking cool or legitimate or neat or organized. forget about how someone else would perceive your BoS/grimoire if they found it. if you're a new witch, and especially if you came from tiktok, you need to unlearn that witchcraft requires aesthetics and certain tools in order to be "legitimate." you can use a spiral bound notebook, you can use scraps of paper put in a manila folder, you can use a tumblr blog, you can print out pages from images on Google and put them in a 3 ring binder and call it day, you can use multiple bulletin boards hung up in your kitchen - ALL OF THOSE ARE LEGITIMATE MEDIUMS FOR A BOS! it's not about what looks the best, it's about what's the most functional for you - the term "book" is just a jumping off point.
come up with a written code that only you have the key to. get one from online, take one from history, or make up your own. write your grimoire or just the important pages, or even just the even or odd pages in code. make it so people cannot physically read your BoS. sigils and protections are great, but keeping people physically out is even better. mine is written partially in Scottish Gaelic and partially in a written code that i invented when i was 11. can anyone else read it? no. because that's the point.
go to the craft store and buy a journal lock. put a lock on it. wear the key around your neck. it'll make you feel so powerful, trust me.
include sketches and drawings of plants, animals, your altar, your house, you, your pets, stones, nature, etc. pretend like you're being paid to illustrate a children's book and go nuts. adding little drawings and sketches of the things you use in your practice, or things you see all of the time, or places you go is a great way to set the mood of your grimoire.
along the same lines, use crayons and colored pencils and markers not just black ink. use glitter. use ribbons. use bias tape. go to the craft store and get stickers. put those in there. whatever you think is cute or you like the best.
tape in more pages! if your notebook is only 100 pages long and you know you're going to need more pages, tape some more in! the limit is only how far the rubber band holding your grimoire closed will stretch before snapping (and even then you can just tie it with ribbon or twine or something)
you can also do taped in fold outs for maps, drawings, recipes, etc
why not add polaroid pictures or pictures you printed off google or pictures you got printed at walmart?
you can add stickers and sequins and glitter to the outside too. it doesnt need to look ancient and serious. we dont live in ancient and serious times. get funky with it.
if you've been struggling with your BoS or grimoire i hope this post helps you!
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shallyne · 1 month
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch. 2
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Chapter two of Feyre's diary! I hope you enjoy,! Things might pick up in the next chapter
Words: 1.4k
February 7th
Dear Diary,
I feel like death on two legs. These past fews were SO hectic.
I've got the job I applied for and they agreed fairly quick for me to work the night shifts, and now I know WHY! Who would have thought so many people went to a seedy diner at the outside of town in the middle of the night? It's weird and I also need to act like nothing is different because mom knows nothing! She doesn't suspect a single thing! I guess being ignored by her has its perks?
Anyway, I'm not going down that route. Point is, I'm trying to juggle work and school and somehow get sleep at some point of the day, which worked until today when I fell asleep in Mr. Suriel’s class. And guess who woke me up? Rhysand!! He was very sweet about it but I felt so embarrassed, I basically bolted away from him and almost walked into a door. Yeah, I can't look at him anytime soon.
Also, dad is acting very weird lately. He's always in his office and barely talks to any of us if he bothers to show up for dinner, even mom and Elain.
Okay, that's it I think.
February 15th
Dear Diary,
The moon is so pretty. It's like 11pm right now and I'm not at work, I got this Saturday off to work on Sunday which even gives me a little Sunday bonus! Amazing, isn't it?
Back to the moon, it's beautiful! I've never paid much attention to it but now that I did, I never want to look at anything else again. Sitting in the moonlight and writing in my diary? That's so aesthetically pleasing, Pinterest would eat this up!
I'm also not the only one still awake, I can hear dad’s TV, he's watching the news again, as every evening although he's working much later than usual, mom is super grumpy about this. I think they even argued yesterday, I heard weird noises coming from their room.
I also have good news! Rhysand and I have to make a project together for history!! ME and RHYSAND. It's going to be so fun, as long as I keep him far away from my house. He already asked if we wanted to start the project at his house or mine, of course I said his even though I'm super nervous! We're meeting tomorrow. Should I wear the blue sweater? Maybe I can steal some of Elain’s mascara. Or I could ask her. We'll see, I guess.
I also don't know if I should leave my notebook at home. It's full of scribbles of Rhys's eyes. That's very specific but I just can't get them right! How can a person have such unique eyes? If anyone comes close to having literal starry eyes, it's him. So, what would be more embarrassing, if mom found the notebook or Rhys??
I think I'll leave it here, hide it in my closet. If mom still finds it I can lie and say it's just practice! Hopefully she won't find the R+F scribbled in the back.
I'm getting sleepy now, big day tomorrow.
March 9th
Dear Diary,
Rhys and I got an A on our project! It was so easy working with him, it didn't even feel like working. He's not just the most beautiful guy I have ever seen, he's also so nice and incredibly smart! I think he also plays sports, what can't he do? Like, leave some talent for us!
I also got into an argument with Nesta if it's acceptable to use sus as a word. It's way too hard and time consuming to always fully spell suspiceus ous, same with saying it. Shortening it saves lots of time! She says it's stupid and to not use it in front of her friends because it's humiliating. To quote her, verbatim, “Stop trying to make sus happen, Feyre! It's not going to happen!” Rude. It's totally going to happen someday and I'm going to tell her “I told you so.” (She hates that)
Also, after weeks of acting sus, dad finally joined us at dinner and actually talked. Mostly to mom and the topic was the airplane that had just disappeared but nonetheless, he talked and his mood seemed better! He also doesn't look like a caveman anymore for the first time since he locked himself in the office, so that's good.
Mom also almost caught me eating chocolate, which would have been a total disaster. She's always making sure that we, mostly Elain and Nesta, aren't overweight. She's weighing them weekly! It's so insane. Sometimes I bring back some leftovers after my shift and sneak them to Elain and Nesta's room. They accept them and mom hasn't kicked me out of the house yet, so I assume they haven't told her. They also don't ask question when I bring the snacks, they just accept it. Good, that means they don't have to lie for me. Or I don't have to lie to them.
Okay, I guess that's it for the day.
PS: is it normal to constantly have a feeling of impending doom? Is it just PMS?
April 29th
Dear Diary,
Since Rhys and I did our project we've spent much more time together! He's so funny, he always makes me laugh. I think we've even become friends. We shared our lunch today, he got a half of my sandwich and I got a half of his! He even gave me his coke zero because he was shocked when I told him I never had any. It was amazing. (the coke, the company and the lunch)
Rhys told me he's super into astronomy, he's a nerd about it and it's so cute. I never saw him so animated about a topic! I mean, when he talks about himself. For some reason he also looks super interested when I talk about painting, he must be a good actor because I can't imagine him really being interested in art but I appreciate it anyway! No one ever really tried to listen to me about my hobbies.
I think I'm talking nonsense again, I don't know why that always happens. Sometimes my thoughts feel like a big heap of muddled words and everything is going on at once.
Oh, right, I almost forgot the most important thing! Rhys and I planned a sleepover during the summer holidays! I told him that I'd like to have a WiiU someday and he suggested a game night, because he has a WiiU, I'm so excited! I hope the time goes by fast, I can't wait. I need a break, my schedule is so tight these days, it's almost suffocating but I can't tell anyone.
It's going to be worth it, though. I'm saving my money, for what, I don't know yet. Maybe my driver's license? I have time to figure it out.
Mom is out for tea with her friends right now, so I'm using the time to listen to Taylor Swift without headphones!
May 31st
Dear Diary,
I could cut the tension here with a knife but either no one tells me what's up or they don't know. I tried to get some infos from our cook, Alis. She's always nice and she gets wind of all the gossip but she couldn't tell me what's going on.
Something isn't right and I need to know what it is, although something tells me I shouldn't. But can I just leave this mystery unsolved? Of course I can't!
It might be quiet right now, mom amd dad are in dad’s office upstairs, Elain and Nesta are in the garden and all the house staff seem to be huddled somewhere around the kitchen, whispering among themselves. Maybe I could eavesdrop? But there isn't really a way to hide without them seeing me. We definitely need more secret nooks in this house, I can't get information like this.
Nesta always says I'm nosy but that's such a negative way to look at it, I'm just curious. How is she not? How is Elain not? Is it wrong to be curious?
Especially if your parents are super jumpy for, like, the whole last week! It's super sus. Last night I knocked over the salt shaker and they flinched! Mom didn't even shout or reprimand me, she just glowered and went back to her dinner, it was sca–
Oh, hold on, the doorbell just rang, be back in a sec.
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dreamsofminnie · 1 year
“Ethereal Paintings”
02~ Transfer students and a task☂️
Scaramouche x Reader Smau
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You waved a farewell to Ayaka, Yoimiya and Albedo as they eyed you walking towards the professor as the lecture ended.
Professor Rukkadevata waves you over with a gentle smile. The most gracious and kind professor from all the other teachers you knew. Not that every other prof is terrible to you, you loved every art teacher. She asked to see you after class, emailed to you right before class had started. You are one of her favorite—if not most favorite—student.
“Good afternoon Professor Rukka! How may I help you!” Your vision failed you since you didn’t notice the two people who came and stood to the side of you.
She nods a greeting then raises her arm towards the two others, her voice gentle with care. “Y/n, the new transfer students have missed two weeks worth of lectures. And I trust you to help them catch up. A simple task I merely ask.”
You turn your head at the two boys and looked them over. When you were with your friends trying to get a glimpse of the transfers there were way too many bodies sitting in that section so it was hard to really see. Now that they were directly placed in front of you, you could gauge their appearance.
One had an aesthetic of what you would call a soft boy. Definitely fit for autumn theme. His cream white hair stuck out a tuff of red which you pinned him as a male leaf. He smiled as a greeting which you returned.
Adverting your eyes to the other guy, your breath hitched. You really never believed in love at first sight but, you might have to rethink because; he was jaw-dropping gorgeous. His skin was so glossy and porcelain-like, eyes were strikingly sharp and hypnotizing. He majorly wore dark colors with either blue accents or dark purple. Emo-rock aesthetic. The look he gave you however contrasted his beautiful appeal, they glared at you and with a shiver you swivel back to the older woman.
“Of course! I’m happy to help my art peers.” Grinning at the chance to befriend the breathtaking male, your energy levels elevated even without coffee on this dreary monday.
“Thank you Y/n. Have a splendid rest of the afternoon you three.” She slightly bowed her head as you lead the boys from the lecture hall.
“My name is Y/n as you both know from the Prof. Can I have your names?” You tilt your head back at them as you hike the stairs towards the campus library.
“I’m Kazuha. Nice to meet you Y/n.” Kazuha put one hand on his chest with a little bow of his head despite climbing the stairs.
“…Scaramouche.” Pretty boy finally said as you all reached the peak of the staircase. Unique name for a pretty boy—was your first thought.
“Mmkay! I have all may notes on me so let’s get started on the first lecture notes. There are 4 days of lecture notes in total, but the notes are very long since it’s a 2 hour lecture.” Kazuha nods while Scaramouche groans.
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The way the three of you sat at the table facing the window was you, Scara then Kazuha in that order.
You were texting on your phone when a pen tapped your arm, it was gentle so you assumed it to be Kazuha. “Can you explain this part to us Y/n.”
You nodded and he tilted the notebook a bit higher towards you, Scara looked on as well. And at this moment, you didn’t realize your handwriting could be so small. You leaned a bit further toward the book. Completely unaware of the invasion of space you have penetrated at that moment.
Scaramouche held his breath when your head was a few inches from his view. He could see your side profile in every detail, his eyes couldn’t help but stare. You didn’t seem to be focused on him only on your own penmanship so it wouldn’t hurt to look as long as he was allowed. How your nose was shaped so cutely, the way your eyelashes stretch out in length, your blinking and the scrunches of your nose and crinkle of your eyes. When you suddenly brighten in relevation and let out a “Aha!” did Scaramouche snap out of that trance and shrunk back into his seat further away from your body.
You explained and Kazuha’s nods and “Ohs” felt distant to him as he thinks back on his unconcious actions. This is stupid—Scarmouche silently huffs and takes his note book to doodle write in which his knees drawn up to hold up his book. Your back-and-forth explaining went on over Scara’s head with him still silently listening.
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Synopsis-> When you were required to help the new transfer student the history of art from the two weeks he missed. He didn’t know you were the one artist he was inspired by. You grow fond of each other but stay at a flirting stage. But finding out that he’s a dreaded a.i user; your mortal art enemy; everything in your relationship is obliterated. Will he be able to reconcile and steal your he-art♡ once again?
When is it my turn to fall in love at first glance☹️
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monstersdownthepath · 7 months
Deity: Nulrea, Emissary of Eternity
Lawful Evil Velstrac Demagogue of Isolation, Meditation, and Demiplanes
Domains: Evil, Law, Protection, Void Subdomains: Kyton, Fortification, Solitude, Isolation Favored Weapon: Falcata Symbol: An infinity symbol made of dozens of small circles, some of which contain a small environment or depict a creature trapped inside. Sacred Animals: Blind cave animals Sacred Colors: Gray, dark blue
Those who know of the velstrac know to fear them for the depravities that they inflict upon the bodies and minds of their victims. Those who have been rescued from their clutches are almost always irretrievably insane, broken by ceaseless tortures as the cruel fiends sought to shape their bodies into new and aesthetically pleasing configurations. Velstrac are always seeking to hone their craft on others before turning the scalpels on themselves, in much the same way a sketch artist would use scrap paper from a notebook for their practice work before utilizing a proper canvas for their real masterpiece.
The Demagogues among their kind are no different, but they work on a much grander scale. Whereas a typical velstrac works to perfect the suffering of a single individual, a Demagogue may become the architect for the torment of entire nations as part of their latest and greatest project. There are always exceptions to this rule, of course; one of which is the obscure Demagogue known as Nulrea, the so-called Emissary of Eternity. Very few know of this entity's existence, a Demagogue only by virtue of their considerable power rather than by having a large following of servants and fans. Rather than seeking the spotlight and the adoration of their peers, Nulrea prefers an existence of quiet contemplation and meditation, seeking out areas in the Great Beyond where they cannot be reached by any force and pondering deeply on the mysteries of the mind, the soul, and of existence itself.
It is said that the Emissary was born at the end of time and has been living all of eternity backwards, a lofty claim if there ever was one, but one that's nonetheless accepted by many considering the circumstances of their past: that is, Nulrea has no recorded past. As near as any scholar and diviner has been able to discern, the odd velstrac merely decided to reveal their presence to the greater velstrac population after hiding for an unknowable amount of time in an unknown location for an unknown purpose. They have revealed nothing of their past, if indeed they have one, stating plainly "I have no past, only an infinite future," a sentiment echoed by the handfuls of supplicants who have undergone the Emissary's agonizing process of enlightenment, destroying their own past selves through concentrated efforts to induce ego death, leaving room for a brand new self to be born.
Even among velstrac, the mutilations of Nulrea are unique, in that they barely look like a living creature, but seem more fossil than flesh. They appear as a humanoid made of soft stone that nevertheless bears deep and organic-looking scars, some of which bleed as though there were flesh beneath the stone. They possess no facial features, but deep scars along their head give the vague impression of a face. They also have no hands or feet, their limbs terminating in rough, rounded masses of stony scar tissue. When they do deign to move, they do so by hovering in utter silence, looking to all the world like a puppet being pulled along by unseen strings or a doll being carried by an invisible force, leading many to believe that the Demagogue's body is entirely useless as anything but an anchor point to sustain an incredibly powerful mind.
Despite the lack of any teeth or claws, Nulrea can leave hideous open wounds that are difficult to magically heal upon any creature coming too close, all without making a single movement, giving the impression of a victim being torn into by an invisible force. No one is quite certain if Nulrea manifests phantasmal limbs, summons or is guarded by an invisible attacker, or simply rends victims with psychic power, but the end result is the same, and there appears to be no measure that can be taken or defense that can be raised against the velstrac's unusual vector of attack. They prefer to avoid combat if only not to interrupt their current train of thought, striking out with their strange lashing power only until the approaching creature leaves, but if pressed into battle they can unleash even more frightening psychic abilities... or simply be done with a single creature with little more than a gesture.
Floating anywhere from ten to a hundred feet above their head is a halo consisting of thousands of tiny lights, each no larger than a fleck of dust, each providing such scant illumination that even their great number produces little more than candlelight, as not to annoy Nulrea with unneeded light. Every one of these of tiny specks represents a demiplane it has sealed an enemy, annoyance, or supplicant inside, each plane sustained by the Emissary of Eternity's power. Such victims are trapped in environs such as endless sunlit deserts, valleys of ice that go on forever, vast bottomless oceans, labyrinths of twisting tunnels, forests with no edges, cities that continue endlessly into the horizon, and other such spaces... Though victims that Nulrea dislikes may be sealed inside bubbles a scarce few meters across, such as a single room within a house, on a disk that sits atop an infinitely tall spire, or even within a coffin barely large enough for their body. Time passes differently within each demiplane, fully at the whims of Nulrea, and trapped victims may experience the passage of decades, centuries, or even millennia within their prison even as mere days pass in normal time.
With their needs and lives magically sustained and their bodies recovering swiftly from any form of harm, creatures imprisoned in these planes have little choice but to find a way out or go completely mad, and often do both. Escape isn't simple, as Nulrea sets the conditions for leaving each prison plane and gives only the vaguest possible instructions for doing so; complete madness is often required to parse these instructions, and worse is needed to carry them out. A victim condemned to walk through an endless desert may be tasked with finding a single specific grain of sand and consuming it, while someone trapped in an endless city may be required use their own blood to scribe the entirety of their life along its streets a hundred thousand times, and someone trapped in a cave may walk through the tunnels for several lifetimes before figuring out that they must dig their way through the solid stone with tools crafted from their own bones. Each task inevitably requires some level of intense, long-term suffering or sacrifice, often to the point the victim goes entirely numb to it. Rarely do imprisoned creatures emerge from the demiplanes at all, and not one has ever been the same as when they entered.
------ Obedience and Boons ------
Nulrea's clergy is obviously quite small. Very few creatures even know of the isolationist Demagogue's existence, and fewer have reason to seek them out. They offer little to most supplicants, refusing to share the secrets they know with any who are not sufficiently 'enlightened,' and the only way one may achieve a level of enlightenment the Emissary finds satisfactory is to subject ones self to unreasonably extended periods of deprivation, isolation, and silence, until all past personality and potential are destroyed, the hopeful now hollowed out and ready to serve wholly as a vessel for the secrets the Emissary wishes to impart. Typically, this means the price of the Demagogue's knowledge and power is to willingly accept being sealed within one of its demiplanes until total ego death is achieved.
Even other velstrac are wary of drawing Nulrea's attention, lest they end up trapped within a realm of numbness until the madness inherent to the velstrac is eclipsed entirely by new and novel forms of insanity. Some, however, purposely seek it out for that precise result, primarily any velstrac wishing to become the feared Obsignator; a cult of Obsignator known as the Ten-Thousand Moments in Amber--in reference to the Demagogue's halo of demiplanes--and the victims and madmen they've managed to capture/attract make up the largest cult in the Emissary of Eternity's name.
Creatures who manage to escape Nulrea's demiplanes and recover from their madness sometimes develop a deep and unsettling appreciation for the Demagogue's "work," taking a moment to silently thank it for giving them new perspectives on time, suffering, silence, and isolation before making their way back into the world. These blessed souls are regarded by the Demagogue as having taken their first steps towards true enlightenment, though it is up to them to continue their journey. While many of them become mad hermits no longer able to stomach the presence of other beings and retreat to isolated areas to further ponder the mysteries of eternity, some instead become adventurers seeking to either unravel the mysteries they have begun to ponder and the secrets they have discovered in their meditations, or simply make up for lost time and catch up with the world that they have not been a part of for several lifetimes--perhaps several hundred.
As a Velstrac Demagogue, Nulrea may gift especially fanatic worshipers with Boons that are are relatively simple: a trio of spell-like abilities, each of which may be used 1/day. Boons are normally gained slowly, at levels 12, 16, and 20, however entering the Evangelist, Exalted, or Sentinel Prestige Classes can see the Boons gained as early as levels 10, 13, and 16. Note that, as with all Demagogues, you cannot enter the Diabolist Prestige Class to quickly obtain these Boons without DM fiat.
Obedience: Find a spot where you can expose yourself to a single repetitive sensation, such as water flowing over your body, wind blowing over you, sunlight shining down on you, or constant cold. Spend at least one hour completely still, meditating on this sensation. If a creature interrupts your meditation, you must deal at least 1 point of lethal damage to it and drive it away. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus to saving throws against charm and compulsion effects, as well as to saving throws to avoid effects that would inflict confusion, insanity, or madness.
Boon 1: Blindness/Deafness Boon 2: Lesser Create Demiplane Boon 3: Maze of Madness and Suffering
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gonnamurdersomeone · 6 months
CoD people as cats? I think so here we go!
Someone better appreciate this I literally took 3 pages from my fucking notebook to write all this shit down
Captain John “Bravo-6” Price
I think John would definitely be an Oriental cat if not that then probably a Burmese. Smart, quick on his feet and pretty loyal seems about right.
Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
I think Simon would be a Norwegian forest cat or a British Short hair.. for obvious reasons dude is a fuckin Brit through and through. I chose NFC becuase they are bigger types of cats and used to harsh climates
Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
For Gaz I chose an Abyssinian cat, they are pretty, usually have pretty eyes (like him) and are pretty smart and playful. Very Gaz coded
Sergeant Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Johnny boy would be a Scottish Fold or a Siamese cat. They are very vocal, love people and are just a joy to be around honestly. Plus they suffer from pretty boy syndrome so… yeah
Sergeant Gary “Roach” Sanderson
Gary my baby boy, I chose an OciCat cause of his name it’s so random? I thought him being a more exotic and weird cat would fit his aesthetic. Very pretty cats too!
General Hershel Shepherd
Fucking hell I hate this dude and for that I gave him a Sphynx cat, they are mean, bald and bossy as fuck. Sound about right for mister Shepherd no?
I want to kill him
Kate “Watcher-1” Laswell
Kate one of my favorites! She would definitely be an American Curl. Very pretty cats with a unique personality and it just fits her. That or a Bombay cat I couldn’t choose
Nikolai “Gaz fell out of the helicopter again”
Nik our lovable transportation buddy, of course he would get a Russian blue there is no need to elaborate here he would be a Russian blue. Very cool cats ngl
Farah “Kilo Actual” Karim
She is so pretty and such a girl boss istg. But I’m giving the Bengal cat or an Ural Rex very curly hair and just very funny kitties, I think it fits her
Alex “Echo 3-1” Keller (Jr Price fr)
Pretty boy gets a pretty cat!!! He gets to be a Manx cat cause of the no tail (and his one leg) nahh jokes aside very pretty kitties for a very pretty boy
Phillip “Shadow-1” Graves
I hate this dude with all my atoms but he’s tolerable compared to Shepherd.. But I gave Graved an American shorthair. One becuase he’s American and two his hairline makes me wanna cry
Vladimir Makarov
I hate you so so much for what you did in MW3… but you are a character so I’m still giving you a cat. If you were a cat my guy I think you’d be an Peterbald or a Karelian cat
Andre “Alpha 2-1” Nolan
Surprisingly not a bad character imo but he could use some more character development! I’m giving him a Korat cat or a Singapura. I wish he got more development in MW3 honestly :/
Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro! Our favorite Mexican man gotta love him and the cowboys. He’s a petty boy as well so I’m giving him a pretty chill and cool cat as well. A color point shorthair, not necessarily a *breed* per day but still he deserves a petty kitty
Rodolfo Parra
Rudy! Another cowboy we love what a gentleman <3 I’m giving him an Egyptian Mau kitty, it has spots and I think Rudy would be a spotted kitty. Very good boy
Valeria “El-Sin-Nombre” Garza
Mommy issues fr love this women. I support women rights AND wrongs 💪 she gets a Donskoy or a Savannah cat. Both wild kitties to match her wild and unpredictable personality I think it fits very well
Anxious King gotta love them! For obvious reasons he’s a Maine Coon cat, the biggest house cat there is. For being an absolute UNIT of a man he deserves a very loyal, pretty, and big kitty. God I just wanna smother this man
Kim “Horangi” Hong-jin
Toyger need I say more? It’s a literal house tiger, his name is fucking Tiger he gets to be the tiger damnit! 😤
Darnell “Hutch” Hutcherson
Dunno the rest of these guys very well (besides Nikto) but I’m giving Hutch a Chartreux cat. I wish the more obscure characters got more attention, no they may not be apart of the MW part but still they deserve love
I love this man with every fucking atom of my body. My baby boy deserves the best cat in my opinion the Lykoi. Very cool, funny and amazing cats one of the best he’s just a goober I wanna pet him and keep him in my closet away from all the bad things
Mace heard some things about you here and there and decided I couldn’t leave you behind. You my friend would be an Oriental Longhair dunno why but I think it suits him
Idk if this man is even part of the fandom? Either way I’m giving you a cat deal with it. You would be an Highlander cat if not then an Tonkinese kitty.
Keegan P Russ
Oh Keegan my dear boy, you would be a Devon Rex kitty, very smart, mischievous and overall just a joyful cat. You deserve the world my dear
Logan Walker
Ragdoll. You will get a ragdoll take it or leave or my guy. Just know I’m only adding you and everyone else because of Keegan
David “Hesh” walker
Hhhh.. hesh dude idk I’d probably give you a Havanah Brown kitty. Seems like a good fit. Unusual brown kitty for a unusual cool character
Elias T “Scarecrow” Walker
I literally know nothing about you? But I’m still giving you a cat! Uh I think possibly a Javanese cat would fit you my dude.
Alex v “Ajax” Johnson
Same with you like? I have never heard about you either but whatever. I think a Australian Mist or a Khao Manee cat would work
Alright so that’s all the CoD characters I think? I’m not sure if I missed anyone, if I did tell me and I’ll assign them in the comments or whatever.
No I’m not adding the other characters such as Diego or any other unknown Ghost team people or random background people that only have like 2 lines of dialogue or is barely even known within the CoD community.
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theresattrpgforthat · 10 months
Heya, I'm going to do a one shot session for my birthday and I'm looking for recommendations! If you're up for giving me some pointers, I'd be super happy. I'll be playing with people who have no experience role-playing, and I myself have little experience and I've never DM'ed. It needs to be easy to understand and the rules need to be easily readable for the players. It can be GM less (doesn't have to be) because I'm also really excited about playing :) It should be creative and not to combat heavy. Aesthetic wise I'm flexible, I like magic and fantasy but I'm not at all set on that, just one thing: I made a mysterious notebook (dark academia style) that I want to use during the session, it documents "secrets" like maps and drawings of plants and old photographs, nothing's legible in there, I just want people to make up the secrets that have been discovered within this book. So the notebook needs to somehow fit into the game, but the setting in general does not need to be dark academia style.
Wow that's a really long ask,I hope you're not seeing it as me feeling entitled to a super specific recommendation. Just if you want to give me and my inexperienced friends a hint for my birthday afternoon, anything at all, I'd be super happy
Theme: New Group Friendly, Fantastical Mystery
Alright, so for this answer, these are the following concepts I tried to consider:
Guidance for the GM
Friendly to new players, easy to teach
Creative with a de-emphasis off combat
magic, fantasy, mystery, a little bit of darkness
something that encourages the group to flip through some kind of oracle
GM-less is welcome but not necessary
All of these games have GM-less as an option, but I recommend that if you're the one picking the game, that you read through at and be ready to facilitate, as you'll know a bit more about what's going on.
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A Land Once Magic, by Viditya Voleti.
A Land Once Magic is a Post-Fantasy worldbuilding game to help create unique worlds based around deconstructing and evolving fantasy tropes and creating unique magic systems that are built from the ground up. Using only random tables and a deck of cards you'll be able to create a wholly original post-fantasy world!
If you want to specifically use the mysterious notebook to add to the game you are playing, I think a world building game would be a great way to incorporate it into the setting itself. A Land Once Magic asks you to create a world together and come up with your own ideas about how magic works, using a deck of cards and random tables. However, for a game like this, you could use the book that you have to give you ideas about how to answer questions in the game. For example, to answer the question about what cost magic has, flipping the book to a page with a botanical drawing of flowers might inspire the character to talk about the the bond between magic and living things, or how flowers fail to bloom where magic has been cast.
I like the fact that this game is GM-less, giving everyone the same creative agency, and that it structures play using cards, so you should always have an idea of what you can do next. At the end of it you’ll have a completely unique setting where you can imagine the potential of future stories and adventures!
Goblin Market, by Kestrel Eliot.
Every solstice, the veil thins between the worlds, merging mortal world with fae realm. Some time ago, the goblins started a market on the solstices to encourage friendship, trade, and storytelling between the worlds. Play to get to know your characters, meet fae beings, and ultimately decide where you belong.
Another game that uses a deck of cards as prompts for telling a story, Goblin Market explores the story of mortals trying to decide if they run away into the fae realm or not. You’ll spend the game in three different phases: setting up character backstory as they explore the market, diving into the personal struggles and connections of each character as the are confronted with the magical food of the Goblin Market, and then finally a choice - do you stay, or do you go? What does this mean for you in the future?
This is another game in which you could use the book as an oracle. You could flip to different pages to help characters answer questions about themselves if you like, or even use it as inspiration for what happens once each character makes their decision. This game definitely provides the structure a first-timer might appreciate, while encouraging each player to put forward ideas and create the Goblin Market as you play.
Beating Heart Bargain, by Charlotte Laskowski.
Beating Heart Bargain is a rules-lite tabletop roleplaying game made for one to three players, with or without a GM.  You play as a Wizard who has traded a piece of themselves in exchange for more power, and now you seek to retrieve what you had once bargained away. Heavy inspiration is taken from Studio Ghibli films, especially Howl’s Moving Castle and Spirited Away.
This game has such an enchanting theme, and provides all of your characters with short but evocative options to create their wizards. This game can be GM-less, but it doesn’t have to be. If you play without a storyteller, the players will take turns describing the environment around you, the people you meet, and the creatures and details that will show up as problems emerge. You could use your book as a kind of “grimoire” in this game, possibly as an oracle to fill out parts of the setting, or perhaps the pages leave clues as to how to return your missing piece.
This game is extremely creative and really encourages you to avoid combat if possible. I strongly recommend that you check out this game!
EYE: A Murder Mystery Generator, by Zak Makes Games.
EYE is a cooperative mystery solving game for one to six players. Players take on the role of detectives, hunting down suspects, evidence and clues in order to solve a randomly generated murder mystery. It’s up to you and your friends to make sense of the information presented and get to the bottom of each mysterious case!
This is a setting-agnostic mystery game, so if you would like to use it for a fantastical setting, you absolutely can! Players will use a random word to generate the premise of the mystery, and then interview suspects and uncover evidence to determine who the murderer actually is. You can use the book as a way to come up with clues, and perhaps even make it an integral part of solving the case! This game is totally co-op, and the pieces of evidence that are required give everyone a concrete goal to pursue and points the group in a specific direction. Worth checking out!
Games I've Recommended In the Past
Research Arcanum, by J. Evan Nyquist.
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lillifaba · 1 month
I think I realized what makes me dislike what I'm seeing of the Wicked movie so far and it has to stem from the musical aesthetic vs the movie's aesthetic. It's the over compensation.
So much of the movie is overdoing small things that don't need to be. For example, things such as the grimmerie, the broomstick and Elphaba's glasses. Why did they feel the need to make some of these things overdone? What does it accomplish?
There is nothing wrong with how the broomstick looks in the musical, yet John Chu decides "let's add more details on the broomstick to make it more whimsy." or the new shape of the grimmerie. Why does it need to be in a triangular shape? There's nothing wrong with either of these things are in the musical. I understand wanting to make your adaption look unique, but if you were to ask me what needed improvement in the musical, it certainly isn't with any of the props.
In fact, some of it makes it look worse. I can't get over that platform that Ari stands on inside the bubble. Why does she need that in the bubble? She has magic! She doesn't need a DUMB PLATFORM to stand in a magical bubble! SHE CAME DOWN IN A BUBBLE DOUG! I hate to say this but even that awful Oz The Great and Powerful movie did a better job with Glinda's bubble and even the backgrounds :/
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Another example of overdoing it is Elphaba and her green contacts. There's no reason for them. Cynthia's eyes are just fine the way there are and dare I say, look way better than what she has on now. The contacts don't flatter her. It's a common trope I hate when giving POC brightly colored contacts. They feed into the "exotic" stereotype and are too distracting and borderline give her the light skin stare (iykyk)
Stuff like this is what is giving me and others doubt about the quality of the film, no matter how much John and the rest of the cast try to hit us over the head with how great it all turned out. Sometimes simplicity is key. Based on the teaser, you should've made the two main leads acting the first priority over small things like props.
I'm expecting this movie to end up like many Oz adaptations that try to live up to the 1939 movie. When will Hollywood understand that trying to get on it's level of innovation and uniqueness isn't what made it the timeless classic when know and love today? Even looking at the Wicked musical which follows the Wizard of Oz's timeline, it became it's own thing and doesn't hit you over the head with "Do you remember this? We're referencing it! Do you get it?"
Anyways, my ass will probably be seated in the theater and I'll be bringing my notebook to write down my thoughts.
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jainiss · 10 months
bringing reactions from female characters of genshin impact to the arrival of a beautiful you.
Hope you guys like it ~~ Ps: forgive me if there are english mistakes. English is not my native language. Ps2: these are guesses at what I think it would be. all fictional.
With grace and poise, Ningguang observes you, masking her curiosity. "Fascinating. I wonder what secrets lie behind such allure."
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Keqing's stern expression softens slightly, feeling a strange connection to you. "Hmm, you seem to possess a unique energy. I'll keep a close eye on you."
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Beidou grins with enthusiasm and extends a hearty welcome. "You've got quite the aura! I like you. Let's sail the seas together!"
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Klee jumps with excitement, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "You're so pretty! Want to see my bombs? They're beautiful too!"
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Jean, the acting Grand Master of Mondstadt, greets you with warmth and elegance. "Welcome to Mondstadt. Your beauty is a gift to our city."
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Mona sizes you up with her mystical abilities and then offers an enigmatic smile. "Hmm, your presence certainly holds intriguing possibilities."
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Qiqi tilts her head curiously, her expression unchanging. "You're beautiful, just like my glowing flowers."
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Ganyu smiles softly, impressed by your beauty. "I'm delighted to meet someone as elegant as you. May I offer you some tea?"
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Hu Tao:
Hu Tao chuckles with excitement, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Your beauty rivals the aesthetics of the Lantern Rite! Let's create an unforgettable festival together!"
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Rosaria glances skeptically at you. "Appearances can be deceiving. I'll keep an eye on you."
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Fischl's eyes widen in excitement, viewing you with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "Behold, Oz! A being of such astounding beauty, they must hail from another realm!"
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Sucrose's scientific curiosity is piqued, and she takes out her notebook to record observations. "Oh my, the beauty quotient appears to be off the charts. I must conduct further research!"
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Noelle blushes and bows politely, captivated by your grace. "Greetings! You are truly beautiful! Please allow me to assist you in any way I can!"
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Xiangling's eyes gleam with excitement, seeing the potential for culinary inspiration. "Your beauty rivals the most delectable dishes! I can't wait to create a new recipe in your honor!"
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Barbara smiles warmly, her heart full of admiration. "Your beauty shines as bright as the sun! May the blessings of the water be with you!"
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Diona narrows her eyes skeptically but eventually offers a nod of approval. "Well, you've got style. Let me know if you need a drink, though I won't go easy on you."
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Sayu jumps up and down excitedly, drawn to your charm. "You're so pretty and cool! Let's play together sometime!"
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Yoimiya grins, immediately struck by your aura. "Ah, your beauty is like the colors of a brilliant fireworks display! You've got my artistic senses tingling!"
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Raiden Shogun:
Raiden Shogun gazes upon you with an enigmatic smile. "A captivating aura indeed. Your existence intrigues this deity."
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Kamisato Ayaka:
Ayaka maintains her graceful composure but secretly admires your elegance. "Your beauty is akin to a delicate cherry blossom, serene and captivating."
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Xinyan's eyes shine with excitement, impressed by your charm. "Your beauty is like a blazing inferno! Let's rock the stage together!"
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Kujou sara:
Sara winks playfully at you, sensing a shared sense of adventure. "Hehe, you've got the aura of someone who loves a good thrill. Care to join me on a gliding race?"
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Yanfei's eyes sparkle with curiosity, her legal mind intrigued by you. "Hmm, such beauty is a rare legal matter indeed. I must investigate further."
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Eula can't help but be drawn to your beauty, and a rare smile graces her face. "Your allure is like a glimmer of light in the abyss of Mondstadt."
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Yaoyao observes you with a shy smile, captivated by your beauty. "Um, your presence feels like a tranquil garden. It's nice to meet you."
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Yunjin bows respectfully, feeling honored by your presence. "Your beauty graces us with a celestial aura. May I sing for you?"
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Traveler (Lumine/Aether):
The Traveler twins exchange glances, feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity. "There's something about them that feels so... familiar."
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Byebye ~
© jainiss ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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tiktowafel · 1 year
I'm not sure if you've done her, but I shall still still ask, any Headcanons for kinoko?
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(this color choices in this coloring are so ugly, i'm sorry. i made it like two years ago. back then the idea that two fabrics of the same color can look good while touching each other was beyond my comprehension, and i also haven't bothered to look up how lolita dresses actually look like. please forgive me lol)
as a child she was rather insecure of her quirk (and the interest in mushrooms that came with it) because other kids thought it was gross and weird
however, seeing pro heroes confidently show their quirks to the public and base their entire personas around them no matter how strange they were, gave her the courage to act the same about her own. now she views her quirk as unique and cute rather than weird, and she wants to be as popular as possible in the future - she hopes that maybe some kids with "weird" quirks will also feel inspired by her
in general she tries to express her uniqueness as much as she can, which is why she loves the over-the-top and cutesy lolita fashion
but she'll also wear anything she finds cute, like overalls, the oversized sweater + miniskirt combo, basically anything with polka dots on it...
(she probably hates wearing her school uniform lol)
of course her room is also overwhelmingly cute and girly. the floor is covered with fluffy rugs and there are countless mushroom pillows and sanrio plushies lying around
despite her quirk not being capable of creating it (i think that her quirk can only create mushrooms, not all fungi), she finds mold very fascinating. if it wasn't a health hazard, she would probably keep her spoiled food to see what kinds of mold grow on it
she's a great cook - she can make almost anything... as long as it has mushrooms in it
scrambled egg with mushrooms? easy as pie! regular scrambled egg? might end with the dorm kitchen burning down. somehow.
she also likes gardening, even if there aren't any mushrooms involved. she helps Ibara take care of all her plants, the two of them also want to turn a small part of the lawn surrounding the dorm building into a garden
she's obsessed with romance
her bookshelves are filled with romance novels and shoujo manga (along with mushroom encyclopedias, of course)
and she loves playing matchmaker for her classmates, along with Setsuna, her best friend. they have a special secret notebook dedicated to various more or less ridiculous ships featuring their friends, and even though they don't treat the whole thing very seriously, the notebook's content might just... instantly kill any uninitiated person who looks inside
it's kind of funny because with her Shipper Goggles™ she can see romance literally everywhere while also completely failing to notice Kuroiro's crush on her. she even considers him her type!
acts very fangirly about her favorite idols and pro heroes, definitely runs some kind of blog filled with simping, heart emojis, reposted fanart, photos of her poster-decorated bedroom walls, and aesthetic edits
oh yeah and she definitely reads and writes romance fanfiction about them. sorry not sorry #yourfavelikesrpf
that's all i have for her, hope you enjoyed these hcs :)
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