#tw: groomer mention
justplainsimon · 10 months
always found miranda sings just... not funny
like its fuckin youtube, you could look up a vlog of someone whos way more fucking wacky and weirder than her "character"
like what was the joke? proto tiktok face humor?
"don't judge me challenge"
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kiwisandpearls · 6 months
“This fiction could be used to groom minors!”
I hate to break this to you but literally any type of fiction can be used to groom minors. Even “unproblematic” fiction.
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anti--transid · 8 months
Me after finding out the radqueer community not only got worse, but they've start "reclaiming" words like groomer and cult (YOU CANT RECLAIM THOSE WORDS)
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jerrysmithfanatic · 6 months
what’s with Morty and blue characters??
TW:Mentions of grooming and Planetina - i’m not gonna write shit abt Mr.Jellybean dw🤢🤢
like one example to elaborate on what i just said: Morty, a 14 year old, had a romantic relationship with someone in which “age doesn’t really apply to” - however, the debate with the age of consent and what defines an adult as an adult and a minor as a minor- while mostly based on age, is also based on maturity level. Planetina had been summoned since the mid 90’s by her CHILDREN. This is more than enough evidence that: even though ‘age doesn’t apply to Planetina’, she should be fully matured by now and realize that her relationship with a 14 year old boy in wrong. Beth, Mortys mom, who is usually very selfish and distances herself from her family’s problems, speaks up and mentiones that Planetina is ‘too old for morty’- in which Planetina replies ( in the most idiotic and overused excuse ): “But Mortys very mature for his age!” like what???
These quotes aren’t exact- i’m writing this from my memory of the episode. - also, i’m pasting this from a message i send to my friends because i just want people to talk more about this.
Side note- i really liked Beth this episode, normally, she’s one of my least favorite characters, but to see the way she stood her ground with Planetina and how she comforted Morty later in the ep was really heartwarming. I wish she’d acted more like this in the show.
anywayysssssss- just wanted to get this out because i feel like this isn’t talked about enough.
i always end up skipping this episode cuz i cant stomach most scenes.
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anadiilua · 2 years
I showed the transcript of the Amanda x Dream insta dms to a few irl friends and family who don't know who Dream is.
I hid the names and didn't give much context and then asked them which one they thought was being accused of grooming and most of them thought that Amanda was the one showing the most "red flags" and that Dream's texts just seemed stiff and "polite but uncomfortable".
The rest of the people just looked me funny and asked "what grooming?"
After I told them the context a few of them got confused as to why someone would make these claims and some said that Dream should have stopped responding so not to encourage any kind of parasocial fantasy but that it was not a moral failure, just a "very amateur/naive mistake that was overlooked when it probably shouldn't considering how big of a cc he is". (Basically they called him dumb and immature but using more words)
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lilfur-fur · 1 month
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fluffle puff creator confirmed groomer! >~<
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wompwomf · 1 month
kids these days will want anything to be a trauma story for them
"my dad groomed me" and "im a ramcoa survivor"
and then when you ask them about it they end up describing their dad being a normal loving parent and they just left a church because the pastor was mean once (he was probably pointing out bad behavior in sunday school)
and as a survivor of grooming, i can't say anything on the ramcoa bit, its fucking disgusting how many kids will call me a groomer for wanting to be friends, or for calling them a nickname, you can be friends with people of other ages and not be romantic
and im sorry if this part specifically offends you, but 2-3 year age gap IS NOT GROOMING, grooming is 5 or more years apart when one or both is under the age of 18!! and 17 year olds, stop trying to make every adult out to be a groomer for trying to help you
ive met people who are actual groomers, and people who have been groomed, if an adult inconveniences you YOU ARE NOT BEING GROOMED, being groomed is when the intent is specifically and clearly romantic and or sexual INITIATIVE FROM SOMEONE OLDER, if you are making advances on an adult, youve been groomed or your fucked up, but that is on the adult to stop or block you!!! YOU making advances and them stopping you IS NOT GROOMING and im tired of people acting like it is!!!
stop pretending to have actual trauma from something non traumatic, when you ACTUALLY get groomed i will listen and console you, if you say your groomed i will believe you UNTIL i hear your story, if your story is just a normal encounter with someone 2 years or older and YOU interpreted it as romantic or sexual, im leaving you and your trauma at the door because I couldn't care less
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here are the definitions if grooming and pedophilia, YOU ARE NOT BEING GROOMED!! if your experience does in fact fit into these definitions, i recommend getting help from a friend or a professional to get out of this problem, whether you are a pedophile, or are being victimized by one, and i sincerely hope everything gets better, my prayers are being sent to you and to a safe recovery 💜
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manfedrainbows · 2 months
Just took psychic damage from a SK8 fic that referenced Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers, except it WASN'T about Adam being a weirdo towards teenagers, it was a light angst Renga fic 😭
Like bestie you know what that song is really about right?? Right????
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crayonurchin · 3 months
I feel like if I ever have kids, I'm going to need to be 100% transparent about the internet from the get go, and spend all my life staying as up to date as possible with it.
I am 27 years old, and it's only started to truly dawn on me how badly I was groomed by adults from aged 12-17. I never sent photos, only did a few face calls, was dropping hard NOs on sexual stuff, and yet it still happened. I was too young to understand the severity of the situation- I literally did not have a brain capable of understanding what this was.
But I don't want to just, gatekeep shit. Because that's not fixing anything.
idk, I talked to some 60+ year old friends today and they were saying about how some things never need to be spoken about to kids. I understand this sentiment to a degree, but nah, we need to tell kids what happens on the internet, give them space to be free but still be there to make sure some manipulative cunt isn't weeding their roots under their skin to grow something horrible.
All I was doing was drawing Lilo and Stitch fanart, and I still ended up with an adult man guilting me into reading his pregnancy fetish writing while telling me if I didn't he'd kill himself. I still had a 'friend' send me hundreds of dollars of gifts then have me draw corset fetish art while saying I was the only reason he didn't kill himself. I still had a supportive friend who, can you guess, had me draw fetish art while saying I was the only reason he didn't kill himself.
I want kids to know the importance and joy of the internet but my god the second they're ready for it we're having a SERIES of honest conversations
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malikselfindulgence · 5 months
Vent ish I feel like im gonna explode if I don't put this somewhere
Watching your ex who dated u when you were about to turn 14 and they were 18 repost shit about how dangerous grooming is and how much they hate pedophiles I feel like I'm. Losing my mind like actually
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r0ttingsystem · 5 months
One of those days
We thought it was time to change the note thingy we had on their profile for the lovey dovey shit
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Not censoring anything
Little rapists don't deserve that :)
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anti--transid · 8 months
If you "identify" as "transgroomer" I Should Be Allowed To Fucking Kill You
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gigifluidcat · 1 month
Everyone likes talking about how poorly treated girls are about puberty, but at this point can we just talk about how fucking horrible boys are often depicted in puberty nowadays?:
Girls' puberty - A emotional roller coaster full of physical, mental, and setting changes for a woman's body and societal status.
Boys' puberty - Sex-obsessed child grows hair and beats meat.
This isn't to say to stop talking about Girls' puberty. I think we just need to stop making those for Boys' seem dastardly simple yet explicitly more vulgar because well, first of all this simplification is describing 10-17 year old boys. Literal children.
But another thing is that this depiction makes boys seem like they never have emotional changes like girls do bc "Girls are the ones with emotions, not boys! Boys are obsessed with sex all the time! They only ever think about sex and punching through drywall!".
This need to make boys look "stoic" and "strong" only ends us with a disgusting and problematic depiction of puberty in boys (Who I remind you again, are mostly underage and thereby children). Everyone goes through massive emotional changes in puberty. EVERYONE. Girls may just so happen to be treated worse (Bc society), but we need to stop making boys seem like they don't have emotional changes as well just to make them sound 'cooler'.
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vvizardz · 8 months
Going out on a limb here but @ Tangled tumblr can y'all recommend discord servers for me to join that are NOT invitational/openly NSFW available for minors and NOT highly concerning generally from 'casual' conversations. I have been looking and looking for months n years on end and either the servers are dead OR I end up having to actually report servers and users for adult user to child user sexual interactions. If nothing comes of this I'm probably gonna make my own server and honestly it's gonna be a no bullshit policy period. Totally optional server to be in so follow the rules or get the boot. If being in a more active server sounds nice and you're looking to be in one I totally would appreciate feedback either on this post or in a ask. I wanna be able to keep stuff alive and ik others do too.
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novelist-becca · 10 months
The only good thing to come out of the Colleen Ballinger situation is how many people are already mocking her song and not taking her seriously
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xx-rememberthepast-xx · 6 months
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