#tw: custody battle
lunarninja613 · 1 year
Where I Belong (Modern Bad Batch AU) Chapter Five
Credit to @alligatorpie1945 and @kaydear. Link to their story here-> https://archiveofourown.org/works/35750065/chapters/97025319
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of experimenting, court, custody battle, crying, angst (there is a happy ending)
Words: 1323
Crosshair sat silently at the table while everyone ate their breakfast, or at least they tried to. He couldn’t really blame them for their lack of appetite, though. It was the day of the final meeting, the day where it would be determined whether or not Omega and Umber would stay with them, or return to Nala Se.
Crosshair dared a quick glance at the ten year old girls sitting across from him. He’d told himself that he wouldn’t get attached to them, knowing that he and his brothers were only going to lose them in the end. And even though he had done everything in his power to prevent himself from getting attached, the two girls in front of him seemed to have wormed their way into his heart, whether that had been their intention or not.
He had only interacted with Omega a few times over the past few weeks, but their interactions left him baffled nonetheless. Crosshair couldn’t understand how Omega could be so cheerful after all the horrible things Nala Se had subjected her to.
Crosshair glanced at the girl sitting next to Omega. Looking at Umber was like looking at a younger version of himself. A scared and confused little kid whose whole life was being turned upside down. Crosshair hated the fact that he had once felt the same way.
“Alright, I guess it’s time to go.” Echo groaned as he got up from the table. Crosshair looked up to see Omega and Umber now standing in the doorway with their duffel bags. He didn’t have to be Tech to know that the two girls were well aware of the possibility of ever coming back.
Crosshair got up from his seat and followed the twins as they headed out the door. He sat down on the porch as he watched the two girls make their way towards the Marauder. They had only gone a few feet before Omega dropped her duffel bag and ran up to hug him. Crosshair felt his body stiffen at the sudden embrace, his arms and legs refusing to move.
Crosshair felt his throat tighten slightly at the dejected sigh that left Omega’s mouth when she let go of him before running back to where Umber stood waiting for her. Omega picked up her duffel bag and grabbed Umber’s hand before the two of them scurried off towards the Marauder.
Umber's heart hammered in her chest as they all drove to the courthouse, and it continued to beat just as hard as she and Omega followed Hunter to the visitation room where Shaak Ti was waiting for them.
Umber watched as Omega said her possible last goodbye to Hunter before he disappeared around the corner. Shaak Ti led the two girls into the visitation room, where their mother was already waiting for them. Umber felt a familiar sense of fear and dread wash over her, something she had once assumed was normal. And although there was a bit of familiarity amidst the dread, it no longer held the comfort and relief that it had before.
Nala Se’s icy gaze swept over the two girls before landing on Shaak Ti. “I will need to leave early. My lawyer wishes to meet with me before the meeting.” she said. Shaak Ti simply hummed in acknowledgement as she took a seat in one of the chairs at the far end of the room so that she could supervise.
The two girls remained standing while their mother took a seat in one of the chairs. “Once this is all over, you girls will be back with me, where you belong.” Nala Se said as she smoothed out her tunic. She had been saying the same thing every visitation, and it was becoming rather irritating.
“We’ll see about that,” Omega retorted, shocking Umber with how confident she sounded, “The judge still has to make his decision.” she added, determination clear in her voice. It was surprising, hearing Omega speak in such a way that made their mother falter.
“What has gotten into you?” Nala Se asked in a dangerously low whisper that made Umber’s skin crawl.
“Nothing!” Omega snapped back.
Umber stood there silently as her mother and sister argued back and forth, watching as Nala Se’s mask slipped to reveal irritation and frustration. Omega showed no sign of backing down, even as angry tears began rolling down her cheeks.
“I don’t care why you treat us the way you do! It’s wrong and you know it!” Omega spat. Nala Se sat in stunned silence as Omega sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes.
The room was silent for a couple of minutes before Nala Se spoke again. “I love you both.”
Umber had been waiting her entire life to hear those words, to hear her mother say that she loved her. But all she could do in that moment was sneer, which earned her a deadly glare from her mother.
“Prove it then.” Omega hissed, every syllable she spoke dripping with venom.
Nala Se opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off when her phone rang. She picked up the phone and barked angrily at the person on the other end before hanging up. She looked at her daughters one last time before storming out of the visitation room without another word.
Once Umber was sure that her mother was gone, she turned to look at her sister, who was still wiping the tears from her eyes. She placed a comforting hand on her sister’s shoulder as Shaak Ti got up from her seat and handed Omega a packet of kleenex.
“Thank you.” Omega sniffled as she blew her nose.
Shaak Ti nodded. “Would you like to take a walk, or would you prefer to stay here?” she asked.
"Could– could we maybe speak with the judge now?” Omega asked before looking at Umber, “If you’re alright with that?”
Umber nodded her head in response. The custody battle had gone on long enough, and she was more than ready for it to be over.
A few weeks ago, Umber would have done almost anything to go back to the cold, bleak laboratory that she had once called home. It had been all she had ever known. She’d never seen the sky or felt the warmth of the sun. She hadn’t known what it was like to wake up knowing that someone wouldn’t experiment on her like she was some sort of lab rat. She’d never known anything other than the bland rations she had been forced to eat every meal. She hadn’t known that people could be so kind and gentle.
Just one week ago, she began to wonder if she really did want to go back to her mother. Back to the needles, tests, and medications. Back to being treated like an experiment, something other than a human being.
But as Umber waited with Omega outside the judge’s office, after the visitation with their mother, she knew for certain that she didn’t want to go back to a life of constantly fearing for her and her sister’s safety.
Just then, the door to the judge’s office opened. Shaak Ti poked her head out the door and motioned for the two girls to come inside. Umber took in a deep breath before she felt Omega take her hand and lead her into the judge’s office.
Umber noticed Hunter first as he trailed behind Shaak Ti. She scanned his face for any signs of guilt or sadness, but she couldn’t find any. She lightly kicked Omega’s foot and jutted her chin in Hunter’s direction.
It took a few moments for Omega to read Hunter’s expression, but as soon as she figured it out, she immediately leapt out of her seat and ran into his arms. Umber silently watched as the two embraced each other and wept.
It was over. They’d finally won. They were finally free.
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mistergreatbones · 27 days
Au where Cass stuck around after Bruce’s “death” and helped Dick and Damian fight Scarlet and Red Hood and now Cass believes that Jason is manipulating Sasha into being a murderer so she goes “my child now.”
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the titular divorce papers stimboard
tws: divorce, arguing, mild emeto!
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inevitablemoment · 11 months
Egon and Dana Friendship Headcanons
Okay, I’m so happy to see that my post offering Egon and Dana friendship headcanons gained enough interest, so... enjoy! It’s all under the cut.
The gang lets Dana (and Louis) crash at the firehouse when the Gozer incident leads to the subsequent demolition of the building on Central Park West.
Dana suffers a lot from night terrors, and not wanting to bother Peter, leaves the room to clear her head and sees Egon working in the lab late one night.
Egon and Dana get to talking, and he ends up opening up to her about the loss of his wife, as well as the custody of his daughter Callie.
Dana continues to struggle with the trauma of her experience, and Egon offers to let her and Peter spend a few days at his and Cathleen’s old lake house upstate.
When Dana and Peter’s relationship begins to fall apart, Egon makes it very clear that he will not be their “go-between,” which Dana is able to accept.
About a year after Dana and Peter break up, she begins dating Andre Wallance.
Even if he’s rubbed the wrong way by Andre, Egon is supportive of Dana’s new relationship-- she’s even able to convince Andre to let Egon be one of his groomsmen.
About halfway through Dana’s pregnancy, Andre auditioned for a traveling orchestra and was accepted.
As Andre wasn’t there for Oscar’s birth, Egon ended up being Dana’s Lamaze partner.
When Oscar was only a few weeks old, Andre returned from the tour, but told Dana that he was scouted by the manager of an orchestra in London.
Not wanting to uproot her life after just having a baby, on top of the other issues that they were facing, Dana filed for divorce.
She dealt with some pretty rough postpartum depression, but Egon always came through to help her.
It was rough for him, as Callie’s mother, Cathleen, also struggled with postpartum depression after Callie’s birth.
After defeating Vigo, Egon tries to call Callie, but his mother-in-law lies to him and says that Callie doesn’t want to talk to him, and Dana comforts him.
When Egon begins claiming that Gozer will return, it leads to Dana having a panic attack, which Peter verbally castrates him over.
The night before Egon leaves for Summerville, Dana visits him and he apologizes like he had never apologized before.
She forgives him and expresses concern for his increasingly erratic behavior.
He again apologizes and says goodbye to her.
Years later, in 2021, Dana is surprised when Janine Melnitz shows up at her and Peter’s door.
Janine tells her that Egon died, and that he was right all along about Gozer returning.
The two are able to convince the three remaining Ghostbusters to go to Summerville (though Ray needs a little more push), but Dana remains in New York.
A week in between the end of the film and the mid-credits scene of her and Peter, Dana and Oscar go to Summerville together.
Egon’s ghost shows up and they both tell them about all that he missed in the past thirty years.
Egon shares one final hug with his surrogate sister and nephew before he returns to his place in the afterlife.
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Y'all wanna cry?
So at the tender age of 6 I was functionally kidnapped by my grandmother and aunt in a misguided but well-intentioned plan to save me from my abusive stepdad. It ended up being a two-year legal battle where everyone lost a shitload of money (I lost my childhood home because my grandparents took a second mortgage out on it to pay for legal fees), but that's neither here nor there to me. What hurt was not seeing my mom for two years.
Wanna know how my tiny kindergarten self coped? I took inspiration from the musical Annie and asked my grandma to purchase matching heart-shaped lockets for me and my mom on Valentine's Day. I kept a little picture of her in there that I wore every day to school. I wanted her to know how much I missed her.
Just remembered that today and wow. My child self was heartbreakingly sweet. I'm sorry none of the adults in our life did right by us.
During that time I also learned that no, not every court case ends up on Judge Judy. I wouldn't get to see my mom fight for custody of me on television. Ngl I was kind of bitter that the court case wasn't dramatic enough to end up on television, lol
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doctorknightley · 24 days
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WHO: Doctor Knightley and Howl Forey SUMMARY: Told you he's efficient, Knightley had a chat with Howl. TW: Violence, Misgendering
If Knightley's honest it had taken every fiber of self control he possessed not to simply grab Howl and throw him into the crack. Though that would leave a few questions left unanswered, ones that despite her best efforts clearly bothered Eagan during her check up. 
The bruises and the way that their limp had partly returned brought that familiar flash of anger. He had very few people he considered a priority in his life, friends sure, but gaining the label of family was limited to a small handful. 
Walking into one of the houses that had been damaged during the festival, he glanced around before spotting Howl. He was wearing boots and gloves, grumbling as he peered down the stairs towards the basement. 
Glancing over at Knightley, Howl blinked expecting one of the construction guys or Lui, even if the prick seemed pissed at him lately. He and Vero had been giving him the cold shoulder, he was pretty sure their little brother had gone crying over Eagan. It was frustrating how much that tiny fuck was still ruining his life. 
“House is closed for repairs, whatever shit you left behind is gonna have to wait till we finish,” Howl grumbled, the water was annoying and with a flooded basement he was going to be stuck here all day. 
“Lui sent me, offered to volunteer and help out,” Knightley replied, briefly giving Howl a once over when he'd looked away. Knightley had about an inch on him, they were both likely in the same weight class. For the most part any muscle Howl had seemed to have come from manual labor, all things considered he was fairly confident in being able to handle him. 
From talking to Eagan he knew the man was impulsive which was his only real concern. Impulsive people were easy enough to predict but it also meant if he wasn't dealt with properly someone else could be the target. In this case Eagan, which had him more focused on figuring out what all Howl seemed to know about her mother. 
Eagan had seemed convinced it wasn't simple insults, that Howl had acted familiar. If that was the case it was likely he'd either known Eagan's mother, though there was the small chance Howl was the man who had killed Eagan’s parents but that seemed unlikely all things considered. 
“Shit, you volunteered for this? Are you a masochist or something,” Howl asked, glancing back at Knightley with his brow furrowed. 
Looking at Howl's face again, Knightley can see the swelling had gone down on his face. A few bruises still scattered on one side of his face. 
“Just wanted to do my part,” Knightley replied before giving him a curious look, “Did you get hurt during the festival? I can look it over if you like, normally I work at the retirement home as a doctor.” 
As he spoke he'd moved closer, briefly glancing down the stairs and seeing the water at the bottom. He grimaced as the smell hit him, making a mental note to continue that line of discussion with Zarina later. 
“Well ain't you a saint,” Howl grumbled before shrugging, he hadn't actually ever gotten checked out at the clinic. Too pissed about the whole thing and unwilling to admit what had actually happened. “Yeah alright, can you check my nose? Swear it looks crooked now but maybe I'm just seeing shit.” 
Knightley moved closer, placing his gloved hands on Howl's face and turning it to properly inspect. Vaguely he wondered which hand Eagan had used to punch him, the thought that maybe adding a punching bag to her physical therapy wouldn't be a bad idea. 
“Most of the bruising and swelling seems to have healed on its own. Did you have an accident during the chaos?” Knightley asked moving his thumbs to press on Howl's nose, ignoring the way he winced. 
“Fuck…,” Howl hissed still feeling sore, “Watch it,” he snapped. He debated how to answer but considering the mini Luna had likely been running his mouth he might as well try and do some type of damage control. “Some little shit ran at me, thought he was a tough guy and put him back in his place. Shit do you need to touch it this much,” he questioned, wincing again. 
“Just making sure nothing is broken,” Knightley said, keeping the same neutral tone. He hates Howl for this, for having to act apathetic towards Eagan, for having to keep from correcting him. Eagan is one of his priorities and having to act like they aren't bothers him more than he'd thought it would. 
“If they just attacked you out of nowhere, you could have reported it to the police,” Knightley muses. 
“Wasn't worth the hassle besides fucking town blew up with all that water,” Howl said frowning to himself, “Cops in this town are gloried hall monitors. The hell I need em for. I can handle a little bitch wolf.” 
Knightley’s hands stilled on Howl's face for a brief second, only the years of training keeping him from physically reacting. Any other time he'd have written that insult off as a coincidence, but Howl's face and tone. It was said with too much familiarity, too much real disdain for someone who was meant to be a stranger. Staring at Howl, with his face so close he can see it, one of the few ways that he could even have any idea of who Eagan's mother is. 
“That's a specific insult,” Knightley said, voice soft. It’s too specific, considering as far as he knows only two people had ever referred to Eagan as little wolf. Himself when he’d learned her full name and as well as what one of her middle names meant, and her mother. Eagan hadn’t told him that directly but the reaction when he said it the first time, as well as a few other things had clued him in.
“Yeah what of it? You've seen the little shit in town,” Howl said and thinking about Eagan has that same frustration coming back in full force. Not bothering to think over what he's saying, “He's a bitch who makes all his problems everyone else's just like his bitch mom. Can't even fight and stupid as hell, actually thinks his brother's alive cause he's too much of a dumbshit to-”
Whatever tirade he was planning on continuing is cut off when Knightley lets his hands drop to Howl’s shoulders and firmly shoves him down the basement stairs. He can hear him cursing as he tumbles down before there's a splash. For a moment Knightley holds his breath, takes a moment to recollect himself. That had been impulsive, the white hot anger settling in his chest as he forced it down. 
Walking down the stairs he can see Howl rolling onto his back, cursing and hissing in pain, both from the fall and the water now soaking into his clothes. Moving towards him he settles one of his boots in the center of Howl's chest keeping him firmly in place, crouching to lean onto his knee and ignoring the way he can hear Howl's breathing get rougher with the pressure on his chest. 
Looking him over, Knightley bites back a sigh and says, “You're Eagan's father.” It's not a question, it's a statement. The anger in his chest is almost overwhelming but he has self control, he can shut it down to stay focused. He was already impulsive once, again annoyed at Howl for having him act this way. 
“Motherfucker,” Howl said, he wanted to shove Knightley off, but between the fall and the water he doesn't have enough leverage or strength to. “I ain't his fucking dad, I signed that shit away.” 
Knightley can feel his lips twitch, he knows how long it takes someone to drown. Has more than a lifetime of experience with that sensation, it would be easy to flip Howl over and use the water down here he thinks. Still as tempting as it is, he can't act on something like that without Eagan's knowledge. 
With everything he knows about Eagan, what she's gone through, he has to hold his breath to collect himself again. If Howl had stayed away Knightley wouldn't have much of an issue with him, but the bruises on Eagan's body flash in his head again. Putting more of his weight on Howl's chest he ignored the grunt, “There's no water in your ears is there?” 
Howl's brow furrowed, moving his hands to try and get Knightley's foot off his chest. Wincing at the way the water is stinging him all over, “Fuck you,” he snaps grunting when Knightley presses harder, “No there's no fucking water in my ears, happy?” 
Knightley hums in thought, “Good, so you'll hear me clearly. Personally? I don't care what reason you had for leaving Eagan or her mother. And it's her and sometimes they for the record,” his eyes narrowing as he looks down at Howl. “I do want to know, however, were you ever contacted about Eagan after leaving?” 
Howl wants to tell him to go to hell but the water is fully stinging him now. “Like twice, but that shit wasn't my problem. Not my fault hi-her,” he corrects when he feels the pressure on his chest increase, “her mom couldn't find a guy who could actually keep em safe.” 
Eagan had mentioned how Howl didn't seem to know when to stop talking. He knows what reaction they'd have at hearing this, so he doesn't feel guilty when he raises his foot and slams it twice against Howl's side. Rolling fully onto his side Howl yelled, clutching at himself.  
Leaning down, Knightley shoved Howl’s hands away and lifted up his shirt. Tilting his head he gave a brief glance, ignoring the burning on his arms from Howl's gloved hands trying to shove him off. “Bruised ribs, you should ice them tonight to keep the swelling down. I'll let Lui know about you accidentally tripping down the stairs. Like you said the glorified hall monitors aren't much help right?” 
Pulling back he barely has to move to dodge the kick Howl throws his way as he scrambles back onto his feet, one arm wrapped around his midsection. The blank expression is back at the glare Howl gives him. 
“For what it's worth, my wife is the town pharmacist. Keep that in mind if you're considering visiting the clinic,” Knightley said, tone casual like he was remarking on the weather. 
Howl was panting, wincing as he struggled to get his breathing in order. Considering no one else was here and how Lui and Vero felt about him he knew he wasn't getting any sort of backup to dispute Knightley's claim. Clenching his jaw he felt his fists trembling. 
“You know when you go to medical school you learn more than just how to help treat someone, you also learn how far you can push the human body without risk of death. Just some food for thought,” Knightley said, his tone never changing, before he shook the water off his arms. “Don't forget to ice your ribs,” he added before walking back up the stairs and out of the house. Taking the gloves off he shoved them into his back pocket and ran his hands through his hair, already dreading the talk he was going to need to have with Eagan.
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Violets a real one for forgiving Pete after that nasty ass custody battle. If my baby daddy brung up that I had an abortion after being raped so he could have my son I would have murdered him.
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
oh my goodness i was trying to make my sim's wife leave him so I clicked on her husband as her and the "Ask for Cursed Bite" option was greyed out (he was a werewolf) and when I hovered over it it said that pregnant sims couldn't be bitten and im like 😶 because i was planning to divorce them and move her out-
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constellation-sys · 8 months
not to overshare on the internet but my dad filed for custody and i had to talk to this dude who’s supposed to share my perspective on things. amazing dude. anyways i told him about the whole did thing (we aren’t officially diagnosed bc Reasons™️) and not only might we get diagnosed, we also might live with our dad!
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alisonfelixwrites · 2 months
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the deal - part 2/3 (*) [harry styles au]
part one, part three.
summary: harry & claire are in love and have a happy family of four. the only dark cloud hanging over them is the custody battle with claire's ex, who's atlas' dad
word count: 11, 074
content warnings: smut (unprotected sex, dirty talk), cutody battle, absent father, physical/emotional abuse (hitting leading to a hospital visit), pregnancy talk
“You’re kidding me, right?” Harry had a wide, sleepy smile on his face as he entered the kitchen. His hair was tousled, his shirt wrinkled and his skin still warm from crawling out of bed just minutes before.
The smell of fresh coffee had sort of woken him up as he blinked his eyes open in bed. Patting his hand to the side blindly to find Claire, he had found the space empty. Curiosity brought him downstairs to find a decorated kitchen and a wide selection of breakfast foods on the table.
Claire stood by the counter with his shirt on and a pair of shorts, her hair up in a messy ponytail and a steaming cup of coffee in her hands, “Happy one year anniversary.” She smiled.
“Shit, baby.” Harry chuckled, walking up to hers with his arms opening, wrapping around her frame easily, “This is so corny.” He teased.
“Oh, shut up.” Claire laughed, “I tried to be cute.”
Harry smiled, dipping his head to kiss her lips, “It is.” He murmured, “It’s very cute. Happy one year anniversary, babe.”
Claire pushed up her toes to kiss him back, her hand slipping to the back of his neck as she arched into him. “Are you surprised?” She asked against his lips and Harry nodded, “Mhm. Very. Thought you snuck off on me.” He teased again.
“You know, passing the one year mark…” Claire teased back, “I think I might stay.”
She had been staying for a year.
Exactly one year ago, Claire came back from a date where she got stood up. Atlas was spending the night at Harry’s house with Finn and Claire returned, not expecting to end that evening in Harry’s bed with him inside of her.
The next morning, Harry asked her to stay forever and Claire did. Easily.
Her and Atlas went back and forth at first, but Harry and Claire made it a point to not hide their relationship for their sons. Atlas and Finn were over the moon and Claire and Atlas just… stayed. Claire cancelled her apartment a month after and they moved in permanently.
“Y’look sexy.” Harry breathed against her, his hand dropping to her ass. He fit his palm over one of her cheeks, squeezing the flesh before tucking his fingers underneath the fabric of her shorts to touch her bare. The thong covered up little to nothing and Harry groaned from the back of his throat, nudging Claire back into the counter. His free hand cupped her jaw to tip her chin back and take her in a deep kiss.
“Do we have time?” Claire was already pushing up to sit on the countertop, sliding to the edge and splitting her legs for Harry to stand in between. He grinned, humming at their dynamic. Quickies in the kitchen were their thing. Clothes didn’t even come off but they were their most primal and animalistic moments. Romance wasn’t in sight as Harry often fucked her hard and fast, just getting them both to a high. 
Not that Harry wasn’t a complete romantic. This little anniversary breakfast was Claire attempting to match his level a little bit. Most often it was Harry surprising her with his incredible cooking skills. She’d come home to find a candlelit dinner and soft music playing. Harry treasured her like no one else and continued to surprise her like that.
Harry was about to fit his fingers into the waistband of Claire’s panties to touche her bare when they heard a door upstairs.
He paused and Claire sighed out in frustration, “I guess not.”
“Guess not.” Harry smiled, retrieving his hand and kissing her lips again, “I love you, Claire bear.”
“I hate that nickname.” She whispered and Harry threw his head back in a laugh, “I know. I love it.”
Little footsteps sounded down the stairs as two seven year-olds ran down the stairs.
“No running!” Harry shouted, but their speed didn’t cease. Claire smiled at him, still sitting up on the countertop, “Okay, dad.”
“Daddy to you.” He murmured before shortly kissing her again. Claire blushed slightly as Harry patted her thighs and then stepped back. He adjusted his pyjama pants and she bit her lip, watching him. She couldn’t wipe the smile of her face and her cheeks almost hurt. Her stomach bubbled in butterflies and Claire just couldn’t believe how insanely happy she was.
And how insanely happy she had been all year. It was surreal.
Claire watched as Harry eagerly greeted Finn, who was usually first to get up. Atlas had a harder time waking up and Finn often pulled him out of bed. 
It was confirmed again when Atlas’ sleepy face appeared while Harry was hugging Finn good morning. Claire’s face lit up at the sight of Atlas. He had a haircut recently, cutting his shaggy blonde locks a little bit. It was still covering his ears but not long enough anymore for a bun or braid.
“Good morning, Finn.” Claire greeted, also bending down to hug the seven year-old. He hugged her back and kissed her cheek as Harry ruffled Atlas’ hair and the two bickered playfully. Atlas’ dimple popped as he grinned, “Mornin’, daddy Harry.”
“Hi, bud.” Harry smiled, “Want some orange juice?”
Atlas shook his head no, “Milk, please.”
Claire hopped off the counter, also greeting her boy by wrapping him in a tight hug. She didn’t have to bend down anymore to hug Atlas, who was a bit taller than Finn. 
“Is it someone’s birthday?” Finn quipped as he took a look at the decorated table. Harry squeezed his shoulders from behind, “Nope. You know what we’re celebrating?”
Chairs scraped back as both boys joined Harry and Claire at the breakfast table. Claire smiled at Harry and he winked at her before clearing his throat. She poured the coffee as Harry filled up Atlas’ glass with milk and Finn got himself some orange juice.
“Do you know what happened exactly one year ago?” Harry mused out loud.
Claire could almost see Finn’s brain working while Atlas was clearly not awake enough for trivia. She gently stroked her thumb over his shoulder as Harry and Finn had a staring match. Eventually Harry swallowed a sip of coffee, “One year ago, Atlas’ mum and I got together.”
“That was a year ago?” Atlas raised his brows, glancing at Claire, who offered him a smile, “Mhm.”
Atlas chewed, “Whoa.”
“Yep. One year ago we fell in love.” Harry smiled at Claire and Finn raised his brows while Atlas near spit out his milk, “One year ago you kissed!” He shouted before bursting out into a laugh.
Finn laughed along and Harry blushed softly while Claire giggled. The four of them were laughing and smiling around the table and Claire would’ve loved to think it was a rare sight, but it wasn’t. Every morning was like this.
There had of course been little spats in the past year, but no big fights. Atlas and Harry got along great, as did Finn and Claire. Harry and Claire continued discovering each other but kept their relationship sort of private.
They were aware basically everyone knew, like the other mums at school – but no one really asked or confronted them. Finn and Atlas didn’t make it a big deal and usually Harry dropped both of them off in the morning.
People whispered and pointed but no one actually spoke. 
And for a year, Harry and Claire had been in their bubble. They spent most of their time here at home, both not having a significant other to care for their children if they were to leave the house.
Speaking of significant others, Claire glanced at the clock. Dread filled her body knowing she was supposed to drop Atlas off at his dad’s in about two hours. Harry followed her gaze and sent her a sympathetic look.
Their boys’ attention didn’t stick with breakfast for too long. It was winter and snowy and soon enough, they were on the couch together watching a kid’s show which had a special Christmas episode. 
Harry squeezed Claire’s fingers as she started cleaning up the kitchen, “We’ll do that later.” He whispered, a small mischievous smile on his face.
“Later?” Claire repeated. He pulled her into his chest, “Mhm, later. Let’s have a shower first.”
Claire dropped the spoon she was washing off in the sink and immediately agreed. Finn and Atlas hardly paid them attention, eyes glued to the screen as Harry tugged her up the stairs, favouring their own bathroom which was furthest away from their kids.
Harry and Claire usually tried to get them to spend their time not in front of a screen, but other things were of more importance right now.
They teased for a bit, standing in front of the mirror. Making eyes at one another while brushing their teeth. Harry’s eyes lingered on her nipples through her shirt and right after Claire spit out the toothpaste, he pulled at her clothes.
Claire giggled as he got her naked, stumbling under the stream of the water together.
She moaned into his mouth, fingers raking through his hair as she felt his body pressing against hers. He was soft and smooth and warm and his hands were gentle yet needy as he roamed her body. Passion easily radiated and even if it was dirty, it was still sweet and vulnerable.
It was one year of kisses, I love you’s, gifts, early mornings together. They had spent the spring tending to Harry’s garden and spicing up the house a bit with Claire’s personal things. They spent summer by the pool and running around the garden with the boys. They spent fall jumping in the piles of leaves and carving pumpkins. 
One year of incredible sex and growing together. A year of Claire letting Harry into her life and breaking down her walls and a year of Harry opening up his heart for another woman and both learning how to love and trust again.
It felt light, the both of them together. They laughed and joked and had more fun than ever before. Harry didn’t remember that he could feel like this. 
He felt so young and every day was just so fun. Claire kept him on his toes and made him feel so fucking alive.
His fingers tangled in her wet hair as he whimpered into her mouth, warm water surrounding them. “I love you so fucking much.” He panted, hands slipping towards her thighs. 
She was free of make-up and her wet hair was pushed back, blonde locks cascading down her back. She looked young and fresh and Harry’s heart skipped a million beats, smiling uncontrollably as he shook his head to himself in disbelief, “Fucking hell.”
Claire giggled before their lips crashed together. They were aware that they didn’t have all day. Harry’s dick was painfully hard, pressing into Claire’s tummy before he pushed her against the shower wall. Claire thudded against the glass door as they continued kissing and Harry grinded into her hip, “You ready?” He spoke against her lips.
“Always for you.” She panted.
He smirked and found his footing before lifting her up. Claire squealed with a grin, glancing at his bulging biceps as he pushed her up against the glass wall, her thighs locked around his waist. 
“Slip me in.” He breathed, “Fuck, please, I need you.”
Claire moaned, her hand travelling between them to quickly slide a finger through her slit. She was wet, her legs spread for him. Her hand than reached for his shaft, feeling him solid and aching for her. Harry’s lips gaped at the feeling of a delicate touch, lowering Claire in his arms while she positioned him and he slipped inside of her.
“Oh god.” Claire sighed, her eyes closing at the feeling of Harry’s cock stretching her. The feeling never got old and her toes curled against his back when he filled her so perfectly.
Harry kept his eyes on her face, watching pure bliss take over her delicate features as they were joined together. He dropped his forehead to her shoulder, “Shit, baby. Feels so good.”
“I know,” Claire panted out, “fuck, I know.”
Harry tilted his head up to catch her in a kiss, grinding back and forth before pulling back a little more to thrust inside of her. Claire thudded against the glass wall with each rock of his hips, sinking his cock inside of her pussy.
“God – Harry…” Claire moaned, “Please.”
“Need me harder?” He panted, his arms aching from the position. Claire swallowed and nodded, tugging on his hair, “Y-Yeah.”
He nodded too, putting her down on the shower floor. Water streamed down his muscular back as he flipped Claire around. Her hands were flat against the glass wall, Harry pushing her against it until her breasts flattened and she turned her head to the side.
He tugged on her hips and used his foot to spread her legs a little, sinking down a little before he pushed back inside of her. Claire welcomed him easily and Harry immediately chose a quicker pace. They both needed it, and his hand curled into her hair to pull her back as his hips clashed against her ass. 
“You’re so fucking tight.” He groaned from behind, watching the back of Claire’s body. The length of her back, the way her shoulder blades tightened from tensing up, her slender waist and the curve of her hips. His free hand slid over her body, settling on her ass to give a stern little slap.
Claire squealed at that and Harry hunched over her more, “I love you,” he moaned, “fuck, I love you. ‘M gonna cum, baby.”
“M-Me too. Just a little more.” Claire gasped. Harry nodded, tugging her hair a little more and fucking he harder. Claire cried out in sensitivity, pushed against the shower completely as her knees felt weak and Harry fucked into her from behind.
Harry’s other hand moved around her hip and Claire’s eyes tightly closed when he rubbed circles on her clit, “Oh – fuck, right there.” She cried, “Yes, Harry… I love you.”
He hardly heard her, the pulsing of Claire’s pussy pulling him over the edge too. His hips slammed forward, balls snug against her as he gritted his teeth and cocked her head back further. Claire gasped at the sting in her scalp, staring up at the tiled bathroom ceiling as Harry finished inside of her.
He stayed inside of her for a moment, gently releasing her hair and stroking his palms over her skin as he puffed out breaths and kissed the back of her shoulder. “One year of finishing inside of you.” He teased and Claire breathed out a laugh, “Wondering when you’ll get me pregnant?”
The topic ignited butterflies in Harry’s tummy as he smiled against her shoulder. They had talked about it before, about having a baby of just the two of them. Finn felt like Claire’s and Atlas felt like Harry’s, but they definitely wouldn’t mind an extension of the family.
Claire needed some time to think at first, remembering how rough her first pregnancy was with Atlas. Her situation was completely different though. She had no money after her parents cut her off and she was stuck in an abusive relationship while dependant on drugs. It wasn’t a safe environment for either her or Atlas and getting them both away from there would always be the thing she was most proud of in life.
Whenever someone complimented Atlas on how polite or nice he was, it hit Claire a little harder. She took credit for that. And then maybe the thought of raising another little person didn’t sound bad at all. 
Harry had his own thinking to do, getting over his anxiety of Claire leaving him like Astrid had. The pictures of her were all gone and her old art studio actually became Atlas’ room. Harry took him on a tour around the house and he got to pick whichever room he liked most. The garden was Atlas’ favourite part of the house so he naturally chose a room with view on the pool and the garden. At first he was pouty that him and Finn couldn’t sleep in the same room, but they needed their own little space – Harry and Claire felt.
Harry’s office had moved to a downstairs room and the memory of Astrid was gone. Finn didn’t ask about his mum yet he knew if he ever had questions, Harry was there to answer them. It wasn’t their intention to replace either of the parents, and Finn also didn’t refer to Claire as mum. He called her Claire or Atlas’ mum.
But Harry hadn’t expected to fall so fucking hard for Claire. In theory, she wasn’t his type. Her personality was so far from any other girl he had dated in the past. She was a whirlwind, a hurricane and she had a big mouth. But he learned to love that about her. Unapologetically herself, Claire didn’t give a fuck what others thought. It pulled Harry out of his comfort zone and he had never felt more alive.
They balanced each other out, Harry felt. He was the calm in Claire’s storm, and she was the tequila in his coffee cup. She was just the kind of crazy he had been looking for and life had never been more fun with Claire and Atlas in it. Finn blossomed too at their hands, and it made Harry even emotional to see it.
It was hard to know what emotional turmoil Astrid’s departure left on Finn. He was a closed book and never really spoke much. Harry wasn’t sure at what age it was appropriate to maybe take him to a therapist but it didn’t seem like that was needed anymore. Him and Atlas were the best of friends and confided in each other.
Even if they did have separate rooms, during school breaks and vacations they preferred to stay in the same room. They referred to the other as brother.
And so Harry and Claire considered the idea of maybe giving them another brother or sister. Claire wasn’t on birth control anymore. She hadn’t been for a few months now and so they let the universe decide if one month she’d be pregnant.
They weren’t in a rush.
Harry slipped out of Claire and she hummed as she got to stretch her back. His release ran down her thigh and she turned around with a blissed look in her eyes. Harry pulled her under the stream of water to share kisses and wash her hair, caring for her in so many ways.
“Mummy?” Atlas’ voice was soft as he knocked the door of Harry and Claire’s bedroom. She was pulling on her socks as she turned her head to the open door, “Hm?”
Atlas pushed open the door more, dressed in a thick jumper and his pants. His cheeks were pink because inside the house was too warm for these clothes. Claire’s stomach dropped when she saw the pout on his lips and the tears in his eyes, “Atlas?” She frowned, “What’s wrong.”
“I don’t want to go to daddy.” He mumbled, his lip quivering. Claire swallowed thickly as she glanced at Harry, who shot her a wary look. Claire opened up her arms for Atlas and he fell into her, clinging to her body. Claire fought her tears as she stroked his hair, “’S okay, baby. You have fun when you go to daddy, hm?”
“No.” Atlas whispered, “I don’t want to go.”
Claire turned back to Harry again, “Harry…” She tried but he softly shook his head, “No, Claire, we’ve been over this… The lawyer told you just a few days ago.”
“I know.” Claire sighed, “But I can’t force him to go if he doesn’t want to go?! He’s crying!”
Harry sat down too, placing his hand on Atlas’ back to comfort him and he nodded, “Yeah. But you know what they’re going to say, right? They won’t believe it until you bring Atlas to his doorstep and he refuses to leave the car.”
Claire swallowed and angrily shook her head, “I’m not putting him through that. H-He’s seen enough, Harry.” She whispered, consoling Atlas as she tried to have this hushed conversation with Harry.
“Babe, I know.” He sympathized, “But when this gets taken to court again, you’re going to need everyone on your side. If you don’t bring him, he’ll say you violate the custody arrangement. He can go to the police.”
Claire closed her eyes, resting her cheeks on Atlas’ soft hair. Her heart broke every time this happened. Atlas was supposed to see his dad on Saturday, every two weeks. It got taken to court a few months ago and even though Evan asked for a full weekend, the judge disagreed. Atlas and Evan weren’t close and Atlas didn’t feel a thousand percent comfortable there. Asking him to stay a night, was too much.
Especially considering Evan didn’t have the most stable housing situation. He had moved about six times in the past year which didn’t provide a safe space for Atlas. He was always in a house he didn’t know, usually with a new girlfriend of Evan’s and whatever children she has. Atlas wasn’t too fussy about that but it was clear that he didn’t have any room for himself.
He often came back from Evan’s, exhausted and falling asleep the moment they picked him up. He ate like crazy when they got home and crawled incredibly close to Claire, sucking his thumb again. He regressed whenever he spent time with Evan.
Claire had tried to contest the arrangement countless times. Her and her lawyer argued that Evan was old enough to make his own decisions and if he said he didn’t want to go, than they had to respect that.
For now though, Claire had to follow the current arrangement even if it killed her.
“We’re going to be late.” Harry softly added. He knew that even if they showed up five minutes late, it meant Evan would call the police on Claire. It was venomous between them and Claire regretted him more than anything in her life.
Atlas was her everything, but he was also proof of a wound that would never close. Her and Evan would always be linked together unless Atlas one day decided to not want Evan as a father anymore. He could only do that if he was eighteen or older, so they had years and years of custody arrangements, split holidays and sidewalk arguments to do.
“Yeah.” Claire rasped back. With Atlas tucked into her neck, Claire let a few tears fall freely. He couldn’t see her but Harry could, and he brushed them away as Claire let out her emotions. 
“Atlas.” Claire murmured, urging him to stand up straight, “We have to leave.”
He casted his eyes down in defeat but didn’t fight her. He shortly nodded and trailed behind Harry, going downstairs.
Claire knew she was going to pick him up in about eight hours, but it still felt like an eternity away. She had no trust in Evan as a person or as a father. He had crossed lines too often. The fact that Claire had been to the hospital twice in the past year because he had hit her, wasn’t proof enough to the court that he was an aggressive person who was unfit to be alone with a seven year-old.
But Evan had a good lawyer who continuously tried to prove that he was bettering his life. He was apparently off of drugs and alcohol – even though Atlas sometimes told alarming stories after spending the day there. He had a job or was in counselling and he was in therapy. 
Claire didn’t believe any of it.
She didn’t even believe Evan truly wanted a connection to Atlas. He just did it all to spite her because he apparently hated her that much.
Finn and Atlas were in the backseat. Claire wanted to cry again when she saw they were holding hands and everyone in the car could sense that today would fucking suck. There was no music playing, no chattering from the backseat. Finn wasn’t his bubbly self and somehow sensed he’d had to miss his best friend all day. 
Claire felt uneasy as Harry started the drive to Evan’s house. 
He insisted on coming along even if Evan refused to even look at him. They had deemed it best that Harry simply waited in the car as Claire dropped off Atlas. And naturally, Finn couldn’t be at the house by himself so they brought him too.
“Are you excited for swim practice today?” Claire tried to break the silence, glancing over her shoulder to see Atlas. His face perked up a little bit and he nodded, “Yes. Will I be big enough to play in daddy Harry’s pool then next summer?”
“You will.” Claire smiled and Atlas gasped excitedly, “Without floaties?”
Claire pressed her lips together, “We’ll see.” 
Harry chuckled from next to her, squeezing her thigh gently as they followed the GPS towards yet another new address of Evan’s. It was about a thirty minute drive and the pool where Atlas had his swim classes was actually about ten minutes away from Evan’s place.
Claire mourned the fact that she wouldn’t be able to sit at the sidelines of the pool, cheering on Atlas as he learned how to swim. He was the oldest out of the group but Claire was excited to finally get him to learn these things. Just like her and Harry had been teaching both boys to ride a bike during summer.
Atlas was such a wild child and he loved being outside, it was just necessary for him to know these things even if he was a little behind. Before being with Harry, Claire never had the funds to do anything like that for him. Without having to pay rent, she had extra to spoil him and this was part of that.
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Harry slightly frowned as they drove slowly into one of the streets. Claire glanced out the window, seeing the muddy snow off to the side of the roads and the less than nice houses. She tried not to judge because she had lived in places like this for years in a row. She pulled out her phone to check the email from the lawyer, nodding at Harry, “Yes.”
He pressed his lips together, “Okay.”
She felt sick to her stomach when Harry pulled over and Claire got out, grabbing Atlas’ bags from the trunk. He exited the car with little enthusiasm and Harry got out for a moment, giving Atlas a tight hug and promising him his favourite food tonight. Atlas perked up a little and then said goodbye to Finn.
He held Claire’s hand as they walked up to the door of the house, and Claire shivered in the cold December air when she had rang the bell.
The stench of smoke and tobacco hit her nostrils when the door opened to reveal Evan. He looked dishevelled as always. Blonde, messy hair that actually resembled Atlas. He wore shorts and a shirt and the heat from inside the house almost made Claire nauseous. Evan’s previous place was cold as fuck which is why she had dressed Atlas in such thick clothes. He’d sweat like crazy inside of this room.
“Hi.” Claire forced out. Evan’s eyes dragged up her body, lingering on her breasts as always. Claire wanted to cry. He then crouched down in front of Atlas with a smile on his face, “Hey, little man.”
Atlas swallowed and Claire could tell his smile wasn’t reaching his eyes, “Hi, daddy.” He let go of Claire’s hand to give Evan a hug. Claire already knew she’d never get the smell of smoke out of his clothes. 
Claire shortly glanced inside the house, “New place?”
“Yeah.” Evan shortly answered. He then glanced behind her to see Harry’s car. Evan’s jaw tightened as he swallowed, “Still with mister perfect over there?”
Claire exhaled a breath, “Mhm. His name is Harry.”
“Don’t remind me.” Evan scoffed, dropping his eyes to the bags in Claire’s hands, “What’s all that?”
“Uh – just some of his clothes, in case he wants to play outside and gets them dirty.” Claire explained. Evan took the bag from her with little enthusiasm, “I have clothes for him here.” He argued and she shook her head, “He grew again, those don’t fit anymore.” She then held out the other bag, “And this is his swim stuff. He has practice at four.”
“His swim stuff.” Claire repeated, “He’s in swim class now, it was said in court.” She explained, “Every Saturday.”
She wanted to add that he wouldn’t know. It was actually Atlas’ fourth class but the previous Saturday, Evan was too busy moving to spend time with his son and skipped out on his time with him. Claire had been driving Atlas for the past three weeks to the swimming pool.
“Claire, I don’t have a fucking car.” Evan frowned. Claire swallowed, “Look, it was said in court that he has swim class every Saturday and you and your lawyer agreed to take him on your time.”
Even huffed, “Am I supposed to teleport there?!”
“I don’t care how you get him there.” Claire kept her voice steady, “There’s busses you can take.”
Evan grumbled something under his breath and then exhaled, “Why does he need swim practice anyway.”
“Daddy Harry has a pool.” Atlas piped out. Evan rolled his eyes, “Of course fucking prince charming has a pool, hm?” He flicked his eyes up to Claire, “How long before your sugar daddy drops you?”
Claire swallowed and shook her head, “Stop. Don’t do this in front of Atlas.”
“He’ll learn soon enough.” Evan bit back, keeping a hand on Atlas’ shoulder, “There’s only a few correct ways to treat women, hm?” He had a sick smirk on his face before slamming the door. Claire gasped and put her foot between, “I-I haven’t said goodbye to him!” She tried to fight the door.
Evan harshly shoved it open again, near hitting Claire in the face, “Are you trespassing?” He seethed, taking a step closer to her and Claire quickly stumbled back, “No!” She shook her head, “Just let me say goodbye to him.” She leaned down and Atlas quickly fell into her hug. He clung to her tightly and Claire kissed his head a few times, “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.”
“When will you be back?” Atlas whispered.
“At six.” Claire mumbled, “After swim practice.”
Atlas softly nodded, “Okay.” He seemed to talk to himself, counting on his fingers, “Swim practice, mum.” He whispered to himself before nodding. Claire gave him an encouraging nod and then the door got slammed shut and she was alone on the sidewalk.
Even if it was below zero, Claire was burning in rage and anxiety when she got back in the car. Harry frowned at her, “What did he say?”
“Nothing.” She quickly dismissed, “Please, drive.”
“No.” Claire shook her head and swallowed thickly, “Please, get me out of here.”
Harry kept his eyes on her for a moment longer before sighing out. He did as she asked, driving away from Evan’s house and leaving Atlas behind as they drove back home.
Claire was noticeable silent every time Atlas wasn’t around. She sat on the couch, staring ahead of her and Harry didn’t know what she was thinking of. Finn was helping Harry in the kitchen, preparing lunch.
“Claire’s sad.” Finn spoke as he put the sliced cucumbers into the bowl. Harry glanced at him and slowly nodded, “Mhm. She misses Atlas.”
“Me too.”
Harry ruffled Finn’s hair, “I know, bub. It’s strange not having him in the house, isn’t it?”
Finn ate one of the cherry tomatoes and nodded, “Yes. He’s my best friend.”
“Ouch.” Harry chuckled, teasingly poking Finn’s rib as he sat up on the counter, “I thought I was your best friend.”
Finn burst out into a giggle, “Silly daddy. You’re my daddy, not my friend.”
“I can be your daddy and your friend.” Harry shrugged, “What does being a friend mean?”
Finn seemed to think hard about that before he spoke up, “Someone I can tell everything to.”
Harry hummed, “You can tell anything to me, right?”
“Yes.” Finn seemed a little stumped as he thought again, “And someone I can play with.”
“I play with you all the time!” Harry argued playfully and Finn giggled again, “You’re right. I suppose you’re my friend.”
“I’m so honoured.” Harry teased, wrapping Finn up in a hug before he put him down on the floor, “Thank you for helping in the kitchen.” He sincerely spoke and Finn proudly nodded, “Did I do good?”
“So good.” Harry spoke without missing a beat, “Couldn’t of done it without you.”
Finn’s teeth showed as he smiled, crooked and with gaps between. Harry adored him like nothing else and his insides melted as he stared at his smiling boy. He then squeezed Finn’s shoulder, “Can you maybe go cheer up Claire a little bit? I think she could use a hug.”
“I think so too.” Finn agreed. He was about to turn around before stopping himself, nibbling his lip, “Would it cheer her up if I start calling her mummy?”
Harry’s heart stopped for a moment before he exhaled a breath, “Not necessarily. It’s your choice what you call her, Finn. She’s just as happy with you calling her Claire. If you don’t want to call her mummy, that’s okay. She’s not waiting for that.”
Finn seemed to think of Harry’s words, and Harry squeezed his shoulder again, “Do you understand?”
“I think so. I can call her whatever I want? But I can also call her Claire?”
“Of course.” Harry nodded, “She’s just sad because of Atlas.”
Finn nodded too, “Atlas doesn’t have a nice daddy. Not like you.”
“That’s true.” Harry refrained from elaborating even if there’s plenty of things he’d like to say about Evan. He cleared his throat and nudged Finn in Claire’s direction. He caught on easily and made his way over. 
Claire forced a smile at him when Finn stood in front of her. 
“Hi.” He softly spoke. Claire chuckled, “Hi, bub.”
“Are you sad about Atlas?”
Claire swallowed away the lump in her throat, “Yeah, I am.”
“I miss him too.”
“I know you do.” Claire sighed, opening her arms and Finn hugged her. He stood in between her legs with his arms around her shoulders. Upon pulling back, he cupped her cheeks. His small, warm hands felt gentle around Claire’s jaws and he pulled Harry’s move, using his thumbs to wipe away a few stray tears.
The sentiment melted her heart and she was so, so glad for Finn that he learned how to be a gentle person because of his father. Harry was an incredible example and it only amplified how horrific of an example Evan was.
“I wish Atlas had a nice daddy, like mine.” Finn spoke.
Claire exhaled, “Me too. I wish he had your daddy as his daddy.”
Finn nodded too, “And I wish you were my real mummy.”
Claire shot him a soft smile, “You do?”
“Yes.” He nodded immediately, “You’re a really sweet mummy to me. You always hug me and take care of me when I’m hurt.”
“Well that’s because I love you.” Claire smiled. Finn nodded again, “Mhm. You love me like a real mummy.”
Claire closed her eyes as her and Finn hugged, and for the rest of the day she could tell they both tried to cheer her up. Her and Harry did some online Christmas shopping together. Claire couldn’t bring herself to go into town and hit the shops without Atlas there. Her mind was constantly with him and she kept checking her phone every few minutes.
She helped Finn with some of his reading and busied herself by cleaning a bit in the afternoon, until her phone rang at about four thirty.
Immediate panic seeped into her bones when Evan’s name showed up on the screen. Atlas was supposed to be at swim practice and the worst case scenarios popped into her head. What if something happened? What if Atlas was hurt? What if he was in the hospital? Evan would never let her live it down, knowing Claire signed him up for those classes in the first place. 
“Hello?!” She instantly picked up the phone, dropping the laundry she was holding in her hand.
“Mummy?” Atlas’ hushed whisper sounded through the phone and Claire’s stomach dropped, “Atlas, baby? W-What’s going on? Why aren’t you at swim practice?”
She heard his breathing on the other side of the phone and Claire pressed her lips together, “Atlas, where’s your dad?”
“He… He’s asleep. I think.”
Claire pressed her palm to her mouth to stifle a whimper, “Asleep?”
“He went upstairs a few hours ago and… and I haven’t seen him.” Atlas sounded small and Claire could hear the sadness in his voice through the phone.
She closed her eyes, “A few hours ago, you say? What have you been doing the entire time, baby?”
“Nothing. I waited.” Atlas whispered, “Mum, can you come pick me up?”
Claire sniffed as she hopped down the stairs, “Yes, me and Harry are coming to get you right away, alright? Sit tight, sweetheart, we’ll be there soon.”
Harry’s head lifted as he heard Claire speaking on the phone. He put down his newspaper, “Babe? Everything okay?”
“Atlas called.” Claire rushed out, grabbing her coat, “Evan fell asleep hours ago, he’s been by himself in that house trying to keep busy.” Her voice trembled from emotion, “He didn’t bring him to swim practice and he begged me to come pick him up.”
Harry quickly got up his feet, “Are you serious?”
“Yes.” Claire sniffed and Harry cupped her cheeks, “Baby, calm down.”
“I can’t.” Claire’s voice cracked, “He’s asleep at four in the afternoon, Harry. I-I don’t trust this one bit. What do you mean you leave your seven year old fucking kid alone?! In the few hours you get to spend with him every other week?!” She was rambling now, “He fought so fucking hard in court for those few hours and then you climb in bed and leave him in that boiling house?! No fucking way.” She seethed, “I’m going to pick him up.”
“I’m coming with you.”
“Harry, I’ll be f-“
“No, I’m not arguing with you on this. I’m coming with you.” He sternly spoke before turning towards the stairs, “Finn!” He shouted.
Only a few minutes later, the three of them were in the car again. Harry’s knuckles were white around the steering wheel as he tried to drive quick but the snow and traffic prevented him from doing so. “Tell me what he said again?” He asked.
Claire took a breath, “He said his father went upstairs a few hours ago and Atlas thinks he’s asleep. He’s been by himself, doing nothing all afternoon. And he’s not at swim practice.” Right as she said it, she got a call from his swim teacher. Claire winced under her breath, “Now this.” She showed the screen to Harry and he held out his hand, “I’ll take the call, I’ll explain.” He offered.
“No, no, you’re driving, it’s fine.” Claire shook her head, answering the call and explaining why Atlas didn’t attend his class today. The teacher was understanding but felt a little worried because no one let them know in advance. Claire promised he’d be there next week and they talked shortly about Atlas’ progression in swimming.
By the time Claire ended the call, Harry’s Tesla was in Evan’s neighbourhood. The car was hardly to a stop before Claire jumped out and ran through the muddy snow towards the front door.
Harry knew it was no use trying to stop her, but this wasn’t going to turn out well. Evan called the police for everything these days. Claire showing up here at least thirty minutes early would probably not sit right with him even if it was in Atlas’ best interest. Evan got the lawyers involved when Claire showed up just a few minutes early. It was unnecessary but he just made sure everything got dragged out and he hit Claire where it hurt.
“Evan!” Claire shouted as she banged her fist on the door, “Open the door.”
It took long. Too long, Claire felt. Her fingers were itching to fucking open the door herself but after a bit, she heard the fumbling of the lock and then the door opened. The insane warmth of the house greeted her once more, almost like she opened up an oven. 
Evan was frowning, his face angry as he stared at her, “What the fuck?!” He sneered, “It’s not six yet.”
“He’s supposed to be at swim practice.” Claire breathed, “Where is he? Atlas!” She shouted into the house.
Evan stepped in front of her, wearing the same clothes as before, “He’ll come out when it’s six.”
“Don’t fucking pretend you’ve been spending time with him.” Claire bit, “I know you’ve been asleep all afternoon.” Her eyes glanced over his features, “Are you high?”
“How fucking dare you.” Evan near growled, “No, I’m not fucking high. I’m not using anymore, Claire.”
“Then why are you asleep at four in the afternoon when you only get to spend a few hours with him?! God, I can’t fucking believe you.” She muttered under her breath, “Atlas!” She shouted again.
Finally, he appeared from behind Evan. His eyes glanced at his father and Evan stood in front if him, “No, he’s not leaving yet.”
“You’ve been asleep all afternoon.” Claire repeated, “You made him miss swim practice.”
Evan’s jaw clenched, “How the fuck do you even know that? You’ve got no proof of anything.” He looked at Atlas, “Atlas, have we been playing together all afternoon? We have, haven’t we?” 
Atlas pressed his lips together and looked at Claire, who shook her head, “No, come here. It’s okay, baby. Come on.” She coaxed him. Evan’s hand yanked on Atlas’ shoulder, “No, he stays here. You can wait in your car until it’s six. He’s not coming out sooner than that.” He warned, “Claire, I swear to fucking god…”
“Don’t touch him like that!” Claire immediately intervened, stepping in as Atlas was between the two of them. Evan gave him a firm yank until Atlas was behind him again, “I said no!”
“Mummy…” Atlas whined softly from behind Evan. Tears formed in Claire’s eyes and she swallowed thickly as she stared at Evan, “I hate you.” She murmured, “I hate you so much.”
He didn’t do anything besides smirk a little, “There used to be a time that you loved me, C. You loved all of me. Even begged for me.”
“Stop.” Claire shook her head. Evan’s eyes lingered on Harry’s car on the street, jealousy evident in every little detail of him, “Six. No earlier.”
Claire felt powerless and glanced at Atlas, who pleaded with her through his eyes. And Claire took a breath, “No.” She tried to sound firm, “I’m taking him now.”
“Then I’m calling my lawyer.” Evan warned and Claire bit her tongue, “Then I’ll call mine and explain what Atlas said on the phone.”
“What?!” Evan’s eyes blazed fire as he looked at Atlas over his shoulder, “You took my phone?”
“Evan, h-“ Claire tried, panic making her ears ring as Evan’s shoulders tensed, “You fucking little piece of s-“ He raised his arm towards Atlas and Claire’s eyes widened, “No!” She grabbed his shoulder and Evan briskly turned around, shoving her harshly. Claire stumbled back into the wall behind her with a smack, gasping from the pain in the back of her head. 
She hardly had time to really feel it before her head whipped to the side, a sharp sting in her jaw from where he slapped her.
“Mummy!” Atlas shouted desperately. Claire heard a car door and urgent footsteps, “Hey!” Harry barked, “Did you fucking hit her?!”
Her sight was blurry as she was down on the floor, pain somehow everywhere before she realized she fell right into a plant pot and it’s why her stomach was burning so much. She blinked a few times, tasting blood in her mouth before her vision focussed on Harry – who had Evan pinned up against the door.
Evan struggled, but Harry saw red. He had never felt such anger in his life and he wouldn’t ever consider himself a violent or aggressive person. It took a lot to get him riled up and he had never been in a physical fight before.
Sitting in the car, he had been restraining himself from intervening. He knew Claire didn’t want him to because it made everything messier. But he cared for Atlas like he was his own, and he cared for Claire in a way words couldn’t even explain. He adored both of them tremendously and so when he saw Claire’s body colliding with that wall, he gasped in a way that Finn jumped up from the noise in the backseat.
When he saw Evan raising his hand, Harry opened up his door on instinct. And when Evan didn’t even hesitate to strike Claire across her face, Harry was already running up to him. She collapsed from the force, falling down to her side with a whimper as Harry quickly shoved Evan up against the door, holding him against it.
“Harry!” Claire gasped, getting up again and ignoring the sharp pains running through her body. Atlas was frozen in the doorway as Harry used every ounce of strength to not punch Evan’s teeth out. “Harry!” Claire grabbed his shoulder, “Don’t!” She tried to pull Harry off, “Please.”
Evan was breathing heavily and Atlas took it as his moment to run out of the house. His bags were right where Claire had left them when dropping Atlas off and when she finally managed to pull Harry off of Evan before things escalated even more, she quickly reached for Atlas’ stuff.
Her eyes were wide and teary, a line of blood running down the side of her mouth from where Evan had hit her and her entire body sore and aching. She sniffed and stared at Evan, “I will literally fight until you never see him again.”
“You can’t take him away from me, Claire.” Evan shook his head, “He’s mine too.”
“Unfortunately.” She mumbled. With that, Harry gave him one last shove before he helped Claire to the car. Evan didn’t come after them, but watched as Atlas hurried into the car to get away from him and then they drove off.
Finn was silent but held Atlas’ hand again, who worried for his mum. Claire breathed heavily as she used a tissue to clean off the blood. 
“I’m driving you to the hospital.” Harry spoke. Claire winced and shook her head, “No, I’m fine. J-Just take me home.”
He swallowed and shook his head, “No.”
“Harry, I swear, just d-“
“What if you’re pregnant?” He softly spoke. He kept his eyes ahead and felt Claire’s gaze on him. His hands were tight around the wheel and he clenched his jaw. Claire’s face softened when she saw the clear worry in his face and she took a breath, “Yeah. Okay. We can go to the hospital.” She had fallen on that fucking flower pot and bruised her abdomen. They had been sort of trying for a baby and this couldn’t be good if Claire actually was pregnant.
The car ride progressed in silence and Harry pulled up to the emergency room soon after. He was on the phone with the lawyer and the cops when Claire got taken into a separate room by the doctor. They took pictures of her injuries first as proof and then the nurse helped clean her up.
Claire explained to them what happened. Her cheek would be bruised and she had a slight scrape in her forehead. Lifting her shirt, she could see bruising and swelling and she winced out when the doctor gently prodded her.
“There’s – uh… there’s a chance I might be pregnant.” She mumbled, staring up at the ceiling and avoiding the doctor’s eyes, “Me and my boyfriend have been trying. Not too actively, but we have been trying. I haven’t taken a test yet and I don’t feel anything, but…”
The doctor nodded, “Alright. Let me get an ultrasound machine to check. We need to assess internal damage either way. Afterwards, I can have a look to get you some pain medication.” His voice was soft and gentle and Claire exhaled a breath she felt like she had been holding for a long time.
Nerves took over as the doctor spread the gel over her skin and Claire held up her jumper. 
“How long have you been trying?” The doctor questioned as he had his eyes locked on the screen. Claire swallowed, “I stopped my birth control about four months ago.”
He nodded, “Okay.” He moved the transducer and tilted his head to the side, “I don’t see anything, I’m afraid. I’m sorry if that’s not the news you were hoping for.”
“No, it’s okay.” Claire breathed, “I didn’t think I was.”
“I’m not sure how to say this, but it might’ve been for the best.” He turned off the machine with a sigh, “If you did have a little foetus in there, chances of it surviving a fall like this would’ve been slim.”
Claire lowered her eyes, nodding to herself, “Right.”
“I don’t see any damage inside. There’s no internal bleeding and this will just be a painful bruise. I’ll prescribe you pain medication and a follow-up appointment next week to do another ultrasound. Your ribs aren’t broken either, so I just advise you to rest and not move around too much.” He spoke.
Claire swallowed and forced a smile, “Thank you.”
“No problem.” He shook his head and glanced at his beeper, “I see police and social services have arrived. Do you feel ready to talk to them?”
“Mhm.” Claire bit her lip as she tried to get up but the doctor shook his head, “I’ll get you a wheelchair and those painkillers first. Like I said, you need rest.”
Claire had a band-aid on her forehead and bags underneath her eyes when she was wheeled back into the waiting room. Police officers were talking to Harry and Finn and Atlas were colouring a little bit in the kid’s corner.
“Hey.” Harry rushed over to Claire when he saw her, crouching down and stroking his fingers over her jaw, “Hey, baby.” He crooned, “How do you feel?”
“Okay.” She nodded, her voice soft. She offered Harry a smile, “Really, I’m okay, Harry. Thank you.”
Her words pained him, because she shouldn’t be okay. It went to show how often Claire had been in here, in that same position for her to hardly flinch from Evan’s behaviour. She was used to being thrown around by him. Harry bit his lip, “A-And… are you?”
“No.” She breathed, shaking her head, “I wasn’t.”
Harry felt relief, knowing there wasn’t a baby inside of her who would be hurt because of what happened. He kissed her knuckles, “Okay. Yeah, okay.”
“Nothing’s damaged, I’ll just be black and blue for a little bit.” Claire sighed and Harry nodded, “Okay.” He leaned in to softly kiss her, “I love you. And I’m really proud of you.”
“I love you too. Thank you for everything.” Claire whispered back, nuzzling her nose with his. She knew she came with baggage. If either had a choice, Evan wouldn’t even exist. But it was Claire’s life and Harry was a part of that.
He took a breath, “Social services want to talk to Atlas. Alone.”
“Alone?” Claire frowned and he nodded, “Yeah. He’ll be fine, babe.”
She sighed, “Yeah, I know.” She glanced at the social worker, who shot her a warm smile. After a short moment with Atlas, Claire watched him disappear in one of the rooms with the woman. Someone else was talking to Finn and Harry and the police was talking to Claire.
She explained everything and they wrote everything down, asking her some questions. Claire sent them the pictures of her injuries and she was sure that if they laid hers, Harry’s and Atlas’ stories next to one another, they’d add up.
It was dark by the time they drove back to the house. Not many words were spoken and glancing the backseat, both Finn and Atlas had dozed off.
Harry had a hand on Claire’s thigh, gently squeezing every once in a while. She let out a breath, “This is not I wanted this anniversary to go.” She mumbled.
“We should’ve celebrated months ago.” Harry spoke. Claire turned to face him, “What? Why?”
He had a small smile on his lips, “Because I fell for you months before we first kissed.”
“I know.” She smiled back, “I knew you had a little crush on me.”
“Was more than a little crush.” Harry admitted, “I felt so jealous knowing you were going on dates with these other guys.”
“You called yourself an eternal bachelor.” Claire remembered, “Didn’t sound like you were available.”
Harry shrugged, “And I didn’t think I was. You proved me wrong. Haven’t been available for anyone besides you and I don’t plan on it.”
Claire held his hand as they drove through the dark streets, “You cursed me out the first time we met.”
He shortly glanced in the rearview mirror to see both boys asleep, “I was an asshole.” He muttered. Claire giggled under her breath, “A bit, yeah.”
They both smiled to themselves when they remembered how their relationship came to be. How unconventional it was. They came from different worlds and backgrounds but somehow both found their perfect match in one another. A blended family with some rough edges, but so much love.
Harry remembered their first time. How nervous he was and how he fell in love with Claire’s body. Even the scars from what Evan put her through. He loved on her scars, kissing away the memories as often as he could. In bed, in the shower, in the kitchen, in the car… Wherever they could get some time for themselves.
And Claire remembered the huge change in her life when she accepted Harry’s love. When she accepted Finn into her life and nurtured him like he was her own. Harry’s fingers played with Claire, “What do you want for dinner tonight?”
“Didn’t you say we were having Atlas’ favourite meal?” Claire smiled. Her heart felt heavy thinking of Atlas and the conversations they were yet to have. He saw too much today. He didn’t have to live through those hours feeling like his father didn’t want him. Claire wanted to promise him he’d never have to see him again if he didn’t want to. 
It was a horrible position, wanting your children to have two parents. She didn’t want to take it away from him, the possibility of having a father. But she also didn’t want to witness him being so disappointed by Evan over and over again. He saw her get hit today and he saw violence, even in Harry. He was too young for that. Claire wasn’t sure how he coped.
Atlas crawled into her side later that night. On the couch, he fell asleep almost immediately with his thumb in his mouth and his head on her chest. It hurt her breasts and his knee pushed into her sore stomach but she let him. She stroked his hair in comfort and when Claire had to get up to pee, he cuddled into Harry instead. Finn and Atlas both leaned into a side of his and he kissed both their foreheads as Claire watched.
They tucked them in bed and allowed them to sleep in the same room tonight. It would comfort Atlas, they both thought. And Harry spooned Claire later that evening. He was careful and gentle, sponging kisses over her bare shoulder as she felt warm and safe against his chest.
“Are you sure?” He asked and Claire nodded, staring into the darkness of their bedroom, “Yes. I’m taking him back to court. I-I can’t keep doing this.” She decided.
Harry hummed, “I’m so proud of you, my love. I think it’s the right decision. Atlas is safest here with you.”
Claire thought back of the entire day. How the lady from social services came to her after talking to Atlas, how she told Claire that apparently Atlas heard Evan cursing Claire out. Calling her a whore. No seven year-old should know those words.
Social services were also going to have a chat with Evan, but the proof spoke for itself. According to her lawyer, it’d be an easy win in court to get her full custody. 
“Do you think it’s what Atlas wants?” Claire softly asked.
“I’m sure of it.” Harry spoke without missing a beat, “You’re the best person for him, Claire. He’s not an idiot, he knows how much you do for him. He respects you so much and he loves you so much.”
Claire let out a breath, rolling on her back with a soft wince. Harry stared at her face and leaned in to kiss her, “You’re so strong.” He murmured against her lips, “I admire you so much. I could never do what you do.”
“I don’t think I have a choice.” Claire whispered back. Harry hummed and kissed her again, “Maybe not. But Atlas will never forget this.”
“I just want to move on.” Claire spoke, “Without him. Like close that chapter of life and… move onto the next. With Atlas and you and Finn. Start our family like we want to without constantly looking over my shoulder. I-I don’t even want or need his money, I just want him gone.”
“I know.” Harry nodded, “We’ll get there.”
She sighed, “I hope so.”
“And we can start trying again whenever you think you’re ready.” Harry assured her, kissing her softly again. Their lips kept brushing together as they exchanged soft whispers.
“I am ready.” Claire spoke, “So ready. I-I think I’ll start tracking it better too, like when I’m ovulating and everything. I really want this baby, Harry.”
His heart skipped a beat and he felt Claire’s hand running through his curls, “Me too.”
Claire licked her lip, “Would you want a boy or a girl?”
Harry smiled and puckered his lips, “I’m honesty fine with either. I think I’d be so worried if it’s a girl though. Like I’d go all dad-mode on her and overprotect her. She wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house ever.”
Claire giggled, fighting the pain in her stomach as she did so, “That’d be funny.”
“For us, yes. For her, no.” He chuckled, bumping his nose with Claire’s, “How about you.”
“I like having boys.” She whispered, “I think I’m a boy-mum. But I wouldn’t mind having a girl either.”
Harry hummed, getting slightly more comfortable, “How many more kids do you want?”
“Two.” Claire whispered.
“You want four in total?” Harry raised his brows and Claire nibbled her lip, “Mhm. I like Finn and Atlas being close in age. I’d like that for the next two also.”
“How about twins?”
Claire breathed out a chuckle, “I’d be huge.”
“You’d be amazing.” Harry smiled back, “And so sexy. Your tits would be incredible.”
“Oh my god.” Claire laughed, “You’re unbelievable.”
“I love your body, Claire. Pregnant or not. I’ll always worship you.” He promised, “Kiss you and make love to you.”
“I sense an obsession.”
“You sensed correctly.”
They laughed while kissing and Claire stroked her fingers, playing with the curls in the back of his neck, “When are you going to put a ring on my finger?”
“So impatient.” Harry teased, kissing down her throat, “You’ll see.”
Claire’s cheeks flushed as she smiled up at the ceiling, “So you plan on it?”
“Of course. I’ve been planning for a long time.” He murmured, “Wife you up.”
Claire sputtered out a laugh, “You sound like a frat boy saying that.”
“What can I say, you make me feel young again.” Harry smiled. He felt so light and breezy around Claire. Like there were no worries around them and they hadn’t just had this shitty day. Like all was well in the world. She just made him feel like that, every single day.
No stress, no hurries, no nothing.
“How about after Christmas break we drop the boys off at school together?” Harry suggested, “There’s family meet-ups too in January. I want us to go together, as a couple. For Finn and Atlas.”
“You do?” Claire asked and Harry nodded, “Mhm. I mean, I think it’s obvious already since you went to pick up Finn when he was sick that one time I was with a client.” He remembered the moment right before summer and Claire hummed, “Yeah. Dolores looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head.”
“You know she’s going to invite you to play golf with her, right?” Harry teased, “When she finds out we’re together?”
Claire huffed, “I’m sure she’ll ask all sorts of questions, she’s obsessed with you.”
“She thinks you’re a bad influence on me. With your foul mouth.”
“Oh, please.” Claire laughed, “She just wants to hop on your dick. I’m sure she’ll ask me all sorts of details.”
“Yeah?” Harry rolled on top of Claire again, a shit-eating grin on his lips, “Are you going to tell her how I make you scream?”
Claire arched into him, “Mhm. Big time.”
“And how I make you squirt?”
“That was one time.” Claire deadpanned and Harry laughed into her neck, “Yeah, the first time we had sex. It was fucking hot.”
“You’re never going to let me live that down.”
“I felt like I’d won the lottery.” He admitted and Claire shook her head with a laugh, “You’re insufferable. And you still won the lottery with me, hm?”
“I sure did.” Harry murmured, kissing her deeply again. He could feel Claire’s thighs tensing around him, her foot trying to slide the boxers down his thighs. He smiled into her lips, “Are you going to tell Dolores about my tongue?”
Claire bit her lip, “You might have to remind me.”
“Fuck, gladly.” Harry ducked underneath the sheets in an instant, not wasting any time. He loved going down on Claire more than anything. She was sensitive to him and she breathed out shakily by the time Harry spread her thighs with his fingers and pulled her panties to the side.
His eyes closed when he got his mouth on her, licking and flicking to drive her crazy. She tasted sweet and familiar, a sense of comfort washing over Harry to be so intimate with someone he felt so comfortable around. It was a dream, being like this with Claire.
His nose pressed into her clit as his tongue pulsed in and out of her. Claire gasped and stuttered out praises before pulling his hair and Harry caught on, feeling how wet she was. He locked his lips around her clit to suck in soft pulses, and her fingers tightly grabbed the pillow next to her as she bucked her hips back into him.
Claire finished on his tongue and begged for his cock next. Harry laced their fingers together before easily sliding inside of her. Claire keened, exhaling in relief at the feeling of his cock filling her again. She was greedy for him and so open.
“Are you gonna tell Dolores I make you cry?” He rasped, keeping his thrusts slow and savouring, yettaking Claire deep and hard at the same time. She lolled her head to the side, “Stop talking about Dolores when you’re fucking me.” She squeaked out and Harry breathed out a laugh, “I wanna get you pregnant.” He whispered.
Claire moaned and nodded quickly, “Yes – fuck, yes. Please… Get me pregnant. Fill me.”
“’M gonna make it stick, babe.” Harry promised lowly, squeezing her fingers as he rocked his hips passionately, taking her in missionary and catching her breaths between his lips, “Gonna get you all filled up and stay inside of you.”
“Yes.” Claire lazily breathed, “Please, please… I need it.”
“I know.” Harry panted, “Fuck – I know. Claire, ‘m gonna cum if you keep clenching like that.” He warned lowly. She gasped at the feeling of a rough thrust and nodded, “Uh-huh.”
Claire kept bucking against him as Harry came inside of her for the second time that day. He buried his face in the crook of her neck to keep down his moans, his knuckles white from squeezing her fingers so hard. Claire squeezed back, their hands interlocking as he filled her with his release.
She kept clenching and he kept grinding, giving her every little drop until he shuddered and whimpered in sensitivity. Harry tried to hold up his weight and not hurt Claire, but he couldn’t. His muscles gave up as he panted out harshly, gasping into her neck. His cock twitched between her warm walls and Claire sighed out too.
The position was slightly painful but not too uncomfortable. Harry kissed the swell of her breast, “Fuck, I love you.” He breathed.
“I love you too.” She whispered, “So much.”
He hummed and closed his eyes, staying entwined for a bit.
Eventually Harry want back to spooning Claire, using the tip of his softened dick to scoop up any of his spilled release and pushing back into her. She squeaked at that, melting into his chest as he held her close.
The next few months would consist of trying to get rid of Evan for good. It’d be a battle and something Claire really rather wouldn’t do. For her, and mostly for Atlas. She felt incredibly guilty putting him through all of that. But Claire felt loved and supported and Harry was steady as a rock behind her, catching her every single time.
And knowing that, Claire and Harry knew they’d always have their happy ending one way or another.
223 notes · View notes
ghostlykeyes · 7 months
Hear me out
Grunge bf kayn with a hyper feminine gf , like his gf loves sanrio and cute stuff 🫢🫢🫢
Tumblr media
HEARTSTEEL KAYN: ULTRA-CUTE PARTNER HEADCANONS ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW ♡ No TWs ♡ I am so fucking rabid for the idea of this combo...demon bf/ hello kitty reader SUPREMACY
At first, the pairing confuses people, but those that see you and Kayn together recognize that somehow you just work. You soften Kayn's sharp edges in a way that he only lets those closest to him see, and Kayn helps highlight the fact that even though you look innocent and soft, there's more to you than that.
Both you and Kayn recognize how much work it can be to curate and present an aesthetic. That's part of what helps you two mesh so well, even though on the surface, you're entirely different. There's a mutual respect for the other, stemming from understanding.
Though he keeps them stashed in a bathroom drawer, Kayn's got a matching set of soft bunny-ear headbands for when you sleep over. Usually he just bobby-pins his hair back to wash his face, but when you're there, he'll pull out the cute headbands so you can match during your morning/night-time routine. For the sake of his image, please, please don't ever show anyone your bunny-eared, spa-masked selfies.
Kayn has you saved as 'prince/princess' in his phone. Fitting, since you're the patron saint of all things cute and soft, no?
The guys tease him whenever they catch Kayn with your things around the apartment, like when he's washing your pink Starbucks cups or pulling your cinnamoroll pajama pants out of the dryer. "Changing your look, Kayn?" They'll smirk, but he just rolls his eyes and sneers. "It's (y/n)'s, obviously," he bites. He's not really embarrassed, though—truth be told, he loves the way your life has leaked into his enough for others to notice. Besides, those nerds are probably just jealous that he bagged such a fucking perfect cute pastel angel.
Obviously, Kuromi is Kayn's favorite, if he has to pick one. You won him a little Kuromi figure from a claw machine, once, and he actually keeps it on top of his dresser, in full view for everyone to see. (It's probably the cutest thing he owns, and though he might not admit it, he fucking treasures that little figurine.) He sometimes says he's your Kuromi, though not usually in earshot of others. The similarities are uncanny—a proclivity for black, a tendency for mischief—they even have almost the same birthday!
Whenever you're in his room, Kayn sets his LED strip lights to pink for you.
If Kayn's going to be gone for awhile, touring and the like, he always gifts you a Calico Critters set the night before he leaves. "Try to take good care of them, yeah?" He smirks. "I don't wanna come back to the mouse family in the middle of a custody battle."
Kayn stashes a plushie in his underwear drawer, so you'll always have something to snuggle with when you stay with him (besides him, of course).
The visual contrast when Kayn lets you borrow a hoodie or jacket is nothing short of jarring. Here you are, this adorable thing in Mary Janes and a pastel skirt, sporting a bleach-dyed hoodie with a death metal logo. Kayn, of course, thinks the contrast is fucking adorable.
Kayn gently teases you about your bedroom—"I didn't even know this many pink things existed," he'll say"— but the truth is, he loves being in there with you. The softness makes him feel totally surrounded by you. It's gentle. Safe, even. Drinking from Sanrio glasses and slipping underneath a strawberry-printed comforter to spoon you may not be his usual style, but you make it feel so natural. (Sleeping in your bed, though? Kayn doesn't love that as much. He moves around in his sleep enough as is, but now he's got to worry about accidentally shoving your favorite Hello Kitty off the bed? Not fun.)
Kayn's favorite cutesy thing to buy you is sleepwear. Those pastel, soft-fabric cami and sleep shorts combos? Fucking delicious. There's at least three sets of your pajamas stashed in his PJ drawer, and Kayn bought all of them.
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weird-obsessed-girl · 3 months
Harry dealing with abuse trauma/people finding out about Dursley’s treatment
Ok so I didn’t know exactly how to word this particular genre of Harry Potter fanfiction, but I have been reading some fanfics where either the teachers, Sirius or the golden trio find out that Harry has been abused by the Dursley’s and how Harry deals or heals from that trauma. #cupboardreveal
so therefore below is a list of fanfics that deal with this topic, this is pretty obvious but TW for child abuse, some of these I haven’t read yet so i don’t think any of them feature active abuse, more so past abuse.
All of these will be angst but many with a hopeful/happy ending. Organised by word count. If you would like some fic recs that don’t focus on Harrys abuse here’s the link to my master list Harry Potter Fic Rec (mostly Drarry)
How Each Weasley Found Out About The Dursleys - burnthebodiesandbedonewithit
What it says on the tin, Harry/Ginny (very light tho), protective Weasleys | G | 1k
Food For Thought - LoveHP
Snape notices some things throughout the years, have not read yet so IDK | T | 1.2k
Bottle It Up - mallfacee
Disabled Harry, Severitus, hurt/comfort, hiding medical issues, apart of a series | T | 2.1k
Aftermath - CreateImagineWrite
Post-final battle, Harry is dealing with trauma, Ron helps him and finds out, Trigger Warning for food issues and trauma responses | G | 3.1k
Disguised as something else - aloneintherain
Everybody lives, au war ends early, Wolfstar custody of Harry, hurt/comfort, THIS IS SO GOOD #cupboard reveal | T | 3.1k
Muggle Management - LadyWinterlight, NerdyKat
Hermione recognises the signs of abuse, part of a series, Hermione finessing the muggle system | G | 3.4K
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell - IamShadow21
Not focused on past abuse but is mentioned, Ron and Harry friendship through the years | T | 3.7K
The Cupboard - GreenEyesGreySkies
Drarry, panic attack, harmless prank that turns out to not be so | T | 4K
Bruised Hearts and Painted Skin - mikimouze16
Lupin, McGonagall and Snape find out, therapy, depression | G | 4.4K
Cascade - taradiane
Drarry, post-Hogwarts, Harry has nightmares, discussion about the Dursleys | PG | 4.7k
Claustrophobic- Annie1025
Summer at Spinner’s End, sevitus, 5th year, hurt/comfort, panic attacks | T | 4.8k
Where the Sunbeams Start - zedpm
Sirius/Severus, Soulmate au which leads to Severus getting Sirius freed, then they adopt Harry! T | 7.1k
Locked Cupboards - Lomonaaeren
Redemption, Draco is assigned to guard Dudley, Dudley talks about their childhood | T | 7.2k
Darker Than You Think - Lomonaaeren
Drarry, Draco is very much a psycho, bent on revenge, dubious consent | M (definitely should be E) | 7.8k
Fac Mihi Viam - MistressKat
Canon divergence, Harry stays at Grimmauld Plac, abuse not necessarily discussed but implied, Wolfstar | T | 7.9k
The Uncle - copprbadge
Wolfstar, gangsters au, Remus saves Harry from Dursley’s | T | 7.9k
Tugging Sleeves - Windschild178
Harry isn’t responding to Rons letters, POV Ron, Ron to the rescue | G | 8.1k
Harry Potter And The Summer At Grimmauld Place - Silver_Queen_DoS
What it says on the tin, Sirius is free, home renovation, book 3 | G | 8.6k
Listen - Marchling
Need to sign into Ao3, Sirius spies on Dursleys, hurt/comfort, misunderstandings, reconciliation | T | 10.9k
Finite Incantatem - skullcandy11
Rogue spell hits Harry and reveals some truths, manipulative Dumbledore, Harry joins the dark side | T | 12.3k currently, ongoing
Scars - pheonixgirl26
Some Gryffindor’s see some of Harry’s scar, and decide to help | M | 12.5k
Timeshare - astolat
Honestly i have not read this yet but it looks promising, Harry is spending summer at the Dursleys and then the Malfoy’s | M | 14.1k
Seven Plus One - ABlackRaven
Sirius adopts Harry, 7 times Sirius is called uncle and 1 time he’s called dad, Peter caught, hurt/comfort | T | 15.4K
What’s Left Unsaid - angel74
Post-Order of the Phoenix, Hermione and Ron look into Harry’s life at the Dursley’s, angst, hurt/comfort | T | 16.1k
A Hero - Celebony
Dudley begins to see his family in a different light | T | 18.1k
The Lioness - Aya_Diefair
Molly becomes suspicious of Harry’s relatives, she visits them, BAMF Molly, Sirius is freed | G | 18.3k
That’s Your Punishment? - slytherclaw7
Molly actually asks Harry questions, this is definitely a fix-it fic, Sirius is freed, Peter is caught, Dumbledore bashing, Tonks family taking Harry in | IDK how fanfiction.net ratings work | 19k
Pinky Promise - etymolodrarry, huffinglepuff
Remus is observant, angst with happy ending, Dumbledore bashing, implied self harm, Wolfstar | T | 19.5k
Listen Now - mrsfizzle
Harry confides in Remus, hurt/comfort, Wolfstar adopts Harry, moving into Grimmauld | G | 21.2k
Conquering the Dark - noeon (noe)
Healer!Harry and neuromagic!Draco, both work together, unearths trauma | E | 23.7k
The Chamber of Secrets and Half the Adults are Idiots - Des98
Apart of a series, Drarry, Harry recognises Lucius’ treatment of Draco, fix-it, inter-house friendships | M | 42.8k
The Article - LeeASherlook
outed by the Daily Prophet (not in the gay sense), 6th year, Drarry friendship | T | 43k ongoing
Burnt - lastcrazyhorn
Disabled Harry, Slytherin!Harry, have not read so refer to tags | T | 104.9k
Memories and Dreams - paganaidd
Series, one part Dudley’s POV | T | 140.3k
Malfoy Family Values - belana, Merry1978
This only really mentions Harry’s mistreatment but i thought it is an interesting fic to possibly explore, Malfoys adopt little Harry | G | 141.7k
Stronger At the Broken Places - enigmaticblue
More so focus’ on Sirius’ trauma, but it’s a whole Wolfstar family affair | T | 174.9k
Digging for the Bones - paganaidd
Hogwarts starts screening students for abuse, Snape conducts Harry’s screening, Snape is Harry’s bio dad, Severitus | M | 212.2k
The secret language of plants - Endrina
Severus/Remus, Sev rescues toddler Harry, this is a series of Severus/Remus being Harry’s parents, pre-Hogwarts to post, future Drarry | rating varies | 373k
Innocent - MarauderLover7
Ok so this does not focus on Harry’s abuse but Sirius gets freed and raises Harry when he’s 8 | M | 487.5k
A Year Like None Other - aspeninthesunlight
Disability, slightly Severitus, 6th year, canon divergence, Snape forces Harry to read letter from Dursleys | T | 789.5k
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venerable-sun · 9 months
Call My Name (Nuada x Reader)
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Nuada Silverlance (Hellboy) x Reader
TW: Some slight violence (as to be expected), but otherwise just Nuada being an emotionally-constipated ass
Word Count: ~5400 words
Prompt: I always call you by your title except the one time when you’re in trouble, enemies to lovers, slight hurt-comfort
I stayed up until 3 am writing this, so if you see a typo... no you didn't. Just a reminder that my requests are open so please send them in!
Your ability to get along with just about everyone is something you take a lot of pride in. When you first came under the protection of the BPRD with Red, you had quickly formed many valuable connections, even if you couldn’t call many of them true friends. And when Liz later joined the team, the two of you got on like wildfire (pun intended) almost instantly. Hell, even Manning acts agreeable towards you. You’ve always thought of yourself as a charming person, despite your somewhat off-putting appearance, and your skills in negotiation and peacemaking are unmatched.
That is, until a certain elf-prince came into the BPRD’s custody and put that to the test.
You hadn’t been part of the task team that fought in the Battle of the Golden Army, your… special skills pulling you away from the conflict to mediate between two warring tribes of giants in the Himalayas. 
You are an Avian, a mutated human with wings and the ability to speak every language, both human and supernatural, on the planet. Had the two tribes gone to war, it would have been devastating for the entire Asian continent and would have exposed the entire supernatural world. Being deep into the world’s tallest mountains and in the throes of complicated negotiations meant that you had little to no communication to the outside world for weeks, so to say you were shocked to find out that the world had been incredibly close to being destroyed by an ancient army would be an understatement. 
Even more shocking was finding out that the BPRD had taken the culprit into custody. 
The compound was bustling with activity as you made your way through the long corridors to Manning’s office for your debrief. Familiar faces greeted you as you walked past, some stopping for a moment to ask you about your mission. There were a few who gave you a wide berth, eyeing your wings warily. You had grown used to such looks, knowing that your wings were far from the prettiest things to gaze upon. Avians are an incredibly rare type of mutation, but your specific type even more so. While most had beautiful feathered wings like that of an angel, yours more closely resembled a bat’s. 
You unconsciously tuck your wings closer against your back, wishing that there was more room underground to stretch out to your full wingspan more often. 
You knock on Manning’s door once before pushing your way in, too tired from your trip to wait for him to call you in. All you want to do is take a long, hot shower and sleep for days. 
You’re surprised someone is already sitting there across from the director of the BRPD, and from the tension in his shoulders he isn’t very happy. His head snaps towards you the moment you step into the room, his golden eyes finding yours instantly. His mouth is pulled back into a sneer as he regards you coolly, eyes flicking up and down your form before settling on your wings. Something hardens in his gaze, and he quickly turns his body away from you as if you were not even there. 
“Ah, you’ve returned!” Manning greets. “Well?” 
“The conflict between the giants has successfully been resolved,” you report, trying hard to ignore the disdain that seems to be radiating from the golden-eyed man. “I doubt they will be so quick to go to arms with each other again.” 
Manning hums in approval, settling back into his seat. “I want a full report typed up on my desk tomorrow.”  You nod, turning to leave. “Wait, there’s one more thing.”
You eye him warily, your hopes of a quick escape dashed. Manning gestures to the stranger in the room. “This is Nuada Silverlance, Prince of the Bethmoora Clan. He is in our charge for the foreseeable future.” You notice Nuada’s hands tightening into fists at his words. “I’ve assigned you to be his personal guide and companion while he settles into life here.” 
“I do not need a guide.” The prince speaks for the first time. His voice is deep and smooth like honey, and you would find it strangely attractive if it weren’t for the fact that he was glaring at you as he spoke. “And I certainly do not want companionship from the likes of her. If I am to be forced to live in this insufferable human prison, then I wish to at least be left alone.” 
“You will escort Nuada around the compound,” Manning ignores the silver-haired elf. “And you will help him with anything he needs as well as teach him about human culture.” 
Nuada growls, getting to his feet abruptly. “Absolutely not!”
Manning eyes him coolly. “Need I remind you of the reason you're here in the first place. And if you have any hopes of repairing your relationship with your sister, I would recommend you behave and do as we say.” 
You stifle a yawn as Nuada growls again, your jet lag really starting to make itself known. The elf turns his angry gaze towards you, rage sparking like molten gold in his eyes. “Am I boring you, human? Maybe a knife to your throat will wake you up.” He threatens. 
“Really? Because I don’t see any weapons on you.” You gesture to his empty belt and  exaggeratedly look around the office. “Unless you’ve hidden one somewhere. Is the knife here in the room with us?” 
Nuada looks like a volcano about to erupt, and you have to stifle a laugh. “That’s enough, (Name).” Manning says. “If you would be so kind as to show Nuada to his room. It’ll be right across from yours.” 
You and the elf-prince exit Manning’s office in silence and stand awkwardly in the hallway. “Okay,” you clear your throat. “It’s this way.”
You walk a few paces before you realize Nuada isn’t following. You sigh, mustering up the last of your remaining energy as you face the still-glaring prince. “Look, I know you don’t want to be here. Hell, I wouldn’t either. But you are, and from what I’ve heard about what happened, there’s much worse places you could be.” You hold up your hand to stop him as he takes an angry step forward. “We can fight about this tomorrow, but I have had a very long day. And I can promise you that of all the people to get assigned to be your chaperone, you could do a whole lot worse than me. So unless you want me to go get Red to be your buddy, I recommend that you follow me to your room.” 
With that, you turn and begin walking away again, a small smile pulling at your lips when you hear light, almost-silent footsteps following behind you. 
By the time you reach your rooms, your wings are dragging against the ground with exhaustion. “That’s yours, I guess.” You gesture vaguely at the door across from yours. “If you need anything, just knock or find one of the guards. I’m sure they won’t be far.” 
Nuada nods stiffly and enters into his room, closing the door solidly behind him. “Good talk,” you sigh. You spend the rest of the evening decompressing from your trip, taking a hot bath and relaxing in bed with a cup of tea, and most importantly, keeping your mind off of the intriguing elf-prince just across the hall from you.
You’re shockingly unbothered for the entire night, managing to sleep well into the next day. By the time you drag yourself out of bed, it’s shortly before noon and your stomach is making its hunger known. 
You dress quickly and go to knock on Nuada’s door. You wait several moments with no response and knock again, louder this time. 
“What do you want, human?” Nuada growls, opening the door half-way. 
“I thought you might be hungry and figured I could show you to the dining hall.” 
The elf narrows his eyes but reluctantly steps out. “If you must.” 
You struggle to hide your amusement at the sight of his disgusted face when you get to the bustling cafeteria. Agents roam between full tables and a clamor of voices and cutlery scraping against plates fills the air. Your smile fades when Nuada suddenly goes rigid. You follow his gaze to see Nuala sitting at a table with Abe. Their bodies are angled towards each other, knees knocking together as Abe leans forward to brush a stray hair behind her ear. 
Before you can stop him, Nuada is stalking forward, and you struggle to keep up behind him without knocking into anyone with your wings. Nuala gazes up at her brother with a face devoid of emotion while Abe pulls back awkwardly. “Sister, I wish to speak with you privately.”
“Whatever you have to say can be said to the both of us, brother.” She replies evenly. You hang back, unsure of if you should redirect this before the elf-prince causes a scene. 
“You really stoop so low as to openly fraternize with a traitor? You would truly embarrass your people this way?” Nuada shoots Abe a withering glare. The fish-man blinks in surprise. “Uhm, excuse me, but-” 
“I love Abe, brother. I expect you to respect my choice.” Nuala reaches over and clasps his hand in her own. “And he is far from a traitor.”
“He helps the enemy! He lives amongst them as if they are family!” Nuada hisses. 
“They are my family,” Abe replies smoothly. “If you were to let go of your hate, you could see all the good that they do.” 
Nuada growls, taking a menacing step forward. “Hey, let’s maybe not do this here, yeah?” You finally butt in, acutely aware that the dining hall has gone completely quiet and everyone’s attention in on you.
The elf-prince turns and stalks away without a word, leaving you struggling to keep up with him once again. He’s already half-way down the hall when you catch up to him, and you reach forward to grab at his wrist. “Nuada, hold on a second-” 
“Don’t you dare touch me, you filth!” 
You reel back for a moment, shocked at his outburst in one second and enraged in the next. 
“And don’t you dare talk to me like that, your highness.” You square up to the prince, matching his angry gaze with your own. “You may be royalty amongst your kind, but that doesn’t give you any right to speak to me in such a manner. I have done nothing but try to help you.” 
“I never asked for your help.” Nuada hisses, looming over you in a certain way that you try very hard not to pay attention to. “If you haven’t noticed, I am being held here against my will.” 
You soften slightly, feeling slightly bad for him despite yourself. “I know you are. But you tried to wipe out the entire human race- what did you expect to happen? The best you can do now is try and make the most of being here. It really isn’t so bad once you get used to it.” 
“I will never accept being a prisoner here.” Nuada growls, whipping around and stalking off in the direction of his room. 
You watch him go with a frown, deciding to give him some time to cool off. 
“I apologize for my brother,” a soft voice speaks from behind you. 
Nuala stands there with Abe standing slightly behind her, a sympathetic look on her face. “He has always been quick to anger, even when we were elflings.” 
You give her a lopsided smile, reaching out a hand to introduce yourself formally. “I appreciate the apology, but none is needed, at least not from you.” 
You cast a glance in the direction the elf in question disappeared off to. “I feel bad for him, in a way. Even though he tried to commit mass genocide and all.” 
“My brother is very passionate when it comes to the preservation of our people.” Nuala sighs. “Unfortunately, his means of acting on them are grossly misguided.” 
You leave the two of them to go on their way, heading back into the dining hall to actually eat this time. After making a quick sandwich, you leave with some fruit and bread wrapped in a napkin. You place it in front of Nuada’s door, knocking sharply twice before heading to the training room for some practice. 
Only once he’s certain you’ve left does Nuada open his door, stamping down the small twinge of guilt he feels as he picks up the food you’ve left for him. 
Nuada doesn’t leave his room once for the next three days. The only indication you have that he’s still in there is the faint light from beneath the door and the fact that the food you leave for him always quickly disappears. 
On the third day, you grow tired of awkwardly hanging around in the hallway debating on knocking on his door and finally do so. 
You wait a few moments before knocking again, louder this time. 
“You humans are so impatient. I was going to answer.” Nuada gives as way of greeting. “What do you want?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the training room.” You offer with what you hope is a convincing smile. “It’s always empty at this time of day and I figured you might enjoy a change of scenery.” 
The prince quirks an eyebrow at you suspiciously but begrudgingly gestures for you to lead the way. 
You ask him about his preferred weapon, surprised that he answers your question without malice. He tells you of his prized spear, indulging you in a tale of how it was forged. 
You hum in thought before the weapon wall, grabbing a bo staff and handing it to him. “It’s not elven-made, but it’s the closest training weapon we have to what you’re used to.” 
Nuada gives it a few test swings, getting used to its weight. While he does so, you unsheath your personal dual swords from their scabbards, examining them closely before deeming them acceptable for the training session. 
You settle into a loose fighting stance, shooting the elf a wicked grin. “Ready when you are, princeling.” 
He surges forward without warning, immediately going on the offense. You parry his blow easily, following it with a lunge of your own. The sound of metal on metal begins to fill the room as you match each other blow for blow, both of you unable to land a hit on the other. You blink at the sweat threatening to drip into your eyes, searching for any chink in the prince’s otherwise impenetrable stance. 
He takes a small step back, presumably to gain momentum for his next attack, but in that moment you spot his weakness. He shifts too much weight into that one foot, and before he can pivot towards you, you’re darting forward with a well-aimed strike to his knee. 
He wobbles, off-balanced for a second. That second is all you need, and before he can comprehend it, he’s knocked onto his back with one of your blades pointed at his throat. 
He ignores the hand you offer to him, pushing himself to his feet without a word. He can’t help the glimmer of respect he feels for you as you smile at him, finally wiping the sweat from your brow. 
You stretch your arms languidly above your head, and he averts his eyes from the sliver of soft skin that becomes visible as your top rides up slightly. 
“I haven’t had to work so hard to win against someone in forever.” You say. “We’ll have to do this again sometime.” 
“That would be… amenable.” 
You grin in victory, pleased at having won two battles today. “Come on, there’s one more place I want to show you while we’re over on this side of the building.” 
You lead him to the library, which is almost always virtually devoid of anyone else. The prince can’t completely keep the look of pleasure off his space as he explores the countless titles, pulling some of them to take back to his room with him. 
As you bid him goodbye to take a shower, you could swear his gaze lingers on you slightly longer as you turn toward your own chambers. 
Things are slightly different after that day. 
Nuada still makes his displeasure at being the BPRD’s prisoner apparent, and he is often cold and grumpy in his demeanor, but he does not direct such harsh words at you again. You continue to train together, slowly learning each other’s fighting styles and testing them with a variety of different weapons. You know Manning isn’t very pleased that you’re allowing the prince to wield a weapon, but the way you see it, it allows him to blow off some steam and that’s a win in your book. 
You also begin to spend time in the library together, most of the time just reading your separate books in silence. There’s something oddly… domestic about it, if you would allow yourself to think of it in that way. 
Thoughts like these are dangerous though, for as the weeks go by, you begin to find yourself attracted to the silver-haired elf. 
You realize the true depth of these feelings with startling clarity one night after you see Nuada smile for the first time. It is small and barely-there, pulling at his lips after he finds a book of elven fairy-tales on a shelf tucked in the very back of the library, but the sight of it nearly knocks the air out of your lungs.
There’s no denying the elf is incredibly handsome, but his smile completely transforms his face from alluring to ethereal. You avert your gaze before he can notice, and resolve to never let your feelings become apartment to him. 
Because at the end of the day, you’re still just a human, wings or not. 
You struggle particularly hard one evening in the library to focus on the book you’ve chosen, stealing quick glimpses at the elf sitting across from you through your hair. 
“You’re staring,” He hums, long fingers flicking to the next page without looking up at you.
“Just thinking.” You say, forcing your attention back to the page in front of you. You read the same sentence four times before getting to your feet, carefully marking your place before setting the book down. “I can’t stand being inside one moment longer,” You announce. 
Nuada raises an eyebrow. “I do not believe I am ‘allowed’ to leave the premises, if you weren’t aware.” He comments drily, and you scoff. 
“Who said anything about leaving?
Cool wind whips at you as you push open the door to the roof, and you sigh in relief at the open air. Stars twinkle overhead, the compound being far enough from the city lights to be able to see a faint haze of the galaxy spread across the sky. 
You allow your wings to stretch to their full span for what feels like the first time in ages, giving a small flap that lifts your feet slightly above the ground for a moment.
You can feel the prince’s eyes on you, and you extend one of your wings towards him. “You can touch it, if you want. Most people are curious.” 
You suppress a shiver as his calloused hand swipes experimentally over the skin, not expecting your wings to be so sensitive to his touch. He drags his fingertips over the back, marveling at how a limb so strong could feel so soft. “Have you always been like this?” He asks softly. 
“I was born with them, yes.” You say, directing your attention to the stars above your head. “Gave my parents quite a shock, I suppose, seeing as they put me up for adoption immediately after I was born. I was taken in by Professor Bruttenholm, who raised me alongside Red. He taught me that my wings are a gift, a way to do good despite what others may see them as.” 
You turn to see Nuada is gazing at you intently. “Others have treated you horribly for your appearance.” He doesn’t say it as a question.
“That’s true,” you smile wryly. “People can definitely be cruel. But they can also be incredibly kind, and while there may be a couple here who will avoid me in the hallways, for the most part the BPRD is my family.” 
You meet the prince’s gaze imploringly. “I know you hold significant anger for humanity. And I even understand why. But don’t punish an entire race for the sins of a few. There are many who care a whole lot… like me.” For you. 
You don’t say that last part, but you know he understands its implication. Over the course of you speaking, the two of you have somehow gravitated closer to each other. You stare into the elf’s golden eyes, now inches from your own. 
Your hands brush together as he draws even closer, and your breath hitches slightly at the electricity that the touch elicits. 
“I must admit I have grown rather fond of you,” Nuada murmurs, almost as if he doesn’t even realize. “You have made being here slightly more bearable.” 
You huff out a laugh as his warm breath fans across your cheeks. Your eyelids begin to flutter closed as his lips just barely brush against yours. All of the sudden, he yanks himself away, his face a mixture of disbelief and fury. 
“You have bewitched me,” the prince hisses, eyes devoid of the warmth they had held just moments ago. “I see your ploy now, witch. You would make me a traitor to my own kind, complacent to stay here forever and allow humanity to corrupt what little of the natural world there is left.” 
“Nuada, I-” you stumble in disbelief, reeling from the complete change in his attitude. 
“Silence!” He roars, causing you to take an involuntary step back. Gone is any of the tenderness he had directed towards you, replaced with cold, simmering rage. For the first time, you find yourself slightly afraid of him. 
"You are nothing but a filthy human with extra appendages,” he spits viciously, and you rear back as if he had slapped you. “And I will always hate you just like the rest of your despicable kind.” 
He leaves you on the roof, slamming the door behind him with a bang. 
You don’t know how long you stand in the cold, completely dumbfounded by Nuada’s actions. All the progress you’d made with him had vanished in an instant, any hope of him possibly returning your feelings snatched away in the cruelest way possible. 
You finally shake yourself out of your shock, reaching up to wipe the silent tears off your cheeks. You suppose that you should have expected this. You’d been foolish to think that you and the elvish prince could even remotely be friends, much less anything more. 
You bury your hurt deep, deciding that from now on that you would avoid Nuada at all costs. Manning would just have to find someone else to accompany him around. 
You make your way back to your room in a daze, heart twisting as you briefly glance at the door across from yours. 
You don’t sleep at all that night, wrapping your wings comfortingly around yourself and shivering from the cold that has seemed to settle itself right against your bones. 
You and Nuada do not speak for a month. 
You deliberately avoid his gaze every time you pass each other in the halls, and if he happens to be in the training room or library whenever you are, you leave until he is finished. 
By some twisted form of masochism, you spend a lot of time on the rooftop, staring blankly at the horizon.
Life without the elvish prince is boring and monotonous, and you have no idea how you carried out your days before he was there to occupy all your time. It doesn’t help that you’ve barely been given any missions, the few you’re called on only pulling you away from the compound for a few days at a time.
If anyone notices the change in either of your attitudes, they don’t say anything. Nuala often looks at you with sympathy and Liz seems to hang around more despite being constantly busy with the twins, but neither of them address your listlessness. 
You’re sitting in the library pretending to read when a lower agent approaches you. “Manning wants to see you in his office.”
You get up with a sigh, already not looking forward to this conversation. 
You struggle to keep any emotion from showing on your face when you see Nuada is sitting across from Manning’s desk. A strong sense of deja vu hits you as his gaze meets yours and flicks away just as quickly before you can read anything there. The director of the BPRD clears his throat, obviously having caught the brief exchange. 
“There has been a troll sighting not far from here,” Manning directs towards you. “They’re bold, amassing forces so close to our base. I’m sending a large team to go deal with the problem.” He gestures to the elf who is pointedly not looking at you. “Nuada will be accompanying you.” 
You immediately open your mouth to protest, your refusal dying on your tongue as Manning holds up a hand to silence you. “The prince has not caused any problems during his stay here and I believe it is time for him to start becoming more involved with our operations. He will be your responsibility while out on the field.” 
You grind your teeth so hard you fear they might crack as Manning dismisses you both. You speed-walk out of the office before Nuada can get to his feet, trying to put as much distance between the two of you as possibly. 
It’s a little hard to do that while in the back of a transport van, which you find yourself seated in the next morning. You do your best to ignore the elf sitting across the aisle from you as you’re jostled along. You grip your dual swords sitting across your lap, trying to keep your mind on the mission ahead. 
You’re the first out of the van when it stops, immediately beginning to scan your surroundings. Your group has been dropped off right in front of a dense part of the forest, the trees so close together it's impossible to see between them. 
As the rest of the team assembles on the grass, you strap your swords to your back and launch yourself into the air, trying to get a better glimpse into the thicket. You swoop closer to the treetops, but the branches are too thick to see through, and you return to the clearing with no luck. 
“I can barely see into there,” you report. “They’ve chosen their hideout well.”
Red claps his hands together, calling everyone closer to him. “We’ll have to split up to cover more ground. Me and Liz will head north-west into the forest. (Name), you and Nuada will go north-east. The rest of you fan out in between.” 
Ice settles into your heart as the group disperses, leaving you and Nuada alone. “We’d better get going,” you address the elf for the first time in weeks, not waiting for him to reply before you start walking into the trees. 
The two of you hike in silence for some minutes, pushing aside branches and foliage with every step. You grumble quietly to yourself, wishing you could stretch your wings. Nuada stops suddenly, his hand on your wrist and a slender finger pressed to his lips to keep you quiet. 
Warmth begins to creep up your arm from where his skin touches yours, but the hair standing up at the back of your head distracts you from it. The sounds of the forest have gone completely silent, leaving behind an eerie ringing that you don’t know is in your head or not. 
Nuada pulls you down suddenly, wide eyes meeting your own as an arrow embeds itself in the wood right behind where your head had just been. 
“Run,” he growls, and then you’re both taking off through the trees. 
Branches whip at your face as you race through the thicket, knobby roots seeming to reach up to try and trip you with every stride. 
You scramble to a halt as a troll seems to materialize out of the branches before you, his sharp teeth and red eyes gleaming in the dappled sunlight that manages to filter through the leaves. You draw your swords, preparing for a fight. Your swords meet his in a clash of metal on metal, and you grunt from the exertion. The troll is strong, and your stomach rolls at the stench of his breath as he grins wickedly at you.
“(Name)!” A scream of your name steals your attention just enough to notice the troll that has also been creeping up behind you, but it is already too late.
A hard blow strikes you across the back of the head, and you crumple immediately. An enraged roar and a high-pitched squeal of pain that is suddenly cut off is the last thing you hear before your world completely goes black. 
You wake slowly, head pounding with every beat of your heart. 
You blink blearily, the sight of one of the BPRD’s hospital rooms coming into focus. Movement from beside you shifts your attention, and you’re shocked to see Nuada sitting uncomfortably in one of the metal chairs by your bedside. 
He is dressed in fresh robes, his silver hair pulled back and a somber look on his face. You gaze at him silently, not trusting yourself to speak for multiple reasons. 
“I owe you numerous apologies,” he begins without ceremony. “I was cruel and incredibly unkind. I have no excuse other than my own bigotry and confusion. I did not know how to handle my emotions and lashed out at you as a result.” 
You allow him to grab your hand, the same warmth beginning to creep up your arm. You can’t deny that it feels nice, but you don’t exactly want to forgive him just yet. 
“I feel… very strong emotions for you.” Nuada says, his face sincere as he looks at you. For once, there is no anger lurking in his sight, and his eyes are golden pools of sunlight. “I did not want to admit to myself what they were at the time, but seeing you hurt proves that I can fight it no longer.” The prince takes a deep breath. “I love you, (Name). And I will spend every day for the rest of our lives making up for the hurt I have caused you, if you would allow me to court you.” 
You press your lips to his, the kiss soft and hopeful. He responds immediately, carefully bringing his hand up to caress your cheek and hold you to him. This kiss is everything that your first one should have been, and you pull away reluctantly despite yourself. 
“You have a lot of making up to do,” you say with a smile. Nuada smiles back, his entire face lighting up with joy. 
“I will make you my queen,” he vows. “You will never want for anything from this day forward.” 
You can’t help the laugh that escapes at how serious he’s being, reaching forward to intertwine your fingers with his.
“Let’s maybe start with dinner, hm?”
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boygiwrites · 9 months
TWD Harley D. Dixon Chapter List
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Daryl Dixon & Daughter OC.
Gen Tags. Found family, Daddy issues, Abuse, Hurt and comfort, Gore.
Summary. Harley D. Dixon is a tough yet sweet little girl who until the dead started eating the living, thought she had seen it all. Alongside a mismatched group of survivors in rural Georgia, Harley and her Dad are forced to leave their small life behind and learn how to survive all over again through the horrors of the apocalypse.
— TW: This fic contains canon typical violence and gore, abuse, mentioned suicide, and has been described by my lovely readers over on Ao3 as 'gritty', 'intriguing', 'intense', and 'special'. Please read with caution!
— Note: Canon is only loosely followed. Some changes have been made to certain plot points to keep it fresh and interesting / account for the added character.
❤️Cross-Posted from Ao3.
Current Word Count: 200,00.
Chapter 1: Them That Mourn.
Chapter 2: No More Songs.
Chapter 3: My Brave Girl.
Chapter 4: Not Quite Yet.
Chapter 5: Black Out Days.
Chapter 6: Angels and Devils.
Chapter 7: Nothing's Ever Ours.
Chapter 8: In Sheep's Clothing.
Chapter 9: Rest In Piece.
Chapter 10: Play Stupid Games.
Chapter 11: Win Stupid Prizes.
Chapter 12: Daddy Dearest.
Chapter 13: A Plan And An Execution
Chapter 14: If Heaven Weren't A Lie.
Chapter 15: Mockingbird.
Chapter 16: Custody Battles.
Chapter 17: Every Corner.
Chapter 18: Custody Battles, Part II.
Chapter 19: Dreams Don't Go Unpunished.
Chapter 20: And Still Very Beautiful.
Chapter 21: Thoughts and Prayers
Chapter 22: Growing Pains.
Chapter 23: The Type Meant for Dying.
Chapter 24: Church and State
Chapter 25: And The Type That Ain't.
Chapter 26: The Last Sunday on Earth.
Chapter 27: A New Life, Pursued.
Chapter 28: These Old Homes.
Chapter 29: From Little Seeds.
Chapter 30: Red Handed.
Chapter 31: Maturity.
Chapter 32: The Best of Us.
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misunhye · 4 months
as of january 23, 2024
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LEFT TO RIGHT Kang Misun, Kang Sumin, Ahn Jaesun, Ahn Jiho, Ahn Jaesuk, Kim Moonsun, Kang Wonhae, and Shin Yejin.
tw grooming, infidelity, power imbalance, illegal relationship, age gap, brief mention of miscarriage
In 1992, Kang Sumin was a freshly debuted idol when she met Ahn Jaesun. She was sixteen and he was twenty-three. He was one of YG’s music producers. In 1994, she was eighteen and pregnant with Ahn Jaesun’s first child. Shortly after, her pregnancy was announced and netizens were appalled that she was unwed and a teen mother.
This did not deter her. She wanted to continue her career as an idol, and she wouldn’t stop until she was able to. She went to far as to sending her newborn son, Ahn Jiho, to Texas with her parents. When YG dismissed her, putting her on an indefinite hiatus, she went back to Jaesun, leaving Jiho in Texas.
Sumin’s second son, Ahn Jaesuk, was born in 1997, and he, too, was sent to Texas.
Two years after Jaesuk’s birth in 1999, it was announced she’d be making a comeback. In a drunken high, she had an affair with one of her backup dancers.
One year later in 2000, she gave birth to her first daughter and final child, Kang Sunhye.
In 2009, it was widely accused across South Korea that Sumin’s daughter was the result of her affair and that her biological father being one of Sumin’s backup dancers. Anything she had left of a career was killed. Sumin and Jaesun battled in court over custody over their children, Jaesun even having Sunhye take a DNA test. The media was right, Sumin had an affair and it resulted in Sunhye. The court would rule in Sumin’s favor, saying a child should never be without their mother.
In 2011, Sumin and Jaesun divorced and their three children lived with Sumin, having visits to Jaesun ever so often until they all turned nineteen.
It is noted that Sumin and her children, especially her daughter, do not have the best relationship.
The rest of Sumin’s future is incomplete.
BIRTHDAY November 29, 1976
OCCUPATION Idol formerly Unemployed currently
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Ahn Jaesun married eighteen-year-old pregnant Kang Sumin when he was twenty-five. As he worked at YG as one of their music producers, he met sweet Kang Sumin when she debuted. While he was overjoyed at their children’s birth, he noticed she wasn’t. He wanted their children to live with them, but her word was final.
Jaesun filed for divorce in 2009 and fought for custody over all three of his children— DNA be damned. The cases took two years to come to a ruling. When the court ruled in Sumin’s favor in 2011, giving him only a few visits per year, he was devastated and dived headfirst into his work. This in turn slightly damaged his relationships with his children but constantly tries to make up for it ever since 2019.
He is one of YG’s best producers, his most prominent works being for 2NE1, Big Bang, and Epik High. When his sons individually turned nineteen, they lived with him until they got settled on their feet. Misun was an idol by the time she turned nineteen.
In October 2019, he met model and crowned Miss Korea 2015 Shin Yejin, who was twenty-seven at the time. A month later in November, they were dating. They have been dating ever since, and many question when he will propose to her.
It is noted that even though he is constantly trying to be a better father, his children and him have a strained relationship.
The rest of Jaesun’s future is incomplete.
BIRTHDAY March 7, 1969
OCCUPATION Music producer currently
FACECLAIM Choi Wonyoung
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Ahn Jiho is an actor and got his popularity from Reply 1988 in 2015. As a child, it was very obvious to him that he was the odd man out in the family. He was the only one to not go into music, his name wasn’t close to either of his parents’ like Sunhye and Jaesuk’s were. He felt rather ignored in the family, and that’s what he was. His father loved him, but he loved work and Sumin more.
Jiho was closed off from his siblings, preferring to be in his room alone. If he had the choice of riding home in the car with his family or walking home in the rain, he’d choose walking in the rain. He had a warped impression of them, thinking they thought he was strange for not liking the same things they all did.
Jiho was always interested in film and literature, finding the universes people could create fascinating. He found that while he couldn’t write a story for anything, he was rather strangely good at lying. The thought unsettled him, but he was determined to be apart of people’s versions of their favorite character. He put the lying to use, being in theater in school and begging his grandparents to put him in acting classes.
When his mother’s affair was revealed, he was relieved but then distraught. His mother had made a mistake, she wasn’t one of them. But Misun wasn’t one of them, either— not completely, anyway. Yet she also was one of them. And he wasn’t.
His first major acting role was in Reply 1988 as Jang Minki. His popularity and fans quickly grew, earning him more offered roles. He has won Best New Actor and Best Supporting Actor for his role in Reply 1988.
He has since starred in notable shows like While You Were Sleeping, Squid Games, Sweet Home, and recently known for his role as the main male lead in My Demon. He is currently filming for the American horror movie, The Name Game.
It is noted that Jiho is not as close to Misun as Jaesuk is, but he’s also not close to Jaesuk. Jiho thinks of himself as the black sheep in the family and avoids them.
BIRTHDAY September 2, 1995
OCCUPATION Actor currently
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Ahn Jaesuk is a songwriter and has most likely taken part in writing the lyrics to your favorite song. He has notable achievements for both Korean and American music, such as multiple SHINee and The Weeknd and Harry Styles songs.
As the middle child, he’s always tried to maintain a balance with his siblings and parents and grandparents. He hated conflict, and always tried to avoid it. He tried protecting Misun as best as he could, until he could no longer bare Misun hurt at the hands of Sumin. He was rather relieved when Sumin’s affair was revealed and their parents were divorced, but never once thought differently of Misun.
Long before their divorce, he was twelve when he realized his parents weren’t the parents you see in movies. He was hurt, and angry, but soon that turned into emptiness. It was more of an expectation than anything. He felt nothing when they divorced.
Jaesuk started his career in 2018 with his father at YG Entertainment, his relationship to his father being a helping hand. He has since wrote songs for BLACKPINK, Big Bang, Winner, and TREASURE. He has also wrote songs for other groups such as SHINee, NCT, aespa, TXT, IVE, and more.
It is noted that Jaesuk and Misun are the closest within the family, as their other family are all estranged to one another.
BIRTHDAY April 9, 1997
OCCUPATION Songwriter currently
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Kim Sunhee, better known as Moonsun, is a retired South Korean soprano opera actress. When she was twenty-one, she met Kang Wonhae and would later marry him in 1973. Three years later, after multiple attempts to have a child and having two miscarriages, she had her daughter, Sumin.
After having not slept for six days with various attempts to hurt herself or Sumin with Wonhae stopping her, she checked herself into a mental hospital where she was soon diagnosed with postpartum depression. She went on a three year hiatus with her career in order to get better and take care of her daughter. However, as she got back into her career, her relationship with her daughter worsened as she was always busy.
Sunhee is part of the reason Sumin was able to debut and have a comeback after her hiatus, as she knows ‘important people’. She was disappointed when she got pregnant the first time, swearing to cut her off but never did. She never understood why Sumin kept doing it to herself.
It feels like Sumin’s children are more of her own, especially considering she was the one who raised them. She has a strange, polite relationship with Jiho, a relationship where she knows she can trust Jaesuk, and Misun is the baby of the family. She’s much more coddled than the other two as she’s the youngest and only girl.
Besides a three year long hiatus, Sunhee is well known to older citizens for her voice and variety personality.
It is noted that Sunhee and Misun had a good relationship, but lately Misun’s backed away due to some realizations.
BIRTHDAY November 1, 1950
OCCUPATION Opera Singer formerly
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Kang Wonhae is a retired piano and music teacher. He met Kim Sunhee while teaching her youngest sister how to play the piano, and they would soon marry and have a daughter, Sumin.
Wonhae was disappointed Sumin had a child early, but he was the reason Sunhee never kicked her out or cut her off financially. He was the one who took care of his grandchildren first, he was the second person to hold Misun. He was polite with Ahn Jaesun, took him in like a son.
Wonhae always tried to involve Jiho, but he would always refuse. He’d always calm Sunhee down when she got too angry, but sometimes things were so damning, he’d lose his mind. Wonhae willingly took Jaesuk to his ball games, and was always there for each one. He encouraged Misun to audition for entertainment companies.
In 2002, he would retire early from his job as a teacher to focus taking care of his grandchildren. When they would move in with their mother after the divorce, he would soon pick up piano again and play the piano for their church.
It is noted that there is no dislike between Wonhae and Misun. She knows he is there for her.
BIRTH NAME Kang Wonhae
BIRTHDAY July 19, 1950
OCCUPATION Piano teacher formerly Music teacher formerly
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Shin Yejin is a model and was crowned Miss Korea 2015. In 2019, she was twenty-seven when she met fifty-year-old Ahn Jaesun. He would ask her out and by the next month, they were dating.
Not much is known about Shin Yejin. She has been on the cover of Vogue Korea, W Korea, and more. She was one of the female love interest in Big Bang’s Let’s Not Fall In Love music video.
It is noted that Misun and Yejin don’t have much of a relationship, due to her busy schedule. Yejin tries to have a relationship, though.
BIRTHDAY February 26, 1992
OCCUPATION Model currently
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imdoingaokay · 1 year
R!Companions If The Inquisitor Dies
(A/N) I like angst. Sowwy.
I’m a Cullen girlie so I started thinking of what he would be like if his Inky died and… I made this.
Also, I want to say that, without The Inquisitor, I genuinely don’t think The Inquisition would last that long. And I don’t think it’s because The Inquisition would lack leadership or anything, I think it would lack the draw or the figurehead that would garner the support needed to maintain it. So it’s kind of implied that the Inquisition disbands. 
It is also implied that this all takes place a while after Corypheus is defeated… Except for Solas’ part (hehehehe)
TW: Death, descriptions of death, burning and burying (idk maybe you’re claustrophobic), and more sadness.
Major Spoilers
Sorry again, love you pookie bear
Blackwall/Thom Rainer: Blackwall watches The Inquisitor fall, he tried to shield them, but it all happened too fast, far too fast for him to realize what was happening. He’s rushing over to his friend as fast as possible as if that’ll prevent them from dying, but once he sees how limp The Inquisitor is, even he knows that his friend is dead.
His only comfort is that their death was quick and hopefully, painless. He’ll throw himself into the drink for a little while. Just for the period of time right before and after The Inquisitor’s funeral. Afterward, he stays with The Inquisition for some time. He does what he can, making the adjustment.
He leaves much later, whether to the custody of the Grey Wardens or himself, but he never forgets his friend, never forgets what they did for him.
Romanced, he’s rushing over to his lover, scooping them up in his arms while he pulls them away. He begs them to open their eyes and pleads with the Maker to not take them away… not yet. But when the battle is over, and the rest of the party sees Rainer and The Inquisitor, it’s obvious that their friend and his lover his gone.
He drinks for a bit longer than he would if he was just a friend, and is less able to help around Skyhold. With what little he is doing, he feels like a coward, but he simply can’t will himself to get up and help. 
Eventually, he’ll leave like he would before, but as he watches them burn or bury his lover’s body, he realizes that a part of him will be locked away in his lover. He’ll still be him, but he’ll be unable to show the same love and devotion to anyone else.
Cassandra: Cassandra is immediately slicing the bastard who killed her friend, and with a quick swipe of her blade, the offender is gone. She still turns to her friend and attempts to wake them, but after feeling for their pulse, even she realizes that her friend is dead. She solemnly waits for the rest of the group to gather around and help her transport her friend's body back to Skyhold, as is most likely the one sending the letter to Leliana of the Inquisitor’s death. Initially, she thinks of taking the role of Inquisitor, only to immediately reject the idea. However, she continues to work tirelessly to help the rest of The Inquisition deal with the death of their leader, but it’s hard. She also tries to help the lover of The Inquisitor, but even though she tries, she can’t seem to find the right words to comfort them. She’s struggling too, The Inquisitor was her friend as well.
Romanced, she’s immediately dragging her lover away, crying out for them, but even she has to accept that she has lost another lover.
She does everything she would if the pair wasn’t together, but she officially swears off love. No one else can measure up to Regalyan or her Inquisitor. And with her focus now on the Seekers and The Inquisition, Cassandra finds herself unable to focus on things like love.
Cole: He knows immediately that The Inquisitor is gone. It doesn’t help, of course. All he does is shout for his friend, but once the battle dies down, Cole watches the rest of the group gather around the motionless Inquisitor. Cole whispers that their friend is dead, which potentially leads to some angry words being thrown at him, depending on who is present.
He stays around Skyhold, mostly helping those who grieve The Inquisitor. He spends most of his time with The Inquisitor’s love interest if they had one. He finds his efforts fruitful, as some of those he attempts to help accept it far easier than some. But the ones that don’t accept his help, Cole knows they need it the most. So he sends others to help instead, people willing to talk to them, and comfort them. Part of him feels The Inquisitor’s spirit from far away, and he hopes they aren’t too upset with his antics.
He’s just trying to help, after all. Kind of like The Inquisitor.
Cullen Rutherford: He hears about it right after Leliana, a letter attached to a bird flies through the hole in his roof and down the ladder right to his desk. He absentmindedly opens the letter, where he reads frantic, scrawled words that culminate in some of the most dreadful words he’d ever read.
“The Inquisitor is dead.”
He rushes over to Leliana, who is already speaking to Josephine, and all three retreat to the War Room where they begin to discuss what the next steps are. Cullen does his best to put on a brave face, he does what he can to provide some sense of stability, but he’d be a liar if he wasn’t struggling himself. The Inquisitor seemed so… invincible, so strong, how were they able to survive so much and then just… die? It didn’t make any sense.
The most Cullen is able to do is send a prayer to Andraste, asking her to give The Inquisitor a safe journey to The Golden City, they deserved that much.
Eventually, Cullen will head home, to his siblings in South Reach, where they will accept him with open arms. Cullen continues to live on, spending time with his family, teaching his nephew chess, and sending letters to his friends in The Inquisition. He sets up a clinic for former templars and even gets a Mabari down the line.
But most importantly, he keeps on living.
Romanced, he was just thinking about them. He was sitting at his desk, musing over some paperwork while his mind drifted to a few days ago. He was laying in bed with his lover, while they clung to his chest, asking for reasons not to leave on this trip. He had laughed, petting their hair gently as he said “You have to go, my love.”
He watched them sigh and get up, their hand still lingering on his arm, “I love you” they had whispered. 
“I love you t-”
“Cullen.” He heard, Leliana standing in front of his desk. He smiled for a moment, about to greet her, but her furrowed eyebrows and deepened frown told her there was nothing to smile about. Her next words were careful and gentle, but still, they got their point across. “I’m afraid that The Inquisitor perished in the ensuing battle.” She said, watching Cullen’s face morph into something unexplainable. He furrowed his own brown and opened his mouth as if he was about to ask what kind of joke this was, but as he saw the painfully sympathetic look on Leliana’s face, he knew.
He moved so suddenly his chair fell backward, he could barely look at the desk where he and his lover had-
“We need to discuss… the next steps…” Cullen shook his head, his breathing becoming rapid, all he could hear was his own heartbeat, that and the singing of…
“Perhaps we should-” Leliana began, only to watch Cullen pass by her. But with every step he took, he felt his legs slowly become heavier and heavier until he all but collapsed on the bridge that connected the battlements to the rotunda. Leliana quickly followed after him, attempting to comfort him. His head hurts, and he can’t seem to stop hearing the agonizing sound of the lyrium, calling out to him.
Somehow he gets into his bed, unable to work for the rest of the day. When his lover’s body comes back from wherever they were sent, he’s in a bit of a better place. Maker, it crushes him if he sees that they were still holding onto his coin. He prays that they won’t go too far, that they’ll wait for him on the other side, and that somehow, they’ll be there when he dies. He begs them not to go too far, that he’ll be with them soon, that he loves them, and he’ll never forget them. 
It takes more time, but eventually, he finds himself back in South Reach, where he opens a clinic for templars and lives his life. But even then, he waits for the day when he dies, the day he can finally see his lover again.
Until then, he’ll keep living.
Dorian Pavus: Shoots the bastard as soon as he sees his friend fall. Dorian surrounds The Inquisitor with a shield and tries to feel for a pulse. But their body is still and limp, Dorian knows what has happened. 
He attends the funeral, out of respect, and out of a sense of loyalty. But he can’t bear to watch the body be buried or burned, Maker he can’t watch. He’ll leave, deciding to focus his energy on Tevinter rather than The Inquisition, which is something he planned, but he had wished he would have more time before he had to return. He misses his friend every day and hopes that whatever afterlife they’re in, if they are in one, hopefully, they’ll save him a seat and a glass of wine for when he eventually kicks the bucket.
Romanced, he cries out, rushing over to his lover. He’s in denial as he tries to heal his Amatus, begging them to open their eyes. He pleads with the Maker, begging them to take him instead. He gets angry right after, angrily shouting at them “Why didn’t you get away? Why didn’t you run to me?” He has to be pulled off, has to be taken away from his lover’s body, as he begins to sob into his lover’s armor. It’s painful to watch, but nothing more painful than what Dorian feels.
As his lover’s funeral draw near, he throws himself into wine. And intends to drink himself to death, but then he gets sent a letter from another Magister, Maevaris.
He tells himself that he’ll keep living, at least, for The Inquisitor’s sake. But he’ll never love again, because he’s too busy, and because no other man will ever be the same as his Inquisitor.
Iron Bull: He shouts for his friend immediately, destroying the poor sod who killed The Inquisitor before they can desecrate the body further. Bull has seen many, many dead bodies, but he never imagined one day seeing The Inquisitor. Of course, he’s imagined the necessary steps of subduing The Inquisitor if they ever tried to betray him out of nowhere, but he would never imagine them like this.
He attends the funeral of The Inquisitor and tries to figure out what the next step is for him, for The Chargers. 
He’ll leave eventually, as his place was by The Inquisitor, but with them gone, there’s no need for him or his crew. He goes out drinking with The Chargers before they leave Skyhold, and he invites the rest of the inner circle, encouraging them to tell stories of The Inquisitor’s antics. It turns into a more pleasant night than anyone expected. When he leaves, he hopes that he left the rest of his friends with more positive memories than sad ones.
Romanced, all he can get out is a weak “kadan?”
He doesn’t cry, not yet, not here. He waits until he’s back in Skyhold, where he sits in the tavern, unable to stop thinking about the way his lover fell, the way their hair looked, their mouth, their eyes… Maker, their eyes. All of a sudden, he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up, seeing Krem. It’s a simple “You okay, boss?” But that’s all it takes for Bull to let lose a torrent of tears. He clings so tightly to the dragon tooth necklace his lover gave him that he thinks he might break it. Krem and the rest of The Chargers comfort their leader the best they can, but everyone realizes that there isn’t much that can be done, as the love Bull held for his Inquisitor was far deeper than he ever described up until that moment. But The Chargers will be there for him. It’s Krem that makes the comment that The Inquisitor isn’t really gone, as the dragon tooth still is with Bull, 
“Which means something, doesn’t it Boss?”
Bull can’t help but agree, Krem’s right. The Inquisitor hasn’t left him, and he hasn’t left them either. Even when he leaves Skyhold with the rest of The Chargers, he hasn’t left them. They’re always together.
Josephine Montilyet: Josephine has the heavy task of informing the general public and the nobles of the Inquisitor’s death. Her friend’s death hurt, but she was relieved that her amount of work seemed to distract her from the heavy amount of pain she felt. She’ll leave eventually, but not without saying goodbye to her friend during their funeral. She ends up back in Antiva, working to see that her family’s business is upheld, especially after all the work her friend had put into helping her restore her family’s fortune. Platonically, she takes The Inquisitor’s death the best out of everyone but it also helps that she wasn’t present for her friend's death in the first place.
Romanced, she was not expecting it. She was minding her own business, scribbling down a letter for some high-ranking noble in Ferelden. Then all of a sudden, Leliana walks in, solemn and quiet. Leliana allows Josephine to send her a letter before Leliana asks Josephine to take a walk with her. After all, Leliana thinks her friend deserves some privacy before she hears the news. So Leliana ushers an oblivious Josephine into the War Room, where Cullen was already waiting.
Everyone could hear Josephine’s anguished cries from any corner of Skyhold. Josephine clings to Leliana, unable to support her weight as her mind tries to picture her lover in various different positions. Her mind immediately goes to what she will say to the nobility, to the chantry, but Leliana hushes her diplomat, claiming that she’ll take care of it. Josephine doesn’t want her to, but she can’t seem to get out any words in between her sobs.
She moves back to Antiva fairly soon, once all is taken care of. She begins to focus more so on her family and their trading business, potentially using this as an excuse to avoid any marriage proposals given by other nobles.
Leliana: Aside from those in the direct party, Leliana is the first to find out. She’s the one to tell Josephine, Cullen, and the many soldiers and spies under her. She prefers to be the person who tells The Inquisitor’s lover if they don’t already know, and she watches them crumble or slowly slink away, unable to truly cope with the news.
She spends time praying, asking why The Maker would take someone like The Inquisitor away when the world still needed them. 
If Hardened, she realizes she will get no answer, and furiously draws away from The Maker, deciding to spend less time praying and more time doing, as The Maker has yet to hear her pleas so far. 
Softened, she’s more kind to herself, she believes that The Maker must’ve taken The Inquisitor back because it was just their time, that it had to be, some good reason… that’s why Leliana has lost someone yet again… That has to be it.
Sera: Watching Inky crumple has her tearing her attention away from whatever they’re fighting. She calls out for help, and attempts to wake her friend, but to no avail. As the battle dies down, she watches as the rest of her friends gather around her. Sera’s confused, after all, The Inquisitor isn’t supposed to die. Not yet. They’ve survived so much! Haven, nobles, that dragon… how… how do they just… die?
She cries at camp, after hiding from everyone else. She feels ashamed of her tears, it takes the sight of someone like Blackwall or Varric to cry for her to feel less bad about her tears. And even then, she still hides them away.
She doesn’t stay in Skyhold for long, unable to attend her friend’s funeral. She believes it’s stupid to hold a funeral for someone when there’s work to be done, so she leaves. She gets back to work as a Red Jenny and never looks back.
Romanced, she cries out. She shakes them, kisses their face, anything to get them to wake. For one moment, she wishes she had magic to heal the wounds her lover had. It’ll take at least two people to drag her away from her Inky, and even then, she’s kicking and screaming. She’s reminded of her dreams where she watches her lover die, she’s reminded of her Inky kissing her cheek and saying in such a stupid voice “I’m not going anywhere”
That stupid liar! That stupid, perfect liar! Why would they lie to her? Why would they say they would never leave when there they were, gone?
She stays for the funeral before leaving, she thinks her lover deserves that much. But even then, she’s only there to say goodbye, which she doesn’t even say. It’s more of a “see you soon” if anything. She carries the memory of her lover with her, which is good enough for her.
Solas: Solas watches his friend stumble, Corypheus was recently killed, the orb destroyed, and his friend… who weakly falls to the ground. He’s torn between leaving and staying. On one hand, if he leaves, he’ll avoid the tormented look of agony The Inquisitor’s friends and lovers will hold. But they might also think that he was the one who killed them. But Solas can’t bring himself to leave, so he goes to his friend’s side. They’re gone by the time he catches them, and Solas quietly wishes that The Inquisitor didn’t have to die. He watches his friend’s inner circle climb the stairs and listens to the heartbreak that follows. While his friend’s body is carried away, Solas slips away and disappears, in hopes nobody will care or notice he’s gone. He continues his quest to tear down the veil, and with seemingly nobody to stop him, he seems to be well on his way.
Romanced, he rushes immediately to his lover’s side, but the moment he reaches them, his Inquisitor is gone. It isn’t relieving, watching his ex-lover die, the one person he expected to keep him tethered to the idea that this world may still deserve a chance. He leaves once the body is carried away, and continues his journey, but he is so much sadder. Because, at least if his vhenan was still alive, he could see them in his dreams. Now, all that he sees is their body, as if the spirits of the fade are taunting him with his failures. He hopes, in a way, that he’ll come across his lover’s spirit somewhere, so he can apologize, so can confess everything. But with the vastness of the fade, with the low probability of it all, Solas comes to the conclusion that perhaps he doesn’t deserve such closure, he just wished he could give that to his vhenan instead.
Varric Tethras: He doesn’t realize they're dead at first, focusing more on the hordes of enemies he’s dealing with. He shouts out that The Inquisitor is down, but that’s about it. Eventually, when the last of their enemies are taken down, Varric gets a chance to realize what the fuss is all about. When he hears the suffering cries of friends or potentially a lover, Varric realizes what happened. He hangs his head and lets out a quiet “shit” before turning away, unable to look. 
He sticks around Skyhold, helping the Inquisition the best he can before he sees he’s overstayed his welcome, which is when he returns to Kirkwall. Every once in a while, he gets reminded of The Inquisitor’s death, and how… maybe if he had noticed faster, they would still be around.
Romanced, he notices much faster. Previously, he had made a joke that he was actually unable to take his eyes off of his lover, so watching them crumple in the middle of the battle really caught his attention. After a few bolts from Bianca, he rushes over to attempt to revive his lover. Once it registers that his invincible Inquisitor is dead, he’s struck with a terrible feeling of helplessness. He holds them tightly and gives a quick prayer to Andraste or the Creators, someone who could potentially save them. But as his friends gather around him, even Varric has to come to grips with reality.
He’s more introspective in the coming days, staying close to his lover’s body as if he’s waiting for them to spring up and claim some elaborate prank. But as their body burns or is covered by layers of dirt, he accepts that it’s over.
He’ll never really get over the person that helped him move on from Bianca, the person that made him feel like he was the best version of himself. And he’s okay with that. So he just does what’s needed. As with the friendship route, he’ll stick around for a little while, and then return to Kirkwall. But every day that passes, until death finally takes him, he’ll wish for the comfort of his lover, his Inquisitor, once more.
Vivienne: She watches The Inquisitor fall, and quickly rushes over to them. A ward here, a healing spell there, she attempts to revive her colleague, but when she checks for a pulse and feels nothing, she sees that her efforts were for nothing. 
Vivienne is a great help to Skyhold and whoever The Inquisitor’s lover is, even Sera finds Vivienne around to kindly help her through her grief. Vivienne also helps The Inquisition during its more vulnerable stage of healing after The Inquisitor’s death. Once she believed her work was done, she’d eventually return to the fancy courts of Orlais, but not without being prepared to defend the late Inquisitor if anyone dare disgrace their name.
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