#to put a positive spin on it ive finally had my first cry in the new apartment so that’s something
napoleon-usher · 2 years
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aviangrian · 4 months
ahhh i just wanted to say i love starboy SOOO much!!!! i did not/still dont know anything about f1 but the way you write it is so easy to follow along with and read!!! i love how you write the characters, especially scar/grian/joel/lizzie, you write them so so sooo flawlessly... i love how it seems like were there with scar in the moment of everything going on and how you describe everything from his perspective. i also LOVE how you write scar and grian especially because they both seem just so *real* and *raw* and i usually never see that from fics. the way you write is just so in detail that it really allows the reader to imagine everything thats happening and i LOVEEE that!!! i also love how you write grian and mumbos friendship, like they obviously care about each other so muchhh and i love how the readers able to see that even through scars perspective!!!!! esp the scene after grian fell asleep watching topgun and mumbo helping him lay down into a more comfortable position,,, and how they hugged when grian finally got p1 😭😭❤️ NOT TO MENTION THE LATEST CHAPTERRRR AND SCAR AND GRIANS FIRST KISS????? THAT WHOLE CHAPTER WAS GOLDDDD i loved that chapter so much,,, so much happened between grian and scar???? that scene of them in the club??? scar (and us) finally getting some insight to what happened in grians past from grian himself??? grian being comfortable enough with scar to actually open up to him??? AND THEM CONFESSINGGG??? ☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️❤️ might be my fav chapter if im being honest
i also just wanted to ask a few questions while i was here though;
first, do you have a set upload schedule? or is it like a whenever you have time to work on it thing?
second, do you think youll be posting more content abt this au after starboy is finished? like a grians pov or something? ive become so interested in this au because i can tell so much work has been put into it and id love to see more it!!
lastly, is this going to be an eventual mumscarian fic??? i think its obvious Somethings going on/has happened between grian and mumbo but i just dont know What... like that one scene with them all at the dinner??? or the car scene with grian standing up through the sunroof???
i cant wait to read more chapters!!! but im also scared As Hell because SO much has happened already and its only been 6 chapters. we still have 5 more longgg chapters left and im so scared but also excited for how things are going to go... i hope youre having a good day, i cant wait to see what you have in store for this story!!! 🫶🫶 sawrry that this was a lot of rambling though,,, 😭😭❤️
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anon i’m crying?? 😭 thank you so much.
the goal of the fic is real and raw! it’s an unusual setting (maybe not for me considering this is my second racing centric fic) but everything that happens is a product of the environment! the wins from his own team left scar feeling bitter at times, but watching grian win had him so proud he knew he’d get in trouble w his own team if he showed it lol. it’s all about where they are and it makes me sooo happy (like you would not believe) when people who aren’t f1/sports fan still enjoy the fic!
last ch was a lot and contained a lot of really vital stuff that i couldn’t wait to see the reactions of. grian finally opening up is so important to me and scar letting it happen in its own time is a huge part of why grian begins letting him in, which is evidently not something he’s used to at all. mans has been through it in this universe
as for the questions: i don’t have an upload schedule but i try to churn out the chs when i have time. it fits that valentine’s was right before midterms season for me so i got to get something out before i get swamped by all that 🥲 i don’t like to let a full month go by without posting but we’ll see how my semester keeps going lol
and i’ve been thinking of content once i’ve finished starboy. i’ve had ideas of grian’s pov hitting all the major plot points or even a jimmy spin-off one shot but nothing is planned for now. definitely floating around in my mind
mumscarian is not the endgame but the mystery behind grian and mumbo will be revealed! grian is mysterious and mumbo being mumbo goes along w it, but it does come full circle eventually!
i didn’t even realize there’s already only 5 chs left! that’s crazy, considering how much of the story i have left!
thank you again anon, this is all very much appreciated. i love your rambling because it allowed me to ramble too haha
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alcinadimitrescuwu · 3 years
This Woman's Work Part IX (Alcina x Female Reader Fanfic)
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII
“You’re almost there, Maman. You’re doing great. Just a couple more steps.”
You take a deep breath in through your nose and blow it out through your mouth and push forward at your daughter’s coaxing, your arms gripping the railing that had been set up in your bedroom. The wound in your side is in agony but you take another step, biting the inside of your cheek hard to keep from crying out in pain.
It has been three weeks since that horrible night. You had already lost a lot of blood by the time Karl and Alcina arrived at Donna’s place. In an incredible stroke of luck, Donna had surgical thread in her sewing kit and at Salvatore’s instructions (he was having one of his good days) sewed up the place where Alcina’s claws had torn through. You were in and out of consciousness, but every time you opened your eyes Alcina was there by your side holding your hand.
Alcina is sitting nearby in her chair now, gently burping Ecaterina after her feeding. She looks up at you and you see concern in her golden eyes and another emotion that has been a mainstay for the past couple weeks: guilt.
Things had been...awkward between the two of you since that night. No matter how many times you assured her that all was well and you had forgiven her, she refused to forgive herself. You had only been intimate one time since that night and it ended quickly after Alcina had forgotten about the wound in your side as she cupped your hip and you couldn’t hold back the scream of pain that came out of your mouth. Alcina had immediately gotten out of the bed and as far away from you as she could, as if afraid touching you would cause any more damage.
She had sunk into the chair and began sobbing brokenly. You had wished to go to her, but your Bath chair was already on the other side of the room. You braced yourself against one of the bedposts as you said gently, “Darling, it was an accident. The pain’s already subsiding. Please come back to bed.”
Alcina covered her face with her hands, but you could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. “I can’t even make love to my wife without causing her pain. What kind of wife does that make me?” The raw self-hatred in her voice broke your heart.
From that point on whenever you had settled down for the night, Alcina kissed your forehead and turned out the light and that was the end of it. She kept to her own side of the bed and you greatly missed the feeling of her muscular arms about you with your shoulder tucked under her chin, her curls kissing your cheekbones.You had the sense that if you tried to move closer she would move away so you didn’t even try.
You try to take another step and suddenly the room spins around you and you fall forward. Daniela, however, quickly grabs your arm and puts her arm around your shoulder before you hit the ground.
“I think that should be enough for today, Maman,” Bela says soothingly.
You set your jaw. You only have three more steps to go before you clear the railing. “No, girls, I can keep going.” But your ragged breathing and forehead shining with sweat give you away. You push your tongue to the inside of your cheek and taste coppery blood from where you had bitten into it.
Cassandra rolls your Bath chair over to you. “Maman, you don’t need to push yourself so hard. You’re not gonna be of any use to Ecaterina if you run yourself ragged.”
You smile at Cassandra’s brutal honesty as she helps you into your Bath chair. “You’re right, dearest.”
Alcina stands up, having finished burping Ecaterina. She looks affectionately over at her daughters taking care of you and you see one of the first genuine smiles from her that you’ve seen in weeks. “You’ve been so good to Maman these past few weeks, dears. She and I really appreciate all the help you’ve given to us and Ecaterina.” She rests the hand not holding Ecaterina on the back of your chair and you take her hand in yours, kissing her knuckles. Surprisingly, she doesn’t pull away this time. “It’s time for us to put Ecaterina down for her nap and for me to change Maman’s bandages. If you’ll excuse us, loves.”
The girls nod in agreement and vanish into their bug shrouds. Alcina turns around and settles Ecaterina into her cradle. Ecaterina gurgles, her eyes mirroring the gold in Alcina’s. Alcina gives her a tender kiss on the forehead before turning to you. She motions for you to stand up and you obey as she kneels down to your level and helps you take off your day dress. Standing there in your slip with her hands on you reminds you of how long it has been since you have last felt her touch.
Alcina lifts up your slip ever so lightly and peels off the gauze bandage wrapped around your waist. Alcina sets her jaw as she uncovers the gashes she herself had inflicted on you. She takes off her gloves, dips the pad of her thumb in a jar of salve and applies it to your wounds. There is an unreadable expression on her face.
You try to give her an encouraging smile. “I talked to Sal the other day,” you posit. “He says that even though the wound is deep,if I don’t expose it to too much sunlight it won’t leave a scar!”
“Not a physical one at least,” Alcina mutters.
Ok. You’ve had enough. You turn her head to face you. “Darling, we’ve been over this,” you say, rubbing her cheekbone with the pad of your thumb. “Are you going to keep punishing yourself forever?”
Almost despite herself, Alcina leans into your touch and interlaces her large fingers with yours. “I can’t imagine how much physical pain you must be in, my love,” Alcina whispers. “And all by my hand.” Tears begin forming in Alcina’s aureate eyes. “I nearly killed you.”
“You didn’t though, Alcina!” You move over to her lap and she gently almost tentatively wraps her arms around you and holds you close. You lean your head against her chest and resist the urge to sigh. It’s been so long since you’ve been held by your wife. “I know you were under Miranda’s control but something held you back from killing me outright. I know it.”
“You don’t know what it’s like being under someone else’s control.” You can almost feel Alcina’s body shudder as she recalls that night. “It was like I was outside my body watching myself. I was screaming at myself to stop when I kissed that woman.” The memory of your wife kissing Mother Miranda so passionately pops into your mind briefly but you shut it out as she goes on. “And when I stabbed you, I-” Her voice cracks. “I was practically begging myself to stop but my body just moved on its own.”
“Don’t you see, then, darling?” you ask. “You weren’t yourself when you were under Mother Miranda’s control. The person that kissed Mother Miranda, the person that stabbed me, that wasn’t you, so please.” You cradle Alcina’s face in your hands and stare into those beautiful discs of gold. “Please stop blaming yourself for this. Mother Miranda is dead. I’m alive. Our daughter is safe and healthy. That’s what matters now.”
Alcina kisses your forehead lovingly. “When did you get so wise?” she asks, tucking a stray curl behind your ear. You can see that you’ve finally gotten through to her. Her body posture is more relaxed, her jaw is loose, and her shoulders aren’t so tight. She carefully places the new bandage over your wound and you feel a pleasant tingle as you feel her bare fingers brush briefly over your tender skin.
She moves to pull your slip over your new bandage but you take her wrist before she can withdraw it. You hold her gaze as you take the strap of your slip off your shoulder and your slip coils in a pool of silk around your ankles. She takes you in her arms and brushes her lips against yours briefly. When she pulls aways, you see the same desire in her eyes. “Are you quite sure, ingeras?” Alcina asks, brushing the back of her knuckles against your cheekbones.
“Yes” you rasp. “Take me to the bed.”
Alcina picks you up as you wrap your legs around her waist, taking care not to touch your sensitive wound and carries you over to the bed. She gently, almost reverently lays you down on the bed. She lowers herself down to kiss you again and you bury your fingers in her curls. Alcina deepens the kiss, her tongue coaxing your mouth open as you unfasten the pearl buttons on the back of her dress. “I’ll go slow for you, draga,” Alcina murmurs against your lips.
“Alright, let’s see how our little patient is doing today- JESUS CHRIST! What the FUCK?”
It seems like Heisenberg has decided to check up on you today.
With a frustrated growl Alcina moves quickly in front of you while holding her own dress up. “Yes, Heisenberg, that is in fact what we were setting out to do before you arrived.” Alcina shakes her head at him derisively. “You seem to have impeccably bad timing, as always.”
Heisenberg’s face is beet red again, you note with amusement. “Well, excuse me for trying to check in on my sister-in-law and my goddaughter! Speaking of which, really Alcina? Getting down and dirty with the kid in the room?”
Alcina’s cheeks are also sporting a lovely red color. “Ecaterina was asleep.” Amidst all the commotion, Ecaterina has already woken up and is crying. “Well, she was until you came in.”
The girls suddenly materialize into the room. “Mother!” Cassandra chirps. “I thought I heard Uncle Karl in here and- JESUS CHRIST! What the FUCK!”
Alcina covers her face with her hands. Bela takes the book that Daniela is holding and holds it so it’s covering the image of you and your wife on the bed. “Really Mother,” Bela tuts to herself.
Daniela doesn’t seem to mind. She turns to the two of you, unperturbed by the state of your undress and asks, “Can Uncle Karl stay for dinner, Mother, Maman? Please? It’s been so long since we’ve all had dinner together!”
You smile indulgently at her over Alcina’s shoulder. “Of course he can, darling,” you say.
“Fine,” Alcina mutters. "Now if you please, will all of you kindly get out of our room?”
The daughters vanish into the bug shrouds, chattering excitedly about what Cook is making for dinner. Heisenberg leaves too, chuckling softly to himself.
You turn to your blushing bride and give her a chaste kiss on the lips before you both get dressed and join your daughters for dinner.
Together. As a family.
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softlyjiminie · 4 years
black swan | one
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⇢ pairing(s): professional dancer!park jimin x figure skater!reader.
⇢ word count: 4.8K.
⇢ rating: 16+, mature.
⇢ genre: angst, eventual smut, fluff, e2l, fake dating!au, corrupted idol!au, dancer!au, figure skater!au.
⇢ summary: a life of skating was all you’d ever known, your heart craving the feeling of ice beneath your feet and the light brush of cool air against your skin under thousands of sparkling lights... what a shame, if only you’d known that one night, one accident could rip you from the life you’d grown to love, leaving your career in the unsteady hands of the prince of ballet, park jimin.
⇢ warning(s): please read for this chapter! angst, just a lot of vmon fluff, sports injury and mentions of blood!
⇢ author’s note(s): eeeep here it is everyone!! the first chapter of my new series!! ive worked super hard on this so im nervous and excited to share :( i hope you guys love it! feedback is greatly appreciated <3
⇢ series masterlist | next
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if there was one word that you would use to describe this feeling, it would be alive. from the second the toepick of your skate touched the ice, your body would always come to light, energy surging through your veins as you drifted across the smooth surface of the rink. you belonged here, you were born here. this was was where you felt at home.
although the space was littered with other skaters, you believe yourself to be alone— the music of your heavily practiced routine filling your mind while you ready your position...head down, arm outstretched and fingertips pointed. rolling your shoulders, you clutch your hand to your chest as the chords of your original soundtrack blast through your thoughts, with a half turn you bend at the back, catching your skate while you twist your body into a layback spin— holding your skate to your head. “catch foot,” you whisper, following the notes of the song— butterfly. it was a short contemporary piece composed by your trainer which you had insisted on using for this competition. as the music flows, you release your grip on your skate and allow it to hit the ice, holding your arms out in a poised manner.
gliding across the ice, you dive into your next movement— the cantilever— bending at the knee and leaning backwards, skates out-turned. you know that move after would require the support from your partner, so you skip it in favour of saving it for the eyes of the judges. hydroblades were always a signature between he and yourself. the song hits a climax in your head, piano notes wafting through lost memories, tangled with practices of routines and you tumble effortlessly into the remaining steps like a flowing waterfall that never stops— the triple axel is the jump that comes after, a difficult manoeuvre through the air...but well known in the skating community as only a few have landed it in contest. skating forward, you put your power into the jump, leaping forward with only two and half rotations, saving the third for the competition and breathing a sigh of relief when you land backwards— just as planned. you move with the grace of a pure white swan, silently slipping into every move, spin and jump as you focus on only the sounds of your blade against the ice.
completing another full turn, you head straight into a sit spin— curling in on yourself as your body lowers to the cool surface of the ice. during a spin, you fyour blades dig into the ice as you come to a halt, exposing yourself to the world once again. breathing laboured from exertion, you outstretch your arms once more and imagine the final chords of your musical piece, ending your routine.
your attention is captured by a round of applause to your left, making you whip your head in search for the sound. a sweet grin graced your lips as you recognise the two men clapping away, causing you to skate over and rest your palms on the boarders of the rink.
“taehyungie,” you sing, leaning over the barriers to ruffle at the thick mass of unruly black locks that curl just above his eyes. the boy only laughs as he grabs your wrist and pulls you in for an awkward hug. his body is warmer compared to the ice, bringing you a sense of homely comfort that you recognise as familiar. “i missed you at practice just now,”
taehyung himself rolls his eyes making it his turn to ruffle your hair. “oh please, you hardly need me! you make a two man routine look good on its own!” he rambles excitedly, body leering over the barrier as if the ice is calling him. taehyung’s dark eyes flitter up to meet yours, an amused chuckle emulating from his lips at your jokingly unimpressed expression. “if i didn’t know any better, i’d think you were a solo skater—“
you huff, letting the corners of your lips twitch up into a small smile. “you know that i couldn’t ever do this without you, tae— i need you on the ice with me.” you poke at his cheek affectionately, your body lighting up as you spot namjoon, both yours and taehyung’s coach behind the latter. your skating partner catches the change in your expression, turning around to greet namjoon with a warm hug and kiss to the cheek.
yourself, taehyung and namjoon had known each other for as long as you could remember. you’d met taehyung at your very first skating lesson, in a beginners class when his hair was wild and untamed, a little boy with missing teeth and big bright eyes. as a little girl, you’d thought he’d gotten lost on his way to an ice hockey practice. at the time, namjoon’s father ran the skating company you started under— leaving his son in charge of the beginners class.
the three of you had grown up together; taehyung was your first kiss— promptly realising he wasn’t into girls right after you’d stolen a smooch on the swing set in your backyard after a practice (“yeah...YN, i’m gay.”). and even in high school, the two of you stalking namjoon around hallways as you teased a blushing taehyung about is growing crush on the lankier male. you cradled you’re jubilant friend as he cried when namjoon left for college, his light dimming a bit but you remembered crying harder when the three of you were united four years and a plethora of competitions, medals and skates later.
“well if it isn’t my favourite pair of skaters,” namjoon greets, tucking his hands into the pockets of his bomber jacket that proudly shows off the logo of your skating company. “practicing again, YN?”
you see the amusement dancing in your coach’s eyes, he wouldn’t have put it past you to see you on the ice so early in the morning. you’d never relented with your skating, having pushed yourself to win two olympic medals by the time you were nineteen. you were an image of perfection in the skating world, not a scandal or downfall in your entire career— most would find such an achievement quite daunting— losing friends was made easy because of it... but you knew that you had taehyung and namjoon and the love of your family and company, you knew that with that you could achieve anything. “i have to, if i want to be better than taehyung...” you tease and tug on said male’s sleeve. “help me get him on the ice?”
namjoon presses a kiss into the depths of taehyung’s deep ocean locks, sending him off with a whisper that makes him run off to grab his skates before the elder approaches you. “little ice princess, i think i have a gift for you...” namjoon sings sweetly, pulling his phone from his back pocket as you lean over the barrier excitedly.
“you think?”
“i know.”
the elder holds out his device for you to see, the screen lighting up as an unfamiliar caller ID flashes across it. you raise your eyes hesitantly while your coach nods, smile reaching his eyes as you answer the call. a group of beaming faces decorate the screen and your own eyes dance across each and every one of them, recognising them as the boys and girls of moonchild skating company.
“YN!” the skaters cheer, waving excitedly amongst a sea of claps and giggles. “good, luck!”
“thanks you guys,” you whisper sweetly, sparing an appreciative glance at namjoon, you blow kisses to all of your fellow skaters thankfully. you note some of them to be from different ranks in your company; from beginners to juniors and some from different areas of competition— although your heart jumps slightly at the sight of one in particular. “jungkookie...”
“noona!” the boy cheers, scrunching his nose excitedly at the mention of his name. your heart melts as he looks to you with sparkling doe eyes, the younger boy having a special place in your heart— he came to the company bright eyed and shy, there had been a lot of doubt about jungkook’s abilities on the ice because of that. but as soon as he stepped foot on the rink, everyone’s worries drifted away— each of his movements were silken and seamless easily making him one of the best solo skaters in the senior rank, although he was slightly younger than you. you remember catching him after practice one day— he had yet to decide if he wanted to sign up with namjoon and he’d only  stayed behind to watch you run through your routine with taehyung. the bumbling boy couldn’t help but blush when he’d been caught with yourself and your partner yearning for him to join. he did so in the end... because of you, because you had inspired him to pick up skating after you won your first gold medal. it just so happened that little jungkookie was a fast learner. “did you like the surprise? i thought it would help with your nerves— i know you get butterflies in your tummy before you perform! so do i! especially when i see you— uh! i mean!”
jungkook’s ears burn as bright as his cherry red hair, the shade only feeling as your melodious chuckle wafts through the phone’s speakers. “i loved it kookie, thank you.” you hum, batting your lashes at him, despite the presence of the other skaters on the call. you knew he had a soft spot for you, it was hard to miss his longing gazes and the tightening of his jaw when tae put his hand on your waist for lifts. it was sweet. “good luck to you in your regionals as well, you’ll do great... okay?” you’re quick to remind him, as you note taehyung returning from the locker room.
“t-thank you noona! we love you!”
the skaters give you one last cheer and round of applause as taehyung slips into view with a boxed grin and sweet wave. namjoon ends the call, ruffling his lover’s mop of hair before ushering the two of you onto the ice, ready to run through your routine one last time.
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putting together the perfect routine, is like making the perfect breakfast. the eggs you begin with, a sweet yolk dancing on your tongue like the starting moves that give the judges a taste of what you’re capable of. next were the pancakes, drenched in syrup— like light movements through the air, packing a punch with the saucy moves between yourself and your partner to show off your finesse and finally, there was the—
“orange juice.” taehyung’s timbre voice cut through your thoughts like a knife as he place a glass of freshly squeezed juice in front of you whilst disrupting your  mentally mapped out routine. blinking rapidly under his stares, your gaze switched from the piles of food he’d set on your plate, to the amused but scolding glare he’d spared you. “drink it, it’ll keep your sugar and energy up for today.”
“thanks taetae...”
you nod gratefully, leaning forward and taking a gulp of the bitter yellow liquid as if it’ll wash away the nerves beginning to bubble in the pits of your stomach. nonetheless, the skater beams brightly at you before he scoffs down a mouthful of his towering breakfast— as he always did before such events. you, however, couldn’t bare to eat— not with the devious stares of the other female figure skaters who eyed your plates. you knew it was a tactic to throw you off guard, the canteen of the hotel was much like a high school back in the day, with cliques and squads all out to get each other. it was always like this before major skating competition but your mind is too busy being filled with anticipation of getting on the ice and showing off once more.
namjoon appears after taehyung has eaten more than half his plate— resulting in him stealing bits and pieces from your own. “don’t look so nervous, YN,” the elder chides from over his steaming cup of coffee, hand running through his dishevelled purple and blonde streaked locks. “you’ll do great, both of you will.” your coach spares a knowing glance to taehyung, who blushes through munching the rest of your pancakes and so; you can tell by the light bruises on the neck that he and taehyung had a rough encounter in the night before.  
joon was never allowed to mark taehyung above the waist, because the younger loved to wear costumes that glittered and showed off his open chest. you knew from experience that the marks would be below the waist where no one could see— like their own little good luck ritual. glee consumes your skating partner as namjoon nuzzles his nose into his dark hair, the distraction letting you slip under the surface of worry once more.
‘no, you’ve got this.’ you think, flickering your gaze anywhere but your plate in order to clam the race horse of thoughts in your mind. you finally settle on staring at the news report playing on the small digital TV hanging in the right hand corner of the cafeteria. park jimin, arrested for speeding. the report flashes across the screen, images of bright blonde hair and dark eyes hidden by thick black shades passing by with faint sounds of camera clicks.
you shake your head, grateful to never had experienced trouble like that. sure, you’d dealt with reporters and trash paparazzi but, joon and tae— they’d always gotten you through it. it was just nice to not be alone like him...
park jimin.
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taehyung had a mind of brilliance.
you sit in the stylist chair, hair slicked back and curled away from your eyes— the momentum of free hair would have disrupted your skating or thrown you off balance, but god was kim taehyung a miracle worker. he always knew how he wanted you both to look for performances, the makeup artists bidding to his every need. you could even find him helping out with the beginners class performances— adding glitter to baby cheeks and braiding youthful hair.
today, your friend had decided the look you would go for; would be faded baby blue shadow dancing across your lids and blending softly with cloudy whites and silver sparkles. your liner was sharp, winged enough to cut the diamond edge of the gemstones that were dotted at the corner of your eye— taehyung was smart, co-ordinating your makeup look with the pretty silver dress namjoon had scouted out just for you.
the article of clothing itself, is backless with long sleeves that form tear drops at your pointer finger as they fade from silver to a cool grey, much like the skirt of your dress. smaller gemstones and pearls align at your waist and chest, that glistened under the cheap light when namjoon had first revealed the outfit to you. you had cried when you thumbed the flowing layered skirt, thanking your boys endlessly for the beautiful dress but taehyung had only giggled — knowing that it matched his silver to white shirt, tight fitting and glittering with layered sleeves (which he loved so much).
now, you laced up your skates— nerves peaking once more. the white leather sat comfortably against your heal, having broken in the skates amiss your training. you knew that the current pair were already on the ice, eliciting cheers from the crowd so you forced your jitters into lacing up and securing your skates. a double not would suffice.
“you’re both going to do amazing, remember whatever happens out there... i’m proud of you.” your coach reminds with one last dimpled smile before you’re due on the ice. taehyung pecks both of your cheeks and leads you away from your team of staff— who clap excitedly for you while your names are announced.
squeezing his hand, you slide smoothly onto the ice with taehying and close your eyes, breathing in the sharp scent of coolness and fresh air and taking in the squeals of your names. “you look great,” your partner comments easily, smirking as you circle each other on the rink. you open your eyes, noting the white-ish glow the ice gives to taehyung’s honey skin and grin. “we’ve got this.”
“we always do,” you nod back in affirmation, confidence flaring as the announcement finishes (you had always felt more at home on the ice, and tae knew once you were out there, your worries would melt away with the music). you push yourself into position with tae, your foreheads pressed against once another’s, so close that you can feel his warm breath fanning across your face. it’s all for the dramatics but you know that the crowd loves your chemistry. piano chords drift through the air, signalling the start of your routine, your hands roam across taehyung’s body like you’d practiced countless times. when the beat picks up, taehyung twists you in his arms, fingertips reaching just above your head while your own hands follow his to link them.
you begin to pick up momentum, skating with each other in arm as the first verse picks, with hands on your waist, taehyung picks you up gently, holding you off the ice for just a second as he skates into a half spin before placing you down. resuming your movements across the rink, you separate and tumble into your next move— they lay back spin. the pair of you synchronise your moves, holding your skates to your head as you twirl into the lyrics of the song.
‘is it true? is it true?’ the lyrics reverberate in your mind, body following taehyung’s lead into the next steps. his fingertips are  light on your arms to keep them poised, both of you extending your right legs as you glide across the ice. ‘you, you, you...’ your partner lifts you once more into his arms, pushing you into the air for you to fall gracefully into a double salchow— taking off with the back inside edge of your right skate and landing on the outside of the opposite skate. the crowd bursts into applause, making you grin subtly at your partner before interlocking your fingers once more for a partnered arabesque spirals.
your hand grips taehyung’s firmly, letting your bodies move naturally with the music as you hold your legs in outstretched positions. the chorus bursts through the arena as the air below your arms blows away any worries, you fall back into taehyung’s arms once more for a lift above his head— your legs stretched out into a galloping motion before he swiftly prompts you into a death spiral, holding onto your arm as he twirls your body lower towards the ice.
when the chorus ends, you’re back to skating side by side, wowing the crowd with your movements— like namjoon said you would. completing a paired sit spin, movements mirrored perfectly, a feeling of dread feels your stomach. the ice changes beneath your skates— rougher on this side of the rink than others which sends ripples of worry through your veins at what is to come next. a triple axel jump, they were difficult to land and yet a specialty of yourself and your partners. you knew in your heart that if you landed this jump, the competition was yours but the buzzing feeling in your mind knew that something was wrong. to others, the ice carried you gracefully across the rink, but you knew something was out of place. catching taehyung’s eye, it’s as if he feels it too, but you can’t miss he jump... not when it could cost you the chance of a win.
putting your trust into taehyung, the man you’ve known for years— you curl into his chest as his strong hands support you into propelling you into the triple axel jump but to your dismay, the ice catches beneath his toe pick, taehyung misses a fraction of a beat as he forces you into the air. fear spikes in your chest— you weren’t ready, not to land, not for the jump, not for the music to push through with a climax.
and certainly not for the crunch of your bones.
excited cheers die down to fearful gasps and screams of horror, while taehyung picks himself up from the fall. the world is too loud, the lights are too bright and paramedics rush past him as he shakes himself off. wait, paramedics. pupils blown wide the skater rushes to his feet, pushing past men in orange suits with medical kits strewn about— he hears the faint call of namjoon from over the barrier and the announcers up ahead but his focus is on you.
the loudness fades and a ringing sensation builds up behind your ears— the world is black and you can only catch momentary flashes of taehyung’s worried face above your own. you’re confused, you can’t hear him as he mumbles through his sudden onslaught of tears. you cringe as they drip onto your face, an urge to wipe away the wetness taking over you— but when your fingers are brought back to your eyes, you notice the colour of crimson decorating your finger tips.
a muffled cry leaves your small frame as pain shoots through your leg, you can’t find the source but suddenly reality comes rushing back. you can hear the rushed voices of paramedics as they shuffle you onto a gurney, you can feel the stickiness of blood from somewhere on your head trickle down your back— soiling the pretty dress namjoon worked so hard to find, the throbbing pain in your left leg becoming too much to bare as you cry out for anyone, anything.
it hurts, god it hurts.  
“stay with me, YN, keep th-those eyes open for me? okay baby?” you hear as your vision sways, but the voice is familiar— timbre and warm just like taehyung’s. his cool hands cup your face, brushing through your hair as he limps off the rink with your gurney. “p-please stay awake? baby please...” you know that he’s crying and you know that you’re crying too, but you’re too tired, to sleepy to comply with his wishes. the world is still dark, briefly brightening when you see namjoon from the corner of your eye. he’s gone again and the buzzing world is replaced with the scent of disinfectant and hand sanitizer. there’s arguing, yelling but you can’t see from behind closed eyes.
“she needs surgery!”
“what she needs, is us!”
when you come to, one last time you lock eyes with taehyung’s trusting brown ones, watering on the edge of tears. “i won’t leave you, i promise.”
and with that, you slip away again.
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there were certain sounds you liked to hear. like the sound of your skate cutting into thick ice when you landed a jump, taehyung’s sweet singing after a long day of practice or the old romcoms you had playing in your hotel room after a day of competing.
the incessant beeping filling your senses was not a sound you liked.
“it’s my fault, joon. you should have seen her face... it’s like she knew and she trusted me to—“ taehyung cuts through the beeping with a voice filled with worry, his jubilant demeanour having been lost somewhere. your head begins to pound as you remember his skittish sobs, but the memories are blurred still.
namjoon’s voice enters next, interrupting the shaking voice of his boyfriend. “it’s not your fault, how could you have known she’d fall like that? you tripped taehyung, something wasn’t right.”
“but she felt it, we both did—“
“then i’ll take it up with the board, we’ll sue, we’ll— we’ll figure out what happened.” your coach reasoned with his lover, a silence sweeping over the room. you yearned for the comfort you felt eminate between them but when you lift your arm, you realise you’re unable to move— the wires and plugs and breathing machines keeping you strapped to the bed. panic rises in your chest, blocking your air as you struggle to breathe—  taehyung is the first to rush to your side, lifting your mask and cradling you into his chest as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
namjoon is on your other side, rubbing a large palm up and down your back and out instantly feel comforted by their presence. hot tears roll down your cheeks, burning in your oesophagus as you claw at the base of your throat.
“shhh, little princess it’s okay— we’ve got you.”
a cup of water is brought to your lips which you quickly gulp down, the cool liquid soothing the ache in your throat. blinking, you cling tightly to taehyung’s cable knit sweater— hesitant to speak due to your unused voice. “wh-what happened?” you manage, unsure if your whispers can be heard above the pounding of your heart. “where...where are we?”
“you were in an accident,” namjoon spoke lowly from above you, taehyung instantly squeezing you closer as memories of the incident flashed behind both of your eyes. a low whimper left your childhood friend’s lips at your wince— squeezing you again as if he could drain your pain away. your coach swears he feels his heart break at the two of you hurting, pressing the buzzer for the nurse as tae cradles you and sliding onto your hospital bed to wrap his larger arms around you both. “something went wrong with the ice and, you fell—“
your fingers curl tighter in your friend’s clothes, as you remember the pain shooting up your leg and burning in the back of your skull. taehyung avoids your eyes this time, pressing his lips to the top of your head. “they checked you for a concussion and your leg...” his baritone voice an octave, a cool quiet seeping into the room. “your leg is broken, but with one more surgery and some physical therapy— you’ll be back on the ice in no time!”
your heart plummets in your chest, you knew what injuries like that did to figure skaters. sure you were young, you had time to recover but even the slightest pause in doing so could cost you your entire life, your career. the pair of lovers that surround you share a grim look, knowing the thoughts that are rushing through your mind.
“we have the best doctors for you, YN, with a few months—“
you blink up at tae with fiery eyes filled with tears, resisting the urge to shove him away. “i don’t have a few months, tae! training for the olympics is what i should be doing!” you hiccup, starting to choke on tears you refuse to let shed. “i need to be out there on that ice, or i’m useless, i need to—“
you make movements to step out of bed, sucking in your lower lip as a dull ache rests in your bones. the pair are quick to pull you back into bed, but your hands scold them with slaps as you push them away. you have no right to be angry at them, but you know that they understand. taehyung seems to be calmer now, despite the hurt that tickles his puppy dog features at your resistance, he does his best to comfort you.
but a prominent scowl yearns for the curve of namjoon’s lips, your coach falling deep in thought.
“you’re suspended from skating.”
“wh-what?” you stammer, eyes burning with a fresh set of tears for the third or fourth time that night. this time, your partner stands, looking to his lover in confusion and standing with his hands resting on your shoulders comfortingly.
he speaks hesitantly. “now joon...”
“no, taehyung,” your coach sighs, remaining stern. it kills him to make this choice, but there’s no other way— at least not for now. “LN YN will be suspended from all physical skating activities until she has made a full recovery with a hired physical therapist...” the words pierce straight into your heart, tearing you apart from the inside. you want to scream and cry and kick and protest but you’re too numbed from pain and betrayal to speak or move. “legal action will be taken up with the board responsible for the competition but until then, you will not touch the ice. understand?”
you blink, numb.
“YN, i said, do you understand?” namjoon repeats, steeling his gaze. he hates this, he hates hurting both you and his love.
you nod once, looking away whilst tae rubs circles into your shoulders. his lover mentions something about a coffee before slipping out of the room... and that’s when you breakdown. you cry, heavy ugly tears with a running nose that you’re sure stains your best friends sweater as he rocks you back and forth into the night.
you cry until your spark is dull, you cry until your chest burns and until your eyes are dry. you cry because you’ve lost your purpose in life.
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⇢ taglist ! ( comment, like or dm to be added! )
@periminkle​  @ggukkieland​   @aishots​ @ownthesunshine​ @codeinebelle​ @taeass​ @trviahope @singular-itae @preciouschimine @yoongismykink @idiakh @honeyspillings @kimsdior @chimshoe @cypherft-v @tangledsparkles
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lustinglilac · 4 years
A/N: In which Nurse!Y/N finds herself in a compromising situation when the love of her life is lying on the stretcher.
Warnings: angst, near death experience, blood, fluff at the end, GSW= gunshot wound. 
“Code GSW, code GSW.” The voice over the intercom spoke as she rushed to the scene, not once did the idea run through her mind that it would be him in that stretcher.
Rounding the corner with three different types of gauze paddings, she halted to a stop as she saw Maggie’s familiar face pacing back and forth. If Maggie was here that meant— surely, it couldn’t be true. She refused to believe it.
Handing the gauze to a paramedic, she looked over the shoulder of a fellow nurse hesitantly. Her heart nearly stopped, the room felt like it was spinning, the ringing in her ears picking up as the blood pooled out of his thigh drenching the floor and stretcher.
“Y/N! We need you to put pressure on the thigh!” A colleague yelled out to her, her voice being drowned out by the chaos going on around her.
Her feet moved on their own as she stood closer to his left thigh, putting on her gloves shakily and pressing on the wound that penetrated his skin.
“Omar, stay the fuck with me.” She whispered, tears blurring her vision, she applied pressure before tying an elastic band on his upper thigh as the paramedic cut his pant leg.
“Baby—“ He managed to murmur a word to her, labored breathing cut short as he saw her face above his. Had he died? Was he in heaven?
“Stay with me, please—“ She cried as she took a quick look at the monitor attached to him, his heart rate dropping dangerously low.
“He’s losing too much blood, we can’t—“ Just as the machine beeped signaling a flatline, his brown eyes closing immediately.
She looked down at her blood soaked gloves as Maggie came to her side, trying to tear her away from the dreadful scene as paramedics and nurses did their job to prevent him from dying.
“Let me do it! Let me save him!” She yelled, with all the strength she could muster she pushed the paramedic beginning to do CPR aside, straddling her boyfriend’s waist on the stretcher.
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...“ She counted to herself as she let her tears fall onto his exposed chest. His chest recoiling with each compression yet his eyes remained closed. She continued doing CPR the way she was taught, not once faltering.
“Move, move, move! AED, everybody be on standby!” Another paramedic’s voice boomed throughout the hallway. Continuing to do her job until the paramedic put the shock paddles on his chest. She got off of his body, her own body numb, scrubs covered in his blood as the machine charged up.
“Clear, everybody clear!” Shock.
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...” Another round of compressions until he got shocked again.
“Clear!” Shock.
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...”
“Clear!” Shock.
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...” She worked around the defibrillator pads, finding the perfect rhythm once more.
“Last time, everybody clear!” Shock. His body jolted to life, lungs filling with air that he couldn’t quite fully grasp.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
“Oh my god. Oh my god!” Sobs wracked her whole body as she threw herself over him, his heart beating slowly but surely under her palm.
“Y/N, Y/N, let go. We need to take him to the OR.” A nurse spoke to her cautiously as she finally composed herself and let them wheel him off without another word.
“I’m so sorry. You weren’t supposed to see that—“ Maggie breathes out as she turns to the young woman covered in OA’s blood.
“Maggie, how did this happen? Oh god.” She cried even harder as she saw her distressed face.
“Why don’t we go sit down, okay?” Maggie hums softly as she lets a passing nurse know that her friend needed a break for the time being.
“I need to go change.” She whispers, tears rolling down her face silently. Maggie nodded quietly and let the fragile girl lead her up to the locker room.
The elevator ride was quiet, apart from the occasional sniffles coming from her as Maggie stood a few feet away breathing heavily.
She changed rather quickly, wiping her clogs of dried blood and washed her hands for what felt like the fifteenth time that hour as Maggie waited in the lounge room patiently.
“You feeling better?” Maggie stands up, pulling her friend into a comforting hug.
“Not really but, I don’t have a choice do I?” She pinched the bridge of her nose trying not to cry again. They both sat down in the uncomfortable lounge chairs as they waited to be called down to the recovery room.
“He’s going to be okay. If you know OA, you know he refuses to die. Okay?” Maggie laughs lightly as she, too, cries for the first time that night.
“Okay. He’s going to be okay.” She encouraged herself to think positive thoughts as it was her turn to comfort the agent across from her.
Three hours later, she had finally gotten the call that he was out of surgery. She gathered up her belongings and headed downstairs with Maggie right by her side.
The doors to the floor opened, her feet taking her straight the recovery room, through large corridors and twisting hallways until she reached the double doors where the love of her life was recovering.
“Y/N, hey, it’s nice to see you! We’ve been taking good care of him, he did great in surgery.” Irina, an OR nurse who she’d become close to, informed her.
“Thank you so much, Irina.” She smiles as best as she could as she washed her hands before getting to his bedside, Maggie following suit.
“Hi, baby, how are you?” Her voice coming out shakier than she wanted it to. She reached out to hold his hand that didn’t have an IV in it.
“Better now that you’re here.” He spoke groggily as she laughed that melodious laugh that he fell in love with. Maggie watched the interaction from further back, letting them have their moment.
She brought his knuckles up to her lips, holding them there, she couldn’t believe she was even holding him right now when mere hours ago she’d almost lost him.
“I heard you saved my life.” He smiled weakly, eyes never once leaving her face. She rolled her eyes playfully and thought back to how she jumped onto the stretcher.
“I wasn’t going to let some other man or woman be all up on your body like that.” She joked and for the first time in those few hours, she’d heard him laugh genuinely and she’d felt alive all over again.
”I love you, I love you, I love you.” He whispered against her knuckles as she shed a tear. This one was a happy tear though; she was happy to have him and he was happy to have her.
Tags: @detectiveinchicago @ginghampearlsnsweettea
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cherishedkids · 4 years
waiting || tokito muichiro x reader
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anime: kimetsu no yaiba  warning/s: sad, spoilers from the manga, character deaths, description of gore words: 1,349 pairing/s: tokito muichiro x reader request: “ hiiii may i request angst with fluffy ending for muichiro x reader who was also a demon slayer but died a few days/weeks earlier than him??? then both of them are reincarnated in the present and they became a couple again 👉👈 “ - anon
A/N: sorry for the wait!! ive been trying to get back into my groove,,, there arent much muichiro gifs so i hope u dont mind if i reuse them??? plz enjoy anon!! 💕💕
There was nothing else that Muichiro saw except for the red liquid. The anger that resided within him was far worse, burning up everything and everyone in his path. He was covered in it, not sure if it was his or if it belonged to the demon in front of him. But it made no difference. By the end of this battle, the both of them were going to die.
He looked at Kokushibo in the eyes. Although his arm and leg was gone, Muichiro did not feel weakened by the pain. In fact, he reveled in it. It was the only thing keeping him awake, aside from his sheer willpower. Any moment, he would die of blood loss, but it was a fate he was not afraid to face. He was willing to sacrifice himself, for the sake of the corps, and for his fleeting dream of seeing you again.
His sword was already deep inside the demon, and all he waited was for the killing shot by one of his comrades. He was already feeling weakened and his head was spinning. It was fine. He was going to see you soon.
The hard ground below him did nothing to cushion him after the demon was defeated. He laid still on the ground, as his allies gathered around him, but he knew what would happen. He didn’t want to escape it. Death was always an option. It was one you chose, and it was one that he would be chasing now.
You stared at death in the face, but it attached itself to you, not wanting to let go. He swore revenge, and he did. The strongest demon, next to Muzan, was dead. His ancestor was defeated. You could rest easy now.
Tanjiro’s face was in front of him. The older boy’s eyes, full of concern and worry.
“Muichiro, hold on--”
He coughed, and the both of them knew this was his last hour. “There’s no need, Tanjiro, I…”
In the blinding light, all he could see was you. You beckoned for him to come forward, and he rushed forwards, refusing to waste a single moment.
“I’m coming for you, ___.”
Those were the last words of Tokito Muichiro, relayed by Tanjiro to the others. He recalled tears coming out of his eyes, as he tried to reach out for someone, his only hand shaking, as his life slowly dimmed. 
Soft hands touched his cheek, thumb rubbing circles. When he opened his eyes, he saw curious but familiar ones staring back at him. You smiled at him, one that he dearly missed. His head was on your lap, and you sat on the ground. There was nothing else around, only darkness. But you were all that he needed.
“___,” He whispered out, and the name coming out of his lips almost felt strange. It had been a long time since he last uttered it, but he repeated it multiple times. “___, ___, ___!”
You just nodded with him, and he got up from his position. He sat directly in front of you, and he cupped your cheeks with his hands.
“It really is you,”
Your hand came up to wrap around his. “Of course, it’ll always be me, Muichiro,”
Tears came out of your eyes, and he wiped them away. “Don’t cry,”
But you laughed at that, as you seemed like you were looking at a mirror. He himself was crying! “Look at yourself first,”
He embraced you, pressing you against his chest, seemingly never wanting to let go. “When we get reincarnated, I’ll find you,”
“I know,”
“I’ll make you happy and spend all my time with you,”
“I know,”
“We’ll be together forever, away from all this… bloodshed,”
“I know,” All you could do was reply with the same two words, as you were afraid that if you spoke anymore, your voice would crack. You didn’t want to cry anymore, so you did your best trying to cherish this moment. 
“Wait for me,” He whispered out, as a bright light enveloped the both of you.
Muichiro sighed for the umpteenth time today. His brother, Yuichiro, had forgotten to bring their lunch boxes, so he was forced to walk all the way to the cafeteria today. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, fidgeting with the coins he had. He could buy a few rice balls, or a burger, but neither of those appealed to him. 
“Man, what a pain,” He muttered to no one in particular, and turned a corner. It was almost deserted, save for a few people conversing with each other. Yuichiro had already gone ahead to the canteen with their group of friends, as he was asleep in the middle of the class. He grumbled, thinking why his brother didn’t think of waking him up for lunch.
It would be alright with him, but he shuddered at the thought of wrestling in line just for mediocre food. It was nothing compared to the cooking of his own mother, and there was no doubt in his mind that he would be in a bad mood today.
He came to a halt, as someone passed him by,  their shampoo leaving a pleasant scent behind. He wasn’t really sure when he saw this person, perhaps in a dream? But their face was one that he was mesmerized by. Judging from their uniform, he was in the same batch as he was, but he hadn’t noticed them before.
His eyes lingered on them, as their figure walked downstairs, never noticing him. Something inside him wanted to meet this person. His objective forgotten, he raced to talk to this person. He would never approach a complete stranger like this, but there was something about them that just reminded him of home. 
Was this love at first sight? His chest was weak, and his breath was becoming unstable. It sure didn’t feel like love. He didn’t know how to explain what he was feeling, but it did feel like he had just found something that used to be lost to time. Like he was honoring something his ancestor had entrusted to him. God, he sounded like a lunatic.
He had finally caught up to this mysterious person, and with bated breath, he asked. “Excuse me, can I get your name?”
When your eyes met him as you turned around, he swore he could feel his heart skip a beat. All that they said about feeling love was true. A hundred butterflies swarmed around in his stomach, his heart was beating like crazy, and his face was getting warmer by the second. It was all because of a single person.
“Oh, it’s ___… why?” You said, and he repeated the name in his mind. Familiarity surged through his body.
“Would you like to get lunch with me?” He put everything on this one question. He wasn’t thinking about being rejected--in fact, he wasn’t even sure if he was thinking. His focus was only on you.
You blushed, and you nodded, letting him lead the way. Under normal circumstances, you never would have agreed to a stranger asking you to lunch, but the second your eyes landed on him, it suddenly felt like everything was going to be alright. For some reason, in his presence, you felt at ease, and that you could trust him right then and there.
“May I also get your name?” You asked, waiting for his answer.
“My name’s Muichiro.”
It was a story you often told to your friends, and your children, if they were willing. There was familiarity in both of your eyes, and you just hit it off right away. Muichiro would half-heartedly dismiss it, saying that he was the one who saw you first, and you just followed along, but the both knew there was something deeper to it.
There was no question about it, it was a love that hoped for a better future. One with no deaths and only happiness before it. It was a hope that wished for better days. A hope that the both of you kept alive.
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Till The Final Bullet
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Series Summary: “In a place where they won't let us feel, In a place where nothing seems real. I will hold you. In a world that’s moving too fast. In a world where nothing can last. I will hold you.”-Last Night of The World- Miss Saigon
From the age of twelve, Y/N Y/L/N, has been trained by Hydra, and used as an assailant for a number of years. She’s been taught not to feel, but when she’s put in a kill squad with the Winter Solider, their partnership is deadly, as their motivation becomes more than just keeping themselves alive.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Series Warning: Angst, Fluff, Strong Language, Eventual Smut, Dark!Bucky (I think??) (18+ Only)
Part One: December 16th 1991
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Chapter Warnings: Strong Language, Violence
Word Count: 3.4k
“Good work, Sargent Barnes”
Colonel Karpov, lifted the lid of the Stark briefcase, revealing the blue coloured serum.
“We will begin trials immediately.”
The doctor looked at you, sceptically; “24 kills? 24 solo kills?”
“Yes, Sir. I was the best in my class.” You confirm.
The doctor glances back to his clipboard, scanning over all the details; “has your informant, told you what is happening?”
“You’re going to inject me with that,” you point to the IV line, that is positioned next to your gurney. You were laying on the dirty stretcher, in a room, with four other adults. All of you were strapped down to the beds and had your own doctors.
“Do you know what that, will do?” he asked you, scribbling some notes down.
“Increase my strength, higher pain tolerance, speed.” You listed off, all of the things you had been told in your briefing.
“Very good.” he mumbled, placing the clipboard down, and moving round to the side of the IV. “Sharp scratch.” He mutters, before sliding the IV’s needle into your hand, you just look him dead in the eye, not even flinching, as the needle pierces your skin.
“This may sting a little.” You scoff, before laying your head back against the grimy sheet. The doctor begins to release the blue serum. You watch from the corner of your eye, as the liquid shoots through the plastic tubing, before it entered the section of the line, that connected the IV drip to your hand.
At first it was just cold, and it made your hand cramp slightly, but the longer you sat there the more intense the cramping became. Then it happened so quickly; the pain went from cramping, to searing burning pain, coursing through the veins of your hand, rocketing it’s way around the rest of your body.
Your body was alight with torture, and you tugged desperately at your restraints. All you wanted to do, was rip the needle from your hand, you wanted to do anything that would stop the pain.
It wasn’t long before the whole ward, of soldiers, began to tug and scream at their leather chains.
“Make it stop, please God, make it stop.” You hollered, but by now the doctors, had been replaced by heavily armed guards, who stood over your bed and watched.
“You’ve got to make it stop; it’s killing me.” You look to the guards stood by your bed, your vision blurred with tears of agony. The guards did nothing, but stare. However, in your obscured eyesight, you see the guards part, and a much larger man walks through the gap.
You can just about see the new man wave at the guards to move away, and they did instantly.
Through the haze of your clouding eyes, you could make out the man’s body shape, his black leather uniform, tight over his broad body. His uniform was completely black, apart from the silver sleeve of his left arm, that reflected off the dim lights of the ward.
The man’s dark hair, fell in his face, preventing you from making out his features.
“Stay calm.” You felt the chill of his metal hand, as he placed it on your wrist.
“I can’t, it’s killing me.” You thrash your head around the bed, hoping to shake the pain, from your body. You felt the man’s hand tighten around your wrist, and you twisted it, hoping to break free, but it was useless, his grip, and the thick leather straps holding you to the bed, meant you were motionless.
You clamp your eyes shut, tears streaking down your face.
They shoot open, when you feel a tugging sensation on your feet and arms. Looking either side of you, you noticed the guards from before, ripping the restraints from your wrists, one of the men tears the IV from the back of your hand. You cry out in anguish, despite their grip on your arms, you manage to pull free, and strike the man, who had just aggressively removed your IV, in the face, sending him flying across the room.
The guards leap on top of you, trying to pin you back to the bed, but you’re able to kick a few of them off you, also sending them to the floor. When one of the doctors had reappeared, and tried to inject a syringe into your neck, you headbutted him, causing him to collapse in a heap.
Your struggle is completely halted, when the larger man from before manages to restrain you, before heaving you out of the ward. You kick and scream the whole time, he has your arms pinned behind your back, your strength, nothing compared to his.
“Get the fuck off me.” You flail, dragging your heel down the man’s shin, he hisses, but his grip on you remains firm.
He drags you down another dark, and dingy corridor, guards and lab coats, hurling themselves out of your way, pressing themselves close to the walls, as the guy continues to heave you along.
Eventually he reaches a large, heavy metal door, and kicks it open, throwing you into the room. With you finally released from his arms, you can spin around now, to face your opponent.
The man stands over you, even with you standing it is clear, he is the dominant one in this fight. You decide to play the height advantage, and dive to the floor, swinging your leg round. You are successful, as the sudden force to his legs and feet knocks him down to the floor, evening the playing field. You dive on top of him, holding him in a head lock, squeezing your arm round his throat.
He tugs at your arm, but you don’t break your hold, your mindset is fixed, and fixed on one thing. The kill. The guy manages to grasp his metal arm behind your head, he grabs a fistful of your hair, and wrenches it, causing you to flip over his head, and onto your back. You land hard, knocking the wind from you slightly.  Before you can turn to attack once again, the man is on top of you, in an instant. He’s pinning you to the floor, your wrists above your head, his thighs have your chest secured to the floor.
“I’m not your enemy.” You can barely hear his words, you spit in his face, which causes him to drop his guard a little, as he grimaces. You feel the grip on your wrist, momentarily loosen, giving you a window, to break loose.  
Seizing the opportunity, you clasp your hands together, before striking him in the chest, he’s knocked backwards off of you, and you wriggle free. You send a kick to his temple, causing him to skid across the floor, his metal fingers, dragging over the concrete, causing sparks to fly.
The look in his eyes is cold, as he launches himself at you, knocking you off your feet once again, you both go careering into the metal framework, of a shabby bed. Your head comes into hard contact with the side, making you go dizzy.
Your left mentally defenceless, and you can very much see the stars circling your head. Before you have time to react, the guy launches a sucker punch to your head, causing your vision to completely black.
“She is to be your new partner.”
“The two of you will become, the new faces of HYDRA.”
You can hear the booming of a voice, bouncing around your ear drums, your vision is still dark, but you can hear perfectly clearly.
“Her kill count, is almost identical to your’s, she has already received some of the top training possible, from the KGB, and with the combination of your skill sets, you will be unstoppable.”
You groan and shake your head from side to side, you try to rub at your eyes, but find your hands are trapped at your sides. You open your bleary eyes, and are marginally alarmed by the group of men that stood over you.
“Ah, welcome to the land of the living, Major Y/L/N.” you squint at the voice, and your eyesight shifts becoming clear once again.
“What is happening?” you mumble, once again you try to free your hands from the restraints, but are unsuccessful, “why am I wearing these?”
“My apologises, Major Y/L/N.” The older man speaking to you, begins to loosen the leather straps bound to your wrists, you don’t miss the flicker of nervousness, from the men around you, “they were just a precaution.”
You rub at your wrists, once they are freed, and you sit up, glancing round the room. Your eyes dart to the small amount of blood splatter on the concrete floor, and the long scratch marks, and the memories of the fight that you endured before you went under, begin to flood into your mind.
That’s when your eyes fix upon the stranger, leering in the corner of the room. The side of his head is a little raised, where a small bump was forming.
“Meet your new partner, Major Y/L/N.” the doctor gestured to the figure in the corner, who stepped forward; “Sargent James Barnes, meet the Red Fox. Red Fox, meet the Winter Soldier.”
“I have eyes on Bourdiaf, what about his security?” you press your finger to your ear, as you maintain your position, on the back row of the auditorium.
“There’s four of them; two either side of the stage, two next to him. The guy on the right is the only one that is armed.” James spoke over the coms.
You continue to look around the room, that was filled with journalists, and supporters for the Algerian chairman, Mohamed Bourdiaf. There were countless television cameras, but that wasn’t going to be a problem for you, this was just a routine mission for you and James.
The broadcasting began, Bourdiaf began to give his announcements, and you readied yourself. You placed your hand in your pocket, fingers circling the semi-automatic pistol. You drew your gun carefully, as to avoid the glances of any prying eyes around you.
“Hold fire.”
You freeze, gun still drawn, but hidden under your large overcoat.
“What?” you grit through your teeth, you pulse rising slightly, the longer you held this position, the more likely you were going to be exposed.
“There’s movement at the side of the stage.”
Your eyes dart to the side of the stage, and sure enough a fifth and sixth bodyguard, both of which, had semi-automatic rifles, appeared.
“What are we going to do?” James asked you.
“We stick to the mission. Make sure you’re covering me.” you pull your pistol from your pocket completely.
That was the only encouragement that you needed, before you leapt up from your seated position, and fired a round of bullets into the chairman. You watched the bullets tear through Bourdiaf’s head and chest, people screamed, and hurled themselves out of the way, diving under their seats.
You moved quickly as bullets began to spray in the air, from the two rifles, that had emerged from the wings, and now placed themselves centre stage.
You legged it towards the back of the room, but you’re brought down, as a bullet tears through one of your thighs. You crumple to the floor, rolling behind a wall.
“Thought you said you would cover me.” You shouted, clutching at your leg, the blood coating your hands.
You didn’t get a verbal answer, instead you hear the shelling of a third weapon being fired, before a towering figure looms over the top of you. You look up and smirk, shaking your head, as the figure reaches out his hand, helping to pull you to your feet, before wrapping itself around your shoulder.
You hissed slightly, as the truck hit a bump in the road, causing you to be jostled around the back.
“Can you try and keep it steady Rumlow, I’m trying to fix something here.” James seethed through his teeth, Rumlow just scowled before turning his attention back to the road.
“Ah.” You push James’ hands away, as he tries for the fifth time to retrieve the bullet from your leg, “would you quit it.”
“What you want me to leave that slug in your leg?” James shrugs, raising his eyebrows.
“No, but I also don’t want you having a little dig around. It hurts.” You grit your teeth.
“Get over it.” James locks your leg into place, trapping you under his body weight.
“Oh my hero.” You sass, before yelling in pain, as he starts to try and extract the bullet once again. After a bit of pulling and tugging, and a lot of swearing, James manages to retrieve the bullet that was lodged in your thigh.
“I got it.” He holds it up in the tweezers, a proud look on his face, you just poke your tongue into your cheek, and jut your eyebrows up.
“Nice one. Now wrap my leg before I bleed out.” You reply unimpressed. James throws the bullet somewhere in the truck and begins to wrap your leg. You growl slightly, when James grabs the disinfectant, and insincerely, throws it over your wound, making it burn and bubble. You hear a mumbled apology, but you just huff, and curl your fingernails into your palms.  Slowly James begins to wrap the bandages around your leg with this he’s a little more gentle, and before long, he’s finished completely.
“Want me to kiss it better, Foxy?” You can see Rumlow grinning at you through the windscreen mirror.
“It’s Major Y/L/N to you Rumlow, and not if you want to keep your lips and teeth intact.” You bark, Rumlow drops his grin into a sneer, and pulls into the base harshly, making you and James slide into the walls of the back.
Rumlow parks up, and James opens the back doors, before stepping down himself, turning to help you. You refuse the arm he offers you, as you hobble through the large doors of the base.
“Mission report, Major Y/L/N.” Silvermane asked, not even acknowledging your wounded leg.
“Mission 72, complete. Assignment, Chairman Mohamed Bourdiaf, deceased.” You spoke almost robotically.
“Any other casualties?”
“A few unfortunate bodyguards, but nothing unexpected.”
“What about your leg?” Silvermane gestured to your leg, that was already bleeding through the bandage, James had just secured.
“Collateral damage, Sir. Nothing major.”
Silverman nodded, and moved aside allowing you to go and see the physicians, who were waiting eagerly, to patch your leg up properly.
You followed Dr List, to the Med-Bay, where he motioned for you to sit on the bed. You heaved yourself up, allowing the Doctor to remove the stained bandages from your leg.
“This is a very poor job.” The doctor commented, he looked to you with a smile, but you remained emotionless, just allowing a heavy sigh to pass through your nose.
You look up when another person enters the Med-Bay.
“You can blame him for that.” You nod your head towards James, who had wandered over to your bed, Dr List following your gaze, before quirking an eyebrow, at the supersoldier.
“Can I help you, Sargent Barnes. Did you damage your arm?” Dr List, glances over the arm, and sees that it is unscratched.
“No just checking, that Major Y/L/N hadn’t bled to death, on the way here.” He folded his arms, and leaned on one of the other gurneys, across from you and the Doctor.
“You wish.” You mumble, James’ face doesn’t move, but you see the twinkle in his eye, and you knew he was smiling at you in his special way.
“I would work better without an audience, Sargent Barnes.” Dr List informed the soldier, who sighed heavily, and pushed himself off the bed, and walked out the wing.
“Is there something the company and I should know of, Major Y/L/N?” Dr List eyed you, pulling a syringe of anaesthetic from a draw, holding it up to you. You shook your head, at both the syringe and his question.
“Are you sure?” Dr List eyes the needle in his hand.
“You know me, Doctor. I like to keep sharp.”
You were limping your way back down the corridor, your leg throbbed as the new stitches rubbed against the fabric of your combat trousers. You were heading towards, what they called a room, you preferred your cell. Every now and then you would pass a member of the HYDRA Constabulary, who would tilt their head to you, you would do the same to them.
Eventually, you reached your room, you heaved the door open, before slamming it roughly behind you. Letting your chin drop to your chest, as you let out a long breath.
“You took your time.” You jump at first, when two hands wrap around your waist, but you relax, the moment you looked down, and saw the silver fingers.
“What are you doing in here, Sargent Barnes?” you looked up, you could see your reflections in the grubby mirror in front of you.
“Just coming to admire my handy work.” James dips his head, so that his lips are brushing your neck, making you shiver slightly. His hands are grasping your hips, making you spin round to face him, he pressed his forehead to yours, and you rubbed your nose with his.
“Your handy work? Don’t you mean Dr List’s.” you joke, pulling away just before James could dip his head to kiss you. He sucks his bottom lip in, looking to the sky, as you walk away. “Dr List had to fix your handy work.”
You turned the tap of the little sink that stood under the mirror, cold water filling the filthy basin.
“Hey, I did what I could. You try patching me up when Rumlow’s driving.” James began taking steps towards you, while mumbling a word that sounded like ‘asshole’.
“I wouldn’t need to patch you up, because I’d have your back.” You quip, as you pulled your blood and sweat stained shirt over your head. Once again, James is pressing up against you, his lips are tracing along the deep grooves of your back, his fingers tracing the scars he couldn’t reach with his mouth.
“I had your back.” He mutters into your skin.
“Mmmhmm.” You hum, splashing the water into your face, smearing the dirt and blood.
“Hey,” James spins you round, holding your face in his rough palms, “I had your back.” He leans down, capturing your lips with his. You can’t pull away this time, with his hands trapping you, but you don’t try and fight him, and gladly except his affection.
His hands move down to cup your thighs, and out of instinct you jump into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. He carries you towards the mattress on sticks, that they called a bed.
The moment your back hit the lumpy material, a switch went in your head, your eyes going wide, at the realisation of what you were doing and you broke the kiss.
“Not here, James.” You breathe heavily, James tries to silence you by kissing you again, but you push at his chest again. “No, we can’t do this. Not tonight.”
“Why not?” he asks, equally as breathless, his cold touch rubbing against your cheek.
“Because someone will come in, people are becoming suspicious.”
“Rumlow, won’t say fuck, or I’ll have his head.” James spat, his eyes visibly darkening, as you said his name.
“Alright, but Dr List suspects something for sure.” James groans, and rolls off of you, standing up and crossing his arms. “Look we need to be careful, if they find out about us, then…”
“What, what could they possibly do to us, that’s worse than what they’ve done already?” James says throwing his hands in the air.
“James, it’s HYDRA, they sure as hell will find something worst.” You stand from the bed, to cup his cheeks, and he holds your wrists, resting his forehead on yours. Your fingers trace along the dotted scars on the side of his scalp, where the electrocution mask, had been placed on him.
“I love you, James.” you whisper. 
“I love you too, Y/N. Till the final bullet.” he kisses you once more, holding you as close as he can, before he releases you.
“And I know you had my back.” You mutter against his lips, and he smiles.
You check the corridor for him, seeing the coast is clear.
He gives you one more cheeky kiss, that makes you gasp a little, before he saunters out of your room.
You slam the door behind him, leaning back against it looking to the sky, a grin plastered across your warm face.
That man was going to be the death of you, but you didn’t care.
He was the only bright light, in your dark life.
A/N: Ayyyyyyeee I’m back bitches!!!!
Part Two//
@amanda-the-fangirl​ @winchester-wifey​ @lemonadygirl​ @lunagrangerweasley​ @omfgforthelordalmighty​ @hhxppyyy​ @furioustrashprofessorneck​ @sznri​ @mugscraps​ @colourforanamee​
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ashisbaeee · 5 years
Her Part 11
a/n: hello lovelies, my goodness, it has been forever since I’ve last been on here and more importantly since updated this series. thank you all so much for being so understanding and patient for my absence, I greatly appreciate it. 
here is the long awaited part 11, I truly hope you all enjoy it and that it was worth the wait.💗as always, your feedback is greatly appreciated, I love hearing what you guys think of the chapter. 
sorry for any errors 
word count: 4.1k(eek!)
italics are Y/N’s thoughts 
for those who are interested, I will have the previous parts here: 
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Shock, disbelief coursed through you, completely taking over your frame. What was once your cozy home became uncomfortable,  wishing you were still out, albeit your feet were killing you, anywhere else than your quiet home and away from him.  You could feel his eyes on you, but you dared not look. You had glued your eyes to the ground; wishing this was some terrible dream. You didn’t need this, not right now. If you were being frank, this was possibly the worst time as he will eventually take in your full appearance, your bump in full display. You never wanted to see his face now and certainly not ever. This wouldn’t be good for you, and ultimately, this wouldn’t be good for the baby.  Stood right smack in the middle was the last person on earth you prayed you’d never see again. Shock and anger coursed through you. You could feel your heart racing, your breathing was becoming erratic. You noticed your quickened heartbeat; you could feel it pulsing in your carotid arteries, you were beginning to get a massive migraine and you were becoming a bit nauseous. The room started to spin, it was as if you were back in your first trimester of pregnancy again. 
Quick, let me find a garbage can in the event I hurl my guts out. 
You pushed that thought to the back of your mind as you took in the man that broke your heart invading your home. And how your sister let him in?! She must have been out of her damn mind. No good was to come out of this. But that was a discussion for a later time. 
What is he doing here?! You exclaimed.  
“Please Y/N, let me explain” your sister pleads.  
“Then get to it” you spoke, your patience gone the moment you stepped foot into your home. 
“I saw him while I was at the grocery store. Actually, he saw me and approached me.”
“That doesn’t explain as to how he got here. Meeting at the grocery store doesn’t lead into coming into my home” you interjected. 
“I’m getting to that part, so please, just listen” she spoke, while he stood silent a few feet from the both of you. 
“He came up to me and asked me how you were doing. Before I could even respond, he said he had seen you with me.  He knew that we were both around the area as he had seen pictures of us”
“Pictures from where?!”you interrupted yet again, but you didn’t care. 
“Uh, a fan had sent them to me” finally, the man had broken his silence.
Your head snapped so quickly you were surprised it didn’t crack or something possibly worse. 
“What??!! A fan?! A fan! How on earth did they even get a picture? Explain”
“A fan had seen you a couple times, or at least that’s what she told me. She sent the pictures-- err- she sent me DMs of you both via Instagram, and this isn’t the first time she has DMed me.  One day, as I quickly scrolled passed through my DMs, your name caught my eye. Without thinking, I clicked on the message and that was when I saw your pictures, it was a picture of you smiling. I thought it was a joke, some skilled photoshop or something. My curiosity got the best of me and I couldn’t bear the unknown and the ‘what ifs’  and I was driving myself lad so I think a couple of days later, I sent her a message asking where she saw you. Which brings us to where we are now” 
“So she freely sent you the town I’m at?!”
“Well, uhm, yeah. Uh. Yes, she did. Please, calm down”
“I can’t calm down” your voice rising. 
“I don’t get why you’re so angry”
Oh hell no. He did not just say that. 
“Angry? Want to know why I’m so angry? It’s because what she did was an invasion of privacy?”
“You know, out of all the people in this room, I should be the one that’s angry. Angry that you left me without a trace. How you deliberately went to all extents to erase yourself from the world. You went completely ghost on me. You went to great lengths to make sure that I would never be able to find you ever again.  Do you know how sick and worried I was? I didn’t know if you were okay and there was no way for me to find out. God forbid something happened to you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Knowing or not knowing if you were okay or not killed me. So yeah, I am angry, and understandably so” his voice matching yours. 
“When did you feel that? When did all those emotions hit you? Huh? Please, enlighten me. Right after I did everything I could to ensure you would never find me again? Don’t act like you cared since the beginning. Clearly you did not care that day when you and the group realized a whole while later that you had left me at the Jimmy Kimmel studio. I get that you were so excited for the movie, trust me, I understand but it really seemed like the movie mattered more than me. Not to sound jealous or anything. But really, I felt like I was invisible and in my opinion, it seemed like a total waste of time and money flying out to you, and that day was a total wake up call; I got your message, loud and clear. A part of me thinks that maybe you’ve never really cared for me, uh, but only you know that answer. But it seems like you have a lot to say, so by all means, Tom, please, entertain me, since I clearly  don’t have anything else better to do” the sarcasm clearly evident in your tone. “You were so preoccupied with the movie and talking about the love scenes and all the places you were all about to visit, how it was working alongside Jake Gyllenhaal, that of course you’d forget me. It was as if I was never there, I felt invisible. Like I was an afterthought, it was stupid of me to think that I mattered to you. I regret flying out to see you, that is time and money I can’t take back”
“Oh stop that, don’t be dumb” he says exasperatedly. 
Just as you were about to reply, you stopped in your tracks.  Your pent up anger greatly affecting you and ultimately the baby too, all of your emotions consuming your entire being that you felt sharp pains running at your side. It was as if  someone had ran up to you and stabbed you in your ribs. You kneel to the ground clutching the right side of your body as you hunch over in pain. Your sister notices your sudden moves and rushes to your side, she tries to calm you down, and tells you to do some deep breathing exercises but you can’t, the pain was too unbearable. 
You ended up changing positions and curled yourself into a fetal position as you clutched your side. You were in agony, the pain was so excruciating that you started crying. Panic courses to all three of you. Seeing you in this state killed him. If there was one thing he hated, it was seeing you in pain and upset; and here you were, feeling both. Something was definitely wrong. He and your sister decided to take you to the hospital. He offers to drive while your sister tries to help you calm down and relax. Instinctively, he scoops you up from where you were and carried you bridal style; he carries you into the backseat of the car and buckles you up. While waiting for your sister, he quickly typed the nearest hospital address in his phone GPS, and in a matter of seconds, he got the car up and running and began his route.
You could feel yourself profusely sweating. Your body was shaking uncontrollably, assuming that you were becoming hypothermic because of this added stress, your body’s defense mechanism in complete overdrive. Your heart was racing, as you put your index and middle finger in the inner aspect of your wrist, just below your left thumb, you felt the pulsations. Your pulse was bounding, you couldn’t even count your heartbeat, it was just beating erratically. 
It must be somewhere in the 150s or higher. Who knows. Baby, I hope you’re alright in there. We are on our way to the hospital. I truly hope and pray that you’re not in any distress, I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you, I don’t know what I’d do if I find out you aren’t okay. I can’t bear the thought of possibly losing you. God knows what I would do if I find out you aren’t okay. Please, baby, mommy’s begging you, please be okay, for You thought to yourself, as a few tears fell, ultimately landing on your sweater. 
It felt like forever, but you finally arrived at the hospital. Tom pulled into the entrance to the Emergency Department and quickly ran in to get help. Within minutes you saw 3 people running towards the car with a stretcher. They assisted you into the stretcher safely and brought you in, Tom rushing alongside you all, matching the strides of the hospital staff and your sister in tow. Immediately you were brought into your room and you were hooked up to the monitors. More staff came in to get an IV line inserted as well get blood and urine samples for routine testing. They took off the sweater you were wearing and quickly put on a hospital gown. They realized you were expecting, so they planned to get the OB resident involved in your case. 
Everything and everyone was moving rather quickly, you began to feel dizzy again. Without warning, you started to vomit. Your fight or flight instincts kicking into maximum overdrive, your body’s internal homeostasis all out of whack. You assume that this was your body’s weird way of dealing with this distress. 
If there was one thing you got from this pregnancy, it was that stress plus your body was not a good mix. You got extremely ill whenever your body’s homeostasis was out of the norm. Your body’s way of dealing with the stress/situation at hand. 
In the midst of your body retching, getting rid of all the contents of your stomach, you happened to muster up enough energy to look up at the monitor. Heart rate 198, Blood pressure 180/120. Holy shit. One of the nurses had hooked up an external fetal monitor to your bump; the alarms were going off as soon as it turned on, as per the monitor, your baby’s heart rate was 175. That was out of the norm; normal fetal heart rate is 120-160. How you were still awake and conscious and aware of your surroundings was beyond you. A person with those vital signs usually pass out, goes into cardiac arrest or have a stroke. They were then immediately intubated, had a foley catheter and had a central line inserted instead of just a peripheral line and whisked into the  critical care unit. It was almost shocking that you hadn’t passed out or lose consciousness. You’ve seen it happen countless times, I guess you were one of the rare cases. 
You end up passing out. While you are unconscious, he meets up with your sister and the doctors, your sister informed him that she got in contact with your parents and that they were on their way. 
The doctors waited for your parents to arrive before leading you all into a private room to talk about their plan once all the test results come in. After discussing your plan of care, they brought him into your room, and that, at that moment, was when he took in your appearance. That was when he saw your bump, you’re pregnant. 
Had it really been that long since he last saw you? So many thoughts ran rampant in his mind. Who was the baby’s father? Will he be coming to meet up with your family? Will he sit beside you and wait until you woke up? His consuming thoughts elicited the pain he worked so hard to suppress. The love of his life was having a baby with someone that was not him. His lifelong dream to marry you and start a family with was shattered; now becoming his worst nightmare. In just a short time, he would come face to face with the lucky man who now has you. 
After some time, you wake up. Your family rushed to your side and held you tightly, relieved that you regained consciousness. He stood in the back of the room and watched the moment. 
You were consumed with talking with your parents that you didn’t realize he left the room. He leaves and heads to the nurse’s station to alert them that you’ve woken up. 
He comes in to let your parents know that your nurse was paging the residents to let them know you were awake. As he spoke, he dared not look at your direction. He maintained eye contact with your parents. As you lie in bed, you took in his image. Never in a million years did you think you would bump into him again. After all this time, he managed to stay the same. The same lanky, curly headed fool that you were once in love with. You could see the look on his face; the look of heartbrokenness, mixed with him being a little more pale than usual. He looked so hurt, so empty. Every single one of your family members felt it too. They knew that it wasn’t their business, but just like everyone else(everyone that mattered), they loved and shipped the idea of you both, and seeing the two of you apart and so broken, broke them too. 
He whispered something to them and left your room. 
It had been quite some time and he still had not returned to your room. Worried, you send your sister to look for him, or at least see if he was okay, or if he had left(again), without saying goodbye. 
She obliges to your wish and leaves your room. About 100 feet from your room, she sees his frame in one of the chairs. He sat in one of the chairs in the hospital waiting room, his hands brought up to his face. As your sister made her way to the seat beside him, she rested her hand on his shoulder. Shocked at the action, he looks up. With flushed cheeks and red eyes, he locked eyes with hers. She couldn’t help it, it wasn’t long before she started crying too. 
“How is she doing?” 
“She seems okay, she’s talking to mom and dad right now. She was wondering where you went, so she sent me to find you. Are you going to go back?” 
“N-no, I don’t think so. I don’t think that’ll be good for her. I think it is best that I leave, please send her my regards and well wishes; also, please tell her I send my congratulations, she’s going to be such an amazing mother. I’ve never doubted that, not in the slightest bit. She was always so good with kids” his voice quivered, the agony clearly evident. 
“I know it’s hard, but please. Just go in, I’m sure she would like to see you and thank you for taking her here. What do you have to lose?”
He sat silent, contemplating his decisions. 
What does he have to lose?
“Okay, I’ll go in”
Content with his answer, she nods her head. 
“Y/S/N, can I ask you something? Is, is, she still angry? Is she still upset about what happened? I want to explain myself, but I don’t know if that will do more harm than good. Things clearly did not go as I had hoped it would earlier today, I mean come on, look where it landed us- I mean her, and her baby. I don’t want to stress her out any more. She doesn’t need that, she needs to focus on getting better, for herself and the baby. I am afraid to ask her, but what is she having? A boy or girl?” 
“I don’t know, really. I don’t, I, I uh haven’t asked her. I feel like it’s none of my business, y’know? Like I don’t want to bring it up and upset her or something. Try and see if she’s willing to listen, you honestly never know unless you ask and try again. Anyways, she’s having a girl. We are all so excited. I swear, the baby isn’t born yet but she’s already so spoiled. I can’t even imagine how it’ll be when she’s actually here” 
“Uhm, yeah, maybe I’ll ask her. I’m going to take it one step at a time”
She gets up from her seat and waits for him. It wasn’t long before they arrived back into your room. 
She enters first and takes her seat right by your parents. He shuts the door and stands in his original spot. 
You knew you needed to have a conversation with him, to continue with the conversation you both had before coming to the ED. 
Your whole family sensed some kind of tension in the air. They figured you both needed to have this conversation, even though both parties were hesitant. 
Your parents tell you that they were going to grab some dinner and needed your sister to come along with them, making up an excuse really, so that you and him were left with no choice but to talk. It was a long time coming. Well needed too. 
The three of them left, leaving you and him. You could feel the awkwardness in the air. 
You figured he was going to leave. 
“Do-do you want me to keep you company until they return?” he finally spoke 
“Uh, it’s up to you. You can leave if you want. I’ll be okay, I’m hooked to the monitors, so the doctors and nurses on the unit can keep an eye out on me. If anything happens, they have everyone’s numbers, so they’ll get in contact with them. You must be exhausted” 
“Actually, I’m okay. But if you want me to leave so you can rest, I can. Maybe I’ll stop by tomorrow, if you want me to”
“I’m actually okay too. If you want to come by again tomorrow, you can. Uh, I. Uh, I, I just want to say thank you. Y’know, for taking me here”
“Y-yeah, of-of course. I’m sorry; for what I said earlier. You’re not dumb, not in the slightest”
“I’m sorry too”
“Can we talk?”
“I thought that was what we were doing?”
“I mean, like talk, talk”
“Us. About everything” 
You remained silent. 
He took this opportunity to explain himself. When else was he going to have the chance to do so? 
Your sister’s words replaying in his head. 
“I know there are no sorries in this world can truly express how terrible I feel about what happened and what I did. I’m sorry it took me getting to the hotel to realize your absence. I’m sorry I didn’t come back sooner. Sorry that I didn’t try hard enough to find you. How I’ve let you in an unknown place by yourself. Because of what I did I missed out on what was the biggest day of your life. I would have loved to have been there on your graduation day, cheering for you from the stands because I am so unbelievably proud of you. All of your hard work, blood, sweat and tears paid off. If I could go back in time and change everything, I would. I would do so in a heartbeat, because that shouldn’t have happened” he sobs. 
Tears pool in your eyes as well. This was a long time coming. As much as you hated the idea, it needed to be done, for both your sakes. 
“I can never blame you. That, this, is your career. This is what you’re meant to do in this life. This is your calling. Who am I to ever take that away from you? You worked so tirelessly and so hard to get to where you are now. You are so passionate in everything that you do, and that movie was no different. It definitely showed, it was a really good movie. Look, it’s in the past now, I’ve moved on. I’ve accepted it, and I’m okay.. And I think you should stop beating yourself up for what happened and carry on. Don’t be too hard on yourself” you spoke, your voice barely a whisper. 
“I can’t. I just can’t” he whimpered. 
“So Y/S/N told me you’re having a baby girl. Congratulations. You are going to be such an incredible mom, I’ve seen you with kids, you are such a natural... Did you find a name for her yet?” 
“Uh, thank you, yes I did. Her name is Arielle Rose”
“That such a lovely name, darling”
Darling. His favorite term of endearment for you. 
“Uh, I’m sorry. It just slipped” he says, trying to save himself from the uncomfortableness. 
Oh how you’ve missed that name. 
“uhm, thanks”
Great, now things are awkward again. Ugh. 
“So, is your boyfriend on his way?”
“What boyfriend?”
“The baby’s father, is he on his way?”
“No. He doesn’t exist”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know”
“It’s fine. Yeah no, he will not be a part of her life. I know she’ll probably ask when she is older, but we will cross that mountain when the time comes”
“I know it’s none of my business, but did something happen?”
“Just as you said, it is none of your business; but we just didn’t work out, that’s all”
Y/N, tell him the truth. He deserves to know.  He has the right to know, he is the father. Even though things fell apart between you both, you need to not be selfish and not rob her of her father and his amazing family. 
“I’m sorry”
Just as you were about to speak, a knock caught both your attentions. 
The OB doctor as well as your nurse came in. They told you that you were going to be admitted for the night for observation. They asked if you needed anything else from them before they left, shaking your head and reminded you for like the hundredth time that night that if you needed anything to press the red button in the remote and a staff would be in to assist you. 
You thanked them as they proceeded out the door. 
“So how far along are you?”
“6 months” “Did you have your gender reveal or baby shower yet?”
“My sister and I are actually planning my gender reveal. My parents don’t know. We are supposed to have it in about 2 weeks”
“Oh that sounds great, how are you revealing?”
“With pink balloons inside of a huge white box, after the countdown, we will untie the strings and the top of the box will open, revealing and releasing the balloons.  The color theme is pink, blue and white, we are planning to have different things and foods that are pink and blue to see which one each guest thinks I am having and games where people can guess what I’m having”
“That sounds like so much fun”
“Yeah, it does. I can’t wait. In a way, I just want it to be over, this was beyond stressful trying to plan. I think I need to make a mental note of this for her first birthday party” you let out a small laugh. 
He locks eyes with you and smiles. 
He saw how tired you looked, and opted to pause the conversation, you needed to rest. Pleased with how your conversation went. He still had some questions, but decided that he will defer them to a later time. 
He shut the light off and told you to take it easy. He told you that he would stay with you until your family came back. He greeted you goodnight and tucked you in. 
You thanked him once again and began to drift off. 
You woke up in the middle of the night and saw him asleep beside you. He rested his head at the foot of your bed. You were surprised to see him, you thought he would be long gone, assuming that your sister or your mom was going to spend the night with you. 
The exhaustion clearly taking its full effect on your body, your eyes barely staying open, even in just that mere moment. You pulled your blanket up to your neck as you rested your head back on your pillow, welcoming your slumber again. 
G’night, Tom.
series taglist:    @hollandroos @roses-hxlland @parkeret @sleepybesson @moonlightom @blueeyedbesson  @unholyholland @lemondropirwin @delicately-important-trash @let-me-luve-you @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @smexylemony @allieandcoffee @captainbuckyy @notevenenglish @infamousmany @geeksareunique @bellagrayson-wayne @a-dorky-book-keeper @crazypsychobookworm @lilya-petrichor @gemflowerrr @judemoos @chillinjules @littlebookbengal @marvelhoelland @its-the-unknownspidey @emeraldrhee-grimes @stephy-senpai @marvelismylifffe @tiya14 @andreuskystuff @soy-una-conejo @danicarosaline @youngjellyfishpolice @ellascarlettangel @wonders-of-the-multiverse @trumpettay @aestheticgaybish @ghostlytree612 @asmilinghopelessromantic @raspberrydreamclouds @seasidecrowbar @anini71 @kaylinfayezink @trashsiara @ionknowrlly @southsidespidey @julsgrc @jackiehollanderr @hollandshearteyes @imagine-addictt @madeinthemidnightmemories @iwokeupinabadmood @bobo-bush @h-oneyholland @vthenerd @justkeepdreaminganddreaming @lala-florez @mutuallynotmutual @karlitabi-rrito @crashhmycar @a-dorky-book-keeper @hollandinq @southsidespidey @kill-the-stereo @wronglanemendes @quackson606 @lovexo26 @wowiedraco @kaylathekittykat225 @popluckbih @littleraton @cannotpsd @unholyholland @ashwarren32 @parkerindustrys @euphorichxlland 
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damianosismyking · 4 years
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
A day or two later, Damen got weird.
It was a hard-to-describe type of situation that made Laurent freak a little. His mind was happy to provide him with lots of thoughts regarding just that.
For one, he probably did something wrong, though he couldn't pinpoint what it was.
They had that too vulnerable of a conversation about things that led Laurent to the ranch; they detoured that by talking more about family than specifics of Laurent's story. They got back on track and then detoured again - and it went on and off like this for about an hour or two. They overslept. Had lazy morning sex. Damen left late for work, which was less than smart now that he was given his first case. Laurent didn't complain. Laurent was late for work too, but the others could manage the horses just fine without him there.
Something during that time must've gone wrong, maybe.
Damen texted Laurent at night to tell him they couldn't hang out because there was a lot he had to study for his case before he met his new client. Laurent's only reply was 'ok'. It was a little too dry. Maybe that made Damen upset?
For other, Laurent was meaning to leave anyway so if Damen was distant, shouldn't that make things easier? Laurent shouldn’t be so distressed.
Waking up without Damen wasn't new, and still it made something twist in the pit of Laurent's stomach.
Not getting any replies for his texts did not help.
Damen seeming so distant on the other side of the line when Laurent called during lunch was upsetting. Damen hanging up abruptly was even worse.
It was an ego thing.
It probably was an ego thing.
Laurent always had a thing with ego.
And it was a stupid thing to get worked up over. Laurent didn't have to make it serious.
On the first day, Laurent focused on his job, since that’s what he was meant to be doing, instead of thinking about his boss. Feeding the horses, changing their water, calling the Vet to come check on them. Three horses were almost late on the vaccines and one needed deworming. Paschal would come in a few days to check on them. Then Laurent and two others took them to walk around, freeing them on the pasture. Gather them back on the stalls.
After that Laurent himself was off for a long ride around the ranch and farther until he began to worry it would soon be too dark to come back safely.
On the second day something Laurent surely had not expected was to see Damen with some girl.
Some girl with long black hair braided over her shoulder. Some girl with a stunning face and huge eyes and freckles, and that strutted. She strutted. Some girl that laughed like she was singing. Some girl that Damen was laughing back to, the way he only ever laughed with a few close people. The way that he laughed when he was with Nikandros, and Kastor and Jokaste (before they cheated). The way that he laughed when he was with Laurent.
They disappeared in the main house and didn’t reemerge from there. Eventually it got too late and Laurent was too tired to wait up and see when she’d be leaving.
On the third day, Laurent came up with a speech and then mastered said speech that he would give to Damen and his family - as a whole, not separated parts - thanking them for so many years of kindness. He couldn't bear speaking to Damen privately. Not that Laurent was the crying type, but he might cry anyway. Emotions. Laurent hated them.
There were the speeches for the horses too - and those were individual. One to each. The biggest and most heart-felt to his own horse. It was the right thing to do.
Also on the third day, Damen opted for undermining all of Laurent's plans by showing up without previous notice to Laurent's room just before nine, looking serious and stiff like Laurent’s never seen him be. Damen tried for a smile, but it became obvious then and there that this conversation would be better if they didn’t try to pull niceties.
Straight to the point. Just business and such.
Laurent couldn't help but feeling small though. And helpless, and wrong, and guilty about something he didn't even know what. He has felt like this before - though the circumstances had been so different then.
Guilt was a constant in Laurent’s life when he arrived at the ranch. Guilty for escaping. Guilty for not letting Auguste know he was okay. Guilty for accepting all of those nice things that Egeria offered to do for him. Guilty.
The way Laurent felt guilty then was like how he was feeling guilty now. It was irrational and yet too goddamn real, despite him not having done anything to deserve that.
"We need to talk," was the first thing Damen said, his voice too deep to suggest anything other than that he wasn't in the mood for jokes.
Laurent gulped. "We do."
Damen frowned, as though not expecting that Laurent would say anything. Like Laurent was supposed to stay quiet and mop as Damen broke things up between them. "Go first then," Damen settled on the bed.
"Okay," Laurent walked to his desk and back, settling beside Damen, close enough that he could reach, but far enough that they would not bump.
Laurent offered the methodically folded piece of paper to Damen and waited for Damen to take his own conclusions of it. When it took longer than a minute, Laurent decided to verbalize, "I would like to offer you my resignation. I am immensely grateful for all that you and your family have done for me over the course of the years; I can't stress enough how -"
"What -" Damen interrupted "What is this? What the fuck, Laurent?" Damen held up the letter as though he had been personally offended by it.
Laurent drew a deep breath. "As I was saying - I am all too thankful for all the kindness you have shown me for so, so long. In my heart I will never forget all of this and I promise I will remain grateful to the day I die, but I feel like I overstayed my welcome. I know it might come as a shock, but right now I want to do more with my life. Something to give me an actual future. I hope you and your family won't take it as an offense, I will talk to Theomedes before I -"
"Are you shitting me?" Damen's expression grew more outraged the more Laurent spoke; he was already on his feet "That's it? You’re going to leave? You're breaking up with me with a fucking resignation letter and a formal speech?" Damen threw the letter to the ground "A goddamn speech?"
Laurent shifted, trying to appear unaffected. "I know the nature of our relationship was more intimate and I appreciate the special attention over the past few months. But, yes, I would like to leave."
Damen blinked, in chock. He had his hands on his hips which should be funny, except it wasn't. Damen lowered his tone, considering something before he said, "Is it because of the breakfast? Because if it is, Laurent, I promise I will never put you in that position again, I wasn't thinking. You don’t have to leave I’ll -"
"It's not because of the breakfast, Damianos" Laurent interrupted this time "I just want to be something more. To become someone. And I’m well aware of our situation" he gestured between them "and how things couldn't go forward."
“You can do everything you want. You don’t have to go away. Or you can go away, if you want to not be here anymore. I can help you, with college and finding a place to live wherever you want, just let me -”
“I have my own money that I saved, thank you. I don’t want your money. I don’t need it.”
“Laurent -”
“I would like,” Laurent’s tone was more incisive, firm “To de dismissed. Please.”
"Holy -" Damen turned his back, running his hands down his face.
There was silence and Laurent didn't want to think about it, or anything at all. He wanted this conversation to be over, so they could be over, and Laurent could be alone. By Damen's reaction he wasn't thrilled Laurent beat him to breaking up. Was Damen not used to being broken up to? Was this a first for him? No. Laurent knew for a fact this wasn't the case.
There had been Jokaste before him - and breaking up by cheating on him with his brother must've been a little worse than a letter of resignation. Though the letter shouldn't be too far behind. Laurent just didn't expect Damen to care so much. Maybe that was him not caring so much. Laurent would love it if his head would stop spinning and if Damen said something already.
"I, of course, fully intend to complete my notice and help you find a suitable person to fill my spot," Laurent said, in the quiet, when Damen still didn’t speak.
Damen huffed. "That's really nice of you, thank you," he said, voice carried in irony "I should’ve known. God, how am I this stupid?"
Laurent wished Damen would turn around; watching his back was unsettling.
"Why am I always this stupid?" Damen said, not louder, "Nikandros told me this was going to happen and I - I didn't listen. Why did I not listen?"
"Are you talking to yourself?"
Damen just kept rubbing his hands over his face and mumbling. "You could have told me,” Damen’s voice was internalized, like he was half swallowing the words, but at last he was talking to Laurent “If you didn’t want... You could’ve told me before – you could’ve told me sooner.”
“Told you what, Damianos?” Laurent was still rock-solid on the outside.
“That you didn’t want things to get serious,” Damen took a sharp breath before finally turning and fixing his eyes on Laurent's “Didn’t want things to go forward. That you wanted us to remain casual.”
Laurent frowned. "We were casual," They were casual. Weren’t they casual?
Damen closed his eyes, pained. "I got that part, thanks," Damen leaned against the wall, resting his head on the wood panel.
More silence. "We were casual," Laurent whispered.
It did not make any sense. None of it.
"So," Laurent gulped, words outwards again "You didn't come here to end things between us?"
Damen smiled like it cost him greatly to do so. After, he shook his head. "No.”
Well, fuck.
Laurent was considerably less stable. "What were you here for then?"
Damen's jaw tensed. He looked to his boots, not Laurent. Laurent almost thought Damen wouldn't say anything until, "I met your brother."
The words floated before they could sink and once they did, Laurent found out he wouldn't be able to breath any time soon. "You what?"
"He is my client," Damen explained, "He has lawsuit against your uncle. There are evidences that your uncle interfered on the process of your custody, stole your family's money and properties. They've been fighting in court for years now and Auguste is out of resources to pay the fees and lawyers, so he signed up for the pro-bono."
Damen, much more in control of himself now, pushed away from the wall and bent to catch the letter he had thrown to the ground "I thought of breaking attorney and client privilege to let you know," his voice was cutting, bitter. Damen raised the letter again, like he's done earlier, but this time he refused to look at Laurent "I'll have the others know you're leaving. We will hire someone to replace you by the end of the week. Don’t worry about the notice, you’re free to go."
On his way out, Damen was gentle to close the door, leaving Laurent alone with his pounding heart and a full head.
Read it on AO3!
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bodytoflame-ao3 · 4 years
born for this // one
When she finally feels the exhaustion drift over her, it’s overwhelming; like the entire weight of the day’s been dropped on her at once. In a way, it has. She’s here now, this is real. Not just the stories her parents told to her, or vague bursts of imagination from brief visits.
As hard as she tries, she can’t shake the feeling of anger in the pit of her stomach — exactly for what, she’s not sure.
or, a next-generation fic following the lives of Percy and Annabeth, and Piper and Jason's children, and a prophecy.
AO3 Link
okay. so this is my first attempt in a very very very long time at a multichapter fic. i have absolutely 0 clue how long this is going to be or how fast i'm going to be able to update. but here it is. my take on a next generation fic. in which jason is alive because i said so.
this one goes out to @officialpjo for encouraging this mess
i //
Piper McLean never thought she’d be alive at 18, much less pregnant.
“I don’t know what to do.”
It’s three in the morning, but Annabeth’s still here for her. She’ll always be grateful for that. She rubs her back, and for a moment, it’s like everything is okay. She’ll speak her wisdom and that will be it. Instead (and Piper knew deep down it would turn out this way) she says; “Piper, that’s something you have to decide for yourself. You know that.”
And that’s not very helpful — but it’s true. “I just thought everything was finally going back to normal.” It was. She’d gone back to school and was about to graduate, even got accepted into a few colleges (not that she was sure she’d even go). “What if there’s another prophecy?”
Annabeth stays silent.
“I can’t bring a baby into the world like that, Annabeth. I won’t!” It would put both of our lives in danger.
“Then you don’t have to,” she replies softly, resting her hand on Piper’s shoulder.
“I do, Gods, I want to.” Piper wipes the tears from her eyes, “That makes me sound so stupid.” It was stupid to want to have a baby when she could be pulled into a war at any moment. But this is a chance to make something with her life — something mundane; normal.
Annabeth reassures her, though Piper isn’t sure how much she believes it, “No. It doesn’t; you’re not. You were as safe as you could be.”
Piper tries not to yell, not at Annabeth at least, but her emotions get the best of her this time. “I don’t want you to tell me it’s not my fault, I want you to tell me he won’t hate me!”
“I can’t do that.”
“Then lie!”
She doesn’t acknowledge the outburst, knowing it comes from a place of frustration, not directed at her but the cruel irony of the world (and how familiar she is with that herself). She simply offers a piece of hope; knowing nothing is certain, but it could be. “It’ll be okay.”
Piper lets the silence wash over them for a minute. “What would you do?” She asks, genuinely curious.
“I’ve always wanted a family,” she admits, fiddling with her wedding ring. Of course she does. That's all she's ever wanted. “But it would still be scary.”
“I have to tell him,” Piper says after a moment. He’s just as much a part of this as she is, and he deserves to know, no matter what she decides. And she knows — she knows what she wants, and it’s this.
Annabeth is unflinching. “I’ll come with you, okay?”
“Hold my hand?”
Annabeth does; all the way back to their apartment, up the stairs, into the living room, onto the couch, across from him.
“We have to talk,” Piper says, firm, but gentle.
“Are you breaking up with me?” Jason asks, a puzzled look on his face.
“No.” She shares a knowing glance with Annabeth, knowing what it looks like, and suppresses a laugh. Though, in all honesty, they both know if by some coincidence they both ended up single, it wouldn’t be a question, and they’d both know the answer.
“I’ll be right outside if you need me.” Annabeth squeezes her hand tight before she leaves, and then, it’s just them.
“Pipes. You’re killing me.”
She reaches into her pocket and hands him the test, unsure if she could even get the words out of her mouth.
“Oh.” He pauses. “Do you—”
“I’m keeping it,” she answers.
“Hey.” Jason wraps his arms around her. “We’ll be okay.”
ii //
Annabeth storms into her room, barely knocking before she opens the door. “I think I’m pregnant.” She says it, quiet, almost nonchalant. It’s hard for Piper to decipher the look on her face; somewhere between dissociated and awed. But most definitely a little scared.
“I thought you were on the pill?” Piper asks.
She nods.
“So why do you—”
“—I don’t know. I just feel… off.” Annabeth cuts her off, rambling. “It’s possible.”
“Unlikely,” Piper adds.
Annabeth emphasizes, “But possible.”
She knows Annabeth wants this, but she has no clue what Percy’s stance on kids is. To be completely honest, he seems to Piper like the kind of guy who wouldn’t care as long as Annabeth was happy. “Have you two talked about wanting—”
“No… not yet, but...”
“But you do want—”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do,” she admits. She does, and she will, no matter what. It’s permanent — a concrete legacy, that will last as long as the circle of life keeps spinning. And isn’t that what she wanted? It may not be exactly what she imagined, but the thought of it makes her want to cry. With Percy, doing better than her parents ever could, because he’d surely learn from the best; knowing this child would grow up with people who care. Immensely. Deeply. Parents who know what it’s like.
Annabeth wipes a tear from the corner of her eye, composing herself. “I bought a test, I just… I wanted you to be here.” She sighs, and opens the box from her bag, tossing the cardboard in the trash along with a packet of pills from her bag.
Piper pulls them out of the bin, scoffing, “You might still need these.”
She shakes her head, “I already know what it’s going to say, Piper. I just have a feeling.”
“Is it… a good feeling?” she offers.
“I don’t know yet. I hope so.”
iii //
“Is something wrong?” Percy asks, sitting down next to Annabeth on the couch. “You seem off,” he offers. She’s been distant all week, and it scares him. He knows what that distance feels like, the kinds of storms that brew up in their minds.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Annabeth says, because it's not — but it is scary. “I do need to talk to you though. Ask you something.”
He looks at her expectantly.
“Do you want kids?” she asks, a nervous edge lacing her voice. It's something they've never talked about, and she really wishes they had, if it would make this moment easier. In all honesty, she has absolutely no clue what she’ll say if he doesn’t; and his hesitance is no reassurance. Because she does; now more than ever, now that it’s real.
Percy considers his answer. He does. Not desperately; distantly. Not so much that he would have a problem if she didn’t. “Um, yeah. Do you—”
“Percy.” She stops him, because it’s all she needs to hear. “I’m pregnant.”
The look on his face turns from confusion to awe as he processes her revelation. It’s a moment before he speaks again, softly: “Really?”
She nods.
“Wow.” His hand finds her stomach, unable to feel a difference but struck with wonder with this new knowledge. He’s always wondered what it would be like to start a family with her, but for all the daydreaming he’s done, none of it compares. “When did you find out?”
She stares out the window, leaning into him. “Two weeks ago. I didn’t have any good reason to suspect it, I just… had a feeling?”
“Does anyone else know?” He has a feeling he's not the first person she's told. Two weeks is a long time, bottling up something that big.
“Piper.” She ran to her the second the thought popped into her mind. It was only fair — she’d helped Piper when it was her. Piper held her hand while she waited, and hugged her as long as she needed.
Percy analyzes her nerve-wracked expression. “Just Piper?”
Annabeth frowns, looking at him with a gaze that’s trying too hard to be apologetic. “No, I… I told your mom, too. I’m sorry,” she says, bursting out laughing, and trying to hold the tears back. It’s expected by now, but somehow still funny how untraditional they are. “I was freaking out and she’s kind of the best motherly figure I’ve got. But she’s thrilled — if that helps.”
“Oh, thank the gods,” he sighs, laughing, “No, no, I think I would die of embarrassment if I had to tell her myself.”
“Well, then you’re welcome… and you owe me.”
“When do I not?” Percy smiles, wrapping his arms around her.
“I know this wasn’t what you expected — me either — but this is the best I’ve felt in a long time. I’m actually happy, Percy,” she sighs, so weary from the world and how it’s beaten her up before. This almost feels like a blessing, even if it isn’t one she planned for.
“No, no, so am I, I just don’t… how? We’re careful.” Incredibly so. He doesn’t want to dwell on the odds of it.
“I mean, nothing’s perfect. To have two different methods fail, though… that’s either just terrible luck or godly interference.” At this point, it doesn’t matter which.
“I feel pretty lucky right now.” No; odds are… he’s the luckiest person in the world.
“Yeah?” Annabeth asks, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“I couldn’t think of anything I want more, Annabeth.” Now that it's right in front of him, he knows that.
iv //
“How is she?”
“Asleep. Both of them.” Piper nods her head towards them; Percy clinging to Annabeth as much as he can in the tiny hospital bed. She winces, seeing the position he’s folded himself into, knowing too well how sore he’ll be in the morning. “Estelle was getting antsy so Sally took her home.”
Jason sits down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
“I still can’t believe she walked across the stage at graduation nearly nine months pregnant. I barely left the bed.” It was as much a physical feat as it was an ode to her determination.
“Don’t I know that,” he scoffs jokingly.
It hits Piper that she’s never seen Annabeth this happy. Even the day they got married. And then — she had thought the same thing. It’s something she could get used to; seeing her best friend overwhelmingly happy, with the love of her life, and knowing she has everything she’s ever wanted.
Lyra stirs in her arms, wriggling her tiny limbs within the blanket swaddling her. Piper smiles, shushing her before she even starts to cry. “Don’t you miss when he was little?” She asks, curled up awkwardly in the uncomfortable chair, but cradling the baby in her arms so gently.
Jason’s blunt, yet misinformed response: “Pipes, he’s still a toddler. He’s like half your height.”
She laughs, “This tiny. So tiny you’re amazed it’s even a person. When he could fall asleep in our arms.”
“Huh,” his face softens into a smile, “I guess… wow, he was so small when he was born. Smaller than her.”
“I can’t wait to do it all again.”
Piper smiles.
He speaks, quieter this time, trying not to wake Percy and Annabeth, “You’re serious?”
She nods, “Yeah. Yeah. I found out this morning. Then Percy called, and it’s just been chaos since then. She doesn’t even know yet.”
Piper can tell it means a lot to him, being the first to know, like it’s a secret between them — secrets were inevitably reserved for Annabeth, as they’d been before.
“I love you. A lot.”
“A lot?” She hums, teasing.
“The most.”
Part Two
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Matters of the Heart
Sickfic for @mushroomminded because I know what she likes. 
“Dad? …Dad. Dad! DAD!”
Dom jolted in his seat, blinking rapidly to clear the film over his eyes and refocusing his attention on Cody. His son was leaning forward in his chair at the dining room table, brow furrowed in concern and not a little worry. Dominic forced his fuzzy mind to concentrate on the most important aspect of his life.
“Mm, yeah? Sorry, I—not awake yet. Coffee—need my coffee. What were you saying?” He murmured the words the words through a mouth that felt like it was made of wet and heavy clay.
Cody’s lips pressed into a thin line, bottom lip sucking in between his teeth as he looked his dad up and down, “I was…saying how Milo and I were planning on going to the Parker house again after school today. If that’s okay with you?”
There was a very slow moment wherein Dom struggled to put the pieces of Cody’s sentence together. But then he smiled warmly and nodded, “Sure, that shouldn’t be a…um. Should be fine. Take—just take your phones. Let, uh, let one of Milo’s dads know where you’ll be.”
Cody beamed, “We will! Thanks dad!”
Dom made a pleased noise of consent as Cody ducked his head to rapidly type something on his phone, no doubt letting his partner in crime know their plans were good to go. Dom breathed out a heavy and burden-laden breath, shoulders slumping as his eyelids slid closed once again.
It felt like only seconds later that Cody was waking him up with a quick hug and a shout goodbye as he ran out the door to school. Dom stared blankly at the empty chair his son had left behind, his mind tangling into a knot of stray and disconnected thoughts. He ran his fingertips distractedly over the polished woodgrain of the table, glazed eyes finding a middle distance in the pattern of the floor.
He didn’t realize he’d been dozing off again until his phone buzzed in his pocket with a reminder that he needed to get ready for work soon.
Dominic was reprimanded for dozing off at his desk three times.
Once, he fell asleep in the elevator.
His coworkers kept asking him if he felt all right, telling him maybe he should ask to go home. Dom kept waving them off with a thin and awkward smile and telling them he was fine, it was just a bit of stress, really, some coffee would wake him right up.
The drive home was stretched time from minutes into days, streetlights blurring into smears at the edges of his vision. Cars honked at him angrily when he drifted into their lane, the noise jolting him from his hazy stupor and snapping his focus back on the road.
The house was quiet and empty when he got back home, the lights off and the windows dark. Cody was undoubtedly still out and about with Milo. But that was all right, let the boy have his freedom. Dominic kicked his shoes off and shuffled into the sitting room, collapsing on the couch with a groan. He only intended to take a moment to breathe and unwind before he got up, changed, and started on dinner for Cody.
But the next thing he was aware of was being shaken awake by Cody and noticing how dark the room really was.
“Shoot, nh, s-sorry, Cody, I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” Dom heaved himself up, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes and trying to shake the lagging dizziness from his mind, “I’ll get you something to eat in a minute, just let me—“
“Dad, you don’t have to, it’s okay, I ate at Milo’s,” Cody had his hand on Dom’s arm, fingers curled into the fabric of his father’s shirt sleeve, his face a mask of worry, “I came home and you were asleep on the couch and you were so tired this morning, I just thought I’d let you sleep. You needed it. Did you eat dinner, though? You probably should…”
Dom blinked at him, something twisting in his chest at the thought that Cody had to take care of him.
“I’m all right,” He said, a little hoarsely, swallowing a lump that was pressing hard against the inside of his throat, “Just, um, long day. I’ll get some dinner. Did you do your homework?”
Everything was starting to pile up.
Bills, work, obligations to Cody and the school, maintaining the house, the car, and social connections. With everything else he had to take care of, Dominic had started neglecting himself. But it wasn’t a big deal; a few nights missing sleep to do some work on the side, make some extra money, try and get some savings so he could do good by his son.
Shave a few hours off of sleep here.
Skip a few meals there.
It was nothing. Really, it was nothing. Of course he was dozing off every so often, he was working twice as hard as usual.
It wasn’t a big deal.
He’d get through this and on the other side would be a full night’s sleep and plenty of time with Cody.
Except he was halfway down the stairs one morning when his stomach lurched and his breath seized in his lungs. His fingers cramped, his arms curling in pain, a stabbing agony radiating from his chest.
His foot missed the step and he blacked out as the world pitched beneath him and the walls spun.
Dom hit the ground hard, driving what little breath he had from his lungs as he clutched at his shift front. He wasn’t even sure he’d stopped falling because the ceiling was still spinning around and around enough to make his mind feel as if it were in a blender, smearing along the sides of the inside of his skull.
Cody’s terrified face swam into view, shouting, his mouth moving, his words so muffled they were distant beats of sound from a faraway shore. Dominic tried to say something, tried to comfort his son, but his lungs weren’t working right and his chest ached with the pain of a blade slipped easily between his ribs. Exhaustion and adrenaline fear battled one another as he stared hopelessly up at Cody through watery eyes.
He blinked and Cody’s phone was in his hand.
Blink and there were more voices, thudding footsteps.
Blink and there were strangers over him, hands on him, pressing against his wrist, his neck.
Blink and he was off the floor, rattling on something, sweet oxygen pouring into his strangled lungs.
White lights and muffled beeps and voices and it sounded like someone was crying.
Dominic made a laborious effort to turn his head and managed to make out Cody, pressing against Dan Fuller’s side, shaking with tears.
God, no, please, no.
The last thing he’d wanted to do was make his son cry…
Dom rose into consciousness with a sluggish return to his senses. He first became aware of his body, laying down and feeling like one massive bruise, muscles sore and aching. Then a soft, rhythmic beeping, the shifting of another person, and his own, shallow breathing reached his ears. There was a soft light on his eyelids and he peeled them open, blinking the gummy blurs of sleep from his vision as he focused on the cream colored ceiling.
A second, more lucid assessment brought attention to the padded clamp over his finger (heart monitor?), the pinch in the back of his hand (intravenous line), and the thin rubber tubing around his face, tucked into his nose (oxygen). With a soft grunt, Dom tried to shift his weight and sit up, wincing at the tight feeling in his chest.
“Want me to call a nurse?”
Slower than he’d like, Dom turned his head and saw Jake Pierly slouched in a chair next to the hospital bed. He looked more drawn and tired than usual, the bags under his eyes deeper and darker. Milo was in a chair next to him, curled up in a position that looked a little uncomfortable, but sprawled in such a way that he had his head in Jake’s lap.
Dom automatically looked around for Cody. Jake noticed,
“Dan finally got Cody to get up and leave the room, get something to eat.” Jake said in a low voice so he didn’t wake the sleeping teenager. He was idly running his fingers through Milo’s hair, an almost absent motion, “He’d been in here all day, didn’t want to leave you alone. He was really worried.”
Licking his lips and throat clicking as he tried to work the dryness in his mouth away, Dom spoke in a cracked whisper, his voice hoarse as if he’d been screaming, “Wha’ happened…?”
Jake snorted softly, an ironic smile twisting one side of his mouth, “You had a heart attack, stupid. What did you think was going to happen after you’ve nearly been working yourself to death?” Dominic stared at him and Jake sighed, rolling his eyes, “Dom, even I know you can’t skip that much sleep without consequences. And I am the king of skipping sleep.” His expression softened, tired in the knowledge of things that were too heavy to put into words but too hard to carry alone,
“You know you could have asked for help, right? We’re right next door. If you ever need anything…I mean, Dan and I…” Pink dusted the tops of Jake’s ears and he shifted awkwardly, disturbing Milo who murmured in his sleep and clutched tighter at the hem of Jake’s shirt. Jake shushed him gently, brushing his Milo’s hair back from his freckled face,
“God, Dom, you’re practically a part of this family.”
Dom’s face felt hot and his eyes burned and he sniffed, turning his head away to look at the ceiling.
Part of the family.
He let out a breathy, unstable chuckle,
“Miranda’s gonna kill me…”
Jake laughed a little, “Yeah, she’s gonna kick your ass.”
And then Cody was in his lap, face pressed into Dom’s collarbone, fingers digging into the papery hospital gown. Dom wrapped his arms around his son and held him tightly, ignoring the pressure in his chest and tugging of the IV line, ignoring Milo’s happy sounds and Dan’s relieved praise. Ignoring everything but the boy in his arms. He kept one arm around Cody’s back, put the other into his son’s hair, held him as close as he could and apologized in strangled whispers, promising to never do it again, promising he’d be better, grateful that he had who he did in his life.
Cody was his world, the real center of his universe. He’d done everything in his life for Cody.
And he’d be damned if he was going to let some stupid heart attack keep him away from the people he loved the most.
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multifansky · 4 years
Scenario - Explorers of the Human Body
anon -  yayyy! you're the best! thanks for answering again! maybe could you make a scenario with sky and the boys on explorers of the human body? maybe the ep w/ the gas laugh or the episode were they check their stomach, idk you can choose any situation, ive been having fetus suju feels these days 🤣🤣 also i appreciate that you're ot15 with sky, really your au is gold, thanks for that! 💕🥺💫 - 🌻
I did episode 5 and only the laughing gas bit. This one will forever be funny so, I hope this meets your expectations! Thank you for the request!
The credit belongs to the show, with my little twist here and there!
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Sky’s P.O.V~
Ah, another day of filming for “Explores of the Human Body.” Today we will be doing the 5th episode, having no idea what has come to us. Everyone here except for Heechul and Kyuhyun, standing in front of the camera, ready to start.
We all wait for the cue and Shin Dong Yup begins, “I’m Shin Dong Yup of Explorers of the Human Body, the country’s best variety show about the Human Body.” We all cheered, Kangin taking it to an extreme with Shin Dong Yup.
“Everyone remembers, right?” We all nodded, with a few Yeses. He started talking about the recap of the last episode where four members picked up Shindong with their fingers and how the viewers went crazy over it. Then started to talk about the theory behind it all.
“For today's episode of Explorers of the Human Body, the handsome Siwon will MC with me.” We all clapped and cheered, while Siwon kinda clapped having a shy smile on his face. I smiled to myself and leaned closer to Kibum as he and I were standing at the end of the straight line. It was semi-cold out and he was bringing lots of heat from his body, So I scooted closer to him which he allowed.
After a bit of talking to Siwon and everything, we eventually went into the lab that was seen in the first episode. We all stood around the table with our lab coats on, while Siwon also had the cards to read for MCing.
“The masks in front of you...This is the gas that makes you laugh.” Shin Dong Yup explained as we will be taking laughing gas to see how it affects us and if it's portaged exactly how they show in movies.
Today for the episode they brought in Lee Sang Eon, which he explained what kind of gas is in the so-called “Laughing Gas.”
“Laughing gas is N2O gas. If a person inhales it, it makes them feel calm and comfortable and that can cause laughter.” Le sang Eon explained.
I smiled wildly at the thought, “Isn’t it funny just thinking about?” Shin dong Yup explained making me already giggle like he read my mind.
“She’s already laughing!” Siwon said making me giggle harder, which did turn into a laugh, making the members laugh as well. After a moment, I calmed down, whipping the tears that formed because I started already laughing, I hid a little behind Yesung. Collecting myself.
Shin Dong Yup, and Lee Sang Eon started to talk about how it's not dangerous to the body and you can't get addicted.
“Truthfully, nice people have a lot of laughter such as Sky,” Shin Dong Yup said, immediately Kangin, Yesung, Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Shindong all started to fake laugh. I rolled my eyes, and smiled along with them, but not before they earned a little smack in the back of the head from me.
“Firstly, how about Donghae, Sungmin, and Siwon try it?” Shin Dong Yup asked.
“Oh, what to do? I’m already laughing” Siwon said, covering his mouth with the MC cards and laughing, making everyone else laugh. This is already a mess before it has started.
“Is there laughing gas in the air that you aren’t telling us about? Is this the test right here? Because it's working” I said making Siwon and some of the members laugh harder, even the specialist.
After calming down for the second time, Donghae, Sungmin, and Siwon came to the front. Oh, I can tell this is already going to be good.
“Will these people be laughing after the laughing gas? Promise the viewers. Don’t pretend to laugh, give your natural reaction. This is a truthful program.” Everyone nodded and we began. Kangin helped put Siwon’s mask on which he “Accidentally” smacked it against his face, that little bastard.
The three members all sat there with the masks on their faces, inhaling it all. While we all sat around and waited for the responses of the effect.
Kangin even brought some poetry to read to see if they laugh at any of those, after knowing that once they start laughing, it’s hard to stop.
Kangin then proceeded to read a poem called “Fallen leaves”. Eunhyuk then asking, “A popular poem called “Fallen Leaves?” Since when was that poem ever funny not only Eunhyuk thinking, but all of us.
However, at that moment, Siwon started giggling, making all of us watch him. Eunhyuk shocked, thinking he was actually funny...but he’s not.
And once Siwon started, Sungmin had been next in line, already forming tears of laughter. Donghae looked like a lost puppy, as the laughing gas hasn’t hit him yet. Then seconds later it is him and all three were losing their minds.
Kangin giving the poem to Siwon which he couldn’t even read because he kept on laughing, Donghae was spinning side to side, covering his eyes, laughing. Sungmin was flinging himself around, laugh squealing. Watching them made everyone else laugh. Donghae even hit Siwon, as he does when Donghae laughs around anyone, and Siwon fell to the ground, losing all ability to do anything but laugh. I started to laugh along with them, as it was very contagious and really funny.
All three of the members started to completely lose it. Eunhyuk having doubts that it is fake, but you can tell it's not. Sungmin flopped onto the ground, making me laugh harder and sit next to him, slapping his back lightly.
Eventually, they all started to calm, still giggling here and there, while tears streamed down their faces. Occasionally you would hear, “What the?” from the other members, not knowing how it affected them so badly.
“Sungmin, how did you feel?” Shin Dong Yup asked him.
“My body felt like it got lighter. And I felt really good. Even as I was laughing, I didn’t know I was laughing.” Sungmin explained making me some of us, oh.
Donghae looked like he went into another dimension, as he went Wide-eyed. “How was it?” Sin Dong Yup asked him, making Donghae giggle, and everyone else starts to giggle again as well.
“It (smile) just goes up. It made me feel like a crazy person. Really.” Donghae said, not truly knowing what is going on.
Next moving onto Siwon, “Even with something small, the laughter kept on coming. “
Donghae then explained how his head hurt and how he felt Dizzy, Siwon agreeing. Then proceeded to say how all three of them, even though we're laughing all went through something different. Siwon was crying, Donghae’s nose was running, and Sungmin was sweating.
The next set of people was Shindong, Eunhyuk, and Yesung. The three members who laugh are truly loved.
Shin dong Yup repeated how it's bad to lie to the viewers so make sure you show your actual reaction. The members nodded and then proceeded to inhale the gas, while we stood and waited.
Kangin being Kangin asked the staff, since its a serious moment, if they can play sad music since people don’t usually laugh with sad music on. And before the staff can even turn on the sad music, Shindong started to giggle.
I laughed a little and watched the other members, Yesung being confused while Eunhyuk started to laugh as well. Then the sad music started to play, making Shindong and Eunhyuk laugh even harder, while the other members were laughing at the situation. Donghae even hit Eunhyuk while laughing, causing Eunhyuk to drop to the floor and roll around laughing.
I looked at Yesung who hasn’t gotten a reaction to laughing yet, I tapped him, still laughing at the other two members, he looked at me and took the mask off and mumbled, “I’m sleepy.” “It’s not working for Yesung,” I said to everyone.
Yesung looked around, “Why am I getting too sleepy? I’m really sleepy” I swear he is a baby. I ran my head through the back of his hair, while he inhaled more, seeing if he will ever laugh eventually, while the other members laughed along with Eunhyuk and Shindong. Yesung eventually stopped inhaling before he passed out from being too sleepy, while it took a bit for Eunhyuk and Shindong to finally calm down from their laughing attack.
Yesung explained, “I got really dizzy and sleepy. “ And during that Eunhyuk was inhaling from the mask again, Siwon trying to pull him away from it. Shindong then making him laugh by putting these glasses on that are clearly not his eyes with also a fake nose separate to his glasses, making Eunhyuk start to fall under again. Eunhyuk falling off his chair from laughing too hard, having others again laugh and also be shocked.
I went over and rubbed his back, giggling at him as he went into a fetal position. He’s a cutie when he wants to be. I helped him stand up, and while he stumbled back, he said, “I feel really good” making others laugh at him. He began to laugh at himself and stumble around and then came to me and hugged me tightly, for support while I held onto his arm. “Third, go? Third, go?” Eunhyuk repeated, wanting to go again and we all shook our heads laughing and I held onto him. He started to drool everywhere, and while being grossed out, it was really funny.
After the big baby calmed down, next up was Hangeng, Leeteuk, and Kibum. Me being proud and standing next to Leeteuk, rubbing his shoulders as he did not feel good today, but was so curious about the other members trying it, that he tried it too.
A perfect trio as Kibum doesn’t laugh often, hanging can contain himself, and Leeteuk who isn’t in the best condition. I wonder how they will end up.
Eunhyuk put on the fake glasses, while Shindong put on the fake nose and tried to make the members laugh, Leeteuk being the first one to fall. He started giggling uncontrollably while drooling as well. I rubbed his back while he kept laughing. Hangeng and Kibum still not reacting, as expected. Leeteuk leaned his back up against me while laughing and I held onto him. Shin Dong Yup talks to Kibum about how he didn’t laugh and Kibum explained that it only made him dizzy but not laughing.
Lastly, it was Kangin, Ryeowook, and I. We all sat in a line and started to inhale it. And almost instantly it hit me. It felt like everything was in slow motion and like I wasn’t in my body anymore and I completely broke down. I leaned back against the table and started to laugh from deep within, causing Kangin to start giggling as well. Ryeowook only feeling dizzy and sleepy, like Yesung. He stopped doing it.
Yesung then put on the glasses and while I thought it wasn’t that funny before, not it was hilarious and I held onto Sungmin and then dropped to the ground. Losing all sense of control of my body and just laughed. I started to scream laugh and everyone started to lose it. I was rolling around, but couldn’t stop. Eventually, Hangeng started laughing, along with Kibum as they tried taking it again and it made me laugh even harder. Sungmin held me while I just let all the laughter fall into place.  
After everyone calmed down, especially myself, I sat down taking a breather. “The laughing gas is a big success. It wasn’t that...” I interrupted by laughing again, and leaning forward, everything falling again. “I feel drunk!” I yelled out starting to giggle again. I went over to the couch they had on the side and just kept giggling to myself.
After a while of me calming down again, I whipped my tears. They are asking if I was alright with smiles. “I’m okay! I literally didn’t even know I started to laugh. It just suddenly hit me and I felt like I wasn’t in my body, making it really funny to me.” Shindong, Eunhyuk, and Siwon discussed with me, knowing the absolute feeling and laughing again for a moment.
After everything dialed down and we got to talk about it seriously and do more things involving laughing. I couldn’t help but think that this is what most of the members needed. As for a while, this year has been hard for everyone in their own ways, I’m glad we had a whole day to escape and just laugh. And I’m happy to be doing it with my members!
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imjustabandgeek · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Prompt: ‘I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything’ - The Great Gatsby (Prompt is in bold)
Word Count: 1778 (I got a bit carried away)
A/N: This is my attempt at writing for my sista @a-mess-of-fandoms​ 400 follower writing challenge. I’m so proud of your ever increasing follower count girl and thank you for letting me get involved with this challenge. It’s my first time ever doing something like this so hopefully it’s not a disappointment. I did really quite enjoy it. The GIF isn’t mine but it felt right.
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‘Buck calm down don’t worry’
Bucky stopped his frantic pacing and turned to look at his best friend in shock. He never uses that tone with him, he only gets like this when he’s in Captain mode on missions and even then he doesn’t usually go talk in his ‘Captain’ voice, not to him, his best friend.
Bucky study there mouth agape, frozen in, well it’s hard to say what in. He was already overwhelmed with emotion and feelings and god knows what and now his best friend just pulled this on him.
Steve looked at Bucky realising his tone was one he doesn’t use, not with his best friend anyway. Walking closer to him, Steve placed a hand on his best friends shoulder, using his other hand to wipe over his own face and run through his hair. Letting out a breathy sigh he spoke calmer this time,
‘Look, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to get like that but Buck you just need to stop for a minute and just calm down for a minute and think. I know you’re worried, we all are but you’re not thinking straight’
Dragging his eyes from the floor to look his best friend in the eye, Bucky took a breath to steady himself and Steve saw the tears in his eyes threatening to spill over and the ones that had already escaped.
With a tremble in his voice, Bucky took a breath in and looked his best friend in the eyes before he spoke
‘How am I supposed to think straight, I can’t think straight, hell I can’t think anything. Look at her Steve. Just look at her.... you put yourself in my shoes, take one look at her and tell me how I’m supposed to think straight’ he allowed his eyes to stray to the hospital bed just centimetres from him and to look.
Wires everywhere. Machines beeping. Oxygen tubes hanging off the rails. And there. Right there in the middle of it all... she laid. His girl. His love. His life. His world. There weren’t enough ways to describe what she meant to him and to say just how much he loved her but god he did.
The woman who appeared in his life and made it a life. There was nothing before her, James Buchanan Barnes was a monster trying to exist in a world where people would tell him he wasn’t, but he was or at least he thought he was until she came along...
She was introduced by Stark, she’d been working at some other part of his empire but he thought she’d be better to have around the Avengers compound, he remembers Steve mentioning this woman he’d met and how she seemed nice and how he’d kind of gotten to know her from his visits to Stark’s offices. But nice was an understatement.
Over time, Bucky would find out just how much of an understatement ‘nice’ was, she was quite frankly an angel in human form. She wasn’t scared of Bucky... ever. From the first meeting she looked at him like a normal person not like some sort of murderous freak, he’d never had that happen before and it felt strange but it felt... nice.
As time passed, Bucky and Y/N grew closer, they became good friends and James Barnes found himself falling in love. Hard. It scared him. Hell it did more than scare him, he thought about running away he was so worried. But it turns out he didn’t have to worry because James Barnes wasn’t the only one to fall because Y/N Y/L/N had also fallen in love. Hard.
Over time Y/N become part of the Avengers team as an Avenger, turns out she had powers, she just had ‘unlocked’ them but she did after joining the team with a little help from Bucky; he’d become her confidant and she trusted him so when she had these strange feelings and experiences, she told Bucky because she trusted him not to tell her she’s crazy and he helped he to get the help she needed to unleash her powers.
It took time for Bucky to realise that maybe, just maybe there was a chance that Y/N felt the same way and with a little (a lot) of help from the friends around them, they finally opened up to each other about their feelings and they’ve never looked back.
Y/N became such an important of everyone’s lives, but none more so than James’. She was the only one he would allow to call him James, but she could call him anything she liked. He loved her so much he’d do anything to make her happy and he’d let her do anything she wanted because he loved her. Y/N was the one person to ever enter the life of James Buchanan Barnes and show him the he was not a monster; well she was the one person who finally made him believe it too and for that he could never thank her enough but he wanted to spend his whole life trying and he would, if she was willing to let him.
But now... here he stood wondering if he was ever going to truly live again because his reason for living was laying in a hospital bed. Her life hanging in the balance. He could barely believe his eyes. His Y/N, a strong, powerful and all round superhuman of a woman, laid in a hospital bed looking so weak and so vulnerable and he couldn’t do anything but wait. He had to wait to see if she would wake up from her coma. Wait to see if there was any permanent damage to her health. Wait to see if she would live... and wait to see if his world was going to keep spinning or if it was all about to come crashing down around him.
Bucky was pulled from his thoughts by Steve’s voice...
‘I’m sorry Buck I know it’s hard for you and I’m sorry for lashing out. I know I hate seeing her like this I can’t imagine what it’s like for you I’m sorry’
His best friend was behind him now, Bucky doesn’t remember when he’d returned to the chair at her bedside but he had, and he’d taken the position he had for the past week of holding her hand in his and crying by her bedside hoping and praying she’d be okay. His voice hoarse from the tears and quiet from the lack of food, water and sleep. He’d done barely anything since she got hurt. He couldn’t bring himself to eat or drink because he felt sick, but Steve told him he needed to stay alive and somewhat healthy for Y/N’s sake so he did... kind of.
‘I’m sorry Steve, it’s just so hard. I feel so helpless. I just... I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything. This is it for me man. Y/N is it for me and I couldn’t save her back on the mission, I didn’t stop this happening to her before and I can’t do anything to help her now but sit here. I don’t know what to do and it’s killing me man....
I just, I can’t change what’s happened so I just wanna change what could happen in the future and the only way I can think to keep her safe is to keep her away from all this for us both to just leave so she doesn’t have to do this anymore and I can spend my life looking after her. I know if she wakes up she won’t let that happen she won’t want to leave but I’m just scared, I don’t know what to do. I just know I can’t lose her. I just can’t Steve.’
Steve placed a hand upon Bucky’s shoulder hoping to comfort his friend, it was all he could do because he didn’t know what would happen to Y/N. Nobody did, it was a waiting game and a hoping game.
‘I know bud. But she will pull through, she’s a fighter you know that. Besides you really think she’d ever leave you and risk somebody else tryna steal her man’
A small chuckle escapes Bucky’s mouth at that, he knows how much his girl loves him and he loves her just as much, maybe even more.
‘I promise, she’s gunna be okay and she will get through it, and let’s face it she’s got the best people in the world to help her get through it and recover. And with you as her bedside nurse she will definitely be fine, especially if she makes you wear the outfit’
Another chuckle, a little louder this time, is shared by both men and Steve feels his best friends shoulder relax just a little bit.
‘You’ll get through this man, you both will and then when you get through it. Maybe then we can have a chat about what happens next and where we go from here but for now let’s just focus on her waking up and making sure she’s okay’ Steve gives his friends shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
A little snuggle can be heard and a slightly defeated but optimistic sigh carries through the air before Bucky responds
Silence settles between the two best friends and Bucky is grateful to have Steve by his side because he doesn’t think he’d have gotten through this without him.
Steve stands by his best friend, looking at the woman who has become like a sister to him laying in the hospital bed and he hopes and prays for the sake of everyone that she pulls round because if she doesn’t, Steve doesn’t know where he or the team goes from here. But more so, he doesn’t know where his best friend, his brother goes from here and that scares him.
Time passes in a comfortable silence between the two men, nothing to be heard but the noises of the hospital equipment keeping Y/N alive. Who knows how long passes... it could be minutes, it could be hours, but it passes nothing the break the somber silence until...
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spirit-of-the-void · 5 years
Ebony and Ivory (V x Reader Fanfic) Chapter 11
Author’s notes: Thank you all for your long and support, im so sorry for the delay ive been having problems with my internet all night...its the worst, but im chugging on... Do you guys hear music? <3
Chapter 11
Upon waking, you were a cacophony of emotions.
One? Regret. Drinking had left you feeling a bit miserable when you started blinking awake. You put a hand to your head, grunting softly at a pretty gnarly headache that rose to meet you. Well, that was one lesson learned--drinking was definitely not the best idea you ever had, but that was beside the point. Onto the second emotion, which was definitely connected to the slow realization that arms were wrapped around you. Breath in your hair, legs half resting on yours, body to body. Spooning. Your face flushed, entire being immediately recognizing the lanky form lightly hugging yours. V. He was sharing the bed with you, holding you in what could only equate to a tender embrace.
Suddenly that headache bothered you a thousand times less.
You were so torn. On one hand, you were loving the close contact. He was so warm, so welcome. The sound of his gentle breathing and his soft skin touching yours was making your head spin a bit. On the other hand, it made you wonder just how out of hand the drinking had got last night--you hoped to god you hadn’t done anything super uncomfortable to the poet to cause this. Your memories were vague, fuzzy. You remembered a lot of giggling, a lot of crying, V’s hands touching your face. Christ, you hoped Griffon kept you from forcing a kiss on him.
Speaking of the bird, he was curled up by your heads again, snoring lightly. Shadow was lounging by your feet, cracking one eye open to lazily stare at you. This bed was queen sized, definitely big enough to fit you, V, and all the familiars. Minus nightmare, who was still in V’s hair. You took a deep breath, relaxing in the poet’s arms a bit as you thought over how to get up without waking him. It looked like no one else was up yet, luckily. You were sure you wouldn’t hear the end of it from Nico and Lady if they saw you spooning with the sandal-wearing goth. Not that you minded--you would happily do this with him again, at a later date.
You closed your eyes again, counting his breaths. Your power was definitely back, so you snuck him some energy before he woke up and scolded you. You wanted him to get up feeling refreshed and healthy, despite the hangover you were rocking. Still, you had to admit waking up like this was pretty distracting for you in the pain department. And you had worse pain the previous day, a little headache was nothing. As for Lady, or worse Nico...They wouldn’t be having a good morning, not at all. You would do your best for them too.
As you mused, you felt the poet behind you stir a bit, letting out a light sigh. You slowed your breathing, not wanting to get up yet. Mind you, there was a lot to do and time to recover from the missed day, but...The peace felt nice. Being with him felt nice--Griffon was right, you had it bad. It was the fourth day, and you already felt comfortable enough sharing a bed with the man, craved it. You didn’t want to know what sleeping  alone felt like again, and that was definitely a sign that you were absolutely in over your head.
Regardless, you felt V disentangle himself from you, much to your heavy disappointment. You fought a sigh, ready to bring yourself out of your own resting position when something the poet did stopped you. You felt him sit up and pause, letting out a slow sigh into the quiet air. Then, his hand was there, stroking your wavy locks. Softly, tenderly. Delight and surprise filled you, body resisting the urge to jolt the instant he touched you. This morning was just full of surprises it would seem, full of peaceful things that you once took for granted. Never again.
You let him continue for a few seconds, waiting for the right moment to slowly blink open your eyes. He paused for a moment when you did, but still rested his hand on your head as you yawned and rubbed your aching face. Christ, reality was so strange at that moment.
“Well well,” V said in that low purr, wearing his familiar half- smirk when you turned to look at him, “Look who’s finally awake.”
You gave a small smile back, pulling yourself up and hating how your ears rang. You put your hands to your head, letting out a low groan of, “Oww..”
“Ahh, and there it is,” V chuckled, stroking a hand over your aching head, “The culmination of last night’s activities.”
You winced, lifting your gaze again to meet his bemused one. Damn him for waking up looking perfect and wonderful, despite the fact that you definitely helped with that.
“Laugh it up,” You huffed, eyes narrowing on him as you lowered your hands, “But you’re the one who gets to travel with my cranky ass.”
He let out a low chuckle, the way his eyes sparkled with mirth making your heart speed up. He stroked your head once more, making your eyes close a bit before he slid out of the bed. Shadow was blinking awake at your feet, yawning in a great display of mighty jaws and teeth. Absolutely adorable. Griffon was pulling himself up to, letting out a low, bird-like trill as he shook out his feathers. You smiled, pleased that no one seemed worse for wear after the fuzzy night of drinking. You, too, felt like yourself. No lingering bad feelings, no nightmares today.
“Don’t you fuckers know how to sleep in?” Griffon muttered, gold eyes meeting yours. He squinted, probably noticing your good mood, all things considered. He let out a low, evil chortle, hopping closer as he hissed, “Well now, don’t you look cheerful, girlie. How did being little spoon feel? Bet you loved being held in the Poet’s big, strong arms.”
You shrugged, a bemused look in your eyes as you contemplated arguing his words. But there wasn’t really any point.
“Yep,” You replied, picking him up to deposit him on your shoulders while you slid out of bed, “Though my head is killing me.”
“Gee, I wonder why,” Griffon said sarcastically, eyeing the empty bottles still on the table as you stood, “Though I gotta say, I admire your honesty, toots.”
You chuckled, giving Shadow a pat on the head as the mighty cat hopped down from the mattress, extending in a luxurious stretch of their front paws. You did the same, only pulling your arms over your head once Griffon flew over to V, dressing himself in the dining room. It occurred to you that you had slept in the arms of a shirtless man all night, which was definitely a plus. One you weren’t going to think about. But you did think about how you felt considerably closer to the poet now. And that pleased you, absolutely tickled pink.
You settled on sitting on the dining room table, summoning a banana to eat while V situated himself. Only once he was done getting dressed did you toss one at him too, enjoying the face he made when the fruit registered in his palm.
“Back to the food I see,” He hummed, eyeing you with a bit of concern, “Are you...sure you’re alright?”
The question made your chest squeeze. It finally occurred to you the events of the previous night, of everything that had happened. You realized that you had no idea how V reacted to it all. What had happened after you passed out? You assumed it was the poet who found you on the bathroom floor, who sent Griffon to find the others. There was a hint of tired worry in his eyes, that concern definitely rooted in something terrible. You felt...awful. You hated the idea that your actions had caused him to be hurt, hated that you put him through a bad experience. Somehow the sensation of his ache was worse than the pain you went through.
You smiled softly, cheerful despite the squeezing of your heart.
“I’m okay,” You promised, crossing your legs on the table, “Promise. No lies this time.”
He let out a slow breath, tapping his cane on the ground and eyeing you with that smoldering look of his.
“I believe you,” He murmured, eyeing the banana you gave him with a wry smirk, “If only you were so honest with your fetishes.”
You snorted a laugh, grinning as you  finished off your own food, “You can’t handle my fetishes, pretty boy. Don’t ask about what you don’t want the answers to.”
“Ahh,” V slid his gaze over you, half sitting on the table and crossing his long legs, “Curiosity did kill the cat, but satisfaction will bring me back.”
The way he said “satisfaction” kind of made your toes curl.
“Satisfaction is a luxury,” Your voice was steadier than your felt, heart pounding away with that stupid excitement as you let out a light hum, “So I have to make you work for it, don’t I?”
He smiled again, and that smile had implications. The whole conversation felt...different. Charged with energy, border-lining on sexy and playful. Flirting. You were flirting with him. As he tasked himself with carefully eating the banana you gave him, your mind raced. Something was definitely different between the two of you, as if the previous night’s events had left you both stepping over a line at the same time. You knew you had made up your mind to be more honest with your feelings. But V...seemed to be a little riskier too, which was both a relief and a curse. A relief, because you wanted to be closer to him. A curse, because it was making you as giddy as a teenage girl with your first crush.
Griffon was not immune to the sensation. He landed on your shoulder, letting out a low, pleased chortle as his beak snapped near your ear. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes held every unsaid jibe.
The distinct sound of Lady rising from the couch followed, both you and Griffon turning to see the lovely woman slowly sitting up. Her hair was a bit tussled, a groan leaving her as soon as she was no longer horizontal. You could sympathize--you weren’t feeling your best after the alcoholic frenzy. Though you knew you had it easier, you could recover with some food and fresh air. The normal humans would not. The woman in question turned to blink at you and the poet blearily, hand rubbing her temple as she registered back with reality.
You smiled, giving a small wave of your hand, “Good morning, Lady.”
She grunted, rising to her feet and stretching.
“‘Morning,” She murmured in reply, face scrunched up in obvious discomfort as she took a few steps closer to you, “Not so good. Christ, my head.”
“I’m so sorry,” You replied in sympathy, smiling as you extended some tendrils over to her to wrap around her wrist. She blinked in surprise when you did so, eyeing them with a mixture of wariness and curiosity. It occurred to you that she still hadn’t seen them yet, only knowing you for a day now, “Here, let me help a bit. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.”
You whispered that familiar line, sending a small jolt of energy into the woman and enjoying how her expression shifted to awe. You didn’t give too much, not wanting to risk wasting much needed energy very early in the day. Still, it would relieve some of the throbbing headache the woman was surely feeling, and that was better than nothing. You could feel V watching you, finishing off his food much to your contentment. He had learned that arguing with you on the food issue was definitely pointless, you would not be swayed. He was a bean pole, and you were determined to help him in any way you could.
“Wow,” Lady said simply, drawing your attention back to her, “That felt...wild. I do feel better.”
You smiled, “I’m glad. Still, try to take it easy today, if you can.”
“That goes double for you, toots!” Griffon squawked at your words, snapping his beak by your ear and making you wince, “Practice what you preach…! No exerting today, no fancy invocations…!”
You sighed, not wanting to argue, especially not when V looked like he was in complete agreement with the bird.
“Yes sir.”
Clanging followed from the garage, followed by the door opening and Nero sticking his head inside. All turned to face him, you smiling when you saw his squeaky clean face and damp hair. It looked like he had taken a shower, probably having to scrub at that pen writing on his face to get it off. He was lucky you hadn’t sat in there for a half hour the other night like you wanted to. He was one of the only group members not hung over, but luckily his leg was no longer bandaged, now completely healed and ready to go.
“Which one of you douchebags,” He growled, eyes traveling over you and Lady, “Wrote ‘dead weight’ on my forehead?”
You rose a brow, not wanting to be a snitch.
Lady seemed to have similar thoughts, letting out a low yawn and turning her gaze away. An unspoken agreement passed between you two, obviously annoying the white-haired demon hunter. You liked Nero, you really did, but you couldn’t throw the obvious culprit under the bus. Hell, you didn’t even know why the whole ‘dead weight’ joke was a thing, but guessing by Nero’s obvious annoyance and that twitching muscle under his eye, it was a sore subject for him. Probably why he got so mad when Griffon said it days earlier.
“I’m so disappointed in you both,” Nero clicked his tongue, crossing his arms as he entered the room, “You both know damn well who did it, but you won’t just confirm it.”
“Did you see who did it, Y/N?” Lady said, examining her cuticles in a lazy display of disdain, “I didn’t, don’t remember a thing.”
You shrugged, playing with a lock of your hair as you replied, “Cannot recall, Must be the booze.”
Nero groaned, rolling his eyes as he turned away, “You guys are the worse. Can’t even believe this shit.”
You smiled, hopping off the table and hearing V follow you as you approached the disgruntled boy.
“Sorry, Nero,” You replied, patting him on the shoulder, “I’ll make it up to you somehow. How is Nico doing this morning?”
Nero made a face, inclining his head toward the door he came through. You heard a distant groan, and the sound of a clanging--Nico was definitely awake, and definitely not happy this morning. You smiled ruefully, hearing her trail of carnage as she made her way through the van, then shoved open the door from the garage. V took a step back, probably not wanting to get involved with the chaos the hungover woman was bringing--smart of him. Nico definitely looked frazzled, hair a mess and bags under her eyes. She took that alcohol well, but the following morning seemed less than stellar. You felt bad for her.
“What are y’all lookin’ at?” She scowled once every eye in the room was on her disheveled form, “What time is it?”
Nero checked a clock on the wall, letting out a low hum. As if Nico’s suffering pleased him.
“Ten in the morning,” He replied, crossing his arms again as he regarded the woman, “We should probably head out, lots to do today.”
Nico groaned, scrubbing a hand down her face, “Shit, that late already?” She looked over the room, scowling a bit as everyone started to gear themselves up. You rushed over to put everything you needed in your bag, absorbing it back into yourself. You then tasked yourself with quickly changing into your normal clothes, not caring who saw you in your panties. V and Nero quickly turned their backs, like gentlemen, while Lady covered Griffon and Shadow’s eyes. Nico openly watched, you could tell. But when you turned your bare back toward them, it occurred to you that neither of the woman had seen it yet.
You heard Lady suck in a breath, and you blinked, quickly pulling on your blouse to hide the jagged scaring all over your back. Yikes, you never explained that.
“Holy shit,” Nico said in a hushed voice, “Y/N, what the hell happened to your god damn back?”
You saw V’s shoulders twitch like he wanted to turn and look, but the precious boy managed to keep himself composed. You smiled softly, vaguely thinking that you wouldn’t have minded if he snuck a peak, which was a dangerous thought. Although, it now became apparent to you that you definitely spilled a lot to the girls last night that V hadn’t heard. You fought a groan, realizing just how many facts you had let loose--both knew your secret now, but the poet didn’t. You held the scars of every time you died, but you couldn’t say that. Not now, not in front of V and Nero. You weren’t exactly comfortable with telling those secrets to them yet, not without the use of alcohol.
Hell, had you not been drunk you wouldn’t have even told the girls. But you were glad you did. You just needed time.
“That’s a story for another time,” You replied, tugging on your combat boots and lacing them, “It’s safe to turn around boys.”
Both immediately turned, relieved to see you now clothed. V’s expression, at the very least, was slightly relieved. And slightly…
Was that disappointment? He looked a bit concerned too, as if he knew there were things that the girls knew and he didn’t. You felt bad, but you couldn’t bring yourself to share everything...not now.
“Warn a guy next time before you start stripping,” Nero huffed, scratching the side of his head, “Some of us are committed men.”
“One of us,” V replied, giving a wry smile, “In fact you’re the only committed man in the room, Nero.”
You chuckled, “Sorry sorry. Was just in a hurry,” You walked by, completely ready now and patted his cheek, “I’ll make sure to tell Kyrie your chastity is preserved.”
“Wow, thanks,” Nero said in heavy sarcasm, rolling his eyes and turning to follow you. He spared the mechanic a passing glance, tone stern as he replied, “Please do not start drinking again. We’re gonna head out, you and Lady be ready to respond if needed.”
“Yeah yeah,” Nico replied with a huff, scratching the side of her face and wincing, “Don’t get your panties in a twist. You know my number.”
You smiled, wrapping your tendrils around her waist as you passed toward the door. A small jolt of energy made her eyes fly open, gaze whipping around to stare at you as you relieved some of her fatigue and pain. This was her first time feeling it, which had to be exciting for the mechanic. You smiled, blowing her a light kiss as your group made its way out the door, tendrils retracting back into you. You were sad you were leaving Lady and Nico behind, but there was work to do. You were glad to be on the move again, but the girl time you were allowed was both wanted and needed. Just...maybe with less booze next time, if there was a next time.
Lady gave you a little finger wave, an adorable smile on her face as you returned it. Upon entering the garage, you were delighted to see the sun shining beyond the garage door. Nero lifted it with his metal arm effortlessly, allowing you and your group to pass through. Less stellar now that you were facing the bright light head on. You lifted a hand to shield the sun, wincing when it sent a twinge through your skull. Bright, much too bright. And worse so, the black crystal you produced the other day was still there, now glinting and gleaming in the morning glow. A reminder, of sorts. Griffon landed on your shoulders as you stared at it, letting out a low whistle as you both took in the sheer size of the structure--he had been there when it was made, but you got the impression he hadn’t really absorbed how big it was.
“Still can’t believe you made that,” Griffon squawked, his blue feathers glinting in the sun, “That shit was sure somethin’, toots. A real doozy.”
V came up on your right, Nero on your left.
Nero let out a light hum, eyeing the structure with a mix of awe and envy, “Damn, wish I could have been around to see you blow some demons away.”
You smiled, “Maybe another--”
All three of them exclaimed at the same time, pinning your startled form in place with varying looks of exasperation. You blinked, holding up your hands defensively but getting the message pretty damn fast--no one liked what the invocation did to you, it would seem. V looked very firm on the issue, jade eyes locking with yours and not moving. There were severally emotions in that gaze, ones that you would not argue with. If anything...it made you feel good.
“N...noted…” You sighed, rubbing the toe of your boot into the ground, “It won’t happen again.”
Nero pat you on the back, a light smirk on his face as he replied, “Don’t sweat it, kid. Bet it was pretty cool, but the results were less than satisfactory.”
“I agree.” V said simply, gripping the head on his cane.
You smiled lightly, rocking back on your heels as Nero started forward, heading to where you remembered Nico telling you to meet them the previous day. Morning four of traveling, one day lost. No one seemed to mind the lost time, which you were grateful for. Nero seemed in pretty high spirits as he led the group to what looked to be an abandoned subway station, rubble and debris lining the platform and tunnel entrance. You fought a groan at the idea of going back underground, but it was at least better than sewers. Cleaner, at least you hoped so. Better lit at the very least.
V walked step by step with you, Shadow on your right and he on your left. Griffon was still perched on your shoulders, and you swore you saw Nero eyeing your group with a bit of curiosity in his expression. You imagined he was intrigued by the strange companionship you had with the demons. V as well, since the poet seemed to be a very mysterious, closed off individual. Little did Nero know, V was occasionally brushing you as you walked, always wearing that smug little smirk when you looked up at him. He never met your gaze, but you know damn well the bastard was doing that shit on purpose. His hand touched your lower back at some point and you thought your heart was going to pound out of your chest.
Oh yes. Things were definitely different.
“I think splitting up would be a good idea,” Nero announced as the subway tunnel branched down into two sides, “Cover more ground that way.”
You frowned before V could agree, eyeing the tunnel with a hesitant look.
“You sure that’s a good idea?” You asked, frowning at the white haired boy, “Why do you guys always wanna split up? Literally that’s the worst idea, haven’t you guys ever watched a horror movie in your life?”
V shook his head, “I don’t believe I have.”
Both you and Nero stared at him for that revelation, a mixture of shock and realization coursing through you. Half of your mind expected that answer, yet you were still startled by it. How the hell had this boy never watched a horror movie? He must have been pretty sheltered...or the opposite, lived a life shitty enough that he never found the time or means. Both sounded awful to you, and probably to the outraged demon hunter next to you.
“Not one?” Nero demanded, “Shit, we need to change that.”
V let out a light sigh, eyeing you both like you were lunatics as he replied, “At a time not now. We need to make haste,” His gaze landed on you, softening considerably as that smirk came back, “I will agree that Y/N raises a point. If we are both traveling in the same direction, I see no reason why we couldn’t share the same path.”
It felt nice when V agreed with you. You were such a simple bitch, his words made you beam in delight. Not only did he decide your plan of action was correct, now you could spend some time with Nero as well. Girls night before, now it was daytime with the lads. You could admit there was a lot of testosterone in the group now, but that was fine in your opinion. You wanted the chance to fight alongside the demon hunter, you were willing to bet there was a lot his fighting style could teach you. Only downside to this was less alone time with the poet, but judging by the weird, magnetic way you two were hovering around each other...it wouldn’t be an issue.
“Fine by me,” Nero shrugged, rolling his shoulders a bit as he pointed his pistol at the two tunnels, “Which one should we pick…?”
You rolled your eyes at his theatrics, giving him a light shove to the right side, “Nico is right, you are such a dork. Just go.”
Nero huffed a bit, putting his pistol back as he started making his way down the tracks, “You’re no fun.”
“I’m an appropriate amount of fun,” You replied in an amused tone, stepping back by V’s side to keep in step with the poet, “I’m just impatient.”
V let out a low hum, pulling out his poems as he walked beside you. You caught a glimpse of the pages, surprised when you noticed what looked to be hand drawn artwork and writing. It didn’t look like this book was printed, but instead was hand made lovingly by someone. You didn’t get to glimpse much, looking away before you were caught peeking. Besides, the peace and quiet wasn’t going to last long anyway. Your foresight began to flare, signaling upcoming demons, making you stop in place to whistle between your fingers and alert the others.
“Get ready,” You warned when Nero and V looked at you, pulling out your daggers, “We’ve got company.”
Somehow, the train tunnels were worse than the sewers.
Hours. You were stuck in there for hours fighting demons. New ones this time, stronger ones. Lizard-like creatures, bigger things with bigger attacks. On one hand, you got to see Nero’s fighting style a bit more, and him being there eased your need to use your own abilities. On the other hand...so much fighting. The subway was crawling with enemies and roots, so much so that your foresight barely stopped flaring. It was pretty annoying, so you just stopped announcing when battles would occur. Because they were always occurring. You were hating it a lot more than the sewers, only difference was there were actually safe places to sit and relax here.
You stopped once or twice, forcing the two boys and the demons to eat. Nero seemed perplexed with your attachment to food, but otherwise didn’t complain and shoved whatever it was you provided down his throat like a gremlin. V still ate his slowly, carefully, like he was savoring it. The brief moments for resting and chowing down were always short lived, interrupted by demons whenever they could slip their gross little noses in. You were a fairly patient person, but you were beginning to associate the underground with just terrible things. Only this time you were being smart about your energy, and keeping close to V and letting Nero do his thing. Which Nero didn’t mind, the kid loved to fight and be brash.
You reached what appeared to be a boarding area for trains, wide open and filled with benches. Nero let out a whoop of delight, setting on the demons with all the energy in the world, certainly more energy that you had for that late in the day. It must have been four in the afternoon by then. You exchanged a glance with V, opting on sitting down on a nearby bench to watch Nero’s  fighting style while you sipped water. V opened his book again to read that poetry, letting his summons do all the work. You and he were similar, he wasn’t enjoying it either. Just out of necessity, a bit of a tired look in his eyes as he murmured those familiar words, stepping to the side to avoid enemy attacks. He did, however, seem to have fun in some instances of battle, like Nero’s high energy was feeding into his own level of extra. He was taunting more now than ever before, and getting more ridiculous.
You wrapped your tendrils around him gingerly, ready to move him away at a moments notice. Nero seemed fine, whatever arm he was using making him a hoppity son of a bitch. He was zipping all over the place.
“How do you have so much energy?” You complained to him, crossing your legs and letting out a light huff as he shot a demon in the head over and over, “It’s ridiculous.”
He let out a light laugh, kicking the demon away and taunting lightly before he replied to you, “Only thing I’m good at is kicking demon ass!”
You smiled ruefully, highly doubting he had zero other skills. At least he was having fun. They were certainly widdling the demons down fast, loud explosions and crackling filling the room with their attacks. A demon went whizzing past you, disintegrating as you winced and leaned to the side. The only problem when fighting with Nero’s aid is that a lot of his attacks sent the demons flying away or knocked back. You partnered well with V’s fighting style, but Nero seemed used to doing shit on his own.
“Pin them to a wall.” V growled to Shadow, the cat immediately responding and sending a dozen spikes into an enemy.  Sensations of honest to god arousal traveled through you, ones you tried to shake as you quietly sipped water. You were thirsty for something alright. Every time he said something like that you were sent into a tailspin of bullshit, craving, and misbehaving thoughts. You just couldn’t behave it would seem--you had never felt such a chemistry with someone before, nor such a high amount of attraction. There was just something about the poet that was drawing you in.
Way too fast. But that only excited your dumb, idiotic brain.
When the last demon was finally dead, you let out a sigh of relief, hopping up from the bench and stretching your back with a soft groan. Finally, some peace, even if it would probably be short lived.
Nero flicked some blood off his metal hand, cracking his neck before turning to smirk at you.
“I’m gonna go scout ahead a bit,” He said, glancing between you and V for a moment, “You two chill for a bit, I’m gonna clear the way.”
“You sure?” You asked, leaning a hand on your hip, “Promise you’ll shout if things get too rough.”
He laughed, flexing his metal fingers as he replied, “Shit gets narrow up the escalator. I’ll scream like a banshee if I need some help, that good for you?”
You smirked, “I’m down. Have fun, be back before dark.”
“Yes, mom.” Nero mocked.
He gave you a single finger salute, hopping up onto the escalator and sprinting up and out of view. V let out a low hum of relief, leaning against a nearby pillar and closing his book with a low thud. He didn’t look too bad yet, thank god. Griffon was shaking out his feathers and huffing, landing on your shoulders so he could watch the demon-hunter disappear up into the subway.
“Brat sure has a lot of energy,” He grunted, closing his eyes a bit and preening his feathers, “Can’t relate. Sick of dealing with these fucking lackeys. Lower level bastards.”
You smiled sympathetically, patting his feathered head, “You’re doing great, sweetie.”
He grunted, settling down and closing his eyes to rest a bit. V seemed to sense he was tired, so he lifted his cane, summoning the bird back along with shadow in an instant. You blinked in surprise, not used to Griffon returning as well. The instant he did, his tattoos went from slightly faded to flat back, writhing a bit before settling on his smooth, pale skin. You stared in awe for a moment before blinking, trying to shake the sensation from your mind. You were positive V saw you looking.
He walked over to you, cane tapping on the floor with each step as you sat back down on the bench. You wanted to look up at him, but this new energy between the two of you was making you a little nervous, a little hot around the collar. V tapped you under the chin with the silver-handle, tilting your head up a bit to meet his gaze and examine your face. His expression delighted you, making your stomach roll a bit with that nervous excitement you just couldn’t shake.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, giving you that smoldering look from under his lashes, “You haven’t exerted yet.”
You smiled lightly, tapping the end of his cane with your index finger.
“I’m fine,” You assured, eyeing him with a concerned look of your own, “How about you? How is that shoulder feeling?”
He made a big show of rotating it, flexing his arm a bit as he replied, “No worse for wear.”
That made you smile in relief, but it occurred to you that something was...more noticeable now that the fighting was done. You paused, tilting your head and holding up a finger to stop whatever the poet was going to say next. You were positive now, more focused and alert--light music was playing from somewhere.
Now that the area wasn’t filled with the sound of fighting, grunting, and screaming demons--you could hear the sound of faint violin music playing from the subway speakers. Light and gentle, strangely out of place in the broken, grimy setting. You blinked, meeting V’s gaze and putting a finger to you ear. You knew he noticed right away, those full lips parting a bit as he inclined his head. He looked absolutely entranced, that mischievous look appearing in his eyes as he looked up toward the ceiling. Looking for speakers, probably. You liked the expression he had, almost like childish wonder--the same look he got before doing his taunts.
You closed your eyes a bit, listening to the ringing chords of a violin and trying to find some peace in the moment. You could hear Nero lightly fighting up ahead, his echoing shouts and laughter still reaching the main subway platform. Other than that, you could hear just...the music. And V’s slow breaths. That closeness between the two of you seemed even more pronounced now that you and V were alone, truly alone for once in the entire time you had been together. You didn’t quite know what to say, but you wanted to say something--because you were sure he felt it too, this strange energy that had been blooming since day one. The aching, desperate need to be closer, better.
Before you could open your mouth, V’s fingers curled under your chin, making your eyes pop open to look at him.
He had a wry smile on his lips, half tilted upward as he held that same hand out to you.
“Shall I have this dance?” He purred, jade eyes shadowed in the dim light of the subway.
Your heart went racing in your chest, pounding like fists on steel doors. You felt that dumb, eager ache blooming in your chest again.
You smiled ruefully, taking his hand again and letting out a light laugh as he tugged you to your feet. The absurdity of the whole moment was making you giddy, hand entwined with his as he pulled you further into the clearing where just before those demon’s had been killed. God, his skin was so warm. Energized, squeezing your fingers with a gentle encouragement. His face was so very enticing, head tilted down to look at you as he gave you that crooked smile you so enjoyed. He did have a flare for the extra, only this was his first time openly involving you in it, inviting you to join. It felt very...personal.
Oh lord, you were in over your head. You were in wayyy over your head.
He tugged you against his lanky form, twirling you around to the sound of the music, humming lightly to the tune. Whatever the song was, he seemed to know what it was. You tried to follow his steps, smiling like a complete idiot as he took you step by step around the room. You felt...so many things. Embarrassed, elated, excited, giddy. You hoped your face wasn’t red from all of it, but your cheeks were already pretty warm. Once the tempo of the song picked up, he gave a light chuckle, wrapping an arm around your waist and lifting you briefly, spinning you around with a light squeak on your part. He seemed to be having a good time, hair waving about his face each time he moved you.
He looked...entrancing. And in that moment you knew just how deep in you were.
You had known him for four days if you were pushing it. Four days to become this smitten with the poet. In all your years of serving the Deity, you had never gotten close enough with anyone to feel romantically attracted to them. And even those you did get close to, none appealed to you on a physical attraction level. Never. You never thought of being touched by any of them, being held by any of them. But this...was new, different. Even as a human, had you ever felt this kind of chemistry before? You highly doubted it, there was something very special about V. Approachable, charming. Mysterious. Maybe you had been doing this too long, maybe all those years of serving with no regard for yourself had left you too lonely.
You didn’t care.
Dancing with V felt both too short and too long. The music came to a slow end, the final chords of a violin ringing out as V bowed to you, hair falling in front of his face as he bent his head over your hand. If you weren’t mistaken, you felt his lips brush your skin, ever so slightly. Your pulse was racing, you knew he could feel it. Instinctively, you took a few steps back toward him, his hand sliding down your wrist as you did so. His fingers felt so precise, gentle. Probing, even. Like he was tracing the very veins under your skin. You met his gaze, letting him pull you back against his chest while still gently griping your arm. A silent, unspoken thing passed between you, the building energy that had started blooming now turning to flower petals.
His hand ghosted along your jaw, an interesting expression on his face as he regarded your warm cheeks, soft lips, and gentle eyes. You could see yourself reflected in his, and that made your heart pound even faster. His thumb brushed your lips, gently tracing the lower one with a tenderness you had never experienced. It made you knees so very weak. You thought you saw his tattoos writhe a bit out of the corner of your eye, his companions sensing their master’s racing heartbeat but not aware of the reason why.
You wanted to kiss him. So badly.
And from the look on his face, he wanted to do the same to you.
But before you could bridge the gap, Nero’s loud voice rang out, echoing from his place further along the subway. You saw V close his eyes, a light sigh being drawn from his lips as the moment you shared came to a halt. You loved Nero dearly, but in that moment you had never been so disappointment in him.
“I found the exit!” Nero’s voice caroled, coming closer as he probably made his way back, “Ready when you guys are!”
You let out a slow breath, closing your eyes and mourning the lost opportunity. But much to your surprise, V didn’t pull away instantly like you expected. He lingered, stroking those fingers over the back of your neck, sending chills down your spine. His lips brushed your ear--you could have easily fainted, knees very weak from the whole experience. Not to mention unbelievably turned on--were you really that starved for attention, that needy? Felt like you were. You could have moaned at the feeling, christ his breath was so hot. Wanting, breathy.
“We will continue this,” V murmured, tone filled with heavy promise, “At a later date.”
With that, he turned away, fingers trailing through your hair and body brushing past yours just as Nero appeared right at the top of the escalator. You kept your back turned, hands pressed to your cheeks as you desperately tried to gain a molecule of composure. Your emotions were written on your face, you couldn’t imagine what kind of expression you were wearing. You wanted to bite your lip, and you wanted...so many things. Fuck, you were in so much trouble.
An unbelievable amount of trouble.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18136193/chapters/43222517
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Tagged: @just-call-me-no-name @silentwhispofhope @nightshadow4713 @slightlylunatic @efiicitia @raven-huntress
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rieraclaelin · 5 years
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This was for the square “Dragging Themselves Along the Ground” for my Bingo board, from @badthingshappenbingo .
I have never really written anything this angsty or violent for Sterek, before. Not that this is super violent, but there is some canon-typical violence, and lots of blood/injuries. So be warned! (and of course, because it’s me, a happy ending!)
Also on AO3
The Attack
Derek stood at the edge of the clearing. Blood and fur and… other things that he’d rather not think about were splattered all around the ground and on his clothes.
The fight had been long and brutal, and Derek still had no idea what it even was they had been fighting. All he knew was that they had claws as sharp as his, and teeth twice as long with a bite that could probably have snapped his arm in two. Luckily, they didn’t seem to need anything special to die. At least, he hoped they didn’t need anything special, Derek thought as he eyed the bodies on the ground.
Derek cracked his neck, then winced at the pain that shot down his back. One of the creatures had managed to get a good bite in at the base of his neck, and another managed to dig its claws into his lower back deep enough that there was sure to be bone showing. He was healing, at least, and the creatures were all dead. Hopefully.
Derek glanced out to the clearing and watched as Stiles limped his way to where Scott was standing. Scott hadn’t arrived until most of the creatures were already dead, and it had been Derek and Stiles on their own. Not that that was uncommon for them anymore since the pack was gone off to college and Scott had himself a new girlfriend.
Derek watched as Scott clamped his hand down on Stiles’ shoulder and ignored Stiles’ wince. Derek wanted to growl, wanted to step up and smack Scott’s hand away, but Stiles had made it plenty clear that he could handle himself. Which he could, but still. Sometimes Derek just wanted to protect him. Not that Stiles needed protecting, actually, but… well, it was all very confusing in Derek’s mind. Much easier to just not think about it, or about how Stiles could make Derek’s heart speed up with just a look.
“That went well,” Scott said. Derek watched Stiles scowl as he shrugged Scott’s hand off his shoulder.
“‘Well’? How was any of that ‘well’? Derek’s spine was almost ripped out of his back, dude! What took you so long to get here?” Stiles said. Derek winced at the reminder, but honestly, the pain was mostly gone by now. A little tightness remained, but that was as easily ignored as the pain earlier.
Scott grinned at Stiles and shrugged. “Sorry, I was on the phone with Megan. Besides,” Scott said with a quick glance towards Derek. Derek tried, he really did, but he couldn’t get rid of the glare on his face. “Derek’s fine, he’s healing. Chill, dude.”
“He shouldn’t even have to be healing! If you would have just answered your phone the first five times we called, this,” Stiles yelled as he waved his arm around, “could have been avoided!”
“Look,” Scott said, “we are all fine. Let’s just-”
“Fine?” Stiles grit out. “How am I fine? My clothes are fucking ruined by all the rips and blood. Which, for the record, a lot of that is mine! My shoulder is already black and blue and probably will be useless for the next week.” This time Derek did growl, and Scott flinched slightly but didn’t look in his direction. “How is that fine? How would you feel if Megan got injured like this?”
Scott flinched harder. “That’s not going to happen, I won’t let her near any of this. She’s just a human.”
“And I’m not?” Stiles said lowly. Derek knew Stiles, knew by the way he was clenching his fists that he was barely hanging on to his anger. Derek was kind of surprised that Scott hadn’t picked up on it yet, but, well. Maybe he shouldn’t be surprised.
“You are different. You are in the know, you willingly put yourself into dangerous situations like this all the time.”
“Just… go home, Scott,” Stiles said. Now he just sounded tired, and Derek hated that almost as much as he hated when Stiles sounded in pain.
Scott opened his mouth, but Stiles just shook his head and turned his back to him. Turned to look at Derek. The anger melted off Stiles’ face, turned to concern in a second. Scott slumped his shoulders, darted a quick look in Derek’s direction, then turned and walked away from them both.
Stiles’ shoulders sank, and he sighed as he began walking over to Derek. He tried to give Stiles a reassuring smile, but judging by Stiles’ raised eyebrow, he didn’t succeed.
A low growl sounded from behind Derek, but before he could even brace himself, something sharp swiped across Derek’s back. Derek stumbled as he bit back a cry. Next thing he knew, he was falling towards a tree and Stiles was crying out in pain. Then everything went black.
Derek groaned as he opened his eyes. He must not have been out long because his back was still on fire, and he could feel himself trying to heal. There was a ringing in his ears, and it took Derek a few seconds to realize that it wasn’t actually ringing, but Stiles’ cries. Derek jerked his head up to look at the clearing and had to shake the blood away as it dripped down to his eyes. There was a creature, one twice the size as what they fought earlier, straddled over Stiles. Stiles was struggling hard, obviously trying to shake it, but his cries were getting weaker, and Derek knew it was only a matter of time before the creature managed to get its claws or teeth into Stiles’ neck.
Derek tried to stand but crashed back down to the ground in pain. It must have been more than a scratch that he got. Judging by how crippling painful his entire back felt, he probably had a few broken bones, not to mention a lot of blood loss. That was an alarming puddle of blood underneath him.
Derek whimpered as he heard Stiles cry out Derek’s name. He pushed his arms in front of him, allowed his claws to come out, and shoved them into the dirt. Slowly he began crawling and dragging himself across the ground, trying to get to Stiles. Growls and whimpers left his mouth as he inched his way closer. Stiles’ cries had slowed down to grunts and whines, and the world around Derek became blurry as tears filled his eyes.
A snarling blur sped in front of Derek and tackled the creature off of Stiles. The snarls sounded familiar, but Derek was too focused on getting to Stiles to try and figure out who it was.
By the time he finally reached him, the snarls had stopped. Derek finally felt strong enough to get up on his hands and knees, and he cradled Stiles’ face. There was so much blood, and he was so, so still. But he was still breathing.
Derek slowly lowered himself into a sitting position and brought Stiles’ head into his lap. He stroked his fingers through Stiles’ hair but eventually had to stop because the blood was matted and he didn’t want to tug on his hair, cause any more pain than what he was already in. Speaking of pain, he really should try to take some from Stiles.
The world was starting to spin and his stomach was rolling when he was startled by a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Scott, his face filled with worry.
“Can you stand?” Scott asked Derek. Derek took a deep breath, shook off the dizziness, then took stock of himself. He was still in a lot of pain, but, nothing he wasn’t used to. He could move through the pain. Wasn’t the first time, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last.
Scott carefully picked Stiles up from the ground when Derek nodded, and Derek let out a growl. He wanted to be the one to carry Stiles, wanted to have him close to him so he could hear his heartbeat and feel his breaths. Scott gave him a weird, confused look but handed Stiles over to Derek.
Together they ran out of the woods with Stiles cradled against Derek’s chest, his head resting against Derek’s shoulder. He could hear each shallow breath Stiles took, and he focused on Stiles’ heartbeat as they got closer to the hospital.
“I’ll call mom, have her meet us outside,” Scott said, and Derek nodded. Stiles was starting to groan by the time they got to the hospital, and Melissa was waiting for them in the back. Derek carefully placed Stiles on the gurney, and Melissa lifted the railings.
“Go home and clean yourselves up before coming in. He’s in good hands. I’ll call John once Stiles is taken back. Go,” Melissa said, shooing them with her hands before rolling Stiles inside the hospital.
Thirty minutes later Derek was back at the hospital with John. He had hopped into the shower just long enough to wash the blood away, then put on fresh clothes and left. Scott was nowhere to be found.
Derek paced the waiting room and glanced at the clock every two minutes. Eventually, John called his name and made Derek sit down beside him. It didn’t stop him from watching the clock, but having John’s presence beside him helped ground him a little.
Finally, the doctor came out to see them. Stiles was being transferred to a room. No major broken bones or internal injuries, though he did lose a lot of blood. But he was in stable condition and could receive visitors once he was completely set up in his room.
John and Derek had to wait for another hour before they were finally allowed back to see Stiles. Derek braced himself before he walked in, but it didn’t help. Nothing could have prepared him for how pale and still Stiles looked in the hospital bed, with IVs attached and machines beeping all around him. He could see stitches on Stiles’ cheek and arms, and his neck was turning an ugly color of black and purple.
“We’ve already labeled this as a dog attack,” John said quietly, and Derek nodded. He took a deep breath, then let it out with a shudder when John placed his hand on Derek’s shoulder. “He’ll be fine,” John said, and Derek nodded again.
Derek pulled a chair up to the side of the bed and carefully pulled Stiles’ free hand into his own. He lost track of the amount of time he sat there, rubbing his thumb over and over the top of Stiles’ hand. He was just starting to let himself doze off when he felt a squeeze to his hand. He snapped his eyes open to see Stiles blearily looking at him.
Derek let out a shaky breath as he smiled at Stiles. Stiles gave a wobbly smile back and shifted in the bed, then winced hard. Derek immediately started pulling pain and Stiles sunk back into the bed with a sigh and a smile.
“Are you okay?” Stiles asked, voice hoarse. Derek huffed.
“You are asking me if I’m okay when you are the one in the hospital?”
“I’m fine, Stiles,” Derek said as he shook his head. Stiles hummed as he looked over Derek, then nodded.
“Did you kill it?”  Stiles asked as he closed his eyes.
“No. I’m not sure if Scott did, or if he just drove it away.”
“Is he here?” Stiles asked, peeking an eye open to look at Derek. Derek shook his head and Stiles sighed and closed his eye again.
“Do you want me to go, let you get some sleep?” Derek asked quietly, and Stiles tightened his hand around Derek’s.
“No. Please stay?”
Derek squeezed Stiles’ hand back and settled deeper into the chair. Stiles’ breathing became steady and his hand twitched in Derek’s as he fell asleep. John walked in a moment later with coffee for both himself and Derek. Derek thanked him, took a sip of his coffee, then finally dozed off.
Derek woke up later to the feeling of Stiles’ thumb running over his hand, and he opened his eyes to see Stiles staring at him. He was more alert and had clearly been awake for a while.
“Hi,” Stiles said when Derek caught his eye.
“Hi,” Derek replied quietly. Stiles smiled softly at Derek, a smile that Derek had only seen a small amount of times, and he couldn’t help but smile back.
“So,” Stiles began, staring hard at Derek. “Being in the hospital fucking sucks, and being hurt sucks even more. But, it did make me realize something.”
“What?” Derek asked as his heart started pounding in his chest.
“I don’t know about you, but, I’m kind of tired of dancing around whatever we are,” Stiles said as he waved his other hand between the two of them.
“Yeah,” Derek said. Stiles gave him that small smile again, and Derek knew he’d become addicted to that smile, and quickly.
“Good,” Stiles said. “How do you feel about dinner and a movie?”
Derek huffed a quiet laugh. “As long as you are with me, I feel good about it.”
Stiles brought Derek’s hand up to his mouth and pressed a kiss against it. Derek opened his hand and cupped the side of Stiles’ face, and Stiles pressed deeper into Derek’s hand and sighed.
“Good,” Stiles said again, and yeah, Derek agreed. Good.
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saintlaurentcalum · 5 years
You Mean More
//a calum hood blurb by me//
You woke up around 10 this morning knowing fully that Calum had already up and gone to the studio. Rolling over to his side of the bed you bury your face in his pillow and breath in his scent, after a long debate with yourself you decided againt going back to sleep. Pulling yourself up from the bed you pull calums green hoodie from the closet and throw it over your head. "Maybe I'll clean up a bit today." you mumble to yourself as you step down the stairs and take in the mess in your living room. You walk into the kitchen grabbing some water from the fridge and sigh at the sight of the pile of dishes you were about to wash, but you knew you'd get nowhere without music playing.
Walking into the living room and connect your phone to the speakers Calum had set up when you moved in, you put on a playlist that he made for you a couple weeks ago. 'Do I Wanna Know' by Arctic Monkeys started bumping through the speakers, the bass line buzzing through the house reminding you of Cal. You finished the dishes thankfully and came to assess the state of your living room. Calum's shoes were laying in front of the couch and both of your jackets were strewn on the chair in the corner, papers and miscellaneous items were scattered on the table, lastly your eyes landed on cals bass leaning against the arm of the couch.
You knew it was his absolute favorite, the custom cherry red bass was pinstriped with his initials, it given to him as a gift. You'd cleaned up every other item in the living room and the only thing left to do was take Cal's bass upstairs to his music room. Picking up the bass carefully by the neck you began up the stairs reaching the top you lost your footing and dropped the bass sending it tumbling fast down the stairs. Freezing in your spot at the top of the stairs your eyes are glued to the destroyed bass at the bottom. Slowly you move yourself down the stairs to sit on the last step, eyes still wide and mouth agape as you sit in disbelief.
The neck of the bass had cracked, two strings were busted,and large pieces of paint were chipped from the body. Tears began to form in your eyes as you let out a faint whimper, you were terrified. The feeling of not knowing how Calum would react didnt settle well in your stomach and it made you curl into yourself even further. The realization of what happened finally settled in you as sobs began to wrack your body, you felt terrible. The guilt you were feeling was too much, your heartbeat in your ears was so loud that you didn't even hear the door open and close.
Not yet seeing the completely destroyed bass Calum ran to your side immediately, "Whoa, baby, hey, why are you crying love?" You looked up at him in utter fear, his soft eyes filled with question and concern. "What's wro-" His eyes shifted over to his favorite bass laying battered on the floor a couple feet behind him. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" You flinched at his loud voice standing to you feet quickly but still not looking up to meet his face. Spinning around quickly his voice raised again, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME Y/N WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
Gathering some courage you looked up at him, he was livid. His nostrils flared, cheeks bright with color, and eyes wide with anger, "Cal I-I didn't mean-n to it was an a-accident I'm sor-" "WHAT WERE YOU EVEN DOING?! DID YOU FUCKING THROW IT DOWN THE STAIRS?!" "No Calum I was j-ust trying to g-get it upstairs and I-" You choked on your words trying to steady your breath long enough to keep talking. Calum shook his head letting out a sharp breath. You've never seen him so angry before and it was genuinely scaring you.
"Cal I'm really sorry I-I didn-," He quickly turned and his hands flew up into the air. In that exact moment your arms flew to sheild you face, eyes squeezing shut and a small yelp flew from your lips. Slowly you lowered yourself to the ground moving yourself into a ball and hiding you face between your knees, you backed yourself all the way up against the nearest wall. Your breathing was heavy and unsteady, tears had began slowly flowing from your eyes. You held yourself in that position for what felt like forever, even if it was only a minute.
Calum's entire demeanor softened instantaneously at the sight of you cowering in front of him, ultimately falling to the floor. His heart completely shattering at the thought that he made you do that. He dropped so his knees, shoulders slumped and head hanging low, "Baby." he cooed, his voice soft and fragile, "Baby please look at me." He layed his hand gently on your arm, he could feel the tense nature of your body relax a small amount. You looked up at him and sniffle as his eyes take in your appearance, your eyes are red and puffy and your cheeks stained with tears. The pang of hurt that hits him in that moment is so much that it evokes an indescribable noise from his lips.
"Did you think I was going to hit you?" he asked hurt prominent in his voice, "Yes." you mumble quietly after a moment of hesitation. Your eyes drop back down to the floor until you hear his uneven breathing, your head shooting up to meet his gaze as tears now fell from his own eyes. "I-I don't ever want you to think I would do that. Never would I even fathom the idea of laying my hands on you that way Y/N." You let go of your knees and crawled into his lap, you layed your head against his chest as he wrapped his arms firmly around your body engulfing you.
Your hand gripped at his shirt as you lifted your head to press small kisses to his neck, "I'm sorry Cal. I didn't mean to drop it I just lost my footing and it fell from my hand. It was an accident i would never-" you rambled before he shushed you and began rocking back and forth, "I know baby, I know. It's okay. I don't care anymore, okay? I never want you to feel that way again. I never want to see the look you gave me, like you were afraid, because of me. You mean more than any guitar, okay? It can always be fixed. You mean so fucking much to me."
His voice was gentle as he rested his cheek upon the top of your head after pressing multiple kisses. "I'm sorry and I love you so so much babygirl." You stood from his arms and held out your hand to him, "C'mon bub, lets go take a nap. I just want you to hold me." Calum smiled up at you with a cheeky grin as he jumped up sweeping you off your feet and carrying you up the stairs. "Anything for you my love." he said before attacking your face with kisses.
xx okay so this is the first thing ive ever written on my blog!! feedback would be amazing!! xx
(sorry if there are any mistakes or grammatical errors its 4am and i just finished this lmao)
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