#they could both learn so much from each other. and discover more about themselves along the way
sardonic-the-writer · 11 months
Thinking about how fanon Scike is literally the ideal mlm relationship
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emthimofnight · 2 months
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Name ✨Stellar the Hedgehog✨
Age Varies based on what age I draw her, but let's say 16!
Pronouns She/Her
Basic Description The product of Project Stellar—a secret government operation aiming to perfect Project Shadow—Stellar is a genetic experiment combining the DNA of the Ultimate Life Form and the fastest thing alive. Designed to be a living weapon, Stellar was born in a hidden facility where she would have been raised to be an unstoppable weapon for the military. Thankfully, Shadow the Hedgehog (with help from Rouge the Bat) discovered her existence, destroyed the lab, and rescued her as an infant. Shadow then went on to begrudgingly inform his long-time rival, Sonic the Hedgehog, of their newfound child, seeing as she was technically just as much Sonic's problem as she was Shadow's. From there, the duo (along with help from their friends) raised Stellar as their daughter, sheltering her from the knowledge she was created to be a force of destruction for her masters. Along the way, Sonic and Shadow found themselves truly falling for one another, dissolving the barriers they had placed between one another as rivals, finding new appreciation for each other in their new parental roles.
Stellar herself is a bright, warm-hearted person. She has a strong sense of justice and never shies away from standing up for what is right. She takes after Sonic in personality, always cracking jokes and finding it hard to sit still. Despite this, she inherited Shadow's finesse and ability to plan out her choices, not to mention his abilities to utilize chaos energy. She has a love for figure skating, ballet, and make up (thanks to Auntie Rouge!), but don't let her feminine side fool you, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty! She would love nothing more than to spend her day smashing badniks into the ground with her skates if her dads would let her! Stellar loves both of her parents dearly, but sometimes wishes that they wouldn't be so protective of her. After all, what could they possibly have to be worried about?
Extra ✨Stellar's favorite color is red. ✨Her favorite food is chili dogs. ✨She is bisexual. ✨Her favorite flower is lavender, because it reminds her of home! ✨She learned how to skate from Shadow. ✨She calls Shadow "papa" and Sonic "dad". ✨She desperately wants to make her family and friends proud. ✨Her best friend is Camellia the Cat, the daughter of Blaze and Amy. ✨She loves racing Sonic, but is frustrated he always lets her win. ✨She can be VERY impulsive when angered, much like both of her parents! ✨She is SUPER dense when it comes to romance. She has no idea Camellia has been in love with her since they were little! ✨The inhibitor rings she wears keep her powers under control, but they also prevent her from truly mastering them. ✨Her powers are designed after collapsing stars/black holes. Extremely destructive to both herself and everything around her. ✨She has no awareness to the extent of the latent power inside her.
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eu-nicola · 5 months
Beyond Friendship - Percy Jackson x Reader
summary: In a journey of years, you and Percy discover that your connection goes beyond friendship.
warnings: without ( maybe clarify that I don't like what I wrote )
thanks to @lady-ashfade for the amazing divider
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You and Percy were in front of the mysterious Oracle of Delphi. With determination in their eyes, they decided to accept this journey so that no one else would have to go through any danger. You didn't imagine that such a mission would ever be given to you, but you were still willing to do your best to emerge victorious.
Not even a week had passed that you and Percy had already set out on the path for this task, you certainly still had a long way to go but with Percy by your side things became easier for you.
“Do you think we're ready for this?” Percy asked you.
“Yes, I believe it, we are children of our Gods and that makes us stronger and more intelligent, that's what my mother always tells me.” You answered him while you settled on a couch in a hotel that your mother had arranged for you to get to.
“Have you always been close to your mother?”
“As far back as I can remember, she claims me from the first minute i arrived at the camp. I felt honored to be her daughter.”
“I'm glad that at least one is close to a God.” While Percy was saying all this you could tell how he really wanted to be close to his father.
“The gods act in strange ways, don't worry, I'm sure your father wants the same thing, it's just difficult.”
"I guess so".
"Percy, you know we should start planning what we're going to do." You asked him.
“Yes, well, I haven't thought about it much. Do you have any idea?".
“Maybe we should go to the temple of Athena, there is a hidden library there.” Said.
“That sounds good but now I want to sleep, rest.” After that you and Percy fell asleep as fast as you could.
As the days went by and you investigated the clues, you and Percy without realizing it became closer and every time you spent time together you got along better. Percy's bravery and cunning complemented perfectly with your beauty and insight.
In every dangerous situation both found themselves in, supported each other, trusting in yours abilities and the special connection they had discovered. Together, they overcame obstacles, faced mythological creatures, and challenged powerful enemies trying to stop them.
With each step they took, the enigma slowly unraveled. You and Percy discovered that the Oracle of Delphi held dark secrets that threatened the fate of the demigods and the balance of the world.
Armed with their bravery and determination, they faced the powerful enemies that protected the Oracle. They no longer seemed like just two children but rather young people willing to do whatever was necessary to protect their loved ones.
This journey had lasted for years where you had made new friends and new people had joined you in the same situation, in that time you and Percy realized how much you had learned from each other. Their connection had grown into something more than friendship.
Together, they continued to face challenges and celebrate each achievement. Their connection grew even stronger, becoming an inseparable team. At the end of your journey, you and Percy had completed everything and solved the riddle, which had taken you down difficult but never impossible paths.
When they finally returned to Camp Half-Blood, their names were already echoing throughout the camp and even Olympus, for now everything was at peace and they hoped it would stay that way.
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March Week 1 - Symbolism and Traditions
Okay, now that we've got all the generalized types of magic out of the way, let's take a look at some other topics that will help us fill in the gaps in things. We'll be looking at symbols, traditions both personal and ancestral, spell and ritual design and much more! Let's buckle up and get to it!
Monday - Alphabets and Runes
Research - Look up different alphabets that have been used in magical traditions. Anything from the Elder Futhark Rune language, to the Ogham Script, to any other form of writing that has been used in any tradition. Do you know another language? Have you ever made your own alphabet or cipher? There are some grimoires that are written in an entire code that only the person who wrote it understood! If you feel like doing so, you can do the same! Look up an alphabet of any kind and write out a translation of those into the alphabet you know. For fun, write out at least one page in that other alphabet!
Research/ New Page - Runes - Is there a rune set you already know? Elder Futhark? Ogham? Another rune set? Have you ever made your own runes? Define rune. What is a rune? What makes something a rune? In both the magical and mundane sense, what are they? If you find a type of runes that you wish to learn, do so! Make a list of the runes themselves, then write out the meaning and symbology of each one!
Practical - Make a set of the runes you research or are already familiar with! Use what you have on hand! It could be as simple as strips of cardstock with the runes on them, notecards with the rune on one side and description on the other, or feel free to find a set online or in a store! You can even go outside and just find some stones and use a sharpie to write the runes on them!
Divination/ Journal - if you perform divinations, use your new runes to do so! And journal about the experience!
Tuesday - Languages
Research/ New Page - Is there a language that you don't speak or that no one really speaks, like Latin, and look into the basis of that language. Where does it come from? What is the language's base? Are there different dialects? Find an accurate translator and look up the words for some of your magical terminology. Make a list of those words to use in spells, incantations and prayers later on. Now, take it a step further. What is your ancestry? What languages has your family spoken in the past? Ask your parents, grandparents and other relatives if they still speak it at all. Get a little family history lesson. Having this connection to your lineage and ancestry can help you better understand a lot about yourself, your family, and traditions you may not realize you are practicing or performing regularly!
New Page - along with the list of words and languages, keep a page with the basic info you discover about your ancestry and family history! It could come in handy for a multitude of things, both pertaining to this challenge and life in general! This page could include traditions, recipes, where you come from, splits in the family, and general family history.
New Page - Pick another herb from your list and research it! Magical, mundane, medicinal, associations, myths and legends, how to grow and propagate it, where it comes from and its history!
Wednesday - Other Symbols
Research - What are some other common symbols that are commonplace within witchcraft circles? What are they, what do they represent? What are they used for? Do you use any of them without meaning to? What is their history? Where do they come from? Think about things commonly associated with withcraft. Cauldrons, brooms, pointy hats, black cats... why are these things associated with witchcraft? Don't just go with the first thing you find when you look this up, dig deep, do research. Are there multiple sources that confirm these things?
Personal/ Introspection - What things do you associate with witchcraft and why? It can be anything from tools you're using, to symbols, to specific herbs and gems or grander things/ ideas like the moon or certain practices.
Research/ New Page - Pick another gemstone or other item you want to research the witchy/ magical uses of and get at it!
Thursday - Traditions
Research/ New Page - Think about the conversations and research you did into your family lineage and language. Carry on with that research and look into the traditions your family has. Everything from when they gather together for things and why, to the recipes they make, to the way they pray or worship, to how they do things in general. Are there any beliefs your family has that have been passed down to you about things like luck? Or love? What wisdom has been passed down to you by your family?
Journal/ Introspection - Do you have any traditions that you practice on your own? Think about the things you celebrate and why, as well as when you celebrate them. Are there certain ways you do things? Everything from cooking to cleaning, to more spiritual practices! Feel free to make a page dedicated to your personal traditions. Recording them can help you to change and grow them over time, or even just to pass them along to your own family!
Friday - Catch Up Day
Today is a catch up day. We've had a lot of information and research prompts thrown at us the last three months, so take today to look back at any of the prompts you have missed or one you want to continue working on!
Alright! There's March week 1 everyone! Good luck and happy crafting witches!
-Mod Hazel
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 1 year
If Gregory, Mia and Mel are Phoenix and Maya's biological kids, does that mean Phoenix and Maya have Done the Deed, so to speak? Or were other methods involved?
Hello friend! I feel like if I gave the “quick” answer to this question, it’s going to be missing a lot of important context, and since I feel like the topic of family planning from a queerplatonic/aroace perspective is seldom talked about, I'm going to go more in-depth.
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[ID: Edgeworth, Phoenix, and Maya holding or carrying children. Edgeworth is carrying the fan character Gregory Wright as a child on his back, with his eyes closed and a tense expression. Gregory has a happy face with closed eyes with his arms wrapped around Edgeworth’s shoulders. Phoenix has the fan character Mia Fey as a young child on his shoulders and head. Mia has her hands covering Phoenix’s eyes and has a determined expression. Phoenix is gripping Mia’s legs. Maya is holding Melusina Fey as an infant to her chest with a happy expression with her eyes closed.]
This is a little long and I know the subject matter isn’t for everyone, so the details along with a mini-comic are below the cut! (Nothing discussed is above the T rating!)
In my AU, Phoenix, Maya, and Edgeworth are all on different places on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum (cue "Ace" Attorney jokes). It’s also worth mentioning that they're in a queerplatonic relationship, so their orientations don't really matter that much with regards to the polycule. If any of them wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with someone besides each other, it doesn’t break the queerplatonic polycule. However, their orientations does matter with regards to the kids.
One of the fics I'm writing takes place after Spirit of Justice where Maya is starting to seriously think about the future of the Fey Clan lineage. This makes Phoenix anxious, as he's well aware of the history of disastrous marriages in Kurain Village, and hopes to whoever's listening that it doesn't happen to Maya, too. However, he's not attracted to her in that way, so he doesn't get involved outside of being there for moral support.
Extremely long story short, after Maya's disastrous dating life--where she discovers she does not like romantic attention--soul-searching, emotional turmoil, Phoenix and Maya ask themselves why they couldn't have a family together as friends--especially after Edgeworth lectures both of them on separate occasions that they were viewing the situation too romantically. Fey Clan lineage doesn't care about romance, you see.
Obviously how the kids came to be was a huge hang-up. When Maya lamented that she wasn't fond of romantic attention during her moment of self-discovery, Phoenix recommended she have a chat with Edgeworth, who suggested the very unromantic route of donors (and offered to help pay). On a different occasion, when Phoenix was hung up over the birds and the bees, so to speak, Edgeworth suggests that he (Phoenix, to be clear) could be a donor for Maya. That doesn't involve contact, Maya's kids would have a dad who loves them and their mom, it's a win-win.
Unfortunately, well after Phoenix and Maya were already emotionally invested in starting the family together, Maya learns that known donors require a lot more time and money than unknown donors, as well as mandatory therapy. Did I mention money? So, to put a finer point on it, since they felt very secure with their friendship and nothing has threatened it thus far in this situation, they didn't see why they couldn't give the "free" route a shot.
As you might have guessed, given the lack of attraction towards each other in that way... it did not go well. 
It was the straw that broke the camel's back and started to strain their relationship. So much so, that when they were working together in court after trying for a few months, Edgeworth noticed they were irritable towards each other and requested a recess to chat with them...
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[ID: Two comic panels. The first panel has Edgeworth, Phoenix, and Maya in the Defendant Lobby. Edgeworth is standing before Phoenix with his arms crossed. Phoenix is sitting on one end of the couch hunched over in distress with his hand over his forehead. Maya is sitting on the other end of the couch, facing away, with her hands together on her lap and a red face. The narration says “After a long vent about Phoenix and Maya’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Time...”. The second panel has Edgeworth with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. He says “Why are you two not considering medical assistance?”]
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[ID: Two more comic panels. The first panel has Phoenix in the same pose as before. He says, “We don’t have that kind of time or money. I know you offered to help with the expenses, but it’s still too much, and we can’t ask more from you...”. The second panel has Edgeworth adjusting his glasses with one arm still crossed. His grits his teeth as he says, “Are you aware they have............. they sell....”]
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[ID: Two more panels. The first one has Edgeworth typing on his rose gold phone with the onomatopoeia “tap tap tap”, looking flustered. There is a speech bubble with several ellipses. In the next panel is Edgeworth showing his phone to Phoenix and Maya, with him saying “Here.” Very small text pointing to the phone says “At-home kits that allow kids to happen with no contact for about $100. :)”. Phoenix looks at the phone with his eyes wide and Maya leans in, also looking at the phone with wide eyes.]
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[ID: The same illustration as the first image, with the narration “Seven years and three kids later...”. Phoenix says “Hey, thanks again for the recommendation, Miles!” Edgeworth’s speech bubble has “.....*grumble*........” written. Maya has a speech bubble with a pink heart.]
(And Edgeworth is still in disbelief that he did more research than they did..........but he got a son out of the whole ordeal so it’s okay. :) )
To sum it all up, while it was far from their first choice, they certainly did give Doing the Deed a shot for the sake of saving time and money, but they found it was too much for them so all three kids were conceived with those at-home kits. 
Thanks for the question!
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eds-gryff · 1 year
Dates Out of Duty
Edmund Pevensie x Gender-Neutral Reader
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Okay, despite the pictures, Y/N is GENDER-NEUTRAL IN THIS FIC!! It is the first time I’ve written a gender neutral reader, and also I have been having horrific writer’s block for about two months, so this fic may not be the BEST. I tried very hard, though 😭😭 I’m sorry.
Also, I do have an Arranged-Marriage-with-Edmund-Pevensie fanfiction on Wattpad- it’s called ‘Alliance’ and it is a series of four books, so please do check that out!!
Requested by @potatosdragon
‘Hi, could you please write an Edmund pevensie imagine x fem reader where it's about the types of dates he would take you on after an arranged marriage. Thank you sosososossososossosooskks much’
It’s not exactly a list of dates like most fics about this scenario are, I wanted to tell a story of the reader and Edmund’s development as well- plus, the date ideas come from both, not just from Ed. Hopefully it’ll be tolerable! 🥲
Y/N= Your Name
Y/C/N= Your Country’s Name
Y/P/W= Your Preferred Weapon
Riding Dates
It’s unfamiliar territory, romantic feelings for each other, but Edmund and Y/N both desperately need some semblance of comfort.
The first date, thus, is familiar territory.
He had learnt that they shared a love for horses very soon after the wedding- when he’d witnessed the delight in his then-affianced’s face upon learning that Y/N’s horse was going to come along as they returned to Narnia.
(Their wedding had taken place in Y/N’s kingdom, as per the agreement of the marriage alliance. Neither of them had smiled once during it. It had been their duty, and that was all. Neither had hoped or thought or even imagined that anything more would come out of doing their duty.)
The date is not the roaring success both hoped for- they had hoped, actually, that once they confessed their feelings for each other, things would get as easy as possible- but it’s not a devastating failure, either.
They have fun, playfully bantering with each other as they rode deeper into the woods- banter that Edmund’s horse, Philip, joined as well- and they attempt to, rather clumsily, kiss while on horseback as well. It makes them laugh, and then soon blush, once it turns out that they were quite good at kissing in even inopportune situations.
The problem comes when it is discovered that the path Edmund had chosen led them much further away than expected and when it is found that Y/N had forgotten to bring along the picnic basket.
Hunger and the fear of getting lost plays havoc on romance, and by the time they manage to return to Cair Paravel, the banter has turned to bickering, despite Philip’s most valiant efforts.
And by the time they return to their shared chambers after supper, anything more than a chaste good-night peck is unthinkable.
Bakery Dates
Y/N and Edmund are not very deterred by the less-than-ideal results of their date in the woods, especially since they wake up the next few mornings snuggled into each other.
It’s hard to stay annoyed when you wake up so comfortable and so warm and in each other’s arms- and, one of these mornings, the royals dawdle in bed for a good two hours before forcing themselves to get up.
They miss breakfast- something that’s usual for Y/N, perpetually a late sleeper, but not for Edmund, because although he loves to sleep in, he also enjoys having breakfast with his family- and so Y/N suggests going into town and to one of the bakeries, for the Just King is known to have quite the sweet tooth.
Edmund says yes, quite happily, and it’s hand-in-hand that the pair walk into the town closest to the castle.
They sample cakes and pastries and some things Y/N can’t pronounce but Edmund can with a funny accent- and the employees in the bakery are all aflutter at serving two Monarchs, and that, too, while they’re on a date!
They settle them in a large corner of the bakery, practically forcing every other customer into the opposite corner- despite repeated requests from the royal couple to treat them as regular folk- and they’re given so much sweet confections that Y/N’s tongue, unused to having such large amounts of desserts, goes numb in the middle of a sweet apple crumble. Edmund is having the time of his life, though, biting into a chocolate gateau and a rose parfait and blueberry cakes, and Y/N gazes at him quite contentedly the entire time- and then the gaze turns mutual and humorous and a bit alarmed, when the head baker packs them enough sweeties and desserts and chocolates to last a few decades.
They both are supposed have meetings that day- one with an envoy from Archenland and the other with a Tarkheena from Calormen- but the meetings are later in the day, and they know that the High King and the Queens of Narnia will happily keep the guests busy on the off-chance they are late.
His siblings are more invested in their relationship than they both are, the Just King feels.
As usual, he’s right, and it’s seen just how right he is at the next Ball.
Reading Dates
But before the Ball, comes winter, and with winter, comes the need to stay warm and cosy.
Especially for Edmund, since he does not deal well with the cold at all.
Y/N isn’t used to the cold, since Y/C/N is a warm country, and so they both have more reason than most to stay indoors during the most biting days of winter.
But they haven’t gone on a date in weeks, and Y/N is fearing that they could go back to the aloofness they had regarded each other with during the beginning of their marriage.
Neither of them wants that- Y/N and Edmund care for each other very deeply, and that’s something that even they, expert at denying feelings, cannot deny.
Hence, Y/N hauls candles and blankets and some of the bakery’s sweets in the middle of winter, in addition to asking the Kitchens to bring up some food and warm drinks.
Lastly, Y/N finds Edmund in his study, wrapped in a thick shawl his mother-in-law gave him, and they walk hand-in-hand to the destination.
In the Library, seated on a cosy couch, half-suffocated by thick blankets, Edmund and Y/N hardly talk. They read quietly in the candlelight, occasionally looking up to grin at each other or hold hands again, and even the meal is had in utterly comfortable silence, broken only at the end of it by Edmund’s declaration that they must have a sleepover in the Library.
Of course, both being the bibliophiles they are, they doubt much sleep will happen- it’s far more likely they’ll read and read and read until they fall asleep reading.
But neither will mind that- and so, Y/N climbs into Edmund’s lap, fishes a book from the pile next to them, and agrees.
Ballroom (And a Bit of Stargazing) Dates
Edmund dances well, and since he’s married, he knows that the one to dance with is his consort. He was the one to suggest they consider the Ball a date for he had no wish to spend the event with anyone apart from Y/N.
Y/N felt the same way, and his suggestion was met with an approving kiss.
Still, his siblings have some insane idea in their heads that the relationship between the two Monarchs needs meddling to grow- and their idea of meddling is to make sure no one else meddles.
And so the rest of the guests at the vibrant New Year’s Ball give the two Monarchs a wide berth throughout the event.
It suits Y/N just fine, because Edmund is easily the only one around who offers comfort as well as conversation, not to mention how fine a dancer he is, to make up for Y/N’s abysmal dancing skills. And even Edmund can’t mind, truly, not when he has his dear consort clasped in his arms, and he sees just how bright and soft Y/N’s smile, aimed at him throughout the night, is.
They spend the Ball dancing and laughing, and occasionally tripping, and they are not away from each other’s embrace for longer than a few minutes.
And then they steal away to the roof of Cair Paravel, and spend the rest of night staring up at the sky, with Edmund pointing out the different constellations in the sky, and Y/N speaking of the stories and fables of Y/C/N that were linked to the stars and the Heavens.
Y/N notices that Edmund’s freckles are like constellations. Edmund notices that Y/N’s eyes shine like the Moon. They gaze at each other more than they look at the celestial bodies.
And when the fireworks bloom into artificial stars in the sky, a few metres above them- the couple has their lips on each other’s, feeling something deep bloom in their hearts as well.
Things go sour not long after the Christmas Ball. It’s coming up on five years of marriage- Peter and Susan and Lucy and Y/N’s parents and both their countries were extremely frustrated by how long it’s taking for Y/N and Edmund to confess their love for each other.
But the couple is taking it slow. Neither are the type to fall in love quickly- rather, until each other, they hadn’t thought they would fall in love at all.
It is all wholly new and unexpected- for them- and they hadn’t quite believed what was happening when they’d quietly confessed to each other that they had feelings for the other. It was for that reason that there had been an unspoken agreement, after the confession, to do things slowly.
But the slowness was frustrating more than just the people around them- it was frustrating them, too!
Edmund regularly had to bite his tongue to keep from saying ‘my love’ in almost every single situation and at every moment of the day, but especially he’d come across Y/N be in the training field, eyes shining and sweaty skin glowing, perfecting the use of (Y/P/W).
The ‘I love you’ had been on the top of Y/N’s tongue every time the two Monarchs fell asleep while reading in the Royal Library, and then Y/N would be the one to wake up first, watching Edmund in peaceful slumber.
There are bets going on, in both Cair Paravel and in Y/N’s castle in (Y/C/N).
Peter said that Y/N would say it first, being the more impulsive of the pair.
Susan said that they’d both say it together, because underneath all their emotional unintelligence, there was some understanding and wisdom.
Lucy said it would be Edmund, because once he got over whatever fear was keeping from telling the three not-so-little words, he would surely want to be transparent with his consort, despite the possibility of his declaration being unrequited.
Y/N’s parents, for their part, thought that it would be another five years before the word ‘love’ would come into the conversation, and they said they’d announce their bet in three.
The sourness is not, however, Edmund and Y/N’s fault.
They’re doing quite well, actually, they feel, and they blush rather brightly every time the other’s name is brought up.
Then the Giants attacked.
Y/N spoke heatedly, looking with flashing eyes to the rest of the war council, “I’m going to fight!”
Edmund nodded, “Of course you are, darling, but you must stay here. It’s not safe to travel back to your country-”
No, Y/N wasn’t running back home! Of course not. That was what Peter had assumed for an awkward moment, and Y/N had almost thrown a scroll at his face.
“I need to get my army here, and I need to leave now. Narnia needs support, and it is part of our alliance treaty that our countries come to each other’s aid in the event of war.”
Peter stepped in here, “That’s right. Remember, Narnia has lent its troops to Y/C/N whenever minor scuffles at the border occur-”
“Of course I remember.” His younger brother said calmly, though not feeling calm at all.
His consort wanted to go out of Cair Paravel- which wasn’t safe in the least, as the Giants were camped practically just outside their walls. He couldn’t- he couldn’t risk losing someone he- someone he loved so much.
“We both signed the treaty, need I remind you. But then we can send a Raven to Y/N’s parents, they can-”
“I am the Monarch.” Y/N spoke, cutting across the Just King. There was no anger in Y/N’s voice, but it was simply firmness. “It is because of me that my country will be brought into this War, because I-”
Fell in love with you.
But the treaty had been signed long before that. And Edmund didn’t know that fact!
“Because I married you.”
Edmund swallowed. Y/N was right. There was no one else who could catch his tongue like that, or get him to change his mind.
“Very well.” He said stiffly, and looked to where Lucy was standing, already dressed in armour and looking fiercely warrior-like. “Lu, I’ll be going with Y/N, so I’ll ask Orieus if he may patrol with you instead-”
“No.” Y/N said, once against interrupting him. Somehow, Y/N’s hand was now on Edmund’s arm, and there sprung a need in both to clasp each other’s hand tight.
So, they did.
“Narnia needs you, dearest. I’ll be alright, and I’ll be back soon.”
Edmund gazed into Y/N’s eyes for a long moment, and Y/N gazed back.
The war council moved onto other matters soon, but Edmund and Y/N kept holding hands for the entirety of it- in fact, until they reached the Stables where Y/N’s horse was kept.
“Are you sure you want to leave now?” Edmund queried quietly, as his consort tied some necessities and supplies to end of the horse’s saddle. He’d been the one to have the sense to tell one of the servants to pack for a journey- Y/N was reckless enough to make the journey with nothing useful. “You could leave in the morning-”
“I don’t want to leave, but I have to. Sooner rather than later- you told me once they said that where you come from.” Y/N’s voice was just as quiet.
What if he was right? Well, of course he was right, he always was- but what if the Giants did attack Y/N on the way?
Death was inevitable, it was known- but to die while on the way to help in a War? What sort of Monarch did that?
But the alternative was not helping Narnia. The alternative was letting Edmund and Peter and Lucy and Susan suffer the War on their own.
Y/N turned to Edmund, “Spare Oom, was it?”
He smiled a little, and they neared each other, their arms sliding around each other so they stayed in an embrace for as long as they could.
“Or War Drobe. I’ve heard it both ways.”
He bent his head, and their lips met in a slow, needy, passionate kiss.
“I’ll be safe.” Y/N whispered into the kiss, knowing full well what Edmund would murmur once the embrace broke. “As safe as I can.”
“That’s not very reassuring.” He tried to joke, but it fell flat. They were going to part. Not for long, if they had any luck- but it was war. How often was good fortune found in the middle of battle? “I’ll wait for you.”
“And you best fight in midst of the waiting.” Y/N said- deciding to not ask him to be safe, because he would be. He would. He was a warrior and he was wise- he’d stay alive. “And try to think of better date ideas.”
Edmund smiled in spite of himself, “I’m the one with the good ideas. Yours are more hit or miss.”
Y/N chuckled softly, “Maybe a battle will give me inspiration, then. I’ll think of you anyway- may as well have that thinking be productive.”
“We’ll go on that date the moment the War’s over.” His smile softened, and they kissed once more- one last time.
The kiss lasted another few moments, before they both pulled away- and Y/N climbed onto the horse.
“G-goodbye.” Y/N almost said ‘my love’. “I’ll see you soon.”
Edmund raised his hand in farewell, not trusting himself to speak.
And then, as the horse pulled out of the paddock and just as his consort was almost out of sight- he spoke.
Well, shouted.
“Y/N!” He said, and the horse and her rider both turned.
They weren’t too close to each other, but they were close enough to hear each other.
Steeling himself, and not entirely sure his sanity was intact, he said loudly, “I love you.”
He saw Y/N’s eyes widen, and- then he fancied he saw a smile. His heart was pounding so hard, he was aware of very little except for his heartbeat and his consort’s outline against the sunset.
No- he wasn’t imagining it. He was seeing a smile. Y/N was smiling at him.
But then Y/N tugged on the reins, and the horse galloped away, and Edmund was left alone in the paddock of the Stables.
But at least he had received a smile in exchange for his impulsive declaration of love. It was far better than the rejection he had thought he was sure to get.
Impromptu Dates
Y/N and Edmund did not see each other until the siege of the giants ended two months later. They had news of each other, of course- letters tied to Ravens’ legs and messages delivered by dryads kept them, as well as every regiment fighting the Giants in the north of Narnia informed of what was happening.
And then, in the spring, the Giants surrendered, and High King Peter declared the War won, and he sent Ravens to all corners of Narnia and to the neighbouring lands to inform them of the news.
Y/N had been with Peter during the battles, while Edmund was stationed away, in a part of the land where strategy would be important to win than force. Lucy was with him, but she regularly rode far away to fight other threats that took advantage of the War to attack Narnia as well- while Susan stayed at Cair Paravel, holding down the fort in case the Giants somehow breeched their defences.
But now that the War was over, the Pevensies were to be together again, soon. Very soon, the four hoped.
Sooner than that, though, it Edmund and Y/N that were fated to reunite.
The path that Y/N was to take on the return from Y/C/N to Narnia was, coincidentally, the path that led from the Western Woods to Cair Paravel.
Edmund hadn’t spent the War there, no, but he had gone to check on his domain after it, just in case any of the White Witch’s supporters had come out of the woodwork and had tried to capture the forests once more.
(There hadn’t been anyone in the Western Woods except for one very adorable family of rabbits, and some deer that complimented his choice of swords over a bow and arrow.)
There was a brook nearby, and Y/N had taken off the armour and had washed up in that- not bathing, of course- and had managed to get some drinking water, too, since the water was cool enough. After such strenuous fighting and the wounds afflicted because of it, cold water was a must.
Y/N had decided to keep wearing the soaked tunic, as the wet fabric gave extreme relief to the hot and bruised skin.
As the horse began away from the brook, walking along a path bordered with flowers, Y/N heard something else.
Someone else.
Someone that travelled frequently with the man who had said ‘I love you’ just before their parting- and the man whom Y/N wanted to tell the same to.
It came from a bit far ahead- nearer to the mouth of the brook, where it was more a stream.
Y/N’s eyesight wasn’t the best, but the hearing was- and Philip, Edmund’s horse, had a very loud voice.
“Your Majesty.” The sienna-hued horse’s voice spoke. “Why not a bathe?”
“It’s only half a day to Cair.” Came another voice, and Y/N’s heart soared so high an attack of dizziness came. “I’ll bathe there- and it won’t do to dirty such a clean, pure stream.”
“Edmund!” Y/N shouted, almost falling off the horse.
Climbing properly off her, Y/N ran towards the sounds of the two voices.
”Edmund- Edmund-”
Edmund had his top-armour off, clad in a wet long-sleeved under-shirt, much like Y/N’s, and he had been washing his face and attempting to fill some water into his flash, even though he’d cracked it and water poured out more than it poured in.
At the sound of his consort’s voice, he dropped the flask again, and turned quickly- in alarm and quite a bit of hope.
Y/N flew at him, and they collided together, falling down onto the grass. Their arms stayed around each other, and Edmund kept calling Y/N’s name and Y/N kept calling Edmund’s, though they were clasped tight together, and neither cared that they’d landed half in the water, too.
“You’re here!” Y/N spoke into Edmund’s shoulder, clutching him tight. “What are- how- this isn’t your route-”
“Had to check on the Woods.” Edmund answered, kissing his consort’s cheek.
He was on top, and there was a grin on Y/N's face at the position, and he felt himself blush.
“You’ve been to guide your armies back to Y/C/N, yes? I thought you’d stay home for a few weeks- to rest.”
“I wanted to.” Y/N admitted- as absolutely lovely and beloved as Narnia was, there was no place like home. “But I- I had something to do in Narnia.”
Here, Philip interjected, “Good to see you again, Your Majesty!”
Y/N waved happily at the sarcastic horse, before looking back at Edmund, who was looking curious as he asked, “Official work?”
“Well.” Y/N said, and rolled them around so that their positions revered and Edmund was under. “I had to make a declaration.”
Y/N’s heart was shaking. And there were palpitations. And anxiety. A lot of anxiety. And nerves. And nausea, if one squinted.
But so much love. So much of it. It overwhelmed all else.
His question was ignored, and Y/N went on, “And before that, I had to suggest a date idea.”
And then they kissed, beginning too soft and careful- for neither was aware of the other’s injuries- and then ending with gasps and even tighter grips on each other.
Oh, how they wanted to peel off the remaining armour and the wet tunics and make love then and there, having missed each other so painfully much- but Philip was there. They didn’t want to scar him for life- more than they already had. The poor horse had been an unwitting witness to more than one ardent snogging sessions between the two Monarchs- and, in some of those sessions, they had not been very clothed.
It haunted Philip’s nightmares, but it also gave him a lot of material to tease his rider about.
“Was that the idea?” Edmund asked hoarsely, his hand curling into his consort’s hair. He wanted to say those three words again- so, so badly. “A kissing date?”
Y/N’s swollen lips curved into a smile, “Do you mind it?”
“Not at all.” He said, thinking that all the date ideas he had had might have already been beaten- before asking, “But what’s the declaration? If it’s got paperwork, I’ll have to handle it, you know.”
He was very tired. Fighting battles was difficult. Whatever it was, he wanted to get the work done as soon as possible.
“It is a declaration to the Just King. To my darling husband.” Y/N whispered.
Oh, how could a heart possibly feel like it was creeping so high into a throat!? The anxiety was getting unbearable. It was only Edmund’s proximity and his beautiful, dark eyes gazing into Y/N’s that kept an anxiety attack at bay.
“I declare that I am absolutely and besottedly in love with you.”
“Oh.” Well, he certainly didn’t want that over with as soon as possible.
Never, in fact. He wanted it to last forever.
He smiled again, his heart aglow and both their eyes shining, and they pressed their foreheads against each other’s.
“I love you. I love you so much.”
It was the best date ever.
Vow Renewal Dates
A vow renewal ceremony is not a date, Susan tells her brother and sister-in-law repeatedly- but as far as they’re concerned, that’s exactly what it is.
It takes in a lovely meadow of flowers, and they are together, looking radiant and lovely as they gaze at each other- and they hold hands through it all. They tell each other how much they loved each other, and they promise once again to forever be by each other’s side and be joined in the bond of marriage forevermore.
Well, dates usually didn’t have parents and siblings around, but one couldn’t have everything.
They are in love, though. A love they hope would last forever, and if there’s something after that, then even then.
And it may not be everything- but it certainly does feel like it.
Thank you for reading!
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waitmyturtles · 7 months
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: The Bad Buddy Rewatch Edition, Part 1 -- Where BBS Came From, What It References, and More
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I kick off the first of four (or more, whoa!) posts on Bad Buddy. I'll look today at Thai BLs that preceded Bad Buddy that BBS spoke to, the tropes and themes that BBS reshapes and adds to the genre's existence, and I'll also take a look at singular commonalities among Aof Noppharnach's shows.]
Links to the BBS OGMMTVC Meta Series are here: part 1, part 2, part 3a, part 3b, and part 4
Since April of this year, I have been watching drama after drama, BL after BL, to get myself familiar enough with the Thai BL genre in order to understand... at least, much more about Bad Buddy than I previously understood when I first watched BBS in January. Today, I'm going to test my mettle, my newfound exposures to the genre, in taking a look at what made BBS so special by way of what came before it.
(Let me quickly note that in no way, shape, or form do I consider myself an expert in the Thai BL genre. That honor is for the people who've been through the trenches for years, people like my dear friends @bengiyo, @so-much-yet-to-learn, and more.)
As usual with my OGMMTVC analyses, here's a little outline for the lovers:
1 ) Some quick additional thoughts on how BBS reshapes Thai BL tropes, building off of meta from the time of BBS's original airing,
2) How I think earlier shows spoke to BBS by way of influence, as well as shared writing and/or directing teams in some instances, and
3) Similarities in the emotional structures of some of the most important protagonists of major GMMTV BLs, including Third, Sarawat, Phupha, and Pran.
Just as a quick reminder from my preamble post a couple of days ago, one of the inspirations for my creating the Old GMMTV Challenge was from a discussion I had with @miscellar regarding the Thai BL tropes that Bad Buddy referenced and reshaped. This post is what I have permanently linked as a means of partly explaining the context of why I created the OGMMTVC, but I also want to direct your attention to this other post by @miscellar regarding from whence BL tropes often stem from -- namely, conventions of reference from the het romance genre.
I want to posit two points to get this started. I think that, fundamentally, the general fandom loves what BBS did by way of both including and reshaping Thai BL tropes. Tropes do indeed give structure to many Thai BLs very often, as @miscellar notes in their second linked post. Even director Aof Noppharnach and the cast of Bad Buddy note this point as a central structural foundation to their show.
I would also posit that us as a fandom (or, at least, just speaking for myself)... happen to love many (but not all) of the tropes themselves, or at least to some extent, particularly by way of nostalgic reference. When I was really getting underway with the OGMMTVC watchlist earlier this spring, I could see in watching, say, Love Sick or SOTUS, the birth of the tropes. Phun and Noh hosing each other down, Kongpob and Arthit not only being engineers in SOTUS, but seeking out careers in the field in SOTUS S. The hubby/wifey language, the strong seme/uke energy in Make It Right, in Together With Me, and so on.
I felt that the Thai BL trope framework, in the course of my watchlist progress, first truly coalesced as a means of a coded and referential artistic infrastructure in Love By Chance. Love By Chance, based on a novel by MAME and written and directed by the longtime BL creator, New Siwaj, had it all. Engineering students in a university setting, rich boy/poor boy, seme/uke/top/bottom dynamics, queer revelations, beach trips, the guitars and the singing, all of it. Back in June, I called LBC the first derivative structured BL -- clearly a BL that came from those that preceded it.
To @miscellar's points in their second linked post: LBC also had, I feel, quite a lot of problematic elements. Before I watched TharnType, I was already calling out a discomfort I felt about homophobia within MAME's material in LBC. I also noted very strong macro cishet romance elements in the way Ae approached his engagements with Pete, romantic and intimate.
We know now that Bad Buddy just grabbed these tropes, and even some of these problematic elements, like the demand for a clearly binary seme/uke dynamic -- and turned them on their heads. Pat and Pran were equals and partners, full-stop. No seme/uke, no top/bottom, no gay for you, no wifey this and hubby that. Bad Buddy took SOTUS and LBC by their shoulders and said -- not today, not on my watch (and BBS AND A Tale of Thousand Stars did it AGAIN in Our Skyy 2!). Especially in closing out Bad Buddy through Our Skyy 2, I love how very specific Pat and Pran were about their verse relationship, with both guys, throughout the series and in OS2, asking each other for each other's ratings of their nightly performances. Yes, it was hilarious and cute and flirty, but those conversations were also very pointed -- and they very much harkened way, way back to themes that Aof and his colleague, Jojo Tichakorn, had explored as screenwriter and director of Gay OK Bangkok (here and here), and in Jojo's The Warp Effect, all of these shows preceding their work in BLs.
I think the turning-on-the-heads of these tropes, within an otherwise classic Thai BL, created an utterly unique fabric by which a new kind of nostalgia for the particular show that is Bad Buddy could be created -- something that almost cannot be RECREATED by the way of the construction of the universe of equality, love, mutual respect, and miraculous communication that Pat and Pran had established between each other. The equitable dynamic in Bad Buddy between Pat and Pran, of the honesty and incredibly open empathic communication that these two had between each other, seems to me to be truly unique -- ESPECIALLY in the face of the massively biased and dysfunctional communicative styles of their parents.
Moreover, now that I'm at this point of the OGMMTVC list -- AND including what I know about his shows post-Bad Buddy, in Moonlight Chicken, Our Skyy 2, and Last Twilight, which is airing now -- we now know that Aof has created HIS OWN SET OF TROPES THROUGH HIS SHOWS. He is the queer filmmaker in Thai BLs par excellence to create a conversation among his shows, and shows made by his colleagues, that speak to each other by way of symbolism, and, I believe, a harkening back both to previous expectations of older queer media AND to older Asian media, particularly by way of either open-ended and/or melancholic endings, as well as general explorations of melancholy and bittersweetness in his shows on behalf of queer characters.
(Before I give some specific examples of Aof's own trope structures by way of inspiration and influence, I do want to note that the aforementioned New Siwaj does this, too, particularly by way of his making references to The Love of Siam in his shows. Love of Siam is known for having a relatively tragic ending between two young queer men. The movie itself is shown and referenced in New's Absolute Zero and My Only 12% -- and the actors who play Tong's parents, who interfere in Tong's relationship with Mew, are reunited as parents in New's Until We Meet Again, where they support Dean's relationship with Pharm. However, I tend to focus on Aof in admiration as his art is generally more consistently excellent.)
So! What are the new tropes that Aof references in his shows -- the new trope frameworks that he's created for himself, to reflect his own interpretation of the Thai BL genre? We have upside-down smiley faces in Bad Buddy -- but we saw them first in Still 2gether! We have picture boards all over the place in Aof's cinematic universes -- in ATOTS, in BBS (TWICE!) (in two different apartments!), in Moonlight Chicken between Alan and Wen. We have scenes of temples, of culturally-rooted spirituality, from He's Coming To Me, to Moonlight Chicken, and now in Last Twilight. From Phupha's internalized homophobia in A Tale of Thousand Stars, to Jim's internalized homophobia in Moonlight Chicken, Aof doesn't shy away from examining the impacts of the pasts of traditional childhoods in rural settings. Call me a cheesy mom, but I happen to love Aof's tendency to punctuate light moments with cute sound effects.
But beyond tropes and trope frameworks, I think the ways in which Bad Buddy speaks to prior shows -- and vice versa, the way that prior shows ended up contributing to Bad Buddy -- were far more impactful by way of larger, macro-level themes.
While we see on BBS the impact of shows like SOTUS (in SO MANY PLACES in BBS besides Pa's gay-for-you reference and the husband/wife reference, including here and here), I Told Sunset About You, and I Promised You The Moon (I'll have more on IPYTM in a post next week about pain, trust, and separation), we also see what themes the future Bad Buddy team was trying out in their own previous shows. Besides Aof's Still 2gether and A Tale of Thousand Stars, the writing team of Au Kornprom, Bee Pongsate, and Pratchaya Thavornthummarut worked on Theory of Love together. Besides becoming a HUGE fave of mine through the OGMMTVC project, I think Theory of Love held possibly some of the most important proto-BBS themes that I saw along the cinematic way to get to Bad Buddy.
Theory of Love, generally speaking, is about how one person can try to change for another person -- and how that other person, and/or the world, accepts that change.
To fast-forward to the end of BBS: we know that the boys take inspiration from Uncle Tong that they will not let the world of their own intergenerational traumas from their families keep them from loving each other, and being in a devoted relationship with each other. Their empathy for their parents dictates that they'll spare their families the pain of being open about their relationship, and they'll keep the somewhat transparent secret that they're together from being discussed in the open.
Pat and Pran negotiate the impacts of how their relationship may change the people around them -- and they make an empathic decision to spare the families the pain of the upfront realization of that truth. Remember what they say in episode 12:
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While Bad Buddy focuses on how the team of Pran and Pat negotiate how their relationship will change others -- I see in Theory of Love the testing of this theme within the potential romantic relationship of Khai and Third. I see Au, Bee, and Pratchaya playing with an idea of change and saying, hey, this is how it can work, and this is how it may not work, realistically. I think Khai and Third end up being a successful couple because -- unlike Pran and Pat -- they don't have to negotiate a generational divide to allow change to infiltrate their lives. (In fact, Third's own process of change, and his acceptance of Khai's change, reflects Pran's journey to welcome Pat into his heart, and Wai's journey to accept Pat's and Pran's relationship.) I love how we see this getting played with, literally by the Bad Buddy squad themselves, in Theory of Love.
It was @lurkingshan who first noted the similarities between Third and Pran for me, and I want to expand on that conversation for a moment to talk about another importance fencepost in Aof's thematic universes -- what our dear friend @bengiyo calls The Knowing of queer male characters in BL dramas.
Third is not Aof's character -- Third belongs to X Nuttapong as the director of Theory of Love -- but Pran, Sarawat from 2gether/Still 2gether, and Phupha of A Tale of Thousand Stars all belong to Aof, and Third was written by Aof's usual squad of writer homies. Third, Sarawat, Phupha, and Pran are all characters written with The Knowing of their being queer in their bones and existences, dealing with a certain amount of suffering and realistic realizations related directly to that Knowing -- in large part, carrying with them painful assumptions of unrequited love, and/or the inability to live openly in love with those that they pine for, until a happy or somewhat-happy ending meets them at the end of their dramatic journeys.
I've unwound quite a bit in my past writing (namely regarding The Love of Siam and the endings of Gay OK Bangkok) of how it moves me incredibly deeply that Aof doesn't shy away from pain, reflections of pain, and either painful and/or open-ended endings in his works. With Third, Sarawat, Phupha, and Pran, us viewers were treated to detailed and empathic journeys of realization and change as these characters negotiated their own paths to intimate honesty with their eventual partners. But those paths were DAMN hard. Many of us still can't shake Pran walking away in crushed tears at the end of episode 5. I'm forever moved by Sarawat's meditation to Earn about the meaning of his relationship and of his love for Tine in Still 2gether as he and Tine are temporarily separated before their school competition.
As an out, queer man, Aof treats his Knowing characters with the greatest empathy. Not all of them, interestingly, are great communicators. In my humble opinion, Third treads chump territory many times throughout Theory of Love. Phupha's, like, one of the worst communicators ever, and this was absolutely solidified until the very end of Our Skyy 2 x ATOTS. We had to have Pran compete with Pat throughout all of episode 6 of Bad Buddy for them to finally confirm their relationship as boyfriends -- and a huge part of that was about Pat revealing to Pran that Pat's competitions with Pran are really more about getting closer and more intimate. The incredible @telomeke (via their side blog, @telomeke-bbs) has written about Pran's outside façade vs. his inner sanctuary, and how so very often in his external life, Pran feels compelled to be visually far more organized than he feels internally. The stress and pressure of that will naturally cause some amount of dissociation, emotional confusion, and distance of the kind we saw at the end of episode 5.
I'm going to unwind more about this in an upcoming Big Meta on pain, trust, and separation in many of Aof's shows, but I want to highlight these melancholic themes and infrastructures here now, because I really think they lend emotional depth and connections to shows either led by Aof and/or his close colleagues. These are tough themes to think about. The endings can absolutely be interpreted as happy endings in most cases -- even though an Asian viewer like myself, very much raised on Asian content, can read between the lines of these endings to understand their melancholic underpinnings.
Bad Buddy is perhaps the most popular of Aof's dramas, I'd posit, because while the ending of the series is a little sad to contemplate -- it ends, as it began, with utter equality between Pat and Pran as protagonists who deeply care about each other, to the point of establishing what I might term as a radical re-envisioning of the broken and traumatic paradigm that their parents forced upon each of them as children. By engaging, essentially, in radical empathy to each other, they triumphed over the global framework of what was set before them by their own private familial society.
I think this emphasizes the tremendous largesse of the personal changes that Aof's characters undergo in their emotional processes -- whether these characters are Knowing characters, or if, like Pat, they've experienced queer revelations within their shows. To hand to these characters these TREMENDOUS emotional journeys, and to situate these journeys in shows that treat these characters with the utmost respect, lends to Aof's shows -- especially Bad Buddy -- a safety net for us as viewers to trust fully in the journeys we're watching.
Aof takes tropes and problematic themes and reorganizes them, like a Rubix cube. He takes themes that Asians and queer family know of far too well, like intergenerational trauma or social outcasting, and shows how his characters can still find happiness, while realistically keeping these traumas within a character's horizon. And, he's created his own trustworthy frameworks of art that we can depend on as fans. I love and appreciate the patterns in this, and I continue to remain in awe at the power that Bad Buddy had in encapsulating so much of what was percolating in Aof's mind and fingertips as he constructed this show with the influence of others -- making this show a truly legendary one.
(Tagging @dribs-and-drabbles and @solitaryandwandering by request! If you'd like to be tagged, please let me know!)
[First BBS OGMMTVC meta down, and more to come! Stay tuned next week for a Big Meta on Pain, Trust, and Separation in Some Asian Dramas. The piece will hew close to Bad Buddy, but I've got some other GMMTV and non-GMMTV dramas (and even a Japanese dorama BL) in there to analyze as well.
Here's the complete OGMMTVC watchlist as it stands today. Tumblr's web editor is utterly jacking with this list; for a more accurate look at what I've watched, please mosey over to this link!
1) The Love of Siam (2007) (movie) (review here) 2) My Bromance (2014) (movie) (review here) 3) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 4) Gay OK Bangkok Season 1 (2016) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 5) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 6) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 7) Gay OK Bangkok Season 2 (2017) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 8) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 9) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 10) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 11) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 12) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 13) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 14) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 15) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 16) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (OffGun BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (no review) 17) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 18) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (a non-BL and an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 19) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 20) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) (and notes on my UWMA rewatch here) 21) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020) (review here) 22) I Told Sunset About You (2020) (review here) 23) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (review here) 24) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) (review here) 25) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 26) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (re-review here) 27) Lovely Writer (2021) (review here) 28) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) (review here) 29) I Promised You the Moon (2021) (review here) 30) Not Me (2021-2022) (review here) 31) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 32) 55:15 Never Too Late (2021-2022) (not a BL, but a GMMTV drama that features a macro BL storyline about shipper culture and the BL industry) (review here) 33) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch (The BBS OGMMTVC Meta Series is ongoing: preamble here, more reviews to come) 34) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] (watching) 35) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 36) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For the Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 37) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 38) The Eclipse OGMMTVC Rewatch For the Sake of Re-Analyzing an Politics-Focused Show After Not Me 39) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 40) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 41) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 42) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults) 43) Be My Favorite (2023) (tag here) (I’m including this for BMF’s sophisticated commentary on Krist’s career past as a BL icon) 44) Wedding Plan (2023) 45) Only Friends (2023) (tag here)]
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haru-natsuka · 2 years
First step (Leona Kingscholar x Female Reader)
Genre: Romance
You thought the idea of being arranged married with Leona was loathed by him due to his lack of attention to you until the day your daughter fell sick, you discovered something new...
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The picture is not mine. Credit to the rightful owner, karasumai. Here is the link to the owner's Twitter :-
Before you knew it, it was already midnight. The click sound of your hills quickened. The moon was already, clearly visible in the sky as the hall was lit by its very light, the path was palpable but your mind was in turmoil. The meeting was longer than before as if the councils insulted your hectic situation. You had asked for being excuse and yet they just brushed it off and you could not even vent out your anger. Not when you were entitled with being the second prince's wife.
You thought you would not be this busy but you were proven to be more wrong than ever as the work kept on increasing as time passed by. You need to analyse the household income, decoration, maid and servant, and tea party. You did not get enough rest for yourself and you could not even imagine what Leona got in his hand. After all, he was the head of this house which means he had a lot more work than you and somehow, he still managed to sleep most of the time. What were his tricks really?!
The intent to learn from him had long fruited in your heart and yet you could not confess anything to Leona or even worst held a long conversation although he was your legal husband. Both of your marriage was entirely arranged by both of your parents and you just went along despite all the bad rumours that lingered about Leona. Most of it was about his laziness and you loved to treat rumour as just what it was.
It could be said both of you did the duty of husband and wife perfectly despite the lack of communication. After one year of your marriage, you had conceived a child, your now 4 years old daughter but still, it felt more like a part of the job you need to do and an obligation rather than the affection between a married couple.
The lack of loving touch was evident in your eyes and yet it did remain hidden in public as we could not have more awful rumours about Leona when his brother was widely known for his happy marriage. You craved for your dear husband's affection too, greatly. The urged you to do every typical cheesy gesture being held in your heart as you could only picture it in your brain or childishly even dream about it.
He and you, sharing a kiss in the morning, being in each other arms until fall asleep, braiding his hair, rubbing his soft ear and much more. However, knowing Leona after all these past years, he might found it bothersome and pondered over sleep more but it was just your speculation, that's all.
Most of the time, you were the one who took care of your daughter. You had never really seen your husband spend quality time with her and yet you still remember your little girl always preferred Leona than you. Was the lack of attention made her hopeful? You hope it was not the case. You could not bear for her to be disappointed too, like you
Normally, you would come to your daughter's room with a book in hand for her bedtime story. However, today, the routine needed to be excused as it was replaced with a basin filled with cold water as you need to wet her head to cool down her fever.
Slowly, the knob was being twisted without any sound so you would not disturb your daughter in case she was asleep. You peaked inside and indeed, she was sleeping with her table lamp as her accompany making the room dimly lit.
With only 3 steps into the room, your legs immediately stopped themselves as you just noticed another figure present inside the room, sitting beside your daughter on the chair. His drowsy eyes glanced at you for a brief moment and yet it was enough to hitch your breath while you held the basin tighter.
"That was a long meeting" Leone was the first one starting a conversation which very rare occurrence and it was enough to leave you almost speechless due to the sudden shock. What happened to your brain right now when the opportunity was laid in front of you.
"It was, dear- Leona..." The answer came out shorter than you hoped and you even mistakenly addressed him as you usually would when both of you present in public eyes. You continued your steps, slightly feeling awkward and still trying to act as normal as you could. Meanwhile, Leona stared right into you as and was aware of your bad acting. Sighing in defeat, he stands on his two feet before snatching the basin from you.
"Th-that. Give me-"
"I had fed her, gave her medicine, change her towel. You can just go straight to sleep, Y/N" As seeing you did not even bulge from your place, he put the basin on the near table and teleported the two of you to your shared chamber.
Without getting the time to contemplate anything from the situation, your husband had already laid you on the bed while he took the spot beside you and snuggled you towards him.
Leona slightly bared chest was right in front of your face. Eyes frequently averted to anywhere else, trying not to imagine further than what you should. You blinked once and twice even as you much in need to think about anything else or you would not inhale any air due to the invisible lump in your throat. The blush slowly crept further up and covered your face, neck and ear completely.
Leona could just smirk at your panicked state as it was the first time he witnessed this. Usually, he would have skinship with you when you were much more unaware, mostly during your sleep time but a change would not be hurt and fun in a while. If he , you was lucky, he might even hold you openly in public, his only wife.
"The night is cold or do you want to catch a fever too?" Leone already knew your answer as he mentally laughed in his mind due to your cluelessness.
"Thank you, Leona" Your heart melts with his kindness. Before this, you might be blind to discovering the truth. He was more caring and sensitive than you believed.
You, did not know what to do with your hand just end up clutched tightly on his cloth and snuggled closer with him. Every development needed to start with a step toward progress. In the midst of your drowsy state, you faintly heard his whisper in his last breath,
Anything for..., my dear partner...
Other Savanaclaw's one-shots :-
Next: Last step part 1 (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader)
Stolen (Ruggie Bucchi x Female Reader)
Fetish (Jack Howl x Female Reader)
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lumiidragon · 8 months
Got any dib or zim headcanons?
Or head-canons about their relationship with each other?
Here's a few I like playing with~
For Dib:
-Dib starts out as a "GET THE ALIEN! LET'S SEE HIS GUTS AND BLOOD AND THROW HIM IN A TEST TUBE FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE YES!" and slowly as he ages becomes more of a "Ok, so if Zim dies, I may loose my chance to ever be able to study an alien this close ever again. Dang, ok, so I'll just make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble, but oh boy are people gonna be surprised when I can show them a real alien AND give them all sorts of information and be known as the 'Alien Expert'!" So he moves from wanting Zim recklessly exposed to trying to learn all he can and more easily show the truth in a way that won't get him silenced by the "men in black" and Zim snatched away never to be seen again.
-Dib is autistic (but I feel like this has to be canon to some degree lol).
-Dib would be a lot worse off mentally and emotionally if he had never met Zim.
-Dib turned into Zim's school bully out of unintended mirroring from how the other kids treated him before Zim arrived. He never meant to become such a person and hasn't even realized it, but this behavior tames over time as he ages.
For Zim:
-Zim is not going to process negative emotions properly thanks to how junked up his PAK is. You can also sit and try to tear his spirit down as much as you want and it either A) won't effect him at all or he'll just shrug it off B) not let it bother him for long and will probably forget all about it C) won't even realize you're trying to break him down.
-Zim get's "PAK glitches" which is what causes him to yell his name or other random things at random times. This also causes him to become scatter-brained, unreasonably violent, or just erratic. He doesn't even know or understand when these happen and most, if not everyone around him just brushes it off as it "just being Zim".
-Zim gets paranoid over random things in a strong manner at times and cannot rationalize it. This paranoia is often over things that "could hurt him" or failure and how the Tallests will react to these failures. Even if completely unjustified, it'll eat through him causing him to have to react and remedy the situation/destroy the threat, otherwise, he'll become too distracted and the paranoia will continue to worsen (this one is something I suffer through, so I cope by making Zim suffer too, lol).
-Despite Irkens running off of the "Taller means more superior" mindset, Zim actually doesn't have much, if any respect for any taller Irken other than the Tallests themselves.
-Zim and other Irkens are VIOLENTLY allergic to caffeine due to their insect-like nature.
For Both
-Zim and Dib need each other in their lives more than they want to admit. Dib finally feels as though he has a purpose in life and he's the proof he needed, not for others or his father to see, but for him to see for himself as well. Zim re-lit the fire in Dib's passion for the paranormal.
-Zim sometimes breaks into Dib's house (or gets permission from Professor Membrane) for sleepovers. This is often spent arguing, spitting insults at each other, and eating popcorn while watching ghost and paranormal video's on Dib's laptop while they both analyze the "good" ones and taunt the stupid ones.
-They laugh at each other's misery when they cause it, but Zim nor Dib laugh along with the other skool kids when they bully one or the other. The never step in to help, but they don't add to it, either.
-The most petty thing Dib has ever done is chase Zim with a laser pointer after discovering that the Irken is terrified of them.
(Do not tag as ship.)
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mcjoebond · 7 months
I thought of a plot for BiHanzo fic but I know I'll never write it. So I decided just to describe it in the tumblr post. Maybe it will inspire someone to something
It's MK9-11 Universe
Hanzo and Bi-Han met each other much earlier than their first MK tournament. Lin Kuei was a Chinese clan whereas Shirai Ryu was a Japanese clan but both clans had their bases all over the Earthrealm, some of them located even in other realms. Two of the Japanese bases located near to each other. Both of the clans were aware of it and were cautious of the other clan's actions but mostly ignored each other. That's where Hanzo, Bi Han and his little brother lived. Bi Han even learned Japanese to be capable of speaking with locals.
Hanzo and Bi Han ran into each other on the field where both of them used to train. Before the day of their meeting they both had already used it but never seen each other. Of course, they recognized the rival clan so they tried to beat each other up and win the right to train on the field all by himself. But their strength level was equal and no matter how hard they tried, the fights ended up in a draw. They had to admit it was the best sparing battle they'd ever had. So to keep a great opponent they got a deal to share the field and to train with each other.
Later they couldn't help but turned into buddies. And then they fell in love.
Their relationship was... challenging. They were opposites. Hanzo was passionate, spontaneous, impatient. And Bi Han was calm, reserved and even closed. Bi Han found it difficult to trust Hanzo with his feelings and Hanzo found it impossible to wait for a moment when Bi Han was ready. But a bunch of trainings together taught them to understand each other better and to compromise. Hanzo was learning to control his emotions and Bi Han was learning to be more risky and to lean on his intuition, not only logic. Of course they had arguments but they always managed to find a way out of any problem. That's how they made their relationship work.
Obviously they had to hide. Nobody knew about their secret meetings. Sometimes one of them had a personal mission and he could take another with him if there was no risk of being seen together. Or they could organize a hike together telling their masters they wanted to spend several days alone with nature. Nobody seemed to care about their small trips so both of them started to loose their cautiousness. That's how Kuai Liang, Bi Han's younger brother, found out about them.
Kuai Liang got curious about his elder brother's walks. Bi Han said he liked to train alone but Kuai wasn't satisfied with the answer as Bi Han refused to take Kuai Liang along with him even once. So Kuai Liang decided to spy on the brother. He wasn't noticed on the way and he was so proud he could hide from his brother's attentive eye. Although he was discovered later and nearly killed by the brother as Bi Han heard the noise and automatically threw an ice kunai towards it. Kuai Liang managed to dodge but he had to show himself not to be attacked further. Hanzo and he introduced themselves to each other but Bi Han almost immediately grabbed Kuai Liang and left the field. Kuai Liang expected the brother to be mad but Bi Han didn't say a thing. Then Kuai Liang asked if Hanzo belonged to Shirai Ryu. Bi Han answered honestly. That was the first and the last time they talked about it.
After this incident Bi Han came to their special place less often. He became more cautious, even paranoid and Hanzo had really hard time distracting him or calming him down.
One day Bi Han asked Hanzo not to get his little brother involved if something happened between them. Hanzo was really surprised to hear that as he saw no reason for them to fight or anything. He asked for examples. Bi Han reminded they still belonged to rival clans and as now they were among the best assassins there, they could confront each other anytime. Hanzo clarified that Bi Han would kill him if he was given order to. Bi Han confirmed it. That pissed Hanzo off and he decided to finish their relationship not to be stabbed in the back in the future. He got cooled of several days later and he came to the field but Bi Han wasn't there. Hanzo didn't show up there anymore.
Hanzo turned his love into rage. He couldn't forget Bi Han but not in a romantic kind of way - he was angry. When Lin Kuei attacked their base because, as they said, some of the 'Shirai Ryu dogs' were spying on them, Hanzo and the clan had to leave the place. It didn't seem Bi Han had to do anything with the conflict.
The rage let Hanzo move further though. He fell in love with a girl, married her and they had a son together. But his happy life couldn't last long as he was killed by Bi Han during the mission at the MK tournament.
You know what happened next. Hanzo was resurrected as a ghost by Quan Chi, convinced that Bi Han had killed his clan and family. And even though he'd promised Raiden to spare Bi Han's life, Hanzo got blinded by anger and killed him. Later he managed to come free of Quan Chi's spell and learnt to control his rage. He also restored Shirai Ryu and became its Grandmaster. Thanks to Kuai Liang, Hanzo learnt the truth behind his clan's death and they managed to establish peace between their clans.
Apart from the cooperation Hanzo and Kuai Liang started a romantic relationship too. Hanzo resisted it for a long time. First, he found it very hard to get close to anybody after losing his wife and son. His wounds still felt fresh but Kuai Liang was trying his best to help him heal it. Second, although Kuai Liang was very different from his brother, he reminded of him a lot. The same name, the same clan, the similar looks, the same abilities. Hanzo was aware now that Bi Han wasn't responsible for his family's murder. But Hanzo was still mad at him. For killing him, for coming back as a wraith, for crimes he did in the form of Noob Saibot. Kuai Liang was angry at his brother too and that helped Hanzo a lot not to see Bi Han in his successor.
One evening Hanzo and Kuai Liang spent their time together and during one of the tender moments they used to have Kuai Liang recalled their first ever meeting. He said that he couldn't understand why Bi Han had been so fond of Hanzo and now having a sweet kiss with him Kuai Liang finally got it. Hanzo was flattered and surprised at the same time and he expressed his doubts on Bi Han's feelings towards him, considering Bi Han's future actions. Kuai Liang couldn't explain the brother's motives but he was 100%-confident that Bi Han used to love Hanzo. Kuai Liang managed to see only one Bi Han's look at Hanzo and it was enough for him to say that Hanzo was one of the most important people for Bi Han. They didn't come to agreement on that but agreed to drop the topic and leave the past in the past.
That night Hanzo had a dream about young Bi Han and Kuai Liang. They were about 12 and 7 years old. Both of them were trained ruthlessly by Lin Kuei masters. It was obviously too hard for both of them but they had to do their best, they were forced to. The brothers were kidnapped from their family and used to create powerful cryomancers. But none of them could awaken their powers. It was especially hard for small Kuai Liang and Bi Han tried to draw the attention to himself either working hard or pulling some tricks over other students or masters. Bi Han knew they had to start using their innate abilities otherwise Lin Kuei would get rid of them. So he tried his best to achieve the results and protect his little brother from exhausting trainings. Eventually, Bi Han awakened his cryo powers and became the center of the masters' attention. Lin Kuei went easy on Kuai Liang from that moment and focused on making a great assassin out of Bi Han.
Hanzo found the dream very weird. He described it to Kuai Liang and Kuai was as surprised as Hanzo. Kuai Liang couldn't say how true the dream was as he didn't remember anything about Bi Han's trainings. But he confirmed several facts, like: they were kidnapped because of their innate powers, the trainings felt very hard for a kid and Bi Han awakened his abilities pretty early, around 12-13 years old. Kuai Liang managed to do that several years later and Bi Han asked to train the brother himself. But Kuai Liang knew nothing about his brother forcing himself to train so he could ease it up for Kuai Liang. Even if that was true, he doubted Bi Han would ever confess it.
Suddenly Hanzo remembered one controversial thing about the brothers and he asked if cryomancers felt cold. Kuai Liang answered that they usually didn't as they could control the temperature of their body and lower it as much as their skills allowed. But, as he'd read in the scrolls he'd found in the temple of their ancestors, there was a chance a cryomancer felt cold if they couldn't subdue their power. Hanzo wondered if that could happen to Bi Han. Kuai Liang confirmed that it was very likely. Cryomancers perfected their power control by their thirties whereas Bi Han was a skillful cryomancer by his eighteen years and that could affect him badly. But Kuai Liang didn't know if anything used to bother Bi Han. Hanzo told him that Bi Han felt cold permanently even though he never admitted that. Kuai Liang found it unfair that he happened to avoid such destiny and Bi Han didn't. Hanzo soothed him by saying that as Kuai Liang was the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster now, he wouldn't let any kid experience the same his brother did.
The next night Hanzo had another dream starring Bi Han. He was older this time. Hanzo and he had already been dating then. As Hanzo figured out, Bi Han was going to their meeting place. Suddenly Bi Han noticed someone was following him and not showing any suspense he changed the course. He appeared to get to another field, which wasn't far from the original destination but closer to the Lin Kuei's base according to Hanzo's memories. Bi Han turned around and found out his follower was Sektor. Bi Han warned he could have attacked Sektor thinking he was followed by an enemy. Smiling deviously, Sektor responded he just wanted to train with Bi Han at the latter's special place. Bi Han deadpanned that they could train together on the Lin Kuei territory cause he didn't want to share his private place with anyone. Sektor got the hint and left. Bi Han didn't go to Hanzo though, he spent the rest of the day on another field and then came back home.
Hanzo told about this dream to Kuai Liang too. Kuai Liang couldn't confirm or deny something like that had happened but there was a chance. Kuai Liang told Hanzo that there was a period when Sektor tried to find some dirt on Bi Han. The Grandmaster announced he was going to choose his successor and even though Sektor was the Grandmaster's son, he preferred Bi Han more. Sektor tried to undermine Bi Han's credibility but he never found anything he could use. Apparently, Sektor expected to find something interesting in the place Bi Han used to go all the time but he didn't succeed. Luckily, Bi Han didn't get caught. They could punish him severely for the bond with the Shirai Ryu member, maybe even kill for betrayal. Hanzo wasn't aware of such troubles in the rival clan but he wasn't surprised as he found out.
Hanzo was wondering why he would have dreams about Bi Han all of a sudden. Kuai Liang suggested Bi Han himself was showing it to him somehow. Hanzo didn't see how it could be possible but kept such option in mind.
Bi Han appeared in his dream again. Bi Han was sitting in front of the table with different kinds of weapons. Sektor entered the room and congratulated him on an important mission. Sektor mentioned the MK tournament so Hanzo guessed that it was happening right before the tournament where he was killed by Bi Han. Sektor also said that Bi Han's future as a Grandmaster depended on it - if Bi Han succeeded, he would become an official successor. Bi Han didn't respond as Sektor kept talking. Suddenly he wondered if anyone from Shirai Ryu would participate in the tournament and reminded Bi Han if Bi Han ran into any 'Shirai Ryu dog', he would have to kill them. Bi Han asked casually if it was necessary and Sektor confirmed. If Bi Han didn't do that, he would be suspected in disloyalty. Which might turn into a very tragic situation considering that Kuai Liang stayed at the Lin Kuei base during Bi Han's mission. Bi Han recommended Sektor not to discredit himself with low and absurd threats. Sektor grinned that he had just warned Bi Han and left the room.
Hanzo woke up in the middle of the night. He remembered Kuai Liang's theory about Bi Han telling him all of that immediately as Hanzo felt someone's presence in the room. He looked around, looked out of the window and even called out Bi Han but found and heard nothing.
He didn't tell Kuai Liang about this dream. Kuai Liang looked worried when Hanzo shared the idea Bi Han might have hurt himself to protect the brother. He would be much more stressed if Hanzo revealed the chance Kuai Liang was connected with Hanzo's death too. Hanzo didn't believe in reliability of his dreams but Kuai Liang seemed to trust them.
The last dream in the row was long and hectic. It started in the dark but big and frightening room with three people inside - Bi Han, Sektor and an old man Hanzo didn't know but supposed it was the Lin Kuei Grandmaster. They were talking about turning all Lin Kuei members into cyborgs. Bi Han and Sektor were staring at each other, Bi Han looked tensed and Sektor was smiling with his eyes. Hanzo managed to understand by the context that Sektor had given the cyborg idea to his father. Bi-Han was trying to convince the idea was a failure but every time he started to bring up the argument he was shut by Sektor. Sektor turned all arguments to Bi-Han's possible disloyalty and mistrust to the clan and the Grandmaster. The Grandmaster was agreeing with Sektor and not listening to Bi Han. He even expressed his doubts on making Bi Han next Grandmaster. Considering Sektor's smirk that was exactly what Sektor was trying to achieve. Obviously, Bi Han was losing his position and could do nothing about it.
Next Hanzo saw Bi Han in his room together with Kuai Liang. Worried Kuai Liang was telling Bi Han that he didn't want to become a cyborg and Bi Han had to do something about it as among all the Lin Kuei members Bi Han had the highest chance of success. And also the opportunity because all regular assassins were not allowed to disobey the Grandmaster. Bi Han said he was working on it and trying his best. Kuai Liang suddenly suggested running away from the clan. Bi Han declined it immediately and reminded his brother what Lin Kuei did with traitors. The brothers started a fight. Kuai Liang didn't like Bi Han was treating him like a child and refused to see Kuai Liang was capable of protecting himself. Also he said Bi Han was afraid of Lin Kuei more than he should. That's where the conversation ended. Bi Han promised he would figure out what to do after the mission.
Hanzo recognized the mission and could tell for sure: Bi Han wouldn't come back. That was the tournament where Hanzo killed Bi Han. First Hanzo saw Bi Han in the company of Cyrax and Sektor. Sektor said everyone in Shirai Ryu was dead. Bi Han was taken aback with the news and asked who was responsible for that. Sektor answered that he didn't care as long as they didn't bother Lin Kuei. Cyrax looked at Sektor questionably but Bi Han was already leaving. Before he came out of the door, Sektor added that Scorpion was heard to participate in the tournament. Bi Han turned around for a moment, he had a concerned look on his face, and then finally left.
The next scene was too familiar for Hanzo. He saw himself as a ghost in front of Bi Han, he had already defeated Bi Han and Quan Chi was showing him the scenes of his family dying. Bi Han was watching it too. When he saw someone who looked like him, Bi Han tried to tell Hanzo it wasn't him but Hanzo didn't listen. And at that moment Hanzo noticed Bi Han wanted to use the rest of his powers to save himself (or at least to try). But then he whispered 'What have I done to you?' and put his hands down. Bi Han gave up and let Hanzo kill him.
Suddenly Hanzo woke up and saw a face upon him. Kuai Liang was right: it was Bi Han's work. Noob Saibot was on top of Hanzo. Noob looked surprised, he didn't expect Hanzo to wake up so early. Hanzo reacted immediately, threw Noob off himself and pinned the wraith to the wall. Hanzo warned he knew how to fight wraiths so Noob couldn't escape from him. He asked what Noob was doing here and why he had been showing him all those things. In a weak voice Noob replied he wanted Hanzo to see the truth. Hanzo noted he couldn't trust those visions and he didn't. Noob agreed and said it was Hanzo's choice to believe it or not. Then he asked Hanzo to let him go because Noob didn't want to hurt him. Hanzo got confused and asked for an explanation. Noob said: 'I do not control the darkness, the darkness controls me'. It reminded Hanzo of the discussion with Kuai Liang. Could that be related to Bi Han's former control of cryo powers? Before Hanzo could come to an answer, Noob said one more thing and it shocked Hanzo so much he eased the grab on him. Noob managed to escape. The words he said were 'I'm sorry'.
Hanzo couldn't get any sleep that night as all of that got him thinking. Was it true? If it was, Hanzo couldn't be mad at Bi Han anymore. He remembered warm moments they used to have and realized he still loved Bi Han but hadn't seen that because of the pain and anger. Hanzo had to question himself if he really loved Kuai Liang or he just tried to have something special with him as he couldn't have it with his brother? If he had feelings for both of them, what would he do? Now he knew Bi Han's ghost was still around and didn't disappear in the soulnado. Did Hanzo have to try to bring Bi Han back to life? Did he have to finally make it right with him? Did Bi Han himself want it? Could Bi Han overcome the darkness that controlled him?
Hanzo didn't tell Kuai Liang about the meeting with his brother. He was going to though, once he'd make a decision what to do. But that never happened. In a few days Hanzo was killed by D'Vorah.
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bobbie-robron · 5 months
Robron Fanfiction Recommendations (Dec-2023)
Tumblr media
The below were recommended on Twitter in Dec-2023.
Discovered (2016) 13.1K words, robron_til_the_end
It’s April 2015 and Robert and Aaron are on their own enjoying themselves at Home Farm until Chrissie comes back early only to find them in bed together revealing their affair. This being Robert, he does the usual to convince Chrissie to stay with him and that Aaron was a mistake. In the end, Chrissie gives him an ultimatum… leave the village with her or they are through. What will Robert’s decision be and will he regret it in the end?
Oh, cause I need you to see that you are the reason (2018) 3.0K words, storiesthatmakeus
It’s time for Reunion 2.0! The club setting remains as does the pointless one being effectively and promptly dumped by Aaron but that’s where things change. A taxi drive back to the village and Aaron doing his best to get his soulmate/husband back while the rain falls on them.
Robron: Evening classes (2016) 12.7K words, jdinglemonkey
Aaron decides to take an evening dance course and the lecturer is Robert which he becomes smitten with quickly. But Robert has a dark past with a broken heart which makes it difficult for the two to make progress, on the personal side that is. When Aaron is told what Robert’s past holds and why he left the village, will it too much to move forward together?
This is How it Could Have Gone (2015) 3.6K words, dirtylittlegreasemonkey
We all know how Robert and Aaron started out those early weeks in 2014. Now, here, we have three scenarios where things happened differently (no need to go into detail, is there?): Mates? Join me if you want? The callout to the layby. Enjoy!
It’s a beautiful sound, It’s a beautiful noise series (2018) 10.6K words, andyyouknowitis
A set of three stories focusing on Robert and Aaron after their reunion including focus on finding balance in their lives, struggling with money, Robert getting gifts from the heart from Aaron, Aaron’s worry about failing both Liv and Sebastian, and a reflective look over the course of a year ending with Sebastian’s absence in their lives. Cannon compliant (mostly) with more texture added to flesh out moments.
The Green Eyed Monster (2018) 2.9K words, coffeeandghostwriting
Reunion 2.0. The girl squad (Robert’s sister, Vanessa and Tracy) take Robert to Bar West to help him ‘move on.’ That might not be so easy especially when Aaron shows up not liking his husband/ex (he can’t decide) being chatted up (while he himself is there with the pointless one and his mates). A bit different ending. Also includes a side focus on Vanessa and Charity.
Music is a window to the soul series (2016) 7.7K words, RobronForever
Two stories in this series taking place before the trial starts with both Aaron and Robert learning more about the other through songs. First, while helping Robert’s sister, Aaron hears a song that reminds him of Robert but wants to keep that tidbit from reaching Robert’s ears. In the second story, Aaron wants to know what is on Robert’s ‘Aaron’ playlist even if it means getting him tipsy to get it…
Broken (2016) 3.4K words, imaginentertain
Robert wants to get the perfect Christmas present for Aaron after the rough year they had but each (extravagant) idea he comes up with, it gets shot down by those he asks close to Aaron. So, what do to? The ideal gift was there all along, it just needed to be pointed out by a certain someone because it’s not gift itself that matters but what the person does for another...
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not-krys · 9 months
Seasonal Vibes Meme
So, saw a prompt on twitter about what seasonal vibes a character/ship gives off, so I think it'd be a fun question for here and a good writing exercise:
What seasonal vibes does your OC / squish / ship give off? Are they like spring or winter? Can also include not so traditionally thought of seasons, like the rainy season, harvest season, winter/spring thaw, a local holiday season, bug season, etc.
For those that wanna do this too, you can do your OC (fandom or original), or even just your favorite fictional squish at the moment.
For those that wanna do ships, sky's also the limit. MC x canon, OC x canon, canon x canon, selfship x canon, romantic or platonic, doesn't matter, just whatever the seasonal vibe is with a lil blerb as to why that is.
No pressure tagging: @lorei-writes, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly, @scummy-writes, @honeybyte, @batteryrose, @drachonia, @limonzu, @tsundere-mitsuhide, and anyone else that's wants to play.
Houki/Mitsunari (IkeSen): Spring, Sweet blossoming beginnings. Both are discovering new things around them (Houki quite literally as she's from a different world all together, Mitsunari learning about love and confidence) and while there may be storms along the way, they help each other blossom into themselves.
(plus it doesn't help that @beni-draw-ikemen-please drew them surrounded by cherry blossoms a while back, so I'll always think of them with the springtime vibes)
Ophelia/Kennyo (IkeSen): Late Winter/Early Spring Thaw. Times of deep turmoil coming to an end so that something new and wonderful can grow. They both have troubling things happen to them in the past, but as time passes, they learn to grow as people and to put the harsh times behind them so they can have hope for the future.
Thea/Theo/Arthur (IkeVamp): Summer. Time of high heat and fun adventures. They bicker and tease each other a lot of the time, but they never turn down having an adventure together. Whether that adventure consists of solving some small mystery in town, walking hand in hand in hand through an art gallery they helped set up together, or challenging each other in cards or arm wrestling in the gaming room, they never forget that doing it together is the best part of any adventure.
Abby/Vincent (IkeVamp): Autumn. Change and reflection on the times of the past. Abby goes through a lot changes in her life, Vincent being present for a lot of her later changes, sometimes even triggering them himself. But he always wants to be a part of her life, especially after he lost her the first time, putting a change in him that rippled across all the lives they had connected with before.
Maddie/Harr (IkeRev): Early Summer. Not as young as they used to be to be like spring, but still want to have the fun they had/didn't have in their youths. Harr is a hardened academic at his core and Maddie is discovering magic for the first time, three decades into her life. They have insatiable curiosity despite not being spring chickens anymore. Their lives are shaped by their pasts yet they still want to explore the world and discover more of its mysteries and wonders.
Clara/Nokto (IkePri): Rainy Season. The sun after the rain is much more beautiful than the sun before the rain. At first, Clara hated Nokto. She hated him for taking advantage of her and for putting her in situations she felt she had no business being a part of. However, once his masks were washed away, as it were, she saw who he was underneath. How much this man actually cared, about the kingdom and about her despite his wicked ways. How tightly he held her when he opened up about his insecurities, about how much better everyone else was compared to the jester he made himself out to be. How he didn't deserve the ray of sunshine she was, how jealous he was about her open and honest ways. How much he wished he could be like her. And once the rain stopped and the sun came out again, they found the other much more beautiful drenched but smiling. That though they went through some hard times, they still came through the storms to see light again.
Miri (Obey Me): Spring, She doesn’t have a set suitor yet, but the ones that I have romantically shipped her with (and with all her platonic ships too), she has the aura of spring: sweet, innocent, blossoming love, sometimes a little unpredictable in the newness of everything. She wants to be kind to everyone, even if it sometimes is a detriment to herself. She wants to do right by the three realms, even if that sentiment maybe a little naïve compared to others who have lived through harder times than she has. Yet her newness and fresh outlook has changed some of even the toughest of opponents and has helped heal and soothe even the bloodiest wounds of the past. She's bringing about positive change in a world that doesn't want change but desperately needs it.
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emthimofnight · 4 months
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Name ✨Stellar the Hedgehog✨
Age Varies based on what age I draw her, but let's say 16!
Pronouns She/Her
Basic Description The product of Project Stellar—a secret government operation aiming to perfect Project Shadow—Stellar is a genetic experiment combining the DNA of the Ultimate Life Form and the fastest thing alive. Designed to be a living weapon, Stellar was born in a hidden facility where she would have been raised to be an unstoppable weapon for the military. Thankfully, Shadow the Hedgehog (with help from Rouge the Bat) discovered her existence, destroyed the lab, and rescued her as an infant. Shadow then went on to begrudgingly inform his long-time rival, Sonic the Hedgehog, of their newfound child, seeing as she was technically just as much Sonic's problem as she was Shadow's. From there, the duo (along with help from their friends) raised Stellar as their daughter, sheltering her from the knowledge she was created to be a force of destruction for her masters. Along the way, Sonic and Shadow found themselves truly falling for one another, dissolving the barriers they had placed between one another as rivals, finding new appreciation for each other in their new parental roles.
Stellar herself is a bright, warm-hearted person. She has a strong sense of justice and never shies away from standing up for what is right. She takes after Sonic in personality, always cracking jokes and finding it hard to sit still. Despite this, she inherited Shadow's finesse and ability to plan out her choices, not to mention his abilities to utilize chaos energy. She has a love for figure skating, ballet, and make up (thanks to Auntie Rouge!), but don't let her feminine side fool you, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty! She would love nothing more than to spend her day smashing badniks into the ground with her skates if her dads would let her! Stellar loves both of her parents dearly, but sometimes wishes that they wouldn't be so protective of her. After all, what could they possibly have to be worried about?
Extra ✨Stellar's favorite color is red. ✨Her favorite food is chili dogs. ✨She is bisexual. ✨Her favorite flower is lavender, because it reminds her of home! ✨She learned how to skate from Shadow. ✨She calls Shadow "papa" and Sonic "dad". ✨She desperately wants to make her family and friends proud. ✨Her best friend is Camellia the Cat, the daughter of Blaze and Amy. ✨She loves racing Sonic, but is frustrated he always lets her win. ✨She can be VERY impulsive when angered, much like both of her parents! ✨She is SUPER dense when it comes to romance. She has no idea ✨Camellia has been in love with her since they were little! ✨The inhibitor rings she wears keep her powers under control, but they also prevent her from truly mastering them. ✨Her powers are designed after collapsing stars/black holes. Extremely destructive to both herself and everything around her. ✨She has no awareness to the extent of the latent power inside her.
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Forbidden Fruit: Chapter 2
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Jack Russell x Female Reader
Summary: Jack saves you from a vicious vampire attack and you discover you might be more entangled than you thought.
This Chapter: Jack makes sure your home is safe, and you help him out of his wet clothes.
Warnings: Jack Sniffing Around, Heavy Eye Contact, You Helping Jack Undress, Protective Jack, Nightmares, Kissing, Biting, Implied Sexual Content
Word Count: 2.3k+
Tags: @skittle479 @acutecupidity @bullet-prooflove
Read the rest of the story HERE!
Rays of light shine through your windows as his presence fills your home with a sort of calm that you hadn’t expected to ever feel again, at least not this soon after last night. That balm he provides barely manages to assuage the fears that keep creeping up on you, though. They build onto each other in the back of your head, piecing themselves together with each recovered memory as you watch him touch your belongings and smell the air.
Like a bloodhound on the hunt, he follows a trail that only he can see, picking up a towel in your kitchen, bending down to smell your couch before moving past your bathroom altogether. He runs his fingers along your walls and around your picture frames, almost as if he could feel the remnants of the sinister presence before stopping in front of your bedroom door. He takes a deep breath, pausing before looking over at you to gain permission to enter the room Alan most likely visited you in. Your memories of him don’t include any part of this room or your home, but you know it wouldn’t hurt for him to check.
“May I?” He raises his eyebrows with the question, his forehead wrinkling as he points toward the open doorway.
“Of course.” You motion in that direction as he enters your private sanctuary, his hands gracing the metal of your bedframe and the fabric of your comforter.
He pulls back each layer of covers, getting onto his knees to properly reach the level of your bed as he looks up at you from across the room. He carefully inhales your scent, those eyes of his growing brighter in the light of day as they send an unexpected spark of heat into your core, exciting you more than you care to admit. You may be traumatized and severely sleep deprived at the moment, but you swear that there is something absolutely feral about the way he’s looking at you.
With nothing more than a blink of an eye he breaks contact, bringing you back from the brink of fantasy as he picks up each individual pillow, closing his eyes as if to envision whatever it is he might be smelling. You hold your breath and hope to God that he isn’t getting any traces of the mysterious vampire you both apparently share some history with. You didn’t know exactly what to expect when he said he would be able to identify Alan’s presence here, but this definitely wasn’t what you originally pictured.
“All I smell is you,” he reports with a sigh of relief as he sets the last of the pillows back down onto the bed. “And your cat.” He pats them awkwardly to keep them in place, looking up at you as they finally settle, running a hand nervously through his hair as he catches your eye.
“So, we’re safe here?” You recall the rest of your vampire knowledge from every horror movie and Halloween special you’ve ever seen, remembering that not all rules apply to every vampire. “Unless I invite him in, right?”
“Right,” he nods, shaking off his awkward stance in order to face you. “He won’t be able to enter here unless you allow it, and I didn’t smell any roommates, so that shouldn’t be a problem.”
“How does that work, exactly?” You fold your arms across your chest, leaning against the wall for physical support as much as dramatic effect as you stare blankly at his handsome face. “Did you learn that in vampire hunting school, or were you born with a super human sense of smell?”
He pauses, opening his mouth as if to answer you but stops himself once he thinks better of the idea. “We should both get some rest while the sun is still up. I can sleep out in my car if that makes you more comfortable, that way I can see if…”
“You’re not gonna stay here?” You take a step toward him, not caring how transparent your lack of sleep has suddenly made you. All you can think about now is how much safer you’d feel if you harbor him here in your home until all this is over. “After everything that’s happened?”
“I can if you want,” he offers genuinely, palms open toward the sky. “I just didn’t think… I didn’t want to assume anything.”
“No, I know… you know what? I’m sorry.” You’re not exactly sure what you’re sorry for, if you’re being completely honest with yourself. What you are exactly sure of, is that it’s definitely time for you both to get some sleep so you can start forming coherent thoughts again. “I guess I’m just a little scared to be alone right now,” you admit, uncrossing your arms as you take a few more steps in his direction.
“I get that,” he whispers, parting his lips as you get closer to him. “I do.”
You smile and notice that the shirt he’s wearing is still damp and nearly ripped to shreds, his own blood staining the few spots a dark faded brown. The section he’d ripped off to help you leaves a giant gap exposing the hair just below his navel and the bend of his hip. “You really should take this off,” you start, lifting your hands up to touch his wet, crumpled collar. “I have a dry shirt you can borrow.”
“Thank you.” A smile just big enough to show his teeth graces his features as he lets you unbutton his shirt, his hands nervously pulsing themselves into fists by his side. He looks into your eyes for a split second as you work to disrobe him; that warm, soothing calm resting between you both as you return his smile and slowly pull his shirt apart. Your lips nearly touch, your nose brushing against his before he bashfully looks down at his feet until you slide the wet and dirty cloth off his shoulders. “You should change, too… so you don’t catch a cold.”
“I will.” You run your palms over his terribly scarred biceps, just barely touching them as their tiny hairs stand on end, acting as a conduit for the invisible electricity between you two. They follow the path of least resistance, connecting your hands to his skin as they make their way down his elbows and forearms until they finally reach his hands that squeeze your fingers. No longer wrinkled from the rain, they warm your palms before intertwining themselves with yours, pulling you in and keeping you near.
Part of you wants to kiss him as you look into his eyes once more, to lean into this sudden and strange connection forged through blood, sweat and tears, but the other part of you is begging for sleep. You can feel the muscles in your calves twitching from fatigue, the insane amount of stress you just put them through forcing them into failure much earlier than you anticipated. You squeeze his hands affectionately as he holds your gaze, kind and patient as your eyes flutter shut before you open them up again, through nothing more than sheer force of will.
This can wait.
“Let me get you that shirt,” you tell him as you let go of his hands, nodding your head in the direction of your closet to free yourself from any further temptation.
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A pale figure takes shape before your eyes, blurry at first as it contrasts against the surrounding darkness like smoke creeping across the air. It slowly comes into focus, unveiling high cheekbones hollowed out in the shape of a man’s face, one that you’ve seen before, but can’t quite place. The figure before you is dangerously handsome, jet black hair falling in front of charcoal eyes as he seems to slither up to you, a knowing glance painting his sharp features into a satisfied, smug look.
“Leaving so soon?” He traces the outline of your face, tickling the fine hair along your jawline before curling his fingers up under your chin. That sly smile of his bends into a smirk as he leans forward, taking his time to meticulously look you up and down. “After I’ve been waiting all this time to be with you? After all that we’ve shared together?”
“All that we’ve shared?” You hear yourself ask as if you have no control over your body, a tingling chill suddenly flowing through you as he touches your face. You’re unsure if this is a memory playing out in your head, or a more clear and present danger as you’re able to feel your surroundings with all five senses. Your brain may be foggy in telling you that this is a dream, but your body is narrating a completely different story altogether. “We’ve only just met.”
“Have we?” he implores, those inky black eyes of his getting darker as he grabs onto your chin, matching the vaporous void behind him. He grins and brings his lips that much closer to yours as you begin to shiver beneath his grasp, your breath becoming more shallow with each inhalation. “Try again.”
He has some sort of power over you, keeping you still without the aid of chemicals or restraints as you try your best to escape. You attempt to move your face away from his, to lift your arms to maybe push him off of you, but it doesn’t work. You try to run forwards and then backwards but your feet are somehow glued to the ground, locking you in place. You want to yell and scream, to possibly deafen him into letting you go, but you can’t seem to find any part of your voice.
It isn’t until you’ve exhausted all of your options that you decide to give up and submit to his will. Instead of fighting against him, you allow yourself to look into his eyes, ready to see the truth about what brought him to you in the first place, or vice versa.
“I came to you.” You hear yourself calmly realize out loud.
“That’s right.” His smile widens as you play his game, his other hand smoothing his fingers through your hair then down the back of your spine. “And why is that?”
“I was drawn to you… called to you somehow before I even met you, and when I did it was like…” You pause as he gently squeezes the base of your neck, his thumb following your pulse down your throat and into your clavicle. All of the sudden you recall him delivering endless nights of pleasure in an almost shamefully passionate union forged just as instantly as he had graced you with his presence. “It was like magic.”
“Good.” He smiles, his pointed teeth shining through his lips as he whispers against your cheek. “I can’t imagine you’d want to throw all that away, little lamb.”He feathers his words against the shell of your ear, sending another shiver down your spine that morphs your initial sense of intrigue into a deepening shade of desire.
You feel him press his lips against yours in an all too familiar flavor, that initial memory resurfacing from within your subconscious as he kisses you. His tongue is slow and gentle, colliding along with yours as your lips part even further to grant him access. His hands caress your neck and shoulders as you feel yourself give in to the pleasure he so generously provides, surrendering to his touch completely. You somehow feel your own hands touch the icy cold skin of his face and arms, wrapping yourself around him until something sharp catches on your bottom lip. You hiss as the cool, crisp air shocks your open flesh, the salty taste of blood lingering on your lips as it drips from his teeth.
“Come back to me.” He orders, licking the blood off your lips and tongue before making a gratuitous display of clearing it from his teeth. “Can you do that for me?”
You feel yourself nodding your head, letting him kiss you again as the blood pours out of your lips and into his mouth. That bitter chill inside you grows as you kiss him back, forcing every cell within your body to shiver as the blood runs down your chin and onto your pillow. Your pillow…your bed…wait a minute…
You blink a few times as your eyes begin to focus on their new surroundings, your half-open closet and dresser bringing you back to reality as you finally lift your head off the pillow. Thank God. You bring your hand up to your mouth to make sure that you’re no longer bleeding from that imaginary wound, that what you just experienced was nothing more than a hyper realistic dream. Your lips are dry and chapped, moistened only by the tiny hint of drool that always accompanies you into slumber as you check your sheets for any more evidence of foul play.
You glance over at the clock on your bedside table and realize that it’s almost four in the afternoon, the sun glowing a burnt orange behind your curtains as you gather the strength to sit up. The dried gauze on your neck serves as a reminder of the chaotic events of the past twenty-four hours, cleaving your actual memories from the nightmare that still lingers in the recesses of your mind. It starts to fade away just as soon as it came upon you, like grains of sand sifting through your fingers no matter how hard you try to keep it in your palms. As most of the details dissipate into the void, the main idea still remains.
You stand up and walk into the living room, only to find that Jack is still there at your request, fast asleep on your couch in your Hamilton sweatshirt with your cat curled up next to him.
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tinderbox210 · 3 months
Making that gif set of La'an and Spock's arrival on the Enterprise made me remember how much I'm still obsessed with the La'an and Spock Academy AU in which they attend Starfleet Academy together.
I'm aware Spock is younger than La'an but the timeline could still add up. Spock is a genius so he could have easily skipped some classes and ended up in the same year as La'an (but it's an AU so canon timeline doesn't matter anyway).
I think at first they wouldn't get along and would get competitive, trying to beat each other and bicker a lot.
We know La'an has a competitive streak from the Enterprise Bingo stuff so she would be annoyed about that arrogant Vulcan wunderkind just rushing in and exceling at everything without breaking a sweat that she has to work so hard for. That is, until she finds out that Spock has his own struggles to deal with like his dyslexia and the pressure of meeting his father's and Vulcan society's expectations.
Spock would be irritated by La'an's hostility until he learns about her traumatic past and all the hardships she had to endure due to losing her family and carrying the stigmata of being a descendant of Khan.
They would bond over being outcasts, feelings of not fitting in due to their social awkwardness and unique heritages and constantly having to proof themselves to others who view them as "abominations".
Spock would become La'an's tutor and help her with the science/technical classes. I headcanon La'an being smarter than she lets on because she thinks people would fear/reject her even more if they knew how smart she was. We know she has a nerdy streak and knows history, and Spock would enjoy and encourage this side of her. In return, La'an would discover the empathetic heart beating beneath the Vulcan shell and defend Spock against any dumbass trying to mess with him.
I just have many thoughts and feels about this AU 😊
They would develop a very close bond and eventually their friendship would turn romantic with all that delicious angst, because they wouldn't want to ruin their friendship despite feeling attracted to each other and because they're on different career paths probably taking them to serve on different ships at different ends of the galaxy, and Spock is expected to marry a Vulcan anyway. And then Spock would have his first Pon Farr and La'an would be there to help him because deep inside they've both been in love with each other for a long time, but they're both so unsure and awkward with romance, and things would get even more complicated between them...
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meabh-mcinness · 2 years
Love Lost
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The Naberius's were the clan of unwaveringly loyal guard dogs. Each and every member was raised with the strictest guidelines and expectancies, and those who failed were disgraced. The latest members were the elder brother Narnia and the younger brother Kalego. Both excelled and will excel at every challenge thrown their way, until Narnia didn't. One mistake led to a life of regret and a love lost. 
Warnings of light gore descriptions and raw meat consumption! Oh, and Angst!  With the latest chapter reveal, I really wanted to come up with a reason on why Narnia would recommend Atori and Shiida to Babyls, basically any reason other than him returning to origins. Also posted on AO3 and Wattpad!
A heavy sigh left full lips as pale, thin hands ran themselves through long black hair. He was tempted to rip it all out in his stress, but knew that it would do no good in the end. He couldn't believe he was doing this. Going against everything he was raised to do, sacrificing not only his pride and beliefs, but who knew how many lives along the way.
Was it worth it?
He honestly didn't know anymore. Before, he would have said no, no matter how much he loved anyone, he would never abandon his post as a loyal Naberius guard dog. No matter how much he disagreed with his family ways, he recognized and even enjoyed the mysteries and jobs that came his way as the Border Patrol's Special Security Chief.
But then he met them.
A real life human from the other realm. He'd known of their existence, of course. You couldn't be as high ranked as him in the Border Patrols system and not know of them, but he'd never met one. Realm crossings were incredibly rare, and despite his decades of service, he'd never seen a real one until they had come along.
His claws flexed at the thought of them again. He could see them now even, with their soft skin, glittering eyes and bright smile. It was like they had been designed to lure him in and lower his guard, only to snatch his heart and take it for their own. Inadvertently crushing it in the end, when... When they were ripped from his side and forced to leave.
That had been the worst day of his life.
The best day was a tie, between Kalego being born and meeting them for the first time. He could remember it so clearly.
He had been relatively new to his job at the time. Only three decades in and still getting the hang of all the different procedures for the hundreds of different kinds of cases, when Henry had pulled him aside to go on a raid. A quick raid and small paperwork, and then they could both go home. It had sounded rather promising, after all there was an Opera show that was supposed to on in an hour along with a bottle of nice wine chilling.
What should have been a relatively simple case of raid and detain, however, quickly turned more extreme when it was discovered the criminal in question had a living, breathing human hidden in his abode.
Undoubtedly, both Henry and him had been shocked when their head innocently popped up from a cauldron stacked in a far corner. Tears strolling down their face faster than any river could run, but with blood stains around their mouth and splattered across their face. At first, they didn't realize anything was different about them, just assumed that they were an intended victim or an accomplice. Judging by the torn flesh on the criminal, however, Narnia was inclined to believe the former.
After all, they only had the head to go by at first, and plenty of demons didn't have horns. One of little Kalego's allies was a prime example, the Balam's hadn't ever had horns as far as anyone knew.
With Henry playing with the perpetrator (the demon often used these cases to let off steam Narnia learned over time), he had walked over to this new demon, curious but careful. After all, this other being could still be a helper rather than a victim. Reaching out one of his own thin hands towards them, he could only blink as they flinched harshly and backed as far as they could in the tiny space. Tears still flowed, but they bared their teeth in a show of attempting to be fierce. With a raised eyebrow, he gave them a quick glance over, keeping his hand out calmly.
Despite being new, he had seen plenty of cases of demons reverting to base instincts in order to survive in dangerous situations. As long as this one hadn't returned to origins, they should quickly realize he meant no harm, or at least grow bored with posturing and either calm down or attempt to fight. Though, he had to wonder at why they hadn't backed down at the shiny Chet badge on his uniform or from the feel of his power leaking.
Except they didn't do either. They stayed in the same position, never wavering in keeping their teeth bared, muscles tensed, and eyes focused on him. Whenever Henry or his intended catch made a noise, they tensed slightly more and their eyes would twitch, as if stopping themselves from glancing at the aforementioned noise. Soon enough, when Narnia had given up with letting them move at their pace, he heard a particularly loud crack and yowl from the fight. It seemed Henry was growing bored with the brawl, but that hadn't been what caught his attention. The being in front of him had also clearly heard it with the way their ears had twitched.
Their very small, rounded ears.
Now that Narnia did another more careful once over, he noticed that their teeth while bared only had four very tiny canines, the rest rather blunt. And the hands that were braced lightly along the back of the cauldron rim (likely to prepare to lift their body out quickly at any moment) held no claws. At least he had never seen such thin, blunt claws before. There were no tails or horns, no spikes or fur, no scales or feathers in sight either. It was almost as if they weren't a demon, but rather a...
Oh. Oh, no.
He did not want to deal with this or the paperwork it would later involve. He could already feel the headache blooming and could kiss his relaxing evening goodbye. Unlike many of his comrades, he held no interest in the human race. As far as Narnia was concerned, they existed and belonged in their own world, and that was it. No other knowledge needed beyond that they were weak and very delicious according to the school song. Now, however, he was slightly wishing he had listened slightly when he overheard the little Balam kid going on one of his imaginary being rants.
After all, no one mentioned in any of his briefs or trainings on how to capture said rogue humans that stumbled into their world. Frantically, he racked his brain for any stray info he could find. Anything that the tiny gargoyle had said would be helpful right now. A peaceful world, one where there was no danger. At least non-comparable to the Netherworld, which would explain the lack of common defenses found here in demon-folk. Did they enjoy touch? No, that was a solid Balam thing, he was sure.
Well, he supposed it wouldn't hurt to try petting them, it could very well calm them down. Naberius's were far too proud to admit it, but a good scalp massage when they were alone was rather nice. Never mind their bonded Cerberions who would do anything for a good scratch, especially those middle heads, where the legs just couldn't seem to reach well.
Surely, humans would feel the same? Slowly, he moved his outstretched hand closer towards the human, aiming for the top of their head, much like he would his Cerberion or praising Kalego. The closer he got, though, the louder a rumbling sound seemed to reverberate from the creature before him. By the time he registered it as the human growling, it was too late. He'd gotten too close, and all of a sudden there was a mouth where his fingers were supposed to be and hands grasping onto his arm for dear life.
He suppressed a yowl from tearing from his throat. He would never hear the end of it if others ever found out a mere human made Narnia Naberius yelp like some pup! He quickly grabbed the back of the neck of the human with his other hand, aiming for the fold of skin that all demons had, only to find nothing but smooth skin. Seriously!? Of all the things for their species not to share!
What happened to humans being peaceful and weak! This one seemed to have the same jaw strength of a panther-rat, only with far more pain due to the blunt teeth tearing his skin rather than the neat slicing of sharp fangs. Desperately, his hand traveled up and forward slightly and gripped where he thought the jawbone started. Feeling his prize, he slowly massaged the area in hopes that it was more like his Cerberion's jaw and that they would be forcibly relaxed into letting him go.
And in a way it seemed to. They slowly relaxed the pressure, but never let go entirely. What Narnia didn't know at the time was that they were slowly being discouraged at the fact he had barely even moved beyond his initial hand movement at their neck. The other one had yelped and screamed as much as a hyena seemed to laugh, leaping back, tearing their own flesh from themselves, leaving a massive chunk in their mouth. This one gave them nothing but a splurge of blood, that later they would be very disgusted with themselves for enjoying. The warm liquid soothing their parched throat.
While this specific human leaned neither one way nor the other in their carnivorous or herbivorous ways, a true omnivore; they had to admit, that after days of not daring to eat anything in this new world, the combined flesh and blood tasted rather good at that moment. With an added bonus of keeping this creature obviously intending harm away from them. The lack of food plus the sudden onslaught of taste of something possibly edible had sent the usual harmonious human into a rather feral state.
Narnia hadn't stumbled across a helpless being, he had stumbled across a human who was hungry. A very dangerous thing indeed, he learned. Later, he would be told it was a mood called "hangry" and that one should never get in the way of a hangry human. Narnia had never agreed to something so fast in his life, unconsciously rubbing at the deep scars that still graced his hand to that day.
Now, though, he would move the hand that was free up, towards the top of the human's head, and slowly rubbed it downwards in a petting motion. The being tensed up slightly, teeth crushing down just a little bit more, causing him to wince, but didn't actively stop him. Feeling emboldened, he repeated the motion, over and over again. Slowly, over the next couple of minutes, the human relaxed enough to almost remove their teeth entirely.
Just a little more and he'd be free, was what he thought, until he noticed that the head he was petting was shaking. No, not just the head, he observed looking them over. It was their entire body that was quivering, at first he was confused. Had he accidentally broken them? Henry would be quite crossed if so, humans were supposed to be returned unharmed to prevent possible exposure. Then again, humans were also supposed to be weak things needing protection, not feral biting machines, perhaps this one was already broken?
Suddenly he felt water hit his hand, breaking him out of his thoughts. Yes that was definitely water mixing with his blood. It took him a second to realize that the human was crying again. The discovery left him stunned, he was the one that had been ravaged into and yet they were the ones crying! Yes, this human was without doubt broken!
However, the sight of it also made him incredibly unsure of himself. Had this been some other demon he would have destroyed them within an inch of their life before maybe dumping them off with the nearest healers for daring to do such a thing, and yet the more he looked the more he noticed a distinct lack of any real vexation and a distinct want of wiping away the tears and making them feel better.
Mentally he shook his head, why was he feeling this way? There was a lot of things about humans lost to the past, was this unusual desire to protect them one of those? But if that was the case why were there so many stories about eating said humans? Unless, he glanced down again at where his hand seemed to meld with their mouth. Perhaps the stories got it backwards and humans actually ate demons, using false weaknesses to lower their guards? That... was a rather terrifying impossible thought that he was going to stop in it's tracks.
'Focus Narnia!' he scolded himself. It didn't matter how he or any past demon had felt. Right now he had a very misplaced crying human attached to him and he could deftly hear Henry summoning the cuffing spell in the background. If nothing else he at least had to get them off of his hand in order to save some sort of dignity.
Slowly he moved his free hand til it was under their jaw and gently placed the tip of his thumb and first finger claws into their mouth on either side of his other hand and carefully pried their jaw open. They let go without further fuss, tears still pouring and a slight sniffle to their breathing now. Now in possession of his own hand again he gave in a once over and winced at the damage. They had certainly did a number on him, and if they had gone much further he probably wouldn't have any fingers at all anymore. (If anyone later on had questioned when he started to fall in love, it would probably be this moment he pointed to. Anyone who could stand up to a being so much more powerful than them and inflict lasting damage was a keeper in his book).
Narnia deftly gave a healing spell over his hand to fix most of the damage, he was no Buer but even he should be able to ensure no scaring. Only he didn't. The bites healed certainly, but there were scars in the shape and size of each tooth belonging to the human. Perhaps he was more out sorts than he realized. No matter, a simple glamour charm when around others should be enough so he wasn't to terribly concerned, until he realized it was his left hand that had been gored. Well, that explained a few fair things.
'A marriage bite,' his mind supplied. Had this been any other circumstance at least, but it wasn't and here he stood with a quite possibly broken crying human that had claimed him, however unintentional, and the thudding steps of his supervisor coming from behind him.
He felt the growl push to leave his lips but pushed it down at the last possible moment, instead opting to quickly swing the human into his arms, purposefully hiding his left hand under the ripped remains of the oversized top they were wearing. Marriage bites were sacred, done only when two, or more, demons were absolutely certain they would take no others. Unlike the the easily breakable marriages that humans held, marriage bites were permanent and infused into the demons very being. In ancient times this would be how alliances were made concrete, an arranged marriage or two and suddenly the two families were then one, ending most conflicts. It didn't magically make the parties fall in love, but it did impart feelings to ensure their other was at least safe and happy.
Narnia would have to do everything in his power to hide this from absolutely everyone, especially his family. Luckily the bond was incomplete without his mark on them, therefor making the feelings small and inconsequential. He would see the end of his bond through by personally shoving them through the portal! Mind made up, he turned around to face Henry with his catch.
If only it had been that easy.
The only ones with the strength to make a portal were those of Chet rank and up, however the supposed only ones with the knowledge of how to open said portal were the Three Greats. Of the three only Sullivan was available, the other two somehow both out on Evil Cycles, but he supposedly didn't know it off the top of his head. He only had to check his libraries he had said, should only take a couple hours at the least, maybe a couple weeks at the absolute most. The deal was struck and I was placed in charge of the human until then.
"Naberius's are spectacular guard dogs are they not? So who better to protect them until we get them home again!" Sullivan had cheered happily, before skipping on his way out. And so Narnia ended up taking the human home with him, when it became clear Sullivan was not coming back that night. Got them cleaned and fed (and in that moment Narnia both discovered the power of human consummation and mourned his wallet's future) before giving them the spare room to sleep in.
After the first couple days of they skirted around each other cautiously, both wary of the sudden new roommate situation, only made more awkward when it was clear neither could speak the other's language. When Sullivan stopped by Narnia barely withheld his shout of joy, watching the human was slightly fascinating but he was mostly bored having been sent nothing but paperwork to do in his forced absence from the workplace.
The shout of joy was quickly replaced with near tears of frustration when Sullivan declared he had not found the ritual and was merely stopping by because he had found another spell that he thought would be prevalent at the moment. Narnia couldn't help the confused head twitch at Sullivan's words, another prevalent spell? What was more important then finding the portal ritual to send the little beast back before it ate him out of house and home!
A translator spell. Sullivan had found a translator spell and thought it would be nice for him and the human to be able to chat properly until they could leave, especially since Narnia's absence would be noticed soon. This way the human could entertain themselves while Narnia could go back to work like everything was fine.
Narnia briefly wondered if he was strong enough to be able to strangle Sullivan for even a second before the Tet killed him.
From there it had only been a hellball effect. Being able to talk meant being able to learn beyond noticing basic observations. It meant learning each other's names. It meant being able to learn about likes and dislikes, loves and fears. And once they established a routine, a couple of weeks turned to a couple of months, and a couple of months became a couple of years it became clear that Sullivan never intended to find the portal and Henry and the rest of the Border Patrol forgot his little human's existence. It meant they were free to fall in love and whisper promises of forever in the dead of night with only the two moons and a matching set of bites as their witnesses.
Looking back Narnia now wished he had gone through attacking Sullivan, if for no other reason than to not have to feel this pain of utter loss.
All it had taken was one surprise home visit from Henry for him to recognize the human who had meant to have left years ago. Had Henry not been promoted to the Thirteen Crowns and got the other two Greats on his side before talking to Sullivan he probably could have kept them years more.
When it came time to let them go, he did as he promised himself years ago and sent them through the portal himself, once their mind was cleansed of everything they shared. And when the portal closed forever he begged Sullivan to wipe his own memories. A guard dog was no good when it was busy mourning it's missing parts, and he had no desire to live like Amduscious Poro, so crushed by their love for Derkila that to this day, centuries later they still looked.
Sullivan had tried to talk him out of it of course, with feelings that deep attached the spell was likely not to hold, but he had remained steadfast. After all it was his mind to do with what he willed, and they would never want to see him suffer for centuries just because of them, and the only way to not mourn was to forget. Was he being cowardly? Perhaps, but it was done in the end.
And so he spent the next several decades with no memories of any humans in his presence at all. Or why he felt the urge to crack a bottle of wine to celebrate on a specific day, or to curl in a ball and cry until he shriveled up from lack of water on a different specific day. Or why there was this random flower bed by his door beyond thinking it could be more welcoming, or where these extra glasses came from that he just couldn't bare to throw away.
When Sullivan was called in for a supposed claim from Baal that he had a trapped human, it tingled something in him, loosened things just enough.
It wasn't until one day when he was investigating the cause of the summoning's that destroyed Walter Park that he saw him though. The supposed grandson of Sullivan's that had appeared out of nowhere. He was on a float, surrounded by what appeared to be other students and... my was that little Kalego and his allies that he swears aren't his lovers? He certainly never expected to seem them here but was more than happy to have this little piece of blackmail up his sleeve.
Drawing his attention back in was Iruma however, something about him seemed off, until it slowly came together when a gust of wind blew his hair back, briefly exposing small, rounded ears. Like...
Like theirs.
And suddenly the spell shattered and he remembered. Remembered from the first contact, to the first kiss, all the way till the last time he touched them. Everything he had sealed away, exposed. He felt like he had been struck by the Demon King himself and had to take off without notifying anyone or else he'd lose all semblance of himself.
Or attack Henry for destroying his life, unintentional as it was. Or worse Sullivan.
He didn't blame Henry, not really. He had only done his job much as Narnia would have in his horns. And it wasn't Sullivan's fault that Narnia had been carelessly caught with his human and Sullivan had not. Still there was a deep rooted anger that burned through his veins at watching everyone get together with their families. A family he would never have now.
And it was in this mindset that Baal first came up to him. A favor for a favor he'd called it. Blackmail with a promise of a prize if successful was more like it. Apparently back when Sullivan had been brought it Baal had noticed his slight twinge at the mention at the mention of humans and done some digging. Digging that turned up the past case of his human, including how long it had taken them to be properly returned. It had only taken a few educated jumps from there and now Narnia was here with a choice to make.
Go to Henry and Sullivan with what he knew and have his past ripped back to the present destroying everything he and his family had built or give in the and listen to Baal's demands and have his precious lover back at the expense of possibly other lives.
Naberius's were the clan of unwavering loyalty, and he knew with whom his loyalties lay.
'I'm so sorry.'
His pen was placed to paper as he wrote,
"I, Naberius Narnia, hereby recommend both Atori Arachne and Shiida..."
Not sure how well I did with the angst, but I tried my best. *shrugs* I hope you enjoyed it regardless and maybe if wanted I can make a happier part two in the future.  
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