#there is no set path or time requirement of milestones
torchickentacos · 11 months
Anyways here's to all the people who are technically adults but feel as if they are behind for whatever reason. Be it because the pandemic interrupted the usual milestones of late teens/early 20's (or any age), or because of chronic illness that, by nature, doesn't conform to society's standard ideas of what independence looks like, or because the housing market means they will be living with parents for the foreseeable future, or any wide variety of reasons.
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bitchy-craft · 11 months
What Direction Your Life Is Headed In | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out what direction your life is headed in. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
In this pile, the messages indicate that your life is headed towards a path of personal growth, self-discovery, and new beginnings. It suggests that you are on the verge of embarking on a transformative journey that will lead you to a higher level of fulfilment and purpose. This path may require you to step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and embrace change. As you navigate through this journey, you will experience profound transformations and positive developments that will shape the direction of your life.
You are being called to embark on a fresh start, embracing new adventures and opportunities that come your way. It's a time to release any fear or hesitation and trust in the process of life. This path holds the promise of significant shifts and changes. You may encounter ups and downs along the way, but these experiences will ultimately lead you to positive outcomes and transformative growth. It's important to stay open and adaptable during this time of transition.
As you move forward, you are guided towards a period of hope, inspiration, and renewed faith. You are aligning with your true desires and aspirations, setting the stage for a more purposeful and meaningful existence. Your journey is destined to bring a sense of completion and achievement, indicating that you are on the brink of reaching a significant milestone or fulfilling a long-held dream. Trust in your abilities and stay committed to your path of personal growth and self-discovery.
Pile 2:
The messages in this pile suggest that your life is headed towards a path of stability, balance, and harmony. It indicates a focus on establishing a strong foundation in various aspects of your life. You are being called to seek stability and security, both in your relationships and your career. It's a time to create a harmonious existence by finding the right balance between different areas of your life.
The path ahead holds opportunities for you to take control and establish a solid foundation for success. Embrace your inner strength and leadership qualities as you navigate through this phase. Justice reminds you to seek fairness and balance in all your endeavours, making decisions based on integrity and truth. This will ensure that you create a harmonious environment and maintain healthy relationships.
As you continue on this path, you are being guided towards wisdom, tradition, and spiritual growth. This reading signifies a deeper connection with higher principles and seeking guidance from spiritual sources. Embrace the teachings and wisdom that come your way, as they will help you find balance and establish a strong spiritual foundation. There will also be a time of celebration and harmony, highlighting the importance of building a solid foundation and finding joy in your relationships and surroundings.
Pile 3:
The messages in this pile indicate that your life is headed towards a path of exploration, adventure, and expansion. It suggests that you are ready to break free from limitations, embrace your true potential, and explore new horizons. This is a phase of personal and intellectual growth, where you will push boundaries and discover new possibilities.
You are being called to tap into your innate abilities and manifest your true potential. The Magician signifies that you have the power to create the life you desire by utilizing your skills, resources, and creative energy. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and trust in your ability to bring your dreams to fruition.
The path ahead encourages you to explore multiple options and possibilities. The Seven of Cups reminds you to exercise clarity and discernment in making choices that align with your highest good. Stay open-minded and be willing to explore different paths before committing to a specific direction.
This reading signifies a time of inspiration and new opportunities. Embrace your curiosity and passion as you navigate through this phase. Allow yourself to be guided by your inner fire and explore new areas of interest. There will also be a period of skill development and mastery. It's a time to focus on honing your craft, investing in personal growth, and expanding your knowledge.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Do you have tips on how to be emotionally mature?
Remember that everyone is ultimately out for themselves. They don't think about you and your choices as much as you think they do. Make taking care of yourself and advocating for yourself your #1 priority. While you should be respectful and show empathy for others' circumstances, your life is meant to be lived for you.
Don't take people's comments or actions personally. Almost none of their responses are a reflection of you or your character. Most people's actions are a reflection of how they see themselves. When people reveal their true colors, believe them. Proceed with this information in mind – whether it's a friendship, professional opportunity, romantic endeavor, familial tie, etc.
Set boundaries and non-negotiables for yourself. Don't overextend yourself to seek approval or validation as a means of dictating your self-worth or value to others. Learn to trust your gut instincts, and remain mindful of your energetic limitations. "No" is a complete sentence. It is not selfish to stick to your non-negotiable habits (bedtime, workout schedule, etc.) – these practices are a sign of self-respect and self-love. Speak your mind (with tact) and stand your ground. You owe it to yourself to live the life that you want.
Know that the only constant in life is change. People and opportunities will come and go with age. Enjoy the moments and experiences you get to enjoy with others or alone. Relationships are meant to last for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. Not every impactful connection is meant to last a lifetime, but you shouldn't invalidate the lasting impact of certain temporary connections – they most definitely can change your life.
Remain selective about those you allow into your life and the company you keep. Embrace the quality over quantity approach when it comes to choosing the individuals who deserve to be in your inner circle. Don't disclose information you wouldn't want in writing to those who have yet to earn your trust. Cut ties unapologetically with people who choose to tear you down or disrespect you. You win in life when everyone you're close to is supportive and committed to cheering each other on in all of their life goals/milestones.
Learn to accept and explore discomfort. Growth requires change, and a side effect of change is discomfort. Accept that the circumstances are presenting you with an opportunity in life to level up. Breathe and take things one step at a time. Sometimes, you don't need to know the big-picture meaning of the conversation or task in front of you. Focus on what's in front of you – using good judgment and critical thinking skills – and figure the rest out later.
Set your future self up to win. Eat a healthy diet, move your body, save and invest, read books, build your professional and social networks, and upskill professionally and interpersonally, go to the doctors annually (all the major ones – primary care, dentist, gyno, dermatologist) or whenever an issue presents itself to nip it in the bud early.
Remain curious. Don't act on baseless assumptions. Ask someone about the intention or emotions behind their actions before creating a conflict or making accusations. Accept wishful thinking for what it is – especially when it comes to romance and professional endeavors. A job offer doesn't exist until it's signed and sealed in writing. Relationships come with exclusivity, clear and regular communication, and no issues with public knowledge or a title.
Reframe mistakes and failures as life lessons. These opportunities inspire self-reflection, performance evaluation, and introspection. Use these experiences to help you map out your next moves and strategize your actions toward success.
Creating life milestone timelines is useless. We all have our own history, circumstances, goals, and personalities. Individuals born in each given year are not a hivemind. Don't compare your journey to others. We are all on our own paths with different significant milestones at different points in our lives.
Embrace your desires. Indulge your adult self and inner child. Explore the pleasure of getting to know yourself – your likes, dislikes, values, preferences, and turn-ons/turnoffs in every area of life. Allow yourself the time, space, energy, and resources you need to satisfy your authentic self. Don't compromise your identity for the approval or praise of others. Learn what you want and be unapologetic for satisfying your own needs. Discover, experiment, play, test, learn, and re-evaluate as needed. Gamifying your life helps free you of societal expectations of what it means to be a certain age, gender, or personality based on your nationality, profession, sexuality, socioeconomic status, etc.
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aurora-313 · 7 months
I've been openly critical of Thousand Year Blood War since its weekly manga release way back in late 2010s. It was so immemorable that I'd legitimately forgotten it, and by extension Bleach, existed until the announcement in 2022.
The revelations presented require so much backreading and contradicts earlier established facts, it make it difficult to tolerate. Interpersonal reveals reflect incredibly poorly on many characters, demonstrating in some cases outright negligent tendencies in their duty of care towards others and themselves.
(Masaki, Isshin, you don't have to tell him everything but its not hard to teach your god-child basic safety and the supernatural equivalent of 'don't run in oncoming traffic'. The fact neither did of you did, makes you damned irresponsible parents imo. Almost like your powers were retconned into existence without thinking through the rammifications, huh?).
The sum total of my issues are too numerous to mention but my biggest issue is theme of fate in Bleach; how it applies to Ichigo's desire for self-determination and how TYBW in particular gleefully pisses all over that.
While fate and destiny can be aspiring things, they are by definition traps. Confines. Set parameters that must be fulfilled. As a result two primary attitudes exist in response; one must rise to meet the occasion gloriously or defy it to forge one's own path (success varies).
Ichigo's opinion has always fallen into the latter category.
Ichigo wanted to destroy fate. Wanted to negate its unfairness. To remove its strangling shackles from his life and those he cares for. To quote:
If fate is a milestone, then we are the grist. There is nothing we can do. So I wish for strength. If I cannot protect them from the wheel, then give me a strong blade, and enough strength... to shatter fate.
In essence this is how Ichigo wants express his agency and self-determination, by protecting others. He wants to defend the downtrodden from the unfairness ugliness of reality. An agency he gains through obtaining Shinigami power from Rukia.
Or so he believes.
Problem is, every arc and especially TYBW exposes that theme as a total lie.
Whenever Ichigo believes he's expressing agency to combat whatever ill fortunate awaits those he wishes to protect, he is in fact playing into the hands of others.
He believes he's making an active choice to defend and guard and protect, but in reality Ichigo has never had a choice in anything, merely the illusion of one. Worst of all Ichigo never realizes most of his choices are illusions.
With every subsequent arc, the sad truth is that Ichigo is enslaved to fate. Shackled to its designs since the dawn of reality. Enchained by the literal gods and devils on his shoulder. At one point, fate even turns Ichigo's own body against him as his Quincy blood forces him to slay the previous Soul King.
In his drive to break fate's confines, Ichigo becomes its ultimate poster boy and enforcer.
But in a sad yet classic prophetic twist; Ichigo believes he's actively fighting an unfair destiny.
A destiny written by the Soul King's Almighty eons ago.
In a word, the Almighty is omniscience. First held by the Soul King and later Yhwach.
Conceptually, omniscience and free will cannot co-exist. The world is self-determination or pre-destination. There's no middle ground.
This in mind; the Soul King knew precisely how he would die. He knew a Shiba scion would eventually gain the power to release him from his torment eons upon eons after his sealing under the compulsion of Yhwach's Quincy blood, then slay Yhwach to replace him.
In other words, Ichigo's desire for self-determination was the greatest lie of this story. His every action and reaction were predicted and cemented since the dawn of time. Taken to its logical extreme, Ichigo arguably had no free will at all (absolutely fitting because he reads like a damn automaton in the last arc). He's a pre-programmed organic robot blindly following the path set before him by his creators, there's no error codes (ie. questions or hesitations) because his programmers told him exactly the right command prompts to set him loose.
And almost as the ultimate spit in the face for Ichigo's futile wish for agency in his own fate? Yhwach curses him in the end. Cursed Ichigo with a prophesy that at the moment of his greatest happiness, Yhwach will return to crush it to dust.
Meaning Ichigo is now destined to carry that curse for the rest of his days, his days as a human, his days as a soul, possibly even after his soul death and winding up in hell.
By the avatar of fate's own command, Ichigo is never permitted to find true happiness again.
Which actually rather neatly explains why Ichigo seemingly retired from shinigami work after the war concluded. And a rather damning indication of his marriage to Orihime and his own son.
When is Ichigo at his happiest? When he's engaged with the spirit world. What's he done in the ten year timeskip? Cut himself off from the spirit world. When does Yhwach show up again? The first time Ichigo engages with the spirit world after ten long years.
All told, its a rather tragic tale, isn't it?
Then again, I suppose that could be Kubo's intention. The more Ichigo tries to fight fate, the more fate bitch slaps him and tells him 'get back in your lane.' And Ichigo, after years of being thoroughly defanged, bows his head and obeys.
If that's so, then I congratulate him on delivering such a tragic despair-filled message.
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magickkate · 4 months
How do you establish and maintain a daily or regular magical practice?
Establishing and maintaining a daily or regular magical practice requires dedication, consistency, and a personalized approach that aligns with your beliefs and lifestyle. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you establish and sustain your magical practice:
Set Clear Intentions:
Begin by defining your intentions for your magical practice. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve, what areas of your life you want to focus on (e.g., spiritual growth, manifestation, healing), and how you want magic to enrich your daily life.
Create a Sacred Space:
Designate a physical space in your home as your sacred space for magical practice. It could be a corner of a room, a small altar, or any area where you feel comfortable and inspired. Personalize it with meaningful objects, symbols, and decorations.
Establish a Routine:
Incorporate your magical practice into your daily routine. Set aside a specific time each day, whether it's in the morning, evening, or during a break, to connect with magic. Consistency is key to building a strong foundation for your practice.
Start Small:
Begin with simple practices that fit into your schedule. Start with activities like meditation, visualization, energy work, or journaling. As you become more comfortable and consistent, you can gradually expand and deepen your practice.
Explore Different Techniques:
Experiment with various magical techniques and practices to find what resonates with you. This could include spellwork, divination, ritual, chanting, or working with crystals, herbs, or tarot cards. Keep an open mind and trust your intuition to guide you.
Keep a Magical Journal:
Maintain a journal to document your magical experiences, insights, dreams, and rituals. Write down your intentions, spells, and observations, as well as any synchronicities or signs you encounter. Reflect on your progress and growth over time.
Stay Inspired:
Surround yourself with sources of inspiration that fuel your magical practice. This could include books, websites, podcasts, workshops, or communities of like-minded individuals. Seek out opportunities for learning, growth, and connection.
Practice Mindfulness:
Cultivate mindfulness and presence in your daily life. Pay attention to the present moment, engage your senses, and connect with the energy of the natural world around you. Mindfulness enhances your magical awareness and deepens your connection to the divine.
Practice Self-Care:
Prioritize self-care as an essential aspect of your magical practice. Take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through practices like exercise, healthy eating, adequate rest, meditation, and relaxation techniques.
Celebrate Your Progress:
Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements and milestones along your magical journey. Whether it's mastering a new skill, achieving a goal, or experiencing a breakthrough, take time to honor your growth and accomplishments.
Stay Flexible:
Be flexible and adaptable in your approach to magic. Life may present challenges, changes, or disruptions that require adjustments to your practice. Embrace change and find creative ways to maintain your magical connection amidst life's fluctuations.
By following these steps and staying committed to your magical practice, you can establish a fulfilling and enriching daily routine that nourishes your spirit, enhances your life, and deepens your connection to the magical forces within and around you. Remember that your practice is uniquely yours, so trust your intuition and follow the path that resonates most deeply with your heart and soul.
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deepalilohia · 25 days
Boosting Self-Confidence: Overcoming Doubt
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What sets us apart from others is our self-confidence and belief in our abilities. Often, doubts fueled by anxiety and criticism can hold us back from making progress.
Instead, focus on the truth rather than negative emotions and challenge any negative thoughts that arise.
Take realistic steps towards your goals and celebrate each milestone along the way.
Remember, failures are not the end of the road, but opportunities for growth and learning.
Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion, as it is crucial.
Surround yourself with supportive people and prioritize your mental well-being. If necessary, don't hesitate to seek help. T
The path to self-confidence requires patience with both others and ourselves. Keep in mind that you have the capability and deserve success.
Trust in yourself and take one step at a time – this will build your self-confidence and resilience.
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infodailyblog · 4 months
Do you know Where I Can Find Happiness?
Navigating the Path to Happiness: A Journey Within
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the pursuit of happiness has become a universal quest. People often find themselves asking, "Where I can find happiness?" as if it were a tangible destination waiting to be discovered. However, the journey to happiness is more nuanced, often requiring introspection, mindful choices, and a recognition that joy is a subjective and multifaceted experience.
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The Illusion of External Fulfillment
In a world driven by materialism and external achievements, it's easy to fall into the trap of seeking happiness in possessions, status, or external validation. Many individuals believe that acquiring more wealth, achieving certain milestones, or gaining societal approval will unlock the door to lasting happiness. However, this pursuit often proves elusive, leaving individuals feeling unfulfilled and yearning for more.
Cultivating Happiness from Within
True happiness, however, often lies within. It involves a journey of self-discovery, where individuals explore their values, passions, and innermost desires. Cultivating a sense of purpose and aligning one's life with personal values can be a powerful foundation for sustainable happiness.
1. Mindfulness and Present Living: Happiness is often found in the present moment. Embracing mindfulness – the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current experience – allows individuals to savor life's simple pleasures, fostering a deeper sense of contentment.
2. Connection and Relationships: Meaningful connections with others contribute significantly to happiness. Building and nurturing positive relationships with friends, family, and the community can provide a sense of belonging and support, enhancing overall well-being.
3. Gratitude Practice: Gratitude is a powerful tool in the pursuit of happiness. Taking time each day to reflect on the positive aspects of life, no matter how small, can shift focus from what's lacking to what is abundant, fostering a more positive mindset.
4. Personal Growth and Learning: Engaging in continuous learning and personal development can bring a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Setting and achieving personal goals, no matter how small, contributes to a sense of purpose and progress.
Seeking Joy in the Journey
Rather than viewing happiness as a distant endpoint, it is crucial to recognize that happiness is often found in the journey itself. Life is a series of moments, and finding joy in the process of living can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying existence.
1. Embracing Imperfections: Accepting that life is imperfect and embracing the ups and downs allows individuals to navigate challenges with resilience. Happiness is not the absence of difficulties but the ability to find joy despite them.
2. Balancing Work and Play: Striking a balance between work and leisure is essential. Overemphasis on professional success without allocating time for personal interests and recreation can lead to burnout and hinder overall happiness.
3. Self-Compassion: Being kind to oneself is a crucial aspect of happiness. Recognizing and accepting one's flaws and imperfections with self-compassion fosters a positive relationship with oneself.
The Ever-Changing Nature of Happiness
It's essential to acknowledge that happiness is not a static state but a dynamic and evolving experience. What brings joy at one stage of life may not necessarily do so in another. Flexibility and adaptability in the pursuit of happiness allow individuals to navigate life's transitions with resilience and openness.
Conclusion: A Personal Odyssey
In answering the question, "Where can I find happiness?" it becomes evident that the journey is deeply personal. It involves self-reflection, intentional choices, and a willingness to explore the rich tapestry of human experiences. True happiness is not a destination but a continuous exploration of the self and the world, guided by authenticity, gratitude, and a commitment to living a life aligned with one's values. As individuals embark on their personal odyssey towards happiness, they may discover that the destination is not a place but a state of being found within the depths of their own hearts and minds.
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zodiactalks · 2 months
AMBITIOUS Zodiac Signs Ranked
Not everyone has the focus, energy, and patience to make their dreams come true and become the best version of themselves.
These people are known as ambitious because they can set a lofty goal and endure all obstacles until they achieve it. These individuals know that they are here to leave a mark on the world and will not tire until they do.
Read on and find out which zodiac signs are the most ambitious and which ones are not so concerned about improving their lifestyle.
#1. Capricorn
Capricorn knows from a very young age what they want for their life. These individuals are goal-oriented and are willing to start from scratch to achieve success in life without asking for help from others.
And indeed, they can do it, as they are patient, strong, and don't require too many luxuries to be satisfied. Capricorns can climb a massive mountain with no more than their clothes and some food in their pockets and get to the top before anyone else.
#2. Aries
Aries is also one of the most ambitious signs of the zodiac because they love to compete and come out on top. Their energetic, enthusiastic, and outgoing personalities allow them to achieve their goals in record time and set new milestones quickly.
Aries' motivation is maintained as long as they accomplish their projects quickly, which helps them achieve success much sooner than others would expect.
#3. Scorpio
Similar to Aries, Scorpio is a power-driven sign, and their ambition to get everything they want knows no bounds. Scorpios like to be in charge of their lives, controlling every single detail, so they aspire to high and demanding roles.
But Scorpios are not afraid of challenges. These individuals are capable of working day and night and putting aside their free time and relationships in order to achieve their desired goals. There is no denying that their passion for what they want is admirable, and that is why Scorpios reach everything they set out to do.
#4. Leo
The least Leo wants for their life is to become the best version of themselves. They know they have a unique talent to share with the world, so they focus their energies on fulfilling their dreams.
These signs are confident and passionate, so they set clear goals to get what they want and won't take no for an answer. Leo can fall a thousand times and get up again with as much enthusiasm since they know they are one of a kind and have everything it takes to succeed.
#5. Virgo
Virgo is not as ambitious as the signs mentioned above as they are more humble and focus on helping others rather than succeeding.
However, Virgo's dedication and commitment are unmatched, and if they are asked to accomplish a goal, especially in their work, they will finish it in record time, and no matter how hard they try, no one will find fault with the results.
So, Virgo is ambitious because they strive for perfection in everything they do and take their commitments very seriously, especially if they involve helping others.
#6. Sagittarius
Sagittarians are more spontaneous and free-spirited, so they are not as concerned about becoming powerful or successful in their lives.
However, when they have a dream, whether to travel the world or immerse themselves in their spiritual journey, they will pursue it effortlessly, as their passion motivates their every action, and their enthusiasm fills their engines.
Thanks to their positive and friendly spirit, these individuals can leave their homes with a few bills in their pockets and travel the world without going through any hardship.
#7. Aquarius
Aquarius is one of those who make fun of people who only care about money or success. These individuals are rebellious and often go against the system, so it is natural to stray from traditional paths and live life against the mainstream.
However, they are passionate about humanitarian and political concerns and show dedication and ambition when fighting for a worthy cause. Aquarians fight to make the world more inclusive of different people and to break with the status quo.
#8. Libra
Libra is a gentle air sign that seeks harmony and balance in all its interactions. Libra is interested in justice and feels responsible for taking action when they witness any unfair treatment.
So, they are not so ambitious unless the harmony of their environment is at stake. That is where Librans will take the role of mediator seriously until everything is restored to its original order.
They can also be ambitious when organizing social events, as they are keen to make other people feel welcome and put on a good show for others. They love to host large cultural meetings that pleasantly surprise all of the guests.
#9. Taurus
Taurus becomes too stubborn when it comes to their life goals. These individuals don't mind working hard to have a comfortable and stable lifestyle.
Taureans need to be safeguarded with strong homes and good savings in the bank, so they make sure they do things right to keep their job. Now, as soon as they are comfortable, they can stick with it all their lives, without pursuing any other goals.
#10. Gemini
Geminis are decisive and know their way around any type of situation. That is why they are not considered ambitious, since they move at the pace of life and focus more on having a good time than on striving to accomplish challenging goals.
These signs are social and seek to live all the experiences that come into their lives to the fullest. They are anchored in the present and do not worry about what comes next, preferring to be a surprise.
#11. Cancer
Although Cancer is committed and hardworking, their aspirations are more tied to keeping their loved ones safe and happy. These individuals are domesticated and enjoy sharing with the people they love in the comfort of their homes.
So, as long as their bank accounts have enough savings and they are comfortable in their workplace, they can stick with the same lifestyle forever without needing any more than the warmth of their family.
#12. Pisces
Pisces is not interested in the earthly pursuits that other signs seem to seek at all costs. These individuals are more spiritual and aim to use their talents to help others overcome the limitations of their ego.
That is why they can have a frugal lifestyle as long as they can display their artistic and esoteric talents and thus share their love with the rest of the world. Their ambitions are linked to transcend their mind and specialize in a profession that allows them to assist those suffering, whether they are humans, animals, plants, or any type of sentient being.
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wellnessmindhub · 3 months
Parenting a Child with ADHD: Strategies for Support
Parenting is a rewarding adventure filled with milestones, unexpected turns, and endless learning. When a child is diagnosed with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), the parenting experience takes on a unique set of challenges. However, with the right strategies, parental support, and a positive mindset, it's possible to create an environment where children with ADHD can thrive and grow.
In the United States, where prevalence of ADHD in children has steadily increased, understanding how to support these young minds is more essential than ever. This comprehensive guide is tailored to parents navigating the complexities of raising a child with ADHD, providing not only practical tools but also empathy and a sense of community.
Here, we'll explore beneficial strategies that can empower both parents and children, foster understanding in the home and school, and create a support system that celebrates the unique strengths of children with ADHD.
Understanding ADHD Beyond the Labels
Doctors and educators often define ADHD by the symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which can lead to issues with focus, organization, and time management. However, seeing past these labels is key to providing the right support. It's important for parents to comprehend that their child’s brain works differently, not 'defectively.'
Children with ADHD often have remarkable creativity and energy. Nurturing these positive traits alongside managing the more challenging ones paves the way for success.
Shaping a Supportive Home Environment
A supportive home environment starts with knowledgeable and understanding parents. It's crucial to remember that behavior associated with ADHD is not a deliberate choice. Here are ways to create a supportive home:
Establish Consistent Routines
Structure can help children manage their time and expectations. Routines should be flexible but consistent. Use visual schedules or apps to help your child keep track of daily activities.
Positive Reinforcement is Key
Celebrate small victories and focus on the positive in your child. Constructive praise can work wonders, building confidence and reinforcing desired behavior.
Open Communication is Vital
Create an atmosphere where your child feels comfortable discussing frustrations or concerns. Use family meetings to talk about any issues and collectively find solutions.
The Power of an Education Advocate
Navigating the educational system with a child who has ADHD can be daunting. An education advocate, whether it's you, a professional, or a teacher, is indispensable.
Know Your Rights
Familiarize yourself with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504, which outline your child's rights to receive appropriate accommodations and support in a classroom.
Work Closely with Teachers
Regular communication with your child’s teachers is vital. Discuss what strategies work at home and explore how they might be implemented in the school environment.
Explore All Options
Look into the different educational approaches available, from special education programs to mainstream classes with support personnel. Every child’s needs are unique, so the best educational path may require some exploration.
Strategies for Effective Discipline
Discipline for children with ADHD can be rethought as a process of guidance rather than punishment. Here are some strategies to consider:
Implement a Point System
A point system for positive and negative behaviors can help your child understand consequences and rewards. Make sure the system is clear, consistent, and the outcomes are immediate.
Create a 'Time-In' Space
Instead of a traditional time-out, consider making a cozy 'time-in' space with calming activities where your child can go to collect themselves.
Set Clear Expectations
Children with ADHD often struggle with processing information, so it’s important to keep instructions and rules simple and clear. Use visuals if needed.
Building Social Skills and Self-Esteem
Confidence and social competence go hand in hand. Children with ADHD often find it hard to make and keep friends due to impulsive behavior and difficulty with social cues.
Provide Opportunities for Success
Encourage participation in activities where your child can succeed and where their unique strengths will be celebrated. This could be team sports, art, music, or even clubs aligned with their interests.
Role-playing and Peer Modeling
Practice social interactions through role-play and engage with peers who exhibit positive social skills. This proactive approach can help your child learn appropriate social behaviors.
Teach Advocacy and Self-Regulation
Help your child understand their condition and how to manage it in different social situations. This could involve creating 'if-then' plans for problem behaviors or teaching your child to ask for a break when they feel overwhelmed.
Managing Daily Life with ADHD
Everyday life can sometimes feel like an uphill battle for children with ADHD and their families. Simple adaptations can make a world of difference.
Develop Organization Strategies
Utilize color-coding, timers, and checklists for organizing schoolwork, chores, and personal items. Keeping a dedicated study area that’s well-organized can also aid focus.
Minimize Distractions
Designate technology-free times, particularly during homework or family meals. For tasks that require concentration, create quiet spaces that are free from distractions.
Promote Physical Health
Good nutrition, exercise, and sleep are known to positively impact the symptoms of ADHD. Encourage physical activities and maintain a nutritious diet.
The Role of Medication and Therapy
Medication is a personal choice and often part of a comprehensive treatment plan. If you’re considering medication, consult with medical professionals and consider the following:
Be Informed
Research the various medications available and be well-informed of their effects and potential side effects. Have open conversations with your child’s doctor.
Consider Therapeutic Options
While medication can be helpful, it’s not the only solution. Behavioral therapy, such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) or social skills training, can offer practical strategies for managing symptoms.
Regular Monitoring
Keep a close eye on any changes in your child’s behavior or mood once medication is introduced. Ensure regular check-ins with the prescribing physician.
Cultivating Patience and Self-Care
Parenting a child with ADHD can be emotionally and physically draining. Practicing self-care is not a luxury; it is a necessity in maintaining a healthy and supportive environment.
Lean on Your Support Network
Connect with other parents, support groups, or online forums where you can share experiences and resources. Knowing you’re not alone can be reassuring and empowering.
Take Time for Yourself
Make time for activities that recharge you, whether it’s exercise, meditation, reading, or a hobby. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Professional Help Can Benefit the Whole Family
Therapy or counseling can help parents better manage stress and emotions related to their child's ADHD. It can also be beneficial for the child and other family members.
Fostering Independence
Independence is a critical skill for children with ADHD. It can help build their self-confidence and equip them with the tools to manage their symptoms as they grow older.
Teach Life Skills Gradually
Break down tasks into manageable steps and teach these skills gradually, allowing your child to practice and become proficient.
Encourage and Praise Independence
Find moments to encourage your child to take control, then praise their efforts. This will reinforce their belief in their own capabilities.
Model and Demonstrate
Children with ADHD often learn best through observation and practice. Be a positive role model for the behaviors you wish to see in your child.
Celebrate Uniqueness and Small Victories
ADHD is just one aspect of your child's identity, and positive reinforcement is about acknowledging them as a whole person.
Create a Celebration Jar
Place small notes in a jar every time your child accomplishes something significant or handles a situation well. Read through these notes periodically.
Acknowledge Effort
Every step forward is worth praise, not just the milestones. Recognize and honor the effort your child puts into managing their ADHD.
Stay Focused on Long-Term Goals
Remember that your ultimate goal is to raise a happy, healthy, and self-assured individual. Every small victory counts toward this achievement.
Parenting a child with ADHD is an ongoing process that requires patience, understanding, and adaptability. It's a continuum of learning for both the child and the parents. By implementing these coping strategies and maintaining a positive outlook, you can transform the challenges of ADHD into opportunities for growth and connection. Your unwavering support can lead your child on a path of resilience and achievement.
also, add call to action paragraph for the treatment of ADHD in brain power wellness institute
Seeking Professional Help
Remember, it's okay to ask for help. The Brain Power Wellness Institute offers a variety of resources and treatment options for children with ADHD. Our team of experts can provide individualized care and support for your child and your family.
Don't hesitate to reach out and take the first step towards managing ADHD in a healthy and positive way. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your child thrive.
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topicboy · 4 months
Strategies for Online Millionaire Success: A Detailed Exploration
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Strategies for Online Millionaire Success: A Detailed Exploration
In today's world, the pursuit of financial independence and the dream of becoming a millionaire are common aspirations. With the evolution of online platforms, achieving this milestone is more accessible than ever. Let's delve into effective ways to become an online millionaire, focusing on three key avenues:
1. E-commerce: Building Your Own Empire
Setting Up a Shopify Store
Launch your Shopify store, where you take charge of product labeling and manufacturing. This autonomous approach ensures that you have full ownership of your business. To succeed, compete with existing providers by offering competitive prices and maintaining a substantial inventory. Early on, prioritize a balance between low prices and a wide product range. As your business grows, effective strategies and a commitment to product quality can catapult you to millionaire status in a short time.
SEO Tip: Optimize your online store with relevant keywords to enhance search engine visibility.
2. Freelancing: Monetizing Your Skills
Providing Services on Freelance Platforms
Utilize your skills, such as graphic design, by offering services on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. These global platforms attract clients from around the world, providing an opportunity to earn a significant income. Strengthen your portfolio, showcase your work samples, and focus on effective communication. While competition is fierce, showcasing exceptional skills and a robust portfolio can convince international clients to choose your services.
SEO Tip: Craft a compelling profile with keywords related to your skills and expertise.
3. YouTube/Social Media Influencer: Leveraging Online Presence
Becoming a Social Media Influencer or YouTuber
Embark on a journey as a social media influencer or YouTuber, acknowledging the time and patience required for success. Analyze your video performance to understand audience engagement. For sustained success, create content that not only entertains but also educates your audience. Choose a niche in demand, such as online earning methods, and consistently upload unique and copyright-free content. As your channel grows and achieves monetization, you can generate a passive income stream.
SEO Tip: Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords to enhance discoverability.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is it Realistic for Anyone to Become a Millionaire?
Becoming a millionaire is an achievable goal for those with dedication, strategic planning, and a bit of luck. Adopting the right mindset and implementing proven strategies significantly increases the likelihood of extraordinary financial success.
How Long Does It Take to Become a Millionaire?
The timeline to becoming a millionaire varies, taking years of consistent effort, wise investments, and leveraging opportunities. With the right mindset and relentless pursuit of goals, it is possible to accelerate the journey.
Do I Need to Start My Own Business to Become a Millionaire?
While starting a business is one path to millionaire status, it is not the only route. Building wealth through investments, real estate, or other entrepreneurial ventures is equally viable. The key is identifying opportunities and leveraging them for significant income and wealth.
What Are Some Common Characteristics of Millionaires?
Millionaires often possess traits like resilience, determination, visionary thinking, adaptability, and a willingness to take risks. They learn from mistakes, embrace failure, and seize opportunities. Many are also known for philanthropy and giving back to society.
Is Becoming a Millionaire Solely About the Money?
While wealth accumulation is a primary goal, becoming a millionaire should also involve personal growth, fulfillment, and making a positive impact on others' lives. It is about creating a legacy that extends beyond financial success, leaving a lasting positive mark on the world.
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sam-glade · 1 year
THIRTY-five for your first haircut/legal adulthood??? Explain!
Oh dear. Yes, ma'am🫡
The culture is long-lived, with the average lifespan of about 300 years, but some well known individuals have 2-3 millennia under their belt. They mature slower than people in the real world, and at 35 an average person in setting is comparable to a 18-20 year old human in the 21st century. Roughly.
Other milestones on the 'happy path' are: up until you're 100 years old, you're free to explore what you want to do in life, make mistakes and learn from them. People past a century of age usually would have found their vocation and formed long-term relationships (if they're so inclined). They're likely to settle down, start families, etc.
In theory, they live for as long as they have the will to. If they're enjoying their lives, day to day, and look forward to tomorrow every day, they can theoretically keep going forever.
In practice, that means that those who are well off and able to lead comfortable lives tend to live longer. This has... consequences, which I'm hoping to address in the third book of the Days of Dusk trilogy.
Anyway, these are the very generalised patterns. For comparison, here's Elven life-cycle in Tolkien's universe, however I don't intend to be quite this specific and prescriptive.
Behind the scenes - how it serves the narrative
On one hand, I created the nigh-immortal people in this setting, because I wanted to explore how a historical figure adjusts to changing times. How much they fight against the change? Or maybe they welcome it? Go with the flow? Also, what happens when you have living witnesses of a lot of events from history books?
On the other hand, this is in part a consequence of 'all the myths are true' premise. If people believe that there is an individual famous for X, Y, and Z, then, well, this individual is, in the present tense. It does require hundreds of thousands of people to actively believe in something, to affect reality, but if you are the head of state, and have enough resources at your disposal, there's a lot you can do with it.
And when someone starts a smear campaign against you... well.
A part of the premise of The Truth Teller is that Prince Anthea from Days of Dusk became known as the Tyrant Prince over the couple of millennia between these stories. She's now trying to understand how, and why, and she's attempting to redeem herself.
PS. You should know, I descended into a fit of giggles when I saw your question. Thank you for that😁
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secretgamergirl · 1 year
The actual gameplay of FF14
Over the course of last month, I sat down and wrote down a probably somewhat intimidatingly long plot summary/review for Final Fantasy 14, but I kinda made a point of not really getting into any detail about the actual gameplay. A big part of that if I’m really honest is that a HUGE portion of the gameplay really is just walking between quest markers and talking to people who send you off to other quest markers to talk to other people (or maybe talk to them again), and hell sometimes you don’t even walk, you just talk to someone three times in a row. It’s true for the main plot, it’s true for side quests, but I’m not going to estimate the overall percentage since, well, the bits with real gameplay meat are frequently things you’re going to do more than once and it really screws the count. The bits where you actually do stuff though are pretty engaging (at least, eventually, when you’re deep into the expansions, people kinda constantly talk about how the base game just really sucks. Anyway, I want to ramble about gameplay, so that’s what’s happening.
Progress Gating
So, FF14 is an MMORPG, and that means a big part of it is taking quests from people with big exclamation points over their heads. As a matter of convenience, these come in a few flavors. Standard yellow for minor side quests. Blue if there’s an interesting unique reward at the end, and with this jagged border meant to evoke a falling meteor if it’s a Main Story Quest. Some games gate progress behind level restrictions (which... in fairness this game also does, but it rains experience down on you just for progressing the story it should never be the limiting factor). Some games do regional reputation grinding, or scattering around several decently long quest lines to be tackled in any order. FF14 gates EVERYTHING behind milestones in the Main Story Quest progression.
There’s a dozen or so unique quests in each of the three starting cities, and a few points, mainly at the start of expansions where the path will briefly split and then re-merge after each branch is explored, but for the most part, there is this strictly linear unbroken chain of several hundred quests, stretching from “hey walk around the town you started in and talk to the important NPCs,” all the way up to whatever was added to the most recent patch for the most recent expansion, with no skipping around, and even though you’ll find handy guides like this one breaking down when you can first access basically everything that isn’t the MSQ line (aside from the periodic blooming of a dozen or so new sidequests as you travel to different areas), almost all of those unlocks really mean “while you’re doing MSQs with a minimum level requirement around here. These days these MSQs in particular have their experience rewards cranked up so high that even if you do nothing beyond plowing through them as quickly as you can, if you’re sticking with a single class you’re probably going to be at least a good 10 levels ahead of that curve at any given time. You’ll hover around par if you’re simultaneously leveling two or three classes at once (and on the other hand, I imagine people who decide to take advantage of those cash shop “story skips” probably get a rude awakening, since while the level progression requirements are normally a total non-issue, instantly checking all these off is also taking the best source of experience off the table).
Classes and Jobs
This is one of the kinder design elements to FF14. Every class in the game has a unique weapon type, and simply equipping a weapon used by a class switches you over to that class. Experience is tracked separately for each class, so just saving a gear set for each class to the hot swap list let’s you essentially have an alt of every class without ever having to log out, and all sharing the main plot progression, inventory, etc. etc. and letting you do that Maxed Out Save File thing if you like. Oh and speaking of gear sets, equipment has minimum level requirements too, so unless you think ahead and put on a bunch of pure-cosmetics stuff with no stats, every single time you join a new class for the first time, your level becomes 1, not meeting the requirement for anything you’re wearing, and your clothes dramatically just kind of explode off your body. This is never not hilarious and I pretty much guarantee you will forget it happens every time new classes become available.
There’s a couple other funny little quirks with classes. You don’t get really get to pick your starting town, it’s based on where the class quest giver for your starting class (initially) hangs out. If you want to punch guys, go sword and shield, or blast away with fire and ice, you’re in the desert. If you want a bow a pointy stick or healing spells you’re in the woods. If you want Pokemon or an axe, you’re in pirate town. If you want to run around with your arms behind you do flippy jumps and dual wield knives, that class is also in pirate town, but it wasn’t a thing at launch so the FF14 historical preservation society insists you start as something else and join it later. Incidentally, this means even if you join every class in your starting town, you can tank or you can heal, but not both. Fortunately this isn’t an issue until the first dungeons open up and at that point you’re hopping all over between the three. And of course with the non-combat classes the one that makes clothes from plants is in a different city from the one that gathers plants, but you really want to go all or nothing on those classes anyway.
The other funny little quirk, as per the little chapter heading here, is that FF14 has both Classes, and Jobs. Being a good 13 years old now, there’s a hell of a lot of weird artifacts kicking around as vestigial remnants of older versions of the game, and I think this is one of the weirdest. See, way the hell back when, there was this system where in order to unlock your classic Final Fantasy Jobs, you had to level the appropriate more-typical-MMO-class to a certain point, and also have two specific other classes at a certain level, with the cool new unlocked job blending stuff from each. They streamlined that out forever ago, and now you just get whatever class to level 30 and it kinda promotes up... but take a good look at this chart for how it used to work.
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Arcanist was the base class that lead to both the Summoner and Scholar jobs. What’s super weird is, that’s still true. You get it to level 30, and two quests show up that open up jobs. Summoner is a straight progression from playing with pokemon like you’ve been doing, scholar replaces your pokemon with a fairy and now you have healer stats. But... experience gains are always tied to your class, so while these are two completely different jobs, they share experience and you can end up maxing out your level on one or the other without ever actually playing it. Quirky. Oh and all the ones added in expansions came after this change so like a Dancer is just a Dancer and they aren’t technically getting Softstepper experience or something.
Quests and Duties
So getting back to quests for a moment, like I said before, the vast majority really are just talking to people, that’s the whole quest. Now and then, mostly at the very very start in the game and when just compulsively doing every side quest, someone asks you to kill X number of monster Y like every other MMO, but those are vanishingly rare overall. There’s a lot of quests that force you to drop out of any party you may be in and generally drop everything else to have some little plot fight in a locked off instance, and later expansions sometimes give you control of one of your other party members for these instead of your actual character. Later expansions throw around things where you switch to first person to try and spot people walking around in the distance or knock them out with a blowgun or something, and there’s a few that have something actually unique and interesting going on. And then once in a blue moon, you get one that opens up a chunk of the real meat of the game, duties.
There’s basically two flavors of these. Dungeons and Trials. For dungeons, you’re forced into a party of usually if not always four people- 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS, you get a nice little setpiece area where you run around, kill a huge pile of monsters, stopping a couple times to kill roughly 3-5 minibosses along the way, and the who thing gets introduced with a cool sweeping fly-through camera.
Trials are just one big boss fight, early game ones giving you that same party of four fixed roles, basically everything from level 50 onwards doubling that up. Generally they’re bigger more complicated things with phase shifts and a unique soundtrack that shifts at the halfway point from just an instrumental thing to a more intense thing with lyrics. In both cases you have a time limit of an hour and a half to clear the thing, but if you aren’t just wiping constantly it’s honestly only like a 10-20 minute commitment.
Since you have to wait until you have the appropriate party for one of these, and you probably don’t want to just stand around by the entrance (unless you keep making the same mistake I did, hoovering up every little side quest as they appeared and having nothing to go do while I waited as a result), they came up with this clever little UI feature called the Duty Finder. One of these things unlocks, it gets added to a list in the menu. Either show up at the front door, or just select it out of the menu, and you can queue up your party hunting. It’ll automatically do matchmaker stuff in the background, and you can wander off to do whatever in the meantime, as long as it isn’t other instanced content.
Another neat thing with this is they bribe the ever-loving hell out of more experienced players to repeatedly go back and do old duty finder content. There’s eventually a little “roulette” menu with a dozen different flavors of content to pick from, with substantial daily rewards of experience cash and tomestones (I’ll get to those, don’t worry), and extra bonuses for whichever character type is in highest demand. So if you’re some newbie just trying to kill Ifrit for the first time, you queue up, 3 people trying to level up every class or do some endgame timesink or whatever get pulled from either the list of people who feel like doing old trials or whatever’s-needed for a bigger experience boost, tada, you have a full party, it’s most likely people who know how this fight works, and odds are they don’t want any of the loot drops. There’s a few other incentives too, including extra rewards when a new patch reworks something or it’s an obvious bottleneck, etc. Much like the main story quests constantly sending you back to the major cities and their outskirts all the way through the latest expansion, it’s a good system.
I do have a couple problems with it though. First it just sort of divorces these places from context. I’m off wandering around some exotic local dealing drugs for bugs or trying to win people’s triple triad cards or something, my roulette queue goes off, suddenly I’m in some cave full of poisonous plants. I barely remember this place, can’t recall what continent it was even on or why there was a reason to be here way back when. Also when you queue it notes what class you’re in and demands you switch back to it when it finds the party. If you haven’t switched out, and you don’t accidentally close the pop-up menu, you can join right in. Watching a cutscene? Whatever, you’ll get dropped off right before you talk to whoever to launch it after. But if you switched classes, perhaps to do resource gathering or mop up sidequests with a class you don’t play as much? There’s no drop what you’re doing and go option. You need to finish that cut scene or combat or weirdly long post-teleport load time, then hurry up and switch back to whatever class. And I swear they always pop up at the worst times. Oh and they’re currently retrofitting everything so you can skip all this and just roll in with 3 NPC pals.
And then of course there’s also Alliance Raids (like a dungeon but with 24 players and with a very theme-parky level of spectacle), Normal Raids (serialized bite-sized mini-dungeons and trials), and Savage Content (variations on the rest of this with the difficulty cranked up super high). And of course while I’m listing miscellany, normally all instanced content is “synced,” meaning your stats abilities and equipment are capped out at roughly the best they could be when you first met the requirements (plus a few levels of wiggle room), there’s a slightly hard to find option to turn off both that and the usual party composition requirements at the cost of getting no experience, which is nice if you want to go back for sub one minute kill times on old bosses to get that one rare drop you need, or if you want to play a blue mage in a dungeon/trial at all.
Class/Job/Role Breakdowns
When you unlock the first dungeon, you also unlock a set of tutorials on how playing in a party works, which are worth doing because the reward for sitting through them all is some nice gear sets and a ring that gives a huge experience bonus at low levels.But they also give straight up terrible advice, especially to tanks, and should not be trusted. Here’s how you actually play.
When you have all of a class’ abilities unlocked, generally speaking you have a chain of 3 attacks that do bonus damage when landed in order, another that does area damage (the magic number of how many enemies you have to hit at once to be worth using it is 3), a long range attack option (good for when you have to hang back because the floor is lava), something that gives you a defense bonus for a bit, something that debuffs a boss temporarily and/or cancels certain boss attacks, some big splashy thing you can use for a big damage spike every two minutes or so, and generally some kind of quick dash/hop sort of thing. Most of these abilities are on this shared global cooldown, where you use an ability and (most) of the rest get locked out for I want to say a 2 second window, roughly, and there’s a nice generous input window where you can queue up your next action about 7/8ths of the way through that timer. Your other abilities tend to all be on their own independent timers or spend some meter or other to use, and you can pretty reliably squeeze 2 activations in between the global ones.
At some earlier point in the game’s life, there was this whole system of bosses being strong and weak to certain elements or blunt/slashing/piercing damage, D&D style, but they pretty much totally gutted that, so now it’s a game where every class just kind of has a perfect idealized ability rotation you just kinda commit to muscle memory and repeatedly tap it out in a steady rhythm, while focusing all your mental energy on the actual real core gameplay: Dodging attacks with increasingly ridiculous and convoluted tells. And at later levels when the game decides to seriously grow some teeth the design really does go all in on making that interesting. But anyway, there’s also this big pile of classes worth talking about.
First we have the tanks. As is standard for MMOs, these are the stupidly hard to kill people whose main job is to trick all the enemies into attacking them and only them, and FF14 tanks are kind of hilariously great at this. Another weird old design artifact is they used to all have an ability to shift into an aggressive stance for bonus damage, and another to shift into a tanky stance where they just get all of the monsters’ attention forever, so long as they actually hit them. At some point they dropped the aggressive stances, presumably because players have a mindset of more damage=finish faster=optimal and weren’t using the important one. So now everyone just has this dedicated ability that toggles on “the rest of the party doesn’t die instantly” mode, which will stay on forever and there is zero downside to keeping it on (well, until you’re doing higher difficulty stuff with two or three tanks and you need to take turns taking all the hits). New tanks often figure there has to be some sort of catch and don’t keep it on. New tanks also get the advice from that bad tutorial to open combat by hitting one enemy out of a group with a ranged attack to peel it away... but enemy AI in this game doesn’t do peel-aways. As soon as any given monster in a group gets hit with something, they all get angry and follow their standard attack priority of: Tanks if a tank hit them any time at all recently, anyone else who’s been hitting them a lot, healers, whoever’s closest. So, used a ranged attack, the healer gets mobbed. Instead, you just run in and do area attacks.
All four tanks kinda play exactly the same. Warriors get self-heals, Paladins get parries, Dark Knights get vampirism, and Gunbreakers get lots of fiddly little abilities, but if there’s a boss, you just get their attention, stand by a wall so they look away from everyone else, and use your many defensive skills when a big attack’s coming. For everything else, you spam area attacks, make yourself a living katamari sweeping up every enemy up to a locked door/boss room, pop defensive stuff so you can take the heat, and stand there in your horrible clump of like 30 monsters doing more area attacks.
Then we have healers. Healers heal tanks when they’re about to die, the whole party after a party-wide attack hits, toss out various buff spells as needed, and otherwise use their super boring attacks. Generally instead of the three hit combo stuff, the have a single target damage spell, an area damage spell, and a damage over time spell, and that’s it. Fortunately a well-played tank will keep them on their toes by doing super reckless stuff like forming a 30 monster katamari at a full sprint. Oh and sometimes someone fails to dodge, then you use swiftcast, revive, and a big heal.
The weird thing of course with healers is they all have a range of healing spells with increasing HP restoration and MP costs but you kind of never want to use any of them. Once you have all your abilities unlocked you have those slow expensive heals, but then like 6 or 7 other abilities on independent timers for instant heals, regeneration auras, and so on to use instead. White mages are super vanilla, but their area spell stunlocks things too. Scholars have weird restrictions on when they use what but fairy pals as backup healers. Astrologians do tarot readings to pass out weird semi-random buffs. Sages heal people by shooting monsters with flying laser cannons and mostly do stuff to tweak the targeting and efficiency.
Then there’s the direct damage types. All they do is do their optimal damage rotations and dodge stuff, but their damage rotations are all extra convoluted and make you look at meters/timers/pop-ups to distract you from the dodging.
We’ve got spellcasters. They have to stop moving while casting spells, and learning the little window when one is finished and the next hasn’t started where they can slide over a bit. Black mages get speedy fire spells that make them actually have to care about MP, something nobody else but healers when things are going bad has to do, slow ice spells that regenerate MP, and a bunch of buffs and weird conditional things popping up to throw that rhythm off. Red mages have quick lame spells and super slow big damage spells, but every other spell goes off instantly. Plus they’re balancing out two elemental meters, sometimes have fast high damage spells, and periodically dash into melee to do physical attacks and shift into high power mode. And they can heal and revive (with instant casts even) so sometimes they’re back-up healers. Summoners just have a nice rotation of throwing pokemon at people and could be played blind but you just leveled them by leveling scholar and don’t know how they actually work.
We’ve got melee folks. Sometimes they have to be behind or to the sides of things, bread and butter attack combos are extra long and weird. Monks have faster cooldowns, and break the sequence of their rotations to power up big finishers. Dragoons over-commit with jumps and have to think farther ahead on positioning. Ninja have a little spell system that wedge like 9 abilities into 4 inputs, and one of those is a personal haste spell. Samurai have multiple power ups that stack and unlock different finishers. Reapers didn’t get introduced until Endwalker. I think they have like a demon mode with different moves a quarter of the time or something.
And we’ve got ranged folks. They just kinda juggle like a dozen independent cooldowns. Bards have a bunch of buffs and debuffs that maybe actually call for changing up their strategy conditionally. Machinists get grenades and robots they maybe have to think about placing in good places, and so many buttons to mash. Dancers have most of their abilities becoming available as a 50/50 thing after using other abilities and big buffs that require quick games of Simon.
Oh and Blue Mages are Blue Mages, which means they’re so broken they can’t join parties without turning off those balance restrictions and have a fun minigame of hunting down their 100 different potential abilities and deciding which to use.
Oh yeah, there’s also limit breaks. Standard FF game concept, slow building meter, does something cool. When maxed out, healers can pop it to revive everyone and fully heal them, tanks can pop it for 15 seconds of party-wide invincibility. Everyone else gets huge damage spikes. Everyone shares the one meter, but when starting a new boss fight it resets, so in dungeons you shouldn’t just try to save it all for the last boss.
Absurd Boss Mechanics
As previously stated, the real meat of the gameplay is just getting your personal damage optimization responsibility down pat so you can focus on dodging absurd things from bosses. At its simplest, FF14 was, I believe, in on the ground floor of that thing I think all MMOs, and a lot of other games do now where bosses telegraph their attacks with big glowing circles rings and pizza slices that appear on the floor, showing you where not to stand. It’s a little weird in that the timing on when not to be standing there is synced to when the floor stops being orange, with actual attack animations still playing out well past the point where not only is it safe to stand there again, but there might be a follow-up before the animation’s done where that’s the only safe spot. But as the game goes on, it’s far from just glowing orange pizza slices.
We’ve got attacks that target whoever has aggro and do fatal splash damage to anyone nearby. Attacks that distribute their damage among everyone nearby, so everyone has to huddle together and distribute the load. Attacks with absurd knockback sending you halfway across the arena, sometimes chained together so you have to triangulate pool shots where you’re the ball and the pocket is the one spot you won’t fly off the edge of the arena. Icy floors. Attacks whose tells appear only in the chat log. Attacks whose telegraphing slowly spreads over a huge area until they go off making it harder to judge what’s safe. Big meteors that fall from the sky and do good chunk of damage if they land on someone, but kill everyone if nobody slows their decent with their face. Attacks whose telegraphing straight up lies to keep things spicy. Gaze attacks you have to face away from.
Then there’s the weird stuff. Hop on this boss’ back when it turns into a plane or die in the strafing run, then do a QTE to dismount. Get knocked a few miles into the air and dodge energy balls on the way down. Play DDR. Play Wheel of Fortune solving for damage tiles. Have a math problem. You know that thing where the character follows a line and has to turn down every side path it sees? That but then there’s an explosion. I just fought a boss where first half the party grows snake heads with petrifying gazes out of their shoulders, the other gets targeted with acid bombs, and some non-shoulder snakes need taking out with a one two combo of these without any friendly fire. Then another variation where you need to avoid killing the snakes until the end so you can use them as cover from 360 petrification on upgraded shoulder snakes and everyone needs to share the acid bath and distribute the damage. Then there’s a whole second fight against the same guy where you have to play some kind of alchemical combination magical DNA matching minigame to create the right minibosses to have pokemon battles on your behalf. The whole back half of the game is this process of dying to something truly ridiculous you’ve never seen before, having to work out the rules it follows on the fly, and then coming up with some elaborate dance choreography to get around it. Or, you know, put off the real hard mode stuff and come back with level limits off and way better stats.
Syncing, Gear, and Tomestones
One thing I think is kind of neat with FF14 is it’s designed in a way where you don’t really have to worry about equipment until you hit the bleeding edge of current content. Well and before the first time credits roll, when you just have to make do with whatever random stuff drops in dungeons and it’s outdated like an hour later. As soon as you beat the final boss of the base game or any expansion though, you get access to a fresh new set of tomestone gear. Like way too many games these days, FF14 has like 50 different kinds of currency. Most of these don’t ever really matter. You spend gil on fast travel options, buying a house, and I guess whatever people throw up on the market board. Doing tribal side quests for monstery pals gives you their personal currency, but you get more than enough to get all their unique rewards as soon as they unlock. Then there’s tomestones. Basically, they’re eBooks from a dead civilization and this one merchant loves them. Said merchant also stocks absolutely ridiculously good gear sets that become available as soon as you finish the base game or any expansion. Basically anything you do spits a bunch of tomestones at you, you trade them for parts to a gear set, that gear set is hands down far and away better than anything else you have access to until you’re a bit over halfway through the next expansion. And even then, you’re probably good until you finish that one and access new tomestone gear. So more often than not, you’re decked out in that, and can ignore all the loot drops or craftable things you see unless it’s a good look and you want to do the whole glamour thing.
This isn’t true though any time the expansion you just finished is the current one. Then it’s a damn mess. There’s 3 different flavors of tomestone, two of which only drop if you’re at the level cap, one of those has a cap on how many you can snag per week. Rather than just trade them in for the good stuff, you get loot from the hardest bosses around, or the best possible crafts, pay some mix of fancy tomestones and weird little bespoke tokens to upgrade that, and OK, there’s your best stuff... until the next patch when there’s a tougher set oft toughest stuff and the whole rigamaroll gives you slightly better gear. Honestly it’s not good enough to really matter, UNLESS you’re doing the hardest content in the game, in which case the absolute best stuff means attacks that would instantly kill you might leave you at like 7 HP with some awful debuffs instead. 2 chances over 1 chance ain’t nothing. OR you can ignore it all, wait for an expansion to drop, and tada, the absolute pinnacle of this one can be just bought outright with tomestones that rain down from the sky.
There’s also ultimate weapons with like 7 step upgrade paths after every expansion that require a truly astounding amount of grinding and jumping through hoops and... are instantly outdated if you just skip’em and move on to the next expansion. They glow though.
This whole weird mess of endgame content also causes this weird issue where gear has both a minimum level for your character to be able to equip it, then an item level on a scale that bloats up absurdly. Like the current level cap is 90, then the best gear is item level 635 or something, at this exact moment. In the base game, those numbers stay even. Which of course is why when you’re getting bribed to do early game stuff, we have the level-sync thing to pull you back down to where you’re balanced. Of course, it’s also common wisdom for RPGs that you don’t just start with all your cool abilities, you get them spread out as you’re leveling up. And this really really sucks here.
In the lowest level dungeons in FF14, not only do you not get access to the things that make your class unique and interesting, you don’t even get your 3 hit combos. You run through a whole dungeon with like, attack #1, attack #2, and a whole bunch of greyed out buttons. It’s not absolutely terrible because again, the fundamentals are all about managing monsters’ attention and learning to dodge things, but it’s still pretty darn dull. And there are whole facets of some classes that just don’t exist until level 60. Or 70. Or 80. You end up getting meters that build up, but not the abilities you spend them on, or things that eventually activate power-up states but for now just do a marginally-worth-it extra splash of damage. You’re kinda forced to pick classes, then spend hundreds of hours leveling them to find out if you like what you eventually get. Then you do a roulette and you’re back in low level hell again.
This is getting long and I’m getting tired, but you start the game on foot, which sucks. Later you get mounts which are at least a bit faster. Then as you get into expansions, in each new area there’s a bunch of collectable things where you learn the wind patterns. A bunch are just scattered across each map, then a bunch come from side quests, one from a main quest. Collect them all, and you can fly on that map. It’s a nice little gameplay loop. Problem is they decided to retrofit flight into the base game after they added it, and rather than make you go collect currents, they just let you fly everywhere from when the credits first roll to when you first set foot in the first expansion’s maps. Where flight is really really nice to have as map design is suddenly very 3D and convoluted.
Anyway you can teleport to basically anywhere you’ve been and should, it’s cheap.
The freaking Gold Saucer
Remember that casino from FF7? It’s just straight up in this game. Chocobo racing and all. And the card game from FF8? That’s here too. So, those are big time sinks.
Think that covers everything? Oh. There’s crafting. It’s the same as every other MMO’s crafting but with like combo setups so it feels like real gameplay at least. Mostly just good for making better crafting gear, but also for playing dressup or decorating your house.
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[ID: The start screen of the game Littlewood. It shows a scene of the game’s village, restored and with many of the villagers standing on a square. At the bottom are the title of the game as well as a few buttons to play, change options or quit. The game’s artstyle is colorful, low resolution pixel graphics, and the menus are light brown. End ID.]
Well this one isn’t too unknown, but I just finished it and am typing a review for Steam anyway, so... :D
At first glance, one might think it’s similar to Stardew Valley, and of course, as with all those type of sim games, there are some similarities. But, after having finished it, I have to say, it’s not, not really. The goals are just too different.
Most of all, this is not a farming game. It’s a “follow the red line to rebuild a town according to requirements while grinding for money and materials” game.
You meet new people, they move into your town when you build their houses, and along the way you unlock new structures you can upgrade. The world is rather small, your town, a few destinations you can travel to, as well as two randomly generated dungeon maps. Mostly you run around, raise skills and gather materials, to build and upgrade and unlock new stuff.
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[ID: The character creation screen. It has the options hair style, hair color, skin tone, outfit and personality. End ID.]
Positive Points
Stress free. There is no time, but every action costs energy. You can walk around, talk to people or decorate for as long as you want each day. Early on, the available energy might seem a bit low for all the things you want to do on a day, but there really is no downside to time passing. Later, you get a tool to have limitless energy.
Character generation is basically hair and clothes, and a way to change them can be unlocked in the game. The only thing you’re stuck with is your name, skin tone, and the town’s name. The personality is, I believe, only used for the town square statue.
I’m not sure it’s even possible to mess up permanently. Resources are technically infinite (if sometimes heavy rng based), and tearing down objects gives the used resources back. I guess you could cook with a rare fruit before you’ve planted it and hate yourself in the following hours until you find it again.
This is very subjective, but I enjoyed the obligatory card mini game very much, once I got the hang of it.
The game’s wiki is perfect, and has all the information you could ever want.
You can shape your town as you want, raising hills or creating lakes and rivers. You need to fulfill the villagers’ requirements, but after unlocking the rewards, you can technically move their houses as well.
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[ID: The village as you start out. It’s all empty meadows with sandy paths, hills and a few small lakes. The only building is the player’s house, in front of which the player stands. The NPC Willow is dancing in front of it, happy about the player waking up. End ID.]
Neutral Points
There isn’t really a conclusion to the story. Which is kinda fine, I’m not playing this for the story.
Similarly, the NPC personalities aren’t that deep. Every character has a couple of quirky dialogues, but they repeat constantly, are not subtle at all, and I think even the marriage dialogues are all the same.
I spent the first I don’t know how many hours having to take care what I spend my money on, and it was fine. Then I reached 2-3 milestones pretty quickly and from one moment to the other, money was no problem anymore. Unlocking a vegetable that sells for a nice amount so I could get a few thousand per day - nice. Unlocking selling each cooked dish for 3000 no matter what, so I am swimming in money after a week - meh.
There isn’t that much freedom. Every villager wants exactly one set of furniture, and their house at a certain spot, and exactly one set of objects next to it (as in, right next to it, touching it). You only have room for a set amount of vegetables, fruit trees, animals, namely three of each. In my opinion, it does give the game some structure and a tangible goal, but also lowers the replay value.
If going for achievements, you should start the timegated ones - flower breeding, villager quests) early on.
There’s three save slots, as well as cloud saves.
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[ID: The endless forest, a randomly generated area with green grass and lots of pine trees and weeds. The player is talking to a bee monster in a field of yellow and white flowers. The monster, called Beeford, says: Please don’t hurt me... I’m just a low-level bee monster! I don’t drop any rare  items! End ID.]
Negative Points
Oh, the grind. There’s two different kinds: For items, and for achievements.
For items, there are a lot of special items you can get while doing an action. Chop down a tree, have a chance of acorn. Most of those are fine, you can farm them by just doing that action over and over and over. Some are less fine. Super rare, super random, needs a wiki to figure out where they might drop.
I spent a substantial amount of late game time just checking the fully upgraded (and therefore offering any item in the game) merchants each day. That’s not fun gameplay.
There are several achievements that require you to do a huge amount of chopping/mining/fishing etc. The fishing one was the most obnoxious one. It took me half a (real life) day after finishing all the others just running around, fishing each spot dry each day, sleeping, repeat. And I already did do the fishing trip each day way before that, as well as catching every fish I came across in the forest and mine while doing the other ones.
Keybinds cannot be changed. This was the main reason I did not buy it on desktop PC, because I hate that. It also didn’t like my controller/the steam deck much, not being able to move with the d-pad, and not recognizing the x button to turn chairs, but that was easily fixed with the deck’s configuration tool. I am not sure if the windows version has the same issues.
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[ID: The same town, much later, in fall with an orange color scheme for grass and trees. Now there’s lots of houses, to both sides of a river, and some on top of the hills. There’s sparkly purple stones on the ground, two birds around a bird bath and a bird house, two cats, a few colorful flowers and more decorations. End ID.]
I bought this with two expectations in mind:
I knew it was grindy, most of the reviews on steam mentioned that. I was actually looking for a game with a bit of grind, to brainlessly play a day or two before bed, making progress without having to think.
I wanted to play it on the deck, where I knew I could rebind my controls.
Considering that, I did get exactly what I wanted. It took me about 50h to 100% the game (well... I got all the achievements, and leveled all the skills up, but didn’t bother maxing all relationships or dating all villagers or beating them in the mini card game.) The game isn’t overly expensive to begin with, but occasionally goes on sale for 20-50% off.
Things I wish I had known before:
All recipes use two ingredients, but you can just slam the bar full and the game will prioritize undiscovered recipes with the ingredients you picked.
There is a stat page in the menu, showing you progress on the “do x” achievements (I forgot, ok).
Anyway, I’ve already written too much, and if you’re into that kind of games, this is a good one.
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Digital terrain models zero in on Martian surface
Picture soaring over a rugged canyon on another world, strapped into an imaginary hang glider. Or getting a bird's eye view of craters that stretch on for miles and following along the same paths as the robotic rovers that have explored the surface of Mars. All of this is possible—virtually—thanks to specialists at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.
A team at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory has created realistic terrain models of Mars' surface using specialized software and high-resolution images taken from space. Known as digital terrain models, or DTMs, these renderings allow mission planners to examine landing sites for landers and rovers and scout routes across the alien terrain, laying the groundwork for ongoing and future Mars exploration campaigns.
Creating a DTM begins with high-resolution images taken with the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, or HiRISE, a UArizona-led camera instrument aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, or MRO, which has captured detailed views of the red planet's surface since 2006.
Unlike a consumer-grade digital camera, HiRISE does not take "snapshots" of a scene—rather, it relies on a method called push-broom photography. As the orbiter passes over Mars, the camera takes a long scan, producing pictures used to create DTMs, which are topography maps and capture the shape of planetary surfaces.
"DTMs take a long time to make," says HiRISE outreach coordinator Ari Espinoza, "so the fact we've been able to crank them out in such high numbers underscores the value that HIRISE still has—especially because no one else is making such high-resolution images of Mars' terrain."
HiRISE can resolve objects as small as three feet, about the size of a coffee table. Thus, HiRISE can reveal potential snags and obstacles in landscapes that may look deceptively easy to navigate when viewed from a distance. The sheer amount of DTMs from UArizona has made them a sought-after resource used to examine changes in Mars' geology, find safe landing sites and navigate rover routes.
For each DTM, two images of the same area are necessary. HiRISE captures each image on a separate orbit and at a different angle, and combining the images results in a so-called stereo pair.
Essentially, the set of images making up a stereo pair mimics the left eye and right eye, creating a sense of depth, explains HiRISE scientist and DTM lead Sarah Sutton.
"When you look at the images together with special glasses—like the red-blue glasses often handed out at science fairs—it allows your brain to make a 3D image," she says.
The stereo pairs are then used to produce the DTMs—an intensive process that involves a coding component, examining the actual images taken by HiRISE and editing the DTMs.
The program launched in 2008 with Sutton being the sole producer of DTMs. Thanks to a growing team that includes student workers, the effort is on track to complete more than 150 for this year alone, a record. September saw the completion of a major milestone when the number of total DTMs passed the 1,000 mark.
"Production has gotten a lot faster because we have better targeting of stereo pairs, more automation in our process, and we are continually refining our methods," Sutton says.
Editing especially requires a lot of hands-on work. For example, stark differences in lighting, such as a dark shadow covering one side of a crater, can cause errors that need to be evaluated by a human pair of eyes.
"In such cases, the computer doesn't register what is actually on the surface, and so it makes things up that we have to correct manually," says Branden Gosse, a recent UA graduate who now works as a research technician for HiRISE.
During HiRISE's repeated passes over the same area, it sometimes witnesses changes on the Martian surface that provide valuable scientific clues about dynamic processes, Sutton explains.
"We can observe seasonal changes in frost cover or dunes moving across the land," she says. "That's only possible with DTMs, since they correct for differences due to the individual images being taken from slightly different optical perspectives."
On top of depicting surface changes, DTMs help Mars rovers navigate terrain that could be dangerous. While small, sharp rocks are too small for DTMs to resolve, they can effectively display hazardous sand dunes that rover wheels can get stuck in. In collaboration with cameras aboard rovers, DTMs can even enable almost real-time navigation of rovers' routes.
Making space science tangible
The feats accomplished through DTMs have been made possible through the scores of UArizona students who have produced them over the years, culminating in 1,000 DTMs made from a pool of almost 8,000 stereo pair images. Although DTM production has a steep learning curve, the benefits are immense and planetary science gets more tangible, according to Sutton.
"DTM production gives students the opportunity to see how space science really works outside a classroom," she says.
Simultaneously, the HiRISE team learns from students' new perspectives, and students learn how to work with the software, according to Max Cabrera, a student worker majoring in physics and astronomy.
"Last semester, there would be this overlap where I'd use the techniques from DTM production in class and vice versa," he says. "There was this nice back and forth that helped me hone my edge for coding."
Even with a long history under their belt, DTMs cover a very small percent of Mars' surface—less than 1% or 2%—which highlights the extent of contributions HiRISE can continue to make for as long as the hardware lasts. With students and scientists hard at work in the DTM lab, the topography maps are bound to secure the success of Mars missions—and possibly even human space exploration in the not-too-distant future.
According to Alfred McEwen, the mission's principal investigator, "DTMs are critical for finding future landing sites for humans or robots as well as monitoring safety and what is happening on the surface."
"Researchers for other moons and planets wish they had something like HiRISE and the MRO orbiting their field of study," McEwen says. "High-resolution images are highly desired pretty much anywhere that you have a solid surface."
Aside from HiRISE, McEwen serves as deputy principal investigator for the Europa Imaging System, or EIS, on NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft, scheduled for launch next year. Similar to the flyovers over Mars' surface, the Clipper mission will involve studying Jupiter's moon Europa, the sixth-largest moon in the solar system, during a series of flybys.
"As the spacecraft orbits Jupiter and makes close passes to Europa, we hope to get the same kind of stunningly beautiful pictures of this icy world as we do of Mars with HiRISE," McEwen says.
TOP IMAGE....Rendered from a digital terrain model, this image shows Ganges Chasma, a deep canyon on the eastern end of Valles Marineris, the largest canyon system not just on Mars, but in the entire solar system. Credit: Kevin Gill, JPL-Caltech
LOWER IMAGE....Rocky outcroppings are visible in this digital terrain model of Martin Crater on Mars created by Kris Akers at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. DTMs offer faithful renditions of the topography and surface features of planetary bodies and help mission planners pick safe routes for rovers and landers, for example. Credit: Kris Akers, HiRISE, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
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hustler-786 · 11 months
How to Make Your First Million Dollars: A Comprehensive Guide to Financial Success!
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Dreaming of becoming a millionaire? Turning that dream into a reality is an attainable goal with the right mindset and strategic approach. While it may not happen overnight, making your first million dollars is entirely possible through careful planning, smart investing, and disciplined financial habits. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore essential tips to help you achieve your financial goals and set you on the path to becoming a successful millionaire.
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1. Set Clear Goals and Visualize Success: The journey to becoming a millionaire begins with a clear vision. Define your financial objectives and create a roadmap to reach them. Break down your goals into achievable milestones, and keep track of your progress. Visualization techniques can be powerful in keeping you focused and motivated throughout the process.
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2. Budget Smartly and Track Your Spending: Financial discipline is crucial when aiming to accumulate wealth. Create a detailed budget that outlines your income, expenses, and savings. Identify areas where you can cut back on unnecessary expenditures and redirect those funds towards investments or savings. Tracking your spending habits allows you to stay in control of your finances and make informed decisions.
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3. Invest Wisely and Diversify Your Portfolio: Growing your money through investments is key to building wealth. Educate yourself about different investment options such as stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, and more. Diversifying your investment portfolio spreads risks and can lead to higher returns over time.
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4. Increase Your Income and Seek Multiple Streams of Revenue: Boosting your income is a significant step towards achieving financial success. Consider exploring additional revenue streams, like starting a side business, freelancing, or investing in your skills to enhance your earning potential. The more sources of income you have, the faster you can reach your financial goals.
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5. Save and Automate Your Savings: Regular saving is the foundation of wealth accumulation. Set up automated savings and investment plans to ensure a portion of your income is automatically allocated towards your financial objectives. Pay yourself first before spending, and let the power of compounding work in your favor.
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6. Educate Yourself and Stay Informed: Continuous learning is essential in the pursuit of financial success. Read books, follow financial blogs, attend seminars, and learn from successful entrepreneurs. Staying informed about market trends and financial news will help you make better-informed decisions when it comes to your investments.
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7. Embrace Failure and Learn from Mistakes: No successful person has ever achieved greatness without experiencing setbacks. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. Evaluate your mistakes, adjust your strategies, and keep moving forward with renewed determination.
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8. Network and Collaborate: Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can be a powerful catalyst for success. Network with people in your industry or those who share similar financial goals. Seek mentors who can offer guidance and valuable insights. Collaborating with others may open doors to new opportunities and partnerships.
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9. Stay Disciplined and Avoid Impulsive Decisions: The journey to a million dollars requires discipline and patience. Stay focused on your goals and avoid impulsive decisions that may undermine your progress. Be mindful of emotional responses to market fluctuations and always base your choices on thorough research and analysis.
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10. Take Calculated Risks: All investments come with some degree of risk. While it's essential to be cautious, taking calculated risks can lead to significant rewards. Assess potential risks and rewards before making any financial decisions. Remember that higher returns often involve higher risks, so diversify your investments to mitigate potential losses.
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Becoming a millionaire is an achievable goal for anyone willing to put in the effort and follow a disciplined approach to finances. Setting clear goals, budgeting wisely, investing intelligently, and continuously educating yourself are the pillars of financial success. Remember that building wealth takes time and perseverance; stay committed to your goals, and success will follow.Above all, maintain a positive mindset and believe in your abilities to overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams. As you progress on your journey to financial freedom, always seek professional advice when needed and remain open to adapting your strategies as circumstances change. With determination and the right financial strategies, you can make your first million dollars and embark on a path towards long-term prosperity.
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amythystraine · 11 months
Daily Cards ~ Zodiac readings
Hello to all my Zodiacs! The following tarot reads are quick n’ fast one card pulls with a flash of insight. (Kind of like the horoscope briefs you’ll find in the newspaper.) If you want a longer, in-depth, personal reading You Know Where to Find Me! I’m using Pagans Way Tarot for these mini-readings, by Anna Franklin.
Aquarius ~ Temperance
Some Aquarians are going to be set free, free from unnecessary strife and worry; from unnecessary responsibility; free from whatever is adding an extra burden to your life through your own unique set of circumstances. It’s time to find balance in your life. Those things that disrupt balance will be smoothed out; those things will be eliminated; those things will be solved. Aquarius, your path will go from bumpy, impaired, and pot-holed, to smooth and unencumbered.
Capricorn ~ 6/Wands
It’s time to win, Capricorn, time to be the victor. This is your chance to grab the golden ring and taste the sweet taste of successful accomplishment. If you’ve been working hard towards a specific goal, you will reach this milestone very soon with glorious results. If you’ve been plodding away at everyday mundane life consistently and responsibly, you’re going to receive an acknowledgment for your efforts, your stamina, and your dedication.
Pisces ~ Knight/Wands
You’re in for some high adventure that’s going to come at you unexpectedly and at a rather fast pace, so hang onto your hats, Pisces! If this is an individual in your life, or a new connection, you’re going to find their enthusiasm and pace for life rather difficult to keep up with at times. Since they are the spontaneous “action-before-thought” type of person, you dear Pisces are going to have to be the level-headed one. However, don’t resist the pull to adventure that this Knight brings; it will pull you out of your rut and bring you new and satisfying experiences.
Aries ~ 3/Swords (reversed)
Dear Aries, you suffer from a broken heart so often, whether it be with a romantic partner, or other keenly felt disappointments in life. Did you ever wonder if it’s you who’s setting yourself up for these disappointments? Sometimes you ask too much, and sometimes you accept too little, from other people. Turn the tables, be decisive (which is difficult for some of you). You have the ability to turn this around, put this card upright by sticking to your guns and more closely examining motives…both yours as well as someone else’s.
Taurus ~ Strength
The universe has big plans for some of you, and the course that this is taking you on will require strength, stamina, determination, and faith. Know that you are not alone. Your spirit guide or animal totems are surrounding you, protecting you, lending you their energy. You will come through, perhaps not entirely unscathed, but wiser and stronger for the experience. Embrace what the universe sends you, even when it appears challenging, this is how you’re going to grow, Taurus.
Gemini ~ Ace/Cups
Aces are doorways, Gemini, and the cups leads to relationships, romance, new people, or a very special person in your life. For single Gemini’s, expect someone new and interesting to cross your path. Married Gemini’s, you’re going to experience your committed relationship on a new level; you’re going to find yourself in a place that moves to a new and deeper stage mentally, spiritually, and physically; you’re going to feel very grateful for this connection in your life and you’ll be able to see it from a new perspective with new eyes. Your cup runneth over.
Cancer ~ The Lady
Cancers, Mother Nature and her glorious fertile world are going to make a unique connection with you this year. Communication is highlighted; coupling; birth; re-birth; and renewal are in the picture, whether this is signifying a physical fertility and the birth of a child, or creative fertility and the birth of new ideas and new projects. Your world will flourish with abundance, rich and earth-based.
Leo ~ 6/Wands (reversed)
Leo, you may have been on a losing streak lately, but that’s all going to change; you can turn it around. Examine what’s been causing this string of bad luck: personal decisions; the individuals you’re connecting with; some other cause unique to your own situation?? Find the rotten apple, the thorn in your side, then get rid of it. I have a feeling some of you Leo’s will be taken by surprise with this revelation, not all who come to us in the guise of “friend” are sincere and genuine. And then, you’re also going to have to check on one more possiblity… Is it YOU that’s holding yourself back?
Virgo ~ 9/Pentacles
You’re not quite satisfied, Virgos! Our life is one long search for happiness and perfection, for contentment and success. A lot of you Virgos feel that you’re missing the mark, it’s that “almost there” feeling, but something seems to be absent. It might be your desire for perfectionism that leaves you feeling this way. You’ve got a great life; you’ve done, been, and experienced about everything you’ve wished; you have all the things other people may envy you for: a good mate; a good job; the setting that you desire to live in; extra-curricular activities that hum with your energy. Learn to appreciate where you’re at Right This Moment, enjoy what you’ve attained– stop worrying about acquiring more!
Libra ~ Elder
There’s going to be some new growth and insights for many Libras. Aha-light-bulb moments are going to be going off creating a spectacular light show with all the Libras out there who will be picking up new knowledge, understanding, and insights. Wisdom is coming your way, Libra. Questions will be answered, problems solved, something you may have wondered about for a long time will finally find the light of revelation shining upon it. Grab this knowledge and run with it…knowledge is power, as the old saying goes.
Scorpio ~ Princess/cups
Messages coming through for Scorpio will be focused on love and relationships. Some of you Scorpios may find yourself riding off into the sunset, either with a fairy tale happy ending golden glow; or with a let’s get out of here and start over spirit of adventure. This princess is going to be persistent. Some Scorpios out there are overlooking something wonderful that’s right under their nose. Look at the options and opportunities around you before you get the wild itch to take off to yonder parts trying to find love, or fulfillment, opportunities, or success. It’s closer than you think, Scorpio. (If it were a snake, it would of bit you, as my grandmother would say.)
Sagittarius ~ Justice (reversed)
No, life isn’t always fair, Sagittarius, and this is a fact. But don’t get so caught up in the injustice of it all that you stop trying, stop fighting, stop stepping up to the plate. Sometimes life deals us some tricky cards (no pun intended) and we have to face what’s on the table. Some of you may either find yourself dealing with personal issues that seem unfair, unjust, or just plain cruel; and others will actually find yourself interacting with the legal system, or attorneys, to take care of upcoming issues. Hang in there, Sagittarius, Lady Justice will triumph in the end.
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