#the reason why i don’t want children makes me wanna protect them even more so it see y’all act so cruel to them is genuinely scary
idyllicbby · 1 year
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damiansgoodgirll · 27 days
Can you please write about being jey and jimmy adoptive little sister (so we can feel more included about not looking like them honestly) , reader is like 18/19 and being completely heartbroken about the fact that all reader wanted was for her family to be together and now both jimmy and jey want attentions from her but she won’t chose and this thing is breaking her, and like she’s friend with rhea or the judgment day so she comfort her (sorry for my english i’m from poland!)
Thank you so much if you take my request
the usos x sister!reader
‼️fighting, reader having a panic attack and breaking down
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broken pieces
you always had a special bond with jey and jimmy. you were their little sister and they felt overprotective about you. they didn’t want anything or anyone to cause you harm.
but what if they were the ones hurting you?
they both saw it on your face almost a year ago, when you were watching front row jey against roman at summerslam.
the betrayal on your face when jimmy sides with roman, hurting jey and hurting you. they both looked at you and realised something in you just broke.
jey was hurt and confused like you were. jimmy felt tears in his eyes when he met your heartbroken look. you were his baby sister after all, the one he promised to protect with his own life.
and now you couldn’t even stand to be in his presence.
but no matter what you tried to do, they now hated each others and that made you even more furious and sad. those big men were your big brothers, your bodyguards, the people you loved the most and now all you had was a broken family.
almost a year later and things didn’t got any better, in fact, their constant beefing backstage was tiring anyone.
“i can’t believe this” jimmy kept screaming as he wanted to punch jey right in the face.
you didn’t even know where this argument started from but, like every single time you found yourself stuck in the middle of it.
“if only you weren’t so self centred…” jey screamed back at jimmy.
“me? me? are you fucking serious? me? self centred? aren’t you the one going around and wanting to be called main event?” jimmy laughed “so i am the self centred one uh?”
“you going crazy man!” jey spat back “are you planning to ruin every single moment of my career like you’re doing every week on live tv man?”
“stop it stop it stop it!” you screamed at them. you were witnessing this stupid fight and knowing you couldn’t do anything to get to stop was hurting you. so, as you predicted, they kept screaming at each others.
“i ain’t ruining no one’s moment man, it’s just you who can’t accept some people are way better that you anyway” jimmy responded back, making jey laugh.
“so you’re better that me? that’s funny man, so why, if you’re that better than me, why, aren’t you getting booked? uh? cat got your tongue man?” jey sarcastically laughed making jimmy angrier.
you couldn’t stay there any longer.
“fucking stop it!” you screamed once again, tears falling from your eyes “stop fighting like goddamn children! i-i can’t do this anymore, i really can’t” you looked at both at them “all you do is fighting and fighting and i can’t do this anymore…i just want my family back”
jey, sensing your anxiety, tried to take a few steps close to you but you stepped back, not wanting to be close to anyone.
“i’m so sorry y/n…” jimmy apologised, hating to see you cry and hating himself even more, knowing he’s the reason you are crying.
“i don’t care if you are sorry! you always say you guys are sorry and then fight again and again and again and i can’t deal with this shit anymore! i just want my brothers back…i-i…” you were having trouble breathing “i just want this to be over”
“y/n, love, why don’t you sit down a little?” jey suggested when he saw you were struggling to breathe. he knew your anxiety and he knew you struggled with panic attacks and he was hating himself for being the reason you were struggling right now.
“no! no i don’t wanna sit here and hear you fight again! i-i…i don’t wanna…” your head was dizzy and the look jimmy gave jey made them understand each other without sharing a word.
“sit here love…” jey slowly walked you towards the little black leather couch inside his changing room “breath with me y/n…” you did as jey told you to do and you felt all the energy leaving your body.
“you feeling better?” jimmy asked, sitting next to you while jey was knelt in front of your sat position.
“why do you have to keep fighting?” you asked them, your voice breaking a little, now your tears falling down your face again “and don’t say you’re sorry” you warned jimmy.
“we will try to stop okay?” jey smiled at you. deep down he knew he couldn’t keep fighting with his brother forever but at the same time it was hard for him to forgive him so quickly.
“i don’t want a “we will try” jey, i want my brothers back…i want to spend time with you together like we did last year…” you cried harder, your breathing getting worse again “you just don’t understand this…i-i hate seeing you fight every day, i hate seeing you punching yourselves, i fucking hate having to share days with you like you are my divorced parents!”
“hey hey keep breathing slowly sweetheart” jey reminded you.
jimmy and jey both had no idea how this family feud was affecting you. they just discovered it now and they were both hating themselves for hurting you that much.
“you just don’t understand…” you whispered.
“no words can’t express how sorry i am love…” jimmy softly whispered with teary eyes. seeing you having a panic attack was the worst thing he ever witnessed. you were his baby sister who he was meant to protect so why would he hurt you that much?
same thing was for jey.
“i just miss you…” your voice broke a little.
jey cursed himself “i know things between us aren’t the best but our feelings for you will never change. no matter what, you will always be our baby sister and we’ll love you forever…i will try my best to not fight with jimmy okay?” you simply nodded while his soft hand wiped your tears away.
“i promise you we will be better” jimmy went and you nodded again, being happy with their responses.
“now, i’m pretty sure you have work to do so i’ll go back to my hotel room…but, if you’re free tonight can we have a movie marathon like we always did when i was younger?” you asked them, hope sparkling in your eyes.
they couldn’t say not to that.
so they said yes.
they knew they had a lot of work to do, especially when it came to them but, no matter the circumstances, they would always have your back.
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kunikinnie · 1 year
hii could i request hc s for yosano, kunikida and chuuya with a s/o who has a small child (like 4yo) just lots of fluff kinda found family vibes (completely ok if you don’t wanna write it tho, you can just ignore it i’d totally get it)
a/n: sorry this took such a loooong time but no i did not ignore this this is sO CUTE HAHA i don't usually write for Yosano but i gave it a shot anw tho it might be ooc :')
with an s/o who has a young child
featuring: Yosano, Kunikida, Chuuya x GN!Reader
Yosano Akiko
She's the quickest to come to a decision when it came to entering both your lives. Perhaps it's her age or simply her disposition, but taking care of the two of you isn't a hurdle for her at all.
She loves teasing and spoiling you but especially your child. This is why they love her so much that an outsider might think that she was the biological mother. They're that close.
Going out to buy stuff is their your favorite activity together. Whether it's just groceries or more clothes, home decor, and toys, the three of you will go at the same time.
One of her qualities that was extremely useful when dealing with your child was her patience. It's probably not just due to her background as a doctor, but her life experience is just a huge factor altogether.
When it comes to protectiveness with the small stuff, she's not as intense as the other two on this list. Of course the child's safety is of utmost priority but injuries and the like are normal and, in her opinion, necessary to build their character. (And also there's her ability when it comes to it, so the confidence goes up tenfold)
She's not afraid to be more openly affectionate with either of you. She knows you two need it and nothing makes her happier than seeing you two happy and loved.
Kunikida Doppo
He was pretty hesitant to start a relationship with you at first. It's not that he doesn't like that you have a child, it's more of he's not sure if he's ready to play the role of a father as well. But he knew there was no going back once he's formed an attachment to your child.
It was easier to win over the child than it was you for some reason. As much as he likes children, he wouldn't say he's an absolute natural at handling them. It was a big relief and advantage for him, then, to have them on his side.
Theirs is a pretty standard father-child relationship - not that it's a bad thing. Kunikida is 100% dad material even if he's not quite at that age yet. He's quite protective, lectures (nicely and softly) often, etc.
His teacher side will come out as well. Explaining the world to them is essential for their development (or so he says). Plus children are naturally inquisitive so he answers their questions adequately most of the time. Goes in depth with them, too.
He's the least likely to go on frequent one-on-one dates with you. Don't get me wrong, he loves you very much, but compared to the other two he's more than content to spend with you two as a family. It's also because he's so concerned that something might happen to your child that he'd want to be by their side as much as possible. (Ofc just tell him if you want to go on dates more often he'll definitely listen)
Overall, he does his best to be a good partner and father. He may be strict with you at times, but that's only because he loves you two so much.
Nakahara Chuuya
Similar to Kunikida, he was worried that you being in a relationship with him might not be the best for you and your child. But his mind changed when he was once welcomed into your loving home: what emerged was the overwhelming desire to protect it.
Hence the spoiling. Lots of spoiling. Whether it comes to buying you two things or giving in easily to your demands, it's just so hard for him to say no. He doesn't want either of you to go through the poverty he went through.
He's such a sweet guy that I can't even begin to describe it. Every present and favor he does for you is done thoughtfully, and he definitely puts so much effort in becoming the lover you've always dreamed of.
Even if he doesn't visit often due to work, it only makes every moment more special. Your child looks forward to being with him (even if only to sleep together). They love sleeping on top of him to prevent him from leaving too soon and most of the time, it works.
You love seeing them play together. Chuuya's good at it, but most of all his inner kid comes out and it's such an adorable sight you can't help but let them indulge in it. The best part is watching him try to mind his language around them. The one time he let it slip and your kid copied him, he was mortified (while you were thoroughly entertained).
The mafia life is far away from your home. He rarely ever talks about it let alone think about it whenever he's with one or the both of you. During these times he's just himself - not a mafia executive, not the boss's underling - he's just Chuuya.
taglist: @irethepotato, @kisara-16reblogs, @thatdazaikin, @dazaee, @menshusband, @celestair, @bloobewy
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sisterspooky1013 · 7 months
Gaslight, Chapter 22/48
Rated X | Read it here on AO3
Ellicott City, MD
Don’t know how you do what you do, I’m so in love with you. It just keeps getting better.
I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side, forever and ever.
Every little thing that you do, baby I’m amazed by you.
She snaps off the radio, then pulls Tiffany’s scarf off her head and tosses it onto the passenger seat. What is she supposed to do now? Where is she supposed to go? Her instincts tell her to run, but what about the children? She is the reason they’re involved in this in the first place, and guilt sinks heavily from her heart to her belly as she imagines what might happen to them now that the jig is up. Will they be discarded like trash? Will they be leveraged against her, used as pawns in an even more disturbing way? She wants to protect them, but to this point it’s her very proximity to them that has put them at risk. Though it goes against every maternal instinct in her body, she comes to the conclusion that the best thing she can do for them right now is to get as far away from them as possible.
Eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel, she digs around in her purse for her cell phone, finally pulling it free and flipping it open with her thumb. Her hands are still trembling, but she manages to dial. Lunch hour traffic means she hits every red light possible, and she can’t stop looking at the vehicles and sidewalks around her, waiting for another black suit to appear.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up,” she mumbles to herself, checking the rearview mirror obsessively.
“Cal,” she says, relieved to hear his voice. “I’m on my way home, and I’m going to need to go away for a little while,” she begins, but he cuts her off.
“I’m already at home,” he says in a small, fearful voice.
“What? Why?” she asks, checking her blindspot before she switches lanes.
“I couldn’t—I just couldn’t,” he says tightly, and she realizes that he’s crying.
“Cal, I’ll be home in ten minutes, okay? Wait for me, and don’t open the door for anyone,” she says, finding confidence she didn’t realize she had within her. “Is your car in the garage?”
“Yeah,” he says in a near whisper.
“I need you to move it to the driveway so I can park in the garage, can you do that?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Okay, move the car, and then go inside and lock the door. I’ll be home soon.”
Twelve minutes later, she pulls into their driveway and jumps out to open the garage before parking Tiffany’s car inside it. When she enters the house, she finds it stonily silent and still.
“Cal?” she calls out, half expecting the smoking man from the hospital to appear instead.
“Over here.”
She follows the sound of his voice to the stairwell where he is sitting mid-flight, his head in his hands. She approaches slowly, sitting on the step just below him and laying her hand on top of his knee.
“Hey,” she says softly, and he sucks in a sharp breath.
“I’m all fucked up, mija,” he whimpers, followed by a wet sniff. “I’m just—I don’t know what to do.”
She moves one step up, wedging herself between his body and the bannister, and wraps her arm around his shoulders. He leans into her, and she rubs her palm up and down over his upper arm comfortingly.
“What happened?” she asks.
He sniffs and swipes his hand across his nose, composing himself.
“Everything is off,” he explains. “Nothing feels right. I couldn’t remember the PIN for my debit card to get gas, and then I got to work and I sat down at my desk and—it’s like it fell out of my head, Dana. Like it’s just gone.”
“What is?”
He sits up and looks at her. His eyes are bloodshot and swollen, his bottom lip quivering.
“Everything,” he says gravely. “I don’t know how to code. I can’t even fucking understand the code I wrote yesterday.”
“Oh,” she says, understanding.
“What’s happening to me?” he asks, and the pain in his voice makes her heart ache.
“I can only tell you what I was told, and I can’t be sure that what I was told is entirely accurate,” she says, her hand resting on his back.
“Just tell me, please,” he begs.
She looks away, running her tongue across her bottom lip as she decides how to explain it. She suddenly understands how challenging it was for Alex to relay the same information to her.
“I’m not your wife,” she says evenly. “You’re not my husband. Abby and Peter aren’t our children. This whole thing,” she says, gesturing to the house around them, “is a lie. A farce. Whoever did this to us…they went to very great lengths to make us believe that this life is ours.”
She pauses and turns to look at him, finding a somewhat vacant expression on his face. She can empathize, and knows that the questions are too numerous to even begin asking them. She has to keep talking.
“The chip in your neck contained memories. Memories of how we met, Abby and Peter’s births, your training in software engineering. Every single detail since 1992. And whatever they did to us, and whatever was in that medication, helped ensure that we wouldn’t remember what really happened. So that we’d believe it, the lie. And by removing your chip, I also removed those memories. That’s why you can’t remember how to code.”
“Or that pancakes are waffles,” he says absently.
“Right,” she confirms.
He stares off into the middle distance for a moment, allowing this new information to sink in.
“They’re not ours?” he asks, turning to look at her with a kind of disbelieving hurt on his face.
She shakes her head gently, her lips pressed together sympathetically.
“Not biologically, no. But they don’t know that. They still have their chips, and as long as they do, all they know is us,” she tells him, and he nods, looking away again.
“I don’t think I’m a good guy, Dana,” he says after a moment, and she narrows her eyes at him.
“What do you mean?”
He drops his head, staring at the carpeted step between his feet.
“They were cleaning the windows in the office and the smell of it—kind of like ammonia, maybe? It did something to me,” he says hesitantly.
“What did it do?”
“It made me remember something,” he says very quietly. He lifts his hands, forming loose fists. He moves them closer to his face and she realizes that he’s miming smoking from a pipe. “It wasn’t pot,” he says shamefully.
She sighs and moves into the space between his knees, kneeling on the step just below him. She grabs his hands, holding them in her own and looking him straight in the eye.
“Listen to me,” she says sternly. “I don’t know who you were or what you did before they did this to you, but it doesn’t matter. To me, you are Cal. You’re a good man, and a wonderful husband and father.” She feels her throat constrict and she swallows against it. She needs to be strong for him. “Whoever did this is looking for me, Cal. They came to the hospital, and it’s only a matter of time before they show up here. I’m not safe here.”
His eyes widen and his mouth falls open, but she stops him before his mind wanders too far.
“This isn’t about you,” she explains. “This is about me, and a man I used to work with. You and the kids were used to distract me, to make me believe the lie. I don’t have any reason to think they’ll harm you, unless they think they can use you to get to me.”
“What do we do?” he asks.
“I have to leave. I’m not going to tell you where I plan to go because you can’t be forced to provide information that you don’t have. I need you to take care of the kids, okay? You can call my mom for help if you need to. She has no idea any of this is happening, so just tell her that I had a work emergency or something. If anyone asks, say that you’re taking the medication, and do not tell anyone that I removed your chip, okay? Can you do that?”
He nods, but it’s lacking confidence.
“Will we see you again?” he asks hoarsely, and her chin puckers.
“I hope so,” she whispers, and he opens his arms, pulling her into a hug.
She hastily packs a bag with a few changes of clothes and basic toiletries, plus the Sam Cooke CD and the rest of the Numerol. She wishes she could take Cal’s chip for evidence or eventual analysis, but if Alex was right that it can be used to track her movements, it would be unsafe to do so. She remembers finding $800 cash stuffed into a cookie tin during her initial investigation of the house, and she takes that too. She loads her bag into Tiffany’s car and then turns back to Cal, who is standing in the doorway between the house and garage.
“Where did you get the car?” he asks, and she smiles thinly. “Never mind,” he says with a sigh, realizing that it’s the least of their worries.
They stand there for a moment, looking at one another. There’s so much she doesn’t know about him, so much he doesn’t know about himself, but he is still the person she trusts most in the world right now. The only person she trusts, really. She wishes that she didn’t have to do this alone. She suspects that he wishes the same.
“I’ll be in touch when I can,” she says, and he nods. “Give the kids big hugs and kisses for me, okay?”
His face crumples and he looks at the floor. She turns to get in the car, but then changes her mind and walks the handful of steps to where he is standing. She grabs his hand and he lifts his head, absolute agony in his eyes.
“You’re going to be okay,” she assures him, and his jaw jerks to the side.
“What about you?” he asks, his shoulder jumping.
“I hope to be,” she says, forgoing empty promises.
She pushes up onto her tiptoes and presses her lips to his cheek. Before her resolve can crumble any further, she climbs into the car and starts the ignition. Cal walks slowly alongside the driver’s side window as she backs out of the garage, and then follows her down the driveway. Before she turns the corner she takes one final glimpse in the rear view mirror at his tall, trim frame silhouetted against the backdrop of a suburban neighborhood.
It was a beautiful lie they created for her, and part of her is sad to leave it behind. But she chooses to look forward in hopes that she might be able to find her past, and the missing piece that she’s been mourning since the moment she woke up in the hospital.
He. Him.
She heads south, flipping the radio back on so she doesn’t feel so lonely. Her chest aches in the persistent, heavy way that only loss brings, and she hates just how familiar the sensation has become to her.
She’s worried about Cal, about the kids, about herself. She wonders if Mulder has any idea what’s happening, or if he is blissfully ignorant. She starts to think about the most effective way she can explain it to him, if she has the chance. And if she does explain it, and he doesn’t believe her, then what? Or, even worse, what if he does believe her but chooses his new life, his wife, over whatever they had and lost?
Scar tissue that I wish you saw,
Sarcastic mister know-it-all.
Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you, ‘cause
With the birds I’ll share
She feels slightly lightheaded suddenly, and she blinks rapidly and shakes her head back and forth to clear it away.
With the birds I’ll share this lonely view.
With the birds I’ll share this lonely view.
She flips on the turn signal and pulls off to the side of the road, her heart racing. She feels like she might be having a panic attack.
Push me up against the wall,
Young Kentucky girl in a push-up bra.
I’m fallin’ all over myself
To lick your heart and taste your health, ‘cause
It slams into her like a punch to the gut, making her head ache above her left ear. She can physically feel the synapses reaching out, connecting, pulling it up from the depths. Memories, unearthed like buried treasure.
“What are you saying?” he asks, flashing his eyes between her and the road with a haughty little smirk on his mouth.
“The song,” she answers, pointing to the radio.
“Sing it for me,” he requests, and her cheeks burn.
“I know I’m a terrible singer, Mulder, you don’t have to rub it in,” she grumbles, turning towards the window.
“I’m not making commentary on your vocal stylings, Scully, just tell me what the lyrics say,” he insists.
“With the blood that’s shed, it’s a lonely view,” she says flatly, and he chuffs a laugh. “What?”
“That is definitely not how the song goes,” he says, shaking his head. “It’s ‘with the birds I’ll share this lonely view’.”
She pauses, listening to the final chorus of the song.
“Hm,” she says.
“Hm?” he repeats. “Hm, you’re totally right, Mulder? Hm, those lyrics make a lot more sense?” he teases, reaching across the console to poke her arm with his index finger.
She turns her head sharply and gives him her very best irritated glare.
“Gloating is extremely unattractive,” she informs him, and he laughs.
“Does this mean you’re not coming over tonight?” he asks cheekily. “‘Cause I had plans for you, Scully.” He looks at her until she meets his eye, then adds, “Big plans.”
She rolls her eyes and looks out the passenger side window.
“Shut up, Mulder.”
She grips the steering wheel so tightly that her fingers go numb, her chest heaving and her heart pounding. Slowly, slowly, she returns to earth, to the shoulder of US-29-S, to the driver’s seat of Tiffany’s Escalade. As soon as the panic subsides, the tears come, running in torrents down her cheeks and keeping her stationary, unfit to operate heavy machinery in her current state. She wants more, so much more. She wants it all. She wants him.
Eventually, she feels ready to return to the road. She finds a seedy motel just outside the city that she’s confident won’t ask for ID, and lays clean-smelling towels over the top of the questionable-looking sheets before she curls up on the bed and begs for the respite of sleep. It’s early, but she’s exhausted, and feels like she needs the freshness of a new day in order to think clearly.
Tomorrow, she will return to the city she left behind against her will and try to find the torn edges of her stolen life. Tonight, she will pray that he meets her in her dreams, at least until the day she can return to his arms.
Tagging @today-in-fic
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drinkintrashjuice · 8 days
I’m gonna rewrite MID
I’ve always loved this series and the potential it had but it’s kinda…yknow…badly written. I’m not saying my version is gonna be any better, but I just want to write this in a way where I’d love it even more. I’d love any criticism to see if I can make the possible second episode so please enjoy! (Also some characters are renamed or added so I hope you don’t mind) (also also the names might be dumb I’m sorry for that as well)
Episode 1: Your life is on the line
      The world of daemos, divided into 5 kingdoms, all of which contribute to the flow of resources and stability. These kingdoms consist of Umnotho, Noimosýni, Mir, Tohe, and Chikara. The rulers of these kingdoms all attend their yearly meeting, to discuss the blatant immaturity of Chikara
      “Do you know what this could do to our land!?” Yells the Queen of Umnotho, Mothando.
“Not only does this put our people at risk, but this puts your status as king of Chikara at risk.”
      Yakedo, the king of Chikara, scoffs at this threat “you’re implying that you and your army can take me down?” He sits back in his chair “Please keep talking! It’s a very good laugh!”
      The king of Mir, Garmon, interjects. “If I may put advice on to the table Yakedo, doing this has no benefit to you…” As Garmon sees the look on Yakedo’s face, he quickly feels smaller
      “I can think of a thousand reasons this can benefit me! My people are hungry! Losing hope! Our magic is deteriorating!” Yakedo stands up, putting everyone on edge “I need to do this…because none of you are willing to help us in our time of need”
      “How dare you say such a lie!?” Mothando yells “You know all of us have been having the same problems with our kingdoms!”
      “But the difference between you and me…“ Yakedo and his guards start to leave the room “Is that I’m willing to do anything for my kingdom…to keep our status of power.”
      The room is silent all looking at Mothando for any type of response, but her face is nothing but pure hatred for Yakedo.
      “I’ll stop momentarily, as I have a plan to bring magic back to our lands.” Yakedo looks back at Mothando, piercing her with his glare “But if this plan proves unsuccessful…have your most powerful men protecting your kingdoms.” Yakedo leaves, the room is silent.
      “Plan? What does he mean by this?” The queen of Tohe, Wai, inquires.
      “I…I do not know…” Mothando answers, her voice shaky
      “But we must train our men and women, for we do not know how exactly long or short this plan will be.” The rest of the royalty in the room nod in unison, officially ending the meeting
(Wooo text divider woooo)
      “C’mon Asch! I don’t wanna beat you this badly!” The boy saying this is standing over another. The boy on the ground, Asch has burns that could only be fixed by the greatest of medics
      “I…Hitoma …my legs I can’t…” Asch weakly spits out.
      Hitoma scoffs “I’m not even gonna bother to carry you.” He starts to walk away “just wait till father sees you like this…to be honest…I’d hide”
      Asch can’t do anything but watch as Hitoma walks away and be scared for his life. Their father has been pressuring them to be stronger, to fight for their right as king. But no matter how hard he tries, Asch just can’t beat Hitoma. This specific battle has left Asch criticality hurt. His legs have been burnt to the bone, and certain parts of it charred. His torso has been reduced to nothing but cuts and bruises, and his right arm has been burnt till nothing but flesh shows. As weak as this thought is, Asch can’t help but think on whether of this is really what brothers should do. Why would father have two children if only one can be king? He doesn’t think on this for long, as someone who seems to be way taller than him kneels down and inspects him.
      “No…father…I can explain…” Asch’s heart feels as if it’s trying to break out of his body, so he could be dead before he’d have to deal with any punishment his father would have for him.
      This figure doesn’t kick him in the stomach and yells at him to get up though. Instead it gently picks him up bridal style and carries him towards the castle. It said something along the lines of “Don’t worry you’ll be safe” but Asch couldn’t be sure, as he was in a complete daze. He later passes out in the figure’s arms, and he prays this doesn’t prove to be a horrible decision.
      Asch later wakes up in his room. He wasn’t sure how he got there, but he did know that everything on his body hurt like hell. His arms and legs were completely wrapped up in bandages, and were completely cold. He looks around the room and sees the figure that may have brought him here slowly cooling down his burns with its ice magic. This figure is actually Rhys, his advisor.
      “Rhys…? D-Did you take me here..?” He starts to move but immediately hisses in pain and lays back down.
      “Please be mindful of your injuries my prince.” Scolds Rhys, though in a way where it’s meant with no harm.
      “Damn…I really got my ass kicked didn’t I? Haha…” Asch remarks, with deep pain in his voice.
      “I simply don’t see why your father allows your brother to injure you this badly,” Rhys says quickly, “both you and your brothers lives are important for this kingdom”
     “Maybe it’s ‘cause I’m really fucking pathetic…” Asch says, tears threatening to take away the little pride in his voice he has. Rhys eyes widen, and he starts to say something but Asch cuts him off.
      “I can tell you don’t really wanna have this job…being my advisor I mean” tears start to well in Asch’s eyes, making his throat raw.
      “I mean…I wouldn’t want to either…what’s the point if the person I’m working for is just gonna end up dead…” Asch looks up at Rhys “I’m sorry for appointing you for this stupid thing…my brother was thinking on appointing you as an advisor so I kinda did it so he couldn’t” Rhys looks at him worryingly
      “You’re really smart I thought at least some of that could rub on me y’know?” Asch sighs “it’s my fault for thinking you could fix someone this…stupid…fucking pathetic…I can’t do anything right”
      Asch gave up on trying to stop himself from crying and let all his tears out. Rhys didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t used to Asch being this open. He’s not the best at multitasking, but he’ll try to heal Asch both physically and mentally.
      “My prince I think you’re perfectly capable of everything you set your mind to!” He started to rub Asch’s face with his thumb “and I’m not just saying this to save face with you, you’re a great fighter when you’re focused, you care for this kingdom, not to mention you’re rather good looking.” Asch blushed deeply with his eyes wide, but Rhys didn’t seem to take notice.
      “I think that anyone who thinks you’re weak is well…a damned fool!” Asch was surprised, Rhys never really cursed, so he had to mean what he said, even if it’s a light one. He couldn’t help but laugh though.
      It was a hardy one too, he laughed so hard his stomach started to hurt.
      “Sorry for uh…ha! My bad Rhys it’s just…you’re not serious hahaha!” Rhys was confused because, well he genuinely did mean it. At least Asch was better, even if it was just slightly.
      All the atmosphere in the room became dark as Asch’s father, Yakedo entered the room rather suddenly.
      “Rhys? What in the gods name are you doing here?” Yakedo quickly walked towards  Rhys and Asch, getting right in Rhys�� face.
      “My king I’m deeply sorry…I was tending to Asch’s wounds.” Rhys backed away from Asch and came into a salute.
      “I don’t think I asked you to do this.” Yakedo gritted his teeth.
      “Y-You didn’t but I thought you may have appreciated the gesture? I…” Rhys started to increasingly get more nervous and even more stressed out
      “Why’d you say that like you’re not sure? Get out. Now.” Yakedo demanded
      “Y-Yes sir I’m so sorry” Rhys speed walked out of the room and carefully closed the door to not slam it.
      “Son, can you explain to me why your brother told me that you lost? Again?” Yakedo grabbed Asch’s arm and pulled him up, sending Asch into a slightly dizzied haze.
      “Father I’m sorry I couldn’t-“ Yakedo cut him off “Nevermind that, I have a mission for you that you might be able to do, and if not…” Yakedo glared at him “…you will be executed”
      “S-Sir did I mishear?” Asch’s eyes were painted with disbelief Yakedo ignored him and told Asch to follow him, he did as he was told.
      They walked down the absolute maze that was the castle, with many twists and turns in both the hallways and the stairs. They eventually found the castle’s library, where Lady Grandma resided. Yakedo practically bursted through the doors.
      “Oh! My king! Haha! You half scared me to death!” Lady grandma said playfully, while finishing organizing the last of the books she had beside her. Lady Grandma was one of the only people that could talk to Yakedo this casually. Asch slightly envied her.
      “Lady Grandma, if you don’t mind, please tell my son about the mission while I get the rest of the entrants. Lady Grandma nodded and Yakedo walked out of the library.
      “Asch its been a bit since I last saw you! How have you been?” Lady Grandma gestured Asch to follow her and he did
      “I’ve been pretty good” Asch lied “but this mission…what is it?”
      “Ah yes!” Lady Grandma got serious “as I’m sure you know our worlds magic has slowly been declining.”
      Lady Grandma took out a book from one of the shelves and quickly flipped through its pages. She then found what she was looking for and showed Asch. It was a picture of the rhinestones of power.
      “You do know what those are right?” Lady Grandma asked
      “Yeah, these things are our main source of power for each kingdom” answered Asch “there’s one for each kingdom and if they’re taken out of their podiums, the people of that kingdom will suffer some type of illness that’ll wipe it out entirely” 
      Lady Grandma looked at him surprisingly.“I guess you’ve done your homework! Yes, they’re important for our wellbeing” Asch tried to play it off like Rhys didn’t try to hammer it in his head when they were younger.
      “These rhinestones are fueled by the blood of someone who embodies a sin they represent” Asch only kinda remembered that part “it only needs to be replenished every 1000 years, and usually the ruler of that kingdom would sacrifice themselves for this.” Asch thought for a bit. Was that why they had their yearly meeting a bit earlier?
      “Of course your father did not want to die only for this, and because of that the rest of the kingdoms rulers have decided not to sacrifice their lives either, as they think your father may do something malicious as soon as they’re dead.” Lady Grandma grabbed more books off of other shelves.
      “So…how else are we supposed to refill the rhinestones” Asch asked Lady Grandma.
      “Don’t worry! I’m getting to that!” Assured Lady Grandma.
      “Your father had devised a plan to get the blood necessary for the rhinestones, and it involves going to a whole other world” 
      Asch was nothing short of surprised. He shouldn’t be asked to do this, and he desperately wanted some type of out. Yet if he failed his father, he’ll be executed. He’s basically forced to do this and he’s not sure how to handle this fact.
      “Oh! Here comes the rest of the participants!” Lady Grandma pointed out.
      Asch looked behind at the entrance. He luckily saw Rhys but the rest of the other three he didn’t know as well, but he did know their names and their reputation from how his father talked about him. In fact he talked about them more proudly than he did for him or Hitoma. He envies them a bit now.
     The one with pure white hair and green horns was named Leif. He looked as if he was from Noimosýni and he was apparently the kingdoms greatest assassin. Asch has never seen them in action but he has a bit of hope he lives up to his father’s praises.
      The ginger one with orange horns was Noi. He was rather pale and baby faced, and looked like he was Mir and despite him being apparently the “weakest” his father still praised him for having potential. Though even Asch couldn’t deny he was a great medic, with him healing those who were thought to have injuries that would leave them demobilized.
      The tallest one with insanely dark brown hair and light blue horns was named pierce. He looked more Tohe than anything, but he’s the kingdoms greatest warrior. Asch has seen him fight, and he can definitely say that his father isn’t lying about that. His father said he once cleared an entire army of Tohe’s men but he kinda denies that.
      Then finally there’s Rhys. He had dark blue-ish purple-ish horns and was a mix between Chikara and Umnotho. His father gave him his flowers when it comes to studying what was thought to be a dead art, being a mage that is. But he is extremely skilled and Asch has seen him in action a numerous amount of times. Though he could tell his father didn’t like him as much as his mother was Umnotho, and he’s always had lots of issues with their ruler.
      “My son, these four powerful warriors will accompany you on your mission. Lady Grandma, have you told him where exactly they’re heading, I was saving that for last with these four.” Yakedo went to stand by Lady Grandma as she relayed some details Yakedo might’ve forgotten.
      “You five shall go to a dangerous planet called E-urth. It’s thought to have people who can fill in any of the rhinestones and it’s our only hope.” Lady Grandma handed Rhys the scroll.
      “Rhys, I’ve taught you well enough to be able to use things like this and how to contact between worlds right?” Rhys looked as if he wasn’t fazed by the job he just had dumped onto him.
      “Of course Lady Grandma, I won’t disappoint.” He opened up the scroll and started to recite the words written on it.
      “Dear gods of old, let me peer into this world. Let me have the honor of being able to reveal the beauty it beholds, and I give my life to all of you forevermore.”
      The scroll erupted into light, and it flew out of Rhys’ hands. It formed a portal right before their very eyes.
      “We wish all of you the best of luck” announced Lady Grandma “we’ll pray the gods do too.”
      With that, all five of the chosen daemons walked into the portal, not knowing what awaits them.
(wooo text divider wooo)
      “Goddangit! I’m gonna be fricken late again! Ugh!” A girl quickly ran out her apartment door clearly distressed
      “C’mon you stupid elevator! Open up!” She shifted her weight between her feet impatiently. As soon as the door opened she practically flew in, and obstructed the conversation two people in there had.
      “Sorry!” She quickly states as she hurriedly presses the button to the lobby. When she gets there, she sprints out the door and goes the quickest route to her work.
      “Man…I shouldn’t have listened to Lorelei! I should’ve went to sleep! But noooo I just had to ‘life my best life!’ ‘Cause ‘it’s Memorial Day tomorrow! They won’t make you work!’ Well Lorelei they did!” The girl rants to herself, while ignoring everything around her.
(Psst guess what? Text divider)
      The five daemons step out of the portal and scan the area around them. Loud is the best way to describe E-urth. Weird machines honking, possible portals displaying a weird looking human pointing at a picture of a cloud and the sun, the hot sun. Oh gods that sun. It felt as if it was trying to kill them. Maybe it was, for all they could know, everything on E-urth could be sentient.
      “What the hell? Why is everything so hot!? It feels like we’re standing in fire!” Exclaims Leif, clearly not happy with the atmosphere.
      “D-Don’t worry everyone! Surely we can just find the offerings so we can quickly get out of here.” Rhys tries to keep everyone in good enough spirits, but his attempts are interrupted by a human practically yelling into the sky.
      “Dammit! I’m stupid! Nah, that’s not right…everyone’s fuckin’ stupid! Yeah! That’s right! Maybe not? Ugh!” The human looks rather angry but something about it seems as though it’s royalty of some kind
      The way it speed walks and has no regard for the other humans around it has royal qualities. It reminded Asch of a younger version of his father. He quickly started to hate it.
      “We should ask that thing whether it rules here or not” said Pierce “perhaps we could start negotiating on what humans would be willing to come to our world” all five of the daemons walk towards the human
      The human bumps into Noi “Gah! Watch where you’re…going?” The human looks up at the five daemons, clearly confused.
      “Excuse me” Rhys says, unofficially given the job of negotiator “do you happen to rule here? We’d like to have some type of discussion regarding our world.”
      The human stammers, as if she didn’t rule here, but if not then why would she be acting like that?
      “A-And what if I did? I mean…what would happen?” Said the human. This was a pretty good excuse to not go to work today. Besides, she didn’t wanna hear the same talk she’s had time and time again with her manager.
      “Well we’d humbly ask to be taken to your quarters.” Said Rhys.
      Quarters? Like…her apartment? Nah this ain’t worth it she thought
      “Sorry but uh…can’t help ya! Bye!” She tries to run off but Pierce grabs her by the hair and holds her up.
      “What the!? Put me down! That hurts!” The human whines and screams at Pierce but he doesn’t let go.
      “Tell us where you live and we’ll discuss, this isn’t a matter you and your people should ignore.” Pierce says blankly.
      The five daemons and the human then walk down the sidewalk, as the human starts to give up and give them directions.
      Dangit…why did I lie…? Maybe I am stupid thought the human.
      She’ll definitely have to have a talk with her manager after she deals with these psychos, but for now she’s gonna have to act like the queen of the world, queen Ava. It kinda has a ring to it.
If there’s any errors I’m sorry ;-; please tell me what you think! If it’s complete ass pls tell me don’t be afraid lol.
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shinobusupremecy · 2 years
Hi, it's me again sorry to be a bother but I would like to make an other entry for the event, but I would like it to be yandere shinobu and the letters i want are : p, s, x I hope you will be able to do them and that you'll enjoy it if not it's ok take your time ~k.gh
Yandere Shinobu x gn!reader FLUFF alphabet (P, S, X, L)
A/N: This was really creative, I like it! Plus the rules never said you can't mix these two either so this works!
TW: Violence and drugging
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Art source
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
🦋- Shinobu is geniuly kind with kids and that's one of the only time you see her more softer side
🦋- The kids are drawn to her and that is understandble, her voice sounds like a lullaby to the kids probably and she gives off that motherly vibe to them.
🦋- The kids always come to her and asks her questions. Some are sweet like
"Do you like butterflies? or "How do you smell so good?"
Some are too honest questions. "Why are you so short?" Shinobu dosen’t get mad at the kids though for those kind of questions.
🦋- She only really gets mad at kids when they disrespect her or you. One stare will make even the most disrespectful kids shut up.
🦋- Shinobu usally gifts the kids candy, of course she earns the trust of the parents before she does so, the last thing she wants is a bad reputation because people thinks she wanna kidnap some children.
🦋- Shinobu likes kids and I can see her wanting kids on her own, after Kibutsuji is dead of course
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
🦋- It really just depends on her how her day has gone
🦋- She usally tries to hold her patience with the triplets or Aoi. The triplets don’t do alot of mistake and are never rowdy so they aren’t a big problem. 
🦋- If she’s had a bad day then you’re walking on land mines because the little thing you do can piss her right off.
🦋- The thing is she usually takes out her anger on you when her patience is very low since you would be the most understanding one.
🦋- You usually tick her off when you do a mistake rather than you try
🦋- Like if you spill any of her poisons or medical drink she made herself her patience will thin by alot. She spend alot of time getting ingrdients, reading recipies and expermenting to make her drinks good. 
🦋- If you try to insult her she will take those insults with stride and not get affected. She knows what you’re trying to do and she thinks it’s funny how you think you can anger her by words. Actions speak otherwise, by ignoring her, throw a fit and fights then you have thined her patience. She usually tries to hide it at first but then she stopped, she realized at the end of the day you only dug your grave deeper and that you were the only one that would get punished out of you two.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
🦋- She is hella protective to say the least
🦋- She loves you so dearly, even when she punishes you. She always justifies herself when it comes to that, telling herself that she only does it because you misbehave and that it is your fault by acting up
🦋- Anyways, back to where I was, she loves you dearly and would never forgive herself if she lost you too. It’s also one of the reasons why she is yandere. It’s a low chance you could become a demon slayer if you weren’t already one
🦋- If you want to be a demon slayer Shinobu makes sure that won’t happen due to fear of loosing you. She will refuse to teach you and you will be heavily punished if you try to get someone else to teach you. 
🦋- Shinobu will list off reasons why you shouldn’t be a demon slayer and she is good at arguing. Whatever you come up with she always finds something to back down your argument.
🦋- If you already were a demon slayer make sure not to get injuried, you will spark her yandere tendecies and she will drug you. Don’t try to resist, she is fast and quick and will break your bones so you can’t move. Then she will drug you. 
🦋- She might drug you so much you only become bedridden and when it comes to that, you will only have her that takes care of you
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
🦋- To be honest I can see her as someone that would love physical affection from you but won’t really admit it 
🦋- She hasn’t gotten physical affection from someone she loves with her whole heart and soul 
🦋- Shinobu needs it once in a while especially on her hard days. 
🦋- When she feels soft and on a happy mood she will iniate a cuddling session with you, she wants to be the little spoon because she likes being held. Sometimes though she will be big spoon because she likes the feeling of protecting you, it really just depends, it varies alot 
🦋- Shinobu is not so fond of PDA so if you want to give her physical affection, do it when you two are compleately alone 
🦋- Shinobu might tease you when you hug or cling onto her but she knows not to ruin the moment
🦋- It doesn’t take much to try and tell her what you want, she can read you like an open book
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memesamongreblogs · 2 years
more random dialogue prompts ,
“why do you have that look on your face?”
“finish what you’re doing, we have to talk.”
“what have you done to yourself?”
“did you do something different with your hair?”
“it doesn’t do any good to get worked up.”
“when was the last time we had a real conversation.”
“are you in the witness protection program, or what?”
“there’s something wrong with me.”
“no, i don’t hate you.”
“hey stupid.”
“we’re aren’t them.”
“looks like i’ll live long enough to make you pay.”
“you know you’re wrong.”
“i don’t understand, why are you doing this?”
“now, before i say anything, promise me you’ll stay calm.”
“what makes me so special?”
“you have no idea what i’ve been through.”
“you really don’t have to do that, not for me.”
“did you really think you’d get a second chance?”
"how about we don’t do that.”
“i have a lot going for me, but humility is not one of them.”
“you’re the worst.”
“i don’t need you right now.”
“don’t just stand there, looking at me.”
“i thought you were supposed to call me.”
“take my hand.”
“i need you.”
“you’re allowed to need help sometimes.”
“for someone who doesn’t like to feel things, you sure feel a lot of it out loud.”
“when this is all over, i want it to be you and me.”
“why won’t you tell me what happened?”
“you don’t know what this means to me.
“i know it doesn’t make sense.”
“i’m trying really hard to keep it together.”
“i know you’re new, but we do things a little differently here.”
“your voice is putting me to sleep.”
“did you find what you were looking for?”
"you knew and you didn’t even warn me?”
“well, i guess that’s broken.”
“i thought it was part of the act.”
“you think u don’t know you’re only here because they sent you?”
“you promised to call me if you didn’t know what to wear.”
“you can keep a secret, can’t you?”
“how could you do this to me?”
“put the gun down, dearest. i have news!”
“i know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but you need to know something.”
“if you’re here to tell me what happened last night, someone beat you to it.”
“people think i’m weird.”
“i think i’m losing myself again.”
“you can’t be here.”
“i wish you’d come to the funeral.”
“do you know what today is?”
“so, you broke my favourite mug… and you’re breaking up with me?”
“i need to get out.”
“it’s like i’m cursed or something.”
“you are remarkably well-behaved tonight, what have you been up to?”
“you gonna eat that?”
“sir, the pony rides are for children only.”
“i don’t want you to worry about that anymore.”
“we’ll never make it in time.”
“you’d be late for your own funeral.”
“you should have seen it coming.”
“oh, good, you’re here! hold this.”
“why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“on a scale of one to ten, how do you feel about nachos right now?”
“is this how you flirt with everyone?”
“how much longer till we’re there?”
“what have you done?”
“it’s time for you to repay that debt you owe me.”
“where did you get that? who gave it to you?”
“what kind of mother has thoughts like that?”
“i know I haven’t been what you needed, but i’m here, and i wanna help.”
“i never want to hear you say that again.”
“you’re all i have.”
“i know it’s not perfect, but i did follow the recipe this time.”
“i was doing so well until you showed up.”
“don’t eat that! i made it ‘specially for our guest.”
“it’s not that i don’t like my life, it’s that i don’t have the energy to enjoy it.”
“how can you stand this place?”
“don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t exactly blend in.”
“you need to stop.”
“i don’t like that look, what happened?”
“is that seriously your password?”
“what’s your problem?”
“you had no right to use it without asking.”
“oh, wow, you weren’t kidding.”
“i couldn’t trust my own parents to protect me.”
“i’m surprised you haven’t been arrested yet. wait, no, i’m not.”
“why do you want to help me?”
“ten bucks for that piece of crap?”
“we have to hurry, they’re coming!”
“hey, look what came in the mail!”
“do you want to get a drink or something?”
“please tell me you didn’t eat that.”
“the worst part is you didn’t even notice.”
“if i wanted help, i would have asked.”
“wanna tell me what’s going on with your grades?”
“you need to leave.”
“talk to me, okay? i need to know what’s going on.”
“i do blame you.”
“sometimes life deals you a bad hand, but you can still play your cards right and win.”
“you’re no longer useful to me.”
“i’m not good with sarcasm: if you don’t like me, just say it.”
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malxshrine-a · 2 years
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Time in a tree by Raleigh Ritchie explains quite literally the crux of what is wrong with 'kuna in concerns to my origins headcanons.
I guess rules are there to break But I make mistakes like they were handed on a plate When I try to leave sometimes, I'm standing in the way I'm on the edge of crying all the time, 'cause I can't human Right
What a state I get wound up, from the ground up And I don't know why Turn the sound up, drown the noise out Swallow (whoa), don't cry Got an anxious heart, and it's stone made Can't take paper or heartbreak
Asa and Naoki have always been troublemakers, Naoki especially. The both of them have been treated like less than humans since they were born. Sold off by a family that thought they were MONSTERS for simply being born as hideous conjoined twins. Naoki has always made mistakes and gotten angry far too easily, too quick to resort to violence, but it’s always served to protect him and his brother.
Do you ever feel like, you could live a real life? Like everybody else in the real world, you could be a real girl? You could be a wizard, or you could be in NASA You could write fiction, you could tame raptors Most days I struggle and I get snappy Fuck all that, I just wanna be happy
Swimming against the current Am I wrong? Can you show me a warrant? Honestly, I'm a bomb Abhorrent I'm on it, I get it, I've got it I wanna be 10 again, just me and Sonic And nobody telling me I should be more than I am Back when I had a plan
Both have always wished to be normal in some form or fashion at some point in their life. There have been times, few and far between, one or both has wished that they could be just two normal people with normal families in their village. Perhaps, their parents may have even loved them. And then, they realize they’d have to separate and that is true pain. The thought that the one closest to you could disappear for any reason at all is fear inducing.
Even before he was turned into Sukuna, each brother has always been living on an edge. Of terror, horror, anger, hate. and so afterwards, Sukuna just hates PEOPLE. so much. they created him and can’t take the abhorrent mess they made. He’s happy being himself, it’s everyone else that’s always had a problem with HIM in any form he’s had no choice but to take ( and wouldn’t change them either way ). 
I've seen things that I never should have seen Said too many things I didn't mean Hurt myself too many times to count I need to let it out, and just release Been lying to myself too long Been trying by myself too long I can't relax, I'm too distracted I can't hack it, hmm
I'm needy, greedy Love me, feed me Let's be a family It'll take a village To make a man of me So why couldn't you love me? It's all I need
They’ve seen horrors no children should ever be subjected to. They’ve had to grow up unprotected and open to adults that would and could have killed them at any moment for anything at all. they’ve had to kill men twice their age before they were even taken by the cult in the first place. Asa and Naoki had to raise themselves in a era that was and never would be kind to children OR special cases like them. He doesn’t think much about harming children, because the world he grew up in taught him that the weak ( especially women and children ) do not make it far at all.
The only way to live is to protect yourself. no one else will do it for you. and even if they should, they will abandon and leave you to your fate if truly pressed into a tight space. The humans want to slaughter each other so bad by the hundreds. Why do they even care if it’s him or a regular man taking whole crowds of people out? the root of the problem very much is: he had all the innocence and love a child could offer in the world and they turned him into a monster. He would return that tenfold. It’s all they deserve. if someone, anyone with even a shred of a conscious had gotten to them first, they might not be so bitter. even if they had been taken, maybe he’d wouldn’t be so bad now.
I just want time in a tree I need a place just for me Somewhere that I can be free Keep the faith and just be What you'll be
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moby-writing-and-stuff · 10 months
Event F-580 (NSFW)
Carter McDougal sighted as he sat in the back of the truck, looking out the window to see the trees move past him. The streets all around him were mostly empty, with only the occasional drunk stumbling out of a bar or shifty looking character staring at the car before deciding its not worth the trouble.
“So, wanna tell me why you flew me out here to middle of bum-fuck nowhere?” Carter asked the screen that hung from the ceiling of the truck. On said screen was an older man with graying hair and a mustache.
“We flew you out there, cause its your fucking job, Agent McDougal” the man said with a thick irish accent and a growl.
“Right, lucky me,” Carter said, rolling his eyes. Carter worked for the International Coalition of Paranormal Prevention, a group dedicated to the study of strange and other-worldly phenomena. And how to either lock it up or blow it up.
The suits in charge tried to make it sound more scientific and ethical, going on and on about how they're doing this to protect the sanctity of the world and keep those safe. But everyone knew it was just there to cover up weird shit so that religious groups and the like didn’t freak the fuck out. 
“So, what exactly are we dealing with here?” Carter asked as he crossed his legs “Soul Sucking monster pretending to be a dog? Black eyed children that make their parents form cults? Man eating plants?”
“Your humor does you no credit agent” the bigwig said, crossing his arms
“My humor is the one damn reasons I’m still sane” Carter muttered
“What was that?”
“Nothing sir. So, what’s going on here?” he asked
“Well if your ready to actually listen.” the screen changed to show a series of police reports “There has been a string of disappearances in this town for quite a few years.”
“That sounds like something local law enforcement could handle” Carter said, frowning
“Normally, I would agree. But given the pattern, the US government believed it was best to bring us in” his superior said “The disappearances only occur once every six months. And only a very specific group is affected.”
“And what group would that be?” Carter asked, frowning
“Young men, between the ages of 18 and 24” the superior said “Most who vanish seem to be in the local university, but those who don’t attend also go missing.”
“That’s an interesting age range… Anything connecting them?” Carter asked
“Yes. Every single time someone disappears, their friends and family all report that they were attending a party that they received an invitation for. And it doesn't matter if someone was not interested in gatherings like this, they seem compelled and excited to attend, no matter what. There was even an incident where someone who was bedridden in the hospital after a surgery attempted to leave to attend this party.”
“A party?”
“Yes, but that’s all the info we could gather. After a certain amount of time passes, the families and friends seem to forget about those who vanish. The only thing that remains are physical records to prove their existence.”
“Yikes… I can see why the US wanted us to handle this… But why me though? I’m not exactly the best field agent sir” Carter said
“I know, but you are the only one in the needed age range that can arrive before our window closes. We’ve managed to get our hands on the address of the party, thanks to a note left behind by one of the missing. You’ll be attending it undercover, if anyone asks, you’re a transfer student from Ohio.”
“Understood sir” Carter said with a nod
“There is a biometric reader bracelet for you here” Carter nodded as he saw the device, putting it on. It beeped for a second before a heartbeat monitor could be seen on its surface “If the worst comes to pass, it has an emergency GPS tracker, so we’ll be able to find you. Any questions?”
“No sir” Carter said, shaking his head. It was a rather standard highsk op for the agency. While he hated doing them, it wasn’t his first time doing them. It was however the first time he’d done one solo. The screen cut to black as he sighted and laid back on the seat “Right… this is gonna be interesting”
The car had come to a stop about a block away from a rather uninstersing looking building.
“This is the place?” Carter said as he stepped out of the vehicle, clad in casual clothes. A red t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. He grumbled as he adjusted the shirt “I’ve spent too much fucking time in suits….” he muttered as he walked towards the building, making sure the address was right.
It indeed was, according to the message sent to his phone. He frowned and looked around. 
It seemed to be just a regular middle-class neighborhood. Apartments, a few houses snuck in between the taller buildings, some stores and a few cafes.
“So far, nothing stands out…” he spoke into his phone, recording his thoughts as per standard procedure when doing these operations. He walked closer to the address that he had written down.
It was a regular looking brick house with two blacked out windows, a big Adults Only sign, and a burly looking man in a leather jacket standing outside, arms crossed. 
A pair of women, looking to be around 21, walked up to the guy
“Hey cute stuff” one of them said with a cocky smile “How bout ya let us in? We can show you a damn good time” she put her hands on the guy’s muscular chest, but he wasn’t impressed apparently.
“Sorry” he said, gently pushing her arms off “No entry”
“Oh come on, big guy” the other woman said with a sultry smile that made Carter’s head spin.
“Fuck me their desperate to get in there” he muttered as he walked up to the bouncer
“No is no, ladies. Please leave, your blocking entry to the actual guests” he said. Carter’s eyes went wide as the two ladies turned to look at him, venom in their eyes.
“What does he have that we don't!?” one of the them screeched as Carter stepped ahead of them
“He meets the prerequisites my boss set out for guests” he said, glaring at the two “Go ahead sir, enjoy the party”
“Your boss is a sexist pig!” one of the two women hissed and turned around with her friend.
“Not my fault you two can’t read” the guy shook his head and turned to Carter “Go ahead. Party starts soon”
“Um, thanks” Carter said as he turned to the door and stepped inside. What he saw wasn’t what he expected.
He expected to see a greeting hall, or a living room or something, but instead he was met with a long thin staircase. The walls were featureless white, as if they had just been painted, and cold blue lights, like that of a hospital, illuminated it.
“Right… Guess we’re starting the weird shit from moment one” he muttered, pulling out his phone again and heading down the stairs. “Encountered a guard outside the premises of F-580 '' he spoke into the recording, using the situation's designation “While I did not get much time to interact with him, he seemed to be a normal human. I theorize he’s not part of the event. However, he mentioned a boss who gave him specific instructions on who to allow into the party. He turned away two women who did not fit the criteria. Heading into the party proper now. Future updates will be inside, audio may be polluted by the music” he slipped his phone back into his pocket and kept heading down the stairs, which seemed to just keep getting longer. “Fuck this is going to take a while…”
“Well….. This isn’t what I expected” Carter muttered as he stared around the room. He had finally, after what felt like half an hour of walking he had finally reached the room.
And inside, he found an entire club. Flat out, a club. 
Disco ball spinning on the roof, a floor flashing all colors. Hidden smoke machines spewed out fog that covered the entire area. A few tables were scattered around and abandoned, most of the guests were out in the center dancing, shaking their asses and grinding up against each other.
“Damn…. Guess people here really want to get it on…” Carter muttered as he walked around the area, looking at every small salt-shaker. Everything seemed to be themed after the area. Shiny, multicolored with neon slapped on it. “Damn even the cups have these decorations….”
“Righto!” a voice boomed from the speakers, snapping Carter’s attention to the center of the room.
Standing on a stage, was a guy clad in a bright neon outfit. Pink, cyan, and blue splashed in every direction of the shiny suit he was wearing. Carter couldn’t see his face, or really his head.
He was wearing what looked like a motorcycle helmet, with colors and lights stamped all over them. It was hooked up to the turntable in front of him, and he moved like a machine, twisting and turning the disks like it was second nature and removing and replacing them with no effort
“Hope you're all enjoying the music the Master selected for tonight!” he said, in a extremely chipper voice that grated on Carter’s ears
“The master?” Carter muttered as everyone around him cheered and whooped
“Hehe, well then hope you're all ready for this next one! It's one of Master’s favorites!” he said as he grabbed a bronze collared record and slowly slid it in. Everything went quiet for a second before the music started booming out of the speakers.
“Seems whoever the DJ is works for the same person as the bouncer.” Carter spoke into his phone “However he refers to this person as…..” the new music hit Carter’s ears and the words died in his throat. His eyes went wide as he slowly turned around to look at the DJ. “T-That’s amazing….” he muttered as his arms went limp to his sides, a dopey smile forming on his face as he kept staring ahead, the recording forgotten.
All that mattered was the music.
The booming, sweet music that wrapped around him like silk and wormed into his skull.
The DJ looked up from the turntables and beckoned him closer
“The music is good isn’t it?” he asked over the microphone, getting a nod from everyone, Carter included.
“Yes…. Its good…” he muttered, a smile on his face as he slowly walked closer
“The music makes you feel good, doesn't it?” the DJ asked
“Y-Yes… I-It does” Carter said, struggling a bit for a second, but the strength of the music cleared away all doubts from his brain, as a small tent formed in his pants. He giggled as he felt that and just kept staring ahead, letting the music soak his mind. 
“All that matters is the music” the DJ said “Listen closely to it. Let it in, and let it stay in”
“All that matters….” everyone chanted. Everyone except Carter. He shook his head, blinking as he briefly snapped free and brough the phone back up to his mouth and looked around, finally getting a good look at the other guests.
They were barely dressed. All of them were clad in just their underwear and socks, if even that. Quite a few were flat out naked. On their arms and angles were dozens of glowing bracelets, like bended glow-sticks. Their hair was wild and dyed various shades of pink and cyan. Some had paint on their bodies, in random patterns
“C-Come in… T-This is an alert…” Carter muttered into his phone, his head hurting as he focused on something other than the tunes “C-C-Confirmed….. Class…… Listen to music…… Music is all…..” he shook his head and smacked the side of his head. “F-Focus Carter!” he shouted, his voice ringing out through the music, getting the attention of everyone
“Hmm, looks like our friend doesn't want to have fun” the DJ said, crossing his arms. All the other guests turned to look at him, a glare clear in their faces
“Oh shit…” Carter muttered “A-Agent compromised! I repeat Agent Compromised! Send aid! Send Extraction and nuetraliz- GAH!” he cried as one of the other party attendees tackled him, sending him to the floor and his phone clattering out of his hand “G-Get off me!” he shouted as he decked the guy in the face. 
“Good Raveslut” the DJ called out, praising the one who had pinned him
“R-Raveslut?” Carter muttered, gulping as he saw the guy’s eyes light up when he was referred to like that “Shit w-what is this place doing” he shook his head and punched the raveslut again, hard this time. A crack rang out as he managed to break the guy’s nose. That got a bit of a reaction from the raveslut, making him loosen his grip for a split second, and that gave the Agent the opening he was looking for. He shoved the guy off and scrambled to his feet, grabbing his phone and looking around.
The other Ravesluts were slowly closing in, their eyes literally glowing pink as the DJ cheered them on.
Even the guy he had punched was standing there, his nose seemingly fixed instantly and no blood present at all.
“Fuck” the agent muttered, turning around and dashing off for the door, the ravesluts right behind him
“Oh no you don’t” the DJ said with a chuckle “No one leaves the Party without Master’s say so”
“Fuck you!” Carter shouted, as one of the ravesluts grabbed his shirt and ripped a chuck off with little effort “Sweet fucking christ!”
“You can’t get out!” the DJ mocked as Carter finally reached the door. Only to find it locked.
“Shit” he shouted, turning the knob in a desperate attempt to open it, only to fail “Shit!” he pulled his phone again “This is Agent Carter! Calling for Neutralization! I repeat! Site is too compromised! Wipe it out!” he reached over to the screen to upload the report, only for his hand to be grabbed, tightly “GAH!” he cried as he saw one of the ravesluts had grabbed his arm, squeezing it so tight he could barely feel his fingers. “L-Let go of me!”
“No” they said in a high pitched giggly voice “You're being a bad boi!”
“Fuck off!” he tried to smack him with his free hand, only for it to be grabbed by another Raveslut, who squeezed it even harder “AGH!” he shouted as he dropped the phone, the screen cracking as it feel to the cold floor
“Good sluts” the DJ said, and despite the helmet, Carter was sure the fucker was smiling as he held a big golden record “Now bring him over. He needs more of master’s music”
Carter struggled as the mindless bunch dragged him back to the center of the dance floor and forced him to his knees.
“Well its been a good while since we’ve had someone who fights as much as you” the DJ said with a smirk as he gently put the golden disk into the turntable. “Tell me slut, who sent you?”
“Up yours!” Carter shouted, only to get an elbow to the sides from one of the slaves.
“Man, that mouth of yours” the DJ chuckled “I think we’ll be able to put it to good use. Now, tell me”
“Like hell I’d tell you anything!” he spat, growling as he got another smack from his captors.
“Hmm, defiant, was able to resist the music…. That stupid agency sent you, didn’t they?” the DJ asked.
Carter froze for a split second, which was all the confirmation the man facing him needed.
“Man, they just never learn, do they?” the DJ laughed “How many agents have we caught over the years? 40?”
“W-What? I-I’m the first they sent!” Carter said, his eyes going wide
“Well of course they think that. They don’t remember ever sending any other agents” the DJ laughed “Ya see, whenever someone from your agency enters this room, they stop existing for the rest of the world!”
“W-WHAT!?” Carter shouted
“Yup” the DJ said as he dug through Carter’s pockets and pulled out his wallet.. He cracked it open and pulled out his Driver’s License with a smirk. “Take a look, tough guy” he chuckled and threw it on the floor, right in front of Carter.
The agent’s eyes went wide as he stared at the small strip of plastic.
It was completely blank.
It looked more like a template that they used to print licenses on. No name, no picture, no birthdate, no nothing.
“Interesting isn’t it?” the DJ said as he stepped on the license “Master knows how to keep us hidden.”
“B-But if you can do that, why let people know about the disappearances?” Carter muttered, his eyes wide in shock
“Heh, cause that draws people like you over. Gives us more sluts for master’s actual parties” the DJ said with a chuckle as he headed back to the turntables “Don’t worry, soon you won’t worry about anything else”
“F-Fuck you!”
“Heh, great choice of words” the DJ smiled as he put the disk on and turned the music up to full blast.
The soundwaves blasted out and hit Carter hard. Any thoughts in his brain shattered the moment the music started, and then the beat began.
A slow, steady thrumb rang out, all through his body. His very bones vibrated along with it, and his eyes went wide.
“Can’t…..Give…..” he blinked, the words escaping him as the music got into his brain, the beat shaking his brain. With each shake, words and thoughts evaporated. “W-Wait…. W-What was I…”
“Gah!” he groaned, shaking his head as he felt as if it was being filled with cotton “S-Stop it!”
“Stop it?” the DJ said with tone that made it clear he was smiling under his helmet “Why? It looks like you're enjoying it!”
“W-What? N-No I’m no-”
“Gyah!” the agent moaned as he felt his member harden instantly, sending shivers of pleasure and arousal through his entire body
“Feels good, doesn't it?”
“N-Nmmmmph” Carter bit his tongue to stop himself from moaning, as his cock throbbed inside his pants, desperate to break free
“Heh, sounds like our slut needs some help accepting who he really is. Help him out boys” he snapped his fingers and the other former party-goers walked up to Carter and grabbed his clothes.
“H-Hey! W-What are you-”
Carter’s face went red as his shirt was ripped in two, the pieces being thrown to the side, but before he could say anything else, the sound came back.
He moaned as his now exposed member stood up straight instantly, twitching with need. He stared ahead, his brain blank and his mouth open, drool starting to drip out.
It feels good, doesn't it?
“Y-Yes…” Carter mumbled, blinking as he just stared ahead as the thumping of the music made thinking impossible. All that he could focus on was the music and his throbbing member.
Wanna feel like that forever?
“Y-Yes…. I want to feel like this forever” he mumbled, the music letting only that thought move through his brain and he started to smile as he felt his dick twitch. He loved that twitching. He wanted to feel it forever
Then do as I tell you. Take all those bad thoughts, all those thoughts of work, of the world outside, of your past. Take all of that, and drag it downwards. Down to your crotch.
Carter nodded, and did as the music told him. He shivered with each thump of the beat, and that helped those bad thoughts head downwards.
His name, his job, his age, his memories, his intellect, everything. All of it went down to his crotch, and he could feel those memories churning around his desperate balls.
Now, to feel like this forever you have to do two very simple things. First, repeat this. “I am a Rave-Slut. That’s all I’ve ever been. That’s all I ever want to be
“I am a Rave-Slut. That’s all I’ve ever been. That’s all I ever want to be” Carter repeated, a dumb smile on his face as those thoughts coursed through his brain
“Party music and sex are all that matters”
“Party music and sex are all that matters” Carter repeated again, his hard cock begining to drip a little as he giggled and looked ahead.
“Sluts don’t have names. Names are for those who are smart enough to be in charge. Sluts are too dumb names”
“Sluts don’t have names. Names are for those who are smart enough to be in charge. Sluts are too dumb names” Carter repeated as his cock twitched again
Good slut. Now there’s just one more thing to do. Just keep repeating…. And cum
The moment that word came out of music, Carter’s eyes went crosseyed and he screamed in pleasure as his pent up cock exploded. A shower of cum blasted out and splattered the ground in front of him. As the liquid poured out, so did everything the music didn’t want inside him.
Carter's eyes dimmed as his intelligence, his memories, his likes and dislikes poured out of him. All that was left was what he was repeating.
“I am a Rave-Slut. That’s all I’ve ever been. That’s all I ever want to be. Party music and sex are all that matters. Sluts don’t have names. Names are for those who are smart enough to be in charge. Sluts are too dumb names.” he repeated blankly, stopping to moan in between as more and more cum blasted out of his member.
After two minutes of solid cumming, the newly created slut sat there giggling and panting, staring blankly ahead as his cock twitched back into an erection.
“That’s a good slut” the DJ praised from behind the turntables, making the slut giggle and nod. “Now, take him to the back. He needs to be prepped for the next party.”
The other rave-sluts nodded and grabbed the one formerly named Carter and helped him to his feet, walking him to the back of the club.
The area was a small dingy little dressing room with one mirror and a pile of cushions and sex toys littered all around. 
The slut’s eyes wandered to each of them and his dim mind glowed with the possibilities of them, of shoving them into his needy hole as he pumped his cock. 
“Slut party first. Play later” one of his compatriots said as they forced him into the chair and grabbed some hair dye “Got it?”
“Slut got it!” he giggled and nodded as the slathered the neon pink goo on his hair. If those were the rules, then he’d make sure to be the best slut at the party! 
After all, that’s all his was. A dumb slut made to serve others. And he was perfectly happy with that life.
If you enjoyed this fic, please check out my Patreon to support me if you can. And a shout-out to my top-tier Patrons, Jerry Nelson and Vikitren!
0 notes
levmada · 2 years
I’m back! 🌻
I read it all and omg cjfkdj. Also ofc I know their names but my fingers are too fat and I always use m for n because I don’t reread this.
Anyway yea both are victims. But Bum is REALLY unfortunate and I feel just so sorry for him. I wanna love him even if his love could be a bit suffocating. Also he shows signs of actually being capable to get better. For example he does stand up for himself more often.
Anyways yea sexual themes don’t trigger me at all. But pregnancy is THE ultimate nightmare for me. I’m lucky though I don’t want to have children. There are people, that have tokophobia and want kids. That’s complicated believe me.
I think it has partly to do with being afraid of losing control. Over my own body in that case
i hope u enjoyed the webcomic as a whole!!
ACCIDENTALLY wrote an entire analysis of bum and sangwoo's psychology below the cut oops (triggering content and spoilers)
bum has borderline personality disorder besides his mountains and mountains of trauma :( so it would make sense that time he self-harmed when sangwoo was being particularly cruel to him (probably my fav part of the webcomic ngl) and he would take even sangwoo just bathing him for kindness. he has no sense of self w/ out relying on someone else either, and relies entirely on Sangwoo even just for emotional stability. he can go INTO PANIC just without his physical presence, and he did. BPD is especially marked by the fear of abandonment, and with the stockholm syndrome, it makes sense why bum was so so attached to him. he will do anything not to be alone. especially compared to the alternative, which was going back to his uncle.
obviously bum was sexually abused a lot in his life. which explains his hypersexuality (like the first time he broke in to sangwoo's house he started masturbating and even at the very end w his ashes). since his only sexual experiences have seemingly been painful, i think he also does it as a form of self harm - like an unhealthy coping mechanism.
i think YES he def had the potential to heal and at least go on living by coping, but the webcomic doesn't answer whether he does :(
sangwoo's modus operandi seemed to be kidnapping solely women, sometimes leading them on at first, and keeping them in his basement to torture and degrade over a long period (like when he chopped off the hair of the ceo's daughter) - just like how his mother tried to kill him. a lot is caused by his mother, who at the same time let him get away with a lot, protected him from his dad and cared about him while also being extremely emotionally unstable + the sexual abuse + killing sangwoo's father and gaslighting sangwoo into believing it was his fault + poisoning sangwoo himself.
UNDOUBTEDLY he has a hatred for women while at the same time idealizing his mother, and i think specifically he takes out his association w her and violence on his woman victims. this fixation on his mother undoubtedly was the reason sangwoo "got attached" to bum, later him admitting that he sees bum as a replacement for her. bum was never not a tool for sangwoo to attach himself to emotionally, physically, sexually.
sangwoo was also taught that being attached to / idolizing his father was bad, and to not be like him, and he was praised every time by his mother for exhibiting this way of thinking - which i think has a lot to do with sangwoo's narcissistic personality and total disregard for anyone else around him.
0 notes
ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Friends To Arranged Marriage To...Wait, How Many Kids?
Bruce Wayne x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: Y'all ever write a self-indulgent Friends To Lovers fic? 'Cause that's what this is. Enjoy! -Thorne
It wasn’t unusual for her to suddenly appear in his office. She did it most days. Okay, it was more like every day but that’s not important. The fact is, she showed up and he wasn’t at all the least bit surprised when she barged through the office door and slammed it behind her.
“Morning,” he murmured, taking his eyes off the screen but a moment to lock them with hers.
“Good morning, Bruce,” she responded with a polite smile. “We need to talk.”
That wasn’t unusual either. When she came to the office it was because she wanted to either complain about something going on or because she was bored and didn’t have anything to do, so badgering her best friend seemed like the best option. It wasn’t, but he wasn’t going to tell her that.
“What do we need to talk about?” Bruce questioned, clicking at the mouse until his screen loaded.
“Something important. Something especially important.” She replied and with one hand reached behind her and flipped the lock on his door.
Now that was unusual. And Bruce saw this going one of two ways and he hoped it wasn’t the first way that involved her pulling a gun.
“Okay,” he said and watched her out of the corner of his eye as waltzed around his desk and perched herself on the corner. “Am I in trouble, (Y/N)?”
“If you disagree with me, you will be,” she retorted and she started fumbling in her tote.
“You sound serious,” Bruce noted.
(Y/N) harrumphed. “I am quite possibly the most serious I’ve been in years.” She pulled out three manila folders and handed them to him, watching as he opened the first and started reading through it.
He didn’t say anything as he opened the others and read them but frowned when he set them aside and went back to his computer.
“I’ve already planned on a new secretary, (Y/N).”
She watched him with careful eyes and explained, “Those aren’t secretary files, Bruce. They’re marriage candidates.”
At that, his entire body went rigid and ever so slowly he drew his gaze from the screen back to her, staring her straight in the eyes.
“I…beg your pardon?” he asked as if not understanding what she’d just said.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and picked up the files. “Each of these women are successful elites from either Metropolis, Star, or Central City. You have arranged marriage meetings with them Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to decide which one you want to marry.”
This was happening way too fast, and he still didn’t know what “this” was.
“I’m not opposed to marriage, (Y/N), but why?”
She pointed to the picture on his desk, and he briefly glanced at it. Him, Dick, and Alfred on Christmas morning last year.
“Dick needs a mother.” She was never one to mince her words. “A father can raise a son, but the boy needs a mother’s love too, Bruce.”
“I think you’re a bit out of line here.” He remarked, brows pulling together. “We’re fine at the manor.”
“Bruce…please don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re not a soft man. You’re hard edges and firmness, and while that isn’t a bad thing, Dick needs a mother who can be the parent that isn’t firm. He needs a mother’s guiding hand.”
She handed him the files again. “I’ve met each of these women. They’re good women who will make wonderful wives and even better mothers.” She stared at him. “You should know how important it is for a boy to have a mother.”
Bruce was on his feet in an instant, in front of her, eyes narrowed into a glare as he bit out, “(Y/N), now you’re out of line.”
“Really?” she challenged, not at all threatened by his towering figure. “Look my in the eye and tell me which parent you miss more. Thomas…or Martha?”
“I miss both of my parents. Every day.”
“And I don’t doubt that. But I know you miss Martha the most. Isn’t she the one you promised to save Gotham for?” (Y/N) questioned and his mouth snapped shut, jaw clenching tightly as he averted his eyes because he knew she was right.
She reached out and rested a hand on his forearm, forcing his eyes to hers once more; her gaze softened and she murmured, “You miss your mother more than the world, Bruce. How do you think Dick feels every night when he goes to sleep? Fathers are the protectors for their children, but mothers are the comforters—there are going to be things that you can’t help him with, but a woman can.”
(Y/N) gazed at him and pulled her hand away. “At least go and meet them,” she requested and when he didn’t say anything, she sighed and picked up her tote, making her way to the door.
She flipped the lock and paused, glancing over her shoulder to say, “At least think about what I’ve said, Bruce. For Dick…and for you.” He met her eyes and she added, “I think getting married would be good for you too.”
He nodded, and since that was all they could hope for, she left the office and Bruce collapsed into his chair, turning around to stare out the window.
His theory that she would show up Friday evening proved true when she waltzed into his office and took a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk, delicately crossing one of her legs over the other.
“How’d the interviews go?” she asked, not even bothering to ask him how his day was or how his week had been.
“My day was great, (Y/N), thanks for asking,” he mocked with a glare and she waved it off.
“Interviews, Bruce. How’d they go.”
He let out a sigh. “They went well. Each of them was polite and kind.”
“And?” (Y/N) gestured for him to continue.
“And nothing. That’s it.”
She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “Seriously? You just met them for a singular purpose and all you’ve got it, they’re polite and kind?” She glared at him. “What’d you talk about?”
Bruce sighed again and reclined in his office chair. “Humanitarian works, college days, high society—you know, the usual.”
(Y/N) gave him an unamused look. “Did any ask for a second date?”
“All of them in fact.”
“Did you agree?”
Her head lolled back, and she glared at the ceiling. “Did you even think about what I talked about a few days ago?”
“I still am.”
“Then why didn’t you agree to see one of them again?”
“Because there wasn’t anything we had in common.”
“Most people who have arranged marriages don’t, Bruce. That’s why you go on dates and get to know them.” Her eyes were still on the ceiling. “What’s the real reason you said no?” She always knew when he’d lied to her.
After a moment, he murmured, “…I didn’t think any of them would be suitable to be Dick’s adoptive mother.”
“I guess that’s…fair,” she agreed and they both fell silent.
A couple minutes later, he said, “I’ve been thinking about what you said though, (Y/N). About finding a wife who would be a good mother for Dick.”
“Uh huh.”
“I think you’re right. I do offer Dick everything a father could. Support, protection, guidance…but he is missing that love only a mother can give a son.”
“And how’s that making you feel?” she questioned softly.
His voice got quiet. “Like how I was when I was growing up without mother. (Y/N), I…I don’t want Dick to feel that way.”
At that, she drew her gaze from the ceiling to his eyes and she reasoned, “Then I think you should call one of the girls back and agree to a second date. You won’t find perfection in one day, even with how intuitive you are.”
Bruce shrugged. “I just want to find someone closer to Gotham. Someone who is familiar with us already.”
(Y/N) grunted. “I purposely moved away from Gotham because no one is.”
“That’s fair,” Bruce chuckled, and they fell into a silence again.
Suddenly, a thought flashed across her mind and she sat up. “Us.” She blurted out and he looked at her.
(Y/N) gestured between them. “Us, Bruce. You and me.”
“I don’t follow,” he replied with a confused expression and she huffed, rolling her eyes.
“You’re an idiot,” she griped, then she stood and planted her hands on his desk, leaning over to get in his face. “You and I are the closest to Gotham as you’ll get, and I’m familiar with you and Dick.” She smiled. “Marry me.”
She could count on one hand how many times she’d ever stunned her best friend silent and that was number two because his jaw went slack and his eyebrows shot up to his hairline, steel blue eyes wide.
(Y/N) frowned. “Oh, come on, you can’t tell me the thought didn’t cross your mind at least once.” Silence. “Oh my God, are you serious? You didn’t even think about it at all? Like ever?”
He shook his head, mouth still hanging open.
“Oh, for God’s sakes, close your mouth and wipe that stupid look off your face. It’s not a completely inconceivable idea, you moron.” (Y/N) held a hand up, counting off her fingers, “I’m of acceptable status, I dress well, I’m thoroughly educated, I do humanitarian work all over the world, I love your son, and I’m probably the one woman that doesn’t make you wanna stab yourself in the eye with a fork.”
She grinned at him. “You’re not going to find anyone better than me here in Gotham, Brucie-boy. Besides, I think (Y/N) Wayne has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Finally, he managed to make himself speak and he blurted out, “I stopped thinking like five minutes ago. I’m not even sure how to do that anymore.”
(Y/N) pulled a face and griped, “You’re an idiot.”
“I am not,” he retorted with a glare. “You can’t just propose to your best friend out of the blue and expect them to function like it’s normal!”
“You’re Batman,” she whispered. “Figure it out.” (Y/N) pointed at him. “There’s another plus on my side! I already know your deepest secrets! See, aren’t I a catch?”
“Was this your plan all along?” Bruce suddenly questioned and she gaped at him for a second before shaking her head.
“(Y/N),” he drawled, and she sighed.
“Alright, it crossed my mind a couple times but that’s why I started with the other women first. I was kinda hoping you’d pick one of them.” (Y/N) looked at him. “I really don’t see anything wrong with us getting married though. We’ve been friends since we were babies, we have a lot of the same interests, and we both care for Dick.”
She shrugged. “I mean we might not be in love, but our marriage doesn’t have to be. We’re stepping up for a greater good. For a young boy who deserves to have two parents.” (Y/N) reached out and held out her hand. “So? What do you say?”
Bruce gazed at her for a long time, longer than she was comfortable with because she knew he was mentally pulling her mind apart. After a few moments he stood and walked around the desk to stand in front of her.
She pulled her hand back in and gave a curious look. “Bruce?” His hands gently took hold of her cheeks and he leaned forward, even as her eyes went wide and she whispered, “Bruce, what—”
He softly brushed his lips against hers and (Y/N) all but melted against him, her hands pressed flat against his chest. They pulled away a moment later and he rested his forehead to hers.
“I think we can make it work, (Y/N).”
She couldn’t fight the giddy smile that came over her face. “Yeah?”
Bruce matched her smile. “Yeah.”
“So, you’re tellin’ me,” he started dubiously, looking at him. “That you and Ma only got together because you guys wanted to make sure Golden-boy had two parents instead of just you?”
Bruce didn’t even take his eyes off the screen as he responded absentmindedly, “That pretty much covers it.”
Jason threw his hands in the air. “There’s no way! There’s no way that shit was arranged! You two make googly eyes at one another when you think no one is watching and you kiss Ma before you go to work every day!” he looked at his brothers. “Y’all know what I’m sayin’ right?”
Tim nodded. “Jay’s got a point, dad. For an arranged marriage, the two of you are really in love.”
Dick placed a hand over his heart and smugly admitted, “You’re welcome everyone, for bringing mom and dad together in real love.”
A chorus of “Fuck you’s” echoed from Jason and Tim, and Damian placed his hands on his hips.
“When did you know you loved Umi, Father?”
Finally, he pulled his gaze from the Batcomputer, and even behind his cowl, they could see the love he had in his eyes and in his voice as he said, “Your mother and I dated for a year before we married, but the night of our wedding, we spent it at the manor and Dick crawled into our bed and spent the night wrapped in our arms.”
Bruce smiled. “I woke up early that morning and saw him curled in (Y/N)’s arms and all I could think was that I’d never loved a woman more than that moment then.” His eyes shifted to all of his sons. “And I’ve only fallen deeper in love with her with each of you that’s come into our home. You make us better parents every day and I wouldn’t change what I was given for anything in the world.”
He barely had time to breathe before all four of his sons were crashing into him, squeezing him as tears spilled down their cheeks.
Bruce huffed a quiet laugh and took a moment to brush a hand through each of his sons’ hair. “I love you, boys.”
A chorus of “I love you too’s” came back at him and before anyone could speak, they heard someone coo, “Aww, that’s so sweet!”
They spun around to see (Y/N) with her phone out, a mile-wide smile on her face, eyes shining with tears.
“Ma…what are you doing?” Jason questioned and she clicked something on her phone.
“Oh, nothing, my sweet boy,” she smiled, and all of her sons started pulling away from Bruce.
“Did you just record that?” Tim asked and she took a step back.
“I would never!” and she stared them down for a split second before spinning on her heel and hauling off towards the stairs. Her sons sprinted after her and she let out a squeal as she skipped the steps two at a time to get away from them.
“Ma come back here!” Jason shouted.
“Umi! Our dignity is on that phone!”
“I dunno, I think it’s sweet!”
“It’s not going to be sweet when she sends it to the group chat that every superhero is in, Dick! We have reputations!”
“Oh…that’s a good point, Tim. Mom! Come back here!”
(Y/N) gasped as someone’s arms wrapped around her waist and she came face to face with Bruce—well, Batman, and she yelped when he pulled her phone out of her pocket.
“Bruuuuuuce!” she whined. “Please don’t delete it!” (Y/N) reached for the phone and he held it out of reach. “Darling, my sweet darling, Bruce, please,” she plead. “If you love your wife and mother of your children, you won’t do that.”
His gaze darted to hers and she pouted, sticking her bottom lip out in the way that she knew he’d crack. “Please, my heart. Let me have a reminder of my beautiful boys.”
“You won’t send it to the chats?” he asked, and she crossed a finger over her heart.
“Cross my heart, darling.” He handed her back the phone and she smiled, leaning up to peck the corner of his mouth. “Thank you, Bruce.”
He cupped her cheek with his gloved hand, thumb brushing over her cheekbone and he pulled her into a real kiss, ignoring the exaggerated gags behind him.
“I love you,” he murmured as he pulled away from her lips. “More than you know.”
(Y/N) hummed, her eyes still closed, and she whispered, “You might love me more, but I love you most.” She opened her eyes and gazed at him. “All my boys.”
Suddenly, her phone started dinging like crazy and he stared at her, his Batman voice coming out as he surmised, “You sent it to the chat, didn’t you?”
She gave him an innocent smile and giggled, “I might’ve.”
“You’re going to pay for all the teasing that Hal and Barry are going to give me, (Y/N) Wayne,” he warned, and she scoffed.
“Oh, boo hoo, I’m so scared of what the big bad Bat is go—” a gasp escaped her when he hauled her up against his body and she stared at him with wide eyes.
A siren went off down in the cave and he looked towards the boys. “Go.” They all hurried off, complaining about the various texts they were all getting.
Bruce looked back at her, voice lowering as he growled, “After patrol I’m coming up to the bedroom and you’d better be ready, because I’m not going to stop ravishing you until you’re begging me for release.”
Something hot, tight, and fierce shot through (Y/N)’s gut and she could only flounder like a fish as he pulled her into another searing kiss before he spun on his heel and descended into the cave.
She gathered herself and called out after him, “You can’t just say something like that and then leave! That’s not fair, Bruce! Bruce, are you listening to me!”
Only his laughter echoed from below.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Hope | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Wife!Potter!Reader
Summary: Life is unfair in numerous ways but it seems like it’s out to get the Potters in every way shape and form.
A part of growing up means maturing. Maturing means realizing that the world is cruel and unfair. People die every day without a reason or a why. Children are born into this world every day with love or hatred. Growing up, parents tell their kids, “Life isn’t fair”. No one had experience unfairness like Y/n Potter and Remus Lupin.
He was right there. So close, only a few feet from her arms yet so far apart in that wretched woman’s arms who held him like he was the grossest thing she’s ever touched. Those enchanting green eyes that glistened with trauma and pain. The brown hair that started to sprout from his scalp, already messy and untidy.
“No! This isn’t fair!” Y/n wailed as Remus held her tight to his chest, “I’m his biological aunt! Please!”
The Minister of Magic was merciless, “And so is Mrs.Dursley.”
“She’s a muggle! Harry is bound to be a wizard!” Y/n cried in contradiction; the feeling to vomit became relentless, “They’ll torture him. Please, you have to let me have him.”
“With your current living situation, it isn’t safe, Mrs.Lupin.”
Remus grimaced at those words, “My current living situation? Are you daft!?”
“With Mr.Lupins…” The Minister pondered, “condition, it isn’t safe for him.”
“Remus wouldn’t hurt him.” Y/n sobbed quietly, “He’s never hurt me!”
“I’m sorry, Mrs.Lupin, but Harry Potter is the safest with Mrs. and Mr. Dursley.”
The gavel was hit upon another circle of wood, adjourning the meeting as a finality. This was it. The fight was over. Harry Potter would grow up in an unloving household that wouldn’t be capable of understanding his magic. This was the epitome of unfairness. Remus’ hands were on her waist, her back to his chest while she sobbed, trying to get him to release her.
Eventually, she collapsed to a heap on the floor. Petunia and Vernon, each holding a baby watching the couple. Harry was wailing loudly, and Petunia couldn’t get him to settle down, making Y/n only cry harder. The young boy had just begun babbling nonsense due to Sirius’ hard effort to get him to say “Padfoot”. But it was that day he said his first word.
“Moo-me!” Harry yelped, and Remus could’ve sworn his heart shattered into a thousand pieces, “Moo-me!”
The brunet boy was trying to reach for Remus, and he squirmed for the adult male, but Petunia had a tight grip. Y/n could barely hear the little boy's words over her own sobs. Her body ached and shook with every tear that fell. The silver streams stained her cheeks, and her face was a brilliant rose red.
“Please make it stop….” Y/n muttered as Remus covered her from the other four people in the room, “If he says that one more time, I might not be able to handle it. Remus, help me, please.”
Hearing her so desperate broke his heart more. Remus’ body covered hers entirely in their crouched position. Harry was practically attacking Petunia to let him go, to be in the arms that are familiar to him. He didn’t like this. He didn’t know these people. These people weren’t his parents. Where was daddy? Where was mummy? Where was uncle Sirius and Peter?
What he did know was his aunt and uncle were right in front of him. Uncle Moony and Aunt Y/n. He could feel his aunt's sadness, her frustration, her anger. He could sense his uncle's remorse, desperation, and hopelessness. Why were they feeling this way? Why weren’t they protecting him? Harry so desperately wished he could speak and say, “Help! Save me from these strangers!” But all he could get out was “Moo-mee and Tee” for Moony and Auntie.
Petunia couldn’t handle his squirming any longer and allowed him on the floor. Harry was ecstatic with this new change. The boy crawled to the two adults on the floor. Harry could feel the warmth of their bodies before he tugged at his aunt's sleeve. Harry stared into her e/c irises and his uncle's green eyes. Those eyes he’d remember forever, engraved in his memory to never forget. His aunt collected him into her arms. His head pressed to her chest. Harry’s sobs calmed, now in the arms of familiarity.
The scent of chocolate, ink, and books surrounded him. His nose was barely catching the smell due to it being runny from crying. Petunia and Vernon approached them. Remus was hugging his wife and his best friend's son, protecting them from the outside world. Gently Y/n pulled Harry from her chest, leaving him to stare at his aunt and uncle.
Y/n sniffled and wiped his tears from his cheeks like mum used to do, “Harry, I promise you, I really don’t want to do this.”
His head tilted in confusion as Y/n’s eyes filled with tears again, “I’ll come back for you. Don’t doubt that for a second.”
“If he’s anything like Prongs, he’ll always have hope.” Remus commented, making Y/n smile.
“That’s what daddy used to do to mummy when she was sad,” Harry thought, “he used to say something to make her smile.”
Despite the soft smile on her face, she had wet trails on her cheeks, “I love you, Harry.”
Y/n kissed his forehead where the lightning scar was placed—hugging him one more time and Remus doing the same as his wife. Harry didn’t understand. Where was he going? Why was auntie Y/n letting him go? Why weren’t they taking him home? Where was mummy and daddy?! So he began to wail again. Petunia picked him up, and the family of four now started to walk out of the room.
She couldn’t even cry anymore. The water that once flowed down her cheeks had stopped. The dam had broken but no longer had water to give. Y/n turned to put her face harshly in Remus’ chest. His arms raked through her hair and rubbed her back. Silent tears rolled down his flushed cheeks, reaching his jawline and falling into Y/n’s hair.
“That was-“ Y/n hiccuped, “the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
“I know, darling.” Remus whispered, “He’s got James’ spirit, and that means he won’t lose hope. He’s got Lily’s kindness. Harry will be fine.”
Y/n shook her head, “That’s not the point. He should be with me. Not that horrid woman.”
“I know. But you and I will get through this.” Remus assured, tilting her head to face him, “We’ve gotten through everything else. We can get through this too.”
Solemnly, Y/n nodded. Remus placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. The room was precise and silent, aside from Y/n’s hiccups. The clicking of a clock could be heard echoing throughout the room. Usually, the sound would bring a sense of solace to Remus but right now, it was a constant reminder that time had gone by. James and Lily were no longer with him. Sirius had betrayed them all, and Peter was dead. Godric, how could this all happen?
Remus flicked his wand from his pocket, apparating them back to their residence. Inside it was cozy and warm. Remus took off Y/n’s coat along with his own as she took a seat on the leather couch. She grabbed her wand, muttering an “Incendio” to start a fire in the fireplace. Her body was curled up, and Remus placed a blanket over her while he went to the kitchen.
The kitchen was a pale blue with dark oak flooring. The marble countertops and dark cabinets. A brilliant contrast. He could almost hear James’ laugh from when they were painting it together while also hearing Lily and Y/n’s scolding them for making a big mess. It brought an emptiness to his heart, but he filled the kettle with water, allowing it to boil on the water.
Inside the cabinets laid an assortment of tea. Something James and Lily had bought him as a joke. Remus always made tea no matter the occasion. It was so him. James had seen it at a muggle store Lily had brought him for. He had been dying of laughter in the store just thinking about it. It got laughs around the Christmas tree when Remus unwrapped the decorative paper.
Remus grabbed a tea bag for himself while grabbing cocoa powder from the same cabinet and two mugs from their wedding night. The kettle began making a high pitch noise, and Remus poured the water into both mugs. Placing the tea bag in one cup and a couple of scoops of cocoa powder in the other, mixing them both, adding marshmallows to the hot chocolate and whipped cream. He added honey to his tea.
Mugs in hand, Remus walked to the living room. He placed the cups on the coffee table. Coaxing Y/n to sit up and he set the mug in her hand as she sipped it carefully, not to burn her mouth. Y/n leaned her head on Remus’ shoulder, still holding her mug with both hands. The blanket draped across their laps. Remus had the cup in his right hand, his left arm draped around her shoulders, the pad of his thumb rubbing her shoulder.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Rem.”
The holidays were hard. Almost too hard for Y/n and Remus to celebrate. But despite their pain, they decorated their house with garland, lights, and knickknacks. The Christmas tree sat in the right of their living room, covered in the beautiful colorful lights. Placed upon the tree were ornaments and tiny pieces of tinsel. Beneath the tree held presents for each other and a little boy.
Y/n stood in front of the tree, staring at it with a longing look. Remus walked behind her, putting his arms around her neck gently. Y/n’s hands instinctively reached for his bicep, rubbing it gently. Remus kissed her cheek and placed his head on top of hers.
“I wanna visit him.”
Y/n turned to face him, “Okay?”
“What am I gonna tell you?” Remus joked, “No?”
“No. I just- I didn’t expect you to agree so fast.” Y/n replied, and Remus cupped her cheek, “He’s your nephew too. You have a right to see him.”
She smiled, “Yeah, you’re right.”
He kissed her forehead, “First Christmas without them….”
“I know.” Y/n said sadly, “It feels strange not to have James jumping around like a child.”
“It feels not having Lily in the kitchen trying to make your mums mince pies.”
Y/n chuckled, “She never got to master them.”
“Don’t worry, dear, I’m sure she’s up there trying.” Remus replied, smiling, “You think Peter is trying to steal the batter?” Y/n asked.
“Oh, definitely!” Remus exclaimed, smiling more than he had in months, “That bugger always used to Nick my chocolate at Hogwarts.”
“I dunno how he found my stash every time.”
The couple placed their foreheads on each other’s, closing their eyes, “We miss you, James and Lily.”
“We miss you more than ever.”
Y/n sighed, “I love you guys.”
Christmas morning was dull compared to their regular routine. Y/n was used to having James jump on top of her every Christmas so they can wake up their parents and open presents. Instead, she was woken up with kisses being placed on her neck and shoulder. Y/n turned and was faced with the sleepy face of her husband.
His sandy hair ruffled and on top of the white pillow. Green eyes glazed with a film of sleep. His lips pulled up in an effortless gentle smile. The scars on his face were whiter instead of their usual pale pink. His stubble was growing into full facial hair due to his lack of shaving. Y/n let her hand cup his right cheek, her thumb rubbing his cheekbone.
“You need to shave.”
Remus chuckled, “It’s Christmas, and that’s the first thing you say to me?”
“Merry Christmas, you need to shave?” Y/n corrected with a smile, making him laugh, “Merry Christmas, darling.”
They shared a soft and gentle kiss. His lips taking her bottom one, hers taking his top one. Soft and slow. Gentle and sweet. Pulling apart, their eyes fluttered, focusing on one another. Her eyes were so beautiful. Looking into her eyes, Remus could read an endless amount of stories. The gorgeous e/c. His eyes were evergreen. Holding so much love and adoration. She could read him like a book through his eyes.
Christmas meant eating a good meal and sharing kisses beneath the mistletoe. The couple opened each other’s presents. Y/n earning new books and some of Remus’ old sweaters that she thought he threw away. The last item she received was a maroon and gold jersey. It was her brother's Quidditch Captain jersey from when he played. Remus must’ve found it in the wreckage at Godric’s Hallow.
Remus opened his presents, getting ink, quills, notebooks, and books of his own. Since Remus couldn’t work, he always dreamed of writing a book. At Hogwarts, Remus excelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and he wanted to write a nonbias textbook for it. Y/n always encouraged his dreams and goals. If anyone could do it, it was him.
Left under the tree were three wrapped boxes meant for the little boy. Remus grabbed a tote bag and placed them inside of it. Y/n gripped his hand tightly as they apparated to Privet Drive. They began walking down the street, sweaters on in the snow, while she grabbed his hand tighter.
“What if- What if he doesn’t recognize me?”
“Y/n, he couldn’t forget you.” Remus assured as they stood outside house four.
Gently Y/n knocked on the door. It was oak wood, and the house appeared to be at least two stories. Remus kept his hand intertwined with hers as his other held the bag with the boy's presents. Footsteps could be heard walking towards the door. Petunia had opened it to be faced with two young adults.
“Mrs. Dursley.” Remus greeted curtly, “May we see Harry?”
Petunia began to ponder and saw the bag of presents in the man's hand, “Sure.”
The woman walked into the hallway and unlocked the cupboard under the stairs. Harry was coaxed out of the storage space, and he turned to the left, where he saw his uncle and aunt. The boy's lips curved into a great big smile. Harry ran into the arms of his aunt, hugging her tightly.
Her heart melted, “Hey, mini Prongs.”
Harry turned the male beside her, “Moony!”
Remus wrapped his arms around the little boy and picked him up as they walked inside. The three of them sat in the foyer on the floor. Harry sat between Y/n’s legs, his back to her stomach as Remus sat in front of him. Gently Remus disposed of the bag and placed the presents in front of him.
“Go on, Harry. These are for you from Moony and Auntie.” Remus cooed, and Harry grabbed one, gently ripping the wrapping off.
Inside was a baby stag stuffed animal, which Harry hugged close to his chest, “Your dad's favorite animal was a stag. Thought you might want something to remember him by.” Remus stated, smiling sheepishly.
“Yeah, daddy.” Y/n replied as Harry smiled up at her.
“Go on. There’s two more for you, baby.” Y/n pointed at the other two boxes, and Harry began unwrapping another.
This was a tinier box, and inside were golden glasses, “You don’t need these just yet, but these were your fathers. I wanted them to be yours.” Y/n informed him as he placed them on top of his nose.
The final box was mini-figures that Harry could play with in his spare time, which he seemed more than grateful for. Harry was giggling and laughing, happy with all his presents. The boy turned in Y/n’s lap, hugging her as tight as he could. Y/n’s hand rested on his back, and she gently kissed his forehead.
“I love you, Harry. Don’t forget that.”
“‘Ove you too.” Harry replied, having a hard time pronouncing words.
Next, he hugged Remus, who did the same. He didn’t want to leave Remus’ arms. He always ran hotter than the everyday person. Remus was a personal furnace. It makes sense why a cold young boy didn’t want to let go of the man. Within minutes the young boy was asleep in Remus’ arms.
Petunia came into the hallway an hour later to see Harry soundly asleep in the man's arms, “Excuse me, but I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“Yes, of course.” Y/n took Harry from Remus’ arms and gave him to Petunia, “Thank you for letting us see him.”
Petunia took the boy from Y/n’s arms, “Yes.”
She put the boy in his bed under the cupboard, making Y/n frown at his living situation, “Do you- Do you think that Harry could stay with us some weekends?”
“Oh, okay.” Y/n muttered, “Thank you again, but we must’ve overstayed our welcome.”
“Of course.”
Y/n took Remus’ hand as they walked out of the house. They walked to a safe spot to apparate back home. They both took off their coats and placed them on the coat rack. Y/n went to turn on a movie on their television set while Remus made hot chocolate and snacks. Both of them curled up onto the sofa and fell asleep.
Over the course of the next nine years, Harry has been visited by his aunt and uncle on many different occasions. Birthdays, Christmas’s, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and sometimes just randomly, but he always looked forward to seeing them. Every time without fail, Harry would always jump in Y/n’s arms no matter how old he got.
The warmth and feeling of being safe in her arms brought a sense of comfort no one seemed compared to. She felt like daddy. His radiate smile, his incredibly warm body, the smoothness of her voice, the glitter in her eyes, her untied hair. Auntie Y/n felt like James. But no matter how hard he tried, she never was dad exactly, but she was auntie. Y/n was his dad's sister, and for now, that’d have to do.
Of course, uncle Moony felt the same. But there were some days he didn’t show up, much to Harry’s displeasure. Harry loved sleeping in Remus’ arms when he was a young toddler. The chocolate, ink, and parchment smell always filled his sensitive nose with such a safe feeling. Harry’s favorite time of year was Christmas when Petunia would make hot cocoa, filling the room with its sweet sense. Although he never got a cup of it himself, the smell brought a sense of comfort. As if uncle Moony was embracing him tightly on all sides.
When Harry reached eleven, owls began delivering envelopes to Privet Drive number Four. But it seems that uncle Vernon refused to let him open any of them. He did whatever he had to, blocking the mail slot in the door, burning the letters, even going as extreme to leave the house. Where inevitably Hagrid - gamekeeper - at Hogwarts came to retrieve him and give him the letter.
He couldn’t believe it. He was a wizard! All this time being belittled by Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley, he finally felt special aside from those times with his other family. Harry had a chance to prove himself to be great. To prove himself that he wasn’t just a bug on the ground to be stepped on. Only one thought crossed his mind though.
“I can’t wait to tell aunt Y/n and uncle Moony.”
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vsa-pieldepapel · 2 years
how do you picture Dess and Asriel?
I don’t think of them much yet cause we know very little aside of the fact they exist and I dont wanna get too attached to imaginary ideas of what they may be like but I like dessriel purely because the idea of holidays and dreemurrs being drawn to each other (dessriel, kriselle, asgore and Rudy’s bromance) is so funny to me
I do see Dess as an interesting posit for an analysis I make that ties directly into The Suselle Rant I Avoid Doing Cause I Don’t Want To Deal With Unhinged People, and it’s here:
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I hc the holidays exemplify one of the quintessential difficult family dynamics, going merely off rudy’s dialogue about noelle and mama holiday, and noelles dialogue about her mom when she gets locked out of her house. And with Dess being gone for whatever reason, noelle is left in this weird position where she assumes both the role of the golden child and the scapegoat. I don’t think mama holiday is aware of how hard she is by the way, nor do I think she doesn’t care about her children that honor is for Susies mother but she does, accidentally, pressure them and act in aggressive ways to them, especially Dess being the older kid. With her gone the difficult dynamic and her inappropriate behaviour reach boiling point, because grief does things to people And this leads to a pattern of repeating behaviour which would make Susie and Noelle have a really dysfunctional relationship because of the coping methods each of them has adopted to survive with their dysfunctional families growing up- and Noelle, because of her mother and father, is set to be an enabler to violence like her dad, since her trauma defense mechanism is fawning (this is so obvious) and she has her father as a model for how being hard on your partners and children is ok and normal, romantic even. We already see her idolising and desiring being degraded by Susie, who uses intimidation as a protection/defense mechanism, aka the fight response, not the fawning response. They would spiral, destroy each other and break up spectacularly after a honeymoon period Let’s get back to Dess!
I think when Dess and Asriel are hanging out as tweens, kris and Noelle are nearby all the time. As I said I enjoy dessriel kinda and From what we know in canon about Dess I like to believe she confides in Asriel thoughts that are quite similar to those she shares with Noelle about the big city, and that in part excites him about the idea of college. I see Dess as more adventurous than Noelle, referencing scapegoated children lashing out and fighting back rather than fawning and pleasing like golden children do. She just wants to go away very far, escape it all, somewhere better. (Teen angst probably makes the feeling even sharper)
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I think as the older child she also felt responsible for Noelle and getting her out of the toxic nucleus and that’s why she also told her she wanted to go far and go to the big city and have adventures… and that’s about all I have on Dess. Im waiting for canon to tell us more about her and Azzy. I do think the grief hit Asriel pretty hard, and college is a way he honours her, as well as pursuing his own dreams, but again this is like purely headcanon timeline stuff. Maybe he is over the grief at this point simply because whatever happened was years ago, but he still thinks back to their time together fondly.
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jamiethetrans · 3 years
Taken (Modern AU) - Ch 6
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Pairing: Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader Series: Taken (Modern AU) Taglist
AN: Hey everyone! Another chapter is up!
I’ve noticed some of you from the taglist can’t be tagged. I don’t know why, I’ve double checked for the third time today and I am sure I have written everything correct. If you find your name in the taglist but isn’t tagged, try and see if anything is out of the ordinary for you on your profile. I do apoligize for the inconvinience.
“You asked her out?!”, Daniela squeaked as she and her sisters along with their father sat in the living room, watching tv. Alcina had just mentioned she was going out Friday night. She hadn’t even mentioned where she was going or who she was going out with.
Alcina stared at her youngest for a moment before turning to Jeremy who held up his arms in defense. “Don’t look at me, I didn’t tell them anything”
“So it’s true then. You’re going out with her”, Bela said this time and Alcina could hear the protectiveness in her voice.
“Yes. Doctor y/l/n and I are going out Friday night. I hope you don’t mind”, she said, the last sentence with a pit of sarcasm.
“Of course not mama. We want you to be happy”, Cassandra said eyeing her sisters with a look making them both roll their eyes, but kept quiet. “But you’re still gonna come to my game Saturday right?”
Alcina smiled at Cassandra and nodded. “Of course darling”
Cassandra smiled wide and looked at her father. “Are you going too papa?”
That made everyone turn to the man and said man looked his daughter for a moment before turning to Alcina who already knew the answer. “Cass I–“
“Jeremy”, Alcina warned and Jeremy turned to her.
“Alcina I have work”
“This means everything to her!”
Jeremy eyed her before turning to Cassandra who sat with tears in her eyes. “Cassandra I–“, he was interrupted as she stood from the couch and ran out of the room and up the stairs.
Bela immediately stood as well, and walked after her. “Why are you always working?”, Daniela asked innocently and Jeremy turned to her.
“My boss is strict. Look I will try to make it okay? But I can’t make any promises” He turned to Alcina who eyed him knowingly. He wasn’t going to come and they both knew it.
“Ugh this dress is hideous!”, you hissed as you went through your wardrobe. On your bed sat Eli and Jane, watching you. You and Jane had planned to find a dress for your date with Alcina. But right now it did not seem possible. Somehow none of the dresses you owned were good enough.
“Y/n you look gorgeous in all of them”, she said, making you turn to her with a look. “Right Eli?”
The boy nodded silently and you gave him a smile making him blush. You turned back to you closet, looking through all of your dresses. A beeping sound was heard and Jane widened her eyes.
“Uh! The popcorns are done”, she said and half ran out of bedroom to the kitchen.
“Popcorn? Seriously?”, you commented turning back around, a frown covering your face. You turned to your son who smiled back at you. “Really?”
He smiled wider, letting out a small chuckle and you couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling yourself. Your son was just the cutest.
You walked over to him and kissed his forehead before crouching down in front of him. “Are you sure you’re okay with mommy going out?”, you asked for the third time that day and Eli actually rolled his eyes making you chuckle.
“Yeah mommy. Tall lady pretty”, he said making you smile.
“Yeah. She really is pretty isn’t she?”
Elijah nodded and you smiled, bringing him in for a hug. You closed your eyes, letting yourself savor the moment, smelling his smell that was all your wife. “I love you buddy”, you whispered and kissed his cheek making the boy chuckle.
“Love you mommy”
You smiled and kissed him again when you heard crunching in the background and looked over to see Jane standing in the door way, a bowl of popcorn in her hands, leaning against the doorframe.
“You’re so sweet”, she commented and you let out a chuckle shaking your head as you stood from the floor.
“Just help me please”
Jane smiled and walked back to her seat next to Elijah, placing the bowl on the boy’s lap, making him smile wide and take a popcorn into his mouth.
“Not too much buddy, okay?”, you told him sternly and Elijah nodded.
“Yes mommy”
Jane smiled at the boy, stroking his hair. She took a handful of popcorn before turning to you. “Alright hot shot. Show me what you got”
Bela sat in Cassandra’s bed watching tv while her sister slept next to her, her head on her shoulder. Daniela was sitting by Cassandra’s desk, writing on her MacBook. Whenever she had the time between school and work, she always wrote her stories.
“What are you writing about?”, Bela asked quietly and Daniela turned to her, staring back at her. And right there Bela knew what she was writing.
“You’re writing smut aren’t you?”
Daniela mumbled a ‘yeah’ before suddenly a knock was heard and they both turned to see Jeremy open the door. “Hey, may I come in?”
They both nodded, Daniela closing her MacBook while Bela turned off the tv. Jeremy walked in and sat on the end of the bed.
“Should I wake–“
“No, it’s okay, I’ll talk to her later, let her sleep”, he stopped his oldest and Bela nodded, letting her sister continue to sleep.
“I’m sorry I’m not here more often”, Jeremy started out. “And I know work isn’t an excuse. I’m your father. I should be here for you”
Bela and Daniela shared a look and Jeremy knew they were silently speaking to each other. They all did that. Alcina had told him about it a few years ago. It was something they had done ever since they could communicate with each other.
“But… work isn’t the only reason I’m not here”, he said and the girls turned to him. “I’m seeing this girl, and–“
“But I thought you loved mother”, Bela said as a matter of fact and that made both Jeremy and Daniela turned to her.
“How did you–“
“You’re not that hard to read father”, she said and Daniela still sat with widened eyes, turning to her father.
“You love mom?”
Jeremy sighed. There was no way denying it now. “I always have. But I know I’m not your mother’s type and I’ve respected and come to terms with that from the first time we met”
“But you still slept together. You still had us”, Daniela insisted and Jeremy turned to her.
“We were young and drunk. We didn’t exactly plan on having kids together, let alone sleeping with each other”
The two girls turned to each other again and Jeremy sighed turning to Cassandra who was still sleeping peacefully against Bela.
“But that doesn’t make me love you any less. I promised Alcina I would be here and I intend to keep that promise”, he continued making the girls turn back to him.
“I’m looking for houses here in New York. The moment something comes up, I’m moving”, he stated and that made them both smile wide.
“So you’ll live closer to us”, Daniela said and Jeremy nodded with a smile.
“Yes. I wanna see my three beautiful daughters grow up. I don’t wanna miss another second”
That made Daniela smile wide and stood from her seat, hugging her father tight. While they shared their moment Bela turned to the door and noticed her mother eyes in the small opening of the door.
Alcina knocked softly before opening the door further and Daniela and Jeremy turned to her. “Hey, everything alright in here?”
They all three nodded and Alcina met Jeremy’s eyes, the man smiling back at her with an assuring look. She turned and noticed Cassandra sleeping on the bed and smiled at the look. She walked over and carried the girl into her arms, holding her against her chest.
“I’m gonna lay her in the bedroom, while you three can spend some time together”, she whispered and they all three nodded watching her leave with Cassandra in her arms.
Despite the girls being teenagers now, they were still small for their age, and Alcina who had always been tall and muscular could easily still carry them if she wished to do so. That was secretly one of the things she loved most about her children.
Bela was the tallest, Daniella not far behind, while Cassandra was the smallest despite only being the second youngest.
“Have you told mother? About the moving?”, Bela asked once she knew her mother was gone and Jeremy turned to her.
“I have”
“And what did she say?”, Daniela then asked and Jeremy smiled at her.
“The most important thing to your mom is that you three are happy and receive all the love that she and I can give you”
The two girls stared back at him, clear understanding showing in their eyes. “You three and your mother are my greatest adventure. And I have missed more than any father should. I promise I will be better. Much better”
This time Bela moved from her spot on the bed and over to Jeremy, sitting next to him before hugging him tight. “I expect you to keep it”, she said before pulling back and standing from the bed, leaving the bedroom.
Jeremy sighed, knowing it was gonna take more than words to make Bela trust him again. “Don’t worry. You know how she is”
Jeremy smiled at his youngest and squeezed her arm. “Yeah. Now. Tell me about your latest story”, he decided to change the subject and that made Daniela suddenly freeze, a huge blush creeping on her face.
Jeremy frowned at her with confused eyes. “What?”
Unbeknownst to him, her latest story was nothing but pure smut between her two favorite characters; Kim Possible and Sheego.
Cassandra opened her eyes and immediately noticed she wasn’t in her own bed with Bela anymore. She could smell her mother’s perfume and saw her scar on her chest. She smiled and snuggled closer in her mother’s embrace.
“I see someone is awake”, Alcina commented as she watched tv on the couch and Cassandra hummed making the woman chuckle. She hugged her daughter closer and Cassandra smiled at the action. She’s always loved her mother’s hugs. They were always so filled with love and her touch filled with tender and care.
Her mother was just her everything. “Was it a good nap dear?”
Cassandra nodded and before Alcina could say anything more, the girl was fast asleep again. Alcina smiled and kissed her forehead. A few minutes later Jeremy came back and sat down next to her, watching the tv as well.
“How did it go?” Alcina asked and Jeremy turned to her. He looked down at Cassandra and stroked her hair softly before moving his hand down to hers, holding onto it.
“Daniela is happy I’m moving. They both are. Bela just…”, he trailed off and Alcina nodded in understanding.
“She just needs some time Jer”
“I know, I know. I just want to prove I can actually be there you know”
Alcina nodded and they sat in silence as Alcina watched the tv while Jeremy looked at Cassandra, feeling his heart burst with love.
“I’m so sorry Alci… I’ve been such a bad father to them and even a worse best friend to you”, he softly whispered and Alcina turned to him, looking into his eyes. “I wanna be better”
Alcina looked down his on Cassandra’s and placed her own hand on top of his. “You will be”
Jeremy looked down at their hands and smiled at the sight.
You stood in front of the mirror in your bedroom looking over the dress you had chosen to wear. It had taken you and Jane almost an hour to find a dress that you liked.
Eli had just sat and ate all the popcorn. Normally you would have stopped him earlier but you couldn’t get yourself to do so. He deserved the best.
You turned around and saw Elijah standing in the doorway, his hands behind his back. “Yes honey?”
“Are you… are you gon-gon leave me?”
You felt your heart break at his small and insecure voice. “What? No honey, of course not”, you assured him walking over and crouching in front of him. He looked down in sadness and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Why was he feeling like this all of the sudden.
“But-but you gon love somebody else”, he said and you suddenly realized he was talking about Alcina.
“Oh honey”, you whispered and hugged him tight, which instantly made him cry and you felt your own eyes getting watery. “Eli I love you. I will never leave you, no matter who comes into our lives, okay?“
Elijah nodded but kept crying, holding onto you for dear life. “You’re my everything”, you whispered, kissing his temple softly.
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linkspooky · 3 years
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Eren Jaeger’s Final Words
So there are many people unimpressed with the final statement given by Eren’s character, either finding it inconsistent with the build up to this point, or too ambiguous a motivation for trampling all over the world. I’m not really here to talk about the quality of the story, whether it was good or bad, because I don’t really care. However, I think it’s fascinating what the text is trying to say about Eren’s character and his motivation. 
This is why, “I don’t know, shrug” is both an answer and not an answer to why Eren did what he did in the end. For making my point in this analysis, I’ll be talking about Eren’s character from Marley on showing both the Eren that appeared before Reiner, the one that talked to Zeke, and finally the one Armin saw are all the same person. 
1. And Now for Something Completely Different
Before I even begin though, let’s talk about something entirely different. My favorite episode of Doctor Who is from the 4th Doctor Era, entitled “Genesis of the Daleks” first broadcast around 1975. What makes this episode my favorite episode is both the premise, and the question it asks. If you haven’t watched Doctor Who the basic premise is the main character is a time traveler who can go everywhere and everywhen in the universe. One of his common enemies is the Daleks, a race whose goal is to kill everything else in the universe. The Time Lords order the Doctor to go back in time to the era the daleks were created, and prevent their creation in order to prevent every person they would eventually kill. 
He goes do the Dalek homeworld, and meets the scientist who created them Davros. Eventually, the doctor fails enough that he’s not able to prevent their creation, but he could, wipe them out when they were just newly born children and completely innocent. The doctor decides not to kill them right then because that would be a pre-emptive genocide, and the Doctor is a pacifist. When Davros witnesses him making this choice it prompts this conversation one of my favorite in all of television. The link to the clip is here if you’re interested. [Source.]
Davros: "Now, future errors will be come victories. You have changed the future of the universe, Doctor." Doctor: "I have betrayed the future. Davros, for the last time, consider what you're doing. Stop the development of the Daleks." Davros: "Impossible. It is beyond my control. The workshops are already fully automated to produce the Dalek machines." Doctor: "It's not the machines, it's the minds of the creatures inside them. Minds that you created. They are totally evil." Davros: "Evil? No. No, I will not accept that. They are conditioned simply to survive. They can survive by becoming the dominant species. When all other life forms are suppressed, when the Daleks are the supreme rules of the universe, then you will have peace. Wars will end. They are the power not of evil, but of good." Doctor:"Davros, if you had created a virus in your laboratory, something contagious and infectious that killed on contact, a virus that would destroy all other forms of life, would you allow its use?" Davros: "It is an interesting conjecture." Doctor: "Would you do it?" Davros: "The only living thing, a microscopic organism reigning supreme... A fascinating idea. Doctor: "But, would you do it?" Davros: "Yes... yes..." [ Davros raises a hand as if holding the metaphorical capsule.]
Davros: "To hold in my hand a capsule that contains such power, to know that life and death on such a scale was my choice. To know that the tiny pressure of my thumb, enough to break the glass, would end everything... Yes, I would do it! That power would set me above the gods!
Davros’ motivations seem at first brush look one-note and evil, just another mad scientist playing god. However, what makes the conversation great is the context it takes place in. Here is the choice offered to the doctor, kill a race that he knows will go on to make war and kill innocents in the future in their infancy before they have done anything wrong, or don’t kill them and ensure the future you know will happen. 
The Doctor isn’t saying that his choice is the right one. He’s not saying he’s doing good by choosing not to slaughter an innocent race. He’s saying, he can’t bring himself to make that choice. In that situation he chooses not to choose, because it would be against his pacifist believes to choose either way. Which Davros at first, takes to mean the Doctor siding with him. However, when they begin to debate it, notice how they’re not talking about what is the philosophically correct choice to do. The doctor hammers in this point, would you do it? Would you do it? After getting Davros to admit that yes, he would do it, his motivation becomes much clearer, he doesn’t actually care whether his actions result in a good thing or a bad thing, he simply wanted to be the one who got to choose. 
What does Davros want? The power that surpasses a normal human being’s ability to choose. Davros himself is basically written to be pure evil, but his desire itself is a little more complex. Davros is a person lacking in agency, if you tear him away from his support system he’ll die within thirty seconds. He designs what he believes is the perfect race capable of conqueringthe universe which are reflections of him. They’re soft little squid creatures in mechanical shells which are inpenetrable. Davros himself cannot seize that power, he is inferior because he’s attached to the life support system (in his own mind), so the power he wants instead is the power to make the choice to unleash them upon the world. 
If the Doctor by failing to make that impossible choice in the situation, by not wanting to even hold the capsule in his hands and have that ability to choose remains a man, then Davros chooses to throw away his humanity (which he ties to his inferiority and weakness) and becomes a god instead. To tie my long tangent which just shows how much of a geek I am back to Eren, Eren’s choice wasn’t actually about bringing a good result or a bad one at all. He simply wanted to choose. People who are lacking for agency, who feel powerless and inferior to tend to grasp for it. They try to fix external circumstances instead of internally facing what is within them, because they can’t bear to face it (hence the complex about being inferior in the first place). 
People often compare Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul to Eren because their stated motivation bears some resemblance “we were doing this all to protect our friends”, however, it’s important to grasp that Kaneki and Eren are liars and unreliable narrators both. Their stated motivation isn’t necessarily true. I don’t think the final chapter is as clear as it could have been in nailing down the finer points of this, but Eren does in fact change his stated motivation from “I was doing it all to set up you as heroes of the world” to “I would have done it anyway even if you didn’t come to stop me” to “I don’t know. I just wanted to.” So, the fact that Eren will directly lie about his motivation and try to rationalize his actions and even switch stories in the space of one conversation is at least established. 
So to bring the comparison back to Kaneki, both Eren and Kaneki lie about their external motivations that they are doing this for their friends when really they act because of unacknowledged internal motivators. They are secretly selfish, while presenting their actions as some kind of great sacrifice they’re making for the sake of others. The deepest we ever dig into Kaneki’s head he makes this statement. 
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I’m going to do something that will make everyone love me. Good, bad, it could be anything. After that, I wanna die heroically!
Eren and Kaneki aren’t the same because they’re brave people who fight for their friends, it’s because internally they’re pathetic and unlovable. They’re so starved for agency and attention that they’ll do anything for it, and they just don’t care about the consequences for their actions. Kaneki also, later on in the manga engages in mass slaughter for once again what is a pretty bad reason. It’s not to protect someone or for the sake of someone else. It’s because he’s lonely and wants comfort. 
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Kaneki doesn’t care about what he’s doing or the consequences of his actions, he’s desperate and wants to do what will immediately gratify him in the moment. He doesn’t even realize what he’s doing will unleash mass slaughter and have greater consequences because he’s not thinking about that. 
Compare this to the doctor’s choice. The doctor knows the direct result of his actions, if he does not abort the daleks he will fail to prevent the deaths of innocent people. Knowing those consequences he says he still won’t make the choice because he believes his pacifist principles are something he won’t bend on. Kaneki, and Eren both have on principles, or no reasons. They just do whatever in the moment, and make up a reason after the fact. For Touka, For his friends, because he wanted to, because of freedom, because why not? 
Kaneki and Eren can construct no good reason for their actions, and no principles behind their actions, because unlike the doctor, they don’t have a developed enough and they’re not capable of making measured choices. They steal away agency because they’ve been deprived of it, they want the feeling of power and control that comes with making the choice, but they don’t want the responsibility for it. The doctor knows if he doesn’t choose to wipe out the Daleks he’s responsible for that choice, but can’t bring himself to kill. His actions are pacifistic. However, Eren and Kaneki choose to kill in the same situation, and their actions inevitably cause the conflict to accelerate. The Doctor remains a man, Kaneki and Eren do not. 
What kind of person would want to become a god anyway? 
A person pathetically, incapable of feeling alright as a human being. 
That’s why Kaneki and Eren make the choice to become monsters, because they’re incapable of living with themselves, or their actions as people. Either way they can’t live with it, hence why, Kaneki’s stated motivation is I’ll make everyone love me and then I’ll just die. Hence why the person who is making this statment is a childish version of him. 
There is no good reason for what Eren does. That sounds like a cop-out answer after making you read all this long, but what is a good reason for killing people? This is a lot of rambling but I hope I’ve at least established that Eren’s internal reasonings make no sense, his internal mechanisms at least do. The reason he doesn’t come up with a reason is because he didn’t actually care about the result of his actions, he just wanted to be in the position to choose. He wanted absolute agency because he was denied agency like a child, and as a forever stunted child, he never grew up to realize that most people in the whole world eventually make compromises and live on with sadness instead of getting to do whatever they want. 
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Words that Eren was told again and again but failed to listen to. He’s not the only person that suffers in the world. He’s not the only person that’s lost people. He’s not the all-suffering protagonist of reality, he’s just one personin the greater scheme of things. However, the ability to compromise like that. To realize that other people exist besides you, that they have feelings separate from yours, that you are not the protagonist of reality is what an adult does, and what Eren can’t do. It’s easier to become god apparently, throw his whole life away as a child soldier making the ultimate sacrifice then just try growing up. 
What’s the point of writing a character with such a pathetic motivvation? It’s because it’s human. 
To badly misquote Jung, most people assume they are nice people when really they are in fact jerks. The reasons can be very complex, but sometimes it’s just as simple as not being able to look past your own ego and understand people feel differently than you do. Eren cannot accept other people, whether they be his friends, the comrades he’s fought with this entire time, the adults trying to guide him, he is just so incapable of accepting them that he regresses into a child making selfish demands of the world. It seems inhuman but imagine Eren in a completely different setting. What if Eren were just a shut-in? Just a teenager who didn’t leave his room. A fundamental ability to accept other people would sabotage all his other attempts to grow up and leave his room, and he’d choose to remain a child forever. The stakes are different, the situation is different, but the internal mechanisms are unmistakably human. 
2. All Erens is the Same
Okay, here’s where I actually try to prove that Eren’s character arc is consistent with the story. What was revealed in 139 at all wasn’t a 180, and wasn’t a reveal that secretly Eren had good intentions all along. He never had good motivations, or selfless one. From beginning to end he was a selfish child, and his reasoning was always that of a stunted individual unable to understand the feelings of others but placing his own feelings as far more important.
What Eren does in 139 is rationalizing and changing his answer, which he has done several times before that point anyway, and is therefore consistent with his behavior up until that point. It’s important to acknowledge that Eren models himself, not after Grisha, but rather Eren Kruger. The foil to Grisha and the reaction to Grisha’s bad parenting is Zeke. The person who Eren makes similiar choices to is Kruger says the reason he picked Grisha is the eyes he possessed in childhood. 
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The thing about Kruger is, textually, Kruger fucking sucks. He says it himself. He claims he was doing it for the sake of helping others, and yet, all he ever felt like he was doing, was torturing people, and throwing them to the dogs. He kept saying he had good motivations, but his actions were repeated brutal violence, over and over again. He contributed more to the conflict than he helped to resolve it. 
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At the end of his life, Kruger says once again he doesn’t believe what he’s done has changed anything, and doesn’t believe he himself hs changed. He’s still the child with hatred in his eyes. His reason for passing it onto Grisha is because he knew Grisha wouldn’t grow up either, and would keep that inside of him. Kruger failed to grow, Grisha failed to grow, in a way that mattered, in time to make an actual change. They only ever made things worse, and that is, the model we are supposed to parallel Eren to. 
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Now this is at the same time that the Attack Titan’s future vision powers are shown to us. The question a lot of people are asking is if Eren had free will in his choice, or he was fated to make that choce all along. The answer is. No. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not at all. The fact that Eren was destined to do it, is yet another excuse, the like seventh change of motivation that Eren gives us. “I saw it happen in the future so I did everything I could to make it happen, but I didn’t think I had a choice this was the only way to make you guys hero,” Eren says, and then five seconds later. “I didn’t know what would happen , I probably  would have done it anyway even if I knew you guys were all going to die and fail to stop me.” 
Eren is once again making excuses, and avoiding all kinds of responsibility. If he is the chosen one, if his actions are controlled by fate, if he’s a god, if he’s a devil, he is not human and therefore he is not responsible. Eren wants the power to decide the fate for the world, but will do anything but accept responsibility for that choice. Eren wants to be Eren the bloody conqueror, but he’s not even self-aware enough to see himself as a bad person he can’t even own that so when confronted on his actions he reduces himself back to a child, and evades responsibility. Eren’s own motivation, his stated motivation is for no reason, however, the reasons he avoids the guilt like this are complex in their mechanisms as I wrote about above. The simple question is if Eren saw this future why did he not try to stop it? The simple answer is because he did not want to. 
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There are a million and one excuses Eren has for why he thought the future could be avoided, but his actions tell a different story. He didn’t lift a finger to try. He spent the next four years making rationalizations for what he eventually would do. I will now establish, Eren was actually given several oppurtunities to stop, and then he just did not stop. 
In the Reiner and Eren scene while Tybur is speaking in the background, Eren is offered a choice. Quite literally, Tybur is narrating the same story that Eren wants to set up. Become the devil that tried to destroy the world, so the heroes (his friends) will defeat him. He’s given the chance to be genuine and talk things out with Reiner and what does he choose. 
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He chooses to accelerate. He could have stopped. Remember how Reiner was practically begging him to talk things out? Not only that but Eren sees that Reiner’s stated motivations for doing what he did were, completely fake, just rationalizations made up in the moment. 
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Eren is presented with the reality of who he really is, a child who hates himself, who wants to kill himself rather than take responsibility for his actions, and he chooses the narrative Tybur offers him. Rather than be hismelf, stop the story here, he chooses to move the story forward.And the conflict accelerates when they could have reconciled. Not because there was no other choice, Reiner was begging, crying, and holding Eren’s hand at the same time asking for peace and forgiveness but because Eren chose to accelerate the conflict. 
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Eren’s choices are always that of an accelerationist. When given the oppurtunity to stop, he chooses instead, to always make the conflict worse. That is, the result of Eren’s myriad of choices made throughout the arc. Everything is worse now, and more people are dead. Nothing good is achieved through these means because Eren wasn’t trying for good. Eren didn’t care about good results, he just wanted to be doing something. Easier to be an all powerful demon, than a powerless child which is what he sees Reiner as in the moment.
The only time I believe that Eren was putting on an act was when speaking with Mikasa and Armin. The rest of it wasn’t acts, it was just who Eren is, who he sees himself to be. The thing is most people don’t read Eren’s kind of behavior, constant masculine posturing, war mongering, accelerating the conflict, throwing himself into fighting, as childish and toxic when it is. The point of Eren’s masculinity is it’s a performance. Reiner crying and begging in front of Eren is embarrassing and pathetic yes, but it’s also how he felt in that moment, it’s a human vulnerability. Whereas, Eren’s outer persona is entirely empty of love and vulernability, of every emotion besides anger, and violence. However, because it’s empty, he just acts, empty... Great wording there I know. Eren when posturing in front of others basically has no personality. He is just guy who fights. 
Eren performs the role of a ruthless soldier in front of others, because it prevents him from being vulnerable. Remember who Eren is posturing in front of, Reiner, and then later Zeke. What were they doing? They were both at the moment trying to appeal to his human side, Reiner by crying and begging for forgiveness a show of vulnerability, and Zeke by tryig to show Eren what their father did to them was wrong.
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Calls for violence, posturing, warmongering and rhetoric, Eren’s every response when Zeke tries to examine his humanity. Eren insists over and over again, you see I’m not actually a human being. It was impossible for father to reach me because I was simply born that way. However, the kind of person Eren pretends to be is empty, someone incapable of feeling anything. The only way he knows how to be strong, is to simply not have feelings, to deny all human emotion and become something else and that’s just lame. We also know, that Eren himself is not like that because he contradicts his stated motivation that the only reason he killed those slavers was for the concept of freedom itself when he takes too long trying to look at Mikasa.
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Eren denies himself empathy, he denies himself udnerstanding, and therefore no one will ever see his emotional wounds. That way, he can be invulenerable forever, but at the same time he denies MIkasa and Armin.
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We return again to the motif of the story. It’s the same repeated image, someone tells Eren to stop, Eren says that it must not stop, the story must continue. 
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Both of Eren’s foils and family members,Zeke and Grisha  tell Eren to stop this. That they do not want this. The whole world yells at Eren to stop, and he does not stop. Stopping would mean, accepting some measure of helplessness so Eren does not stop. 
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To be honest, what Eren says in 131 is far more telling than literally any of the excuses he came up with in 139 which is why I think it should be interpreted not as the final word on Eren’s character but rather, showing what his waffling actually looks like to an outside observer - not heroic at all but rather pathetic. 
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Eren’s childish desire to be this powerful, to stand up above everyone like a god while ignoring the suffering of the world around him - is pretty telling enough of Eren’s true motivations that he needs no further elaboration. Eren does not become god for the sake of his friends, he does not do it because he thinks it will make the world a better place, he does it because of childish delusions of grandeur and his inability to let go of his childish feelings of entitlement. The world isn’t the way he wants it to be and he can’t comrpomise with that in any way. Eren is more like a caricature of the most petty person on earth when you put it that way, but this is... a fictional story. Thematically Eren is a good example why ideals are ideals, and people are in fact, people, ulitmately very disappointing and falling short of those idealse. So once again moving past this. 
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Eren, you can literally just stop. Eren is basically given every choice in the world to stop, everyone else in the story tells him to, and he just doesn’t. The author does go to a painstaking extent to show that Eren in fact could have stopped. Every single time he is given the oppurtunity to stop he instead chooses to accelerate the conflict.
It is interesting to show the one time Eren actually did stop though. It wasn’t for Mikasa, it was Mikasa’s decision. 
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When Eren puts the decision on someone else, he can stop. Eren has feelings for Mikasa, but rather than confessing to her he makes her speak up about what her feelings are, even when everyone around him just, straight up tells him. 
Why is he capable of stopping when it’s someone else’s choice? In those cases, Eren succesfully avoids responsibility. When he makes the decision to run away in the possible alternate reality he’s doing what Mikasa wanted. 
The other time is when he decides to accept the result of whatever Mikasa decides. In both cases, Eren rather than accept responsibility for his actions and the results of his actions, just, puts it all on Mikasa. 
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Is he doing this for Mikasa’s sake? To set Mikasa up as the hero of the world? No, he can’t even face Mikasa and explain himself or his feelings. Eren makes the choices to... put the ultimate decision on Mikasa, and run away without explaining himself because, that’s easier than taking repsonsibility for his choices. Every choice Eren makes, is to either make the conflict worse, because stirring the pot makes him feel powerful and in control, or throw control away to someonee else or some other reason (predestination whatnot) because he can’t bear the responsibility of what he’s doing. He wants to kill a bunch of people, but like... he doesn’t want to feel like a bad person about it (hence the excuse, he was doing it for his friends and yet later in the same conversation him saying that if he had killed his friends and they failed he still would have done it anyway). 
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Therein lies the rub. Eren is not doing this for his friends, because he takes the one path that is guaranteed to take him out of their lives. He doesn’t do it for Mikasa because he does the one thing guaranteed to destroy her. 
I love this girl so much, that I created this elaborate scenario where the only way she could save the world was to horribly behead me, the one family member left from her childhood after she spent her entire life trying to protect me from fear of losing her family - yeah that sounds completely insane.
It is meant to be. Eren is thinking jack all about what his friends are feeling. His feelings for Mikasa, his desire to keep her safe and away from everything else trump everything even the idea that his love might be returned. He loves at Mikasa. He’s not in love with her, he’s projecting his love upon her. “Why didn’t he just tell her about his feelings if he secretly loved her all this time?” the point was, he couldn’t. Eren’s ego isn’t developed enough to love another person, that requires actually caring about their feelings which Eren doesn’t do to well.
 There’s a reason Eren and Mikasa’s connection keeps lingering back to the small kindness they showed each other as childhood,it’s because literally despite spending their entire lives growing up together, their connection hasn’t grown at all since then, because they can’t grown. 
At the end of the series however, Mikasa makes the opposite coice of Eren. If Eren’s choice has been to remain a selfish child all this time, to make other people suffer rather than face his own hurt feelings. Mikasa makes the choice of selflessness, to grow up, beyond the child who loved Eren into the adult who knows that even if you love people, one day you might lose them. 
Eren’s choices only ever make the conflict worse. Mikasa’s choice finally stopped the conflict that Eren kept accelerating. It didn’t save the world, it saved the world from Eren. 
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I think it’s important to remember that Eren didn’t see what MIkasa was going to do, that her actions were going to end up breaking the curse. He literally had no idea what was going to happena fter the massacre, all he saw was the massacre and decided to do what he could to bring it about. 
“I did all of this for you guy.” 
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Backtracking, five seconds later, and making excuses it all would have happened anyway. 
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It’s the same behavior consistently shown throughout. Eren could have stopped. Eren did not stop. Afterwards, Eren wants to reconcile the guilt and believe that his motives were good, when his actions were the actions of a bad person. It’s the same as Reiner’s crying and begging after years of guilt and failure to reconcile his acitons with who he is. Eren can’t understand why he did what he did, he just knows he did it, and he can’t accept responsibility for any of it. So that’s why Eren throws the choice away. 
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Eren can’t understand his father’s words, because in the end, being born, living his life, growing up, falling in love, making friends, losing some of those friends, growing older, getting weaker, all of those things are things Eren doesn’t want to do. Eren begins his life with “You were born into this world, you’re free to live hwoever you want” and ends his life wishing he was never born, and that’s the utlimate tragedy of his character arc. Not that it was inevitable he would eventually do these things, but beause it wasn’t and Eren chose to do them anyway instead of choosing literally anything else. Therefore, despite claiming Mikasa and Armin as the reason behind all of his actions, they weren’t, because he was inacapable of making the simple choice to be with them and grow up with them which is all they ever wanted from him. 
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prof-peach · 3 years
Hi professor!
(ooc)Wanted to say that I’ve been wanting to do a blog similar to this for a long time but I’ve never really gotten around to do this and have kinda been a bit nervous to make one. Now though, I’m in the works of planning things out and setting one up thanks to you and this blog (not a professor blog but still). You’ve been a big inspiration to me and I wanna thank you!
In the meantime though, I did want to ask, what’s your thoughts on Pokémon evolutions that happen while trading? It doesn’t seem natural to me and it does kind of confuse me a bit on how it could work like that.
I'm going to step out of Professor shoes and be a little ooc here to think about this is a broader sense, and explain how i look at them. From there you're welcome to elaborate, ignore, or use that as a basis for your own thoughts on it. Evolution via trade is just an evolution triggered by a large life change. This trigger is adaptable and poses as different thing, be it like the Anime, where we see a pokemon evolve to protect its trainer, or change forms to win an important battle, or impress a mate. Unlike games, we see this happen mid-scenario, not after gaining exp from a win or use of skill. This leads me to believe it’s the emotional state of the Pokemon that’s the true catalyst here.
In the wild, at least on this blog, I like to think of it like this:
Machamp who rule their pod, and look after their fellow machops and machokes will grow old, they eventually come to a point where a new leader must be selected. Their fellow pokemon will show their skills, and the chosen winner to take over the group will receive the dying machamp’s belt. That belt being handed over is enough to evolve the Pokemon, and for them to take their place as the new leader, with their new improved stats.
Onix tunnelling along underground may accidentally stray into a vein of the same rare metal that we produce metal coats with, enough of that metal will trigger their evolution. They may actively search for it, or it could be an accident.
Alakazam outsmart each other for fun, if they get smart enough, they too could just evolve out of accumulative experience.
A Pokemon risking itself to protect its family, trainer, or friends, can use its energy stores up (if they have enough of course) and force the evolution. If we see Pokemon rejecting and deciding not to evolve even without stones and items, then the theory stands that they can suddenly decide to tap into that power.
I believe in general there are a multitude of ways for Pokemon to evolve, not just the set in stone (pun sort of intended) ways we see in the games. For example, eevee. It’s evolutions are triggered by location. Flareon live in hotter climates, and flock to volcanoes, hot grassy plains, sweltering jungles, and even hot springs in some areas. They bring their young. Their young then evolve too eventually, through time spent in the area. No stones involved. You could argue there’s Firestone’s in the area perhaps, a vein underground? Sure. Maybe? But there also might not be.
Do we also ask the same questions of friendship evolutions? How do you measure that? What’s the unit for friendship? Feels to me like another evolution through life experiences, not all that different from a trade (leaving one trainer to join another, a pretty big event for anyone) if you ask me. It’s just like...I don’t know, it feels like a lot of evolutions are aided by items, are more successful with items, or would be a sure fire way to achieve it, but quietly, subtly, all Pokemon must gain exp and skills through simply living. For doing regular normal stuff day in day out. After a while, that energy equates to the stones, or the trade, or the item, and the Pokemon evolves without any fancy method.
Humans and trainers figured out how to speed run growing battle-ready Pokemon partners, to win money, stay safe, become famous, even commit crimes. We say Pokemon in the wild handling items or doing tasks and they just happened to come into contact with the right thing, and evolved. We now mass produce held items to aid this. Could argue there’s a strong financial reason for the lack of talk about ambient evolution as discussed above.
Gotta remember too, these were marketed video games, meant to be sold and to make money. The games would implement mechanics like evo-trades, to bring excitement to kids who had only one of the games as a kid, to get them to trade with other people who might be able to help them get those elusive evolutions for the games completion. Back then they developed this evo-via trade methods to encourage social gaming in children, amongst other things. It was widely thought of as a bit of a gimmick from what i've gathered. For this reason I’m a little flexible with the mechanic as a whole, it feels like a neat thing for kids to discover when trading Pokemon back when it was first brought in, Googling answers wasn’t so much of an option, you use to have to get a guide book, or ask someone who knew how. On average kids had to find out either by chance, or by word of mouth. It made people want to interact. Don’t we all have memories of our fav evo trade finally being ours when playing? It’s a great bit, people enjoyed it.
Take what you will from this, I got a little too into it, I think a lot about these things, but never have a reason to write it down....or try to haha! I'm glad you got going with your own blog, it's really nice to see so many people give it a go. We can all do with more content, and why not make what we want in the pokemon world right? its a lot of fun, creative, and can bring joy to others too. I see no down side.
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