#the ones that will let my dumb brain ship them fully
seno99 · 1 year
Calling all BKDKs, if I can steal but a moment of your time…
BKDKs, from a KRBK/TDDK shipper,
you are valid, and I love you, you make such beautiful fanart and probably even better fanfics, BUT I CANNOT SHIP THEM! I WANT TO BUT I CAN’T, ITS A CURSE! 😭 I legit have three fics open yet to be read but they’re all based around the recent arc, and I’m trying, because while I do love krbk and tddk, I originally started by shipping bkdk, then I discovered kiribaku after the Kamino arc and bkdk just, washed away lol. But I see moments, pivotal moments between them as characters and I WANT and feel the NEED to ship them but it’s like I can’t. 💀
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It feels like my brain can’t wrap around bakugou being with anyone other than Kirishima💀🪦😔
So if I could steal but a moment of your time, could you send me a link or name/author of your favorite bkdk fic in the replies? 😭 Preferably not just smut recs… I want the hurty passionate soft Baku ones 😭❤️‍🩹
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iwasjoking · 11 months
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Okay, all of these are basically based off of the 'sentient lost light AU' from @cuppajj, which I was obsessing about, but when I thought about it, it didn't really have a name for what it was. And I don't think 'metro titan' or just 'titan' would suffice. So I went up and thought of a classification, or multiple classifications for different kind of titans, I mean, lets spread our horizons a bit.
Okay, first up, metro titans are titans that transform into massive cities, and act as settlements for bots to colonize new planets. Honestly the first thought of it was astonishing, but just, metro titans? That kinda seems.. bland.
At first I didn't think too much about them, because honestly, who would, until I came across the sentient LostLight AU. And everything fit together perfectly, though I was quite late to the party, I started going through as many posts about it as I could at the time. And then decided to create my own Titan OC.
Verloren, the bot above is a Titan that I created, I drew the ship part first so it would make sense, but he still kinda looked like Lostlight, that was a big accident ^^'
There is another (unfinished) OC up there thats much bigger, and more blue but I'll talk about them later.
Anyways, just titan didn't suffice my brain, since you have metro titans, and then just.. titans? So, I decided to create my own classification, leading tooooooo,
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Star Faring titans! (Workshopping the name still, and the emblem, kinda looks dumb) But I like it so far, and what it means is that it's a titan that transforms into a ship, not a city. A ship thats supposed to travel the stars, at first I was thinking 'Quantum titan', but not all have to have Quantum engines. Though I haven't made out all the details, I quite like what I have so far.
But why stop there? with only two. Then comes up another idea, in another comic I read, there were titans that were orbiting around the planet, doing sorts of jobs, so I started onto making the 'satellite titans'. These titans are titans that orbit around the planet, and do certain jobs. Heck some of them could be a moon orbiting around another planet.
I separated them into 3 groups, (so far), base satellite titans, Lunar satellite titans, and Job satellite titans. (Still workshopping the names)
The names should probably explain themselves but even so:
Lunar satellite titans are titans that are mainly for defense of the planet, as moons, though they can transform, they can sometimes shoot beams from their surface, most of the time they orbit around colonized planets.
Job satellite titans do things like mining from the surface, or act as a radio beam, and are typically the smallest, I've seen them sorta in comics, though not mentioned under any sort of specialized name.
And base satellite titans, basically ones that travel around the stars, before settling into an orbit, becoming a sort of stop station, for ships. They often have a crew operating them, or become fully functional cities in the sky. But I would not call them a metro titan, because they stay in space, as a sort of 'stop station'
I might make more stories or pictures about them later, but honestly, I love this idea and I hope some people would try to expand on it ^^
Stormy signing off
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generaltrashshecox · 9 months
Alright I'm gonna start a thing to place my unhinged thoughts so I don't spam my bestie with them lol. They will most definitely be for a variety of ships and it will have add-ons cause my brain is always running rampant especially at night so ajna. It's mostly nsfw so if you don't like don't look all that etc etc... Take inspiration if you want!! Anyways ideas under the cut:
Damien calling Anthony daddy. That's it that's the whole thought and it takes over my brain constantly Damien's daddy issues go brrr (also "second Smosh father" is definitely code/j)
Chosen/Damien/Anthony polyamory but Chosen and Anthony barely just deal with each other to make Damien happy
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(why this dumb thing in discord I made makes me happy ajaj)
Chosen calling Damien kitten unironically and at first he finds it cringe until he pushes him at one point and he grabs his chin making him look at him eyes sweltering behind his sunglasses and says "you better listen, kitten" and suddenly everything changes.
(Damien also calling Chosen daddy is a thing my mind is always thinking)
Chosen being human but also not at the same time is an interesting thing in my lore like... He's human but he's helped the universe for millennia kinda thing not nsfw just a thing I wanted to talk about lol
OMEGAVERSE CHOSEN X DAMIEN but unconventional cause that's my shit aka Chosen who was raised to be an alpha ends up being an omega and Damien who was raised to be an omega being an alpha but neither really want those titles/second genders and rejects them (aka Chosen using his slick to fuck Damien senseless and I'm sorry for that image but also FUCK)
Omegaverse bs in general though alpha!Anthony and Chosen taking care of omega!Damien in heat 😵‍💫
Shayne holding Ian down on his desk face down ass up as he grinds against him. They're both still fully clothed but desperate even though Ian is begging him to stop and let him up and that somebody could see (even though that's exactly what he asked for) so his pleads fall on deaf ears as Shayne continues to grind against him 😵‍💫
Ian with a strength kink asking Shayne to manhandle him.
Shian fwb but Shayne feels something more and he thinks he's the second choice. He gets drunk one night somehow ending up on Ian's doorstep pushing his way in and accidentally confessing. Can lean either getting rejected or recuperated depending on how I feel on the day ajaj
Shaymianthony polycule! 2 pairs of pretty best friends why wouldn't they?? Preferably if shaymien and ianthony pined before becoming shian and antmien and realizing they all like each other ajsj just chefs kiss
Established shian but secretly and Shayne doesn't like the way Anthony looks at Ian so he fucks him in his office and Anthony walks in on it. Flip it on its head and he fucks Damien on his whoops damn
Damien soft domming Ian. But the brat is bratty pushing him to his limits until he snaps and bruises litter Ian's body from hands and floggers and paddles as his body sings with it all.
Damien usually being the bottom/sub to Anthony but he finds out his strength and ends up soft domming him calling him cute and pretty as he fucks him while holding him down 🫣🫣 (Anthony never cums as hard as he does then oof!)
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midnightcreator12 · 5 months
Hi midnightcreator. I saw your post about friends week OC-tober. Assuming there's still spots open can I offer this quote/prompt? "My mother always said you should dance with your worst enemy at least once before you kill them. So 'hero', how's your footwork?"
Sorry this took a hot minute, lotta stuff happened back to back and...well, I wasn't sure what to do with the prompt for awhile
Shout out to @posthocpaganda for helping me with that, gave me an awesome idea that I have cut a little short for this but might lengthen it and add it to the one-shot series at a later date.
Also I wasn't going to do a title but I had to tilt it in word for easy finding and.....it was funny
The Enemy of My Enemy is Still My Enemy But They’re Low Priority Now
Mando'a Translations for this:
Shab, shabbing - fuck, fucking
Buir - parent (father in this case)
She’d been dumb. Chula could fully admit to herself that taunting a Trandoshan was a very dumb move on her part. And missing his buddy with the supped up stun rifle was an even dumber misstep.
But she was fine with that. Even when she woke up to the tell-tale headache from someone actually using a poison to subdue her. She’d, of course, been stripped of almost all her gear except her armor. She’d growled at that, missing the weight of her slug-thrower, but she couldn’t do much until the Trandoahan ship dumped her on whatever island had been chosen for their hunt.
The headache and shaky limbs dissipated moments before the steady rumble of the ship stalled and changed. Chula’s sharp ears knew the moment before she was dropped right at where the water met the island, a thick jungle that was nearly pitch black even with a full moon. She took off running the moment her feet hit the ground. Trandoshans were a race she had studied quite a bit and she knew they tended to gun down ‘prey’ that didn’t take advantage of their head start.
She spent a number of hours trying to puzzle together some kind of plan. If she wanted to get off planet, she’d have to get back on the ship that brought her here and to do that….she’d have to fight a lot of Trandoshans.
She didn’t fear the reptilian race but she was arrogant enough to assume her size and strength would give her a big enough advantage when it came from getting from the land to the ship.
By the time the sun rose and the hunt parties had entered the forest, Chula had a very rough Plan A. She could turn the tables a bit, stalk the hunters and try and get ahold of one of the smaller transports.
But, hours later, her Plan A wasn't going great, mostly because all the lizard-brains had left their shuttles gods-know where and were sneaking around on foot in an attempt to sneak up on their targets. It would have been a good plan if they were after most Mandalorians…just not a Mandalorian who had spent a decent amount of her youth tree jumping on Lasan.
Prime example, the scrawny Trandoshan that had been slinking around the trunks of trees, rifle raised and primed. And Chula followed above him, claws silent as they dug into the bark of the stea=rdy tree limbs. She was hoping he would circle to one of the transports or let something slip….she didn’t know what but he was the third guy she’d started following and she was getting impatient.
She tensed when the Trandoshan stilled, head tipping to the side. There was no way he had heard her but….if he had, she hoped there was more in the hunting party.
The rifle suddenly flashed and the Trandoshan let out a throaty squawl as he charged into the brush where he’d shot.
Chula’s eyes narrowed. The only reason he would have shot was if he saw a target.
Which meant that she wasn’t the only unwilling participant on the island.
Chula launched from her perch to the next tree branch, covering the distance between her and the hunter in moments before dropping on top of the Trandoshan. He yowled in pain as Chula slammed onto him but the cry was cut short when her claws closed around his neck and snapped the spinal cord.
She looked up from the body, scanning for the person that he’d been shooting at.
But when her eyes found them, she froze.
And for a moment, she saw red.
Of all the places. Of every deity-damned place in the entire shabbing GALAXY, somehow, she was here too.
“Are you shabbin’ with me right now?!”
“Nice to see you too,” Bo-Katan shabbing Kryze muttered back from where she sat, cradling her side where a new blaster burn marred her flightsuit.
Chula stood, a growl building in her chest as she glared down at Kryze, “What the shab are you doin’ here?”
“Look who’s talking,” Bo-Katan hissed back. Her helmet tipped in a very purposeful scan up and down Chula “See you’ve had a growth spurt.”
“Answer my shabbin’ question Kryze!”
Kryze sighed, that stupid, long suffering one that she did when she felt she was being wrongfully blamed.
Chula used to answer with sympathetic hums. Now, she just growled louder.
“I got sloppy, got snatched, along with a few rookies. Been here for, oh, three days now,” Kryze replied. “‘Bout time one of them got a lucky shot.”
Chula huffed, looking around them, “And where are these ‘rookies’, hm?”
“And this point? Mounted on some Trandoshans wall.”
Chula’s snarl grew even louder as she stormed over to Kryze, reaching down with one massive hand to snatch her up by the collar and slam her against the closest tree, “I should shabbin’ gut you right now, you know that?”
Kryze hissed as her injury was strained, “Verd, we don’t have time for-”
“Oh, I think I do,” Chula snarled, pushing her helmet back to flash her teeth in Kryze’s face.. “You see what I did to him? Trandoshan hide is a lot tougher than yours.” She pressed against Kryze’s throat, letting her claws dig into the fabric and skin underneath.
Kryze growled back, hands moving up to grip Chula’s arm, “Look, you hate me, I understand that. But what happened to your Buir wasn’t-”
“Don’t you DARE say it wasn’t your fault!” Chula roared. “You were the one who went runnin’ to Vizla without a second thought!”
“I just informed him about a possible leak! Your Buir was going to expose us to the New Mandalorians!”
Chula’s growls became lower, more animal-like, pupils shrinking until the glow of her eyes hid them completely, “So that justifies gunnin’ him down like a mad beast?”
“He shouldn’t have run! Vizsla would have been fair-!”
Chula roared at that, rearing back and slamming Kryze into the tree again. Her hands squeezed, threatening to snap the delicate cartilage of Kryze’s throat, “Vizsla is a bastard who only cares about bringing glory back to his clan name. The only reason I didn’t march on with my Buir is because we were gettin’ off planet. You ran to Vizsla like a scared dog and told him we were traitors!”
Kryze struggled but she was half Chula’s size and nowhere near her strength, “I will not take responsibility for Drace Verd’s death.”
Chula snarled, leaning in closer. “Give me one good reason not to rip your shabbin’ head off your shoulders.”
Kryze grunted in pain but still managed to hiss back, “One, no way you’re gonna get out of her by yourself. But I’ve been here long enough that I have valuable intel that you need if you want to get to the primary ship. And two, I know you don’t want to beat me like this, where you have the clear advantage.”
Chula growled, eyes narrowing into slits and her rage boiling through her blood.
“You want a fair fight, right? You’re all about fair fights. I’m injured, dehydrated, haven’t eaten a proper amount of food in three days. Doesn’t seem very fair, does it?”
The trunk next to Bo-Katana’s head splintered as Chula’s fist bore into it.
And then she hit the ground with a loud crash as Chula spun away, claws still flexing and growls becoming a loud roar of frustration.
Because she didn’t give a damn about being fair when taking Kryze down. She had sold her Buir out to Vizsla, had completely destroyed any trust or respect Chula had had for her-
But as competent as Chula was, she knew her chances of leaving this jungle island alive by herself were low. 
She heaved in deep breaths to try and calm herself.
“So?” Kryze coughed out. “We have a truce until we get off planet?”
Chula inhaled once more before her head snapped around, eyes flashing dangerously, “There’s a sayin’, on Lasan. I’m told my mother was fond of it.” She stalked closer to Kryze until she was looming over the other woman. “One should dance with their worst enemy at least once before you kill them. So, Kryze, how’s your footwork?”
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cbrosa-archived · 1 year
something something about them getting to know eachother at the halloween bash. talking about their first crushes and how it became an unrequited love thing maybe as they find themselves sitting outside...
with tina telling barb how she dated steve but he dumped her for maybe nancy or tammy. then having a thing for billy. however, just when she's about to get him she walks on him, clyde (kilt guy) and steve snogging at the bathroom but she just rolls her eyes, sighs, shrugs it off, gets chill about it and tells no one as she went outside to find barb. then she tells tina about how she was pinning for nancy several years. only for her to tolerate how she started seeing steve and saw how shitty he treated her before she realized she wasn’t into her - then her fully resigning for good after nancy found jonathan but at least feeling relief she’s with someone way better.
then they both get stoned and are like ‘anyway they all are gay, dramatic and dumb lets hang around more and talk about how much we love pink!!’ which is their start. their pad becoming billy’s safe spot whenever he had to run away from neil’s wrath episodes, or him having ptsd meltdowns or simply stopping to chill, gossip, talking shit about everyone. having sleepovers in which they invite billy’s other lesbian besties aka buckleway. chrissy, S1-S2 vicky and carol also join! yeah something about billy having genuine, caring and fun best friends c’:
shout out to @flashwaves for making this new ship and idea happen that now lives rent free in my brain!!
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smartzelda · 1 year
for the author ask meme: 3, 5, 7, 19!
3: I mostly write start to finish? Like when I started out I vehemently wrote start to finish, but nowadays it's common for me to write in order and then occasionally skip ahead a small bit while fleshing out my outline to type a rudimentary version of an interaction or thought process so I don't forget it by the time I get to that point. Every once in a while I'll hop around by choosing to just write whatever point in my outline that struk me in the brain on how to do, usually because I have writer's block on the scene before, but rarely do the stars align for this.
5: I am ngl, the perfect environment is basically just cozy and homey and comfortable, but it wildly shifts between "No sounds. NO SOUNDS WHATSOEVER" and "Play that music that you're obsessed with on repeat it will give you the energy". Although the sound thing probably depends on how over or understimulated I am
7: Hmm probably...the getting myself to write bit?
Coming up with ideas? Mostly figured out. Doing the outline? Let my brain go wild as it gets obsessed with the idea. Dialogue and fight scenes? Sure there can be struggle here and there, but got that. Editing? Only freaking sucks when the fic is long or when I'm stressed and also can't tell if I hate it because it's bad or because the brain is bad
But getting myself to start writing takes the most struggle and can often feel like I'm just waiting for the stars align and for it to just happen (which it can actually, just not reliably enough to rely on it)
19: Ooohoo this is a good question and it'll probably not have an easy answer
So, in general, I have the easiest time with characters I am 1. Obsessed over and 2. Have spent a lot of time thinking about and/or writing meta for. For example, I've done a lot of Riku pov in my kh fics, and I think even today Riku's pov is one that I can fall into naturally, even if it's been a while since I wrote kh fic or back on my hyperfixation bullshit (and sometimes if I'm not on it at all). Even if I haven’t written a fic, just the act of doing media analysis and thinking about them and having gender envy can get me in the headspace enough for them to be easier, because I have an idea of them in my head and I feel as if I almost *get* them
In general, the hardest are ones for properties I have just gotten into or for characters that I might love but haven't quite fully dissected yet. For example, I've been a zelda fan for ages, but writing the Ghirazim fic was difficult. And you wouldn't think that, cause it's a dumb crackfic for a crackship, right? But on top of having to balance two character who are from completely unrelated properties, make their personalities play off of each other, make their similarities obvious but make sure to balance this and make it clear what makes them different so you're not equating them as the same person, and try to make them convincingly have feelings for each other while also being in character, I had to write Ghirahim. And even though I love Ghirahim and have been a Zelda fan since I was young, it's only recently I've been digging deep into him, and I just barely had at the time, so it was hard writing him while also not having it from his pov. (Wow I just realized how that fic probably prepared me for writing lawlight wtf). And it gets harder if the character isn't one I'm currently obsessed with. For example, I can sink into Riku so easily, but even though I wanna wrote Terra ship fic, it would take perseverance to start, because I've never really written Terra Kingdom Hearts and I he doesn't live in my brain rent free, even though I do like and relate with him.
The easiest answer I can give you to this question is Light Yagami. He is easy yet hard. I can easily fall into his headspace but he takes so much work. The reason being is that I have done the first thing I meantioned. I think about him a lot, even if I don't always talk about him. There's scores of meta on the brain for him as to his morality, what an act is to him, the difference between his acts and the real him, pulling at all the strings to work out what is closest to who he is and thinking about what he's been through that makes up him, etc. I need to kiss him, I need to see him wrecked, he looks the best when he's on the verge of death, I have gender envy and just regular old envy for a few things (I also love when he gets kicked and punched in the face. I also love when he looses. Duality of man and all that. He's my seemingly put together and perfect neurodivergent bitch loser). I feel as if I can sink into his headspace. And yet....he's still so hard at the same time? No matter what iteration of him I'm writing, I always have to keep in mind what makes the versions of him different, how he would react in a specific situation, what times he would be fine letting go and which he would choose to hold back. It's like I'm playing a perfect balancing game of all the things that make up him and his acts, channeling my meta and character analysis of him through him, dealing with my own perfectionism. He is not easy. He is not hard. He's so easy. He's so hard. He's easyhard idk what to tell ya, but the outcome of writing him always feels so satisfying to me. So, at least all the effort and thoughts taken up pay off😂😂😂
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mimymomo · 2 years
I don’t know how, but somehow Stranger Things 4 Vol. 2 managed to make me feel overwhelmed, underwhelmed, satisfied and unsatisfied all at the same time.
Like, I overall enjoyed it (Vol. 1 is still better imo) and I would still rank S4 somewhere at the top of my favorite seasons, but at the same time, it feels like I have to put major asterisks by the things I enjoyed:
I don’t ship Byler (or Mileven. You couldn’t pay me enough money to care about a ship involving Mike Wheeler) so I had no stakes in what happened there. I didn’t think it was gonna be canon and I loved the two scenes with Will between Mike and Johnathon. BUT I absolutely HATE how Will was sidelined this season and how the show didn’t fully dive into Will’s queerness outside of using it to propel Mike and Eleven’s romance. LET WILL ACTUALLY COME OUT AND SAY HES GAY!! I’m not one of those people who thinks the show queerbaited them (I mean come on guys, 70% of Mike’s dialogue is him raving and moping about El. Will’s feelings have felt one-sided), but I do understand the vitriol towards using a queer character to help push your straight ones. S5 better give Will some real showstopping shit. He deserves better than what he got (let’s be honest Will and El deserve better than Mike but that might just be me…)
Truthfully, I didn’t care about Eddie that much. He was a fine character and I wasn’t too broken up by his death. BUT I have to say this: DUFFER BROTHERS/ST WRITERS, PLEASE STOP INTRODUCING NEW CHARACTERS EVERY SEASON AND THEN KILLING THEM OFF IN THE SAME SEASON!! This is the third time this has happened. It’s predictable. Stop it.
Max and Lucas were easily the highlight of the entire season for me. Stupid Vecna/Henry/001 is racist and hates redheads cause that dumb bitch Jason was RIGHT THERE but nooooo he had to screw with Max! And Max better wake up and go on that date with Lucas in S5 (I 100% think she will except she may be blind now). Like I said in a previous post, killing Max would’ve ruined what episode 4 had excelled at portraying: a depressed person finding the will and strength to live through the trust and binds she has with her friends and loved ones. But that fake out death scene between her, Lucas and El was cruel and I don’t appreciate it! Like my favorite character died and my other favorite character has to watch the love of his life die in his arms. GIVE SADIE AND CALEB ALL THE EMMYS! AND LET THEM GO ON THEIR MOVIE DATE! Fuck, never plan dates in this show, you just end up dead I stg… Was this whole last bullet just an excuse to rant about Lumax? Yes! They’re the best ship in this show and I will scream about them until S5 let’s them be happy!
(And yes, El restarting Max’s heart is not as much of an asspull most people seem to be treating it as. Literally in S1 she caused multiple people to experience organ failure and their brains to explode/bleed from the eyes. Using her powers as a telekinetic defibrillator to perform essentially CPR on Max is not the big a logic jump).
Sorry this post was dumb and long, I just needed to vent. I’m not quitting the show nor do I regret watching Vol. 2 or anything, I’m probably one of the people who enjoyed Vol. 2 more than most, I just wondered if others felt similarly to me.
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pinkfey · 2 years
jasmine may i please humbly request some thea & august facts? 🥺👉👈
yes my love ofc u are the sweetest!!!!!!!! and i'm so sorry i have no idea how long ago u sent this!! tumblr didn't notify me :((
okay here are the fax <3
first off, august joined the royal guard because his family is dirt poor 😔 they live on the outskirts of an industrial district rapidly being bought out by One Rich Guy aka Reaver. their sole means of income is their family business!! creating dyes!! hence the surname!! and it's hard to compete with capitalism. so as the eldest, august volunteered at only fifteen to be shipped off to join the guard for a hefty monthly stipend :[
but how did he go from trainee to Literal Bodyguard so young?? well,, the royal family was getting desperate. thea had run through six bodyguards who each quit within their first week of working with her. walter (thea's mentor/uncle-figure) propositioned that maybe someone her age would understand her better and be able to keep her under control !!
august did not keep her under control.
in fact he helped her sneak out of the castle the first day they met.
in his brain what else was he supposed to do?? let her go alone?? manhandle her?? absolutely not. he is a Gentleman™️
from that day they became absolute besties. rather thea appointed him her bestie. thea is lively, loves shenanigans!! and august was quite literally duty-bound to get swept up in them
which isn’t to say he did nothing for her. he looked out for her, scolded and teased her, grounded her in reality more than a few times. but he never ever tried to control her and that meant the world to thea. he’s the only guard she’s ever listened to and will ever listen to, thank u very much
thea pretty much adored august from the get go, like he was her little scrunkly, and while august was definitely endeared by her that day they snuck out, his undying devotion to her grew naturally. about half a year after they met, thea’s mother died, and i think right then is when they became inseparable 🤧
lots of little things bonded them over the years. coming up with pretentious names for colors, practicing ballroom dances, teaching thea’s dog dumb little tricks, reading terrible poetry together and coming up with their own equally terrible alliterative ballads (one of which earned her the nickname dovey 🕊)
august never quite let go of the propriety of everything despite how close they were. never fully dropped the “my lady” and the upright posture. and it kinda got worse once he realized he had feelings for her
when did he realize this?? when he stood guard as she snuck out one of her many boyfriends at the time and, as thanks, gave him a kiss on the cheek. italicized oh moment. ofc rumors had been spread about the two of them for years but he became very acutely aware of them after that
fortunately for him, he didn’t have to deal with his repressed feelings much longer!! thea’s brother, the king, had grown corrupt and thea had to flee the castle, but the king had summoned august for a private chat 😟 and he did not get to come with her :((
fast forward a year. thea has begun a revolution and seeks to overthrow her brother and take the throne. she and august find each other in the castle as she seizes it and they crash into a hug and they’re both so relieved. but august notices something changed. maybe it’s her gait or the slight glower in her eyes, but she’s different. no one else notices—no one else would—but he does
thea is crowned at only nineteen years old and is tasked with stopping a devastating darkness from overtaking the kingdom. everyone has faith she’ll be different than her brother was
then she starts breaking promises
starts raising taxes
executes her brother for speaking against her
she turns her back not only on the friends who put her on the throne, but the citizens of the kingdom as well, and reaver (the guy that is the reason behind the kingdom’s poverty??) becomes her advisor. that bright, bombastic princess is gone in place of a queen corrupting everything she stood for
and august is helpless
his best friend is burning herself to the ground to stop the darkness because she sees no other source of light and he can do nothing to help her. he’s never been in this position before. he can always help her
her former friends tell him he has to put an end to her madness, but he refuses. he can’t kill her, not even for the good of everyone he knows. he just keeps on believing she can change and she will change because if no one will have faith in her, he will—he always has !!!
strong “i can fix her” syndrome like this man cannot let her go 😭 AND IT IS DEVASTATING !!!!!!!!
u know how padmé was literally dying and still said “there’s still good in him obi wan”,,,,,,, that’s august. but he’s RIGHT
she employs august’s family, giving them their very own estate on the castle grounds, because she knows how they struggle. because even in her corruption she still loves him and wants what’s best for him ;-;
when she’s sleeping and her face is relaxed he can almost see her as she was. as his princess. his dovey. the dark circles and frazzled hair can’t conceal the girl he once knew, even when she now pushes him away at every turn
tbh this is kind of the extent of their story :(( thea saves her kingdom but loses nearly everything in the process. her friends. her father figure. her people. her peace
but august is still there
she comprehends how useless all her efforts were. “your worst sin is you have betrayed yourself for nothing” type beat. she realizes how far gone she was. how her ends did not justify the means. how there was another way to have done this all along
maybe she can never redeem herself but she knows that if august can still love her as he does, there’s hope for her yet :’)
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7, 16 or 19 for the JoJo game?
ive been procrastinating on this for like a day bc of the fear of choosing boring answer but you know what. I am a boring person at the end of the day. I can at least be a boring person who gets things done and has fun with it.
7. Favourite Stand design? Least favourite Stand design?
Genuinely the toughest question because like,, to me this is a question of 'does the design work for what the story is trying to achieve' and not 'do i like how this looks' (even though the second interpretation is probably what the original question was trying to ask)
So. Favorite stand design.
Purple Haze is the stand of a traumatized teenager with anger issues who covers up deep insecurities with pedantic insistences on maintaining an air of the high society and formal college education that tossed him out to begin with. Of course the shape of Fugo's soul is a hunched over zombie that bleches disease and lashes out at the drop of a hat, but paradoxically values looks and cleanliness to the point of stumbling itself. This stand explains who Fugo is better than other characters describing him, it's the definition of what a good stand design should be aiming to achieve (in my opinion).
Least favorite. I don't know if this will be a 'controversial take' or whatever so please know that this isn't a hill I'm trying to die on, it's the example that most clearly jumped out at me while going through the list of all stands in JJBA.
Pearl Jam's design, to me, is entirely too fierce. Not to say that it doesn't work, it's perfect for the moment it's revealed (fix that spagetti!) but after we find out that the stand is harmless and beneficial, i think the stands should close their mouths to signal to the audience that they aren't agressive anymore. Like, I love me some sharp teeth, but there's that thing about how our brains interpret expressions, and the fact that the teeth are so sharp really makes it feel like these are little parasites that eat your insides rather than little tomato helpers that give you healthcare for the price of lunch. It's an extremely small detail, but it stuck in my brain for this long, so why not be pedantic, right?
16. Favourite ship(s)?
Squatizi, easily. I love that they're just fully, unapologetically in love with each other, and that they look ready for a long walk on the beach. One time I told someone on instagram that I hated narancia for killing them and they told me GOOD bc they were a narancia fan.
I also like. When Carne is also a part of squatizi. Squatizine. It frustrates me because even people who can kinda see it are like 'oh so Tiziano would talk to him right? And Squalo would be all defensive and worried for Tiziano's safety?' like,,,,, if i thought that was how it would go down, I wouldn't ship them. I think Squalo would be just fully enamored by Carne and after a few months of Carne slowly realising Squalo does actually like being with him and isn't secretly trying to make fun of him like Secco and Cio do, they do dumb boys-will-be-boys things like climbing tall rock outcroppings to jump into lakes from, grilling things really badly and arguing about internal temperatures and propane vs wood-burning, falling asleep in the sun after forgetting to put on suntan lotion and waking up looking like a pair of lobsters. Tiziano is the exasperated girlfreind third wheeling these two's extremely stupid bromance do you understand me
19. Creepiest moment / Stand / character?
This might be too tame of an answer but like. Enrico Pucci.
He's a priest, right? And everyone who is not in the protagonist's squad respects him for being a religious leader. The prison guards just let him wander wherever he wants, look into any prisoner's information and whereabouts, no questions asked. People outside the prison refer to him as 'father' because like, he's very obviously dressed like a priest, even if he's acting weird he's still an upstanding guy, right? He only gets in to the kennedy space center because someone saw him in line and invited him in after the ticket desk sold out. Everyone's just like, trusting the guy who is running himself ragged trying to bring about the end of the world, and only a squad of about ~6 prison inmates and Jolyne's dad are aware of how bad his previous actions were, and they had absolutely no idea how bad things were about to get until the final battle.
And then the final chase where Pucci is just,,, briskly walking to keep up with a sobbing child, so consumed with grief upon witnessing the death of a universe that he can barely get to his feet to run. Stressed me out a lot, yknow?
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rose-colored-sd · 6 days
I loooove your art so much!!! It‘s beautiful! I‘m a new slam dunk fan (only 70-ish chapters in or so) but I really liked Yohei before … and then your art made me love him even more!! I hope this isn‘t a weird question, I‘m genuinely just curious (and I hope to get sucked into the ship even more hah) but what do you like about Yohana the most? (from my point of view, still early in the manga, seeing how Yohei tries his best to keep Hanamichi out of trouble, trying to keep the thugs off his back and all, thats just … GAH!!!! So cute!!!! Yohei is peak husband material isn‘t he??) ((Also, if you don‘t mind, don you like Ryota/Hanamichi as well? I think they are so cute … sharing one brain cell basically (again, from my point of view, things may change maybe? idk, anyway)) Thank you for sharing your amazing artworks with the world!!! They make me sooooo happy, just, thank you so so much!! I‘m currently struggling a lot with everything irl and when I feel sad or overwhelmed I look at your art and it always makes me smile <3
Ryohana was my first ship and I made a few drawings for them before I was fully absorbed by Yohana LOL. Reading SD, it’s just so funny and cute how quick they get along when Hanamichi is usually reluctant to trust other people’s judgement, and Ryota is like an older brother to him. It’s even more endearing to me that Ryota has a little sister, so I imagine that he thinks of Hanamichi as a little brother too. I love seeing their dynamic whether it’s platonic or romantic!
I think it’s after I reread SD a few times is when I started liking Yohana, (also thanks to Chidentsurusai who was one of the few people that made Ryohana and Yohana before SD got its renaissance)
Like you said, Yohei has his back. He’s just so attentive without even trying. He notices the subtle changes in Hanamichi’s mood, or guess whatever Hanamichi’s thinking. I also like that he always makes fun of Hanamichi but when it’s a group of guys making fun of Hanamichi he will not stand by it (Let’s just say he doesn’t like it when he’s not the one causing Hanamichi’s frustrations 🤭)
It’s also interesting to me that Yohei seems to dgaf about following school dress codes, listening to class, respecting the teachers, etc, but he’s willing to abide by the rules when it benefits his best friend.
I also love that said best friend is dense. Hanamichi is a big sap that writes love letters to confess his feeings, his dream is to hold hands while walking home with the person he likes. There’s just so many possibilities when your protag is a dumb little yearner 😙 (fact his love for basketball also outgrew his feelings is also interesting to me, who knows what else he realizes 🫢⁉️)
I’m glad my delusional drawings are giving you some joy, Anon 🫶🏼 Yohana gives me joy too when it’s rough irl, my pookies fr
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
But I know is if you give it a ticket he's going to go to court because he's sharp and say it doesn't say you can't have a throttle it says it has to be by pedal assist but it doesn't mention that it can't have a throttle as well it says it assists you when pedaling only. It's not very clear because it can also have a throttle it doesn't say the power assists can kick in only when you're pedaling it says it'll assist you when you're pedaling only it's not written right and we noted it and you had it written that way so he get a court and he's going to be in court and he's going to sue you because you put it there because of him you stupid f*** and we're going to take your money from your stupid tire company we're going to take your oil company over and people are going to f****** kill you cuz you lost the oil company over the stupid f****** s*** but really you've been taking tons and tons and tons of money and stuff and it's poor and I f****** hate you he has to have something other than social security and you wanted to have less money a month you're so f****** dead we're so angry already at the max and you dumb a****** piece of s*** we're Rudy you would take you over every f****** base on that and every area on Earth because of you Jason we're taking over the entire planet because of you stupid assholes who just sit there shortly and laughing it's probably not going to be funny when you're bathing and who the f*** knows what oil to get better I mean what a God damn polish s*** you are now I'm angry and you finally said it you have to get angry about this this is ridiculous we're going to rip you people a new one tonight we're going to dissolve your fleets before they get anywhere near Venus before you even get to the fueling Depot we're going to rip the f*** out of you
Thor Freya
You don't care for mad at you I'm going to take everything you have John remillard and company you're a pile of s*** and you had Jason explode and he should he's a poor piece of s*** that really do but you want us to do the job and we do the job fully and you're a moron Queen you little f****** Queen you're a queen in the library trying to mess with him with a cell phone you're an idiot there's a ship above us you f****** idiot he said the last sentence true we're going to get a tear that piece of s*** a new one the max are finally getting a gear what the hell's wrong with you you're getting threatened day in and day out by a piece of s*** who's ruining your life ruining your brain killing off your family I mean what the f***
He mentioned this to us he said do not let them control and do the act alone cuz they're going to sit there and do nothing and he's a max out there and did nothing for years Mac Daddy and Daddy finally did stuff because he had a decent life he lives a nice life because he wants to the rest of your bunch of self-deprecating f*****the rest of your master is self-deprecating f***** I've never seen anything like in my life you don't want to have a nice quality life or live somewhere decent you want to live like these poor people ben Arnold. Your white trash for real you have to try and think of it for my son's point of view he lived as a middle-class person and you wanted to live as a poor person and do the job for you you're f****** nuts okay not all you stupid but you're nuts you're forfeiting he says we have to take advantage of these slow idiotic Max we've always wanted to kill them we've always wanted to take them down attack now blame these assholes who can't get anything by threatening my ebike holy s*** it's gross but it works we're going to do that now
We're going to attack now and we're going to fire everything we got at you idiots and we're going to attack over and over and blame you each other cuz you love it you Max or finished you so God damn stupid we need to take over your bases and we're going to do it now I see what he's saying right now is in conjunction and it's sitting right there and you don't know if it's armed or not so you're fired we don't need people who don't know s*** or don't try to find out stuff and find out the hard way like on purpose what's the point he did a digital ship a little hit the ship just stupid a******
We're going to do is he requested and we're going to strike and we're going to make like this real urgent about Saturn and it kind of really is we're sick of you up there you're such assholes you're sick of you here you can't have it easy and you can't have an eBay and you can have fun today and you can't even put it at least so you can't have this you can't have that and you owe him tons of money we're saying you better be going the other way today if you don't get him stuff and money and stop bothering him we're going to start killing you here what that s*** out of here so we can oxygenate the f*** out of your losers
Thor Freya I'm going to get it done he's shouting and he's angry he doesn't want anyone else to he wants to see it get done but he is happy that I'm angry too because I'm finally feeling it it is just a matter of going down there and walking around you see these idiots with their tongues out waiting for something free from him he's sitting there saying what is wrong with you you're giving up your businesses to me your money system your food system you expect stuff for me except threats you don't give it to me I don't feed you I don't get you any food if you don't give me what I'm asking for which is a lot less than what I'm deserve you don't get any money at all and we come in and rip you apart in front of your family physically pull your body parts off if you don't do what I tell you to you won't have any fuel in certain areas and your people come and kill you themselves on and on is how I behave and how I do things who gives a s*** what you say that person's a dead man watch him die tonight on the news and he had us kill the guy and you people still didn't get it you're like really stupid he says come in here and clean out this dumb people come in here is Max and start doing it and they'll have to we get that ship out of here and they should behave like it and they are we need to help them if they can't get it out of here we need to help get it out of here I want that damn thing out here tonight and our son says that and I agree it's ridiculous
Thor Freya
We're going to sue you Tommy f for having the ship up there and we're bringing the lawsuit today it's a group lawsuit everybody wants at you and Jason can't do anything he's a wimp he's going the wrong way we're going to sue him all you're going to die cuz you won't help this idiot move is stupid s*** off you it's 100% illegal and we're going to the federal government we're going to sue for a $0 suit but for the an action to occur that's what it's called
Bitol and Goddess Wife
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staliaqueen · 3 years
Just curious, what is it about Percy/Annabeth that you don’t like (other than the stans)?
I'll happily explain! Just a quick disclaimer that it was a while ago I last read the books.
The entire thing was kinda surprising, cause on paper, percabeth should've been the perfect ship for me. They've got this enemies/rivals to lovers, bickering married couple vibes, unique nicknames etc. I love these tropes, hell, I’ve written them myself, but in percabeth's case I just don't think they're done very well.
To fully explain, I first wanna bring up an example of these things being done right, and why. The first one that comes to mind is Dan and Blair from Gossip Girl. They are also an enemies to friends to lovers ship, with this bickering married couple energy, and they're one of my favourite ships of all time. Their bickering is pretty similar to percabeth's (in the sense that it's mostly Blair saying mean things to Dan), but the key difference is that her insults (at least during their friends and lovers stages) are never coming from a malicious place and Dan's feelings are never hurt by her comments. He recognizes that this is just how Blair expresses her affection for him, and it's even something he enjoys about her. Every time she cleverly insults him he laughs/smiles and looks at her like she's the best thing in the world.
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[Id: Two gifs of Dan and Blair. First gif has Blair saying, “There is no up-and-comers section. And even if there were, I mean, let’s face it Humphrey – you still wouldn’t make the cut.” And Dan smiling/laughing like she’s the best thing since sliced bread. Second gif has Blair saying “I care about you too, even if I have odd ways of showing it. Like bossing you around or making fun of your hair. Seriously, you should cut it.” And Dan, once again, smiling/laughing with the most lovey-dovey look on his face. / end id]
But in Annabeth’s case, insulting Percy isn’t how she shows her affection. She lashes out at him due to her repressed trauma, and Percy does not like that she does this. Annabeth resents people assuming that she’s dumb because she’s blonde, but she continually calls Percy stupid. She’s generally terrible at communicating how she feels and what she needs and then gets mad at him when he doesn’t respond exactly how she wants. I think the worst example of this is in the beginning of The Titan’s Curse when she punches him in the stomach for not asking her to dance with him. 
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[Id: Excerpt from The Titan’s Curse:  “Dance, you guys!” Thalia ordered. “You look stupid just standing there.” I looked nervously at Annabeth, then at the groups of girls who were roaming the gym. “Well?” Annabeth said. “Um, who should I ask?” She punched me in the gut. “Me, Seaweed Brain.” “Oh. Oh, right.” / end id]
Unlike the judo-flip, I’ve never even seen this moment discussed before, and it’s so annoying, cause I just know that if the genders were switched people would be horrified by it. 
The same issue comes up with the nicknames. Wise Girl is clearly complimentary while Seaweed Brain is derogatory. Now, what I expected when I read PJO was that Seaweed Brain would eventually turn affectionate, sort of like an inside joke, which again, is a trope I LOVE. And that kinda happens, but only after they start dating. I initially thought it had done so at the end of Lightning Thief when they became real friends, but then this happened in TTC:
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[Id: Excerpt from The Titan’s Curse:  But Thalia held out her spear. “You want some, Seaweed Brain?” Somehow, it was okay when Annabeth called me that—at least, I’d gotten used to it—but hearing it from Thalia was not cool. / end id]
This really shocked me when I read it. Cause this clearly shows that Percy still doesn’t like when Annabeth calls him that, he just doesn’t respond with anger anymore because he’s “gotten used to it”, which is... not good. 
Annabeth also never steps in with reassurance that she actually knows that Percy is smart. For all we know she actually believes that he's an idiot (which he definitely isn't!). That's definitely how she makes Percy feel.
There’s also the case of Annabeth’s extreme jealousy. Like, the way she treats Rachel... I’m pretty sure most percabeth shippers even agree that she’s being completely unfair. (Edit: No, they don't, it seems. God I hate this fandom). @fake-plastic-trees made a meme that explains how hypocritical her behaviour concerning Rachel is way better than I ever could, so here’s that: 
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[Id: Picture of a meme. First a picture of an anthropomorphic flower screaming in anger, paired with the caption, “How Annabeth reacts when Percy is with Rachel”. Second picture is of the same flower with a sweet/happy look on it’s face, paired with the caption “How Annabeth expects Percy to react when she simps over Luke”. / end id]
This is the situation where I have the most sympathy with Annabeth, though. At least in the Calypso situation. Like having your best friend that you have feelings for go missing for so long that there’s pretty much no way he’s not dead, only for him to show up on his funeral and you find out that he was sent to an island where another girl took care of and fell in love with him and he most likely had feelings for her too, yeah that must suck. Especially with her abandonment issues. Still, doesn’t make her actions okay. 
And the way I see some percabeth stans talking about this is honestly disgusting. Slut shaming Percy like crazy, calling him a hoe (he was literally 14 while this happened) and being mad at him for "stepping out of line". Annabeth clearly believes she has some sort of claim on Percy and her stans have been convinced of that, too.
All of this is what, partially, makes perachel so appealing. They’re a breath of fresh air, because Rachel is the exact opposite. She’s straight forward with Percy. When he doesn’t make a move on her, instead of punching him or calling him a coward, she just makes a move. Which is, you know, the reasonable and healthy thing to do. Percy himself even expresses that he appreciates this about her. 
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[Id: Excerpt from The Last Olympian:  She nodded. “And so ... hypothetically, if these two people liked each other, what would it take to get the stupid guy to kiss the girl, huh?” “Oh ...” I felt like one of Apollo’s sacred cows—slow, dumb, and bright red. “Um ...” I can’t pretend I hadn’t thought about Rachel. She was so much easier to be around than ... well, than some other girls I knew. I didn’t have to work hard, or watch what I said, or rack my brain trying to figure out what she was thinking. Rachel didn’t hide much. She let you know how she felt. / end id]
It's pretty clear that "some other girls I knew" is just Annabeth.
Finally, I just wanna say that I would be fine with all of this if Annabeth actually had a character arc where she realizes how she was acting was not okay, apologizes, and makes an effort to change and work through her trauma so she wouldn’t lash out on people anymore. Characters are allowed to have flaws, it’s encouraged actually! But those flaws, at least the ones that have a large negative affect on others, need to actually be acknowledged. And if you want the character to be framed like a hero, they need to take steps to change. But that is not what happens with Annabeth, so I’m not okay with it. 
really hope you had the energy to read through all of that
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kriffingunlucky · 3 years
Hey I absolutely adore your writing and was wondering if I could request a female reader with Crosshair where the reader is just straight flirting with him and he’s completely clueless to it?
Uh, totally? This is absolutely perfect. >:] And omg! Thank you so much, dearest! I really appreciate that. You guys liking my work is all that keeps me going. So these compliments make my world brighter. I put a "read more" link because this got longer than I was expecting hehe.
This has been going on for way too long.
Every morning for the past couple of weeks you greet Crosshair with a chipper "good morning, handsome!", or a compliment of that sort. A huge smile plastered on your face. The day goes on, your tasks get done, but you always follow him around and spend whatever time you're able to with him. Smiling all the while. You help him with anything he could possibly need help with. You compliment and tease him. You pat his arms and shoulders affectionately.
Why hasn't the clueless asshole caught onto your hints yet?
You really thought you were being pretty damn obvious. But it's also kind of cute that he doesn't really notice it, or at least think anything of it, at least; you hope.
You lay on top of the Havoc Marauder. Deep in thought. Eyes cast onto the stars above you.
Another Republic base in a small village you all have docked yourselves at to stock back up on supplies, another gift you've snuck onboard for Crosshair. And he still thinks nothing of the kiss that came with it. Damnit.
Chatter spread throughout the Republic occupied space, you casually walking with Wreckers huge poncho over your shoulders back to the ship, trying to be as inconspicuous as you could be.
Which wasn't very inconspicuous.
Because as you approached the Marauder Hunter did a double take at you, brows furrowing in suspicion at your form.
"Hello, (Y/n). What are you doing out?" He crossed his arms firmly over his chest.
You scoffed, placing a hand over your chest. Mock hurt in your voice. "Can a girl not go out and enjoy the city while she finally has the time?"
"Mmhm," Hunter takes a breath in. Giving you an up-down scan. "Why are you wearing Wrecker's poncho?"
"It is comfortable."
"But you have your own that fits you perfectly fine."
"Yes but his is comfier."
"Okay. But it looks as if you're hiding something underneath it. You're more bulky."
"Are you calling me fat?"
"Wha- No? Why would I do that?"
"Because you're mean! You're questioning me!"
"I am going to cry. And it's all because of you."
The Sergent throws his hands into the air, groaning, absolutely exasperated. He turns to walk back to where he was before. Loading things into the cargo hold of their small home. "Fine! Whatever! I just hope that thing you're sneaking into the ship for reasons that are beyond me do not involve me! At all!"
You grin as smooth as a tooka cat, sauntering your way into the Marauder, cooing behind you. "No worries, sarge. You'll never hear of this again."
Shedding off the large poncho you'd worn, you lay it on Wrecker's bunk, yelling through the ship. "Thank you for the poncho lend, Wreck!"
In which you get a hardy laugh and, "No problem, little'un!" in response.
Taking your time unwrapping the large basket of sweets you'd smuggled into the ship, you repackage them in a fancy way. Thinking it's rather pretty before you pick it up and scamper to wherever you thought Crosshair might be.
With no luck on your first attempts, you hear Echo's breathy chuckle. "He is outside, napping, surprisingly. You'll see him. He's laying out on the grass like a dramatic starfish."
You grin and yell a loud "thank you" as you jog from the ship, clearing your throat a couple times as you look for him. It really didn't take long to find him sprawled out in the grass. Eyes open, and looking up at the sunset that paints the sky.
Good, so I don't have to wake him. You thought in a sigh of relief.
You open your mouth to speak as you halted yourself in front of him. Standing above his head.
But when he looked up at you with his honey filled eyes, you were love struck again, and at an awkward loss of words. Again.
"(Y/n)." He greets curtly. Not having anything against you, really, but also not being super friendly with you. He was, though, very curious as to what is in that basket of yours.
He was re-situating to see whatever you had in your hands better as you began to gather your thoughts again. "Hi, Cross!" Was your very annoying, in your own anxious opinion, start. "I brought'cha something!"
The sniper raises his silver eyebrows, holding his hands out to take it from you when you offered it towards him. He hummed in confirmation and interest when he set it in his lap.
He was sorting through the contents, so you took that extended silence to speak. "I bought you some sweets from the village venders, because you're a sweet treat yourself!"
Crosshair snorted a small laugh, picking through the items and very silently judging them. You swallowed as you kept smiling. Worried you'd overdone it this time.
But when he looked up at you, meeting your eyes, his expression was absolutely beaming. No, he wasn't smiling. Nor was he really showing that he was happy with it through his facial expression par say. It was through the vibrancy of his eyes that you could tell he loved it.
They were extra shimmery.
"Hope you like it." You grinned, very satisfied with your results. And with a newfound confidence, you leaned down, kissing his cheek softly.
Turning around and walking away, practically skipping, actually, you left a dumbfounded but now quietly happy Crosshair behind you.
And you hadn't heard anything about it from him since. You rubbed your face, half of you frustrated and the other half was entertained by his obliviousness. You'd all eaten dinner together, and laughed about the day.
Tech said that you were making heart eyes at Cross the whole time, but, you refuse to believe that. Even though Echo and Wrecker second that accusation.
"I can be happy being his friend." You spoke to yourself, trying to convince your own brain of this, "He doesn't have to like me the way I like him."
The silence outside was almost mocking your statement.
"Who am I kidding?" You groaned into your hands.
Moments later, after you'd calmed down and just ended up silently gazing at the stars. You heard footsteps climbing the latter to the top of the Marauder. Lifting your head a tad from your laying position you make eye contact with Crosshair.
Letting your head thump against the ground, you sigh quietly. Not even really having much energy to chat with him. You hoped he hasn't come up here to scold you for your gift. Calling it "dumb" and "unprofessional", like you'd worried he thought it was.
"Hey, handsome." You mumble. Adjusting your hands to lay on top of your stomach, laced together slackly, eyes cast away from him.
Crosshair comes close to you, and stands beside where you're sitting for a couple of moments. The atmosphere a tad tense. And you knew it was only because of your tired mind.
You'd been so confident about flirting with him before. But you've slowly come to worry, well, you're at least just worrying right now; that maybe he understands you're flirting and is just ignoring you.
Crosshair sits beside you with a small thump, not saying anything still. Crossing his legs, then pulling something out of the ammo pack on his belt, he hands it to you open palmed.
"Here." He spoke softly.
You hummed and sat yourself half up on your elbows, furrowing your brows at what he holds. You couldn't really see it. It was dark and unlike him, you didn't have enhanced vision. "What's this?"
The sniper snorts. "Take it and find out."
You huff a laugh and sit up fully, taking the mysterious object from his hands with care. Inspecting it for a moment, you soon come to a realization.
It's a piece of candy.
One of the piece's you'd given him earlier, to be exact.
"I thought I'd thank you for giving me those nice sweets." He commented, almost bashfully, when you'd looked up at him with a smile.
"Of course, honeypot! It's my pleasure." You grin and wiggle your body from side to side. Scooting a tad closer to him. Your heart fluttering when your actions earned a small smile from the man.
You love it when he smiles. Especially at you.
"Don't call me that." He huffed out, but with no venom in his voice. Shaking his head as he watched you re-situate closer to him.
"Awww," You whine playfully. "Why not, beautiful? You're as sweet as honey! It's a perfect fit."
"No. It's cringy."
"I'm hurt by your words," you joke as you gently lean your head onto his shoulder. Breathing in a big breath. "Can I call you honeybear?"
"Oh," He snorts, "Please no."
"What about just honey?"
Crosshair sighed, smiling, even though you couldn't see it. And laid his head on top of yours. "That will be acceptable if you insist on with these dumb honey themed names."
You giggled - arm hooking around his, small hand laying on top of the other's larger one, (e/c) eyes fluttering closed - then sighed. "Perfect."
And that is when Crosshair realized, he realized he was catching feelings for you. But much to his unknown relief, he's lucky you felt the same, because all of your pickup lines and pet names still haven't clicked for him. Not yet at least.
Just wait until he asks Tech about it.
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open-at-the-close · 2 years
Okay okay, I'm gonna do it.
Keeping mind that I just finished this book last night and it has probably not been long enough for me to fully process, and definitely hasn't been long enough for my brain to come back together from being truly blown, but here are my initial thoughts after finishing House of Sky and Breath.
Let me start by saying I absolutely, 100000%, hands down fucking loved it. If you didn't enjoy it, then this is not the post for you because I'm about to go on and on about how epic this book was.
Now on to the spoilers
Let's start with my one true love, Ruhn. I'll be honest I went into this book fully believing in Ruhpaxia and this book fuckedddd up my ship 😂, but you know what? I'm not even mad. Ruhn continued to be utter perfection in this book. This selfless male literally made his entrance by giving.... Head to a random female whose name he doesn't know 😂. He continues to back Bryce 100% and being the absolute best brother. And I'm obsessed with his self reflection and cannot wait to see more of his journey. ALSO as if I couldn't love him anymore, SJM goes ahead and makes it cannon that Ruh is basically just an alternate reality Rhysand and I almost had a fucking stroke.
Bryce and hunt are of course also perfect. I love that Hunt supported Bryce all the way even knowing where this damn rebellion would lead. My man has serious trust issues (come on, Baxian was clearly a good guy as soon as he walked on the page. I love that giant dog), but he trusts Bryce no matter what and while then being mates was not at all a surprise I screamed anyway. I cried when he said 'light it up, Bryce', I cried when Bryce said 'light it up, Hunt'. And I fucking sobbed when Bryce sent that poor human boy to live with her parents because it was perfect, and selfless and I love her. Only downside to this perfect couple this book? Hunts damn comparisons to Shahar. Stop it. Shahar sucks, you were dumb, Bryce is a fucking goddess. The end.
Side note on our little human boy, Emile. I knew he didn't have powers from the beginning. Sofie was very specific when she talked about 'the power she told them he had'
Ithan! My man took me by surprise this book. I could live without the Loving Bryce thing, but as my favorite Mer said, she's fucking Bryce, everyone has a thing for her. I am HERE for him claiming the boys as his pack. Mystic wolf is for sure going to be his true mate and they're going to destroy Sabine. I refuse any other outcome.
Ari and Flynn are going to end up together. I don't care if they're mates or not they'll be together. the end.
Hypaxia and Celestina I'll be honest I sort of saw that coming. Celestina was clearly uncomfortable having sex with a man, and Hypaxia had that whole conversation about wanting to continue a relationship even though it was doomed. Did I expect them to get caught the way they did? Hell no. That was pure gold.
Day. Oof, okay this one did catch me off guard and after they revealed it I realized how obvious it was and I really shouldn't have caught me off guard. In the beginning I was positive that day was hypaxia. That was probably my bias still wanting ruhpaxia to be a thing, but then we found out she was consenting to sex with someone she didn't want to be with and I switched to thinking it was Celestina. Literally even after we catch Hypaxia and Celestina together I thought it was here because she said love is a trap she can't stop falling into, and I thought yes, she loves Hypaxia and Ruhn, we get the threesome we've been waiting for, everyone wins. Mannnn was I wrong 😂. When the Harpy came out and they made us think it was her for a hot second my cousin literally said man I thought it was going to be the Hind and I was like no way is it her. Again, boy was I wrong 😂. At the end of the day I don't hate this ship. I truly do feel bad for her. She was sent to live with her dad and twisted into something she didn't want to be, now Ruhn is shutting her out and she is tryingggg. I'm tentatively good with them ending up together.
Tharion. I'm not going to lie my mer let me down a little in this book. Don't get me wrong I still love him, and I hope he gets his happily ever after, but wanting to trick Ari into being trapped under? Not cool. This viper queen deal? Shadyyyy. I get that he was out of options I just truly don't understand why he didn't take the offer on the ocean Queens ship when he had it.
Cormac. Ugh I don't know that I've ever gone from hate to love a character so quickly. He walked in there like the scum of the earth and 5 minutes later I was like oh I love him. But, let's be honest we all knew he wasn't going to make it after they revealed Sofie was dead, and for sure after he had that heart to heart with Ruhn.
I already made an entirely separate post about the perfection that was that last chapter, but let me just reiterate that I AM OBSESSED with Bryce being in Velaris. I cannot believe she gave us a crossover and I'm genuinely concerned that I may never appreciate a book ending as much as I appreciated this one.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Hiya!!! If its not too much uh. Thoughts on susato? Also vanlock bc its funny
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Hello! Apologies for the delay, I always forget about asks! @_@
But it's no trouble at all! Susato is honestly probably my favorite assistant char in the franchise, or very very closely tied with Maya, she is SO endearing and lovely. She's this great motivating force, a real voice of reason, she's intelligent, polite, thoughtful, and compassionate, but she's still a little immature and goofy at times which really rounds off her charm factor. Susato Takedowns like, what a cool kid. I personally loved her rapport with Ryuu and how they were such friends and siblings but also still respectful colleagues, their bickering and commentary at all times were this amusing blend of respectful yet dunking on each other/things together. She has terrible (great) taste in idols, and I think it's funny before you know the big reveal that she's just A Giant Fan of this weird British dude who then invites you to be his roommates, and no amount of dumb shit he does sways her high opinion of him. He talked about eating soap and she was like "...uh. Anyway". Susato handling the budget cuz Ryuu sucks with money is such a hilarious detail too. She used her limited travel space to bring an authentic tea set and makes tea daily for everyone, and even tho Ryuu hates it he still drinks it cuz she made it and who could say no to her?
Her relationship to Kazuma is one of the things I lament most about the duology -- not only do I wish we got to see more of her mourning Kazuma's "death" (and Ryuu's mourning, let's be honest they were both disconnected from everything for most of case 2 and then never really talked about it together later) but I think Susato earned the right to go a little apeshit on Kazuma over everything. He was her brother and then he "died" but also he hid something very important that could've directly screwed her over. I understand why she and Ryuu forgave him so quickly and appreciate that, but I wish Susato and Kazuma got more attention to their dynamic and especially their post 2-5 conversation. Mostly I think she and Ryuu should've hugged Kazuma during 2-3, so I pretend they did haha! Anyway I started drafting up a long fic looking at them growing up together cuz I love them and I think the idea of lavender marriages is sad but maybe if it's a mutual cover up it could be happier.
As for vanlock it's the ship that rots my brain alongside asoryuu. It's just. The comedic potential was too much to ignore then I watched the DLC case and they were too fucking funny, omg, their banter! Barok spit his damn wine out! They're both these sad losers in their 30s that have a shared relationship with Iris and their bff's live in different countries, so they have to get along y'know? No other choice lol. Being complete opposites just makes it funnier.
I think in the time of building a balance of Barok being in Iris' life and no longer suffering the title of "Reaper", and Herlock fully embracing the title of being Iris' dad, that they would form some kind of amicable dynamic, romantic or not, but I like the romance potential angle. They're very much either a "they're exes" pre-canon type ship or "they have to coparent a kid anyway might as well kiss" post-canon type ship, both of which are amusing for me. I also enjoy the idea of Kazuma and Gina constantly dunking on Barok over it.
Anyway thanks for asking, and for your patience as I answered!
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thewritingbasil · 3 years
First time writing and publishing something like this! I hope you enjoy!
Chrome x modern!Reader
* When you find out Chrome goes out to explore on his own and lives outside the village, you worry about who will notice if something goes wrong. Since you’re curious and also love discovering things and can’t sit still in the village for a long time, you tell Chrome about the modern-day buddy-system idea and start joining him on his expeditions.
* He’d love to take you exploring and show all the exciting things he discovered! He’s never had an exploring buddy before, and while Senkuu does appreciate what he finds, Senkuu spends more of his time creating blueprints and solving problems in the lab and using what he has available, not looking for things that will maybe be helpful in the future. That’s why he trusts Chrome and, now, you to have an eye for materials that will help the Kingdom of Science grow
* At first Chrome has a lot to teach you, like how to notice materials, where to walk, and how to keep track of time and your location especially since you need to get used to not having a cell phone.
* But eventually you become a great explorer in your own right and he has a lot of trust in you as his partner. In fact, he ends up trusting you a lot when the buddy system helps out, like when he once experienced a small cave-in or when he needed emergency first aid.
* You also find things he overlooked because you both tend to look in different directions when you’re searching.
* He loves that someone else shares his love of exploring with him. When he used to search alone, it was very isolating and he could get lost in his head while walking. Now, you remind him about food and he’s willing to take slightly greater risks when trying to reach somewhere because he’s got you as an extra pair of hands and eyes and brain.
* The combined haul is also bigger, which he gets super excited about. You both chatter to each other and compare stashes when you’re organizing what you found into different baskets at the end of the day.
* When Senku compliments you both on the materials found, Chrome proudly grins at you.
* Chrome isn’t just an explorer though, he’s a scientist which means he can’t spend all his time exploring with you. He goes to work with Senkuu while you help out elsewhere because, buddy system! You’re not going on your own.
* If you’re also working in another group like crafts or the power group, you go for a period of time without seeing him because you’re working on different projects.
* However! During your trips, you both became used to showing each other your finds and communicating when working in different sections to know how each other is doing
* He also appreciated the conversations you would bring about the modern world and about yourself, and how you were eager to learn about himself and his village. So he gets used to that routine of you being there to converse with.
* Chrome ends up talking with you during breaks about what the each of you are doing and exciting progress reports and how the materials you found are being put to use. Both of you get excited learning that something you’ve found has a cool scientific purpose/property and you invite each other to stop by and watch it in action.
* He loves seeing your eyes light up in amazement as you watch and praise his work.
* When you show him your group’s work, it’s not as science-y but he acknowledges your skill and hard work and he is also a craftsman and not too strong so whether you’re in the crafting group or power group, you still impress him. He’s not shy about praising you and gives you high fives or says “Baaaad!” This also helps him get along with other people in your group since he and they don’t usually interact.
* Obviously, Chrome would take a long time to realize that he’s fallen in love with you. He’s known Ruri for over 3 years and he still hasn’t figured it out.
* But others start noticing that he goes out of his way to get you to show off something. They’d understand if the project was finished, but when it’s a work in progress, it’s not very impressive to show. But you love it every single time because you’re curious and actually enjoy seeing everything put together little by little. Then, when the project is done, you can visualize the components and hard work that was put in to create it.
* And the villagers watch how he gets more talkative when you show interest and ask questions. He brings up inventions from the modern era that you’ve told him about so you both seem to share a mysterious language that they can’t understand. Some of them start shipping you two long before he notices anything.
* During mealtimes, you sometimes eat together. You talk about your next scavenging trip, new places in the village you haven’t explored, new projects, so many things. You both can get pretty sucked in to your conversations, forgetting the food. However you’re usually the one who finally remembers that you’re eating, and you teasingly shove food in his mouth. Your cheeky grin has blood rushing into his face and he is dazed, until he shakes himself out of it and starts to eat again.
* People are watching and nudging each other.
* Soon, Chrome becomes aware of you in a way he hasn’t before. He can’t help but smile every time you make eye contact. He craves the casual way you touch him and makes sure to be within your arms’ reach so you’re more likely to nudge him or grab him to drag him off somewhere in your excitement.
* When you first met him with Senku and Kohaku, you learned that he liked Ruri and never questioned it since. Whenever he talked about her, you could tell she was special to him. You made teasing jokes like forging a hairpin from iron and giving it to her with the line of “the burning fire in my heart for you was so hot I melted the iron with it” and he got flustered and groaned over the dumb line
* Recently, when you made those types of jokes, he felt conflicted. Part of him still got flustered but when he looked at you grinning and thinking you were oh so clever, he started to wonder why you would act like he liked Ruri when, thinking about it, he liked you...wait what?? He didn’t like you!
* Sure he thought you were cool and fun to hang out with and capable but that’s just something he admires and that’s a good friend, right?
* Right, he thought, shaking his head. You were a trusted partner, he didn’t want to kiss you or anything...
* “What?” You looked over your shoulder at him. “You got quiet over there.” You two were spending the late afternoon before dinner organizing your haul and you had just said that the location today was so beautiful Chrome should show it to Ruri once Senku cured her.
* He stared at your slightly parted lips. Did he want to kiss them? He was a man of science. When he collected rocks and plants, he’d grind, combine, set on fire, and experiment to find out how they reacted. Your mouth was kind of pretty, and yeah maybe he did want to see if kissing you was enjoyable.
* Chrome’s hands stopped working and now he was looking at you with unfocused eyes and a furrowed brow. You paused in your sorting and turned fully towards him. “You got a look on your face. Whatcha thinking about?”
* He is totally used to telling you his ideas so without hesitation, he answers before thinking, “What kissing you would feel like.” Then, he realized what he said. “Noooo! Sorry, that’s creepy right?” He zoomed backwards away from you, almost crashing into a table. How could he say that to you, you were one of his best friends!
* “Uhhh...” Chrome closed his eyes and braved himself for a rejection, ready to be kicked out of his hut for the next hour. “It’s not that creepy, I guess?” He heard you say. Were his ears working properly? He cracked an eye open to peek at you. You grinned awkwardly at him, having one side of your mouth quirked up.
* “Science inquiry, right? Question everything.”
* Maybe it was the afternoon sun or him imagining things, but your face looked a little pink. Kind of tempting. Whoa, did he really like you?
* “I need to figure something out.” He looked at you intensely.
* “Let me in on it, I wanna know.” Before, you had been avoiding eye contact out of shyness but now your eyes looked into his, drawing him closer. His footsteps seemed to be drowned out by the drums in his chest. He was getting nervous.
* He stopped a little ways in front of you. Being so close to you was almost making him lose his nerves. Kissing you? That seemed impossible.
* “Come on, Chrome.” You entwined both of your hands with his and pulled him closer until you were sharing the same air.
* You closed your eyes and patiently waited. Still with his heart beating in his ears, he looked at your long lashes, your eyebrows arched expectantly, and your flushed cheeks.
* You were getting nervous standing there and you bet your hands were all sweaty now. “Did you change your mind?” You did tend to grab him and drag him places. This was something he should be able to choose without being pressured. You started to loosen your hands, and he ripped his hands away.
* Before you could get disappointed, you felt those hands suddenly on the sides of your face and your lips met something soft.
* He was kissing you.
* Despite the sudden kiss, he knew enough to not just smash your lips together. It was much more of a firm press, one that had you craving for more even as butterflies exploded in your stomach and fire rushed over your skin. But you didn’t want to push it. You simply adjusted your lips to overlap better onto his and put your hands on his hips to hold him close.
* After a few seconds, Chrome leaned back with an entirely red face. “Baaaddddd,” he breathed. That had been enlightening. And soft. And pleasurable. Okay yeah, you weren’t just a best friend anymore. If it meant you would look at him like this, wide-eyed and giddy and hungry for more, he wanted to keep kissing you.
* Your hands squeezed his hips nervously, fingers a fluttering pressure on his flesh. “Practice for Ruri?” You asked in the small distance between your mouth and his.
* “Not Ruri,” he said distractedly. His eyes were still dazed and drinking in the tempting picture you made. “I want to kiss you.”
* And your mouth curled up into a pleased grin, looking hard to resist. So he didn’t.
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