#thanks in advance <3333
justsken · 11 months
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❝ behind every great barbie there's a ken , who's totally fine with that. ❞ @𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐍 — an independent, highly selective & low activity writing blog for kenneth 'ken' sean carson , inspired from mixed media though heavily influenced by greta gerwig's barbie (2023). an original , reimagined , interpretation & treated as an original character in his own original lore. beached by dylan (he/him) , est 2023.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 3 months
Surprise appearance by me!
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How are you? Hope you're doing well. ^w^
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Hello drag!! I'm doing okay :'Dc
I've been very very busy as of late honestly xd it sucks but I haven't been updating myself on social media either HHH the stress was getting to me and my studies :')
I've been going out with family and friends a lot more though so that's better! I've been a little too computer obsessed these past few years so the fact it's broken rn is helping me see more people and build a social life lmao xD
Don't get me wrong, absolutely love posting art here, but it's so nice not to worry about being online when exams keep drowning me HHH
hopefully you guys don't mind the long absence cause I might be gone for a while randomly at times and I really can't help it 😔♥️♥️♥️
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ilostyou · 1 year
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taylor x 5sos parallels - part 2/?
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farmersliga · 1 year
i love jade it must be said
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mali-umkin · 1 year
This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen
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xlpoww · 8 months
Jealousy, Jealousy
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i really loved how bad for business turned out, and it seems you all did too!! so here's a continuation of the bfb universe/storyline :) it's not exactly a part two
warnings! jealousy (sanji's)
word count: 1,720
opla! sanji x f! reader
i actually took the time to reference back to this scene in the live action to make sure i got their orders right :) !! also hi i am alive !!! i just got busy with work- and i had a mini con to go to this weekend and i cosplayed nami! :D -> i have also been struggling with tremendous writers block, and was trying to force myself to write about zoro for days! but i couldn't, and i was frustrated with myself untill i rememebred this isnt a job, this is for fun for me and you guys. so i went back to some of the things i've written and felt like i could continue this one :) the story really flowed from there and i wrote a lot in a short span sooooooo &lt;3 ily all! thanks for reading as always <3333
sanji vinsmoke is jealous. 
the cook is used to woman falling at his feet, swooning over his flirty personality. either that or they get annoyed at him and clearly show disinterest. (oftentimes calling him names and sometimes resulting in him getting hit)
but you, the one girl he actually held a candle for, he couldn’t even seem to get a rejection from you. that would’ve made things so much easier for him and his heart. it’s gotten to the point he’s wishing you would tell him you don’t return his feelings. sure it would hurt in the moment, but at least he could have (hopefully) forced himself to move on.
but no, you won’t reject him; nor will you swoon at his advances. they seem to roll right off you like beads of rain on a window. never a hint of blush on your cheeks, no angrily quirked brows. how was he meant to understand? there are two reasonable reactions to such a forward man, either interest or not. how do you manage to toe the line so perfectly?
it drove him mad, not only were you horribly hard to read, every once in a while you would flirt aggressively back at him. it would always catch the poor boy off guard, leaving him stunned and blushing standing wherever he was. oftentimes you did it right in the middle of the kitchen, leaving him to deal with the playful teasing of the other workers, walking off to continue doing your job. 
you would be the death of him surely.
especially when the sight of you smiling so sweetly at that stupid swordsman causes a painful squeeze in his chest. his grip on the tray he was holding is bruising, and there’s a jealous rage brewing inside of him.
“hello my name is y/n, and i’ll be your waitress today. can i start you guys with any refreshments?” you flip over a page on your notepad, ready to write down the group's requests. what a charming bunch they were, with just a glance you could tell they really cared for one another.
“i’ll take a beer,” the green haired man speaks up, and you nod with a smile.
“i’ll take two beers, i normally have three but..” he trails off as the woman at the table speaks up.
“i’ll take a water.”
“and a glass of milk!” the endearing boy with a straw hat adds on, his words are muffled by the bun he was still chewing. when coming to greet them you’d brough over a basket of perfectly warmed buns with butter. nodding at them all, your pen into your apron as you repeat back to them. 
“three beers, milk and water, coming right up you guys.” you step back with a bow, turning towards the kitchen. doing so you notice your best friend is glaring in your direction, and as you walk back you tilt your head at him. when you get closer you realize his glare wasn't directed towards you, but the swordsman you had taken the order from. he doesn’t even seem to pay you any mind as you approach him, too focused on the table you had just walked away from. when you reach him where he stands in front of the doorway, you snap your fingers in his face. it seems to snap him out of it, and he looks down at you with a charming smile.
“hello my love, what can i do for you?” his hand is placed on your shoulder sweetly. the touch warms your body, but you shake it off to cross your arms. 
“what’s up with you, why were you glaring at my table? do you know them?” you gesture back towards your table, and a flush washes over his face when he realizes he’d been caught. he straightens his tie in an attempt to shake off his shame,
“not a clue who they are darling.” your eyebrow raises in suspicion, you’re not buying it. he seems to know you won’t, and he tucks his hand into his pockets as he shrugs.
“you just glare at people you don’t know now sanj?” a pout forms out of frustration. while you were wondering why he was lying to you so blatantly, he was internally swooning at how adorable you looked in that moment, and the sweet way you'd shortend his name. the grip you had over his heart was the strongest in all the seas.
“don’t worry, pretty lady, it’s nothing. now if you’ll excuse me i’ve got my own tables to wait on.” he’s internally scrambling to figure out how to distract you from what he was caught doing, in a moment of boldness (or a crazy attempt to change the subject), he leans down to press a kiss to the side of your head.
the action causes your eyes to almost bulge out of your head as you begin to blush. a smug smile forms on sanji’s face at the sight, he’d never felt more accomplished than he did in that moment. not only had he distracted you, he’d made your face light up all pretty and embarrassed. he winked at you before brushing past you to do his job, pushing open the swinging door into the kitchen behind you.
you’re left in shock trying to wrap your brain around his actions, ‘what had gotten into him?’ as bold and flirtatious as he was, you would have never expected a display like that in front of all the customers.
oh shit, the customers. ‘had anyone seen that? oh gods.’ your hands clench into fists as you attempt to bring yourself back to reality and calm down, and you push past the doors of the kitchen. your eyes are focused on the ground as you collect the drinks needed for your table, placing them all on a tray and balancing them on one hand. you take a moment to breathe in and compose yourself before walking back out into the dining room. 
you eyes scan the room and find your favorite blond waiting on a table on the opposite side of the room of your own. his location makes it easy to return to the table without incident, placing down the three beers before the milk and water. with a smile, you tuck the tray under your arm and pull out your notepad again to continue taking their orders. maybe doing your job could distract from the rapid beating in your chest.
“you guys decided on food yet?” 
“one of everything!” the boy with a straw hat speaks up, and you quirk your eyebrow. they didn't look like the big spenders you were used too, but it wasn’t really your place to mention that. your smile never slips as you nod, writing it down and once again bowing before you leave. by your luck sanji seems to be waiting for you at the doorway of the kitchen. so much for the idea you had to avoid him until you’d calmed down.
he holds his hand out, offering to take your tray from you. his kind offer brings a smile to your lips, and you decide to shove down whatever inner turmoil was happening and act like what he did hadn’t happened. (he sure was.)
“any interesting orders?” he smiles, quirking a brow at you as you offer him your serving tray. you laugh, holding out your notepad to show him where you had written down ‘one of everything’ sanji’s heart squeezes at how cute your handwriting is, and he can’t help the chuckle. “well it looks like you’ll need some help taking out this order then, love.” the pet name causes the usual skip in your heartbeat, and you smile, nodding in acceptance of his offer for help, pushing past him into the kitchen to get your cooks started on the order of everything.
the food gets taken out in waves, sanji always accompanying you with an extra plate or two. the table is rather nice about it, they’re always caught up in conversation. even still they thank you for every plate you place down, they seem like genuine people. it warms your heart to see such a close group of friends. 
you can’t help but notice the way sanji doesn’t even pay the girl at the table any mind, too busy glaring at the green haired man, his hands lingering on your shoulder or back longer than they needed to. how he’d managed to add on to his unusual behavior, you wouldnt understand.
not that he really had any reason to be placing a tender hand on your back while you were serving guests. the third time it happens you turn to look at him with a raised eyebrow, and he turns to smile down at you sweetly, his hand on your back rubbing up and down. you look at him incredulously, sanji steps back, bowing before walking back towards the kitchen. before he left his gaze lingered on the man longer than should have been acceptable. you have to hold back a frustrated huff, turning back to the table with a plastered smile
“don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything! i hope you enjoy your meal.” you finish off the sentence with a bow, turning to look at the swordsman when he speaks up with a snort. “are you sure, wouldn’t want to make your busboy anymore jealous than he already is?” your eyes widen in confusion, not only at the notion, but the unnecessary insult towards your sanji.
“whatever could you mean.” the whole table turns to you, and the redhead quirks a brow at you, adding on.
“you’re not really that clueless, are you?” your mouth drops open, and a blush begins to cover your cheeks.
“no, i didn’t think i was.”
and then you’re even more confused. what reason would he have to be jealous over you and a random guest? it’s not like the man had even given you the time of day, or you’d even wanted it?  all you’d done was take his orders. 
the thought feels so impossible, even so it has already quickly begun eating away at your brain and heart. it was the only logical explanation for all his odd behaviors tonight.
sanji vinsmoke, was jealous. over you.
taglist: @the-maladaptive-daydreamers @teenyforestfairy @gothicuwusposts @cheesesoda @scentisterror @shuujin @gcldtom
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kozukensgf · 3 months
Hiiii can you please do another bf text with Vernon? I LOVE THEM SMMM🫶🏼🗣️🤭
Thank you in advance<3333
SURE I CAN LOVEEE<3 WELKIE i hope you enjoy this!!
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bf texts with vernon!
genre: smau, one shot, crack, fake texts
character: chwe hansol
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part one | part two | part three | part four
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Hi hi!! I love your writing so much!! I saw you had a prompt list and was wondering if you could do number 11 with the Tenth Doctor 👉👈 I feel like that’s something he would say. Thanks I’m advance! 🫶
Guys I am indeed actually alive, it's just been a hot minute since I've felt any motivation to really come back and write things. But I am back, and I have no idea if I'll be consistent with this or not, it just sparked my interest again. I really appreciate all the consistent support from you guys!! <3333
Tenth Doctor x FemReader
"Yes I have feelings for you, moving on."
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"Y/N?! Can I come in???"
You heard a flurry of knocks at your bedroom door as an excited Doctor rushed in before waiting for an answer.
"Why yes Doctor you may enter my room," you laughed. "What if I was changing or something in here?"
"Well I uh.. It hasn't happened yet!" he fought back.
You giggled and rolled your eyes at how flustered he got, something that you noticed happening often. Although you just chalked it up to that being a part of his personality, especially when he has so many lovely women flirting with him on your trips together.
He flopped onto your bed and stared at you.
"So! What are we doing today hm? Go see the stars of Ntiri, or perhaps an alien market, or we could go back to the time of the Renaissance!" he ended with a flair.
"A ball sounds nice, like in France. Marie Antoinette times! But preferably without the Reign of Terror, running isn't exactly on my wishlist for things today," you pondered aloud.
He jumped up and twirled you around, making you go all the way up on your tippy toes.
"Well alrighty then Ms. Y/N! The Yew Ball awaits!"
You rush out to see him start slamming levers and pulling bits and bobs as your center of balance is thrown away like it wasn't even there in the first place. It always amazed you how the Doctor managed to stay up the way he did. He was by no means the most graceful man you had ever met, but the TARDIS didn't seem to throw him around the same way it did you.
As he pulled you up and brushed some stray hairs out of your eyes, a thought hit you.
"Yes love?" he replied.
"Where are we supposed to get the right attire for this? My blouse and blue jeans won't exactly fit in a 16th century setting."
"Ah, don't worry about that, I'll get it all sorted out for us," he grinned.
The two of you walked out of the TARDIS, finding yourselves in a storage closet of sorts. You walked out and around the corner, up so many stairs you thought you might pass out, and then finally a couple more turns before stopping at a large white door with gold details.
The Doctor rapped on the door gently before a small brown haired woman appeared in a plain corset and dress.
He whipped out his psychic paper and the woman's face lit up.
"Oh! Madame you must hurry the ball starts soon!!!" she chimed.
She yanked you into the room as you gave the Doctor a very confused look while he just simply grinned back at you.
You then spent the next few hours getting your makeup done and having a multitude of dresses shown for you to choose from. It took at least one of those hours to convince the women helping you to not make you wear a wig, even if it is a sign of wealth, you just can't stand the itchiness.
Eventually, you made your way to the main ball room, stopping at the top of the stairs. The Doctor stood with his hands in his pockets admiring the view around him opposite you.
As his gaze met yours his eyes lit up and a wide smile crossed his face. He was in a royal, no, TARDIS blue coat and pants, with a golden waistcoat, and creme colored tights that he looked very upset to be wearing.
The two of you met at the top of the largest staircase, where the other two converged.
"You look absolutely stunning Y/N," he whispered.
You were given a ball gown in the exact same shade of gold as the Doctor's waistcoat, with your corset and center piece of material a light shade of cornflower blue, complementing your complexion perfectly.
"You look rather dashing yourself Doctor," you cooed.
He bowed to you deeply, arose, then held out a delicate hand to lead you down the stairs.
You proceeded to wander around the room, talking to many couples, eventually getting to meet Marie Antoinette herself. She found you most exciting, and thought you were the most intelligent person in the room.
The night began to slow, and the Doctor was leading you in your final waltz for the night.
"Doctor, I wouldn't have traded this night for anything," you said softly. "Although we must go into the past more often, we don't go nearly enough."
"I agree, the nights are always wonderful with the one you love most..." he stated holding onto your hand even tighter.
"Wait.. Doctor say that again?"
You couldn't believe what he had just said, did he really just say that he loved you the most??
"Yes, I have feelings for you, moving on," he brushed off.
"Wait a minute you can't just move on from this Doctor! You really love me?"
"My dear Y/N, why in the multitude of universes, wouldn't I love you? You are the sweetest person I've ever met, you're strong, capable, and gorgeous to the moons and back."
You blushed and smiled fondly.
"Which moons Doctor?"
"Any of them love, as long as you come with me," he whispered, tipping your chin up and kissing you gently.
You felt a swirl of emotions that you never knew you could feel before, and even more as he swung you off your feet, and placing you down gently.
"Uh, Doctor.. I think we're being stared at," you pointed out.
The entire room turned to look at you both, A truly handsome couple, the queen thought.
He placed a hand around your waist and began leading you back to the TARDIS.
"Well then, they'll definitely be staring after they see us walking into broom closet together," he snickered.
Your mouth dropped but returned to a content smile, not believing the wonderful night that just occurred.
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mangekyuou · 1 year
Hii, can I have some fluffy hcs of Zoro, Sanji, & Katakuri's reaction to their gn! s/o proposing to them? :3 tysm!
⟡    ֺ   𓂂  headcanons  ,  being proposed to.
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✸     characters! . . .  zoro, sanji & katakuri.
✸     cw(s)! . . .  n/a. no pronouns used. not proofread.
✸     notes! . . .  these are...definitely some words put together. but i tried lol. but thank you for requesting !! also small zoro headcanon that i didn't include !! i think that outside of his earrings, zoro doesn't particularly wear jewelry. he and his spouse would do a sword exchange at their wedding <3333
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zoro has a very keen eye. he notices signs right away...
you being secretive, the way you and the other strawhats would become quiet when he walked by, you ask him about his taste in jewelry
he knows in his gut there's something you're going to tell him, but he has no idea what it could be
not until you popped open a black velvet box with a ring inside and said the words "zoro, will you marry me?"
he's surprised. he was speechless. never did he imagine this. of course, he wanted you by his side for the rest of his life. he couldn't even begin to imagine life without you, nor did he ever want to
but...you wanted to marry him? you wanted him to be your husband?
his silence worries you. did you misread everything? was he not ready? did he even want to get married? did you fuck this all up?
you don't know if he had finished processing your proposal or if he saw how your face had fallen.
"i will" he said yes. the weight of the world fell off of your shoulders, taking the ring out and placing it on his finger
it's been so long since you've seen him smile that big
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sanji, like zoro, picks up on the signs. the being secretive, the hiding things, the changing the subject. however, he thinks you're mad at him
he's beating himself up, trying to think of what he could have possibly done to make you upset
he even asks the others if you said anything about him
you know he’s starting to catch on. when you ask him to meet you, he's planning for the worst. on the verge of tears thinking you're gonna break up with him
however, when he sees your bright smiling face already on one knee holding a blue velvet box with a ring inside, he could just faint
hand clasped over his mouth, tears welling up, he just couldn’t believe it
“a million times yes! there are no words i can even come up with to describe how happy i am”
marriage was something sanji thought a lot about. your future together constantly came up in conversation
never did he think he’d be the one being proposed to. always believing he would be the one to propose in a very extravagant manner
but this…this was better than any proposal he could have came up with himself
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proposing to katakuri without making him suspicious that you were hiding something from him was proven to be very DIFFICULT
he has an unintentional habit of using his advanced kenbunshoku haki, even when he's spending time with you. he needs to be prepared for everything.
he's not one for surprises
how you even managed to get away with him not finding out on your moonlight picnic date in the countryside was a miracle within itself
with the sweet commander munching down on delicious donuts and tea, you start your speech that you wrote from the heart
he always blushes no matter how much you compliment him. your words always made him feel giddy on the inside. he'd never get tired of it
however, when you stood up, taking his large hands into your much smaller ones. staring lovingly into his crimson eyes that looked back at you with the same amount of love and care
"kata, will you marry me?"
"yes" his answer is immediate. he doesn't need a second to think
if you had asked him years prior if he wanted to get married, he wouldn't know the answer. but now that you are in the picture, there has never been a time in his life where he has been so sure
the rest of your moonlight picnic, you keep catching him looking down at the ring on his finger with stars in his eyes
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© MANGEKYUOU  —  do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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vee-xxo · 1 year
☆☆☆- random Katsuki Bakugou relationship headcanons of mine
Since ppl loved the first, here's more only for u 😍😍😍
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Right so before u guys start dating this bitch does not know how to flirt
Call him "pretty boy" and he just tells you to shut the fuck up 💀
"Hey hot stuff~" "Eat shit and die."
This also doesnt change when ur dating sry
Except maybe he'll look away a lil shy
He does actively like look for u
But he'll be VERY secretive n just so happens to be wherever u go
Not in a stalker kinda way, u know he does it
But god forbid anyone else figure that out
Tbh he's a huge show off
Which is not news at all BUT a big difference for him
Cus when he knows ur watching, in his mind he's all like "😈 muhaha they're losing their shit rn"
& when he's done he'll sideeye the shit outta u just to see if ur blushing or something
Imagine ur just like "🥱🥱"
He explodes
Just falls over & dies lmao
But only emotionally
Outside he'll be like
"Uhh fuckin uh idc uhh I don give a fuck"
But he was lying, he did give a fuck😔😔
He doesnt know shit
When u first kiss hes so fucking worried bro omg
Like it's just a lil peck, but uhh
It's probably rlly short
Unless u can keep him calm somehow, then it might actually be kinda nice
He'd last like 5 secs before quickly pulling away
After that he'll just stare at you like
👁👁 (imagine theres angry brows)
It's up to you to say sth cus his mouth is SHUT
Remember how I said hes private w his relationship?
If not, I said it riiiight here ;D
Yea so eventually ppl will know
ESPECIALLY the Bakusquad :DD
He'll be like "THATS acting like a man, Bakugou!" assuming u guys r healthy together ofc
The other three r also happy ofc
But theres one thing they all got on their mind more
"How tf is he dating someone before us??"
Good question tbh
Well it probably went somewhat like this:
"HEY DUMBASS!" You heard, angry footsteps approaching. "Bwuh?" You made a confused noise, turning to see Bakugou, in all his shitty posture. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, elbows locked and his head lowered, making his choppy bangs fall over his eyes. "You..." He rasped out, one hand rising up, pointing a threatening, naked finger directly at you. It seemed as though even the muscles in his fingers had tensed up entirely. 'Oh shit.' You thought to yourself. What did you do now? Did you say something wrong? Teased him one too many times? But your thoughts halted once his hand switched to show his thumb pointing at Bakugou himself. "I'M TAKING YOU TO THE ARCADE! THIS SATURDAY, TWO PM!" He barked out. You could see his face now. His jaw was clenched shut, his teeth pressing together in tension while his red eyes stared seemingly into your soul. Like he was trying to intimidate you, distracting you from what might be the sound of his heart pounding in his chest, like it was about to explode. "Uh." Was your first reaction. "O- Okay?" Was your second. "GOOD." He yelled. Shoving his hand back in his pocket, he turned around, snapping his head back down into its previous position as the stomped off. "DON'T BE LATE!" He added as he fled the interaction.
"Huh." You thought to yourself.
HIIIII :DDD Thank u guys SO MUCH for all the support on my previous headcanons! I even added a little scenario for you at the end this time! I hope you enjoyed this post as much as the last! If you did, let me know and I might make a third ;))))❤❤❤
ALSO before I leave, I started writing a Bakugou x y/n slow burn, updates take a while, but I hope I can catch your interest enough to check it out! Thank you so much in advance!! <3333
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lil--nuggett · 3 months
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Hey guys, so if you know Baldur's Gate 3 this is an AU for that with Hardenshipping but it's really fucked up. I will explain why it's fucked up below the cut.
Maxie is a High Half-Elf Warlock (his patron is Groudon), and Archie's a Human Fighter <3
Also I just realized this is the first time you have seen me draw Archie seriously lmao my bad guys I'll try to draw him again soon
I took a ton of inspiration for various things for these designs, including Guile for Archie's armor bc I love Guile sm!!
(More info and our dumb AU lore under here - No BG3 Spoilers I promise <3)
I'm going to tell you this now... this gets really fucking crazy and honest to god I know I'm going to have a hard time explaining this. It WILL be quite long and I WILL be yapping.
This AU is really just something we did on impulse and it's really fun to mess around with, so I'm hoping you all will enjoy the concept as well :)
I'll try to explain it simply as I can. I thank you in advance to all who sit here and read this ily sm if you read it all <3333
Anyways, okay so imagine how one could do a bg3 AU for these two fuckers...
And throw it right out the window because you'll never guess how me and my friend have done it.
The Backstory:
This all started when my friend decided to play BG3 for the first time, and he jokingly said to me "Should I make Maxie our main character??" and I replied "I you want, but I won't force you" and thus BG3 Maxie was created, and his misadventures began.
Now your probably wondering (if you've played the game) what about the guardian?? Who did we make the guardian?? Well, we made Archie the guardian. However, I did not know just how wild this idea would get within the next few days.
So, eventually we realized how crazy the BG3 lore actually is (it's a like fucking DnD campaign idk how we didn't realize this beforehand), and so, we jokingly started our own "AU Lore" that ties in with the BG3 Lore.
If you really want to know, I have an entire note in my notes app dedicated to keeping track of what happens. It is very long.
The Parasite:
Now, if you've played the game or know anything about it, you know about the Mindflayer parasites. Well, one fateful day, me and my friend joked that the Parasite in Maxie's head was this little freak who looks like Archie.
The two have no correlation other than looks, its completely coincidence and it's not a mimic situation. The Parasite "Archie" does nothing but talk nonsense to Maxie all the time, and initially the bit was that he only talked about Fortnite. All because I made the joke that the dream realm in game looked like a fortnite update. By now, that bit has fallen off (thank god), replaced by just general nonsense and lies.
Also he fucking looks like this:
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Weird little freak. This is just one of his talk sprites I have, this is just his neutral expression.
So basically it's:
- Maxie was supposed to be on a Geology research trip, but instead he got dragged into the Parasite issue with the rest of the companions. He really just wants to get home to Archie.
I am the one who handles everything for Maxie in this AU, I do his voice, I handle his lore, etc.
- Parasite Archie is this 1 foot tall, neco arc-esque version of Archie that sits on Maxie's shoulder and tells him nonsensical things. He also says Maxie's name wrong, he says Maxie's full first name and pronounces it as "Maximilliam" instead of the "N" at the end. For Maxie it's like handling a toddler but the toddler fights back, doesn't shut up, and threatens your life. He also has a ton of his own lore that my friend continously adds on to, so I can make another post with just the parasite's part of things.
My friend handles everything with the Parasite himself, comes up with the lore, does the voice, etc. I simply keep track of it.
- The "dream visitor" version of Archie is not real either. It's linked to the Parasite in ways that if I get into it, I will spoil a good chunk of the game. Sorry. Just know you can consider this and Parasite Archie kind of as one in the same almost.
- The REAL Archie is still at home, completely unaware of what's happening, while Maxie is fighting for his life. He does miss him, though, and hopes he gets home soon. He and Maxie are only boyfriends, they haven't gotten married yet. (They also haven't been through their rivalry yet, as this all takes place before that happens.)
Sorry for the convoluted yap sesh, I just have more art planned for this stupid AU and- God I cannot possibly just post this shit with no context. Like, I'd have to explain it eventually so I might as well do it now beforehand yk 😭😭
I might do separate posts with our HCs and some silly conversations that have happened between Parasite Archie and Maxie if you guys would want that :)
Also, I do have all of the sessions from where my friend plays the game recorded and I'll be sure to post some clips of what Parasite Archie sounds like eventually, possibly with snippets of my shitty Maxie voice in there as well. You'll get to see the talk sprites in action with that, too.
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vrmxlho · 2 years
Hi can I request an reo mikage x reader bf text please the one was so good.
aww thank youu, i wasn't sure if the texts were any good tbh ++ reo my beloved i absolutely adore him so here <3333 this may be so ooc and i apologise in advance 😭😭
cw: dark humour (the first meme used), swearing
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Hi kai <3333 first of all, congrats on the 1k baby — hope you get all the more
And your event is so cute so if I could take part- I’d like fluff prompt 9 with Geto (fem! Reader if that’s ok)
Once again, congrats baby and thank you in advance (and in general even if you don’t do it lmao)
"I'm not moving, your lap is comfortable."
Content: fluff, cuddling, kisses. Getouxfem!reader, modern au
Wc: 300+
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School was tiring. Work was tiring. Life was tiring. You dragged your sluggish body through the door of your apartment, tossing your bag to the side. Slipping off your shoes, barely even bothering to put them on the shoe wrack they were meant to be on. Your body just felt so heavy and worn out. You wanted nothing more than to cuddle up in your boyfriend's lap. 
Whom was currently sat on the couch, chin resting in his palm as he flipped mindlessly through channels. Lost in his own thoughts. Perfect.
You trudged over, placing yourself easily in his lap. His arms encircling around you, like this was the norm. Because it was. A kiss was pressed to your head. “Rough day?” He asked softly, tearing his gaze away from TV to glance down at you. All you could do was nod, wrapping yourself further around his body. He gave a hum of acknowledgment, eyes flickering back to the TV as he continued to search. Before you knew it, your eyes had closed and you were sleeping peacefully. Something about the warmth Suguru radiated made it easy for you to relax. To recoup after a tiring day.
A soft nudge came to your side, making you grumble. “Baby..” Suguru said, soft in tone. You shook your head, nuzzling against his neck. He chuckled, “Baby…I have to go to work.”
“No…too comfy,” you murmured in response. You heard him sigh, his fingers scratching up and down your back. “Baby..” His soft voice, lips pressed against the shell of your ear. “I really need to go.” You knew this but…you didn't want him to! So you shook your head again, “just skip.” Another breathless chuckle. He wished he could. Really he did, holding you like this? He loved it. Suguru would stay here like this forever if he could. 
“We can cuddle all you want when I come back. Deal?” With a sigh, you reluctantly let go. Untangling your body from his as you rolled onto the couch. “Deal.” 
He gave a smile, leaning over to give a sweet kiss before getting up. 
“I love you,”
“I love you too, Sugu.”
A/N: I hope you don't mind that it was so short >.< mwuah
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 1 year
I have a request if you're taking them, I may also request this to a few other blogs, so don't mind that, I absolutely love your work btw!!
I was hoping for Wanda and reader
wanda recently invited her gf R to live with her, but R has a habit she doesn't know about. The previous person R lived with always made R do the laundry, make all the food, do all the cleaning, and do everything, and R doesn't realize how messed up that is, R thinks their ''lower'' than whoever they live with, therefore they should do everything.
wanda is heartbroken to see R waiting on her like that, making her meals and cleaning up after her, and doing it happily too, and is upset that her love thinks so low of themselves.
que Wanda reassuring R they will split the work evenly, and R doesn't need to do everything
thank u in advance!
Thank you! I hope you like this one :))
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Ever since you decided to date, your partners were always demanding. Asking you to do their laundry or make meals for them, or such. You didn't find any issue with that really, you grew up taking care of your younger sibling so you kind of grew used to being the one to do chores around the house.
You recently moved into Wanda's apartment, and you couldn't be any happier. You loved Wanda more than anything, and you appreciated a little company. As you were used to, you took over the chores around her apartment. At first, Wanda didn't think much of it, she just thought that you were friendly and helping her.
But then you started doing it more often that Wanda felt the need to tell you to relax a bit since you were doing everything around the house and you seemed so tense. But you were confused and said "Aren't I supposed to do chores since we're dating?"
You were met with a confused look from Wanda trying to think why you said such thing and then you continued: "I've been doing this with the people I've dated before and they seemed to like it," You said with a smile on your face.
The first thought that crossed Wanda's mind is that you were used and you didn't know. She knew that sometimes you thought the best of people even if they don't deserve it, but she never thought that something like this happened.
"Detka, no, you aren't supposed to do chores alone, I can help you," She replied and you tilted your head in a questioning manner. "But everyone else said that that's what I'm supposed to do," You said. She sighed and couldn't help but move closer to you to hold you in her arm. She felt like she can protect you this way.
"I know, but they were wrong, you shouldn't have let them walk over you," She whispered and you started to think to all the times where they demanded something ridiculous at an ungodly hour but you still did it out of love. Now felt stupid.
"I was used," You whispered more to yourself than to Wanda. "I know, but it's over know, you've got me, I will never let anyone treat you like that ever again," You weren't listening. You couldn't. All this time, they were being toxic to you and you were oblivious. Before you knew it, your eyes started to tear up.
"Oh no detka, shhh, it's okay, don't cry, I won't let anyone do that to you, I promise," She said while gently rubbing your back. "I know, but I just can't get rid of the fact that I was so oblivious to all their doings," You sobbed. "I know, and we both won't let that happen to you ever again and I give you my word," She replied.
You sat there with Wanda holding you in her arms as she slowly started to rock you back and forth while rubbing your shoulders until you fell asleep. Meanwhile, Wanda was plotting revenge. How could they mess with you? How could they manipulate you like that?
She will make them pay.
Guess who's back!!! I was supposed to upload last weekend but exams started and ruined the whole plan for me T-T
Anyways, I still have exams on the way so I might not upload as much as I want, but I'll try
My requests are open <3333
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i love ur writing tee hee <3333
im a sucker for hero x villain with a child but!!!! divorced :0 ? show me some great co parenting with a side of falling in love again (^o^)
Thank you!!! Nyehehehe the dynamic ever
Prompt #14
Villain leaned back dramatically as Sidekick was led down the hall to them. "Ah, baby's first time in jail. I remember my first time! It wasn't this jail, but being here sure does bring back memories."
"Shut up," Hero grumbled. They were in the middle of signing papers. "Don't encourage this."
"You guys didn't both have to come," Sidekick said awkwardly, stepping over to them.
"Yes, but I wanted to congratulate you, and Hero wanted to yell at you." Villain said, sweeping their child up into a hug. "I brought cotton to stuff in your ears if you don't want to listen to it."
Sidekick giggled, then caught sight of the look on Hero's face and quickly sobered up.
After fully signing out and Sidekick getting their belongings back, the three piled into Hero's car to head back to their house. Hero drove, but spent most of their time looking up into the rearview mirror to hold a conversation with Sidekick in the backseat.
"I can't believe you!" Hero exclaimed. "You know there's only so much the Agency can allow, and you ending up in jail already is going to have you on probation. Are you trying to end up like Villain?"
"Which isn't a terribly bad thing," Villain reminded them. "There's a stop sign, love."
"Thank you." Hero slammed on the breaks just in time, sending both Villain and Sidekick flying forward, only to be jarringly caught by their seatbelts.
Hero let out a breath, letting two other cars go at the four-way stop before pressing on the gas again. "Look, I suppose it's fine if you get in with Villain's operation, but you have to do that the right way. The villainous world is dangerous, and you have to get in through going along with Villain and not being caught stealing in the middle of the night!"
"Sorry," Sidekick said quietly. "It won't happen again."
"It won't?" Villain frowned, looking let down.
Hero glowered at them, and they laughed. "Sorry, sorry, kidding. I'll support whatever you do, dear."
"It'd better not," Hero looked up at them in the mirror again. "The only time I want word of you stealing is if it's from the right people and you're with Villain, got it?"
"Got it, Hero." Sidekick looked down at their hands.
"That being said, if you do decide to go back to it, I know a few cases we could do together." Villain glanced back at them with a grin, and Sidekick couldn't help but smile back.
Having a hero and a villain as parents could lead to some strange conversations.
"Look, we're already being accused of nepotism by the Agency, due to how fast you've advanced." Hero said. "Which, you and I know that's not the case, but if you manage to keep your position after this people are really going to be suspicious."
"I'm going to lose my position?!" Sidekick asked, alarmed. They hadn't thought of that.
"You might," Hero admitted. "I'll try to do everything I can to stop it, but there's only so much I can do."
Sidekick let out a breath. "Sorry, Hero. And... thanks."
"Of course. How are you, though? Are you doing okay?"
"I'm fine," Sidekick let out a breath. "I didn't realize getting caught would ruin my position though."
Villain nodded. "See, this is why you should come be a villain with me, we don't have to worry about any of that."
"Stop pressuring them!" Hero scolded.
The villain shrugged. "It's just a point!" They looked back at Sidekick. "You're sure you're alright though? This isn't the result of lashing out due to teenage angst or anything?"
Sidekick smiled. "I'm fine, you guys. Really. I'm sorry you both had to get up this late."
"I was up anyway," Villain yawned.
"Doing what?" Hero cast them a suspicious glance.
Villain just smirked, leaning back in their chair. "Your little Agency will find out in the morning. Thankfully everything had been wrapped up by the time I got the call."
Once they got to Hero's house there were just enough hours of darkness left to get in a little sleep, so the two tucked Sidekick into bed. The kid was never too old for that.
Outside of Sidekick's door Hero let out an anxious breath, and Villain opened their arms. That was all it took for Hero to melt against them, Villain holding them tightly. They just held each other for a moment, Hero taking a minute to let go of their stress.
"I'm just worried because they've worked so hard to get where they are in the Agency," Hero murmured into Villain's shoulder. "I don't want them to lose that."
"They'll be fine," Villain assured them, gently rubbing their back. "Besides, if you can't talk the Agency into letting them keep their position, they've got one of the city's most feared and respected villains as their parent too. Threats have worked in the past, haven't they?"
Hero chuckled. "I've missed you."
"Missed you too."
"Coffee in the morning?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
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yuurei20 · 5 months
In honour of Christmas and the coming new year, was it ever said in the game or by the guys themselves where they go or what they do during the holidays/ winter break??
Thanks a ton of you get to this ask!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! And an advanced Happy New Year!! <3333
Hello hello! Thank you for this question, and my apologies for the delay in answering! Happy new year ^^
For the winter break: Trey mentions not being able to visit Riddle as he is not allowed at his house, inviting Riddle to see him at his family's patisserie, saying, "I'm sure Chenya will drop by to hang out, too."
Riddle says, "I'm going to try talking with Mother some. I don't know if she'll listen, but even so."
In Book 5 Chenya says, "You never did drop by over the holidays" and Riddle responds, "I appreciate you reaching out to me," insinuating that Chenya might have tried to get in contact with Riddle over the break, but Riddle was ultimately not able to see him or Trey.
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Trey says that "winter is the patisserie's busiest time of the year," so it is possible that he spent at least part of the break helping his parents with their shop!
Cater says that he would rather go home with Trey than to his own house (because of his sisters) but after Trey threatens him with "running (him) just as ragged," Cater ends up going to his own home, instead.
Ace says there wasn't much to do at his house during the break besides play video games, and I'm not sure we hear anything about what Deuce had been doing when they were called back to NRC by the prefect.
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Leona goes home reluctantly with nothing but his wallet and smartphone, saying that "homework can wait until after break."
Ruggie talks about bringing home frozen food and other items near their expiration date that he got from the school cafeteria in order to distribute it amongst the kids in his neighborhood: "Gotta make sure my grandma eats well over the holidays."
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He also says that "the holidays and New Year's are major hustle opportunities," so it is possible that he works part-time jobs when off from school, also saying that he can work as a ski instructor in the winter.
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Jack declares that he will be doing his homework, unlike Leona, and afterwards he says that he spent most of the winter break skiing.
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Jack also says, "I spent my last holiday at home pulling a sleigh in wolf form" and "I got a part-time job at a restaurant in Craneport during our last vacation," but as these lines were during events I'm not sure if he means winter holidays or different holidays, and they might not count.
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Floyd says he gets tired of spending every new year with "the same old suspects," and he seems to mean Jade and Azul: the twins explain that ice floes compromise their ability to visit home in the winter, so they spend winter break at Octavinelle.
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Jamil says that his family has plans to travel during the holiday, and while we do not know what exactly Epel did over the winter break, we learn from Vil that it involved skipping rehearsals for the VDC.
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I'm not sure we get too much information about what Diasomnia did during the winter, but Lilia appears at Ramshackle mid-winter-break before the rest of the students have returned, talking about how Malleus is annoyed at not being invited to any parties.
As travel seems complicated for Malleus, and Silver and Lilia are father and son, it is not impossible that they remained on campus like the mermaids, possibly with Sebek (but I don't think this has actually been confirmed anywhere).
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Crowley says that he intends to spend winter break "expanding (his) investigation area to a tropical land (he's) never visited before" as he diligently continues searching for a way to send the prefect home: "Escaping winter's frigid bite to kick back in a hammock and sip coconut juice while gazing at the transquil ocean waves...I have NO such refined and indulgent vacation plans whatsoever, I assure you."
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The new year's events are conspicuously occurring during New Year's itself (the very middle of winter break), and the game seems to be asking for some suspension of disbelief concerning the timing.
They are very careful about not having any of the characters mention attending class or going home for winter vacation as they all announced at the beginning of Book 4 that they were going home and at the end of Book 4 they return, saying "Happy New Year," as though it is their first time seeing the prefect since before New Year's eve.
(Interestingly the prefect and Grim--who have no where else to be but the school during winter break--do not appear during the New Year's events.)
If you are wondering what the characters were up to during the winter break for maybe fanfic purposes, I think this is what we can say for sure:
1) Chenya was unsuccessfully inviting Riddle out 2) Ace was playing video games 3) Jack was skiing 4) Azul, Jade and Floyd were at Octavinelle 5) Epel was not rehearsing 6) Crowley wants people to believe that he was looking into a way to send the prefect home :>
(Or he said he was planning to investigate while letting people think he was trying to cover for a tropical vacation, but the tropical vacation story itself was actually a cover for something else?! But that gets into theory territory 👀)
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