justsken · 11 months
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❝ behind every great barbie there's a ken , who's totally fine with that. ❞ @𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐍 — an independent, highly selective & low activity writing blog for kenneth 'ken' sean carson , inspired from mixed media though heavily influenced by greta gerwig's barbie (2023). an original , reimagined , interpretation & treated as an original character in his own original lore. beached by dylan (he/him) , est 2023.
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lilbittymonster · 1 year
🐑 - Talking to an animal.
I am desperate to see how that plays out :3c
She stood at the door, trying to take deep breaths as she spun the apple around in her palms.
It's just a bloody bird, Kitali, she thought to herself. It's not as though he gave you a pet aevis.
Pushing the heavy wood aside, she slipped into the stables before closing it quietly behind her. The building seemed empty aside from the quiet rustlings of the birds with no one in sight. Just as well, considering the hour.
Kitali crossed to the far corner where Haurchefant told her her gift was being kept in, looking for any movement in the low lantern light. No feathered head was visible above the gate, and so she called out softly.
Suddenly a large yellow beak was ilms from the tips of her horns, nearly startling her into dropping the apple still in a hand. The chocobo trilled softly, tilting her head to one side.
"H-hi Belle," Kitali said as she stretched out the empty hand to pet her beak softly. "I brought you a treat."
At the magic t-word the beak was pushed eagerly into her hand, nibbling searchingly.
"It's in this one, be patient," Kitali gently scolded. "Here."
At the first crunch of the fruit's flesh, a half dozen or so other 'kweh's and 'breeeek's filled the stable, and Kitali winced at the sound. She had hoped to avoid the attention of the rest of the birds tonight.
"Hope you brought enough to share," called a strange voice from seemingly nowhere.
Kitali flinched and turned quickly, still holding her hand out with the half eaten apple up to Belle. The room looked empty to her still, but the voice sounded near.
"You'll be bothered til they get something from you, these birds will. Spoiled rotten," the voice continued as it trailed off into a chuckle.
The speaker was still unseen, but at least not hostile.
"D'you think they'll take a rain check?" Kitali called into the open room.
A laugh was all that responded.
The apple now eaten, core and all, Belle was nuzzling at her hand looking for more.
"Sorry,k that was all I had," Kitali said with an apologetic pat. "I'll bring more later."
And with that, she slipped out the way she came.
Thank you @fantasmagoriam for the ask! Kitali's animal handling is not.......bad. For a ranger.
Ask list here
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i'm undercutting this by a bit because the largest known production tires i can find aren't even this big but if we go by the firestone 707057SRG heavy loader tire as a base, they are 8 tons each and kita is carrying two of them here, so she is DRAGGING 16 tons of material. generally towing requirements dictate one horsepower for every 25 pounds towed so that means this little horsegirl has at least 1,280 horsepower
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rarepears · 1 year
More, feed me more pwease?
*making grabby hands*
Pwetty pwease, big sibling, fweed this poow little child some more horsegirl Shen yuan and stallion bingge?
Shen yuan wearing leather like those western cowboy movies? With the- with the whip?
The whistle call for horses?
Like, imagine Shen yuan whistling as if bingge was his prized stallion?
Bingge cleaning that horse riding crops and whips very dedicatedly. And then he presents it to Shen Yuan with a smile but wilts in disappointment when all his little shizun does is say thank you and goes back to reading about horse feed supply shortage.
But also it’s a good thing that Shen Yuan didn’t even realize why the crops and whips needed such thorough cleaning in the first place. Stop thinking such dirty things Bingge!
Bingge enjoys helping Shen Yuan dress in that horse riding attire. The riding gear really helps highlight that lithe frame and perky butt. Also yum. Those boots. He would love to be stepped on with those leather soles. And then he finds the chaps - the assless pants - and things just go downhill (as in all the blood goes down south) from there.
Not that he didn’t already have enough material to work with already.
[More in the #horsegirl Shen Yuan meets dimension traveler luo bingge au]
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morethanaloveinterest · 6 months
An Intrigued Review of Jannah's Costumes in TROS
The Rise of Skywalker introduced the intriguing character of Jannah, a former stormtrooper, so let's talk about what her costume informs us about her.
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Jannah and her company of stormtroopers defected to Kif Bir, a moon in the Endor system. They domesticated Orbak (like horses) and her outfit tells us all about that process. Her trousers may be part of her stormtrooper uniform while the rest of her clothes look to be made out of leather (including her shoes!). The cape and other accessories are clearly salvaged from the shuttle they crashed on the moon, using parachute material and other odds and ends. The weapon on her belt is an Orbak tusk; the belt itself she may have already had, while the sash across her chest is clearly snakeskin. All this tells us how she has survived on the (uninhabited?) moon and made a living there after breaking free. Her clothes fit the aesthetic of the sequel trilogy well, similar in practicality to Rey's costume but clearly a different concept. Both are inspired by the lives of the characters, and that's a really great way to design a costume.
Female representation: 10/10 Fantastic as usual in this trilogy. She is obviously a beautiful woman wearing tight-fitting clothing but it's form-fitting in a practical way, not an objectifying way. It makes sense for her to be wearing this in her environment and the other stormtroopers (regardless of gender) are dressed similarly. It's not an excuse to put her in like, a leather bikini or something, as other media about a stranded woman might.
Practicality: 10/10 Honestly, one reason I really enjoy Star Wars is because of the very practical costumes (especially in the original and sequel trilogies). Her outfit is perfect for the life she leads and also works well for horse-back riding (other than the cape, which this horsegirl does not recommend for riding as it will spook the horse).
If you enjoyed this, check out my Star Wars for the Girlies Series (New Jannah video out now!)
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enriquemzn262 · 1 year
And since we're talking about anime, here's what I'm watching right now:
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Demon Slayer season 4: Since this is the last good arc of the manga before everything goes to shit, I'm keeping up with it for the last time, plus Genya, the best Demon Slayer character don't @ me, finally makes his debut, while Zenitsu, the objectively worst character, is completely absent.
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Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - Road to the Top: I'm a shameless fan of the horsegirls series, so of course I'm watching this one, the first episode dropped today, and it's looking promising! Also I really like how it's slowly turning into an anthology series, where each season is devoted to new characters.
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My Clueless First Friend: The obligatory cute anime I watch to pass the time, and it is indeed cute, if a bit formulaic, but I really like both main characters so I'm watching it until the end.
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Heavenly Delusion: I knew nothing about it before getting in, and man it's been a fantastic ride so far, plus it has one of the best animations of this season, not to mention the constant twists and turns. It's a bit horny, but so far it feels natural, at least for japanese standards, plus there's this weird twist many in Tumblr might or might not enjoy.
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Gundam Wing: The Witch from Mercury (part 2): Since Wing I hadn't watched a Gundam series, and so far it's been a fantastic ride, Suletta is as awkward and naïve as she is ruthlessly adorable, the animation is fantastic, the best of the season (Demon Slayer's is too bombastic imo), and the overarching plot just gets darker and darker, I love it!
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Rokudou no Onna-tachi: I followed the manga for years until its conclusion, it's a solid story overall although it suffers from the usual issue of shonen stories of not knowing when to stop scaling up fights. The anime itself has been a mediocre ride in terms of the animation, but I still love the story so I'm sticking around until the end.
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Mashle: Magic and Muscles: More or less the same with Rokudou, good source material but with a mediocre adaptation, and the manga, although not finished, its about to (and poorly too, unlike Rokudou), this one I may end up dropping if the animation continues to be underwhelming.
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Konosuba Megumin prequel: I'm a big Konosuba fan so I was really looking forward to this one, but... It just doesn't have the same energy as the OG series, I haven't even watched this week's episode. I may give it another chance, but if I still feel the same, I'll drop it.
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KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World: There were so many fucking isekai shows this season, I decided to at least give this one a chance and... Eh, it's alright, may or may not keep up with it.
Overall it's a much more interesting season that the last one, but mostly because I'm very familiar with most of the stuff covered.
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loveofastarvingdog · 11 months
okay, so as far as i can piece together, i had three (?) dreams last night.
the first centered around visiting my family, who had brought a young guy into their home who was cis but trans . ? (had gotten top surgery, phallo, hormones, etc ? but had always been a guy <- complicated but made sense in the dream) but he was also sort of a werewolf (had been a canine and then human?) and everyone was like. dehumanizing him and treating him like he couldn't understand us but like i knew he could? so i hung out with him and tried not to put pressure on him while also acknowledging that him being quiet didn't mean he was stupid. ended up cuddling with him. at some point he got upset and overwhelmed with everyone and was trying to work through something and everyone kept bothering him so i was like let him go and have a break (<- horsegirl moment, i connected with him and Understood Him, i could fix him type thing but in a normal way) but my sibling (<- studying to be a psychologist) kept going after him and was like i'll get him to talk <3 and we got into a fight about it at which point i got sooooo distressed and like. sick? like physically sick. and other things happened in different orders but i don't remember and can't explain it all, but me and this guy were close now.
anyways then the dream shifted, i knew i was dreaming and then woke up (<- didn't actually wake up but thought i did) and was going to post about it on tumblr because woah transgenderism but got a snapchat from my friend and i checked it, and they said (<- in response to a previous snap i apparently sent them) woah how are you literally so masculine transgender or smth along those lines. and then i went back to sleep because i forgot to post about it (<- was literally still dreaming)
the next dream (sort of same dream) had me and my family going on even more of a trip and visiting different people and one of my teen cousins who was roman roy from that one tv show was a little douche so we started roughhousing and joshing around and i got him in a headlock and teased him and he and his friends were like bro we never did anything to you and i was like ? okay? but you were being a little bitch and now you'll think twice before doing that to someone else who might not stand up against it like i did. and then we laughed and kept going and my family got in a bunch of inner tubes and boats and like. four-wheelers and were all being pulled in one caravan up a deep stream by a tractor and i was teasing my little sister and tossed one of her flip flops but it didn't land on the paddle board behind us so i dove after it and got both of them 'cause the other one dropped too, and they were inflatable? same material as a pool float, they were actually really neat.
i think it was at this point that i actually woke up ? but it's unclear? and then went back to sleep
the next dream was a semi-continuation of that dream where we were traveling and for some reason i got separated from my family for a short bit, and ended up in an airport with charlie redwinesupernova. we were about to leave and explore when i started being like no, okay, something is really wrong because my upper lip is Actually Swelling (<- must have been irritated beforehand? it wasn't a surprise it was just worse than i had thought) and felt less like a normal impact bruise and more like a cyst or something. it got increasingly worse and i felt lightheaded and dizzy like i was going to pass out, but like, in a drugged and / or infected way, not in a normal calm way. so i was like shit this is actually bad, and january was like oh fuck. i'll ask around to find the nearest hospital. at this point i'm bleeding slightly and a nearby person sees how stressed out i am and gives me a handful of large bills and also their wallet? and i'm incredibly out of it so i take a few and hand them their wallet and say that i don't know how much the hospital bill will be, but i have some money and i'll repay them what i can afterwards, at which they wave me away and express their concern and it was actually really sweet. i'm crying in the dream from fear but also from how touched i was at that
so some stranger tells charlie there's a youth hospital at the mcdonalds, so we head there because even though i'm an adult we're pretty sure they'll take me since i'm still young (?) but the entrance is like. well, to get in it's sort of like those play place tubes but at first it's an incredibly long slide and there's various parts where it's clear i'm too old and i almost can't finish the slide / almost slip off (because it was like. miles above a city ??? and there weren't rails???? because it was made for kids. who wouldn't have that issue????) / almost get stuck after the slide when i'm in the plastic mesh tunnels and shit.
we finally reach the communal entrance where there's an assistant supposed to point kids to which entrance to go into by age+grade, and she is NOT helpful to us even though i should really be in the er at this point (<- bleeding a lot more from my mouth, still swollen and infected and at this point i've figured out that somehow my tooth got pushed into my jaw? head? something, and am actively getting sick frequently)
and somewhere along the line i started worrying because i left my id card in my siblings car on the trip, and without it i don't have insurance or identification.
it's somewhere around here that i assume i woke up and posted ??? about my dreams on tumblr. i think. it's unclear but makes sense considering i posted at 5 soemthing and had one more dream last night that i recently woke up from.
the final dream was about my friend being at a summer camp and me also being at a summer camp and visiting my old summer camps and somethiing something. whatever. doesn't matter because what really matters is that they had two lovely murals of me at the camp (<- in the way summer camps have photos of past campers and use them as advert for the next summer camp)
anyways. i can point out how every single one of those themes ties into a real world anxiety or situation i'm going through and it is both incredibly funny and just. weird. i haven't had dreams this vivid in ages. i feel like i went on a Trip. like. a mental psyche trip.
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science-lings · 1 year
ok so im not sure if most of these really count as tropes bcs I see them very very rarely but I hold them very dear.
whenever writers add stuff from the tp manga, like twilight losing his arm. I don't see a lot of fics utilizing it and its kinda sad, along with the other manga and technically noncanon material . i think it could lead to a lot of fun. I've seen one fic really explore the twilight princess manga, and one or two taking directly from the four swords manga outside of the color's personalities.
wild and warriors being related in some way. I think its hilarious, the possibilities are endless. Wars being wild's former captain, wars being the 10k hero and wild being descended from him, there's even a fic series where he's wilds dad. its pure crack but its my crack and i love it. honestly wild being descended from anyone other than the time twilight lineage is great and i think it deserves to be explored a bit more.
legend and wild being gender buddies is great, ill always love it, but i love when other members of the chain get to explore their gender freely. like, i love leg and wild, but sometimes it feels like they're the only ones already 'feminine' enough to explore their gender (from what i've been able to find). give me time or twilight getting dressy they deserve it
As someone who has yet to read the manga (there is a lot of canon content for Zelda stuff you guys I'm trying my best), I think it's so cool when they're incorporated into the character's canons. There's a lot of content to pull from and even though not everything is completely canon, the fact that Hyrule Warriors simply exists means that the possibilities are endless and we can kinda do whatever is fun lol.
Ah yes, the HW games duo, I do love them. I think it's very fun to play with family bloodlines and that kind of thing. I am personally VERY interested in the hero of time bloodline going all the way down to Wild, there's just something about getting these people who have never really known (or have since forgotten) what having a close family is like and bringing them together (and then tearing them apart) But having Warriors be a part of that is also amazing. It's the horsegirl bloodline and Linkle is there too.
I too wish there was more gender stuff going on with the Links, I agree that Legend and Wild going through the gender rollercoaster is great and wonderful, and funnily enough, I think the next one who gets gender points is Time. It does feel like it's mostly Wild and Legend though, as if only male characters with typically feminine traits (long hair, dress/pink) can be queer in the gender. I do think that Twi and Time should get to wear Vai clothes and dresses more often. (I have personally only drawn Twi in a dress but when I get good at anatomy I'm gonna do more of that stuff) Also maybe Sky, I feel like he deserves it. (as well as Hyrule who deserves to wear his classic green eyeshadow more often)
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still-single · 2 years
New Heathen Discos / more reviews to follow
Some radio shows to ease your troubled minds.
Episode #296 (June 12, 2022)
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Flanger Magazine – Sympathies to the River
David Nance – Amethyst
Kikagaku Moyo – Effe
Azita – Bruxism
Tommy James and the Shondells – Crimson and Clover
Cocteau Twins – Lorelei
Weird Nightmare – Sunday Driver
Eggs – This Party Never Ends
Cyrus Pireh – Adomono Tone Control
Magazine – The Light Pours Out of Me
The Neon Judgement – The Fashion Party
Beau Wanzer – Blood Type Gravey
The Gruesome Twosome – Hallucination Generation (Joker’s Revenge Edit)
Alan Vega – Saturn Drive
Dharma – Dreams of a Final Theory
Chevalier Avant Garde – The Killing Fields
Green-House – Produce Aisle
The Stroppies – Material Condition
Kitchen’s Floor – Haunted Houses
Sorcery – Woman
Rats – Mainhorse Cowboy
Estus – On the Wings
Freda Payne – I Get High
Roller – Homunculus
The Modern Lovers – Don’t Let Our Youth Go to Waste / Dance with Me
Nite Fields – Take My Side
à;GRUMH… - Another Brick in the Wall Part II
Midas – One O One
Bomb the Bass – Don’t Make Me Wait
L/F/D/M – Midnight Muscle
Penza Penza – Merman
Linton Kwesi Johnson – Reggae fi Dada
Glenn Branca – The Ascension
BABY? – Babbling Brook (Vintage Dust)
Forest Management – Liminal Suite Pt. 2
The Velvet Underground – I Found a Reason
Episode #295 (June 5, 2022)
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The Leather Nun – Slow Death
Afrorack – Last Modular
Astaron – As Time Joins In
TSAP – Vile Corporation
Danse Macabre – The Voice of Bulgaria (instrumental)
Brian Case – Our Ruin
Horsegirl – Homage to Birdnoculars
Long Odds – Not Enough Stars
John & Beverley Martyn – Auntie Aviator
Smoke Bellow – Maybe Something
Rose Mercie – Sweet Place
Daniel Villarreal – 18th and Morgan
Steve Hillage – Musick of the Trees / Palm Trees (Love Guitar)
Vivienne Styg – Leather Love
Jess Scott – Climbing Numbers
Dick Diver – Private Number
Microdisney – Town to Town
The Party of Helicopters – Neverending Cycle
Tar – Goethe (live)
Rudimentary Peni – Vampire State Building / Blasphemy Squad
New Age Steppers – Fade Away
Forest Management – One After Another
Fievel Is Glauque – Decoy
Cookie Jar – Far Out As Near As Can Be
The Neon Judgement – Hot Sally
Roller – Habit Man Zero
The Arms of Someone New – No City Fun
Kim Phuc – Razorblades
Cyrus Pireh – Message of Universal Solidarity
Goblin – Tenebre
Mr. Big Mouse – Duck the Mouse (Ascorbic Acid Mix)
Tomaga – Very Never (My Mind Extends)
System 56 – They’re Only Dreaming
Construction Crew – Break That Beat (That Noise Mix)
Heavenly Bodies – Rains on Me (extended mix)
Brandon Coleman – We Change (Part 1)
Chronophage – Spirit Armor
Doramaar – Monestrial
Blue Öyster Cult – Don’t Fear the Reaper (demo)
Episode #294 (May 29, 2022)
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Mess Esque – Sweet Spot
Just Mustard – Seed
Bardo Pond – Don’t Know About You
Mosquitoes – Outlines
Th’ Faith Healers – Love Song
Penza Penza – Merman
Siouxsie & the Banshees – Hybrid
Th Blisks – I Don’t Fade
Anne Clark – Counter Act (instrumental)
Apiento featuring Harriet Brown – Down That Road (Apiento & Tepper Dubbed It)
Depeche Mode – Nothing
Winged Wheel – Central Ceiling
Felt – All the People I Like Are Those That Are Dead
Zusammen Clark – Rest Position
Comet Gain – Allende
The Go-Betweens – Head Full of Steam
Bailter Space – Robot World
Neu! – Hallogallo
Green-House – Flora Urbana Absumpto
Stephanie Mills – What Cha Gonna Do With My Lovin’ (12” version)
Paul Haig – Blue for You
Sleep D – Twin Turbo
Wally Badarou – Hi-Life
Silver Apples – Lovefingers
Tommaso Moretti – ESM
Viva L’American Death Ray Music – Getting Better
Mura – Younger Brother
Mary Lattimore and Paul Sukeena – Altar of Tammy
Small World Experience – Side Projects
The Garbage and the Flowers – On the Radio
The Breeders – When I Was a Painter
Delivery – Personal Effects
Ebi Soda – Pseudocreme
Vacant Gardens – Field of Vines
Spread Joy – Discomfort Is Palpable
Sparks – At Home At Work At Play
Severed Heads – Halo
Chris & Cosey – Until
James Brown – I Can’t Stand It “76”
Best Bets – The Point
Yo La Tengo – Deeper into Movies
Episode #293 (May 20, 2022)
*insert image of Wednesday Addams here*
STRING – Plus Operator
Maya Hardinge – Living Behind Smoke
Trisomie 21 – Jakarta
Bauhaus – Stigmata Martyr
Levon Vincent – Tubular Bells
For Against – Loud and Clear
The Cure – Object
The Scissor Girls – D1 Test (Cracked Swanreons)
Crime of Passing – Ways of Hiding
Automelodi – Angoisses D’Orléac
Winged Wheel – Central Ceiling
Austra – Beat and the Pulse (extended mix)
A Split - Second – Close Combat
Fad Gadget – Lady Shave
ADULT. – I Am Nothing
16-17 – Davul
Cairo Pythian – Puce Cross
The Birthday Party – Junkyard
Kelly Lee Owens – S.O (2)
Modal Melodies – Standing Still
The Terminals – Hide Yourself Away
The Glove – Looking-Glass Girl
Ashrae Fax – Decaax
Xmal Deutschland – Nachtschatten
The Veil – Manikin (extended mix)
Whatever the Weather – 25° C
The Wedding Present – Never Said
Prefab Sprout – Desire As
Shirley & Dolly Collins – Rambleaway
Roller – Au (Gold)
My Bloody Valentine – Feed Me With Your Kiss
The Litter – Breakfast at Gardenson’s / Future of the Past
Green-House – Mycorrhizare Dreams
Deep Tunnel Project – Elysian Fields
Spiritual Mafia (ft. Alan Partridge) – Bath Boy (30 Mil From My Gland remix)
The Hazmats – Empty Rooms
Drive Like Jehu – Super Unison
Marley Marl feat. Biz Markie and Heavy D – We Write the Songs
2022 Demo
Book me to play records at yours.
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omegaplus · 2 years
# 4,101
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Omega Radio for June 4, 2022; #308.
Did You Die: “We Can Do Whatever”
Girl In Red: “Forget Her”
Empath: “Diamond Eyelids”
Mo Dotti: “Loser Smile”
Blushing: “Sour Punch”
No Swoon: “Again”
Horsegirl: “Billy”
Grivo: “Fatal Blue”
Howless: “To Repel Ghosts”
Slow Crush: “Swoon”
Nothing: “Old Fools”
Pinkish Black: “Next Solution”
Ambersmoke: “Everything, Forever”
Cloakroom: “Fear Of Being”
Downward: “Gehenna / “Evaporate”
Knifeplay: “Hurt Someone”
Lavender Blush: “Sundays”
Failure: “Headstand”
Glare: “Floating”
Star Party: “All I Really Wanna’ Do”
Smile Machine: “Pretty Today”
Swirlies: “Didn’t Understand”
Constant Smiles: “You Are Still Out There”
Lemon’s Chair: “To Here Knows When”
Fontaines D.C.: “I Love You”
Camp Cope: “Blue”
Georgia Maq: “Joe Rogan”
Katey Alice Greer: “FITS / My Love Can’t Be”
Screaming Females: “On My Radio”
Marissa Paternoster: “Black Hole”
Tess Parks: “Brexit At Tiffany’s”
Zola Jesus: “Lost”
Night Moves: “Fallacy Actually”
Terrycloth Mother: “King Of The Wasteland”
Tempers: “Nightwalking”
Caroline Polachek & Oneohtrix Point Never: “Long Road Home”
Spellling: “Revolution”
Bambara: “Mythic Love”
Antonio Sanchez: “I Think We’re Past That Now”
Future Islands: “King Of Sweden” + “Seasons (Waiting On You)” f. BADBADNOTGOOD
Girlpool: "Lie Love Lullaby” + “Faultline”
Khruangbin & Leon Bridges: “Chocolate Hills”
Chastity Belt: “Fake”
My Idea: “Breathe You”
Dehd: “Blue Skies”
Emma Ruth Rundle: “Pump Organ Song”
Wet Leg: “Material Girl”
Kim Gordon & J Mascis: “Abstract Blues”
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever: “The Way It Shatters”
First Summer ‘22 broadcast; double deluxe shoegaze, dreampop, alternative, jangle, and indie.
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helloooo salt :D
G, N, & O for fandom asks pls and thank you
G- do i remember the my first OTP?
I am chronic memory issues Mcgee, i cant even remember all the current OTPs. it might be Arwen and Aragorn because dirty sweaty horsegirl who doesn't think he's good enough ending up with a tall elven babe really appealed to me long before i figured out why.
N- three thing i wish I saw more of in current or any fandom?
oh. this is a shit stirring question isnt it? lets see. it would be nice if everyone could unclench a bit and let things be ambiguous. ships, interpretations, sexualities, backstories, lore, its all made up and it can all be flexible. i am so tired of seeing the one true head cannon and the inquisition leveled at any hint of dissent.
also while I'm at it, i want to see more widespread media literacy and maybe even a touch of critical thinking applied to fandom. depiction is not glorification and that's a great first baby step but can you tell when a work is glorifying something? can you tell if it's the source material being racist or the fans being racist? (if you're starwars you can do both in different directions) Are we suspending disbelief to tell a fun story about the divine right of kings and magic or are we making some pretty pointed statements about inherent superiority and who deserves rights?
O- Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
you can put this on anything and anyone from Dungeon Meshi. chew up your love and swallow.
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shculley · 5 months
Top 100 Albums of 2022
100. Guerrilla Toss - Famously Alive
99. Romero - Turn It On!
98. Battle Ave. - I Saw the Egg
97. Silverbacks - Archive Material
96. Gang of Youths - Angel In Realtime
95. Jana Horn - Optimism
94. Sunflower Bean - Headful of Sugar
93. Spiral Stairs - Medley Attack
92. Disq - Desperately Imagining Someplace Quiet
91. Widowspeak - The Jacket
90. Anxious - Little Green House
89. Holy Fawn - Dimensional Bleed
88. Ty Segall - Hello, Hi
87. Kevin Morby - This Is a Photograph
86. The Dead Tongues - Dust
85. Phoenix - Alpha Zulu
84. Preoccupations - Arrangements
83. Perfume Genius - Ugly Season
82. Wild Pink - ILYSM
81. Nick Hakim - COMETA
80. Toro y Moi - Mahal
79. Peel Dream Magazine - Pad
78. Titus Andronicus - The Will To Live
77. Built To Spill - When the Wind Forgets Your Name
76. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms and Lava
75. Martin Courtney - Magic Sign
74. Caracara - New Preoccupations
73. Duster - Together
72. Tony Molina - In the Fade
71. Jack White - Fear of the Dawn
70. String Machine - Hallelujah Hell Yeah
69. Horsegirl - Versions of Modern Performance
68. Cloakroom - Dissolution Wave
67. Band of Horses - Things Are Great
66. Drowse - Wane Into It
65. Sam Prekop, John McEntire - Sons Of
64. Daniel Bachman - Almanac Behind
63. Death Cab for Cutie - Asphalt Meadows
62. Cass McCombs - Heartmind
61. Young Jesus - Shepherd Head
60. Wilco - Cruel Country
59. Cola - Deep In View
58. Mount Kimbie - MK3.5 Die Cuts / City Planning
57. black midi - Hellfire
56. Dry Cleaning - Stumpwork
55. Florist - Florist
54. S.C.A.B. - S.C.A.B.
53. Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers
52. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Changes
51. Show Me the Body - Trouble the Water
50. Daphni - Cherry
49. of Montreal - Freewave Lucifer f<ck f^ck f>ck
48. Pinegrove - 11:11
47. Dehd - Blue Skies
46. Spoon - Lucifer on the Sofa
45. Daniel Rossen - You Belong There
44. Jockstrap - I Love You Jennifer B
43. Porridge Radio - Waterslide, Diving Board, Ladder To the Sky
42. Tomberlin - I Don’t Know Who Needs To Hear This...
41. Babehoven - Light Moving Time
40. Joyce Manner - 40 oz. to Fresno
39. Arcade Fire - We
38. Yard Act - The Overload
37. Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - Endless Rooms
36. Papercuts - Past Life Regression
35. Bonny Light Horseman - Rolling Golden Holy
34. Thee Oh Sees - A Foul Form
33. The Range - Mercury
32. Gold Panda - The Work
31. Hot Chip - Freakout/Release
30. High Vis - Blending
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29. Nilufer Yanya - Painless
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28. Aldous Harding - Warm Chris
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27. Bloc Party - Alpha Games
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26. SPICE - Viv
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25. Destroyer - Labyrinthitis
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24. Kurt Vile - (watch my moves)
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23. Spiritualized - Everything Was Beautiful
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22. Animal Collective - Time Skiffs
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21. Crime of Passing - Crime of Passing
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20. Fontaines D.C. - Skinty Fia
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19. Drugdealer - Hiding in Plain Sight
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18. Belle and Sebastian - A Bit of Previous
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17. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Omnium Gatherum
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16. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cool It Down
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15. caroline - caroline
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14. MJ Lenderman - Boat Songs
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13. Beach House - Once Twice Melody
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12. The Smile - A Light for Attracting Attention
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11. Arctic Monkeys - The Car
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10. Alvvays - Blue Rev
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9. Cate Le Bon - Pompeii
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8. Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You
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7. Friendship - Love the Stranger
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6. Wet Leg - Wet Leg
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5. Panda Bear, Sonic Boom - Reset
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4. Real Lies - Lad Ash
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3. Alex G - God Save the Animals
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2. Knifeplay - Animal Drowning
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1. Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There
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sinceileftyoublog · 6 months
Dazy, Lifeguard, & Illusion Of Choice Live Show Review: 12/4, Cobra Lounge, Chicago
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I'm not sure what Dazy does at a faster pace these days: tour or release tunes. Since we caught his Chicago debut of full-band arrangements in January, he's come to town twice more, including last night's stop at the Cobra Lounge. And mere months after releasing OUTOFBODY in 2022, in March, James Goodson shared songs recorded around the same time in the form of the cheekily titled OTHERBODY. The record continued the vibe of Dazy's debut LP, from the "Revolution" crunch of opener "I Know Nothing At All" to the sugary noise of "Every Little Thing". Just two months ago, Dazy shared the Ryan Hemsworth-assisted "Forced Perspective" (Lame-O), a collection of rounded country pop guitar riffs, a chirpy electric beat, and an uneasy, yet anthemic chorus.
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Dazy's James Goodson
Always writing and always playing, it must be hard for Goodson to pick a setlist on a nightly basis. A year-plus removed from OUTOFBODY and over two years from MAXIMUMBLASTSUPERLOUD: The First 24 Songs, Dazy's set at the Cobra Lounge felt like as close as you can get right now to "the hits," the crowd pumping fists, banging heads, and singing along to favorites "On My Way", "Split", "The Perfect Crime", "Pressure Cooker", and "Invisible Thing". I was just as happy, though, to see Goodson lean into the sweet, softer side of Dazy. "Forced Perspective", with its curly bass and guitar scrapes, was a highlight, as was "Every Little Thing", "could be a country hit" "Rollercoaster Ride", and set closer "Out of Body". "Is that my brain hanging by a thread?" Goodson sang on "Out of Body"; as much as he may have been disassociating at the time of writing the song, his everyday anxieties have certainly provided ample creative fodder for some of the best power pop of the past half-decade.
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Chicago's Lifeguard opened for Dazy, which was perhaps anybody's final chance to see the band in an opening slot at a venue as small as Cobra Lounge. The hyped three-piece, formed in 2019, signed to Matador Records earlier this year. Let's get it out of the way: Yes, drummer Isaac Lowenstein's sister Penelope is in labelmates Horsegirl, and bassist Asher Case's father is Brian Case of FACS (and formerly of Disappears, The Ponys, and 90 Day Men). Thankfully, Lifeguard is a beast of its own, combining chanted vocals with clanging, metallic guitars and dexterous, repetitively pummeling drums. Earlier this year, Matador re-released the band's 2022 EP Crowd Can Talk along with a collection of new material, Dressed in Trenches. Live, Lifeguard showed what they're truly about: off-kilter time signatures, uneven song sections, moments where you can't tell when they're warming up or about to switch gears. When they played "17-18 Lovesong", Case's rounded bass and monotone vocals wiggled around Kai Slater's stabbing guitars and falsetto off-beat harmonies, though the band never let you get too comfortably hypnotized in a groove. They finished with their newest song, the uncharacteristically poppy and straightforward (yet very welcome!) "In The City". You never know what's next with Lifeguard, and they're just getting started.
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Illusion of Choice
Starting off the night was another local institution, four-piece shoegaze indie rock band Illusion of Choice. Most of their songs revolved around the atmospheres you'd expect with a genre descriptor like that: Alex Rackow's distorted guitars, Judith Pelkowski's heavy bass lines, Alex Boyajian's mammoth snares, and Tyler Tumminaro's sharp, nasal vocal delivery. Occasionally, they added elements of jangly surf, but for the most part, they chugged along deliberately, like on "Circling the Drain" and standout set closer "Bad Boy". Overall, Illusion of Choice offered an appropriate middle ground between Dazy's hooks and Lifeguard's deconstructed songs.
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ame-in-the-rain · 11 months
HOW ARE ALL YOUR THOUGHTS CORRECT??? number one mannequin understander frfr
i have So many thoughts about vampire and her deep-seated need for validation and attention. she drives me insane she is such a girl with disorders. i am constantly thinking about what video games she would play. in all honesty she would probably be a rhythm gamer and a dating sim enjoyer but but its funny to imagine her doing first person shooter games.
ANIMAL CINDERELLA VAMPIRE. THREE HORSEGIRLS OF THE APOCALYPSE. YOUNGEST OF THE GROUP AND NOT AFRAID TO SHOW IT. their dynamic makes me insane. animal and vampire are Honestly so weird about each other. i love it.
cinderella is soo silly to me. girl who wears glasses for the Vibes. she probably has a bunch of pinterest boards of aesthetic shit also i feel like shes rather proficient with a sewing machine. IS SO COMPHET HONESTLY. girl who develops a "crush" on a guy shes talked to exactly zero times. shes so sillyyy I THINK ITS SO FUNNY WHEN GIRLFRIEND KABEDONS ANIMAL AND CINDERLLA IS LIKE "AH YES THIS WILL CERTAINLY GET HER FLUSTERED". also how she uses the entire scenario of animal’s chapter as material like this girl is a himejoshi who thinks she’s straight.
u originally reminded me of shizuku from prsk which has carried over in the hc that i think u is horrrrible with technology. cant work it for shit. she has to get girlfriend to help her with smth as simple as entering an iphone passcode. animal probably calls her a boomer for it idk
KESA IS HONESTLY JUST. SO. she has such bad self esteem issues and thinks shes a bad person over the stupidest things (shakes her chapter like a dog with a toy). i honestly need her to find love and belonging w the other mannequin girls or else i will Die. forever! she’s such a girl who is constantly torn between being a scene kid and being a sweet lolita girl. I WANT TO SHAKE HER i want her to be loved
dilemma is honestly just !!! so !!! her song has always made me insane, and her chapter in mannequin made me even more insane, AND WHAT HAPPENED IN THE MANNEQUIN MV MADE ME EVEN EVEN MORE INSANE. do you ever think about her looking at the pictures of the other mannequin girls. when do you think they started mattering to her more than that guy she liked.. when do you think she realized how much they mattered to her..
the absolute found familification of dilemma's relationship. you are a mother of 8. i do not make the rules. also dilemma is also a gamer?? she supposedly got a world record for a shooter game. ALSO!! parasite. man. i want her to get therapy so bad, but sometimes therapy can be a girl with LOOPS for hair
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beansonbread2 · 1 year
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2021 > Self Esteem - ‘Prioritise Pleasure’ (see full list HERE)
2020 > The Flaming Lips - ‘American Head’ (see full list HERE)
2019 > Self Esteem - ‘Compliments Please’ (see full list HERE)
2018 > Kero Kero Bonito - ‘Time ‘n’ Place’ (see full list HERE)
2017 > Richard Dawson - ‘Peasant’ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Blood Orange - ‘Freetown Sound’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Holly Herndon - ‘Platform’ (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs - ‘LP1′ (see full list HERE)
2013 > These New Puritans - ‘Field Of Reeds’ (see full list HERE)
2012 > Django Django - ‘Django Django’ (see full list HERE)
2011 > Shabazz Palaces - ‘Black Up’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > These New Puritans - ‘Hidden’ (see full list HERE)
2009 > Animal Collective - ‘Merriweather Post Pavilion’ (see full list HERE)
2008 > Wild Beasts - ‘Limbo, Panto’ (see full list HERE)
2007 > Animal Collective - ‘Strawberry Jam’ (see full list HERE)
2006 > Safetyword - ‘Man’s Name Is Legion’ (see full list HERE)
2005 > Animal Collective - ‘Feels’ (see full list HERE)
2004 > Devendra Banhart - ‘Rejoicing In The Hands’ / ‘Nino Rojo’
2003 > Dizzee Rascal - ‘Boy In Da Corner’
2002 > The Streets - ‘Original Pirate Material’
2001 > The Beta Band - ‘Hot Shots II’
2000 > Outkast - ‘Stankonia’
1999 > The Beta Band - ‘The Beta Band’
1998 > The Beta Band - ‘The Three EPs’
1997 > Radiohead - ‘OK Computer’
1996 > Beck - ‘Odelay’
THE RULES - No Re-issues, Live Albums, Compilations, or EPs.
SPECIAL MENTIONS for these collections and things that don’t really live on the main lists.
PC Music ‘Volume 3’
PC Music ‘Away From Keyboard [file not found]’
Bulbils no.65 > 70
Avon Terror Corps ‘Avon Attorlaoe’
WORTH A MENTION (in no order) - A bunch of albums i enjoyed but didn’t quite make the final lists and others i just didn’t hear enough to be considered properly.  A list for future me to revisit.
Silvana Estrada / Florist / Lorraine James / SAULT (various) / Cucina Povera & Ben Vince / Klein / Sobs / Gabriels / Sharon Van Etten / Caroline Loveglow / Mount Kimbie / Horace Andy / Daniel Rossen / Huerco S. Plonk / Mitski / Stealing Sheep / Otoboke Beaver / Haru Nemuri / Carly Rae Jepsen / Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Rina Sawayama / Stormzy / The Beths / Palm / Horsegirl / Yaya Bey / Ibeyi / The Cool Greenhouse / Makaya McCraven / Beth Orton / Brian Eno / Dehd / Belle & Sebastian / The Orielles / Ibibio Sound Machine / M.I.A / Beabadoobee / Charles Watson / Gwenno / Playboi Carti / Fell / Let’s Eat Grandma (‘The Bastard Son..’ OST) / Ari Lennox / Kikagaku Moyo / Gently Tender / El Michels Affair / Wasuremono / GAIKA (‘War Island’ OST) / Don Leisure / Yung Lean / More Eaze / Camila Cabello / Koffee / Shamir / Jenny Hval / Sea Power / James Yorkston (‘J Wright Presents’) / A.R. Wilson / Modern Nature / Guerilla Toss / Maranta / Katy J Pearson (‘Waiting For The Day’) / Ravelston / Jilk / Galen Tipton / Elena Isolini & Bianca Scout / Borrowed Atlas / Gupi / Dan Johnson / Iceboy Violet / Phoebe Green / Daniel Avery / Moor Mother / Plastic Mermaids / Kurt Vile / Geoff Barrow & Ben Salisbury (‘Archive 81’ OST) / Melt Yourself Down / Alex Cameron / Yumi Zouma / Jensen McRae / Kai Whiston / Animal Collective (‘The Inspection’ OST) / Susan Bear / Lucky Shivers / Grace Ives / Lizzo / Toro y Moi / Warmduscher / ThisIsDA / Superorganism / The Death Of Pop / Hatchie / The Grand Piano / Obongjayar / The Comet Is Coming / Rico Nasty / Jo Schornikow / Shinichi Atobe / 7FO / Bladee & Ecco2k / Conway The Machine / Deluxe100 / Fievel Is Glauque / Phoenix / Dan Deacon (‘Strawberry Mansion’ OST)
2022 RUNNERS UP (in no order)
700 Bliss ‘Nothing To Declare’
Syd ‘Broken Hearts Club’
Yeule ‘Glitch Princess’ 
Steve Lacy ‘Gemini Rights’
Carla Dal Forno ‘Come Around’
Sasami ‘Squeeze’
Vince Staples ‘Ramona Park Broke My Heart’
The Smile ‘A Light For Attracting Attention’
They Hate Change ‘Finally, New’
Quelle Chris ‘Deathfame’
Delifinger ‘Small Love’
Denzel Curry ‘Melt My Eyez See Your Future’
Marina Herlop ‘Pripyat’
Dick Dent ‘Decadence’
Alexia Avina ‘A Little Older’
Rachika Nayar ‘Heaven Come Crashing’
Savage Mansion ‘Golden Mountain, Here I Come’
Daphni ‘Cherry’
Earl Sweatshirt ‘SICK!’
Special Interest ‘Endure’
Lucrecia Dalt ‘¡Ay!’
Los Bitchos ‘Let The Festivities Begin!’
Death’s Dynamic Shroud ‘The Lunar Curtain’ 
Billy Woods ‘Aethiopes’
Julia Jacklin ‘PRE PLEASURE’
Kelly Lee Owens ‘LP.8’
Digifae, Diana Starshine, Galen Tipton ‘Digifae’
Ben Salisbury & Geoff Barrow ‘Men’ OST
Rachael Dadd ‘Kaleidoscope’
The Big Moon ‘Here Is Everything’
Frankie Cosmos ‘Inner World Peace’
Sorry ‘Anywhere But Here’
Brockhampton ‘The Family’ & ‘TM’
Bill Callahan ‘YTI⅃AƎЯ’ 
James Yorkston ‘The Songs And The Poems Of The Book Of The Gaels’
FLOHIO ‘Out Of Heart’
Michael Abels ‘Nope’ OST
Claire Rousay ‘Everything Perfect Is Already Here’
Matmos ‘Regards/Uktony dla Boguslaw Schaeffer’
Working Men’s Club ‘Fear Fear’
Yama Warashi ‘Crispy Moon’
Little Simz ‘No Thank You’
Batu ‘Opal’
Dana Gavanski ‘When It Comes’
Kelan ‘Downtown’
Blanck Mass ‘GAZZA’ OST 
Blanck Mass ‘Ted K’ OST
Big Thief ‘Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You’
NANORAY ‘Digimaiden’
Tirzah ‘Highgrade’
Franco Franco ‘Solo Fiori’
Hot Chip ‘Freakout / Release’
Hyd ‘Clearing’
Max Tundra ‘Remixtape’
Beach House ‘Once Twice Melody’
Soccer Mommy ‘Sometimes, Forever’
50. Caroline ‘Caroline’
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49. Alvvays ‘Blue Rev’
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48. Claire Rousay & More Eaze ‘Never Stop Texting Me’
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47. The Weeknd ‘Dawn FM’
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46. Lambchop ‘The Bible’
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45. Katy J Pearson ‘Sound Of The Morning’
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44. Scalping ‘Void’
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43. Wesley Gonzalez ‘Wax Limousine’
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42. Perfume Genius ‘Ugly Season’
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41. Group Listening ‘Clarinet & Piano: Selected Works, Vol.2’
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40. Tim Heidecker ‘High School’
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39. Bas Jan ‘Baby U Know’
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38. Crack Cloud ‘Tough Baby’
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37. Saya Gray ‘19 Masters’
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36. Sarahsson ‘The Horgenaith’
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35. SAULT ‘Air’
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34. Nilufer Yanya ‘Painless’
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33. Wet Leg ‘Wet Leg’
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32. Bjork ‘Fossora’
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31. Coby Sey ‘Conduit’
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30. Spiritualized ‘Everything Was Beautiful’
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29. Let’s Eat Grandma ‘Two Ribbons’
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28. Panoram ‘Acrobatic Thoughts’
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27. Wojciech Rusin ‘Syphon’
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26. Aldous Harding ‘Warm Chris’
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25. Alex G ‘God Save The Animals’
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24. Angel Olsen ‘Big Time’
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23. Pictish Trail ‘Island Family’
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22. Pusha T ‘It’s Almost Dry’
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21. Charli XCX ‘Crash’
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20. Hudson Mohawke ‘Cry Sugar’
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19. Sudan Archives ‘Natural Brown Prom Queen’
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18. Rosalia ‘Motomami’
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17. Panda Bear & Sonic Boom ‘Reset’
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16. Cate Le Bon ‘Pompeii’
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15. Shygirl ‘Nymph’
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14. Black Country, New Road ‘Ants From Up There’
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13. Self Esteem ‘Prima Facie’ OST
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12. Animal Collective ‘Time Skiffs’
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11. Kendrick Lamar ‘Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers’
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10.  Arctic Monkeys ‘The Car’
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9. FKA Twigs ‘Caprisongs’ 
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8. Alabaster DePlume ‘GOLD’
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7. Dry Cleaning ‘Stumpwork’
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6. Death’s Dynamic Shroud ‘Darklife’
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5. Weyes Blood ‘And In The Darkness, Hearts Aglow’
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4. Charlotte Adigery & Bolis Pupul ‘Topical Dancer’
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3. Black Midi ‘Hellfire’
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2. Richard Dawson ‘The Ruby Cord’
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1. Jockstrap ‘I Love You Jennifer B’
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eameseames · 1 year
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I posted 2,988 times in 2022
That's 369 more posts than 2021!
39 posts created (1%)
2,949 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 340 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd - 20 posts
#ntn spoilers - 13 posts
#yakuza posting - 9 posts
#my best friend majima - 9 posts
#nona spoilers - 8 posts
#disco elysium - 6 posts
#ofmd spoilers - 5 posts
#nona the ninth spoilers - 5 posts
#reference - 4 posts
#the witcher - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#the one time i’ve been to a buc-ee’s i walked in and there was literally a display of five pound buckets of bacon grease inside the door
My Top Posts in 2022:
“After a pause, he said: I mean, i had kind of done a huge crime. I’d turned several hundred animals inside out and made them into a big art installation and I hadn’t complied with the cops, BUT extenuating circumstances, okay? There were extenuating circumstances. It wasn’t my fault that turning several hundred animals inside out makes you look like a bad guy. They were beef cattle and mutton; my way was a hell of a lot quicker than the abattoir. But it’s hard to be all
Let’s listen to the magical inside-out animal-shield man. He obviously has some good ideas.”
51 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
God of War Ragnarok? I think you mean
Your Dad Apologizes to You Simulator
59 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
if henry cavill stops posting clips from his little horsegirl riding lessons im gonna
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109 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
As we’re in our Rhys Darby era, I think it’s important we all spend some time with my favorite episode of drunk history and the most terrifying horse-human hybrids since sorry to bother you
276 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just keep thinking about how Gideon pulled the ultimate orphan swerve- “My real parents will come for me someday, and then you’ll all be sorry!” And her real dad is God and he made her a prince and gave her any material desire and she came back to show them all, but in her heart of hearts, she knows it’s just as hollow as the satisfaction that didn’t come from killing Crux.
422 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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