#sucidal ideation
babythegod · 1 year
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fandomfail · 1 year
Ayo sometimes you just want to shotgun a bottle of pills and call a transphobic relative a cunt and honestly I think that's pretty punk rock
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caninescanines · 1 year
i genuinely believe that i am not meant to live long. like, i can't see myself ever even getting to my 30s, let alone my 50s, and especially not my 80s. i just think I'm supposed to die young.
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chaosmultiverse · 7 months
For Stanley about Cyrus, Doomy, and Arthur (for giggles hehe)
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
'I feel like he's scared, I scare him, or I guess put him on egde, he's been trying to be... Nice, polite, as approachable as he can and what do I and fate offer him? I'm not good for him, I keep freaking out at him for no good reason or playing my part in fucked up situations. He has earnestly made things better for me, I mean I think at least, I would hope that having a calm headed kind person would be something that makes my life better and what do I do? I'm like some sick animal he is trying to manage that keeps biting at him.
It doesn't help, he sounds just like my Narrator, who I... For probably most of my actual life was my everything, my best friend and worst enemy, who I thought I would spend forever with-
I don't know my Narrator's name, I don't know what he looks like, I don't know what he is actually, he doesn't try to be kind and understanding-
I know more about the personal life of Cyrus than what I call mine, but he probably knew and cared for his own Stanley more than he will...
Why does it bother me so much? To be living in the shadow of someone else's life, some other version of me? I guess I just have to wonder that if my name was something like Sam or whatever and I dressed differently and maybe had brown hair if Cyrus would try so hard, if he'd be so kind to me.
He really deserves better than what he gets, he deserves some peace, he deserves to have both his eyes working right, he deserves his Stanley and not the mentality and emotionally fucked in the head doppelganger he's ended up with.
I wish I could be something good to him, I like his smiles and peacefully sitting drinking tea, I wish I could be apart of that.'
'She is such a lively person, a free spirit, yes that's the key word 'free', she doesn't let social norms or the laws of reality hold her down, it's impressive, maybe I should be jealous or envy her? But I don't, I'm glad she's free, she seems... To be enjoying it?
Honestly I can't read her, I don't really know anything about her outside of the most basic of facts, which in it's own way is freeing, I have no history with her or anyone to compare her to, she is completely new and exciting and- Wowing, but I don't know how she feels, I don't know how to ask, that's shitty, that I am reaping the benefits of being her friend, and don't actually know her that well.
Does it help I'd die for her? No, probably not, she seemed so... Utterly panicked when I got hurt, I feel like actually dying would be worse for her, besides it isn't worth that much, I'd die on just about any hill.
I want to be better friend to her, I wish she would tell me how, she seems like she keeps a lot to her chest, and I mean I'm like that too.
Does any of this matter? I mean I- Of course it does, I nearly died in her arms due to-
I hope she doesn't think I'm... Well I am mad, but I don't hate her, I'm not resentful, really had it just been something that won't have affected anyone else I won't be nearly as mad, I could have died in her arms and she would have had to live with that and I- I want her to be happy, I don't want her to be hurting...
I guess I'm scared she's always hurting, why else would her whims and mine, colored by my own fucked up head be so alike?
I want to help her, I want to be something amazing and special to her like she's amazing and special to me, I want to be worthy to be her friend.'
'Man it is nice to have simple feelings on someone, no love-hate devotion, no fondness getting mixed alongside feelings for others, no sense of wanting to prove myself or need to help.
No, I just don't like him, I mean I don't hate him, I'll play polite since he could hurt me badly and I'd have no recourse but nooo
He's annoying, he's self centered, he has every bad triat of Narrator and I have no loyalty to him, I have never seen him be self conscious or had a nice moment with him, so I can just have this petty dislike for him, I don't need to love or even like him, no love-hate here.
Really I do pity him thorugh, he seems so unaware and lonely, I don't know if he can really do or be anything other than what he already is, he isn't like Cyrus who did grow. Arthur is probably always going to be a Narrator and stuck in that role and how it defines him, I mean really what is he without that?
Either way I hope he can find his Stanley, Narrators and their Stanley's shouldn't be split up, at least not like this, throws everything in chaos for them, Stanley is probably just as unaware and directionless without his Narrator as Arthur is.
Either way, he was someone stuck in the past and his role, there wasn't any point in hoping for him to move on, really would it be remotely surprising if once back in his own office Stanley just did as he always did-
if once back in his own office Arthur would, Arthur would just do as he always did.'
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endlessmidnights · 8 months
I hate when people say suicide is the easy way out, they have no idea the pain you must be in to want to end your own life
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kstarvibes · 1 year
Alcohol and Mental Health: Blushing Linked to Depression?
Drinking alcohol is something that happens in many places. But it’s essential to comprehend how booze can affect our mental health. Drinking alcoholic beverages may impact our psychological wellbeing, from stress relief to addiction recovery. Mindful consumption of drinks should be studied too, as it might prove beneficial for those struggling with mental illness. To make able-minded decisions…
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tboyautism · 1 year
whoever started portraying chronic illness as a exclusivley physical problem sucks btw. like yeah im in pain 24/7 and that also makes me want to kill myself. so like. okay.
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tearsfallout · 1 month
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sorry for the inactivity again
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wavyypeachyy · 9 months
I don’t think suicidal thoughts actually ever go away.
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streave · 9 months
I want someone to notice, but on the other hand, i don’t.
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ri-afan · 1 year
Just me sitting at work realising that I haven’t made a specific plan to off myself (with notes, wills, and on the cusp/mid action) in about three years and guess who came into my life about three years ago?
My motherfucker of a cat.
I love my guy. If I had a therapist, you’d probably be registered as an ESA by now, my croissant 🥐 Too bad therapy is expensive and I legit don’t have room in my schedule for any more obligations.
Has the ideations and intrusive thoughts stopped? No. I need some serious work.
But has it gotten better as a whole? Relatively, I’d say.
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nessproblem · 1 month
i'm so useless, worthless and replaceable I should kms
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princessnanani · 1 year
Life is meaningless existence is absolutely pointless in the grand scheme of the universe I am forced against my will to live and have to actively struggle to live a life I don’t want to live while my nervous system is under a constant panic attack and I don’t even have a place to call my own home to bunker down until this passes. Will this pass? Do I want it to?
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bro-in-training · 1 year
I just had a like, an epiphany, I think that at least some of my suicidal ideation comes from the "only the good die young" and "God chooses the best first" thing that so many Catholics and Christians roll out when something bad happens.
Like...it's not true, bad things happen and it's not for a reason maybe, but it's definitely not that. But my point is that as a kid I wanted so so badly to be good, to live up to those expectations of the church, of my parents, of those saints and followers from the scriptures that I wanted to die young. And some of that is the church's fault.
Like I'm fine now, I'm not old. I'm still quite young, i might still die young, but I don't want to anymore. And letting go of that bullshit about the good dying young is part of that.
There's not really a bigger point to this but like. Every week I find a new way that catholic school fucked me up.
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endlessmidnights · 7 months
I walk into a room and immediately think of all the potential ways to kill myself that exist there
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vixen-angel · 2 months
purposely putting yourself in danger, or being visibly sad so maybe someone might ask if youre doin alright.. but then nobody bats an eye.
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