#stuff and thangs list
artemiseamoon · 1 year
Stuff and thangs
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findafight · 2 years
Eddie ruffles through Steve's glove box and finds a cassette labeled BANNED SONGS and thinks "don't mind if I do~" before shoving it in the player without looking at the tracklist.
Olivia Newton John's Physical blares through the speakers, already halfway done. Steve laughs but doesn't say anything.
It fades out and the next song starts with a weird sort of clicking noise, and sounds sort of snyth popfunk? Eddie isn't really sure. He lets it play out, anti-reagan sentiment and condemnation of fascism behind the synth. Its. Unique. He kinda digs it though. He listens for the next song and- Loretta fuckin Lynn?
"Steve. what the fuck."
Steve's mouthing along, tapping the beat on the steering wheel. He grins. "It's my banned songs tape. All of em have been censored in some way or another. Listen!" He turns it up, and, Loretta Lynn is singing, in her charming Appalachian drawl, about how she's not having any more kids, how she's getting her life back and not going to be pregnant constantly because she's got birth control. How she's going to have fun.
The song ends with a beat of silence, and trumpet bleeds with piano with the white noise of an old recording transfer from a record, and Billie Holiday sings mournfully, filling the car with the pain in her voice.
It trails out, the soft sound of a record not quite finished after the song, and then there's a drumbeat, strong, on the next one. Eddie finally checks the carefully written tracklist on the inside of Steve's little homemade cover.
"Redbone? The--the 'come and get your love' guys?"
Steve nods. "The lyrics, Eddie." And oh. Oh it's about Native Americans getting killed by the army. Shit.
"yeah. Some of em are heavy, some of em just talk about sex. Or god." He smirks.
It fades out, and the goddamn Beach Boys come on.
"are you serious?"
Steve laughs again.
"what made you make this?"
He shrugs, "after it all came back, in '84, I was. Messed up. Nance and I had broken up and she'd gotten with Jonathan, I was suuuper concussed, and these government goons were giving me the third fucking degree even though it was all their fault it happened in the first place and they hadn't done shit to stop it. I already had the Redbone album" he ignores Eddie's muttered of course you did "so I thought, fuck it. I can't do much but I can listen to things they don't want me to. So, yeah."
Freddie Mercury croons, and they both laugh.
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nerevarbignaturals · 7 months
'i have squishmallow autism' 'i have trains autism' i have the kind of autism where if i don't consistently have little tasks to do i will Explode
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nazumichi · 3 months
not exaggerating not blowing the situation out of proportion prommy but I think I’d rather do literally anything else before that chemistry group project. put me in the furnace or something. mountain. exam?? ?
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stephennnnnn. I miss you, you sexy queer bastard. you’re coming over sometime, and we shall make a doritos ranking chart. i promise to only tease you marginally for your spice tolerance.
My spice tolerance is fine. We also need to make an instant noodles chart. Or better..."tier list".
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
Hey! For those of you who enjoy my TWD works and would like to be tagged in all future writings, please fill out this form! I will be adding the form to my master list as well so you can find it later if you do not have the time to fill it out now :)
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boy-armageddon · 2 months
Oh BOY I got 80 dollars you know what this means!!!!!! (blow most of it on blood brothers stuff)
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crybabylulu · 5 months
I saw this TikTok using this audio being like oh I’m in jail I need your help and the person on the other end being like wait your in jail so this means this is your only phone call and the person in jail is like yeah and then the other person hangs up the phone someone was like this is Jason and tim and I was like nah Jason not calling Tim 🤣 I was like Jason’s calling Roy not Tim but he still don’t answer and someone was like yeah but then he’s still calling Tim after and I’m like he can’t if that’s his one phone call 🤣 SO BECAUSE OF THAT TIKTOK HERES A LIST MY BF AND I MADE OF WHO JASON IS CALLING WAY BEFORE TIM!
1. Roy because besties but like I said Roy don’t answer because he got a baby to deal with
2. Rose but she not coming to get him she like damn that’s crazy I’m doing stuff with my dad
3. Starfire and she’s probably coming to get him because that’s her brother in law and her bestie
4. Artemis (his lil boo thang) she not coming she cussing him out like no tomorrow asking him how stupid he could be probably going up there to actually laugh at him and still call him stupid (she might break him out later cause she miss her little spoon in the bed)
5. Bizaro he answered but Artemis told him he can’t go so he had to tell Jason she said no
6. Damian but see he know Damian is gonna tell Grayson and Grayson is gonna panic and go get his brother while Damian laughing BUT BUT! He might not tell Grayson and just got get Jason just way later but he gonna get him
7. Talia mama coming to get her son but see he know if he call she dragging him back to the league
8. Harley but she already in jail so they just probably figure out an escape plan
9. Grayson but he’s probably busy with Kory and also idc I feel like that man never answer the phone he just be showing up at the manor excepting whatever sibling that called to just be there
Jason is not calling Bruce that’s not a fucking option fuck Bruce 🤣
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lillian-gallows · 8 months
Kinktober Day 15: Shotgunning with Deadpool
Pairing: Deadpool x Nongendered!Reader Word Count: 2201 Warning: Drug use (weed), Shotgunning, Wade's affinity for nicknames, Making out, Lil bit of heavy petting (Over clothes). Kinktober Master(sub)list.
Minors DNI
You and Wade Wilson have a…Unique relationship.
It started simply enough. You were neighbors, your apartment being to the left of his. You’d seen him a few times in passing, weird ass red and black suit and swords and guns, covered in blood on more occasions than not, which he always promised wasn’t his as if that was any comfort.
It didn’t take long for his job as a mercenary to get mentioned, though it was in this quickly mentioned and moved on from way, like when the person you’re talking to already knows a fact, so you touch on it and leave it at that to continue the conversation.
It made the weapons make more sense, but it did nothing to explain the full body suit he wore, though with the way he joked about his “ugly mug” you had a feeling that he may have scars from his work or maybe a birthmark that he didn’t like people to see.
You could respect that, not like it was anyone’s business anyway.
For months the only interactions you had with the man were when your paths crossed in the hallways, stairwell, or at the mailboxes. That is, till he fell through your window one night at three in the morning, covered in blood and missing a whole fucking hand.
He’d thought your window was his.
After panicking, because what the actual fuck, you helped him back to his apartment and basically babysat him while his hand grew back because you didn’t really believe that it would. Then it did.
You know about Mutants, have several friends who are mutants, it was nothing out of the ordinary for you, but this was a lot to take in, especially after being woken from dead sleep.
Wade had offered you some weed to help calm your nerves, and his at having someone in his space but you hadn’t known that at the time.
That was how you two fell into a semi-routine of hanging out once or twice a week to smoke and watch shit T.V.
He’d never taken his mask all the way off, but in order to take hits and eat he’d had to lift it, showing the scars that covered the skin on his chin and mouth, you make a point of not letting your eyes linger on his bare skin, so as not to make him uncomfortable, but the truth was it didn’t bother you.
This particular day you’d been a little late to the sesh because you’d decided to cook instead of order in, food was usually on you since Wade provided the weed, and it was more than a fair trade, and you always either bought or made enough for leftovers. Win, win, win.
You had to kick the door rather than knock, hands too full of the baking dish filled to the brim with lasagna, and the bag full of smaller snacks hanging from your arm.
The door opened a moment later to reveal Wade taking up the while doorway with his broad body, clad in a pair of grey sweats, a black hoodie, and his red and black mask. It always threw you for a loop seeing him in casual clothes but still wearing the mask, but you doubted he had a casual mask he could wear, unless he wanted to wear a ski mask or something, which would be even weirder.
“Hey, sweet thang!” He was grinning as he spoke, energy was infectious as a smile of your own found your face.
“Hey, mind letting me in? Or would you rather eat this off the floor?” You joked as you shifted your hold on the dish.
He moved to let you in, muttering a “I’d eat it off you if you let me.” As you reach the kitchen, the sound of the door closing behind you almost concealing the words.
He said stuff like that a lot. Sometimes you wondered if he actually meant it or if it was one of his ‘boxes’, or just an intrusive thought given voice. You hoped it was the first option but seeing as he never acted on any of it or said it in a way that he thought you’d hear, you assumed it was one of the others and never called attention to it.
You wished he meant it though. In the time since you’d gotten to know the man, in all his insane antics and danger, you also learned he was actually really sweet and thoughtful. He’s also sad, and really lonely. He’s mentioned someone he calls Wolvie being a friend, but usually complains about how mean he is in the same breath, so you’re not sure how many friends Wade actually has.
What you knew for sure though, was that you had the worst schoolgirl style crush on him.
It was a little embarrassing and you hoped it wasn’t obvious. He never said anything about it if it was, not counting his mutterings, but you weren’t going to hold him to words said that you clearly weren’t meant to hear.
It didn’t take long for you to settle into his couch, a cloud of smoke floating over your head as the sound of the T.V. filtered into your ears, the characters on it were in a similar position to you and Wade, smoking and letting the bonelessness take over, only they were clearly the love interest of the movies narrative. You watched as the man leaned in and blew the smoke into the woman’s mouth, a slow and sensual curl of grey that looked like an ethereal kiss.
You knew what shotgunning was, but you’d never had the chance to try it with someone, and you felt your face flush as you imagined doing it with Wade.
“You good there, cherry tomato?” He teased as he passed the joint to you, the second one of the day, and freshly lit.
“Yeah.” You managed, voice sounding a little tight, but you could blame it on lack of breath before taking a hit, the smoke burning its way through your lungs then turning everything soft. You pointed at the T.V. “You ever done that?” You asked without thinking, the weed asking the question for you.
He looked at the T.V., where the pair were still passing smoke between their lips and so close to kissing, then back to you. “What, shotgunning? Yeah, not great for getting high, but really good for getting in someone’s pants.” He chuckled and you could feel his eyes on you, scanning over you like he could tell why you’d asked. “Why? You wanna try it?” He teased.
The question made you jump a little, or it felt like a little, you could have jumped a mile, or you may not have moved at all, it was hard to tell.
Your face scrunched in what you hoped looked like nonchalance. “Nah, just curious is all.” You lied.
You felt his body heat before anything else and when you turned to look at him, his head was tilted, and a smirk planted firmly on his lips.
“That blush says otherwise.” He still sounded teasing, but there was something under it, a low rumble that denoted a seriousness you weren’t used to from the merc.
“So, what if I do?” You shrugged, trying not to give away how your heart was hammering in your chest.
He mimicked your shrug. “If you ask nicely, I might be willing to help you out.”
You rolled your eyes, of course he would find a way to turn this into a game, cheeky bastard.
“Please, oh please, Wade. Won’t you teach me how to shotgun?” You said, calling his bluff with sass dripping from every word.
His smirk spread into a slow grin. “Well, since you asked so politely. Sure, Dollface, I’ll teach ya.” He said, sitting back against the couch once more and patting his lap. “C’mere.”
For as high as you felt moments ago, you now felt jarringly sober now, you hadn’t thought he was being serious, not with the way you both always tease each other, but you found yourself crawling from your spot on the couch with shaky limbs to straddle Wades lap anyway.
You swallowed thickly as your hands came to rest of his shoulders, unsure of where else to put them, while his made themselves perfectly at home on your hips.
As if sensing your nerves, you saw his smile soften. “You know you don’t have to do anything, right? I won’t be offended.” There was something insecure in his words, like he was worried he was the reason you might not want to.
“I wouldn’t have moved if I didn’t want to, Wade.” You answered. “I was pretty comfy.” You smiled and he snorted softly.
“Okay, then.” He said before one of his hands left your hip to pick up the still smoldering joint. “It’s really simple. I take a hit, then we get nice and close, and you inhale when I exhale. Got it?” He asked, holding the roach inches from his lips.
You nodded. “Got it.”
The cherry glowed as he drew in, holding it in his mouth as his other hand found its way to your cheek, tilting your head to line up your mouths, your lips parted in anticipation and your fingers curled into the soft fabric of his hoodie, the muscles under your hands flexed at the action, but there was no reaction beyond that.
Holding the joint away from both of you, he leaned in slowly, you could feel his eyes watching you but all you could look at were his lips, scarred as the rest of what you’ve seen of him, but you could see from the shape that they were once full and pouty.
The smoke curled from between his lips as he blew it gently toward you, and you inhaled as much as you could, what little you missed went twisting up into the air over your head.
He was right when he said this wasn’t very good for getting high, as you held the secondhand smoke and felt it do almost nothing, but with the proximity, the solid press of his body under yours, you understood why the pair on the T.V. had seemed to enamored with each other. You felt drunk on him and nothing had really even happened yet.
Blowing the smoke over your heads to join the rest of the cloud you felt something twitch against your leg, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what it was.
Wade was hard.
“Well? What do you think?” He asked once you looked back at him, his voice was low, just this side of a whisper.
“I don’t know…Think I might need another try, you know, to really decide how I feel about it…” You murmured, eyes flitting between his and his lips.
The corner of his mouth ticked up slightly and he nodded, bringing the joint back to his lips. This time as he exhaled and you inhaled, you felt his cock jump again, and rather than resist the urge, you pressed against him, almost grinding.
Wade’s breath turned shuddery and his hold on you tightened slightly. “That’s just not fair, Babycakes…” He scolded lightly, not actually bothered by your actions.
“Who ever said I play fair?” You countered, smirking down at him, still mere inches from his face.
He nodded slowly, like he was thinking out his next move. “Well, then in that case…” He trailed off before taking hold of your hips once more, and in a motion more fluid than you expected, maneuvering both of your bodies till you were laying on the couch, and he was hovering over you. “I won’t either.”
You stared up at him wide-eyed for a moment as your mind caught up to your body, and when it did, you brought your hands to his face, the muscles there twitched as if resisting a kneejerk reaction, but he didn’t move. “Not gonna touch the mask.” You promised. “But if you don’t kiss me, I think I might just die.”
He leaned even closer, so close you could almost feel his skin. “We can’t have that, now, can we?” He whispered, breath ghosting over your lips, then he made contact.
His lips weren’t as rough as his scars might lead one to think, scar tissue tends to be thick but rather soft, and his was no exception, but you were too busy focusing on just how good a kisser Wade was. Tilting his head to mold his lips to yours, teeth and tongue meeting yours smoothly and even sweetly. It all made your heart soar, and your pussy clench.
Your hands trailed down his body slowly, feeling every dip and curve he had to offer, till you reached the bulge in his pants, giving a careful stroke over the fabric, and earning a pleased hum for your efforts.
“That’s a dangerous game, you sure you wanna play it?” He asked against your lips.
“More than sure.” You answered.
That game was played for the rest of the night, and most of the next day.
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saeyoungchoismaid · 1 year
hi love! big fan of your blog <3 if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could I request hc's for a gender neutral MC who calls the obey me boys (minus luke ofc) by terms of endearment as a nickname, like calling mammon honey! love you, have a great day!
Hi anon! I'm assuming you're asking for their reactions to being called smth like that and what they'd prefer to be called? Idk but that's what I did lol. Hope you enjoy!
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
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I think the first time you use a term of endearment for him, he's just kinda like 🧍 LMAO
like it just catches him so off guard bc he's not used to it
if you call him smth serious like "darling" or "sweetie," he will blush but try to hide it
if it's smth dumb like "my honey bunches of oats," he's going to give you the most unimpressed look imaginable
definitely prefers to call you and to be called the more 'mature' terms such as darling, honey, my love, sweetheart, my beloved, and so on
blushes 47103784 different shades and can't stop stuttering the first time you call him one
pretends to not like them but is actually obsessed
he will legit think you're mad at him if you use his name instead of a pet name 😭✋😂
likes calling you the cheesy, dorky stuff like sweetie (pie), cutie (pie), my honey bunches of oats, sugar, sunshine, buttercup, sweet pea, and so on
he likes when you call him babe/baby, honey, sweetie, handsome, sweet thang, good lookin, and probs smth ridiculous like stud muffin 💀
dies on the spot. rip Levi
nah but he fr gets SO embarrassed
honestly probably takes him a while to call you anything other than your name and "normie" 😭✋
when he finally gets with the program, he'd probably start out with calling you basic stuff like babe/baby and beautiful, and then might start warming up to more playful ones like queen/king or even smth oddly specific like Pudding Pop which ofc has a funny story behind it
he likes it when you call him babe/baby. And while these next ones are so corny and cheesy that it makes him want to die, he secretly loves them. Honey bun, sweetie (pie), love bug, and mayhaps even a baby boy?
I can't decide if he'd be blushing red from embarrassment or would just be such a cocky bastard about it 😭✋
idk maybe if he was unsure about your feelings then he'd be flustered, but if he knew how you felt, he'd just be smirking as his sharp tongue went unchecked
honestly, probably uses similar terms that Luci uses, but I think he'd also use terms that are from books, poetry, and so on. Stuff like rosebud, jewel, my beloved, apple of my eye, light of my life, beau, dove, cara mia ("my beloved" in Italian), and so on. He'd also love to call you kitten/kitty cat/etc
he'd probably, again, like similar ones that Luci prefers. I think he'd also like things like Romeo, my other half, soulmate, my one and only, and other stuff like that. He even grows to like "old man" despite the fact that he pretends to hate it 💀
sigh. where to even start with this man
he's been calling you pet names since day one 😭💀
it ranges from cutie to sexy, baby to mi amor, sweet cheeks to darling, little dove to doll. it's a new one every time he addresses you I stg. It honestly just depends on what kind of mood he's/you're in, where you are, who you're with, etc.
he likes when you call him the same things, but especially likes anything that refers to his looks such as handsome, dream boat, papi, hot stuff, sexy, casanova, and so on. He also likes things like prince charming and my knight in shining armor
my time has come
probably blushes when you call him one but then gets super happy and is just cheesin for the rest of the day
loves loves loves when you both use food ones 😭😂 sweetie pie, honey (bun), jellybean, cupcake, dumpling, buttercup, sugarplum, puddin, sugar, the list goes on 😭✋😂
I think he would also like the really sweet and cute ones too though like honey bunny, love bug, my love, darling, and so on
can dish it out but can't eat what he's cookin LMAO
easily calls you pet names but always gets so embarrassed when you return it. (He's probably the type to get angry when you call him something sweet or cute LMAO like his embarrassment turns into anger to cope with it anogifehdfah)
he loves calling you my moon/stars/sun(shine). I think he'd also use ones like angel, babe/baby, sweetie/sweetheart, and so on
he'd like when you call him sleepyhead, teddy bear, babe/baby, and snuggle bug. Super cheesy ones like snookums or smth like that will never fail to make him grin and chuckle
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More with Obey Me!
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thatsuccubabe · 5 months
Just pinned post thangs
I'm not single, not looking, not interested.
I support all members of the alphabet mafia
If you wish to get to know me, be prepared to send me a photo of you. Don't expect speedy replies, I'm not often hanging around in this app
Blank blogs, porn blogs, no age in bio, mean or rude anons - get blocked immediately.
Sometimes I post sexual shit, this is not an invitation to be your kink dump. You are free to flirt with me in the tags of reblogs and via anons. Don't DM me my own posts with praise, that's cowardly behavior. Love me publicly or not at all
Send/Tag me in posts you think I'll like, especially imagery of women in power roles
I am always open to recs on music/books/art/podcasts etc. if you wanna talk about books hit me up.
Book stuff
Currently reading:
A court of wings and ruin - Sarah J Maas
Empire of storms - Sarah J Maas
Tower of dawn - Sarah J Maas
Written in the stars - Alexandria Bellefleur
Read in 2024
A touch of darkness - Scarlett st claire
Throne of the fallen - Kerri Maniscalco
Happy place - Emily Henry
Twisted love - Ana Huang
The true love experiment - Christina Lauren
Powerful - Lauren Roberts
Shatter me - Tehereh Mafi
Hooked - Emily McIntire
Kingdom of the feared - Kerri Maniscalco
Powerless - Lauren Roberts
The breakaway - Jennifer Weiner
Queen of shadows - Sarah J Maas
Assistant to the villain - Hannah Nicole Maehrer
Kingdom of the cursed - Kerri Maniscalco
Girls weekend - C.M. Nascosta
A court of mist and fury - Sarah J Maas
A court of thorns and roses -Sarah J Maas
Kingdom of the wicked - Kerri Maniscalco
The assassin's blade - Sarah j Mass
Heir of fire - Sarah J Maas
Yours truly - Abby Jimenez
The friend zone - Abby Jimenez
Part of your world - Abby Jimenez
Icebreakers - Hannah Grace
Book connoisseur. Plant mom. Dog wrangler. Fiber artist. Life saver. Lover. Fighter. Music obsessed. Collector.
My common tags listed 👇
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the-owl-tree · 11 months
Honey's Horrible No Good Time in Warriors - A Masterlist
-(Previously named wc isekai au, now just HHT/Honey's Horrible Time for short)
Last Updated: 2023-09-07
Honey's Horrible Time is a warrior cats inspired story inspired by the isekai genre: stories in which someone dies and is reincarnated into another world. This post is to help wrangle all my posts as tumblr tags are rather inconsistent in trying to manage everything.
The story revolves around the death of a human after being hit by a car and is reincarnated into a fake Warriors arc. She is sent into the body of Honeypaw, the half-sister and bully of the arc's protagonist, Frostblaze. With the spirit of Honeypaw and a strange "Guide" from StarClan accompanying her, the former human-turned-cat, who names her Honey, must figure out how to navigate this new world...and survive her impending death.
Some key information:
Not all information will be explicitly told. Some of it will be told through puzzles or can be extrapolated through other information.
This is a work in progress! Plot points are subject to change and the story is still being developed.
There won't be any official comic or story written. I'll do mini comics and maybe some short stories but there are no plans to make it an official thang as of now.
All posts will be tagged under #honey's horrible time now
Currently WIPs & Ideas
Overview of this world's StarClan
What are Guides?
Possession and all that fun stuff
anyone in the allegiance list without an asterik
The Cast
The WolfClan Allegiances (Text post with links to refs of bg characters)
Honey, Honeypaw, and Guide's Refs + Short Comic (Art)
Frostblaze + Splashpaw (Art)
Owlstar, Beesnap, and Eaglepaw (Art)
The guy who keeps inexplicably coming back to life (Ask + Art)
Fun facts about some of the cats in the allegiances (Ask)
The existential horror of being a child in the body of a battle cat (Text post + Art)
Inspiration for Maggotstar + Design Notes
Story Related
A short overview of the characters & plot (Ask)
Inspirations & longer overview of the plot (Ask)
How does Honey know what's going to happen? (Ask)
What is Honeypaw's relationship with her parents like? How do they react to her strange behavior? (Ask)
Honey's body can shift (Ask)
Honey's warrior ceremony & Honeypaw's reaction (Ask)
Does Honeypaw find out she's supposed to die? (Ask)
The Buzz about Beesnap Does Beesnap ever find out her daughter isn't her daughter? (Ask)
Why does Owlstar give Frostblaze preferential treatment? + Owlstar's relationship with Beesnap and Duskflower (Ask) [OUTDATED INFORMATION! Frostblaze being his daughter is no longer a secret]
Honeypaw and Frostblaze being half-sisters is no longer a secret (Text post)
Why does Frostblaze have a warrior name and the other apprentices don't? (Ask)
Tidbit of information about this world's StarClan (Ask)
More buzz on Beesnap's thoughts on her daughter's body getting yoinked (Ask)
How many people have been isekai'd? (Ask)
What made Honey and Honeypaw decide to work together? (Ask)
Miscellaneous Art & Posts
Honey struggles with cat body language (comic)
Honey's warrior name (Ask)
wait what was that about honey's anatomy (Ask)
Background lesbian cats :) (Ask)
Will this be an official story? (Ask)
Honey Haymaker (Ask)
A glimpse into Frost and Frostblaze's relationship (Art)
Harefoot saw WHAT (Ask)
Lynxstrike and Beesnap's very not mentioned flirting (Text post)
Sillaaayy art of Lynxstrike & Frost with her Guide (Art)
What would it be like if Frost and Honey swapped hosts? (Ask)
Who would down 12 mints and then try to chug ice water? (Ask)
What if the books were set in the canon book lines (Text post)
Beesnap and Honeypaw's Post-Death Relationship (Text Post)
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rain-world-headcanons · 4 months
Random Spearmaster stuff!!
It/its pronouns. Spear is creeture :3
Long and lanky
Since I hc all scugs as having fur (unless i decide otherwise), Spearmaster has the thinnest coat-SRS did this on purpose to make it hard for creatures to latch onto it
Spear sometimes acts like a slugpup, since it never got to be a pup, just straight into adult body since I think SRS was kinda impatient
Short list but it’s all I could think of/remember for now
itr IS creatutre..... some sort of thang
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kurjakani · 9 months
OK man i watched American Mary which. It was EXTREMELY meh but I just. Made me realize i truly just. Love medical horror??? so much. ig... dead ringers, sm stuff in the collection, brad dourifs malignant which also sucked but. still had that. that thang. for me. Most of them have not been good or haven't been medicaly enough for me and have just left a hint of flavor on my lips and im like trying 2 smack at it and find the right movie.
ANYONE have any recommendations for medical horror (esp body modification horror) movies that r good? Im gonna go thru sm lists on imbd and such but idk if tyheyll be good :( ill keep looking
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unhingedkinfessions · 3 months
party store anon here again, I'm going to sign with an emoji (🎊) from now on just to keep track I guess. to weigh into the current musical debacle: I had a few kins who had musical elements in the source (see; cartoon with songs) and for me at least, spontaneous song was normal and just happened. however in one canon, which was a broadway musical in source, in my canon there was pretty much no singing. like maybe one song actually happened. pretty funny.
anyway to give you an update I guess, I now have two fryers as said in my last post and their names are Miss Lady and Princess (short for My Beautiful Princess With A Disorder (Ticking)). we recently made fried oreos in Princess they were really good. I am currently on the search for a vending machine to fit in our place that isn't literally over a thousand dollars. my roommate is also kinnie and is generally very supportive of my endeavors to acquire more and more machinery in the house. its a little funny as they kin normal fictionkin stuff like main cast guys and I'm over here kinning [looks at smudged writing on hand] a living island that kills people. a deep fryer. a ball of meat the size of a softball. the list goes on. okay bye gang until next time
-party store anon 🎊
i like this so much. vending machines are cool thangs i also support this endeavor. would you stock it with things as a fun activity to have a working machine or just use it for decoration (understandable) (probably cheaper if inoperable) also i love your air fryers. can i have an oreo
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sunflowersonatas · 7 months
sunny's boo thangs of the month (aka who I'll write for)
hi again! i realized in my intro post that I never really explicitly stated who I'll write for, so I wanted to do that! this is a current list of the men I'm obsessed with, if you share any of these please message me!! i love to share my crazies with people <3
and my requests are also open if anyone had anything they'd like to see, I don't really have strict guidelines yet but I'll write fluff, smut and everything in between with no shame! feel free to message me <3333
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i would literally DIE for andrew garfield's peter parker, I'm admittedly not the biggest mcu fan but these movies with him have a special place in my heart. i also want to credit my most favorite peter parker writer on this site @webslingingslasher for getting me so addicted, definitely check out all of their writing!!
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specifically atj fancast... whew. he's the golden retriever bf I've always wanted, I especially love the common trope w childhood best friends to lovers, some other writers on here have done that and I'm obsessed! i would also write for remus and sirius if anyone requested, but this man is def my favorite from hp universe
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my literal baby boy boyfriend omg look at him!!! also i think i'm generally very outgoing so I'm more attracted to the shy nerdy boy, I only put one pic w his glasses but... his glasses. cmon. how can you not love him? one of my fav spencer writers is @reiderwriter, pls go read her stuff too (one or two of them may have been requested by me hehe) I WILL ALSO WRITE FOR AARON IF THERE'S AN AUDIENCE FOR THAT!!! he's so scrumptious too MWAH
i think that about sums it up for me, I can't think of any other show or movie that I know well enough to write for haha, if you have a request idea and you're not sure please send it to me anyway!! i really want to write, I just have a hard time coming up with ideas, my inbox is open :)
-sunny ☀️🌻
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