xootl-xh · 2 months
‼️ This is very important so please read ‼️
The ex-admin for Dansir, Lapin, and Sk8ter (a penguin) came out on Twitter with their experience as a QSMP admin and it’s very grim. The user is @/Leasagne_ on Twitter.
I’m gonna try my best to translate from French :
1st Tweet : « Imagine having the first multilingual minecraft server in the world and paying your staff 150€/month and threatening to sue them if they complain. »
2nd Tweet: «  «You signed an NDA blablabla if you speak we’ll sue you. » Yeah Yeah, sure. They think they can gift me a toy and i’ll forgive them and shut my mouth. They don’t know who they are facing »
3rt Tweet : Talking about the NPC they played « Dansir, Tototte, my version of Cucurucho and Lapin won’t come back. Enough of treating people who give a lot of themselves like trash »
They then tweeted art they made for QSMP that they haven’t been paid for. This include for exemple a Rose drawing, a Lucy drawing and the Techno fanart from Dia de los muertos event.
4th tweet : « Everyone is burnt out in their entreprise but it’s not a problem bc no one can talk or they risk getting sued. »
They then make a serie of tweets explaining why they got fired : « During a stream, Aypierre leaked my name, thanks dude, they saw that i was talking to him on discord, which is a FORBIDDEN THING. I was then accused of leaking things to him, bc on the screenshot, i was talking about DDOSon the server which is considered sensitive information. There was then an investigation on me, which i said was useless as I didn’t have anything to hide and was ready to answer all their questions. I admitted not following the rules (btw it’s forbidden to have chatrooms BETWEEN ADMINS, that’s why I wasn’t following the rules). We aren’t allowed to talk to streamers out of stream, but everyone does it i was just caught doing it. »
They also added some more stuff
-Saying that they were only TWO french admins (the other being Pomme’s) and OP had to do all the translations of QSMP newspapers, as well as adding articles on french CCs as they had been forgotten.
-Said that Empanada wasn’t supposed to be killed that day, it was an accident.
-Said that Pomme’s death, which was reversed, was forced so that « Baghera would have a tragic reaction »
-Said that the QSMP admin staff are all wonderful people with good dynamics, higher ups are the problem.
-Said that they believe Quackity isn’t aware that this is happening.
-Said that now QSMP ccs are aware that this is happening and want to discuss it with the admins.
I’m on my phone so it’s hard to include screenshots or links of everything so if you’re able to feel free to do it by reblog. I’ll add more things as soon as possible.
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xootl-xh · 2 months
« Just know that NO twitter admins is getting paid. And if you think we’re only writing tweets that isn’t true. We do the work of a community manager for free, for people who have zero recognition for our labor. 
We have to find memes, know how to do picture and video montage, translate, cover streamers until sometimes crazy hours, collect clips who can sometimes not even be selected, so graphic design, collect fanarts and more.
Sure, we agreed to work for free. But to write tweets, not to work as community managers. We agreed to be volonteers, not salarymen. If we aren’t free for more than a week, they make us understand that it shouldn’t happen again.
What pisses me the most is that QSMP is supposed to be a server based on sharing cultures and dialogue. But we can’t talk between us admins. I wanted to make a MC server just for the admin team, and they made me understand that it wasn’t possible. 
We can talk between french speakers but not with the other teams. It’s forbidden to create a group chat. They never communicate with us. You want to know ? The events, we learnt about them at the same time that you did.
It’s impossible to organise. Purgatory ? We knew about it 2 hours before it started, and they had changed ALL the tweets schedules. I recently left because they asked us not to talk about controversies on our PRIVATE accounts, a few hours after Wilbur’s empty excuses.
After all the work we did for you, hours working for you for free, you want us to shut up about the violences, really ? You make me wanna puke. »
They then added this screnshot which i assume was sent to them by the admin teams higher ups about the wilbur situation.
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xootl-xh · 2 months
No that reveal about how they talked about doing Purgatory has me fuming now. All that stress & strain on ccs and fans alike for TWO WHOLE WEEKS, the toll of panicking over what would happen to the eggs bc everyone was made to care about them for LITERAL MONTHS and they were made into such a vital part of how the server works, the aftermath of the whole event being so many creators stepping back from the server entirely bc of the burnout and some STILL haven't returned to this day.
That content tho, right?
utter bullshit
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xootl-xh · 2 months
Um so...
I come to the main tag with bad but important news.
Today, an ex-admin of the server came forward about her working conditions.
I will not show her name here just in case (but it can be very easy to find over on TWT).
She was fired for speaking with a CC personally (which she mentions, EVERYONE DOES, we've seen multiple CC talk about it). However, her discord was shown on stream and her superiors were not happy.
She was one of the French admins along with Pomme (she played Dansir, Tototte, Lapin...).
First of all :
There were only 2 French admins (her and Pomme). They had to translate everything and make stuff on the French side.
She was paid roughly 200$ a month (less in €, around 150€), and was often not paid for some in game art she did.
She mentions that admins did not have the right to share a group to talk to eachother, they got warned about things last minute (the update account people knew about Purgas on the day of).
She talks about some of the circumstances of some egg deaths (Pomme reversed death was planned at first for "content")...
Furthermore, the "roleplayers" and the update account people are not payed and get replaced if they are not available too often.
And Yes, by "roleplayers", she means the egg admins. She mentions "You did not get paid for roleplaying", (so I guess egg admins have extra work on the side to indeed get paid, but this is my speculation).
I want to point out that in her words : "The QSMP admins are the sweetest people, I love working with them. Sad that the work of a few people higher on the team was affecting our good dynamics. My colleagues are amazing, they do a crazy job".
She answered a few tweets for clarification and :
-She believes Quackity is not aware of the attitude of the higher ups of his team.
- The CCs have now been informed of the situation and are actively wanting to discuss with the team, as they were unaware (Ex-admin mentions that the Higher ups often lied or hid things from CCs).
I will link the post of someone who did translate the Tweets HERE (Thank you OP !)
Anyways, Big love to the admins, they make this server and deserve to get they work well compensated !!!
Good things the CCs are now aware, let's hope that thing get better!
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xootl-xh · 2 months
At this point, what did i expect?
Cause, yikes.
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xootl-xh · 2 months
And now he's been dipped in a paint bucket
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xootl-xh · 2 months
Hair /j
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xootl-xh · 3 months
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xootl-xh · 3 months
dapper dancing on his father’s unconscious body (brightened)
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xootl-xh · 4 months
Here's an unfinished thing I did in art class :D
We had to do a paper mug thingy so I drew all the eggs :)
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And now that I look at it I realise I forgot 2
I also made a dapper and a richarlyson needle felt so lmk if u wanna see and I'll post pictures of them :D
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xootl-xh · 4 months
I tuned into bad's stream and he's in jail what the fudge is happening
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xootl-xh · 5 months
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Bad's colors are coming back but his head wound is getting bigger for some reason.. I am scared guys ._.
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xootl-xh · 5 months
Bro istg the Federation gave Bad like a lobotomy or something my boy
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xootl-xh · 5 months
so... if it's canon that q!bad was one of the angels under the euphrates river — one of the "four avenging angels rise from the river with their weapons, ready to fulfill their mission of killing a third of the people on earth" — and it's also canon that he's now a demon (mind you the angels under the euphrates were already there because they'd sinned and were basically on thin ice with the big man) that would ultimately imply that he fulfilled his mission of killing a third of the population and then got booted from the sky above by god himself. thus, demon.
we know he's (as a demon) responsible (accidentally or not) for:
the black death (possibly)
the destruction of pompeii
the fall of atlantis
he's also canonically "a" grim reaper, although he does this part time... but from last stream we can infer he's very much in tune with life and death still, to the point of it being the only reliable information we have from him right now.
we also know from last stream that the horse he found is... very fitting with the concept of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
the fourth and final horseman is named death. known as θάνατος (thanatos), of all the riders, he is the only one to whom the text itself explicitly gives a name. unlike the other three, he is not described as carrying a weapon or other object, instead, he is followed by hades (the resting place of the dead). however, illustrations commonly depict him carrying a scythe, sword, or another implement. the color of death's horse is written as khlōros (χλωρός) in the original koine greek, which can mean either green/greenish-yellow or pale/pallid. the color is often translated as "pale", though "ashen", "pale green", and "yellowish green".
now, for this to be a viable theory we have to discard the greek mythology figure of thanatos because in this case thanatos is simply a placeholder for the name "death" so there's no need (as of right now) for us to go down another mythology wormhole.
so, as of november 19th 2023, q!bad is most likely one of the future horsemen of the apocalypse, specifically death... but it's okay because "it's not time yet".
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xootl-xh · 5 months
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xootl-xh · 5 months
He apparently fell off the boat
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xootl-xh · 5 months
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