#some perspective but i sat and stared right where you left me
sargentsblu · 1 month
okay but barney in that one scene from season 7 episode 10 where he's waiting for robin so they can be together but she shows up and she hasn't broken up with her guy and so time stops for him in that second it takes her to nod her head no at him and taylor's right where you left me lyrics
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starstaiined · 1 year
so i did make the playlist !!
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deshuaibois · 1 year
people often (never) ask me, did you ever recover from Mark lee performing stronger on 230429?
the answer is no. it's been a full month and my brain is still there
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makkarisbelova · 7 months
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killjoygem · 1 year
I associate the song "Right Where You Left Me" with DoctorRiver, Twissy and whouffaldi because it just fits all of them so much
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warnersister · 2 months
Personal Space (two Bradshaws like it now)
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: A sequel in which you love your personal space. Unfortunately, Bradley also loves your personal space. Even more so now you’ve had a baby, apparently.
Can be read as a part 2, but doesn’t have to be. Read Personal Space here
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You really didn’t know when it all happened, when you and Bradley became a thing. At first he was just an annoying crew member you couldn’t shake off your tail. Then he was your wingman. Then you got accidentally placed into marriage accommodation and the two of you played it off so you could get better housing. Then you actually bought a house. And then somewhere along the way you got married.
“Where shall we have the wedding?” Bradley asked and you raised a brow “register office” you shrug “what you don’t want a wedding?” He asks, hand on his chest as he feigns offence. “You do?” You ask and he nods vigorously. You huff. “Fine” “so shall we do it on the beach?” He asks “okay” you just go along with it, hardly even entertaining the idea at all.
“So? What do you think?” Nat asks as she makes you pivot in a white gown “I think I look like a roll of toilet paper” you said, crossing your arms “maybe it’s just not the dress for you?” She reasons and you shake your head “just not really into the whole idea of this wedding. I kinda thought we’d just sign papers and get on with it” you said “well you picked Bradshaw, he’s a drama queen at the best of times” she says and you him in agreement; your consultant leading you back to the fitting rooms “let’s try another”.
You’d left with a sleeved dress; hating the idea of having a low cut dress, and begging Nat to just let you leave. Sure, you loved the dress - but you loved the idea of getting out of that suffocating shop more.
“Hey honey” Bradley had said, hearing you walk into the house and set your keys on the kitchen counter. “Hi” you reply shortly, moving to fill your cup with water from the sink. “How was your day?” He asked, moving to rest his head on your shoulder and holding you from behind. “Good. Bought a wedding dress” you say simply “you did what?!”
Then on your wedding day, you’d stared at yourself in the mirror far too long. “You look gorgeous” Penny whispers, squeezing your shoulders comfortingly “I look like a fucking pin up doll” you huff, not necessarily believing yourself - just not used to being such a central perspective of attention. “Wow” your dad says, walking into the room “you look gorgeous” he whispers “is there an echo in here?” You mumble, but smile at him “thank you” you say, wiping the tears from under his eyes. “C’mon, Bradley’s nearly about to come get you himself”
You showed up to the beach-front wedding right on time, completely dead against the idea of being in any way, shape, or form late. Your father gave you away, Bradley in floods of tears at the end of the isle by the time you’d gotten there. “You look incredible” he whispers, lips quivering as he stares at you “shut up you’re going to make me cry.” You grumble, but smile. “It’s okay to cry.” He says, as the ceremony begins. “You may now kiss your bride” and Bradley dipped you and kissed you sweetly, drowning out the cheers of those around you. “I love you, Bradshaw.” You say, smally, “I love you more, sweetheart” he says and kisses your forehead “you’re crying” he points out “shut up”
And then you looked at the two lines on the pregnancy test two years later. You hummed “okay” and looked at yourself in the mirror, knowing nothing else other than the fact that you had to tell Bradley right that second. You marched downstairs, where he was sat playing with some keys on the piano you’d bought him last Christmas, stopping next to him. “Hey baby, y’alright?” He asked, and you just held out the stick to him. “What’s this?” He asks, taking it from you and looking over it once. “You serious?” He asked, looking at you; smile growing from ear to ear “you’re pregnant?” He almost whispers “unless the other four lied.” you say and he jumps up and pulls you into his arms, kissing all over your face until you shouted at him to stop.
He knelt down and looked at your stomach, kissing it gently then moving to put his ear against it “uh huh” he hummed “Bradley what are you-” “shush I’m talking to em” he says and you stand, unimpressed, but let him nonetheless. “Oh yeah baby, I’m excited to meet you too” he coos “yeah, yeah, I’m your dad” and you audibly giggle. He looks up at you, eyes wide “you done?” You ask and he nods “yeah little one was done talking” he smiles, and hugs you close again. “I need to get the baby clothes out of the attic” he mumbles, kissing your temple “the what?” You ask “I bought them when we started renting the house!” He says, dragging you excitedly up the stairs “but we own the house, Brad” you him “no, no, the one we had during the mission!” He says and you gasp internally, realising how long the two of you had been together without even noticing it.
“Hey dad” you say, as you and Bradley head into the hangar he and you owned “hey honey, hey Brad” your dad greets, wiping the oil from his hands to come over and talk to the two of you. He kissed your forehead and hugged you, then your husband before walking back over to the aircraft he was working on. “Thought you needed a new picture for your pinboard” you hum “oh? I just added the wedding photo!” He says, excitedly, showing you the filled gap. “Okay, guess you don’t want the sonogram of your grandchild.” You say, turning to head out before Bradley hurriedly grabbed you and turned you back into the situation, pulling the strip of photos from his breast pocket. Your dad stood with his jaw wide open “you’re-” he breathes “you’re really pregnant?” He asks as his eyes well with tears “well I wouldn’t lie-” you say but he just pulls you into a big bear hug, pinning Baby Bradshaw’s picture onto his board.
You head to go look at the part of the engine your dad couldn’t quite fix while Bradley held back with Maverick. He turns to him and shakes his hand “your dad would’ve been so proud.” He says, smiling at Bradley “I know you are.” Rooster smiles, wordlessly being pulled into a hug with his father-in-law.
Then one evening you were sat up in bed, Bradley sound asleep beside you as you look down at the barely visible bump. Bradley had sort of a sixth sense, somehow knowing you weren’t asleep beside him. “Hey, baby what’s up?” He croaks, immediately moving to sit up with you when he sees his senses were correct. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, Bradley.” You say, staring ahead at the wall “what do you mean?” He asks, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “I mean I’m a fighter pilot, I was raised by a single father, I never had that maternal instinct, what am I doing?” You whisper, and when Bradley managed to finally pull your face towards him you were crying “oh sweetheart” he hums, pulling you into him gently “you’re gonna be the best momma ever, and the fact that you worry proves that. I love you, okay?” He comforts “I know. I love you too.”
You were stubborn the whole pregnancy. You thought it was ridiculous that people just stopped when they were pregnant, and Bradley was trailing you trying anything to get you to just relax. “Hen, please!” He begs as you head out for your morning run “I’m three months pregnant, Bradley. I’m not incompetent.” You snap, as he begrudgingly pulls on his running shoes and follows you out the door. He pulled you back anytime you went quicker than a 10 minute mile “Bradley, if you slow me down one more time I’m going to pull your arm out of your socket” you snap and he holds his hands up “message received.”
Then one day, at around the sixth month mark you walked into the house and slammed the door so hard it rattled. “What’s up?” Bradley asked, as you practically threw your stuff on the floor. “They’re putting me on the desk.” You grumble, anger evident in your eyes while his soften “oh baby we knew that was gonna happen” he soothes, rubbing your arm reassuringly “no! No we didn’t! I was perfectly fine hiding the bump, but no!” You huff “I’m Bradley Bradshaw and all of California has to know my wife’s pregnant!” You imitate him but he just smirks “oh I’m so sorry that everyone needs to know you’re taken and carrying my baby” he says, smugly. “Don’t you smile at me Bradley-” you wag an accusatory finger at him, but he heaves you over his shoulder, and towards the stairs “c’mon, let’s help you blow off some steam” he reasons “y’know it’s possible to get pregnant while pregnant, right?” You ask and he cheers “woohoo! Two for one deal, sounds great!” He says and you can’t help but smile.
Then came your maternity leave, Bradley picked you up in his bronco. You were quick to head outside, and he kinda hated how well you hid the bump. “I’m done.” You huff, settling into the seat beside him “if that bitch from accounting asks me one more time if I want her herbal teas I’m going to knock her teeth out” you complain and Bradley chuckles “well, just me, you and Baby Bradshaw now” he says and you hum in agreement.
But when you approached your street, you rolled straight past your house and straight to the Hard Deck ‘congratulations on your baby’ banners plastered all over “welcome to our baby shower!” Bradley grins as you pull up “is this really necessary? They aren’t even here yet.” You tell him and he shrugs “thought it might take your mind off maternity leave” you smile at him “thanks, Brad”
And at one point in the evening, you sat Natasha and Bob down separately. “Hey Phoenix, can we borrow you?” Brad asked, pulling her away from her conversation “yeah of course guys!” You took a seat at a table and Bradley forced you to elevate your feet against your will. “What’s up?” She asks “how’d you like to be godmother to little Bradshaw?” Her eyes lit up when Bradley asked and she leant over the table to hug the two of you “oh I’d love too!” She announces, excitedly.
Then you head over to Bob, but Phoenix holds Rooster back “they have a special connection, let her do this”. You sit on the stool next to Bob and he offers you some peanuts which you refuse, and you stay sat in silence for a minute. “Bob can I ask you something?” You ask, as he pulls your calves up to rest in his lap “of course, hen” he says, brushing some crumbs off his top “what’s up?” “Well, the job we’re in isn’t an old job” you say and he laughs and agrees “it’s also dangerous” you say, and again - he nods. “So if anything happens to me and Brad, can you be there for little Bradshaw?” His eyes widen and start to swell with tears “will you be our godfather?” You ask and he nods, moving to miss your cheek “of course I will, hen. I’d be honoured.”
Bradley and you had started putting together your hospital bag at the 8 month mark. You were both premature so had a bit of superstition, especially with only being a few weeks off of the 40 mark. You’d placed the bag by the front door, along with a baby carrier in the middle seat of his Bronco.
It was week 38 when you were both putting together the crib beside your bed, two spare bedrooms and still you only wanted your baby beside you. “Okay all done, baby” your husband said “okay. My water broke three minutes ago” you say as calmly as he had, he nods, then whips his head back round “your water broke?” He asks and looks down, and indeed, your water had broken “oh my god your water broke?!” He announced, picking you up bridal style and carrying you out to the bronco, picking the hospital bag up on the way. “Ready to have a baby?” He asks, giddily. “Am I supposed to be?” You ask and he shakes his head with a smile “no”
You were dead silent during birth and it scared the shit out of Bradley. “Do you want an epidural, honey? They’ve offered-” “no.” “Can I get you more ice?” “No.” And he tried everything, even when it was time to push. You held his hand and your mouth was zipped shut. “Is she supposed to be this quiet?” He asked the doctor who just looked at him nonchalantly “it’s normal, all mothers react differently to birth” he said. “I’m a fighter pilot Bradley. I’ve had worse.” You grit. “Breathe baby” he tells you “I think you need to.” You say “stop being dramatic” you say as you push again “honey-” “either shut up or get out.” You tell him and he glues his mouth shut, at least until the baby comes.
Bradley cuts the chord and they hand you your baby, and your eyes widen as you stare at the baby on your chest “welcome to the world Nick Bradshaw” you coo at the baby and Bradley raised his brows “Nick?” He asks, voice cracking “what? Got a problem with that? You and your stupid dick” you grumble and Bradley laughs and shakes his head, kissing your forehead.
“Hey mom, shall we take baby so you can get some rest?” The nurse asked, leaning to take Nick from your arms “excuse me?” You asked, pulling your baby closer. “So you can sleep?” She suggests “I’ve carried him for nine months and now he’s here you’re taking him away?” You ask “well, some mothers like to sleep” “I can sleep when I’m dead.” You deadpan, and she realised that Nick wouldn’t have been pried from your hands even if you were dead, so she left you all alone.
“Taking you away from mommy? Who does she think she is?” You whisper to baby Nick. “Welcome back to the world, Bradshaw.” You say and Bradley can only smile and hold the two of you close.
You’re going to be just fine in this mommy role.
Part 2-ish? I know it was really well liked and I enjoyed writing it so hope you enjoy this one too!
-> @rosiahills22 here’s another one!
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yellowjackets-1996 · 7 months
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they expected me to find somewhere, some perspective, but I sat and stared right where you left me. you left me no choice but to stay here forever.
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pit-and-the-pen · 2 months
I’ll Crawl Home to Her- Prologue
A/N: Prologue for a reader x Azriel fic I've started writing. The events from under the mountain are told from the readers' perspective. There is some dialogue from the actual book so all of that, and the characters of course, belong to Sarah J. Maas.
Quick Flip to Azriel's POV somewhere in the middle because I wanted to.
Warnings: Cannon Typical Violence.
Word Count: ~4k
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for this series! I'm already working on the next part and have the rest of the series planned out!
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Forty nine years. Forty nine years away from my court, from my friends. The only thing that has let me keep a semblance of my sanity was that I was here with my brother. Rhys. As selfish as it was, knowing he was here helped me from going out of my gods damned mind. 
I laid in the room I had been assigned, bandages wrapped around my chest covering the latest punishment from Amarantha for my backtalk. She had made some vile comment about Rhys and when apparently threatening to rip her tongue out and nail it to the wall had not been the right thing to say to her. Wincing as I rolled over onto my side, I would do it over again just to know that I got under her skin. There were very few ways to have any semblance of fun here and antagonizing that bitch, much to Rhys horror, was worth every cut and bruise I had received. 
A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. All I could do was weakly call out for them to come in, anyone that bothered to knock was most likely safe. I pushed myself up into a sitting position and was met with Rhys’ violet eyes staring at me. 
“I thought we talked about this.” He all but growled at me. I shrugged, biting down the pain that flashed through me. 
“You should see the other guy.” Trying and failing at keeping the shake out of my voice. That earned me his signature glare. 
“Try that again when you can sit up on your own.” He sighed, walking over to the edge of my bed. He put his head in his hands. “You can’t keep doing this. She’s going to kill you one day over some stupid comment.” I had never heard him this scared before. Guilt sunk like a stone in my heart.
“I’ll try to be better. It’s just so hard when I hear her talk about you like that,” I sighed heavily, regretting it at the ache in my lungs. “She can do whatever she wants to me. But you. At least I can pretend I can protect you from her.” We both know that was the furthest from the truth. If she didn’t have the tendency to call for Rhys longer when I spoke back, I would fight back more. But I refuse to allow my brother to suffer more because I can’t control my temper.
We both just sat in silence. I could feel my back desperately fighting to heal itself. It would still be a few days until it healed fully with the bits of my powers Amarantha had stolen. But anything felt better at this point and it was enough for me to finally let my shoulders sag. 
Rhys stayed until I started to doze off. The adrenaline had finally worn off and I felt the tiredness in my bones. He pressed a small kiss to the top of my head as I curled up in the middle of the bed. I let my eyes flutter closed and drifted off to dreams of anywhere but where I was. 
A gasp left my lips as the attor dumped the poor girl onto the floor before the dais. Still wearing a thin nightgown she must have fallen asleep in. 
“Bring him in.” Amarantha called wicked delight practically dancing around in the throne room. I felt the faint pressure of Rhys’ hand against my arm as they dragged Tamlin into the room kicking and screaming. As soon as I felt it the touch was gone. 
When he was situated beside the red head, she asked, “Is this her?” Tamlin froze as he surveyed the shaking figure in front of him. His shouts died in his throat and he didn’t respond to her question. At the lack of an answer she repeated the question to my brother. 
That was all it took for Amarantha to lash out her powers. My ears rang as the girl in front of us started to scream. Rhys’ whole body went tense besides me. The all too familiar feeling of his power pulsed around us and I didn’t even what to think about the torture she was being put through. Rhys’ powers in his own hands could be deadly but in hers they became something far worse. 
I tried to hold back the bile that raised in my throat. Tamlin didn’t so much as flinch, keeping that firm mask but there was something. Just a small tick in his right eye that hit me like a ton of bricks. Whoever this female was, this wasn’t the girl Rhys had seen in the spring court. Anger surged through me. Of course, a random human life wouldn’t be enough to get a reaction out of the High Lord. I wasn’t entirely sure how he would have reacted if it even was her. Maybe I was expecting just a glint of those claws, itching to sink them into the soft flesh of Amarantha, but he stood fae still. The rise and fall of his chest was the only indication he was anything more than a statue. 
The hours dragged on. If this went on any longer I knew I was going to puke, I already knew the moment I moved again it would happen. Slowly, the screams started to ebb and I knew Amarantha was reaching the end of whatever fun she was pulling from this. With the lack of reaction from Tamlin, I knew she was growing bored. I released a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding the moment the girl, Clare, had finally stopped screaming. My head was pounding at the tension in my shoulders. And I could feel the slow healing wounds in my back roaring in pain. 
“You’re all dismissed.” Amarantha called plainly. I didn’t need to be told twice. It took all my restraint to not run from the throne room. I felt Rhys walk behind me, stopping ahead of me as I paused behind a pillar. He didn’t look at me as I rose, just handing me a handkerchief as I went to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. I muttered my small thanks as I took it from him. 
“Are you…” 
“Don’t even finish that sentence.” I groaned at him. I closed my eyes but quickly opened them when I realized that I could still see her sitting there on that dais, still smelling the coppery tang of her blood in the room. My stomach curled again but I swallowed the feeling down. 
“It’s over. Our one chance is gone.” Rhys said plainly. My eyes darted around at his bold words. It’s one thing to talk about this in private, in our minds where no one else could hear us. But in the halls, with everyone vying for the chance to earn Amarnatha’s favor. It was as good as a declaration of treason. He said nothing else as he started walking again and I was never so thankful to not hear my brother's voice 
I had never felt horror like this in all my years under the mountain. My eyes grew to the size of saucers as I heard her speak those daming words, “I’ve come to claim Tamlin, High Lord of the Spring  Court.” 
My head snapped to Rhys, the horror frozen on his own face told me everything I needed to know. Panic surged through me. Selfishly not for the human in front of me but for my brother. She would not allow the action of lying to him to go unpunished. I reached out for his mind but he pushed me out so violently I almost gasped. 
My mind was racing so much that I missed most of the exchange that was happening in front of me. I caught bits and pieces but I couldn’t string together a coherent thought let alone try to follow along with Amarantha’s scheming. 
My heart was beating out of its chest as I caught up with the turn this conversation had taken. A riddle. You solve the riddle, and his curse will be broken. Instantaneously. I won’t even need to lift my finger and he’ll be free. 
I flinched when I heard her voice ring loud and clear in the room. “Give her a greeting worthy of my hall.” My hand went to hold back Rhys as we both heard the sickening crunch of bones echo in the silent room. 
If I could have kissed Feyre on the mouth, I would have. As it was, I had to hold back the laughs that threatened to rack through my body as Amarantha stood stock- still in front of her. The bone Feyre had thrown at her feet sticking straight out of the ground. Pride racked through my chest because I knew if I was in her shoes I would have done the same thing. Except I wouldn’t have missed. Maybe if we managed to survive all of this, I would offer her training. I shook my head at the ridiculous thought. I knew that if she survived this, I would never see her again. I spoke into my brother's mind but he seemed far away when I risked a glance over to him. In perfect form, Feyre held Amarantha’s stare before she turned on her heel and walked out of the throne room. For the first time in a long time, I felt a kernel of hope. 
Rhys had officially lost his damn mind. He must have. That was the only explanation for the sight currently in front of me. Feyre dressed in black glossimer, a dress that would have made me blush to wear. But it wasn’t the dress that held my attention, it was the swirling blue-black mark that now rested on her hand. A bargain. What had Rhys promised her in exchange for the position she was in currently. I started to walk over to my brother, having half a mind to pull him from the room by his ear and cursing him out for bringing her into this viper den before I saw her freeze in front of Tamlin. Much to credit, she didn’t let her chin dip once during Rhys’ and Amarantha’s exchange. I truly questioned both of their sanity before I heard Amarantha dismissing the two. I didn’t want to think how much this little stunt would cost Rhys in the long run. The pair slinked to the back of the room, everyone's eyes trailing over them. Watching to see what Rhys was up to. He handed her a goblet and after a few moments of what looked like a very heated discussion, Feyre downed the cup of faerie wine. 
Shit really hit the fan after her third glass. I watched the pink flood her cheeks and her eyes glass over. Rhys pulled her onto the dance floor and I decided I had enough. I walked out of the room. Refusing to watch her body move against my brothers. Realistically, I knew what state she had been in when she walked out of that last challenge. I knew what my brother had offered in return for her actions right now. And I knew from the way that the smirk didn’t reach his eyes that he was not enjoying himself at this moment. For whatever reason, he was protecting her from the consequences of healing her. 
Eventually, I heard the music from the night fading away and I knew that the party must be over. It would be another few hours before Rhys would slink into my room to lick his wounds. When he did show up, the berating words I had planned died in my throat. It could wait for later I decided as he sat down in the center of my bed. I never spoke first. I let him decompress as he needed to. Sometimes we would never say a single word and I was perfectly content to just let him sit in the room with me. I had long given up on reading books here. But he was sitting in my room, the sound of the crackling fire filling the quiet space. If  I closed my eyes hard enough, I could pretend we were both back in Velaris. The rest of our family loudly argued over some trivial joke. My mind wandered to what they were doing at this moment. 
✦✦✦ Azriel POV
Azriel still doesn’t know how he has lasted this long. Mor and Cassian sit with him, the silence that has lingered around the townhouse for the last 48 years sits even heavier today. Heavier because Mor had said Rhys’ name, had said your name. And he felt the hole in his chest stretch just a little further, ripping itself open again. He had long stopped trying to listen for the all too familiar voice in his head, a power you and your brother both shared. But he couldn’t help it as the pair next to him were talking once again about a plan to get the two of you back home. 
If he let himself think about it too much it was going to tear him apart. The terrified part of him that would spiral if he thought about how he might never get to hear your voice again. How he would never get to see Rhys smile. He longed for those stupid fights they would get into more than anything in the world right now. 
Azriel will never forgive himself for telling her where her brother was heading that day. What use was the spymaster when he couldn’t see that stoney determination on her face as she turned and walked away from the too?. He should have known from that one look what she was planning to do but he and Cas had both been called away later that day on separate missions. He didn’t even get to say goodbye to either of them. What hurt the most was the simple message he received later that day from Rhys. Don’t come after us, stay in Velaris. The reminder that if all of the inner circle left Velaris’ centuries-old protections would be lost was the only thing that kept any of them put. It didn’t stop the hope that there was a way out of this but as the years dragged on it was hard to think of new ways. 
As Azriel started to tune the now fighting pair around him out, he felt his shadows swirling around him. Letting the turmoil that was his mind show to his family. He nearly jumped out of his skin when Cassian placed a firm hand on his shoulder but knew better than to try to say any words of comfort, they had all been long spoken and neither of them believed them anymore. 
Days passed, and every night Rhys would parade Feyre around the throne room for everyone to gawk at. And every night I would tuck away in the corner until I could sneak out early. 
The second challenge came and went. Feyre getting one step closer to breaking this curse. I kept the kernel of hope tight to my chest, refusing to truly accept it until it happened. Maybe not even then. I found myself dreaming more and more about life in Velaris once we got out from under the mountain. Hope wasn’t supposed to survive down here but in spite of myself, I trusted this human girl to be the thing to save all of us. It was an unfair burden to place on her shoulders. 
The night of the final task snuck up on all of us. Everyone was called to the throne room as usual but something was different. This was it. Feyre would either survive and it would all be over, or she would fail and it would be over anyways. Rhys and I had spent the night in silence, the only sound was me sobbing. I didn’t know whether it was out of fear or relief. 
Feyre was marched out, flanked on either side by attors. As if she would try to run now. 
“Two trials lie behind you,” Amarantha let her voice ring around the room. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. “And only one more awaits. I wonder if it will be worse to fail now- when you were so close.” I tried to steady my ragged breaths. I caught eyes with Rhys and saw my own horror reflected in those violet eyes. 
“I love you. No matter what she says about it, no matter if it’s only with my insignificant human heart. Even when they burn my body. I’ll love you.” And from her words, I knew she meant it. Somehow this brave, selfless girl managed to fall in love with Tamlin. The cruel words I once screamed at him flickered into my mind. The person who ever truly loves you will be the most miserable person to ever exist. I meant it but looking at Feyre, I know that could never extend to her. Not after all of this, not if she managed to pull this off. 
Tamlin didn’t respond to her declaration of love and I realized how angry I was for this girl. He couldn’t break that mask enough to say it back to her. She was looking death square in the face for him and he didn’t have the decency to say a word back. 
Movement in the corner of the room caught my eye and my eyes went wide as three faeries with bags covering their heads were marched in. My stomach lurched when I saw that ash dagger brought in behind them. She was going to have to kill them. A life for a life. When I looked back at Feyre, she looked truly horrified. Horrified at Amarantha’s reminder that they were all innocent. 
Slow as a fae, Feyre took a step on shaking legs in front of the first figure. I saw the tremor in her hand as she reached for the dagger. Her skin turned a ghostly white as the hood was ripped off of the male in front of her. I closed my eyes, turning my head away. I couldn’t watch, couldn’t listen to the pleas of the male in front of Feyre nor the members of his court as they now recognized him. I heard a loud sob from Feyre and the sickening crunch of something cracking through bone and I knew she had done it. Tears ran down my face. I had killed people before but doing it in this setting, for this reason. I could only imagine how much this would cost her. 
I couldn’t turn to look for the second death. I only muttered along with the desperate prayer I heard her whisper. Let me fear no evil. Let me feel no pain. Let me enter eternity. The most sacred prayer to our people. I fought the urge to reach out with what little of my power was left in my body to turn her pain off. To take her mind away from the death that was looming right in front of her but I couldn’t reach out. It was like my power was stuck in my body. Coward. It screamed at me when I reached for it again. When I heard the splatter of blood, I knew it was too late. One more. 
The words that were spoken by Feyre were enough for me to snap my eyes open. “Not…Not fair.” She choked out. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rhys blanche. I felt like my own air had been ripped from my lungs as she just stared at Tamlin. She paused over the ash dagger. Freezing. I could see the gears turning in her head as she tried to find any way out of this. The whole room seemed to be holding their breath as she stood silent and still. 
I heard Tamlin suck in a breath as Feyre went to reach for that last dagger. Her whispering “I love you” was enough to bring more tears to my eyes and I couldn’t find it in myself to look away as she plunged the ash weapon into the center of his chest. 
Tamlin cried out in pain and I heard the clatter of metal against the floor of the room. It was as if an earthquake cracked through the room. When I looked at the dagger, I saw the bent tip. A heart of stone. The words pulled themselves from some deep part of my mind. The final part of the curse that Amarantha wouldn’t have known about. Something even I had forgotten about until it was staring me in the face. Feyre must have figured it out.
“She won. Free them” I couldn’t stop the words as they tumbled out of my mouth. And my heart threatened to completely stop as she turned to face me.
“I’ll free them whenever I see fit.” 
Feyre seemed frozen to her spot when Amarantha turned back to her. You. I’m going to kill you. I didn’t stop the scream as I heard her bones crack. Time seemed to freeze around us as I was stuck, unable to look away and unable to move. I vaguely heard Rhys scream Feyre’s name over and over. Couldn’t process his movements as he went to collect the ash dagger and lunged at Amarantha himself. He went flying against the wall was what broke me from whatever had paralyzed me. I was over by his side before I even knew I was moving. I tensed my whole body, ready to protect Rhys with my life as she screeched at him, at Feyre. 
Feyre was dying. I could sense it in the air. Could feel her fading away. The world seemed to completely freeze as she whispered. Love. The answer to your riddle is love. Her final words before the sickening sound of her spine snapping filled the room. 
All hel broke loose in the throne room. The masks of spring court citizens fell to the ground and I felt my long- missing power flow back into my body. I stared down at my hands in disbelief. I could barely hear the cries of Amarantha as she pleaded for her life. I didn’t spare her another glance. She would be someone else's problem. I rushed over to the girls' side. Ignoring Lucien and the other High Lords that started to surround her. Each opened their palm to drop a small glittering substance onto Feyre. One by one, the high lords all repeated the action. Rhys placed a hand on my shoulder as he did the same. Tamlin was last. And we all held perfectly still as we stared down at the broken girl in front of us. When I looked up at Rhys the pain in his face was enough to make me start crying again. 
Feyre gasped as she sat up, blinking heavily. She looked down at her arms and I saw the realization crash over her face. High Fae. The points of her ears and slight shimmer of her skin would make it impossible to deny. That was all I needed to see. I pulled my brother into my arms and rushed us out of the room. I hugged my brother for the first time in as long as I could remember. I crushed him as tight as my arms would allow me. I sobbed as I realized what this meant for us. I reached out my powers. They practically purred as I was finally able to use them again. I reached into the minds of my family for the first time in almost fifty years. 
We’re coming home.
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jayjj7 · 4 months
chapter 36. clarification
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a/n: thank you guys for 400 followers❤️ i also just had some bomb ass chicken
it felt like it’d been a year since you’ve been at danielle’s house, in reality it’s been a week. two people with completely different mindsets and goals never mixed well. from your perspective, danielle was dating minji and was cheating on her with you but you couldn’t help but still be drawn to her. from danielle’s perspective, she had no idea what went wrong, maybe she did start to believe what minji said about you using her. either way, danielle still wanted to be with you, at least care for you.
“come in please” danielle answered the door rather quickly, lights dim inside, the dark night outside not helping.
you walked in and were greeted with the familiar yet almost nostalgic sight of danielle’s couch where you spent countless hours talking and hanging out. the sight of it almost bringing you to tears. all you wanted was to be loved by danielle but you didn’t want to be a home wrecker.
“do you want some water?” danielle asked walking into her kitchen, avoiding eye contact.
“no thank you, i don’t want to be here for long, i don’t think minji would like that” you respond trying to keep your composure and not have your jealousy not shine through.
this comment threw danielle off but ignored it as she went to sit down across the couch from you. this never happened, danielle always sat right next to you, always smiled, always shinned, but not anymore.
seeing how different she was acting caused for your stomach to turn, the feeling of going down a rollercoaster and your insides spinning was the closest feeling to describe this.
“i just wanted to say that you are irresponsible and a really selfish person towards…her” you struggled to say minji’s name.
danielle nods in response, her heart sinking as she stared at you. her mind and heart was racing and she wanted to ask a million questions but didn’t want to interrupt you.
“we should’ve never done any of this” you point from yourself to her quickly to avoid your shaking hands to be revealed.
“y/n what are you talking about?”
“danielle you know what i’m talking about-“
“who is danielle?” she shakes her head, frustration getting to her.
“y/n why did you just get up and leave?” danielle asks, tears forming in her eyes.
you had a response in mind, you knew what you came here to do but seeing her like this broke your heart.
“you left with no explanation! i’ve been worried sick about you ever since! i’ve tried texting you but you blocked my number and i don’t know why!” tears stream down her face.
“stop worrying danielle! that’s the problem! you worry too much!”
silence filled the room as danielle processed what you said to her.
“you shouldn’t be doing this much when you have a girlfriend! i don’t want to be a home wrecker!” you add on to clarify.
“girlfriend?” she responds in confusion.
“you and minji!” her question bothered you, acting oblivious to the mention angered you.
“me and minji aren’t dating? to be frank i’m incredibly mad at her right now” danielle admits.
“yes you are! look at your lock screen, don’t play dumb with me right now!” you rub your forehead and try to calm yourself down.
danielle turns her phone on and is greeted with the picture of her kissing minji’s cheek. at that moment everything made sense to her, why you left, why you were angry, why you called her irresponsible.
“you’re really dumb y/n” danielle laughs as she wipes her tears.
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taglist : [ @modanisgf @greenniee @milfcr @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @urwyf3 @flolio @imahallucination11 @pandafuriosa60 @kaypanaq @nnewjeansstuff @haerinkisser @brocoliisscared @starrynini05 @l-e-e-woso @kimminjiswife @herlv3r @linnnsworld @multiliker @jisooftme @beanwtf1 @trovao-penguins @sweetcandycum @elliesrosetoy @justaharmlesspotat0 @masuowo @glock19enjoyer @milkncinnamonrolls ] taglist is open !! comment to be added !
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your-girl-mj · 10 months
heyy! could you do hcs where the reader is a female and is ganke's cousin and she just moved to brooklyn from korea and then she meets miles at the brooklyn visions academy and miles fell first but she fell harder?? tysm if you will do it!
that's your cousin?? [42 + 1610!Miles × f!reader]
summary: he fell first, but she fell harder. headcanons!
warning: swear words.
note: she/her for reader, he/him for miles, he/him for ganke.
created: august 20, 2023
published: august 21, 2023
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earth-1610 [miles morales]
he fell first
she was the first thing miles noticed when he got into physics class.
headphone plugged in her ears, the sun from the window shining on the side of her face. her fingers twisting and turning, playing with the pen in her hand as she read a comic book.
baby deer is mesmerised.
miles was in complete awestruck
to the point their teacher told him to sit down because he's frozen in his spot, staring at her.
miles took a seat next to her.
he was awkwardly fidgeting, stealing glances at her every now and then.
he wants to talk but doesn't know how to start :(
at the cafeteria, miles is sitting down brainstorming how he will talk to her.
he didn't expect her to sit right in front of him.
she talked to his roommate in korean, though it was more like they're arguing over the food choice.
she left shortly to fetch something while ganke ate
"hey, ganke. you know the new girl?"
"[name]? yeah, she's my cousin."
"that's your cousin???"
[name] retreated back before he could ask anymore questions
the next day in physics, he sat in the same seat again.
he's writing a script about how he will talk to her and how the conversation would go if he said something like this and like that.
he heard her humming to his favourite song, sunflower; as she sat next to him.
he panicked for a second because [name] knew his favourite song was not on the script
"uh, hey. you like sunflower too?"
boy, he's sweating like crazy when he only received a side eye.
"y'know...the song? heh, i uh, like that song, too..." he's biting the inside of his cheek, wanting the floor to swallow him whole.
"i guess it's not so bad."
that simple comment made his day bright. he looked back, with a smiley smiley face, but wipe it off. like, it's cool. she's cool, he's cool, everything is cool.
"yeah, yeah uh.. it's sounds okay."
[name] hides a snort because she can clearly see how happy he is at something.
"hey, i didn't catch your —"
the teacher shushed him, and it got him embarrassed.
he was doing a good job talking with her, and now he looks like someone who doesn't listen to classes.
he's literally have a :( face.
"[name] [lastname]"
her voice echoed and he's awestruck again, and thinking; "she talks to me again! she likes me too!"
"oh uh, I'm miles. miles morales." he made sure he repeated his first name like those cool dude introduced themselves in action films.
and his uncle aaron used to do that too.
do not even get me to the shoulder touch.
she was by her locker and then closed the door and saw miles standing there, waiting for her.
the original plan in his head is he's gonna do the shoulder touch and then ask her if she wanna hang out after school.
and his prayers are not enough.
"hi?" she looked at him sceptical.
— it was so awkward, and miles made it even worse when he put a hand on her shoulder and made a ... some sort of face at her
his one brow is rised, it's like he's smiling but also not?
[name] literally have "??????" flying over her head. and look at him weirdly.
"hey?" she repeated his word in a question matter.
miles felt sad after that because he thought she wouldn't talk to him anymore and that he look so weird in her perspective.
but [name] act like that awkward moment never happen to save miles' whole being.
and he's so grateful for her to do that.
she fell harder
how can she not fall for him? he's an absolute sweetheart!
miles invites her to all his hangouts with ganke
(ganke doesn't give a shit but it bothers him a bit that his roommate have heart eyes for his cousin)
sometimes, he brought to her different places in brooklyn. and even if there's a warning sign, it didn't stop her from going with him.
miles treated her so well it makes her heart go BOOM BOOM BOOM
he always has a hand out to help her up, like she wants to get up and his hand is out.
"let me help you up," was always his dialogue for her.
he also pays for her food.
(she and ganke fought about who's miles' favorite)
(in korean of course. no way they let miles heard it.)
he likes to leave little gifts for her.
mostly it was little notes and drawings.
sometimes it was a freshly picked sunflower, or sometimes he gave her a full-grown [fav.flower]
she doesn't know how he got it in a city but didn't question it.
the fact that miles is just expressing his feelings, [name] feel more and more appreciated.
no boy can ever top miles.
[name] is not used to his act of service.
she refuses, knowing she can handle it herself.
but only accept when he insisted or when he looks disappointed.
miles do it all the time, that it became a routine for him <33
to the point that [name] also got used to his sweet actions and unconsciously sought it T_T
(ganke was force to get use to it)
she noticed she feels more giddy with him
she knew she fell when miles stuttered a few words in her mother tongue.
in her head, she was screaming, "HE LEARN HER LANGUAGE SO SHE CAN TALK EASILY TO HIM"
while miles want to jump off the window by how stupid he thinks he sounds.
miles did so much for her. she always returned it back as well. <33
miles is too flustered to even keep his "cool" demeanour whenever she left little notes like he always do
little cousin is forced again to participate (she made ganke give miles her old art materials that still work)
of course, she finds out he's spiderman.
she wasn't allowed to go to the boy's dormitory and vice versa.
but she couldn't take it anymore when her cousin "borrowed" her comic book and hasn't given back for over 5 months and it's pissing her off because she knew ganke can be careless with her things.
she opened the door unannounced and saw something she shouldn't
miles was trying to take off his suit but is stuck, and ganke is helping by pulling it as well.
[name] awkwardly close the door.
with a flaming crimson face, before bolting to her dorm.
miles is slamming his head repeatedly on the wall.
ganke was a little worried that miles' secret is revealed to his cousin, and she might tell on them
that's not what miles is sulking for.
"she saw me without a shirt on... kill me."
he's so embarrassed, he want to stop existing.
to be honest, she doesn't give two fucks that he's spiderman, she's just angry they didn't tell her
especially miles.
they make up tho <33
their hangouts upgraded from abandoned train vandalism to watching the sunset from the top of a tower.
it was also where they had their first date.
[name] confessed. she did it first before miles for the last second.
he's a little pouty about it because it made him look like a chicken
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earth-42 [miles morales]
he fell first
just because he fell first doesn't mean he notice her on her first day.
miles didn't officially meet her in school.
he met her at night. when he was prowler, patrolling.
he saw it with his night vision. a drunk guy was following a girl.
he already know it's not gonna end well.
miles was ready to tackle the guy from the top of the building, but what the girl did was unexpected.
she has a tazer in her hand, electrocute the drunk by his neck.
she watches its body tremble for a few seconds before she lets go.
the drunk's body just fell unconscious with a loud thud
the girl needs things to protect herself too, y'know, especially in a city full of crimes.
miles felt his heart do a small flip.
a smirk under his mask as she watch her walked away like nothing happened.
she's a tough one. feisty. and he's desperate for her number.
but he can't just randomly show up. he'll get knocked out as well, and he doesn't want that.
miles thought he'll never see that girl again, but to his general shock, they sat next to each other in one of his class.
he's pissed at himself for not noticing her much earlier.
miles is also pissed when he saw her and his roommate hanging out, inside and outside school.
he thought they were lovers 💀
he's pissed at himself when he finds out she's ganke's cousin.
"that's your cousin...?"
"yeah, she transferred here for over 7 months now."
he get that they're not that close but still. he's still his roommate, and he could've told him about his cousin he didn't know about.
and didn't make him listen to broken-hearted songs on repeat.
he learned her name indirectly, which was [name] [lastname].
mister here finds himself searching for her whenever he's on patrol or when he's on a heist with his uncle.
his mask have a search thing where you type a person's name, and then he can detect if they're around the area. (inspired by his uncle's old mask)
it has a history bar, and aaron is shocked to see a girl's name over and over again.
one lucky morning is when they got partnered up, and they both started hanging out.
from strangers to best friend kind of one.
but one of them already have feelings for the other.
and he wishes to stay it that way unless she shows some signs she likes him too.
she fell harder.
every moment she feels herself falling, she's snapping herself out of it.
he's good-looking, of course he is.
he always thought he was scary, especially with the rumours of him being in a fight after his dad died.
he always has this frown in his face, too
her fear of miles made ganke take advantage of it by hiding in his dormitory knowing she will leave because miles will show up in any second
she's mad at him for it. (she didn't talk to him in 4 months)
but when they become friends, she feels a small, giddy feeling inside.
miles treated her differently.
but a good differently. anyone can tell he have a soft spot for her and no one knows why, even [name] herself.
yes, he still teased and was annoying as usual, but the way his eyes softened at the sight of her made her feel content with life itself.
she feels a bit special how miles treated her differently than the others.
let say she read a trope like theirs
she didn't look into it much. she hates that assuming something that will turn out to be wrong, she has false hope this entire time.
that's why she stopped herself whenever they're together.
she still acts like she did with everyone else, but she's a little more open to miles than the others.
she lost it when he suddenly grabbed hold of her shoulder, looking directly in her eyes with an unreadable expression.
"hey." was all he can say, and her face fires up like one of her cells commited arson
"oh, oh shit. uh, hi? what the fuck??" she suddenly blurbs out, jumbled on her own words. "miles, what??? what the hell??"
miles burst out laughing at her reaction, he haven't laughed like that in a long time.
[name] just stood there processing everything. she's flabbergasted.
was that a flirt?? or was she not paying attention for him to do crazy things like that???
after that, she didn't know what just happened or what he ate, but [name] feels like he's flirting.
and she's flirting back, with a little violent action as well.
she smacks him every time he smirks, that literally screams, "you want me so bad."
miles concluded her love language is physical. just physical. (she hits him too much that he feels numb but won't change a thing <3)
few weeks later, they're dating, miles did the shoulder touch, and he swear that will not work (it did) to see if she likes him too or not.
through out their relationship, [name] get easier to be flustered now than before since miles was born a flirt.
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this is my first time doing headcanons, so idk if i do it right. snsbsksbei
but i hope you like it! comments and reblog are deeply appreciated. thank you for reading!
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realisticjupiter · 1 month
Hiii I hope you're doing well this fine evening:) I was wondering if you can write chishiya that notice this one beach resident (reader) that keeps staring at him and at first he thinks that she's planning some evil schemes or something but no he just finds out with his super detective skills she's drawing him. Alot. And ends up confronting her about it. Thank you sooo much xoxo.
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ꔫ ⸝⸝ summary: chishiya always seemed to catch you in the act. what was the act? he needed to know.
ꔫ ⸝⸝ pairing: chishiya x gn!reader
ꔫ ⸝⸝ genre: fluff
ꔫ ⸝⸝ warnings: none
ꔫ ⸝⸝ word count: 931
A/N: this was a little rushed but i hope you still like it!
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It started off as what Chishiya hoped to be a coincidence. When he'd catch your gaze and you'd walk away; like a guilty dog.
He could tell you've gained more confidence when you'd stare right back at him and continue the soft movements of your wrist on the notebook you had laid on your lap.
Then it became more frequent, like you'd been following him and knew everywhere he'd be.
At some point he thought he was the one following you.
He couldn't pull away when he saw you again. Up on a balcony with the ability to look at every other beach resident, but every time you looked up--your eyes were on him.
He had given you the nickname 'Stalker' when talking to Kuina about it. And Kuina happened to be the one who put the paranoid thought that you were plotting an evil scheme against him.
Honestly, it could make sense. The constant writing, the more frequent encounters. What else would it be?
Chishiya, the curious cat. Far too curious for his own good the way he made his way back inside the Beach. Fast and large footsteps going towards where he saw you. Hoping he'd catch you before you'd disappear again.
But just with his luck, the chair you once sat in was empty. He took smaller steps to walk deeper inside the balcony, looking down to see your perspective.
Chishiya turned around, eyeing the chair that he wanted to stuff in an evidence bag and get it tested for anything and everything to figure out who you were.
He kneeled down, bringing his hand out to grab onto the black piece that felt like chalk on his fingers.
It was charcoal. Why did you have charcoal?
And as smart as Chishiya was. He now realized every theory he had, was now wrong just by this small piece in his hand.
He stood back up, studying the charcoal under his intimidating gaze as if it would talk to him with words.
You were an artist. At least, that's what it seemed like. Someone plotting on his demise wouldn't be writing a plan in charcoal. But rather draw a picture, like a face they could see daily.
That was his face.
Now he really wanted to find you; more than before. He wanted to ask you if he was right, and then maybe you'd show him your art with a smile.
He thought about that charcoal piece since he had woken up. And he realized maybe he could see the way other people viewed him, outside of his life and onto a piece of paper.
Catching you in the act seemed easy in his mind. He went to the same place every morning, and he'd see you there too. But instead of being on his side of the room, he'd sneak up behind you. Startle you, then help you up before taking that charcoal piece out of his pocket and into your view.
Sometimes he scared himself how easy it was to predict other people's moves, it felt like he had some sort of superpower.
Because that's exactly what happened.
You jumped to the sound of his voice, "Stalking again?" His voice husky, but soft as he spoke with a grin.
"Maybe?" You spoke as if it was question towards him, afraid you had made him uncomfortable.
"Maybe?" His grin grew larger when he quoted your words back to you, bringing out that charcoal piece you left behind.
You put on a shy smile when you saw it, reaching your hand out to grab it before he pulled away.
"It took me a while to find out what you were doing." Chishiya spoke, looking around your body to try and spot that notebook you carried around.
"It's only fair you show me what you were really doing." He cleared his throat after the words left his mouth, his eyes going back to yours to study your expression.
"That's true..." You chuckled, "I guess that is fair." You sighed, taking the notebook out of the satchel that rested on your body.
You handed it to him. You didn't need to show him a certain page, the entire notebook was just filled with him and maybe someone who was standing beside him if you got bored.
He noticed a few of him and Kuina, noticing the perfect strokes of led or charcoal that stained the white pages.
"These are better than I thought they would be." He hummed honestly, slowly flicking through the pages and taking in everything they offered.
"Thanks." You nodded, "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable... Or anything. I'm not good at talking to people. And you're quite satisfying to draw." You explained through a nervous lump in your throat. Your fingers fidgeting with each other as they rested above your thigh.
"I'm not uncomfortable." He shook his head, finally peeling his eyes away to look at yours. "I thought you were trying to kill me at first." He shrugged, looking back down.
"Oh," You nervously laughed, trying to wait patiently for him to hand it back.
"Where'd you learn how to draw?" He asked curiously, finally closing the notebook and handing it back to your shaking hands.
You shrugged, "Just something I taught myself over the years." You explained, stuffing the notebook into your bag.
"If you ever draw me again, you should show me." He wasn't suggesting it, he was hoping it.
You nodded before watching him walk away, only realizing he hadn't given the charcoal piece to you until he was out of sight.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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thinking about "growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all" and "I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser" and "they expected me to find somewhere, some perspective, but I sat and stared right where you left me" and "I never grew up it's getting so old" and "will you still want me when I'm nothing new?" and "I got wasted like all my potential" but also "wish I never grew up, it could still be simple" and "give me back my girlhood it was mine first" and "she'll say she got the map from me" and "but the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light" and "when your girlish glow flickers" and '"I'll get older but your lovers stay my age"' and "tried to change the ending, peter losing wendy" and "you said you'd come and get me but you were twenty five and the shelf life of those fantasies has expired" and "just say 'I loved you the way that you were'" and "how did I go from growing up to breaking down" and how there are these fascinating, overlapping, and contradictory themes in taylor's work of both not growing up or changing and also of growing up and outgrowing situations and changing and the effects of that and as someone in their late twenties who bounces between feeling my age and feeling like I'm still a teenager and feeling old beyond my years (often in the same day), I'm not sure if there is anything more relatable than those feelings
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freakywrites · 10 months
Sub König x femdom reader SMUT!!
Part 2 (purely smut)
Smut dictionary- degrading kink, femdom, male sub, orgasm denial, mommy kink, Dacryphilia
I think that’s about it…..idk Not edited so maybe a lil typos
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The relationship for You and König from your parties perspective was seen as two rivals. You two were both at each others throat trying to one up each other which was normal for you but König? He was more of the quiet type except for in the battle field where he was the most brutal and rather loud but they don’t know your relationship.
Not at all.
You could feel his eyes on you again you turn back and there he is, the silent colonel staring at you with intensity as you where showing the party some knew information on a table scattered with files and maps. Still explaining you had the brilliant idea to tease him by arch your back a little while you reach over to get a pen from the other side of the table grabbing it tightly to your hand and ended your meet-up for that day so you can get ready for tomorrows new plan.
The stares of the masked man still lingered as you went on with your day you could see him standing from the corner of your eye, it felt humorous to think you can’t see him. He is massive! What an idiot. You looked back at him and he flinched as you walk towards him. “Hello sir, your eyes been on me all day. What did I do wrong?” You asked looking up at him with your arms crossed his eyes softened and he mumbled “pl-please….meet me at my room please….” He tried to look stronger by puffing out his chest and clenching his fists that where at his sides. From someone else perspective it would look like he was in control but that would be far from the truth.
You could burst out laughing at his nervousness but that would lead others into the conversation. “I will soon colonel, ok? Be patience for me yes?” You said smiling innocently and König lets out a huff his hand raises to hold yours but you swat it away making him let out a gasp. “No touching remember? Wait for me at your room ok?” You hissed ending the conversation as you walk away leaving him there standing pitifully.
That night when everyone was asleep you snuck into König’s room and smiled as you saw his large frame sat on his bed hands on his lap fidgety fingers shaking and picking at skin. Gloomy eyes turn bright with joy as soon as he noticed your presence watching you shut the door quietly. “Did you miss me König?” You asked tilting your head and the taller man nodded eagerly. “yes- ye-yes” he repeated frantically his voice trembling you almost felt bad for him…. Almost. You walked to the taller man lifting his head up with your hand his eyes stare at yours you can feel him gulp fluttering eyes filled with need.
“my poor baby you did so well!” You said getting onto his lap his shaky hands tried to hold your waist but he flinched as you continued to voice. “…but you lost it on the last day! You know what that means right baby?“ you smiled sinisterly “whatever I do… no touching ok? This will be one of your punishments today for being so impatient..” You watched his eyes gloss over with panic and sadness as his hands gripped the edge of the bed where he sat. “Yes” he said sadly eyeing you. You stand taking of the pajama pants you had on at the time along with your panties looking at him as you touch yourself teasing him and you can see his chest rise and fall his blue eyes hungrily scan your body then down to your cunt, you can already see a tent rising in his grey sweat pants you let out a giggle.
“stay still and be a good boy for me ok König?” You said straddling him, your left hand around his neck the other pulling down his pants his length springing out as König let out a whimper at the cool breeze hitting him. As per your orders he hasn’t touched himself, touched you, he hasn’t even watched porn but you didn’t order him to do that he was so sensitive it hurts he needed you so bad. “P-please mommy- mama- please” He begged looking at your fingers trace gently over him he needed more, he need everything, he needed you.
You turned your attention to him “use your words König” you demanded him. his hips stuttered up to get any friction but you moved your hand away from him. he spoke “please touch me- I want it please mommy…” he begged over and over again almost to the point of crying you kissed the outer corner of his eye and whispered “sense you asked so nicely baby…” you smiled as your hand traveled under his mask you spoke. “now suck.” you comande and he obediently did his mouth lapping at your fingers first then taking them into his mouth suckling it as he looked at you his eyes dilating as you say your praises.
Once your fingers where well coated your hand moved to König’s lonely manhood teasing the tip as you watch his eyes roll back at your warm hand barely touching him. “aw you missed me so much huh baby?” You laughed out as he nodded his head looking down at your hand teasing his length.
He gasped, hips twitching as you started to trace the veins of his dick letting out a whimper as you begin to move in a good pace. You see him buck his hips which you quickly push down. Your face turn to him kissing his masked jaw. “you’re such a slut you know König? So impatient for me huh?” You said and König whined. “n-no not a slut- no” He said his head laying on your neck. It made you laugh when you felt him pulse on your hand. “oh ya? Then why do you like it when I degrade you huh? You like it when I call you names?” You whispered in his ear and he shivered clenching the bed sheets as he felt himself close.
“you’re acting like a deprived whore, you like that nasty stuff huh? Creep~” You spat with a nasty grin on your face. The taller man lets out a shaky semi-loud moan as he was on the edge seeing stars but the high left him as you stopped all movement your thumb squeezing gently at the slit of his tip. “wa-what are y-you mommy- plea-hah plea-I” he was letting out begs and sobs you kissed his neck and masked cheek smiling evilly “do you remember König? It will be a punishment today!” You say bubbly the taller man was about to protest but stopped when he was pushed down to the mattress it squeaking under his weight.
His doe eyes stared at you his black eye makeup a little smeared from letting out his little pathetic cries. You positioned yourself on his length your hand cupping his chest rubbing circles on them making him let out shaky breath.
“Be a good boy and maybe I’ll let you have your way with me~”
WAAH WOH OH MY my first smut! Honestly imma bout to throw up cuz I’m still not healthy yet 😞
Buttt I had a lot of fun making this! Please understand I’m not really skilled with smuts sense idk I don’t think I’m that good at writing them! I hope you do like it!
Love y’all xoxo 💋
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belladonnadawn · 2 months
Silver Springs
“I know I could have loved you if you would just let me.”
Alex x Reader
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After your ex’s infidelity, you swore that you’d never let your heart be discarded once again. Then came Alex. He was sweet, charming, and passionate. His charm seems to skyrocket once you find out about his skill at photography. How he captured images and changed its perspective truly enticed you; and soon he captured your heart too.
You were guarded– scared. That feeling of fear was valid after what happened in your last relationship. But Alex was understanding, he told you how it happened to him too and your heart broke with his. Nevertheless, your relationship blossomed from there. Slowly let your guard down, with a hope that maybe this time it was worth it.
Everything was smooth sailing, you sometimes wonder if you got lucky or blessed. Either way, you’re sure that what you had was meant to last. And it did, for four amazing years. You knew what you and Alex had was special. 
HIs success was inevitable. You believed since then that he was bound to go big, making his own name in the industry. It meant more gigs, more work, and less time with you. You understood since you were building your career path as him.
But these past few days a new name became familiar in your household: Natalie. All you know from his accounts was that she's a good colleague: efficient, passionate, and pretty. You knew her position and understood her significance in his career, but to see that Alex has someone to bond with the same passion together… it did bother you. You tried to swallow the jealousy bubbling up inside you, blaming it on lack of affection and distance from each other’ but it never went away.
Then came the doubts, the suspicions, and finally the argument.
There's not a day where the argument never replayed in your mind. You pointed fingers at yourself, wishing you were quieter and more understanding. You’d stare at him, wishing he was assuring and empathetic. But you know that no one wins in the blame game, so you try to move forward. After four years, there’s no storm that you and Alex haven’t weathered… right?
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Tension filled the night air as you and Alex faced each other again. After the argument, you expected reconciliation– after all, there’s a calm after a storm. But you were wrong. Alex revealed that a new life was welcoming him, a life in New York filled with new opportunities and experience. You were beyond happy for him, especially when you watched his journey for years. But that happiness didn’t stay long as he revealed that it was best for you and him to part ways.
“With the right person, I think I’d be able to do it.” Alex took a deep sigh, head hung low. The statement made you flinch, heart falling to your stomach. After dissociating for how long, it brings you back to the situation as if it’s rubbing it in the wound, mocking you. 
“Do you hear yourself?” He looks up at you, meeting your gaze. You look at him in disbelief, not recognizing the man you love. 
Both of you sat in silence, the air was thick with things left unsaid. You felt your heart beating out of your chest. You never thought that you’ll reach this point in your relationship. 
“We had just one argument, one disagreement; and now you’re casting me away for New York? After four years?” You tried to hide the hate in your words, but after being placed in such a predicament, you know you can’t. 
Alex stood up, trying to make his point across. “It’s not just that, you have no idea how complicated our relationship would be, especially after you accused me!”
“Are you really breaking up with me because of my accusations or you're breaking up with me so you can enjoy your new life in New York?” You stood your ground, wanting to awaken some senses to him.
Alex only sighed, looking away from you. “You don’t understand.”
“I know I don’t.” You spoke, words laced with contempt and sorrow. Your heart shattered; you didn't know that this is how it ends. You could see your picture perfect future shattered in front of you.
“Did you even imagine a future or a life with me?” With a heavy heart, you looked at him for answers.
‘Did you even consider me as the right person?’ 
You bit your tongue, holding back the question. At the state of your relationship, you already knew the answer. It was tragic that it must come to an end. You love him, but you know that love is not enough foundation in a relationship.
“I think I need to get some air.” You grabbed your belongings, praying that the tears you’ve been holding back won’t burst out in front of him. Your relationship flashed in your eyes, a bittersweet feeling engulfs your heart.
You could fight and beg for him, but that would seem desperate– and love isn’t built out of desperation. You could scream how much you deserve better, but only the ones who truly love you will be willing to listen. So you just decided to take a walk to clear your mind. The night was quiet, a contrast to the tumultuous emotions that continued to fill you. Your gaze fell on the stars, with a silent wish that the pain that you carry would hurt less. Holding your heart, you let yourself love for the last time.
“Good luck, Alex. I wish you well in New York.”
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Note: Hello, everyone! Thought I might post an Alex fic before taking a break. Been visiting the doctor these past few days, and let's just say I'm still under observation. I'll be okay (Maybe a Kayson audio would revive me, I miss him so much), and I promise to come back with more bangers. Might lurk from time to time tho hehe. That's all, thank youuu!
Pattern banner from Cafekitsune.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 3 months
Hello, I read ur rule and it says you write about mental health issues so, can I request a resident lover one where mc copes in a way that uses cutting basically
Sh, and it's not like.. obvious but concerning enough, and id like to see how donna would do, or react in your perspective,thank you ❤️ also the previous Donna fix was awesome, got me feeling butterflies
(Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words. I’ve decided to do Donna and Bela like you asked in the other ask you sent. I really hope that you enjoy this and that it helps you)
Donna & Bela reacting to their S/O hurting themselves
RL! Donna x Reader & RL! Bela x Reader
(Warning: Self harm, mentions of blood, comfort)
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💐Donna Beneviento💐
- When she first found out, she was utterly stunned, not once did she expect you to do this.
- A million thoughts run through her head, mainly self-deprecating thoughts blaming herself for not noticing sooner.
It felt like time had frozen in place as you saw Donna standing in the doorway. You saw that she had already left for work but you didn’t expect is for her to come back so soon.
“W-what, cara mia-” is all Donna could say. She walked away to get some things to clean up the blood and treat your wounds. When she got back she sat you down and began the treatment, staying silent most of the time until she spoke up.
“Tesoro, you don’t have to do this. I’m here, if you need to talk to anyone I-I’m always here for you.” Donna says nervously, afraid that she may say something wrong and make it worse.
She swiftly finishes up rubbing the disinfectant on you, taking the bandages and stares through them like she’s zoned out in thought. Donna looks at your fresh wounds and leans forward to place a small, quick kiss on one of them. This caught you off guard but you were touched by the sweet gesture, making you smile a little.
“I love you, caro, and don’t you ever forget that. If I ever lose you my whole world would be shattered.” Donna says, placing another kiss but this time on your lips. “Now let’s get you wrapped up and you can vent to me if you’d like. If not then we can have a you day and do whatever you want.”
🫀Bela Dimitrescu🫀
- She was shocked when she found out that you self harm. She even scolded you, telling you that if she ever lost you her newly beating heart, the same heart that you helped her get back, would be shattered.
- Though she stops talking and takes a deep breath once she realizes that she’s scolding you. She then takes the more comforting route.
Bela felt as if her heart dropped down to her stomach when she saw what you were doing. She ran towards you and grabs your shoulders firmly but still gentle.
“W-what are you doing- no, why are you doing this?!” Bela frantically asks, looking into your eyes, seeing fear and guilt in them. She takes a deep breath to calm herself before pulling you into a gentle embrace.
“It’s okay darling, I’m not mad. I was never angry at you I was just scared. Let me clean your wounds.” Bela assures, pulling away to get a wet towel and some disinfectant.
When she got the supplies, she began to clean you up. Staying quiet to gather her thoughts. After she was finished she gently pulled you into the bed with her, your face in her chest.
She played with your hair to comfort you as she spoke, “I’m sorry I didn’t notice this sooner. Please don’t do this anymore, if you ever need to talk, no matter what time it is you can always come to me and I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.” Bela says, kissing the top of your head.
“But for now, rest up sweetness and I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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loeyparker · 2 years
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PLAYLIST         |        AO3 (soon)
when Peter Parker falls into another world, you’re there to welcome him with suspicion and a drawn gun.  set before, during & after nwh; slow burn
credits for the story's cover goes to the amazing, the lovely @veraocruel
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