#so i can just learn it and then Forget 💚
laikahh · 2 years
i havent gone insane in math class yet. big achievement
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hanafubukki · 14 days
Ok, I just can't get out of my head, big brother Silver and Malleus. Maybe MC and Lilia having their own child and it's a baby girl. She'd be the most beloved little girl in the Valley. I can imagine this is Silver's first time meeting a baby that young and he'd be so soft uwu. Like, he'd be her perfect prince and he'd be more than happy to live up to her image. He takes his role as being her big brother as seriously as his role as Malleus' knight. Malleus, meanwhile. I mean, the child is the product of his favorite human and his father figure. Say no more. Man would basically ignore a royal counsel meeting if it means going to one of her tea parties. Super duper important meeting... Yeah, that's a tomorrow problem. Man has a tea party to go and a messily writter invite in glitter ink is basically on top of his paperwork so he won't forget it. Ok, sorry for the rant. It's just nothing makes me softer than Lilia being a dad again and getting another member in his beloved family. Thank you.
Hello Anonie 🌺🌷💚
First of all Anonie, *grabs you by the shoulders* never be sorry about sending me these! I love love love fluff, especially domestic fluff! And adding on babies?! Ahsjsjjdd Anonie???? I’m the one who suffers from baby fever constantly ansjsjjdjfd believe me, I adore it. (My first fic was a lilia x reader who had a child together ahhhh💞💞💞). This is some of my faves to see in fics 💚💚🌺🌺
One of my fave ideas is a little girl being born into the Diasomnia family. I can see it change their dynamics but also not change it. Certain aspects will remain the same: teaching self defense/training, escaping Lilia’s food (unless she’s the rare one that likes it, to the detriment of everyone else haha), the pranks, etc.
But also, she’ll have these four overprotective figures in her life. Can you imagine when she dates? The sheer panic??
Malleus will eventually have to take a spouse, Silver might too, and now Lilia’s little girl? Papa is going to have a meltdown. Everyone is getting married and leaving him! (Ironic lmfaoo) But, relax, she was just born Lilia! She’s still a toddler! MC out here looking at this ex-general turned drama papa and enjoying the chaos in a fondly exasperated way.
Sebek, Sebek honey, you are so lucky not to deal with this 🤣🤣 that’s a Baul problem 😂😂
As we seen with Silver and the kids durning the bunny event, Silver is trying his best to be the best brother and Prince Charming figure to his little sister. He just…has trouble at times 🤣 But she knows her big brother Silver well just like she knows big brother Malleus, in her eyes, no one is as charming as them.
He’s going to take her and his animal friends to the meadows nearby. They’ll make flower crowns and talk about what’s for dinner as they forage for ingredients. I can see Silver teaching her to dance as Malleus taught him and Lilia.
She’ll sit on his shoulders and pick from apple trees. He’ll teach her how to pick berries. He’ll teach her about animal tracksand hunting. Of course, for now, she’s too young. But no one is too young to learn survival skills right? ✨✨
She can even train with him and he’ll carry her back when she’s tired. All tucked into him, safe in his arms.
As for Malleus? What meeting? His only meeting is this tea party that he’s been invited to. Don’t you see this messy yet glitter filled invite? How dare you try and stop him? Jkjk but at the same time I’m not. 😆
Big Brother Malleus is not going to miss out. He was late once, stupid councilmen, and the sad look he saw then had him almost burning the castle down. Lolol jkjk …maybe.
I can see Malleus getting busy with work at times, maybe so busy he late to dinner. Next thing he knows, there’s a tiny person peeking over his paperwork, giving him a look that can rival Lilia’s cute pout. (It’s even better than his in fact, no one tell Lilia but I doubt he’d mind. He’ll gladly give that mantle to his baby girl)
His baby sister asks him when he’s coming for dinner and it’s late, won’t he take a break? The way this Fae King folds? It would astound the masses. 💞
On the days where Malleus says he can’t join, oh my dear king, this baby girl is as stubbornness as her papa and brothers. She will pout and sit there, threatening not to eat until her big brother does. How can you deny that?
You know that phase that all little girls go through? The one where they want to marry the ones they really love? Watch these three just try their best to get her to choose them. 😂🤣
The winner is MC, of course, no one can beat Mama 💞💞 laughing at the thought of the three depressed in the dark corner.
Ahhh this was so cute! Thank you for sending this in Anonie 💞💞💚💚
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talaok · 8 months
I love your dad Pedro! Could you please do a cute fluff piece of a him just loving being a girl dad? Maybe he and baby girl just spending the day together, hom singing purple rain and dancing in the living room with her and trying to teach her to walk? Ooommggg 💚
Pairing: Pedro pascal x f!reader
a/n: i think dad pedro is my all time favorite so thank you for requesting it (and i do not know shit about babies or when they start walking or talking properly so just pretend this is accurate pls)
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He still couldn't believe that this was his life.
that he was living in a home that he shared with you, the most amazing and incredible wife he could have ever dreamed of, and with your daughter, with his beautiful daughter who happened to be holding onto him, singing or, more accurately, mumbling sounds resembling the words of his favorite song: Purple rain, desperately trying to keep up with him as he softly sang it for her.
He couldn't believe that the angel looking up at him, with her mom's beauty and his attitude, was actually his, that he had helped create her, that she was standing on his feet and gripping his shirt as he guided her around in a makeshift slow dance.
He couldn't believe any of it, but god was he grateful.
He had everything he ever wanted, and every day felt like a dream, it didn't matter anymore if he didn't get cast for a role, if he fought with a director, if the guy beside him skipped the line at the grocery store, nothing simply mattered anymore as long as he had you, the two loves of his life.
And yes, every day was perfect, but today especially.
It was a beautiful sunny Sunday
he didn't have to work, and he didn't have anything to do so he could spend all his time with you.
He woke up with you curled up close to him, and a wide smile couldn't help but pull at his lips as he watched you sleep so peacefully.
After a few moments, he decided not to wake you, and only allowed himself a soft kiss on your forehead, before sneaking out of the room.
And that's when he walked by your daughter's room and heard those cute noises he knew too well, so he knocked, opened the door, and found her exactly as he had predicted, sitting up on her bed with two of her dolls in each one of her hands.
And again, he smiled, he smiled that happy smile he seemed to constantly have on his face lately.
So then he offered to go have breakfast, but she counteroffered to stay in her room and play instead, and of course, she had won.
You always made fun of him for how easily he agreed to whatever your daughter said, and as much as he liked to protest, he too, knew it was the truth.
God only knows how many tea parties he had attended with her stuffed animals, or how many times he had ended up with a full face of makeup because those big eyes of hers had gotten him to fold.
But anyway, after some time she eventually got hungry so they moved the party to the kitchen, he cooked some pancakes and cut some strawberries and he watched, as she ate everything on her plate, smiling like an idiot the whole time, and forgetting all about his own breakfast.
And then you had woken up and he had gotten to actually kiss you, and then somehow, he was dancing in the living room with his daughter.
And he still couldn't believe it.
The day only got more perfect as he watched his daughter stumble barefoot in your backyard as he tried to teach her how to walk.
He'd been at it for what felt like hours, guiding her with his hands at first, then trying to hold a toy with her, and letting go when she walked, but nothing seemed to really work.
"c'mon peach, you can do it" he encouraged her, luring her with one of her dolls "Come to daddy"
But all she did was crawl back to him, smiling widely as he reached him.
He let out a soft chuckle as she gave her the doll and watched her sit back to play with it next to that green ball she also adored.
"you know... she doesn't have to learn how to walk today" you murmured, walking beside him to put your arms around his torso as he stood up "She'll get there in her own time"
Your eyes were both on her as you spoke to one another.
"I know" he nodded, "I just..." he sighed, not able to finish
"I'm just scared that she'll get there when I'm not gonna be there to see it" he confessed, his voice suddenly thinner
"baby" you cooed, urging him to turn towards you "that's not gonna happen" you shook your head "and even if it does, it's not the end of the word, what matters is that she does it"
"I know, you're right" he breathed "I'm just scared that with work and everything I'm gonna miss all her important steps"
"but you haven't" you murmured "You were there when she said her first word, and you were even there when she ate all her food without throwing it on the ground for the first time" You couldn't help but laugh at the memory
"I know" he smiled too now "You're right... as always," he said, leaning in to kiss you.
You chuckled softly "You're an amazing dad, baby, you need to stop worryin-"
But your words died in your thought and your eyes widened as they focused behind him.
He took your expression in and turned in an instant, worried sick,
But when he expected to see the worst, to see something happen to his angel, what presented itself before him, was actually the opposite.
She was walking.
She was stumbling behind the ball as it rolled away from her to try and catch it like it was nothing.
She was walking. His daughter was walking
"Is she...?" you stuttered
"she is"
And once again, he couldn't believe it
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citrus-c0la · 3 months
Hi! I’m a fellow Idia liker and might I say- you draw him beautifully. I was wondering if you can give me any tips on his hair 😭 I’ve only drawn him like 2 times and I just can’t get it right.
Hello! Thank you so much! QwQ I'm not very good at giving tips nor am i confident in my skills but here are some ways that helped me learn how to draw it!
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Firstly, you categorize his hair into different parts, that way, its easier to see what kind of silhouette or form you want it to take. Its basically like how you usually learn how to draw hair, by sectioning them into bigger pieces.
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After this, you can start adding more details into those strands to make it well... fiery? Honestly, I highly suggest looking at references especially with his sprite because you can easily break it down once you start understanding the shapes of his strands!!!
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Here's a comparison with the reference. As you can see, I just simplified his hair so that it would make it easier for me to understand since I basically just need the overall shape of his hair. Also!!! Sectioning the hair into different parts can really help you, especially if with different hairstyles!!! For instance, you can remove the other half of the upper side bang and the lower side bang and turn it into one section that slicks back and then adjust his Back upper and lower hair to get his Phantom Bride hairstyle! Here are some other tips that i incorporate in some of my work!!! They might be helpful for you too! :
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Idia's hair is well, fire, so he has alot of strands that float up and curve, so dont forget about that! and its not just upwards, he has hair that curls downwards too. (Basically, he has a lot of fly-aways lol) When you draw fire, its kinda like letting a little kid go off and draw squiggles all over the canvas.
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Another tip is that Idia's hair curls more once he starts getting flustered, excited, or just in a very positive emotional state!
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When Idia is enraged, his hair flares a whole lot more, making it REALLY look like fire!!!
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Lastly, his hair turns into sparks if he gets surprised!!!
Anyway, that's all the stuff i can give you for now. I hope some of these helps you as much as it helped me!!! >< 💚
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i just really love drawing his hair. Rendering it? not so much....
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letustalkaboutlevihan · 2 months
On the manga, Levi was sitting on a wheelchair and he's with Gabi, Falco and Onyakopon
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Levi was holding a magazine/newspaper(?) in his hand, but instead of looking at it, his eye was looking at the plane above them... remembering Hange.
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In Isayama's draft for this panel, the sketch for the plane was different. But Isayama redraw it to a similar flying boat that Hange protected. Isayama also crossed out the dialogue that says, 'The pain that we feel' and changed it to, 'The story we sought after'
Can't imagine how painful it is for Levi, losing everything and Hange 😢💔 (If only I could, I would give him a hug...)
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On the anime, Mappa changed Levi's ending into Levi distributing candies to the children. When he saw a round lollipop, he blinked because he remembered someone.
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He remembered Hange and the day they visited Marley with the kids...
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Isayama and Mappa were trying to tell and show us that in whatever endings, Levi will always end up thinking about Hange.
Just how can he even forget the person who saved his life? The wounds that Hange treated before might've already healed, but he would always remember her by his scars.
Afterall, Levi spent more of his days with Hange than anyone else. Hange truly played a big and important role in Levi's life 🤧
Even without statement and confirmation from Isayama-sensei, I firmly believe that Eremika and Levihan are both canon.
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There's a lot of evidence that proves their relationships are parallel to each other.
Just like Eren and Hange are both obsessed with Titans. Eren wants to kill titans while Hange wants to learn and study them.
Levi can recognize Hange by her knock while Mikasa can recognize Eren by only sensing him.
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When Eren asked Mikasa, "What do you think about me?" Mikasa replied, "You're a family".
When Hange asked Levi, "Maybe we should just live here together. What do you think, Levi?" Levi replied, "If we just run away and keep on hiding, what will we have left?"
Both Mikasa and Levi lost Eren and Hange because they chose to say a safer answer. Had they answered differently and truthfully that time, then maybe they never lose them.
I think that's what really Ackermans are. They are physically strong, but they are not good in expressing their feelings through words. (They only show it through their actions)
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When they bid a farewell to the love of their life. They didn't say, "Good-bye," ... But instead, they told them, "See you," / "See you later,"
They believe that they would see them again, in a place where there is no more war, no more pain, no more tears, no more regrets... A place where they can be happy together. A place where they could finally get the happy ending both Eremika and Levihan deserve <3
Isayama himself wrote, "Levihan" instead of writing it as "Levi and Hange" so he would lie if he'll say that he doesn't agree with Levihan ship 💜💚🤭
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English is my third language so please forgive me if I didn't get to explain it well. I just really want to talk about Levihan because they mean so much to me 💜💚
Thank you for reading! 😊
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 10 days
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YOOOOOOO come join my divination discord!!! Some of y’all have attempted to join but quickly dip out before you type out your introductions. Just know you won’t have full access to the server until you fill out the intro. Thank y’all for understanding why I take the precautions and can not wait to see ya there. Take what resonates and leave all that doesn't behind. Don’t forget to be open to new experiences and perspectives.
Discord Link
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Crystal Combo: Jasper+Flower Agate
Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Vibes: 🤎🤍🐻📺🍪⚰️🧺🦅⛸️🪰🥔💀🐌⏳🦗🧸☕️🦘👻🕰️🌰🪜🦫🚪🏈🏹🍺🪵☁️🎻🥥🌪️🧆🥚🧋🥜🕰️
Hey there! Welcome to your reading pile 1. Your soul family will enter your life when you begin to accept yourself as you are. Your true nature is hidden from the world out of a sense of fear of rejection and disappointment in yourself. Your soul family wouldn’t be able to recognise you if they met you right now. Be kind to your true form. Accept them with open arms and love them for who they are. It doesn’t matter if they are weird or abrasive. You need to stop watering yourself down for people who don’t love you for who you are. Why would you water down something so sweet? I understand where you are coming from by treating yourself the way you do and it is absolutely going to take hard work for you to change your mindset about yourself. You are capable. Hard things are worth doing but right now the hard stuff you are attempting is to seek acceptance from people who will never want you to be yourself. Do not let them control you. Do not let them quiet your voice. Talk as loud as you want and talk about the stuff you love! Your voice is fascinating and beautiful. If you don’t embrace yourself your soul family will take it’s sweet time getting to you. Aphrodite wants to practice self-love and is willing to help you figure it out. Good luck on your self acceptance, my friend!
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Crystal Combo: Moss Agate+Yellow Calcite
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Vibes: 🩵💛🥶😱🦋🐯❄️💫🌊🌙🫐🍋💦🍯🥏🥞🎭💎🔑💠⚜️✈️🚕🥣🎾🛋️🧽📘📒🖲️💡🪼🐠🐟🐱🐳🐤🌎⛈️
Hi, pile 2! You have your full attention on finding your soul family and it’s really all you think about. I see you frantically searching for love on dating apps and joining clubs for things you don’t really care about just for the sake of making those connections with soul family members that you crave so deeply. I love your ambition and the universe recognises your hard work. Spirit suggests a different approach to your goal. You have so much passion in your heart and spirit asks you to aim it at things that you truly care about. Spend your time getting to know your values and interests! Learn all you can about yourself and maybe pick up reading. If you don’t like to read then maybe try some audiobooks instead. The people you are spending so much energy and time on are not going to be able to spend the same amount of energy on you. I see that if you spend time on activism of any kind that you truly really care about you will find the soul family you desire so fervently. You will meet people who care about the same stuff you care for with just as much as you give. They will be able to match your intensely vibrant energy and they will be able to satisfy your voracious hunger for admiration and love. I believe in you, my friend. Go after what YOU care about. You will find what you want. Hermes will guide you on this journey.
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Crystal Combo: Rose Quartz+Carnelian
Astrology: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Vibes: ❤️‍🔥🧡🍀🚨💚🔥🍏🍊🥢🧃🍓🌵🌶️🌹🐉🐡🐞🎒🥻💋👺🏓🪀⛳️🫕🍣🥗🥒🥑🪴🌿🐸🐍🦊🤬🧑🏼‍🎤🍄
Welcome pile 3! You have a very quick mind and a very energetic spirit, my friend. I see that you have been begging the universe to give you your soul family. I see how much you have cried over this. How much you have felt about this. I am so sorry you feel so lonely, pile 3. I know how lonely it feels to want people to understand you and they just don’t get it. Have no fear your soul family is on their way. However, spirit really asks you to be patient with your soul tribe. You have worked on yourself with such intensity you sped through most of your growth faster than the universe had anticipated. You should really give yourself the credit your deserve about that by the way. You really left your guides speechless with how you learned so quickly. However, you tribe isn’t ready yet. If you met them right now they would not be ready for you. They need time to grow into the person you need them to be. They are still amidst their lessons. Allow the universe to guide them at whatever pace they need. Not everyone is going to learn as quickly as you did. While you are waiting they ask you to spend time in the astral realm or the dream realm. I hear Hecate reaching out to you and wanting to help you in your desires. Put time into your passions and have some good wholesome fun. If you really are lonely just remember your guides are always with you and you can talk with them. I know it isn’t quite the same as human interaction and I really do understand how much it hurts to feel so lonely. Your soul family is coming your way I promise you. I see at least 2 people and at most 5 that will enter your life in the next few years. I see even more down the line. Perhaps you might find a lover in your soul family and have children with them! Allow yourself to dream, my dear. You are not alone.
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Crystal Combo: Rhodonite+Kiwi Jasper
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Vibes: 🖤💣🎱🍙🦨🕷️🫖🐚🪽🏁🕸️🐼☠️🕶️♟️🎹🎼🤍✒️🛒🗝️🚽🩹⛸️🍽️🩼💻📞🎥🪮🩺🔭🎵👁️‍🗨️🔳♠️💬♣️🕐🏴‍☠️🩶
Hey there, pile 4. Your soul family is waiting for you. There are things you are learning right now that are very tough. I see you are working on becoming emotionally and financially stable. I see you looking inward to find your inner light. I am so proud of you for working so hard on this. The universe is teaching and guiding you along the way. Your guides are watching over you and taking such good care of you. I see how thankful to them you are but I also see how sad your past has been. You probably grew up in a very intense household. You only recently have left that situation. You could have left it behind physically but I think it’s more accurate to say your mind has been stuck in the past. Look at how far you have come. Look at where you are now! I know it isn’t perfect yet but wow you have done so good. Especially because of where you came from. Honestly, it is absolutely amazing to see someone with such a quality heart remain kind after what you have been through. You could have turned into the people who hurt you and you didn’t. That is worth celebrating. You are worth celebrating. Your soul family is ready to love you when you are ready to love yourself. You must do right by you, my dear friend. Do the right thing for you. So many people have wronged you and for a while, you followed close behind them to do exactly the same to yourself. You. Deserve. Better. And you know it. I am so proud of you for finally seeing that. What everyone in the past said about you and how they treated you was wrong. They are factually incorrect. They just got butt-hurt because you weren’t as easy to control as they thought you would be. You showed strength and they were jealous. Let yourself shine. Stop holding back. Love yourself the way you love others so deeply. The universe loves you. I love you. I wish you all the luck in the world. Remember you are protected. I see Apollo looking after you.
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salty-croissants · 4 months
Hello, it's me again! Sorry to bother, but can you make about Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon with the reader that loves cooking (mainly desserts), please?
Thank you for the request !
This is a very original and neat concept , I really enjoyed writing for it :D 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
When he first discovered your hobby Bullfrog was immediately enthusiastic about it , and to this day whenever you cook something for him he is simply overjoyed : 
< Oh - is that for me ? Thank you so much mon amour ! > 
< Hehe , no need to thank me sweetie … it’s nothing much , just thought I’d try a new recipe this time around . > 
< Now now , don’t underestimate yourself my dear : this already looks and smells delicious , I’m sure I’ll love it ! > 
If you ever decide to make something that comes from France to surprise him , Bullfrog will be absolutely delighted …
I mean , his beloved making an effort to get closer to him in such an adorable way ? Boy , his heart is going to positively melt ❤️
< Here Bullfrog … I know you had an especially long day today , so I thought it would be nice to end the evening with a little something I made ! > 
< *gasp* - y/n , this mille-feuille looks wonderful ! 
Thank you mon chou , thank you so much ! ~ > 
< I’m really happy you like it my love ! ~ 
I’ve … never really made one of these before , so I really hope I got everything right with the ingredients … would be a shame if it just looked nice but didn’t have a good taste , y’know ? And - >  
< You worry too much … I’m sure it’s amazing , like everything you do ~ > 
< Heh … never miss an opportunity to flatter me , hm ? ~ 
Seriously though , thank you … you’re a sweetheart ~ > 
Whenever the two of you are in the kitchen and you’re busy cooking , Bullfrog is going to just stare at you , mesmerized by your every movement as you mix the ingredients together to make whatever food you may have in mind come to life …
While your boyfriend already adores you , seeing just how creative and passionate you are makes him love you even more … if that’s even possible ;//)
< I see you back there ~ > 
< Ah , I’m sorry my dear … I just can’t help but look at you , tu es magnifique ~ > 
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Rayman 🧡
Given how busy he is with his work as the Eden Late Show host , I doubt that Rayman is able to find time to actually cook for himself … 
Not like that’s a problem for him anymore , now that you’ve entered his life .
< Aw - did you make this for lunch y/n ? 
Thank you , you shouldn’t have ! > 
< Don’t worry about it Ray , it was my pleasure ! 
I know you got a lot to do later , so hopefully this will help you get the energy you need to deal with your schedule … it’s my job to take care of you , remember ? > 
< Heh , how could I forget … ? 
I love you so much honey , I really appreciate you doing all this for me ~ > 
You often prepare food that Rayman can carry over to the studio in a lunch box to make sure that he eats properly ( he often forgets about it ) , and you better believe that he’ll be talking about how well your cooking skills are to anyone passing by … 
< Oh , you won’t believe how good these are - you’d expect them to be from a bakery , but actually my y/n made them for me ! 
They’re so talented - and pretty , did I mention pretty ? > 
The sheer determination he has to make those around him know how much he appreciates you … it never fails to make you smile :,//) 
Rayman definitely tries to cook something for you when he has enough time on his hands , and while he still has a lot to learn you can’t help but feel your heart skip a beat whenever he walks in the room , proudly displaying something he made … 
He really tries his best for you , his beloved partner , and that thought alone always warms your heart . 
< I don’t know … maybe I didn’t use enough flour , I hope this isn’t too bad … > 
< It’s not bad at all hun , it’s a really good first attempt at a chocolate cake ! 
Thank you for making this for me ~ > 
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Ramon 🖤
You often end up cooking things that Ramon especially enjoys eating to cheer him up when he’s not having a good day , and the way he smiles at you with genuine gratitude whenever you do that brings you more joy than anything else ever could …
< Here you go love , luckily there were enough ingredients to make some apple pie ! > 
< Heh .. you really remembered that one time I said I liked it ? >
< Of course ! 
Besides , I know today has been pretty harsh , so the least I could do is do my best to make you happy … you deserve it . > 
< Thanks y/n … you’re amazing ~ > 
Much like before , Ramon does his best to cook for you sometimes , being very worried about disappointing you … only to be surprised by your adorable reactions .
< Uh , actually … I tried to make us some dinner tonight , since you were tired .
I’ll be honest , I wasn’t entirely sure about some stuff I was doing , so I just hope I didn’t make a mes - > 
< Aw Ram - thank you so much ! It looks great !
I’m really looking forward to eating it now that I know you made it ! > 
< You … really think that ? > 
< Mhm ! > 
< Heh , well let’s hope this lives up to the chef’s expectations then ~ > 
< Gosh I … heh , I’m nowhere near a chef sweetie , but thank you nonetheless ~ > 
Ramon could hold you in his arms for hours while you tell him all about a new recipe you found , or some other cool cooking fact : 
it’s like all the fears and worries he has completely disappear , the soothing sound of your voice making him forget about being a wanted criminal who is at risk of getting caught at any minute .
< I’d definitely love to try out this honey cheesecake sometime : it only takes ten  minutes to get done , and it doesn’t need that many ingredients !
Though I did see two different ways of using the butternut biscuits , so I’m not entirely sure of which one works best … but I think picking one and starting off there would be good to determine which is better , and plus - > 
This man can’t get over how cute you look when you passionately explain something related to your hobby …
Ramon holds on to those precious moments for as long as he can , as always feeling immensely lucky to have you by his side . 
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irisintheafterglow · 7 months
Hello!! Hope you’re well :) I absolutely love the way you write zoro ..!!! 🫶 you write him perfectly 💞 it brings a lot of comfort !
If your requests are open, is it okay to ask for a short fic or a headcannon list (however you wanna write it!) of zoro and a sad drunk reader? Like, they don’t drink a whole lot, only cuz they don’t trust them selves with it.. but they’re so comfortable with him they give it a try- to both of their surprises, there’s lots of… drunk crying and blabbles… how would zoro react to that?
Hope it’s not to much - thank you and stay awesome, don’t forget to take care of you and thanks for all the great fics you write 🫶💚
...but you can make me a drink
cw: swearing, alcohol, angst and feelings but mostly fluff
note: thank you so much for the love aww <33 this is so cute and i had so much fun writing this. i'm so glad you like my zoro stuff, i hope you like this too!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3 thank you for your support!
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"i really don't remember the last time i was this wasted."
"you're wasted already? that didn't take very long," you giggle deliriously, stretching out on the ledge of zoro's window with a dangerously sweet bottle of bad ideas in your hand. "here i thought the great pirate hunter was a heavyweight."
"i am," he protests from across from you, eyelids heavy and struggling to stay awake. "i just got outclassed." his admission sends another wave of tired chuckles through your body and you take another sip of your drink. "you doing okay?"
"i'm good. thank you for helping me with this." your eyes meet his over the rim of your bottle and you swear his ears turn the slightest shade of pink. "i really appreciate it, more than you'll ever know."
"it's whatever. you know i like any excuse to drink my problems away," he drawls absentmindedly. "plus, if it means you finally stop working your ass off, that's a bonus." it was his idea to have a drink together after a particularly taxing mission, one where alcohol was calling your name but you didn't have the courage to drink in front of your friends just yet. the last time you drank until you blacked out like your crewmates wanted to do, you ended up in some very sticky situations that you never wanted to risk getting into again. so, when zoro suggested that you have a drink with only him where he could keep an eye on you, it seemed like a good idea.
it was a good idea, until the tears started flowing.
"you know, i haven't felt this comfortable with anyone since i left my old crew," you admit, already feeling the long-repressed emotions starting to bubble to the surface.
"why not?"
"it's what i've learned. no one, no matter how many promises they make, is ever permanent. i've learned to live with that, but it doesn't mean it hurts less when you do end up losing them." you don't register your face becoming wet until he reaches out and wipes a stray tear from your cheek, forcing you to look up at him. he'd never looked so beautiful. "i hope i never lose you," you whisper and his eyes can't seem to find a place to focus on your face.
"i hope i never lose you, either," he says just as softly. his eyebrows furrow slightly as you continue to cry in his room, against his hand, while wearing his clothes. neither of you anticipated a night of drinking to end in so many emotions; yet, he couldn't think of any other place he'd rather be than with you so close. "it's fucking exhausting, isn't it?"
"mhmm," you agree, dabbing the corner of his eye with your sleeve to catch some more unexpected tears. "we can't make any promises, can we?"
"nope, but i can make you another drink."
"sounds amazing. help me forget this ever happened, zoro?"
"i'll do anything you require of me, sweetheart."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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vastill · 1 year
Don't you miss it?
Melissa Schemmenti/fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, NSFW, oral, pet names, swear words, strap-on use, let me know if there are more
words: 2000+
My requests are open!!
English is not my first language!
A/N: hii im back! i really struggled with writing this one but i think im done now. tbh i don't know if i like it or if i don't:( but i hope you will enjoy and let me know what you think!💚
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As you began dating Melissa, you quickly learned that this was her first same-sex relationship. In fact, before meeting you, she had only had a couple of one-night stands with women, but nothing more serious.
Both you and Melissa had many insecurities and uncertainties at the beginning. You wondered if you were doing things right. Despite all of this, you both made an effort to communicate with each other. You learned to talk things out, always finding some sort of solution.
But there was one that you were scared to bring up.
You saw how Melissa looked at all those guys in movies or magazines. Her eyes always lingered a little more on them than the others. And that made you wonder if you are good for her.
Maybe you weren't enough.
Was Melissa missing being with men?
You tried to shake that thought off of your mind but it always came back to you.
And on one particular evening after catching her ogling the man on the screen you felt the urge to ask her about it.
“Don’t you miss it?”
“What?” She looked at you confused.
“You know…” You shot a glance at the TV looking directly at the man and then at her.
“You mean dick?”
“Melissa! You don’t need to be this vulgar!” You softly punched her in the arm.
“Yeah said the one with a mouth of a saint. And no. Why would I? You gave me more orgasms than any dick I had.” She said smirking and you blushed.
“But you had only been with guys before me, I don’t know maybe it's just my insecurities but I don’t know.” You sighed.
“Did you think I don’t enjoy sex with you because you don’t have a dick?” You lowered your gaze to your lap. Your reaction telling Melissa everything. “Oh hon, why didn’t you talk to me earlier about this?”
“It’s stupid. Forget it.”
“Baby, you give me exactly what I need. Everything that I need. And if you are this worried, there are ways that we can make it happen.” She said lowly grinning at you.
“I’m not agreeing to a threesome, Schemmenti!” You quickly said. “Especially with a man.” Your face twists in disgust.
“That’s not what I was saying.” She said laughing lightly at your face. “You know there are some toys that can help you with this insecurity, you know?”
“I-what? Oh! OH!” Realization hit you like a truck, your face instantly turning red similar to the color of Melissa’s hair.
“Yep, that’s what I thought. So maybe we or I can do some online shopping, and we will see about that? What do you think?” Melissa asked.
“So you miss it?” You said grinning.
“Oh, fuck you! You are the worst! I’m trying to help you and that’s what I get.” She said getting up from the couch.
You quickly grabbed her arm and tugged her on your lap. “Okay, okay. You can buy it. But admit you miss it!” She looked at you kissing you slowly.
“I don’t.” You send her a glare. “Really I don’t but frankly I think you will look so good with a strap.” She said her eyes darkening as she imagined what it would look like.
You blushed deeply at her words, feeling a mix of embarrassment and arousal. “Don't go horny on me now, we don't have it yet. Go and buy it.” You said and Melissa's face lit up with excitement and she leaned in to kiss you again.
“I knew you would want it.” She whispered teasingly.
“Schemmenti.” You said with a warning, griping her tights harsher.
“Okay, okay. I'm going!” She laughed climbing off your lap and going to her laptop. “You will love it!” You only shook your head with amusement watching her excitement.
And the week passed in a blink of an eye.
Since the package came you two didn’t have time and strength to do anything about it. Work completely tired you out. But today was Friday you had nothing planned.
The evening was peaceful as you relaxed on the couch with Melissa lying on top of you. The TV was on in the background, but the two of you were lost in each other's company. Her head was nestled on your chest while you mindlessly played with her hair.
Melissa started planting light kisses on your collarbone and neck moving to straddle your lap. Your hands instantly went to grab her waist under her shirt scratching softly her sides. She moved her face kissing you. The kiss at first was innocent and light quickly turned into a heated make out. Hands wandering under shirts and exploring all the parts that you had access to.
Melissa slowly ended the kiss and lowered herself to your ear. “Wanna shake the sheets?” She said, a smirk evident in her tone.
“You couldn't word that any sexier, Schemmenti?” You laughed.
“What are you more of a funny business kind of gal?” She wiggled her brows at you.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my God, stop that. I don’t want to know how many more of this you have.”
Melissa rolled her eyes, grinning. “Plenty, but maybe on another occasion.” She climbed off your lap and grabbed you by your wrist, urging you to stand. She slowly neared your face, kissing your jaw and earlobe. “Now we have more interesting things to do.” She turned around and walked to the bedroom swaying her hips. You couldn’t take your eyes away from this view. She is so beautiful.
“Take a picture, it will last longer.” She said amused, light blush covered her chest and face from the way you were looking at her.
“You are so gorgeous, Melissa. I’m in awe every time I look at you.” You said coming to sit on the bed.
Melissa smiled, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “You always know how to make me feel special,” she said, pulling you down for a kiss. You straddled her lap and kissed her passionately, your hands roaming freely over each other's bodies, only stopping to take off each other clothes.
Your lips were everywhere making a path of kisses to her breasts. Your hands moved to her back to unclasp her bra, and you took one nipple into your mouth, sucking and flicking it with your tongue. Melissa’s back arched as she moaned your name. You switched to the other breast, giving it the same attention, and she ran her fingers through your hair, urging you on. After a while, you moved down her body, leaving a trail of kisses to her stomach and further down.
You took off her panties and tossed them aside. Melissa spreads her legs, giving you full access to her. You leaned in and kissed her clit, and she moaned loudly, her hands gripping the sheets. You started to gently lick her, moving your tongue in circles and flicking it back and forth. Her moans grew louder, and you knew she was close. You increased the pressure and speed of your tongue, and she came with a loud scream, her body shaking with pleasure.
After Melissa came down from her high, she pulled you up and kissed you deeply. She could taste herself on her lips, which only made her want you more. You both were panting, and you could feel the heat emanating from her body. She pushed you back onto the bed and climbed on top of you, straddling your waist.
“So maybe we can try it? I mean we don’t have to but you have no idea how many times after our talk I had been thinking about you fucking me.” She whispered in your ear. “It makes me so wet baby, you make me so fucking wet. Do you feel it?” She started sliding herself on top of your stomach. You could feel her juices spreading all over you.
“Melissa, fuck.” That’s all you could say as you watched her entranced by the pleasure she was feeling. You imagined her riding your strap, what a view it would be. You grabbed her by her hips and stopped her movements.
“What the hell are you doing? I was so close.” She looked at you displeased.
“Giving you the best night of your life.” You said changing your position, you stood up and grabbed the package. You took out a red strap-on and put it on you. Melissa sure knew what to buy.
“How did you know how to put it on that quickly? You sure you never used one?” Melissa asked smirk evident in her tone. And you were glad you stood with your back to her because your face must be in the color of her hair. “I watched videos.” You said embarrassed. Melissa laughed lightly. “Always prepared. I like it.”
You felt stupid with something dangling between your legs. It was weird.
“Sweetheart?” You heard behind your ear, you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t hear Melissa approaching. “Talk to me.”
“I feel stupid. It's there and uh it's weird. I look stupid.” You said not looking at her as she came and stood in front of you.
“Well, it’s not stupid you will get used to it.” She said grabbing your chin and making you look at her. “And I think you look good, so good. I picked the best color, red is your color darling.” Her eyes scanned you up and down, when she looked you in the eyes her pupils dilated, and desire twinkled in them. “Come to bed darling, make me see stars again.”
You followed her to bed still feeling a little self-conscious about the strap-on. But as soon as Melissa started kissing you it all went away.
“Are you sure?” You asked her as her kisses traveled to your throat.
“Yes, please.” She said breathlessly, her hips rutting against the air.
You positioned yourself between her legs, taking the strap in your hand you slide its head through Melissas’ slick folds. She moaned in anticipation when you nudged her clit. Slowly, you pushed the strap-on inside her, and she gasped at the intrusion. You gave her time to get used to the new sensation and stretch.
After a few moments, Melissa opened her eyes looking directly at you. “You can move sweetheart.” You started moving in and out of her, the strap-on hitting all the right spots.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from her face.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from her face. Her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open, and her face twisted in pleasure. You felt a wave of heat rush through your body as she moaned and dug her nails into your back. With each thrust, she moaned louder, her body writhing beneath you.
Her eyes were closed, and her back was arched, her body moving in rhythm with yours. You knew she was getting closer to her orgasm. The way her moans turned into screams and breathless panting.
“Baby, open your eyes. I want to see you all when you come.” She opened her eyes, and her green orbs looked directly at yours. “That’s my good girl, yes, look at me.”
You increased the speed as your hand reached down to play with her clit. Melissa’s body started to shake from the pleasure she was experiencing. She came with a loud scream of your name. You slowed your motions to let her ride out her orgasm.
She whined as you slowly took the strap out of her and laid next to her cuddling.
After a few moments of silence, Melissa turned to you and grinned. “Wow. That was amazing. You are incredible.” She said still breathless. “Did you also watch videos on how to use it?” She asked nudging you.
“No, that's pure talent.” You smiled back at her, feeling proud of yourself. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” You said, snuggling closer to her.
“Who said I’m done enjoying myself?” She said as she straddled your lap capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
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luckycharms1701 · 4 months
I have a request pls? What kind of personality/attitude/person would each bay boy look for in a partner? Love u lucky 🫶🫶
awww thanks anon-chan!!! love you too! ☀️💚🥰💚☀️
this was kind of hard, i kept thinking about what i think they’d need instead of what they’d actually want. thank you for asking, i appreciate the challenge!!
Leo: I think Leo would look for someone who is dedicated and steadfast, much like him. It doesn’t necessarily matter what they’re dedicated to (*cough*family*cough*), just that they are passionate about it. He would definitely prefer someone who shares his interests. I think he’d want someone quiet and demure, but would definitely end up with someone who’s not. 😂
Raph: Raph wants someone who can match his… energy is probably the best word. Someone who can go toe to toe with him in an argument and not back down. Who is snarky and intelligent and most importantly not afraid of him. They don’t have to share his exact interests necessarily, but he would like something adjacent. Like someone who does yoga to match his weightlifting, for example. Painting to his knitting.
Donnie: Curiosity is definitely a must for Donnie to be interested in you. Intelligence isn’t so much of a factor as a desire to learn. I think he’d like someone who knows when to be quiet and when to be excited. You don’t have to share his interests as long as you’re okay with him telling you about them. He would like someone who has interests that can be done quietly in the lab so you can spend a lot of time in the same space.
Mikey: We all know what Mikey’s about. F-U-N fun! He’ll look for a partner who loves fun as much as he does. More than that, though, what he longs for is understanding and acceptance. Someone who loves him not only despite his personality and turtley-ness, but perhaps because of it. As far as Mikey’s concerned, the more interests the better. He wants to share his with you and learn yours as well, no matter what it is.
edit: haha sure did forget the taglist
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic
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jewbeloved · 1 year
can i pls req a main 4 x reader who doesn't talk cuz of an traumatic experience. Like they can hear but they just don't talk.
Team Stan with a non talkative s/o🎂🎂
Warnings: Mentions of traumatic experience or past
Gender: Neutral
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💙💚 The Main Four ❤️🧡
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They normally find people who are quiet most of the time boring or they just ignore them, but they are interested in learning why you're so quiet.
They're gonna be asking you quite a lot of questions (mostly Cartman), they will stop once they realize they're making you uncomfortable.
They also sometimes kinda forget you were even there tbh, because of how quiet you're being at the moment.
They will get reminded that you're still here when one of them mentions you. I guess you were a little too quiet that they didn't realize that you're also paying attention and hearing perfectly well on what they're saying. (Oof ouch...😢)
When they realize that you don't talk because of a traumatic experience that you had. Kyle, Stan, and Kenny immediately felt guilty for assuming a little too much out of you. Cartman didn't show any signs of him feeling guilty, but that doesn't mean he can't feel bad for you.
They would apologize to you nonstop even If you have to keep reminding them that it isn't their fault-
If you start to talk again when you are only alone with them in private, they would be surprised but happy at the same time knowing that you're more comfortable around them.
They will cuddle and comfort you If you're about to relapse or panic from the flashbacks of your traumatic experience. Just letting you know that they will always be there for you🧡❤️💚💙
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It's a special day for me tomorrow, can you guess? 😏
Don't cheat by looking at meh pfp and blog banner >:C
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
Hi, I hope you are well, I fell in love with Nat's one-shot, so I was encouraged to ask for a request, well there are two that come to my head with different characters.
"Wow, you really never got out of your angsty teenage stage, did you?" with Teen Shauna (sorry it's just that you see those eyes and they bring back a lot of melancholy).
"Please tell me you didn't hold on to that all these years" with Lottie (1996) and Lottie (2021). I think with this one you can play with flashbacks of seeing what happened in the desert and their relationship in that timeline in 1996 as a reunion in 2021 somewhat angsty.
Sorry the request is so long, although I would like to add that I can imagine both requests with f reader, anyway thank you very much for everything, take your time and take care of yourself. ❤️
💚Flower stems for heartstrings - Lottie Matthews (1996 & 2021) x fem!Reader💚
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Summary: y/n finds evidence of her teenage best friend (and secret crush) being alive after all, and a possible way of finding her thanks to modern internet and goes on a personal quest to find her and the truth, all while reminiscing about their teen years...
Warnings: Internalized homophobia, fem reader that dresses both "masc" and "fem", underage drinking and smoking weed, extremely angst but with a good ending
Word Count: 8,758
A/N: woohoo! We've surpassed word count on my longest oneshot with this fic, the record previously being 6,990. And ngl, this might be one of my favorites to date! Lottie is an extra special gal who deserves an extra long one-shot, so of course I'm going to give her extra attention. What can I say, I'm not immune to favoritism. This one was actually so fun! I loved getting to write about excited, young (and medicated, let's be fr) Lottie bc I think we forget just how much the wilderness took a toll on her. She was so lively before, it makes me so sad. But, I hope I was able to give her a little bit of that liveliness back in this fic! I think in the request "desert" was supposed to be wilderness, but I wanted to have the reader be left behind, which adds a whole different kind of angst to the situation. As always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading!💚
Lottie Matthews Tag List:
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
You’d only ever felt the way you did now only twice before in your life. Once when word got around that flight 2525 had mysteriously gone down in flames with no trace, and once again when you learned she’s been shipped off to god knows where for some kind of treatment. You hadn’t even gotten to say goodbye to her then and she was gone. 
It was a sickly green feeling that had you kneeling over with weak knees and a stone throat. Lottie Matthews, the girl you’d had your heart set on for all of these years, wasn’t gone. She wasn’t locked away or dead like gossip has always said. She was alive and well and looked like she was thriving. And how did you find this out? Through Instagram, of course. That might have been the worst part of all of this. 
One minute you’re mindlessly scrolling through your feed when an ad for a farmers market in some part of upstate New York, rather than New Jersey where you resided. But the ad featured a booth selling honey, and low and behold, there she was. Well, the photo didn’t give a clear picture of her face, but you refused to deny that it was her, despite how it made you sick. How could you forget that smile of hers after all? 
You had to put your phone away after that, but it didn’t help you sleep. A few hours into staring up at the ceiling, restless with gnawing curiosity, you decided sleep wouldn’t come till you found an answer. Rather spontaneously you packed a bag and got into your car. Was this the smartest thing to do? Hell no, but you had the weekend off for work anyways, and nothing stopped you from going, so you drove through the nightstand into the morning and drove by coffee, a podcast, and the straining urge that you needed to know what was going on.
At some point in the night, you found your mind wandering as your eyes trained on the empty highway before you, highlighted by your headlights. You reminisce a time long before, even more than 25 years ago. Back when you had been a freshman in high school during your lunch period. You moved to Wiskayok, New Jersey late in the year, giving you an even later start to your first year of high school. You’d relatively been left alone and had decided you'd be alright with that. Not everyone can have friends right? So, alone you sat outside on the school's field, picking at the grass underfoot having already finished your lunch. 
Some students around you sat on the track or the stadium's bleachers with their friends, enjoying company and comradery or whatever and you didn’t like to admit how it made you jealous. But what was there for you to do to change it? You refused to look desperate and walk up to random groups of people who would probably talk about how lame you are behind your back-
“Hey, you alright?” the sudden voice in your direction yanked you out of your self-deprecating thoughts. Looking up you had to squint your eyes to try and make out who was talking to you as the sun shone in your eyes till they tilted their head, blocking it. After some adjustment from the sunspots in your eyes, you were greeted with a shy yet warm smile. 
“Um, yeah, I’m fine,” you uttered awkwardly, swallowing the frog in your throat that had your voice croaking. The girl chuckled and tottered down to the ground to sit beside you in the grass. She dressed well, was one of the first things you noticed. Her pink skirt and tall white socks were very countering to your grass-stained jeans, scuffed hightops, and t-shirt. 
“You sure, because you’re all by yourself,” she said rather matter of factly. 
“Well, maybe I like being alone. Think of that,” she arched her brow curiously. “And as far as I know you’re alone too,” she chuckled again with a little huff. 
“Tuche,” was all she replied, but she had a stupidly shiny grin on her face. Next, she reached out her hand to shake. “I’m Charlotte, by the way. But most people call me Lottie,” you hesitated for a standing moment, only staring at her hand as you kept yours loosely wrapped around your knees till you gave in, shaking her hand in greeting. 
“I’m y/n,” 
“Well y/n, tell me about yourself,” she spent the rest of that lunch period at your side, asking questions about you in exchange for the little tidbits you were willing to give her. It was so strange, looking back now, how a because girl decided you looked lonely you'd be driving to upstate New York on a random Thursday night due to your desperation to find her again. 
Lottie had always been charismatic. She liked people. She looked at them like puzzles made special for her to figure out. Maybe that was her way of avoiding herself, or maybe she just had a natural curiosity for those she didn’t understand. But from that day on, she hadn’t left you alone. She’d excitedly greet you in the halls, and invite you out with her friends and to late-night parties. She was the one who integrated you into the community and helped you find a place. 
But she also became your best friend. However, you struggled to feel like you were hers sometimes. She was so bright and colorful, full of life and boy was she popular. She always had someone with her, unless she found the time for you exclusively, which dwindled more and more as high school progressed. Of course, this is a concern you could talk to her about but you didn’t want to bother. In truth, you feared your feelings were driven by selfishness. You thought you'd never voice it, but oh, how you undoubtedly adored Lottie Matthews. 
You felt her encase you when she was close and her laugh was enough to have you swooning. You thrived in her presence and basked in the littlest bit of attention she may offer you. Her touch was electrifying and when she grabbed your hand when she greeted you you felt what had to be magic. But of course, you could never tell. Sure, you knew you were gay and you were so fortunate that you’re mother said it was ok, but you’d never tell, ever. Even if the ache felt like it was squeezing you, you couldn’t lose Lottie. You didn’t want to scare her away and be a freak. 
Part of you wonders if that’s why you'd lost Lottie after all. You hadn’t been honest with her. No, that wasn’t rational. A secret didn’t take down an airplane. 
You didn’t arrive till mid-afternoon, late morning, the sun high above as you made your way towards this market. They had their location posted online, so with a quick search and an input to your mapping app you were all set to go. Moments like that reminded you of how on your road trips with your mother growing up she'd have you read the map in the passenger's seat beside her, your finger tailing over the highways towards the little star sticker added on to be your final destination. Strange how so little time felt like it had passed since then yet a whole life as well.
Venders had been set up for some time now and enjoying the comfortable air as they mingled and shopped. You hooked a tote bag over your shoulder to look less conspicuous (although there inherently isn’t anything conspicuous about a middle-aged queer woman at a farmers market, still. You felt a need to keep a low profile). You wandered for some time, looking for a stall that said something like sunset honey, or maybe it was sunnyside. Something involving both the sun and honey, and it looked like the people working wore a lot of purples. 
Honestly, it was a very nice market in itself. Had you had ulterior motives for attending you would have quite enjoyed it. That is still you grew distracted by a florist’s stand. The owner had lovely premade bouquets that ranged in a variety of colors and sizes, but what caught your eye where the assortment of white and pastel metal buckets housing small assortments of different flowers, meant to be starters for gardening. In particular stood out the small purple flowers known for growing naturally back home, in Wiskayok. You tentatively reached out to stroke the petals. 
You hadn’t formally been invited to the party, but it was one of those words get around kind of things, she no one was actually invited, right? At least, that's what you'd told yourself as you got ready in your room, obsessively messing with your hair in the mirror. It was one of those beer-guzzling bonfire things that the seniors hosted on the outskirts of the woods now and then. This time, however, the justification was the girl's soccer team going to nationals, and after the whole pep rally earlier in the day, it did sound justified. 
You pulled back from the mirror to look back down at your clothes. You'd layered a black plaid dress with thin straps over a white sweater that’s sleeves cut off just below your elbow with tights and docs. You tugged at your coller, attempting not to grimace. Sure, you liked dressing feminine now and then, but when it came to events like this you couldn’t help the anxiety, especially with drunk boys. But still, you wanted to look nice, even if the drinks being served were from a beer keg. It just felt like one of those nights, you figured. You sighed and forced yourself to leave as there was a car horn honking outside, grabbing your backpack along the way as you went. It’d be good to have a quick getaway available to you if need be. 
“Have fun, hun! Make good choices for me, ok?” your mom called to you from the couch, watching one of her late-night shows while sipping tea and crocheting something as you went downstairs. You smiled, walked up beside her at the end of the couch, and kissed her forehead. 
“I will, mama, I promise,” you forced a tiny smile. She hummed her thanks and smiled, opening her eyes to take a look at you.
“Show me this little number you assembled for me,” she said, taking off her eyeglasses and gesturing up and down with her crochet hook as she readjusted in her seat to get a better view. You stretched out an arm, the other firmly holding your backpack to your shoulder, and did a turn around for her. She smiled wide and gave you playful applause. 
“Cute! And do you like it? Everything fits well?” 
“Yes, Mom, I promise,” you sighed, trying to refrain from rolling your eyes. It was a new dress you hadn’t worn yet and you knew she was only doing the classic mom routine but you had to go!
“Alright, you go have fun. And tell your friend Charlotte good luck at nationals!” she called after you as you shut the door front door and locked it. You turned, illuminated by your porchlight, and waved to your ride. Van had the passenger window of Taisa’s car down and she waved back with a confident grin on her face. You could hear Depeche Mode playing on the radio as you approached the car. You opened the door and slid inside with a quick smile. 
“Thanks for the ride, Taissa,” you said, trying not to sound as shy as you felt. She smiled in the rearview mirror, checking her surroundings as she turned down the radio. 
“Yeah, no problem girl,” she said with effortless confidence. You didn’t know Taissa or Van, or much of the school's soccer team all that well, but in your mutual connection to Lottie over the past four years you’d tagged along with them quite often and they’d always been nice to you.
“We couldn’t say no after Lottie was so adamant we were nice,” Van joked quite loudly to Taissa, giving you an up and down with that grin again. You stared for a second, unsure of what she was trying to imply till Taissa smacked the goalie in the arm with the back of her hand, hissing her name to make her shut up as she started driving. The redhead let out an undignified yelp.
“She’s being an asshole. And confusing. Lottie wanted you to come and she knew we’d be the best people to pick you up is all,” you still had a confused look on your face, your shoulders hunched inward. 
“Um ok, thanks?” you said it more like a question. 
“What she means, is that we like you. And we’ll tell you we like you,” Van chimed in again. She wasn’t as helpful to you as she thought she was.
“Right, ok. Is there something else going on that I’m not cluing in on?” Tai and Van shared a knowing look. 
“Ok, so the other day Lot kept going on about how she worries that you don’t feel like we’re all friends, and doesn’t want you to feel like you’re just her other friend that tags along, ya know? So we figured we pick you up and tell you that, because some of the other girls on the team aren't the best at communicating, ya know?”
“Oh. So we're friends?” you sounded far more surprised and eager than you would have wanted to. “And Lottie told you all that? About me, I mean?” Van grinned once more, fully turning around in her seat. 
“Yeah, dude! I think you’re really cool actually!” you began to smile more than before and leaned back, straightening up your posture. 
“And, yes, Lot had all that to say and more,” Tai added on. You were thankful for the dark car hiding any color that might have rushed to your face. 
“She talks about you all the time,” Van blabbed on. Tai gave her a look that told the goalie to keep quiet now. Just as she did you pulled up to another house in the neighborhood that has Lottie sitting on the front porch. She shot up when she saw the car but took a last-minute look at the front door like she was waiting for something. Van maneuvered in her seat to hang out the window. “Hurry up slowpoke or we’ll be late to our party,” Lottie all but yelped and ran to the car after that, toward your side of the car. 
You didn’t have enough time to move out of the way and before you knew it Lottie had flung the door open with an exhilarated grin, laughing as she climbed in over your lap to collapse in the seat beside you in the back. She’d picked to wear all pink, which was just so fitting for her. You noticed in particular that she was wearing one of her shorter skirts that she giggled to you about hiding from her mother. 
“Shut the door and go!” she said through giggles, and once you had the time to process what was happening you did just that, closing the now-opened door to your right, and Taissa was off. Lottie lunged forward in her seat and punched Van in the shoulder, laughing all the while. “God, fuck you! I could have been caught because of that,” she griped as Van dramatically clutched her arm. 
“Ugh, what’s with beating on the goalie tonight? I gotta stay fit for nationals and I’ll be covered in bruises at this rate,” 
“Whatever. You’re always covered in bruises, and not all of them are from soccer,” Lottie implied, her hands gripping Taissa’s headrest in front of her so she could lean forward and talk to the two girls up front. That is till she scooted back to give you her full attention. 
“Well, you’re liking fine as hell tonight hot stuff! Have you been hiding this little number?” Lottie asked, reaching out to touch the material of the dress you were wearing along your leg. You managed to force a laugh and playfully swatter her hand away with shifty eye contact. 
“It’s new. My mom got it for me during our last mall trip. She wanted me to expand my wardrobe or whatever,” you played off causally. Lottie gave you a knowing smile and sighed as she turned to look out the window. 
“I think it looks great, just like you always do,” she murmured rather quietly. You weren't even sure you were supposed to hear her. Not long after Tai parked and you all got out of the car. Van yelled something at the crowd that had already gotten things started and there was a low collection of howling and yelling in response to her. Lottie got out of the car before you but stopped and waited by your door for you to get out with her. She said nothing but had that perky smile on the whole time as she watched you expectantly.
“So, whatcha wanna do?” you asked. She shrugged. 
“I dunno. Maybe get reeeeeally drunk,” she toyed, reaching out to take your hand like it had become second nature. Tai walked up to the two of you from the driver seat of the car, double-checking as she locked it shut and shoved her keys in her jacket pocket. She made a purposefully obvious glance down at your entwined fingers then back up to Lottie.
“Careful Lot, people might talk,” she said with what Lottie took as a comfortable coolness but it sent a shiver down your back that caused you to think about pulling away. 
“Pfft! I don't give a flying fuck! Let them talk!” she announced quite loudly, leaning forward with her free hand on her hip. She turned her gaze back to you and wiggled her brows as she grinned. “Come on. Get a drink with me,” she urged, tugging you away from Taissa. 
“Don’t listen to her. No one is looking, and if they are they don’t care. What’s wrong with holding hands anyway?” Lottie babbled on as she pulled you in line for a beer with her. She was still holding onto your hand quite tight as she jumped into rambling about something related to her French class. Maybe a recent test? You weren't exactly sure. Despite everything she’d said before, it felt like everyone was looking, but not because of you. Because of Lottie. She was the pretty, popular girl while you were just the weirdo she hung around. With that idea in your head, it was pretty hard to not be self-continuous. You were so in your head that you didn’t notice her shoving a beer in your hand. 
“Wha- oh, thanks,” you stuttered. You'd let go of her hand to get your drink, opting to use both hands to hold it. Lottie frowned as she was handed her drink ans thanked the guy passing them out. 
“Hey, you alright? Lost you for a sec,” she murmured. She’d become so gentle all of a sudden. Were you really that fragile? She forced a smile and nodded.
“Yeah, I'm great. Just haven't gotten into the party mood yet, I guess,” 
“Oh, ok. Do you wanna step away, clear your head a bit?” you shook your head no. 
“Nah, I'm good. I’m just gonna grab something from my bag in Tai’s car, ok?” Lottie tilted her head, almost like she was trying to look at you from a new angle. 
“I can go with you,” she offered. God, why did she have to be so attentive and sweet?
“I promise I’ll be fine-” you started only for a distraction to catch your eye. “Hey, Shauna and Jackie are over that way. I’ll meet up with you when I’m done,” you offered, dialing up that chipper tone as high as you could. She finally gave in and nodded, making her way over to her other friends while you crept away to dash toward Tai, wherever she was. You eventually found her after dodging around cars and trees listening to Van argue with a group of boys about something sports-related probably. That honestly wasn’t a huge concern of hers at the moment. 
“Hey, Taissa. can I borrow your keys?” Taissa arched a brow. 
“You’re not trying to use my car to go joyriding or to fuck, right?” 
“What? Oh my god- no. I just wanna get something from my bag. It’s in the car,” 
“Where's Lot?” why is that relevant right now?
“She’s with Jackie and Shauna,” you began messing with the loose hair falling in your face, averting your eyes from her. Tai gave you an up and down before tugging at Van’s jacket. 
“Van, go with y/n to my car, ok?” 
“I was just in the middle-” Van started till Tai arched a brow and she gave in. Tai dropped her keys in the redhead's hand and you were off to the car again. 
“Do you already wanna leave?” Van asked, walking backward in front of you. 
“No, I just want something from my bag,” Van slowed to walk in stride with her hands in her pockets, watching you as you watched everyone who passed. 
“Care to share?” you just looked at her and finally managed a laugh.
“I’ll share when we get there,” upon reaching the car and unlocking it, you grabbed your bag and made your way to a more secluded edge over the party where you’d be left alone, Van trailing close behind till you set your solo cup on the ground, sat down saddle style on an old, knocked-over log to rummage through your bag. You pulled out a baggy you’d been holding onto and a lighter.
“Damn, y/n, I didn’t think you the type,” the goalie said as she dropped down across from you. “Where’d ya get it?” she asked, taking the joint you pulled out to share. 
“My older brother. He lives with my dad while he’s going to school and I visited him over Christmas and he gave me a few that I use quite sparingly. 
“Divorced?” she asked, referring to your parents. You shrugged.
“Kinda, but not really? It’s weird. They still like each other and get along but they aren't exclusive by any means. Dad works in Cali while mom moved here to look after her mom who’s a few houses down from us,” you explained as you fidgeted with the lighter, fixated on the way the flame moved up and down, on and off. Van snatched it out of your hand during an “off” moment to light the joint now placed firmly between her teeth. 
You simply watched her process, lighting the joint and then taking in a long breath before holding and letting it go with a sigh as though she was relieved before passing it to you. She did the same, watching your breath in with your eyes shut only to exhale into the dark, finishing off with a small cough before passing it once again. You could see streetlights from the main road from here, you realized. 
“You’re into Lot, aren’t you?” her voice was low to not attract attention, but she was confident in what she had asked. You paused, staring out at the lights just a short walk away. Normally, an insinuation that you were gay would have you panicked. It could have been the weed, but maybe you'd relaxed and found some sliver of comfort in the redhead, your new companion.
“I think I do,” you whistled through your teeth at your admission. You turned to meet her eyes when she nudged your shoulder with the side of her hand, passing the joint off again. “Think I’m a lost cause?” Van snorted and shook her head.
“Oh, hell no. That girl’s crazy about you,” Van said with a sigh, leaning back on her hands where she was sitting on the log. “Now, I don’t know what type of way she feels. Sexual, romantic, or just friendship. But there's something there. Lot’s banked a lot on you,” you began to smile again, soft and mellow as you took another hit. After that one, you leaned down to take a chug of your beer. You offered to pass again, but Van had turned her attention back to the party, particularly to Taissa who looked like she was getting shit from Shauna. Even from over her, you could tell she was wasted given how she stumbled around. Van groaned and got up from where she was sitting.
“Keep it. I gotta deal with this,” she huffed as she left. You watched her go, eyes trailing after her to meet with Lottie’s, who was staring right at you, arm crossed over her chest and cup in hand. She seemed to hesitate between you and her arguing friends, but when the debate got particularly loud she turned with a furrowed brow. You watched her go and kept watching till Jackie derailed the entire situation, pulling all the girls away likely to yell at them. With that done, you sighed, leaning back to fully lie on the log, the joint between your lips and legs dangling over either side as you shut your eyes. 
“You hiding from me over here?” you opened your eyes. The joint was nearly out as it had just been sitting between your teeth for who knows how long by now. Lottie stood over you, arms still crossed as she held onto her nearly drained drink. you shook your head, sitting up as she sat down beside you on your left, much closer than Van had been. You readjusted, sitting properly with both legs over one side of the log, shoulders hunched. Lottie's arm brushed against yours when she moves. “You didn’t come back,” she simply steed with no malice or accusation in her voice. You shrugged. 
“I was getting overwhelmed I guess,” you murmured. “Didn’t feel like talking,” 
“You seemed chatty with Van” Again, she simply stated fact. You sighed and leaned down to take another drink. Lottie took the joint from your hand. You watched, then reached for the lighter to give it a second wind. She held it between her forefinger and thumb for you and once it ignited once more it found home between her lips. You watched, sipping your beer. She smoked far prettier than Van had.
“Van’s a good listener guess. Doesn’t talk too much,” Lottie snorted out a laugh at that. 
“I don't think anyone has ever said ‘Van Palmer doesn’t talk much’” you chuckled out a soft laugh to match hers. You looked away, out at the lights again. Lottie took another breath in, letting the joint sit between her fingers with her crossed arms. She watched the lights with you, though she might not understand the fixation you seemed to have on them. That is, till she paused, turning fully to watch you. She tilted her head again, unexpectedly brushing her fingers over your temple to guide loose hair obstructing her view out of the way and behind your ear. “Let me kiss you,” she murmured, almost as though she was pleading. You turned back to her. Her hand settled on your cheek, fingertips curiously brushing over the apple of your cheek.
“Don’t kid me,” you whispered, eyes glazing as you darted down to her parted lips. 
“Never,” she shook her head ever so slightly. It made her hair sway. You swallowed hard but shakily nodded. That was enough of a yes for her to move in. She immediately dropped the joint in her hand and the hand tracing your cheek found home on the back of your neck. Her now free hand rested behind your ear, stroking your hair as you latched onto her waist, using your left hand to hold you up on the log. 
She kissed like she knew exactly what she was doing. As though this had all been part of a longstanding plan. She’d envisioned this just as you had, and fuck was it perfect. Her lisp whereas urgent as your own and had it not been a public space you might have let her do anything she wanted to you right then and there. She scrunched her fist into your hair, unintentionally pulling ever so lightly on your scalp and eliciting a sudden moan from your throat which only egged her on further till she had to pull away with you chasing after her. 
You opened your eyes wide, lips still parted as you gasped for breath in and out. And then, of course, you got shy, anxious voices telling you she’d regret this immediately. You began to turn from her but the hand in your hair let go and moved to trace knuckles over your cheek and subsequently turn your eyes back to her. She shook her head, murmuring no over and over, soothing you like a child about to cry. And at that thought, the thought of crying alone, you felt the tears spike in your eyes. She watched your brow crinkle as your lip trembled and she pulled you into her chest, holding you as close as she could. 
The hand on your neck found your back as the hand on your cheek moved to cup the back of your head. You buried into your neck as you cried, and she rested her cheek against your scalp, murmuring over and over how it was all ok. She kissed your hair, rubbed your back, and rocked you from side to side as your hands vigorously clung to her sweater, fearing letting her go, because what if the magic would be over and gone when she was out of your hands? 
But reluctantly you needed to let her go, and eventually, that point came where you emerged from her embrace, the scent of her shampoo and perfume fading from you quickly as you met her puffed, teary gaze. She moved to hold your cheeks in her hands as her breath shook. You held your hands around hers, kissing her palm with a weak smile. Fortunately, that had her let go of a watery laugh. But neither of you spoke yet. You just sat in warm silence till you readjusted to be side by side once more, your head lulled to her shoulder with her cheek at your temple.
“Fuck, what do we even do after that?” you breathed, eyes training down to the long discarded joint and red solo cups with only sips left of beer in them, though yours has spilled at some point, soaking the ground under it. 
“I leave tomorrow,” she murmured back. You dressed your lips together before letting go of another sigh. 
“I know… we should have waited” she chuckled sleepily.
“I don’t think so,” you hummed your why. “I’ll be excited to get back here. Well, more excited than I already was to see you,” you chuckled, though your tongue dripped with wordless sarcasm. 
“Don’t forget about me,” 
“Oh, how could I ever after that?” she teased with another giggle. You smiled, nuzzling your nose into her shoulder. With the change in direction, you got an idea upon seeing a small purple flower growing just beside her shoe.
“I know how,” you started, reaching across her side to pick it, leaving a nice, long stem to tuck behind her ear and in her hair. You sat back to admire your work and smiled. “Purple suits you,” you decided, tucking some of the hair behind her ear for a better look at your work. She chuckled with a sniffle, her fingers gently wrapping around your palm, catching you to kiss your fingertips. 
“Mam, are you alright?” you were dragged out of your daydream like a shockwave and had to take several moments to ground yourself again, taking in a deep breath. You blinked repeatedly, shaking your head before forcing a smile. 
“Yes, I’m so sorry. I was remembering something I needed,” you said with a forced chuckle. The florist smiled, though he seemed a little unsure. You turned back to the flower, petal still gently settled between your fingers. “I’ll take this, while I’m here,” you said as you cleared your throat, gently picking up the small white bucket and giving it to the florist to ring up. 
“Ah, Ruellia caroliniensis. But it’s better known as Carolina Wild Petunia. A good choice. Pick it for any reason? I ask everybody that,” he asked, making meaningless small talk. Your eyes stayed focused on the waving petals of the plant as it was gently jostled around. 
“It just reminded me of someone I knew, I guess,” he smiled thoughtfully and nodded with a soft hum of acknowledgment before he asked you for cash or charge. You picked charge which resulted in you digging through your purse for your card. 
“Oh my god! y/n! A shrill voice called when you weren’t looking and just as you pulled out your debit card. You gave the florist you’re card before turning to look who it might be only to have the Misty Quigley herself approaching you with the wide smile and outstretched arms that you felt you had to reciprocate. She squeezed you quite tight and when she let go her hands remained at your side for a moment as she seemed to look at you in awe.
“Well, what the heck are you doing here?” she asked tilting her head with that smile still plastered across her lips till she gasped “Oh! Are you looking for Nat too?” you furrowed your brow and frowned. 
“What? No, I’m-”
“Uh, mam, you’re purchase?” the florist interrupted. You turned from Misty to grab your new belonging, which he had been so kind and bagged for you as well as outstretching your card back to you. 
“Yes, thank you so much! I truly appreciate it!” you said as chipperly as you could before ushering Misty out of the man’s stall and towards a clearing. “What, what are you talking about with Natalie?”
“She got kidnapped!” the blond exclaimed, adjusting her glasses. “She was taken from the motel she was staying in back home and we’re here to find her,” she blabbered on. 
“Hold on, when did Nat get out of rehab and who is we?”
“I dunno, a few weeks ago I think? So much had been going on and it's been hard to keep track and ‘we’ is me and Walter,” you were still confused about the situation and about to ask who Walter was when the man himself showed up. He’d be trailing behind Misty for some time, just casually in the background. He was so average you hadn’t even noticed him. The man waved and offered a smile. You tentatively returned the wave but still seemed confused. 
“I’m not here for Natalie. I didn’t hear about that at all. No, I’m looking for Lottie,” you said rather bluntly. Misty frowned and it was now her turn to be confused. 
“Lottie? But she’s been in Switzerland for years-” 
“Well I thought that too will I saw this,” you whispered, hissing through your teeth as you frantically pulled out your phone and the screenshot you’d taken of the farmers market Instagram post, zooming in on Lottie and shoving the device into her hands.
“No, that can’t be her,” 
“It is. I just- it’s not a great angle but I know it’s her,” you insisted. Misty began to scan the photo curiously, zooming back out when she let out a dramatic gasp and began excitedly smacking at your arm. 
“Purple people!” you yelled. “Purple people!” she repeated it to Walter this time, which summoned him to rush over and huddle around your phone.
“The purple people took Natalie!” she explained with far too much excitement for your liking. 
“Could they have taken Lottie,” Misty shrugged. 
“I dunno, maybe. But only one way to find out!” She shoved your phone back in your hand and began aggressively powerwalking away with Walter tight on her heels. You hesitated momentarily before shutting your phone off and shoving it into your purse, hustling after them. 
“Wait! Do you know where to go?”
“Yes! Of course! We found out from the other stalls,” she called back. “Get in your car and follow us!” she sounded far too excited for this whole ordeal, but what other options did you have to find Lottie? You ran back to your car, got in, and started with heavy breath ready to take the next step on this crazy adventure you found yourself on. 
After quite a bit of driving, they pulled off into a bed and breakfast parking lot and parked. You parked beside them and got out with a frustrated expression. 
“We're not going tonight.” Misty rolled her eyes and she pulled her suitcase out of the trunk of what you assumed was Walter’s car. 
“Someone,” she was heavily implying someone to be Walter, especially with the annoyed, flat-mouthed looks he gave him “wanted to wait till morning because he thinks the cult will expect us at night,” you gave her a look that asked “really” and Misty threw up a hand, shaking her head as she grabbed onto her luggage. 
“I know! Trust me, I know, but captain’s orders,” she huffed as she followed Walter into the B&B. You paused, letting out an exasperated sigh before going to grab your duffle back and your plant. You hear Misty muttering about not using her real name as she and Walter get a room. 
“And it's just for one room, right?” the concierge asked. There was an irritatingly comedic back and forth of yes, and no, then both of them settled on no, two rooms would be fine. 
“And, um, you can put mine under the name Lady Mallowan,” Misty gave herself a name straight out of Clue or a shitty romance novel and you couldn’t help rolling your eyes. 
“Seventeen and eighteen. Up the stairs to the right,” then went back and forth with thank yous as they clumsily took their keys, then started deliberating about luggage when Walter offered to take the suitcase off of Misty’s hands. 
“Just one room under y/n l/n is fine, please,” you said simply. You saw Misty and her new boyfriend exchange an appalling look and you had to refrain from laughing. 
“Room nineteen,” 
“That’s great, thanks” You dropped your things upon entry, but gently placed your plant in its bed on the nightstand before collapsing on your bed with a long sigh. Of course, you'd need to get up and change, but for now, lying on your back in a bed that wasn’t yours was all you could feel like doing. That is till you got up from said bed and disappeared into the bathroom, returning with a small paper cup of water that you set on the nightstand as you sat on the edge of the bed. You tentatively opened the bag that held your plant and took it out, setting it on the stand to be out and in the fresh air. You gave it a light drink from the cup before you returned to the bathroom for a shower. 
You were woken by Misty’s knock at you’re door bright and early at seven-thirty and back on the road by eight after grabbing complimentary breakfast to go. It was a rather long drive to wherever you were going, but you once again found ways to fill the time. That is till Walter took a screeching u-turn that almost caused a car crash on a winding, wet wooded road, but that was a conversation for later. You pulled up beside them and followed as they now stood excitedly outside a green gate that happened to have a matching bee on it. All you carried with you was your tote bag with your plant tucked away inside. Why you felt the need to bring it, you weren't sure, but it felt necessary. 
“The bee is where the purple people are!” Misty insistently explained.
“Ok, do we need to call them ‘the purple people” 
“Well, yes, but that's only till we get a better name for them. But anyway,” without another word of it, Misty ducked under the gate herself and began walking up the road. 
“Ok, we’re getting hit by a car if we do that-” you started but she shook her head. 
“It'll be fine. It looks decently short,”
“Well what about my car?” you urged. 
“Just lock it! Who’s pulling over in the rain to rob an unattended car out here?” you sighed with exasperation. 
“I dunno, maybe people from the cult we’re actively visiting,” you mumbled to yourself. 
“What was that!” 
“Nothing!” you huffed, following after Misty and now Walter, who had started moving shortly after her. She’d been right though. It was a rather short walk with no cars. You found yourself in what looked like a parking lot in the middle of the woods blocking off yet another road with an even larger fence in front of it. Misty and Walter were actively messing with an intercom system that seemed to have worked as they excitedly returned to your side. 
“Alright, so the man on the other end, I think his name was Jack or Jackson- anyway, he’s getting Natalie and she's coming to meet us here,”
“But what about Lottie?” Misty adjusted her glasses and folded her arms with a shrug. 
“I thought we could have Natalie confirm that, because we know she’s in there-”
“You don’t believe me,” you interrupted as she began trailing off.
“Well, we do not want to be making outlandish accusations to strangers, I mean-” she got easily distracted by the sound of someone walking down the pebbled path.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Nataline started with heavy irritation. 
“Oh, thank God you're safe,” Misty would have hugged her by now had the gate not been in her way.
“Safe? What are you talking about?” her attention turned to you and her eyes widened with further confusion “Hi, y/n,” she added tentatively. You awkwardly waved as she gave you a nod. 
“And who the fսck is this?” she gestured to Walter now. 
“Walter,” he simply introduced himself with a wave and a light chuckle before going on. “I've heard nothing but wonderful things about you” Natalie scrunched her nose, clearly not caring all that much about what impression Misty had given him of her upon first meeting. 
 “We're here to rescue you!” Misty eagerly interjected again. “I mean, you-you were kidnapped, right?”
“No. Uh, yes, technically I was, but it's no big deal, okay?” the notion that Natalie’s kidnapping wasnt that big of a deal was bewildering to Misty as seen on her face, but honestly you understood her reaction. 
“Lottie sent some people for me, but I'm not being held against my will,” she muttered, twisting her neck as she spoke. “Well, not anymore” It was now your turn to perk up. 
“I'm sorry, Lottie?”
“I told you she was here,” you hissed through your teeth at Misty, moving closer to the fencing. 
“Wait- as in Lottie? Lottie, who was committed to a mental institution in Switzerland? That Lottie?”
“Yes, Misty, that's the one,” Natalie turned to you once more “I'm assuming you had your theories or whatever?”
“Oh, I’m not here with them-” you paused. “Ok, originally I was coming here all on my own, but we ran into each other, and well,” from there you gave up.  
“Wait, Natalie, Natalie!” Misty derailed the conversation once again. “​​You're gonna have to elaborate, 
“Look, she runs a place here, and she's helping me reflect or whatever. So, you and your Hardy Boy can go home,” she looked Walter up and down again about Hardy Boy.
“I'm doing a fսcking thing here, Misty. I don't need you getting in my way,” she’d lost patience with the blonde’s interruptions and persistence and in all honestly, you felt bad for her given how she shrank back at the raised tone. But she quickly toughened back up, turned on her heels, and marched back in the direction you'd come. 
“She seems nice,” Walter tried to lighten the mood. Natalie sighed with either exhaustion or irritation, watching them go before her eyes drifted to you, still standing in front of her. “You’re not done too?”
“Natalie, I need to see her,” she let out a scoffish chuckle and sighed through her nose. 
“Oh, I’m sure you do,” 
“I’m serious, Natalie,”
“Oh no, I can tell you are, don’t worry. Just- just give me a minute, alright. Let me ask my guy,” she began to turn but waited for you to nod before actually leaving. You stood still, turning to check your surroundings once more just to be as sure as possible. Natalie returned quite quickly with a man behind her. She shrugged, seeming surprised by the verdict herself as the gate’s electric lock began to unlatch letting you in. 
“Uh, my car is still parked with some of my things,” Natalie was already shaking her head. 
“We can have someone come and retrieve it all later,” Natalie’s companion started ad Natalie turned, already heading up the hill for a second time. 
“But you're not gonna need it!” she yelled behind her. Due to her eagerness to leave the scene, you were left walking beside the strange man who let you in. 
“So, I'm assuming you’re Jack or…” you drawled off but he chuckled, appreciating your intention. 
“Jeferson,” he cleared. 
“Right, ok. Nice to meet you,” you nodded, your hands clutching quite tight to the straps of your tote bag. “Look, I don’t mean to sound rude, but I’m only here to see Lottie not join your… well join whatever you're up to,” he laughed again and nodded. 
“Don’t worry. She knows you're here,” a shive rushed down your spine as you realized what was happening. “I’m instructed to take her to you, actually,” 
“Oh. wow, that’s just great. Yeah, great,” you whispered to yourself as you bit your lip, questioning if this was going to be a good idea after all. When you looked up again, taking a deep breath you were met with quite a beautiful scene before you. It was a nice, well-organized camp on a lake with cabins and what you assumed were social areas all around and throughout the woods. You paused for a moment to take it in and wonder, did Lottie make all of this? 
“Charlotte is waiting this way, Ms. l/n,” Jeferson interrupted your wonderings. 
“Mhm, I’m coming,” you had to manually tell your feet to move before you could follow him to the separate cabin that must be Lottie’s. He had already walked up the stairs by the time you approached the porch, taking a moment to appreciate its handiwork before trudging up the creaking wood. Jefferson opened the door but didn’t enter, only gesturing for you to go in. 
“Charlotte will be here as soon as she can step away,” he explained as you cautiously walked in. You nodded, turning around to give him your thanks but he was already shutting the door, leaving you to your own devices. For a moment you stood completely still, watching the wooden door anticipating her walking in at any second, but after a few seconds of stillness, your foot began bouncing with building anxiety squeezing at your chest. 
“Shit,” you hissed, turning to look around your surroundings and find something to help you calm down. You put your bag on the table, but take the time to take the plant out and set it beside your bag. You rubbed your sweating palms on your pants and began to wander around the single room you found yourself in. Her main space was split into a small lounge-ish office space with a kitchen on the other half. 
You assumed the bathroom and her bedroom were down in the back of the cabin and with a craning of your neck you could see in one of the rooms but you decided it best to leave that be. Wandering around the office space you ran your fingertips over the edge of her desk. You peaked over the edge, curiosity winning momentarily before you restrained yourself, instead turning to the art hung on her wall featuring deer and other wilderness things before resigning yourself to the couch facing her desk. 
You flopped down rather unceremoniously but couldn't help sitting stiff, hunched forward with your knee bouncing in anticipation. Your eyes trained on her desk again, which was mostly bare of anything decor-like other than the two small picture frames. You forced yourself to look away till your nerves kicked in again and you were back up and taking the large one into your hands. It featured a classic team photo of the soccer team back in high school, but earlier on during your sophomore year. 
You chuckled lightly scanning over the baby faces your old friends used to have. Having something familiar to look at was relaxing, you decided. Maybe not the most morally correct thing, but this was an exceptional situation. So, you moved on to the small one, thinking none of it till she got a look and your heart dropped again. Pressed pristinely against the glass was an all too familiar flower, nearly identical to the one you'd been carrying for the past day and a half. Only this one had far more wear to it, clearly showing its age. It had faded in color over time, taking on hues of parchment brown rather than the vibrant purples you’d been familiar with. You traced over the shapes of the petals, likely dry and dusty to the touch by now over its safety net of glass. That is till you heard the carbon door abruptly shut.
And oh, she was perfect. She was sickeningly, stunningly perfect but all you could do was freeze where you stood, grip tightening around the small wooden frame in your clasp out of fear you might drop it if you didn’t squeeze tight. And she stood just as stunned at you. Age had encompassed her face all this time, but it was still her face. The one you had ingrained in your mind, so much more detailed than any photograph. You felt your chin begin to quiver.  
“Please tell me you didn't hold on to that all these years" You had to force it out with your breath ad your brow bowed with the strain of keeping it together. And then she laughed. She laughed her laugh, now blossoming with the beautiful thing that is age, just as every other part of her was. She moved toward you as though she was floating. She took her caftan off so smoothly it was like the breeze itself removed it for her. And before anything else, she took the frame from your hands, fingertips brushing together only for a moment. She returned it to its place before shakily turning back to you, tears drizzling from her eyes as she smiled.
“How could I not,” she murmured with a laugh full of exasperated joy as though she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her hands hovered over your arms as though she feared touching you would break the illusion, but with the way your lip trembled and tears rolled from your eyes as you held back a strangled sob she couldn’t refrain herself. It all felt so new and old all at once and oh, how overwhelming she was, her hands cupped at your face, thumbs stroking at your tears as you let it all go, sopping into her. 
Just as she had years before she murmured sweet nothing promising that you were safe and you were here, but not only you. After so much time she needed the reassurance of reality just as much. She pulled you in, just as before and your nose found its rightful place in the curve of her neck as her cheek found your scalp. She held you up and close as your knees began to shake and you had to grip onto her shoulder blades for what felt like dear life. You needed to feel her to truly know that she was here, she was real and she was yours, as were you.
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asdfghjklmals · 11 months
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don’t get blocked! did you read the rules yet?
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i have nothing to say about him. only that i love him.
enjoy reading about oc gojo girlfriend and satoru’s love story and the phases of life they’ve gone through together since they met at jujutsu high. 💚
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legend: ✿ = fluff ❀ = angst
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✿ love at first fight how satoru meets oc gojo girlfriend.
✿ sleeping with the enemy two sorcerers, one bed troupe. follows ‘love at first fight’.
✿ the courage to try satoru wishes that oc gojo girlfriend and him could be more than just friends. follows ‘sleeping with the enemy’.
✿ souvenirs satoru brings oc gojo girlfriend home something that will remind her of him.
✿ meet the gojos oc gojo girlfriend meets satoru’s family for the first time.
❀ ✿ fated to love you satoru meets oc gojo girlfriend's family for the first time. follows ‘meet the gojos’.
❀ ✿ the honored one satoru's near death experience makes him realize what is important. oc gojo girlfriend learns a hard lesson. follows ‘fated to love you’.
❀ ✿ learn to love satoru finds megumi and tsumiki fushiguro and brings them home to meet oc gojo girlfriend.
❀ ✿ pinky promises oc gojo girlfriend teaches megumi something about promises with satoru. follows 'learn to love'.
✿ learning from the strongest satoru teaches megumi how to use his shikigami demon dogs for the first time.
❀ to be present suguru geto is sentenced to death by the jujutsu society. will oc gojo girlfriend’s love be enough to heal satoru's broken heart?
✿ back to school oc gojo girlfriend and satoru take megumi and tsumiki to sign up for school.
❀ ✿ seeing red oc gojo girlfriend and satoru have an argument.
✿ graduation oc gojo girlfriend and satoru graduate from tokyo jujutsu high school!
✿ safe haven oc gojo girlfriend and satoru go apartment hunting to fit their unconventional family of four. follows 'graduation'.
✿ fairytales tsumiki thinks yours and satoru's love story is based off of a fairytale.
✿ morning routine satoru and oc gojo girlfriend's morning routine. NOTE: tumblr added a content warning, but it's sfw.
✿ lilies & roses happy mother's day oc gojo girlfriend!
✿ sugar daddy happy father's day satoru!
❀ break up to make up oc gojo girlfriend’s and satoru’s biggest fight ever.
✿ butterflies til' this day, oc gojo girlfriend still gives satoru butterflies.
✿ the purrr-fect approach tsumiki asks satoru if she can have a cat.
✿ forget me not satoru forgets oc gojo girlfriend’s birthday.
❀ ✿ wherever you are tsumiki asks satoru if she can study abroad.
❀ sealed & delivered satoru arrives in shibuya but is sealed in the prison realm. megumi has to deliver the bad news to oc gojo girlfriend.
✿❀ accidents oc gojo girlfriend finds out she's pregnant, what will satoru think?
✿ milestones short stories of oc gojo girlfriend and satoru's pregnancy journey.
✿ cravings oc gojo girlfriend's cravings keep her up at night.
✿ baby moon satoru and oc gojo girlfriend's last vacation together before baby gojo arrives (happens in the middle of milestones).
✿❀ hello baby baby gojo is born 💚
✿ morning routine 2.0 satoru and oc gojo girlfriend’s updated morning routine.
✿ date night vs. babysitting night megumi offers to watch satoru’s and oc gojo girlfriend’s child so they can go on a date.
✿ lilies & roses 2.0 oc gojo girlfriend and satoru celebrate baby gojo's first valentine's day!
✿ grateful for you oc gojo girlfriend and baby gojo’s night routine has to include satoru.
✿ confectionary distractions oc gojo girlfriend and satoru battle against their child in the game of clipping fingernails.
✿ the sweetest sight satoru and oc gojo girlfriend take their child out to get a sweet treat. 🍩
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© 2023-2024 ASDFGHJKLMALS — all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, or repost my work.
dividers provided by @/anlian-aishang
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growwithmeastrology · 2 months
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Monday, April 8th 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon in Aries♈️🔥
As we approach the biggest astrological event of the year today, I am reminded of the fact that sometimes us astrologers forget that not all have a full understanding of the energies involved. We’ve talked about chapters of the old self ending and new experiences, relationships, living situations, family and careers forming. But maybe it’s not understood that this is all a song and dance about the Aries warrior trying to calm his flame and the Libra lover whose symmetry strives to create balance and beauty. Aries reinforces Libra’s desire of harmony by meeting his counterpart in the middle, being the sign of new beginnings, passion and forward motion. Together, they pioneer a new era rooted in lavish urges to take instinctive action towards engrained desires without limitation or delay. The tension we’re feeling as a collective has us in an emotional tug and pull between putting ourselves first while balancing how we view our relationship to everything and everyone else around us.
We add a third party player to this romantic comedy of errors with the wounded healer asteroid, Chiron who’s enabling us to begin healing our hearts and separation mindset, individually and collectively. Together, they are all trying to show us how to work through frustrations in a healthier way.
There may be a general feeling today that someone or something is deterring you from fulfilling your desires. Most of us are feeling misunderstood thanks to Mercury in retrograde, also in Aries. Allow yourself to feel all of this but understand that if you decide to ignore your emotions instead of processing them, you’ll just end up in a “stuck in the mud” situation. These energies feel heavy because they’re asking you to slow down, enter a contemplative state and get to the bottom of your grievances so you can clear away all the overgrowth blocking your path.
Use the energies of today by growing compassion for yourself while extending compassion towards others. We’re all in it, riding this wave together so we can reach a more balanced tomorrow. 💚💫
If you enjoy my daily forecasts please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a consultation.
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mrsdesade · 6 months
silly date with the God of Mischief (headcanons part.1)
Timeline: before and during Thor Ragnarok
TW: no one/ just fluff
Pairing: Loki x fem!y/n
Note: this is my first time posting my stuff like this please be kind, English isn't even my native language so I'm trying my best; hope you enjoy 💚
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first of all, he's THE gentleman par excellence, from your first meeting until your relationship becomes official
he's the one who always listen to you without judging even If you did the most horrendous and atrocious things
he loves teasing and moking you sometimes, but absolutely in a lovely way
HOLDING YOUR HAND everywhere, everytime, always, in private, in public
his main love language is physical contact
if you decide to bring him to the Earth sometimes, he's not used to the human customs and traditions so the situation might become quite funny
on a coffee shop date he let you decide for him because he might feel disorientated, he's gonna love the jasmine green tea with vanilla you ordered for him
all the humans around are probably looking at him because...well... you're dating the man who attempted to conquer the planet many times
but he doesn't care so much, he has only eyes for you
"humans are so strange... don't get my wrong you're incredibile,but them...uh."
"Loki, you know that I'm not a human."
"oh yes, right, sometimes I forget that." (liar, he knows everything about you)
MATCHING OUTFITS, he offers to buy some clothes that resemble and match with his black suit
be ready to have a full wardrobe of luxury brand and a lots of jewelry made with Asgardian gold (and filled with his magic)
you can make fun of him calling him sugar daddy because he always pay everything for you and of course he doesn't understand the joke
"did you call me...sugar...what?"
on Asgard he loves looking at you with their traditional clothes on when you're walking in the Palace, without saying nothing, just admiring you
he never admit that but he find so funny when you're trying to read the Asgardian language on his books (he's definitely making fun of you when you misspelled something)
he read poetry and poems for you
he show you little magic tricks for everyday little things
If you can use magic or you have specific abilities he's 100% interested on learning more about you and studying your powers
ask you to exercise with him for learning using his knifes
wants you to feel secure and protected, always
at the night he loves staying with you besides the lit fireplace when there's a thunderstorm outside
he hides his spicy thoughts really well (maybe I can do here a specific post)
"close your eyes, I'll be here until you fall asleep; you don't have to pay attention to anything except my voice and my embrace, goodnight my dear."
For now we're done! Hope you enjoyed and as well I hope to being able to do a part two really soon 💚
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always-andromeda · 1 year
hi! so excited for your valentine’s event! if you’re still accepting requests, could I perhaps get a white chocolate truffle with our dear mr. the riddler?
to keep it fun and seasonal, maybe it’s your first valentine’s day together and all he’s ever seen are movies, commercials, etc. so he’s super flustered and nervous that he has to like make this grand gesture and buy you a bunch of stuff, but maybe whatever he’s planning falls thru for some reason and he’s really upset? but then you comfort him and let him know that you don’t need any of that stuff and you end up eating an entire box of cheap chocolates together and watching a movie or something?
but also if you don’t like that premise, absolutely feel free to go with whatever you want! love your writing!! 💘💚
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– 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮
𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐍𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: don't you worry, anon. I adored this premise. and I genuinely loved writing it. so much so that it came out to a little over a thousand words oops I didn't mean to I promise!!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: this ended up being a bit more angsty than I meant for it to be lmao, bits of fluff, blood mention (nothing graphic), Edward essentially has a meltdown, nothing else I can think of!
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The day was supposed to be perfect. It was supposed to be a chocolate filled, candy coated, heart shaped, ribbon wrapped day of romance. That's how these sorts of holidays worked, right? Edward expected that he'd be planning so much that he'd barely get to feel the gratification of any of his efforts. Your adoring expression when you saw how devoted he was to making everything special would be his reward.
But with the way things were looking, he was losing it. Edward took a shallow breath and closed his eyes, going over the mental checklist for all of the things that had gone wrong that day.
He hadn't gotten the day off even though he'd requested it nearly a month in advance. Edward wouldn't forget the sneer on Zach's face as he chuckled and said, "Don't you need a date in order for that to work, Eddie boy?" Never mind his protest that he did have a date, which was precisely why he needed the day off in the first place. Zach didn't care. It had taken everything in Edward not to tear him to pieces in his stupid corporate office.
He figured he'd deal with it. That just meant his day was going to be a bit busier. At least the restaurant he wanted to take you out to was all set.
At least until he got home from work, flower bouquet in hand and called the restaurant for the fourth time that day, learned that their computer system had crashed, and wiped most of their reservation roster for the night. 
As much as Edward pitied the poor, panicked employee on the other end and the kind of night they were going to face, he had his own worries. He hung up quickly and leaned back against the kitchen wall, making a mental note to call later and see if the issue was fixed.
Alright, Edward. You're already lucky that you got this chance in the first place. And you're screwing it up. Just breathe. And do something.
So he did something. He found a vase in one of the cupboards for the flowers; a nice crystal one that would look perfect displayed on the coffee table, waiting for you when you got back to your apartment as well.
All his life he'd had butterfingers. And once more, they struck at the worst possible moment. As he carried the crystal vase to the coffee table in the living room, before he could quite process it, the vase was slipping from his hands and falling to the floor with a heart shattering crash.
Now he was on the ground, hurriedly sweeping the pieces of broken glass with his bare hands. Among the shards were flowers, now all scattered and already starting to look disheveled. The water was soaking into the knees of his slacks.
And the icing on the cake? Of course he had to slice his finger on a shard of glass when he wasn't paying attention. Without hesitation, he attempted to stop the blood flow...using the sleeve of his white button up. But he was already too far gone. 
You're screwing it up. You can't do anything right, can you? You're going to end up alo–
He clamped his hands around his ears, trying to block out the voice, trying to catch his breath, trying to hold onto something; anything. But it was like he was drowning. Going further and further down, the water clogged all of his senses.
Edward? Eddie? Eddie!
Finally, he felt a hand on his shoulder. And it all stopped. Edward opened his eyes and blinked heavily, catching your scared expression for only a few seconds before you replaced it with a tentative smile.
"Hey, are you with me?"
Edward nodded slowly, only just beginning to feel the waves of hot tears that had started rolling down his cheeks. This wasn't the first meltdown you'd witnessed from him. But it was the first one he'd had on a holiday. As much as they intimidated him, he'd managed to keep it together. Something about this one though pressed him so thin that he felt like he could shatter at any minute. 
And you already seemed so aware of it as you helped him get up and said, "You're home, you're with me."
You caught sight of the bright red blood on his shirt cuff and took his hand in yours tenderly, examining the small cut on the side of his index finger. "Let's take care of this first, alright?”
You took him into your little bathroom and carefully cleaned the wound before rubbing in a small dot of antibiotic ointment and sending him in your room to pick out a set of pajamas from your dresser. Normally, Edward would feel embarrassed, having sets of pajamas at your apartment for all the times he stayed over; he hated being alone at night. But now, he was grateful to get out of the damp slacks and bloodstained button up.
By the time he finished getting dressed, you'd picked the remaining pieces of glass, sopped up the water, and placed all the flowers on paper towels in your kitchen. And when he'd looked at them shamefully, you came up behind him, wrapping your arms around his midsection. Then you spoke, "They're beautiful flowers, Edward. Thank you. Maybe I could press them and use them in a project. That way I can keep them forever."
Edward hummed lightly, "That sounds lovely." You are lovely, he wanted to say. But somehow, he could tell that you already knew it as you walked him out to the living room, a massive box of chocolates and a small bottle of red wine on the coffee table.
"It's not much, but I didn't know if you'd have anything planned. So I figured we could spend the night in," you explained.
Edward didn't have the energy to scold himself for forgetting to tell you about his plan for the evening. None of that mattered anymore. He was tired. Exhausted, actually. But more than that, he was in love. In love with you and your gentle touch and your hopeful eyes as you waited for his reply. Like if the chocolate and the wine wasn't there, you'd probably still be content anyways. Content with him.
"I wouldn't ask for anything else, my angel," Edward said, his lips forming into a small, semi-circular smile as he pulled you into a warm, comforting embrace.
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