#so glad we can be walking bakeries together
bunicate · 8 months
it is SUCH a good feeling!!! i luv walking around knowing that i smell good n everyone knows i smell good n i’m cute so it’s like a double whammy!! um um anyways the primer i got was the nyx marshmellow primer!! i was only gonna get it at first bc it had marshmallow in the name and i like marshmallows but THEN i tried it and it felt super nice on my skin plus it smelled yummy!!! i used to be very noncohesive (incohesive? idk the word oops) with what i wanted to smell like but now i go into bath n bodywork’s n other places with the goal of smelling like a whole entire bakery :3
u do smell gud and u ARE KYUTE ! i can jus tell its tru! nd i had tht primer at one point nd I forgot to put the cap on so it got all hard nd i had to throw it out >_> but for primers rn I’ve been using the hydro grip :3 it works wonders . as for prfm i also nvr rlly cared too much of what i smelled like as long as it was good. I thought I was rlly into strawbie scents ( which I am) but rlly i was drawn to the whipped vanilla notes ! im very much a gourmand cupcake vanilla girlie ! my only desire is to smell like a vanilla dream ! ! so now I can’t stop buying soaps, lotions and prfms tht smell like a birthday cake !
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themorningsunshine · 1 year
Pie eyed over you : Chapter 2 
Mafia - Baker AU
Masterlist                        Series Masterlist
Previous Part
Pairing - Mafia!Bucky x Baker!Reader
Summary - When a new baker in town refuses to abide by his rules, Bucky has no option but to go and take care of it himself. But nothing could prepare him for what stood on the other side. Nothing could prepare him for you.
Warnings - Nothing in this one
Word count - 3.9k
a/n - And here is the second part to the Pie-eyed over you series. I am SO grateful for the love all of you have shown to the first part and I am really excited for you guys to read this. This will (hopefully) not be a very long series but I haven’t decided on how I want it to go so updates might be slow. Please bare with me.Also, let me know what you guys want to see in this story :)
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He looks around once before stepping out of the car.
The area is as lively as the last time he had seen it.
Not a lot of changes in 5 days, Bucky 
He can see the bakery from where his car is parked.
He didn't have a reason to be here. For some reason, he hadn't demanded the money last time he was here and he was pretty sure it won't change this time either.
But there was something about this bakery.
It's the cakes. He tells himself, but his suddenly quickening heart tells a different story.
He walks towards the bakery and sees you standing behind the counter, with a small smile on your face, which seems like your default setting, looking at the registers. And just like last time, Bucky's steps falter for a moment before he takes a deep breath as if his lungs had suddenly been deprived of air before walking again.
As he opens the door, the bells above his head jingle and notify you of a new customer.
When you look up from the register, your smile grows and turns into a slightly teasing one as you look at the man standing in front of you. You were relieved. Was it okay that you kinda hoped he would come back?
As he walked towards the counter, you spoke up, "Can I say, 'I told you so'?"
Bucky rolled his eyes but couldn't help the way his lips were turning slightly upwards. "Come on, sweets. We both know you wanted me to come back."
Your breath hitches in your throat at both the nickname and the comment. You clear your throat, willing yourself to speak, "Of course I did. It's good for business, you know." You tried to sound composed but the smile on your face gave it away.
Bucky chuckled as he took the seat beside the counter and looked at the case full of sweets in front of him. It was still the early hours of the day and there weren't a lot of people in the bakery, except for a couple sitting in the corner and a teenage girl sipping coffee while working on her laptop.
"So, what do you want today?"
You. Bucky's eyes widened as a voice from inside him replied almost instantly and he had to look up to make sure he hadn't said it out loud. What the hell was happening to him? He clears his throat and replies, "Surprise me"
You smile at him before bending to pick up a couple of brownies from the case putting them on a plate and passing them to him. "Just made them. Try and tell me how they are." There was a glint in your eyes and Bucky knew that he could never not like anything you made.
He picked up a brownie and took a bite. As it melted into his mouth, a perfectly sweet taste filling his senses, he closed his eyes and moaned.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and clenched your thighs together at his reaction. "Sweets, this is the best damn thing I've ever had."
You chuckled as red color crept up to your neck at the praise. "Glad you liked it, James."
"Liked it? I love it, sweets." He spoke before taking another bite from the brownie.
You stood there for a moment, just looking at him. There was something about him. A rough exterior, covered in dark clothes from top to bottom, but there were moments like these where you saw just how soft he was beneath all that and for some reason, you just couldn't take your eyes off the man who was eating your brownie as if a second without them would kill him.
The sound of the bells jingling at the door brought you out of your daze. You looked at him once more before walking towards the other end of the counter to the middle-aged woman who had just walked in.
When Bucky finished one of his brownies and forced himself to not instantly reach for the other one, he looked around. The bakery wasn't that large. A small, cozy place with a few decorations. Filled with the smell of freshly baked cookies and cakes, it was warm and inviting. It was so you.
Bucky's eyes landed on a shelf beside the counter and his feet brought him to it before his mind could catch up. It was a small shelf but lined with books.
The books looked old as if they had been read over and over again but well kept. Cherished. He brought his flesh hand to one of the books and slowly picked it up.         To kill a mockingbird
He stared at the cover for a moment, before walking back to his seat, with the book in hand.
As he opened the book to the first chapter, the words brought him to a time long gone. An easier time.
He used to read a lot, as much as he could anyways. He liked books. They were an escape. The stories made him forget about the struggles of his own life.
But that was a habit long gone. Another thing he loved that was lost to time.
He starts reading it before he knows what he is doing and instinctively reaches for the brownie on the plate, taking a bite.
You look up from the cash drawer, eyes drifting to the man who has been occupying your thoughts more than you would like to admit.
He is engrossed in a book and his furrowed brows as he focuses on the book and the soft look in his eyes as he skims through the pages has your heart fluttering. You notice the brownies on his plate are almost gone now and trying your best as to not disturb him, you place another two on the plate and watch as he reaches into the plate without looking away from his book and takes a bite. You smile to yourself before getting back to the kitchen to prepare an order of cupcakes.
Bucky looks up as he feels eyes staring at him, only to be met by your y/e/c ones.
"Finally, and I thought you will finish the whole book in one go." You said, letting out a chuckle.
Bucky narrows his eyes. Sure, the page he was on and the feel of the chair proved that he had been there for long, but it couldn't have been that long, right? "How long has it been?"
You smile at him before tilting your head towards the little clock adorning the walls and Bucky's eyes widen. It had been 2 hours. What the hell had happened to his sense of time?
He hadn't felt this at peace in ... a very long time. He looked down at his plate which still had a small piece of a brownie left and he could swear he could still taste it in his mouth. How many had he really eaten?
Your voice brought him out of his thoughts. "So.." You kept your head on your fist and leaned on the table with a teasing smile on your face and it was becoming difficult for him to focus on the outside world. "And this is a wild guess. Like, completely random. You like reading?"
He let out a chuckle before thinking about your question. "I used to." 
"What happened?" You ask with genuine curiosity. He looks at you and realizes that you're not asking just for the sake of it. You want to know. You want to know him.
"Life. Life happened." He replies, only because he can't get himself to lie to you.
"Come on, James. If we are not able to find time for the things we love, are we really living?"
He looks at you as if pondering over your words. It wasn't that easy.
"I know what you should do." You stood before taking the book away from him, dog-earing the page before sliding it back towards him. "Here, take this book with you."
When he narrowed his eyes, you continue, "Take it with you and read it. When you're done, come back and return it to me." You explain as if it was the simplest thing in the world. As if giving him one of your favorite books that you had cherished for so long wasn't a big deal at all.
Bucky shook his head. "Nope, no, sweets. I am not taking it."
"Come on. You don't leave a book in the middle if you like it. It's a crime."
"Then I'll just buy it from the bookshop. This is yours." He said before sliding the book back towards you.
"We both know you won't do that. Come on, James. Just take it."
He picked up the book and slid it into his metal hand, knowing that there was no use in arguing with you but said with a smirk. "Careful there, sweets. Or I'll think you're giving me this book because you want me to come back."
As if on cue, the bell of the entrance dings notifying you of a customer. So, you turn back to look at him for the last time before saying, "Maybe I do."
And Bucky really hopes it's true.
*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*
He comes back a week later.
And the week after that.
He comes to the bakery every week until it becomes a routine. A part of him. A part engraved in his life as if it had always been there. It's simple.
He would come to the bakery, the book you gave to him last week tugged under his arms. Sometimes he would be finished with it, other times, he would just promise to return it the next week. You didn't mind. Not till he kept showing up.
He would sit beside the counter, ordering whatever it was you recommended. When you asked him how it was, he would always reply with 'The best damn thing I've ever had.' and he could swear to god he meant it every single time.
The both of you would talk, as much as you could anyways and Bucky found that being around you was the simplest part of his whole week, and the most precious too. It was his little escape. A time when he didn't care what was happening. About the people working for him or the people behind his life, he couldn't care less. All that mattered was that he was there, in the middle of a little bakery, eating sweets and talking to the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
You didn't mind either. Somehow, every single time the bell of the entrance jingled, you silently hoped it was the same beautiful blue eyes that you just couldn't take your mind off.
The only trouble was, it is really easy to get distracted from running a bakery all alone when you have a guy like him sitting there, carefree and yet intimidating as if he owned the place. It was very distracting.
And one day, you let him know exactly that. It had been a month since he had shown up at the bakery for the first time. A book on the table and a plate of cookies, talking to you as if the rest of the world had ceased to exist.
You walked back from the cash register after handling a customer before speaking up, "You know, I have a bakery to run, James, and you are pretty much the most distracting person here." Even though your words were borderline harsh, you let him know through your teasing tone that you were just kidding. Him stopping to come to the bakery was the last thing you wanted.
"Aww, come on, sweets. We both know I am your favorite customer." He replied with a smug look on his face and you didn't know if you wanted to slap it from his face or kiss it. Definitely the latter.
"You wish, James."
As if on cue, the bell of the door jingles, and Bucky looks that way to see a young pregnant lady with a blond man standing at the door.
He looks back at you to find you grinning from ear to ear and watches as you practically run from behind the counter towards them and engulf the woman in a big hug, angling yourself so as to not hurt the evident bump.
When you do the same with the blonde man, the air surrounding Bucky suddenly thickens and he realizes he isn't going to like this man much. But it was just because he is blonde. Bucky has never liked blonde guys.
You say something to the both of them before bringing them inside towards a table near to where Bucky is sitting and helping the pregnant lady on a chair. You still have the widest grin on your face when you turn toward him.
"James, this is my best friend, Wanda, and her elder brother, Pietro." You said before pointing towards them.
"He is literally elder than me by 13 minutes." The brunette points at you accusingly as you snicker.
"Still older." The blonde replies with an accent just like his sister.
"Guys, this is James." You point toward him and Bucky watches as something flashes through Wanda's eyes and her lips turn into a teasing smirk.
"So, he is THE James Barnes." She brought her hand towards him to shake before continuing, "She has told me so much about you."
At this, Bucky turns towards you with a smirk on his face and raised brows and watches as your cheeks turn red. Just then, the oven dings and you thank heavens for the distraction, "That's my cue."
You turn back and walk towards the kitchen with hurried steps as Bucky's eyes follow your form, just like they always do. When you disappear into the kitchen and he finally takes his eyes off and turns back, he finds Wanda looking at him with narrowed eyes and a smirk as if she could read his mind.
Bucky cleared his throat, "So, how do you know y/n?"
"We met years ago when she came to visit here as a kid. Have been friends since."
Bucky shook his head but clenched his jaw when she still didn't remove her accusing stare from him.
Pietro, sensing the slight tension between them, tried breaking the silence, but Wanda cut him off, "Where have I seen you before?"
Bucky's breath hitched in his throat. You still didn't know who he was and if it was up to him, he would keep it like that for as long as he could. You looked at him as if he was human as if his hands weren't covered in blood as if you weren't scared of him and he would do everything he could to keep it that way.
"I don't know. You must be mistaken." He took a breath to calm himself down. He couldn't intimidate this woman the way he did with his people. He wouldn't give her a reason to doubt him. She clearly meant a lot to you.
As Wanda opened her mouth to speak, you came back from the kitchen, interrupting the conversation.
You looked towards Pietro before speaking, "The boxes are in the back, and please be careful this time."
Pietro brought his hand to his chest as if your words had somehow hurt him. "You hurt my feelings, y/n. When am I not careful?"
You brought your finger to your chin in mock thinking before replying, "Let me think. Off the top of my head, maybe whenever you drive your bike way past the speed limit. I swear to god, Pietro, one day, your speed will ruin all my sweets."
"Ouch, you care about your sweets more than me?" He said as if your words had physically hurt him this time.
This time, Wanda replied, "Pietro, my dear brother, even I care about her sweets more than you."
The both of you chuckled as Pietro huffed and stomped off towards the back.
You looked at James before explaining, "He does the deliveries for me, as a favor. Believe it or not, it's difficult to deliver stuff in a town you know nothing about."
Bucky lightly chuckled before replying, "Tell me about it."
He then looked at Wanda once again and saw that she was staring at him with the same glare from before, but thankfully, you didn't notice.
He knew he had to leave soon. He wouldn't give her enough time to put the pieces together. "Sweets, I should go."
"You, sure? You could stay. I am sure Wanda wouldn't mind."
"No, I know. But I will leave you to it. Bye, sweets. Bye, Wanda." He turned towards the door quickly as if he couldn't get out of there sooner.
"James, wait." You called out to him and he stopped midstep. He will never get tired of how his name sounded on your lips. "Here. You forgot this." You handed him the book he had been reading for the past week and look up at him with a smile on your face.
Yeah, he definitely didn't want you to find out.
As he walked out of the bakery, you turned back towards Wanda, the smile etched on your lips and a soft look in your eyes. "So....." Wanda started in a teasing tone.
"Don't say it. Don't say it."
"He is hot."
You rolled your eyes at her. "What would Vision think, Wan?"
"You know what I mean."
You bit your lips before looking at her. "It's nothing like that. We are friends. Or at least I hope we are."
"Yeah, because going around calling people sweets is the new thing men do."
You plopped yourself on the chair opposite to her before burying your face into your hands. "It's just a nickname that stuck."
Who were you lying to? You couldn't hide from your oldest friend the fact that every part of you knew that him calling you sweets was the best sound in the whole world. She brought her hands to yours and removed them from your face and you looked up to be met by her serious gaze. "Just be careful, y/n. Something about him just doesn't seem right."
The corridors of this building always seemed darker when he came back from the bakery. He already missed how warm and inviting it was. The book tugged under his arm the only reminder that he had been there.
He heard some voices coming from his office and as he walked closer, he recognized the voices instantly.
He opened the door to his office, only to find Steve and Sam standing in the middle of the room.
"You're finally here." Sam almost exclaimed with relief as his eyes landed on Bucky. "What, couldn't handle this place for a few hours without me, Wilson?" He looked at him teasingly.
"Shut it. Stark called, asking about you. I had to make some half-ass excuse to him. But I am pretty sure he knew I was lying. That man is too smart, I am telling you." "Don't worry about it. I'll give him a call. Will schedule a meeting with him."
Sam crossed his arms across his chest. "What, you're not even gonna tell us where you were?"
Choosing to ignore his question, Bucky walked and sat on the couch. "How's Carl? Alive?" He asked as if he couldn't care less about the answer.
"He is still in there. Breathing." Steve replied before contemplating his next words. "Buck, do you think you were maybe a little too harsh on him? A week in the dungeon filled with our enemies is not really a vacation."
"He got what he deserved, Steve. We can't go easy on them."
Sam looked at Bucky with an accusing gaze before speaking up again. "So I lie to Tony Stark and handle all the chaos in here for the whole day and you just conveniently ignore my question of where you were."
Steve gave Bucky a once-over before smirking. "Let it go, Sam. Bucky has got a lot on his hands."
Bucky narrowed his eyes at Steve before looking down, only to find crumbs of cookies still sticking to his hands.
He not-so-subtly rubbed his palms on his trousers before looking up and ushering the both of them outside the room with a lame excuse.
He placed the book he had brought with him on his table and opened it, only to find something in the middle of two pages. He opened it to find a small flower kept gently between two pages. A little pressed, but fresh, telling him that you had sneaked it in between today.
He picked up the flower, oblivious to the smile on his face when his eyes landed on a small note sticking to it. In swift handwriting, it read                                                To my favorite customer
Bucky couldn't help the way his heartbeat quickened or how he just couldn't remove the smile from his face. But he couldn't care less.
He had no idea how much time had passed when he heard knocks on the door to his office. Tucking the flower and the note inside the book, he turned towards the door and called out for the person to enter.
When the door opened, his eyes landed on one of his men. "Walker, what do you want?"
"Sir," He said bowing his head a little to him. Bucky never really liked John Walker. He always tried to show himself to be more than what he actually was. But he got the work done and he hadn't given him a reason to not trust him.
"Sir, I checked the collections for this month and I noticed something."
Bucky nodded his head, not really paying attention to whatever he had to say.
"The new Bakery." Bucky's eyes shot up and he tried his best as to not look too interested. "That baker hasn't paid this month too, sir and we can't ignore this. She is trying to rebel. Has no idea what she is trying to go against."
Bucky didn't like where this conversation was going. "It's okay. It doesn't matter. It's just a bakery."
Walker narrowed his eyes at him. When had the most ruthless mafia boss gone so... soft? But maybe he just didn't care for some stupid baker.
"Sir, this sets a wrong example. People will try to imitate her and that is never a good sign."
Bucky was growing impatient now, This isn't how it was supposed to go. "Just let it go, Walker."
"It's okay, sir. I understand that you don't want to get your hands dirty. Please let me handle this. I promise I wouldn't disappoint."
Bucky should have ordered him to not do anything. Should have just given him some other thing to do. But he didn't want to gain suspicions. He couldn't show that he cared about anything. It would always go against him.
He knew this wasn't going to end well, but he nodded his head at Walker. There was no way in hell he would hurt you or anyone without his permission but it didn't mean he was letting Walker anywhere near you without him around.
But among all this, one question lingered in his mind.
Why did he care so much?
Next part 
Taglist (open) - @alana4610 @infinitehyperfixations​ @emilyroberts @winters1917 @almosttoopizza @lizslibrary @darlingwhoreslut @broadwaybabe18 @lolabrielle  @quethekillerqueen  @bbiaa420 @verveta345 @my-oppar-blog @cookielovesbook-akie @saranghaey @writing-for-marvel @talesofadragon @depressed-gays-of-marvel @carrysears @supernatrualqueen @thecubanator2 @mcucatlady @tesseract69 @unaxv @fridooolin @havlindzk @coffeejustcoffee @nabiiturner @galaxy-dusk @blog-the-lilly @roserfz27 @elsie-bells  @partypoison00  @melsunshine @thevodkori @emoalien69 @alilstressyandlotdepressy @awkwardgiraffe726 @just-set-things-on-fire @lalalalalafu @jotaros-bara-tiddies @scuzmunkie @moonchildlov @pampeop​ @mossiswriting  @gloriouspurpose01 @day-dreaming-goddess @hawkeyes-queen @thats-alittle-gay​ @solisinferni
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mochinek0 · 5 months
Daminette December 2023: 17-Bodyguard
Damian had heard the whispers and rumors when he first moved to Paris. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the baker's daughter and fashion designer had been head over heels for Adrien Agreste, the model. That had been years ago. Some of their friends refused to believe she moved on from her gigantic crush. He had heard the whispers of how she babbled and froze with just a glance. How she had memorized his schedule and planned their future together. He had heard how she had fallen for him with a simple gesture of giving her his umbrella in the rain. The only thing that had ever stopped them from getting together was how blind Adrien was. He never saw Marinette was anything more than a friend and everyone knew it. That might have been true; all of it. Damian knew that Marinette no longer felt like that, if it had ever been true.
From what he observed, Adrien was the one now persuing the baker's daughter. If any of it had been true, Marinette had long moved on. Adrien was constantly trying to get her attention and would search the halls for her. If anything, the roles had reversed. Adrien Agreste now stalked Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Adrien Agreste was still 'blind' in his book. The model took zero notice how Marinette reacted to being around him. He noticed the subtle flinches when Adrien called her name from down the hall. He noticed the terror in her eyes, before putting a smile on her face to greet a friend.
Damian froze the moment he saw her.
'Marinette? What is she doing here? I thought she couldn't have a pet in the bakery. Why is she in the pet store?'
His eyes followed her as she moved away from the front and towards the middle. She was almost hidden by the shelves.
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted, "Do you like hamsters, too?"
"Uh, sort of." she answered, weakly.
"They're amazing!" he cried back, getting closer to her and the hamsters.
Even from where Damian stood, he could see Marinette's eyes were searching for a way out; an exit. He quickly put down the giant bag of dog food and rushed over.
"There you are Marinette." he spoke, pulling her towards him.
"Damian!" Mari exclaimed, surprised.
"Did you get lost?" he asked, "I apologize for getting so busy."
"You work here?" Adrien asked, "Why?"
"I volunteer." Damian answered, "I donate to several animal charities nd I like to make sure all the equipment is up to date."
"We can go see the puppies on files now." The Wayne heir suggested, "You said you were looking for a guard dog?"
Marinette lit up quickly, realizing Damian was giving her a way out.
"I'm so glad you remembered." she smiled.
"A dog?" Adrien asked, confused, "What about the hamster?"
"Oh." Mari spoke, "Well, I do think hamsters are cute, but with how scattered brain I get, I might forget instantly. I could forget to feed it or accidentally kill it with a giant roll of fabric." causing the model to wince.
"A dog is better." Marinette stated, "Their routine would be my routine."
"But why a guard dog?" he questioned.
"Why do you have a bodyguard?" Damian asked.
"Huh?" confusing the model.
"Guard dogs keep their owners safe." the Wayne heir answered, "They are loyal to a fault and will attack, if necessary." pulling Marinette closer to him.
Marinette blushed at the closeness. She quickly placed a hand on his chest to get his attention.
"We should go look at those files." She suggested, "You mentioned....training and I wan to make sure they are trained before university."
"Of course." Damian replied, leading Marinette to the back room and away from Adrien's prying eyes.
Damian picked up a radio to give the other workers a warning about Agreste. On the security cameras, he watched as the blonde model turned away and walk out the store.
'Seemed Marinette was his only goal here.'
Marinette sighed in relief as Damian placed the radio down.
"Thank you, Damian." Marinette spoke.
He nodded his head in understanding.
"But how did you know?" Mari asked.
"You are uncomfortable with him." Damian stated.
Marinette nodded her head.
"You look scared when you hear him call out your name in school." Damian spoke, "Sometimes, you turn pale. Doesn't seem like he notices."
"I thought no one noticed." Marinette answered, with a smile, "Thank you so much."
Damian chuckled, "Now, would you actually like a guard dog?"
"I would love one," Mari sighed, "but since I still live with my parents-"
"The bakery." The Wayne heir concluded.
She nodded her head and gave a shrug. Damian went over to a drawer and pulled out some files for an adoption event taking place soon. Marinette looked at him confused.
"It would not matter if I brought another dog home. At this point, it's expected. You would just have to wait." Damian stated.
Marinette smiled happily, "Really?"
"Only if you do not mind coing over to bond with your dog." he declared.
Marinette hugged him and quickly felt him flinch.
"Sorry!" she cried, pulling away from him, "Um, I'll just look at these."
Marinette browsed over the files he had handed her. Damian could tell she was seriously considering the guard dog idea. She started by ruling out the smaller dogs, he expected someone like her to own. By the end of her selection, she had five folders left.
"What do you think, Damian?" Mari asked, "Is there any of them I should rule out?"
Damian looked over the folders. There was a Labrador, Golden Retriever, German Shepard, Doberman, and an Akita.
"Two of these would make great pets, but not guard dogs." He spoke, "I believe you should look online and learn more about them before deciding. You need to make sure you can take care of them. I don't just mean their diet and health. There are many people who return animals because they have gotten bored or because they didn't expect how much time they would have to use to train it."
Marinette smiled, "Thank you. I can tell you really care about these animals. I can let you know by the end of the week."
Mari stood up, ready to leave. She bit her lip in hesitation.
"Are you alright?" He questioned.
"Um." She began, "Nevermind. It's stupid."
"What is it?" Damian asked, "You clearly think it is important. Why do you hesitate?"
Marinette blushed, "Do you think, until I get a guard dog- Can you be my guard dog? Bodyguard! I meant bodyguard; not guard dog! At school! Keep Adrien away from me?"
Damian chuckled, "I wouldn't mind at all."
Mari lit up at his response, "Oh! I can bring you breakfast! Are there any pastries you prefer?"
"I prefer savory over sweets." he answered.
"I can make savory tarts for you." She replied.
With a nod, Marinette left the back room and quickly left the store.
'Guard dog, huh?'
Adrien looked around and spotted Marinette already at school. He couldn't wait to see her and talk to her more about hamsters. As he made his way towards her, he watched as she made her way over to Damian. To his surprise, and likely everyone's surprise, Marinette latched onto his arm. Damian didn't seem to mind and led her away.
Damian smirked as Marinette latched onto his arm. He had seen Adrien arrive and watched as Marinette quickly made her way over to him. He hadn't expected the physical contact, but after he initiated it yesterday, she likely expected it. Damian quickly led her away from prying eyes and hushed whispers. As they walked away, he leaned down to her ear.
"Woof." he barked.
He hadn't expected her to squeak, let alone blush. He chuckled as Marinette puffed up her cheeks and let go of his arm. Cheeks still flushed, she hurried into the school. Damian turned back and caught Adrien staring at them in shock. Damian sent a glare his way before following after Marinette.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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angeladore · 1 year
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𓂃 ۫ . ☽︎ side characters x gn!reader ,, fluff (minus luke)
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You were spending time with Diavolo at the Castle for a sleepover, he invited you over so he could spend time with you. You were glad to accept, the brothers fighting again and giving you a headache, plus you got to spend time with him.
You enter the door with a small bag filled with your essentials you would need, Barbatos greets you and takes your bag leading you to where Diavolo was. He was in the kitchen, you saw that Barbatos has prepared you guys sandwiches with you and Diavolo’s favorite toppings. Barbatos smiles and walks away, leaving you and Diavolo alone.
Diavolo smiles at you, greeting you. That’s when you realize how cute his smile is up close; you always thought it was cute. You smile back at him staring at him intently, he looks at you as he is confused. “Diavolo, your smile is my favorite.” He looked at you and laughs while his cheeks turn pink, he looks back at you and see’s you smiling “You have a adorable smile yourself, yours is also my favorite!”
Barbatos invited you with him for lunch at a nearby bakery, they had lots of sweets and some nice tea. He wanted to spend time with you as well since you’re always busy with the brother’s shenanigans.
Barbatos came and got you from the house of lamentation, you two holding hands on the way to the bakery. You smile at him, he’s always so calm and kind towards you. As you guys get closer to the bakery he holds the door open for you to enter, following behind you once you were inside.
You look at the large menu and find a sweet that you want to try, as well as tea. Barbatos orders for you and himself, also paying for both of your food. “You didn’t have to pay for mine..” You look at him, he looks at you as well and smiles “Well we hardly go out, so I thought it would only be right of me.” You look at his smile for a bit more, speaking from your mind “You know your smile is my favorite.” He stops and blushes a bit. “I’m honored to have your favorite smile. You have a nice one yourself.”
You and Simeon were studying in the RAD Library together for a project. He brought some strawberry pastries he baked with him for the both of you to eat. You planned on doing the model and he was going to do the writing and explanation for it.
He laughs as you struggle sticking clay to the model while it keeps falling off, he helps you stick it on properly & you smile and thank him. Simeon smiles as well, his angelic features looking even more heavenly in the moment. “Your smile is my favorite smile ever.” You wanted to punch yourself for saying that out loud, blushing as he chuckles.
“Your smile is also my favorite dear.”
Solomon left his bedroom to get you guys water(dw its not poison it’s in a bottle) , you’ve been working hard on potions for half the day, he even invited you to sleepover and you accepted.
He came back with the iced water handing it to you, you accept it and start drinking, you really needed a drink. “Thank you Solomon.” He grins at you “You’re welcome, I can make food to if you want.” You almost spit your water out but shake your head to save yourself. He smiles in return and nods. “Your smile is my favorite you know?”
That caught him off guard, he hasn’t heard that in a while. He grins cheekily “Oh I know.” You glare at him playfully as he chuckles “Your smile is also my favorite.”
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 8 months
Interviews for New Beginnings: Part 1
Alfie Solomons x Fem!Reader, Fluff
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Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Swearing, Period Era Sexism
A/N: Hi guys! This is my first fic in over a year, but I dont know I just wanted to have fun! Also lets be real... i needed these ideas out of my head. Please enjoy, have fun! Have an amazing rest of your day! Hi everyone!!! So this became a multi chapter story! This has been so much fun and I am so excited to see where this story goes! If you are interested in continuing this story, go to my tags and click ‘Interviews for New Beginnings’ there all parts will be together! Eventually I’ll put together a master list for it! Love you guys so much, I’m so glad you guys are having fun!!
You had heard about this job from your cousin Eli. And maybe that should’ve been the first clue that perhaps this may not have been a completely legal or safe or upstanding or above the table or whatever good adjective your parents could come up with position. But you had told Eli that you needed a job! And he did find you one! And your parents should be overjoyed that you will be working in the same “bakery” as a male cousin. It’s not proper for a woman to be working without a family member’s presence… especially where there are other men in the office.
“When you go in there be sure to look strong, but not too strong, emphasize that you’re docile and you want to please him.” Eli had been quizzing you about your skill sets and how you were to behave in the interview the entire walk to “The Bakery”. And while Eli was so sweet and more of a brother than a cousin… you couldn’t keep your irritation at bay.
“Tell me Eli… am I interviewing for the position of personal secretary or personal wh-“
“And don’t be so quick with that mouth of yours! Listen… Mr. Solomons is one of the most important men in Camden. This could be a really big opportunity for you. Being the personal secretary of one of the biggest names in the city can give you a steady income and some real independence! But that means you can’t be so…”
“Myself?” You say with a cocked brow and a bumped hip.
Eli’s eyes lit up as if a child he had been teaching finally understood arithmetic, “yes! Yes exactly! Listen while you’re in front of Mr. Solomons, it’s ‘yes sir’ and no questions asked. Got it?”
You sigh and roll your eyes. It felt like you had had this conversation so many times in different ways. Why did your parents care to educate you so much if you weren’t allowed to use your mind? You had asked your father many times, if God gave you a mouth and brain, why shouldn’t you be allowed to use them? And he was never really able to answer beyond a couple phrases talking about the ‘role of women’. You had just been fired from a doctor’s office due to talking back to an unruly patient. Truthfully, this was your last shot to get real independence. It was either this job… or letting your parents begin the process of finding a husband.
You finally reach the door of the bakery, and Eli turns you toward him to fix your hair and straighten your sweater, “Ok ok. Here we are dearest. Now just follow me, don’t make eye contact with everyone and just… be good.”
You chuckle out a, “Yes mum.”
With a laugh he shoves your arm, and gives his name to the young man standing by the door. With a nod he opens the door and lets you in, quickly following Eli’s steps.
While Eli said you couldn’t make eye contact with anyone he never said you couldn’t look at the bakery. It didn’t take you long to notice that while all the men were wearing aprons… there was a distinct lack of… bread… or anything to do with bread. Soon after this you began to feel that memorable tickle in your nose. Rum you thought to yourself. With a smirk you ran up behind Eli and whispered, “Wow quite the bakery Eli. Does the family know about your little rum house job?”
His face was pale, and he was clearly in no mood to joke. With a huff you returned to your previous pace, and you see that the office is just ahead.
Suddenly you feel the flush in your neck, and begin to steel yourself. You had of course heard about Mr. Alfred Solomons. The King of Camden. The Brave War Captain turned Ruthless Gangster. Eli was not kidding when he said that Mr. Solomons was one of the most important people in the city. He ruled the community. This was not the time and place for your mouth to act up. This was the time to behave and play it safe.
Eli rapped the door of the private office gently, and was met with a gruff, "What now!?"
Eli with a shaking hand opened the door, "Mr. Solomons? It's me Eli I..."
"What the fuck do you want eh? Come on now yeah you interrupt me and just stand there acting like you've been struck dumb by God. Come on!!"
Eli kept stammering, basically useless, so you stepped up, "Mr. Solomons, I'm Eli's cousin. I'm here for the secretary position."
Mr. Solomons eyebrows furrowed, looking you up and down. You couldn't help but feel like a child in front of his stare. Fiery, discerning, and just plain terrifying. "You said you're here for what?"
"The secretary position. My cousin said you were in need of a secretary."
Mr. Solomons looked at Eli and looked at you, "And you think you're qualified for a secretary position?"
The heat in your chest started to grow. And you could feel your temper begging to be let out. But you had to make a good impression. You needed this job. You needed to be sweet and to behave.
You nodded, "Yes sir, I can assure you I am I-"
"I'm sorry treacle but this simply will not do." Mr. Solomons cut you off. "What I am doing here right? I'm running a legitimate business. I am running something very difficult that little girls like you simply could not deal with yeah? Now run along and go do whatever young girls do yeah?"
"Mr. Solomons I-"
"Treacle now you're making me a little frustrated right, I said run along now."
You could feel the heat rising and rising, and Eli tugging at your sleeve, "Mr. Solomons if you will just listen-"
Mr. Solomons rose from his desk, "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE I SAID LEAVE."
The room went silent. The entire bakery went silent. And from the corner of your eye you can see different men pausing, waiting to see what would happen next.
Alfred Solomons, for the first time in his life, was left speechless. The last woman who had yelled at him was his mother. Usually, women run and hide from him upon the first interaction. Men have wet themselves from his bellowing. Yet... this little woman is standing here, screaming at him, demanding to be heard. He did not know what to do, he could only stare at her.
You tried to be good. You really did try! But it was too late now. Mr. Solomons was just staring at you, and you had a point to make.
"Mr. Solomons, I am the most capable secretary that you will ever have walk through these doors. I am fluent in Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew, and French. Not only can I read and write, I was the best in my class in maths. I am a damn good baker, though clearly you do not need my services there. I am incredibly punctual and polite and am able to talk to anyone. And to top it all off, I make a very good cup of tea. Now I put on my best dress and shoes and I walked 45 minutes to get to your ridiculous office and I will be damned if I will leave here without a job! Do I have your attention now sir?"
While you were speaking Alfred Solomons had slowly lowered himself into his seat, with a smile on his face. He was stroking his beard, considering your fiery eyes, and the shape of your lips while you yelled at him. He began to laugh to himself, "Come sit down treacle. Eli, get the fuck out, stand by the door."
You turned to look at your cousin, but he had already closed the door behind him. You walked to the desk where Mr. Solomons was sitting, and took a seat directly in front of him. Where he had been leaning back in his chair, he was now leaning forward on the desk, resting on his elbows on top of a thick layer of papers. His eyes twinkled, and a handsome smirk played on his lips. Your rage was still simmering, and it was hating you for staring at those eyes.
"You can read and write?"
"How fast can you type?"
"80 words per minute."
"You're good at math?"
"You want to put a slate in front of me and have me recite a King's speech as well Mr. Solomons?"
He barked out a laugh, "Fuck me. You've got a sharp tongue on you don't you?"
"I have language why not use it."
"Fucking hell...alright listen here you little viper. I want you here every morning at 8 o'clock. Ready to work. You will have many a late night in this job. You will be my personal secretary, which means when I say "come here", I better see you before I finish that sentence. You'll need to write letters for me as well as manage my meetings alright? You will be my shadow. Any questions?"
"What is my salary?"
He paused, staring at you, seemingly trying to see how low you would take, "4 pounds a week."
"Good Lord what do you need 6 pounds a week for? 4 and a half and thats generous."
"Mr. Solomons I'm not stupid I know what you do. You need me. You want to become a respectable businessman you need someone like me to make sure your affairs are in order. I know you are working with many different people, and you need my abilities. I am the best you will ever have. 5 and a half."
Alfred keeps stroking his beard...wondering how the hell Eli could be related to someone so strong... and how much it was going to cost to keep you, "5 pounds a week. And I will give you a Hanukkah bonus."
"...And Rosh Hoshannah off."
You stood to shake his hand, firmly, though he kept smirking as he shook yours. "Alright my little viper, I will see you tomorrow. Bring ink and a notebook. We start at 8."
"Thank you Mr. Solomons. You won't regret this!"
"Alfie. You will call me Alfie from now on."
The way he said it while staring into your eyes brought a heat to your cheeks, and you prayed that he couldn't see any change in your demeanor. "Alfie." You whispered as you nodded and walked away.
He couldn't help but linger there in that moment, watching you walk away, speaking animatedly with Eli. Never had he ever felt so... struck by a woman before. He had women before of course, but no woman had captivated him the way you just did. He needed you. He needed you with him, in any way that you allowed him to have you near. Maybe this was a mistake, but he highly doubted it. How could a mistake be so beautiful?
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ruthplaysthesims · 1 month
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose a sim of your own that you consider your/a fave, then choose one sim from three (or more!) different simblrs, now imagine what those sims would be like in a room together? Who's walking out first? Who's staying the longest? Who would get along? Who wouldn't get along at all? Elaborate as much or as little as you'd like :) (p.s please feel free to share this to others, anon or not, and feel free to use the hashtag " SQOTD "! I love seeing everyone's answers and reading them makes my day ~ 💛 )
My sim of choice (and everyone's fave boi): TYSON BLACKWELL!!
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The other OCS I choose:
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@living-undead's Zaria Dimmer
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@matchalovertrait's Dulce Alegria
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@pralinesims' Aaron <3
Okay the scene:
Tyson walks into the room finding 4 chairs around the table. He just casually takes a seat and begins to wait. Not too long after, Dulce walks in, sees Tyson and hesitantly takes a seat. Tyson, being the friendly lovable man he is will strike up a conversation and Dulce begins to feel at ease. He may or may not mention the fact that he was watching diced junior (*looks at Amy*) and was rooting for Dulce to win.
A few minutes later, Aaron (in all his fabulousness) walks into the room like the sexy mf he is, takes a seat and scans the area, looks at the two, may strike up a conversation (or stay quiet and watch) we do not know.
And then comes Zaria. Girl doesn't even want to be here. She doesn't like the vibes one bit, she loathes just how bubbly Tyson is (wait till she finds out about his career as a secret agent...) Questions why Dulce is here and you'd think Aaron would be the one she gets along with, but nope. She thinks he's too cocky for her taste.
Tyson might stay a little longer, mostly to get to know the people in the room. He gets along really well with Dulce (she's a sweetheart). With Aaron, it's like a mutual respect kinda thing (don't bother him, he won't bother you) However, there is only so much one can take when it comes to Zaria's constant judgement. Aaron respectfully tells her to SHUT THE FUCK UP! Tyson thanks him. She gets angry and walks out.
one down, three left. The three seem to be getting along quite nicely. Dulce is constantly asking for fashion tips from Aaron, and he gladly answers them, making Tyson smile.
Time has passed, and Aaron has to go, leaving the first two that walked in alone. Dulce is happy she met a fashion icon and hopes Zaria is okay. Sure she was a biatch, but giving her a dose of her medecine did not sit right with Dulce (this child is too pure!!)
Tyson, though he disagrees with her, won't say that to her face and just pats her on the head. Dulce receives a message from her mom, who's come to pick her up. She smiles and hugs Tyson, glad to have made his acquaintance and of course encourages him to come visit her family's bakery. Tyson smiles and waves her bye, staying all alone in the room before walking out.
I loved making this!! and i really hope I was accurate with you guys' OCs @pralinesims @matchalovertrait and @living-undead. If not, I'd be more than happy to rewrite it :)
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jujumin-translates · 4 months
Misumi Ikaruga | [SR] Reminiscence of Blooming | Veludo Town Oshi Spot! ~Video: Misumi~ - Part 1
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Misumi: A yummy onigiri shop, a bakery with triangle sandwiches, and a general store with a triangle roof…
Misumi: There are so many triangles in Veludo Town, I dunno which one I wanna introduce to everyone.
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Misumi: Uueh, I’m stuck…
Misumi: …Ah! In that store is…
· • —– �� ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Juza!
Juza: …Oh, Misumi-san. Did ya come to get some cake?
Misumi: Nope, I saw you and decided to come in.
Aoki: Welcome.
Misumi: Hello!
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Aoki: …Ah. You’re Summer Troupe’s Ikaruga-kun, right?
Misumi: Yep! Do you know me~?
Aoki: Of course. I’ve gone to see MANKAI Company performances before.
Juza: Aoki-san is the owner and patissier of this store. They helped us out when I participated in that sweets contest with Guy-san and the others before. (1)
Misumi: Ah, I heard about that from Tenma and the others!
Aoki: Ahaha, I’m glad.
Juza: …
Misumi: There are lotsa pretty triangle cakes~.
Juza: Yea. And they’re all so good, I always get lost just lookin’ at ‘em… hm?
Misumi: Wah, yummy-looking donuts!
Juza: Have ya ever had donuts here before…?
Aoki: No, they’re new products we recently started selling. They’re already quite popular.
Misumi: Really? That’s amazing!
Juza: They look good, I think I’ll get some of these donuts too.
Misumi: Yeah, yeah, let’s buy lotsa them and go home~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: We’re home~!
Misumi: Ah, Director-san and Masumi! We got a present for you lucky two~.
Izumi: Welcome home. A present…?
Masumi: …Are those donuts?
Juza: Yea. The cake shop was sellin’ some new donuts, so we got some. You two can have some if ya want.
Izumi: Wah, really? Thanks, they look good!
Masumi: …I’ll have one too then. Let me try one.
Izumi: Mmh, they’re delicious…! The dough is so soft and fluffy.
Juza: Yea. They’re light and easy to eat… they’re good.
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Masumi: …They’re good.
Misumi: Yeah, yeah! I’m gonna buy some for Madoka next time~.
Izumi: Did you go to buy these together, Misumi-kun and Juza-kun?
Misumi: Nope! I was walking around Veludo Town won~dering what kinda place would be good to film an introduction for.
Misumi: That’s when I saw Juza in the cake shop so I decided to go in!
Izumi: I see. So did you decide on a place you want to introduce yet?
Misumi: Well… there are lotsa triangles I love, so I haven’t been able to decide~.
Misumi: Sad, sad…
Juza: …I mean, ‘s’not like ya can’t think of anything, it just that you’ve got too many options, so I think you’re still doin’ okay.
Izumi: Yeah, exactly! There’s still some time before it’s your turn, so take your time to think about it more, Misumi-kun.
Misumi: Okay…
Masumi: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Haah…
*Phone notification*
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Misumi: Madoka!
*LIME start*
Madoka: Do you have some free time today?
△△△: I do! I can go anywhere, anytime!
Madoka: Thank you. Okay, then I’ll be waiting by Veludo Station.
*LIME end*
Madoka: I wonder what Madoka wants…? Anyway, I’ve gotta get to the station!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Madoka~! Sorry for the wait!
Madoka: I didn’t have to wait at all, so it’s okay.
Madoka: …You seem better than I thought you’d be. I’m glad.
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Misumi: ? Why’s that~?
Madoka: No, it’s nothing. Anyway, I got this…
Misumi: Waah, onigiri!? It looks yummy!
Madoka: There’s an onigiri shop on my way home from school, and every time I pass by it, I’d always think that I’d want to get some for you someday, Nii-san.
Misumi: I’m glad! Thanks, Madoka!
Madoka: You’re welcome.
Madoka: Actually… Masumi told me that you’ve seemed like you’ve been troubled lately.
Misumi: Masumi did…?
Madoka: So I thought this might help you feel a little better, Nii-san. I know it’s kind of a basic solution, but…
Misumi: Madoka… I love you!
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Madoka: Wah…! Nii-san, you’re going to squish the onigiri…!
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
• • •
(1) Reference to the “Pastry Chef’s Specialty” event.
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sl-newsie · 6 months
Snow Day (Carlos de Vil x Silvermist Daughter) *Christmas Special* 🎄
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'Can I request a Carlos descendants holiday fic with friends to lovers/everybody knows but them tropes? But the reader is an AK, adopted daughter of Silvermist.’ Here we go!
“No! Cut it out, Elvin!” I shout as I sprint through the icy wind. “You know I don’t like the cold!”
The white-blonde boy behind me jumps up to lean off a lamppost. “What’s the matter? Too afraid to have fun?”
I give an annoyed huff and hug my cape around me tighter. “Just because you’re the son of Jack Frost doesn’t mean you have to make my life a living nightmare with your pranks! Now for the last time, leave me alone!”
In a final effort I let out a water blast that sends Elvin flying into a snowbank, then dash down the street to hide inside Miss Muffet’s Bakery. 
“Oh- Sylvia! Hi! What’s going on-?!”
In my haste I almost run into a familiar face, though this is one face I am always excited to see!
“Shh!” I hold up a hand to silence Carlos. “I’m hiding!”
His eyes widen. “Oh!” He joins me behind the cookie display. “May I ask from whom?” Carlos whispers back.
“Ugh. It’s Elvin Frost. Son of Elsa and Jack Frost, and an icy pain in my side. He’s visiting from Arendelle, and has become the reason why I hate snow days.”
“Hate snow days?” Carlos laughs. “How could anyone hate snow days? I mean, look around!” He gestures to the billowing snow swirling around the window. “It’s so- so…”
Ever since Carlos came to Auradon last summer, I’ve always been fond of his childlike energy. Not many kids in Auradon appreciate the little things like he does, so it goes without saying that we’d become friends. Mom’s always so busy controlling the water elements she didn’t have time to look after me, so she sent me to be adopted by Jack Beanstalk. But like Carlos, I’ve learned to enjoy other things. However, snow isn’t one of them.
“My wings can’t stand the bitter cold. If I stay outside too long, they freeze and wither away. It also doesn’t help that my water powers freeze in the winter. Water and cold do not mix well for me.”
Carlos’ face falls. “Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t think of that.”
I wave it off. “It’s alright.”
“It’s just that… we didn’t get snow on the Isle.”
That’s why he loves the snow. I can’t be mad at him for that. How could he have known anyway? It’s his first Christmas in Auradon, so he wouldn’t know.
“I guess if you’ve never seen it, snow can be very magical,” I attempt a cheerful smile. “I’m glad you enjoy it! You should go play outside.”
Carlos still isn’t convinced. “But it’s not as fun if you’re not there, Sylvia. Would you maybe wanna stay here for a hot chocolate?”
My spirits lift and my wings start fluttering. “That sounds wonderful! I’d love to!”
“Great! Um- maybe we could sit down instead of hiding behind the counter?”
I nod eagerly and start flying to a nearby table, too excited to remember not to use my wings indoors.
“Oh- right.” I flutter down, and my height difference shows. Since I’m the descendant of a fairy, I’ve been short my whole life.
“That never gets old,” Carlos comments with a grin.
I tilt my head in confusion. “What?”
“Your wings. I think they’re beautiful.”
His kind words send us both into blushing messes, so I try to change the subject.
"Where's Dude?"
Carlos chuckles. "He hates the cold, so he's currently sleeping in front of the fire in my dorm."
By now a waitress shows up to take our order.
“What’ll it be, hon?”
I don’t miss a beat. “A large old-fashioned hot chocolate extreme with peppermint dust, whipped cream, and marshmallows, please!”
Carlos’ jaw drops. 
I roll my eyes. “It’s my favorite holiday drink, I don’t care if it gives me a heart attack.”
“It sounds fantastic! I’ll have one too!” He smiles at the waitress, who just nods and walks off.
This snow day just got so much better!
Evie’s POV
“We’ve got to get them together!” I huff as I pace the dorm room.
“But they are together,” Jay states bluntly. “Haven’t you seen them around?”
I roll my eyes. “I mean, they need to know that they love each other, right? It’s like they’re completely oblivious to it!”
Jay lazily gets up from the couch and walks over to the window. “I wouldn’t say they look too upset.”
I dash over and peer through the frosted glass to see Carlos and Sylvia walking hand-in-hand through the snow, each holding to-go mugs.
“Oh my God. Are they on a… date?”
Jay shrugs. “Guess we don’t gotta step in after all.”
I’m still unconvinced. “No, no. It’s been going on like this for months! They look happy hanging out together, but won’t confess their feelings! Come on!” I grab Jay’s sleeve and start dragging him out the door. “I want to see this for myself!”
Sylvia’s POV
Ok, if all snow days involve drinking hot chocolate with Carlos then I want one every day! 
“What’s been your favorite snow activity?” I ask Carlos, who keeps looking at the snow outside as if we’re in a real-life snow globe.
“Definitely making snowmen. Or snowball fights! Wait- have you ever ice skated?”
I let out a carefree laugh as I sip my cocoa. “Yes, it comes very naturally when I can control water.”
“What’s your favorite snow activity?”
I come to a stop in the flurrying snow, remembering how much I used to love winter as a kid.
“I… I liked making snow angels,” I whisper.
Carlos gets an unreadable expression. “Why don’t you now?”
I shake my head and gesture to the frozen ground. “I don’t like risking direct snow contact with my wings. Plus, all the snow that melts under me begins to freeze to my cape.”
The freckled VK looks distant for a second, then seems to get an idea. 
“Wait a sec!” He quickly slides off his own coat and lays it on the fluffy snow. “Now you have a double cover!”
I smile sadly at his thoughtful gesture. “Carlos, that’s really sweet. But I’m not sure-”
“Come on, it’ll only be for a second!” Carlos takes my hand and pulls me closer. “We’ll head straight back indoors, I promise.”
I must admit, Carlos’ pleading eyes combined with the sparkling snow is all too taunting to pass up despite my usual refusals.
With a deep breath, I hug my cape tighter around me and turn around to gently lie down on the soft blanket of snow. The cooler surface is refreshing, flooding my mind with childhood memories. Slowly, I bring my arms out to form the angel, and when I do I feel Carlos lay down beside me.
“Are you having fun?” He asks sincerely.
“Yes,” I answer in a relaxed tone, then seem to rethink something. “Carlos… Do you like spending time with me?”
Carlos doesn’t take more than 2 seconds to respond. “Of course! You’re always so full of fun ideas, and having a water balloon fight with you is one of the best things ever!”
I nod. “Does that mean… you enjoy my company? You like… me?”
By now we’ve both realized where this conversation might be going, but thankfully Carlos doesn’t seem weirded out by it and doesn’t slide away.
“Ok, don’t water-blast me for this,” Carlos takes a deep breath. “Would you be mad if I said I did like you? Maybe… as more than a friend?”
Is this what I think it is?
“So is this a date?” I stand up and my wings start getting excited, threatening to shake loose from my cape. “Oh no- I can’t be out too long!”
Carlos sees my panicked face and stands up with me to dust the snow off my cape. Then out of nowhere, he sweeps me up bridal-style and rushes me across the grounds to the dorm building entrance. We don’t speak, there’s no need to. I trust him not to drop me. Through speaking with actions Carlos shows me just how much he cares, and it sends my spirits soaring. I don’t know if it’s the sugar in the hot chocolate or my dilated emotions, but my heart’s racing like a rabbit!
When we get inside and the warmth engulfs my wings again, Carlos gently lets me down.
“I supposed I did mean for this to be a date,” Carlos admits. “I’m sorry you got too cold.”
For some reason my stubborn eyes can’t leave his cute face. “It’s my fault, I got too excited. I just wish I could stand the cold longer so I could enjoy it with you,” I say in a sad tone.
“I’d keep you warm.” Carlos leans in closer and wraps his arms around me, firm enough to show his affection but not too tight to damage my wings.
Using what courage I can muster, I turn my head up. “I know you will.” And with that, I press a soft kiss to his cheek.
Carlos’ face goes as red as a cherry, and immediately I regret being so bold.
“I’m sorry! God, I’m so bad at this- I just messed everything up- and now you’re mad-!”
Carlos cuts me off by leaning in to kiss my lips and my eyes close on instinct. If it weren’t for my wings going into hummingbird mode, this would be a really tender moment. 
When we break apart to breathe, I hear Carlos let out a surprised gasp.
“Sylvia, um… As much as I love your wings, would you mind letting me down?” He jokes.
My eyes pop open and I look down to find that my wings have lifted us up a good 5 feet in the air.
“Oh! Right. Sorry about that,” I gush as I lower us down, with Carlos still hugging me to him.
“Does this mean we can have more snow dates?” I ask in a timid voice.
Carlos grins. “That sounds fun! I think I just found my new favorite snow activity!”
I mirror his happiness with my own smile and grip his hand. “I think we’ve had enough snow for today, so how about watching a Christmas movie?”
Carlos starts leading me back to his dorm, and when we pass by Evie and Jay in the hallway I swear I hear Evie mutter “It’s about time.” 
God, I love snow days!
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m-jelly · 2 years
Water therapy
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Pairing: Post-War Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: canon world, fluff, romance, married couple, cute, helping Levi, being in love, time skips, pregnant reader.
Concept: Levi's doctor suggests he does some sort of activity to help his knee get stronger, so you have an idea. You take Levi to the beach almost every day and get him in the water. You hold his hands and swim with him. Levi slowly gets better and becomes more playful with you and his confidence comes back.
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You pushed Levi's wheelchair as he talked about ideas for tea mixes at your tea shop. Your shop wasn't a place for people to sit down and drink, it was a place where people would go in and buy bags or tins of tea and a nice little baked treat made by you. You adored it when Levi got excited about ideas and now trading was open, he could have any kind he wanted and have sugar and milk.
Levi let out a long sigh as he adjusted the blanket you made him on his lap. He looked out to see the sea getting closer. He'd moved with you about two months ago to a house by the ocean, it meant he could relax more and you could be closer to your shop that was at the new port town on Paradis.
Levi felt happier here. He could get rest at night. The waves soothed him when you kept the windows open at night and held you. He could see his kids running around here and you both were trying for a baby. He wanted a family. He wanted to move on in life with you.
You and Levi had met during the quiet years when Paradis was being modernised. The kids in the scouts were growing up, Levi was hurting from loss and there you were in all your glory running your new bakery and Levi was smitten. He got to know you, went to your bakery often and in the end you asked him out because he was too flustered.
You and Levi dated, got engaged and finally married. You spent only six months together as a married couple before he had to go to Marley and get Eren. When Levi came back, it was nothing but chaos. So, now the war was over you and Levi talked by letters while he healed over in Marley. You would go visit him and shower him in love, then return to Paradis and run your bakery.
Eventually, you sold your bakery and used the money to set up Ackermans, the best tea shop on Paradis. You welcomed Levi back with open arms and moved him into a veteran hospital and stayed with him. When Levi got the green light to leave, you lived in a small home that was at the back of your shop. You both made the big move to the cottage by the sea and brought down the little home and turned it into a garden for more tea.
Levi loved his new life, it wasn't what he dreamed about when he met you, but it was still wonderful. He was happy and in love with you. You were his home.
You stopped pushing Levi and wrapped your arms around his shoulders before kissing his cheek. "I hope you like my idea."
Levi placed his hand on your arm. "I know whatever you have planned for me you have the best intentions for me."
"I'm glad you have faith in me."
You released him and grabbed your bag. You stood in front of him and smiled. "I need you to walk."
He gripped the arms of his chair. "O-Okay."
You offered your hands. "It's our private beach, so we can take our time."
He nodded and held your hands. He grunted as he stood up. "Okay, I'm ready."
You gave him his cane and picked up his chair. "Let's go!"
Levi chuckled when you ran through the sand holding his chair up with a bag on your back. "Cute."
You put his chair down in the sand before laying a blanket out for yourself. You yanked your clothes off until you were in a bra and shorts. "Come on Levi! We're going swimming!"
He hummed a laugh. "I like the sound of that." He limped closer to you until he reached his chair. "I guess I will wear my boxers."
"I will buy us some swim things, but this will have to do for now." You helped him out of his clothes until he was just in his boxers. You smiled as you admired your husband. "So handsome."
He blushed at your words. "Thank you."
You held his hand and helped him walk to the water. "It's okay temperatures, so you don't need to worry about your knee reacting. I checked it all beforehand."
"Thank you."
You walked backwards into the water. "The doctor said you need to get a bit of exercise and I was thinking that swimming is the best. You get to move around and it's nice on your body." You smiled at him as he got waist-deep. "Plus, you get to see your wife half naked."
Levi chuckled. "You're right."
You kissed his hands. "I'll take good care of you, alright?"
He nodded and kept walking with you until you were both up to your shoulders. "I trust you."
You smiled and swam backwards along the beach. "Try your best and kick with me."
He gasped and panicked a little as his knee felt stiff. "Sh-shit."
You moved to his side and placed your hand on his pecs. You wrapped your other arm around his waist. "It's okay, I've got you." You massaged his waist. "You're okay. I won't ever let you go."
Levi blushed. "I feel like a fucking child."
"We all start somewhere, okay? You've got this." You helped him a bit more until he got tired. You stood him up and hugged him tightly. "I'm so proud of you."
Levi wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled against you. "Thank you."
You pulled back and kissed him. "Remember, my love, you can't do this in a day. It takes time. We'll keep coming back and even when you're better, we'll keep coming here."
He smiled a little. "I'd love that."
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Levi had been practising with you for weeks. Some days he'd be great, then others he'd be a bit bad. You kept supporting him and he loved that about you. He felt confident when he was with you. He wanted to get better and be strong again.
However, today was not a good day.
He was swimming and trying his best, but his knee was not having it. He fought through the stiffness and pain. It was getting a bit too much. He winced and cried out in pain. "Fuck!"
You stopped moving and helped him stand up. "Levi?"
He pulled from you and limped out of the water and collapsed on his blanket. "Shit." He shifted and sat up. He put his head in his hands to try and hide his tears. "Damn it."
You walked over to your husband and grabbed a towel. You wrapped it around him and another around yourself. You sat down and got out his medical cream. You moved Levi's leg to stretch out and started massaging the cream into his knee and thigh.
Levi sniffed a little and watched how loving your touch was. "Thank you." He rubbed his tears away. "I'm sorry I got frustrated and upset."
You cleaned your hands up and smiled at Levi. "Don't be sorry, okay? We have bad days and good days. Today was a bad day. There's nothing wrong with it." You leaned over and kissed him. "What matters is you're safe. I love you Levi and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
Levi gazed at you as he heard those bad thoughts that told him he didn't deserve you. He slipped his arms around you and held you. "I love you so much."
You massaged your fingers in his wet hair. "I love you too. I'm proud of you today. I'm always proud of you." You kissed the top of his head. "Don't ever be sorry for having a tough day, okay?"
You pulled back and smiled at him. "You're Levi fucking Ackerman. You're my husband. You are a badass. You have been through so much and yet you are still here. The worst of all the things you've been through is being married to my silly ass."
Levi laughed with you. "You're not silly and you have a lovely ass. You're not even a brat." He smiled softly as he took you in. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me. You're the love of my life and the most beautiful thing I have the honour of gazing upon. You really are my everything."
You shuffled closer and gave him many kisses on the cheek. "You gotta stop with this cute talk. You are getting me all hot and bothered."
Levi cupped the side of your face and kissed you. He tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth in a playful way before pushing his tongue into your mouth. He sighed through his nose at being able to kiss the love of his life. Knowing you were his wife made him unbelievably happy.
Levi pulled back from your lips and smiled. "I think I'm ready to go again."
"Not the first time I've heard you say that before."
Levi blushed. "Tch, dirty brat."
You giggled. "Are you sure? I don't want you to push yourself."
He carefully stood up and smiled. "I'm ready. I can't do it without you. Help?"
You jumped to your feet. "On it."
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You squealed as you ran away from your husband. You looked behind you to see Levi chasing you down. You had kept up the swimming plan going and he'd gotten so much better. Your husband had a playful spark in him again.
Levi tackled you into a hug and lifted you up. "Got you!"
You kicked your legs and giggled. "Leviii."
He ran with you into the water and jumped in. He swam up with you and kissed you. "You are amazing." He nuzzled against you. "A baby."
You giggled. "Yes, we're having a baby."
He kissed you and moaned. "We're going to be parents. I'm so happy."
You hummed a laugh. "That's right. I'm happy as well." You cupped his face. "I can't believe you are running around."
He nuzzled his nose against yours. "I feel a lot better. I'm fuelled with a fire of love and we've made a baby!"
You covered his face in kisses. "We're going to have a baby."
He kissed you. "I'm so excited."
You swam backwards and flashed Levi your little belly. "It's going to be wonderful."
Levi growled. "Baby."
You laughed when he dove for you. "Hey! You're supposed to be doing your exercises."
He huffed and started his laps. "I'm on it."
You giggled. "Look at you go!"
He swam backwards around you. "I'm doing this for you and our baby and the many babies to come."
You hummed a laugh as you watched Levi. "You're adorable."
He pulled you close. "How about I do physio with you? The doctor said it's good for you and the baby."
"Oh, how the tables have turned."
Levi cradled you in his arms and closed his eyes as he just held you. He let out a long sigh as he felt at peace. "Because of you I now adore the sea. We should get a boat and do some fishing."
"I think that would be fun."
Levi started singing to you as he moved around with you. "Thank you for being with him. For helping me through this. I don't know what I would have done without you." He kissed you and smiled. "So, thank you again and I can't wait for what life has for us. I get to walk with our kids now because you helped me."
You hummed and smiled at the thought. "You'll be a great father and teacher to them."
"I know I can do anything as long as I have you."
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z3llous · 11 months
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Lover 3
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (here) / part 4
Cream, blue, and coral pink houses and shops littered their surroundings, the salty breeze brushing against their skin. It was a lovely day for a weever hunt.
There they stood outside the Sweet Rolls Bakery enjoying the weather.
“Hope we didn’t keep you waiting long.” Azul said as he approached looking at his pocket mirror and adjusting his hair.
“Says the one who spent a whole fifteen minutes making sure he looked perfect. I had to drag him away from the vanity.” Floyd groaned hunched over twirling his earring.
“Now now Floyd, some take more time and effort to plan and perfect their appearance. Not everyone can toss it all together as quickly as you.” Jade said with a smug expression as he turned to Azul.
“Enough about me, there is work to be done.” Azul glaring at Jade as he closed the mirror and returned it to his pocket.
“Let the hunt begin.” _ said amusedly.
And off they went.
Shop after shop, house after house and no luck. Either Cassian wasn’t around or people knew not to speak of him. Both weren’t ideal.
The last stop was a small secluded ice cream shop with a view of the beach, a good place to rest.
The setting sun and sweet flavor of ice cream set a pleasant mood to unsuccessful day.
Floyd had already finished his passion fruit ice cream, Jade was taking his time with his matcha, and Azul was halfway done with his small scoop of mint chip.
“Well, that sucked. No weever anywhere.” Floyd sighed leaning over the railing.
“Indeed, I was nearly certain he’d be around here. There aren’t many areas as mer friendly as this one here.” Jade said between bites.
“Yes, I’m uncertain where else to look. We’ll have to-” Azul paused eyes wide staring at two figures walking along the coastline hand in hand.
“What are you- That bastard! Just cousins my ass!” _ growled at Cassian and his "cousin" Kelby gazing intimately at each other on the beach below as Cassian kissed Kelby’s hand.
“Hmm, it seems they are very close cousins.” Jade laughed covering his smile with his free hand.
“I ain’t that close with my cousins.” Floyd grimaced.
“Ew.” Azul gagged.
“As gross as it is, we should follow them. Hopefully they’ll lead us to where he lives.” _ frowned.
Azul finished his the rest of his ice cream quickly and gave himself a small brain freeze. After witnessing that Jade decided it best to eat on the go.
The four slid down the sandy slope to the shore far below, Jade looking as graceful as ever, Azul like a freshly born foal (the opposite of graceful), and Floyd leaning into it excitedly.
From the coast, up a stone path, and between two buildings the couple of “cousins” went closely followed by a group of foes.
They arrived to their destination.
“I’m so glad you ditched them. I was getting inpatient.” Kelby sighed as he wrapped his arms around Cassian’s neck and kissed his cheek as they swayed together on the front porch.
“Me too, babe. You should’ve been there when I robbed them blind, hehe. It could’ve been quite the thrill, not knowing if they’d come back in time to catch us… bagging their belongings… and making out on their couch. You wanna know the best part?” Cassian said pausing to place a kiss on Kelby’s neck a few times.
The pit in their stomach grew with every word they heard from their disgusting ex. It had had been planned from the very beginning. He never loved them.
“What?” Kelby leaned back with a smile.
“I didn’t pay a damn cent for that stupid wedding!” Cassian burst out laughing and Kelby laughed along with him as the two opened the door and walked in.
_ slowly dropped to ground head in hands.
Azul watched in silence, a sad look in his eyes.
Tags: @azulashengrottospiano @kiitsuhide
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
Heart’s Canyon Snippet - Ch. 2: Pia
It isn’t until Jade is well out the door that Kit realizes that she has no idea what to do with a four - Jade did say she was four, right? - year old girl. But there Pia stood, staring up at her with dark, wide eyes, waiting.
“If you’re Mom’s friend, how come I don’t know you?” Pia asks. And what a way to start off this unexpected afternoon.
“We went to high school and college together,” Kit says, as if that’s any sort of answer. “But I’ve been here while you and your mom were in London.”
“Hmm,” Pia says, tilting her head to the side as if she doesn’t quite believe Kit. Kit doesn’t blame her, she’s not sure she even really believes herself.
“Do you like muffins?” Kit asks quickly, ready to steer the conversation somewhere a bit easier to control.
“I like cupcakes!” Pia exclaims, her face lighting up. 
“What if I told you that my…friend…” Kit pauses on the word because calling Elora a friend might be a bit of an exaggeration. But, then again, since Kit doesn’t actually have friends, Elora might actually be the closest thing to it. “My friend makes the best muffins in the world.”
“The world is really big.”
“Like, the biggest,” Kit nods in agreement. “So, that means they’re like, really tasty. You wanna go try one?”
Pia nods and grins excitedly, clutching her stuffy tight to her chest. Kit can’t quite tell what the stuffed animal is, but it looks like a dinosaur in need of a wash that may only have one eye. Kit leads Pia to the door, waving goodbye to Hubert on the way out. 
The moment Kit and Pia step onto the sidewalk, Pia reaches up and grasps hold of Kit’s hand. The small hand in hers startles Kit, but one look down at that grinning, freckled face, has Kit holding on tight. Suddenly, 9th Avenue seems much more hazardous than ever before. Each taxi whipping past them has Kit clutching that little hand tighter until she decides they need to walk as far from the curb as possible, Pia practically grazing the buildings they pass.
Finally, they arrive at Dove’s Bites, and Kit breathes a sigh of relief at the relative safety of the warm, cozy bakery.
“Hey Kit!” Elora exclaims. She then lets out a surprised oh. “Who’ve you got there?”
Kit looks down to see Pia shirking behind her leg. “This is Pia,” Kit says. She doesn’t force Pia to say hi to Elora. She always hated when her mom would insist on handshakes and hugs and greetings to people she couldn’t remember meeting, no matter what her mom claimed. “Can we get two butter muffins, an iced coffee, and…” What do kids drink? “A…”
“Lemonade?” Elora offers. 
“Maybe watered down a bit so it’s not as sugary?”
“Oh,” Kit says. “Yeah, that’s probably smart.” I guess it made sense, kids and sugar didn’t mix well. Even Kit, having zero experience with children, knew that much.
Kit juggles their drinks and pastries and leads Pia to the soft green couch at the corner of the bakery. Pia climbs onto the cushions and immediately reaches out for the lemonade. Kit places the plates on the table in front of them and hand Pia the lemonade, glad that it has a lid and straw. Pia takes a long slurp, grins and says, “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome,” Kit says, not surprised in the slightest that Jade’s daughter would have impeccable manners. She reaches forward and cuts one of the muffins in half, letting out a little bit of steam. Kit waves her hand over it to cool it off a bit more before trading Pia’s lemonade for the plate. “Alright Little P, you ready to be amazed?”
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nightprompts · 2 years
&. 𝐬𝐩𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  dialogue  prompts  taken  the  first  3  volumes  of  the  spy  x  family  manga  by  tatsuya  endo.  feel  free  to  change  how  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ a spy who loses his cool is a spy who’s about to lose his life. ❜
❛ a father is just another role to play. and i will play it to perfection. ❜
❛ you’ll be my child from now on. but as far as everyone else is concerned, you have always been my child. ❜
❛ it’s not an adventure, it’s just shopping. ❜
❛ i want a silenced pistol! ❜
❛ if we see one on sale. ❜
❛ holding hands will impair my ability to react to an enemy attack, but i suppose there’s no way around it... ❜
❛ ooh, a bakery! i love bacon! ❜
❛ just don’t get attached, all right? never ends well. ❜
❛ i thought living with a spy would be cooler. i wanna disarm bombs and stuff. ❜
❛ making a world where kids don’t need to cry... that was the whole reason i became a spy in the first place. ❜
❛ if you want to have any semblance of a normal life, you leave me the hell alone. ❜
❛ i want to go home! with you, papa! ❜
❛ and now i’m falling asleep in front of other people? i have to pull myself together! ❜
❛ there’s no way around it then. i’ll go find a wife. ❜
❛ may i have the honor of taking your life? ❜
❛ you’ve been staring at me since i walked in. can i help you with something? ❜
❛ your pretend boyfriend? ❜
❛ so this must be what ‘ordinary’ looks like. ❜
❛ to endure such a harsh job for the sake of another, for the sake of something greater than oneself... that isn’t something that just anyone would do. ❜
❛ i know this isn’t the best time to ask, but... will you marry me? ❜
❛ instead of parting ways, what would you say to remaining together as an actual married couple for both our sakes? ❜
❛ this is the only man i may ever meet who could possibly accept me as i am. ❜
❛ for better or worse, for richer of poorer, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, i pledge myself to you. ❜
❛ the people look like trash from up here. ❜
❛ papa and mama are gonna kiss! ❜
❛ this sensation... i know it well. there’s no mistaking it. someone’s watching us! ❜
❛ everything will be okay. don’t be scared. ❜
❛ for the first time in over a decade as a spy... i’m actually nervous! ❜
❛ a spy never relies upon anyone but himself. and a spy never plans for any outcome but the worst. that said, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to feel just a tiny bit— ❜
❛ i know that this family is just for appearances, but i still feel like i want to be a better mother to that girl. ❜
❛ i love my strong, cool mama! ❜
❛ yeah, that anxiety’s not going anywhere. ❜
❛ so she’s the first to fall for my charms. she’s got taste, i’ll give her that. ❜
❛ i just held out my hand, and... he walked into it. ❜
❛ you and i should be best friends. after all, i’m the only one who knows how great you are! ❜
❛ why do i always get so tongue-tied when she looks at me? why does my heart start beating so loud? ❜
❛ i’m sorry for hitting you yesterday! i really just want to be your friend! ❜
❛ you are the mother in the family now, and i rely on you to be everything that i’m not. ❜
❛ i wonder how i’d feel if i had a real family? ❜
❛ everyone has a secret self they don’t show to other people. not to friends, not to lovers, not even to family. ❜
❛ i forgot that i had forgotten to tell you i got married! ❜
❛ close your eyes, darling. i’m coming in. ❜
❛ i’m just relieved he didn’t figure out our marriage is a sham. ❜
❛ when was the last time i was envious of other people? ❜
❛ g’morbingh. ❜
❛ if you value your life, never trust anyone. that’s just how people like you and me gotta live. ❜
❛ i’m really glad i married you. ❜
❛ we never did anything to celebrate our fake one-year anniversary. we should buy a cake or something. ❜
❛ you... protected me? are you... nice? ❜
❛ i can use my power... to help people? ❜
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milkybonya · 2 years
stupid o'clock _ felix
order 046, @chewryy : large coconut milk tea with taro balls
barista notes_i'm so sorry this took me so long T--T i love you so much <33 enjoy it ^-^
warnings: injury/blood mentions, definitely 1k+
#: mafia!felix, (gn)barista!reader, inspired by victon's stupid o'clock
!_it's love at first sight for Felix, who is part of a mafia unit that will be using your café as HQ
[💌: i've been reading so much on here recently and so many authors just make me go !?!?!?!? the talent is insane.. i have so much to learn i feel so small T'T)
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i can accomdate your fantasy
Felix was not a simp. nope, he was far from it. in fact, him observing you to know what you like was totally normal. it was also normal that he changed himself to become what you like.
maybe... it wasn't normal.
but he was not a simp. mafia members couldn't be simps.
it was a regular tuesday when his eyes fell on you for the first time.
his unit of the mafia, 08, had changed their meeting spot to the café you worked at. the rest of your workers, and also you, all knew that you were hq for the mafia. it was the condition for receiving such a large sum of money, enough to help bring the business back to life.
your café was failing, hard. your boss was worried and didn't want to lay people off. then, the leader of 08 managed to find your café and offer a large some of money to make it hq. how could your boss say no?
anyways, back to tuesday.
08 walked into the café, dressed like regular people. you were sweeping and mopping behind the counter, thinking they were just customers here to take a look despite the door sign saying [closed] to prepare for 08's arrival.
"i'm sorry, but we're closed today--" you started.
"earl grey lemonade," said Bang Chan, the leader.
your eyes widened, you dropped the mop and scurried to the back to get your boss. earl grey lemonade was 08's code word.
at this point, Felix still hadn't seen you yet. he was talking with Seungmin about something. it was when you hurried back out, standing behind your boss, when he finally saw you.
do you see me now?
was it love at first sight or was he just intrigued?
the way your apron was hanging crooked on your frame because you rushed around so much, the way your uniform underneath had flour stains from working the bakery that morning, the way that your shoes were somehow so clean, your hair was neat and your sleeves were rolled up equally on both arms.
Felix got lost in your eyes.
don't give me those anxious eyes
you were staring at Bang Chan, who was talking to your boss, but Felix still got lost in those precious eyes of yours and how you chewed on your lip. he didn't know you, he didn't know a thing about you but he could tell you were nervous. he felt bad. he wanted you to be comfortable--
"Felix!" Bang Chan called.
"yes," Felix spoke softly.
your eyes were on him now and he became the nervous one.
"i need you to help y/n clean up their basement. that's where we'll be situated when we're here. y/n can't do everything alone so go help them out while we figure things out up here," Bang Chan said.
y/n... was that your name? ah, how could he have missed it. it was even written on your name tag, along with a cute drawing of your favourite fruit beside it.
you stepped away from your boss and beckoned for Felix to follow you to the basement.
just rely on me as much as you want
"the basement is scary.. i'm glad i'm not being sent there alone," you admitted, making Felix laugh.
his deep tone even while he laughed gave you goosebumps. it was probably the only thing about him that maybe screamed 'mafia', because on the outside right now, he was just a soft smol boy with a blonde mullet and freckles.
"ah, where are the lights!? i'm so scared i'm so scared... F-Felix right? please talk to me so i know i'm not alone," you stuttered, fumbling along the walls for a light switch.
"uh... uhhh y/n! don't be scared, we'll find the light switch soon. we'll find it and then we'll be able to safely clean-up together! don't be scared--"
you'll fall for me
his voice was deep, low, and you kind of didn't want to stop hearing it, but finally turning the lights on cause his beautiful ramblings to stop. you were out of the darkness, but you no longer got to hear Felix's voice.
"aha, there's the light!" Felix exclaimed, beaming.
his smile looked so precious, and you wondered for the thousandth time how such a precious person could be in the mafia.
"how about we started by dusting things off and moving the furniture to where it needs to be? then we can sweep, mop, vaccum, all that stuff," you explained.
"i can't believe i'm giving orders to a mafia member... please forgive me," you half-joked.
Felix shook his head and waved his hands around.
this is my daily
"no, no, it's okay! i'll take any orders if they're from you, y/n," Felix said, unknowingly and accidentally making your heart flutter.
"ah, is that so.." you mumbled, not sure what to say because of how nervous you suddenly were.
"well.. take this! and you can dust off some of the furniture over there. i'll do the same here," you said, handing him a broom.
he took it with a nod and set to work, dusting things off. it was only a few seconds in when you decided it was too quiet.
"Felix.. i want to play some music. do you wanna pick some songs?" you asked.
you watched his eyes glimmer as he walked over, surprisingly tiny hands reaching for your phone.
"i have some song recommendations, if you want to hear them," he said.
"of course!" you replied, handing him your phone.
every night, i'll be you, you'll be me
and that's how the two of you ended up cleaning the basement while music flooded every corner. that's also how the two of you ended up hand in hand, Felix turning you around and you giggling shyly in his embrace as you swayed to the melody playing from your phone.
you were just trying to lighten up the mood, asking Felix jokingly to dance with you. before you knew it, he gently wrapped his arms around your waist and guided you across the basement.
"is this okay?" he asked in his low tone.
"of course it is," you replied.
you knew that for him, anything would be okay. he could step on you and it would be okay. somehow, you'd already fallen for him just a bit.
"what's going on down here? have you cleaned up--oh," your boss said, coming face-to-face with you and Felix embracing to the beat of the music.
you were lucky you and your boss were quite close, or you may have been given some kind of warning or worse: fired. they simply backed up the stairs and returned to help the rest of the 08 members make their hideout more secure.
by then, you and Felix had already moved away from each other, continue to clean.
the rest of the hour was spent in silence, only music filling the void as everything was dusted and cleaned. then, the rest of the 08 unit were called down to help move furniture and install equipment. you stood next to your boss by the door frame, watching since there was nothing you could help with.
you're gonna be obsessed
"what the heck happened with that boy when i came down here to check on you?" your boss asked.
you were too busy staring at him to hear a word they said. the way Felix's flannel fluttered around his frame with his every move, the way his laugh lit up his whole face--
"y/n? i'm talking to you."
"huh?! oh, sorry... Felix?! well, i didn't want cleaning to be boring for him so i played some music," you explained.
"that doesn't explain why the two of you were dancing... anyways. you know he's in the mafia. be careful."
you're caught, stuck in my arms
from that day on, you never left Felix's mind. he kind of hoped it was the same for you, and his hopes were fulfilled. you wondered when you'd see him again.
a few days later, you were asked to open the café early at 5am, since the 08 unit needed access to the basement at that time. they couldn't exactly be there at that time without the café running to avoid suspicion.
so, you got there at 4:30am and began putting the chairs down, making sure the area was clean, preparing the baked goods and all the coffee machines.
"good morning," you heard a whisper and footsteps.
you looked up to see the 08 unit, clad in all-black. their outfits were tight, leathery, almost like something out of a movie. seeing Felix also dressed like that made you gulp.
"g-good morning. basement's door's unlocked," you said.
Felix smiled at your stutter.
"can we have some coffee?" Seungmin asked, earning him a smack from Felix.
"don't bother them when they've got their own things to do," Felix said.
"no, it's okay! i can get coffee for you all," you said.
come to me, say you are all mine
"coffee delivery!" you called down as you entered the basement.
it was so alive with everyone hard at work.
you helped everyone get their coffees before leaving to go upstairs. just as you reached the door to the main floor, you heard someone follow you up. when you turned around, you found Felix just a few steps behind you. he motioned quietly for you to keep going up.
"aren't you supposed to stay in the basement?" you asked.
he brought his delicate fingers to your lips to shush you as you both stood by the front counter of the café.
"yeah, i can't be up here. but it's 5am, no one'll come by, right?" he said with a wink.
push me away / but you'll fall back again
you felt flustered, looking away.
Felix felt some sort of courage when he was with you. from taking hold of you just a few days ago to dance with you, to now suddenly raising your chin up so you'd meet his eyes. you made him feel confident.
"i just wanted to ask for your number. so i can text you when i'm bored... oh and also for emergencies," he explained.
you laughed and took his phone, typing in your number.
"do you even have time to be bored?" you asked.
this long night is only filled with me
"my time is all yours," he said before hurrying back down, feeling embarrassed.
as soon as he swung the basement door open, Seungmin was stood there.
"i knew you have a crush on y/n," he said.
"shut up. mafia members don't have crushes. now go down," Felix responded.
Seungmin stuck his tongue out and continued to tease him all the way down.
come to me, say you are all mine
Felix: i miss you
you: you just saw me today?
Felix: barely :(
Felix: i wanna see you...
you had only seen Felix twice in person, yet he was being so honest about his feelings. it took you off guard yet excited you. so, you asked him to come to your house instead of meeting at the café, like he suggested. you felt it would be safer and more comfortable.
something about him made you want to trust him.
the second you heard his knock on the door, you raced to greet him, now having changed into more appropriate clothes than just your pjs. he stood there, still glad in black leather.
"hi, y/n," he greeted in his deep voice.
"Felix! you must be tired, come--wait. what's that on your cheek?!"
i could burn myself everyday, maybe
you noticed the gash on Felix's cheek too late, being so excited that he was even standing there.
he touched his cheek with his delicate fingers, bringing them back down stained with blood. then, his face lit up as he spoke to you again.
"ah, this?! we had to chase some guy away from the café. i think he was there to cause trouble.. he pulled.. a weapon on me but anyway! it all ended up fine."
the way he smiled so hard his eyes creased so he would avoid worrying you made your heart melt, but you still raced to get your first-aid kit and told him to sit on your couch.
fill your night with me
when you came back, you carefully disinfected the cut and carefully stuck a hello kitty band-aid on it.
"i'm sorry for the silly band-aid... it's all i have," you said, kneeling in front of him on the floor.
he looks into the mirror you gave him and, for the millionth time that night, smiled.
"don't be sorry, y/n. i love it."
you offered him a glass of water and he took a few sips before placing it on the coffee table in front of you.
"y/n, this is so abrupt but... i think i've fallen for you and no time has really passed since the day we first met," Felix said confidently, looking straight ahead instead of next to him, where you sat.
'cause you're mine
you were glad he couldn't see how nervous you were getting.
"i want to get you know you better so... i can make you mine. do you think you'll be mine?"
when you gathered the courage to look at him, you noticed he was returning your gaze. sat up straight, lips pushed out and eyes relaxed... he's so handsome, you thought. even with a hello kitty band-aid on, his charisma could not be killed.
"we definitely need time but..." i already know i'd do anything for you, is what you wanted to say. instead, you said, "i can see myself being yours."
Felix smirked slightly, looking down at the ground.
even if morning comes and ruins this
"i won't let the sunrise take this night away from us. let's talk about each other, okay? you go first, y/n, i'm all ears. tell me about some of the things you like," Felix said.
just like that, Felix opened you up. he made you feel safe, so you told him everything you wanted to, bit by bit.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Jake Seresin drives an old 1992 Holden Rodeo when he’s in Aus with Amilia. It barely starts, it rattles like fuck and the gears get stuck more often than not when he shifts from first to second.
There a huntsman the size of his palm that lives in the passenger side sun visor but he knows well enough by now to leave it alone. He’s not hurting anyone. He doesn’t tell you it’s there.
The cab is rusted and the floor needs a good clean from the red clay that’s been stomped into the rubber floor mats but again he’s not fussed.
“Do you even know how to drive this thing!?” It may be the last thing you ever do, agreeing to go on a beer run to the local bottlo. Jake’s grinning ear to ear as he watched you clutch onto the roof handle for dear life as he swings around the roundabout. “Jake—!”
“Relax Fe, she’ll be right.” He can afford a better ute, but he doesn’t want one. It sits in the shed for three month stints when he’s back in San Diego.
“I can see why Amilia gave me that look of horror when I said I’d come with you—you drive like a maniac.” Jake chuckled at that, out of the two of them it’s Amilia who can’t drive to save herself. Jake usually drives when they’re together—he values his life and the life of others on the road.
“Took me a while to get the hang of the right side steering too.” You can’t help but to role your eyes as Jake pulls into the car park of the liquor land. “Alright we need a case of Great Northern, a six pack of Corona for Roo and a bottle of Gin for Oz.”
Jake Seresin is just so different when he’s in Australia than he is when he’s back in the states. It doesn’t matter where he is in the world though so long as his wife is by his side—so long as Amilia is around Jake is home. Home is where his heart is.
“Hey mate, how are ya?” You can hear the slight Aussie twang in his voice as he asked the eighteen year old kid staking shelves how he’s going. He loves Australia, he loves the culture and the laid back nature.
“Good man—this the sister you were talking about the other day?” Jake nods, watching as Sam stands from where he’d been crouched stacking the bottom shelf. “Nice to meet you, you’re brother here’s become a little bit of a local.” You shake the kids hands. “I’m Sam.”
“It’s nice to meet you Sam.” You smile softly. “And so I’ve heard.” You heard it from the older guys at the pub on Friday night. You’d heard it from the sweet old lady at the newsagents and the guy at the bakery who wouldn’t shut up about how Jake was just the best guy around. “I’m glad he’s made a home here for himself.”
“How’d you go in the rust bucket?” Sam asked with an all-knowing smirk smeared across his face as he looked over your shoulder and saw Jakes Rodeo in the car park. “That things held together by hopes and dreams.”
“And a few rolls of duct tape.” Jake adds as he rounds the corner with the slab of Great Northern on his shoulder. “She’s a walk in rego mate, as long as it still starts I’m gonna keep it around.” Sam scoffs in response and Jake tussles his hair. “You’re mother know you’re working late?”
“Sure does—“ Sam lived next door the the Fisher-Seresin household. He was a good kid. He confided in Jake a lot about things in life.
“She change your diper before you left the house too?”
“Yeah and your wife was there to kiss my ass when I didn’t kick up a fuss.” You couldn’t help but to laugh at the interaction, Jake would’ve been a good dad. The thought was forever in the back of your mind. He should have been a dad. Amilia should have been a mum.
“Speaking of my lovely wife, get me a bottle of Gordon’s and we’ll be outta here.”
You and Jake don’t stick around for much longer, he pays and tells Sam if he does end up needed a lift to call. Back in the car you can’t help but to ask.
“How come you and Amilia never ended up going through with that adoption?” Jakes too focused on shifting from first the second without grinding the gears as he drives with his knee and clips his seatbelt in to answer right away. But he answers. “You would’ve been a really good dad.”
“We didn’t get approved—“ It’s a hard topic but it’s the truth. “Fly in fly out work didn’t meet the criteria for stable living conditions.” Jake just kept driving, kept looking straight ahead. “But we’re fine with it, we weren’t meant to be parents Fe.” He shakes his head to will the idea from his mind. “Besides, we’ve got two beautiful nieces and two feral nephews that we’d die for.”
You leave it at that and decide that the suns far too bright for your liking. Jake can’t get the words out fast enough to stop you reaching up and out for the sun visor.
“Y/n Don’t—“ You feel your soul leave your body at the sight of it. It’s the biggest spider you’ve ever seen.
“Pull over before I jump out—“
Jakes Rodeo
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ghastlybin · 1 year
hi there! i wanted to request a dreamcatcher sua x 8th member scenario: ok this is super cheesy but whatever, basically all of the dc members are dating someone and sua and 8th member are the only single ones. Since reader is the latest addition to the group compared to other, they didn't think much of it but on the other hand, sua has been feeling kinda lonely and touch starved, so she's happy when a new member arrived that way shes not that lonely anymore. they both start becoming very affectionate with eachother (always huging or having any kind of physical contact) until they both develop feelings for eachother? (a little angst at first but lots of fluff pls)
Thank you for the request! I hope I added enough fluff, otherwise please let me know if you’d like me to edit with more!! I tried my best without being overly cheesy or overly angsty (actually tried to keep it subtle lol)
Pairing: Sua x (Gender neutral) Reader
Word count: 939
Genre/contents: Dreamcatchers 8th member! Reader x Sua, a lil angst but way more fluffy (I hope)
Note: is “co-members” even a fcking word LMAO but uhhh I don’t really have much of a note this time? Just that I will finally admit that maybe I am not very good with fluff but hey, I still love it. Too cheesy? A little cheesy? Good thing I like cheese amiright?? :,) Someday I will be good at writing the fluffiest fluff imaginable.
Can she just reject me already so I can move on? Or like… Yk, give me a CHANCE :,((((
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Sua was happy for them, seeing the girls with their significant others. She was happy they found someone who treated them with respect and cared for them.
But with that happiness on their behalf, also came a sense of longing. Loneliness that couldn’t be eased.
When you were added into the group’s lineup, she was glad to find out you were single as she would no longer be the only one in the group without a significant other.
She was just glad to have someone to hang out with without being third wheeled or feel as if she were intruding in the girls’ relationship.
With you, Sua felt less alone. Neither of you had a special someone to spend your free time with, thus spending it with each other by watching movies, eating at a small restaurant together, visit the karaoke bar- Anything that could be done with another person, there you and Sua were, having the time of your lives.
The only people that didn’t think you two were a couple- with the amount of time you’ve both spent together- were you and Sua.
“A new bakery shop opened up down the street,” Sua raised an eyebrow at you expectantly, “wanna come?”
You had already started to walk towards the door, where Sua stood.
“You had me at bakery.”
Sua grinned, linking her arm around your elbow and skipping out of the door and down the street with you.
The bakery had a few people already there to check it out, but there were plenty of tables for you and Sua to sit down together while enjoying one of the baked goods they sold.
“How did you find this place?” You asked, covering your mouth so she wouldn’t see you talking with your mouth full.
Sua smiled, “just in the neighborhood and saw the ‘grand opening’ sign.”
You took a short break from eating the pastry you had ordered, seeing how most of the customers were together- most notably, they were couples, holding each other’s hands, laughing with each other, one couple was even sharing a milkshake.
“Aw, are you going to replace me?“ Sua joked, seeing you were looking at all of the couples in the bakery. She felt a pang in her heart when she said that, thinking of the possibility.
You shook your head in response, finishing the pastry.
“No, never.” You replied, swallowing before continuing, “I do, someday, want to go on a date- An actual date.”
“What’s wrong with the dates we go on now?” Sua asked, although she was joking again, she was afraid of what you’d answer.
“I mean as a couple type of date, not a friend date.” You smiled, pushing your empty plate forward as you leaned back into the chair.
Sua felt that familiar ache in her chest. The longing and loneliness she felt when she saw the other members with their significant others.
She didn’t understand why it pained her to hear you say that or why it bothered her deep down when you called your time together, ‘friend dates’.
You noticed she had zoned out, staring at you with a soft frown. You brushed it off, though, and stacked her empty plate on top of yours.
“Besides, I don’t know if I want to date right now.” You spoke, seeing she was still staring at you with the same expression. “You know, with group promotions and all.”
Sua blinked after so long, forcing a smile, “yeah…Me too.”
You raised your eyebrows, unconvinced.
“I’m joking.” You smiled. Sua didn’t know what the joke was. She just figured you were going to find someone else to spend all of your time with and be clingy as you and Sua were with each other.
Sua realized that her pain wasn’t because she didn’t like the thought of you replacing her as a friend because she’d be lonely.
It was because she just didn’t like the thought of seeing you with someone else.
“I want you.”
You froze at her sudden words, grinning when she started to get flustered, her face turning red and her hands flying up to her face to ‘hide’ from you.
“I mean, I like you.” Sua clarified, still not meeting your gaze.
You reached across the table, taking her hands into yours, the grin still on your face.
“I was hoping you’d be the first to say that,” you chuckled. “I was terrified of what you’d say if I confessed first.”
Sua readjusted her hands in order for her to be able to rub her thumbs on the back of your hands.
“I was hoping you would be the first to confess.” Sua seemed less flustered at this point, her once flustered eyes were now focused solely on you.
“Does this count as an actual date now?” You scrunched your nose, half-joking.
A part of you wished she would say yes.
The other part of you wanted to restart on a different date, only officially as a couple and not as ‘friends’ or ‘co-members’.
“No,” Sua let go of your hands, standing up and grabbing the plates when she did. You followed her, hoping she’d clarify more. Sua set the plates under the sign where guests have been asked to set used dishes.
Sua looked at you, cupping your worried face and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“We will go on an official date.”
You felt relief wash over you, smiling happily as the two of you walked out the same way you both walked in.
Sua’s arm linked around your elbow.
Only this time it was as more than friends.
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
And now I want Anthony giving our girl all the hugs and kisses of the world .
Anthony just draping his body over Kate like a weighted blanket “Let me love you! This is affection Kate!”
But honestly, Kate’s surprised by the way Anthony loves her so openly. So gently that he holds her hand no matter where they are, even if it’s just their pinkies linked together.
The way he never leaves her presence without a quick kiss.
The way he tells her he loves her about 345 times a day.
“I need you to look at this chart for me, you look beautiful by the way and I love you.”
Even when they’ve argued, he storms off with “I love you! I’m just cross but I still love you!”
The way he sprints into the staff cafeteria and yells “Everyone, how beautiful does my wife look today?!”
The way he makes her candles, and his eyes are shining when he says “Remember that time we went and got popcorn, and it was raining outside and we got wet, and walked past that bakery just for the smell? This is based off that.”
Everything about Anthony is warm and affectionate and excited about their future, and Kate’s glad she can appreciate it now, even if it took her a while. Even if she accepted it hesitantly at first like a foal finding it’s feet she’s glad. Because he’s steady in his affection, even though his ADHD means that’s probably the last word he’d used to describe himself it’s one of the first she always thinks of. Anthony is warm and safe and steady. And she’d never wish for him to be any different.
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