#plus it seems fun and what better way to info dump than to tell you what error 906 means
natsu-tte-noodle · 1 year
It’s been done countless times so it’s not like it’s necessary for me to but with the potential new players coming from the Sanrio collab and A3′s presence in polls I wonder if I should try my hand at making my own guide to A3,,,
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
NUMBER #6 - The last in-person conversation I had with her.
This one isn't as long as the last one xD. (Doing these two first 'cause you seemed the most interested, but I'll get to the other ones too when I got the free time)
So the last in-person conversation I had with her she was in her "better" mindset. Sometimes she's chill and we have genuinely really interesting conversations and it's fun. Very very rarely (like once every 3 or 4 years) she'll be in what she calls "nancy mode" and she actually likes cooking and is super kind. Those were the only two times she's ever baked cookies
(both times I was sick so I couldn't help, but it smelled so good. extra info: I think cooking and baking is really neat but I had to take a course in school in how to cook because she wouldn't teach me beyond "watch". I also wasn't allowed to bake because "I would make them fat". )
But the conversation, though not uncomfortable, would definitely be deemed "weird". She wanted me to "use my powers" to "manifest a new reality". I was to do this where I would re-locate the winning lottery ticket to one of the stores that they go to, and "change the positioning" so that they would get the winning lottery ticket.
I also had to use a method that she thinks is "tapping into the universe's power" where I "go through her history and find what would be stopping the ticket from manifesting from HER past". I had to talk to her about some things I REALLY didn't know all the details about and had to sound like I knew what I was talking about from a "universal consciousness" level.
Upside is that they say that if they got the ticket they'd give me some of the money xD But I, unfortunately(????), do NOT have reality-manipulating powers so they haven't won the lottery yet. They've tried getting me to start buying tickets because "surely I'd be able to win if I just applied myself and manifested it".
Also to follow up on your question(?), I'm in a possibly better place? I managed to get out of living with them, but I'm still in contact with them. I ended up learning more about their extended family (saying theirs because honestly I DON'T KNOW THESE PEOPLE).
Turns out a part of the extended family is SUPER FUCKED UP. And the rest just. Don't do anything or are disconnected? Or know and don't do anything. They're really into victim blaming it turns out. I really don't understand. Very wild stuff, plus connections to a gang that might kill some people if they talk about anything, it was in the local news apparently. Highly unlikely but, if right, I might have to hide from yet ANOTHER group of people that might kill me? Love that bestie xD
I lived with one of the family peeps for a bit and tried telling them about the things that happened, but instead of helping they bullied me (to put it one way) and tried to spread wildly inappropriate rumors and I nearly ended up homeless without ID. I'm not at that point anymore though so yay!! AKA I'm not well liked by the extended family
Eventually I got dumped into another house (renting a room) and the room has a lock (finally!!) but the landlord lives here with a few people that don't speak english and the landlord gives off mighty sus vibes. I'm going to buy a camping cooking element so I don't have to use the kitchen though because whenever I do he comes out, says he hasn't seem me much, and then watches me :/ BUT after I get the cooking thing I'd say I'm in a better spot now xD
ah, mothers baking deserts, the ultimate bittersweet childhood memory. My dad does a similar thing to Nancy Mode, though he doesnt name it and he's lucid way more often than that.
But I never know if I'm gonna get "Hours long lecture rant" dad or "genuine heartfelt conversation" dad.
also christ alive man how many people want you dead?? you're starting to worry me ;_;
WELL. ANYWAY. three cheers for rooms with locks!
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou ]
「Headcanons of Bakugou, Todoroki and Kirishima with an autistic S/O.」
♤ Bakugou will burn the whole world for you if he had to. Everyone thinks that this guy is just too loud, aggressive, and intense but he's the complete opposite with you. Of course, your first impression was that he was loud. Not to mentions, he kind of seemed like an asshole with all the name-calling and yelling he does every single time. Sometimes you think that he's just constantly angry no matter what. You avoided him as much as you could at first, not liking how loud he normally is. He's gotten into trouble for being too loud, scolded by his friends since it drew a negative reaction from you. And he actually tones down for your sake.
♤ As your boyfriend, he tries his hardest for you. He always plays it cool and confident to keep up his image but in reality, he's super worried about you. The first thing he does was to become a better person by learning about you and your autism. He doesn't want to corner you and ask you multiple questions, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable. So he decides to do his research on autism. Some of his friends had caught him reading books about it and glancing at you occasionally. It ended up with him denying it but everyone was touched to know how much Bakugou cares about you.
♤ Stimming? Man, he's somehow happy to see you do it but he makes sure that you're not harming yourself. He loves it when you’re playing with his fingers but he's lowkey insecure of his hands because it can get sweaty at times. Bakugou may not be able to comfort you with words but his actions speak volumes. He gives the best hugs and lets you play with hands and hair whenever you feel a bit anxious. He helps you explore ways to stim and ended up buying a lot of things for you. But honestly, he likes it when you rely on him to calm your nerves instead of some inanimate object.
♤ This guy never shows interest when someone is talking to him unless it was something that concerned him but when it comes to you, he listens to everything. His friends always complained about how he only pays attention to you and no one else but really, it's a good thing that he only has eyes for you. You may talk constantly about specific things that interest you and be completely unaware that Bakugou might not have the same level of interest. But no, he lets you talk as long as you want, he finds it cute that you can talk so much despite having trouble with normal social interactions.
♤ Overprotective? He's definitely an overprotective boyfriend. He literally yells at others to keep it down when they're being a bit too loud. Bakugou always has this urge to protect you whenever you're outside together. There were very rare occasions where you go out on dates and he's always on alert. The moment he sees a huge crowd, he will steer you away from it and ensure that nothing gets in your way. He's really great at getting you out of situations that overwhelm you and he's surprisingly good at comforting you. All he wants is the best for you and to become the boyfriend you deserved.
☆ A good boy who understands how you feel. Hate crowds and sudden loud noises that make you jump and cover your ears? Prefer being alone with very few people accompanying you? Having trouble communicating with people? Yep, Todoroki understands it all. This guy enjoys his time with you, he finds your presence comforting since you understood his feelings the best. You two will be sitting side by side just enjoying the silence and avoiding noisy situations. Todoroki is quiet by nature so you never have to worry about him raising his voice all of a sudden like the others.
☆ Super honest with his feelings and when it comes to initiating affection, he always asks for consent. Todoroki is usually blunt with his feelings and he's super patient with you. On the rare occasion you didn’t catch or understand what he was saying, he has no problem repeating and attempting to make things clearer for you. So you really never have to worry about Todoroki getting impatient with you. Really, this kid has the patience of God himself, it makes you wonder what you did in your past life to deserve him. That being said, Todoroki is still the better one at communicating compared to you so he's always the one taking orders during dates.
☆ Consent is super important to him, this guy is deprived of touch for so long. His mother was out of the picture for quite a long time and his father was not the type to dote on him so you get the point. He always asks for consent before touching you. His touch is always gentle and cautious as if one wrong move will trigger you. He just loves it when he holds your hand, you instantly intertwine your fingers with his. He finds it cute how you would swing your hands while you both walk together. He likes it when you get all nervous when he asked if he could kiss you.
☆ Oh my god, this boy will get so flustered if you stim by toying with his fingers. You're just too adorable for him when you happy stim, it tugs his heartstrings. He tries to learn more about autism together with you, thinking of it as a way to communicate with you and to get to know you even better. But of course, there were things that he couldn't learn from you, he decides to read more on the internet or even ask his friends. When you stress or panic stim, he stresses and panics too. He's just so afraid that you might end up hurting yourself and feels very upset that you are feeling this way. He gives you the warmest hug and tries to calm you down.
☆ When you're info-dumping ― Todoroki likes that call it likes that ― you always pull him down to sit next to you. Todoroki can actually sense when this is going to happen and often brings you to his or your room. The two of you will sit side by side as you go on and on about whatever. Todoroki might not really know what you were talking about at first but he's listening to everything. He might not catch most of what you were saying but just seeing you look so enthusiastic and smiley is enough to make him smile. Overall, your relationship with Shouto is made of understanding each other, patience and trust. You both are a match made in heaven.
♡ Kirishima knows that he can be loud sometimes but he's nothing compared to Bakugou's volume of course. He's naturally friendly and cheerful so his voice can get a bit loud sometimes. Feels super guilty and apologetic when he notices that his loud voice made you uncomfortable. He will lower down his volume whenever he's with you, keeps his distance, and ensure that you don't feel pressured at all. Doesn't hesitate to tell people around to quiet down in your presence, he knows that his group of friends can get a bit noisy. He wants you to get along with his friends and as much as he loves his friends, he cares about your well-being. Plus, his friends are nice and they understood your situation.
♡ Always has his eyes on you, like all the time! Even Aizawa has ratted him out for staring at you too much in class. But this is because he worries about you. He will fight anyone who dares to disrespect or make fun of you in any way. He never forces you to go out on dates with him. This boy is content on staying indoors, enjoy a good movie and snacks with you. But when he goes out with you, he orders food for you and asks things on your behalf. Basically, he does all the talking for you especially knowing how nervous you get. It's as if he's your father or something. Kirishima is more of an overprotective dad than a boyfriend at this point.
♡ This guy is big on affection. Though he’s really touchy, he never really initiates anything first. He knows that you sometimes have trouble showing affection back and can get a little jumpy when he just hugs you out of the blue. Kirishima has his own way of telling that he has your consent, he's been with you for quite a long time so there were the signs. Things like when your pinky brushes against his, you want to hold his hand. When you scoot a bit closer while you're both sitting side by side, you want to cuddle. This boy never forces you out of your comfort zone because he prioritizes your well-being.
♡ He doesn't really get it when you're stimming at first, he had questioned your behavior once and you told him how you're doing this to calm your nerves. Kirishima eventually finds the little things you quite cute. He slowly learns what stims you like to do when you're uncomfortable and he will be there by your side doing it with you in hopes of making you feel better. He never cared what kind of things you like to do. You were always repetitive, you always suggested the same movie and anime to watch, he was fine with it. You wanna eat [Favorite Food] again? Go to that little cafe that serves [Favorite Drink] every weekend? He's all for it.
♡ You want to talk about potatoes for over an hour? Hope you don't mind him doing other stuff at the same time. He loves listening to you while he does something else. Most of the time, he would be working out or something while you ramble about something. Different from Bakugou and Todoroki, Kirishima is more of a reactive listener. He shows genuine interest in what you're talking about. He will try to get into all the things you like because he wants to be able to talk to you about it ― plus he can see you look so excited and all cute.
Total: 1739 words Published: 25.07.2021
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 We hope you liked it! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting it! Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
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Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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rynnaaurelius · 3 years
Just Pirated Loki’s First Episode: The Reactions of a Comics Nerd and No-Fun MCU Hater
-Fair warning, I am a Loki fan, but not in the way, um. Pretty much everyone else on this website is
-Bless Tom Hiddleston for being such a fucking delight as Loki but the MCU straight- and cis-washes its Loki so much that I really am exhausted.
-That being said, the shout-out to the Kid Loki comics, also known as the best Loki comics, with the “your role is this” stuff was. . .well. Watch that space.
-Interesting characterization in the MCU! Can’t wait for them to fuck it all up when it threatens to get too interesting!
-God I checked the tags for the show/characters and I remembered why I stay out of the MCU fandom.
-”They killed people!”/”They enslaved a whole town!”/”They tried to take over the world!”/”He told my favorite to shut up!” This is comics, Susan, everyone’s a terrible person on some level. Pick your emotional support war criminal and go. Also, get a sense of humor.
-Lotta people bitching about the time travel logic and TVA logic need to read more comics. Fair warning: this shit’s par for the course. Like, a lot. Marvel’s getting very comics-y with its treatment of the TVA, MCU!Carol Danvers, and the Eternals (re: The whole “They were secretly there the whole time!” thing).
-I’ve seen a lot of yelling over Loki’s characterization/the morality of the TVA and Mobius and IMO it was. . .fine?
-Like, yes, the script wasn’t amazing, but it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. Honestly, it’s better than I was expecting, and the actors did their best.
-Loki seemed fairly in-line from what I remember from 2012.
-The MCU retcons itself about everything every three years, but it looks like they’re going with the theory of Loki having major autonomy during the events of The Avengers. Probably.
-My unpopular opinion on this is that while Thanos certainly did a number on Loki to push him over the edge, supplied him with the army, and gave him this particular plan--none of which is exactly small beans--some version of this was always coming from MCU!Loki, barring major intervention.
-After the first Thor, he was always going to make a play for Earth the second Thor and Odin decided humans were all right. Thanos just happened to set the timetable.
-I mean, he’s been villain material for most of his MCU run, and it’s frankly hilarious how Marvel keeps being forced to bring him back because they can’t do villains for shit and how you can tell when they have to with each shift of his arc trajectory.
-Like everyone else in this godforsaken cinematic universe, his lines suffer from being post-Joss Whedon’s directorial and writing contributions as well as Marvel Main Character-itis, which is not unique to this series.
-Mobius is surprisingly interesting compared with his comics-self.
-*Ducks and hides from the Loki fans*
-He’s clearly working towards something with Loki maybe beyond the whole stopping someone who’s clearly not just your common garden Tom Hiddleston!Loki thing
-What with the interesting mix of de-radicalization techniques and interrogation techniques that probably aren’t completely copacetic under the Geneva Convention, anyway.
-He’s not a Loki fanboy in the comics, but after having to sit through MCU!Wanda, I’m just bracing myself here for the changes. It’s not like Mobius is much of a character in the comics, anyway.
-Like, his morality is of the TVA, but his priorities in keeping Loki alive and un-reset go a bit beyond what his comics self would, probably.
-Anyway, Owen Wilson remains as charismatic as ever and is doing a great job as him, so I like him right now, but jury’s definitely still out on his trajectory.
-So, the TVA.
-Despite the whole fan theory mess with WandaVision, I’m not unconvinced the Time Keepers aren’t secretly the Time-Twisters or something. The organization is more or less like this in the comics, but the emphasis on “Sacred Timeline” is. . .hmph.
-They monitor the multiverse in the comics. They’re not trying to avert its creation, and the Time-Twisters destroy realities as their schtick.
-Also, the multi-verse is coming, so I’m assuming that there’s going to be a twist that acts as an impetus for Loki plus Mobius and friends to blow the organization wide open and cause the multiverse (Probably re-forming the organization and giving Mobius the same surprise promotion as the comics, along with an excuse to bring Gugu Mbatha-Raw back).
-*chanting intensifies* mutants mutants mutants
-They’re gonna fuck up Magneto so bad lmao
Ending Conclusions
-. . .The Big Bad of this phase is absolutely either Mephisto or Kang, right?
-I don’t see how they do Secret Invasion at this point as a feasible Big Bad without a lot of changes, Deviants were Thanos, basically, Doctor Doom can’t happen without the Fantastic Four, and anything directly tied to the mutants is out until they’re brought in.
-Think a decent dark horse candidate for the Phase 4 is also Scarlet Witch/Chthon since she’s confirmed to be reading the Darkhold--which is pretty much No. 1 on the list of Stupid Shit To Never Ever Do In Marvel Comics--upholding the fine comics tradition of Wanda being manipulated by someone evil into doing world-breaking shit.
-I can’t wait for them to straightwash Wiccan and for me to die inside, unrelated news
-It’s episode 1, so there’s a lotta ballgame left, but this is now the second show to bait the MCU Devil, which I honestly want to see if only so I can watch the world burn over it.
-Then again, they might simplify things and just make the being behind the Darkhold Mephisto instead of Chthon, which would. . .track with some things mentioned by the WandaVision showrunners about removing important scenes because stop listening to fans theorize online, dammit. It’s the Hamlet written by monkeys hypothesis played out.
-Anyway. The music was nice, the actors did a great job, production value looked good, and while this episode was 95% info-dump, they made it pretty digestible.
-Also, the ‘70s-style matte painting used for one scene instead of CGI was a nice surprise and the animation was delightful.
-If you’re a Loki fan convinced the MCU hasn’t done right by him since Dark World and think Taika Waititi destroyed his character, this show is probably not going to make you especially happy.
-*Checks Tumblr tags again*
-*Winces* I’m so sorry, guys.
-If you’re someone like me, who’s not the biggest MCU fan but still loves the characters and wants to see what ditch this drives into, I think the show is promising.
-If you’re an MCU casual, ditto, but without the ditch part.
-Overall: 8/10 blue-teethed French kids
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Songbird, Part 2
Also on AO3! 
Link to Part 1 
Izuku has a powerful quirk: he can give powers to the people around him based on the different songs he sings. Unfortunately, everyone else really wants that quirk and are willing to kidnap him to get it. 
Songbirds sing even when the music stops.
Hello I’m redefining Izuku’s quirk for the sake of more dramatic powers: Most songs are general power-ups (everyone in auditory range), others are personal power-ups (only the person singing). Both only affect those who hear them, unless the effect is 100% intrinsic. Izuku uses a lot of general power-ups because he’s helpful like that. Each song can only be used once per day.
Examples: A song that creates a forcefield will only be a barrier to those who hear it, but a strength increase is a strength increase no matter which way you slice it.
anyway! day 1 of class is ok bc izuku and bakugo head to school together, and its honestly a miracle he didn't get kidnapped again
anyway, he meets iida and is fucking floored when he apologises for yelling at him. uraraka calls him the "boy with the singing quirk" and hes pretty happy. bakugo is grudgingly pleased izuku has friends and sits down, izuku following suit. shinsou is half asleep at his desk and seems to have been there the whole time
aizawa does his little spiel, quirk assessment happens yadda-yadda. izuku looks so chill on the outside but the kid is freaking the fuck out internally
he's coming second in the test, aizawa still erases his quirk, more of an example to the class because he assumed izuku wouldnt lose his shit. he didn't - at least externally
from this we also find out izuku has a kind of internal metronome because he suddenly has no internal 'beat' when his quirk is erased. his hearing gets substantially worse too.
which serves to freak him the fuck out because he feels off balance and like hes had cotton stuffed in his ears
anyway, yeets the ball, all is good, bakugo glares fucking daggers at aizawa for singling out izuku and izuku tries not to dissociate
battle trial is nothing special, but bakugo just fucking,,, turns his hearing aids off so izukus quirk doesnt work on him
its a blessing and a curse because it leaves izuku free to use most personal powerups, but honestly bakugo wants a nice fight more than he wants to win so thats fine with him
izuku wins, but only just, izuku gives uraraka a speed up through the comm link, iida who was Not ready for that, loses
Bakugo and Izuku sing Stronger than You and kick ass for a solid while before the song runs out and the nomu hits them into the lake. Izuku, with a broken leg and the beginnings of a concussion, has to drag a semi-conscious Bakugo to shore and let me tell you they both almost drown like 8 times. Izuku helps All Might by singing Anything (Hedly), which functions honestly like a big Ol’ Plus Ultra to anyone believing in what they are doing. (It starts working on Shigiraki after the Stain arc, but before then he was acting without purpose)
Sports festival!
All Might and Izuku are basically dad and son in this universe too, so, despite the dissimilar quirks, Todoroki still calls out Izuku to fight. Because Todoroki is the son of Endeavour and privy to a little more heroics insider info than he really should be, he also knows how often Izuku deals with villains. In an attempt to piss off the eternally nice and collected boy enough to give him a fight he can piss off Endeavour with, he calls him a damsel in distress.
Izuku is fuming and Bakugo has to basically hold onto his forearm to stop him from clocking Todoroki right in the jaw, but lord is Bakugo also pissed. Todoroki, for a second, realises he may have fucked up.
Todoroki wins the first event, Izuku is pretty middling. Like he's top 10? But he didn’t make a major impact. But the guy sees Monoma and gets an Idea
“HI SO – I know you hate class 1A, and really there is something to be said for the way our school is trying to pit 2 classes of children against each other like a bitter blood feud - BUT I have an idea that could be 100% ridiculous and if you want 1B to make an impact, please work with me. I need to shove something in Todoroki’s face.”
“… I’m listening.”
The general idea is Izuku’s songs have a different effect when sung in a duet, some are only practical in duet form: IE, stronger than you is a dodge boost alone, but in a duet is a massive power boost to the two singing it. So what if two people with Izuku’s quirk sung a duet? Chaos, probably.
Monoma agrees because one of the only things he likes more than 1 upping 1A is quirk based tomfoolery. The team ends up consisting of Izuku, Monoma, Kendo and Uraraka. Kendo and Uraraka, with the use of Uraraka’s quirk, carry both Izuku and Monoma – the better you sing, the better the quirk works.
Its lucky Monoma knows most of the songs Izuku brings up as ideas, and adds some suggestions of his own. If the other two know the song it's not a bad idea to join in, but its not the end of the world if they don’t.
The list of songs they have on standby and their effect when sung by two people with the Songbird Quirk
Two Player Game - Be More Chill: It forms both a connection between the people singing it, allowing them to anticipate the other's movements and creates a semi-translucent double of each singer that mimics their movements with a half second delay, aka: each punch you throw hits twice.
Family – Mother Mother: Creates a kinda forcefield that hovers just above the body. The stronger the bond between the singers, the stronger the shield – good thing Uraraka and Kendo know that one.
Hurry Hurry – Airtraffic Controllers: Slows down your perception of time, giving the appearance of superhuman reflexes. With the addition of a partner, it also grants superspeed.
We don’t get tired, we get even – Pat the Bunny: The more energy you’ve used up, the more energy you get back when singing this song + a proportional increase in general ability.
Doubt Comes In – Hadestown: Anyone who hears it quickly loses the ability to fight other people, including the singers.
The Greatest Show – The Greatest Showman: In addition to the normal effect of drawing attention to the point you can’t look away, singers get a ‘moon jump’ ability.
Turn the Lights Off – Tally Hall: Makes the area pitch black and gives the singers monstrous forms with plenty of claws and eyes.
How they use these is up to your imagination, but they end having taken the 10’000’000 point band from Todoroki. Bakugo, the only person with a decent understanding of Izuku’s quirk, just turned off his hearing aids and told his team to block their ears when weird shit started to happen. They came second, Todoroki third and Shinsou’s team fourth.
Uraraka gets to the second round bc Bakugo fights Monoma in the first round and jesus that fight is hilarious because its just Monoma – while using Bakugo’s quirk too – insisting that Izuku has abandoned class 1A for class 1B and Bakugo getting progressively more done with this boy’s shit.
Izuku and Bakugo + Todoroki and Iida are the semi finalists. Izuku and Bakugo are mostly just like “Thank fuck I’ve been talking to so many god damn weirdos today please can we just have a normal fight”. Izuku wins, j u u s t. (Izuku and Bakugo have a pretty 50/50 win loss ratio going on in this AU)
Todoroki vs Izuku is the final round of the whole thing, Todoroki told him about Endeavour, Izuku is pissed that no one looks at him and sees him, they only see his quirk (other than like, 6 people at this point). So he gets where Todoroki is coming from but holy shit hes doing literally just that. The main song Izuku uses for that round is Escapism – Steven Universe which makes him intangible (other than like his feet so he doesn’t go through the floor like Mirio). He’s trying to get the vibe across to Todoroki that he is free of his blood. He stops singing just to scream that at him, which is really what loses him the round. He's not intangible anymore, so he has no way to dodge the fire that comes at him. But he's pretty happy anyway.
Stain Arc!
Izuku’s hero name is Lyre!
Izuku doesn’t intern with Gran, but he does visit the guy with him. All Might hasn’t given his quirk to anyone else because the only suitable person he can see is Izuku, but Izuku basically can’t say no to him so he’s having a crisis. Izuku just thinks he’s there to visit All Mights old mentor and shoot the shit, which is really what they do.
Gran basically just ends up telling him “Kid aint a wallflower, he’ll tell you to fuck off if he doesn’t want it. All Might decides to ask Izuku about it after everything is over.
Izuku ends up interning with Endeavour, along with Todoroki. He never ended up yelling at endeavour, even though he hates the guy. Shouto encouraged him to take the offer bc, 1, Endeavour literally never gives out internship offers and 2, it’d be more fun because that way he doesn’t need to deal with his dad’s bullshit alone.
Endeavour is like “Oh it’s the kidnap kid, your quirk is neat.” And izuku is smiling through gritted teeth like “Th Anks SiRr”
So, starts pretty normal, then the winged Nomu steals Izuku right off the ground. Izuku just says “I’ll be fine! Just keep doing what you're doing, I’ll get myself down.” Endeavour just shrugs like “Ok, I give you permission to defend yourself.” While Todoroki is screaming internally because his new friend is literally being flown away
So the Nomu that was once a really good friend of Izuku’s (not that izuku is aware of that) literally just dumps him somewhere else and leaves. Izuku is confused, really confused, so he starts walking his way back to where he was before he hears a familiar voice.
Guess who it’s Iida, with a serial killer standing right over him. Izuku panics and goes straight into Turn the Lights Off. Without Monoma it only makes it dark, but it’ll have to do.
Thing is: he has a key problem. By virtue of the fact he’s singing, Stain can always hear him. Izuku’s only advantage is that he can see Stain but stain can’t see him, and the darkness means Stain moves more cautiously.
Anyway, in the artificial darkness, he can send a longer text anyway.
Midoriya [7:31PM] stain – [Location Pin Dropped]
So a lot of people, All Might and Aizawa included, f r e a k o u t. Todoroki goes running, Endeavour sends sidekicks with him because he saw his son, normally deadpan, almost chocking on panic as he mutters “Midoriya found Stain.”
Endeavour very much wants to also get Stain but the Nomu are Very Pressing Right Now, so there isn’t much he can do other than try and hurry the fuck up. Torino is kicking around because he could mostly, trying to get a glimpse of All Might’s kid in action, ends up having to kick villain ass. He's not that concerned until he remembers “OH SHIT TOSHI’S BOY”. When he finds Endeavour the man, a little panicked for Endeavour’s standards, yells at him to go to the address bc his son and intern are fighting the fucking hero killer.
Gran Doesn’t think he’s moved so fast since he kicked All for One in the face with Nana 25 odd years ago.
So Stain is kinda pissed bc suddenly he can’t see and someone is singing. He goes to stab Iida but,,, he ain't there anymore, and the singing is fading away. He figures “oh well, lemme get native” the singing changes to a different song. Very quickly he can see, but the singing boy, still singing is rocketing towards him and rapidly changing form.
Monster – dodie: Literally shifts Izuku into a monster. Stain suddenly realises that this is Songbird, talk of the underground, most wanted quirk by villains and quirk traffickers everywhere. This kid, target of villains everywhere, has put himself in their sights just to try and help people.
He thinks maybe Songbird might be one of the good ones.
Oh, an aside? People calling him Songbird sets off hella panic attacks because the only people who do that are people actively trying to kidnap him. And that’s what stain is calling him.
His monster form wavers and he tries to sing through tears and hitching breaths and Stain smiles because he's still curled around Native with his claws out.
Todoroki gets there first and helps defend Iida, Izuku is fighting to keep stain away from Native. The pros are on the way, Izuku is fading fast. Endeavour has been training them hard so he's exhausted and freaking the fuck out, while someone waves swords in his face.
Stain gets him, he loses the monster form. This doesn’t help Izuku’s panic, because now he can’t move and he’s felt this before along with grabbing hands, and dark vans and ropes around his wrists praying someone knew where he was going so someone might know to come for him when he doesn’t get home.
Todoroki sees that and he doesn’t know what to do. Izuku is panicking – the boy who seemed so put together and on top of things s falling apart at the seams. Iida feels horrible. He just wants to go to his friend he's never seen that distraught before.
Todoroki does the only thing he can think of. He sings.
He was never into music before, be after the sports festival he learnt Escapism -the song Izuku sang to him – and singing it back to him is the only thing he can think of doing.
It helps. It really helps, because if there was one thing that never happened when Izuku was taken – it was singing. He calms down just enough to breathe, which is all he needs to do.
The quirk wears off and Izuku throws himself at Stain, the words to Thunder by Imagine Dragons already pouring from his lips and electricity pouring from himself. If Stain touches him, he's toast, even if its via a sword. Izuku just has to avoid thrown weapons.
Izuku gets a hit, the quirk wears off Iida, who rushes in to stop Izuku from taking a throwing knife to the arm. The three of them knock out Stain just as the heroes skid into the alley. Izuku lets out a sob and crumples to the ground, Iida and Todoroki rushing over to him. They both honestly look like they’d bite anyone who got too close. Gran calls All Might who starts hightailing his way over there – Aizawa is also breaking a few traffic laws to reach his pack of injured kids.
They don’t get there in time. Shirigaki, furious that the hero killer went against him, orders Kurogiri to get Izuku. They take Iida and Todoroki for good measure. The heroes watch in horror as the children they were meant to protect vanish under their noses.
Headlines the next day: “UA sports festival finalists defeat Hero Killer – only to be taken by Villains seconds later.”
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o-bae-me · 4 years
The Brothers with an Anxious MC!
As someone who lives with pretty bad anxiety, I thought this would be a fun one to start off my headcanon blog!
He doesn't really get it. Your triggers seem irrational to him or at least blown out of proportion. He isn't mad at you, just confused, and maybe a bit frustrated. He's a busy guy and taking care of you might be more work than he anticipated.
He doesn't blame you though. He's heard of such disorders before and knows that you can't help it. Besides, you're a guest in the Devildom and it would be a disservice to both you and Diavolo to treat you poorly, even in this.
While he will never be the touchy feely type, Lucifer does his best. He does his research and speaks with you about how best to tackle the problem.
Always tries to combat your anxieties with logic, reassuring you when you need it. He's a solid pillar when you feel like you're drifting.
Let's you sit in his office when you need quiet. If he's in there with you, which he usually is, he makes tea for the both of you, picking blends that he knows are meant to calm.
He isn't the most patient of the brothers but he's making an effort.
Also doesn't understand, but hey! You can't worry if the great Mammon is distracting you right?! The first time you have a panic attack around him he panics a bit himself. Why are you crying? Should humans be breathing that fast? He may or may not think you're dying.
Once he's sure you're not dying though, he goes right for the distractions. Probably by doing something stupid. But it makes you laugh, and that smile is better than crying right?
He's great at getting you talking, or talking to you if you aren't up for responding. He usually tells you about the things he's bought recently or his next big plan to strike it rich. The two of you walk around the house or the school, burning off the extra adrenaline as his voice lulls you back into a calmer state.
He never lets you feel embarrassed or ashamed. He simply won't have it. Whenever you start to apologize for your emotions he cuts you off, reminding you that time is money, so if it wasn't important, he wouldn't waste his time.
NOT THAT YOU'RE IMPORTANT OR ANYTHING! WHAT? NO HE NEVER IMPLIED THAT! Stupid squishy human. He's just doing the job Lucifer gave him. Yeah, that's it.
He gets you. As someone who suffers with anxiety himself (social), he understands what it's like. You end up bonding over your shared experiences, giving each other advice and simply venting about your frustrations.
Levi's go to coping skill is video games. He shows you all his favorites, picking out ones that are positive and lack violence. Don't get him wrong, he loves a good FPS but when he's really anxious, sometimes something a little softer is called for.
He's a great listener, willing to stay quiet as the two of you play. He chimes in here or there when needed, but overall he's the more silent type of comfort.
If you ever try to apologize he laughs it off, saying he knows what it's like. Besides, he enjoys having someone to share these games with.
Like Lucifer, he can't empathize with your experience. However, he's very knowledgeable on the topic, having read countless psychology books over his lifetime. Probably goes into full teacher mode when he realizes what's going on, explaining to you the medical reasoning behind the condition, what treatments work best, etc. He thinks maybe if you have more knowledge about what's going on, it'll be less scary.
Mostly he ends up being a quiet body to lean against when you feel like you can't be around the others. The two of you curl up on a couch in the library with a stack of books. He'll read to you if you can't focus or you'll read to him if you feel up to it.
Like Lucifer, he also is good at tackling your anxieties with logic. He often ends up going on tangents without meaning to, info dumping whatever he knows about the subject. You don't mind. It's a good distraction.
If you can't sit still, he'll have you help him hunt down books in the library, hoping the movement will help use up the extra energy. It's a good task to help you focus on the present.
Definitely startled the first time you panic around him. He doesn't really understand why you act this way but he'll be damned if he lets you deal with this alone. Worrying causes wrinkles after all and that just won't do.
This man is the self care KING. Whenever you tell him you're having a bad day, he immediately takes you too his room and pulls out his emergency kit. It's got all the essentials; facemasks, nail polish, lotion, bubble bath, you name it, it's in here. The majority of it is lavender scented, a tip he picked up from the consultant at the store when he asked about aroma therapy.
Basically, he's your man for recovery after an anxious day. But not so much if you're actively panicking. He really doesn't know what to do to calm you down. He tries his best though, sitting you down and cooing reassurances, touching you as much as you feel able to handle, smoothing your hair, holding your hands. If you can't handle touch at all, then he's really at a loss for what to do, but he stays by your side regardless.
One of the more understanding brothers. Belphie struggled a lot after Lilith died and while he never knew the full extent of it, he was always there for his brother.
He isn't much of a talker but, like Asmo, he excels at physical comforts. He mostly just lets you lay on him as you watch TV. If you're actively panicking his first instinct is to hold you tight (if you're okay with it). He's basically your living weighted blanket.
He's always there to listen if you need to rant or cry. He doesn't always have advice, but he's there to let you know you aren't alone.
If you need a bigger distraction, he suggests the two of you make some food. The methodical tasks help you refocus your mind and calm you down. Plus, you get to have yummy food at the end. You guys end up trying a bunch of new recipes over the course of your stay and it becomes a sort of destressing ritual you two do on the regular.
Like Levi, Belphagor understands struggling with mental health. He's never really had anxiety, but he definitely struggled with depression and anger after Lilith's death. Unlike Levi however, he hasn't quite learned how to manage his own emotions yet. He's only just accepted Lilith's death after all.
Belphie doesn't really have any coping skills to offer you but he does commiserate with you about your struggles. If you're actively panicking he doesn't really know what to do. He most likely enlists his brother Beel to help. Or if Beel isn't around, he may try to emulate Beel's techniques.
What Belphagor excels at is panic attack aftercare. You're exhausted after all that anxiety and adrenaline and who better to take care of you in that moment then the avatar of sloth himself. He makes sure you're nice and comfy in a mountain of pillows and blankets, laying next to you to nap and recover.
Ends up gifting you either a weighted blanket or a weighted stuffed animal. He heard those help with anxiety. Plus, the stuffed animal is just cute.
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jq37 · 5 years
The Report Card -- Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 1
Sophomores and Spring Break 
Note: Hey guys! I decided to try something a little bit different and slightly more structured than my usual recaps for FH: Sophomore Year. I’m hoping this will be a little easier for me and a more useful tool for keeping up to date since there will be a lot more eps to keep track of and they’ll be easier to miss. Lemme know what you think and if you want raw, unfiltered opinions on anything specific, feel free to send me an ask. I’m always down to go off about literally whatever. 
We’re back, baby! It is Sophomore Year at Aguefort and the gang is on Spring Break. A lot is going down so lemme break it down. The Bad Kids, having defeated Kalvaxus last year, are all entitled to a share of his hoard and all the red tape is finally cleared so they all get 20k gold each (which is an insane amount of money converted to USD if you use the WOTC conversion rate of a gold coin being around $145 (circa 2006 when they answered the question)--which would be close to $330 with inflation). Jawbone and Sandra-Lynn are moving in after less than a year into a profoundly haunted house and it’s kind of a Full House situation because Adaine, Fig, Kristen, and Tracker all officially live there (plus it seems that Zayn has also anchored himself to Adaine’s tower--btw, Adaine took the tower that the haunted house obviously has) and you know all the other Bad Kids are gonna be there on the regular. 
More importantly, Aguefort gives the gang their big project for the year--finding the crown of the Nightmare King which was stolen at the end of last season--which is worth 60% of their grade (Adaine does a full Hermione at this information). Each of the gang has info about the NK but the trail has mostly gone cold. Luckily, Fabian just got a hot tip about where Falinel is keeping Aelwyn and she seems like a pretty good lead to start with since she was super tied up in the bad side of all the messiness of last year. Adaine is displeased to say the least. 
Going off to find the crown is super exciting story-wise for two reasons. First of all, it means the gang gets to hire, well, hirelings to help them and temporarily join the party! They ping basically every cool NPC they can think of (except for Tracker for some reason which is BONKERS because (1) she probably would have done it for free and cutting her in would still be keeping the money in the family, (2) she’s dope as hell, (3) she’s a cleric and the party can always use more healers, (4) she’s a werewolf so presumably she has skills that would help in the woods, and (5) they’re t r a c k i n g down a crown and the girl’s name is literally T R A C K E R, but I will not backseat D&D) and eventually end up with Ragh (who has been without an adventuring party all year, poor guy), Sandra-Lynn (swayed by a nat 20 rolled by Fig), Cathilda (!?) ,and, for some reason, Gilear (which Fabian is happy about, mainly for the opportunity to maybe bump him off on the way). Second of all, if you recall, Elmville is a pretty modern town but the rest of the continent is less fantasy high, more high fantasy. Horses and lanterns and all that pseudo-medieval goodness. They are gonna stick out like a sore thumb. I am very here for it. 
Everyone goes home to rest up but, after some ominous dreams, only four of them wake up. Riz and Fig are left asleep and then Brennan mic drops and ends the episode which is a power move and I am extremely upset about it but also, respect. Right for the jugular immediately. I heard Murph and Emily are on tour in the UK next week which probably has something to do with this but, in the moment, I did not know that and I really felt the hammer drop in my heart. It was wild. Cannot wait to see where we go from here. Plus, who doesn’t love watching characters freak out because their friends are in danger?
Random Thoughts
I have no idea what the title of this episode is or if it’ll even have one and not a number but I gave it a placeholder one for now. I also don’t have access to the stream yet so I didn’t get to include some info I wanted to (like a record of nat 20s, and nat 1s so I can track their stats for the school year) and I probably missed some stuff because my brain can only hold so much info guys. I’m not Brennan. 
I mentioned this yesterday during the stream, but there will never be anything better than the pure D&D joy of everyone, in character, talking over each other to clown on each other. They get the friend-group banter that’s a hair breadth’s away from bullying so true to life and it’s so fun to watch. On the flip side, the opening scene with everyone introducing themselves and affirmatively claiming each other as their best friends was also peak D&D. Found family= best trope. 
Fig and Adaine burn spell-slots at basically the same time to try and beat each other to the best room in the (Scooby-Doo ass) house--which is exactly the kind of thing that would happen in this world. It’s such an intuitive setting. I love it so much. (BTW, Fig ends up staying in the false space under the revolving grand piano because, of course).
Fabian and Gorgug went to recruit Ragh, who assumed they were propositioning him for a three-way. In his defense, they did do it in a super proposition-y way and they were in the middle of the LGBTQ student union.
Also, Gorgug gives Ragh an inspiring speech about thinking you’re your own dad which makes him burst into tears. 
Speaking of, Jawbone offhandedly says he’s poly but, like, based on some of the stuff he’s said, I feel like that’s not really a reveal. He also gets along well with Gorthalax and would be down w/ a three-way if Sandra-Lynn wanted to which, again, totally checks out. 
Arthur Aguefort uses Chronomancy to rewind time and catch a snide comment Adaine made under her breath, which is exactly the kind of frivolous use of God-like power I’d expect from him.  
I really love Adaine’s energy coming into this season. She’s in therapy. She’s in a good home environment. She’s comfortable enough with her friend group to do stuff like prank Fig (love that they’re gonna be living together now). And she’s good friends with Zayn now which I want to see more of based on their one interaction in this ep which was very cute. I am already on record as saying I would be down with her getting a ghost boyfriend--I mean, for the aesthetic alone--but I’d be happy with just more friendship. 
Fabian is also hilarious this season because you can tell he’s gone a bit soft from having friends and leaning into that (the friendship necklace with Riz) but also he’s fully aware that it’s happening so he’s, like, ping-ponging back and forth like, “These are my friends,” and, “What am I saying? I used to be cool,” and it’s very funny. Very happy the Aelwyn storyline is happening right out of the gate, both because I think Aelwyn is a very interesting character with a lot of potential for nuance but also because Fabian reacting to her and Adaine reacting to Fabian reacting to her is always gold. 
Prompted by an offhand conversation from Fig about rock and roll, Brennan--earning another feather for his Cap of God Tier DMing--goes on an impromptu five minute long improved diatribe about a bard who played such a good concert that it instantly impregnated everyone in attendance (dudes too) who gave birth to kids with sick rocker hair and denim jackets and ascended to Rock Heaven on their 18th Birthday. You truly have to watch it to believe it. At a certain point I thought he was gonna drop it but that was the moment he doubled down and kept going. Amazing. 
Watching Murph, in real time, make up a girl/boy/whateverfriend in Fantasy Canada was a gift. 
I don’t have access to the stream yet but best quote of the night that I can remember is Kristen choosing her room: This is triggering and I’ll take it. (Her line about her lesbian starter kit and the one about wanting a horse were also bangers). 
The group talks about what they’re going to do for transportation outside of Elmsville since they don’t really use cars out there and they somehow get from “disguise Fig’s tour bus” to “commission Aguefort to create a brand new animal that can hold six people plus hirelings, one of which is Fabian who is also riding his motorbike”.
I love that Sandra-Lynn’s Mom Powers work on Tracker. 
Basrar doesn’t accept the invitation to come with on the quest, but he does give Kristen a bag of infinite ice cream sandwiches, which is basically just as good, IMO. 
Oh Gilear. The man is sleeping in the Seacaster garage, being bullied by skater kids, and now he’s stuck on this quest with his ex and Fabian who actively wants him dead.  
Speaking of, I’m psyched to see more of Sandra-Lynn. She was kind of a sleeper badass at the end of last season. 
Ragh is keeping secrets which I hope the cast doesn’t forget because it could be nothing serious (like the high school drama happening with Skrank and the 7 maidens--maybe he’s just crushing on Gorgug who did full kiss him during Promocalypse) or it could be Serious Business that will blow up if the don’t stay on top of it. We’ll see. 
Oh, almost forgot. Adaine wants an emotional support frog. Every time I think I can’t love her more.   
Fig for Not Respecting Personal Boundaries
Fig goes full Emily right out the gate and, after finding out that Skrank (nerdy bird dude who apparently can get it) was not only dating Ostentasia (rich, popular dwarf) but also dumped her in pursuit of Danielle Barkstock (one of Ostentasia’s party members, the scandal), disguises herself as him with Danielle to figure out what’s going on. And, wouldn't you know it, when she gives herself away, Danielle immediately is shocked and appalled, as you would be, obviously. We also learn that she’s still catfishing Dr. Asha which is, how you say, for sure a crime. Fig, please, I’m begging you. Cease. 
Honor Roll
Fig, Riz, and Adaine for Researching the Nightmare King
Fig made both lists, look at that. Wasn’t my plan for this to be a three-way tie (also didn’t expect to use the word “three-way” this many times in this writeup) but I think their contributions were pretty much equally valuable. Rainsolo on the Discord wrote up this summary of the lore dump Brennan gave them.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
2019 Fic Meme
My end of year fic meme, compiled from some old Livejournal fic memes that I do when I write stuff. I do this for fun, because I like looking back at what I have and haven’t written, and what keeps popping up again.
It’s meant to be silly fun, and if anyone else wants to do it, PLEASE DO. I don’t want to tag anyone and put pressure on you in case you don’t want to/don’t think you have enough fic/hate memes. 
12 Days of Fic-Mas (Twilight, WIP) Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bonus.  Twelve days of fic extracts, previews, and drabbles focusing on Alice Cullen. Encompasses Folie A Deux, The Only Girl in the World, JessaminexAlice, Omens, Asylum, The Long Way Around, The Dark and the Unknown, Hybrid, Runaway, All These Broken Things, & The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon 
Shadow to Light  (WIP) (Alice/Jasper, AU Angst, PG) In 1918, Jasper lures the newborn known as Mary-Alice back to Monterrey. He is lost to her before it even begins.
Total number of completed stories: Lol.
Total word count: 33,304 words were posted. 
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?  Look, I just... 2019 was a wash in so many ways. I played a lot of Fortnite really badly. I would have loved to be able to say Shadow to Light was finished, or that I was posting Hybrid regularly or something, but I can’t. I wish, wish, wish I had posted more but alas. 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Outside of Twilight, I dabbled with some reader/Ben in the Umbrella Academy, and I was messing around with some Janet/Wanda in my personal MCU canon. As for Twilight, I think my stuff got a lot darker? Like, we’re down the rabbit hole here, and somehow Alice ended up being the most feared vampire in the Americas? Yeah. 
And there’s the Avengers/Twilight fic that is simultaneously three fics and one fic because I cannot make Executive Decisions and I can’t decide if I like 1. Alice knowing Bucky from Before Jasper; 2. Alice knowing Hawkeye from when he was a kid in the circus and being how Natasha and Clint got out of Budapest, or 3. the Volturi hooking up with Hydra and ... yeah, I think this one is legit the most second-most one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever written. (I’ve been filing today, and boy howdy have I written some actual shit.)
What’s your own favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? That’s like making me pick a favourite child. I’m always so, so proud of Shadow to Light, and I love The Dark and the Unknown ‘verse, and Hybrid is just hanging out there, chilling and ugh. My babies <3 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?  TwilightFicMas was a huge risk! I wasn’t sure anyone cared unless I was posting more Shadow to Light, and people were SO nice and enthusiastic. So I guess the lesson is shut up and share more fic? Get out of your own head and spend time in the community because fandom isn’t meant to be lonely?
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?  I’m starting a graphic design business AND my masters in design in 2020, so I figure fic is going to be my downtime next year. Ideally, I would love to get STL finished, Memento Vivere’s sequel going, and have a few of my shorter pieces posted. I would really love to get some of my original stuff ready for publication, but I’d be happy studying, running my business, and doing the fic thing for 2020.  
My best story of this year: That’s up to the readers, I guess. Everyone seemed obscenely enthusiastic about The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon, though, and I was not expecting that at all - I was actually upset that I left the ‘dud’ fic for the last day of FicMas. 
My most popular story: Shadow to Light. Everyone is so nice and enthusiastic and polite about that one. I’m not used to it! Fandom for me is usually me sitting in a corner, doin’ my obscure thing, and maybe one or two people will read what I’m working on.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:  I think everyone was super enthusiastic and nice about everything I posted this year. Maybe Folie A Deux? But like, that reflects more on me and the excerpts that I chose to post rather than the fic or the audience itself. 
Most fun story to write:  The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon because that Alice is so happy; I have this playlist for it that is super upbeat and funky. 
Hybrid is fun because that Alice likes to torment Jasper. He understands Edward on a molecular level once Alice arrives. 
Most Sexy Story: The Dark and the Unknown is the front-runner for that, because most of the sexy goings-on in Shadow to Light is very much focused on the psychological and emotional aspects rather than the physical.
Story with the single sexiest moment:  The Dark and the Unknown. I am still deeply uncomfortable writing sex scenes, so this may be the only one I ever do. The implication of a blow job in Shadow to Light nearly kill me tbh.
The forest behind the school is silent; just her breathing, and the slight wind. No birds or wildlife, none of the hum of the traffic or of the school.
They don’t undress more than necessary, her skirt slid to her hips, and he takes her roughly against a tree, flakes of bark falling into the dirt. She is hot and slick, and silent as he fucks her, his fingers digging into her hips, a growl rising in his chest. She is every bit his fantasy; the smell of damp flowers, the sweetness of her flesh, her willing supplication. His fingers tear through the lace of her tights as he grips her thighs, and the heels of her shoes must be bending, she’s digging them into the backs of his legs so hard.
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:  The Long Way Around makes Jasper and Alice’s relationship pretty fucked up, and tbh I look back at it and really struggle with how dark it is and how dark Jasper’s character becomes. There’s a reason that Shadow to Light is the ‘official’ version - it’s a better balance, and I actually think Maria is a lot more interesting in Shadow to Light as a villain with complex relationships with both Jasper and Alice to the point where none of them really want to have to kill each other, but there is a lot of hate on both sides. 
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:  That’s a hard question. Shadow to Light definitely did that because I had to consider what happened when you took Alice out of the picture, and how that changed what happened, and considered the inter-family relationships. So much of canon relies on Alice’s visions that things can’t just happen the same way. 
Hardest story to write: Shadow to Light isn’t easy because I have such a specific idea of how it plays out, how it ‘looks’ in my head, and because Alice is so fundamentally different to canon. More innocent when it comes to normal interactions, and so controlled because it meant life or death - but she’s still got to be Alice in a way that people can recognize. It also has to sound right? If I can’t get the right turn of phrase for one scene, it has to be put aside until I can work it out. 
 All These Broken Things is hard because I started it back in, like, 2014ish and my writing and understanding of the characters and canon has changed so much - plus there are a few sections that came to me quite early in the writing, and now sound really out of place, but are such a strong linchpin for the story that I have to rework them in. It’s a good kind of hard, though, because I’ve improved so much, my ideas and goals are more refined. 
Most disappointing:  Omens is a little bitch, honestly. I started it for a fic contest and kept going to explore Alice’s human life, and it doesn’t quite feel like my writing? It needs reworking, and be a little less obvious because I think the ‘four horsemen of the apocalypse’ is a good theme for a Human!Alice fic. 
Easiest story to write: Depends on my mood; Hybrid is great when I’m in kind of a ‘girls kicking ass’ mood and boot up my action girls playlist.
Biggest surprise:  Hybrid started as a love story that was basically ‘yeah, let’s make this shit super dramatic and overwrought’, and turned into this actual story with a huge focus on family and relationships. I can’t remember why I decided Alice’s father had a husband except that I was thinking about small town ‘otherness’, and LGBT+ people can and are still considered ‘other’ in these spaces. 
Then you add in Alice and Cynthia who are basically in the same boat but have been separated for their entire lives. Alice has knowledge in her corner, whilst having to fight through foster care, abuse, and hospital; whilst Cynthia has lived a very normal but privileged life as the daughter of a mixed-race same-sex couple in a very small town. I went full-hog with this, and added in an extended family, because I really hated how canon went balls-to-the-wall to isolate Bella from everyone, including Charlie. 
Like, this thing is a monster, and whilst I plan to sit down and rewrite the outline (which dates back to 2016, and I hate the ending of), I stopped outlining at 65 freaking chapters. 
Most unintentionally telling story:  I think this question that still confuses me finally gets a decent answer in The Dark and the Unknown - Jasper is seeing most of it from his perspective, and there isn’t a ton of dialogue. I’ve tried to avoid an info-dump, but it’s meant to be quite supernatural in tone, and focusing on vampire senses and gifts enhances that. 
Story I’d like to revise:  All These Broken Things wins that one. Due to the age of the piece, there are some pacing and tone issues in later chapters that are the reason I haven’t formally posted it. 
Story I didn’t write but will at some point, I swear: Oh man, I really want to finish A Thousand Years of Solitude, which is a Tanya fic. I’m really happy with what I’ve got so far, but it sounds smarter and more layered than it really is, so I’m kind of stuck. 
Mad World because Romani!Alice is super sassy and taking 0% of Swan or Cullen bullshit - I think 90% of my fic is just me going, “yeah, that’s not how normal people react.” And I’m a sucker for gothic horror. 
What else? Aww, Against A Wall which is AU Human Jasper coming from the shittiest home, and Alice finding him. It’s meant to be short, and another one I have a really clear idea of how it needs to work. 
And the one where Alice’s gift is a sentient power that pushes her to follow it; that Bad Things happen if she doesn’t; that Renesmee was always Endgame for Something, and Alice was a key piece to get that result. Or the one where Aro takes Alice as a ‘guest’ for a period because of Edward and Bella, and Alice’s gift is basically broken. 
Good times. I have like 5 years of fic on this computer, we could be here for awhile. 
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langxue · 5 years
Avengers Endgame Initial Thoughts
Okay. I have some Thoughts about Endgame, most of them fairly critical. Also highly subjective. So here goes. Spoilers abound, for Endgame and other MCU content.
1. OMFG they completely wasted Captain Marvel.* In her own movie, Carol is a fairly laid back, adaptable, competent, and Silly person. She has a wonderfully casual charm and sarcasm that’s really fun to watch. She’s also a powerhouse, and by the end she definitely knows it. (Like seriously, she destroyed multiple of Ronan’s ships in under a minute. In GotG, it took a whole fleet just to slow one of them down, plus a team on the inside to blow it up. And then Carol’s just like “nah, you’re done now.”) And then you hit Endgame. And we have a stoic, closed off Captain Marvel, who shows up, talks a lot about how awesome she is, and then spends fucking 80% of the movie on a shelf on the justification that she’s helping other worlds that are also in trouble. Which is a fine justification to keep her away for some of the setup. But the heroes’ main plan is time travel. Which means it’s not time sensitive, and they keep making a big deal about only having one shot. Why, in that case, wouldn’t you wait until you could get Carol on your team?? Thor is a psychological mess. Keep him on the bench and bring in Carol. OR have her on hand to use the gauntlet after all the stones are collected. But no, they just went with “eh, we’re not sure how to contact her, so we’ll just skip over that option entirely.” So they wasted her character as a character with minimal interactions with the others, and zero of those interactions actually being in character (except maaaybe with Peter at the end, but that very much felt like two actors trying very hard with very little to work with), and then also wasted her as far as plot impact, opting for a heroic re-entrance most of the way through the movie.
2. The time travel felt extremely poorly explained, which is really bad when your plot completely hinges on it, and is especially bad if you’re gonna rag on other movies with time travel. Back to the Future is paradoxical nonsense, but it’s self-consistent paradoxical nonsense. Endgame was some kind of multiverse with zero clear understanding of how different timelines/realities could and could not interact with each other. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all of the possibilities and whether there actually is an internal logic, but at the very least, while watching the movie, it entirely felt like they were doing whatever they wanted to suit the plot. Which is a bad sign when dealing with time travel. (My general approach to time travel is that you either have to completely handwave it or completely explain it. And that explanation doesn’t have to be an info dump! It can just be apparent in the story itself, such as with Time-Turners. Though I personally don’t mind time travel info dump tbh.)
3. Relatedly, the secret to time travel is to model an inverted Möbius strip and get the eigenvector of that one particle there. I don’t think I’ve been that annoyed but technobabble in a long time. That’s math word salad, as far as I can tell (though I’m admittedly not a mathematician. If any mathematicians can clarify how this makes any sense, I’d appreciate it, but in the mean time, I’m going to assume it’s garbled nonsense.)
4. Still on time travel but I’m having one hell of a time figuring out Steve’s ending. Like, how can he do that within the confines of the time travel mechanics? Why wouldn’t he come back and spend that time with Bucky?? Since, you know, they’ve like barely spoken being reunited?? For Pete’s sake, don’t set up their bond like that, spend two full movies on the turmoil cause by Bucky’s return, and then just fucking drop the plot line on the floor because you wanted to stick Steve back with Peggy. What in the fuck.
5. IM. SO. MAD. ABOUT. GAMORA. (And also Natasha, though that’s a slightly different anger.) GAMORA’S DEATH WAS THE MOST BS THING IN INFINITY WAR AND WAS ALSO THE DEATH I WAS MOST CONCERNED THEY WOULDN’T CORRECT. AND GUESS WHAT. THEY DIDN’T. SHE’S STILL DEAD.** The soulstone mechanic can get Fucked, because Thanos should never have been able to get it like that (and relatedly, should Hawkeye have gotten it, since Natasha threw herself, rather than being sacrificed? I’m undecided, but mad either way).
6. Is Loki still dead? Was he ever dead? We just don’t know. If he is dead, that was an amazingly dumb end and I object. If he’s not dead, that is a dumb cliffhanger and I object.
7. I don’t love Thor + Guardians’ dynamic? It feels very off, and I can’t tell if that’s just because it’s Avengers and therefore all the characters have gotten slightly flattened or if it’s just an unappealing dynamic to me. But we already had Quill vs Rocket leadership tension. I don’t was more of that but with Thor. That’s dumb. I’m hoping that it gets more nuance/resolution going forward, but I’m not holding my breath.
8. Relatedly, why would you put Valkyrie in charge of Anything but a battle plan? Nothing I’ve seen of her makes me think she’s well suited to general leadership, and I think she’d chafe under it just as much as Thor does. She’s not the Responsible One to take things over so Thor can go have another finding himself adventure. Ffs.
9. Probably no one’s fault because actor contracts are complicated, but I’m still salty about Lady Sif being 100% absent and unacknowledged for this whole thing. Largely because I haven’t gotten to see her interact with Valkyrie OR Carol and I feel cheated.
10. Some quick minor things before I go on a big rant. It bothered me that Thor’s depression and poor coping was just a joke, basically just “Oh look he’s fat and scared now, isn’t that funny?” I’m so tired of Tony vs. Steve, and I hate that they waited until the last fucking movie to sort of kind of resolve it. You don’t get to pull on found family heartstrings and tropes when you’ve done such a bullshit job of actually showing us a family. You’ve had 20-odd movies to do so. Do better.
11. Okay. I like battle scenes. They’re fun! They’re dramatic! If done correctly, they can give a very tangible sense of odds and stakes. But. Not every movie with high stakes needs a big final battle.
Okay, to clarify a bit, I’m specifically referring to army vs. army battle scenes here. Big punch outs between titans, or scrambling to minimize damage from a disaster are different, and have their own applications and pitfalls. All clear? Great.
Battles, with two armies facing off against each other in fronts, look cool, but fundamentally make no sense in the context of Endgame. Battle lines exist so that you have not very many people actively fighting at once, and so that you can protect the people next to them. When the frontline gets tired, they rotate back and others take over. Battles are not the same thing as skirmishes and they are not mass melees. If a battle turns into a mass melee, something has gone very wrong and you should in all likelihood pull back immediately to regroup.
All of this breaks down when you have an opponent who can break up or ignore your battle lines. Historically, this was artillery and guns—things that forced battles into a cover-based issue. In superhero movies, it’s... pretty much every character of note.
Thor’s lightning —> broken battle line
Black Panther’s suit discharge —> broken battle line
Falcon attacking from above —> pointless battle line
Wanda or Carol doing... anything —> pointless battle line
All of Thanos’ many flying troops —> pointless battle line
Thanos’ warship overhead —> what are you doing pls stop this
All of which is to say that traditional battle tactics don’t apply to this conflict. But the battle we’re shown doesn’t reflect that, and it feels very... weird as a result. Where who’s winning is entirely arbitrary, rather than any kind of steady build.
This tends to lead to a very episodic battle, where you show off individual characters or small groups of characters fighting. Which is fine, though contributes to battle progress being unclear. But there’s a temptation then to give everyone equal levels of badassery in their vignettes, and I think that’s a mistake. The avengers et all are a complementary group. They have members suited to a battle field and members that aren’t. That isn’t to say that Hawkeye and Black Widow can’t hold their own, but their skill sets aren’t specialized for something like this, and so any attempt to make them seem equal in this way is going to either fall flat or cheapen the battle suited heroes’ specialty.
And this tendency to level the field of badassery can also lead to situations where Okoye is backing up Carol for a charge, and I just.... gah. I love Okoye. So much. Carol does not need her help to rush a group of enemies. Carol doesn’t need help from any of the women who showed up behind her except for maybe Scarlet Witch. I get what they were going for. I get that it was supposed to be a Girl PowerTM moment. It wasn’t. It was dumb. It was so very much the wrong time for that moment, because this was not a context where Carol needed help. She just flew through a spaceship. She can fly through some enemies no problem. And it’s probably easier if she’s not worried about her allies getting caught in the blast. And then they had to make the backup team useful, so they made Carol struggle in a moment where she just shouldn’t have. You don’t get points for Girl PowerTM if you have to de-power one of your women just to make it make sense. Give me more scenes with Gamora and Nebula helping each other through Thanos’ abuse. Give me scenes with Carol and Okoye bonding over putting up with impractical people. Don’t give me this battle scene bullshit, I don’t want it.
11. I remain pissed off that there are no actually articulated arguments against Thanos’ fucking stupid plan. What the actual fuck, this is not that hard. 
Okay. Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, some things I actually really liked.
1. Steve wielding Mjolnir was fucking amazing and I’m so pleased.
2. Any time Scott was on screen.
3. Peter Parker is a precious child and he needs to be protected.
4. I actually really like the set up for the time travel nonsense, and I liked that they seemed to be doing something other than a mass melee battle. That the group was divided into manageable teams, and sent on different kinds of missions that required them to be clever and play to their different strengths and help each other through. And then they shoved in a giant battle anyway, because fuck you that’s why.
5. I can appreciate what they were trying to do in giving all of the non-returning Avengers decent send-offs, even if I didn’t like some of those conclusions.
6. There were some genuinely funny moments, but I’m struggling to recall them right now.
7. Oh wait! “It’s an earthquake in the middle of the ocean. We handle it by not handling it.” That one was great.
Okay, that’s all for now. I might have more later, once I’ve picked apart the time travel a bit more and dined some processing.
I think it’s also worth noting that like... ensemble movies with a cast this big are *hard.* character are going to end up feeling confined, and there’s less time to grow because there’s just less time per character. But I think we could’ve had better, and I think if they focused more on group growth in the group movies instead of just drama, then they would’ve been in a better place and had a better story.
It’s probably also worth noting that I really liked Thor: Ragnarok, really like Captain Marvel and really didn’t like Infinity War. So I sort of went into Endgame feeling like it had to make up for Infinity War and live up to the higher at from the recent solo movies. And I really wanted to like it. I really wanted them to pull it off. But those are high and fairly specific standards, and so they fell quite short.
*This should be taken with a grain of salt, because I’d been dreading Endgame as an obligation to watch, and the Captain Marvel movie was the only thing that sparked my interest again. And then Endgame massively dropped the ball as far as I’m concerned.
** there was some stuff at the very end that makes me wonder if there’re plans to still bring her back in a later movie. But it doesn’t change me call bullshit on everything that Infinity War/Endgame has done to her.
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RevieWBY: Volume 6
This has been stated so many times, but Volume 5 was bad. Okay, it wasn’t terrible, like I don’t feel offended by it being bad (unlike certain folks), but looking back on it I don’t have anything to say to really defend it as something Rooster Teeth should have talked up as much as they did at the time. It had some good things going for it, but the amount of problems it had in terms of animation and writing really put a sour taste in everyone’s mouth. So for Volume 6 to deal with all that fallout, it was going to have to do a lot. And to their credit, CRWBY accepted the criticism in stride, and actively worked to make Volume 6 something that people who despised Volume 5 might enjoy.
Still, one had to go into this season with the understanding that some people were never going to be completely satisfied with whatever CRWBY did. Because at the end of the day, the RWBY that Rooster Teeth currently makes is not Monty Oum’s show anymore. No, this isn’t saying CRWBY is in any way disrespecting his legacy, it’s just Monty Oum had a certain method to running the show that only he could really get away with: epic fight scenes, suddenly throwing giant curveballs into the series’ mythology, taking vital time away from storytelling so the fights looked cool. I mean, there are people who criticize the show for doing that now when they didn’t give two shits when Monty did it, because Monty did it in a manner that somehow worked. I don’t know how he did it, but he did, and, well, he’s not here to do it, and there’s no way even a huge animation team can collectively do things like him. And they shouldn’t: if they can use a better industry standard animation engine than Poser, than the fact that Monty Oum didn’t like animating with Maya shouldn’t stop them.
Blah blah blah...this is all about FNDM reception. What did I think of Volume 6?
In my mid-volume review I cited this as Volume 6′s strongest aspect, and as far as I can tell this remains the case. By focusing our hero storyline on one group and for the most part the villain storylines on only a few characters who were paired off, Volume 6 effectively told a story that didn’t force the viewers to juggle multiple things and find some semblance of a continuing story. Everything happened linearly and the whole thing made for a more enjoyable watch overall.
Building off of that renewed focus, this volume felt like it had more of a consistent tone that lasted from beginning to end. RWBY markets itself as an anime show and uses a lot of that anime-style of humor (slapstick and comedically exaggerated emotions), but honestly it’s always played fast and loose with using that humor in a way that doesn’t feel out of place. In this volume it was more consistently used, and that’s largely thanks to the nailed down focus that allowed character interactions to utilize the humor in a natural way. Ruby and Maria Calavera were especially good sources for humor.
Now, things did get a little more screwball when Cordovin came into the mix, but it was interesting seeing CRWBY take that humor to a logical extreme for the first time in a while (not since the Beacon years). It interrupted the tone for a bit, but not in a manner that overall changed the genre this show is going for.
Beautiful. The improved production pipeline that we’ve heard about really came through. These episodes were the best they’ve ever looked, minus a few errors here and there, showing just how amazing RWBY can look when you give the animators time to add their own touches. There was some really great fight animation to boot: none of the fights this volume felt awkward, and you could tell the animators had a lot of fun.
It feels weird saying that Volume 6 did a better job with worldbuilding than Volume 4, which took place on four different continents and traveled across one, and Volume 5, which took place on two different continents and featured the second major skirmish between the villains and the heroes. I think this has to do with just how well it was integrated into the story: insight into the world came at points where the story needed it and when the viewers wanted it. Nothing ever felt like a massive info dump better suited World of Remnant; where there was just too much information delivered that wasn’t relevant to what was happening in the show. Volumes 4 and 5 had this same problem with establishing the world, often telling us too much in a way that just didn’t feel natural to the story. With Volume 6, almost every chapter up until the final Argus arc included some form of that insight:
Chapter 1 showed us how ordinary civilians deal with traveling through Grimm territory––the steps they take to protect themselves
Chapter 2 showed us some aspects of the Mistral criminal underground, not telling us too much about it but suggesting it was much larger than what Cinder encountered.
Chapter 3 showed us...so many things.
Chapter 4 offered a sense of the stakes RWBY faced in relation to all of Remnant.
Chapter 5 and 6 gave us a glimpse at another form of non-city life in Remnant.
Chapter 7 introduced us to Argus, my favorite of all the Remnant cities we’ve seen; plus a glimpse into the life of the silver-eyed warriors; and a more representative depiction of what domestic life is like in Remnant
Chapter 8 told us what Atlas personnel who aren’t Ironwood or Winter are like, plus the long-awaited insight into how the silver eyes work.
Chapter 9 shows something of the effect the Battle of Beacon, and by extension Pyrrha’s death, had outside of our core group.
Things kind of teeter off with the finale arc, but that’s because worldbuilding became a little less important to what was going on. This is kind of a stretch, but the mech fight and the arrival of the Grimm in Argus give us an idea of how large non-capital cities defend themselves without just spelling everything out.
All in all, this volume delivered on some impressive worldbuilding, probably the best the series has had in a while. It wasn’t massive info dumps unless it needed to be (e.g. Chapter 3), and it offered just enough for other important things like the storytelling and the action to still be in the forefront.
Volume 5, despite the fact it involved the major reunion of Team RWBY after two volumes, felt like it was simply putting the main characters through situations without those situations really doing anything to develop them or define them as anything beyond what we already knew. Some characters fared better on the development front, namely Yang, but others, especially Ruby, just seemed to be along for the ride without us getting any insight into them. This is where the writing issue that came from separating everyone starting with Volume 4 really came to a head: too many different characters with their own story to cover, and sometimes those stories just didn’t do much for the character beyond existing as a situation they were in.
Volume 6 feels like the refutal of that, and that mostly has to do with the fact that we’re not juggling so many storylines anymore. When a major event happens to the heroes, everyone gets affected at the same time. The train crashes? DEVELOPMENT! Jinn’s story? DEVELOPMENT AND INSIGHT! Snowstorm? INSIGHT! The Apathy? DEVELOPMENT! Telling team JNR about Jinn’s story? DEVELOPMENT! Adam ambushes Blake and Yang for the first time since Volume 3? DEVELOPMENT! WITH A HEALTHY DOSAGE OF ANGST!
Surprisingly, the same thing is happening to two of our favorite villains, Mercury and Emerald: even though they only really appeared in three chapters this Volume, we actually got a surprising chance to see how their defeat at the Battle of Haven affected them, and their increasingly strong misgivings about working for Salem. We get more of an idea of them as people rather than Cinder’s blind followers, understanding why they stuck with such an evil person for so long. It’s the most we’ve learned about them since Volume 3, and we didn’t even need lengthy flashbacks.
Even Adam got some more insight. RWBY has been following the path that Adam was an abusive ex-boyfriend for quite a while now, but there was always this underlying thought that he got into the White Fang business for a seemingly noble cause. The problem was the show hadn’t depicted how he got from Point A to Point B. The Adam Character Short offered us some of that much needed insight, putting some of his actions up to this point in a new context, even if it was set-up for clearing up some things so they could get rid of him.
Of course, there are still exceptions to characters getting character development, and honestly they’re kind of glaring ones. Oscar’s development arc, where he came to accept he was his own person, completely happened offscreen (for reasons that I’ve brought up before and will reiterate in the final section), robbing us of really witnessing his growth as a person. I enjoyed some of the stuff Cinder did this volume, especially her escape from the vault and her fight with Neo. But honestly she continues to be a pretty bland villain with little hints at her motivations for being such a terrible person: the Battle of Haven was such an utter defeat for her there needed to be some form of consequence that would’ve affected her character while also telling us more about her. Maybe it would’ve been her strategizing her revenge, which would’ve gotten more insight into how she thinks as a master planner. Instead, we get her leaving the vault, more or less going back to what she used to do but in a more low-key setting, fighting with Neo, plotting with Neo, and leaving with Neo. It felt more like “Hey, she’s alive, and here’s what she’s doing,” which while I appreciate it feels kind of a waste of time if you’re not doing anything with her beyond that. Honestly, a post-credits reveal that she was alive and then a pre-Volume 7 character short detailing how she made it to Atlas that covered her and Neo’s entire storyline this volume would’ve been more helpful.
Before I go on to my most major critique of this volume, I need to address the two Goliaths in the room.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: they needed to get rid of Adam. The way things have been going, there was only so much more you could do with his character before he became a nuisance that was overstaying his welcome. I understand people wanted some deeper insight into him, but the fact was he was never introduced to be a major villain to anyone beyond Blake and later Yang. They could’ve had him have a thing against Weiss, but they didn’t, they focused the time that would’ve made him a major villain for everyone else on making people like Roman and Cinder and Salem the big villains. They decided on the path of abusive ex-boyfriend a very long time ago, and if you hadn’t figured that out after the Adam Character Short I honestly think you were being willfully ignorant to what’s been building up.
The best I can say is that Adam and his history is a missed opportunity for some pretty interesting storytelling and worldbuilding, but the fact remains: it is not his story that they want to tell, it is not his show. It may make something interesting to think about, but Adam’s story is supplementary, and works better in supplementary material, a la character shorts and maybe mangas.
Y’all need to quit it with the “Hrrr drr Jaune took up time again moan moan Miles Luna is self indulgent” talk, he barely did anything this volume beyond Chapter 9 and having a sister that the whole fandom loved.
This...this is where Volume 6 ran into trouble.
Overall, from the season premiere to the finale arc, this was probably the best-paced season of RWBY we’ve ever had. Major story events happened right when we needed them, and for the most part they didn’t drag out story arcs for any longer than they needed to be.
Well...until they reached Argus, that is.
At face value, a lot happened in the final couple of chapters. Chapter 8 gave us Maria explaining the silver eyes, Chapter 9 had the scene with Pyrrha’s statue and the mysterious Red-Haired Woman (I’ll headcanon whatever I want about who she is, Jen Brown) Chapter 10 started the Cordovin fight, Chapter 11 reinforced Blake and Yang’s partnership, Chapter 12 killed Adam, and Chapter 13 had Ruby finally use her silver eye powers to defeat a Grimm and they made it to Atlas. Yeah, it was a pretty eventful set of episodes.
So then why did it feel like it dragged? Here are a couple reasons that I’ve identified.
1. The Cordovin Battle sidelined story arcs for too long
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: the finale arc should not have been split up like that over so many episodes. It afforded us some pretty well-animated fights, some of the best the series has ever had, but the volume hadn’t been relying on that action to keep up the forward momentum, but on actually telling the stories of these characters. I get the need for CRWBY to prove that they can do well-animated fights, but as I’ve come to accept action should never take precedence over storytelling (I know, that’s hard to swallow when parts of the fndm spends hours complaining about how Monty’s not animating the fights anymore). And it’s clear to me in this final arc put emphasis on the action over the momentum of the story, bringing the actually pretty good storytelling the volume had had up to that point to a grinding halt.
Now, historically RWBY fights have delayed telling stories, but it’s never been for too long, at most maybe two chapters? But if you spend three chapters on a single fight, thereby devoting three weeks of your viewers’ time to high-octane action, people are gonna notice that the story is basically going nowhere.
What could’ve made this less of a problem? Well, perhaps establishing Cordovin earlier and making her less of a buffoon would’ve eased my hatred of this arc. Volume 6 lacks a clear antagonist for the story, but the way Cordovin was treated as a big deal in this final battle made it seem like she was taking up that role, except we didn’t even see her until the final half of the volume, and in her debut we couldn’t take her seriously as a villain, much less an antagonist, because of the pure comedy they used in her intro. There needed to be something about her at least a few episodes early––take this with a grain of salt because I think following JNR in Argus would’ve killed the balanced pacing of the first half of the volume (and just made the Jaune haters apoplectic), but maybe a few quick scenes of JNR arriving in Argus and getting rejected by her would’ve been helpful. Or honestly easing off on the comedy of her intro. Such a one-note character who we are primed to not take seriously isn’t interesting as a major force, so identifying her as a more threatening roadblock for the heroes would’ve made the stakes of the final fight a little more...present.
2. Important storylines got trimmed for time’s sake and weren’t addressed properly.
@hypeathon (whose excellent production analyses for this Volume are well worth a read) identified a tweet Miles made back in October, prior to the premiere and most likely when they were finishing storyboards, about “killing your darlings.” For those unaware and who may have severely misinterpreted that comment, “killing your darlings” is when writers have to sacrifice something they love or want to do so that the story works better. The timeliness of this tweet (after they would’ve finished the script but before they’d wrapped on storyboards and voice acting for the final episodes) suggests the writers’ room had to cut a lot of material from Volume 6 (what Miles called a massacre of darlings), most likely due to production limits or not having enough time to cover them.
Think about it: the story from Chapters 1-7 was really good: everything was properly spaced out, the scripts felt polished, there was a balance of action and comedy and legit storytelling, the good pacing lasted longer than it ever has within a single volume.
Then we hit Chapter 8 and suddenly it all changes: storylines don’t get the proper time devoted to them, arcs come to a screeching halt due to the big fight. Unlike previous volumes, where the imbalance was pretty much the entire volume, there’s actually a clear point right in the middle of this volume where things suddenly took a turn for the worse. And the fact is, some of the problems with the story in the final arc suddenly make more sense if you accept that time that would’ve been devoted to it got sidelined in this “purge”: Qrow’s alcoholism suddenly getting brushed aside after Chapter 9 hopefully to be addressed next volume, Oscar disappearing and all his development happening offscreen, Adam’s completely unsubtle return after only a vague hint in Chapter 1 that would’ve been stronger if he’d kept popping up in Argus. I’d even go so far to say the odd pacing of the final few chapters could easily have been the result of the writing team not being able to devote a single chapter to such a grand fight, so they needed to stretch it out so CRWBY could actually animate it within reasonable deadlines, which meant sacrificing time for those arcs that so desperately needed development.
So what overall is gonna fix RWBY’s pacing in the future? Well, I think at the moment the show is too ambitious. If it wants to keep to a reasonable production schedule, they need to control the scale of their finales so that it can be completed without needing to sacrifice other storylines. If it wants to hold onto that ambition and make the finales as grand as they want it to be to do their boy Monty proud, then they absolutely need to delay the actual release of the volume so they can put in the proper amount of time to both the story and animation. And I don’t think anyone would mind waiting a little longer for Volume 7 if it meant this show got the care and attention it needs to tell the story it clearly wants to tell.
Evaluating Volume 6 is impossible without evaluating what came before it. RWBY was never a perfect show, but when you lose someone who was responsible for the show’s popularity in the first place and have to change how it’s made to make up for his absence, there’s going to be backlash. Backlash from the fans, and, uh, backlash from inside the company. The fact is, people are never going to be satisfied with the RWBY that Rooster Teeth makes today, and Rooster Teeth is never going to push out a RWBY that will make everyone happy. All they can really do is keep moving forward.
And move forward they did. Despite my problems with the finale, Volume 6 was good. I’ve always been sort of ambivalent about the show (I was drawn to it by my brother shortly before Monty’s death and have been watching it out of respect for him and the company as creative artists), and even if I thought some of RWBY’s critics were being too harsh (or seriously needed to find something better to do), I didn’t find Volumes 4 and 5 enjoyable enough that I felt like defending them. But guys, Volume 6 did something amazing: it made RWBY fun to watch again. Focused, consistent, and compelling storytelling plus gradually eased-in worldbuilding made for a story that I could follow along without having to juggle so many different plots. Improvements in the overall animation made things nice to look at and when fights happened they were always entertaining, never making me cringe or grimace, always making me think “Hell yeah, beat the shit out of them!” Just like I felt back in the old days of the show.
I feel as though what’s holding RWBY back at this point, however, is adhering to the production schedule that its old vision called for in making its current vision. And it honestly cannot keep doing that. RWBY is a show trying to reach grand heights, and its rushed production timelines and lost story arcs are keeping it tethered to the ground. Yet I can’t help but say: Volume 6 is RWBY at its finest so far. It can’t fix the problems that previous volumes have had, but it builds on the void those problems left to build a story that makes this show feel like something worth following once more.
So, I can safely say I’ll be following along when RWBY returns for Volume 7...hopefully later rather than sooner (again, it needs a better production schedule).
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survivorgalaxysedge · 4 years
Episode 6 | Your Social Game Is On 0! - MJ
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also just realized that at final 13 i know well over half of the people in the game..... love that for me!! -close with ali, jonathan, and zoe over here both separately & together -mj obvs -cindi and jay are known quantities -jules is great too -so only ones i don’t know.... silver, zach, asya, nathan & jessie i know i can work with at least half of the ones i know, probably more - only real question mark is cindi cuz she was a little sus originally, and jay i hope is still good but i think he and keegan were close so might have to work on explaining that one. but overall, i feel pretty well set for merge whenever it gets here, and hopefully the next couple votes can get rid of some of those ones i don’t know. onward and upward! we’ll see!!!
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I don't really do much text confessionals but I just ranted in my host chat so I'm sending it here. ~~This Round~~ this round is gonna be fun, so much fun, and I won't have to do like any gameplay because I think regardless the trian tribe is going to tribal and I wanna see how that plays out, and then if my tribe goes to tribal I'm gonna dip out using my safety without power and let silver kill an og circi since he's gonna pull out that extra vote however, if asya or jules have an advantage / if mj flips that's fine with me too. I'm still debating playing the solar eclipse. I want to cause chaos, and for what? For no reason. *Moments Later* I spun a wheel to determine what I will do this round, and it landed on not playing the solar eclipse and noping out. that's what I'm doing. now you may ask for the strategic value of letting a circi die? Well, if a Circi goes (or two circis go if it's an andro/circi tribal), I'm suddenly 1/2 of my OG tribe left. People may want to pick me up and use me as a number since I will have no allegiance to anyone. This puts me in a lowkey kind of decent position if I lie and say I was gonna be voted out if I didn't safety w/o power. Also playing a safety without power and claiming the magnet would statistically mean I am less likely to have other advantages since other people had searches stockpiled for the swap I'll probably test the waters for a bit after immunity results and then play the magnet to make it look like it wasn't planned and I just got a bad feeling. In other words: I'm turning the crackhead dial-up, it's time for fun! I swear to god if we don't merge after this round I will scream. ~~Planning for the Future~~ oh my god it could be a 10 person merge. because the merge episode is usually episode 8. we're on 6 but that wouldn't make sense to prevent a 5 > 1 person tribe from occurring and 5 votes in a swap seems like a bit much. I feel like at this point I know I probably won't win this game but I'm gonna give them hell while I'm here playing well is boring People on this cast that will probably try to kill me: Cindi, Jay, Nathan, Maybe Jesse? I haven't really spoken much to MJ or Silver, chances are my closest ally is going home this round, Zoe Jonathan and Ari may pick me up if I'm from a minority tribe but dump me very quickly. From my POV the cards are not in my favor, all I have are my advantages so the path of chaos is more beneficial plus I'm sure it's spread I'm pretty good at immunities in merge so they're gonna try to take me out early on like round 1 or 2, So if I want any chance I need to play the following way Since I cannot depend on social connections as much as I normally would 1. Make sure my existing social connections are voted out so that I am not in the group where I don't have the best social connections but I have enough that it is worrisome 2. Play my advantages early in merge if I don't win immunity, cementing myself as a big target 3. Convince people that nobody will take me deep into the game because I have placed myself in the position of a big target 4. Try to get the people that would be 100% against me voted out, while also watching Andro tribe majority. Basically making Andro and Trian fight each other 5. Win immunities near the end and somehow make it deep??? That's my best case scenario at this point in my opinion.
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So like we won immunity . Wow see what happens when we actually try? Isn’t that nice . Idc who goes really I can make new bonds or whatever with people if silver goes but in the ideal scenario he will stay. But tbh I have no power over what happens tonight so I don’t care. Hoping merge happens next 
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ok so i have a little cute vote chat for me jules and mj. mj is spilling EVERYTHING abt his OG tribe including how they blindsided my wife pippa... rude. also abt his idol searches. he's a smart cookie and one to watch for but i also like him and need friends so<3
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Having to remind myself that is entirely okay to be vengeful and even be blinded by revenge in these games. I've become way too soft for these things in the past couple of years. As of right now, tonight's tribal council should be 2-1-1, since Zach is skipping -- 2 votes for Silver (Asya, Jules), 1 vote Jules (Silver), and 1 vote Asya (me). If Silver's 50/50 coin lands on SAFE, the it’ll tie between Aysa and Jules and I think I’ll get auto-eliminated if it’s rocks instead of a 1v1 tiebreaker, and I’m OK with that I think! If it lands on NOT SAFE then Silver is leaving, period! And Silver deserves to leave, and I shouldn't feel nervous about taking this shot, no matter if it backfires or not. It makes me feel icky to think that Nathan, Jessie, and Silver were in cahoots from the very start and I didn't care enough to control my own game because I've become too accustomed to jellyfishing my way through ORGs to avoid being pinpointed as a leader or strategist. I'm putting my foot down tonight. I'm taking this shot and if it works, then it's merely the beginning of the end for half of the remaining cast as far as I'm concerned. If it backfires, then oh well, at least I tried something here. NO REGRETS! Anyway, just had the first alliance call with Aysa and Jules and it was great! Good vibes! We just chit-chatted and discussed strategy and previous dynamics. It will be a shame if we don’t get to push forward together after tonight. I’m also telling Silver right now not to play the 50/50 befcause if it doesn’t land on safe then the vote will be 3-2 if Aysa is lying; and if Aysa is telling the truth then he’s wasting a power that he could have later on. It kinda makes no sense for him to use the 50/50 considering the information he’s being told. I’m fine with pitching this to him because he said he was 100% gonna use it anyway, so me telling him not to will either leave things the same or result in him not using it at all. There’s no losing there. The only way to lose is if it lands on safe. The savage in me is saying, no MJ don’t let yourself get auto-eliminated if things go south, CUT JULES! And I realize that that’s exactly how I should be thinking given the first two lines of this confessional!!! But I wanna be a risk taker. I’m fine with this blowing up because the potential reward is greater than me being auto-eliminated. + Jack was rocked out last season so it would be cute to match that if it comes down to it! I hope it doesn’t, but it’s fine either way. I feel like this game owes me. Silver's 50/50 will not land on safe.
ALSO on this alliance call, I was informed that the adventure reset?!?!?!?! AND I HAVEN'T DONE THEM IN A WEEK???? LMFAOOOOO anyway.
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AHHHH why did I volunteer to go first in the challenge ugh I remembered the wrong shit lol. But this tribal I dont think I have to use my 50/50 since asya doesn't wanna go to rock so she'll vote Jules with us. So yeah I think I'll be ok. Asya told me Jules is voting MJ. I'm just hoping this isnt gonna be a big blindside towards me but yeah wish me luck 
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okay, here's the plan. silver has the glowing orb 50/50 coin thing. i expect him to play it. silver's voting me. im voting silver and so is asya. mj is king of the key here. if mj votes silver and the orb makes him safe, then im gone. if mj votes asya (hang on, ive just had a realization and just had to sit in silence for a while whilst i process it.) okay. if mj votes asya and the coin makes silver safe, it'll be 2-1-1, with a tie between me and asya. which im just now realizing could send it to rocks where mj would be the one leaving............. boy howdy, sure wish i knew how to count. okay, yeah. we'll just hope that the coin lands on NOT SAFE -or- he doesnt play it at all. mj and asya are telling him that they're voting me out, so maybe he'll feel comfy enough not to use it. i dont WANT asya to be voted out, but it's better than me or mj being the vote. if mj gets rocked out by default because i didnt realize how to count....... oops!!! but silver has a bunch of advantages, so him getting voted out would flush those out. asya has an immunity shard and id like to think that she'd will it to me if she gets voted out, but eye dee kay!
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AHHH sorry this is coming so late but I've had a busy busy few days, and luckily I've avoided tribal during this time lol So before I was feeling a bit shaky on this tribe, I felt like everyone was more connected to each other than to me. But as it turns out, that's completely untrue and I feel very at the center of this tribe. Nathan and I have had multiple long talks recently where we've decided that we want to stick together deep into this game, and he's given me some info about how he and Silver gave up their immunity shards to Jessie, so she has an idol now. Cindi and I have a connection from our original tribe too and I've been keeping up on that relationship too. I gave her a clue I found during an expedition but nothing really came of it since it's, as far as I can tell, impossible to decipher. If we did end up going to tribal, I would have made a push to take out Jessie TBH, even though she has the idol. I feel like even if Nathan wasn't for it, they'd go for Cindi and not me. But luckily that doesn't matter because we're immune and likely heading for a merge in the next 30 minutes. And if not a merge, than another swap bc I think y'all hosts anticipated that one tribe could have lost all of the last 3 immunities and I don't think you want a 2 person tribe at the f11. But yeah I feel really good about my place in the game, I want Nathan to be my shield for the time being bc he's so vocal and strategic that he will always be a target ahead of me.
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I have put so much work in to stay
All this fighting for nothing smh <3 it is not looking good
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May I get a kin matchup? from dr yttd and vocaloid!! Im a upbeatish person! I use a lot of emotions and smile a lot, I personally enjoy games music and drawing! I like to play games like stardew valley and animal crossing. I try cheering other people up and to make them feel better/get better to the best of my ability in the situation! Im told Im a nice and energetic person! thank you!!!!
 ooh... you can definitely get a matchup! this was fun to write, so i hope that it’s to your liking! please forgive me not going too into depth with the vocaloid matches- i’m not too familiar with the fandom, haha...
for danganronpa, i match you with...
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sonia nevermind, from super danganronpa 2!
...you’ll have to sort of hear me out with this one. while she’s more domineering than you seem, i’m not sure why but just. in general, how you talk- it has a really similar vibe to her? if that makes sense? you both are definitely upbeat, and i feel like you both like simpler/heartwarming games like stardew and ac! especially because it’s relaxing and sort of a break from everything else? the both of you just seem to have a really pleasant vibe, haha...
for your turn to die, i match you with...
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joe tazuna!
i mean, what is there to say? the both of you are total sweethearts, trying to do the best for everyone around you- plus, i feel like he’s definitely the type to be into all kinds of music. you’re both definitely nice and energetic, and he is a good smiley boy... you seem like a good smiley person too!!! sorry that this isn’t super in depth, i just. you are very much him. i care you both
for vocaloid, i match you with...
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hatsune miku!
hehe... again, i’m not too familiar with vocaloid personalities, but her design in general has a really similar vibe to you- a bit mellow, but energetic and really cheerful! the two of you both seem to have plenty of pep and happiness, but not so much where it’s overbearing or a bother to others- and honestly, if someone vented out their life story to miku, she’d find a way to make it better. plus she made minecraft how could she *not* play ac and stardew valley
they’re more lowkey, but i also match you with sayaka maizono, k1-b0, and makoto naegi, all from danganronpa, as well as nao egokoro and mai tsurugi from yttd! oh, and lastly, it’s very lowkey- but you also remind me of the vocaloid named ruby!
i hope this was okay, anon!! i’m very new to kin matchups, and sort of feel like i dumped a bunch of girl characters on you, haha... if there’s any different info about yourself i should know, please tell me!! i want this to be as accurate as possible- but i hope your night/day is good, you funky little artist :)
-mod tsu
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traveltips41 · 4 years
Choosing a Wedding Photographer rapid 15 Tips For Selecting Wedding Pictures
How to pick a Wedding Photographer : 15 Tips For Selecting Wedding Pictures
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Siena Wedding Photographers You would like your wedding photographer to read everything that makes your own day particular, to get you at your very best, to deliver photographs which live about your targets. Here are 15 ideas for selecting wedding photography that you can are living with throughout your fresh life together. A reputable marriage ceremony photographer should have a real location. A physical spot where you can find them whenever you need these in addition to where you can fulfill with these individuals safely is important. Brick and mortar wedding party photography studios develop confidence within the community and with their own consumers. If your wedding professional photographer does not have the local address (not any PO Box) that they need to reveal with you, it's a good reason never to confidence them. They might discover of their house, but have you any idea where that is? A bodily office as well as studio is usually paramount in order to them being trusted. Would certainly be you be ready to have a random stranger arrive at your house, or even for you to go to their house? It's more secure plus more reliable to pick a wedding shooter along with a studio or business office you can visit and also where you can get your current photographer. Wedding photographer San Galgano Italy A very good wedding professional photographer should assist make your day get more smoothly. Aside from a fervent wedding planner, your personal shooter is the solely vendor who is going to be spending the entire morning with you. A new good wedding photographer must make things simpler to get you. They should fix difficulties. Your wedding professional photographer should be flexible. They should be able in order to adapt and thrive inside difficult situations. Find away more about their abilities and inquire about a hard lighting situation, bad temperature, or other devastation and find out how they will dealt with this inside the past. You require your wedding photography for you to be focused on a person. After you meet with any wedding photography for the actual first time, do they will ask about an individual, receive to know you, in addition to find out what you want? Or perhaps do only these people communicate about themselves and what exactly they certainly? Find a professional photographer who is willing to devote time getting to realize you therefore you know they will understand anyone and your current needs. This is typically the proper way to find out if they are a good in shape for an individual. Your wedding photographer should be knowledgeable and helpful. They must offer suggestions about alternatives you have for distinct things, give advice with scheduling and setup, possibly be full of ideas, and stay ready to make your personal day and your planning less difficult. A good shooter is actually big on preparing. Your personal photographer should work with you actually before an diamond period to select clothing and location. Your wedding day digital photography should be scheduled while part of your day time rather than being an sequelae. Photography does not possess to become inconvenient - it can be a fun and integral part connected with your day. It might seem strange, but not almost all wedding photographers are the same and not just about all photographers are a good fit for every client. In case your wedding professional photographer fulfills you and realizes concerning what you are hunting for and then notifys you that they don't consider they would become a excellent fit for you, it will surprising, but it's absolutely nothing personal. Wouldn't you instead a professional be honest about this compared to striving to change to satisfy your needs? Often photography enthusiasts realize that what that they specialize in is not often the same thing a buyer would like. Photographers don't wish to make anyone miserable, and if a marriage digital photographer thinks you could be happier along with a diverse style of photography as well as with a different problem, you will tell you previous to you book and that means you are usually not disappointed later. Price is NOT the most crucial factor think about a wedding ceremony photographer: You definitely get what you pay for. Photography is like anything at all else in every area of your life: You find what you pay for. It's not logical to feel you can work with an individual for little to absolutely no cash and get the particular same results you will obtain if you got spent twice what you paid out. Price is normally an element when it comes in order to quality. Photographers who impose more are usually backed with their reputation, their brand, and their experience. You should also realize that your own photographs will become typically the lasting memory of your current wedding day. There are two things you should buy for your wedding, the idea should be your wedding venue and your photography. Men and women will probably not bear in mind the food, you will only wear your current dress the moment, and most with the different things are not massive purchases anyway (flowers, songs, makeup). You will seem at your wedding pics regularly - perhaps even each day - for the particular rest of your lifetime. Ought not to your wedding photos be excellent? Your marriage photography studio needs to be insured and licensed like a legitimate business. Many spots actually require insurance through providers working there. Camera equipment is usually expensive and you must make sure your photographer is fully covered by insurance by a reputable insurance company to make sure an individual are protected. Many photography enthusiasts are just individuals together with cameras and maybe a slick website. Make sure your photographer is usually backed by a legitimate, reliable business. Your wedding professional photographer should have backup tools and a backup plan. Necessary: Digital cameras with two slots intended for memory cards in which can be created to simultaneously in case one particular card fails, backup camcorders and lenses, a info file backup plan including off the site backup copies, and a disaster plan. Shield your expenditure. If your shooter only has one video camera, is actually not enough. Multiple photography enthusiasts with your package tend to be much much better than having just one. The wedding photographer should have multiple professional photographers on staff in circumstance a person get sick or perhaps God prohibit injured. Any lone digital photographer cannot be in enough places in once to possibly protect a wedding day thoroughly. For all those but the tiniest weddings, your wedding day photographer need to have at a bare minimum a photographer and assistant/second present shooter. Anything less along with you will be missing important moments, angles, in addition to opportunities. Your wedding professional photographer ought not to dump a disc connected with photos on a person and disappear after often the wedding day. Some photography enthusiasts will sell you a new disc of high resolution pics, give them to you personally, in addition to that's it. Your wedding party photography should provide value-add products after your marriage ceremony day - like picture books or collections, photo prints, and wall membrane artwork. Other services you must seem for are in-studio viewings and selection, retouching as well as editing services, and gift idea options. A photographer in which shoots photos for a new disk is going for you to give you a result it really is a completely different fixed of photos than the usual shooter who is shooting having an album in mind or maybe to create artwork. A person are going to obtain a significantly better selection associated with photos from a digital photographer focused on artwork and an heirloom album when compared with person that is going for you to shoot-andburn a disk for you and call it each day. Will you really want to spend time frame along with money designing your own own recording? Probably certainly not. Make sure your photographer offers you personal usage legal rights for your images, but an individual do not need organic files or ultra high definition photos if your wedding professional photographer designs for a person an amazing photo album, allows you a disc associated with JPG digital negatives, while offering print, artwork, and design options after the wedding ceremony. Consider what you really require and talk to your personal shooter about what these people provide.
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The way to select a Wedding Photographer -- 12 Tips For Picking Wedding Pictures
Selecting a Wedding Photographer - 15 Tips For Selecting Wedding Images
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Wedding photographer San Galgano Italy You want your wedding photographer to capture everything that makes your current day exclusive, to get you at your ideal, to deliver photographs this live as much as your objectives. Here are 15 suggestions for selecting wedding digital photography that you can stay with throughout your completely new life together. A trustworthy wedding ceremony photographer should have got a bodily location. Any physical area where a person can find them if you need them along with where you can satisfy with these individuals safely is actually important. Brick and mortar wedding photography studios develop rely on within the group and with their own customers. If your wedding photography does not have some sort of local address (not the PO Box) that they will show with you, it's any good reason to not confidence them. They might lift weights of their house, but are you aware of where that will be? A physical office or perhaps studio will be paramount in order to them being trusted. Would likely be you be willing to have a random odder visit your house, as well as for you to go to their house? It's better and even more reliable to select a wedding photography together with a studio or place of work you can visit in addition to where you can discover your own personal photographer. wedding in villa catignano Tuscany A excellent wedding digital photographer should assist make your day go more smoothly. Aside from a fervent wedding planner, your personal photographer is the just vendor who may be going for you to be spending the whole day with you. Some sort of good wedding professional photographer need to make things less complicated to get you. They should remedy troubles. Your wedding shooter should be bendable. Many people should be able to be able to adapt as well as thrive within difficult conditions. Find out and about more about their possibilities and inquire about a challenging lighting predicament, bad weather, or other tragedy and find out how many people dealt with this within the past. You require your wedding photographer to be focused on an individual. When you meet with any wedding digital photographer for typically the first time, do that they ask about anyone, acquire to know you, along with find out what you look for? Or do only they will talk about themselves and what they do? Find a shooter who is happy to expend time getting to learn you so that you know these people understand a person and your needs. This is the fastest way to find out if they are any good match for an individual. Your wedding photographer must be knowledgeable and helpful. They need to offer suggestions about possibilities you have for distinct things, present advice upon scheduling and arrangement, always be full of ideas, and be ready to make your own personal day plus your planning less complicated. A good professional photographer is actually big on preparing. Your own photographer should use you before an involvement session to select clothing and location. Your wedding day images should be timetabled because part of your day rather than for afterthought. Photography does not include to be inconvenient : it can be any fun and integral part of your day. It might audio strange, but not just about all wedding photographers are the particular same and not most photographers are a great fit for any client. In case your wedding photography fulfills you and finds out regarding what you are hunting for and then tells you that they don't think they would certainly be a fine fit for you, it will surprising, but it's nothing personal. Wouldn't you relatively a professional be sincere about this compared to hoping to change to connect with your needs? Occasionally photography lovers realize that what many people specialize in is not often the same thing a buyer wishes. Photographers don't want to make an individual miserable, and if a wedding photography thinks you could be happier along with a diverse style of photography or maybe with a different condition, below tell you before you book so you are usually not disappointed later. Price is NOT the most essential factor finding a wedding photographer: You definitely get what you pay for. Photography is like anything at all else within: You acquire what you pay for. It's not logical to feel you can seek the services of a person for little to absolutely no money and get the particular same results you would likely obtain if you experienced spent twice the things you given. Price is normally an ellement when it comes to quality. Photographers who all charge more are usually covered by their reputation, their model, and their experience. You should also realize that your own photographs will become typically the lasting memory of your wedding ceremony. There are 2 things you should spend money on for your wedding, that should be your venue and your photography. Men and women will probably not keep in mind the food, you will merely wear your own dress once, and most in the additional things are not massive purchases anyway (flowers, audio, makeup). You will appear at your wedding photographs regularly - perhaps also everyday - for the actual rest of your lifestyle. Ought not to your wedding photos be good? Your marriage ceremony photography studio should be covered and licensed as being a legal business. Many places actually require insurance via distributors working there. Camera equipment is expensive and you need to make sure your photographer is entirely covered with insurance by a highly regarded insurance company to be certain a person are protected. Many photography enthusiasts are just individuals with cameras and perhaps a cunning website. Make sure that your photographer is actually backed by a legitimate, legitimate business. Your wedding professional photographer should have backup gear along with a backup plan. Necessary: Camcorders with two pai gow poker with regard to memory cards that can be written to be able to simultaneously in case one card fails, backup video cameras and lenses, a info back up plan including offsite back ups, and a devastation plan. Protect your purchase. If your shooter merely has one digicam, really not enough. Multiple photography fans with your package are usually much good for your health than acquiring just one. The wedding party digital photographer should have multiple photography enthusiasts on staff in circumstance anyone get sick as well as God forbid injured. Some sort of lone photography cannot become in enough areas with once to possibly cover a wedding day properly. For many but the most compact weddings, your wedding photographer really should have at a minimal some sort of photographer and assistant/second shooting. Anything less and you will be passing up on important moments, angles, and opportunities. Your wedding digital photographer probably should not dump a game associated with photos on you actually and go away after the actual wedding day. Some photography fans will sell you a disc excellent for resolution photographs, give them to you personally, in addition to that's it. Your marriage ceremony photographer should provide value-add products and services after your marriage day - for instance , picture books or collections, photo prints, and wall structure skill. Other services you ought to seem for are in-studio viewings and selection, retouching in addition to editing services, and reward options. A photographer that shoots photos for a dvd is going to help give you a final result that's a completely different set of photos than a photographer who is shooting using an album in mind or maybe to make artwork. A person are going to get a greater selection regarding photos from a photographer focused on artwork in addition to the heirloom album when compared with one who is going to help shoot-andburn a dvd with regard to you and call it daily. Will you really want to spend time in addition to money designing your own own recording? Probably definitely not. Make sure your photography will provide you with personal usage rights for any images, but an individual do not need fresh files or ultra high definition photos if your marriage photography designs for you actually an amazing photo/album, allows you a disc involving JPG digital negatives, and offers print, artwork, and style and design options after the wedding ceremony. Considercarefully what you really need and talk to your own shooter about what that they provide.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
This is kind of long, but idk seems better than spamming you with multiple posts. This ended up a lot longer than I planned but ugh. I'm sorry
I've seen a teenager literally just spit on the floor, and he look embarrassed when I made eye contact but still I had to clean that shit up and if you know you shouldn't be spitting on the floor, THEN DON'T SPIT. Or at the least be like the other nasty people that feel the need to spit all the time that at least do that shit outside, and do it in a place people arn't going to be walking through it!
I've also seen people walking barefoot through the store (We bring pallets out for stocking. That's wood splinters and possible other shit, and sometimes products can spill like cat litter or chemicals, PLUS there's whatever junk people bring in on their shoes and can be feces or whatever else, and people SPIT ON THE FLOOR), or at one point footprints walking around the store starting from some place in the middle of it and just; did they spill something? Did they take off their shoes and their feet were just that bad? Were they taking the electric carts and just decided to walk around later on? Why were their feet so bad? It had to be gone over several times with the scrubber because it wouldn't come off easily. Happened awhile ago for the foot prints but it still bothers me, and it's happened multiple times.
People also like to eat while walking around or they give their kids food. Half the time it's stuff that this kid can barely hold because their age and they drop it or their attention fails and they spill things all over. So many times I have to follow a path around the store for chips or popcorn or chicken bits everywhere. A lot of time for the chicken you can buy, people will drop multiple ones of them, and not pay for any, or get it and walk around and then dump the empty container in a garbage can. It's always the messiest shit that the parents give their kids too.
People will sometimes bring their entire shopping cart in to the bathroom with them, though usually it's after they paid for their stuff, but seriously don't take the carts in the bathroom the doorway is weird and it can get stuck and there's barely room in there and other people will have issues. Nobody is going to take your stuff.
There's a frequent problem with people taking things out of packaging to get a better look at an item. Sometimes things could possibly be put back in, but usually it's stuff that can't be sold anymore because of how the packaging was, broken seals, or because how badly the packaging or sometimes the item was damaged.
Once someone had taken some expensive pillows and switched the bags they were in with cheaper pillows (We know this because somehow someone noticed the barcodes on the tags didn't match the cases or something. I didn't get all the details). It had happened about two days before I ended up finding those same pillows stuffed in the auto center garbage. I have no idea what the point of it was or if they had even stuffed them in there right after they had walked out with them or if it had been the same day I found them because the other maintenance people tended to skip over that particular garbage can fairly often. Even if they decided later they didn't want them, the store is pretty much waaaaay out around the edges of town so driving out there specifically to stuff these 3 pillows in the garbage where they can be found and probably traced back easily that way is just confusing. I was just pissy about having to pull these pillows out of a garbage with car stuff all over it so we could pull it throw claims and figure out if it was tossed for being defective or stolen but dumped, or something else. At one point as I was leaving work a shoplifter was leaving too and the thing went off. The door person tried to stop him and the kid stopped, but the dad got seriously pissy about it and violently yelling at the door person about being stopped. I stayed because I was afraid he was going to get physical,  but he stormed out instead. The kid stayed. He was confused because he didn't see his dad buy or take anything, but a co-worker had seen him put things in his jacket. While waiting for a manager the dad came back in his car and was screaming at his kid to come out, though the kid wouldn't. Eventually the dad took off flying out of the parking lot without his kid. I had left around that point, but heard from one of the co-workers that he had came back to grab his kid and dragged him out. Apparently nobody higher up was going to do anything at the time but would be watching for him in the future, but really worried for the kid and had his license plate number and everything.
And then from my other job People who say their phone numbers in a weird way that makes it harder for me to process what they said.
I get some people who just race through their information and then mad when I ask them several times to repeat it or to slow down.
Others will continually interrupt me or ignore what I'm asking them for to just make their orders, when I literally cannot get in to that menu until I have their phone numbers and their address in the system if it's for a delivery. When I answer the phone, I say "Hi this is ---- Pizza, is this for delivery or pickup?" and instead of answering they'll start with their order, or they'll answer it but then ignore me asking for their phone number/info to go on. I ask a question to confirm something they want and they cut me off part way through what I was asking.
This one dude once just continued to list off what he wanted as I repeated told him I need him to wait because I needed to ask someone else a question about the system or an item, or I wasn't done putting in another part of the order.
Another thing I do is after I tell them how much something costs, is ask if it'll be cash or charge. I'm not sure about the other people but how I was trained and it's a small local business with like 8 people including the owners, so I'm like 90% they still do the same thing. Thing is there is a number of people that will give me their card when I get to their house. I don't have a card reader, it's not my fault you don't have cash. No I can't just give you the food and have you pay later. Either go try to find something or call the store and give them your card so they can put it in the system, and then sign the receipt that we do have (and yes still will accept it even if it's not a credit receipt).
On the card receipt note, I once almost had to pay $30 because I was short in my wallet somehow. It turns out one of the people working on the food had mixed up the credit receipts for some houses that happened to have the same amount for their orders. The Card person didn't have the receipt, and confused as we both were they just signed the regular one. The person who was supposed to pay cash but their husband put in the order, signed the credit receipt that was actually supposed to have gone to the first person. When we were going through my delivery list I was the one that noticed one was a card but the other one actually was supposed to be cash and that's where that missing $30 was from. Of course the customer hadn't called back about it, and the person I was closing for some reason continued to be confused over the issue for nearly another hour after I was supposed to have left even though it shouldn't have been hard to understand what happened and I told them multiple times to call one of the owners about the issue and call the customer about it too but they didn't for the longest time, then FINALLY found out they could just void the order since they apparently didn't want to bother the person with me going back to get the cash, even though they were frequent customers, nice enough people, and the person did call them about the issue but for some reason didn't say any of the things I told them they should about it and me going back for the payment. I'm not so much frustrated with the customers because mistakes happen and not their fault, but mad about the 2 people because I could have lost what's a decent chunk of money considering the job, and then for having to deal with the issue that should have been easy enough to resolve once it was figured out what happened but being ignored for how to deal with it.
There is also a guy at the delivery job that keeps doing minor harassment for the women working there and trying to order them around and act like he's the boss of us (Even to one of the store owners. To me he tried to boss me around and when I snapped back he said "Do you always talk to your bosses like this" ["First off, not my boss, and second yeah I do stand up to people that are acting like you are or I report them"] "Well I am your boss when it's just us". Of course my actual bosses said yeah, no he's not.). None of us put up with it and will yell back or tell him to shut up, and the owners even tell us that it's fine to do so and know about it. I think he's related to them though since most the people working there are family. It's not anything huge either for what he does, but it is enough to be annoying. The rest of us do tend to make fun of/complain about him a lot when he's not around for what he does, or makes comments about how unhelpful he is for the most part. So stuck with him, but luckily enough we don't have to put up with it and can tell him to F- Off (or as long as people arn't at the register), or the owners will yell at him if he does anything while they're around or we tell them about something he did.
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
... do you have an avengers/marvel au?
I sadly cannot reply that I don’t. will the AU’s ever stop? my intuition says no.
So I made this AU a while back, and only ever spoke to mypartner about it, but well-
Y’all are asking, so here we go.
Now I know you’re all expecting my to name each of the kidsoff as already canon characters in the Marvel universe, but what would thefun be in that?
Basically, I made a whole new branch of origins for thekids, relating to the weapon-X program. The four boys + April were made/raisedas subjects there until they were about thirteen, and April grew powerfulenough to bust them out. The five of them are all artificially created mutants,designed to be future super soldiers. The specific designs of the boys weremore so aimed at becoming black-ops/assassins, while April was designed formass destruction.
Of course, what sort of plan like that doesn’t goawry? Especially when you load up a bunch of severely abused kids with superpowers, and think you can keep them locked up forever.
I lost my notes I made for this AU, but essentially each kidwas given a specialty power, in addition to their base abilities of enhancedstrength/speed/endurance/etc.
And, because I love all my followers, I spent a bunch of time typing up everything I could remember, and then expanded on it to make a semi-coherent response to this ask.
(read more below, because this gets long.)
Leo had something akin to super speed, but itsince he was the prototype of the batch, so to speak, the speed came at aprice. His whole body speeds up when he uses the ability, (mind, heart, lungs,etc), and it’s really taxing to use for long periods of time.Using it too long results in him passing out, and he has the weakest immunesystem out of the five since he burns through calories/energy so quickly. 
If he pushed himself to hard, there’s a good chance he’dcrash from heart failure. Which is why they created more subjects, since thefirst one was a success only in some areas.
Raph was the next one, and he was givensomething close to super strength. He’s crazy strong, and pretty much nearindestructible to most attacks. Of course, draw back to messing so much withhis body chemistry to mesh the foreign DNA of some mutant, is that he’s got anuncontrollable rage mode.
 A super strong, nearly unstoppable ball of rage is nogood if you can’t control him; and once Raph gets past a certain point, noteven the shock collar/ingrained command codes from their handlers can getthrough to him, and he’ll keep going until he burns out. He’s nearindestructible, but not completely. Without the ability to control hisemotions, he’s an easy target if you know how to get past his defenses in afight. Another failure in a number of ways.
Donnie came into the project third, and wasgiven electrical powers. In this story, it’s not really testable to see if hisgenius is innate, or a side effect of his specialty powers, but it’s there andthe scientists use it to their advantage. Donnie has the most implants in himtoo, in his brain and body both, so he can mentally/physically hook himselfinto power grids and computers through his internally generated electricalfield. (He also has the ability to shoot ranged electricity attacks at people,but it has drawbacks that are listed below.)
It’s handy, but tricky to use, since it leaves his bodyunguarded while he goes into the system. Another trick to his powers is thatDonnie both generates his own electricity and draws in ambient energy, and whenhe doesn’t have an outlet to discharge at… well, there’s a lot of boom involved.When an overcharge happens, it knocks Donnie flat on his back until his bodyrecharges to the right levels, and leaves him completely useless until then. Itdoesn’t help either that the way they’ve messed with his brain futzes hischemical balances, plus the added abuse and all that, and has resulted in himbeing a sparky, highly anxious snarl of paranoia. He’s too unstable to beproperly used in the field, and thus, another failure.
Mikey is unfortunately the only one they gotright, out of the specific designs for him and his brothers. Instead of goingfor hyper specialisation, the scientists decided to give Mikey an even mix ofeverything they’d tried (and failed) to create in the other boys. Thus, he isthe perfect super soldier, created from trial and error. Strong, fast, andsmart. 
Best yet, he’s the only one with complete programming. Theysay jump, and he’ll already know exactly how high. It’s quite fucked up, andaround the time they escaped, Mikey was slated for a final procedure that wouldremove his access to his full personality; which would have left him thesoulless killer he’d been designed to be. Had Mikey’s procedure been completed,he would have likely become the most efficient, and terrifying, assassin thatmoney could buy. Very few people or heroes would have stood a chance ofstopping him. That world is very, very lucky they busted out when they did.
April was a different branch of experimentation,seeing as she was designed for widespread destruction and not killing specifictargets. Her abilities are basically of those in TMNT 2012, though with theaddition of telepathic abilities closer in nature to Jean Grey (Gray??) becauseshe may or may not be where they got the DNA from.
April is by far the most powerful mutant the programcreated, and thus the one with the most suppressants put on her. Not enoughsuppressants, it seems, or isolation from the other subjects; since she bondswith the four boys, plus another subject, and plots to escape with them. Whenthey do, it’s because April knocks out every guard and scientist in thefacility, and the boys plus the much older subject named Leatherhead bust outof their containment, and retrieve April as they go.
Now, Leatherheadin this AU was a grown man when he entered the program, following promises thatwere similar to what Deadpool was given. He’s former military too. He ends up asa crocodile mutant too in this AU; basically an advancement of the minormutation he had prior to the program, which had only made his skin tougher andhis teeth a little snaggly.
He’s hecka durable, and can take/deal more than a littledamage, and was basically used as a test dummy for how the five kids wouldreact to social-ish situations. Leatherhead is a kind soul, despite being avery violent person, and essentially tried to act as much of a parental figureas he could for these heavily damaged kids. In turn, Leatherhead is the onlyadult the five of them have ever trusted, and love him quite dearly. (I shouldwrite something for this AU, if only for papadile snuggles with his five kids.)
And from here on out Iproceed to babble a lot about my AU’s plotline, because I can and I feel likesharing it. Prepare for info dumping.
So following them attempting/succeeding to escape, shit goeswrong, and April + Leatherhead get separated from the boys. Since none of themcan risk hanging around, what with military crawling everywhere, they have tocut their losses and hope that they all make it out safely. Around that time,two individual plot lines form for the two groups. The boys end up strugglingto make their way to- somewhere, they don’t know where but anywhere but here- while Leatherhead and April do the same. April’spowers aren’t used to being unsuppressed, and she’s struggling to hold ittogether, and Leatherhead is a highly visible mutant. They go into hiding, andtry to lay low until they can figure things out.
Around that time, they end up picking a hiding place thathappens to be close to a certain plucky puck-head’s home, and because April can’tstay inside all day, she ends upmeeting Casey at a playground. April doesn’t look like a normal kid; dirty,pale, and has a shaved head, but Casey takes to her anyways, because she’s totally metal, and can levitate stuffall around the playground.
He convinces her to let him meet her ‘dad’ (which isbasically what Leatherhead is to her at this point) and it goes… interestingly.After a lot of headache on LH’s part, Casey is accepted into their small groupand makes himself as home. Better to be hanging in April’s sewer home than hisown, since the Jones’ household isn’t exactly a happy one in this AU.
It takes a bit, but once Leatherhead and April figure outwhy Casey has so many bruises all the time, they’re not exactly okay aboutletting him go home. In the end, when LH is anxious to move them again, sinceauthority in the area is getting suspicious of the grocery store break-ins,they offer to take Casey with them. Leatherhead knows he won’t be able toprovide exactly the best for Casey, but he doesn’t want to leave the kid withhis dad anymore.
(Casey’s little sister was born just before the divorce hisparents went through, and he lives alone with his dad. His mom doesn’t know howthings have degraded in the Jones home, and LH isn’t even sure how he’d tellher. He’s a giant crocodile, wanted by the government. There isn’t much he cando other than offer this.)
Casey is very close with LH and April by this point, andwith a choice between staying in an unloving, abusive home, or going with hisawesome mutant friends- it’s not even a hard decision. Casey joins their merryband, and because April has recovered/learned to control her abilities better, theystart heading towards the United States. Following the feeling that April has,saying that that’s where the boys are.
Back to the other half of the story line, the four boys wentthrough a long series of tumultuous adventures before they ended up in America.The smartest move they could make was to get out of the jurisdiction of the Canadiangovernment, and so off they went. It was hard, since they were A) completelynew to being outside, B) hyper paranoid, and rightly so, about someone findingthem as they hitchhiked along train lines, and C) really, really scared aboutwhat they were supposed to do now.
Also, because they have no immune system at all, and no cluehow to feed themselves properly, they got sick on and off as they went. EspeciallyLeo. By the time they reached New York City, Leo was pretty much incoherent andunresponsive; burning up and delirious as anything. It’s basically the scariestthing any of them have ever had to deal with, and none of them know what to do. Medical training wasn’t exactly apriority during their programming, and they can’t exactly go to a hospital; someonewill find them if they do, and they are nevergoing back to the program. It’s a unanimous decision that no matter whathappens, they’d rather die than go back to that.
Thankfully, as they’re fumbling their way through thestreets of New York with a very sick kid, a passing telepath hears the franticdesperation of their thoughts, and decides they should check things out. RachelSummers is with a group of older students from the Jean Grey School for higherlearning, and she and some of the other chaperones break off from the group tofollow the distressed thoughts of the young mutants she’s sensing.
It’s a big mess, trying to corral and convince the fourboys, but after a brief fight and some telepathic communicating, the X-men talkthe boys down, and get them to come back to the school with them. Leo is inneed of some serious medical attention, and it’s either let him possibly die ortrust these adults who have powers like them. (They liken the X-men toLeatherhead, who they miss very deeply, and figure if LH was safe… maybe thesepeople are too?)
After that, it’s a lot of them healing and trying to figureout how to function outside a lab. And, the adults of the school trying to helpthem do that, as bumpy as that journey ends up being. The boys have a lot oftriggers, a lot of trauma, and very little trust in anyone other than eachother. It’s a long, long time before they’re comfortable with anyone at theschool, but they get there slowly.
Sometime later, after trekking across a whole continent tofind them, Leatherhead and his two rambunctious kids (Casey helped draw out April’shumor and mischievousness) manage to arrive at the school, and it’s a verytouching reunion as the groups come together again. The boys were fairlycertain Leatherhead and April were dead, and it’s pretty much the most amazing revelationever to find out that they aren’t. Casey is treated with suspicion for a bit-and with jealousy, because April and Leatherhead were theirs first not Casey’s-but that’s resolved fairly quickly, and the group settles together again.
Somewhere in here, we have Yoshi, a martial arts instructorat the school, (yes he is a giant rat mutant), and Karai, his daughter, who isa bit older than the six kids. (She is a snake mutant, and stubbornly proud ofher early mutation.) As the boys + April become accustomed to the school, Karaibefriends them through steady effort and teasing, and joins their tightly knitsocial group. Somewhere in here as well is Shinigami, probably with the abilityto hypnotise people as well as shapeshift, and she is best friends with Karai.(This is one big found family/friends as family AU, if I’m honest.)
And then they all grow up, adjust to life outside of alaboratory, face all the fuckos who come looking to take them back there, andsomehow figure out how to live as people and not objects. The end and stuff.
….and that’s about it.
I should write one-shots on and off for this thing. I have alot more details to it, like the kids’ individual friendships with staff at theschool, and what their futures as X-men are like. But that is a lot of writingand I won’t do it here.
If anyone’s wondering why I went with the X-men instead ofthe Avengers- basically? While I love the Avengers to pieces, I love the X-menso, so much more. The amount of diversity in that part of the Marvel universeis stunning, and there’s a characterfor everyone. Man? Woman? Neither? Black? White? Asian? Bi-racial/multiracial? Physicallydisabled? Mentally disabled? Gay? Lesbian? Bi? Pan? Asexual? Trans? Religious? Atheist?PSTD? Traumatic background of any kind? Literally all of these things and moreare a part of the X-men comics, and the struggle they face as an unwanted, verysmall race is something I relate deeply with. Not to mention that the defactoleader in any disaster situation is the strongest woman in the room and I don’tmind admitting that I adore that partof things.
The whole of the X-men universe is amazing and so, so amazing,and the series of comics specifically about Wolverine’s school are definitelymy favorite ones. (I have the whole collection, organized and well cared for
Ask me more about this AU if you guys want, I’ve neveractually shared it before, and this was fun!
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