vahidh · 4 days
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Hot take: Ozpin isn't even morally gray. I guess he is if you count past lives (slaughtering potentially thousands of ppl to end a war), but otherwise?? I really don't think he is.
Imo, Qrow is more morally gray, Ironwood pre-villain arc was morally gray, etc. I really don't think any of Oz's actions could count as 'morally gray', even when considering that he kept important information to keep his circle and by extension RWBY and Co hopeful, regardless of if you think it's manipulative or not (technically yes, but there was good intentions behind it so imo it's fundamentally different).
Oz really isn't the bad guy the entire fndm tries making him out to be. If he was I think the show would show him in that light, which it doesn't. It TRIED showing him as morally gray, but generally his actions aren't that bad. The FNDM loves saying Oz is an awful manipulative compulsive liar who's intentions are weird and muddy. But honestly I think if he was like that, he wouldn't be portrayed as good. Most of Salems own opinions on Oz is her projecting and being a hypocrite. I don't think the characters narration is reliable when it comes to Oz. The show itself tried making him seem like that in v6, but ultimately failed.
An example people use to say he's morally gray is pointing out that he made the Academies. Which, I won't lie, is a pretty stupid take. The Academies train older teenagers (17-21, possibly older if they allow older ppl to join) who have already been learning how to fight presumably since they were young. Ruby had presumably already had Crescent Rose for a few years by the time she was 15, and there's several combat schools to teach kids how to fight. Remnantians count as a warrior race! They HAVE to fight to survive. Even if you haven't been to an academy, it's normal to know how to fight to defend against Grimm. Controlled by Salem or not, Grimm are a constant that you NEED to fight against. The Academies just give widespread access to tools and education to learn in a safe environment filled with other hunters. They just so happen to fight off Salems Grimm forces, and unknowingly defend the Relics inside. It's a win-win-win on everyone's side. Yes, people are going to die. But they'd be MORE likely to die if a) they can't defend themselves properly b) don't have proper tools to do so or c) don't know how to fight at ALL. Thanks to the Academies, militaries don't need to be used (except Atlas). The possibility of war goes WAY down, and it's harder for the kingdoms to be actively corrupt (not impossible just less easier to be enforced). Objectively? The Academies are a GOOD thing.
Another example is people saying Oz brought RWBY and Co unwillingly into the shadow war. Which... is objectively incorrect. Qrow was the one who told Ruby about the information Cinder and Co were going to attack Haven, and Yang eventually went after her after she left. Ruby brought RNJR with her, because they all experienced trauma and reasonably wanted justice, thinking it was just Cinder behind everything. Then Qrow was the one who told RNJR roughly the truth. He didn't particularly want to, bit he relented anyways, and even then he held back information like Oz being immortal. He didn't even tell them about Salem, just that some nasty people wanted the Relics and Maiden powers and that one of them was named Salem. I guess you could count Ruby being brought into Beacon early, but even then that was the SAFEST option. If Cinder or Roman noticed her silver eyes in ep 1 and that got back to Salem, Ruby would be FUCKED. She was already involved in fighting Roman at that point, and thus would likely get targeted again, silver eyes or not. So Oz brought her in, citing her skill as the reason, while the others likely knew the truth. Qrow OR tai wouldn't have been fine with it if Oz only brought her in to put her into the circle. They would've torn him a new one. Not only that, but obviously he DIDN'T KNOW about the upcoming fall of Beacon. He genuinely thought Ruby and her team was going to be fine for the next 4 years, and when he was starting to suspect something was up, he STILL had no idea the Academy was going to be attacked during the festival. Why would he?? A direct attack isn't typical of Salem, iirc he or someone else said it themselves, especially since it had been 80 or so years since the Great War, which is implied that Salem started. Even IF he wanted to bring her in, he would've waited until after she graduated, which is what happened with STRQ and was going to happen with CVFY. Oz places an emphasis on letting them be kids for as long as possible. He only had to involve them when Qrow already told them everything. And even then, Oz repeatedly gave RWBY and JNR an out. He DID NOT WANT them involved, not yet at least. And with Pyrrha, he didn't exactly have a choice. He gave her time they didn't have, and required her to wait n think, and then needed her verbal consent WHILE BEACON WAS BEING ATTACKED. Yes telling her stressed her out, but I think if she knew the same thing could be offered to anyone else, she'd prefer to take on that burden. It wasn't fair, but it visibly pained Oz to have to give her the choice. He didn't want to, but war is never fair. He would've had to go to SOMEONE regardless.
As for Oz keeping the truth that Salem can't be killed a secret, imo, that is a very VERY hard call for anyone to make. For him it was the option of: tell them immediately and not have any allies (something he values heavily) or have them join Salem out of fear, wait first and tell them later and have them possibly freak out like Ironwood/betray him/lose hope and thus not have any allies, or never tell them so he has important allies and they possibly don't betray him or lose hope. Obviously, he chose the last option, and it's entirely possible he wanted to, eventually, tell them the truth, but we just don't know that. Of course I agree that Oz should've told his circle anyways, but for someone as traumatized and paranoid as Oz who's had to make this decision countless times, you can't exactly fault him for keeping the truth hidden. He's likely told the entire truth before and it bit him in the ass several times before he finally decided to keep it hidden. He said it himself, Leo was NOT the first nor was the last to betray him. As for not telling RWBY and Co? They're CHILDREN he's barely known for, what, a year?? And all of that he was their teacher/Headmaster who didn't often interact with them, or their mentor. He barely knew them and as far as we know, didn't get the chance to actually know and get close to them. They already knew just how dangerous Salem was from the fall of Beacon and battle of haven, plus the fact that she controls Grimm. They could've easily assumed Salem was hard to kill at LEAST since she's immortal and been around for countless thousands of years, and there's no way they thought no one tried to kill her. Oz barely knew them and they almost proved him right by nearly giving up. Plus, he was FRESHLY betrayed at that point. I'm sure yall noticed he was immediately pretty closed off due to the revelation of Leo's betrayal. He genuinely considered Leo a friend, so Oz's trauma response is to hold everyone else at arms length.
Another thing is the fact that he hid the truth from Salem as well early on in their relationship. Thing is, Jinn (a presumably reliable narrator) stated that they BOTH hid things from the other. Salem likely didn't tell him that she lied and manipulated kingdoms into turning against the gods, just that she wanted him back and the gods didn't like that bc that ABSOLUTELY would've upset Oz. Oz, knowing Salem didn't like the gods from her story, likely decided right then to keep the full truth from her, worried she wouldn't react well to it, something anyone would do. Not only that, but right after, Salem convinced, possibly manipulated, Oz into acting as a god-king with her, something he clearly didn't want to do. Jinn herself said "the hearts of men are easily swayed" as Salem convinced him to become a God-king with her. So yes, it's very possible that Salem manipulated him into doing that. "But Salem was fine with the truth later when he told her!" Yes, she was, but Oz couldn't have known that. And the whole reason he tried to leave her was because Salem was turning into a dictator tyrant, something Oz didn't want and something Salem was set on. He did overreact a little bit by bringing the kids instead of communicating with her, but it wasn't his fault that Salem immediately attacked him instead of trying to talk to him, or at least waiting until the kids were in a safe place before attacking him. Most of this wasn't Oz's fault, if any of it. Salem overreacted heavily by attacking him with the kids being react there. Had Oz and the kids lived and escaped her, they would've been TERRIFIED of Salem afterwards, traumatized by the ordeal. And it's never shown that Salem actually cared that they died, just that they "could've had freedom", blaming Oz instead. Meanwhile Oz, afterwards, spent whole LIVES drowning his sorrow and regret and trauma in alcohol, and he's clearly STILL affected by it if Salem using the silhouettes of their children is any indication, since she was likely taunting him (but also reminiscing, regardless of her feelings on the matter) and never brought up their children in any matter.
Overall I really don't think Oz is as bad as the fandom says he is. People like to think he and Salem are the same (something i might make a post on later), when they're very, very different. Oz really isn't bad, he's just traumatized and is basing current events off of past experiences. He's far from manipulative, uncaring, or really any negative adjective I've seen people describe him as. I've probably missed some things, but my point has been made I think. The fndm really likes to misinterpret Oz's character, saying he's exactly like Dumbledore, but in reality he's a subversion of characters like Dumbledore. He's a seriously good guy, and I think people miss that.
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Just saying
Maybe, juuuuuust maybe, a show that
Retconed it's lore to now be about Creationist Two Gods.
Set up the idea that all humanity is "flawed with sin" and will be judged again when the Gods return for the big apocalypse.
Decided that having flaws or "sins" is evil and the only way to escape that is to be "Born Again" and getting a "Mission From God".
is REALLY not in the spot to do the plotpoint about how a nation in the middle of a desert should just accept the colonizers(that have done literal war crimes against the place before) "displaced" there because you see the place just so happens to be where the final battle against Satan will happen where the Gods will return to judge humanity for their sins.
Especially after the show did such a "good" job with:
"Solving" Racism by declaring how "It's the minorities fault for all the looting and burning because MLKGhira would NEVER" right after applying a slippery slope logic on entire the BLM/CivilRights-expy organization by turning them into religious cultist terrorists.
Approaching transphobia by...not really solving it but dropping bunch of borderline transphobic(and just very cis at best) jokes and then being extremely awful towards one of their employees by being transphobic and using slurs.
"Approaching" Ableism by...declaring trauma, neurodivergent traits and even character flaws or mistakes of any kind as EVIL punishable by death.
"Giving" LGBTQ+ Rep by...baiting and ignoring the ship for seven years(and taking six years to confirm LGBTQ+ people exist in the setting) as well as insulting and gaslighting LGBTQ+ community for years (remember the Song Debacle?) before desperately confirming it without resolving any issues between characters because company was going bankrupt and they needed money.
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nightmare-foundation · 6 months
Okay so, I want ppls thoughts
What are yalls opinions on how Yang (and qrwby in general) reacted in v6 to the 'truth' about Oz n Salem (WITHOUT demonizing Oz, I see enough of that)?
Cause like. Seeing that scene made me so upset in many ways; about how Oz and Oscar were treated, how the characters were extremely ooc, etc. Because I genuinely think the writers were trying WAY too hard to demonize Oz when we, ultimately, have no reason to hate him.
Not only that, but everyone was painfully out of character, ESPECIALLY Yang, and to an extent Blake. It's honestly so bad it completely ruined Yangs character for me, and her mistreatment of Oz in general.
Yang is a great character, and is normally really well written. Though unfortunately her treatment of Oz makes no sense. She was really quick to believe her own mother, who ABANDONED her, and was so fast to demonize and hate Oz. I really hate to say it, but her Branwen genes show the most in v6.
It's bad she attacked Oz in general, but it's worse when you consider the fact that Oz is very much ALSO a 14 year old kid now. Thus, he feels and processes things like a kid would- hence the hiding away. Oz wouldn't have run if she was a bit more patient and less hostile, and this goes for Qrow too (whom I love).
And Blake- I currently can't remember if she said anything, but I do remember her being upset/mad, which just... makes no sense. She's been in the exact same situation as Oz.
I'm losing my train of thought, but just... that entire scene was horribly written
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soapofbar · 1 year
I said in my previous post related to RWBY that I stopped watching after Volume 8, because what happened to Penny and how she was treated throughout the volume was very, very distasteful to me. It's the biggest reason, although there are also a bunch of smaller reasons surrounding it. This is still true, I haven't watched V9 and I don't really plan to. I may, some day, out of curiosity/boredom, but I have somewhat been kept in the know even as I move onto other things due to still knowing people who are interested in RWBY, along with fandom talk and all that.
The main thing I want to talk about is the supposed message of V9, and how it relates back to Penny. More specifically, how it strikes as hypocritical and tone-deaf after everything that happened to her.
The core message of V9, as stated by Kerry on Twitter and pretty much blasted at the viewer in the volume's finale, is that you are enough, just the way you are. Ruby chooses to be herself rather than trying to emulate her mother/be the flawless leader/etc. and she's able to get back up and save the day. It's an alright message to send.
The problem: What about Penny?
Penny, in V2, expresses some self-doubt about an android. Feeling that she isn't as real as the actual flesh and blood humans around her, she's comforted by Ruby that she's just as much of a real girl as anyone else, and from then on she doesn't seem to express any discomfort about being a robot. She seems quite happy to be one, even, as she rebukes May for simply calling her "Robo-Girl" in V8E3
Then V8E12 comes around, and the text all but implies that Penny is a girl trapped in a robot body. Ambrosious expresses concern at what's left when he strips all the robot parts from her and Blake replies that there will be "Penny, the girl who's always been there underneath". Yang holds her metal arm and says that those pieces are just "extra". That being a robot doesn't define Penny and it's not who she is and the implication is that it's even holding her back. She's then turned into a real girl by Ambrosious. A thing, which, to my memory, she never asked to have happened to her.
Hell, the whole process is very similar to ascension in the Ever After, even. Penny's original body dies and in it's place is a new, "better" one.
The implication here is the opposite of what V9 is trying to say. That Penny isn't enough. That she's not "perfect just the way she is". The robot parts are just "extra" after all (they're not, and I will always hate that line with a fiery passion).
It's just...it feels so incredibly, incredibly jarring. Penny's arc in V8 was already incredibly bad, and full of ableism, and then we turn around and apply a message which COULD work for Penny and is probably even the one she should have had with her arc...and apply it to the conventionally-bodied protagonist who never had to struggle with her entire person-hood. Who never had to question if she was even a human being or not.
It's just all so frustrating. Penny deserved so much better.
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Ruby: what's the point of saving anyone if Salem just destroys the world anyway?
Yang: That's how ironwood thought. You don't mean that.
Yang, your sister is starting to make sense here. Let's not ruin it, please
Seriously though, it is a fair point and I do not understand the shows refusal to acknowledge that. Salem has two of the four relics and access to the third. Salem is terrifyingly close to obtaining all the keys she needs to end the world and the mains are scrambling to pat themselves on the back and assure themselves they did a good job and Ruby tries to point out that no, they fucked up and lost sight of the big picture and it could wind up killing everyone. But Yang immediately says that's how Ironwood thinks with the unspoken implication that what she means is that's what bad people think. Only bad people care about the entire planet. Only bad people worry about someone destroying the entire planet. We're good guys and we saved the people of Atlas and Mantel. Don't think about the people who where according to CRWBY killed when they where knocked off of the platforms or the people killed by the Grimm in Vacuo! Only bad people point out those things that imply we may not have been absolutely perfect in our actions!
It's so frustrating the shows refusal to let the mains accept that maybe they screwed up and failed. They will never grow if they keep being reassured they did absolutely nothing wrong and are just perfect protags who will save the world with the power of friendship despite all of the things that have gone horrifically wrong.
James realizing that saving a city is meaningless if it costs the entire fucking world to do so. James isn't evil for taking actions to try and stop Salem from getting the relics she needs to end the world. Ruby realizing James was right does not make her evil.
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rwbyrantsblr · 10 months
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I know this is difficult for RWBY fanatics to understand, but criticism includes disapproval.
Constructive criticism and criticism are two different things.
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princeoftheroses · 1 year
wait what abt all the other ppl who fell in the ever after. bc when cinder made the explosion during the fight at the end of v8 we see a bunch of ppl fall off the side into the ever after.
What happened to them. Did they ever get out. Are they still there?? Who are they/how many???
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marrow-minded · 1 year
the idea that blake would see adam in ruby because shes YELLING shows how much these people dont even pay attention
adams abuse and manipulation of blake was centered around gaslighting, manipulation, and isolation. when he was screaming at her was the times she actually fought back and treated him with disdain.
if yelling is enough of a trigger for blake, maaaaaaaybe she shouldnt be with the girl whose semblance is near identical to her ex abuser and whose whole thing is that she goes super saiyan (according to yangs song)
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peace-fantasia · 1 year
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This is where you name names.
You’re clearly trying to villainize a community with every post that you do that again has a lot of BIPOC and Queer members Into a monolith that hates women.
So who exactly said this. Post a screen shot. And say this specific user said it.
Because RWDE has clear receipts of your harassment and you trying to paint the community with a terrible brush.
For example.
Here’s you calling me homophobic and saying I used slurs. Anyone who looks in my post can see I did neither. Again, I’m a black disabled woman you’re trying to silence by accusing of being racist and homophobic z
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Here’s you saying @the-path-to-redemption i(a queer woman) is a awful person for liking a fictional character.
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Here’s you comparing people wishing death unto fictional characters to real life people being told to kill themselves.
Stop saying RWDE community did blank. We are not a hive mind. We all have different opinions.
Stop harassing everyone in the tag.
Every time you post a accusation post a receipt for with a user name or I’ll post another of your terrible behavior.
You sent messages to multiple members of the RWDE community. We all still them have in our inbox. And I’ll keep posting your terrible behavior for everyone to see again and again and again.
And I’ll keep showing it in the main RWBY tag so they can see how awful you are too.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
You know what sad in volume 9 for rwby:
Why did they abandon those people to die when three of the teammates could have stop the jabber monsters? Weiss can summon and yang even took down one with one arm right?
Why didn’t they try to at least evacuate the civilians from the danger?
I trying to understand what direction are they trying to make the characters? Didn’t they just say they are huntresses and that they are heroes?
I am trying to give them a chance but from their actions alone I don’t understand their choices.
Jesus how is it we have villains in the show and yet I am more afraid of what the heroes will do?
Yep, this was really hard for me to get over too, especially with Weiss, Blake, and Yang literally trying to define Hunters as 'heroes who protect those who can't protect themselves' and then attaching their identity to the job and acting as if who they are answers the question 'are you a huntress/are you a good huntress.
The show wants us to view huntsman and huntresses as intrinsically good and just paragons of glory and virtue who always do what's right and protect people... and yet also then turns and just has the main four + Jaune abandon civilians to fight to save them while they run to safety without helping anyone or even giving the fight a real try. They took down one Jabberwalker with what looked like relative ease (compare it to them taking down a Nevermore in volume one, compare it to them fighting the mech in volume two.) And then when more showed up and it was revealed to be Neo, they just immediately turned tail and ran to protect themselves. Just like they ignored the soldiers getting beheaded despite them not knowing about ascension yet. Just like they sat in a mansion doing nothing for episodes (except Yang) and let soldiers die despite them previously saying that hunters don't just run from a fight and they're loyal to the people that need them.
The main problem here is the hypocrisy, the lack of real follow through or consistency on morals, and the way that it's as of yet been left completely unaddressed that the mains don't practice what they preach. They yell that Ironwood wanting to leave behind anyone is the act of a villain no matter what reason he may have, and yet they run from the Jabberwalker fight. They yell that every life needs to be treated as worth protecting and then don't protest at the beheading of the soldiers and leave behind someone who was implied to be controlled by the Cat into fighting for them to their possible death so they can live another day. They proclaim Hunters to protect those who can't protect themselves, and yet they don't even stop to help the teapot lady when she's sobbing.
It isn't a bad thing to have characters that have trouble keeping to their own moral code or who prioritize themselves or even characters who are hypocritical and don't practice what they preach. What is a bad thing is when the show itself refuses to allow their characters to grow, when the show itself doesn't acknowledge flaws as flaws, and when they treat other characters differently than they treat their mains. I've said it before, I have some hope left for Ruby that she'll grow in this season, but with the others I sincerely think that they're gonna be stuck like this. And I think it's likely that the 'growth' Ruby goes through might just be her doubting herself and then learning not to doubt herself anymore, instead of actually going through real changes or realizing that the world is a lot more nuanced than she and her friends thought it was.
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hyperfixation-hideout · 5 months
Do you think Ruby only care for some people unless she now she can get something from them be cause I now she care for other but I feel like if your some one in her way even if your in the right Ruby will try to still make her point in show that she in the right it can't just be me thinking this
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, sorry... from this ask alone I'm inclined to say I disagree, because I do believe Ruby genuinely cares about the people around her, often valuing their feelings above her own to an unhealthy degree, but I'm interested to hear what makes you think this?
edit: re-read that last bit and I do notice her tendency to steamroll when someone's in the way of what she thinks needs to be done/is right. Which is interesting, considering how that's exactly what Oscar warned Ironwood would be his demise
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darksaiyangoku · 1 year
My Thoughts on the RWBY x JL Crossover
Note: this isn't a review and it will contain a spoiler
Although there are a lot of fans that liked this crossover, I wasn't one of them. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I hated it, but I was severely let down. The main reason for this was due to the setting of the story.
It turns out that this crossover was set in Atlas and that their Beacon Combat Gear was part of a simulation. Um, why? What purpose did this serve?
I'm sorry, but there was absolutely no reason to set this during the Atlas Arc. No reason at all. This should've been set in an alternate Remnant, seperate from the main canon storyline and completely standalone. Hell, the initial promo images that were shown gave the impression that this was gonna be a retelling of Vols 1-3 with the Justice League. But... nope. Not the case at all.
One could argue that this is technically an AU, since there's no way this fits into the main story, but I don't think CRWBY and DC really took advantage of this. It feels like they were too scared to fully commit to the idea of a crossover and decided to loosely connect it to the main timeline. But there's no reason to do that. Just set it in an AU, it's not that difficult.
I hate to bring this up, but when you look at the amount of AUs, alternate timelines, fanfics, fancomics, what-ifs, parodies and crossovers that are rife in the FNDM, it shows that it can work incredibly well and I think CRWBY are missing out on a lot by limiting themselves by not tapping into AUs.
This crossover shouldn't have been set in Atlas, nor should it have been vaguely connected to the main timeline. It should've been set in an alternate Remnant with different versions of the cast and story.
If any of you guys liked it, this isn't an attack an you. I'm happy you got something out of it that I didn't. However, I'm not happy with this crossover and it really should've been better than what we got. To CRWBY, I have this to say; alternate universe stories are good for creativity and can help you explore possibilites that you couldn't in the main story. Embrace them, don't fear them.
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whitleyschn33 · 1 year
RWBY V9E07 Liveblog Thoughts
Hah, actually early for once in my life!
- “May be distressing for some viewers” okaaaaaay, but that’s so incredible vague that it’s kind of useless, RT, at least link to a place to find out what specifically might be triggering or distressing instead of forcing people to seek out what happens in the episode from other sources. (Spoilers: It’s suicidal ideation and off-screen suicide.)
- The bird is cute, but, uh, is it controlling the match?
- As someone that has had to room with multiple people that snore, I commend RWB for not murdering Yang in her sleep. For real though, I do like this quiet moment of Ruby staring at her weapon, it’s nice.
- “I’m late!” ...for a very important date? Shit, though, Jaune’s frantic about this - feels like maybe his confidence he may have built up in the decades may have taken a couple hits yesterday. 
-Oh, arson - and apparently this is a regular occasion. Fire bird?
- ....Did you not notice the paper last night? Jaune’s house has some in it. Also, this score is a bit upbeat for burning a village down.
- Okay, I do kind of like this. Jaune’s somehow settled into basically the role of a huntsman, protecting this village of paper stars from the near certain death they seem to face every day. I like this idea, him taking on the responsibility and clearly treating it with the respect it deserves. The stars remind me of someone/something, but I can’t quite remember what.
- I am a sucker, this is adorable
- “You named them after your teammates?” “No... I named them after everyone.” Okay, but why did you name the blue one Ren? But seriously, not sure how I feel about that. On one hand, names help differentiate and humanize them and can help keep the memories strong, on the other naming them after your friends feels a bit... projectionist? Like, it’s one thing to name the jackalope after your team name, another to give a sentient being the name of one of your best friends.
- Lay off him, Yang - he’s got a job to do, people to protect, and it’s not like you can find something that may not exist. He clearly has been searching when he gets the time, and I suspect that most of it has been under the cover of night when the Paper Pleasers are asleep like the marketplace. 
- The schedule is pretty cute - “watch out for tearable twos” “keep away from Shredder” (please be a TMNT reference), “If you wouldn’t give it to a baby, don’t give it to the Paper Pleasers”, “tea shop fiasco” “Stop the Second Fire”, “sandpaper knife shop”, “STOP. THE. GOOSE.” Seriously, read this thing over if you have the time.
- “Patience pays off” - it does! But what’s the difference between patience that’s self-enforced and patience that’s required?
- “I’m not crazy” Oof... no, you’re not, Jaune. This does seem like he’s been making the best of a bad situation - but if I had to poke holes... what was he doing before he went to the village? He only came after Alyx poisoned him, and he was already much older at that point. Was he still exploring then, or was he just waiting for someone to arrive?
- “We just can’t count on him” - WHAT? BECAUSE HE WANTS YOU TO ACTUALLY GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HELPING HIS VILLAGE? I’m sorry, I thought you were huntresses - you know, people dedicated to helping those that can’t help themselves? I know it’s not fighting off man-eating monsters, but these are life-and-death situations Jaune’s listing off (mostly), not just random chores. He’s established himself as a protector of these innocent people that have helped him and so many others, and you’re acting like he’s asking you to be a janitor or something instead of helping to keep this town safe? What exactly did you expect a huntress to do when they aren’t fighting the Grimm if not help keep the villages safe in other ways? Between this and them just running away from the market, I’m just about done with the girls’ attitudes towards actually doing their damn jobs of helping people.
- Ah, so... all self-inflicted harms. I’m... not sure how I feel about this. The Cat marked ascension as being for when the Ever Afterian has ceased performing its role correctly and needed to be retuned, but the stars seem to think its more like “our work is done, it’s time to move on and be reborn” when that doesn’t seem to jive with what the cat says. They’re still performing their roles just fine, even if they’re at the end of their “arc”, so there’s no need for them to change or ascend if they’re still doing their part. It doesn’t feel right with what we’ve been told about ascension up to this point. And then how this connects to Jaune... with what happened to Penny and him naming the stars after his friends, I understand why he’d be so opposed to them trying to ascend and taking it upon himself to keep them safe, but I hate that this episode will, if it continues to go where I think it will, punish him for this idea, call it wrong for him to stand in the way of the stars and self-inflicted death (I’m wondering if that’s where the content warning is coming in). I also hate that it would let RWBY off the hook, that Jaune was “wasting his time” watching after the village and that he should have just left them to their own devices long ago, thank goodness RWBY’s here to slap him out of that and leave them to die, cause that’s what they want! Yeah, no, I don’t really like this at all.
- Wow. Rude. And how did A MAN IN RUSTY ARMOR SNEAK UP ON YOU. 
- Uhhhhhh.... that’s uncomfortable, and I hate that that undermines the idea that he’s grown to care about the stars, that he’s actually just babysitting stupid children from his POV.
- “Because I can actually protect these people!” Good line - Fall of Atlas trauma, Fall of Atlas trauma, Fall of Atlas trauma -
- Who gave the Ever Afterians a bomb, damn - Ah, Neo, thank you and curse you. Thank you for the potential action scene and a threat that (might) need to be dealt with that causes actual death, curse you from halting the character progression.
- That is the most flat line I think I’ve heard from Weiss - Kara, are you okay? - and thank you, Blake, for admitting you all just ran away last time because so many people in the FNDM seem to think that they were just evacuating.
- An alright action scene! I really appreciate that they’re working as a team, that it’s a group fight instead of one on one duels happening next to each other, even if some of the choreography is lacking. Ruby’s visions are also refreshing, seeing her actually suffering from flashbacks and PTSD, and the movements of the Jabberwalker as it morphs and creaks are very well done, very unsettling.
- “They eat and grow” ....Actually yeah, what the hell is up with that? That’s not just glass illusions, that’s creation.
- Yeah, I.... really don’t like the framing of this. At all. Like this was nothing, that those aren’t lives that were still ended, even if you believe they were reborn (even if that’s the most convenient explanation for you -).
- But that scene was refreshing as all hell. See what happens when you let character actually disagree and fight? I want that Ruby telling off B///B gif on my desk stat, btw. I feel like I should probably break down the entire argument, but that would take more time than I have (it’s my birth-weekend, woooo!), so I’ll just say I really enjoyed finally getting past all the bullshit interruptions and letting Ruby actually vent, letting Jaune vent, let the characters actually fight and be truly upset and frustrated in a way that’s not petty. Good job, why couldn’t we have gotten to this sooner?
This is honestly probably the best (or at least most well executed on a structural level) episode of the volume so far. It actually let the characters talk and fight, it used the Ever After set piece to its advantage for once in forwarding character development (which only really the Herbalist has done so far imo, which is a shame), and had a fight scene with an alright song. I’m... really not comfortable at all with how the ascension idea was handled, though, either tonally or in how it affects RWBY’s frustration with actually having to give a damn about living people - no, it’s okay to not want to keep them safe! They want to die anyway, and Jaune’s just sitting around protecting the equivalent of paper puppets instead of actual sentient beings he wants to keep safe, isn’t that insane? Like, way to let them off the hook of actually having to make a hard decisions or do their job in any way. And this hot off the heals of Jaune helping Penny commit assisted suicide? Framing this mass-suicide as something that’s okay because they wanted it and believe that they’ll just be reborn, and Jaune as in the wrong for not wanting them to hurt themselves? It leaves a really bad fucking taste in my mouth. 
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soapofbar · 1 year
the staff of creation is really bad because it makes everyone who was even slightly aware of it's existence look like an idiot but it especially makes Ozpin look like an idiot because he literally could've solved his problems at any point he had it and the lamp.
You have a lamp which can answer any question about past or present knowledge and you have a staff which can make anything as long as you have a blueprint for it. Even if Oz isn't personally smart enough to figure out how to make some kind of cage for Salem he could just, ask Jinn.
Oz: "Hey Jinn, how can I use the Staff of Creation to stop anyone from entering or exiting the continent Salem lives on?"
Jinn: detailed instructions
Oz: "Hey Ambrosius, build that."
instead we made rich people float, and I don't think that was ever explained why.
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I see the fandom is now comparing Belos to Ironwood because of course they are. Of course they’ve decided James, the morally gray character who made tough choices and Belos, the selfish bastard that abused and repeatedly murdered his creations over and over again are exactly the same. The RWBY fndm really took CRWBY’s “Their is no nuance here only black and white” and ran for the hills with it. 
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