#platonic savage
jamespotterbbg · 5 days
i firmly believe that sirius was marlene's guy best friend. he scared away any boys that tried to hit on her, and pretended to be her boyfriend. they fought like siblings and were each other's first kisses.
(and later, he was the best man at her wedding)
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itsabouttimex2 · 7 days
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A Brand New Journey:
Part Four
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four)
Your mentor’s dojo is pretty far out, but you’ve gotten used to the trek. This part of Megapolis is… gloomy, to say the least. It seems like a dark cloud falls over every building here, leaving the atmosphere sluggish and tense.
Your mentor’s dwellings especially fall into the pitch hands of darkness, tucked uncozily between crowded buildings.
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With no greenery and little color, this part of the city has always left you with a slight sense of unease. Once, you had attempted to amend this in some small way, potting up freesia and yellow roses to try and add a splash of brightness around the house.
Only a few days after the flowers had bloomed, someone had come by in the night and sliced them to pieces, leaving the shredded stems and petals scattered across the concrete.
Taking pity on your efforts, your mentor had dragged those pots inside and planted something more to his liking- tansies and black dahlias.
“At least they left the pots alone,” you had said, sighing at the pointless destruction of something utterly harmless. You’d been misting the new flowers, ensuring they’d grow healthy and vibrant even when deprived of direct sunlight and fresh air.
“How do you stand living in this part of town when people pull things like this?”
“Heh. No one’s ever bothered me before, kiddo. Could just be that you look like an easy target for some of the freaks in this part of town.”
“Actually… you know what? I think we’ve gotta get something that leave you looking a little fiercer. Cause, uh… no offense, kiddo… but you look like a baby.”
“I do not,” you had quickly insisted, putting the spray bottle down to fold your arms and frown at him.
“You keep telling yourself that, kiddo. And hey, maybe one day it’ll be true, but, as it stands… you’re adorable and no one is scared of you.”
His hand comes to rest over your hair, ruffling the strands out of place.
“Look, we’ll have to fix you up something that’s more intimidating than endearing. Next time you come over, alright?”
“…next time sounds good.”
Even though the weather is still decently warm, coming all this way out leaves you fighting chills as you traverse the shadowed streets. Something about this place feels wrong.
Maybe that was; in part, what had driven you to wearing concealer. Not only to prevent the concern of kind souls like MK and Mister Pigsy, but to prevent yourself from looking weak in front of dangerous enemies or opportunistic freaks that lurked in dirty alleyways.
Picking up the pace just enough that you don’t seem to be running (another sign of weakness), you hurry to the house- you’ve always referred to it as a ‘dojo’, but the man training you has always liked calling it a ‘lair’. Given the location, it doesn’t seem like too much of a misnomer.
He’s always had a knack for the dramatic, acting at times almost like a theater major.
Another chill, like you’re being watched or followed.
Now, you start to run. Maybe it’s childish, maybe it’s outright stupid. But you’re actually scared.
Moving just fast enough that you won’t jostle the mooncake boxes, you throw one hand upon his door, hoping that he’s home.
From a nearby alleyway, two faces of pitch black, golden eyes with leering expressions. Arms and hands and ears painted red.
Oh, god.
With a shared laugh, they move forward. Their eyes do not leave yours.
Oh, god.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
You smash your fist against the sturdy barrier, uncaring if your frantic banging draws more attention. You need to be inside and away from this awful, awful neighborhood and whatever the hell is approaching.
“C’mon, c’mon! Open the door! Please!”
At the sound of even a slight pleading in your tone, the wood in front of you flies open, a powerful black-furred arm reaching to snag you.
Macaque drags you inside without hesitation, slamming and bolting the door shut.
“Kiddo, what the hell?”
You throw yourself into his arms, breaking into tears. The Mystic Monkey takes a moment to regard you, just barely able to bite back a knowing smile.
“See something scary, huh?”
He breaks up your sobs and hiccups with a few firm back thumps, using his free hand to take the pastry bags from your arms and set them aside. The simian loops both of his arms around you, hugging you tight to his chest.
“Easy, easy. C’mon, kiddo, deep breaths.”
But you can’t seem to stop the frightened crying, no matter what you do or what he says. Instead, you cling to Macaque and quake, staining his ru with tears of fear.
“I can’t, I can’t! I’m s-sorry, but I can’t! Macaque, I can’t! My- I- I can’t! In the… in the alleyway, there’s, there was- augh!”
All your frantic cries are cut with a particularly sturdy thump to your back, leaving you to sharply gasp for the breath that’s been knocked out.
At least you’ve stopped crying.
“Better, kiddo?” As he asks, your mentor sits you on the couch and wraps his tattered red scarf around your shoulders. In a better mindset, you might’ve seen it and thought of the scrap he gave you a few months back. You might’ve thought of your book.
But right now, there’s more important things to think about. Like what you want to do next.
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dc-tournaments · 3 months
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Why do they deserve to win?
Beast Boy & Cyborg
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Scandal Savage & Bane
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env0writes · 21 days
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NaPoWriMo Vol. 3, 4.2.24 “Will I Remember This Time“
There were not enough moments Captured in sand-grain, steel-handed Red-light-digital-clocked moments To which I told you (all) I loved you Those moments, seconds, minutes, hours, days Passed At last, these days I never told you (all) I loved you Will I recall If you Recall To say to you (all) I love you Although you’re far and plenty few I try to say, to show, I love you
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by my friend Mika
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floretskybright · 10 months
Feral Macaque AU
I had another idea for a lmk au
When they were young Macaque was good hearted while Wukong was kinda the bad one
Wukong was only nice to the monkeys and who he considered his friends and didn't have problems with being cruel or murderous to those who weren't and that pissed him off (which was easy to do)
Macaque was the most soft hearted of the two , he might not put his trust blindly to strangers like a naive fool but he isn't heartless or uncaring to people in need that deserved help
And that's the exact reason Macaque was a target for bullying , mockery and insults by the other demons
Even with Wukong's protection it only gave the others another reason to consider him weak
Wukong was Macaque's only friend and that's why Mac was so scared of losing him but eventually they fought while Wukong was trapped under the mountain sealed by Buddha and Macaque was very emotionally hurt
When Wukong joined the journery to the west Macaque got worried and thought about saving him despite still being somewhat hurt and mad at Wukong but it lead to his death instead
Macaque was furious , Wukong was the bad one , the one killing and doing whatever he wanted but got a chance to be better while he died mistaken to be a bloodthirsty monster out for the monk's blood
Macaque decided , if they thought of him as monster then he will gave them a monster
Then Lbd came and resurrected him but didn't know much of the "monster" she was dealing with
Macaque has gone feral and Lbd had to take precautions to use him
She caged him and leashed him but he would still not obey her , trying to escape and causing a rampage destroying and killing her servants with bare hands
She then used the monkey's insticts to gave him a reason to somewhat stay put for a while so she gave him Rumble and Savage to protect and care for and as a reason to obey her orders if he doesn't want them to get hurt
Eventually Mk strumbled across them and freed them and would later struggle to help and befriend three feral monkeys and try to avoid them going out for a rampage
Wukong gets involved to keep them on flower fruit mountain so they don't kill anyone and he has to try to reason with Macaque for him to return civil and maybe reconcile (by MK's request)
Shadowpeach can be platonic , romantic or simply friendship
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homobuckybarnes · 3 months
I just finished reading the monsters of Verity series like 10 mins ago and immediately came to tumblr (how else would I deal with that ending??) and I keep seeing people say they don’t like the August/ Kate kiss because it felt like it was forcing a romantic relationship and I didn’t even think of the fact it could be seen as a romantic thing.
That was two sad, angry, hurt and scared people wanting to not feel any of that for 10 mins by just making out. Platonically. And that makes so much sense in my head. I don’t know how to explain it but it just makes so much sense that they are just friends that do that
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Standing Sentinel
Blinding white and brilliant gold cut through the droids, putting an end to the Separatist operations on the planet. Two Zabraks raced up the outpost’s central control tower, setting charges and blowing through the opposition they faced.
The server coordinator, a very-much organic Rodian, shrieked when he saw the pair. Instead of killing him, Savage roared in his face and sent him scrambling.
"You've clearly gone soft, brother."
Savage shook his head. The The pair Force-jumped back to their ship and manned the guns.
“You took your time!” Feral dropped his visor and fired up the engines.
“Hmph. Your trial combat results clearly evidence your superiority. Now, I request your best attempt at Plo Koon’s record.”
"Yes, Commander Maul, sir!"
That statement was met with a groan. Taking off, the trio cleared the atmosphere with ships hot on their heels. A TIE-fighter glided in alongside them and gave cover fire.
“Someone rang?” Anakin’s voice came over the com-channel.
“Not in this star system!” Feral replied, smiling.
“You seem chipper, Skywalker.” Savage pivoted his battlestation hard left and disposed of two cruisers. A gunship entered the fray. Feral’s eyes narrowed, fixated on the viewport. He executed a barrel roll and swooped to avoid the fire.
“Nice! I’ll take it from here.”
Maul noticed how he loosened and beamed at the praise. Anakin’s ship effected an all-angles orbit, forming a defensive perimeter and taking enemy after enemy out of commission. They cleared the formation and made the jump into hyperspace.
At last, Chandrila and the outline of the Jedi outpost came into view. Obi-wan met them upon landing. He bade Maul speak with him privately, and his brothers peeled off to remain outside. Excited shouts filed the air as the younglings who had been outside spied them.
"Master Kenobi."
The man shook his head. Maul would not be himself without some degree of sarcasm. However, Obi-wan detected none of the true bite that would have lurked under it all those cycles ago. "Your margins of error grow slim."
"Simply the price of ascension in any order- much more so this one."
"We can send in support troops at any time. Do not hesitate to ask for what is yours by right."
"My gratitude, Kenobi. But you know the stores are better spent in recovery eff-"
"I was informed of the Garel incident."
Maul was silent. He'd spent almost a week in a bacta tank for the infections sustained. Perhaps an echo of his past life, but he'd never even considered contacting the Temple for backup or a medical supply drop. More than that, he half-expected they wouldn't. It would be an effective method of disposing of a liability. If there was one thing he could respect, it was efficiency. That made their seeming mercy all the more unsettling. Kindnesses extended themselves despite the fearful looks in some of their eyes. Despite the pain in Kenobi's even as he reached a hand to his former enemy. Those reserves of self-control were something of marvel to the Zabrak...
"How, Kenobi?"
The man’s brow arched. "The Council communication channels do have some useful information, if you'd lower yourself so much as to listen in."
Maul shook his head, the ghost of a smirk on his face. He'd let the misinterpretation stand. "I'd consider if they release an advisory on the trimming of unseemly facial hair."
"It has clearly been too long since our last duel!"
On exiting, he could see Feral and Anakin chasing the squealing children, gently Force-throwing them back and forth. Savage, expression devoid of strain, was letting some swing from his arms and sit on his shoulders. The scars of all three peeked through their robes as they flowed with the breeze. May the elders bear those marks, so the young ones did not have to.
Lying on the grass, he cast his eyes to the skyline and let himself slip- not quite meditating, but not quite conscious either. The Force bubbled with energetic pops from the little lives about. There was easy warmth from Savage that slowly bloomed in the fields of the metaphysical. He felt the relieved playfulness of Feral bounding from the remains of a fearful shell. He sensed the tumultuous roar of Anakin's fervour and Kenobi's darting, sagely mischief. And beyond them, his body sensed the dance of dozens, hundreds of the living. His weary spirit soared, reminded of for who-!
Feral flopped onto his stomach, followed by a giggling, squirming pile that knocked the air out of his body. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Savage smirk while taking a seat. Maul tried his best to scowl at the interruption.
The setting sun brought calm and appreciation for what he had now. The winds brought refreshment instead of the stench of corpses. No longer would he drift off plagued with a bloody fantasy he was not sure he'd realize.
Anakin and Obi-wan exchanged looks. He'd finally begun to see that which the Dark Side could never have given. True purpose and contentment had at last reached the brothers three. For they were now Maul, Feral and Savage Opress- Jedi Sentinels in the service of the Order and the galaxy.
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hag-lad · 1 year
Gojira’s specialities:
Disturbingly tight riffs
Bludgeoning, violent drum sounds
Heart-shatteringly beautiful extended outros tacked onto the end of mercilessly brutal metal songs that whiplash you so hard you experience the entire complete range of human emotions during the run time of a single track
Lyrics about climate grief
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 4 months
🌟 idr if ive ever asked this .. but catarina with the ashen wolves !!
Ooh! I am not sure whether you have, but I do think I might have been asked this question a long time ago, so it's possible! And, regardless of whether that was also you or not, thank you very much for asking it here, friend!~
(source: this post by cloudy-memes)
Send a 🌟 + name and I’ll talk about my self-insert’s bond to that character! - I'll do this in relative order of closeness, if that's alright~
So, first of all, we have Hapi, who.. Catarina does definitely have a very close bond with, by virtue of Hapi being one of my romantic F/Os. The two share a lot of opinions on things, though I would say that Catarina is not quite as apathetic as Hapi tends to be - even so, the two enjoy each other's company greatly, as both of them feel that they can just be themselves and not have to worry about things when the other is around. I think it would take some time for Hapi to trust her with knowledge of her sigh, but when she does, the fact that Catarina responds with wanting to find ways to adapt to it (e.g. taming the monsters), instead of just ways of mitigating it (e.g. killing the monsters), stands out a lot to Hapi and is a strong catalyst for the pair really becoming closer.
Next, I think I would say Catarina gets on best with Yuri, because the two have a number of comparable personality traits - in fact, even their Crests have the same effect in-game, in that they prevent enemies from counterattacking. I'm also thinking of tying part of her backstory to his, in that both of them ended up in Abyss for the same reason/as part of the same incident (since Yuri was also in the Blue Lions house, which is where Catarina would also have been placed initially - and his retailation at what his group were asked to do would most likely have been something she supported him on). So, all these similarities are what lead the two to have a strong bond of friendship.
Following this is Balthus, who is not generally the sort of person Catarina enjoys the company of very much, given his more rowdy personality. However, they actually have a closer bond than might be expected, because Balthus first attended the Officers' Academy in the same year as her older half-brother, Tobias. The two of them (plus Holst) had a fierce friendship, even despite Holst and Balthus being Golden Deer whereas Tobias was a Blue Lion, so Balthus knows a bit more about Catarina's younger self than the others as a result - and sometimes struggles to see her as any older than she was when he went to school with her brother, which leads him to both be caring towards her and also sometimes be unintentionally belittling.
Finally, we have Constance! I wouldn't say that Catarina and Constance dislike each other by any means, it's just that she gets on least well with her compared to the other three. Constance has a habit of turning everything into a competition, particularly when it comes to unconventional magics, whereas Catarina does not enjoy being competitive whatsoever. So, this can leave her rather exasperated at her. Even so, there can definitely be moments where the two are able to bounce off of each other very effectively and get on brilliantly - it's just generally a case of whether Catarina's bluntness clashes with or act as a fun foil to Constance's theatrics.
I hope that all of these answers were alright, friend! Thank you very much again for sending this in, even if it has been some time since it was first sent ;w;
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for the ask game , with catarina ! 3 (maybe specifically with the ashen wolves, + GD bc i remember u mentioned u go with them timeskip), and 12?
Sure thing, friend! Thank you very much for sending this!! ^-^
(question source: “ask game: self-insert lore” by inserthaven) (I think)
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self-insert? - Thank you very kindly for specifying, because this game has a lot of characters. And you are correct - during the five-year timeskip, Catarina splits her time between residing in Alliance territory (since they try and pretend to be neutral in the war) and visiting Abyss, to bring its people supplies and protect the possessions of her friends that were left in Garreg Mach when war broke out. As for character opinions from the Ashen Wolves and Golden Deer:
Yuri and Catarina are similar in several ways personality-wise, so we get on very well - Catarina ends up helping him a lot with his underground activities during the timeskip, since she can be more of an official and proper-appearing figure to maintain appearances while he deals with the illicit side of things.
Balthus already knew about Catarina before she ever arrived in Fódlan since he is good friends with her brother (who is nine years older than her, and thus one year older than Balthus - they went to the academy together). She makes him feel old because of this, but he ends up as a bit of an older brother-like figure to her as well as a result.
Constance and Catarina have a bit of a rivalry going on, with Catarina maintaining that it's helpful to be skilled with weapons and magic while Constance insists focusing solely on magic makes her stronger. We do get on okay in ourselves, but I'd say Constance is the one Catarina is least close to out of all the Ashen Wolves.
Hapi and Catarina are already pretty close by the time of the game, since Hapi was put in Abyss at least six months before the game starts and Catarina had already been put in there prior to that. Hapi is impressed by Catarina's combat prowess, while Catarina enjoys learning from Hapi about things like the stars, and wants to try and help her with her monster-summoning curse. I will get flustered if I try to be any more specific so this is what you’re getting.
Claude and Catarina are good friends, and bond over two main things - being part of a family that's not entirely from Fódlan, and also the tactics we use that aren’t just combat (as shown by our C-Support, which is about Catarina finding one of Claude's poisons and giving it back to him with zero judgment). Plus, they do say tricksters can sit peacefully with tricksters - after all, they know there’s no point trying to trick each other.
Hilda and Catarina aren't super close in and of themselves (no animosity, just very different personalities), but their older brothers were really good friends when they were at the academy together (alongside Balthus), so we sort of knew a bit about each other before meeting because of that!
Lorenz.. is not someone I really know much about, but he would probably like Catarina for her noble status and combat prowess. He would quickly and irreversibly get on her nerves if he tried to flirt with her because of this, though.
Ignatz is also someone I don't really have much of an opinion on myself, but I feel like he might kind of be a bit scared of Catarina? Just because she can come across as rather intimidating, and he's a bit shy. He seems nice, though, so she wouldn’t intend to be intimidating him.
Raphael is the same in terms of me not really having much of an opinion on him myself, but he has a very different fighting style and attitude to Catarina, so I think we would- not clash, necessarily, but just not really have much in common?
Marianne and Catarina might clash a bit because of their differing views on the goddess and religion, but we both like nature and don't mind being quiet, so I think we might get on okay - maybe Catarina’s self-confidence can help Marianne with her own a bit? That would be nice.
Lysithea reminds Catarina a lot of how she was when she was younger, as we are both very academically-focused. I like to think we both learn in a similar way, so we get on well because of that, rather than competing.
Leonie is probably another one of those instances where she doesn’t feel anything negative about Catarina in particular, but we’re just not really very similar, so there’s nothing much to really make us be close.
12. how would the fandom view your self-insert? - I mean, I can't exactly say I have much experience with the fandom for this game myself, but.. I can imagine Catarina being slightly polarising. This post is already getting very long, though, so let me put my explanation under a readmore.
On the one hand, she's a very unique gameplay unit because of how her Personal Skill inverts the lowest growth rate addition from her current class, so all of a sudden that makes a lot of classes work very differently when she's in them and that could open up a lot more theorycrafting about how to use her best (for example, her Speed growth rate would actually improve rather than reducing if she was made something like a Valkyrie or a Mortal Savant, making that normally-seen-as-bad-for-a-master-class class more appealing for her; she also can focus on strength or magic with roughly equal effectiveness). She also introduces another nation outside of Fódlan to make the world feel more well-developed, and I like to think it can make sense for her to join any of the three sides she can (dislike of the Church and power system for Crimson Flower, familial links to the Kingdom for Azure Moon, personal friend link to the Alliance for Verdant Wind), and she would also be another same-gender S-Support option for female Byleth if that counts for anything.
On the other hand, people might not like that she can't be used in Silver Snow even if you'd already recruited her into the Black Eagles, and at the moment I generally feel like her presence in Abyss and the Cindered Shadows story isn't quite as well-integrated as it could be, though the fact she has a Crest now is helping that so hopefully it won't be that much of a problem. Since I haven’t spoken about that on this blog yet - I’m giving Catarina the Crest of Ernest, the Thorn Dragon, which is the one that was lost to history and only otherwise appears in Anna for no reason. Her having this Crest is part of why she was able to stick around in the Ashen Wolves, since Aelfric wondered if it would help with the Rite of Rising, only for him to then become dismissive of her and resent her presence there once he realised it didn’t have any relevance.
I hope that all of this was alright!! Thank you so much again for sending this ask, friend!!
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memospacexx · 3 months
Alastor x Child reader (PLATONIC)
Imagine this savage little thing getting in trouble and taking of running like an animal (4 legs) and hiding behind Alastor with the arm of a random sinner in their mouth shaking their head like a dog playing with a chew toy
Like father like hell spawn
Ok, it was funny and cute at first but this is going too far!
Charlie sighed at gave Alastor a look
“Alastor! Please can you keep them under control?!”she somewhat yelled
The child behind the overlord merely hummed and continued to chew on some sinners (not attached) arm, it was mostly bone now tho, Alastor’s grin widened and he turned to charlie, “But they’re just playing!” Vaggie butted it “No! Thats not playing, ITS EATING SOMEONE!” Vaggie pointed at the little monster behind him,
Alastor hummed and patted the childs head and smiled more, “Its a snack!” He grinned, “No!”
At the bar, on the other side of the room, sir pentious looked at the scene nervously, if it could eat a sinner it could definitely eat his egg boys… “What if it eats u too..?” Angel somewhat (he hopes its only a joke) joked, Husker rolled his eyes, sayin that ‘he wouldn’t put it behind them if its dad is the radio demon.’
“Like father like hell spawn” he grumbled, gulping down some cheap booze
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jamespotterbbg · 1 month
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weasleyreidstyles · 1 month
a game of wizards chess on a rainy day
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~∞~ i've never written for enzo before but my mutuals (love you all🫶🏼) have slowly been turning me into an enzo girlie ��🤭 this if for week three of @thatdammchickennugget's hogmarch challenge!!
pairing: enzo berkshire x fem!slytherin reader, platonic mattheo riddle x reader
prompt: wizards chess/"you filthy cheater, we go again!"
warning(s): none its all fluff!!!
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The weekend's rainy weather brought with it a sense of serenity and peace as it swept across the Scottish highlands like a flurrying storm. The castle grounds were barren of people, everyone making the unanimous decision to avoid the heavy downpour that had steadily been building in a crescendo all week. The corridors were even emptier, avoided by those who wanted to escape the cold, only the odd person running late to a detention, or for a quick stop in the kitchens, could be seen or heard amongst the chattering painting and silently gliding ghosts.
The common rooms however, were teeming with students, from all year groups. In the Slytherin common room, you and your friends had been some of the lucky few to snag a small grouping of pleated seats, right beside a roaring fire. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that one of said friends was the feared Dark Lord's son, but either way, you were grateful that you could relax by the fire for a few hours, soaking up what little warmth the dungeons could provide in such miserable weather conditions.
Except that you feel anything but relaxed right now. You had somehow found yourself sitting across the small coffee table from Enzo, a fierce game of wizards chess playing out between the two of you. It was common knowledge, between you and your friends, that you absolutely sucked at it, but that didn't stop you from trying, and failing, to beat Enzo at his own favoured game.
You jumped back on your haunches as his bishop savagely destroyed one of your lone pawns and gaped as he jumped up and cheered at his small victory, ignoring the way students around him violently shushed him with scowling faces. Your friends, who only paid sporadic attention to the pair of you, smirked as Enzo sneakily glanced your way, to watch how your face would scrunch in barely restrained irritation.
"And he strikes again!" He says with a cheer, that has Draco glaring at him from over his Potions homework with narrowed eyes. Enzo vehemently ignores him in favour of watching the way your face shifts between a million and one emotions in a split second. "I'm like two moves away from checkmate, sweetheart. Are you sure you can handle losing, again?"
The way he's smirking at you, with mirth painting his face, those brilliantly vibrant eyes of his shining as he stares across the table at you, has a blush fighting it's way up your neck. You scowl at him, menacingly.
"No one likes a show off, Berkshire." You snap, as you move your last remaining rook to take his knight. When Mattheo and Theo snicker from behind you, you turn and rapidly send a glare worthy of one of their own that has them covering their faces to try and hide their laughter from you. Even Draco, who'd been more withdrawn lately, had let out a quiet chuckle.
Sorry love. Mattheo says to you wordlessly and you narrow your glare, solely, on him. But you're not doing a very good job at this.
"Well there's no need to laugh at my misfortune, Matt." You reply and he smirks as he watches the way Enzo looks questioningly between you and him, before he moves another one of his pieces, putting you in checkmate.
You turn towards the table again as you hear the sound of shattering porcelain, watching as your rook is destroyed by his queen, which is now somehow in line with your king piece. You search the board for somewhere you can go, and come up agonisingly empty. You gape at the smug boy across from you.
"You filthy cheater!" You accuse and Enzo sends you a smirk that could bring you to your knees at anytime of the day.
"I did no such thing, sweetheart." He says, but the mischief shining in his russett eyes makes you believe otherwise. "Maybe you should pay attention next time."
His words ignite a challenge within you and you steel yourself as the pair of you become locked into a heated staring contest. In your peripheral, you watch as your friends whisper conspicuously between each other, but you pay them no mind.
Huffing you use your wand to fix and rearrange the pieces to their original positions.
"We go again!" You say resolutely, kneeling closer to the table, as if it would somehow make your wizards chess abilities rise to the surface. But you knew that it was wishful thinking.
Ready to lose again, sweetheart? Enzo speaks to you wordlessly, and your glare intensifies at the way his voice lowers a decibel or two, making it a low rasp in your head. I promise I'll go easy on you. He's smirking to himself as he moves the first piece.
And the cycle continues for another hour, until Blaise lets out an aggrieved sigh and takes your place. You sit beside Pansy huffing as you cross your arms over your chest, casting a look of contempt at Enzo, who does a terrible job of hiding his smug face. After half an hour, their game is a close one, and Blaise only just beats Enzo with a move of pure luck.
The latter comes to sit beside you after that, the game becoming abandoned on the table, an arm reaching across the back of the sofa, hand tracing featherlight patterns against your jumper covered shoulder. He's staring at the side of your face, tracing the way your hair falls in rippling waves as you tilt your head in favour of engrossing yourself in a book instead of focusing on him.
"Still bitter that I won, sweetheart?" He murmurs, leaning in close so that his lips brush the shell of your ear.
The twitch of your lip is the only thing that gives away that you hear him, but you choose to ingore him in favour of finishing the chapter, or at least you try to.
Since Enzo had sat down, you'd read the same sentence at least five times now. He pokes your shoulder with the hand that had been previously caressing it and you turn to him, breath hitching imperceptibly when you realise just how close he is to you.
"I'm only bitter because you cheated. I could've won fair and square." You say, your lips falling into a pout that Enzo desperately wants to kiss away.
"I'm no cheater." He says with enough self assurance that you might be inclined to believe him. "You were the one who turned away from the game."
"Only because Matt distracted me!" You retort, your face moving closer to his on your own accord.
"Perhaps I should put you out of your misery and teach you how to play." He whispers. The tension building between the two of you could be severed by a knife with how palpable the charged atmosphere is.
Said knife appears in the form of Theodore's hushed voice, which sounds fed up as much as it is amused.
"For Salazar's sake, please put us all out of the fucking misery of witnessing this and kiss." It was meant to be a muttered statement between himself and your other friends, but it reaches you nonetheless, causing you to recoil from the close proximity to Enzo, covering your reddening cheeks with your hands.
Enzo doesn't bother to remove his arm from where it practically cradles you into him as he scowls at his best friend. But when you don't move away from his touch, he thanks any god he can think of that you don't shy away from him.
The rest of the afternoon is spent in content silence as you and your friends bask in the murky green glow of the lake, warmed only by the heat of the fire. But you feel heated for a whole other reason, because Enzo's arm is yet to be unwound from your shoulder as you busy yourself with burrowing into his body heat, the position cosy enough for you to settle into finishing your book, and eventually even lulling you to sleep.
Enzo stares down at you with a smile as your book falls limply into his lap. He gingerly picks it up and slides the bookmark, that you'd left on the coffee table, into place before gently putting it on the floor beside your bag. He brings your body closer to his and marvels at the way you instinctively nuzzle your face into his chest, relaxed by the steady beat of his pounding heart.
He places a barely there kiss to the crown of you head and he swears he sees the ghost of a smile gracing your pretty lips.
One day. He'd confess to you one day.
And by the twin looks that he spies on Matt and Theo's faces, that day may come sooner than either of you may think.
A little bonus scene:
"I don't understand how the two of them are so oblivious." Pansy says quietly as she watches the way you berate Enzo with no mutinous ammunition behind your words. "They're so obviously in love with eachother."
"Well they are idiots, bella." Theo says with a laugh. "It'll take it being spelled out for them to realise it."
"We cannot meddle with their love lives." Blaise counters, although his glimmering eyes give away that he wants to do exactly that. Draco looks like he agrees.
"Oh come on, B!" Mattheo retorts, a devilish look overtaking his features. "Where's the fun in that?"
"I'll bet twenty galleons that you can't get them to admit it by the end of the month." Pansy offers with a feline smirk and Mattheo's eyes light up in challenge.
"You have yourself a bet, love. Prepared to lose?" He smirks at his friend who only winks back at him before she settles into Theo's side.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that." She says and they all turn to watch the way Enzo blatently stares at you, eternal love shining in his russett eyes. "Enzo's looks like he's about to burst with it."
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dc-tournaments · 3 months
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Why do they deserve to win?
Batman & Superman
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Jeannette & Scandal
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sturniozo · 5 months
Angel’s Masterlist And Rules
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Rules for Requests:
I will not write any Nick x readers romantically or sexually. I might try to dabble in male reader for him, but as of the time being Nick fics will be platonic only.
Smut is definitely alright with me. Just nothing to weird. I’m okay with the rough or kinky stuff but nothing crazy like shit or piss. Just no.
I will write hcs, one shots, drabbles, and series. If you want a certain one, just ask :)
If you want snaps or texts hcs, give me some time first because idk how to do those just yet! But as soon as I learn you bet your ass I’ll do them all!
That’s all. :)
Chris bf! Hcs
Chris x Martial Arts! Reader hcs
Chris x Dominant! Reader hcs
Chris x Girlfriend with Tourette’s! Hcs
Snaps with Secret Bf! Chris
Valentines Day Chris Snaps
One Shots
Do you think they know?
Valentines Day (smut)
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine (final part)
Our Lips Are Sealed
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six
Valentines Day Matt Snaps
Matt x Chubby Reader Snaps
Savage Love (Mafia AU)
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen (Final Part)
In The Shadows
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four /Part Five
One Shots
Blue Ain’t Your Color
First (Smut)
I Don’t Hate You (Smut)
I Don’t Hate You Part Two
I’m Right Here
Wait Till We Get Home (Smut)
None yet sorry!
Nathan Doe
Fluff Hcs
One Shots
Captain (smut)
One Shots
Sturniolo Christmas
Someone in the backseat
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floatyflowers · 2 months
Dark Platonic Father! John Blackthorne x Reader
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Your father spoils you rotten and can't bear to be away from you for long.
However, John knew that he couldn't take you with him on his sailing navigation, because of the danger you might face.
However you managed to sneak into the ship before it sails only because you didn't want to stay back at home with your governess.
Even though, John discovered you after the ship sailed, yet he didn't scold you.
It would be considered selfish to voice out that he was happy about you being with him.
However, John made sure you are secured in a small room, with food and water in fear that you might die from disease.
The pilot forbid anyone from coming near you, John was the only one allowed to see you.
Yet when, you, your father and his crew get captured, instead of calling the Japanese 'savages' and cussing at them, you try to mimic what they are doing.
"Leave her alone, don't come near her, I will kill you all, you savages!"
Thankfully, they didn't understand what he said.
They washed you up, dressed you in a kimono, and treated you well.
Even if you didn't understand what they were saying or doing, you only mimic their bowing.
When John sees you again, he keeps hugging you tightly and whispering comforting words to you.
"Don't worry, I will protect you"
Little does the Pilot know that he will have to shed a lot of blood to keep you safe.
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