#part you prefer even if youre like technically capable of bottoming
cruelsister-moved2 · 10 months
well my notifs are just a lot of random ppls sex lives rn so im just like a weird fly on the wall but im noticing a lot of patterns that are mostly not encouraging so um like take this as a sign to maybe communicate with your partner and see if they feel obliged to top/bottom for you and actually might not be enjoying it that much because this is depressing ngl. also people once again dont know what stone means
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
The Assignment
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Red Hood x reader
Summary | Red Hood takes a rare job. The assignment in question? Punish your father through you.
Warnings | HARD KINKS sexual content, 18+, non con, dub con, gun play, knife play (barely), kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, threats of violence, degradation, objectification, face fucking, choking, fear play
Words | 6k
Notes | please please please read the warnings. While this fic isn’t technically rape because of reader’s mindset, the word is still used multiple times.
Ao3 link | <3
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Use of r word. Please don’t read if this will be triggering- this is the last warning.
Eyes fluttering open, you tried to remember where you were and how you got here. You remember going to a club with your friends, then a few hours later waiting outside for them as they used the bathroom before going back to your friend’s apartment. But you don’t remember them actually coming out of the club or any of the events after. 
The room was dim, only lit up by a light behind you. It looked like some kind of abandoned warehouse. You felt the burn on your wrists as you tried to move them under the rope binding you to the chair. 
“I’ll be honest,” The distorted voice from behind you made your head snap up as you took in a sharp breath, “this isn’t the kind of work I normally do. But I just couldn’t resist.” 
“W-who are you?” You stammered, feeling your heart pounding in your chest. 
“The better question is, who are you?” Two hands were placed on your shoulders, making you jump. You hadn’t even heard him walk toward you. “Your father has made quite a name for himself.” The distorted chuckle made your blood run cold as you stiffened. 
“I- I don’t know anything, I swear. He doesn’t tell me anything.”
“That’s not why you’re here.” His hands started slowly moving up and down your arms. “You see, some people aren’t very… happy with his choices. Normally I’d prefer confronting the problem directly, but this was just too tempting. And I figured, better me than some other creep who doesn’t know what he’s doing.” 
“So- what, you’re going to torture me?” You couldn’t hide the tremble in your voice. He just chuckled and rounded the chair, standing in front of you. 
“Something like that.” 
Your breath hitched as you finally got a good look at him. He was massive and covered in an assortment of weapons. The red helmet gleamed under the dim light and you watched as he tilted his head slightly, like he was examining you. You suddenly felt very self conscious in just your skimpy dress and strappy heels. 
“Do you know who I am?” You nodded breathlessly in response. You had seen the blurry pictures of him on the news but they did no justice to his actual appearance. “Then you know what I’m capable of.” Once again, you nodded silently. You’d heard the stories of people left nearly dead and people left actually dead. 
“Good. Now that we’re properly acquainted, we can get started.” You hadn’t noticed before but your body is trembling, your stomach pooling with dread and fear, but also anger. Anger toward your father for letting this happen, that he chose to bring a child into this life despite the risks. Anger that you’re sitting here right now instead of him. 
“They said punish him… Now that’s pretty open to interpretation if you ask me.” He dropped down so his face was level with yours and grabbed your thighs, right above your knees, then he parted them slowly. Your cheeks grew warm as you felt the bottom of your dress moving further up your thighs the more he parted them. When you attempted to close your legs, his grip turned bruising and you let out a small whimper. 
“You really don’t want to make this worse for yourself.” He warned. Your legs opened in defeat and he loosened his grip. When his hands started moving up your thighs, you could see the red marks left behind from his fingertips. 
“What are you going to do to me?” The fear in your voice was obvious. 
“Relax, princess. You’ll live.” 
“So you are going to hurt me?” You asked quietly, staring into the whites of his helmet with wide eyes. 
“That’s entirely up to you.” His hands reached the top of your legs and he brought them to your inner thighs, then snaked them back down. 
“I- I have money. I can pay you whatever you want.” 
“You mean you have daddy’s money?” He sneered and your face flushed in embarrassment as you looked away from him. 
“How ‘bout this,” He took a gun from his leg and held it up, “You pick a number between one and ten. If you guess right, I’ll let you go. But if you guess wrong…” He trailed off into a chuckle and you swallowed the lump in your throat. “Well, to put it simply, you won’t be leaving here.” 
“I- I don’t…” You floundered for a response as you eyed the gun. 
“Go on, princess. Pick a number.”
“How do I know you won’t lie and shoot me anyway?” Despite the venom in your voice, it still trembled in fear. He let out a low chuckle and moved the gun to your leg, following the same path as his hand. 
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me.” He all but shrugged, making you scoff. 
“Why should I trust a man who kidnapped and threatened to kill me?” You snapped and he let out a low chuckle again. 
“I like the mouthy ones.” 
The barrel met the apex of your thighs and you jumped at the contact. He didn’t hold it there long though. Instead, he slowly trailed it up your torso and neck until it was pointed at your chin. 
“Go on. Give me a number.” His voice was quieter now as he leaned into your space. 
“I- I don’t want to.” You whispered, trying to move your head away from the gun. He brought his other hand up to hold you still by your hair and pushed the barrel harder against your chin. 
“No?” He slightly tilted his head, emphasizing the question. 
“No.” You managed to say, even though your throat was closing up in fear. He waited a beat before finally releasing you. 
“I have a better idea.” He retrieved a knife from his pants and cut the rope on your wrists. “Stand up.” Rubbing your sore wrists, you tentatively rose to your feet. 
“If you can get to the door, you can leave. I’ll even give you an advantage.” He held the gun out to you and you stared at him with wide eyes. You eyed him skeptically, trying to figure out why he was doing this. “It’s not a trick.” He chuckled. You tentatively reached for the gun and examined it once it was in your grasp. 
“Safety’s off. All you have to do is pull the trigger. You do know where the trigger is, right?” You looked up at him with a scowl. 
“Yes.” You said bitterly. Pointing it at him, you noticed how obvious the shaking in your hands has become. You eyed the door across the room and started circling him. He moved along with you until your back was to the door. You started moving toward it, never removing the gun or your gaze from the man in front of you, but he matched your steps. 
The first time you fired the gun, it flew right past him and he didn’t even flinch. You adjusted your grip and took a deep breath, trying to concentrate. This time when you fired it, he was in front of you before you could even blink. He didn’t make a move for the gun, all he did was spin you around and push your back, making you stumble forward. 
“Are you even trying?” 
You growled and whipped around to face him. The second you had it pointed at him, you pulled the trigger twice. He moved a little to the side and the first one flew past him but the second one grazed his helmet, making it crack. Only a tiny part of his eye was visible now, but even most of that was covered by a second mask. All thoughts of making it to the door were replaced by curiosity. 
“I’m impressed.” The voice was no longer distorted and holy fuck that is not what you were expecting. You were expecting some old man, or someone at least ten years older than you- someone gross. Someone you’d never let touch you with a ten foot pole. This changes things... Watching him take off the helmet, you stood frozen as it dropped to the floor. This changes everything. Not that you condone Stockholm syndrome… but maybe you understand it a little now. 
Before you even realized what was happening, he had you up against the wall, both hands pinned by your head and the gun discarded on the floor. His eyes roamed your face as he tilted his head again. 
“I- you… what?” You said breathlessly, staring at him with wide eyes. 
“Cat got your tongue?” He smirked, making your cheeks burn. You swallowed thickly as you got a good look at his face. You stared at his eyes for a second, admiring the color, before moving your gaze to his lips and wow- 
“What happened to all that fight from earlier?” He slid both of your arms up and he could grab your wrists in one hand. “All the bargaining, the pleading.” He used his other hand to  hold your face by your cheeks and leaned in until you felt his breath fanning your lips. He waited for a response and when he didn’t get one, he continued. 
“Not so easy to pretend like you’re still being held here against your will when it’s with someone who looks like me, is it?” He moved a leg between your thighs and lowered his voice, “I’d bet there isn’t anything I'll do to you that you won’t beg me for first.” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you stared at him with furrowed brows. Even though you wanted to call him cocky and delusional… He’s right. And he knows he is.
“Although I’m not sure I’ll really be completing the assignment if you actually enjoy it. Maybe I will have to hurt you after all.” The hand moved from your face to your neck and immediately squeezed. “But I think you’d like that too.” He sneered, making you look away from him with a blush. 
“No…” You whined, not meeting his gaze. 
“No? Shall we test that?” You looked back at him in confusion, but his hand was already leaving your neck and striking your cheek, making your head snap to the side as you gasped. You didn’t even have a chance to get your bearings before he was grabbing your neck again and slamming your head into the wall. Releasing a pathetic whimper, you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to control your breathing. 
“I don’t know… it seems like you like it.” He teased, lifting his leg until it pressed against your core. You let out a shaky breath as you willed your body to not chase the much needed friction. 
“Fuck you.” You whispered. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get to that.” He smirked, then quickly turned you around and roughly shoved your front into the wall. You let out a soft grunt from the impact and then his whole body was pressed to yours. When you turned so your cheek was resting on the wall, the gun on the floor caught your attention and you realized that without his helmet, you might actually have a chance now. 
Doing your best to ignore his hands grabbing your hips and sliding up to your waist, you tried to come up with a way to distract him that might actually work. After a beat, you did the only thing you could think of that might give you a chance. 
You reached behind yourself and placed your hand over the bulge in his pants, then squeezed lightly. His hips bucked forward as his grip on your waist tightened. You palmed him through his pants, ignoring how absolutely fucking huge he feels, and waited until he placed his hands on the wall, caging you in. You took an experimental step back and grinned when he followed. 
Once you were far enough away from the wall and his hands were by his sides, you lunged for the weapon. You picked it up and were about to stand when his boot met your back, roughly shoving you to the floor. You scrambled to turn over, then pointed it at him from your sitting position. Your hope disappeared instantly when you were met with a second gun aimed at your face.  
“I have to say, I admire your confidence.” He chuckled, stalking toward you, making you shuffle away from him. “Give me the gun before you hurt yourself.” He sighed, holding his other hand out. You scowled at the patronizing tone and kept moving backwards. 
“I- I will shoot you.” You stammered, cringing at the way your voice wavered. 
“Use your head, princess. After you try to shoot me and miss, what do you think I’ll do, hm?” He cocked the gun to emphasize his point. His steps quickened and he placed his boot on your chest, pushing you down and making you fall on your back with a grunt of pain. He didn’t remove his foot as he leaned down a little and pressed the gun to your temple. 
“Give me the gun.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly and held his hand out. Your grip tightened as you swallowed thickly, debating what to do. His foot pushed down harder against your chest, making you whimper quietly. When he pushed down even harder, you finally handed him the weapon and the pressure lessened. He placed it in the holster on his leg, but didn’t remove his foot or the other gun from your body. 
“I’m not a very patient guy. If I were you, I wouldn’t pull that shit again unless you want a hole through your pretty little head. Do you understand?” He gritted, pushing the gun into your temple harder. You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded as your bottom lip quivered in fear. 
“Good.” He said quietly, then you felt him remove the gun and kneel over your waist. When you felt nothing for a few seconds, you opened your eyes to find him examining the weapon. He turned it over in his hand, then finally met your gaze. 
“And to think… you were doing so well too, princess. You're lucky I don’t just kill you right now for that little stunt.” You swallowed thickly and closed your eyes again, trying to ignore the fear that was bordering very close on arousal. 
The sound of metal meeting the concrete next to your head was almost deafening and your ears rang from the gun being fired so close to you. You let out a choked sob as you shook beneath him and reluctantly opened your eyes. 
“What do you say for me being so generous?” He prompted casually, as if he hadn’t just shot the ground inches from your head. 
“T-thank you.” You whispered, feeling your eyes burn as his figure got blurry. You squeezed your eyes shut again and bit your lip to hide the way it was trembling. 
“Are you scared?” He asked quietly, dragging the gun down your chest to your navel. All you could do was give him a small nod. 
“Look at me.” The way he spoke was almost comforting- almost made you want to obey. But apparently you took too long. The gun lifted your chin and he spoke more harshly this time. 
“Look. At. Me.” He growled. You opened your eyes and felt the remaining tears immediately fall down your temples as he brushed the barrel over your lips. 
“Open.” His tone left no room for argument, so you did what he said. The second your lips were parted, the gun was making its way inside your mouth. You gagged at the metallic taste, and then again once it brushed the back of your throat. He fucked it in and out of your mouth slowly and you just prayed it would be over soon. 
“It’d be a shame if my finger accidentally just… slipped.” He smirked. “For you though. I could still fuck you with your brain all over the floor.” You whined lowly, and he released a dark chuckle. 
“Yeah, I think I like that idea actually. Send you back to your daddy stuffed full of my come and with a hole in your pretty little head.” You let out a muffled cry and unconsciously squeezed your thighs together. 
“Let him see you for what you really are. Just a mindless fucktoy. Or… brainless.” He chuckled. 
Finally, finally, he removed the gun from your mouth. A trail of saliva connected your lips to the barrel which only increased your embarrassment. You panted quietly and looked up at him through wet lashes with furrowed brows. He groaned and tossed the gun to the side, then leaned over your face. 
“So fucked out already and we haven’t even started.” He whispered, the corner of his lips turning up in a smirk. You just stared at him breathlessly. “You know I think I deserve a little something for you being a tease earlier, don’t you?” You nodded dumbly and his smirk grew. 
He positioned you so that your arms were on the ground above your head, then shuffled up your body. He placed his knees on either side of your head, effectively immobilizing your arms. Wasting no time, he removed his length from his pants and took it in his hand, stoking it slowly above your face. 
It was even bigger than it felt… The tip was red and beading precum. You eyed the vein on the bottom and felt your hole flutter around nothing at the way it was almost visibly throbbing in his hand. You were brought out of your daze by him slapping his length on your cheek, smearing some of the precum there. 
“Open up, princess.” There was no hesitation when your mouth fell open. He slid his cock in, torturously slow, and didn’t stop until he met the resistance of your throat. “C’mon, relax your throat. I know a little slut like you can deep throat cock so fucking do it.” He growled, pushing deeper despite the way you were gagging and choking at the intrusion. 
Truthfully you’ve never been good at deepthroating. You’ve always struggled with the multitasking aspect of it- relaxing your throat, remembering to breathe, no teeth, trying to hold back your gag reflex, etc. 
He roughly pulled out, then slapped you, making you gasp. Grabbing your cheeks, he turned you back to him, then leaned down over you and spit into your open mouth. Fuck- if he keeps acting like this you feel like you might actually orgasm with no stimulation at all.  
“Swallow.” He demanded. You obeyed and he gave you a satisfied smile that made you want to keep being good so you could see it again. 
He entered you again, this time focusing on fucking your mouth rather than trying to get all of it in. You couldn’t tell which one was better though, because everytime he hit the back of your throat, you still gagged slightly. 
“God it’s like you were fucking made to take cock.” He said through a moan, snapping his hips faster. After another moment of this, he thrusted inside but didn’t pull out. He shoved his length so far down your throat that you couldn’t even gag. You watched through blurry eyes as he threw his head back with a near pornographic moan. When he finally pulled out, you coughed and sputtered as your chest heaved, taking in the much needed oxygen. 
He barely gave you a moment to recover before he was stuffing you full again, brutally fucking your mouth. His knees closed around your head to keep you from turning away from him. Hot tears rolled down your temples as you struggled to breathe through your nose. 
“Fuck- keep crying, princess. Makes me so fucking hard.” He said through a moan, making you release a muffled whimper. When you met his gaze, he practically went feral. His thrusts turned frantic and desperate as he chased his orgasm. Finally, he stilled, fully inside your mouth, and you felt hot come hitting your throat. His stifled moans and whimpers made you whine and clench your thighs together. He slowly pulled his fading erection from your mouth and you swallowed, then coughed violently. 
“One down, two to go.” He smirked, making you stiffen. Out of arousal or fear, you weren’t sure. He shuffled back down your body until he was between your legs. Gloved hands pried your thighs apart and you felt your cheeks heat up when he chuckled. 
“Look at that… Already soaked through your slutty little panties. Can’t say I’m necessarily surprised though.” He dragged his thumb over the damp fabric, making your hips buck into the friction. 
Pulling a knife from his pants, he twirled it in his hand before bringing it down to your body. He trailed the tip down from your navel to the top of your panties and you were frozen as you waited eagerly. The blade ran along the waistband until he reached the fabric covering your hip. He slid the knife under and pulled up, slicing the lace easily. You swallowed down a moan as he did the same to the other side. 
He pulled the fabric away from your body and held it up so you could see your arousal on it. You flushed and looked away from him. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him put them in his pocket. 
When warm and soft brushed your core, you jumped. He had taken off his glove and was slowly circling his thumb over your clit. You all but sobbed in relief at the much needed friction, even though his touch was feather light. 
“Please.” You whimpered, making him laugh under his breath. 
“Such a fucking slut… about to be raped and you’re literally begging for it.” The look of disdain on his face made you frown. 
“I- I’m sorry.” 
“You’re sorry for being a slut or for begging me to rape you?” Your brows furrowed as you tried to think of what answer he wants. “Hm?” He added with a tilt of his head. 
“I don’t know...” You said timidly. 
“Course you don’t.” He snickered, making you flush in embarrassment. “Are there even any brains to spill or is it just empty up there?” You frowned and looked away from him. His hand came down on your clit, the pain making you release a choked moan.
“Fuck.” You cried, biting your lip to stifle any other sounds. He hit you hard. And you were just praying that was the first and only one because you’re not sure if you can take another. His thumb went back to rubbing light circles on your clit and you watched as his gaze roamed your body. 
You wanted to beg him again. Beg him for more- for anything he’d be willing to give you as long as it was just more. But you were scared that he would hit you again or worse, stop completely. 
He removed his hand, making you whine, and brought it up to your face. Two fingers entered your mouth and he pushed down on the back of your tongue, intentionally making you gag. He fucked them in and out slowly, then pulled back once he was satisfied with how wet they were. 
Those same fingers roughly breached your opening and he wasted no time rapidly curling them up against your walls. You let out a choked sob at the sudden stimulation and subconsciously tried to squirm away from it. He slapped your thigh in a warning, making you mewl. 
“God you’re so fucking wet.” The degrading tone made you cry out and squeeze your eyes shut from embarrassment. He inserted a third finger and you finally felt the burn of the stretch. When you felt his breath fan your lips, you opened your eyes to find him leaning over your face. 
“You like it, don’t you?” He asked you curiously. All you could do was nod with a small whimper. “Of course you do.” He scoffed, grinding the heel of his hand against your clit.
“Your poor daddy... Where'd he go wrong, hm? Did he not spend enough time with you?” He frowned in mock sympathy. “Is that why you’re such a whore?” 
“Please.” You whined, feeling so delirious with pleasure, you could barely focus on his words. The knot of arousal in your stomach was so fucking tight it almost hurt. 
“What are you begging for, princess?” 
“I- I want to come… Please make me come.” You whimpered. You could feel yourself growing closer to your climax and you arched up into his body as you tilted your head back with a lewd moan. 
“Poor thing… You’re close, aren’t you?” You nodded rapidly and tried to focus on your impending orgasm. 
He roughly yanked his fingers from you and you cried out as you came back down from the edge. 
“No no- please! You have to let me come, please!” Your incoherent babbling made him place his hand on your neck and squeeze until the only sounds you could release were little squeaks. 
“You’re not used to being told no, are you, princess?” He raised his brows and you frowned. “I have no intention of making you come tonight. But if you’re good… I might change my mind.” You nodded quickly as hope filled your chest. 
When you felt the blunt head of his cock brush through your folds, you froze in anticipation. He teased your entrance, then dragged it up to your clit, and repeated the motions. 
“Please…” You croaked, barely able to get out the word with his hand on your neck. 
“Say it. Beg me to rape you.” He ordered, just barely pressing the tip inside of you before removing it. His grip loosened around your neck and you took in a heavy breath now that you were actually able to. 
“Please r-“ You cut yourself off with a choked sob and looked away from him as your cheeks grew warm. “Please.” 
“I'm not gonna do it unless you say it, princess.” He slapped his cock against your clit a few times, making you jolt and let out a long, embarrassed whine. 
“I can’t.” 
“Need I remind you that you’re here for a reason. I can use a different method to get the same result and I promise it’ll be much more painful for you.” 
You let out a shaky breath and closed your eyes, feeling your lips tremble. You want it. He knows you want it. But you don’t know if you’ll even be able to get the words out. 
“Please fuck me.” You whimpered, looking at him with furrowed brows. He looked at you with faux disappointment and sighed. 
“Maybe you just need some motivation.” He said, then his hand was moving from your neck and being replaced with a knife. Your breath hitched at the cold metal and you stiffened beneath him. 
“I wonder how much I’ll have to hurt you before you finally just say it.” He sighed, trailing the tip of the blade down your neck to your chest. 
“Maybe I'll have to carve it into your pretty skin.” You trembled beneath him but other than that you were completely frozen. “Let’s find out.” He smirked. You held your breath as the pressure of the blade increased. After only a second or two you gave in. 
“Please rape me!” You blurted loudly, waiting for the pressure to be removed. When it wasn’t, you continued. “Please, I- I want you to rape me.” You sobbed. After another beat he finally removed the knife. 
“All you had to do was ask, baby.” He purred, leaning down and licking the bead of blood pooling on your chest. 
His cock entered you so quickly, it felt like all of the air was punched out of your lungs. He didn’t stop until his hips were pressed to yours. Groaning loudly, he only paused for half a second before sliding back out then slamming in again. 
“Fuck- how’s a whore like you so tight, huh?” He asked breathlessly. All you could do was stare at him, brows furrowed and mouth open in a silent moan. It burned. You were in no way a virgin but he’s big and you didn’t have the prep you’re used to getting. 
Lifting your legs to hang over his shoulders, he changed the pace, mercilessly pounding your hole. He was chasing his own pleasure, that much was obvious in the way he fucked you. But for some sick reason, that turned you on even more.
“God, fuck- Maybe I’ll keep you here- have a fleshlight at my disposal 24/7. How does that sound, princess?” He said through a moan. You squeezed your eyes shut and released a pathetic sob as you shook your head. “No? But baby, I could feel you clench around my cock when I said that.” Your whole face felt like it was on fire. It probably looked that way too, based on his chuckle. 
He continued the brutal pace and you felt like you couldn’t catch your breath because of how fast he was fucking you. By now, the pain mostly subsided and was replaced with an aching need to come. 
“Look at you,” He cooed. “You just love being raped don’t you?” You were about to whine and shake your head but he continued before you could. “Don’t bother denying it, princess. I can tell you’re about to come on my cock any minute now.” He smirked. As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. 
“But you don’t have permission yet, do you?” He raised his brows and tilted his head, emphasizing the question. 
“Do you wanna know what will happen if you come before I say you can?” You knew his question was rhetorical so you didn’t respond. “I’m gonna pull out and ruin it. And then I’m gonna fuck your ass. Even if you’re not screaming and crying in pain, you definitely won’t be coming from that.” 
You let out a lewd moan before you could control it and he chuckled under his breath. 
“I’m gonna fuck your ass until I’m ready to come and then I’ll stick it back in your little cunt and fill you up. You’d think someone who’s such a fucking whore would be on birth control...” He laughed to himself and you stiffened. 
“But it probably won’t take the first time. So I’ll have to rape your ass again and again, getting myself right to the edge, then filling up your pussy each time.” You made a mental note to remember to get some plan b after he lets you go. 
…If he lets you go. 
While the thought should make you sick to your stomach, you found that you felt maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. The realization that you felt that way is what actually made you sick to your stomach. But despite that, you could feel yourself growing closer to the edge, especially after his words. 
“Please.” You whimpered breathlessly. “Please let me come.” He cooed mockingly and the sound went straight to your aching cunt. “Please, it- it hurts.” You whined, pouting and watching your vision go blurry from tears of desperation. 
“Yeah, baby? Is your little cunt just aching for some release?” You nodded as a whimper escaped your trembling lips and his thrusts slowed into gentle rocking. 
“Clearly I have my work cut out for me.” He chuckled. “If you’re gonna be my fuck toy, you’re exactly that. A toy. Your only purpose is to get me off. Now if you keep whining about it, then I’ll do what I said and rape your ass instead.” His tone turned dark and for the first time in a few minutes you actually felt afraid again. 
“I- I’m sorry.” You whispered, not able to meet his eyes. 
“I know you are, princess. That’s why I gave you a warning.” 
“Thank you…” You said quietly. 
“You’re welcome. Now how about you shut the fuck up and let me get myself off, hm?” Your stomach twisted at his words, but in the way that it added to your arousal, not your fear. You nodded and stared at him with wide eyes. “Good girl.” And then he was brutally pounding your hole again. 
You watched the way his eyes rolled back into his head and his mouth dropped open in a silent moan. You could faintly see his eyebrows furrowing above the mask. When he opened his eyes again and looked back at you, he growled and leaned into your neck. He left a few kisses before roughly biting the sensitive skin, making you whimper. He sucked the skin into his mouth for a few seconds, then pulled back and moved to a new spot. 
As far as you could count, you think he left about six in total. But your mind was already too hazy so you didn’t completely trust your math at the moment. Around the third hickey, you brought your hand up to his hair and pulled on it. It was only after the fifth one that you realized what you did and that he didn’t stop you. He kissed his way up to your ear and panted for a moment. 
“You ready to take my come?” He whispered, his thrusts growing more erratic and frenzied. You nodded quickly with a loud moan and felt his breath against your ear as he laughed quietly. 
Part of you wanted him to come already because you wanted him to fill you up. But the larger part needed him to finish soon because you were only a few thrusts away from not being able to control your impending orgasm anymore. 
His hand wrapped around your neck again and he snapped his hips against you twice more, before burying himself to the hilt inside of you. He rested his head in the crook of your neck and bit your skin when the volume of his moans increased, making you whimper and tighten your grip on his hair. Despite him being completely inside of you, he still bucked his hips forward, trying to bury himself even deeper, emphasizing each thrust with a low groan. 
The feeling of his come flooding you was quickly bringing you to your orgasm and you prayed he was almost done. After one last buck of his hips, he released your skin from his teeth and let out a heavy sigh. 
“I wasn’t being completely serious when I said that stuff about keeping you, but now I’m actually considering it.” He mumbled making you laugh but still clench his cock as his words went straight to your pussy. He hissed and leaned up until his face was above yours. His eyes moved between yours and your lips and you stared at him breathlessly as you waited for his next move. 
Instead of kissing you like you were hoping he would, he leaned up completely and gently placed your legs back down around his hips. He slowly pulled out of you, making you whine at the emptiness, and you felt his cum leaking out of you and dripping down to your ass. But then you felt his fingers, bringing it back up and pushing it inside you again. You internally begged him to put his fingers inside of you- or anything, just as long as you were full again. 
He seemed to pause in thought, then removed his hand and grabbed your panties from his pocket. He wiped his own dick then moved on to you. You flinched at the rough material being rubbed over your sensitive clit as he cleaned you up. Finally he tossed them on the ground next to you and stood up, tucking himself back in his pants. 
He grabbed his phone from his pocket and took a few photos of you, the sound of the camera deafening in the silent room. 
You laid there, panting, dripping cum, desperate for release. He just collected his weapons and helmet and started walking out. 
“W-wait!” You called after him, moving to a sitting position. 
“What?” He barked, making you flinch. 
“Will… will I see you again?” You asked quietly, your face blushing all the way down to your chest. He walked back over to you and you felt your stomach drop, worried you had made him change his mind about killing you. He leaned down so his face was level with yours and you watched his gaze move between your eyes, then to your lips. He looked like he was deep in thought. His jaw clenched and you bit your lip, trying to contain any reactions. 
“The next time I need to fuck something, I’ll find you.” Your eyes fluttered at his response, your heart beating faster in your chest at the promise of a next time. But also beating faster in your cunt at his blatant objectification of you. Christ, maybe you should try therapy, you thought with an internal scoff. He gave you a small smirk, then walked out. You didn’t stop him this time. 
Part 2
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moodymisty · 4 months
Hello 🌹I hope you are doing well in life. I'm so glad you're accepting requests again. In a way, I've been coming to tumblr for your blog lately✨ Sanguinius/aristocratic reader from Terra. A performance or concert on the next conquered planet. It was a long campaign, it took several primarchs to subjugate the world. And now the event is going on (they are in a separate box), the reader becomes bored and she casually invites Sanguinius to do something more interesting (🤭❤️‍🔥). He says that his brothers or sons may hear. And the reader objects that they are probably busy with something else and will not pay attention. As a result, someone heard it and was very surprised that the reader was capable of such a thing. And she calmly reacts something like “you underestimate my power”))) Something like this, you can change the conditions in any direction❤
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: So sorry for this taking so long first of all! This one got stuck at the bottom of my ask box and I've finally gotten to it. I hope you enjoy and that it's worth the wait!
Relationships: Sanguinius/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Some semi-public handsiness, The implication of Sanguinius drinking your blood and enjoying it
Word Count: 1046
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"If I'd known this would end up so boring, I would've considered faking being sick."
Sanguinus with an ever so slight turn of his head, looks down at you from the corner of his eye and smiles.
"Then I would've had to rely on Corvus to help me negotiate. Would you not spare me such a fate?"
You jokingly reply that perhaps you would, though it's not as if he often needs it.
Sanguinius; The Great Angel, the son of the Emperor, but foremost a mutant. It hadn't been easy, making so many overlook such a glaring, unmissable detail. Even with as resplendent as he is, it is impossible to ignore the great white wings that cue into his technically mutated being.
Residents of the current Imperium have, but many planets that the Blood Angels come across have less than stellar reactions to Sanguinius on first impression.
Impressions after however, tend to fair far better.
Leaning back into the plush seat you look away from whatever display the planet is putting on- the closest word you can use for it is play- and your head tilts to rest on Sanguinius' bicep. He's no longer dawning his armor, though his sword rests right beside him, and instead is dressed up in ornate woven clothing from Baal.
In red, of course. Part of you wonders if he simply prefers to match his legion's title, or if he enjoys being a cliche.
You attempt to hold back a sigh, and instead let out a yawn and roll your eyes. If you're bored, you can't imagine how his men are feeling, having been on the battlefield not two days ago and are now here chomping at the bit.
"Why can't we return to your quarters on the Red Tear already?"
Sanguinus looks down at you as you lean against him. His smile isn't as wide as it was before, still sitting upright.
"You're lucky my brothers aren't within earshot to misconstrue your words, my love."
Though they are here. You can't find Corvus, but you do see Guilliman in his distinctive blue across the theater; Though his head is hung oddly low.
You elect not to point out to Sanguinius that he's fallen asleep.
"And how do you know that they would be misconstruing it?" You say instead, looking up towards him and failing to completely hold in a devious smirk.
Sanguinus, instead of taking the demure but seductive bait you’ve laid out for him, scolds you instead.
"You should clean that mouth of yours then, with my sons so close."
As if Sanguinius has never before said something a bit lewd. You roll your eyes and look up at him with the sweetest, softest face you can muster, head tilted to one side.
“I highly doubt they are be able to hear us in a room this soundproofed.”
You know that despite your high collared clothes that there's a mark- one of many- he's left on your neck that's still fading, and it's implication might be just the thing you need to bring him closer to you.
When your lips touch finished speaking you watch the way his eyes leave your own for a moment, darting downward.
While you know that in almost every aspect he can overpower you, outsmart you, at the end of the day he is still distinctly human.
"I think that mind of yours will be one of the few things I will never truly understand."
Sanguinus' massive size difference often times makes the simplest of things so difficult, as he presses a hand into the arm of your chair farthest away in order to lean down closer to you.
His eyes are soft, ever so slightly hooded, as his hair tickles your cheek. You had little interest in the spectacle put on for your beloved to begin with, but now that you have his complete attention it’s faded to little more than background noise.
His lips press against yours, warm- trapping your upper lip between his own. You can't help but softly moan into his mouth as you finally get what you wanted, feeling his other hand lay against your thigh.
It dances along your leg, large and covering so much of your thigh; Now it sits tantalizingly close to the apex. Your legs spread slightly to give him room that you desperately hope he'll make use of, not that you've convinced him. Your body is hot, lower stomach tight.
When he pulls away he doesn't leave for long, lips drifting across your cheek before pressing against the pulse point just below the corner of your jaw.
He can feel the way your blood pulses underneath your skin, against his lips, and his desire grows. He likes to torture himself with it, perhaps. With the sound of your heartbeat, and the though of a taste.
Sanguinus has nigh unbeatable restraint when it comes to the curse put upon him and his sons, but it doesn’t mean you haven’t convinced him to give in once or twice.
His lips brush along your neck and your hands weave into his hair, breaths becoming quicker. Sanguinus, once against the idea now presses against you harder, pushing you into the seat, his hesitance forgotten or simply abandoned.
Neither of you hear the sound of the door to the private stall opening until it is almost too late, and two of his sons spot their primarch quickly pulling away from you and leaning back upright. He looks at them, turned in his seat. Sanguinus looks as picturesque as usual apart from a slightly jostling of his hair, but you look out of breath, clothes wrinkled.
The slightly larger of the two Astartes clears his throat.
"Lord Sanguinus," The Blood Angel nearly stumbles over his words in a rare fit of discomfort.
"We should depart now. Corvus wishes to speak to you aboard the Red Tear."
The angel nods to his sons and rises, before offering you one massive hand. You gently take it, and he looks down at you and shakes his head. You know exactly what he’s thinking and you can’t help feel a bit prideful about it, even more so when he leans down just slightly to whisper to you.
"You will be my end, you know."
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stitching-in-time · 1 month
Voyager rewatch s1 ep2: Parallax
This is the good stuff!!! I just rewatched this with a smile on my face the whole time. Great character stuff for B'Elanna, Janeway and Chakotay. I love these early eps where they have the tension of the Starfleet and Maquis crews not knowing eachother yet and trying to learn to work together. The first of Voyager's long line of 'let's go poke a stick at a space anomoly' type episodes, this one is certainly one of, if not the, best. The anomoly itself has an interesting concept, and watching B'Elanna and Janeway come together to figure it out is just...chef's kiss!! I can't begin to explain how awesome it was to watch this as a little girl and see a woman captain and woman engineer vibing together and rattling off their technobabble and being the ones to come up with the Brilliant Plan That Saves the Day with their technical know how. Watching it today, I'm still sitting there with heart eyes and mouthing along when they say 'warp particles' in unison. It was, and is, A Moment!!
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Warp particles, you will always be famous!!!
I also loved when Kes suggested making a cargo hold into a hydroponic bay and Janeway is just like, 'yeah, do it!' without any hesitation. They may be fictional characters, but I've been in Kes's situation in real life, where I suggested something and a got told 'yeah, do it, it's your project now' by a woman I respected and looked up to. Even though I had absolutely no experience, and had never thought of leading any kind of project myself, knowing she believed I could do it was a huge deal that altered how I thought of myself. When women are in charge, they're more likely to look at younger women as inherently capable and give them opportunities, and that's how society changes. Looking at a vision of the future where that's an average, commonplace occurrence is pretty darn awesome.
Also, the comic relief in this one works too, the Doctor's bit is silly but actually serves as part of the singularity plot (nice!), and I love Tom Paris not understanding how the singularity works, and Captain Janeway basically telling him it's cute that he's wrong, and then she literally tells him he can't come on the mission because she needs someone smart, so she's taking B'Elanna. LOL get wrecked Paris! But seriously, comic relief Paris is far preferable to obnoxious smarmy Paris, and the white guy being the one who has to have things explained to him for once is a nice change.
Anyway, bottom line: I love this episode!!!
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routeraven · 2 years
Why Suorin Air Replacement Pods are the Best Choice of All
When it comes to the best replacement pods for your pod-style vapor device, there are plenty of options out there. From standard flat-bottom versions to a variety of other designs that you can use to upgrade your device or bring new life to an older model. You might be wondering why we’re talking about pods right now. After all, isn’t this article supposed to be about Suorin Air replacement pods? Well, kind of – but not exactly…
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Because while these pods aren’t technically designed to work specifically with the Suorin Air vape pod system, they are hands down the best choice available at this time if you own one of these devices and want a more convenient way to refill it.
Why You Should Use Suorin Air Replacement Pods
Before we get into the reasons why you should buy these particular pods, it’s important to understand why pods in general make sense for pod-style devices like the Suorin Air. The main advantage of pods over standard refill methods is convenience – pods are easier to use.
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They’re self-contained, you don’t have to worry about losing any parts or misplacing pieces, and they’re super easy to refill and get back to vaping again. That’s why it makes even more sense to use specific pods designed for your device if you own a Suorin Air. Sure, standard pods will work just fine, but you won’t be able to make use of one of the Air’s key features.
These pods make it easy to draw from your device using a mouth-actuated draw trigger that’s similar to the one found on the JUUL pods. This is a huge convenience for pod users, especially those who are new to the world of vaping.
What is the Suorin Air?
The Suorin Air is a sleek little pod-style vapor device that is intended to be used with oils and other e-liquids. It’s smaller and sleeker than most pod devices, making it a great option for those who prefer a more discreet vaping experience.
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The Air also includes a 1.2 ohm coil that is suitable for use with higher-VG juices.
The coil is also removable and replaceable, which means that you can use any other coil you like on the device. The Air is the first pod device to feature Suorin’s “Draw-Actuated Eject” system, which allows for easy, hands-free operation and eliminates the need for a manual button.
Suorin Air Mods with the pod-replacing capability is your best option for vaping needs. Suorin has specifically developed the potent replacement pods that can carry 3ml of e-liquid and are built on a fine plastic of PCTG that causes no harm to your vape juice and supports the Suorin Air Mod 40 W vape system in order to maintain this luxurious vaping connection.
If you're looking for the ideal pod replacements for your Suorin Air Mods, choose these superbly crafted Suorin Replacement Pods and let the uninterrupted flavours that are so sumptuously given by its technologically sophisticated invention help you unwind after a stressful day. Enjoy the splendour of these convenient, pocket-friendly Suorin-designed pods as you vape.
The Reasons Why You Should Select Suorin Air Replacement Pods
If you’re convinced that pods are the way to go for your Suorin Air, you might be wondering which pods are the best to buy. While there are plenty of options out there, not all pods are created equal. Let’s take a look at three reasons why Suorin Air replacement pods are the best option for your device. Here are the reasons why you should select Suorin Air replacement pods:
They’re easy to use, draw-activated pods that feature a hands-free operation just like the ones in your device.
You can use them with a variety of e-liquids – preferably high-VG liquids with a higher nicotine content.
You get a convenient and reliable draw every time with no buttons or manual operations required.
3 Reasons to Buy These Pods Instead of Other Options
There are plenty of other pod options out there and some of them are actually the same brand as the pods we’re recommending. So why should you buy these pods instead of the others?
Ease of Use - As we’ve already discussed, one of the main advantages of pods is that they’re super easy to use. If you’re using standard pods, though, you won’t be able to take advantage of one of the Air’s biggest selling points – its draw-activated mechanism. Suorin Air replacement pods feature an easy-to-use draw-activated operation that works just like the ones in your device.
Versatility - Another significant advantage of these pods is that they can be used with a variety of e-liquids. You can fill them with your favorite high-VG e-liquid and they’ll work just fine.
Price - Last but not least, pods are generally more affordable than other refill methods. Suorin Air replacement pods are no exception – they’re generally less expensive than other options.
Bottom Line
If you own a Suorin Air, you should definitely consider replacing your pods with Suorin Air replacement pods. They make the device even more convenient and easy to use, and they are a great choice for those who want to use their Air with high-VG e-liquids. In fact, considering everything they have to offer, these pods are the best choice of all when it comes to choosing replacement pods for your Suorin Air vape pod system.
0 notes
jauctin · 2 years
Improve Knowledge About Best Liver Supplement
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A liver is just very important appendage of the body that will need true attention and care. Your own liver is similar dimensions like a football, making it believed to be the second largest body part. The item is placed for the best part of one's abs, actually beneath your individual rib competition. We all know that the liver works as a all-natural filtration system to search through all of the body, eradicating the poisons and even toxins. Is it possible you at any time desire to problems a real critical body part whom helps to keep someone overall in good condition? You and your family can’t buy the item. A great inable liver can possibly poorly effect your overall health, as well as for sure, you’ll result in experiencing bad medical concerns. As a consequence of not sufficient mineral, supplements, or vitamin supplements in your diet, our team don’t and even notice the effect it has the reasons to our own liver in addition to other parts of the body. For that reason, there are a lot necessary treatments to produce with the damage to essential nutrients. Unlike the existing cases, folks have so now incorporated additional tablets in to their daily diet, knowing the countless positive aspects these people acquire from them.
A few food supplements fix growing. Some people facilitate detox harmful toxins of your overall body. Then again, how would you discover which liver supplement is right for you precisely what in case you own? We offer enlisted lots of liver supplements this particular advise together with their benefits to discovering the right one for your needs! Our very own masters check out all the products reported through this guide and so discuss their situation with the creators to verify a safe and secure suggestions. Live Conscious liverwell, Organifi liver reset, PureHealth Research liver health formula, Zenith Labs Zenith Detox, Gundry MD Complete liver support, ActivatedYou Morning Complete, 1MD liverMD, Amy Myers MD liver support, Phytage Labs Urgent liver 911, and VitaPost liver support plus are definitely the best liver health supplements that people preferably should begin using to keep their specific liver effectually. Most liver cleanse supplements which you'll find stated above accommodates by some means close to comparable gains which include the rest. A couple of jobs really fast, quite a few are better. To position your supplements as outlined by best better to bottom level, our team prioritized people as per a few things. Healthier is always to visit here or check out your recognized how does someone learn about with regard to the top liver supplements.
With regards to a number of us required at a liver physical condition pill was actually making use of turned out fixings. Scientific study has distributed numerous studies checking out the best way vitamins and nutrients, nutrient deposits, crops, and native aims at influence liver wellness. Many of us widely used improvements of which pre-owned the idea collecting resources to manufacture the situation. A wide range of liver health supplements feature surprisingly below average measurement. A few wellness supplements have got suitable fixings available at a number not acceptable data. People currently have dosages which have been constantly lower for you to customize total body in virtually any capabilities. I most loved liver health supplements subject to technically rewarding actions. Our company has exclusively designed models which all have a hard background show them health supplements. Distributors that have been in your nonetheless your authorized recognized to produce heallth supplements for benefits can also be for instance report. Along with acquiring their list, our team taken into account typically the highly regarded, crystal-clear, and in addition verified brands. You are able to have a look at this blog to receive entire right now regarding liver cleanse supplements.
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sserpente · 3 years
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A/N: Heyho there my lovelies! I’m finally back! I missed posting so much! This Imagine is based on a TikTok I found and what can I say? It inspired me! After this, next up, will be the 20k Special! Enjoy everyone!
Words: 3205 Warnings: colour-blindness
“What if I never find him?” You murmured, glancing at the fruit bowl with a saddened expression. Yellow bananas, green grapes, red apples. To you, they were all different shades of grey. Dull and boring, like you had been sucked into a 30s black-and-white film. Only you didn’t get a cheesy romance out of it.
You had been born with what doctors today would call a ‘remarkably rare, complicated and fascinating condition’, for you had lost all of your colour vision at the age of twelve. You still remembered what the world had looked like before—bright, rich, intense—then someone flicked a switch overnight and all you could still see was grey, grey, grey and greyer. The colours would only ever come back to you once you found the love of your life—your soulmate.
A sigh escaped your lips. Only a few people still existed with this… defect and to make things worse, you had had no idea you were one of them. Not until your twelfth birthday. Society admired and pitied you all the same and yet, being a hopeless romantic, at the end of the day, you longed to finally fall in love.
Tony chuckled. “Heads up. You’re too young to worry about settling down anyway.” He responded cheerfully and pointed at you with a screwdriver in hand. He had been trying to fix the dishwasher for a solid twenty minutes now and for a man who had built himself a pretty much indestructible suit that could fly, it was utterly amusing he couldn’t figure out why it had stopped working.
You were not an Avenger, mind you. The sole reason you were, as of right now, in the Avengers’ kitchen munching on grey chocolate chips was that your best friend, who in turn was friends with Clint’s wife, had managed to flood your shared flat over the weekend. It was utterly inhabitable now and it would take quite a while for the landlord to get it all dried up again—and since insurance would not cover the cost for staying in a hotel, for the time being, Clint’s wife had suggested you’d stay with them—right until Tony Stark had shown up and you had graciously offered you’d come hang out at the Avengers Tower. Okay, technically you had begged him but either way and needless to say, you had jumped at the opportunity and somehow even hoped that you would learn some dirty superhero secrets—but so far, nothing. Nothing but what superheroes did when they were not out and about saving the world. Truth be told, seeing Thor in Hello Kitty pyjamas and witnessing Natasha Romanoff of all people scream watching an Asian horror film had its perks but you had somehow expected for them to be called in for an urgent mission where they required a skill only you had and then they would rely on your help and you would fight and become an Avenger and… your fanfiction had always sounded too good to be true.
“Are you still there? How is that fruit bowl so interesting?” Snapping yourself out of your thoughts, you blinked.
“Sorry. What were you saying?”
“I was saying that…”
“Tony?” It was Bruce who interrupted you two, peeking his head into the kitchen almost timidly. You waved at him and he nodded, yet he failed to reciprocate your smile. Uh-Oh.
“Did something happen?”
The scientist nodded. “You might wanna put on your suit.”
“What happened?”
Bruce pursed his lips. “We’ve located Loki.”
Your eyes were still widened by the time you rushed after Tony even after he had told you explicitly (three times, to be exact) to stay put and hide until he had been put in custody.
The Loki. God of Mischief, Thor’s brother, Frost Giant, the I-tried-to-take-over-the-planet-guy. It was exciting, somehow, meeting a villain and oh, would it fuel you for your fan fiction. You almost bumped straight into Thor when they all came to a halt all of a sudden, his body a wall of flesh and muscle and making you grunt in pain—you might as well have hit a brick wall. With his hammer in hand, he ensured no one would approach his dangerous brother closely enough for him to try anything funky.
But the fact that Loki was even more handsome in person and the first villain you ever saw in person when he turned around the corner with a proud and arrogant expression on his face despite his shackles, was not what startled you to the core.
All of a sudden, there were colours. Everywhere.
Your lips parted, the impact of all the pigmentation around you making you dizzy. Loki’s armour was black, his cape was green, his eyes were blue, and his hair reminded you of the plumage of a raven. And your surroundings... The compound was silver now, the sceptre they had taken from him golden. Nauseous, you held on to Thor’s muscly arm for support. The God of Thunder frowned in concern. His eyes were blue too, his hair blonde, his cape red… too… many… colours. You suppressed a gag, overwhelmed by the sudden return of your colour vision.
“Are you okay?” Thor asked.
“G-guys… I can see colours.”
Every single head in the room, including Loki’s, turned in your direction so fast you flinched. Tony’s face was the first to fall in response.
“You are joking, right?”
Mutely, you shook your head. Your eyes locked with Loki’s, electricity rippling through you when they did. His blue irises froze you from the inside out, like each and every one of your limbs failed to resist the magnetic pull you felt towards him, and your cells longed for you to throw yourself into his arms—despite the fact he was handcuffed... and for a good reason too. Swallowing thickly, you forced yourself to look away.
Loki was your soulmate. That was impossible; and quite frankly, the god in question appeared to be thinking the exact same thing.
You chewed on your lower lip, anything to distract yourself from your predicament all the while everyone was still staring at you like you had grown two more heads.
“Take him to the cells, I’ll stay with her.” Clint’s hand on your shoulder did little to console you. Part of you still barely resisted the urge to start at Loki like a succubus, the other… the other was terrified and meant to hide in the archer’s embrace.
You could feel Loki’s blue gaze still resting on you when he led you away from the scene, staring daggers into your back and rendering you speechless until you were finally out of sight and Clint shook your shoulder gently.
“Are you sure it’s not one of the security guards that helped bring him in?”
“No… no, I saw them first. Loki was behind them. It’s… I don’t know how to explain it but somehow, Loki was in colour first, you know what I mean? First him and then, a split second later, everything else was colourful too.”
“And now?”
“Now what?”
“Do you still see in colour now?”
“Of course I do.” Clint sighed and buried his face in his hands.
“So what happens if you don’t… act on this soulmate thing?”
“Nothing. Nothing happens.” You said.
“So you don’t have to… stay close to Loki or anything?”
“No. Not that I know of. But Clint—“
“Good. Because he might find a way to use you against us. Stay away from him. Thor’ll take him back to Asgard soon enough. All we need to do first is find the Tesseract.”
Your lips were pursed when he turned to check on them and if Loki was wreaking havoc while they were trying to get him imprisoned.
Stay away from him? Of course… it was the most reasonable thing to do. Loki was dangerous, a criminal… but was that right? Now that you had found your soulmate in him?
You couldn’t get him out of your head that night. Screw the danger, you had to see him. And eventually, your curiosity and that inexplicable and strange pull you felt towards Loki got the better of you. With a deep breath, you threw your covers back and let your bare feet hit the cold floor before quietly tiptoeing out into the dark and empty hallway.
Your blood was rushing in your ears, making you hear things your paranoia and imagination cooked up to the point your heart was pounding in your chest so hard and fast you feared it might jump right out of your ribcage. No one could know, of course. Clint would positively kill you—he, along with Tony, somewhat considered himself responsible for you here. You couldn’t really blame them. If something happened to you, they’d never forgive themselves. You were an innocent civilian, after all.
And now you had been tossed into the greatest fanfiction yet. Shivering, for the cold slowly crept into your bare skin and through the tanktop and shorts you were wearing to sleep, you finally reached the corridor leading to the elevator. The prison cells, a rather new addition to Stark Tower, were located at the very bottom, the cellar, or… what you preferred to call it, a modern dungeon.
You found Loki with his back turned to you in his cell, looking pale through the glass pane. Your heart skipped a beat when he suddenly spoke up.
“I expected you would find a way to come and see me at some point. I’d dare say the Avengers have taken quite the precautions to keep you as far away from me as possible.” He mused. He lifted his chin, approaching the glass window.
It was quite ridiculous to assume that this tiny and meagre prison would keep the Trickster at bay after everything he had proven to be capable of. If only he wanted to, he could shatter that glass with but a flick of his wrist or break the heavy metal door posing as the only barrier between you.
If you were to just… unlock that door to touch him… it would be so easy. Blinking rapidly, you shook your head to chase the thought away.
“Who are you?” He asked and for just a brief moment, you believed to see genuine interest and curiosity sparkling in his stunning blue eyes.
“No one, really. You already know my name, I presume but that’s all there is. I’m not special—I mean, I don’t have superpowers. I’m just a regular human with a rare condition.”
“Oh, I see. Surely you had not hoped for a criminal of all people to be your soulmate then? A murderer? A monster?” His expression hardened.
Yes. But you were not going to tell him that. He was still the person to have made you see colours again, regardless of who he was and what he had done. There must have been a connection between you, you felt it after all! And you were certain that he felt it too.
“Thor will take me back to Asgard and the great King Odin,” he continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm, “will surely have me executed. You will never see me again. So do not worry.”
“I don’t want that.” You finally chirped, barely daring to look him in the eye. His gaze was scrutinising and intimidating… almost as if he was able to see right into your soul with but one single glance.
Loki frowned.
“I bet you’re not happy about this, are you?” A desperate scoff escaped your lips. “I’m not sure I am…” You confessed and sat down on the chair in front of the window. It creaked a little under your weight, the unpleasant sound echoing through the empty hallway.
This man right in front of you was not be trusted and yet, the desire to pour your heart out to him was so strong you felt it like a sea of emotions attempting to drown you.
“You know ever since my twelfth birthday I wondered when I would finally meet my soulmate. Who they would be, what they would be like… and then so many years passed I was beginning to worry I might never see colours again. That I’d be alone and grey for the rest of my life.”
Loki licked his lips and glanced up at you, listening intently to every single word you said.
“Now I met you and they all tell me not to trust you. I mean… I know who you are, I know what you’ve done. I can’t say I’m happy about the fact my soulmate is…” You stopped yourself, breathing in sharply. “What was the universe thinking? You are a god and I’m just… me. We live light-years apart!”
Eventually, after a moment of surprisingly pleasant silence between you, Loki hummed. “The Norns do have interesting ways.” He said, locking his eyes with yours, almost as if he was pondering if… if what? If he could imagine being with you?
“So what should we do? Never speak of it again? Pretend we have never met? I can’t just… come to Asgard with you.” You held your breath when you realised what you were considering here. Loki must have thought the same. He smirked in response—not mockingly but bitterly. “Odin would never allow a mortal on Asgard. If I was to survive my trial, that is.”
“Don’t say that. I don’t care you’re a criminal right now, I just found my soulmate, and I don’t want to lose him again right away, regardless of what happens between us.”
With a start, his face fell. “Nothing will happen between us. That would be unnecessarily cruel, would it not? Your life in the nine realms is but a heartbeat compared to mine.”
“So… this is goodbye?”
Loki hesitated. You noticed by the way his lips slightly parted without a single sound escaping them just yet.
“Yes. This is goodbye.”
The fruit bowl had become your new best friend. In the morning, tired and rather absent, you sat at the kitchen table holding on to a steaming mug of coffee all the while studying the different colours of the fruit before you like a complicated Maths formula.
“Did you have a good chat last night?” Clint barked at you when he entered the room, skipping the ‘Good morning’.
“With Loki?” He probed, raising his eyebrows in an I-already-know-what-you’ve-done manner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You said, shaking your head and focusing your gaze on the fruit bowl again. Yellow bananas, green grapes, red apples. In colour.
You flinched when Tony spoke your name. “We saw the footage on our security cameras. You sneaked to his cell last night knowing fully well why you should stay away from him, especially with… with… you know.”
Fuck… the security cameras. You had completely forgotten about those! Of course the legendary Tony Stark would have had security cameras installed all over the damn place!
Busted, you shrugged your shoulders as nonchalantly as you could muster. “I just wanted to talk him. I had to talk to him. I know what you’re all thinking—that he’s evil and brutal and cruel and ruthless… and… and you’re probably right? I… I don’t even know but… he is still my soulmate. I can see colours again because of him for Fuck’s sake! I can’t just… ignore that.”
“I get it. We don’t know what it must feel like. But it’s for the best. We don’t want him to hurt you.”
“I am his soulmate, too. He wouldn’t dare hurt me. You know maybe he’s not the monster you all think he is.”
“Are you saying that because you know him so well after last night or because that is what you want to believe?”
Both. “I just… have a feeling.”
“Right.” Tony clapped his hands. Your name left his lips almost like a plea. “You have to trust us.”
Thor nodded. “Loki is dangerous. You should stay away from him at least until we know he is not still plotting the domination of your planet.”
“What do you mean ‘at least until’? You can stop staying away from him when he’s back on Asgard and out of your reach.” Tony snapped.
“We’re just trying to keep you safe.” Steve intervened. You sighed.
“You know what? I’m getting a headache and I’m still tired, so I’m gonna go back to bed.” That wasn’t even a lie—well, at least the fatigue bit wasn’t. Besides, the blackout curtains in the room Tony let you stay in were heaven-sent.
That was until a loud tumult in the Tower woke you up again, even though you were not sure anymore you had actually fallen asleep once your head hit the soft pillow.
“W—“ Your scream of protest was muffled by a cool palm covering your mouth. You struggled briefly, ripping your eyes wide open in a weak attempt to make out who was assaulting you in the comforting darkness of your room when you suddenly heard a soothing voice shushing you.
“It’s me…”
“L-Loki?” You choked out when he removed his hand again. “Did you… did you break out of your cell?”
“It would seem so. Come.”
He tilted his head. “I don’t have much time.”
You stood, throwing the covers back when he already reached for your hand and held it tightly, pulling you with him into the hallway and towards one of the more hidden exists of Stark Tower, a flight of stairs illuminated only by emergency lights.
“W-what are you doing?”
“I am proving to you that I am more than just a criminal.”
“Oh… but… um… where are we going?”
Loki smirked. Your eyes widened when he pulled out the Tesseract seemingly out of nowhere, its blue light glowing brightly in the dark and throwing artistic shadows on his face.
“Hold on tight.”
The God of Mischief pulled you close, making you gasp. Your chest hit his, his arm wrapping around your waist. With his face only inches from yours, you could feel his warm breath on your lips, and suddenly longed to kiss him.
“You are my soulmate. I am not leaving you behind.”
“What happened to ‘goodbye’?” You chirped.
Loki tilted his head almost threateningly. “You are mine. Don’t you think I wanted to leave this place without looking back?” His expression softened. “But I couldn’t. Because of you.” And you might just be the only woman to ever love me in this way, he added silently.
“B-but… Y-you said Odin will never allow me on Asgard and… and…”
“I never said we were going to Asgard, now was I?”
Your lips parted. Could you trust him? The stranger who had finally made you see colours again? If you told him No, would he let go of you? Would he let you run to Tony and Clint and Nat so they could protect you from him? Swallowing thickly, you met his intense blue gaze and nodded.
Loki smirked and winked. “You are in for an adventure.” And you knew he wasn’t lying. Next thing you knew, you were both hurtled through space and into a shared future.
A/N: ☕
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Our Good Girl ~ KNJ & KSJ [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: Seokjin x Fem!Reader x Namjoon 
WARNINGS: degradation, humiliation(maybe not so much), breeding kink, aftercare, swearing, smut, from fluff to hard smut. Dom Jin, Dom Namjoon, Sub Reader, unprotected sex [wrap it before you tap it] birth control, cum play, thigh riding, “good girl”, pet names, spanking/slapping of breasts and cheeks all consenual, 
GENRE: Non!Idol!AU, Poly, SMUT, established relationship, aftercare, rough.
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The restaurant you were sitting in was loud since it was packed full of people, luckily for you and your boyfriends, you were in a booth on your own secluded away from everyone. Also lucky for the boys, they weren't the best at controlling how jealous they got of people around you and tonight you looked especially good. A custom-fitted black dress that clung to your body perfectly, showing off all of your favourite aspects about yourself as well as the boys favourite parts about you as well without being too revealing. 
"I made sure to book months in advance," Namjoon chuckled as he poured you another glass of champagne while Jin anxiously bounced his leg up and down on the spot. This was your favourite place because of how pretty it was inside. The interior of it was decorated to look as though it was inside of a fairytale-like forest and there were fairy lights all over the ceiling to look like stars. The three of you had gone out for your birthday tonight despite your best efforts in telling them that you would have been fine staying at home with take-out food and a movie. They wanted to do something special for you, something that would be meaningful to you. It wasn't often that you got to get all dressed up like the way you were tonight and do what they were going to offer to you. The three of you had been together for almost four years and it had been one of the best relationships of your life, while many people didn't understand why you were with the both of them and not just one you ignored them. 
"We got you some presents princess," Jin said as he looked at you, he didn't want to give the presents here but Namjoon insisted that it would be more special to give the three presents here. Jin slid the bright pink bag over to you on the table and smiles, as anxious as he was he couldn't wait to see your eyes light up when you realised what would be happening later that night. 
"Start with the smaller box," Namjoon suggested as he could see you trying to process which of the boxes to open first as you looked inside the bag. It wasn't often that you would except gifts from either of them as you hated people spending money on you but it was a special occasion. 
"I told you that you didn't have to get me anything," You whined out as you took the smallest box from the bag and saw that it was from Jin, 
"Technically the third present is for all of us," Jin smirked as he watched you opening the smallest box, 
"What's the third present?" You questioned as you ripped the wrapping paper off from the small box to reveal a navy blue velvet box inside but Jin and Namjoon hummed at you wanting you to open the first ones before you thought about the last one. Sensing you weren't going to get told anything you opened the velvet box to see a silver bracelet laying on top of a black cushion, 
"Jin, " You gasped out as you released it was one of the bracelets you'd been admiring for weeks before this. Only there was an addition to it, along the chain there was a small silver heart with something inscribed onto it. 
"3 words, 8 letters, 1 meaning," You breathed out as you looked at it, staring at the small bracelet and back up to Jin as you let tears stream down your cheeks. 
"It's perfect," You choked out, inching closer to him so you could kiss him softly on the lips, grinning wildly as he began to blush from the small action. 
"Mine next," Namjoon chuckled as he pulled out the next box from the bag, sliding it over to you and letting you rip the wrapping paper off as you did with the previous one. Revealing yet another box similar to the previous but inside of this one was a silver necklace with his, Jin's and your initials engraved into a silver heart matching the one on the bracelet. 
"They're stunning," You breathed out as you stared at both of the items in their boxes, too scared to ever wear them with how pretty they looked but you knew the boys would want you to never take them off. 
"Guys, I don't know-"
"Open the last box kitten," Namjoon's voice was dark as he spoke to you giving a hint as to what was in the final large box in the bottom of the bag. Gulping to yourself you opened up the box, trying to ignore the fact that Jin and Namjoon were sitting close to you. Their hands were on either of your thighs as you shakily removed the box from the bag. 
"We've been thinking about this for a while princess," Jin told you as he watched you begin to rip the wrapping paper away from the box to reveal a black box behind in. 
"We know you like the thought of both of us at the same time," Namjoon whispered in your ear before biting down on your lobe making you let out a shaky moan as you lifted up the lid of the box. Inside was black lingerie set with a matching choker sitting on top, you slammed the box shut and stared at the boys with wide eyes. Your head flicking between the two of them and then around to make sure that no one had been passing your booth at the time and caught a glimpse. 
"Oh look, we made her all embarrassed," Jin smirked and you stared at him, wondering where the sudden darkness in his voice had come from. His eyes were darkened over and you could feel your body begin to heat up. 
"We know you want us both princess, we figured tonight should be the night you get what you want,"  Jin explained as you felt his hand raising higher on your thigh until it was under the skirt of your dress and just brushing against your clothes core. 
"Y-You mean-"
"A threesome, yes kitten." Namjoon finished for you as he raised his hand at the waiter so he could bring the bill over for him to pay for. The two of them hardly had a threesome with you, it wasn't that they didn't "like" it but they prefered having alone time with you but they knew how badly you wanted them together with you.
"C-Can we get home fast," You giggled as you bounced up and down in your set, biting down on your lip when Jin squeezed your thigh softly and smirked at you.
"So eager I see, you have to change into the lingerie when you're home, Princess. With the matching choker of course," Humming at him you nodded as you thought about everything that was going to happen that night. 
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After rushing home and showering quickly you changed into the babydoll lingerie that they'd gotten you, it was lace with a v-neckline and a sheer dress half making the black thong that went along with it visible to the boys. 
"Doesn't she just look perfect," Namjoon chuckled darkly as he looked at you from the bedroom door, you'd been waiting for them in the main bedroom of the house when they came up to see you. Both of them wearing their boxers as they watched you sitting on the bed waiting for them, squirming a little with anticipation which didn't go unnoticed by the boys. 
"Look at her Jin, already squirming for our Hot cum," A shiver ran down your spine from Namjoon's tone, it was rough and dark as he stared at you. Licking his lips as he watched you clench your thighs together, 
"Rubbing her thighs together as if that would bring her any satisfaction," Jin chuckled this time making a pool drip into the thong you were wearing. They stepped closer to you and Namjoon ran his fingers on the leather choker admiring his handiwork. They'd had it made custom for you. 
"Did you like the presents that we got you, kitten?" You nodded at him, knowing not to speak unless told to use your words directly by him but with Jin it was different. He wanted you to speak whenever you wanted to speak as long as he could hear you. Without a second thought, Namjoon yanked you towards the edge of the bed and spreads your legs open for him and Jin to see you. 
"Stupid piece of fabric," Jin scoffed as he ripped the thong away from your body discarding it somewhere in the room so they could see what belonged to them.
"Now tell us, Princess, who does this pretty little pussy belong to?" Jin hummed as he ran his fingers through your wet folds, humming to himself in delight when he felt just how wet you were. 
"You," You answered him breathlessly, 
"We've barely started and already you're a breathless mess, what a little slut." Namjoon smirked as he ran two fingers over your clit rubbing softly as he kept his eyes locked with yours. 
"A clever little slut though, knowing just who she belongs to." Jin corrected as he looked at you, your eyes dancing between them as you let out a small whine. Desperate for them to touch you more than they were, you'd been needy from the moment you'd opened your present at the restaurant but you knew what they were like. They liked to take their time with you when they could but you were desperate for the pleasure you knew that they were both capable of.  Namjoon pressed hard against your clit as he began to rub vigorously, you covered your mouth to stop a loud moan from escaping and he growled at you, 
"Don't hide your moans from me whore," Degradation, and humiliation was nothing new when it came to your sex life with either of them so you giggled in response to the name he called you. Already high from what you knew you were going to experience for the night.  
"Oh? Does my little princess like when Namjoon calls her a whore?" Jin questioned, turning your face to look at him roughly as Namjoon continued to rub your clit roughly. You let out a weak moan as you nodded your head, your eyes never leaving Jin's for a second as he began to rub himself through the boxers he was wearing. 
"You could probably cum just from his fingers, couldn't you? Wouldn't even need something stuffed inside that tight cunt of yours," Jin hummed as he opened your mouth pushing two fingers into it and demanding you to suck on them. 
"Just like you suck my cock princess," You smirked at him around his fingers and began to suck softly, lapping your tongue in and around his fingers while letting out small moans as Namjoon continued to bring you close to your euphoria. Your breathing began to get out of control as the pleasure began building between your legs, your head rolled back making Jin's fingers all from your lips. 
"P-Please," You begged as you panted out, rolling up your hips. 
"Please, what?" Namjoon's voice came out stern as he continued to rub your clit for you, watching the way your face contorted as you fought back the urge to cum without his permission. 
"Please, may I cum!?" The words stumbled out of your mouth as your back arched up and Namjoon rubbed faster until his fingers were soaked. 
"You're going to ride my thigh first. Show us how badly you want our cocks," He ripped his hand away from your core as you switched positon. He sat on the bed as you straddled his thigh, he flexed his muscles making you moan out as you ground down against him. 
"Look at Jin while you cum," He ordered, so you did. Locking eyes with Jin who was already rubbing his cock through the thin material of his boxers. Groaning as he watched you riding someone else's thigh, moaning out as your mouth fell open. 
"Cum all over my thigh kitten," Namjoon whispered in your ear as you continued to rock your hips on him. 
"I said cum you little slut," He growled out and as if on cue you did. You came over his thigh as your legs shook, moaning out his name as you clenched around nothing. 
"Such a mess, lick it up," Jin smirked as he noticed our cum glistening over Namjoon's thigh. You slid down onto the floor as you looked at Joon's leg, biting down on your lip as you crawled over to him. Sticking out your tongue as you began to slowly lick your cum from his thigh, whing out as you looked at them both.
"There's a good girl," Jin smirked as he got down onto his knees in front of you, running his thumb along your bottom lip and smirking as you tried to suck on it. 
"Someone is getting might desperate," He chuckled, glancing up at Namjoon to see what their next move was going to be. Namjoon nodded at him and he raised up onto his feet once again, 
"Are you going to keep being a good little slut?" Jin asked this time as he looked at you, you nodded desperately and he stepped closer to you, pushing a finger into you making you whimper out. Digging your toes into the carpet as he continued to thrust one finger into you, 
"Words," He said in a stern voice not moving his eyes from yours as you continued to let out small whines as he curled his finger up to your g-spot. 
"Yes! Yes, I'll be your good slut," You cried out as you began to squirm against his tongue. 
"Just his? What about me kitten?" Namjoon sounded condescending as he rose from the bed and looked at you, reaching down t rub your clit while Jin thrust his fingers into you. Gasping loudly you braced yourself for another orgasm, 
"B-Both. I-I'll be a good slut for both of you," You whimpered out as you continued to buck your hips but Jin's finger was pulled out of you abruptly and he smirked as he saw your legs shake. 
"Such an obedient cock whore. Desperate for both of us at the same time." Jin said as he began to kiss down your body, kissing the exposed skin of your breast through the v-neckline of the babydoll dress. 
"This dress is in the way, Namjoon, remove it," He exhaled as he dropped to his knees. So close to your core you could feel his breath on your clit as he spoke to Namjoon. The dress was lifted off your body leaving you completely exposed while they were still in some clothing. 
"Such hard nipples," Namjoon approved as he took one of your breasts into his mouth and began sucking on it while his other hand rubbed and pulled on the other. 
"You're going to stand there and beg for us while we make you feel good princess. Understood?" Jin slapped your ass making you buck your hips towards him, he smirked as he looked at you. 
"Y-Yes Jin," You breathed out moaning out as he bit down on your outer labia gently while smirking at you. Jin dove his tongue between the lips of your pussy and you yelped out, bucking against him as he continued to eat you out where you stood. 
"Look at you, shaking when Jin has only just started." Namjoon chuckled as he switched from one breast to the other, biting you wherever he could. Your hands gripped Namjoon's biceps as you tried to keep your balance, your knees shaking as Jin continued to moan against your clit.
"Cheating skank," Namjoon slapped you across your left breast and you moaned out loudly. 
"W-Wasn't cheating," You whined out as you tried to straighten your legs, looking at Namjoon who was smirking at you. 
"Maybe I should stuff that little mouth, would you like that?" Namjoon questioned as he roughly pulled on your other nipple. Your eyes grew wide at the thought of it and you nodded your head desperately. 
"You heard the little hussy Jin," Jin chuckled deeply as he did the final lapping of your pussy before pulling away and patting the floor.
"On all fours like a good little bitch," Namjoon pushed you down roughly and smirked as you let out a whine from the carpet grazing your skin. 
"Beg," Namjoon smirked as he took his cock out from his boxers and knelt in front of you. Jin was behind you as he began to drag his tongue through your folds again and dragged it down the length of your slit moaning against you. 
"S-Stuff my mouth Namjoon, please, I want your cock in my mouth." You moaned out as your body began to shake as Jin continued his actions of lapping your pussy as though it was something he'd been deprived of for months. Namjoon smirked as he ran the tip of his cock along your lips, your tongue poking out as you tried to get a taste of his precum. 
"Such a pathetic little slut," He moaned out as you managed to lick his slit moaning out from Jin's actions. 
"You're going to cum all over his tongue while you suck on my dick," He told you as he gripped onto the choker around your neck and pushed his large length into your mouth not caring if you couldn't handle it yet. Now you understood why they'd gotten you the choker. You gasped for air around his cock as he continued to fill your mouth. 
"Does this make it hard to breathe?" Namjoon quizzed with a condescending tone as he continued to slowly thrust in and out of your mouth as you gagged around him. Struggling to answer him he pulled you off him and watched as a string of saliva connected your lips to his cock,
"Y-Yes," You moaned out still feeling weak from Jin as he continued to eat you out roughly. The building of your orgasm rushing over you as you whimpered at Namjoon. 
"I think someone wants to cum, doesn't she?" Namjoon smirked as he slapped you across the cheek waiting for you to answer him. Everything was purely for your pleasure and they knew if they went too far you had safewords or taps to use if they did something you weren't ready for. 
"Y-Yes! Please let me cum!" You cried out as Jin wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back against him. 
"Then cum all over his cum and you can make us both feel good with that mouth." Namjoon moaned out as he began to massage your saliva into his cock watching as you let out desperate moans for Jin. 
"Jin!" You mewled out as your head rolled back, filling the room with loud screams of his name until your cunt spasmed out of control. Your knees shaking as he continued to eat you out through your second orgasm of the night, humming against you as he licked you clean and then stood beside Namjoon.
Looking up at both of them you took Jin into your mouth first, gagging around him as he moaned out your name and thrust into you. 
"You do look awfully pretty when you're stuffed like this princess," Jin moaned out as he looked down at you, pulling out and pushing back into you as you gasped around his cock. Jin was the gentle one out of him and Namjoon which you felt glad for right now, it gave your throat a mini-break from Namjoons rough thrusting from before. Namjoon grunted as you reached up to begin pumping him while you took Jin in your mouth, staring into his eyes to let him know he wasn't left out during this.
"F-Fuck," Jin moaned out as he shook his head, stilling his thrusting as he pulled out of your mouth. 
"If I keep going I'll blow," He mumbled not wanting to cum in your mouth and you bit down on your lip. 
"Fill me up," You begged him shocking both Namjoon and Jin at the same time. The two of them knew of your breeding kink but they never would have expected you to bring it out while they were both here. 
"What did you say, whore?" Namjoon asked as he looked at you, stunned as he watched you lick your lips and stare at them both. 
"Want you both to fill me up," You whined as you nervously looked at them. Feeling a little vulnerable that they had this much control over you but you loved it at the same time. 
"Good girl, asking so nicely like that." Jin hummed as he walked behind you and slapped your ass cheek before grabbing onto your skin and moaning out. Jin teased your opening with the head of his cock while you tried to wiggle backwards earning another slap across the ass from him. 
"She's so desperate Jin. Pathetic little slut," Namjoon spat out as he made you look up at him, tapping the head of his cock along your bottom lip as he waited for you to part your lips for him. 
"You're going to suck his cock while I fuck my load into you darling," Jin praised as he pushed his hips forward sinking into you making you moan out loudly. Namjoon took advantage and pushed his cock into your mouth, grunting as you moaned around his length sending vibrations through him. 
"Fuck, you're not even moving and she's crying out around me," Namjoon laughed but Jin began to thrust into you roughly, putting his hands on your hips as he began to powerfully slam in and out of you. His cock sending your head into a mind-fog at how incredible it felt to feel him stretching you out. Namjoon gripped onto the chocker again and began pulling you around his cock, watching as you began drooling down yourself as you moaned out. Eyes filling up with tears as you did your best to please him to the extent that he loved so much. 
"Don't cry slut," He moaned out as he continued to push into you, pulling out for a couple of seconds to let you catch your breath. You moaned out breathlessly at the overwhelming sensations you were getting and Namjoon pushed back into your mouth, groaning loudly when you began sputtering and coughing trying to catch your breath.
Jin slammed into you as he slapped you across the ass, smirking as he watched what Namjoon was doing to you. The sight of it alone bringing him closer to his edge. 
"How does this feel, slut...Have two cocks in you at the same time. Filling up two of your holes." Jin chuckled deeply as he continued to fuck into you. Vigorously thrusting as he thought back his urge to cum in you right away. You were clenching around him so tightly it felt as though you had a vice around his cock, he could feel every inch of you. 
"So good!" You screamed out as you pulled Namjoon's cock out of your mouth to let out a high pitched whimper. 
"So good!" Namjoon mocked as he thrust back into your mouth while Jin laughed at your desperation. Slamming into you as he pushed his cock deeper inside of you, each of his thrusts getting stronger than the last one.
"J-Joon, I can't," Jin panted as he continued to slap into you, Namjoon nodded his head at Jin knowing that meant he was close to his release, 
"The little whore is going to get so filled with cum, she won't know what hit her." Namjoon chuckled as he pulled his cock out of your mouth and pumped himself. Wanting you to enjoy the feeling of Jin cumming into you while you cam around him. 
"You wanna cum for me princess?" Jin hummed as he reached under you to rub your clit roughly. Moaning out his name all you could do was nod as your eyes began to roll back. The pleasure building up inside of you as Namjoon watched the both of you fucking. 
"Squeeze nice and hard around my cock with that slutty pussy princess. Cum for me right now." He grunted as he continued to pound into you from behind, grunting loudly as his balls hit your skin. You cried out his name as you dug your nails into the carpet, roll your head back as your chest fell down against the carpeted floor. The feeling of Jin's cum spilling out of you made you whimper but not as much as when he pulled out of you. 
"Now, now slut. You won't be empty for long." Namjoon knelt down behind you and sat you back against him on his length. A loud scream leaving your throat at the sudden stretch of his cock throbbing inside of you. 
"N-Namjoon!" You mewled out as you began to slowly rise and fall on him. His breathing began to get heavier as he guided your hips up and down on him. You knew he wasn't going to last long from the way he'd been fucking your throat.
"Cum whenever you want baby," He breathed out as he continued to pull you onto him. You clenched around him squeezing him the way he like and whimpered as another orgasm ripped through you so soon after the previous one. You screamed out his name as you orgasm ran over you and you squirted around his cock. Crying out when you felt him cum into you and he held onto you tightly so you couldn't move. 
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"We're right here baby," Jin whispered as he laid you down on the bed. Your breathing was erratic as you tried to come down from your highs, Namjoon snuggled behind you and pulled the sheets over your body. 
"Nice and slow, kitten. Take a deep breath." He whispered in your ear, taking your hands in his as you squeezed his fingers. Looking at Jin as you tried to bring yourself down, breathing in slowly and deeply as they told you too. 
"You were such a good girl today," Jin complimented as he cupped your face in his hands and made you look at him
"Our good girl," Namjoon whispered, kissing your skin softly as he began to hum to you, both of them waiting for you to cool down before they took you for a nice long bubble bath where they could give you the proper aftercare you deserved.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @fan-ati--c @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @bisexualmess007 @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​
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439 notes · View notes
Dating Donnie would include (slightly NSFW)
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not the cuddliest of the turtles but still very affectionate
his love language is quality time
loves it when you sit in the lab with him (preferably on his lap) and just let him bounce ideas and theories around with you
you don’t have a clue what he’s saying half the time
but you’ll still be his sounding board
movie marathons! and lots of them
you wanna see all of the marvel movies in order back to back
Donnie’s your boy
wanna spend over 20 hours watching the extended lord of the rings?
he’s in, baby
the sweetest pet names
he mostly calls you honey/hun tho
you call him dot-com sometimes as part of an inside joke 
he makes you anything and everything
you name it he can create it
jewellery mainly tho
he’s good all the technical stuff
speaking of making you things
he makes a lot of toys for your private time together ;)
seriously you’ll have cum 3 times before he’s even taken his boxers off
usually ends with you begging him to just fuck you and end the pleasure torment he’s causing
actually reads up on how to pleasure a woman
research makes him perfect at it 
 doing everything together
if he’s not in the lab he will be right by your side
not in a clingy way, he just loves your company
cooking together
making the bed
showering together
when he gets drunk, which is very rare, he is the clingyist babe
will hold on to your arm with both of his
“I need you over hear” he’ll tell you
just to sit you down so he can lay his head in your lap
doting af
always getting you more drinks, brushing your hair for you, forehead kisses
very protective, just not as obvious about it as Raph 
knows everything and is always down to lay cute little facts on you
good communication could be better tho
will text you reasons to come over
sometimes these reasons are a pic of his down stairs
one of the more insecure that you’ll leave him
not because you aren’t loyal, he just assumes you;ll find a human mate who will be better suited to you
you assure him that you wont
always squishing your face between his hands and telling you he loves you
first few dates he is nervous™️
rambles a lot
which luckily you find oddly charming
1st time you both slept in his room he tidied the place top to bottom and bought new sheets
talks in his sleep!
always has a notebook beside the bed to jot little things down when he thinks of them
writes you love letters
we’re talking clumsy metaphors and half rhymes but it’s always so sweet and tender and loving.
he’s like that in bed too
is capable of being pretty romantic
only on special occasions tho or if he feels like you need some more romance in your life
like after a particularly hard week
obsessed with your neck
loves to nuzzle into it when you’re cuddling 
and leave a train of love bites down to your collar bones
such a gamer
you’re no good at it though
apart from like Mario kart. you beat him only once
boobs guy
falls asleep almost every night on top of you with his head on your chest
also loves your hips especially 
the biggest softie
will foster dogs with you
puts those night visions goggles to good use with games
hide and seek in the sewers is one of your faves
he has a security system set up tho so you always accuse him of cheating
he denies this
you’re bff’s with Leo
because Donnie is the only one who actually fully appreciates his leadership and so do you
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What your opinion on the Agni Kai was better then aang’s fight with ozai
I want to first say that “better” is a completely subjective statement. Both the final Agni Kai and Aang’s battle with Ozai have huge importance thematically, but are also demonstrative of different aspects of A:tLA, so comparing them in an attempt to determine the “better” battle is really an injustice to the show imo. That said, the final Agni Kai is certainly the more popular of the two big battles, and honestly I can break down its popularity into three main points. People tend to favor the final Agni Kai because:
They see the final Agni Kai as the reason Z.utara should have been canon (no, this is not the same as seeing the battle as crucial to Z.utara’s development; I mean they full-on think that the final Agni Kai matters largely if not entirely because of the brief ‘Z.utara’ moment.)
They recognize the significance of the Agni Kai being framed as a tragedy (specifically regarding Azula).
Their lack of understanding regarding Aang’s arc (or, to be kinder, their personal disinterest in Aang) prevents them from fully appreciating his battle with Ozai.
There are a few other reasons the final Agni Kai tends to be favored (e.g. it’s a much faster-paced battle action-wise; Aang’s battle with Ozai is over twice as long and because of how the show was structured is broken up into several sections and thus feels even longer), but I think those are the main three. So let’s take them one at a time!
First, I have to start with the obvious:
People favor the final Agni Kai because they interpret it as their holy grail of why Z.utara should have been canon.
Firstly, I am not getting into the K@taang vs Z.utara ship wars. I don’t have the time or the energy lmao. But there is a huge difference between shipping Z.utara based on the content provided in the show (because y’all know I love me some Zut@raang) compared to somehow thinking that Zuko and Katara were both ready to be and should have gotten together at the end of the series. In short, Z.utara would not have worked in canon based on where the series stood by the finale, and that’s okay! That fact does not negate the appeal of Z.utara nor does it mean Z.utara shippers should not be allowed to interpret the final Agni Kai as involving Z.utara content (they absolutely can and should! we love to see that!). But the final Agni Kai was not some secret sign that Z.utara was meant to be canon, and people who interpret it as such are sorely missing the point of the battle.
Here are a few metas discussing the final Agni Kai in regards to Z.utara’s importance within canon A:tLA, if you’d like to read some analysis going more in-depth than I intend to. My thoughts regarding Z.utara and the final Agni Kai are pretty simple:
Zuko catching/attempting to redirect the lightning aimed at Katara was not because he was in love with her. For him to sacrifice himself because he was “in love with her” would entirely undermine his redemption arc, which is learning to earn forgiveness and accept unconditional love from his family (both Iroh and the Gaang), not because of romantic interest. (Again, this does not mean someone shouldn’t ship Z.utara; if that’s what you’re taking away from this post, then you might as well stop reading, because I assure you that’s not even close to the point here.)
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Katara is set up as Azula’s primary foil (e.g. by and large her relationship in canon with Zuko is aimed as a surrogate sibling); her saving Zuko parallels Azula’s attempts on his life (though her most important moment as Azula’s foil is arguably bringing Aang back to life after Azula kills him, but that’s a subject for another time lol), and Zuko catching the lightning for Katara demonstrates him saving the sister he can save versus Azula, the sister he cannot save (hence her breakdown at the end of the battle while Katara walks away largely unharmed; Zuko’s decision is also a direct parallel to him siding with Azula in “Crossroads of Destiny”, having first chosen the sister who harms him over Katara, the sister who ultimately heals him).
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The significance of Zuko catching/attempting to redirect the lightning aimed at Katara is not because it was Katara he was saving; the viewer sees Zuko’s decision and recognizes that he would have done so for anyone. Anyone in the Gaang, plus Mai and Iroh, and possibly even Ty Lee (hell, he’d probably have taken the bolt for Appa and Momo). Zuko’s redemption arc is sealed by his selflessness, his willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of someone else. While the moment is especially powerful because of Katara’s position as a foil to Azula, it is not the Z.utara holy grail I’ve seen it portrayed to be.
To be honest, the interpretation of the Agni Kai as some big Z.utara moment is both superficial and a massive disservice to Azula and the completion of her arc, which is the focal point of most if not all of the battle, and also entirely undermines the power of Zuko’s redemption (as I discussed). So moving on to the next point!
People favor the final Agni Kai because they recognize its importance to Azula and how the key element of the battle’s emotional weight is its framing as a tragic, heartbreaking moment.
I rewatched both the final Agni Kai and Aang’s battle with Ozai before I wrote this, and I had to try so hard to not cry at the end when Azula breaks down, sobbing openly for the first time in the entire series. It is a powerful, devastating moment, and it is so heartbreaking because of how fitting it is for her. Does she deserve redemption? Absolutely. But in the context of the series and how A:tLA played out, rock bottom is where Azula needs to be, and the audience recognizing that fact is what makes the scene so painful to watch (and also why you can’t take your eyes off the screen). For me, the power of the Agni Kai never came from Zuko’s sacrifice (although I understand why that part resonates with some people more); instead, it was always about Azula’s downfall, her descent, the straw the broke the camel’s back - whatever you want to call it. I’ll try to keep the essence of my feelings towards Azula and the Agni Kai and why this battle is preferred short:
Azula is a much more established antagonist than Ozai. We know from the beginning the Fire Lord is the big bad, but his presence in the show is relegated largely to flashbacks and to the second half of the final season. Azula is introduced in Book Two (technically she appears twice, I believe, in Book One, but she has no lines so I’m not counting those moments lol) and becomes the key antagonist throughout the final two books. The viewers admire her intelligence and strategic capabilities, appreciate her wit and ability to turn a person’s words around on them, and even feel sympathy and pity for her when her difficult relationship with her mother is revealed (in “The Beach”) and when Ozai’s conditional love is demonstrated to apply to her, too (“Sozin’s Comet Part 1: The Phoenix King”). Thus, the final Agni Kai has multitudes more emotional potency in terms of the antagonist, as Azula is more pitiable and developed than Ozai, so it’s understandable that feeling a greater connection to Azula might result in someone preferring the final Agni Kai over Aang’s battle with Ozai. (That said, I will be discussing more about the significance of Ozai as a character later.)
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The tone of the Agni Kai is that of tragedy (verus the more action/intense battle of Aang vs Ozai). While the debate of drama vs action is largely related to personal preference, I think it’s worth noting that no other battle in A:tLA (that I can think of) has the slow, drawn-out, orchestral music that is present in the final Agni Kai. The viewers realize this battle may be about power on the surface, but in reality it is a painful, devastating moment about a family irreparably torn apart (at least in terms of the series run). For me, that has always been the captivating factor of the Agni Kai. The viewers mourn for Azula, who has lost herself. Yes, she did so partially in her quest for power, but more importantly in her search for love, as she did not have a support system in her life like her brother (Zuko always had Iroh), and the audience grieves for her. Her mother both feared her and was disgusted by her; her father loved no one (including her) and only valued her for what she could provide to him; she hurt her brother and her best friends to the point where they were forced to turn away from her; and her uncle, as far as what is shown, never extended a hand to her. Azula is a victim of abuse (though this does not excuse any of her actions; in fact, her role in A:tLA as a victim who was abandoned and lashes out before breaking down on the inside is just as important as Zuko’s role as a victim who was given support and was able to heal). Thus, to me, the power of the final Agni Kai is all from the tragic tone (hence why Azula’s heartbreaking end brings me close to tears every time).
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Bonus: The way Katara takes out Azula is incredibly clever and badass. (I don’t think I need to expand this one. We all love narrative foils!)
For some people, they prefer the final Agni Kai because of the emotional weight of the conclusion of Azula’s arc; that weight combined with the conclusion of Zuko’s redemption, in my opinion, are pretty valid reasons to deem the final Agni Kai their favorite battle of the series. That said, there is one other important factor to consider in the question of the final Agni Kai vs Aang’s battle with Ozai:
People prefer the final Agni Kai because they blatantly misunderstand and/or misinterpret Aang’s arc of reconciling his being both the Avatar and the last airbender, thus preventing them from fully understanding and appreciating the weight of his battle with Ozai.
This point is more complex than the two I discussed previously, so I’m going to break this one down further to help simplify it. Let’s start with the most obvious thing:
“The lion turtle and energybending were cop-outs!”
I cringe whenever I see this; imagine admitting to the entire fandom how blind you were to the extensive foreshadowing about the lion turtle and energybending. Downright embarrassing. There are so many metas out there explaining how the lion turtle and energybending were not cop-outs and how A:tLA did foreshadow their influence (some people need to admit they just didn’t watch the show tbh). I’ll try to provide a quick summary:
Chiblocking demonstrated how chi/energy and bending were intrinsically linked from Day. One. Moreover, it did so numerous times; trying to claim that blatant foreshadowing is not there is… well, kind of embarrassing.
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The lion turtle was foreshadowed in “The Library” (and moreover the lion turtle only appeared after Aang called out to the Spirit World; his meditation was an appropriate attempt to seek help from those wiser than him to resolve his dilemma, and thus his plea was answered).
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If you’re gonna argue the lion turtle/energybending were convenient cop-outs, you better also critique how Suki conveniently was at the Boiling Rock/the ferry, Pakku conveniently had been arranged to marry Katara’s grandmother, Toph conveniently inventing metalbending, every other time a spirit showed up conveniently, etc. etc. etc. Don’t cherry-pick, hypocrites.
The lion turtle/energybending were not necessarily predictable, no, but they also were not meant to be. You’re not supposed to guess every detail of every finale of every show. So yes, the lion turtle/energybending were foreshadowed, and this foreshadowing done so in a way where after they were revealed it was intended to be an “oh my god, how did I not see that connection before?!” moment. (At least, so it was for me.)
Dismissing the lion turtle and energybending as a cop-out is an age-old, boring misinterpretation of Aang’s battle with Ozai, and by and large I think most of the fandom is tired of hearing it. Thus, if people don’t understand the lion turtle/energybending and their roles in the A:tLA finale, then they’re less likely to appreciate Aang’s battle with Ozai and therefore would prefer the final Agni Kai. Next common argument:
“Aang was able to re-enter the Avatar state because of a rock? Really? Another cop-out!”
Again, if you’re gonna criticize the rock, at least criticize every other plot device used in A:tLA. I mean come on. Some people will really just cherry-pick instances solely with Aang. How very convenient for them, huh?
But the fact of the matter is that the pointy rock is actually pretty important! No, it didn’t necessarily have to be a rock that allowed Aang to enter the Avatar state again, but it was necessary that the Avatar state was unblocked for him by a physical trigger. The Avatar state was removed from Aang by Azula’s lightning striking him (after he’d done the spiritual work to control it, too!), which is a physical block, thus requiring something to physically unblock it. By the end of Book Two, Aang is able to enter the Avatar state of his own accord (he successfully unlocked his chakras, after all) and had Azula not struck him in the back and killed him, he presumably would have been able to do so throughout Book Three. Did that physical item have to be a rock? Again, not necessarily, lmao, but where he and Ozai were fighting, well, there certainly were a lot of rocks, so it’s not like it didn’t make sense. (There’s a meta here that touches a bit on the necessity of the Aang needing the Avatar state physically unblocked, too.)
“Ozai was a stereotypical, boring villain! He was barely given any screen time!”
This isn’t entirely untrue. Everything viewers are told about Ozai is from other characters in the narrative; mostly Zuko, but also Azula and I’d argue Iroh, too. Ozai certainly was the big bad of the series, and little is provided regarding his personality beyond being power-hungry, racist, xenophobic, and abusive. But… that’s kind of the point. Ozai is written to have zero redeemable qualities. There is supposed to be zero sympathy for him. Hell, there’s arguably even zero reason for him to live on (which actually makes Aang’s decision to spare his life all the more powerful, but that’s for later). There’s one line in particular that really defines Ozai’s character to me:
“You’re [Aang is] weak, just like the rest of your people [the Air Nomads]! They did not deserve to exist in this world… in my [Ozai’s] world!”
Ozai is the epitome of fascism, imperialism, and a superiority complex if there ever was one in a cartoon. His words remind the audience that maybe he didn’t initiate the Air Nomad Genocide, but he continues to seek the same goal - obliteration of anyone he deems inferior (which is, well, every nation except his own). Aang’s battle with Ozai is literally a fight against fascism, and that’s a hell of a powerful metaphor. So while I understand leaning towards the Agni Kai in terms of familiarity with the antagonist (aka Azula), I do think some people gloss over Ozai too quickly. Yes, everyone knows that Ozai is a genocidal dictator, but I don’t think the implication of that position - especially what it means to Aang - really sinks in for everyone.
And now for the big one:
“Aang should have killed Ozai!”
If you are reading this and for some godforsaken reason think Aang should have killed Ozai, I beg of you: read these metas and analyses about Aang and his arc explaining exactly why that’s the wrong take. This point has been argued a million times over and the fact of the matter is that Aang choosing to spare Ozai’s life and thus uphold his beliefs as an Air Nomad is the ultimate triumph (a direct parallel to the Air Nomads being forced to fight back against the firebenders during Sozin’s attack and were thus not able to uphold their beliefs - the ultimate sacrifice). Furthermore, Aang choosing to spare Ozai’s life but take his bending is arguably a fate worse than death for Ozai. Ozai now lacks all of his power/prestige, will be forced to watch the son he despises rebuild his country, and any lingering supporters he may have can’t argue “oh well the Avatar had no reason to kill him!” because Aang didn’t kill him. He chose mercy. He proved himself better and stronger than Ozai could ever hope to be.
Furthermore, Aang staying true to his beliefs as an airbender is central to his character. The core belief of the Air Nomads was that all life was sacred (such was why they were all vegetarians). If he had killed Ozai, if he had been forced to betray his spiritual beliefs, then he would have completed the genocide of the Air Nomads that Sozin started a hundred years ago. Ozai’s death at Aang’s hands = the death of the airbenders’ culture. Full stop. How could he be expected to bring balance to the four nations if only three remained? Maybe this is just me, but the message of Aang being an airbender (the last airbender) and finding another way (e.g. energybending) to defeat Ozai in order to uphold the beliefs of his people is a much more powerful message than him having to kill Ozai (especially because no one else understood how important Aang’s spirituality was to him [not even the Gaang!]; Aang did what was right, even when the world insisted he was wrong).
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(Sidenote: The previous Avatars did not tell Aang to kill Ozai. That’s right - not even Kyoshi. I believe she gave him this advice: “Only justice will bring peace.” Great news! Aang did exactly that. Why are some people still so pressed about it??)
Furthermore, if someone calls Aang’s beliefs and his decision not to kill Ozai childish (we’ve all seen those posts), I’m giving you permission to deck them, because so much of the roots of the Air Nomads’ spirituality is rooted in Buddhism, and like,, we know westerners struggle to comprehend any narrative that isn’t our own, but the dismissal of Aang’s beliefs without making the connection that they’re also dismissing the beliefs of many, many real people? Yeah, please sock those assholes in the jaw. Give them the finger. Glare at them. Whatever works for you. Those are the people with the most superficial opinions on A:tLA, and to be honest, it really shows. Please: make an effort to understand the eastern narratives at work within A:tLA. If you don’t, there are so many things you will miss out on, and you’ll also just look like a prick.
For me, Aang’s battle with Ozai is so powerful (and my favorite) because of the ending and its importance to Aang:
“I’m not gonna end it like this.”
Aang chooses mercy by taking Ozai’s bending instead of killing him.
Aang chooses to uphold the beliefs of his people and guarantee the Air Nomads live on in him.
Aang proves his soul is unbendable.
Aang enters and controls the Avatar of his own accord (not induced by trauma or a spirit).
Aang reconciles his being the Avatar with being the last airbender.
Aang is finally at peace with himself and the world around him.
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In short, if a person doesn’t understand Aang and his character, then the significance of his final battle with Ozai will largely be lost, and thus it makes sense that they would gravitate more to the Agni Kai (which is arguably a less nuanced battle, as Azula’s position as a victim of abuse and Zuko’s tale of redemption are not exclusive to either western or eastern narratives, while Aang’s arc is largely more eastern in nature and thus something less familiar to western audiences).
I have no doubt that my personal bias influences my admiration of the final battle with Ozai, as Aang is my favorite character and his narrative is easily the most powerful to me (he is the sole survivor of genocide who still chooses to seek kindness in life instead of revenge), but regardless I’d argue the sheer thematic weight of Aang’s battle with Ozai outweighs that of the Agni Kai any day (although, to be fair, they are presenting different subjects, so take my feelings there with a grain of salt).
The Agni Kai is a tragedy. It is devastating. It makes you cry. Aang’s battle with Ozai is a triumph. It is hope. It makes you take a deep breath and look to tomorrow with a brave smile. And that is why it is the battle that concludes the series.
TL;DR - Both are fantastic battles in their own merit, but Aang’s battle with Ozai is underappreciated because of the fandom’s incomplete grasp on Aang’s arc and character while the final Agni Kai is often appreciated/hyped up for the wrong (*cough* shipping *cough*) reasons.
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shoutobabes · 3 years
An excerpt from an OCxShouto fic I’ve been working on:
Todoroki Shouto hated formal events.
He had attended enough Hero Awards Galas as a young child with his father to soil his opinion of them nearly two decades later, a pro hero in his own right. But tonight was not about his father.
He drummed his fingers on the fine linen tablecloth and watched as the drink in his glass vibrated slightly with each tiny impact. Taptaptap. Taptaptap. Shouto allowed a small trail of frost to travel up the table inching toward the glass. The bottom began to dust with frost. The water at the bottom began to freeze. Taptaptap. Taptaptap. Taptap--
“Will you stop fucking doing that?”
Shuoto whipped his head up to see a pair of angry red eyes glaring at him. Bakugo drove an accusatory finger toward Shoto’s glass.
“You’re like an antsy kid,” Bakugo huffed. “I don’t wanna be at this shit-parade any more than you do, icy hot, but you don’t see me blowing up the fucking finger cakes, do you?”
“I’m not taking Kacchan’s side, Todoroki,” Midoriya spoke up from his seat between the two feuding heroes. “But you do certainly seem on edge and, well,” Midoriya gulped and glanced toward the stage. “Our category is two away and I’m nervous enough as it is.”
Shouto blinked. “I can stop tapping the table.”
“Yeah, and then you’re gonna start shaking your leg like you were half an hour ago before you started tapping the goddamn table,” Bakugo crossed his arms and faced back toward the stage. “Take a fuckin’ walk. Do a guided meditation in the men’s room, for all I care, but if you stay here you’re gonna piss me off.”
Shoto turned to face Midoriya, often the peacekeeper in these altercations.
Midoriya seemed to be very interested in his napkin.
“Alright, then,” Shouto stood and fixed his tuxedo jacket. “I can take a hint.”
“It’s nothing personal,” Midoriya waved his hands while shaking his head. “It’s just--”
“He gets it, Deku,” Bakugo rolled his eyes.
“Sorry,” Midoriya said, sheepishly.
“I’ll be back in time for the award announcement,” Shouto said as he walked away.
A walk was probably for the best.
Shouto wove his way through tables and chairs full of politely clapping patrons and pro heroes who were practically unrecognizable in their finery outside of their suits and gear. He recalled his father complaining about being forced into a tuxedo for these types of events. His mother would always wave them off wistfully, recounting times when she had been the No. 2 hero’s plus one while Fuyumi cried at being left behind and Natsuo would mope and pretend he didn’t care. Touya would just sit and stare. Until he didn't.
So lost in thought was Shouto, that he didn’t notice the girl in front of him until it was too late. Suddenly, he was staring at the empty glass in his hand trying to make his brain connect it to the growing wet spot on the front of the girl's dress.
Their eyes locked for a moment of shocked silence; silver and turquoise meeting violet eyes widened. A beat passed. Shouto regained his composure.
“My humblest apologies,” he finally said with a small bow. “I have no excuse. I wasn’t looking where I was going and I—“
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” the girl shook her head with a small smile. She had long, silver-white hair parted cleanly down the middle. “Not to brag or anything, but I’m kind of a dry cleaning expert.”
She lifted an arm and made a grabbing motion over her chest with one hand and Shoto watched as the spilled champagne drew itself out into a bubble of liquid. It hovered for a moment, then with a flick of the girl’s wrist, it flew into the pot of a nearby plant.
“Looked a little thirsty,” the girl said with a conspiratorial wink. “No harm no foul. Looks like you could use another drink, though.”
“Isn’t that my line?” Shouto raised a slight brow, elemental quirks were always fascinating and he met so few others with quirks like his. “I’m the offender in the situation, I feel as though it’s only right I’m the one buying you a drink.”
“Well then, it seems we’re in agreement,” the girl gestured to the corner of the room where the bar was set up. “We’re heading to the bar.”
Shouto nodded as the pair made their way over. He gave the girl a once-over; she seemed familiar but he didn’t recognize her as a hero in the Musutafu region or anywhere in Japan for that matter. She wore a simple, pale lavender gown.
“Gin and tonic,” Shouto told the bartender before nodding to his companion. “And for you?”
“Could I get a lemonade?” She asked, with a tilt of her head. “Oh, and if you have some sort of strawberry syrup could you mix that in, too? Thanks.” She grinned at the bartender as he nodded before walking away. She turned to Shouto who admittedly, realized he looked surprised.
“You don’t drink?” He asked.
“Can’t stand the taste,” she replied.
“I see.”
She studied him for a moment. Shouto felt as if he were under a microscope, being picked apart like a bacteria. Normally being analyzed like this would make his skin crawl, yet there was no malicious intent behind the girl’s eyes. Merely a curiosity, as if he were a puzzle she was trying to solve. The bartender brought over their drinks and the girl took a sip before suddenly breaking the silence.
“Why do you look like a turkey come late November?”
“I’m sorry?” Shouto squinted in confusion.
“My bad, I forget I’m not in the States anymore,” she self-consciously tucked hair behind her ear. “I meant to say, why do you look like this is the last place in the world you want to be?”
“The states?” Shouto asked. “Is that where you’re from?”
She wrinkled her nose. “I suppose, technically.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Well to be fair, you never answered my question.”
“And what was your question?”
“Why do you look so miserable to be here?”
Shoto grimaced delicately and took a gulp of his drink. “Ask any other question and I’ll answer that instead.
“Ah, so this is off limits, then,” the girl waggled her eyebrows. “Fine. How about...what brings you here tonight?”
Shoto sighed. That, at least, he could answer.
“My agency is up for an award tonight,” he said. “My partners and I are here in the hopes we receive it.”
“An award! How exciting,” the girl gave Shoto a funny look, as if she knew something he didn’t. “I’m sure you’ll win.”
“It would be an honor,” Shoto said slowly, feeling as if he were being left out of some joke. “To know that the people we are striving to serve believe in us so much.”
“Of course,” the girl nodded. “Your turn. For questions, that is.”
Shoto hummed in response as he took another sip. “I’m assuming that inquiring about the reason you’re drinking lemonade is...off limits?”
The girl sipped her own drink through the small straw that had come with it. “You learn quick! Beauty and brains, the ladies must love you.”
Shouto’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “I wasn’t aware that having one precluded the occurrence of the other. Brains and beauty are two separate elements, their probability of occurring are in no way reliant upon the occurrence of the other.”
“Absolutely true, shame on me for assuming,” she nodded seriously. “But I didn’t hear a question there. Do you forfeit your turn?”
“No,” Shouto protested. “Fine. What do you mean you’re ‘technically’ from the States?”
“Oh, that,” she waved her hand absentmindedly. “I was born there, and I did spend my high school years there, but I spent most of my childhood here and this is where all my fondest memories are from.”
“I see,” Shouto replied.
“I think of myself as being from Kanagawa,” she clarified. “Coastal. I was always fond of the ocean.”
“Did that have to do with your quirk?” Shouto asked, recalling the way she had manipulated the liquid from her dress.
The girl opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by sudden loud cheering from the other side of the ballroom.
“That’s right folks— the award for Best Upcoming Agency goes to Plus Ultra! The hero agency run by graduates of our very own U.A. High School! Please give a hand to the heroes Deku, Dynamight, and Shouto as they come up to collect their award.”
“Shit,” Shouto cursed. He had promised Midoriya he would be back in time. “My apologies again, but I need to go immediately.”
“More apologies,” the girl joked, finishing off her drink. She set it on the bar next to Shouto’s half finished one. “Run along and don’t miss your big award!”
Shouto was already halfway across the ballroom. As he joined his partners on stage, Midoriya was at the microphone holding the award and delivering a speech of gratitude. Bakugo elbowed Shouto as discreetly as he was capable of doing anything discreetly and shot him a dirty look for being late.
“I deserve that,” Shouto whispered.
“Damn right,” Bakugo hissed.
“—in conclusion, we would just like to thank you all from the heart of the Plus Ultra Agency. We could not do this without your continued support and we will continue to go above and beyond to keep you safe! Plus Ultra!” Midoriya smiled brightly as he finished his speech.
The three posed on stage for a few quick photos, then stepped down.
“Todoroki, is everything all right?” Midoriya asked immediately. “It’s unlike you to be late.”
“My apologies,” Shouto cringed inwardly, he had apologized too many times tonight. The words were starting to ring hollow to even his own ears. “I was taking a walk when I accidentally bumped into—“
“Me, actually,” the girl from earlier materialized from the crowd behind Shouto as she stepped forward. “Literally, in fact.”
“Ms. Kagawa!” Midoriya gasped. “I had no idea you would be here tonight, I’m so sorry! I would have said hello earlier.”
Shouto blinked. How did Midoriya know her?
“Please, no formalities,” Kagawa shook her head. “Call me whatever you prefer, it’s just nice to finally meet you all.”
That’s when it clicked. Shouto recalled a team meeting from the month before.
“Why are we bringing in some random chick, again?” Bakugo groaned, putting his feet up on the table from where he was sitting in the conference room. “We don’t need any extra help, hell, I could run this place alone if I wanted to!”
“Well, it’s like I said,” Midoriya replied patiently. “We did great for it being our first year as full heroes running our own agency together. But if we want to keep growing and getting better, we’ll need more than a few sidekicks and interns. We’re going to need another pro to help carry the weight and round out patrols. I thought we all agreed?”
“We did,” Shouto didn’t look up from his paperwork. “Bakugo conveniently chose to forget.”
“Fuck off, icy hot,” Bakugo said. “Whatever. At least this chick seems like she could give some of these thugs a run for their money. Wasn't she like, some big deal in America?”
“She was,” Midoriya clicked his pen nervously. “She’s had a, uh, difficult road. I’m hoping we’ll be able to help her as much as she’ll help us. Or at least that’s the plan. She won’t be here for another couple months, she’s wrapping up her personal business I think.”
“Mm,” Shouto intoned, absentmindedly.
Shouto cursed himself for not paying more attention to important meetings. Yet, none of them had expected her so early.
“We weren’t expecting you so soon,” Midoriya said nervously, voicing Shouto’s thoughts. “You weren’t due for ah, another month?”
“You’re right,” Kagawa said sheepishly. “I closed in on an apartment here sooner than expected and, well, wanted to just get on with it.”
“Of course,” Midoriya nodded. “Ah, but we should do formal introductions!”
“Yes, right,” Kagawa nodded with a smile. “Well I already know you from our correspondence! Midoriya Izuku, hero name Deku, a pleasure.”
Midoriya smiled and they shook hands.
“Bakugo Katsuki, hero name Dynamight,” she cracked a lopsided grin. “I’ve heard...explosive things.”
“Shitty joke,” Bakugo shook her hand. “People only say the best shit about me.”
“Obviously,” Kagawa nodded before turning to Shouto. “And of course, we’ve already been acquainted. Todoroki Shouto, hero name Shouto, a pleasure.”
Shouto shook her hand. She had a firm grip. “I’ve made...better first impressions.”
“No, I enjoyed it,” Kagawa said. “It was genuine. You had no cause to act unnaturally to make a good first impression. It was...refreshing.
“That’s a polite way of saying he fucked up,” Bakugo chuckled.
She smiled. “Now for me, I suppose. Kagawa Ren, hero name Kaguya. But you’re hiring me, I’m sure you know.”
“We’re really excited to have you!” Midoriya said, beaming. “My, uh, my friend Uraraka--”
Bakugo barked out a laugh and Shouto suppressed a small smile.
Midoriya began to sweat. “Anyways, um, she- she couldn’t make it tonight because she had to go visit her parents but she’s been excited to have another female hero around. She says our agency is too filled with testosterone.”
“Sounds like me and Uraraka will get along swimmingly.” Kagawa assured.
“Are we still getting drinks to celebrate?” Bakugo said impatiently. “I told Kirishima he could meet us at that shitty bar we always go to.”
Midoriya ran a hand through his hair. “Uh, yeah, yeah we are, just, I wanted to talk with Kagawa about some details really quick.”
Bakugo rolled his eyes. “And we can’t do that at the bar? She can come, it’s her celebration now too, or whatever.”
“Just tell Kirishima he can meet us there in thirty,” Midoriya pleaded. “I’ll make it quick. Here, Kagawa, why don’t you walk with me back to our table? I’ll grab everyone’s things and we’ll meet Bakugo and Shouto by the front.”
Kagawa nodded and raised two fingers in a peace sign as means of saying goodbye to the other two heroes as she and Midoriya headed back to the table in conversation.
Shouto looked back at Bakugo who was busy texting.
“I suppose we should head toward the front,” Shouto said uncertainly.
“Yeah, whatever,” Bakugo clicked his phone off and shoved it in his pocket. “So, you talked to her.”
“I did.”
Bakugo rolled his eyes. “Talking to you is like pulling teeth. What did you think of her?”
“I thought she was smart,” Shouto replied simply. “It seems like she’ll make a strong addition to our team.”
“That’s boring shit,” Bakugo huffed. “If Midoriya hired her then I’m sure she’s professional as fuck but don’t wanna spend my time around some shitty boring suit. So, is she gonna be annoying or not?
Shouto sideyed Bakugo as they turned and began walking toward the front. Social interaction had never been his strongest suit. Most interactions he felt like he was a step behind, or focused on the wrong thing, or someone would say something and he would think they were serious only to realize there was a second, different meaning attached. Mostly, he thought conversations were a bit of a minefield, especially with the wrong kind of person.
He thought back to the way Kagawa had studied him. No judgement, just-- curiosity. The good kind. Not like reporters who were always hungry for photos, desperate to know about his love life, dying to hear what restaurant he best liked to dine at so they could stalk him there later as well. No, her curiosity reminded him of when he and his siblings used to go play by the creek near their house as children, before Endeavor began isolating Shouto for training. They would freeze the water in the middle of summer and slide around, pulling frogs and turtles out from frost-covered hidey holes. One day in particular, they had found a small family of deer. They all sat very still by the edge of the water and waited patiently as the fawns ambled down for a drink under the watchful eye of their mother. One fawn had gotten so close to Shouto that their noses nearly touched, and he could smell the breath of the little thing, sweet and springy. He’d looked in its eyes and saw them searching his face. What it found, he did not know.
That had been the last summer of freedom.
“I don’t think she’ll be boring,” Shouto finally said.
“Another stunning review from half and half,” Bakugo rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as the boys came to a halt in front of the entrance to the hall. “She better come to get drinks with us or I’ll think she’s a stiff.”
Shouto slid his eyes back over to the ballroom where Midoriya and Kagawa stood, gathering jackets and talking.
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see,” he said.
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shenlongshao · 3 years
GGStrive Redesign Analysis: Leo Whitefang
Welcome to the continuation of the redesign analysis series! The next character is another one who first debuted in XRD SIGN; Leo Whitefang! This will be another long post and also the last one until Anji Mito’s trailer in 2021. Please enjoy reading! LEO WHITEFANG ------------------------------- There’s been some mixed reactions to Leo’s reveal. Positive comments like “Leo Whitefang is back! GG Strive is saved!” “He’s a hot burly man!” “Dream Daddy!” and etc. came from fans of the character. But other comments from those not too happy with his reveal were like, “NOOOOOOOOOO!!!”  XDD   Time to examine his previous look.
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Every aspect of this character boldly shows his motif is based on a lion, which I always think is awesome. Leo’s design focuses on the unique and cool factor rather than unorthodox. First is his long, blonde hair and beard that looks like a lion’s mane. Actual fur of the same color can be seen on the collar of his trench coat and at the cuffs. His trench coat bares a brownish orange hue, accented with black trim and unfasten belts that exposes his attire. On the sleeves of his coat is a black cross shaped like the Illyrian one, decorated with 6 metal buttons and a yellow one in the center. Metal Illyrian crosses is also at the corners of the coat’s collar, which they connect by twin chains. Six metal buttons is on each part of the collar, adding up to twelve that gives a hint to a rock metal look. His attire is a black, spandex-type body suit with light orange trim baring cross designs in the middle of his chest. Layered on top is a light orange shirt(or vest?) with two straps hanging on the sides. On his hands is simple, fingerless black gloves while his tight pants also has the style of crosses and detail, though slightly different shade of black. Lastly, his ankle-length boots contains tannish brown cuffs with black trim and three metal buttons on each side. The base color is also black with tannish brown trim at the bottom and dark gray plating on the frontal part. Leo’s design brings something different while still fitting in the world of GG. I love the exaggerated mixture of regal and combat style in his look. It’s one of those designs where I could tell what the character is about from just looking at him. I even like design of his weapons, which I notice their shape is like a German cross. I like how the chosen colors compliment each other, especially since it has a vibrant and warm essence to it. Since orange, black, yellow, and silver are his main colors, let’s examine how it relates to his personality. Color Personality of Orange: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-orange.html With orange as your favorite color, you are warm, optimistic, extroverted and often flamboyant. You are friendly, good-natured and a generally agreeable person. You are assertive and determined rather than aggressive - having a personality color orange means you are more light-hearted and less intense than those who love red. You thrive on human social contact and social gatherings, bringing all types together. As a personality color orange, you enjoy partying and socializing and planning all types of social events - orange people are the life of the party, the uninhibited performer! You are often the loud talker in a group. While you are charming and sociable you do tend to be a show-off. You get great satisfaction from helping others and they find you inspiring with your vitality and positive energy. You are tolerant and accepting of others just the way they are. You are full of life, always on the go, determined and competitive, always looking for new challenges - and this can lead to restlessness and impatience with others who do not have this need. Lovers of orange like to take risks in many areas of their life, particularly in the physical areas. They prefer to explore their outer world rather than their inner world. Patience is not one of your virtues and you can be quite forceful and domineering over others when under stress. You may be an unkind practical joker. When operating from a negative perspective, a personality color orange can become aloof, egotistical, and self-centered. Color Personality of Black: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-black.html Prestige and power are important to you. You are independent, strong-willed and determined and like to be in control of yourself and situations. You are methodical in your work, making sure everything is completed as required, down to the last detail. Color Personality of Yellow: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/color-yellow.html You have a happy disposition and are cheerful and fun to be with. With a personality color yellow, you can be very critical of yourself as well as others - you are a perfectionist. You analyze everything, all the time, and are methodical in your thinking. You are spontaneous - you are able to think quickly on your feet and make instant decisions. You have a modern outlook. New technology doesn't faze you. You communicate well on a mental level with like-minded people, but can become bitter and sharp-tongued if crossed. You are good at networking and getting information out of others. Journalists often resonate with the color yellow. With a personality color yellow, you can be stubborn but dislike pettiness and spitefulness of all kinds. You like to think you are intelligent and well educated, with knowledge about many topics. Color Personality of Silver: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-silver.html You tend to be introspective, often preoccupied with your own world. In your search for meaning and fulfilment, you sometimes isolate yourself from others as you reflect and ponder on the deeper questions of life. If you love silver, you are imaginative and creative, particularly in expressing yourself with the written word. Making speeches, writing poetry, and writing novels are three means of self-expression you may be drawn to, allowing you to satisfy your need to fantasize and reflect. With a personality color silver, you are open to trying new things and exploring any new opportunities that are presented to you. Change does not frighten you, in fact you welcome it. Resourceful and flexible, and open to new possibilities, success often comes easily to those who love the color silver. You will try almost anything once! Immediately introduced as the Second King of Illyria, Leo is heavily involved in worldwide affairs. From typical paperwork duties to investigation events surrounding Bablyon and the Japanese Colony, he takes on his responsibilities without hesitation. Throughout the story of Xrd SIGN and Revelator, he displays leadership qualities and knows it takes way more than just giving people orders. He tries to carefully analyze the situation and decide the best course of action, showing compassion and understanding for not only the troops, but others around him. This aspect is really shown when in Revelator 2, when the showdown with Ariels occurs and freeing Elphelt from Justice’s body. King Daryl shows to be technically logical with his plan to go for the attack, though detached from the internal details. However, Leo considers the entirety of the situation and wanting the safety of his allies(like Sol and Ky). There’s also the aspect of while he is very boastful and has high self-esteem, he’s definitely not a narcissist(a word often misused). He’s able to boldly admit his flaws and even having a hearty laugh about it; grading himself a C-(from Xrd SIGN). With Leo’s development as a person and what he has to deal with in the aftermath of Revelator 2, it was time for him to get a redesign!
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The essence from Leo’s previous design is kept, though still quite a departure from it. The first is his hair is dramatically cut and his beard is trimmed, instantly giving him a more mature appearance. The concept of the fur trench coat is apparent, such as the Illyrian crosses on the sleeves, except their color is beige instead of black. However, it’s obviously not the same coat due to the style; it lacks the Illyrian crosses and little chains in front. And how his new coat would be fasten by the silver buttons instead of buckle straps. On the new coat, the buckle straps securely loop from under his arms and the fact the hue is a warm brown instead of orange with black trim. The clothing he wears underneath is also different, starting with a slightly opened, white collar shirt layered with a dark brown and black vest. There’s the detail of little silver buttons evenly spread out and a side zipper. Around his waist is three belts in slightly different shades of brown. On his lower body, Leo wears a fitted, beige-colored pants that slightly curtains over his mustard yellow and dark brown dress shoes. Lastly, the pants also has pockets, accented with brown strap in front. Since Leo’s new main colors includes brown and beige with a hint of white, Let’s see what the additional colors mean for him. Brown Personality: https://colorogy.com/brown-color-meaning.html Brown personality people are strong and dependable. The strength is not only strong in body, but also strong in convictions and emotional strength. If brown is your most favorite color, you have a good understanding of your own capabilities. You have the mental grit to stand up to and face the challenges life throws at you. You are a reliable partner and true to your friends. You are loyal and sincere in your relationships. For you, feeling safe, loved, and appreciated in a relationship is essential. You look after your family and gladly devote time to your home and responsibilities. Material security is paramount to you; you meticulously plan your goals and work hard to achieve them. Your career is an important aspect of your life. You have a vision for your career and you will do what it takes to get there. You do your best to succeed in whatever you set your heart on achieving. You do your best to maintain a good reputation. Being seen in a good light is vital to you. You dread the idea of being thought of as untrustworthy in any way. Beige Personality: https://colorogy.com/beige-color-meaning.html You have the ability to grasp new ideas and concepts quickly. You amass knowledge for wisdom and for knowledge's sake. You are interested in everything that goes on in the world and in your areas of interest. You are much in tune with all that occurs in your immediate environment. The efforts you put in towards achieving all that you want in life are consistent. You don't back down; come what may, when you really want something. White Personality: https://colorogy.com/white-color-meaning.html They have a compassionate outlook and are kind. Their kind words sooth, heal, and calm those they interact with. They may attract people in their lives who depend on them for emotional support, as they are good listeners and are wise beyond their years. They are grounded, balanced and practical. They have a deep understanding of the world they live in. It doesn't take alot to make someone with a white personality type happy. They find joy and contentment in small and simple things life. Watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset can make their day. They are free spirited and carefree. They enjoy their freedom and feel unrestricted by conventions. It’s interesting how brown is one the chosen colors for him. I think storywise, it could relate to Leo’s heighten resolve and determination to whatever comes next. It also hints he’s matured since the last game, though he still has his jolly pride and charm he’s known for(especially from his expressions and animations.)
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I like how Leo’s design still contains his unique style, even though it’s seemingly more casual in comparison to his previous look. Due to his haircut, it’s easier to tell which is his hair and which is the fur from his coat(in the previous games, I sometimes think the fur collar was part of his hair, lol). Part of me will miss his long hair, but the new hairdo definitely looks great on him. I’m also kind of getting Attack on Titan vibes from his clothing and suddenly imagine him killing Titans with ease, XD.  This is another design done well; time to give it the GG style rating! Rating: S + + + (The Lion King!)
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trashyswitch · 4 years
The Ghosts of His Past
Part 2 to: Don't Release The Spirits! Link
William develops a relationship with the 5 ghost kids he originally killed. They spend time together, play games, and comfort each other when they're down. But another ghost comes out from the shadows, and immediately contradicts everything William had built up...
There is implied child murder, discussions about child murder, and implied suicide. If any of these topics bother you, you can either click off or read at your own risk.
It is still unknown whether a person’s soul lingers with their physical body. So far, the kids’ circumstance has proven it doesn’t. William had realized that despite the kids’ bodies being taken and properly dealt with for their funerals, their souls were no longer linked to their bodies long after being killed. The only body that still really existed within the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria building, was William’s body. But that was only because his body was hidden too well for them to find. No one could tell that there was a body in that suit, unless they looked at the blood or actually opened the suit head. But William was a little nervous for that day to come. What if his soul was still linked to his body? And if so, then what would happen if he could feel the suit head being pulled off of him?! The thought terrified him.
It terrified him so much that he would spend some time just floating in the storage room, staring at the suit with blood surrounding it.
Today was one of those days where William would do this. He would just stare...stare until he couldn’t stare anymore. Soon, another ghost came floating through the door. “Hi William.” someone greeted.
William knew exactly who it was. “Hi Cassidy.” William replied. Cassidy was the only ghost that hasn’t called him Dad yet. She preferred to go by ‘Uncle William’ or ‘William’, depending on her mood during the day.
“Staring at your body again?” Cassidy asked. William gave her a slight nod. “Why? It’s just gonna make you feel worse.” Cassidy told him. “We didn’t spend hours looking at our bodies. Sure, we didn’t get to see them very much. But we didn’t dedicate time to stare at our bodies like you do.” Cassidy told him.
William sighed and rubbed his forehead. “I know.” William replied. “I know it’s just gonna make my thoughts whirl again. But...I’m nervous.” William admitted.
“Nervous you’re gonna feel your unconscious body’s pain?” Cassidy asked.
William looked at Cassidy and nodded.
Cassidy floated over to the body and dug her hand into the suit. William widened his eyes. “What- HEY! DON’T!” William shouted, before tensing up for the pain that was gonna hit him.
Nothing happened. William opened one eye and opened both when he realized Cassidy was still digging around. There was nothing. No pain. “...Wait…” William muttered, confused.
Cassidy removed her ghost hand and turned around. “See?” Cassidy revealed, showing her hands.
But...there was one tiny problem: her hands weren’t bloody.
“Why aren’t they bloody?” William asked. “And...If you’re a ghost, are you even able to interfere with my physical body?” William asked.
To further prove William wrong, Cassidy dug into the suit again and ripped out some wires and...Oh god...Was that-
William widened his eyes in horror and disgust. But...she was right. He wasn’t experiencing pain. “...Wow.” William reacted, looking down at himself. Nothing of his ghost body had changed.
“Now do you see?” Cassidy asked, throwing the mixed handful of guts aside. “No pain, no worries.” Cassidy replied. Even as she ridded her hand of the guts, her ghost hands were not covered in blood. Only the guts themselves were slightly bloody.
Cassidy floated to William. “Now come: You have a family to come home to.” Cassidy encouraged, grabbing his hand and floating through the door together.
Even though William’s body was still technically connected to the springtrap suit, William was still capable of moving away from the suit and onto the stage whenever he pleased. This stage became William and the kids’ shelter during their time spent in purgatory. So, that’s where they headed. William and Cassidy flew themselves through the stage curtains and observed the cute scenes within the stage: The kids had made 2 separate forts out of the worn out pair of torn red curtains that had been previously discarded in the storage room. They had multiple dining room chairs set up to keep the curtains up, and had half-deflated balloons as pillows for their forts. They had also hung up party banners as the fort curtain entrances, and used the leftover party hats to make their forts look more castle-like on the top.
“Sir Gabriel! The Mighty Men have broken our entrance walls!” Fritz told Susie.
“Oh no! I will start repairs right away!” Susie declared.
“But your Majesty! You’re the queen! How will you repair the walls if I’m fighting?” Fritz asked.
Cassidy smiled and grabbed the toolbox hammer. “Worry not, Soldier Fritz! I, The handy girl, is here to fix your walls!” Cassidy declared.
“Hallelujah!” Fritz declared.
Susie pouted. “I wanna fix the wall! Being a queen is boring. You can’t do anything!” Susie whined.
“You can help me, if you want to.” Cassidy offered. “I’ll let you hold the hammer too.” Cassidy offered.
Susie gasped and held her hands out for the hammer. Cassidy handed the hammer to her, and watched as the hammer weighed Susie right down to the ground. The hammer was just too heavy for her ghost hands to carry.
This ended up being a hilarious thing for William to watch: he let out a short laugh in reaction. Suddenly, Susie looked at William! “DAD’S BACK!” Susie shouted, throwing the hammer to the side and floating quickly to William. Cassidy yelped in surprise and tensed up for the hammer to hit her on the chest…
...Only for the hammer to float right through her body.
Cassidy opened her eyes and observed the hammer that was floating below her footless bottom. “...Oh.” She reacted. She had managed to forget she was a ghost and couldn’t actually get injured by physical objects.
William lifted Susie up and hugged her happily. “Hello Susie! Having fun?” William asked.
“Yes! We’re playing a game where a girl kingdom and a boy kingdom are fighting to take over the other!” Susie explained.
William giggled. “Yeah? Who’s winning so far?” He asked.
“THE BOYS!’ Jeremy yelled, sitting on the ‘throne’.
Fritz and Gabriel were doing a sword fight with wooden sticks and were being cheered on by Susie and Jeremy. It didn’t take long for the kids to throw their sticks back to their forts and for the kids to start wrestling.
“YES! SHOW FRITZ WHO’S BOSS!” Jeremy shouted.
“I CAN’T KICK HIM IN THE CROTCH! HE FEELS NO- EEK!” Fritz shouted to Susie, before being shoved to the ground by Gabriel.
“A-HA! I’ve GOT YOU NOW!” Gabriel declared.
“Not for long!” Fritz declared, before reaching her arm up to tickle him.
“Nope!” Gabriel declared, pushing her arm down. Fritz reached her other arm up. “Not happening!” Gabriel declared again, pushing her other arm down. But that didn’t stop the girl from leaning forward and blowing a raspberry on his neck! “BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!” Gabriel let go and floated away quickly. But Fritz was already up and chasing him! “WAIT! NO! FRITZ! STOP IT! EEEK!” Gabriel shouted amidst his quick ‘running’.
“Wow! For a person who’s part of the man side, you sure scream like a girl. Maybe you should join us!” Fritz suggested.
“NO! NEVER! I AM A BIG BOY!” Gabriel argued.
Fritz soon caught up to him and pinned him down. “About as big as a school desk.” Fritz replied with a smirk as she wiggled her fingers at him.
“Hey! That’s mean! I’m taller than a desk!” Gabriel argued.
“Fine. How about this: As big as a teacher’s desk?” Fritz offered.
Gabriel thought for a moment, and slowly nodded. “Okay. I can see tha- YAAAHAHAHAHA! EEEHEHEHEHEHE! FRIHIHIHIHITZ!” Gabriel shouted, laughing hysterically as Fritz drilled near his hips.
“Yes soldier?” Fritz replied.
“Do you accept defeat? Do the girls win this war?” Fritz asked.
“IHIHIHI…” Gabriel replied, not really sure what to do.
“DON’T GIVE UP, GABRIEL!” Jeremy called to him. “YOU CAN DO IT!”
William was just giggling to himself as he watched the whole thing. If only the world wars had been fought like this...There would’ve been next to no bodies to clean up.
“Awwww…” Jeremy whined.
“YES! GIRLS WON! WE WON! GIRLS RULE! BOYS DROOL!” Susie shouted, standing up from her throne and jumping around.
William smirked and walked up behind her. “Now you be careful what you’re saying, Susie bear…” William warned with a hint of playfulness in his voice.
Susie’s cheering quickly paused as she realized who was behind her. Susie turned around and looked up to William. “...Oops.” Was all Susie said.
“Come here you!” William declared before picking her up. Susie let out giggles and quickly bursted out laughing as William lightly squeezed her lower ribs and skittered his fingers all over her belly. “Tickatickatickatickatickatick- atickatickatickatickatick!” William teased super quickly.
“Dad nooo? That’s cute. Looks like poor Susie should’ve thought about that before you said that boys drool.” William suggested.
Suddenly, there was a war cry of 4 other kids floating up to him super quickly before kitty slapping him. Though it took Cassidy’s hand to get William onto the ground, the kids did manage to get William down so they could doggy pile him.
“Help! I’m being doggy piled! aaAAAAH! Hahahaha! Ahahand tihihickled! HAHAHAhahaha!” William fake yelled, quickly falling into giggles and laughter.
“TICKLE ATTACK!” Cassidy declared before tickling his ribs and sides.
William squealed and bursted out laughing almost immediately. The kids quickly joined in, tickling his armpits, his hips, his feet, and his neck. Fritz had started going for the abs as well, which ended up being the best choice she’s ever made. “HAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHO AHAHAHABS! NOHOHOHOHOHO AHAHAHAHABS!” William screamed.
“Oooh! A keypad!” Fritz declared. Fritz started poking and pressing roughly on the abs like a telephone keypad. “Beep beep beep, beep beep beep, beep beep beep beep!” Fritz teased. William threw his head back and bursted into cackles. Fritz made her hand into a phone symbol. “Hello? Oh HI! Is this the tickle monster?” Fritz teased, looking at William from the corner of her eye.
“STAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT!” William begged.
“Perfect! He is here, and ripe for the tickling.” Fritz replied to the fake voice on the other line.
Jeremy and Susie both bursted out laughing. “No you don’t! You’re a ghost just like us! You don’t need air!” Gabriel argued amidst his own laughing.
William looked at himself and realized: Yeah...he’s right. “BUHUHUHUT STIHIHIHILL! IHIHI’M GOHOHONNA GEHEHEHET YOHOU GUYS BAHAHAHACK!” William told them.
Susie giggled. “I know.” She replied.
Suddenly, Fritz started clawing and spidering her fingers all over William’s abs! “eeEEEEHEHEHEHEHE! HAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO SPIHIHIDERIHIHIHIHIHING!” William pleaded.
“Is poor Papa afraid of spiders?” Fritz teased.
“AHAHAHA LIHIHIHITTLE.” William replied.
“Oh no!” Fritz reacted, looking at the other kids with a wink. “Guess we’d better get more spiders crawling around, then.” Fritz replied, wiggling her fingers like spiders to show the kids what to do.
William’s eyes widened in fear as he stared at the kids’ signalling. He knew EXACTLY what they were planning, and he knew he was gonna love it, AND hate it all at once. Suddenly, all 5 kids spidered their fingers all over William’s sides, belly, ribs, hips, armpits and neck. William was laughing and wiggling around absolutely everywhere! It was hilarious for the kids to see him wiggling around like a fish out of water, and even MORE hilarious watching him wave away the spiders that weren’t really spiders.
“Hmm? What’s going on?” a voice asked. The kids suddenly stopped their tickle attack and looked to their right:
There, rubbing their eye, was the ghost of a tiny girl with long brown hair, and a red wound on the right side of her right chest. The rest of the ghosts flew over to her.
“Hi Charlie!” Cassidy greeted.
“Sorry Charlie.” Susie immediately apologized.
William was still quite giggly from the tickle attack. He was holding himself in the fetal position and letting out the leftover giggles that were still in his lungs. He didn’t even realize there was another ghost on the stage.
Charlie smiled at the two forts. “I see you guys are having fun.” Charlie said to them.
“We were playing war kingdoms!” Jeremy declared.
“And the girls won!” Susie added.
Charlie giggled. “That’s great!” she said.
Soon, William finally calmed down enough to sit himself up. “Who’s he-” William paused his words when he realized just who he was looking at. She was completely familiar to him. He knew this ghost all to well. But...How did…
Charlie turned to look at William and widened her eyes as well. She backed up slightly gasped in fear. “Get behind me.” Charlie ordered the rest of the ghosts.
“It’s okay, Charlie. He’s-” Jeremy tried.
“Behind me. Now.” Charlie ordered again, glaring at Jeremy.
Jeremy, and the rest of the ghosts went behind Charlie before Charlie threw her arms out to the side to guard them from the murderer. “Uncle. William. Afton.” Charlie said slowly, her strong voice covering up the fear she felt. “Father to Elizabeth and Michael...Best friends with my Father...And Co-founder of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza.” Charlie explained.
William snapped out of his thoughts. “I...Charlotte-”
“CHARLIE.” she shot back.
William backed up slightly in fear, and looked away for a moment. “Ch...Charlie.” He said, growing more and more afraid of her.
Charlie noticed this and lightened up her facial expression. “Afraid?” Charlie asked.
William nodded his head. “And confused. I killed you outside the building. Why would you cling to the building?” William asked.
“You think I had a choice?” Charlie asked. She looked at the music box and pointed to it. “My soul possessed one of your animatronics.” Charlie explained. “That kept my soul in the Pizzeria.” She explained. “These souls possessed your animatronics too.” Charlie explained.
She started pointing to the kids and stating which animatronic they became.
She pointed to Jeremy first. “Bonnie.” Charlie said.
She pointed to Gabriel. “Freddy Fazbear.” Charlie said.
She pointed to Susie. “Chica.” Charlie said.
She pointed to Fritz. “Foxy.” Charlie said.
She pointed to Cassidy. “Golden Freddy.” Charlie said.
And lastly, she pointed to herself. “Marionette.” Charlie said.
William’s eyes widened in horror.
Then, Charlie looked to the souls. “You guys were tickling him. Spending time with him. Treating him...like he didn’t end your lives.” Charlie reacted calmly.
William looked away.
Fritz stepped up. “He feels remorse for what he did.” Fritz told her. “He apologized for ending our lives. The reason why he did it was because he wanted his own family.” Fritz explained.
William tensed his face. Charlie frowned and looked at William. “You had your own family! What was wrong with the family you had?!” Charlie asked.
William looked away.
“And I still don’t understand why you killed me.” Charlie added.
Fritz’s eyes widened. “He killed you too?!” Fritz reacted.
“Yes. I was his first murder.” Charlie replied.
“...Oh.” Fritz replied.
“...Well, he’s dead now too.” Gabriel told her.
“How? And why here, surrounded by the ghosts of the children you killed?” Charlie asked.
William looked up a little, but still refused to look at her. “I springlocked myself.” He replied. “I triggered the springlock suit in the office, and...died.” William replied.
“Why?” Charlie asked. “Did you finally feel bad about all the crimes you committed? Did you feel like you couldn’t handle jail life?” Charlie asked.
William slightly smiled. “I ended my life because I had nothing else left to lose.” William replied. “My daughter is dead, my youngest is dead, and my wife is dead too. Michael is the only one living at this point. Living with the guilt of his family, and struggling to make his own life out of the rubble I left him in.” William explained.
Charlie lifted her eyebrows slightly. “And how in the world did all that occur? Hm?” Charlie asked.
William frowned and glared at her. “You don’t deserve to know.” William shot at her. “I want you to know that keeping your death nice and quick was a mercy move I purposefully made. Your murder could’ve been much more painful.” William told her.
Charlie’s eyes widened in surprise. Did...did he really just say that? “And how was a 3 year old supposed to know that the way you killed me, was ‘merciful’?! How would you feel if my father came up behind you with a knife and ended your life without a second thought?!” Charlie yelled.
William softened his expression a little and looked away. He knew Charlie would be hurt. He knew Charlie would be angry at him if they reunited. He knew this all along. But William didn’t know that Charlie had become one with the pizzeria. He never knew.
...Perhaps he should’ve...
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pbacklinks · 3 years
8 Things to Consider Before You Outsource SEO
New Post has been published on https://pingbacklinks.com/8-things-to-consider-before-you-outsource-seo/
8 Things to Consider Before You Outsource SEO
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a vital component of digital marketing in 2021. Prioritizing SEO ensures that your business achieves brand visibility and awareness.
SEO can be conducted either in-house an SEO expert or outsourced to a dedicated SEO agency. Both are reliable and legitimate ways to implement search marketing strategies. Your choice ultimately depends on your preferences, budget, and how much you would like to be involved.
However, outsourcing SEO has been proven to provide businesses with a more comprehensive approach. Are you planning to outsource SEO to a professional SEO agency? Here is a list of things to consider before you outsource SEO.
1. Cost
If you are on a budget, considering the costs of SEO services when choosing between in-house and outsourcing SEO can help you save costs. However, getting cheap labor should not be your main focus when outsourcing SEO.
SEO firms offering significantly low prices do not always guarantee you will get value for money. Similarly, an overly priced SEO agency will not always guarantee your expectation. On the other hand, fair rates indicate professionalism and a chance for quality services from SEO experts.
Moreover, you need to outsource to a company that cares about your financial interests too. Therefore, keep in mind your budget when choosing an SEO agency.
2. Brand Identity Alignment
It is also vital to consider whether SEO strategies and service structures align with your brand identity when outsourcing SEO. Your brand identity should most likely comprise cautiously selected goals, values, ideas, and a statement of purpose. Your brand identity plays a vital role in what your business stands for and how clients interact with your services and products.
As such, outsourcing to another agency means working with an entity unfamiliar with your company. The SEO agency will be responsible for how your business presents online. The SEO consultant must be willing to acquire an in-depth knowledge of your company, its goals, and the campaign’s requirements.
Before you outsource SEO, consider agencies that will comprehend your brand identity and cautiously portray what your business is all about with their SEO efforts.
3. Your Need and Goals
What are your exact goals and needs for outsourcing SEO? For instance, if you have already implemented some basic SEO strategy, there is no need to ask the agency to start from zero.
Get familiar with the goals you aim to achieve from outsourcing SEO. Are you looking for more profound keyword research or more quality backlinks? Are you looking for increased traffic?
Make these goals clear and precise before outsourcing SEO. However, your goals should be specific, measurable, and specifically set. On the other, ensure the SEO agency is equally capable of delivering your needs.
4. Quality SEO
Outsourcing SEO shouldn’t cost you quality. Unfortunately, even if you have an in-house digital marketing team, they can implement low-quality SEO strategies if they lack the experience.
It is almost impossible to determine the quality of services you will receive from the SEO agency. However, a more established SEO agency has a clear-cut procedure, which it follows for SEO strategies. As such, you need to depend on the procedure and, if necessary, suggest a few alterations before they ultimately become a common part of your digital marketing strategy.
5. Google Regulation Compliance
Before outsourcing SEO to an agency, ensure the agency complies with Google’s regulations. Regardless of how hard a company tries to convince you, Google algorithms and software will know and potentially penalize your site if your SEO agency uses black hat link building. These methods exploit loopholes in SEO rules that permit a website to achieve a higher SERP ranking than it would achieve via organic ranking.
Fortunately, Google is fully aware of such practices and issues penalties for sites that go against its Webmaster guidelines. Therefore, if your SEO agency practices black hat link-building techniques, they will definitely get caught. Unfortunately, this also means you will be penalized too.
6. The Agency’s Business Philosophy
Various factors play different roles in an SEO strategy’s success, for example, the focus on the content, technical factors like keyword research and integration, and the number of backlinks.
Different SEO agencies follow varying philosophies when emphasizing a particular factor. Some agencies will focus more on the technical aspects such as structure, optimization, and site coding. On the other hand, other agencies focus purely or majorly on producing high-quality content.
Focusing too much on the technical side and not on the content side can be challenging. Look for an SEO agency that leans towards your most preferred choice or possibly both.
7. References
Besides previous work samples and case studies, your SEO agency should also provide references to whom you can contact. Consulting a previous client can help get firsthand experience in dealing with the SEO agency in question.
It will help you identify and verify if the agency’s digital marketing strategies have led to any notable successes, as the agency claims. It is important to note that not all SEO agencies are perfect. Therefore, if the agency’s strengths are guaranteed to help you gain an advantage, then the company is highly a good fit for you.
8. The SEO Company
Finally, assess the SEO agency you intend to hire. After considering all the above points, you need to have a precise idea of what to look for and expect. When you outsource SEO, you are taking a leap of faith in the agency’s promise to deliver results.
An SEO agency can have attractive language and nice-looking reports. However, if they don’t provide tangible results, your investment will not be worth it.
Carefully screen each prospective agency before hiring. Assess how well they can communicate with you, their level of openness, and what their previous clients are saying about them. Ensure the agency exists and is a legal business. Developing and fostering a long-term relationship with your outsourced SEO provider is important to ensure you work towards the same goal.
Bottom Line
The biggest factors to consider when outsourcing to an SEO agency are your budget and your business goals, as well as your needs. SEO is highly important for any business to succeed in the digital market. As such, you need to take your time to invest wisely in a professional, reputable SEO agency.
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neostriatum · 3 years
The Cake Is Not Quite A Lie
[AO3] [Dreamwidth]
“Okay, now, once more!” He leaned back to clap his hands, gesturing encouragingly, “From the top!”
The man standing by the other table raised his eyebrows, gaze not deviating from the bouquet before him. “I don’t quite think that will work, dear,” He said, staring meditatively at the arrangement of carnations and roses. One of the blue ones was shuffled around, and he picked up a pair of shears to clip one of the thorny vines woven between the stems “Cats of that breed aren’t well known for their ability to act.”
As if in agreement, the Norwegian Forest kitten mewed, managing to look ruffled and disgruntled despite the silk sash tied delicately around its neck. It was a gift from Thor scarcely a month ago, a surprisingly thoughtful blend of Asgard and Earth traditions from the newly-coronated king. They were told the… gift would not reach a height typical to Asgardian breeds, but would be formidable nonetheless.
Loki was quite sure that it liked En Dwi better, given the way it always perked up for a scritch from his spouse. At least it has good taste, I suppose.
“I’ll have you know I ran a successful play for months on Asgard,” He sniffed, giving up the cause for lost when Kitkat jumped out of reach, and pointed a finger at the other man, “And they didn’t even know it was me until Thor came around!”
En Dwi hummed, tapping a few of the flowers to shift them into slightly different colours. His amused smirk was highlighted by the sparkling blue stripe down his bottom lip, pursed attractively as he patted Kitkat on the head with a murmured endearment, “Big brothers will do that,” He reminded Loki, looking contemplatively at the cat’s unruly mop of fur, “Or at least, so I’m told. Did he ever send that RSVP? It would be quite delightful if he took part in our wedding… play.”
For his part, Loki sighed, materializing their running list of guests to check it again. They had decided to go with a period of feasting and various delights that tickled both their senses of mischief, and as much as his lover was fond of his gladiator fights, it would be difficult to convince Thor into another one no matter how… nuptial the reason.
His brother’s name still glowed a faint purple, a mark of undecided acknowledgement. Loki frowned, poking the listing in order to bother the now-king with a reminder. En Dwi had helpfully provided invites that merged with his shapeshifting magic, and while the tablets were a baffling marvel of invention, the pattern of acceptances and rejections was bizarre.
“I think he might attend if the Hulk does,” He muttered, not overtly fond of the idea. Some of the Earthlings had accepted, and Loki thought that was rather out of curiosity’s sake. He was, rightfully, considered a menace on that planet, but what was a little bit of chaos between friends?
“A little bit, indeed,” His spouse murmured in amusement, head tucked onto his shoulder. Loki melted into the grasp, some of the tension of wedding planning draining from him at the snug embrace.
“This is a bit ridiculous,” He griped, waving around the scroll as it curled back up with a sharp snick. “We already married in order to get past customs, why do we need another wedding?”
“For the week-long feasting and gladiator fighting in our name?” En Dwi suggested, pressing a kiss to his neck that yet managed to imprint an amused curl of lips. Loki shivered, poking one of the man’s arms regardless for the gladiator suggestion, and was met with a shrug that set the two of them into a rocking sway.
It was… nice, and still novel despite them technically having been married for some time now.
En Dwi was content to let the matter rest for a moment, more concerned with the way their thoughts met and tangled in an equally luxurious, languid slide. It was one of his more favourite ways to kiss, and the joy of a partner capable of reciprocating was one of the finer pleasures in life. He supposed their haphazard, spontaneous bonding in order to get their conveniently-forged passports approved was only the tipping point of their admittedly equally as spontaneous relationship.
The thought that Loki had become one of the few entities both able and willing to interact with him so intimately sent a certain zing through him, and he tightened his grasp, pleased to hear the sigh and feel the subtle relaxation at the gesture. How lucky I am, En Dwi mused, letting the thought tangle into Loki’s mind, layered in an affection to a depth he was pleased but unaccustomed to showing.
It was a sentiment quickly pinged back to him, roiled and layered in the nuances of Loki’s particular flavour. “How about this,” His lover spoke, voice dropped into a rumbling groan at the entanglement of their thoughts, quicksilvered and heart-deep, “We’ll have a play of your gladiatorial ring, and leave spots open for volunteers to participate.”
En Dwi gasped in startled delight, turning Loki around for an enthusiastic kiss. “You, my dear,” He marveled, taking in the pleasing, bewildered flush across the other’s features, “Are an absolute genius. The best of both worlds! See, this sort of brilliance is why I married you.”
It took a moment for Loki to recover from the onslaught of gropingly enthusiastic adoration, but he managed to worm a hand flickering blue and cold onto his chest, matching with a sardonically arched brow, “Oh, not because of my ability to sneak us onto a new planet?”
He took the hand clasped to his breast and pressed kisses to its digits, delighting in the condensation chilling his lips and the flustered sound his spouse made at the gesture, “Both, I think,” Was his mild response, spoken with a waggle of brows and a nip at the fingers in his hold. The blush was rather flattering, he thought, tempted to let them deviate off-track. But alas- “I can see if anyone from Sakaar could be bribed with a few hot meals, hm?”
Loki tittered, tapping his fingers reprovingly against his spouse’s unfortunately distracting lips. “We shan’t be paying a cent for this wedding, will we?”
“Mmm, no, not if I can help it.” He replied unrepentantly, winking half for the habit and mostly to see how long it took for the other to start trembling, “A favour is a favour, after all. Even if I have to swindle for it.”
“I love you,” Loki sighed beatifically, reaching up to twine his fingers into En Dwi’s hair. Then, in a slightly less soppy tone, he asked, “You’re going to get us in so much trouble, aren’t you?”
He laughed, crooking a finger to let the invitations scroll that had been floating morosely all by its lonesome to realign itself into one of the many voluminous pockets in his robes, stealing another parry of kisses while he was at it.
“You would be magnificently bored if I didn’t, dearest. A little bit of chaos keeps you on your toes,” He punctuated the statement by lifting Loki by the waist, just enough to sweep his toes along the fashionably garish rug, a rather rewarding gasp meeting his efforts, “And then you’d be causing mischief elsewhere in the galaxy, without me along to entertain you.”
The image of a traipsing, much younger Loki flitted across his mind, a montage of youthful history flitting past him. En Dwi smirked at a few of the bashfully recollected memories, “Horses, dear? I didn’t know you were so adventurous.”
“It was one time,” Loki groused, too content anyway to move from the relaxed slouch against his spouse, “Hardly likely to happen again.”
His spouse stifled a laugh, the play at politeness speaking volumes of his thoughts. “That’s alright,” En Dwi mused, his own brand of mischief rife in his words, “We have plenty of ideas to occupy ourselves with.”
“Like a cake.”
“And lots of it, preferably,” He nodded, altogether too tickled by the entire concept of a wedding after they’ve already married. There was this bakery on Lotho that could be persuaded… I wonder how well cake travels in hyperspace.
“Only as good as the coolant, I’m afraid,” Loki interrupted his idling thoughts, huffing dramatically, “Thor and I found that one out the hard way.”
En Dwi stared in bafflement at his spouse, “Why were you transporting a cake?”
That… did not clear up the situation any, but this was presumably another one of those sibling things. He poked the list of invites again, changing Thor’s name to an acceptable green. A story like that was too unique to be left as a groused footnote! Perhaps the king would be so kind as to trade a story for a spot in the marriage play.
A sigh tickled at his throat. “You know,” Loki said, a shade petulant, “You could just ask Thor to come. He probably would if you did so nicely enough.”
Loki indubitably knew his brother better, but curiosity got the best of him. “… Why? He ransacked most of the stadium and stole my pleasure liner on the way out.”
It seemed logical, but apparently was not, judging by the combination of flat, pitying stare and colourful thoughts that contradicted it. “Because he’s dutiful,” His lover corrected, feeling strongly enough about the issue to detract a hand from where it was twirling En Dwi’s hair around his fingers to visually articulate his point, “Or some such. Honestly, I have no idea why he sticks to such antiquated ideals, but it’s certainly a valid point to be leveraged.”
En Dwi nodded slowly, brows furrowing as he slotted together this new dynamic into his understanding of Asgard royal family dynamics. “Well,” He said cheerfully, resolving anyway to drag the other Odinson by hook or by crook to their wedding, “At least we won’t have to invite Hela.”
“And thank the stars for that,” Loki muttered, “Don’t need that much doom and gloom for a solid week.”
Kitkat mewed in agreement from where they were perched near their feet. It seemed the kitten carried over its patron’s distance of all things dreary, fur puffed up in affront at the idea of his late sister attending the festivities. Loki shuffled carefully out of his spouse’s hug to pick up the kitten, smiling faintly at its vocal distaste, “Yes, I agree, the only fighting should be scripted and entirely fake.”
En Dwi pouted mournfully, making him huff and amend his statement, “Mostly fake.” The kitten squirmed, settling onto Loki’s shoulder, “And entirely entertaining, as it ought to be.”
“You know…” Loki’s spouse drawled, his eyes sparkling with a new idea, “We could always make the last feast day about our wedding.”
“Spectacularly astute, you are,” He replied dryly, “As all the days will be about our wedding.”
En Dwi huffed, and Loki thought it was a little unfair how attractive he looked even when ostensibly peeved. Still, the little spark of pride that pressed against his own mind acted as its own appeasement, making him lean into the arm around his waist.
“I meant about our first wedding, dear.” That statement had Loki nodding, a grin on his face as he recollected the scattered three weeks of travel as they hopped from planet to planet. “Nobody will ever believe we aren’t already married.”
“Nonsense,” He interjected smoothly, teasing lilt to his words, “We have plenty of family on my side that want us annulled.”
“And are thoroughly too late for that,” En Dwi replied smugly.
Loki squirmed himself, flushing at the smattering of memories his spouse brought up. He coughed, “Yes, quite.”
His spouse sighed thoughtfully. “… I still want to wear those shoes that- who was it? The woman with the knives-”
“- Yes, her. The shoes that she sent, they would be lovely with the new tunic we picked up at the market.”
Loki fixed En Dwi with an incredulous stare, “Crocs are not fashionable.”
“But they are comfortable!”
Author's Notes
Thor gifted Loki with a Norwegian Forest named Kitkat and Darcy is quite proud of being allowed to name it (Thor is an absolute sucker for a good pun and thought it was an excellent idea). It's a direct call-back to Freya's chariot of cats, and I think a sweet gesture of familial bonds between Loki and Thor.
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
he is rough, his love tender
dabi x reader
playlist: apple juice - jessie reyez, no vacation - yam yam, nobody love you - john lennon, mardy bum - arctic monkeys*, sangria - easy life ( ft. arlo parks ), coffee for dinner - orion sun, funny you should ask - the front bottoms, hell and you - amigo the devil, cigarette duet - princess chelsea, im not a saint - billy raffoul, all the luv in my sick heart - awful tune
warnings: mentions of fighting and blood, alcohol and sex
summary: you scratch his back, he scratches yours time and time again.
dabi is a todoroki
idk if i like this or not tbh i just wanted some touya fluff 🥺 lemme know what you think!
requests are open!
There are many words that can describe Dabi, non of which being very kind because he himself isn't very big on the act. He's stoic and snarky and doesn't trust people easily, often opting to stay out of the spotlight and put as much distance between himself and others. He's capable of love, but with so many layers, it's almost impossible to get a drop of admiration out of him. He'd prefer is someone is begging on the knees with tears at his feet if he was going to give them an ounce of 'love', but even then it's not gentle and it sooner becomes something for him to indulge in. Consider it a favor. He's sadistic and mean and careless of others. He's cautious and careful not to get caught, even if it means backing down from a fight.
However, if you're lucky, he'll be gentle while facefucking you and he's grown partial to giving, even if he uses the excuse he likes it when you cry from the edging and beg for him to actually give you what you want. Even if he fights it, he doesn't have an excuse for when he wakes up in bed with your back pressed against his chest and an arm slung over your waist. He hates it even more when he wakes up with you looking at him like that. The look like he's the only man in the world even if he's nasty and says things he's not even sure he means anymore. You look at him like he doesn't have scares and isn't burnt on a majority of his body—like he hasn't done terrible things to get these permanent reminders. Not that they bother him, but under your gaze he starts to feel like self-conscious. It makes him roll his eyes when you give him a soft smile, pressing your lips to his shoulder before making your way down his chest.
He can't stop the tiniest of smiles from gracing gis features on those mornings.
Right now however he could be described as aggressive, irrational, and argumentative. It's a simple misunderstanding on his part, but he refuses to hear you out.
"I'm not blind, y/n. You were all over him." He keeps his chilled composure but his tone is a stark contrast. He's upset, maybe even angry at you, but more at whoever the guy you ran into on the street. He's not jealous, he's not really the type and even if he was he would never admit it. Besides, technically there's nothing between the two of you. It's an unspoken agreement and understanding that the two of you were something even if there was no exact title. Or at least that's what he thought when he cut all his other hookups off. He wants to kick himself for doing that when the two of you never talked about the situation you've found yourselves in. It's likely you never would talk about though.
"Are you even listening to me? He was asking for directions! I was trying to be nice, unlike someone." You retort, exasperated. Bastard and his selective hearing.
Dabi rolls his eyes, pushing his way past you with a irritated chuckle before waving you off.
"Yeah, whatever. I guess you being so close to him was the read his upside down, huh. I'm going for a walk."
You were about to point an accusation at him when the door lf your apartment slams shut and rattles the flat. His voice may not have raised but every yell he was holding back went straight into that action. You mutter something along the lines of, 'good, don't come back' before turning away from his exit.
It had been hours now, and you were beside yourself with worry. Sure, it wasn't unusual for him to be gone the day and sometimes he wouldn't even come back around to your apartment, but even then he'd send you some kind of text to make sure he's still on your mind—his words, not yours. You didn't expect him to be on your mind even when he didn't acknowledge you. You gnaw at your cheek, staring at your screen like a message would pop up. Were you wrong to think the relationship was actually going somewhere? Of course i am. It's Dabi we're talking about.
But now it's almost half past two and something about it just didn't sit right with you. Was this some kind of sick game that a higher power was playing on you? Did you really piss him off? Groaning in distress, you grip your hair and tug. This was all so exhausting, he's exhausting. What was up with this whole thing anyway and why did you even really care about what he's doing in his free time? The two of you are so alike it's sickening the more you think about it. Stubborn, always taking what you want without remorse because you can. But now what you want is slipping between your fingers and you're afraid you don't have enough power to get it back once it's gone. It makes you laugh. Who would've though the big bad y/n would be like this. The other villians would surely call you pathetic for it. Even Dabi has called you out on it whenever you got soft around him. How he's always so hard pisses you off.
You throw your phone on the coffee table, deciding to go to bed. You knew you probably wouldn't be able to get comfortable, but at least you wouldn't be waiting for a call that wouldn't be coming. Hell, you'd even be happy is he called for a simple blow job before kicking you out. He makes you weak and the sooner you accept it, the easier it'd be to live with.
You head to the bathroom to take some sleeping medication before hearing a clash in your livingroom. Whipping around, your first instinct is to shut the door and lock it. What are you doing, y/n? You're too tired to fight anyone now, you'd probably miss whatever target you tried to aim at. You look down at your hands. The most you'd be able to do is trip the breaks in the apartment and try to get a jump on whoever it is in the dark. If it's some kind of small time villian they'd probably kill you as soon as they saw you, especially when you can barely keep yourself awake. You bite your lip, going for the light above the mirrors and short-circuiting the entire apartment. You head outside the bathroom, a small burst of blue electricity coming from your hands like a torch.
"I'll light you up if you take one more step." You cringe at the waver in your voice. What was this weak display? You scoff and thrust your palm forward to emphasize the threat, seeing a hand on the floor from the little bit of light. You follow its path up to a purple, red and scarred arm. A gasp leaves you, rushing over to the body on the floor with muttered curses. He groans, rolling over before pushing you away, a hiccup coming from his lips.
"Jesus christ, Dabi. " You sit on your thighs, palms holing you up when he pushed you. You grunt, going to lift him up and onto the sofa. He pushes against you, his hand hot against your skin and you yelp. Furrowing your brows you stand, an urge to kick him coming to you but you brush it off, "fine, get yourself up while i turn the light back on."
Starting from the bathroom, the light flickers back on. You glance at the first-aid kit in the open cabinet before grabbing it and some sleeping pills despite yourself. If his touch was that hot without even using his quirk, he had to of used it intensely before.
When you walk back into the livingroom he's on the sofa, one hand gripping his side and the other adm covers his eyes from the sudden light. You want to be mad, but you can't find it in yourself to be. He looks awful. It's not like you haven't seen him like this before, you've patched him up after fights time and time again but seeing someone so strong and bad injuried and completely at their limits never ceases to surprise you. Still, you keep the firm and angered expression on your face.
"Dabi, what did you do." A statement and when he doesn't reply, you call his name again. This time he uncovers his eyes and looks up at you. Oh. He's drunk. Not only does his soft gaze give him away, but so does his breath when he opens his mouth to respond before closing it again and grunted at the sight of the first aid kit. You roll your eyes, urging him to sit up so you can take a look at what he's grabbing at on his side. He gives you a swift glare in refusal, about to push you away again. He always does.
"Fine, if you want to do this the hard way. Doesn't it ever get exhausting fighting me?"
You pull yourself over his hips, careful of the burns on his legs in case he really did go overboard with his quirk. Prying his hand away, you go to lift up his shirt and he looks away from you with a huff. What did he get himself into now? Especially so late, especially when the league definitely hasn't called on a mission because if they had you would've known about it. Looking up at him, you're eyes soften at his attempt at an angered expression. He's got to be tired. Ill patch him up and send him on his way quick.
"Why'd you come through the window?" What did you do that you can't just come to my door? Dabi takes in your tone and words, knowing them by heart by now. You never just asked what he did to get himself injuried and hurt on his 'days off'. By now there's been a long stretch of silence and his arms and legs have been wrapped up with ice pressed to them gently to cool down his temperature. If you had it way you'd have him in an ice bath to cool it down internally, but it'd be futile, especially when trying to work on stitching up the gash in his side.
"Shut up." Is all he says, turning his head to avoid your hard stare before you groaning when you purposely press into the bruising surrounding the stitches.
"I went to a bar‐"
"And? That's obvious, you'd probably still be slurring your words if I hadn't basically drowned you in water."
"Let me finish if you're going to ask, noisy bitch." He grits, earning another knuckle to the side.
"I went to a bar for a drink, okay? And i might've seen a guy I remember seeing before—only briefly— and I remembered how stupid he was because he couldn't read an upside down map. "
"When he left, I might've followed him into an alley and he might've gotten a good cut in before I could finish the job."
You press your lips into a thin line, knowing if you try to pry and scold him he'll just pick another fight. Sighing, you finish off the stitch and throw everythinf back into the kit, sliding it beside your phone on the coffee table. You move to get out of the straddle, letting his hands fall from your hips before making your way to your room to grab him a new shirt.
"You should probably get going- oh."
Dabi is already snoring lightly with his body slung around on the cushions by the time you come back in. The sight brings a sma smile to your face, shaking your head and leaving the shirr draped over the arm rest before going to put away the first-aid.
He turns, mumbling something incoherent under his breath before very loosely grasping your wrist. He's still asleep, eyes closed with steady breaths but when you go to move again, his grip tightens a bit. At least his subconscious mind speaks volumes. With a light scoff, you climb onto the sofa beside him, already aware of the neck and back pain you'll experience tomorrow. With your back to his chest, you fall into even breath with his, feeling his arm snake around your waist. If you had been awake for a minute later, you might've seen the way he peaked open an eye and the satisfied smile on his face.
He's rough around the edges, but honestly not that bad deep down. There's obviously something there in him that craves affection after not having any for so long. It really shouldn't have surprised you as much as it did to get an earful after you walked in from a mission.
Well, limped in.
As a new member of the league, but with your potential power you were set ahead to be a fighter. The battery acid quirk has a lot of uses fortunately —or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it.
This particular mission took more out of you than you thought it would, having to recharge halfway though left you open to more injuries than you anticipated. If it wasn't for Dabi, you would've probably been chopped liver by the end. The thought sends shiver down your spine, and you could already tell it sent heat down his. A couple of wounds to the abdomen, a sprained ankle (if not broken—you couldn't exactly go to a hospital), and a head wound from when one of them threw you into a wall like a ragdoll. It makes you cringe realizing how easy it was for him to do so, you take a mental note to pick up weight lifting again.
Dabi threw you on his back and carried you out of the place when the battle was done, throwing you down in tbe hideout to listen to Shiggy's notes. Not that he cared , but he knew you'd get chewed out for your injuries by someone there. Once it was done however, you and him trudge back to your apartment in eerie silence.
Now as you push open the door and practically fall into the kitchen, he simply grips you by the arm to steady your feet. He grunts, mumbling under his breath before motioning you to follow him to the bathroom. By now, he knew how to stitch you up—or at least in theory he did.
"I don't need your help. I know you don't want to be here anyway, and I don't need a lecture."
You aren't sure where the bark came from, but it carried no bite as you stalk into the bathroom to sit on the toilet. Dabi rolls his eyes, sending a glare your way to shut you up.
"Shut up and strip." He grumbles, preferring the silence now that he had said what he needed to. More criticism and harsh words than anything, but you've learned to take them with a grain of salt. It's not that he's jealous, just... protective (at least that's what dabi tells himself). He gathers up some bandages and a rag while you strip your shirt and roll up your pants leg.
He works his way top to bottom, starting with your cut forehead, careful with the rag around your hairline, he'd have to get the back of your head in the shower. It's different when he patches you up compared to when you return the favor and you can't help but to feel bad everytime. You would pry for information out of him and accuse him of trying to hurt himself, reprimanding him for being so reckless even though you both know he always thinks before he acts. You just need to say something the whole time to get it across to him because it seems like everytime you say you won't do it anymore, your resolve crumbles as soon as you see him.
He's harsh with his words but gentle in his actions and after the first words tumble out of his mouth, he has nothing more to say. He's already expressed how much he hates you working with the league, even if it's in form of 'you're too weak, this should've proved that. If you're going to keep working then get stronger so I don't have to baby you.' Little do you know he doesn't mind playing doctor and taking care of you. He'd never confess such soft feelings he has in words. He doesn't think he ever will. It's the little things, too, like how he doesn't kiss you on the lips unless it's been a tough day or after he's been particularly rough in bed. You don't expect him to when you have a long way to go before he trusts you enough to get his core.
When Dabi gets to your ankle, you stop him with a tug to his hair so he'll look at you. He only glances up, going back to inspecting it. It seemed like a second degree sprain from the bruising around the tender flesh. He reaches up to the counter to grab something to wrap it.
He hums in acknowledgment, beginning to wrap your ankle up enough to where you can walk until they can get real medical help for the injury. You repeat yourself and this time he makes eye contact, taping the fabric down.
Your eyes betray you, speaking words you were hesitant to. What are you doing, Dabi? He grunts when his joints pop from his crouched position to lean over you before nodding to the tub and gettjng a new rag.
"Make sure to keep your foot out of the water."
He nudges you over gently, watching you turn on the water to the desired temperature before crawling stripping all the way down and crawling in, careful of the freshly bandaged ankle. His eyes are softer now, but you don't mention it unsure if he even realizes they are. He looks almost like a kicked puppy you notice before submerging into the water. He hates how the clump of dirt and blood from your hair and head discolored the water. Allowing it to filter out first before refilling it with fresh water, he begins to gently pat at the headwound, pressing lighter everytime you wince.
He hadn't realized you were crying silent tears by the time he finishes, setting the dirty rag on the edge of the tub. If it weren't for you gripping his hand when he moved to stand, he would've just left you to unplug the tub and fix yourself up. But you did grip his hand and looked at him with puppy dog eyes, a sure sign you wanted some kind of affection from him. A rare delicacy in the relationship if it's not early morning or in the dead of night. The raven haired boy sighsz settling back down beside the tub,letting you tangle pruned fingers into his hair before pulling him into a kiss. It doesn't take long for him to full submit to it, takinf charge of the weak affection to gently bruise your lips.
He unplugs the tub and pulls you out, tossing you a towel before leading the way to the bedroom. It's not long before exhaustion takes over both of you, pushing you towards the bed for some much needed rest without being prompted.
Tonight, however, he holds you a bit closer.
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