#open my doc and there are like 5+ comments that are just ???
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Late Night Talking
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#poorly drawn mdzs#MDZS#wei wuxian#lan wangji#This scene had massive 'we are the only two people still up at the sleepover' energy#thought let me set the record straight; wwx doesn't open up in the scene. He fully deflects#Nor does LWJ play with ants B*(#I wanted to merge the two scenes a bit that's all#My OG script was a bit funnier but it broke continuity so rip (i.e: wwx outright stated 'remember when YOU...' in reference to the ants)#also rip to lwj saying 'hey U up?' like he's texting his crush. I hope the spirit is still there#We all know lwj sticks to his 9pm bedtime no matter what#and wouldn't be traditionally texting on a cellphone#He wakes up at 4:30 am to go for a run#gets home at 5:30 to use the lan household computer to go on his shared google doc with wwx and comments 'are you still awake?'#cause lets me real. wwx might also keep a steady sleep schedule but at least he *can* pull an all-nighter#Can you imagine lwj at a sleepover? I admit to being the kid who went to bed and woke up 3-4 hours before the others#you either get fed up and wake someone else up for enrichment - or plan ahead to bring a book - or Walk Home#I fully missed out on all that deep heart to heart stuff. I usually was the one to go 'guysssss we are gonna get in troubleeee go to sleep'#wait this is too much sleepover talk I need to talk about wwx in the last panel. It's a mix of panic and pride.#He's just at the beginning of realizing this guy has changed a lot in 13 years#gonna be a while before more comic pages get posted but they're ready to go in the queue!#(I'm still posting other stuff daily though!)
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hihello-pinky · 2 months
Sight (5)
Suna Rintarou X F! Reader
Sometimes, it takes losing someone to finally see them. He wished he knew this before, but Rintaro had to learn this the hard way.
Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents my views of the original anime/manga characters.
WARNINGS: nothing, just fluff, and OH, did not go through proofreading lols
Word Count: 1.6k
Surprise quick update! I know I said in the last part that things are about to get downhill starting from this chapter. However, I really enjoyed writing this one that I had to cut out the angst portion. So... this is also quite a short read. Happy reading, though!
Kindly reblog, like, and/or leave a comment if you loved this chapter and let me know what you think! xoxo
part one part two part three part four
kofi ~~
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“I’m very happy, Y/N,” Dr. Hirai says in front of you as she examines the papers. “These results look good. You haven’t been stressed much lately?”
You beam at the woman. “I guess so. My headaches have rarely occurred as well.”
”Great.” She smiles as she picks up her pen and starts to write. “I’m going to prescribe you some vitamins and supplements. But remember, rest and sleep is top priority, okay?”
You respond with a nod, akin to a child receiving instructions from their parent on the first day of school.
As you wait for Dr. Hirai to finish writing the prescription, a knock comes on the door. After the doctor’s “Come in”, your husband’s head peeks inside.
”Hi, Doc.” He greets before looking at you. “Hey. Something came up at the company and I have to go there. Would you want to wait for me at the cafe across the street?”
Other times you would have felt disappointed about his need to leave, but the mere fact that he’s informing you - through a cute peek at the door nonetheless - makes your heart flutter instead.
“Okay, sure.”
Rin shoots you a smile that almost melts your heart. “Great. I’ll keep you posted.”
And just like that, the door closes again. You turn to Dr. Hirai to see her looking at you. “Anything’s the matter, Doc?”
The woman just smiles before handing you the prescription. “Oh, nothing, Y/N. Nothing.”
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
You watch the busy street through the window, your hand tapping a pen against your journal. You’re not one to miss writing daily but these past several weeks, you have been too preoccupied to jot down your thoughts.
Then, there’s also the matter of an irrational fear.
Truth be told, you’ve been happy since that night Rintarou admitted his attraction to you; the night he asked you to give him a chance and for you two to get to know each other.
You’d love to pen down those memories but there’s a voice at the back of your head telling you that it’s a bad idea. That it’s a prelude to something terrible happening.
You place your pen on the table and flip through the older entries on your journal, only to remember the entries you are looking for are no longer in the notebook’s binder. You had them removed and placed in a box the day before you asked Rin for divorce, thinking that it's time to give up on trying to make things work for both of you.
But then, things have changed now.
Or have they really changed? That voice in your head asks in skepticism.
What if, just like before, this “peace” is a fluke? What if Rin ends up hurting you again?
You close your eyes tightly and rub at your temples. You shouldn’t be entertaining this kind of thoughts. Overthinking and worrying about things from five years ago…
”Hey, Y/N? Is that you?” A familiar voice brings you out of your thoughts and you open your eyes only to be met by a friendly smile.
”Oh,” you say in pleasant surprise, “Hi, Hajime. What an unexpected meeting.”
The older guy's smile widens as he gestures for the seat across you. You nod in reply, closing your journal and putting it at the side.
”What brings you here?”
”I had a check-up with my doctor at the hospital across the street. How about you?”
At your question, Hajime scratches his nape. You notice his ears redden and you try not to smile at how boyishly embarrassed he looks. “Um, I’m visiting someone.”
”A friend?”
He locks eyes with you and groans at the teasing look that you know is visible on your face. “Okay, okay. She’s not technically a friend. I… met her one night through an accident, my motorcycle bumped into her. Thankfully, her injuries are not serious.”
”Oh my god,” you cover your mouth in reflex. You compose yourself before continuing, “I’m assuming she’s okay, though?”
Hajime waves his hand in front of you. “No worries! She’s fine and getting better. In fact, she’s about to get discharged tomorrow.” He suddenly clicks his tongue. “Am I bad to feel sad about her being discharged? I won’t have a reason to see her anymore.”
This time, you’re not able to stop yourself from laughing. “Hajime, that’s silly! Why won’t you just ask her out? Or her family and friends, maybe? You probably have met some of them, right?”
He smiles sheepishly and it’s a contrast to his usual demeanor when in the playground with his son. “I’m nervous to ask. Also, her family’s not here. She very recently moved back to the country from living abroad several years before. She also mentioned she has yet to reconnect with any of her old friends.”
”Oh, I see. But isn’t that reason enough to ask her out, if you’re really interested in her?”
”I guess so…”
Seeing the flush on your friend’s face makes you smile. “Who would have thought you’d get yourself in a classic meet-cute scenario?”
”Ugh, Y/N, please stop teasing me.” You know he means to reprimand, but Hajime still joins you in your laughter.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
“Fuck.” Suna resists the urge to throw his phone after the screen died on him. The battery had been on the verge of dying and he couldn’t find his charger anywhere. So, he’s on the way to the cafe, hoping that you didn’t decide to go somewhere else.
As he approaches the entrance, it amazes him how he’s quick to spot you in a crowd now. He sees the baby pink dress you’re wearing, your cardigan looking soft and comfortable over it. He also notes that you had tied your hair into a bun, a few strands framing your face.
And then he notices you’re not alone. To his dismay, he recognizes the person you’re currently with. Before he knows it, Suna is already brisk-walking the short distance from the entrance to your table.
You notice his presence as you look up at him and smile. That very sweet and innocent smile instantly calms him down a notch. He takes a deep breath. “Hey. I wasn’t able to send you a message, my phone died on me.”
”That’s okay.” Then, gesturing to your companion, you ask, “Rin, you remember Hajime?”
Suna tries to sound as nonchalant as possible as he faces the man. “Yeah. What brings you here?”
Hajime gives him what he assumes to be a friendly smile and Suna reminds himself that there’s no acceptable reason why he should give in to the urge to punch the smile out of the man’s face. “I was gonna visit someone at the hospital.”
Before Suna can respond, the man quickly checks his watch as if suddenly remembering and curses under his breath. “Oh, shoot. Uh, I should go.” He gives a wave before going over to the counter to make his purchase.
Suna shakes his head, a small scoff leaving his mouth. “Rin,” you call his attention. “Let’s go?” He watches you zip your bag close and before you can put the strap on your shoulder, he swiftly grabs to carry it for you.
If he didn’t turn his back as soon as he does so, he wouldn’t have missed your blush and smile.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
Once you reach Rintarou’s car, he asks if you have your phone charger with you. As you say yes, he asks again if you would plug it in the car’s charging port as he maneuvers the car out of parking.
You do as he asks and, as you place his phone on the console, notice some things that spark your concern.
”Yeah?” He responds, eyes ahead.
”I know we both have sweet tooth, but didn’t we agree not to give Risa and Ryuu too much candy?”
”Lollipops and gums,” you answer, finally tearing your eyes away from the items that had caught your attention. You turn to Rin and watch as the confusion leaves his face.
To your surprise, he only chuckles in response. “Those aren’t for the kids, Y/N. They’re mine.”
Now, it’s your turn to feel lost. “Huh?”
Rintarou bites his lips. “I’m trying to quit smoking. I heard those are nice alternatives.”
”Oh.” You’re at a loss of words for a moment, remembering the many times you have told him in the past that smoking is bad for the health. As you struggle to find what to say, Rin continues.
”It’s gonna take a while though. To be honest, this isn’t the first time I’m trying and it’s really hard.” A small laugh. “I’ve been smoking even before I was legally allowed to. But god, I do hope I can finally quit this time.” He shoots you a quick smile. “I don’t want my wife to leave me because of nicotine problems.”
And just like that, whatever response you’ve been able to come up with in your mind gets forgotten, chased away by the butterflies in your stomach.
Rintarou has been doing this a lot lately: calling you his wife.
Of course he had done so in the past, but they were all said in mockery, with the intent to spite and hurt you. It’s the very opposite now. He knows he makes you flustered and you know he enjoys seeing you blush.
You turn your head to look out the window, hoping he can’t see your very red face. Behind you, he laughs a little. It does not help in calming the beating of your heart. “What’s the matter, Y/N?”
”Shut up, Rin!"
to be continued.
taglist (lmk if you wanna be added or if you changed your user): @warrior-of-justice @alisa--things @wolffmaiden @kurookinnie @simp-nerd-16  @alex-is-100 @k4g3hika @harukaaaaa172993 @themoonreflectsthesun  @lvjycrow @cantbedenied @sweetlikerockcandy @sirimiripetrichor @yamiakari-chi  @noideawhothatis @nervouscoffeetaco @lovemyfamily4ever-blog nervouscoffeetaco  kamukayakmonyet  yuqixidle ieathairs  cantbedenied  gariben  beomeomgyu  esmeisdrunk-blog  123j456l  iluv-ace  semitje @justablogforreblogs @alienvarmint @itohsi @tamimemo @mshope16 @jeonsfizz @syndyj @susuarin @ssc7514 @tkooooop @lialoveskaisersomuch @dilucsleftshoelace @bakingcuriosity @appepel
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attollogame · 2 months
March and the status of Attollo
Hi everyone!
This was posted on patreon, but I thought to extend it on the blog as well for transparency purposes for everyone. If you clicked the read more to check this out, thanks, and glad you're still kicking around!
March consisted of me jumping in and out of medical care for the bulk of the month, and despite the armada of pills and specialists I'm hanging around with in my free time, answers have been nonexistent about what's been going on. I'm tired—understandably so.
So what's this got to do with the game?
Beyond just feeling too tired to do what's required of me for work and school, I've been weirdly anxious about the game in general. I think it's based around comments I received in the past about how the game is, what people's opinions are, etc. I've been genuinely sick to my stomach opening my doc containing the game. I just start writing and then it's like... will people even like this? Or read it? Is it just jargon that they'll skim past for 5 seconds of dialogue with a character they like, and then never touch again? Is it worth putting the lore and stuff when it won't be relevant until later in the game? And so on.
I don't know. It's been a bit of a hole. I'm wondering if maybe I need to rewrite it to make it more appealing, or if it's fine as it is, and all these other anxieties that have by no means been helping my health. I want to write, and maybe that's the worse bit. The want versus the brains refusal to do so.
Anyway. None of this particularly matters, because you guys are mostly keen on when it'll be updated. It will—I'm plugging through it slowly. I originally said I'd post the three on patreon and then bulk release, but I may just post on patreon and then release as the new routes come out as a form of apology for my inability to keep a consistent schedule.
Unfortunately, real life demands often take away from fun side hobbies like this.
I reactivated patreon for this month so hopefully I'll have some new content to post on there as well to kind of... rebuild the confidence about the game.
That being said, I do hope you (the lovely person who has read this far) are doing well. I hope you're healthy, and stress free, and enjoying month 4 of 2024. Stay that way for me, will you?
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marvel-ous-m · 1 year
Eddie Munson’s Guide for How to Adopt a Jock in Four Easy Steps (3/5)
Part One
Part Two
Part Four
AO3 Link
A.N.- shorter chapter today, but the next two chapters make up more than half of the rest of my google doc! So I promise that it’s worth it, lol. Enjoy!
“Eddie, I’m going to need you to repeat what you just told me, because I know for a fact that I didn’t hear you correctly. I couldn’t have.” Grant crossed his arms angrily, leveling Eddie with his best intimidating glare. 
“I know it sounds crazy, but I need you to trust me on this. Steve is… fuck man, he’s not in a good place, okay? So yeah, he’s sleeping in the Hellfire room right now. Before you come for my throat, I need you to think about this.” Eddie held out his hands, counting on his fingers as he went through his reasoning. “His parents haven’t been home in three months. Hagan abandoned him last year, Nancy broke up with him then hooked up with Jonathan Byers, Billy beat the shit out of him this weekend, he isn’t sleeping, he has no one. He’s an outcast, just like the rest of us.” 
“So this is the perfect opportunity to get back at him.” Gareth muttered under his breath, crossing his arms. 
Eddie turned to the youngest member of their party, raising an eyebrow. “I know that his type like to pick on you Freshmen, but that’s not how we do things here, Gar-bear.” Eddie sighed then, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s easy to get back at people in times like this, but that would make us no better than them.” Eddie turned back to the entire group then, shaking his head at the three of them. “You guys didn’t see him. It was bad… I mean, if I’m being honest, it was a little scary.”
“So what are you proposing?” Jeff finally spoke, looking up from where he was previously staring at the linoleum floor of the hallway outside the drama room.
“Just let him sit next to me and watch the game today. Be civil. Don’t tease him, don’t make snide comments- just don’t be assholes. If things go well after today we’ll talk about bringing him in permanently.”
“Eddie, I mean this when I say it, you are certifiably insane.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” 
“Shut up!” Eddie shrieked and held his hands up, effectively quieting the uproar from his group of misfits. “Just- look, if you fuck this up I’ll TPK this whole campaign- which, honestly, is probably more of a punishment for me because I’ve been working on this campaign for about a month, but I digress. Give. The guy. A chance.” 
Grant, Gareth, and Jeff looked at one another. They always seemed to be able to have a conversation without speaking (and that conversation usually was centered around some shit Eddie was pulling). Finally, Jeff nodded at Eddie. “Alright, we’ll give him a chance. BUT only on the condition that each of our characters starts with a rare magic item.”
Eddie huffed out a quiet laugh, nodding at the three boys. “Yeah, sure, whatever. I’ll add them to your character sheets before we start.”
Jeff blinked in surprise and looked at both Gareth and Grant, then back at Eddie. “Even though the magic items may not make sense with your campaign?” 
“You’re the ones asking for ‘em.” Eddie shrugged, then pulled the lanyard out of his pocket. “Okay, just gimme like, ten minutes, then you can come in.” As Eddie walked away, he could’ve sworn he heard the boys whispering about a giant crush and him being head over heels. Eddie scoffed to himself. He could never fall for Steve- what with Steve’s stupid big eyes and his floppy hair and his dorky polos. Eddie unlocked the door, rolling his eyes as he did. Him falling for Steve. As if. 
Steve sat up from his space in the corner when the door opened, instantly relaxing when he saw who it was. The jock rubbed at his eyes, humming sleepily. “Hey Eds. S’it time for Hellfire ‘lready?” 
Steve’s hair was a mess, his polo was sideways, his eyes were tired and a blanket was hunched around his shoulders. He was… actually kind of adorable. Eddie smiled at him and could’ve sworn he felt a flutter in his chest. 
Oh no.
Oh no no no.  
He had a crush on Steve Harrington. 
A.N.: this tag list has grown so much! I’m sorry if I forgot to add you if you requested it or if you didn’t end up on here, there were some accounts that were giving me trouble. Thanks again for all the support!
@ellietheasexylibrarian @cuips-not-cute @melodymeddler @i-have-three-feelings @sc00ps-ahoy @singmeyoursimpsong @patchworkgargoyle @spectrum-spectre @devondespresso @thesuninyaface @obsessivlyme @angeldreamsoffanfic @carlyv @nburkhardt @inspirationorinsanity @rebelspykatie @my2amgaythoughts @lavenderagenda @just-a-tiny-void @mamafaithful @breadboi66 @beholdingloser @randomfandomcontent @oftirnanog @yellowdevilkitten @steves-strapcollection @keep-er-steddie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bisexualdisastersworld @jinxjinn @copingmechanizm @blackpanzy @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @evix-syne666 @crisisinverted17 @satan-is-obsessed @shrimply-a-menace @anaibis @trashcanniballecter  @thoughtfulbreadpolice @awholedamnmesstbh @chaoticvictorianspirit @jcmadgirl 
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cards-of-rose · 7 months
study tip!! how i write essays
going from a long, intensive classical education to my current history major, i've had to write a lot of papers. at this point, i can write a 5 page paper in a few hours, and just a couple weeks ago i wrote a 20 page paper in a single day. i graduated valedictorian with this method (current cGPA of 4.0!) so i thought i'd share how i write them! grab some coffee and settle in - it'll be a long post, but i promise it'll be worth it. :)
first, the topic. if you don't have an assigned topic, pick something that fascinates you, something that you could write pages and pages about. you will. if your topic is assigned, find something in it that you find fascinating. even if you find your topic completely boring, there's always something interesting to glean from it! once you find this, you'll gain motivation, and that's half the battle.
write down a basic outline. when i say basic, i mean barebones. just a vague, 3-point general idea of what you think you might write your paper about. this will guide you in your research! you don't need to worry about writing your full outline just yet.
sources. after you have a basic list of points, it's time to find sources! if they're already assigned, you can skip this step. most of the time they aren't, though. this is the most important part of your paper. you can go to google scholar to find really good academic journals and studies!
generally, the number of sources you have depends on the length of your paper! a good guide is that your amount of sources should number half the length of your paper. so if you have a 5 page paper, 2-3 is a good way to go. if you have a 20 page paper, you'll want around 10.
evidence. skim over your sources and categorize each one under the point you made earlier. this will mean you have a quick reference guide when you're writing, so you don't have to go through a big list of sources when you're looking for evidence! under each source, put a few bullet points talking about the info that you can use for your paper.
outline. this part may seem daunting. i promise, though, it's one of the easiest parts of the paper! you may feel tempted to skip it, but having an outline makes your paper sound better and makes it easier and quicker to write. use the sources and bullet point info you used earlier to fill out your outline. start broad and general, then add details as you do your research! your outline should be about half the length of your paper. don't worry about making it super scholarly - this is just for you, so make it as informal and easy to understand as you want! be stupid, throw in memes, whatever gets it written!
every outline should include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. i can go over the structure of an outline in another post, but remember the 3 points you thought up earlier? these will form your entire outline, and eventually your essay!
finally, write! open a blank google doc and view it side by side with your outline. once you get started, it's a lot easier to finish than you'd think, especially if you took the time to outline! this is when you can make your dumb outline into something that would make the ancient philosophers proud. don't worry about perfection. just write it as you go. you can edit it later!
quotes/evidence. once you've finished your rough draft, it's time to add the evidence! some profs want quotes, others want you to paraphrase. either way, go through your paper and put in the evidence you researched earlier. don't worry about citations just yet - just put in the link in a comment on your rough draft. it won't be hard to fix it up later.
edit!! please, please don't finish your rough draft and be done with it. you can save so many points by going over it again instead of submitting it in a rushed 3am haze. fix spelling and grammar, add citations and a reference page, edit for clarity, anything you need to make it sound like the best paper you can write! if you're proud of it by the end, you know you've done something right.
congrats, you did it!! make sure you start your paper early and don't wait till the night before - your grade will thank you <3
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
01/26/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Renew As A Crew/Hoist The Ads; Cast & Crew Sightings; Queerties; Twitter Watch parties; Articles; Reasons to keep fighting; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonights Taika;
== Renew As A Crew / Hoist The Ads ==
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Tumblr Post / Twitter Post /Instagram Post
Link to vote
==Cast & Crew Sightings==
While the sighting hasn't occurred yet... looks like Vico Ortiz, Nathan Foad, and Con O'Neill will all be attending Galaxy Con in San Jose on August 16-18, 2024 at the San Jose Mcenery Convention Center. Tickets available now. Src: _irene_adler on IG
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One thing to note.. Chaos dad has been pretty consistent about reaching out every 3 days-ish lately.. I'm interested to see if tomorrow he shows up again. Just a theory.
== Queerties ==
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If you're down, please vote for the Queerties each day! If you want to just vote for OFMD categories, feel free to visit: TV Comedy Best TV Performance Wanna help another Taika/Rhys verse Queertie? Vote for Kaimana for Best Film Performance in Next Goal Wins!
==Twitter Watch Parties==
Sadly, today #PirateOmens came to an end, but our friend @dandeebakes is already fast at work getting other cool Watch parties together! Please send them some love!
HuntForThePirateHome Watch Party Starts Sunday Jan 28 at 3 PM EST, 12 PT, 8 PM GMT. Hashtags for that event are:
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Thank you to @blueberreads for catching these trends on twitter during the Pirate Omens watch, definitely kept engagement up.
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#LubeAsACrew is back on 1/31/24 at 4PM PT, 1PM ET. Next up are S1 Episodes 5, 6, 7.
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== How To Help ==
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
15 Things We’ll Miss About ‘Our Flag Means Death’
2024’s Canceled Shows, for Your Final Consideration
Relisting The Guardian's article from yesterday because they've opened comments, and it can help with engagement so feel free to comment on it now!
Also, @itsmfgames Has been kind enough to be keeping up a running list of Articles about the campaigns -- so if you have the time and want to go catch up on some articles, please checkout the guide below and visit this google doc for the list! It's been added to the Daily Renewal List for both US and Outside-US, so feel free to check it out there as needed.
== Reasons to Keep Fighting ==
Throwing in some great points from our tumblr folks regarding the cancellation that really helped me feel pumped today.
@celluloidbroomcloset's Our Flag Means Death was cancelled because it’s gay.
@queerly-autistic's break down on why Not All Fan Campaigns Are The Same.
@saltpepperbeard's reasoning for Clinging Onto Hope
@tulipseason's lovely reasons The Show Is Irreplaceable
== Love Notes ==
Alright lovelies. I have so many words to say about how great you all are, how much I love you (and I'm sure you're tired of hearing them), but I went back to work today after 7 days of being sick and now my brain is mush. So instead I'm going to put the text of one of my son's books in here because I think every one of us should feel loved like we were when we were 5.
On The Night You Were Born - By Nancy Tillman On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, “Life will never be the same.” Because there had never been anyone like you… ever in the world. So enchanted with you were the wind and the rain, that they whispered the sound of your wonderful name. It sailed through the farmland High on the breeze… Over the ocean… And through the trees… Until everyone heard it and everyone knew of the one and only ever you. Not once had there been such eyes, such a nose, such silly, wiggly, wonderful toes. When the polar bears heard, they danced until dawn. From faraway places, the geese flew home. The moon stayed up until morning next day. And none of the ladybugs flew away. So whenever you doubt just how special you are and you wonder who loves you, how much and how far,  Listen for geese honking high in the sky. (They’re singing a song to remember you by.) Or notice the bears asleep at the zoo. (It’s because they’ve been dancing all night for you!) Or drift off to sleep to the sound of the wind. (Listen closely… it’s whispering your name again!) If the moon stays up until morning one day, or a ladybug lands and decides to stay, or a little bird sits at your window awhile, it’s because they’re all hoping to see you smile… For never before in story or rhyme (not even once upon a time) has the world ever known a you, my friend, and it never will, not ever again… Heaven blew every trumpet And played every horn On the wonderful, marvelous Night you were born
== Daily Darby / Tonights Taika ==
The gifs today are courtesy of our lovely @ofmd-ann who blesses us every day with gifs that make me swoon. Darby / Taika
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Warning to all you gif makers, I'm gonna be bugging the crap out of you soon for permission to share on these recaps :P -- feel free to say no!
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the-fluff-piece · 9 months
Tropetember 8
Law's Amnesia
Also check out my stories and headcanon masterlists
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Law gets knocked out and gets - AMNESIA! But not the boring medical kind, the fun quirky kind of tropes. He shows the crew a different side as he forgets who he is and what hardships he had to endure
"Kind of sucks when your doc is the one who would need help..." Shachi mused as he and Bepo monitored Law's condition.
He got a massive hit in the head from Luffy - by accident, the other captain swore. Now he was out and sleeping it off.
Bepo put his paw on Law's forehead, patting his captain for comfort.
You've offered to take over so the others could get some sleep. Taking a book and some tea with you, you prepared for an uneventful night.
Law had a light bruise in his head but it didn't make him any less handsome. His face looked stern, even when he was unconscious. His fine features were heartbreaking as always and you allowed yourself to let your fingers trail down his cheek - only to check his temperature and general condition of course.
When you felt his groomed goatee under your fingers, he twitched lightly, making you jump.
He grimaced in pain and groaned, opening his eyes slowly and lifting his head.
"Law, you're awake!" You stated the obvious as you tried to keep him down. Of course, your captain had to wear a half open shirt and of course, you happened to touch his bare chest.
"You need to stay in bed or you'll get dizzy!" You warned him.
"What?" He asked, his eyes looking at you with a confused expression.
With soft force, you pressed him into the bed again, while his eyes were fixed on your face.
"Who are you? Where am I?" He asked, the softness and higher pitch of his voice sounded unfamiliar to you.
"Captain that's not funny, it's me, y/n" you still had to press him down, he was surprisingly strong for just waking up.
"Captain? Who?" He pushed against you and sat up, shaking his head.
"Wow, cool stuff!" He looked around his own medical bay as of he was seeing it for the first time.
"And who are you again?" He asked you, looking you up and down with open interest.
"Are you some kind of mechanic? Is that your tech stuff?" His voice sounded excited and light, absolutely not like his usual self.
As he moved to get out of the bed you pressed him back down with all your power and only succeeded because you surprised him with a jump.
"Whoa, babe, slow down!" He chuckled as you found yourself half on top of him, both hands on his chest.
"You uhm.. you need to lie down, you took a serious blow to the head" you explained with urgency.
"So you're like...my girlfriend?" His eyes beamed like a little boy's in a candy store.
"You're cute!" He said as he grabbed your shoulders and drew you into an embrace.
"CAPTAIN" you screamed, trying to wiggle out of an iron grip.
"Where?" Law let go and looked around.
You jumped down from the bed and caught your breath - he has lost his mind!
And he was already swinging his feet out of the bed, energetically looking around like a 5 year old on sugar.
"I have to see the rest of this thing!" He ran towards the door, and you couldn't hold him back. He was far stronger and faster than you, instead he grabbed your hand and dragged you with him through the door.
"Wow, where am I?" He asked.
"The polar tang - your ship!" You said as you tried to keep up with his long strides.
"My ship? And my girlfriend! I'm so lucky! Just the name of the ship is weird" He laughed. He dragged you down the corridor and to deck, where he stopped dead in his tracks.
"A bear!?" He looked at Bepo in disbelief. The white bear sat on deck and enjoyed some cool night air. As soon as he heard Law's comment, he blushed and stammered excuses.
"Ca...captain??? You are awake?" He eventually got a hold of himself.
Law approached his first mate really carefully.
"A talking bear!" He said.
"SORRY" Bepo bowed down.
"Hey whaaa...?" Bepo blushed until he became a fleshy pink.
As he bowed down, Law grabbed his ears and was squeezing them thoroughly while making "awww" sounds and giggling.
"What's going on here?" Shachi appeared in the door, looking shocked. "He isn't supposed to be up yet!"
"He just...I think he has amnesia!" You said.
"Amnesia?" Shachi rubbed his chin.
"Could be. In any case, you need to get back to bed Captain!" He said to Law.
"Who's this captain?" Law looked around and finally stopped molesting Bepo, who sank to his as a whimpering white mess.
"You are! And we need you! So please go back to bed, you need rest!" Now Shachi helped you to push Law back in the direction of sick Bay.
"Me? Captain? Wow, my life is awesome! I have a cute girlfriend, a ship AND a crew???" He looked like he could burst from happiness and excitement.
"...girlfriend?" Shachi asked.
"He kind of decided that I am his girlfriend" you answered, blushing.
Shachi seemed like he wanted to make a sassy comment when Law suddenly dug in his heels and stared at his reflection in one of the windows.
He studied the tattoos on his chest and hands and let his hands run through his hair.
"I...I..." he seemed overwhelmed, "I look like a crook! A gangster! A...a..." he seemed at a loss for words.
"A pirate?" You helped him.
"Yes! One of those! That would be awful!" He said it with such upstanding distaste that you and Shachi just had to exchange a glance to come to the same conclusion.
"Of course your not a pirate. You're a...fashion model!" You told him.
"Woah, really?" Law seemed to relax again - and become more docile.
"Yes and I am your girlfriend! Let's go to bed, it's late!" It still felt strange to talk to him that way, but he seemed to like what he heard and followed you like a lamb back to his sick bed.
"See? That wasn't so bad. Now you just have to lay down again so you can rest." You indicated the bed with your outstretched hand.
"It seems really small" Law said.
"It's big enough for you" You said.
"And you?" Law blushed.
"What about me?" He confused you now.
"I mean...since you are my girlfriend, you sleep in my bed" He grinned.
"Uhm..." You had to swallow and looked at Shachi for help. He grinned, to. That bastard.
"You two are so in love, you squeeze into a tiny bed" He chuckled maliciously and slowly walked out of the room.
"So romantic! I love cuddling. I think" Law was absolutely on board and threw himself into the cushions, his arms open to receive you.
"Uhm...why don't you go to sleep while I work some more?" You said.
"I am hurt and need rest. You said so yourself! I need you to sleep" Law stated like a kid that just outwitted a grown up.
"Fine." You awkwardly settled on the bed, when Law shook his head.
"Your boiler suit is dirty. You don't sleep with that" He indicated some oil stains on your suit.
You never wore more than underwear and a shirt under that thing. It could get hot. But he really needed to sleep, so you pulled down the zipper under Law's lusty gaze. When you finally slipped it from your shoulders, he commented with another "wow" as he stared at you with undeniable adoration.
He opened his arms again and tucked you into his side as soon as you settled on the bed. Immediately you noticed his cold, clammy hands.
"Law, you're so cold, are you hungry? Are you dizzy?" You asked.
"So...sleepy...with...girlfriend..." he rested his head on your shoulder as he pressed against you and seemed to pass out again. You waited until he breathed deeply and evenly and slipped out of his tight grip.
He looked relaxed and content as he slept and you resumed your watch over him.
Yes, I'm pretty sure that head injuries don't work like that, but this is tropetember so Law has the right kind of Amnesia and will be fine xD I hope you enjoyed it
Taglist@yeeeeezly @waitingmydemons @stariski @livwritesfics @violetmatcha
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she-wolf09231982 · 4 months
Chapter 5- Just You
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Summary:  An unexpected resistance to a German attack causes Liebgott an injury. The experience brings emotions to head between you and Liebgott.
A/N: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFem!Medic, post D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Descriptive Wounds/Injuries, Blood/Gore, Smoking, Angst, Banter, Pining, Consensual Physical Contact/PDA, FOREVER FLUFF 💚
Chapter takes place 1x5 Crossroads 
*I have loved you for several hours now, and every second more. I thought an hour ago that I loved you more than any woman has ever loved a man, but a half hour after that I knew that what I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt then. There is no room in my body for anything but you. * -The Princess Bride, William Goldman
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
October 1944 
Easy Company set up in an abandoned barn as a headquarters and aid station in Schoonderlogt, Holland. Most of Easy Company had been inside awaiting the return of the reconnaissance patrol that left at sunset to see if any Germans were near the village. Liebgott leading the mission had been gone for several hours. 
Eugene insisted you get some sleep, but you only sat in the bunk, your mind too busy to even close your eyes. Talbert with his newfound companion, Trigger (a German Shepard ironically), was a nice distraction while Joe was gone. As you were petting the dog, the barn door burst open alarming everyone and bringing everyone to their feet. 
“Penetration!” one of the soldiers called out carrying another soldier injured. 
“It’s Alley!” Talbert yelled. 
“Alley’s hurt!” Liebgott shouted. 
“Boyle, get Doc.” Winters instructed then looked at Liebgott, “Where?” 
“Crossroads.” Liebgott replied. You notice he took a dressing and pressed it against his neck. 
“Liebgott-” you called to him, but another soldier interrupted you. 
“Well, if it wasn’t for your loud mouth-” he started to accuse Joe. 
You tried again but louder, “Lieb-” 
“-Hey, you know what? Back off!” Liebgott shot back as Roe pushed through the gaggle. 
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“Get the boots off, elevate...Lieb use the sulfur...” Doc directed. 
“JOE!” You barked over the commotion.  
“Goddam it, WHAT?” He snarled back at you with a heavy look of annoyance. 
“Get over here and let me look at your neck.” you directed sternly. 
“It’s just a scratch.” He dismissed. 
You huff audibly, losing your patience and giving him a side glance. 
“Joe, let her take a look. We got this over here.” Doc insisted. 
Liebgott sighed reluctantly rolling his eyes and made his way to you. 
He stood tall in front you, refusing to look you in the eyes as you gently directed his head by the chin to his left to expose the injured site where he still held the dressing. You know he was trying to hide how bad it really was, so you decided to kill him with kindness to get him to do what you needed to do to help him. 
Your voice sweet and subtle, “Joe...” 
He hummed in response. 
“Move your hand. Please?”  
He quickly looked down at you, no smile or any real sign of emotion, just searching your eyes for something unknown to you. You feel your eyes widen as this unexpected attention from Joe unnerved you. It’s not a look that you experienced from him before. He almost looked like a ravenous animal. 
You stood your ground, staring back at him expectantly waiting for him to remove his hand from his neck. 
His hand slowly dropped without breaking eye contact. 
You make your hands busy with the messy dressing on his neck and see an angry laceration, but not deep enough to make it life threating. You were less worried, but it still needed attention. 
“You’re lucky.” You stated. 
“Am I?” he replied curtly. 
You ignored his cold response. 
“It wasn’t deep enough to affect the artery, so you won’t bleed out, but I’m still going to dress it right so you don’t get an infection.” you explained. 
“Great.” his tone unenthusiastic and sarcastic. Again, you chose to remain silent. You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction by taking his bait to argue. 
“Ok, Joe, you’re good.” you tell him, running your thumb affectionately along his jawline. 
He felt goosebumps rise on his skin from your soft touch and shot you a look of confusion. His eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly open, you thought he was going to say something. He thought he was going to say something too, but he stood there gaping at you, breathing heavy again searching your face for something unknown to either of you. You meet his perplexed look with one of your own and squint your eyes at him wondering what it was you did wrong to earn such a response from him.  
His jaw tightened as he closed his mouth and softened his eyes. No smile, no sign of affection, he nods to you then turned on his heel to collect his gear when Winters announced they were heading to the crossroads to re-engage with the Germans there to gain control of that position. 
You were utterly dumbfounded by how Joe treated you. You know he can get moody and explosive when his adrenaline races like that. He had a deep-rooted hatred for the Germans and was probably pissed he got nicked by one of them in the field, and now he was out for revenge. His anger clouded his judgement, and you suffered the blunt end of his attitude even though you had nothing to do with it. 
And it had nothing to do with you. He felt terrible for not at least saying ‘thank you’ before he left. He turned his back on you after you cared for his wound so gently and attentively, and he hated himself for it after walking out of that barn. He had hurtling thoughts of doubt, regret...sentiment. He couldn’t turn back now, though. He was on his way to deal with the Krauts that had the audacity to attack him and his team that day.  
Easy Company took victory at the crossroads the following morning. The Germans fled leaving dozens of their comrades killed or seriously wounded. Eleven of them are captured. The Americans on their side count one dead and 22 wounded. 
Winters approaches an angry Liebgott taking potshots at the still-living Germans crawling over the bodies of their dead comrades, trying to escape the field.  
Liebgott continued to pick off Germans like a turkey shoot.    “-Joe, knock it off!” Winters ordered 
“Goddam it, what?” Liebgott barked back. 
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Winters noticed his neck bandages were saturated with his own blood. 
“You’re bleeding.” Winters identified. 
“Ah, it's nothin', Cap.” Liebgott replied bluntly. 
“Take these prisoners to CP and get cleaned up.” Winters instructed. 
Liebgott looked a little too eager, “Yes, sir. Come on, Kraut boys.” 
Believing that a furious Liebgott can't be trusted, Winters orders him to drop all his ammo and removes all but one round from Joe's rifle telling him that killing one prisoner will prompt the others to attack and possibly kill him and escape.  
“I want all prisoners alive.” Winters reminded. 
Joe paused before replying, “Yes sir,” resentfully. 
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Liebgott burst through the barn door, obviously still fuming he had to babysit German prisoners and not get any extra hits in. It was more than they deserved even if they did surrender. 
You were finishing up some wound care on another soldier when Joe had come in. Even in his intimidating state, you were exhilarated to see him alive. You rush over to him and notice his neck bandages saturated in red. Your joy quickly turned to panic as you went to touch his arm. 
He turned around viscously shrugging your hand off him and met your stare with horror after he realized he had almost hurt you. His chest heaving, and eyes wild, it took him a few seconds to regain his bearings. 
You were actually frightened at first but didn’t back away too much from him since he still needed medical attention. 
“Joe?” you ask cautiously. 
He swallowed hard then softened his stance, “I was told to get this fixed up.” He replied as he gestured to his neck. 
You nod, “Ok, Lieb, over here.”  
You lead him over to a more secluded space in another part of the barn that you used to triage patients. After his little ‘floor show’ you decided he needed a safe space to decompress. He slumped down on the cot in the room with a huff and stared at his boots. 
You went to the shelves with the supplies you needed, grabbing clean dressings, gauze, and peroxide. You sat yourself next to Joe and prepared everything to tend to his neck. He winced when you pulled the partially blood encrusted wrapping. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. He only side eyed you as a response. 
You soaked the gauze with the antiseptic, then pressed it to his wound. He hissed from the sting. 
“Sorry, Joe. I have to make sure it’s clean.” you explained. 
“Mmhm.” He hummed, “Just do it.” he added in a low voice. 
You continued working on him quietly. The air was heavy in the room. You hoped he would open up to you. It was clear he had been bottling something up. He won’t even offer a glance to acknowledge you. 
You unravel the new dressing placing the padded part to his wound, then lean in closer to loop the ends around his neck like a scarf to secure it in place. As you repeat this action, you were required to keep nearing his face with yours. Still refusing to look at you, he remained looking at his boots and you admired how long his lashes were as he looked down. You finish the wrap tucking the end in, and you couldn’t stop yourself, 
“Joe, look at me.” you requested. 
He sighs irritably, rolling his eyes and meets your concerned gaze. 
You study his face, bringing your hand to his forehead to gently sweep away his hair. He looked you up and down skeptically, unsure what was happening. A new concoction of emotions simmered inside him when he felt your fingers combing his hair back out of his face.  
Angst...elation...hunger...want...need...He had no idea what was happening with him. And it seemed to intensify while he was sitting there with you. Even in the midst of combat he doesn’t feel this level of fight or flight response. His breath hastened as his heart rate accelerated. He straightened up and faced you, bringing his hand to yours, softly grabs your wrist pulling it away from his hair not taking his eyes away from your face. 
Your breath hitched in your chest as your heart pounded so hard you were sure he could hear it as well. Your eyes widened seeing his eyes dark and blown out from something deep beneath the surface unknown. The small space between you is intense and unnerving.  
Joe’s POV 
*“Look at her... Even after how I’ve treated her, she’s still being so good to me. I don’t deserve this...I don’t deserve her. Every time she touches me it's like electrical currents shocking my entire body. How does she do it? What I wouldn’t do for her to just grab my face and just lay one on me and never pull away. Jesus Christ get it together, Liebgott, she probably hates you now. But if I leave now, anything could happen and neither of us would know...anything. I won’t leave her until I know.”* 
“Joe?” you wave your free hand he wasn’t holding in front of his face. He shook his head snapping out of his thoughts. 
“You’re all cleaned up now. You can go back to the guys or take a few minutes and stay to regroup.” you suggest. 
You stand to leave but Joe doesn’t release your hand. You furrow your brows confused. 
“You need something else?” you ask. 
Joe stood gripping your shoulders to face you square with him. His mouth curled into a slight grin. With intent behind his eyes and urgency in his touch, he finally speaks directly to you. 
“Just you.” he purrs. 
Your jaw slacked from shock. You look up at him through your lashes, your iris's doe-like and glistening. Words as well as breath failed to leave your mouth. You felt dizzy and faint, your entire sternum burning like you had just taken a swig of Vat 69. You feel Joe steady you as you slightly sway backward. He kneaded your arms affectionately making you a melting mess in his strong slender hands. 
“-me?” you choked as you placed your hand over where your heart was ready to explode from. 
He nodded deliberately and slowly, “-only you.”  
Your skin and insides tingled causing you to tremble. You take a deep breath trying to regain your composure. 
“Where is this coming from, Joe?” you finally ask. 
He shrugged, “It’s always been there. Buried deep down and just grew bigger every day. I just can’t keep it down anymore, you know?” he explained. 
You beam at him, partially lost in your own thoughts calculating the situation you found yourself in with him at that moment. You avert your eyes downward releasing a soft chuckle. You shake your head, 
“Joe, I-” 
“-Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same, Y/N.” he dared. 
You meet his eager stare, “Of course I do, Joe,” you respond in a desperate breathy voice, “I have spent this past year worrying myself sick about you, and at first, I couldn’t figure out why! I have been fighting it every single day and I am exhausted from it. I lose sleep when you’re on patrol without me, and the few hours I can get, I have night terrors that you return to me maimed and bloody, scaring me wide awake! I swear I have more gray hair from this.”  
You went off on this tangent, pacing back and forth in the small room not realizing how much you just confessed, but Joe once again remained silent just mesmerized by you absorbing every word you say. 
“So, you do feel the same.” he confirmed standing taller with a gratifying smirk. 
You turn to him, your eyes beginning to gloss over with tears, “Joe, *I have loved you for several hours now, and every second more. I thought an hour ago that I loved you more than any woman has ever loved a man, but a half hour after that I knew that what I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt then. It goes on and on, Joe. There is no room in my body for anything but you. *” 
Each of you standing opposite the other, you're practically panting from the overwhelming flow of emotions and lack of breath you forgot to take. You await the next venture to unfold. 
Without a word, Joe swiftly closed the gap between you, and before you could even gasp, he pulled you in by the back of your head locking his lips onto yours.  
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the cockles masterlist, part 6
now split in SIX parts for link limit reasons
WARNING: this post glitches and crashes on mobile. it’s recommended you view this on your desktop, or at least on your mobile browser rather than the app. if my desktop theme is hard on your eyes, try an extension such as Just Read or Reader View to customize the layout and colors.
if you’re still having trouble viewing, or if you don’t want to have to switch between the five posts, here’s all of the links compiled into a google doc.
welcome to the cockles masterpost, a labor of love/insomniac hyperfixation.
i recently wrote this cockles manifesto, but after it got a lot of notes and i kept adding more links to it, i decided i should just go through my 8 years of archives and compile all the cockles posts in a much more accessible and navigable way. after everything with the series finale and destielgate, i figured we could use some happiness, and it turns out there are a lot of people who’ve never heard the cockles gospel.
important disclaimer: yes, i do think that jensen and misha have a private romantic/sexual relationship, but no i do not, in any way, think that they have ever cheated on their wives. we think they are polyamorous, which is a real and valid thing, and misha is openly poly. some people love more than one person, and that’s okay. their families are close and we love and support all of them.
second important disclaimer: despite the amount of innuendo below, this is not about fantasizing about two hot guys fucking. cockles is about the joy of witnessing two people who love each other and make each other happy and are disgustingly cute together. we’re not fetishizing, we’re just appreciating what they publicly share with us.
third important disclaimer: because some of y’all don’t know, the cardinal rule of cockles is that we don’t talk to cockles about cockles. DO NOT leave any comments on their social media accounts implying anything. not even green and blue hearts. they know that we know, but it’s on us not to make it weird. if we’re too obvious and say too much, they might start sharing less. don’t say anything.
for the sake of my sanity, these are in no particular order.
last updated: 3/8/23
🐚 denotes new content
part 1 (That’s Suspicious, mishananigans)
part 2 (#pray4jensen, gag reel hijinks, some posts i’ve written about cockles and rps)
part 3 (know your cockles history, the intimacy)
part 4 (the glory of jibcon)
part 5 (just for cute)
the glory of jibcon continued:
jib11 opening ceremony whispers and giggles
jensen turning his back as misha walks up to hug him | more gifs | video
"just swallow it" "he's always giving that advice" | video
"[danneel] does refer to misha as her boyfriend. which is funny, because so do i." | more gifs | video | fan discussion of this moment
misha sitting on the floor to watch jensen sing, jensen getting shy
jensen serenading misha with "angeles" | video angle 1 | video angle 2 | video of jensen looking at misha, getting flustered, and stopping suddenly | more gifs | photo | misha sitting on the floor watching | another misha photo | the significance of ‘angeles’
"i think you look nice and dapper" ... "then [jensen] went in for a kiss and i was like, whoa!" "hey, when in rome!"
the destiel song they improvised together | video | gifs minus lyrics
big dad angry machine
"i've been haunted by those bear underwear for some time"
jensen "woo!"ing when misha mentions gotham knights
jensen's face going soft when he looks from jared to misha | video
after misha says a unicorn toy is vibrating "for her pleasure", jensen pretends to sit on it | gif
misha moves his chair further away, jensen scoots his closer | video | “what are we doing? am i coming over?”
jensen spinning the wheel then staring at misha for ten seconds straight | video | photos
jensen tells everyone to stop cheering for misha to sing after misha makes it clear he doesn't want to | gifs + bonus “there goes jared with his job security” 👀
jensen winking at misha
jensen saying he's going to plan a big birthday party for misha's 50th, which is more than a year away | video
"you're my canary" | video
whispers and laughing (feat. misha's missing tooth) | photos
"i love those dishes" "you love those bitches??"
misha hyping jensen's new album | video
"my caretaker tells me i had a very nice birthday."
jensen staring at misha’s ass when he bends over
"this is our song"
roasting jared for bragging sam is tougher than dean | gifs
jensen staring at misha before making a birthday wish
riffing on “the european version of spn”: one, two, three, four
chatting about taking their families to amusement parks, jensen refers to misha as ‘daddy’
jensen’s nickname kink in full swing at jib11
12 years of jibcon secrets
head-leaning selfie with briana buckmaster | edit
2023 jibcon11 tag

just for cute (continued):
adorable photo ops: 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92   93 94
2012 spn wrap party photo
300th episode red carpet flirting
"misha decided jensen was the gift" photo op
hand measuring photo op
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pengweng-quack · 1 month
Carlisle Cullen x Human!OC
Summary: Place Carlisle in the Edward situation of falling in love with a human, and see what happens
Chapter 7/?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
This is on Ao3 under the same title and username if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/54527830)
Decided to post this one early because writer's block is writer's blocking lol
Leave your thoughts (or don't, your choice) in the comments, I enjoy reading through your thoughts :)
Word Count: 2511 words
General warning: I used some religious references in this story so read with caution if you're not so keen into reading that
TW for this chapter: None
PM or Comment to be added on the taglist for this one!
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Everyone noticed the change in the relationship between Dr. Cullen and Nurse Celine, having picked up the subtle looks at each other. Even without any explicit confirmation, the meaningful looks exchanged, especially from Dr. Cullen's eyes, were enough to indicate that something had changed between them.
“After discussing schedule issues with the morning people, Doctor Cullen wanted me to announce that we’ll soon go to having morning shifts now.” Celine announced to everyone in the night shift that was having some sort of snack in the cafeteria
 “Always the first to know.” Nurse Sean teased her
He was the first one to pick up that what used to be pinning before was now mutual, the telltale glow in Doctor Cullen's eyes whenever Celine's name was mentioned spoke volumes, confirming the shift in their relationship
“You are kind of forgetting that I’m still his chief nurse.” She replied, playfully rolling her eyes at the redhead “Did you hit your head too hard in Italy?”
“Yeah Sean, besides, if Doc Cullen wanted her, they would have been together already.” Nurse Eunice said, before looking at Celine “So, are you dating? Because it’s clearer than a glass that he wants you.”
“Oh my god. No, we are not.” Celine said, having answered the same question already.
They weren’t exclusively dating, but the quick kisses that they share in their office just before they go back to work says otherwise.
They weren’t exclusively dating, but Carlisle turning down every sort of affection from other nurses and patients except for Celine’s says otherwise.
They weren’t exclusively dating, but Celine allowing only Carlisle to be the one to take her home after a long shift says otherwise.
They weren’t exclusively dating, but they might already be.
“There’s no shame in dating him. And as you said, he’s single.” Eunice teased her, wiggling her eyebrows playfully
“Eunice, no.” Celine said, shaking her head no with a smile “We’re just friends, don’t make me the topic of this week’s hospital gossip.”
“Yeah, the morning shift nurses think that Doctor Cullen being in the morning shift gives them some chances now.” Sean said, rolling his eyes “Do they not know that Doctor Cullen only likes the chief nurse of Forks Hospital?”
“Already the gossip of the morning shift, still the gossip of the night shift?” Carlisle asked, walking through their table with a box of donuts on one hand and a tray of coffee on another
“I guess you’re just too pretty to not be talk of the town.” Celine said, amused as she helps him with the food that he got for them
“Well, you would be talk of the country then if that’s the basis.” Carlisle said, a teasing grin on his face as she rolls her eyes at him “Eat up, wouldn’t want my best team to get hungry.”
“Wouldn’t want your Celine to be hungry, you say.” Sean teased him, opening the donut box and grabbing one for himself
Celine watched Carlisle grab a disposable cup and drink out of it. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to what was in the cup for him to actually drink it, Carlisle’s told her multiple times that he doesn’t intake anything other than animal blood, so the sight of him drinking out of a coffee cup confused her.
“Animal blood.” Carlisle whispered so quietly to Celine that she almost didn’t hear it if she wasn’t tuning out Sean and Eunice’s bantering “Threw the content of the cup so I could replace it with my drink.”
“Of course, why didn’t I figure that out?” Celine said, rolling her eyes with herself.
She grabbed one of the iced drinks, having told Carlisle once that she prefers iced beverages over hot ones after yelling a string of curses from burning her tongue.
The fact that he remembered that simple information she’s shared warmed her up deeply.
“So, will the four of us be in the morning shift, or just some selected ones?” Sean asked them
“Well, they’re asking for Nurse Celine to stay in the night shift, so she’s staying night shift until further announcements.” Carlisle answered, his lips pressed in a thin line as he pulls Celine a seat
“Wait, what?” Celine asked, looking at him in shock “I thought that the four of us would be on the morning shift?”
“That’s what I originally wanted too.” Carlisle answered as he rests his hand on Celine’s shoulder, subtly inviting her to sit down “But they said that they needed someone like her for the night shift.”
“Would it not make more sense for it to be you on night shift?” Celine asked, her eyebrows still furrowed as a frown form on her face. She sat down on the chair and grabbed a donut, eating out of frustration
Seeing the frown form on Celine's face, Carlisle couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment in himself. It had been his intention to bring her to the morning shift with him, not just so they could spend time at work together, but also because it’s beneficial for her.
He felt like he was disappointing his promise of giving her everything she wants.
“I’ll see what I can do more.” Carlisle said softly, sitting down next to Celine and resting his hand on Celine’s thighs, drawing circles to subtly comfort her “If it comes down to it, I’ll do night shifts so Celine can have morning ones.”
Back home, Alice couldn’t help but have a vision. Looking for anything to look out for, seeing as they now have another human to protect, especially with her being Carlisle’s mate. Because if there’s anyone that’s gonna know if someone wants jeopardize his happiness, it sure as hell would be Alice.
“See anything?” Edward asked before using his telepathy to look for himself as well
“I really cannot see a future where Celine doesn’t become a vampire.” Alice said softly, grabbing Jasper’s hand and playing with it “It just depends on who’s gonna change her.”
“The Volturi.” Edward said, seeing what Alice now meant “Are they going after her now?”
“Not yet.” She answered “But Aro has gotten the news of Carlisle finally meeting his mate. He’s finding it amusing that it’s a human.”
“Aro plans to be the one to personally change her only to spite Carlisle.” Edward continued, a disgusted look on his face
“He thinks that Carlisle won’t have the courage to change her, does he?” Jasper asked, his eyebrows furrowed as Alice nodded yes to his question
“I heard Volturi talks.” Emmett said, walking in with Rosalie
“What’s the Volturi got against us now this time?” Rosalie asked, her eyebrows furrowed
“Aro is sending a letter to us soon. He wants to meet Carlisle’s mate.” Alice informed “The letter consists of something about being happy that he’s found his mate.”
“What?!” Rosalie yelled, immediately figuring out that meeting her isn’t just what the Volturi wants
“We can’t let Carlisle and Celine go there; we have to stop them.” Edward said, the others nodded in agreement
“Oh, so no fighting Volturi today?” Emmett asked, making Rosalie fight off a smile
“We’re outnumbered. The guards alone will cause damage to us.” Edward answered logically, though the thoughts of fighting the Volturi was something he wasn’t opposed to doing
“If you’re talking about Jane, then we have Bella to counter her.” Jasper answered back “We can fight them if we want to, we just have to prepare.”
“Carlisle won’t let us.” Rosalie knowingly told them, knowing how much he still respected the Volturi despite their multiple attempts of destroying his family
“Do you think Celine would want us to fight?” Edward pondered
“Why suddenly ask– oh.” Emmett said, realizing what he meant
“Carlisle is willing to give her everything she wants. If she ever wanted to fight the Volturi, he would give in without second doubt.” Jasper said out loud in realization, a smirk on his face at the realization
“Do we tell Carlisle of the vision with the Volturi?” Alice asked “He’ll find out one way or the other, it’s best that we prepare him now.”
“Well, with that, we have to tell him that Celine’s gonna be a vampire too.” Edward said back “We’ve been holding that information back from him.”
“Celine doesn’t even know that they’re mates.” Rosalie added “Carlisle wants to give her the choice of walking away from him if she ever wants to.”
“Their relationship is built on secrecy?” Emmett asked
“More of ‘he just needs time before opening other vampire things to her,’ really.” Alice corrected him “It’ll be a shock to her, hearing those terms.”
“Carlisle wants to ask Celine to stay the night.” Edward suddenly announced to everyone in the room, changing the topic
“Has she eaten? Is there something open tonight? We can buy her food.” Rosalie immediately asked, standing up as she was about to rush and buy food for her.
‘Why did she warm up easier to Celine than Bella?’ Edward pondered, watching as she accidentally bumps into Bella on her way out
“Everything alright?” Bella asked
“Well, Celine’s staying the night here. We should at least get her food.” Rosalie said to her
“Celine already ate. Carlisle got her donuts.” Edward said, easing Rosalie
The Cullen kids then decided to lounge around the house, anticipating the arrival of their guest, while also hoping that Carlisle would finally provide the additional information that Celine needed.
“The vision is changing.” Alice announced, getting them to look at her
“Aro isn’t gonna send it to our house anymore.”
As the end of the shift approached, Celine found herself in excruciating pain, her back and legs aching beyond words. While she loved her work in the hospital and the opportunity to help people, the toll it took on her body was something she could do without.
“Carlisle doesn’t deal with this.” Celine frowned, trying to squeeze her calf. The thoughts of being a vampire just so she won’t be in pain plaguing her thoughts
“You good?” Carlisle asked, walking in their office as she rubs her legs, trying to soothe the pain
“Did a bit too much running.” Celine answered with a frown
“Cramping or just in pain?” He asked again, moving to where she was to check it out for himself. Carlisle gently rested his hand on her calf, massaging it, his cold hands acting as some sort of ice pack for it
“Just in pain, probably a light sprain.” She answered before shooing his hand away “I’ll be fine, no need to worry about me.”
“You’re asking me, of all beings that care for you, to not worry about you?” Carlisle chuckled at her before standing up and leaving a peck on her forehead “That’s like rejecting me already, my love.”
“Don’t be overdramatic, you know I would say if I want you to stop courting me.” Celine said, rolling her eyes at him
“The kids miss you.” Carlisle said in a soft tone, sitting down next to her
“I think you share too much about me with them.” Celine softly teased, resting her head on his shoulders
“They want to know you more beyond my stories.” He added, softly grabbing her left hand to admire “You know a lot about them, but they, minus Edward and Bella, knows little about you.”
As he held her hand, Carlisle's thoughts drifted, imagining the day he could slip a ring on that very hand. The idea of pledging himself to her, whether for eternity or until her mortal life's end, filled him with excitement. While he acknowledged it might be too early to contemplate such things, he couldn't help but visualize a future where they’re bound together in every sense of the word.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Celine asked him quietly
“Just admiring every bit of you.” Carlisle whispered softly
“You know.” Celine started; her eyes closed off as she enjoys the few minutes of solace with him “I’ve kind of considered being a vampire.”
“My love, you don’t have to pressure yourself into joining me.” Carlisle instantly assured her “A vampire or not, I will love you for all of your life and until the end of mine.”
“I know.” She whispered, a blush creeping on her cheeks from his assurance “But like, I would be leaving no one in this world if I choose to change into one of you. So, at least I wouldn’t deal with the pain of outliving anyone. Other than friends, obviously.”
“I’m not saying that I’ll do it now, but like, the thought is there.” Celine continued “I’m 27, I’m technically already older than all of you.”
“Fair enough.” Carlisle answered lightly, feeling so many emotions at once.
Carlisle was taken aback by Celine's unexpected openness to the idea of becoming a vampire with them. He had already resigned himself to loving her until the end of her mortal life and carrying the love she gave him until the end of his immortal existence.
“Well, only a few months till May comes. And when it does, I’m gonna be more older than all of you.” Celine lightly bantered, a smile on her face “As sexy as it sounds for others, I don’t think you’re a fan of dating someone that’s almost five years older than you.”
“My love, are you sure that you’re not pressured to do this?” Carlisle asked again
“I’m sure of my decision.” Celine assured him with a smile “I’d like to do it on the night of my 30th birthday, unless something fatal happens to me within those three years of waiting. It’ll give me more than enough time to do things that I as a vampire wouldn’t be able to do anymore.”
“Of course, your wish will be granted.” Carlisle whispered, a huge grin resting on his face as he looks at Celine’s hand again
For eternity it is.
“Stay the night with me?” Carlisle asked quietly, wanting nothing more than to spend every moment with her. He’ll have all of eternity already, he just wants to have a head start
“Of course.” Celine whispered in reply
Soon, their shift was officially over. Carlisle and Celine started gathering their stuff, making their way out of their office with huge grins on their faces.
Walking out of the hospital, Carlisle reached for Celine's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. In that moment, everything felt wonderful, as if all the pieces were falling into place. It was only a matter of time until forever comes to him and Celine.
What’s 3 more years when he’s already waited 382 years for her?
She and Carlisle made their way to his car. Where a note was by the windshield. They both looked at each other, curious and concerned for what the note was about. Carlisle seemed to know the logo in front of the note as he quickly pulled it off his windshield, opening and seeing what it was
I would love to meet the future Mrs. Cullen of yours, Carlisle. Congratulations on finally meeting your mate.
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maximwtf · 2 years
“I’ve got you.”
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                          Legolas x injured reader
part 2
words: 2284
google docs pages: 5
warnings: injury, mentions of blood, mentions of a wound, pain.
opening: The fellowship’s journey is distured by an orc attack. You get injured while fighting.
AN// Reader can be any gender! This has two of my ideas smushed together because I thought they wouldn’t make a long enough fanfic by themselves :”D! Also I have no idea how the athelas is used so I’m just guessing here. 
          “I’ve got you.”
The group had stopped moving for the night, and everyone was trying to find a good spot to rest on. A lot more walking would be done tomorrow, and all the rest that was possible to get was important. Though, it wasn’t nighttime yet, so as soon as you had placed down your small bag, your gaze started to follow Merry and Pippin. They had both been complaining about how hungry they were from early on this morning. Now both of them were collecting small sticks and some bigger branches so they could start a small fire. Gimli and Legolas were talking with Aragorn. 
You sat down on the ground, still keeping an eye on everyone. You had booked the first nightwatch turn for yourself, so you could just go to sleep after your time was up. You never really liked to be woken up in the middle of the night, only to be told to get up and take the watch post, so this was why everyone just let you take the first watch. 
Before you even knew it, the two hobbits had been able to start a fire and were trying to start making something the group could eat. You smiled a little at this. Most of the group had begun to gather around the warm fire. You stood up as well and joined the others, and by doing this you also joined Legolas and Gimli’s conversation about how many kills they had managed to get in their last battle. You had heard both of them shout out the kills they had gotten in the last fight, but little did they know, you had been counting your kills as well so you could surprise them.
The evening went on like that for a while. You had all eaten already and the fire was still up. The area had a lot of trees and there were a lot of sticks laying around because of that, so it was easy to keep the fire going. Of course you couldn’t add too much wood to it because it would attract too much attention. Aragorn and Legolas had dragged a couple of old logs near the fireplace to sit on as well, because the ground was a little cold. The upcoming night seemed right now to be very calm as you had hoped. 
Gimli stomped his foot a little on the ground and huffed. “Can the hobbits sing?” He asked, mostly turning to look at Merry and Pippin, since Frodo and Sam weren’t as close by. Merry poked Pippin a little with his elbow. “He can!” Merry then said, not giving his friend much time to answer for himself. “Great. We’ll have something to listen to.” Gimli replied. You turned to look at Pippin, showing him a little thumbs up so he would start. He seemed to have noticed that, because he picked up on the small beat Gimli had started and began to sing. Merry picked up on this as well, and sang some parts with his friend. You watched this happily, but sounds of footsteps got your attention. From the shadows of a tree, Boromir appeared with a few more sticks to keep the fire going for longer. He tilted his head a little at the song Pippin was singing, and laid down the sticks near the fire. “Someone should dance.” He commented in a half serious tone after he had sat down on one of the logs. “You could?” Aragorn suggested it mostly as a joke. “I am a warrior, I do not know any dances.” Boromir quickly replied, his gaze then falling on you. “But Y/n could.” Your eyes widened a little because of his comment. “What makes you think I know any dances?” You replied, tilting your head a little. “In that case, Legolas can assist you. A prince must know a dance or two.” Aragorn spoke up, nudging Legolas towards you while raising a brow. “Shall we try then?” You asked after a moment of thinking. Couldn’t be that hard to follow his steps. “Are you certain?” Legolas asked, a little surprised by your reply. You stood up and nodded. 
Legolas offered his hand to you and you took it. “Follow my lead.” He said and then began to lead you. He managed to move smoothly even with you, showing you how to do every step without making it look like you had no idea what you were doing. He spun you around, making you end up close to his face. You looked at his blue eyes, seeing a glimpse of excitement in them. He was looking at you as well, as he lifted you up by the waist and spun you both around one last time before putting you down. After that he bowed at you and smiled slightly. “Was that decent?” Legolas asked. You got a quiet applause from the group. The hobbits were especially excited about this and clapped their hands. 
It had started to get darker already, but not so that you couldn’t see anything. The group had started to quiet down a little, so it was easier to hear if anything was approaching. You were still sitting by the fire, Legolas sitting on the other log right next to you. “Can your elven ears hear anything?” You asked with a small smirk on your face. Legolas shook his head a little at your question. “I feel as if something is coming this way. I do not know how many.” He said, then turning to look at you. “How far are they?” You asked him. He didn’t have time to answer because you started to hear the steps as well and they weren’t far away. You looked behind Legolas, and saw orcs running straight at the group. “Shield the hobbits!” You shouted to the group as you stood up swiftly. 
You picked up your bow and as the others were gathering the hobbits, you shot a couple of the orcs while moving to shield them as well. You moved around the hobbits a little, shooting some of the orcs while doing so. They began to come so close that you had to ditch the bow and move on to your sword. You didn’t really like closeby combat but you could manage. While fighting off the orcs you could hear Legolas’ arrows go through the air and land a hit. You could also hear the other’s swords clash against the orcs weapons. The group had almost defeated all of the orcs but you had been separated from everyone. You were fighting off two at the same time, and one of them stretched out a bow and pointed it at you. You snarled at this a little, trying to take a step back, but you felt nothing behind you, just a breeze of cold air. The orcs had backed you up to a cliff. 
You pushed your sword through the other orc in front of you, but as that one fell the other one was able to release the bow at you. You tried to dodge it the best you could, but the arrow ended up hitting straight at your leg. You whined at this and stumbled on your feet. Your eyes had widened as you looked at the arrow that was coming out of your leg. 
You heard a familiar noise of an arrow flying through the air. The orc in front of you roared in pain and fell on their knees before another arrow hit them. The cliff under your feet shook a little at the fall, and that made you stumble off the cliff. You screamed out for anyone who might have been close. 
Before you were able to fall too far down, someone grabbed your wrist. “Got you.” A familiar voice said, and started to pull you up. You felt some sand and gravel fall on your face when you let out a deep breath you had been keeping in. After you had realised that Legolas had a good hold of you, you tried to start calming down. You had been sure that you’d fall all the way down but thankfully he had been close enough to hear you. Legolas pulled you up back on the ground, and quickly saw the arrow coming out of your leg. “You’re hurt.” He quickly said, and kneeled in front of you. “Just a little scratch compared to what could have happened, ay?” You tried to laugh a little as you began to stand up. “I’m not sure you’re going to be able to walk like that.” Legolas said and scooped you up in his arms. “You didn’t even let me try?” You huffed, hoping that no one saw you like this.
Legolas carried you to the fireplace that had sadly gone out while the fight. Boromir had thrown a couple of sticks back in, getting Merry and Pippin to try and start the fire again. By now it was quite dark and you couldn't see the forest anymore. Legolas sat you down on the ground and walked off to get Aragorn. You took short breaths as your gaze hit the stick coming from your leg. The sight made you snarl. You heard Aragorn come to you with Legolas. “We need to get that out and the wound shut. Legolas, can you get athelas?” He requested. You frowned at this because you had internally hoped that he would stay as emotional support. Legolas stayed quiet for a moment. “Yes. I’ll be right back.” He said and ran off to get the herb. You turned to look at Aragorn. “Whatever you’re planning on doing, wait until he comes back.” You asked him. He only hummed a little at this as he kneeled in front of you. “We’ll have to cut the arrow in half so it’s easier to pull out. Bite down on your cape.” He replied. “I told you to wait-” You whined before your mouth was blocked by the fabric of your cape. You bit down on it as hard as you could, preparing for the wave of pain that would come soon. Aragorn had taken a hold of the arrow, seemingly planning on cutting it halfway. “Legolas will be here soon.” Aragorn tried to comfort you as he snapped the arrow in half making you close your eyes shut and bite down harder on the piece of clothing. Aragorn threw the piece of wood away and made sure that you didn’t pass out. Before he was able to say anything Legolas had come back. Because of the darkness of the night he had only found a few athelas leaves, but Aragorn seemed to think that they were enough to ease the pain. 
You sighed as the first wave of pain had passed. From what you could see Legolas seemed worried? Seeing the reaction you had caused made you smirk a little even though you were in pain. “Legolas, you better hold my hand.” You asked him, trying to hide the fact that you were scared of the pain. You felt him carefully take a hold of your hand as Aragorn took the rest of the arrow’s stick in his hand. “Try to stay awake.” Was all you heard before he used all the force he could to take the arrow out in one go. The piece of cape in your mouth muffled your scream a little as you squeezed Legolas’ hand with the wave of pain. You arched your back as well because of the pain, but tried your best to keep your leg in place. Throwing your head back, you pressed yourself against the ground. Only good thing was that Aragorn seemed to have been able to take out the whole arrow, but now the place it had been in was pooling with blood. “Make sure they don’t pass out.” Aragorn told Legolas as he took out his knife and cut off a piece of his cape. He started to wrap it around the wound so it would stop the bleeding. 
Legolas held up your head on his lap, every now and then tapping his palm on your cheek to make sure that you were still awake. He took out the cloth from your mouth and brushed some hair out of your face. Your leg felt like it was pounding and you couldn’t make out what anyone was saying from behind the pain. “Legolas, give them the leaves.” Aragorn said while finishing putting on the wrap. Legolas took the leaves and put them near your mouth. “Chew on them, it eases the pain.” He said calmly. Aragorn stood up and looked at you two for a moment. “I’ll take the first watch.” He commented before walking away. Legolas lifted you up a little, leaning you against him. “You gave me a scare.” He commented. “Just a small one.” You tried to laugh after spitting out the leaves. “Indeed. Just a small one.” He replied before going quiet again. You only hummed as a reply before closing your eyes. “Thank you for saving me earlier.” You decided to say before sleep would overtake you. Legolas’ gaze moved to your face, but he didn’t say anything. He was internally very happy that you were alive, but he did worry. Worry of, if the arrow had had poison on it.
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everlastlady · 7 months
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Mammon + Servant Reader (Male)
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✘Posted: 11/5/2023
✘Story Contains: Male reader, Assassin reader, Servant reader, Clingy Mammon, Injuries, Someone fucking dies, Bunny, and Mammon tending to Reader.
✘Word Count: None, I'm to lazy to open google doc @tumblr please add a wordcount on here ya freaking cunts.
✘Author's Note: I said I was going to feed my male readers so since I'm still in pain from my cramps I decided I'm going to lay in bed, watch Stardew Valley videos, while I write this. Just in case my username never gave it away. I'm female in real so I used to always write for female readers found it easier. But I'm older in life and grown in writing, so I've been learning to cater to my male readers. So if you are a male reader, never be scared to send me request for any helluva characters or matchups. I will do my best to cater to all my readers. Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✘Summary: {Name} the butler and assassin of Mammon, someone who takes their job serious letting no harm come to Mammon or his home. But what happens when a obsessed stalker who wants Mammon tries to do anything to be with Mammon which leads to {Name} getting hurt.
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" Here, you go sir, breakfast just the way you like it. " {Name} said, as he set the plate down in front of his master Mammon. The plate held strawberry pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, and hash browns. Everything looked delicious. Mammon's mouth was watering as he pushed aside the paperwork he was doing just so he could eat. " Thanks looks good remind me to tell the cook that he should get a vacation day. " Mammon said already diving into eating. {Name} nodded and turned around writing in his notepad while Mammon ate. As {Name} was turned around. Mammon watched them while he ate. He wasn't sure how {Name} did it, being a servant and an assassin. Mammon remembered when he first hired him. The skills they had for wiping away any dust or getting away of germs with a sniper rifle. Seeing how {Name} could easily kill someone with one shot and no hesitate, scared Mammon but he knew that he shouldn't worry because {Name} worked for him. And Mammon paid {Name} far more than anyone but he was curious about {Name's} life, they rarely spoke about their personal life, actually Mammon knew nothing of {Name}. Mammon finished his breakfast and wipes his mouth. " So {Name} do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? " Mammon asked. {Name} chuckled and turned around as their {e/c} looked at Mammon, he could have swore that {Name's} eyes glowed as they titled their head and smiled.
" No sir, I don't have a partner, I don't think I really need one. With being an assassin it's a pretty dangerous job. Someone could use my partner against me. I could always get my partner back but the trauma my partner would endure, I can't do that to them. Why do you ask? " {Name} stepped forward and picked up the plate. " I just wanted to know about the people who work for me. " Mammon stared at {Name}. That was interesting to here, so {Name} is single, do they have a family? Should Mammon ask? Yes definitely he should ask, he wanted to know more about {Name} and this conversation was nice. " Do you have any family? " Mammon asked. {Name} set the empty mug that once held coffee onto the plate. " I did, they are still alive but I don't talk with them. They don't agree with my lifestyle, they wanted to control my life every since I was born. They always documented my life for social media and vlogging. They controlled who I was friends with, forced dating partners onto me, and wanted me to be a doctor. I ran away at the age of eighteen, of course they tried to find me. But I never let them; I'm happy with the life I have here with you sir. " {Name} smiled and bowed walking out of the door.
Mammon sat there speechless and disgusted upon hearing about your family. Who documents their whole child's life to put on social media for views, clicks, and life. Just trying to control and mold your child into something you want is pure evil. This made Mammon reflect on his certain actions. He also thought about the last part {Name} said before walking out. They are happy here with them. Mammon's face became warm as ge crossed his arms and leaned back. {Name} was caring and such a lovely person. But could put a bullet into someone without a second thought. But that is what Mammon found fascinating about {Name}, he was pretty sure if he told them to go kill Fizzarolli, he would. But Mammon didn't want to deal with Asmodeus and possibly loose {Name} because you know the saying an eye for an eye. So he would let Asmodeus and Fizzarolli be for the time being. Mammon heard a large crash, he jumped shaking from his thoughts. He stood up and opened the door to see {Name} pin to the floor. A demonic looking bunny demon on top of {Name} holding a knife. " {Name}! " Mammon yelled out. {Name} and the bunny demon looked up at Mammon. {Name} looked beat up. A bloody nose and busted lip. " Sir, please stay back they have one of those angelic weapons! . " {Name} yelled. But with one punch they were knocked out. The bunny demon stood. Their fur was black with red steaks. They were wearing a white crop top and baggy ripped jeans. " Mammon, I've always wanted to meet you and finally I am! " The bunny had a crazy look in their eyes, a look that made Mammon himself scared and stepped back.
" I've always been your biggest fan. I know everything about you and collect everything you throw away! Like that one time when you went Beelzebub's restaurant and threw away a chicken bone, I kept it or when of the dollar signs fell off your hat and you didn't notice, I'm sorry I should have given it back; I kept it! I always watch your commercials and only go to your banks. Anything you put out, I buy. " The bunny was talking hysterically. Mammon's face held a nervous smile. " T-That's good, but you shouldn't really be here. " Mammon was hoping you would wake up to take care of this creep. " I know I shouldn't! But I couldn't help it especially after what happened at the clown off, what that shitty clown did to you was horrible, and I came to prove that you should hire me! You can make me the new face, I'll do anything and don't care how you use me! " The bunny grabbed Mammon's hand. Their grip was strong which scared Mammon. " I-I'm actually not looking for any new talent right now. " Mammon tried to pull away. Only for the bunny person to hold on tighter. " But you haven't seen my act, I even have an outfit I'm working on that's modeled after you so we can match, l-let me show you a photo. " The bunny person reached for their phone. " He said he isn't looking for any new talents! " {Name} used all the force in their body to knock the bunny person onto the table sending them crashing as the glass vase broke underneath them.
{Name} was breathing heavily as the bunny person groans. " Sir, are you okay? " {Name} asked. But they looked more beat up then Mammon. The greed lord shook his head. " Forget about me, are you okay mate? You look like you took quite the beating. " Mammon stepped towards {Name}. " I've been through worst. " {Name} laughed. Mammon cupped {Name's} face and looked at them. " Doesn't matter if you been through worst... I want to make sure that you are okay... " Mammon frowned. As {Name} stood there blushing. The bunny groaned and opened their eyes to see this display of affection this made their blood boil. The bunny picked up a shard of glass from the broken vase. " He's mine! " The bunny jumped on {Name} stabbing them in the side multiple times. {Name} screamed and slammed the bunny into the wall, knocking them off. {Name} looked at their tore suit on the side. The bunny was quick to slice across {Name's} chest. Before kicking them down the stairs. With a tumble and hitting the ground. {Name} laid there looking lifeless, Mammon believed that they were lifeless that his sweet assassin was gone. The bunny turned around and smiled. " I'm sorry that they interrupted us, you have to remind me to fire them when you and me get married. Which reminds me, let me show you the names of our 20 children! " The bunny was going to reach for their phone. But in a puff of green air Mammon had entered his larger demonic form.
" fire them!?, marriage!?, kids!? I don't even fucking know you or love you! " Mammon screamed in the bunny's face. " N-Now, don't say that. We deserve to be together. " The bunny said backing up. " No, we don't you killed the one person I love and now I'm going to make sure you will make me a lot of money like you wanted. " With a large grin Mammon raised his hand and flicked the bunny into a wall upon impact their back and legs were broken as they fell to the floor unconscious. Mammon changed back to his much smaller form and ran downstairs to {Name}, upon closer inspection. Mammon could see that they were alive and immediately had {Name} rushed to the hospital, where they had to have surgery and get some stitches. {Name's} eyes fluttered open and found themselves in the hospital bed. The TV was playing some dramatic soap opera. Mammon was sitted next to {Name}, Mammon was asleep in the chair. But his eyes opened when he saw {Name} looking at him, Mammon smiled. " Hey, mate are you feeling okay? " Mammon placed his hand against {Name's} nodded their head tiredly. " Yes, what happened to that crazy fucker? " {Name} asked with a sigh. " I'm sorry I failed you... " {Name} tears up.
" Hey, you didn't fell me. You did everything you could to protect me and don't worry about that nut job, I took care of them. Now I'm here for you because I care about you.... Could say I have feelings for ya. " Mammon gently squeezed {Name's} hand as they blushed. " I appreciate that sir, thank you for everything... " {Name} smiled softly. The rest of the evening. Mammon kept {Name} company. Telling jokes, getting them better food because hospital food is gross, and making sure the doctors checked on them. Once {Name} fell asleep. Mammon kissed their cheek before leaving when arriving home. One of the servants lead Mammon downstairs. Mammon put on some gloves and a coat. The bunny was tied to the table with a cloth tied around their mouth, markings on their bunny of where to cut. " Alright, ready to make me a lot of money~ " Mammon grinned and walked towards the bunny who's muffled screams would not be heard. These organs would sell for a lot and Mammon planned to take you on a very expensive vacation after getting out of the hospital.
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Mammon's Clowns aka Mammon Tag list: if you wanna be added or removed let me know.
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cricketnationrise · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks to @cha-melodius, @kiwiana-writes, and @happiness-of-the-pursuit for the tags!
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
RWRB, Check Please!, Tortall, verrrry occassionally The Parasol Protectorate
Top five fics by kudos:
Going Platinum - camboy!Alex AU
Burnin' Through the Sky - speed dating meet-cute
Set in Platinum - camboy!Alex sequel
warm from the inside out - some stuff happens under a desk 😉
Downburst - In The Shadow of Two Gunmen/West Wing AU
Do you respond to comments?
I have responded to every comment so far!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to write angsty endings. That being said, this Check, Please! ficlet I wrote for @shygryf is very angsty: Hotel Room, Mar. 1 (I did fix it with a later ficlet, but on it's own...)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them tbh. I'm an unrepentant happy ending lover.
Do you get hate on fics?
Nothing that comes to mind--I've been extremely lucky. I've gotten some baffling ones and some with a strange tone, but I think that's more down to English not being their first language, not hate.
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
I tend toward fusions/AUs rather than actual crossovers. Although there are Check Please! easter eggs in the Going Platinum universe.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, although I would hope that any translator would have let me know so that I can flail in overwhelmed gratitude.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, although there's one that's been sitting for a year-ish that I'm gonna be really excited to finally get to.
All time favorite ship?
I won't choose and you can't make me.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Not right now. All the wips I've got that are more than just like, one line or a title, I'm really excited about writing and sharing.
What are your writing strengths?
Immersive descriptions, humor, and metaphors. This bitch loves a metaphor.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. I'm getting better, but any time I have a particularly big action scene I beg on my knees for @cha-melodius to get into the doc.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Only If I feel confident about the translation. I'll usually get a native speaker to check it over if it's more than an easy phrase I already know/can google, especially if it's a whole conversation.
First fandom you wrote in?
Check, Please!
Favorite fic you've written?
You're so mean to me making me pick. Le sigh, fine.
Check, Please!: How Delightful if that Were True - Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society AU (100% homegrown epistolary baybee)
RWRB: More Than Brick and Mortar - sentient Brownstone AU, magical realism
Tortall: i'll rise up in spite of the ache - hockey AU of First Test
Parasol Protectorate: No Small Matter - 5+1 pranks on Conall that I wrote for @homobiwan
(narrowing these down was absolute agony, btw. hope you're happy.)
Tags under the cut, but if you wanna do this, who am I to stop you? Aka consider this your open tag.
@celeritas2997 @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @anincompletelist
@firenati0n @missanniewhimsy @montrealmadison @doggernaut @parvuls
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casualsavant · 5 months
20 Questions More
This is a deeper and more detailed version of the 20 questions for AO3 fanfic writers. Thanks to @TetsujinOtaku88 for the tag. I'm doing this #Supercorp style.
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship / fandom?
I think the Supercorp Fandom is pretty self-perpetuating because the canon needs to be fixed and there's lots of AUs to put them in. Plus there are so many talented people whose art, video edits, and fanfic fuel each other.
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good?
Following the answer above I think the beauty of Supercorp is that it attracts really talented creators. I love reading @searidings, @jazzfordshire's fix-its and canon-adjacent stuff, @lgbtimelords, @coffeeshib, @mycatismyeditor, and @snowydragonscave just to name a few. They have such a deftness of language and an understanding of the characters that it's hard to stop reading!
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write?
I really love Sam Arias, Jess, and Alex. I wish I could get a better handle on Kelly because DANSEN forever. I also have a soft spot for Eliza and a deliciously evil liking for Lillian.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you'd never write about? Which ones?
Karamel, Lames, Top Lena, Bottom Kara. To each their own. It's just not my thing.
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed?
Carry around a little notebook to scribble ideas, lines, sometimes whole scenes. Figure out a rough outline / structure / plot. Do unnecessary amounts of research. Open doc file. Plunge into dismay and self-doubt. Watch the show. Get frustrated. Open the doc file. Be filled with despair and self-loathing. Get a blast of inspiration and productivity. Cycle through mental instability, writer's block, and actual writing. Get dragged by Kara and Lena to unanticipated places that derails what I intended to do. Sighing and doing what the muses want. The elation of completion. Struggling with summaries and tags. Posting. Crippling anxiety and running away from AO3. Lather, rinse, repeat.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process?
The elation of completion. The unnecessary research is fun too.
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic?
Cherry tree mutations and the structure of yakuza organizations in modern Japan.
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)?
Different tenses in the same document. Also it's and its.
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why?
Describing Kara's post-PZ night terrors and Lena’s fever dreams in Deliverance. Also the action sequence at the end of that story was so difficult.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely?
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why?
Both of them. After I come to my senses and out of a dead faint because I was meeting them at all. And then I would die of sapphication.
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing?
Oh my usual tags are: light angst, tooth-rotting fluff, friends-to-lovers, Lena needs a hug, Kara gets a hug.
13) What's your most important resource as a writer?
Talking with other writers!
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work?
I usually give it some time before I edit so I can have relatively fresh eyes. Spell checking, punctuation, and grammar suggestions help you catch things but NOTHING beats reading it over yourself.
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic?
Definitely the anxiety!!!
16) How do you define sucess for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it?
I think it's good to track kudos and I love getting comments. But ultimately I wrote for my enjoyment or for my peace of mind because the idea would not let me go.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character / ship?
Nope but that's not a bad idea. 🤔
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it?
Wow I'd be thrilled if any of them got art. I am partial to the way @rustingcat draws Sakura blossoms though so maybe Cat for No Wrong Seasons.
19) How many WIPs do you currently have?
8 total. Finishing "the Arcana", "The Sound of Veracity" (Part 2), Prequel and Smutilogue of "Always With Me, Always With You", Supercorptober 2023 "Art" prompt, SG Mayhem fic, the Telepathy/Empathy fic, the Body Swap fic.
20) What's your advice to new fanfic writers?
I posted my first Supercorp story in March 2023 feeling it would be completely lost in this large fandom and having no hope for it. I felt that I was too late. That everything had been done (and done better). I did find readers who liked and some who really loved my work. But mostly I learned to write for myself, which has truly been a gift. Write for yourself. Write what you'd want to see. You'll get better at it over time.
Tagging but no pressure: @fyonahmacnally @nottawriter @chaotic-super @luthordamnvers @fazedlight
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
ok my mom understandably had to go to bed (very late here in her time zone, and it's even an hour later in the one I'm used to) but I'm a mental masochist so I will trudge on until I can't physically watch Shiny Happy People anymore (and I'm just going to edit my comments instead of reblog bc so far there's really not a lot most of us aren't aware of):
- firstly, I knew Deanna was raised Christian but I didn't know she was raised VERY conservative Christian. Per Deanna, this is the reason Amy was allowed so much freedom; she didn't want to limit her as a female in any of the ways she was
- going off of that, I can see how that foundation would open Jim Bob up to a religion that is so insanely misogynistic
- I know it's a thing all of us who've been around a while have known, but it's all but explicitly said that the Duggar kids had any steal of rebellious beat out of them. By Michelle, regardless of what she sounds like.
- I can't help but wonder if this is the reason Michelle sticks so closely to this faith, even after all that's happened. Even as her own children have expressed how abusive their upbringing was. Leaving the ideology means admitting you were an abuser and not an educator.
- Jill felt like she lied in the Megyn Kelly interview. She didn't want to do it and said she wouldn't have without her parents urging, and she felt obligated to protect her family. She didn't want to do this interview, but didn't trust anyone else to tell the truth which, given her upbringing, I totally get.
- the interviews with other ex-IBLP kids are just as fascinating to listen to as Jill's (if not more bc a lot of them WANT to be there). Tia Levings in particular is so incredibly brave and wonderful, please follow her your preferred platform ❤️
- Mike Huckabee is an accomplice to abuse and ped*philia at best
- I know Derick can be insufferable but I promise he's worth listening to in this doc, at least so far (I'm halfway through episode 3). And he's a very serious Jill advocate, which I feel like all the Duggar girls need so badly.
- Jill didn't want anyone at her birth because SHE DIDN'T WANT TOO GO THROUGH WHAT ANNA WENT THROUGH. She agreed to a diary cam at most.
- For that work they did during their babies birth, the Dillards requested not a full paycheck, but a small health insurance renumeration fee from TLC, who asked them to do this work. TLC informed then that they had already paid all sums to Jim Bob.
- Jill has never received any amount of payment from TLC for all the time and work she had given them. Neither had Derick.
- this is probably a NO DUH for us around here, but here is a short list of IBLP/ATI approved lives of training, especially for minors who are doing work for free for other members of the organization (i believe the Bates kids are included in some of the pictures accompanyingthis part):
1. CoNSTrUCTioN!!!
2. Cosmetology (women only of course)
3. Ministry
4. Business?
5. Healthcare consultant
6. ALERT counselor
Secular college courses so not apply to accreditation in these fields
- other ex-IBLP members confirm that children were trained in construction trades and child labor was used gratuitously in the organization, for anything from repairs, to setting up conferences, to building actual buildings. And it was all, of course, free.
- ALERT confirmed as a purposeful paramilitary organization
- am ex-IBLP woman who was sent to ALERT states that they took tampons away from her, as they were a form of purity violation (she says they said she had purposefully taken her own virginity by using them).
- a woman raised in IBLP recounts a story at a conference in Oklahoma City where her roommate almost slit her throat with a knife over being a 'glutton'. Essentially, a teenage girl almost killed herself over not being thin enough to be 'godly'.
- David Green, the CEO of Hobby Lobby, is STILL IBLP's biggest donor. Don't fucking shop there!!!!
- a purposefully sanitized version of Bill Gothard's teachings have been and might still be used in elementary schools, prisons, police and military units as a way of indoctrinating those in attendance to be more open to absolute authority.
- All of the kids besides Jill & Derick might've very well signed a very lengthy contract that extends at least a decade. The Dillards didn't, and have received extreme yet Christian-flavored threats over it???
- The Dillards were using a food bank even after they asked Jim Bob for the most basic payment for their services to the show
- Jill, Derick, and others all agree tha Journey To The Heart was a vetting mechanism for Gothard's abuse victims
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 5 months
Fic Writer Interview
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So I decided to snag this from @sparklepocalypse and fill it out because I'm cozy on my couch on New Year's Eve and fighting off a nap like a grumpy toddler. I'm actually fairly certain I've done this one before, now that I think about it, but oh well. The numbers are different since last time, so...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
60, apparently! 61 being posted later today!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do we still have forever
Volume Control
Modification to the map of you
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to each and every comment that I receive. I try very hard to leave a personalized message for each person, but no matter what, even if it's just a "thank you," I will always respond! Even if it takes me some time!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
To this day, the angstiest ending is Darkest before the dawn, which ends with hope, even if it doesn't end with an actual resolution. It's during canon, so the reader know what happens next.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think my most recent Christmas fic, Oh what a laugh it would have been, has probably now overtaken one of my previous fics for overall happiest ending!
7. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't yet, but I'm absolutely open to it given the write parameters!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I haven't yet, and I hope I never do, although I know that the internet can be a wild place.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
If you'd asked me back in July of this year, I would have said that I primarily write fade to black. Since then, I've written ridiculous amounts of smut. I'm still learning about various kinks I'd like to write about, because I don't want to just write without knowledge of the act itself, but I'm wading into the smut-verse now. I'd say the water's up to my knees, at this point. Got a ways to go.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, not that I've been made aware of, but I think it would be so neat.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't but catch me and @thinkof-england cowriting something amazing now that the new year has arrived.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Y'all are gonna need to sit down for this. I don't think you're ready. Deep breath in. Hold it. Now let it out slowly. Calm your mind. Are you ready? Okay because I know this is going to come as a shock to you when I say that it's FirstPrince.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Star Trek fic with Jim Kirk x an OC. I started it back in the spring and then RWRB happened and now it's just languishing away in my docs at just shy of 18,000 words.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I have realistic dialogue, so I'll count that as a strength. I also think I'm pretty skilled at metaphors. Love a good metaphor.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
The description of surroundings, including clothing and scenery. I feel like I don't do enough of this sometimes, and I'm trying to better at painting a proper picture.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I've done so! Lots and lots of research and consultation with native speakers to confirm accuracy.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Pirates of the Caribbean, apparently.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
There isn't really one out there. I'm super content with the permanent campsite I've built in FP land. Hopefully I'm allowed to hang out there for quite some time.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
How am I supposed to pick a favorite out over 60 fics?!
I suppose if I absolutely HAD to pick right now, right this second, I'd say Ghosts, because the prompt for it as my first ever reader-submitted prompt on a comment from another fic. The reader enjoyed my fic so much that they asked if I'd write another, and Ghosts it what came of that interaction. I loved writing it and sharing it not just with that reader but with the fandom as a whole.
Gonna post my tag list for anyone who wants to participate!
@adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @ninzied @priincebutt @read-and-write- @rockyroadkylers @roseharpermaxwell@ships-to-sail @songliili @ssmtskw @statueinthestonetoo @stereopticons @suseagull04 @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells@user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew 
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