#oh well. i put a normal amount of thought and time and effort into this gifset sooo pls be kind 😭😭
samanthamulder ¡ 1 year
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@usergif 1 year celebration: shuffle challenge day 3: blending | two-colour focused | url @pscentral event 14: your url
WEXLER-MCGILL — partners at law in crime
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wosoamazing ¡ 2 months
Warnings: Knee Injury, IDK
A/N: Just a bit of a fluffy fic I guess, hope you like it, also I'm currently on mid semester break, so I hopefully will be getting more fics out.
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“Steph, have you noticed they’re behaving? Like it’s so quiet” Caitlin remarked as she sat opposite Steph on the bus.
“No, they’re not behaving, they are just asleep.” She replied pointing to the seats where you, Kyra and Charli were all fast asleep, your head leaning on Charli’s shoulder. Everyone shifted their bodies so they could get a view of the three of you, all taking photos, finding the scene in front of them very cute.
“They’re so cute,” “Yeah when they aren't being menaces, Y/N is a really sweet kid though, she just has a lot of energy, I think that stems from….” “Yeah she is great, and such an amazing talent too,” Caitlin rescued Steph as she drifted off, hoping to cover the unfinished sentence, Steph was about to mention your ADHD to the team, all the girls at Arsenal knew about it but Steph hasn't asked you if you were okay with the Matildas knowing.
“How old is Y/N though?” Raso asked
“She turns 17 in June,” “Oh so she is like a baby” “Yeah,” Steph nodded, smiling at you.
“She lives with you and Dean right?” Alanna asked.
“Yeah. Her parents approached us when they found out she was singing for the club and asked if we could take her in, in a way, and we said of course. The club signed off on it and so she moved in with us”
“Wait, how do her parents know you? Or was it random?” “No, we knew them, well more specifically her Dad from our time at Melbourne City, most of you would know him too, he is like on the board or part of the leadership team or something for City as a whole, she explains it much better than I do, but basically he is between all the city clubs and so she couldn’t live with them because they didn’t want her to be alone for long period of time.” They all nodded
“How is she going at Arsenal? She’s been getting a decent amount of minutes hasn't she?”
“Yeah she has. I think she really enjoys it”
“But wait, why does she play for Arsenal if her Dad works for City. Like are they not City fans?”
“Well I don't actually think she is allowed to play for city, but she grew up supporting both Arsenal and City, so I don’t think it really mattered. But I think the main reason is she can't actually play for city.”
“I think she’ll be good for the team, and she is a diverse player, I think Jonas being indecisive has helped that but I mean, it wouldn't hurt to have an all rounder, she is good at everything. I’m just glad she has settled in well, like I know you are all nice and wouldn’t be mean but she is just so much younger, even compared to Kyra. But to be fair she did already know Kyra so that helped. But if anything I’m seeing her more with Charli than Kyra so that is interesting” Caitlin added some food for thought.
“Yeah and something we need to keep an eye on.” Steph said referring to you and Charli spending time together, worried Kyra was getting left out.
You were doing mini drills in teams, so you had a brief break. You walked up to Steph and gave her a hug, 
“Hey little one,” she said as she wrapped her arms around you to hug you back “you okay?”
You looked up to her “Yeah, am I not allowed a hug from my Stephy?”
“No, you are, of course you are. I just wanted to check if you were okay. You just seem a little off today that's all. But you know you can always talk to me about anything right?” Tony called both your names out as Steph was finishing what she said, so you let go of the hug rolling your eyes at her, before she put her arm around your shoulders and you walked off to Tony.
“Go have showers and get changed into clean training gear, the media team wants you both. Good work today though, love the effort.”
“Yes Y/N” Tony said as you had your hand up, “Dad is calling me, I’m really sorry but could I answer?”
“Yeah sure, go ahead that is all good, let him know I said hi,” you nodded and walked out, normally Tony wouldn't let such a thing happen, but as you were younger he agreed.
You had just gotten off the phone with your parents, unfortunately they couldn't come to the game tomorrow, City needed your Dad for something, he was very apologetic and he had tried everything he could but City wasn't budging. Steph was right when she said you had seemed off today, because you were, you were just a little overwhelmed by everything that was happening, it was just lots of little things building to form one larger thing. You headed back towards the room feeling nervous for some reason, maybe you just weren't sure, you didn't really know, you hesitated slightly before opening the door, as you took a step in Steph immediately caught your eyes, she nodded to you and you made your way over to her rather than returning to your seat with Mini, Haper, Charlie and Kyra. A few tears left your eyes and Steph sat you down on her lap instead of you sitting down on the empty chair, you dropped your head into your hands and your body shook slightly as you silently cried. Steph rubbed your back as she looked up to Tony, who nodded at her and mouthed ‘go’.
“Hey, I’m going to take you up to my room, do you want me to carry you or do you want to walk?” You didn’t say anything but started walking, she followed behind, once you were out of the room you stopped and turned around to her, she picked you up and started heading for her room again. You weren't actually rooming with Steph but she knew you would want to be with her tonight, for some familiarity, so she placed you down on her bed before quickly going to get what you needed.
“Oh sorry,” Hayley said as she walked into the room, seeing you and Steph, you were still crying, you were just overwhelmed. 
“It’s all good, we’ve both had showers so if you want you can have one.” “Thanks.” 
By the time Hayley had finished her shower you were no longer crying however you still let out a shaky breath every now and then and from how you were playing with Steph’s rings she could tell you were still nervous. “Hey, you know you’re going to do amazing tomorrow, and if you make a mistake that's okay we all make them, and if you miss, that's okay as well, it happens, we’re humans we can't be perfect. But no matter what we are all going to be proud of you and the way you perform isn't going to affect how we all view you. You know they asked me how I would classify our relationship today, and I told them you were like my little sister. You know I love you right?” you didn't reply but nodded your head, she was a big sister to you, really everyone at Arsenal was like your big sister too you. A yawn escaped your mouth, “Lets get some sleep hey,” you shuffled around to be in a more comfortable position before you softly spoke “I love you too Steph”.
“Is she okay?” Hayley asked now that you were asleep. “Yeah, her parents just can’t make it to the game tomorrow and I think she is kind of scared, but she will be okay,” “Yeah, she is a great player, like really, I might head off to sleep now if that is okay with you,” “Yeah, see you in the morning.”
In the 22nd minute you scored your first national team goal, you were ecstatic however 5 minutes later that feeling disappeared when you were pushed, causing your knee to lock before twisting, you heard a pop in your knee, as a pain of wave rolled over it, the world around you went fuzzy, this couldn’t be happening, it couldn’t be your ACL, you couldn’t handle that, this was your first cap and now you might be out for 9+ months. You were quickly pulled back to reality by Tony calling all the girls over, who were surrounding you,  they all dispersed except for one, who was wiping your tears away, as the medics assessed you. They gave you a green whistle before they stabilised your knee and moved you onto the stretcher, Steph wiped away the last few tears that appeared on your face, before placing a kiss on your forehead, you were then quickly taken down the tunnel, left in your own thoughts, you were so badly hoping it wasn’t your ACL.
There were about 25 minutes of the game left when there was a knock at the door, “come in” the door opened slightly to reveal Steph, whose eyes immediately melted when she saw you, your knee was heavily strapped and in a hinged brace, a pair of crutches leant against the bed.
“Oh, Y/N/N,” she said as she approached you, wrapping her arms around you.
The physio explained to her that you had dislocated your knee slightly, but they were able to put it back in place, she also explained that you had to keep the tape and brace on at all times, until you saw the specialist back in London, she explained they had booked in an appointment for you as well as an MRI.
“Is there any idea of when she can play again?” Steph said, now holding your hand in hers.
“We aren't able to say anything yet, there is no way of knowing what other damage was done, until she gets the MRI, the specialist will be able to tell you everything though when you see them.”
“Okay, thank you, are we able to head out to the pitch, or does she need to stay in here?”
“No, you’re all good to go out. I’ll give you two some space, just let me know if you need anything.” Steph nodded, you looked up to her, her gaze meeting yours.
“Do you want to go back out?” You nodded, “Okay, let's go.” Steph helped you get off the bed and she walked beside you as you slowly made your way back out.
The full time whistle was blown and the stadium erupted, the Matildas had just qualified for the olympics, Steph picked you up and spun you around, “We’re going to the olympics baby!”, you couldn’t help but think that it wasn’t we it was her, their last number 20 did her ACL, maybe the jersey just came with bad luck.
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melodic-haze ¡ 2 months
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Arlecchino (GI) x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Pet play, using a hidden vibrator in public, reader with a cock/strap referred to as the former, ROUGH sex, spanking, a lot of painplay actually, blood cuz have you?? Seen her nails????? What the hell, overstimulation, dumbification 🫶
☆ — NOTES: I haven't actually played Genshin since the eternal Ayaka timer lol but anyway I got carried away I think LMAOOO I just have a huge thing for authority figures who are all subby for me 😞 I might do an aftercare continuation post idk
☆ — PARTS: Part 1 (you are here), Part 2, Part 3
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I really need to put a collar on this woman and call her my personal attack dog
This tall, scary woman who wields a SCYTHE, this Harbinger slash one winged fallen angel with crosses for eyes, this person who people call 'Father'???? Imposing as hell, very much the type that you can't look at in the eyes or else you're probably marked for death next.......but who could EVER expect that all that would go off and crumble down at the mere sight of you with a collar on your hand, a smile on your face and the intent to reduce her into nothing but your personal little pet?
Intimidating? Oh, please. Maybe she'd cut everyone else, but she wouldn't dare do that to you! Not even when she has a vibrator stuffed in her pussy. What's she gonna do realistically, hurt you? Oh no no no she wouldn't dare do that, you've done nothing wrong, could NEVER do anything wrong so whyever would she do that to you?
You've always wondered how Arlecchino could ever balance on those shoes of hers, with the way her heels narrow down into practically nothing by the time its length reaches the ground.
It's an impressive feat, being able to balance on such technically impractical footwear.. especially when the wearer has a small vibrator stuffed in her cunt, controlled by none other than you and the equally small device resting in your pocket, ready for you to use when you felt like it.
And you did exactly that—as the Harbinger went to talk to some person about whatever it is (you never really cared about the current semantics), you dug into your pocket idly, innocently, even, but the both of you know full well that it was anything but.
Despite Arlecchino keeping a straight face, you know the effect was immediate; you could tell from the slight stumble and the quite-literal split-second glitch that you miss when you blink. Unfortunately for her, though, the third-party hadn't blinked so she's left to scramble for an excuse as you watch on nearby, utterly delighted.
Eventually you see her excuse herself early, making it appear as if whatever they were discussing didn't seem to work. And who would ever question Arlecchino, of all people?
"Well, now," you begin with a raised eyebrow as you watched your approaching lover approach you with a surprising amount of grace, wondering how she's kept herself steady with those heels of hers, "I thought you were going to take longer. What happened?"
You see her eyes stare at you, the red crosses within them practically burning so bright it's as if you were so close that you could touch the sun and burn... Though instead of looking away like a normal person with a sense of self-preservation, you dared to flash her an innocent smile as if you were utterly clueless, but both of you knew VERY well that that was, simply put, pure and utter bullshit.
She licks her lips before answering, "I have.. rescheduled for the discussion to continue when his pr-- ..proposal has been polished to the standard I require. We can return to-- ..!"
Her breath hitches, and she moves on to sit down swiftly and cross her legs in a futile effort to keep the toy still within her, though that turns out to be a mistake as you increase the intensity even further. Her mouth practically drops open before she looks down and covers her mouth as she grabs onto your wrist, nails digging and causing you to wince, though it doesn't keep the smug look on your face from increasing.
You narrow your eyes, as if utterly unimpressed by her antics, as you speak only for your lover to hear, "Flaking on your responsibilities just for you to get some relief sooner rather than later? Okay, then." And she hears, sees you laugh, and you both know that she knows she's crossed you, "Let's go home."
The only thing your pet Harbinger could really do was nod.
She need need NEEDS to be treated roughly for her to feel things bc tbh she probably has a high FEELING threshold in general. And like she's insane but that's another thing
Pull on her collar, her leash. Actually no pull on her HAIR there's a reason why she has it in a low tail 🤨🤨 pull it use it to direct her where you want her and she'll do whatever it is you require for her to do
Please do absolutely spank her, put her in her place, urge her on. Pain is a great stimulant, and is a great teacher 🫶
Needs she NEEDS you to hold her up as you pound at her without stopping, vibrator still in her cunt and being pushed deeper into her over and over by your cock and she doesn't tell you to stop either bc she's telling you to give her more, please!!
This deadly woman is asking you, pleading you, begging you for you to absolutely ruin her!!! But nonono you can't let her have what she wants when she's been uncharacteristically not doing her job like she's meant to so you pull out of her and immediately turn off the toy inside her and she looks at you with such shock that it's so strange to see on this ever-so-composed-and-strict member of the Fatui. But at the end you don't really care as you start up the whole process again after waiting for long enough, even switching your positions and paces and everything
Once you deem it enough and that she's basically at her limit, you decide to grant her.. mercy. Fuck her until she cums and she cums HARD, her nails reducing the sheets into damaged tatters of fabric and leaving bloody claw marks and bites on your skin as she writhes and twitches and glitches violently (you'll take care of it later, you reckon, but right now do you really care?) before she settles down.......
But you don't stop. Nononono you don't stop not at all!! This IS what she wanted, right??? Being fucked so hard until she's all dumb and forgets everything she has to keep track of in that brain of hers, make her forget that she's supposed to be this scaryyy Harbinger who could kill you in the blink of an eye, reduce her into nothing but your obedient little puppy desperate for a powerless mortal, of all things. That has to be humiliating, it SHOULD be humiliating when she has all that power, but she doesn't care. Not now, not ever.
Not when it's you :33
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bunny-lily ¡ 24 days
Tether Me - Chapter 2
Pairing(s): Geto/Gojo/Reader
Summary: “Hey! Didn’t keep you waitin’ too long, did we?”
“No, not long,” you assured, fighting hard to keep your eyes off his friend for however long possible, vainfully clinging to your sanity. You knew that as soon as you centered your vision on him, your ability for conscious thought would evaporate. 
You wanted to present yourself as at least marginally normal as a first impression, though you doubted you were achieving that by avoiding the obvious third presence. You were surely coming off as rude, you really should–
“This one's Geto Suguru,” Gojo introduced the noiret by his side, nipping your overthinking at the bud.
At last, your full attention was guided to him.
Oh. That was a mistake.
CW: No y/n | polyamory | slow burn | slice of life | alt au - no curses | fluff | light angst | eventual smut | forgive me, there's internal monologues | I like using big words... | Gojo & Geto are whipped for you | emotionally constipated reader | (most of the tags have been condensed, you can find the full list on my ao3 here)
AN: there's a couple mentions of emotional eating (in thoughts). Degrading words towards self (slut, whore, etc) but not self-degrading. I think that's it? Lemme know if I missed something, it's 5:50 am at time of posting and I am eepy, so I'm sorry if I did ♥
Ch: Prologue | Ch: 1 | Ch: 2 | Ch: 3 | Ch: 4
WC: 12.9k
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The scent of something marvelously delicious wafting through the air had you groggily rolling over from your stomach to your back in bed, stretching your arms above you and practically vibrating the way a cat would as you eased away any sleep-induced tension from your muscles.
You honestly hadn’t slept that well in a long while. You were bleary-eyed, sure, but refreshed. You didn’t have any heavy bags under your eyes, you didn’t experience any nightmares of being hunted. Just calm, good, dreamless sleep.
As much as you wanted to laze around in bed all day, though, the watering of your mouth couldn’t go ignored. Or the rumble in your stomach, for that matter.
With a sleepy groan and big, feline-like yawn to match your stretch, you shuffled out of bed and rubbed the crusties from your eyes as you pulled on some comfortable clothes. Hell if you knew what you were going to do for the day, you could figure that out after you sated your appetite.
You were downright drooling when you left your room to do your morning routine and groused like a toddler that didn’t want to brush her teeth before devouring her weight in breakfast. But you were a grown ass woman that quite preferred to have good hygiene, thank you very much. The intoxicating call of sustenance would have to wait until after you scrubbed your face and polished your teeth to perfection.
Catching sight of yourself in the mirror made you choke when you saw how chaotic the nest of hair on your head was. You felt like a cartoon character that got zapped, your tresses sticking in every direction. 
You must have slept really well, then.
You combed your fingers through the messy strands, trying to smooth the misbehaving locks. It took some effort to tame them into a somewhat presentable fashion, which was the most you cared to do when you were dying to eat already.
Your eyes flickered towards the remaining bottles you left on the sink countertop from last night and you nearly lost your shit.
Just what did Satoru put Ijichi through to get you high end skin products like these? And in such a short amount of time? You guessed the poor man broke a few speeding laws to get these in time for you to use. That, or maybe Satoru had informed him earlier, when you initially agreed to take him up on his offer to stay at his place. Or he already had them and was keeping them around for this kind of situation? Did he use the same brand?
Well, whatever. You were going to use those zealously, so help you god.
And, by the heavens above and seas below, they were fucking incredible. Your face was baby-skin soft. Lustrous, dewy, you were glowing, and certainly felt like it, too. You couldn’t stop touching your cheeks and forehead, they were just so smooth. 
No wonder rich people always had the clearest skin. If you had these while growing up, you never would have had to deal with getting acne in your teens and into your adulthood.
So fucking unfair.
Lamenting how Satoru was born with a silver spoon in his mouth while you were robbed by the universe, you followed the delectable wisps of the tasty aroma in the air like a drunk cupid with tiny wings and a dazed veneer on your face. There you found the man himself in the kitchen, humming an unfamiliar song to himself.
You continued to be baffled that he knew how to cook. It seemed almost unnatural, in a way. He was the prime example of a rich boy that you could find reclining on a poolside chair, hands behind his head as a servant hand fed him grapes. Yet here he was, cooking away, an apron tied around his neck and waist (with frills and little hearts, too, the flashy ass). You wouldn’t be surprised if it had ‘Kiss the Chef’ written across the front and oh, would you look at that, you were right.
“Goooood morning!” Satoru exclaimed, turning away from the stove to greet you. The apron was even flashier than you thought. For fuck’s sake, it had sequins on it. “How’d you– whoa. Nevermind, your hair answers that question.”
You subconsciously tried to flatten down your frizzy tangles once more, grumbling and pulling your gaze away from the atrocious fabric covering his chest that you would totally wear as well, gods, it was horrific. Your morning hair never liked to cooperate with you. “Morning.”
Yawning against the back of your hand, you climbed onto one of the barstools at the kitchen island and veered your body to the side, trying to see what he was cooking around his arm. It smelled sweet, the kind of sweet that was almost enough to make you nauseous, but wouldn’t actually cross that line. Kind of like dessert after you’ve filled yourself to bursting with dinner.
“What are you making? It smells really good,” you said.
“Pancakes!” He exclaimed, sliding an already finished plate to you, soufflé pancakes stacked high atop, drizzled in chocolate and syrup. He even added fruit slices in an arch around the back, just to make it extra fancy.
Someone had a sweet tooth, it seemed. That, and it was obvious he was trying to show off his culinary skills, having the perfect reason to do so now.
But who were you to point that out? You were getting free food, and not even for the first time! Of course you were going to stuff yourself sick with these. Because, honestly, they did look incredible. You would have felt bad about devouring such art if your stomach wasn’t going nuts. 
“Wow, these smell amazing,” you said, scooping up a bite with the fork he passed you. You admired it, tilting it a few degrees in the light, then chomped down on it. 
The noise you made was downright unholy. Straight to the Second Circle with you, don’t even think about looking at the pearly gates of Heaven.
“Fuuuuck,” you keened as you immediately shoved another piece into your mouth. You savored the delectable meal with chubby cheeks, letting the sugary and fluffy delight overtake your senses. “This is so fuckin’ good.”
He cackled at your reaction as he finished cooking and styling up his own plate, ditching the eye-bleedingly ugly apron, and you realized a trice too late that you just stroked his ego considerably. “I didn’t know you could make those kinds of sounds,” he quipped. The sunlight pouring through a nearby window caught the lenses of his glasses when he slid into the seat beside you, making them glint the same way his eyes would if you could see them unobstructed. “Makes me wonder what other noises you can make.”
You almost choked on the pancake you were greedily wolfing down.
Okay, he was not allowed to say things like that while you were eating. And especially not in that voice, the one that lowered a couple octaves and had you squirming in your seat. Barely 10 minutes into the morning and you were already struggling to keep your composure around him.
You swallowed down your food stiffly and patted your sternum with a wee cough. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“I’m not opposed to that.”
“You promised you’d let me use your hot spring first.”
“I can be patient!” Exclaimed the man who very much could not be patient.
You deadpanned, but your lips quivered as you tried to restrain a grin. “Somehow, I doubt that.”
He moped like he was told he couldn’t go to the park today. “You’re so mean to me. How could you? And right after I graciously agreed to house you, too.” Wow, he wasn’t kidding about not letting you live that down.
To make up for it and bring the whiny baby back into a good mood, you let him have a few bites of your food, and he lit up like a damn firework, scarfing them down without a second thought. He had this sort of boyish charm that was difficult to resist in a way that made you want to tease and taunt him endlessly. His statuesque features certainly aided his charisma. 
“By the way,” Gojo began, speaking around a piece of syrup-covered strawberry from his own dish. “There’s someone I want to introduce to you later. You’ll like him.”
You gave him a sidelong glance. Was this the second ‘someone’ Granny mentioned the day before? You shuddered at the thought of dealing with two Satoru’s. You barely knew the first one, and he was already a handful and a menace. You chewed quickly and swallowed to answer.
“Is he anything like you?” You asked, doing your best to be ladylike and eat the way a normal person would. You weren’t really succeeding.
He grinned wide. “He’s the best! Second to me, of course.”
“That does not answer my question,” you pointed an accusatory fork at him.
“Pshh, don’t worry. He’s cool. Well, not as cool as me, but very close.”
That still didn’t answer your question. More so, it put you on edge. You were already mentally preparing to get acquainted with this potential twin, doppelgänger, and/or clone.
“Can you at least tell me his name?”
“Geto Suguru,” he responded.
Geto Suguru, huh?
Same initials as Gojo Satoru. Same amount of syllables, too.
You were so fucked, weren’t you? 
The thought of having two copies of the gremlin beside you had you preemptively putting your hands on your nape to ease the tension. Figuratively, but possibly literally, depending on if height was something they shared.
“Alright,” you said. “When do you want me to meet him?”
“Oh, the time will come, you shouldn’t worry your pretty little head.”
Well, if that wasn’t the most cryptic shit that definitely had you worrying your pretty little head. Asshole, he was doing that on purpose, confirmed by that cunning expression he had as he observed you with his temple resting on his fist, elbow on the counter. He liked toying with you.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Don’t look at me like that.”
He raised his brows. “Like what?”
“Like you’re planning some shit.”
Satoru pressed his fingers to his chest, feigning innocence. “Why, I’d never!”
He was absolutely planning some shit. All you could really do now was brace yourself for whatever was to come, though you were certain that no amount of readying yourself would keep you from getting swept off your feet. “I’ve got my eye on you.”
That was the wrong thing to say, considering he fucking swooned and tipped over, resting his head on your shoulder and closing his eyes, sighing like a schoolgirl. “I knew you thought I was handsome.”
You gave a long-suffering exhale and poked his cheek. “I said no such thing.”
“Yeah, but you looked it.”
“The hell does that even mean?”
“Just keep your eyes on me, pretty baby,” he directed and sat back up, reaching for his fork. “What’s on the agenda for you today?” He asked as he scooped up the rest of the syrup on his plate with the last bite of his food.
You coughed to cover your blush, grateful for the topic change. “Well, I guess take stock of all I’ll need to do with my house. I got a job at Granny’s store, so I’ll start working there in a few days.”
“Shit, really?” He gaped at you. “That fast?”
You nodded around your final piece of pancake, closing your eyes to savor the sublime flavor. You’d have to make him teach you to cook like that sometime, too.
A ‘whooh’ sound left him. “Impressive.”
“It’s weird,” you said. “Everything’s worked out so far, and I’ve barely been here for two and a half days. I’m getting suspicious.”
Your shoulders lifted and dropped. “Seems too good to be true. Gotta stay on my toes, y’know?”
Satoru ruffled your hair as he stood to stack your empty plates into the dishwasher. “You think too much, sweetheart.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “Let me be paranoid.”
“You’ll just give yourself worry lines like that,” he cautioned, returning to press his index finger between your brows, “riiiight here. You gotta relax, princess. Chill out, do something fun.”
It was hard to, after spending so many years escaping metaphorical ghosts. Old habits die hard, you supposed.
He was right, you could really use a break from non-stop wariness. This was supposed to be a fresh start, after all. You washed your slate, unmarked of everything on purpose, keeping next to nothing but your name and the clothes on your back. No contacts, nobody waiting for you somewhere, no responsibilities or obligations holding you back. Who knew how long you’d get the chance to let go like this? Might as well take advantage of it.
You weren’t sure what would qualify as ‘fun’ here, but you were a new sprout, after all. What better way than to learn firsthand?
“Alright,” you agreed. “Recommend anything?”
“Hmm,” he lolled his head side to side. “Go to the bakery. It’s not far from Granny’s store, a couple streets north. Hard to miss, it’s got a big sign. We saw it on the way to Granny’s yesterday.”
You scratched through your memory, trying to remember exactly where it was. You had a fuzzy idea, but the benefit of living in such a small locale was that it wouldn’t be too difficult to find. “Will do, thanks. I’ll go after I check out my place first. I’ll need the emotional support after that.”
“Fair enough, I saw why,” he chortled. Oh, the exterior was nothing compared to the interior, sweet summer child. “You want a ride there?”
You considered it, then shook your head. “Nah, it’d be better for me to walk there to get more familiar with the town.”
“You sure?” He raised a brow, a teasing, lazy smirk crawling up his lips. “Won’t get lost?”
“Probably,” you snorted, “but experience is the best teacher, eh?”
He chuckled low in his throat. “If you do get lost, don’t be afraid to call me. I’ll be your prince in shining armor.” 
You made a ‘pffft’ noise and glared at him. He just smiled back like the dork he was. “It’s knight in shining armor.”
“Prince is better. I’m not some lowly knight.”
Drama queen. “Alright, whatever you say, prince. I’ll see you–” In the midst of slipping off the stool to get ready to leave, you stopped, remembering a key piece of information. “Hey,” you spoke up, rotating to scrutinize him with a squint. “How did you know my back door doesn’t have a lock?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “My friends and I would go there on dares when we were younger. Believed it was haunted, dumb kid shit, you know how it goes.”
That– yeah, that sounded way more plausible and understandable than whatever ghost stories about kidnappers and serial killers you came up with. But he still could have phrased it better than he did, he didn’t have to go creepy-mode to convince you to stay with him for the time being.
“Why?” He chortled. “Thought I was gonna kidnap ya?”
“Yes,” you replied automatically, scratching the spot behind your ear sheepishly. “Sorry about that.”
He snickered at your expense, bending down and lowering his voice into a rumbling murmur. “You never know. Maybe I will.”
“Har har,” you replied flatly. “Very funny.”
His lips curled further, eyes gleaming behind his shades. “Better keep your guard up, princess. Someone might just come and snatch you up when you least expect it.”
You scoffed as you swiveled and headed towards the front door. Satoru followed you in a way that reminded you of a puppy, or a mischievous cat, observing you as you tugged on your shoes. “I’m sure I’ll be fine. I can scream really loud.”
“And if they cover your mouth?”
“I bite,” you grinned toothily.
He crooned. “I’ll keep that in mind. You sure you don’t need a ride?”
“I’ll be fine,” you dismissed his uncertainty and double checked your purse as you put it on. “I’ll catch you later.”
“Ah, wait, before you go,” he halted you, reaching out to search through a bowl on the console table pushed up to the wall. After a second or two of digging around, he pulled out a key attached to a ring and held it out to you. “Here, in case nobody’s home when you get back.”
You took it from him and turned it over in your palm, evaluating its untarnished sheen. “Thanks,” you tucked it away safely into a pocket in your purse. “Is it new?”
“Just a spare,” he stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Put it to good use, yeah?”
“Sure,” you agreed.
He patted your head and you scowled at him. “I’ll be awaiting your call for when you need to be rescued.”
You stuck your tongue out at him as you opened the door and stepped out of it. “Dream on.”
His rolling laughter was the last thing you heard as you closed it behind you. The purity of the air awed you again. It was like a medium between you and nature, tickling every one of your senses. There was this certain liberating power in this valley, one that swelled behind your heart and spread out like hot tea on a cold winter morning.
It swirled in your stomach and radiated from your chest in time with your pulse, lulling and salving. Why had you never considered going to the countryside before? 
You were a city-hopper, bouncing from metropolitan hellscape to metropolitan hellscape, where the streets of downtown reeked of anything sickly, apartments were expensive to rent, and you only ever felt like a side character.
Restaurants there were always jam-packed, cafĂŠs were less of early day respites and more places of palpable depression. The bars were grimy and boozy, ear-piercingly loud and sweltering with the body heat of dozens of people pressed too tightly together, but at least they were good for one thing.
They were good for shutting down your brain. When it got too loud and too full, when the alcohol burned too much and the people were too touchy, that was when you went into autopilot and thrived in the bliss of silence created by the endless droning of the bass vibrating from your feet to your scalp. You hated liquor, just the thought of it made you queasy, but you craved the buzz it gave you back then.
You didn’t have that luxury now, but you didn’t need it. You hadn’t so much as thought about partaking in that vice since moving, actually. Had you known about the kind of life you could find here, you would have ditched the neon streets a long time ago.
The placidity of mostly untouched vegetation and of the tightly knit community provided a different kind of solace, one that distracted you with things far more interesting than paranoia and anxiety-driven overthinking.
You didn’t feel lost here. Not in the metaphorical sense. Literally had yet to be seen. It remained unfamiliar, but your panic had smoothed out from the first steps you had taken off the train. You could breathe without feeling like there were matches being held too close to your lungs, or needles aimed at your heart.
You didn’t hold onto hope, though. The pattern remained the same. Once you got used to this place, you’d hop on the next train and be on your less-than-merry way.
Will I ever stop running? You asked yourself frequently.
Nobody ever answered.
That’s alright. For now, you were okay. 
Choosing not to indulge in those ideologies, you followed the curving road back down the incline, noting that the car Ijichi had brought you in was gone. You’d need to find a way to thank him, as well as Granny. You didn’t like being indebted to people, especially if it put you at risk of getting tied down.
Satoru was a different problem entirely, since he was letting you live with him. Chores, rent, maybe another thing or two to keep the score level. You weren’t great on brainstorming ideas on how to return favors, but you’d figure it out. A good walk always helped make the creative juices flow.
You ruminated on who he wanted to introduce you to later, coming up with ideas about what he might be like. Hopefully a counterpart and not a duplicate, you weren’t sure how much you’d be able to handle if that was the case. 
If he was friends with Satoru, though, the likelihood of him driving you insane in one way or another was highly likely.
“I bet he’s disgustingly handsome, too,” you muttered cattily under your breath. “I’m gonna see him and the last brain cells I have are gonna explode.”
It didn’t help that you had no idea when you were going to meet this ‘Geto Suguru’. Would you have time to anchor yourself mentally? Would it be today, or a week from now? Could you even prepare at all?
Satoru was right, you thought too much.
As you roamed around, the shrine caught your eye once more, and you stopped to take it in. You hadn’t been to a shrine before – not this kind, anyway. The bigger ones in Tokyo didn’t count. You vaguely remembered how to pray, though you weren’t sure if you should. Paying respects, though, that was fine.
You nibbled on your bottom lip, debating. In the end, it wasn’t a hard choice. You would take any chance to procrastinate and delay facing the disaster awaiting you as much as you could. Except for the bakery Satoru recommended, you were saving that for after you made a plan for your house. You figured you’d want to stress eat afterwards to balm your troubled heart.
Besides, you weren’t sure if you’d have the time to visit after you got started on everything. You had a few days to use up, why not use them to check things out?
The trail leading up to it was easy to find, and though clearly well-traveled and requiring some exertion to traverse, it was clear that it was loved. The flowers on either side of the path were tended to with a compassionate hand, blooming and fragrant. You took a break on several occasions just to sniff a few, admiring them. 
Usually, you were picky about flowers. 
Most were less redolent and more bitterly pungent for you, such as roses. They were elegant, no doubt, but their scent always bordered on perfume-y in a way that reminded you more of an old folks’ home rather than pleasant and subtle beauty. Generally, florid notes made your face scrunch up like you ate something unexpectedly sour.
These flowers were just right, though. They still had those floral undertones, of course, but presented salubrious and fruity essences atop it. It made you mull over why every other flower you smelled before wasn’t palatable. 
Soon, the shrine entrance was in clear view. You traced your finger along the edge of a petal one last time before standing up from your squatting position and making your way over to it. The tower itself was mostly vertical in terms of size, decently small in contrast to the typically larger ones scattered about Japan, but it fit in perfectly with everything else here.
There were two stone benches on either side of the archway leading in, pressed up to the sturdy cobblestone foundation, and lanterns situated at the corners of both, reminding you of a few animated movies with similar designs you’d seen in the past. They were slightly shaded, turned a few degrees away from the sun, and you imagined it would be nice to read there and watch the sun fall asleep beyond the horizon.
The doors were open, guarded by dog-like statues, a bit crudely carved out. Satoru had mentioned it was a shrine dedicated to the wolves that used to roam the mountains, so the statues were likely meant to resemble them. You were curious about the interior, wanting to see the altar up close, since each place of prayer had their own uniquely made one, but the sight of a person clad in white and red kneeling in front of said altar within had you nixing that idea. You could do it another time.
She must have noticed your approach as her head lifted and she peeked partially over her shoulder. She rose up and rotated to face you, and you withheld your exasperation.
Right, this was just fucking ridiculous now, what the fuck.
Why was there another criminally attractive person in this godsforsaken valley? You got scammed, you wanted your money back. Everyone here was so out of your league, you felt like the dog that caught the baseball bat after it’s thrown rather than a player in the game. What, was there going to be an additional good-looking person, ready to knock the wind out of you?
Probably Geto.
If any of these people told you to get down on your knees and bark, you would have without question.
Seriously, why?
You should have been relishing existing in the presence of so many charming folks, but in reality, it just made you feel self conscious.
“Hello,” she greeted as she walked over to you, bringing you out of your internal raging monologue. “May I help you?”
“Oh,” you fluttered your lashes and stammered minutely, trying to recollect yourself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to distract you. I just wanted to see the shrine.”
The shrine maiden’s lips tilted up politely. “You’re fine, don’t worry. Are you a tourist?”
“No,” you fidgeted with your thumb and index finger on your right hand. “I moved here recently. I’m checking around to get more acquainted with the area.”
Her brows rose a millimeter short of being comical. “Really? That’s surprising. Did one of the villagers leave that I didn’t know of?”
“Also no. I bought the house on the outskirts, uhh,” you twisted to scan behind you and pointed in the general direction of it. “That way.”
“That house? I thought they’d torn it down a long time ago. Why that one?”
You lowered your arm. “It was cheap. Gave me an excuse to move here properly.”
“I hope you’re not staying there, it’s dangerous,” she frowned, using a stern yet caring voice.
“I’m staying with Gojo Satoru while I fix it up.”
Immediately, the woman’s face twisted into a sneer of repulsion. Scorn shadowed over her honey-brown eyes, causing yours to widen as hers narrowed. “Run away while you still can,” she told you firmly. 
Well, that’s not worrisome at all.
What the hell did he do to her?
“What? Why?” Your brows furrowed.
She sighed as if the mere mention of Gojo had stripped a few years off her lifespan. “He’s the devil in disguise.”
Was anyone ever going to give you a straight answer about him? “Did he…do something?”
Her scorn turned to ire and agitation in a snap. “He’s so obnoxious! And arrogant, I can’t stand to be around him, he pisses me off to no end,” she downright snarled, heat rising to her cheeks from her anger. “He acts all high and mighty when he’s just a spoiled brat that refuses to respect his elders!”
“Me!” She pointed harshly at herself. “I’m his elder! Well, I mean, not the only one, but still! He was raised like a golden child, given everything he wanted. He loooves getting on everyone’s nerves, especially mine. Get away from him or he’ll send you to an early grave, miss.”
You didn’t know what you were expecting when you came to view the shrine, but a rant from a peeved miko definitely wasn’t anywhere on your list of possibilities. His name alone sent her into a tailspin, and you would have regretted it if seeing her go off about the man wasn’t more entertaining than it had any right to be. You did feel bad, but madly interested, too.
“I…see,” you reacted stiltedly, stifling a laugh. “Are you, like, exes or something?”
She gaped at you as if you had informed her of her puppy’s passing. “What? No! Absolutely not! I– how could– never even mention–” She abruptly stopped herself, took a few intensely deep breaths to calm herself, then she was smiling kindly again as if nothing had happened. “Where are my manners? I’m Iori Utahime, a miko. It’s a pleasure to meet you. And you are?”
Left reeling from her unexpected 180 in demeanor, you stuttered out your own name in response, to which she nodded in approval.
“A lovely name. You said you moved here recently? How fun! What brought you to this valley?”
Satoru had several questions to answer for the next time you saw him. If you had a notepad and pen, you would have been writing them down like a P.I., bobbing your head with a solemn face as you asked Iori to recount her history of events.
“I came to study abroad in Tokyo a few years back, and fell in love with the country,” you said. “I’m not big on cities, though, so coming here seemed perfect.”
Maybe you were embellishing your story a bit, but in all fairness, you didn’t know her. Besides, clean slate; you had no story before this, why not paint one now that you had the freedom to?
You weren’t going to whip up some grand tale about how you were this astonishingly intelligent, leading programmer in your country that did impressive work for science (that was your mother), but it didn’t hurt to fib the truth a small amount. The part about studying abroad was true, anyway.
She appraised you with an interested visage. “I see, I see. Where are you originally from?”
Man, people loved asking that, huh?
It’s not like you could blame them, you’d do the same in their place. You were a foreigner, they were going to treat you like one.
“Ah,” you told her of your place of origin. “It’s nothing special. I mostly traveled.”
“Oh? How did you make money?”
“Freelance,” you answered. “Odd jobs here and there, enough to keep myself afloat. Have you traveled before, Iori-san?” 
You could see the overjoyed spark in her eyes that someone was finally respecting her. “Only within the country,” she responded, somewhat somber. “I’ve always wanted to see what it’s like outside Japan.”
You tilted your head back to see the sky and think of suggestions. What do the stars look like here? “Depends on where you go. Some places are very packed and have lots of things to do no matter where you go, like Europe. Other places are more sparse, like the States.”
“But the States have more people,” the woman pointed out.
“Yeah,” you confirmed, “but that country is massive and people there tend to group into major cities, rather than be spread out. California is technically bigger than the entirety of Japan, but has way less people.”
Her eyes bulged in surprise. “Really?”
“Yep. It’s why you might hear Westerners say ‘there’s nothing to do here’,” you glanced at the structure behind her. “You guys revere wolves here, right?”
Utahime clapped her hands twice eagerly. “That’s correct! How’d you know?”
Based on her reaction to you merely mentioning Satoru, you figured it’d be best if you didn’t tell her the source of your information. “I’ve heard about it. I was curious, I haven’t been to a smaller shrine like this one before. Only the bigger ones in Tokyo, but those were part of my assignments, rather than for leisure.”
“Oh, it’s not much,” she espied at it from over her shoulder, but you could see the pride in her eyes. It was well taken care of, with love and chariness. It easily passed off as something constructed more recently, given its meticulous maintenance.
“How long ago was it built?”
“Around the same time the settlers first came here.”
This time, your eyes were the ones that opened wide. It had to have been at least 350 years old in that case, based on a rough estimate. “That far back? Wow, it’s in seriously good shape.”
The woman puffed up her chest. “Though the wolves have long since died out here, we still honor them. They helped us with hunts and allowed this village to thrive when we needed it most. They protected us from cursed spirits, as well. It’s only right we treat them and the bounties they’ve given us with respect.”
Oh, there was that term again: cursed spirits. “Could you tell me more about cursed spirits?”
Enthusiasm bubbled up in her the way it would in a child about to tell their parents about the story they wrote up. She skipped over to one of the stone benches and plopped down onto it, patting the spot beside her. You slid onto it, a chill shooting up your spine from the cold temperature. Being shaded from the sun made the rock gelid, go figure.
“Now! Let’s start from the beginning as we know it,” she cleared her throat and took on the role of a teacher. “The origin of cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcery as a whole is largely unknown. It’s speculated that spirits have lived alongside humanity from the beginning of it, as cursed energy is formed by negative emotions, and cursed energy is what spirits are born from.”
She was very animated when teaching, you noticed. Lots of hand movements, facial expressions, and a bouncy attitude to boot. It made for a very entertaining show, and did well to keep you engaged.
“Curses were invisible to humans. Only a select few could see them, and even fewer could actively interact with them in some way or another,” she continued. “Smaller curses would typically leech off of people without them knowing it, feeding off their bad emotions. Stronger curses, however, could be incredibly powerful. Sometimes to the point of standard weapons being completely useless against them, which is why jujutsu sorcery came to fruition. We needed some way to fight back against the spirits, so we developed a way to do just that by manipulating the natural reserves of cursed energy we had within us.”
Folklore from other countries always captivated you. From the creator of mankind in some Chinese mythos named Nüwa, to the counterpart of the equivalent of Santa in Germany, the origin of Halloween and turnip lanterns – even the oddly terrifying ones without nefarious intentions, like Mari Lwyd.
You adored hearing about legends, stories, and tales passed down through oral and written history over the centuries of life existing in each respective land. To say she had you hooked would be an understatement.
What were curses like? Assuming they were real, of course, and that jujutsu sorcery didn’t follow the same ideology as hanging witches. Were they ugly? Bipedal? Humanoid at all? 
“Many natural disasters are blamed on curses, even to this day,” she began lifting her fingers as she counted off a few examples. “Earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts. Pretty much anything you can think of.”
“Were they kinda like demons?”
“Eh,” she tilted her hand side to side a few times. “Yes and no. Depends on who you ask, really. They could be different from demons of hell, or they could be one and the same.”
“I see,” you pinched your chin. “So, where’d they go, then?”
She grasped one of her pigtails, running her fingers through the open and loose portion at the top of it. “Nobody really knows. Some think that sorcerers were able to eradicate them at the source, and died off since they weren’t needed anymore. It could be that the curses have simply lost power due to the progression of mankind, and particularly therapy, though it’s…still kind of taboo. Some claim they’re still around, we just don’t notice because we aren’t able to see any of it.”
Satoru’s words on the matter echoed in your mind. ‘Even if they are real, there's no way they'd beat me.’
You bit your cheek to hold back an unwitting snicker. Leave it up to Satoru to say some brazen shit and have it pop up in your head at random.
“What about you? What do you think?” You asked.
Utahime flicked a piece of invisible dirt off the front of her hakama. “I believe they exist. It’s part of why I’m a miko, and one of the reasons I maintain this shrine. It’s my duty. Curses may not be the same now as they were back then, but that’s no reason for me to slack off. Complacency breeds contempt.”
It was heartwarming, in a way, to see someone still holding onto traditions like these, working to keep her friends, family, and home safe, upholding the rules within and outside places of prayer. You admired her for it.
Not that you would personally want to be a shrine maiden, but you held them in high esteem nonetheless.
“And you?” She peered at you. “Do you believe in the supernatural?”
You closed your eyes for a moment, stretching your legs in front of you and idling back on your hands. “I’m agnostic, neither here nor there. I respect spaces that are considered sacred, I’d rather not get hexed, but I don’t go out of my way to hunt down, let’s say, ghosts.”
“I commend you, many could stand to learn a thing or two from you,” as she spoke, she stood up and brushed off the back of her kosode. “You are good company, though I fear I should get back to work soon.”
“Ah,” you got up as well and bowed to her. “Thank you for sharing your stories with me, Iori-san. I’m sorry for disturbing you.”
She waved her hand. “You didn’t, don’t worry. Come visit me again soon, okay? I’d love to hear stories of your travels as well.”
“Sure,” promised easily, more than content to exchange tales with her. “Stay safe.”
“Likewise,” the noirette disappeared back into the shrine with a final word of parting, leaving you to your devices.
While you didn’t get to see the altar inside, you considered the visit worthwhile, and got a new acquaintance out of it, too. You could come back to check it out another day.
Having burned through all the reasonable amount of procrastination time you allowed yourself, you voyaged back down the path, appreciating the blooms the whole way down the same way you had when you went the other way. You had to ask Utahime if she was the one tending to them next time you saw her.
You were proud to say that you only got lost twice. But you did find the bakery on the way, and memorized where it was once you located the path home. Not bad, not bad at all. You managed to find your way around, and you didn’t need to embarrass yourself by calling Satoru to come to your rescue.
It’s sad how low your standards for happiness had fallen, but you’d take any crumb of serotonin you could find.
You noticed the trip to your house was shorter whenever you actively didn’t want to go there, as if it was a living creature that purposefully made you arrive faster, just so you had to give it attention.
It stood, looming, mocking you. Taunting you, the monstrosity. What an asshole.
The outside matters came first, the less time you had to spend inside, the better. You pulled up the notes app on your phone and began the task of drafting everything you needed to deal with, denoting it as the ‘Outdoor’ section in your native tongue.
Fence, you typed down, scribbling sporadic thoughts as you went. Tear down? Repair? Replace?
You checked the ends and noted that the fence only went back about halfway into your property, leaving the back uncovered. Covers only front. Built like that? Collapsed/removed in the back? 
You felt the stalks of yellow-ish green leafage with your palm, the tips reaching your hips. Cut down grass and weeds. You should plant pollinator flowers if the yard was ever cleared out well enough. It’d be nice to have some butterflies and bees around to help everything grow nice and healthy. 
You lightly nudged a piece of a busted plant pot with the toe of your shoe. Dispose of broken pots. A slight stumble had you leering down to see a strangely shaped tile. You tilted your head in confusion, then peered up at the edge of the roof, deducing it was a shingle that had fallen off. You stepped further away from the roof, just in case. And fallen & loose shingles.
Rounding the side, you waded through the overgrown flora, poring over the condition of the rundown house’s environment. Remove ivy from walls. Set up trellises. Lattices to form a backyard/patio/garden/thing?
Angling your chin up, you placed your hand over your forehead and assessed the roof. From on the ground, you wouldn’t be able to completely acknowledge the damage done to it over the years it sat untouched, but you were reluctant to climb on it to see first hand. You didn’t have a ladder, for starters, and you liked having unbroken bones and working shins. 
Get a ladder.
The back of the estate was in the same condition as everything else. Which is to say, disheartening. 
“What’ve I got myself into…” You muttered.
You spotted a narrow garden plot built into the back of the house. Overgrown, yes, but it’d be perfect for planting stuff when you got it all cleared up.
It wasn’t a question of ‘if’, unfortunately. You had no other real choice besides mending what was left in your hands.
You were still miffed at the real estate agent. You likely wouldn’t have purchased this piece of land had you known what was ahead. Or if you were in a better state of mind, honestly, rather than being in the middle of your fight-or-flight phase of living.
“No good dwelling on the past,” you whispered to yourself as you circled back to the front. “Can’t change it now.”
You took a deep, long, full breath, enjoying the fresh and crisp air while you still could. You savored the temperate hints of nature and the clement weather, treating it like it would be your last time experiencing such comfort. You didn’t know if your nostrils (or you) would survive the excursion into hell you were about to go on, so you weren’t risking taking the breeze for granted.
Exhaling all in one big puff, you steeled your shoulders and pushed open your front door, your free hand covering your nose in anticipation. Replace hinges and/or front door.
It managed to punch you in the gut regardless. 
New section in your notes open, you got to work typing. The most obvious issues came first, such as the floors, the peeling walls, and exposed boning and pipes. A lot would possibly need to be replaced, such as the counters in the kitchen, cupboards…
Floor rotted(?) and sticky. Wash?
Spackle for holes in walls? New drywall instead?
Check insulation.
Your spirits fell more and more with each additional item of note you wrote onto the list. Could any of this be salvaged? Were you better off tearing it down?
Remove tatami. Replace? Don’t?
Stepping into what you assumed was the master bedroom, you made your way over to the sleeping bag you left behind and cautiously rolled it up, maneuvering around the grime stuck to it, and placed it against a corner. You’d toss it when you got the chance to.
M-bed closet missing doors and shelf.
Seeing the window, you tip-toed to it, hoping to open it to air out the room. Your nose formed bunny lines at the cobwebs littering the sill and edges. While there weren’t any spiders – as far as you could see – you still did not enjoy touching them in the slightest.
Pushing up from the center of the window proved to be futile, the frame wasn’t going to be budging anytime soon.
Windows stuck.
Remove spider webs.
There was litter here and there – torn pieces of paper, a ripped open baggie, fabric – that you decided to leave as is. Along with not having gloves to pry them off the ground, you didn’t have anything to throw them away into. They got to live another day.
Toss out trash.
The shower and bathroom had a cupboard tucked off to the side, but opening it showed the middle platform separating the top and bottom within was crumbly and would break if you put any weight on it.  Replace shelf in bathroom cupboard.
The tiles were all fucked up, too. Some were chipped, others were outright broken or missing. Rust had gathered around the tap and drain in the tub, likely from years of having a leaky faucet before it ran out of water to drip.
Clean out rust in bath/pipes. Throw away broken floor tiles. Replace.
You pulled the left handle of the sink faucet and waited for a few seconds to see if the plumbing was functional.
Which was a big, fat no.
Plumbing. Faucets.
Limescale on shower head, wall tiles.
You scrolled through what notes you had already created and chewed on the corner of your bottom lip, thinking of what else you might have needed to write down. You fixated blankly on the wall in front of you as you went over everything, then quickly typed out a few more things.
Check for asbestos, lead in paint.
You figured the tasks you needed to do would pop up as you went along, considering your notes to be a simple skeleton outline. You could jot down other things as needed, and work through them one by one.
Having done as much as possible while staying inside for as long as you could tolerate, you walked back outside and dug around in your purse for the piece of paper Granny had given you, the one with names and numbers of people that could help you in this endeavor.
To say you were beginning to panic would be an understatement. You already bought the damn thing, and doubted you’d be able to resell it and get all your money back. You also didn’t want to subject anyone to repairing the thing when it was both a health hazard and an embarrassment. 
You had some reserve money, but it wasn’t a whole lot, so you required that job Granny gave you.
Gojo said you could stay with him for however long you needed, but that was with the expectation that you’d leave once your house was fixed up. Given the village’s size, it was unlikely that you would find another place within it to live in, even after saving up some money working for Granny. You didn’t want to piggy-back off anyone and be an imposition; the only reason you felt less guilty about staying with the moon-haired idiot was due to the sheer amount of space he had in his mansion.
You were swiftly running out of options.
Your lips paled as you pressed them tightly together, trying to wrack your mind for ideas. You couldn’t sell it, and you didn’t want to deal with the humiliation of having strangers work for you. In such a small town, word spread like fire on a dry wick. Who knows what they would say about you?
Realistically, it wasn’t your fault, you knew this. The house hadn’t been built under your name and, hell, was likely older than you by at least a decade or two. It didn’t fall to ruin because of you, but you were the owner of this house now, the responsibility rested on your shoulders.
You read through the list of handymen under your thumb, the paper shaking slightly from the death grip you had on it.
Repairing it on your own was technically an option, but you would be basically begging for severe injuries or even death by attempting that. You wouldn’t even know where to start. Foundation? Floors? Structure? Roof? You didn’t fucking know how to do any of that shit!
…Or you could just burn the damn eyesore to the ground ‘til there was naught but ashes left.
No, that was a stupid idea, but you were out of any good ones.
The thought you had previously of tearing it down and buying a garden shed to reside in was feeling more and more tempting by the hour. It was unreasonable, you knew, you simply…didn’t know what you were supposed to do.
You were used to doing things alone. You relied solely on yourself, trusted only your own words and intentions. Letting people in was not something you did for many reasons. Maybe you did crave closeness and camaraderie at some point in the distant past, but the concept was out of the question entirely now. It made uncomfortable butterflies sit heavy in your stomach, the urge to vanish into the treelines and never be seen again increasing with each extraneous person you invited into your life.
You sighed. “I should have just moved into the woods and turned into a witch,” you grumbled low, then scoffed sardonically. “Right, as if I wouldn’t accidentally poison myself with a weird mushroom on day three and die a horrible, painful, slow death.”
The two lists you had remained in your somewhat reluctant hands. You knew you were way in over your head, and you’d probably unintentionally curse the house sooner than you managed to make a positive change, but…you weren’t used to asking for help. Always the type to manage shit on your own, get things done yourself, be independent. Could you really be faulted for having a hard time reaching out to anyone else?
Especially since you hadn’t even met any of them yet. That would be disconcerting, asking folks you’d never seen – let alone spoken to – before to work for you.
Your phone singed your fingers. You did know someone, and knew that he was just a phone call away, but did you really want to deal with him of all people? He would take this chance to rub it all in your face and then some.
You carefully weighed your choices.
Rebuild the house yourself with no former experience with anything beyond shitty popsicle stick bird huts.
Call someone on the list, explain your situation, and ask for help.
Call the prick.
…By the gods, you really hated making calls to people you didn’t know.
Shamefully carping to yourself, you dialed Satoru’s number, trying to ignore the contact name he had set up for himself. It was so glitzy, the ✨❤️ Satoru ❤️✨ sitting at the top of the call screen making you stifle a short laugh, ironically lifting your spirits. “Here goes nothing…”
He answered within three rings. “Yo, been a while, princess” Satoru purred as if you hadn’t seen him that morning, and you rolled your eyes, despite not being there in person for him to see.
“You greet every girl like that?”
“Nope, just you,” you could hear his grin. “Whatcha need?”
Now came the part where you set aside your pride and voiced what you very much did not want to. Again. You’d known this man for barely 24 hours and he already had several wins over you. In…whatever game you decided you were losing. “Look, I…I need your help.”
“Oho? What’s this? Is the princess finally admitting how much she misses me?” 
Smug dick.
“I did not say that,” you immediately berated him.
He simply hummed, unaffected. “Same thing.”
You ran your hand down your face, already exasperated just 30 seconds into the call. “You– ugh, just, can you help me or not?”
“Depends on what you need, sugar plum. Did ya get lost already?”
This man was going to be the cause of your madness. The bridge of your nose ached where you pinched it. “Granny gave me a list of people to call to help me with my house and I really don’t want to call any of them.”
“Then don’t.” 
“And, what, do everything by myself?”
You could envision him shrugging. “Why not? I could help you.”
“Satoru, I trust a wild forest fire more than I trust you with a hammer.”
“Ouch,” he sucked air through his teeth, faux whimpering. “You’re such a bully. Fine, I’ll help you with contacting everyone.”
Oh, that took less fighting and groveling than you expected. You exhaled in relief. “Thank you–”
“On,” he interrupted you, “one condition.”
There it is.
Your skin began to sting as you dug your nails harder into it, leaving curved indents between your eyes. “Y’know what, I think I’ll be fine–”
“Ah-ah-ah, hang on a second there, pretty girl. Hear me out.”
Conceding, you sighed and urged him to make his request. “Fine, what is it?”
"Cook something for me,” he requested. “Consider it evening the score.”
Your face scrunched up into a question mark. “Wait, that’s it?
“What, do you want it to be more?”
“No, no, I can do that,” you quickly declined, biting on the edge of your thumbnail as you tried to think of something to prepare for him. “Do you have any preferences?”
Sweet stuff. Okay, you could work with that. You could bake some pretty killer macarons. You didn't know what ingredients he had at home, or how to operate his oven, but you'd just figure it out, right?
“Alright, I can do that,” you answered.
“We have a deal, then?”
You took a moment to consider. You could back out, but your introverted personality made that notion null. It was only baking, too, rather than the ghastly demand you were expecting him to make. Baking it is. “Deal.”
“Great! We’ll be over in a flash!~”
“Okay–” wait. “‘We’–?”
He hung up before you could ask. You groaned and contemplated smashing your phone against the ground, but decided against it. You needed the thing, unfortunately.
Since you had to wait for however long, you chose to add in some thoughts to what you’d already written down, brainstorming how you wanted to proceed. It was difficult to tell at this stage, before you started on anything. But you could pick out what you might want to plant; flowers, vegetables, a fruit tree or two. So what if you were fantasizing? It helped keep you calm. Escapism was a valid coping mechanism.
It was too hard to picture anything given the state of the house, though. You’d need to snip down the field first and go from there, when you could see everything clearly.
How much did contractor services cost in Japan? What about the people Granny knew, how much did they charge? What kind of services did they provide? Your toe tapped repeatedly as you stepped outside your fence, trying not to pace.
Would you need one, or multiple? Were you going to have to get materials from the nearby city by yourself, or would they do that? If the former, how?
“I need an adult,” you lamented, your shoulders slouching and arms folding over your chest. “I wanna die. I’m not mature enough for this shit.”
You recalled what your mother told you often when you were younger: ‘not everything at once.’
Easier said than done. Sleep on it, one step at a time, break it down into shorter tasks, nothing was taking the edge off your stress.
“I’ll just start with the grass,” you muttered, eventually succumbing to the need to pace. “I have to start somewhere, and I’ll need to get rid of that before anything else can be done. Oh, but, fuck, there’s so much of it…not to mention debris, rocks…do they still make scythes? Can’t launch a pebble with a scythe. No, wait, that’d be so much more effort and take more time…”
A flicker of alabaster down the road caught your eye, halting your hurried back-and-forth roving and hushed bleating.
Satoru was always easy to spot from a distance. It was hard not to see him when his hair redirected the sun like a mirror, blinding anyone who saw him from the wrong angle. He was the angel on your shoulder with the personality of the devil, urging you to dive into your most heinous and blasphemous thoughts. The light bouncing off his head created a glowing aura around it, resembling a silver halo, further pushing that deceptive angel motif.
Would the halo turn gold in the light of the crimson rays of fading day?
You uncrossed your arms, ready to greet him, only to notice the man beside him. They were conversing, and the latter must have said something funny, as the former guffawed hysterically. It echoed off the mountains on either side of the valley, reaching you with no concern for distance. 
Did such bellows reach across the entire settlement, or was it localized, feeling louder than it actually was due to an echo chamber effect?
Gojo’s cachinnation dissipated when the pair were close enough to you, at which point he waved his hand high in the air to greet you avidly, like you weren’t only 20 feet from them.
“Hey! Didn’t keep ya waitin’ too long, did we?”
Truthfully, the fifteen or so minutes you had been waiting for them had gone by in a flash when you were so deeply buried in your spiraling thoughts while remembering dumb shit sprinkled into your internal ranting. The only evidence of your anticipation for their arrival being the barely present ache in your heels from where you rested most of your weight on them.
“No, not long,” you assured, fighting hard to keep your eyes off his friend for however long possible, vainfully clinging to your sanity. You knew that as soon as you centered your vision on him, your ability for conscious thought would evaporate. 
You wanted to present yourself as at least marginally normal as a first impression, though you doubted you were achieving that by avoiding the obvious third presence. You were surely coming off as rude, you really should–
“This one's Geto Suguru,” Gojo introduced the noiret by his side, nipping your overthinking at the bud.
At last, your full attention was guided to him.
Oh. That was a mistake.
‘This one’ was breathtaking.
His midnight hair caught the sunlight in a scintillating iridescence that shifted between the deepest phthalo blue you’d ever seen and a mesmerizing sheen of violet when the light caught it just right, like the feathers of a raven. It struck you how glossy and luxuriously silky it was, and you wanted to pull it out of the high bun he kept it in to run your fingers through it endlessly. That one loose section of his bangs that hovered over his eye was just so cute, your digits itched to tug on it.
And, speaking of, those eyes. 
Sharp enough to cut diamonds and make you stand straighter. Heat rose to your cheeks as he observed you, head cocked to the side with a smooth and sweet smile that absolutely melted your insides like soft-serve ice cream, lily-livered and defenseless against the blazing sun incarnate in the form of a man.
They were dark, yet warm; a rich chocolate in hue that you could swear had flecks of gold within and rings of wisteria coiling around his abyssal pupils.
He was tall and foreboding, just like Satoru, but in a completely different fashion. He was the radiant Sol, pacifying and precious heat licking at your skin, soothing away the frostbite of winters long past. 
Beside him stood the Moon, reflective and brilliant and so goddamn cocky that it made your cheeks hurt – whether from biting the insides of them to hide back a smile, or to prevent yourself from smacking that shameless attitude out of him, you didn’t know. It didn’t matter. 
Satoru’s pearly locks contrasted sharply with Suguru’s obsidian lace, providing a striking visual. These godly beings towered over you, imposing and otherworldly and too good to be true, yet you knew your imagination could never come up with men like them.
And you?
You poor, dear, sweet, dumb little lamb. A pathetic speck caught in the gravity they created. Two black holes, eager to suck you in and rip you to shreds, and you were tempted to let them, practically falling into them without their overwhelming influence affecting you.
Their presence, their power, their very existence that demanded you drop to your knees to worship and beg like the tragic whore you were dominated your consciousness, filling it with fantasies you hadn’t experienced in…gods, ever. Nobody exuded the same aura they did, nobody made you weak-kneed and aching between your thighs, not like this. They created a desire in you that you wanted to have fulfilled – needed, even.
The pop of your knuckle in your fist that you had subconsciously created managed to snap you from your revere and back into the present, reminding you that, perhaps, you should do something, rather than drool like an idiot. 
You’ve gone fucking crazy. That was it, the last straw, the last hauntingly magnificent person. Why, oh, why did you move here?
With no small amount of embarrassment at the realization that your panties were a bit more damp than they were a minute ago, you clenched your jaw hard enough to anchor yourself, and made a mental note to get rid of the problem between your legs as soon as you were alone and could succumb to the pleasure, the yearning, you hadn’t experienced in ages.
As well as pretend it wasn’t caused by them, the iconic duo that had you in a mental fit.
Hoping you hadn’t made a total fool of yourself, you turned and bowed respectfully, saying your name in return as you stared at the ground in an attempt to clear your mind of the filth it created on its own, unprompted. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Geto-san.”
Suguru studied you for a few seconds (don’t look at me like that, please, I’m begging you, spare me), then faced the male beside him with an amused expression. “Are you sure this is the same girl you were telling me about? The brat?”
Oh, heavens, that voice.
Fire exploded across your cheeks and pooled deep in the lower pits of your stomach when you heard him say that word; enunciate it clearly, croon it in that damned tone that had electricity jolting up your spine.
Not now, slut. Focus.
It was significantly easier to ignore the unholy fantasies plaguing your sanity when you centered all that pent up energy into being annoyed at Satoru, questioning your already questionable friendship when you learned of what he called you in private. Your eyes narrowed into an icy glare, primed and deadly. To your agitation and further chagrin, he only smirked boyishly at you.
“That’s the one,” he replied with a widening grin as he tucked his hands into the pockets of his pants.
“She's far too polite,” Geto countered.
Satoru snorted. “Trust me, she's a spitfire.”
“Is that so…” The onyx-haired man bent down to come closer to your face, and your breath hitched in your throat, refusing to come out properly. His scent embraced you. Mild, pleasant, like warm chai and jasmine, making your muscles instinctively loosen.
His eyes softened into closed curves as he beamed at you. You really hoped he couldn't read your mind. There was nothing holy or sane in there.
“Your name is lovely as is,” he murmured as his voice lowered into a roguish octave, “but I think I have a better one in mind.”
“W-What?” Your own vocal cords strained just to get the one word out in a wimpy squeak, and of course you just had to stutter. Whereas the air Satoru emitted naturally made you want to tackle him to the ground, Suguru’s wrapped around you like wisps of incense smoke, soothing and gently demanding your obsession with its fragrance. It inexplicably made you want to thaw into a puddle, to give him your full and undivided focus.
His canines peeked through from the way his lips curled further, entertained by your sudden timidness. He remained quiet, merely viewing your reactions as he lifted a hand to loop a strand of your hair around his finger and by the gods, don’t look at his fingers and how long and big they are and how perfect they’d feel–
“Angel,” the man said, practically cooing it at you.
You stifled a croak, verbally cuffed out of your totally, positively, very wholesome thoughts. “What?”
If you could die from embarrassment and be let out of this hell hole, you’d keel over on the spot when he simpered. “Angel,” he so graciously repeated for you. “I believe it suits you quite well. Wouldn’t you say so, Satoru?”
Satoru was having the time of his life, you were sure of it. You could feel him staring into you, see that stupid sexy fucking smile on his face from the corner of your eye as he teased you and, shit, why were you in the middle of this? Had you committed some heinous sin? Was this your punishment? 
“I don’t know,” he hummed in deliberation. “I prefer bunny. Or mochi.” 
“Mochi?” You and Suguru questioned at the same time, swiveling to regard the alabaster man.
Gojo nodded. “Small, probably tastes sweet, squishy.”
“Squishy?” You gaped incredulously, relocating your befuddled scrutiny to Geto when he burst out into laughter.
“I can see it,” Suguru coincided, earning himself a pretty nasty glare, too.
You groaned and tilted your face up, pleading with the sky to give you strength. “Don’t you start, too. One Satoru is enough, thanks.”
He hummed and smirked, something mischievous twinkling in his eyes. You didn't like that countenance. Not one bit. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, too,” he bowed his head towards you, changing the subject. Thank fuck. “You moved here recently, yes?”
“Yeah,” you affirmed, molling the racing of your heart that was just a few beats short of being uncomfortable. “Technically the night before yesterday.”
“You had a safe trip, then, I hope?”
You sent the stone stepping path partially hidden by the overgrown grass a particularly scathing grimace. “I almost ate shit and died on my own porch, but I did, yes.”
His husky laugh was messing up your insides. “Glad you’re in one piece. It was the stepping stones, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, oh, my god. They’re out to kill me, I swear.”
“They’ve gotten me a couple times, too. It’s good to see this house will finally be getting some love.”
“I think you’re the only person that’s been positive about this so far,” you scratched your cheek with your index finger. “Everyone else has told me it’s grossly dangerous. Wish I’d known that before I skimped out on finding a place to stay for the first night…”
Suguru’s browline furrowed in disquietude. “You slept in there?”
You exhaled harshly and hung your head. “Don’t remind me.”
“You aren’t feeling sick, are you?”
You shook your head and patted his arm reassuringly. “No, just humiliated.”
His expression relaxed, the hardness in his deep maroon eyes tempering. “That’s good. If you do feel ill, don’t brush it off. Excess activity can worsen your health and prolong sicknesses.”
Aww, a mother hen? He was in your good books now, you felt all fluffy, being cared for by him. “I’ll keep that in mind, thank you.”
Satoru pushed his way between you two, resting one arm on Suguru’s shoulder and the other on your head, coveting your attention. “So, what’s the plan, mochi?”
“Good question,” you said.
There was a brief pause, as if you were all waiting for someone else to speak, before he leaned down towards you. “Well?”
“The plan? What’s the plan?” He lifted a brow. 
“Oh,” you darted your eyes between them. “Oh, no, I don’t have one. I just said it’s a good question.”
Suguru frowned. “Nothing at all?”
You pulled up your notes app and scrolled through it. “I guess cut the lawn, and call up the folks on Granny’s list for starters.”
“Can I see her list?”
“Mm,” you held out the paper to him, cringing when you saw how your fingers wrinkled the corner of it out of stress.
A crease in his forehead formed, deepening the more names he read, making you nervous. On top of how nervous you were already feeling. You were nervous-squared now.
“What is it?” You asked.
“It’s nothing. Just…I don’t think any of these guys will have enough free time to help you out. Not for a while, anyway,” he returned the sheet to you. “However, I grew up assisting them, so I know a thing or two. Mind if I go inside?”
Well, if that wasn’t soul crushing. “If you have a gas mask, go ahead. The smell inside could knock out a grown man. I don’t want to trouble you, though.”
“It’s no trouble at all. I’ve been needing something to do these days, this could be the perfect excuse for me,” he assured you. “I’ll be quick.”
“Oh– hang on, there might be asbestos in there,” you warned.
“There isn’t,” he assured confidently.
Satoru narrowed his eyes. “How do you know? Huh? Were you there when this house was built? Didn’t think so.”
Suguru leveled him with a vacant lour. “Asbestos wasn’t used in the construction of any houses here. Besides being expensive to import, our village was constructed with traditional methods. This building was Western inspired, but it wasn’t built with Western methods.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, nervously picking at a spot on your forearm. “Who built it?”
“From what I know, it was someone from either Kobe or Osaka that visited a state in America on vacation and fell in love with the architecture. First thing they did when they came back was buy this plot of land and build an imitation house on it,” he answered.
“Why’d they leave?”
He raised a hand, then dropped it in a half-shrug. “Any number of reasons. Some of the older folks say that their spouse fell ill, and they had to return to the city. My mom says they moved out because they got sick of driving an hour and a half one way to get to work every day. Dad says their sister gave birth and they had to return and assist her since she worked full time. Who knows.”
“Eh?” Satoru’s expression twisted into one of confusion. “I thought the owner just died or something. Hence why the house is haunted.”
“The house isn’t haunted, Satoru. Don’t scare her.”
You cracked your knuckles one-by-one. “If it is haunted, I’m gonna give that realtor hell. He promised it wasn’t. He also promised it hadn’t been touched in only ten years, so he’s already on my list,” you growled, then deflated and wilted. “I suppose I’m not in any rush, I’ll need to save up anyway. I’m bumming off Satoru for now, but I don’t wanna prolong that.”
“I already told you,” he patted your upper back. “Stay as long as you need.”
“Thanks, Satoru. I really owe you,” you said. I hate owing people. “Oh– be careful, Geto-san.”
He gave a pacifying hand wave as he pushed past your open gate, heading towards your house. Satoru hopped up and hurried after him. “Oi, wait up! I wanna see, too!” 
“Satoru, you’ve already been in there before,” Suguru reminded him as you followed them about halfway, wanting to steer clear of the inside for a while.
Satoru twisted the door knob and pushed inwards. “Yeah, when we were kids. Imagine how much it’s changed!”
“I doubt it’s changed much,” their voices grew muffled and eventually silent to you as they disappeared into your home.
You began counting in your head. If they were gone for more than two minutes, you were going to assume they died. Then you could officially label the house as haunted and hunt that realtor’s ass down. After you set up a prayer altar for the boys who so bravely sacrificed their lives for you, obviously, they deserved that at the very least.
You’d have to check with the villagers to see if either of them practiced any particular faith to ensure you provided the correct funeral services for them, and to know if you needed to follow any specific spiritual rules when it came to the deceased.
Should you leave their bodies in there? Probably not, no, but it wasn’t going to be you fishing them out. You were tiny compared to them, you wouldn’t be able to drag them out yourself, even if you wanted to and tried really hard.
Your peculiar funeral fantasies were cut off then Suguru came back outside, still very much alive and well – from what you could tell.
“You lived,” you congratulated him.
“That I did,” he affirmed and stopped beside you, turning to face the house as his arms folded neatly.
“Is he still alive?”
“Last I checked, he was. I’m surprised he didn’t leave as soon as he went in. I think he’s trying to out-man me and impress you,” he teased, making you laugh.
Out came Satoru right then, dusting his hands off, acting like he did anything more than recce. “Alright, I’ve got good news and bad news. Which d’ya want first?”
“Good news,” you requested apprehensively.
He clapped his palms together. “Good news, the interior condition isn’t as bad as it seems.”
Well, that was good news. But you were wary to celebrate. “And the bad news…?”
“There are, indeed, a shit ton of spiders.”
You squealed, racing to hide behind Suguru’s tall frame. The man himself chuckled at your reaction, his arms still crossed over his chest as he tilted his head back to peer at you from over his shoulder, way too relaxed for the situation. “Not a fan of spiders?”
“Fuck no!” You cried out, clutching the back of his shirt in tight fists as you buried your face against his spine. “Fuck that! Burn the damn thing down!”
Gojo grinned darkly, eyes lighting up with mischief. “All you had to say, princess.”
The noiret (the only reasonable one among you) sighed and shook his head. “No, we’re not burning her house down.”
“Boo,” Satoru whined. “You’re no fun.”
“You aren't afraid of spiders?” You peeked around Suguru's arm to leer up at him, still using him as your shield.
“You monster,” you hissed.
His best friend snorted. “Look on the bright side. It means he can get rid of spiders for you.”
You paused to consider his words, squinting up at the poised man you hadn’t let go of.
“Okay, nevermind, I take it back,” you declared, doing a complete flip in behavior, “you're my god, now, Geto-san.”
He showed you that shut-eyes smile that had hummingbirds dancing the tango in your stomach. “Don’t worry, angel. I’ll protect you.”
Blush dusted your cheeks at his pledge and you averted your eyes. Having either of them in your field of view for too long was not good for your heart.
Satoru wouldn’t be Satoru if he didn’t go and embarrass you further. “Aww, she’s blushing!”
“I am not!” You barked back.
“I think it’s cute,” Geto’s cheek dimpled and you were flashbanged by the faces of not one, but two ethereal beings.
Mama, you thought, if you can hear me, send help. I don’t think I’m making it out of this one.
You gulped, the noise far too loud in your ears, and tried to subtly cover your face with your hand to retain some dignity while releasing Suguru’s shirt from your death grip. “A-Anyways, uh…should probably start calling people.”
“I’ll handle the calls,” Suguru announced, already pulling out his phone and dialing numbers. “I know these guys well. I’ll try to work something out with them.”
“Oh, you really don’t–” and there he went. You knew you asked for help, but you felt bad inconveniencing Suguru. Satoru, not so much.
“What’d I say about worrying?” Speak of the devil, the milk-haired boy bent down to your height and nudged his pointer finger between your brows. “Relaaaax, princess. It’ll work out.”
You worried your bottom lip as you watched the other man chatting some distance away. Detaching yourself from your perpetual anxiety was…difficult, to describe it in the least amount of words possible. Your guard was stuck to you, pinned, screwed, and soldered into place over time. Letting it go meant undoing years of work. 
It was there to shield you. You needed it to hold your untempered heart and keep it safe. If it got hurt, you weren’t sure you knew how to recover.
But you weren’t really letting them in by allowing them to help you, right?
Yet, as you sized up the small incline and the shack falling apart on top of it, you couldn’t shake the impression that the world was about to tilt on its axis. The tides were receding, tectonic pressure was increasing, the winds were stirring, and you were in the middle of it all. Mama, you reached out one last time. I think it’s too late.
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cheezbites ¡ 9 months
Dating Ghost
✎: I wrote this very late at night (4:38 am) or very early in the morning - when I was motivated by the sheer amount of notifications from my inbox, ty all sm for the love and support💕!!
♡Summary: Head cannons of dating Ghost <3
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Bf!Ghost has always been a black tea person, either he drank it alongside his breakfast or to calm him down on a rainy day. You were a coffee girl, you would go all out making them - milk, hazelnut syrups, whipped creams… You name it. And from this, another one of your childish inside jokes was born. You were conveniently in the kitchen at the same time as him, making your morning beverages.
“Hm,” you silently thought to yourself, contemplating if your idea was rational enough to act through with.
“Hmmmmm,” he jokingly imitated you, wondering what was on your mind.
You got a separate cup and mixed some of his tea with your coffee. You took the first sip and scorned your face at the unfamiliar yet vaguely distinguishable taste.
Soon he followed, not seeming to be too fond of it at first yet still drinking every last bit.
“Not too bad,” he silently muttered.
And every time you guys were in the kitchen making your daily beverages, the ‘CoTea’ (Coffee and Tea) inside joke was repeatedly brought up.
Bf!Ghost heard a sudden shriek from your bedroom, causing his heart to sink. His thoughts raced faster than the speed of how fast he was approaching your room, desperate to know what it was. What if it was an invader? He wouldn’t be able to live knowing that he wasn’t fast enough to save you from a serious threat, he’d hate himself and feel guilty every single day.
His breathing pattern returned to normal as he sighed in relief when he realised that it was just a spider on your bedroom wall.
“It’s going to kill me!” You sputtered inattentively as you backed away as far as possible from the ‘murderous pest.’
He stacked a mount of tissues in his hand and effortlessly scooped it up, crushed it into remains of spider limbs and a brown fluid before tossing it in the bin. Shooting you a look that you swore said: ‘Seriously? All that commotion over that?”
“My saviour,” you quipped as you ran up to him and braced him in a tight hug.
Bf!Ghost was used to receiving the “Your eyelashes are so long!” ‘compliment’ from people, mainly from you. It always confused him as to why you pointed it out - maybe it was just a ‘girl thing’ he didn’t understand.
Bf!Ghost was sleep-deprived, sick and unwillingly glued to his bed after days of working, so you took care of him. (At night, when he was complaining about being too cold, you snuggled up next to him and fell asleep in his arms. Maybe he was faking it as an excuse to cuddle you, maybe…) You knew he had an energy drink addiction and some bad eating habits. Since quality meals require time, you poured that time into cooking for him. His gratitude toward you was beyond words, appreciating the care and effort you put into taking care of him. Your cooking not only filled his stomach but also warmed his heart, making every bite a taste of your love.
Bf!Ghost worked out often; so did you. You enjoyed each other's company at the gym, immersing yourselves in the shared playlist and the post-workout rush. His concern for you couldn't be contained. During some weekly sessions, he taught you self-defence techniques, a thoughtful gesture for times he couldn't be by your side.
Bf!Ghost loved making you say ‘please’, even after the smallest of favours. You tried to open your water bottle, but the lid seemed super glued on, you tried repeatedly but your attempts were in vain. You asked him to help you, forgetting one thing:
“Want me to feed you the water as well?” He sarcastically quipped with a shit-eating grin.
“Oh come on babe,”
“And what’s the magic word?” He asked expectedly.
“Please,” you stretched out your ‘please’ jokingly for the sole purpose of teasing him.
He seamlessly removed the lid which astonished you before handing you your water bottle. After all that effort and failed attempts, he made it look so easy.
Bf!Ghost Loathed being away from you; and you felt the exact same way. When he needed to leave or when you were gone, he would try to do things that reminded him of you. When you were teaching him how to cook your signature meals in the kitchen, he was picking up rapidly, improving and learning - soon enough he surpassed you in culinary skills. He remade your recipes to remind himself of you when you weren’t there, and you ‘borrowed’ a few of his hoodies, which were pleasantly engulfed in his scent.
Bf!Ghost Noticed you fell asleep during the horror movie you watched, the last thing he wanted to do was startle you or wake you up. He turned off the TV before heading to your room and placing your favourite blanket over you. He kissed your cheek gently and muttered a silent, “I love you.” Before calling it a night.
Bf!Ghost left wholesome notes for you to discover around the house; the messages were cheesy in the cutest way possible. Either him making you food after a long day of work and leaving it for you in the fridge with a brief note next to it, or a corny compliment stuck on the bathroom mirror for only you to see. It would be something along the lines of:
“Start your day off with a smile love, like the one you never fail to give me♡” (And I feel like this dude would have very messy handwriting, but when writing these notes he tried his best).
Bf!Ghost made most of the decisions in the relationship, you were very indecisive. This is probably the only thing he mildly dislikes about you - you were going through the trials and tribulations of a lifetime over picking between KFC and McDonald’s, you were persistent about what to order too, so he recommended stuff to you or sometimes ordered for you.
(I just know if you both got drinks, he specifically requested only one straw so you guys could share it).
Bf!Ghost was the “‘Scuse me, she asked for no pickles,” boyfriend, who would secure you a refund and a newly made burger, (mainly due to how intimating he gets at times).
You thoroughly enjoyed him looking out for you, though, knowing that he cared that much about you made your heart flutter only from thinking about it.
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KĂśnig Version
Price Version
Gaz Version
Soap Version
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colliope ¡ 5 months
How date-able are twst boys? ♡
inspired by @sunsguilt
Features all chars, and gets pretty suggestive btw. Otherwise mostly crack +fluff
a/n: my first writing! I hope u enjoy :) if not then go die i guess
﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ ♡Heartslabyul ♡
Riddle Rosehearts - I don't ljke him. If we're talking pre-overblot he'd banish you to that headlock thing with his unique magic if you ever tried to ask him out or flirt with him. Post-overblot hed be really shy in getting into a relationship but wants to be cared for and protected. But he's not standing up for u in front of his mom tho you'll have to deal with her urself
6/10 he’s a sweet boy, just too bossy and not assertive enough to his mom. Divorceablity is quite high with this one.
Cater Diamonds - low-key relatable to me. BUT. His slang gets annoying after a while. His constant posting without peoples permission is weird too. Picture this. He's meeting your family for the first time, and you sit to have dinner. Cater takes a pic of you guys and posts it with the caption "With bae their fam, I'm a bit nervous guys wish me luck!🥺"#girldad #boymom #saveme Your family assumed it's his humor. WRONG. It's his way of coping with his uncomfortability. When it's silent during dinner he says" OH EM GEE GIRLYPOPS!!!, this food is so SLAY💅!! Tysm bestiessss" Your family gives him the nastiest side eye. He never speaks again. 
7/10 he seems to be a pretty sweet and understanding person, just needs better ways to express himself . Also he calls your mother queenie.
Trey Clover - he’s an interesting guy. You'll typically see him as an npc, but he's much more than that. Have you seen his *tips fedora * "m'lady" stare?? Yeah there's definitely something strange going on there. He's a pretty family oriented guy tho, and he loves to bake for his s/o and to provide comfort and care.
8/10 he's probably one of the more normal ones that I would actually date. Or be friends with. Just keep one eye open when your sleeping with ur with him tho
Ace Trappola- I don't understand how someone could even like him. He's the kinda kid to push you off the swing during recess and when you tell the teacher he'll go like "NUH UH!! THEY HIT ME FIRST!!" . Plus he's canonically not a good partner lmaoooo
3/10 he’s not even a middle schooler. Too pebble brained. Don't date a gremlin like him. maybe if he finds someone like him he might maintain a steady relationship.
Deuce Spades- no thoughts head empty. He needs a little direction in life but he's got a goal in mind. He's a lil stupid but he's getting there. He's such so sweet and silly you have to love him. But he needs to mature a bit before entering a long term relationship 
6/10 not my type, I would go for his mom instead. Plus his dad is literally dr.eggman, that explains everything. but yeah he's got what It takes, be kind to him. He's fragile. Like an egg.
ᓚᘏᗢ Savannaclaw ᓚᘏᗢ  
Leona Kingscholar - girl he is 21 years old he should be in the CLUB!!!!! But no. He's sitting alone eating Kentucky fried chicken alone on a Friday night. If he really wanted someone, he could go for it, but he seriously can't be bothered. If you do manage to get him attached to you it'll take him a while to fully love you as much as you love him, as well as put in the same amount of effort .
7/10- I don't think he genuinely needs a partner. He's got his own issues to sort out. But when he falls, he falls hard. I wonder how hard his abs are.
Ruggie Bucchi - Rugbartholomew !!!! The scrunkly. The scrimp. It'll be so fun horsing around with this guy. Being his s/o is like being his partner in crime. It'll be fun, and you guys support each other . He really cares abt his loved ones and always tries to bring something to the table for them, literally and metaphorically. Midnight runs to seven eleven. He's working 10 jobs at a time. He's EMPLOYED. He's a boyemployee. He just needs his girlboss to complete him.
5/10 he's a bit scummy tbh. It'll take him a while to fully trust someone. He’d do some sleazy things for money. It also gives you the ick when he smells donuts and starts floating towards them.
Jack Howl- he's surprisingly normal. He's got a set sleep schedule , he's healthy, he has set routines, and healthy coping mechanisms. But that's the thing. as much as he is such a caring and gentle lover, these routines take up most of his life and time. He would be waking you up at ungodly hours for a morning jog only for you to pass out midway to Mount Kilimanjaro. .
7/10 -he dates for marriage, and he’s really serious about his future and starting a family. So he’s such a loyal and protective guy. He's just too much of a gym bro. He prefers pre-workout over partners. Also he unironically likes alpha/werewolf quotes.
𓆝𓆟𓆜 Octivinelle 𓆝𓆟𓆜
Azul Ashengrotto- I love him so much. He's so me guys you don't get it (capitalism) but that aside, HES SO DAMN WEIRD LMAOOOOOO like he thinks he has rizz but he just looks like a Reddit 'nice guy'. Legitimately says m'lady. He gives off the fake dating trope to me. He'd date you to get something out of you but then actually fall hard bc he's touch starved and longs to feel emotionally vulnerable but is afraid of it. So he's an absolute mess in a relationship and needs a lot of reassurance. But yeah he's pretty bitchless 
7/10 he's gorgeous, but he sounds like that one pufferfish singing thing. I relate to him a lot so he gets points. Also since his parents are divorced he definitely has a high divorceability. I have a theory in the works that since we don't know who his biological father is, it might just be Mr. Krabbs. Like it's never said he's a full octopus (to my knowledge). SpongeBob and squidward are Floyd and Jade respectively. SpongeBob X twisted wonderland when?
Floyd Leech- he drank battery acid as a baby. Like dude you're in love with a nuclear fission bomb. If you like Floyd, you're just as fucked up as he is. It's okay tho, he's a very physically affectionate guy and may be overly possessive and obsessive but that's just his charm dw abt it. He also does thing like "if you hug me, expect a little nibbling on your earlobe 😝" and he bites off your entire ear.
2/10 his kisses taste like fish and sheet metal, and he licks short peoples heads when no one's looking. 
Jade Leech- if you saw him eat mushrooms well no you didn't because if he eated mushrooms then he would have not eating mushroom bc no . His version of love is psychological warfare . He’s a mysterious guy. Let's set a scenario for him. You're sitting in the monstro lounge. You see a tall, dark and handsome man across the bar with a mysterious aura. You catch his gaze and quickly dart your eyes away. But his never stop staring at you. He comes up to you and you guys chat naturally . He buys you a drink, your favorite actually. He knows all the ways to make you swoon. He’s so dreamy. Then he says that he put cyanide in your drink as joke. Then he lets it slip he's been stalking you for days. You find out his a wanted criminal. And end scene. Yeah that's romance with him. 
4/10 he's an attentive and observant guy, but sadly that's way before you guys are dating and he's a psych ward escapee.
𓄼𖣠 Scarabia 𖣠𓄹
Kalim Al-Asim - OTTERRRR!!! I love otters. He’s like deuce. But rich. And more innocent(ignorant). He’s so head over heels for his s/o bro. He’d shower them with his love and gifts. He still has a lot to learn in life, but he's willing to give it all to you. You should be honored.
6/10 he's my son. Treat him well. I can’t forgive him for what he did to Jamil tho. 
Jamil Viper- AWWHH YEAH BABY!!! He’s so Fine oml. But personal bias aside, he's very much insane. He’s just a closeted insane.pre-overblot he wouldn't even date u bro he would pretend u don't exist but then hate u being around Kalim. Post-overblot he accidentally avoids you because he has no idea how to express or hide his feelings for you. Okay but definitely has w rizz. Azul seethes at the sight him. Like chewing up his fedora and spitting it out type shit. Men wish they were Jamil. 
8/10 he's so wifey, he can cook he can clean  I will give him a ring if u don't. Minus points for the attempted murder, but still he's pwetty so I forgive him (*^ω^*) . He probably once got hit in the head with a basketball with you looking.
⊹𖥔˖࣪ Pomefiore⊹𖥔˖࣪ 
Vil Schoenheit - okay this one's hard cus he's literally just my mother. But more fierce diva cunty. I've been sleeping on his character ngl, but now that I think about it he's pretty relatable. Like everyone wishes to be beautiful, in some sort of way. I think in a relationship he'll need some reassurance about his looks, but also about it his partner only wants him for his looks. I don't think he actually has high standards, he would probably want someone pretty normal, but also takes good care of themselves, not just appearance-wise.
8/10 he's pretty good as an s/o, but the fame aspect will make things very difficult. Also expect him to be brutally honest with you or pick apart your appearance. He's just trying make sure u look ur best bro he's caring like that. Would make an excellent rupauls drag race judge.
Rook Hunt - I have sent a nuke to your exact coordinates. Why would u want him bro he’s Fr*nch AND a felon. There's no good aspects of this relationship he has negative rizz and his fucking bob makes him look like SpongeBob took the gay potion from the dark web at 3 am. also, he's already mentally married you and has your wedding dress prepared as well as a loan taken out for your new family home before you even know his name. 
0/10 Mr Electric KILL HIM!!! Probably the kinda guy to post a selfie captioned "who want me" and then before epel can reply "the mental hospital " his post gets taken down due to mass reporting and his account gets suspended and he's put on an fbi watchlist.
Epel Felmier- ngl mood bro. It's so annoying being seen as fragile and weak simply for your inherent femininity.I believe in a relationship he'd want someone that tells him what he wants to hear. He'll have some trouble accepting some facts, especially with his anger issues, but he'll learn to sort that out. He's a sweet boy at heart. He just feels he needs to overcompensate due to his appearance.
6/10 I'm not an anger issues kinda guy. It takes resilience to deal with, something i don't have for that. He probs listens to red pill podcasts while on a tractor. He's a 14 year old boy who just discovered Andrew Tate (he's deathly afraid of women)
Idia Shroud- no. I have no idea how you could have feelings for him if you've never seen him. And definitely not online bc 1. He would never engage in that 2. Theres nothing romantic about the call of duty lobby. Also another guy with negative rizz. But not like in the creepy way like rook but in a loser way. He genuinely believes he is unfit for a relationship and that he is undeserving of love. If somehow he finds someone like that he'd be attached to them until the day he dies.
8/10 I love me a loser boy. He def has trust issues and paranoia but who doesn't in this game. He's rich so he could spoil u with the battle pass for literally any game. Plus ortho ends up becoming your little brother too. It's a win-win. Also don't ask him if the carpet matches the drapes.
Ortho Shroud- would probs hire u to date his brother out of genuine fear the dude would be alone for the rest of his life.
𓆩 ♡ 𓆪Diasomnia𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
Malleus Draconia - his prehistoric charm and awkward demeanor had captivated you, it seems. But yeah he's the kinda guy to say lines like "For the world could be dying and I would have never noticed it because I would have been not paying attention to the world itself, but would be gazing into your eyes watching them shine like the stars". He's soooo down bad. he's so happy to finally have someone to love him. Very very very loyal. But sometimes toes the line of yandere. 
9/10 he's so wonderful. All he wants is to love and be loved. But he still thinks of romance in this Victorian ages and gets hard when he sees your ankles or sumn.
Lilia Vanrouge- this Gent a wee bit peculiar innit? He has connections within the furry community that could destroy your life in seconds. He's everything. He’s everywhere. All at once. He genuinely has dabbled in many different things over the years , so he'll never run out of stories to tell. Many 3 am Minecraft dates. Those upside down  Spider-Man kisses. He’s more than ready to settle down with someone have kids of his own. Maybe have a girl. Name her draculaura, you know the rest. He probably went to monster high ngl. But he's a much more mature kinda guy. Definitely knows what he wants in a relationship. He's reasonable too. But you guys don't sleep in the same bed he hangs from the ceiling in a sleeping bag.
9/10 he's a bit vertically challenged and sometimes summons ancient demons by accident. He whispers sweet nothings into your ear in forgotten languages.
Silver - he's the female gaze bro. He's gorgeous . He’s legitimately a normal dude. But I don't think he's even been near a woman before. No rizz. Just soldier and eepy. But he definitely wants an s/o who can care for him a lot considering his narcolepsy. It's something that worries him a lot, and needs a person who's full of love to give, not only to him but to his family. But you're always welcome to nap with him underneath a tree in the warm sun.
7/10 he's a bit narrow-minded, only having a few goals set in mind and a strict regimen as a soldier. You have to work around that and his disorder in order to be his s/o. It's a lot dude. Especially when he leans in for a kiss but falls asleep inside and hits his head on the way down and gets brain damage.
Sebek Zigvolt- this gator wouldn't last a day in the Everglades bruh ‼️🚫I actually despise him. I have a picture of him in my room that I chew on when I get angry. Why is he always yelling. Why is he so obsessed with malleus even outside of his job. Actually, he probably leaves you for malleus. no chance with him bruh. But seriously you need to be super determined to get with him if you manage go past his alarm clock-like exterior. he's lonely.
3/10 I would turn him into a purse.his version of dirty talk is going "do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior wakasama-" and then you make him put his clothes back on and leave.
Thank you for reading!  ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑
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spadesolace ¡ 11 months
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drag me down: introductions
synopsis: in hanni´s second year of high school, a new face arrives, one that threatens her spot within their first meeting. first impressions last long and from there on out, hanni already despised yn.
words: 0.7k
A new school year meant new classes, new teachers, newly renovated classrooms, and possibly new faces. For Hanni, she was nervous about those changes, having ranked top of her class with a perfect attendance and the right amount of extracurricular activities, she already got used to it and is taking precautionary measures to keep it that way. As her morning started with a perfectly balanced meal, her parents eating and conversing with her, she had gotten an update from her friends.
‘I heard that there’s a new student in our batch.’ Minji being one to gossip had immediately gotten the new scoop around campus. Haerin was one to back her up with this discovery only to confirm that the new student was in Hanni’s class.
‘Checking her socials… oohhhh Hanni has competition.’ Hyein has always been the one that needs proof for these sorts of things and luckily, the new student’s info was easy to find. One search of their name and Hyein would have everything she needs to know. ‘Oh, she’s close with Sullyoon.’
Hanni for one does not care for people’s personal affairs but what caught her attention is that Hyein has considered the new student as her supposed competition. The name hasn’t been mentioned in the group but Hyein has connections with everyone, she knows the gossip and everything going on around the academy. 
Eunchae probably knows who the new student is if Hyein got her socials.
A new face, new name, in her new class, Hanni was determined to find the new student as soon as she entered the campus. No one dared to take her spot as the top student, let alone someone new would give off that impression on their first day. Seeing her for the first time, Hanni already despised her. Her blazer showed her name; Park YN.
When the class had settled, their adviser was the one that called YN to the front, give a short introduction but apparently Park YN is a well known student.
“Hello, I’m Park YN, simply call me YN. I came from SOPA. Pleased to meet you all.” It didn’t go unnoticed when their adviser commented about her performance back in SOPA, she was also a top student, which made it worse for Hanni.
She thought her morning wouldn’t get worse but it did, they got seated together, Pham and Park not being far off but it did not ease Hanni that the girl was reciting almost for every class. Faster than her, more concise, it concerned her. She worked hard for her spot, she won’t give it up easily for a girl on her first day knowing most of the answers to the question. Park YN was a major threat for Hanni, it could jeopardise her chances of maintaining the top rank for her already planned future. That day, as YN tried to befriend Hanni only to be left hanging, was the very first day their rivalry started.
YN had joined almost the same extracurriculars as Hanni from creative writing, debate, the school paper, and science. Student council was something YN would never touch, the same way Hanni wouldn’t touch the football (soccer) club. Everything else has always been between them fighting, trying to one up each other, and Hanni always wins. YN never really cared about her grades or ranking, if she wanted to put the extra effort, she would. The last thing on her mind was taking the top spot, she wanted to mess with Hanni after being ignored, judged at, and snarked. Was there anything to gain? Yes, her attention.
The entire rivalry continued on, same with the subtle glances, short lived hand holding when trying to get the marker first, and the side comments that were actually helping each other. Everyone would have assumed something was going on but it wouldn’t be a normal day without them bickering.
“Blasting One Direction again?” Hanni removed one of her earphones to look at YN, who has always seated next to her despite no seating arrangement. Sort of got stuck together.
“As if you don’t listen to The Vamps.” Something simple. A conversation about their interests and yet they still make a fuss about it.
“At least I never cried when a member left.”
“At least I don’t get all down when a certain song plays.”
Everyone is used to it at this point, the rivalry has been ongoing for years, and everyone else knew they were a perfect match for each other. Sadly, they despised one another.
211 notes ¡ View notes
piedpiperart ¡ 11 months
Phantom of Gotham 11
Chapter 10
After lunch, the four boys parted ways and Danny found himself in his room. He checked his Tucker Approved phone for the four hundredth time since arriving in Gotham to find a spam of messages. Situating himself on his bed he clicked the messages open to read. All of them were from Tucker, in what looked like an info dump of updates on Amity. 
Danny frowned, not really liking what he reads. According to Tucker, his parents really were working with the GIW and Jazz had scoped out that they had already started inventing some questionable things. One was a tracking device of sorts, which sent a shiver down Danny’s spine at the implications of that. They were fairly certain that Danny was still safe in Gotham for the time being, given they didn’t think the range of it would go as far as Gotham from Amity. 
Tucker reported that while everyone else in Amity was still going about business as normal, Valarie, Sam, Tuker, and Jazz had picked up slack on ghost hunting. There were not a lot of ghosts coming to Amity, especially now that Phantom was MIA, so there wasn’t a lot of work to be done. Mostly, it took more effort to keep the Fentons distracted. 
On a sidenote, Sam had a run in with Vlad because of her millionaire parents, and concluded that the old man had something planned. None of them could figure out what, but they seemed to be more worried about the GIW and the Fentons to think about Vlad’s friutloopy plans. Either way, Sam and Valarie were keeping an eye out. Speaking of Valarie, apparently she joined the team because she was worried about Danny going missing. Tucker and Sam had given her the barest amount of information and in turn got her to help them wrangle the ghosts in Phantom’s absence. He was quick to reassure Danny that Val didn’t know about him being a halfa, but Danny trusted Tucker with his life. Even if Tucker had told her, he knew it would have been for a good reason. 
Sighing, he typed out an acknowledgement and signed off, hoping they were doing okay without him. His core pulsed anxiously at his feelings for his friends and sister. It felt wrong to have them deal with all of this without him. Danny couldn’t help but feel responsible for dragging them into this mess. But, he couldn’t help the overwhelming feelings of pride and affection that his friends were so capable at handling this. That they cared about him. 
Danny laid on his bed for a while before getting bored. He couldn’t fall asleep, so he figured he might as well find someone to bother. His core thrived on being around people, and protecting them. Out of everyone in the manor, Danny figured someone might have some free time, or needed some cheering up from being stuck inside all day. Though, looking out the window he could tell the blizzard had died down. All that was left were the heaps of snow and icy trails. It looked pretty, the thought absently. Maybe he could help Alfred with something. The elderly man was probably not enjoying the cold. 
Fighting the urge to smother the old man in blankets, he turned the corner and almost bumped into the manor’s smallest resident. “Oh- Damian, hey, want to play in the snow?” Danny asked,”Looks like the blizzard stopped.”
Damian wrinkled his nose, glancing out the window. “I do not require a babysitter, Folson. Playing in the snow is for children.”
“I dunno, we could have a snowball fight?” Danny offered. “You could bring your dog. Tim said you had a dog, right? Dogs love snow. Probably.”
“Fine,”Damian sighed. “Titus has been upset at being cooped up in the manor, and I am under the impression that you will freeze out there without proper supervision.”
“Awesome!” Danny exclaimed, bouncing on his toes.”Lets go, I wanna meet Titus.”
“You won’t be going out in that,”Damian scowled at Danny’s t-shirt and socks. “Follow me, you can use Drake’s winter gear.”
Danny and his core were too excited to play in the snow to complain about having to put on warmer clothes. Not that they’d really help against the cold, since he’d be fine no matter what, but if it made Damian feel better he’d do it. 
Damian sighed exasperatedly. After Danny cajoled him and Titus into going out into the snow-filled backyard of the manor, Danny and Titus had not stopped jumping and running through the snow. The smaller teen watched from his position as Danny raced Titus through the snow, only they had to trudge through what was probably a good foot and a half of snow so it wasn’t very fast. Damian scowled that Danny and Titus had gotten along so well. Usually Titus took a bit longer for strangers to warm up to.
Suddenly, the two miscreants raced towards Damian as he looked on with mild annoyance, until about ten feet in front of Damian Danny had dove into the snow in front of him. Pushing down amusement, Damian took a step forwards, realizing that Danny had in fact doven under the snow to confuse Titus. The greyhound was nosing around where Danny had disappeared, and Damian was about to call him over when a voice rang out behind him. 
“You gonna join us?” Damian hid a jolt of surprise that Danny had not only snuck up on him, but also apparently traveled ten feet under the snow to behind Damian without him noticing. He whirled around to face the other boy who had snow clinging to his clothes and hair despite Damian’s efforts to get him into Tim’s winter gear. His eyes wandered from Titus to Danny before he elected to ignore it. 
Danny’s eyes sparkled with mischief, and Damian gave him a look. “Join you in what?” Damian asked sarcastically,”You two have just been running around in the snow for the past ten minutes.”
Danny nodded,”True. I think I just missed my dog a lot. Titus reminds me of him, and we used to go running around the park a lot. But we can make a snowman if you want?”
Damian perked up at the mention of animals. “You have a dog? Who is taking care of him while you are here?”
“Ah, he’s not really my dog?” Danny said sheepishly, running a hand behind his neck. “He’s kind of a stray dog that likes to stick around sometimes. I play with him when I can but couldn’t keep him, you know?”
Damian nodded sagely. “I understand. It took me a while to convince Father to adopt TItus. What kind of dog?”
“I have no idea,” Danny smiled, reminiscing about his kind of big and small friend. He continued talking, but started packing the snow around him into a pile.”But his name is Cujo and he’s super sweet, but not very obedient. He looks kind of like a bulldog? I’m not really sure, but I think you’d like him.”
“I’m sure we’d get along,”Damian agreed. He definitely got along with animals more than people. Part of him was glad Danny had a dog, because that meant the teen understood a bit of where Damian was coming from. “Now can we go back inside now?”
“What? No way, we’ve only been out here for like five minutes,”Danny complained, flopping into the snow, despite the disapproving look on Damian’s face. “Besides, I just got started on my snow-batman.”
Damian scowled at the lump of snow in between them. “If you’re trying to make Batman, you’ll need more snow. He is taller than that.” 
“It would be faster if you helped me,”Danny pouted, reminding Damian of Grayson,”You know Batman better than I do.”
“Fine,”Damian relented, despite the cold irritating his exposed skin. He knelt down to pack the snow in better, and before he knew it, they were making a life-sized Batman snowman.
“He’s perfect,” Danny said smugly, hands on his hips. Looking over the snowman that towered over the two of them, Damian could admit he felt a bit of pride at how they managed to make a snowman that perfectly encapsulated the dark knight. 
“How are you not cold?” Damian scowled, looking to Danny’s uncovered fingers. He’d taken his gloves off to make the bat ears because they needed a ‘delicate touch’, and hadn’t put them back on. Even Titus had retreated back into the house for warmth. “Do you have some anti-cold meta-human ability?”
“Um,”Danny started, caught off guard. He shifted in the snow, debating food a moment while Damian stared at him with narrowed eyes. Damian wasn’t exactly trying to pry, but he wanted to know if his siblings’ theories were correct, or if Danny would be a threat. Granted, Damian thought it was difficult to view the boy as a threat after watching him fail at making snow-bat-man’s ears twenty eight times.  “Maybe.” 
“Maybe?” Damian raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. They kept eye contact before Danny slumped in defeat, looking a little bit wary. 
“Okay, I’m not really a meta, but I can like, create ice and snow and stuff,”Danny said, looking back up to the mansion as if someone were watching them. Damian however, knew along with the rest of his siblings that Danny had some type of meta abilities, but was preening internally at being the first one trusted with the secret. Danny lifted his hand, and Damian watched as a few snowflakes forms to circle the air before floating to the ground “So the cold doesn’t bother me, and I’ve never lost a snowball fight. But I can’t do anything big, and I didn’t cause the blizzard, so please don’t tell anyone?”
Damian wrinkled his nose. “I would not betray your secret. However, I doubt ice powers are your only abilities.”
Danny bit his lower lip, and Damian was about to say that he didn’t need to say what they were even if he was curious, when Danny smirked. “I may have cheated at arm wrestling.”
Caught off guard by his answer, Damian huffed out a laugh. He cleared his throat, continuing with,”Super strength then? What about speed or healing?”
“Nah, not speed but I think I heal a little bit faster than normal,”Danny said, starting on another snowman. Damian guessed it might be Robin, and deduced that it would be embarrassing to have only a Batman and Robin snow sculpture out in the lawn where everyone could see it.
“Despite your abilities, I highly doubt you’d be able to win at a snowball fight against me,”Damian redirected. He kicked at the newly formed pile of snow when Danny wasn’t looking just to ensure it’s doom. 
Danny’s eyes lit up, and his hesitant smile turned bright. “Oh, you’re on!” 
If Damian and Danny were smiling like idiots as they pelted eachother with snowballs and hid behind snow fortresses, then no one knew but them and the cameras Alfred would review later and then show to Bruce. Both adults would ignore how Danny seemed to create snow-sculptures in minutes. 
Hours later, Alfred came outside to fetch the two boys, only to come across an entire snow-army of replicas of the Bat family, as well as a few other heroes. On either side of the yard were two different versions of a castle, with little piles of snowballs on each side of the fortress. Alfred raised a brow at having spotted Damian first as he threw a snowball to hit the small snow Robin at a perfect angle to topple the entire thing. From the other snow-barricade castle, Alfred heard a noise of distress. 
“How could you Damian?!” Danny cried out at his fallen brethren. 
“He is an abomination and deserved death,”Damian called back, only for Danny to appear out of the barricade with a snowball in each hand. 
“I’ll avenge you Snobin!” Danny exclaimed, using his snowballs to hit what Alfred thought was a snow-Titus on Damian’s side. 
“Sn- don’t call it that!” Damian demanded,”How dare you kill snow-Titus?!”
“There’s like four Snitus’s over there! He sacrificed himself for the greater good,”Danny called. 
“You are not allowed to give my Snow-Titus names!” Damain yelled back, throwing more snowballs to topple Danny’s army. 
“Not Snow-wing too!”Danny cried, and Alfred decided to intervene before all the snow people met their end.
“Boys! Won’t you come inside to warm up before dinner?” Alfred called, mustache twitching in amusement as both boys halted what they were doing to stare at Alfred, only for a snowball to smack Danny in the face while he was distracted. 
“Coming!” Damian called, running gracefully up to the manor. Danny on the other hand, squawked in protest and stumbled after the younger teen. 
As they both passed the butler, he couldn’t help but hope Danny would become a permanent member of the family if he got along with Damian so quickly. 
Chapter 12
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twistmusings ¡ 2 years
Who would be the Worst at flirting?
Oh this is going to be so fun omg. I should say ahead of time that I personally headcanon that no one in NRC has any game whatsoever considering the ghost marriage event, but I do love to pick on the boys.
Which TWST characters would be the actual worst at flirting?
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is... rather sheltered. He truthfully has always been so strongly focused on his studies and making himself stronger that he's never really put much thought into romance in general. He might have a concept of how flirting should be based off of novels he's read, but real life isn't a novel. He simply doesn't have the experience to know how to flirt well.
Riddle is very... earnest about it, if a bit misguided. His approach will be very much storybook prince. It's probably sweet, similar to the desire to protect that he expressed in the ghost marriage event. And while that's sweet, those sort of vows of protection and undying love aren't exactly attractive if the person he's interested in isn't already dating him.
It's giving:
"You remind me of a rose: beautiful and delicate despite your thorns."
"... So you're saying I would cut someone if they mess with me too much???"
He gets very flustered if they call him out for having incredibly cheesy lines and no game. He will ask his friends for advice. That's a bad idea because, spoiler alert, no one he knows is really great at flirting.
Deuce Spade
He's SO bad at it but in a very sweet way. He gets really nervous about romance and tends to overthink what he says a lot, so his pick up lines always fall flat.
He usually ends up getting frustrated after a few failed attempts and resorts to other means of trying to get his point across.
He shows up with flowers wearing a dapper little suit and it's very silly because it's obvious that he wants to impress them... but it's very much giving "Please go to prom with me?".
He definitely asks his mom for advice on how to flirt.
Trey Clover
A good way to phrase it is that Trey is... a nurturer. He likes to take care of people. As sweet as it is, it definitely isn't necessarily setting anyone's heart to racing. It is extremely easy to mistake his flirting from his normal nurturing nature.
When he does try to flirt, it's usually kind of blunt and unflattering. He doesn't mean for it to be, but he definitely will point out something he thinks is cute and then give no context to the fact that it's cute. "You have a very loud laugh." "You keep getting whipped cream on your nose when you eat." That sort of thing.
It might genuinely seem to come out of nowhere if he asks them out because that's how much his flirting blends into just his normal conversation style.
Jack Howl
Jack SUCKS at flirting. Plain and simple. He might start to say something that's an attempt at a flirt, but he catches himself every. Single. Time. He gets embarrassed the moment he realizes what he's about to say and just turns it right around and backtracks.
He tries his best to be aloof and cool and he sucks at that too. It's easy to see that he cares, and beyond that it's easy to see he's interested in them, but holy shit he's laughably bad at making a move.
His eventual solution is to just... be kind of direct. "Do you want to go get lunch with me?" or "Want to go swimming with me or something?" It's not super romantic, but it's very Jack and it's charming in it's own right.
Idia Shroud
If they're waiting on Idia to hit on them, they're going to be waiting for approximately the amount of time it's going to take to get to the heat death of the universe.
To say he doesn't make an effort... well that's not an exaggeration. In fact, he actively tries to drive off people he's interested in by outlining that he's a weirdo. And that they're a weirdo for hanging around him.
In fiction he knows a lot about what he thinks flirting should be because he plays dating sims but... he would never know how to apply any of that in real life.
God save him and everyone around him, though, because his pining gets so fuckin bad. He just won't take the first step because he's not brave enough for it.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus sucks at flirting but not for the reason that everyone ELSE sucks at flirting. He sucks at flirting because he does it accidentally. He will say something that seems to check every box for him to be hitting on someone and then if they flirt back it's like he's been hit by a train.
"I hadn't realized that it came across that way..."
He actually wouldn't be a bad flirt if he put his mind to it, but he usually just opts for doing acts of service for someone he cares about. He's got game in all the wrong places...
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avelera ¡ 1 year
I’m choosing violence
8.common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Ooof oh man I'm gonna get in so much trouble for these but uh...
Ok, first of all, no one is "wrong" since this is fandom and fanon and we can do whatever we want. Especially in a fic, I fully endorse people twisting around and playing with canon to get it to fit the story they want to tell...
Oh! I thought of one! I was going to say "anti-capitalist Hob" because we see he's still pretty concerned with making money by 1989, but then again, we really don't have enough canon for me to say anyone is right or wrong, especially by 2022. But I've got a better one!
Unfashionable Hob - Hob who just wears khakis and an ill-fitting t-shirt and doesn't care about his appearance. There is in fact evidence against this on the page that people consistently ignore while making Hob, "Just a Guy".
Look, an argument can be made either way, because we really only see him when he's trying to impress Dream, so maybe this is out of character for him on a normal day. The case can be made.
But Hob's outfit in 2022 with the nice leather jacket is dressed down but it's not unfashionable.
1789 is very fashionable, Hob is dressed to the nines. 1589 Hob clearly went all out given the silver thread in his outfit which he would only just be legally allowed to wear because of his knighthood. 1889 Hob likewise is well dressed, oftentimes the lighting makes it hard to see how well dressed he is. And 1989 Hob looks very slick with his nice suit. The guy knows how to dress.
Look, even the idea that men don't dress up nice and wear the nice plumage to impress is from after Hob's time, from a group of people he probably loathed: The Puritans. Since they, y'know, drowned him as a witch and also led to social movements that were all about reducing the amount of hedonism in England. They basically brought an end to the fancy, fashionable, indulgent Elizabethan era that Hob clearly thrived in and adored. (gross simplification, but anyway)
It's also very (white) American to think men dressing up nice and making the barest effort on their appearance is somehow effeminate. Europe and the UK are not nearly as weird about men putting effort into their appearance on the whole.
Fact is, Hob lived through a variety of eras where men were expected to dress very fancily and we see him dress to the heights of fashion on more than one occasion. Hob is more likely from his experience to look down on men of this era not bothering to tailor their clothes to fit them than he is to be slumming it, at least when he's in public. There were expectations on men in the public sphere and how one presented oneself which I imagine as a courtier and a wealthy man through the ages would be much more ingrained in Hob and lend to an instinct to rebel against slovenliness when dressing oneself.
Basically: it is possible to be Just A Guy and dress well. And Hob specifically has lived through many, many more eras where men were expected to present themselves fashionably, and I think that breaking of the cliche of "masculinity = lack of care for one's appearance" should die in a fire and isn't historically accurate and shouldn't be automatically applied to Hob.
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This was really fun for me and a nice little break from the other stuff I write and people seemed to like the other two soooo....
Paz lives modern au part 3
part 1 part 2
Miles made good on his promises to Paz after their fight
He’d get Spider ready for the day every morning and would get the toddler ready for bed every night
Spider loved getting so much of his daddy’s attention. 
Before his parents fight Spider would maybe get held by his dad for a few minutes before being passed to his mama, or his dad would half heartedly wave some toys in front of his face.
Now Miles was invested, always giving his undivided attention to Spider, putting 100% of his effort into being a good dad.
He put just as much effort into being a better husband too.
Miles started to cook for his family on the weekends. And he was bad at it.
When he was a bachelor he lived off t.v dinners or unseasoned boiled chicken and vegetables. 
So when Paz watched him plonk some unseasoned chicken into a pot of boiling water she said oh hell no.
Paz and Miles cooked together after that so that Miles could learn.
Miles even took it upon himself to learn by watching food network during his lunch breaks at work.
He could competently cook a decent meal by himself after a few months.
Miles did start paying Paz to be a stay at home mom. $1,000 cash every Friday 
When he asked Paz if she thought that was enough she was stunned and just said yeah. She was only going to ask for half that amount.
When their second child was born Miles took as much paternity leave as he could. 
He was only given two weeks but he luckily had a lot of vacation days saved up (having never taken a day off once in his entire military career) so took another two weeks of vacation time, then worked it out to where he could work from home for two weeks after that.
He basically spent the time policing Spider while Paz took care of the new baby.
They’d switch kids depending on their needs, (Spider just wanting his mama, Miles agreeing to hold the baby while he slept because he’d start crying as soon he was put down) and so they could both properly bond with the new baby while making sure Spider wasn’t feeling neglected by either of his parents.
Just because I like the idea, Miles and Paz unintentionally keep up with Jake and Neytiri when it comes to baby making.
They never plan a single one of their kids either
I don’t mean in a natural family planning way, I mean in an irresponsible, horney on main kinda way.
Which no one would even expect because Miles and Paz aren’t very affectionate with each other. Not publicly at least.
In private though, when they can let there walls down, they are one of the most loving couples you could find
I like the idea of them having two other boys then a girl.
Because I feel Miles especially would feel super comfortable with his ability to raise boys
So they’re on baby number 4 and they find out they're having a girl and Paz is just like “oh. I didn’t even think we could make those.”
Meanwhile you could knock Miles over with a feather.
He’s freaking out (internally, not showing it all externally) all the way up until their daughter is born.
He instantly falls in love. He instantly fell in love with all his kids but this is different. This is his baby girl.
I imagine the kids  all being about 2-3 years apart. Spider would be 7-8 when his little sister is born.
Spider is a protective big brother, but he’s not responsible like Neteyam. Oh no. He’s the ring leader type of big brother.
Anything wrong happens in the house his parents are coming to interrogate him first because he either knows everything or started everything.
The kids are all pretty well behaved though. They just get up to normal, weird kid shenanigans that are typically harmless, although somebody will end up in the e.r every once in a blue moon.
Miles is the disciplinarian. He doesn’t yell (because Paz would kick his ass if he did) but he will use his stern commander voice when the kids have screwed up.
Paz is more like “is that the best you can do?
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When I first read this my first thought was, "Nooooooooo Chip you don't have to you can stay with Sonado- I mean Sonic and Shadow-" But then I stopped to think about things and honestly? This is probably one of Chip's smartest decisions yet.
Chip, as of right now, hasn't really provided too much to his new group of friends other than being like a little angel on their shoulders to encourage them. Chip doesn't see his efforts as very beneficial to Sonic and Shadow, and their growing bond is accidentally tearing him apart from the two. He's slowly but surely losing his sense of meaning, losing his determination and hope.
TL;DR, Chip feels left out and doesn't feel like he's providing enough overall.
However, Chip is recognizing that with the others, he feels a lot more happy and a lot more helpful. He has much more determination at the thought of joining Tails and Knuckles on their journey to wherever, (I forgot what they're doing and I don't have time to go back and check) and he knows this. Chip recognizes that he isn't as needed with Sonic and Shadow anymore, and if you combine that with the fact that he just got reprimanded by Shadow for the very first time, well... He would just like to get along with the others for now.
While this is a relatively disappointing revelation for Sonic and Shadow, since we know it was never their intention to hurt Chip and make him feel this way, it's a smart decision overall and we should be happy for Chip for making this choice. It's surprisingly mature for someone who just started his physical existence like a week or two ago.
I do feel really bad or double S though because I can only imagine how guilty they must feel about this situation. Sonic especially! Poor guy's already got enough going on and now his adorable travel buddy is ditching him.
Speaking of Sonic, one thing I noticed is that one panel where it shows the bottom of his new shoes. The long, yellow spikes represent Sonic's current physical and emotional state. Sonic feels ugly, both inside and out, due to his constant Werehog state that he turns into at nighttime. He doesn't feel right, like something is tearing him apart bit by bit until he inevitably suffocates and dies. This feeling is represented in the sharpness and ugliness of the spikes, if it's not just the fact that they are spikes in general. Because spikes, as we know in Sonic games, aren't really insta-kills, but they hurt like hell! In a more realistic setting like this one where taking damage is the equivalent to getting realistically injured, (lol I said realistic twice) spikes obviously hurt way more than they do in-game. This panel shows that Sonic is in pain internally due to the amount of spikes, and this allegory is amplified with the look and feel of them. It doesn't help that they are a part of Sonic now, being attached to his shoes and all. This also represents the way that these spikes, or this undeniable ugliness that Sonic feels, is a part of him now. At least until he takes the shoes off, which will likely be after the whole Dark Gaia situation, in which he may put his normal shoes back on.
TL;DR (again) there is a ton of symbolism in just one panel that shows the bottom of Sonic's shoes and I spend way too much time analyzing it all.
There's so much more I wanna talk about with just this panel alone but this is getting really long and I am in the MIDDLE OF CLASS so I should probably continue this later. Thanks for reading and I really like your comic! (Can you tell)
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c0rinarii ¡ 2 months
Gonna recompile some thoughts about the 13SAR characters now that im past midpoint!
Juro: Oh its getting juicy.... unfortunately my boy is still as intresting as a plank of sheet wood but im intrested to see if his character goes anywhere outside of the Kyuta stuff going on. Im also sorry i ever suggested to u to make out with Kyuta.
Iori: SHE'S SO FUNNY.... I aspire to have even an inch of her whimsy and dedication to being so #normal. I too would like to confess to my weird as hell crush disregarding the fact he's a dangerous fugitive. Girl of All Time
Shuu: Frat bot facade is slowly starting to crumble and im here to see it. Uncover the truth, gayboy‼️
Megumi: I FEEL SO SORRY FOR U GIRL.... 😭 May you find peace in the future but its an overall shitty situation to be in. truly have her in my thoughts and prayers
Natsuno: I WAS SO HEARTBROKEN TO SEE HER WHIMSY FADE AWAY ONCE SHE FOUND OUT ABOUT THE TRUE NATURE OF THE KAIJU 😭😭 I love that she managed to maintain her optimism despite the awful situation she's been put in though. Still a joy to see pop up on the screen
Keitaro: HE REALLY IS A GOOD BOY... He's just trying his best and i love him for that. You'll save everyone you care about i promise [IMPERIALISM IS LYING TO U AND TAKATOSHI!! I SWEAR]
Takatoshi: Boys be fighting demons and demons is bisexuality. I enjoy him a Regular amount and i appreciate seeing his himboisms so much in the game. I never want to seem him That sad again [IMPERIALISM IS LYING TO U AND KEITARO!! I SWEAR]
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Yuki: MY PRINCE.... MY SHINING STUD‼️‼️ I love her a very normal ammount and seeing her slowly uncover the truth is nice to see. Definetily much smarter than she think she is.
Gouto: The fact that he is ong for real Ryoko's government assigned boyfriend is the funniest thing to come out of the game so far. He's still gated behind a huge completion milestone but so far i feel like he's trying to make sense of the situation the best he can. Unlike Tomi though, he's very scared of the circumstances of if he disobeys orders, i think.
Ryoko: She's been such a mood so far that i now think of her with her hands on her head when i stress about my uni deadlines. Im so sorry for Ida being anywhere near her life. She should get a wife to kiss and heal her. I give her full permission to kill anyone who breaks her heart. My snarky queen
Ei: HE ACTUALLY GREW ON ME I CANT BELIEVE IT. He really reminds me if the cool rivals with a soft spot you'd see in shonen anime and I cant be too mad at that. I enjoy how taciturn he can be too.
Nenji: HE'S ACTUALLY SUCH A SWEETHEART... knowing that he was childhood friends with Miwako really made me like him more (esp with how he treats her!) Loveable idiot.
Tomi: MY MUTUAL... OOMF IN ARMS... #GIRL IN LAW. Literally love how's she's written her personality is so so colorful. She has definitely said some out of pocket shit on twitter before and ill defend her with my life.
Miwako: I WILL WRITE YOU INTO RELEVANCY MYSELF‼️‼️There is so much oppurtunity to write her as one of the 15. LET THEM BE 16‼️‼️ HER "easy to develop crushes" SELF CAN BE MADE INTO SOMETHING MUCH BIGGER TO THE NARRATIVE RAUGHHH
Chihiro: I can see she's really trying her best to save everyone from the kaiju and seems to resort to any means neccesary to do so... i appreciate the effort despite the uh. [gestures] unethical treatment towards minors ig
Ida: EVERYTHING IS LITERALLY UR FAULT. I CANT BELIEVE IT. This would be half the disaster if you learnt how to sod it with ur selfish desires i swear.
Kyuta, Not-Tamao, 426, Izumi: I CLOCKED UR SHIT, SNEAKY BITCH. I dont trust a word you say. """"Means well"""" in the end i think but has way more messed up ways to go around it compared to Morimura
Miyuki: So far looking like the only person willing to help these kids in a way that would not give them severe trauma. Rooting for u girl.
[No thoughts on Tamao since i consider Erika as 426]
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the-white-soul ¡ 1 month
Flowey: If you're not dating nor are friends, you're acquaintances with a silent crush phase. Heehee, I know what you should say when someone asks what you are next time! You're blockheads.
That uh… that means you're not heartheads or smileyheads. *Flowey smiles innocently and snickers to himself as he tries to trick you into insulting yourselves.*
Anyway, got any root beer left for me?
(Kara) "Really? Blockhead."
(Dess) "What's so wrong about it? We're blockheads through and through. I'm sorry if you don't like the word for some weird reason."
(Kara) "*Slaps head* Should I tell her?"
(Dess) "Tell me what?"
(Kara) "I don't know. Hey, do you want to watch Peanuts?"
(Dess) "Sure. I don't know why you want me to watch it now."
*12 minutes into the story*
(Lucy) "Charlie you blockhead. This is what you call a tree?"
(Dess) "Oh! Flowey you trickster."
(Kara) "Oh also sure Flowey you can have it. *gives the rest to Flowey. After he finishes...*"
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(Kara) "I appreciate the respectful gifts. You all are so much nicer than I thought you'd be. When I heard horror stories about you all I was scared. Granted not all of you are good. I mean my arm got cut off by someone that seems to be part of the wind. That's fun. I always wonder why me? People like you though show how not all Anons are bad. Hell besides that airspeaker, you're all fantastic. Now back to our original problem."
(Dess) "Now we need an actual title."
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(Kara) "Perfect! Now that we've done something completely unimportant like naming ourselves we should probably go out and get to work."
(Dess) "On what?"
(Kara) "I didn't think that far ahead."
*John walks in looking like he hasn't seen the sun in 3 days*
(John) "Well that was difficult but I finally got Asgore's case. Does anyone want to talk with him again? I negotiated one more call."
(Dess) "I'll do it. *Grabs phone.* Hey Asgore how are you doing?"
(Asgore) "I want to say good but that'd be a lie. I've been burning from the heat and the work they make us do. These monster prisons are more brutal than I thought. Guards go up to you on occasion and beat you till you cry. It's a game they play and if you end up being last you get socked in the eye. If anyone tells anyone anything they get abused even further. It's scary and to say it's ignored would be too nice. They outright encourage it here. Anytime something goes wrong I get hit by their bats while everyone else laughs and throws whatever they want at me."
(Dess) "That sounds awful! Do you have any way to have them stop? Surely what they're doing is illegal."
(Asgore) "Those types of laws are barely enforced in normal prisons, let alone a species everyone hates."
(Kara) "Do you have air conditioning?"
*Dess and Asgore started laughing.*
(Asgore) "This is Britain! We're lucky to have air conditioning in our own homes. You really believe they care that much about monsters?"
(Dess) "Well, try to stay a low profile, okay?"
(Asgore) "Alright. *Hangs up.*"
*In the prison.*
Asgore walks back to his cell seeing the high amount of monsters entrapped. Some of them go into a room of complete white if they misbehave. Suddenly, while no one is watching Asgore, Chara burrows out of the ground.
(Chara) "So how do you feel? Don't worry you'll only get killed by the executioner, not me. I wonder if you'll ever crack?"
(Asgore) "Can you stop teasing me? You're the only reason I'm putting effort into stopping the death penalty."
(Chara) "You know it's funny. People think you are a great serious leader. The only smart ones are Papyrus and Alphys. They know who you are. I'm mostly here to make your situation worse and to observe what you do. I bet they give you food that tastes like poop."
(Asgore) "They gave us a bun for a meal. Two on special occasions. Help me please!"
(Chara) "WAH! Boo hoo. Oh, also one thing I want to do. *Slices his left thumb in half and watches it bleed.*"
(Asgore) "Why would you do that!!!"
(Chara) "So I can hurt you without killing you. Oh, people are coming. See you when you're fried!"
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tempvstas ¡ 2 years
How would all the characters be with a s/o with gen z energy like at leonas over lot they are like "all this dust your getting on me will me my villian origin story frfr" or they see something and say "smash" I thought it would be funny
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Content Warning(s): none
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
Authors Notes: Since I have a lot of requests backed up at the moment, I’ll just being the Dorm Leaders for the time being, but once I finish, if I have time, I’ll follow up with everyone else! Hopefully that’s okay ^^
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Riddle Rosehearts
This man does not get it at all. He will literally stare at you in confusion, until you explain what you mean.
You would think with all the time he spends with Cater and trying to keep ADeuce in check, he would have picked up something. But no, instead, he ends up using it at the wrong time. 
Like there was this one time you were trying some of Trey’s new pastries and you were like, “Man, this shit’s bussin’.”
He’s literally looking at you like, “?????”
Please help him.
2/10, but only cause he tried, unfortunately he’s using the words at the wrong time.
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Leona Kingscholar
He doesn’t have the energy to deal with your weird lingo so he kinda just lets you do what you want.
“Herbivore what the hell do you mean when you say I’m ‘boujee’?”
While he’s figuring it out, you’re busy laughing your ass off.
“You’re just, y’know....boujee. I dunno how to explain it,” you shrug. “Oh wait I know, pretentious, snobby, rich, high-standa-”
“Alright, I get it,” he growls, pulling you in close, squishing you beneath him. “Now instead of using synonyms for calling me a prick, stay with me and nap with me.”
4/10, doesn’t put in any effort understanding Gen-Z language but hey at least you get some cuddles out of it.
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Azul Ashengrotto
He thought it was bad enough with Floyd’s antics, but now he has to deal with you as well. 
You and Floyd team up to terrorize the shit out of Azul with Gen Z lingo, while Jade stands off to the side just watching the whole thing unfold. 
Don’t even get me started on when he overblotted.
Azul: goes on a whole speech about how he never wants to be mistreated again and how he went and showed all his bullies You: Man that sucks. Cowabummer man! Azul: ....
-10/10, he’s kind of a stick in the mud about it.
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Kalim Al-Asim
This boy would match your energy, he would probably say things like, “Pog!” all the time.
So much so to the point where Jamil is literally tearing his hair out from the amount of times Kalim has screamed pog, or pogchamp.
The two of you incorporate a lot of slang into your conversations. Like it’s a normal and daily thing for the two of you. 
9/10, uses “pog” religiously, but -1 point for Jamil’s loss of sanity.
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Vil Schoenheit
This man is not amused.
He already deals with Epel, so he would have no problem trying to straighten out your words. 
Not the best first impression when this random person from a totally different world shows up at Pomefiore to audition with ADeuce, and as soon as they see him the first words uttered are just, “hard smash”.
-50/10, the actual stick in the mud
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Idia Shroud
This man spends so much time on the internet he’s literally a Gen Z’er.
He probably uses Twitch lingo religiously, when he accidentally says it out loud he’s cringing at himself.
He wanted to sink into the ground further when you came over to Ignihyde for the first time and you went into his room and you literally stared at him with a deadpan expression and just went, “Damn bitch, you live like this?”
10/10, he would be able to respond to you perfectly fine, but stop bullying him about getting no maidens :(
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Malleus Draconia
Does not get it at all
A literal boomer
Asks Lilia to help him translate because he wants to be able to talk to you but he just doesn’t understand at all. Be patient, he’s trying okay :(((
Literally goes up to you and is like, “Child of man, I think gargoyles are...based? Is that the correct wording???”
1/10, he gets an A for effort.
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killerandhealerqueen ¡ 3 months
Fic Author Interview
Thank you for the tag @hils79!
How many works do you have on AO3?
270 (as of right now)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
2,888,650 (as of right now)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wait, We're Married?! (The Devil Judge, Kang Yohan/Kim Gaon) - 1,543 kudos
Succulents and an Overprotective Kang Yohan (The Devil Judge, Kang Yohan/Kim Gaon) 1,243 kudos
Kang Yohan's Relaxing Day Off (The Devil Judge, Kang Yohan/Kim Gaon) - 844 kudos
Protect You (The Devil Judge, Kang Yohan/Kim Gaon) - 817 kudos
Kim Gaon Is Mine (The Devil Judge, Kang Yohan/Kim Gaon) - 761 kudos
I'm honestly still kinda surprised my Devil Judge fics are doing well, considering that I don't write for the fandom anymore
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always do, unless they're rude, then they're just deleted. There's no point in fighting/arguing with someone who doesn't understand the story I'm trying to tell
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, my Chinese Paladin 4 fic Promise to Keep. It's one of my only fics that has Major Character Death, which is INCREDIBLY rare for me, but it's the only fic I've ever felt comfortable writing an MCD for because I was actually okay with the ending of the drama. But it won't ever happen again because I cried while writing this fic and I don't think I can go through it again
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
All of them but Promise to Keep
7. Do you write crossovers?
Yeah. I mainly do crossovers between Killer and Healer and S.C.I., but I've done crossovers with other dramas too
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I did, yeah, and made a whole fucking post about it because the person was really fucking rude and not only came for me, but for my readers and if you come for me, fine, I'll just delete the comment, but the moment you come for my readers I will fucking end you
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I did, back when I wrote for the Untamed. Someone had took my The Untamed Moments and started posting it, word for fucking word, in Spanish over on Wattpad. Thankfully a reader told me about it and I got it taken down but to my knowledge, none of my fics since then have been stolen
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Oh yeah, a few. It makes me really happy/honored
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Waaaay back on AsianFanFics...haven't since then
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
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It's been almost 3 years and I'm still not normal about them
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I always finish my WIPs, for the most part. It's very rare that I don't
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and anything that has to do with describing crime scenes or forensics. Or anything mafia related
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Run ons, maybe. But sometimes, you just gotta
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I never write full dialogue in other languages, but I will use words, like "gege" or "hyung". Sometimes, I'll curse in another language, if I know what it is (mainly in Japanese)
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
First proper fic was either for Dragonball or Black Butler
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I don't know, no new fandom/ship has like...caught me and made me want to write. If I watch a new show, I mainly just like...want to make an au out of it for my current ships
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
My baby, my beloved, my Killer and Healer rewrite, right here: 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer.
It's a fic that I don't think I can ever top. The amount of time and effort and tears that I put into this fic...I just love it a lot. And I'm super proud of it. I mean, I love all my fics, don't get me wrong, but nothing can ever probably beat this fic
Tagging: @sunriseverse @clawbehavior @godotismissingx @fourth-quartet @ahhhnorealnamesallowed and any of my other writer friends who wants to play
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