#not to be controversial but sometimes writing feels that way too
raplinesmoon · 10 months
i think the thing that no one tells you about being forced into being a high achieving child/teen is how much it comes to fuck you over later in life when you can’t do anything without holding yourself to an insane level of perfectionism and then you realize it’s basically leeched all the fun out of any hobbies you created for yourself and left you with a shell of a personality
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sebscore · 1 year
gen-z driver chaotically taking over martin’s grid walk? thank you!!
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pairings: f1 team principals, drivers and ex-driver x driver!reader (im too lazy to name everyone im sorry)
warnings: swearing. christian horner. mention of a nipple tweak.
author's note: anon, you are a legend for requesting this! I'm not too proud of the writing, since I wrote this in the middle of the night and my brain doesn't function normally then. but i hope you like it anyway, darling! let me know your thoughts!!
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Y/N was mindlessly scrolling through her phone when a sudden loud voice interrupted her peaceful time. ''How are we feeling about today, Y/N?'' Martin bent his knees, so he could hold the mic up to her face as she sat on the ground. 
''Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me.'' She cursed, quickly covering her mouth as she knows she isn't supposed to swear on Sky Sports. ''Uh, I'm feeling pretty good about it, I'm starting on the second row, so not too bad.'' The driver answered his question, smiling sheepishly. 
''You like having alone time before a race?'' He continued, a grin on his face. 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. ''I just happen to be alone right now, sometimes I'm chatting with my team or with some of the other drivers.'' 
''Martin, you look a bit tired, you want to sit down?'' She patted the space next to her, feeling bad that he was crouching down while she comfortably sat on the grass. 
The former F1 driver held a look of surprise on his face. ''In all my years I've been doing this, no one has ever offered me to sit down.'' He gave the camera a glance before slowly letting himself sink to the ground. 
''You know, people always wonder 'Where is Martin?' But no one ever wonders 'How is Martin?' We need to take better care of you.'' The man seemed clueless about what she was saying, but he was amused either way. 
''I'm alright, all that walking takes a lot of energy.'' He responded, pretending to wipe sweat off his forehead. 
Y/N chuckled. ''Yeah, I mean, you've been doing this longer than I've been alive, so I understand that you're tired from all the walking.'' She never let the oppurtunity slip to make him aware of their age gap. 
''Well, let's not talk age,'' he sighed, making her laugh, ''anyway, I think I might just hang around here for the entire segment.'' Martin concluded. 
An idea popped into her head as she heard his words. ''Can I do it? I've always wanted to do it.'' 
Martin was surprised for a second time since joining the young woman. ''You mean I let you go around the grid and talk to people?'' 
She nodded. ''Yes, I love bothering people with my presence.'' Y/N said, matter-of-factly. 
The Brit looked at his cameraman, who adamantly nodded his head to the idea of letting the driver do her thing around the grid. 
Martin let out a deep breath, but handed his mic and headset over. ''Just don't get me fired,'' he said, trying to sound stern, ''and don't curse!'' He quickly added. 
''I won't, I promise! I'll see you later!'' She got up from the ground and put the headset on, slightly altering it so it fit her head perfectly. ''Alright, let's make some controversy.'' Y/N exclaimed, pulling the cameraman along. 
She glanced around the grid, trying to find some interesting people to talk to. ''So, I just need to find a person and ask them questions about whatever I want?'' The athlete asked the cameraman, who simply nodded his head, making the camera shake as well.
''Oh, I love this program!'' She giggled into the microphone, doing a small jump out of happiness. 
Y/N observed the grid, knowing her first ''guest'' needed to be a good one. ''Okay, I've found someone!'' She let the cameraman know, pointing in the direction she wanted to go. 
''Alright,'' she tapped the person's shoulder, having them turn to the camera in confusion, ''the first guest on Y/N's grid walk is the team principal of Mercedes… Petronas… Benz…,'' she tried remembering the full team name, ''Whatever, his name is Susie's husband! Welcome, Susie's husband.'' She introduced Toto. 
The Austrian man was incredibly entertained by the young woman's antics. ''Hello, Y/N.'' 
''I have to ask you- how does it feel to be married to the greatest woman alive?'' She asked him, glancing around to find the woman in question. 
Toto laughed at the question, but proceeded. ''It's great, Susie is an amazing person who has done countless amazing projects and campaigns- I'm a very lucky man.'' The sincere smile on Toto's face when talking about his wife brought a smile to Y/N's face. 
''That's so cute- where is she? I only came over here, because I thought she would be here.'' 
''Unfortunately, she's not here today,'' he told her in a sad tone, ''I know that upsets you, Y/N.'' The driver's girl crush on Susie had been an obvious thing for many years, amusing everyone involved. 
Y/N pouted at his words. ''Well, yeah… that upsets me a lot actuall-''
''What is going on here?'' A British accent interrupted her interview with the team principal. 
''Go away, Russell George! I don't want you on my show.'' Y/N teasingly dismissed George, slapping his arm to get him out of frame. 
The Mercedes driver feigned offense, placing his hand on his heart. ''Why not? I thought we were great friends, Y/L.'' 
''Crikey, crikey, crikey! Don't you have shirtless pictures to post somewhere? Bye bye!'' She quickly got away from the Mercedes team, practically running at one point. 
Y/N let out a big sigh into the mic. ''Martin was right, this is tiring,'' she momentarily stopped in her steps, her hand on her waist, ''OH! Look! It's Charles Lechair!'' Her tiredness from a few seconds before was long forgotten as she strided over to her Monégasque friend. 
''Charles, hello, Charles!'' She put her hand on his back, guiding him to the camera. ''How are you feeling about the race today? What are the strategies? Do they know that word at Ferrari?'' She teased the red team. 
''Uh, we're feeling optimistic today and yeah, I'm ready to give it my all.'' He smiled, putting up his tv-friendly facade, not wanting to trash talk his team on television. 
Y/N raised her eyebrow. ''You're so cute being all positive! Keep that attitude, Perceval!'' She patted his shoulder. ''Thanks for talking to me and good luck!'' She bid him goodbye. 
The young driver walked in all sorts of directions. There were many people present on the grid, yet Y/N had quite a hard time finding people to talk to. It was when she walked by the Red Bull team that she found her next victim. 
''Christian! Christian Horner, hello, welcome!'' She and the team principal didn't have the best history, but she knew the viewers would enjoy the interaction as they knew said history. 
''Everyone, I'm joined here today by Red Bull, uh, Orange, Racing or whatever, F1 Team's team principal, Christian Horner.'' She butchered the team name again, although it was one purpose this time. 
She turned towards the man. ''Christian, I won't hold you up too long, but there is one question that our viewers have been dying to ask you and I think this is the right time to finally do it.'' Y/N build the question up. 
''Yes?'' He seemed a bit nervous, attentively listening to her words. 
''Can you say one nice thing about Y/N Y/L?'' 
The Brit visibly looked relieved at the question, thinking it would be something controversial. ''Of course, she's, uh, a very talented race car driver.'' He nervously smiled at her. 
''You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen, Christian Horner thinks Y/N Y/L is the most talented driver in the history of Formula One!'' She overdramatized his response. 
''You know what they say, keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer.'' She patted Christian's shoulder. ''Thanks for the talk, good luck and I hope you don't win.'' Y/N told him before walking off, hearing him laugh behind her. 
''So far, I've talked to Toto Wolff and Christian Horner,'' she said to the camera, ''enemies to, uh, even worser enemies, I guess.'' 
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''Guys, we're here with Yuki's boyfriend, Pierre Gasly.'' Y/N stood next to the Alpha Tauri driver, shoving the microphone in his face. He took his airpods out of his ears, already chuckling at the girl's actions. 
''How are you doing?'' 
''That's all the time we have for you, I'm sorry.'' She didn't let him finish his words and walked away from him, quickly giving him a smile so he knew she was entirely joking. 
She stepped further onto the grid, continuing to look for people. ''A bunch of green outfits, not very fashionable- oh, it's Aston Martin! Let's find Sebastian!'' Y/N mixed herself with the Aston Martin team, trying to catch the German driver. 
''Seb! Seb! Can I ask you a few questions?'' She eventually reached the man, greeting him with a kiss on the cheek. 
His signature bright smile covered his face. ''Yeah, but where's Martin?'' 
''Me and Martin made an agreement, I get to do the grid walk and he gets to drive my car later- although, he never won any races, so that might not have been a great decision on my part.'' She told Sebastian, who seemed confused and fascinated at the same time. 
''Well, I think you're doing a great job as reporter.'' He deflected her words, not wanting to get in trouble by saying anything about Brundle's lack of GP wins. 
She smiled. ''Thanks, anyway… I know qualifying didn't go too well for you, but are you optimistic about the race?'' 
''Yeah, quali wasn't what we were hoping for,'' he sighed, ''It's gonna be difficult today, but we're gonna try our best to get as much points as we can for the championship.'' Sebastian finished his answer with an encouraging nod. 
''That's great to hear! You've been- oh my god, is that your dad?'' Y/N had glanced away from Sebastian's face for one second and saw Norbert watching them, waving at her once he noticed her looking at him. ''Okay, bye Sebastian! I'm gonna talk to your dad now.'' 
She walked past the Aston Martin driver to approach his father. ''Can I ask you some questions? I swear it's very short.'' She didn't want to burden him for too long. 
Norbert gave her a thumbs up, not minding being interviewed for a short time by her. ''It's okay.'' 
''Amazing! I mean, you're a legend of the paddock, Norbert! The drivers love you, the fans love you, everyone just loves you! Do you feel the love every time you attend a GP?''
Y/N had a good relationship with him as he and Sebastian would sometimes attend her karting tournaments together. Norbert had given her parents advice on how to support the young girl as best as possible. In a nutshell, the Vettel family were some of the greatest people she had ever met. 
''I do feel it, it's a great feeling and everyone is so nice to me.'' He wasn't very confident in his English, so he kept it short. 
Y/N smiled at him, delighted she got the chance to talk to him. ''You're always super sweet to everyone, so it's only right that we reciprocate your kindness,'' she nodded, ''okay, last question! Apart from Seb, who is the driver you're rooting for today? Is it someone you know very well? Or someone who is standing next to you and is asking you amazing questions?'' She played with a strand of her hair, pretending like she wasn't talking about herself. 
He laughed at her words. ''I'm supporting you, of course!'' He exclaimed, his arm going around her shoulder. 
''Oh! You're the best, Norbert! You're my favorite Vettel for a reason!'' Y/N said extra loud, knowing Sebastian would hear it that way. 
''I'll leave you alone now, thank you so much and I'll see you after the race.'' She gave him a brief hug and he wished her good luck, which she thanked him for. 
The cameraman had difficulties keeping up with her, used to the slower pace of Martin. Y/N noticed this and slowed down, sending him an apologetic look. ''Alright, I've talked to Seb, so I feel obligated to talk to Lewis now.'' She commented, trying to look for the 7x World Champion. 
''Where is he? He shouldn't be this hard to find…'' The athlete always saw the Mercedes driver hanging around the grid, chatting with his celebrity friends or getting ready with Angela. 
Y/N frowned. ''I should lore him or something…,'' she thought for a moment, ''vegan food, I have vegan food! Uh, free skydiving session! Oh my god, is that Roscoe on the track?'' She tried making him appear, but the only thing she got was weird looks from bypassers. 
However, a certain blond man caught her attention instead. ''Okay, I can't find Lewis, but this person knows him very well… or used to at least.'' 
''Britney Spears! Can I interview you for the highly respected tv-show, Y/N's grid walk?'' She snuck up to the former Mercedes driver, catching him off guard, but he played it off. ''Sure, I'm very honored.'' His monotone voice almost made her cringe. 
''First question: is it alright if I call you Britney? I don't know how you feel about the nickname.'' 
Nico chuckled at her. ''You can call me that, Y/N.'' 
''Ooooh~ I'm getting special privileges! I like it!'' She was impressed by Nico's answer, not being sure if he would go along with her humor. 
''Next question! How does it feel to be a Monaco based Youtuber? Do you enjoy the influencer life?'' 
The former World Champion snickered at her question, not expecting her to bring up his Youtube channel. ''It feels great, I'm, uh, yeah, enjoying the influencer life.'' She could tell Nico was doing his best to come off as positive as possible. 
''Nice, good for you, dude! Anyway, this was Britney, the man who beat the 7x World Champion, Lewis Hamilton, in equal machinery in 2016!'' She quoted the meme that was often made online when people talked about Rosberg. 
Y/N didn't wait for Nico's reaction, a bit too scared if she was honest, and made a run for it again. ''I've talked to three German guys- wait, is Nico German? He said once that he doesn't drink beer, so I don't know if he's considered German.'' She rambled on, not even listening to the words that were leaving her own mouth. 
''There's Jenson.'' She caught the Brit talking to his Sky Sports colleagues. ''You know what? I've embarrassed myself enough already, I'm not making it any worse.'' Y/N went in another direction so as to not cross paths with him. 
''Too bad he doesn't drive anymore, I would have loved to give him a lucky nipple tweak.'' Martin and Jenson used to have this running gag of the older man giving him a nipple tweak for good luck before a race. 
Y/N didn't see where she was going and almost tripped over someone's foot. ''Oh, shit!'' She loudly exclaimed, balancing herself so she wouldn't fall. ''Oh, fuck I can't swear- wait, shit! Ugh!'' She pulled the microphone away from her face, that way her curses wouldn't be picked up. 
''This isn't live, right? Cause then I'm in trouble, I think.'' She glanced at the cameraman, who mumbled a small ''It is live.'' 
''THIS IS LIVE?'' Y/N gasped, looking absolutely horrified at the thought of thousands of people watching her at that moment. ''Let's find Martin then, I think I've done enough damage.'' 
She headed back to the place where the presenter had approached her. ''Martin! Where is Martin?'' The driver glimpsed around, but no Martin in sight. ''I have oatmeal!'' She yelled, before making eye contact with the camera. ''Old people love oatmeal, right?'' He simply chuckled, not wanting to shake the camera too much with his laughing. 
''Oh, there he is!'' Y/N spotted the man and made her way over to him as fast as she could. ''I definitely didn't say anything controversial or cursed throughout the entire thing.'' She greeted him. 
Martin looked relieved as she handed his microphone and headset back over to him. ''I was out of my element for a while,'' he joked, ''did you have fun, darling?'' 
Y/N nodded her head. ''Yes, I'm even considering changing career paths.'' She chuckled. 
''That's great,'' Martin smiled, confident she made some amazing television, ''well, I think you're gonna have to go, cause I can see your, uh, coach not looking too happy.'' He pointed towards her performance coach staring daggers at her. 
''Oh, fuck, yeah, bye Martin! Thank you so much!'' Y/N quickly thanked the man for letting her take over his segment and she dashed out of there, hoping her team wouldn't be too upset about her disappearing into the grid to ask everyone ridiculous questions. 
''She's a special one for sure.'' 
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swordcreature · 6 months
okay so that last last post you made said Dammon had a scent kink, but what about Rolan and Zevlor?
mmmmmmmm listen okay i enjoyed this too much honestly but i feel like i could literally write an entire fic centered around Dammon the panty stealer okay. idk why it just calls to me. so thank you hehe
Dammon, Rolan, & Zevlor - Scent Kink
very NSFW, adult themes, etc etc. MDNI/18+
Tiefling boys and getting off to Tav's scent
I’ve made my feelings on this known before, but the man is dirty! I honestly feel like the smutty book he has in his room is one of the tamer ones he owns, somehow. And then he literally smells the malfunctioning components of Karlach’s heart, so we know he has a good nose. Put them together and the scent kink just makes sense! 
He's not just interested in the pretty scents either– how they smell like flowers right after a wash or how their hair always seems to bring with it the scent of a campfire. No, it’s all of them. 
The way they smell after sex: the salty, earthiness of their sweat as it mixes with the floral perfume of their soap.  
How they come into the forge with a tangy musk after having ran around all day in their warm armor.  
Even the bitter metallic odor that permeates their clothes after trying to wash all the blood out. 
It never fails to stir something in him deep down, like a primal instinct to lay them bare and take them like a wild animal.  
His favorite scent though? Their arousal.  
Maybe it’s because he’s a tiefling with a superior sense of smell, but the way they smell when they get heated, wetness pulling in their smallclothes. It raises the hairs on his neck with pure want.  
Dammon isn’t proud of it, but when Tav isn’t around he’ll steal a pair of their underthings that haven’t made it to the wash yet (only if they’re in a relationship of some sort, okay he’s not an animal) so that he can really enjoy himself. The smell alone makes him so hard he can feel the wet spot forming in his own pants.  
He’ll touch himself right then and there with nothing but Tav’s scent in his nose and his hand around his cock. And it’s the hardest orgasm he’s ever been able to give himself.  
But Tav always ends up wondering where their underwear went? They know they had more when they moved in with Dammon! 
Rolan will never, ever admit he enjoys a good filthy sniff or two. Even to himself. Nope, he’s not some ‘degenerate’, thank you.  
And to be fair he isn’t as down bad as Dammon. I think out of the three, he’s the least likely to have a true scent kink.  
He can be a little pretentious at times, and definitely doesn’t like what he considers to be bad odors. Things like potent, musky sweat just aren’t his cup of tea to be honest.  
He’ll enjoy the smell of Tav’s clothes because it reminds him of home for some reason, and he always ends up feeling at ease when the minty smell of their breath washes over him. 
But he’s a total sucker for the smell of sex.  
The way the room smells head and organic after they’ve just fucked over his desk. 
Or the smell of their sheets as their cum and arousal and sweat all mix together.  
Makes him ready for another round almost immediately.  
When he’s alone and touching himself, he’ll sometimes stop to smell the sheets just to try and catch a whiff of the last time they had sex. I’m talking on all fours, nose pressed into the bed, hand around himself desperately. 
Nothing ever makes him throb as hard as when he goes down on Tav, their slick on his hands and chin and lips. When he’s absolutely positive that Tav is too far gone to notice, he’ll sit and take in the sweet musk of their wetness, it makes his mouth water like the bouquet of a fine wine. 
Tav jokes that Rolan gets a renewed vigor for oral after they cum the first time, but they never know why that is.  
Alright Zevlor fuckers this may be controversial. But. Zevlor is BIG into sweat. I just know it. He has to have some dirty secrets up his sleeves somewhere! 
Like, you know the way someone smells after a long day in the sun outside? Kind of like dirt and warmth and just a tinge of bitterness? 
That shit drives him mad. Feral. 
I don’t even think he realizes it for a while. He just thinks he’s particularly pent up on those days and that’s why he’s taking Tav into the bedroom at his first chance, or furiously tugging himself off after they get home.  
But one day they’re both in bed, sweating and breathless and sore. Zevlor leans in to kiss them and instinctively takes a whiff of them. And it’s almost a bad smell but not quite, it’s uniquely Tav. It makes him groan out loud.  
It’s very clear to him after that.  
He’s like Dammon: a clothes thief. But his go to is shirts, especially after an intense day of training or after an incredibly hot day.  
He will never, ever let Tav see this though. It’s too ungentlemanly and he would actually rather combust into flames than let them in on this little quirk of his.  
That still doesn’t stop him from using their shirt to get himself off on days when they’re out of the city or when he’s sure he won’t be interrupted.  
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lilixxmoon · 19 days
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Some unhinged astrology opinions:
I have delved deep into learning astrology in the last two years, and after looking at a variety of charts and comparing them to my real life experiences, here is a brief list of my favorite vs unfavorite placements in general. Note: This relates to my chart specifically but if you have similar placements as me you'll probably feel the same way. *I have a lot of Cancer/Leo energy*
Least Favorites:
Libra Moons 🔮 A controversial pick but I have to say my piece. Having your moon sign in Libra is considered a pleasant placement and indictive of a peace seeking person. However, the insatiable need to be such a people pleaser makes me really ticked with this placement. Initially it's pretty hard to dislike any Libra placements, as their gifted chameleons that are known for being harmonious, attractive, and diplomatic. All good things. But in the moon sign I have found these people to be especially needy of everyone's approval that it's to their detriment. Their lack of individuality and independence is a sore point that doesn't get talked about enough. If you have heavy Aquarius placements l think this is a tough placement to relate to even if they are trine air signs. Beware of Libra moons in relationships, they tend to change themselves to fit the perfect person they think their partner wants. While in some cases that sounds great, in a toxic person this placement can play out extremely manipulative. They will go to great lengths to bend and twist who they are in an effort to get the approval of the ones they seek. I once heard it referred to as the gold digger moon sign. Even in men they may charm you but watch out for those lingering eyes, they can be a flirt and more easily transform around all the women they pursue. It's a gift for them but a warning for everyone else. If you have this placement you know it's true lol don't lie. Fire placements in birth chart will help confidence and hopefully subdue some of this toxicity.
Pisces Mercury - I have heard a lot of people say how much they dislike Pisces Mars people but in my experience its Pisces in Mercury I have been the most annoyed with. Pisces is actually one of my favorite signs of the zodiac for it's ethereal, and complex qualities. However, in Mercury, Pisces is pretty all over the place when it comes to their communication style. They're the kind that can be very passive aggressive, they'll ignore you, ghost you, and gaslight you if you ever try to confront them more directly. They do like to gossip even about their closest friends and spill secrets. However, their secrets are usually sealed pretty tight in contrast. For someone with a Leo Mercury that enjoys being a bit more of an open book, I have found that I just don't jive at all with this placement even if their are other favorable synastry placements. Wild I know. This sign is capable of a sharp, snarky remark here and there so don't underestimate them too much. I honestly feel bad a little bit for this placement, they just seem to overthink what they wanna say sometimes resulting in them not saying anything at all to the person they actually need to talk to, but will instead talk to all the wrong people. If you have this placement please just say what you need to and move on. It seems these placements do a lot better if they don't have to talk in person, face to face, almost like they're better at texting or writing out what they want to say instead or even zoom lol. So if you have this placement and you feel like you can't say what's really on your mind I highly recommend journaling so you can think things through effectively and avoid annoying a lot of people.
Gemini Sun - Not too much to say here. This probably has to do with my Cancer Sun. Gemini's dual nature is so wild to me in general but especially in the sun placement, they can be fickle and petty. If you bruise the ego of a Gemini sun, I have seen things get nasty. Talk about they sure can dish it but they sure can't take it. On one hand, I hate admitting how much I dislike this placement since it's one of the most popular placements among some of the most talented entertainers! But in real life, some of that allusion and spark wears off that you see on screen. Gemini sun's dual nature is tough for a lot of the other zodiac signs especially if you have heavy Taurus placements. If you have a Gemini sun, hopefully you have some more earth placements to ground this fidgety energy a bit better. Just remember to check that ego and you'll be more loved for that entertaining curious soul rather than despised.
Top Favs 🌼🌷💟
🎀Pisces Venus - Where do I even start with how beautiful this placement is. I am jealous I don't have it. I've heard this placement be criticized for it's boundless nature, the love of this placement can lack conventional boundaries in relationships. In my opinion though everyone will probably feel a bit better if they have at least one Pisces Venus in their lives. They just give such an abundance of love, empathy, kindness, and joy to the one's they care about. True empath and healer placement. This placement is so romantic and dreamy. They're just so pure of heart. Hopefully this placement doesn't have anything weighing it down in an overall birth chart. I think this is a lovely placement and if you hurt a Pisces Venus your probably the problem not them.
Cancer Rising - This is my favorite rising sign especially for girls. I just love the witchy, mermaid like aesthetic of this placement. The big eyes!!! Oh it's just so pretty. Is it any wonder that this is the placement Margot Robbie has? I also love Taurus Risings, but first place for me has to be cancer. I mean I am a Tumblr girly and Tumble aesthetic in it's prime was definitely giving Cancer Rising vibes. I know it's not for everyone but idk for me it's that cuteness this placement has too. Cancer risings look like fairytale princesses to me with their glowy skin, and round babydoll faces. It breaks my heart that so many Cancer risings may not see how beautiful they are right now since it's so trendy to have buccal fat removal from your cheeks. Their youthful ingenue appearance is precious to me even if it's not on a trend. More love to round faces.
Gemini Moon - Wait what?? Yes. I love Gemini in the moon placement. Hear me out. Unlike Gemini Suns, moons hide their quirky selves a bit more so it's less so tied to their ego and appearances. And yes they are still incredibly entertaining but you just have to get to know them a bit better to see this side. They still have that dual nature and so it can be very unpredictable especially if your trying to be in a relationship with a Gemini moon. However, as a friend this is an exciting placement. Great conversationalists. Witty. And just wildly unpredictable in a good way, adventurous and spontaneous. Great intellect and creative thinkers. Here I think Gemini shines. Even if this is generally not considered the strongest placement for your emotions, Gemini moons I have found to be great friends that are capable of having a great heart and an awareness of when they want to show their more vulnerable side. Gemini moons can still fall susceptible to all the things people tend to complain about Geminis, but some how in the moon placement I think these people are much more endearing and misunderstood.
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rose-riot-johnson · 3 months
Hello my Tumblr Peeps😃👍Since the votes in the polls that will determine which characters will be in the 3rd head cannon(?) and the 4th head cannon(?) fanfics that pertain "after sex shower" are set in stone based on which characters have the highest percentage in votes and which characters have the lowest votes, per poll. Considering I did promise the characters with the highest votes per poll will be in the 3rd head cannon fanfic, I will be be writing about the winning characters per poll😃👍 Needless to say, based on the polls these 5 characters with the most votes will be in this "after sex shower" head cannon(?) fanfic, however 5 of the characters I will treat a little differently than I did in the polls, however the surprise character will be the #6 character for this head cannon😃👍
🚿🫢Your Time With Him In The Shower (And After The Shower) After The Smut Fest 3🫢🚿
Genres: Smut, Head Cannon(?), After Sex Shower Aftercare Fluff, and Other Forms Of Sex Aftercare (Warning +18 ⚠️: Degradation, Praise Kink, Language, After Sex Praise Kink, Trigger Warning (contains a character that might be controversial if not completely controversial (if any character does trigger you in this fanfic, however enjoy any of the other characters, please scroll past that character😅)) oral sex, boob groping, hickies, bite marks, ass grabbing, depending on the reader's imagination, slight nipple play, vaginal penitration, love tap type of ass spanking, language)
⭐New Character (For Me) To Write About
Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail)
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*After Gray emptied himself inside of your pussy, he would touch your face and whisper, "Okay sweetheart... Since you took me in well long enough for me to cum inside you... Now I'm going to take good care of you...", knowing that he fucked you to the point you became cock drunk (which you enjoyed that from him). He would then kiss your forehead before picking you up, carrying you in his arms, until the both of you got inside his bathroom. He would then start taking a shower with you after the both of you arrive in his bathroom.
*Gray would wash your hair with your favorite shampoo and conditioner, then wash you up with one of your favorite soaps (and wash cloth). As much as he prefers to wash himself strictly, he would sometimes let you wash him, while he still is washing yourself. He still will keep an eye on you in the shower to makesure nothing happens you, since he did ram his cock inside your pussy during sex earlier.
*After the both of you finished taking a shower together, Gray will use your towel to dry off your body, then he will go straight to putting you in warm pajamas, then carry you to back to his room to put you on the bed fir you to lay in, before he does go back to the to dry himself off quickly. He would come back to his room dressed in his usual clothes, as he found you on the bed asleep, which he finds very cute, so while you're asleep, he will gently pet your head and whispers in a praise to you about how much of a good girl you are to him, before he snuggles you up next to him, as you become his spoon.
Shidou Ryusei (Blue Lock)
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*"What a naughty slut you are, (Female Reader Name)... Your tight pussy even had me over fill that hole with my cum before I had a chance to pull my cock out...", Shidou cooed, as he laughed in a degrading way, at the sight of over filling your pussy to the point some of his cum seaped outside of your hole covering his cock, due to him fucking you so hard and so much, where you got cock drunk. He will let you get up and walk, he would walk with you and hold one of your arms behind his neck (and his shoulders ofcourse) on your (and his) way to the bathroom the both of you share together, because as much as he gets amused with you struggling with letting you walk without any form of help, he feels it would be too easy for him to let you do so. When the both of start taking a shower together he would joke about the bite marks and hickies around your neck.
*Shidou would let you wash him up with his special bodywash, however after that he would have you suck on his cock, claiming to reward you to clean his dick in the shower this way. After he cums inside your mouth, he will praise, "You look so cute with your mouth sucking on my cock like that... Now here's your reward for doing an amazing job, my sexy, pixie, demon...", before washing your body. So when he rewards you, while washing your body, he will grope your tits (while he's behind you), slightly playing with your nipples, then once he gets done washing you he would touch your clit, as he would coo, "Now let me clean you up down there, my sweet bud...", before turning you around and getting on his knees to eat (and lick) your pussy, until you release yourself inside his mouth.
*Once you and Shidou finished taking a shower together, he would have you dry him off with his towel, while he would grab your ass when he's drying you, considering he is very touch happy with you when it comes to him getting you dry. For night outfits he would have you wear pink and/or black (sometimes pink and white depending on the night) lingerie and some of the lingerie he picks out for you is extremely revealing. After your put on your lingerie, he's having you go straight to snuggling with him, even if he's still completely naked...
Genos (One Punch Man)
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*Once Genos came inside of you from you riding on his cock (considering he ended up getting pussy drunk), he would touch your face and the both of you kissed together. After both you and Genos finished kissing he notices a mark on your neck, as he wondered about it, the you explained he must have put a hickey on your neck. His face was red in embarrassment as he would apologize about putting a hickey on your neck, before you assured him that he did nothing wrong and you held his hand before taking his hand to have him walk with you to your bathroom to have him take a shower with you (considering his recent upgrade had him become water proof).
*Genos would be nervous and excited about taking showers, since he is a cyborg, however since him being water proof comes with his recent upgrade, so he would only take a shower, if it involves taking a shower with you. He would wash your body with a loofah and your favorite scented bar soap, while you wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. He figured, if he's taking a shower with you, he could atleast wash your body and it would be easier on you. (Up to reader's imagination on how Genos body gets wash and if his hair gets washed)
*After you and Genos got done finished taking a shower together, he will ask what clothes you feel like wearing for the night, while he dries your body up with your special towel. Once he gets done drying you off, he will go to your room and get any clothing you picked out for the night, then bring the clothing of your choice back to the bathroom to have you put on to wear for that night. When the both of you went back to your room, he would definitely give you plenty of massages, especially back and shoulder massages. He does this, whenever he still feels bad secretly about putting a hickey on your neck by accident.
Keigo Takami;pro hero name: Hawks (My Hero Academia)
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*"I love how good your warm, tight pussy made my cock feel, my tweety bird...", Keigo groaned, while he was fucking you, as you were laying down (on your back) on his bed with your legs wide opened for him, right before he cummed inside of you. "You're always looking, so pretty for me, especially while in this position I had you in... Your pussy always takes takes my dick in, so well...", he would praise, before asking, "Would you like to take a shower with me, (Female Reader Name)?". Ofcourse you wouldn't say know to his charming face and personality. Especially with taking a shower with him.
*Once you and Keigo went inside his bathroom and the both of you start taking a shower together, he definitely he praise you non-stop. Not just on sex... He always find something to praise about you non-stop... He actually loves it when you wash his body with the body wash you bought for him, however he would love it more, if you wash his hair with the shampoo you bought for him as well, because when you wash his hair, it relaxes him more. He will let you wash you body usually, however once in a while he will wash your hair with your own shampoo and conditioner, and will use your body wash to wash your body, before gently giving your ass a love tap.
*Keigo will go straight to drying your body up with your towel he bought you, right after you and Hawks got done taking a shower together, which he enjoys. Keigo would be more than happy to let your dry him up, however he definitely will respect it, if you don't feel like drying him for any reason, as he would dry himself up. He will have you wear some new comfy clothes (that he bought) for you to wear for the night. He would also get himself into comfy clothing that are in men sizes. He would let you cover yourself in a throw blanket, as he would order your favorite food from one of your favorite restaurants, to get delivered at his place for the both of you to eat. Once you and Keigo finished eating the food that was delivered to his place, the both of you then would snuggle together and watch some shows on (Netflix or Hulu) together, until the both of you feel asleep into eachother's arms.
Renji Abarai (Bleach)
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*After Renji emptied his cum inside of you, with your legs wrapped around him and while he was fucking you against the wall, he would praise you on how pretty you look while he's fucking you, especially against the wall. He would then move his hands from the wall to (grab) your ass, as he's about to carry you to the shower room, considering he enjoys worshiping your body (this includes your ass) and he's honestly afraid to drop you, if he doesn't have his hands on your ass, due the the position he was having you in while he was fucking you against the wall earlier.
*Renji would let you down after the both of you got to the shower room. During your shower time with him, as someone who would worship your body, he definitely would be more than happy to wash your body (with any soap you like using) and he would offer to wash your hair, too. If you were to ask to wash his body, he would definitely let you (he still would let you, even if you do so, without asking).
*When the both of you got done taking a shower together, he doesn't mind that you dry his body off, however he just like with washing your body, he would seriously use your towel to dry you up, every chance he gets. He will have you wear any kimono he has made for you and considering that he wants atleast few kimonos to match a few of your kimonos, he will sometimes will wear the matching kimono that he has you wear. He will cook some food and (hot beverage of reader's choice) for both you and himself, because of the fact he likes cooking food and making hot beverages for you.
Now For The Surprise Character...
⭐New Character For Me To Write About⭐
Piccolo (Any Dragon Ball series)
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*By the time you got done fucking Piccolo in a soft and comfortable chair, he already would empty himself inside of you. After sex he would enjoy you touching his face, even tough it would make him blush. Every time you do invite him to take a shower with you after sex, he usually will accept your invite to take a shower with you, as he does get surprised everytime, you would ask him to.
*During your shower with Piccolo does usually prefer to wash his own body, instead of asking you to wash him, because he worries about being pushy with you just from asking you, so unless you ask or demand him to let you wash his body, he will be washing his own body otherwise. With washing your body, he rather you ask him about washing your body, too. He's just more comfortable with you initiating things, mainly with taking a shower with him. Anything you do praise him about, especially on his looks, anything pertaining sex, and his personality, it would make him blush, however he would definitely loved it and praising him would make him feel more comfortable about himself.
*After your shower time with Piccolo, unless you initiate drying his body off with his huge towel and/or have him dry you up with your towel, he will let you dry yourself up and he will dry his own body off, otherwise. He will usually let you pick your own night clothes to wear, however once in a while you will have him pick out something for you to wear for the night. As for what he will wear for the night, (up to the reader's imagination on what Piccolo wears for the night). While he prefers to meditate during his alone time, he would be surprised if you're someone who likes to meditate in a different room, so if you're someone who likes to meditate, he would be alright with you joining him, when it comes to meditating after your shower with him.
🫢🚿The End🚿🫢
I hope you enjoyed this head cannon multifandom smut head cannon(?) fanfic, my Tumblr Peeps😃👍I did try to come up with different stuff for this fanfic for each character😃👍For those who are wondering why the trigger warning about "a character that might be controversial if not completely controversial", well while Hawks (Kiego Takami) is my favorite pro hero in My Hero Academia, I can see why there are people who dislike and/hate him, so unfortunately this is why I put in a post and hashtag about a trigger warning and character mention in general in this post and I put that trigger warning in the hashtag in the post. Despite of the character trigger warning I mentioned, I still will not change on who is my favorite pro hero. With Hawks winning the poll on who to put in this sequel fanfic, however wanted to see Dabi in this fanfic, unfortunately this is how the poll went, however fortunately with the next sequel fanfic about "after sex shower", Dabi will in it as he is 1 of my favorite villains in My Hero Academia. So I am caught between both Hawks and Dabi, honestly. As for Piccolo, someone else was going to be in this as the surprise character, however due to some changes and stuff that has happened recently where I decided to make some changes with the surprise character role for this sequel fanfic, so the character I originally was gonna pick for this sequel fanfic will be in the next sequel fanfic instead... Despite of what I mentioned for this conclusion, I still hope you had as much fun reading it, just as much as I had fun writing it🫢🚿😃👍
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
Brian/Hoodie, Toby, + Eyeless Jack with a chubby S/O
Brian, Toby, + EJ x Gender Neutral Reader (Separately)
[Anonymous Request]
Genre: Fluff + NSFW
Content/Warnings: NSFW but no smut, lots of body talk (all positive), so if that makes you uncomfortable be aware, oral sex (reader receiving), Toby likes to suck titties, Toby is very handsy 
A/N: i’m almost definitely projecting on this one cuz i have a chubby partner and i lub him🥺 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Brian’s a pretty lanky lad, he’s built like stickbug 
So having a chubby S/O would be a WONDERFUL contrast for him!
His favorite thing is being able to use you as a human weighted blanket 
He cant fall asleep without you, not after that first snuggle session! Your presence is so warm and calming 
You’re just perfect for cuddles, especially spooning 
Any excuse he has to wrap his arms around you, he’s taking it, 100% 
Big bear hug with a playful squeeze to boot 
+ He’s asking you to sit on his lap any chance he gets 
Oh there are three other chairs you could use? But he loves you:( Sit with him:( He’s just a little guy:(
( (manipulatively) )
I’m sure we all know that finding plus sized clothes that are cute but not expensive as FUCK is way too hard, but that problem is completely out the window now 
Brian has mad sewing skills, so he can alter OR duplicate anything you’d like! 
(The only catch is he has to make/get a matching one for himself, this is non-negotiable, sorry) 
Of course, we can’t always be family friendly wholesome here 
Let’s just say he loves having so much soft, plush skin to grab onto 
This man is a head giving god, like ridiculously skilled 
And not only that, he really enjoys doing it. For him it can sometimes be more enjoyable than the actual sex part 
He looooves grabbing onto your thighs and hips while he eats you out, just grabbing handfuls of everything he possibly can 
He gets really into giving oral too, like closing his eyes and moaning and just giving it his all, completely invested 
He’s gripping on for dear life 
Don’t be surprised if you have bruises in the shape of his fingertips 
And if you’re feeling especially generous, make sure you squeeze his head with your thighs 
It’s his fave ❤️ 
Honestly this segment is gonna be pretty short 💀
Writing anything SFW for Toby is hard, he’s too much of a horndog 
He’s also a cuddle bug much like Brian, so a lot of those headcanons could apply to him 
He’s very tactile so he tends to be grabby, especially with your thighs and love handles 
Not even exclusively in a sexual way, a lot of the time it’s really just a sensory thing 
His hands just absentmindedly wander, and you just happen to be close by most of the time 
He’s not a big fan of anyone or anything laying on top of him at all since it makes him feel trapped, so he likes laying on top of you instead! 
It really helps calm him down after he gets hyper or upset 
Forgive me if this is a controversial take, BUT: 
Toby is a boobs guy 
And I don’t just mean breasts, I don’t just mean AFAB chests
Any sort of soft chest fat will do 
He’s using his mouth a loooot, sucking and biting and leaving little marks all over your chest and nipples 
And every chance he gets he will grab your chest 
You could be fully clothed doing something completely unrelated to him and if he walks by he’s slipping his hands under your shirt 
He’s grabbing everything tbh 
Once again, it’s a sensory thing that can wind up horny 
He loves your thighs even more than Brian does 
Thigh jobs are his fave ever, not only because your thighs are easy to get to at all times but because they’re so warm and soft and perfect!! 
And the entire time his wandering mitts are squeezing and groping every bit of skin he can get to 
Since EJ can’t exactly rely on his sight, he has to use his other senses, one of the most common ones being touch 
He can be touchy too, but not in the same way Toby is 
He doesn’t grab or squeeze or anything, he simply runs his hands over you, often over your clothes 
He likes feeling the softness and the curves of your body, just tracing his fingers over your hips and tummy 
Especially holding your face, rubbing his thumbs over your round cheeks and admiring your beauty in his own way 
He also headbutts like a cat when he wants attention, so don’t he surprised when you randomly feel his face against your stomach or leg 
If you really wanna show him love, let him lay on your chest while you scratch his head 
He likes to be able to listen to your heartbeat 
Jack has many animal like behaviors, one of those being kneading or ‘making biscuits’ like a cat 
If he’s kneading the soft skin of your stomach or thighs, that’s how you know he’s suuuuuper comfortable 
Like, as comfortable as he can possibly get 
Be prepared to be used as a pillow very often 
Jack is also good at giving head, but not in the same way Brian is 
He’s not as skilled or practiced, but you can’t go wrong with up to five squirming tentacle tongues working to get you off at any given time 
(Plus, he purrs, which basically turns his mouth into a vibrator) 
He also really enjoys fingering you, and will often use his hands and tongue at the same time 
Your insides are just so warm and soft, and he’s attracted to that heat 
He could get lost in your warmth and sweet taste 
He’ll run his hands gently over your body the entire time, and it’s certainly not unusual for him to knead during these sorts of activities 
He likes to lick you as well, and if you allow him to get a bit carried away, he’ll run his tongue up and down your body 
There’s just something about your plush skin and wonderful curves that completely captivate him in a way that nothing else can 
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nmn-yty · 1 month
— ๋࣭ ⭑࿐ spring basking 。o♡⋆˚。⋆.
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pairing: park sungho x reader
summary: taking care of your needy kitty sungho
tags: 「SFW! fluff! | hybrid!sungho | park sungho literally the definition of a cat | cute cat cuddles | reader has no gender!」
word count: 0.8k
a/n: more fluff!!! might just write abt all the members at this point (im the best onedoor ever). this is rlly short bc it was just an idea that came into my mind quickly and i didn't want to make it too long. also ive been writing some smut ideas but im not sure if i will release them bc smut is a little controversial from what ive seen around. anyways i hope you enjoy! also i hope writing abt hybrids isn't weird><
+ stylized lowercase, missing punctuation (not done on purpose), and minimal to no revisions
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he always ran up to the windowsill to bask in the sun when the light shined in. typical for a cat, he's been doing it a lot as the spring season approached. you always had the windows propped open slightly to let some fresh air in. the breeze would ruffle sungho's long brown fur while he dozed off to the birds chirping in the distance.
you walk downstairs to find him there by the window. today was extra sunny so the rays shined down on him vibrantly. his fur was almost a bright orange from the light.
"lazy kitty." you sat on the empty space next to him. his small cat body was moving up and down at a slow pace, he always seems to sleep in the sun.
you reached out to pet his back. his body twitched slightly but he was still fast asleep. you kept petting him and you could start to hear small purrs coming from him, he was waking up. one tiny movement from his head and he realized you were finally beside him. he stands up quickly and jumps into your lap.
you flinched in fear, in a second he turned into his hybrid form, his cat ears spawned out from his hair to twitch and touch your stomach. his head now rests in your lap while he has one leg perched up on the sill and one hanging off. his tail sways slowly, the tip curling from time to time.
"i told you not to do that!" you lightly scolded him. he couldn't help but transform in your presence. it's always better for the both of you to talk this way. you also got to feel like the cat when he transforms, as he engulfs your body whenever you two hug. you found it quite interesting that there was a little power imbalance in your relationship. whenever sungho is in his cat form, he can't fully express how he feels. he's limited to being a cute cozy cat, but any reciprocation at any form makes the both of you happy.
"sorry," he chuckled between syllables. he couldn't help but stare up at your face. he was begging to get more pets from you. he balled up his fists and moved them next to his cheeks, imitating paws. while in his hybrid form he loves to make you flustered at any moment. he wiggles his ear more closely to your stomach. his eyes are glowing, his pupils dilated. youve been down this road before, and you already knew not to resist. you pet his head gently, swiping his bangs to get a full view of his face. you start to play with his cat ears, scratching behind them making sungho start to purr again.
he shuts his eyes and flashes his contagious smile, "i really love spring when im with you."
you couldn't help but lean down and give him a quick kiss on his forehead. his tail started to sway happily. you loved when sungho could tell you how he's feeling. he sometimes hid away while being in his cat form. moments like these where you can make him happy were the ones you looked forward to the most.
"so you dont love me during the other seasons?" you felt a bit offended. spring can be a bit harsh at times, but each season has its pros and cons.
"no i do!" he sounded panicked at first, "i just love when i can feel the sun against my fur again, and when you sneak up on me while im sleeping."
"i love it too, i know spring is finally here when i catch you being lazy by our window."
that word made him narrow his eyes.
"youre mean," he said in a sulky tone. he got up from your lap and jumped off the sill, turning back into a cat in a flash. he quickly ran through the house up the stairs.
"hey, slow down! im sorry! come back i was just kidding!" chasing after a cat that was asleep just a few seconds ago seemed like it would be easy. sungho just loves to show off and take the upper hand.
you reached the top of the stairs trying to figure out which room he couldve gone into. your first thought was to check your room, and he didn't do a good job at avoiding you because he was in plain sight, laying on his back on your bed.
"meow!" he was waiting for you to give him attention all of a sudden.
"look who's the mean one now, hiding away in your cat form," you say while rubbing his belly. he shuts his eyes and purrs start to rise out of him again. you just have to wait for him to want to transform again, to know his true thoughts.
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© nmn-yty ★
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yuugen-benni · 7 months
- Red Moon In Venus and Isolation -
Bsd boys in love with you - based on Kali Uchis songs ! A/N: I do not usually write song fics but this request won my heart. Tysm anon [Content: SFW!! - Reader by You/Your - songfic - Kunikida x Opposite!Reader, Mentions of Tachihara betrayal, Chuuya x Oblivious!Reader ] Charcs: Kunikida, Ango, Tachihara, Chuuya and Dazai
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''Not too Late'' - Kunikida Doppo
A spouse, a lover: This subject consists of 8 pages, 15 topics and 58 items. It's impressive, isn't it? It is something very specific, and thus difficult to find, but Kunikida is diligent with his goals although he often forgets that love is absurdly strange and unpredictable. He fell in love with you: someone who doesn't fit into any of his demands, who is the total opposite of him, who is not organized, not programmed, who takes risks capable of breaking all the rules of the world!...But still he can't stop feeling nervous under your gaze. There are so many controversies about you, there are enough reasons for him to stay away, but he can't stop loving you...although he will never admit it. But perhaps he asks himself every day: ''is not it too late to admit that he loves you?''
''Gotta get up'' - Ango Sakaguchi
You're a dream to him, almost literally because every night, since the day Ango realized how mushy he is about you, he dreams with you. But Ango isn't ashamed of it. You make his 3 hours of sleep so much better, you clear his mind, you give him peace even if you were never really there. And when the alarm goes off at 5 am, his only wish is to stay in bed forever because only sleeping is the way he can have you all to himself. But he gotta get up…and perhaps get something real.
''I wish you roses'' - Tachihara Michizo
Saying “I never thought I would be without you” would be a lie. Tachihara knew what he was doing when he fell in love with you, but he made the mistake of getting too attached. As he hoped it wouldn't be reciprocated, his love became deeper as the ocean and he didn't want you to drown on him. But now, wearing that green uniform that means nothing more or less than his betrayal of those he cared about, Tachihara still watching you from afar wishing you love, wishing you well, wishing you roses.
''Body language'' - Chuuya Nakahara
Pissed off, that's what Chuuya is right now. He tried everything to get your attention, to make you understand what was boiling inside him! He's getting sick and tired of talking, because he told everything you needed to know - between the lines - but sometimes he wonders ''were you really listening to him?'' His only alternative is to grab your shoulders and kiss you, but he won't, because Chuuya is too pride to be the first to say, to show, to declare his love. As much as he wanted to have you close, there's nothing more to say, he just needs you to understand now.
''Worth the wait'' - Dazai Osamu
Osamu is drunk on his own feelings. It seems surreal, because he finds himself in a rare situation: he feels like he wants to be close to you every day. is it love? Dazai doesn't know for sure because he still needs to learn to love, learn not to hurt you. I would like to say 'learn to stop being someone empty' but in the end, you have already filled him.
Tysm for reading, reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated! English isn't my mother language! REQUETS OPEN
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gothkrislemcheslut · 3 months
lawlight fic rec list
so i’m gonna do a series of these, starting with my favorite death note ship! make sure to pay attention to all warnings on these fics. enjoy! if you have a ship you’d like me to make a rec list for, please just send me an ask! i don’t want to be obnoxious, and i’m not saying they’re good, but i (slackjawbitch on ao3) have some lawlight fics up!
♡ = a favorite of kitty’s
♡ 1. i’m drowning; please save me: L looks at Yagami Light and drowns. There is no other way to put it. As the days pass and blend into weeks, L looks at Yagami Light sitting next to him, the harsh lines of his face creased and determined, and he swallows water.
L looks at Yagami Light and he cannot breathe.
great characterization, always makes me very emo, and is probably a pretty major influence on my writing. one shot. 1,817 words.
2. always waiting for you just to cut to the bone: And then, breaking through the pounding in his head he hears what would be the last words out of that wretched man’s lips.
“I love you.”
fic for teh death note drama (2016) canon! title is unfortunately from a t*ylor sw*ft song (/silly) but this fic is so good and sad.
3. Our Bodies, Possessed By Light: L. Lawliet is a gifted photographer who believes he has understood the light and its secrets. Light Yagami is a young, unstable and slightly crooked model. Together, they kill time.
modeling and photography au. make sure to read all teh tags and warnings for this one; there’s nothing gross, but some potentially triggering subjects for some people are in here. multi chapter. 81,218 words.
4. Hearts and Spades: Which would you choose? Love or death? RaitoL, slight AU.
short but sweet piece featuring that classic fanfiction dot net era vibe, an emo-ass playing card metaphor (/pos), and a recounting of l’s death scene that made me sad over him all over again (also /pos). and also light being obnoxious, but it’s death note, so that’s usually a given, lol. one shot. 1,801 words.
5. Not Quite Drowning: Sometimes Light ponders happiness. L/Light
a short lawlight and light character study. i like it a lot, and i don’t usually like light, so that should tell you something about how well i think it’s written! one shot. 424 words.
♡ 6. Water, water, water: In the bath, they forget they’re a detective and a suspect; they remove these identities along with their clothes, layer by layer until there are only the handcuffs left. And them; facing the other in the eerie calmness of their bathroom.
At least, it’s how Light sees it.
i really love this one! make sure to read teh tags, as eating disorders and drugs are mentioned, for example. angst with a happy ending! one shot. 3,504 words.
1. Silver Bells: Silver bells...silver bells...
They’ve made it. Everything is okay now, when they’re dancing in the candlelight.
really, really cute! i recommend it as a palate cleanser to make you feel better after reading a sad one, lol. one shot. 1,255 words.
♡ 2. New Year’s Eve: "I've seen fireworks before," he says. "This is... so much... more."
just a cute little new year’s eve lawlight fireworks show! this one is also from 2009 which is kinda cool to me, haha. i like this author’s descriptive language a lot. one shot. 507 words.
♡ 3. Do Gay Penguins Go to Hell?: Too many New Year snacks bring about a family discussion between L, Raito and their daughter about healthy diet, common sayings and nature of good and evil. And gay penguins, of course. AU
a really darling kid fic, based on teh stupid, homophobic controversy over that adorable kids’ book about teh gay penguin couple. one shot. 3,791 words.
4. A Feeling: It's LxLight fluff! This takes place after Light was confined and lost his memories, chained to L. : D SO YUS. SOME FLUFF FOR YAH D: Hope you leik it :D
very cute “l and light cuddle and kiss” fic, written by a scene kid in 2008, which is extra points with me! one shot. 1,006 words.
alright! i will add to this rec list as i find more fics, and i would love it if people would send in their favorite lawlight fics!
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cookieblobber · 4 months
The Possible New Future of the Sonic Franchise - Thanks to fucking Sonadow
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A few days ago it was rumored a Sonic Generations remaster was happening and will be revealed in the State of Play, which then revealed Shadow will be playable. It was really unknown what the hell this meant, but many theorized this was going to be a Bowser’s Fury/Kirby Return case: Game from an old console is remastered/ported with a whole brand new campaign that may or may not be related and possibly intertwined with said game’s story or lore.
They were correct.
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Oh yea did I forget to mention BLACK FUCKING DOOM IS BACK?????
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There isn’t much yet to go off of right now in terms of what’s being planned here besides this excerpt on steam
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Alright, enough showcasing, what the hell am I talking about by this game (that was just revealed) being a new future for the Sonic franchise? Well, it’s mainly due to these two things: the usage of Black Doom, and this fucking logo
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A little bit of a history lesson -
Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)
….wasn’t really a well received game. Besides how many viewed it to be trying too hard to be edgy and dark and gritty, its gameplay was a lot left to be desired. Confusing and lore retconning writing, weird awkward gameplay, you probably already know by now, it was arguably where SEGA/Sonic Team got scared of doing spin-offs with other characters. The concepts and ideas were there, there were still reasons to like the game and like how Shadow improves as a character in the canonical story of the game, it was a small shiny stone in a pile of coal. Besides 06, this was the most development or focus Shadow would ever receive as a character before his massive change in writing in 2010.
Due to the 2010s change in writing style and how characters were written thanks to SEGA to avoid any association from “erm Sonic tried to be serious at one point? Cringe!”, Shadow possibly became the most controversial character of the cast, with him going from a really intriguing 3 dimensional character about trauma, loss, and trying to move on from the past, to many feeling like he’s regressed into a Furry Vegeta or a tryhard loner who doesn’t need friends to help him, the IDW comics being a big example of this. He still had a few good moments like his whole prologue in Sonic Forces, but even then it wasn’t anything intriguing like his story in Sonic 06 where he learns to accept his future might turn out shit, but he’ll always fight back with his team if things get dark (see what I did there?).
Before I continue, I would like to say - blaming Ian Flynn for how Shadow’s written in the IDW comics where he’s more brute and moody…..doesn’t seem correct, imma be real. I know he may have the occasional odd idea of the characters, but it’s very clear the way he’s written is due to certain mandates from SEGA and how characters/the world should be like. If Shadow’s whole moody brute demeanor is truly how Flynn views the character…..how does that explain how he was written in the Archie comics? aka the older comic series Flynn wrote for before SEGA started to get strict with the franchise, aka the series many believe to have had really great Shadow moments? I’m not saying there can’t be criticism for how Flynn may sometimes write characters, but in the case of him being the sole reason for how Shadow is written, that assumption made on him is a lil unfair.
Regardless, in recent times, it’s no doubt that the franchise is starting to rebuild it’s confidence again: acknowledging the old 3D games, including 06, having a more serious story with layers and depth like in Frontiers, Frontiers itself reintroducing Sonic’s friends and their struggles, making them playable once again in a 3D game (again, Shadow was cool to see in Forces but, you could only go so far with a simple reskin of Sonic). Not to mention after the update that brought back these characters, we got Sonic Superstars where the main selling point was that it was a co-op game, and Sonic Dream Team having a focus on the franchise’s more forgotten character: Cream the Rabbit (not to mention bringing back a sorta SA2-style gameplay where 6 characters were grouped into 3 styles of controls). Oh yea also prior to all that, Amy was made playable in the original Sonic genesis games via Sonic Origins.
So, what does all that have to do with the future of the franchise, and why is Shadow 05 important here?
First off: Shadow is getting that same treatment as other friends, but possibly on an even bigger level: being a new playable character in an older title and being a big enough deal to get his own story and reintroduce people to what makes him who he is sadly no co-op gameplay but hey that would require completely changing this game from what it was initially was. This is really perfect timing as with the upcoming release of Sonic Movie 3 and Shadow being the next foe for Sonic to face off, Sonic x Shadow Generations will be a perfect title for new fans to dive into and learn more about Sonic’s history and dive further into Shadow’s history, just like what Sonic Origins was for fans who just came back from watching Sonic Movie 2.
This whole thing is also a massive implication that other characters than Sonic may start to get their own campaigns again, building more lead-ups to possibly full on spinoff games. I should say this again: Forces did try to do something with Shadow, but for the most part it was just reusing whatever the game already had to create a quick and easy 3 level prologue that…doesn’t really add all that much to the overall story (at this rate you can probably assume Forces tried to do a lot of things Sonic is now attempting to do, however due to the kinda era it came from, it didn’t have much going for it). Sonadow Generations seems like something bigger and more personal to the character involved, something that could possibly rival the OG game’s campaign.
The fact in this story, they’re going so far as to make Black Doom the main antagonist of this campaign and giving back Shadow’s tribal logo is a massive sign that this is a true attempt to revisit Shadow’s entire legacy. They could’ve easily just made his whole ordeal involve what happened in Sonic Adventure 2, after all that’s what he’s most remembered for, but going as far as to properly acknowledged a lesser known game as being part of the Sonic lore instead of dismissing it simply because it wasn’t well received, it continues to show the confidence this series has started to regain. Sure, it’s weird, it’s wacky, it’s wild, but it doesn’t make it any less something to acknowledge or at the very least make good out of something bad. While we did get hints of Shadow 05 still being part of the canon via the Eggman logs in Frontiers mentioning Black Doom, having him come back officially was still a completely wild thing to see; never in a million years would anyone have thought he would come back as the main villain.
The biggest part of this whole thing is: if SEGA is allowing for Shadow 05 to be fully acknowledged
this might mean they’re starting to pull back on their restrictions on the character.
As I stated before, it is very clear they wanted nothing to do with this game or anything similar to it ever again, I mean the fact we never got any spin-offs after this really shows they weren’t gonna come back to other characters ever again. But now…everything’s on the table. If Black Doom is making an appearance, if Shadow’s tribal logo is back as part of his identity, what else could there be next? Will Shadow start to use guns again? Will he ride his motorcycle, and other vehicles like in 06? Hell, will motherfucking Mephiles come back again for this campaign?
Not to mention the description of the game stated that Shadow will confront painful memories, will we see Maria in HD getting shot, or the commander from Shadow 05 who was out to get him making a reappearance? This might be the first time in a whole decade since other human characters (not counting Sage since she isn’t exactly fully human) making an appearance again in the Sonic franchise. Again, we may have gotten hints of them still being a thing with the likes of Frontiers’ Eggman logs bringing up GUN and Maria, but actually showing up in-game means other humans can still make appearances in-game.
(Take this part with a massive grain of salt but I’ve heard that Ian Flynn in the past has expressed he wanted to bring back Black Doom and Mephiles, but SEGA didn’t allow it, now that one of them happened, it proves that there indeed has been less restrictions now)
If there are less restrictions being made on stuff like acknowledging Shadow’s game, what could this mean for how Shadow himself may be written now? We’ve seen how apparently well written Shadow was in Sonic Prime, could this carry over to the games and comics where he has a less frustrating depiction? I mean, the fact Ian Flynn was hired for one massive mainline game (Sonic Frontiers) and suddenly they’re doing all these lore related things for the franchise or going back to pull up any old stuff and see what they can do with it, it shows there is a level of trust between SEGA and Flynn and letting the man cook. And it makes complete sense too, he’s been a long time writer for the franchise since the Archie comics, he seems to have a great understanding of the characters.
If Shadow 05 is getting this level of acknowledgement, what about other more forgotten games? Will we one day see Sonic 06 be better acknowledged, or more likely a character like Silver having a bigger role in something related to the events of 06? I mean for some reason recent episode titles of the upcoming Knuckles show revealed one episode called “Flames of Disaster,” who’s to say they aren’t already looking into 06 for some ideas for not just the movie canon, but as well as the main canon?
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I’m drifting off a little but I’m sure you get by now what I’m tryna say. This game, as it may seem like just a simple small remaster with extra content, may end up creating something bigger for the franchise going forward. Seeing how Sonic Team is behind this remaster and not Blind Squirrel (the people who made Sonic Colors Ultimate; while possibly rushed by SEGA, they’ve also have had a questionable track record with remasters), and hints that Flynn is behind this story, I think we are in great hands with this game. This may be the first remaster to finally be flawless in every level, which I know is a little sad to say when it comes to this 30+ year old franchise, but hey, can’t win them all!
Before I end this comically large essay, I would like to make one final note on this whole topic. As I was writing this and taking breaks last night, I came across a tweet that was kinda starting to go around about this game.
To summarize, the tweet essentially claimed that Sonic was still stuck in the past. The franchise was still relying on nostalgia pandering as its identity, and due to the contents of Generations being a whole celebration of Sonic’s history (and what unfortunately started SEGA’s cling onto Green Hill and Chemical Plant), aka alleged nostalgia pandering, it proves the franchise’s identity is still about how when Sonic used to be cool. It hasn’t attempted to evolve in the past 14 years.
You can probably guess what my thoughts on that take is after reading this whole post.
I don’t think so.
As I already showed, the addition of Shadow’s story more than proves this is still stepping forward. It’s taking an old beloved game and instead of just updating graphics or performance and leaving it at that, they’re making something brand new out of it that may define future ideas for other characters that isn’t about Sonic. Not to mention this game barely attempts to be all like, “Revisit all these iconic locations from your childhood!!!” SEGA is clearly looking at Generations not as that one game they can rely on for easy nostalgia pandering, but as a successful and fun game from the last decade in its own right. I mean to the general public, it’s considered to be “one of the few good Sonic games.”
It can be argued that the addition of Shadow and Black Doom may be pandering to the audience into Shadow but…really? They’re tryna solely pander and play on the nostalgia of a small minority of players who liked a game that was considered to be the start of Sonic’s downfall in the 2000s and make that the selling point of this remaster to the general public? Where some in said general public may argue that they’re about to ruin a rare good Sonic game with stuff that they think no one ever liked??? I don’t really believe it.
Hell, speaking personally, I’ve never played Shadow 05, I don’t own a GameCube, maybe a PS2 but even then I didn’t get much games at the time. While I sorta played around with the franchises growing up, I fully got into it around when Sonic Mania came out (and even then it took me a while to finally play it). So even though I may be hyping up Black Doom’s return, I myself am not coming from any rose tinted glasses or anything, these are just observations from the many discussions I’ve seen online or videos showcasing these games. Same would go for a lot of people into that game as many while loved it, still would acknowledge where it fumbles and how it’s definitely not the definitive Sonic experience to have.
Sonic has begun to evolve, experimenting with new ideas and offering new and different ways to enjoy the franchise. As mentioned earlier, lots of shit happened in the past 4 months. While I agree that something like Frontiers relying on the same old levels for Cyberspace to be stupid, that shouldn’t undermine the actual new stuff it offers for the franchise. I feel like we’re already far beyond the franchise needing to be like “hey remember Green Hill???” as it’s main identity for a game/the franchise. And even then, this shouldn’t mean Sonic can’t look back on previous entries anymore ever again.
Many want Sonic to be like other franchises, like Mario, Kirby, etc, they’ve been also occasionally doing the look back on an old title or old past, so why not let Sonic do the same? We shouldn’t immediately respond to a callback with claims that it’s poor nostalgia pandering, as the take away imo always should’ve been that there should be a balance between original and new and looking back on what worked.
I am happy to say that regardless what this remaster is, we are in good hands again.
also unrelated as hell but pray for this man, he has not uploaded a Sonic video in 4 months, I think SEGA killed him by over feeding him with content 😭
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sirfrogsworth · 7 months
The Pretty Average Trump Trauma
I really picked the wrong week to have a controversial post go viral.
The appeal deadline for my disability case is very soon and we just recently got the last of the medical records. My lawyer can get very busy and hard to reach. And I have been freaking out trying to get a hold of him to make sure everything is ready to be submitted. Thankfully he just emailed and said everything is on track and will be sent in for the appeal.
But having this weighing on me behind the scenes while also dealing with the blowback from my "vote for Biden" post caused me to enter into some unhealthy arguments and lose my temper on several occasions.
I didn't actually think about what would happen if that post went viral. Sometimes I write things and a hundred people see it, and it serves as a catharsis because I was able to get my thoughts and fears out of my brain.
And sometimes it gets reblogged 6000 times and I can forget I have a platform where that happens from time to time.
I wish I had written a better initial post. I think my thoughts in subsequent posts, along with the inclusion of what I think is a better strategy, would have gone a long way to help people understand my point of view. Looking back, that original post feels incomplete.
The post that ended up going viral was not inspired by reason or logic and it was never really meant to convince anyone of anything.
I thought I was preaching to the choir.
It was a representation of my fears. It was the result of two years of panic and trauma from the pandemic which ended in my mother's horrible death.
Let me explain...
On November 9th, Shaun, a YouTuber I respect, posted this.
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And it scared the hell out of me.
A very popular leftist with a huge platform wrote this to 5 million people and I freaked out.
Shaun wasn't necessarily saying not to vote for Biden at the time. But he thinks people should all say they won't vote for him unless he calls for a ceasefire. I get the strategy. But I feared that nuance would be lost on many people and they would only see it as "don't vote for Biden... no matter what." Which was an accurate prediction on my part. The guy from Eve 6 has been going nuance-free for weeks now.
The one thing I greatly disagree with Shaun about is this...
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Before the pandemic, I might have understood his argument. For the first two years, Trump was mostly an ineffectual goof. He had trouble getting a lot of his worst ideas to manifest. Most of the border wall he built ended up being repairs of existing barriers. And Obama droned civilians and kept kids in cages too—though Trump kept them in cages indefinitely and made up a rule that we can't actually know how many civilians he was droning.
So, a lot of the same, but turned up to 11.
But nothing about the pandemic response was pretty average.
There is something I have been choosing not to say during all of these discussions. I felt like saying it would be poor timing. I was worried people wouldn't actually agree with me. I worried it would make people think I was turning suffering into a competition. I didn't want to make it look like I valued certain lives over others. But then people accused me of all of that anyway. I was called evil and a collaborator and a supporter of genocide.
So I'm going to talk about it. Because the fact that few have mentioned it in these discussions has been bothering me. And the fact that the majority of society does not mention it makes me feel very alone in this belief.
I have long believed Trump and the majority of US conservatives committed a genocide of the disabled and elderly. I was never really comfortable calling it that word. I wasn't really sure how a genocide got classified as such. So I would just say things like, "40% of people who died during COVID should still be alive" and "Trump is responsible for hundreds of thousands of COVID deaths" and "Trump killed my mom" and hoping people would make the connection or at least see it as mass murder. I mean, this country judges everything by how many "9/11s" something is, but not the pandemic?
Donald Trump was the leader of the Republican party. When he refused to wear a mask due to vanity, his followers looked for something to excuse him. And I feel that directly birthed the "masks don't work" movement among conservatives. Donald Trump, having enormous influence among his acolytes, refused to correct this dangerous rhetoric. And he probably welcomed the cover so he could continue going maskless and not smear his makeup—even after he nearly died.
It is my belief this was the beginning of a genocide of apathy, deliberate and accidental incompetence, and non-compliance. And the reason for that non-compliance was not freedom as many claimed.
Conservatives did not like being inconvenienced.
They didn't like having to consider others.
And if competence requires effort and vigilance, they'd prefer doing the bare minimum.
Trump was famous for not filling vital administrative positions in the executive branch. Not only that, his turnover rate was 5 times higher than previous administrations. People were asked to do the job of several people because they didn't staff properly, and so those people quit. Thus creating a cycle of inexperienced new-hires that were out of their depth and asked to do much more than they bargained for. There is no way they could succeed in their jobs.
I think people forget that part of the role of the executive is the day-to-day boring administrative shit that is required to run a country. And when this day-to-day work isn't valued, it creates a crisis of incompetence. Which then creates things like not enough tests, not enough testing, Trump saying "if you don't test, it doesn't count", botched vaccine rollouts, rampant misinformation, poor education of the populace, and abysmal improvised press conferences where the President does a quick riff on injecting bleach.
This competence aspect is one of the hugest reliefs I had with the Biden administration. Not Biden. Not his policies. I'm talking about the regular workers getting shit done. This is the reason I am desperate to get my shit worked out with Social Security before the election. I once called Social Security during the pandemic and I literally got a recording saying to try calling back the next month.
Trump didn't care. People criticized him for not hiring people. He was aware of the problem. He just did nothing about it. And many conservatives praised him for "trimming the fat" or whatever. This idea that all of these government workers were useless burdens on the taxpayer fell apart during the pandemic.
There is incompetence caused by ignorance but it can also be a deliberate act. Trump was extraordinary in all forms of incompetence. He wasn't qualified to manage a pandemic. But he could have easily appointed experts and then gotten out of the way. But his narcissism would not let him cede power to anyone. He has always been convinced "only Trump can save you" and so his ego helped kill nearly half a million people.
Once the incompetence ball got rolling, that's when malicious apathy reared its ugly head. It was time to choose who they cared least about dying—who they felt was most useless. Conservatives decided it was time to devalue lives and start making sacrifices to save politicians' money laundering fronts small businesses.
Popular conservatives were going on TV and saying it was okay if Grandma died. It would be a worthy sacrifice to protect our freedoms.
The Lt. Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, basically offered up the elderly for sacrifice all while claiming that he spoke for them and was also willing to die. Though I don't take his personal willingness very seriously, since he has the money and resources to get the best medical care and probably had no expectation he was in any danger.
“No one reached out to me and said, ‘As a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?’ But if they had? If that is the exchange, I’m all in. So my message is let’s get back to work. Those of us who are 70-plus, we’ll take care of ourselves.”
But you cannot just sacrifice the elderly. You may justify it by saying they have lived a long life, but many of the same health risks were shared by the disabled. Many of whom still had normal lifespans, but just needed extra care and protection.
There are countless elderly who cannot "take care of themselves" but they are still of value to our society. They are still loved. They watch and teach their grandchildren. They are the keepers of the family stories. They bake cookies and give you two dollar bills. They have random bowls of butterscotch all throughout their house.
But some need help. Some are sick. Some can't drive. Some can't walk. I guarantee not all of them were prepared to die for the cause.
And none deserved to die for a sports bar.
Oh, didn't I mention?
Dan Patrick owned a chain of sports bars that were losing money from the lockdowns. Did you really think he was sacrificing old folks "for the children"?
Thankfully Dan's sports bars are gonna be okay. He ended up receiving a $179,000 PPP loan... that was forgiven.
Then they started saying COVID deaths weren't COVID deaths.
"Well, they had a bad heart." "They were obese." "They had cancer."
They dropped the elderly excuse and began to openly devalue the disabled as well. If you were sick, what good were you? They considered us the next sacrifices for their convenience. If we wanted to survive, we shouldn't have gotten sick. It didn't matter that we could survive for years or even have a normal lifespan as long as we were protected by our communities.
And then began the non-compliance.
Trump's followers ignored masks and lockdowns and eventually vaccines. They were unwilling to protect the vulnerable and so many of us just... died.
Again, 40% of the US COVID deaths could have been prevented. Hundreds of thousands of people should still be here. Malicious apathy, incompetence, and non-compliance were the direct cause of this genocide.
The United Nations Genocide Convention identified 5 acts that typically constitute genocide. Only one act is required and in the pandemic 3 of the 5 acts happened.
Killing members of a group. Causing members of a group serious bodily harm. Imposing living conditions on that group that would destroy them.
I'm looking at that third one just now and realizing why we have advocates to remind us of vulnerable groups that need protection. I was thinking about how the elderly and disabled were trapped in hyper-contagious nursing homes and care facilities, but I completely forgot about prisons and the concentration camps at the borders.
I am not trying to diminish the awful things happening in Palestine right now. This is not a comparison of suffering—but a reminder. When a current terrible thing is happening, it can be hard to focus on anything else. But I do wish more people recognized what happened as a genocide and that the leader of that genocide, the one with the power to stop it, was Donald Trump. If we are going to base this voting decision entirely on acts of genocide, why is this not part of the consideration?
It is an awful moral calculus we have to figure out. One president is supporting and asking for funding for a genocide and I feel the other was the direct cause of another genocide. That's why I said both choices sucked. And the only way I could resolve this moral calculation was by asking what path would cause the least harm for everyone involved.
And the most disappointing aspect of all of these debates was the ableism. People told me if Trump was elected and I lost my benefits I should grow my own food and learn about medicine. They said I valued disabled lives above those in Gaza. They told me to imagine myself in Nazi Germany as a collaborator despite the fact I would have been euthanized.
But I felt like they weren't considering the disabled at all.
I am a disability advocate. So of course I am going to remind people to consider us in their voting decisions. But I'm tired of hearing I value lives differently just because I speak on behalf of a vulnerable group more often. I'm tired of continually having to justify my existence. And I'm tired of people dismissing the very real trauma caused by Trump.
It was not pretty average.
I'd like to tell you the full story of my mother's passing. All of the details. Even the ones I can't bear to type. But this isn't just my story. This is the story of countless others who had to watch their loved ones slowly die behind glass or over the phone or on an iPad.
I spent two years in constant anxiety trying to protect my two very sick parents. It was always assumed that my father was the most at risk. And that he was probably going to die long before my mother. But she had started a treatment for her psoriatic arthritis that turned the volume down on her immune system. Something that would normally not be a huge risk... but a pandemic changed that. A vaccine needs a functioning immune system to protect someone.
She could either accept the agony of stopping treatment or risk getting COVID. If people would have been willing to protect her, it would have been an easier choice. And she would still be around today. And I wouldn't have to worry about being homeless right now.
I don't know for sure when she was infected. I kept her inside as much as possible. But she needed those treatments and we had to pile into a crowded waiting room every time. And I remember a man in his fifties who seemed preoccupied with having to wear a mask. And when he thought no one was looking, he'd pull it down below his nose. A few days later she was being taken away in an ambulance.
A few weeks before my mother died, she called me on the phone. She was heavily medicated and they had two different breathing devices assisting her. The nurse was holding the phone up to her ear and she was trying to speak over the volume of the air rushing into her face from the masks. I could not hear her no matter how loud she yelled. So she asked the nurse to take the masks off for just a second so we could talk.
Her only concern was for my father. We all contracted COVID and she was so worried he would end up just like her. Thankfully the vaccine worked for him and he was okay at that moment. But she kept yelling, "Is Dad okay? Is Dad okay?" And I kept trying to tell her he was fine, but she was hard of hearing and the phone could not be held very close to her ear.
Unfortunately, the yelling made it harder and harder for her to breathe. She started gasping for air. The nurse kept insisting she put the breathing equipment back on, but my mom refused. "I want to talk to my son! I need to talk to my son!"
I knew there wasn't much we could do to communicate. And so I kept trying to yell "I love you, Mom. Everyone is fine. I love you!" I then asked the nurse to tell her that. And when she finally understood what I was saying, she burst into tears.
Her oxygen levels were getting dangerously low and she was fighting the nurse. And she just yelled out, "I'm so scared! I think I'm going to die! Tell Dad I'm sorry I can't take care of him! I don't want to die!" She kept repeating that over and over. The nurse had no choice and had to put the masks back on. My mom screamed and shouted "No! Please no! That's my son!"
And those were the last words I ever heard from my mother.
Gasping for air. Scared of dying. Worried about her family.
This moment has intrusively popped into my brain on a regular basis since it happened. It happens when I'm awake. It happens in my dreams. I have no control over it. I just have to keep experiencing it like it is happening for the first time.
After I saw that tweet from Shaun and then many others expressing the same thing (without the strategic aspect), my dread and trauma resurfaced with a vengeance. I've been reliving my mom's final words in my dreams. That moment keeps popping into my head. I feared the man I feel is most responsible for my mother's death may regain power and kill me and the last of the family I have left.
I keep asking myself the same questions over and over. What if there is another public health emergency? What happens to my trans friends if he turns the US into Florida and Texas? What will happen to the migrants at the border?
All I have is my two best friends. Katrina is gay and Delling is trans and disabled. All of us are vulnerable.
I wrote that post to help deal with the nightmares. Writing is part of my coping process. I didn't really expect it to go super viral. I just needed to get that out of my brain. But when people pushed back and started calling me evil and a collaborator and that I was valuing my life above those in Palestine, all with a huge heap of ableism, I found myself unable to let it go and not respond. I couldn't choose the healthy thing and step away.
While I feel I made some good arguments and put forth some solid ideas for other ways to handle this, I also got angry and lost my temper and stayed in arguments for way too long—all to my mental detriment.
My little world felt like it was collapsing and the world at large also felt like it was collapsing. I had personal horrors in my mind mixing with the horrors of this global conflict.
It was too much.
I don't regret what I posted. Many felt the same as I do. And I think my subsequent posts did a good job of expanding on my thoughts while also offering hope for alternate solutions.
But I do regret the timing and I wish I hadn't lost my temper. Especially in a reply I left with a lot of cussing.
People might disagree but I am hoping that people can understand the fear and trauma that influences my point of view.
I am actually willing to risk quite a lot to protect other people. Even people in faraway lands I don't know.
But I refuse to offer up the vulnerable to be sacrificed if it won't actually help anyone. That's what a Texas Lt. Governor would do.
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valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 4 months
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Hi! I hope you don't mind I take your reply to my post to talk a little bit about script writing as a scriptwriter.
This is in no way an attack, I just saw an opportunity to explain something as someone who works writing scripts.
At this point I think it's becoming clear that live action only exists because Netflix wants to have its own Game of Thrones, but that they are not going to respect the core of the original series, because their goal is different. Having said this, I want to review why the changes that are being made are incorrect (if the idea is to respect the story and the characters) focusing on the 3 protagonists: Sokka, Katara and Aang.
Let's start with Sokka, whose changes are perhaps the most "controversial."
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As I said in my original post, The core of Sokkas character is that he is a boy who grew up trying to be a man since his father left for war. In that attempt, as someone immature and unguided, he had sexist attitudes, only to later mature and become a real man. Great example for young boys.
No, his sexism comments didn't last long, but they changed at a key moment in the plot: When Suki appears. Avatar is a special series because it was one of the first of its time to so explicitly touch on the topic of feminism. Rebelling in every sense of the word is a recurring theme in ATLA. Sexism was literally knocked out of Sokka when he met the Kyoshi warriors. That's why the scene of him wearing the warriors' clothes is so significant and why it's so important that at the end of the season Sokka has learned his lesson, because there is a direct comparison between him and Pakku. Sokka, on his path to becoming a man, was able to deconstruct his misogynistic mentality at his young age and without an adult guidance, while a man of Paku's age, admired and respected, was still rooted in his sexist beliefs.
It was Katara's act of rebelling against Sokka's sexism that freed Aang from the icerberg. Because, again, an act of rebellion, of standing firm in the face of injustice, along with redemption, are the pillars of Avatar. Sokka's journey encompasses all of those topics, and the fact that he is 16 and not 19 is essential to his character arc.
Is not that we want him to be sexist. We want him to be flawed. Because each flaw are unique to each character. It talks about their development and also about the themes of the show.
Also "Toned down" it sounds weird because as a kid I always knew Sokka was an idiot when being sexist. But it wasn't that bad that I was afraid of him or so angry that I hated his character. Because Avatar is a kid shows even if people from all ages can enjoy it. So when they said "toned down" I was really confused. It made me feel that for them, the only way to show him being sexist way to make him do some unredeemable thing.
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So. Im gonna start saying that Im not a fan of Katara. I think her character is written incredibly well, but it just not for me. In fact, i do feel like we needed an scene between Sokka and her where they can clear the air about their mom. The things she said to her brother and to Aang, the only survivor of a genocide, were too hard to not have a talk after that.
NOW, After saying that, Katara is Katara because of her backstory. Seeing her mother die in front of her and being the only waterbender in her tribe lead her to feel the need to take care of everyone, especially her brother, to be overprotective, to be compassionate. To be Katara.
Sokka himself admits that sometimes when he tries to remember his mother he only remembers Katara. While Aang is a boy who must mature faster than normal, Katara is a girl who has already grown faster than normal and her journey not only includes rebelling and protecting others, but also recovering some of that lost childhood.
Katara is the representation of water. Healing and destructive at the same time. Turbulent but benevolent. I feel the live action writers, and even the actors and actresses, do not understand that the feminist message was already perfectly captured in the original material. The creators of Avatar created complex female characters and just because Katara's story is influenced by the concept of motherhood does not mean that she is not a strong character. She is a strong character because her story is influenced by that concept. Not because motherhood in itself makes us women strong, but because motherhood, specifically for her character, puts her at crossroads and forces her to go through an arc of transformation.
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I'm going to be concise and short with Aang. The decision to have so many "distractions" in his mission is because Aang is 12 years old and does not want to face a war. I think it's something so basic that it seems dumb not to understand that a young boy doesn't want the responsibility of saving the world and seeing his friends die again. I think, maybe, just maybe, understanding that is not that hard.
If they wanted to write a story of wars, blood and darkness, they should not have chosen Avatar, whose protagonist is a little boy.
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sanguinesky-if · 6 months
Additional info [Q&A format] [Updated: 02.06.2024]
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Q: Will there be a polyamorous/triangle route?
A: No.
Q: Are there any restrictions and requirements for a particular RO?
A: No, all the ROs are player-sexual and do not require you to make the "right" choices to develop a relationship. Some of the ROs won't be nice to your character, and I want the player to be able to respond in kind if they feel that way, while not blocking the RO's route because of that. Don't be afraid to be bad. Some characters deserve it.
Q: Is there homophobia in the world in which the story takes place?
A: No.
Q: Does the main character have a set personality?
A: No, your character's personality will be determined by your choices with stats. Other characters will pay attention to and comment on your personality.
Q: Are there other things in the story that are predetermined in advance?
A: The first is your position as a detective. The second is your relationship with your sister. You will be able to change it later if you want to.
Q: What about the stats?
A: All stats in the game serve to change the narrative according to the decisions you make in the story. There is no "failure" mechanic in the story, and there never will be. There are no relationship stats for the ROs in the game, instead, each of them has romance and approval (friendship for L) points.
Q: How does the approval system work?
A: The approval system serves as an indicator of how closely your MC's personality and decisions align with the personality of the RO. Having a negative value doesn't imply it's bad. Example: At high approval, T: "The detective is so funny, and it's so sexy that I find it hard to control myself around them…" With low or negative approval, T: "The detective is so uptight… I have a method or two to help them relieve the tension." As you can see, both options are different, but neither one is bad. Not all of the ROs are strongly dependent on approval and not every interaction will be built on such a system, but sometimes some parts will change because of it.
Q: Is this going to be a series or a standalone book?
A: The story is planned as a standalone book, but I'm open to the idea of "splitting" the story if it starts to feel too big for one book.
Q: I sent a question but didn't receive an answer. Why?
A: I may not have answered your question because: ▪ I still have unanswered questions before yours. ▪ The question wasn't relevant to my IF. ▪ I'm not sure how to answer it. ▪ I'm not comfortable answering it. ▪ The question was about future plot points. ▪ The answer to your question is already posted in the Q&A. I may not answer or take longer than usual to answer questions about the ROs reactions, as they take me much more time to respond than other messages. Thank you for your understanding!
Q: Which messages are definitely not going to be answered?
A: I won't answer questions and messages that [in my opinion] may lead to non-story related or other controversial and arguable discussions. I just want to write my story, and I have no time or desire to prove anything to anyone. Please just enjoy the story and the romance.
This post will be updated occasionally. Latest update: 02 June 2024
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happyandticklish · 1 year
Dropping the Controversial Tickling Tea~
A list of takes that may be controversial but I no longer care because these issues are argued about far too often not to say anything
It’s okay to have preferences. I feel like we understand this concept on the lee side, but ostracize it on the ler side. If someone doesn’t like being tickled in a certain area, we okay that, but if someone doesn’t like to tickle a certain area, then people become defensive as though it is somehow specifically targeting them. If a ler doesn’t like to tickle feet, understandable! If they exclusively like to tickle feet, ALSO understandable! If a ler doesn’t like to tickle a certain area but the lee loves being tickled there, then that is something to discuss and talk about. Maybe they’re willing to budge on that point, maybe they’re not, but either way, neither side should force the other to do something that makes them uncomfortable. 
The SFW and the NSFW community are not always black and white. Some people view tickling as a kink in certain scenarios, and platonic in others, and that’s fine. Some people don’t view tickling as a sexual act, but enjoy when it’s combined with sex because it makes them feel loved. Some people view tickling as romantic, but not necessarily sexual. It is not simply platonic or sexual, it’s a much larger gray area than people give it credit for. It’s okay to view it as completely non-sexual too, as well as to get off on it. That does not mean you have the right to judge other people for the way they enjoy it. We’re all just trying to get along here. 
Fictional characters are just that—fictional. If you write a fic where Bakugo kills Deku it does not mean you are advocating murder, you are simply exploring a perspective. If you write a fic where Bakugo holds down Deku and tickles him while he begs for it to stop, that is also, technically, okay. Although non-con is a pretty big no-no in real life, fictional characters are an outlet to express... well, pretty much anything. If you write a fic where Levi is tied up against his will and tickled, that’s your prerogative. So long as you are not genuinely inflicting harm on anyone, that’s fine. I personally am not a huge fan of non-con in fics, but you do you boo. Not to mention, sometimes you just want to write fucked up stories. My Gorillaz fic is hella non-consensual in part one because they have a fucked up relationship and I was exploring what would happen if you combined that idea with something like a tickle kink. It does not mean I support it in real life. Stop criminalizing tumblr users as if these fictional characters are real people. 
On that note—non-con is not always bad. I’m not going to get too into this as I’m not the most informed individual on the matter, but CNC does exist, and blends a form of consent and non-consent together, with the victims okaying it upfront and allowing their consent to be overridden later on. So. You know. That exists, so non-con can even be ethical IRL in certain situations. 
If you like feet, that’s okay. This one’s pretty simple. Stop kink-shaming people, guys. If you don’t like feet, cool, don’t be a dick to others about it. Hands are grosser bacteria wise than feet anyway. 
Aging up fictional characters is not morally wrong. This goes back to the fictional characters rule. Sometimes it’s just to explore a different perspective, sometimes it’s because the show freezes with them at like 16 or something so you’ll never have a chance to write about them in an adult context. Again, fictional characters, not real, we could argue the ethics of it all day long, but at the end of the day no IRL minors/adults are being harmed.
You can be an older person writing fanfiction in the tickle community. I’m using the term older broadly to mean anyone between 25-60+ because often it is past 25 once tumblr users start being weird about it. Almost all published writers are adults, if anything it makes more sense to be in your thirties and writing fanfiction, tickling related or otherwise. There is no time limit to existing within the community, so do not bully people for this. 
On that note, I don’t think minors should be ostracized from the community. I understand that we want to protect the innocence of youth, but at the same time it is highly hypocritical to put those expectations on them. I’ve been scrolling tk fics since I was 8 and have been lurking on tumblr since 12, and definitely took in some content that was more,,,, NSFW in nature. Now, whether that was the healthiest way to exist on the internet or not, I don’t know, but the point is that I did it, as have many other people on here. We did not all wait till we were 18 to make accounts on here. 
It is nearly impossible to exclude minors from the kink side of the community. It is both possible and realistic that people will develop a sexuality at an early age, usually around puberty. I don’t think you should be engaging in sex at that age per se, but you are most certainly not blind to the concept. Kinks also tend to develop early on in people, either subconscious or otherwise. For many children, they turn to the internet to try to understand these feelings as they don’t feel like they can confide in their peers. The reality of minors on the internet being exposed to sexual content is a given. You can put up as many DNI or DNF’s as you want, but at the end of the day there is nothing to stop them from lurking. People can also lie about their age just as easily. I’m not saying minors should be involved in the kink community, I’m just saying that, realistically, they are. Not to mention, the term “minor” goes all the way up to 17. So minor does not always mean 9-12 year old's, and that’s important to remember. 
If a content creator is not comfortable with something, don’t push it on them. Like I said, everyone has preferences and if they don’t have theirs listed there’s no real way to help accidentally suggesting a request/commission at some point that makes them uncomfy. The best you can do at that point is respect their opinions and try to think of a different request that they might be more comfortable with. There’s nothing wrong with you for asking it or them for not wanting to do it, so long as both of you are respectful about communicating these things to each other. 
Please, please, please do not be forcing tickling on real life people if they hate it. Fictional characters is one thing, but real people have real feelings and needs that can be seriously hurt if you push their boundaries. This does not apply to playful pokes, a gently tasing someone from behind as that all falls under general friendly rough-housing with friends. But, if a person tells you that they don’t like tickling, do not force it on them. Being tickled is an unbelievably vulnerable situation and it can be traumatizing if you are forced to endure it. Hence why so many adults hate it due to older siblings when they were younger. This falls in with the unspoken don’t be a dick to people rule. 
Recognize the validity of switches. Switches are versatile, yes (I would know, being one ;)), however, they they are not merely puppets to fill whichever role you need them to. If a switch is in a lee mood, do not try to force them into the opposite position, or vice versa. They have no obligation to fit specifically the mood you’re in; they’re people too.
Finally, the Tickle Community is varied! In general, we tend to lump everyone into one large group all centered around one interest—tickling. However, the community is comprised of a variety of different subsets that do not all fit together evenly. There’s people who enjoy it in a fictional sense, people who enjoy it IRL, people who like both, the SFW and NSFW sides of the community, and a million other distinctive groups. It is not fair to try to expect everyone to bend to your particular beliefs around tickling, as we are all just trying to enjoy it in our way. 
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missywritesfor7 · 3 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 12: Guilty
Hyeri began shooting for her new miniseries with lots of enthusiasm. She’s determined to blow everyone away and make JJS see that she doesn’t need fake relationships and other gimmicks to gain viewers. She simply wants to act and be great at it.
Yoongi is still working on his group and solo music, but he also took on a big project for an interactive music exhibit. It’s something he hadn’t done before and he liked the idea of a challenge. However, he didn’t realize how much of a challenge it really would be. It’s more than producing and writing a song. It’s also breaking down every single element of the music in ways he’d never done before. Every instrument, beat, reverb, etc. has to be finely dissected for this exhibit. It’s taking more out of him each day and the looming deadline isn’t much help.
Yoongi and Hyeri have seen less of each other lately. It’s not something new for them, but as usual it’s not exactly easy either. While they’ve been making progress in rebuilding their relationship, it’s still nowhere near 100%, and that only makes these extended times apart even harder.
Hyeri still doesn’t trust Yoongi. She’s happy that they’ve been getting closer again, but she still doesn’t trust him. The less she sees of him the more she worries that he’ll slip back into drinking. She knows he likes to have a glass or two when he’s working, she just hopes that if he does have a drink he doesn’t go overboard.
She’s constantly checking for any signs that he may have slipped up. When he’s not home she’s checking all of his hiding places for new bottles. When he is home she stays close to see if she can smell alcohol on his breath or smell his attempt the cover it up. So far she’s found nothing but she still wants to stay vigilant.
Yoongi knows Hyeri has been working extra hard on this drama. After her falling out with JJS over her unauthorized statement, she’s felt like she has to prove herself even more as an actress. Yoongi can tell she’s been more stressed than ever and he wants to make sure he doesn’t do anything to make it worse.
He hasn’t drank a thing since he’s been back working in the studio. He knows the guys are still trying to keep an eye on him and he knows Hyeri has been digging through his things looking for hidden drinks. He doesn’t blame anyone for it, he put this on himself.
None of that changes the fact that he’s under a lot of stress though. His solo work isn’t so much an issue because he can work on that for as long as he wants and release it whenever he wants. His group work and the special project he took on however have deadlines and it’s weighing him down.
He submitted the songs he had for the group, but there were a lot of changes that were suggested he make on nearly every one of them. Each song had something that wasn’t quite right, or something one of the guys felt was either too much or not enough. He’s starting to feel like he can’t get anything right.
The deadline for his exhibition project is coming closer and that isn’t helping. He’s worked tirelessly on the project but still can’t seem to see the end in sight. He had no idea it would be so labor intensive.
Everyday he leaves the studio to go home he hears the faint whisper of the hidden bottle of whiskey in his car. Everyday he has to use every bit of power in him to ignore the temptation. If Hyeri smells it that could be the end for him.
Then he has a particularly rough day. He can’t take any more. Nothing is going right. His computer crashed before he could save his work and he had to start over. His melodies weren’t flowing right, and his beats were falling flat. He finally walked out of his studio to get some air.
His legs carried him out to his car in the parking garage. He considered going home for the day. Maybe calling it a day early will give him time to relax a little and maybe he’ll feel more refreshed in the morning.
The moment he sits in the driver’s seat he can only sigh, groan, curse, then sigh again. Going home now would just leave more work for him to have to rush through later. He leans his head back and takes a deep breath. He just needs a moment to clear his mind before he jumps back into work.
It’s a long moment. A frustrating moment. He feels so on edge and the only thing he can think to ease his anxiety is a sip from the whiskey in his car. A small sip, nothing crazy. Although a small sip is crazy for him, so he takes more than a sip.
It’s like he lost control of himself for a brief moment. His hands were moving but he wasn’t the one moving them. The moment the dark beverage touched his tongue he felt like an electric current shot through his entire body. It invigorates him so much he can’t help but take another gulp.
“Fuck,” he exhales. That drink shouldn’t feel so good.
He sits a little longer fighting with his better judgement before he finally gets out of his car and heads back to his studio. With the bottle of whiskey tucked into his pocket. He knows he fucked up. The bottle is small, it can’t be that bad.
He gets in the studio and takes another drink. The small bottle is half empty now. He knows he should stop. It’s the only bottle he has so he should save it. It’s too bad that the worst part of him has come out and forced his hand to put the bottle to his lips and finish the rest off.
He immediately throws himself back into his work. It’s strange how he feels more productive now. Maybe it’s the whiskey or maybe it’s the guilt trying to mask itself as productivity. Either way, he’s able to power through and make good progress. By the time he leaves later that night he feels like he’s actually accomplished something.
He gets home, cleans himself up, and slips into bed next to Hyeri who’s already asleep. He makes sure his breath doesn’t have a hint of alcohol smell then allows himself to drift off to sleep.
Yoongi wakes up the next morning to an empty bed. Hyeri has been starting her days extra early for her scheduled shoots. Yoongi typically tries to wake up with her just to see her off, but he’s not always able to do so like today. He slept so hard he didn’t even hear her leave which he typically does. He gets out of bed to get his day started. He makes himself a quick breakfast and gets ready for another day in the studio.
On his way there he’s hit with that sneaky voice telling him he should stop and pick up something to drink along the way. It’s tempting. He feels like he got so much more work done yesterday once he had a drink. He knows its a slippery slope though, and yesterday was only a mistake he made in a moment of weakness. He goes straight to the studio without giving in to the temptation.
Getting himself started is rough. He stares into space for about 20 minutes before he finally snaps out of it and begins working. It’s frustrating. Nothing is flowing. That spark of life he had yesterday is nowhere to be found.
He sits in annoyance a moment before his body falls under the control of some outside force and he taps a message out to one of their managers. He’s not proud of himself. He knows he fucked up. He knows it’s so damn hard for him to stop. He’s so ashamed of himself.
Though he only requested a single bottle of whiskey, his manager returned with that plus a gift with a bottle of cognac from one of the brands the guys represent. They get gifts like that all of the time from sponsors, prospective sponsors, and various companies just trying to get their name out there. The timing of this gift couldn’t have been worse though.
Yoongi knows that if he got the gift, so did the rest of the guys. If the rest of the guys got it then they know he did too. If they discover he had even the smallest sip from the bottle they would notice and probably cause a scene. So he puts the bottle up on his shelf to replace one of the decorative bottles that Namjoon had gotten rid of. If anyone were to come and question him they would see that the unopened bottle is on the shelf untouched.
Instead, he cracks open the bottle of whiskey the manager brought him and takes a big drink. That electric feeling comes back and he feels empowered. He gets back to work feeling the boost of productivity running through him.
Yoongi tends to work long periods of time without a break. He only pulls himself away from work to take a breath and another sip of whiskey when he feels the effects of the last one had already worn off. That’s how his day goes.
The next day isn’t much different. The only change is that he stops by the liquor store on his way to the studio to get himself a new bottle of whiskey to take the place of the one he finished off the day before.
The day after that, he does it again. This time he just buys a bigger bottle so that it will last him a bit longer. However that didn’t work the way he thought it would, so the following day he buys two big bottles. By the end of the week he’s downing at least a big bottle and a half a day.
Then one day, just a week shy of the deadline for his special project, he drinks two bottles of whiskey because he’s so stressed. In his mind it will give him a boost. In reality, he’s practically useless. The additional bottles of tequila and gin he asked a manager to get for him certainly hasn’t helped either.
That night he gets little done. He can’t concentrate and he can hardly see straight. He’s only able to sober up slightly when he gets a text from Hyeri asking when he’d be home. He knows he can’t go home in this state. She’ll no doubt smell it on him and get upset.
“Fuck,” he groans trying to type out a message to her.
The guilt sets in almost immediately after he tells her he’ll stay the night in his studio because he still has much to do. He didn’t want to fuck up again and give her a reason to leave. He felt like he got so lucky with the second chance she gave him, but now he’s realizing that he’s already fucked up that second chance the moment he drank the whiskey he had in his car.
He knows he can’t face her when he’s like this so he tries avoiding her. He stays that night in his studio. He goes home late the next evening knowing she’ll be asleep when he gets there. He washes up and gets in the bed next to her as if he hadn’t spent the majority of the day drinking. When he wakes the next morning she’s already gone. It’s almost as if he doesn’t have to face her at all. He doesn’t have to face the guilt.
Except when she calls him during her breaks and constantly texts him whenever she gets a moment. She may not be able to see him, but the guilt beats him down more and more every time he sees her name show up on his phone. He thought he could stop on his own or at least cut back, but every time he fails.
Hyeri is no fool. She was suspicious of Yoongi before he even gave her a reason to be suspicious. She knew he had a bottle of whiskey in his car. She found it when she was leaving for her shoot one morning and thought she had left her sunglasses in his car. At that time the bottle was still unopened. When she checked a few days later, the bottle was gone.
At the very least she knows he drank the whiskey. His behavior since then has led her to believe that he’s definitely drinking more while he’s in the studio. She knows he’ll shut down if she tries to confront him about it. Even if he admits it to her, she knows he’ll get defensive. Not only that, but she knows he likes to have a drink while he works. While she would prefer if he didn’t drink at all right now, she doesn’t want to seem like she’s attacking him if a small drink at work is all he’s having. Too bad that’s not all he’s having while he’s working.
He’s drowning in another bottle in a desperate attempt to find the motivation to get through his work. Instead he spends much too much time scrolling his phone. He goes from unmotivated to terribly guilty when he comes across an article about Hyeri.
The article talks about Hyeri working on a new drama and how she’s recovered from her car accident. Actually it talks a lot about her accident. It’s not a very long article, but the pictures included are what hit Yoongi the hardest. The first picture is just her smiling face from a red carpet event she attended a year ago. Her sweet smile that he’s fallen head over heels in love with. Then the next picture is one that was taken of her car after her accident. Until now, Yoongi hasn’t seen any photos related to her accident. He had no desire to see the carnage he felt he created. But now that carnage is staring right back at him.
He knew her car had been totaled but he never saw how the front of her car had been completely smashed in. He had no idea she hit the pole so hard that it was left tilted, having to later be replaced. The crushed metal and shattered glass feels like it’s choking him as his eyes remain glued to the photo.
“I should have been with her,” he softly cries to himself. “I’m no good for her.”
The guilt comes pouring out of his eyes and he can’t stop it. He feels so guilty for everything. He wishes he was there for her. He wishes he could have comforted her while she was hurting. He wishes he could have stopped her from going out that night. He wishes he wasn’t such a drunken piece of shit.
Through his tears he searches the internet for a solution to ease his guilt. He feels he needs to do something to make up for everything and more. He wants to give Hyeri something big enough to make up for his infidelity and his excessive drinking that he’s still partaking in behind her back. He hates himself so much.
The next day he can’t bring himself to go into the studio. Hyeri has an evening call time for once so he wants to stay home with her while he can. His guilt is soul crushing so he’d rather stay with her to stay away from temptation than go to the studio and keep making things worse. Because he knows he won’t be able to resist a drink the moment he gets there.
He starts the day making her breakfast. He showers her with love and does everything to make sure she doesn’t have to lift a finger. Hyeri relishes in the princess treatment that he’s giving her. She mentioned being a bit sore in the shoulders from yesterday’s shoot so Yoongi gave her a massage when she was done with breakfast.
Throughout the day he tells her how much he loves her and how lucky he is to have her. He mentions feeling like he’s still not enough, but she scolded him as she always does when he says those things. She knows he’s not without faults, and neither is she, but she wouldn’t still be there if she didn’t feel so strongly for him. She has hope that they can survive anything if they can survive all they’ve gone through during his tour. She knows she’s probably being naive as usual, but she’s always felt Yoongi had something special. Something she’d never experienced before. A love she never knew existed.
He caters to her every need. Makes her the most delicious food while keeping her diet in mind. He never makes eye contact with people when he’s speaking to them, but he’ll always make eye contact with her. He makes sure she has everything she needs to get through her shoot and throws in a couple of snacks that she can munch on if she gets a little hungry. He offers to drive her to set where he’ll pick her up later once she’s done. She tries to tell him there’s no need for him to go out of his way, but he insisted.
After he gets her dropped off for her shoot he begins putting his plan in motion. He heads home to switch cars. He takes Hyeri’s rental back to the rental lot. From there he gets a manager to take him to a luxury dealership where the 4-door navy blue luxury sedan he bought for Hyeri is waiting for him.
She told him not to buy her a car. She told him a few times. To Hyeri it’s too much and she would feel bad accepting something so extravagant. To Yoongi, it’s only a small piece of a larger operation to show her how much he loves her and definitely not to try masking his own guilt for slipping into his addiction again.
Yoongi makes a few more stops before he gets home. He starts by setting up the large flower arrangement near the front door. It will be the first thing she sees when she walks inside. From there he has an assortment of Hyeri’s favorite cuts of meat. She enjoys having her own bbq experience at home so Yoongi made it happen with a table grill set up on their balcony outside. In the bathroom is a full spa set equipped with face masks, bath bombs, body scrub, and moisturizers. Laying across the bed is a cozy robe and fuzzy slippers for her to slip into after her relaxing bath. Along with that is the necklace he bought for her in New York. He never sent it with the other gifts he got her because he wanted to give it to her when he got back. Of course things didn’t quite go to plan so he had it tucked away in one of his bags where he’d forgotten about it. Now he’ll finally give her the lavish necklace that he knows she’ll love.
Yoongi set up what he thought would be the perfect evening for Hyeri. He set up everything she loves and bought her a car that he knows she’s had on her wishlist. The final touch before he left later that night to pick her up, was the trail of rose petals he left going from the front door to the bedroom. She always loves that extra romantic touch.
Yoongi drove Hyeri’s new car to pick her up from her set. Since she wouldn’t know to look for that car, he parked and stood outside waiting for her to emerge from her trailer. He’s nervous and he isn’t sure why. Would she be upset with him for buying her a car when she told him not to? Would she immediately realize that he’s doing this because he feels guilty for relapsing?
“Hey!” Hyeri says approaching him. She has a big smile that lets Yoongi know she had a good day. “What’s this?” She asks looking at the shiny new car she hasn’t seen before.
“Your ride,” Yoongi says opening the passenger side door for her.
“What?” She asks while getting in anyway.
Yoongi runs around the car and hops into the driver side. He’s been sober all day and he’s proud of himself. He flashes his big gummy smile at Hyeri then pulls off to head home. He feels invigorated. Sure his guilt is the reason why he’s doing this, but the anticipation to see how she’ll react to it all makes him ecstatic.
When they arrive home Yoongi opens the door for her so she can enter first. She immediately gasps at the trail of rose petals across the floor and the large floral arrangement in front of her.
“Yoongi,” she says admiring the flowers. “What is all of this?”
“There’s more,” he smiles gesturing for her to follow the trail to the bedroom.
Hyeri walks along the fallen petals to the bedroom where she’s greeted by her new robe and spa set. She’s in awe at everything Yoongi has put together, and even more impressed when she feels how soft and cozy the robe is.
“Yoongi,” she says turning to look at his smiling face standing in the bedroom doorway. “You did all of this?”
“Yes,” he says stepping towards her. “It’s all for you, babe. The flowers, the dinner I prepared, the robe, the car. It’s all yours.”
“The….car?” She thinks a moment at the car he brought her home in. The one that did look suspiciously like the car she had been wanting for a while. “Yoongi, no.”
“It’s yours,” he says handing her the key.
“Yoongi,” she says trying to hold back tears. “How? I mean, why? For me? Why?”
“Why not?” He smiles. “You deserve all of it and more.”
He interrupts her by placing his lips on hers. She leans in wanting to savor this feeling of him being so warm and affectionate. He hasn’t kissed her like this in so long that she almost forgot what it feels like. He’s so delicate. So gentle with her.
“I love you,” he says pulling her into him tighter. “I know I’m a fuck up, but I love you more than anything in this world.”
“Yoongi,” she says softly as she wraps her arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry for everything I’ve done,” he continues. “I know this isn’t enough to make up for all the shit I’ve done, but I will make it up to you forever, Hyeri. I love you.”
“Baby, this is all so…” she pauses unsure of the word she’s looking for to describe how full her heart feels right now. Instead she leans in and kisses him gently. “I love you so much.”
She kisses him again lingering against his soft lips. Everything she’s feeling is so overwhelming that all she can do is press her body into him harder. She continues kissing and pressing him until he falls back onto the bed with her still attached to his lips.
Hyeri can’t help herself. She hasn’t felt Yoongi like this in too long. Certainly not since before he went on tour. She straddles him and pushes his back flat on the bed. She goes in for another kiss, then slides her tongue into his mouth. Not tasting alcohol on him only fuels her more. He did all of this for her and he’s sober. This is the Yoongi she fell in love with.
Yoongi can’t even comprehend how good he feels right now. He’s missed her taste and her touch. He’d been so guilt ridden that he tried to avoid intimacy with Hyeri. He craved her touch but felt like a shitty person when he thought of how much he hurt her. But now that guilt is taking a backseat to the feeling of her removing his shirt and kissing a trail from his chest all the way down to his belly button.
Hyeri is eager and assertive in a way she’s never been before. She’s usually the submissive one. The one who simply lays back and lets Yoongi take control and send her around the world. Not this time. She’s overwhelmed with so much feeling that she hardly even gives him a chance to take a breath. She has a new drive and motivation that’s powering her to remove Yoongi’s pants and begin massaging his growing hardness with just the amount of pressure she knows drives him wild.
All Yoongi can do is let out a breathy groan at the sensation he gets from her touch. This is the side of her he’s not used to. This confidence and control she’s showing as she removes her own clothes and makes herself comfortable straddling his lap again. She goes in for another kiss and he can feel her grinding her wet pussy against him. He’s about to go feral.
His hands trace every part of her body while she’s still attached to his lips. Once she feels he’s reached the pinnacle of longing, she lifts herself then slowly, gently, and delicately slides down his shaft taking every part of him in. The mewl she unleashes gives him chills.
Her love is incredible. The way she has full control as she bounces up and down is insatiable. He reaches for her breasts and teases her nipples pulling a heavy moan out of her. Her breaths increase and all he can do is marvel at the way she starts to unravel on top of him.
She leans into him while still bouncing her hips up and down on him. Her mouth finds his neck and she bites him like she never has before. While it isn’t unusual for her to nip at his skin, this time was much different. She was still gentle as ever, but he could tell she wanted to leave a mark with that bite.
That’s exactly what she did. That was her goal. He’s hers and she’s his and she wants it to be known. For the first time, after the fighting and heartache, she doesn’t give a damn who knows about her and Yoongi. She wants the world to know.
Yoongi hisses when she slides her tongue over the mark she left. It stings so good to him. He tightens his grip around her body bracing for his impending explosion. He can tell she’s close to her end too.
She keeps her rhythm until she can’t will her body to go any longer. She’s trying to find stability when Yoongi pulls her even closer into his body and begins picking up where she left off. His hips piston into her until she lets out a loud whine and goes limp into him.
He chases his undoing with the sound of her trying to catch her breath in his ear. She means everything to him. More than he can even describe. He can’t believe he had ever been so stupid to get so drunk on tour that he let complete strangers give him blow jobs without a second thought.
No one could ever love him the way Hyeri loves him. No one could ever make him feel as good as she does when he hits his climax and cums to the sound of her moaning in his ear. She’s the best thing that ever happened to him and he did the dumbest, most unforgivable things in his mind while on tour.
He holds her tight, cradling her head and holding her against his body. He tries to catch his breath but he suddenly finds himself trying to hold back tears. He’s never loved someone like this in his life and no one has ever shown him the level of unconditional love that Hyeri shows him.
He slowly pulls out of her but keeps his hold on her body. She softly kisses his neck giving him a warm yet guilty feeling.
“I love you,” Yoongi says. He wishes he could say more but if he opens his mouth again he may lose the fight against his guilty tears. All he can do is continue holding on to her as if she would disappear forever if he let go. She means the world to him but he’s convinced he’s a piece of shit. He knows he’s a piece of shit.
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miistymemorii · 7 months
Adam Stanheight SFW Alphabet
A/N: hoping to do these for all the characters, I love headcanons lol. Please enjoy! These are all GN!reader, I believe.
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Adam is most comfortable with affection in a private setting. He's not one for PDA, but in the comfort of your home, he's practically clung to your side. Besides physical affection, he is fond of gift giving, but in the most money-safe ways. He dabbles in art, leaving drawings on your bedside table if you've had a stressful day, and he will sometimes photograph things outside that remind him of you, presenting them to you in a small photo album.
Best friend
The two of you started out as friends pretty fast. He really liked your personality, so he tried to spend as much time with you as he could. He did consider you his best friend at one point, but he was really happy to become more than friends.
He does cuddle but does so by flopping on top of you when he came home from work. He is DEF a little spoon enthusiast, but he won't say it out loud, instead he just huffs and shuffles restlessly in the bed until you hold him.
He loves when you stay over at his place and the two of you play house. For the longest time, the honeymoon phase seemed like it would never end. You stay over at his house a lot, just consuming all of your time together. Whenever you're over, Adam insists on cooking. It's rough at first, but the more you stayed over meant the more practices, and eventually he got decent at cooking.
Ending (if they had to break up, how would they do it)
GAH THIS KILLS ME TO WRITE BUT there's no way he'd want to end a relationship. He is desperate, anxious to hold on to anything good in his life. He knows it's wrong, but he develops sick addictions to his partners. If the two of you were to break up, you'd have to dump him.
Fiancee (how do they feel about marriage)
I think he would be pretty okay with marriage but is not too into the pageantry of it all. His logic is that marriage would be just like dating, but with tax cuts. Just like dating was the same as being best friends but with sex. And so on. He would save up to buy you a decent ring, just to show that it matters to him.
Adam can be a very gentle person. He cares about you so much; he constantly keeps himself in check to make sure he's not screwing up what y'all have. He may not be mushy-gushy, but he's certainly affectionate, in his own ways.
Adam gives amazing hugs. Each one is enveloping, but never too tight. He likes to hug you and hold you, a physical reminder that you, the thing that grounds him, is real.
I love you
Adam definitely said "I love you" first, but it was on accident. You had been dating for, like, two weeks, and as you kissed his cheek goodbye and headed out the door, he called out "love you, bye!" before shouting, "SHIT!". You ran back inside, laughing, and gave him a kiss before telling him you loved him too, leaving him standing in his livingroom with a goofy smile.
Adam isn't a jealous person, but he is insecure. He knows you would never cheat, and he knows you can hold your own against a drunken stranger, but if he could tell someone was hitting on you, he would probably start to doubt himself. Over time, he opens up to you about this negative mindset, and you help him through it.
There is always so much affection behind every kiss you and Adam share, no matter how big or small it may be. If you two are busy, he'll rush past you with a small peck on your forehead, or if you come home and sees you had a bad day, he'll kiss your hands, then gently rubbing the tension out of them.
Little ones (kids)
UGHHHHH controversial, maybe. but I think Adam would be good with kids. I think he has a lot of "childish" hobbies, like video games, action figures, old cartoons, and he thinks the way kids think is funny, so he's good at carrying on a conversation with a kid. The first time you see him interact with a kid, and so well at that, you swoon, and know he's who you want to raise kids with.
Adam is NOT I repeat N O T a morning person. God, he dreads the sudden start he gets when the sun shines through his bedroom curtains juuuust right and laserbeams his eyes. You have to drag him out of bed, but if you leave before he starts work, he most likely ends up back in bed.
Adam thrives in the night. Well, "thrive" is a strong word for what state he's in when the sun goes down. He usually works well into the night, but even when he comes home, he's restless, needing time to relax before bed. His body is exhausted, screaming for slumber, but his mind stays awake. Eventually, you have to coax him into bed, or else he'd be up till sunrise.
Open (how revealing, comfortable, open are they)
Adam is not a very open person. When he met you, he knew that there was something about you, a safety that made him compelled to talk to you about serious things. Still, he has a tough time expressing himself when he has intense feelings, getting upset when something potentially traumatic becomes the topic of discussion. Over time, he realizes that he needed to trust you, and himself, so he started small, getting a small journal to write in daily.
You're the only person Adam has patience for. He doesn't like public spaces or large crowds, growing anxious when the two of you go out. The first few times you went out to somewhere crowded, you were surprised how short he was with other people during small inconveniences. Eventually he learned to be better, but he would still return home with his social battery drained.
Quiet time (what is quiet time like with them/free time)
I feel like Adam reads and has a few books BUT a large collection of comic books. When the two of you have quiet time, he is most likely reading said comic books. He also like to sketch, mostly crude cartoons, but he still scribbles away in his sketch book from time to time.
Remember (fav memory about the relationship)
His fav memory is definitely from the first time you slept over at his house. The feeling of holding each other, the warmth of you beside him for the first time, so used to waking up alone. That night he had also made a pizza, which actually turned out exceptionally well.
Security (how protective are they)
Adam knows you can hold your own, but he won't hesitate to tell someone off if they're being rude. He secretly likes getting to say, "my girlfriend"; not in a possessive way, just as a fun reminder that the two of you are in love.
Try (how much effort do they put in)
Adam is really good about putting in effort, and not just in a 50%/50% way. He understands you have bad days, and he acts accordingly, either pampering you as you need or giving you space to think. Adam tries in every aspect of the relationship..
Ugly (how do they react to your insecurities? What about their insecurities?)
Adam has plenty of insecurities, so he understands what it's like to feel insecure. He also understands that he can't possibly know exactly what you're thinking, because that was something only you knew. Still, he tries as best he can, always reminding you that he's here to talk, to vent, to get reassurance. Similarly, you keep that connection open with him, but he's a little more reluctant to open up. It's not like he's good at hiding his insecurities, though, but you provide him with the support he needs.
 Vanity (how groomed/consumed with their looks are they)
Adam remembers to brush his teeth.
OKAY, and he showers regularly. He doesn't do anything special with his hair or clothes, but he still looks relatively put-together. He puts a lot of effort into more formal settings, wanting to look as good as you.
Whole (do they feel incomplete without you?)
Adam would say yes, but it's only partially true. He has spent a lot of his life alone or holding meaningless relationships. He appreciates the space you fill, the bond between the two of you precious to him. Still, he understands that the two of you are separate people. However, if you're apart for more than a week, he becomes restless.
Xtra (random headcanon)
Before the two of you have kids (if you even want that), Adam would be really into having a pet. A cat or a dog, sure, but I could see him secretly wanting some kind of lizard or snake for a pet.
Yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, in a partner or just in general?)
Adam used to date alot of ruse girls in his early 20's, wanting to seem edgy. However, as he ages and matures, he realized how exhausting those relationships were, so he doesn't like rude people, ESPECIALLY if they're the type of person who makes being rude their whole personality.
Zzzz (sleeping habits)
This man hasn't had a stable sleeping schedule since elementary school. He is used to sleeping all day, going out at night, but since being with you he tries to go to bed at a reasonable time and wake up before noon. He definitely moves in his sleep, flopping on his back and yanking you to his side, or smothering your body with his heavy, sleeping form.
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