#not me being mushy on main but i am down so bad for him he was so excited to show mešŸ˜­ he's the most precious man ever
politemagic Ā· 20 days
after being silent playing his game for the past hour my partner says "hey, i got something for you!! can i show it to you?"
he bought a box of fireworks in his video game to put on a fireworks show for me and, i cannot stress this enough, that man is the love of my life.
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undercoverpena Ā· 9 months
Hey bestiešŸ’› You outdid yourself again!! Absolutely love the epilogue, especially the proposal, so sweet and intimatešŸ„¹ I think Javi pays great attention to details in general, so when it comes to the woman he adores, of coz heā€™d have memorised every word she said, plans the whole thing as she likes, and make sure nothing gets in the way of her saying yesšŸ’› also him being all nervous and weird and reader calling him outšŸ¤£ ainā€™t he just the softest and sweetestšŸ’› Javi is down bad and so fucking whipped and I love that for him
Honestly LNT makes me feel all kinds of things. On one hand I feel like a proud mum, watching my favourite trouble maker find love and settle down. On the other I feel a NEED to find a connection like Javi and readerā€™s, like my standard in man has gone impossibly high now. I canā€™t imagine settling for someone who isnā€™t normally a grump but canā€™t stop the grin when they see me, who doesnā€™t call me hermosa at least once a day, and who doesnā€™t text in all lower case without punctuations
Canā€™t believe weekly LNT update has finally come to an end, it truly feels like the end of a great tv season, itā€™s gonna be hard to get through the hiatusšŸ„² I hope we get to see more of their lives soon, maybe their wedding in the near future?šŸ¤­
Thanks for reading this long ass ask, it kinda got out of handšŸ˜‚ Sending all the loves to youšŸ’›
awww šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ i wanted to treasure this in my inbox, but I also wanted to set it free so I could see it on my dash and on my blog. thank you, this is so incredibly sweet.
(I ramble so I put it under the cut)
Iā€™m never fully sure what to do with super lovely comments (Iā€™m a giver of compliments, not a fabulous receiver) but gosh this made me warm all inside and made my heart double.
Javiā€™s analytical mind works so well for things he needs to remember, and gosh he loves his crossword gal.
if I could bestow on you a LNT Javi I would! even if his punctuation made my brain HURT when I edited. romcoms are my absolute favourite thing to enjoy, so finally writing one that is as mushy as me has been so fulfilling! Iā€™m already itching to write another and just in search of a plot.
also, not to be super overshary on main, but a little secret: some of the banter-filled texts were from my husband and Iā€™s text chains, so I promise thereā€™s people out there like that (albeit with much better punctuation)
I think next Tuesday is when itā€™ll hit me again. This week Iā€™ve been blinded by a headache, but next week when I get home and realise I have nothing to schedule šŸ„¹šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ what am I gonna do with myself?
I promise youā€™ll see more of them soon, Iā€™m not fully sure if Iā€™ll do the wedding, because currently thereā€™s lots of the scenes in the middle of the epilogue Iā€™d love to write ā€” such as what does reader wear to Halloween šŸ‘€
thank you for writing the long ask, and Iā€™m sorry for my equally long reply. thank you for being wonderful and kind! šŸ©·āœØ
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scithemodestmermaid Ā· 10 months
in which sci has mental struggles with relationships
after years and years of wanting to be in a relationship, now that iā€™m in one...iā€™m kinda stressed because its not going how i pictured it at all.Ā  i mean, its good, and i like him, but its not what i thought it be.Ā  it feels like a lot of work, trying to figure out this guy.Ā  and since weā€™re both adults and i have pictured myself being a housewife, i feel pressure to consider quitting this current job program iā€™m committed to - even though i really donā€™t think thatā€™d be a good idea, and also like i said i committed to it so i need to see it to the end (also because iā€™d have to reimburse the district what they spent on me).Ā  and it feels like its going so fast.Ā  four dates in and heā€™s kissed me on the cheek.Ā  i pictured my first kiss being a few dates further down the line.Ā  he was respectful about it and gave me warning (and i gave him permission, just so long as it was on the cheek), but still.Ā  and i am just absolutely not used to all the yearning and pet names and mushy stuff.Ā  i let him do it because its harmless and its sweet, but im also just kind of practical minded and thinkingĀ ā€œwe arenā€™t teenagers, lets be friends and partners, not something out of a goofy romance novel.ā€Ā  there was also a bit of drama between us this week that i wont get into details about but it was weird and i am still a bit paranoid afterwards.
i finally have what i wanted for so long, but now i dont even know if i actually want it.Ā  im overwhelmed.
the big test will be if we can and/or want to keep this up when we are both working.Ā  im not sure what will happen when i go back to work.Ā  whatever happens, whether this ends in marriage or me going all-in on my career or somewhere in between, iā€™m just going to enjoy the moment and chalk it up as life experience
so the main takeaway you should have is that if youā€™re upset because youā€™re young and confused about relationships, be aware that an almost-33-year-old woman is just as confused.Ā  so you, younginā€™, should not feel bad about your own issues because hey, everybody gotĀ ā€˜em.
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ober-affen-geil Ā· 2 years
Ok so I just watched Free Guy and Iā€™m a little mushy and tired but THATā€™S NOT CHANGING IN THE NEAR FUTURE LMAO so weā€™re gonna do this now because Iā€™ve connected two dots and by god you will all suffer the consequences.
*Major spoilers for Free Guy ahead as well as discussion of heteronormativity and amatonormativity*
I know us aspecs have been burned before with robots and AIs being aspec coded and then being ā€œfreedā€ from their programming by The Power Of Love and on the surface this does have some elements of that, namely Guyā€™s AI is activated by being introduced to Millie, the woman he has literally been programmed to love. BUT HEAR ME OUT.
The reason I am frantically typing this when I really should be going to bed is *what this movie does with that setup*. Namely, the motherfucking ending.
Because the movie ends with Guy literally rejecting his programming. He, an AI, is telling the real life woman he was programmed to love that he KNOWS he was programmed to love her, and she canā€™t love him back in a tangible way anyway. He encourages her to find the person who programmed him, and that is the moment that makes her realize that her co-creator has been in love with her the whole time.
Did you think that this movie is about the guy getting the girl because she stopped looking for douchbags and finally focused on the nice boy who was in front of her all along? Were you already rolling your eyes? WELL YOUā€™RE WRONG.
The main character of this movie is Guy. Itā€™s right there in the title. The movie actually CUTS OFF the big, grand, romantic *finally they got their shit together* kiss to go back to Guy. Who is missing his best friend. And then his best friend, another AI, is suddenly there, across the street, and they have a reunion that is very dramatically paralleled with the romantic scene we JUST SAW except with no romantic context. And thatā€™s how the movie ends.
So, just to sum up:
The main theme of this movie is free will. The movie decides to illustrate this concept by ending the story with an AI *rejecting the programming that is telling him to be in love with someone* in favor of him reuniting platonically with a close male friend*. AND UNDERSCORES THIS POINT BY LITERALLY CUTTING THAT ENDING OVER THE BIG DAMN ROMANTIC KISS FROM THE SUB PLOT.
*To be clear, you can ship Guy and Buddy all you want and you can make that a story of gay love triumphing over heteronormative programming all you want as well, there is a lot of subtext there to work with and I wonā€™t fault you that. But for my aro purposes I am saying theyā€™re platonic and this is both a ā€œfuck youā€ to heteronormativity AND amatonormativity.
Also also this is illustrated with the ā€œbombshellā€ AI (never got her name I donā€™t think GO FIGURE) when Guy tells her she doesnā€™t have to be with a ā€œbad guyā€ and sheā€™s like ā€œ...or any guyā€ and walks off and that is LITERALLY her AI awakening and like again, you could say this is simply a subtext/metaphor for a lesbian awakening (and lowkey I do ship her with coffee shop girl) but once again I choose aro AIs for myself.
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runningthe-maze Ā· 3 years
Mateo Chavez x reader
Request (anon): neither one of you can bake but you try to make a cake together
Warnings: A burn, description of a burn
A/n: ahhh so sorry this took so long. I wrote a different version but ended up scrapping it bc I didn't like it lol
main masterlist | 911 masterlist
not my gif
Tumblr media
ā€œI kinda need this to turn out halfway decent, cause I told the team it was gonna be the bomb.ā€ Mateo fumbled with a set of measuring cups, dropping them on the counter without much warning.
ā€œWhy would you set yourself up like that?ā€ You laughed, handing him the bag of flour.
ā€œHave faith in me.ā€ He felt the corners of his lips tugging upwards.
ā€œI had faith in you last time, I know how you bake.ā€ You jabbed.
ā€œYeah,ā€ he started, turning towards you with a mock attitude, ā€œI know how you bake too-ā€œ
ā€œAll the more reason why the cookies were trashed last time.ā€
Mateo couldnā€™t argue there. He nodded in agreement before pulling out his phone. He had an audio recording of a Chocolate Fudge Cake recipie saved, and ready to play. He started it, and the two of you got to work.
The recording went by too fast, and you both struggled to keep up. You needed to leave a hand free of ingredients just to pause the recording every few moments.
ā€œHow much is a sprinkle?ā€
ā€œHow am I supposed to know?ā€
Despite the simple directions stated in the recipe, you and Mateo were struggling. Baking was neither of your strong suitā€™s. Judging by your lack of improvement from the last time youā€™d tried to bake together, you thought, it would never be. How hard could baking a birthday cake be?
A failed batch of batter and two raw eggs dropped on the floor later, you had the cake in the oven. All that was left to do was to clean up the awful mess you two had made and wait until it was ready to frost.
After the designated baking time, the cake didnā€™t quite look done. It looked mushy, and was still far more liquid than solid.
ā€œWhatā€™s wrong with it?ā€ You asked, poking at the center with a fork.
ā€œMaybe we messed up a step somewhere. Should we just leave it in for longer?ā€
You shrugged, ā€œI guess so.ā€
The two of you laughed at the situation, leaving the cake in for another few minutes. Thankfully, it finished baking in that time and looked half decent.
ā€œI gotta go to the bathroom.ā€ Mateo announced, taking the pans out of the oven. He set them both on top of the two potholders youā€™d laid out and excused himself, leaving the kitchen with a purpose.
You continued your task, finishing washing the utensils. As you went to start wiping the counter down, a small edge in the corner of your eye caught your attention. One of the pans was hanging off of the counter, just a little. It was a bit of a safety risk there. Either one of you could walk by it and bump it, resulting in either a loss of half the cake or the pan burning someone. Without thinking much of it, you grabbed the it to move it a safe distance onto the countertop.
A blinding heat cleared every thought from your mind, and stopped you in your tracks. A yelp escaped your mouth, followed by the smack of the pan landing back on the counter. You subconsciously crouched down, clutching your hand into yourself.
ā€œY/n?!ā€ Mateo called out, you heard swift footsteps bound towards your location.
ā€œAre you okay? What happened?ā€ He appeared by your side, crouching down to find out what was wrong.
Your jaw wired itself shut in a clench. All you could do was let out a single heavy breath in replies. Mateo looked around, eyes landing on the misplaced pan seemingly thrown on the counter.
ā€œWere you burned?ā€ He asked, already knowing the answer. After you nodded, Mateo requested to see the affected area. Reluctantly, you let him have your hand.
The burn itself was spread across your hand, you could already see it starting to blister into your palm. Thankfully, it wasnā€™t extremely severe. 2nd degree at the worst, even though it sung like hell. The skin around the blister was red and swelling up quickly. You could feel the throb throughout your wrist, and the pain was increasing as your initial adrenaline began to wear off.
ā€œWe need to cool it down with water before the heat spreads any more.ā€
That was all you needed to hear before you could not stand still anymore.
You left him in the dust in your beeline back to the sink. The faucet started up quickly at the coldest temperature you could turn it to, but you were prevented from submerging your hand into the stream.
ā€œWait!ā€ Mateo felt the water temperature, ā€œYou canā€™t put cold water on a burn like this.ā€ He turned the handle to the left, warming the temperature just enough to make the temperature less icy.
You squirmed in place, barely able to manage the heat radiating from your hand. At this point, you were nearly in tears. Youā€™d never really had a high pain tolerance, and the surrounding area had swollen enough to ache at every little movement. When Mateo deemed the temperature correct, he reached out to take your hand. Noticing your reluctance, Mateo softened his eyes. He sent you a reassuring look, gently taking your hand in his. He carefully guided your hand into the cool-temperature water stream, holding your arm as if you were made of porcelain.
The burn itself cooled with the water, and you felt the tension in your shoulders loosen. The two of you stood there silently for a few moments, and you finally felt your jaw unclench. Mateoā€™s brows were furrowed and you could see the concern for you embedded in his features.
ā€œHow does it feel?ā€ He looked up at your face.
ā€œLike I picked up a hot pan.ā€
He chuckled, turning his attention back to your hand, ā€œYou kinda did, babe.ā€
After about 20 minutes of being under the cool water, Mateo shut it off and left to retrieve some treatment supplies. The burn no longer ached to your core, and the swelling had gone down significantly. When Mateo returned, he examined your burn more closely than he was able to before.
ā€œGive it to me straight, fireman,ā€ You started, drawing a small smile from Mateo, ā€œHow bad?ā€
He looked up at you with serious eyes. ā€œYouā€™ll live.ā€
You fake laughed. ā€œThe burn, please?ā€
A cheeky grin spread across his face. ā€œItā€™s not bad, thankfully. Iā€™m gonna put some stuff on it to help with the swelling and pain, and then wrap it. Itā€™ll need to be changed every couple days, but, I can see you making a full recovery.ā€
You thanked him for his help, and waited patiently while he treated the burn.
ā€œNo need to thank me. All in a days work.ā€ He flexed an arm. Your uninjured hand playfully shoved him, and you rolled your eyes.
Mateo cracked little jokes and talked to you about things heā€™d heard from Marjan and Paul at work as he took care of the injury, doing his best to distract you from any pain as much as he could. When he finished, you had a bright white addition to your hand. The gauze bandage covered a lot of your hand, but it didnā€™t feel too tight or suffocating.
With another thank you and a kiss ā€˜to make it better,ā€™ you started to pick up where youā€™d left off before the injury. You grabbed up the rag with your fully functioning hand and started cleaning the mess off of the stove, trying your best to ignore the feeling in your hand. Once Mateo caught wind of what you were doing, he moved to put a stop to it. His hand found its way to your forearm, grasping it.
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ He questioned.
ā€œCleaning up? If we're gonna frost this thing we need a clean counter.ā€
He looked at you like youā€™d offended him, ā€œYou just got hurt, y/n, you shouldnā€™t be doing much.ā€
You laughed at his concerned face, ā€œI can help clean up.ā€
He knew you could. It was possible. Lots of things were possible and not necessary.
ā€œWhy donā€™t you just..ā€ Mateo looked around the room for something, ā€œtake a seat here?ā€ he spun a dining room chair around for you.
You rolled your eyes. He sent you a big smile, scooting the chair closer to you.
ā€œBeautiful. Now sit down and let me do the cleaning, please?ā€
With an exaggerated huff and a thankful smile, you agreed to his request. ā€œCaptain Strand better love this cake.ā€
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stardustincarnate Ā· 3 years
EARLY TRYST // Light Yagami x Reader
word count : 4534 genre : fluff <333 ! crack-ish, pre-kira!light, all thatĀ  mushy mushy stuff, best friends to lovers because who doesnā€™t love that trope?
a/n : iā€™m not sure if iā€™ve posted this here before but iā€™m fairly certain that i havenā€™t oh godric youā€™ll have to forgive me if i hadĀ  --
Who wakes up 5:00 early on a Saturday morning just to bug their neighbor to have a match with them?
Technically, you did. You were bored, and the first thing that came to your mind was playing your favorite sport with one of your bestfriends, who's also your neighbor, Light. Surely he wouldn't mind, would he? But it mattered not since he also did the same to you back then, insisting you two bike together just because he wanted a companion and knew you wouldn't refuse. You were hella pissed even so, and now it's your turn to get revenge.
You brought a ladder, placing it just enough to reach the window to his bedroom on the second floor. You eventually climbed up, practically pressing your face against Ā the window to get a clearer sight of him sleeping peacefully on his bed, his angelic face barely visible as it was partially covered with his blanket.
'Say goodbye to your sweet dreams, lover boy.'
You thought and knocked on the window loud enough for him to hear. Your first tries were futile so you knocked a little louder and more violent. To his dismay, Light woke up with a teeny-bit of panic in his chest. Creasing his eyebrow and squinting his eyes, he looked at the window, seeing a familiar figure. You snickered as he awakened, languidly making his way to the window, an irritated look on his face when he met your eyes.
He opened the window. "[Y/N], what the hell are you doing here? What time is it?"
"About time for you to play with me."
"Huh? Play with you? You're acting strangely childish. I was still sleeping." He clicked his tongue. You chuckled and shook your head. "Aw, sleeping beauty is upset because his dream was left unfinished. Don't worry, his dashing savior is here to make him feel better."
"You mean worse."
"Bad!" You playfully punched his shoulder. "Says the one who still has sleep in his eyes."
"Of course I have. You just woke me up." He scowled, turning his back at you and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his face a little flushed.
"Heh, don't be shy!" You teased, wobbling a little in your position.
"I'm not shy! Tch, seriously though, you're in a ladder? You only made it harder for yourself when you could've just knocked on the main door. Mom and dad are already awake. They'd let you in."
"Eh? But I was shy- you know- err, how am I supposed to say 'Can I go to Light's room or something?'" You blushed a little. He hummed in response and gave an understanding look. "Come on in."
"I can't fit in here- just meet me outside. I'll wait for ya."
"You got yourself in this so don't turn back now. You can fit but in another position." Before you could reply, he suddenly grabbed your arms and indicated you to push your head inside. You did, whimpering as he pulled you in by grabbing you by the armpits, your faces almost bumping in the process. You gave a squeal as you felt your feet of the ladder, causing you to grip him tighter, almost hugging him-or maybe even inhaling him.
For a better description you basically looked like a flying fish from outside who's getting devoured by a portal.
With all his might, Light pulled you in until your whole body finally got inside. Of course, as he was secretly anticipating to, you both fell on the ground, with you on top of him, your head against his chest.
You immediately stood up and accidentally stepped on his ankle, resulting a loud whimper from him.
"That hurt, you know."
"Sorry. But-" You both heard a loud crash from outside. You were certain that the ladder you used had fallen, and it was so loud you swore some of your neighbors woke up. "...As I was saying... That was a dangerous way to get me inside. I could've fallen."
"Too bad you didn't."
"How rude!" You scoffed. You jauntily walked towards his bed, flopping down as if it's your own. It felt so soft, and it kinda smelled like him too.
You closed your eyes and spread your arms. His expression softened that he couldn't hide a smile which you thankfully didn't see. He cleared his throat and picked up a pillow, throwing it at your face.
"Hey, I'll go get some coffee. Want some?"
"I've already drank one, but sure!"
"No wonder you're already so hyper. Now get out of my bed."
"Fine." You scoffed and got up, walking behind him on the way downstairs, making yourself smaller so they wouldn't notice.
"Light! You're up early." Sachiko greeted.
"Yeah, and it's her fault." He slid right to reveal your cowering figure. You shyly greeted his mother, flushing pink. "Oh hello [Y/N]! I didn't see you come in. Were you in Light's room the whole night? You two had a sleep-over..?"
"No mom. Why would we do that? She just has her own ways of disturbing my sleep. Is dad still here?"
"He's on the living room and just about to leave. I'll make you two breakfast."
"That's not necessary. We just need some coffee, after that we'll.. What are we gonna do again?"
"Play badminton outside."
"It's still a bit dark, don't you think?"
"It's alright. The sun is about to rise. It'll rise quickly." Light replied to his mom, taking two cups and then pouring hot water on them. "Mild coffee [Y/N]?"
"Nope. Black coffee will do."
"Didn't you already-"
"It was creamy white. It was bland for my liking. I need something stronger." You cheekily replied. He sighed and started mixing your coffee and then his own. "If I recall, yesterday I saw you walking home while drinking that black iced coffee from the convenience store. Too much caffeine is unhealthy."
"Yes, Sir Light, noted." You grinned, blowing your drink before taking a sip. "Hey, not funny. I'm genuinely concerned."
"Concern appreciated."
You both entered the living room, greeting his father who eventually got up, off to work. You sat beside Light as you both watched Sachiko kiss Soichiro goodbye. You smiled and mumbled an 'aw,' nudging Light and causing him to slightly spill the coffee he was about to drink.
"What?" He looked at you then to his parents.
"Ah, I get it. You wanna do that with someone someday, don't you?"
"That's not-"
"It's okay. We all daydream like that, even me. So don't be shy."
"I'm not shy!"
"There goes my line."
"Hmp. So who's the lucky girl, or boy, you daydream about?"
"Why are you suddenly interested? Well what about you?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"Because that doesn't matter-"
"Unfair. You're so secretive."
"Fair enough since you're just as secretive as I am. You don't even tell me the guys you like, and I'm your bestfriend."
"Because that doesn't matter-"
"Why do you keep on stealing my lines?"
"Oi that's not the point! I mean come on, an honor student like you rarely talks about romance so when you do, of course I must know. I am your best friend after all."
Light cringed, chuckling. "There's nothing special about that."
"Pfft. Honor students like you are so busy with studying that you rarely have time for romance."
"What? No. Look at you, you're an honor student yourself."
"Yeah but I mean the pros, like you. The valedictorians, first honors."
"Just because I don't that about romance doesn't mean I don't think about it. But like you said, I rarely think about it."
"Ooh! So who is the lucky one?"
"Why do you want to know?"
You puffed your cheeks. Honestly you had no idea too. Let's just say you were... curious.
"I need to gather information. I need some information to sip. Either way I'll figure it out when I start my investigation."
"Augh- I'll disown you, Light Yagami."
He put his cup down, looking at you.
"It's not really possible to disown the person you like, you know."
The coffee that you were drinking almost came out of your nostrils.
"Don't have so much hubris on yourself. I can do a ten-paged essay about why you are so dislikeable."
"But you can do an essay about why you like me ten times longer than that."
"I am so going to hit your ugly being!"
His smile only grew wider, fascination twinkling in his eyes.
"Hit me with your sweet love, maybe I won't mind."
Not blushing wasn't really an option. He burst out of laughter as you'd been left speechless. You continuously punched his arm, but he never stopped laughing. And his laughter was indeed infectious.
As you two were having fun, you suddenly felt eyes on your back. You stopped and turned around, seeing Light's mother slyly smiling at the both of you as she slithered away towards the kitchen. You and Light avoided each other's gaze for a moment and blushed, finishing your coffees wordlessly instead.
"Well, I'll go change now. You wait here."
"Let me come with you-"
Light raised an eyebrow. "What a pervert you are, [Y/N]."
"NO! That is not what I meant!"
"Well what did you mean?"
"I mean, let me wait outside your room instead," You leaned in, whispering. "What if your mom comes here and talks to me? I mean.. I'm super shy around her."
He nodded in agreement but then he added, "There's no need to be shy around your future mother though."
'This smooth-talking bastard!' You sighed and rubbed your nape, 50% about to roll your eyes and 50% about to blush again. You knew what he meant by that. He had always been a tease to you. But you decided to play against his will.
"Wow. I didn't know that the Yagami family will adopt me someday."
"Tch, dummy."
"Did you just call me dummy?"
"What? Of course not! You really need to clean your ears. I said dumplings. Your cheeks remind me of them. And now I'm hungry."
"You are awful!" For the nth time in history, you hit his arm. "I'm really gonna disown you in one of these days. Now get your ass moving already so we can conquer the street first."
"Well you were the one constantly blabbering and delaying things here-"
"Shut up."
"Pft. Fine." He pulled you up, holding your wrist even on the way back to his bedroom.
After about five minutes of changing to a plain white t-shirt and jogging pants, matching yours by the way, you two headed out the neighborhood. You picked up the rackets and shuttlecock you had left on the ground, handing him one.
"We don't really have a net-"
"Oh come on! This is just a friendly match, so there's no need for that."
"What about the scores? We can play somehow else if you'd like."
"That's not necessary. I'm making the rules, and the only rule here is that the opponent gets the score if you fail to prevent the birdie from hitting the ground."
"That's not how you play badminton.."
"I am well aware of that. I used to be a part of the school's badminton team, hello? But I make my own rules here." You grinned slyly. He shook his head. "There's no fun in this. You just woke me up to make me do some pointless things with you."
You were actually a little offended by that. You puffed your cheeks and crossed your arms.
"Is it bad that I just wanna have some quality-time with my friend? And to get my revenge, too."
What you said made his heart leap a little, and he was having a hard time resisting the urge to smile. But in the end, he only snarled against his own will. "Let's get this done quick. I'll make sure to destroy you."
"Oh, you wish."
And the game started. The eerie silence vanished, replaced by your grunts, pants, and intense movements. The sky was eventually transitioning from a dim purple to a pale yellow one as you two played, eyes focused on nothing but the shuttle, sweat dripping down your bodies. Light was just as determined as you were to beat his ass. The scores were being mentally recorded by you two-no cheating of course. It was a pretty fair game. One moment you'd be on the lead, but he'd take it, and you'd take it back, and the cycle continued. He was the worthiest opponent for you in this, and he thought the same about you.
The deal was a maximum of 50 scores. Currently, Light was leading and almost close to winning. Certainly you didn't want to get beaten so you struck the shuttle at a perfect angle with just enough force. It flew fast; you were sure he'd miss it. But his reflex was quick, and he struck it with a force much stronger than yours-but his flawed angle sent the shuttle flying higher than he intended it to, and it unfortunately landed on one of your neighbor's roof.
That neighbor just so happened to be the one you two-no, the whole neighborhood-absolutely detested.
Light rubbed his nape and laughed nervously, seeing your grimace. "I'll give the score to you then. So, you have an extra shuttle?"
"Unfortunately that's my last one." You facepalmed. You used to have lots of shuttlecocks but you just kept on losing them since everytime you play with someone, they'd either get destroyed in the process or fly too high and land on unaccessible places, just like what happened.
He frowned. "Seriously? What about inside your house? I'm sure there are a bunch of them tangled in your mess."
"I told you that was my last one. I haven't been able to buy more of them so yeah. But thanks to this nerdy friend of mine, I'm now left with none."
You were only being sarcastic, but it sounded way too derisive for him that he felt somehow guilty.
"Now what do we do.." You pouted to yourself. He averted his gaze which then met the ladder from earlier, a brilliant idea crossing his mind. But the last thing he wanted to do was to get involved, in any way, with that awful neighbor. A grim expression crossed his face and you saw it as you walked closer to him.
"Hey, I'm not actually mad at you, dummy."
"No- I mean, that's a relief. But I think I can retrieve it with the ladder. They might notice me though."
You snorted, but at least there was still a way to save that shuttle. You then looked at the sky. The sun was now rawly smiling at you. Surely those rogues weren't awake yet.
"You know what? I'll do it myself."
"Don't. You might fall. I'll go do it. It's a gentleman's job after all." He grinned. "Do you think they're awake?"
"I don't think so. The curtains are closed anyway."
"Alright. In case I fall, you stay below."
"Okay, Princess Light. I'll catch you using these strong manly arms of mine. Muah!"
Thankfully they didn't have a second floor so the ladder's height was alright- although still short. Once Light had climbed up, you stayed below, holding the ladder just to stay sure.
"Damn. How did it get that far?" He struggled to reach it with his racket, even with his arms and body stretched already. After a few valiant attempts, he sighed and steadied himself a little. He had an idea of climbing the roof but the risk of falling down in the process was high. And he certainly didn't want to squash you either.
"Well this is hopeless."
"Don't give up now, my princess!" You continuously poked his butt with the handle of your racket, causing him to give you a death glare, wobbling a little in his position.
"Are you asking to get squashed? Stop that or I'll fall on you."
"That was just to power you up, silly! Don't you dare fall on me."
"How about falling for you?"
"Now now, don't say bad words!"
He chuckled and was about to continue his mission when suddenly, the curtains flew open, revealing a grotesque face of a woman staring at Light's crotch-because that's where the window was apparently placed.
Let's just say that you two never want to recall that twenty-minute rebuking that you swore went on even as you two had already left the neighborhood, heading elsewhere.
"That went well." Light heaved a sigh, poking your racket with his as you two walked side by side. You nodded.
"Mission failed. Geez, that woman just wouldn't stop talking and bombarding us with malarkey. I'm starting to hate her."
"To be honest who doesn't? The whole neighborhood hates her as far as I know."
"Pfft, right. So what do we do now?"
He poked your cheeks, and poked, and poked, before pinching them so hard.
"Stop your fetish for my cheeks! This is abuse!"
He laughed, a genuine kind. He didn't reply but put an arm over your shoulder. You puffed your cheeks and played along.
"Where are we going?"
"I'm a bit hungry. So let's head to the convenience store."
"Unsurprising but I didn't bring any money with me."
"Not a single cent?"
"I guess it's fine since I'll be the one treating you. You should be thankful." You only smiled.
On the way to the store you noticed a group of older and drunk men resting on the side of the street. Their eyes pierced uncomfortably through you. You lowered your head, still feeling their laviscious stares nonetheless. Light also noticed this, and so he pressed himself to you. You hadn't even passed them and when you did, the inevitable came. They cackled, whistling and calling you by names as they rapped the table for attention.
You ignored them and thankfully, they didn't bother you more. "Those bastards." You heard your companion clicking his tongue in annoyance, looking back at the drunk men. He saw where their gazes were and it strongly disgusted him. There was an unnerving silence as you two arrived at the store.
You both had hotdogs with buns and ice cream which was your specific request and which Light reluctantly complied to. The two of you were sitting side by side, looking through the glass wall and discussing mostly about school projects and then some gossips which all came from you. After running out of food to munch on, Light went back to buy a huge bag of chips you two would be sharing.
The sky was now a saturated mixture of orange and yellows. People strolling outside were quickly multiplying until eventually the sidewalk got packed. Few vehicles came passing by. The day was starting for a lot.
"Those guys often do that to you?"
Snapping back to reality, you cooed, "Pardon me?"
"The drunk men we just came across with, was it the first time they've called you out like that?"
"Nope. They're always out drinking.." You saw him creasing his brows. "I know what you're thinking. Well they can't be help so don't think too much about it."
"Can't be help or not, that's still wrong. Did you see the way they looked at your curves? Those men reek danger for a young woman like you. Who knows what their next moves are?" Clenching his fist, he growled. He was truly worried for you. He knew how the world is full of suspicious people like them, and who knows that they're capable of doing?
"Now now worry-wart, don't be so angry."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You should really start walking home with me early. Does it kill you to immediately go home after school even when you have no business there anymore?"
He got you there. "But I don't want to instantly go home."
"Keep thinking like that and you might never be able to go home again."
You pursed your lips at how scary he made that sound. "Listen, [Y/N]. In this world, there are only a few people you can actually trust. And those guys? They're not looking worthy of someone's trust, even one bit. They're also not the only possible threats to you. Anyone you don't know, or even who you're acquainted with, could be. Even if they look so charming. I'm saying this as a warning, and as your friend. The way they looked at you really triggered me. I can't let you continue your routine anymore. Sure, I know you're going to argue that there's lots of bystanders in case something happens, but that's not always the case. And we're not even sure if they'll help you or proceed to give a blind eye to it."
There came a long pause as you absorbed his words. Hearing them made you feel grateful for having a friend like him-someone who speaks up because he cares about you and your safety. You merely nodded with your mouth agape.
"..I-I'll do as you say then. Thank you Light, really. I appreciate your concern. You give the best advices.. I-you're one of the best people out there."
"Sorry to suddenly explode like that." He smiled, and your heart softened. You asked, "And so, by saying that.. You trust me?"
"Needless to ask dummy. I wouldn't have said that if I didn't."
"Thank you. You know I trust you too. You're one of the people who's worth my trust." You flushed pink as you scratched your nape. This kind of conversation will always make you shy.
"You don't have to say thank you to me for trusting you. And what you said.. You're worth trusting, too."
You didn't argue. The following minutes were silent as you two stared at the void while eating potato chips. You didn't have any new topics in mind, and he seemed to be lost in his thoughts-or his daydreams. You didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on in that complex mind of his.
You absently stood up, craving for another black coffee, but you halted and went back when you remembered you didn't have your own money.
"Oh? You want something?"
"I want coffee. Well- if you don't mind. Ehehehe."
"That I am not going to buy for you. That's going to be your third coffee and the day's only starting."
"Hmph. Forgot I have a mom for a friend. But anyway, you good? You seemed to be thinking about something rather serious earlier."
"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled. Although he was really deep in thought of something-but what was it?
As he'd already said, he trusted you. He had been friends with you since middle school. He developed the ability to read through your mind. With you both growing closer day by day, he had already memorized your hobbies, your predictably unpredictable schedules, your common moods, your personality, and your flaws as a human being. Heck, he could even write an entire biography book about you with all the facts 99% accurate if he wanted to.
To him, you were fascinating, despite the fact that you weren't his ā€˜idealā€™ girl. But as they say, some ideals are bound to get broken when something unexpected and much more interesting comes along the way. Sure, you couldn't read his mind as good as he read yours. You couldn't decipher and foresee what his next moves would be very well, wasn't in the exact same level as he was, but he grew attached to you. He trusted you, which was a rare thing for him to do-and consider the fact that trust is a hard thing to earn. You were an honest person, mildly annoying at some point to him. You're one that's willing to help others too. Rarely gets the initiative, but when you do, you execute amazing plans and actions.
The world is ugly, indeed, but he considered you to be one of those who made it less that way. You were one of the beautiful people in this ugly, mundane world. And that, he admired you for.
He couldn't see you as just a friend anymore. He could basically see through you, like you were his other half-like you were meant to be. You were someone he could connect with, someone he trusts, someone he could love. The label 'bestfriends' bothered him because he felt like it didn't suit you both, because something else did.
A couple.
And going back, what he was thinking about was the act of courting you and becoming your boyfriend. But doubts flooded his mind, such as you two being too young for romance, the possibility of your parents being against it since he knew you once swore that you wouldn't get a boyfriend until the age of 25 (which was actually a half-joke), and him not knowing what to properly do afterwards. Was he ready for this? Having you as his girlfriend wouldn't really change or affect anything such as his studies. It would still be the same.. just with an upgraded relationship and label with you. Besides, he had been wanting to court you for some time already. And if he doesn't do it then he'd only grow more and more restless.
He wanted to be yours. He was sure you also reciprocated his feelings. Getting into a teenage relationship is easy and quick and maybe reckless, they say, but not for someone with a complex and rational thinking like him. There were some things to consider- but you know what Light said?
'God damn it.'
"Huh?" You weren't expecting that response at all.
"I mean I was thinking about romance."
"Ooh! Finally, you decided to add some teenage thrill in your life. So, what about romance?" You gave a sly look. "Need help? I can be cupid, except I will be hitting you with my fist."
His smile was little but genuine, looking out. "There's someone I like for some time now. I've been wanting to court her."
"Awe! My boy has finally grown! My son is finally having a love interest! Eh, but why do you look so uncertain? Is there a catch?"
"Not really." He looked at you, his cheek resting on his palm. You raised an eyebrow.
"If that's the case then go for it! Who would dare to refuse the Light Yagami anyway? If you're feeling doubtful, which is highly unlikely for you, don't be. Any girl would swoon over you, even myself." You chuckled. He gave a fake impression of still being doubtful, looking down with his hands now on his thighs. It was a rare sight to see. You placed a hand on his shoulder, tapping it. Just then, he looked at you straight in the eye.
"It's not like you to lose some confidence. Come on, don't be sad. You can do it. Go ahead and court the lucky one. Cupid approves." You gave him a thumbs up.
"..If you say so," he seized your wrist and stood up.
"Can I court you then?"
210 notes Ā· View notes
tomboyneedshercoffee Ā· 4 years
Lovedust Pt.6 || Peter Parker x Stark Reader
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Summary: Y/N finds out more about how the lovedust works and it leads to her realizing her biggest fears about Peter if heā€™s cured.Ā 
Word Count: 4.2k
Authorā€™s Note: Thereā€™s a lot going on right now but thank you guys for being so incredibly kind and patient with me. Shit is going to hit the fan real soon with Lovedust so stay tuned! ALSO Donā€™t forget to leave comments if you guys liked it or hey even if you hated it! ALSO ALSO My taglist is getting pretty big and hectic so if I missed yours, I am VERY sorry pls just message me again so I can add you asap!
Warnings: Mild language, mentions of death and nightmares, slowburn
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six ||
part sevenĀ || part eightĀ || epilogueĀ 
As your eyes fluttered open, you gave yourself a minute to adjust to the sound of rain hitting against your bedroom window. You closed your eyes as you inhaled deeply, your arm instinctively reached beside you to touch Peter, only to find that side of the bed empty.Ā 
You opened your eyes again and slowly raised yourself up to turn to see that your prediction was correct and that he wasnā€™t next to you. You knew it wasnā€™t a dream, you distinctively remembered him holding you as you fell asleep but you guessed he mightā€™ve left soon after.Ā 
The memories of last night rushed through your head as you felt your heart drop slightly and already, you felt empty so early in the morning. You remembered everything about the nightmare but more importantly, you remembered Peter cradling you like a child as you cried in his arms.Ā 
You couldnā€™t wrap your head around a single feeling to describe the thoughts in your mind. As every day passed, Peter was showing you more and more how much he truly cared for you, and the thought of him not being able to keep the same energy once he was cured terrified you.Ā 
You loved this new Peter and how kind and compassionate he was around you. It was annoying at first dealing with the cringey pick up lines and weird comments about the two of you getting married but now that you realized there was more to those side effects, you found him even more endearing.Ā 
It was the small things like how he sacrificed the right side of his body so that you could fit under the umbrella perfectly or how he would willingly sit through a horror movie for you even though you both knew how much he hated them.Ā 
You even saw a change in yourself and how you treated him. The other day, you two sat side by side on the couch and shared headphones while listening to the playlist you made for him or when you would tell him a dumb joke just so you could hear him laugh.Ā 
It was selfish to hang onto the idea that Peter would always be this kind to you but you rather savored the moments you two had together since you knew better to know that nothing in life was guaranteed.Ā 
You felt embarrassed that he had seen you so vulnerable, especially since Peter didnā€™t know what happened to your parents and now, you felt like you owed him an explanation. You looked back at your clock and sighed once you saw that you had already missed the beginning half of school, you thought screw it, you were taking a mental health day.Ā 
ā€œ Is it senior skip day or something?ā€ You looked up to see your dad standing in your doorway with his arms crossed over his chest in a scolding manner but once he saw your dazed expression, he dropped the act,ā€ Y/N? Is everything okay?ā€
You could feel your throat tighten as you shook your head, refusing to cry again.Ā 
ā€œ Nightmare,ā€ You swallowed to stop yourself from letting anymore sobs from coming out of your mouth as Tony sat next to you and put his hand on your shoulder.Ā 
ā€œ I know kid, I know,ā€ Tony brought you closer to him as you hugged him tightly.Ā 
You had told Tony about your nightmares but he was already well aware on what happened with your parents. You were still pretty young when your parents had passed and youā€™ve lived most of your life with Tony as a parent but that didnā€™t mean you werenā€™t traumatized over what happened years ago.Ā 
Tony had not only given you a good home and had locked down your future, but he was always there to listen and offer help, whether it was from himself or health experts.
ā€œ It was Peter this time,ā€ You said softly as you felt your dad hug you even tighter,ā€ I donā€™t know why but he was in the nightmare and he-he tried to hurt me...I feel so guilty, I donā€™t know why he was there but my brain just made himĀ  you know?ā€Ā 
ā€œ Thatā€™s not something you can control Y/N, remember what I said, your brain just picks up on different people-unless he did something. Did he do something to you? Cause I swear-ā€
ā€œ No, no Dad it was the opposite,ā€ You sighed as you pulled away and bit the inside of your cheek,ā€ I know you told me not to hang out with Peter but...weā€™ve been getting closer and I think I...I donā€™t know. All I know was that when he comforted me after my nightmare, I felt the safest Iā€™ve been in a long timeā€¦.Things are different now. I donā€™t know what I could say to convince you but please donā€™t get mad.ā€Ā 
You looked down at your bedsheets to avoid his gaze and you werenā€™t sure if he was burning a stern glare at the back of your head or not.Ā 
ā€œ Iā€™m not mad about Peter, I already knew you were seeing him behind my back anyway and I shouldā€™ve known you two wouldā€™ve pulled some Romeo and Juliet bullcrap. Anyway- Youā€™re strong enough to look after yourself, hell stronger than some of these people living here and if I may speak candidly, I know you could kick his ass if he ever crossed a line,ā€ Your dad said as you let out a small chuckle,ā€ I want you to be safe and happy. I would prefer you feel that way without a boy in the mix but I wonā€™t yuck your yum.ā€
You wrinkled your nose but you couldnā€™t help but smirk,ā€ Do you think Iā€™m strong enough to become an Avenger?ā€Ā 
ā€œ You already are,ā€ Your dad smiled as you inhaled deeply,ā€ but before we get too mushy, I did actually want to talk to you about the other day, you know, about Peterā€™s health.ā€
You sat up straighter in your seat as you nodded attentively at him before he continued.Ā 
ā€œ Itā€™s really important that you keep this between you, me and Banner, okay? Iā€™m gonna use some big words so keep up,ā€ You nodded again as you felt your heart beat rapidly against your chest,ā€ you already know this but the lovedust activates a huge amount of serotonin in the body and sometimes that can lead to some major health problems. Well, with every day that passes, he runs the risk of having a ventricular tachycardia and thatā€™s what explained how he collapsed the other day-ā€
ā€œ Hold on, he collapsed? And did you say a ventricular tachycardia? Like a heartattack?ā€ You asked as you felt your own heart stop for a moment as your dad gave you a confused expression,ā€ So youā€™re telling me the lovedust could kill him? When did this happen?ā€
Your dad inhaled sharply as he swallowed hard,ā€ Yesterday afternoon. We were done running tests and Banner noticed a car pull up and I said it was your friend John-ā€
ā€œ Yeah sure. Then we heard a loud thud and Peter just dropped. He just fainted but still, itā€™s a sign that things are getting worse,ā€ Your dad said as you felt your heart completely shatter.
You felt like it was all of your fault. Even though Peter just fainted, he couldā€™ve hit his head and died right there and you couldnā€™t stop yourself from filling your head with more terrible thoughts.Ā 
ā€œ Oh my god, I never thought things would get this bad,ā€ You said as you rested your forehead in the palm of your hands, trying to keep a consistent stream of thoughts but each idea made you think of Peter getting hurt,ā€ and thereā€™s still not a cure? What have you guys even figured out so far-itā€™s been almost a week!ā€Ā 
You knew your dad was trying his best but all you wanted was for Peter to get better and it didnā€™t help that time was against everyone. Peter could suffer a heartattack at any time of day and it didnā€™t make you feel better than nothing was being solved.Ā 
ā€œ Well we have a pretty strong theory about what caused the lovedust if youā€™re up for hearing it,ā€ Your dad suggested as you hesitantly nodded.Ā 
ā€œ Our main theory is that the lovedust is effective when the patient- Peter- makes contact with the variable-you- and since you were the first person he saw, it activated his serotonin output. So it couldā€™ve been anyone and Peter wouldā€™ve had the same reaction,ā€ Tony said and it was so silent for a minute that you could hear a pin drop,ā€ why is your face pale?ā€
You didnā€™t know how much you didnā€™t want to hear that theory until this very moment. You werenā€™t even sure why you could feel your throat close up again but this news made you sink back onto your bed.Ā 
Peter really didnā€™t mean anything he was saying. After all those late night talks about how in love with you he was, those were all just side effects. Those were never his thoughts. He never really loved you.Ā 
ā€œ Oh...thatā€™s good I guess,ā€ You said quietly as Tonyā€™s pager buzzed. You could tell Tony wanted to stay and talk to you but when he looked down at the notification, it seemed pretty urgent,ā€ you can go, Iā€™m just gonna stay here for a little bit.ā€Ā 
ā€œ Weā€™ll talk later, okay kiddo?ā€ Tony patted your knee and walked past your bed, closing your bedroom door behind him.Ā 
You stared up at your bedroom ceiling as you thought about what your dad said. Peterā€™s condition was getting worst but now, at least they figured out something that could help them along the way. If they could figure out the properties of the lovedust than that means they could reverse it and find a cure.Ā 
What if you didnā€™t want them to find a cure?Ā 
You almost talked yourself out of your thought and called yourself a selfish idiot in the process, the goal was for them to help Peter. This could help Peter, you reminded yourself as you got up from your bed to get dressed.Ā 
You werenā€™t sure where you wanted to go but you thought that your mental health day could carry on to the outside world.Ā 
Mad....why were you mad?Ā 
You had no reason to be so upset and you kept reminding yourself as the elevator went down to the garage. You aggressively pressed the button to unlock your car and once you sat down in the driverā€™s seat, you started your car and backed out of the garage.Ā 
It was pouring outside and while you hated driving in the rain, you just had to leave to clear your head.Ā 
Why were you upset?
Maybe because for once in your life, you felt special.Ā 
You stopped on the brakes and you could feel your heart sink into your chest as the rain hit against your windshield.Ā 
You shook your head slowly before you slapped your hands against your steering wheel hard.Ā Ā 
Was it awful that you loved the attention you were getting and maybe, just maybe, you were starting to see Peter differently?Ā 
You slammed your firsts against the wheel again and again as you let out a frustrated grunt through your gritted teeth.Ā 
You were mad that Peter could die. You were mad that there wasnā€™t a cure. You were mad that the lovedust had ruined your life. You were content without Peter meddling in your life but now that he had left such an impression, all you wanted to do was make sure he stayed as true to himself as he was now.Ā 
You couldnā€™t expect that from him. You couldnā€™t expect that once he was cured, he would act back to his regular douchebag self but anything was possible, he didnā€™t owe you anything.Ā 
You taunted yourself as you tried to snap out of whatever this hellish tantrum you were throwing.Ā 
Why would you be upset over a guy who had fake feelings for you all this time?Ā 
It wasnā€™t his fault and it wasnā€™t your fault either.
Anyone. It could have been anyone. It couldā€™ve been a sockpuppet and Peter wouldā€™ve probably tried marrying the damn thing.Ā 
You snapped your head over to the passenger side of the door once you heard a hard tap come from the window. Once you saw it was Peter, you turned to face the front and unlocked the door without looking back at him.Ā 
He opened the door and sat down beside you in the passenger seat without saying anything. He was soaking wet from head to toe and while you were annoyed he was getting the inside of your car wet, you had more important things to focus on.Ā 
It was too quiet for your liking but there wasnā€™t anything you wanted to say to him. Frankly, you werenā€™t sure why you even let him in.
ā€œ How did you sleep?ā€ Peter asked quietly as he tested the waters.
It was clear that you were in some type of mood but Peter never knew how to approach situations like this, especially since he didnā€™t know why you were so upset.Ā 
ā€œ I slept fine, you?ā€Ā 
ā€œ Good I guess,ā€ Peter shrugged as he shifted awkwardly in his seat,ā€ are you okay? Are you upset about what happened last night-ā€
ā€œ No,ā€ You said truthfully as you leaned your head back against the headrest,ā€ I mean, yes, Iā€™m okay but no Iā€™m not upset about last night.ā€
ā€œ Well something is clearly bothering you and I just want to help. You know you can tell me anything, I mean it Y/N, weā€™re friends now. We shouldnā€™t be hiding things from each other,ā€ Peter said as you let out a dry laugh.Ā 
You knew you couldnā€™t reveal everything to Peter about what your dad had told you but it didnā€™t stop you from feeling angry.Ā 
ā€œ Okay, you want to be honest, lets be honest. When were you going to tell me that you collapsed at the lab?ā€ You asked as you turned your whole body to face him,ā€ my dad told me this morning.ā€Ā 
Peter inhaled deeply but looked you straight in the eye,ā€ I was going to tell you... eventually. Itā€™s not like I had time to really sit down with you, I know youā€™re going through a lot right now and I didnā€™t want to stress you out. Besides, I feel fine now, itā€™s not a big deal.ā€
It was a big deal, he could die. Thatā€™s what you wanted to tell him. His life was at stake and yet you were keeping this big secret from him. It was hypocritical and wrong and if anyone else had told you, you wouldā€™ve revealed to Peter about his worsening condition.Ā 
But it was your dad who told you to keep things a secret for now and you just had to trust him for both of your sakes.Ā 
You looked at him for a moment as you studied his face while he did the same to you. It was as if you both had so much on your mind yet no one wanted to be the first one to detonate the bomb.Ā 
ā€œ Iā€™m just so tired Peter. Iā€™m tired of having conflicted feelings on whether or not this lovedust has been creating more problems than solving themā€¦ Whatever this is between us, I like it a lot but I hate feeling so pathetic to the point where I actually enjoy the feeling of having a guy give me attention only because of some space shit,ā€ You turned your attention back to the steering wheel,ā€ How do we carry on with our lives once youā€™re cured? Whatā€™s stopping you from being a complete asshole to me like before?ā€Ā 
ā€œ I told you, nothing has to change. No matter what happens, weā€™ll always be in each otherā€™s lives as friends or something more. I would never treat you the way I did in the past, I swear on my life.ā€Ā 
Peter could feel the energy in the car shift right as he finished speaking but there was nothing he could do to change the course of the conversation. The path had already been set and now, he just had to strap in and hope he could hang on.Ā 
ā€œ How am I supposed to believe that? How do I know anything youā€™re saying is true? Everything this lovedust has been built on is a lie, you donā€™t love me Peter. Itā€™s a fucking chemical reaction that is messing with your body,ā€ You snapped loudly but Peter hardly flinched,ā€ your mind and body has been corrupted by a parasite. You say you love me but if you take the lovedust away, you donā€™t. Itā€™s that simple.ā€Ā 
ā€œ Just because itā€™s a chemical reaction doesnā€™t mean that the way Iā€™m feeling is a lie. I spend so many nights thinking about you and how happy you make me so for you to say that I donā€™t actually love you-ā€
ā€œ Are you listening to yourself? You love me because of the dust, why is that so hard for you to understand? Love is supposed to be natural, this is not natural!Ā  If the way youā€™re feeling isnā€™t a lie, look me in the eye right now and tell me, did you love me before the lovedust?ā€ You asked as you turned back to face him,ā€ tell me the honest truth, did you love me?ā€Ā 
Peter felt like his body was burning up in the worst possible way and his throat felt dry as he thought carefully. It was so hard for him to see how terrible he was in the past because of the lovedust, all he could think when he saw you was just utter love.Ā 
You were visibly hurt, even if you were shouting at him he could read you like a book and there was something that he knew was there but he just couldnā€™t figure out what it was. It felt like some sort of test that Peter had to decipher; he didnā€™t have all of the pieces of the puzzle so how was he supposed to get the full picture?Ā 
ā€œ I donā€™t...no. No I didnā€™t,ā€ Peter said softly as you let out a breath you didnā€™t know you were holding,ā€ but that doesnā€™t mean I didnā€™t care about you.ā€Ā 
There it was, the million-dollar answer to the million-dollar question. Of course he didnā€™t love you, he had tormented you for years. Your dadā€™s ā€œtheoryā€ was right, the lovedust didnā€™t matter if he had loved you beforehand. It couldā€™ve been anyone.Ā 
So even if you mightā€™ve known all along, why did it hurt and why were you upset?
ā€œ Stop lying to me. You never cared about me, you loved humiliating me,ā€ You said in a shaky breath,ā€ you loved seeing me cry and you loved it when I got mad. I could see it all across your face, you loved making me absolutely miserable. So you can say you love me all you want now, but I know the truth. You donā€™t understand, this lovedust is ruining me, Peter. Do you know how painful it is to be tormented for years and all of a sudden, the same person is now in love with you just like that?ā€Ā 
ā€œ Ruining you? You didnā€™t touch the damn thing! And you want to talk about pain-Do you know how painful it is to love you?ā€ Peter shouted as he felt his voice crack,ā€ If Iā€™m not near you, I feel like Iā€™m going to die but when Iā€™m around you, my chest feels like itā€™s going to burst open and itā€™s painful. Iā€™m in pain right when I wake up in the morning to right before I go to sleep everyday because the mere thought of you drives me insane-ā€Ā 
ā€œ I didnā€™t ask for you to love me-ā€
ā€œ I didnā€™t ask to love you either!ā€ Peter shouted back louder, this time to make sure you would stop interrupting him,ā€ My body feels weak all the time, Iā€™m fucking falling apart because I love you so much. So donā€™t tell me that Iā€™m lying about loving you because thatā€™s all I feel when I look at you. Even when Iā€™m pissed off I still love you but if you think for one second Iā€™m going to sit here and let you attack me for my past that I have already apologized for, then I donā€™t want to hear it.ā€Ā 
Peter gave you one last look before getting out of your car and straight into the rain. Peter slammed the car door behind him so hard to where the door completely fell off the hinges but Peter was so angry that he kept walking away.Ā 
ā€œ You fucking...ugh!ā€ You screamed as you got out of your car and followed behind him.Ā 
You were completely livid, you both were being unfair but just because he was going through a different type of pain than you didnā€™t mean yours hurt any less.Ā 
You shouted after Peter but the rain was so loud to the point where you considered that maybe he just couldnā€™t hear you. You sped up your pace to the point where you almost slipped against the concrete.Ā 
ā€œ You donā€™t get to tell me that I canā€™t be mad at the past Peter when itā€™s only been a week since you got infected!ā€ You yelled as you grabbed Peterā€™s arm to stop him from walking away from you,ā€ Just because you apologized doesnā€™t mean I can let it go so easily. For years, you made me feel like I would be alone for the rest of my life because no one would ever love me!ā€
Peter whipped his head back around to face you as you kept a strong grip around his wrist,ā€œ And Iā€™m telling you now that I love you and I was a fucking idiot for hurting you. Jesus Y/N I am sorry but weā€™ve had this conversation before so why are you mad at me?ā€Ā 
All you could focus on were his eyes, which were darting back and fourth across your face as if he was pleading with you. You had pushed him across the line so many times but now, Peter was pushing back because he just needed a clear answer.Ā 
You both were tired of yelling and fighting and in this moment, Peter was so close to tearing down the walls you had set up for years to keep yourself safe against him. It was eating away at you because deep down, you knew why you were mad at him, you just didnā€™t know if you could bring yourself to let it slip out of your mouth.
The rain sounded muffled and all you could think about was how cold you were feeling. You were somewhat forcing yourself to focus on anything other than Peter but you were trapped in his desperate gaze.Ā 
You felt your breath hitch as you could feel yourself getting choked up,ā€ Iā€™m mad...Iā€™m mad because the way you feel about me right now, itā€™s fleeting... itā€™s temporary. One day when youā€™re cured, youā€™re going to stop loving me and that terrifies me.ā€Ā 
Peter squeezed your hand and you didnā€™t even realize that while you were talking, the grip you had around his wrist had moved to interlock your fingers with his. You could feel your chest tighten as you moved your eyes down to your hands and you slowly moved your gaze to meet Peterā€™s.Ā 
ā€œ Why does it terrify you?ā€ Peter asked softly and now it was your turn to plead with him using your eyes as if you were saying please donā€™t make me say it.
Maybe a part of Peter knew that you wouldnā€™t admit that maybe, there was something developing between the two of you that you just couldnā€™t bring yourself to admit. But Peter knew you well and even as he read you like a book, he wanted to hear it for himself.Ā 
ā€œ Iā€™m terrified becauseā€¦ā€ You almost said it as a whisper and even Peter was having a hard time hearing you because his heart was beating so loudly,ā€ because Iā€¦ā€
You swallowed hard as you looked down at his lips and even if it was just for a second, Peter caught you staring. Peter felt his knees weaken and he was seconds away from just pulling you into his arms but it was your move.Ā 
Peter had given you all the power and while a part of him felt relieved, it didnā€™t stop him from reaching up and tucking a strand of wet hair behind your ear. This was the moment he had been waiting for.Ā 
He had given you all of the puzzle pieces you needed except he saved the last one just for you. He wanted you to put the last piece in so that way you two could step back together and admire all of the hard work you put into it.Ā 
Ā You wouldā€™ve. You were going to let him know everything and unravel in his arms because finally, you could let go.
You wanted nothing more than to pick up that stupid puzzle piece and slam it into the puzzle to show him you were serious. You were going to let your walls crumble down and for once, you were going to be fearless.Ā 
But you just couldnā€™t bring yourself to do it.Ā 
ā€œ I canā€™t,ā€ You said softly as you let go of Peterā€™s hand and practically rushed back towards the building,Ā  leaving Peter alone in the rain.Ā 
@eridanuswaveā€‹ @juliet-wintersonā€‹ @akacalumtrashā€‹ @ilovepeterparker13ā€‹
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@lemonsnipsā€‹ @adukyā€‹ @faithfullcompanionā€‹ @stopthemotherfuckingmusic
@satellitespidey @foreverparkā€‹ @marvelobsessedteenagerā€‹ @deadpoetsbackup
@zalladaneā€‹ @starcourt-sā€‹ @parkersinfinitywarā€‹ @stargazingcarolā€‹ @littlesugarbā€‹
@itsteph13ā€‹ @jennasmmithā€‹ @liljennyx3ā€‹ @harryspetā€‹ Ā @todaynotseen @oh-whatabeautiful-parkerā€‹ Ā @tiny-friggin-human @popluckbih Ā  Ā niiight-dreamerrrr Ā  Ā  sovereignparker Ā marie-is-in-the-darkbuckyboy-soldier Ā  maia030 Ā  parkershoco wolverinesbeer Ā  cherrysruin Ā sunkissdes Ā kiainspace Ā songofcosplay spideylovin write-from-the-heart Ā thatcrazywhovian09 Ā eternallyvenus thollandxmsrawog Ā idiosadeoro Ā imawkwardandhereweare foundwolvesthequeen-oni silverwolf-sama Ā inspiring-bea multiversegalaxygirl lastupidebitchette idekwho1am
silverwolf-sama Ā wishing-wanting Ā annoyinglyloudcomputer Ā faithful-music akacalumtrash Ā agusdoti Ā  panickedbrain serendipitous-amor shannonthewriter-blog Ā  Ā darth-andy Ā  farfromtom Ā  xroselights murdermornings dorbiksbitch Ā  baby-unidorn Ā  yes-multi-fandom-girl Ā multiversegalaxygirl a-disappointing-teen-author Ā rivas0309 Ā vlogsquad-wannabe Ā  spicy-embryoo Ā takemetoneverland420 teenage-tragedy Ā roxybefab Ā  hopebaker Ā timeless-crow marvel4geeks Ā desteweirdo Ā panicattheeverywherekid Ā miragee3 cjphoenix135 liawhite03 zeusmyster boinkybarnesleftarmaunicornmademedoitActionsMinimizeClose tomshufflepuffĀ  drishtisikarwarĀ  peterparkoure frantasmicĀ  jillanahollandĀ  imdoingathingmomĀ  shawni-hĀ  lukesbabylonĀ  dsl1999Ā  queenmochiĀ  heyarely16Ā  jokersqueenofchaosĀ  agusdotiĀ  karmaboundlifeĀ  lalabruhhĀ  blackloveangel13Ā  flufflymota07Ā  un-viaje-en-las-estrellasĀ  lozzyboweĀ  teenwolfrebelĀ Ā  panickedbrain
spaghetittiesbcimgayĀ Ā  itscaminow shirukitsune petersquips buckybs xroselights saucyparkerr zeusmyster msmimimerton fudgemesteveharrington 1999yanira boinkybarnesleftarmĀ  parayeet-amiright
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muffindaddystyles Ā· 3 years
š‘šŽš‹š„š’ š‘š„š•š„š‘š’š„šƒ
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Author note: Mention of drugs, sickness and blood (if you're not comfortable with it don't read it) . It mighty be heart warming fluffyyyyyy.
You're his kitten. No matter the consequences you're. Cause even in his anger sometimes (which's rare and it's on the silly go-to's) he still sticks to that pet name because he met you like that under the bus stop's shelter in a heavy rain offered you an umbrella (while you were huffing and puffing like a kitten annoyed with the weather), walked you home, had a tea with you and some chocolate chip cookies. Been bestfriends from that year and there isn't a red light to your guys wild adventuresā€”but he's been having a rough time recently. Had a cruel heart shattering breakup from a relationship that he thought was a never ending dream (she brought him happiness in a weird way he couldn't put into words) indeed it tightened your chest but his happiness's most important to you. To overcome it he's been scribbling notebooks over notebooks with lyrics that screams he miss her and the sex for the most part of it. It breaks your heart.
He's usually the one to melt all over you, give you forehead kisses, cuddles you when your periods are the bitchiest, makes you brekkie if he stays a night, runs you a bath and sometimes brings you pomegranate berried candles (he lies that he got them as a gift, he's one hell of a liar). He takes care of you with so much gentleness and helps you with study after wiping your tears and reassuring you telling you how proud he's of you. It made you guilty sometimes 'cos if you'd be in camille's place. . .you'd never be able not to get jealous. She was cool with it. Fills you with another curiosity that maybe she treated it like a fling.
He was devastated. Knocking on your door feebly. Then the moment your small confused body was under his weary gaze, boom!! It crashed upon him like a pitch storm and he fell to his knees tucking his head in your armpit crying his heart out. At that moment you felt his pain radiating to you and twisting your own stomach with a dagger, it was insufferable. He gave out no-deep scrapes but not to freak your bones muttered that he lost her. Eventually his bottled up emotions seeped into hues infront of you by passing week and to your littlest of information you got to know that they didn't ended up well in some perspectives so their relationship turned out to be a downfall. So As, you do with your girlie best-friend when she have a breakup you did it with Harry too. It didn't included feral clubbing (you left that part to his mates) but watching sappy movies that could fill your ice-cream bucket once you eat it whole, doing homemade face masks, playing drunk uno and knocking on your neighbours door to run way at last, dragging his arse to museum and in all of this you ended up convincing him to adopt a kitty (she lives with you thou).
The roles have been reversed completely!
He's been living at your flat for five weeks now. It's fading his usual cheekiness and the itch to annoy you every second he gets. Instead, it's just eating, spending bits of hours with you, going out with his mates and coming back to crash at your couch padding in your room in the wee of night demanding a warm coddle from you and that his back hurts from the cruelty of that single spring popping from the leather, staying with him when he'd wrench his stomach out in the morning. He's sensitive. His heart's soft that's one of the reason he gets hurt real quick, you admire that about him and reminds him that it's one of his qualities you're totally in love with. You're gentle with him. Giving him space and time to recover. Going with him at his friend's birthday little get together not drinking at all knowing one would have to stay sober as he chugged red wine staining his hawain shirt and when he clumsily poked his pink tongue out lazily to reach for the cigarette in her hand you tugged him back into you before he'd burn his tongue with sparkles announcing it's time to head back home and he'd be a pain in arse (a beautiful one though because his antics makes you all mushy) when he pretended to steal sandwiches from the table hiding them under his shirt saying that "'m pregnant with twins and it's hard to carry them" while you dragged him outside making him wear his coat like a stubborn toddler. Making him cupcakes sometimes, playing with his fluff of curls while he reads the book she gave him. It hurts. But, it subsides down with his single amiable glance that tells you he needs you. He always had. He always will. You give him extra forehead kisses and pecks on cheek while leaving for UNI, because it's irresistible to give dust to his pouty sulk.
It's seven in the morning when he tumbled through your door (has a key, you even brought his clothes and toothbrush from his houseā€”he even uses your strawberry scented shampoo and body wash) his nose tip blushed matching his cheeks, eyes pooling with haze and hair poking in every direction. You were studying for a class you've in an hour. When you saw his irirses blown out you arched your brow putting the cup down beside your thick book, to mingle his sadness he's experimenting different fun wild things (told you bout it and you even called Mitch to take care of him).
"How many am I, pet?" You asked walking towards him seeing him struggle to get out of his vans and your giggles echoed into coldness when he peers down at your crouched state with his gold fish-y eyes, "dunno. . . but ye'r seem like. .like a-a sunflower floatin' in me head." His lips molding around his each word agonisingly slow drawl and his voice hoarse and scratchy. "You need rest, bambi." You got him out of his jeans and socks knowing he despises to sleep with layers on. "I'll be back with you in some hours. Hmm? Then we'll snuggle into blankets, you me and. . .salsa the pussy cat." You have to control your laugh everytime you take the kitty's name (Harry's worst at giving names you were horrified when he once joked that he loves chelsea boots so much he could name his daughter Chelsea) He whines at that nodding his head but not loosening his grip from around your wrist while you tucked him under your baby green patch work quilt. It's like his brain and heart can't decide how to choose.
On your way back you got Jeff's call asking why Harry isn't picking his phone his own voice resembling that of Harry's and you know he'd be looking shit at the time. Harry was still snoring out like a bulb in bright day on his tummy and you shook him gently at first but when he didn't woke up you had to be a bit harsher. "Harry wake up pet. . . Jeff's been calling ye for since." But, not even a hum in response so you placed your finger under his nose checking if he's even alive. Gratefully he was just sleeping like a literal corpse (he argues that he isn't that bad of a sleeper but in fact he is. Everything around him would burn down and he wouldn't even change a side).
It was seven in the evening when you were preparing for dinner when he woke up grumpy. His nose scrunched up, lips quirked up as if he tasted something yucky and his gait jello. You eyed him quietly even when he came in kitchen to drink water.
"Jeff was callin'. . ." You quipped stirring the veggies before pouring soup into a bowl and sliding it his way on the counter, "I know bombarded me phone with callsā€”" He gruffed spooning a mouthful and you flinched when he tried to cool it inside his mouth with "hawahhoohaha" little sounds (he knew it was hot, he's just an impatient leech).
"Stop being a gremlin. He told me ye' aren't writing, leaving everything like a cliffhanger neither you're attending the meetings he calls you at. . . I think you're done with your mourning it's time to do what you actually love and is there for you. Your music." You frown seriously trying to put some senses into his forever high brain. He drops the spoon back and dips his brows frustratedly, pinching his eyes shut.
"Fuckin' hell. Stop being my mama!" It's not the first time you guys are arguing and you're not gonna take it to heart. You stood up towering him and jabbing your finger to his chest, "you better stop filling your system with drugs before eighteen year olds come to you thinking you're a drug dealerā€”" He snickers at that a total mocking one (you know he's doing nothing hard it's just shrooms in the safe environment otherwise you'd have never never allowed him) but still you had to bring him back to his line so it was necessary. "Piss off." He mutters still slurping on his soup and you left him there with a loud smack on his head, "Wanker."
You care about him. Always did. Always will. He's the love of your life. Even your love has nourishment of just water and lacks sunshine from your sun it's still there into existence, how could you see him like this? Wasting his precious time and energy. It's impossible.
All you heard before going to deep slumber was the tinsy creak of your main door after that it was silent and darkness until now your phone buzzed under your pillow resonating Niall's tired words. You were a wreck havoc fumbling for your coat and wallet, covering pathway to tube with shivering legs hallucinating that everyone's eyeing your fiddly self with judgemental stare even though there're few.
You rushed to Niall's doorsteps knocking like a maniac, "where's he? Is he okay? told yeā€”" You pushed him aside marching inside to look for him. "He looked fine, he's a strong guy y/n they took him to hospital." You snaps your neck raising your brows.
"What the fuck, d'ya mean hospital!?" Your heart hammering in her ribcage overthinking the worst scenarios. "Take me there. right. fuckin' now." You tell him firmly not caring even if he's high too. Niall leads you to his car heating it up in the first beat taking glances of your petite body leaning against the glass with lips sucked in, eyes watered and legs constantly on bounce so placed his hand atop your knee giving you reassuring squeeze and a genial smile.
Your pink cheeks warming up with the heat of hospital radiating your way and loud growl left your chest when your blurry vision cleared to the sight of dishelved Harry sitting on the bench outside of ER, his irirses weary, mouth stuffed with cotton and has few scratches of rashes on his elbows otherwise he's fine. With each step of yours towards him something kept breaking inside you like you're walking on the nails and it's ripping you raw. He raised his head timidly hearing footsteps and when his eyes fell over your worried state panic flashed over his features and his only gaze turned you a puddling emitting heavy sobs within you before reaching towards him. The reality of situation dawning upon you because from what Niall told you in the car that they were high trying to have some fun, drove around neighbour hood and Harry jumped out of the window and bit his tongue between his teeth resulting in heavy bleeding a deep gnash (the fuckin' dumbstick he is).
"I hate you. I hate you so fuckin' much! you bastard." You tried to shout at him but the voice that came out of your mouth was that of mice as you threw harsh blows at his chest, bottom lip jutting wet and salty tears tricking down. He wraps his hand around your wrists ushering you closer down to his chest speaking muffled, "'orry." causing you to grunt angrily into the crook of his neck.
"Sorry my ass!" When you tried to pull back he tightened his hold round your neck snuggling you warmly to him with a hum. Jeff came back with medicines and when he parted his lips to speak in his defence you ignored him wiping your tears with the heel of your palms muttering a, "I hate you guys." The drive back was silent and the walk to your flat too, you passed by him to lock yourself into your room (you wouldn't because of the fact you wouldn't be able to sleep if not sure he's okay few feets away from you). When Harry attempted to roll his tongue to make some words nothing came out but a hiss making you spin, "'s okay we'll speak in the mornin'." Saying this you headed to bed and when you were bout to turn the lamp off he was lurking at the foot of your bed with a pillow in his arms smushing his face into it and squeezing it close to his chest gesticulating you that he wants a cuddle.
"Only 'cos y're adorable." You muttered moving your bum to make space for him suppressing your cooe when he grinned showing nothing but snow cotton, fuckin' hell being this cute should be illegal! He snapped his finger to call Salsa and she instantly galloped to shrink into his side while you spooned him. You woke up to the running tap and the time you were stretching under your quilt with yawns he padded out looking healed than last night.
He got a little lisp as he spoke, "can we talk?" You nodded knuckling at your sticky eyes criss-crossing your legs. "'Forgive me kitten." He continues, "sorry fo' mistreatin' ye' last night." You shake your head not realizing tears are dropping down your collarbones.
"Please. . .I don't wanna be a party-pooper in your life. you can live your life to finest but not at the sake of your life Harryā€“ and. . . and if you're trying to invade the feelin' of sadness with all of this I don't approve it. What bout me? dunno what'll do if somethin' will happen to you, pet. S'not fair to me. is it? Just. . . love yā€”" your confessions cameflouging with sobs.
"Oh baby. ." He immediately cradled you in his embrace trying to soothe you with 'sorrys' and 'I'll never do somethin' like that again, promise'. Smooching slobery kisses all over your face and when you gazed up at him attracting him closer to your clean warm features all he did was peck the corner of your lips tenderly pulling away to pat your hair with a sigh.
"So. . .ye' love me." He teased you and you rolled your eyes grabbing his chin with your fingers, "show me your tongue." biting down your laugh when he retorted misheviously, "hmm. Wanna kiss it better?" Blowing him off with a remark that he's an utter pervert hiding the fact it splashed crimson to your neck.
"Mind makin' me poor self some brekkie?" He pouts and you giggled pecking the corner of his burgundy lips getting a timid smile in return, "in trade of?" He hip-checked you straddling Salsa over his shoulder and grabbing her little paws to expertise her in some dancey-dance moves.
"Mind bloggin' orgasmā€“ique dinner." He cackled loudly at the end when you shook your head in fake disappointment at him and he clinged by your side helping you to make some breakfast.
Think so you guys will figure it out.
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nightshade-minho Ā· 4 years
-Embers- (2)
warnings: heavy-ish suggestiveness, future smut,Ā themes of heartbreak and pain, mentioned parent death, jealousy, angry fathers.
wc: 5.7k
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It's something you've thought about, in theory. You've wondered how it feels to be heartbroken, especially when you were younger, when almost everything was of interest to your curious brain. Could a heart break? What exactly did that mean?Ā 
Mr Yang's novels were your first introduction to characters who'd gone through that pain. His books had described it as a perpetual feeling of hurt, one which a person would never get over. You wondered if it was even possible to experience pain like that. Pain so bad you felt your heart shattering.
You still remembered that day you thought about it properly for the first time.
You shut your book and looked over at Minho, who had been cloudgazing as he waited for you to finish it. Days like this were common. Minho would get you a new book every week, and the two of you would go to the lake and laze around in the sun. You often worried that Minho would find it boring to sit next to you while you read, having nothing to do. On the contrary, he was quite content with the way things were. He liked how warm the grass felt against his skin, and how calming the sounds of rippling water were as he rested his head against Aeracusā€™s side.
"Wow. That definitely didn't end on a good note." You shook your head, letting out a sigh and laying back.
Minho glanced up at you, sitting up slightly. "You finished it? So soon?"
"Mhm. I got a little too invested in the story."
"Ah. If I'd known you would read it this fast, I would have borrowed more than one from him."
"It's okay, I can wait a few days.' You say, your tone reassuring as you placed Mr Yang's precious book next to you on the grass, carefully. The man put great care into binding and writing his books, all by hand with no one to assist him. You didnā€™t want to be the one to soil his hard work.
"Good, cause I'm not going back there so soon. There's three girls who have basically set up camp outside Mr Yang's to catch a glimpse of me."
You rolled your eyes, playfully shoving him. "You act like you're a celebrity or something. We get it, you have a lot of fangirls."
"And fanboys. Some of them are quite cute actually. Just last week a dude proposed to me."
"No way. He proposed?"
"Yeah." He let out a low chuckle. "I think I recognized him from the docks. Seen him once or twice, but I've never said a word to him. I felt bad though, he was actually pretty."
"You should have said yes." You pouted, holding back a giggle. "I've always wanted to be maid of honor at a wedding."
Minho shook his head, sitting up and scooting over. Grabbing your waist, he pulled you into him, so that the both of you were curled up against his sleeping dragon.
"Maid of honor?"
"Yeah! I mean, what's the point of having a best friend if you don't get to play that crucial role in their wedding?"
Minho sighed, looking over at you with a fond smile as he bit his cheek. "Oh Y/n, what am I going to do with you? Maid of honor." He chuckled again at the exaggerated pout you flashed him, poking his side. ā€œWhatā€™s so funny?ā€
There was silence for a few minutes as he looked up at the sky, eyes running over a cloud that looked a little like a five-pointed star. Humming, he leaned in a little.
A short inhale before he whispered into your ear, lips brushing against the shell of it and making your hairs stand on end.
"I hate to break it to you Y/n, but you'll never be maid of honor at my wedding." He mumbled softly, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Cause you'll be the bride."
For a minute, a stunned look passed over your face as you comprehended his words. It took a whole 60 seconds for you to process, but soon you swatted at his hand, descending into a fit of hopeless giggles at his cheesy line. "Shut up!"
"Hey! I was being serious." he had an offended look on his face as he held your chin, making you face him again.
You looked at his expression and stopped, your cheeks flushing as you realized he meant it. Your heart was racing, your eyes blinking rapidly as your mushy mess of a brain tried to figure out what an appropriate, mature response would be.
Quickly you pushed him off you, stumbling to your feet and beginning to run. So much for being mature.
"Race you home!"
Minho watched you run, shaking his head and sighing to himself as he slowly picked himself up. If only you knew how sincere he was.
If only he knew your heart hadn't stopped pounding for the rest of the night.
Mr Yang's books had been the main contribution to your adolescent fantasies, to be honest. As the local librarian, he supplied you with a regular supply of books, but none were as satisfying as the ones he wrote himself. His writing was descriptive on another level, and pulled you in like no other author could. He was your greatest inspiration, which was why his description of heartbreak had been the one to stick with you the most, all the way to adulthood.
It was described as a lingering emotion in the back of your head, staying with you your whole life to remind you of what could have been. It was nauseating, painful and everlasting. He'd written about the emotion so intensively, that at the time you almost felt like you did truly know how it felt.
You were wrong.
Heartbreak, real heartbreak, was a lot less pain and a lot more emptiness. Yes, it did feel like all those things mentioned before- but there was more to it than that. Your heart, which had been brimming with excitement and happiness not too long ago, felt void. Dark, lifeless. It had been so sudden, so out of the blue that your emotions were a confused jumble.
Of course, there was pain too- agony, more like. Ripping through your entire being as you watched him kiss her cheek yet again. It was so all consuming, so terrifyingly excruciating.
You were across the dinner table by your father's side, the spoon in your hand held in a tight grip as you tried your best to avert your eyes from the sight. After all, you were currently sat at the table with three other chiefs and their families, as well as a few advisors and high ranking guards. You had to look refined and elegant, a person befitting the title of Emberā€™s heir- not a gawking, bitter girl staring at your once lover canoodling with his fiancĆ©e.
Finally managing to tear your eyes away, you let your eyes run over the guests that would be staying with you for the next few weeks. You reminded yourself that you were in no position to be a dejected, woeful and pathetic individual in front of all these important people. Appearances had to be kept up, or you would face dire consequences. Your fatherā€™s pride was hurt enough as it is, what with his daughter being the only one who couldnā€™t participate in the championships. You didnā€™t want to give him any more reasons to hate you.
Next to your father was the Aqua chief, his wife and their daughter- Minhoā€™s fiancĆ©e. They were dressed in blue silks, dripping with sapphires and lapides lazuli. The royal blue draped around them was deep, the fabric clearly expensive and not too unlike the dress you were wearing currently.Ā 
The Aqua heiress was the spitting image of her mother, both their faces round and their features pretty. She was dressed similarly to her parents, with a tiny diadem upon her brown locks, her gown objectively fancier than yours. She continued talking to Minho, the plate of food in front of her untouched.
You hated how beautiful he looked, dressed in white and grey. His uniform was simple, all clean lines and crisp edges. It suited him perfectly, like it was made for him. Which it probably was.Ā 
The two of them seemed to be in their own little world as Minho whispered something into her ear, making her giggle yet again. Your throat felt clogged. Blinking, you quickly looked away from them, your eyes landing on Minhoā€™s father. He looked the same as he always did, except now slightly frailer. He was wearing the same uniform as his son, although he didnā€™t quite fill it out the same way. You chewed on your lip, glancing at him one last time before turning to the Terra family.Ā 
The Terra chief was a rotund, pot-bellied man who had his attention completely focused on his plate, not contributing much to the conversation the three other chiefs were having. You couldnā€™t blame him, really- the maids had cooked up a delightful feast. You were sure youā€™d have devoured your entire plate by now if circumstances had been different. The empty feeling in your stomach was making it hard to savour the roast beef, which you reluctantly ate.Ā 
He and his wife were both dressed in earthly, neutral tones combined with deep greens- and positively covered in every kind of jewel found under the Earth. The rubies on your dress looked like chili flakes in comparison to the twinkling emeralds and gems on the Terra family.
Their son, the Terra heir, looked just as miffed as you, to be honest. He wasnā€™t as bejewelled as his parents, wearing a shade of green that provided you comfort as you looked at him. It reminded you of the grass near the lake you and Minho once frequented.
He caught your gaze suddenly. Smiling, his heart-shaped lips curving upwards. He shot a glance towards Minho and his girl, and then back at you, raising an eyebrow.
You tried your best to smile back, or give him a knowing wink, or something. But all you could do was stare blankly, your emotions having been sucked out of you. You still failed to comprehend what had happened, your brain seemingly giving up on you and leaving you alone with nothing but your broken heart for company.
Soon enough, the smile melted away from the man's face, and he looked back down at his plate, a little dejected. You felt a flash of regret, fleeting however as you suddenly felt a sharp voice whispering in your ear.
You looked up in confusion at your father, who had previously been immersed in a conversation with Minhoā€™s father and the Aqua chief. Now his face was right by your ear.
"Number one, stop staring. Youā€™re lucky Iā€™m the only one who noticed. Number two, stop by my office before you go to sleep tonight, okay? Itā€™s important." He said, voice stern.
Gulping and nodding, you watched as he turned away, diving right back into the conversation he was having. What did he possibly want to talk about? You rarely talked to your father these days, unless arguments could be counted.
You spent the rest of the meal in contemplation, staring down at your plate. Your hand moved methodically, shoving food into your mouth without actually tasting anything; All you could taste was regret.
It hurt. It hurt so fucking bad. Despite not looking up, her giggle still pierced your ears from time to time, stabbing you deep in the heart. You'd seen it...the way Minho had been looking at her. He'd once reserved such looks for you and you only. Turns out, every meaningful word he'd said back then were lies. Every promise of forever had been empty.
A small part of you reminded yourself that it wasn't his fault he was kicked out from your village. Heā€™d thought you didnā€™t oppose your father, and simply watched as he and his father was humiliated. Were you being irrational in expecting him to have stayed single until he came back to you? Hell, was it stupid to think he could even bear to glance at you after what your father had did?
Life was unpredictable, nothing was written in stone. How could he even have known he'd ever be in the same room as you again?
No. Y/n, don't do this. Don't force yourself to make up excuses for him. The man had barely cast a glance at you since he arrived. His eyes had been cold and stony the only time you'd made eye contact.Ā 
Besides, if he really knew you, he would have known you wouldnā€™t betray him like that. And if he really loved you, he would have waited. He wouldnā€™t have moved on so easily.Ā 
It was still fresh in your mind, despite having happened a few hours ago, now. The way youā€™d felt your hopes and dreams shattering to the ground in a million pieces, all in a span of a few seconds. Your heart, vibrating so fast it was almost going to implode.
As you continued drowning in your emotions, reliving the pain you'd felt, you suddenly felt a pair of eyes burning into you, sharply. Confused, you looked up, expecting the Terra heir to be the one looking back at you.
It wasn't him.
Minho quickly looked away before you could react, going back to talking to the heiress. It had only been for a second, but youā€™d caught him.
Heā€™d been staring. At you. For a second, the tiniest flash of hope lit up your heart. But it was gone quickly, as the Aqua chief started laughing boisterously at a question the Terra chief's wife had asked.
"Yes, Jisu and Minho are deeply in love, Calandra. Honestly. Why would they be getting married otherwise?" He smiled, looking over at the two who had stopped talking to listen.
"This one-" He ruffled his daughter's head, chuckling. "She was so smitten. Kept sneaking out past the border to meet him. Of course when I found out, I was more than happy to let them join hands. I couldnā€™t imagine a son better than Minho to marry my little girl."
"That's sweet." You glanced up at your father as he said the words. He seemed to be gritting his teeth in slight vexation, the annoyance on his face clear. At least, to you it was.
"The wedding will take place a month after the championships." Minho's father said suddenly, smiling proudly as he grabbed a glass of wine. "You're all invited, of course. It will take place at my village. Now, raise a glass for the happy couple!"
A few claps sounded as everyone at the table raised their glasses. You carefully avoided Jisu's shy smile and Minho's confident smirk, his arm wrapped around her shoulder firmly. As if she would break into a million pieces if he let go.
You hated that you knew exactly how he behaved when he was in love. And now you werenā€™t on the receiving end of his adoration.Ā 
You werenā€™t used to this.Ā 
Yes, youā€™d lived your life as normally as you could without him for the past few years...but this was different. He was right there, and yet he wasnā€™t yours. So close, but you couldnā€™t touch him. Couldnā€™t feel him. Couldnā€™t kiss his lips and tell him how much he meant to you.
Your eyes darted about as they tried to find an appropriate thing to focus your gaze on. You raised your glass like everyone else, downed the amber liquid a little faster than the rest. You refused to let yourself look at the two.
Your eyes landed on the Terra heir after a few seconds. You weren't completely sure what his name was, but you have a vague recollection of your father telling you everyoneā€™s names. Of course, at the time youā€™d been too overcome with excitement to digest the information.
Felix? Yes, that was it.
He seemed sweet. Friendly, even. His smile was a little sympathetic as he looked back at you, and that threw you off. You decided to put a smile on your face immediately, trying to conceal the pain that youā€™d hoped wasnā€™t evident.
Your mind flitted back and forth as everyoneā€™s plates gradually cleared up. What were you going to do after this?Ā 
Originally, you'd been planning to go to Minho's room tonight. Fuck, youā€™d dreamed of how tonight would go for months now, ever since your father had told you the news. But how could you now?Ā 
Everything was fucking disintegrating.
You walked down the hallway to your father's office, your heels clicking against the stone slabs. Your dress was starting to feel itchy, and you couldnā€™t wait to take it off. You resentfully recalled how excited youā€™d felt when your maids had helped you into it. How all you could think about was Minho seeing you in it. Youā€™d never expected him to barely acknowledge you.
Sighing, you passed through the hallway, stopping when you heard a high-pitched giggle come out of nowhere.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you glanced around you in confusion.Ā 
Another laugh, this one deeper, followed by what seemed like a...moan?
The pain came back full force, hurtling through you and overtaking you completely. As you walked, the sounds started to feel closer. You wished you could cover your ears to block them out, but at the same time you were consumed with curiosity. Was it what you think it was?
Suddenly, you heard another sound. Now, it was clear where they were coming from.
The sounds were from beyond the door that led to your father's old bedroom, the one he used to share with your mother before she died. You frowned, puzzled as you walked closer to the door.
Had he really given away that room to Minho and his fiancĆ©e? It hadn't been used in years, and had always been covered up and inaccessible. Even the maids werenā€™t allowed to clean in there. It was the biggest bedroom in the house, and the thought of it occupied by them was causing fresh tears to prick at your eyes.Ā 
You felt the lump in your throat make itself more prominent, blinking rapidly as your heart pounded. Suddenly, your legs started moving of their own accord.
Before you knew it, you were stood in front of the large door, your hand raised and knocking firmly on the gilded wood as you swallowed.
There was complete silence for a second or two, but then there were scrambling noises, along with the sound of rustling bedsheets. You tried to calm the beating of your heart, as you waited for the door to open.
When it finally did, you felt like your heart was almost about to burst out of your chest.
She was the one who opened it. She was clearly half naked, having pulled on a blue robe hastily. Running a hand through her hair, she greeted you, her voice a little shaky.
"Oh- um, helloā€¦ā€ She pressed her lips together, glancing behind her for a second. You followed her gaze, to Minho on the bed.
He was shirtless, his hair messed up and his eyes carefully trained on the wall beside him, away from you. You swallowed again, tears threatening to spill past your eyes as you quickly tried to turn your attention back to the woman in front of you.
Too late. She'd noticed. She frowned at you, subtly moving to the side a little to cover Minho from your view.
"I know we haven't formally met yet. I'm Choi Jisu, the Aqua heiress. Iā€™m sure you know." She smiled, albeit a little forced. "And I did want to thank you for letting us stay-"
There was an impatient grunt from behind her, and she looked behind back briefly before turning to you once more.
"Um, I donā€™t know if you noticed, but I was kind of in the middle of something. Sorry." She tried her best to hide her smile, her voice heavily insincere. ā€œLetā€™s talk later, Y/n. And maybe next time you wonā€™t be interrupting anything.ā€ She smiled, beginning to close the door.
You just stood there dumbfounded, not knowing how to reply. Your face was passive but your brain was overrun with thoughts. The tears would spill any minute now.Ā 
She frowned at your reaction, tilting her head before gently shutting the door in your face.
You just stood there for a moment. You could hear Minho's voice, muffled as he said something to her.
A part of you wanted to press your ear to the door and listen, but you already looked pathetic enough to the guards standing in the hallway, one of them already having flashed you a sympathetic look. You were really having enough of all this fucking sympathy.
Sighing, you dragged your feet away, trying to push everything down, but to no avail. There were too many enotions, and they were too heavy to even let you think.Ā 
You thought back to her behaviour. You'd definitely picked up on her attitude, which had soured after sheā€™d caught you looking at her fiancĆ©. Jisu wasnā€™t a fan of you, that much was clear. And neither was the person whoā€™d once declared himself your biggest fan. Ironic, really.
ā€œWho was at the door?ā€ Minho asked carefully, although heā€™d already seen you. Standing there, looking at him.Ā 
Youā€™d looked smaller, vulnerable. So, so different. Almost alarmingly so.
He tried to best to keep his tone even, eyes trained on Jisu as she slunk back to the bed, having shut the door.
ā€œThe Ember heiress.ā€ She said, a slight sting to her tone.Ā ā€œWhy do you think she came?ā€ She asked, raising an eyebrow as she sat on the edge of the bed.
ā€œI...donā€™t know.ā€ Minho muttered, staring at the bedsheets. His heart was clenching, hands starting to shake a little.Ā 
No. Not in front of Jisu.
ā€œWerenā€™t you two ā€˜best friendsā€™ once?ā€ She asked carefully, having picked up on his icy behavior. Jisu knew, of course. Despite Minho and you trying to keep it a secret, at one point the entire village came to know the two of you were in love. The information had even spread across the village, to others.Ā 
Of course, the chiefs were the only ones whoā€™d been clueless, only finding out after theyā€™d been separated.
Minho scoffed, shaking his head. He gestured to her, hooking his fingers under his boxers to pull them down.Ā ā€œForget that. Come back here, baby.ā€
Jisu raised an eyebrow, looking like she wanted to say more. However, Minhoā€™s almost naked body was difficult to resist.
Shrugging, she slid her robe off, letting the silk fall to the floor as she straddled him. His hands ran up her hips, watching her, feeling her.Ā 
His brain, however, felt like it was a million miles away.
The tears ran down your face. You were no longer able to hold them back. Realizing you were probably about to break down in the middle of the hallway, you walked faster towards the office-Ā 
Until you bumped into someone on the way, almost knocking them over.
ā€œWoah, woah, slow down.ā€ Felix chuckled, holding onto your arms to keep you on your feet.
You looked up at him, blinking as you registered what youā€™d just done. ā€œFuck- Iā€™m so sorry-ā€
ā€œNo, itā€™s okay.ā€ He smiled, realizing his hands were still on you. He quickly took them away, tucking them into his pockets. His cheeks were dusted a light pink as he cleared his throat, looking at you in concern.
You quickly wiped away your tears, but Felix had unfortunately already noticed.
ā€œHey, are you okay? I noticed... I noticed you didnā€™t seem so happy at the dinner.ā€ He said softly, looking down at you.Ā 
You remained silent, staring at the floor as you wondered how to reply. You didnā€™t want to seem any more pitiable than you already were.
ā€œUh, itā€™s okay if you donā€™t want to say anything. Iā€™m sorry if I overstepped.ā€ He shook his head, stepping back slightly. His voice was almost more nervous than yours. ā€œUm, Iā€™ll leave you be now. Sorry-ā€
You looked up, sighing. ā€œWaitā€¦ā€Ā 
Felix looked back, an expectant, almost hopeful look on his face. You didnā€™t want to let him down, you really didnā€™t...but it was difficult to pretend like you were okay. You were shivering, biting on your lip. You already felt humiliated enough.
ā€œSorry. I...I need to go, Iā€™m sorry.ā€ You mumbled, quickly walking away from a bewildered Felix. As soon as you turned the corner, you breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against the wall as your body shuddered.Ā 
Youā€™d never cried like this, not even when Caeli had died. Not even when Minho had left, because back then youā€™d still possessed some kind of hope. Hope that just wasnā€™t there anymore.
Rubbing your cheeks, you managed to get rid of the tear stains. You hoped your eyes werenā€™t too red- you werenā€™t ready for any comments from your father today. Breathing in, you continued walking, still massaging your eyes in a desperate bid to get them dry.
You groaned as you noticed youā€™d reached your fatherā€™s office quicker than you thought you would. Inhaling deeply, you tried to pull yourself together. You really didnā€™t like showing weakness in front of him, but lately that was all you did.
You knocked on the door carefully, waiting for him to open the door.
ā€œDoorā€™s open, come in.ā€
You pushed open the heavy oak door, stepping in.
"Y/n. Finally. Where have you been?"
"Nowhere important." You said quickly, clearing your throat. "Um... you said you wanted to see me, dad?"
He cleared his throat. "Yes." He rearranged the files on his desk quickly, standing and coming over to lean on the front of his desk. He sighed, screwing his face up in thought as he wondered where to start.
"I canā€™t believe Lee really scored a marriage for his son. Do you know what this means? A heir marrying an heiress? They'll possess power we canā€™t even begin to imagine." He paced back and forth, clenching his fists in barely concealed anger. You rolled your eyes slightly. Of course your father thought it was a ploy to gain power. Heā€™d never believed in love, and most probably never will.
"So? So?!ā€ He shook his head. ā€œSee, this is exactly why the villagers think youā€™re too incompetent.ā€ He glared, making you cower. Your heart pounded quicker, your lips pressing together. No more tears, you had to control them.
ā€œLook, Y/n...Iā€™ll put it plain and simple. Ember has been the most powerful for centuries. Weā€™ve always had the strongest dragons, and the sturdiest men. Our village is the largest in the country, and all eyes are on us.ā€
He pinched his forehead. ā€œDo you know how embarrassing it is that Emberā€™s heiress, the one who should be the most powerful of all, is nothing but a lovesick, pathetic little girl who doesnā€™t even have a fucking dragon to compete with?!ā€
You blinked, sniffing as you stared at the floor. You could always count on your father to reinforce negative emotions. His eyes burning into you, chest heaving in anger.Ā 
He sighed, watching as your shoulders shook slightly. Softening a little, he inhaled. It always went that way. Heā€™d blow up at you, and subsequently regret it. He couldnā€™t take back anything he said, though.
ā€œSorry, child.ā€ You remained silent, looking up a little. His face seemed sincere enough.
ā€œHm. I have an idea..." He mumbled, placing a finger on his chin. You could almost see the cogs and gears turning in his brain.
"What did you think of Felix? Nice boy, isn't he?"
You frowned at your father's words, his expression seeming innocent...but his intentions clearly weren't.
"The Terra heir?" You asked, sighing. "He seems nice. Why are you asking?"
"No reason." He shrugged, fiddling with the Ember figurine on his desk.
You groaned, rubbing your forehead. "Dad...don't tell me you want to marry me off to him."
"What?? No!" Your father shook his head vehemently, still playing with the figurine and avoiding your eyes. "I was just thinking. Uh-"
He looked back at you and sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry. But...just consider it, okay? An arranged marriage...an alliance between Ember and Terra could be phenomenal."
You pursed your lips, flashes of Minho and Jisu running through your head as you thought it over. Fuck it, why not? It wasnā€™t like you had any reason to oppose him. "Fine, dad. Iā€™ll think about it, but Iā€™m not promising anything. Besides, I donā€™t even know if heā€™s interested in me."
"I saw the way he was looking at you from across the table, child. He definitely has some curiosity, at the very least.ā€ He hummed. ā€œAnyway, that's actually not why I called you here."
You raised an eyebrow, confused as he went back to his seat, sitting down and pulling up a large, dusty book.
"Look...I'm worried. There's something ominous about this. Their marriage...it poses too many conveniences and benefits for both the chiefs to be a mere coincidence.ā€
You frowned, confused. "What do you mean?"
He looked to be deep in thought. When he heard you speak, he snapped back to attention, shaking his head. "Iā€™m not sure yet. Now, even if I managed to convince Farran to get his child married to you, it still doesnā€™t provide us power directly. Without a dragon, itā€™s likely theyā€™ll make you reside in the Terra village once this is all over.ā€ He hummed, looking like he was talking to himself rather than addressing you. ā€œNo...we need a reason to make you stay here. Youā€™re an Ember heiress, the future chief of this legendary village. However, you definitely need to look the part. You need to prove to everyone that youā€™re powerful, Y/n. Shatter their expectations...and mine.ā€ He smiled, gesturing for you to come closer.
Ā ā€œI was wondering...do you want to participate in the championships?"
Your eyes widened impossibly, your words stuttering as you moved forward. You couldnā€™t believe your ears, not one bit. It sounded too good to be true.
ā€œWait- really?ā€
ā€œBut...but I donā€™t have a drag-ā€
ā€œYou can participate with Aeracus.ā€
No. No way. For the first time since the welcoming, you felt true happiness overtake you. Jumping, you squealed in delight, barely able to hide your glee. ā€œOh my god, thank you, dad! Thank you so so much.ā€
He chuckled as he watched you, flipping a page. ā€œThis has never been done before, so expect some backlash. Iā€™m sure once they see the bond you have with Aeracus though, theyā€™ll change their minds.ā€
You couldnā€™t believe it. Your father, the most skeptical dragon purist the world had ever seen, was acknowledging your bond.
ā€œBut...what about Minho?ā€
ā€œAeracus is no longer his dragon, Y/n. He has a new one.ā€ Of course, youā€™d noticed. The huge black dragons he and his father had been riding. You felt a sensation of unease drift through you as you thought about the creatures, the likes of which youā€™d never seen before.Ā 
New lover, new dragon. Heā€™d really left this place behind.
ā€œSomethingā€™s off about those dragons.ā€ He voiced the exact same concern you had. ā€œTheyā€™re up to something. I just donā€™t know what.ā€ He turned back to his book, taking his quill back up. ā€œIā€™ll find out, though. Somehow. Now, go to sleep, kid. You have a big day tomorrow, now that youā€™re actually participating.ā€
You nodded, excitement coursing through your veins. ā€œSure, dad. Have a good night.ā€ You bowed and turned around, your steps a lot lighter as you headed to your room, which was close by.
Reaching your room, you pushed open the door, smiling as you noticed Sylvia fast asleep at your dressing table. Moving slightly closer, you gently nudged her awake.
ā€œWha- I-ā€ She shot up, mouth open as she bowed to you. ā€œIā€™m so sorry, maā€™am, I was just arranging and-Iā€™ll help you out of your dress, now-ā€
ā€œSh, itā€™s okay. Tonightā€™s been tiring. You deserve the rest.ā€ You said sadly, patting her shoulder as a yawn left your mouth. ā€œGo to sleep, and donā€™t come by tomorrow. Iā€™m perfectly capable of dressing myself. I want you to relax, okay? Head to the docks, or buy yourself some bread in the square.ā€ You opened a tiny drawer and handed a few coins to her, enough to get some sweetbread from the bakery.
She nodded thankfully. ā€œYouā€™re the best, maā€™am.ā€ She giggled, accepting the coins from you.Ā 
ā€œWhat have I told you about calling me maā€™am? Weā€™re the same age, Sylvia, it makes me uncomfortable. Itā€™s Y/n to you.ā€
ā€œFine. Y/n.ā€ She smiles, heading to the door. ā€œGood night, Y/n.ā€
You grinned widely at that. You loved how easygoing she was, unlike Ann, your head maid. You werenā€™t royalty, and hated being treated as such. A friend was all you needed, to be honest. And Sylvia managed to fill the best friend sized hole Minho had left behind, somewhat.Ā 
She closed the door behind her, and you sighed, flopping down onto your soft bed and beginning to slip off your heels and the heavy dress, carefully placing it on a rack. The moon shone extra bright today, and you noticed the streets outside were still lit up with lanterns. Soon, theyā€™d be turned off, and the streets would be quiet once more, except for a few drunken stragglers that didnā€™t want to stop celebrating.
And you would be left alone with your thoughts.
You slid yourself underneath your covers, sighing as you stared at the moon. In the distance, you could see a few dragons and their riders, flying through the air. They were quite far away, possibly near the outskirts.Ā 
Tomorrow, youā€™d be able to ride Aeracus like that, after so many years. Every time Minho had let you climb atop his dragon, it had just felt like it was meant to be. Deep down, you felt bad, though...for Caeli, for Minho. However, it was just the plain truth.
You smiled as you decided to buy Aeracus a bunch of treats tomorrow. Ostrich eggs, phoenix meat- you were planning to go all out. He deserved it, after all.
In a way, tonight had possibly been the worst night of your life, and simultaneously the best. Your heart felt pulled in two, as you closed your eyes and willed yourself to sleep.
You had a big day tomorrow.
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mythichang Ā· 3 years
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āž  pairing . . . george weasley x reader
āž  genre . . . fluff!!! pining on both parts, pretty short but i think it was a lot of sweetness šŸ˜£šŸ˜£ they ARE students!!! same grade and all that jazz
āž  warnings . . . nothing really!! although they doooo talk about butts but,,, youā€™ll seee,,,,,
āž  word count . . . 1.8k
āž  authors note . . . this is super duper late and was requested by anon so looooong ago!! i did fall out of the fandom for a bit because tiktok sort of made me realize that a lot of people were on the wrong side of my many situations, but hp will always be in my heart so here i am!!! i hope you all enjoy!!! talk to me about this imagine!! give me scenarios or ask this george and yn from this universe a question!!
āž  masterlist
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george was being quite adorable on that particular monday afternoon
you had taken your usual seat, a two-seater splat in the middle of the class
you hadnā€™t even noticed that the red head fumbled into class, excited to sit besides you as you were too engrossed in your book
it was another thriller, one that made your skin crawl but in the most satisfying way
george got to his seat besides you, a smile on his face as he watched you bite on your lip the tiniest of bit in concentration
he plopped down beside you, head tilted to watch your concentrated face
although he wasnā€™t as confident as his twin brother, he always watched from afar, eyes full of puppy love
and by afar, he meant right beside youā€” because thatā€™s where he always wasā€” right beside you
befriending you hadnā€™t been the easiest of tasks, your quietness not being filling enough for any other person
but he admired the way you didnā€™t have to yell at the top of your lungs about your excitement
or the way you could sit with anyone in silence and make them feel more comfortable than words could ever manage
really, he was sprung on yOu and only YoU
it wasnā€™t a surprise to anyone really
not with those longing looks and the way the boy follows you around like a lost puppy
a lost cute puppy albeit
you didnā€™t mind either
he was an incredibly sweet boy and managed to help you out a lot in different instances
like the way he helps you find the right words to speak to someone whenever youā€™re stuck
or helping decipher exactly what others are feeling, since you had the smallest of trouble doing a mundane thing
he helps in all of the classes you two have together and is often found getting you to pull away from your little bubble
itā€™s a great bubble, you love the bubble, itā€™s always been YOUR bubble but you didnā€™t mind stepping out of it for the red head boy with the mischievous twin brother
ā€œdid you get a chance to study for OWLs?ā€ the boy pulls you out of trance
you look up, a small smile blossoming upon your face at the sight of your favorite boys face
ā€œi did, you?ā€ you ask faintly, gently putting your book back into the small bag that helped you carry all of your books thought out the day
ā€œnot a chance.ā€
ā€œim guessing you want my notes?ā€ you turn in your seat, arm perched up on the desk as you leaned your head up on the palm of your hand
ā€œhmm, i think i would greatly appreciate it.ā€
ā€œoh, you think?ā€ you laugh softly at his words, same bright smile on your face
you could feel your mood immediately spike as you spoke to him
he was so incredibly comforting and kind, something that you couldnā€™t find often at hogwarts with rivalries blooming left to right
ā€œi'm not saying i would decline if you offered them up.ā€
ā€œwhoā€™s offering them?ā€ you feign a look of innocence as you exaggeratedly look around the classroom and back at him. ā€œi donā€™t see anyone doing that.ā€
ā€œitā€™s you. youā€™re offering them up.ā€ he softly pokes the side of your stomach, making you squirm in your seat.
ā€œask nicely and i might consider handing them over.ā€ you click your tongue and tap your wrist as if signaling that his time was almost up.
ā€œy/n, may i kindly take a look at your notes so that i donā€™t totally bomb the OWLs?ā€
ā€œi think i need a little more begging.ā€
ā€œyou suckā€
it wasnā€™t as if you wanted to be staring at him
he was just thereā€” standing there so gloriously beside his twin brother
it was no doubt that the weasley twins were popular around hogwarts
you weren't sure if it was their likability or the parties they seemed to make a thousand times more fun
whatever it was, they ravished in it, not that you cared either, even if it did get you into too many uncomfy situations
seeing george oh-so happy among the crowd of wizards was oh-so gratifying
he smiled so bright that his pearly whites shone throughout wherever he was
now was one of the moments, except you werenā€™t anywhere specialā€” just another day of sitting across the room from one another in herbology
professor sprout had separated the two of you in hopes that you wouldnā€™t mess or speak to one another in class any longer
that didnā€™t work out great,,, clearly
because now you were dazed
dazed as you watch the boy laugh and work with his brother
you werenā€™t quite sure what was going on between them but you knew you looked like one of those ridiculous people in those ridiculous romantic movies
where the main character is staring at the boy they find so attractiveā€” hearts floating around their head as they sigh out in happiness as if they were watching their entire world
ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous
but could you blame yourself? was it really your fault or was it georgeā€™s for being very cute? for having a laugh and smile that just manages to grasp your entire self?
it was georgeā€™s fault you like to think
ā€œwhat are you doing?ā€ the sudden voice makes you jump in your spot, utensils falling onto the floor with a loud clatter
you look down at the utensils out of embarrassment, not wanting to make any eye contact with anybody
ā€œsorry, didnā€™t mean to scare you.ā€ angela bends down over with you, helping pick up your things
ā€œitā€™s quite alright,ā€ you mumble softly, not exactly knowing what so say
ā€œi figure youā€™re into george.ā€ the girlā€™s sudden words throw you off, your head snapping up to look at the beautiful girl
ā€œw-what? whereā€¦ um, whereā€™d you get that? itā€™s nothing butā€¦ lies.ā€ you sputter out as quickly as possibleā€” and quite literally too loudly as many others glanced to you and the girl
you could feel your cheeks brighten up even more
a sense of deadly remorse wafts over your already flushed body as angelina gave you an unimpressed look
ā€œalright, calm down, it was just a random conclusion iā€™ve came up with.ā€
ā€œthatā€™s a crazy hypothesis!ā€ you continue to sputter out your words as if in disgust of her word
ā€œit wouldn't be that crazy, now, would it?ā€ she laughs gently as the two of you stood up, finally coming up from your crouch on the floor
ā€œheā€™s just a friendā€
ā€œitā€™s no big deal, iā€™m definitely into fred. nothing to be ashamed of.ā€
ā€œyeah, well everyone knows that.ā€ you sigh, fixing up your utilities, angelina helping you with the task
ā€œand no one knows about you and george? only so many can be as, and i mean this in the nicest way possible, oblivious as you two.ā€
ā€œwhatā€™s that supposed to mean?ā€ eyebrows scrunched, you turn to her
were you supposed to be offended? you felt as if you should but you didnā€™t care enough about it any longer
ā€œit means... make a move.ā€ she shrugs from beside you. ā€œi donā€™t think itā€™d ruin anything. if anyithing, you two could stop running circles around one another and finally make out.ā€
ā€œyou are a very crude person.ā€
ā€œmasking out is crude to you? bless your soul, no wonder you havenā€™t noticed him.ā€
and that was where the conversation stopped, only making your thoughts run 100 mph
what was she saying exactly? was george as into you as you are into him?
it made your brain feel mushy and it was a horrible feeling
one filled with anxiousness, trying to figure out exactly what being a teenager with feelings meant
but it pleasantly relaxed you to know that angelina was going through the same things as a teenager herself
having started hanging out with her and listening to her advice, you began to notice more things about george and the way he was around you
he was a lot more touchy than you ever remembered, and not in an uncomfortable wait either
but what seemed platonic and innocent to you suddenly sent an alarm through out you (again, not a bad one,,,, just a slightly nervous one)
what were you supposed to do???????
you were always told that you were HORRIBLE with emotions and confrontation
confront him about your feelings???? now how were you supposed to deal with both???
you were unnerved to no end and george was quick to catch in as well
ā€œokay, whatā€™s up your butt?ā€ at hearing georgeā€™s voice, you jump up slightly
ā€œthereā€™s nothing up my butt.ā€
ā€œyes there is. you have that look.ā€
ā€œthe ā€˜thereā€™s-something-up-my-buttā€™ look?ā€ you scoff lightly, hoping to rid of the conversation with a tiny bit of humor
ā€œexaclty the look. tell me whatā€™s wrong.ā€
ā€œnothings wrong.ā€ you shrug him off, turning back to your book, one of which you had to read the first sentence repeatedly
you couldnā€™t even sit beside him any longer without feeling as if youā€™re about to burst with terrifying feelings and hypothesis, courtesy of angelina
ā€œis someone bullying you?ā€
ā€œwhat?ā€ you turn to him in disbelief. ā€œwho would bully me?ā€
ā€œi donā€™t know,ā€ he mumbles softly not liking the reaction he managed to grab from you. ā€œjust... you look... weird.ā€
ā€œand here i thought this flimsy uniform looked great with my legs.ā€
ā€œokay sassypants, iā€™ll let you be.ā€
you sigh softly at the sight of a defeated look on him
your mother always said, ā€œif something is painful but can be rid of in an instant, rip it off like a bandaid.ā€
you always thought it was dumb, why would you rip off a bandaid? bandaids were there to make you feel better so it should be working on whatever itā€™s put on
youā€™re ridiculous
you knew you needed to stop being such a wussy, it was a bad look on you
that much you could tell at georgeā€™s hesitant looks
screw it
ā€œwant to go on a date?ā€ it was too late to stop the words from coming out.
george looks over at you, wide eyes
you felt as if time was suddenly going to slow as you awaited his answer
so far,,,? things didnā€™t look too great for you
but you werenā€™t going to strike-out immediately, maybe he was too shocked
ā€œyou want to go on a date? with me?ā€
ā€œno, actually, im asking professor snape... yes with you.ā€ your cheeks were flushed red as you refused to look the boy in the eye
ā€œsassypants is coming out again.ā€ the melodious tone of his laughter reaching your ears, making you feel at ease
ā€œiā€™d love to go on a date with you.ā€ you shut your eyes tight, hands covering your face
ā€œgoodness, i felt like i was suffocating.ā€ you mumble, embarrassment continuously coursing through your body
ā€œis that what was up your butt?ā€
ā€œyou really do have a way with words. yes, thatā€™s what was up my butt.ā€
ā€œhmm, i knew something was wrong. weirdo, you could have asked me so long ago!ā€
ā€œyou couldā€™ve told me too!ā€
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olivonie Ā· 3 years
biggest fan ; atsumu miya
(1) "maybe he's my laptop wallpaper"
synopsis ; you are the youngest bokuto, and the biggest atsumu miya fan in all history (self proclaimed) so just your luck that a threat from your older brother to go to his game ends in you meeting your celebrity crush, and trying to not freak out, but oh what chaos ensues...
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perfumers guide ; is the best friend literally just me inserting into my OWN FANFIC?? W A BOKUTO LOVE STORY? yeah fuck off let me have what i want its my fanfic motherfucker,, u, our beautiful mc, are a fangirl/boy/them/idc,, also i referred to ur friend as ur friend the whole fic, might give them an alias later on but idk for now,, tysm to my loves @scouts-ahoy and my bestie indigo for betaing for me <3 ily guys sm <3
perfume ingredients ; light cursing, rlly funny friend, fanperson-ing???, idk tw atsumu miya/j, bokuto being a butthead brother, gn reader (hopefully it comes across as such), omi being a bad friend/j,, cheesy corny romance movie esc love story <33,, written like a wattpad fanfic so sucks for u
word count ; 1388 words
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ā€œI canā€™t believe he blackmailed me like that!ā€ You cried out, standing outside the building of the volleyball game you were attending.
ā€œDonā€™t pretend you werenā€™t gonna show up anyways. Besides, he got us front row seats! Isnā€™t that awesome!ā€ Your friend of many years squealed, adjusting his shirt before turning to you with a smirk, ā€œPlus~ after, weā€™re going to dinner with your future boyfriend~ā€ They teased, and you squeaked, chasing after them as they laughed. You both got in line and entered the building, packed full of people as you talked while walking to your seats according to your tickets.
A week prior your brother, Kotaro, had burst into your room in the apartment you shared, jumping on the bed and shoving two tickets to his next game. You had said you would buy your own tickets, since you wanted to be independent and were sick of relying on "big bro ko ko" but he interrupted you, threatening that if you didnā€™t take them he would tell Atsumu, his teammate, about your ā€œbig fat enormous super fan googly disgusting mushy gushy crushā€ on him and so you begrudgingly took the tickets. You decided to go with your friend, who was more excited to see your brother than the actual game.
ā€œI can't believe youā€™re a brother bangerā€¦ā€ You murmured. Your friend turned to you, a look of mock betrayal on their face.
ā€œHoney Boo Bear! You dare think Iā€™d cheat on you my beloved snookums?!ā€ They said overdramatically and very loudly. You giggled, playing along with their antics with a smile.
ā€œPumpkin wumpkin! I can see you have feelings for another who is not me!ā€
ā€œNo! My cuddle wuddle baby poo I would never!-ā€ They said, cut off by your laughter, followed by their own. Of course, even if you were pissed at Ko for blackmailing you into going, you couldnā€™t deny your excitement to see the Atsumu Miya, who had been the apple of your eye since you first saw him play with your brother. You had created a fan twitter for him for christs sake! That fucking enamored. But, even if he was on the same team with Kotaro, you had never met him face to face.
You had dazed off and couldnā€™t see nor hear your friend, before they had shaken you back into consciousness.
ā€œOi! The game is about to start, dumbass!ā€ They said, and you turned to look, seeing both teams enter the court. Your friend screamed and chanted when they saw Kotaro, who waved at the both of you with energy filled motions. And then, as if in slow motion, entered the ā€œlove of your life.ā€
He was like a renaissance statue, carved from the finest marble and shaped into this beauty. His eyes were filled with life as he waved to all his fans, and when he swept his gaze over to where you were standing, it felt as if time stopped. It was like that scene from every cheesy romcom movie where the main characterā€™s heart pounded erratically, and just like in a movie, the breath from your lungs was stolen away. Were you in heaven? This is totally heaven right?
His eyes. Oh, his eyes. Like molten gold, the sun's reflection on a lake. Like the sweetest caramel, that you could practically taste on your tongue. Atsumu seemed frozen as well, before Shoyo came over and shook him awake, turning to the court with a single glance back at you.
ā€œOh my god I think I might die.ā€ You said, practically falling into your companions arms, who raised a brow at you.
ā€œAre you okay? What happened?ā€ They asked, a concerned expression on their face.
ā€œDid you not see?!?! We made eye contact!! For like! A minute! And now Iā€™ve fallen in love with him and I want his children!ā€ You screamed, and they clasped a hand over your mouth quickly.
ā€œOne, crowded area, donā€™t say that shit out loud. Two, whatā€™s the big deal? Werenā€™t you already in love with him?ā€ They said, tilting their head to the side to look at you.
ā€œYes but like weā€™d never made eye contact! And Iā€™m like! His biggest fan!ā€ You squeaked, your voice cracking as you cleared it, looking desperately at your friend.
ā€œHow big?ā€ They asked, and you gave an exasperated sigh.
ā€œMaybe heā€™s my laptop wallpaper..ā€ You murmured, twiddling your hands together. ā€œLaptop wallpaperā€ had been an inside joke between you two to measure the depth of your obsession. Laptop wallpaper being the biggest, and twitter profile picture being the lowest.
ā€œOh my god big bigā€¦ā€ They whispered, and you two continued to talk over your dilemma as the game went on.
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As the game came to an end, with another victory for the Jackals, the two of you ran down the steps with special access passes, also gifted to you by Kotaro, and ran to congratulate the team. There was a sappy moment where your friend jumped into Kotaroā€™s arms rambling about how amazing he was, as he walked over to you and raised his hand for a high five, which you begrudgingly gave.
ā€œYou suck, butthead.ā€ You said with a smile, and he grinned at you, as you walked off to a brooding black haired man, who was staring off in another dimension before you called his name, ā€œHey Omi! You did great!ā€ You cheered, and he turned to you with a semi-smile.
ā€œThanks little Bokuto.ā€ He said, and you rolled your eyes.
ā€œThe least you could do is say my name!ā€ ā€œI think little Bokuto works just fine.ā€
ā€œOmiiii! That is so cruel and mean! I am going to report you on Stop It!ā€ You said, and he laughed. Kiyoomi has been your friend since high school. You didnā€™t like the idea of being overshadowed by your brother, so you chose a school where no one would recognize you as his sibling, and bumped into Kiyoomi. Literally. And decided to stick around the brooding loner who preferred to eat lunch on the rooftop away from the hordes of people.
ā€œSo, did you totally fitz out when Miya came on court?ā€ He said with a knowing smirk, causing your face to heat up as you cried out in protest.
ā€œI did not!ā€
ā€œThey totally did.ā€ Shoyo interrupted, and you spun around to throw a fake punch at him. He dodged with ease and stuck his tongue out at you, and you did the same.
ā€œShut up!ā€ You yelled, groaning when the two laughed at you, ā€œIā€™m gonna wait outside for you guys! And Omi! You smell horrible!ā€ You cried, grinning in triumph at his annoyed face, looking at himself covered in sweat and sighing.
You walked out of the gym, waiting outside the doors as you said you would, opting to scroll through your phone idly.
ā€œYer Bokutoā€™s sibling right?ā€ A light voice asked by your ear, which caused you to jump and throw a punch out of instinct. A groan and head of blonde hair that youā€™d seen hundreds of times in twitter edits and your dreams made you gasp. ā€œYou sure know how to throw a punch huh? Yowch,ā€ Atsumu grunted, holding his stomach as you panicked and apologized, to which he laughed, ā€œItā€™s okay! I didnā€™t give no warninā€™ so I scared ya! I get it!ā€ He said, and you blushed profusely.
You just punched your celebrity crush in the stomach, there goes your dreams of a fanfiction type first meeting. You sighed, putting your hand out to shake his as you introduced yourself.
ā€œIā€™m Atsumu Miya.ā€ ā€œWell obviously.ā€ You said and then gasped at how rude that mustā€™ve sounded. You were about to apologize again until he laughed. He looked at you with those eyes again.
ā€œYer real funny! I hope yer goinā€™ to dinner with us, itā€™d be totally boring without ya.ā€ He said, and you nodded.
ā€œOf course, I promised my brother.ā€ You said, and he did a small fist bump, before pausing and taking out his phone, passing it to you.
ā€œPut yer number in there, pretty please.ā€ He said, and you nodded, typing your phone number and name. He smiled when you handed his phone back, checking the time before whispering curses, ā€œFuck, I still gotta change, but Iā€™ll see ya at the dinner kay? See ya round pretty!ā€ He called and you waved goodbye blushing at the compliment and chuckling before the realization set in.
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"you are so loud..."
"shut up ko you're fat."
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olivonie 2021
reblogs are welcome !! pls !!!!
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writingsfromhome Ā· 4 years
Seaside Surprise
A/N: trying a fluffy fic, Y/N and Harry attend a cousin's wedding and you wonder when it's going to be your turn.
"Ms. Y/L/N?" My assistant pokes her head into my office. She has on the type of grin on her face that I know what she's going to say. "Your boyfriend's here."
"Of course he is," I decide I wasn't going to finish this report tonight after all. I asked Harry to wait in the car but of course he came up and charmed his way to my department. Not that my department minded, they were always bursting to see him. "Tell him I'll be a moment."
I slide my laptop into its case and do a quick touch up before heading out. "Hey," I give him a loving smile but my eyes are warning him.
"Hello love," he purposely ignores my warning and gives me a peck. "You've got a lovely staff."
I can practically hear the swooning so I just grab his jacket and haul him off the chair. "They're all very lovely. Let's go before we're late. Happy weekend everyone!"
"Bye ladies," Harry stays behind and rushes to catch up. He puts his hand on the small of my back as he reaches me. "Jealous?"
"No, I just don't know why you lead them on whenever you come up here."
"Well they know their boss is my girlfriend," Harry tugs me to him and kisses the top of my head. "It's nice getting to know the people you work with."
"If that's what you want to call it," I give up on the argument. "Do you think we'll get there by 6?"
"Traffic's not as bad if we hurry, rehearsal dinner's at 7 so that's the latest."
As we step into the lift and go down to the parking garage, I think about the destination ahead. A cousin of mine was getting married, they'd rented out this old castle where a lot of the guests were staying. It sounded magical--getting married in a castle.
I look at Harry, who's backing out and starting the two hour journey there. We met a few years ago and aside from some uncertainty at the beginning, we've been going strong for four years. We talked about kids and our dream weddings but I never fully knew whether he wanted to get married. Or if he was one of the don't fix what isn't broke type. I've always secretly wanted the big wedding so I never asked Harry in case he didn't want that. It would be crushing.
"What are you so quiet about?" Harry glances over.
"Oh just thinking, about the wedding tomorrow. Dinner tonight. I'm going to see a bunch of my family, that stuff."
"Hm," he hums. To avoid further conversation I turn on the radio and settle in for the drive.
With traffic we barely make it for 7, having just enough time to look decent before heading to the dining hall. I'm excited seeing all my family and I tear up as we all gather around and catch up over dinner. We're given reminders for tomorrow and the timeline even though we all had the schedule sent to our phones.
"Are you crying again?" Harry leans in. All night he stayed by my side, his arm around me or his hand on my knee. It was comforting having him by my side.
"I'm trying not to," I dab at my eyes with the napkin. "I'm just so happy for everyone."
Harry squeezes my thigh, "You're such a romanticist as much as you deny it."
I look up at him, my heart skips a beat like we were young lovers. I felt incredibly lucky to have him and I want to tell him so I kiss him. "I am. And I'm glad you're here."
"Get a room!" One of my cousins shouts as Harry's about to respond. We break apart laughing and they tease us until we're visibly flustered. What was family for after all.
Later that night as I pin up my wet hair to sleep in, Harry sits up in bed and watches. "Is that for tomorrow?"
"Yeah, so I have nice curls in the morning. The ones you like."
"Hmm, you'll look beautiful tomorrow whatever way you do your hair." Harry says. "Even if you cut off all your hair. I would still love the way you look."
By then I was done so I get into bed beside Harry. "Is that what you want me to do? For me to cut off all my hair?"
Harry cups my face and presses a gentle kiss on my lips. He leans back and I watch his eyes on me. His thumb strokes the side of my face, when it was just the two of us like this. Quiet and alone, with Harry's undivided attention on me, I couldn't help but feel shy. So I grab his hand off my face and thread my fingers through his to have something to do. He finally responds, "I want you to do what you want."
"Well...what do I want..." I think.
"What do you want?" Harry asks back. And I have a feeling we weren't talking about hairstyles anymore. I look away, could he sense the lead up go the wedding has me thinking about him and I. Where we were headed?
"A nice holiday from work, away from the city. A cute puppy, maybe three. Hm what else...world peace, a nicer boyf-"
Harry cuts me off before I could get to the joke. He kisses me so hard I forget anything else I was going to say.
The next morning is blurry chaos and I hardly believe I'm standing at the front watching my cousin walk down the aisle in her beautiful ivory dress. I can't help it, I tear up as my heart overflows when she reaches the front and I scan the crowd for my own love. Harry also has tears in his eyes and he's beaming at me. I smile through the tears and focus my attention to the front.
As soon as the newly married couple walk down the aisle the bridesmaids burst into tears. We hug each other, we were all so happy. I find Harry in the crowd and both of our mushy romantics feelings are just heightened by everyone else. Being in love never felt so good than at a wedding surrounded by everyone you do love.
I tell Harry I'll catch up later, heading off with the bridesmaids to help the bride change for the reception.
"So when is Harry going to pop the question?" My cousin asks as I hold her dress in my hands. "How long have you two been dating?"
"Four years," I say self consciously. My cousin dated her husband for two years before he proposed.
"Do you want to get married?" One of the bridesmaid asks.
"Duh," my cousin answers for me. "Y/N remember when we were kids and we made flower crowns and pretended to have fairy weddings?"
"Oh my god," The memory rushes forward. "I forgot about that."
"That's what adulthood does," someone else says. "Makes you forget all your dreams."
"Well it's not like we haven't talked about it," I feel like I have to defend Harry. "It just hasn't been the right time."
"After three years, any time is the right time." Someone else says. I try to brush off but the comments stay with me. Was there something wrong with us, with me, that Harry wasn't proposing?
Halfway through the reception, I catch Harry talking to the groom and I wait around but he doesn't notice so I interrupt them. They both look guilty.
"Hey, congrats, welcome to the family!" I hug the groom but eye them both. "Why do you two seem suspicious?"
"We do?" Harry asks. "You need to let loose, let's dance."
I keep an eye on him but he acts normal, pulling me onto the sparse dancefloor. He tries to make me laugh with his dancing and eventually I give in.
"What's wrong?" He asks later, as the songs slow down. I rest my head on his shoulder, so he doesn't see my face. He always knew when I was lying.
"Nothing," I lie.
"Something's been bothering you since we drove here yesterday. What is it?" Harry asks again.
I sigh. "It's nothing! Just leave it."
Harry doesn't say anything, he just holds me closer. I feel selfish and ungrateful. I had a man who loved me holding me close but I wanted more. Just because everyone couldn't stop commenting on our love life.
Harry tries to cheer me up and I try my best but my mood from the morning shines through only so much. Harry doesn't push it though, even when I crawl into bed while he showers and pretend to fall asleep when he gets out. He just leaves me with a kiss on my cheek and falls asleep beside me.
"Morning," Harry says as I wake up groggy and tired from all the dancing in heels I did last night. Harry is up, and ready.
"When did you get up?" I sit up.
"Not too long ago."
"You're dressed," I point out.
"And starving! Get dressed we can get breakfast. We have to be out of here by noon."
I move like a snail, trying to work up the energy for the day. It's sad to say goodbye to everyone, it was rare for everyone to be in the same place at the same time and I was going to miss it. We get back on the road by 11. The breeze whips my hair around but I close my eyes and embrace the beautiful weather.
"Having fun?" Harry asks but I can barely hear him in the roar of the wind.
"Country air really is superior," I sit back inside. I notice we were still on back roads. "Are you sure we're going in the right direction?"
"Yes, I've got the maps pulled up."
"I think we're lost," I lean towards the phone but it shows we're on the mapped path. "Harry pull over we should look at this again."
"Y/N, we're not lost."
"Because you know this area so well? We're supposed to be on main roads by now!"
"We'll get there," Harry says calmly and it frustrates me how calm he was. I just knew we weren't heading right.
"Just pull over, at least we can know for sure."
"Just trust me, we're not lost."
"Oh my god," I look around us. "You're being really bloody stubborn Harry! I know this town and we're not driving through it like we should."
Harry doesn't respond. Like I was an annoying fly buzzing about. I cross my arms and look out the window. "If we get lost, don't ask me for help." I say my final piece and decide to ignore him back. He had the audacity to chuckle at me. I want to take my seatbelt off and strangle him with it!
As we drive further and further in the wrong direction, a cooler breeze filters into the windows.
"I think we're by the water," I sit up, my fight forgotten.
"How do you know?" Harry asks.
"Because I'm part mermaid and I know we're going in the wrong bloody direction!"
"You're so impatient," Harry mutters just as he takes a turn and a parking space comes into view. Were we headed here the whole time?
I look at Harry who has a secret smile on his face. As soon as he parks I take off his sunglasses to read him better.
"Where are we?" I can't hide the excitement. Did he plan a surprise getaway?
"You'll see," Harry walks out and opens my door for me. He holds my hand as we make our way in his direction.
"I've never been here before, when did you plan this?" I continue asking as we walk further.
"I have to cover your eyes," he says. He pulls out his tie from the wedding and I close my eyes. When I open them, it's completely dark except for a small sliver of light on the top. I listen out for Harry's distinct voice.
"Just keep walking," he instructs. "Hold my hand, you'll probably fall if you don't."
"I probably will," I laugh. "You should've told me about this, I would've packed a picnic."
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise," Harry squeezes my hand. "Okay stand here and don't take it off until I say so." His sentence fades out as he moves behind me. My heart was racing on our walk here but now it's beating out of my chest, this was why I sort of hated surprises. It made my palms slick and heart race like I was on a roller coaster.
I strain to hear Harry, the sea laps gently to the right and I can't stop my foot from tapping away in anticipation.
"Take it off," Harry says. I push it off and my breath catches.
A picnic is laid out with two baskets and a bottle on ice. But it's the chalkboard propped up in the sand that catches me by surprise. I read it, twice: marry me?
I gasp and turn around, Harry kneels on one knee and in his hands is a small velvet box, a gorgeous diamond nestled in the cloth.
"Y/N, I don't know why it took me so long to finally ask you. But will you make me the luckiest man alive and marry me?"
My voice gets stuck in my thoat as my eyes water. I just nod, that's all I could do. I drop down in front of him and pull him in, the burst of tears following suite. As he wraps his arms around me. I finally find my voice, "Yes! Of course a million yesses! I though you...I never thought you'd ask. When did you plan all this?!"
I can feel Harry's laugh. He pulls me apart, I didn't even care I probably had snot and tears on my face because the man I love takes my hand and slips the ring on my finger. I was his to-be forever. He wanted to marry me! And all my fretting over the weekend was for no reason!
"I've been planning this for weeks. I found this place and your family helped set it up this morning that's why I was up so early." He points to the distance and two people stand there waving with their cameras.
"Oh my god Harry, this is the happiest day of my life," I kiss him with everything in me. He made me so happy. I can't believe I doubted us.
"Mine too," he slowly leans me back onto the picnic blanket but I remember my family and push him off. He laughs at my embarassment. "I'll tell them to leave. Then we can have our fun?"
"Hurry back," I watch him run in their direction. They end up walking back worh him. to drop off his camera and to say congrats. As soon as they disappear into the horizon I climb onto Harry's lap and just hold his face. "You make me the happiest girl in the world. The entire universe. I love you so so so much." I kiss him with ever "so".
"Just me and you against the world forever," Harry whispers.
"Sounds perfect." I whisper back.
Harry's eyes are shining. We could hardly contain our feelings for each other, how happy we were. I lean back and form my hands into a rectangle frame. I pretend to capture it which makes Harry laugh and pull me back to him, "Just come here so I can kiss my fiancƩe."
My heart soars just hearing the word.
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kookie-doughs Ā· 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader -Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 11: Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double
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In a way, it's nice to know there are Greek gods out there, because you have somebody to blame when things go wrong. For instance, when you're walking away from a bus that's just been attacked by monster hags and blown up by lightning, and it's raining on top of everything else, most people might think that's just really bad luck; when you're a half-blood, you understand that some divine force really is trying to mess up your day. Which was actually what's happening. So there we were, Annabeth, Percy, Grover and I, walking through the woods along the New Jersey riverbank, the glow of New York City making the night sky yellow behind us, and the smell of the Hudson reeking in our noses. Percy and I walked side by side with our hand still connected. Grover was shivering and braying, his big goat eyes turned slit-pupiled and full of terror. "Three Kindly Ones. All three at once. I was pretty much in shock myself. The explosion of bus windows still rang in my ears. But Annabeth kept pulling us along, saying: "Come on! The farther away we get, the better. "All our money was back there," Percy reminded her. "Our food and clothes. Everything." "Well, maybe if you hadn't decided to jump into the fightā€”" "What did you want me to do? Let you guys get killed? I was not going to leave Y/N." "You didn't need to protect me, Percy. I would've been fine." "Sliced like sandwich bread," Grover put in, "but fine." "Shut up, goat boy," I said. Grover brayed mournfully. "Tin cans... a perfectly good bag of tin cans." We sloshed across mushy ground, through nasty twisted trees that smelled like sour laundry. After a few minutes, Annabeth fell into line next to Percy. "Look, I..." Her voice faltered. "I appreciate your coming back for us, okay? That was really brave." "We're a team, right?" She was silent for a few more steps. "It's just that if you died... aside from the fact that it would really suck for you, it would mean the quest was over. This may be my only chance to see the real world." The thunderstorm had finally let up. The city glow faded behind us, leaving us in almost total darkness. Do you want to see?
Yeah that would be nice.
It was as if it was morning, I could see everything clearly. I wandered my head to make sure I could see everything. This is cool. "You okay?" Percy asked. "Yeah," Not really a fan of the current silence I turned to Annabeth. "You haven't left Camp Half-Blood since you were seven?" I asked her. "No... only short field trips. My dadā€”" "The history professor." "Yeah. It didn't work out for me living at home. I mean, Camp Half-Blood is my home." She was rushing her words out now, as if she were afraid somebody might try to stop her. "At camp you train and train. And that's all cool and everything, but the real world is where the monsters are. That's where you learn whether you're any good or not." If I didn't know better, I could've sworn I heard doubt in her voice. "You're pretty good with that knife," I said. "You think so?" "Yeah maybe you can teach me some tricks. "Anybody who can piggyback-ride a Fury is okay by me." Percy smiled. I couldn't really see, but I thought she might've smiled. "You know," she said, "maybe I should tell you... Something funny back on the but..." Whatever she wanted to say was interrupted by a shrill toot-toot-toot, like the sound of an owl being tortured. "Hey, my reed pipes still work!" Grover cried. "If I could just remember a 'find path' song, we could get out of these woods!" He puffed out a few notes, but the tune still sounded suspiciously like Hilary Duff. Seeing a tree coming up I tried to pull Percy to avoid it but Percy immediately slammed into a tree and got a nice-size knot on his head. I suppressed my laugh by covering my mouth which made Percy glare at me. After tripping and cursing and generally feeling miserable for another mile or so, I started to see light up ahead: the colors of a neon sign. I could smell food. Fried, greasy, excellent food. I realized I hadn't eaten anything unhealthy since I'd arrived at Half-Blood Hill, where we lived on grapes, bread, cheese, and extra-lean-cut nymph-prepared barbecue. This kid needed a double cheeseburger. >We kept walking until I saw a deserted two-lane road through the trees. On the other side was a closed-down gas station, a tattered billboard for a 1990s movie, and one open business, which was the source of the neon light and the good smell. It wasn't a fast-food restaurant like I'd hoped. It was one of those weird roadside curio shops that sell lawn flamingos and wooden Indians and cement grizzly bears and stuff like that. The main building was a long, low warehouse, surrounded by acres of statuary. The neon sign above the gate was impossible for me to read, because if there's anything worse for my dyslexia than regular English, it's red cursive neon English. To me, it looked like: ATNYU MES GDERAN GOMEN MEPROUIM. "What the heck does that say?" I asked. "I don't know," Annabeth said. She loved reading so much, I'd forgotten she was dyslexic, too. Grover translated: "Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium." Flanking the entrance, as advertised, were two cement garden gnomes, ugly bearded little runts, smiling and waving, as if they were about to get their picture taken. I crossed the street, following the smell of the hamburgers. "Hey..." Grover warned. "The lights are on inside," Annabeth said. "Maybe it's open." "Snack bar," I said wistfully. "Snack bar," Percy agreed. "Snack bar," Annabeth joined. "Are you three crazy?" Grover said. "This place is weird." We ignored him. The front lot was a forest of statues: cement animals, cement children, even a cement satyr playing the pipes, which gave Grover the creeps. "Bla-ha-ha!" he bleated. "Looks like my Uncle Ferdinand!" We stopped at the warehouse door. "Don't knock," Grover pleaded. "I smell monsters." I turned to look at my knife. It had a light glow emitting from it. Probably because it was sheathed. "I think there's monsters." I was now reluctant and sided with Grover. "Grover's nose is clogged up from the Furies," Annabeth told him. "All I smell is burgers. Aren't you hungry?" "Meat!" he said scornfully. "I'm a vegetarian." "You eat cheese enchiladas and aluminum cans," Percy reminded him.. "Those are vegetables. Come on. Let's leave. These statues are... looking at me."
"Percy, I don't think---"
"It'll be fine." Percy took my hand and went in. Be careful and don't look. Then the door creaked open, and standing in front of us was a tall Middle Eastern womanā€”at least, I assumed she was Middle Eastern, because she wore a long black gown that covered everything but her hands, and her head was completely veiled. Her eyes glinted behind a curtain of black gauze, but that was about all I could make out. Her coffee-colored hands looked old, but well-manicured and elegant, so I imagined she was a grandmother who had once been a beautiful lady. >Her accent sounded vaguely Middle Eastern, too. She said, "Children, it is too late to be out all alone. Where are your parents?" "They're... um..." Annabeth started to say. "We're orphans," I said. "Orphans?" the woman said. The word sounded alien in her mouth. "But, my dears! Surely not!" "We got separated from our caravan," Percy said. "Our circus caravan. The ringmaster told us to meet him at the gas station if we got lost, but he may have forgotten, or maybe he meant a different gas station. Anyway, we're lost. Is that food I smell?" "Oh, my dears," the woman said. "You must come in, poor children. I am Aunty Em. Go straight through to the back of the warehouse, please. There is a dining area. We thanked her and went inside. Annabeth muttered to Percy, "Circus caravan?" "Always have a strategy, right?" "Your head is full of kelp." The warehouse was filled with more statuesā€”people in all different poses, wearing all different outfits and with different expressions on their faces. I was thinking you'd have to have a pretty huge garden to fit even one of these statues, because they were all life-size. I was anxious so I tighten my grip on Percy.Ā  It's stupid for walking into a strange lady's shop like that just because we were hungry. For a child of Athena, Annabeth sure isn't making wise decisions. I mean yeah I agree, you've never smelled Aunty Em's burgers. The aroma was like laughing gas in the dentist's chairā€”it made everything else go away.Ā  But Grover's nervous whimpers, and the way the statues' eyes seemed to follow me, to add the fact that Aunty Em had locked the door behind us. Made me more cautious. Sure enough, there it was at the back of the warehouse, a fast-food counter with a grill, a soda fountain, a pretzel heater, and a nacho cheese dispenser. Everything you could want, plus a few steel picnic tables out front. "Please, sit down," Aunty Em said "Awesome," Percy said. "Um," Grover said reluctantly, "we don't have any money, ma'am." Aunty Em said, "No, no, children. No money. This is a special case, yes? It is my treat, for such nice orphans." "Thank you, ma'am," Annabeth said. Aunty Em stiffened, as if Annabeth had done something wrong, but then the old woman relaxed just as quickly, I had to turn to Annabeth to check if there was something wrong with her.. Quite all right, Annabeth," she said. "You have such beautiful gray eyes, child."Ā  I wonder how she knew Annabeth's name, even though we had never introduced ourselves. "Percy, I want to leave..." I whispered. "Just a few bites Y/N. Don't worry." He gave me a reassuring pat. Our hostess disappeared behind the snack counter and started cooking. Before we knew it, she'd brought us plastic trays heaped with double cheeseburgers, vanilla shakes, and XXL servings of French fries. I wasn't gulfing down my food like Percy was.Ā Ā Grover picked at the fries, and eyed the tray's waxed paper liner as if he might go for that, but he still looked too nervous to eat. Annabeth slurped her shake. "What's that hissing noise?" he asked. I listened, but didn't hear anything. Annabeth shook her head. "Hissing?" Aunty Em asked. "Perhaps you hear the deep-fryer oil. You have keen ears, Grover." "I take vitamins. For my ears." "That's admirable," she said. "But please, relax." I don't like it here. I'm scared. Be wary of all things. Aunty Em ate nothing. She hadn't taken off her headdress, even to cook, and now she sat forward and interlaced her fingers and watched us eat. It was a little unsettling, having someone stare at me when I couldn't see her face, and I figured the least I could do was try to make small talk with our hostess. "So, you sell gnomes," I said, trying to sound interested. "Oh, yes," Aunty Em said. "And animals. And people. Anything for the garden. Custom orders. Statuary is very popular, you know." "A lot of business on this road?" "Not so much, no. Since the highway was built... most cars, they do not go this way now. I must cherish every customer I get. My neck tingled, as if somebody else was looking at me. I turned, but it was just a statue of a young girl holding an Easter basket. The detail was incredible, much better than you see in most garden statues. But something was wrong with her face. It looked as if she were startled, or even terrified."Ah," Aunty Em said sadly. "You notice some of my creations do not turn out well. They are marred. They do not sell. The face is the hardest to get right. Always the face." "You make these statues yourself?" Percy asked. "Oh, yes. Once upon a time, I had two sisters to help me in the business, but they have passed on, and Aunty Em is alone. I have only my statues. This is why I make them, you see. They are my company." The sadness in her voice sounded so deep and so real that I couldn't help feeling sorry for her. Annabeth had stopped eating. She sat forward and said, "Two sisters?" "It's a terrible story," Aunty Em said. "Not one for children, really. You see, Annabeth, a bad woman was jealous of me, long ago, when I was young. I had a... a boyfriend, you know, and this bad woman was determined to break us apart. She caused a terrible accident. My sisters stayed by me. They shared my bad fortune as long as they could, but eventually they passed on. They faded away. I alone have survived, but at a price. Such a price." Annabeth gave me a look of worry. I knew she realized something. "Percy?" I shook him to get his attention. "Maybe we should go. I mean, the ringmaster will be waiting." Grover was eating the waxed paper off the tray now, but if Aunty Em found that strange, she didn't say anything. "Such beautiful gray eyes," Aunty Em told Annabeth again. "My, yes, it has been a long time since I've seen gray eyes like those." She reached out as if to stroke Annabeth's cheek, but Annabeth stood up abruptly. "We really should go." "Yes!" Grover swallowed his waxed paper and stood up. "The ringmaster is waiting! Right!" "Please, dears," Aunty Em pleaded. "I so rarely get to be with children. Before you go, won't you at least sit for a pose?" "A pose?" Annabeth asked warily. "A photograph. I will use it to model a new statue set. Children are so popular, you see. Everyone loves children." Annabeth shifted her weight from foot to foot. "I don't think we can, ma'am. Come on, Percyā€”" "Sure we can," Percy said. "It's just a photo, Annabeth. What's the harm?" "Percy, I don't want to..."Ā  "It's just a photo guys." "Indeed it is just a photo Y/N," the woman purred. "No harm." I could tell Annabeth didn't like it as well, but she allowed Aunty Em to lead us back out the front door, into the garden of statues. Aunty Em directed us to a park bench next to the stone satyr. "Now," she said, "I'll just position you correctly. The young girls in the middle, I think, and the two young gentlemen on either side." "Not much light for a photo," I remarked. But joke's on her I could see quite clearly. Don't look. "Oh, enough," Aunty Em said. "Enough for us to see each other, yes?" "Where's your camera?" Grover asked. Aunty Em stepped back, as if to admire the shot. "Now, the face is the most difficult. Can you smile for me please, everyone? A large smile?" Grover glanced at the cement satyr next to him, and mumbled, "That sure does look like Uncle Ferdinand." "Grover," Aunty Em chastised, "look this way, dear." She still had no camera in her hands. "Percyā€”" Annabeth said. "I will just be a moment," Aunty Em said. "You know, I can't see you very well in this cursed veil...." "Percy, something's wrong," I insisted. "Wrong?" Aunty Em said, reaching up to undo the wrap around her head. "Not at all, dear. I have such noble company tonight. What could be wrong?" "That is Uncle Ferdinand!" Grover gasped. DON'T LOOK. Annabeth turned to my direction, "Look away from her!" she then shouted. She whipped her Yankees cap onto her head and vanished. Her invisible hands pushed Grover and and I pulled Percy with me. We were on the ground, looking at Aunt Em's sandaled feet. I could hear Grover scrambling off in one direction, Annabeth in another. "Percy, we have to move!" I shook him. But he was too dazed to move. Then I heard a strange, rasping sound above me. My eyes rose to Aunty Em's hands, which had turned gnarled and warty, with sharp bronze talons for fingernails. Percy was about to look higher then her hands and I instinctively covered his eyes. "Don't look!" More raspingā€”the sound of tiny snakes, right above me, from... from about where Aunty Em's head would be. "Run!" Grover bleated. I heard him racing across the gravel, yelling, "Maia!" to kick-start his flying sneakers. "Percy we have to move please!" "Such a pity to destroy a handsome young face," she said soothingly. "Stay with me, Percy. All you have to do is look up." "Percy please!" Percy pushed my hand away and looked to one side. I turned to look as well and saw one of those glass spheres people put in gardensā€” a gazing ball. I could see Aunty Em's dark reflection in the orange glass; her headdress was gone, revealing her face as a shimmering pale circle. Her hair was moving, writhing like serpents. Aunty Em. Aunty "M." How did Medusa die in the myth? But I couldn't think. Something told me that in the myth Medusa had been asleep when she was attacked by my namesake, Perseus. She wasn't anywhere near asleep now. If she wanted, she could take those talons right now and rake open my face. "The Gray-Eyed One did this to me," Medusa said, and she didn't sound anything like a monster. Her voice invited me to look up, to sympathize with a poor old grandmother. "Annabeth's mother, the cursed Athena, turned me from a beautiful woman into this." "Don't listen to her!" Annabeth's voice shouted, somewhere in the statuary. "Y/N carry Percy!" "Silence!" Medusa snarled. Then her voice modulated back to a comforting purr. "You see why I must destroy the girl, Percy. She is my enemy's daughter. I shall crush her statue to dust. But you, dear Percy, you need not suffer. We won't even hurt, Y/N." I swung Percy's arm around my shoulder. But he was too heavy.Ā  "No," he muttered trying to make his legs move... "Do you really want to help the gods?" Medusa asked. "Do you understand what awaits you on this foolish quest? What will happen if you reach the Underworld? Do not be a pawn of the Olympians, my dear. You would be better off as a statue. Less pain. Less pain." "Y/N!" Behind me, I heard a buzzing sound, like a two-hundred-pound hummingbird in a nosedive. Grover yelled, "Duck!" I turned, and there he was in the night sky, flying in from twelve o'clock with his winged shoes fluttering, Grover, holding a tree branch the size of a baseball bat. His eyes were shut tight, his head twitched from side to side. He was navigating by ears and nose alone. "Duck!" he yelled again. "I'll get her!" I tackled Percy to the other side. Thwack! Then Medusa roared with rage. "You miserable satyr," she snarled. "I'll add you to my collection!" "That was for Uncle Ferdinand!" Grover yelled back. Pulling along an out of a dazed Percy we scrambled away and hid in the statuary while Grover swooped down for another pass. Ker-whack! "Arrgh!" Medusa yelled, her snake-hair hissing and spitting. Right next to me, Annabeth's voice said, "Y/N! Percy!" Percy jumped so high his feet nearly cleared a garden gnome. "Jeez! Don't do that!" Annabeth took off her Yankees cap and became visible. 'You have to cut her head off." "What? Are you crazy? Let's get out of here." "Medusa is a menace. She's evil. I'd kill her myself, but..." Annabeth swallowed, as if she were about to make a difficult admission. "But you've got the better weapon. Besides, I'd never get close to her. She'd slice me to bits because of my mother. Youā€”you've got a chance." "What? I can'tā€”" "Look, do you want her turning more innocent people into statues?" She pointed to a pair of statue lovers, a man and a woman with their arms around each other, turned to stone by the monster. Annabeth grabbed a green gazing ball from a nearby pedestal. "A polished shield would be better." She studied the sphere critically. "The convexity will cause some distortion. The reflection's size should be off by a factor ofā€”" "Would you speak English?" "I am!" She tossed him the glass ball. "Just look at her in the glass. Never look at her directly." "Hey, guys!" Grover yelled somewhere above us. "I think she's unconscious!" "Roooaaarrr!" "Maybe not," Grover corrected. He went in for another pass with the tree branch. "Hurry," Annabeth told him. "Grover's got a great nose, but he'll eventually crash." Percy took out his pen and uncapped it. The bronze blade of Riptide showed. He turned to me and gave the glass then offered a hand. "Percy you can't be seriously bring her along!?" "I'll go with him." Taking his hand, weĀ followed the hissing and spitting sounds of Medusa's hair. I raised the glass so I could guide us. I kept my eyes locked on the gazing ball so I would only glimpse Medusa's reflection, not the real thing. Then, in the green tinted glass, I saw her. Grover was coming in for another turn at bat, but this time he flew a little too low. Medusa grabbed the stick and pulled him off course. He tumbled through the air and crashed into the arms of a stone grizzly bear with a painful "Ummphh!" Medusa was about to lunge at him when I yelled, "Hey!" We advanced on her. I had let go of Percy's hand to bring out my knife. So if she charged, I could help Percy. But she let us approachā€”twenty feet, ten feet. I could see the reflection of her face now. Surely it wasn't really that ugly. The green swirls of the gazing ball must be distorting it, making it look worse. "You wouldn't harm an old woman, Percy," she crooned. "I know you wouldn't." I could tell he hesitated. From the cement grizzly, Grover moaned, "Percy, don't listen to her!" Medusa cackled. "Too late." She lunged at him with her talons. I ran and raised my knife to block her talons, Percy then swung his sword, then we heard a sickening shlock!, then a hiss like wind rushing out of a cavernā€”the sound of a monster disintegrating. Something fell to the ground next to my foot. It took all my willpower not to look. I could feel warm ooze soaking into my sock, little dying snake heads tugging at my shoelaces. "Oh, yuck," Percy said. His eyes were still tightly closed, but I guess he could hear the thing gurgling and steaming. "Mega-yuck." Annabeth came up next to us, her eyes fixed on the sky. She was holding Medusa's black veil. She said, "Don't move." >Very, very carefully, without looking down, she knelt and draped the monster's head in black cloth, then picked it up. It was still dripping green juice. "Are you okay?" Percy asked me, his voice trembling. "Yeah," I decided. "Why didn't... why didn't the head evaporate?" "Once you sever it, it becomes a spoil of war," she said. "Same as your minotaur horn. But don't unwrap the head. It can still petrify you." Grover moaned as he climbed down from the grizzly statue. He had a big welt on his forehead. His green rasta cap hung from one of his little goat horns, and his fake feet had been knocked off his hooves. The magic sneakers were flying aimlessly around his head. "The Red Baron," Percy said. "Good job, man." He managed a bashful grin. "That really was not fun, though. Well, the hitting-her-with-a-stick part, that was fun. But crashing into a concrete bear? Not fun." He snatched his shoes out of the air. "I didn't know Grover got Luke's shoes."Ā  Percy recapped his sword. "I can't fly." He shrugged. Ā Together, the four of us stumbled back to the warehouse We found some old plastic grocery bags behind the snack counter and double-wrapped Medusa's head. We plopped it on the table where we'd eaten dinner and sat around it, too exhausted to speak. Finally Percy said, "So we have Athena to thank for this monster?" Annabeth flashed me an irritated look. "Your dad, actually. Don't you remember? Medusa was Poseidon's girlfriend. They decided to meet in my mother's temple. That's why Athena turned her into a monster. Medusa and her two sisters who had helped her get into the temple, they became the three gorgons. That's why Medusa wanted to slice me up, but she wanted to preserve you as a nice statue. She's still sweet on your dad. You probably reminded her of him." "Oh, so now it's my fault we met Medusa." Annabeth straightened. In a bad imitation of my voice, she said: "'It's just a photo, Annabeth. What's the harm?'" "Forget it," I said. "You're impossible." "You're insufferable." "You'reā€”" "You're both loud and stupid." I growled. "Yeah!" Grover interrupted. "You two are giving me a migraine, and satyrs don't even get migraines. What are we going to do with the head?" I stared at the thing. One little snake was hanging out of a hole in the plastic. The words printed on the side of the bag said: WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! I was angry, not just with Annabeth or her mom, but with all the gods for this whole quest, for getting us blown off the road and in two major fights the very first day out from camp. At this rate, we'd never make it to L.A. alive, much less before the summer solstice. What had Medusa said? Do not be a pawn of the Olympians, my dear. You would be better off as a statue. Percy and I shared a look. We got up. "I'll be back." "Percy, Y/N," Annabeth called after me. "What are youā€”" We searched the back of the warehouse until I found Medusa's office. Her account book showed her six most recent sales, all shipments to the Underworld to decorate Hades and Persephone's garden. According to one freight bill, the Underworld's billing address was DOA Recording Studios, West Hollywood, California. I folded up the bill and stuffed it in my pocket. In the cash register I found twenty dollars, a few golden drachmas, and some packing slips for Hermes Overnight Express, each with a little leather bag attached for coins.Ā  "Found one." Percy called. We went back to the picnic table, packed up Medusa's head, and filled out a delivery slip: The Gods >Mount Olympus 600th Floor, >Empire State Building New York, NY With best wishes, PERCY JACKSON <3 Y/N L/N "They're not going to like that," Grover warned. "They'll think you're impertinent." I poured some golden drachmas in the pouch. As soon as I closed it, there was a sound like a cash register. The package floated off the table and disappeared with a pop! "I am impertinent," Percy said. I looked at Annabeth, daring her to criticize. She didn't. She seemed resigned to the fact that we had a major talent for ticking off the gods. "Great, well Fred and George," she muttered. "We need a new plan."
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alotsgonnachange Ā· 3 years
Mystic Messenger Saeranā€™s AE Thoughts (.......And Prayers..) #Spoilerz
Hello, I just finished Saeranā€™s after ending and I have a lot of things to say and I am going to write it down while I'm still all keyed up about it.
First of allā€¦ Please DO NOT ask me how much money I spent to finish this as fast as I didā€¦. Iā€™m grown but my bank account is certainly going to have a good ole fashioned CHUCKLE at thisā€¦.. Itā€™s been a long quarantine I deserve a lil happiness as a treat methinks!
I have been playing this absolutely insane game since I think 2016? When I first started playing the deep routes had JUST come out I think? And I was just finishing up high school and am now a college grad...lmao
Iā€™ve played all routes at least once except Jaehee but iā€™ve seen walkthroughs of her route (Iā€™ve heard it makes you hate Jumin and heā€™s my favorite so um. hehe). Vā€™s and Saeranā€™s routes I found to be so emotionally intense and justā€¦.a lot and I've been waiting a long ass god damn time for this after ending okayā€¦. I would theorize and make up an ending in my head but iā€™m no writer so it was hard to figure out lol. Iā€™m a Jumin stan mostly but I love everybody and yeah I should probably play that jumin dlc too but I need like a DAY to recover from Saeranā€™s AE. Enough about me HERE are my thoughts on it overall
Major Saeran AE Spoilers under da cut!
Can we please discuss V showing up to the C+R conference room with basically chloroform and made everybody Pass Out like??? I was alone in my room at like midnight just SCREAMING at my phone???? And the creepy ass CG ???? Itā€™s like that gif of sarah paulson from ahs being like ā€œI put arsenic in the wineā€¦.and the pastaā€
Anyway I screamed at V a lot during this process!!
Loved RFA being sweet and kind to saeran (before V fucking drugged themā€¦)
This is such common V behavior ā€œI have to do it all myself...thereā€™s no other way..ā€ GIRL SHUT UPPP You do this every route....
SO many CGā€™s and I enjoy them a lot
Saeranā€™s sprite looks a little TOO crisp compared to everyone else but maybe its a glitch??? V next to him is in 480p while saeran is like 1080p
Hearing both Saeran and Saeyoung missing the other brother the whole time??? PAIN. All my homies know is PAIN
BOSS and his V for Vendetta ass guy fawkes mask??? I literally yelled ā€œthis game is TERRIBLE!!ā€ several times at my phone
Their dad is so>??????? When he was sitting on the couch with saeyoung in that one CG while simultaneously telling him to kill himself?????????? Maybe chairman han is actually the best dad in this game somehow
When V and Rika were like weā€™re back together teehee teehee okay pack it up bonnie and clyde ..
When chairman han calls u and says hes jealous of u and saeranā€¦..HUH????? Iā€™m calling HR
When they go to the apartment and see boss and vanderwood and poor saeyoung is sitting there seeing his brother for the first time in years i wanted to D word sooooo bad like PAIN...PAINā€¦.
Can we HAVE A DISCUSSION ABOUT JUMIN HAN BEING THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME AND HE LOST EVERYTHING IN THIS AEā€¦ā€¦. he just took the blame and moved on jumin what the hellā€¦.. I love him so much r we serious? He watched his 2 closest friends betray him in the worst way and found out abt how Rika abused Saeyoung and Saeran???? I felt just AWFUL. Terrible ...Terribleā€¦.
Rikaā€™s change in demeanor from Saeran's actual route is certainly a Choice. I find her much more bearable this time around and unfortunately i think I was too nice to her and ended up with a bad end LMFAO
I was happy to see Saeran stand up for himself and become stronger and confident. You go king!
The CG of Yoosung laying in Zenā€™s lap is everything to meā€¦
HOWEVER YUP I sure did get a bad ending and I was so mad fdsafdskfdhsf ! (I would be happy to clarify how I got the good one the second time.) MAKE SURE To SAVE EARLY in days 2 and 3 bc the branches on day 4 is where the bad end will show up. For me it was the first day 4 chat and then a story mode titled ā€œSAVIORā€.... If you see that RUN FOR THE HILLS!!
I was so mad! But I had saved in day 2 and replayed and MANAGED to get good end
Iā€™m obsessed with everyone calling V and Rika ā€œthat psychotic coupleā€ likeā€¦..its true its trueā€¦
No those two are so toxicā€¦ Vā€™s route was torture watching them go on and on about the sun like yo can yall just call each other babe like normal people.
I respect straight people but not V and RIka that shit was just wrongā€¦ Straight marriage was a mistake
Oh lord i also FULLY Forgot Rika killed the twinsā€™ motherā€¦. Yeah that scene was um Certainly a lot but it needed to happen eventually
Like itā€™s good they know but damn that storyline is just so bleak
I think it was satisfying TO A DEGREEā€¦.To see Rika understand where she was wrong, why she was wrong, fess up and even APOLOGIZE! I was very surprised.
Saeran and Saeyoung are Certainly twins with the amount that those two self sacrifice in every route MY GODā€¦..
The scene with Jumin talking to his father and the other scene of him praying oh my god I cannot tell you how happy I was to see him begin to understand and address his own feelings in a route that was not his own. My main problem with Juminā€™s route has always been the trapping MC in his penthouse aspect.. This way Jumin understands love and emotions without being overly possessive !!! YAY also loved seeing him be on good terms with his dad who was surprisingly profound
That last Story mode was Really a Lotā€¦. and Strange things occurred which I will get into in just a minute
Jumin becoming a politician is so funny but ngl ā€¦ i see it.
Yoosung going to france to study pastries ok king I see u! (it made more sense to me than the vet thing anyway)
Lastly Zen FURRY ERA
MY BEEF With the AE
I was happy with how they handled it for the most part. I think Cheritz heard our feedback about Vā€™s after ending and was like okayā€¦.letā€™s try something different
Saeranā€¦. Sweet kind saeranā€¦ IS SO AFFECTIONATE HAHAā€¦.
He must have said I love you like 300 timesā€¦..very mushy gushy flowery language...and maybe thatā€™s just his personality but for me it was like eating cake with buttercream cake. It means well, but god damn is it sugary and going to cause a stomach ache later.
He was justā€¦ SO MUCH! SO forward and ON all the time in his affections. I honestly felt kind of smothered and by day 3 and 4 I was sooooo over all the complimentsā€¦ King youā€™ve come a very long way, but ur still putting MC on a pedestal and probably need to see a therapist.
Nextlyā€¦.Rika and Vā€¦.. Naw that knock out gas really ...that hurt lol. Coming from ā€œI would do anything to protect RFAā€ V? Idk likeā€¦. EYE felt betrayed reading that. It was just hurtful. I canā€™t even imagine how the members would have felt as they were passing out. It was just so cruel. I suppose I understand why but like?? Just TERRIBLE
Them being in cahoots with the agency and the prime minister..HUH??? Also too much
V just felt so irresponsible like I do understand that he ended up in a weird web of secrets thatā€™s hard to untangle but heā€™s so fucking stubborn heā€™s SO stubborn it makes me insane. Like sirā€¦ It seems like in other routes he wanted to try to protect Rika and the RFA.. But in this AE it seems more to me that he was like yeah iā€™m protecting Rika and Thatā€™s Itā€¦ so fucking hurtful to me. Both of yā€™all apologize ESPECIALLY to the twins and Jumin..
The forgiveness thingā€¦ā€¦ Okay so I think some people will not like that Saeran decided to ā€œforgiveā€ the people who hurt him (Rika, V, Saejoong, his mother). I would point out that I actually think this was approached somewhat well. He says at one point that he doesnā€™t think theyā€™re good or bad, just people. I think he sounded mature and like this was the way for him personally to accomplish his healing process. Would I have loved for Saeran to flip V and Rika off and kick Saejoong off a cliff? Yea I really would. But likeā€¦. If thatā€™s what HE needs to do to heal then who am I to judge?
HOWEVERā€¦. Everything Eye just said goes out the window when the scenes at the end with Saejoong come upā€¦ I was PERPLEXED. Like why did he HUG his deranged father who just kicked the shit out of him??? Also all the chat options that MC has with him r like blah blah youā€™re like this because no one loves you were so corny to me LMFAOOOO?
AND WHEN HE WAS IN THE ROOM LATER WITH SAERANā€¦ iā€™m sorry but if that were me I would have called a nurse to deck his ass. Cool he turned himself in YOU SUCK SOOOO BAD AND I NEVER WANT YOU TO COME NEAR SAEYOUNG AND SAERAN AGAIN THANKS.
*scratches ass* I wish I got to see saeyoung and saeran finally sit down and have that first conversation after a long time and hug CG but the ending was fine I GUESSā€¦.. I dont care about ROMANCE I want those boys to be happy brothers together
Anyway that was really emotionally exhausting but I fr think I got it out of my system after literal yearsā€¦ And I can rest in peace knowing the choi twins are happy. THATS ALL I WANTED TO KNOW!!!!
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ectoplasmer Ā· 2 years
ā¤ļøā™¦ļøā™ ļøšŸ’­ā€¼ļø
ā€” @amys-cringe-cabinet šŸ’™
^^!!! okay so the thing about my music tastes is that itā€™s very inconsistent and constantly jumping between genres and/or tone, so if we go from some obscure indie artist to the most main stream thing ever do not be concerned that is just how my brain works- so!! here we go!!
ā™„ļø: Describes your F/O
oooh, describesā€¦ thisā€™ll be fun to try and figure outā€¦. I think for Marik specifically, when it comes to ā€œdescribingā€, I Am by Foot Ox comes to mind. A few lines specifically make me think of him, but most of this is association with the whole mind-controlling-the-ghouls thing.
Life Itself by Glass Animals is a song that instantly makes me think of Ryou; it was either this or Season 2 Episode 3, but I feel like the former describes Ryou better while the latter is more what I associate with his and Bakuraā€™s interactions.
I was so tempted to say Bremen by PigPen Theatre Co. butā€¦. Mask of My Own Face by Lemon Demon is definitely a Bakura song, no doubt. Bremen is probably more of a Thief King song.
Chop Suey! by System of a Down. No further commentary. (jk itā€™s just that everytime I hear that latter half I think of Melvin and Marik and itā€™s become a bad habit so of course it finds itā€™s way here)
ā™¦ļø: Describes your S/I
okay so guilty confession I have an s/i playlist set up BUT it was originally for my homestuck s/i, so I haven't updated it since like... september. Howeverrrr, scrolling through my songs for a bit, I suppose the song Slumber by SlĆøtface is fitting enough for Ghostie!! I think she's a bit too much of an NPC as of now for me to completely be sure, but the little movie references and descriptions throughout the song are fitting enough for her I believe. also that chorus gets me feeling some way so she gets just a pinch of angst to her. just as a treat </3
ā™ ļø: Describes your relationship
was very very tempted just to say their tag names because those songs are the ones Iā€™m all stupid and mushy over (With You I Feel Alive and Spooky Ghosts by SNCKPCK) but that felt too easyā€¦. so these two get an extra song!!
Muddy Knees by Dayz N Daze was a second response to this prompt for Marik, because the attitude of the song and upbeat-quick-pace tune reminds me a lot of him. Coffee Breath by Sofia Mills is already a song I associate with Ryou a considerable amount, so I thought itā€™d fit here nicely.
Jelly Bones by The Unicorns because let me think for a second that Bakura would be even slightly as soft for me as I am for him u.u (and i could totally see him being overdramatic over the fact heā€™s in loveā€¦ the dork >-<)
Mainly based more off the tune and build up if that makes sense?? But Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second by STRFKR for Melvin because *shakes song around in the container of a brain I have*
šŸ’­: You like to daydream about the two of you to
Crave You by Flight Facilities and Giselle just applying to everyone because it is my go-to yearning song- but for individually:
Something by The Beatles.
Like or Like Like by Miniature Tigers (rolls around on the floor like an idiot this one specific song. I swear-).
Midnight, The Stars and You by Al Bowlly, Ray Noble & His Orchestra (yes this is just because itā€™s from The Shining).
And, lastly, Valentine, Texas by Mitski.
ā€¼ļø: Reminds you of when you first found your F/O
I was into Detroit: Become Human in the following weeks before I picked up Yu-Gi-Oh! again, so looking through a character playlist I made during that short lived interest, I believe I listened to Who Are You Really? by Mikky Ekko a ton before and after getting into the show, so I think that could count as a catchall for when I first ā€œmet themā€. I also listened to a handful of Jack Stauberā€™s shorter songs, so I think those could fit in here too. Nothing really comes to mind of when I really met them, since most of my experience watching this show were through half awake late night phone screens and beading kandi cuffs while paying legit no attention :P. Buuuutā€¦. Specific Jack Stauber songs that make me think of when I first started this show are Get Ahold of Yourself, Love and Co., Just Take My Wallet and Mr Backwards !!!
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wild-flower-art Ā· 4 years
The Old Guard- Andy x Reader (F/F)
This started off as a weird dream and I had to jot it down...I was inspired and started writing a chapter 2. If yā€™all like this I might post the 2nd chapter. Iā€™ve never written a fanfic before, so any constructive criticism is welcome! (Iā€™ll probably name this if it gains traction)Ā Ā Enjoy!Ā 
The Old Guard- Chapter 1: What the Fuck Did I Just Get Myself Into? (first-person POV-- 1,434 word count)
This isnā€™t how I pictured my Thursday evening to go. I was supposed to have a chill night at home, with some tequila, take out, and a bad yet so good sci-fi b-movie. Ā With blood caking my shirt, writhing in pain as the synapses shoot off pain between neurons like fireworks, yup, this is DEFINITELY not how I pictured my night to go.
Iā€™m going in and out of consciousness, but all the while Iā€™m aware of a few things going on around me. The sound of bullets leaving barrels and hitting bodies and cement blocks. Blades slicing flesh. The sound of men and women yelling, some in anger, others in pain. But the main thing I keep focusing on is the sight of a woman, crouched down next to me, her hand pressed firmly on my diaphragm, trying in vain to keep my blood inside my body. How is she shooting at these people with such precision?
ā€œGuys a little help here! Sheā€™s not gonna make it!ā€ She turns to me with something that looks like concern painted over clear eyes, making her forehead scrunch up. ā€œWhy did you do that, you stupid girl?ā€
Why did I do- ohā€¦.right. I jumped in front of her. I heard a fight break out, I was trying to get civilians out of the way of bullets. I saw a goon point a gun at this woman who had been helping me get people out of the way, and I jumped in front without thinking. (Y/N), you fucking idiot. What are you gonna do now that youā€™re bleeding out on the floor? You sure as hell canā€™t watch that bad b-movie anymore, thatā€™s what youā€™re NOT gonna do. Oh fuck, itā€™s going black again and my hearing is becoming more muffled. Is this it? After all Iā€™ve been through, this is how the universe if getting me to finally die? Could be worseā€¦.god sheā€™s stunning.
*everything goes black*
Iā€™m in a basement in my firefighter suit, trying to get to the cries for help I keep hearing. The further into the basement I go, the further away the screams become and the darker and smokier the room becomes until the flames consume me. I can hear myself breathing heavily, shakingā€¦.shakingā€¦.shakingā€¦.
Iā€™m jolted awake, sweat covering my face and neckā€¦where the hell am I? And whoā€™s hands are squeezing my arms? Another beautiful woman? Am I in heaven? I move to speak, but she stops me ā€œHey hey itā€™s okay. Youā€™re gonna be okay. Just donā€™t move.ā€ She gets up to leave and Iā€™m left in this bed by myself. Itā€™s a semi-comfortable bed, the walls around me look like theyā€™re rock? Cement? I donā€™t know, thereā€™s not much lighting other than a few candles that are lit and a light coming in from under the door from which the woman stepped out of. I see black figures moving underneathā€¦who are they? Are they gonna hurt me? Before I can start trying to answer my own questions, the door opens gently, revealing the woman who was just over me, shaking me awake, with her hair slicked back into cornrows revealing a beautiful young face. Behind her are two men, walking tightly close to each otherā€¦are they holding hands? Right behind them is the woman who I jumped in front of, whose hand was covered in my blood. She looks so relieved yet angryā€¦.or is that fear I see?
They come rushing in to check on me, but they keep their distance. They look awkwardly at me like they donā€™t know what to do with themselves. The one who steps up is the youngest looking of the group, the woman who had been over me just a moment ago. ā€œHey, youā€™re safe now. My name is Nile. Weā€™re here to help you.ā€ She starts toward the bandages over my diaphragm, but then stops suddenly when she sees my muscles twitch. She looks up at me questioningly, nonverbally asking for permission to touch the bandages. I nod after a beat, bracing myself for the pain I know Iā€™m about to feel. I try to look anywhere but where sheā€™s touching, out of sight out of mind kind of thing. Iā€™m clenching my jaw, probably on the verge of cracking my teeth, and looking up at the ceiling. That starts losing its appeal and my eyes wonder over to the people looking over Nileā€™s shoulder paying close attention to what sheā€™s doing, taking mental notes. The two who are closest to Nile in proximity are two men; one with curly hair and a darker complexion compared to his counterpart, who is holding him tightly by the hand, his thumb rubbing over the otherā€™s knuckles.
The woman behind them is looking on, quite pale, and with cuts littering her face. She looks uneasy, but also intimidatingly gorgeous and stoic. Sheā€™s smaller in stature compared to the other two gentlemen, so just south of 6 ft? Her angular dark haircut only adding to the severeness of her eyes, leaving nothing soft about her. Before I can shift my eyes to avoid being seen gawking at her, she moves her icy blue eyes from the bandages to my (E/C) ones. Something close to sorrow flashes in her eyes. The softness is alarming, but just as quickly as it appears it leaves her face. She turns her attention back towards my bandages, which are just about done being wrapped up. It still hurt, no matter how much I was trying to distract myself. Nile and the two men behind her admire her handy work. Iā€™m trying not to cry from the throbbing, hot pain radiating from my upper abdomen, and Iā€™m trying not to look at the woman behind them so as not to make it awkward. Sheā€™s the protector of them, I can tell. How sheā€™s hovering over them like a hawk, wide eyed and alert.
Before I can ask any questions, the two men behind Nile finally realize a person is attached to the bandages and introduce themselves. ā€œI apologize for staring, my name is Joe, and this right here is Nicky.ā€, he says so lovingly, with his hand lightly squeezing the back of Nickyā€™s neck. Itā€™s quite beautiful. It makes me feel mushy inside. Nicky nods at me and smiles, I smile back and reply, ā€œIā€™m (Y/N). Thank you for looking after meā€¦but where am I?ā€ Nicky replies, ā€œNo, it is us who should be thanking you for--ā€œ, before he can finish his response the woman behind him interjects. ā€œYou are at our safe house. We will keep you safe here while you recover, but it would be in your best interest to leave as soon as you are better.ā€ Joe and Nicky look back at her and start speaking in what sounds like Italian, ā€œNon possiamo lasciarla andare senza una spiegazione, Andy.ā€ ā€œChe cosa?...ā€, she bites back, her voice lowering as she continues. I speak a little Spanish, but in her hushed and rushed biting tone, it was hard to understand her, but I know she was disagreeing with what they had just said.
I sense tension and move to sit up. ā€œI shouldnā€™t stay here longer than I have to.ā€ Nile moves to get some pillows propped up behind my back. ā€œThatā€™s not necessary, youā€™ll stay here as long as it takes. We canā€™t risk you getting hurt or worse if we couldā€™ve prevented it. You need fluids, Iā€™ll be right back.ā€ As she leaves she throws a glance to the other three who are arguing in a hushed tone. Iā€™m too tired to try and eaves drop and understand what theyā€™re saying. Itā€™s obvious Iā€™m not wanted here for too long, so in a day or so when Iā€™m feeling better Iā€™ll just leave in the middle of the night or something. Nile comes back with some water, some slices of bread, and fruit. ā€œI donā€™t know how hungry you are, but you should try to eat something.ā€ ā€œThank youā€, I nod. ā€œWeā€™ll leave this door closed for some privacy, but open just enough so you can holler if you need anything.ā€ She, Joe, and Nicky all smile at me and turn to walk out. The woman I saved stays behind for a moment and awkwardly hovers over the corner of the bed, her eyebrows furrowing as sheā€™s contemplating on doing or saying something.
Finally, she speaks, ā€œIā€™m Andromache, but you can call me Andy.ā€, and with that she moves swiftly out of the room, almost without sound.
What the fuck did I just get myself into?
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