#no but the conversation is stupid
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Why should I use my body to protect you? I have my sword. I'm not stupid 《Wang Yibo to Xiao Zhan - 2018》
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jedi-starbird · 2 months
Obi-Wan: oh? who's this?
Cody, who's been carting around an orange cat he found sleeping in Obi-Wan’s discarded robe all day, and assumed that his general had been transformed due to standard Force Bullshit™️: ...no one. apparently.
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dinozaurtual · 7 months
its weird how as israelis, or even just as jews in general, as soon as you extend sympathy towards the people who were massacred on october 7th u immediately get blamed for "supporting israel" and "not holding your state accountable".
when its like. WE are the ones who have been fighting non-stop to make our government and military officials take responsibility for this. WE have been begging our leaders to take accountability while u guys are sitting there overseas typing out shit like "its actually okay to murder babies as long as theyre settler babies"
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sparemoon · 8 months
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tfw you have butterfingers and immediately click that bedroll after securing a bang with astarion so you end up looking like an insane horny person with zero patience
im so mad i missed like the entire tiefling party because of this lmaooo
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amielot · 7 months
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My doodles of foal!dream from the HGAU. A serious little guy.
Dream: *mumbling his problems out loud as kids do* "Desire says my laugh is stupid, what do you think?"
Random bird: *shrug*
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angst-and-fajitas · 1 year
I think loveless aros deserve a thousand dollars for every time someone claims that love is the meaning of everything or love makes us human etc etc
"by love we mean all forms of love, including nonromantic!!1!" You clearly Do Not understand. Return to start, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.
There is no center of the universe, there is no unified meaning of everything, and there is no social or biological trait that "makes us human" besides the literal being humans thing, and any attempt to assert otherwise will other and alienate more people. There is no one emotion that you need to feel in order to be a good person or even a person at all
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itsaceokay · 17 days
For someone who doesn't like coming out to people you'd think I'd be a whole lot better at pretending to be straight.
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chromxena · 2 months
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i'll hold on to your glove
(crack treated seriously with a tiny amount of angst <3)
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mr-malumm · 3 months
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Just some bullshit from the insane mv discord 😭🤣💋
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babygirl-diaz · 1 month
Drunk Buck: You promise we'll be best friends for life? Drunk Eddie: Yeah, silly, we'll be best friends for life and beyond Drunk Buck, giggling: It's to infinity and beyond Drunk Eddie, giggling: You've got a friend in me Drunk Buck: I'm not in you yet Drunk Eddie: What? Drunk Buck: What?
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coldemergency · 1 month
Ron: Wow, get a load of this guy lol
Tom: He already has
Harry: …Tom… don’t
Tom: Multiple times in fact. Sometimes more than once if you get my drift
Harry: omg
Ron: I regret everything that has led to this moment in time
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sophysourpatch · 2 months
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I’m trying something new with these
Have fun
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jondoe279 · 4 months
atp i genuinely doooon’t care if the old guard two is the worst thing put to film i just want to see the best character of all time (andromache the scythian) and her loser henchmen and everyone’s favorite girl nile freeman again
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redysetdare · 11 months
I'm tired of repulsed "positivity" posts always having "but romance negativity is bad" tacked on, as if t comes along with repulsion. Because Repulsion positivity needs a disclaimer because we are always seen as being negative. it's always "Sex and romance repulsion is valid AS LONG AS you're not Sex negative ^^" never just "Sex and romance repulsion is valid." end of sentence.
this ALWAYS happens on repulsed posts. We are always paired with sex negativity. And Im so sick and fucking tired of it. You never see this on sex and romance favorable posts. you never see people tack on how favorable people shouldn't push toxic sex positivity and shame people for not having sex.
I do not care if you think repulsed people are "prone to being sex negative" that thought process alone SHOWS that you don't understand us and don't fully support us. I hate you. I'm tired. It's obvious you see us as less willing of support all because you assume we are sex negative, a sentiment that gets tacked onto us for simply expressing our repulsion. I hate you. I'm tired.
I'm tired.
I'm tired.
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kindlingkeen · 2 months
It kills me that rhato has Jason having spent all this time in the mountains with the all caste meditating and working through his inner conflicts and he winds up able to manifest his soul into swords that kill true evil and then he hardly uses them. Also what is true evil? Since it is his soul is it based on his understanding of evil? If so then DC let my boy kill the joker with his soul swords! You owe him one after like 40 years of classism and victim blaming and disrespect!
Friend, I’m afraid you and I are going to be waiting a looooong time for dc to do right by Jason. Pretty sure the world economy will be collapsing in the face of a second viral apocalypse, and dc will still be happily publishing bullshit dragging Jay through the mud.
I totally agree, the all blades are such a missed opportunity. I love the idea of Jason ‘Robin gives me magic’ Todd as Red ‘I’m actually fucking magic’ Hood. And they would totally shish kabob the joker. He’s true evil by anyone’s definition.
In fact, given the joker’s cockroach like tendency to come back from just about anything, seems like magic soul swords are just the thing to kill him dead for good. And is it really murder if it’s done with magic soul swords? Sounds like divine intervention to me. Batman can’t throw you in Arkham for carrying out spiritual destiny, right? Hmm … this is sounding more and more like a good fic prompt 👀
Thanks for the ask, anon!! 💙
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spookberry · 2 months
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I put them next to each other casually without much thought, but I've had to redraw them in this set up so many different times in the development of this project that I kinda ship them now??? like why are they always lookin at each other like that
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