#my only light source is my phone and flashlight
aroacefanartist · 1 year
i was thinking abt how usagi and leo are related (like via their shows) and realized they could technically met bc turtleverse
then i thought abt how that means they have an advantage on miles x mikey but then i realized they dont actually so yeah
basically what im saying is any of these characters could meet (especially bc of miles dimension hopping)
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fancassticfiction · 2 months
Okay, so having a panic attack because I was caught at a Mexican restaurant in a storm that led to a fucking tornado warning and 80 mph winds with my teacher besties on a teachers only day was not the vibe.
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peatmosses · 2 years
Big bug tried to fly into my scootchie 😞
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himimosa · 10 months
attractive things bsd men do pt. I
you know there are things men do without being aware that makes them look hot (fixing watch, undoing tie to relax) I will try to add some more~
dazai, ranpo, atsushi
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Dazai Osamu: not averting his eyes from you
You had no idea how you ended up here...
It was 2 in the morning... You were barely keeping your eyes open. And your cute, handsome idiot boyfriend was happily sitting next to you, while you were driving... He was singing along to a song, shouting to be exact...
"Dazai, listen to me... I am not even awake enough to comprehend this shit. But if you think again that... it would be a good idea... to wake me up.. at 2 in the morning... just to drive... god knows whose car... to god knows where... i will make sure that-"
(You couldn't finish your threat. To be honest you didn't know how to finish. You can't use death threats on this man, he would happily accept it...)
"Oh come on darling, don't be like that... I am sure you will love it once we arrive... We even have some good stuff!" He swung two different wine bottles in his hands. You side-eyed him with suspicion
"Did you just take them from torpedo? Dazai please put them back, I am not gonna get drunk at this hour and I am sure the owner of the car wouldn't like that-" You suddenly stopped with the realization
"Dazai please tell me you didn't steal Chuuya's car and wine.."
Dazai smiled innocently "If this is gonna make you feel better, then yeah I didn't steal Chuuya's car or debit card or wine..."
"I-I...HOW DID YOU EVEN TAKE HIS DEBIT CARD? AND FOR WHAT?... You know what, nevermind-"
"And we arrived... Park somewhere, we are going out"
You raised your brows with confusion. There was nothing around you, not even a single building or light source, everywhere was so dark that you couldn't even see a thing. You used your phone flashlight to get out of the car "Dazai, where are we? And what the hell are we going to do in this dark, I can't see anything at all"
Dazai chuckled lightly and pulled you from your waist. He locked his hands behind you loosely "Close your flashlight and look up"
When you did, your eyes widened with the view. Your usual sight of pitch black sky was covered with a blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. They seemed so far yet so close at the same time...
"Dazai... this is...ethereal..." you could only whisper then you turn your gaze to him. He was directly looking into your eyes
"I know..." he said. "...this view is worth it.."
You couldn't help but feel flustered. You were used to Dazai's not averting his eyes from you whenever he was with you, he was always looking at your eyes like he was studying what lays beneath them. But you have never felt this aware of them until now...
"..thank you" you murmured while wrapping your arms around his bandaged neck
He responded with a kiss which could mean a lot of things...
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Edogawa Ranpo: being aware of his surroundings and acting thoughtful
"Y/N, I am getting tired~..." Ranpo whined again for the 4th time in the last 15 minutes. You sighed. Taking care of all minors of Ada at the same time would be easier than accompanying your man-child boyfriend to the crime scene, you were sure about that...
"Okay, honey... Let's take a break here" You stopped inside the park you were walking in and put your bag on the bank near you.
Your boyfriend cheered with excitement and lay on the bank as if he walked for miles. You looked around and saw a convenience store.
"I will go and grab some water for us. You can wait here.." Ranpo only raised his thumb, he didn't even get up from the bank he was laying
Not even after 5 minutes, you were coming back with water bottles in your hand. You almost dropped the bottles with what you just saw. Your boyfriend was hugging so cheerfully with a young woman. When Ranpo saw you, he waved his hand with excitement "Y/N look who I found! It has been so long that I haven't met with Hanako, my best friend!"
You frowned. You were sure that Ranpo didn't have any friends but Ada members and Poe... Before you say anything, Ranpo kept on rambling. And they started to tell you stories that you weren't involved at all... You couldn't help but feel bad when you got left-out by your own boyfriend...
After 10 minutes that passed like hell for you, Ranpo suddenly turned his head somewhere, only to remove his hand from Hanako's shoulders "I believe they left, you are safe now miss..." Before you could comprehend those words, the girl started to bow and thanking "I don't know how to thank you, you saved me from that creep-.." and she turned to you this time, only to bow again "I am so grateful for you too, thanks for your cover, I am saved..."
"It's okay... Here, this is our agency's number" Ranpo pulled out the agency's card from his pocket "If he or any other thing bothers you again, you can call us to get help..."
After she left, you looked at your boyfriend with your mouth agape. Ranpo looked at you and sighed "You really didn't notice the creep who was following that woman? He was probably gonna follow her to her house but he left after seeing she wasn't alone... Well, I guess being an amazing detective is not that easy-..." You shut him up by giving a peck to his lips "You are an amazing detective Ranpo.. and an amazing man..."
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Nakajima Atsushi: putting his hand on your waist to guide
You looked at the little memo on your hand. You were near to the address Ranpo gave you, as the smooth detective he was, he had already solved the mystery behind the case and sent you there to find the evidence.
As you were getting nearer, you couldn't help but feel uneasy. You always knew Yokohama was not the safest city. Other than the port mafia, there were a lot of gangs, criminals, and sins between these slums...
You could feel the gazes on you while you kept walking. When you sensed some people started to follow you, you couldn't help but sigh. You definitely were strong enough to defend yourself from a bunch of bandits but you would wish to avoid as much as possible... All you want was quickly finish your job, return to the office, and write your report.
"Y/N!.." You turn your back only to meet with Atsushi and you smiled brightly. It felt nice to see a familiar face in that gloomy street, you waved your hand with excitement to greet him.
Atsushi waved you back and then looked around him shortly. A frown appeared between his eyebrows, he gave a cold stare to the suspicious types who have been following you. You couldn't help but to smile to yourself, seeing your cute coworker could make a face like that was something else...
Atsushi came close to you and asked for the address. After you showed him the memo, he smiled sweetly at you "You are very close to finding it! May I accompany you, then we can return to the office together?"
You couldn't say no, him accompanying you might have suspend the others... "Of course, let's go!" you said.
While you were walking he started to ask questions about the details, and you started to explain the case to him. While you doing that, you felt a light touch on your back first, then that light touch became a light hold around your waist. You slightly checked the fingers on your waist and looked at him. Atsushi was acting like he did nothing "..and then?" he asked while guiding you with his hand to take a turn...
You couldn't help but feel a little abashed yet you didn't say anything. You felt safe and protected and you appreciated him for that. Maybe he would do the same thing when you were going back? (but God forbid if Dazai saw you like that...)
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thefanficmonster · 3 months
Hiii could i request a nate hardy x reader for the video in the Yorktown Memorial hospital?? People have had like earrings ripped out and i was thinking maybe on the solo investigations the reader gets their earring ripped out and scream and nate freaks out?? srry if it’s too much details 😭😭
Hi sweetie! Thank you so much for your request, hope you enjoy how I've executed it ❤
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Hostile Presence
Pairing: Nate Hardy x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Paranormal Investigations, Aggressive spirit activity, Minor blood warning, Swearing
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, PRF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: see request above
The light from the camera covers less than seven feet ahead, just enough to light the group so you are visible on video and nothing more. Everything around you is washed out in complete darkness. Your eyes are playing tricks on you each time you try looking past the circle of light and try to pinpoint where the random noises you're hearing are coming from.
Shadows are merging and forming rather terrifying shapes, footstep-like sounds are echoing off the walls and the five of you have to maintain some sense of calmness. Still, none of you can remain completely still when a particularly loud crash comes from behind you, causing all hands to lift off of the planchet as all five heads turn to seek out the source of the terrifying sound. What you all fail to see is the few millimeters the planchet moves without any sort of physical contact from any of you.
"Whaaat was that....?" Sam rarely lets the fear he feels bleed into his voice but it's clear he is pretty shaken up.
And so are you, past the point of being able to express it into words. You'd be completely freaked out had your boyfriend Nate not been there. His unoccupied hand has been comfortingly resting on the small of your back, letting you know that despite how charged things get, you're safe and have him by your side.
Suddenly, you hear what you can only describe as a heavy sigh directly in your left ear. Startled, you whirl around to look at Seth, hoping to God it was him you heard but your hopes are quickly nipped in the bud when you see he's taken a few steps into the darkness, shining his phone flashlight around the vicinity to see if there may be a bat flying around, making all these sounds.
Before you can raise your concerns regarding the strange noise seemingly only you heard, you feel a sharp sting in your ear, causing you to hiss through your teeth.
"Oh shit!" Just as you reach up to touch the aching spot you all collectively hear a clink of something small hitting the floor. Looking down to find the dropped item is futile considering you see nothing but darkness.
However, a quick touch to your earlobe and a flash from Seth's phone confirm that your earring has somehow unclipped itself and fallen from your ear.
"No fucking way!" Nate is the first to voice his confusion and shock as he bends down to retrieve the small earring and examine it between his fingers. "It's not even unclipped! What the fuck?!"
Pulling your hand back, you find a small droplet of blood on the tip of your finger, "Oh my fucking God...." You can't even find it in you to panic out loudly the way it sounds in your head. Instead, you're barely stringing words together, muttering them semi-cohesively.
Luckily, Nate is quick to pick up on what's put such a tremor in your voice. And hands, and entire body at this point. "Fuck....ok....Hey, hey, hey, let me see." He can see the pure panic that's hollowing out your gaze into a thousand yard stare. He's doing his best to keep you grounded and stable while he too is shaking. He moves your hair to the side to have a look at your ear, wiping the little blood that's left. "What just happened...?"
"Didn't he say people would have earrings ripped out on tours and stuff?" Colby asks, referring to their tour guide who is still hanging around outside the premises in case of emergencies, "This place is known for physically hostile activity." You try and focus on the rationality of his words and calmness of his tone but your heart is thumping too loud in your ears to be able to hear anything else.
It only slows down once you feel Nate's arms wrap around you, your cheek resting on his chest. You hear his own heartbeat racing, pounding against his ribcage but it is a calming sound you can focus on rather than your heavy breathing. Focusing on any of your overdrive-set bodily functions would be a recipe for disaster.
Instead, you find comfort in Nate's warm and safe embrace. You can barely make out the reassuring words he's whispering in your hair but just hearing his voice and knowing that he's got you no matter what, it's enough to slowly settle your heart into a somewhat normal rhythm.
"It's ok. You're ok, baby. I'm here." It may take a minute, but you will, indeed be ok eventually. Your three best friends and your boyfriend are here for you and although they can't physically do much to protect you, the emotional comfort is more than enough for you.
"I know, I know..." You mutter, your voice muffled by his shirt but he still manages to hear you, acknowledging your statement with a kiss to the crown of your head.
In a couple of days it'll be nothing but a cool story to look back on and tell people. In a week you'll once again visit another haunted place with Nate, Seth, Sam and Colby. In a year you'll have forgotten it. Or maybe not.
Then again, how many people can say they've had an earring ripped out by an angry spirit?
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vienssunshine · 10 months
Obviously It's Cold in the Wintertime
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pairing: Josh Washington x gn reader sfw word count: 2.3k alternate universe: no Josh prank author’s comment: Until Dawn is the ideal choice for one of my favorite tropes: needing to be close for warmth/body heat.
The lodge is freezing.
You hold the quilt tight to your shivering body, trying to pull it closer than it already is, but the winter air is uncaring. It slips under your quilt and settles over you like an additional blanket, not one of comfort, but ice.
The only clothes you packed to face the harsh winter up on the mountain were ones you’d wear outside, like your puffer jacket or beanie. You didn’t think you’d need to prepare for the weather inside as well, and your choice of sleepwear—athletic shorts and a baggy t-shirt—reflects that.
You wish Josh had reminded you that despite his family’s profuse wealth, their lodge has no central heating. But, you can’t blame him for your mistake, and he's had a lot going on anyway. Regardless, you’ll still have to bother him about your situation because, despite your best efforts, it's impossible to fall asleep like this.  
Sitting up in your bed, you pull the quilt off your legs, removing the little warmth it provided. There’s a relief, though fleeting, from the pervasive cold when a tingle of excitement shoots down your spine from knowing you’re about to go see Josh, alone, and at night.  
Your hand reaches out into the dark to search the top of the nightstand for your phone, finding and turning it on after a few seconds of fumbling around. You click on the phone's flashlight—there’s no electricity in this place, either—and use it to find your slippers and the guest room door. 
The glow from your phone does little to demystify the dark, empty void staring back at you when you pull the door open. It’s an intimidating task, to navigate the endless twists, turns, and, according to Josh, secret passages of the lodge. Thankfully, the dusty glass of the windows allows the deep blue of the night sky to seep into the cabin and illuminate the general silhouette of things like the main staircase and the circular chandelier hanging above you. 
You make your way through the living room, using your phone to avoid obstacles like couches and tables, and head up the tall staircase. Your footsteps echo through the open air as you climb, but aren’t loud enough to wake anybody up. 
Keeping close to the handrail lining the hallway, you walk down to the last door, Josh’s door, and place a few soft knocks on it.
You hear his voice through the wood. “Yeah?” 
He's awake, perfect. You creak the door open and slip into the room. “Hey, it’s me.” 
“Oh, what a nice surprise,” Josh says, grinning. You return the smile.
You turn off your phone flashlight and walk into his room, having to squint to see where you’re going in the dim light. Josh is sitting on his bed, his back relaxed on a large pillow pressed against the headboard. He’s in pajamas too, a black sweatshirt and flannel pants. The only source of light in the room is a movie projected onto the wall by an old-timey camera set up by his side of the bed. He flicks a button on the top of the camera, pausing the movie, and turns to you. 
“So, what can I do for you?” he asks. 
Josh tilts his head, “There must be some reason you’re in my room at,” he glances at his phone, “two in the morning.” 
“Oh, right. I came to see if you had any extra blankets or something? It’s, uh, really cold in my room.”
A mischievous smile. “Y’know, I bet I could help warm you up. No blankets necessary.” 
“I’m serious, Josh,” you respond, rolling your eyes. Though you don’t betray it, his comment, cliché as it may be, sends a tingle similar to earlier up your back. 
“Okay, okay,” he surrenders, throwing his hands up, “I’ll be serious.” 
“Thank you,” you respond. It’s not that you would mind if he kept flirting with you, it’s just that you need to warm up, you're barely able to feel your fingers.
Josh runs his eyes over you. “Well, no matter what I do, you’re still gonna be cold in that,” he says, giving your PJs a disapproving look. 
You shift your weight under his gaze. “Yeah, well, I forgot there’s no heat up here,” you say.
“Rookie mistake,” Josh laughs, standing up from his bed and walking around it to reach the dresser made of dark wood on the other side. He pulls the middle drawer open by its antique handles and takes one of his sweatshirts out, bringing it over to you. “This should help.”
As he hands it to you, your fingers brush his. “Wow, you do feel cold,” he remarks. 
“What, did you think I was lying?” you tease, giving him a light push. “Thanks for the sweatshirt.” 
“Yeah, of course,” he says, watching you pull it over your head.
The extra layer was a good call, you aren’t shaking anymore. You note another benefit of the sweatshirt: it smells just like him.
“That’s so much better,” you say, and a pleased smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “And the extra blankets? Are there any?” you ask. 
He rubs his neck, “Right, about that…”
“Oh, are there none in the lodge?” you say, holding the edges of the hoodie to your face, trying to warm your ears. 
“Well, no…see…” Josh says, “I already gave the extra blankets to Mike.”
You frown. Mike. Your friend group isn’t full of angels, but you have a particular dislike for Mr. Class President.
With a huff, you say, “I don’t see why you did that, I’m sure he and Jess can keep plenty warm together.”
“Mike said he needed all the blankets to make his room a cozy, romantic love den. His words, not mine. My hands were tied, I had to help a bro out.”
Your brows furrow, still baffled by how Mike managed to convince Josh to give him every single blanket there was to spare. That conniving, silver-tongued little-
“But hey,” Josh says, “You can just take some of mine.” He steps back and gestures to the bed with his hand. 
“I’m not taking your blankets, Josh,” you answer, despite how persuasive the chilled air is being.
“C’mon, you’re freezing,” he insists, picking your hand up from your side, “Your fingers are as cold as ice.” 
Unlike yours, his hand is warm. You press your lips together, your heart in your throat from a simple touch that feels nicer than it should.
“I’ll be fine,” you lie, pulling your hand away. “Really. I don’t want to take your blankets from you.” 
He looks at the bed, then you, the bed, and then back at you. “Okay, we can share instead,” he says with a shrug, as if his suggestion were no big deal.
Your eyes widen. “Um…are you serious?” you ask. 
“Didn’t I promise I was going to be serious from now on?” he says. When you don’t move, he continues, “Really, I don’t mind. I’d actually love to have someone to watch this movie with.” He smirks before finishing with, “If it’s not too scary for you.”
You scoff, self-consciousness forgotten. “I’m not scared of some movie.” 
“I don’t believe you,” he teases, sitting down on the bed and moving over to make space.
“Really,” you insist, “I’m not.” 
“Then come join me,” he says, patting the spot next to him.
Your eyes run over the soft bedding with the same caution you’d have for a battlefield. Then, a step forward takes you to the edge of the bed, and you lower yourself down onto the mattress. Josh waits until you kick off your slippers and slide under his comforter before unpausing the movie, a small, victorious smile on his lips. You’d usually be more annoyed, hating to lose, but gratitude takes over as the gentle warmth of the blankets begins to ease the edge of the cold off you.
Josh’s bed is huge, so you’re able to sit a reasonable distance away from him. You doubt a similar thought crosses his mind because, unlike you, he doesn’t seem to think sharing a bed is anything to be worked up about: he’s spread out on his side of the mattress, back against the pillows, hands behind his head.
You steal glances at him, noticing how his broad chest rises and falls with his gentle breaths. He looks so comfortable; it makes you want to close the distance, to have your body pressed to his side and your head resting on his warm chest. Sudden heat singes your ears and you look away from him. As far as you know, this is platonic, just a friend helping a friend keep warm. 
A gargled roar emits from the speaker. Though the volume is down, it’s still enough to draw your eyes to the blob monster displayed on the flickering projection. It’s closing in, bubbling and gurgling towards a damsel whose dress is caught on a tree branch. Even with all that action, the movie does little to distract you from the fact that the guy you have a thing for is tucked under the same sheets as you, only an arm’s reach away. 
“I’m surprised you’re up this late,” you comment, launching yourself out of your thoughts. “And watching a movie that’s not scary at all.”
“Just wait, the worst part hasn’t even happened yet,” he says, leaning over to give you a playful nudge. His eyes remain fixed on the flickering screen as he finishes responding. “And yeah, I couldn’t really fall asleep, so I put something on.” 
“Too cold for you, too?” you ask.
“Nah, temperature’s fine. It’s just, y’know, being up here again…”
Of course. You should have known. 
You look down to your hands in your lap. “It’s probably a lot. I’m sorry, Josh. Really.” 
“I appreciate it,” he says, letting out a deep breath as if he’s trying to exhale the weight on his chest. “I’m glad you’re all with me, it’s easier dealing with what happened.”
“We’re here for you.” You move a hand from your lap to his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “I’m here for you. Anything, Josh.” 
“Thank you,” he says, his hand covering yours. “It means a lot to me that you’re saying that. I hope you know I’d do the same for you.” You nod, his kind words making your heart melt like candle wax. “Speaking of, are you feeling any warmer? Your hand, it still feels-” 
You drop your hand back down to the blanket, noticing that, though you haven’t shivered since you put on the sweatshirt, your fingertips still feel dull, unable to fully sense the softness of the cloth. “It’s a little better, but I’m still pretty cold,” you admit.
“Well, I can’t have you freezing to death,” he tells you. 
“That might ruin the trip,” you say with a small laugh.
“You’re right. I would get in so much trouble.” 
“Well, I wouldn’t want you getting in trouble because of me.” You tilt your head, a bashful smile spreading across your face. 
He takes a second to drink in everything the faint light of the movie reveals of your expression. “Good thing I have a solution to our problem.”
His response is one that diverges from his typical flirty comments as it comes out softer, a little hesitant, even. “You could come closer.”
You eye him, waiting for him to reveal his bluff. But his gaze remains steady, so you repeat his words back to him slowly as if you were trying to figure out which part he isn’t sincere about. “You want me to come closer?”
He chuckles. “Somebody’s nervous.” Josh lets his arms spread atop the row of pillows behind him, opening himself up to you. “C’mon, I don’t bite,” he grins, “hard.” 
“Alright, pack it up, cornball,” you say, lifting up the comforter and scooting closer to him, stopping just an inch or two before your thigh touches his.
“You know you love it,” he says.
“Shut it, I’m trying to watch the movie,” you shoot back, reclining until your back meets his arm and the pillows it lies atop of. The hard muscle of his bicep contrasts with the plushness of the pillows, but it doesn’t make you any less comfortable, in fact, you like this position more than how you were earlier.
Being close to him, nearly in his arms, feels better than you expected. The warmth of his body and the steadiness of his breath conjure up a calm haze that settles over you like a spell. You work hard to stay focused and upright, wanting to finish the movie and talk to him some more. But you're exhausted, so as he's explaining the foreshadowing from the first act of the movie, you end up leaning into him, your head falling onto his shoulder and your hand onto his chest. He doesn’t say anything, but his arm shifts behind your back, and then his hand is on your head, petting your hair. Your eyes flutter shut, everything around you fading out aside from the soothing feeling of his touch. 
“Sleepy?” he whispers down to you.
“Mhmm,” you mumble back. 
“Do you want to sleep in here tonight? It’s much warmer.”
“Can I?” you ask, nuzzling your cheek into his shoulder. He’s just so comfortable, it would be so terrible if you couldn’t stay. 
“Of course you can,” he responds. You can hear the smile in his voice and it sends a small wave of warmth through your body.
You move your head so it rests on his chest, your fingers sprawled out just a bit lower, mindlessly playing with the strings of his hoodie. Staying awake is getting harder and harder as the gentle strokes on your head coax you to sleep, and eventually, you give in.
When you wake up in the morning, you’re still curled up next to Josh, and he is still asleep. He has been going through a lot this past year, but as the light of dawn trickles through the window and onto his face, he looks the most peaceful you’ve ever seen him.
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despairots · 8 months
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「 satoru gojo x gender neutral! reader 」
GENRE: slight suggestive themes, established relationship, crack, short story, sorta modern au, only for the phones though.
CONTENT WARNING: suggestive themes, swearing, not much i can cw, bottom reader.
AUTHORS NOTE: pls take this while i work on the oracle first chapter, i promise its almost done i just had this idea randomly. this is gender neutral but i wrote this with male reader in mind. yknow that trend where this girl has that candy necklace around her neck and goes around asking boys if they wanted some and she’d pull the necklace for them to take the candy in there month idk
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being in a relationship with THE satoru gojo was bound to get you in the centre of attention (though you two have been in a relationship every since highschool years). students gave you pitiful glances that you had to deal with a literally man baby.
he’d whine and whine if you even decided to remove his arm around your waist to take a piss, it was annoying but you loved him anyways. if being a jujutsu sorcerer was your first job them being a babysitter was your second one.
not once have you seen a 28-year old man— who’s the strongest out there aswell— pout and act all dramatic when you decline him of a kiss. he would pull a heartbroken women act right out of his ass and hold onto you while staring into your soul.
(“after i birthed your kids!?”)
though, there was moments where he could act like a little child at one point and transition to a full on teasing boyfriend.
he would glide his fingers against your arms until they reached your lips—parting them with his thumb— as he neared your lips, teasing the air between you both before pulling back completely (which resulted with a bruise on his head).
he teased you and often worships your skin, leaving bruises and marks wherever he can reach. those happened when missions had to separate you both, making you both worry for eachother. And when you’re both in eachother’s arms, you know where that leads you both.
just today there was a mission that involved gojo, you, aswell as his students. the end if it, gojo had proposed a sleepover, so that’s where you are now.
a over sized shirt over you with gojo’s boxers and on the shared, a pillow in your arms and the lights shut off, only light source from the tv and the flashlight gojo had.
“.. and them boom! [name] nullified their ability and the curse exploded!”
the students (well, yuuji and kugisaki. megumi wasn’t interested) awed, stars exploding in their eyes as your eye twitched. now, he was just making shit up. you sighed, pinching gojo’s eyes and hearing him whine, “that isn’t what happened.”
he pouted, “i can’t tell my students how absolutely amazing you are?” yeah, he can. it boosted your ego but not when he was speaking a bunch of lies, “no, baby.” placing a kiss on his cheek as megumi internal gagged at the sight.
“we should play truth or dare. telling stories are kinda boring now. megumi, you in?” yuuji turned to the spiky black haired boy beside him, everyone knew his answer already.
“absolutely not.” plain glances were handed to him.
why did it almost reminded you of a highschool party by how yuuji and kugisaki laughed evily while looking at you? they’re scheming something you didn’t want to be apart of. you sweatdropped when kugisaki cleared her thought.
she looked at you with a devious gaze, “[name], truth or dare?” of course you were first, “truth.” god, you pussy! although, it seemed like if you picked dare it wouldn’t be any better then picking truth.
“how often do you and gojo do it?” your face paled while you turned to gojo slowly, and he had a grin on his face!? how insane is this guy!? “it’s a truth, [name]~ how often do we do it?” he teased you, pinching your cheek in his fingers.
“you’re not helping!”
“come on! don’t be a wussy!” he wiggled his fingers infront of you, holding your pillow as shield as you answered, “twice or once a week.” kugisaki and yuuji fist bumped eachother, how horrible of them.
the game went on and on until kugisaki had asked you a dare, a dare that made gojo gasp in excitement. it worked since he was a sweet tooth aswell.
kugisaki cleared her throat, holding something behind her back, “it’s you once again, [name]. truth or dare?” you hummed, thinking about which one would have the least consequences. you had chosen truth more then you had choose dare— about 6 to 10– “dare.”
she laughed, pulling a candy necklace out from her back, watching gojo’s eyes sparkle. “i dare you to wear this candy necklace and after each round, gojo takes a bit out of each one.” you sulked into the couch, gojo patting your head.
gojo took it from kugisaki’s hand, pulling it over your head as it nestled around your neck. he pulled on the necklace, nearing close to your neck where you fault his breath against it before taking one of the candy from the necklace.
this was gonna be long.
bite after bite, dare after dare, and truth after truth. the necklace was halfway done and your embarrassment was starting to get to you.
the way he kept slowly tugged the necklace to his mouth while maintaining eye contact and biting into the candy made your breath hitch every time he did, he was teasing you, like he always did.
and the students knew aswell, that’s why they kept drawing this game out.
“truth or dare, gojo?” yuuji had asked, his phone in his hand as he stared up at his teacher, “dare.” he had more balls then you. after kugisaki had given you the candy necklace, your choices of picking dare was very unlikely.
“i dare you to show us your last photo for your eyes only.” oh. oh! the last photo was your blushing face in bed. was gojo gonna take this dare and have his students see him and you differently?
it looked like he was thinking long and hard until he had answer, “can i not take it?” you let out a relief breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in.
yuuji and megumi looked at eachother before shrugging, “okay but you’ll have to finish [name]’s necklace and tell us your favourite position—“
“you guys are minors! how do you know this stuff!?” you interjected with embarrassment, taking notice of gojo’s twitching fingers. he was holding himself back from throwing your legs over his shoulders and eating all the candy on your neck.
megumi slapped the back of yuuji’s head, “let’s just go to sleep.” you agreed with megumi’s words, hearing the other two whine before stomping to their rooms you had offered them.
sighing in relief, you threw your head back against the couch, feeling your embarrassment disappear from your entire body— until the necklace was tugged again and placed into gojo’s mouth.
there was a clear and evident look in his eyes that he wanted more, fixing your positions into something more comfortable before throwing one of your legs over his shoulders and leaning closer to your neck.
“i’m not finished.”
oh shit.
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hey-kae · 2 years
hi bestie! i’ve been MIA from requests for like a month because of my mental health and i was feeling so bad. can i request a comfort fic with pierre and charles? (the reader dating pierre pls) 🥺👉🏻👈🏻🥺
Safe and Sound
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x female reader
Warnings: nothing i think
a/n: i hope you’re feeling better and i’m sorry it took so long to write this for you🫶🏻
It was already night when Pierre’s flight home touched down in the city that would reunite him with the person he loved, eleven in the evening to be exact. Usually, you’d be the one waiting for him impatiently at the gate but this time, he insisted you wait at home. He didn’t want you to drive the long road to the airport alone at this time. Therefore, he dragged himself into a taxi, choosing one driven by an elderly woman to reduce the chances of being recognized. He was simply too drained for any unnecessary interaction.
An hour later, the silver car came to a stop in front of the apartment complex and as he paid the lady, retrieved his luggage and stepped out of the car without any suspicious remarks from his ride home, he could deem his plan as successful.
Soft and repetitive elevator music kept him company as he pressed the floor’s number, leaned against the wall behind him and shut his exhausted eyes for the few seconds it took for the elevator to come to a stop.
Pierre’s hand dug through the deep pockets of his sweatpants, grabbing the metal object he recognized as his key while he marched down the hallway, the low rattling of his suitcases’ wheels echoing against the walls until it was joined by the jiggle of keys and the click of them turning in the keyhole.
His foot pushed open the door and his luggage was immediately disposed of by the entrance, his jacket also being abandoned on the back of a couch as he made his way inside of the quiet and dark apartment.
He flicked on a flight and watched it flicker to life, faintly illuminating the living room in front of him. Deep down, he expected you to be on one of the couches but there was still no sight of you.
“Baby…” He called as he started looking for you, “Je suis arrivé. T’es ou?” I’m here. Where are you? His voiced echoes around the room, toured the house, and came back with nothing but utter silence.
Even seconds later and after yet another call to you, he received no replies and that is when he knew to head straight for the bedroom since you were probably asleep.
Pierre creaked the wooden door open and poked his head into the pitch dark room, the only light source being the singular ray of street light that penetrated through a miniature opening between the curtain but even that wasn’t enough for him to get any insight about whether or not you were in the room. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and turned on the flashlight on the lowest setting, using it to guide him to the button of the small lamp on the vanity in the corner, the soft warm light immediately flooding the space with enough luminescence for his eyes to be able to see you hair poking out from under a pile of blankets and pillows.
“There you are.” He whispered to himself, now leaving his phone aside and getting rid of his shoes.
“Bébé… » He cooed as he crouched down by your side of the bed, his hands putting themselves to work, pushing away the thick duvet so he could see your face. Your hair was tied in a loose, messy bun that defeated its entire purpose since strands of it were draped over your features. Pierre also pushed those away before calling your name a few times, attempting to wake you up.
Usually, you were rather a light sleeper. Anything would wake you up, sometimes even Pierre moving in bed while asleep so it was quite weird the fact that you were still asleep. It must mean that you were quite exhausted.
While attempting to wake you up, Pierre allowed his eyes to scan the room. It was rather messy but he wasn’t exactly entitled to judge. However, it did concern him, the amount of empty coffee cups and energy drink cans. It was no secret that you enjoyed caffeine but he also knew you to drink it moderately.
It was ironic, though. Despite all those caffeinated drinks, he was struggling to interrupt your heavy sleep.
“Hey, baby.” He softly caressed you cheek. “I’m home. You told me to wake you up when I arrive.” Pierre tried talking to you but to no avail.
“Chérie, tu m’inquiètes.” Darling, you’re worrying me. He said while lightly tapping your cheek, “Allez… Lève-toi.” C’mon… Get up.
All he received in return was a groan and a frown as you attempted to turn to the other side, only to be stunned by a strong arm preventing you from doing so.
You fluttered your eyes open, vision still unclear and tried to understand what was happening. For a second there, you were scared because as far as you can recall, you had fallen asleep alone in the apartment and now, as you were waking up hours later, there was someone preventing you from moving about freely in the bed. It took a moment to register that Pierre would be home tonight and while your mind rediscovered that fact, your boyfriend was staring at your confused expression, waiting for you to realize what was happening.
He also continued to watch as you sprang up into a sitting position, you hand flying to your mouth in what seemed to be horror and now, it was his turn to be confuse because he didn’t quite understand your reaction to his presence, especially when you knew he was coming home.
“Shit, shit…” He heard you repeatedly whisper to yourself, making it even harder for him to understand what was happening right now.
Before he knew it, you were trying to get out of bed in a hurry like you were taken back by his presence.
“Hey, hey… Relax, it’s just me.” His arms wrapped around your shoulders and he felt how tense you were in his hold. Therefore, it was practically instinctual, the way his hands began tracing comforting and soothing patterns on your back.
“What wrong, bébé?” He asked with a soft, low voice and you couldn’t help the way your shoulders dropped in surrender, the tears already welling up in your eyes.
Amidst all the chaos in your mind the past few days, between all the conflicting thoughts and emotions and messes of ideas, the important detail of Pierre arriving home tonight completely slipped your mind, hence why you were in deep sleep. Guilt was tugging at your heart as you thought of Pierre coming into the apartment to find it dark, cold, messy, and pretty much lifeless.
All throughout your relationship with him, one thing you always made sure to do was to make sure he had something to look forward to when returning from a trip abroad. Sometimes, it was as simple as you waiting for him with his favorite food ready and sometimes you went all out, but the bottom line was that he never came home to nothing, not even a hug.
Your arms wrapped tightly around him, his scent already invading your senses, easing up the hell that was the past few days, your head nuzzling in the crook of his neck. Your behavior was really starting to worry him, sparking a little fear in his heart, but it wasn’t much time later when he felt a tear run down onto his skin. Only then, Pierre realized you were crying.
“Tu pleurs?” You’re crying? He pulled back, “Are you okay, baby? What’s wrong?” He asked, his tone heavy with concern, his hands moving to cup your face delicately, his thumbs swiping over your burning cheeks, wiping away the rolling tears that he hated seeing so much.
“I’m sorry… I forgot.” You sobbed, your lips quivering as you pushed out the words, “Fuck, how did I forget?”
Lately, this was an often repeated sequence of events. It would all start with a tear or two then quickly escalate into a sob session that you had no idea how to control, let alone stop.
This episode of your life was hectic and difficult. The job you were currently in felt like being trapped and every other vacancy you applied to hadn’t worked out. Your closest friend that you always confided in had left the country with no plans to return and now the time difference made it incredibly difficult to have a proper conversation. The small things were majorly affecting your mood, like dropping your metal straw when putting it in your cup and the clatter it produced against the floor, your favorite series being taken off Netflix, the internet lagging while you were sending out a message… All these things had put tears in your eyes when they happened. To top it all off, you were spiraling down that road of countless unread texts on your phone that you saw but never bothered opening, irregular sleep times, excessive caffeine in all the ways you could get it, bad nutrition, forcing yourself to do things as simple as brushing your teeth, aking the bed or sometimes even charging your phone.
You knew that gray area and state of living. You revisited that dark chamber every once in a while, every few months when everything would feel overwhelming, when you felt like nothing was going your way, that you weren’t getting anywhere anyway, like all your efforts were practically useless.
“You forgot?” Pierre’s confusion snapped you out of your reminiscent thoughts, “You forgot what, baby?”
It felt wrong when you imagined telling him the actual truth but what were you gonna say instead?
“I forgot that you come home today... I’m sorry.” You clarified while refusing to meet his eyes, and as the words slipped out, you came to the realization that this wasn’t the only forgotten memo. Charles was supposed to come along with him, accompany him home so the three of you could hang out together for the first time in a while for old times’ sake.
The three of you were lifelong friends. You met when you were all really young and instantly became friends. Karting was one of your hobbies and even though you saw it as nothing more than that while they saw it as a future and a dream to pursue, you, Pierre, and Charles bonded over it. Eventually, a tight-knit, honest friendship formed and grew up with you.
“That’s it? That’s all?” Pierre asked with a small, comforting smile while his eyes watched you nod.
“Cherie, you’re human. It’s normal to forget things sometimes. It doesn’t upset me.” He reassured and climbed into bed beside you, instantly holding you close.
He expected for things to get better from that point on. He really did; but you were sniffling into his side, sobbing and gasping for air within seconds. Your hands were clinging onto his shirt and your tears were dripping onto his neck as you sheltered your face in the crook of his neck.
You absolutely loved being in his arms but it was so comforting that the contrast between how you felt now and how you’ve been feeling recently was shattering you completely. Maybe, atop of everything, you missed the warmth of having someone you loved and trusted around, within reach.
Before you knew it, Pierre was sat up against the headboard, pulling you with him and cuddling you into his chest, letting you cry it all out, more than willing to comfort you through whatever it was that was bugging you.
“I’m right here for you. Tu peux me parler de n’importe quoi.” You can talk to me about anything. Pierre reassured and you instinctively held him closer.
“It’s just a few bad days. I’m overreacting a little.” You straggled, struggling to speak without gasping for air between the words.
“Don’t say that. It’s okay to be upset.” He soothed, his hands rubbing up and down your back as he softly kissed your temples, “Tu veux m’en parler?” You wanna tell me about it?
Right then, the words came flowing out as if you had been craving letting them out. You told him about everything all while he comforted you through the conversation. You told him about the hatred you had for the job, about the declined applications, the distance causing you and your bestfriend to drift apart, the mood swings and the tendency to get overwhelmed and irritated quickly… He listened to everything you had to say with meticulous attention, delivering occasional kisses to your forehead.
“I just hate it so much. I feel like a whiny kid sometimes when I cry over stupid shit that I would easily breeze past on a normal day and I hate how suffocating everything feels. I don’t know what to do.” You fumbled for words, fidgeting with your fingers as you spoke.
“Let’s start step by step, okay?” Pierre pulled you back to him, taking the hairtie out of your hair and brushing through the locks with his fingers, “Tomorrow, Charles is getting here so we can spend time with him. I’ll call in sick for you, tell them you lost your voice or something, we’ll spend the day just relaxing and recharging, then maybe you could take a small vacation? We could go visit your bestfriend and I could meet her and when we’re back and after you’ve distanced yourself from your job a little, you’d be able to know if you actually wanna quit it, and if you do and be right there helping you apply to other jobs and sending your resume.” He smiled at you, “Ça marche?” Okay?
You hesitated for a second there then nodded.
“Perfect.” Pierre grinned and briefly kissed your lips, “For now, what do you want to do?”
Your eyes teared up again, “Just wanna hug you. I missed you so much.”
“Oh, baby. We could cuddle for as long as you want. Tu m’as manqué tellement aussi.” I missed you so much too.
Following that, Pierre quickly slipped out of bed, changed into something more comfortable then eagerly came back to you, joining you under the sheets and holding you protectively while you continued crying. It was undeniable that he absolutely despised seeing you in this state, but he was well aware you needed to let it out and as long as he had you between his arms, comforting you, he would bear with the pulls on his heartstrings he would feel with every sob of yours,
“Let it all out. Je serras toujours là, à tes cotes, chérie.” I’ll always be by your side, darling. He made sure to reassure you.
“Je t’aime, Pierre.” I love you, Pierre. You replied, your tone showing thankfulness.
“Je t’aime aussi, bébé.” I love you too, baby.
The morning came and with it came noises originating from the living room. Checking your phone for the time, you realized that you had slept in.
You dragged yourself out of the empty bed, into the room alive with the two voices you recognized as Pierre’s and Charles’. Pierre probably picked him up at the airport earlier while you were still asleep. Quite frankly, you were glad he didn’t wake you up since that was the best sleep you had gotten in a while
“C’étaient quelques jours difficiles pour elle. Je veux qu’elle se sent mieux alors j’ai organisé quelques choses pour qu’on fait aujourd’hui. J’ai aussi acheté  ses snacks préfères.” These were a few difficult days for her. I want her to feel better so I organised a few things for us to do today. I also bought her favourite snacks. You heard Pierre explain with a strict tone.
“Ouais, ça roule. Tu sais bien que c’est n’est pas un problème de ma part. Je suis toujours prêt pour aider.” Okay, that works. You know i have no problem with that. I’m always ready to help. You could hear Charles’ tone change, “Quand t’es devenus un petit lover-boy?” When did you become a little lover-boy? And just like that, he was teasing Pierre.
That’s when you stepped into the room, greeting them with a simple “bonjour”. Both their heads snapped towards you, bright smiles on their faces.
Pierre got up and gave you a quick kiss then Charles hugged you briefly, telling you that’s it’s been too long.
“You slept well?” Pierre asked with concern when you took a seat next to him.
You nodded and gave him a genuine smile, your eyes shifting to the center table that was filled with bags and a box of what looked like donuts.
“Donuts?” You asked with delight and raised brows.
“Yes.” Charles beamed and handed the box to Pierre who immediately put himself to work, practically ripping off the frail lid before putting the box in front of you for you to pick first.
If anything, that was a perfect description of how Charles’ stay played out: him and Pierre being the dream team in getting you out of the bad mood you had been in.
Practically all your favorite movies were played at least once. Chocolate, ice cream, noodles, pasta, pizza… all your favorite foods were involved. At some point, a racing competition on the sim came up, what was extremely reminiscent of the karting days and the battles the three of you would have over a prize that, at most, was a few euros or a candy bar.
You were grateful for their company and how good they knew you.
A few days, after Charles left, you and Pierre took off to go visit your best friend and as the days of the trip sequenced, you realized how lucky you were to have Pierre as your boyfriend, simply because it was safe to say he knew you enough to know the key to making you feel better and loved you more than enough to make sure you were feeling your best.
It was becoming clear to you that as long as he’s by your side, supporting you, you’d always be safe and sound.
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alexthesillybilly · 6 months
Guys im. Not doing good and literally the ONLY THING that is making me feel good rn is springtrap x reader content please help me. I have to write but it might not be as good as I want bc yk. My brains dealin with some stuff right now so. Here's the first part of the fanfic I'm writing, called dead flowers!!! (This one's serious unlike MIILWAC 💀) basic plot, you were hired to do a safety inspection on an old animatronic some guy found. Uhh yeah. This is the meeting story for all my springtrap x reader stuff I write!! :))
You'd talked to the guy who found this old thing you were about to go see, and even he seemed to know nothing about it. He was probably going to be scrapping it for parts, but wanted to make sure it wasn't valuable or whatever. All anybody really knew were the few details you'd heard: it's an old SpringBonnie suit/animatronic from an old diner back in the 80s, it's horrifying, and there's probably a corpse in it.
Well, the last part wasn't true. Maybe. Hopefully. Everyone who'd seen it had said that there was definitely a corpse in there, but the man who found it - you'd forgotten his name, if he'd even told you - denied it completely. So, you were pretty sure you were about to see a decaying human corpse. Maybe you should've been a little hesitant when you were sent into the room with the animatronic alone, with a flashlight as the only light source, but it was too late to back out, now. As much as this was definitely not how you wanted to be spending your friday night, at least you were being paid.
Even if that pay was barely useful for anything.
Okay, maybe you were just extremely curious to see the animatronic.
Checking to make sure you had your phone and flashlight, you shut the door to the room.
Okay. Yeah, there was definitely a corpse in there. You couldn't see it yet, but it sure didn't smell like an alive human to you.
Slowly approaching it, you clicked on your flashlight and crouched down beside the.. thing. It was in a very sad and pathetic position, like a way you'd sit when you were giving up on something. Poor thing looked like it hadn't moved in years.
Shining your flashlight on it to see it better, you finally took in how terrible this thing looked. Matted fur, rips and tears everywhere, wires sticking out, and wasn't the animatronic supposed to be yellow? Because it wasn't. It was more like the color you'd get if you set yellow in a swamp and then killed something on top of the yellow. Speaking of that, were those bloodstains on the fur? And yes, those were definitely actual human organs you could see.
You debated if you should call the police or something, but you figured they might not believe you if you told them there was a corpse in this 40 year old robot.
You'd just deal with this yourself.
Doing another scan of the flashlight over the whole thing, you noticed something. When you moved the flashlight from its face down to the body, there was still a slight glowing that was not there last time you did this. You froze.
There was a light coming from the eyes.
Okay, calm down, maybe they were those glow in the dark type of things that glowed when exposed to light. That had to be it. So you kept doing your job, checking all the parts.
There was a clicking noise.
Maybe you'd just touched something accidentally-
The glow was stronger. Looking up, the eyes of the suit were now opened. And staring at you.
You stood up as fast as you could. It was definitely not supposed to do that. Keeping your eyes on the animatronic, you backed off quick towards the door before it made a noise. It caught you off guard and you stopped.
You were now just staring at each other. You took a cautious step back towards it.
It tilted its head forward a bit, the ears making a mechanical clicking noise as they moved. Maybe you had accidentally set off a movement trigger?
But that noise it had made - it had been too human.
Once you convinced yourself it was safe again, you sat back down in front of it. You took out your notebook to record what was happening-
And it moved again. A very slow, and painful, by the looks of it, movement, but it was movement. Its arm raised slightly, enough to move the hand and point at your notebook. You stared at it, then down at your notes. Taking a breath, you supposed if this.. Somehow were a human, you'd have to talk.
"Uhm- this?" You held up your notebook. Its hand position changed, like it was gesturing for you to do something.
"You- you want it?" You asked, confused. Slowly, it nodded yes.
You checked to make sure there was nothing important in it, and there wasn't, so you hesitantly handed the notebook to the... Whatever this was. It looked at you, as if expecting something else.
It pointed again at your pencil. Oh. You handed it that, too. Was it about to write something?
Apparently it was, because it got to writing as soon as it took the pencil. Its jerky hand movements, though not graceful in any way whatsoever, shocked you. You were starting to wonder if this was all some weird dream.
It handed the notebook back to you, and you read what it had written. In very messy, sharp writing, it said;
"dont scrap"
You read it a few times.
How had it known they were planning to scrap it?
"How did- we weren't going to- but, how did you know that?" You stared at it again.
It's ears perked slightly. It looked at the notebook and you handed it back.
It had heard you from multiple rooms over talking to the other man.
"Well, we... We won't." You said, and it seemed to relax.
It was silent for a bit. Finally, you broke the silence.
"I have so many questions."
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pistachiotalenti · 1 year
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saw this post by @georgenootfound and it OPENED MY THIRD EYE. also when dnf posted that disney vid snap i straight up thought dream was gonna kiss george's cheek (??!) so here's a fic that sprouted from both of those things <33 sort of fucked that dnf decided to get married before i could use that as a plot point but whatev /j /f
Five steps out the Disney World washroom, George hears a hissing sound.
It's a distant noise, one whose source he can't immediately pin down. For all he knows, it could be the flush of an especially loud toilet, or maybe one of those crazy Floridian bugs he has yet to encounter. He pulls out his phone and pays no mind to the oddity as he waits for his friends to return from the washroom. But then–
Psssst. George.
Okay, that can't be a bug.
George whips his head up, to no avail. The park is bright and bustling at night, but he recognizes none of the faces around him. Briefly, he thinks it might be a fan who's messing with him. He shivers.
Desperate, he turns around and scans the restroom entrances, only for his eye to catch on a small, flashing light in the dark space beside the restrooms. He freezes and squints into the blackness. Then the light settles on a familiar face.
"What... Dream?" George laughs.
"Come here," Dream hisses. He turns off his phone flashlight, plunging himself back into darkness.
George follows suit and steps towards him, though not without question. "Why are you whispering? And why are you in the dark?"
"So that we don't get caught."
George's footing stutters. "What?" he sputters, face immediately turning warm.
"Just come here."
George takes one last look at his surroundings before stepping into the alleyway. None of this makes sense, but at the same time, it somehow makes perfect sense now that he knows Dream is behind it all.
Now stood directly in front of Dream, George teeters on his feet and waits in nervous anticipation. "I'm here."
"Good." Dream's voice is close, inviting.
"I can barely see you," George says, almost whining. He's immediately placated by the gentle brush of Dream's hand along his hip.
"Your eyes will adapt."
George pouts. He's spent years having Dream see him and not being able to see Dream in return; now that they're together, he can't imagine going back, not even for a minute. "I can't even see colors," he jokes. "Now you want me to get night vision DLC for my eyes?"
Dream snorts. George can practically hear the smitten roll of his eyes. "Yes," Dream replies, playing stubborn.
"That's sort of messed up of you, Dream," George quips, reaching back for Dream, pulling their bodies close. "Kind of problematic, actually."
"Pro-bleh-mah-tic," Dream quietly echoes, voice low and husky.
George grins. He bets Dream can hear his smile through the dark when he asks, "So why are we standing behind the toilets? Did you call me over here just to make me listen to your horrible accent?"
"Whot ahck-cent?"
George audibly grimaces. Dream chuckles, apologetic.
"Okay, sorry. No, I– I noticed you were sort of quiet for a long time back there in the group, so I wanted to check if you were okay." Dream pauses. "Though you're sort of chatty now that it's just the two of us. Is that a coincidence?"
George titters, a mixture of touched, flustered, and amused—it's a wonder Dream can make him feel all three at once. He decides to be honest in spite of Dream's teasing, shrugging as he explains, "I'm fine for the most part. I guess I'm just tired."
"Oh. Well, we can probably find someplace to sit and rest. Maybe grab something to eat."
"No, I mean, like..." George licks his lips, and suddenly he feels very silly for what he's about to say. "I sort of miss being able to, like, touch you and stuff, and I'm just kind of tired of having to stop myself from doing that in front of everyone, or like, random fans or something."
George swallows thickly. He's no stranger to being vulnerable with Dream, but talking so openly about his feelings in a romantic context still feels horribly new to him. Communicating is better than holding it in, he reminds himself in this dreadful lull of conversation. The last thing he'd want is for Dream to worry about him just because he sucks at saying how he feels.
Luckily for him, Dream doesn't need much to understand exactly where George is coming from.
"...George." Dream brings his hands to George's face. They're so large that George almost feels like he's being cradled in a cacoon. "You want to hold my hand in public?" Dream coos, gentle yet teasing.
Relief washes over George as his cheeks turn warmer in Dream's palms. "Stop. Shut up."
"You know, that's a very solvable problem, George." Dream swipes the soft pads of his thumbs under George's eyes, a touch so soothing and tender that George's eyes just barely start to water. "God knows I'm not pulling away if you decide to whip out the PDA on me."
Dream slides his hands down George's face to his arms, and George feels so warm and full that he thinks he could power the entire park with nothing but the newfound energy coursing through his veins. It doesn't help that his eyes actually have adjusted to the dark, and he can see Dream smiling at him like he hung the moon and stars for him. "Yeah," George finally murmurs fondly, "'cause you're a simp."
"I am a simp," Dream admits, "and you fucking love it."
Dream leans down into his space, clearly holding out for a kiss. George easily grants his request and closes the gap. His hands slide to Dream's waist. He smiles into the kiss when Dream's hands twitch along his arms. This part—showing Dream just how much he cares—has always been the easy bit for George.
After a sweet and much-needed smooch, they pull away, just barely. "No PDA in public," George murmurs along Dream's lips, eliciting a small, sulky whine from Dream. "Not until after the hard launch."
Dream instantly perks up, seeming to have completely forgotten about the denied offer for public cuddles. "Wait, you'd actually want to hard launch?" he blurts. It makes George laugh, fond.
"You're an idiot." He presses one last kiss to Dream's cheek before turning to the light. "Come on, the others are waiting. They probably think we got kidnapped or something."
"Wait, how soon can we hard launch? Like, tomorrow?"
"Stop asking me about the hard launch, idiot."
"How do you expect me to not be excited about a hard launch? Everyone's gonna know that you're my boyfriend and that I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I'm gonna brag about you so hard."
"Uh-huh. As you should."
"Like, I'm gonna be so annoying about you."
"Like you aren't already," George laughs, blushing wildly. He steps into the light.
Their friend group stands not too far away. Sapnap is the first to look up from his phone and catch sight of the two of them. "Finally," he grunts with a knowing roll of his eyes.
Bad follows Sapnap's gaze. "Oh, there you two are. Where were you? Making out in the big stall?"
"No," Dream snorts.
"Not in the big stall," George adds.
Bad barks out a laugh. The girls shake their heads nearby.
Reunited as a group, they continue on with their trek through the park. The night whirs dizzyingly about them. And George holds onto it with Dream by his side, never too far, and never quite close enough.
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lokis-dark-queen · 1 year
Even in the Dark, I Feel your Resistance
Avenger Loki/Avenger Reader Fluff
Summary: You are terrified of the dark and all the scary things that could be lurking in it. After recalling a special memory with Loki, you go to him once again for comfort in the form of cuddles and deep conversations.
Warnings/Notes: Rated E for everyone! Loki tried to act cold and mean for a millisecond but he breaks pretty easy. This was an old request that I couldn’t see until now thanks to my inbox being practically nonexistent for me *rolls eyes*. But the problem is solved so we’re all good!
Request By: @lokihiddleston4
Word count: 2.3k
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*header from Pinterest*
You stared silently at your bed as you prepared to turn the lights out, fearful of the inevitable darkness that would soon consume your room. You were ashamed of your fear, you were an adult! Not just any adult but an Avenger, you lived with them in their highly guarded tower that housed literal super soldiers and gods! Yet here you were, afraid of the dark of all things. 
You had fought villains and monsters, victoriously living another day to tell the tale. The dark wouldn’t hurt you, would it? Maybe it was what could possibly be lurking in the shadows that scared you. And after your most recent mission that involved hunting down mutilated alien monsters that were straight out of a nightmare, sleep seemed unreachable. 
You never told anyone about your fear, well, no one except Loki. The dark, brooding god who many feared somehow got that information out of you. 
It all happened one stormy night when the team arrived at the tower well after dark, soaking wet from the rain. The tower was dark, every corner hidden by a shadow. Tony claimed that the generators had failed and the elevators were down, therefore everyone would have to climb the dark stairs to return to their rooms. Damn Stark and his iffy technology, perhaps he should properly test it against harsh conditions instead of immediately making it the prime source of power for the tower which housed and employed hundreds if not thousands of people. 
Everyone found flashlights or used their phones to find their way back. You, however, forgot your phone in your room that was many stories above your head. Everyone departed quickly, the only person who you could ask for help was Loki as he used the glow of his sedir that he had manifested into a ball of light in his hand. He seemed to stay behind for longer than the others, to this day you don't know why. 
“L-Loki?” You recalled stuttering his name, trying your best to hide your fear. 
“Yes, agent?” He asked. 
“Can I walk with you? I forgot my phone and I couldn’t find a flashlight. I mean, we're on the same floor so it shouldn't be an issue I hope.” 
You couldn’t see him well until the room lit up with a flash of lightning, causing him to tense up, “Of course, agent. Don’t fall behind.” He turned around to continue his journey back to his room. 
You remembered your struggle to keep up with him amongst all those flights of stairs, his long legs carried him significantly faster than yours could. Eventually you tripped on a stair in your attempts to catch up, letting out a small yelp as you fell to your knees. The darkness wrapped around you as you stayed there, too scared to move. 
The darkness soon drifted away as an orb of light came towards you and a hand reached out to you. 
“Are you hurt?” Loki asks, placing his hand on your shoulder. 
“N-no, I don’t- I don’t think so.” You didn’t mean to cry in front of him, you couldn’t stop. 
“Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?” His deep voice went soft, a deft finger met your cheek as he wiped a tear from your face. 
Shame flooded you, how could you tell him such an embarrassing fear? 
“I just don’t like the dark.” You choked. 
“You are afraid of it?” He asks. 
You nod, confirming his words, “Terrified.” 
“Come here.” He reached his hand out, offering for you to take it. You gladly did so, needing the support of another. He helped you up and pulled you close to him. You recalled his scent, the wet pieces of inky hair that framed his face. He was normally so well kept, not a hair out of place. He looked so raw, so vulnerable. “Hold on to me, okay? I promise to walk slower.” 
“Thank you.” You croaked, your arm now locked with his. 
He walked you all the way back to your room that night. You recalled how his muscles would tense underneath his shirt at every rumble of thunder or strike of lightning. You didn’t think too much about it as you firmly held his arm, every thought of your fear melted away when you were with him. It was a feeling that no one else had ever made you feel. 
You pulled yourself out of your head, remembering where you were right now. The thought of Loki’s support gave you the strength to turn off the light before you ran and jumped into your bed, taking cover under the sheets. They gave you a fleeting moment of safety before you looked at the dark room surrounding you. Pale moonlight seeped through the small cracks where your curtains failed to meet, flooding small pieces of your room with the subtle light. Was it your head or did you see something move out of the corner of your eye? You had no pet or other living thing in the room, so obviously it was nothing… Right? 
Your eyes were wide as they stared at the shadows caused by the little slivers of moonlight, you recalled every piece of furniture in your room trying to comfort yourself, they were only shadows. You counted your dresser, your couch, your television, inanimate objects that were harmless. The shadows stared back at you, at least you thought they did. If you stayed here you knew you would not be sleeping. 
You didn’t think twice as you shot out of bed, wrapping a blanket around yourself as you ran out your door, using the flashlight on your phone to light your path. After that night, you never forgot it again. Your feet led you somewhere safe, to someone safe, someone who understood you. And you prayed that he was awake to hear your knock at the door. 
Sure enough, the door opened after you heard muffled footsteps on the other side. 
“It is late.” He states the obvious. 
“That’s the point. I can’t sleep, the shadows-” You began to explain before he moved aside, inviting you in. 
“I know darling, come in.” 
You carefully walk past his tall frame, turning your head to hide your blush. You had no idea he slept shirtless. 
“I apologize if I woke you, I can go back.” You take it back. 
“Well, we can’t let those pesky shadows get to you, can we?” He leans down slightly, brushing a tangled strand of hair behind your ear. 
You smile and shake your head, “No.” 
Loki walks back to his side of the bed as you stay frozen in place, your stomach feeling as if it were a butterfly cage. Only a lamp lit the room as he pulled the green comforter back, patting the empty spot next to him, motioning for you to join him. 
You walk over to join him, still wrapped in your own blanket from your room. Loki gave you a soft smile as the bed dipped next to him from your body meeting his mattress. He reaches out for your blanket that covers your body. 
“May I?” He asks for permission to unwrap it from your body. 
“But I need it!” You protest, holding it tighter. 
“No you won’t, not with me here. I’ve got you, nothing ever will harm you.” He promises. 
You take his word and loosen the blanket as his hand takes over to remove it and place it aside on the bed. You wore a loose tee with short cotton shorts to bed, his eyes lingered before looking back into yours, your heart skipping a beat as they met. Surely he noticed the pink tint on your cheeks, you noticed he had it too. 
“Get comfortable, my dear.” He says before turning around to turn off the lamp at his bedside. 
“Loki?” You cautiously warn him. 
“It’s okay, just close your eyes.” He softly demands. 
You do as he says, jumping slightly at the slight ‘click’ of the lamp turning off. You couldn’t stop yourself as your eyes came open once again to meet the darkness around you. There was something in the darkness this time, however, It didn’t scare you. Loki moved next to you, wrapping his arms around your form next to him. You buried your face into his chest, his familiar scent filled your lungs like a drug. 
“What did I tell you? You didn’t keep your eyes closed.” He laughs smoothly. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it.” You apologize into his skin. 
“Don’t worry darling, nothing will come to harm you.” He assures you, playing with your hair against his pillow. 
“I know that but I’m still scared when the lights go off and I don’t know why. It is so childish.” You shame yourself. 
Loki pulls you up to him, your faces so close. You can feel his warm breath in tandem with his gentle touch that slowly calmed you to a state of fearless comfort. 
“It is a fear, my love. We all have them, not just children. Some of us may grow out of them, some of us may not. It’s just an inevitable part of living.” His deep voice seeps into every pore of your skin. 
“What are you afraid of, Loki? If you don't want to tell me it’s fine.” You tell him, not wanting him to feel pressured. He is doing more for you than you ever thought he would. 
“Thunder.” He describes his fear in one word. 
You stay silent for a second, not expecting such a quick response from the god. “But your brother-” You begin before he cuts you off. 
“I know. I had to grow up with rumbles of thunder shaking the palace walls as my brother discovered his power. Sleep constantly escaped my grasp at night. I was too ashamed to tell him to stop, instead I told my mother who scolded him properly.” He gives a little laugh as he recalls the memory, “I’ve gotten over it, mostly. It still gets to me sometimes.” 
You remembered the night that he walked you back to your room, when he would jump slightly whenever a clap of thunder shook the walls. “You hide it so well, I would have never known.” 
“It helps when I have you by my side. I suppose that night we were helping each other face our fears.” He grins in the dark, inching his face closer to yours, so close that your noses were now lightly brushing against each other. 
A comfortable moment of silence was shared between you two. He brought his hand up from underneath the covers and placed it over yours that was tucked by your chest. He wanted to make a move, you could tell. But he was so scared, so cautious, he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. Little did he know that in this moment, it was the most comfort you had ever felt in your life. You inched even closer, your lips ghosting against each other. 
Loki could only ignore his feelings for you for so long before they would come to a head. He felt so strong that night that he helped you, despite the storm. Having someone rely on him and trust him, it was a feeling that he had never felt before. 
“Do you want to know why I stayed behind that night, even after everyone else departed?” He reminds you of that night once again. 
“Why?” You ask in a hushed tone. 
“Because I wanted to help you. And I wanted you to stay with me so that I wouldn’t be alone.” He confesses. 
“Why me specifically?” You question him with flushed curiosity. 
“I wasn’t sure at the time. You just had this presence that comforted me, I didn’t understand it.” Your fear of the dark is nearly forgotten as you listen to him speak. 
“Do you understand it now, the feeling?” Your fingers intertwined with his hand that was resting on yours. 
“If I'm not mistaken, I think we both do. You are… different. In a good way, of course. I’ve never been this comfortable, this honest with any other person, not even my own family. I’m drawn to you, my love, if I may have the pleasure of calling you that?” He lifts your hand up from beneath the sheets to give it a soft kiss. Even in the dark, you can see the sincerity in his beautiful eyes. 
Your smile is hidden by the darkness surrounding you two. Instead of instilling you in fear, it wrapped around you like a warm blanket. The dark made the perfect background for such a deep and intimate conversation as his warmth surrounded you, protecting you from the outside world. You didn’t answer, no words could describe what you were feeling right now. You didn’t need them anyway. Instead you confirmed your feelings with a light kiss to his lips beneath the cover of night. It was short and sweet, he barely had time to process what just happened as he silently gasped. 
“Does that answer your question?” You grasp his hand tighter. 
Loki groans in content, moving his body to settle even deeper into the mattress. Your legs tangled with his and your face found a home in the crook of his neck, his black strands of hair tickled your forehead before he leaned down to kiss it. 
“It does.” 
It was there, in the arms of your god, you drifted into a peaceful sleep. A deep sleep with no frights or nightmares. The darkness, the one thing that you feared the most, surrounded your bodies and enveloped your space. Your old fear turning into your closest friend, making it seem that the whole world melted away and the two of you remained. He was the only thing that mattered, and to him, you were his whole world. A world with no fear or darkness, only love and peaceful nights, forever.
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piss-pumpkin · 3 months
🎃The Summerween special🩸
Douce amere chapter 12, Older!dipper pines x reader, ~3.8k words Prev Masterlist
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The upstairs bathroom of the mystery shack had never looked so good. Clean, which was relatively unusual, and even more so, decorated with candles and flashlights. Almost midnight. 
Dipper lit the last of the candles, a small tea light, and placed it on the counter. “Alright, I think that’s all of them.” 
The counter was covered and lit, despite the overhead lights still being on. Mabel shined a flashlight under her chin, and waved her fingers in the air. “Looks perfect!” she exclaimed, nearly bouncing off the little stool she sat on. “If what I read online is true, she might grant us wishes!”
You looked up at her from where you sat on the floor, legs crossed. “What exactly did you read online?” you prodded. “Like where did you get the instructions for this?”
She puckered and popped her lips, “you know, a few places… and it’s not like Dip or Ford knew anything,” she shrugged, smile creeping onto her lips. “So if you think about, I’m the most knowledgeable person here on the subject.”
”That does not answer my question,” you said, folding your arms. 
Dipper leaned against the counter, “Yeah, I’m with Y/n on this one, I really think that if she’s real, not all the shitposts are accurate.”
”Hey, hey, my sources are trusted,” she claimed, shaking her head at his dismissal. “And if you don’t believe in the wishes, why are we even doing this?” 
Dipper paused for a moment, as if unsure she was even serious. “Dude, to find out what happens,” he said, as if it were obvious.
You smiled cheekily, “Yeah, plus, it’s Halloween, we need a little spooky time.” You looked around the brightly lit room, wincing a little bit, “or at least it will be when we start.”
”Summerween,” Dipper corrected absently. “Not Halloween.” As you rolled your eyes, Dipper squinted, and started to flip through his journal. “Speaking of, Summerween has literally no spiritual or historical significance, if this works it’s because Gravity Falls is crazy, not because of the day.”
Mabel’s face contorted, “then why are we doing it today?”
You threw your hand out to hit her on the leg, “If you’re gonna get murdered by Bloody Mary, wouldn’t you rather do it on a night of horror and whimsey, and not just like, some random Tuesday?” 
Mabel nodded along, “yeah, I guess.”
”What?” Dipper asked. He looked up from his journal with his brow furrowed, “None of us are gonna die.” He was still idly reading his journal, and tapped and prodded at the counter behind him looking for his pen. When he found it, he started to chew the back end in between jotting down notes. 
You shook your head with a smile, “well, yeah, duh, but if it comes down to it,” you trailed off, waving your hand in the air. You looked up at him. He looked down at you. You smiled, and his faux annoyance faded. 
“Well I guess if I had to get murdered by Bloody Mary,” he sighed, smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Mabel kicked him as she pumped her fist and legs in the air, “That’s the spirit, Bro!”
His annoyance came back as he recoiled his shin away from her feet, “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he said, glancing at the clock. “It’s almost midnight, we should turn off the lights.”
You stood, and started toward the switch. “What in the rules says it has to be midnight?” You asked, flicking it down. The room darkened everywhere but the mirror area, which stayed lit with burning the candles. 
The twins looked at you, then each other. When neither of them spoke, Dipper sighed. “Mabel, you looked up the ritual, why did we wait until midnight?” he sighed, head in his hand. 
She flipped her flashlight at him, and shrugged with pursed lips. 
“Turn that thing off,” you said, tapping her flashlight with your foot, “Only candle light, it’s spookier that way,” you said, wiggling your fingers.
Dipper scribbled something down in his journal, then set it and his pen down. He took one glance at his phone before shutting it off and pocketing it. “Okay, let’s start, we’ve got like a minute.”
You and Mabel gave a thumbs up, standing off to the side while he looked into the mirror with skeptical eyes. “You guys are standing way over there, huh,” he deadpanned, raising his brow at you and Mabel. 
You waved your hand in dismissal, “Dippy, don’t be scared,” you chided. You blew a kiss at him with a smile, “if she tries to get you, we’ll beat her off.”
Mabel snickered, “I mean, I’ll leave you two to that,” she said, earning a punch from you straight to the arm. 
Dipper waved his hands, “Okay, everyone shut up, it’s midnight, we’re doing the thing.” He sighed, looking at his reflection in the mirror, and started to speak. “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary,” he said, in a rather subdued voice. 
The room was silent. You waited a beat, then two. Then the light from Mabel’s phone drew your eye. She had open a Wikihow article. Great. 
She frantically whisper yelled at Dipper, “now you have to spin three times!” 
He sighed, quietly shouting right back, “that’s stupid,” before complying with her order, and spinning in a circle where he stood. 
Mabel cheekily scrolled through the wikihow article as the three of you waited for something to happen. Dipper pursed his lips, turning to you and Mabel, “I blame Ma-“
He stopped, and side eyed the mirror with puckered lips. Slowly, he opened his mouth again as he raised his hand to point at it. “Hey, wait a second,” he said curiously. Then all of a sudden he was leaning closer to the mirror, and squinting harder. 
You tapped your foot on the ground impatiently, crossing your arms. “Dip, Buddy,” you said, raising your eyebrows. “What’cha got there?” You could vaguely remember playing this exact prank on some friends as a kid, and Dipper was a worse actor. 
He turned toward you, and your eyes widened as you saw his wide smile. He pointed a finger gun at the mirror with one hand, and steadied himself on the counter with the other. He nearly laughed, “Guys, are you seeing this shi-“
Before he could finished, you and Mabel gasped, her hands flying up to point at her brother. Worse, before either of you could say anything, it was too late for a warning. In blink, something launched out of the mirror, and in a blur of black motion, even more obscured by the darkness in the room, attacked Dipper. 
It stuck to his head like a face-hugger, but with arms. Arms with hands that held tightly. Dipper struggled and moved and writhed, and tried to pull it off, groans and screams muffled. The dim light of the candles started to fade as he put them out with his flailing. 
Well shit. Suddenly you could think enough to tear your eyes away. Lights would be good. As Mabel screamed and pointed, you raced over to the switch, and illuminated the scene. 
Mabel was swatting away the creature, which looked a lot more like a person in the light. Its arms were still wrapped around Dippers head, and its legs pressed against his chest. A long mess of wet and dripping black hair obscured any face of hers. 
The more you looked, the worse it got. Your eyes skimmed over her sickly white skeleton thin limbs on your first look in the dark. And on that skeletal frame, a small white dress with… red stains. And dripping the same. Well fuck, that’s probably bad. 
In an instant Mabel punched it, coming at a side angle to avoid hurting Dipper. Maybe she’s learning. I should help, you thought, still staring. Yeah. Let’s do that. 
Without any semblance of a thought, much less a battle plan, you dove in. With quick step you lunged, grabbing for the creature. Or… the girl. Blindly, you wrapped your arms around her chilled torso, and pulled with all your momentum. 
Suddenly Dipper’s voice returned with a desperate gasp for breath, and then a stifled groan as Mabel punched him. 
You, on the other hand, were tumbling down to the floor at rapid speeds. The sounds of Mabel and Dipper faded away as you screamed, both at the terror in your arms, and your impending impact. At least the hair was covering her face. Your eyes squeezed shut, bracing for the fall. 
And all of a sudden the wind was knocked out of you, the creature folding under your chest. “Ugh,” you groaned. You pushed with shaky arms off the ground, opening your eyes reluctantly.
As you did, you locked gaze with red eyes above you. Shit. Sunken in and white cheeks contorted as it opened an unhinged jaw to hiss and shriek. Piercing. Your hands quickly released her to fly to your ears as you winced, kicking her off of her. The wood floor hit your back hard as you rolled away. In a ditch effort to do some damage, you threw your leg out to get another kick in as you rolled and she screamed. 
Your foot never landed though. Just as you tried, something was grabbing you by the arms. You jolted away, and whipped you head around with bated breath. 
Dipper. He was trying to pull you up. You looked at him with wide eyes for a moment before he tried again to get you on your feet. “Come on, you’ve gotta get up,” he said, shifting his arms under yours to pull you. 
Legs shaking, you managed. And looked up to see Mabel doing your job for you. With a jump and a battle cry, she soccer kicked bloody Mary’s face in. 
Dipper didn’t let go of you, and you were more than glad. His arms around your shoulder was so warm compared to the chill that came over the room when the creature let out her final shrill cry. She went limp on the ground, and your mouth fell open in small shock. 
You looked behind you at Dipper, who wore a very similar expression. 
Mabel turned around to you both with a wide smile, and a thumbs up. “How crazy was that?!” She said, beaming ear to ear. Her socks were specked with red from the creatures… mouth, eyes, nose… something. 
You pointed at her, eyes darting between Mabel and bloody Mary. “Dude, Mabes,” you started, brow furrowed. “D-did you fucking kill her?”
Mabel looked at the limp skeletal body on the ground near her feet. Then back at you. Then back at the body. She shrugged silently, lips in a blank smile.
Dipper stepped forward from behind you, and caught you eye with his worried expression. He pointed hesitantly to a detail you seemed to miss on first glance. “Uh, Mabel,” he spoke, voice level and controlled. “What’s happening there?” 
You followed his finger to her socks, and the red splatters adorning them. They were starting to move. They weren’t the only one. The body started to convulse. With jolting and jittery movement, she extended an arm, you heard a bone crack, and curled into a ball, hiding her bloody face. A small red pool was forming where her shaking body laid. And it was inching its way, almost deliberately toward Mabel. 
“Oh my god, Mabel, start moving,” you stated, not really an ask, waving arms at her, still just standing there.
She looked down, and face contorted. “Augh,” she exclaimed, jumping away from the blood. She slid her socks off with her feet, kicking them across the room as the blood overtook and enveloped them. She pointed at them very aggressively, “What the fuck is that?!”
Dipper grimaced, pursing his lips as he crossed his arms. “Yeah, you tell me, you were supposed to look up the ritual.”
”Shut up,” she said simply. She narrowed her eyes at him, “I prefer fucking around and finding out,” she snickered.
You stared with raised brow and dumbfounded expression, seemingly the only one who noticed that her now bare foot was… bloody. Mary’s body was shrivelling as the shaking started to slow, and the blood was still creeping over. And a few drops of blood must have seeped through the socks before she threw them. “Fuck around and find out, huh?” You asked. Rhetorical question. Because the answer was yes. 
The few drops started to grow. And started to seep in. Her skin started to red below the ankle, and it spread like mold in spots and streaks. 
Mabel looked down, “Oh shit.”
Dippers eyes widened, “ugh, gimme your phone,” he demanded, making his way toward his sister. “I need to see the instructions on the ritual you gave us,” he sighed, hand outstretched. 
Mabel’s eyes were wide and a shaky smile crossed her pale lips. Pale? That’s not good. Her face was losing colour as fast as her feet and hands were gaining it. Dippers face was cool and calm, but his eyes started trained on his palm rather than her. Easier that way. she gingerly handed him the phone, letting out an awkward laugh as she did. “The password is 80085,” she winced. 
Dipper sighed, rolling his eyes as he typed it in. He sucked a breath in through closed teeth, “Mabel, fucking wikihow?” He breathed with barred teeth. He waved his hand in the air, gesturing at the phone, “wikihow.” 
She shook her head, “what did you want me to do?” What’s wrong with wikihow?” She asked, pointing at him accusingly. 
You sighed, shaking your head. “Well it’s not very good, for one,” you said. “Secondly, this is not a productive use our of time right now,” you pointed at… Mabel, her whole condition. She was a rich blood red from the knees and the forearms to the tips of her fingers and toes, and ghostly white on her face and chest. “Mabel, you’re getting worse.”
You turned to the limp creature on the ground, who seemed smaller than before as she huddled into herself. Dipper seemed to have similar ideas, carefully sidestepping the blood pool creeping toward his sister as he went to investigate. He knelt before the body, and looked back to you before touching it.
You did you best to nod reassuringly, and shot him a thumbs up. He pursed his lips, smiling just slightly. 
Dipper poked the body, gently on head, on the wet and plastered hair. Nothing happened. You heard a faint grumble come from him as he wiped the finger on his pants. 
You scooted over to Mabel, who was emitting cold like an ajar freezer. Side eyeing her, you could see her breath escape her lips. The closer you stood to her the more goosebumps seemed to crawl their way up your arms. You did it anyway, nearly shoulder to shoulder with her as you both watched Dippers observations. If he wants to touch it, all him. 
Dipper moved to the shoulder, brushing away the blood wet hair with a grimace on his face. 
Ugh. You sighed, crossing your arms as you stepped away from Mabel. You knelt beside Dipper, nearly falling over as you refused to uncross your arms while you sat on your heels and balanced on the balls of your feet. 
He glanced over at you, “Are you gonna touch it?” he asked, brow raised and deadpan. 
You shots him a crooked smile and Mabel came and knelt beside you. “Mayhaps?” you offered with a shrug. Mabel nodded along, giving an encouraging thumbs up to her brother with blood red hands. 
Dipper stopped just short of touching the body, eyes locked on his sister. His brow furrowed and mouth hung ajar. “Mabel…” he started, squinting at her. “Mabel you should go see Ford, he might know what’s going on with you.”
”Uh, okay,” she said. Her voice was practically a whisper, almost echoing. But the bathroom wasn’t spacious enough for that. “Yeah, I’m looking kinda off,” she winced, staring at her pale ghostly face in the mirror. She was silent as she stood. Oddly so. The moving of her bones, skin or clothes made no sound, and you had to check to see if she was still beside you. 
And as she snuck off, with a stealth a predator would envy, the room felt a little warmer. You eyed the door she closed behind her. “I think you should text Ford to want him,” you said.
Dipper sighed, nodding as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Yep,” he affirmed, starting to type. 
You crossed your arms as you stared at the body at your feet. It was… gross. Her white silk dress was stained red all over. Definitely a good thing you couldn’t see her face. You looked at the body, stared and bit the inside of your cheek. “We should probably go see Mabel.”
Mabel was screaming. The moment you stepped out of the elevator you blocked your ears to defend from her shrill cry. Tired down to a chair, thrashing with her blood red hands, and staring you and Dipper down with her now blood red eyes. Fords basement study was askew, with books knocked off of his desk, and a few pieces of shattered glass pushed to the corner of the room. 
Ford looked at the two of you with wide eyes and furrowed brow. He pointed aggressively at Mabel, not nothing trying to speak over the haunted telling and thrashing, silently asking what the fuck happened? 
You grimaced and looked at Dipper, whose eyes were wide as he stared at his sister. You waited a moment for him to speak, but he doesn’t. You sucked a breath in through your teeth and shouted, “Bloody Mary,” with hands cupped around your lips. 
Mabel started to squirm harder, fists balled as she tired to break free of her restraints. A closer examination enlightened you to the blood dripping from the corners of her mouth, dripping on bloodied clothes from blood red lips. You recoiled slightly, lightly grabbing the sleeve of Dippers sweater. Lucky you, he didn’t seem to notice. 
Ford was livid. He put his hands to his forehead and tiredly pushed back his hair. He gestured wildly at the two of you, and then to Mabel, and then back towards you. He shook his head. “Well, now we have to do an exorcism,” he said angrily.
You raised your brow and yelled across the room, “Those are real? Like they work?” 
Ford nodded gravely. Or maybe it was tiredly. “Yes, they work,” he sighed, gesturing for you to come closer and see his notes.  
You start to step, but there’s a pause. Not in the background noise, Mabel is still going strong, but in the conversation. Usually he’d have something to say by now. You glanced at Dipper beside you, whose eyes are fixed on his sister. It wasn’t hard to notice the way his lips were twitching, and tugged down in the corners. Other than that, completely stoic. And you knew him well enough to know that wasn’t right. Carefully, you tugged his sleeve. 
In a swift motion his head jerked to face you, mouth hung slightly open, and eyes widened as he saw you. “What?” He asked, seeming startled. You still cling to his sleeve, twiddling the fabric between your fingers.
Your voice soft, you nearly mumble, “exorcism.” You hoped he could read your lips through the noise. 
Despite he banging and assortment of odd sounds coming from Mabel, he seemed to have understood you, because he nodded, and finally saw Ford. 
The old man’s face was troubled. You probably weren’t looking amazing yourself, trying to avoid staring down Dipper to gauge his reactions. He came closer to the both of you for better speaking, and carefully explained what they had to. 
And the whole time it was done, your eyes kept wandering to Dipper, praying the clouded and distant look didn’t come back to him. But it always did. Subtle, soft, but so noticeable to you, and probably Ford. The way he twitched, on occasion, when Mabel resisted with a voice not her own. The shakiness of his hands when she thrashed. His furrowed brow and distressed eyes, even when it was done, and she was back and laughing about it. It all seemed to follow him, even as you went back upstairs, completely safe. 
Mabel joked with him, picking up on his manner. And it worked, for a time. He smiled, and you watched, perplexed. And then, her body’s energy, completely wasted by the angry spirit, she slept like a rock. 
And once again, in front of the lull of the TV, you watched it take hold of him. You were close together on the small couch. The hour was late, and despite everything, neither of you were sleep tired. More like bone tired, if anything. He was, at least. “So, are you alright?” You asked, finally. 
Dippers head turned, tipped, and toiled as his lips pursed. “I don’t like possession,” he managed, fingers running up and down the sleeve of his sweater. 
Your fingers seemed to scratch at your knuckles with a mind of their own. Ah. You glanced at him, the silhouette of his side profile. The TV running was suddenly in the background, whatever shitty reality show you were making fun of faded out. Like you couldn’t even hear it.  You nodded, lacking any worth while words. 
He let out a little nose laugh. “Yeah,” he snickered, shaking his head, “I know.” 
You sighed, shaking your arm behind him and wrapping  it around his waist, your hand gently crawling up his side. “Sucks,” you agree, pulling yourself closer to him and resting your head on his chest. You glanced up at him, seeing his soft smile. “But it’s over, at least.”
He carefully took your free hand in his, and kissed the top of your head as he spoke nearly into your hair. “It is.  I’m glad Ford got it done with quickly.” 
“Yeah, this didn’t really go according to plan,” you said, thumbing over his knuckles. 
He laughed softly, and you felt the air from his nose on your head. “Was there even a plan?” He asked, leaning into you. “I thought we were just fucking around to find out.”
You smiled, “well, yeah, but-“ you paused, thinking for a moment. “You know, I don’t think we planned for Mabel to…” you trailed off, shaking your head against his shirt as you chuckled. 
“She knows how to party,” he laughed. His grip on your hand tightened, and you looked up. Tired eyes. A little sad looking. His brow was furrowed as he looked aimlessly down at you. Past you. Through you? 
You huddled impossibly closer. “Over now. No more possession,” you said, throwing your legs across him like a seatbelt. Completely safe. 
“Yeah,” he murmured. He laughed silently through his nose, small smile returning to his lips. “Yeah.”
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Fun fact: I started writing this a little before Halloween and ended up finishing it in December. My procrastination is a menace. I’m doing it right now. I have math homework and a philosophy paper due tomorrow and I haven’t started either. Doing great btw (lie)
Another fun fact: me and some friends are gonna go into the woods and look for skinwalker a this weekend to prove to some friends that they aren’t real (real paranormal investigators?? Woah??) so if I stop uploading it’s cuz I’m dead
Taglist: @cipheress-to-k-pop @dead-esque
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kiana-kaslana-423 · 7 months
Arachne! Vill v x Fem Reader
☆ Vill v that has the lower body of a spider ☆
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Shhh, it is late- I know- it took me a little and if I'm going to be for real, sorry if this is bad, had a hard time making it and it didn't come out that good to my opinion so sorry
TW: Please do not read / look at this if you have a fear of
spiders please just scroll to the next post.
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!! Not comfy with men will block on interaction !!!
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• Vill v is a Arachne, a person who has the lower half of a spider aka the spiders abdomen and 8 legs! She is specifically a Texas brown tarantula, her spider abdomen is a light brown while the 8 legs are a darker shade brown. Her species is quite easygoing and just stay in their borrows
• So with that the only way you could possibly meet her without dying (( since she will kill you accidentally if you tried to sneak up on her when she's hunting )) would be if you stumbled across her borrow which is a big opening in the ground with a little bit of web around the entrance, maybe you were taking a walk and it started to rain and get cold so you decided to adventure in the borrow to see if you could wait out the rain
• When you eventually reached the ground floor of the borrow, it was so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of you so you turned on your phone flashlight and began to look around. it was a very big borrow! It had leftover animal caucuses and bones which was kind of concerning,, you kept exploring until you felt hard tapping vibrations on the floor, it was fast and a consistent tap, you couldn't tell it was coming from cuz of how dark it was, even with your phone flashlight you couldn't see that much into the dark
• What you didn't know was Vill v has been watching you the whole entire time you've been exploring her home, you are cold, wet and small, very small compared to her size. But she found you adorable for some reason!Vill v has never come across your species before because of how deep in the woods she is and that she mostly stays in her borrow so she found you interesting! You were kind of like her but without the spider,,?
• And she drawled the conclusion that you must be a mate since she's never seen another one of her kind so maybe this is how the other counterpart look? So she started the mating ritual, making the front of her spider legs tap the ground repeatedly so you would feel the heavy vibrations, but you looked more confused then anything else since you kept looking around with that light source you had.. it looked like you just didn't understand what she was doing so she decided to just confront you!
• Vill v probably shouldn't confronted you as fast as she did because you screamed and passed out when you saw her basically bolting to you from the darkness—
• She didn't really know what to do with your passed out body so she just kind of sat down really close to you, she didn't want you to be cold! Her spider lower half is very fluffy so it should help you get warm until you wake up! Vill v just waits for hours even feeling your body move a couple of times, she is also checking your pulse throughout each hour
• But she eventually started to get worried since you were not waking up so she picked you up with her arms and walked over to her bed in the lower part of the borrow, it was a nicely constructed web that was soft to the touch and it was like a big hammock in the lower corner of the room! She gently laid you on top of it and situated herself around you then just waited and watched you
• Eventually when you do wake up she's all over you making sure you're okay and everything! She already sees you as her mate and it gets real quick confused when you try to fight back since all that she's doing is making sure you're okay!- She would be a bad mate if she didn't! ((you make her so tempted to use her venom to make you calm down...))
• Eventually after enough kicking and screaming from you, she finally just sets you down and asks you what the hell is your problem?! Then that's when she gets the full story about everything, she sees it more as yada yada since all she cares about is seeing you as hers- but she decided to go along with it so you feel non threatened by her
• Then just jump cut to you cuddled up very closely to Vill v's fluffy abdomen in her web since it was still cold from the rain and everything, and as you two cuddle you get to know her and she gets to know you! Since there's nothing else to do down there so getting to know each other is the best pastime! You guys actually get along pretty well and even when you had to leave you promised to come back!
• That's where the beginning of your guys's relationship started! You brought gifts every time you came to her borrow, decorative gifts and normal gifts that she can start using! Eventually making her borrow more like a underground home! It was weird for her at first but she noticed, if it looks like something you're accustomed too then you stay longer so she let it be,,
• Vill v also allows you to touch almost everywhere on her body exception her legs since they are very sensitive and they have very sharp claws at the end of them! She will only let you touch them only if you give her a heads up and she consents!
• Vill v has strange ways of showing her affection because of her spider like behavior and appearance- first of all since she's way much more taller than you because of her lower half, she has found a thing where she likes to stand over you cuz she knows you're protected under her then the opposite of that is she likes you to ride her spider abdomen when she has to go somewhere or if you just want to lay on it or sleep on it since it's like a big fluffy pillow!
• She likes to cuddle too but it's kind of hard to cuddle with her because of her body- so normally if she wants to cuddle you with her upper half, she just picks you up and just holds you but that's not really a problem since she has a lot of upper body strength!
• Vill v is obviously very overprotective because of her nature, she hates you leaving and just really wants to keep you in her borrow but she knows she doesn't have the type of food you need or eat so she just has to keep letting you go each time and it frustrates her so much,,, like she's angrily tapping her legs on the ground because of how mad she is each time you leave- when you come back you always have to give her many kisses so she feels better!
• Along with that she's a messy eater,, like each time you come back too, you will need to have to wipe her face off before you give her a kiss- since it normally has some type of blood from an animal along with her hands and upper body,, she is not the cleanest Arachne around-
• She does have sharp teeth too! Very sharp teeth actually- and they do leak venom! But her species don't have deadly venom to humans and it's just the bite that is normally pretty bad-
• So that's the only thing really deadly about her bite, which she would never purposely bite you but if you anger her really really badly or something like that then she maybe try to bite you but normally she just hisses at you when she gets angry, it's her way of telling you, she's on her last thread and you need to get away from her right now,,,
• Vill v also uses her legs to tap on the floor to communicate with you too! If it's soft that means she's in a good mood or she need you to come over to her, if it is harsh and hard that means she's not in a very good mood and don't come close-
• But she can be very playful and peaceful too! Like if you rub her spider abdomen or if she's happy, it will twitch a little bit! It's just a little sign but it's so cute to see happen!!!
• Btw Vill v does make stuff for you out of her web, like a blanket or something just cozy for you! It makes her feel accomplished once you use it or praise her for it!! She makes a lot of these things for you too-
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Okay so now that we’ve confirmed that Lius dad is hot, it’s time to find him 😼
Call me dora the explorer cause im not giving up
Maybe he'll find you first-
Your car breaks down on the side of a desolate road. Just before you're forced to pull over, you hear a small pop from the front tires. You climb out to see the damages, using your camera's flashlight to see ahead. Two large gashes were slashed into each tire; the cause left a mystery when you search. It's too dark to trail far from your car even with your light source.
You climb back in your car, going over the logistics of your situation as you try not to panic. You're alone, in the middle of nowhere. The last gas station was about fourty miles back and you only had one spare tire. You could try to get back with that, or the less safer choice of walking. Before either plan is set in motion, you attempt the easiest route of trying to make a phone call.
"Come on... Please." Your heart sinks to your stomach as the third call fails to connect. You check the signal - zero bars. You rest your head against the steering wheel, mentally preparing yourself for what you had to do next. Your phone didn't have much battery left either, so if you didn't work fast you'd have to work in pitch darkness. You take a breath, reaching for the door, but as you grab the handle you're surrounded by a white light.
It's so bright that for a moment you worry you've somehow died and this is your call to the beyond. As your eyes adjust to their intensity, you realize you're staring down the grill of a truck almost three times the size of your car. The driverside drop pops open, gravel crunching under heavy boots as a silhouette approaches you. The soft hum of a whistle fills the air as it creeps forward; coming to an abrupt stop as a man appears in your side view mirror.
He taps on the window, plucking the chewed toothpick held between his lips as you roll the window down. He tips his hat to you as he leans against the door, positioning his face so he can look at you with his good eye. From the angle, you can see a red sticker on his shirt that reads: "Hello, My name is J."
"Evening, Cher. Seems like you're saving car troubles, from the looks of things."
You look him up and down. You've seen him before. Back at the last stop. He gave you a passing glance and you thought nothing more of it at the time. "My tires got busted.. I.. must've hit something."
The man clicks his tongue with a shake of his head. "Shame." He pats the car door. "Can't leave a pretty thing like you alone in this parts. Hop out and I'll carry you back to the station. Get some warm food in you, and call someone to pick up your car for ya."
He smiles warmly. Something about the expression gives you a sense of unease. It reminds you of seeing a loved on you hadn't seen in a long time. His face falls.
"Feeling a little uncomfortable, Cher? That's perfectly understandable. I can't abandon ya out in the middle of nowhere, if ya aren't coming I hold you don’t mind if I stick around. Got a few blankets in the back too if you'd like to fall asleep.."
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
The8 (Seventeen) | Painting in the rain fluff | 1k
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When you wake up, you feel your body shivering. You’ve managed to roll from under the covers and the chilly midnight breeze caresses you awake. You reach out and find the other side of the bed ice cold. You frown. Where is Minghao?
You jump a little in surprise when a rumble resonates through the air. Your sleepy brain slowly catches up with what’s going on around you. There’s a storm outside, you hear the rain, the occasional thunder and see the room being illuminated by lightning. It takes a little longer for you to be ready to get up. With a yawn you walk over to the window and close it before stepping out of the bedroom to look for your boyfriend. 
It’s easier than you imagined, you only need to follow the sound of the storm and the breeze. The door to the balcony is slightly opened and you sigh, taking a blanket from the couch and throwing it over your shoulder while making your way over.
You open the door enough for you to step out and you’re not at all surprised to see Hao standing in front of a canvas. You chuckle, noticing that the only source of light he has is the lightning and the flashlight of his phone stuck in his chest pocket. He turns with a small jump at the sound, relaxing when he notices it’s only you.
“Did I wake you?” he asks, giving you a sheepish smile as he turns back to his painting.
“By painting in silence? I don’t think so,” you tease, walking over and hugging his waist from behind, resting your chin on his shoulder and making sure he’s covered by the blanket as much as possible without hindering his painting. You don’t understand how he is not shaking, he’s so cold to touch.
“Why aren’t you sleeping then?” he asks again and brushes his hand against yours as he studies his work and ponders for a second before continuing. 
“I was cold. We left the window open and the wind woke me,” you shrug, tiptoeing so you could kiss his cheek. Only then do you realize his face is all wet. You get concerned before he giggles quietly and pats your hand again, careful not to get any paint from his brush on you. 
“It’s just the rain,” he explains, nodding towards the sky as if you didn’t know it was raining. That’s when you realize that indeed, it wasn’t that his shirt was cold, it was wet. The wind makes the rain fall towards you, and some of it falls on Hao - but that means his canvas too.
“What about the painting?” you inquire, curious. Usually he’s so careful with his creations, so this seems out of character.
“I’m trying to get out of my comfort zone,” he admits with a little sigh, “Trusting the process, trying to make the best out of the circumstances.” You smile, leaning your head against his and he mirrors the action. You know he smiles too.
“You really make me wonder how your brain works sometimes,” you tease, with love dripping from every word, “Who in their right mind wakes up after midnight to paint in a storm and gets soaked by the rain?”
“Your boyfriend, it would seem,” he smirks, “And you love him for it.”
“Hmm, you know what? I think I do,” you agree, rubbing your head gently against his.
You don’t talk anymore, standing in silence interrupted only by the storm as you hold him and protect him from the cold as much as he protects you from the rain, shielding you with his body. You watch the painting come to life under his watchful eyes and his brush, and the occasional raindrop running down the canvas. He keeps reminding you that you can go to bed whenever you wish, that you don’t need to keep him company, but you never leave. You can’t see, but you know he smiles everytime, because his hand touches yours or he turns his head to kiss your temple. The rain drowns out the sound of cars and barking dogs and people, the gentle drumming of raindrops hitting the ground, the railing and the windows around creating a soothing background noise that allows you to empty your mind. You’ve never felt more in the moment than right then. You hear the storm, the rain and the thunder, you smell the petrichor and Hao’s scent that can only be described as home, you watch the blues and grays flowing on the canvas under his brush, and most of all you feel how warm his back is against your chest, and how cold his hand is when he touches you.
It feels like it’s hours later when he leans back and decides that the painting is good enough. Maybe it’s been hours, because the storm has turned into a light drizzle without you noticing. You can’t feel your legs, you note, your knees almost buckling under you when you attempt to move. He catches you, his brush falling to the ground as he helps to stabilize you and pulls you closer to him. His chest is cold, his arms are too as they sneak under the blanket and you shiver.
“Go to bed, I’ll just clean up and I’ll be right there,” he says softly, kissing your forehead. You nod, only allowed to leave his arms when he’s sure you won’t fall. 
You do as you were told, crawling to his side of the bed and under the covers to make sure the bed is warm for him when he joins you. It doesn’t take him too long to come to the bedroom and after he changes his damp clothes you scoot back to your side. He looks at you in surprise when he lies down and smiles at you when he realizes what you’ve done. He opens his arms for you and hugs you tight. 
He doesn’t need to thank you. He doesn’t need to say he loves you. You know by the way he holds you, the way he sighs against your skin, the way his lips linger on yours when he kisses you, and most of all you know because he doesn’t let you go, even if it’d be easier for him to fall asleep that way.
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 1 year
A Year and a Day
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My second piece for the Winter Solstice event!
Sandman fandom, Hob x fem!reader x Morpheus (implied future)
Warnings: language, brief violence, injury
*While you can enjoy this on its own - there's gonna be more. It's gonna be a drabble series in all likelihood.This is becoming my de-stress fic. Mostly fluff, and lots of shenanigans, so let me know what you think. <3
A Year and a Day (the first part of many)
The frigid evening wind cuts through the alley, and Morpheus feels it. He feels the cold, the broken asphalt scraping his palm, the blood cooling on his chin.
A year and a day of mortality.
He wonders if he’ll survive the first night.
As the curse had taken effect, and he’d hurtled into the waking world, he’d done all he could to aim for London. With his power bleeding away and his body closing tight around his severed awareness of the Dreaming, a single name flashed at the forefront of his thoughts: Hob Gadling. His friend. Although several mortals know enough of his nature as an Endless to be of some assistance, Hob is the only one he trusts to actually offer it.
If he does not escape this alley, however, he’ll never put that assumption to the test.
A kick lifts him away from the pavement for a moment, and he collapses on his side, coughing. The men above him loom like tall shadows, backlit by anemic streetlights. Two pounce, rifling through his pockets as he struggles to catch his breath, and he once again thanks John Dee for crushing the Dream Stone. It can never be stolen again. Never be abused. Though, apparently, he can still be parted from his power.
Once they determined he has nothing to give them, one of the searchers swears and kicks him again, this time in the back, and Morpheus arches, teeth gritted in a fresh wave of pain.
“Nothing. Man’s got nothing. No wallet. No cash. No phone.”
The third man, ostensibly the leader, stands closest to the street, pointing a knife to warn their victim against screaming in case Morpheus should recover the wind they’ve kicked from his lungs. He shakes his head. “Dressed like that? Whatever. Coat’s worth something at least. Looks nice. Check again. Rich assholes have hidden pockets – hollow shoes, you know, like on tv.”
The hands return. Rougher. Grabbing and pushing as they try to work his arms out of his coat without letting him up from the pavement. Still breathless, he bares his teeth, reaching for abilities stripped from his grasp. He can’t even sense them. His mind is mortal, too, at least as much as it can be, and he’s left to his assailants’ mercy as he fights to regain his equilibrium.
But he has a long memory, and he will remember their faces. They may not pay for their insult tonight, but they will in due course. He promises them silently. He promises himself.
A flash of light illuminates the alley. Two more. Three more bursts of sun. Like lightning without thunder, without rain or clouds.
All three men turn to look at the source just as a clear, feminine voice calls from the opposite end of the alleyway, “I just sent pictures with all your faces to my friend.”
The one with the knife manages three long strides before the voice stops him.
“If anything happens, my friend will show them to the police. Oh, and I just dialed 999, so I suggest you scarper.”
A suggestion. Through his pain, Morpheus smirks.
Highway robbery is an often romanticized but a less than rewarding career. It has always been thus, but desperation and idiocy lead men down familiar paths, from one eon to the next. These robbers freeze like deer when the woman flicks on her phone’s flashlight, giving the scene a more permanent illumination. More prey than predator. Aggressive when they had the upper hand, certainly, when it was three against one. But they hadn’t planned on an interruption, and now a third party they can’t threaten with their knives and knuckles has their faces. Their true colors leak through.
The quiet one who’s been searching him twists away from the light and runs.
“Fuck this.”
That’s the second.
The ringleader stands his ground long enough to make a weak pass at intimidation.
The woman behind the light shrugs, the tell-tale light lifting with her shoulders. “Twat.”
For a moment, Morpheus thinks the man will charge her. He angles his head down and spreads his feet, like he’ll take his chances and sprint over to stick his knife in her throat.
This time, Morpheus hears the phone’s camera app click, and the last attacker bolts after his friends. Too much evidence, not enough loot to justify the risk. An old tale often repeated.
The immediate danger has passed.
He has a destination in mind, but he finds himself struggling to rise. Every ache and burn lingers as he leverages his hands under his chest, pushing himself up to his knees and groaning from the effort.
Light steps approach. Not running. Not hesitant, either. Purposeful.
A hand with short, black nails appears before his eyes. He looks up, blinking away the runny watercolor blur from his eyes to find his savior of the hour, a small woman in a flower-print sundress – thick leggings below and a heavy sweater above to ward off the cool breath of autumn. A strange knight errant, but he is hardly in a position to choose.
Still, he does not take her hand.
Pulling himself upright inch by agonizing inch, he cradles his bruised ribs and offers a brief nod to express his gratitude. Though he is short on options, he is shorter on trust. Mortals are treacherous, often without meaning to be, and he is painfully aware of his vulnerability.
“I dialed but didn’t connect to 999,” she confesses, looking directly into his eyes, ignoring the wounds on his face or his ginger stance. “Do you need me to call an ambulance? Family? What do you need?”
He needs Hob Gadling. And possibly medical attention. In that order. How far can he depend on this little stranger to aid him?
“Thank you.” He scrutinizes her, frowning, and she bears it unflinchingly, waiting for him to choose his course. Her squared shoulders and tilted chin suggested she’ll help him down whichever path he chooses. His pride rages against the idea, but his very mortal body feels like it may collapse if the breeze pushes any harder.
He cannot call to mind everything he would know about this tiny hero if he were fully himself, but a whisper of an impression lingers. An extra sense. The three men jumped him before he could pick up anything from them, and all he’d gathered during the assault was the anxiety and anger fueling their rage. But now – now he has a moment, and she has a core of moonstone. A fixed, determined thing all but glowing with dreams and hope.
Decided, he speaks quietly, wary of the new hurts along his abdomen, careful not to aggravate them further. “I am trying to reach the New Inn. My friend, Robert Gadling still owns it, I believe.”
Her eyes light up, and she presses half a step closer. He nearly flinches away, startled by the spark of enthusiasm.
“Hob?” She lifts her phone.
She has Robert Gadling’s name in her phone as “Hob Goblin” and something sparks in his chest that isn’t jealousy.
As she waits for the call to go through, phone pressed to ear, she says, “I was actually on my way there. We’re just a couple blocks away. I’ll help you, but I should give Hob a head’s – Hey! Hob, I – No, I’m fine. There’s – Yes, I’m sure. I just ran into – Hon, I love you, but shut the fuck up. Sorry. Yeah. Bumped into a friend of yours, and he’s a little roughed up. Asked for you, so I thought I’d bring him to the New Inn. Wanted to give you advance warning… Okay. See you in a minute.”
The endearments course naturally through the dialogue, and he wonders what he has missed in Hob Gadling’s past year. But when she hangs up and stashes the phone away in her messenger bag, she gives Morpheus a brilliant smile, like all is well and they’re simply on their way to visit a mutual friend.
“Alright. Let’s get you to the Inn. Would you mind leaning on me?”
The nature of the question makes it easy to agree. He lets her pull his arm over her shoulders, and one little hand settles on his back, like she has the strength to support them both if he stumbles.
They work their way down the quiet street, and she doesn’t fight the silence. Their steps and breath mingle with the hoots of nightbirds, distant arguments, and the occasional passing car. She does not ask him why he is on his way to the New Inn, though she clearly had plans of her own with the owner. She does not demand he waste his breath assuring her he is well when he clearly is not. They walk together, and she makes sure he does not trip and fall on the way.
It is appreciated.
When they reach the New Inn, Hob meets them at the door, eyes wide but unsurprised when Morpheus manifests out of the gloom with his small, colorful crutch.
“It is you.” He rushes out to assume the savior’s burden and helps Morpheus into the empty bar. It’s well past closing, he assumes. “I thought it might be, but I wasn’t – what happened?”
Morpheus glances sidelong at the young woman lingering near the door, and she catches the look, quickly straightening with a fresh smile for Hob and excuse to disappear on her lips.
“I’ll head up now. You two must have… a lot… to – let me know if you need anything.”
She moves to the back of the establishment and slips through a door marked “Private.”
Morpheus turns his look on Hob as the man pulls a first aid kit from behind the counter. His son died in a pub brawl, he recalls. The kit is extensive, and while Morpheus is glad to know he does not need a defibrillator or some of the other supplies contained within, a newly-familiar warmth blooms as he considers his friend.
His injuries, though painful, are not serious enough for a hospital. Hob assures him no ribs are broken after a careful series of pressing touches over his chest, back, and sides. The former soldier finds no evidence of internal bleeding, either.
“I’d suggest we go anyway,” he says, apologetic as he sorts through his collection of salves and bandages, “but I don’t think you have an ID or, you know, the kinds of things they’d ask about. In a hospital. And I doubt you want the police involved.”
“Right. Okay. Right.” He flounders, clearly unsure of himself as he tries to care for the entity he still knows so little about. “Well, this should be good enough. We can sort something out down the line if…”
The silence pulls taught over the rustle of Hob’s work, and the whole man’s face is bent in concentration. Morpheus can see the thoughts ticking over his open face. Wondering if he can ask. Wondering what to ask.
“What happened?”
What indeed. There is another story, a long one, one he will not share at this time. He does not feel he has earned this punishment, and he will not give another room to comment.
“A curse.”
“I am mortal, Hob Gadling. For a year and a day.”
“That’s…” Hob has to stop and think before new words will grow on his tongue, and Morpheus takes the initiative to press ahead.
“I had thought I may ask for your assistance during this time,” he explains. His eyes turn towards the ceiling. “But…”
Hob snaps back to himself, shaking his head and overflowing with reassurances. “You’re more than welcome to stay! I have a guest room in my flat. She doesn’t live with me. Not really. She’s in the smaller flat, and – uh – yes, you are more than welcome to stay. Please.”
So Hob has not taken another wife. It would be a strange arrangement for a courting couple as well, and he fixes on the topic as a distraction from the way his heart beats in his bruises. “Who is she?”
Hob murmurs her name with a smile, flicks his eyes to meet Morpheus’s, and clears his throat. “Well, she’s a friend. We met online, playing games during the pandemic, and she was on the other side of the Atlantic, so I started staying up all hours just to make sure I caught her.”
Adjusting his position in his chair, he leans in, full of a story, and despite the terrible evening he’s had, Morpheus finds himself falling back into old habits. Here they sit in a tavern, the Endless listening to the immortal man’s continuing life story.
“It was just so easy with her. Talking. Playing. Just enjoying ourselves. And then, about three months ago, she told me she was coming to England for work. Asked if I’d like to meet. And I had the empty flat, and I thought… why not? So here she is. Here we are. And,” he chuckles to himself, a smile pulling his face into its sweetest shape, “I don’t really know what to do with myself.”
Morpheus doubts that very much as he holds the man in a steady gaze.
It is strange.
He cannot know her as he would usually know a mortal, but she treats him with the ease of a friend, and as soft creaking above reveals her as she goes about her business, he feels the lines of a story twisting into new forms, as they had many hundreds of years ago when a foolish mortal declared in the presence of Death herself that he wouldn’t die.
Well. He has a year and a day to understand.
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