#my guy always saving me from my slumps xD
turbo-tsundere · 3 months
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windlion · 2 years
Malevolent screamalong, part 6! Eps 18-19
When last we left off, we had done something . . . wild. Something momentous. Something . . . nigh unnatural.
They went up a chute.
Into . . . fuck if we know what.
"We need to be CLOSE and TRUTHFUL!"
(See also: ways to ensure that is not what is going to happen)
And then there's THIS homewrecker
Well that escalated quickly.
"You were just the first one dumb enough to read when I asked"
So he DID ask, and Arthur opened the door
Uhh. Uhhhhh.
John. Buddy. You sounding a little Dark Sider over there.
Do y'all really need to drama llama this much all the time???
Is this supposed to be some side-effect of nightmare land or possession?
Oh our homewrecker is a ghost
A sanity restore potion!
If it says someone's out to get you, someone is in fact probably out to get you.
Run, boy, run!
Yeah, John, you really should stop negging Arthur, it's a bad habit.
Frank all "C'mon depressed boy, keep going."
Oh, hey, Arthur, making your own decision!
And then you gotta disappoint me straightaway
Is it just me or is "You want me to give up" the exact opposite vibe from what was happening? They want him to dance to their own tunes, not self-destruct and leave them with nothing.
Arthur, get some sleep or get your shit together.
Yeah that's not a good sign
And not a great sound, either!
This is going swimmingly
There’s probably rewatch value when you know which side is actually lying but not a huge fan of this blatant manipulation. There doesn’t NEED to be conflict and tension every single second. I really kind of want to know if this is a deliberate choice for an effect or just weak writing.
John, you are a classic abuser in this relationship and you need to work on that.
Or this is just Arthur's mind vs himself, which is . . . probably also accurate
Ah, you are in a depression slump
"There is always time for God" *squints* Is this a father or a Father?
"You're going to Hell either way" is NOT a super motivating pep talk, fuck you too, buddy
"Daniel" so not father with a small f, anyways
Welcome to ~~the whirlpool~~
Also known as trauma.
We've got to the "GET OUT, GET OUT" stage, that's . . . good?
Okay so now we get to the trauma processing. Yay?
Do kinda wonder what this bit looked like from John's side of the fence, if he isn't getting a front row seat to the crazy hallucination times, if he's just had Arthur suddenly freeze on him somewhere and stop responding while Shit Descended
Oh hey we've finally got a time skip, 85 days!
"Mr. Faust" XD i just . . . want to imagine that as the item name in inventory
This sounds like very inefficient use of water
I see the time hasn't bonded you much further
"That was one time!" XD
So the progress is that they have established arguments???
*chanting* Go Arthur, Go Arthur, Go Arthur, go, go!
If my life depended on my ability to do one, singular pull up, then . . . I am both deceased and shamed.
Can you spare a sip for a parched soul?
jfc you really need those as breaths of fresh air in these things
So a kanna (however you spell that) is possibly a frog-person or possibly a job title. I kinda like the latter myself
Fare thee well, Loric, you progressed the plot and planted a Chekhov rifle
"I can't remember the last time I felt things"
John, you do realize you are riding along a guy who has massively untreated major depression?
"You know I can offer more" . . . Uh. John?
Arthur, have you been bullying the eldritch demon
"No, no I'm not."
You know what that is, that's ~growth~ gif
"Don't PET it, Arthur!" The disgusted sigh XD
Dream truffle pig! XD XD XD
Lily! <3
Oh, Arthur did want to free it, thank god - the "leave it alone" bit worried me
You guys . . . might be making progress?
Three decent things in a row, I feel like we're getting the medpack and save point before the boss battle
"Would you like a waxy vegetable?" XD
Boarpuff! <3 <3 <3
Arthur please don't piss off the ent again
Oh, he was exaggerating for haggling *sets down large rock*
Plot! Significant! Object!!!
Arthur, dude, your guilt is going to kill you quite literally
John all ". . . . . . fuck. Fine."
The next episode title is “The King” so I am going to take a wild guess that’s indeed a boss battle imminent, so that’s all for now. I do kinda wish they'd dig more into how John feels incomplete, have other demon-things treat him as a non-entity. Don't just make them argue, make me FEEL it!
Maybe it's just me being cold and analytical, but I'm not getting the emotional gut punches? Maybe there's more room for emotional attachment in the long form game instead of this condensed highlight reel.
(What does it say about me as a person that I'm like, "The problem with this is that it doesn't hurt enough.")
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mikauzoran · 3 years
The Shipping Continues
I’m still reading through the Vanitas no Carte manga to practice my Japanese, and I have some more favourite moments from Volume Four to share. ^w^
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First off, Noe completely losing it when Dr. Moreau tries to touch Vanitas.
Dr. Moreau was just asking Vanitas if he could extract one of Vanitas’s eyes to study it, and Noe has had enough.
Vanitas says, “Hey. What are you doing? Stop it.” because Noe is going to blow their cover to which Noe replies, “I’m sorry, but that’s impossible. Dr. Moreau, I’ve got a mountain’s worth of things I want to say to you, but...calling people by a number like you’ve been doing with your ‘Number Six-Nine, Number Six-Nine’...cut it the hell out!!!”
I like that Noe just drops all pretense of politeness here and snaps. ^.^
A side note on Dr. Moreau: I really love the allusion to the 1896 book by H. G. Wells: The Island of Doctor Moreau. (Have people heard of it before? ^.^;) It’s about a mad scientist who’s made these hybrid human-animal creatures on this island that the narrator gets shipwrecked on. My favourite character is the pink sloth creature. It’s an interesting book, and I always love when contemporary fiction references classic fiction. The references make me happy. ^w^ It’s like finding Easter eggs.
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This is another great scene. Vanitas was about ready to give up, but Noe inspired him to keep trying. Actually, what happened was Vanitas was going to have everyone leave and seal the room until the monster consumed itself and disappeared on its own because there was no way for them to get the cursed one out of the monster in order to purify them. Noe convinced Vanitas to jump into the monster’s void-like maw in order to perhaps save the cursed one from inside of the monster.
Only, they didn’t know that that was going to work. For all they knew, they were going to their deaths. Instead of letting Noe go in on his own (because Noe wasn’t giving up, and he was going whether Vanitas went or not), Vanitas decided to go with Noe, knowing that it could be a suicide mission. It’s kind of romantic in a twisted way that Vanitas picked possibly dying with Noe instead of letting Noe go alone and then sealing up the room to let the monster eat itself out of existence.
But what I really like about this scene is the dialogue!
Vanitas: That’s the cursed one who created “Predator”. (The kanji says “shadow figure”/“silhouette”/“shadow monk”, but the furigana reads “puredatouuru”.)
Noe: It’s okay. We can win.
Vanitas: Ha. “So long as we’re together”?
This is a callback to a scene in Volume 3:
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Here, Vanitas has just asked if Noe can win against Roland (I’m guessing that’s how you spell his name. In katakana, it’s “rooran”. I’m guessing that’s the French name “Roland”). Noe says, “I don’t know...but we can win. So long as we’re together.”
A note on my translation: That’s not literally what Noe says, but that’s the vibe. In Japanese, it’s “oretachi nara”. Literally, that means “so long as it’s us”. The emphasis is on “tachi”. “Ore” would just mean “me”. “Tachi” makes it plural, so Noe is emphasizing that so long as it’s him and Vanitas, they can win. It feels more natural in English for me to translate that as “so long as we’re together”. 
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I love the above scene of Vanitas and Noe laughing together after having pulled it off and narrowly escaped death. I also love Roland looking on in awe at a vampire and a human laughing together. 
You can tell he ships it. This is his “and then a shipper was born” moment.
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Above is another great scene. Amelia comes in to give Vanitas a message, and Noe is still sleeping. He’s just fallen out of bed with a loud crash.
Amelia: Noe-san?!
Vanitas: Oh, so he’s fallen out of bed again?
Amelia: Uh... Is this...really okay?
Noe: *soft, breathy snore*
Vanitas: Hey. Don’t get close to him. He’ll turn you into a body pillow.
I love the implication that Vanitas knows this fact from personal experience. How else would he know that Noe latches onto and snuggles anything and anyone within reach when he’s asleep? Vanitas has definitely gotten snuggled before, and I want fan art. XD
Honorable Mentions from Volume Four:
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This scene. I won’t translate it word for word, but Vanitas is getting worked up because Noe refuses to take one of the Chasseurs hostage. Vanitas says that if Noe doesn’t like Vanitas’s way of doing things, he can just go because Vanitas doesn’t want to be around people with Noe’s soft way of thinking. Vanitas is afraid that if he spends time with people like Noe, Vanitas will eventually go soft too, and then he’ll end up dead.
I really love the depth of Vanitas’s character. Sensei has done an excellent job with him in particular (though, all of the characters are wonderful). His psychology is fascinating. He’s obviously been through a great deal, and he’s adapted in order to survive. He’s scared of letting people in because being the way he is and being a loner is what’s kept him alive and safe up until this point.
I’m really looking forward to seeing how Noe slowly chips away at the walls Vanitas has built around himself. ^w^
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This is my other honorable mention. After Noe and Vanitas escape from the catacombs, Vanitas collapses next to Noe and slumps against Noe’s back. It’s really precious.
He closes his eyes and sighs, “I’m tired”. I love the trust and vulnerability here. Vanitas obviously feels safe enough around Noe to let his guard down. ^.^
My Love Letter to Yen Press:
Once again, if you’re interested in reading Vanitas no Carte, you can get it in English from Yen Press. I really love this publisher because they do an excellent job of staying true to the original text. When I was in high school and couldn’t read manga raw yet (either because I couldn’t get my hands on it or my reading level wasn’t sufficient for what I wanted to read), Yen Press was my favourite because I felt like I could trust them to translate the manga how I would myself.
When I was little, you couldn’t trust the people who were dubbing anime into English. They did ridiculous things to sanitize anime for kids’ consumption like editing out all of the cigarettes and guns. They changed dialogue so that characters who had been hinted at being queer in the original were no longer queer in the English dub. They did silly things to localize the anime like changing onigiri into donuts and whitewashing the characters. That was my main motivation for teaching myself Japanese. I wanted to be able to tell for myself what was actually being said and going on. Yen Press was one of the companies I could trust to be faithful to the original in their translations until I was able to read the original on my own, so I’m sure they’ve done a fabulous job with Vanitas no Carte, if you’re interested in checking it out. ^.^
Okay. That’s it for me for now. Do you guys like me talking about my favourite scenes? ^.^; I know my Ladybug followers are probably like, “What is she on about?” XD Thank you for indulging me.
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akawrites000 · 3 years
hot vs cold
Hero groaned, pulling on that black tie with curled, tense fingers. They've never been a big fan of formal wear, but this particular assignment had called for such a situation. They looked up at the gloomy sky, mind wandering about to how many side jobs heroes actually had to do. People would think being a hero would consist of mostly fighting off villains- and that's true, but villain was the least of their problems right then; in fact, it had almost been a week since they had a face off with villain. When they weren't paying attention, their thoughts would sometimes betray them, making hero think that they almost missed villain. Almost.
Sweat pooled on their brow as they waited under the hot sun, dearly missing the comfort and familiarity of their hero costume. This particular job requirement was that they act as a bodyguard and protect a high profile individual while they attend some sort of a party that hero couldn't be less concerned about. They preferred being the hero and not a bodyguard for someone who they didn't even know.
Just then, a black limousine rolled out and stopped right in front of the hotel they were staying in; a huge man with sunshades got out from the back, waved their hands at hero, signaling them to get in. That must be my ride.
They got into the car without any fight, and took one look at the rear most seat to check if this was in fact their employer or just a fancy way of kidnapping.
"No staring."
Hero didn't have a chance to speak out before they were crushed by the huge man sitting to their left. They couldn't believe it, why did they have to be squished, with no concept of personal space in a limousine?! This was just absurd.
Hero felt another lithe body press to them on their right, that person in turn being squished by another big man to their left. Hero groaned internally, they were just really bad with close contact with people in general, they could never understand why, but it just felt foreign to them. It's like they never knew how to act, and their mind would settle on the default "freak out" option.
Hero was dragged out of their head when they felt themselves being pushed further to the lithe person on their right, because the big guy decided to squirm in his seat. The sweat pooling on their brow slowly slid down their cheekbone, and hero was feeling hot... everywhere. There were too many sensations ramming into them all at once- their tight suit, which felt like it was glued to their body now thanks to their nerves; being pressed to another person; feeling their body heat. Hero had always had a high body temperature so all of this contact was making their head spin.
They just sat there silently, wishing for this agony to just end.
Villain was in high spirits, this was a job that paid well, so they enthusiastically got dressed up in a suit that was the dress code for a bodyguard and got into the assigned limousine. They had a mask plus voice changer on for good measure, and nobody questioned that which was good. They were thinking how ironic it was that they accepted this job request, because this was what the heroes did- protecting people, not villains.
So it was an understatement to say that their jaw almost dropped to the floor when they saw hero getting into that same limousine. Villain found themselves gaping at them, their mind betraying them and caring for their nemesis who they met almost every day, in a fight of course.
I can't believe that hero is actually here, so now we have to work together? Do they even know that I'm villain? And they're not even wearing a mask to hide their identity, how irresponsible. Oh, they look good in a suit-
Villain had to stop their mind right there, willing themselves to focus on anything else other than the hero sitting next to them. But these two gorillas on either side of them made that almost impossible as they kept pushing each other closer in this seat that was too small for all of them.
Villain couldn't help but glance over at hero every few minutes, they were being too quiet. The hero they knew was noisy, always running into a fight before thinking, a person that kept jumping around all the time. So seeing them this calm was just... weird.
By now villain was pretty sure that hero didn't recognise them, so they were mentally prepping themselves to talk to them when the gorilla to hero’s left pushed them further into their body. Villain immediately froze. Too close. Hero might as well be practically sitting on them now, villain could feel everything- their breathing, heartbeat, and their body heat, they were practically burning... wait, burning?!
Villain whipped their head towards hero and took in their slumped figure. Their head was downcast so they couldn't really see their face. Hero was practically leaning on them, making no effort to even hold themselves upright and villain was a little worried... okay, a lot more worried than they let on. Hero’s breathing was ragged and villain felt like they had to do something, anything. But hero beat them to it.
"H-hot". Hero breathed out, weakly, pathetically.
Their voice was so low, villain almost didn't hear them.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
Hero propped their head up on their shoulder, lips parted as they gasped in some air, bangs stuck to their sweaty forehead and villain shamelessly drank in those visuals, despite their thoughts clashing with one another. Hero’s eyes were shut tight, while villain’s eyes were wide open, staring at them.
"S' so hot, I can't-" they croaked.
That's when villain painfully realised that hero was having some sort of a panic attack and they needed space. Villain haphazardly pushed at the big man to hero’s left, glaring at him so that he doesn't attempt to move any closer. Then they draped a protective arm around hero, activating their powers and felt weirdly proud when hero almost moaned out at the cold sensation.
Villain brought up their other hand to hero’s face comfortably nestled on their shoulder and gently touched their forehead, cheek and neck.
Hero blinked up at them in slight surprise, eyes opening and then closing as they went limp in their arms, all of their tense muscles relaxing and villain just felt so powerful.
Hero finally looked up at them after regaining a bit of their energy, their face a palette of red, when the car screeched to a stop.
The two of them were ushered out of the car and hero wobbled after the 'mysterious masked person who had saved them' . They were pulled upright by the same person when their balance toppled and they almost ended up kissing the floor, with a "be more careful" from them. Hero felt their face heating up, just how many times did they have to be helped today? A behavior totally unbefitting of a hero.
"Um!" Hero called out and the 'masked person' stopped to turn around and look at them.
Hero was already bowing, words sounding like apologies and gratitude steadily spilling out of their lips in a messed up heap, as they bombarded villain’s ears. Villain wanted to understand, they really did, but all they could pick up were hurried sorries, shy thank you's and the word stranger that kept popping up here and there and how hero was so embarrassed by their own behaviour.
Villain simply scoffed, they had seen far more embarrassing sides of the hero and secretly enjoyed them, their nose scrunching up every time hero called them a stranger and villain couldn't stand it anymore.
As fun as this was, it was time to reveal their masked identity-
"But I'm no stranger to you darling." Villain mocked and the 'goldfish expression' on hero’s face was oh so worth it.
Villain turned around with a smug smile as hero caught up with all of that information and was by their side in a second, screeching into their ears.
"Yes, that's me."
Hero groaned, Villain's voice dripped with so much amusement that made hero’s heart flare with embarrassment at that moment.
"I'll punch you after this job." Hero hissed.
Villain smiled, "Is that how you thank people? But lucky for you, I'll accept it and punch you back."
Hero rolled their eyes. "Just shut up. Please."
Villain chuckled and hero couldn't get that voice out of their head. While they were distracted, villain took the opportunity to close in next to their ear and spoke in a sinful tone which should be illegal-
"I-im hot~"
Hero simply tripped on air, falling face first to the ground this time. There was no getting that voice out of their head now. They looked up and glared at villain, who made a funny face and walked away.
Hero hid their face in their hands. "Shit. That's unfair, you shitty villain."
Hero felt another large hand tapping their shoulder and looked up to see one of the gorilla men looking down at them, sympathy written all over his face. Hero took the man's outstretched hand and let themselves be pulled up.
"That was cute, didn't know you both knew each other. But my partner and I," he pointed to the other huge man standing next to the limo and grinning at them, "are totally on your side. That was one underhanded move."
Oh, if hero wasn't embarrassed enough a few seconds ago, they definitely were now.
"Wait, what, how did you-
"I have superhearing." , the man simply said as hero gawked at him, and then started wishing for the ground to swallow them up whole.
BONUS: Every time hero overheated during a fight and felt faint, villain would use their powers to cool them down, and hero would lean into that touch like they could never get enough of it. It attacked villain’s heart every time.
So yeah, my brain decided to give you hero x villain squished together in a limo instead of a bed? New trope? xD
Thank you so much for 260 followers, you all are so precious 🥺❤
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
BlackHeart Bakery
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Who says Halloween can’t be romantic?
Pairing: Emo! Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: fluff
A/N: HI OMG IM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE. I love you, I hope you like it. I’m sorry it isn’t longer but, I still can’t wait for you to read it.
-you never imagined that the quirky lil bakery down the street from your university would change your life  
-But it did
-“Omg shut up, you’re so dumb.”
-“Rawr xD”
-“Did you just say rawr xD out loud??? That totally defeats the purpose of its existence...”
-“Don’t cite the deep magic to me witch, I was there when it was written.”
-“And now you’re quoting the chronicles of narnia- alright just go back to sleep you big dummy...”
-“Mmm but you married a big dummy so what does that say about you”
-“Jungkook don't spoil it oh my god!”
-“Like they don’t know what’s coming already- spoiler alert losers! I get the girl.”
-“I hate you...”
-“Mm yeah- I love it when you talk dirty to me baby. The last time you said that- we ended up fuc-“
-“Ok! That’s enough! Our story begins...”
-Jungkook’s bakery was quite famous around your city
-If people didn’t come for the gaudy Halloween decorations  
-They came for the music  
-Exclusively pop punk, if you’re wondering
-It was like 2009 everyday  
-Which was comforting, considering the world has gotten a little
-Since then
-But anyways
-If they didn’t come for the music or the decorations
-They came for the AMAZING espresso  
-And the spooky themed treats
-But if you’re being honest
-You think the main thing that keeps them coming back
-Is Jungkook  
-If his sweeping black hair didn’t get you
-Or the adorable cheeky twinkle in his eyes
-It was the tattoos and the piercings  
-He looked like he walked right off of a black veil brides music video set  
-He was hot
-This was obvious
-But he didn’t seem to think so
-You had come to the conclusion that he was oblivious  
-he shoved his feet into his big black doc martens every morning  
-Slipped on his beaded bracelets and studded chokers
-Pulled his fall out boy t-shirt over his
-And just thought hm
-I’m pretty average I guess (lol)
-That’s a direct quote from him btw
-Men truly are hopeless
-Jungkook opened the bakery two years ago
-He had mentioned to you that he had saved up money from his 3 part time jobs to put a down payment on the building  
-Which was wedged between a sex shop
-And a thrift store
-And honestly his bakery
-Blackheart Bakery, if you’re being specific  
-Fits right in
-Jungkook refuses to hire new staff
-“They won’t do it right.” He whined to you one day
-“One time I tried to hire this guy and he put the sugared googly eyes on the cookie skeletons ALL WRONG”
-“How do you put googly eyes on wrong?” You had giggled
-“you just do- i- See? This is exactly why I can’t hire anyone...”
-You had started chewing on the end of your pencil in the midst of your laughter
-It was an unconscious habit
-And it makes Jungkook shift uncomfortably, his hands moving off of the top of your table
-“Don’t do that...” he had muttered, smirking to himself as he walked back behind the counter  
-he did that a lot
-He’d mutter something  
-Mildly flirtatious under his breath and then  
-Just walk away
-It was quite confusing
-But honestly you had a feeling he was just a filrty person  
-You certainly weren’t the only girl he smirked at
-Not that you pay attention
-Maybe you do  
-Pay attention  
-but it’s not your fault!!!!  
-You just  
-Can’t help but feel a little jealous
-You kiiiiiinda have a little thing for him
-Maybe it’s a big thing  
-Maybe it’s a massive
-But look at him!!!
-You simply couldn’t be blamed
-It was his fault  
-That’s what you’re going with
-It was Jungkook
-And his tight t shirts
-His ripped jeans
-His dangly earrings
-His tattoos
-His big
-Stupid boots
-Ugh ok
-You have work to do
-The whole reason you began coming to Jungkook's cafe was so you -could find a consistent place to study for your exams
-You were in school to become a teacher :)  
-And teachers have to study very very hard  
-Educating the youth is no easy feat  
-Jungkook had asked what you were studying during the first week you arrived at his spooky house of baked goods
-“Oh I’m an education major”
-“Ahh so you’re getting an education about...education.” He concludes
-“I love it.”
-“So meta.”
-“Are they educating you on the disparities between impoverished children and wealthier children?”
-His wide eyes were brimming with genuine curiosity  
-You kind of got a kick out of how candid he was about such heavy conversation topics
-“Not as much as they should be but, I’m actually writing a paper on a similar topic right now...”
-This caused a brilliant grin to come over his face
-It was almost blinding really
-And it made your heartbeat all wonky  
-“Of course you are. You look smart like that...”
-He had backed away from your table then, seemingly satisfied
-Had you passed the vibe check?
-“I’ll leave you to your paper.” He nodded to your laptop but as he walked away, he pivoted back towards you on and the heel of his combat boot, “welcome to Blackheart Bakery by the way, let me know if I can get you anything.”
-Another brilliant smile is sent your way  
-“Thank you.” You had smiled back, sending a tiny wave his way
-Which in turn, made HIS heartbeat all wonky  
-You’re cute
-Like really cute
-And despite how often it may seem like his eyes are elsewhere
-They are ALWAYS on you
-Every chance he gets he is glancing your way
-Smirking to himself at how endearing you are
-Brow furrowed
-Lips pouted in concentration  
-Completely oblivious to his gaze
-He has to remind himself to look away  
-He doesn’t want to be a creep
-“Creepy men deserved to get kicked in the teeth...”
-He’s said this to you before when another patron had made you uncomfortable
-Jungkook kicked him out immediately  
-“If you don’t leave, I’ll have no choice but to kick you in the teeth. One, because I can’t compromise my personal philosophy and two because you’re making my favorite customer uncomfortable.”
-Oh look there goes your heartbeat again
-The guy leaves in an angry rush, flipping Jungkook off in the process
-Saying something about leaving a bad Yelp review  
-He doesn’t care tho
-He definitely doesn’t want to be a creep
-You’re just so  
-He rolls his eyes at himself behind the espresso bar
-The latte in front of him neglected  
-In need of a bit of foam
-“Focus Jeon, she’s just a chick...”
No wait
-“She’s just a woman. A woman who I respect, like I respect all women...”
-He’s been watching a lot of feminist theory on YouTube
-He likes staying educated  
-And also fuck the patriarchy
-The man waiting for his drink has arched a brow at this point, wondering if his barista has lost his mind
-“Uhhh medium...” he checks the cup for his awful hand writing, “ghostly toasted marshmallow latte!”
-“Thanks.” The guy mutters, throwing a judging look Jungkook's way  
-He gives him a lazy salute as the guy struts away with a briefcase in tow
-“Thaaanks.” Jungkook mocks him, his face scrunching up in annoyance  
-Stupid man
-With his stupid briefcase  
-As Jungkook is pulling out a batch of cream cheese frosting stuffed pumpkin muffins  
-Or as Jungkook calls them
-PUNK-in Muffins
-Movement at the counter catches his eye
-is that
-”oh shit...” He grunts, hastily wiping his hands on his apron and rushing over to the counter
-normally he would meander
-or even slump to greet any new guests at this hour
-and by this hour
-he means 45 minutes before closing
-Jungkook’s bakery is open til midnight on weeknights
-9pm on Sundays
-and 3am on Saturdays (for the culture of course, gotta keep it spooky)
-tonight happens to be a Friday night and the person awaiting his assistance is
-”You’re still here?” He gawks, the black polish on his nails glimmering as he punches in a few keys on the register
-You offer him a tired and slightly amused smile, “No. Y/N died around 4:30, you’re speaking to her ghost. Please leave your message after the tone.”
-Jungkook cracks a smile, his palms resting on flat on the counter, “Do ghosts check their voicemails?”
-“Oh of course not but, I will be checking yours because you have access to caffeine.”
-Jungkook laughs
-no...he giggles  
-and it’s fucking cute
-but you digress
-“I feel like I should cut you off...this is your 4th latte; I’m pretty sure you’re 80% caffeine at this point...”
-“Noooo, don’t do that.” You whine slumping against the counter, “I just need to finish this one page...”
-He quirks a brow as he scribbles something on your cup, unimpressed with your statement, “You said that three hours ago. I’ll make you another one but I’m not putting an extra shot in.”
-Your face turns up in protest but he click his tongue against his teeth , shaking a manicured finger at you
-“Ah ah- nope. I don’t want to hear it. You either take that or I’m making you a hot chocolate and shutting the buildings power off.”
-With a dramatic sigh, you concede
-“Ugh fine. Here-” You go to hand him your debit card but he shakes his head
-“Put that away.”
-You want to protest but given the fact that he’s made the rules thus far during this interaction, you doubt you’d be able to stop him.
-A smile appears on your face then, appreciative of his generosity
-“Thank you.”
-He merely grins, waving you off before rolling up the sleeves of his black Blink 182 shirt
-as soon as his tattoos are out
-all the moisture leaves your mouth
-you try your hardest not to stare at him
-expertly, he eases the espresso shots into the milk, tongue poking between his lips in concentration
-and you
-being sleep-deprived
-and a little loopy
-decide to  
-if you could even call it that
-which you could but you shouldn’t
-“For the record, when I finally dig my way out of this of mountain of death I’m stuck in, I will definitely take you up on that hot chocolate...”
-Jungkook’s brow quirks at the tone of your voice, his hands suddenly itching with nerves
-was that
-was that flirty?
-should he flirt back?
-“My hot chocolate is legendary. You won’t be disappointed.” His lips display a small grin as he places the lid atop your finished latte, “Also mountain of death is a great name and I WILL be stealing it.”
-You giggle
-“and I WILL be suing you for copyright.”
-He laughs now, wiping up the bit of milk he spilled
-the sinewy muscles in his forearm tensing and untensing
“Good luck getting me to show up to court.”
-and that’s kinda how it was between you and Jungkook
-for like six months
-it was a little bit flirty but never anything to push either over you over the edge.
-and speaking of being on edge
-recently, you had gone from vacationing in your timeshare on the edge
-to signing a 35 year mortgage contract  
-4 bedrooms
-2.5 bathrooms
-of pure
-you could feel it in the middle of your back
-shoving itself up between your shoulder blades
-your body seemed to ache with it
-the worst part being
-it was Halloween
-You should be out with your friends, having fun
-wearing itchy costumes and drinking sugary drinks
-but instead, your headed towards the bakery to work
-Jungkook was behind the counter, smiling happily at a family dressed like the cast of scooby doo
-from what you could see he was wearing a skeleton onesie
-his jet black hair tousled perfectly above his head
-he looked adorable
-(and hot)
-He notices you instantly, his face turning up in surprise
-you offer up a small wave and head over to your table
-you know he’s going to say something about you being there but
-you don’t really have much of a choice
-this work has to be done
-it takes him a second to spot you but when he does
-he seems to perk up
-his smile brightening as he looks back towards his customer
-as you’re setting everything up, you feel a presence (not the spooky kind) at the end of your table
-it’s Jungkook and he has your regular order in one hand, along with something wrapped in skeleton-patterned parchment paper
-“I know, I know.” You acknowledge before he’s even able to chide you for being here
-He smirks “What are you doing studying on the holiest day of the year??”
-You giggle
-“The holiest day of the year huh?”
-“Of course. Halloween is the one night a year that the homies can dress like total -sluts and no one can say anything about it.”
-This makes you giggle again
-“And you went with slutty skeleton huh? I love it- it’s like as naked as you can possibly get.”
-He chuckles, gesturing to his costume
-His floppy black hair getting in his face
-“Damn right baby.”
-The way he grins tells you the pet name is a joke
-But the deepening of his voice gets to you anyway
-“Thank you for this. I promise I’ll get out of your hair early tonight.”
-“The only thing I’m worried about getting out of my hair is this white spray paint. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”
-He’s put a streak of white spray paint in his raven locks
-Why? You’re not certain
-Does it look good on him, like everything else does?
-Its been a few hours since your night of studying began
-Jungkook’s dropped off two free lattes since you’ve arrived  
-As well as a slice of his ‘I write cinnamon not tragedies’ bread
-Which was equally hilarious and delicious
-You caught him glancing over at your table a few times but you didn’t think anything of it
-He’s probably just checking to make sure that no one needs your table
-His bakery is packed most nights but Halloween is a special night at Blackheart Bakery
-He has a trick or treat counter set up with free (homemade) candy
-A photo op complete with a fake haunted house backdrop
-A Halloween playlist
-And a bunch of discounts on his signature lattes and food
-you watch him amongst the chaos
-He is completely unfazed
-He seems elated at the amount of customers he has
-he grins and laughs at something a man dressed like Thor says at his counter
-he seems entirely in his element
-you realize that the denial tactics you’ve been trying out haven’t been working
-because this floppy haired, tattooed, slutty skeleton/baker kind of has a hold on your heart
-you’ve been friends for a long time now
-he always makes sure you’re taken care of
-he always asks if you’re ok
-he always gives you this little grin
-it feels like a secret sometimes
-but maybe it’s been his way of letting you know where he stands
-he’s been bringing you lattes and pastries for months now
-he never charges you full-price
-he always reminds you not to work too hard
-he likes you doesn’t he?
-you look back over at the counter to see him bending over and handing a skeleton cookie to a little girl dressed like Captain Marvel
-he laughs at something she says
-his eyes focused entirely on her and whatever she seems to be proclaiming to him  
-your heart goes wonky again
-enough is enough
-you’re doing this  
-Jungkook’s done so much of the work thus far
-it’s time for you to seal the deal
-and if he rejects you, well…
-you can just crawl into a hole and never come out again
-easy peasy
-You can feel his eyes on you as you get up to take your place in line
-luckily there isn’t anyone else behind you
-rejection with an audience would certainly be worse
-Jungkook has his witty comment ready for you as you approach the register
-“I know for a fact you haven’t finished your third latte and I’m not making you another one until-“
-“I’m not here for another latte.” You laugh, trying to ignore the thrashing of your heartbeat
-“No? Well, are you finally going to try my Welcome to the Blackened Chicken Parade Burger then? I’ve been asking you for like three weeks…”
-god he’s fucking cute
-“I’m here to ask you out.”
-Jungkook swears he feels his heart stop
-“You’re here to…”
-He repeats the first part of your response as his he didn’t hear you
-his black fingernails anxiously tapping against the countertop
-“I’m here to ask you out- on a date.”
-Jungkooks face seems to go through various stages of confusion before a shy smirk presents itself on his pretty mouth
-“Me? You’re asking me-“ He places a hand on his chest, “-out on a date?”
-“Yes!” You laugh, slapping the counter a bit too hard, your nerves getting the best of you, “Are you down?”
-He shakes his head but his answer contradicts his movements
-“So down, beyond down. There is no one on Earth who is more DOWN than I am. Yes. My answer is yes. 50000% yes.”
-you can’t help the smile on your lips
-“great. So are you free next Friday then?”
-He grins with his teeth this time, nodding emphatically  
-“Consider the shop closed.”
-and so it was
-you returned to your table moments later  
-feeling on top of the world
-you did it
-you asked Jungkook out
-and he said yes
-and now you
-you try your best to engage with your studies but with Jungkook on your mind
-its really hard
-roughly two hours later, things at the bakery have finally started to slow down
-“Hey uh- Y/N?”
-Jungkook's voice that pulls you out of your studying trance
-he’s standing at the entrance of his back room, waving you over with his hand
-and who are you to deny him?
-you make your way over there, annoyed at the instant increase in your heartrate
-he stands awkwardly to the side and gestures to the boxes on the metal rack
-“I just remembered that I’ve never given you a tour of the place. I give all my regulars a tour of the stockroom and my office and uh-”
-he cuts himself off and clumsily cups your cheek
-he pulls you into a kiss
-a really good kiss
-his lips are so warm
-he smells like cinnamon
-you could literally die happy
-The ridiculous nature of his first attempt to kiss you, makes you giggle into his mouth
-you feel him smile, his hands smushing your cheeks together as he pulls away
-“Ok I lied. There is no tour. I’ve just been watching you focus on your computer for the last two hours and you’re just really fucking cute and-”
-this time, it’s you who cuts him off
-“You better give me an actual tour next time. How else am I going to steal your secret recipes?”
-he scoffs in mock offense
-“Ah ha! So that’s the only reason you asked me out huh? Should I be calling you Plankton instead of Y/N? Ew no wait- that would make me Mr. Krabs and he’s a dirty capitalist...”
-You laugh, “Oooh good point. Guess you’ll just have to be Karen, my computer wife.”
-This makes him laugh now and the sound warms your soul
-“I could live with that- I like your last name better anyways.”
-with another kiss, your adventure with the emo baker of your dreams begins
-It may have been Halloween but it sure felt like Christmas to you
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Big Brother Loves you (Digimon)
Matt was riding cloud nine as he got ready for his date with Sora. no one was threatening the digi or real world, things with him and Sora were going great, and the sales of the new lone wolf's CD meant he had money to burn.
There were only two dark clouds in his sunny sky line was the fact TK had become more and more aggressive as of late, and belittling of Matt, because of the second problem: Matt had started bed wetting again.
It wouldn't of been so bad if TK didn't live with Matt, his share of the rent being paid by their parents and likewise for his food. and with school out all TK did was work out and lounge around the apartment while Matt had to mange the lone wolfs, keeping up gigs and doing band practice.
Since the accidents had started TK was always calling Matt 'little brother' or 'baby bro' or worse 'pissy pants' and after the fifth accident had gone out and gotten -4- packs of overnight diapers, using Matt's debit card.
when Matt had gone to say something about it TK had balled up a fist and brought it in like he was gonna punch Matt, making the older boy yelp and almost piss himself.
"That's what I thought. wear these to bed on your own Or I'll diaper you pissy pants. and If I diaper you, you're wearing the diapered till they're wet AND messy." TK had said and his evil smile left NO doubt in Matt's mind that he would follow though.
Still all that was behind him. He had booked a table at one of the finest restaurants in the city for him and Sora and then he'd gotten them a spot at the hottest club in town for drinks and dancing and finally reserved a hotel room for them.
It was going to be the perfect night and just thinking about Matt's head was up in the clouds, in a pair of black dress pants and a light green dress shirt that he didn't notice when TK came in, till his bully of a little brother spoke up.
"Oh my, your all dressed up for tonight! going out with the slut?" TK asked, smirking and leaning against the wall.
"D-Don't call Sora that, and yes, we're going out. Tonight's gonna be the night when we give yourself to each other. she's gonna be my first and I'm gonna be here." Matt said hotly.
"Awww, that's cute! you think she hasn't been ridding cock while waiting on you to build up the nerve to wreck her shit?" TK laughed. "Look baby bro, Let me spare you some time. That bitch has been putting out for any cock she could get her hands on, as long as it's 7 inches or more. Your little 4 inch wonder stands NO chance and let's be honest, your gonna blow your load in your pants before getting that far like you did during that slow dance at Joe's graduation party."
Matt was blushing super bad now, recalling the incident. Sora had been in a stunning gown, he'd been in a tux and halfway though the slow dance he'd creamed his pants so bad he'd stained her dress.
"T-That won't happen this time! Look, you're getting the house all to yourself tonight so just shut up and go plan a party alright?!" Matt huffed and Clenched a fist.
"Wait, your going out overnight? You sure Sora's gonna be ok with your 'little' problem?" TK said, noting Matt's fist and clearly not worried. "I doubt she's gonna wanna keep dating you after you piss on her in your sleep, and ditto when she see's you in your bed time diapies."
"Look asshole, just butt out of it and leave me alone or I'll-" Matt huffed, storming over and trying to get in TK's face, though due to a growth spurt TK was now the taller of them.
"You'll WHAT?" TK asked, and grabbed Matt by the collar with his left arm and hand and lifted him up off his feet and balled his hand into a fist and pulled his right arm back.
Without waiting for a answer Tk's threw the punch, though it stopped JUST in front of Matt's face the effect was instant and a hissing was heard as Matt's crotch dampened, then piss ran down his legs and puddled on the floor.
"That's what I thought bitch. I think your girlfriend deserves a night out with a real man." TK said and dropped Matt onto his ass, into the smelly puddle. "Get that mess cleaned up and then take a shower and meet me in my room. I'm gonna get you ready for the night."
With the mess cleaned up and Matt in the shower, TK listened to the soft sobs of shame and smiled even as he picked up his cell phone and starting to make a text message.
He'd gotten Sora's number from Matt's phone awhile back, and they had chatted off and on with TK asking her not to tell Matt he was messaging her, claiming Matt was the jealous type. So it was child's play to not only write a message explaining the full details of what kind of a loser Matt was, but to send her a few pictures of Matt in all his diaper bitch glory.
TK: Hey Sora, heard bout you and Matt's special night and I think there are some things you need to know about him.
Sora: Oh hey TK.
Like what?
TK: Well you already know he's a quick shot lol
Did he tell you how small he is?
Sora: LOL everyone knows about the quick shot thing.
Wait why do you know his cock size?
just how close are you two!?
TK: Well I know how 'big' he is because of his other other problem. He's a bed wetter and wears diapers to bed
Sora: LOL
Nice try TK
If your jealous just say so.
TK: Hey I'm not just blowing smoke. I got pictures and a video of him humping his huggies.
Sora: Surrre you do.
TK smirked and select a few of his favorite Matt pictures. one with him in just a diaper, on his back, hugging a teddy bear and sucking on his thumb in his sleep.
Anther with him holding a clearly soaked diaper away from him, holding it with just his index finger and thumb and holding his nose, in just a old white t-shirt.
and his favorite and most damning, Matt blushing and eyes closed, holding out a diaper and making it look like he was asking whoever took the picture (AKA him) to diaper him.
Sora: OMG O.O
TK: Still think I'm lying? XD
Sora: What the fuckkkk.. This looks less like bed wetting and more like he's a big fucking baby!!!!!
TK: XD well to be fair he loved being teased and treated like a little guy, so sometimes I wonder if he's still bed wetting.
or just using it as a excuse for huggies.
Sora: Wait, you said there was a video?
Let me see!!!
TK: heh, ok. it's about 5 min. long. perfect timing because piddle pants just got out of the shower after wetting himself LOL.
With the video sent to Sora, TK set his phone down and tugged out the extra pack of diapers he kept under his bed in case Matt ever tried to get out of wearing by saying he had used up all the ones in his room.
unlike Matt's normal bedtime diaper though, these were three times thicker and instead of being a basic white they had a nursery print on them.
there was a knock on his door and then it opened, and TK smirked, with the pack of 'little wussies, the baby diaper for big boys' sitting out on his bed and watching Matt's eyes go big and wide as he say what he would be wearing.
"T-TK no! please!" Matt mewed, his towel dropped to the floor and on his knees, hands together and begging. "I can't wear a diaper THAT thick out! Sora will notice fore sure! I'll be a good boy and wear one of the other diapers!"
TK thought about it for a second, but with Sora already told he figured it was too late for that fun.
"Relax Matt, I swear, Your not going out tonight in one of these diapers.Or in any diapers for that matter." TK said, coming over and tugging his so called big brother to his feet, a look of relief washing over Matt's face then replaced with confusion.
"Then.. why did you ha-" he started to ask, but TK cut him off.
"Because your not going out tonight. you're going to stay home and be tucked in bed save and sound like the little guy you are. I'M going to go out on your date with Sora and fuck her rotten..all on your dime." TK said and smirked.
"I..what!? Sora would NEVER agree to that! you can't do this!" Matt fumed and stomped a food.
"that's where your wrong. I might of texted her and gave her the impression your a closet diaper baby and she's more then a little shock. Right now she's watching a video of you humping your diapers while lisping about how much you love them." TK chuckled.
"But..but..You MADE me do that, you said if I didn't you were gonna kick my ass and lock me out for the night!!" Mat whined.
"Well -YOU- know that. and -I- know that. But who do you think Sora's gonna believe? the stud or the bed wetting loser?" TK asked smirking then giving Matt a look."Now, Your going in one of these diapers and your gonna pose for a picture to send to Sora one way or anther. we can do this the easy way where you let me do what I want, or the hard way where I spank your butt red and diaper you and take a picture anyways. Since I'm gonna get laid tonight I'm feeling generous and I'll let you pick: good boy or bad boy?"
Matt balled up his fists, looking ready to fright, starting to take a fighting stance.. then just dropped it and slumped forward, head hanging down.
"...I'll be a good boy." Matt said in a defeated voice, even as tears started to slide down his cheeks.
"Smart choice Mattie."
Sora couldn't believe what she was seeing as she watched the video over and over, waiting on TK to come back. Her so called stud in a diaper and humping his bed, moaning and coo'ing how much he 'wuv'ed his diapies' till he cried out and clearly creamed himself.
Sora was torn as she watched the video. On one hand she was upset that Matt had hidden this from her, She'd of never picked him over Tai if she had known he was a goo goo gaga diaper dork.
But on the other he WAS kinda cute in a pathetic sort of way and he WAS making decent coin.
"I suppose I could just blackmail to pay me to keep his dirty little secret." Sora mused out loud.
that DID leave her without a man though, Making her frown a little till she recalled just how in shape TK was and he was pretty good looking.
"then again small dicks might run in the family." she mused.
her phone buzzed and when she looked at the messages she was treated to a picture of Matt in just a babyish and thick diaper, tear stained cheek and holding up a sign that read 'plz dump me and go out with TK, He's hung.'
And to prove the point neck to Matt's tear stained face was a thick and long cock, ready to rub on the loser's cheek.
"..Well that settles that."
Still something like this shouldn't be done over a text, she was a proper lady after all and called TK's number instead.
As the phone rang TK smirked, tugging his pants back up and looking over at Matt.
"I wonder who that could be~" he snickered and answered. "Hello? Oh hey Sora... yeah that was my cock.... Uh-huh I thought as much. Sure you can still come over. I'll be getting a shower in and getting dressed for the night after I get the baby fed and put to bed." TK said, glancing over at a clock showing it was only 5:45 pm. "Hmm? Oh yeah, he's right here. Of course you can talk to him!"
Tk pulled the phone away from his ear and smirked at the sniffling Matt and held it out.
"It's for you diaper boy, Your 'girlfriend' wants to talk."
Matt whined and reached out, shaking as he took the cell phone and slowly put it to his ear.
"H-Hi Sora..L-Look I ca-" he started, but was cut off.
"There's nothing to explain Matt. I know everything. while I'll admit your a cute little pamper packer,I'm more into men who can get their rocks off without having to be pampered. So consider this your noticed that we're done, over, No more. I'll still come by and tease you but I'm going to be dating TK from now on." Sora said, a sharp edge to her voice and Matt felt the tears starting up again.
"But..but.." he whimpered.
"No butt's diaper boy. Now I will be nice and keep your love of huggies to myself and save your music career from flopping but my silence isn't for free. you're going to be spoiling me like the princess I am. Understood?" She asked.
"..I..Yes Sora." Matt whimpered and sobbed. "C-Can we at least still be friends?"
"heh, Awww~ How cute..and I'm gonna say not really. I'll put up with you when i've over there to be with TK but that's about it. I'm not gonna go out of my way to talk to you or be nice but I will make a effort not to make you cry, mostly because I hate the sound of bawling babies. Maybe if your a good boy and super spoil me I'll watch you hump a stuffie or whatever it is diaper losers like you do. Anyways, that's all I had to say to you, put your BIG brother back on the phone."
Matt was sobbing too hard at this point to say anything and rubbing his eyes with one hand, he held out the phone with the other.
TK took it back and ruffled Matt's hair.
"Thanks buddy. why don't you go and make yourself a bowl of cereal for your supper while the adults talk." TK said and Matt could hear Sora laughing.
Too defeated to argue, Matt nodded and started to stand up.
"what do you think your doing Mattie? In this house babies CRAWL." TK said.
Matt just whimpered and nodded, and on all fours crawled out of the room.
Tummy full of milk and cheerio's, Matt was put in a light green t-shirt that read 'diaper bitch' on the front in black text and was given a cock sharped pacifier with a green mouth guard to suck on, the dick being only 3 inches thankfully.
"There, you can picture it's yours and your getting a blow job as you got night night." TK snickered as he tucked Matt into his bed.
there was still sunlight coming into the room, even with his curtains closed.
"now I expect you to have that paci in your mouth and for that same diaper to still be on when I get back tomorrow morning, and I signed my name on the back of that diaper. I'll know if you removed it or changed it." TK warned.
Matt mewed and suckled on his paci and nodded he understood.
"I'll be taking your wallet of course and spoiling Sora, but if your a good little boy I might get you some baby toys. Have a good sleep loser, and dream about the pounding your EX girlfriend is gonna get." TK said and kissed Matt's forehead and headed for the door.
Pausing in the door frame he paused and looked over his shoulder.
"Oh and one last thing..remember big brother loves you~"
the end
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ddixons-angel · 4 years
Fated: Season 5
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Summary: Gloria Rhee narrowly escapes Atlanta with her brother as the outbreak reaches the city. Luckily, they find a camp outside the city and together, they fend through encounters with the living and undead.
Starts a little before Season 1 and then follows the main storyline of the show.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Glenn Sister!OC
Warnings: major TWD spoilers, language, violence (the typical TWD stuff)
A/N: And we’re back! So last week, our group finally made it to Alexandria and Gloria found her sister was there too! As I expected, she wasn’t very well liked xD she does get better though... eventually :P I really can’t wait to see what you guys think of this chapter, hehe let’s get into it!
Chapter 9
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The next day, the group had been told to explore, get to know the place and meet people. Rick was surprisingly encouraging of it and so the group took off. Gloria decided to leave her daggers at home, she had planned to check out the community’s infirmary and if she was to work there, having daggers strapped to her sides may not be the best first impression. Gloria walks out to the porch where Daryl was seated on the floor, his back leaning on the rails. She looks at him and tilts her head, blinking.
“What are you doing just sitting there?” she asks, taking a few steps to him.
He shrugs, “‘m good here.” 
“Are you sure? You can take a walk with me,” Gloria says with a smile.
“The sun’s out, thought ya only liked full moon walks.” Daryl says, a hint of a smile on his lips. 
She chuckles and shakes her head, “I like walks with you, sun or moon.”
“Ya go off, I’ll be here...” Daryl says, not moving from his spot on the porch floor. 
“Okay, I’m just going to check out the infirmary, I’ll be back soon,” she tells him as she starts to go down the steps.
“Ya ain’ gon’ bring yer daggers?” Daryl calls out as he notices he doesn’t have her weapons on her.
“I don’t think I’ll need them, pretty sure I can take down anyone who comes at me here,” Gloria says, earning a snort of a laugh from Daryl.
“I think we should check out their pantry, see how well they do on runs,” Glenn says as he walks out of the house and down the steps with Maggie trailing behind him.
“Room for one more?” Gloria calls out as she follows suit behind her brother. 
Glenn chuckles at her choice of words then the three of them walk down the street together. They come across the house that is supposedly Gena’s house, she made sure to let Glenn know which one was her’s. A young man around Glenn’s age steps down the porch of that house and both Glenn and Gloria stop in their tracks when they see who the man is. Maggie looks at the two in confusion, trying to figure out why they both stopped dead in their tracks. 
“You’re kidding me... right?” Glenn groans.
“Okay... who else are we going to find here...” Gloria grimaces. 
“Glenn! Gloria!” the young man who came out of Gena’s house runs towards them and tackles Glenn in a hug as Gloria swiftly dodged out of the way. 
Glenn makes a face at his sister just before the man pulls away, grinning at Glenn, “I seriously can’t believe you’re here, man!” 
“Jacob... I can’t believe it either,” Glenn says, an uncomfortable smile on his face. 
“I never thought I’d ever see you again!” Jacob grins. 
“I never wanted to see you again...” Gloria mumbles under her breath, making Jacob look at her, but he still had a grin on his face. 
“Gloria... I missed you so much!” he says as he makes his way towards her.
“W-woah!” Gloria exclaims as Jacob picks her up in a hug. 
“You have no idea how happy I was when Gena told me you’re both here,” Jacob says, putting Gloria down and looking back at Glenn.
When Jacob turns to look at Glenn, Gloria signals to him that she is going to go and to keep him distracted. He catches her eye and nods, knowing just how uncomfortable Jacob made her feel. 
“Yeah...” Glenn says, then he gestures to Maggie, “this is Maggie, my wife.”
“Oh right! I heard from Gena that you got married in this? Woah, she’s a beauty, man.” Jacob says, shaking Maggie’s hand. 
As they make small talk, Gloria backs away and mouths ‘I love you, brother’ to Glenn then she quickly takes her leave. She turns on the next street over where the infirmary was located, Aaron had let her know where it was earlier. Gloria walks up the steps to the building and knocks on the door, waiting a short moment before the door opened. 
“Hi?” a woman with red hair in a ponytail, and glasses greets her, seeming somewhat nervous at Gloria’s sudden appearance. 
“Hi, um, I’m Gloria.” she smiles at the woman.
“I’m Denise,” she says, awkwardly waving her hand. 
“I’m part of the new group that came in yesterday, pretty sure everyone knows about us...” Gloria says, causing Denise to nod, “I just wanted to check out the infirmary, I’m apparently gonna be one of the medics working with the doctor? Pete, I think his name was?”
“Oh! You’re one of the new medics! Well, I’m one of the... other medics, please come in,” Denise says with a smile as she invites her into the infirmary, “did you want me to get Pete? I can if you want me to.”
Gloria chuckles and shakes her head, “it’s okay, I don’t actually start until tomorrow, at least that’s what Deanna told all of us. I just wanted to check it out here, if the doctor’s not in I wouldn’t want to bother him on his downtime given he always has to be on-call.”
Denise nods, pursing her lips, “you... actually worked in a hospital... didn’t you?”
Gloria nods but furrows her brows, noticing the woman’s drop in facial expression, “what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing... just... Pete’s a surgeon, you worked in a hospital, and the other medic probably has some experience in being a medic... meanwhile, there’s me, a psychiatrist.” Denise sighs, slumping down on the empty patient bed. 
“Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Gloria says, “a psychiatrist is still a doctor, no matter what.”
“I’m useless when it comes to saving lives and in emergencies,” Denise looks down.
“A psychiatrist heals wounds people can’t see.” Gloria tells her, making Denise look up at her.
“Did you get that out of a book or something?” she asks.
“I think I heard it somewhere,” Gloria says, making the other woman chuckle, “it’s okay for you not to have experience in these things. When this all started, I barely had experience.”
“Really?” Denise furrows her brows, “but I heard from Deanna that you helped stop someone’s bleeding.”
“That was after the world ended. Before that, I would just watch the doctors do all the work since I was only an intern. The most I did was give shots and stitches,” Gloria explains.
“At least you still have experience with stitches... You know I planned to become a surgeon?” Denise says, a sad smile on her face, “it’s what I wanted to be but then... my anxiety acted up and then the panic attacks... and that’s when I got really interested in psychiatry.”
“I know what you mean, we probably have the most stressful and pressuring job there is now,” Gloria sighs, “but hey, we’ll work through it all together.” 
“I’ll just stand in your way...” Denise looks down again.
“Denise,” Gloria calls out, making the other woman look up at her, “I’ll be right with you, I just need you to try, okay?”
Denise ponders her words for a moment before nodding with a smile on her face. Gloria understood what Denise was going through with the pressures and stressfulness of being in the medical field. She’d felt it while she was an intern and even more so after the world ended. Gloria felt that Denise was a good person who wanted to do her best. She knew that with the proper encouragement and guidance, Denise would become a fine medic. 
Back at the house, Daryl was pacing around the living room, driving himself absolutely crazy. The others had been out for a few hours already to explore the community, leaving him at the house alone with his thoughts. He didn’t care that the people in Alexandria were watching him, eyeing him like a hawk and judging him. He knew they would no matter what, and that wasn’t what bothered him. What plagued his mind was him seeing another man hug his girl. 
Since Daryl remained on the porch when Glenn, Gloria, and Maggie left to explore the place, he was able to hear when an unfamiliar male voice called out to the siblings. He turned to catch the man picking up Gloria in a hug, regardless of her being visibly uncomfortable towards him, and seeing that made his blood boil. It took everything in him to not run over and punch the man in the face. Daryl trusted her, of course he trusted her, he just hated seeing someone who was not him embrace her the way he did. 
“Hey Daryl,” Glenn says, interrupting his pacing as he walks into the house with Maggie behind him, “everything okay?”
Daryl looks at him, mid-step and nods at him in acknowledgement. He felt stupid for feeling the way he did, but he really needed to know who the hell that guy was. 
“Yo Glenn...” he calls out just as he’s about to sit on the sofa. 
“Yeah?” he responds, looking at Daryl.
“Come here for a sec?” Daryl says, beckoning him over to the kitchen counter where he stood.
Glenn furrows his brow as he walks over to him, “what’s up?”
Daryl hesitates for a moment, biting his thumb nail nervously, “that guy... who is he...?”
“What guy...?” Glenn tilts his head in confusion.
“Don’ be playin’ dumb, tha’ prick tha’ hugged ya an’ Gloria,” Daryl says, frustration in his voice as his patience was running out.
“Oh, Jacob?” Glenn clarifies.
“Whatever his name is, who is he?” Daryl persists.
Glenn finally realizes what’s going on with Daryl and has to keep himself from chuckling, “he’s a guy on Aiden’s run team, used to be a cop before all this, but he’s not someone you need to worry about.”
“Ya know him from before?” Daryl asks.
“Yeah, we went to the same highschool, and his sister is Gena's best friend,” Glenn tells him truthfully.
“So, he’s yer friend too...” Daryl says, not liking this.
“I wouldn’t exactly call him a friend...” Glenn says, earning an eyebrow raise from Daryl, “I knew him before highschool because of Gena and he was in a few of my classes but we barely even talked. He was one of those jocks who always thought they’re better than everyone else.”
“Ya were friends with that kind o’ person?” Daryl asks, furrowing his brow in confusion, he thought that Glenn was saying he wasn't his friend just so he felt better about not liking the guy. 
“I told you, we aren’t exactly friends,” Glenn says then sighs when Daryl stares at him, “okay, long story short... he bullied me in highschool.” 
Daryl narrows his eyes at him, he knew Glenn wasn't the type to fight back, especially not in his teen years. He wanted to tell him that he should have told his older sister, but knowing how Glenn is, he wouldn't want to potentially ruin his sister's friendship with Jacob's sister. Now, Gloria on the other hand, Daryl was sure that she'd do something about it. 
“Gloria wouldn’ let that slide...” he says. 
“She wouldn’t... and she didn’t. When she found out, the next day she found him and punched him in the face,” Glenn chuckles at the memory then sighs, “but then that’s when he apparently fell in love with her...”
“What?” Daryl frowns at that, “what kind o’ masochist prick is he..?”
Glenn shrugs, “I don’t know, man. I just remember that he couldn’t stop bothering her after that... asshole even used me to get her to go on a few dates with him.”
“What?!” Daryl exclaims, he couldn’t stop the jealousy from exploding inside him as he registered Glenn’s words.
“He threatened to keep bullying me if she didn’t...” Glenn sighs as he looks down, “I practically begged her not to go and that I could take whatever he threw at me but you know her...” 
Daryl sighs heavily and nods, knowing how protective Gloria is over Glenn, she would have done anything to prevent Glenn from getting bullied, even going on dates with a prick. The thought of it made Daryl uneasy and curiosity plagued his mind again as he wondered what they did on those dates, or rather what that guy tried to do on those dates. Glenn seems to catch onto his uneasiness as he snaps Daryl out of his thoughts when he puts a hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t have to worry about him, though. Gloria still kinda hates him,” Glenn says with a chuckle.
“Ya tellin’ me not to worry about her ex who might still be in love with her?” Daryl asks rhetorically.
"Gloria says he’s just a guy she went on a few dates with to save my ass, nothing more.” Glenn reassures him “yeah, he might still be in love with her or whatever, but she doesn’t care. She cares about you, Daryl. And if it makes you feel any better, I approve of you, not Jacob.”
Daryl scoffs playfully, and he nods, “thanks...”
“No problem,” Glenn smiles at him, patting his arm, “also, let me know if you’re ever planning to kick his ass, I’d love to join in.”
Daryl snorts a laugh at his words and nods again, wordlessly promising Glenn to let him know. He felt himself more at ease after talking to Glenn, although he didn’t like that they would be living in a community with someone from Gloria’s past but he had to deal with it. Later in the evening, Gloria had come back to the house and she told Daryl about Denise. He was happy for her that she made a new friend at the community, all the while he kept quiet as he listened to her talk about her day. Daryl felt that he didn’t need to bother confronting Gloria about Jacob, he was a person from her past.
Next Chapter
Okay so! I know that Denise doesn’t actually appear in the show until Season 6 but I love her and she deserved so much more so I just added her here haha and then we have another new character (you all probably already hate him too xD) who triggered a jealous Daryl. Reason why I thought that it was best to add more characters from Glenn and Gloria’s life before the apocalypse is because it wouldn’t really make sense to me for Gena to come to a community alone without any friends since it seemed that everyone in Alexandria originally has a family with them. Also, I just really love writing Daryl and Glenn moments ❤❤❤ Please let me know what you think about this chapter and what you guys think will happen! ^^
And as always, I would really appreciate any comments left for me! I’ll be replying to any comments in a new post because this is a sideblog!
Taglist (please let me know if you’d like to be added/removed!):
@twdeadfanfic​ | @fandomfanatic97​ | @crossbowking​ | @watchmeaspire​ | @spidergirla5​ | @kamieshep​ | @letsstarsfalling​ | @molethemollie | @alicewinchester99 | @neilox | @womanup22​ | @jodiereedus22 | @theonlyone-meeeee | @theunofficialduke | @inlovewdxx | @delightfullykrispypeach | @mrsfortune1306 | @wolfkg | @funeral-7 | @wnygirl2012 | @alispaceme | @themihala | @aavocadocloud |  @polkadottedpillowcase | @felicisimor | @depressedfrog2 | @spacexkiddo0
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emyume · 4 years
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Eremika ♡  {Titanic AU + headcanons}
(Hi everyone! I decided to make something special for my birthday, which was on the 30th, but I couldn’t finish it until just now. So, this is kinda like a late birthday present to myself, and a new years gift to all my fellow eremika fans. This is my first time ever making something like this, so please bear with me if it’s kinda long, and I hope everyone has an amazing new year! ✿ ◡ ‿◡ )
The first time he ever sees Mikasa, he's hanging out with his friends on the 3rd class deck. As he looks up, he notices her walk towards the railing. With the sunlight scanning down her body, a cool ocean breeze gently waves her short hair and her delicately sewn dress side-to-side. Resting her hands on the railing as she watches the horizon. 
He slowly freezes in her presence; leaving him breathless. Asking himself whether or not he had just seen an angel due to how bright and iridescent the evening sun was, as it shined down on her. Like a fallen angeeeeelllll / *cough* red swan is best op *cough* 
It takes a while for him to notice that she had been giving him some hardcore death glares as if to say, "You know, I can see you staring right at me, you better not make me come down there!" (¯―¯٥) she ready to throw some hands xD
He always sits in the exact same spot at the exact same time on the boat deck where he first saw Mikasa, always looking forward to seeing her again, and again.
Armin and Jean constantly make fun of him anytime he stares at her or whenever his head is in the clouds. They always wave their arms, snap their fingers in front of him, or even try to say a few things to catch his attention such as, "Yoooo, lover boy!", or "If you're lucky you'll probably get married someday...if she's into guys like you, that is." Forcing him to snap back to reality.
they both notice him start to blush, his face glowing in a deep crimson red starting at his cheeks to the tips of his ears, all while he's trying to cover his face up with his arm. we love our blushy boi ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
On the night when she almost jumps off the ship, Eren notices her sobbing loudly with tears falling down her face as she scampers past him - sensing that something is wrong, he immediately gets to her aid. Being very patient, he convinces her not to jump and to get back on the ship. He reaches his arms out and offers her to take his hand. She finally surrenders, and they exchange their names with reassuring smiles. "I'm Eren Jaeger", she then replies a bit hesitantly, "M-Mikasa Ackerman".
The next morning, Mikasa looks for him down in the 3rd class steerage (even though it’s forbidden, she still goes anyway), finally getting the chance to thank him for saving her life. As they're both getting to know each other, she utters out how trapped she feels. Staying inside a world she can't escape. Being forced into an arranged marriage simply for money, not having any dreams of her own, all of it makes her feel completely powerless, and makes him fill up with remorse, feeling sympathetic towards her situation.
she’s always been desperate to do something different and out of the norm, without ever having to be judged for it. She can’t help but feel jealous whenever he talks about his travels and the places he's seen. Although he was poor, he was free. That in itself was something she couldn't attain so easily.
There's actually a deleted scene in the movie that I really love, where Jack and Rose are singing a song called, "Come Josephine In My Flying Machine". I could definitely see the two of them singing this together as they walk around the boat deck, happily swaying side-by-side.
Once Eren finds the courage in himself to confess his true feelings towards her, Mikasa tells him that it’s impossible for her to keep seeing him. He keeps on telling her that she’s gonna die if she doesn’t break free and wants to help her live. But she turns him down.
It takes her a while, but Mikasa reconsiders her choice and decides that she should go with Eren in the end. She finds him at the bow of the ship with slumped shoulders, as his body leans against the railing, looking down at the waves below, having a look of hopelessness in his eyes. 
He turns around as she walks up to him, she lets out a sigh of relief and finally declares her decision,“...I’ve changed my mind...” Feeling as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders, Eren gives her a sweet radiant smile, grinning from ear-to-ear. 
He takes her hands into his own, asking her to close her eyes and to carefully step up to the railing, never letting go. When she finally opens them, she witnesses an ombré sky filled with hues of dark purples, light pinks, and bright yellows. It was the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen. With the wind flowing beneath their arms and holding on to each other’s bodies, their fingers interlock together as he brings their arms down, and wraps them around her waist. Both watching the sun go down the horizon...the very last sunset they’ll ever get to see...
Resting his head on her shoulder, their faces start inching closer and closer towards each other. Mikasa turns her head a little, looking deeply in to his green eyes, their lips just inches away from coming into contact. Making the first move, he leans in gently and softly presses his lips against hers; making her heart jump against her chest. She lets go of his hand and reaches for his face. She grasps the back of his head, caressing and curling his hair tenderly with her fingers - pulling him deeper and deeper. She continues to press him close to her face, making sure he never pulls away from her. *insert My Heart Will Go On here*    ( ;__; )♡
The next following days, Eren would probably send some cute love letters to her, but obviously in secret. He would sneak himself into 1st class and try not to get himself caught by any of the officers. They also would probably go on dates where they just talk about their dreams about riding on horseback and traveling across the ocean in an airplane, while lying under the stars.
On the night of the sinking, she promises herself that she won’t get off the ship without him. Leaving her family behind, she stays on the ship gripping on to Eren for dear life, all the way till the very end.
Once they’re in the cold waters of the Atlantic, they find a door frame floating nearby that had been broken off from the ship. They both try to get on it, but they make it sink into the water. Realizing that it’s not big enough for the both of them, he tells to get on it instead. Desperately waiting for a rescue boat to come and find them.
The cries of the people around them slowly die down, the temperature finally beginning to take its toll on Eren’s numb body, losing his consciousness little by little. Fighting to stay alive, he keeps on withstanding the pain of it all, just to keep his head above the water. 
Trembling from hypothermia, he holds on to Mikasa’s frail hands, both breathing heavily, she quietly murmurs, “I love you, Eren.” Hearing those words escape her chapped lips, he faces her - his voice shaking uncontrollably, “Don’t you do that...don’t you say your goodbyes - not yet, do you understand me? Listen to m-me, Mikasa - you’re gonna get outta here...you’re gonna go on, and have a life of your own, and...you’re gonna live long life - and you’re gonna watch your children grow. Winning that ticket was the best thing, that ever happened to me...it brought me to you. You must p-promise me, that you’ll survive. That you won’t give up...n-no matter what happens...no matter, how hopeless. Promise me now, Mikasa...and never let go of that promise.”
Several moments go by, she feels her body steadily shutting down, practically upon death’s door, lying ever so still above the frozen waters. She notices a faint golden light flashing up and down out of the corner of her eye. She tries to shake Eren awake and tell him that there’s a boat floating nearby, but, no matter how hard she tried, his eyes remained shut tight, as ice slowly formed on top of his lashes. Mikasa freezes instantly...she can feel her heart sink in her chest, a sense of dread starts to crawl up her body...beginning to fear the worst, she rapidly grabs his arms and presses her fingers down and searches for his pulse. But alas, the only thing she could find was the sound of her own dying breath. 
When the truth settles in on her, she tries to yell at the lifeboat to come back, but the cold made her voice sound so fragile and hoarse, there was no way that they could ever hear her, let alone grab it’s full attention. Her mouth quivers as tears flow down to her lips, her voice starts to crack as she cries out in desperation. She lays her head down atop his hands, wanting to stay by his side and cry herself to sleep. 
Almost accepting defeat, she remembers the promise that she swore to him. The promise for her to keep on living. To live a life just the way her and Eren had always pictured in their minds. A life where they could do anything they wanted to their full heart’s content.
Mikasa refuses to give up hope and to let him die in vain. She kisses his hands lovingly, before finally letting him go. Her vision starts to blur more and more from her tears as she watches the ocean drag him further down in to the dark abyss. She slides herself off the door frame, falling in to the freezing water. Beating against the cold waves that try to engulf her, she snatches a whistle that had belonged to an officer of the ship, his body frozen in place. Placing the whistle between her lips, a high pitched sound pierces through the still, quiet night. Whistling louder and louder as she tries to grab the attention of the lifeboat.
Mikasa’s eyes flutter open and finds herself wrapped in all sorts of frayed and warm blankets. All the remaining survivors in the lifeboats head towards a nearby ship called, Carpathia. The ship would follow in the same route that the Titanic was also suppose to go, finishing it’s course as it arrives in New York. 
Day turns to night while the clouds turn to a dark grey. She remains unbothered as the rain falls down on top of her, reminiscing about her past while glancing up towards the symbol of freedom; standing tall and proud.
A steward of the ship calmly approaches her, holding a clipboard and pencil on one hand and holding his umbrella on the other, as he had been writing down all the names of the surviving passengers.
He politely asks her, “Can I take you name please, love?" She moves her head down and faces him, replying without hesitation, she says her name. “Jaeger...Mikasa Jaeger.”
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(here's a little bonus eremika edit ♡)
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The Night the War Ended
Donny Donowitz x Fem!Reader/ Postwar AU :)
Requested by @asconfusedasonecanbe
sorry it's kind of long, I got a little carried away with it xD
@war-obsessed, @owba-chan
Let me know if you guys wannabe tagged in these! <3
France, 1945
Donny pulled his arm away from Omar's hand as he set off one last round, the fire beginning to devour the nazis. 
Donny turned around and faced Omar, "What?!"
Omar patted Donny on the chest once, over his pocket. The pocket he'd been keeping a ring in for a year. "What about y/n?!"
Donny stopped frowning. He  looked back at the nazis, and the fire that had trapped them. He looked into Hitler's unrecognizable face, then back at Omar, who had untied his explosives. “For Y/n, Donny...”
Donny nodded once, and followed suit.
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The two basterds made it out, and were halfway across the street when the cinema collapsed under hell’s fire. 
Omar turned to Donny, "We did it...it's over!" Omar couldn't have been happier.  Despite being one of the younger basterds, he had a wife back in New Jersey, and he couldn't get over the fact that he'd just had a hand in ending the war. 
Still, Omar's word's were distant. The fire was surreal. It seemed like a lie, but Donny somehow felt empty. 
He'd dedicated the last few years of his life to the war, to the basterds, to this...
 He never thought he'd survive. 
But if he did, he couldn't survive without you. 
It was all he could think of while the Basterds celebrated in the streets with the rest of France that night. It was all he could think of every time he saw you looking up with your smiling eyes. 
It unsettled him to think of going back to the same ordinary life he had before the war. There would be congressional medals and interviews, and gawking crowds, no doubt...but when it was all over, when it was all said and done, he'd go back to Boston, and back to work in his father's barber shop. All the basterds, like every other soldier, were expected to just pick up where they left off...
As much as he'd missed home, it wouldn't be the same without Hugo's glares, Wicki's advice, Aldo's stories, Utivich's backtalking, or Omar's snoring. It wouldn't be the same without you by his side, watching his back, and being his saving grace. 
That had been home for so long.
Come sunrise, you'd all be split up. Most of the basterds lived somewhere on the east coast, it wasn't too hard to get most of them together, but a reunion just wasn't the same.
And...Donny kept remembering Omar's question, 'What about y/n?'
What about you?
You were from the West Coast. 
The Bay Area was a long way from Boston... You wouldn't make it to most of the basterds' reunions...
He couldn't imagine a morning without seeing your eyes. He couldn't imagine a night without hearing you say "G'night, sarge,' and seeing your playful wink.
As he watched you cheer and laugh with the others, he wondered why he couldn't feel like that...
Then Omar caught his eyes. 
Donny raised his eyebrows in apprehension, but then looked back at you. He couldn't lose you. Once you went home, things would change forever. 
He walked right up to you, and blurted it out. He'd thought about it. He'd thought about it for longer than he'd care to admit, but it didn't quite come out as he expected. He'd thought about it from the moment he met you...He never thought he'd actually make it out of the war. Especially not after his assignment to Operation Kino. 
He got a little embarrassed every time he remembered how he proposed. He was still covered in blood and ashes, smelled like smoke and champagne, still not clear-headed, but barely drunk. He looked at you, the words didn't come out the way he always hoped they would, but....they did get the job done. "You wanna get married?"
The moment the words slipped through his lips, he felt like an idiot...
But, you smiled, and kissed him. He may have been an idiot, but he was your idiot, and he was the happiest basterd in the world. At that moment, he didn't think he could be any happier.
But, things didn't get easier. The war ended for everyone on that street that night, but in his mind it didn't. You were his wife, living in his hometown, everything was almost a dream. But sometimes, his hands felt empy without the bat. Sometimes he got suspicious when he woke up in the middle of the night, and it was too quiet. Sometimes he got nervous, expecting to hear boots marching, or B-17s flying overhead, or nazis whispering in the trees in the yard by the window. 
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The only thing that helped him sleep was remembering you were by his side. He was at ease when he held on to you...
'At ease....' Sometimes he could still hear Aldo's voice running through his mind. Donny would realize he was standing at attention, his hands behind his back, waiting...
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 He'd have to blink a few times, and remember he was standing in his livingroom, where it was safe and warm. He'd only relax when you planted a kiss on his cheek...
He'd been staring out the window again. 
He blinked "Yeah?"
He turned to you, “Sorry, doll...”
You smiled a little, and rested the palm of your hand against his cheek. "It's ok, Donny..." He smiled back a little, and felt calm.
"What's going on, doll?"
You smirked a little as you slipped into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, "Well, just between you and me, sarge..."
Donny smirked... It always drove him crazy when you called him that. Even in the actual war... and you knew it. 
He gruffly held you by your hips, which you realized might not be the best time for it. You rested your hands over his, "Don, wait..."
He quickly pulled his hands away. Donny was usually more on the rough side, but he was always careful to never actually hurt you. He'd never forgive himself. "Doll-"
"No, no, it's ok, it's just that..." You trailed off, wondering how to break the news to Donny. 
"Somethings' wrong..." Donny was afraid. He knew things were too good to be true. After all, he had you...
You shook your head, "Nothing's wrong, Don, don't worry..."
"You're driving me crazy doll, what the fuck's going on?"
"Well..." You smiled softly at him as you pulled his hands over your belly, and rested yours over his, "Just between you and me....soon it won't just be you and me."
Donny froze for a second, trying to figure out if he heard and understood that right. He looked at you, and realized he did. He smiled. He hadn't smiled like that in a long time. "A baby?! We're having a baby?!"
You nodded and he kissed you, and picked you up. Donny didn’t think he could have loved you more than he already did, but he was wrong.
A few months went by.
The Basterds were all together, and visiting you and Donny. You were celebrating the second anniversary of the war's end.
Normally, you would all meet in New York because half of the basterds were from New York, Connecticut, or New Jerseey...but...you were due soon, and although you wanted more than anything to go, Donny didn't want to risk a thing. 
So the basterds decided to come to you.
It was almost perfect...
By about five o'clock, you ran out of ice. Donny left for few minutes. Seventeen to be exact. It was a five minute walk there. It took seven minutes to get the clerk to shut  up. It took another five minutes to walk back. 
When he did get back, everyone was gone...some of the glasses were turned over. Hugo was there. 
He was... smiling? 
Donny didn't doubt that Hugo snapped. The basterds always joked about that whenever he smiled. 
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"Hugo...where is everyone?"
"Let's go, Donny."
"Go... What? Where?!"
Hugo rolled his eyes, "With everybody else."
"Ok....but where is everyone?!"
"With y/n"
"Where's Y/n?!"
Hugo smiled and remained silent. 
"Hugo. I'm gonna ask you this one more time. Where is my wife?!"
"Having your baby."
Hugo chuckled, "Calm down, they're already on their way to the hospital."
"Stay calm."
"I don't look calm to you?" Hugo chuckled a little as he patted Donny on the back, "Don't worry, Donny. Hirschberg's driving. Utivich is in the back with her and Wicki. Omar and Aldo somehow fit with them."
Donny calmed down a little, knowing Utivich was your best friend, and tended to be able to keep you calm....then he realized Hugo said Hirschberg was driving. 
"Ja...." Hugo slowed down....realizing the mistake.... Hirschberg was a little hotheaded when it came to driving. He once ran over seven nazis in a stolen vehicle because Aldo told him to 'hurry up.' He could only imagine how stressed he was with everything that was going on in that car. 
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Donny dropped his keys and started running down the street. He was cutting through the streets and alleys, followed by Hugo. 
Hugo had never seen Donny run so fast in all the time he'd known him. At one point, he lost sight of Donny and had to ask for directions to the hospital. By the time he arrived, he followed the familiar sound of the basterds' voices,  and  there was a mob of nurses threatening to either sedate Donny or call the police on him if he didn't sit down. 
Donny gave up. His status as a war hero didn't matter. He sat by all the other worried, anxious fathers scattered around the waiting room. He rested his forehead in his hands as his legs shook anxiously. He was there when they pulled a bullet out of your hip. You were there to pull him out of the fire. He wanted to be there when you needed him most...
"At ease, soldier, at ease." Aldo chuckled as he sat by Donny.
Donny smiled a little as he turned to Aldo. He stopped shaking his leg. 
Aldo smiled a little. He had a little one running around back in Tennessee, just over a year old. The basterds often joked Aldo didn't waste much time. "You know, it's normal. I was the same way." A doctor came out, and they all held their breath. 
"Val Vega?" One of the other men in the waiting room rushed out, Aldo chuckled seeing Donny slump down and sigh in exasperation, "How long's it take Aldo?"
"Weellll...." He cracked his knuckles, "Sometimes an hour or two, my honey done took damn near a day." He smiled in nostalgia, and took out a small folded photograph of him and his daughter. "You know, everything changes when you get a little one running around."
Aldo nodded, and Donny noticed the love in his eyes as he focused on the small picture, "You forget about everything else the moment you look at that child... That baby so tiny, you gon' be scared of it. You gon' be scared of all the things that could ever go wrong, and you gon' be scared of all the things you could, and will do wrong...but you ain't ever gon' hurt that little 'un, and you ain't ever gon' let nothin' happen to it."
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"Donny, I know you. I know you took care of 'em boys back in France. I know how you took care of Y/n the moment you laid eyes on her. I know you ain't gon' let nothin' happen to that child."
Donny looked down at his hands. For years all he'd done was kill nazis. Aldo knew what was going through his head. 
He was in that same place not too long ago... 
"Now, look here Donowitz, you made one helluva soldier, one goddamn basterd of a sergeant. You paid off your debit. You took over one hundred nazi scalps. But this is a whole other ballgame, son. You always gon' protect y/n, though between you and me, she ain't need much help...aside from that, you gon' be protective of one life, and one life only." Aldo chuckled, "Well.. till you get another one on the way."
Donny smiled a little, wondering what that perfect life would be like...
Aldo smiled and sighed, "Point is, Donny, you did your due. You pulled your weight. It's time for you to let go of that. We all had to." 
Donny looked around at all the basterds. They were pacing around, joking, and smoking together. Sometimes it threw him off to see them all without their boots and knives, and a scalp or two around their belts. 
It was odd seeing Hugo in a sweater and a smile, and not undercover with a scowl. It was odd to see Utivich in a clean button up without a drop of blood. It just seemed so surreal. 
He wasn't complaining...
He smiled a little, as Aldo went on, "You got yourself one fine life here, Donny. You just gotta live it. Here, and now."
Donny nodded, as he rested his elbow on his knees, and clasped his hands together, and laid his chin over his knuckles. He mumbled, "Here, and now," desparately glancing at the clock.
He almost didn't realize that it was over. All the basterds crowded around him, smiling and cheering him on. His knees were a little shakey when he stood up. 
"Donovan Donowitz?"
Donny muttered something under his breath, then nodded, "Yeah that's me..."
"Congratulations, Mr. Donowitz, it’s a boy!"
Donny's heart skipped a beat, his jaw dropped, and he turned to his brothers in arms, "It'S a bOY!!! ITS A BOY! YA HEAR THAT?!"
After the cheering died down, Hugo planted something in Donny's hand. 
It was a baseball. 
It had all the basterds' signatures on it, and it was tied in a bow. 
Omar smirked, "For the kid, not you."
Donny smiled softly, and put in his pocket. "Thanks fellas....I...I gotta.."
Utivich was impatient. He knew that as uncles, they were next in line to see you and the baby... He pushed Donny, "You gotta go."
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Donny nodded, "I gotta go see Y/n!" He pushed past the basterds, the doctors, and the mob of nurses finally disassembled, and let him through.
He flung the door open, and his heart stopped the moment he laid eyes on you...
He had never seen you so tired, so worn down, and so beautiful. He saw a blue bundle in your arms...
You looked up at Donny, as you gently rocked the baby, and smiled, "Hey there..." You held up the baby's hand, as if he were waving to Donny. 
Donny staggered slowly to you.
He pulled hair away from your face, and gasped and spoke softly when he laid eyes on his son for the first time... "Holy shit, Y/n..."
"Donny! Sh...you can't say that in front of him..."
Donny clenched his teeth, "Shit! Sorry! Fuck.....Dammn it! I mean..."
You giggled a little, though it hurt, Donny never failed to bring a smile to your face, "Ok...I think you get an A for effort."
Donny reached for a tissue, and patted away some sweat from your face, "You feel ok, doll? You need anything? Anything hurt? You want me to-"
You shook your head as you looked down at your son, "I'm ok, Donny. Everything's ok. He's ok. More than ok!" 
You looked at him in the eyes, and for the first time in a long time, he looked at ease. 
In Donny's eyes, he saw more than the love of his life, and his baby. He saw more than the family and life he always wanted. He saw what he fought for. 
You didn't have to say goodbye to each other every morning and fight nazis. That stopped two years before. He didn't have to fight back adrenaline and fear to see another day. He didn't have to fight the urge to stay awake from sunset to sunrise to survive. All that ended two years before.
Donny didn't have to fight for anything except for his family. 
"Do you want to hold him?"
Donny looked up at you, hesitant for a moment as he once again looked down at his hands. 
You rested one hand over his, and whispered, "It's ok, Don. You're his pop...you and I are the last ones on eath to ever let anything happen to him. It's ok."
Donny smiled a little as he took his baby in his arms, careful to hold up the head. He laughed a little, out of sheer happiness, "Hey, kid..." 
It was as if a blind fold was ripped from his eyes. He had everything. He had nothing to be afraid of. He was Donny Donowitz. You were his world. His son was his sky. No one would take that from him. 
Not even an army could. 
He smiled, his shoulders relaxed as he sat back, cooing at his son, and trying to convince you that naming him after "Teddy fucking Williams," was a great idea. 
That night, the war was finally over in Donny’s eyes. 
Donny could rest now...
Until 3AM, when Lee got hungry. (You won the name argument.) Other than that, you and Lee were the reason Donny's war finally ended.
Four years later, on Lee's birthday, and on the sixth anniversary of Operation Kino's success, the basterds were all together again, this time by Aldo's cabin up in the Smoky Mountains.
Donny held on to his new baby, his four month old daughter, Bridget with his left hand, and wrapped his right arm around you, as Lee played with Aldo, Hugo, and Omar's kids.
The day before he met you, Donny never expected to love anything more than killing nazis, and his bloody bat.
The night he met you, he never wanted anything more than to end the war with you by his side.
When he got what he wanted, he somehow felt empty...but seeing his family, the brothers he never had, and the love he'd never lose finally living at peace in the world he fought to save, Donny realized he had what he never imagined. He was happier than he'd ever been in his life.
As he rocked his daughter to sleep, he kissed you on the lips. He owed his life, his freedom, and his happiness all to you... He may have repaid his debt to Aldo, but he'd always owe his love and his world to you. As Lee laughed and ran around, and the basterds laughed around a fire like the old days, Donny smiled. He kissed you on the cheek, and sighed in relief as he took it all in.
Donny knew this was it.  
He had all the people that mattered by his side, and a life that he fought so hard to protect. Donny smiled, knowing that it would never feel empty again.
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A Thin Line Between Love & Hate ♛
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Summary: Y/N, a fiery, new Avenger with the fighting prowess of Black Widow herself, and Bucky Barnes, a stubborn, ex-soldier with the demons and strength to prove it, don’t exactly get along, despite their many similarities. The two of them make it their mission to win against the other, making everything between them a competition. A sparring match gone awry and a midnight dip in the pool changes all of that. Let the games begin.
A/N: since the last Bucky fic I wrote did so well and I’ve been in a bit of a slump lately :( I decided to write what I’m familiar with, and I just had the pleasure of watching Bohemian Rhapsody in theaters (GO WATCH IT IT’S SPECTACULAR) and it’s caused a stroke of inspiration XD please enjoy this little story of my favorite smol winter bean even if it’s a flipping mess and lemme know what you think and if ya want more 
Warnings: mega fluff, a sparring match with violence ensues, sexual tension to the max, language
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You clutch your gym bag to your side, slung over your shoulder haphazardly with little regard for style. The tank top you threw on clings comfortably to your waist, followed by a slipped on pair of athletic leggings that leave little of your curves to the imagination of your teammates. But at the moment, that’s the least of your worries, that, on the other hand, is running into James Buchanan Barnes a.k.a the human version of a paper cut. He’s stubborn, insistent, irritatingly charming and annoyingly good-looking, making it damn near impossible to muster up the strength to be angry with him (but you find a way anyway). He also has the sole purpose of teasing you to hell and back. Ever since the first day here, you’ve been at each other’s throats. And to this day, you still have no idea why.
You like to think it’s just a game, that you’re both only joking, but sometimes he’ll say things and the look on his face tells you otherwise. That perhaps you’ve gone too far. 
Then, proving your point, while passing you, he knocks his broad shoulder against yours in the narrow hall. You frown and kick your leg out, tripping him in the process, watching as he barely catches himself, struggling to stand up straight until using the wall to steady himself. He chuckles darkly, blowing hair out of his eyes.
You narrow your eyes at the Winter Soldier, “Do you do this to all the women you work with or am I just lucky?”
“Good morning to you too, doll,” he says gruffly as he helps himself up and dusts off his deep gray joggers, his own tank clinging to his muscles, the wind having been knocked out of him.
You pry your eyes away from him and tuck hair behind your ear, shaking your head, “It certainly was,” you drink in the frustration in his eyes cerulean eyes.
“You’re a real piece of work, Y/L/N,” he sighs, glancing at you with an amused expression, the conflict behind his eyes warring when you look back at him.
You grab him by the front of his shirt, crumbling the cotton material in your fist, his smirk only an inch away from your own lips and he lets you do it. “Then next time you’re walking down this hall, watch where you’re going and don’t knock into me. Or get it through your head that I’ll do it back.”
He shakes his head with a low laugh, looming over you, “That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble one day and no one will be there to save you.”
“Is that a threat?”
His lips twitch, “No, doll, it’s a warning.”
You let go of his shirt and push him back, the tempting look in his eyes frightens you, “It keeps you away, doesn’t it? Me running my mouth,” his resolve flickers. “I’m also more than capable of saving myself, I don’t run away from my problems.”
He rolls his eyes and frowns, “And you’re suggesting I do?”
“I thought I made that clear,” you tilt your head, toe to toe with the man.
“Oh, you did, I was just hoping I didn’t hear you correctly.”
“I have read that hearing deteriorates first when it comes to men of your age.”
He cocks an eyebrow, “Are you calling me elderly, Y/N?”
You look him over, enjoying this far too much when you nonchalantly shrug your shoulders, “If the denture fits.”
He snorts. “Funny,” he glances furtively at your mouth, how it curls at its edges. 
You laugh, enjoying this game of cat and mouse, the highlights of your day, you think, “I’d like to think so,” you smile before walking out of the hall and into gym, where the team trains every morning, leaving a confused Bucky to stew alone in the hall.
Steve sends you a smile when you enter the room and Tony’s shoots you a wink as you set down your things and watch patiently while Steve sets up the the boxing ring. It’s been awhile since the last match between any of you, but you wouldn’t mind throwing yourself back in, with the promise of high stakes of course. You’re never one to back down from a challenge.
Natasha smirks when you look over at her, regretting your decision when you see her signature scarlet smile, “Morning, Y/N, where’s your boyfriend?”
You force a laugh when you begin wrapping a bandage over your knuckles, a genuine one escaping when you look to see Barnes coincidentally enter the room himself. Shit, “I don’t have a boyfriend, Nat,” you look up at your friend, holding your mouth tightly. “You know that.”
“Be careful,” Tony pats your shoulder affectionately. “If he hears you’re single, he won’t hesitate to throw his hat in the ring. Literally...”
“You’re not helping, Stark,” you elbow his side, not doing much damage when he catches your arm in his hand. You rip your arm back from his grasp and he pokes your nose. You scrunch your face.
“That wasn’t my intention,” he grins. “But you’re seriously adorable when you’re angry.”
Bucky smiles at that.
“Shut up,” you grumble.
Steve cracks a smile while setting up and hearing the teasing, he avoids your glare when you hear him. Bucky pretends stays in the dark as to what you’re all whispering not-so-covertly about, every so often looking over at you.
“What about that guy Nick who asked for your number at the bar yesterday? He seemed pretty interested in filling that position for you,” Nat brings up after a spell of silence and you look at her, knowing what she’s trying to do.
Bucky’s ears perk up, tightening his metal fist at the thought of it. He knows he has no right to be jealous or possessive over you, not after the way he’s treated you, but he can’t help it, anger he’s never experienced before. Then, before you can argue with Nat, Steve speaks up.
“Alright,” Steve starts. “Who wants a turn in the r-”
Your hand shoots up first, grinning excitedly, “I do.”
“You need a partner, hotshot,” he chuckles at your enthusiasm, an idea sparking when he locks eyes with both Nat and Tony, flashing a smile when he looks at you. “How about Bucky?”
Your eyebrows shoot up and you laugh in disbelief, “You’re kidding... Right? You must be joking. Because if not, that serum has finally reached your brain and its messed up... something up there,” you shake your head.
“I’m not fighting a girl, Steve,” Bucky wraps his own bandage over his hand, chuckling deeply, resonating from his chest. Even if his jealousy was slowly growing and he wouldn’t mind a one on one with a punching bag, he’d never take it out on you. 
But something in you clicks when he says this, rubbing you the wrong way, “Because you’d lose,” you turn around, you simply couldn’t help yourself. If only you’d kept your mouth shut... 
He lifts an eyebrow, standing up straight with his arms folded over his broad chest, squaring his shoulders, “Is that right?”
“I guess we’ll never know, because we’re not doing it,” you look back at a smug Cap. Your blood boils when Bucky takes a step towards you and you stare him down, but it doesn’t do you much good. It’s consists more of staring up at him.
“It sounds to me, doll, like you’re the one who’s afraid you’ll lose,” he maintains a thoughtful expression, sizing you up. You furrow your brow.
“I just don’t want your pretty face to get hurt, that’s all, it is all you got going for you,” you tilt your chin up.
His eyes flash and you know you struck a nerve. He chuckles humorlessly, “You’re lucky I’m a gentleman,” he tells you. “Or I’d ask you to put your money where your mouth is. Since you always have so much to say.”
“A gentleman knows how to finish a fight, not start one,” you push your hands against his chest, sending him backwards after having enough. “So finish it.”
He looks at his chest and back at you, clenching his jaw, “Watch it, Y/N.”
“Come on, then,” you tell him, swinging your leg over the rings border and climbing inside. Steve and Tony share a worrisome look, wondering what they’ve started, Nat only leans forward, hoping to hear more. “Or are you going to keep running?” you throw over your shoulder.
It doesn’t take him long to ignore the inner turmoil creating in his gut. ducking under the border himself and stepping into the ring, commanding the attention of the room when he gets into his stance.
He swings the first punch, you duck under it and swing your leg out to send him on his back. You move to straddle him on the ground, but he’s back on his feet before the thought even crosses your mind, gripping your ankle when it flies towards his face. Your fist collides with his jaw, hitting just the corner of his mouth, he stumbles back, and he wipes at the cracked lip, staring in awe at the trickle of crimson staining his calloused finger.
Guilt settles in your stomach, and your form wavers, in your hesitation, his fist curls and the blow lands painfully into your shoulder. You grasp the sore area and fall back, catching yourself against the bordering ropes. The room goes silent, one giant, collective inhale of breath being the last thing you hear before Bucky’s face falls. He didn’t want to do this. To fight you, but here you are. You asked for it, you can’t back down now.
His chest heaves, his eyes full of guilt and fear, he gulps like he’s gasping for air, “Doll, I-”
You didn’t have time to freeze, to listen to what he’s saying. The punch only fuels your adrenaline and you flip him on his back, on top of him and straddling his waist. You throw a punch, aiming for the bridge of his nose, but he blocks it, taking your wrist in his to move you so you’re the one on your back. You ignore the heat rising to your face from being beneath him, caged under his muscular arms, holding himself above your frame with little to no effort. He could crush you if he wanted to, you wondered why he didn’t just finish it right here and now, that’s what you expected, after all. It does’t help that he smells so damn good.
“We can stop here and call it a tie,” he tells you, his cool, minty breath fanning over your flushed face, noses brushing whether you like it or not. You’d never admit to the former anyway. “I’m trying to help you, doll.”
You snort, “Don’t strain yourself,” you knee him in the groin and he topples over, unable to stand once again. You’re on your feet before him, declaring you the winner of the match. He went easy on you and you know it. Your chest rises and falls with each strenuous breath and you blow hair out from in front of your eyes, swinging your leg over the ropes again.
You couldn’t stand there and gloat, something you’d usually have no problem boating, to mess with him. But you’re still thinking about how you felt, when you were pinned beneath him, how your face burned, how your skin rubbed against his own, and how you still feel afterwards. But you hate him. You hate him.
Don’t you?
Bucky leans his back against the side of the rooftop pool atop the Avengers building, muscles aching from training, the cool water and night air relaxing him. He breathes slowly, hoping this isolation will help him forget the events of today, what he did. He hit you. You of all people. He never wanted to lay a hand on you, not only are you a woman, but you’re you. Not to mention the fact you can throw one hell of a punch as well, his split lip a consequence of that, his thumb brushing over it when it comes to mind.
His mind whirs, thinking about you, and his heart tightens in an unfamiliar, unspoken way. The same ache in his chest he’s felt since you got here, hoping if he’d ignore it and you, it’d make it all go away. But it’s only made the sensation worse, thinking back to having you underneath him, a dream he never thought would bloom into fruition. Just under different circumstances. If only he hadn’t have messed it up and pushed you away in the process, everyone in the room watching.
And that he doesn’t hate you. Not even a little. Quite the opposite, actually. He’s absolutely enamored with you.
You slide open the door leading to the roof, a cover-up wrapped around your waist, hugging yourself. You turn to close it and look back to see Barnes in where you were hoping to find empty. You cross your arms over your chest and look on at him, haven’t had talked to him since this morning.
Thinking against starting a verbal altercation with him once again, you instead ask softly, “Mind if I join you?” voice lost in the wind.
He shakes his head, looking up at you, afraid his hoarse voice will give way to his emotions. Bucky attempts to avert his eyes when you drop the cover-up, revealing a red two piece decorated with cherries, the bottoms high waisted and fitted to your curved waist. Then his eyes are falling over you and he simply can’t look away. His eyes are glued to you and you want to fight him on it, say something, but you can’t either.
Bucky admires the way your y/s/c skin illuminates in the milky, effervescent moonlight, gaze flicking back up to meet your eyes when you catch him staring. You only smile and brush him off. You descend the steps inside and sit across the pool from him, the bruise on your shoulder on display, weighing on his conscious.
He’s the first to break the silence, “Doll... I-I’m sorry.”
Your eyes follow where his lay on your bruised shoulder, shaking your head, “Don’t be, was my fault. I pushed you to fight when you didn’t want to. I shouldn’t have. I’ll heal,” you offer him a sweet smile, an expression he treats as a gift, a rare sight to see, especially when it comes to him. Well, one he knows of.
He returns the smile halfheartedly, arms spread out on either side of him, gripping onto the edge of the hot tub. The tension is slowly simmering away into something new, crossing the line between love and hate, the air growing heavier by the heated second. You sigh and push yourself off the wall, if you were going to talk you at least need to be able to hear him. You wade to the halfway mark of the pool, treading water. 
Bucky’s hands grow clammy, watching you move. Just like you did in the ring, elegantly and deliberately with an endearingly awkward clumsiness he finds more attractive than he should. He forces himself to think about what’s changed since this morning, why he’s feeling these things now. Then you look at him and it answers his question.
You run a hand through your wet tendrils of hair, fighting back a satisfied smirk, “Why the long face, Barnes?”
He leans forward, sitting up straighter on his ledge, enough to make droplets of water roll down his torso and catch your eye, finally coming out with it, “Why do you hate me?”.
You’re taken aback by his sudden question and you’re brutally aware of what your answer will do to the complicated relationship between you two. You run a hand through your hair and sigh, standing up, “I could ask you the same question.”
Bucky pulls his brow together, getting off the wall, “If I hate you? You think I hate you?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” you laugh, humorless and forced, you hope he’s joking. “You’ve made it your mission to tease and insult me since the moment I got here, you purposely bumped into me in the hall this morning as you do most days.” Getting so frustrated with him, you splash water at his face, earning a petty one back from him.
He runs his hands down his face, “Are you serious?” he looks at you, blinking hard like he can’t believe what he’s hearing. 
“Yes!” you exclaim. “Bucky, why else would you purposely run into me in the hallway? Or punch me in the fucking shoulder!”
He laughs loudly, slicking his long hair back and looking towards the sky as if he’d find the answer to his internal question written in starlight, “You told me to fight you. And I apologized immediately after because I never wanted to do it in the first place! You’re also the one that punched me in the jaw and split my lip first... Come on, dollface, you’re tougher than that. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you-”
“So was that your plan? Teasing me constantly, everyday, to prove I’m tougher than I look?” you snort and his face flushes red when you tug your lip between your teeth. “Mission accomplished then, Barnes, I know now. Satisfied?” 
He sighs, chuckling, “When did flirting with a dame become so damn challenging?” He smiles sadly, “Maybe I am old.”
You watch as his eyes fall on your lips even at this distance from one another and you, painfully so, do the same.
Stunned, your lips part slightly, sending him a silent, tantalizing invitation to wipe this confused look off your face and answer your question. By any extreme means possible. He groans aloud at the tempting pout of your baby pink lips, taking you by the hand to pull you to his chest, wet skin flushed together.
His calloused hands move up to cup your jaw, tilting your face towards him, he presses his desperate lips feverishly against your own, lighting your skin aflame. He kisses tentatively as if he’s walking into the home of an old friend and afraid he’s arrived too late, thumb brushing the ghost of a heart over your cheek. His plush lips taste of salt water and scotch liquor, tongue laced with smooth butterscotch candy he stole from your bedroom. And suddenly you’re craving the sweetness, too. Your arms fall helplessly to his chest, listening to the lullaby of Bucky’s slowly rising heartbeat, humming pleasantly at the thought that that’s of your doing. A whimper escapes your shaky lips when his tongue slips in your mouth just as his hands wander to grip your thighs beneath the water, hoisting you up. He eases your legs to wrap around his waist and hold on.
Both of you break away at once, swollen, pink lips still brushing with the sworn promise of meeting again, nudging your nose against his when you exhale. Your eyes flutter closed again, paired with a simple, soft smile, muttering quietly, “...Oh.” 
He cracks a smile, kissing just below your mouth, muttering a silent love letter in your skin, “Maybe if you didn’t ramble so much, you’d have been silent long enough for me to do this.”
“Screw you.”
His stormy eyes darken, complementing nicely with his seductive grin, “Maybe later, doll.”
You tilt your chin up to capture his awaiting lips with your own, wrapping your arms wantonly around his neck, a gesture he eagerly returns with a squeeze of your ass. You gasp into the kiss, The man is a human radiator, exuding heat, in his touch, in his kiss, in his skin, warming your body from the inside out. 
Bucky buries his head in the crook of your neck, kissing you in the spot sure to make you squirm in his touch. Then he stops, something coming over him when he moves up to lean his forehead against your own, meeting your lust blown eyes.
His face burns under your expectant gaze, cursing himself for not doing this sooner, “Are we... are we really doing this?” he says when you place a calculated kiss underneath his jaw, letting your tongue trace his hot skin, only fueling the fire before whispering,
“Meet me inside in ten minutes and find out.”
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halinski · 5 years
Where’s Your Spidey Sense?
For my wonderful muse and friend @alphawitch21​ <3 sorry it took so long and hope you enjoy!!
Things I strived for: alpha derek, bamf stiles, omega/pack mom stiles, magical/emissary/spark stiles, glasses derek, happy derek, confident derek, like smoldering derek, very much beardy derek
Thanks to @livinginfictions​ for the detailed beta, and everyone who supported me in the process!!
(I really was gonna try to write some sexy times for you, C, but... this is the best I could do xD)
read on ao3
Stiles sighed in aggravation and slumped back in his chair, sliding down a bit and kicking his legs out, successfully not hitting Derek in the shin. "Pass the coffee, will you?" He prompted, making grabby hands toward the metal travel mug without actually making an effort to reach it. Derek made a face beneath his black rimmed glasses, acting like his eyebrows were a sufficient reply.
"Oh, come on, my head is bursting over here. I need something to keep me going or I will fail my midterm and it’ll be all your fault for not doing something so simple as just passing the coffee over here. You don't want to be the cause of my failure, do you, Derek? Hm? Do you?"
Apparently Stiles was not beneath holding a conversation with Derek's eyebrows. Though, he had to point out that the werewolf probably had the most expressive eyebrows in the world.
Just like he had the firmest abs, and strongest shoulders; traits he never failed to show off, be it by taking his shirt off for pack training 'because otherwise he'd get all his shirts torn' (yeah, right, like he couldn't actually dodge most attacks by the betas) or by wearing sweaters that miraculously showed off his muscles as well. Stiles had been practicing his magic but he didn't know what kind of dark mojo Derek was using. Maybe he'd sold his soul to the devil so he could always look hot like burning. Stiles almost felt tempted to ask him about it. If only that wouldn't reveal his probably already obvious (to a werewolf at least) major crush on the current Hale alpha. A major crush that was not being helped by that beard he had going on. Not at all. It made him look like the hottest history-slash-english professor ever in the history of the earth. That’s all Stiles had to say about the matter, and say it he couldn’t.
"This is my coffee," Derek says, like he'd never heard of this concept called sharing. Stiles had thought growing up with siblings taught you that sharing was caring but apparently it had the opposite effect. Derek actually pulled the travel mug closer to himself.
"Caffeine doesn't even work on you! I don't know why you drink coffee in the first place," Stiles exclaimed.
"I like the taste. And the warmth is soothing."
"You like the taste? That's straight black coffee. It's so bitter. No one drinks that for the taste alone."
Derek jutted his chin out defiantly. "Well, I do. Besides, you’re not even studying."
“Hey, I am absolutely studying. I am studying all the different disastrously dangerous things that could swoop in at any moment and kill us. It’s quite literally studying like my life depends on it, so no judging. Just because you’re not top of your class with minimal work like me doesn’t mean you have to be as bitter as your coffee.”
Stiles realized that last comment might have been a little too unfair by the way Derek’s expression dropped. He bit his tongue, hands coming up as his brain raced for an apology but all he could do was watch as in retaliation, Derek raised the mug to his lips and chugged the rest of the liquid, up till the very last drop, while staring Stiles down. For some reason - Stiles simply didn’t understand how his body worked sometimes - he found that hot. Impressive. Like his coffee chugging skills could possibly be used in some sexual way. Stiles had to keep his mouth clamped shut before he blurted anything out that Derek would rip his throat out for.
Derek smirked victoriously at the look on Stiles’ face, who then huffed petulantly and turned back to his laptop.
“You know, you should just take me up on my offer to help you with your term papers. I mean, we both know you’re insanely smart. You just aren’t used to structuring and formulating things the way they want you to. Which is freaking normal with all you went through and the fact that you haven’t been to a class in like years. There’s no need to be ashamed,” Stiles grumbled under his breath, knowing Derek could hear him just right and trying at the very least to make it up to Derek a little bit. Somewhere along the line, he was pretty sure he saw Derek’s face soften a little bit, and Stiles prided himself in knowing Derek enough to be able to read him like that.
He was proud of him, too, really. They had succeeded in talking Derek into going to college with them after Stiles had found out that had been one of those things Derek would have wanted if his life was normal. They were all trying to pretend they were normal, even if Stiles currently had the beastiary pulled up on his laptop - their own one, not the ancient, illegible one - and even if they had to pull some strings to all get accepted to the same college so the pack could stay together. But it was quite the experience to all have this together, even with their older alpha. It obviously couldn’t be easy to be starting the year with a bunch of teenagers, while babysitting a rowdy bunch of werewolves. As the emissary, Stiles considered himself a co-babysitter. The pups did turn to him, after all, if they were ever a little intimidated to go to Derek. Like the time Jackson had come to Stiles to help him plan the perfect date for Lydia.
“You guys are the worst,” Isaac suddenly proclaimed, standing up with a loud screech of his chair that even he winced at. Stiles barely had time to recover before the boy had picked up his stuff and walked off.
“Not as bad as your scarf kink!” Stiles called after him. It only got him an unimpressed eyebrow from Derek and a middle finger in the distance from the retreating form.
“What? He started it,” Stiles muttered.
“And I’m ending it,” Derek declared. “Get your schoolwork done,” he added, giving a nod toward Stiles’ course book.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be-”
CRASH - and a scream followed soon after.
“What was that?!” Stiles asked, jumping out of his seat. Derek’s nostrils flared.
“Downstairs!” Derek called back in a clipped voice as he rushed past him, which really wasn’t much of an answer at all.
Stiles threw a glance back at their stuff - his precious laptop wasn’t allowed to get stolen, he needed it - but Derek’s reaction indicated that their first priority was saving lives. He couldn’t believe that whatever magical beacon-like force Beacon Hills had, followed them to the college one town over - which Derek still insisted driving to and from every day. But he was ready, sprinting after Derek, hands starting to spark in a faint orange glow.
“Der’k! Wait!” Stiles tried to call out as he struggled to catch up but of course the self-sacrificing werewolf didn’t listen, leaping down the flight of stairs. At least this time he propped one hand on the banister to support himself. Werewolf-super-healing powers be damned. Stiles couldn’t help worrying about Derek. He could still twist his ankle, jumping around like that just to be dramatic, and Stiles couldn’t stand his carelessness. Pain seemed to be Derek's best friend - Stiles had yet to top it but he was working on it.
Just as miraculously, Stiles made it down the flights in full health himself and burst through the next set of doors. At first all he saw were more bookshelves, and everything appeared just fine until one of the bookshelves came crashing down next to him. His reflexes were now fast enough to let him jump back in time to avoid getting his foot shattered by the heavy wood and hundreds of books.
But suddenly, he was staring down, right into the face of a vaguely humanoid creature with two too many eyes. All of the eyes had two pupils with irises that merged in the middle. Albeit spine-chilling and captivating, that was one of the less horrifying attributes of the monster of the week. Stiles had seen many things in battle at this point. Many things. But never this. The top half was covered in mottled skin that look like it could burst at any moment and was connected neatly with the hairy bottom half, which carried six huge spider-like legs. It was… a were-spider? Half human, half spider.
It screeched at Stiles, fangs bared wide, and Stiles swore he could see a liquid dripping off the tip of one of the teeth.
“Oh my god,” he pressed out, his body jerking into motion. With a flash from his hands, he created a small magical barrier around himself as the spider-man - which NOPE, that was so wrong, on so many levels, if any spider-man existed, it would not be something as horrendous as this - the spider-person took up chase. It jumped at Stiles but crashed against the barrier, sending him sprawling to his knees - that would be an ugly skid mark.
“All good, buddy,” he called back to Derek, who came rushing to his side and grasped his elbow to help him the rest of the way up to his feet. “I mean, not all good. Not all good at all. Because that thing. That is most definitely not okay, okay?! Fuck, I’m ready to bring this little bugger down,” he rambled.
Meanwhile the creature screeched again loudly, taking a few steps towards them and then stopping, staring at them with its bizarrely bright green eyes.
“What is that… thing doing?” Stiles raised his hands, ready to raise another barrier, arms shimmering vividly.
“Arachne,” Derek breathed next to him, eyebrows pulled together over his red burning eyes. He had his thinking face on, which was insanely adorable in peaceful moments. Stiles could watch that forever when Derek sat there, full focus on the matter at hand, while his literal hand would come up to scratch his beard- which Stiles really, really wanted to feel (all over). But that was a thought for another day, when they didn’t have a venom spitting thing loose in front of them.
“A-what?” Stiles asked.
“Arachne. That’s what it is,” Derek said, voice pressed. “We can’t let it bite anyone.”
“Trust me, I wasn’t planning on letting it anywhere near me.” Stiles shuddered upon the thought.
“No, that’s not what I- shit!”
The arachne took off running, but in the opposite direction, Derek on its tail - not literal tail. That would be too weird for even Stiles to comprehend at this point. Noting the pointed end at the hind of the creature though, he assumed there might be some web-slinging involved. It was something to look out for.
Stiles lost the other two again within seconds but could easily follow the sound of screams that came from the hallway out the side of the room. He ran out into hallway to see Derek facing two arachnes. Fuck, were they multiplying or what? If so, they had a big fucking problem. It was two against one now as Derek relentlessly attacked without Stiles. Derek would've been torn to shreds if he were all alone. But, as always, Stiles was here to save the day - or well, save Derek. That was what mattered most, after all. The rest they could deal with later.
Widening his stance on the ground, Stiles raised his arms, the sparks around his fingers crackling. His powers seemed to consist of some form of energy, between electricity and fire, something not really definable. Despite its unknown origin, it made Stiles far more effective in battle than a baseball bat had. He just had to be careful not to hit Derek at this distance.
He created a whip-like energetic beam and threw it out to wrap around one of the arachnes' legs. The creature cried out on contact, which Stiles considered a victory in itself. He couldn't exactly knock it off balance seeing as it had five more legs but pulling at the one leg with all his might sure did get its attention. It scurried over toward him and just the way it moved made the hairs on Stiles' nape stand up. For a split second he couldn't move. Then he pulled his hands back, letting the beam dissipate into thin air.
"Derek!" And the werewolf followed the unspoken command, allowing Stiles to thrust forward with a wave of power, throwing the arachne backwards, right into the second one. Both of them slid down the aisle back to the far wall. Derek ran off after them right away. This time Stiles was right beside him.
“We can’t kill them,” Derek said tight-lipped.
Stiles let out a dry laugh. “You can’t just say that and not give me a good fucking reason why.”
“Because at least one of them is still human inside.”
“Nothing about them is still human! Look at their eyes- their legs- their… everything! How can they ever turn back?”
“Stiles,” Derek pressed out heavily, prompting him to look over. He met Derek’s eyes, where he could see a sense of urgency. “I know we can turn them back. We have to turn them back."
They stopped in front of the two creatures, who were still wrangling themselves back onto their feet. Stiles sighed heavily, slumping, as he watched the hairy feet scuttle on the wooden floor.
“Fine,” he muttered, raising his arms again with a hum of magic, the orange substance arching up with his fingertips. "But don't blame me if someone dies." Stiles knew Derek wouldn't. Even if Stiles did something incredibly stupid and it was clear that he was the reason for someone's death, Derek would still find a way to reason that it was his own fault. It was simultaneously annoying, as well as something Stiles could absolutely relate to.
"Also, like, do you have any idea how we're supposed to capture and restrain these things so we can find out how to turn them back?" Stiles added.
The arachnes were hissing at them viciously and yep, there was definitely some kind of most probably poisonous liquid frothing right around their sharp pincers. And they were both looking straight at Stiles, eyeing the crackling static around his hands warily. It was simultaneously empowering - being perceived as the bigger threat - and also fucking terrifying.
Naturally, Derek stepped on up right around him to stand in front of Stiles to protect him. And he growled that low, warning growl that for completely insane reasons made something in the pit of Stiles’ stomach stir. Stiles hoped to all the gods that the all the other scents around them covered that hint of arousal. Though, Derek must have been used to it by now, too.
"Derek," Stiles warned - and he'd never get tired of saying that name. But it was always a gamble if Derek would go or not. Were Stiles still making dog jokes, that’s what he would compare it to: like calling a dog off, you had to catch him at just the right second, otherwise it was all over. And this time Derek didn’t listen. With a jump, he launched himself at the two creatures, meeting their hissing with an amplifying growl.
There wasn't much time left to contemplate the best course of action now that Derek was in the midst of the frenzy, two vicious arachnes trying to wound, bite and possibly kill him, while he was being extremely careful to not hurt them badly.
It wasn’t Stiles’ style to throw himself blindly into battle. Well, it was sometimes. But he liked to have a plan. There was no time now, and that was basically plan B. When it came to it, Stiles was down for some quick thinking and gut instincts. But the thing was, it all happened so damn fast. Next thing he knew, Stiles was on his knees, wiping the sweat from his eyes just to see Derek get thrown down with a flash of red and curling in on himself.
That was it.
Stiles grasped blindly at the mountain ash vial around his neck, sending the energy from his fingertips thrumming through the glass casing so that it exploded into pieces where he threw it at Derek’s feet. In the same movement, he lifted his hand again for momentum and punched it down hard, sending the crackling vibrations out toward the settling ash so that it formed a clean circle around Derek. And just in time. Derek could only just about look up as one of the arachnes crashed into the invisible wall with a screech. The other scrabbled to a stop in front of the ash warily, looking down at it and then promptly at Stiles.
He pulled himself to his knees, breathed out and wiped some of the blood off his lip and met their stares head on. They squared up in front of him, and Stiles knew: this was it. The ultimate showdown. Drawing his arms to his sides, palms up, sparks jumped from fingertip to fingertip, dancing across Stiles’ skin.
It wasn’t clear what he was dealing with here at all, but Stiles knew one thing. He could trust in his spark, that pleasant hum in his ears and warmth in his chest. And he knew he wouldn’t give them another chance to lay their creepy ass hands on Derek again. Derek’s ass was staying where it was, even though Stiles could vaguely hear him demanding to be released, saying he couldn’t do this. He was using his alpha voice, the one he never seriously used on Stiles, wrenching himself at the mountain ash as if he wasn’t bleeding heavily.
Stiles narrowed his focus down on the arachnes. This was between them now.
“Come and get it,” he yelled out, his throat reverberating with the power contained inside him, almost like a growl, like he was finally one with the pack. And the arachnes listened, hissing and racing forward. Stiles mirrored them.
The last thing he heard before he crashed into them with outstretched arms and a shout, was a desperate, “Stiles!” before everything around him burst into orange.
-------------- Derek was being stupid.
That is, Derek wasn’t talking to him and that was incredibly stupid because how were they supposed to figure out what to do with the arachnes that were currently being held captive upstairs in the loft - which again,  a totally stupid thing Derek wasn’t listening to him about - as quickly as possible if they didn’t friggin communicate? They couldn’t. Stiles could research day and night and and he would still be missing the passed down knowledge Derek obviously had.
Together they were unstoppable… and Stiles knew Derek knew that. Now he just needed to stop being a dick.
“Derek,” Stiles said, for probably the 50th time in the past 2 hours. They were both stubborn. And while Stiles prided himself in being particularly strong-willed, he’d never met anyone else who was as determined as this tall, angry werewolf. It wasn’t really a surprise. It had been clear from the start that Derek had walls up all around him, hard as diamond and thick as the earth’s core. Stiles had thought he’d softened them a little, relieved some of the pressure. But apparently he’d made a mistake. He had a nagging feeling he knew what it was.
Okay, so maybe Stiles was the dick here but they couldn't move past it if they didn't talk about it.
“Come onnn, please. I’m dying here. Will you just say one word to me?”
“I’ll even take a growl at this point.” Stiles stepped in front of him.
Derek just turned his back on him again, shoulders hunched, drawn in.
“Hey! Don’t be such a sourwolf, man-”
“Don’t!” Stiles jumped as Derek suddenly whirled around to jab a finger in his direction, eyes ablaze even while they remained their usual hazel gray. It was the kind of anger Stiles hadn’t seen directed at him for a long while now. “Don’t you fucking sourwolf me.”
His tone was hard and cold, making Stiles swallow tensely.
“I, uh… Okay,” he nodded, wringing his hands together. “This is a start. You acknowledged me, this is good. This is good.” Though the heavy coil in his stomach resulting from the way Derek had raised his voice felt like anything but good.
The thing was- Derek never swore. All the deaths and pain and bullshit he had been through, and Stiles had never heard him say a single curse word. Now here he was, dropping an f-bomb.
Derek’s stare on Stiles was unwavering. His lips pursed like he wanted to speak but was contemplating if Stiles was worth it. Stiles hoped to the moon and back that Derek concluded he was. He really didn’t want things to go all downhill from here. The tension between them manifested in his chest, pressuring Stiles as if he was back in the pool at Beacon Hills High, treading water and hoping not to drown. Except this time it was him who was paralyzed and Derek was the one in control. Derek decided if their… companionship sank or swam for a little while longer.
Then again it was probably Stiles who had them thrown overboard, trusting in Derek to trust him back. But Derek didn’t owe him anything, not when Stiles had gone against him. Derek had every right to leave Stiles stranded and hurry off to safety. Stiles wouldn’t blame him.He was panicking. He knew he was but he would have to control it. Falling apart in front of Derek right now would not help their delicate situation. He would just have to-
Stiles flinched at the pain that shot through his damaged lip when he subconsciously bit down on it. The gasp it drew from him not only reminded him to breathe but it broke Derek's concentrated stare. Unfortunately, it just made his facial expression shut down. The room went cold and Derek straightened like a board, like he was unbothered by anyone and everyone in the world.
"I'm sorry!" Stiles let out - unplanned and unrestricted, hearing his own desperation all too clearly, "I had to! You were..."
His hands found their way into his hair, pulling at the strands as he struggled to express his reasoning.
Derek sighed, looking away for a second before meeting his face again.
"Stiles, calm down."
"I'm calm, I'm calm. I'm-
"You're not,” Derek said dryly, like that unhappy edge to his voice would in any way help the situation.
"Well, neither are you! You put on this facade like you don't care about anything but you're simmering on the inside, just waiting to explode - waiting for a fight so you can let your anger consume you and risk your life by throwing yourself to the enemy on a silver platter! We’ve talked about this before like a million times! But you never change!
“You talked about it! I don’t see what the problem is. I survive, we win, I heal, all’s well that ends well.”
“I’m the only one talking because you refuse to engage! And you know what, Derek? One day, one day it will not end well and then what? What if you die? Then what, huh?”
“If I die, I die.” Derek had the callousness to shrug.
“Really?” Stiles spat, the bitterness sneaking into his tone. “If you die… What am I supposed to do then? Where does it leave the pack? Huh?”
Derek crossed his arms, trying to appear unbothered by Stiles’ hard stare but he couldn’t hold it, looking away. “You’ll be fine,” he grunted.
Stiles laughed, hard and without amusement.
“A pack of young wolves, bitten if I may add, without an alpha. Yeah, that would be great. So wonderful. You know what, maybe we’d be better off, and we’d celebrate without a hard ass alpha on our asses the whole time-” Stiles hoped the sarcasm wasn’t overshadowed by his growing anger.
“It still doesn’t give you the right-”
“Oh, we’ll be so much better off without you,” Stiles continued in a high-pitched fashion. He had worked himself into it, a wildfire set to his tongue. ”You know I don’t know if anyone would ever really mourn you. We would just set up a party here.” He threw his arms up, melodramatically. “Dance on your grave and sing a victory song!”
Derek threw his hands down on the table between them that he’d maneuvered himself behind, and growled harshly.
“You took away my agency!” He yelled. Stiles’ jaw shut abruptly, and silence descended like a sudden overcast. Derek took a heavy breath, finally holding Stiles’ gaze again, eyes a whirlwind of hazel. “You trapped me. You took away ability to do anything.”
Derek was finally, speaking and Stiles listened, taking the brunt of his words - like he deserved.
“You took me out of the fight. You can’t just… you can’t…” and Derek deflated with a small huff because obviously Stiles could, and he had.
Stiles had utterly betrayed him. Derek took a breath.
“I’m the alpha. You’re my emissary. You can’t go against me like that.” Stiles swallowed heavily, looking down.
“I know. I know, I-”
“Did I ever take you out of a fight?”
“No, but I-” Stiles didn’t even know what he was trying to say. All he knew was that his feelings still had him by his throat like he was drowning. There was actually a sting in the back of his throat, at the top of his nose, between his eyes, so that he was left to blink rapidly.
“I trust you, Stiles,” Derek said and the gravity of that statement hit Stiles like a brick. “But you cannot do anything like that again.”
Stiles fidgeted, unsure he deserved to hear this statement right now.
“You still trust me?” he asked quietly, barely daring to give him a chance to take back what he had said.
Derek looked at him, almost gravely, with the slightest hint of fear. “I do.”
How long had Stiles been waiting for this moment? So long, it seemed, it'd been an eternity since he'd first demanded said trust; so long, he'd forgotten to dare hope for it. But here he was now, the only sound in his ears the rushing of his blood with every heavy beat of his heart, his gaze zeroed in on Derek's parted lips. There was a crackle in the air, but this time it was not coming from Stiles' fingertips.
"But you can't do anything like-"
"I won't," Stiles quickly agreed breathily, trying to stay focused to prove his sincerity. But it was Derek's lips, bearing the sight of his adorable bunny teeth, that little sliver of openness, of opportunity, that kept snagging his attention. "I promise."
"Good," Derek let out, although the the tension in the room didn't drop the way Derek's gaze did; down somewhere -maybe to Stiles' lips. Stiles wondered if he could feel this, too. This… everything.
"Will you… will you think about- not using yourself as a human shield?" The words came to him and out of his mouth slowly, like tar. Derek watched him for a minute.
"If you give me a good reason to," he then said.
And Stiles' brain sparked and shone and every bolt led to one single conclusion. He stepped around the table, trapped in this daze, like he had no choice in his actions anymore, like he was being led by a string of fate. And he let their yearning lips finally meet.
Stiles might have expected kissing Derek to be a fight, to be met with a push and pull- that is if he were ever to have imagined what it would have been like to kiss Derek, which he absolutely had not done. Ever. Not like it was anyone's business, anyway.
Instead, Stiles' lips fell into place smoothly, like just the right puzzle piece slipping in to complete the picture. And it was unimaginably soft. There was warmth and compliance, like they were melting together. It had been a while since Stiles had wanted to press pause, freeze frame, to observe and enjoy, for a while, if not forever. So he could believe that for once life wasn't trying to pull a prank on him.
But as quickly as the moment came, so quickly it left. Although everything seemingly happened in slow motion in his head, it was over like the snap of fingers. And here they were, reality.
Stiles pulled back when he realized what was happening, his heart threatening to pound out of his rib cage. He cleared his throat, not knowing where to look, and quickly snatched his hands back from Derek's chest.
"I uh…" he said in a squeak, motioning over to his right, planning his great escape, "-gotta go pee!"
And Derek let him scurry off without a word of protest, without a single noise, not even a breath.
------------ Stiles made no attempt to make a big entrance. In fact, he tried hard to slink back into the room somehow without attracting Derek's attention. He had a chance, he figured, with the way Derek's face was buried in his textbooks. Unfortunately for Stiles, being a student didn't negate the fact that Derek was a werewolf and fully well knew that Stiles was stepping in.
Derek shut his book with a pointed thud the moment Stiles' body was entirely engulfed in the room. Stiles froze.
"We need to talk," Derek said and if Stiles didn't know him better -  if he hadn't notice that little V between his eyebrows - he might've missed the slight frown and interpreted his expression as… well, expressionless.
Stiles may or may not have debated how quickly he could turn around and make it back out the door before Derek caught him. He cleared his throat.
"Um, I mean uh… I don't know what there is to talk about. I can't think of anything, you know. It's just…" He stopped wringing his hands and let them swing down to his side. "It's just that… we're already talking so everything I was starting to say really doesn't matter because we're talking and I suppose that's… the only real option because obviously I can't just disappear forever and like ehm never talk to you again. Because hah, yeah, that'd be… that'd be- I've gone through all those scenarios and I just… yeah."
Stiles pursed his lips, his brain catching up with his rambling and finally letting his mouth come to a rest. Except that pulled the focus to the exact area that had touched Derek… intimately earlier that day and so he pulled them inward and out of sight.
Derek on the other hand wasn't really doing anything at all except for… something else with his face that Stiles couldn't quite read because he couldn't quite see through his own thoughts right now. It must have been exasperation.
"Why do you let me just keep talking? Can't you just shut me up… somehow…" Stiles continued, his body deciding that he had been keeping still for long enough.
He realized it was a mistake when Derek dipped his head to hide a smile.
"Okay, don't-"
"Like with a kiss?" Derek asked.
Stiles groaned, throwing his hands up to his face. He shook his head. "I hate you. I truly, really, absolutely, most unquestionably-"
"Are a liar." Derek's voice was suddenly so close that Stiles couldn't help but jump a little and peek over his fingers. How the fuck did he move so quietly?
“Tell me this,” Derek then said, Stiles being successfully shut up by the hammering of his heart all the way way up in his throat. “Do you regret it?”
There was no use pretending Stiles didn’t know what Derek was talking about so he let all decorum fall, along with his hands back to his side, and shook his head.
“No, I-I… I mean, y-yes?” And it felt like a whole journey to get those few words out, his thoughts everywhere like the biggest ball of jumbled yarn, and his hands everywhere, falling and rising with his heaving chest, and his gaze scrambling all over the place, over Derek, a sturdy wall in front of him, who had that cocky half-smile on his face one second and then on and across the room and to the floor and back to Derek, who was suddenly frowning in confusion.
“How did you manage to make both of those sound true?” he asked and Stiles had to swallow hard because he hated himself for the way he always had to make everything so awkward? And also make such stupid mistakes in the first place?
“Because I…” he closed his eyes and wrung his hands. “Because I don’t- I shouldn’t have… shouldn’t have kissed you… without your consent.”
And Derek huffed like it was no big deal, like Stiles hadn’t gone against the very principle they had just been talking about about making sure Derek was comfortable and wasn’t being forced into anything he hadn’t agreed to. It was the last thing Stiles wanted to do - make Derek feel… used.
“Listen, I’m sorry! I just keep messing up, I keep-” and his hands were in his hair again, tugging, because of course he had been trying to grow his hair out to try and appeal to someone, which was totally just another mistake. But Derek took hold of his arms gently and lowered them, sliding his hands down until he held Stiles’ hands.
"Ask me now,” Derek prompted.
“That’s not how it works-”
“Ask me,” Derek repeated with all the patience of a saint, his steady palms warm against Stiles’ as he gazed into those misty green eyes and it was all he needed to focus on the eager beating of his heart, letting out the crackling tension with a breath.
He wondered for a moment if he even had enough courage but when hadn’t Derek been there to catch him when he fell and threatened to break? And sure, they provoked each other sometimes but Derek wouldn't set him up for humiliation so cruelly, right?
Where he usually has no problems talking whatsoever, now his throat felt as dry as burnt toast and Stiles had to swallow multiple times, looking down at their conjoined hands, fingers tightly holding each other to resolve any shaking. Then he looked back up, up to Derek's soft smile - a smile reserved for him alone, a masterpiece - and into eyes that simultaneously held the future and home and-
Everything fell into place.
Suddenly the question rolled off his tongue like silk.
"Can I kiss you?"
And Derek didn't waste a single beat answering, exhaling the "yes" so quickly Stiles almost missed it, like he'd been waiting forever for that one little sound. The giddiness burst in Stiles' chest like a sparkler and when Derek kissed him this time, Stiles could feel it all the way into his toes. The tingling of something new but all too familiar, something that felt just right.
Stiles' eyes opened again when Derek pulled away and he watched with wonder as Derek laughed, unguarded and with heart.
"Really, Stiles?" He asked, turning his head to follow the golden sparks that danced around them, lighting up the room like fireworks.
"I wasn't- It… shut up," Stiles huffed at him, cheeks hot - but then again, so was the rest of his body. Nothing spoke for any containment of the bursts of happiness that bloomed like daisies from his chest though, especially with the way the lighting made Derek's face glow, eyes bright and teasing, lips stretched wide with more laughter.
"Isn't that supposed to be my line?" Derek asked, turning back to Stiles. All that left Stiles' lips the moment he parted them though was, "Can I kiss you again?"
Derek dipped his head again, almost as if he was the sheepish one, lifting it with a gentle gaze, just to say, "Yes. A thousand times yes."
Moments later Stiles was stepping into his space, lured in by the warmth, his hands brushing over the beard he'd been ogling for months. It was incredibly soft. Derek's hair was even softer and Stiles didn't think he ever wanted to take his hands off Derek. Derek, who was peppering kisses to his lips and nipping them to coax quiet whimpers out of Stiles before he traced a path down to Stiles' neck. It was clear to Stiles just exactly what this was as he bared his throat for Derek and clung to his shoulders for dear life.
Stiles shuddered at the tender ministrations, lips smoothing over his skin, the beard tickling, feeling Derek breathe him in and out.
"Der…" He breathes, too weak to finish the name and too powerful all at once, placing a hand on the werewolf's chest so he could lean back a little.
"I just want," Stiles started, losing himself in the way he could feel Derek's quickened heartbeat against his palm, quick and so alive. He looked back into Derek's eyes to properly convey his sincerity, breathing out. "I want you to be comfortable. With everything. Like, I want you to tell me when you're not, so I can stop. I don't ever want you to feel like I'm pushing you into something you don't want or don't feel good about at the moment. I don't want you to just do whatever will make me happy. I want-"
"You remember I could literally throw you across the room if I wanted to, right? Physically, you couldn't possibly compete with me if I wanted to stop you," Derek threw in.
"Yes, of course. But I don't ever want it to have to get to that. I just… I want this to be as good for you as it is for me."
Derek knew what he meant and took a breath so he wouldn't argue and hide his insecurities. It wasn't necessary in front of Stiles.
"Okay." He nodded. "I will be open and honest. But you have to, too."
"Deal. Pinky promise?" Stiles raised a fist, pinky outstretched.
Derek hummed, tugging Stiles closer again. "How about we seal it with a kiss instead?"
"Look at you, coming up with the ultimate plan." Stiles grinned and fell back into Derek.
------------ "There is NOTHING!" Stiles groaned loudly and slammed the book shut, his hands flexing above it, trying to restrain himself from picking it up and throwing it across the room.
From across the table, Derek reached over to take his hand gently because that was a thing they did now. Immediately, Stiles deflated, all his energy converting to the heat in his cheeks. Derek rubbed his thumb over the back of Stiles’ hand and looked him over.
“We should call it a night,” he suggested.
Stiles shook his head. “No, we don’t have anything yet. We’ve made no progress. And we can’t keep them chained up forever. Like, we can’t.. we don’t know what to feed them. We don’t know what to do with them period. And they’re up there making those terrible nightmarish sounds and you’re supposed to sleep here - which we both know you won’t even though you’ll pretend and… no, stop looking at me like that.”
Stiles pouted.  “Seriously, stop it. You are not making sense with that face.” Derek’s eyebrows only rose in that weird manner only they could.
“You know what, okay, no. No, hand holding for you with all the judgement.”
And when Stiles started tugging, for the first time ever Stiles saw Derek pout.
“Okay, fine. Fine. We will do the hand holding. But you need to stop… I just want to solve this problem,” Stiles sighed, giving his hand a squeeze. “We want to save their lives you know, so I think this is more important than sleep, more important than the 9 am class. We can make it up with extra work.”
Stiles shook his hand back and forth lightly. “Hm? Hmmmmm? Come on, Der.”
“I don’t see you fighting it. All I see is a smile,” Stiles said in a sing song voice. Derek sighed, all heavy and dramatic and defeated and Stiles jumped up with a happy grin.
“Great! And for that…” he said, skittering over to the other side of the table to smack a kiss to Derek’s cheek. “You get a kiss. That should wake you right up.”
“I was awake the whole time. I was saying it because of you.”
“Mhm,” Stiles said, grinning as he walked over back to his spot. “I see you blushing.”
“Shut up, Stiles, and get to work,” Derek muttered, pulling his book closer again and burying his head in it.
“You can keep trying to hide it but I’ve seen it and it’s engraved in my mind now.” Stiles folded his knees underneath himself on the chair, pulling the book back to himself and flipping it open.
“Go back to researching, Stiles,” Derek said.
“I’ve ne-”
“How to turn arachnes back human after they’ve been bitten,” Derek continued relentlessly, trying to drown Stiles out. “What reverses arachne poison? Transformation potions…”
Stiles rested his chin in his hand, looking over thoughtfully, silent for just a second. “And you’re sure that it’s possible? This might make me sound dumb but what if they’re like you?”
Derek paused in the middle of turning a page. “Because their bite is actually poisonous. And it has to be reversible… since it doesn’t kill them, just transforms them. They’re not like us. They will feed off… anything that moves, even humans. It’s the poison in their veins that does that to them. We have to be able to extract it somehow.”
“That makes sense, I guess. Like Jackson turned back human. Or well, werewolf. Normal,” Stiles hummed, looking back down at his book. “There’s seriously not enough about this anywhere though, like… all I could find was the Greek myth with Athena.” He sighed. “Although Lydia is kind of a goddess, unfortunately we don’t have an actual goddess to just turn them back human with her otherworldly, almighty power… You know, that would actually be the perfect addition to our pack. A goddess. That would be awesome.”
Stiles looked up to find Derek looking at him.
“You do know that the Greek gods had all kinds of stuff going on, right?”
“No, Derek. I’m the dumbass you take me for. I know nothing about any mythology anywhere.”
“Oh my god, Stiles.”
“Relax, I’m not mad,” Stiles threw at him. “But if you’re not sure you can always kiss it better… Oh my god, again with that judgy look. You’re in a mood tonight aren’t you? Too flustered by my presence?
“Shut up, Stiles.”
“Some things really never change.”
--------------- “I feel like a real witch here,” Stiles said, mixing the purplish milky liquid in the salad bowl with a wooden spoon from Derek’s kitchen.
“You can shoot energy bolts from your hands but this makes you feel like a witch?” Lydia questioned from beside him, leaning on the table with one hand, while holding a little glass vial with *something in her other hand. “You’re just stirring.”
“Okay, no. I did like at least half the work here, okay?” Stiles argued.
“Uh huh,” Derek threw in from the other end, where all the books and papers were, far enough from the bowl to avoid any unhappy messes. Hopefully. He was watching intently from afar, ready to jump in and save Stiles from his own clumsiness. Stiles could see the tenseness in his crossed arms. Upstairs, the arachnes were scratching at the floors again. Stiles hadn't been upstairs to check on them, letting the werewolves take over that task, but he kept imagining they were about to come dropping down on their heads any second.
“You all are just haters. Meanwhile I’m here brewing the meanest potion ever like I just graduated top of my class from Hogwarts,” Stiles said, proudly ignoring everything and everyone around him trying to bring him down.
“I can’t believe I forget you’re a nerd sometimes," Lydia sighed.
"You say that like it's an insult but right now it makes me the most powerful person in the room." Reaching over, he took the vial from Lydia's hand to add a drop to the weird mixture. She gave him a look but let the vial slip through her fingers easily.
"That's a bold statement," Lydia said, off-handedly. It prompted Stiles to look between the two other people by him, the badass banshee and the goddamn alpha - who his gaze naturally hung on. He smiled.
"Except for Derek," he threw in then, averting his gaze from Derek's eyes after a moment, when Lydia let out a contemplative noise. Stiles glanced over to see her look over from Derek to him, a curious look I'm her eyes.
"Because he's the alpha. Obviously," he added. "Also, are you sure we're doing this, right? I mean, I'm loving this alchemy shit but this is just… goop. It's not a drinkable potion like at all."
"The thinner it is, the more we actually have to get in them and I don't know about you but I don't want to have to be around those fangs longer than necessary." Lydia shook her head.
Stiles froze and turned to Derek. "And just like that she makes me feel like the stupidest person in the room."
Derek smirked in his oh-so-smug way, like he was saying 'well, duh, Stiles, way to finally catch the fuck on to the damn truth' only in so much less words. Not less sass or cockiness or pushing at Stiles' buttons though and Stiles hates how it makes something in his torso tingle. It was unfair how much more of an effect it now had knowing that there was more meaning behind it. A very kissable meaning.
He almost missed the "All hail, Lydia!" that came from across the room and Stiles quickly ducked his head.
"Shut up. All of you."
"I didn't even say anything," Derek replied and Stiles didn't even have to look to recognize the fond, almost smiling tone.
"You said something with your face," he countered, waving a hand in his general direction, knowing that if he dared look that way his mushy, yearning feelings would all be out there for everyone to see.
"You're still staying something with your face," Lydia then interjected quietly and Stiles glanced to her sharply, seeing the narrowed eyes directed at Derek. Oh, she was definitely catching on - which, totally nerve wracking and scary because whatever this thing between them was, it was very fresh and possibly quite fragile.
Derek, however, met Lydia's scrutinizing gaze with one of ease and confidence, closing the case with a simple, unspoken 'what about it?'. The quick hint of a smile the alpha then threw Stiles' way did nothing to calm his racing heartbeat but everything to make him feel settled and… just right. "This isn't too easy, right?" Stiles asked half an hour later when they had the whole pack upstairs, his own hands wrapped around a small bottle, filled only halfway up, while the others had their arms wrapped around the arachnes, like they were wrestling, trying to hold them down without getting bitten or wrapped up in a sticky, somehow foul-smelling web. It was like something had died in there, if you asked Stiles. He didn't dare ask what if was like for the wolves.
In afterthought - when he received nothing but glares and frustrated looks, even from Lydia, who was simply here to observe for scientific purposes - it had not been /that/ easy... Especially when it was time for Stiles to get all up close and personal with the appendages these creatures called mouths, pincers moving incessantly. He grimaced, now wishing they had thought of finding a way to sedate them. Then again, who knew if it might have counteracted with the spell.
"Come on, Stiles. How long do you expect me to keep my body all up against this," Erica complained. It was quite intriguing how she didn't even need to try so hard anymore to sound like Derek and instead of getting stressed by the pressure all he felt was pride at the proof of Derek's progress as an alpha. They were looking up to him, taking on his mannerisms. Stiles felt like a proud parent himself - NOT that he was implying his relationship with Derek was in any way that serious or anything, it was just-
"Right, right, I'm on it!" He said with a quick shake of his head and a sigh and then he was off, stepping forward to face the threat.
Somehow, it was entirely more challenging to get this task done than it has been to subdue the arachnes in the first place and Stiles wished he didn't have to intensely stare at the stomach-turning chops. Unlike the werewolf canines, there was absolutely nothing sexy about this and he never wanted to find out what it would be like to be bitten by them. He would prefer it if no one ever tried to take a bite of him, thank you very much. Except, well, if Derek wanted to use his teeth for some hot and steamy times, Stiles would probably be very into that.
Alas, those were thoughts for another day, or at the very least other time of day, because Stiles did not want the pack to smell any kind of arousal in a situation like this. That would just make for a supremely awkward situation. So, no. Stiles got in and out as fast he could, pouring what would hopefully be enough potion into each of the two mouths. It was only a matter of seconds then, after he stepped back and they made sure the solution wasn't about to be spat up, that the entire pack was on the other end of the room, just... waiting?
The seconds ticked by in silence - of course, aside from the hissing and clicking and struggling and scratching of the arachnes. Really, Stiles didn't get where they got all that energy from.
"So, uh… are we sure this spell is actually gonna work or…?" Stiles after a good minute or two, the nagging, impatient fear of failure gnawing at his stomach.
“Unless we actually have one of the queens,”  Lydia muttered, her arms crossed  as she gazed at the unchanging scene before them.
Derek shook his head. “No. They would be bigger, more powerful. More… non-human.”
“Wait, this is the kid-friendly version?” Stiles shuddered.
“Shouldn’t we go out and find the queen then and kill it?” Isaac threw in with a confused expression.
Again, Derek shook his head. “If it was close we would know it. We’d have a lot more than just two of them on our hands. This one must have just gotten close enough to feel the Nemeton’s pull and wandered over. The queen should be nested somewhere discreet and safe, laying her eggs. We’re not going to go chasing after a problem we don’t need.”
Looking round at the pale and stricken faces, Stiles could tell that everyone instantly agreed with their alpha. They had enough things to worry about here with the Nemeton after all. And college. Which… they would have some catching up to do this weekend.
“Look! Something is happening!” Erica exclaimed, throwing out an arm to point at the the arachne that had stilled and was now started to shake.
While they had all gotten used to werewolf transformations at this point, this one was all too different to not be intriguing - even if Stiles could once again feel his stomach turn over.
Relief swept through the room when it was finally done and dazed very human eyes blinked up at them. Stiles grabbed one of the prepared blankets and approached the poor young brunet male he had seen in psychology class before. Meanwhile Boyd was already loosening the binds they had restricted him with.
“You’re good,” Stiles reassured him, laying the blanket around his shoulders with a soft smile. He turned to give Derek a look, who appeared just as pleased their plan had worked. “Everything is going to be just fine.”
They’d agreed to part ways and take care of themselves for the rest of the evening, after giving the two poor bite victims some story they would be able to recover with and sent them back on their way home. Derek and Stiles had specifically agreed to get some sleep.
But Stiles knew the sourwolf all too well.
As he pulled open the loft door open, he found Derek standing right behind it, arms crossed and a stern look on his face.
“What are you doing here? It’s past 1 am." Derek asked, as if Stiles was just one of the pups he could boss around. Like they hadn’t just kissed a few hours back. He wasn’t moving out of the way even when Stiles tried to urge him back by walking forward. Stiles just ended up close enough to feel the warmth radiating off of Derek and suddenly all he wanted to do was get even closer, to feel Derek against him.
As unwavering as Derek’s body was, his eyes softened with interest. Stiles’ lips quirked up, immediately advancing on the ground he’d won. He inched closer, so there was just barely a sliver of space between them.
“Is it past my bed time, alpha?” Stiles asked, voice lowered and breathy, nothing but suggestive, while he gave those ocean eyes a faux innocent look. “Are you going to send me to bed?”
Stiles tugged at the neckline of his shirt, as if he was fixing it, watching Derek’s gaze flicker down as his jaw clenched. “Undress me…” he continued, biting down on his lip and dragging it out from between his teeth with an audible breath. “Tuck me in reaal tight-”
Suddenly Stiles found himself being shoved back with a hand in his face.
“Ooomph!” Stiles staggered back for a second but Derek’s palm was gone as quickly as it had arrived.
“You are the worst,” Derek told him as he turned to walk away and Stiles could have taken it to heart if it wasn’t for the fact that there was definitely a tinge of pink at the tip of Derek’s ears and he was inviting him in instead of shutting the door in his face.
“That was my face, asshole! It’s my best feature. Luckily, you can’t ruin perfection.” Stiles stepped in with a successful grin, drinking in the sight of Derek’s soft look, consisting of sweatpants and a worn T-shirt. He closed the door behind him and followed Derek into the room, over to the windows under the crescent moon. Stiles knew what the not-so-sneaky alpha was doing.
Derek raised an eyebrow. “That’s your best feature? That’s unfortunate,” he muttered.
“Jokes on you. You’re the one attracted to this.” Stiles shrugged, countering with an easy smile to Derek’s relenting sigh.
“Touche,” and Stiles couldn’t help the way his stomach tingled at the way Derek was so openly admitting it. “Why are you here, though? You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“Mmm, right,” Stiles nodded, turning away so he could head over to the dining table, which clearly had Derek’s open text- and notebooks, as well as his laptop. He set down his bag next to them, pointedly. “Because you’re obviously holding yourself to our agreement yourself.”
Derek withered guiltily beneath the look Stiles threw him. He shrugged, walking closer and tapping a finger on the tabletop.
“Getting back into all of this… isn’t as easy as I thought. I have to work harder to keep up,” he admitted. “I can’t just treat it lightly.”
Derek was clamming up a little. Stiles could tell by the way he lowered his gaze and the corner’s of his mouth pulled downward. The air around him just screamed awkwardness and discomfort. Derek had come a long, long way from when Stiles had met the werewolf, all hard lines and glares and- not that he didn’t still have hard angles like those of his jaw and cheekbones and muscles and- but the point was, he’d grown more into a cocky, self-assured jock, Peter had told many a story about Derek in his teen years. It was great to see him become more in tune with his emotions, accepting them the same way he accepted his wolf - wholeheartedly.
He was stable now, a great alpha, who knew to pause and reflect and do the best for his pack, rather than run on anger and sacrifice himself any chance he got.
Stiles wasn’t going to make a big deal about this insecurity. It was a big deal after all, starting up school again, after everything he’d been through. It just showed how far he’d come. Derek was allowed to feel scared. Stiles hopped up on the table casually.
“I think you’re treating this too heavily,” he said, wise-old-man-style. To which, of course, Derek rolled his eyes.
“That’s not a thing.”
“Of course it’s a thing!”
“It’s not a thing you say.”
“But it’s a thing you do,” Stiles pointed out and it was not something Derek could dispute. Even though he didn’t make it as obvious as Stiles with his non-stop rambling and infinite possibilities and plans, Derek would overthink just as badly, if not worse, allowing it to overwhelm him and render him silent and immobile.
“So, what, you came here to send me to bed?” Derek asked, parroting Stiles' words but not bothering to try and seduce Stiles in retaliation - which was kind of a bummer, if you asked Stiles.
Stiles straightened. “Is that a possibility? Because if so, then yes. Absolutely.”
“So you can join me there?” Derek taunted, crossing his arms, as if he was so sure Stiles only wanted to be with him to get into his pants.
“Ideally, yes. One day. Absolutely. Or now for uh, strictly sleeping purposes. Of the unconscious kind. No physical contact necessary. No dicks involved." Stiles bit down on his bottom lip, this time just to shut himself up, feeling the embarrassment and excitement - should one call it embitement? - that specific, giddy feeling he got when he looked into Derek's eyes to find them already taking him in, pulling him in like a whirlpool. And Stiles didn't really have anything to hold him back, ready to jump, ready to drown.
Derek must have felt the same thing because he stepped closer, solidifying the electricity between them. Stiles' fingers were tingling again and he resisted the urge to hide them under his thighs. Here Derek was, staring at him with such emotion, such trust - and if that wasn't the thing that made Stiles' heart leap most of all, that Derek was willing to give himself to him, to offer himself up, weaknesses and strengths alike, just for Stiles. Well, then Stiles could let his magic light Sparks around them and give their romantic scenes some Hollywood flair. There was no reason to hide their special powers. Not from each other.
"Does that mean you're not a cuddler?" Derek asked, amusement framing his words so snugly as if he'd never spoke a serious syllable in his life.
Stiles snorted. "Oh, I am an octopus in bed. Once I've got my arms around you, you're not going anywhere."
"Octopus in bed, huh?" Derek asked, and Stiles could already hear the giggle that was about to come out of his mouth.
"Don't you dare start with-"
"You must have been holding out on me. I didn't know you could shape shift... Or that you were into that kind of thing," Derek continued relentlessly, close enough now to lay a hand on Stiles' knee. The jolt that ran through him was deliciously warm and that hot as hell smirk on such a gorgeous face and all that cocky confidence was so not fair, but two could play that game. Stiles was nothing if not competitive (when he wanted to be that was).
"-that. Okay, you know what, you're the one who seems surprisingly into it, seeing as you're the one digging deeper into it. Is it telling about our relationship that you're trying to seduce me while talking about tentacle porn before out first date," Stiles asked, cocking his head.
"You said it, not me." Derek quickly shook his head, the slightest bit horrified, but in the next moment they were both laughing lightly.
"I guess nothing about our relationship could be considered normal, though, seeing as we're not," Stiles then said thoughtfully.
Derek shuffled closer, having Stiles part his knees so he could stand between them, his second hand also finding a thigh to rest on.
"Does that bother you?" He asked, shifting to sincerity in the blink of an eye, making Stiles smile softly.
Stiles lifted his arms to wrap them around Derek's neck, pulling him closer.
"Nope," he replied easily. "I mean, come on. There's literally magic in the air around us, how cool is that?" Stiles motioned around before smiling mischievously. "And also I can't wait to make you lose control, maybe give me some of those steamy Alpha eyes with my great powers of seduction."
Stiles arched closer, bringing them nose to nose. Derek hummed, flashing said eyes at Stiles for just a second.
"You think you could make me lose control?"
"Oh, absolutely. I'm your kryptonite, Hale."
But Derek shook his head. "You're my anchor. You make me stronger, not weaker."
"Just you wait, oh great alpha," Stiles mused, wrapping his legs around Derek's for more contact, reveling in the soft exhale he felt Derek make. "I'm totally going to make you weak in the knees."
With that he surged forward for a kiss, a slow one but not without intention, showing Derek just how much he meant it with a little nip. He let Derek pull away a minute later, breathing open-mouthed, watching those fractal eyes flicker down and up with the small shake of his head.
"I would never hurt you," Derek breathed, hands coming to grasp Stiles' waist, holding him fast with a caring grip, proving how safe and secure he could keep him.
"I know." Stiles' smile widened in full reassurance as he trailed his own fingers against Derek's nape and felt a shiver run through the man, the red glinting through in his eyes. He grinned successfully. "I win."
Derek let out a light growl, which only really supported Stiles' point, and Stiles knew he would definitely make sure to win more often if this was the prize he got, Derek pulling him flush against himself and kissing him like he had something to prove, like there was a hunger in him only Stiles could sate. It was like being set on fire - but in a good way - his body burning up with endorphins, adrenaline, blood rushing, pleasure sparking and best of all, knowing Derek felt the same with the urgency of his lips and tongue, the little sounds he made and the roll of his hips.
It wasn't long before he was swept up, body curling around Derek's, strong arms securely around him and he was being carried off to the bedroom. Not quite a happily ever after on a horseback into the sunset, but a happily ever after nevertheless, one Stiles wouldn't trade for anything in the world.
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breg21 · 5 years
Ladynoir Month: Inspiration
Inspiration left and came back to me thankfully for this prompt. Lol
Puns? I don't know. XD
Anyways. I shall see you all tomorrow for the LAST chapter.
I'mma cry.
Inspiration was very much, a double sided blade. It could come in wave after wave of ideas. Then, there were times when the flow was dryer than the Sahara desert.
Of course the latter usually came in a time of need when she required her inspiration hit hard. Because, of course, why wouldn't it? Marinette needed to get this portfolio submitted to Chloe's mother— even though Chloe herself said she could easily get her a spot in her mother's corner in a snap of her fingers, but the young designer refused, saying she wanted to earn this internship— before the school year was up.
She had three weeks left.
Yet, nothing was coming to her. She had all but blocked everyone from entering her room, save for Plagg and Tikki, who were under strict rules by her, to only bring her food and food only. Nothing more, and nothing less.
She had so many papers scattered across her room, mountains of fabrics piled together, and binders holding design after design— several had discarded pieces of her work that she'd never show Aubrey, and another binder specifically conducted to show the work that Marinette deemed passable— within the plastic covers.
In short, her room was a mess.
And in short, she was pretty sure all four other household members were about ready to ram her hatch door in, in order to drag her out and into the broad daylight.
So what if she hadn't seen natural in over twenty four hours?
So what if she was living off of coffee cup after coffee cup?
She was totally fine. Completely good. One hundred percent sane.
Gosh, that fifth double espresso hit the spot.
"Okay, pigtails." She turned to see Plagg floating just mere centimeters from her face; an annoyed look hinting on the edge of the bored expression plastered on his face. "You need to go out. Get some air, whatever you humans do to feel better."
She was about to object when Tikki phases through her hatch door. "Plagg's right." Tikki rolled her eyes as the cat kwami gave her a knowing eyebrow wiggle. "You need your rest, Marinette. Go visit Adrien."
That brought her mind to the complete present. "Adrien? Isn't he downstairs?"
Plagg shook his head. "He was getting itchy with you refusing and not being able to help, no matter how hard he tried, so he decided to go visit the gorilla in his rose garden."
That explained that. Adrien and the Gorilla have grown fairly close— and after Emilie basically signed over the mansion to him, just for a temporary place for him to stay until he figured out what he wanted to do, or where he wanted to go— Adrien often visited his bodyguard and lounge around the mansion, mostly to play on his piano or help the behemoth with the garden.
Marinette couldn't help but admit that she was beyond happy that Adrien didn't let his father overshadow his love for piano for when he played what he wanted. "Okay okay. Maybe I do need a break." She pushed the chair away from the desk and got up to stretch, feeling the cracks and moans her bones made in protest. "I guess I do need a little break."
Plagg's eyebrow rose. "A little? Pigtails, you made my kid angsty. You need a little more than a break."
Her shoulders slumped in knowing defeat. "I know." She looked to Tikki, determination settling over her. "C'mon, let's go."
She tried to ignore Plagg's sly smirk of triumph as she sailed off into the late night.
When she landed on the edge of his window sill, she gave a quick two tap against the glass with a fist, watching as Adrien— who had his back turned on her, hands gliding across the keys of his piano— turned to see her waiting for him to open the window for her.
A bright smile lit his lips and warmed his eyes, chasing any other emotions she caught swimming in his eyes for a split second. And she knew that was because of her somewhat, while he wasn't angry whatsoever with her, Ladybug knew he was missing her like crazy because honestly, she missed him just as much, especially with a mind that wasn't as crowded as it had been for the past days.
He left his seat and the piano, and in three quick strides, crossed the room to open the window, grinning all the way. "Hey, bugaboo. I see you finally broke away from your work?" It was said in a tease, but she could hear the way he missed her under his held up tone.
So, with that in mind, she almost pounced on him, nearly knocking them to his old bedroom floor. She smashed her lips to his, not allowing for any space between them, as she did her best to make up for the past days of kisses that they had missed out on.
When they pulled back, he was flushed, breathless, and panting in short little bursts. "Well, if that's the greeting you're gonna give after locking yourself away for three days straight, please feel free to do so again."
She giggled and nuzzled her nose into the crock of his neck. "I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have blocked everyone out like that."
His hands started to stroke her hair so tenderly and filled with love that she truly wondered how she could've gone so long without feeling like she was gonna go crazy without his affection. "I understand where you're coming from. This is a big deal for you, you need to get this done and you're on a deadline."
"But not at your guy's expense." She argued. "The least I could've done was interact with you guys while doing my work. Not locked myself away. I just wished I had something going in my mind for this. It feels like I lost all inspiration— I've hit a block."
He chuckled, and pushed himself to his feet, pulling her along with him, and dragged her along to the piano bench, motioning for her to sit beside him. "I know when you're stressed you like it when I play the piano for you. Maybe it can help get your mind flowing again."
Marinette smiled as she dropped her mask and he began to play once more as the sweet melody filled the room and her heartbeat almost seemed to fall into sync with each note that run out as he pressed the keys. She leaned her head against his shoulder as he continued to play and all else fell silent to them, the world didn't exist beyond these walls, and for once, that was okay.
A thought bubbled in her head for a clear moment before she titled her chin slightly up, but keeping her head where it laid. "What inspires you when you're in a rut?"
His fingers pause and his arms drop to his side as he stopped to look at her, causing her to pull back so he could properly do so.
And when her eyes caught sight of his, all she could see was absolute, pure, uncontained love. Love that lit the soul on fire and would consume every inch inside of him nuts and she could tell he didn't mind it. The love in those storeybooks got it all wrong, because love isn't just one thing, it was a labyrinth of so many, that one could never truly be described correctly. It was endless, and boundless, and so clear. Selfless.
And as always, he was looking at her when that look appeared.
No matter how long they had been together, her breath still hitched when he looked at her like that. When he spoke like that. Because she was his world, and he was hers, and sometimes it was still hard to believe. "How so?"
That special smile that he only reserved for her appeared. "When it's been a rough day, and I just can't seem to smile, I think of yours and my grin is never more real." He pressed a key, one single note. "When I feel like crying, maybe I'm thinking of my father, I remember the laugh in your eyes, and I realize those tears aren't worth it." Another note added to the first, and it blended so smoothly in. "And then, I think of my favorite, absolute favorite thing. When you laugh. When I can't even seem to chuckle, all I have to do is think of your beautiful, amazing laugh, like the one in the rain on the first day we met, and I'm whole again."
He started colliding note after note to make a sweet, heartwarming song that she had never heard before, and it made everything melt inside.
"And that, my lady." He breathed as the last note echoed out. "Is how I get through my blocks. I think of you, everything that makes you who you are— and that is only the start of what I think of when I need something to spark my inspiration— and it all just clicks. You make everything in me just come alive and I can't help how my thoughts flow because of you."
Marinette was in tears, burning hot, blurry tears, and she was completely fine with that. She loved this man more than she could ever say, and she was so thankful for him. She rested her forehead against his, letting the tears fall and just soaked up his presence.
Because even when he couldn't help, when he couldn't do anything to outright fix the situation, he was still there, supporting her, being the solid ground to catch her when her knees felt like they would give out underneath her. He was there. He would always be there. And that was more than enough.
He was her inspiration.
And something just sparked inside of her. Almost like a lightning bolt, and she would've been laughing at the irony, if not for the way she started to bounce in her seat. "I have an idea!"
Before he could even ask, she jumped from her seat, nearly transformed and out the window before she skidded back and pulled him into a long searing kiss that left her wanting more, but knew that would come later. "Meet me on the eiffel tower in an hour. I think I got my inspiration back." And turned to leave, calling over her shoulder, "Love you, hot stuff!"
She knew without a doubt as she swung away, she heard his unmistakable laugh and his own, "I love you too, bugaboo."
An hour later, he was where she promised she would be. Sitting on top of the eiffel tower, with sketch pad in her lap and a pencil twirling in her fingers, eager to show her kitty her completed designed for Chloe's mother.
Ladybug could tell the second Chat landed, that he was excited as she was to see what she had come up with. "So, bugaboo. What'd ya got to show me?"
She passed the book to his, hands just shaking with uncontained joy. This was one of her best pieces yet, and she was honestly proud to show it.
She watched as his eyes bulged from their place in his head and she smiled all the more because of it. Chat tried to clear his throat a few times, but she could see the difficulty in it. "W-what made you think of this? Any.. any particular theme?"
She laughed and leaned in closer to point out a few sketches she had made. "I was thinking of a bad boy meets sweet nerd. Trying to get rid of that cliche that it's only one way or another." She pointed to the leather jacket that wasn't screaming bad boy, but it didn't give the impression of sweet innocent either. "This piece is my favorite, honestly. I could see you wearing it."
She flipped through several more pages, raving about all the creations that just spilled on the page once she had started.
And all the while, Ladybug had missed the sweet, tender look her boyfriend was giving her.
"...and this one-" She finally took notice that Chat was being awfully quiet, and lifted her head from the page, stilling her finger that was directing her sketches on the page, to give him a questioning look. "Everything okay, kitty?"
He blushed at being caught, but his smile grew bigger. "Yeah. I just can't help but wonder who inspired this look?"
She giggle, and leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth. "Isn't it obvious? Chat Noir an Adrien Agreste, of course."
He melted into the hand that now somehow found its way to his face and glided along his cheek and his own tears sprung. "Me?" He whispered, tone full of wonder.
Her heart felt ready to take off. Because he deserved everything and more. He deserved to know he was loved and appreciated for all that he was, and she could see it in his eyes, the joy that it brought him, just seeing all of him scribbled and drawn out on the pages that she had worked hard for.
She vowed silently for the rest of her days, he'd know just how much he was loved, come rain or shine. Because he was more than she could ever ask for.
"Yeah, kitty." She said softly. "You."
Husband's thoughts:
So nobody explicitly says where Chat got the rose the first time he wanted to open up to Ladybug.
Long story short, upon getting the rose for Adrien, the gorilla found he really loved the elegance of the flower and the way it flowed from the stem in such a way he could not describe. It reminded him of a simpler time, back when he was a mere back alley boxer doing all he could to impress his first love. Ever since then he planted a special garden he would use everytime Gabriel was being a prick in an effort to akumatized him. One smell of the sweet flower reminded him of the sweet rush he got from punching people against the hard cobblestones of London.
Also that's my canon of how Adrien had so many flowers to give Marinette.
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620-622: "A Critical Situation! Punk Hazard Explodes!", "Capture Caesar! General Cannon Blasts!" and "A Touching Reunion! Momonosuke and Kinemon!"
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Watched three in a row because Doflamingo was teased. He is currently air-leaping over the sea from Dressrosa, so, to be fair, that might take some time. Meanwhile, a whole lot of stuff happened during the wind-up phase of Punk Hazard.
The biggest twist was Caesar accidentally stabbing Monet in the heart. That was brutal and a genuine shock. Doubt he’ll care unless Doflamingo chews him out for it. The second biggest twist was the whole Kaidou thing. The third biggest was Kinemon returning from the “dead” (more on that later).
There is a fair bit to unpack, so I’ll get down to it.
The Ol’ Switcheroo
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They really have to start labeling these things. Nametags, people! One of the first things you learn at school. A permanent marker. That’s all you need. Scrawl some initials on that box. Boom! There’s your protection from switcheroos. Job done.
The scene was great, though. I liked the disorientating switch between Caesar outside and Monet inside. It meant you didn’t really know what was truly happening until the action switched back to the escaping Strawhats.
At the start of 620, Caesar lay flat out, clutching that blade, fully intent on taking Smoker down with him.
Inside, Monet was still on the DDM to Doflamingo, fully prepared to sacrifice herself to clean up Punk Hazard. Her feathery appendage hovered over the Big Red Button. “The Strawhats. Trafalgar Law. G5. Those pitiable children. Everyone will disappear along with me.” Back in Dressrosa, Doflamingo perched on that window seat.
Then there was a big, confusing KABOOM and a slicing sound. Monet’s eyes widened. I had no idea what was going on. Neither did Doflamingo. He must have heard the explosion and wondered aloud why the DDM connection hadn’t cut out.
The explanation came from Law. The boom that rocked Punk Hazard came from the SAD room. 
So what had happened to Monet? She slumped to the floor, bleeding. Then the action switched back to Caesar. A vicious grin stretched his face and that shard of blade was buried deep in that heart.
Yup. Caesar stabbed Monet in the heart BY ACCIDENT. Caesar killed Monet.
How had he managed to screw up so badly?
Law played the ol’ switcheroo. In a flashback, it was revealed that Law had already returned Smoker’s heart. Smoker was puzzled because his heart had been handed to Caesar by Law as a “thoughtful gift.” How had Law clawed it back? 
To obtain Caesar’s trust in the first place, Law exchanged hearts. Law’s for Monet’s. That had been the deal. But when Law took Smoker’s heart later on, he now had two identical-looking hearts. Just before he handed over the “thoughtful gift” Law pocketed Caesar’s and handed over Monet’s instead. As Law said, “When you do something good, something good will happen to you”, right?
A genius move but a risky gamble, Law, you absolute madman. :D
Naturally, Doflamingo realised something was up. Monet did not answer. A horrific explosion had not cut the line. He grabbed his jacket. I cannot lie, he looked grim. Some little kid ran about looking for him. The Elders said Doflamingo would be in his room but the kid said she’d looked there. Oh well, the Elders said. Doflamingo had just left without taking any subordinates again. (I like that. Doflamingo is obviously confident he can take care of this mess himself.)
And sure enough, Doflamingo boosted across the sea, on the line with Baby 5 and Buffalo. Was Punk Hazard still intact? Yes. But an “Iron Security Guard” stood in their way.
“Make sure you kill him,” Doflamingo said. “I’m on my way now.”
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YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Things are hotting up again. I mean, RIP, Monet, but I won’t miss you too much. Sure, you said the children were pitiable but you went along with the blood-curdling experimentation because Doflamingo asked you to so...
Come to think of it, it was probably a good thing that Caesar screwed up.
Doflamingo just assumed Baby 5 and Buffalo would easily take care of retrieving Caesar. He didn’t contact them for an update until he was leaping across the sea. If Monet had pushed that button, everyone would have been killed in the explosion - including Caesar. (Probably. I’m assuming the gas fruit wouldn’t protect Caesar from that. If that’s wrong, then Doflamingo made a good call.)
Artists Taking the Michael Here, I Think
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While Doflamingo was in transit, Baby 5 and Buffalo were having a hard time against Franky. Got to say that Franky is lovably eccentric. He sings these theme songs for himself while he’s fighting, “I am the Iron Pirate and I don’t take care of the seeeeeeeea... I am an invincible Iron Pirate!” He’s hilarious. 
The weapons/air battle was cool. That’s why Franky is such a useful character. He can inject a bit of variety into any fight. For a while, it switched from a pirate series into an air battle mecha fest! Baby 5 transformed into revolvers, gatling guns, flame throwers, sickles and spinning tops (super lame!) But Franky held out against them all. 
It was interesting that she said, “Even a Pacifista would have taken damage from that!” Does that imply that Franky has improved upon Vegapunk’s designs?? :D
At any rate, Franky had it all under control. “I praise you for penetrating my armour but this is like a mantis going up against a warship.” That was a good line! Franky revealed the Sunny’s secret weapon: the Gaon Cannon.
It was only when the smoke cleared that Franky finally noticed Caesar lying flat out. Then Baby 5 yelled, “In the name of Joker, we will recover Caesar no matter what!”
The penny finally dropped. They weren’t after his cola.
Oh, Franky.
Punk Hazard Survivors’ Team Photo
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In the tunnel, the big explosm from the SAD Room made life difficult for the escapees. Large chunks of ceiling and boulders fell on the tracks. Luffy and Zoro took care of those. No problem. Standard procedure.
The only thing that really threatened their plan? The explosion caused the gas to leak into the tunnel. Yikes.
Law asked if there was anyone who could control wind. Loved that little moment when the G5 guys were like, “Oh yeah. And you’ll find someone with that highly specialised power here by random chance? We’re doomed!” 
And Nami stepped forward. xD
Her job was to redirect the gas cloud, blowing away the gas outside to clear a path to the ships. The G5 didn’t entirely trust Nami. I like how Sanji defended her here. “Those who don’t trust Nami, get off!” That trust was based on Strawhat solidarity and faith in Nami’s competence, not on comedic infatuation.
That unshakeable Strawhat solidarity was shown again after Nami played a blinder and the truck burst out of the tunnel to a huge victory fanfare! :D
Instead of finding more clouds of noxious gas, they found the area clear and Franky battling with Baby 5 and Buffalo. (Usopp was the only one who wondered where the outside gas was. That man always has his head screwed on.)
Before they nabbed Caesar and dashed, Baby 5 called out Law for being a traitor. She said something verrrrrry interesting too. “Are you really going against Joker? You traitor. Joker was saving the Seat of Hearts for you.”
Leaving aside the obvious card suit theme here (was Law to be promoted to a General like rank in Doflamingo’s crew?) Law told Luffy that Baby 5 and Buffalo were the enemy. When they realised they were outnumbered and outmatched, Baby 5 and Buffalo snatched Caesar and scarpered.
That triggered the Nami and Usopp dream team capture sequence.
Usopp was like, “Leave this to me.” Law attempted to step in, but Luffy had an “I’m just gonna stop you there moment”. If Usopp said he’d handle it, he’d handle it. It was said with a smile but you know Luffy meant business. Law had to learn to trust the other Strawhats just as much as Luffy already does.
Oda always plays with Nami and Usopp’s cowardice but honestly, it’s becoming more and more of a running joke rather than truth. Nami’s weather control powers are actually super destructive and she took out Baby 5, Buffalo and Caesar with no problems. Usopp finished the job by grabbing Buffalo and Baby 5. Caesar almost thought he’d get away because Usopp’s attacks phased through his logia form.
But no!
For Usopp had already thought about it. THOSE CUFFS!
That aside, let us give credit where it’s due: Luffy, your plan came good in the end. Great execution by Usopp. Now that’s what I call teamwork. :D
Nami and Usopp Come Through
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The immediate danger past, it was time to literally draw a line (lmao G5) and get back to reality. Smoker agreed to wait with the pirates until a ship came to pick up his unit.
Oda set about tying up the loose ends. Brownbeard and the minions would hand themselves over to the Marines in exchange for treatment. It’s telling that he considers prison a better alternative than being Caesar’s guinea pig. Plus, he got to see Caesar go flying thanks to Luffy, so it was worth it.
Tashigi asked Nami if she could take the kids to Vegapunk for treatment. Nami was initially distrustful. It was the Marines’ fault the kids ended up with Caesar in the first place. Vergo had handed them over! The Marines weren’t doing their job. But Tashigi apologised, said she’d take personal responsibility for the kids and that she would get them back to their parents. Most of them should be okay now Law has operated on them and removed most of the bad stuff.
(Little bit cliched that the female characters are the ones always taking ultimate responsibility for the kids but it’s entirely expected considering the genre, Japan, etc.)
At least the kids recognised Nami and Chopper as the main people who stuck up for them and helped them pull through. When Chopper told them the Marines wanted to take care of them, they protested. Where’s the orange-haired lady? They wanted to thank her. What about Robo Man? Rubber Man? Curly Brow Guy?
But it was for the best. Nami and Usopp had a little chat on deck. I love moments like that when you catch the friendly, natural moments between the crew you don’t often get to see because they’re busy fighting. Usopp asked Nami if she’d sorted things with the Marines. Nami said yeah, that it was for the best that Tashigi took the kids. They were all pirates. Keeping the kids on deck even until they got them home would put them in danger (good call, as Doflamingo is on his way).
There was a nice callback to Bellmere too. Nami admitted the other reason was she has, “a weakness for the eyes of a female Marine. They’re just reassuring to me. It’s always best to be saved by a strong, kind-hearted female Marine.”
I like it when Oda does that. He never forgets his characters’ roots and motivations.
In Two Minds About This
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While Sanji was cooking up some Newkama Kempo 99th Vital Recipe: Hormone Soup with Sea Pig (sounds horrendous but everyone was lining up for it) Brook backed into Kinemon.
I suspected Kinemon would be revived. Why else would Brook have dragged him all the way out of Punk Hazard? Plus, I felt sorry for poor Momonosuke knowing his dad was dead and having to bottle all that up because “samurai”.
The reunion was actually great. Not complaining about it in the slightest. True to the OPverse’s samurai culture, it wasn’t overly sappy. It was a worried sick dad hugging his little boy. Momonosuke did not touch a drop of food until his dad said it was okay, that they could trust these pirates, that they had saved his life. Watching little Momonosuke finally able to eat gave me a major case of HappySad. (If anyone’s curious about the ratio, it was 80% happy and 20% sad.)
This turned into straight up Happy when Luffy cheered up Momonosuke with his old chopsticks in nostrils trick. No one should be crying at a party, after all!
The only thing I was a bit meh about was that Kinemon - and all the other G5 guys - survived Caesar’s weapon. Would have preferred it if the G5 guys’ sacrifice remained that way. Not because I like edgy character death but because it was such a grave moment and a change in tone. It also obliterated most of the peril. I also don’t get how they survived if they were encased in that white substance. They would have suffocated!
Maybe if Kinemon was half frozen, it would have been more convincing to break the white casing and he was still alive underneath. But that would have ruined the reunion drama of him “rising from the dead”.
Also, what’s Caesar doing inventing weapons that don’t actually kill people?
Come on, Caesar. Step up your game! You should have stuck with Smiley, mate.
And Now For Someone Completely Different...
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Now that everyone was free to party, Law attempted to kill the buzz by reminding Luffy that new enemies would be arriving shortly and it was best to make themselves scarce. Luffy responded to this by declaring everyone should “Hurry up and party!” Lmao.
The party montage showed that Mocha would be okay, the kids enjoyed Franky’s hair transformations, that Brownbeard and the Minions are friends again, the kids trooped onto the Marine ship, Chopper brought Law a bowl of soup (he freaked out watching Law operate on the kids, haha), the Minions forced Caesar to spill the secrets of how the gas worked and that Caesar was sitting there, absolutely battered, wondering how the hell Smoker was still alive.
Smoker was also wondering something. He asked his new Pirate Pal Law why the alliance with Luffy. “What are you planning on using Strawhat to do?”
Law’s reply? “Who’s the one who’s being used?”
Then, finally, we were treated to the real conversation. The one Luffy and Law had on that clifftop in the blizzard that cut away when the real good stuff happened.
And here is the news.
The target is Kaidou the Beast.
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Kaidou? Already?
That is awesome.
It’ll be a long-term plan, though, because the Strawhats have business with Big Mom after Dressrosa (dat spoilery CR arc list).
I was right in thinking Luffy had reservations in fighting Shanks but I was totally wrong about him never wanting to go up against him. Luffy just doesn’t want to fight him first.
Luffy, you absolute madman.
(I now think someone else will take out Shanks, thus averting the friends into enemies situation. Maybe Blackbeard because he is persona non grata and he already has beef with Shanks.)
The only thing I’m worried about immediately (as in the next couple of episodes) is the imminent arrival of Doflamingo and the dude with the feather boa/fur trimmed collar who woke up on a tiny ship, said he’d slept in and... where was Punk Hazard again?
Hopefully, Luffy will take Law’s advice and scarper with Caesar on board before Doflamingo finds them.
That’ll make Doflamingo mad.
See that vein on his head? Something tells me you don’t wanna see that vein. That means he’s angry.
You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry...
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Look, up in the sky! 
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a birdplane!
Faster than a streak of lightning. More powerful than the pounding surf. Mightier than a roaring hurricane... oh, wait. It’s Doflamingo.
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heartcravings · 5 years
url playlist “review”
@nichts-als-sternenstaub made two playlists (or as i like to call it the nichts-als-sternenstaub cassette, side A and side B) out of my challenge so i thought it was only fitting i’d let her know how much i appreciated it! I made an youtube playlist with all the songs and after the cut you can read my thoughts on them.
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nichts-als-sternenstaub cassette, side A:
N/A, Jooyoung . i love it so much!! from the first time i heard it, i liked it so much i had to play it back a couple of times before moving on. i’m really a fan now, have already check a couple of other songs of his and i like them too <3 
I am, Bloo . i liked it, it has some good vibes. the more i listen to it the more i like it!
Can't Breathe, Eddie Supa (featuring Jackson Wang & Stan Sono) .  i really like it!! The first time i hadn’t noticed Jackson was in it but i started to recognize his voice and had to go check if i was delusional! ahah! very chill and addictive! <3
Heilig, LGoony . it’s a more aggressive tune. i liked the mix, but it's not a favourite (yet, sometimes i need to hear things more to fully appreciate them)
Tangled Up, Loco .  i already new this one and i really like Loco, he's a softy! love it <3
Sag mir wenn du high bist, Rin . this is very chill and makes me move, gets me going, flowing... very rnb in a way?i like how it changes midway.
Antares, Kris Wu .  of course i love it ;) <3
La dolce vita, Trettmann . good music!
Sanctuary, Joji . too good!!! love all of it, his voice, the music, the lyrics, the music video, his darn serious face, just too good <3
Softcore, The Neighbourhood . nice electronic bass. like it a lot!
Toxic, Eevnxx . oof get them that man talking in my ear all day please. it's just too short, i needed a longer version <3
Eure Mädchen, Kraftklub . i absolutely love it! Super fun indie rock with the haevy drums! a bit of bloc party, the strokes and arctic monkeys vibes. i feel like i've heard it before though i know for sure i have not. love it! <3
Runter von der Straße/Quadro, Haiyti aka Robbery . i like the rap is very good. the percussion is very good, always changing the rythm. the sort of dooming effect of it all, i like it very much! dramatic! Also love her orange hair :D
Nie genug, casper . can immediately tell he's a great artist! it's a very good song, addictive <3
Enemies, Rich Brian . i had to rap to this bop! very good!! A fave!
泣かせてごめん, KOHH . great vibes! love the japanese (i’m a sucker for the japanese sonority, i mean the way the language sounds) <3
Save That Shit, Lil Peep . i heard this one for the first time at night, it's a great song to end your day: get home, drop the keys, shower, forget the day, get ready for another day, another day to fight back.
Top, Higher Brothers ft. Soulja Boy . aggressive tunes, but so TOP! it feels like criticism of some sort, no? i like it! 
Achoo!, Keith Ape x Ski Mask The Slump God .  similar to the previous song. like it! 
UL-UM, Keith Ape . uhh, heavier! Lots of synths, overall a cool song!
BERZERK, Scarlxrd . an angry song, great rhythm! the rap is awesome!
nichts-als-sternenstaub cassette, side B:
별의 낮잠 (Nap of a star), TXT (투모로우바이투게더) . so dreamy! <3 love the music video too! Island by 周銳 . very chill and calm; love the rap part! really love it! also the little electronic noises <3 (and the guy’s hair colour!!)
Cashmoney, by No Rome . really like this one! <3
會不會 huì bù hui, ONER . a sweet ballad. 
TOKYO, RM . thank you for this one! <3 i love RM's mind, i don’t know a lot about him, but what i know is enough to get curious about him. i swear i wish he'd have a music with Chanyeol, just one collab. i just love Chanyeol's voice so much, i think they would save the world in a song xD (biased much? ehehe)
Say Hello, DAY6 (데이식스) . i love the vibes of Day6! i haven't listen to them much, but i really like the whole light and happy rock feels of their music. plus this one is sang in japanese and i love the sonority of japanese, a fave! <3
All About You by Dragon Pig, Cnballer, Cloud Wang and Bravex . this reminds me of kris's music. Like it A LOT!
LIMEWIRE, MAULI x TAREK KIZ x SIDO x BAUSA . good; like the electronic noise!
Schon krass, AnnenMayKantereit . beautiful music!!
So soll es sein, Faber . cool guitar, raspy voice, like it!
Talk about love, NU'EST (뉴이스트) . cute track! some voices remind me slightly of yixing for some reason and also a bit of junmyeon from exo.
Excuses,  NEX7 . light feeling, i like it!
Reverse (后退), Gen Neo 梁根荣 . great start, cool vibes, easy feeling. like it! 
曖 Tensions, 孫盛希 Shi Shi feat. ØZI . like it a lot!! Øzi is a fuckboy for sure, but i like that he's honest about it xD
Escalate, FREE FLOW FLAVA . really like this one!! the whole thing! <3 
New Estate, Giant Rooks . it’s very indie rock, like it so so much!
傻眼了 SHA YAN, Karencici . i like it, she's so good!!
this girl, elijah who . chill, i like this vibe! very good for writing :D
Allan Align, DRANGSAL . i like the drums! it actually reminds of The Drums xD love it!! <3
UNO, Rex Orange County . witty! i love it <3
BREATHE, AB6IX .  okay i loved it. reminded me of exo and there is even a baby chanyeol (voice wise)! i feel like i should check them out, but at the same time i'm scared too like them too much.. I did check the other main track and don’t like it as much. But this one is great!! <3
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mihanada · 6 years
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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Donghua Episode 2 (Part 2)
I decided to leave all parts aside from part 1 out of the main tags like I do for the novel live blogs, so just a heads up there (this is part of my effort to organize this blog lol gotta start somewhere).
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Jin Ling trips! I like this part in the animation, it shows the momentum continuing and forcing him to crash very well. It’s the little things that count!
“This reckless brat is worrisome.”
lol same Wei Wuxian, same. Ugh, you can sense his desperation whenever he fights.
So, Wei Wuxian ended up making things worse before he made them better in this version. I don’t totally get what was up with the leaves he used to fight and how the demonic cultivation somehow made the ghost hand attach to it (??).
Continuing this ghost hand plot line also made Lan Wangji look incompetent in when he was facing off against Jiang Cheng too lol.
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This...might be cool in theory? But it looks really weird to see a giant bell appear out of nowhere...Oh well, at least you tried, random mook.
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Well, damn that escalated.
you silly kid if it wasn’t for Wei Wuxian, you would’ve gotten yourself killed.
Ah, they even flash back to what Jiang Cheng told him about not wanting to see him if he doesn’t get a “prey of value”.
I’ve gotta admit, I didn’t like Jin Ling much at first, it took until the Yi City arc for me to like him. Putting the flashback in makes it a little easier to see why he’s so stubborn and reckless. (though I guess the haughty attitude can be annoying xD)
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aw look at him. he’s trying.
most of my screenshots this time around are of Jin Ling oops.
Ah. yes. Wei Wuxian’s terrible flute skills start. they’re still pretty damn good for having spent a minute flat making that thing but at least they made it whistle and fluctuate.
Also LOL Wen Ning what were you doing underground??
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The perspective shots in this...there certainly are a lot of them lol.
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sorrynotsorry for another Jin Ling. He is very photogenic. he looks shocked but also behold that tragic look in his eyes. before anyone tells you anything, you know that these two have some history and it is one filled with much sadness. 
ah, the merits of a visual medium.
then this look turns into one of determination then anger. LOOK, A WORTHY PREY. jiang cheng i want to beat you up
hahaha ooh look it’s Jingyi who calls Jin Ling’s name. welp you two got us into this mess so
wow these perspectives are wild wth. also, cgi grass hi
interesting, interesting, we get Wen Ning helping out to subdue the hand in this version. While the events are totally weird, it does add even more to the ‘hey, he’s helping us?’ angle.
I was gonna screencap Sizhui looking cool while he sealed the hand into the bag but then it looked like he was making a “shh” gesture so I decided against it. xD
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WHY DOES THIS IMAGE LOOK SO FUNNY.  because none of you can come close to scratching wen ning.
Then a very nice, if implausible shot from Jin Ling’s arrow pinning the chain to a tree.
I really like the scenes where Wei Wuxian plays the flute and how it sounds uneven and screechy.
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yikes the music takes a turn for the scary dramatic here. 
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why does he look so tense here? is it taking that much effort to order Wen Ning away, is it nerves from Lan Wangji literally holding his wrist, fear of being found out...I think it’s just concentrating on getting Wen Ning the heck away fast.
But the way he slumps after that, I guess he figured “I’ve been found out now.”
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Zidian’s scary purple glow of doom. interesting choice of lighting, it highlights just how close the whip is getting.
yay Lan Wangji to the rescue with his impossible guqing playing skills.
also lol at Jiang Cheng’s dramatic entrance #2 this time from on top of a tree
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this is the grin of a beautiful evil mastermind
why did they make Jiang Cheng’s lips so glossy
it’s really scary jfc
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wow that is some serious anger like damn. his eyes get even narrower half a second later. this is exactly what “a look of murder in so-and-so’s eyes” is
lol “as long as they’re good-looking, no matter man or woman, plant or animal”
I think you’re exaggerating here Jin Ling xD but well at they tried, with the censorship stuff this is the best we can get probably
(yes this guy totally went and drooled over plants??? he is that desperate xD)
lol “though he was scum, he was charming scum and totally not into guys”
it’s alright, apparently the person in question didn’t even realize it himself
Sizhui the only one who remembers his manners (Jingyi never bows or makes a hand gesture before addressing Jiang Cheng xD)
lol “why he is so insistent on protecting a nobody” this always makes me laugh because hELLo. Hanguang-jun is known for upholding his sect’s righteousness motto and you drag back people who are definitely not Wei Wuxian and torture them so like...is this surprising.
aH they gave Lan Wangji a new line. “His path is uncommon, but his deeds are righteous. For sentiment or reason, he deserves gratitude.”
...now it sounds like Lan Wangji was the one possessed. he was known for vehemently opposing the demonic cultivation when Wei Wuxian was alive and I don’t recall that anyone ever gets the impression he changed over the years so this is a bit weird. yeah they say he deserves their gratitude for saving their juniors but that first bit “his path is uncommon, but” is out of place a little.
on the other hand, these lines sound really cool and I like them
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aw that guilty face that he hand to be saved. Actually, in this shot he isn’t reacting to Jingyi yet, this look on his face is caused by his uncle. after all, we all know what he told him last time...
but go Jingyi pointing out that he saved Jin Ling too.
i will resist screenshotting more Jin Ling...
LOL now Wei Wuxian is insulting Jiang Cheng. “It’s not like I’m attracted to just anything good-looking.”
did you just compare Jiang Cheng to a bull
I’ve already talked about Lan Wangji’s eye narrowing and how his eyes are the only way to gauge his emotions right now. xD
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these rabbits scare me
i love Wei Wuxian’s crying voice though xD lol he’s so dramatic
HAHAHA actually this makes some sense. “I like Little Apple too but I don’t want to live in the donkey shed.” I’d like it if you stopped comparing people to animals but this sort of makes sense considering how you can’t even breathe too loudly in the Cloud Recesses
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Sizhui looks like such a gentle good child
you and Lan Xichen are, like, the only sane people in this whole series
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do you see Jingyi’s smile when Lan Wangji says to let him cry, drag him inside when he’s tired.
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this is a little silly for the Hanguang-jun we know in this part of the story but on the other hand this is hilarious. how did he figure out it likes apples though?
i really like the perspectives though
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what’s with the jars of Emperor’s Smile? he literally stored them at the base of a tree for later that night??
I like how they actually look younger 20 years ago though, good job there
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excuse me. what’s with those devious eyes.
Next episode: adventures in the Cloud Recesses! aka before everything went to shit and when everyone was happy (except Lan Wangji lol)
Next Up: Episode 3, Part 1 ← back • forward →
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 7 liveblog/review thing
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my previous liveblogs: (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5) (episode 6)
the crunchyroll link: http://www.crunchyroll.com/free-iwatobi-swim-club/episode-7-a-solitary-medley-775638
i wrote a looooong post for the previous episode. so you can tell that i had a lot of feelings about it. now i'm a bit scared to watch this one. XD what kind of feels will i have this time???...
the first scene is makoto coaching some kids <3333333 makoto + kids is so cute!!!!!
"yo" ...such a casual greeting from an evil villain.
haru is working together with the villain???? OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
financial advisor makoto????
whaaaaaat. haru has no negative reaction to this guy who just insulted mackerel???? this villain is brainwashing haru!!!!!!
makoto seems concerned...
"i'm so bored... everyone is getting lots of screentime except me!!!"
looooooool!!!! that is one aggressive baby!!!
i feel like a mysterious evil villain should have some kind of cool getaway car, but he just has a bike??? hmmm maybe he's not really an evil villain after all...
so this is part of the secret plan to somehow become friends with ikuya? i... don't get it. ^__^U but i'm sure haru knows what he's doing (i think)
um, just telling ikuya "your time isn't fast enough" doesn't really help him...
"did you have a fight?" maaaaaaybe
WOW lol he only agreed to go eat with them because hiyori wasn't going!!!!
happy ikuya changing into angry ikuya ;__; ;__; ;__;
idk why but i like how everyone says "slump" in english. XD
"dream?" haru looks so confused lol. oh boy, i remember last season when haru spend sooooo much time trying to figure out what his dream was...
what lies ahead of haru now is... a potato chip?!?!?
makoto laying down the law with a smile. XD
he's not supposed to eat near the pool, but he's eating anyway!!!! this shows that he really is EVIL!!!! you CANNOT TRUST HIM!!!!!!! >=(
ikuya doesn't even want to meet his own brother?? =(
if ikuya doesn't win, will he turn into foam???????
"i just got here... as they say" hahahaha
"even if i did, he says he doesn't want to see me." well, who cares??? go see him anyway, natsuya.
nao seems like such a wise and helpful person. i like him!!
wait what is sousuke doing... he doesn't seem like he's "taking the long road"!!
"don't you think there's something i can do do get more screentime?????"
a wild natsuya appears!!! i love the contrast between asahi's reaction and haru's reaction, haha.
awwww poor haru. he feels like he needs to confess some kind of wrongdoing to natsuya. you could see his face and how bad he felt!! =(
YAAAAaaaaAAAAaaaAAAyyyy congratulations, rin!!!!! ^___^
omg, haru and rin competing again!!!!!! omg omg omg.
baby:  *intensely watches swimming competition on tv*
obviously haru is going to kill it.
aaaaaaaaah the animation of haru swimming is just... i love it *___*
haru killed it!!!! =)
i'm a genius... i'm a genius... i'm a genius...
well that was kinda awkward.
"i haven't put up any results i can be proud enough to tell him about." awwww ;__;
"hiyori isn't really a bad guy." uhhhh you were pretty mad at him in the last episode but okay.
"i don't know if he's my friend." does that mean you're more than just friends??? ;)
ikuya thinks that friendship and teammates make him weak. that's depressing =(
"but i'll always think of you as a friend!" noooo don't say that. now ikuya will feel weaker!! XD
hahahahahaha omg, little haru's little face in the flashback. awwwwwww
ikuya's thinking, "uh-oh, too much friendship talk. gotta get up and leave now"
"in the pool, i'm alone. no one's going to save me." there are a a ton of other people in that pool tho
"i have to get stronger. otherwise, i won't be me anymore." because you will be foam????
do you ever have that feeling like it's almost the end of the episode and this episode's been too calm and therefore something bad's about to happen.
"don't say you can do it all alone. you're not alone." that is some super accurate mind-reading skill you've got there, haru. o__O
well that was a nice sweet thing to say, haru. NOW KICK HIS BUTT!!!!!!!! XD
oh of course this stupid episode doesn't let me see haru and ikuya's race. of course. uggghhhhh
"haruka-senpai has evolved!" what is he, a pokemon????!
my thoughts on this episode: i want to see the raaaace!!!!! argh, what a cliffhanger!!! i don't want to wait a week to see it. ;__; ummm but anyway, it was refreshing to see asahi talk with ikuya. it seemed like there was going to be a breakthrough... although, ikuya still wasn't really onboard with the whole idea of "friendship" because he thinks it'll make him weak. and the saddest thing was that he didn't want to see his own brother because he felt like he didn't achieve enough things to tell him about???? natsuya seems like the type of person who wouldn't care about that AT ALL. he's so easygoing. come on, ikuya, you should meet up with natsuya. also, so now i realize what haru was doing with the extra training with the "villain." (okay, i guess he's a good guy after all hahaha i figured. but i just thought it was so funny that he kept coming across like a villain.) i think that this race is going to be a turning point for ikuya, somehow. maybe it'll make him feel friendly toward haru again. but what about hiyori, though??? =( i feel so bad for both him and ikuya...
oh, and one more thing. i am soooooo excited to see haru race rin!!!! they haven't seen each other in a while, so that will be a VERY dramatic moment!!!
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