#my boyfriend will usually twist and turn me until we find something that’s super deep
inkykeiji · 2 years
Okay but imagine all the sex positions you can have with SD!Natsuo where he picks you up like it's nothing and fucks you in the air 👀
YESSSSS ANON YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES oh my god the two positions that immediately came to mind for me were the cradle and apollo yum yum yum like !!!!! the idea of sugar daddy natsuo folding you up like a fucking pretzel and twisting you into whichever position he wants just to use you like a damn toy as he fucks the life outta you <3 those smooth, sculpted muscles of his biceps and triceps just rippling with each forceful pound of his hips into you as he grips you harder and harder, holds you tighter and tighter, bounces you faster and faster <33
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
has harry ever come before yn? and how did he react to it
warning: um this is straight up filth, sorry (not sorry)
“Baby, c’mon,” He huffs in frustration, his thumb slips once again because she’s just so wet for him.
“M’trying!” YN bites back, “You’re expecting me to come in two seconds all because you got yourself worked up by rubbing your dick on my tattoo.”
Harry can’t deny even after a few years of the ink being on his wife’s bum doesn’t make it any less hot to him.
It takes one more harsh pump of his hips before he’s groaning and coming, his fingers faltering on her bud once again.
YN is whining - these displeased, spoiled little noises that prickle the skin on the back of his neck and grit of his teeth.
“Y’sucha god damn brat,” Her husband spits out, not even enjoying his release because of his impatient, perfect wife.
“M’not,” YN retorts as she flips onto her back and lays down, not even disgusting her pout.
“Out of the hundreds and hundreds of times I’ve fucked you and made sure y’finished first - the one time y’dont you want to get all huffing and bent out of shape.”
YN squints at him, because he’s not wrong, she chooses to bite back with a bit of attitude, “Well you had some clumsy fingers tonight.”
Harry barks out a laugh, spreading her legs roughly, and muttering, “I’ll fuckin’ show clumsy fingers.”
Then continues on to make her come twice if his fingers along just because.
“Oh my god,” YN giggles loudly when Harry curses as he spills inside her - legitimately after only about three minutes of being in her.
“Shut up,” He whines, ego bruised a bit as he pulls out with a look of betrayal at his already softening cock, “Y’looked so good in m’jersey at the game tonight. Flauntin’ y’tits like tha’.”
YN smirks widely, turning around from where he had her bent over their bathroom counter, “I know, I saw how many times you had to ‘adjust’ yourself in your uniform.”
Harry hauls her up until her bum’s on the cold marble and her legs are spread to show him where she’s dripping from him.
“Can’t help it. It’s nearly impossible not to come the second I’m in you,” He pouts, it was the truth - usually he had amazing stamina but every once in a while his body was a traitor.
YN let’s out a quiet sigh when he tucks two fingers back inside her, twisting and curling in the way that make her toes crinkle.
“You amaze me. I’ve given you four babies and y’still as horny as ever,” YN giggles pleased and confident because of her husband’s constant want for her.
Harry pushes forward to lick into her warm, sweet mouth before he’s resting his forehead against hers and watching his fingers work into her perfect heat.
“Only horny f’you, mama. Course s’just for my wife, m’so fuckin’ in love with you. In love with your body, this beautiful thing has given us our babies - how could I not be obsessed?”
YN comes panting in his mouth and a smug smile on her face when he hardens back up against her thigh in the process.
Harry’s lips are bright pink and swollen, his narrow hips pushed against the tiny counter in the frat bathroom as YN kneels in front of him.
“Baby, baby, want to fuck you. If you blow me I’ll come,” He signs in warning, attempting to coerce her into standing up but she doesn’t budge.
Her hands are quick on his belt and skinny jeans, letting his thick length rest towards his tummy as she leans forward to lick at the head.
He wasn’t joking, right as she suckles harshly on the head with her hand stroking the rest - he flexes and released with a loud loud moan.
“Didn’t know my mouth was that good,” YN gestures as she stands up with a teasing lift to her lips, thumbing a lose drop.
“You know when you grind on me it gets me going,” He accuses to justify his short span, “Don’t act like you don’t come in a second when I have my mouth on your clit and three fingers up in you.”
YN swallows harshly at the dirty talk, startling when someone bangs on the door, stating the need to use the toilet.
“I’m totally telling Niall you came in legit two minutes,” YN signs before swinging up the door and disappearing into the crowd - leaving behind her flabbergasted boyfriend.
“My leg is cramping, H,” YN complains noisily as he keeps her leg lifted a she fucks in from behind as they lay on the bed.
Harry is so so close.
His annoying little creature wasn’t going to find her end because of a god damn leg cramp.
“Bat, just let me - oh fuck,” Harry snarls loudly as he can’t control himself any longer, fucking harshly into her a few more time before he comes.
Ad soon as he’s lowering her leg, he’s met by her displeased, grumpy whimpers that make him want to bite her until she’s limp or kiss her sweetly - sometimes he can’t tell which.
He drops her leg, planning to finish her off but she pushes his hand away which has him baring his fangs and snarling fiercely at her.
“No, I’ll finish myself,” She grunts, rolling onto her back and propping up her legs, one hooked over Harry’s thigh.
Every time he tries to reach over to help as she rubs quickly and precisely at her bud with short puffs of air - she smacks him off which makes him hiss angrily as he watches on.
“You’re like a million years older and you can’t control yourself still?” YN teases breathlessly as she feels a ball of fire start to pool in her stomach.
Her grin gets wider when his eyes blacken and his lip curls completely back to reveal his glimmering white canines.
“Pest, you are not doing it correctly. Let me make you come,” Harry demands with agitation, his hands clenching to not just grab her.
“Shut up,” She snaps back, two fingers rubbing in languid circles that have her hips bucking - it really shouldn’t turn her on that her vamp boyfriend is threatening her with his fangs.
“I rarely ever come before you. Please little human, you are annoying me and I wish to make you come now,” Harry tries to use a more gentle tone.
YN finally gives in, letting him take over with his own fingers, two tucking inside and his thumb right on her nerves.
His fangs ascend back into in gums as he admires his squirmy mate who is restless until she tense and releases on his hand.
It’s only a matter of second before she is coaxing his fangs back out - because she loves to torment him, “Better luck next time champ.”
“Enough,” He growls at an ear-shattering volume before he’s biting at her mating mark to get her to submit.
Works everyday.
Harry was getting himself overly worked up, as soon as YN pressed record for a little something that she could watch when she had to leave tour for two weeks.
“Honey bee, c’mon,” Harry rasps, voice as deep as it goes as he sits in the armchair in their hotel room - legs spread and feet planted on the floor.
“Hold on, just want a shot of this,” She replies, he was so fucking hot - couldn’t grasp that this man was her’s sometimes.
He had a firm, lazy grip on his cock - thumb circling his extremely sensitive tip every so often which made him shutter.
“Slower, tease yourself,” YN murmurs as she films him, watching raptly as he slows down his strokes but fucks up into his hand.
“Want t’be in you, bee,” Harry tells his with a wrinkle between his eyebrows as he twitches in his palm.
“Then listen to me,” She orders in a voice she rarely uses - a authorative voice that has Harry moaning as he squeezes himself.
“M’listenin’, I promise.”
“Stop,” YN replies, eyes following when he releases his grip and it sways before resting on his taut belly - pink and swollen.
She props the camera on the desk, shimmying down her underwear, and straddling him on the chair - letting herself sink down.
“Oh fuck - baby, m’gonna - bloody hell,” He moans as he comes within seconds, hand squeeze her plush hips.
His forehead is sweaty, lips puffy, and YN is so pleased with him, whispering that he’s so fucking good for her, she can’t wait to watch it when she’s away.
“Y’takin’ it so good, darlin’,” Harry grunts out, teeth gritted and hand grasping her jaw to keep her mouth against his.
YN was in a mood tonight.
“C’mon, we don’t have much time before Anna comes looking, H,” YN goads coyly, her plush hips digging into the counter where her bum is pressed against.
“Hush up, pup,” Harry scolds, biting at her swollen bottom lip before hiking her up a bit more to hit her spot right on.
“She’s gonna be so bummed, y’can’t get it up for her tonight after fucking me,” YN doesn’t stop with the filth.
“Y’act like I have ever fucked ‘er. I’ve only been givin’ it t’you for the past ten years,” He mutters, tongue licking into her mouth to shut her up.
When someone knocks on the door, they don’t stop, Harry determined as he pounds into her with hard, meaningful strokes.
“Harry, are you in there? Are you feeling alright?” Anna asks from the other side of the door - it was super loud because of the party.
He comes right then on the spot.
“You’re sick,” YN giggles, pleased as he pumps in a few more times to fill her up - claiming her as he always did.
It started with the god damn fucking teasing.
Rival gang members, the police, literally nobody gets under his skin - just his bloody nuisance of a wife and she took full advantage.
She got in these moods were she would fuck with him, tease him, wind him up until he had her pinned down with a sore arse.
He loved her so fucking much.
It started at the bar, she had leaned over with way too much cleavage on display as she fluttered her eyes to get men to buy her a drink.
Harry who was currently in the middle of a lucrative deal couldn’t concentrate as a man offered to buy her a glass of wine.
He didn’t care who saw, he excused himself and pushed her harshly into the bar until it would bruise her hips.
“Cut it the fuck out now, m’busy,” He hisses menacingly in her ear, ignoring the men who were staring wide eyes at the exchange.
Her hand comes back to subtly palm at his crotch before humming, “All these nice men are willing to pay attention to me.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Harry rumbles, gripping her wrist and moving it away from his groin with force.
“Whoa, man! You can’t talk to a lady like that!” A brunette gentleman squawks after watching the interaction.
Harry steps back, a sly smile rising the corner of his lips, and he purposefully lifts his shirt just a bit to flash a shining gold desert eagle tucked in his waistband.
The man’s eyes widen in horror which makes Harry chuckle darkly, “Don’t tell me how to treat m’fuckin’ brat of a wife, she fuckin’ loves it anyways.”
With that, Harry storms back to continue his meeting and YN grins, a little flushed as she sips on a glass of water - aroused beyond belief.
After a bit, YN disappears down the hallway to the restroom, and sends Harry a text that has him excusing herself.
Please help me. Woman’s bathroom, hurry.
Harry’s reaching back for his gun, not hesitation as he rushes down the hallway - heart pounding at the thought of his love in trouble.
He slams open the single stall bathroom, gun drawn but all he sees is his beautiful wife, on her knees with lust obvious in her body language.
“Y’tha’ fuckin’ desperate?” Harry scoffs, locking the door and placing his gun on the counter - already reaching for his belt and zipper.
“Please sir.”
It sends a harsh, electric zip down his spine as he hisses when his wet tip hits the cold air, he bends down first - forces her mouth open and spits.
But his words are soft and loving after, “Brat, love you s’much. Y’the love of m’life.”
Her eyes twinkle but she can’t speak because he’s guiding himself in her mouth with a long push that has her breathing heavily through her nose.
Harry surprises himself when he ends up spilling right after she pulls off for a breath and jerks him, rasping out, “I love living life with you.”
Yeah he comes at words and he isn’t fucking ashamed.
It has him pushing her up against the wall and licking her out until she’s teary from sensitivity and legs quivering pathetically.
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jackrrabbit · 3 years
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cooking at 3am /// Osamu x f!Reader
Request: Imagine cooking together with Osamu at 3am because neither of you could sleep (or because ‘Samu got the midnight munchies lol). You don’t have anything specific in mind; you’re just playing around and feeding each other little bits of what you make.
A/N: bruh you said munchies and my mind said [[ h i g h o s a m u ]] sorry this went in a kinda different direction? but still fun 3am cooking project vibes :P
Tag/warnings: fluff, light drug use (weed), you and Atsumu are lowkey Bros™️, Osamu's kinda baby 🤧
Osamu’s not good at smoking.
He doesn’t really know how to inhale—you know, hold it in his lungs so it can soak in or whatever—and when he does, he coughs. Except he tries to repress the coughs. Even if he wants to hide it, he’s always close enough to you that you can feel his chest moving from trying not to cough when he takes a hit.
And also, like every baby smoker, he can’t really tell when it’s kicking in until he’s off the deep end.
“Can you feel it yet?”
You shoot Osamu a glance where he’s sitting on the ground in front of the couch, watching a nature documentary on Atsumu’s TV with a glazed-over look on his face. “You sure? Your eyes are super red.”
“I can’t feel it. Give it—“ He holds out his hand and honestly you’re pretty sure he’s had plenty, but it’s Atsumu’s vape so who cares. You hand it over and Osamu holds it up to his mouth and sucks, eyes fluttering closed as the light on the side of the Pax glows yellow.
God, he looks hot when he does that. Something about a hot guy smoking, yeah? Actually, no. Something about your hot boyfriend smoking.
Except 'Samu holds his breath a second too long and you can see the urge to cough hit him… Wait for it, you think to yourself, and a second later he hacks and wheezes the vapor out in a wispy cloud that reflects silver against the semi-dark. You coo in sympathy and pat his back. “Want some water?”
Osamu shakes his head, hand over his mouth to stop the coughing. On the tv, David Attenborough talks about penguin courtship rituals and Atsumu (who’s been draped on the couch next to you for the past few hours) gives a light little sigh in his sleep. You check the time. 3am. Bedtime. Too bad you and 'Samu are both too high to drive home…whoops. Guess you’re spending the night at Atsumu’s place.
Osamu rubs his bloodshot eyes like they’re itchy, which they probably are. “Hey, can we— uhh… Do we have pancakes.”
“Pancakes, babe? You mean the ones you made for breakfast?”
“Yeah, there’s leftovers…I made you extra and you didn’t want them.” He twists around and gives you an incredibly dirty look, like this is something you did on purpose to hurt his feelings. “If you don’t want them I’m going to eat them.”
“Wait, 'Samu—“ But Osamu's already getting up off the floor to wander over to the next room. You debate pausing the show—it’s a really good scene—but you leave it going for Atsumu's sake because you’re pretty sure the narration is the only thing keeping him asleep. He’s kinda drooling on your shoulder and you have to push him off to go follow your boyfriend to the kitchen.
“What is all this stuff? Ugh…” Osamu's pawing through the fridge. There’s a lot of crinkling, plastic sounds—you catch a glimpse inside and all of the shelves are stacked up with plastic bags and styrofoam containers.
You yawn and hop up to sit on the kitchen island. “Takeout? I don’t think he cooks.” Atsumu's going to get a lecture tomorrow for keeping 2-week-old Indian food in his fridge. God knows you heard it way too many times before you and Osamu moved in together. You don’t envy 'Tsumu.
Osamu sits down in front of the fridge, fumbles with a drawer, and pulls out a bag of moldy grapes. “Gross…who lives like this…”
You snicker into your hand.
“I can’t find the pancakes.” 'Samu's pulling the plastic drawers all the way out now, setting them down on the floor as he inspects the contents of the fridge.
“They’re not here.”
“You ate them?”
“No, I— Hey, put those back in,” you tell him helplessly as he shuts the door of the fridge, ignoring all the leftover food he took out. Yeah, half of it was probably off anyway, but Atsumu's gonna be pissed if he wakes up and there’s takeout going bad all over his kitchen floor.
“You threw away my pancakes?” Now the look on Osamu's face is utter betrayal. He stands up off the floor and glares sulkily at you. “I made those for you…”
“I didn’t throw them away, they’re—“ You hold back a laugh and wish you had your phone on you (where did it go?) so you could take a picture. He’s so cute when he smokes. “—they’re at home.”
“At home?”
“Yep, at home. The place where you and me live, remember?”
“Oh.” Osamu pauses, reaches out absently to grab the edge of your sleeve. You’re wearing one of his hoodies. “We’re not at home?”
“Nope. We’re at Atsumu's place,” you tell him through a giggle.
He plays with your sleeve, contemplating. “Why?”
“Because we’re out of weed and he said he’d smoke us out. And we like hanging out with him.”
“Oh. We do?”
“…’Kay.” It takes Osamu a second to accept this, but then he nods seriously. “(Y/N), I'm hungry.”
“I know. What do you want to eat? You could probably have any of that stuff, I don’t think he’ll miss it.”
'Samu thinks about it for a moment, scanning the array of takeout containers spread out across the kitchen floor. “I want pancakes.”
“The pancakes are at home, remember?”
“Yeah…” Osamu flips over his grip on your sleeve and traces his thumb down the lines in your palm. “I could make some?”
More pancakes? “I don’t think 'Tsumu has eggs, babe. Or flour. Or…baking soda?” You’re not really sure what ingredients go into pancakes. Whatever cooking skills you possessed pre-Osamu have deteriorated significantly since you moved in together and he took over any and all food preparation for your household.
He pouts at this, and his hair is a little messed up, and he’s so pretty that you can’t stand how much you like him in that second. Mine mine mine, something in the back of your brain says. He’s mine.
You reach up and Osamu obediently ducks his head down so you can smooth his hair back into place and fix the bits that are flipping over his part. “Is there anything else you want to eat?”
“Oh…” Well, at least Atsumu probably has rice. “Sure. Ok. That’s your specialty.”
“I want ya to make it for me.”
“What?” You frown and pull your hand out of his. “You know my cooking sucks.”
“No it doesn’t. (Y/N)’s food’s the best.”
“You own an onigiri shop, come on—“
One of his bangs falls back in his eyes and without thinking you reach up to put it in place. “Okay, fine. But you can’t complain about it if it’s not good.”
He smiles and you want to blush. “Yes! I promise.”
So you do it for him. Even though you’re high too. You measure some rice and water into the rice cooker (Osamu has to give you pointers on how much of each to put in) and you scrounge around Atsumu's depressingly bare kitchen for a few sheets of seaweed and some easy fillings. Osamu pulls a stool up to the island counter and rests his chin on his hands so he can watch you with a bleary look of adoration on his face.
It takes you…maybe half an hour to be done? It’s hard to gauge time when you’re high. You and 'Samu both jump when the rice cooker finishes and plays the little rice cooker song, which will remain stuck in your head for the foreseeable future. 'Samu hums it in a loop while you shape the rice into lopsided triangles and wrap the nori around it.
“Here,” you tell him when you set the plate down in front of him. He looks entirely too happy to be eating your mediocre food for someone who literally does this for a living, but who cares.
He picks one, takes a bite, swallows. And blinks.
“What do you think?” you ask in spite of yourself.
“Umm…salty,” Osamu says.
You grab one to try yourself and it’s salty. Like, ocean salty. Yuck. “I told you it would be bad,” you complain, trying to tug the plate away but Osamu grabs it and pulls it back.
“Noooo…it’s good,” he lies, although his face is giving him away. Still, he takes another bite and chews enthusiastically.
“Shut up.” You tug a little harder but Osamu doesn’t let go.
He swallows, pulls a face, and takes another one. “So good. I love it.”
“Shut up. You sound so fake. You’re going to get sick if you eat that.” You keep pulling, but he insists on pretending it’s edible so you admit defeat and help him finish the onigiri off. God, they’re awful. But he keeps eating and so you do too.
When you’re done, your mouth feels dry as fuck and you want to sleep almost as much as you want to drink about a gallon of water. “Is it bedtime yet?” 'Samu asks, wiping his mouth and then rubbing his eyes again.
The clock over the oven says it’s past 4. “Yes. It’s bedtime.”
“Wait—we’re…we’re not at home, right? We’re at 'Tsumu's?”
“I prolly drove here…I dunno if I can drive now,” Osamu tells you slowly, like he’s apologizing. “I think I'm kinda high.”
“Oh yeah?” You hold your laugh back and put your hands up on his cheeks. “How do you feel?”
“Dizzy. Blurry? Like…you’re in slow-motion.” His hands come up to layer over yours. “You’re pretty in slow-mo.”
“Prettier than usual?”
Osamu closes his eyes, scrunching them up to think and then looking over your face intently. “Same amount, just slower. So it’s easier to see.”
“That so?” You slip your hands around to drape over his shoulders and get up on your tiptoes to give him a little kiss on the cheek, because he’s earned it. “You know what, I think I'm kinda high too. I think we’re going to have to have a sleepover.”
“On the couch? S’not big enough for us both.”
“You can sleep with 'Tsumu in his bed…or I guess you could sleep on the ground?”
'Samu's mouth twists and his brows draw together. You can practically hear the gears in his mind turning while he considers alternatives. “Can we share the bed?”
“I think Atsumu's gonna want it. It’s his house.”
“But he’s already sleeping.”
True, you can hear Atsumu snoring lightly from the living room underneath David Attenborough’s description of endangered falcons in the Philippine rainforest. You should really wake him up—matter of fact, you should really clean up the kitchen because it’s a huge mess—but 'Samu's already pulling you away. And you’re so sleepy.
“He’s going to be pissed tomorrow,” you tell Osamu through a yawn, but you let him steer you in the direction of Atsumu's bedroom, holding your hand.
“Don’t care…I hate sleeping without you.”
“Yeah,” you say, and you squeeze his hand and he looks back at you like you’re the literal best thing in the entire universe—and you decide you should get him high more often. “Same.”
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viking-raider · 3 years
The Immortal Sky - Epilogue
Summary: You and Henry start a life together, after so much that’s happened.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/You
Word Count: 3,048
Rating: G - Dystopian!AU, Futuristic!AU, Language, Mild Angst, Suggestive Language, Cotton Candy Goodness, Fluff and a Super Happy Ending!
Inspiration: I’ve always wanted to write a futuristic fic!
Author’s Note: Thank you all for the support and love on this story, it was a blast to write. Thanks to the amazing @wondersofdreaming​ as always <3
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It had been three months since the events had happened in Bristol, and both you and Henry had healed well and started building a life together as boyfriend and girlfriend.
Henry's family fully, completely and lovingly embraced you into their family, treating you as one of their very own; uncaring that you were born in the lower Sectors of London. They included you in everything from social parties and events to family gatherings. You were surprised, when you went to his family home for the first time, because unlike you and your family, Henry and his family were raise in an actual house in Sector Two's posh neighborhood, where nearly every member of the Royal and Cleric Council lived, with their families; his brothers and their families also lived in houses of their own, in the neighborhood.
The Cavill's had lived in this neighborhood for several generations, his father's side of the family had always been members of the Cleric Council and his mother's family had always been members of the Royal Council; but Henry was the first Cavill and Dalgliesh to not be either a Beta, Alpha or High Royal or Cleric, in nearly nine generations.
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“Why don't you live here too, Henry?” You had asked, the first time Henry had taken you to his parent's house, for dinner, two weeks after getting out of the hospital. “Can you not, since you're a High Marshal?”
“Oh no, I can live here, if I'd like too, being the son of a Cleric and Royal.” Henry replied, as he pulled into his parents’ driveway. “But, I choose to live in the flat, in Central Sector Two. I didn't need a big house, since it was just Kal and I. Even with it being the three of us, there's still no need for one.” He explained, then got out of the car to move around and open your door.
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Henry's family had even invited your parents and little brother to their family functions.
They had been slack jawed, while they sat in the back seat of Henry's car, you and Henry having gone to pick them up and take them to the Christmas party you all had been invited too. They watched as each Sector got brighter and brighter, until they finally got to see the sun, for the first time, as it started to sink below the horizon. Henry glanced at them through the rear-view mirror and smiled, remembering the same look of surprise and awe on your face as you saw the same view for the first time, over a year before. He looked at you and smiled even brighter as you looked at him, having looked back at them and saw their reactions to it as well.
Their awestruck continued as you entered the Cavill family's posh neighborhood, seeing all the fancy and large three-story houses, the lush green grass of the front lawns and the expensive cars in their driveways. Parking, you all got out of the car and headed inside, greeted by Henry's parents in the foyer.
“Merry Christmas.” Marianne smiled, hugging you and Henry. “Welcome and Merry Christmas.” She said to your parents and little brother, as you and Henry greeted his father.
“Thank you and Merry Christmas, My Lady.” Your mother replied and smiled back, nervously bowing her head to Marianne.
“Please, call me Marianne.” She replied, smiling sweetly. “This is my husband, Colin.” She said, introducing him.
“Pleasure.” Colin greeted them, smiling warmly.
“I'm Tasha. This is my husband, Tristan.” Your mother answered, motioning to your father. “And this is our youngest son, Christophe.” She said, resting her hand on his shoulder.
“Your house is ginormous!” Christophe replied, his mouth hanging open.
Marianne and Colin chuckled, warmed. “Please, come in and make yourselves at home.” She said, motioning into the living room, where most of the group was congregating. “The other kids are playing in the backyard, if you want to join them, Christophe.” She offered your brother, then showed him the way out to the backyard.
“You want something to drink?” Henry asked you as you moved into the living room with everyone else.
“Yes, that would be fantastic.” You nodded, smiling up at him.
“All right.” Henry smiled back, kissing you softly, before going into the kitchen.
“Is it time yet?” Simon asked, coming into the kitchen with his little brother, to also grab himself and his wife something to drink.
“Soon.” Henry replied, pouring you a glass of chilled white wine. “I need the perfect moment.” He said, pouring himself a glass, then handed the bottle to Simon.
“Just don't chicken out.” Simon teased him, grinning.
“Chicken out of what?” Marianne asked, coming into the kitchen.
“The right moment.” Henry replied, feeling his face burn, and took a deep gulp of the chilled wine, trying to cool his face off and fortify his nerves.
“You'll find it, Henry.” She told him, rubbing his broad back, trying to be encouraging and supportive of her son. “Don't rush it.”
“I won't.” Henry sighed, picking up the two wine glasses. “I want it to be perfect.”
Henry took the glasses into the living room, finding you sitting on the couch and took a seat beside you, holding out one of the glasses. You smiled at him, taking the glass and kissed him on the cheek, before taking a sip of it. Henry wrapped an arm around you, sipped his wine and got caught up in the flow of the conversation that was going on with everybody.
“They're all so nice.” Your mother said as the two of you went into the kitchen for more wine.
“They really are.” You replied, smiling as you heard Henry's laugh carry into the kitchen. “They're incredibly loving and supportive, especially towards Henry and I.” You told her, then sighed.
Henry's mother had been right, people did find out about you being a Slummer, and it had happened sooner than both of you had thought it would.
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A month after returning to London from Bristol, you and Henry were at a Cleric Fundraiser, which was held every year to raise money to donate to one of the lower Sectors, so they could use it as they saw fit; usually to help buy supplies for the Sector's Hospital. When a woman approached you, while Henry went to find the Fundraiser Manager, so he could donate money to the event.
“So, your High Marshal Cavill's new girl.” She said, lifting a sculpted brow at you.
“I am.” You replied, frowning at her, in her glittering and almost skin tight dress. “Who are you?”
“I'm Natasha, Beta Cleric Shaw's wife.” She told you, still giving you a mean and judgmental expression. “Henry and I dated, a while back.” She added, tossing her straight black hair over her shoulder with a swish of her head. “We were serious, for a moment, before I left him.” She said, an evil smugness glinting in her gray eyes.
“I never thought Henry would stoop so low, as to date a Slummer.” She said, her upper lip curling with distaste.
“H-how do you know that?” You asked, gulping and feeling your hands tremble.
“My husband was on the Council panel, when you testified against Oron Anderson.” Natasha replied, resting a hand on her hip. “He told me all about you being from Sector Twenty-Eight and how long you spent in that trafficker's warehouse in Thirty-One; before Henry bought you.”
“How's it feel to be his bought and paid for play thing?” She asked, looking you over.
“I'm not.” You replied, your voice barely audible.
“You can think that and Henry can tell you that, but we-” She motioned around the room, the gold and diamond bangles rattling on her thin wrist. “All know the truth.” She told you, tipping her nose up at you, then walked away.
Your breath hitched in your throat as hot tears prickled at the corners of your eyes, before turning your back to her and rushed out of the room. Henry had been halfway back, just missing Natasha walking away from you, when he saw the look of anguish on your face and rush out of the room. Scanning the room, trying to see what had caused it, Henry rushed after you. You took your heels off as you got out the front doors of the venue and ran into the manicured garden to the side of it. Henry finally caught up with you, finding you gulping down deep mouthfuls of cold night air by a massive fountain.
“Hey.” He whispered, resting his hand on your goosebump and chilled skin. “What's wrong?” He asked, shrugging out of his blazer and draping it over your shaking shoulders, before hugging you against his chest, your tears spilling over onto his dark gray dress shirt.
“What happened? Tell me.”
“They know.” You sobbed, clinging onto him and getting makeup all over his shirt.
“Who knows what, babe?” He asked, cupping your head in his hands and pulled your face away from his chest.
“They know what I am.” You cried, your bottom lip puffy and trembling.
Henry blinked at you for a moment, before his brain connected to what you meant and his eyes widened.
“Yeah.” You gasped and sighed. “They know I'm just a fucking sl-”
“Don't.” He snapped, shaking his head at you.
“I am, Henry.” You hissed back at him, becoming angry. “I'm a Slummer and they know it.” You huffed, trying to pull away from him.
Henry bit his lip, biting back his own frustrated anger. “Who told you this?” He demanded, keeping a hold on you.
“Your ex.”
Henry's shoulders slumped and he squeezed his eyes shut. “Natasha.” He growled between clenched teeth.
“Yes, her.” You nodded, folding your arms inside his blazer. “Told me how the two of you dated, before she left you, and that everyone knew that I was a Slummer, because her husband told her about me testifying at Twist's trial.”
“How the hell does she know you testified at Twist's trial.” Henry frowned, taken aback.
“Her husband is, apparently, Beta Cleric Shaw.”
“So, she did end up with a Cleric after all.” Henry sighed, shaking his head.
“What?” You snapped at him.
“The reason Natasha broke up with me, was because I wouldn't leave the Marshal Council to become either a Cleric or a Royal. She wanted that posh and expensive life that they have. But, I wouldn't do it, I love being a High Marshal. So, she left me, and apparently got what she wanted in the end.” He sighed, rubbing his face.
“But, I don't care about that. What I care about is her trying to hurt you.”
“She did a damn good job.” You whispered, staring down at your bare toes. “Called me, your bought and paid for plaything.”
“Look at me.” He whispered, touching his fingertips underneath your chin and lifted your head, until your wet eyes met his. “You're not my 'bought and paid for' plaything. We both know that, sweetheart. She's just a salty and unhappy woman, that only gets her happiness out of watching others suffer, and other people might know about you being from the lower Sectors, but she's only one crazy enough to say anything about it to your, my, or any of my family's face or within earshot of us either.” He told you, gently swiping his thumbs beneath your eyes, wiping away your tears.
“As for her husband speaking about the trial, when he's not allowed to speak to anyone about it outside of the Councils, and she's nowhere near a position on them, he's going to be in a load of trouble, when I bring it up to my mum.”
“I don't want him to get into trouble because his wife is apparently a bitch.” You told him, grasping his wrists.
“I know you don't, love.” Henry smiled at you. “But, if he's talking to his wife about them, then he's more than likely talking to others he's not supposed to, and that's a breach and violation of his position. The Councils have to be told about it.” He explained to you.
“What, will you not tell me things, if I were your wife?” You asked him, trying to tease him.
“I'm a High Marshal, my job is less top secret and involved than a Cleric or Royal.” Henry replied, chuckling. “I don't know how interested you'd be in me talking about homicide cases, they tend to be a bit graphic.”
“I wouldn't mind. Especially, if you needed to get something off your chest, if one is really bothering you.” You confessed, biting your lip as you looked up at him, recalling all the nightmares you had soothed him through.
“I'll keep that in mind.” Henry smiled, kissing you. “You want to go back in?” He asked you, looking back at the building. “Or we could ditch it, go back home and have a movie night.”
You pressed your lips together, thinking about it. Part of you wanted to go back in and face Natasha's no doubt judgmental glares the rest of the night, showing her that you weren't going to be intimidated by her and what she thought, but if you were honest, now that you were calm, you didn't actually care what she thought.
“I like the idea of movie night.” You said, looking back up at Henry.
“So do I.” Henry agreed. “I'm dying for a pair of sweats.”
“You are?” You laughed, looking at yourself in the tight gown and your bare, but screaming, feet.
“I wouldn't mind helping you out of that.” Henry chuckled, grinning and winking at you.
You grinned up at him and had a feeling that the impromptu movie night wouldn't last long, if the expression on Henry's face was anything to go off of.
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“What is it, honey?” Your mother asked, seeing that far off look in your eyes.
“Nothing.” You laughed, shaking it off.
The back door came flying open and several of the kids came running in from outside, yelling and screaming as they went to their respective parents.
“Christophe, what's the matter?” Your mother asked him, frowning.
“Come look! Come look!” He said, grabbing his mother's hand and dragging her out the back door.
You frowned after them and looked to Henry as he and everyone from the living room filed through the kitchen and out the back door. “What's going on, Babe?” You asked him, as he took your hand and guided you outside with them.
“It's snowing, Nugget.” He grinned at you, excited for you to see it.
You let Henry lead you outside, gasping as you stepped out onto the back deck and into the heavy flurry of thick white flakes. Henry smiled, moving to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you back against him, kissing the back of your hair and resting his chin on top of your head, gently swaying as you both watched the snow fly. You were memorized by it, even with how cold it was, tilting your head back and smiling up at Henry, who smiled back at you, kissing your forehead.
“I'll be right back, I have to grab something.” He said, letting go of you and going back inside.
“This is amazing.” Christophe said, and stuck his tongue out like Henry's nieces and nephews, catching the flakes on it.
You smirked at him, tilting your own head back a bit and did the same, giggling as the snowflakes melted on your tongue and oblivious of Henry coming up behind you.
“Babe?” He called out, getting your attention.
You turned around to face him, but had to drop your eyes down slightly, as he knelt before you in the gathering snow on the wood deck. “Henry?” You answered, blinked down at his, confused.
“Oh god.” You heard someone gasp.
“I know,” Henry started, looking incredibly worried and nervous. “we've been through a whole lot since we met, a year and a half a go, but for all that, I wouldn't have wanted to endure any of that, without you.” He explained, fidgeting and fumbling for something in his back pocket. “I love you. I want to be with you and spend the rest of my life with you, only you.”
“So, I want to ask you something.”
“Okay.” You grinned, feeling how warm your cheeks were getting and the flurry of butterflies flying around your stomach, like the snowflakes in the air around you.
“Will you marry me?” He asked, in a rush, his nerves getting the better of him, as he opened the box and revealed a beautiful diamond ring.
A huge smile pulled across your face and giggled nervously, you were speechless for a minute, completely stunned and surprised by Henry proposing to you, then finally managed to answer.
“Yes.” You nodded, giddy. “Yes!” You laughed.
“Oh thank god.” Henry laughed back, relieved, then slipped the ring onto your finger, standing up and wrapping his arms around you, kissing you deeply.
Everyone clapped and cheered, happy for the both of you.
Five months later, you and Henry walked down the aisle and married, in a private ceremony, attended only by friends and family, the people that mattered to the both of you, and it was two years after that, that you two of you moved into a house in his family's neighborhood and welcomed your first child, a boy, that you both mutually agreed on, and named, Michail. If it wasn't for your brother, in so many ways, neither you or Henry would have met and fallen in love.
Your life was perfect now and even though you had lost your brother, neither you or Henry would change it for anything.
-- END --
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I’ll see you again
Mod Mikan: I usually don’t write for the killing game, but I just got super inspired. This is based off of a headcanon that my lovely daughter @annastormfly shared with me a few weeks ago, and it’s also a gift to her. So um....yeah. This will most likely be my first and last time writing in the killing game AU. I, uh...got nothing else to say. Enjoy :)
Trigger warnings: Death, Suicide at the end
Kokichi knew that Miu was up to something. He had his violet-hued orbs locked into what she was doing, scanning her every movement as she started to work on the virtual world via the electronic technology that created the computer room. The ultimate supreme leader still kept his suspicions held high when she gathered everyone to the technological filled room after she was done. It took some--er, interesting--banter between the ultimate inventor her classmates, along with Monokuma and his remaining monokubs to ensure that it was safe. But what grasped everyone’s attention the most was the ‘secret of the outside’ world
“Huh? There’s a clue about the....secret of the outside world in this simulator? I.....” Anna’s voice trailed off, thinking for a second. Her eyes reverted from the large monitor in the middle of the room, back to Miu’s face, growing some slightly impatient to flat-out annoyed at her. Contemplating the possibilities, both positive and negative, that could result in this risk, the ultimate Dragon Trainer was about to make up her mind
That was...until she felt the warmth of small hand wrap around her own. With a tiny squeeze, her eyes turned to Kokichi’s amethyst colored ones. He extended his height by standing on his tippy-toes, whispering in her ear
“Don’t worry, Anna. You remember what I promised you when we got together? I’ll protect you with my life. No lies,” He smirked, making a pastel pink blush dust upon Anna cheeks. Her boyfriend could be such a pain at times, but when he really needed to tend to his lover, he always knew what to say. He was immaculate with his words and actions when the time called for it, which she absolutely adored
“Hey! Fucking liar and fucking slut! You done whispering about your next fuck session tonight?!” The strawberry blond snarled at them, making Kokichi roll his eyes and plaster an, albeit nonchalant, terrifying poker face towards her direction, earning a slightly frightened face from her
“Geez, don’t get your soaked panties in a twist. We’re coming, we’re coming,” The short-statured leader sighed, taking his seat next to his girlfriend. As he sat down and hooked up the proper wires to his helmet, he gave his girlfriend’s hand one last squeeze, gazing into her eyes for a split second, silently assuring her that everything was going to be okay. Y/N flashed a small smile in his direction as well, ready to tackle anything that happened to them--in reality or the virtual world
And with that, they were whisked away into the virtual world, followed my Miu’s commands 
Which only later proved Kokichi’s suspicions
The victim was Anna, the ultimate Dragon Trainer. The body was discovered in the computer room on the fifth floor. The approximate time of death was 6:30 am. The cause of death was a blow to the back of the head 
Shuichi mumbled to himself, reading the monopad he was given. He bit his lip, frustrated at not only the horrifying sight of one of his best friends with a bleeding gash to the back of their head, but with Kokichi in a state that no one thought he was capable of
The ultimate supreme leader was kneeled down next to his lover’s corpse, bawling his eyes out. Waterfalls poured from his glossy eyes, sniffles left his chapped lips in between heavy breathes. Every time he tried to steady himself and stand back up, he was brought back down to his knees, falling into the pit of despair that was put in front of him. A single blow to his lover’s head.....
How could he let this happen? 
He tried to say something when Miu decided on the investigation groups. He knew it was a bad idea to let her call the shots, despite her creating this world. But the ultimate inventor was as stubborn as...well, as she always perceived herself 
Was it...his fault he couldn’t stop her head-strong attitude? 
“Anna.....” Kokichi started to choke out, raising a surprised look on Shuichi’s face. He ran towards Kokichi, about to comfort and lift him back on his feet, but the shorter boy just snubbed him away. He carried on with his monologue, but really, was speaking and begging for an apology from the only person he was sure he could trust 
“Anna....I...I said I would....” 
Another sob escaped from his lips
“I said I would protect you......Wh-what kind of leader am I?” He fumbled along his words, containing no energy--or motivation--to even lie in this situation. Shuichi hesitated, before placing a gentle hand on Kokichi’s shoulder. He looked up from his hunched over form, looking at the ultimate detective with a tear-strained face
Not even Kokichi could lie about the despair he felt
“Kokichi.....we need to start investigating. After that, we’ll start the trial and bring Anna’s killer to justice,” Shuichi said, trying to assure Kokichi. The purple haired male just nodded, still not standing up and composing himself after his sob session
“Who....who did this?” Was all he asked. Shuichi frowned, knowing Kokichi needed to clear answer to who brought this upon the only person that was the beacon of light in his broken life 
“WHO DID THIS?!” This time, it came out as a demanding screech, allowing a surge of energy to rush through his small body, enabling him to finally stand up. Before Shuichi could say anything more, Kokichi took a deep breath, looking Shuichi’s in the eyes one last time
“I’ll.....join you later,” 
The dark-haired detective nodded, pausing before heading off to question Kaito about his sudden disappearance during the investigation. Kokichi turned back to his girlfriend’s dead body, pressing a kiss on her forehead. His body was all dry from tears to cry, but he choked out another sniffle, running a lanky hand through her hair. Below a whisper, he made one last promise to her 
“Don’t worry, my queen......we’ll bring your killer to justice. And after that, you won’t have to wait long for me. I promise,” 
“The murder must’ve took place during the investigation. It was Anna, Kaito, Kiibo, Kokichi, me, and Tsumugi investigating the mansion area,” Shuichi started, covering his hand with his mouth, as if he was trying his best to recall the events of the scene. Shuichi fixated his eyes onto Miu who remained...awfully quiet during the trial
“Miu, if I recall, you....” Shuichi grimaced at the obvious action of her flipping the sign off the bridge, making it fall into the water on purpose. “...Accidentally” he continued to speak “Accidentally dropped the sign board down the river stream, yes?” Shuichi asked her, earning a small nod from her
“Y-Yeah! So what?! That only means it couldn’t possibly be me! After all, I was investigating the chapel with everyone else!” She snapped, making Shuichi fall silent for a while. Before he could open his mouth to further press the matter, Kokichi interrupted him with a harsh tone
“That cum-soaked urinal cake is toooottallly lying!” He pointed out, shooting daggers in Miu’s direction. She flinched, stuttering and falling upon her words, failing at forming a sentence to squeak out. Shuichi turned to Kokichi with a confused expression painted on his face, which made Kokichi bark an abrupt explanation to his seldom grave attitude 
“Kokichi? Wh--” 
“I’m not here to play games during this trial. One of you killed my precious Anna. I know exactly who, too. To save you to the boring and pointless mystery-solving shit, I’ll be frank. No lies,” Kokichi cleared his voice, his intense, malicious glance never ripping away from Miu’s face. With that, Kokichi cleared everyone from being executed, except for the killer that brought his lover to hell. The one who ripped the only good thing that happened to Kokichi
“Anna’s killer is Miu Iruma,”  
“Ding! Ding! Ding! You guys got it right again! Wow, four times in a row!” Monokuma cheered, as Miu was panicking and quivering in fear. She was sweating bullets, too frightened to even glare at Kokichi and scream at him for calling her out
“I-I-I....” Miu stumbled once again with her words, trying to say something to at least die with peace from everyone. Kokichi didn’t bother looking at Miu’s direction, hiding his already sobbing face in Gonta’s chest. The ultimate Entomologist hugged him gently, patting his back
“Gonta very sorry, Kokichi. Anna in better place now,” The large gentleman tried his best to comfort the supreme leader, only to gain more wails and genuine cries from him. Himiko watched Kokichi’s whole break down, shocked at the sincerity he showed from his cries. She frowned, looking down, flashbacks and agonizing memories flooding her own brain 
Pondering over her own crying after Tenko and Angie’s trial 
“So he can cry real tears....” The ultimate mage slurred out, almost feeling a seed of pity bloom inside of her, watching Kokichi seek more warmth from Gonta’s embrace. Shuichi turned to Miu, a glare glossed over his face, determined to find her reason
“Why did you do it, Miu? Please...at the end...at least give us a reason,” He stated flatly, desiring some sort of answer that would--hopefully--display a human side of Miu. Maybe her reasoning wasn’t shallow?
“B-But you don’t understand! The world needs my genius! P-Please!” Miu howled, balling her hands into fist, weakly shaking them. Tears left her face, as they streamed and strained down her cheeks. She looked at Shuichi, her blue orbs pawning at Kokichi’s breakdown next, and finally towards Monokuma. Getting down on her knees, the same way she was when persuading everyone to try out her virtual world simulator, she was ready to beg for her life
“PLEASE! PLEASE MONOKUMA! I DON’T WANNA DIE! PLEASE, I NEED TO GET OUT HERE!!!!” She sniveled obnoxiously, knowing damn well that she wasn’t going to be let off the hook so easily. Of course, the dual-colored bear just laughed at her pathetic nature, his mind not changing
“And waste such an elaborate punishment I have prepared for you? Wow, so insensitive of you. Not thinking about how much thought I put into your very own execution,” Monokuma placed a fake facade of sadness radiating from his atmosphere
“So rude of you not to think of Daddy!” Monophanie huffed and turned to her brother, whom was....er--still suffering from memory loss. Monotaro gasped and whimpered at his mother still shaking like a lost puppy
“Mommy! Don’t go!” He roared, just sending Miu into another breakdown. Before she could even speak, another desperate plea for mercy about to leave her hoarse throat, she felt a tap on her shoulder. The ultimate inventor whipped her head, looking down at Kokichi. Like hers, his face was stained with tear stains and even more red from his immense breakdown. But his words was a cool and torturing contrast to what he was about to spew out next 
“Now you get to feel the pain you caused Anna.....only this time....I hope Monokuma triples it,” 
Monokuma took Kokichi’s final words as a signal to finally conclude the fourth class trial
“Now, I prepared a special punishment for Miu Iruma, the ultimate inventor! It’s punishment time!!!!” 
Kokichi didn’t get much sleep that night. He lied down, staring at the ceiling of his room. He frowned, feeling the emptiness of the bed that he sometimes shared with Anna. All those nights he got paranoid and have nightmares about the killing game. The one person he trusted with his life....the one person he, on layman terms “loved”
Ripped away from him
“What’s the point of living anymore....” He mumbled to himself. Having no energy to even crawl out of bed. He entrusted Anna with his plans to end this killing game. To win it, and take her with him. But what was the point of that now? He saw the only good in his world lying lifelessly on the floor of the computer room
“Everyone hates me......the one person that didn’t is gone.....” 
Kokichi felt tired, but couldn’t sleep. It was excruciating. Go to sleep, dammit! He told himself, slapping his cheeks to knock some pointless sense into him. 
But there was one thing he can do
Kokichi yanked off the bedsheets from the mattress, wrapping them into the form of a noose. Tying one end around his neck, he looped the other one from his ceiling and tied off the end to make it tight. Stepping onto the bed with a lovestruck, yet twisted smile on his face, a final verbal message escaped his mouth 
“I’ll see you very soon, my queen...”
“A body has been discovered! Everyone, please report to Kokichi Ouma’s dorm!” 
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kalaluchi · 3 years
chapter 03: Game Night
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Marinette found that she could say no to a lot of things.
She could say no to Chloe’s attempts to give her a makeover, she could say no to Kim’s challenges to a 50-meter freestyle race, she could say no to Nino’s invites to a movie screening with a bunch of friends. (Especially on a school night. Waaaay too much work to be done, sadly.)
And usually, usually, she could say no to her best friend Alya’s elaborate schemes.
But apparently not when it was disguised as a harmless game night with some of their classmates.
And definitely not when her best friend got her super ultra crush, the gorgeous Adrien Agreste, to be the one to invite her.
“Hey, Marinette,” he said, walking up to her one day. “I heard from Nino that Alya’s planning a game night this weekend. A sort of class bonding activity, I’m guessing. Seeing as you’re Alya’s best friend, I take it that means you’ll be there, right?”
Marinette suddenly wanted to strangle said best friend. Alya most definitely did not say anything about a game night the last time they talked. This invitation reeked of “Alya Césaire’s Half-Brilliant Plan #143” or whatever the brunette liked to call them. Marinette was fairly sure her best friend would try to pull something to get her and Adrien together.
(Not that she was complaining. She appreciated it, of course, but one still had to be wary when dealing with the great fairy godmother Alya Césaire.)
But more importantly-- how dare Alya not warn her that Adrien would talk to her that day. Then Marinette could’ve at least worn the new top Alya had said looked cute on her.
“Uh,” Marinette hedged, trying to come up with a reasonable excuse to avoid all embarrassment , “I’m actually not sure if I can be there since I have… things… to do. I also have...stuff.” She gulped. “Yup, that’s… that’s what keeps me busy… things and...stuff.” She smacked herself internally.
“Oh, that’s too bad. I was looking forward to seeing you there. I heard you’re a master at board games.” He chuckled, and, no, Marinette’s heart did not flutter and her cheeks didn’t burn at the sound. “But I get what you mean about… things… and stuff. Life of the busy, eh? Try to take breaks when you work, though, ‘kay? Good luck with… things and stuff. Uhm, see you around, Marinette!”
Marinette forced a smile as he turned away. Don’t cave, it’s for your own good, don’t cave, don’t cave, don’t--
“But!” Marinette added suddenly, causing Adrien to turn back in surprise. “If that’s the case, I mean, psh, what’s one weekend, right? I could… probably push my schedule back a bit, have some fun for once. I think I deserve this,” she said firmly, talking mostly to herself.
Adrien grinned, and her heart skipped a beat at the way his eyes shone with excitement. “That’s good to hear! I agree, you deserve this break. See you Saturday night, then!”
With that he walked away, leaving Marinette imagining that he’d said those words in the context of a romantic first date, perhaps a candle lit dinner after a cheesy film, and not in the context of a seemingly harmless game night where she was almost sure her luck would abandon her only for the fates would laugh in her face.
Alya told everyone the game night would start at 8pm. Naturally, this meant Marinette had to be at Alya’s place at 7:30pm, helping set up.
“So, what game are we playing,” Marinette asked, trying for a nonchalant tone as she opened a bag of chips.
Alya laughed aloud. “Ha! Nice try, Mari. But no spoilers. You’ll find out at the same time as everyone else. Now can you pass me those vases? I’m betting Kim’s gonna knock them over if we don’t put them away.”
Marinette handed them over with a sigh. “Okay, that’s fair. But I already know you’re up to something. Isn’t it just easier to tell me your plan so I can mentally prepare for it? Who knows, I might even choose to play along.”
“Plan…? I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” Alya turned away, but not before Marinette caught the mischievous gleam in her best friend’s eyes.
She was about to press further, when there was a knock on the door. “Yo, Alya!” Nino’s voice. “Open up, will ya?”
“Coming!” Alya shouted back, carefully stepping around the pillows she’d set up on the floor. Just like that, the matter was dropped as the guests started pouring in.
There were about 10 of them, all talking lively as they sat on the floor around a table. Marinette started passing around bowls of chips while her best friend got the stuff for the games from her room. She tried to hold on to one last bowl though, eyeing the pillow-seats at the far end of the room and trying to come up with an excuse to go over there and hand Adrien the bowl herself.
She was halfway there when Alya suddenly appeared. “Esteemed guests!” she announced in a loud voice. “I have, behind my back, the game we will play tonight. We’ll be playing--” She paused for dramatic effect, making sure everyone’s eyes were on her. “-- the Modified Game of Life, aka Game of Life: Alya Césaire edition!”
Marinette inwardly groaned, her own plan forgotten. Handing the bowl of chips to a seated Juleka, she made her way to a pair of empty seats in one part of the room -- one for her, one for Alya of course. Despite her initial want to approach Adrien that night, a part of her told her she should be grateful she wasn’t seated next to him.
“Alright, everyone, settle down!” Alya said, obviously excited to be facilitating. She took her place next to Marinette and grinned. She moved to open the box… and paused. And looked around the room as if deep in thought. “Actually,” she said, “I kind of want to sit beside my boyfriend.”
Marinette’s eyes widened, knowing where this was going. “Alya,” she hissed, “don’t you dare--”
“Adrien!” the brunette called across the room. “I was wondering if I could sit beside Nino, but I don’t want everyone to move one seat up just for me. Is it ok with you if we switch places?”
“Sure,” the blond said easily, getting up.
All Marinette could do was open and close her mouth as her best friend gave her a wink and a squeeze of the hand. “Good luck!”
Luck? Why would Marinette need luck?
“Hey,” Adrien greeted as he sat down beside her. “You ever played this game before?”
“No,” Marinette said through gritted teeth, “I actually have not.”
“Ah. Me neither, of course. May the best… Life-er win, I guess?”
Despite her apprehensions about the game, Marinette had to laugh. “May the best Life-er win!”
The first few rounds, Marinette had to admit the Alya Césaire edition was pretty fun. Instead of the careers you might normally see in the game (doctor, engineer, accountant, etc.), this one had all sorts you could pick and choose from. 30 minutes into the game, Marinette was quite satisfied with her life as a professional fashion designer who lived in a 3.5 story all-pink cottage-house with her pet ladybug, turtle, bunny, cat, horse, and snake, and who loved to fight crime in her spare time.
Naturally, that was when everything went wrong. Okay… not everything. And not wrong, if Marinette had to be honest. But still.
Of course it was Adrien’s turn to draw a card (right after Marinette got her fifth paycheck. Score!). And of course it was one of those marriage cards. But with a twist. Of course.
“Congratulations!” Adrien read aloud. “You’re married to the love of your life, the person on your right. Collect 2000 for your honeymoon.” He turned to the right, where Marinette was staring straight ahead, stiff as a board, trying not to let the blush on her cheeks spread.
So that’s what Alya meant when she said good luck-- good luck, I hope Adrien picks up the marriage card. She turned to her in-game husband, and forced a smile. “Woah, look at that. Married. Fun.”
“Uh, Adrien,” Alya called out. “I think there’s an additional note at the bottom.”
“Huh, you’re right.” He read it silently, then chuckled. “It says, ‘call your new wife ‘babe’ to get another 500.’” He grinned at the blue-haired girl. “What do you say, babe? Do you want to live the rest of our lives together?”
The only thing Marinette wanted at that moment was to melt into her shoes from embarrassment, but instead she managed to force out a, “Sure thing. Babe.” For a second Adrien looked shocked, and she thought she saw a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. But then he laughed and it was gone.
Which obviously left Marinette wondering whether she imagined it or not. So much so that she lost focus on the game until it was her turn again. And just like real life, the game proved yet again to be full of surprises.
She began to read aloud, “Woo-hoo, you got kids! Spin the wheel to find out by how many your family has grown. Married? Get more people pegs to put in the car you share with your spouse. Unmarried? Get more pet pegs to put in your car, and maybe some doggy wipes while you’re at it.” She spun the wheel. Three.
“Perfect,” Adrien said good-naturedly, reaching for the bag of pegs. “I’ve always wanted three kids. What’ll it be? All boys? All girls? Two boys, one girl? Vice versa?”
Marinette mumbled something under her breath, trying to fight back a blush.
“Y-you can choose,” she stammered. “I, uh, I think I want more… food.” She turned away, pretending to scan the room. It was only half an excuse. She really had wanted something 10 minutes ago, but she couldn’t at the moment remember what.
“You want popcorn? It’s right--” Adrien stopped abruptly, caught off guard to find himself nearly nose-to-nose with Marinette.
How cliché. Horribly, horribly, absolutely cliché. Marinette felt her face heat up, though she was frozen in place.
“Honey,” she breathed out, finally remembering what she’d wanted to get. Honey to go with the cereal in her bowl.
“Yes, honey?” Adrien replied without missing a beat. “What was it you wanted?”
“Uh, n-no, not, no, I meant,” Marinette sputtered, unable to finish a coherent sentence for a full 10 seconds. She was pretty sure her face was beet red, right down to her neck. She cleared her throat, and stood up. “I’m gonna go look for the honey,” she said, praying he didn’t notice her blush.
Well played, Alya. Well played. From then on Marinette swore to never go near a Game of Life again.
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the-inc-den · 3 years
I Think This Could Be the Start of a New Life (The Inc Den)
A/N: Oh hi 👋🏻. Here’s the first piece I guess. Figured I’d get everyone introduced. I hope you enjoy them because I love everyone dearly. so yeah.
Warnings: None? swearing I guess, but this is SFW
Summary: River would really like to stop being sexiled from their apartment.
Word Count: 4.5K
River was lounging on the couch in the main space of their apartment waiting for their roommate Lacey to come out of the bathroom. Literally lounging as one foot was propped up on the couch while the other stayed on the floor, careful to keep their still shoe wearing foot off the couch lest Nox or Lacey throw a fit. They were scrolling through their phone and half answering texts from their work group chat, Al and Roger debating pop music influences with commentary chimed in from time to time. They tapped their foot to some mental tune they were playing to keep themselves occupied, probably something that was on Drake’s playlist that they’d heard at work. River had to wonder if Nox was in the room and waiting for them to leave before coming out, but they were probably still curled up under Lacey’s bed. River threw their head back and let out a groan as they looked at the clock on their phone, Lacey’d been getting ready for nearly an hour.
“Lace, c’mon, do you want to get to Labyrinth before last call or not?” They called. They hardly remembered why they had agreed to accompany Lacey on her night out, she was just going to meet up with Scott and then sexile River from the apartment. Then River would have to call up Drake or Roger or Al and crash on their couch and they weren’t super keen on doing that tonight, their hips still hurt from the last time they’d had to. Lacey exited the bathroom with her red hair curled and her makeup done to perfection which was really impressive, River just wished it didn’t take an hour to do.
“Please tell me you’re not going out like that?” Lacey pleaded. River looked over their outfit: ripped jeans, Converse that had seen better days if the faded canvas and scuffed bottoms were any indication, and their “River’s Fight School” t-shirt that Lacey had made them after the “worst breakup she’d ever experienced” that had ended with River threatening to kick the ex’s ass. The outfit had been what they’d worn on shift and it’d been fine, mostly because unlike Roger, they never dressed to impress at the shop.
“I am, because may I remind you I’m not keen on impressing anyone. Besides, I wanna sleep comfortably on whatever couch I have to end up crashing on.” River replied with only a dash of bitterness sneaking into their tone. Lacey rolled her eyes and slid her boots on.
“Fine, fine, c’mon,” Lacey said. River stood up and grabbed their jacket off the couch arm.
“Nox, don’t tear the apartment apart!” River shouted into the apartment as they closed the door. Their typical parting words to the shadow monster who lived under Lacey’s bed.
The duo walked to Labyrinth with little fuss, minus Lacey occasionally twirling her hair around her finger. After six years of friendship, River knew that she was nervous about something.
“Are you and Scott okay?” They asked.
“What? Oh! Yeah, totally, work’s just been a pain and I’m… wait what —“
“You’re twirling your hair,” River said, miming the gesture by twisting their bangs out of their face. Lacey looked over at her finger and immediately dropped her hand.
“Damn you Rio,”
“You love me,” they were quick to interject with a smile. Lacey chuckled as they approached the bar. Frankie was standing outside and Lacey smiled up at the rakassha as she entered and River gave a mock salute. “Evenin’ Frankie,” they said and received a nod in response. River walked in and was almost smacked by the noise. Boys Don’t Cry was playing over the speakers as the bar and surrounding tables were crowded. As to be expected on a Friday night.
“Lacey Loo!” A male voice yelled from one of the side tables. Lacey grinned as she turned to greet the voice. Decked in a red plaid shirt and good jeans was Scott, the himbo werewolf boyfriend. He was a good guy, he and River got along when they hung out together, they were just… loud when it came to nightly extracurriculars, and that was before getting into the whole “is a werewolf” thing. River nodded that they were taking their leave as Lacey went over to Scott and they found themselves going to the bar. They waited for the bartender to finish dealing with some newbies as they took their seat in their usual stool. It was a miracle that as busy as the bar was, they managed to snag it. If River didn’t know any better, they might’ve thought that Chrissa was saving it for them. They watched the orc bartender work, she eventually turned around and seemed relieved to see River.
“Finally, someone easy,” she said with a sigh. River chuckled and smiled.
“Hey Chrissa, my usual?” They asked.
“One mildly large glass of Coca Cola, coming up.” She said as she pulled a glass and the soda gun. Chrissa filled it and slid it to River with a smile, garnished with its usual orange umbrella, a mental note to whoever came on shift after Chrissa or simply any passing waiter that River wasn’t drinking. They snuck a glance around the bar, trying to spot if there was anyone they knew hanging around. Other than Scott and Lacey cozied up in the corner, the answer seemed to be a resounding no, not that it wasn’t expected. River sighed and went back to focusing on Chrissa doing her work. They’d always had a fascination with watching the bartender work, it was always interesting, trying to follow Chrissa’s hands move and grab the bottles without thinking too hard about what they were, measuring the liquor with ease that only came from repeated movements and months of training before her first shift. Laurence had hired her after he got tired of working the bar himself, roughly around the same time River and Lacey had started frequenting the place when they first moved to the city.
Chrissa dealt with some customers at the other end of the bar before coming back in front of River.
“How was work by the way?” She asked. River shrugged in response.
“Wasn’t too bad, mostly just stayed in the basement with Drake.” They said, the record shop they worked at had a light dampened basement for those who didn’t do well with sunlight, which included their vampire coworker. River just liked it because it was usually a lot quieter than working the upstairs front counter. Even if Al sometimes sent the most ridiculous requests down to them.
“No wonder you’re so fucking pale,” Chrissa joked as she cleaned glasses. River just rolled their eyes.
“Hey, I’m pale because of a lot of reasons. The basement and Nox are just two of the reasons.” They remarked.
“How is Nox by the way?”
“Good, he’s mostly keeping to himself, deep cleaned the apartment the other day and I didn’t even know he could do that.”  River remarked with a chuckle. Nox didn’t pay rent, but he usually made up for it by keeping the apartment clean when Lacey and them couldn’t. “I think he wrote something about wanting to try manifesting fully again while we were there, but we haven’t been in the apartment at the same time long enough.”
“Scott?” Chrissa asked. River groaned and nodded.
“I swear, it’d be easier if they just moved in together so I could start looking for other roommates, but they’re “still taking it slow”.” River remarked.
“Heads up, someone headed your way,” Chrissa said, her tone of voice taking on a dash of an edge. River furrowed their brow until they turned and saw a purple skinned woman stride toward them with a glint in their eyes that River had a sneaking suspicion they should fear.
“Do you?” River asked with a slight head tilt of confusion
“Yeah, if it were anyone else, I’d say run.”
“But it’s me so…”
“Oh I’m so looking forward to what comes next.” Chirssa said with a laugh as they moved down the bar a bit. The woman who finished coming over made a show of coming next to River without getting into their personal space. River watched them out of the corner of their eye, waiting to see what the play was.
“What’re you drinking sweetie?” The woman asked. She had wavy purple and pink hair with white ox horns that curved just below her chin.
“Just soda, I’m a DD tonight,” River lied. Not about the soda, but about being the DD. Really, they were waiting for the text that said they were out of an apartment tonight, but DD seemed like the safer excuse.
“Ah, the responsible friend, those are always nice to have, I’ve never had the luck,” the woman said with a smile. Her voice sounded like honey and it was pleasant to listen to. But between Chrissa’s warnings and this woman seeming to lay on thick whatever it was they were trying, River let a chuckle escape them. “What?” she asked with a slight tilt of her head.
“You’ve struck out Misae,” Chrissa said, coming back over with a martini glass with pink liquid in it. “You managed to pick the one ace human in the whole establishment.”
“I doubt that,” River remarked, the venn diagram of “ace being” and “human” in this establishment was a thin middle ground, but not one person thin. At least, as far as River knew. Misae however chuckled and smiled.
“Then I’m terribly sorry about all of that,”
“Ah don’t worry about it, you’re still pretty and I like getting hit on by pretty women even if they are trying to mildly charm me.” River said with a grin. “I’m River,” they said, offering their hand.
“Misae as Chirssa mentioned, charmed to meet you River,” She said, shaking hands with a gentle grace. When they released each other's hands, Misae furrowed her brow. “Nothing?” She asked which got another laugh out of River. “Not a thing,” they said.
“Wow…” Misae said with a sigh as she took a sip of her drink. River thought she’d leave and go find another target before a grin came onto her lips. “Would you mind coming and pranking my friends? I’ve got one who needs to be taken down a peg and I think you’ll be my secret weapon.” She asked. River looked over at Chrissa who gave a short nod.
“If it’s who I think it is, they’ll knock him down several pegs.” She said, River turned back to Misae who was still grinning, more conspiratorial than sensual, they snuck a quick glance to where Lacey and Scott were still curled up together before facing Misae again.
“Yeah why not,” they said as they popped off their barstool. Misae giggled and offered her hand, a hand that River took, as she dragged them to a booth tucked into the back of the bar, it was an eight person booth currently filled with three similar looking individuals, in so much as they weren’t human and definitely had demonic lineage. River did their best to not make assumptions, but judging on what Misae had brought them over to achieve, the members of the table were all various forms of incubi. Concubi? Was that the technical term? One on the edge of the seating arrangement was a light blue man with his horns curving up from his forehead and a darker blue coloring on his cheek that River had a hard time telling if it was a blush or makeup.
“Mis, who’s this?” He asked, his voice slightly higher than expected and a curious look on his face.
“This is River, River this is Azzy,” the light blue one who smiled slightly and River was pretty convinced that this was the closest they were going to experience an embarrassed incubus. “Kori,” a maroon inc who seemed to be the eldest of the group as he simply smiled at their appearance. He had long hair tied up in a bun and River felt a little bit more at ease seeing him. “And Joliet,” another maroon skinned being who was grinning, he also had tied up black hair, though he wore jewelry on his horns. “Where’s Rose?” Misae asked as she gestured for River to sit next to Joliet. She sat down next to Azzy across the table and River tried not to feel like they’d been suddenly thrown off the deep end.
“Bathroom.” Azzy said.
“Biblically speaking,” Joliet quickly added. River chuckled a little at the need for clarification. Something told them that for him it was actually necessary. They also suspected he was probably their target.
“Ah, well, that’s chill.”
“Mis what are you planning?” Kori asked with a slight glare directed at his friend. Ah, he was the dad friend.
“Oh nothing, just a lil bit of karmic justice,” Misae said with a grin that was anything but innocent. Joliet leaned over to River and whispered in their ear.
“Blink twice and I’ll get you out of here,” he said with a smirk. River stared at him with a smirk of their own and Joliet broke into a laugh. “Oh they’re good,”
“Seriously Mis, what’s going on?” Kori asked.
“It’s payback for Rose stealing my mark last week.” Misae said.
“And how is this gonna be payback?” Kori asked. “You just put a perfectly beautiful human in front of him, if anything all this is going to do is insure none of us sleep tonight,” he said.
“Oh you’ll see,” Misae said, throwing a wink River’s way. River tried to not blush at being called beautiful and simply kept their game face on.
“What’ll Kor see?” A navy blue inc asked. He wore a grey t-shirt and dark black jeans and River saw the issue. Between golden eyes and a charisma that dripped off of him, even as unaffected as River was, he knew who and what he was and was well aware that manipulating people was second nature. He’d been looking over at Kori before scanning the table and landing on River. “Oh… oh hello,” he said. His voice was warmer than Misae’s was, more a whiskey than a true honey, but it didn’t hit River the way they imagined he intended. “If you’d scootch in sugar,” he said. To play along, River did so, pressing a little closer to Joliet in the process. River snuck a glance at the others who all looked a little nervous, even Misae, but River softly shook their head, hiding it by pushing their bangs off their forehead a bit. “Now, hello. I’m Rosair, you can call me Rose,” he said as he offered his hand to shake. River took it with a smirk of their own.
“Nice to meet you Rose, River,” they said. Rosair took their hand and kissed the back of it and River chuckled. “You do this to all the pretty people who cross your path?” They asked.
“Then I can see why Misae and Chrissa put me up to this,” they said with a chuckle. Rosair furrowed his brow to which River only grinned. “I’m ace Rose, you’re just pretty.” Rosair looked over at Misae who was grinning.
“Payback’s a bitch Rosie,” she said.
“Ah no matter, you’re still here.” he said with a small smirk that seemed to indicate he wasn’t done yet.
“Sure,” River said as they tapped his shoulder. “So, other than trying to pick up people at bars, what do you lot do?” They asked with a tilt of their head. Even Misae looked a little surprised at the question. “What? You think I’m just gonna go back to the bar and go back to sitting alone? C’mon now, you guys are not that dumb.” Joliet broke out of the stunned silence first with a laugh.
“You’ll have to forgive them, they’re very used to transactional interactions and have not quite figured out just normal interactions, I work at a tattoo parlor.” He said with a smile.
“Interesting, Kori?” River asked, glancing a little around Joliet.
“Oh uh, I work at a bakery. Mostly donuts and cake.” He said.
“I’ll definitely have to try it some time, assuming you’re any good,”
“I’m mostly the counter, but Mandy, who actually owns the place, is quite good.” Kori clarified.
“Azzy?” River asked with a raised eyebrow, watching him fight off the dark blue crawling onto his cheeks.
“I work at a thrift shop.”
“I’m a grad student,” Misae said, “mostly focusing on art and culture, and Rosair’s a mooch.”
“I think the technical term is gold digger,” Joliet commented.
“I thought it was drifter,” Kori chimed in.
“None of you are correct, I’m a freelancer.” Rosair said with a roll of his eyes.
“That’s what we said: a freeloader.” Azzy said and River had to quickly get closer to Joliet as Rosair nearly vaulted over the table to get at his friend. River laughed a little and looked over at Rosair for the first time since he sat down.
“What’s your specialty?” They asked leaning on the table and cutting off the others physically a bit, which got a gasp from Joliet.
“Graphic design,” he said.
“You any good?”
“I’ve been told so, but you’re welcome to find out,” he said with a smirk returning. River laughed a little.
“Okay, yeah, I walked into that one,” they said as the giggles subsided.
The conversation continued on like that for a while, giggles and quips and jokes at everyone’s expense. River learned that Kori, Misae, and Azzy had known each other since high school, Joliet wasn’t technically an inc but his dad had been, so his cambion status gave him a weird in when they were in college with the other three, and Rosair had needed people to help pay the rent on his, in Azzy’s words, “fucking massive” apartment which had led to their loose confederation of people. Joliet called them “the Inc Den” which only got a groan out of Kori. They were pleasant and funny, and River tried not to think about how they were the first friends they’d made outside of work in three years.
When Misae had left the table to get drinks, River felt their phone vibrate and they tried not to groan as they fished it out of their pocket.
“Careful sugar,” Rosair said. He’d tucked himself in close next to River even after the rejection and they kept their phone in the pocket next to him.
“Shut up Rose,” they muttered as they clicked it on.
From Lacey Loo: hey…. I’m sorry. Tell drake i’ll pay for his breakfast.
River tried not to slam their head on the table in response. They tried not to think about how normal it was that Lacey didn’t even have to say much for River to get the whole picture. They changed their text channels and started texting Drake.
To Drake-ula: please tell me your couch is open
From Drake-ula: sorry dude, ditto situation
To Drake-ula: a) get some, roger’ll expect a review b) fuck you fine c) please tell me it isn’t roger
From Drake-ula: you think too lowly of me, it isn’t roger. And fuck you too, see you tomorrow.
River went to change chats again when Joliet piped up, “What’s with the angry eyes Riv?” He asked.
“My roommate just sexiled me and my go-to couch did the same.” They said as they pulled up Roger’s contact.
To Roger Snake: please tell me I can crash on a pile of pillows
The lack of instantaneous reply led to River looking at the time. The fact that it was a little after midnight meant Roger wouldn't even be up, the early sleeper he was. “Fuck!” They hissed.
“Aren’t you a little old to get sexiled?” Kori asked.
“Do you want to be in the same apartment as a werewolf having sex when he’s noisy even unshifted?” River asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Fair enough,” Kori said almost immediately. River sighed and tried to think of literally anyone else who might be okay with them crashing. Derek usually didn’t want anyone in his apartment except for holiday dinners, Chasen was out of town, and Al lived with six other people and they usually had people on the couch. They felt bad for Nox, who could technically leave the apartment, didn’t like doing it so they usually just suffered in silence and berated Lacey in the mirror the following morning.
“You could stay with us sugar,” Rosair said. River looked over at him with a look of confused amusement.
“Bet you say that to all the pretty people,”
“Actually we have a “no marks in the apartment” policy,” Azzy said. “It ensures we all sleep and don’t end up in this very situation,” he added.
“Why should I?”
“Because going back to your place means a very vocal werewolf,” Rosair said.
“And we have a pull out couch.” Kori cut in quickly.
“And they think you're cute and the fact that you haven’t run for the hills after nearly two hours with us is a sign they might want to keep you around,” Joliet whispered in River’s ear. Joliet had quickly become a grounding element at the table. He seemed to translate the unspoken wants of everyone with ease of exetend exposure. River tried not to flush a little at the comment.
“Can I convince you all to swear on no funny business?” They asked cautiously.
“Absolutely, just a couch,” Kori said. River looked over at Rosair who chuckled but nodded.
“On my name, there’ll be no funny business, just a couch.” River glanced at Azzy and Misae who nodded in agreement.
“We’re with them.” Misae said. River did a quick pro-con list in their head and sighed.
“Alright, yeah, I’d love it if I could crash on your couch,” they said.  
“Then we should probably get out of here,” Kori remarked. Misae stood up and allowed him and Azzy out of the booth. Rosair did the same for River and Joliet. River quickly realized that other than Azzy and Misae, River was the shortest amongst the group, and even Azzy had his horns for a little bit of extra height. As they started walking for the door, River caught Chrissa’s eye who only slightly furrowed her brow and came a dash closer
“Rio,” she said. The group stopped and River went over to the bar, leaning over on their elbows.
“What’s up?” They asked.
“You’re fully conscious and aware you’re leaving with these people right?” Chrissa asked. River chuckled slightly and nodded.
“Yeah, Drake’s got someone over and Lacey kicked me out, they’re letting me crash on their couch,” River said. They appreciated the check, really, it was out of character for River to leave Labyrinth with anyone other than Lacey, Drake, or even Roger if they managed to catch him early enough.
“Alright, text me in the morning, yeah?” She said, which River nodded without comment. They went back over to the others and they continued their way out of the bar, River saluting Frankie at the door as a symbol that they were leaving willingly. Frankie let out a low growl but nodded as they let Kori lead the group to the apartment.
It wasn’t a far walk from the Labyrinth, probably why they favored it like Lacey and River did, and it was actually surprisingly closer to work than River’s own apartment. Which meant it was in the opposite direction of their apartment making changing before work tomorrow a challenge. Maybe they could? No, no that’d be pushing it. They’d just ask Derek to have a spare set in the back room when they got in. When the group reached the complex, River realized why Rosair had needed help with the rent, it was not an inexpensive building, even if Rosair was as good as he said he was. They all piled into the elevator with Azzy practically leaning on Misae out of exhaustion. Kori was scrolling through his phone while Joliet was fishing out the keys. They reached the sixth floor and wandered down the hall a little before opening the door.
The main space was fairly open, a decent size kitchen off to the right, a television on a stand by far wall in between two doors. There was a small set of stairs that seemed to lead into a small hallway. If River had to guess, they were going to go with the idea that that’s probably where the den’s bedrooms were.
“Bathroom’s the left door, I’ll help with the couch when you come out,” Joliet said. Having been relieved from bed duty, Azzy and Misae wandered their way upstairs. River nodded once and wandered into the bathroom that was quite well furnished for a half bath. They quickly went and splashed some water on their face and came back to Kori and Joliet waiting for them. Joliet had tugged the bed out and it looked really comfy, even by pull out bed standards, as Kori had seemed to stack pillows and extra blankets on the end. Kori then handed over a pair of sweatpants.
“Figured you didn’t want to sleep in jeans,” he said and River couldn’t tell because the apartment was dark, but they could’ve sworn Kori was a little flustered.
“Thanks Kor,” River said with a small smile. Kori nodded and untied his hair as he wandered over to the stairs, shaking it out and running his hand through it. River tried not to be mesmerized by the gesture but based on Joliet’s chuckle they were unsuccessful.
“I’m pretty convinced that’s why he keeps it tied up,” Joliet remarked.
“Probably, he could cause traffic accidents like that.”
“Wait until he reminds you he can be a whore,” Joliet said.
“Huh?” River said with a small flush of pink.
“Kori doesn’t like to advertise he’s an incubus, rather just let people think he’s a slightly tall tiefling. Hell, if he could survive without having to feed, he’d do it. But every once and a while either Misae or Rosair will convince him to dress up and it tends to lead people to have a hard time keeping their hands to themselves.” Joliet said. “But, enough chatter, I’m the door to the right, if you need anything just knock. Most of us don’t get up before noon, but I’m your best bet if you need something in the morning.
“Like a different t-shirt?” River asked.
“Oh yeah, I’ll even loot a pair of underwear if you need it.”
“I don’t think--”
“Don’t worry, Rose won’t notice.” Joliet said with a smirk. River tried not to laugh too loudly at the prospect.
“Thanks Jols,” they said. Joliet grinned and held their arm out, allowing River to come into his side if they wanted to. They did, with ease tucking themselves into his side and receiving a quick squeeze.
“No worries darling, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?” He said with a smile. River nodded and quickly disappeared back into the bathroom to change into the sweatpants that anyone with eyeballs could tell weren't theirs, but they didn't really mind. They were comfy and that was all that mattered. They tiptoed back out and carefully curled up in the pile of blankets. This.... this was good.
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I’ll Be There For You {Katsuki Bakugo}
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A/N: This story has potential triggers which I have in the tags as “tw __” and discusses heavier subjects (miscarriage, abortion) which is why I’m forgoing my usual like/reblog note. Certain aspects were taken from true events. 
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"This is not something I would have expected from you," Aizawa commented evenly. "Or Bakugo, for that matter."
Her head hung in avoidance of the sharp gaze of her teacher. He wasn't harsh, but his words veiled what was surely his true opinion of the situation. She wouldn’t be able to handle seeing disappointment in his eyes.
"I know, sir," she said quietly, her focus on keeping her voice steady. "But as unexpected as it is, I... I’ll face whatever the result may be. "
Aizawa regarded the student in front of him, wondering how she truly felt about what was happening. She was intelligent enough to know the responsible answer but he wanted to know what she was thinking, his interest falling more on her stance towards the other student involved.
"I approve of your request to leave school grounds under the condition that you are accompanied by a UA staff member."
She bowed at the waist. "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa."
"What staff member do you feel comfortable going with you?" he asked tiredly. This wasn't something he expected to deal with today. "For a potentially distressing situation, we may suggest Hound Dog for his guidance services however I don't believe that’s the best choice in this case. If you would like Midnight or Recovery Girl, I can make the arrangements."
"If Recovery Girl is able to, I would appreciate her company."
Nodding, Aizawa watched her for an additional moment before curiosity got the better of him and he asked, "May I ask why you chose to make this request alone? Surely Bakugo would want to be present for—”
"Sensei," she breathed out, interrupting him, "I want so desperately for Katsuki to be with me for this, but... I believe that there won't be anything for him to be present for. I’ve never heard it before."
He cocked his head to the side. "You've used your quirk on Bakugo?"
"I have," she admitted. "I've heard five years into his future about our relationship but, well, I’ve never heard this. I've heard of a small apartment with blue-grey sheets on a queen size bed and an argument over a rice cooker. I've... I've heard so much. But not this."
"What you must understand is that life can and will deal you unexpected blows," Aizawa told her. "There will be gains and losses. Life and death can be dealt without our permission, and the future can always change. If there’s nothing to report, so be it. But if there is, make the most of it. Sometimes that's all you can do."
His words applied to her situation, but his eyes didn't meet hers; they focused out the window to her left where the setting sun had begun to paint fluffy clouds in brilliant orange and pink.
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Three days later, her off-campus trip long over, she laid on her bed in the dorms with Mr. Aizawa’s parting words from their meeting swirling through her thoughts just as they had been since they were spoken. She wondered where his mind went as he gazed at the clouds, wondered what his life’s unexpected twists and turns were for him to speak so sagely.
A chirp from her phone drew her from her thoughts and she rolled to her side to check the incoming message of, “coming back around 6. Tempura for dinner after I shower?”
“sure. not feeling super social so can we eat in my room?” she replied.
“yeah, you good?”
She bit her lip, heart fluttering at Katsuki’s concern but stomach flipping at how to answer. Deciding on the simplest version of the truth, she sent back, “been a long week and I miss you”
“few more hours and you get me for the weekend”
Warmth bloomed in her chest at the thought of having him back by her side for two whole days, craving the closeness that would hopefully ease her mind once he was there. Still, nerves twisted with anxiety at the talk they needed to have and she could only pray that she could keep her composure as she said what needed to be said.
It was difficult waiting when the hours ticked by so slowly. Distracting herself with schoolwork at least allowed her to finish her assignments to ensure her weekend was completely free, but with more time to kill she resorted to reading and rereading the pamphlets she had been given earlier in the week, ones she’d been too overwhelmed to try looking through until then. Part of her mind was eased as she read and her decision was seeming less intimidating the more information she consumed.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity later, she had a text saying that her boyfriend was back and starting their dinner, he’d be up within half an hour or so. Butterflies filled her as she texted back an affirmative and she took a deep breath. The conversation they were going to have wouldn’t be easy by any means but she was ready. She had to be.
Repeating in her head what she wanted to say she waited for the knock on her door, and when it came she laid her palms flat on her small kotatsu in an attempt to ground herself as it opened to her boyfriend with two dishes in hand.
“You better never question my feelings for you,” he said with a grimace. “I just had to fight off both Uraraka and Kirishima from stealing your damn food.”
“Who said chivalry is dead?”
He snorted, setting the food down on the wooden surface of the kotatsu and sliding hers in front of her as he sat down to eat. Between mouthfuls he recounted his patrol with a sidekick of Endeavor’s through downtown and how they had taken down a few low-level criminals with shitty quirks, watching as she nodded and pushed her food around with her chopsticks. She’d eaten half but slowly, absentmindedly; that wasn’t normal by any means.
“Something’s weird with you,” he stated, crimson eyes studying her intently. “You get a shitty night’s sleep?”
“I’m not sleeping that great but that’s just, you know, stress. Are you too tired to talk for a while?”
Inwardly she cringed at her lack of tact when he narrowed his eyes at the abrupt subject change. “The discussion better be about what’s wrong with you.”
“Uhm, it… it is. I went to a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday because I’ve been feeling sort of… off. I was examined and—and I found out that… that I’m pregnant, Katsuki.”
His eyes widened before dropping into a squint as his brows furrowed, his lips parting slightly. He stayed quiet, seemingly absorbing the information. The lack of an actual response might have been scarier than any other one she had conjured in her mind from the anxiety about this moment. That anxiety was back tenfold and getting more stifling by the silent second.
“I’m sorry I waited to tell you but I wanted you to have time to think about everything without having to go on patrol with this fresh in your mind. I know you need to keep your focus but I want you to know that the appointment I have scheduled this coming Wed—"
“Why didn’t you tell me? Or ask me to go with you?”
“I didn’t think this would be the outcome,” she admitted shakily, every rehearsed word she had leaving her mind completely. “I’ve never heard it any time I’ve listen to your future; where our relationship is concerned it’s always just been us for as far as I can hear. Honestly… I just… I expected a false alarm.”
“But it wasn’t,” he snapped. “It wasn’t a false alarm. You’ve got my kid… you’ve got my baby growing inside you and we’re eighteen fucking years old trying to become pro heroes! How the hell are we going to make this work? We need to figure so much shit out—”
“I’m not having this baby,” she said quietly, silencing him momentarily.
“Not hav—what the fuck are you talking about? You want to…to get rid of them? That’s our kid! Just because you never heard about them when you listened to my future however long ago doesn’t mean it hasn’t changed to fit them! Our decisions change and that means our futures can too. Why would—just—come here! Listen to my future again!” he insisted, moving closer so his chest was easily accessible to her. The desperation in his voice broke her heart, but she knew that listening to his heartbeat would bring back to her the murmur of what would be his last words if they went down the path he was suggesting.
She shook her head sadly. “Katsuki, the future can be changed, yes, but it’s because I want to change the future that I can’t have this baby.”
He blanched. “Are you saying you don’t want me in your life?”
“No!” she nearly shouted. “I want you in my life and that’s the entire reason I can’t do this!”
“You’re not making any damn sense!” he screamed, his hands flying up to tug at his hair in frustration. “Say what the hell you mean, this isn’t the time to dance around your words! We have to fuckin’ talk about this!”
She took a shuddering breath, eyes closed. “At the appointment, I learned that I’m roughly eight weeks. They let me hear the heartbeat and because I knew your future never included us with a baby, I activated my quirk when I heard it and focused on your role in their life. The apprehension about what we would do to make this work was there just like it is now, but then I heard the excitement from you as you got used to the idea and kept wondering who they would look more like. Then—then there was grief. You were screaming and saying it couldn’t be right, they had to work harder to find a heartbeat.”
He grimaced. “You’re gonna lose them.”
Nodding, she continued, “I’ve never really had much experience with my quirk listening past the… death of the person whose heartbeat I hear, but this was different. They were gone but the effect they had on you, it consumed you completely. You kept saying that you couldn’t focus on anything but what we’d lost and it threw you off horribly at the worst possible time. During your patrol, a villain—you couldn’t think and—and—"
“I… died?”
She closed her eyes tightly and it was enough of an answer.
The things her quirk allowed her to hear were based on the decisions and intent of those involved, and if her decision upon finding out she was pregnant was to keep the baby then what she had told him made sense. Still, he had to ask, had to make sure.
“And no matter what we do… there isn’t—we can’t…?” he cut himself off, frustrated. “There is no outcome where we have this kid, is there?”
She wished she could say yes, would’ve given anything to be able to. But every other option they had she’d explored and it made no difference.
“No, there isn’t. I just—I want you to be okay, and for us to be okay, and to be able to stay toge—”
“Hey,” he said, cutting off her rambling as her eyes turned glassy, “we’re gonna be okay. I’m here for you now and I’ll be there for you for the rest of our shitty lives.”
“But I’m sorry Katsuki, I know this isn’t something you expected to deal with right off of patrol and this is all so much to just be throwing at you and I’m so sorry—”
He laid a hand on her shoulder and the other tilted her chin up to look at him. “Listen to me. You have nothing to apologize for, okay? We… we did this together and we’re gonna get through it together. I love you and I ain’t going anywhere, you got that? You can listen to my future all you want and that’s guaranteed to be my answer every fuckin’ time.”
She brought a hand up to cover her mouth as a choked sob left her, shoulders shaking as he brought her to his chest and hugged her close. He cradled her head in one hand and hoped she didn’t feel the tremble as he tried to calm his own breathing while she cried against him. Thousands of thoughts raced through his mind and he tried desperately to grasp even just one.
And the one he settled on was the fact that right at that moment he was holding his entire future. She had within her the power to create a future he had only dreamed of in secret. He could only pray to whoever was listening that if they couldn’t have it now, they could someday.
“This Wednesday is when I go back to the clinic,” she said quietly. “Aizawa arranged for Recovery Girl to go with me again but I—I wish you were coming too.”
“Of course I’m coming with you.”
She looked up at him over tearstained cheeks. “Your work study—”
“Fuck ‘em, you’re more important. I’ll figure out—"
“Hey, don’t just skip out on patrol, okay?” she reasoned. “Talk to Aizawa, he might be able to do something. Talk to him first.”
He stared at her for a long moment before his eyes narrowed in determination. Then he leaned forward and kissed her softly, pulling back to press a second lingering kiss to her forehead.
“I’ll be back soon.”
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Impatient knocks echoed through the small teacher’s apartment of the 3-A dormitory, Aizawa’s already tired spirit deflating even more when he realized he would need to speak to another person.
Crossing the small living area, he opened the door to find Bakugo standing before him with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his sweatpants. Aizawa raised an eyebrow.
“Something the matter, Bakugo?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
The blonde shuffled his feet—hesitantly?—before meeting his eye. “Can we talk about this privately?”
Aizawa stepped aside to allow him into the apartment.
He watched him take in the minimalist setup, even going so far as to say that he saw a ghost of a smile cross his features. The sight was enough for his curiosity to be piqued—first asking for a private conversation and now a smile?
“Did the old lady tell you what’s going to happen?”
The older man pushed away his thoughts at the question, cocking his head. “I would assume you’re referring to Recovery Girl and the situation with your fellow student.”
Bakugo scoffed. “Drop the ‘fellow student’ bullshit, you know that we’ve been dating since first year. She’s my damn girlfriend, you can say it.”
“So this is about her.”
“Of course it’s about her!” Bakugo snapped, hands free of his pockets and crackling. “Of course it’s about the girl who’s pregnant with my kid! Everything I fuckin’ do is about her! I’m in love with her!”
Aizawa stared at him.
“It’s about the girl I’m hopelessly in love with who’s way too goddamn good to be with me but sticks around anyway! It’s about the girl who believes I can become a hero because of what’s in my heart and not just because of the explosions I can make with my hands! It’s—it’s—it’s…” He choked out a shuddering breath, crackling palms now just smoking, before continuing softly, “it’s about the girl who wants a future and a family with me and is fighting like hell to keep us both on track to be heroes and still get that family someday.”
Passionate was a good word to describe Katsuki Bakugo. He’d thought so during the entrance exam and from the first moment he had officially met the boy. Rough around just about every single edge, but passionate nonetheless. He had always been passionate to become a hero of course, but now Aizawa saw that the passion extended so much farther past his career choice.
“She does so fuckin’ much for me,” Bakugo said, his voice thick from beneath spiked bangs obscuring his face. “For once, I want to be able to do something for her. That’s why I’m here.”
The blonde lifted his head and leveled his teacher with a determined gaze, Aizawa choosing to ignore the glint of tears he saw gathered on his lash line.
“I came to get permission to go with her and the old lady, work study be damned. Regardless of what’s going to happen I’m still their dad and I need to be there for their mom.”
He had never been more moved by the student in front of him than he was in that moment, though he declined to show it outwardly. Pride was swelling in his chest and he hoped that Bakugo would one day truly understand how much maturity he had gained in his years at UA.
"I approve of your request to leave school grounds under the supervision of Recovery Girl. I expect you to behave appropriately. Both of you will be excused from classes Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Your work study will be notified and grant you a leave of absence for the entirety of the next week.”
Bakugo blinked. “What are you telling them to give me a leave?”
“It would be illogical to tell the full truth due to the oftentimes conservative mindset of many in the world of heroes, which could unjustly damage both of your reputations. So, they will be informed that as your teacher and work study sponsor I have requested you be granted leave for an important familial issue. It’s not a lie.”
“And the class?”
“I can tell them the same thing,” he offered. “As I said, it’s not a lie. If you want to elaborate further that’s your choice as well as hers, but I would be mindful for the same reasons.”
“You gonna keep class rep off our asses too? Because I’m not leaving her alone in her dorm after everything’s said and done. She’s gonna need me.”
“The fact that you need her too means that yes, I will keep Iida under control.”
Bakugo’s jaw set as his lips twisted into a grimace. “I have to be strong for her, not the other way around.”
“You need to be strong for each other,” Aizawa corrected. “Grief is an ugly thing to face alone and if you don’t have to, you shouldn’t. You’re each losing something, someone, important to the both of you and to shoulder grief or guilt or anything of the sort on your own may be a natural reaction to heroes like us, but it’s a self-destructive one. I would know.”
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It felt like ages had passed since they’d woken up and joined Recovery Girl as she escorted them off campus and to the small clinic in town. She’d been very pleasantly surprised to see the blonde by her side, saying as much when the two laced their fingers together. The older woman then took the travel time to explain exactly what would happen and how long it would take, more for Katsuki’s benefit than hers since it had been explained at her prior appointment.
“He’ll be coming back with me,” she’d said softly. “I want him there.”
“That won’t be a problem, dear,” Recovery Girl told her, and when they arrived it hadn’t been.
It was quick, quicker than either of them really expected. She’d gone back first and then Katsuki was allowed to come sit by her side after a short wait, and when the anesthesia had her sedated enough it began. Roughly ten minutes of holding her hand later, they were sitting in a recovery room for another two hours before going back to the dorms.
Recovery Girl made sure she was comfortably set up in Katsuki’s room with everything she would need for the next few days before beckoning him out to the hallway with her. When the door was closed behind them, she spoke in a quiet voice.
“You’ve been very good for her through this but it doesn’t end once the drowsiness wears off. I don’t mean just getting pain relief or food or keeping her comfortable. Support her just as much as you have leading up to the procedure now that it’s over.”
“What makes you think I’d—”
His angry words had been cut off by a hit to his shin with her cane. “I’m not saying you won’t, you stubborn child, I just want you to understand that she still needs you. You need to let yourself need her too so you can both work through this together. Now, if either of you need me you know where to find me.”
Once the old woman was gone he’d turned back and entered his room, his girlfriend looking at him sleepily. She looked small, soft, from where she was tucked in his bed.
“C’mere,” she’d whispered, hand reaching out to him. He went to her, sliding under the blanket and gently pulling her close.
They laid together throughout the day, sometimes sleeping and sometimes just talking lowly between themselves. He would bring her pain pills every few hours and help her up when she needed even as she fussed that it wasn’t necessary. He let her rest her head on his chest, knowing she had activated her quirk when a relieved sigh passed her lips with a barely whispered “you’re alive.”
He had a lot of time to think throughout the day, his thoughts wandering but always trailing back to what they had been forced by fate to give up. It was while she laid asleep beside him sometime in the early afternoon that the heaviness in his chest became almost unbearable. It hurt. It pierced his skin and cracked through his ribs to squeeze his heart tightly, the pressure unrelenting as the sun shone through the balcony curtains.
He hated it. He hated that he had lost someone he never knew but loved nonetheless. It was hard to accept and he knew it would take time—even if he wasn’t a patient guy he never backed down from something difficult. But it hurt.
So maybe that’s why when his eyes started to burn and his vision blurred he curled himself around her sleeping form, tucking her head under his chin as he closed his eyes tightly. She was the only other person who knew exactly how it felt, and he now understood what Aizawa and Recovery Girl had advised about his grief. It wasn’t easy to share the weight of his emotions with someone else but if it was her, he could do it. He would do it.
But not today—today was for her recovery. When the drowsiness was fully gone and they’d had a full night’s sleep beside one another he would open up. If the sting of tears returned then, he would let them fall.
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With the late afternoon sun painting his dorm room a warm orange, they laid together on his bed in silence. They could hear their classmates in their own rooms and the occasional ding of the elevator as it stopped on the floor. Some of them came to his door to see if he was there, his friends curious as to what could possibly make him skip class if he was off of work study duty. Not once did they give any indication that they were in the room though, unwilling to invite anyone into their space for the time being.
After hours of stillness and peace, Katsuki turned to meet her eye when she continually shifted beside him.
“What are you thinking?” he murmured, fingers absently running over her shoulder.
She sighed. “During that first appointment, they offered to do a blood test to determine risk factors for certain genetic conditions. Recovery Girl encouraged me to get it even though I had already decided what was going to happen. When they gave me my discharge papers they told me the results were there too.”
“You’re worried that’ll say something about why they wouldn’t have…?”
“No,” she said, voice wavering as her bottom lip began to tremble. “That blood test could also determine gender.”
He felt his chest constrict even more at her words and he watched as a tear rolled down her cheek to land on his pillowcase.
“It hurts enough to know that we don’t get to meet them,” she whispered. “I don’t know if it will hurt us more to know if we lost a son or a daughter.”
It made sense in a way. Gender never particularly mattered to him so all this time he had been picturing her with a baby bump and on one or two rare occasions, just a sleeping baby swaddled in a blanket with no real defining features had entered his thoughts. Learning something about the child they would never meet, though, would paint pictures of a future impossible to live.
First a little boy who would probably end up looking like he did as a toddler, big red eyes and spiky hair, though probably colored like hers or maybe even just a different blonde than his own. Little skull shirts like the ones he had worn at that age were probably still easy enough to come by and if not, his parents rarely ever got rid of clothes due to the cyclical nature of fashion. As far as a quirk, it could have gone either way—explosions or hearing the future were both great quirks to have but he couldn’t help but picture a little boy discovering he could blow up his toys.
As for a little girl, he could only picture ash blonde hair and darker red eyes gazing up at him with a pouty look. Her hair wouldn’t be as spiky, it would lie more like her mother’s, bouncing as she ran about. Dresses could probably have skull prints he decided, and even if they didn’t he was sure his parents could make a few. If his little girl didn’t like dresses the skull shirts could be put on her too. And her quirk he had to picture as a combination—he thought that pressing her palms onto someone’s bare skin would allow her some kind of foresight into their future.
Both images left him hurt, and he could only think that his girlfriend had probably made her own determinations about the child now too. Maybe part of what hurt was the unknown, he thought. He didn’t know if it would truly make any difference to know but he had made up his mind.
“Maybe it’ll hurt,” he agreed, “but maybe it’s something we need to do. I think we should look.”
She hesitated, worrying her lip between her teeth, before nodding and starting to sit up. He quickly laid a hand on her shoulder to stop her.
“I’ve got it.”
He easily rolled off the bed and crossed to his desk where the paperwork sat. Rifling through the headers he found the blood test and grabbed both sheets before making his way back to her.
He tilted them towards her. “Do you want to look?”
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I want you to look and tell me.”
With a deep breath he glanced down at the paperwork and began scanning through the results and test descriptions. He only vaguely registered what he was reading until his eyes landed on one word that drew a thousand new pictures in his mind.
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A/N: I debated posting this for a while before deciding that its important to explore these subjects and emotions. I truly hope I’ve done them justice. 
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jj-lynn21 · 3 years
SUMMER BURN: starring Bill Skarsgard as Brian Chapter 2
Warnings: attacker play(?), heavy flirtation
@dragsraksllib @super-pink-a-palouza @grandpa-sweaters 
read Ch 1 first
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“Did you scare another hottie away?” Jess smirked.
I rolled my eyes turning away from her.  
Jess sat down at the bar. All she had to do is bat her eyes at the bar tender for him to come right over to her with a big mischievous grin. She ordered bloody Maries for her and the other girls leaving me out since I obviously was not talking to her. In her mind it was all over some random guy. For me, it was because I had enough of her so-called jokes.  
“Tell us about the guy you met?” Melissa and Tami asked me in unison as Jess flirted with the bar tender.  
I laughed. “He was the same guy we saw on the beach. His name is Brian. He is kind of scary. In a good way. You know? Like give me shivers. The beard and hair were part of his job. Maybe an investigator or something. He didn’t tell me.”
“That is weird.” Melissa pointed out. “Maybe he disguises himself so he can stalk his prey?”
“People do get paid good money to be hired killers.” Tami chimed in.  
The three of us laughed drawing the attention of Jess. “So, what is so funny?”  
“We were just trying to figure out what the guy on the beach does for a living.” Tami giggled.
“We decided professional killer since his hair and beard were fake,” Mellissa was laughing.
“What the hell?” Jess glared at them. “How did you find out it was fake?”
“He was the same guy I was talking to when you walked up.” Then I warned her jokingly. “If he is a psychopath or killer for hire you better watch out and maybe the bar tender should to.” Then I laughed along with Tami and Melissa about the absurdity of the thought.  
The bar tender whispered to Jess as his replacement for the afternoon arrived. She nodded in agreement. “This whole vibe.” She waved her hand over us. “Is a little twisted for my taste.” The bar tender took her hand. She walked off with him. “Maybe I will see you crazy girls at the bonfire or perhaps not.”  
“I think she is the crazy one.” Melissa said when Jess was far enough away. “I can’t believe she ditched us on girls day again. So, what should we do next?” She looked to me for guidance because when Jess was gone Melissa and Tami thought of me as their leader to find the next fun thing to do.  
Tami chimed in. “No pressure but there is 5 hours before we need to get ready for the bonfire. You are so good at picking fun things to do.”
No pressure my ass, I thought. “We finish these drinks and swim. Then go skating on the board walk for a while. I think I saw an outdoor seafood restaurant. You know what today is don’t you?
“Taco Tuesday!” They yelled with great glee.  
While frolicking in the surf; when skating down the board walk; even at lunch I couldn’t push the feeling away that I was being watched by eyes unseen. I tried to shrug it off. I even told the girls, “I think Jess is watching us after her date was a bust, but she is too afraid to join in the fun I created so let’s just have more fun to show her we don’t always need her.”
They nodded and the three of us let out a loud “Wooooo” as we clinked pina coladas. After lunch I suggested they head back to the hotel. I would return the skates, then meet them at the hotel. “Jess will more than likely be there around the same time since she is stalking us.”  
They agreed.  
When I got back to the room that had two queen beds and a pullout couch looking out on the ocean from the 10th floor, Tami and Melissa informed me Jess never came back. There was not even a sign of her coming back to change for the bonfire. She would still be in her little bikini with the terry cloth jumper over it unless the bar tender bought her a new dress and under garments which has happened before.
“Well, I guess we have fun without her until she joins us later.” I shrugged smirking matter-of-factly. “She has ditches us for a guy before. She will have to come back for her belongings before we check out.”
They seemed a little more worried than I but agreed with everything I said. They were followers like that. They did not want to lose another group member by speaking up about their concerns. It was their flaw to bare.
It was a perfect night for a bon fire. Just a little chill to the air. I wore a wrap around my shoulder with my white multi-colored flower sundress. My hair in a ponytail with a hot pink ribbon around it. I topped off the look with white wedges and red cherry lip stick instead of the pink I was wearing during the day. The dress fit me nicely if I do say so myself. It fit my curves making my cleavage pop. The girls wore similar outfits. We were roasting marshmellows when surprise guests showed up.
“Well, isn’t it the most beautiful girl on the beach.” A male voice quipped.
“No, No, No.” The other spoke boastfully. “My girl is the most beautiful girl on the beach.”
Tami jumped excited to see her boyfriend. “Peter, you’re here!”
Mellissa followed suit jumping on her man as he chuckled struggling to hold her so quickly. “Brad, you know it is supposed to be girls night.” She bopped him on the nose with the tip of her finger. “But I guess I will forgive you this time.”
“We were not looking for you, I promise.” Brad kissed Mellissa’s nose.
“Yeah, we were having a guys night and just wondered down to the bon fire with a bag of smore stuff but if you want us to leave...”
“No, give up the chocolate.” Melissa grabbed for it as her boyfriend held it up out of her reach
I mumbled. “There goes girls night.” Popped a cooled half burnt marshmallow in my mouth and got up.  
“Uh hey there you.” Peter nodded his chin for a hello. My friends' boyfriends hadn’t bothered learning my name even after I dated some of their cousins. I barely cared. They would not last. They didn’t even call Tami and Melissa by their names. Again, I assumed it was low IQ and not planning on sticking around long. “Sorry, we didn’t bring a third for you.”
“For your information I do have a date tonight.” I walked off down the beach after that. “They were so annoying assuming I would never find anyone on my own.” I grumbled as I walked.
The sparkling sand was cool at night, so I took off my shoes off to carry as I toed the sand down towards the edge of the ocean.  Part of me wanted to keep walking into the waves that now crashed on my feet. But I am startled when a large hand grabs mine. So much that I jump turning quickly. “Oh, you startled me.”  
I looked up with a smile to Brian, my hand still on his chest since I planned to try to push my possible attacker away.
“Sorry, I startled you.” He took my hand kissing the top gently. “Forgive me?” His big green eyes begged forgiveness perhaps more than his words. “I was worried for you when I saw you walking along the water alone.”
“I can take care of myself in the dark.” I smirked. “You were a half a second from getting my shoes smacked across your face.”
He lifted a eyebrow in question. “Is that so? What if your attacker did this?” He grabbed both my wrist tightly and swept me to the ground in a blink of an eye. “Now what do you do?”
My body pinned under the heat of his body. Arms pinned above my head. The sand rough under me. “I don’t know whether to kiss you right now or knee you in the balls like I would a true attacker.”
Brian grinned as he looked down at me. He loosened his grip on my wrists. His eyes piecing mine. “I left you that move like most would, to see if you would go for it.”
“I would.” I murmured as I pulled my hands free catching him off-guard, I flipped him on his back pinning his wrists legs wrapped around his to keep him bound to my will now. The surprise in his big eyes was perfect. “Or I could do this if they were dumb enough to loosen their grip on my wrists.”
He chuckled laying there without a struggle. “My next question is, do you still want to kiss me?”
My answer came when my lips bushed against his. That is when he struggled to get his hands free. I was using all my strength to hold them.  
“Please.” He murmured between light kisses. His nose nuzzling mine playfully. “I want to run my hands alone your back to....”
“To get the upper hand?” You giggled nuzzling his nose back before kissing him more deeply.
“I surrender.” He sang breathlessly. “You win. I tap out. Game over.”
I stood doing a little victory dance shimmying and shaking my hips. Brian stood up behind me like a tower brushing the sand off him. Then grab my hips slowly sliding his body closer behind me. He started kissing my neckline. I stopped swaying with a audible “mmmm”.and took a deep breath.
“I thought you were the shy girl when your friend needed to encourage you to do more than just stare at me. But you are so much more than that little lady. You have hidden skills.”
“I’m only shy before I meet new people.” You smiled looking up at him very comfortable leaning against his body. “My skills come out when I need them without a thought. Did I hurt you?”
“No, it was hot as fuck.” He blurted. “Sorry, I don’t usually throw around F-bombs on first dates. What do you want to do tonight? I take it you are to mature for the collage drunks burning themselves on smores.” He spins yu away from  him. 
You spin back to him laughing. “There is no way I want to join them. It's never my scene but I usually make sure my drunk friends get home or in this case back to the hotel. Their boyfriends showed up so they can just sleep together on the beach if that is how their night ends. Their loyalties are always fickle.”
“If you are hungry, I know a place that is more for polite young adults instead of heathens.” He suggested as you walked down the beach. “Are you game?”
“That sound like a great change of pace.” You looped your hand threw his.  
He gave it light squeeze while leading you off the beach to the main strip parking area. He opened the trunk of his SUV with just his toe under the bumper. “You look perfect, but I need a suit to get in this place I want to take you. The condo I am at is sever miles off the strip. I think you are staying closer. Can I just change there?”
“Oh, so this is how you get me to take you upstair?” I smirked playfully.
“Not yet.” Brian winked. “I actually enjoy the art of getting to know people once in a while. If you are uncomfortable, we can go back to my place so I can change. I rather not do that without you and travel all the way back here to pick you up. Restaurant would be closed by then.”  
I thought he had a good answer for everything. “You can change at our messy hotel room. Come on.” You grabbed the suit covered in plastic on a hanger neatly so he would follow, after shutting his SUV trunk. He did.  
You opened the door without looking around letting him in first. “I warn you it was a mess.”  
“It's not that bad for four girls staying here.” He looked around. “Bathroom for me to change?”
I finally really looked at the place. All Jess’ things were gone and the clothes that were tossed all over the room were on all the beds but mine. Any sign of Jess was gone. I thought, Did she really ditch a girls weekend to run off with some bar tender?
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bnhababyyyy · 4 years
Bro’s before that kinda bro
Chapter 6/??
Authors note: This chapter was SUPER hard to write lmfao but hope y’all enjoy!! Love u guyth😘
Ever since the night you slept over, you would go into his dorm later in the day to check on him. The two of you would study and talk for hours and eventually you would forget the time so much you just… continued to spend the night. Like, every single night.
Compared to how you used to sleep, this way felt way more eventful, sneaking in and out of his room without getting caught sent thrilling sparks all over your body. Waking up to the smell of his room and the hot tea he’d make every morning made you feel warm. Just being around him made your heart fill to the brim.
This morning you felt a little more tingly than usual. You were sure Todoroki felt the same way, today was going to be a special day for most of U.A.
“What are you planning on bringing?” You asked as you sat up from his bed.
Todoroki turned from his desk, continuing to blow on his tea. “Charger, phone, earbuds, toothpaste, toothbrush, slippers, instant soba...”
“Mm I don’t think we’re allowed to bring food… won’t raccoons come in or something?”
“No, I’ll eat it fast.”
“You can’t just eat it fast, what if you have crumbs!?”
He shrugged and got back to drinking his tea. You decided to take this as a sign for you to leave and double check your suitcase. You slowly opened the door, once the coast cleared you slipped out the door and tried to scurry far from his room. But you stopped in your tracks when you heard an all too familiar gasp.
“(Y/n) you sneaky little snake!” Mina said. “I just knew something was up!”
She stood by Todoroki’s door with her own bags. “What are you talking about? I- I was getting some things from his room! Like uhm...”
“Like his sweater?” A sinister smile formed on her face as she approached you. “How long has this been going on?”
“Uhm…Maybe...for a week?”
She pulled out her phone and continued to rant. “That makes so much sense! I just knew you were going to spend the night with him that one dinner. No wonder you never answered when I knocked on your door!”
You facepalmed. How could you forget about something like that? Mina did little surprise visits here and there, but you were so entranced with a certain someone it completely slipped your mind. “Ok but you cannot tell anyone what happened!”
Mina’s eyes went wide and she lowered her phone, your phone’s notifications went off almost immediately with all your friends bombarding you with questions.
When your shocked eyes met hers she covered her mouth. “I-I didn’t know you wanted to keep it a secret!
And just like that your sweet little secret became a now known fact.
When you boarded the bus the girls pulled you to a seat far from Todoroki, squealing about your secret sleepovers. “Ah cheer up! I’m sure you can spend a lot of time with him at the hotel.” Uraraka pat your back.
“But only during the events, I heard the boys and girls have been separated into completely different hotels.” You sighed. “The teachers would catch me if I even tried to sneak in.”
“Actually,” Mina piped up from next to you. “I did a little research on the hotel and lots of students who went said there was a secret entryway to get between both hotels!”
You and Uraraka shared a look. If this ‘secret entryway’ came to be true, both you and Uraraka would be sneaking into the boy’s hotel every night for the whole trip. It sounded a little too good to be true, but you would take any opportunity to have the thrill of sneaking around with your friends.
“And there’s more!”
“More?” You asked.
“Yes! Apparently other students have said that this place has some kind of charm to it or something.” She looked between the both of you. “They said that if people confess to their crushes here they will suddenly get into a relationship!”
“And-and what happens if you’re already in a relationship?” Uraraka asked, getting a little too into the conversation.
“Well, my sources have said that people in relationships usually get an even stronger bond after being on this trip!”
Uraraka had a deep fire in her eyes as she looked back to where Midoriya sat. And you did too. you wanted to change the relationship you had with Todoroki, if not now then when?
“Should I confess!?” You exclaimed softly.
Mina gasped. “Yes! Absolutely! It would work out I’m sure!”
“I agree, and we should get Jirou to confess too! She told me she hasn’t done it yet.” Uraraka motioned to Jirou sitting next to Kaminari. The two of them were listening to music and laughing together. “They look so cute, I’m sure he will say yes!”
You nodded. This would be a perfect opportunity for everyone to get their feelings out and if what Mina said was true, then maybe you would leave this place with a boyfriend.
By the time the bus pulled up to the resort, the sun had begun to set. It was hectic going from getting your bags to swarming through crowds of students to find your friends again. When you finally caught up with the girls you were able to take a minute to admire the location. Trees scattered the area, along with paths leading deeper into the woods, to the side you could see the sunset bounce off of the lake and hear the sounds of nature and low chatter of students fill the area.
People started handing out pamphlets as the present Mic hushed the chatter for an announcement. “Welcome to the resort you have all been working so hard to get to! All of you students deserve to get a little break after the rigorous training your teachers have put you through!” You spaced out as Present Mic went over basic rules and what the hotel had to offer for everyone.
This continued until Aizawa took the Mic from him. “It has also come to our attention that in the past, other students would sneak into the opposing genders hotel.” Everyone’s chatter started to die down even lower, now people were listening. “We made sure that more security is surrounding both hotels. If any of you get caught trying to sneak around we will have to punish you.”
Midnight hushed the crowd as they groaned and shouted protests. “Oh quiet down, it’s not like that’s the only thing you guys can do here, you guys get free food! And later on you can all do a little campfire, and- just read the pamphlet for the schedule!”
All the students perked up to this, gaining the same energy they had as when they first got here. S’mores, campfire, scary stories with friends? You felt giddy just thinking about it, there was no way it could get any better!
“But you all must be in your rooms by 9 P.M. No exceptions!”
Nope. It couldn’t get better. It got worse.
You all groaned at the reveal of new information. As the teachers showed the students to their hotels and rooms you tried to keep pace with Uraraka.
“What are we supposed to do now? I really wanted to sneak around and look at what this place had.” You said.
“Yeah, I know! But at least we get to be roommates and free food!” She bumped you with her elbow. “We can do other things, like binge watch all the seasons of Avatar!”
You began to unpack your things and place them on a certain side of the room.“That does sound kinda nice. Are we gonna go down to eat?”
“Yup! We can, but before we do I have a small question for you.” She waited for you to look at her, then continued. “I know everything’s resolved but I wanted to talk about the little fight you and Kaminari had a while ago, if that’s ok with you.”
You nodded and she took a deep breath. ”So taking all the information I’ve been given, this isn’t your first argument about Todoroki right?” You shook your head. “Ok well don’t freak out! But what if he got mad at Todoroki all the time because he…. likes you?”
“What!?” This was about the second time someone thought your relationship was deeper. What were you two doing that showed that!? “I think he cares for me of course! But I don’t see him liking me, that just doesn’t seem right!”
“You sure? What if he confesses to you on the trip or something?
“He won’t! I know Kaminari, he doesn’t have any romantic feelings for me. I think I could tell if he did.”
“Yeah you think you could tell.” Uraraka sighed as she put her luggage away. “Just don’t break his heart if he does ask.”
You lifted yourself from the floor and pinched her cheek. “I won’t, I promise. Now let’s go before everyone eats all the food.”
You pulled her around the hotel, the both of you confused on where you were. After about half an hour of looking, the both of you finally found the lunch room! The room looked sparse, a few groups eating at tables, but none of them your friends. You decided to send a quick message to find out where your friends were.
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You found Kaminari’s last few texts weird but decided to just ignore it. You didn’t want to overthink anything. The two of you walked around and talked as you looked for a small campfire, once you found it you waved to everyone and sat with Kaminari.
“And so basically she was totally stabbed to death! Like a lot! The end!” Hagakure finished her story but no one seemed fazed in the slightest.
You leaned over to Kaminari, “Has anyone actually told a good scary story yet?”
“Nah, they were all kinda lame.” Kaminari handed you a s’mores. “I think Midoriya wet himself with his own story to be honest.”
You laughed. “I believe it, who’s supposed to go next?”
Kaminari shrugged, continuing to light his s’mores. Everyone began to chatter, letting Kirishima tell his ‘true’ paranormal experiences he had. But no one was getting scared.
“I have one.”
Everyone's eyes followed the voice of whoever spoke. The chatter slowed.
It was Tokoyami.
A few students moved over to let Tokoyami into the middle, giving him the spotlight. “It took place in this farm…”
Everyone sat stuck in their seats gasping and biting their nails as he told the story, completely terrified as to what would happen next. His story had twist upon twist and lots of unnerving scenery. It had you look behind yourself multiple times, feeling shivers that weren’t due to the cold.
“Then it slithered out of my grasp.” He held his hands out for emphasis, then up. “That is all. I’m done.”
Mina’s teeth clattered. “What the actual hell. Tokoyami was that based on a true story!?”
The whole group watched him, waiting for an answer. “No.” A large sigh of relief filled the woods. “It was a dream I had.”
“Bro that is not a normal dream! You were possessed I swear!” Kirishima exclaimed. “And speaking of possessions, I have another paranormal story that really happened!”
You tuned Kirishima out and turned your attention to Todoroki. He ate what looked like his second bowl of soba, but when he saw you looking at him he gestured behind himself with his head. Silently asking if you wanted to get away.
You nearly tripped trying to get out of your seat. Todoroki lifted himself following you away from the group. The two of you walked deep into the woods.
“Why’d you wanna leave?” You asked, playing with your necklace.
“Cause you looked scared. You were shaking the whole time.” He slurped his noodles and gestured toward your necklace. “I didn’t know you brought that.”
“I’ve had it on all day, it was just hidden in my sweater. And I wasn’t scared. I was cold, some people don’t have a heating quirk Shouto.”
“That sounds like a lie. I heard Midoriya peed himself and if he did that I’m sure you cried.”
“I heard that too but I wasn’t scared! I was cold, and I am still cold here, feel my hand.” You placed your hand on his neck, making him flinch and shove your hand off. You continued to mess around by pinching his cheeks with your cold hands. “There is a way for you to warm my hands up.”
Todoroki looked at you with curiosity, then he went into his deep thoughtful face.
You couldn’t help but huff. “You know something that has to do with your quirk, it could warm me up by just being in my hands.”
‘Hold my hand hold my hand hold my hand hold my hand’ you thought.
Then he seemed to connect the dots he put his chopsticks in the bowl. “Hold out your hands.” You did so, but then. You couldn’t believe it. He activated his heating quirk and placed the bowl of noodles in your hands. “You can… you can have the rest. I think you’ll like it. He said as if it pained him.
You were shocked. For two reasons, 1. He missed the opportunity to hold your hand. 2. Shouto hasn’t ever offered a good bowl of soba to anyone. Like ever. This was an extremely rare offer you were not going to pass up.
“Wow I’m honored, are you sure you don’t want any?
He held his hand out and shook his head. “As long as you’re not cold I don’t care.”
You felt a gush of appreciation for him, he said cute things sometimes.The two of you talked until you arrived at your hotel, standing in front of your hotel, basking in the sounds of nature, your friends' laughter, and the way the moonlight shined on him. He looked amazing.
“I like hanging out with you.” You whispered, careful to not break the moment.
Todoroki pinched your cheek, a smile adorning his face. “Same.”
The two of you stood there looking at each other, not saying anything. His hand lingered. The moment felt soft yet heavy and you wanted to save it. But before you could pull out your phone’s camera he very lightly ran his thumb over your eyebrow, making you lose your breath.
Then he just as quickly pulled away, holding his hand back as if he were burned. “I should go… uhm goodnight (y/n).”
You reached for him, not knowing what to say. But he only diverted his gaze and walked away from you. Leaving you to eat your noodles, not knowing what you should do next.
Why did he do that out of nowhere? Why did he stop? You didn’t understand why that whole moment even played out, he just did random romantic things like it was normal. He held your hand, cuddled with you, kissed your palm, fed you, called you till midnight, now this? You gasped. Did he finally figure out that he liked you?
You shook your head, no way, he couldn’t have figured it out. He probably needed more time, you knew how he was. You finished your bowl and walked to your room, trying to at least sleep it off.
The next day was way more eventful. The sun was beaming, making it the hottest day of the trip, but students stayed outside, taking walks, fishing, and doing scavenger hunts. But the thing that had everyone talking was an event planned for the end of the day. You hung out with Jirou and Momo, eating popsicles and talking about the upcoming event.
“I think I’m gonna confess tonight.” Jirou said.
Momo squealed. “That will be so sweet!”
“I think I’ll confess tonight too.” You flicked your stick onto the floor. If Jirou was going to do it, you might as well join in. It felt better when someone else would do the same thing with you. “We can do it together.”
Jirou smiled and rested her head on your shoulder. “I hope they say yes… Hey Momo what time do we have to be there?”
“The dance is at 8, they’re extending the lights out policy to 11.” Momo pointed her popsicle at you. “But you two should come early and help set up! It will be so much fun!”
You and Jirou agreed, probably sharing a feeling of excitement mixed with dread. You had been preparing for this moment forever, and the dance just seemed like a perfect time to confess, the mood would be set right and you would be dressed up. It would be wrong to not confess.
The day went by so slowly you felt as if you were going to die, you hoped sitting with the Bakusquad would help with the wait, but their conversations only revolved around the dance. You tried to think about anything else, tapping on the table to the ticks of the clock.
Until Jirou tapped your shoulder. You jumped out of your chair before she could even ask if you were ready, because yes. You were. You’ve been ready all day.
The two of you walked around the campus, stopping when you found a large group of teachers and students moving foldable tables around. You guys assisted the others with decorating the space and had a few snack breaks in between.
After a while the teachers dismissed students by sections so they could put on their formal clothes. You put on a pink flowy dress that matched with your necklace and felt incredibly fun to spin in. Once you finished getting dressed you met up with Jirou, giving her compliments about her dress.
“I’m so ready for this dance to start.” You checked the time on your phone. “We have 10 minutes, Jirou I think I’m gonna throw up, how are you being so calm right now?”
Jirou let out what seemed like a long repressed sigh. “I don’t know, I think I’m so scared I’m just numb to panic.” You noticed her playing with the hem of her dress. “What if he rejects me?”
You placed both hands on her shoulders. “Well he would be stupid to reject someone like you, Jirou you’re a whole package deal. If I were a dude I would propose to you right now.” You gave her a small squeeze. “You’ll be fine.”
“Ok. Yeah, yes I will be fine.” she took in a deep breath. “But you have to confess too alright? Don’t leave me hanging.”
Before you could respond Midnight announced that the dance had officially started. Music began playing and the students who helped out cheered or began dancing in the center of the room. You felt your nerves get all out of place and forgot how to breathe.
You grabbed Jirou’s hand and pointed towards the dance floor. “Do you want to dance? I need to move.”
“Definitely. Let’s go.”
The two of you bounced around to the upbeat music. Trying to let out all of your fears and dance it off. You began switching Jirou off with Momo, feeling a little lighter on your feet. You spun Momo around to the music, feeling laughter bubble out as you all danced.
After a while you noticed the Bakusquad enter the area, you all waved and gave your greetings. Bakugou went straight to the punch, not even giving the dance floor a glance while Kirishima seemed to be giving Kaminari a long boring motivational speech about something. You decided to drag Kirishima to the floor, so Jirou could have a chance to talk to Kaminari.
You laughed as Kirishima did his own dorky breakdance moves. It all felt so refreshing and fun, you just moved freely, enjoying the way the night looked, the loud music, the flickering fairy lights, just the whole moment.
You all danced to the upbeat music until present Mic switched to a slow song. Groans filled the area as students walked away from the floor and couples took it over. You looked around the room, Uraraka said Todoroki was with her and Midoriya but none of them were in sight.
Momo and Jirou started a conversation as you were spaced out. You felt a little bummed, what if Todoroki didn’t show up? You snapped out of it when you heard Momo gasp and bump you with her arm. You turned your attention to what she was looking at. Was it Todo-Nope, just Kaminari walking to your group.
“Hey… uhm this is kinda awkward but did you want to dance?” He asked scratching the back of his neck. You looked over at Jirou, waiting for her answer. It was happening, it was finally happening. Jirou will go dance with him and then confess! Kaminari continued to stare at your group. “(y/l/n)?”
What? You felt your mouth drop to the floor, looking between Kaminari and Jirou to figure out what just happened. Why did he want to dance with you all of a sudden? “Me? Don’t you mean Jirou?”
When you turned to look at Jirou for confirmation she only shook her head with a nervous expression saying that she wasn’t ready. You nodded and took Kaminari’s hand walking him to the floor, you didn’t mind giving her more time.
Dancing with Kaminari felt way more awkward than you could have imagined, he constantly shifted his hands, not knowing where to place them on your body. Whenever you went in for a spin it would catch him off guard and make you both trip up, the both of you stepped on each other’s feet, spouting apologies every second. It all felt so off and you found that both of your hands were extremely sweaty.
Then as Kaminari tried to dip you to the floor something, or rather someone caught your eye. You gasped when you saw Uraraka, Midoriya, and Todoroki all enter the area, nearly falling out of Kaminari’s grasp. Kaminari quickly pulled you up and apologized but you only patted his shoulder, too entranced by your crush walking in.
“Shouto? Hey Shouto!” You waved him over, not noticing the lingering hold Kaminari had on your wrist.
Todoroki took notice and walked your direction with a wide smile. “I didn’t think you would wear the necklace tonight.” He ran a thumb over your pendant. “It matches.”
You grabbed his hands and led him to an open area. “I told you I would wear it everyday.” The both of you were beginning to sway to the new song. “Do you want to dance with me?”
“We already are.” He whispered.
His hands snaked around your waist as yours fell on his shoulders all so naturally. It felt smooth and comfortable. Almost like you two were meant to have this moment. The fairy lights gave him a wonderful glow and his eyes shined whenever the light hit them right.
He knew exactly when to spin you, your bodies moving in sync. You spun him around as well laughing as he ducked under your arm. He then pulled you into his chest, holding you close and swaying, you could hear his heart beating just as fast as yours.
Then he shifted you and all you could do was stare into his eyes. You felt like the moment was perfect. You suddenly heard a loud blast and whipped your head to where the sound came from. Colorful sparks filled the sky, one after another catching everyone in a trance.
You had been waiting for a perfect moment like this, the fireworks just put that much more of an emphasis. You needed to confess now. You looked at the floor, feeling your face get warm. You needed to do it but you felt frozen in place, what if it all went wrong what would you-
Todoroki squeezed your hand and when your eyes met you heard your heart beat louder than the fireworks. Every thump ringing in your ears as he smiled down at you with pure joy. He cupped your face, running both his thumbs over your eyebrows, like he did last night.
You needed to do it now.
“Shouto. I think that I-” a firework cracked off as you spoke. “like you.”
He knitted his brows. “What?”
You raised your voice. “I like you!”
“I can’t hear what you’re-“
You moved without thinking and smashed his lips into yours, it was a quick peck to the lips but it felt like your face was on fire. Everything went so right, you didn’t expect yourself to even move like that!
When you fluttered your eyes open you were met with a shocked face. Your stomach dropped.
“(Y/n). Why would you...?” Todoroki stepped away from you, wiping his mouth, an emotion you hadn’t seen on his face in a while appeared.
“Wait, what.” You felt heat rise to your face. “Oh no, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to kiss you it just happened, I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head with pure disgust. You felt your whole body get hot, every drop of sweat burned your skin.
“What made you think I wanted you to do that?”
You couldn’t move, your body went rigid. He cursed under his breath, not even bothering to look at you.
“Shouto im-“
“No. I need a minute just… I need to go.”
You stood in the middle of the floor as Todoroki pushed through other couples. Your thoughts raced as your heart thumped in your ears, the music was getting too loud. The scene began replaying in your head over and over, as you felt yourself moving away from the groups of people but not feeling intact with your actual body.
Your face was starting to get wet and your breathing hitched. You aggressively swiped at the tears as you stormed away, hoping no one saw you. Your sight got so blurry and the scene replayed in your head so much you felt a nasty pit grow in your stomach and crawl to your throat.
You didn’t want this to happen at all. You thought that the two of you would talk it out and still be friends but he was so disgusted. You felt sick.
“(Y/l/n)? Is that you?” You paused. Who was looking for you?
You used the end of your dress to dry your tears “Uhm-hm hm, wh-what do you need?”
You heard them move around a tree and gasp when they saw you. It was Kaminari. “Woah, are you okay?” Your mouth wobbled but before you could speak a sob forced its way out. He immediately pulled you into a deep hug, letting you bawl into his shoulder. “Hey… hey… it’s okay... why are you crying what happened?”
“Sh-showtooo rejected me and-and hnnmmf mmff” you laid your face into his shoulder not able to form sentences. He only hummed and began rubbing circles into your back.
“I’m sorry...Something like that happened to me too, except I was the one doing the rejecting- but still I’m sorry that happened.”
“You were probably nice about it. You probably rejected her in the nicest wa-ay possible.” You hiccuped.
“That jerk, he makes it so hard for me to not hate him. He only cares about himself.”
You lifted yourself from his shoulder. “No, he does care about others.”
“Probably others but not you.” He made direct eye contact. “The stuff he does to you really pisses me off. He just takes advantage of all the things you give him- has he ever thanked you for everything you’ve done for him?”
You pulled your necklace into view, ready to argue.
He shook his head.“Doesn’t count. I’m sure he used his dad's money for that. Normal people don’t buy expensive things as an apology, they just say sorry. Who does he think he is? I mean seriously.”
“If I was in his position… if you felt the same way for me I would treat you right. I wouldn’t play with your feelings like it was some kind of game.” His volume raised as he spoke, this conversation was leading to a whole other place than you imagined. “He got so lucky getting you to smile at him like that and he just threw it away!”
“Do you like me?” The question just popped out with no hesitation. At this point you could tell what he was hinting at and you didn’t want him to rant any longer. His face flashed fear as he looked at you.
“I’m sorry.” His head dropped and he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I shouldn’t like you, but It just happened, you just… give a lot of love to everyone and I mistook your love for me as… something romantic.”
You pat his shoulder. “I’m sorry.” You started to feel pressure behind your eyes. “Kami…I-I still like him and I can’t move on that quickly. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” Kaminari sat onto a bench nearby and hid his face. “I can’t walk you to the hotel right now, can you walk by yourself?”
You slowly nodded, giving him a glance before walking away. What are you supposed to say after getting a confession you know you couldn’t accept? You wanted this day to end. You checked your phone, it was already way past midnight. You groaned knowing you would have to sneak back into your hotel.
As you approached closer you were surprised to see Jirou standing by a tree near the hotel. Probably trying to sneak back as well.
But instead of a greeting she only scoffed. ”I saw you with Kaminari a while ago.”
“Yeah, Todorki rejected me and we were talking about it. Why?”
“Did he ever tell you that he didn’t like me? Like at all?”
You froze. Now that you thought back to it, Kaminari did say that he rejected someone. “Jirou I’m so sorry that happened.”
“No you’re not. You knew he would reject me didn’t you? I’m pretty sure you knew he had a thing for you.” Tears began to run down her face. “Cause the whole time we were dancing he was only looking at you, every single time I was with him he would stare at you. Did you have me confess to look stupid?”
“What!? Jirou I wouldn’t do that- I only found out he liked me today!”
“Are you stupid!? Are you actually stupid? You found out that he liked you today? It’s been so obvious, even I knew it!”
“Well if you knew then why did you confess? You’re stupid for blaming me for something out of my control, I only liked Todoroki!”
“Yeah right, you probably kept Kaminari as a backup option in case Todoroki didn’t work out.”
Your eyes went wide. You didn’t expect her to say anything like that or even get into an argument with her. She was projecting her anger onto you and it seriously pissed you off.
Before you could even open your mouth, Midnight walked right in front of you two. “Ladies, do the two of you know what time it is?” You and Jirou stuttered an excuse but Midnight only held out her hand. “Ah-Ah! you are probably the 8th students I’ve caught tonight! I’m gonna write you two up and make sure you’re punished when we get back. For now just get to your rooms.”
You and Jirou were absolutely shocked. The two of you walked in the same direction but a fair distance apart, you didn’t want to argue about her getting you two caught. It was an awkward walk to your room since Jirou’s room was on the same floor, but once you reached your room you slid to the floor. This whole night you had been looking forward to was a disaster.
You felt tears trickle down your face as you held back sobs. For the first time in a while, you cried yourself to sleep while thinking about Todoroki.
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Game Night || Ariana, Rio, Todd and Winston
When: before the morgue scream, late september :) Who: @letsbenditlikebennett, @itsyaboytodd, @3starsquinn & @danetobelieve Where: Winston & Rio’s house. Summary: who doesn’t love a family game night? Warnings: n/a  
Winston pulled the door of their place open. It’s hinges creaking slightly in the nighttime. It had been a nightmare recently and they were always one who would try and take the advice that they would give to their friends and they were sure that they would suggest that their friends keep busy. But all they could think about was how they hadn’t been able to change what had happened to Roland and to Orion and to Blanche. A forced smile cracked across their face that definitely didn’t quite reach their eyes. “Hey, I’m so glad you’re here, come in come in, it’s starting to get cold again and you should come into the warmth for sure.” 
Todd didn’t usually read the news, but it had been hard to ignore all the stuff about the police guy who’d died in the fire at the funeral home. It had blown up all over Facebook and the town’s online noticeboard and he couldn’t imagine what it must be like for Winston during all of this. That dude had been their boss-- and like, Winston really loved his job. It wasn’t like a shift manager at Friction had quit or anything like that. That guy had died.... That was some legit awful stuff. Which is why he had a case of Natty’s under one arm, his backpack full of games, and his favorite bucket hat on his head. He was gonna make this game night the best they’d had! “Haha, thanks, dude!” He said as he walked inside. Was he a little cold? Yeah. But, shorts and a bro tank were his go-to look and he wasn’t about to let the fall weather come and ruin that for him. “I got us beers! And, I’ve got a whole bunch of games in my bag-- brought my poker set, Cards against Humanity, and,” Todd reached into the pocket of his cargo shorts and tossed the yellow sack excitedly in the air. “Bananagrams!” 
Going to game night with her friends was the right thing to do. It was what Celeste and Winn would have wanted her to do, but still, Ariana felt as if she was just sort of floating by. Every day, things seemed to be getting darker and darker, including the sky. The way the trees seemed to blow the opposite direction of the wind and how the light seemed to flicker as she walked by painted a surreal picture that mirrored what she was feeling inside. Part of her wanted to return to the comfort of the fluffy blanket she had on her couch and snuggle up to Luna, but she had to move forward. Keep taking the right steps until things started to feel right. Plus, it had been entirely too long since she’d hung out with Winston and Todd and she wasn’t quick to forget she nearly lost Rio and Blanche, too. She’d brought an array of snacks with her since she didn’t have any games besides Dreamsnatcher and she couldn’t buy alcohol. She’d mustered enough energy to make some salsa and guacamole to go with the chips she brought. She didn’t bother knocking as she had a key to let herself in. As she twisted the knob, she took in a deep breath and put on the most convincing smile she could. “Hey guys,” she called out as she entered the house, “I brought snacks!” 
It hadn’t been the best couple of weeks. Orion had felt just about tapped out, between the fire and the police officer dying and then Winn so shortly after. For the first time since Rio had left his family’s house, he had actually started to feel that familiar sense of hopelessness he had been so overcome with the last few years. Things had changed. Things had been getting better. Why was it now that things were going so terribly wrong? Just when Rio was starting to feel useful, like he finally had a purpose to help people. Turned out, after Roland and Winn, he had only reinforced the fact that he had been useless after all. But Winston hadn’t been the same since the fire either. Something was wrong, and Rio didn’t know how to fix that either. But maybe tonight could be a start, if they could just find some semblance of normalcy. With Winston’s friend Todd coming and Rio and Ariana finally talking again maybe the four of them could find a way to make things okay again. Even if it was only for a single night. It was a start. So despite how sore his body was, and the healing burn on his hands and neck, Rio plastered a smile onto his face, and jumped up from the couch when he heard them arrive. He scooted into the room where Winston was inviting them in and waved from the end of the hall, “Hey! Thanks for coming!” He couldn’t tell if it sounded genuine or like he was trying too hard, but hoped it was the former, “I really needed this after the fire.”  
Todd was always a bright spot in Winston’s life. He seemed to exude vibrance, innocence and happiness. Exactly what Winston needed right now. The truth was of course that as Ariana came in behind him, they could tell that she was struggling just as much as they were. There was something about the fact that her eyes didn’t quite hold the smile that her face did. There was a slowness and forcedness to her reactions. She didn’t seem truly happy but then again who was nowadays? But Winston hadn’t forgotten having to abandon Todd when they were meant to be going to that concert, this was their way of making it up to their friend. “Duuuude!” Winston grinned and hoped it looked genuine, “thanks for bringing the Nattys! Can’t wait to get going on this, everyone come in come in, Rio obviously knows Ari, and so do you Todd, but Rio this is my friend Todd and Todd this is my boyfriend Orion but we all just call him Rio.” Winston held their smile until their back was turned to everyone as they shut the door to their lounge and had a brief moment of respite from the forced looks of elation. “Does anyone want a cold drink, I can put the beers in the freezer so they get cold faster.” Wasn’t Todd cold in a tank top? Winston was already wearing one of their favourite hoodies and they were considering turning the heating up. 
“Oh hell yeah, Meg--Ariana!” Todd said with a grin as the girl mentioned snacks. He fucking loved chips and guac. Letting Winston take the beers from him, Todd held out his arms, offering Megan-- Ariana, a respectful side-hug if she wanted it. Just cuz he was a hugger didn’t mean that he was just gonna bear hug her, that wasn’t cool. “How ya been? When Winston told me that you’d be here, I was super hype.” Turning around, Todd looked at the young man who was walking up to him, looking a little hesitant. Ah, nah, that wouldn’t do! This was game night! “Duuuude! Rio! Nice to meet ya, Winston’s told me lots about you!” He said, arms still spread out wide as he offered a big hug. He wasn’t super sure what was going on, but he got the idea that this game night was a long time coming. And he just wanted everyone to have a good time.
There was no denying that she wasn’t the only one here feeling worse for wear, but Ariana couldn’t help but smile at Todd’s enthusiasm. He really did have such an energetic way about him that would normally be more contagious. It was funny, she’d almost forgotten he met her as Megan. With a small laugh, she joked, “Sorry for the name confusion there. One might say I was having a bit of an identity crisis.” She accepted Todd’s hug and felt a little bit better after the fact. Somehow, this was already working a bit and taking her mind off everything. The Natty would probably help even more, but for now, she grabbed some bowls from the kitchen and set up the chips and dips. “I won’t lie to you, I’ve been better, but I’m happy to be here with you guys. I had a lot of fun when Winston brought me to that party you played a few weeks ago,” she answered with her most convincing smile, “How have you been? Still seeing that cougar?” She hated that word, but she lit up a bit when Rio was introduced. “I legit forget his full name is Orion sometimes, but Rio is the best.” 
Tonight was going to be nice. It had to be, for all of their sakes. Well maybe not Todd, he seemed to be doing fine actually. That was pretty refreshing, meeting someone so genuinely happy. Todd was obviously an affectionate person, trying to welcome Orion with open arms, literally. Rio accepted the hug, albeit a little more apprehensive than Todd was. His friendliness was contagious, making Rio want to smile despite the situation. That was what the night was for though, right? “It’s nice to meet you too! I’ve uh- heard a lot about you as well. And I guess in a way Winston and I have you to thank for us getting together. It sorta started at some club we went to to see you.” Would either of them ever have made a move if they hadn’t gotten drunk in that club? It was hard to tell. Rio glanced curiously over at Ariana when she mentioned an identity crisis. Rio had no idea what that meant, but he supposed the two hadn’t talked much until Rio had gone to the hospital. He felt a little out of the loop. “Ha. Well, it’s actually sorta weird now when people actually call me Orion. I feel like my parents are the only ones that do it.” Rio shrugged and scratched at the burn on his neck nervously. “But uh- Feel free to drink however much you want tonight! You can sleep here if you need or I can drive you home after.” 
Keeping busy was the name of the game. Whether it was with work or with friends or with personal projects. Winston didn’t have time to think about everything that had been going on recently if they kept themselves busy. “You can crash in the spare room or on one of the sofas if you’d prefer dude,” Winston agreed from the kitchen as they sorted snacks into bowls, slid very drinks into fridges and made themselves their own drink. Swallowing half of it in one go, Winston winced. Alcohol didn't’ even really numb anything all that much. But it was harder to think about how fucked up things were at the moment. Looking over to Todd, Winston couldn’t help but smile. How the guy managed to stay so positive throughout was kind of beyond them. “You’ve yet to tell us that much about this girl you are dating,” Winston chimed in their back still turned to the group. They hoped that the emotion hadn’t completely left their voice. They had just been telling people that they were tired but they weren’t sure if anyone actually believed it. 
Hugging Megan-Ariana first, then Rio, Todd couldn’t help how overwhelmingly happy he was to be hanging with one of his best buds, his best bud’s boyfriend, and a really dope chick. He hadn’t had a fun game night with the boys-- well, boy, non-binary bro, and a girl-- in a long time and he was hyped for it. “Haha, it’s all good, dude. And hey, no worries. That’s what game night’s for! How are we feeling on games?” He asked as he began to pull out the decks of cards from his bag and set the poker chip set on the table. Looking over at Rio, he grinned, “Oh, you guys came to the club? That’s so dope! Haha, I’m glad that you guys were able to like, connect and stuff! Friction is good for that.” He said with a nod, the innuendo of what he’d said going over his head. Grabbing a Natty, he popped the top and took a long drink before shrugging. “I’m not the kinda guy to kiss and tell,” He laughed and shook his head. He wanted to tell them all about Lydia, how he just… couldn’t get her out of his head. How all his music seemed to be about her. But, now didn’t feel like the right time for him to go all mushy with how much he liked her. “Besides! We’re here to have a good time, not hear about my relationship stuff.”
How Todd maintained his level of unbridled enthusiasm was a mystery to Ariana. Had life just been more kind to him? Was it because he wasn’t caught up in all the supernatural drama of the town? Had death not quite touched him like it had the rest of them? If it had, she certainly couldn’t see it. Tragedy struck her too young to be familiar in the ways of blind optimism, but she always persevered, right? She found little moments worth pushing forward for, like these. It was evident in Winston’s voice that things were taking a toll on them, too. As she prepared the last of the snacks she brought, she placed a comforting hand on their shoulder and gave Winston a meaningful look before following them out into the living room with snacks in tow. It was hard not to laugh along with Todd. He was sure secretive about this older woman he was seeing, which made her a bit weary, but she chalked it up to her own bleak outlook at this moment. With a coy grin, she threw in, “I mean, hearing about your dating life sounds fun to me, but fine, don’t tell us the juicy details. I’m not living vicariously through you.” Maybe she wasn’t, but that thought made her head spin. She didn’t like to think about how she felt about Ace. None of that mattered if she let Lydia kill him and thinking about it only made her sad, so she shook it away and asked, “So what are we starting with first? I’ve only really done board games with y’all, so I’m really game for anything.” 
“I have no idea what you all are talking about, but I’m totally not going to pry into your dating life.” Orion shrugged, trying to feign the same light and airiness that Todd carried himself around with. Though the two weren’t close, and had only just met Rio realized that everyone needed a friend like Todd to keep this optimistic even in the worst of times. Rio just hoped for Todd’s sake that he never had to figure out how difficult things could get here in White Crest. But for the sake of tonight, Rio could try to forget it. Or if nothing else at least ignore it. “Some of us are trying to make good first impressions.” Rio grinned, hoping that by taking Todd’s side he won some points. Though it didn’t seem like it took much for Todd to make friends with someone. He seemed like a pretty personable guy. It was the same attitude that Adam held at times, though Rio was starting to figure out that there was more beneath that surface. “If we play video games, Winston is sure to stomp us all. Not that I’m complaining.” Wait… did that sound suggestive? He coughed into his arm and cleared his throat, trying to change things around, “But uh- we have cards. And board games. And can do anything that doesn’t involve me making a decision. Wow I’m thirsty. I mean parched. I mean… I’m gonna grab water now.”
“Todd is dating a mystery older woman,” they explained to Rio, “but he likes to keep things secret to build tension… apparently.” Winston had to admit that they found it a little strange that they hadn’t heard more about Todd’s girl, but they weren’t one to pry into their friend’s private business, as long as Todd was happy then so was Winston. Especially when he was apparently managing to continue to live a relatively normal life without the interference of any supernatural parties. Something that Winston kind of envied him for. Yet it was very weird that Todd wasn’t telling them more. Normally he liked to show off those that he was dating. Apparently not anymore, but then again maybe this was different. Sharing a brief look with Ariana, Winston felt their stomach flip. They weren’t sure if it was worse that they were having emotions or feeling numb all the time. When they had an overwhelming sense of loss they wanted to feel numb and when they felt numb they didn’t want to feel anything. Swallowing away the lump in their throat, Winston sighed gently. “Whenever you’re ready dude,” Winston assured him quietly, “you know that we all just want to get to know her but … you can’t rush these things.” It had taken Winston a while to admit the same things with Rio. Besides, every relationship was different. “We could start with something like cards against maybe?” Winston wasn’t sure that they really wanted to play anything, but it was games night and they had to make the effort, how were things going to go back to … well whatever normal had been before all of this? 
As he was razzed by the others, Todd couldn’t help but grin sheepishly. It was nice to know that they cared about him-- not that he doubted Winston! He knew that work came first and people had to prioritize their stuff! But, it was still nice, feeling wanted like this. It was the way Lydia made him feel. Man, he wished that he could tell them about her. But, now just wasn’t the time. Maybe he’d have a party! Where he could invite his friends and have them meet Lydia, and he could tell them about how he’d met the lead singer of Ace of Cups. At Rio’s words, he offered a wink, “I like you, dude. I mean, I knew I’d like you given everything Winston’s told me about you, but you’re a good one. Keep this one around, bud!” He said, clapping a hand on Winston’s shoulder and giving him a teasing shake. “I just don’t wanna freak her out! She’s like… super high class and like, half the time we go on dates, I’m just like “wow, she’s so outta my league.”” He said and shrugged. When Winston suggested cards, he nodded. “Sounds good to me! Poker’s fun, but we can also do other games too! Blackjack, BS, I’m up for whatever!”
If Todd preferred to keep his love life a mystery, Ariana could try to understand. Still, something left her feeling uncertain, but she chalked it up to how shit everything had been lately. She hadn’t meant to become this cynical person and she straightened up realizing that Celeste would never have wanted this for her. With a brighter smile that still felt forced, she commented, “Well, whoever this classy mystery woman is, she’s lucky to have you. You’re super fucking cool.” It was hard not to be endeared by Rio’s ever consistent spazzy tendencies. One day, she hoped he felt more sure of himself, but around he seemed to be getting more comfortable with her personally. She’d just have to help take over decision making for him which was hardly difficult. “I don’t know how to play poker, but I do love Cards Against Humanity. There’s no numbers in that one which like, thank god,” she responded dramatically. Her and math were never going to be friends and that was fine by her. “What’s the ridiculous rule for who goes first again?” 
“Don’t make me blush, it happens way too easily!” Orion cried out, but he was laughing as he shied away from Todd’s approval. It was weird, meeting one of Winston’s friends as their boyfriend instead of just being Rio. The two had been part of a connected group of friends, where most of them knew each other before Winston and Rio ever started dating. It was no longer telling the people that he was already friendly with that he and Winston were seeing each other now, but actually meeting someone new while being a couple. It was a small enough difference that it should have been completely inconsequential, however it still sparked excitement in Rio. “I agree. She sounds pretty cool, but you’re definitely a catch.” He had to admit that the two did sound like a semi odd pairing, but Rio didn’t know enough about Todd or this mystery woman to judge either way. As long as the two were happy, Rio didn’t see the problem. “Yay. A game full of sexual innuendos that I totally understand” Rio grinned sarcastically and resigned himself to his fate. He was going to be lobster red from blushing the entire night. At Ariana’s question, Rio groaned hating that he was the one that remembered the rules to this game, “It’s uh- Well I’m pretty sure the official rules say that it was the last one to like… go to the bathroom… number two style.”
Winston swallowed a mouthful of their drink. Why did everything taste kind of shitty now? Everything felt kind of shitty too. Winston felt like their throat always stuck together whenever they swallowed anything like there was a weird lump in it or something. “I guess we’ll all just have to wait in suspense to see what’s she’s like, something to look forward to … right bud?” Winston swallowed, were they convincing enough? Probably not. They were having a good time right? “Even if you don’t understand them Ri now is the time for you to learn right?” Winston chuckled, the sound was hollow and Winston did what they could to ignore that. “I did a number two this morning but I haven’t really had a chance to eat today soooo…. Anyway, anyone been more … regular then me?” 
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telli1206 · 3 years
A Christmas To Remember (Ch.4)
@vndooms @descendantsgiftexchange And here’s Chapter 4 😁 One Chapter left, which I hope to have up in a few days.
Chapter 1     Chapter 2     Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Falling For Christmas
Jay grunts softly, his eyes fluttering open at the intrusive sounds echoing from downstairs. He had resolved himself to sleeping in with Carlos this morning, so of course there would be a ruckus to ruin his first solid sleep this week.
He sighs, glancing down at the boy cradled in his arms. Carlos is settled peacefully against Jay’s chest, even breaths gently ghosting through his pretty pink lips.
Jay snuggles in closer, hugging Carlos tightly to his chest to fully enjoy this restful moment. It’s almost too tempting to just stay here for the day and not move a muscle, but before he can even really entertain the idea he hears a familiar snarky cackle ring out from downstairs.
He bites back a smile, sliding out of bed all too quickly and almost stumbling over his feet, waking Carlos with his movements. The boy next to him pops up, looking surprised to see Jay awake.
“W-What...are you doing?” He yawns, propping himself up on his elbows. Jay smiles at Carlos’ adorable sleepy face, unable to resist leaning over for a kiss. But once he’s back over the bed, Carlos takes the opportunity to grab Jay and press his hands into his back, trying his best to pull him back into the bed.
“Mmph! ‘Los!” Jay resists, pushing back from the bed. “Ben and Mal just got here!”
Jay springs backward when Carlos releases his hold and sits upright. An excited smile splays on his lips, and he drops out of bed to join Jay and get ready quickly. In record time they’re making their way down to the kitchen together.
The kitchen is erupt with laughter when they walk in. Ben, Mal, Evie, and Doug are sat around the table with Lonnie as she animatedly tells the story of her and Jane, again, while Jane sits in her lap, giggling happily. Ben and Mal are clearly absorbed in the story, Mal nodding her approval and Ben glowing his usual reassuring smile while they listen to Lonnie.
“That’s so cool you guys decided to give it a shot,” Mal mused, giving Lonnie a pleased smirk as she turned to nuzzle Jane’s neck. “Like, you got to be such close friends for so long before you dated. That must’ve made things just, so much...better. Huh?”
Lonnie seems speechless, for once, simply grinning at Jane while she nods vigorously at Mal.
“Isn’t that right, Jay?”
Jay chokes back a chuckle. Mal’s not even looking at him yet, but he knows that smug grin is meant for him. She turns slowly, flashing the grin his way as her eyes trail from Jay to Carlos and back. Carlos buries his face in Jay’s shoulder to hide his reddening complexion.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s great. Thanks Mals, good to see you too.” His eyes never leave Mal’s as he returns her smirk, letting go of Carlos to stride over to her and swoop her up into a hug. “Missed you, M.”
Mal leans into the hug with a smile. “Missed you too, Jay. I’m glad Ben could finagle at least a couple of days off for us,” she teases, stealing a glance over to her husband.
Ben’s already engulfed in a hug with Carlos, but he pulls away and quirks a smile Mal’s way.
“I did my best,” he concedes with a shrug. “I know it’s not much, but the royal court is fully adjourned at least, so we shouldn’t have any disruptions for the next couple of days.”
“Shouldn’t, being the key word,” Mal needles, poking at Ben’s chest. He scoffs at her snide comment though, sneaking a quick peck from her before running off to grab more coffee.
“Well, I for one am glad you’re finally here,” Evie says with a squeal, smiling brightly as she leans into Doug, looking over his shoulder at Jay. “Jay has been our Christmas activity coordinator all week, and you’ve been missing out on all the fun!”
“Oh! Oh! Yessss! It’s been so fun!” Lonnie agrees, eyes alight with excitement. “Jay’s got all the great ideas. Like, Christmasy stuff but super fun and exciting. Never a dull moment!”
The murmurs and nods of universal agreement have Jay swelling proudly, puffing up his chest as he smiles around the kitchen.
Once he catches the look on his boyfriend’s face, however, he physically deflates.
Carlos is chewing on his bottom lip, eyes cast downward as he scuffs at his foot. Jay observes him, silently, until he hears Doug clearing his throat.
“Anyway, what’s on the agenda for today, Jay? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be great to have Ben and Mal joining us!”
Evie grips Doug’s arm, eyes wide and focused in a silent thank you as he places a hand over hers. Jay sucks in a slow, stuttered breath, forcing a smile at them and silently promising to pry about what’s bothering Carlos later. Besides, he saved the best for last, for when Ben and Mal arrived, so Jay has no doubt that everyone will have fun today, especially Carlos.
“Well, why don’t we go find out? We’ve all gotta dress warm again…” he adds, talking over a few groans at the request. “It’ll be worth it! I know it.”
Getting everyone dressed and out the door was a lot easier this time around. Jay likes to think that all of his surprises have been so fun that no one feels the need to question why they always have to go outside, but deep down he knows that Ben and Mal’s presence have more to do with it than anything. Ben is always willing to join his friends without question, and Mal has been hyping up their day so much that Jay’s really starting to wonder about her. Mal’s not the...cheerleader type. But he can’t think of another word to describe how she’s acting right now.
“Jay-bear, I think I figured out where we’re goooing,” she coos.
“Oh, did you now?” Jay quips, trying to glance quickly behind him. He knows she’s grinning, but their banter just doesn’t feel right if he can’t match his arrogant looks to hers.
“Yep, and I’m pumped.” She grabs Ben’s arm excitedly and stares out the window as they arrive. Jay’s pulling up to the lake now, fully frozen over and empty, with a fresh dusting of snow on top that’s been left untouched.
“Ice skating??” Lonnie practically shouts, jumping up from her seat in the car. “Yes! Let’s do it! I love it!”
Jay lips curl into a smile at the warm response to his plans. Even Carlos reaches over to intertwine their fingers and flash a happy grin. Well, a sort of persed, tight-lipped grin with a slight hesitation behind his deep brown eyes, but Jay pushes away the need to address it, yet. They only just got here, so there’s plenty of time to warm up to the idea still. And all their friends are here, so what’s not to love about this?
The sounds of excited chatter and elation as skates are being put on heartens Jay. Even Evie cheery smile stays put through the wobbling on her skates, and the mild offhand complaint about them not matching her outfit. Jane is giggling with every step, emulating a newborn foal with the ways her knees are knocking, but still eager and ready to get on the ice.
Carlos is not much sturdier than Jane on his own skates, but Jay keeps a firm grip on his waist and elbow as they walk, and despite a few harrowing teeters on his blades, Carlos glides onto the ice with surprising ease. Definitely a better start to their outings than previous days, and enough to stir a glimmer of happiness inside Jay as he and Carlos fall in sync on the ice together.
Of course, Lonnie still tries to stir up trouble by flying by them on the ice with Jane and getting a little too close , but even with that close brush Carlos manages to stay upright, maybe just holding Jay’s arm a little tighter.
He heaves a sigh of relief once they pass, and Lonnie throws a wink to Jay over her shoulder.
“We’re racing later Jay, you better be up for it!”
“You’re on!” Jay shouts back. He shrugs when Carlos shoots him a troubled glare, but once he squeezes Carlos’ hip and smiles reassuringly, he gives in with a resigned sigh.
“Don’t worry, I won’t leave you skating alone. Maybe you and Jane can keep each other...up?” Jay grits his teeth, biting back laughter at the thought.
“Ha ha, very funny,” Carlos quips, bumping him on the shoulder. “I was more worried about your dumbass racing yourself into a tree or something. You and Lonnie aren’t exactly...thoughtful, when you challenge each other.”
Jay chuckles, turning their bodies to ease around a bend in the lake. “I’ll be careful, ‘Los. You know you can trust me.”
Carlos nods silently, choosing to lean into Jay rather than respond, which Jay is fine with. He’s content to enjoy this time with Carlos before their friends disrupt them, which usually happens all too soon anyway.
Especially when Mal is around.
He’s startled by two hands on his shoulders, and Mal’s body slams into him from behind before he can react. “Whoa! Sorry,” she cackles, wrapping her arms around to hug him. “I wanna do a whip, Jay! Assemble the troops!”
She pushes off of him, just as Ben skates up and grabs her hand, gesturing for Jay and Carlos to join them as she leads Mal to the middle of the lake. Jay groans as he starts to spin them around.
“You heard the queen,” he snarks. “You wanna grab Evie and Doug? I’ll get Jane and Lonnie. Let’s get this over with.”
Carlos giggles and shakes his head as he skates off to do Mal’s bidding. Jay wants to keep a sneer on for show, but Mal’s eagerness to has him feeling giddy. Even Carlos wasn’t fighting back his smiles, despite being out in the bitter cold. Things were finally going well for him.
The rest of the day on the lake had been fun, but largely uneventful. Jay was happy for that though, because really, most of the events of the last few days had some sort of minor disaster tacked onto the end of them.
The whip had been exhilarating in its success. A knot had twisted in Jay’s gut as they all got lined up, the thought of Carlos potentially finding himself at the end and getting whipped into a snow mound had been swirling in his mind when they finally started. But to his luck, Jay had finagled the anchor position, and was able to keep Carlos at his side, ensuring his safety...for the most part.
Carlos’ breathless laughter and toothy smile remained etched in Jay’s memory, making the day more than worthwhile to him. He even managed to race (and beat) Lonnie, with Carlos conceding to skate with Jane for a bit while they did.
“Oh come ON! How did you do that? Tell me you cheated,” Lonnie pants, trying to catch her breath. Jay doesn’t want to sound as winded as he is, but sucking his breath down only leads to an awkward wheezing, which makes Lonnie laugh out loud. “Careful grandpa, you’re gonna hyperventilate! Deep breaths!”
“Shut up,” Jay retorts, unable to bite back his smile. “I beat you fair and square, Li- loser.”
He snorts when she slaps his back, hard. “Fine! Just don’t get a big head about it, cause it’s not gonna last long, you hear?”
Jay nods, letting his laughter die down as his breaths come in more evenly. His eyes dart around the lake until they land on Jane and Carlos, arms linked as they skate slowly, chattering quietly and smiling to each other. It’s only when Lonnie leans in to follow his gaze that he realizes he’s been staring.
“They’re fucking cute, aren’t they?” she muses, smiling softly as she watches them. “The cutest little nerds…” she adds with a quiet chuckle.
Jay nods, but jumps when Lonnie spins to face him, lips painted with a playful smirk.
“They really needed us you know? To show them how to let loose and just have fun.” She turns back to steal a glance at them again. “I just assumed Jane would always be uptight. I still liked her though, still wanted to give it a shot. And...she’s actually really fun. She’s always up for anything when she’s with me.”
Lonnie continues to watch Jane, and Jay almost has to choke back a giggle at the dreamy look on her face, but he’s able to control himself. He’s too happy for Lonnie anyway, he doesn’t even feel his usual need to tease her.
She finally seems to snap out of it, looking back at Jay with only a half quirk of a smile. She huffs a laugh at him, shaking her head.
“You gotta do the nerd stuff too, though, don’t you? Just to make them happy. It’s not so bad though. Jane loves when we read together. And we do puzzles allll the time.”
She scrunches her nose when Jay chuckles at her, giving him a nudge with her elbow. “Turns out, I actually like puzzles. I had no idea. I guess that makes me a little bit of a nerd too, huh?”
“It makes you a nerd for Jane.” He actually laughs this time, and Lonnie rolls her eyes at him.
“I hate to break it to you, but you’ve been a nerd for Carlos even longer.”
Jay scoffs, pulling her along as Jane and Carlos start to skate back to them. “If you say so, Lons. It doesn’t matter anyway, cause I’m not about to complain.”
Lonnie seems eerily quiet for a moment, but just as she reaches out to grab Jane’s hand, Jay hears her barely mumble.
“Me neither.”
Jay feels his happiness creeping through him for the entirety of their drive back to the castle. The car is relatively silent, Evie and Mal are already both sleeping, clearly feeling physically spent from the long day outside. Jane and Lonnie talk quietly in the back for most of the ride, while Jay lightly strokes Carlos’ hair as he lays his head against the center console. He’s smiling sleepily, and a rush of joy consumes Jay from the inside out. Ice skating had gone off without a hitch, and at this point he couldn’t have wished for more. Today was perfect.
Well, almost perfect.
When they arrive at the castle, Carlos pulls Jay aside and into the hallway as they’re walking in.
“So. Don’t be mad, but-” Jay’s already frowning, so Carlos turns a weak smile. “-would it be ok with you if I just went to our room now? I really want to lay down, I’m beat.” Carlos bites his lip and looks downward, refusing to meet Jay’s gaze as he waits for him to respond.
Jay’s trying to be understanding, but really, he isn’t. Sure, today was tiring, but everyone else is still choosing to hang out together, and Carlos is never one to turn down time with friends. And Mal and Ben just got here today! This just, doesn’t seem like something that Carlos would do.
Carlos finally looks at Jay, giving him wide, pleading eyes and his most regretful smile.
“I mean, if that’s what you want. You know I won’t stop you.” Jay mumbles, trying his best to look sincere.
Carlos nods, kissing him quickly on the cheek as he passes by to retreat upstairs. Jay huffs a sigh as he watches, eventually trudging glumly back into the main living room alone to rejoin their friends.
“Jay, will you get your mopey ass in here already?”
Mal shoves another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth, letting the spoon dangle from her lips as she waves Jay into the kitchen. He follows her command wordlessly. All the will he had to enjoy her company and banter went upstairs hours ago, leaving him alone so his mind could formulate all the potential scenarios that sent Carlos upstairs and not with Jay on Christmas Eve.
“Are you just going to sit around all night and wonder what the hell you did wrong?”
Jay grits his teeth as he slides into the chair next to Mal. “No,” he grumbles, but she’s already flashing a shit-eating grin.
“Yes, yes you are, Jay-bear. You’re not fooling me. Never could, so stop trying,” she chuckles and dips her finger in her ice cream to smear it across Jay’s nose. He swipes it off with a sneer, shrugging her arm off his shoulder.
“Fine, who the fuck cares?” He bursts, tossing his hands up in frustration. “I spent weeks planning out this trip, and all I’ve managed to do is drop a tree on Carlos, knock him out with a toboggan and make him want to go to bed and ignore me. I think I have the right to fuckin’ be upset, ok? I ruined our first Christmas together. He probably hates me.”
“Ok, stop with the pity party. He doesn’t hate you. I saw him with you all day today. He does, like...the exact opposite of hating you.”
Opposite of hate? Jay’s lip trembles, but he forces back his smile. “But, he couldn’t get away from me fast enough tonight. And I thought he had a great time today.”
“Jayyy,” she sighs, “I love you, you know I do. But not everything is about you. Did you ever think that maybe Carlos was...tired?”
Jay shrugs, a little disbelieving. “He’s skated before, it’s never that exhausting. And he’d never give up the chance to see you and Ben. We’ve been wanting to see you guys for so long.”
“I know,” Mals says, squeezing Jay’s hand. “And we’re excited to see you both too. But from what Evie’s been telling me, you’ve had all of them running laps for days with all your, Christmas activities.”
Jay snorts at Mal’s finger quotes, slapping them down with a smirk. “So what’s your point? I’m just trying to make the most of this trip, and really get in the Christmas spirit. You know? Make it a memorable Christmas for everyone.”
“And I’m not arguing that at all, Jay. Really, Evie, Lonnie and Jane wouldn’t stop raving about how fun it’s been thanks to you. But-”
“But? Oh great, here it comes,” Jay starts to moan.
“Just shut up and listen, ok? When you were making all these, Christmassy plans, did you stop to consider the things that Carlos likes to do?”
Jay pauses, licking at his lips as he thinks. “He likes...Christmas. Being with friends.”
“He likes sitting and talking, playing board games, doing puzzles,” she explains with a quirk of her brow. “Sure, he does sports. Sometimes. But mostly to spend time with you, like with tourney. But, you fell in love with a nerd, Jay. Don’t forget that.”
Jay scoffs, turning away from Mal with an angry furrow in his brow. But he releases with a sad sigh. “Fuck, you’re right. I know you’re right. I should’ve made at least one day about doing what he loves, not me. Dammit.”
He drops his head, clenching his fists on the table. But Mal reaches out to him, softening his grip with her fingers.
“Will you chill? We can still fix this.”
“Mal, it’s Christmas Eve. What the hell are we gonna do?”
Mal’s smile stretches wide and triumphant. “I thought you’d never ask. E! Get in here!”
Jay here’s some stumbling in the main living room, followed by quickening clacks.
“You called, M?” Evie sing-songs as she pops around the corner.
“Remember what we talked about? Jay does need our help,” Mal tells her, smirking at Jay’s surprised look.
Evie grins toothily at Mal. “Oh good! Craft time!”
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riotwritesthings · 5 years
Kinktober 2019 Day 17
Masturbation | Collaring
SteveTony, E, 2.4k | AO3
once upon a time, @tcnystcnks mentioned something about Tony in Steve’s shirt and dogtags and nothing else. I am easily influenced. So here we are. This one’s for you, BB!
Steve’s dog tags feel heavy around his neck. They’re not, Tony even weighed them, just to be sure, and they weight no more no less than any other set of military issued dog tags. They still feel impossibly heavy though. They felt heavy when Steve first dropped in them into Tony’s open palm before leaving on a week long mission. They felt heavy the first four days that Tony carried them around in his pocket, and they felt especially heavy when he finally gave in and looped them around his neck, telling himself 'only three more days.'
The day that Steve is supposed to come back, Tony gets nothing done. He keeps getting distracted, finds himself staring into space and rubbing his thumb over the raised words on the dog tags, his thumbnail catching on the 'R'of Steve’s name. Halfway through the day, when he finds out Steve’s transport home has been delayed, Tony gives up on being productive and stomps off to his room to pout and mope. Which mostly means curling up in bed in one of Steve’s shirts despite the fact that it’s hilariously huge on him and twisting the chain around and around and around his neck, not at all watching whatever movie he ended up putting on for background noise.
Tony doesn’t have an alert set up for when Steve gets back to the tower, because that would be sad and obsessive and clingy, which Tony is not. Except he is, he is all of those things, they haven’t been apart this long since they started dating and Tony is losing his mind a little bit. Even when he has business meetings he actually has to go to in person, Tony just brings Steve with him, doesn’t want to spend a single day without Steve’s bright smile and warm eyes. But apparently SHIELD drew the line at letting Captain America’ s clingy boyfriend just tag along on some kind of super secret dark mission. Crazy.
When Tony’s Clingy Alarm goes off his first instinct is to run across the tower and literally fling himself at Steve the second he walks out of the elevator, but Natasha might actually follow through on that threat to turn a hose on them if she catches them making out in the common areas again. Plus, he would have to put on pants. And he’s kind of already half hard, after spending a good chunk of the day in bed wrapped up in Steve-smell, thinking of all the things they should do as soon as Steve gets home.
So Tony decides on a different tactic and kicks off his boxers, sprawls out in the center of the bed in just Steve’s shirt and Steve’s dog tags, palming at his cock and quickly bringing himself to full hardness. It takes barely any effort, it's been a full week and sue him, Tony is repressed, and just the thought that in a couple minutes he’ll have Steve’s hands on him again has him choking down a soft sound, rocking his hips up to shove his cock harder into his own fist.
Steve must have asked JARVIS where to find him, because not a minute later Steve pushes open the bedroom store with an excited, if confused, look on his face, like he’s trying to figure out why Tony hadn’t jumped him at the elevator. As soon as his eyes land on Tony he freezes, audibly sucking in a harsh breath as his eyes darken and his face flushes red.
“Oh my, I forgot you were coming home,” Tony says, all mock-surprised and trying to fight down his smirk, “how very embarrassing for me.”
“You-“ Steve starts and then stops, trying to look unimpressed but it’s not really working because his eyes keep dragging down Tony's body to watch his hand move slow and lazy over his cock.
Tony’s smirk widens as his hips jerk under the heavy weight of Steve’s gaze, bead of moisture gathering the tip of his cock. Steve makes another strangled sound, eyes flickering from Tony’s cock to he dog tags laying against his chest like he can’t decide which is hotter, and Tony has just enough time to laugh before Steve starts aggressively stripping out of all his clothes and throws himself onto the bed. Tony’s laughter gets cut off by Steve’s mouth crashing against his in a series of short, desperate kisses.
“You-“ Steve tries again, one big hand sliding up Tony's chest beneath the stolen shirt as he kisses and nips along Tony’s jaw, “You’re wearing them,” Steve breathes out, sounding overwhelmed and Tony feels his own face flush slightly.
“I missed you,” Tony says, like he’s confessing to some terrible secret, but oh it’ s so worth it for the way Steve pulls back just enough to smile at him, big and bright and enough to make Tony’s already racing heart lurch hard in his chest. “I missed you,” Tony says again, wraps both hands around the back of Steve’s neck and yanks him down close enough to kiss agin, arches up to grand his aching cook against Steve’s stomach. “C’mon, sweetheart, I need you."
“Then maybe you shouldn't have started without me,“ Steve says sweetly, hint of a smirk to his voice. Tony has just enough time to think ‘oh no, I’m in trouble’ before Steve is kissing him for real, deep and hungry and all Tony can do is focus on giving back as good as he gets. There’s really no way of knowing how long they spend just laying the er kissing, hands roaming, relearning every inch of each other like they’ve been apart for way longer than a week, until Tony’s lips tingle and his head is spinning.
Eventually Steve pulls away just enough to speak against Tony’s lips as he says “hold this for me.” Tony has enough time to open his eyes and wonder what the hell Steve is talking about, and then Steve is pressing the the dog tags between his lips. Tony bites down on them on instinct, a strangled groan escaping as his teeth click against the metal. Steve just smirks at him, small and wicked and Tony groans again, sound going high and pitiful at the end as Steve pulls further away. Turns out he doesn’t need to worry though, as Steve immediately starts shoving the oversized shirt up Tony’s chest and leaning down to bite at his stomach and hips, batting Tony's had out of the way to breathe out hot over Tony’s leaking cock, making it twitch.
Tony can't beg or plead or demand, not with the metal tags clenched between his teeth, can only make muffled desperate noises that have Steve’s smirk growing before he finally, finally takes the head of Tony’s cock between his lips. Tony jerks hard, a loud whine caught in his throat as Steve continues to take his goddamn time, sucking Tony down one inch at a time, strong hands holding Tony in place as he thrashes and clutches at the sheets.
No amount of pitiful noises or flailing limbs can convince Steve to hurry the hell up, and by the time Steve starts fingering him open Tony has been reduced to shaking and making soft, wet noises around the dog tags sit clenched between his teeth. Each new finger added has Tony shuddering, trying desperately to grind himself down against Steve’ s hand or thrust up into Steve’s hot, perfect mouth.
When Steve lets Tony ’s cock slip free of his lisp with a wet pop Tony can’t help the sound that bursts out of him, nearly a sob as he thumps his head back against he bed. Steve rests his forehead against Tony’s hip for a moment, his breathing ragged as well and that always makes Tony feel a little better, knowing Steve is going just as crazy as he is.
“Always open up so gorgeous for me,” Steve breathes out, low and rough, three fingers pressing deep inside Tony, stretching him open with the most amazing ache. “Thought about this the whole time I was gone,” Steve continues, lips brushing over the skin of Tony ’s hip, down over his thigh, “couldn’t wait to get home and get my hands on you again, feel you fall apart for me.”
Tony’s mouth falls open on a loud cry as Steve’s fingers slink into him hard, jabbing ruthlessly at his prostate until Tony’s vision goes a little sideways. “Steve, honey, please,” Tony, finally, finally begs, dog tags falling down against his throat with a soft clink that's mostly drowned out by Tony’ s next loud moan. “Please,” Tony starts, then gets cut off when the room abruptly spins. Tony blinks in confusion for a second as he suddenly finds himself face down in the sheets, then groans again as Steve tugs him up to his hand an knees, the perfect amount of rough.
“Impatient,” Steve chides, like he’s not equally breathless, like Tony hadn’t seen the dark flush on his face. He pushes the shirt up Tony’s back, big hand spread wide over the dip of his spine and Tony whines. He rocks back against Steve’s hips presses up snug to his ass, Steve’s cock already slicked up and sliding against his twitching, empty hole, and every time he moves the dog tags still hanging around Tony’s neck shift and clink together.
Tony whines again when Steve doesn’t do anything else, just settles his hands on Tony ’s hips and lets Tony writhe against him. “C’mon, Steve, it’s been too long for you to be teasing me like this, you- Ah!” Tony cuts off with a loud moan as Steve shifts and the next time Tony rocks back the head of Steve’s thick cock catches on his rim, starts pressing into him. “Fuck, fuck, oh my god-“ Tony gasps out as he starts pressing himself back harder on every roll of his hips, taking Steve in further, working himself down onto Steve’s cock until his hips are pressed tight to Tony’s ass again. “God, Steve- ohhh fuck-“ Tony groans, letting his head hanging down between his shaking arms and taking deep gasping breaths as he tries to adjust to the stretch, hips still twitching restlessly, shifting Steve’s cock inside him.
“So fucking tight, Tony- damn you feel so good,” Steve groans, and Tony whimpers because Steve doesn’t actually swear that often, and when he does it’s usually because he’s so worked up he doesn’t know what to do with himself. Tony is about to get so vigorously fucked, and for a second he cant breathe around the anticipation of it. Sure enough, with one more soft "fuck", Steve tightens his grip on Tony's hips, pulls out slowly, and then slams back into him hard.
Tony wails, spine arching sharply, locking his elbows to properly brace himself and shove himself back to meet Steve's next thrust. Tony loses himself to the rhythm of it, Steve's hips slapping against his ass, punching gasps and moans out of him every time Steve's cock splits him open again, pressing so deep inside him, the quiet clatter of the tags around his neck every time Tony jolts forward.
“Steve, Steve- fuck-“ Tony groans as Steve thrusts into him harder, nearly shoving Tony up the bed with every snap of his hips, until Tony's elbows give out and Tony finds himself face planting into the sheets, crying out again as it shifts the angle and Steve's next couple thrusts nail his prostate dead on. "Steve, Steve," Tony whines, like it's the only word he knows, clawing at the blankets as every perfect slide of Steve's cock inside him drags him closer to the edge, his stomach in burning knots.
One of Steve's hands leaves his hip, but Tony doesn't have the brainpower to wonder about it until Steve's fingers tangle in the chain of the dog tags, pulling it tight against Tony's neck. "Oh," Tony says quietly, the sound nearly punched out of him, and then groans loudly as Steve hauls him upright, still fucking into him with short, deep thrusts.
"How long have you actually been wearing these?" Steve asks, lips pressed to Tony's ear, shaking the chain a little so the tags rattle noisily. Tony just drops his head back against Steve's shoulder with a loud whine, because how is he supposed to form words when Steves cock is pounding relentlessly into his prostate. "Tell me," Steve demands and apparently the fact that he's breathless doesn't stop him from using his Commanding voice, his other hand sliding from Tony's hip to his stomach, fingers creeping towards Tony's cock almost tauntingly.
"Fuck," Tony moans, throwing one hand back blindly, grabbing at Steve's hip just for something to hold onto. "T- three days," Tony admits, voice nearly a wheeze, entire body tensing up and he's close, he's so close, thrashing and writhing in Steve's hold, tying in vain to shove himself back harder onto Steve's cock, trying to wiggle Steve's hand closer to his own throbbing cook.
Finally, finally, Steve's fingers close around Tony's cock and even as every muscle of Tony’s body clenches up hard, Steve tightens his hold on the chain around Tony's neck and quietly demands "are they heavy?"
Tony all out screams as he comes, orgasm wracking through him, entire body shaking so hard that Steve has to release the chain and clamp an arm over his chest to keep him in place. All Tony can do is whimper when Steve shoves forward, bares him down flat against the bed again, thrusting into Tony's trembling body, making him whimper weakly until Steve finally comes with a drawn out groan.
Tony huffs softly in protest when Steve sprawls out heavy half on top of him, but doesn't actually try to wiggle free as they lay there and slowly catch their breath.
"I missed you too," Steve says eventually, his mouth pressed to Tony's shoulder, voice lazy and blissed out.
Tony laughs softly, finally shifts enough that he can turn his head and grin at Steve. "Oh good, I was so worried," Tony says sarcastically and gets treated to Steve's sleepy laugh. Its one of Tony's all-time favorite Steve laughs. Tony is so busy smiling dopily that it takes him a second to notice the dog tags digging into his face, and even as he lifts his head to dig them free Tony feels a grin taking over his face. "So I'm keeping these, just for the record," he says seriously, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the raised words again.
"Good," Steve says, expression somewhere between fond and possessive. He reaches out and drags a thumb over Tony's throat, where Tony can already feel the little divots left by the balls of the chain digging in, then leans in to press a sweet kiss to Tony's lips. Good."
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lookatmerosalie · 4 years
Love’s Consequences, Seventeen
    Sunday mass. It's something I've had to attend my entire life. It's never something I've decided to attend, but have done so anyway for my parents.
   I wasn't always apathetic when it came to religion. When I was little, I actually had a strong connection with God. I liked singing at church, and I thought the cathedral was gorgeous. But as I aged, I became more and more disenchanted. I wondered why all these things were taught to me, and if it was truly real. Was there really a divine power watching over me?
  By the time I reached middle school, I had a weak connection to the Catholic church. I saw the way my parents would treat certain groups of people and felt guilt. The way my life was going, I felt like I was alone, and no one was watching over me. It didn't feel right.
  Today, I still continue my tradition of going to church every Sunday. Stepping into that same white and gold cathedral, my parents leading me inside. We find our usual spot and sit at the pew. Once more people arrive, the mass gets started, and we partake in the opening hymn.
   We talk of pardoning our sins, and jump right into the gospel reading. Another hymn, more pardoning of sins. The name of Christ is holy, blah blah blah. It all sounds like amplified white noise to me.
  Since I've started dating Austin, my relationship with the church has reached an all-time low. Although my parents have never explicitly stated that they hate gay people, I know their backgrounds, who they were raised by, and what messages have been given to them by the church. I feel like an outsider, even just standing in the pew. All the people around me, though they've seen me grow up and have known me my whole life, would never speak to me again if they knew who I really was.
  This time of year, our church prepares itself for lent, Easter, and the rest of the coinciding holy holidays. I can tell that, as usual, my parents are super invested and excited to be here. I find it great that some people can find solace in the Catholic church, but I'm not one of them.
   As if I fell asleep and woke up suddenly, the mass is nearly over. I lost myself in my own thoughts, which happens pretty often these days. I must have just gone through the motions until now.
   We go up, take communion, and head back to the pew for the remainder of the mass.
   "The Lord be with you."
   "And with your spirit," I mumble.
   "May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirt."
   "Amen," everyone responds.
   We all get dismissed and file ourselves out of the cathedral. My parents exit with giddy strides and smiles on their faces. I exit with the weight of the world on my shoulders.
   "I thought today's mass was excellent. Did you enjoy it, Dylan?" my mom asks me. I nod, not saying anything in response.
   The three of us make our way down the street to the parking lot. Across the street, two women with dyed hair sit next to each other. As we pass, they kiss. My parents keep walking, but I could see the stink on their faces from a mile away.
   As soon as we get in the car, my dad says, "Right across from a Catholic church? Really? The nerve they have."
   My mom shakes her head. "I don't understand how people can choose to live that way. It's downright sinful."
  I sit quietly. My dad asks, "Is there anyone at your school who is in a relationship like that?" My heart starts to race.
  "Nope, not that I know of."
  "Good. I don't want you being exposed to that kind of behavior. It's sickening," he spits.
    Thank goodness I'm not exposing myself to that kind of behavior. That'd be a tragedy.
  The whole ride home, I have a pit in my stomach and a sense of dread falling over me. Being super old school Catholics, I should've known they wouldn't be LGBT-friendly. I was an idiot for thinking otherwise. I wish I got the cool, hip, modern Christian parents that Sammy has.
   "Make sure you wash the dishes today, honey," my mom reminds me before I can escape to my room.
    Not wanting to fight, I simply say, "Alright."
    I wash off the muck from our bowls and plates and try to put them in the dishwasher as quickly as possible. Midway through, I feel a buzz in my pocket. I wipe off my hands and take my phone out to check.
    "I love you," Austin writes. I smile wide and my heart flutters.
   "What are you smiling at?" my dad asks, walking in the kitchen. I quickly click my phone off and put it back in my pocket.
   "Just a funny post I saw," I tell him, getting back to the dishes.
   "Mhm," he says, suspiciously. He continues walking into the living room, but his presence was enough to put me on edge. So, I simply finish doing the dishes in silence.
   "I'm going to tell them."
    "What? Are you sure?" Austin asks me, a little concerned.
    I nod. Although every bone in my body disagrees with my decision, I nod.
   He sighs. "Okay. Please be careful."
   I nod. "I will. Thank you," I say, kissing him one last time.
  Suddenly, I'm back with my parents. The two of them sit on the couch, looking at me expectantly. A surge of pain courses through me, but I walk closer to them nonetheless.
   "Mom. Dad. I need to tell you something," I speak softly.
   "Spit it out," my dad says, getting up and towering over me.
   I take a deep breath. "I'm gay."
  The floor opens up into a dark pit, and I stumble in. I hold on to the edge, which was growing by the second, with my fingertips.
   "No, you're not," both of my parents say simultaneously. Both of them step on my fingers, one taking responsibility of one hand, forcing me to let go and plummet down.
   I scream until I can't anymore. Eventually, it feels as though there's no air left to breathe.
   Suddenly, I wake up. I find myself in a dark place, not able to see anything around me.
  A familiar voice in my ear whispers, “He’s mine.”
  Flashing to another scene, I see six figures in the distance. Two stand out to me: a slim, chocolate haired boy next to a girl with short red hair. They hold hands and the whole group laughs together. They turn around, and I see my friends.
  “I told you he’s mine. Why are you back?” Sammy asks, glaring. My heart races and I double back a few steps.
  “W-what’s happening?” I say, wanting to cry.
  “We don’t need you,” all of them say in unison.
  Frozen in place, the man who should be my boyfriend approaches me and repeats, as if some type of twisted mantra, “We don’t need you.”
   Blinded by tears, the scenery changes once again. All I can hear is laughter, but it didn’t seem like they were laughing at anything funny. I wipe my eyes and look around to see faceless teens in a school hallway, laughing and pointing at me.
   This can’t be real... no...
   I jolt up in bed, feeling hot and sweaty. I strip my blanket off from on top of me and turn so my legs are hanging off the bed. I quickly grasp around for my phone on my nightstand, and click it. It’s 2:43.
   My heart continues to race from whatever hell I just experienced. I’ve had dreams like that before, but never that painful. And never with Austin.
   I try to regain comfort in the fact that none of it was real, and I’m safe again. But the pit in my stomach remains.
  Although I’m unsure if Austin is awake, I call him anyway. It rings only once or twice before he picks up.
  “Are you okay? Is something wrong?” Austin asks, clearly panicked. I calm myself a little just from the sound of his voice.
 “I’m okay now,” I sigh a breath of relief.
 “What’s wrong?” he asks, still concerned.
 “If I said I had a nightmare, would you laugh at me?” I ask, scratching my head.
  “Of course not. I’m guessing it was worse than usual?” he asks, knowing I’ve had plenty before.
  “Yeah. It was rough.”
  “Do you want to talk through it?” he asks kindly.
  “No. I just wanted to hear your voice,” I tell him.
  “Oh yeah?”
  I blush. “Yeah. Hearing you makes me feel better,” I admit.
  He lets out a brief sigh of happiness. “Everything’s going to be alright, Dyl. I’ll always be here with my voice.”
  I smile wide and lay down, leaving the phone next to my ear.
  “Is it okay if I just leave you on for a little longer? You don’t even have to talk if you don’t want to,” I ask.
  “I’ll stay on as long as you need. I’m here,” he says sweetly. I close my eyes and just listen to the sound of his gentle breath, pretending like he was right there next to me. I quickly find myself falling asleep, Austin still virtually by my side.
  The next morning, I’d come to find out that he never hung up.
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winchester90210 · 4 years
The BH 90210 Rewrite. 1x18: It’s Only A Test
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Rewrite Masterlist
Read the previous chapter here!
Chapter Summary: The SATs, health emergencies, and way too many feelings.
Warnings: mentions of tumors and loss of a loved one, a little bit of angst, maybe a swear word somewhere. I think that’s it!
Word Count: 2,300 My work is not to be reposted and/or edited without my expressed written consent. (Reblogging is fine and encouraged!!) Feedback is incredibly appreciated! :)
A/N:Thanks for everyone’s patience! I had to take a little time off due to Shannen coming out about her cancer returning. It just felt weird to hear about that and then write a chapter about Brenda having a cancer scare. I just needed a little time to process it, but now I’m back and the next chapter (April is the Cruelest Month) is ACTUALLY going to come out next week! Very excited about that. Okay, okay, I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! :) I’d usually link the song for the chapter but it’s not letting me for some reason. The song I would’ve linked is Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul if you still want to check it out! -
Seven days. Seven days! You have seven days to prepare for the SAT. Not six. Sure, you’ve been preparing for it practically your entire life but… a week? It’s like a sick joke or something.
You chew on the end of your pencil, bouncing your leg in a monotonous yet anxious fashion against the wooden desk in the newsroom. Staring down at the article in front of you, your heart pounds. It’s official. No one at this school knows how to use a comma and you can’t possibly fix everyone’s mistakes but you’re gonna die trying. How the hell does Andrea do this? And why did she think dropping all of her work on you right before the biggest test of your life was a good idea?
So you have to cover for her and prepare for the SATs all at the same time— not a big deal! It’s fine! You’d still have plenty of time to see your boyfriend, make sure you can get into a decent college, and see that the next issue of the Blaze gets out on time. Piece of cake! And hey, if you happen to make it out of all of this sane, that’s just a bonus.
“Y’know, I’ve wondered who’s been masticating all the pencils around here,” Brandon teases you as he struts over. You look up from the desk for the first time in half an hour to meet his glance.
“Masticating? Why— why use that word? You could’ve used chewed or chomped or a thousand other words. Masticating is totally unnecessary. Masticating is the kind of word that you learn on one of those super expensive, way too exclusive SAT prep courses.”
“What, like Alfred B. Cook?” He cocks an eyebrow up, pulling a stool from beside him to sit down next to you.
“‘Or you be fried,’” you quote exasperatedly, resting your head in your hand.
“Let me guess— Steve?”
“Bingo,” you sigh.
“If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think those prep courses even work. The SATs are designed to test you on stuff you already know, you can’t cram for them.”
“That’s what I told Steve to begin with but… then again, maybe you can! I mean if there is some kind of system or something, then everyone else who can’t afford those stupid overpriced courses is put at a total disadvantage! And I- I can’t afford to be put at any kind of disadvantage, not with everything I have to do!“
“First off, Y/N/N, you’re the smartest person I know! Besides, it’s just a test. A test that you can take twice if you want to. Second… I think you need to cut back on the coffee because you’re about five seconds away from short-circuiting.” You roll your eyes at him for the coffee jab, but you know he’s right.
“Well, sure, it’s just a test— but it’s a test that’ll determine whether I end up at Stanford or San Quentin.”
“So, you know how we were all at Kelly’s studying for the SATs?” You nod in response, joining Brenda on the edge of her bed. Brenda crosses her arms over her chest, settling back into her bed. “Well, she was reading this magazine and it had this thing in it about… where y’know, you check your breasts for lumps.” She stirs in her spot, kicking her feet up onto the bed. “So—“ she inhales and her voice is low, solemn. “we all decided to do it. I don’t know why, I guess we were bored.” There’s something in the way that she starts gazing off, staring mindlessly into the corner of her bedroom that rubs you the wrong way. Something was off.
“Bren, that’s not something we have to worry about at our age.”
“Well, the article said that even people our age should get into the habit. So, we all did the test,” her words begin to waver as she speaks, “And I thought I felt something.” Her eyes well up, lower eyelids reddening against her tears that are threatening to break through. “So, I talked to my mom and we went to the doctor.”
No. No no no no no. There’s no way… but would she even be telling you about this if there was nothing to worry about? Your stomach lurches instinctively. Suddenly you didn’t feel so well.
“And?” The second she takes to respond feels like an hour as you await her response.
“It’s a tumor.” You shake your head, stammering.
“That—that— How is that possible? I mean, you’re only sixteen and—and—“ you stop yourself short to take a deep, thoughtful breath. “Bren…”
You don’t know what else there is to do besides pulling her into a hug. Her head sits on your shoulder and your hand is resting on her back. You sit like that for a moment, finding comfort in each other’s company. You’d never had a friend like her before. Sure, you’ve had friends, but nothing could hold a candle to what you have with her. It was nice, having someone you could talk about anything with, free of judgment, free of criticism. And the thought of losing that… losing her? As that starts to sink in, it terrifies you.
“We’re getting a biopsy on Saturday,” she whispers.
There’s a beat before you mumble, “At least you get to miss the SATS?”
“So, Steve, any glorious plans this evening?” You meet up with your friend on the way out of West Beverly.
“I was planning on studying. You know what they say— ‘Alfred B. Cook—‘“
“Or you be fried, yeah, I get it. Can I come?”
“Are you asking me for a date?” He flashes a mischievous grin, to which you scoff.
“Of course I am,“ you tease, “Nothing and I mean nothing gets me in the mood for romance like my boyfriend’s best friend and the impending doom of a standardized test.” Steve rolls his eyes, waiting for you to finish. “Look, of course I’m not asking you for a date. What I am asking you for is the Alfred B. Cook advantage. The notes, practice tests, secret government documents– whatever you’ve got.” You shoot him a pair of pleading eyes. "Hey, I’ve gotta go… see you at eight?” You start to slowly tread backward in the direction of your car as you talk.
You turn on your heel toward the parking lot as you hear him call out “It’s a date!”
“No it’s not!”
“Hey, turn it off— we’re supposed to be studying!” You plead loudly as he turns the radio on his nightstand up, pop music blaring so loud you’re surprised the furniture isn’t shaking.
“Come on, you love this song!”
“Steve, everybody loves this song. Paula‘s a goddess of pop,” you dismiss him, reaching over and twisting the dial down.
“Loosen up. Y’know, what you really need is some fun,” he turns the dial to the other side, and now you’re back at square one.
“I have plenty of fun!” you narrow your eyes challengingly, but when you go to turn it back down, a small neon orange ball comes hurdling at your face. You gasp, dodging the projectile aimed at your head. “Did you really just throw an off-brand cheese ball at my face?”
“Maybe I did… maybe I didn’t,” he shrugs nonchalantly, moving over to the lounge chair in the corner of his room.
“What are you, five?” You reprimand him, and as he bends over to pick up a pencil from his carpet, you scoop the plastic bucket of cheese balls, firing a few directly at him. They hit his shoulder blade, crumbling as they fall down to the carpet, hints of orange residue leaving itself all over Steve.
“Who’s five now?”
“Okay, you got four choices, right? Well, out of those four, one will be a total throwaway,” Steve explains, pacing around his room as you catapult yourself back onto his bed, settling to sit cross-legged. It had only taken an hour and a handful of cheese balls to get a Steve to actually start studying.
“Wait, really?“
“Yeah! They do it so they can weed out the morons,” he nods, “No you’ve got three choices left and out of those three choices, one word will often mean the total opposite, so you can rule that one out too. Then you’re down to two choices, and even if you don’t know the answer, you’ve still got a 50/50 shot.”
“That makes it so much easier!” You fall back dramatically and rest your forearm under the back of your head.
“Yeah, you just can’t spend too much time on one question, you have to breeze through it with total confidence and no hesitation.”
“God, I hope I can do it.” You exhale, watching the fan on the ceiling swirl around.
“You can do it. You’re smart already. In fact, I think that’s your problem. You totally outsmart yourself.” He joins you on his queen size bed, lying down beside you.
“Well, sometimes I wish I wasn’t so ‘smart,’” you scoff.
“You know what?” He waits until you’re looking at him with curious eyes to continue, “you’re pretty cute when you’re not biting my head off.” You roll your eyes at his bluntness. If he was anyone else you’d probably be a little offended, but it was Steve. You were way too used to it now.
“Is that supposed to be some kind of compliment?”
“No…” You watch as his eyes flicker from your own, to your lips, then slowly back up to your eyes. “This is.” He leans forward, and before you can even process what’s happening, his lips are on yours.
You sock him hard in the shoulder, shooting up from his bed.
“What?” He grabs his shoulder as if in pain, but you know it’s only his ego that’s wounded.
“What the hell, man?!” You run your hands through your hair, groaning out in frustration. “Why on earth would you do that?!”
“Well, uh… I don’t know. I thought I was picking up on something, that’s all.”
“I have to go… Hey, I’m sure you helped my score two—three hundred points.” You scramble to get your things together, actively avoiding looking Steve in the eye.
“Hey, B,” you join Brandon on the grass in the quad, a small thud as you set your food down beside you.
“Hey, Y/N/N. What’s for lunch?” It was unusually cold today. Clouds covered the usually beaming sun, though little beams of light peeked through every once in a while.
“How can you even think about food right now?“ You fold your hands in your lap, swallowing. You hadn’t eaten all day, but you couldn’t make yourself hungry if you wanted to.
“Actually, there’s something pretty important I want to tell you—“
“Wait. Before you say anything…” you catch his gaze thoughtfully, “how’re you holding up with everything?”
He sighs at that, letting his eyes drift to the ground. “Look, I can’t really flip out at home because of Brenda… but the truth is, inside I’m- I’m flipping out, Y/N/N.” You grab his hand silently, holding it and resting your intertwined fingers on your lap as he continues. “I mean, I know she’s gonna be fine but…”
“Hey, hey… of course she’s gonna be fine.” But then again…
“But then again, there’s always that chance,” his voice is quivering as he swallows, “And I can’t even comprehend it.” You place your free hand over the hand that you’re holding. You sit in silence for a moment, and you think about how you’ve never seen him like this before. Your typically mild-mannered boyfriend’s quiet. He’s vulnerable. He’s scared.
“Brandon, just know that no matter what it is, you can always come talk to me about it.“
"I know… you too, Y/N/N.”  You give him a soft, empathetic smile.
“So, what was it that you wanted to tell me?”
“I’ll tell you later.”
“Well, it’s almost been three hours,” Brenda sighs.
“Yeah… yeah, I’m sure she’ll call any minute!” Cindy agrees, chewing mindlessly on her thumbnail.
“And when she does I’ll answer it,” Brenda states, glaring in an accusatory way towards her mother.
“Fine, can I get anybody something to eat?” Cindy jolts up, making you realize how antsy everyone is. You’re tapping your foot as you stand next to Dylan at a hundred miles a minute, Brandon’s been pacing around the couch for twenty minutes, and Jim hasn’t said a word this entire time.
“Doesn’t anyone know any more jokes?” Brenda suggests, eyeing Dylan.
“None that I could tell here… Y/N/N?” Dylan looks to you, but you shake your head.
The doorbell rings, causing Cindy to go careening towards the phone. She whips it up to her ear and shouts impatiently into it.
“See, I told you she’d answer it,” Brenda grumbles, going over to the front door. She swings it open as Kelly and Donna walk in, giant gift baskets in hand. “You guys, I’m not dead.” The telephone starts to ring, interrupting Kelly when she opens her mouth to speak. “I’ll get it, I’ll get it, I’ll get it!” Brenda shouts, bolting over to the phone and bringing the antenna up. She lifts it to her ear. “Hello? Yes, this is Brenda… hi, Dr. Donner… Uh-huh…” Oh god. This is it. “Uh-huh!” A grin spreads across her face, “It is?!” You can feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders with pure relief. You quickly send up a collective thank you to any and every god you can think of, just in case. “It’s fibroadenoma, just like she thought. Fairly common in teenage girls due to an abnormally high level of estrogen. I guess my hormones were raging,” she giggles.
“Tell me about it,” Dylan smirks, and Brandon sends his elbow into his stomach at the exact same moment you smack Dylan on the back of the head. “Hey!”
Now, time to tackle your next crisis: the fact that you just bombed your SATs.
Taglist: @be-patient-be-good​ @mpmarypoppins​ @bevelyhills90210​ @blueoz​ @harleylilo88​ @princess-ghost-alien​ @hueycat2004​ @l4life​ @keepcalm-and-beyou​​ @palefiregiver​​ @rosy-pugs​
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anarcoqueer1994 · 5 years
Request: TJ and Cyrus find out bench swings exist
So this was a cute idea. I am so sorry ahead of time for grammar mistakes bc me and sleep aren't on the same page.
One Year Together
TJ paced his room anxiously, while Marty and Jonah sat on his bed, listening to the taller boy ramble. "It has to be perfect, you know? Like this is a big deal. As of this Saturday…"
Marty cuts him off "As of this Saturday, you and Cyrus have been together for a whole year. Dude, we know. You have told us at least 100 times. Plus you forget, Buffy and I share the same anniversary so I definitely know how important Saturday is."
"Sorry, I know I keep talking about it, I just want him to have the best time."
"Teej" Jonah speaks up, "Literally Cyrus loves everything you do. I don't think you should worry so much about it."
"Easier said than done. What if my plan doesn't work out? I want it to be sickeningly sweet and romantic." TJ flops down on the chair near his bed. He gets this day-dreamy look on his face. "Can you imagine? We grab lunch at The Spoon, and then I surprise him with tickets to that traveling dinosaur exhibit that is coming this weekend. It's going to have these lifelike models of dinosaur robots who's heads move and stuff placed around the entire thing.We would walk around it together and I would listen to him talk about each one in such detail. God he is so smart." TJ gushes before continuing on. "After a while I would pull out a homemade chocolate chocolate chip muffin and give it to him. Then when we leave, I would take him to the park and we could swing together. And then just as the sun starts to set, I would say it. I will tell Cyrus I love him."
By this point, both of his friends are giving TJ weird looks. Jonah subconsciously rolls his eyes. He still doesn't get the point of all this romance stuff. 
Marty asks "Since when is TJ Kippen  a planner? Aren't you more of a wing it and see what happens kind of guy?" 
"I mean usually but I don't know, man. I just want to do this right for Cyrus."
"Just relax okay? Whatever is meant to happen will happen. "
"Is that right?" TJ asks sarcastically "So are you telling  me you have nothing special planned for Saturday with Buffy?"
"I didn't say that. We are actually going to rewatch White Fang and order take out. So yeah, I have plans but I am not stressed about them. I know Buffy likes me or we wouldn't still be together. Just like you should know that Cyrus likes you and he will probably love whatever you do."
TJ knows objectively that Marty is right. Cyrus cares about him. He shows him that everyday in the little things he does. Cyrus, since he has met him, has always been on his side. He has been the one to believe in him even when he hasn't believed in himself. But that is the exact reason this Saturday has to go right. Cyrus deserves it. Plus, he has never said I love you to him before but he does love him and he wants Cyrus to know.
So despite his friends' advice he keeps worrying. In fact he spends everyday until his anniversary worrying  and working out everything that could go wrong.
The night before the big day, TJ hardly sleeps. He is too excited? or maybe nervous? Maybe both. Anyhow he gets up really early. A little later  Amber finds him in front of his bedroom mirror trying to style his hair just right.
"You know he likes your hair better when you don't put all that gel in." Amber replies from the doorway.
"How do you know? He has never said that to me." TJ says defensively.
"No but Andi told me that he literally spent 20 minutes raving about "how cute your hair was when it was super fluffy" in their group chat. "
"Crap. Really?" TJ says panicking.
"Yea but don't worry. I'll help you out."
Twenty minutes later they have the extra gel rinsed out of his hair and Amber is helping him pick out the perfect outfit. They go with a teal shirt and a nice pair of jeans. Not too dressy, but he still looked nice. When they are finally satisfied by how he looks, Amber gives him a big hug.
"What was that for?" He asks when she pulls away.
"I just want you to know it is going to be okay. " She smiles at her little brother. "Cyrus is going to like whatever you do."
"Everyone keeps saying that but what if he doesn't. What if because of some horrible twist of fate, tonight he realizes that I am not good enough for him?"
"That is not going to happen. Now, go. You told Cyrus you would he at his house 5 minutes ago."  
TJ glances at the time on his phone. "Shoot!" he practically runs out the door while sending Cyrus a text.
-Be right there, I'm so sorry.-
Not too long after, he arrives at Cyrus' front door. He nervously knocks on the door. He tries to remind himself to breathe but somehow even after a year of dating, Cyrus had this effect on him. He blushes at the thought. 
When Cyrus answers the door, he gives TJ one of the biggest smiles he has ever seen. Cyrus steps out onto the porch. "Hey Cy," he chokes out. "Happy Anniversary." He steps closer to the other boy, resting his arms on his waist, while Cyrus responded by placing his arms over either one of TJ's shoulders.
In a soft voice the brunette responds "Happy Anniversary...Thelonious."
TJ throws his head back in feigned annoyance. "Oh way to kill the mood."
Cyrus pouts playfully. "I guess we'll just have to call this whole date off."
"I mean I am already here, we might as well still go, but only because I don't want to waste these tickets." He takes one of his hands and digs through his pocket before pulling out tickets to the dinosaur exhibit. 
When he sees Cyrus' eyes light up, he can't  help but smile at him like a dope. God he was whipped.
"Really TJ?! We are going? I thought tickets sold out months ago!"
"They did but I was one of the first people to order. I've been planning this for a while."
"You are so sweet…oh that reminds me." He pulls free from TJ and runs back into the house. He returns moments later with a small box wrapped in shiny blue paper. "For you."
TJ takes the box and delicately unwraps it. Cyrus obviously put a lot of time into wrapping it. He pulls off the lid to find a small note that says "Thank you for being the "somer" to my "sault." Around the words are little doodles of a smiling sun and a salt shaker. Under the note it a bracelet that looks handmade. It is simple, it just uses the little plastic beads. Some are white with letters on it. They spell out "Not so scary basketball guy." Surrounding the letter beads are other beads in a simple rainbow pattern. 
Cyrus shifts awkwardly watches TJ opening the gift. "You don't have to wear it. I know it is kind of lame."
"Are you kidding me? This is a great bracelet. I love this bracelet." TJ says truthfully before sliding it on. 
"Really?" Cyrus says nervously. 
"Really." TJ affirms before pulling Cyrus in for a hug. "I really love y...the bracelet."
Thankfully Cyrus doesn't seem to have noticed his almost slip up.
Before long, the two boys are off, making their way to the diner before heading to see the dinosaurs. The boys go in and sit in a little booth in the corner. The waitress comes and to take their order. Knowing what his boyfriend wants, TJ orders.
"Two orders of babytaters and a strawberry milkshake with a strawberry milkshake with two straws please."
The waitress smiles "Sorry hun deep  our fryers down for cleaning, and milkshake maker isn't working. We are having a guy look at it this afternoon. Can I get you guys something else?"
TJ looks at Cyrus. Cyrus says "Just a coke and a piece of pie then."
"I'll take the same." TJ is a little annoyed as the waitress walks off. He wanted this to go perfect and that included getting Cyrus' favorite meal. Cyrus sees the look on TJ's face.
"Is everything okay, Teej?" 
"Yea, I just feel bad that you couldn't get the food you wanted."
"Eh so what? I'm still on a date with the cutest guy in town."
TJ blushes "Thanks, Underdog." What he doesn't say out loud is that he could say the same thing.
After they eat their food, they make their way to the dinosaur exhibit. As they walk up to the building, they see a lot of people leaving. There are a couple fire trucks outside. TJ looks around confused. He stops a woman heading to her car. "Hey can you tell me what's going on?"
"One of the dinosaurs short circuited and caught fire. It set off the sprinklers, which damaged some more of the exhibit. They are evacuating everyone."
TJ's face drops. He thanks the woman for her help and turns to Cyrus. "I am so sorry about the exhibit."
"It is okay! You couldn't have possibly known this word happen." TJ still look sa so sad so Cyrus tries to give him his brightest smile. "TJ, I promise it is okay!"
TJ gives a small smile in return. "I guess we can still go to the park."
"Yeah, the park sounds great." 
So they walk hand in hand over to the park. As they walk though, something hits TJ. Right now would be the time to give Cyrus the homemade chocolate chocolate chip muffin he worked so hard on yesterday. Except in his rush to leave early, he forgot it on the kitchen counter. He tries to hide more disappointment from his face.
What happens next though, causes him to snap. When they walk up to the park, the entrance is closed. The ground around it looks flooded and there are some workers trying to figure some stuff out. You see, it had been a weird winter. The temperatures kept changing between freezing and just slightly chilli all season. That meant that the water kept rapidly freezing and melting again, leading to a water pipe bursting. The foreman says in passing "Sorry kids, the park is closed until we can get this cleaned up."
With that, TJ threw his hands into the air and turned and walked away. Cyrus went after him.
"TJ wait, don't go!" He calls out
Of course TJ couldn't just ignore him so he freezes in his spot. Cyrus walks up around him only to see frustrated tears forming in the jocks eyes.
He puts his hand on TJ's shoulder. "Teej is this over the park? I don't care if we can't swing, I just want to be with you."
"You keep saying that but this date was a disaster! I had it all planned out! But first I was late picking you up. Then the Spoon didn't have babytaters. And the dinosaur exhibit literally went up in flames. I forgot the stupid muffin at home, and finally we get to the park, the last sliver of hope for this date and we can't even go in. There isn't even a bench nearby for us to sit at.
Cyrus wraps his arm around TJ. TJ continues into Cyrus' shoulder. "I wanted it to be perfect for you. I wanted to do all the things that are our things. The swings, muffins, the Spoon together, maybe a bench. I just wanted us to be able to do that together."
Cyrus pulls back so he can look TJ in the face. "TJ I love all those things but they don't define us. I love them because they remind me of you. We give them meaning but not vice-versa. We would still be TJ and Cyrus without them. We make other things our things. Anything we want."
TJ doesn't  know how Cyrus does it but somehow he manages to make all the things that were bothering him melt away.
TJ smiles at shorter boy and says "I have an idea." Without another word, he pulls the other boy down the street, with Cyrus happily letting it happen. They stop in front of a house a few streets over.
Cyrus scrunches his eyebrows together. "Is this Marty's house?" All the lights are off.
"Yea but don't worry. His parents are out of town this weekend and he is at Buffy's."
"TJ we are not breaking in there, are we?"
"No." TJ laughs. Of course not. We are just going on the porch."
"Why? What for?" Cyrus asks defensively.
"You'll see, just trust me." TJ smiles.
Cyrus, for his part, let's TJ lead him again, though this time a little more reluctantly.
When they climb the stairs and head to the corner of the long porch, TJ's eyes light up. Cyrus loves the way his green eyes sparkle when he is happy. Except he doesn't know why the boy is so happy, because TJ is just looking at a porch swing.
As if answering the unspoken question,  TJ says "Don't you get it? It is a swing, like the swings we say at the first time we ever talked. But It is also a bench, like the one from Andi's party. The party that happened a year ago today. It is like two of our things wrapped into one."
Cyrus can't help but gleam back at TJ. It always amazes him how clever his boyfriend could be. "We should sit." Is all he can manage to get out.
TJ sits down with the shorter boy following suit, resting his head on TJ's shoulder as the latter wraps his arm around Cyrus. From where they are sitting, they can see the sun starting to set. TJ thinks the better view though was looking down at his boyfriend. He will never understand why he got so lucky, but he did. Cyrus meant everything to him. TJ places a little kiss on the top of Cyrus' head.
 Then without thinking he says "I love you..
" It is almost too quiet to hear. TJ's breathe catches in his throat when he realizes what he said. 
The next few seconds pass excruciatingly slowly before Cyrus say "I love you too, Teej." 
(Also Idk may fuck around and do a Muffy one for the same period of time)
@abg-blah @luzawithoutu @thebisexualweirdo @suzzysangster @galaxy-flowergirl @iloveboyz27
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