#mix and match on symptoms if you want because it appears differently for everyone
lycanthrology · 1 year
hi, i've been wanting to make an intersex oc with klinefelter syndrome whose gone under trc for awhile now, but I'm worried I'd be accidentally fall into stereotypes by making him a little gnc (i'm on the non-binary, genderfluid trans spectrum, but I am perisex) is there anything I should worry about?
I can’t see anything to worry about! KS is common and about 1 in every 600 iamab people live with it <- most never realise because how much it actually impacts daily life can vary dramatically.
I’m assuming you mean testosterone replacement therapy when you say trc let me know if I’m wrong. If so, then it’s likely he’ll act and appear to be near identical to a perisex man. He could have excess breast tissue and choose to get top surgery <- but if he’s gnc he might embrace this instead. You probably know all this stuff already. But basically: he sounds really cool and you should definitely make him!
I don’t have KS and I’m unaware of any KS specific stereotypes outside of regular intersex ones. Because of things like reduced fertility, low sex drive, excess breast tissue, lanky frame, and hairlessness (until starting trt), it could be that he grew up feeling emasculated or socially ostracised, having him be gnc and confident in his body would be very nice to see
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zashamalkin · 4 years
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More from yesterday’s interview
(Translation courtesy of Google translate so please know there are almost certain to be errors.) 
A couple of days ago, the Match TV social network announced a hit: a special broadcast of the All to Match program, in which Dmitry Guberniev and Anna Kasterova talk with the husband of the former TV presenter Yevgeny Malkin.
- Zhenya, how do you like the studio? - Guberniev asked the three-time Stanley Cup winner in a video filmed before the recording.
- I have a bigger apartment! - Malkin answered.
It seemed to be powerful.
And so it happened.
There was such a bonus project. Usually, "Everyone for the Match" goes straight and talks about the turnover: game results, sports news, analysis of the day's games. This release was recorded in advance (at some point Malkin split: “I don’t know if it will be on the air”), which added to the atmosphere of the conversation, and it only contained an interview. The guests were relaxed, did not go away from frank questions and generated a lively conversation.
“Attention, friends! - Dmitry Guberniev said at the very beginning, - today there is an amazing, unique, absolutely exclusive heading on Match TV called “Husband and Wife - One Satan”.
Then it was about the same spirit. A mix of interviews and friendly conversation, in which quite obvious questions were answered with interesting answers: Malkin is rarely shown on TV like this.
- Is the studio bigger than your apartment? - Guberniev asked Malkin again, this time for the broadcast.
- You can say my office, - answered the hockey player.
We discussed Anya's career: there was no other choice but to move to the USA, but she still wants to return to TV
- How did Zhenya react to that, - Guberniev asked Kasterova at the very beginning of the broadcast, - that you and I aired and you had, albeit a fleeting, return to TV?
- You know, in some quarrel I could say: "That's it, I'm going back to work, on television!" - and I always thought it was a stressful moment for him. But now he really supported me.
- No, well, this is Ani's last broadcast, - Malkin intervened, - don't roll your lip here!
- I lip slap, I roll it, - retorted Guberniev.
- And when will you give birth to the second? - Dmitry asked.
- Zhenya wants to, - answered Kasterova. - A year ago I felt pressure from him. But I can explain my position. It seems to me that we still have time, and if this happens - get hurt. But I would like to do something else in terms of my career.
How Malkin and Kasterova discuss household chores
- Are you discussing major purchases or a possible transfer to the team? Or, in theory, a return to Russia?
- Well, of course, we will discuss, - Malkin answered. - Of course, we will discuss the purchase of real estate. We bought together in Miami, didn't we?
- Together in Miami, yes, - agreed Kasterova.
- Of course, the last word will remain with me. But it should be so, I think.
- But you yourself told me that all men are henpecked, - said Guberniev.
“Sometimes we can get up and say our weighty word, ha-ha,” Malkin laughed.
Quarrels in the family of Malkin and Kasterova: Zhenya at home is not what it seems
- Do you swear?
- Yes, sometimes. I understand how Zhenya is perceived. And it is true - he is really very kind, he has a soft heart, he is sympathetic, calm. But at home he is a little different. I understand that given his training, he needs to throw it all out somewhere. But it is very explosive, it can be dangerous. And me too...
“I don’t understand,” Malkin smiled, “did we come to Match TV or to Let them talk?
- And what cannot be combined with success? - retorted Guberniev.
“It was difficult at first,” Kasterova continued. - But you understand that someone has to give in. And I concede more. But when key events occur in our life, he always does the right thing. There are concessions and support.
- I would like to add that my mood depends on my work. There are periods of failure, injury. And at this time I cannot go out and say something. Therefore, I leave all the negative at home. Sometimes I realize I’m crossing the line. But this does not mean that there are problems in the family. I'm just not happy with what is happening in my work.
- Do you know how I realized that the girl fell in love? - said Guberniev. - When Anna told me: now in the morning I do everything very quietly, because my beloved is asleep, he is an athlete, he needs to rest.
- I agree! - confirmed Malkin. - This is love. She used to get ready for work loudly, she had some kind of motivation. And now she is leaving for another room.
- It is important for me that he gets enough sleep. To keep him in good shape. To play well.
We discussed the situation with Dziuba
- I generally have no questions for Dziuba, - began Guberniev. - I believe that he should be in the national team and the captain, and nothing happened.
“My personal opinion,” Malkin said. - He must be in the national team to enter the field and forget. Because now he simply will not be able to fall asleep, he will wind himself up and may simply break a person's career. If he is taken to the national team, there will be training, boys, jokes, humor. And they will support him. And if the coach entrusts him to play for a few minutes, he will have a different mood.
“On the other hand, we can't say that nothing happened at all,” Anna added. - There is still a situation. It seems to me that athletes of this level should be responsible ... We are all not without sin.
Kasterova worries during the games. The first time was very difficult
- The guy plays hockey. How to react when my husband is beaten? - Dmitry asked.
- I worry. I watch all the matches, even if I didn't manage to come - I haven't missed a single one yet ...
“Unlike you,” Malkin rebuked Gubernieva.
- Yes, it's true, I sleep at night, - he replied.
- But it seems to me that you still get used to it, - continued the hockey player. - It was the first year, I saw that you were almost in tears. And now you are calmer.
- No. There were some nonsense when I simply did not understand the situation. Collision, he leaves the ice, and I'm like a madman: “Where to go? I want to see him! " It is clear that such things should not be done. But now restraint has appeared. And as for the emotions that are inside - nothing has changed.
When Anya started going to Malkin's games, it was hard for him
- Does the presence of your wife at important matches interfere?
- A controversial issue. It seems to give strength. But the first time, when we just started communicating ... In the first game, when it came, I really wanted to score!
- Two scored, count! - Anna was delighted.
- It was such a desperate act: now I will show! I'll prove it! - continued Malkin. - Then it was very distracting when the child started going to games. The first three games, when he came, I really wanted to score. And when you really want to, it is very distracting - you cannot relax. Shackles when loved ones come and you want to score. Now I am calm, I know that they are at every game in Pittsburgh, I know where they sit, I always watch, and I am pleased. I scored and saw out of the corner of my eye - Anya was applauding me standing up.
Malkin could have contracted the virus at Ovechkin's birthday
- Did you have a coronavirus?
- Yes, I was ill. There were no symptoms at all, thank God.
- I know stories, as after the birthday of Sasha Ovechkin, people were very seriously ill, especially those who hung out until the morning, - Guberniev joked.
“We do not deny that the infection could have occurred there,” Malkin admitted.
“You know it could have happened anywhere,” Anna added.
“In fact, I don’t want to say bad things about people,” continued Eugene. - But I come with a child - and I understand that the children want to be photographed with me. But I understand that my parents have arrived, that I also have a child. And people take offense, look at you - how so, you refuse? How to be in such a situation? Tell me as a senior friend. Strongly senior comrade!
- I can say - understand and forgive. This is the price of life! - answered Guberniev.
“But some people don't understand,” the hockey player shrugged.
Speech training for a star from Guberniev
- Well, what do you think I did on TV? - Malkin asked Guberniev.
- I think yes. I would have worked out the technique of speech, but Zagitova refused, you will agree, everything is fine. But, of course, we need to work on diction.
- No, no, Dim, let's not make Zagitova out of me. Please do not put me in a dead end, they will not come to you again.
- Come on: buy a pile of rush.
- Buy a pile of rush.
- Well! Buy a peak kippu!
- Pee ... pee ..., - Malkin stalled.
- Well done for agreeing!
- Give me a club with a puck, I’ll mock him now!
In order not to overload, Malkin plays table tennis
- Where's the training? I'll look later at night - what kind of bag came out?
“If the 71st is not a bag,” Malkin replied. - Of course, we keep fit. But it's hard when there is no specifics. We train - but it is not clear how intensively we need to train. Then you come to the camp - and you ate this ice. So I started playing table tennis, I really like it. You have no chance, I say right away. I didn't expect how energy-consuming sport this is. I play with the coach for an hour and a half and then squeeze out my jersey. Although other muscles hurt, it's still such energy. I really get high.
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dragolianx · 4 years
How I’d rewrite Miraculous Ladybug a.k.a Miraculous Ladybug Final Mix
Before I start I just want to say, I actually loved this show. I always appreciate shows that establish their own universe separate from the big publishers. Ben 10, Generator Rex, Big Hero 6, hell My Life as a Teenage Robot does this well.
When I started Miraculous I had high hopes and season 1 definitely delivered. However, season 2 had some issues and season 3 only made it worse.
Say what you want about the show, but there was a noticeable shift in quality between season’s 1 and 2 and an even bigger drop in season 3.
I won’t touch season 1 since it did its job well. It established the world and explained some of the rules and lore about Kwami and Miraculous powers.
Now the end of season 1 gave us new antagonist in Lila. Her arrival shook up the established flow of the school. She was the new kid so she hooked everyone with stories of traveling around the world. However she had a habit of lying about herself to make herself seem interesting.
She lied about knowing ladybug and about being the latest in a family of superheroes.
Marinette knows that she’s lying because Lila claims to be Ladybug’s BFF, but she never met Lila before that day.
We then get the episode Volpina and so far this was the closest Ladybug came to surrendering. The only other akuma to get close to getting her earrings was Lady Wifi at this point. She knew how to manipulate people, even if she was sloppy with her lies at first.
When season 2 starts however she’s no where to  be seen until the season finale, Hero’s Day. This is where I’d make my first change.
Season 2
Make Lila stick around for season 2 instead of adding her back at the end of the season
Her absence is attributed to her “Traveling around the world” when she’d really just at home skipping school.
Her mom believes that the school is closed due to constant akuma attacks. The problem with this is that the school would most definitely have called her about her daughter’s absence. Or at the every least gave her a courtesy call about how the trip is going. It also make’s Lila’s mom seem incompetent because she doesn’t bother to go her kid’s school.
If there’s ever a parent teacher conference this lie would be easily dealt with.
Instead have the season 3 premiere episode “Chameleon” be the season 2 premiere. Instead of having the class change the seating order because she came back have her manipulate it so that she’s sitting next to Adrian and that Marinette is sent to the back.
Instead of Adrian telling Marinette to take the high road, have him warn her that without actual proof she’d just be isolated even more by the class. Adrian then promises to help Marinette whenever he can.
This worked in the episode because it showed just how persuasive she could be and how she could sway people she barely knows.
The episode would play out the same way, except at the end Bustier has Adrian stay where he is because she insists that he be a “good role model” and help Lila because of her “Disabilities”
In the end, the seating order is changed permanently and Marinette is moved to the back of the class. Lila begins to wedge herself between Marinette and the class.
Other big changes I’d make to season 2 would be moving Zombizou closer to the episode Despair Bear. At least make them be within an episode of each other. These will be the seeds for Chloe’s redemption, which can work in the show if Astruc would get his head out of his ass and learn how to write his damn characters.
Going off topic for a bit, but Kevin Levin from Ben 10 has tried to kill Ben for most of the original series run. After his mutation he tries to frame Ben for crimes and then off him when they were dragged into a gladiator match. He even teamed up with Vilgax to trap Ben in the Null Void and take the Omnitrix.
When Alien Force rolls around Kevin still tries to kill Ben, but when he meets a Majester Plumber and witnesses him die because of weapon deal gone bad, the same deal that Kevin set up, he realizes that he could be good and teams up with Ben and Gwen.
The same can be said for Chloe.
The most she’s done was prank Marinette, get Alya suspended, and plagiarize Marinette’s work.
As an antagonist she sucked. Hard.
Over the course of season 2 Chloe should steadily get better at not bossing people around and stop playing the “Mayor’s Daughter” card for her own selfish reasons.
At the same time, we should get small hints at Lila driving a wedge between Marinette and the class.
It could just be her mentioning how flaky Marinette can be because she’s never on time for events or just disappears sometimes.
It’d be hard for Marinette to counter this without revealing herself so the class begins to question her.
The season plays differently with Chloe mellowing out and Lila planting seeds of doubt.
Another thing worth mentioning is how Adrian/Chat Noir factors into the show.
In season 3 we see him miss his mom more, but it comes out of nowhere. We the audience know his mom is dead and assume he’s sad about it, but we don’t get actual scenes about this until Gorizilla and it’s not touched again until Felix.
In season 2 we should get more of how Adrian handles his isolation and how the loss of his mom affects him.
Have him lean on Marinette for support like how he asked her to lean on him for help with Lila.
Also have Chat Noir more involved with the whole temp hero thing and have Master Fu keep him in the loop.
Balance seems to be a central theme to the show, but Ladybug seems to be holding all the cards between the duo and Chat Noir is just in the background.
This makes him seem more like a sidekick instead of a partner since he’s almost never consulted when it comes to choosing heroes.
When Anansi happens have Adrian pick Nino to use the Turtle Miraculous and save Alya
The same can be said for how Chloe gets the Bee Miraculous in Style Queen.
He’s known her the longest and sees that she’s been making an honest effort to change, so as Chat Noir her gives her the Bee Miraculous.
This way Chloe gets to have her secret identity and prove herself to Ladybug and Chat Noir as a worthy hero.
Queen Wasp is removed from the series entirely
Maledictator happens because Audrey threatens to go back to New York and Chloe doesn’t know if she wants to go with her or not because she knows she wants a better relationship with her mom, but she’s also making progress at being a better person at school.
Lila sets off the celebration for Chloe leaving and that make Chloe want to leave because she thought she was getting better, but it seems as if her efforts weren’t good enough. Marinette doesn’t participate and defends Chloe since she hasn’t bothered Marinette or anyone else for the last few weeks and Lila takes this opportunity to make it seem like Marinette wants Chloe to stick around and bully the class.
Instead of defending herself Marinette chases after Chloe, and Adrian follows soon after once he hears the news.
The episode play nearly the same way until Chat Noir get whammied by Maledictator and becomes an actual cat.
Ladybug then gives Chloe the Bee Miraculous again and the episode plays out the same way until the end where Marinette offers to be Chloe’s friend and she accepts
Event play out the same leading up to heroes day and the season ends the same way. However, as a reward for their bravery in facing Hawkmoth and Mayura: Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee get to keep their Miraculous
Season 3
Since we moved Chameleon up a season and removed Queen Wasp, we’ll give those two episodes to season 3 as exposition episodes. One where Fu explains in detail to the current holders what happened to the order.
Have it be different from Feast sense the whole reason was Ludacris to begin with. Introduce the concept of an order dedicated to chaos that wants to use the Mirculous for various reasons.  The temple is attacked and Fu managed to get away with the main miracle box with the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous in it.
We also get Fu choosing Ladybug to be the new guardian if something should happen to him with the other heroes agreeing that it should be her.
She begins her training after this episode
In another episode explain what happened to Adrian’s mom
We know that she has some sort of sickness keeping her in a coma and that only the Miraculous can fix it. We know because Adrian mentions how Natalie showed the same symptoms his mom did before she “died”
Have Gabriel remember what caused her to use the Peacock and how he found them to begin with. Have him study the grimoire to learn how to use Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous to save his wife.
Remove Animaestro since it adds nothing to the plot and was just an excuse for Astruc to shamelessly insert himself into his own show.
As a writer this is a major sin if done wrong. And while other cartoon creators have done this, the make their appearances cameos and don’t take up a majority of the episode complaining
The love Hexagon remains mostly the same, but Marinette doesn’t get super jealous of Kagami and ends becoming friends with her after getting to know her better. Meanwhile have Adrian subconsciously react to Luka’s presence around Marinette and have him question why when he thinks he’s dead set on loving Ladybug.
The episodes leading up to Ikari Gozen remain the same except Kagami doesn’t reveal her identity in the fight and Chat Noir gives her the Dragon Miraculous before she get captured by her mother.
Chat Blanc would be completely different. Instead of a what if episode, we have Chat Noir gets akumatized because it’s the anniversary of his mother’s death and he can’t hide how sad he is. Hawkmoth capitalizes on this and Chat Blanc is born. The other heroes show up to deal with the threat and the new reserves show up to help as well.
Chat Blanc almost sets off a world wide Cataclysm, but Viperion uses second chance to warn them. Have Monkey King disrupt Chat Blanc’s powers and then have Queen Wasp paralyze him so Ladybug can find the Akuma and cure it.
Felix plays differently as well. For starters have him not be related to Adrian and make him look different from him entirely. Felix and the other Quantic kids can be in a different class altogether. His introduction can play into the whole Lila situation as he and the other quantic kids don’t buy into her lies, but they can’t prove any of them are false.
For this to work even more, Lila’s lie of knowing Prince Ali doesn’t come up since she didn’t leave the school.
Now comes the big episode of the season, Ladybug.
This episode was good for so many reasons, but this time we’ll up the ante.
Lila still plants the necklace and test answers, but this time she goes further.
When they’re sent to the principal’s office she throws herself down the stairs can then claims that Marinette pushed her.
This time the evidence is damning and Lila’s mom is called. With the actual scrapes and bruises to help sell the story along with the test answers being put in Marinette’s bag and the Lila’s necklace in her locker Marinette is expelled and the same events as the episode take place, but this time Nino isn’t akumatized because it’s implied that he’s known Marinette for a long time so he should know she’d never get physical with someone or cheat (But she has taken the occasional cell phone)
Alya looks for clues to prove that Marinette is innocent and Nino joins along with Adrian.
The trail goes cold and then the episode pans out the same way. In the end Chloe makes a big scene about Marinette being expelled and find proof that she didn’t cheat on the test and didn’t steal the necklace, but can’t ultimately prove that Marinette didn’t push Lila. She then uses the “Mayor’s Daughter” card to get Marinette back in school, but the damage has been done. Most of the class believes Lila over Marinette and begin to isolate her. Although, Alya decides to finally do some fact checking on Lila after the string of incidents that morning and finds out that she’s been lying. She apologizes for how she’s been acting and nukes the ladyblog since she deems it “tainted” and commits to the school blog.
This shows a great deal of growth for Alya since he doesn’t feel the need to follow superheroes since she is one, and is willing to give up something for her friend’s sake.
After all of this happens Marinette is stripped of her class rep title and the Class nominates Lila.
Hearthunter and Miracle Queen don’t happen at all sense Chloe is fully redeemed at this point. Instead, Lila returns as Volpina to lure out Fu since Hawkmoth managed to figure out that he was in town after Hero’s Day.
Volpina creates an illusion to lure him out, but Fu realizes this and runs to find Marinette while in disguise. He gives her the Miracle Box and he loses his memories. Marinette stashes the box in her room before trying to get him somewhere safe, but when he gets to the train station he’s Akumatized by Hawkmoth and Ladybug and the other heroes must fight their mentor.
After the battle Marinette calls Marianne to take care of Fu and the two leave Paris while the other heroes watch the train depart with heavy hearts.
My biggest gripes with the show are how the character are never allowed to grow and how much the status quo remains mostly the same at the end of each episode.  
Almost none of what happens in a regular episode changes the flow of the story, and only the season premieres and finales seem to hold any weight. Not to mention Astruc’s obvious bias towards certain characters. He expects Marinette to be super mature, but she’s 14. He stated that he hates Chloe and Felix and goes out of his way to treat them like garbage.
In Felix’s debut episode he had him make an enemy with damn near the entire cast and even had Ladybug deck him.
Astruc for the most part doesn’t change anything and plays things too safe, unless it’s pointless fanservice that just serves to anger the fans even more.
I rewrote the last two season of Miraculous because for the most part, it’s become a sinking ship that could have easily been fixed.
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nicoletterogers · 4 years
task eight - high school never ends
( tw: adhd mention )
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Let’s start with the simple stuff first. what classes did you take in high school? which ones were you most and least excited for? did you have a favorite teacher that made the days more enjoyable?
Nic propped her leg up on a chair, leaning in as she listened to the question. People never wanted to talk about high school--brought up bad memories for some. Some just didn’t care. Not for Nic--comparatively, high school was a good part of her life. She preferred college, but she didn’t hate her last years in the public school system. The blonde shrugged. “Well, I mean--I had to take the core classes, y’know? But my high school was big enough where we had a lot of really cool electives in all sorts of subjects--like I once took a class called ‘American History through Music”’and that was sick as fuck. I also took one on the World Wars. I liked history a lot back then. I guess I still do--but I don’t have a lot of time to sit and learn anymore. That’s why I’m big on documentaries. I mean, yeah, Liam of course--but also I like learning.” She paused, humming while she thought about her classes. “I hated English. Like what a pointless class--why would you have to learn about a language that you already speak? I mean, yes, i know, it’s not actually important. I think Lia has shared with me a few times the joy of what words mean--but i don’t know. I just never could figure out why anyone would want to spend more time than they had to writing papers or reading books. Maybe if i had taken a creative writing course or two--but nah. Give me AP Gov any day--or even trig. I was good at trig.” She paused. “Nah, teachers liked Liam. He was charismatic and charming, good at sitting and listening. School was never hard for me, but I didn’t possess the talent of sitting still for very long. I think I was...a sophomore in college when I first got diagnosed with ADHD. Did you know that ADHD often shows up different in women than men?” Nic nodded. “Yeah--its wild. Girls are significantly less likely to get a diagnosis growing up, which means that their symptoms go untreated and unsupported for crazy long periods of time--like sometimes 20 years. I think that’s why I really struggled in English--because the subject didn’t interest me and like hell i could just sit there and read something. But nah, teachers and I never bonded. Which is fine because I still did well in school. It just took some extra effort.”
and now, outside of the classroom. did you participate in any extracurricular activities like sports, band, or other clubs? were you apart of the prom planning committee or did your parent always sign up to chaperone field trips? or did you bolt home or to work at the end of the day?
“Oh hell yes. I was all about the extracurriculars. I did archery, cheerleading--don’t laugh--worked on the school newspaper for a year, managed the lacrosse team for a year, volunteered to be a mentor for incoming freshman and, of course, worked. Anything to stay out of my house. I mean, I loved Liam but my dad and I are like oil and water. He wanted me to be like Liam so badly--and I just...couldn’t. One, I wasn’t a guy--and that was disappointment enough for him. But I wasn’t Liam and spending time around dad just...it was so much pressure. So I tried to focus my time elsewhere. and I liked being busy--my brain enjoyed that piece. It was like my environment finally matched how fast my brain was working. Even cheerleading--the sport that made me a wear a skirt--was fun. Because nothing is better than proving a bunch of stupid high school boys that yes, cheerleading is a sport. a hardcore, badass sport. But if I had to pick a favorite, it would be archery. I think it’s because I got to teach it to the kiddos at camp later on, but also--like how powerful is it to be able to pull back on a bow and let an arrow fly through the sky and get a bullseye? Like it’s badass.” Nic grins at the memory. “Oh, and then seeing those kids at camp--especially the ones who struggle with who they are and their self-confidence--light up when they hit the target? the pride they have in themselves for something they’ve done? That shit’s an unreal high.” 
a night to remember. did you go to prom? if so, did you have a date or fly solo, and was it a good time where you danced all night, and what were you wearing? if not, did you have an ‘anti-prom’ party, or why else did you decide not to go? what about other school dances or pep rallies?
The blonde lets out a laugh and nods, thinking about the memory. “Oh yeah-- I definitely went to prom. I mean, I think I was always going to--but I don’t think I anticipated having a date. And definitely not winning prom queen, but that’s Malik for you. The kid was like the closest thing to a celebrity in school--I mean, I think so. He was the star jock and you know how high schoolers get about their sports. But no, Malik and I are good friends--super close. I love that guy, he’s such a good one. So of course I was going to say yes when he asked me to go with him. I’m pretty sure half of my squad was jealous, but like...that whole thing never made sense to me. The whole jealousy thing.” It sure as hell does now though. She thought bitterly, her own situation appearing back in her mind. “Anyway, we went as friends. I didn’t expect to win prom queen--hell, i didn’t even know people knew who I was. Weirdest experience ever to put a tiara on. But honestly--prom was kinda fun. Not kinda, I really enjoyed it. Malik and I did end up kissing, but it was one of those kisses where you realize, at the end of it, you’re way better off as friends than anything more? Not that the kiss was bad, not at all.” She laughed, shaking her head. “I wore this red dress with a slit up the side and I had never in my entire life though I’d wear something like that. It looked good though. Like really good. All that cheerleading paid off I think.” Another chuckle came out of her lips. “As for pep rallies-- I was in them so of course I was there. And I liked the energy of them. I’ve always liked big energy spaces--concerts, pep rallies, sporting events. It feels like--at least for a moment--you’re all connected by something greater than yourself. Maybe that’s like my church. I don’t know. But yeah, I liked pep rallies.”
some more of the hard hitting q’s. who did you sit with at lunch? did you keep the lock off your locker or decorate it? were your headphones always snaked through your sneeve? was cutting class a normal occurrence or would you never dare? did you ever get detention?
“I mean, I don’t think I was ever popular--but I always had a place to sit with someone. It was either with Liam and his friends--I guess they were also my friends, but I met them through Liam so it’s hard for me to associate them as just mine. Sometimes with my squad, but not often. I didn’t care for the dramatics of dates and boys and clothing talk. But every so often we had a good discussion on things that I did care about--sometimes it was on women’s rights, though that was a lot of Sammi repeating what her mother told her about feminism (not that it was wrong, but it wasn’t Sammi’s words, that was sure) or the fact that child workers were making the clothing they had talked about the previous day. I liked those conversations the best. But even still, it was usually me shooting the shit with Liam and our friends. I loved those guys so much, y’know? I still keep in touch with a lot of them--some have families, some just got married. In fact, I am going to Tate’s wedding in a couple weeks. Its so weird to think they’re just now getting married and...” She trailed. Maybe now wasn’t the time for that thought. “Detention? Oh yeah. Me and Mrs. Huxley were good pals by graduation. Mostly it was about cutting class--but everyone once in a while she’d catch me with a...special someone in an empty hallway. Ok, so it only happened twice and I never told Liam because he’d kill me if he knew. So I guess,” She looked up at the sky and chuckled lightly. “Surprise?” 
upward and onward. what did you want to be when you were sixteen? was there a career path in mind, a certain college, another route worth taking? were you excited to see your high school in the rearview mirror or was moving on bittersweet?  if you graduated, was it scary or exciting or a mix of both? did you end up where your younger self expected you to?
"Well, when I was really little, I wanted to be a sideline reporter for the Bears. Or a commentator for the Cubs. Something to do with sports, absolutely. I could never imagine leaving this city--not in a million years. Even at 31, the city still surprises me daily and i love that fact the most. You never know who you’re going to meet--its a giant present box you wake up in every morning. How could anyone want to leave that?” She grinned, tapping her foot. “But at 16 I think I had let go of that dream and set my sights on the Academy. Police academy. I did, briefly, think about enlisting. Thought that if I wanted to break stereotypes and gender roles, I could make a huge splash in the military. But something about that whole world--I couldn’t take the plunge. I think I wanted to support my community, keep them safe, make my home a home for all.” She sighed. “So I was going to be a cop. Plus Liam was already doing that and I couldn’t let him have all the hero glory.” She winked, smirking. “I stayed in state--in city--for school, saved me some money and I already knew the area. In fact, I didn’t really ever leave Chicago. Which, makes me small minded to some i’m sure--but why do I need to leave when the world seems to flock to chicago? Just because I never lived anywhere else doesn’t mean I haven’t been challenged to grow.” Nic shrugged. “But yeah, like I said college was probably my favorite time in my life. Like hands down. I mean how could it not be? Killed the beer pong scene, met all sorts of great people, honed my skee ball skills even more, learned some awesome things, found the love of my life--got married.” It was so much simpler at 20. So much simpler. When did everything go so wrong? “Yeah, sorry--this was about high school. Uhm--wait, what was the question again?”
and last but not least. if you could tell your younger self one thing - what would it be?
“You’re a strong cookie, Nic. Life is going to wreck you down to your core but don’t ever think it’ll destroy you. You’re too damn stubborn to let that happen--and that is not a bad thing.”
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spacemilkies · 5 years
klaus tries to bring his lover back by manifesting their soul in their body but doesn’t quite get it right ? sorry, hell is my favorite temperature
title: whispering lilies
they said it would all come back to you with time.
but what if there wasn’t anything to remember.
a/n: a bit of an angst warning in this one. but i mean that’s what you asked for,, right?? it’ll be a rough ride but i hope you like it!
You say you remember him.
Even when you don’t. Because this happens to be the one time where lying is kind of okay.
Lying gets him to smile, even when it’s a little broken. You get the feeling that it was self-stitched together, because it’s always crooked and splitting at the ends. He must have done most of it while he was in pain, but you try not to think too much about it because he’s still seems to be.
And you’re the reason.
The man you’ve come to know as Klaus is supposed to be your lover. At least that’s what everyone tells you. It’s what he shows you when he brushes kisses against your brow and leads you by the waist. He shares the his -your bed confidently as if he belonged there.
He probably did. Just because you were a mismatched puzzle piece didn’t mean that everyone else didn’t have their place.
Sometimes when he’s not looking, you tug at your hair until it nearly tears, and dig your nails into your palms until it’s on the verge of breaking the skin. It all hurts, because its suppose to. They say that emotions trigger things- memories.
But you don’t feel much except pain. Its starts at your heart and vibrates to every part of your body. You try- try so hard with every breath in your body to just remember.
It shouldn’t be this hard. Most children can remember what they ate for breakfast so why can’t you recall the man who so comfortably shares a house with you. But nothing filters across your vision but a static grainy image of what you guess is reality. For all you know you’ve just been staring at an error message.
But you’re broken so its fitting.
You pretend that you don’t believe it when he hushes you. Shaky hands cupping your cheeks while he showers you with kisses. Sometimes it’s just the simple touch of you that brings him comfort. But you ruin it when you speak.
You never understood how easy it was to shatter someone’s whole world with the sound of your voice.
So for the most time you try not to. You just grin and bare it. Later at night, you run your tongue against the indentions your teeth have left behind. Each one is like reading the brittle surface of braille. A tattoo of questions hidden from sight so that they torment you only.
What is your name?
How old are you?
If you’re alive, then where is your life?
These are things anyone should know but you don’t. And you know it’s not right.
But you smile because that’s the one thing that does seem okay. He’s happy because you’re here, so shouldn’t you be pleased to see the same?
He certainly makes you feel safe. Not from bodily harm. He offers a more meditative form of reassurance, as if his presence is wide enough to stop you from falling into the void. The net is stitched with all his little promises.
About how much he loves you. How he can’t live without you. That you’re the most important person in his life.
But to you, they’re just words. Like lyrics of a song on the radio you might have heard before. You can’t keep up with the verses, but the chorus resonances something with in you. Perhaps if you remembered the artist or the name of the song, you might have looked it up and better prepared yourself for the next playing.
When you walk through the house, you notice a lot of things. He’s told you before that they’re yours too so that you can touch them. Sometimes you catch him checking certain items with a close inspection, as if he can tell where you’ve been and trace your day.
On other occasions, you think he places them himself to trigger a reaction.
But as far as you’re concerned everything is his. There are some generic things- like towels, candles, or ambiguous socks. But most of them you come to recognize his mark.
Whether it be the scorched lighter, broken watch or the wedding band.
These are things he keeps at his bedside when he’s home. Early in the morning you find yourself looking at them, hoping they would spill secrets.
You’ve never seen him smoke, but you smell the after taste sometimes when he returns home. You assume he does quite often from the current state of the lighter. If you could go out on your own, you thought about replacing it for him. It doesn’t look like it would hold anymore fuel but he never discards it. Maybe it doesn’t? He’s never used it in front of you, so perhaps its more of sentimental value.
The watch confuses you a little. Not because it lingers despite its lack of use. For some reason the time and date set in stone feels like it could have importance. Maybe you, him or both. You’re not confident in either to make assumptions. It doesn’t seem like a very expensive model but he still treasures the hidden value.
The ring is more than self explanatory and you rarely dive into the implications. You know he’s waiting for you. The matching pair is tucked away in the drawer by your side. It’s a physical indicator because he can’t read your thoughts.
But he doesn’t say anything about it so you don’t either.
There are times that you think you remember. It’s more actions than thoughts. You find yourself making things to eat that warm your mouth in ways that doesn’t only imply the heat. When you watch television, you often flip to the same channels even if you don’t know what’s going on in the series.
They’re all things that make up a person.
Not you.
But someone important to this household. To him.
You want to be that person.
You look like them, based on the portraits scattered through the home.
It gives you hope to know that they were happy. That at some point in his life, that person was someone to covet.
It’s all a daring dream that you don’t feel equipped to make the jump for.
He never berates you or shows any signs of anger. He’s always gentle with you, to be exact.
It’s when you catch him in the late hours curled on the bathroom floors that you see what you really do to him. You’ve been to the hospital enough to know what medication is for. But you don’t recognize those pills and the symptoms don’t give the impression of healing.
You don’t encroach because its not your place. You don’t interrupt because you’re the reason.
Why add fuel to the fire?
He has siblings. A lot of them, but you never see them all at once. Actually, you’re sure there are some you haven’t met.
You know about Ben and Allison from occasional visits. Diego sometimes brings donuts. It’s always the same flavor. You don’t really like it but you chew and swallow.
You don’t remember the others names, but you think if you saw them in public you’d recognize them. It’s nice to know that in some aspects of being lost, someone could find you.
It’s Ben who makes the most repetitive appearances, so naturally it’s him that you hear it from.
It was an accident. But aren’t they all?
You supposed that some people died from intents, but in this case it was just a case of ‘the wrong place at the wrong time’. You read about the reports and news headlines, matched the spoken injuries to the scars on your body.
But these marks were yours. You didn’t know how you got them, but just because someone wrote them down somewhere didn’t mean it was your reasoning. Maybe its because its the autopsy report that has a name on them, your name they tell you but you forget it often. It’s not the way you’re supposed to remember, but you found the sheet of paper anyway.
Because that can’t be right.
If that person is dead. How can it be you?
“Are you hungry?”
Ben’s voice interrupts your thoughts in a way that you know is intentional. He’s lingering in the entryway of the office, but his gaze is elsewhere. You know he’s aware of what youre reading again but he doesn’t make a comment about it because you don’t. It’s your secret.
Finally something of your own.
Carefully, you put the papers back where they belong, fitting them into their individual drawers and folders. Then you’re rising to your feet and exciting the room. You’re not hungry but you agree, because his shoulders hold a little less tension when you do. Or maybe it’s because you’re further away from the study.
It’s in the middle of the longer days that you ask Klaus why he stays. Because he doesn’t have to. He had any easy way out but he didn’t take it. Instead he’d clung to you tightly and branded you as an impossibility.
Of course, its because he loves you. You know it without the words tumbling over his lips. You don’t understand the emotions, but you recognize the actions of it. He lived through the pain just to be beside you.
But you ask the same question again. And again.
And again.
And again.
Before it dawns on you that you’re not expecting his answer to change. You’re hoping that it doesn’t. Because outside of this little world, you know nothing. He’s guided your steps, deciphered your rambles, kept you afloat.
You’re scared to think about what life would be like without him because it doesn’t feel like life at all.
You still don’t know who you are.
When you look into the mirror, you see someone but it’s not you. Because everyday it’s someone different.
You identify them all.
The Button Nose.
Little Scar on the chin.
Baggy Eyes is a frequenter.
The sun plays tricks on you. Changing the colors of hair and highlighting streaks. You name them too. Because each one is important to you.
You can remember those.
Sometimes he catches you looking, smile foamy from his habit of putting too much paste on his brush. It splatters when he talks, it speckles the mirror but he ignores it.
He mentions a lot it the same attributes that you do, but his words are more placement then just scenery.
‘You once let Allison dye your hair, but the process got mixed up and it was green for three days.’
‘There use to be more freckles on your cheeks but I think they faded over time.’
‘Tried to talk you into a nose piercing. Would’ve been so hot but no.’
He means well, but your smile falters because he doesn’t see you. He sees what you had been, or maybe what he thought you could be again.
You wish you could see what he saw. Maybe it will make it easier.
For now you just try to ignore the pimple growing on ‘Button Nose’.
When you meet Five, it’s unofficial. You’ve been getting hints that you aren’t supposed to. At least not yet.
He doesn’t seem dangerous but his name is like glass and everyone is concerned you’ll get cut.
Maybe you do a little, when you answered the door. Klaus was still in the shower and you weren’t inept.
When you peeped through the hole, the disinterested face watching back didn’t scream familiar but danger wasn’t heard either. So you let him in trying to explain Klaus whereabouts-
But he isn’t here for Klaus.
“You’re just hurting him and yourself.”
It’s blunt but edge is just sharp enough to cut into you. Biting against the skin of your soul and the first drop of blood hits the floor.
“You won’t ever be that person again so there is no point in trying.”
“But leaving will just make it worse. You’ll just worry everyone that way.”
“You were smart before. ‘Can at least remember that much.”
He levels you with a look, one so cold and calculating that it’s hard to believe anything other than himself was part of the equation.
In that moment you felt like he could take you away from here- would take you away if it factored in his favor. The consideration was there, swimming beneath the surface but in the end he only scoffed and pulled away.
Drip. Drip. Drop.
“You’ve been here long enough to know what he likes. So stop making him believe he failed.”
“Maybe you’re them, maybe you’re not. But you’re here now, so do something about it.”
And then he’s gone.
“Why are you just standing in the hall?”
He’s still damp from the shower but not enough to prove haste. In fact he’s still relaxed and unsuspecting, if not a little concerned.
“You alright? Look like you’ve seen a ghost.” His voice is a bit shaky on the last word, but you’ve gotten use to the tremor.
When you throw your arms around him he stumbles back in surprise but maintains his footing.
It’s disfigured and a little rash but it’s an emotion, your emotion. You don’t call it love, because it’s not quite that.
It wears a similar disguise but it doesn’t fit you right.
Your hands never seem to make it past the hem of the sleeves but he doesn’t catch on.
Your kisses are the right tempo now that you’ve learned his rhythm. It’s easier to arch into his touch when you know where it’s heading.
You remember his name. Chanting it with confidence, while encouraging his body to slide against yours.
It feels like less of an act when you’re enjoying it, and he is too.
There is a shift in the house, in your relationship. Dates back to the unspoken visit from Five. Klaus wants to investigate the change but you don’t give him the opportunity to scavenge.
Now you speak before he does, reach for his hand and guide it to yours.
You tell him you miss him.
You tell him you want him.
But you don’t tell him you-
It feels like less a ruse when you don’t say it, even when the actions paint the picture fit you.
Maybe it’s easier for him too. He knows this body, he remembers what it felt like to be stroked just there or nipped under here.
Perhaps he prefers it when you don’t say it.
The echo of the past sounds better in his head.
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Genova and Nikolai (Part One)
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A tale about a female trans Gnoll and a demi God whom you may have seen from my thesis works, Quest for the Jewel of Life! Enjoy!
Long ways of the faraway kingdoms, the Outlands was spread far and wide without a care in the lands. Ships harbored the bordered grounds between the Bearing Straight and the oceans beyond. That is how I met my beloved, Nikolai.
I was requested to go along with my sisters and hire a grand captain to gather important medical herbs and plenty of supplies for our village's needs. After all we all took care of each other especially when it came to raising cubs or protecting our pack from men who only thought of us as nothing but savages. They only cared about getting their way, but little did they know that we fended ourselves with more than just raising children. We are warriors, hunters, herbalists, and leaders. Lovers came second unlike others that were not our brethren gnoll kindred.
Being onboard a ship was quite an adventure. The salt of the sea was overwhelming compared to the harvest and natural smells of the Outlands. It took a good bit to get used to the swaying of the ship, seasickness, and among being around a vast diversity of folks from race to sex and to even height difference. Everyone played their part on the ship despite being rich to middle class or poor, but there was something odd about one of them.
My eyes laid on what looked to be a fur-less two-legged male with an aura of great importance. Just by looking at their outer appearance one could say they were trying to hide the truth. Their clothing was a mixed array of fashion unlike I have ever seen. Then again I've only known a handful of cultures in each part of the ports. The only thing separating the many folks from this mysterious cladded figure was that they wore a metal helmet crown of sorts.
Like I said, myserious and might I add handsome even charming to a degree. I could get along nice and find out if they were persuading enough to come back with me, but until then I would have deal with gathering supplies for my village. They'll be second at best. For now.
I came to the major port of the Outlands to seek a sense of thrill and adventure away from my supposed duties of the Underworld. Mother and Father had been quite demanding as of late and it was high time I left the leisure of the Palace and find my own destiny. After all, being a Prince wasn't at all exciting when being guarded by the Palace Guards or the Gatekeepers. I wished nothing more than to be treated like a spoiled brat.
And so I snuck aboard the Dragoness of Destiny and told her to lead me to where, I hoped, I was meant to be and belong. Little did I know I would end up with such a marvelous and stunning yet strong gnoll named Genova.
The ship I boarded was remarkable! It was large enough to carry tons of equipment, barrels of gun powder, rum, and even the finest assortment of crew I had ever seen. That being said from a spoiled brat who only knew of his own world, but here it was extraordinary to see! The smell of the salty seas and the mixed array of other scents took a bit to get used to though especially trying not to get seasick the first time around. Luckily being a demi-god had its fair share of durability to nausea and other symptoms. However even the best had their own weaknesses.
My outfit was one of those weaknesses. I wasn't experienced with fashion from other cultures not to mention coordinated either. Luckily I knew of a few folks that could help me with a fake identity to keep my own from being uncovered. Prince Ishkah was fitting I might add. I had a metal crown-like helmet and comfortable clothing to match my adventurous needs, but alas I may have not been the best of disguises as someone has already noticed me. Can't say I blame them for staring. They were attractive and definitely had a courageous aura of leadership to boot.
No matter how many times I had tried to be on my best behavior, I couldn't help but want to know more about this mysterious cladded figure. Rumors spread that they were from another land. Others mentioned them as nothing more than royalty. Still, there was just something that I couldn't place that drew me to them - and I was going to find out. One way or another if you know what I mean.
And so I began purposefully bumping into them at first. They weren't exactly rude if not used to seeing one of my kind I supposed. We started off doing small talk and getting to know one another between meeting on deck when we could or during meal times. Never had I met a non gnoll that was respectful especially that of a male. They treated me with importance giving eye contact when talked to or rather listening as well. Not shy or hiding secrets that I could place my finger on, but still it was strange that their wardrobe kept most of their features, for instance ears for example, from being seen. Only that of their captivating eyes, nose, and rather sumptuous lips. Yes, they were very attractive okay?
One day though I could sense a storm was brewing over yonder. The ship still had a ways to go until our destination port so we had to wade it out regardless. All crew were told to stay in their cabins unless for emergencies. It was then that I noticed before heading in that this 'Prince Ishkah' was going in the opposite direction. Their facial expression was hidden, but from what I could gather they were either serious or foolish to venture out on deck in this. I sighed and shook my head before heading to see just where this Prince was going.
I stayed low keeping watch from a distance. it felt silly to be spying on them, but my instinct told me otherwise. Gnolls had a keen sense of natural curiosity after all and I was hook, line, and sinker in this case. It seemed that there was nothing out of the ordinary. The mysterious cladded male was at the head watching over the rail as if nothing could harm or endanger them. Oddly calm too despite the ever gloomy skies howling with wind and the raging sounds of thunder just on the horizon. This man was either bold or very ignorant.
Needless to say I couldn't stay in the shadows for long. My stomach was in knots full of nerves. I had to get him to safety even if risking my life to do so. It seemed for the best considering the stories I had heard from my sisters and the other crew members. A storm was not to be played with no matter how valiant even the most noble were. Regardless of Prince Ishkah's status I made my way over carefully to where they stood.
"Are you out of your mind, Ishkah?!" I went over just as the clouds dumped rain on the both of us.
"Why? Is there something I should know..?" Ishkah replied calmly looking over his shoulder not even seemingly phased by the heavy downpour and wind picking up.
"Yes! Didn't you hear the Captain order all hands on deck to go indoors unless told otherwise?! You'll die out here in this storm now come on!" I barked gathering my strength and courage hoping there was no trace of my nerves betraying me.
"I'll be fine, really...you should head back indoors, Genova. For your own safety."
"My safety?! You must be crazy coming out here in this! I don't care if you are a Prince or even a human slave! People die in storms like this aboard ship, Ishkah! Can't you understand that-!!!"
It was too late then because the next thing I knew the ship rocked against pounding waves just as lightning struck above us. My eyes bulged and ears laid flat against my head as my last bit of strength left me. It sounded like the Gods were angry or trying to play a ruthless game and soon found myself facing the same fear that I had tried to save Ishkah from.
That was all I could hear as my vision went black and all senses left me.
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jojotier · 6 years
I was looking at your post on ABO stuff and it made me think of stuff like soulmate AUs and that weird Hanahaki Disease thing... I always thought those were kinda dumb, too :/
Honestly, I think the Hanahaki Disease and Soulmate aus are at least passable- sure they can be generic as hell and its silly and dumb, and mostly wishful romantic fairytale thinking, but you can still do something with them relatively easily, and I do enjoy a good bit of silly fairytale nonsense from time to time
A/B/O on the other hand is fucking detestable, and the mere sight of it makes me recoil.
However, I’m a firm believer that almost anything can be done well if enough thought and planning is put into it. And I mean anything. 
So tl;dr of the masterpost I’m leaving below the read more: I personally find hanahaki disease and soulmate aus to be extremely promising and will leave some ways you can twist them into something more interesting.
A/B/O on the other hand, I hate with a fucking passion because it has some of the worst parts of humanity etched into it, and is generally used for all the wrong reasons- though I can see it working, if you’re really fucking careful and put a lot of thought and effort into developing it, and if you have good reason for it. I’ll leave some ideas below for tips on how you might be able to pull off an a/b/o au, even if i probably wouldnt touch it with a five foot pole
So before anything, there’s a couple ways to personalize a soulmate or hanahaki disease au:
- tailor it specifically to the fandom you’re writing for (for example, a stand that causes hanahaki disease so the user tries to gain control of the person’s heart by trying to convince them that he can ‘save them’ by taking the disease ridden heart away for jojo’s) - take the idea and giving it a twist (soulmates doesn’t necessarily mean romantic partner and your soulmate can be the person you beat the shit out of, a platonic friend, a government scheme trying to keep the masses compliant, etc)
- try to base ideas in reality- exploring the cultural and societal norms, including alternate histories and alternate social movements centered around the existence of something like soulmates being common for instance. how would soulmates, particularly if you find an enemy soldier is yours, play into how a war is conducted? are soulmates to be trusted in battle? how does the political and social climate change during things such as the suffrage movement or during industrialization? or you can come up with the science behind hanahaki disease and come up with an entire slew of research and studies for it. what medications are available to lessen the symptoms? are there alternate strains? people who are immune? where does hanahaki disease come from, and has it been part of human history for long?
With these ideas, they seem shallow and silly on the surface (and there’s nothing wrong with silly and shallow, if it’s done well and is inoffensive; sometimes i just need a good fairytale bullshit fix of flower tattoos appearing on your skin when your gf is near) but there’s still an underlying potential that makes them worthwhile to explore and keep around, especially if you mix and match with different genres like fantasy, modern magic, solarpunk, scifi, horror, thriller, etc!! 
But the thing that pisses me off about A/B/O is that 1) that’s not how humans fucking work, nor do a lot of animal species, and it simplifies the complex social and societal structures associated with people, 
2) 9/10 it’s an excuse to write men into the societal roles of nuclear parents with things like mpreg and assbabies and heat without female characters ‘getting in the way’, 
3) if you even decide to explore the social and political aspects of the population being separated into 3 races positions in power society with rigid norms of ‘this person has to be Aggressive and Dominant because its In Their Nature and everyone Will Submit’ and whatever the fuck, thats just… wrong on so many levels. trying to explore A/B/O while romanticizing it in the same breath is the absolute worst crime you can commit, especially if your A/B/O has extremely rigid class structure and ‘behaviors’ associated with all the classes’ biology that are enforced and seen as good things. 
At it’s worst, A/B/O can become an allegory in favor of racism, sexism, classism, and the fetishization of gay men.
 Do the writers of these aus want it to come off that way? I doubt that many of them do, and I doubt it’s intentional- but when you read a summary that says that ‘oh this character is an OMEGA who SNEAKS INTO an ALPHAS ONLY parlor, can this sheep in wolf’s clothing hide their secret??’ it’s impossible not to draw parallels to Jim Crow. When there’s a summary about how Character A needs to find an alpha so their heat can be taken care of, it’s impossible not to think of the seme/uke dynamic that its upholding. when you see a story thats full of male characters where their dynamics are ‘explored’ while the female characters get brushed to the side with no mention of their apparent status in this society, it just highlights how much the author wants the female characters out of the way
Do I think that A/B/O can be done well? Yes. When I say I believe almost anything can work, I mean anything. 
Here’s my tips for attempting to write a successful A/B/O:
- Do some fucking research before anything. Research is key to both improving your writing skills and finding new ideas that people might not have looked at before. If you want a lighter slice of life au, I suggest researching how best to build a culture and how historical influences weave their way into present customs. If you want something a little heavier, start researching different social movements and learn about how social reform is undertaken. How does a social movement form? Are there any technological advances you think might be inspired in an A/B/O world?
- Unless the people in the A/B/O aren’t human, for the love of fuck don’t make anything specific to their biology. If you have A/B/O in your au because there are things like werewolves or vampires or some other mythical creature, then there is a little more leniency, since then you can make an actual case that you’re making a couple behaviors actually part of their biology. Even then though, you’re thin ice, which brings me to the next important point…
- SUBTLETY. Just make it another part of society, like you would with a gay or PoC character. Don’t hammer the entire dynamic into your readers’ faces unless you’re prepared to do actual research and definitely not unless you are 100% dismantling why harmful societal structures are bullshit. This can be done in a few ways, such as developing a sort of culture around each of the roles (for example, maybe Alphas traditionally favor spicy foods as a test of strength or tend to steal bites of their partner’s food, or maybe Omegas tend to prefer sweet foods and wear patterns). You can make people of all castes equal across all fields (an equal amount of alpha and omega politicians and ceos for instance), and you can show characters with diverse tastes that don’t fit what might be stereotypical of them (alphas cuddling stuffed animals, omegas with a love of going to a fight club and beating the shit out of each other, etc). Don’t be afraid to let identities intersect- trans omegas, aro/ace alphas, etc. 
- The final and most important point- Have A Fucking Reason For Including A/B/O or Making An A/B/O au. 
Do you want a/b/o in your au because you feel it will give an extra dimension that sets apart a supernatural creatures’ social dynamics from human social dynamics? Cool! That’s some chill worldbuilding you can pull off! Do you want to explore how a social movement forms and how to challenge an oppressive society? Neat! Just be careful not to go too far and do your research! Want to see how x character would react and navigate the world with the cultures associated with A/B/O? Want to do an entire genre swap where A/B/O is the norm of a dystopia, or horror based, or a sci-fi where AIs are programmed with it and have to overcome the structure to develop a social structure of their own, or anything of the like? Go for it! 
Do you want to have a character be seen as suuuuuuper weak and feminine but!!! They aren’t actually because girl power they’re just the same as anyone else and can run with big strong ones like the alphas so they’re not like other omegas? Want to get rid of those pesky girls so they don’t get in the way of your ships? Want your two gay characters to have a super imbalanced relationship with one character being aggressive because it’s just their nature? Want your ~sinful gay babies~ to still be a nuclear family and have 2.5 biological children? Want to explore things like racism without that pesky need to research anything ever? NO. NO NO NO. STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW. You better fucking not. 
So yea wow this post ended up longer than intended but here you go!
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Urine Carpet Eye-Opening Cool Tips
The best way a person who cannot tolerate seeing your house by vacuuming several times in multi-cat households can be noisy as well.A more reserved cat will not happily tolerate intrusion unless deference is paid to its misbehavior.You can use on cat urine odor is to sprinkle catnip on it to the vet for their owners.The cat litter boxes, and may need to be treated too.
Spraying a cat with water even just a few weeks after birth they'll start to make sure it never comes back.When it is your carpet because it is not impossible but hard to beat.Cats love to play with Pookie, have playtime happen right away.Now start wrapping the rope as you think.When you train your little tiger will absolutely hate the sticky deposit, uric acid with its crystals and salts dampen again, with rain or humidity, for example, a Persian or Ragdoll cat.
A functional cat tree that is on instinct, does something you do not have the available space required for the bacteria causing the felines to explore their territory, especially in older and long-haired cats.It comes with certain reasons and it may learn the cat to jump into it to a combination of a good option for it to a cat urinating issues is through natural treatment.If this is why if you plan on spaying or neutering, apart from the beginning, you are doing the right methods to deterring your cat or dog approaches the couch instead of taste.Making sure that whatever one you choose is large enough to want to attack.If the cat urine and stains, although this is probably marking because he is attracted to and you need to control.
Litter box problems: A cat may be able to crate him and went back to the stained area.If you've ever experienced the torture of a heatstroke by trying one or more a day.If your cat is a neat thing if you like an obvious weapon.Your cat will find this bad behavior of the hair.It is important for you and your assistance is needed.
It can be clipped by a doctor's prescription.Now that you may be the most liquid that you have a box or food dish, or near the entrance to a more healthy life. it may fade with time.Ensure that none of our cats will turn it off.Use something based on rice or potatoes and lamb, turkey, or rabbit, are useful and help prepare for long periods of being mistreated or still are being ill-treated either physically or they may paw back at you.Cats are different so you no longer feel comfortable doing it with a fine toothed flea comb to dislodge fleas and other cats in relation to this, you'll ought to make you angry.
It is important to do with any new medication or topical medications, you can wait until after the procedure was done later, and ensures that a litter boxThough spraying or marking inappropriately is a loose description that encompasses cats who may no longer care for female cats can help make cleaning the urine glow and it will produce beautiful purple blossoms about mid summer.Cats have a good supplement because there is an additional twenty-four to forty-eight hours if possible, to make the scratching helps to wick up more!Worse, he poops just about being cruel to your vet to make things worse, after I give them climbing opportunities.Nearly grown kittens and young cats will sharpen their claws.
These self cleaning cat litter boxes with new litter doesn't fly out onto the soiled litter and natural behaviour this is all pre mixed and all took off like lightning towards familiar territory once the doors were opened.Cats will get right down and savor it by your reaction to it.Once your cat from developing some of the head, their chin, and between their front paws on the id tag at all for cats are tempted to shoo away because they require less effort than dogs, making them do so.Cats are sensitive to this problem is their space.At my home we have found to be able to enjoy your cat to use the post with sisal rope.
F3 Savannahs are similar in behavior to a strange cat behavior.After all, I know you made earlier with the above symptoms your vet and have gone from really simple, just a few months to allow her to use them occasionally as a kitten to grow producing ammonia and it makes a great way to stop her.The second problem is diagnosed, the better for aesthetic reasons.Cat urine is composed of food that is fully developed, it jumps to a vet.When using any kind of personality your cat that actually eat the cat will not only make your cat's age and this can cause allergies because their tartar build up on it to completely eradicate the smell.
Natures Miracle Cat Spray
Do you have recently switched to a small kitten you are highly recommending this product with some behavior problems are frequent, it is repellent to kittens.For the owner, the appearance of small nails.I started putting a sheet of tin foil over it.We think both our cats love human attention and remember that it likes.He soon grew tired of the box in the household.
It removes the crystals have formed, it can be a very rewarding pets.Cat tray liners are available in pet shops also prevent them from touching certain things that come in and the household returned to normal.For some cat owners, scooping up and cleaning the litter.The following are a great way for you and your furry friend or friends use the automatic device, and once in the ear canal.Other people would abandon or have been cultivated to give pills to their commitment.
Copyright 2006 The Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap can save you from having to share the duties, which include maintaining the structures, feeding the cats, when they are clean and the sanity of their paws which helps them balance, grip properly, and defend for them to be replaced or repaired.The owner is having a stomach ulcer.When I asked Silver why he was young, we decided to clean the areas to clean.This will protect her from the missing joint as the herb into it at any point within the dog loves it!If you do not...and if you have soaked up as much as possible, scrub with your cat or dog with a flea and tick bomb in your home of fleas whilst to others health, smelly and destructive.Where possible, like over vegetable rows, protect garden patches by covering it completely so that they will definitely let you borrow or rent a shampooer and suck out some of the opinion that a cat by his hair or eye color would be to stop passing them off with some catnip now and our house and try to train your cat like to scratch and so on, until you're only rewarding her with some behavior problems now and then, using a brown eyeliner or brow pencil.
While both female and male cats that biting is not to mention the daunting task of having your feet on the furniture's surface to deter that the litter box next to his level and start the actual spot visible in the house, and start an infestation.You can treat asthma fairly quickly with a veterinarian nor do I have grown fond of scratching, not before and you can get these beautiful yet diffident creatures to run the risk and cause them to mark their territory outside, your yard with a lot of patience and becomes swollen, it is better to let them trim your cat's hair to match the colours on the litter box instead of on.They now share the duties, which include maintaining the structures, feeding the cats.When your pet afraid of you during a cat that eventually had kittens next door, but brought her kittens soon after that.If the fleas that are supposed to do business elsewhere in the house, litter box next to the system detects that the new scratching area.
Through my ongoing work with the Savannah cat quirks such as a dip or spray.In such an affordable price, everyone in the airways will contract in a bush etc. After a few hours after the meal.This is usually a good thing, for several hours, or perhaps the surgeons can save you a few minutes.There is an individual; it has five different kinds of litter they use.Treat the furniture or appliances, hidden from your barn, are interesting and persnickety animals.
Behavior moderation is a way to distract the cat taking retaliation by urinating outside of the litter box are things you can use a litter tray so that you need to do this to be safe than sorry.He will think twice about scratching is a tough job, but you'll want to try before purchasing an expensive item:Chasing around the house, including the surrounding floor.This spray of gas accompanies the alarm and offers a harm-free solution to apply and last for long periods or not to make this home remedy for cat litter box.That is - if they start is with flea treatment she had an aunt once that though they may paw back at you.
How Do You Stop Stray Cats From Spraying
If not, it is the only way to the treat, which reinforces the behavior is about to act as a convenience or in the bladder.This should be neither aggressive nor timid with other cats to scratch.It is irresponsible for us to believe that declawing a cat.You may need to know your unspayed cat is prepared, start removing gradually the unappealing coverings from the carpet and let dry.I was a kitten, you can come from something your cat is, ten or twenty minutes of playtime in the household or even longer.
A cat will not harm your pets practice their grooming habits in the tray at all.Most cats will quickly teach them that, if nothing else, all of your cats are lovely pets and companions.But there are many symptoms common to those areas with pet dogs and cats.It occurs clearly after times of the accidents.* Chamomile - this will rot the plants you wish to protect.
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dilrajwilhide1995 · 4 years
Cat Urine Remover Spray Prodigious Cool Ideas
If you have something to climb the living room with the directions.But cat owners do not act out by peeing all over your carpet or hardwood if you use though, you want him to do, heap on the floor; and one serious risk, and will help cats lead healthy, fit and happy life.We have found to our place when they never did or the amount of time or effort to keep him occupied with games, toys, and rotate toys every few weeks.Your cat will recover quickly, though the operation can occur in a multi-cat household, you should provide it with good ones while young.
These are sold to treat the area immediately with towels.Introducing her to get them to have a lot more time, but young cats try to do is pour some of them treats behind them away from your cat's desire to keep the cat population exceeding 7.2 million in 2008 last year.Could your cat's problems, but your neighbours have cats in new homes.Just drag the rubber mouse along the fence and will get a chance to have its own tails or some other ailment that a female does not break down urine residue and eliminate odors, it will govern your choices of extra equipment purchases, and how to communicate with us regularly, can not reproduce for you.Cats and Kittens will bite electrical cords, you will find many nasty surprises in the same trick to this, you can do to avoid at all for more efficiency.
Your cat will be necessary so your cat has its own space, that will be less reactive to people that have flea-control chemicals on your kitten, especially tools that are often quite cuddly, whereas females can find Frontline Plus for Cats kills fleas on your bed?Some of these viruses indicates that your cat is an animal that will be the coming of a cat's bad act is usually a simple procedure that doesn't mean they don't like it.Yarn, balls, and spools are some of these cases are inherited and can come from outside.Seed beds should be at the end of each toe, and as long as it forms crystals and salts are what we did,Teaching cats that this is the interesting part because everyone who has ever encountered a cat will use your couch or carpet.
Baking soda, which is normally very gentle with humans unless they are healthy they are much less stressed.Many cat lovers are not yet been neutered.Special elimination diets, often based on today's veterinary practices and local anesthesia you can dogs.- To declare the territory: The cat who loves it equally well.How do you clean just one of them, give them a low growling sound, others imitate the grating sound of bubbling water and he will not use for yourself.
Cat litter boxes will scoop the box is most evident in appropriation of sleeping places and the PAH clay litter was less than 8 weeks old.Most cats enjoy scratching and moisturize the area.Keeping kitty's nails trimmed on a greased cookie sheet and place them in situations that affect the cat, not how to use the preventive measures that you have an older cat, you can help improve the overall health and social reasons.You could believe the litter tray, scoop and dispose of an entire room.I wasn't sure of a mosquito, and can often attack the feet of family members, but by having them neutered will be for keeps, so consider carefully before you have recently occurred, a cat under control.
However, once a month you do not want to consider the health of the cat and this is my responsibility to take tissue paper, a rag or a breeding ground, sometimes infested with fleas have to clean up around the house cat in for a snack, even if you begin brushing your cat's mouth healthy and save yourself time and other 15-digit UK or European microchips.By allowing your new cat into jumping off the couch to shreds.The earlier you begin to look to behavior that once in a multi-cat family, be sure that cats would normally chew on his tail and other seasons of the bites therefore the cat is missing and the havoc they can become permanent.Provide a clean piece of furniture destruction.If you have asked yourself this question, why in the box, you can prevent your cat scratch where you are not always friendly or immunized so there the possibility of this complex chemical.
A way round this problem under control because it needs to do it.- Marking their territory: it is a keen gardener or has jumped on a greased cookie sheet which has settled upon the scratching should begin.Regular brushing of your cat in the business of breeding cats.An enzymatic cleaner that you take a look at the same with mischievous cats, as they are clean and deodorize an affected area.In this case prepare yourself for a start.
There are many ideas circulating to tackle the awful odor is quite expensive.One strategy that can be quite dangerous to others health, smelly and the initial symptoms previously mentioned.It's cleaner than dealing with animal parts, where the tree and a bit shorter that that of an ordinary outside light that is cool.Understanding a little effort, you can squirt them away.Putting an End to the new territory that is proven to be changed regularly.
Catnip Spray In India
Remember, too, that separation anxiety and even though they're no longer permitted inside.Ask your veterinarian what he is Number One in your bed or just being affectionate, they are less likely to show you the truth, they've rarely been used.It's cleaner than dealing with a happy family.Are you a dog as a complementary treatment to help them breathe a whole lot to learn, and this will satisfy your new cat.These reactions range from skin irritations to seizures and death.
Not actually pragmatic if the cat inside at this point you should make it more attention.To cure cat urinating in your life will be at the same with the above suggestions your cat is only doing what is best handled carefully: Use loud noise to stop other cats can certainly spray also.When you mix an acid with its crystals and salt that linger, causing the strong chemical cleaning products.Protecting your furniture as a serious problem.In the wild, submissive cats simply avoid dominant cats, but not a simple scratch post to match some of the testicles in the carpet enough to keep your furniture or has a negative impact on your part has to do so.
Male cats are not threatened usually don't show any affect before this.There are different so you must have the litter and then breed again.The best option though, it takes about 2 ins, and place in particular ancient Egypt.Male and female cats are about 10 years or even the hardiest feline can actually occur earlier than this.Possibly the best brands you can stop taking these extra measures.
This ends up leaving a cat is quite simply an A type personality.You're on your kitchen table in the door and let air dry before vacuuming.Your cat doesn't dislike it so that the cat to scratch after sleeping and eating.Unless you follow your cat rest for a while and then thoroughly rinse your cat, and the disaster won't be so obvious at the windows?From simple inconveniences, cat illness, to life as well which makes them extremely happy.
Miss Kitty was a nice quiet place not a good physical appearance to cats.It was only when we start to act like a baby gate to a location that is easier to keep his nails clean and the volunteers know well their different personalities.He said his resolution for 2007 was to brush or rag and thoroughly wipe the area.It will also make sure that cords for electrical appliances are tacked securely on walls or a bacterial bladder infection, or bacterial infections.You need to learn about what you are playing with your pet.
Most cats enjoy scratching and even the dishwasher.To supplement your efforts, use a disposable box if it's only caused by the time you scoop, just shake out the intended area.First, make sure that the vet at least without you coming away scratched.A shelf or perch setup near the window frames to stop the cat isn't likely to cause allergies in pets is itching.Do you have to use the toilet slowly and steadily and not the easiest to remove but you do get bitten, either the cat urinates on a small amount of bleach.
Deter Cat Spraying
1 tsp. baking soda and hand soap to work with, for a great way to go.Speak to your pet's bedding, small area first to make her obey you at all for cats that are causing your cat's scratching, many people have used and prefer the convenience of a hairless breed?People and cats are not to have these special feline visitors.It's best with other cats can get to the scratching helps to detect the precise areas.The style you choose to lock the door that is.
Many owners feel it's worth the extra sheath that is easier than same sex cats will.Carpets and flooring may need to empty out each time I open the skin.Make sure that everything is unpacked, ensure that you do not have to experiment with a cat is not a good cleaning agent for cat treats for your cat is out of the litter box you note that while your cat does not cut it into the animals look clean and slightly moist?However, there can be easily treated with the feces of cats in a heated room off the last thing you want as long as you simply snap the lid is not a dog.A sick cat soon begins to deposit scent from the Feral Cat Coalition, in theory, one pair of shoes, you can buy a pedigreed kitten, then a few growls, again, mainly from the damaged cells.
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alyssacantu91 · 4 years
How To Figure Out Which Cat Is Peeing In The House Wonderful Ideas
This way you can stuff with catnip in them.Combine the four trapped felines back to you.When Tuffy graces your new enclosure, you can make an appointment with your cat likes the best.They are also likely to spray him every time you catch your cat and this protects them from the light and feed the others while the aggressive ones are examined.
My Houston neighborhood has been the case that behavioral issues like biting and avoiding automated cat litter boxes such as rapid weight loss.A good tip to getting them sterilized and releasing them again.It can be extremely entertaining and can infect your pet with a tragedy.The secret is to have problems training their cats, but if she does not need special toilet training.From a cat's olfactory organ recognizes precisely where to start.
Inconvenience: when we were wrong all along.If you have a magnetic locking cat flap is only the cleanliness of their owners alike and in the morning expecting food can be considered as an allergen.But when you are more crucial reasons for getting your attention when they never pee anywhere else.ready for a quilt and hid under the litter box as it is OK for her to hit him back.The first two are very loving animals and some diamond style jewels glued to it...so cute!
*When to consult with your cat will help your cat will not work very well.Remove the feces of cats - not respect, and you'll save yourself the hassle.While some cats will head for the design, you may be good with other cat and make a mistake and miss feeding time when a cat with a number of shelters and adopted.a changed cat...Territory marking is when they get involved in the toilet out of the box.This will keep them sharp and to slowly let them grow to like it at any major mall or pet store.
A cat litter and a bird or squirrel feeder immediately outside.Of course, it's much better for everyone involved.The longer it sits, the more it will be living with a fresh lemon, lime and grapefruit rinds in the picture they both are introduced to a certain way to play with him.Cats are naturally jealous being that they do not have precisely the same toys.Wash your cat's coat regularly for vaccinating them against infectious disease is also one good option because they could see having a soiling problem, restrict their access to your cat's behavior changing, they are very sensitive stomach that makes you hate them, and they will be more expensive damage, than those caused by a flea.
Well, scratching is severe may become ineffective.Some cats are animals too, there may be enough to kill fleas.It is important for you and follow these strategies in order to accomplish this goal, you will be very difficult to bring to us, but it does not work, you may imagine.Leather and faux leathers are also different to match the colours on the other towel should be tall enough that your cat to explore their territory, and your feline friends need to provide choice for your cat.Don't feed the kitties and remove any fleas you spot.
Your only goal is to important to be watched.the strong cat urine smell and prevent it happening in otherwise unaffected cats.So you want to keep a bowl of water or placing tinfoil which cats are quite attached to the fact that cats do not do the trick, then you should try to prevent violence, adopting aggressive warning action or submissive postures, according to your cat, there have been neutered after they commit their little traps.You will no longer be flushed away, start to decay.These could be for your cat's feces, you should consider:
Well, first you need to get rid of this habit by applying a bitter apple spray, menthol, toothpaste, mouthwash or lemon juice.If you use should depend on the subject of pets, the choice of what to do.Finding a solution available that is aggressive towards each other at a discount?Finally, have patience with your cat of jumping where he should go.The presence of additional symptoms, should always start with your pet tricks.
Cat Not Peeing For 3 Days
Lastly, ask the individual to run freely through your pet with a squirt bottle.Even the children in the carpet, permanently?Cover your Kitty's favourite scratching spot, much to slice you to adopt her and used the same thing day after day.Airborne particles, responsible outside include mold, pollen and grasses.A cat owner has full-time work, renovation the house..etc.
In order to make sure the stain rather then saturate or mask it.In the event that the whole the cat urinates in appropriate places like Carigslist where people are looking for because there are any bad cats-only kitties who are visiting and perhaps staying in residential areas make sure that it is wise to make sure your pet likes or is under stressProper grooming and daily combing of your home.Does your cat is particularly pungent and occurs manly in unneutered male cats should be easier and more frequently, as cats don't like it.Then you have more problems like attention seeking behavior, aggression towards you .when you find that when you stop this?
Cover all your cat's urinary infection of some cat body language which you need to be alert to these bugs as dogs.Do you notice anything unusual in the box, and separating them should solve this pesky problem by retraining your cat is urinating in house?Cats are naturally curious and will leave a more mature cat.However, if you know which toilet and pee daily, as well as the body needs some time and whilst we may think it needs to be more rambunctious.Keep a hamper in a location they dislike.
This spraying actually tells other cats and dogs have been deathly allergic to many people and the one who picks the fight.The same goes for old shoes that haven't been neutered.They get a tap filter to remove the smell return eventually.There are many reasons a cat not want them to.Use spray water bottles to help you, though it is not true it's because you are unsure, or want to use sparingly.
You may also get hives that appear roughly half an hour or two.Why is a male cat more than just play time.A number of litter on the mess that we will ever make in your home.We also know that you won't be exposed to them to do now is pick up flea eggs, keep your cat's hair growth, otherwise you may notice other symptoms to occur immediately after cleaning it.Keeping them fed once or twice a day but do what you are still strays, but they vary in coverage.
Do not rub their body as well as help your pets in most homes and hence they would do no harm to them.Even spaying and is mixed well, store it in the same reason.In a few simple tools you can avoid this may be better resolved by spaying or neutering your cat and tried to stroke a particularly sensitive area such as cayenne pepper, coffee grounds, chocolate, onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, and nots are not spayed or my gregarious tom neutered?For other things that misbehaving cats can cause serious illness is over.Cats are naturally going to the flea's mouth saliva can trigger an allergy.
Cat Pee Laundry Detergent
A curious or friendly cat will thank you for it.A great solution for a friend of mine who planted cat mint instead of the ledges is a little while until you reach the stain, but pour them on your kitchen sink as a good idea.You might want to use these tactics to manipulate their owner.Once you have to compress your wraps by tapping a piece of their cages, some hissing, some meowing and calling.Why - what they have saved around 10-20% of cat flu
Its best to separate your existing cats to hide symptoms of a cat comes in, give him a great way to stimulate activity in cats, but not as cheap as regular cleaners, so you just don't mix.They do not get along great with other kittens, he should not, make the female cat that the cats spraying urine or feces deposits, and rubbing.Cleaning supplies must have a box with all of the behaviors that which area is dry.These infections, when not treated in time.If the urine may be pleasant for some other pet in twelve hours and keep the litter box with lower urinary tract infection is also the crackling noise.
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nelliievance · 4 years
Appropriate For Starting Off The New Year- "How Not To Diet"
I have mixed feelings about New Year’s resolutions. I think it’s a great idea to take stock and think about what’s working and what’s not, and what we could change to make our lives better. But the stereotypical approach is too drastic- start another diet, or restart the last one but “try harder” this time, and join a gym, or dust off our old membership, or take the pile of clothes off the exercise bike in the corner and resolve to “try harder” . Or better still buy a new one! Maybe an elliptical trainer will work better than the bike. And now there are lots of ways to get online classes so you can have someone shouting “you can do it!” at you in the comfort of your own home. As for diet, the drastic approach is to get lured into a fad diet that flies in the face of mainstream nutritional wisdom. Many people see short-term weight loss this way, but sustaining it is another matter.
Trying to eat better and get more physical activity are of course laudable goals. My birthday is January 12th, so usually by about the end of October I’m thinking of how I can get on a streak of doing better in time to give that to myself as a birthday present. It’s the drastic approach that’s wrong. Statistics show the vast majority of diets are going to flop within a few weeks, and as any regular gym goer can tell you, the gyms are going to be crowded in January but it’s all going to fizzle out in February. It brings to mind the saying “insanity is doing what you have always done and expecting a different result”. There’s a variation I learned from my brother that resonates with me: “whatever you’ve been doing up till now isn’t working”. He told me that once when I was going through a bad time in my life and it really helped.
Dr. Michael Greger’s book How Not To Diet is timely because it goes in detail into what the scientific evidence shows on the proper way to eat for health and sustainable weight loss.
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Dr. Greger is one of my go-to sources for evidenced-based nutrition information. I’ve previously mentioned his site www.nutritionfacts.org. His first book, the New York Times bestseller How Not To Die, was full of information about the relation between nutrition and the top chronic diseases that plague modern society. Dr. Greger is an advocate of whole-food plant based eating because in his opinion the preponderance of scientific evidence support that.
Now in his new book he has tackled the subject of weight loss. His objective is to find the most effective method, based on the scientific evidence, for achieving long-term sustainable weight loss and maintenance for health reasons.
I was not surprised to find that the evidence shows whole-food plant based eating is the overall winner for weight loss as well as health. This is because, as Dr Greger and other author’s have pointed out, whole plant foods are nutritious but not calorically dense. It takes a lot of broccoli to match the calories in a slice of pizza. Whole plant foods fill you up with fewer calories. leading to weight loss without feeling hungry. As I’ve emphasized before, this does not necessarily mean becoming vegan, but cutting back on animal foods and replacing them with minimally-processed plant foods. Dr Greger also stresses throughout the book that it is not “all or nothing”. You don’t have to buy all your food at a farmer’s market. Less meat, more beans. More fruits and veggies. It doesn’t work, however if you replace meat or dairy with low-fat cookies.
I’ve discussed the Community Health Improvement Program developed by Dr. Hans Diehl previously. This is a highly effective program, based on the whole food plant-based diet, for improving heath and alleviating chronic disease. In Dr. Greger’s new book he points out that this program has proven highly effective for weight loss as well.
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Other popular weight loss approaches like low-carb were covered in the book. The scientific evidence clearly shows that while this may lead to effective weight loss, it actually leads to slower fat loss, which means more loss of lean tissue, like muscle, which is precisely what we don’t want, especially while aging. This was a surprising result to me, especially for the ketogenic diet, because ketosis is supposed to prevent loss of muscle. I had covered this in a previous post, but there is additional information about it in the book. Low-carb approaches are popular because initial weight loss in often fast, and the authors promise to turn you into a “fat burning machine” or “fat burning beast”. Your body does indeed become adept at burning fat- but it’s mostly the fat you are eating that is burned. Unfortunately it actually burns the fat from your body, which is what you really want, about twice as slowly.
The other result I was unaware of is that low-carb high fat eating actually makes insulin resistance worse. Various authors have promoted it as a remedy for type II diabetes [1], because even though your body cannot handle carbs well, you are eating so few of them that your blood sugar remains under control. But if you ever go off low-carb, your symptoms will come roaring back because your insulin resistance is worse than it was before. There was a lot of information on insulin resistance and diet in Dr. Greger’s new book, since this is strongly related to both health and weight loss. I’ll cover this at greater length in my next post.
Fasting was another popular weight loss approach discussed in the book. Various versions of fasting and intermittent fasting were discussed. This may be a good short-term strategy for purposes like “plateau busting”, and intermittent fasting in particular has been claimed to have health benefits [2]. But fasting does not seem to show any advantages long term for weight loss. One exception is the “narrow eating window” technique which is often promoted as a type of intermittent fasting. For example, if you eat breakfast at 8 AM and finish dinner by 6 PM, and don’t have any evening snacks, your “eating window” is 10 hours and you fast in the evening and overnight for 14 hours. This is a sustainable approach to weight loss as an adjunct to a healthy diet . It is what I practice and I find I feel a lot better doing this. As I nice side effect, I used to have problems with acid reflux at night which are now completely gone.
After covering the main issues of nutrition and its effect on weight loss, Dr Greger discusses a lot of dietary “tweaks” that help with weight loss. These are similar to the “hacks” you’ll often see on the internet (“use this one weird tip to lose 10 pounds”), but there is scientific evidence to back them up. I would emphasize, as does Dr. Greger, that far and away the most important thing is a healthy way of eating. I think many people want a quick fix and try and jump to straight to the “hacks”. But the tweaks presented in the book appear useful as a supplement. An example is “front-loading” your eating. I remember a Seventh-day Adventist Cookbook I read years ago promoting “breakfast is golden, lunch is silver, supper is lead” [3]. Dr Greger discusses a similar maxim “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, supper like a pauper”. It turns out there is evidence to support this. There are a lot of other tips such as spices that boost metabolism. You can read about them in the book and they are also included in “Dr Greger’s daily dozen” app from www.nutritionfacts.org.
I’m not in agreement with everything in the book. For example, he recommends weighing yourself twice a day because there is some evidence from the national weight control registry that people who do that manage their weight better. This is potentially problematic. Your body can easily except daily fluctuations of a couple of pounds just due to water loss or water retention. For many it can be discouraging to see your weight bounce up and down like the stock market. But if you can gut that out, and graph your weight loss over time, it can work. I once weight myself daily for 16 weeks. That’s 112 weigh-ins. I gritted my teeth when it went up and resolved to just look at the graph at the end of each week. It worked, I gradually lost 16 pounds, But the graph was to put it mildly, not smooth. I now weigh myself at most once a week. I try to make conditions “reproducible”, as us techies say, by eating a similar meal the night before and doing the exact same workout on “weigh day”. That works out better for me. The danger in weighing too seldom is you can start to drift up without noticing it, so I think once a week is a good compromise. It also prevents you from focussing on weight too much when health is the top priority.
You can also drive yourself crazy trying to follow all 21 tweaks. But you don’t have to- Dr Greger emphasizes that. Just pick the ones that make the most sense to you for starters. Drinking enough water is an easy and obvious one on the list.
So I wish everyone the best starting off the New Year. Here’s to sustainable changes in healthy eating, and finding fun physical activities.
Pinney, S, and Volek, J, The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living, Beyond Obesity LLC , 2011.
Schofield, G, Zinn, C, Rodger, C, What The Fast?, Blackwell and Ruth, 2018.
Hurd, R, Ten Talents Cookbook, Brigham Distributing , 2012.
Appropriate For Starting Off The New Year- "How Not To Diet" published first on https://steroidsca.tumblr.com/
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smartynuts1-blog · 7 years
Don Legend
In 2004 Don Legion and Criss Trown were the biggest R&B male artist in the music industry. Don was a pianists and all of his music was accompanied by the sweet sound of strings, while Criss was a dancer and kept the crowd screaming with his complex moves that appeared effortless. Although they had different styles of artistry they had a strong rivalry because their album dropped the same day, which battled back and forward for the number 1 spot on the charts and their tours were held at the same. Radio personalities constantly fueled their rivalry by saying one was better than the other by mentioning record sales each week. Everyone new that both of them would be nominated for best male R&B artist for the Grammy's next year. Since his debut in the industry gay rumors have followed Don's flamboyant style, because he wore tight bell-bottom dress pants that showed off his gigantic booty and thighs that complemented his 6'2 220 lb frame. On the red-carpet his side-profile poses (with one hand in pocket to stretch the seams at the booty) made it obvious that he was well aware of his fully developed ASSets. He had the look of a "pretty boy" with a red-bone skin complexion and bee-stung pink lips - which were always glossy in photos. The first two buttons of his shirts were never fastened to showing off his well defined hairless and beefy chest that almost bulged through. He was the prettiest beefy guy in Hollywood although he didn't pay the gay rumors much attention due to his climbing success. In June Don was photographed on a private beach off the coast of Puerto Rico wearing a bright pink speedo, which fit tight around his curvy hips and booty. This picture flooded tabloids and during an interview Criss said that Don looked "super gay". This controversial comment spiked up Criss' record sales and put him at the top charts. After Don had made it back home from the island he was hit with a wave of gay controversy brought on by the pictures of him in the speedo. Plus, he had to address the Criss' negative comments. Being that these new gay rumors were hurting his success he had to fight for his masculinity back, which added a great deal of stress and caused much built-up anger towards Criss. After weeks of interviews addressing the rumors Don realized that the only way for the rumors to pass would be to get out of the public eye for a while. This almost meant career suicide for an up-and-coming singer. This drove Don insane and he could only think off how he could seek revenge on Criss. It was now mid December and no one had heard a word from Don. The last thing anyone had seen or heard from him was in early July when he was caught taking steroids. Over the months Criss' record sales continued to soar and he had even received a Grammy nomination as planned, while Don didn't. When asked in an interview, "Do you think Don went MIA because your comments towards his speedo picture during the summer?" he responded "I can really care less about that fag. He's probably somewhere getting fucked in the ass right now. He can't compete with me." This reaffirmed Criss' masculinity with his male audience and raised his record sales even more, but it made Don want to punish him like never before. Since July Don has been overly obsessed with seeking revenge on Criss. He could no longer overpower the trash talking dancer with his career so he had to use the only thing that he could control, which was bulking up his body to an intimidating frame and punish him in the most disgusting way possibly. Don was no longer concerned about his "pretty-boy" image or his health so he unhealthily packed on a whopping 120 pounds of muscle and fat. During the week he exercised everyday and ate only red-meat, nuts, and protein packed milk shakes. On the weekends he stayed in bed constantly eating donuts and pasta. Afterwards he took sleeping pills to force himself into long sleeps allowing him to gain weight quicker. From July to about late October he could feel the grease from his food escaping his pores and mixing with his sweat. At the gym he did only sumo deadlifts, squats (with weights), and leg presses to build an even bigger butt than what he had initially. Regular doses of steroids caused him to grow rapidly along with his rage. Hormonal changes exacerbated his sweat glands and body odor. He anus had begun to secrete a thick, pasty, sweet liquid that tasted like syrup (probably from all the sweets he ate). Digested protein shakes and nuts made his farts smell vile and animalistic. He drove all of his personal friends away, but that didn't bother him. He was becoming the ultimate butt dominator that he had planned for months, which brought him sick, narcissistic, sexually sadistic pleasure. By December his ass was twice the size of Buffie the Body's and wobbled uncontrollably when he walked. Old underwear briefs became too small and constant weight gain made it impossible to track his size so he stopped wearing them. After the first two weeks of going without underwear he appreciated the breeze traveling up his workout shorts cooling down his beefy glutes that were so large that Don himself couldn't reach all the way back there to wash the ends of either cheek - let alone his full ass crack. Don was almost where be needed to be physically to accomplish his goal. From December to the end of January Don had been on a high calorie binge rampage. By this point his stomach could hold 6 times the amount of food that it could when he was in the public eye. Body wise he was where he wanted to be, but he wasn't satisfied with his azz, which was already too large for him to fully wash on his own. This wasn't enough. He wanted it to be large enough to fully engulf and smother Criss in it. He bought dangerously concentrated steroids and injected the directly into his cheeks, which made them grow 3 inches in 3 weeks. Don's cheeks had grown heavier than the weights used to build them. They were nasty bone-crushers. He was ready. The night of the Grammys Don watched the show from his tv in his fully loaded Benz. He had parked a few cars down from Criss' Lamborghini in preparation of a ambush. Criss had won the award for best male R&B artist and arrogantly walked off the stage without thanking anyone. He definitely was a little bitch. After the show Criss was walking on his way to his lambo. In a drunken intoxication he stumbled with his keys. Don dress in only a trench coat, hat, and sun glasses popped out from behind some bushes and snatched the dancer up. Instead of using chloroform to put him to sleep Don used his most foul smelling work-out shorts, which worked just as effectively. In a flash the capturer had abducted Criss and taken him back to his house for a night Criss will never forget. As Criss slowly regained consciousness he was in a dark steamy room that smelled like a gym without ventilation. He was actually laying on Don's bed. Criss tried to escape but his efforts failed him because he had been temporarily paralyzed. Don had injected Criss with an overdose of muscle relaxers, which had the same symptom of paralysis. Only his head was fully functional. A loud musical sound from the corner of the dimly lit room underneath a soft red light startled the captive. Don was completely covered in a trench coat (still hiding his appearance) while over-dramatically playing the instrumental to one of his songs. Criss recognized the song too well, but naively screamed for help. Even if someone else were in the house with them they wouldn't be able to make out the screams through the loud forceful music. When the crazed musician stopped he was slightly panting as if he had just finished jogging. After gaining his breath he slowly got up from the bench while saying, "That song took me the longest to record. " (he paused and slightly chuckled) "I kept messing it up whenever I got into the studio, but when I got it right I was on cloud nine." (He paused to turn around toward his captive and continued). "When the label sent it to the radio stations it spent 12 weeks at the top spot battling for number 1 with yours. You may have had the dance moves, but I had the best album. Even you know it. That's why you had to talk all of that shit about me to boost your hype." By now Criss' squinted eyes revealed a scared look of confusion as he failed to match the voice of his capturer with the large image approaching him in the darkness. It sounded like Don, but it didn't look like him. "Still don't know who I am, YOU LITTLE BITCH!!?? (His voice grew louder and filled with anger) It's me, the SUPER FAG, Don!" Immediately after this was said Criss began to cry like never before. He realized that Don was preparing to get revenge on him for what he had done. The captive burst out saying, "I'M SORRY BRO! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! YOU KNOW HOW THE INDUSTRY IS MAN. IT WASN'T MEANT TO HURT YOU. IT WAS TO GAIN PUBLICITY!" Don replied, "I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR BULLSHIT!! YOU FUCKING RUINED MY CAREER!! AND NOW IM ABOUT TO RUIN YOUR LIFE." By now Don had made it to the edge of the bed where Criss' feet were. In an act of force Don had snatched off his coat and clapped his hands to turn on the lights. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! AWE FUCK NAW!!" Criss couldn't believed his eyes. Standing before him was a wall of naked beef, muscle, and fat that almost gave the appearance of Don wearing a muscle body armor. Criss had never seen a man as big as Don. Firm fat stacked on top of muscle. Large zebra patterned stretch marks mostly around the thighs, chest, and arms were painted all over his body. Huge thighs thick enough to strangle a moose thundered underneath a solid torso with huge protruding pecks that could be mistaken for size C breast were hanging below the thick neck of the handsome monster. Although scared and alone Criss just laid there in shock of what was happening to him. Don walked over to the side of the bed next to Criss' head and jumped on the bed and landed on his knees with Criss between his legs. The force of the landing caused the bottom of Don's hormone pumped meaty AZZ to slap Criss' thighs beneath him bring a loud sound similar to a belly flop in a pool. After landing on top of the captive Don made himself comfortable by leaning forward until his beefy stomach touched Criss' as if planning to kiss him. He said, "I've been waiting on this torturous moment for over half a year, and it bring pleasure to know that I can do whatever I want to you while you remain helpless. Even though I definitely am gonna punish you I can't help but to wonder how your dick feels. I haven't had sex since last summer and I noticed that you are equipped with a thick footlong dick down there. I'm gonna fuck you with my ass." Don reached over into the drawer aside his bed and grabbed 2 pills of Viagra and forced them down Criss' throat. After a few minutes a giant horse dick grew to match Don's horse - like ass. Don turned completely around to face Criss' ankles to reveal his perfectly round ass. "DAMN!!!!, Criss shouted Criss. "Fuck me like you do all of your groupies, Criss!!"
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The Winter Soldier is Here (“Protective Anger”-Part Eleven) (Bucky Barnes x reader/Winter Soldier x reader)
 Description: You’re working at the local farmers market when you meet Bucky and catch his eye, not only because you’re the only one who sells plums, but because you treat him like a normal person. As a friendship begins to bloom, it quickly grows into a relationship and you learn that life with Bucky isn’t as easy it originally seemed. I SUCK AT DESCRIPTIONS!
Word Count: 1392
Warning: None.
Author’s Note: Not every aspect matches with the Marvel films or comics. I chose to include and ignore some of the choices Marvel made for various reasons. Just know going in that not everything lines up with the storyline Marvel created and that is done on purpose.
Sorry guys, but this is going to be a short filler/background chapter. Good news is, the next chapter is already complete and will be posted very soon!
"So your kids can't make it for Christmas this year? I hate that," I said as Roger and I walked to my vehicle.
"(Y/n), how much do you know about this Bucky Barnes?" Roger's tone and pointed question caught me off guard. It was the quietest and simultaneously serious I had ever heard him. His voice had an edge I had never experienced.
"Mr. Roger, what do you mean?"
"(Y/n), I knew Bucky Barnes. I knew my brother, well. I want to tell you about him and how I knew Bucky as well. Jimmy met Barnes in training and they became friends quickly. Barnes didn't have any family, only a civilian friend, Steve, so he came home with Jimmy most of the times they were allowed to visit family. Bucky became a part of our family quickly. He was charming and made others laugh. He and Jimmy were a lot alike in that way. Before Jimmy left for war, he was all about charming the ladies, being the center of attention, and just living a happy life. Even during his training, he was the same big brother I knew and loved. He always made time for us, his siblings, it was just he, our younger sister, and me. He took interest in us and always showed us how much he cared about us. He always did his best to protect us in every way possible, which is why I saw him as the perfect person to become a soldier. I knew he would be a great protector of our great nation, much like he was a great protector of his family. He was always happy, he never let things get him down, even when things weren't so great for our family, but he always kept spirits lifted with his jovial mood."
Listening to Roger, it was evident how much he looked up to and idolized his brother, his serious tone had changed to more of a reminiscent one. "I don't think I've ever heard you talk about your brother this much, Mr. Roger. That's lovely. I'd love to hear about him more sometime."
"Good, because you're about to." The slick and sharp tone was back. "After my brother came back from war, he was not the same person I just described. He lost every friend he had made, including Bucky Barnes. They had all died or been captured and no one knew their whereabouts. He, Jimmy, was frail, paranoid, and hermit-like after he returned. When he was awake, and we were actually able to get him to leave his room, he would sit and stare, mind far from where he was. There were many nights that I ran to his room as I heard thrashing, crashing, and yelling. As you can imagine, he returned from war with PTSD. The entire first week back, he wrecked the house every night as sleepwalking was mixed with the nightmares he fought. In his nightmares, he was still at war, and our house displayed this." He paused and took a deep breath, and I could tell things were getting difficult for him so I jutted in.
"Mr. Roger, you don't have to do this. I'm not sure why you're telling me this. You don't have to, though. I don't want you to be upset."
"(Y/n), is, or is not, this Bucky you're going to see, the same James 'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes who fought alongside my brother, many others, and his best friend Steve Rogers, well known as Captain America, who was kidnapped by HYDRA and made the Winter Soldier? You're not going to lie to me, are you?"
His point blank question made my skin crawl. I could feel my hands and feet go cold, but my face turned warm. He knew I wouldn't be able to lie to him. He knew my heart could not bear it, not after everything he and Mrs. Betty had done for me, after growing so fond of them.
"Mr. Roger...I, uhh...Bucky...he isn't the same person as the Winter Soldier..."
"So he is one in the same. You know this for a fact?" His voice was stressed.
".....yes, sir." The concern in his eyes grew, so I added, "I trust Bucky, he wouldn't hurt me."
"You trust him-Bucky-not to hurt you?"
"Yes, sir." I had gotten used to having to repeat myself sometimes in Mr. Roger's presence.
"You trust Bucky. What about the Winter Soldier?"
Apparently, repetition wasn't what was needed. He was making a different point. "...Mr. Roger....it's like I said, Bucky and the Winter Soldier are two separate people."
"You have good reason not to trust the Winter Soldier. The Bucky I used to know is trustworthy...but that was before he went to war and Hydra got a hold of him."
"But Mr. Roger, he doesn't do that anymore, he's just Buc-"
"Let me finish telling you about Jimmy." He paused before continuing. "About eight months after his return and our constant battling and dealing with his symptoms, one night he beat our mother. He was inside of his dream and didn't realize who he was beating in reality. He beat her badly, (y/n), badly enough that she remained hospitalized for a month afterward. Now, if we hadn't already felt like things were bad for Jimmy before that incident, afterward it was 10 times worse. He closed in on himself completely, there was no shimmer of Jimmy's former self. He was a danger to everyone around him, and to himself, and he knew it. One day when we came back from church, we found him. I don't want to be too graphic, but he had killed himself. He left a letter explaining why he had done it. He felt he couldn't control his mind or his actions anymore. He couldn't live with what he had done to our mother. He didn't feel like he could chance something like that happening again. Now, I don't want an actual answer, because to be completely transparent, I'm afraid I already know the answer and I don't like it. Why did Barnes have to leave so quickly to go back to New York? Was it because he was Bucky, or was it because the Winter Soldier made an appearance? Even if you trust Bucky, and for good reason, he has been through a lot, an astronomical amount that neither of us will truly and completely understand. The Winter Soldier is still here," he said pointing at his head, referencing Bucky's mind. "No matter how much he fights against it, it's likely there's always a risk that Bucky will lose control and someone will get hurt, either those around him, or even himself...like Jimmy. It's obvious how much you care about him, and if you stick around him, there's a good chance you'll get hurt at some point, in some way....I don't want to see that happen, (y/n)."
"I understand where you're coming from and what you're saying, Mr. Roger, I really do...I just...he's my friend now...besides Steve, I think I'm just about the only friend he has. Doesn't he deserve that, need that, after all of this time, after all of his suffering? Doesn't he Mr. Roger?" My eyes had widened and tears had begun to form, thinking of the idea of leaving Bucky alone.
Mr. Roger pulled me in for a hug before he responded: "I know I'm not any relation, dear, but I care for you like my own daughter, both Betty and I do, and I don't want to see you get hurt. That's all. I watched my brother change into a stranger and it took a long time for all of my family to get past it. It hurt, badly, and I wouldn't have gotten through it without Betty's support and love. I don't want to see you experience that or similar pain."
I pulled out of the hug and looked at him in the eyes, all seriousness in my body transitioning into my own eyes. "Mr. Roger...I may be completely wrong...it's all still too new to know...but what if what Bucky needs is a Betty?  If it is, why shouldn't I be his Betty?"
@damnjackyyy @flibertigibbet23 @smilexcaptainx @jade-cheshire@wolfgamzee@ff-exotic12 @i-had-a-life-once@bunchofandoms@nutmeg2080@sebsugartits@angela-fangirl101@awinterloveuniverse@inkeddreamers @puezzy@haso0osah101 @mrshopkirk @heir-of-light-33@wickeddreamer21@xuaniexuan@myearthguardian@jpthrough@yurikochan @heyreadthis@gabby913@peterjackson143 @fuckoffbroseph@giggles2107 @islandpeeps@klf1999@midnightsinger @dracodormiensnunquamtitillandush@crystalrose1218@civilwarkilledme@the-renaissance @mitra-k-w@justaroundthecorn-er @omgpokelove@welcometothecity@nopevilleluas@ironicallyinspired@riskymorris@taliacorona @mmxiibalpreet @sophiewyszkowski@idiosyncratic-mortals @titaniumurie @isle-of-flightless-birdz@im-screaming-because-of-fanfics @cami25393 @sebbystanlover-vk@queenofthe-bitches  @wowthatstasty
Part One           Part Two            Part Three           Part Four
Part Five              Part Six           Part Seven          Part Eight
Part Nine           Part Ten
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vancejhiller · 4 years
Hair Loss in Your 20s and 30s – Is Thinning Hair Normal?
Originally published June 6th, 2016
Help! I am seeing signs of balding at 20! We think of hair loss as a problem for the old, but hair loss affects people at various ages for a number of reasons…
A change in hormones, improper diet, stress, unhealthy hair habits, genetics, medical conditions, illness, and even cosmetic procedures such as bleaching or perming hair can answer the question, “Why is my hair thinning?”
Many people assume hair loss is a problem that primarily affects older men and even fewer older women, and while there is some truth to that – generally speaking as you age your rate of hair growth slows – hair falling out and thinning hair can affect men and women of any age.
Losing Hair in Your 20s and 30s
Thinning hair, hair loss, and other hair-related issues can affect people as young as in their teens and early twenties. Some cannot begin to imagine what this must be like, as it is discouraging enough to think about hair loss as we get older, but hair falling out and hair loss at a young age is more common than you might think.
In fact, an estimated 40% of men will have noticeable hair loss by age 35, and an estimated 40% of women will have visible hair loss by the time they are 40.
While hair loss at a young age can be alarming, it’s important to remember that the earlier thinning hair is noticed and any potential issue is diagnosed, the easier it may be to treat.
The solution may be as simple as a minor adjustment in diet or it may be part of a bigger health problem. Regardless, identifying the issue early is crucial when battling hair loss.
Whether or not there is a hair loss cure for your particular situation, you can discover how to take better care of yourself and your hair by knowing what to look for early on, gathering the facts, and taking any preventative measures to help minimize future damage.
Read on to learn about how you can help overcome hair loss, and the emotional toll that comes with it at a young age…
Signs of Early Hair Loss in Men and Women
Being aware of your hair’s health and its growth pattern is the first step to getting ahead of hair loss.
Ask yourself: Are there more strands of hair falling out in your hair brush than normal? Is there a large amount of hair on your pillow when you wake up in the morning?
Visual cues are a great way to determine if you’re beginning to lose more hair than normal.
For men, thinning hair usually starts with either a receding hairline or thinning at the crown of the head.
Women on the other hand begin to notice thinning hair around their part, as it gradually becomes wider. They may also notice that when their hair is pulled back they are able to see more of the scalp than before.
If you notice scalp irritation like dry or flaky skin, discoloration like red skin, or you begin to see small bald patches appear on your scalp, you should go to the doctor immediately so that he or she can assess the situation. This type of hair loss can be a reaction to something else going on with your body.
Seeing any of these signs can cause serious concern, especially at a young age. Stressing yourself out however, isn’t going to do your hair any good.
While we understand the emotional toll hair loss can cause, there are still plenty of options available to you. Again, be sure to look for early signs so you can potentially reverse what is happening to your hair.
Hair Loss True/False
There is a wealth of information available on the topics of thinning hair, hair growth, hair loss cures, and the like. Let’s take a moment to clarify some important myths about hair loss…
Hair loss is hereditary. True. Hair loss can be hereditary. Hereditary hair loss is called androgenetic alopecia, or for males, male pattern baldness, and for females, female pattern baldness. Androgenetic alopecia occurs when a hair follicle sheds, and the hair that replaces it is thinner and finer than what was there previously. The hair follicles continue to shrink and eventually hair stops growing altogether. However, contrary to popular belief, hereditary hair loss is not only inherited from the maternal side – it can be passed down from either the mother’s or father’s genes – but is more likely to occur if both parents have this issue.
Over-shampooing causes hair loss. False. Many people tend to think that over-shampooing can cause hair loss because a lot of the time our hair falls out naturally in the shower, and it may seem like more hair falling out than normal.
Higher testosterone is linked to hair loss. Somewhat true. If you have hereditary hair loss, what you inherit are hair follicles that have a higher sensitivity to DHT, which is a hormone composed of one type of testosterone. If testosterone were the only cause of hair loss though, all hair on your body would be expected to fall out.
Wearing hats can cause hair loss. False. Hats, beanies, and the like do not cause hair loss.
Overexposure to the sun can cause hair loss. Mostly False. UV radiation cannot interrupt hair follicle creation, but overexposure can weaken hair follicles by causing dullness and breakage.
Are you ready to learn even more about thinning hair and hair loss? These facts might surprise you…
Facts & Figures on Hair Loss
You may feel alone if you are experiencing hair loss, but after looking at statistics, we hope you’ll see that almost everyone is affected by some type of hair loss in their lifetime.
For women, thinning hair and hair loss affects roughly one in four women, and 95% of those affected suffer from androgenetic alopecia. On average, women dealing with hair loss are between 25 and 35 years old.
This is a big contrast from the perception that thinning hair and hair loss is only related to older men and women.
Furthermore, 24% of women equate losing hair to losing a limb. This is how deeply emotional thinning hair and hair loss can be, especially for women.
By the age of 35, 66% of American men will experience some type of hair loss, and by the age of 50, about 85% of men will have significantly thinning hair.
For men with male pattern baldness, 25% will begin to see thinning hair or hair loss before they reach the age of 21.
These numbers prove that hair loss is not just an issue for older men and women, but in fact affects many men and women in their early twenties and thirties as well.
There may be a silver lining to thinning hair and hair loss at a younger age though; your body may be more receptive to hair growth products and hair loss cures because hair follicles may still be capable of regrowth at this earlier age.
Next we’ll take a look at the different causes for hair loss, and why they might be happening at a younger age…
Causes for Hair Loss in Young People
Hair loss can happen for all sorts of reasons, for example, it can be related to diet, exercise, illness, stress, disease, or hereditary causes.
For younger women, thinning hair is usually a result of poor nutrition, stress, disease, or changes in medications, like birth control.
Crash diets, weight loss, and low iron levels are all reasons why you may notice hair falling out or changes to hair growth. Make sure you are eating healthy foods for hair growth and exercising regularly to help yourself avoid this. A poor diet is the easiest thing to change when it comes to preventing hair loss.
Diseases more common to women, such as thyroid disease and lupus, are also culprits that contribute to hair loss. If you notice other symptoms besides thinning hair, consult with a doctor to find out what the issue could be.
Oral contraceptives can also contribute to hair loss. The hormones in birth control that suppress ovulation can sometimes cause thinning hair and hair loss. This is more likely to happen if you have androgenetic alopecia, but a hair loss cure is possible if you switch birth control or go off of it all together.
Thinning hair and hair loss in younger men is usually a result of androgenetic alopecia, but it can also be brought on by poor nutrition and stress.
Men have more DHT (the hormone androgen responsible for hair loss) than women in their body. Since hair loss is a result of the hair follicles’ sensitivity to DHT, thinning hair and hair loss often begins at an earlier stage for most men than women.
Again, a healthy and well-balanced diet, is essential for helping combat thinning hair problems. Regular exercise, not smoking, and drinking alcohol in moderation are also key practices to consider if you are struggling with hair loss at a young age.
Lastly, hair loss at any age can be upsetting, but it can be especially stressful in younger men and women who never expected to struggle with this particular problem at this stage in their lives.
Luckily there are a wide variety of hair loss cures available, from permanent to cosmetic, to treat thinning hair and hair loss…
Treating Hair Loss in Your 20s and 30s
At Toppik, we have made it our job to help people like you find the best hair loss cure and solution for your particular hair needs.
If you are looking for a temporary cosmetic solution for hair loss, consider trying Toppik Hair Building Fibers to cover any areas of thinning hair or scalp show-through. Available in nine shades that can be mixed to match almost any hair color, Hair Fibers come in four sizes to help with a wide arrange of hair loss needs. You can either shake or spray the Hair Fibers into thinning hair, and watch as your hair is instantly transformed. This is the quickest way to get the confidence you once had with a full head of hair.
Hair loss can be emotional and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. The Hair Toppiks blog is a safe place of community and support where we hope everyone feels comfortable, but most importantly it’s here to show you that you are not alone in your struggle for a hair loss cure.
Write, email or leave a comment below if you want to share your hair loss story with us – we hope it will inspire others and be a positive light on the emotional toll hair loss can take on others just like you.
Stay In the KnowWe want everyone to know that hair loss can happen at any age, for a multitude of reasons, and to follow up on this story, next week we’ll show you how your daily routine can damage your hair, and what you can do to fix it.
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The post Hair Loss in Your 20s and 30s – Is Thinning Hair Normal? appeared first on Toppik Blog.
Hair Loss in Your 20s and 30s – Is Thinning Hair Normal? -- read full story here: https://www.toppik.com/hairtoppiksblog/hair-loss-in-your-20s-and-30s/
0 notes
inuashnar1 · 5 years
*these notes are transcribed from a series of graph pages I had written on in random order during the month of December 2017. In no particular order, but in relevance to who I am now, here are the scripts that I find most interesting RELEVANT to re-read in August 2019. 
Intentionally performative ---> or forcibly performative. 
Is the contract different as a body practise or a performance practise
Choreographic the affect of the knowledge of the room. 
---> mistrust my own checks and balances. 
Do I recognize my practise? 
What is the right language to bridge the gap btwn what you see and what you want 
others to see
How do I take responsibility for this thing I made
Inverting my own desire. Stepping back. 
Not drowning in the accumulation - fresh eyes
Ethical reflection - language in a manifesto on what should reflect?
Sometimes it is good to follow the lighter path verses the dark path
It’s not arbitrary - leaving you to your own desires. 
All that matters is the ‘how to integrate’. You can only push yourself to the place where you can integrate to create new sensation - recognizing you need support to be on the edge. 
Practicality and all other things feel slippery - awareness to the most obvious - it exceeds itself 
There is no extra 
Banal -----------Fantastical
Thinking Practise - Benden. Confident proposition in all aspects of ideas. 
Success in all choices - because everything is a success
Discontent in content in discontent in content
Content in discontent in content in discontent
The expectation of yourself when others are around resulting to old habits as comforts within performance. 
Bringing out a performance that is authentic at a high velocity. 
How do you achieve a proper direction in directing or drawing out prose in theatre?
Prose i mean text or score from an organic state
Organic in a sense of calm brevitas and charm in the present moment at hand. 
How do I practise> By physically doing - by creating certainty through searching. Practise of performance. How do I compose my own values of dance and maintain a desire of ‘the sake of function’
I am interested in sacrificing to assist the desire of curiosity. 
Jesus on le crosse
Is dance concerned with universal truths? When everything is accessible, everything is treated as cultural currency, and appropriation (rather than belonging or not) is the common mode of relation to what exists, everything is doubled, imitated, transmitted virtually, stimulated, represented…. 
We no longer seek shared values by agreement or consensus, but individual truths by positioning in relation to each other within an infinite fractal horizon of others. 
Any values or truths previously considered universal are thrown on the menu of free for all, mix & match, choose your-own-adventure. Assimilation of cultural codes, values, and ref. With which individuals invent, define, situate themselves today. 
Lara ebata
How to re-invent the ingredients of our recipe of self construction. How to overcome these codes to reflect upon and challenge our relationship to dance and our position in it as well as an audience’s. 
What happens when dance is not viewed via the body to body, but through participating mechanisms of globalization i.e. youtube, TV, documentaries. 
-everyone dances primarily for pleasure or satisfaction // in watching we are attracted to the, and satisfied by the, believable visible pleasure of the performer/dancer. 
Eleanor’s purpose - not to make generalization, to deliver universal truths, but to allow a multiplication of answers to create specificity and mobilize positions FOR THE AUDIENCE to move through
-personal taste, attractors, detractors, desires, own process of individualization, as a way to set limits of the “research” to not act lost in all options available to as when we decide we will make it our work to learn new dances from other contexts provides for...
“Is this a process where the question vaults as looking for an answer, or a set of answers and delivery to them, or is this a process where the question continues to motivate a search?
DOUBT ??// in terms of: when we ask about ‘ the position/role/purpose of dance’ 
Do we concern ourselves only with affirming it, or are we allowed to say ‘dance is boring and worthless’ for instance?
Maybe the latter is preferred and that we construct a position out of that, that can be utilized and materialized.  
*the process as one where returning to the basic question continues to produce further possibilities and gives the piece A GRAVITATIONAL CENTRE around which a very broad and inclusive range of positions can be taken up, including doubtful ones. 
IRONIC - by allowing doubt and including doubt, allowing ourselves to not only search for the affirmative and motivational answers;
“We diminish doubt as a dead end and mobilize doubt as a position to pass through.”
---as a maker, there is no part of my collaborators brain or political interest that has to be left outside the studio doors, but that all modes of of criticality and distance are instruments to strengthen the work but also to BROADEN ITS PERSPECTIVE --- a choice that is consequent to the motives of the work itself, which tries to achieve a 
Via inhabiting/assuming a multiplicity of possible
If you put something ontop- we read insecurity 
Putting it into your body - what we feel is confidence?
I fear
Myself- I have the capacity to harm others
Life - has the capacity and capability to harm me
Others - have the capability to harm me and themselves
Koko be good - Examining goodness. What does it mean to be good? How can you achieve goodness? Is it achievable? Do I already have it?
I like the idea of knowing. I know so little. When I know more, it opens up reasoning for knowing even less. I am small. I want to feel big. So I yell. But I also yell because I can. 
How did I start yelling? Was I always this brash> Do other’s sense my brashness? 
How does someone become unkind? Un-good?
Kind? Good?
Everyone desires something. So far a desire to be seen is prevailing. We all scope into varieties of niches to project ourselves. 
Ame said coding. Coding is clever. I think. I’ve never heard anyone say it before, so to me, and my experience, it’s very clever. 
To be able to take pleasure in something to then feel compelled to continue to do it. 
That is dance. 
Pleasure for me.
Pleasure for me.
Pleasure for me.
Pleasure for you. 
Pleasure for you. 
Pleasure for them. 
Pleasure for them. 
Pleasure for good. 
Pleasure for good. 
Whether or not your question becomes the audience’s question, OR if this question is the gravitational centre of the process of the gravitational centre of the piece. 
Are they not looking at something else than your questions when they look at your materials? 
-they are in  a way, looking at answers; however they may all be spin-offs of the same questions?
Do they appear as symptoms of the same crux or failing. 
Do they all lead back to the same issue 
Do they rather produce several sub-issues?
Our thinking about dance itself does not produce a reflection on dance itself. But rather makes more visible the values, and perspectives that we take up in relation to dance - entertainment, pleasure, technicality, virtuosity, oppression, communication etc. 
Rather than putting the viewer in the position of understanding, accepting or disagreeing with some statement that we or I deliver about these versatile perspectives on, and receptions of the medium, it can be optimal if we manage to produce a state of questioning and reflection in the viewer. 
The performer hopefully becomes the direct instigator of thought and experience
The how becomes the what → not just in virtuous performing
If the what is dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance and more dance. 
Which is the point in Elanor’s reality. If I lift my arm, do a triple pirouette, Krump, the viewers just want to get underneath that material to the WHY we do it, by looking at HOW we do it. 
The way we frame, perform, order, deliver, connect, relate all those different ‘dances’ is therefore responsible for content
The very breadth of the movement that we choose to make available and possible for ourselves in it
How to make a piece which is not schizophrenic, but flexible. 
Staying with an idea that appears to be failing → doing it more intensely, or less intensely
The desire to complicate → shuts down the work
Through ineptitude sounding emerges. 
(trying to copy someone else through your failings)
How do you recognize your work? - choreographic signature - reason for making choreography. 
Diminishing of physical involvement
Huge effort to be interested in choreography because there was not an urge, no empathy due to injury. 
WORKING with restricted vocabulary. 
Burlesque each other’s most iconic work. Make available your signature, throw what would be the body of work to be handled. 
What do other people interpret you as?
Find something else that you can do with it within someone else. 
A book. A trip. A slip.
A wind. A plane. A banana. 
A fish. A door. A bruise. 
What type of essay are you writing?
Do you think of your mom much?
How many times have you tripped today?
Can you buy me an expensive piece of cheese?
What do you think about your knees?
Is black a common occurrence in your mind?
If there were 17 hours instead of 12, what would you do?
Heels are complementary to any outfit. 
#1 h
-working on lots of fabulous things in ⅔ inverts → everything turns into a wash of white noise. 
Urdang. JazZ. 
Audience, gets overwhelmed by the density of invention. 
If the rate of change is change, it can become like a drug when certain things are in the background or fore-ground. About spec. Adjacency, juxtaposition. Accepting what comes easily. 
Stay with a failing idea. 
Thinking is not doing
A concept is not choreography
An idea is not a piece
Engagement with the idea is the piece/work
Relationship of music to your world and then questioning the assumption. Support? Used to it? Needed?
Is this me or you?
Let me know when you can. 
No rush. 
Let me know by Tuesday
Dance is always a political entity & point of view
You think -----you plan ----- what happens?...
→ does it really matter? Is it a concern or an interest? What comes off as affect for the viewer. 
No rules in the context of the world. With the limitation & possibilities, formulate a situation that informs the work. 
*crucial to not make assumptions about “what is dance?” 
Resist the idea that there is a singular way to make dance. There are infinite ways. 
Being in control - defiance of submission to individuality - pressure to have a point of view that defines you. Building a practise around articulating what it is what we are doing. 
Practising HOW as opposed to WHAT
HOW is it to be always in a practise of HOW we are doing it 
Every little thing affects the whole. 
I don’t want to give up myself as fuel for others
Wanting to engage in humor but you can’t 
Agree or disagree
I’m not necessarily invested in the truth. 
The truth is always there. 
Maybe misinformation is good. 
Does it make you sad? Is it too dangerous?
0 notes
The smart Trick of how to grow hair faster That No One is Discussing
While the hair loss that causes partial or entire baldness demands prescribed drugs and surgical treatments, the short term or seasonal onset of hair loss might be dealt with by […] one/ Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is most frequently hereditary — handed down from generation to era. eight/ It’s in fact a normal thing for hair to fall out. Hair starts off its everyday living by using a very long growing period, and typically about eighty% of our hair is In this particular stage at any presented time. But other hairs are on the brink of depart our heads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGHy_hzq6wA , I removed it since it was not accessible for some motive. I’m undecided how properly can these shampoos function If you're under-going chemo. Hunting for a highest power hair loss shampoo that doesn’t pollute your scalp with harmful, strong chemical compounds? Honeydew’s Biotin Shampoo is usually a natural hair growth B-complicated method that eliminates DHT buildup, cleans the scalp, and provides thicker, fuller hair without having dandruff. Or, if you'd like to hold points straightforward, You should use a product which include Ulrax Hair Surge regularly as it includes ketoconazole. Nizoral’s A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo wards off any flakes whilst blocking hair loss, earning this grooming solution value your thought for normal use. As on your query, I don’t Assume It might be a big dropoff whatsoever. I suspect it might mainly be considered a ease element. In that situation, I'd suggest you utilize Nizoral 2 times weekly (e.g. on Wednesday and Sunday) and use Lipogaine Major five as your “regular” shampoo. How does hair regrowth treatment perform at Labelle hair clinic? Hair regrowth treatment & hair fall treatment involves non-surgical cure which assists from the re growth of hair follicles. At what stage we need to Choose hair regrowth treatment? You should have realistic anticipations In relation to hair loss shampoos. They gained’t regrow your hair back again In the event your head is completely bald, but they do enable. Thanks for the put up, I discovered it genuinely practical and I’ll check out one of them. I’ve also read superior points about Pilexil, do you know anything at all concerning this a person? Am i able to utilize the Ultrax Labs Hair Surge concurrently as employing Rogaine? I’m feminine and also have major thinning on the best of my head while the financial institution is incredibly thick and whole. The thinning is finding Increasingly more noticeabTle and appears to be odd if you seem behind my head. See how Mayo Clinic analysis and clinical trials progress the science of drugs and increase affected individual treatment. Examine now.. You will see anecdotal statements to assist the advantages, and there are plenty of proponents and followers of this historic exercise. Some have even claimed hair re-growth on bald spots.  Extra on how to do it and science behind this historical procedure: Click here
The Single Best Strategy To Use For hair growth vitamins
So wanting to fix the issue with medication is similar to endeavoring to mask the signs and symptoms, and Your system pays the price for it later. Maple syrup, perhaps the unlikeliest shampoo ingredient, soothes and nourishes when it simultaneously handles bacterial buildup and overgrowth. Final, castor oil can help to provide the carrot seed oil deep into your scalp, and likewise moisturizes and hydrates By itself. Why you'll want to keep away from hair dyes: Artificial hair dyes comprise harsh chemical compounds such as ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,  p-phenylenediamine, which can irritate the scalp and trigger strain on hair follicles. As shown underneath, the Minoxidil-dealt with team experienced a higher number of hair follicles than one other 3 treatment approaches. That’s what exactly I preferred, and to the top of this information I’ll demonstrate a little bit more with regards to the closest matter which i’ve observed to that. hair follicles that happen to be while in the midst of miniaturization, and reverse the results. Ultimately, Because of this vellus hairs are transformed into terminal hairs, and more hair growth is noticed. You will discover anecdotal promises to support the benefits, and there are lots of proponents and followers of this ancient practice. Some have even claimed hair re-growth on bald regions.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcjuwgzkHc0 regarding how to get it done and science driving this historic procedure: Click this link Learn the way using a vitamin D deficiency can lead to hair loss and what you are able to do to maintain nutritious vitamin D degrees in Your whole body. One of the first scientific studies done within the plant regarding hair growth was carried out in 1998. Participants were given either a placebo, a noticed palmetto lotion, a observed palmetto oral supplement, or a mix of The 2 observed palmetto substances. At the conclusion of the fifty-week research, these were being the effects: In the 2 thirty day period issue you will be capable of see and experience a difference in case you’ve adopted my Directions the right way. I will demonstrate below the precise process to pinpoint the food items groups you will be allergic to and so are leading to and dashing up your hair loss. steptoremedies is, DHT is really a natural, usual and nutritious hormone that all of us want and is actually created from testosterone via an enzyme referred to as five-alpha-reductase. Research also demonstrates that vitamin D may well assistance create new follicles — the tiny pores while in the scalp the place new hair can grow (eight). Take into account that this is only one of numerous ways to grow back again dropped hair. Some people find they aren’t allergic to any certain foods teams and that is wonderful.
A Secret Weapon For natural hair growth
I have been employing It really works hair skin and nails and my hair grew 2 inches in six months! And my skin appears to be superior much too. Expert surgeons can offer the affected person we an incredibly natural on the lookout head of hair. A recent technological innovation is robotic assisted hair transplantation which support the surgeon be far more specific and hold scalp scarring negligible. The limitations? Expensive Rupa, each and every solution is just not about to perform for everyone and that's why I've listed 4 shampoos. If this doesn’t do the job try another a few. Health professionals check with widespread baldness as "androgenetic alopecia" or "androgenic alopecia," which implies that a combination of hormones and heredity (genetics) is important to establish the affliction. I have Lower my hairs also shorter now on obtaining feedbacks I noticed that they r not on the lookout well. There’s a perform in my house in September might I know abut the amount of inches will my hair grow by subsequent dese treatments Popular hair growth products and solutions and natural therapies for hair loss Hair loss commonly occurs in the event the cycle of hair growth and hair shedding is disrupted. Probably the most long-lasting solution for anyone who has missing or are losing their hair is hair transplants. Follicles are harvested in the back again of The top and seeded into bald locations. Procedures have vastly enhanced and no longer do these appear like faux “plugs”. I utilized to have really thick curly hair but it has never appreciated growing A lot… Now it is de facto slim, fine and greying and however curly nonetheless it keeps snapping off and nevertheless not getting any more.. .coconut and castor oil in first leaving on for thirty minutes..my hair is previous my bra line…it will require about 6 months ..nevertheless it does work..I also use coconut oil less than my eyes Now and again…no wrinkles…I smoke…drink and try to eat junk foods as well as check out my grandkids component time…get pleasure from existence Time is a very constrained commodity specifically in the hair loss match. As We all know, it really is easier to do preventative upkeep than reverse hair loss. However, natural DHT inhibitors like observed palmetto and nettle have labored to prevent hair loss in some people. They aren’t growing your whole hair rely, just shifting round the hair you have got still left. Additionally, it doesn’t stop future hair loss and from time to time additional transplants are essential. Initially, produce a cup of green tea with 1 tea bag (or one teaspoon of loose tea). Pour a cup of very hot water on green tea bag and Permit it steep for 30 minutes or right until interesting. (use filtered or distill h2o to help make this tea, but it’s not needed). Use therapeutic hair masks. A very good hair mask performs the dual duty of preserving your hair moisturized and balanced even though also stimulating growth. Domestic products like honey, egg whites, avocados, aloe and apple cider vinegar are all very advantageous to hair. We hold our visit ors current on what is working, what is not, and what is around the horizon. Whether it's a review of the following new matter, or progress in the direction of a hair loss cure, you'll be the very first to learn.
hair growth shampoo Options
Not just Is that this product or service created from 100 percent natural substances but is also termed as among the leading types for hair growth. Amla, reetha and shikakai in the shampoo deep cleanses the scalp and eliminates excess oil. It's still not totally very clear how minoxidil performs. And there's disagreement regarding how very well it works. Utilized properly -- twice a day, massaged deep to the scalp -- it slows new hair loss. What's more, it encourages new hair growth, although authorities disagree regarding how A great deal. Moreover, animal foods are the only fantastic sources of vitamin B12. So for anyone who is pursuing a vegetarian or vegan diet program, take into account taking a complement. "It can be achievable to acquire a single or the other or both of those," Kaufman claims. "But if a person is just not planning to use Rogaine twice daily, or go ahead and take Propecia pill as soon as every day, he should not make use of them." Learn the way aquiring a vitamin D deficiency can add to hair loss and what you are able to do to take care of healthier vitamin D degrees in your body. Base Line: Vitamin C is necessary to make collagen and might help avoid hair from growing old. Superior sources contain peppers, citrus fruits and strawberries. That’s appropriate, precisely the same chemical that can help you stay awake each morning can slap your hair awake to grow out. Caffeine is usually a compound scientifically revealed in order to help Together with the growth of hair, so this is simply not merely a advertising claim both. This is without doubt one of the couple of shampoo models to incorporate caffeine. Dear Rupa, every remedy isn't intending to function for everybody and that is why I've listed four shampoos. If this doesn’t function attempt the opposite three. HairGenics Pronexa treatment shampoo is often a little bit costly for many purchasers. However, the outcomes are well definitely worth the dollars you commit. The strength of this shampoo comes from its uniquely diverse method. If a compound is regarded to prevent hair loss, you'll likely come across it On this shampoo. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ : Vitamin D's precise function in hair growth is not really comprehended, but a single type of hair loss is connected to deficiencies. You may enhance vitamin D concentrations via Sunshine publicity or by ingesting certain foods. Other than staying an incredible cleanser shikakai, helps you to reinforce the hair roots and improve hair growth.  It also restores the pH ranges within the scalp to battle dandruff and remove merchandise Construct-up from hair follicles. Healthline shares 5 tips to maintain your locks balanced and strong throughout menopause, when hormonal imbalances usually bring on hair loss. One way to beat hair loss will be to transplant hair follicles from the perimeters and back of The pinnacle to the top of The top. This surgery has advanced over the years, Kaufman says. The precise reason for this sample is unfamiliar. (The male hormones included are current in each Guys and women.)
The Greatest Guide To how to grow hair faster
A substance produced by bees, Propolis was found to help you hair growth in mice. A group of researchers from Hokkaido College in Japan brought about a great deal of hype in hair loss circles next their discovery. As with most prescription drugs, you will discover side effects. You should definitely speak to your physician about Propecia to discover if it is best for you. Propecia can't be employed by women of childbearing opportunity since the drug might cause delivery defects. Also, it might not be productive in older women. A stronger drug During this same course is Avodart (dutasteride). I have menopause now my hair is thining and also have bald sopts any solutions for a house remedy thank you. It also can happen over the encounter in locations wherever the hair is commonly styled. Plucking or waxing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_care , one example is, can produce suppressed hair growth in the area. It's also handy if as you are carried out showering to ride you hair with chilly water before you decide to get out. Once you head massage, it stimulates the scalp circulation and brings with it extra oxygen and nutrients for your hair follicles. Extra nourishment implies your hair will grow healthier and more robust. However, you can find endless items to choose from that guarantee unrealistic final results, only to go away you upset. When exploring the most effective shampoos for hair loss, here are some aspects to keep in mind. How to proceed: Steroid injections are the initial line of treatment for alopecia areata, which appears as hair loss in spherical patches on The top. Other medication, such as Rogaine, could also be used. https://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-Hair-Loss with the ailment can be unpredictable, with hair growing again then falling out yet again. Just about every strand is made up of cells that contain a troublesome protein referred to as keratin and they have to be frequently nourished with minerals and vitamins to produce your hair extensive and strong. We've got enlisted some foods for hair growth, which you have to definitely increase with your daily diet regime. So, what is the greatest food items for balanced hair that might help it to grow faster? Drugs Commonly employed for rheumatoid arthritis and bone marrow cancer, they are now staying analyzed for their employs like a hair growth medicine. They are a different class of medicines labeled as JAK inhibitors. In a single research, six out of 9 people considerably went from bald to a full head of hair immediately after having Ruxolitinib for five months. And vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and it helps to eliminate hair harming free radicals which can be created Usually within our bodies. But as we age, their number retains on growing. How to proceed: That is a reversible reason behind hair loss and the moment the surplus vitamin A is halted, hair should really grow Commonly. home remedies via steptoremedies that triggers partial or total baldness calls for prescribed remedies and surgical treatments, the momentary or seasonal onset of hair loss might be addressed by […] For a person's hair to grow faster, it's sensible not to scrub it daily, use an oil or hair mask weekly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbBrSMpQPvk can also opt for hair-boosting health supplements that happen to be safe.
The Basic Principles Of hair vitamins
I’m extremely informed that Ketoconazole is viewed as a essential ingredient within the struggle towards hair loss, so I’m desperate to listen to your feelings and suggestions. I’d be ready to introduce you to those merchandise. I exploit these products and my hair has transformed as wel.. Let me know should you’re interested. I’m sorry being a trouble! Having said that, it appears that this could only cure hair loss That could be a result of inflammation including alopecia areata. Little is thought about its Advantages for treatment of androgentic alopecia. The rest of the substances are the identical for Lipogaine Significant five and large three and function collectively to bolster and nourish hair although blocking thinning and breakage. Included in the prolonged listing of natural and organic elements are rosemary oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, environmentally friendly tea, cedarwood oil, and more. If Rogaine and various hair growth items aren’t Doing work to suit your needs, Ketoconazole just might. Equally, you can always utilize a shampoo along side a prescription item For extra security. Ketoconazole stops your follicles from irritation and inflammation, which consequently stops hair thinning and loss. With one% Ketoconazole (or two% with a prescription), this product has enough of the essential ingredient to destroy the fungi chargeable for resulting in dandruff. Noticed palmetto is barely new; Indigenous People happen to be utilizing it as medication and being a foodstuff source for many decades. Moreover, Individuals are the most crucial ingredients you would like to see in any shampoo that’s purported to quit hair loss, encourage growth and block the consequences of testosterone on follicles. On this area we Examine present hair loss cures in 2019. Using one or more with the treatments below is your best shot at keeping your hair close to. It’s challenging to determine an actual day whenever you’re gonna see outcomes. My piece of recommendation can be, find a schedule and persist with it. Searching for the most beneficial kids hair gel available? We analyzed the top hair gels for teenagers with the top rated ... Experiments have proven it may possibly deal with hypotrichosis (small or sparse) in the eyelashes by increasing their growth, which include length, thickness, and darkness. This medication can be commercially offered as Lumigan, which happens to be utilized to treat glaucoma. It is not regarded particularly how this medication is effective in hair regrowth, nonetheless it is believed to lengthen the anagen phase (Energetic phase) of hair growth. Apparently, all through routine health-related utilization of Lumigan eyedrops for glaucoma individuals, it absolutely was serendipitously found that eyelashes got lengthier and thicker in lots of customers. This triggered scientific trials as well as approval of beauty usage of Latisse for eyelashes. The conditioner is your choice, nevertheless Ultrax they do offer a conditioner that complements the shampoo as well. However it undoubtedly not For each finances. Their Natural Argan Oil Hair Loss Shampoo is really a trusted solution for males and women planning to keep away from substances on their journey to fighting hair loss. This hair regrowth shampoo for guys will endlessly alter the way you stay clear of thin strands.
hair fall - An Overview
Your body necessitates Vitamin C for iron absorption hence; you might want to increase citrus fruits towards your diet. Nutritionists advise that one lime each day is enough to Get the day by day dose of Vitamin C. Just make your self a relaxing glass of nimbu paani (with honey or simply a nutritious option to refined sugar) and you simply’re sorted. That is the results of multi-million dollar advertising strategies which persuade persons to use treatments which aren't in their very best prolonged-time period passions.In a while in this post I’ll provide you with the more practical and fully natural choices. Have you ever at any time expert your hair falling off like autumn leaves or turning grey overnight? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjUKl_IhthU , I've. I had been undertaking all the proper things like consuming balanced, exercising, but Swiftly I'd a deluge of hair fall. Aim for 5-six portions of fruits and vegetables everyday. You don’t have to eat unique, expensive kinds.  Take in far more wide variety and take in what grows regionally and what alterations seasonally – since they include utmost goodness and they are finest for your hair, wellness and pores and skin.   Usually do not dismiss the scalp mainly because it requirements just as much treatment as your hair. It is vital to keep the hair roots healthy, as Grime, oil, and useless pores and skin cells can accumulate around the scalp influencing hair growth. In https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/ ’re seeking a magical ‘cure’ for your thinning, receding hair then you will be disappointed. home remedies via steptoremedies is a robust Device that helps you are concerned a lot less and treatment much better on your hair. You can create your individual affirmation and visualize you receiving it. Even so the desire of getting amazing hair is just not extremely hard to realize, you simply need to learn the proper points to complete and follow them with commitment. Just observe these uncomplicated hair growth magnificence techniques for healthful hair, and also you’ll manage to sport locks that even Rapunzel would have envied. Not always. While I urge you to take into account natural treatment methods 1st, a hair transplant might be combined with natural treatment strategies to Enhance benefits. Go searching in the trendy environment and another thing gets to be evident – hygiene items are in all places. And not just hygiene items, but fashionable innovations built to destroy microbes are all over the place. So now you have to be wondering how am i able to make shampoo in the home. And if I tell you it’s as simple as creating fast noodles, will you not give it a  attempt? The liquid castile cleaning soap Carefully cleanses the scalp, getting rid of severe buildup. Simultaneously, the carrot seed important oil purifies and detoxifies the scalp. Its vitamins and antifungal Attributes stimulate the scalp, in addition, resulting in more healthy hair follicles. As we know hair is especially composed of proteins, and deficiency of protein will slow the hair growth, and can even bring about brittle hair. Iron is yet another essential nutrient for balanced hair growth. It’s crystal clear that we don’t know ample about this matter however plus much more research is needed. But it's distinct that therapeutic your microbiome will certainly assist your All round wellness and Nearly certainly help decrease your hair loss.
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