#like i will happily take any doodle requests for them
dontmiindme · 9 months
trying to do my gd math homework but all i can think about is jrwi
i’ll probably post more doodles today or maybe even….
….drumroll please….
a lined and colored piece
(still low quality though cause thats the only way i get things done)
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
hi!! can i ask for hanako, kou, tsukasa, nene, teru, and sakura reacting to y/n who bops their head like they're listening to music when they're happy? like there could be dead silence and then we have y/n bopping their head happily. and if its not too much to ask can it be a gn y/n? im so sorry for the long ask <//3 if u dont wanna take this request thats fine! love ur work :D! - 🐝
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Hello my first emoji ayon! Apologies for this being late. This was also the only image I could find with all of them.
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Hanako/Amane Yugi
-He finds it cute.
-Honestly, he really likes it since he can tease about it later.
-Every once in a while he'll float over to you and lift the headphones out or lightly tug on your earbuds to pull them out.
-"Whatchu listening to?" He asks.
-He's not really looking for answer, he just wants your attention.
-If you close your eyes while listening, he'll go in for a kiss just to see your surprised face.
-If you wear earbuds he'll ask if you can share.
-If you're ok with it, he gives comments about the music you listen to.
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Nene Yashiro
-Honestly, she doesn't really judge you since she's just so happy she actully got a relationship, so when she sees you listening to music and bopping your head, she doesn't mind.
-She might every once in a while ask what song it is.
-If she knows the song she'll either talk about it or fawn over the band members/singer.
-You introduced her to a lot of diffrent types of music along with new bands and singers.
-Every once in a while she gets a sticky notes and writes songs she likes so you can listen to them. (Along with a few doodles in the corner.)
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Kou Minamoto
-He's concerned.
-He thinks you're going to hit your head or something else since your not really paying attention to your surroundings.
-He usually has a hand wrapped around your waist just to make sure your safe.
-If you offer to listen to music with him, he'll accept. Perhaps you could dance together.
-I don't think he'd be a very good dancer so you might have to teach him if you know.
-If neither of you know, well you can just look like two idiots having fun.
-When you two dance im the school (if ever) Hanako is going to intervene. He'll probably trip Kou so he'll fall on you making him look like a pervert. And nobody else can see Hanako so they Kou is in the wrong.
-Hanako truly doesn't mean any harm by it, he's just trying to poke some fun.
-As long as you tell Kou he doesn't need to worry about you and you can handle your surroundings, he's a lot more comfortable.
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Teru Minamoto
-Same thing with his brother, he worries you're going to get hurt and tries to avoid anything happening to you.
-He always had a ton of fangirls and the fact he choose means you matter to him more than you could imagine. (Same thing with his fans if you know what I mean.)
-He might even go as far as taking you things away if you don't listen to him.
-Don't worry, just give him puppy dog eyes and he'll give in faster than the speed of sound.
-Or cry, if you can cry on command good lord. He HATES to see a person he cares for in pain, so he'll do almost anything to make it stop.
-If you walk around while listening to music, he's right behind you with his hands on your shoulders to make sure you're safe. This does not change if your eyes are open.
-And if you do happen to have someone bump into you, are they going to have an earful from your boyfriend.
-So, just be careful around him and when you listen to music.
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Sakura Nanamie
-It doesn't bother her in the slightest.
-She enjoys the stillness of sound, she's usually caught up with Tsukasa being loud, so just being in the same room as you, but not talking makes her enjoy these times together.
-She knows your not paying attention so she sometimes go up behind you and give a little kiss on your cheek. (Or on the lips depending on how far the relationship has gone.)
-When she wants your attention for either a question or because she simply wants affection, she'll lightly tap your shoulder or rub the back of your hand.
-She ALWAYS asks if you can give her attention beforehand, since she is very much aware of what it's like for someone to be forced into it.
-This also makes it very rare for her to ask for anything, but I'm getting off track.
-It's not a huge part of her life but she still thinks it kinda cute you do it
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Tsukasa Yugi
-All he can think is, "Perfect opportunity".
-You're distracted AND can't hear him. He wants to prank or surprise you as much as possible. Having your attention on something else other than him (Which he is a bit offended by) Gives him the chance to shock you.
-At this point, it's not as surprising. The most shocking part is what he tries and do to gain your focus.
-He's given you things he's killed, which the offer is nice, the corpse is not.
-He'll incessantly bother you asking if he can listen to music with you.
-If you refuse, he'll do one of three things.
- 1. Continue to cry and complain
- 2. Take whatever you're listening to music on.
- 3. Get Sakura involved. Which ends up with your device getting confiscated.
-As fun as it is to mess with you, he gets super annoyed if you ignore him completely. And that leads to one of the items above.
-Just as long as you devote your time to mostly him, he's fine with whatever else you do.
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fatfuckingcatstuff · 2 months
REQUEST: "May I have a Sniper x GN! READER who has ADHD and needs help to relax?
Oh my days I literally finished this request like an hour ago and when I pressed post the fuckin thing dissapeared and I lost all progress.
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SniperTF2 x Hyperactive GN! Reader
Notes: Thank you so much for this request, you are actually my first :) Im not fully educated on adhd and how it affects people so please do correct me if I made any mistakes. Enjoy :)
Genre: Fluff
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You're bouncing off the walls, energy levels skyrocketing faster than a rocket jump. Your thoughts are a whirlwind, and they're on the verge of exploding. You absolutely served during today's mission. Getting the most kills and least deaths, the adrenaline stuck to you the whole day. While your teammates were cheering for you, some got just a wee bit concerned about your hyperness.
Sat at the dining table, doodling away into your sketchbook. Sniper passes by from the doorway and takes notice of your behaviour. Rocking back and forth in the chair, biting your nails and just fidgeting in your seat as you scribbled into your book.
Now he's aware of your diagnosis, you trusted him with your whole heart.
"Hey, mate," Sniper says in that smooth accent of his, radiating tranquility.
"Hey Snipes! What's up?" You replied with a smile.
"Couldn't help but notice, you're quite hyper today."
"Ah. So I am." You chuckle, fully realizing the situation.
"Alright come on." , he leads you to your room. Knowing you had kept a box full of fidgets to help in times like this.
He passes you a pop it along with a wriggly rainbow.. slug..? Watching as you sit on your comfy bed, playing with the toys.
After a while he reaches into the box, curious as to what other toys you owned. Pulling out a variety of them ranging from a wacky track to a simple dimple. Which he had absolutely no idea what they were called. He pokes it gently..
Oh. Well that was a satisfying sound. He pops the other.
Okay this was kinda fun. He sits next to you playing around with all your fidget toys as you happily showed your favourites. Relishing in the moment with you, he was definetly gonna do this again. And you bet your sweet ass you're going to welcome him to join with open arms.
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Hi! I absolutely loved your Percy Jackson with an autistic S/O and was wondering if I could request headcanons for Leo Valdez with an autistic reader? Totally okay if not! Stay awesome :)!
Hi Anon!
jkalodjalx!!! Sure! I am really glad you liked the other one as well. I really hope this is to your liking! Thank you for reading and requesting! I hope this is good. You stay awesome too!!!
Much love - Anya
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Leo Valdez with an Autistic Gender-Neutral S/O headcanons
Leo admits he is not the greatest at reading people and appreciates your patience as he learns as much about you as he can
Leo being absolutely obsessed with his craft knows all about hyperfixations and excitement, so getting to see you talking passionately about something you like gets him excited
He will try to get into whatever you are into   PERIOD   He loves sharing things with you
If you are super interested in a game or show, expect him to interrupt with questions (especially if he did not see from the beginning)
Chances are if you are hyperfixating on a certain person or character, he will spoil you with posters and merch of them
He definitely makes you little trinkets, everything from fidgets to little games, to things from your favorite games/shows/books/movies/etc.
Conversations with him are always funny and chaotic, he jumps from topic to topic with you and smiles the whole time
If you don’t want to talk, he fills in any silence with weird stories and bad jokes to get a smile or funny look from you
Leo teaches you little messages in Morse code for when you want or need them (I imagine things like “I love you” / “yes” / “no” / “help” / “go” / etc.)
If anyone ever makes you feel bad, he will go off on a tangent on them before comforting you deeply.  No one messes with his babe
Leo is hit-or-miss when it comes to camp activities, but if you want to go to one, he will go with you and end up paying more attention to your excitement than anything else
Leo never really liked people and tended to prefer things other than conversation, so he understands if you have trouble too (especially since he trips on his words and thoughts all the time)
Leo confides in you about his insecurities and happily listens to yours, reassuring you that you are awesome and that you are not alone
“Even the best machines have flaws…but they’re beautiful and function just as well.”
Be ready for him to threaten everything and everyone if you get hurt, he will get you healed up and in his arms as soon as possible
He definitely cracks jokes if you need a pick-me-up and if you need more, will go into an all-out terribly sung performance of a song you like
He likes to draw on you, and there will be days when both of you have cute doodles on your arms from each other (he especially lets you write and draw on him on days you don’t want to talk much)
He hates seeing you cry, but also understands that you have to sometimes, he will cradle you with absolute love and patience, especially during meltdowns
He will give every pet name in the book until one sticks, he thinks you are too amazing to have one cute name
If you having a really bad day, he would take you away from camp, be it by foot, vehicle, or Festus
Leo would definitely cook for you, he never remembers to feed himself, but would NEVER let you go hungry if he could help it
Little escapes to Bunker 9 are a norm (Leo and people don’t mix all the time, so, of course, he’d take you to his little paradise)
He also takes you to little secret spots of camp he found while looking for places to think, he loves sharing his space with you
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Hi uh I was just wondering, I saw your requests were open and that you’ve written stuff with the ignihyde boys. Can you maybe write them with a gn or male reader who’s an amputee? If not that’s ok :3 I love the stuff I’ve read so thanks in advance if you do write this :3
Hey! I’m super pumped to do this request because first of all, I love the Ignihyde duo and second of all disability and disability aids are absolutely fascinating so I did a lil research becausnejdhgjdjfskhfdjsk cool. Took me a while to figure out what to do though. Also I decided to make the amputation specific to the left arm and left leg for consistencies sake. Also sorry for the delay!!
Ignihyde with an amputee reader
Characters: Idia, Ortho, reader
CW// disability, discussions of prosthetics, amputation, and psychological fallout (implied)
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- It would probably take a while before you and Idia become friends. You and Ortho, though? Right off the bat.
- Ortho will happily chatter to you about anything and everything, and often hovers nearby. If he spies you having a hard day with walking, he’ll grab a wheelchair and push you around for a bit while talking about the latest update to Minecraft
- Idia takes a little while longer to warm up (due to being Idia) but soon you’re trapped in Ignihyde playing games with him on the wii
- It’s a loooong while before disability comes up in conversation with him because he is the master of Not Bringing That Subject Up
- He understands the discomfort of being stared at for looking different and doesn’t want to make you feel that, especially since you’re friends
- He does bring it up though - it seems like your current prosthetic leg is beginning to fall apart and, yknow, he has a lot of experience building body parts.
- He ends up spending a lot of time figuring out a lightweight but balanced Material that would work ideally for a prosthetic. This leads from one thing to another and then you’re invited to Ignihyde to try some stuff out
- He hadn’t really concentrated on prosthetics before, surprisingly, since his main goal was making Ortho, but now he’s focusing on how to streamline complex movements, particularly using Electromyography [source] and complex AI that can help predict and measure movements via sensitive receptors under synthetic skin, specifically for disabled/amputee individuals
- This leads to him enlisting your help, since you sparked the interest, and he want to help you out. So: new free prosthetic limbs specifically tailored to you (although with Idia’s creative flair) purely because your friends are literal geniuses
- Other than that, Idia and Ortho are good company. They’re happy to take a slower, more chill pace. Idia enjoys hanging out, playing games of any kind. He’s also content to sit and watch b movies with you while eating popcorn or candy
- Ortho enjoys hanging out and doodling. He doesn’t often get into arts - lots of wet things he probably shouldn’t play with, or messes, etc - but he does enjoy drawing and is happy to sit with you and do so.
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Idia sits beside you, shoveling sour candy into his mouth by the fistful as he watches fnaf security breach play throughs next to you, mumbling about inaccuracies of robotic engineering in the character design and how buggy the stupid game is.
“Hmm?” He finally turns his attention to you, blinking, “What’s up?”
You shift a little closer to him, resting on his shoulder. He tenses for a second, then settles back down. “bad day.”
He adjusts and quietly quits his game (there’s not a pause button, unfortunately) before turning more attention to you.
“Have some NPCs been bothering you? Or is it the debuff?”
“Debuff.” You said quietly, closing your eyes, “Psychological damage, down ten hp per second.”
“That’s not good.” Idia said, awkwardly patting your head, “Any boosts I can give you, or do you just need to wait out the effects?”
You hum slightly, “Wait it out. Can’t really help anything in my head, yknow?”
Ortho chirped slightly from the doorway, floating into the room. He then landed in front of you and crouched down, “Y/n? Would you like to play something?”
“Not right now, Ortho.” You said tiredly, “I’m kinda…sick at the moment.”
Ortho blinked before his yellow eyes emitted a soft light.
“Scanning for abnormalities in biological settings…” He stood up, staring down, “Scan complete. Neurological functionings indicate an uptick in adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine, and a lack of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. It appears you are going through psychological distress, or potentially depression.”
You nod slightly and Idia frowns from beside you, but says nothing.
“I’m not doing great right now, no. I just need a minute to chill. I’ll be alright.”
The brothers exchange a look before Ortho sits down beside you and Idia quietly turns on Animal Crossing: New Horizons to play. They both know it’s best to let you have a moment to collect yourself, that if you want to share it you will, and if not, then company is appreciated. Idia’s left side is trapped by you leaning on it, so he only plays with on hand (slowly) while Ortho, on your other side, quietly begins researching cool bugs.
It’s pleasant, actually. To not be coddled or pitied, and instead simply allowed space near people you care about. Idia doesn’t push - lord knows there’s things he’d rather not talk about - and Ortho simply adores you, so he’s content to sit beside you quietly.
After a while you sit back up, blinking sleepily. With a yawn and a stretch, Idia’s attention turns back to you.
You nod slightly, humming under your breath.
“Yeah, I get that. Do you wanna lay in bed, or do you wanna go back to your place?”
“I can walk you back if that would help, Y/N L/N!” Ortho says, “But you’re invited to stay over as well.”
“Can I…stay?” You look between the two.
Idia grins, faux mischief, “Muah hah haha ha! You’ve fallen into my sinister trap - the bed! Now you will never escape the underworld! Ha ha ha ha ha!”
You laugh a little as Ortho helps you over to the bed. “Oh no, whatever will I do? You’re too OP for me!”
Idia grins stupidly and turns off some of the major lights, as well as turning down the brightness of his monitor.
You hum slightly and settle into Idia’s bed, asking, “Are you sure this is alright?”
“I rarely use it except to dramatically mope in, so you’re good.”
Idia smiles at you and gives you a nervous thumbs up before turning back to his silent gaming, allowing you to fall asleep to the sound of animal crossing background music playing faintly across the room and the hum of Ortho’s resting station.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months
Welcome to ma blog! 💙 (Also Links Masterpost)
Quick introduction to me -
you can call me Sparkles :3
imma girl
Oct. 26
chronic Sonic fanatic 😜💙
What you can expect to find here:
pretty much everything Sonic 🤣
Wholesome Sonic & Tails Wednesday contributions: art, fics, screenshots, etc. 💙💛
random screenshots from something in the franchise accompanied by me happily screeching/ranting about it
Sonamy things 💙🩷 (and occasionally from some of my other ships, like Knuxouge and Tailsmo)
reblogs of Sonic stuff from other people
my fanart
my fics (they're also on AO3, I'll leave links down below)
Sonic Cinematic Universe stuff
Sonic IDW stuff
Sonic Prime stuff
Sonic Boom stuff
What you WON'T find here:
hate posts
inappropriate anything
(I TRY to avoid reblogging things with swear words, but sometimes the post is too good overall or something so there might be an occasional one. There won't be any in my own original posts, though)
Basically, this is my space to have a fun time with moots and the Sonic fandom! 💙
I'm on DeviantArt with an old user: Chaton150
Speaking of art, I will occasionally take ✨ REQUESTS! ✨ I won't officially open commissions till sometime in 2026, but until then, if you want a doodle of something (Sonic related ofc), just drop an ask in the guacamole box! Terms apply, like nothing inappropriate and no weird ships and/or ships I don't support, but in general, y'know. 💙
Links to my fics:
"Toddlers are harder than one would expect" - in which Sonic comes to realize that he's all but adopting this little fox that started following him, even though he barely has a clue what he's doing.
"Sonic Frontiers - Anything for Them" - in which Sonic's absolute dedication and love for his friends — even to the point of death — is explored as he scales the towers on Rhea Island.
"Foxes Go Floof" - in which Tails goes poof and Sonic thinks it's the funniest thing.
"Comfort in a Thunderstorm" - in which Sonic and Tails experience a thunderstorm for the first time and talk about their fears.
"Girl Talk" - in which Sonic and Tails talk about Amy, and Sonic's confusing friendship/relationship with her.
"Sonic's Weird Napping Places" - in which Sonic naps in weird places and his friends find him in said weird places.
"From 'Friends' to 'Parents'" - in which Sonic Wachowski comes to realize that Tom & Maddie are his parents, not just his friends, through the screen-to-text version of two actual scenes plus a new scene or two.
"Sonic Frontiers - Calm After the Storm" - in which Sonic and Tails — both exhausted after the events of Sonic Frontiers — take care of one another.
"Wachowski Family One-shots" - a collection of one-shots centering around the Wachowski family: Tom, Maddie, Knuckles, Sonic, and Tails.
"Healing Hugs" (Sonic Prime) - in which Tails tries to understand what happened with Sonic in the cave, and offers the simple comfort of a hug.
"Brothers' Night" - in which Sonic drags Tails away from his work to have a fun night together with no screens.
"The Darkness Within" (Sonic X) - in which Sonic guiltily reflects on his actions as Dark Sonic, and Tails sits with him, comforting him without knowing what happened.
(will update this as I write more)
"Sonic vs. Tails - The Ultimate April Fools Battle" - in which Sonic and Tails spend the entirety of April 1st locked in an all-day prank war.
"Enchanted" - a Sonamy AU, strangers to lovers, slow burn 💙🩷
Dats about it! 💥
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wheatiewintry · 5 months
intro post!!!
my name is wheatley and i use he/him, but i dont mind being called wheat or any variation of it!! or whatever nickname you want for me really
you may use my art as pfps and banners and whatnot but please credit me as wheat or gooberdingus
i am okay with asks about anything and i will also happily take doodle requests!!! if i like the suggestion enough i might make it a full piece but dont get your hopes up, im quite busy :(
dni if you are a proshipper or bigoted in any way </3
im a big fan of rain world i love scavengers i love them so much theyre my favorite scrungly scrongles ever <3333
this is rascal, aka gooberdingus (surv)
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this is glongus, he hibernated with me and gave me a cherrybomb!!! (i have adopted him)
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and this is blooberblingus (hunter) (they are vicious)
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i love them so much <333
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r0-boat · 2 years
boys are great but girls 🤌🤌🤌
Cannot believe no one else has asked for this but BET I’ll take the shot (tumblr don’t auto delete this post again LOL)
Requesting First time date with Cynthia and First time doin’ the Do™️ with Miss Sinnoh Champ
The spicy and the sweet 👌 variety is the spice of life
I think if you took her out for ice cream and let her get whatever she wanted, she’ll be slippin’ head over heels for you 🥰😘
∾ 【 Rouge Anon 】
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I love Cynthia so much. I want to be her girlfriend
This became me gushing about Cynthia got fucking damn it
Cynthia headcannons
Sfw + date
Pan Queen!
People have a lot of high expectations of Cynthia they think that taste is cool awesome Heart Like steel person. But in reality she's gushing over the fact the two of you are wearing couples outfits right now
It's really tiring when people only see her as some Grand goddess champion and not just a normal young woman. She is more drawn to people who are just living their lifes everyday than more famous people in the Pokemon world she hangs around with.
She keeps everything you give her. Whether it's hung up somewhere or in a nice little jewelry box on display.
Her room is so tidy and clean and smells really nice,like Evergreen or pine 🥺 and she still makes room and find somewhere to put all your things.
I feel like Cynthia lives somewhere that's relatively wealthy with a big house and a large yard as well as really good security. She collects probably lots of very valuable pieces of History and she needs some place to put them :), the yard is for her Pokemon of course.
Tomboy Cynthia = Cynthia still likes looking pretty and wearing makeup but she can still curb stomp you.
Cynthia loves dragons and her younger she happily doodle dragon pokemon on every empty piece of paper she could find. Which caused her to develop a really good drawing abilities especially for dragons.
I bet she would have been a hardcore fan of HTTYD. She has every single movie and episodes on DVD and her highs will literally Sparkle when you ask her for a dragon movie night.
Date hcs
Listen any date with Cynthia she'll happily accept even if it's Just ice cream dates
I think the ice cream dates in the park are her favorite though.
Don't mind her looking respectfully as you suck on your Popsicle😳
You ask her if she would like to try some of your Popsicle and her knees are fucking weak not her overreacting on the inside because of an indirect kiss what is she a high schooler.
She must get you back she'll turn up her 'Champion charm'
" would you like to taste some of mine? it's just strawberry but I still tastes good."
You not expecting her ice cream cone but instead you get her soft lips on yours. Tasting the strawberry cream on her tongue.
And you just blue screen when she pulled back "oh dear... did you not like the kiss? was I too forward?"
Cynthia is a soft Dom top or bottom >:( and I will not hear anybody out/j
Her nails combing through your hair scratching your head as you eat her out.
She likes the faces you make when she fucke you with her strap :). Or when she sucks you off/eats you out.
This might be coming out of nowhere but I truly feel this in my heart. Cynthia is not a possessive person but there's something different about marking your body when it's lipstick marks, teeth marks or marker.
Cynthia is usually a top but she doesn't mind getting fucked, even more so if her day was especially stressful.
Cynthia tried her best to be a good comforting girlfriend, but she does have her more darker desires. She knows that she is only human and she shouldn't be ashamed of what she wants She just doesn't know how to bring up that your neck looks extremely squeezable and she would like to choke you in bed one day. Or how beautiful this collar would look around your neck, and how cute you would be waiting obediently to get fucked when she gets home.
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robinbuckleyluvr · 2 years
⊹˚˖⁺ Whoops! - Robin Buckley
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masterlist | requests
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N accidentally comes out to Steve while they’re working a shift at Family Video - the only issue is that as Robin arrives to begin her shift, she sees them hugging from outside and thinks they’ve started dating.
Warnings: A bit of internalized homophobia.
Notes: Hello! First post... kind of scared. Lmk what you think about all of this LOL might do a part 2
Word Count: 2.3k.
“Hello, Steve,” Y/n spoke, happily waving at Steve, as she walked into the Family Video store to start her shift.
“Hey,” Steve replied absent-mindedly, who was behind the counter in Family Video stacking some videotapes.
“Where’s Robin?”
“Uh, she asked to switch our shifts for today, I think she mentioned something about a school thing, I honestly don’t remember,” Steve said quietly, “She’ll just be here later,”
“Got it,” Y/n replied and proceeded to walk to the back of the store to leave her things in their respective spot and get her work vest on.
About thirty minutes passed and no customer came by. It was just Steve doodling on some paper on the counter, and y/n looking around the store.
“I am so bored,” Y/n exclaimed dramatically as she let her head fall down on the counter.
“Jesus, are you okay?” Steve chuckled.
“I am,” Y/n laughed as she lifted her head, “I just wish there was something for us to do other than just sit here in silence,”
“There’s not much we can do in here,” Steve mumbled.
“Oh my god, we should play mini-golf!”
“And how exactly are we supposed to play mini-golf if we’re at work, genius?”
“Come on, quit it with the attitude, Harrington,” Y/n responded cockily, making Steve jokily roll his eyes at her, “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.” 
“All right, all right!” Steve sighed as he put up his hands in defeat.
“I got this small mini-golf set at the mall a while ago,”  Y/n explained as she walked to the back of the store. “One time Robin and I were like super bored so the next day I brought it, so now every time we’re bored, we play mini-golf,”
“This better be worth it,” Steve said loudly.
“Better than doing absolutely nothing, Harrington!” Y/n replied as she walked back with a box in her hands, ready to beat Steve at mini-golf.
“Jesus, Steve, you really suck at golf,”
“I’m just not in my moment,” Steve sighed.
“We’ve been playing this for over an hour, yet your skills don’t improve,”
“Maybe I just hate Tuesdays,”
“Well, at least we get to have some fun at work! Although it is way funnier watching you flirt with every girl that comes in,” Y/n joked.
“Do you actually have fun working here?” Steve chuckled.
“I mean, it gets me out of family dinners and being forced to attend stupid parties,”
“Yeah, like family parties, you know?” Y/n spoke as she leaned against the counter, “The ones where you’re constantly being asked about every possible detail about your life, and you can’t even be alone for more than a minute because yet another family member that you haven’t seen since you were fresh out of the hospital is already approaching you!”
“Next time you’re forced to go to one of those gatherings, please take me with you because that sounds really interesting,” Steve joked.
“I hate you,” Y/n chuckled.
“Not more than those family gatherings!”
“You’re insufferable,”
“Is it really that annoying to get asked questions about yourself?”
“Probably not annoying to you, you’re Steve Harrington!” Y/n said dramatically and kept rambling, “And it’s not like I completely hate talking about myself like I get it, you are all nosy and want to know how my life’s going and all. I don’t mind a question or two, I’ll tell you how school’s going for me, or tell you about work, but it is so annoying when it gets personal! ‘Do you like any guys at school, y/n?’ ‘How’s the boyfriend doing y/n?’ Like, I don’t know, ever considered that I may not even be into guys?” 
Y/n immediately stopped talking. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had said, and her free hand flew to cover her mouth. Her eyes met Steve’s, who were also wide open as hers.
“Th-That is not what I meant!” Y/n nervously laughed, “I meant that I’m not really into guys here in Hawkins! I’m sure out there are some really cool guys-”
“Y/n!” Steve said loudly, as he took her by the shoulders and shook her lightly, making her shut up instantly, “I know what you meant,”
“No! Forget I said that! Literally, no one can know! My parents could literally kill me! Or send me to like a church camp to fix me!” 
“Look, I don’t have much expertise in this area, but I can assure you there’s nothing wrong with you, so what if you like girls?” Steve said as he gave y/n an empathetic smile and took his hands off her shoulders, “I won’t tell anyone,”
“Thank you, Steve,” y/n replied, and neither of them spoke a word for a few seconds. The store was filled with an odd silence, the only noise coming from the movie that was playing on one of the TVs.
“What do you wanna do now? Golf is getting kind of boring,” Steve spoke, trying to lighten the mood.
“I wanna crawl in a hole and die,” y/n joked.
“Would a hug make you feel better?”
Y/n laughed at his comment, yet opened up her arms and agreed to hug him. “Keep it short Harrington!” She joked, “A hug from the Steve Harrington? A once-in-a-lifetime experience!”
However, at that moment, Robin had just arrived at Family Video to start her shift, and when she looked inside the store her stomach dropped and she was sure her heart had just been crushed into pieces. Steve had known about her crush on y/n for ages, yet now they both appeared to be hugging like a cheesy couple in high school.
“Robin, just tell her that you like her! It’s that simple! If she doesn’t like you I’m sure she won’t tell anyone, she isn’t like that,” Steve explained as they both placed back videotapes on their respective shelves at the end of their work-day.
“It is not simple Steve! It’s quite literally, a shot in the dark! She could laugh at me, or worse, she could hate me and never talk to me again,”
“She won’t do that!”
“How do you know, Harrington?”
“She won’t hate you, Robin. Besides, if you never tell her, you’ll never know if she likes you back or not!”
“Well, I simply do not wish to know!” Robin exclaimed.
By the time Robin had walked into the store, y/n and Steve weren’t hugging anymore, so to Robin, it was pointless to confront Steve about it at that very moment. 
Robin’s head was spinning. She wasn’t sure of what to feel, or even who to be angry at. While y/n probably had no idea Robin liked her, Steve did know. 
“Hey, Robin!” Y/n happily said as she saw her friend come in.
“Hey,” Robin replied, though not even bothering to glance at her friends. She just quickly walked to the back of the store.
Y/n and Steve exchanged looks, as they were both equally confused. “I’ll go ask her if she wants to play golf with us, or something,” Y/n said quietly.
Robin had agreed to play golf with Steve and y/n, although she was close to refusing the offer and making up a dumb excuse to avoid being with them. She really did not fancy being the third wheel.
Y/n and Steve could sense something was up with Robin, yet whenever they tried to talk to her, she would quickly change the subject. And this had been going on for three weeks already. Neither y/n nor Steve knew what to do.
Whenever y/n and Robin were alone, a few words were exchanged. Y/n had tried to at least make small talk, yet it seemed as if Robin had made it her life mission to keep their conversations, well, small. 
Saying that Robin had been distant would be an understatement. 
“We need to talk to her,” y/n told Steve as they were placing videotapes on their respective shelves, for the third time of the day. 
“Y/n we’ve tried already,” Steve sighed, “There’s nothing we can do other than wait for her to talk to us.”
“It’s just so odd Steve, from one day to another she just stopped talking to us - it’s gone from us having full-on conversations to her just saying ‘Hi’ and ‘Goodbye’. Whenever I ask her if something’s wrong she either brushes it off or makes up an excuse to walk away,”
“She’ll come around soon,”
“Do you think it was something I said? Or something I did? Like I’ve been replaying every single conversation we’ve had in my head, and-”
“Stop worrying, honestly,” Steve said cutting her off, “As I said literally less than thirty seconds ago, she’ll come around.”
Y/n simply sighed and lightly nodded. “I’m just worried, what if something really bad happened to her at home? Or at school?”
“Did you not hear what I just said y/l/n?”
“I did, I just simply chose to ignore it,” Y/n replied and smiled at Steve.
“If you’re so worried, talk to her tomorrow,” 
“And why not today?”
“Because her shift’s about to end? She’s about to be on her way out,”
Y/n thought about it for a second, before putting down the videotapes she had in hand, and sighing heavily. “It’s just five minutes of her time, she can make up as many excuses as she wants,” Y/n spoke, and then turned around and walked to the back. Steve simply shook his head and continued with his job.
Robin was already packing her stuff when she heard someone come in quietly. She did not need to turn around to know it was y/n.
“Hi, Robin,” Y/n said quietly.
“How have you been?”
“I’m fine,” Robin replied bluntly.
“Look, Robin, I’ll just be honest with you, I’m worried about you, you’ve been like - distant lately and-”
“I’m okay,” Robin said, cutting her off and turning around to face her. “I really do not need you and your boyfriend talking about me and how weird I’ve been behind my back, it’s pretty obvious, plus, you two are really loud,” 
“Me and my what?” Y/n chuckled lightly.
“Don’t act all innocent, I know you and Steve are dating,” Robin spoke quietly.
“Robin, believe me, Steve and I are not dating!”
Robin simply raised her eyebrows at y/n’s response.
“Is this what this is all about, Robin?”
“I saw you two hugging the other day, and since that day you two are always together like middle schoolers,” Robin spoke as her eyes looked all around the room, yet never meeting y/n’s, “You two gossip like your life is on the line,”
“Robin, we are not dating,”
“Y/n you do not need to lie to me, I’m your friend! It’s okay if you two are dating, I get it! I’m just mad at you and Steve - but mainly Steve - because he knew I liked you, and I just cannot believe he would do this! Like okay, date whomever you want, but at least tell me after I spend almost every minute of my day rambling about how I don’t know how to tell you I like you, and I just told you and now you probably think I’m a freak! And to top it all off I’ve ruined about three friendships in less than five minutes!” 
Robin instantly covered her face with her hands, sighing. Y/n was left speechless, she did not know what to say, so she simply hugged Robin.
Robin hugged her back, even though part of her really didn’t want to.
“I don’t like Steve that way, Robin, believe me,” Y/n said against Robin’s shoulder, to which Robin simply just nodded. She could feel her heart about to give out, she had never been that nervous. A few seconds went by, and neither of them pulled away from the hug. Y/n took a deep breath before she spoke up again:
“Robin? Are you still there?” 
“I think so?” Robin breathed out.
“Can I tell you something?”
“I like you too,” Y/n said quietly - almost in a whisper.
Robin’s eyes widened and she pulled away from the hug in shock. Robin's heart skipped a beat, (maybe several). If someone asked her how she was feeling at that exact moment she would not be able to utter a single word. 
“I said I like you, too,”
“Is this like, a joke? Because if it is a joke, it’s not funny, besides-” Robin spoke, but y/n covered her mouth before she could keep rambling.
“I promise you, it is not a joke, my feelings for you are very real, Robin,”
“Oh my God,” Robin slowly said as y/n lowered her hand, “Do you really like me?”
“Yes Robin, I really do like you,” Y/n smiled, “And I do not think you’re a freak,”
“I feel terrible now! I’ve treated you horribly for the past few weeks!” Robin exclaimed as she covered her face with her hands once again, “I’m the dumbest person on the planet and I did not even bother to ask you if you were okay! What if you and Steve were hugging because someone died!”
“Robin I can assure you, no one’s died,” Y/n said, carefully taking Robin’s hand’s in hers and drawing them out of her face.
“I feel terrible,” Robin said quietly. 
“Well don’t, everything’s settled now,”  Y/n spoke giving her a kind smile - then cupping Robin’s cheek with one of her hands, to which Robin nervously smiled. She thought her heart was about to give out (again).
“Can I hug you again?” Robin nervously asked.
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oh-snapperss · 1 year
hellooooo idk if these have already been requested but for the ask game, maybe 10, 23, and 24?
okok so i literally JUST answered 10 but i haven't done the other two! (hi worm:D)
23. how do you deal with writers block?
honestly, if i can i switch to doodling! i've been trying to get better recently so sometimes it helps me to just get my mind off of words and onto another form of art. i'll also knit!
beyond that, i like to read stuff i haven't read before, or books i absolutely adore. if the writers block is seriously bad then i'll take a break for a few days and not let myself worry about it and then try again. it's still something i'm learning to deal with, so if anyone has any suggestions for me as well i will so happily take them LMAO
24. on average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
depends on the day but i try to take it by scene or wordcount--at the moment i'm averaging anywhere from 500 to 3000 words a day, with like... every third day off cause i am very busy irl still!
writers ask game!
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A Whole New Ballfield: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU)
Steve heard Kit call from the other side of the house. Trying to get an order done for his shop, Steve waited in his office for the twenty-one year old to find him. After all, the young alpha would sooner or later. There were only a few places that he was likely to be.
"IS ANYONE HOME?" Kit continued, making their way through the living room. "OR AM I JUST TALKING TO MYSELF?!"
"In here!" Steve threw the kid a bone. Deciding that it was better than all of the shouting. Especially since he was trying to add the appropriate details to make the little wooden doll look like the customer, per their request. And for that, he needed to concentrate.
Entering the former nursery, Kit plopped down on the storage bench and asked, "Where is everyone?"
"Well, dad is at the shop," Steve removed his magnified glasses so he could rub the bridge of his nose. Needing a break, he stretched his arms above his head until audible pops littered his spine and he turned towards the young adult. "Bitsy's at dance, Nevie's at the library, and Cori's at cheer camp."
"You're telling me that I finally found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, and no one is here?!" Kit asked, incredulous.
"What?" Steve held his hands up to stop them from continuing, wondering if he should turn up his hearing aid because, surely, he didn't hear his child correctly. "Bring it back and run that by me one more time?"
Positively giddy, Kit beamed, "I think I've found The One."
Steve couldn't help but be happy for the kid. They were a good person and deserved all the love that a person could give them, and then they deserved even more. "Okay, well, tell me about them? What's their name? How'd you meet?"
"Oh," Kit huffed out a breath. Looking wistful as they started, "Her name is Carmen, and she works at Sheila's."
"Sheila's? The coffee shop?" Steve asked, thinking of the small café that the triplets and all of their friends were currently obsessed with.
"Yeah," Kit happily sighed, clearly smitten. "She's the most gorgeous person I've ever seen."
"And...?" Steve prompted, wanting to hear more.
"And she's smart! So incredibly smart! She's going to school for bioengineering," Kit added, eager to gush about their new crush. "Plus, she knows, like, every drink! And there's a lot! Way more than what's on the menu. Which, did you know that there's this tea latte that tastes like a snickerdoodle? I swear to god, it's the best thing I've ever tasted. Almost as good as mimi's cookies!"
"What, and you didn't bring one home for your dear old pops?" Steve teased, standing up so he could shove the twenty-one year old's broad shoulder. "Shows how much you love your father."
Playfully, Kit rolled their eyes and followed Steve out of his office. With all the coffee talk, Steve decided that he could go for a mug or two, himself. Kit, of course, didn't argue. Not when it came to Bucky's favorite brownie flavored dark roast.
"Do you know any more about her?" Steve asked, reaching into the cabinet, and grabbing Kit's preferred purposely lopsided, artistically disfigured Mad Hatter mug.
"She's not just smart, she's an artist. She doodles these little characters on napkins and the paper cups," Kit fondly informed with a proud grin. As if they were already in a relationship with the barista and couldn't help but brag about her.
It reminded Steve of Bucky. Of course, it would be Kit to be like this. They were some of the best parts about their fathers. Passionate and a hopeless romantic with eyes like the sky and a smile like sunshine. Anyone would be lucky to have them.
And that was exactly what he told his child at every opportunity.
"I'm sure that she'd be pretty impressed by you too." Steve smiled, taking the creamer from the fridge. "It's not every day that someone comes along a person who can rebuild an entire engine in five hours?"
"Stop, you're gonna make me blush," Kit mocked, fluttering their eyelashes while feigning demureness.
"I will not," Steve playfully argued. "Don't you listen to dad? It's our duty to embarrass you. But it's also our duty to lift you guys up. And you're a prize, sunny. Inside and out."
That large grin that Steve loved so much stretched Kit's lips, "Thanks, pops."
"Anytime," Steve gave their hand a soothing squeeze before passing the mug of coffee to Kit to fix up the way they liked it. Pouring himself some coffee, he asked, "Does she know how you feel?"
Blushing, Kit took a drink so they could think. Shrugging, "I've been going to Sheila's practically every day. And I don't think it's a secret... I mean, I'm pretty sure that everyone else knows... Like, her coworkers always call her to the front of the shop whenever I'm there."
"Oh, sweetie," Steve chuckled. Reaching across the island, he squeezed Kit's hand once more, "How 'bout you ask her out? Touch base? See how she feels about you?"
"Yeah," Kit easily agreed. Smirking, Kit took a drink of his coffee, "What's the worst that could happen?"
"Exactly," Steve assured, taking a drink of his own brownie batter coffee. Always admiring that easy-going and optimistic outlook on life. Hoping for Carmen's sake that it worked out because, "Anyone would be lucky to have you, sunshine."
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haleyboook · 2 years
oscar issac dating headcannons?
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Oscar Isaac dating headcanons-
Asked you out privately while the two of you were running lines together
Endless amounts of nicknames for one another
He enjoys leaving doodles and smiley faces and messages on the mirror or door in the shower
Likes to sit on the bed and have a conversation with you when you're either in the shower/bath or doing your makeup
He loves to spin and dance with you in the kitchen
He sings show tunes and any song that rotates through his head at any minute
Awkward silences are always filled with him around
He is very supportive of your career and will go to all your premieres and acting gigs
Loves to hide in your dressing room or trailer while you’re shooting scenes
You find Pedro and Oscar asleep on the couches in there all the time
He enjoys his usual coffee order but when you order something new and don't like it he'll switch with you immediately
Likes to keep your relationship private but close friends love to hang around the two of you
Talks of the future created a bit of tension between you two when you told him you have your doubts about marriage so early in the relationship. But he agreed to take it slow and at your pace as long as they stay together
When angry he goes on and on in Spanish, sometimes his voice gets too loud and you have to tell him to slow down
Yells at the tv too often
Loves to see kids in costumes, he nearly asks them to take pictures with him rather the other way around
Likes to tease that you're in love with his "boyfriend" Pedro
Pedro is always third wheeling
Your family adores him, for the most part. Immediate family at least
Your mom loves him and he always claims he’s not flirting with your mom but he obviously is
His love language is physical touch, and verbal words
Loves to call you beautiful names in Spanish
Always takes the garbage out and lectures you on the difference between recycle and trash because you always mix them up
Makes you talk to his mother on speaker phone when she calls him
Temporarily joined a bowling team with your dad until he had to quit due to filming
Went through a bread making phase and would slice you the first piece always
He’s a big family man so you met his brother early in the relationship
Wants a big family, brags about how cute your kids would be
Likes to shower with you and claims it’s better for the environment that way
He has more hair and shower products then you
Uses your hairbrush
Insists on smelling every candle he ever walks by and then proceeds to make you smell them
Buys every magazine that has your face on it
Reads your movie reviews before you and attempts to keep bad reviews away from you
You love his beard and you two make it an event to shave it off. Tears are shed, words are exchanged, and comforting kisses are provided
He will challenge every guest in our home to a wii sports competition if the events getting boring
Will share drinks with you
Let’s you pick off his food
He smiles every time you wear his shirts around the house
Saw a video online of a husband washing his wife’s hair and immediately sent you it saying that he does that for you in your joint showers
Will wash your hair for you
He’s down to watch any movie or show 99% of the time
Not really into the Super Bowl but will happily pretend around your family at the Super Bowl party
Holds your hand in public around paparazzi or around town
When he finds a song he likes he adds it to your shared playlist
Buys take out for you when he’s out of town
You two are considered the fans “parents”
That’s all I can think of! Ahhh that was pretty good I’d say.
Thanks for the request!
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milkdoie · 3 years
nct dream + acts of affection.
not requested!
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featuring — mark lee, huang renjun, lee jeno, lee haechan, na jaemin, zhong chenle, park jisung !
warning(s) — mention of food
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[ MARK ; tying your shoelaces !
no matter how capable you are of taking care of yourself and completing your own tasks, mark’s protective instincts merely will not let you. the minute he gets an s/o, he’s all over the place trying to take care of you to the best of his abilities!! if he notices your shoelaces are untied, he’ll literally bend down, put your foot on his knee and tie them up for you :(( doesn’t matter where you are, he won’t let his baby trip!!
“babe!! your shoelaces are untied, let me get that for you!!” he happily smiles as he grabs your hand to stop you from walking any further along the sidewalk.
[ RENJUN ; painting you pictures !
renjun absolutely loves painting, so much so that your first date was actually finger painting on a great big canvas after a lovely picnic at the park <3 he likes to classify you as his muse, his inspiration and his motivation to continue living life to the fullest. though he hasn’t attempted to paint a portrait of you yet, he paints you gorgeous landscapes and little doodles he does if he’s bored. you have a whole drawer full of his art pieces in your room :D
“another one?” you ask, gasping at the ocean painted onto a piece of white paper. “yup! do you like it?” you leaned up and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, “of course, my love.”
[ JENO ; doing your hair !
this is,, a little random, to say the least, but jeno just loves it when you let him do your hair!! it doesn’t matter when, how, etc, he will sit down with you on the couch and brush your hair for hours if you’d let him. it all started when you pulled a muscle in your arm and you needed assistance detangling your hair, and that’s when jeno stepped in! ever since then, he’s honestly found sitting down with you in silence super therapeutic and relaxing. he finds excuses to try out little styles he’s learned on tiktok all the time <//3
“hey y/n, i found this braid tutorial on tiktok the other day,,, can i try it out on you?” he shoved his phone into your face, causing you to back up and squint at the light. “that looks so complicated — are you sure you’d be able to do it?” he faked an offended gasp, “of course i can do it! turn around, i’m about to blow your mind; i could surely get a hair styling job after this.”
[ HAECHAN ; play fighting !
hyuck is kind of known to express his love in a rather, aggressive way, though he is definitely able to be serious. you’re normally woken up by getting a pillow thrown in your face, or the rare occurence of him literally jumping on your bed and screaming at you to “wake up, loser.” it’s obviously all playful and he means no harm, and he’s never actually ended up hurting you in any way.
“ow- hyuck, what the fuck?” you shove a pillow into his face with a deep frown etched on your lips. he laughs and throws it back, “what? that didn’t hurt, stop being a wuss.” you scoffed and hit him in the shoulder as you found a new spot on the floor, and away from your boyfriend.
[ JAEMIN ; feeding you your food !
i think of jaemin as the type of boyfriend to baby the absolute hell out of his s/o — you’d just be his precious little baby that MUST be protected at all costs. even if you’re completely capable of feeding yourself he’ll make up an excuse like, “let me pamper you! you deserve it <33333”
“i can do it myself! eat your food before it gets cold~” you whine. jaemin sits back in his seat and sulks, “let me love you, y/n!!!”
[ CHENLE ; spoiling you !
no matter how much you protest, no matter how many times you tell him that you don’t need any more expensive perfumes/colognes, chenle loves spoiling you!!! he loves to take you shopping, he loves surprising you with humungous bouquets of flowers!!!!! has a bit of a bad habit of just,,, buying you things even if you don’t know about it; you get a new surprise at least once a week.
“you really didn’t have to, lele — you got me flowers last week.” you looked down at the arrangement of white roses in your lap as chenle chuckled. “and what happens when they die? you can have these! i love you~”
[ JISUNG ; sharing his clothes with you !
he really likes the feeling he gets when he sees you in his clothes, specifically hoodies and t-shirts. he thinks it’s so cute how his hoodies fit a little oversized on you if you’re smaller, and if you’re around the same height then he contemplates actually giving you the clothes because you look so good in them HAJSJS :0 he also sprays his shirts in his cologne so it smells like him :((((( and when you’re away from each other it’s like he’s kind of still with you :(((
“is it comfortable? do you want another one?” jisung questioned, looking over to see you snuggling into one of his black hoodies. “hm? oh no, this is fine.” you held a small grin, reaching over and running your fingers through his hair. he shyly looked away as a light blush took over the apples of his cheeks.
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
Hi!! can i request a druig x reader w/ "They just found out about the custom of making Valentine’s Day cards and now they went crazy with the paper hearts and the glitter. " from list b, maybe w/ a reader thinking that the card might not even from him at all
Druig x Reader
wc: 300
A/N: shut up this was so fucking cute!
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You strolled into Phastos' lab, mouth full of special treats the townspeople made for Valentine's Day. Most of the Eternals were scattered around the room, lasered in focused on their small crafts. "What's going on guys?" you asked with an amused tone.
"Valentine's Day cards," Sersi spoke up happily, "One of the kids told me about them. Phastos gave them a modern twist. There's already one on the table for you." You narrowed your eyes at her smirk. You followed her gaze to the table, a large card sat there.
You chuckled at the large red hearts and the ungodly amount of pink and red glitter. Who had made you something so...ornate? You picked up the card and opened it carefully "To my beloved," you whispered as you read the writing. That was Druig's handwriting, you could pick it out of any letter. The style of the card was so unlike him. You were expecting something simple with a few scribbled words of love, maybe a doodle here and there but not this. It was a pleasant surprise.
You wordlessly left the room to knock on his door, hiding the card behind your back. Druig finally opened the door, small pieces of glitter still lingered on his cheekbone. "Yes, m'love?" he questioned, casually leaning on the door frame.
"Did you really make this for me?" You asked him as you held up the card. He fought back a frown, suddenly afraid that you didn't like it. He knows it was unlike him, but you were worth the extra effort.
"I did," he managed, clearing his throat.
Your lips broke out into a bright smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek and taking a free hand to remove the glitter from his face. "I love it, Druig. I'll keep it forever."
♡Join the Friday Night Blurb Night V-Day Edition♡
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noodles-and-oodles · 3 years
This post was super cute <3, but I'll have to pull out the uno card for this one. Headcanons for Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, and Lilia getting turned into a baby so their SO has to take care of them, please? Have fun~
Okie dokie! It’s baby time 😎 Thank you @thecurrator for requesting and I hope this is to your liking!
Trey Clover
Trey…? Baby Trey…? You are extremely confused and have no idea what’s going on but you take the green haired baby into your arms with gentleness. Considering this was a school for villains, you knew you couldn’t trust anyone but yourself to care for Trey
Trey is a BITER!!! He needs constant supervision because he is putting every and anything into his mouth, even limbs so watch out! The best way to keep his little biting habit at bay is to give him some form of a teething ring or just a toothbrush and let him chew that thing on up
Is very picky about what he eats, without Doodle Suit, baby Trey is unable to make the foods you give him to his liking so he won’t eat it if it doesn’t smell appetizing (he’s such a little brat really). It’ll take you a bit to find out what foods he’ll eat and which ones he won’t
Baby Trey is sensitive to your emotions so if you’re feeling sad, he’ll feel sad and the same for any of your other moods. It’s pretty cute really, you can tell he wants to cheer you up but has no idea how due to his baby state so he may just peck your cheek instead 
Trey won’t believe the things you tell him when he’s finally back to normal. Him? Biting? He was going to have to ask his mother if he was ever a fussy biting baby just for confirmation...
Ruggie Bucchi
The look of shock on your face when Leona drops the cub into your arms is very apparent but before you can ask questions the lion is grumbling about potions and solutions before kicking you out of his room
Ruggie is easily the most chill of all the babies. He’s quiet (but he does whine/cry a bit when he’s hungry), listens very well, and causes you no problems whatsoever. But he is just the tiniest bit curious, sniffing everything before approaching it
Ruggie’s a cute baby…like a really cute baby and you can’t help but play with his ears or squish his cheeks while cooing about how adorable he is. Ruggie doesn’t complain though, he soaks in all that affection happily, even giving some back if he can such as nose or cheek nuzzles when you’re holding him
He’s a scaredy cat tho…baby doesn’t get close to the unknown and will flinch if someone new goes to touch him suddenly. He’ll hide in your chest, maybe even tear up a bit for emphasis that he does NOT like the new presence around him
When Ruggie is his actual age again, he admits that he remembers it just a little, saying his favorite part about it was being pampered by you~
Jade Leech
When you heard that Jade of all people fell victim to a potion disaster, you had quickly made your way to the scene of the crime. His brother was holding him (dangerously at that) whining about how he has no idea what happened and that it’s not his fault
Before Floyd can drop baby Jade on the head, you take him away and say you will care for him until a way is found to reverse this. So thus, you spend your every waking moment with baby Jade and not so much willingly haha
Jade is possessive AND a biter, a horrible combination and I feel really bad for anyone that tries to touch him or take your attention away from him lmao. You’ll often have to scold him about his mischievous misdeeds towards other people but he’ll just act all angelic as if he did nothing wrong
Floyd tries to help you with Jade, feeling superiority over his brother and wanting to boss him around a bit now that technically he is the older one but it’s very much clear that Jade’s not letting it fly. One look from Jade has Floyd pouting and you’re just wondering how a baby can do something like that
A little bit of affection here or there is okay but Jade may slap your hand away if it’s too much but don’t worry his little fingers will reach up and pat your cheeks in apology afterwards
When Jade is finally back to his regular self, his first quest is to make his brother pay for his behavior while he was a baby. If you ever bring it up, Jade will get this wicked look on his face as if daring you to continue talking about it
Jamil Viper
Kalim is running to you as fast as he can with baby Jamil in his hands and as soon as he sees you, he’s babbling on and on about some incident and by the time he finishes, he holds baby Jamil out to you
From there on out, you decided that it was obvious Kalim was going to need help taking care of Jamil so you volunteer to lend a hand (although you end up doing all of the work anyways)
Jamil doesn’t like to share, nope not one bit. Anything he’s given is considered his and his only and he’ll glare if someone tries to take his toys from him. Kalim and you are stunned by his attitude because it doesn’t only apply to his toys, it applies to YOU as well
He’s not too much of a picky eater but he’s a stickler for quality. You didn’t think it would be that hard to cook for a baby but if it’s not the finest or a dish you out your all into, baby Jamil won’t eat it (after a while you debate on whether or not you should shove it down his throat)
Baby Jamil is another one that soaks up your affections like a sponge with water. It’ll be a ‘give me more’ kind of thing but he gives little crumbs back in return, such as a kiss on the cheek
Once Jamil is back to normal and you guys tell him everything that went down, he is embarrassed by his behavior and demands that you guys forget all about it. You did not forget all about it but you promised him that you won’t speak about it…too often
Lilia Vanrouge
Malleus calmly asks you to meet him at the Diasomnia dorm where you see baby Lilia floating in the air, just doing tricks and giggling while doing so. Malleus explains what happened and has asked you to take care of Lilia until he can figure a way to turn the elder back
Whew boy, you are in for a wild ride. You think Lilia as an adult is bad? Baby Lilia is significantly ten times worse. He’s mischievous, adventurous, and doesn’t really listen to anyone, not even you which is not a good thing
The worst part of it all is Lilia’s tendency to disappear. He’ll go missing for hours on end and have you ready to pull out your hair but just before you do, he’ll ‘poof!’ near you and nuzzle your cheek before floating down into your arms, giggling all the while you just stare down at him with stress shining in your eyes
Despite all this, Lilia tries to be a good baby and helps out as much as he can really. When you’re cooking, you may look away for a moment and Lilia will drop in a random ingredient that he thinks will make the food taste better and you won’t figure this out until you taste the food yourself and have to spit it out
You’re extremely relieved when Malleus finally turns Lilia back to his normal state. Lilia is laughing the entire time when you explain your stressful experience to him. After his laughing fit, he’ll apologize and promise to make it up to you
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
All is Fair in Dice and War
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***Soooo, @bagelsinatoaster I love this request. However, you didn't specify which board game and as I am a huge nerd I decided to take some creative liberties and combine this with another idea I've been meaning to write which is: MC introducing the demon bros to Dungeons and Dragons. I certainly had fun with this and I hope you like it!*** Summary: Leviathan's world is flipped upside down when MC tells him there is a game that basically allows him to be the Lord of Shadows in real life!! He demands that his brothers join him as MC introduces them all to the chaotic shit show that is Dungeons & Dragons. For once, it was a peaceful day in the House of Lamentation. Lucifer was lounging in the living room with a cursed record playing softly in the background. For once, Satan had willingly joined him and was sitting by the fireplace, thumbing through a book on the human world. Belphie had been passed out on the couch when he arrived and was still laying there with an impressive puddle of drool collecting near his mouth. Even Asmodeus and Beel had joined in, with Asmodeus gently humming to himself as he painted his nails and Beelzebub happily munching on a snack as he enjoyed the sight of his family getting along. Yes. It was perfectly quiet and peaceful, and Lucifer didn't even have any traces of his regular migraine. But of course, nothing good lasts forever. Everyone jumped as the door slammed open and a wide-eyed Leviathan dragged you into the room. The two you very closely followed by Mammon loudly complaining. "Oi! You're gonna hurt them! Cut it out, Levi!" Lucifer sighed and closed his eyes, momentarily mourning the peace that he had just barely begun to enjoy, and closed his book. "Leviathan, let MC go. What are you freaking out about this time?" Lucifer regretted asking the moment the words left his mouth. Levi looked at it with the expression he only ever got when his limited edition Ruri-Chan merch arrived; his eyes were wide and glittering with excitement while his face bore a grin so large that Lucifer was surprised it didn't rip his skin. The third-born was practically vibrating as he let go of your wrist and pushed you forward. "Tell them! Tell them about the game!"
You laughed at Levi's excitement and casually rubbed your wrist. "I was just telling Leviathan about a game that we play in the human world called Dungeons and Dragons-" "You get to make a fantasy world that everyone plays in, and everyone makes characters. You can be a wizard and cast spells against a huge monster! Or a war hero fighter that has been betrayed by his brother! Or a noble knight who is looking for his lost kingdom! And the best part is that it's real!" Levi interrupted, nearly jumping in place as stars danced in his eyes. You put your hands out towards him to try and calm him a bit. "Well, not entirely real. It is played in person, but it's a role play tabletop game, meaning it mostly relies on the players' imagination. That is unless you have thousands of dollars to spend on 3D maps and figurines of your characters." Levi's eyes grew even wider, if possible, as he started shaking his hands up and down. "I CAN HAVE A FIGURINE OF A CHARACTER THAT I MADE?! GAAAAAAAAAHH!" A pillow flew across the room and hit Levi square in the face as a now awake Belphegor glared at him. "Will. You. Shut. Up?" the Avatar of Sloth hissed as a dark dangerous aura grew around him. Beel gently patted his twin's head in hopes of calming him. Leviathan pouted as he noticed no one else seemed to be getting excited about it. "C-Come on guys! This isn't even a video game! It's a thing that we can all do together and personalize it to be something that everyone will like. It'll be fun! Right MC?" You nodded as you gently tossed Belphie's pillow back over to him. "Yeah. I love D&D. I played it all the time in the human world. There's action, suspense, and even romance if you really wanted it," a couple of the brothers perked up at that. "I could put together a one-shot for you guys to try it out if you'd like? I'll help you make your characters, and we can all get together for an evening and play it sometime in a couple weeks." The room went quiet as everyone thought it over. Most of them had no interest in the game itself, but if it was organized by you... "I'm in," Beel decided with a nod. "I think it will be fun. All of us trying something new; it could be neat." Satan casually flipped a page in his book, "The creative aspect of it is definitely appealing. We'd be the masters of our own fate, and that most certainly piques my interest." Asmodeus smirked as he put the cap on his nail polish. "And you said it could be whatever we want? My, one might say that this game could help our wildest fantasies come true~" he made sure to wink at you as he giggled. Belphie, who had only just got back his pillow, scrunched up his face in disgust and launched it at Asmo. "Don't make this weird Asmo," he looked over at you and shrugged, "So long as you do all the work in putting together the character thing, sure. Why not?" Mammon looked over at you from the corner of his eye. "Ya mean to tell me, that you can make it so I'm some awesome, rich, and powerful prince?" Asmo scoffed as he pushed the pillow off his lap. "Please Mammon, even the world of make-believe has its limitations." Mammon blushed as he growled at his brother. You just chuckled and teasingly elbowed his side. "Don't listen to him, Mammon. There is a set amount of how much money you start out with depending on your class and background, but I'm sure we can find something that will make you happy." The second-born blushed even more as he grumbled quietly under his breath. Lucifer tilted his head in thought. "I suppose that if everyone else is playing, naturally I must as well," he stood and began to make his way to his office. "I look forward to seeing what you come up with MC." The next two weeks were spent planning and carefully figuring out the details of the one-shot and the characters that everyone was going to play. Levi was, of course, the first one who came to you to build his character. The two of you spent hours going through the Player's Handbook and sourcebooks to find the perfect build to recreate the Lord of Shadows. In the end, you put
together a human fighter that you gave a couple magic items to make Levi's vision really come to life. It seemed basic, but for the Lord of Shadows, it was perfect. The moment the two of you finished, Levi dove to his computer and ordered a custom-made mini that looked exactly like his character. Satan was genuinely interested in the game, especially after he learned about all the lore and rules behind the different classes and races. You had just been chilling in your room one day when the door burst open. Satan stood there with wide eyes holding a copy of Volo's Guide to Monsters. "MC, why didn't you tell me there are cat people?!" You chuckled, knowing exactly where this was going. "They're called tabaxi, but yeah, they're basically cat people. Would you like to play as one?" He scoffed and snapped the book shut. "Is that even a question? Of course, I'm playing as one." After some discussion and bouncing back and forth between classes a couple of times, Satan settled on a tabaxi druid; that way he not only looked like a cat, but he could speak to them as well. After a few days of you spending time with his brothers focusing on getting their characters ready, Mammon came to you wanting the coolest, most epic character ever. At first, it was clear that he wasn't fully invested in the process, but as he saw the customizable options and all the cool stuff that his character could have, you got his attention. You ended up designing a golden teifling rogue (you tried to tell Mammon that teifling usually wasn't yellow, but he gave you such a sad look that you couldn't say no) that was decked out with piercings and gems all over its horns and tail. He tried to act like he wasn't that excited about it, but one day during class you caught him doodling what looked like a stick figure version of the character on his sheet with a big smile on his face. Asmodeus came in shortly after Mammon finished,
insisting on having the most charming and beautiful character there was. You tapped your chin at the request. "I mean, stereotypically bards are extremely charming and...well seductive...almost too seductive. But that's only thei-" Asmo had hearts in his eyes before you could even finish. "That's what I want to be!" You sighed and made a mental note not to include any dragons in the session as you marked Asmo down to be an elven bard and helped him create his character sheet. You hadn't heard anything from Lucifer for nearly that entire first week, until one day as you were lounging in the living room, he walked in holding a stack of resource books. "Ah, MC. I've been looking for you. I wanted to inform you that I will be playing a half-elf multiclassing as a paladin and hex-blade warlock." You blinked at him as he put all the books down in front of you. "O-Oh. Would you like help putting together your character sheet?" He just grinned and began to make his way out of the room once more. "I've already done it. I must admit that this was quite a bit more interesting than I thought it would be," and with that he was gone, leaving you to try and figure out what had just happened. With only a few days left until the one-shot, you had to go find the twins and get them to make their characters. Beel apologized like crazy for you having to track him in down in order to get his character made. The poor guy was in the middle of peak Fangol season and had completely forgotten. Once the two of you sat down in the kitchen with an empty character sheet in one hand and snacks in the other, Beel gave you his full attention. He put a lot of thought in his character and wanted to make it really good since he appreciated that you were doing something that they could all do as a family. He bashfully decided to play a halfling. Not only did the little creatures share his love for food, but he thought it would be neat to try being small for once. His class was also a surprise. After carefully flipping through all of the class options, he had eventually settled on a cleric. "They're the healers, right? This way I can help the others if someone gets hurt." You gave him a huge hug then and there. Belphegore, on the other hand, was not so easy to work with. "Belphie, come on. Just flip through the book and choose something!" He groaned into his pillow and rolled onto his side to glare at you. "I told you I would play if you did all the work for me. Me flipping through a book is work. It's not happening." After an entire hour of trying to get him to cooperate, you gave up. In retaliation you made his character a goblin barbarian, just to drive in the fact of how much of a brat he was acting like.
Finally, the day came for you all to play the one-shot, and much like you expected, it was complete and utter chaos. You had tried to maintain some structure and keep everyone on track, but it was hopeless. Levi and Satan were taking the game seriously and, Diavolo bless them, were the only reason their party was making any progress. Mammon was trying to pick-pocket every non-player character that they met while Asmo distracted them by flirting. This worked great for them until Mammon got caught and would've died from the resulting injuries if it wasn't for Beel. Speaking of Beel, the poor fella was trying his best to do well in the game but kept getting confused by all the rules and different stats and modifiers. Belphegor spent most of his time, trying to explain it to his twin, but in the end, Beel accidentally ate his dice and Belphie passed out on his shoulder. And then there was Lucifer. He had been mostly quiet the entire game. Surprisingly, he let Levi and Satan take the charge in any investigations and puzzle-based interactions, but he did so with a smirk. You had a funny feeling in your stomach that he was up to something, and you were right. It was the final boss. Satan and Levi were on the edge of their seats, having worked so hard to get the party to this point. You smiled, knowing that one of the best parts of D&D was finally taking down the big bad. In this case, you had prepared a beholder for them to fight. It would be no easy task. The fight should have required them to work together in an epic battle of wits, magic and melee attacks. Only, when everyone rolled initiative, Lucifer went first. The eldest smiled as his eyes sparked menacingly. "For my bonus action, I'd like to use my hex blade's curse on it, which allows me to add my plus four proficiency bonus to all damage, and makes any rolls of nineteen or twenty critical hits. I will then use my long sword with divine smite at third level to attack him and attack him again using my extra attack," barely giving you time to process what he said, Lucifer rolled his dice twice. "And that would be a nineteen and a natural twenty, meaning they're both criticals due to the curse. That should hit, yes?" "Wha-" You could only watch as Lucifer, now with twice the amount of damage due to his critical rolls pulled out a disgusting number of dice and rolled them all. And of course, with his luck, they all rolled high. "So that's 90 points of damage plus the extra damage from the curse and the bonus from my duelist ability per attack, brings this 102 points," he smugly perched his chin on top of his hands as the table gaped at him. You gulped and looked down at the beholder's character sheet, "Y-You just took o-over half of his hit points in one round..." His grin widened at the information, "What, like it's hard?" You never got the chance to finish the game, as Satan burst into his demon form and pounced on Lucifer, the eldest laughing like a mad man, while Levi tore up his character sheet in a fit of jealous rage. Levi never asked to play with everyone again after that. ***This was just so self-indulgent and I just- I loved it. It combined two of my favourite things and I have never been happier. This was more crack than fluff, but either way, it was fun and I hope you nerds out there enjoyed it 🥰 Thanks again for the request @bagelsinatoaster!*** Taglist: @mimik248 @roseytoesy @ester-is-here
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