#like i literally need to go lie down now. they make me UNWELL
kenobihater · 2 years
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ID in alt
disco elysium (2019) / longing (2013) - goce trajkovski / wild geese (1986) - mary oliver / disco elysium (2019) / male torso nude (2021) - emmanouil nanouris / the return of the repressed (1979) - charles baxter
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cardiophilestuff · 1 year
Babe? Why are you still awake??? It's literally 2 am, you should be sleeping, you have to go to work tomorrow.
What...what do you say? You can't sleep? But why? Oh, you're feeling unwell? My poor darling...
What? Your chest feels "weird"? Let me just put my hand on your chest to- oh, wow, your heart's racing and pumping so hard against my palm. That's strange...Wait- I think I see it beating like outside of your chest! Do you feel it? I mean, without even putting your hand on it? A bit, huh? Babe, did you have some caffeine or theine before going to bed? Not even a little bit... Maybe you are anxious? Neither... You're just starting to panic with all these things I'm telling you about your heart?
Okay, now listen to me, sweetheart. I know what I've said might seem terrifying, but I assure you there's really nothing to worry about. Yeah, for real, you can trust me. Hey, hey, try to relax for me okay? Take some deep breaths... Again...One more time... You're doing very good, honey.
So, now that you calmed down a little, I'd like to have a listen to your heart. No, I promise, you're not gonna die, babe, you're really not, I just wanna make sure at 100% that there's nothing to worry about, both as a girlfriend and as a doctor! Okay, so please lie down and lift your shirt while I grab my stethoscope. Okay, there we go. Just breathe normally and relax. Very well.
Ssh, ssh, please don't talk while I'm listening to your heart sounds. We'll talk about it later. Anyway, your heart rate is still high for a resting one. I count around 110 bpm. Are you sure you're not experiencing any anxiety? No? Well, if you say so... 
Okay, sweetheart, your heart sounds perfect to me, if we forget about that fast rhythm. But even if I really wanna know what's going on with your heart, I think all I can do right now for you is to give you some sedatives to lower your heart rate and help you sleep. But remember, if you still feel unwell tomorrow before going to work, I strongly advise you to call your boss and take a day off. No, I'm not joking. And if you don't do it, you can be sure I will. Really, you think I won't? Well, we'll see... Now, I'm gonna give you the medication, you really need to sleep, babe. However, I'm gonna stay by your side, to make sure that all goes well by taking your pulse while you fall asleep. If you feel you're getting worse, tell me immediately. Okay, here we go... Gimme your wrist. Or maybe you'd rather have me directly listening to your heart by resting my head on your chest? You're up for that? Perfect, lemme just change quickly, that white coat is not comfortable enough to sleep in, you know? Now that I'm ready, I'll rest my head on your chest, making sure everything's alright while the sedative is irrigating your whole body. Mmh, I already can tell that it's beating more calmly. How sweet is the sound of your heart calming down...
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softxsuki · 2 years
...It's me again- can I have a urgent request with eren,levi and Jean with romantic s/o that has covid, but like it's really bad? (Headcanons pls)
It's like my surgery wasn't enough I needed to catch covid and I saw people yesterday 🥲
I feel like my whole body is dying rn
Thanks 😃❤️
Eren, Levi, and Jean Taking Care of Reader with Covid
Pairings: Eren x Gn!Reader, Levi x Gn!Reader, Jean x Gn!Reader
Warnings: reader sick with Covid
Genre: Modern AU, Comfort, some fluff?
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 900
Summary: How the boys react to you getting sick with Covid
[A/N: Hey! Thank you for your patience with your request. I'm sorry it's a little short and they might not be that great. I couldn't think of anything directly romantic to add to these, so I kept the romance a little subtle I hope that okay. I'm not exactly in the best mental state right now, but I wanted to get this done for you while you were still feeling unwell to help provide you with some comfort. So I hope these came out at least a little decent. Feel better soon <3 also sorry if there are any mistakes, I didn't proofread :(.]
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Protect this man
He’s so scared for you; literally thinks you’re going to die (you're not of course)
But he doesn’t outwardly show it, he’s just kinda freaking out on his own
You’re supposed to be quarantining in your room on your OWN, but Eren refuses to take his eyes off of you, he’ll sit in a chair in the corner of the room and keep you company no matter how many times you tell him to get out before he gets himself sick
No lie though, he would probably cozy up beside you in bed just so he can keep an even closer eye on you and properly take care of you
So consider your whole house a quarantine zone because he’s 100% getting infected with Covid and he doesn’t care
He takes very good care of you, giving you 10000% of his attention, making sure you get better as soon as possible
He googles a whole bunch of homemade remedies that people said worked for them, and prepares it all for you (orders all the ingredients online for delivery)
He takes your temperature every hour and as much as it hurts to see you in discomfort, he confiscates all your heavy blankets so your fever can go down quicker
Anything you want or need, he gets it for you
He also makes sure that you get plenty of rest, so while you sleep, he tries to keep himself occupied doing something else around the house or playing a game or something, making sure the volume is low so he doesn’t wake you up, but stays in the bedroom so he can watch over you
He’s super relieved when you’re fully healed, but get ready because it’ll be your turn to take care of him now, he has zero regrets though, he’s glad he was able to care for you instead of avoiding you for a week
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Let’s not kid ourselves here, Levi is GONE as soon as he knows you have Covid
But that doesn’t mean he won’t take care of you–he just does so from afar
As soon as he finds out, your bedroom becomes your quarantine zone
He starts wearing a mask around the house 24/7, even when he showers because he is NOT taking any chances, he refuses to get sick
However, he does want you to get better and his heart breaks at hearing your coughs and groans of fatigue and pain, so he comes up with a plan
He prepares you meals and leaves them outside the door for you, knocking quickly to let you know the food is ready and runs to the other side of the room and waits for you to get your food
It’ll be a relief for you though, knowing that Levi won’t get sick because of you
He’s extra diligent and frequent with his cleaning even though you never leave the room for the whole week, using the connected bathroom in the room to shower and use the toilet; Levi sticks to the spare bathroom and bedroom
He’s a busy, responsible man though so he does continue to go to work; he calls a friend over to watch over you to make sure you have someone around incase of an emergency and someone to make sure you’re well fed and hydrated
His phone ringer stays on for a change incase he receives a call and needs to rush to you immediately
Once you’re fully recovered and Covid free, Levi gets to work in cleaning your spare bedroom because he needs to be back to sleeping by your side immediately; he’d never admit how much he missed having you in his arms as he slept–that week was especially lonely for him and he’s relieved to have you healthy and happy again
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Jean is another one who is super worried at first, especially when he notices your discomfort
He does stick to keeping his distance from you, but it kills him inside to be parted from you for so long, so as the days pass he gets very impatient
Tries entering your room where you’re quarantining before the recommended amount of days is up, so be strict with him, he’ll listen if you tell him no
Jean pretends to busy himself around the house, calling in for work saying he can’t make it, but his excuse to you is that he’s feeling a little under the weather (lies)
He’ll never admit that he’s worried about you or that he’s calling in just so he can keep an eye on you
He sits behind the door and asks you to sit on the other side of it and you guys have some conversations, but then he feels bad when he hears you cough and tells you to get back in bed so you can rest
Keeps you well fed and even tries to sneakily hand you your food himself, but you have to shoo him away
He can’t wait for the day that he can hold you and kiss you again, he misses you more than he thought he would–not that he’d admit it
He tries to act normally when you’re cleared to end your quarantine, but his giddy smile that slips out a few times gives him away
Good luck getting out of his grip, he’s super clingy for the next few days
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Posted: 10/18/2022
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vickozone · 8 months
The Magnus Archives
-S3 Notes-
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More fanart is definitely coming soon.
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Handwriting translated below:
#81 childhood neurodivergent trauma. I like Georgie already. … I… didn’t like this episode very much. It reminds me too much of myself…
#82 Elias has the eye powers
#83 “The Stranger.” Circus and delivery service seem to theme. But, how?
#84 Martin is filling in for Jon, old “graveyard”, Melanie is archival assistant?
#85 “The Spiral”, someone isn’t not existing, Georgie is going on a date.
#86 The blanket never did anything, Jon spills some tea.
#87 Sebastian was so oblivious that Megan had to invite him back to notice something was up. [what an icon] Also, mentions of the lightless flame, the stranger, and some weird ritual. Jude Perry even needed to show up!
#88 The calliope is GONE. DIG. Martin really got into that statement and I do not trust Daisy one bit.
#89 Perry is The Desolation and Jon’s hand is TOTALLY singed off
#90 Jared is a bodybuilder and a butcher? He’s the Barbie of TMA. Also, strong women.
#91 Just as quick as he came, Michael Crew, [avatar of?] The Vast, is dead. Daisy is strangling Jon and we learn he can make people speak. AAAA NOT HIS THROAT!
#92 Elias confesses to killing Gertrude and Jurgen, Basira now works at the institute, “Hunt” is associated with Daisy, Jon is so mentally and physically unwell, and more details about the avatars.
#93 Admiral, delivery service, Georgie learns the truth, “Jonathan Sims, are you trying to save the world?”
#94 Georgie talks about her own experiences with death
#95 Martin reads statement regarding 2nd World War. He cares for Jon… a lot…
#96 Breekon and Hope backstory, and Daisy/Jon interview Sarah Baldwin
#97 “ELIAS, WHAT IS MY METAPHORICAL PIT?!” Also, Nikola Orsinov is that stranger chic.
#98 Maxwell, sandman, and Mel is new to poisoning people.
#99 The buried, Michael used to work for Gertrude, Jon is moving out and he got kidnapped— HOW MANY TIMES IS HE GONNA GET HURT?! (HIS LAST NAME IS SHELLEY?! 🥺)
#100 This is so hard to listen to. This literally hurts my brain.
#101 Michael. He… IT shares its statement. Gertrude created Michael. It got sucked through its own door, making way for… Helen Richardson. “He trusted her.” (I feel I am being too tame. MICHAEL IS DEAD?!)
#102 Jon + Mel planning to kill Elias right in front of him, Jon spoke French, more bugs.
#103 Demon pig
#104 If Tim dies… oh, he’s so hurt…
#105 Jon goes to china, The End mentioned, he is rather oblivious.
#106 The space and vast, also Melanie + Basira are shipping Martin and Jon. Stoppp! Also, Elias is pure evil. Jon is also ace.
#107 Jon travels the world, meets murderer’s daughter and vampire hunter! Power trio!
#108 “The world’s a stage…” + PETER LUKAS, MY BOY
#109 More of the trio and how they met. Mustermann just needs some quiet lol
#110 creepy spider movie director. Martin finds a way to distract Elias. ALEXIA. YOU GO!
#111 GERRY! NO! Also, there’s 14 fears. This episode is legit one of the most important.
#112 Friends take turns killing one another, and Barisa + Daisy are… friendly
#113 Gertrude knew Adelard, The End avatar, and Martin needs to keep his hands to himself! “TURN IT OFF!” 😰
#114 Hill Top Road cleaner, and we are off to blow a place up! :D
#115 yo. It’s the antique guy. Also, Helen is nothing like Michael… she’s… pure, somehow?
#116 This was the most confusing thing I’ve ever heard. I’m killing Leitner again if Tim dies.
#117 They all give their statements before The Unknowing. Tim… oh, Martin is so gay and Gerard is gone…
#118 I actually cried. Martin, you sweet boy, you don’t deserve this— WHAT IS HAPPENING!? NAH! NOPE!
#120 Tim is… dead. Lukas is in charge and Jon is in the hospital. (I need to lie down)
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inadaydream99 · 2 years
Their Protectiveness Over You
OT7 NCT Dream, very fluffy, mildly suggestive, gender neutral reader
A/N - When inspiration strikes! I’ve also been contemplating doing this for 127 - let me know if I should!! ☺️
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and does not represent any of the members in real life. Some possessive behaviour which may be triggering. Any warnings I’ve missed, please let me know!
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He’s pretty chilled when it comes to you. He knows you can handle yourself. And doesn’t want to be that overbearing, overprotective boyfriend. Besides, he trusts you. With all his heart.
…So why does he feel the need to wrap you up in cotton wool?
Literally. There was even a time when you were unwell and Mark actually wrapped you in layers and layers of blankets until you were practically held hostage by the cocoon your worried boyfriend had secured you into.
The whole time, Mark was by your side making sure you were hydrated, fed and comfortable until you were better.
And the don’t-lie-to-me look he gave you when you tried to convince him you were feeling better, even though you clearly weren’t, had you simultaneously feeling incredibly guilty for trying to lie to him and your heart doing summersaults in your chest.
One thing you should know about your relationship with Mark is that while he may come across as naïve, he can’t be fooled easily. At least by you… And he WILL NOT stop pampering you until he is sure you’re 100% better.
“Dude, I’m better already!” You hide your sniffle through a laugh.
“Don’t dude your loving boyfriend like that,” He’s unable to hide his cheesy smile. “And come cuddle me, I saw you sniffle just then.”
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An adoring protective. And by this I mean like he’s never more than a few steps away from you when you pay him a visit. A little because he knows how overwhelming the others can be. But mostly because he just adores you so much.
Renjun won’t admit it publicly, but he revels in being able to take care of you and give you lots of affection.
Loves to run you hot baths filled with bubbles and wash your hair for you. And insists on combing your hair afterwards. He makes every domestic act so intimate by the lingering touches and soft kisses he presses to your skin.
He looks at you like your his whole world and makes sure that everyone knows you’re his love.
He hates anyone making jokey comments about your relationship, particularly the Dreamies (more often than not it’s Haechan because he is jealous of you and wants Renjun all to himself).
“Gorgeous calm down, it was only a joke.” You cling onto your boyfriends arm to keep him weighted to you. He looks like he’s about to launch himself at the group of his laughing friends after they had been teasingly questioning you on how romantic Renjun is. It was all in good nature after all.
“At least I have someone to be romantic with.” He grumbles, his anger slowly subsiding the longer you cuddle into him.
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Protective when provoked. It’s like Jeno is just waiting for the right moment to spring up from the sofa where he watches you in the kitchen, so he can jump in and take the knife away from you and cut the remaining vegetables himself.
He’s doesn’t do that, of course. You’re more than capable of using sharp and potentially very dangerous utensils to prepare the meal that you so lovingly insisted on making for your boyfriend.
But then Jeno hears you swear under your breath, hissing at the stinging pain that courses through you. Yes, you’d accidentally cut your finger.
“I told you to be careful baby.” Jeno mumbles as he focuses on securely wrapping the bandaid around your finger, bringing it up to his lips and pressing a delicate kiss there afterwards.
“I was being careful, it just slipped.” You pout up at him, sending your best puppy eyes towards him in order to ease the guilt that radiates from him. You know he’s blaming himself for your mistake.
“Well, I’m going to finish dinner now.” Jeno presses another kiss, this time to your temple, his hands securing your waist in his hold.
And once you’ve eaten and settled down for the evening, Jeno will coerce you to lay on his chest so he can give you loads of affection.
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Smug protective. And Smug Haechan is the worst. Particularly when it’s because you’ve proven him right.
There he sits with the most irritating smirk resting on his lips, arms folded across his chest and one eyebrow raised. He knows he was right, the I-told-you-so look already pissing you off more than you would like to admit.
Nor do you want to admit you need his help right now… but this game is way harder to play than it looks and now you’re stuck in a vulnerable position where the opposing team could strike you at any moment.
“I know how to get you out of this mess…” You shoot him daggers, warning him to speak another word.
“I’ll cut off your tongue if you don’t- nooooo!” You cry out, the screen going grey and your controller no longer being able to control your character… no matter how many times you angrily press every button…
“It’s ok baby.” You remain still as your boyfriend envelops you in his arms, forcing you into his chest and tucking his face into your neck. “I’m still proud of you.”
You have no words for his supposed comforting. Instead you sigh, letting yourself cuddle into him and relax. After all, it doesn’t really matter that you are terrible at video games when you’ve got such a snuggly boyfriend.
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So laid back half the time he doesn’t realise that he should be paying more attention to you.
He’s not really phased by much. But, oh boy, does he get riled up and incredibly protective over you if he ever sees you upset. Jaemin is very good at reading your emotions and knows how sensitive you can be at times.
Which is why, when you were out together for dinner and bumped into a colleague of yours - that Jaemin knows for a fact you haven’t had the nicest experiences with - he becomes quite serious and protective of you.
Not only did he have his hand outstretched across the table, holding onto yours. But he also decided to play footsie under the table as a form of subtle distraction for you.
However, despite his ministrations to soothe you, Jaemin remains stoic.
Long gone is his soft smile and lighthearted jokes. In their place is his stern frown and displeased gaze, watching your colleagues every move.
“Jaem, it’s ok.” You whisper to him the second your colleague has gone, pleading him to relax.
“Sorry, but I can’t stand them knowing they have caused you so much stress and upset at work.” Jaemin sighs, his expression softening when he takes notice of how worried you look.
You simply rub the pad of your thumb over the back of his hand, still holding onto yours like his life depends on it. And while it makes his loving smile return, it’s obvious that your boyfriend is going to be a little more protective of you for the rest of the evening.
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Protective as a warning.
It’s like a switch is flicked when Chenle gets protective. Gone is the giggly and smiley boyfriend you know and love and in his place is his serious words and predatorial gaze.
ALWAYS makes it publicly known that he is your boyfriend. Seriously. Whenever he meets someone new he will introduce himself as (Y/N)’s boyfriend before actually saying his name.
And don’t even get me started on if another person so much as makes eyes at you, let alone flirts with you.
Chenle is immediately there, grabbing your hand and pulling you away from your admirer. He doesn’t take you anywhere secluded though. No. He doesn’t care who else sees, just pushes you up against the closest wall and crashes his lips onto yours.
“There’s too many people here that want you tonight,” he pulls away with an evil smirk. “So I need to mark my territory.”
“Don’t be so jealous!” You giggle, accepting him as he delves back in for another kiss.
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Quietly protective. Like he does it in a way that doesn’t immediately scream protective, but it definitely is.
When you’re with Jisung, he always finds a way of holding you. Whether that’s holding your waist, back hugs with his chin resting on your shoulder, hand holding or subtly linking pinky fingers, he’s there by your side.
There was even one time when he resorted to putting his hand in the back pocket of your jeans because you were walking along the street together and both of your hands were carrying things. He didn’t know what else to do and the anxiety of not keeping a protective hand on you to keep you from falling over if you tripped was eating him alive.
Of course, that then started off his obsession with your butt. It’s like his hand gravitates there automatically. He’s so shameless about it, that even if you’re wearing pants that don’t have back pockets, he’ll just hold your ass in his palm. His intentions are innocent more often than not though. However sometimes…
“Your butt looks great in these pants.” You hear his voice whisper into your ear as he steps up behind you, his hand giving your ass a good squeeze.
“Sungie, anyone could walk in.” You whine. Although, you don’t try to move his hand away…
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stormyoceans · 1 year
it's severely missing vice versa hours (as always) so, let's go with your top picks for puen's best looks?
CASSI I NEED YOU TO KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU FOR ASKING ME THIS BUT ALSO THAT YOU MADE ME GO THROUGH 15 DIFFERENT LIFE CRISIS AND DEVELOP 8 NEW MENTAL ILLNESSES IN THE SPAN OF 3 DAYS TRYING TO ANSWER THIS. also im ONLY NOW realizing, as im posting this, that you didn’t actually ask me my top 10, but just my TOP. FULL STOP. so i could have picked 3 or 5 and reply way sooner……… maybe it’s me. i am the problem. IM SO SORRY BUT STILL. HERE WE GO
1. the wedding outfit in episode 4. I LOVE WHEN PUEN WEARS ANY KIND OF SHADE FROM PINK TO RED SO THIS IS LITERALLY MY DREAM OUTFIT FOR HIM. he looks positively radiant in it and idk if you can see it, but when i was taking that full body screenshot i realized that the white pants are slightly see-through and i think i momentarily blacked out for a minute or 10 or 10000. ALSO DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WISH HE COULD WEAR THIS FOR HIS OWN WEDDING WITH TALAY IT’S LITERALLY PERFECT CAN THEY JUST RECREAT IT INTO THEIR UNIVERSE TOO IM BEGGING.
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2. the interview look in episode 12. I ACTUALLY CAN'T WRITE DOWN HALF OF THE THINGS IM THINKING ABOUT THIS BECAUSE THERE ARE MINORS ON THIS SITE so im just gonna say that the all black suit + the styled hair was a truly inspired combination and it's unfair that talay didn't get to witness all of this in person.
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4. the ombre(?) jacket outfit in episode 12. puen really showed up in front of god and the cameras to announce his undying love for talay wearing the skinniest pair of jeans known to man then powerwalked to talay’s house to win his mom over and i simply think that’s very sexy of him. also making puen wear blue, which is talay’s color, during this scene was such a big brain move, though the real pièce de résistance, the jewel in the crown, the cherry on top of an already delicious cake is THAT JACKET. the costume designer of the show truly said ‘if he’s not ouselling outserving outslaying while getting his man then i ain’t doing my job right’ and by god they delivered. 
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5. the first glasshouse outfit in episode 4. this is my favorite kind of casual wear for puen: dark jacket, dark jeans, neutral boots, and the shirt giving a pop of color to the entire outfit, especially if that color is red. he looks SOOOOO GOOD in red. at one point puen also drives tun’s bike in this outfit and when they get to the glasshouse there’s a brief moment where you can see he’s about to take off his gloves which im pretty sure awakened something in me because i’ve been feeling unwell ever since (screenshot not included for the faint of heart and to preserve my sanity) [mostly for my sanity]  
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6. the beach outfit in episode 9. LISTEN i know it's a very simple look, but i LOVE when puen wears button-up shirts with nothing else underneath. it's also giving so much mr darcy walking through the moors with his tits out to go tell elizabeth that she bewitched him body and soul and that he loves he loves he loves her and wishes from this day forth never to be parted from her in the 2005 pride and prejudice movie adaptation. LIKE SORRY BUT I LITERALLY SEE NO DIFFERENCE.
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7. the marriage proposal suit in episode 12. SOMETHING SOMETHING THE WAY PUEN’S COLOR PALETTE IS MADE OUT OF A LOT OF DARK NEUTRALS BUT THEY DECIDED TO DRESS HIM ENTIRELY IN LIGHT ONES WHEN HE PROPOSES TO TALAY. i’d say im reading too much into it except NOTHING IS CASUAL IN THIS SHOW. also his tiddies look great in that white undershirt and i just really like this suit, which is kinda surprising considering that i do prefer him in darker shades.
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8. the “pink theory” outfit in episode 10. OF COURSE i had to include one of the iconic sleeveless shirt looks and OF COURSE i had to go with the pink one. he wears quite a few in the alternate universe and i was very torn between this and the black one in the glasshouse at the end of episode 4, but in the end i just love him in this salmon color way too much and………………….. [loses tracks of what she’s saying because ARMS]
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9. the “tonight let’s go head over heels for each other” outfit in episode 12. you know how some people end up letting themselves go after entering a relationship? yeah, that’s not puen. you’d think he would chill out a little after finally getting with talay but NO!!!!! HE SAID TITS OUT FOR THE BOYFRIEND ALWAYS!!!!! TITS OUT FOR THE BOYFRIEND NOW MORE THAN EVER!!!!! and you know what? i respect his horny ass so much for it.
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10. the bathroom outfit (bucket hat on exclusively) in episode 1. ranked at the bottom because im actually not too fond of that jacket and it probably wouldn't have made it in my top 10 by itself HOWEVER!!!!! this outfit without the bucket hat? simply a lesser version of the interview suit in episode 12. this outfit WITH the bucket hat? BRILLIANT INCREDIBLE AMAZING SHOWSTOPPING SPECTACULAR NEVER THE SAME TOTALLY UNIQUE COMPLETELY NOT EVER DONE BEFORE. honestly no one should be able to look that good wearing a bucket hat THAT'S SIMPLY TOO MUCH POWER.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 2 years
hi bestie I’m literally in love with you. Can I request 35 and/or 43 from the cliche tropes list for Nick and Charlie? everything you write is fantastic I love u take care <3
oh hi 🥺 you called me bestie and beloved and that means you can have both <333 i’ve seen a good few fics with sick/injured nick and they’re great already so i’m flipping it :))
35. “Do you trust me?”
43. Taking care of the other when sick or injured
Nick knows that Charlie is well-practiced at keeping his problems to himself, and otherwise ignoring them until they inevitably go away or become un-ignorable. Which is why he isn’t surprised when Charlie turns up to form looking like death, his eyes hooded and dark and his skin paler than usual. He smiles and greets Nick as normal, but slumps a little smaller in his chair, breathes a little less evenly than he should.
“Charlie,” Nick whispers, under the sound of Mr Lange taking the register. He rests his knee against Charlie’s, and Charlie turns to look at him with a small hum. “You look wrecked. Are you okay?”
Charlie blinks at him, then his lips pinch and he straightens himself up. “Yes. I’m fine. I feel fine.”
Nick’s heart squeezes, and he prepares to tell Charlie how unconvincing he sounds when Mr Lange calls his name, and then Charlie is ignoring him so studiously that Nick knows his efforts would be pointless. He reserves to keep an eye on Charlie throughout the day, and save him from himself should it become necessary.
Charlie looks even paler and more tired at lunch, and he only picks at his food. Nick and Tao trade concerned looks, but Charlie shuts Tao down so sharply when Tao asks that Nick, again, decides to let him be for now. Nick offers only a soft, half-concerned-half-reprimanding “Hey,” with a gentle touch to Charlie’s arm.
“Sorry,” Charlie mumbles, flicking his gaze up to Tao and leaning slightly against Nick. “I’m just really tired and I—I can’t today.”
Tao nods in understanding and assures Charlie it’s fine, but his eyes haven’t lost any of their concern when they meet Nick’s. Nick wraps an arm around Charlie’s shoulders and lets Charlie lean against him properly, then subtly, helplessly shakes his head at Tao. Nick knows Charlie’s bad days, and the deep effect they can have on his mood, but this is different. Nick knows this is different, even if he doesn’t know how to help any more than Tao.
Which is why, despite going home separately after Charlie’s excuse that he has too much work to catch up on to also have time to entertain Nick, Nick heads around to the Springs’ after dinner.
Mrs Spring lets him in with a pinched smile and tells him Charlie is in his room, which immediately heightens Nick’s nerves even as he passes by her with a smile and thanks.
He finds Charlie curled up in his bed. Charlie looks up at him as he comes in and pushes himself up to sitting, leaving a grimace flickering over his pale face. Nick makes a beeline for him, but refrains from sitting down. Instead, he presses a hand to Charlie’s clammy forehead.
“You’re warm,” Nick accuses.
Charlie leans away from him. “What are you doing here?”
Nick crawls onto the bed next to him. “Checking on you. You…seemed unwell, at school today, but you wouldn’t tell me.”
“There’s nothing to tell,” Charlie insists. Nick raises a brow. “Nick, I’m fine. You didn’t have to come here, you could’ve just texted me.”
“Because then it would’ve been easier to lie to me?” When Charlie scoffs and looks away, Nick falters slightly. He’s gotten used to working his way around Charlie’s moods, and what’s needed from him with each one, but he feels oddly out of his depth. After all this time and all they’ve been through, perhaps he shouldn’t, but this feels at once all too familiar and like completely uncharted waters. “If you…if you don’t want me here, that’s okay. But you can’t ignore the fact that you’re sick, and it’s worrying me that you’re trying to.”
Charlie’s breath catches at that, but he doesn’t tell Nick to piss off. He slumps back against his pillow and draws his knees up, closing his eyes and taking a couple of deep breaths. Then he covers his face with his hands. “Mum’s pissed at me ‘cause I couldn’t have dinner.”
Nick’s shoulders sag, and he gets off the bed so he can resettle beside Charlie. This time he allows himself to press close—doesn’t have much choice on the single mattress, really—and feels relieved when Charlie leans against him in turn. “Did you tell her why, though?”
Charlie nods. “Didn’t believe me,” he mumbles. “Don’t know if I do, either.”
“What?” Nick’s brow furrows. “What do you mean?”
“I wanted to try to eat dinner, but I’ve felt sick all day, so I didn’t want to try because I didn’t want to make myself sick, but what if that’s just an excuse because actually I didn’t want to try in the first place?” Charlie still hasn’t dropped his hands, but it isn’t his muffled voice that makes Nick take his time understanding.
“Okay,” he says slowly. “But, Char, I could tell this morning as soon as I looked at you. I don’t think you can fake that.” He pressed the back of his fingers to Charlie’s forehead again. “Or this. I mean, you’re literally sweating.”
Charlie drags his hands down his face with a groan. “Oh my god, I want to die.”
“Hey.” Nick strokes his hair gently before wrapping an arm around him, and relaxes some when Charlie settles against his chest. “You’re allowed to be sick. Gross, sweaty, sniffly, vomit-y sick. And you aren’t to blame, and you aren’t making it up, and you aren’t going to get rid of it by ignoring it.”
“Are you sure? I was really willing to try.”
Nick snorts. “As someone who was brutally sick just last month, yeah, I’m pretty sure.” He gives Charlie a light jostle. “Remember, I was way more pathetic about it, and you came and looked after me like, every day? In fact, this is probably my fault.”
“I think it’s just going around,” Charlie sighs. “And you weren’t pathetic. You were very pouty and needy and it made me feel more validated than it probably should.”
Nick outright laughs at that, and just catches the curl of Charlie’s lips where they’re pressed to his chest. “Why can’t you let me take care of you, then?”
He waits as Charlie continues sweating and deep-breathing on Nick’s chest, and Nick returns to petting through his hair, remembering what had brought him comfort when their positions were reversed.
“I don’t like needing looked after,” Charlie says. “It feels…vulnerable.”
It feels out of my control. Charlie doesn’t say it, but he doesn’t need to. Nick understands that much about him, by now.
“Do you trust me?” Nick asks quietly.
“Of course.”
Nick squeezes him. “Then do you feel like, it’s okay, if you’re that little bit vulnerable with me?”
Charlie curls a hand in his shirt, then uncurls it. “Maybe.”
“Would it be alright if I just stayed with you for now, then?”
Nick draws Charlie’s curls back off his forehead, and Charlie lets out a little sigh. He wraps an arm around Nick’s middle, and Nick knows he’ll be okay. “Yeah. That’d be alright.”
cliché tropes
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incarnateirony · 1 year
It appears the terfling (to their own self-blind damage) blowing cult and "dangerous trans man rebranded" dogwhistles instead of "trans man always existed on this name outside of your creepy fandom personas" is now incredibly offended by videogames. (see 2014 and earlier links lmfao)
Genuinely the little terfling just refuses to give up and is unable to detect their definitional psychotic and obsessive behavior. One attack after the next, one dogwhistle after the next, now screaming to Run Away From Video Games. Lemme guess, they make people violent?
Even more alarming is that people are enabling the clearly unwell and fixated behavior, and rather, joining in on it due to their own unwell fixated behaviors and agendas, blowing the dogwhistles with, clutching their pearls in unison, because they got server banned 2 yrs back.
2 weeks of nonstop fixation from this terfling in training. 2 weeks. and they'll go BUT IM TRANS I CHANGED NAME, great, so you're a traitor that's still blowing terf dogwhistles for petty social games that literally refuses to get off my dick.
Max, I don't know how to tell you, but your obsession is definitional psychosis. You'll lash back and froth and bite but at the end of the day, I've been trying to ignore you, and you literally refuse to let go. This is the DSM definition of MHI. Get help.
Like either get help or buy me dinner, because if you're gonna ride my dick this hard over your own issues, I better get something out of it. But mostly, I suggest getting the psychological help you and yours need to let go of your grudges and malices and buttburns.
It's time to process.
Your friends got banned. For being dicks. Rightfully. To protect server members. You then doxxed me and people I cared about, or supported, encouraged, and spread the results of people that did. You then ratcheted up a psycho level hate campaign, because you didn't like the truth, and are still pretending you can't see the finale is what I told you 2 years ago. Now, you're screaming terf dogwhistles left and right, parroting bog standard comically visible fascist rhetoric in your squealing, and going so far as to pearl clutch about FRIENDS PLAYING VIDEOGAMES.
You HAVE to understand that this behavior IS. NOT. WELL. Much less psycho fixating on someone's personal account you and yours chose to hunt down to begin with, and are now making nonstop hysterical terf sounds in the background that it exists, because LIKE fascists, you want to exterminate those you choose to dehumanize. We are not allowed to exist. You will hunt, you will attack, you will lie and libel, you will scream, and you will reach for every straw you can grasp even while you watch your weeks upon weeks of effort do *literally nothing*.
You don't care that it does nothing. You know you do nothing. You're mad you do nothing and I do Things, that's why you and your friends are so goddamn salty about being banned. You are here for the attention and taking out the anger that is a direct result of you and your friends own actions on someone that was more successful than you. End of story. Get over it. See a shrink. Jesus fuck.
You lost. The server, the show, and frankly the social media universe you're playing your games in and now muted on accounts like [redacted while insanely laughing]. Guys it's over.
If you don't want the rest of your friends to meet the same silenced fate, maybe you should all shut the fuck up pronto.
I told you. I am the one that controls the fog. Parse that how you want in the context of this post, and start coping hard, get out of the cheeto dust and go see a therapist.
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
Oh please may I request a Natasha X fem reader where Natasha comes down with the flu & reader takes care of her. At first Natasha is in denial & stubborn about being sick but Reader is having none of it, especially for the woman she has feelings for. So reader carries Natasha to her room. For a week reader does her best to make the red head as comfy as she can. Then one night when Natasha is high on medication, confesses her feelings for reader. Just pure fluff! I will forever be grateful! ❤️❤️
of course! i hope you like it <3
Take care of you
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
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Summary/request: Natasha comes down with the flu & reader takes care of her. At first Natasha is in denial & stubborn about being sick but Reader is having none of it, especially for the woman she has feelings for. So the reader carries Natasha to her room. For a week the reader does her best to make the red head as comfy as she can. Then one night when Natasha is high on medication, confesses her feelings for the reader.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.8k
Message/ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
Requests are open
It was another day in the compound, the early sunrise started to make its way into your window, dimly lighting the room and beginning to make you stir awake.
A quiet groan escaped your lips, arms and legs automatically stretching before relaxing immediately afterwards. You’d just come back from a mission a couple of days ago, it had been exhausting and cold. So, so, cold. So it was a relief to get into pyjamas and your blanketed bed with the heating up so the room was warm, but not a furnace.
Standing up, your toes curled into the fluffy rug as you picked up a grey jumper that had been discarded beside the bed, throwing it over your figure, falling just below your thighs which were covered with loose sweatpants.
You made your way out of the bedroom and towards the communal kitchen belonging to everyone that belonged on your floor, Tony had made an all girls floor for us, apparently we need the space to deal with our 'girly stuff', that man has a way with words. Tony stayed with Pepper on their own floor and the male Avengers had been split up in small groups across other floors.
Expecting the kitchen to have a few people inside either eating or just chatting, you were surprised to see that it was empty for as far as you could see. However, it was obvious that people had been in beforehand, with the odd plate and mug lying around next to the sink.
‘Must be in training’ you thought.
Before you could walk to the kitchen island and begin to make something to eat, you heard a sneeze coming from the doorway a few steps behind you. With a small jump, you turned to see an assassin whose nose was currently the same colour as her hair.
“Sorry for scaring you.” She snuffled. Obviously the cold hit some people a little harder than others.
“It’s alright, you okay though? You sound a bit snuffly.”
“Yeah, I'm fine. Just allergies.” Pulling some Frosties from the cupboard below her, exposing her side a little as her top fell forward.
You knew she was lying, she’d told you ages ago that she didn’t have any kind of hayfever or anything when you walked around the compound with antihistamines constantly in your back pocket during the spring time last year and she was making jokes about how screwed you would be if the Avengers had to fight against pollen. You weren’t impressed.
You decided to leave it be for now, let her keep up her little facade, even though you knew, and she did too, that you could read her like a book and you knew she was sick.
“Right. Allergies.” You nodded directly to your friend and teammate, walking towards her to make yourself some cereal too, smirking to yourself slightly whenever you heard her try not to audibly sniffle.
The thing about Natasha that you'd always found so bittersweet, was her stubbornness. She always stuck to her guns, always made a deal to let it be known she was correct, however it was never in a malicious way, or to make anyone feel bad, she just liked to make her point. While you admired her confidence and certainty in her words, it was also incredibly frustrating when she was determined she didn't need any help.
Back in the days when she was hesitant to trust all those around her, she wouldn't let anyone help her heal her wounds from missions she'd been hurt on. Always brushing it off with an 'I'm fine' or 'I can do it myself'. She's grown a lot since then, she even occasionally let's you braid her hair when it's fallen out or she just needs to relax a little and while you know it's mainly for practicality, you still pride yourself on the fact that she chooses you to do that for her. To help her.
You just wish she'd have that same trust in you to nurse her a little.
"Doing okay over there?" You directed to the redhead who now sat curled up into the corner of the sofa by the windows, slowly munching on her cereal and taking short, mouthy breaths
"I'm doing" sniffle "great" She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, it slowly appearing more red and irritated by the action.
You internally sigh, wondering how long it'll really take for her to fess up to you that she was coming down with something. Continuing to make your cereal and tidy up afterwards, you pick up the bowl and make your way over to Natasha.
"Do you mind if I sit with you?"
"Sure, but not too close"
"Why not?"
"Because i.."
"Because you're…?"
"Sneezing all over the place! I don't want to sneeze on you. You know how it is with your hayfever"
In her years of being a highly trained assassin, a black widow, you think that that has to have been the worst lie she's tried to pull off.
"I do, but I don't think you would"
"You don't have hayfever, Nat. You're sick."
"I'm no-" she was interrupted with another sneeze, grabbing a tissue from the box sitting on the table beside her.
“Bless you.”
“thank you” she mumbled, soon beginning to realize that with every minute, her story begins to crumble and her ill health becomes more obvious.
“come on, i’m taking you to bed”
“you’re not even gonna ask me on a date first? classy.” she joked, although congested, her wit remained just as quick and just as sassy.
It was moments like these, where she made those flirty comebacks or comments that made you wonder if the feelings you’ve harbored over the past months are reciprocated. you’d always put it to the back of your mind when you’d occasionally see her and Bruce cosying up, or what appeared to be a loving gaze shared between her and Steve. You decided to put your feelings to one side, not willing to not only ruin something for Nat, but end up being hurt in the long run. It was best to stay friends.
If only you knew.
A playful glare was sent her way upon hearing her words, trying to silently communicate that try as she may, she isn’t winning this one. It felt like you were staring at each other for hours, realistically it was only a matter of seconds, minutes at a push, before she threw her head back in defeat and audibly groaned at the fact she’d lost.
“Okay. okay, fine, I surrender”
You rolled your eyes at the dramatics, all of this for some bed rest, meds and soup. Standing up from your spot, you lean down and swiftly lift the redhead up bridal style in your arms, cereal being long forgotten. One of the perks of attending Steve’s training sessions, you build up a hell of a lot of strength because that man does not go easy on you.
It was a short walk to Nat’s bedroom, her room only being at the end of the hall down from the kitchen. She was practically half asleep in your arms, her head had found its way burrowed into the crook of your neck, minutes away from falling asleep.
“Hey FRIDAY, can you unlock Natasha’s room please? Hands are kinda full.”
You heard a small click noise before the door opened slightly allowing you to gently kick it open fully so you could walk in.
“Miss Romanoff’s door is unlocked, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
Walking in, you already had an idea of what her room would look like, having been in once or twice before. Natasha liked to keep her things tidy and in order, clothes laid away, bed made, floor clear. So to see her bed covers ruffled into a ball, tissues in the bin and scattered around and laundry in a bundle in the corner, it took you by surprise. She must really be unwell.
You took her over to the bed, laying her down gently before pressing the back of your hand to her forehead, she felt like an oven to the touch.
‘Okay. definitely a fever.’
She was in between being asleep and being awake, so you decided to leave her covers off and tidy up some of the mess in her bedroom. You discarded the tissues, hung up some clean clothes that were yet to be put away and replaced the space in the basket with her dirty laundry. Turning back to see if the assassin had fallen asleep or not, you really took in her appearance.
Her clothes were just slightly on the big side, but you could still see a faint outline of her figure, hair was tied back into a loose ponytail, letting the odd few strands escape and frame her face. Her eyes were practically fully shut, but you could still see the tint of green in them, slightly covered by her long, dark eyelashes. ‘It’s unbelievable’, you thought, ‘Her body is literally shutting down, and she still looks angelic.’
You’d be riddled with envy if you weren’t so entranced by her. Times like this, you wonder how you manage to keep your feelings to yourself.
“What” cough “what are you doing?” A raspy voice asked.
“Oh, I was just tidying up your room a bit, I know you like it to be tidy and-”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know. I wanted to.” You ensured.
“Thank you.” It wasn’t obvious, you had to squint to see it, but she attempted a half smile.
“I’m just going to put this stuff in the wash, do you need anything brought back for you?”
“I’m just too warm.”
Looking around the room, you looked for ways to cool her down. There was the obvious option of windows, but they were full length except a tiny rectangle at the top which wouldn’t be enough air. You racked your brain for another minute before an idea came to mind.
“Wait here, I’ll be back in a second.”
“I’ll time you.”
If you weren’t in a rush to get back as soon as possible, you would’ve made a comeback to her comment. You took the washing to the laundry room, quickly throwing it all into the machine and putting on a boil wash before dashing to your own bedroom. Eyes scanning all over the room, it didn’t take long before they landed on the desk fan sitting on top of your wardrobe. Reaching up and grabbing it, thankfully it was a small wardrobe otherwise it would’ve been an incredibly embarrassing fall, you made your way back to Nat’s room.
Entering her room, you could feel it getting warmer as time went by. The woman hadn’t moved from where you left her, still sprawled out among the sheets. You set the fan down on her bedside table, plugged it in and switched the ‘on’ button. Over the quiet whirring, you heard a faint gasp of relief leave Nat’s lips, her body visibly relaxing at the cool breeze.
“That feel better?”
“Mhmm” She murmured, shifting in her bed to get as close to the fan as possible.
“How’s your hayfever now?”
You chuckled at her sudden calmness that overtook her, glad to have been able to help her out a little.
It wasn’t long before she fell asleep, the last of her energy disappeared within seconds and soft snores emitted from her. Pushing her hair back off of her forehead gently, you whispered a quiet ‘sleep well, love.’ before walking out to do some other things around the compound, reminding yourself to come back in an hour or so to check in.
You didn’t notice the affectionate smile that had made its way onto Nat’s face at your gesture.
“Miss Y/L/N.” Friday suddenly announced, making you drop the wooden spoon you were using to stir the soup you’d made for Nat. You remember her mentioning a dish called ‘borscht’, something she used to have in Russia, it was one of her comfort dishes. It was either this, or pizza. The soup was probably the safer option.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
“Yes, sorry F.R.I.D.A.Y., what’s wrong?”
“Miss Romanoff is awake and asking for you.”
“Oh, thank you! Could you let her know I'll be through in a minute?”
“Of course.”
And with a chime, F.R.I.D.A.Y. went off to pass on the message. You hastily got a bowl out of the cupboard behind you, spooning a generous amount of the soup in and covering the pot up afterwards.
The room had considerably cooled now, the fan had been on full speed since you left, the only difference was the curtains were now shut and the corner lamp was on, dimly illuminating the room.
A small ‘hi’ could be heard, although muffled, still audible. You knelt down beside her bed so you could be at the same eye level and tugged the blanket covering half of her face down.
“Hey sleepy.”
“Did I sleep for long?”
“Only an hour. Don’t worry.”
“An hour?! Ugh. I said to Clint that i’d train with him today. I’ll get dressed.” She attempted to sit up, and while successful, she looked as though she’d just got off the twister ride at the funfair. You shook your head, putting your hands on her arms and lightly pushed her back, raising your eyebrows in response to her playful glare.
“I spoke to Clint, he said he’ll catch you when he feels better. He didn’t feel up to dragging your passed out body off of the mats today.” She rolled her eyes.
“I’d be-” She sniffed, well, tried to, and looked around the room curiously before her eyes landed on the bowl beside her and then darted between it and your face.
“Did you-” She pointed towards the food “make Borscht?”
You looked down sheepishly.
“I tried. I remember you saying you used to eat it and I thought it might help. But if you don’t like it then-”
“I’m sure I will.” She reached over for the bowl, hand clasping the tea towel I slid underneath it so as not to burn her hands.
Settling with her soup, she blew on her spoon, cooling the substance before eating some. You watched anxiously, hoping you hadn’t messed up too bad, you’d only made it once before when she taught you the basics of it, so this was the first time you’d made it alone.
You exhaled a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding when you saw her smile, looking at you adoringly.
“I love it.” She rasped
“You do? Is it okay?”
“More than. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You smiled, making small talk here and there while she ate.
“Do you want me to set up a movie for you?”
You walked over to retrieve her laptop, getting ‘Grown Up’s’ up on the screen. She’s recently been into Adam Sandler movies, it was a nice and easy movie to watch, it was really lighthearted. You nudged the laptop over to her, angling it so she could still see it properly when lying down. When you got up to leave, you felt a weak grip on your wrist, encouraging you to turn and meet those shimmering, slightly droopy, green eyes.
“Need anything Nat?”
“Can you stay? Please? I like your company.”
Your stomach suddenly became home to a zoo full of butterflies, as it often did when you spent time with Natasha. You’d both spent time together before obviously, but it was usually due to missions or as a group, only occasionally getting the chance for it to be just the two of you. So to have her openly request your company, it was heartwarming. Unbeknown to you, Natasha had the exact same feeling in her stomach, and it wasn’t because of the Borscht.
You gave her a nod, trying to hide the smile trying to force its way onto your face as you settled yourself down next to her, in the meantime missing the smile she was giving you, the kind where you smile with both your mouth and your eyes with a slight sparkle in them.
You looked up eventually, causing her to snap her head back towards the screen, a smile still clear as day on her face, only getting larger as you maneuvered your arm so it was behind her neck, allowing her to get closer, which she did. So close that you could feel her ragged breathing on your chest.
If you had to use one word to describe how you’re feeling right now?
It’d be warmth. The air may have been cold, the bowl left on the side will inevitably be the same. But all you can feel, is the warmth of the blankets spilling over the bed. The warmth from the laptop. The warmth radiating from the one who you admired so dearly beside you. And most vital of all, the warmth running through your entire body, making your heart feel full. If you had the chance, you’d bottle this feeling and treasure it forever.
A week went by, and Natasha was almost fully recovered, just having to take her medicine and rest when she can, but she’s now able to walk around the compound more often. However, although she’s had this freedom returned, she doesn’t appear to long for it as much as she did a week ago.
When she woke up in the morning, she’d roll her eyes when you’d told her she couldn’t go and train, she had to stay in bed. Unimpressed with not being able to go about her day as usual, she’d try and convince you that you were being dramatic.
'I don’t need to stay in bed.'
'You're worrying over nothing!'
'Let me leave my bedroom.'
'I’m perfectly able to go and train.'
She wasn’t, and was soon proven wrong as she collapsed back on the bed with a cracking headache.
But now, after the last 7 days of eating with you, watching movies with you and just generally indulging in conversations until she fell asleep with you, she started to feel like she didn’t want to feel better, she wanted this time with you to last forever. If she didn’t have feelings for you before, she most definitely did now. Or more so that she recognised it more now. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Maybe it was the way you took the time to make her favourite foods, or maybe it was the way you always made sure to check in with her and how she was feeling. Although, it also could’ve easily been the way your eyes lit up at the funny scenes in a movie, similar to the way they did whenever you made eye contact with her.
“Nat? Earth to Nat?” Lost in her thoughts, Natasha blinked a couple of times to focus back on the girl in front of her, smiling as always.
“Sorry, daydreaming.” She chuckled, her face feeling warmer as a blush appeared on her cheeks.
“Don’t worry” You laughed. “I was just letting you know that I'm gonna go and get your Nyquil, it should help with the headache and sore throat.”
“Ah, so I'm getting the good stuff now?” She winked
“I think you deserve it, plus, you’ve blown through the last of the ibuprofen.” You gave her a playful glare, both of you knowing that you’d have to go and buy some more, but you didn’t mind, you’d have gone to all 50 states for it if you had to.
“What can I say? I’m sick” Pulling the puppy eyes, not being able to last a minute without bursting into a grin, which you responded with a dramatic faint for an exit out of the room, leaving to go and get the Nyquil.
Getting her to take it was easy enough, dealing with a sleepy Nat, not so easy.
“I don’t like this movie.” She grumbled, pushing her face further into the pillow as her sign of protest.
“What’s wrong with this one?”
“It’s stupid.”
“You love this movie!”
“Right, what would you like instead?” You asked, already clicking out of the movie to go and pick another one for the fourth time.
“I don’t wanna watch anything anymore.”
“Okay. I’ll turn it off then. Still want me to stay?”
You shut down the laptop, putting it to the side and lay down next to the redhead who was trying to fight sleep. You reached forward to put some hair that was in her face, behind her ear, trying to ensure she was comfortable. It must’ve worked because before you could pull your hand away, her face nuzzled into your palm, eyebrows easing from their furrow.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” She whispered so quietly that if there was any other noise in the room, there’s no chance you would’ve heard it.
“It’s my pleasure Nat.”
She opened her eyes fully now, instantly meeting yours, they were cloudy with sleep. There was a comforting silence surrounding the both of you, neither one of you daring to break eye contact, I hadn’t taken any medicine yet I was still falling asleep with how peaceful it was. I woke up more when she started to murmur again, this time, it was incoherent.
“What was that?”
“I like you.”
“I like you too, Nat.” You smiled warmly
“Noo, as in, I like you.”
You could’ve sworn you felt your heart stop. Is she actually- Is this- what?
“You’re just tired, love.” She shook her head
“m not that” Yawn “tired.”
“Tell you what, get some sleep and then tell me in the morning when the meds have worn off, okay?”
“m’kay. I will y’know”
“I believe you” You were hesitant with her words, unsure about whether this was a moment she’d forget tomorrow and it’s not her true feelings, or if it was true and the circumstances had just convinced you otherwise.
But, true to her word, the next morning when you woke up, still groggy from the sleep, she was laying there almost wide awake with a toothy grin.
“morn-“ And before you could finish your word, her lips were on yours. They felt like the perfect fit, moving against yours at a gentle pace, though still not enough to let you process what was actually going on.
“Morning” She pulled away.
“That enough confirmation for you?”
more than enough.
taglist: @the-dumbass-that-throws-knives
411 notes · View notes
violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + kugisaki nobara + gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 26 january
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon 
↳ request : Hello! Can I order headcanon's of the main trio + gojo of how they would take care of reader when they have the flu or are sick? Thank you!!! ~
↳ barista’s notes : hi there everyone~ how are you all? doing well? technically yesterday since it’s midnight here, but when i was answering question during my online class, i was listening to JJK ending song to fill in the silence and then my chemistry teacher scared me out of nowhere ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ (probably might upload a video later because i do have it on camera) but moving on from that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come to the cafe again soon ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ
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When you have fallen ill, Itadori will confidently show that he is worried about you and will constantly ask if you are okay - even when you have fallen asleep, he will ask you in a whispered tone.
“Are you okay? Are you comfortable, baby? Do you need anything?” 
“Babe, I’m alright for now, I just want cuddles”
On the low, I feel like his bright personality is medicine itself and once you gain vitamin D from his smile, you are up and feeling better already.
When he finds you ill, he will slightly panic since he sort of doesn’t know what to do, but he will try to calm himself down - of course, he has taken care of his grandfather, it was mainly the hospital taking care of him most of the time.
He has an idea on what to cook for you - because ever since that little juju stroll, we know he can - he will cook you something that is light, so expect a bowl of the soup on your bedside table.
He will 100% feed you but let you take as much time as you need because we all know that when we are sick, we have no appetite - or is that just me?
He will sometimes forget if you have taken your medicine or not since his worries get the best of him - so please inform him that you have and don’t lie.
Just know he will buy a huge bottle of water and place it near you since you need to be hydrated - and the huge bottle is because he will forget to get you more water if you have finished a cup.
Cuddles! If you demand cuddles, he will happily waste no time to cuddle you - probably because he wants cuddles as well - and just hold you to keep you comfortable.
He knows he can’t kiss you since you refuse to since you don’t want him to get him ill as well, so he will kiss your cheek/forehead as a temporary solution for the time being.
If you can’t sleep, he will tell you about his day and what he did leading you to fall asleep at the sound of his voice.
He knows that it's not good for you, but he will give you some sweets and a few snacks to help you have some sugar in your system so you have some sort of energy.
Overall, Itadori will be such a caring person and will try his best to make sure you get better as quickly as possible since he is worried that he’s not really the best carer, so please tell him that you are thankful.
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Fushiguro will be worried but somehow doesn’t express it and will lightly scold you for getting ill in the first place - well I’m sorry, but what did you expect when you were fighting in the rain for an extremely long time.
“I told you to take care of yourself and you decided to do the opposite?”
Once he has finished scolding you, he checks everything like temperature and how you’re feeling before asking if you have eaten or had anything to drink - even if you have, he will make you drink a glass of water and eat right in front of him, so he knows you have - he will also make you ginger tea with honey as well because he is such a gentleman.
Will also make you take your medicine in front of him so he knows that you have as well - before you were even sick, he would have painkillers within his pocket already.
Fushiguro will prepare you a bowl of fruits like oranges, strawberries, apples, grapes and more - because citrus does help with illness (he probably knew that from one of his non-fiction books)
He will offer to change into one of his shirts if you have a fever or his jumper if you have a cold since he doesn’t want you to stay in your ill-ridden clothing.
“Take this and change into, you can give it back to me later okay?”
If he has to go somewhere, he will summon his divine dogs so they can keep an eye on you while he is away - but he won’t do this when he is on a mission because I think he can’t summon more than one shikigami at a time.
When he comes back, both divine dogs are already on your bed cuddling with you because you lowkey beckoned them to - Fushiguro will be jealous and tries not to show it.
Other times, he will summon his rabbits to help comfort you and he will be surprised on how many can actually fit in your bed cause all of them surround you to keep you warm - even some will go under your arm to let you cuddle with them.
If you ask for cuddles, he will shyly invite himself into your arms but since you are ill, he will be the big spoon for now and play with your hair to help comfort you - but he has a small smile on his face because it’s his turn now and not his dogs hehe.
Since he can’t kiss you on the lips, he would kiss your hand the most as a sense of comfort to you and him.
If you don’t have a headache, Fushiguro will read to you since you love the sound of his voice and it is easier for you to fall asleep.
If he has to go on a mission, he will leave a note and after the mission, he will text you to make sure you are okay.
Overall, Fushiguro is extremely worried about you internally and will do anything to get you better to the best of his abilities - but still on the low will scold you for not taking care of yourself before apologising for not making sure you’re not okay (baby, it ain’t your fault….)
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When she finds out that you are sick, she will flat out call you an idiot for getting sick in the first place before angrily worrying about you.
“Why did you get sick in the first place you idiot?! We were supposed to go out today!”
Once her sulking fit has finished, she will then begin to try her best to take care of you but I feel like she wouldn’t know where to start.
Of course, she knows that you have to take medicine but she wouldn’t know when - like is it after you eat something or before, so please guide her along.
I don’t think she can cook, so she will order something for you - please tell her it has to be something fit for an illness because she will order cakes - or demand one of the boys to make something for her to give to you (100% she will threaten Itadori to make it then somehow drag Fushiguro into the situation)
You can literally hear them arguing outside your door and it’s quite funny, to be honest - probably lifts up your mood slightly but expect a headache after.
Of course, this doesn’t stop her from ordering both you and her bubble tea because what’s more perfect.
Once you are done eating and taking your medication, she will probably online shop with you to make up for the sudden change of plans for the date you two were supposed to go on.
Kugisaki will also help you do your skincare, probably will make you sit on the edge of the bath and just help you apply your moisturizer on your face since she knows this is one way to make you feel better - it also helps take away the feeling of being sick.
She will also brush your hair for you, so it is not a complete mess for the whole day and will help you put it in a bun.
She will invite Maki into your room to have a girl’s talk because it’s probably one of the only times where you three get to talk to one another about anything - even though you would sort of struggle but they’ll make you laugh (don’t ever expect Itadori and Fushiguro to be invited)
When you two are alone, she would also cup your face and just bombard you with kisses upon your cheek to help you comfort you and will hug you with a little pout - she is still disappointed that she didn’t get to go out with you.
At the end of the day, expect cuddles and a Netflix marathon - you two probably watch a lot of K-Dramas and maybe some Bridgerton (never watched it by the way but I am planning to).
Overall, She will try her best to make you better in no time, but her top priority is to try to make it more enjoyable for you and make you feel extremely beautiful during the time you are ill because the feeling is just horrible.
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When Gojo discovers that you are ill, he will tease you in the beginning once he finds you - it’s not like he doesn’t care, it’s just this is the one thing you can’t really tease/fight him back except for a pillow being thrown at him.
“Honey~ why didn’t you tell me you were lovesick? Awww~ you love me too much” - then will sing Lovesick Girls by BLACKPINK to annoy you more.
Disclaimer, he will either not let the pillow touch him due to his infinity or he will allow the pillow to hit him and then complain that now he is hurt.
However, after his little teasing session is done, Gojo will start to make sure you are feeling okay by asking you a few questions while comparing your temperature to his by placing his forehead against yours.
Once he has established how unwell you are, he will begin to step up everything needed like water, food and medicine because he never knows when he is going to get called up by the higher-ups for an urgent mission.
However, if he is lucky and doesn’t get called up, expect him to dote on you throughout the whole day and the whole time you are ill.
If Gojo can cook, he will make a whole three-course meal for you to eat since he wants you to be full and have some energy, but if he can’t cook, he will make Ichiji go out and buy you something/order something for you.
Gojo will feed the food to you and refuses you to hold the utensils since ‘you’re too weak for it’ - because he just wants to feed and you will tease you by pulling the fork/spoon away.
He will also help you drink the glass of water he has prepared for you and call you a ‘good girl’ after the meal because he knows that you don’t really have the appetite to eat in the beginning.
Gojo will also prepare you a bath overflowing bubbles to help make you feel better and warm - but don’t be surprised when he will join you to hold you close but will make an excuse by saying to make sure ‘you don’t overheat’.
He will change you into one of his black jumpers or his white shirt - depends on the season - and will call you cute no matter what even when you deny it because you are ill.
He will already cuddle with you before you even ask him to, so let’s be happy that this man’s love language is physical touch.
Gojo will try to kiss you on the lips even though you told him not to, so please cover your mouth and let him kiss the black of your hand - other than that, he will kiss anywhere on your body that you will allow.
If he knows he has to go on a mission later, he would sit by your side and hold your hand close to him until he is called - will also leave a note to tell you why he isn’t by your side if you are asleep with a cup of water right beside it.
Overall, Gojo is such a teasing man but also extremely loving towards you when you are ill, he just wants you to get better and will act as normal as he can, so you can’t tell that he is worried about you. 
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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Original title: ワガママ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 5 Sakamaki Kanato
Audio: Here (Huge thank you to @filthyhelplessworld​ for providing the audio!)
Seiyuu: Kaji Yuki
Translator’s note: The title of this track really describes the whole thing perfectly, haha. I have an insane amount of respect for all Kanato stans out there who keep up with this little brat’s selfish behavior because it couldn’t be me. However, I am excited for this CD before of the first 2-3 minutes of the track. I can already tell things are going to get intense.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 1: Selfish
The scene starts outside in the garden.
[00:17] “Here you go. I purchased this tea because I figured it would strike your fancy. Since I decided to hold a tea party, I want to thoroughly enjoy it. Take a whiff. Does it not smell wonderful? Darjeeling is very subtle in taste, yet extremely fragrant. It fits you perfectly.”
You fail to respond.
[00:46] “Say, why would you ignore me? I prepared nothing but your favorites today, yet you won’t even say a single thank you...That’s a little strange, don’t you think? Why…? How…? I might as well just enjoy the tea party by myself then.”
You remain quiet.
[01:21] “I suppose you really won’t give me a response. ...You’re acting a little off today. Or is that just my imagination? Ahー Could it be because of that moon? The moon makes us Vampires feel restless inside. Perhaps it has the same effect on humans? Fufu...Fufufufu...Ahahaha!
[02:23] “Come on, you should try your tea before it gets cold. It is much more delicious when enjoyed hot after all. Take a proper look at these flowers I arranged for you!”
*Rustle rustle*
“Haah...I prepared all of this for you...So be delighted...and smile…Hey? Say something! Look at me! I’m begging you…!!”
You fail to respond once more.
[03:07] “Hey...I’m talking to you…! Sniffle...Uu...WHY WON’T YOU SAY ANYTHING!?”
“Ah...Uu...Hic...Aaah...Uu...Why…!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Kuh...Why did you die…? Hey? ANSWER ME!!”
[04:06] “Haah...Scoot a little closer. How am I supposed to suck your blood like this? Did you not hear me when I said I’m feeling unwell? Even having to sit upright in bed is rough. Are you not aware of why people come to the infirmary in the first place? You’re supposed to nurse me back to health, so be a little more considerate at least! ーー Come on, hurry!”
You walk over to the bed.
[04:47] “Took you long enough, gosh…”
You frown.
“...Hm? You’re asking if I’m upset? Hah. And what exactly makes you think that?”
You shrug.
“Hmー You choose to feign ignorance, huh?”
He looks away.
[05:11] “It’s nothing. ...More importantly, hurry up, will you? It’s difficult to drink your blood when you’re standing there, spaced out. Come closer. Don’t make me have to spell it out for you.”
You hesitate.
“...Why are you acting like that? Do you want to upset me?”
You shake your head.
“If you do not, then fix that attitude of yours.”
You finally step closer.
[05:50] “Exactly. You should have just kept quiet and obeyed me from the very beginning. ...Come on, now kneel down. I’ll suck your blood.”
“Keep still? Ah…”
Kanato bites you.
[06:22] “Mmh…It’ll hurt if you move, remember?”
“Nn...Hah...Didn’t I just tell you to keep still!? Aah...Or do you want it to hurt, perhaps? Hahn…”
“Fufufu...~ So you actually do. You’re that kind of girl after all.”
You deny his words.
[07:01] “You don’t even know that about yourself? Well, I suppose it’s fine. I’ll be so kind as to tell you. Someone did say that humans are the most ignorant when it comes to themselves after all. I assume that goes for you as well? You see, you just love pain and suffering. Give that some serious thought (1). ...That’s why you did something which would upset me...It was on purpose, obviously!”
You shake your head.
[07:52] “Oh please, don’t play dumb now! I saw it with my own eyes! You were having a rather friendly chat with him ーー with Reiji at the manor, weren’t you? Hahn…”
“Ugh…! ...Fufu...What a forced cry! You can drop the act now. I already know you aren’t opposed to the pain, since it actually makes you feel good, doesn’t it? Did you have some fun with Reiji in a similar fashion as well? Hahn…”
[08:36] “...Did you think I would believe you if you denied it with tears in your eyes like that? Think again! (2) ...Mmh…”
You start to feel faint. 
“Fufu...Are you pretending to suddenly feel faint as part of your act as well? Seems like you have become a natural at this.”
You explain.
[08:57] “You’re feeling unwell? Haha…That’s a new one.”
You ask him to stop.
“The answer is no. I’m not satisfied yet. After all, I’ve barely had any.”
You repeat that you’re feeling unwell. 
[09:19] “You still insist on acting as if you’re in pain? ...CUT IT OUT ALREADY! I mean, it doesn’t make sense for this to suddenly happen, does it!? I’ve always been able to suck this much blood without any issues! 
...Aah. I see. I get it now. You’re running low on blood because you let him feed off you, correct? That’s why you’re coming up with the random excuse of feeling unwell, am I right? That’s the only logical explanation! ...How dare you!”
Kanato continues to suck your blood as you protest.
[10:05] “If you’re so sure that I’m just misunderstanding things...Then why don’t you tell me straight up what you were talking about with Reiji yesterday!?” 
You flinch.
“...Cat got your tongue?”
You tell him. 
“You were discussing your health? ...Fufu...That’s a lie. After all, the two of you seemed rather close. Standing there together, whispering to each other.”
You look away. 
“See? You’ve gone quiet again. Do you have nothing to say!?”
You apologize.
[10:50] “Kuh...Giving me a meek apology will only add to my anger, you know? ...Well, I’m broad-minded so I don’t mind letting it slide this once. However, do not dare to even get close to him again in the future. Can you promise me that?”
You nod.
He pushes you away.
[11:25] “Oh please, you’re overreacting. I only pushed you lightly, yet you act as if you’re about to fall over. ...There’s really no need to still keep this act up though. Good grief…”
“What are you spacing out for? Come on, wrap your arms around me.”
*Rustle rustle*
[11:50] “...Took you long enough to embrace me, geez. ...Stroke my head, please. I’m exhausted after sucking your blood, so it only makes sense you reward me now, right?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Exactly, just like that...More…You belong to me. All of you. From head to toe. Down to the very last drop of blood. ...Do you understand?”
You nod.
[12:33] “All you need to do is be with me. ...Forever.”
“...Say? You don’t think we’re done, do you? We still haven’t discussed how you will apologize to me, have we?”
You tilt your head to the side.
[12:58] “That should be a given. You had the nerve to upset me after all. Right. I suppose I’ll have you prepare me a sweet feast. Homemade, of course. A cake doused in plenty of whipped cream, cookies, and chocolate...Oh, pudding as well!”
You agree, promising him you’ll try your best.
“Fufu~ I don’t know how they’ll turn out, however, you better make them delicious. That’s all. ...Understood?”
You nod.
“Fufufu...I’m looking forward to it~”
Translation notes
(1) 胸に手を当てる or ‘mune ni te o ateru’ literally means ‘to put one’s hand on one’s chest/heart’ and is used when telling someone to think very deeply about something. (As if to look inside their own heart)
(2) 甘い or ‘amai’ doesn’t always mean ‘sweet’, but mean ‘weak’ or ‘naive’ as well.
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cocobeanncteez · 3 years
ATEEZ San: The Calm After The Storm. (Oneshot)
Genre: angst, fluff, mafia au.
Pairing: Mafia!San x Reader (fem)
Word count: 3.5k
Inspiration: Fifty Shades Freed
Warnings: profanities, alcohol, blood, guns, death, violence.
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"What the fuck is this?!" you asked through gritted teeth, throwing the freshly printed photos at San's chest.
Your husband didn't have to look at them to know what you were talking about; his men had already reported to him that you watched the entire recording of him seducing his... target. 
"No, San!" you yelled, cutting him off. "This is the fifth fucking time!"
"But the other one time wasn't about this."
"The other three, now four times were!" he was really getting on your nerves.
"Why are you overreacting?" he questioned with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Y/N, you knew I had no choice."
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control your anger. "I understand that you had to seduce her. I know that it's your job," you tried to say calmly, but your voice was rising. "What I don't understand is why you let her slip her fucking hand into your pants after you got the damn information that you wanted!"
San visibly gulped; he didn't expect you to be this angry. He thought he was well prepared to face you after mentally forming the situation in his head. He knew you'd be pissed, but not to this extent.
"I pushed her away though," he mumbled, running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, after like, five minutes," you retort. "And the worst part was that you were clearly enjoying yourself in those five minutes! Do you know her or something?"
San sighed deeply, ignoring the question. "Babe, look, I'm sorry," he apologized, not sure about what else he could say to calm you down. Your husband took your hand in his. "I won't do it again, I promise."
You immediately ripped your hand away from his, rolling your eyes. "That's what you always say, San." He took a deep breath; you were testing his patience and he didn't like people doing that.
"San," you start, "How would you feel if you saw a guy kissing me and I get carried away and let him touch me?"
That struck him. Hard. He would hate it, obviously. San wouldn't even hesitate to put a bullet through the man's head if he touched you in any way.
San's silence gave you the answer. "That's what I thought," you snorted.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," San apologized again. "But I still had to do it and you know that."
"Whatever," you mumbled and turned around, heading to your room; he still didn't understand just how much it hurt you. It was already worse enough that you had to witness him kiss and touch all those women. But witnessing San let another woman touch him in the place where only you're allowed to, not only pissed you off, but also hurt you deeply. As the seducer of the mafia gang, he was literally trained to not get carried away; his only job was to get whatever information was needed. San was a very, very skilled seducer and you knew that damn well. Although he did get carried away a few times, he never let his targets touch him. So you couldn't understand why he let that happen now. You texted Yunho (your bestfriend and San's close friend) to ask about that woman, knowing that he would never lie to you.
Your anger increased when Yunho replied: "Oh, she hooked up with San a couple of times back in high school." You snorted in annoyance; so he let her touch him just because he knew her?
Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone's notification going off. Your friends were planning to go clubbing tonight as it was a Saturday. You were going to decline, knowing that San wouldn't let you go if he wasn't with you, but you decided against it; you had a plan in mind and you knew it would work.
You ignored San the entire afternoon. He tried to talk to you but you didn't even spare him a glance. He sighed, leaving you alone to cool down.
"Where are you going?" San asked, looking at you from head to toe, while your four year old daughter, Minhee, played with some toy aeroplanes.
"Clubbing," you answered without looking at him.
"You're not going anywhere," San said through gritted teeth. "Especially not wearing that." You were wearing denim shorts and a black lace bralette that showed off your cleavage more than you'd usually prefer. You purposely chose this outfit, of course, and he knew that.
"You don't get to decide where I go and what I wear," you stated. You walked over to your daughter, placing a kiss on her head. "Minnie," you called her by her nickname. "Mommy will be back soon, okay?" you said to your little angel before walking out the door.
"Y/N! You finally came!" one of your friends yelled, already drunk. She takes your hand and drags you through the crowd of people to get to the bar on the other side. "Three tequila shots for my friend here!"
A while later, you noticed Wooyoung and Mingi at the entrance of the club; you knew San would end up here as soon as he asks Seonghwa or Hongjoong to look after your daughter for the night.
And you were right.
San entered the club, dressed in all black, looking fucking hot. You wanted to go up to him and ask him to fuck you till you see stars; however, you were still pissed and had a plan to execute.
You quickly downed your shots and pulled your friend to join your other friends who were dancing. You danced with them until one of your friends introduced you to some random guys. One of the guys, who you found really good looking, started to dance with you. You noticed San sitting on a barstool, watching everything. At that moment, the guy you were dancing with put his hands on your waist, pulling you close to him, making San nearly break the glass he was holding. Perfect. Your plan was working.
When you glanced at where San was seated, he wasn't there anymore. You glanced around, searching for him until you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, dragging you away.
San dragged you downstairs where there were private rooms especially for him and his gang members as they owned this club. He took you to the room belonging to him, locking the door behind him.
"What the fuck were you doing?! How could you let him even lay a finger on you?!" your husband snarled through gritted teeth.
You snorted. "All he did was put his hands on my waist. At least he didn't slip them into my pants and touch me."
San now understood exactly why you did that; you were giving him a taste of his own medicine.
You moved to sit on the sofa, your legs starting to hurt from dancing so much. San kneeled down in front of you, placing his hands on the bare skin of your thigh. "Babe, I'm sorry. I'm an asshole, I know. But please understand that chick meant nothing to me. I didn't even know her."
You pushed his hands away from you. "Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying," he lied.
"You hooked up with her in high school," you deadpanned.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath. He just fucked up again. "Y/N, I didn't mean to—"
You stood up from the couch. "No, fuck you, I'm done with you and your fucking bullshit," you snarled angrily, cutting him off, before making your way back to your friends.
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"They might take this route instead, we can't predict what they'll do," Jongho said while moving around the meeting room; he was in charge of today's meeting on some mafia gang who had tried to hack into your gang's system to get information on your international drug deals.
During the meeting, your daughter's nanny called you. You declined the call, sending her a text that you were in a meeting. She called again and you ignored it, thinking she wouldn't have seen your message. When she called for the third time, you excused yourself from the meeting.
"I'm in a meeting, Jina, what is—"
"Mrs. Choi," she sobbed. "T-They took Minnie..."
"What?! Who?!" you felt your stomach churn uneasily.
"I-I don't know," Jina cried, "They beat me up at the park till I passed out and t-took her away. They said they would c-contact you."
"Where are you?" you asked.
"At a nearby hospital," she said. "An old couple brought me here."
"I'll be there in five," you said and hung up. You were just about to enter the meeting room, but an unknown number called you. You picked up, assuming it was your daughter's kidnappers since you never got calls from unknown numbers.
"You have a beautiful daughter, Choi Y/N," the man said. "I bet she would look even better with a slit throat, yeah?"
"Who are you? What do you want?" you asked, voice laced with venom.
The man chuckled. "It's simple, your fucking gang has to pay for my loss."
"Just tell me what the fuck you want!"
"Fifteen billion won in cash," he said. "That's the amount I lost because of you motherfuckers. Now listen to me carefully if you don't want your precious child dead. You aren't going to tell anyone about this. Not a word to your boss, Kim Hongjoong. Not a word to your pathetic husband, Choi San. I have eyes watching you, so don't try to act smart. I know you're having a meeting right now about a gang who tried to hack into your system." your eyes widened; how the fuck does this guy know? "I'm giving you three hours," he continued. "If you don't get the money within that time, I'll kill your daughter. Anyway, you'll find a black van waiting for you outside the bank. Your time starts now, Mrs. Choi. Tick tock, tick tock," he chuckled before hanging up.
"Fuck!" you yelled, tears spilling from your eyes. You ran your hand through your hair, trying to calm down; you felt like breaking down but you had to stay strong for your daughter. You wiped your tears before making your way back to the meeting room.
"I'm sorry, I'm feeling quite unwell," you mumbled, quickly collecting your stuff. "Please continue without me."
"Y/N, should I take you home?" San asked; you both still haven't made up from the fight you had a week ago. He tried to talk to you a few days ago, but it resulted in a bigger fight.
"No!" you half-yelled in frustration, startling some of the people in the room. "I'm fine," you said in a softer tone. You quickly left before San could follow you.
"Ah, Mrs. Choi, how can I help you?" the bank manager asked, taking a seat across you.
"I need fifteen billion won in cash," you stated, stunning the manager.
"Ma'am, that is a very large amount so cash isn't the best—"
"I need it in cash. It's really urgent," you said in an annoyed tone.
He gulped and nodded. "Please give me your national ID card."
You handed it to him, fiddling with your fingers while he entered your details into the computer system.
"You have a joint account with your husband, Choi San, correct?"
"Ma'am, we will need Mr. Choi's confirmation as he is the primary account holder."
You mentally cursed. "That won't be necessary," you stated, trying to control your anger.
The manager sighed. "All right, please give me a moment," he said before leaving the room.
You groaned in frustration, putting your head in your heads. You couldn't imagine what your little daughter was going through; you knew she would be scared to death. Your phone rang, interrupting your thoughts.
You declined the call when you saw it was your husband. When he called again, you had no choice but to pick it up, knowing he would keep calling you. "Hello?"
"Y/N, what are you doing? Why are you making such a huge transaction?" San questioned. You mentally cursed the bank manager for contacting San. "Y/N, answer me! What's wrong?" You just kept quiet, knowing you'd break down if you opened your mouth. You heard San take a deep breath. "Are you leaving me or something? Is this about the fights we've been having? I'm sorry about that, I know it was my fault and I don't deserve you, but please, let's talk about this," he begged, making your tears spill from your eyes. "Y/N, say something, please. Tell me what's wrong."
"I can't," you whispered, choking on a sob.
"Baby, please," he begged. "Don't leave me. Please, I'm begging you."
"I'm sorry, San."
There was silence on his end before he sighed. "Okay, take all the money you want," he said and hung up.
A moment later, the manager came into the room. "Ma'am, Mr. Choi has given his permission for the transaction. The procedure for huge cash transactions are of course different, so I need you sign a few papers and write a cheque. It'll take a little over half an hour to get the money in cash."
As soon as you got the cash, you called your daughter's kidnappers. "I assume you've got the money?"
"Yeah," you replied.
"Good. You'll see a black van from across the entrance of the bank," he said and hung up.
You quickly made your way outside, easily spotting the van. You crossed the street and got into the van.
You couldn't recognize the driver and the other man in the passenger seat. Your daughter wasn't even here.
"Good job, Mrs. Choi," the man in the passenger seat said with a smirk; you recognized him as the guy on the call.
"Where's my child?"
"Relax," he grinned. "We're going to her right now." He glanced at the driver who nodded and started driving.
"Ah, give me your phone," the man said. "We don't need your husband tracking us." You hesitantly gave it and he switched it off.
After what felt like hours, you reached an old building. As soon as you got outside the car, you spotted your daughter tied to a wall, unconscious with a bleeding head.
"Minhee!" you yelled, running to her.
Before you could untie her, you felt an arm go around your neck, choking you. Even though you were trained to fight, you weren't the best at it. Nevertheless, you tried to free yourself. You kicked the man in the shin, making his grip around you loosen. You took that opportunity to bite his hand before turning around, punching him in the face. You kept punching him until two other men grabbed you. You managed to get one of them injured by repeatedly kicking his private area, but the other guy one was too strong. He easily picked you and threw you onto the concrete floor, making you bang your head and knee. You groaned in pain, feeling a warm liquid running down your face. You pushed yourself to get up despite the excruciating pain you felt. His gun was pointed at you while he smiled. "Have a great time in hell, Choi Y/N."
Suddenly, a gunshot was heard and the man dropped his gun, clenching his hand in pain. A few more gunshots were fired at him, instantly killing him.
"Y/N!" you heard San scream. He picked you up in his arms bridal style, and you got a glimpse of his teary eyes.
"Min-Minhee," you murmured, struggling to keep your eyes open.
"Seonghwa's got her" was the last thing you heard before everything went black.
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You slowly opened your ears, squinting due to the bright light. When your eyes adjusted, you realized you were in Yeosang's mini hospital at your gang's mansion. You turned your head to the side, spotting your husband reading some documents.
"San," you murmured, but it wasn't loud enough. "San," you raised your voice a little, coughing due to your extremely dry throat.
San immediately turned to you, eyes widening. "Y/N!" He quickly poured you a glass of orange juice since that was the first thing he saw. He helped you drink the juice, feeling so relieved to see you finally awake.
"How are you feeling, my love?" he asked, taking your hand in his.
"Where's Minhee?" you asked, panick clear in your eyes.
"Minnie is playing with Jongho and Yunho," San said, making you sigh in relief that your daughter was alive. "She's doing well. She got a few stitches, but it's healing quickly. Our daughter is very brave."
Your eyes teared up. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about—"
"Shh, don't," he cupped your cheek. "I understand why you did what you did, babe. I would've done that too. Anyway, we wiped out that entire gang and got the money back."
"What happened? How did you find me?"
"We killed all the four men and the other three who were hiding. One of them ran away to Japan, but Wooyoung and Mingi went there and killed him," San explained before getting a little nervous. "And um, don't be mad, but I put a tracker on your necklace."
You narrowed your eyes at him. "Hey, see, it proved to be helpful!" he said, putting his hands up defensively.
Before you could reply, San placed his hand over your mouth. He took a deep breath while a wide smile spread on his face. "I also have some good news."
"What's the news?" you asked, voice muffled due to San's hand on your mouth. He opened his mouth to reply, but the door burst open, revealing your daughter.
"Mommy!" she squealed, running to your bed, trying to get onto the bed that was too high for her.
San picked his daughter up, placing her beside you. "Be careful, angel. Mommy is still recovering." The little girl nodded at her father before looking at you.
"How you feel, mommy?" she asked.
"Much better, now that you're here," you replied, tickling her chin. Your daughter giggled, moving away from you. She placed her little hands on your stomach.
"Come out fast so that we can play!"
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion before you glanced at San. "About that..." he chuckled, taking your hand in his. "We're having another baby. You're pregnant."
"W-What?" you gasped in shock. You and San had been trying to get another child for quite sometime now.
"Yeah," he giggled, kissing the back of your hand. "You're almost a month long and the baby is perfectly fine."
Happy tears streamed down your face while your hands moved to your stomach. San kissed your head before pulling away a little. "I know I've been getting on your nerves a lot, but thank you for blessing me with Minhee and now another baby," he mumbled. "I love you so much, my beautiful wife." He crashed his lips onto yours. You kissed him back, smiling into the kiss.
"Eww!" your daughter squealed in disgust. "I'm going to tell uncle Jongho that you're kissing!"
San pulled away with a giggle before lifting his daughter into his arms, placing kisses all over her face while she squirmed around, laughing loudly.
You lovingly watched the two of them with a large smile on your face, and you couldn't wait for the future when your new baby would arrive, adding more happiness to your and your family's lives.
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mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Caring is the Greatest Advantage- Part 3 (Mycroft Holmes x Reader)
AN- Thank you for the patience for this one! My little boy has been unwell so it has taken a little longer than I had hoped but here is the third instalment! It’s a little shorter than the others but that’s because I wanted to contain the angsty part in one chapter, the next ones will hopefully be longer..
This one is a little more angsty, a lot more emotional, but I’m quite happy with the outcome and I hope you are too! As usual, please let me know any thoughts/feedback! And enjoy!
Word Count: 2510
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"Is it just me that finds Stephen Fry a bit.. sexy?" You spoke, watching the television as Young Ones' Scumbag College competed on University Challenge. "I don't know what it is about him. He's just.. got such a lovely voice, and he's so sodding clever and his CLOTHES- got much better looking with age, mind." Mycroft only hummed, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.
"Hmm.. He's not really my type." You laughed and petted his head fondly.
"You don't have to be gay to find another man attractive Myc." You mused. "Me and Greg talk about it all the time, though he fancies Hugh Laurie more, especially in Blackadder." You laughed, thinking back on the memory of Greg's fondness of George in the Blackadder Goes Forth series.
"I'm aware that sexuality and attraction are not the same, Y/N. I am comfortable enough in my own heterosexuality to appreciate another man's features. In fact, I very much agree with Gregory's view on Mr Laurie. Stephen, however, is not my type. The few people that did speak to me in University used to tell me I reminded them of him in the way I behaved but, and I quote, 'without even a lick of his humour, you miserable bastard.' Thus, I cannot look at him in that way." He laughed a little and you cleared your throat.
"Oh.. uh, yeah I guess that makes sense. Not the humour part though, you're actually hilarious and they missed out big time." You tried to avoid the point where you'd deemed Stephen Fry sexy in every way he was similar to the man who was laying in your lap, and just hoped he wouldn't bring that up.
"He definitely got the looks side of things though, particularly as General Melchett in Goes Forth, though I am not particularly fond of the facial hair." He screwed up his nose in distaste, you fighting every ounce of your control to not say he looked a bit cute. "And certainly didn't have the waistline that 21 year old Mycroft had."
"Speaking in the third person now, are we? Well, Mycroft, Y/N is comfortable enough in her friendship that Y/N thinks Mycroft can be sexy in his own ways too." You teased, partly embarrassed, but equally just trying any way to improve the man's confidence, even by a little. Mycroft choked a little on his own saliva and had to sit up to regain his own breath. Too far? "Sorry." He shook his head 'no' but didn't speak. In his moments of regaining his composure, Mycroft watched you. Processed in his head what you had said- 'was it a joke?', he couldn't read anything on you that would suggest that, though his eyes were glassy from the choking- watched as you panicked, then subsiding the panic to concern as you made sure he was okay. All these things, he thought, he didn't deserve. He took a deep breath and reached for the television remote, pausing the show and settling back on the other side of the sofa. It had to be done now. Done while his brain was allowing it, before he got attached... before he got attached even more. He couldn't keep pretending it was okay, keep accepting your compliments and your kindness, couldn't allow himself to go any further in his.. attraction?
It was always unspoken between the two of you- your not so subtle hints to Mycroft over the last few years hadn't got unnoticed, Mycroft would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he felt the same way, though this was perhaps the most open you had been; he would always put it off, try to think of reasons why you shouldn't be more than whatever you are now- most of the time it circles back to work, your busy schedule at the Yard and his unpredictable working hours mostly, saying to himself that it would simply be pointless, that you wouldn't see each other. But he knew that was a lie- you see him as often as you can, even if it's just for an hour on lunch, and everyone knows he would do his best to move empires to have you over for dinner had it been a while, quite literally actually.
Then there was age, you were in your mid-to-late twenties, he in his forties, though that argument also fell flat after you had mentioned your last long term relationship had been with a man your elder, amongst many of your interests in celebrity males that you had mentioned being closer to his age than yours- and, on his behalf, it was usual for a Politician to walk into formal dinners with a younger woman on arm. In the end, it all went back to the real reason Mycroft put everything off, a reason he hated admitting to even himself. Mycroft was scared.
Having been the age he is with no sexual experience, no previous relationships, and not even many friendships, he was terrified he would humiliate himself and you would leave him completely. You were both adults, both clever, you both knew there was always 'something' there, but without you ever acting upon it, Mycroft decided to live his life keeping you as a friend rather than risk not having you at all. He felt guilty enough having you here anyway. He couldn't allow you to keep stroking his hair like that, or letting you sleep in his bed with him, hold him as he snored, when it was for completely other desires in his own mind, not without speaking to you. No, that wouldn't be fair- even if he didn't fully understand everything himself and was still incredibly scared. You needed to know the truth, about everything, and, if there were the slightest chance you'd forgive him, he had decided he couldn't wait any longer, couldn't put it off anymore, he wanted you to carry on doing those things, wanted to continue the nights you would stay in his bed. But Mycroft wanted it to change, he wanted to be able to start the night with a ghost of his hand on your hip, without waiting until you were asleep to bring himself to have that courage, to wake up next to you and not feel the awkward need to move so soon, just to stay a little longer. Christ, Mycroft wanted every cliché in the book with you, and it took him until yesterday to realise how much he wanted that, after nearly losing you. And he needed you to know, even if it risked it all.
"Y/N I-"
"I know, I'm sorry, I took it too far I was just messing about.. Not that I didn't mean it, I wasn't joking about you.. You are very attractive, but it was inappropriate.. I shouldn't have said it.. I just wanted to help.. though I don't think it did, might have made it worse, actually.. Didn't want to say anything and let you find out.. like that.. not that it matters.. because I AM happy JUST being your friend, over the moon, actually.. so I don't want you to think I ruined that... Because I know you don't feel.. like that.. and you're not saying anything which is scaring me a little because you're always talking.. Not that I don't like that.. I love you talking to me, you've got a lovely voice.. and.. and I'm going to shut up again.. sorry.. again.." You rambled, a lot, too much.. far too much. Mycroft tried to process everything, his eyes closing at every word. You were making this so much harder for him, admitting everything like that. Mycroft hunched forward in his position and braced his elbows on his knees, index and middle finger of each hand holding the weight of his head by his temples.
"No just.. Just stop talking for a moment." Mycroft snapped, cutting you off as your mouth opened to speak a little, the small jump back made his gaze soften. "Please." He spoke softer, apologetic. "I can't.. talk about that.. not yet. Not until you know.." You went to speak again but his head tilted, eyes containing a rare glaze of vulnerability, trying to stay in contact with your own but constantly dropping back to his lap- a silent plea to stay quiet, be patient and just give him a moment. And you did. Turning your body completely sideways, you crossed your legs on the sofa, hands resting folded in your lap as you encouraged him to continue with a brief nod of your head. "I fear if I don't tell you of yesterday's happenings in this very moment that I never shall, and that is far too selfish, even of me." He took a deep breath in. "But I just.. need a moment. A few, likely, throughout." You nodded your head again.
From there, Mycroft began to explain everything that had happened, told you of his sister, where she had taken him, Sherlock and John, what she spoke about, what she tried to get them to do. His voice cracked every so often, knuckles whitened as his fists clenches, creases formed in his trousers where he squeezed his hand on them, but you listened to every word and stayed silent- eyes welling with small tears. Mycroft spoke of the screen, told you of the snipers that were out there, targeting Ms Hudson and Molly. Your body stiffened as he added Lestrade to the list, feeling your throat tighten a little at the mere thought of losing Greg. Mycroft pressed on, told you about how Eurus tried to make Sherlock choose between him and John, told you how he'd tried to convince Sherlock to just shoot him, how Sherlock refused and threatened to shoot himself. His voice went breathless at the end of that, the idea of losing his brother so easily still fresh in his mind. You loosened your sitting position and leaned over, taking Mycroft's hand in your own and squeezing. He sighed again and closed his eyes.
"Please, don't." He whispered, trying to fold his hand into a fist to escape your embrace. You didn't let go and offered your other hand on his back in support as you watched a stray tear fall down his cheek. "I said don't!" He shouted, moving from your touch and standing up from the sofa, beginning to pace as his face contorted into more pain, another tear following the path of the last. You sat back, watched him, didn't take the anger to heart. "It was my fault! All of it!" He ran his hands through his hair and tugged, moving them after to wipe the droplets from his cheek.
"Myc it's ok-"
"It isn't okay Y/N! No part of any of this is even remotely close to okay!" He stilled now, posture going back rigid as he looked at you, eyes bloodshot and glassy. He told you of his Birthday present to Eurus- five unsupervised minutes with Moriarty- and started his pacing again. "A man died yesterday because of me. Sherlock, John, Greg, Ms Hudson, Molly. They all almost died yesterday. You almost... you almost died yesterday." His breath hitched again, lip softly quivering at the end of his words. You tensed a little and frowned, confused and urging him to elaborate. "They weren't the only people on the screens, not the only ones with a red dot on their heads, Y/N." Gaze avoiding you now, turned completely to face the wall rather than look at you at all- giving him a chance to compose himself, steadying his voice. "I saw you, you were happy, just dancing and making tea, but at any moment you could have... and it would have been my fault. And I know I should have told you yesterday, it was selfish of me using you the way that I have without letting you know everything. You could have been gone before I could tell you everything, before I could explain how I feel about you, and it all came rushing to me the moment I saw your face on that screen. I’m so sorry, for everything, for ignoring everything, for being the reason you almost-" The last thing Mycroft had expected was the feeling of arms around his waist, the feeling of a head resting between his shoulder blades, soaking the shirt with tears. You sniffed, holding onto him tighter as you cried into his back.
"It's okay Mycroft." You spoke, voice croaking from tears. "They're okay.. I'm okay. And you're going to be okay. I'm not going anywhere." The relief Mycroft felt from your words ran through his body as he slumped a little, left hand holding on to where yours joined on his stomach, his right lifting to his eyes where, in a very rare moment, he allowed himself to weep.
Neither of you were too sure on how long you stayed like that, Mycroft being held in your arms as he quietly cried into his hand, you into his back, but it was long enough that your feet were beginning to ache and Mycroft had become silent a short while ago. You attempted to loosen your grip but Mycroft quickly grabbed back at your hands, holding them to him again. You changed your tactic and instead circled round until your hands remained together on his back, you now at his front and you gave him one last squeeze before guiding him backwards to the sofa, taking your place next to him but keeping your arms around him.
"I'm sorry." His voice was broken, quieter than usual. You shook your head and fought the urge to cry again.
"Don't." You spoke, sliding a hand down to hold his own that rested on his thigh. "Don't apologise Myc. You didn't do anything on purpose, you were just trying to be a good person.. a good brother. We're both still alive. Sherlock, John, Greg, Ms Hudson, Molly, they're all fine, and I have no doubt that it was partly due to you that they are still okay- whatever the three of you did in there, it worked, and that's all that matters to me." Mycroft shifted, his eyes finding yours once more, scanning, searching, trying to find anything that showed you were lying, that you didn't trust him anymore, but he couldn't find anything.
"But I-" You placed a hand at the back of his neck and leaned forward slightly, your lips meeting his briefly for a few seconds before pulling back. It wasn't desperate, or longing, or out of lust- it was everything Mycroft needed. Everything that let him know that you weren't going anywhere, that you still wanted to be around him, to be with him. He relaxed but didn't speak, his hand beneath yours just turning to allow your fingers to lace together as he let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding. You rested your head against his shoulder, smiling softly as you felt his own rest atop yours before falling into a comfortable silence.
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can you do a hc of the bros and would they help mc feel better. like mc is sad and what would the brothers say and do to make them feel better. idk if this has been done so yeah :)
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Lol, let's see if I remember what being sick is like, haven't caught a single cold since the start of the year, and thank fuck for that too-
Also, once again, one more time, third time actually, it's hard to focus things on the MC as I try to make it possible for many to put themselves in the story (I know I have written one on MC liking insects but that was very self indulgent lol)
I will change things up a bit on the request, but if it was with my own MC, she would be fairly practicle, checking up on the brothers, giving them water and asking if they wanted food, even keeping company if not contagious. It will look like she is just being considerate but it actually pains her to see them sick, it's just that she is used to expressing herself in acts of service.
When Your Seven Demons Get Sick
Warning: a LOT of uncensored swearing
We all know this can go two ways: either this piece of shit refuses to acknowledge that he is coughing like a damn nuclear explosion or he responsably takes his work home and refuses to fully rest because he needs to keep and eye on not only his brothers but also on the man child he works under that he somehow has come to fondly call a best friend.
So, yeah, tomato tomato.
His stress is reaching levels higher than celestial realm and he definetelly has been staring at a piece of document for way too long and not making any progress.
You will have to literally german suplex this man into his bed if you want him to get more than 5 seconds of shut eye.
It will take a while for his brain to process that 'oh yeah he can trust you to keep at least 10% of the house intact while he recovers'.
He may be a bit insufferable as he will attempt to work again, but it is a very adorable sight to have him whining, being way too happy at small gestures, and of course, his squishy cheeks as he sleeps soundly.
As long as he is being dramatic about it, you know he will live.
Though he probably won't realize he even is ferverish until someone points it out that his responses are much slower than normal.
Like, it took him one second too long to screech in terror and start running for his life when he spotted Levi's all nighter dying body crawling out of his bedroom!
And oh yes was he delighted to be deprived of his obligation to go to RAD until he got back to his full health.
Until he was not allowed to not do anything but rest for the entire day that is.
Yes he will be restess and willing to do anything just to be allowed to stand on the front porch for five seconds and yes you will end up threatening to tie him to the bed in a non kinky way and yes you will only be half joking.
Just make sure to keep close attention to his levels of drama so that you can spoil him properly when he truly feels bad.
With him it can also go two ways: either he also doesn't fully realize until someone points it out or he will immediatelly let you a "Oh hell no" the moment he gives out a single cough that feels just a little bit out of the ordinary.
How he will take care of himself, if at all, will depend of the situation.
If there is absolutely nothing to lose from being sick other than the hability to breathe through his nose he would definetelly spent the entire recovering process binge watching slice of life animes while laying confortably on his tub.
If he had plans related to the things he is passionate about though?
I wish you luck because he is definetelly not backing down and will consequently make himself even more sick afterwards.
Although the extremelly satisfied expression we wears even when he can barely laugh without having a coughing fit kind of makes it all worthy in the end.
The most chill sick person you will ever encounter and will always make sure to be responsable and nurture himself back to full health.
The catch though?
This big brained idiot definetelly doesn't know how to judge between what is small cold and straight up dying when it's about his own body.
So yes he is the kind of person who will always take some painkillers, drink water, lay on bed and read a book until he falls asleep no matter what the fuck he actually has.
So much for knowledge is power smh.
First off, he deserves to be vibe checked with the thickest medicine book you can find in the cluttered mess he calls a bedroom.
Second off, he is so much more prone to being pissy when he's sick. It's almost funny how fast he goes from :) to >:( in half a second the moment someone who isn't you steps inside his bedroom.
And last but not least, cat videos. No further explanation needed.
Oh someone have pity on this poor baby. He took so much care to not get himself sick and has managed to avoid even the worst of pandemies for centuries! So why now?!
He is basically so desperate to recover to the point he actually makes it take longer due to him stressing things out.
And he feels so sticky, he will basically want to take 5 showers per day.
Also his voice is basically gone?? And that just makes him want to s c r e a m ????
Locks himself inside his bedroom and throws a pity party.
Many of his posts on the media are something like "Oh no! I think I got sick? I am feeling a bit under the weather right now so, will you nurse me back to health~? Pretty please~ ❤" while in real life he is pretty much sneezing and coughing at the same time every 5 minutes.
If you bring him consolation sweets he might cry. Both because you're making him happy and because he is definetelly going to have to lose those extra calories later.
As much as he wants to cuddle he doesn't let you too close in case it's contagious and damn if he isn't rocking the pale skin, runny nose and swollen eyes.
He doesn't agree.
Big boy is definetelly one of the easiest demons to take care of when sick seeing he will to his most to not feel like a chore to you.
Yes he will lie when he feels unwell so that you don't worry.
And that's when you should vibe check him with a spoon.
Like yes you may be getting out of your way to take care of him but no it's no problem at all because yes you love him a lot and would do anything to see him get better and you know he would to the same if not more for you if switched places.
Happiness is the re ocurring 'aah's as you spoon feed your bed ridden man and watching as he keeps on smiling throughout each bite and eats everything like a good boy.
But you can't tell me he doesn't manage to get drunk on cough syrup though.
He is definetelly not as hungry as usual but damn this cough syrup tastes great.
The results are Beel going on a cursed chain of crypid comments in which he makes sure to whisper them in the strangeat ways you could imagine at the most random times always giving a happy smile once he is done.
He apparently doesn't recall any of it the next day-
How he reacts to being sick completely depends on who is close enough to hear him whine.
Most of the time, whenever he feels anything out of ordinary, he will immediately text Beel in case this is just one more of their cases of twin-powers.
If he is actually sick though?
He will not stop whining, but then he gives a cute smile when he sees you and even makes a motion closely resembling grabby hands with his fingers as he raises one arm in your direction while saying some shit like "I missed you" when you literally were only gone for exactly 2 minutes to go grab him a cup of water and I think you can understand the power this little of shit has.
Be prepared to roll your eyes so much your eyes will probably start hurting.
The good side though? He is the only brother who listens exactly to what you tell him to do without feeling bad about being a burden. Though it's all because he doesn't wants you to worry about him any further than necessary.
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fangirlovestuff · 3 years
Smile - Thor Odinson x reader
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a/n - hey lovely people!! this is for this lovely request by @cotton-candy-clouds-26​ , thank you!! i just couldn’t bring myself to write Steve cheating, i love him and i just don’t think he’d do that, but i hope it’s okay. enjoy!<3
Summary: you and Steve break up and it’s rough, but luckily there’s someone out there that helps you get over it. you could say he’s worthy of your affections (i had to hehe)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Some curse words and a little angst
"Steve?" you called out, "you ready to go?"
"Just a couple seconds!" he replied, and you sat down on the couch, scrolling on your phone while you waited for him.
It was your six months anniversary, and you were getting ready to go to dinner with Steve. He's been acting a little weird the past few days, and it was starting to raise your suspicion.
Maybe he's getting me a surprise, you tried to shrug your worry off. You knew Steve wasn't that good at keeping secrets, especially from you, and you'd try and get it out of him tonight.
"Ready t-" you began to ask, but stopped once you saw he was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. "Stevie, you know I love your t-shirts," you said, appreciatively eying the bulge on his muscles revealed by the sort, tight sleeves, "but I was under the impression we're going to a fancy restaurant tonight. You know, the kind that won't appreciate anyone, including Captain America, coming in a t-shirt and jeans," you smirked.
"I'm not going," he sighed, sitting down next to you.
"You're not goi- is everything alright? Are you feeling unwell? I mean, I didn't even know you could get ill, but-"
"I'm not sick," he shook his head, "I just… I thought I could give you this one nice night, but I can't."
"What do you mean you can't? Steve, what's going on? Are they calling you on a mission or something?"
"No, no mission. Not today anyway." He took a deep breath before he continued. "I think we should break up."
Your mouth agape, it took you a couple of seconds to register what he just said. You closed your mouth and swallowed. "What?" you asked, your voice nearly a whisper.
"I'm sorry," he said, averting his eyes to the floor, "I just… I don't think I feel the same way about you anymore, and I don't wanna hold you back or anything. I thought the right thing to do was to treat you to a nice dinner before I…" he trailed off, his eyes fixed ahead of him, away from you, "Anyways, I couldn't do it. I didn't want to lie to you, or lead you on. You deserve better than that," his gaze finally turned to you, waiting for your response.
You didn't know what to say. You knew he was acting weird, but you'd have never seen this coming. "So this is it?" you asked disbelievingly. "This is how we end?"
"Look, I'm so-"
"Sorry, yeah, I know." You took a deep breath, willing your tears away. "I think I'll just go home," you got up, getting your stuff.
"Wait, I didn't cancel the reservation. If you wanna go yourself you— can," he called after you, the last word after you'd slammed the door behind you.
Outside of Steve's room, you let out a shuddering breath. He was living in the Avengers compound, so you had to keep yourself together until you got out of here, in case any of them saw you. You started getting outside, but your distracted state of mind probably led you to take a wrong turn in one of the corridors, because now you had no idea where you are.
"Shit," you mumbled under your breath before turning to look around you. You heard what you thought was the noise of a TV from behind one of the doors, and you knocked on it tentatively. You heard some shuffling and then the door opened to reveal none other than Thor. You know, God of Thunder Thor. God of Thunder Thor that was standing in front of you right now, waiting for you to say something because you were the one that knocked on his door.
You willed your brain to go back to functioning. "Um, hi," you said hesitantly, "I was just… I was on my way out of the compound and I got lost. Could you, um, point me in the right direction?"
"Of course," his voice was deep, you could almost feel it rumbling around you when he spoke. "Who are you looking for?"
"Oh, just the exit," you shrugged.
"Alright. I apologized, I just assumed, from the way you're dressed…"
"No, it's alright. I was supposed to go to this fancy restaurant for dinner, but then… anyways, I wouldn't want to go alone," you sighed.
"Well, in that case, would you like me to accompany you? I wouldn't mind dining with a lovely lady such as yourself," he smiled.
"Oh," you blinked in surprise. You weren't really planning on it, but you were actually kinda hungry. And hey, eating in a fancy restaurant with Thor does sound a little nicer than eating at home and wallowing in self-pity. The wallowing could wait. "I mean, if you'd like to," you smiled back at him, "but you'd have to put on a suit, something fancy."
"Oh, I'm sure I have one of those," he said, leaving the door open and heading back inside. "Come in," he said, loud enough for you to hear it. You guessed he headed into the bathroom to change, since when you got in all you saw was the room itself. It was simple, not a lot of personal touches. Makes sense since he's probably not here most of the time, but in Asgard, which would also explain why you hadn't met him yet.
"How's that?" he asked, getting out of the bathroom. The suit was slightly tight on his tall, broad frame, but it was more than okay with you.
"Perfect," you smiled, "we'll blend right in."
You drove the two of you to the restaurant, spending the time making small talk about 'Midgard habits', as Thor called them, or, as you called them, social norms.
When you got there, the hostess smiled at you and asked for the name of your reservation. By that point you had nearly forgotten it, but your shoulders sagged as you mumbled "Steve Rogers."
"I'll let you right in," she smiled and led you to your table.
"Wait, so Steve was going to come with you?" Thor asked once you got to the table. "Are you his girlfriend I've heard so much about from Tony?"
"I'm… not his girlfriend anymore," you said, averting your eyes to the table, playing with the napkin.
"He broke up with me today," you said, your voice breaking before you could get your emotions under control.
"My apologies," he offered, and put his hand over yours, "I know how unpleasant it is to be… broken up with."
"Yeah? Who'd ever dump Thor?" you chuckled, raising your gaze to meet him.
"Quite a few people over the years," he smiled, lighthearted.
"Well, I'm sorry," you squeezed his hand in yours.
When you were waiting for the main course, you had an idea. "Hey, you can't get drunk, right?"
"Not on your Midgardian version of booze, no. Why?"
"Perfect. Hey!" you signaled for a waitress to come over, ignoring Thor's questioning look, "Can we get a bottle of the most alcoholic wine you got here?" you smiled.
If the waitress thought the request was weird, she didn't show it. She just told you how much it costs, which nearly made you give it up but you really needed this tonight.
When you were done ordering it and the waitress went to bring it, you turned to Thor. "I know we just met each other, and this probably isn't the best first impression, but please can you just call me a cab at the end of dinner? Because I'm kinda planning to get drunk."
He chuckled, again making you experience the illusion that you could feel the sound between you. "Of course. If that would help."
"That would help a ton, thank you," you grinned at him, just as the waitress came back with your wine and the first course.
A whole bottle of wine consumed exclusively by you and a few dishes later, you knew it was time to go home. You paid the bill, trying not to freak out at how expansive it was. Thor wanted to pay too, but you assured him that it was fine, and it was you that dragged him out here anyway.
While you were standing outside waiting for a cab you could hail, you shivered a little in the cold.
Steve always gave you his jacket when you got cold.
Maybe it was the drinks, the late hour or just plain old breakup sadness, you felt tears come to your eyes, unable to stop them from flowing out.
You started sniffling and Thor noticed, his head immediately turning to look at you. "What's wrong?"
"He left me, Thor," you cried, "I thought everything was fine and he dumped me. And he was nice about it, so I can't even be mad and blame him, and that just means that," you barely contained your sobs, "it means I'm not enough. Everyone leaves me because I'm never enough." You buried your face in his bicep, too wound up in your misery to even notice how nice it was.
"Now, now," his other hand lifted to stroke your hair. It was a little awkward, but in your inebriated state you couldn't care less. "You're more than enough. I met you today and even I know you're wonderful."
You lifted your head to meet his eyes. Sniffling once again, you tried to stop crying. "Thank you," you said once you felt you gained enough composure. "I'm sorry I sprung all of this on you. I'll get a cab, go sleep it off," you said, awkwardness now prominent. God, you just made a fool of yourself in front of… a god. A literal god. Fuck.
"Where do you live?" he asked, seemingly unbothered. You gave him your address. "Well, I believe it's not that far. Do you need to wait for a cab or can you walk home?"
"I mean, I could walk, it's just that New York City at night isn't the safest place for a girl to walk alone," you smiled awkwardly.
"Oh, yes," he frowned, "I suppose you're correct. I could walk you home, if you'd like?"
You looked around. No cabs in sight. "Actually, yeah. That'd be cool."
The chilly night air sobered you up a bit. Once you got to your building, you bid Thor goodbye, thanking him again, before going up to your apartment and stumbling tiredly onto your bed, where you fell into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning, you woke up still wearing yesterday's dress and with a slight headache, groaning as you got yourself out of bed to shower, change and drink some water, get an aspirin.
Once you had done all that, you checked your phone for any messages. You weren't supposed to come into work today, so you weren't expecting anything, but just to make sure. Surprisingly enough, there was a text from a number you hadn't recognized.
It said it was Thor and he asked how are you, but there was no way that was true, right? I mean, you didn't think Thor even had a phone, let alone your number. On the other hand, you couldn't think of anyone else who'd know enough to text you that.
Skeptical, you texted back that you were fine, not too far from the truth but still kind of far, and were planning to spend the day watching movies and eating ice cream, which was the truth.
How'd you get my number? You texted again before he could answer.
Jarvis had it, he texted back. He's quite useful. I do wonder why he won't leave his room.
You laughed. Either this was actually Thor, or it was someone really, really good. Before you could think up a reply, you saw the three little dots signifying he was typing again.
Would you perhaps want some company while you watch these movies?
You gasped out loud even though there was no one there to hear it. Was Thor really asking to come over and watch movies? With you? It was hard to believe. Maybe it is someone else after all.
You texted him he should come over if he wanted to. Thor knew your address, if it was really him, he'd come over. If it was some crazy stalker, you just wouldn't let him in and continue in your plans of bawling in front of some sappy movies. If it was actually Thor… well, you'd have to cry in front of him, you guess.
You already started on your ice cream and started The Notebook, figuring it was a good way to start your wallowing fest, and you were starting to get really into it when you heard a knock on the door. You moved as quietly as you could towards the door, looking through the peephole. To your momentary relief, it was Thor and not some stalker. Why momentary? Because holy fucking shit Thor was standing at your day and you were in your pajamas.
"Just a sec!" you called out. You figured you didn't have time to change, but you at least tried to get your hair in some sort of order before you opened the door, hiding your PJs clad body with it.
"Hi," you smiled bashfully once you closed the door behind him.
"Hello," he said, smiling. "Ah, I see you've already started. What movie is that?"
"Well, it's called The Notebook. Do you know it?"
He replied that no, he didn't, and you explained the plot briefly to him as you sat down, wrapping yourself back up in a fuzzy blanket before taking your ice cream back.
"Oh, where are my manners, would you like some?" you gestured the ice cream towards him.
"Yes, sure!" he nodded, and you were glad he at least knew what ice cream was. If someone hadn't bothered to introduce him that would just be cruel.
You went to get the ice cream, the blanket dragging behind you like a cape, and you returned with another tub of ice cream and a spoon, bringing them to him before sitting back down and starting the movie.
You two didn't speak much throughout the movie. When it got to the really sad parts you started crying silently, but by the ending you were just fully sobbing, and, as it seemed, so was he.
"That was so… sad," he said, "is this the entertainment Midgardians always enjoy?"
"Not always," you said, stopping to blow your nose, "we have happy things too. It's just, I got dumped last night, so I'd like the chance to cry a little, you know?"
"That's fair. And it was very beautiful. They loved each other."
"They did," you said, your eyes filling with tears again.
"What's next?"
You watched some more sad movies, and then introduced Thor to the wonderful world of takeout food while you changed to some rom com, a little more cheerful. He laughed the whole way through, and the movie wasn't even that funny, but you giggled along as well, unable not to join his roaring laughter.
You ended up falling asleep on the couch in the evening, exhausted, mostly emotionally. The next morning when you woke up he was gone, but he did text you that if you needed anything you could tell him.
Over time, you and Thor started hanging out some more. Mostly at your place or outside, since you really didn't want to risk running into Steve.
It took you time, getting over Steve. Time and tears.  And really, Thor being there helped. A lot. He was a rock, a shoulder to cry on.
A broad, muscular shoulder to ugly cry on.
At first, the thought of starting something with Thor didn't even cross your mind. Sure, he was sweet, but it was platonic, and you were busy getting over your breakup anyway.
But then, you realized it became something… more. To you at least. Because despite the tears, he didn't leave. Never wanted to.
Long story short, when Thor invited you to go to dinner one night, a few months after you met each other, you tried really hard not to think of it as a date. A friend-date, if anything.
"How's it going?" you asked, sitting down in front of him in the small diner.
"Good," he smiled at you, "You?"
"Great," you smiled back.
"So, I have some news," he started, continued once you gave him an encouraging nod, "I have to go back to Asgard in a week or two."
"Oh," you said. It made sense, Thor being on earth as long as he already has been should've raised your curiosity, but you didn't really want to think about it until this moment. "I guess you're happy to go home."
"I am," he hummed, "But… there was something I wanted to ask you before I leave. And be honest. Would you like… well, would you give me the opportunity to court you?"
You sat in stunned silence for a few moments. "Like, you're asking me to date you?" you said incredulously.
"I am," he chuckled nervously, "But you don't have to- I know you might not want to because of Steve and-"
"I haven't thought of Steve for a really long time," you cut him off with a smile, "mostly thanks to you. You make me really happy, and I would love to let you court me," you giggled.
"Really?" he asked, awestruck.
"Really," you smiled, leaning across the table, intending to press a kiss to his cheek. At the last moment he turned, making you plant your lips on his in a soft kiss.
You pulled away smiling, and so was he. He took your hand in his from across the table, and you continued to eat your food like you two usually do. Well, almost. Now there were timid exchanges of looks, gently hand squeezes.
And a breathtaking goodnight kiss.
But it was so natural, so normal, you couldn't bring yourself to admit the absurdity of him being a literal god and you being… just a human.
You spent the week he had left together, making the best of it.
In the future, you'd visit his home, he'd visit yours. And he'll always make sure to remind you you're not just a human, you are, in fact, his favorite one.
It never failed to make you smile.
this was my first time writing for thor, i hope i did him justice:))
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Blackened Bond (Ch 15)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Big White Lies
Next Chapter: 土御門天皇 (Tsuchimikado)
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, and specify if you're okay with NSFW posts or not, please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Chapter 15: Shadows Fall
You numbly sat down on your bed. The room was dark. Your Phoenix brand, silent, a dull sepia stain on your inner wrist.
It hurts a lot.
“He’s no different to the power hungry elders of this corrupt society after all huh.” You were disappointed. It was dumb of you to give your heart away to him. Especially to a man who was already planning on taking in concubines, this early into your “relationship”.
You checked your phone to see the notifications. Mai and Miwa were looking for you, saying that you have dinner out with them in a few minutes.
'Ah, that was supposed to be for tonight' you thought.
"Sorry can't go, feeling unwell. You guys go ahead." You texted back to them as you slumped on your bed.
After a few minutes your door slammed open. "Where have you been?!" Mai asked, but stopped talking upon seeing your red rimmed eyes. Miwa peeked out behind her. "Are you okay y/n?" She asked.
That question absolutely crushed you. You started sobbing again, not being able to hide your shaking shoulders. The two girls filed in and closed your door.
"We are ordering take out. Miwa go ahead and cancel that reservation. We will stay in tonight." Mai said. "Right!" Miwa worriedly replied as she pulled out her phone and made the call.
"I'm not here to baby you. You will tell me what happened, okay?" Mai demanded.
"I need a few minutes" everything looked so blurry through your tears, Mai and Miwa only looked like unfocused blobs of dark green and bright blue. Literally, the only way you could distinguish the two girls at this point was by their hair color.
They couldn't get much out of you other than you talking about how Kamo-san never liked you in the first place and how you pushed yourself onto him.
The girls held you as you cried. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. "But both of you looked great. I'm sure Kamo senpai really liked you though?" Miwa questioned out loud.
Mai just nodded her head. "I said it before already. Both of you act like you're so oblivious to each other's affections. But I do agree that you put more effort into the relationship. He always turns down your request for dates off campus. Even an outsider could see that."
"No, no it’s not that. You guys know how the big 3 clans operate. He just felt that I was a suitable wife to bear his heirs. They're jumping at the chance to use me to get a blood-manipulator jujutsu shi who may also possibly inherit my psychokinesis technique. I don't want to stay in a relationship without any love in it." You whispered.
Your voice was all gone after you sobbed for hours. The fight and energy just drained out of your body.
They couldn't say anything to that as it was your relationship with Kamo and not theirs. That night, they slept over in your room, the three of you squishing into your queen sized bed and plushies.
On the other hand, Noritoshi had woken up from his nap, bedhead and red rimmed eyes and all. Clearly remembering all your painful words. He looked over to the side, staring at the Jade dragon pendant atop his bedside table. A small pink letter resting beside it, one that you had given him days prior.
‘Dearest Toshi,
You must be exhausted from all of your extra tasks given to you by your clan as of the late. I hope that it gets better soon, I’m here if ever you want to talk about it or if you need any help with that. My family and I are open to supporting you in your endeavors, though you haven't met them yet. Hiroki nii is especially excited to meet you, I can already see the both of you getting along quite well. Whenever you’re ready <3
Have a good evening.
Love, Y/N.’
He felt tears burn behind his eyelids.
“It was too sudden, I couldn’t even understand half the things she said to me earlier,” he murmured to himself. He racked his brain, trying to recall the things you said. It was mostly a blur to him.
Something about what he and his father talked about yesterday. That wasn’t an issue, it was mostly clan duties as per usual.
Also, how he never liked you. Well, he hasn’t confessed yet, but he couldn’t see why you’d bring that up out of nowhere when everything was still fine 2 days ago.
Concubines. The talk on concubines. Why did you- Oh. “... from yesterday” Noritoshi’s head was getting clearer and clearer. You must have misunderstood the conversation he had with his father, and left before it finished. It didn’t sound pretty now that he thought of it.
He had that single-minded goal of pleasing his father and the elders, but somehow you got tangled in the mess.
He sighed frustratedly. It always seemed to be the case with you jumping conclusions about him, didn’t it? Now he has to clear it up with you before it gets too bad.
You woke up the next morning feeling and looking like utter shit. Mai and Miwa had to dress you up and drag you out of bed.
“There’s only one thing you can do now Y/N.” Mai said as she straightened out your collar. “Get over him.”
Huh. Easier said than done.
There was a drastic change in your behaviour towards Noritoshi. The name "Noritoshi-senpai", that you had always cheerily called out, was replaced by a short and curt "Kamo-san" whenever conversation was necessary. Also, you don’t look into his eyes anymore.
You avoided him as much as you can, thanking yourself for knowing his schedule so well. Not hesitating to turn and go around in another direction if you ever saw him approaching from a distance. Because of this he rarely sees you on campus.
It hurt Noritoshi badly to see you act this way. He never realized just how warm you were with him until now that it was all gone. He tried to catch you during your breaks, calling out your name with the same tenderness he always had. But it was in vain as you ran away from him.
Todo and Momo wisely chose not to make any snide comments, upon seeing how downhearted Noritoshi was in the following days.
Everybody avoided eye contact with both of you if and when you had to interact. It couldn't be helped. The tension was like a fine piece of glass waiting to shatter.
The pain in your heart didn't subside at all. You've taken to staring at the mark on your wrist.
'Did I successfully reject our bond?' You wondered hollowly.
Sometimes you half expect your mark to start flashing wildly, like whenever you and Noritoshi have off days with each other. But this is the first time you've seen it so… silent.
You wrapped it up with more darker velvet strips and ignored it.
It was the opposite on Noritoshi’s end. He would lie in bed and stare at the mark that is dangerously bright red and hot. It almost felt painful, like someone was searing a brand onto his skin.
He wrapped it up in gauze bandages and put salves to soothe the mark. But it was never enough. He needed you back.
During one afternoon, you just finished an English lesson with one of the windows who teaches at Jujutsu High. You stood up from your desk and turned to see the man outside of your classroom.
"Y/n, are you free for lunch?" Noritoshi had obviously sprinted as soon as his lessons had ended. “We need to talk.” All 4 of you looked up to see him outside the classroom, as composed as ever. But he looked terrible.
There were shadows under his eyes, and he seemed to have gotten thinner. The shitty side of you was cruelly happy. Good that he’s like this, because he lost his toy. Good on him. But your heart was sad, yelling at you to go back and take care of him already.
"Ah I'm sorry, but I've got lunch with the rest of the 1st year's here." You politely declined. Trying to school your face into a neutral expression.
"I insist." He firmly stated. He looked over to the other students. "You don't mind if I borrow her do you?"
You inwardly scoffed at his poor choice of words. The stupid arse still thinks I'm his belonging apparently. Something to be borrowed and used.
But Mai stepped up. "If she doesn't want to hang out with you then she doesn't." Miwa was fidgeting worriedly. "Now now." She started.
"I really wanted to have lunch with my fellow 1st years, if you could please excuse us Kamo San." You hastily uttered, pulling Mai's arms towards you while turning away. The other first years followed your lead.
But Noritoshi was determined. He quickly put his hand on your shoulder, only for you to slap it away and flinch from him. Everybody froze.
You were clearly trembling, which made Noritoshi lower his hand and step back. "I'm sorry y/n." Whether the apology was for holding you without your consent or for everything that happened, you painfully let it slide. Silently bowing to him, then quickly walking away with the others.
Noritoshi could only watch wistfully as your figure disappeared from his view.
"The nerve of shitty men," Mai angrily stuffed her mouth with eggs from her bento. "Thinking they own women, that they're better than us. It was like this with the men in my family as well. Bullying and kicking aside the weaker women."
You sadly poked at your food. It was katsudon. You ordered it ahead of time from the cafeteria, wanting to perk up with a favorite dish. But today it tastes so bland. It wasn't the cooking that was off. Just that you had no appetite.
"Wouldn't you want to talk it out with Kamo senpai, y/n?" Miwa asked. Truth be told you were adding fire to the problem. You just dumped your anger on Noritoshi and kept rudely cutting him off before leaving him.
But your pride and broken heart didn't allow you to go back to him. "I don't think there's anything left for me to say or do to be honest. I'm not in the mood to face him. At all." You lied.
Mechamaru surprisingly spoke out, "Love is a fickle thing. And it's a fact that women are more in tune with their emotions than men are. But I think you won't regret it if you give him a chance. Kamo Noritoshi isn't a bad man."
Mai huffed. "Whose side are you even on?"
"There are no sides. Just two idiots who are madly in love with each other." Mechamaru dryly replied.
Your heart clenched, but you stayed silent, not denying the fact that even after you pushed him away, you still loved him.
"Let's talk about something else shall we?" Miwa hurriedly changed the topic and started discussing the homework to be done.
Hiroki was both the best and the worst brother you could ask for. Because he chose this time to surprise you with a visit at Kyoto High, claiming he wanted to see how you were doing with classes and that he would stay for a while.
Secretly, he wanted to meet and gauge Noritoshi, only to find out that the both of you have just broken up. You brought him into your dorm room to have a chat and some snacks.
“WHA?! YOU- You ended things with your soulmate?! You were together for like what?! 4 Months?” His jaw dropped as you told him the entire story.
You gave a drawn out sigh. “Hiro nii, I’m done. Like… He… I dunno anymore. To be honest I broke up with him in the heat of the moment.”
“Tsk, you’ve always been led by your emotions. That’s why you’re so reckless half the time sis. You didn’t even try to talk it out with him.” He asked as he opened a bag of chips.
You stayed silent and reached for chips. Chewing and ignoring him.
“What’s with you and bottling all your pent up anger only to toss it onto the poor guy? Didn’t even give him a chance to explain himself.” he tutted.
You whirled on him angrily. “They just want me for my power. Then they’ll let him off with like a dozen women around him. What the fuck is there for him to explain?!”
Hiroki looked way too calm. “Who are 'they'?”
You paused. “The Kamo family.”
“Are you 100% sure Noritoshi was in this only to use you?”
“Like 99.99%...” you trailed off. Hiroki eyed you knowingly. “That 0.01 percent chance of him loving you. You considered it, even though that’s a small ass probability sis. But hey, that’s your man. If you want him out, our family’s got your back. I’ll beat him up for you if you need me to”
You shook your head at him.
Hiroki sighed, “Though with that concubine thing, I can see it happenin’. Clan heads are desperate to have a son with the inherited technique. The Gojo clan just got lucky with Satoru. We dunno if it’s normal in the Kamo clan though. But with you as his soulmate, he shouldn’t need any. Somethin ain’t addin up…” He got lost in thought.
“You won’t know until you talk with Kamo himself.”
You sadly continued eating your chips. “I hate it when you’re right.”
The next morning Utahime urgently called for a full student body plus all available jujutsu sorcerers on site for a meeting.
You and Hiroki stumbled into the room, almost late, pushing against each other. The other students looked curiously at the man who was fighting you for space on the couch.
You jabbed him in the gut and put a leg over his. “Uhhhh y/n who is that?” Mai asked.
Your cousin shrugged your leg off of his, stood up and said his greetings, “Hello, I am Tsuchimikado Hiroki. Alumni here at Kyoto Jujutsu High. Semi-grade 1 sorcerer. Pleased to meet you all and thanks for taking care of my lil sis- ah I mean cousin.”
“Ohhhh” Miwa took a closer look. You noticed Noritoshi glancing over at you. Todo walked up to him and pointed a finger, “Tsuchi’s relative? Then what woman is your idea-”
You used your technique to immobilise Todo and forced him to sit down in a daze. “Sorry for my rudeness, senpai. You can have that convo later.” You knew it would take too long if this starts again.
Hiroki looked affronted, “It’s rude to point bruh.”
Utahime clapped her hands to gather your attention as Principal Gakuganji appeared on the podium.
“Thank you so much all for coming into this meeting on such short notice. Especially to the alumni and other available Jujutsu sorcerers. Let's get straight to the point: I am here to announce that War is coming.”
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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