#late thoughts
agoraphobia-anxiety · 3 months
I just want to be okay. I don’t need to be happy, I just want to be okay.
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borrowmyshovel · 3 months
this isn't even a question of predstrogens behavior at this point. like I've heard all kinds of things i simply will not look into and don't need to because the way this has been handled is enough to condemn tumblr. It doesn't matter if she started ten thousand harrassment campaigns or fucking, ate babies or something. It would only make tumblr look worse for only mentioning the most absurdly petty shit possible in trying to justify the decision to ban her. Fully clothed transition timeline. Exploding fucking hammer car. Are you kidding me. Even if there was harm being done, that the only examples of it you care to mention are "was kinda mean to the CEO" and "literally just existed while trans" is actually goddamn shameful. All while the site is infested with terfs and fascists. There is just no number of receipts that can make this look good for tumblr
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aszmxm · 2 years
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Not everything that’s on the mind is said ..
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carpe-noctem-bitchess · 3 months
Pluto spun around the sun, until its light was too blinding, even for its love struck eyes to take. So it withdrew its orbit, pulling back as if leaving makes the river run softer, like leaving wouldn't marr the existence of anything else in its stead. Bask in the afterglow with me and tell me love, do the golden rays seem harsher from my window?
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therandomestwriter · 1 year
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I’ve been stuck in my head about past mistakes lately, and this was definitely what I needed to be reminded of…
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wanna-be-bold · 1 year
Some delayed thoughts about that 5x08 ending scene:
Tim just wanted Lucy to be out of a relationship that wasn't what she wanted/deserved because he wants the best for her, plus he just got out of a relationship like that and knows that, while it's not unhappy, it's not quite happy either.
He wasn't expecting to go into that conversation and ask Lucy out at the end of it. He just wanted to convince her to break up with Chris because she didn't love him.
Instead, Lucy surprises him and brings up them and how he's the most important relationship in her life and realizes that he's not alone in his feelings and you can tell the moment he just lights up with that realization and decides to go for it and ask her out because there's no time like the present and now they're dating and in love and it's so amazing
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hisbucky · 1 year
911: S6E16 Thoughts
Not much to highlight or review for this episode.
Love the Madney development, Hen taking a stand for Chimney, and Buck doing the same for his sister...
But it felt like to me, Hen’s actions and opinion on the matter did not resonate with her established character — what with Hen being a medical professional and someone who has more than a mere understanding of the struggles women can face, I truly believe she would not begrudge Maddie for leaving LA to recover as much as she was shown in the episode.
I both hated and loved the conflict Hen and Buck had because of it.
This episode’s drama brought mixed feelings to me, and that’s my take.
(On the other hand the small Buddie crumbs make me very happy)
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seraphim-s · 7 months
i think maybe clubs are the pinnacle of humanity. we've made it we figured out the point we can stop now
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cocaiinepapi · 10 days
Someone to call whenever.
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agoraphobia-anxiety · 8 months
I don’t like people, they either disappoint me or are disappointed in me.
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Do you think Willy Wonka had service entrances and staff corridors for the workers to get to their departments or did they have to take the crazy travel methods? Or did the Oomoa Loompas just live in the department they worked in?
"Sorry, I'm late. I got stuck in the swirling vortex of terror on the boat again."
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someuncreativity · 1 year
[TW: Maybe political but not really]
As a Cuban, part of me is really sad about how we have no representation. Like, it’s the biggest island in the Caribbean- a very pretty one at that-, home to like 10 million people and thensome, and a beautiful culture that’s been developing over centuries, and yet there’s somehow nothing.
With that said, I do have some worries about if representation ever happens.
Of course, I would really like representation, but then again, I’m kinda glad we don’t get any for two reasons:
The CountryHuman fans would go feral. Like, Cuba is already known for having really hot people and also our love of parties, but combine that with the fact that the island has had VERY long ties with two of the most shipped nations in the fandom and the artists would be cranking out more content than a textile factory in Victorian London. It would be the perfect storm, and honestly, like 10% of me wants to see the absolute chaos ensuing.
I’d still be really worried though, what with the whole 💗💃🏽government💃🏽💗 thing
So yeah, representation would be super nice, but yknow
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carpe-noctem-bitchess · 8 months
and I was out in sea, the waves alive and crashing around, the distinct buzz of noise from the shore, vaguely human to my ears. miles under my floating feet, the unmistakable beating of aquatic heartbeats. and yet, surrounded by so much life how can a soul feel so empty and dead inside? all mine wants to do is float in the distinct emptiness of my still-beating heart.
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 6 months
There’s something particularly painful of never being able to visit a home that you never knew.
My dad is from a country that we can’t go. I’ve never been to his home country, and I never will most likely. I have so many cousins and loved ones there, and I will never get hold them I tell them I love them.
Half of my blood is planted in the earth of a land I’ve never touched. Half of my soul is in the mountains that I will never see. Half of my face belongs to ones I will never get to kiss. My heart aches that there are places in this world that I will never be allowed to enter. I mourn for a home I don’t know.
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mindumped · 2 months
I don't think of writing poems about you
I don't think of getting married or having children with you
I don't think where would I be in 5 or 10 years with you
I do think about figuring out what are we getting into when I see you again
I think about what are we having for dinner together
I enjoy the time we spend together however anti climatic or non eventful that time may be
I enjoy the warmth radiating from your body laying next to you at night
I enjoy how comfortable I am to be around you
I enjoy how no matter what we're doing together I am happy but most of all
I enjoy how much I'm not thinking when I'm around you
I am stress free
3/16 458am
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thecosmicwind · 10 months
Dear you...
It’s been four months since we parted from each other’s lives.
See the thing with people is, they have got to understand that they absolutely cannot keep hurting other people simply because they are hurt. That’s what I tried so hard to get you to understand - we needed to end the cycle of hurting each other, and to heal from what we were dealing with. I didn’t want to end things on a bad note; I wanted to end things with peace and understanding, hence why I agreed to talk to you.
But why did I end up doing all the talking and you basically said nothing, other than accusing me of not caring anymore and breaking your heart? I broke your heart, but what about mine? What about how I felt so low one night and you didn’t support me, you instead turned it around on yourself because you were “triggered as this reminded you of your ex”? What about when I asked time and time again for just simple communication, yet I was accused of doing too much and not caring enough, or not caring about you? I asked you time and time again for the bare fucking minimum, and got NOTHING? I even gave you an out and told you that I would understand if things were too much as I knew you had a lot on your plate, and you got mad at ME? BUT IT WAS OKAY WHEN YOU SUGGESTED IT? Okay.
I guess the gifts and the flowers that I never asked for were supposed to make up for the fact that emotionally, you were unavailable. (I threw everything out by the way, fuck that.)
I don’t understand you, I never understood you. I truly think you needed to heal from your past relationship before you started a new one. I think you latched onto me because I was different from her. I was cool, calm, collected; loyal and brutally honest. You latched on quick because I was different, but how I was I going to erase 10 years of behaviors in the span of 14 months? 
You needed to heal before you got to me.
I truly wish you well. I think of you sometimes and hope that you are rethinking your life, getting help for the things that you needed to get help with. I’m doing me, healing from my past, and learning to thrive on my own.
I pray that the same is happening for you.
But please don’t come back. There’s too much water under the bridge, and I refuse to drown with you if you come back.
Signed, me.
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