#just reggie being a little bitch
lilyofthevalleyys · 6 months
Regulus: How much was your spotify listening minutes?
Dorcas: Uh 57,502 minutes
Regulus: Weak
Regulus: *proudly flashes his 300,000+ minutes*
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ellecdc · 3 months
i love ur writing sm!! <3 can i request a poly!marauders x reader who has the personality of kat stratford from 10 things i hate about you? reader speaks her (or their!) mind and known as a "bitch" but shes really a softie for the people she cares about. much love♡
Thank you so much, lovie!!! Hope this is what you were looking for 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
poly!marauders x feisty fem!reader
CW: burn/injury (nothing grave), use of Y/N, jokes at the expense of Hufflepuff House (no hate to the house, I too am a Hufflepuff)
By some brilliant stroke of luck, Professor Slughorn was away at some kind of Potioneer's convention in Sweden which left the Gryffindor and Slytherin's 6th and 7th year potion’s classes hosted by a substitute. That substitute happened to be none other than Professor Binns - the horrifyingly boring History of Magic professor. Normally, the presence of the ancient ghostly professor would be mind-numbing, but seeing as he’d just barely gotten today’s instructions up on the board before promptly falling asleep (and James threw a muffliato spell around him to keep it that way), the class was actually quite lively.
“How was I supposed to know we were only meant to add a pinch and not the whole jar?!” Barty Crouch Jr asked you incredulously.
“Uhm, perhaps by reading the sodding instructions!? Circe’s tits; is it Evan’s turn with your shared braincell today?” You spat as you vanished your soiled potion. The sound of an explosion, followed by Evan’s laughing, followed by Regulus hissing “Rosier!” proved you wrong.
“Ah, the braincell eluded both of you today; my mistake.” You muttered as you began your potion from scratch.
“Reggie! Y/N’s being mean to me!” He tattled from across the room.
“It’s not mean if it’s true, babe.” Regulus responded without lifting his head from his own worktable.
“How rude.” Barty whined. 
“You’re starting to sound like a Hufflepuff, Junior.” You taunted as you swatted at his hands that were vying for your potions ingredients.
“How dare you. I have never been so insulted.” He seethed from his place on his stool.
You smirked. “You don’t listen much, do you?”
“Now, maybe that was a little harsh, L/N, comparing him to a Hufflepuff.” Dorcas called over to you from her worktable.
“You’re just as soft as he is, Meadows.” 
“Nobody is safe…” Marlene murmured with a smirk.
Sirius and James’ potion station made a startling pop sound before James hissed in pain. “Fuck!” He gritted through his teeth.
You looked over to find James holding his arm against his chest protectively, Sirius grimacing at the sight, and Remus rolling his eyes because he told those sods to be careful. You immediately abandoned your worktable and a petulant Barty and made your way to the Gryffindor side of the room.
“What happened!?” You cooed as you gently encouraged James’ arm away from his body so you could inspect it.
“I added too much billywig sting. The potion overflowed and got Prongs.” Sirius offered guiltily. You cooed again and gently kissed the space beside the angry looking burn on James’ arm. 
“Barty! Grab me the medikit from the supply cupboard!” You called over your shoulder. 
Your request was met with a scoff. “I’m not one of your trained dogs, L/N. You’ll have to show me at least one tit before I’m at your beck and call.”
He barely had time to duck as you hurled a beaker at him.
“Okay, okay. Salazar’s saggy balls, you’re wicked.” He muttered as he made his way to fetch the medikit.
Remus was planning to let those bell-ends clean this up on their own, but he relented at how sweet you looked as you fussed over James; unable to hide his fond smile as he made his way over to his three lovers from his own workbench he shared with Peter.
“What did I say at the beginning of class?” Remus asked impishly. Sirius seemed to gulp a little before he murmured “to read twice, add once”.
“Mhm, and what did you do?” Remus continued.
Sirius, now growing tired of feeling shamefaced, muttered “obviously not that…” which earned him a pat on the arse from the werewolf.
Barty returned with the medikit and leaned his cheek forward as if waiting for you to press a kiss to it for his assistance. You whacked him in the head with said kit before opening it to find the burn paste and poison neutralizer.
All contempt melted away from your face as you turned your sights from your potions partner to one of your three boyfriends. “It might sting, but I’ll try to be gentle.” You murmured to James as you began to work on his wound.
As Remus peered at the burn, it really didn’t look all that bad – but the way you were treating James made it seem like you thought he was going to lose his arm. Suddenly, Remus saw a small wet mark land on James’ arm from where you were hovering over him.
“Dovey, you don’t have to cry! He’s okay.” He cooed at you as he began rubbing soothing circles onto your back, pressing a conciliatory kiss to your temple.
“M’not crying.” You muttered somewhat petulantly. “The smell of flesh burning off of Jamie’s arm is assaulting my sinuses.”
Sirius officially seemed more distraught that he upset you than he did about burning James.
“Oh, my poor, sweet girl.” Sirius murmured at you as he pulled you away from James’ arm.
“I’m not done, Sirius!” You argued, though you never tried to pull away from Sirius’ grasp.
“Remus will finish up angel, give Sirius hell for me.” James winked at you. You flushed at the attention and hid your face in Sirius’ chest.
“Poor lovey, so worried about her boys, hm?” Sirius cooed into the crown of your head where his lips were pressed. You hummed in the affirmative.
“What the actual fuck?” Barty interrupted the moment as you all turned to take in his astounded face. “You’re holding a Chinese Chomping Cabbage that close to your jugular, Black? Do you have a death wish?”
“No need to be jealous, Junior. Your boyfriend is right over there.” James goaded from his place as Remus finished wrapping up his wound.
Not needing to be told twice, Barty all but skipped across the room to Regulus before he threw himself onto the quiet boy’s lap. Regulus, hardly sparing his boyfriend a glance, stood and dumped the boy off his lap before returning to his stool and carrying on with his potion. 
You could no longer see Barty from your place in Sirius’ chest but based on the vibrations from his torso and the chuckles of your other boyfriends, you were sure he was flat on his ass.
“I hate it here.” He cried.
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allyeardepression · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic | march 7 phase | words: 644
tw: transphobia, anger issues, swearing
When Walburga finally passed away, Regulus and Sirius took their partners to check if there was anything worth keeping in the house they grew up in.
As they entered a shiver went down Regulus spine, all the horrible memories coming back. He wanted to leave as soon as he saw the family portrait hung on the wall across from the entrance. There were four figures painted on it - Walburga, who looked terrifying even in a painting that was supposed to warm her image; next to her stood Orion, haughty, with a mustache covering his mouth; they both had one of their hands each on the shoulders of their children - Sirius and someone Regulus never was.
"Love, you're shaking," a soft whisper came to his ear as a hand reached his back, squeezing lightly in a comforting gesture, calming him down a little. "They're gone, nothing's going to happen, I've got you," James murmured into his hair, kissing him there a moment later.
Feeling a bit less stressed Regulus nodded and smiled at his fiancé, taking his hand. James smiled, too, squeezing the hand lightly.
As they went through the Grimmauld Place lots of expensive, mostly useless shit was found - some swords, ancient piano, silverware made of real silver, Dior plates (why? just… why?) and paintings by famous painters such as Rubens, Monet and some others. Reaching second floor Regulus immediately went to scratch off the name tag on his old room’s door.
"This bitch! She could have just left it, but of course not! It would be too much of a disgrace to the family if anyone noticed!" he yelled, as the tag fell to the floor piece by piece. Regulus started banging on the door, angry to the point that tears of frustration started streaming down his face. "You could’ve just tear it off and not put another one on, but of course you’re too envious for that! I hate you! Do you hear me?! I!" bang. "Hate!" bang. "YOU!" Regulus may have acted a bit psychotically, but who wouldn't in his situation? His own mother was being transphobic towards him even from her grave.
When he calmed down few minutes later, James approached him, kneeling by his side and whipping the tears away. "Better?" he asked Regulus and he responded with a small nod. At that James pulled Reg to his chest and held tight, whispering sweet nothings to him.
A few hours after Regulus' breakdown, they had packed up all of their old clothes (most of them were to be sold and the rest would be given to their future children), grabbed some of the nicer things their parents had left behind, and sat in the living room with tea and an old photo album. As they flipped through the pages there were comments like ‘Don’t you have any normal pictures? Like, from a bathtub or a playground or something?’, provided mostly by Remus.
When Regulus turned another page James gasped and Remus whistled. In the photo, he sat at the Christmas Eve table with freshly cut short hair, wearing a black suit and matching tie.
"Your inner Sirius awoke that year, huh?" his brother-in-law asked with amusement.
"Oh, his inner Sirius awoke to the point he even wore a binder to piss them off further. And I, as an ally, acted like I didn’t know who they were referring to anytime someone used his deadname. Mother told me to stop then, remember Reggie?" his brother asked, turning to him. "She said that it was just a phase" they both laughed at the memory. Yes, Walburga almost had a stroke as Regulus walked down the stairs in one of Sirius’ old suits and a new haircut. She was so stunned she forgot to punish him after everyone went home.
"Well," Reg said, smirking smugly "I guess it wasn’t just a phase, mother."
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kaicubus · 1 year
Blah Blah Blah | Wayne M.
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₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ───────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ─────────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊
warnings ✩° : fluff(?), mentions of violence, mentions of blood, heavy cursing, spoilers for wayne the series on amazon prime, reggie’s holding a gun, gun is not used but everything else is, established relationship with wayne.
pairing ✩° : wayne mccullough x fem!reader
premise ✩° : not only did reggie did his own grave when he took wayne’s car, but he dug himself an extra 6ft when wayne found out it was him who took his girlfriend, all to win a fight he was never going to win anyways.
word count ✩° : 2k
authors note ✩° : yes blah blah blah is the actual name and not filler,, i was listening to an edit by typingfilms on tik tok and got inspired!! guys i gotta be real with you..idk how to write fight scenes. this was a challenge. but its a blurb so it’s short and not many descriptions!!
"Would you look at that! There he is. And I thought the son of a bitch wouldn’t show up and save his little girlfriend.” Reggie gasps dramatically and throws his hands up in the air.
For hours, Wayne had been looking for you. For hours he’d gone without seeing your face, only fueled by the raw essence of hatred and hope to find you that allowed him to stand up right. Your boyfriend’s face was bruised, cut and sliced in multiple areas from things you didn’t even want to imagine, but he was there now, and he wanted nothing more than to save you from this hellscape and hold you in his arms.
The only thing stopping him? His bitch of a step-brother, Reggie.
Wayne had only found out about Reggie after he got into a heated argument, which was mostly one-sided, with him after seeing that the car his late father left for him was being driven by some random guy he’d never seen before with slicked back hair, an unkept beard, and tattoos running all over his body. The interaction wasn’t pleasant, but it was better than when Wayne was told that Reggie and him were in fact related since he didn’t have to talk to him or even look at him for long that time. Now, he was face to face with the guy who seemed to get everything he wanted, like a spoiled, whiny brat.
Never in your life did you think you’d get kidnapped, then again most people who do don’t either. You had only met Reggie once with Wayne when his mom was present to tell them both, and right away you could tell from the situation that Reggie was fortunate enough to be in and by the way his entire top row of teeth sparkled in gold, that he was one of the most vile creatures to walk the Earth.
By some string of luck, Wayne had somehow tracked you down after you were knocked out cold by a quick swing to the head by Reggie himself, who laughed over your unconscious body and dragged you into the same car Wayne had full ownership over. When you hear him for the first time in what you could only assume had been 13 hours, you nearly shrieked with happiness—but you couldn’t make much noise with a cloth gag stuffed inside your mouth anyways.
You were in no way a match to fight Reggie, but he had you tied up as precaution; wrists, ankles, and even a blind fold that you begged to be removed were all tightly bound together with whatever crunchy, white cloth he could find, and they hurt.
It only takes one glance for Wayne to see what Reggie had done, and as clear as it was in broad daylight, Wayne just couldn’t believe it. Wayne had been chained up, gagged, threatened with fire, stabbed, kicked, and crashed into by cars and other vehicles, but nothing compared to seeing you like this. Even if you weren’t hurt physically, Wayne could tell you’d been crying and possibly screaming out for him, and that was enough for him to reasonably lose his shit.
“You took my mother away from me. You took my dad’s car and claimed it as your own. And you took my girlfriend.” Wayne stares tiredly at his step-brother, “Why else would I be here?”
“And what the fuck is you gon’ do about it,” Reggie leans in close, too close, rolling his plump lip back into his mouth, only to spit it back out at Wayne with an intimidating, “Brother?” The exaggerated, wet ‘pop’ noise was all it took for Wayne to snap.
“Lookie here, Y/n!” Reggie gawks and smacks the side of your head, tearing the blindfold away from your red, puffy eyes, “Wayne’s here to save you! Isn’t that peachy?” pulling out a loaded gun from behind his back, “Now I won’t hafta shootcha! Lucky girl.” Reggie flashes a grin at Wayne and tilts his head to the side, scraping his pierced ears against his sunburnt shoulder, “What’dya say Wayney? Should I give her up?”
One look at Wayne’s eyes told you a million stories. From those hours you two were separated, you could tell he had lost all hope by the way they were deeply sunken into his face. Grey eyes became black with the shadows of his half lidded stare, and his eyebrows were now more prominently placed lower on his face than before. It pained you to see him like this, but even more when you realized Wayne had nothing to defend himself, and Reggie had a gun.
You let out a muffled cry, screaming his name and thrashing around the best you could to alert your boyfriend who already saw the weapon the second Reggie had pulled it out. Wayne doesn’t even look at you because he knows that if he looks too long, he’ll lose all the rage surging inside of him and rush to save you; so he keeps his eyes are locked onto the man holding you hostage.
“Yeah,” He says lifelessly, “I think you should let her go.”
Reggie scoffs, “That’s it? You’re not gonna beg for her life? I could, shoot her now, steal my goddamn car again, and live the fuckin’ high life, and you be miserable! No girlfriend, no daddy, no mommy, not even me! You don’t wanna stop me from doing allat?” He waves his gun around carelessly.
Wayne only shrugs, “I guess you could if you wanted to. But I don’t think you can.”
You stare, wide eyed at Wayne, knowing he has a specific way to get out of things like these, but still worrying that he might slip up. Judging by the way Reggie holds himself, sagging down when he talks and shooting himself up when he thinks he makes a smart point, he’s unhinged at its worst. Taunting him doesn’t seem like the right thing to do, especially with his finger stuffed into the space holding the trigger.
Instead of losing it like you fear he would, Reggie cocks his head to the side and licks his lips, “And why wouldn’t I? I’m the one holdin’ the frickin gun, aren’t I, bozo?” He lets out a hoarse laugh, “What’re you, stupid? Why wouldn’t I be able to pop Y/n’s fuckin’ skull open right now? Huh?”
“Because your limbs are all broken, and you’re missing your eye.”
Without wasting a second, Wayne lunges forward and crashes his fist into the side of Reggie’s face. You don’t even notice him at first, seeing as Wayne’s pace quickly picks up speed to the point where he’s charging towards him. It isn’t until you see red streaks of crimson blood start to seep out of Reggie’s face as he staggers back from the initial punch do your eyes catch a small, silver glisten intertwined between Wayne’s knuckles.
Despite having his face cut, Reggie only laughs, “Ooh, I like that! Hit me harder!” which was weird coming from his half brother, but you decide not to cringe at the...flirtatious(?) undertones. Wayne’s brow scrunches together as he delivers another sharp blow to Reggie’s chin, his makeshift weapon crashing right into the soft flesh between his scruffy jaw and unprotected neck, piercing right through. The force alone is enough to drive Reggie to the ground, knocking his opponent onto his back right onto a few other objects that make his fall way worse than it would be landing on the cold, hard tile itself.
“Fuck!” Reggie laughs, “You’re gonna regret doing that you little bitch!”
Unfortunately, even with Wayne’s skill, he’s knocked to the ground with a firm kick to his legs, knocking his balance over and causing Wayne to tumble down just enough for Reggie to crawl on top of him and lock in a closed-fist punch right into his nose bridge. You wrestle your restraints more than ever after hearing the two grunt, and Wayne’s nose break followed by booming laughter from Reggie.
Wayne’s blood paints all over the floor next to him, trickling down his pale cheeks and neck, as well as Reggie’s hands before his moment of power is flipped and Wayne is able to gain back his footing.
All you could do was watch, listening as the cries Reggie screamed out became more and more unhinged, surely to the point where his throat was excoriated. You watch how his body curls in agonizing, writhing pain as Wayne whacks him relentlessly with anything he can get his hands on. There was nothing that Wayne couldn’t do with nothing. As confusing as that realization was, Wayne knew exactly what he was doing and how to finish it quickly.
Making use of his foot, Wayne weaves past Reggie’s attempt to kick him down and hastily stomps his heel right into his forearm, finding the weakest point of the limb and bruising it all until he hears a muffled crack spit from it. The sound makes you nearly vomit then and there, but your eyes remain open and watchful in case Reggie was the one to step up and do the exact same thing to your boyfriend.
Luckily, he doesn’t, and Wayne finishes off exactly what he said he would. He uses the strength of a metal chair and slams it down onto Reggie continuously, targeting his legs next, which were somehow easier to break than his arms. Maybe it was because of all the work Reggie did focusing on his arms rather than his legs during his days in the gym.
As Wayne is about to use a metal scrap piece to finally take out his step-brother’s eye, you wave around, shaking your head. You had already seen and heard so much that the thought of Wayne gouging someone’s eye out right in front of you made your already weak stomach want to give out entirely. Wayne was covered in blood, head to toe, that thankfully wasn’t his as the majority of his own blood remained stuck to his face.
Your sudden outburst catches Wayne’s attention instantly and he comes rushing to your aid, leaving Reggie groaning incoherently on the ground, with all of his limbs broken, but two fully functioning eyes. He turns his head to the side and exhales deeply, seeing Wayne run up to you before his eyes cross and he passes out.
“Y/n, you uh, you ok?” Wayne makes his way over to you and kneels down, “I’m sorry I couldn’t come earlier...here, let me get those.” He starts removing the binds around your wrists and ankles, peeling the soaked fabric from your mouth and tossing them all to the side. In an instant, you fly towards Wayne and wrap your arms around his shoulders, wanting nothing more than to feel the warm touch of your boyfriend. Wayne does the same, hugging you as if you were oxygen, and he had been struggling to breathe ever since he lost you. But losing you was far from the question. Wayne knew he’d find you again, it was only a matter of time before he did, whether that required spilling blood or not.
You didn’t care, as long as Wayne was in your arms and you were in his. Your eyes close on their own from exhaustion, sniffling back the tears that eventually start bubbling at your lashes, breaking like shards of glass. Wayne struggles to hold you up but lets you crumble against him, using his chin to tuck your head closer into his chest.
“Wayne...” Your body shakes and unwanted tears start to stab your eyes, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know he was going to do this and bring you so much trouble! He just came at me and I didn’t even know! I was so scared.” 
“I know, I know, Y/n. I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again, I’m so sorry.” His voice is thick with worry, and even he’s holding back tears too, “I won’t ever let something like that happen again, that’s a promise.” 
“You...You didn’t kill him...did you?” You cling onto Wayne’s arm and glance over at a still bodied Reggie.
“He’s fine. He’s just resting. C’mon, let’s get outta this shithole.”
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frogs00 · 6 days
have any more rejanis headcanons?
Rejanis headcanons pt.3
Regina has this obsession with organization, and doesn’t like her things being out a of place, Janis is the opposite and is quite messy. So when they start dating, Janis practice being more organized and cleaner for Regina. (Definitely panic cleans when Regina comes over)
When they start dating, they barely ever call each other by their names. For Janis it’s: Reggie, Gina, love, bitch (inside-joke, not often ), or hun. For Regina it’s: Jay, Jan, baby, or short-ass (you know it, come on.)
Rejanis is literally Damian’s biggest OP. They will antagonize him with their rabid hornyness for fun.
Lowkey will send each other songs and say ‘This reminds me of you’ in the most casual way, but when anyone notices they’re just like ‘Awwwww’. Sometimes they are such sad songs too, but it’s still so sweet for no reason. (Did this before they got together too)
Janis probably knows Regina better than anyone, and does not take bullshit from her (knows when she’s lying, about her back, about home-life, etc.) Regina knows Janis super well too, and remembers little things about her, which always surprised the brunette.
their relationship is purely sexual for awhile (angry fucking), then they both realize their feelings and have internal panic about it. ‘This wasn’t supposed to happen Damian!’ And ‘Gretchen, I love her!’
Both of them have a sweet tooth, but Janis’s is bad. Regina is like ‘I get liking sweets, but how are you not vomiting?’ Janis just shrugs.
Janis is also small and can’t hold her liquor. Regina will take care of her on multiple occasions, act annoyed, but finds that she is the dumbest, silliest drunk ever.
they both give off cat energy, yes, but I fell like Regina gives off angry dog energy while Janis is a angry kitten cat. So I definitely think that Janis has scary dog privileges (Regina is her guard dog, and she just sits there all smug. Like: 😼🖕)
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morganalatina21 · 1 year
Manipulating Death: Chapter Twelve
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Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
a/n: yo yo! (Timmy's voice). I know, I know, it's been a rough couple of months since I last posted something but i was just starting college (i passed in one of the top best in my country so I'm really glad), and now that everything's outta the way I can go back to writing so better get used to receive some news from me baby!
Aaand, Ik this one's a little shorter than usual but i just wanted to announce that im back so... yeah
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Last Chapter | Masterlist
When summer came and Harry had to go back to Hogwarts and then back to his uncle’s house, Sirius was ready to throw hands.
The remaining marauders grew a very solid anger towards their old headmaster after everything Y/n and Regulus told them about, and were ready to disobey him one more time, however after some long days of talking, they decided to play the game.
If Dumbledore was allowed to lie to them and risk their lives as if they were a bunch of pawns, so could the Order.
So Harry, Hermione and Ron went to Hogwarts to finish their fifth school year, the Potter would write letters to his sister everyday and once every two days they’d talk through the fireplace.
He’d tell her how his day was, how he missed the twins fooling around, how Umbridge was such a pink bitch he could throw up; and Y/n would give small hints about how their search for the Horcruxes was going, and the best way to hex his professor without her knowing.
He avoided referring to her as a sister, and just went with “a very dear friend”, and also never mentioned Dumbledore, just in case he decided to somehow capture Edwiges and read the messages.
But they were so happy being able to talk to each other basically everyday after being almost sixteen years apart.
The boy was happy he, for once, could write home, to someone who was actually interested, some family.
Of course, before, he had Sirius, but the man saw him as a replacement for James, and Harry viewed him the same way; this was different, he didn’t saw Y/n as his mother, neither did her.
But it was pretty clear he was jealous whenever someone else interacted with her.
Like this time when Hermione told him she sent a letter to Y/n to ask about some potions and how she was healing, Harry turned red immediately and wondered why she was so worried if she wasn’t her sister.
Or whenever they were talking through the fireplace and Regulus would be right beside her in the room.
“It’s like” He mumbled, “You guys have your own families and I don’t interfere, let me have mine!”
Speaking about her healing, it took longer than expected, and she hid that from Harry, not wanting the boy to worry over nothing, but Regulus only allowed her to step out of the bedroom when her brother was going back to Petunia’s house.
“Honestly, I do think I will die here.” She confessed one day when he came in with her meal. “But of boredom.”
The day Harry had to go back to his uncle's, he decided to see his sister one last time before spending the entire summer without her.
And everyone got a pretty clear view from Harry's jealousy that day.
Remus left the house to receive the golden trio outside, not knowing an exact hour they'd be there, so it was just Regulus and Sirius downstairs and Y/n in her room.
The kids' presence not being exactly announced when they arrived, both Black Brothers thinking she'd be asleep and didn't wanted to bother the poor girl.
Well, they were wrong.
Because her voice came loud and clear, not even a little groggy: "Hey Reggie?"
They perked up at that, the man standing up.
"I'm bored, do you wanna come lay with me so I can play with your hair?"
Their eyes widened, staring at the younger Black in pure shock. He nodded his head at them, as in greeting goodbye and started going upstairs.
Mid-way he started running towards her, knowing she'd probably change her mind if he took too long. "Yes!"
Harry was fuming, as red as Ron's hair.
He busted into his sister’s room and finding her messing with Regulus’ curls. The boy shooed him away harshly and dropped his own head on her lap, staring at the Black with a cold glare that made Y/n laugh.
After a couple minutes, they decided to hang out with everyone else, and Harry would never leave his sister, following her around like a shadow and even making Regulus jealous, and it was so comic for his brother.
She told Harry things they couldn't talk about through letters, like the possessor's training that Reggie was responsible for, or how the Horcruxes hunt was going in full details.
"That reminds me, I got something for you." Y/n announced before sprinting upstairs, to which Regulus was really unhappy about. But she then came back a few moments later, with an old and messy hairbrush on one hand. "It was our father's, it's the only thing I have from him and I want you to have it."
"Are you sure?" He reluctantly asked, holding it as if it could break and disappear if he as much breathed on it. But Y/n shook her head yes with a huge smile.
"Consider it an early birthday gift."
The boy felt his eyes watering, sucking in a hiccup and holding the Potter in a tight hug that almost made him cry his eyes out.
Throughout the rest of the year, Harry would look at the hairbrush almost as if he was begging for his dad's guidance. He felt back on his third year, standing by the lake, with Sirius and his own image passing out on the other side, waiting for his dad to come and save the day.
Except that right now, he knew it was basically his own mind giving him advice. The boy was desesperately trying not to get his hopes high that Y/n could bring them back to life.
She sure was powerful, but after her death she appeared to get weaker and weaker by the day.
He'd get letters from Remus or one of the Black brothers saying she was too sick to write, that they'd keep him uptaded on any important news.
But how could Harry stay fucking calm? Deep down, he felt lied to. He had no reason to suspect his godfather or his sistser's godfather, but Merlin there was something wrong.
And he was right.
Because a week after he arrived at the Dursley's, Regulus Black woke up to an empty bed except for himself.
Calling out her name, no answer.
The basement just as empty as the bed.
Sirius and Remus? Clueless.
Kreacher? Obliviated.
Y/n Potter was, once again, missing.
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cressthebest · 1 month
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 22
chapter 38:
1. “"Right, so, your stylist?" Marlene asks, settling in as they continue to sway. "The one who looks like a fucking goddess? Yeah, so get this, she says we're friends…"”
james and marlene gossip sesh <3333333
2. 😧 MCGONNAGAL??????????
3. wait i think mcgonnagal is good. i’m pretty sure she’s from the phoenix. i’m not sure. i’m hopeful. i’m so hopeful
4. aww huey is kinda sweet. i like that’s he’s reg’s breath of fresh air when it comes to talking to the hallows
5. reg, i understand your anger, but please don’t make one of the only good sponsors feel bad
6. jealous james >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
7. “"I like your tea," James offers. "Maybe I'm biased, but it tastes better than anyone else's. What do you do to it?"
Regulus hums and lightly says, "I spit in it."
Without missing a beat, James replies, "Ah, that explains it."”
8. “"Would you—" Regulus chokes on another relentless giggle, gasping a little. "Wait, would you actually drink my tea if I spit in it, James?"
"Love, I would let you spit directly into my mouth," James announces with absolutely no shame in his tone whatsoever.”
😭😭😭😭 james i love you
9. awww i love that barty is the most consistent part of reg’s life. i love barty
10. 😬 riddle is unconvinced in their love story. i- yikes
11. okay, right, mcgonnagal is good. thank god
12. dorcas wants to keep marlene out of the war, but only one of them has had a pov so far, so i’m not hopeful
13. oh shit marlene sounds hot
14. also, to add in, i’m so fucking glad there’s like no homophobia (that we know of) in this world
15. i do NOT want dorlene to be a tragedy in this universe
16. 😟 she gave back the ring. AHHHH
17. oh no. shit shit shit shit shit what did riddle do
18. “Riddle didn't even grant the liberty of leaving bodies behind for them to bury.” 😟😧
(but also, orion and walburga were dicks, so like, i’m not sad, just scared)
chapter 39:
1. aww regulus finally invites james in for tea
2. “On the day he accidentally kills a bee while tending to his flowers, he goes through the five stages of grief in less than an hour, which has nothing to do with the bee and everything to do with Vanity.” STOP! THE VANITY MENTION HURTS TOO MUCH
3. “When Regulus wants more time with him, he adds bagels, which James has now unconsciously been Pavloved into thinking of as his favorite food for that very reason.” STOP THATS SO GAY
4. sirius being dramatic about james and reg liking each other is TOP TIER in this fic, in the most realistic, aggravated, obnoxious, and completely loving way
6. oh shit, (i’m not the best comprehensive reader, but i should have figured this out sooner), but from sirius’ perspective, he has to do the back and forth with remus his whole life. he doesn’t have the knowledge that i do, that a war is coming and they’ll finally get a chance to live together. he thinks he only gets to see remus once a year for two weeks at a time. this- this shit is heartbreaking yall
7. “”I watched him stand to his feet and tip himself into a river of blood in an act so tender that I'll never again be able to look at him with anything less than pure love. Every other member of the Black family, including you, fought and clawed their way home to their family, oftentimes to a family that never truly made them feel loved at all. Regulus? He fought and clawed through that arena, the entire time, for James. He's far more gentle than anyone gives him credit for."”
y’all, i’m crying over this. this is so lovely. effie is right, and i’m crying over how right she is
8. 😒 i know what’s coming. riddles a bitch. a right bitch. he’s gonna announce that previous victors are competing and i’m PISSED
9. so far, all three potters offered reggie food. they’re so hospitable, i love them
10. “He hasn't forgotten what it is to long for James. He still knows what it is to want him so badly that he'd be willing to kneel at the altar of James Potter and beg; he'd drop down on his hands and knees and crawl if that's what it took, if that would prove his devotion. He is the manifestation of longing built up with nowhere to go, and he craves, he yearns, he covets.”
both of them are so down bad
11. omg reg is so horny. his inner monologue is literally only like “”””“rip my clothes off please, read my mind and rip my clothes off”””””
13. effie is a queen. she is a godsend. and i’m so upset right now
14. not effie making them promise not to volunteer, and immediately james and sirius arguing over who’s gonna volunteer for her
15. i’m seething. i’m pissed beyond belief. i’m so angry it’s indescribable. my babies are going back into that arena. honestly, fuck riddle
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suppenzeit · 8 days
LOTS of season 4 theorizing !!!
Most of this will probably be totally different in the actual show but hey. A bitch loves to theorize.
Discussion welcome btw! If I missed anything please let me know if you've got other theories I'd love to know them too. I'm just really hyped!
-It's been a couple years since the gang's been back together, I'd assume! If the kid that Diego's playing with is his, then its been uhhh (remembers that I can't figure out kids' ages) let's just say at least 3 years.
-Powers back! Kinda? Five is purple, Viktor is orange, Ben is an octopus instead of a squid, Luther is buff but if he's still a monkey is a mystery. And I'm not sure all of them have their powers back, seeing as Klaus seems to be anxious and a little germaphobic judging by the gloves, which wouldn't make sense if he had his powers back?
-A lot of people are saying Luther's back in space, and while I would love that, I also do doubt it a little, simply because of how flimsy and fake the spacesuit he puts on looks. My money's on him either being a movie star, OR, a pro wrestler. This would explain his robe, with Space Boy written on it.
-You know what, looking at the trailer, I'm kinda thinking he's dressing up as an astronaut to entertain the kids party Diego's at. Or maybe not, I do think he's probably at the party regardless. He seems like a fun uncle.
(-My Tragic Story Theory for Luther is that he becomes so aimless and distraught by losing Sloane that he goes back to Reginald, who enacts a similar sort of abuse on him as he did before he died. This would explain why Luther would be back in space, if he is back in space)
-Viktor seems to most certainly be a bartender which, like, go off king. Good for him, having employment in this economy. He looks handsome.
-The subway system is 100% a method to travel between timelines. How it's gonna be used, I have no clue. We've only seen Five and Lila at it so it could just be another one of their sideplots.
-The actual academy building looks a bit worse for wear, but then again, Luther is wearing a robe in there, so maybe he's squatter ? Cause I doubt Reggie's living in there, I think he's living at the big mansion.
-I think a likely inciting incident is probably them getting their powers back, which would signal that Something is wrong. And I think it happens sometime during that one pic on the UA Insta account, where it looks like they're all having a drink. Good dad Diego inviting all his kids uncles and aunt to their bday ?
-Anyway, the story will definitely focus on getting the gang to the right timeline once and for all. Maybe they all go to different timelines, depending on what they want? That sounds like a shit end tho to me, so I don't wanna think that that's gonna happen.
MY BIGGEST WISH -> Sparrow cameos please please please. I want Sloane back hopefully but I just wanna see those goobers PLEASE.
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fandom-whores-world · 10 months
Twisted Sleepovers
Part 2 Savanaclaw
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Welcome one and all to part 2 of Sleepover Series! For tonight’s grand event we have. . .Drum Roll Please!!SAVANACLAW!!!
Leona definitely puts the SLEEP in sleepover
This man is literally only allowing this to happen because it means he has a free waterboy for magift practice the next day
He would definitely be a bit bitchy through out the whole sleepover, and nearly murders Grim everytime that fur ball opens his mouth
He’s only there to spend time with MC and will complain the whole time
Bosses Reggie around so much during the sleepover because if he has to be miserable so does everyone else
Despite acting like a bitch about the sleepover he does bankroll it using his brothers credit card. Who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth?
Mainly just watches MC and Jack to make sure they don’t do anything stupid
The first one to go to sleep and the last one to wake up
Hates sleepovers but is doing it for you, as long as there isn’t a repeat of the Octavinelle incident
He was probably the one to suggest the sleepover in the first place
While he does genuinely enjoy the idea of having a sleepover he definitely has ulterior motives, so expect to be running quite a few errands for him the day after
Organizes the whole thing and if he’s feeling nice probably cooks a few of his favorite meals with ingredients all payed for by his favorite benefactor, the Royal family, shishishi
Teases grim the whole night for being so cowardly and definitely tells a bunch of scary stories about his homeland
He’s the last one to fall asleep since he puts everything away once it’s done being used and makes sure everything is safe in the Savannaclaw dorm before heading to bed
Jack is really the only one you’ll be able to have a lot of fun with
He’s as loyal as ever, and will try his best to make this the best sleepover ever
He invited the Mc into his room and shows them all sorts of Cacti he is growing
He explains each of their significance and will probably gift one to you by the end of the night
Jack may be protective, but he has a heart of gold
There are a lot of things he misses doing with his little siblings back home taht he’ll probably try to recreate at the sleepover.
Such as making pillow forts, playing board games, and telling scary stories
He’ll pretend not to be scared by the ones Ruggie tells, but when he goes to sleep you can hear him whining the whole night
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sofoulandfairaday · 10 months
1 for the ask game
from: choose violence ask game
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Err... all of them? I'm not even kidding. More on this here.
Bellatrix: fortunately there's been progress in the fandom, but for years everyone loved to describe her as an overly sexualized, crazy, shrieking mindless slave, when she's actually quite the opposite. She is sadistic, but not insane, she's passionate but not irrational (she is the only one who knew Snape was a traitor; to me, it's because of a peculiar mix of rationality and intuition that shows her to be actually quite intelligent). Nothing suggests her being promiscuous in the text and I would actually argue the opposite of her (why would she ever lower herself to sleep with someone who she deems her inferior - so basically everyone -, even just to satisfy mere physical desires? This post, to me, is Bella at her core).
Narcissa: this is canon Narcissa, all of you are perfectly entitled to your soft babygirl headcanons, of course, but then again you are perfectly entitled to be wrong <3 [also, shameless self-promo: x]
The blorboification continues for every single member of the Black family and I hate it so much you have no idea:
Andromeda: somehow described as a soft little girl who loved her mean, mean sisters so much and had to run away? Bitch stood up to seven centuries of tradition, and abandoned her sisters and parents, to marry a boy she had fallen in love with maybe two years prior (we know this based on Tonks' age). Good for her, but as I have said previously, both Narcissa and Andromeda (and Sirius, really) strike me as a bit selfish. The one with the romantic attachment to the idea of her family, the child most like Walburga, is Bellatrix.
But this is nothing, NOTHING, compared to what this fandom does to Regulus and Sirius.
Regulus: canonically a Voldemort fanboy, with newspaper clippings of him everywhere, and a blood supremacist. Sirius says it better than anyone: Reggie is soft. But not in the way the fandom believes, nope. He's just a coward who, much like Draco years later, was super excited to be like Bellatrix (Lucius) until he realized what killing really meant, what fighting a war really was, and most importantly because Voldemort touched him personally (Kreacher, whom he loved). Voldemort was probably a little more deranged than he had been at the beginning of the First War, and someone that had inherited the Black pride/haughtiness probably didn't like being branded like cattle and treated like a slave, on top of everything else.
Sirius: fanon Sirius is basically another character. Canon!Sirius is: tall, canonically incredibly handsome, quite masculine (in an explicit and toxic way, especially as a teenager in the fucking 1970s - the skirt-wearing, feminist one-liners spouting version of Sirius is something I just cannot get behind), a dick, a bit classist ((don't come @ me with your "oh, but what about Moony?!" because a) we don't know Remus' wealth when Lyall and Hope were still alive, we only know he can't get a job as an adult because of his condition and b) Remus is Sirius' exception, in the same way Lily is Snape's when he calls her a Mudblood - everyone else is in his eyes)), brave to the point of recklessness, quite cruel, funny, witty, magically talented, loyal to a fault, extremely charismatic and everything else outlined here. For the same reasons, I'll say Remus too.
Don't even get me started on Severus Snape. Other people have spoken on this better than I could ever. At least here on Tumblr, though, it seems to me that things are getting a little better after years of absolutely bizarre takes. Or maybe I've blocked all of the idiots idk.
Dumbledore. More on this here and maybe I'll outline my ideas better in a future post.
Also: I do not accept any characterization of Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch jr, Reggie, and Rabastan Lestrange as anything less than violent blood supremacists. Yes, they can be nuanced and gay (and only for each other might I add), but these people are the KKK (metaphorically, of course, because I hate comparing real-world tragedies to completely fictional ones, but still).
Lucius: a complete dick, but definitely not abusive. The man couldn't raise a hand to Draco if the Dark Lord threatened to kill him over it.
Speaking of which: my darling Lord Voldemort. Not much to say about him really because I know that some people do write him in a very interesting way (and I am open to interpretations of his character even if they are different from how I see him - and I have a very fucking specific vision of him). The problem is that perhaps three (3) of these people write him with Bellatrix and that saddens me.
Now, I mostly read First Wizarding War stuff or Death Eater stuff so I can't really speak to many other characters, especially in Harry's generation, but anything other than cowardly Draco is not a good Draco characterization to me. Ron is hands-down the best one in the Golden Trio and Ron Weasley bashing is pathetic. Hermione has faults but is ultimately a strong, take-no-bullshit girl and I'll take that over basically any and all female YA protagonists. And Harry is sassiness personified, but with a heart of gold, and oh-so-caring. Which is also why I can't read dark!Harry for the life of me. It just makes me giggle.
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toxinoire · 10 months
This is gonna be a wild ride. (Mean Girls + Heathers skit)
Inspired by something I saw on Tiktok
Janis: Isn't the party tomorrow?
Cady: Apparently, it's a week long party.
Janis: Oh.
Gretchen: That explains why the guests are arriving now and well...every other day ago.
Karen: What's everyone supposed to do then?
Aaron: Not sure.
Damian: Yeah, Jan, can you greet some of them?
Janis: Yeah I guess.
(At the door)
Janis: Hey Kurt Kelly, you can put your stuff over there.
Kurt: Woo, didn't expect to be greeted by a hottie like you.
Janis: Dude, I'm gay-
Janis: Ram Sweeney, over there.
Ram: You look tense sweetheart.
Ram: Need a hug~
Janis: Oh no I don't-
Janis: Alright then, Heather Chandler. You can put your stuff over there.
Janis: ...And...who are you? And why do we look alike?
Veronica: Uh- Huh, we do look alike... Anyway...
Veronica: I'm her friend, Veronica Sawyer.
Janis: Interesting.
Veronica: I have a bad feeling about this.
Janis: Ah you're from Ohio...
Veronica: Oh fuck off. Anyway, the party is tomorrow?
Janis: It appears so.
Janis: So that blonde demon you were with..?
Veronica: Oh you mean Heather? Yeah, she kinda just dragged me into this. I didn't want to go.
Janis: Relatable
Janis: And you have a thing for her, right?
Veronica: HUH- She's my friend...
Janis: *wheezes*
Janis: Oh wait, you were serious?
Veronica: Oh, hi Heather.
Janis: *whispers* Wait, watch this.
Veronica: Wait, what? No-
Janis: Hey, Heather, you'll be happy to know that you're little friend over here just got asked to the party by that boy Kevin G.
Veronica: *whisper shouts* No I wasn't.
Janis: Shhh.
Janis: See, look how upset she is as she storms away!
Veronica: Why are you saying that like it's a good thing?
Janis: Oh, I have so much to teach you.
Regina: Janis, who's this?
Regina: And why does she look a lot like you?
Janis: Oh Regina. This is my new friend, Veronica Sawyer.
Veronica: *awkwardly* Hi...
Janis: Anyway, Reggie, you gonna ask anyone to the party.
Regina: Uh-
Regina: No one.
Janis: No one?
Janis: Uh- well I just got asked. And I said yes-
Janis: Asked by- Heather Chandler-
Janis: Yeah.
Janis: Oh you look mad-
Janis, walking away: *to herself* Yeah that was a bad choice...
Veronica: Does she always lack that much self awareness?
Cady: Yeah.
Veronica: AH- Oh it's just another human being.
Cady: What.
Veronica: Anyway, don't worry Regina. I'm sure Heather treats her dates well.
Veronica: Judging by the rage in your eyes, I made things worse.
Janis: Yoooo Heather Chandler, right? I take it you're enjoying the shit in this party.
Janis: Anyway, so I'm gonna you to pretend to be my date to the party to make Regina jealous.
Heather: What? No-
Janis: Oh, I wasn't asking you, I was telling you.
Heather: I-
Heather: *realizes it could possibly help her situation with Veronica*
Heather: Fine.
Janis: Nice.
Veronica: How did you do that?
Janis: I don't know, but it doesn't matter.
Veronica: Your friends must have a hard time dealing with you.
Janis: Don't take Damian and Cady's side-
Veronica: Hi, Regina?
Veronica: Sorry to interrupt you throwing darts at a picture of...Heather...
Veronica: I was just wondering, if you didn't want Janis to go to the party with Heather, why didn't you just ask her yourself?
Regina: *throws dart at Veronica*
Veronica: *dodges* Okay, so you two clearly don't do well with logic.
Janis: Heather, this is a disaster.
Janis: Especially since the party is tomorrow and we both know you'd rather go with Veronica and I'd rather go with Regina.
Heather: What- I don't wanna-
Janis: Oh, don't try to lie. This isn't my first rodeo.
Heather: ...Okay yeah, I wanna go with Veronica.
Janis: See? Was that so hard to admit?
Veronica: Okay, Regina, is there anything you'd like to say to Janis?
Regina: Uh-
Regina: Get me punch.
Janis: Bitch- okay fine. *leaves*
Veronica: Dude why?
Veronica: You could've just- you had the chance to- ugh.
Veronica: Heather, these people are insane.
Heather: Yeah, I can see that.
Veronica: Geez, this is why you should never fall for someone you're friends with that you used to hate.
Veronica: Especially when they're THAT oblivious!
Heather: ...
Veronica: Why are you looking at me like that?
(The next day)
Janis: This is the last party I'm ever going too.
Janis: Would you get in here?
Veronica: I feel ridiculous.
Janis: The fuck you mean? You look awesome.
Janis: Oh, and there's your date. Kevin, get over here!
Veronica: Is he reading a calculus book?
Janis: Oh, I forgot to mention that most of the things he talks about is math.
Janis: Anyway- have fun!
Veronica: Oh that bitch.
Janis: Yo Heather, you clean up nice.
Heather: Obviously.
Janis: Well aren't you cocky.
Veronica: Hi Regina, are you ok?
Regina: Yeah, why?
Veronica: Cause you're very angrily staring at Heather and Janis.
Veronica: And you just poked a hole through your paper cup.
Veronica: The punch is dripping on the carpet.
Janis: Hey Heather- you have something in you hair-
Janis: Oh shit, my bracelet is stuck.
Janis: Maybe if I turn this way...
Veronica: Oh, are they about to k- AH!
Janis: AH!
Janis: Oh shit, Regina just pushed her to the table.
Janis: Entertainment.
Veronica: What- Why do you have that look on your face?
Janis: Oh, I'm not wearing a bracelet.
Veronica: Oh you sick son of a bitch.
Janis: Alright Regina! Get her with your left hook!
Janis: Oh, cause it's fun.
Veronica: It's my fault for asking...
Veronica: Shit, Heather, are you okay?
Heather: I mean, my face is swollen so no.
Veronica: Yeah, let me see. Does it hurt that bad?
Heather: It stings, yeah.
Veronica: Okay, don't worry, we can put an ice pack on that and you'll be fine.
Janis, watching them: My work here is done.
Janis: Oh hey Reggie- you got a little bruise over there- Oh you look angry.
Regina: Heh, come here. *starts chasing Janis*
Janis: Regina don't be rash- *runs away*
Veronica: There goes the two most dysfunctional people I've ever met.
Veronica: Heather, why are you laughing?
Veronica: Wait...Were you in on that?
Heather: Pfft- Yeah.
Veronica: *smacks Heather at the back of her haad* You big idiot! I was so worried about you!
Veronica: I mean not you- I was worried because um-
Heather: Pfft-
Veronica: Shut up.
(The next day)
Veronica: Yeah, so we're heading out.
Janis: Really? Well, have a safe trip back. It was nice meeting you.
Veronica: Yeah...you know what, here's my phone number.
Veronica: If you ever wanna talk about anything, just give me a call.
Janis: Aww that's sweet. But I already got it from Heather yesterday. I already left six messages.
Veronica: Of course you did.
Veronica: Well, good luck with Regina.
Janis: Oh thanks, good luck with Heather.
Veronica: Oh thanks, but Heather and I really are just friends. Anyway, bye!
Janis: Whatever you say Ronnie. Have fun with that. Bye!
Janis: I miss being that stupid.
Damian: You're still-
Janis: I meant THAT level of stupid, Damian.
That was wild. I don't know what this was lol.
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brascu · 2 years
Alright, I saw some posts from people saying they didn’t enjoy Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy and although I think every one can have their own opinion, I’m here to tell you guys why you’re wrong (/j) and this is the best season yet and share how it made me like the first and second season. (all the spoilers, proceed with caution)
And I’ll start it by quoting dear Handler: Some things just don’t make sense... until they do.
She says that to Lila right after asking her to protect number Five. And like, I know her plan is all that “kill the higher ups, make shit for me and I’ll give you what you want”, but isn’t it funny how she lives for the Comission, she is the one to recruit Five and he is the founder of said Comission? 
Time is already not linear before Five is saved by her, she saved him because she works for an organization he will found. We were living a paradox since the begining. That’s why I feel some people are confused about the third part of the series, But my time-travel-loving self is more than happy.
Everything is conected.
Do you remember when Reginald dies and Luther says that in his last call the old man said for him to pay attention to who he trusts? And how Luther than asks Klaus to speak with Reginald so they can ask him if he was murdered? And when Klaus dies trying to help Luther, his father tells him 1) he’s dead 2) Reggie killed Reggie. By the end of season three, finally someone betrays Luther and kills him. Who? Reginald. Klaus goes into the void and finds out Reginald killed Luther. How Klaus ends up in the void this time? He helped Reggie and died in the end. What was going to happen in season 3 has already been told to us by the first season. Klaus only realized he died in season 3, but Reggie had already told him that.
When Allison is worried about Ray, after the protest, Klaus tells her that she needs some menudo, which is what he eats with his mother when he is finally understanding himself and his powers(and it’s also the menudo that get’s him together with his father once again). At this point in season 2, Allison havent used her powers since Viktor and she is currently afraid os loosing everything by using it again, like an addict.
Klaus than tells her that fable of the frog and the scorpion. That is about someone’s way of being remaining the same even if it ends up fucking everyone up, including the scorpion. But it’s also about making a deal with someone who wants to use you. This is foreshadowing both of them being used by Reginald, but also Allison vilanization arc. “The point is: frogs are bitches and we do not negotiate with terrorists”. Both negotiate with Reggie lol Klaus for his love and Allison for her life.
Klaus goes from a real mess in season 1 to the one that’s dealing better with all this shit, while Allison goes from the person who had her shit together to the most unstable one. Allison lived her first life getting everything she wanted and when she looses her “things” she acts like the spoiled brat she’s always been(the scorpion). We know she got her husband, her carrer and control over her daughter by using her powers. Why are we really surprised that she’s doing anything to get it back? 
In season 3 we understand why Reginald adopted 7 kids. In season one, they said that when Ben died, eveyone went their separate ways, so Reginald got him back, so he could unite the families, as he said he did to said Ben by the 10th episode of this season. If loosing a kid would fuck up his plans, he would’ve got more, but he didn’t did him?
And for those who wanted more of the sparrows this season, I must remind you that Reginald walks around with an umbrella, not with birds. Birds are nice, they are part of this scenary, but they’re not as useful as an umbrella. We see birds through all seasons and they are, indeed, important. But they are pieces to take the umbrellas where they need to go, to make the umbrellas do what they had to do, little pieces of Reginald’s game. And they “flew away” after doing what they needed to do. 
first season we had Agnes, who loved birds. Second season has Harlan always holding a little wooden bird. And the third season has the sparrow academy. Every one of these “birds” came in handy by the next season. Hazel takes that video to Five because Agnes asked. Harlan saves them from Christopher. And I’m pretty sure Sparrow Ben (and probably Sloane too) are gonna be fundamental next season.
Specially since we kinda got that feeling that Season 1 was about Luther, with the moon and beins a leader, Season 2 was about Diego, being his own batman and saving the president (also seeking revenge from his father) and Season 3 with Allison’s need for control and for things to go her way. Next one is Klaus’s, who’s been preparing himself since the first season.
Now he’s lost everything again, right? Scoup after scoup after scoup. Like he’s menudo being eaten. Brother, Lover, Mother and Power, or even the Void, where he likes to be and where he believes is his place, his found home. And Ben, his best friend and possibly lover, is back but not really but yes. I’m pretty sure he will try to stick to Ben and this is gonna be fundamental by the end. Why? Because even though Ben “is with them” now, he is not, just like in season 1. And what saves them from those armed guys is Klaus and Ben working together. I’m sure this was foreshadowed there. in season 3 Klaus was again responsible for uniting them all by the end of the season.
I think the main point is understanding that everything they’ve been through was to make them go into Oblivion with Reggie. They had no other choice. Both previous seasons happened so the third could happen. Every little detail.
Luther died because he voted against going to Oblivion because he met sloane because he was kidnapped because Marcus went missing because they caused a paradox because they were never born because Viktor saved Harlan because he ended up in Sissy’s place because he lost his memorys because he destroyed the moon because Luther decided to attack him against Allison’s will because she lost her voice because she fount out about Harold Jenkings because Diego got info on him because he was friends with Patch who died because Cha-cha and Hazel kidnapped Klaus because he was high because that’s how he coped with his powers because Reginald trumatized him because he wanted to control him and because he needed to be helped out of the pills he took because Pogo left him because he wanted to get the kids to the oblivion because he wanted to reset the universe. And you can do this with everything in this fucking show. and this is only possible to notice when you’ve seen the three timelines.
It’ like Reginald set up all those domino pieces and every move they make happens exacly acording to his plan. 
In first season when we see the flashback of the day Five got lost in time, there are two things to pay attention to: Reginald explains time travel in a way that would only make sense to those who had traveled already and he doesn’t even try getting up to go after him when he runs off. Five is the one sibling Reginald worked to have a high self steem, for him to disobey him and try time traveling, so he gets lost, so he comes back, so he guide his siblings to new 2019, so they go to oblivion. Old Five saying to little Five to not save the world is his way of trying to stop Reginald. The comission exists to try and kill little Five to stop Reginald. why? I don’t know lol  Some things just don’t make sense... until they do.
My point being that 1st and 2nd seasons kinda end in themselves in a nice way, but the third opens the wound again and we can better understand things we understood on them.
Before I stop, I just wanted to point out that when Five meets Reginald in 1963, he recites Homer. Reginald reads it to Pogo: “ Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end-- “ and stops there. The wanderer is Reginald, who’s seen many universes colapsing (he tells that to Five by the Obsidian Hotel). The Muse is his wife. Ulisses leaves Ithaca to fight in Troy and keeps trying to get back home to Penelope, his wife, who’s patiantly waiting for him.
The poem says:  “He saw the townlands/ and learned the minds of many distant men, /and weathered many bitter nights and days/ in his deep heart at sea, while he fought only/ to save his life, to bring his shipmates home.” , and just as much this could be about Reginald, this could also be about Five. Maybe especially about Five, since it continues:
“But not by will nor valor could he save them, / for their own recklessness destroyed them all “
When I finished the first season, I had exacly this image in my mind: Five was trying so hard to save his “shipmates”, but their impatience, lack of comunication, anger, recklessness destroyed the world.
The umbrellas are at this boat together, trying to navigate Reginald’s waters. At times they have to deal with sirens(Harold Jenkins, JFK, drugs), at times they have to be invisible to scape a ciclops(Dead Ben, Five blinking, Allison in 1963), at times they would get high in a strange magic island(the wedding, high luther, high klaus) or deal with their own delusional lust (Allison in wherever it is that she’s at). But they are just trying to get home. To rule their own life.
(Ulisses is a King, for those who didn’t know)
Anyway, I felt like this season gave me this feeling that even if we are watching it from afar, we don’t have the whole picture yet, for it’s four or even five dimensional.
We’ll see, boys, we’ll see
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docholligay · 4 months
The Night Watch by Sarah Waters
I love this book. We all know I love this book. I have read this book at least a dozen time sand we all know I'm going to read it again. I'm never sure whether I like this or Tipping the Velvet more, but I think as a piece of literature, this is the better book. (But Tipping the Velvet is the one I often recommend to people. Sarah Waters can be hard for some people to hang with and Tipping is her fluffiest.)
Kay Langrish, what a fucking piece of work this bitch is. She's so pathetic, and I do sort of resent her for it, but also I love her. I want to beat the shit out of her. She's Poor Little Rich Butch who literally shuts herself the fuck away and gazes out the window all day. She's one of those people for whom the war was the best thing that ever happened to her, and people like this do exist! Some people are great in a crisis, and some people are ONLY good in a crisis. Is it about her being butch and that being easier in wartime? Sure, but Mickey has it even worse and seems to manage being a member of society. (Mickey is the best person in this novel and perhaps of all time. I love her so much, she takes it all in so much stride in her shitty little houseboat, and then she offers it to Kay. Mickey will be played by Lena Oxton in the blorbo adpatation in my head and Kay will be played by Haruka Tenoh) I think Kay is just a fucking rich loser, and I love that for her.
Viv! What a moron. My wife read this book and her takeaway was the the book was about "Gay losers and a token sad straight woman" and she is not wrong. I love how much Viv hates her life in the present day and how pathetic she feels it all is, but she can't get away from it, because! Yes!! I always privately hope that the book will be different this time and there's an afterword where Viv goes and finds Kay and they get together, because I think Viv could be perfectly happy being Kay's wife and being doted on. She wants that! And Reggie will never ever give it to her (blah blah not being into women whatever it's my fantasy afterword and I can do what I want with it)
Speaking of morons let's talk about Helen. I hate Helen and I LOVE her storyline. I love her absolute dedication to ruining her own life. I'm not saying she has to love Kay, I would love to be doted on by Kay but it's not for everyone, and I'm not entirely convinced they didn't get together for any reason other than Helen felt grateful to her. BUT, what about with Julia? What about her insane reactions, the way she barely allows Julia to have friends, the way every time they go a party Helen acts like everyone is trying to fuck Julia? She basically manifests an affair into happening by her constant assumption that it is. IF Julia is sleeping around, of course that's her bad behavior, but let's not pretend like Helen's ridiculous suspicion and quarreling over nothing, her low-key resentment of Julia's success, isn't doing anything.
And Duncan, man, talk about your easily led, whatever's happening is what may as well happen, type. His thing with the junk that he considers 'antique' is so sad. He lives in a little boy's room and is kept like a little boy as a sexual pet and it would be disturbing if it wasn't so much just what Duncan had decided was the logical next step just like killing himself along with Alec. He was happier in fucking prison, it almost seems because there at least everything was just...decided for him.
I wonder if Waters isn't making a commentary about the idea that London and the UK more broadly was "never better than in the Blitz" and all that Blitz spirit stuff which i confess I can be real prone to as well, but I don't live there and am allowed to engage in a bit of romance over a situation that in no way involves me. Is Waters saying, "If we think that we, as a country, city, community, were never better than when we were actively being firebombed, it might just be that we have decided that, and have decided not to make ourselves better than that moment. Anytime, we could decide to be a better London & UK, but we aren't doing that. We're staring at the rubble and wishing we were there." I don't know! I have literally never thought this before it just came to me while writing this, it might be bullshit.
Basically the summary of this novel could be "Four people ruin their own lives because they aren't sure they deserve anything better" and I wouldn't argue with that. I love this book so fucking much.
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fanfictionroxs · 7 months
HOTD greek mythology thoughts - Harwin as Hades
I love imagining Harwin as the sort of Hades of westeros. A chill dude. Lives in a haunted house where spirits come & go freely (Harrenhall). He enjoys their company even though he has limited spiritual connection to the other side.. or maybe he's just good at pretending while near the living to avoid frightening them and to avoid people gossiping about him. Harwin has no control over the dead, no one does. They are simply his silent companions whose unintelligible whispers have long become his comfort. Alys is the one who actually befriends them, plays with them, learns spells from them, unafraid to be perceived a 'witch'. Harwin tries to be show more restraint, but Lyonel still takes him away at a young age to King's Landing, hoping that if his son has more distance from that house and his older sister, he wouldn't go mad.
Still, Harwin's best friend is an 8 year old boy called Reggie Rivers who sometimes changes into a 22 year old bard singing the most melancholic yet melodious tunes. He is a lonely spirit who has been haunting the halls of Harrenhall longer than Harwin's father has been alive (in canon, I imagine Reggie waits for him to return for years and then he doesn't let the doors open when the fire starts so that Harwin would never be able to leave their house again and they could stay together in the afterlife. The lonely boy comforts his crying spirit and promises him that his sons would be returned to him in less than a decade).
Instead of Cerebrus, a three headed dog, Harwin has his three sons Jace, Luke & Joffrey. Joffrey is the first one to see a ghost despite being the youngest. It's because Joffrey Sr.'s ghost often hovered around him protectively, adopting him from the afterlife while smiling longingly at Laenor. Harwin is surprised because Dragon magic keeps the dead away pretty much.. he never expected his sons to have that side of a Strong in them despite all of them looking like him.
Rhaenyra is his reverse Persephone (more on the reverse part at the end para!) without the incest. Funny how the incest gets eradicated despite it being an hotd AND greek myth au. Though now I'm imagining how much Rhaenyra would enjoy calling Harwin 'uncle' lmfao.
Laenor is totally Poseidon because he's a Velaryon and has a good relationship with Harwin. Larys can be Zeus because shitty rapist little brothers. Alys, along with his other two sisters as Demeter, Hestia and Hera. I like the thought of Alys as another Hades.. or Demeter, since Alys's powers have a more broad spectrum.
Now imagine the Hades and Persephone kidnapping thing but reversed. Rhaenyra kidnaps Harwin, and Alys is pissed because that dragon bitch stole her little bro and decides to cause havok that brings westeros to its knees. So, ultimately Rhaenyra has to compromise so that Harwin spends half an year at the Red Keep and the other half at Harrenhall, keeping both women happy and less likely to commit murder.
PS VERY IMPORTANT! He can punch ghosts in the face! Harwin is the 'breakbones' of both the living world and beyond!
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daintyduck99 · 6 months
"sorry, that was my first kiss." "i could tell." "...." "i'm kidding!" for some reason this gives me Willex vibes
Alex prides himself on his motor skills.
They're what make him an excellent drummer, and an awesome surfer, to borrow Reggie’s words. He rarely ever sends a stick flying or has a wipe out.
So it's a little infuriating when he wipes out on the beach, all because some smarmy, laughing asshole wasn't paying attention.
Then they shake their hair out, apologizing all the while with sincerely smiling eyes, and offer Alex a hand up, and oh, oh.
They're strong, and beautiful, and maybe not such an asshole, after all.
It's still infuriating that Alex loses control of his motor skills again. His knees buckle.
The beautiful surfer just laughs, not unkindly, and grips his hand tighter.
“Whoa, dude. I really pancaked you, huh?”
Alex swallows, grimacing internally. Apparently he's lost all ability to function.
He tries again.
“Yeah. I should…my board…”
They hum. Their fingers slide out of Alex's in a way that sends sparks down his spine, and he has to work to suppress a shiver.
Alex's board suddenly obscures his vision. He jumps, only for his lips to twitch reflexively into a smile as they huff a laugh.
“Easy, Adonis.” Their easy grin pops out from around the board. “I'm Willie.”
Alright, okay. Just say your name. Your heart's pounding but it's fine! Just. Say it.
“And I'm not a horse.”
Great! Awesome.
If God is real, maybe he'll take mercy and smite Alex now, or send a tsunami.
But Willie shrugs, seemingly undeterred.
“Well, if you were, you'd be a pretty horse.”
A laugh crawls out of Alex's throat. It's not cute, like Julie's nervous little giggle when she's flirting with someone. It's. Um.
It kind of sounds like he's choking on sand.
All he really knows is that he's doing everything wrong, but Willie must like a challenge, or maybe they have a soft spot for awkward introverts. They coax Alex's name out of him, and get him to join them in the water, where he slowly relaxes.
He's in his element again, and it's easier to laugh and smile and yell and grapple with Willie. It's almost like being with the guys.
Then they go under, and come up laughing and sputtering, grasping each other's elbows, and Willie's eyes flit to Alex's lips, and it's not like being with the guys at all.
Not with how warm he feels, or the way his heart flutters, or when a shaky breath spills from his lips as Willie slowly leans in.
Alex lets his eyes fall shut, breathing out shakily again as their noses bump. His hands are locked on Willie's elbows.
They laugh quietly, with the same warmth that was just shining in their eyes, and anchor Alex with a gentle hand on his jaw.
Their lips touch softly, almost…tenderly.
Alex sighs, melting into the warmth seeping between them in every point of contact, and Willie deepens the kiss.
It should freak him out, but he's floating.
Distantly, he just tries to copy what Willie does. Eventually, they have to stop for air.
Willie laughs breathlessly. “Damn, Adonis.”
“Sorry,” Alex mumbles, ducking his head as the freakout hits. “That was my first kiss.”
“I could tell.”
Alex's head snaps up. He scowls, stung.
It's one thing to hear it inside his head. His brain is a rude, anxious bitch. But this…
Maybe his first impression wasn't so off.
“Alex? Alex!”
A frantic hand is flying in front of his face.
“I was kidding!” Willie exclaims, and something loosens in Alex's chest as he searches Willie's eyes. Guilt and panic swirl there in equal measure. “I'm sorry.”
Alex huffs a laugh. “Okay, yeah. I can tell.”
Willie cocks his head. He mirrors Alex's smile.
“That phrase is gonna haunt me, huh?”
And it does, for the rest of their lives.
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neurotonic · 3 months
In a fight to the death between Solaris Fabby and Prism who do you think would come out the victor? The circumstances that lead to the fight are irrelevant I just need to know who wins.
Oh I see... We're pitting three bad bitches against each other... any history/feelings on killing aside, my answer depends on the nature of the fight/what they're allowed to prepare and use for the brawl. Putting this under the cut because WOW this got longer than I thought.
Edit: Also I forgot to add but I'm not going to throw in any of their feelings between each other for this, I'm just kind of basing on what they CAN do, no context no nothing. If you DO want my opinion of it...I think they Really wouldn't like having to kill each other. But that's not what we're here for today.
For pure hand-to-hand combat, no additional tools/weapons... Prism is probably not used to that kind of thing. She's on her ass inventing all day and Reggie mentions that she's not used to the physically stressful life of a field agent. Fabby's probably more used to getting into fights, though her style leans more on her using lethal inventions. And I feel like her general sense of class would prevent her from fully giving her all with her body movements.
Which leaves us with Solaris. I wholeheartedly believe she's jacked as fuck. Astronauts are required to be physically fit and strong to do whatever it is they do in space. So all that training, combined with her stature easily gives her the physical advantage over the other two. However, if the fight happens AFTER the Death Engine explosion (maybe a few months... or years later...) Solaris is in a lot weaker state. If we're being extremely generous and say she's almost as good as she was before, the odds would be more or less equal between the three. She is Nawt gonna go back to the way she was before sorry queen. But if we're talking peak performances, then there you go. Brick Shithouse Solaris.
Conclusion: Solaris, for pure hand-to-hand combat.
IF we're playing to their strengths and let these inventors play with their little touys, they'd have a more equal footing methinks! My immediate instinct says Fabricator wins because I think, out of the three of them, she's the most familiar with designing inventions that are the most efficient at killing people, if we're going from her kill count. However, she's going against two other inventors with some very unique tricks up their sleeves.
Solaris's lasers are a close second and BOY are they dangerous. Maybe they're not in the same scale as the Death Engine because of the possible timeframe, but she's able to make the dashboard canon and self-destruct module real quickly (I THINK. i forgot the timeline for this but I digress). Prism's robots can Also technically overpower the other two with the sheer number she could make within a set timeframe. Maybe she could also weaponize kinesium (but that's a little disadvantageous for her robots now that I think of it. Could be like a last resort self-destruct thing. But she's not gonna like it).
Fabby could easily kill them with poison gas, but with Solaris's and the robots' lasers they could ignite and negate the gas--that is, if they're quick enough. From the gasses Phoenix ignites, they're usually still in their containers before they're dispersed in the air (and I'm not sure how the chemistry goes if they try to ignite that as it's being sprayed...). If anyone tried to attack Prism directly, they'd have to go through her shield of robots (which she's not gonna like either, but they Are handy). Solaris also still has her physical strength alongside her lasers. This is actually harder than I thought with all the possibilities between them oh Goddddd.
If we find weaknesses, I think Prism's would be the most glaring - if any of the other two find out how to destabilize kinesium, it could make a disastrous chain reaction of explosions that'll wipe out her robots if they're not far enough. But then the robots could try to explode closer to the other two, somewhat of a "im bringing you down with me" situation. For Fabricator. I dont really know what other Types of inventions she could make specifically for fighting...................if she blows all her poison gas she's probably gonna get screweds immediately. She could have lethal fashion things of varied uses, but that still involves surpassing the defenses and avoiding the offenses the other two have. Solaris is going to fair pretty well when it comes to the offense, but her stature actually puts a bigger target on her body since she'd be easier to see and hit.
Jesus well. Sorry to disappoint you anon but I'm really drawing a blank here. If you really want I could add their feelings on Killing as a last resort and say that Prism probably wouldn't win because she Really isn't the type to kill without reason (she'd defend herself to the end), and Fabby would be the winner of this because she is in fact the most bloodthirsty out of the three of them. She's probably the fastest to analyze what she should do to exploit the other two's weaknesses.
Without that, feel free to imagine these three inventors absolutely giving it their all and then everyone exploding to bits and pieces simultaneously. Whoever wins is a win for #feminism except they really just Die at the same time here so
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