#joker writer
nerdpoe · 25 days
Danny is at a Ghost Hunting Convention in Gotham with his parents. He hates his past self for thinking that going to Gotham was a good idea.
He's in a tank, full of water, with a curtain draped over it as the Joker waxes poetic about how Batman is too late and blah, blah, blah.
Danny has bigger problems than Batman's pissing contest with Joker.
His parents are on the outside of the water tank he's been stuck in for the last twenty minutes. As a Halfa, he just stopped breathing, no big deal.
But they don't know he can do that.
He needs to do something so that they don't think he's a ghost, and going intangible is out because, obviously, that would make him a ghost.
...Hadn't Clockwork said that his status as a Halfa made him...flexible? On what he looked like?
That meant shapechanging, like Amorpho.
It would be really, really hard to explain, but also, better than being mistaken for a ghost.
He squeezes his eyes shut, hopes he doesn't come out of this looking like a horrifying version of clayface, forces himself to change.
The skin on his neck ripples, his legs fuse like when he's in his ghost form, and the sensation is so strange he gasps...and he can breathe.
The curtain is still over the tank of water.
Danny is glowing.
There are freckles that are glowing a soft green that dot his arms and...tail.
He's a mermaid. Merman.
Maybe he can say it was a recessive gene?
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crispyliza · 2 months
It's always funny when an author on ao3 that I subscribed to for a specific fandom starts posting fics for another fandom that I'm also in. Especially niche ones. Great minds think alike I guess.
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razz-matazz143 · 18 days
"oh what inspired that work?" "what inspired that poem?" "An old relationship? someone you like?" No actually it's two doomed yaoi characters sorry :(
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bruciemilf · 1 year
"Oh har har Gotham is terrible to Joker and that's why he acts the way he does," Gotham worships a hot topic furry with the mental stability of a soggy cracker and thinks a 10 year old vigilante is perfectly normal
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ky-landfill · 7 months
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devine-fem · 6 months
Understand that I am crazy and then read: This game changed what I thought games could be. This changed what I thought Batman could be, what the Batman and Jokers relationship could be. The take on them and making Joker a glorified Robin, showing the player the absolute tragedy that is their relationship, showing me how desperate and gross either side can become. Like Bruce has to prove to himself that what he’s doing, his code and his way is right and the Joker is the product of that… he’s the product of all of this - HIS CHARACTER is THAT. I was never the same after this, this rewired my brain. This will forever rival any Batman depiction I ever see. I’m new after this in the way that I have to mourn the person I once was before playing this. Call it a ship, a game, or a superhero story - I call this art. I’m gonna sit here for the next few months being upset at the fact that now that I’ve played this I’ll never find anything else like it.
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distort-opia · 22 days
And in today's second installment of "How about that guy Tom King's brain??"... did you know the man basically developed an entire stabbing-as-sex metaphor between Batman and Joker over the course of multiple comics and that it's just absolutely bonkers? :)
So. Remember this spectacular page from Batman/Catwoman (2021) #9, in which Joker describes a particular fantasy of his regarding Batman?
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"And that's when I put the knife into him. [...] And I put the knife in him again." Joker could not have made this more about sex if he tried. Hell, he tells Selina that he thinks he could fuck Batman better than her. But alright, keeping this in mind-- the metaphor of the knife and penetration, what does it imply about the other two times Tom King has written interactions between Batman and Joker where there's a knife present?
Alright, I'm putting the rest under the cut, since there's a lot of comic panels, my own ranting... and attempted stabbing.
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold #9 ("The Winning Card")
In The Winning Card, a reimagining of Batman and Joker's first ever meeting, we get two fights between them that are so heavy with symbolism; but it's the second confrontation we're interested in, and that's pictured above. We see that it was Joker who drew blood the first time... it's him who sunk the knife penetrated Bruce at the very beginning. And really, was there a need for the unending focus on Bruce pulling out the blade? But then there's what he does next, and the way it's framed... He starts beating Joker, but then realizes that beating him does absolutely nothing.
So he switches to trying to communicate with him, to trying to tell (the worst) possible joke, all while holding up the knife:
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First of all: genuinely terrifying, if I may so myself. Secondly, we're shown Bruce bringing down the knife doing the penetrating, but the next page is not about him having killed Joker. It's Bruce and Alfred having gone fishing, talking about what happened... and why Bruce left Joker alive.
And this is how Tom King chooses to have Bruce say it:
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"He put the knife in me." Tom King I am inside your walls. This is exactly how Joker phrased it in his fantasy. And then, we're shown that Bruce couldn't kill Joker; he stuck the knife in him, but didn't kill him.
But what's the other time Tom King wrote Batman, Joker and a knife? Well, that's during the infamous The War of Jokes and Riddles. We're told TWOJAR happened in the second year of Batman's career, so (at least in King's little Universe) pretty soon after The Winning Card-- which takes place in Year 1. And in TWOJAR, after finding out Riddler's motivation for causing so many lives to be lost, Bruce tries to stab him:
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[squinting my eyes suspiciously] Thrust the knife out, huh. But then, Bruce never manages to commit murder, because Joker steps in:
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Batman (2016) #32
So. If we follow King's own metaphor... Batman tried to have sex with the Riddler and Joker stopped him. Joker couldn't allow it. Bruce ended up stabbing penetrating him instead.
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Pictured above: me
Is King the first to do this sort of thing? No, obviously not. Miller equated the violence between Batman and Joker to sex in The Dark Knight Returns, Snyder and Capullo did that too in both Death of the Family and Endgame. Still, it's... deliciously fucked up, and I thought it needed some showcasing.
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clownprince · 11 months
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how sick and twisted would i have to be to miss that lunatic?
batman: arkham city – end game #1 // batman: arkham city – harley quinn's revenge // batman: arkham city – end game #2-6 // batman: arkham knight – the riddler's gambit // batman: arkham knight #0 // batman: arkham knight
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carrionforthecrows · 1 year
You didn't know? Part 2
Soulmate AU | at age 18 you stop aging until you find your soulmate {with some twists}
Part 1 | Next Part
He was 15 when his soulmate died.
It wasn't for that long the only reason he noticed is because of who he is. He's been obsessed with soulmates for quite awhile, a lot of his books did cover the magic of soulmates. Besides he is The Boy Wonder, the one who believes Robin is magic.
Of course he'd pay attention to the importance of a soulmate. To every little possible thing about the bond between two souls. Because having a soulmate is the only thing that he had when he was just Jason Todd the kid from Crime Alley.
Jason wanted to protect his soulmate, being Robin helps him towards his goal. But right now that goal is on hold...
Right now he wanted his dad.
Where is his dad? Where is B?
Jason was hurting, he was injured very bad.
Jason died at 15 with a cry for his dad and a apology to his soulmate on his lips.
Authors Note: I am doing more parts, I am trying to reclaim/relearn writing after the American Education System ruined it for me. Is it perfect no, but also once I am done I will read any peoples additions to this. But until then I cannot or I will not be able to finish this.
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
Over This Whole ‘School’ Thing
Dick leans on the railing of the school building's roof as he watches the building the deal’s about to go down in. It’s an abnormally quiet night, which is great, since it’s the first night he’s getting to take Danny out on patrol with him since he joined the bat clan.
It was pretty obvious that Danny had suspected them of being the bat clan the moment Masters dropped him on their porch, and finally getting confirmation that he was in the know and actually wanted to help was probably the best thing of Dick’s year.
Now, waiting on the Joker’s goons to show up for a deal, he’s glad he’s getting the chance to hang out with his newest brother(excepting Oracle on the comms, of course.). It was almost relaxing just sitting together on a quiet stakeout, and listening to the noises of Gotham and the occasional siren wailing in the distance.
“You know, I never actually liked school.”
Dick jumps when Danny finally starts a conversation. He’s been very quiet the entire time and it was almost startling how quickly he moved from dead silence to noise. It was almost a surprise that he decided to start a conversation at all, given how quiet he’d been since coming to the manor. Alfred is probably the only one he talks with regularly, now that he thinks about it.
“How so?” Dick asks hesitantly. God knows that he had a pretty rough time in school too, so he may not be the best person to talk with about the subject. “I thought Masters said your schooling was just fine? Your records didn’t say anything either.” Dick trails off a bit when Danny flinches at the mention of Masters. It’s not the first time he’s acted hesitant about the man, but nobody has been able to figure out the mystery or get any information about him yet.
“I wasn’t exactly popular, you know? Lotta bullies in small town schools, and my life outside school kinda kept bleeding over into class time. Sucked hardcore.”
That was new. Danny hasn’t really talked about his school experience before now, but it could be where they are at the moment prompting this, Dick thinks as he gazes out over the run-down neighborhood they’re watching.
“I wasn’t exactly ‘mister popular’ back then, myself.” He starts warily, smothering his words in fake cheer. “High society kids don’t take well to ‘circus freaks’ stealing their opportunities and invading their school. Couldn’t do much about it either because I didn’t want to tell Bruce I was struggling.” Dick drops a bit of the over-the-top peppy mask as he thinks about it.
“So what did you do about it?” Danny leans over, peering at the older vigilante as he waits for an answer.
“Got tired of it and beat them up after a couple months. They gossiped about it for months and refused to talk to me for a while. It was pretty sweet, actually.” He sighs in contentment at the memory. “Bruce and Alfred were pretty disappointed in me though. Practically grounded me for weeks.”
Dick preened as Danny let out a chuckle.
“Man, I wished my parents cared that much about my education. ‘A Fenton always gets A’s. Or in your Dad’s case B-‘s.’ was something Mom always said.” Danny seems to droop as he thinks of his parents. It’s obvious something happened there, but he’d usually shut down immediately if anyone brought them up.
“On top of the ‘out of school’ activities taking over my life, this dickhead named Dash made it his personal mission to ruin my day every time we interacted.” Dick busts out laughing as Danny considers what he said, before freezing and slapping his hands over his face. “Ancients, I didn't even think of that- sorry Dick. He was definitely an asshat though. Real piece of work, that one!” Danny chirped mock-cheerfully. “Did you know that if you’re really flexible you can fit in a half size locker?”
Dick freezes at the sudden question. “Uh… No?” He replies warily. The idea of someone being inside a locker that small physically pained him, and he really didn’t want to think about why Danny would know that.
Why anyone would shove his little brother into a locker.
He pushed the fear and guilt boiling in his gut down and turned to Danny with a smile. “How would you feel about online classes?”
Danny whips his head around to stare at Dick like he grew a second head. “Online?” He asks tentatively, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.
“Online.” Dick agrees quietly.
Danny stares out over the dreary scenery and the sun just starting to shine light over the edge of the horizon. ‘The only time you can see it through the smog’ Dick muses as Danny thinks about his offer.
“I think I would like online school. It might help.” Danny admits in a quiet voice, hands gripping the railing almost painfully tight(For a second Dick thought he saw the metal give a big, but that must have been a trick of the light. Danny’s blood tests didn’t have the meta gene.). “And thank you… For offering to do that for me I mean.” Danny mumbles.
“Of course! What are older siblings for!” Dick beams at him, only faltering a little at the well concealed hurt in Danny’s face. It was pretty obvious that he was just about to shut down the conversation completely, when the batcom went off. Perfect timing.
Dick waves the com in Danny’s direction. “Looks like our clown friend got picked up across town on his way here.” Danny glances up in confusion as Dick hops off the railing he had been sitting on. “You want to race back?”
Danny visibly perked up as he hopped over the railing and pulled his grapple out of his belt pocket. He smirked Devilishly and took off before Dick could even hop over the railing.
“Get back here! I never said start!” Dick yelled out after Danny as they sped across the rooftop and swung between buildings chasing each other back to the cave.
Back home.
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batjokewholaughs · 11 months
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So I got in to bookbinding a few months ago and finally made a collection of all my batjokes stories. Since money is tight I told myself to stick to only supplies I already owned, so while these wouldn’t be my first choice of endpapers for this material, I still think the skulls are cute. The cover art was hand foiled with a foil quill pen and took a little under 3.5 hours.
Huge shoutout to everyone in the Renegade server for lending me their opinions and advice while I designed this little chonker 🙏🏻💜
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oifaaa · 8 months
What is your preferred explanation for Bruce’s no kill rule?
Personally a combo of Bruce was severely traumatised as a child watching his two parents be murdered in front of him to the point he literally can not watch someone die in front of him without it triggering him and he knows himself well enough to know that if he can justify killing one person then he can justify killing another and he's sure he will not have the self control to stop once he gets started
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 months
joker x reader but im like batman or something and he's gay or something like idk
a/n: you are so real for this request bep-- I'm currently going through some writers block but i hope this was at least somewhat decent 😭 this also wasn't proof-read 💀
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Joker with a Batman!Reader who sends you anonymous messages after escaping Arkham for the millionth time. Joker prides himself in being the only person in Gotham who can truly get under your skin, who can get you this close to breaking that silly little “moral code” of yours. Also because he’s literally in love with you. But why blame him though? All he wants to do is get a good laugh out of his favorite Bat.
Joker with a Batman!Reader who leaves little surprises for you around the city. A jack-in-the-box here, a deck of cards there, all with the same message on them: Come and get me, Batsy!💚 It’s giving queer. Who would he be without his little flamboyant schemes? Gotta keep the love of his life on their toes, ya know?
Joker with a Batman!Reader who calls this little cat-and-mouse game of his a “date.” Of course it’s a date! Why wouldn’t it be? After being treacherously locked away in the confines of a small padded cell, unable to do the most heinous things just to get caught by you, he’s finally able to reunite with his beloved Batsy! He can’t let those other heinous lunatics get to you first, that’s his job!
Joker with a Batman!Reader who, when you finally find him in the dingiest, darkest, warehouse in Gotham, has the biggest grin on his face and a glint in his eye. “Aw, I knew you cared about me!”
Joker with a Batman!Reader who, at the final showdown of this little charade, holds you at gunpoint with a wide smile on his face. “You know Bats, I missed this. Me, waltzing around Gotham with a smile on my face. And you, with that bright, big scowl on yours! You just can't get enough of me!” Pulling the trigger, a small bouquet of flowers shot out of the gun's barrel. “So when’s our wedding?”
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aviolettrose · 2 months
Jason Todd was voted back then to be killed, only for him to return as one of the most beloved Robin's, is iconic tbh
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ms-scarletwings · 10 months
Just wanted to say
for being a member of an aggressively militarized, evil, bug-like, cyborg alien race that is completely incapable of natural reproduction,
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Zim is bizarrely…
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And I mean weirdly…
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Like, there is only one dynamic/circumstance in which I’ve ever seen a softer side of him or a shred of empathy for another creature rear its head and it’s consistent across the show, movie, and comics.
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Now, I’m not saying this lunatic maybe desperately needs a spare smeet or similar thrown his way yesterday ago,
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But I’m also not not saying that.
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escapedaudios · 3 months
I cannot overstate my loathing of retellings of stories from the villain's point of view where they are just misunderstood victims who don't do any villainy. I can't even tolerate when they're well-intentioned but use evil means. Give me some actual evil, some villainy. Infantilized adults with zero media literacy love the "actually the villain was justified and misunderstood" angle because they feel uncomfortable with the thought of finding a fictional villain enjoyable to watch, and they can't cope unless they spin it so that actually they were the good guy all along.
Harley Quinn and The Joker are two of the worst to get hit with this whack ass trend. Joker as a sad little guy who doesn't understand why society is so mean to him is so fucking stupid. If I'm seeing something from his POV, I want to see him be an evil mastermind. Joker in Joker (2019) is a little pissbaby with no goons, no evil schemes, and no motives other than being a misunderstood victim.
Harley Quinn got an even worse treatment. I can't believe all the pearl-clutching over the fact that she was in a toxic relationship with an evil bad guy. Yeah no shit, that's the whole point. Not only is she not allowed to have evil intentions anymore, she's not even allowed to have bad taste in men. The toxicity is what made her interesting, it was cool and unique that her motives and path to villainy were rooted in fascination and a corrupting, romantic obsession with a terrible person. It was something different that stood out from usual motives of power or base cruelty. This whole angle got flushed because it was incompatible with her status as a girlboss role model protagonist. Abysmal.
Give me EVIL! Give me VILLAINY!!! I want them to be selfish, I want them to be cruel, I don't need to find every character morally agreeable to find them compelling or entertaining. If I'm going to see a story about a villain, they had better actually be a god damn villain.
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