#james morita
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The Howling Commandos disbanded years ago, but Fury is adamant on getting them back in the field.
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I love the Howling Commandos so much, they’re so underrated if you ask me, especially the awesome dynamic they 100% had. I imagine all of them in very specific ways, some things are based off of fics I’ve read, some of it is just me.
Steve Rogers: Steve is the youngest of them all, he’s also the least experienced one and he hasn’t been part of the group nearly as long as the others considering he came into the picture after Kreischberg. He’s really fun to talk to and he’s as much of a little shit as the others are, being the leader of their group he’s in charge of tacking care of talking to superiors and shit, and he often ignores direct orders to do what he thinks is a better option, he also lets his team get away with things regular soldiers wouldn’t be allowed to do and they love him for it. He often gets yelled at by Bucky after doing stupid shit, the other Howlies often jokingly refer to him as “Dad” when it’s just them.
Bucky Barnes: Bucky has the others’ immense respect from the start, because he’s protective and caring as much as he hates to admit it. He is the only one who has negative amount of problems yelling at Steve after he did some stupid shit, he was the most scarred by Kreischberg but never lets it show. He loves music and always has a song stuck in his head and has fun pissing the others off by butchering the songs when it’s safe to be loud. He trusts Steve more than he probably should and goes with his plans, though he often forces him to modify them and cut down the crap. His protectiveness and strictness when Steve’s being a dumbass gets the others to nickname him “Mom” when they’re in private. He ‘hates’ it.
Dum Dum Dugan: Dum Dum was Bucky’s closest friend after Steve, he has a stupid sense of humor and says way too many dad jokes than is good for his teammates’ mental health. He’s always the first to jump at the opportunity to get his hands on some alcohol (no one complains about that) and he and Jim are the primary clowns of the group. He loves to tease the others, especially “Mom” and “Dad”.
Jim Morita: Jim is the one in charge of their immediate medical problems and small tech involved stuff, like Dugan, he has a shit sense of humor and they often get into battles of who can out dad-joke the other.
Gabe Jones: like Dum Dum, Gabe has known Bucky since before Azzano, and is the one in charge of languages, he speaks French and German more fluently than the others do and in the beginning he was usually in charge of dealing with Jacques’ bullshit.
Monty Falsworth: Monty is the only official member of the Howlies who isn’t broke (he is often teased about it). He could be considered the most sane of the Howlies (though not by far) he is the most experienced of the group to talk about strategy and often helps Steve and helps Bucky knock some reason into the little shit. They like to tease him for living up to every British stereotype and is often asked to ‘translate’ what Peggy says. He has a sister named Jaqueline who is a spy for the SOE.
Jacques Dernier: Jacques was a member of the French resistance, he’s from Marseille and is fully fluent in English but refuses to speak it. He understands everything the others tell him but speaks to them in French and lets them deal with it, after over a year of dealing with him all of the Howlies are more or less fluent in French. They call him a fucking pyromaniac because of his love of explosives and his talent with them. He also has a shit sense of humor that rivals with Dum Dum and Jim and is probably the most batshit crazy member of the team (though the others are pretty close behind him).
Howard Stark is considered an honorary member of the Howlies idc about any contradiction: rule n°1 when it comes to Howard Stark; don’t leave him alone with Jacques Dernier. They will set something on fire or worse. He and Monty are often laughed at for having money and they tease back by talking about rich people problems in front of the others. He is called a lot of names by the Howlies such as things like “Gadget”, “Engineer”, “Civilian”, “Civy” and things among those lines making fun of him not technically being a part of the military. He is involved in a lot of the Howlies’ inside jokes including the “Mom” and “Dad” thing.
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redsamuraiii · 3 months
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Avatar : The Last Airbender (2024) & Karate Kid : Part II (1986)
The scenes that broke my heart. 😭
Both Iroh and Miyagi went through so much and yet they remain kind, patient and hopeful. It's so hard to be like them.
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darthbloodorange · 14 days
The Howling Commando's Worst Kept Secret
Rating: Gen Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James Montgomery Falsworth, Jim Morita Warnings: None Major Tags: Humor, Camping, World War II, Secret Relationship, (it's poorly kept but it's still a secret.) Word count: 100 - Drabble
Summery: Someone should tell them…
For the: ✦ Stucky Bingo - Secret Relationship [N4] (Card: 5054)
Read below or on AO3 >HERE<
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Morita grabbed his pack, pulling it over his head.
Falsworth stared at the tent's peak. "What're you doing?"
"If I can't hear anything, I can't report anything."
"And the pack's really helping you there?"
"It's called wishful thinking, Monty," Mortia grumbles.
"Suit yourself," he says. 
"You think we should tell them?"
"Tell them what?"
"That to 'whisper sweet nothings' to one another, you actually have to whisper."
They laugh.
"I think the Captain would die of shame," Falsworth says, "and I don't want to front that bill." 
"Yeah, but Barnes and Rogers ought to know their secret isn't so secret."
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hainethehero · 3 months
So...I'm rereading Sugar Sweet Steven for the umpteenth time 🥰🥰 and I suddenly have many thoughts:
Stevie and the Howling Commandos! 👀
In this verse, did Steve and Bucky have to hide their love for each other from the outside world, or was it more acceptable as dom/subs exist? I saw that you mentioned Howard and Peggy helping out with Steve, but what about the Commandos? Do you think Bucky shared stories with his team about his sweetheart waiting back home for him? How did they react to this sweet boy saving their lives? Did they all take turns making sure their pretty Captain was taken care of, or did Steve cling to one particular person outside of Bucky?
I have so many questions about Steve and Bucky's pre-war and WWI days! But I'll leave at this for now. 🥰
Oh wow I've never actually thought about this. Good idea though! Because I absolutely love thinking about Steve in the pre-war days!
In the SSSverse I'd like to think Steve and Bucky don't have to hide their relationship. It's pretty normalized in this world. Dom/sub dynamics are definitely the norm.
I think Steve was Bucky's boy only. But he definitely sought comfort and shelter with his fellow Howlies. Especially Dum Dum, Gabe, Morita and James Falsworth. Whenever Bucky was occupied on base or away on something, Steve would have trouble sleeping. And so he'd cuddle with Dum Dum mostly, because he's a huge teddy bear and Steve gets clingy with his stuffies.
If Dum Dum was unavailable, he'd cosy up in between Falsworth and Gabe not only because they keep him warm but also because they tell the best stories for Steve to fall asleep to. (Sam reminds Steve of Gabe which is why he trusted Sam so quickly in the first place)
Jacques Dernier (a sub) teaches him French- which is why he knows certain phrases in French and can generally understand the language.
Before the rescue, the Commandos are all talking about their dames/lads back home. Bucky tells them of his little Stevie, the light of his life and also the bane of his existence because he's so darn stubborn and feisty. He describes Steve's love for art and his passion for protecting people. And he says he can't wait to get back to America because he's going to ask Steve to marry him and accept his collar.
So, you can imagine their utter shock when Steve, aka Captain America rescues them and he isn't at all like the skinny sub Bucky described. On the drive back, they all climb over each other to impress the pretty blonde who's blushing at all the attention and hiding behind Bucky's shoulder.
"I mean, you didn't say he was that pretty, Barnes," Dum Dum rumbles.
"Yeah," Morita chimes in, "instead of pretty little dame, he's tall, blonde and gorgeous."
Gabe says, "He's beautiful."
And Jacques recites something in French that has Steve blushing even harder.
Bucky goes, "Quit it y'all, my baby's shy."
And Steve just gives Bucky the look that just says, 'yeah, I like em.'
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akindablueddy · 2 years
so.. I like to think that one of the USO showgirls was a former acrobat and taught Steve a few tricks to liven up their routine. And when the howlies catch wind of this...
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camyfilms · 1 year
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MULAN 1998
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
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ofhowlingcommandos · 8 months
//starter call: like this post for a short starter from one or more of the muses. Please make sure to specify which muse you want :) I'm so excited to start writing on here :D
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fangirlfreak08 · 2 years
Saw someone on tiktok say the howling commandos are the marauders of the mcu and that explains why I love them so much
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marvel-at-hogwarts · 2 years
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fic-ive-read · 1 year
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Link To The Series
This will absolutely make you sob. It's an amazing fic series and parts of it went viral.
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ivebeenmade · 19 days
Just, for a second, imagine what the Howing Commandos group chat would be like.
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raynbowclown · 2 years
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967) starring Julie Andrews, John Gavin , Mary Tyler Moore, Beatrice Lillie, James Fox, Carol Channing, Jack Soo, Pat Morita Thoroughly Modern Millie a zany, funny spoof of the Roaring Twenties. It stars Julie Andrews as Millie, an innocent country girl. She comes to the big city to find a husband. She makes friends with sweet Miss Dorothy (Mary Tyler Moore), zany…
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nexusnyx · 1 year
to my sweetheart
40s!bucky barnes x f!reader [8.2k] summary: The promise of a weekend home hangs over Bucky's head like the sun used to shine on sweet summer days, illuminating everything in life. It's all planned out in his head: the place he'll take you to, the things he wants to talk about, the hundreds of ways he needs to touch you. It's all planned. A taste of how it'll be when the storm passes—he's ready for it. 📝 this was based on this post. if you like it, reblogs and comments make all the difference. i hope you enjoy this sweetheart saturday, 'cause this will be the sweetest one. 🏷️ established relationship, letters, angst, longing, love delcarations, Steve x Reader (platonic) ⚠️Smut. Minors, DNI. Unprotected sex, body worship, slow fuck.
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masterlist | series masterlist
ㅤㅤㅤJuly, 1943.
My sweetheart,
You're a menace even from far away. How can that be? If I hadn't met you exactly like this, I'd dare say I'm surprised. But I'm not. Little minx. Do you know the lengths of what I had to do to finish your last letter? The effects you have on me, even from far away?
I bet you do. Good god, I can bet you're fuckin' smiling, right now. Sittin' there all pretty with your knees pulled high, so giddy and proud of yourself for what you've done to me. Well—let it be known that this here... this is payback.
First things first, thank you for the pictures.
You're more than I could ever ask for, every single time. One of them is safely tucked inside my uniform. I placed the other one inside my pocket watch. Morita's already laughed under his breath as if I can't fuckin' hear him sayin "you don't let a single hour pass by, huh, Sarge?", so you should be happy to know that, as well. My guys are giggling because of me. Because I'm whipped for you.
Second of all... thank you.
From the bottom of my heart which belongs to you entirely, I'm thankful for you. Knowing Ma has a friend in someone soothes my soul. I got a letter from her a few days ago—she's mad at me for dating you "for almost half of an entire year, James Buchanan. almost half a year and you didn't think to bring her here yourself! You'll count yourself lucky if you go back to the base camp with your ears still intact because when I see you..." and this is a direct quote, by the way. I have her letter right next to me—Ma's mad, and I'm glad that she is. It means she loved ya. As I knew she would.
What did you two talk about? Ma said you played with the girls, too. I think I dreamt of that scene. Did she show you my embarrassing baby pictures? I bet she did. My favorite one is the one that Stevie's got paint all over him; I love that one.
Now... as for the rest of your letter.
What should I do to you, hm?
You can't just tell me these things, you lil' witch. Can't just talk about the things you wished I was doing to you, 'cause I'm not there to do them, and it makes my chest tight, my heart beating faster.
I went to the showers at 2 something a.m. to finish that letter, 'cause I felt your words like caresses all over my skin. Here's a new acronym I learned from Gabe: V E N I C E. Wanna know what it means? I'll tell ya.
It means I think about it, too. Not often, unfortunately, not because I don't want to, but because in here I have very few moments to think about good things, but when I do, that's where my mind goes to—in the sweet minutes I have all to myself, my mind runs back to your presence like a puppy, wiggling its tail with its tongue out, so happy and so excited beyond words because of one single person.
My mind rushes to you, to memories of us, to moments we shared. Most of all, it seems to zoom in on the seconds where we were the closest. I save those memories for the stars, for when no one else's around, for when I can let my brain dive and swim in them.
You said that for you, what comes back when you're alone in the dark is the ghost of my hands.
For me, it's the fathom of your lips.
The way you kissed put a spell on me. Right now, as I write this, I'm sitting alone in a corner of the common showers with my neck sweating just a little bit and my heart beating in my throat, all because of that: the thought of your lips, so present and so sweet, making me ache all over. Should I be concerned, lil' witch? With the way you have control over my body even from far away? As if I were a puppet with strings only you can see, I'm aching for you and you're not even here. I'm hard, painfully so, because your picture and the distant echo of your giggles in my ear are enough to put me in a trance... the way you whisper my name when my hands are searching in menace ways the best path to get under your clothes and imprinted all over your skin... It's so difficult to write like this, sweetheart. Very Excited, Now I Caress Everywhere... d'you get it now? D'you see it?
I'm not there, but I can see you reading this. I can see your thighs clamping together in a pitiful attempt to not think about how I loved to tease the path to my favorite place, with my hands, my lips, my tongue. I'm gonna dream about it tonight, I can already see it. Gonna dream about your little whines, and how excited you got, while always being so good. Never asked for more. Never pushed for faster. Just took whatever I had to offer you, and asked in the sweetest way possible for what you wanted. "Jay." I miss that. The way you call me Jay when it's just us. No one's ever called me that before, and no one ever will again.
So do it, lil' witch. Touch yourself all you want when thinking about me. You had to ask for permission, didn't ya? (It's a rhetorical question. You never have to ask. I told ya long ago that from me, you can take and take without ever asking first, and yet you did, anyway.) I'm the luckiest bastard in this godforsaken and twisted world, all because of you.
I'll be there on the last weekend of this month, only for two days, but it'll be enough.
Just a taste of what'll come for us when all of this is over. A taste of you — that I miss so goddamn fuckin' much, Jesus Christ, sweetheart — and hours and hours of making you smile until it's imprinted in the walls of my brain, secured safe and sound in the labyrinth of my mind.
Wait for me, but never sadly. Keep up your studies, and focus on them just as I focus on work here whenever I have to. Talk to your friends, stay clear of those damn radios that only make you anxious and get you to bite your pretty nails, take Steve out for walks and keep that neighborhood in check, the two of you. I'll be back. I'll always come back to you.
With love in my heart (and because of your menace ways, my hand in my pants), I say goodbye for now,
always yours, J.B.B.
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In a month and a half, Bucky has written and read more than in the past decade, at least.
You'd scold him for admitting such a thing so easily, but it was true.
There are a few letters exchanged by now—the U.S. Postal is doing their best, but can only do so much—but they're enough on their own. More than two, sometimes 3 pages long, filled with more post scrimptums than anyone else rather than you two would care to read and it's probably acceptable, and always signed with a lot of love.
It's a whole new world created between the two of you where childhood memories are shared, secret fears that neither Bucky nor you ever imagined talking about are laid on the table, and all of that written between paragraphs of gossip stories from home or the military base, and dirty dreams and wishes.
A mess. An entire conversation—one with topics that go back and forth since the first letter and short pieces of dialogue you two shared with important people; it's the best conversation he's ever had.
The longest. Deepest.
ㅤㅤㅤ"I love talking to you, Jay. If before I thought we were two peas in a pod, now I'm certified of it the same way I'm certain the Sun rises in the East to set in West. Can you see the same thing I do? Sometimes, it feels as if we're sittin' on our porch, on our living room armchairs, laughing to one another about the sweet memories or silly theories that only we find amusement in."
Through you, Bucky hears things his Ma is saying. Gets news from his two younger sisters, as well as realistic check-ups on Steve.
In one of your letters, you said, "you know, I'm starting to feel calluses. I dreamt of writing dark children's books for so long, and I think this is my punishment, in some sort of way. How in the hell am I having an argument with Steve and you through here? You two are wrong. We talked about this before and I'll say it as many times as needed: this whole 'trip to the future' thing is hiding something bigger, and it's cute that you two think that geniuses and billionaires are just giving us all of their biggest developments. Truly adorable," and it had sparked the favorite topic in his unit: the existence of aliens, or not.
You're there without being there.
Most of them don't even know about you, of course. Bucky's private, and likes to be that way.
Morita, Gabriel, and Dum Dum are exceptions—those tree men proved to be the exact type of company a fella needs when facing an untamed and suffocating darkness.
They teased Bucky about his alone 'poet' time. When the time in July finally came for the soldiers to be dismissed for a weekend home before being shipped to London, Morita bid him goodbye with, "and see if you do something else other than writing back home, eh, Sarge?"
Bucky would.
He barely gets any sleep, waiting for the time when he'll be sharing your presence and counting each minute of it, placing them in the same precious box he kept your words.
With his eyes closed, the smile sets in stone on his face.
To any onlookers that pass him by, Sgt. James Barnes looks at peace.
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Everything around him feels sharp and colorful.
Bucky almost feels surreal—his energy is humming underneath his skin, scorching as hot as the star that starts to rise.
He breathes in deeply as he steps out of the train, welcoming the smell of home.
Brooklyn is a hive of noise, so loud and different than anything he'd been used to these past weeks, and he strides in confidence towards his destinies.
For each of his people, Bucky told a story, but all for a good reason:
First, he has to visit his family. If he had told Steve about the time his train arrived, he'd be there without any regard for his sleep and comfort, and Bucky loved him too much to pull him out of bed before the sky had even lost its dark blue tones.
So first, he goes to the Barnes household.
Bringing bread, he steps inside his home almost feeling like the first rays of sunshine itself. Bucky's welcomed by the oldest feeling of attached to being safe and sound when Winnifred's arms wrap around him and she lets out a choked gasp at his name.
"James," is the first name he hears.
He's James during breakfast while he updates his mother to the best of his abilities, and fights the persistent sting in his eyes whenever the light illuminates her dark hairs, shining evidence in her new silver strands. He's James — but in a scolding tone — when his mother hears that he omitted from Steve his arrival time, and he's oh, James when his plans for later tonight are laid on the table in a soft, almost shy-spoken tone.
"I really like her, you know?" his mother tells him.
She's leaning against the sink with her ruby red robe, the soft slippers he bought for her as a present, and her hair held up in a bun. Bucky smiles at the approval, ignoring the heat in his cheeks that blossom at his mother's all-knowing gaze and the glint in her blue eyes. "I'm glad to hear that, ma."
Winnie does no effort to hide how pleased she is, and he has to admit that the teasing face he catches in reflections sometimes came from one person, and it wasn't his father. "Will I get to spend some time together with the two of you, at least?"
According to Bucky's plans, very little, because the time was as counted as their paychecks. "Well—today I'm gonna have lunch with Steve, then the three of us will meet up."
"We'll probably hang around Stevie and I's apartment. Then we'll get ready to go to the Stark exhibition."
Winnie's are you serious look reminds Bucky that she never saw the three of you all hanging around together. "Really, James?"
"You're gonna bring that poor, sweet boy to chaperone and be a third wheel at your date? Son," the title is another scolding and meant to serve as a tug in his ear.
He can't help it—Bucky laughs. "Mom," he teases right back. "That 'poor sweet boy' will be just fine." He snorted—there was nothing poor nor sweet about Steve. "The three of us are friends."
"And I'm not doubting that for a second. I'm just sayin'. Does he need to be there on the date? Does he even want to?"
"They already argued about this and the final conclusion was, apparently, that yes, he does." Bucky had to bite his lip at those bits in your last letter—even through ink and paper, he could see you and Steve as clear as daylight. "Steve and her are really good friends, Ma. She knows how much I miss him, and she claims that he's been even more annoyin' about stuff, mumbling shit—sorry, mumbling stuff about 'Bucky this' and 'Bucky that', so she ain't havin' it. Plus, it's not like the two of us can't behave. We never made Stevie feel left out."
His mother chuckled. "For some reason I find it hard to believe that you two are not the grossest thing together."
"What?!" his laughter intensifies. "You never saw us together."
"And whose fault is that, hm? Hm?" Winnie's look pierces through him as the last drops of her coffee seep to the cup, and she grabs her cup like a ninja, with eyes still glued on him and her head shaking, no need for a single glance to where her hands are going. His mother sips, and Bucky's laughter subsidies to a smile. "Well, I'm glad you she's generous enough to share ya." Her whole face softens. "Bubba's right. Steve's been missing ya a lot."
Bubba. Bucky forgets how to breathe for a single second. "Bubba?"
The name that his mother calls the girls—Bubs, Bubba, baby.
Winnie smiles behind the cup, and he's not sure if her happiness is directed at him because of how he looks, or at the whole situation. "Yes, James. The woman who's been comin' to my house for two months now, havin' almost daily cups of tea with me to talk about life and the perils of life is, to your surprise and delight, my Bubba. Are you really surprised?" Her next chuckle is as sweet as her coffee must be. "I like her. I told ya already."
"I can see that."
His mother moves to sit in the chair in front of him. "And you haven't answered my question yet, young man." She crosses her legs and offers her coffee for him to sip, which he does. Gods, this woman is a bee. He returns it with a grimace.
"Right, as I was sayin', today we're going to the Stark fair, the three of us. Eat a hot dog, be annoyin' at the square, drink a couple of beers. Then tomorrow, uh—"
"You two love birds will be together all day, yes, I can imagine."
He's thankful his mother saves him from saying the embarrassing bits, at least. "I have to go back on Monday."
"What time?"
"Thirteen hundred train."
"So there's time for breakfast?"
His smile returns. "Yeah, Ma. There's time for breakfast together."
Across the table, his smile seems to be reflected back at him. It looks a little older, with more crinkles around the corners and kissing the side of the eyes, but the same smile nonetheless. "Now I'm happy." She sips the coffee, humming in pleasure. "And what's so interesting at this fair?"
"Was that Bucky's voice?! Ma! Is Bucky here?!"
Ah, that screeching tone.
The second name he hears—Bucky.
Screamed at the top of her lungs by Rebecca, and later by a still sleepy Dorca, Bucky's greets with open arms his young rascals and spins them in the air, so lucky to have their laughter be the only sound he hears once again.
He does his best that whole morning to imprint every second spent with them like a tattoo in the malleable muscle of his brain. He wants Rebecca's slightly nasal and bossy tone to be of easy access when he's far away. He wants to not forget how long Dorca's hair is getting, or how much his mother still has control of this entire house at the tip of her fingers as if she's a powerful spider whose webs are invisible, but stronger than the eyes behold.
Before he leaves, he takes them for ice cream. Bucky asks all sorts of questions, trying to squeeze as much as he can in only a few hours, knowing that no amount of time feels enough nowadays.
Later, there's Buck.
"Hey, Buck."
It's a second homecoming.
This one, it tastes like a little bit of everything. "Hey, Stevie." The tiny frame that fits in his embrace as if it were a puzzle piece, it smells like childhood and teenage years all mushed together. "Glad to see you're in one piece."
It's a jab to the fact that his best friend and soulmate was about to get into a fight just seconds before Bucky finds him, and it was met with an ocean-cold stare. Blue meets blue, and Bucky can only laugh.
"Oh, shut up," Steve rolls his eyes. "I hate that I let them go—fucking bastards."
"Hey, hey; you can't fight 'em—"
"Can't fight 'em all, I know, punk, I know." Steve sighs, but when he looks at Bucky again, his gaze softens. Something clicks, and Steve seems to come back to himself. "You sound like Father Chase," his snorted laugh means it's Bucky's time to scoff.
"Maybe because he had a point?"
"Always did. Doesn't change the facts."
"And what are the facts?"
"The facts, Buck, are that you're a softie," before he can come up with an answer, Bucky's frame is pushed back by the force of it—Steve doesn't go for it, he lunges for another hug, body crashing against Bucky's. "'m glad you're back."
The facts must be true, if only when it came to Steve, at least. "Punk," he mutters against soft blond strands. Bucky hugs back just as hard, and they let go at the exact same time.
A single look is shared, and then they nod.
Secret conversations aren't only spilled in acronyms.
I'm glad to be back, his nod says.
While Steve's says, Now we're alright.
They were. For now, everything was alright.
"You get your orders?" Steve starts walking in the direction that Bucky's heart was tugging in—the direction of your apartment.
He follows, putting one arm around Steve's shoulders. "Sure did. The 107th. Sgt. James Barnes, shipping out on Monday for England."
"Sargeant, huh?"
Under Steve's appraising eyes, Bucky's always felt a little bit analyzed. "Yeah." No inch of him went unnoticed. "I'll do my best to take care of all of them." An artist's eye on you could be an unnerving thing.
It soothed when he smiled. "Of course you will, Buck." Often, Bucky wondered if Steve had any idea of how much power his opinion yielded. "You always do your best." A smile of his alone, and Bucky felt more approved than any superior's highest praise. "I—" he hut himself short, but Bucky knew what he swallowed down. I just wish I could help. "I'm happy for ya."
Always so good, "thank you, Steve." Not a day would go by when Bucky would let it pass the opportunity to thank god for gifting him with Steven Gran Rogers. "Now—" he looked up, seeing your building approach. "You sure she has no idea I'm here?"
Another roll of eyes—Steve could one day get cursed with the sight of his brain forever. "I'm starting to think you're spending too much time with your comrades. You forgot already who's had your six since forever?"
"Awn, Stevie—don't be jealous of my smelly, grumpy men. You'll always be my number one."
"You're ridiculous. Of course she doesn't know. Lady thinks you'll be here on the 4pm train, just like we talked about. She's probably still sleepin' 'cause of her late-night shift."
"Another one?!"
A scoff. "You try to tell Lady what to do and see how it goes. I already know my place of speakin', and it ain't that one."
"God, how on earth did I end up with the two more stubborn people to ever walk this goddamn planet? No, really—"
"Oh, because you're a beacon of flexibility."
"—you two are made from a single mold, and whoever used it on you first, and then her, saw their mistake two heartbeats too late, then broke the damn mold 'cause they knew if they made more, it'd mean world domination."
There's a single second of pause, and then Bucky turns to the amused gaze staring at him. Steve with a hand on his hip and a smirk on his face will always look the same. "You've gotten more dramatic. That's a fuckin' wonder." He turns around laughing to himself and shaking his head. "Go say 'morning' to her. I'm gonna go get tomato sauce, we ran out of it yesterday."
The implication that Steve's been hanging around more registers in all the happy places of Bucky's brain, but everything's washed away by the flood that it's the sight of it—
your window.
Bucky's entire world does the thing: it tunnels.
The same rounded, small rocks that he used on the first date still litter Mrs. Simyl's vase. He picks one, weights it in his hand, and with a heart-thumping loud in his chest, he throws it to your window.
A peck.
Bucky waits: one, two, three heartbeats.
He swallows the lump that rises in his throat.
The sun already rose, but it comes up again.
At least, for him.
When your head pops out in the window, Bucky swears it does.
Like a sniper's barrel, your eyes know exactly where it goes on instinct. They find him underneath your window pulled by the gravity that—with a quick check on his hummingbird of a heart, it's confirmed—still there.
North, meet South.
"Hi, sweetheart."
Your face disappears, taking everything with you. The light, the warmth, the strenght in the gravitational hold of your beautiful eyes and gaze—as soon as they disappear, Bucky's spell is broken, and his feet gain life.
He knows you're rushing to your door the same way he rushes up the stairs.
He's glad the uniform stayed in his suitcase, safely tucked in his and Steve's apartment. He'd sweat from all the heat he's emmanating, and probably drench you in an ocean before he could get a single kiss.
Bucky's pulled by his North, and when he sees the familiar sight of your door, it's already swinging open.
"Oh, god." There's a breach in time. A break in the fabric of space. One moment, he's a few steps away from you, and the next thing he sees and knows, he has an arm full of you.
That's him. James, Bucky, Buck, Jay. From all of his names, now's the only time when all of his cells feel slotted into place. Bucky's heard every one of his names, all the ones that matter, and now he is whole.
His voice evades him.
Inside his arms, he's aware that you're shaking, even if the notion takes a moment to register—as it should. He's shaking, too; vibrating, is more like it, because he's here, and now that he can breathe, his body seems incapable of doing so.
He inhales deeply, even if it's all trembling.
Your smell is different from any other. Bucky would recognize in a crowd of millions. He'd find it blindfolded, he was certain of it.
If they made him forget his name, Bucky would be Nobody, but even as Nobody, he would know that this is the scent of his person.
Citrine. Mint leaves. With a deeper inhale, he catches the underlying tone—vanilla. The purest and sweetest form, used in the lotion you put all over your body after showering sometimes, mixed with the unique and personal scent of just you. Vanilla has a taste on you. It's sweet, but not sticky.
It's summer.
Bucky is in love.
When the pull that holds you together seems to loosen its threads, you and Bucky pull back at the same time.
Not too far—neither one is able to go further than millimeters for now, and in the back of his mind, he's thankful that Steve gave the two of you the time you needed.
Just like he and Steve clung to each other like a lifeline for embarrassing minutes that neither one chose to talk about, you two are roped together, and going too far is impossible for now.
The only space is a breath of air separating your heads.
Bucky pulls an arm up, crowding your head inside his forearm. His palm spreads on the top of your head, holding you there.
His eyes find yours, swimming and spilling over.
Your lips tremble when you speak. "You told me you were getting here later," he feels your hand making fists out of his white shirt, resting on the curve of his lower back. After a sniffle, you add, "'m gonna kill you and Blondie," and then, you nuzzle your nose on his.
He laughs. Bucky truly is home. "He was just followin' my orders, lil' witch. No killing, please."
"You two planned behind my back," you go on, sounding small and choked still. His crybaby that never cried before.
Bucky's arm cage around your head got a little tighter, and his arm around your waist pulled you impossibly closer. "Don't cry," he pleaded in a whisper. "It was to surprise ya."
He thinks you're beautiful even with wet, rosy cheeks. "I'm surprised," your laugh came out choked, and you sniffled again. Bucky accepted the tears despite how much his hand itched to wipe them away, and clean your cheeks. Lower, and softer, so much softer than he was used to hearing any voice, you say, "You're actually here..."
The awe in your voice is a sentiment he can understand. "I am."
"I'm not dreaming."
His forehead stays touching yours as he shakes his head, and while it's an uncomfortable angle, but he likes it for now. "No. Seems neither am I." It's the closeness his heart aches for, and achieving it soothes the wrinkles in his soul.
You, on the other hand, seem to need a better angle—your head pulls back against his head, gaining a couple more inches of distance, and his body moves along with yours.
When you're far enough to look at his whole face, Bucky's breath is sucked out of his body.
He's here.
"I missed you, Jay."
And so are you.
Bucky smiles and dives.
Your eyes are closed, lips waiting for his.
If angels sing, this is it. Angels, a choir, or maybe just the white noise of his head subduing, opening up space for this—your lips on his are a single drop falling in a pond, creating ripples until the surface is a still mirror.
Neither one of you moves too much. There isn't back and forth, or any deepening of the kiss. On the contrary.
It is what it is.
A sweet sound of hello. A press of lips, two pieces meeting together, fitting in as one.
When the air he stored runs out and Bucky gasps in your lips, he hears your pleased hum.
You smile, breathing in through your nose. "'m so happy," you inform him.
Bucky laughs. He breathes out, and kisses you again, but messier this time. Rougher. He wants to taste your tongue, wants your oxygen in his veins. He nibbles, bites, sucks on your lips; Bucky finally gets his tongue intertwining with yours, walks you back inside your place, and closes the door with his foot even if somewhere in the back of his mind, he's aware that Steve will come passing by any minute now.
The kiss is enough for now.
A single taste—a sip of a galleon he'll drink whole later tonight, bathe himself, drown in; Bucky pulls back and is pleased to note how pink you look and the puffiness in your lips.
You two exist in silence for a moment, just breathing each other in, and then,
"You ready for a day with Stevie and I?" he asks.
Your smile is enough of an answer. "Where's Blondie?"
"Probably comin' right up."
"'Kay. Cool." You press your lips on his again, melting and humming softly; all the little sounds he's missed. The hums, and ahs you make when melting in his arms that he's taking back to the base with him. "'m gonna change."
"Cool. Let's go."
Your laughter as well—he's pocketing that, and keeping it close to his heart. "That wasn't an invite."
"Was it not? Damn, I could've sworn it was, miss. My bad."
"D'you think I can get any 'changing' done with you in the room?"
Although the question is asked amidst laughter, you seem okay with Bucky glued on your back and stepping where you do, channeling his inner cat. "I have no clue. We'll figure it out."
"And if Steve arrives?"
A cackle from him—you're the witch, but Bucky laughs like one at that joke. "I'm sure your new best friend can find himself just fine in your house. Wasn't he here last night?"
"How d'you know that?"
"He said you two ran out of tomato sauce. He went to get some to cook lunch for us."
"You mean for you to cook lunch for us. We're just sittin' there lookin' pretty and talking your ear off."
"Sweetheart, that sounds marvelous to me."
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True as he said to his mother, there is no third-wheeling or chaperoning.
In the same kitchen as his two favorite people, Bucky has one of the loveliest afternoons of his entire life. In fact, his Saturday is so good that Bucky marks the date in the calendar in his mind — the 24th of July — as some special daybreak.
He fits right in. Between the jokes that you and Steve now share and he has no idea what the roots of them are, next to your attentive, hawk-like eyes that never seem to leave him, snuggled by the much smaller frame of a friend who still looks up to him as someone good.
It's a pity that Bucky has no superpowers.
He would fit an entire month right there, in the afternoon reserved for the three of you.
By the time the sun is setting down and you three feel the need to clean up for the exhibition, the trio has already covered every base:
The military. Family. Neighbors (both the annoying as well as the good ones). Steve's stubbornness, and then yours. England. Bucky's squadron, with the specifics of each man he claimed to like.
Bucky laughed. He sobered up—those coal, slimy tentacles of war tried sneaking their way to the front.
Impossible to be done with you and Steve present.
When Bucky comments about separating — 'Steve and I can go to the apartment to get ready then come pick you up, whatcha say?' — he gets the same attitude from both.
"Why would I go stay alone at my place?" you ask.
Steve nods along. "Just wait here 'till she picks up her overnight bag and she'll come with us."
"Yeah. Steve never takes longer than ten minutes to get ready, anyway."
"True. I say Lady and I will be ready before you are," Steve adds with a knowing smile.
You laugh with him. "Oh—that's for sure."
"Hey!" Bucky loves to see you two teaming up. It's the kind of thing he'd like to see forever if he has any say in it. "I don't take that long."
To that, he hears many arguments.
"Oh my god, who is he talking to?" you ask, turning your gaze to Steve.
"I don't know. He's actin' like we don't know him," Steve snorts.
"It's crazy. Did he forget the times we had to wait for him?"
"Many times."
You glance back at Bucky, all smiles and daring. "You think you can hurry up tonight, princess?"
It does something to him. He hates that it does—and he sees and hears it in Steve's laugh that it's obvious, too, that the stupid teasing nickname pulls a string or two of his, and he huffs away from you both. "Ungrateful duo of firecrackers, I swear to god."
"Oh, c'mon!" it's you, rushing to catch up to him, laughing the same as Steve.
"Yeah, c'mon—"
"Don't you dare, Steven," he cuts him off before he can use it too, and it gets only more laughter.
"You didn't answer her question, you know," Steve comments when he catches up to Bucky and you.
He rolls his eyes. "I'll speed up. 's not like I have to look my best—not when you two aren't doing anythin' to deserve it."
"Damn, Jay. Not even a little bit of cologne for me?" you pout.
The gall. The audacity. He huffs and puffs, and turns his eyes away from you. "I'll think about it." He's a joke. Bucky's going to spend at least triple the time in the bathroom, but it's okay, because he'll come out to you and Steve waiting for him.
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"Welcome to the Modern Marvels Pavilion and the World of Tomorrow!"
In his uniform, Bucky feels oddly in place.
He's pulled by the sleeves by either you, or Steve. "C'mon, c'mon, Buck, it's starting!" you squeal.
Willing and pliant, that's his role for the whole night. With a smile plastered on his face, and a giddiness he hasn't felt since he was a kid. Not that he was ever this happy in his childhood—this is a new, shinier form of happiness.
It happens because he's in the right place. With the right people.
Also, he paid very close attention to your eyes when he left the bathroom an hour ago.
When Bucky saw that glint, a very familiar one to him, his body responded. He felt your gaze on him. On his uniform. The tension that for a second became almost like humidity in the air, it hung for a few seconds, and it made Steve go to the kitchen with yet another roll of his eyes.
"I'm... gonna go drink a glass of water. You two—yikes. Be quick. The eye fucking is gross."
"Such a gentleman, Steve," you joked, but the lack of eye contact with him kind of ruined it for you.
Bucky approached you, walking in slow and deliberate steps. He allowed you to look at every inch. Feeling it was good, too—your eyes ranking up and down his body was almost a physical touch, and it made the soft spreading of your palm on his chest warmer.
"You look..." the words left you, leaving your lips parted and pink. "Very nice."
Not often did Bucky feel bashful. "Thanks, sweetheart." A rare gem such as this needed to be polished, even if it was perfect in its raw form. Bucky leaned in closer, barely containing his smile, and with his mouth nearing your ears, he whispered. "I have a feeling it's not my hair and my perfume that you like."
The intake of your breath was loud from this proximity. "Jay..."
That whisper alone was enough for him. He whispered your name back and kissed your temple with a smile. "Save all of those thoughts for later, 'kay? All of 'em. I wanna hear everything that's goin' around on that pretty head of yours."
Breathless, you whispered, "'kay'," and then nuzzled your face against his neck before pulling away. The flush was high on your cheeks. Redder than before, and due to more than just makeup. "You really do look handsome," that whisper made his insides tangle, and he enjoyed it.
"'m glad you think so."
That part was only forgotten when he saw the automobiles.
Even if Steve hid it better than you and Bucky, the reality hit you three all the same. Three nerds in a science fairy served for more than entertainment; it meant a night to be remembered.
Bucky gets lost in hours of conversation.
You three see everything. Even the dance floor is forsaken in the name of reading about stuff, theorizing about what is left out of the exposition, and laughing with each other as the ideas that bounce between you three get wilder each time.
It's almost midnight when you three make your way to the apartment.
Bucky is in a tipsy state. Steve—well, his tolerance is not the best, and mixing sugar with alcohol is a bad idea. It's all good though, because you hate the taste of it, and walking between the two of them like a beacon of balance and normalcy is a thing you did before.
Steve's hand hooks through your shoulder, into Bucky's nape.
He talks about the war. The human condition—Mrs. Georgia, from downstairs.
"She's been cryin' every night or two. It's—sad. Loud. God, I'm so glad I'm gonna black out tonight."
Bucky ends up taking off Steve's shoes while you tuck his sleeping body into bed.
He looks up at you, and sees the strand of your hairstyle escaping the pins, framing your face into something more suited for the faint yellow lights of late-night times and the Moonlight outside. "At least he waited 'till he was home," Bucky reasons.
You smile at him. "At least he didn't puke."
Once Steve Rogers is safe and sound, you turn your body to Bucky, both hands placed on your hips.
Here it comes, thinks Bucky...
"Safe and sound."
He smiles. "That he is." Bucky knew he'd be. It wasn't his first time hearing this.
He extends one hand in the air and is delighted when you catch it.
"Let's go?"
It's barely a whisper.
You nod at him, fitting your body under one of his arms as you walk out of the room. In the quiet magnitude of this hour into the night, you whisper, "I should've let you buy me cotton candy."
Bucky closes the door of the room holding back his laughter. "I'll make you scrambled eggs when we get to the hotel."
"Will you?"
"I will."
"I don't know if I trust your tipsy self to a stove."
Bucky groaned, pulling you even closer to him to bury his nose into your hair. "I'll be a hundred percent by the time we make it there."
The conversation goes on in hushed whispers as you two walk, ignoring all the other rare figures you see walking in the streets too, not on purpose—on the fact that it's a new world, already.
As soon as the apartment door was locked behind him, Bucky's world shifted in its axis; everything becomes you.
He's barely aware of what he's answering.
The only thing he knows it's that you're teasing him—he pays attention to the blush he sees forming on your cheeks once you feel his gaze so locked on your lips. He laughs under his breath when you stutter, and then laughs harder when you poke him in the ribs for laughing in the first place.
He feels how warm you are despite how chill the night has become.
Inside his jacket—his uniform, you've found heat.
The hotel room he located for the night is not far from your house itself, and it's one of the most decent ones still inside his budget. Rooms that are nice and clean, plus a decent breakfast.
It was far from what you deserved, but Bucky had years of work ahead of him before he was able to afford that.
When he enters, you take a little spin around.
Bucky puts both yours and his duffel bags on the floor.
He lets you walk around, and take your heels off, his eyes following you.
When they finally land on him, Bucky can almost see the air that stands between you.
Your voice is as low as a whisper. He hears it loud and clear in the deep quiet of the night. "You're not gonna cook for me, are you?"
He's kicking his shoes off as he shakes his head.
Bucky's eyes are so attentive, that he catches the shivers that run through you.
"Tomorrow," he promises.
Your fingers graze the long sleeve of the dress until it hooks on the shoulder pad, but Bucky hums negatively.
The movement stops.
He takes his steps until he's an inch away from you, and breathes in deeply.
"'m pretty sure that's my job."
It was. One of the best parts of it, now that Bucky paid close attention to it. His hands removed the fabric from your skin, exposing it to the light entering the room through the window, and in those moments, Bucky managed to fit in hours.
Every inch of you being exposed to him, it was like he painted it somewhere in his mind, guarding that canvas in a special slide of his subconscious.
When all your clothes were on the floor, he continued his ministrations of sewing all your measurements to memory.
Bucky's hands — palm spread flat, his fingertips, his knuckles — made work of you, while you removed his clothes in return.
Once naked, he could pass on to the next stage:
"Wanna remember how you taste, sweetheart."
The shaky gasp you let out when his words met your ear was too fast for him to catch, but everything else that followed fell into Bucky's lips.
They were wide, hand-made nets, built only for one purpose: to fish every part of you that was delectable.
Bucky started with close-mouthed kisses and ended up almost devouring you. Swallowing you whole.
There were hours between that first and last stage, though.
At first, everything was slow.
Bucky had been so preoccupied back at the base with whether the first time you two fucked would be the same as the ones from before or not, that he missed the entire point.
It had always been great. The connection between you two always started with more than just physical, and when it got to that point, you two were already lost in each other.
This was immersion.
Hearing your tender, then groaned, and later broken moans of "Jay" counted as his sea.
Your eager touches were current, guiding him in.
This was far from fucking. There was nothing crude about the first time—there was only love.
Bucky never made love before, but he understood why not when your body unfolded in front of him. When your legs open wide and everything blossoms, Bucky has full comprehension of what a feeling can do to two people.
Not just any feeling. This.
Bucky's a drunk man.
It's only his grace that you're as far gone as him. As Dionysus blessed—when Bucky's fingers intertwine with yours to replace your fisted hands in the sheets with his own instead, Bucky's gaze catches yours.
He sees the warm and inviting openness of black in your eyes.
Bucky kisses and leaves his feeling all over his path.
As overwhelming as it is, making love is also beautiful. This type of surrender required a level of trust and blinded faith that he's not sure he even had before, but he finds it right there, in bed with you.
The first time is slow.
Both of you taking your time to marvel at how in sync you are—to marvel at how wet one makes the other, and how unashamed both of you feel in touching each and every part.
He's never had anyone touching him the way you do. Bucky gets your lips leaving prints from his face, his chest, arms, and legs, all the way to the curve above his ass.
As he opens you up with his fingers, Bucky keeps watching all the emotions passing through your face.
The first time you make love, in gentle, long, and agonizing steps.
When he pushes inside at last, he can almost swear he hears violins.
Or maybe it's your nails digging at his back—your pained, blissed whines. "Jay."
He's whining, too—your name spills from his lips as much as air does, and you two move not to reach an end, but to feel what is connecting you at that exact time.
When the words leave his lips, Bucky can see them traveling in the air before being sucked in by yours. "I love you, sweetheart."
Out of his lips, into thick, warm air, and falling...
You gasp, closing your eyes for a moment, and Bucky tastes your tears when he's gifted back with, "I love you too, James." It makes him smile, shaking from head to toe like a leaf. "I truly do."
"I know. I feel it."
"It w-was never like—like this. Never before."
An understatement, if he ever heard one. Bucky could feel your heartbeat as if it was his own; it was more than just his cock buried to the hilt inside of your warm cunt, feeling every construction and high of your pleasure, or the vibrations of your moans and the pleas for his name that seemed to reverberate all through his being—
"This—" he bucked his hips harder, just to feel the waves of pleasure cursing through you, and laughed with his lips ghosting your mouth. "This is—oh—it's making love, sweetheart."
Bucky was unsure of how long it lasted.
Could've been hours, or just a few, blissful minutes.
From the thick layer of sweat that covered your bodies by the time you both came undone, his guess tips more towards the first.
It's almost like seeing a visible thread being cut—when the orgasms hit your bodies, one right after the other, Bucky collapses his back in the bed, carrying your body along with him.
That's where you two stay, for a few moments longer.
"Were we whispering?" you ask.
He likes when your lips are on his skin. They're warm, and he has their shape memorized now. "I think we were." If he was a better artist, he'd draw them. "D'you want me to cook for you now?" he asks with a chuckle.
You tilt your head up, take a second to think it over, then answer with a simple smile.
So Bucky cooks.
He slaps your hand when you try putting on his white t-shirt laying on the ground, commenting, "No need for that at all, c'mon'," and watches with the same pleased and hungry eyes as you stay leaning on the wall as he uses the small stove for a quick meal.
After that, there are other times.
There's the desperate round, and there's the fucking, and the unexpected, and the lazy, 'we're too tired to move but still horny enough for this' moment where he just lays in bed with his hands between your legs, touching your pussy even if he's not actively doing anything.
Bucky washes you with careful hands and a lot of tenderness in the shower, running the cloth and the soap through your marked, sensitive skin as slowly as his sleepiness allows.
"We're gonna have a good day today," you tell him.
Given the whispering tone and slurred words, Bucky assumes you're almost sleeping, too. "Yup. All day to ourselves. Dinner with Steve. Come back here to sleep well."
"I love you, James."
Bucky would never get tired of hearing those words in your voice. He pulls your body close, kissing even if he'll taste soap and warm water. "I love you more." He whispers your name, kisses you again, and turns off the shower head before cold water sprays on his perfect day.
Nothing about today is cold.
Bucky's warm. While you may carry the elegance and magic of the Moon, you're his Sun.
His North, and his Sun, which would always guide him home, for hot and perfect days like this that remind him of why it's good to be alive and to feel all of this love.
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More Mood Board Madness
The three bingos I co-mod, @marvelrarepairbingo, @scottsummersbingo, and @scoganbingo, are running the Mood Board Madness game again, this time all with the lists of prompts to choose from. I still want to do more for all three, and still need to do at least one for Scogan, but here are the ones for the Scott Summers Bingo and the Marvel Rare Pair Bingo.
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No real write-up for this one. Just pretty images of pretty boys and cute kids. Scott Summers and Tony Stark taking their little family away on a beach vacation. For the Mood Board Madness prompt: Baby/Kids (Parent).
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I got a little carried away on the concept write-up, so I had to save it as an image in order to post it to the MRP Discord, so here it is. Definitely will become a fic on this one at some point. Because I don't have enough WIPs, yanno? For the Mood Board Madness prompts: Horror Movie and Hallmark Romance. (I know what I said.)
Text of the story concept image under the read more.
Concept: James Barnes, drafted into the Army at 25 to fight in a war he had no desire to contribute to, found himself going from private to sergeant not long after setting foot in Viet Nam. He was set to lead a 'special battalion', given so-called special tasks in the darker, unmapped jungles. Like his men, he never understood what made them so special - nobody grunts who hadn't finished (or even gone) to college, made it through high school by the skin of their teeth, and none claiming any sweethearts back home. James only had his mom, sister Becky, and his best friend Steve, who'd wanted so badly to enlist, but due to health issues and him being a straight A student in college, he didn't have to worry about serving at all.
They'd been given all their usual inoculations and some the Army said hadn't even been introduced to the populace as they were specific to protect them from the unknown diseases lying in wait where they were being sent to. The battalion, self-named the Howling Commandos, saw some of the nastiest battles of the war, many of them coming at them in the dead of night. The men were ferocious in battle, never losing, even tearing the enemy limb from limb. They awoke amid bodies that looked as if wild animals had torn into them with their teeth. The longer they were in those jungles, the more vicious they became until one morning, James woke up with only two other survivors from his battalion, and they couldn't remember what happened. After they were sent home, only flashbacks awaited them. After a year of those flashbacks, James was left the sole survivor as Dum Dum and Jim Morita couldn't live with the memories of what they'd done. Of who they ate. James hated those memories, but he dug his heels in, learned to live with what the Army had turned him into with their "inoculations," and decided he didn't mind the taste of human flesh.
It made dating difficult, however, over the years. Not many women or men would've been too happy to learn they were falling in love with a cannibal. Even if James stuck to eating the worst of the worst of society, dining on humans didn't exactly make him boyfriend material. He was grateful when the internet was invented, especially the chat rooms - especially especially the type to draw the darker souls in, the ones he could share his deepest, darkest secret, the one he'd never even been able to stell Stevie about.
It took a year, year and a half, but he met him. The stranger who only called himself Loki, like the Norse Trickster god. He'd spoken up only after James had tossed out a question that most others had taken as a joke - "What do I do with all the blood?" To James' surprise, Loki had the perfect solution to his actual problem.
Loki was a vampire.
It wasn't long before they were speaking in private chat rooms, just the two of them. Sharing jokes, Loki trading recipes for the cannibal's kitchen in exchange for new places to hunt. Okay, so maybe at first, James thought Loki was full of shit - one of those Anne Rice wannabe vampire nutjobs who dressed in goth clothes all the time, pretending to drink blood out of wine glasses, but he never wanted to call the guy out on it in case Loki slapped back by calling him Hannibal in a less than affectionate way.
And then they met face to face. James suggested it first, and after some gentle coaxing (maybe a little begging - what? James was desperate for anyone who could understand him, and for all he adored his best friend, Steve had enough going on in his life with his art showings and taking care of his sick Ma to have to deal with his fucked up monster of a friend), Loki agreed. They met at an all-night diner tucked away in an old Brooklyn neighborhood. When James saw Loki sitting in the booth near the window, he had to smile - he definitely looked like the vampire sort - long dark hair and striking light green eyes, skin the color of the palest coffee milk, an imported Turkish cigarette dangling from his lips. Well, he either looked like a vampire or a musician, though James was pretty sure they weren't mutually exclusive. He sat down, ordered coffee and a steak - bloody rare - and took note that Loki was only drinking coffee with a glass of water next to it. They hit it off right away, and if nothing else, James thought it'd be nice to have a weird and dark-minded new friend to hang out with, though damn the guy was hot, and he'd love to fall in love. He'd love to have someone to fall in love with who'd at least understand that maybe he just had a dark sense of humor about eating people. James glanced out the window at the people walking by on the street, and noticed -
Loki didn't have a reflection.
It's 2024. James and Loki have been together all this time. After going out for two years, they finally moved in together. James went to school to become a chef, and Loki could easily bankroll a posh apartment in Manhattan, though they sprung for an old brownstone that gave them all the room they required for their dietary needs. James never had to worry about what to do with all that blood anymore, and in fact, he might've come up with one or two creative ways to feed it to his boyfriend.
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You're safe here here with me.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56232052 by occasional_author The canteen falls silent when the door is shoved open, and a young girl barrels into the room. She runs right into the middle of the circle the students had unconsciously formed in the middle of the room and skids to a stop, spinning in circles like she's looking for someone. She moves so quickly, it takes Peter a second to recognise her behind the brown hair whipping around her face, but when he does his jaw drops. "Morgan!" Or; Morgan and Rhodey get kidnapped, and Peter gets a family out of it. Words: 14359, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Flash Thompson, Betty Brant, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Principal Morita (Marvel), Roger Harrington (Marvel), Original Female Character(s), James "Rhodey" Rhodes Relationships: Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Blood, Blood and Injury, Found Family, Good Older Sibling Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Confessions, Helpful Friday (Marvel), Kidnapped Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), BAMF Peter Parker, Good Friend Ned Leeds read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56232052
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