#izuku x ruby
madmanwonder · 1 year
Prompt/Angst/Crossover: Izuku x Ruby
Izuku giving Ruby CPR to get her heart beating again
"CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP" Izuku muttered rapidly with pale face as he give the young grimm reaper a series of chest compression before he give her mouth-to-mouth ventilation praying to every single god up in the sky to save the life of his girlfriend who has so much life and potential to die from this.
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thatanimewriter · 7 months
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➳ request: Hello there! Ruby Rose, Izuku Midoriya, and Arven They and the reader (male) have been best friends all their lives, and certain events in their respective universes (maybe the Fall of Beacon, All Might vs All For One, Arven's Mabosstiff getting hurt) are catalysts for them to realise that hiding their romantic feelings for the reader is only hurting them. Life is short, and unpredictable, so it's time to take a leap of faith. Whether you do HCs or short stories, either is great. Thanks.
➳ character/s: ruby rose, midoriya izuku, arven
➳ warnings: blood (ruby), mentions of death (ruby), implied injuries (midoriya)
➳ notes: i love some good ol' angst and hurt/comfort >:)) but most of this is like, the confession more than the event that happened
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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ruby was very shocked to see you with dried patches of blood on your face and arms when she met up with team jnr. she remembered seeing you passed out on the ground bleeding profusely before she ran to try to save pyrrha and she recalled the heartache seeing that she couldn't stop to save you. before she woke up at home and had qrow tell her the events of the fall of beacon, she had assumed you'd died.
she stood frozen on the spot and you sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck. "surprise?" suddenly, a wave of petals came rushing towards you and you were enveloped by a warmth that you'd memorised mere months ago.
"i thought you died," ruby said, sniffling into your shoulder.
you smiled at her concern and returned her hug, "eh, it'll take a little more than that to kill me."
"you're never leaving me again," she proclaimed, peeling herself off of you and holding your hands. you glanced at team jnr, who shrugged and smiled.
"just say you love me," you answered, flicking her forehead. ruby chuckled through her tears.
"i don't have to if you already know."
hospitals were never a comforting place to be, but midoriya found it to be a familiar place regardless. except this time he never wanted to see you beside his bed. your eyes were closed but he could see your chest rise and fall from beneath the thin sheets. a wall of tears covered his eyes and he took a shaky breath to try to calm himself.
"i wish you'd be more careful..." he murmured, slipping out of his bed to stand by you. "i worry about you when you throw yourself into danger."
"as if you're one to talk," you responded, frowning at him.
"y-you were awake?"
"yeah, the lights are too bright."
midoriya hummed at your reason, moving to turn the lights off before returning to you and pulling up a chair. he leaned his head on his hand and looked at you thoughtfully.
"is that better?"
you smiled and nodded. "much." the green-haired boy sighed in relief, gripping your hand in his. "why are you so concerned about me anyway? i'm not the only one in hospital."
he blushed and hid his face in your hospital bed. "because i like you..."
"what was that?"
"you heard me the first time!" he whined, burying himself deeper into the sheets (if that was even possible).
"i wanna hear it again."
"it's embarrassing," he said, pouting. you chuckled, running your hand through his hair.
"but i like you too."
mabosstiff lay in your lap as you helped feed another herba mystica sandwich to him and arven's eyes softened. you'd been with him since his best friend was injured and here you are now, helping him heal mabosstiff. arven didn't realise how much he appreciated you until recently, but for fear of losing another best friend, he suppressed his feelings.
"when he gets better he'll ditch me for you!" he exclaimed, plopping down beside you to give his pokemon attention. "don't leave me, mabosstiff!"
"he would never leave you," you responded, giving his hair a ruffle and earning a protest from arven. "if anything, he'll get all healed up and you guys will run away into the sunset without me." arven frowned at the idea that you would be left behind, particularly by them, and he wondered if you knew how important you were to him.
"who do you take us for?" he asked, deeply insulted that you ever thought they would leave you.
shrugging, you looked away from arven. "i dunno, things will be different after he's all healed, won't it?"
the boy sat up and gripped your shoulders, an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face. "i'm literally in love with you, how dare you think you're not important enough in this friendship."
you blinked cluelessly before smiling shyly. "you're in love with me...?"
now it was arven's turn to blink. "i shouldn't have said that." before you thought for too long, you leaned forward and pressed a short kiss to his forehead, gently pushing his hair out of his face.
"maybe i should have said it-"
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frie-ice · 5 months
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This crossover ship collage of Izuku Midoriya and Ruby Rose was inspired by the artwork I have seen of this MHA/RWBY ship, on DeviantArt. Half of them were either made, requested by or were inspired from kecskefighter28's work on the cross ship.
From what I could tell this ship has quite a few titles. "Ruboriya," "Watermelon," "Emerald Garden," "Green Rose" or "DekuRose." There might be others, so please share them and please keep any negative thoughts towards this ship to yourself.
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
Can't trust people who say they have a thing for villain x hero ships cause the villains in question are almost never,like,cartoony ones or ones with heroic qualities but instead usually full on abusers.Either that or the villains are well into adulthood and the heroes are high school senior age at the oldest and a combo of both isn't uncommon😬
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gglitch1dd · 8 months
Stud (Bull Eijiro x Heifer Reader)
Day 2 of Breedingtober
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Eijiro has finally been chosen as a stud and you're the heifer chosen to have his calves
There is Farmhand Izuku x Heifer Reader included in this as well
Warning: Hybrids! (cow and bull), heats and ruts mentioned, farm setting, lactation, lactation kink, BREEDING, pregnancy kink, hybrids are basically naked all the time cause why would they wear clothes?, Katsuki's gay ass
Words: 5,6k
“Eijiro! Eijiro, come here boy!”  
The young bull perked up at the calling. He sat up from where he was lying down under a tree and turned to the fence. Standing there with an apple was Katsuki. His favourite farmhand in this new farm he was sold to. He perked up at the sight, quickly moving towards the blond man at the wooden fence. The large Kirishima bull hybrid had his tail wagging as he put his hands on the fence and looked down at Katsuki with an excited smile. Katsuki chuckled as he handed him an apple and reached up to scratch the back of one of his black floppy ears. “Hey there buddy. How’s my prized bull doing?” He asked.  
Eijiro took a bite of the apple with a nod of his head. “Pretty well, actually. I had a nap not too long ago and I said made some new friends. Rikkido and Pony over on the other side of the fence, they’re nice.” Although Katsuki couldn’t understand the language that cow hybrids spoke, he still listened anyway. It was sort of a one-way communication with hybrids understanding human speech but not being able to communicate back. But Katsuki and Eijiro always had a way to make communicating work. 
Katsuki smiled with a nod of his head. “I’m glad it was good, buddy.” He stated. The blond lowered his head with a sigh as he shook his head. It caused rise of suspicion from Eijiro as he raised an eyebrow as he looked to the blond. Katsuki looked up at him. “You know… Aizawa said that he thinks that you’re ready to become a stud.”  
At that Eijiro’s ears perked up with a surprised look on his face. Eijiro had been an adult bull for a while now and had just been transferred to this new farm, away from the one he spent his entire life on. It was something that Eijiro knew was coming. The same thing happened to his father when he was his age too. He had always looked up to his father. Being a big, tough and strong bull that was able to take care of the cows and heifers on the farm as well as their own. His father was a great stud, always getting a calf in a heifer or cow with not much try, but he was also caring too. He was one of the reasons Eijiro was the bull he was today. So, at the news that the big scary guy that was Aizawa thought that he was well adjusted enough to sire a calf was music to his ears.  
Eijiro perked up with a bright look in his ruby eyes, he let out affirmative noise as he nodded his head furiously. “That would be great!” He mooed to Katsuki’s ears. A bright big smile on his face as he nodded his head furiously. “I would love that!” 
Katsuki sighed as he folded his arms over his chest, with an almost disappointed look. “I know buddy but… I don’t know if that’s for you.” Eijiro’s smile froze as he blinked in confusion. He tilted his head confused. Katsuki shook his head with a frown. “I mean, you are a great bull and all, but I don’t know if you could handle breeding a heifer. I mean, Izuku did say he had one of his best heifers ready for you, but I don’t know. I think you’re more of a eunuch type of bull.”  
At the word ‘eunuch’, Eijiro froze. “Eunuch… Eunuch!” Katsuki’s eyes widened at the sudden change in behaviour. If there was one thing about the dark blacked haired bull hybrid, it was that he was a naturally a calm and friendly bull. In his time here, Katsuki had never seen him aggressive or inherently angry. There was one time that he chased off a younger bull for bothering some of the pregnant cows when they had their time at the lake, but even then, he seemed more disappointed than angry. Now, however… Katsuki wasn’t sure how to feel. The large redhaired bull picked up Katsuki by the collar of his flannel, lifting him up. Eijiro let out a loud huff from his nose in anger. He glared down at the blond with an aggressive stance to the blond. “Now what would make you think that.”  
Katsuki withheld a smirk as he swallowed down hard, reminding himself of the situation at hand. He put his hands up in defence. “Fine, big guy. How about you just meet her, and we see how it goes, but I’m just saying that you seem more of a-” Another loud huff went to Katsuki’s face as he let out a low growl. “Okay. Okay. Put me down, big guy.”  
Eijiro glared down at Katsuki with a scowl. He let out a hum before letting go of the blond farmhand. Katsuki landed back down on his boots. He dusted down his flannel, trying to control the blush on his face. He looked up at the bull who seemed rather offended with him, is arms folded over his bare chest. He motioned for Eijiro to walk with him. Katsuki led him to the gate of the fence.  
Eijiro hated being in a bad mood, especially when meeting and talking to heifers and cows because he knew how sensitive they were to the moods around them. Katsuki let him out onto the dirt road, allowing Eijiro free of being held in the fence, however Katsuki knew Eijiro was a good bull. He had always been, from as long as Katsuki knew him and from what he heard from his previous owners. As Katsuki led the still pouty bull, his walkie-talkie buzzed.  
“Kacchan, where are you?” A voice asked.  
Katsuki rolled his eyes as he picked up the walkie-talkie from his belt and lifted it up to his mouth. “I’m bringing in big red. Do you have her?”  
“Of course, I do.” The voice sounded offended. “I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t wasting my heifers time. My cows have a lot to do, you know.”  
Katsuki sighed in annoyance. His comrade and fellow farm hand (and best friend although he would never admit it), Midoriya Izuku or as Katsuki liked to call him-Deku, was in charge of the heifers and the cows. Mostly because they all liked him best but also because he was softer with them. He cared for them a whole bunch which resulted in them being spoiled rotten by him. “And this is why you take care of the heifers and I take care of the bulls. Now shut up, we’re almost there.”  
Eijiro looked around at the barn he had never really been in before. It wasn’t very big and was basically only one room, but it was soft and cosy inside. The floor was layered with soft hay, blankets and pillows. It seemed cosy and sweet. Eijiro had never seen a stall liken this unless it was for pregnant or birthing mothers. However, there was something less maternal about this area, an underlying smell that told him that this was more about creating life in a different stage. Taking his attention was a heifer that sat down on the soft hay. The green haired farmhand that worked with Katsuki crouched beside you, a black cowboy hat on his head that matched Katsuki’s. You looked up to the opened door to Katsuki and Eijiro. You tilted your head in slight interest.  
Izuku smiled as he caressed your head gently. “Hey Y/N, that’s the nice bull I told you about. That’s Eijiro. You know him, he just came a few weeks ago.” Izuku spoke to you gently, his voice keeping you relaxed as Katsuki moved in front of Eijiro, trying to keep the bull from approaching you too fast. Izuku pat your head softly before standing up. “We’ll be leaving the two of you to get to know each other for a bit. We’ll be just outside, and we’ll be back in a bit, okay?”  
You looked up at him and let out a sweet smile. “Okay.” You nodded your head, although to Izuku it sounded like a sweet little moo.  
He gave you another heart stealing smile as he tapped your nose. “Good girl.” He turned to walk over to Katsuki who had turned to Eijiro.  
Katsuki pointed a finger up at Eijiro with a stern look. “Behave. Be the good bull I know you are.” Eijiro let out a huff in offence that he thought that he’d be anything but gentle. Katsuki glared at him for a second before him and Izuku left, closing the door just a smidge behind them, just in case something happened.  
Eijiro turned back to you and where you sat. Your tail swished behind you as you had your hands on the ground before you as you played around with some flowers. You pat the ground next to you for him to come and join you. “Hi.” You chirped out to him.  
Eijiro smiled as he walked over slowly to you. “Afternoon.” He carefully moved down and rather ungracefully plopped down beside you making you giggle. His smile broadened at the sound of your giggles. “My name’s Eijiro.” 
“I’m Y/N.” You tilted your head to the side. “I’ve heard a lot of things about you.” Eijiro let out a confused huff with a raised eyebrow that made you giggle. “The heifers and cow talk a lot. You seem really popular with the ladies.” 
That new piece of information brought a blush to Eijiro’s cheeks as he straightened up. He let out a chuckle as he scratched the back of his head. “I am? Jeez, I didn’t know.”  
You found it amusing that such a big and handsome bull didn’t see himself worth the attention. You nodded your head. “Yep. They were wondering if you were gonna be a stud or not, but I guess I know my answer now.” You leaned forward closer to him, your eyes assessing his body that made Eijiro’s face run hot. “I have never seen a Kirishima bull before, I’ve only heard about you guys. I heard you were a lot of money, big guy.” 
He let out an embarrassed chuckle. “Yah, it seems that way. Kirishimas… well, we’re good at breeding strong calves so often than not we sell for more apparently. Or that’s just what my father told me.” He recited.  
You shifted to face him, even though you smiled sweet, what you were about to say wasn’t as innocent as you appeared. “So can you give a strong calf?” You tilted your head to the side, your ears moving with you.  
Eijiro froze for a moment at your question, an inherit desire to mount you running through him. It was a feel he had felt before with heifers in heat that he might walk past, but not one he tried to act upon, not unless he was allowed to. Like right now. Why else would they leave the two of you together but to prompt a sort of bonding to allow for him to breed you. It was obvious and yet, it didn’t make the desire any less.  
The bull hesitated before shrugging. “I’d have to check… May I?” 
You weren’t sure what he was asking but you allowed him. “Okay, but what- EEP!”  
You were pushed down into the hay, Eijiro on top of you as he moved his nose to your neck. The feeling of him sniffing you made you giggle as he inspected you. You were soft. You were so soft, your skin so plush. He could smell the milk heavy in your breasts showing that you were a dairy heifer and one that produced a lot by the looks of it. Perfect for a calf and for the farm. He moved his gaze down to your round little chubby tummy that he loved. It showed that you were healthy. He moved his eyes down before looked at your fur coat over your legs and hat your hips. Your spotted coat was cute and matched you pretty well. However right between your legs, hidden was a place that smell sweet. He nosed at your slit as he let out a huff.  
You let out a small squeak at the war feeling against your sex, a flushed look on your face. You were a heifer for a reason, so clearly you hadn’t had a sexual interaction like this before. Eijiro found it cute with how he could already smell your arousal off of you. He moved to spread your legs open a bit more, allowing him to see a beautiful wet cunt. He hummed in approval. He could tell by the smell and look of you that you were close to your heat. That was a good thing.  
Without warning, he ran a tongue up your sex making you squeal in surprise. Eijiro nodded his head as he hummed. “Yah… I could. You seem perfect for me.” He stated simply, almost as if this whole display done by him wasn’t as heat inducing as it was for you as for him. He moved back to look down at you from above. He smirked, “Wanna be mine? I promise you, darling, I’ll stuff you full and give you as many calves as you want. I’ll take care of you and protect you. You won’t need to worry with me.”  
You felt a flush over your neck and face. With a big and handsome bull like him over you, it felt almost stupid to say no. You nodded your head almost wordlessly. “Okay.” 
“Good morning, everyone!” Izuku opened the barn where the heifers stayed, early morning tired moos filled the air just how he liked it.  
Izuku loved his job as a farmhand, but most of all, he loved his heifers and cows. Now don’t get Izuku wrong, he knows that there are certain rules he will never break when it comes to them. But it was no secret that Izuku would do anything make his ladies happy, even if it meant bending the rules just a little bit (part of the reason why all the sugar cubes went missing).  
He unlocked the stalls, allowing the heifers to move out of the barn before him fetching their breakfast. However, one of the heifers paused outside her stall. Izuku looked to Momo who let out a soft huff from her nose. “Hey there, girl.” He scratched underneath her chin. “What’s up?” 
She looked over to one of the last stalls, your stall. Izuku furrowed his eyebrows as he peaked in to see. You were lying in your bed of soft blankets over hay as you tried to regulate your breathing. You had your eyes closed as you squeezed your eyes shut. Izuku let out a breath, seeing as you had finally went into your heat. He could tell last night that you were close but not there yet.  
He turned to Momo and smiled. “Good girl. Go join the others. I’ll bring breakfast soon, let me just milk Y/N before taking her away for a bit.” Momo nodded her head as she trotted out of the barn. Izuku turned to you, moving to enter your stall. He carefully slipped in before crouching down towards you. He gave you a sad smile. “Hey there, sugarcube.” He let out lowly as he put a hand to your side, your skin warm under his calloused hard-working hands.  
You opened your eyes with tears in them as you whined in pain and need, reaching your head up to look at him. “Hurts…” 
Izuku shushed you gently as he gently began to massage your flank. “I know, sugar, I know. I promise to get you to Eijiro so that he can take real good care about you, but I need to milk you first.” You whined at the idea. “I know, I know. I promise I’ll be quick and gentle.” He left you for a moment leaving you to your own devices.  
You weren’t entirely sure what was going on, your head feeling a bit light and fluffy and yet there was this aching and pounding feeling between your legs that needed to be satiated. You had only ever experienced it twice before, and the first time was the time that big scary Aizawa determined that you were ready to become a cow and he just needed to get a bull to do the job. Which bull was the question.  
But now you had Eijiro, and the thought of him made your cunt ache as slick laced your lips. You shifted in need. You felt empty. You felt so empty. You needed something to help. You needed a bull. You needed a big large red haired with black fur, ruby eyed bull to give you a calf. That’s what you needed. And you did the one thing your instincts told you to do whenever you were like this, and it was call out for a bull.  
“Keep all the bulls on their side of the fence until we put them together and then-” Izuku turned at the sound of bellowing. He moved over the now sterilised equipment and quickly made his way to you. You were still in your stall, not hurt or anything but you seemed desperate. You let out small desperate cries.  
“Deku, the fuck was that?” 
“Y/N. Just get Eijiro to the breeding pen, I’ll be there in like five to ten minutes. I have to milk her and stretch her out first.”  
“You have to do WHA-” 
Izuku switched off the walkie-talkie and moved inside with you. He shushed you sweetly as he moved to sit on the bench that was in your stall. “Hey, sugarcube, hey, there’s no need to cry. It’s okay.”   
He carefully picked you up, years of working on a farm making it easy for him and put you onto his lap, but you were too needy to care. Izuku shushed you sweetly, his calming voice making your sounds a bit softer as he gently tried to lull you into a sense of safety. He carefully moved one hand to your breast. He felt around, feeling how tense and full you were. He squeezed earning a pained sound from you.  
He frowned. “Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?” he asked softly. “I asked you if you needed milking yesterday and you said no.”  You looked away from him, hiding your face. However, Izuku already knew the answer. He loved all his heifers and cows too much mot to know them front to back. He let out a sigh. “I know it hurts, honey. I know that when you near your heat, your tits get sensitive, but it has to be done the else you’ll get sick.” He put it simply.  
Izuku left the matter at that, as he went to massaging you carefully. The feeling had you relaxing in his lap as he gently massaged your breast. You hummed in pleasure at the feeling. Izuku moved to gently pinch your nipples making you squeak in slight pain, however he got what he wanted when he saw milk dribble out onto his fingers. He quickly moved to grab the suction cups that go over your breasts and carefully put them there. Without warning he started it, but immediately you let out a loud groan in pain.  
The suction around your breasts was painful but also arousing as first small dribbles of milk started to leave before slowly the cup started to fill with milk. Izuku carefully stroked your head, smiling down at you as he placed a kiss to your head. “You’re doing so well, sugarcube. You’re doing so well for me.” He praised. You tried to hold back your whimpers as you felt his gentle yet calloused hands move to your sex. He moved a finger up your slit making your hips stutter. “It’s okay, darling. I just have to stretch you out before I take you to Eijiro. He’s a big bull and I don’t want him to hurt or tear you.” 
It was often a concern for the handlers that delt with heifers that had never been bred before. Their heats often kick started the bull’s ruts and Lord knows nothing can stop a bull in his rut from mounting a cow in heat, even if the cow isn’t stretched out enough.  
Izuku carefully moved his fingers up and down your slit before pushing a finger inside you. You let out a low moan at finally having something inside you as he carefully tried to stretch you out slowly. At the feeling of pleasure from your sex, finally your milk started to push out a bit more and the pain was starting to become void.  
Izuku smiled. “Good girl. Such a good girl. You see, I knew you could do it.” He praised, ignoring the soft squelch of your cunt in his hands as he let slick drip down his fingers. “You’re doing so well for me and look at all that milk you’re giving me. You’ve always been such a good girl for me, giving so much for us.” He carefully started to push in two fingers making you hiss but your leaking hole allowed it. Your eyebrows were furrowed at the building tension in your abdomen that was begging to be let out the more attention that was given to your sex. “I bet once you’re pregnant with a calf, you’ll probably produce even more, huh.” At the mention of a calf, Izuku felt your cunt tighten around his fingers as a low moan left your mouth at the thought. You wanted a calf. You really wanted one. Izuku chuckled in amusement. “Oh sweetheart, it’s okay. I’ll get you to Eijiro right after this. How about you let Eijiro knock you up for me, hm? Wouldn’t that be nice? I’d get to take such good care of you, and you’ll even give me a calf to look after. You’d make such cute calves.” 
Your little desperate moans turned a bit more restless as a new feeling came to your abdomen. With his extra hand he moved to switch off the device, seeing as you were done and carefully took off the cups from your breasts. Your tits were perked up and sensitive, still dripping with small dribbles of milk, but Izuku could trust that Eijiro would deal with the rest. He could tell you were close by the way you were squirming and how restless you seemed. He carefully pushed another finger in but increased his pace.  
You thrust back against his fingers, moving to turn your head and push your face into his chest. You could feel the building ache only growing and you could feel that you were about to cum. Your breaths quickened as you arched slightly against him. Your sex tightened around his fingers as a squeal left your mouth. Slick squirted out of you as you came undone on his fingers.  
“Good girl, such a good girl.” Izuku praised sweetly as he fingered you through your orgasm. You slumped back against him, temporary bliss in your head as he finally got you stretched enough to take Eijiro without tearing. He smiled. He picked you up, standing up carefully as he kicked open your stall door.  
You were too blissed out and content for a bit to care much. You understood why heifers and cows always looked forward to their heats now. If this is how they were treated, you could understand why. You weren’t too aware of what was going on, so you weren’t paying attention when Izuku approached the shed that you were in when you met Eijiro.   
Katsuki was inside trying to calm the restless bill that was pacing back and forth, a lasso around him to keep control of him. However, Eijiro’s attention quickly changed when his nose picked up your scent. He lifted his nose into the air sniffing for a moment before turning to where you lay in Izuku’s arms. The bull was clearly already pent up, probably having his rut nearby due to encountering you a few says ago. It was clear with how heavy his balls looked. Poor bull.  
“There you are, you fucking bastard!” Katsuki shouted as he kept a hold of a now determined Eijiro who wanted to get to you. He let out a grunt as he held the bull back. “You told me you would be quick.” 
“I was.” Izuku answered straight, putting you down gently. “Don’t worry, Eijiro will take care of you.” He told you softly, before letting go of you. Izuku motioned to Katsuki, who was surprisingly holding Eijiro just fine. He undid the rope, allowing for Eijiro to be free and race over to you.  
The large bull skidded over to you before kneeling down closer to you. You smelt delicious but he also waited for you to notice him, a needy whine escaping his throat. “Y/N.” He let out lowly. “May I- Can I please…”  
You turned to look at him with half lidded eyes of lust. You gave him a smile and motioned for him to come. “Alright.” You didn’t have to tell him twice as Eijiro was on you like white on rice.  
While the two farmhands left you both to it, the truth was that you both couldn’t care if they stayed or not. Eijiro had put you onto your back which had surprised you. Your instincts told you that you had to be on your knees with your ass up in front of him, however he stopped you every time you tried.  
You would have asked why if you didn’t get distracted by the heavy hanging pair of balls filled with cum and the thick leaking cock that told you that he was more than eager to mount you. Eijiro hissed as he carefully stroked his cock, so much precum leaving his slit that it almost made you wonder how much he would put inside of you. A whine escaped you at the thought.  
Eijiro moved forward to carefully pull you towards him, your thighs spread enough to allow him between them. With one hand rubbing your thighs with his thumb and the other aiming his cock to your hole, he pushed inside you. You released a low moan at the feeling of his thick cock pushing at your walls and forcing you to take him. It was a delicious burn but now you were grateful for whatever Izuku did, cause it felt easier than it could have been.  
Surprising you, Eijiro bent down to put his forehead against yours. Your eyes widened as you looked up at him, vulnerable. Eijiro’s ruby eyes looked down at you with a gentleness you never expected from a bull. He put a hand to the side of your face gently, taking your breath away, as he used the other to support his weight on top of you.  
You didn’t understand what he was doing. “Eijiro, what are you doing? You can… you can just fuck me already.” 
Eijiro let out a huff. “No, I need you to understand something.” He elaborated. He looked away from you for a moment before looking back at you with a gentle smile. “My father always told me that when you get your first heifer to breed, she’ll be yours forever. That she would be your priority and your heart belongs to her before any other cow or heifer. I need you to understand that you are my first, and my utmost priority.” He told you.  
You looked up at him with wide eyes, not knowing how to process what he had just said. Most of your life, you had seen most bulls not really care on who they bred, and if they did, it certainly wasn’t emotionally tied as the cows were. However, there were exceptions, like Pony and Sato. But it seemed that Eijiro was one too.  
You didn’t care if he studded and bred other cows, mostly because you had no say in the matter, but it meant a lot to you that he said. You felt tears in your eyes as you smiled. You nodded your head, wrapping your arms around him. “Okay.” You whispered.  
He placed a kiss on your forehead, making it all the more precious, before he slowly started to move his hips. Eijiro sucked in a breath at the feeling of your velvety wet walls around his cock. You moaned in bliss at the full feeling of his cock inside you. Eijiro’s thrusts were slow at first, savouring the feeling of being together, slow but almost intimate with the way he had you looking up at him.  
Eijiro let out a low rumble from his chest as he slowly picked up the pace, holding on to your hip with one hand. He watched as with every thrust your body jiggled in response, your eyes half lidded in pleasure as you kept your eyes up on him. He found you gorgeous. His eyes however stayed on your breasts that had beads of milk on your nipples still. He hummed at the thought of a snack right now and bent down to wrap his mouth around your teat.  
Once you felt his hot mouth around you and then begin to suck, you let out a low moan from the back of your throat, as slick gushed around his cock. He felt the way you squeezed him at the feeling of him drinking from you, making him groan. You tasted delicious. Your milk almost had a sweet undertone to it, making him wonder if you had been eating sugarcubes.  
You had your back arched as you had your arms around him as he fucked into you harder now. You liked the feeling of his cock moving inside you, filling you up, but most of all, you loved the feeling of the head of his cock hitting that part inside you that had you seeing stars.   
“Eijiro.” You moaned his name. “Eijiro, more. I want you. I want you to give me a calf.” You whined in want.  
And who was Eijiro to deny you. He carefully let go of your other breast, licking his lips while mentally telling himself that he will get more from you later as he focused on the task at hand. He adjusted your hips before roughly moving in and out of you, fucking into you roughly, taking you by surprise. With every thrust you squeaked, eyes wide at the actions, while Eijiro let out low grunts and groans at the feeling of you. You had never felt such pleasure in your life, the feeling of him inside you basically euphoric that you couldn’t think if you tried.  
Suddenly you felt yourself coming undone around his cock. You bit your bottom lip with a squeal as you came. Eijiro let out a moan. “Oh fuck, you feel amazing.” He moaned as he smirked down at you. “You gonna take all my cum, hm? Gonna take it all and grow my seed for me.” 
You nodded dumbly up at him. “Yes, Eijiro! Yes, please.” You cried out to him.  
He let out a low almost growl like sound as his thrust became more sporadic and harsher than rhythmic. The sound of your wet cunt, your moans and his balls slapping against your ass was all too lewd for you to handle and yet you couldn’t have had it any other way. Eijiro’s grip on you tightened, his fingers digging into your skin. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He gritted his teeth, as he aimed one final thrust right up against your cervix making you moan in pain and pleasure. Eijiro buried his face in the crook of your neck as a low groan left him, his cock twitching as warm cum spurt inside you. You couldn’t have felt fuller, feeling as though you were about to burst. You wrapped your arms around him as you closed your eyes, not ever wanting to let him go.  
Katsuki dusted off his hands, seeing as the two of you were getting on with it from the sounds they could hear from inside. He followed Izuku out of the shed, closing the door behind the two of them. Katsuki looked to Izuku who was wiping his hand of a sticky wet substance on his hand with a handkerchief. Katsuki raised an eyebrow as he looked to the green haired man beside him.  
Izuku looked at Katsuki from the corner of his eye. He sighed. “What is it, Kacchan?” He asked almost annoyed.  
“Quick my ass.” He scoffed as he looked to the freckled man. Katsuki shook his head. “You know Deku, some of us don’t like to finger our cows when we have jobs to do.” 
Izuku rolled his eyes at the statement. He turned to leave. “And some of us don’t like to fondle their balls, Kacchan.” He commented, leaving the blond red in the face at the implication. “When last were you fucked, Kacchan? Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” 
Katsuki scowled at Izuku. “Oh, fuck me!” He threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. 
“No, thank you.”  
Taglist: @pasteldaze
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sorrowfulrosebud · 10 months
alpha!reader x omega!kiri or omega!izuku
Omega Kirishima is just 😫🙌🙌
𖤐He’s so fucking adorable; he absolutely adores his mate’s scent and insists on wearing his mate’s hoodie whenever he isn’t in uniform. He’s the type of omega that you have to do a double take at since his masculinity trumps his omega status. Despite his love for all things manly, it’s quite easy to make him purr.
𖤐Just a few gentle circles to the back of his neck is enough to send him to dreamland, clinging to you like a muscly koala. Even just a small smooch to the forehead is enough to make him purr rapidly, slightly chubby cheeks pinkening as his pupils expand.
𖤐I imagine his scent is quite soft and earthy, like a rainforest in a light shower. He used to use scent patches during middle school to cover it up, before ditching them to embrace his secondary gender. When he’s frightened or angry, he smells like a bad thunderstorm.
𖤐He accidentally nests A LOT, but in a kinda unconventional way? Like, instead of blanket forts (which he does have), he likes objects from you. Kiri loves using stationary and objects that you give him, even if your scent is nowhere to be smelled. We all know the man isn’t exactly Einstein, so it’s confusing af to walk into his room for the first time to see a small collection of pens near his bed.
𖤐Cuddles are this man’s crack. He adores sitting on your tummy facing your chest. Kiri could sit like that for hours; you pumping out a comforting scent as his bright ruby eyes blink slowly, until he nestles against you and falls asleep, purring like a kitten.
𖤐His heats can be a mess; if it’s his first ever heat and he has no idea when it’s gonna crop up, it can be very anxiety-inducing. He NEEDS his alpha to hold him and soothe him during this vulnerable time. Play with his hair, nibble his mate mark and rub his nose with yours and man is just ready to melt in euphoric bliss.
𖤐Y’know when you’re talking to a sub and you give them an order mid conversation and they kneel (courtesy of @mysicklove)?? Just saying “omega” in a sharp tone is enough to get Eijiro to behave (not that he deliberately misbehaves, only if he wants your attention >:3)
𖤐Overall, best and sweetest omega ever. 100000000/10 good boy, must give him sloppy toppy right neow
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thehusbandoden · 5 months
My Pleasure -Crush!Kirishima Eijiro x Childhood Friend!Reader
A/n: I think this is my first time posting something like this. Hope you like it!
I'm trying to get back into writing but I've been super busy getting my life together and doing crap I've postponed for months done loll
General info:
Genre: pure fluff \\ wc: 824 \\ kinda like friends to lovers but it's super short 😅 \\ posted: 01/17/2024
Y'all are childhood best friends but caught some feelings~ <3
A/n 2: I have abt 36 requests to get to 💀
They keep piling- but I adore them! Don't be afraid to request, they're always open! <3 (requesting rules)
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You sat at the cafeteria table, quietly talking with the other girls in class-A. Slowly picking at your food, Mina’s loud question grabbed your attention.  
“Hey y/n! You like Kirishima- don't you?” She giggled, wiggling her eyebrows playfully at you.  
Heat flooded your cheeks as you gape at her, quickly looking around to make sure none of the boys heard her. Todoroki and Tokoyami were sitting nearby, but they weren’t really the gossipy type.  
“Mina! Talk quieter!” You hiss under your breath, your e/c orbs searching the room for your redheaded best friend.  
“Sorry!“ She giggled, grasping your hands. “But tell me!” She whisper-shouted.  
“I-I mean... k-kinda... b-but we’re just friends! A-and it would be really weird if w-we y-y'know....” several of the girls started giggling, causing you to groan in embarrassment. “You’re going to draw attention!” You whine.  
  “You guys would be so cute together! You should confess!” Hagakure exclaimed, grabbing the attention of several of the boys in the cafeteria.  
“Hagakure!” You whine, throwing a crumpled napkin at her.  
“Sorry sorry!” She giggled, attempting to bring her very loud voice down. You hesitantly look back at the boys in class-A.  
Izuku was looking at the other girls curiously and ever so slightly concerned. Iida was yapping about some test coming up as Bakugo scowled at your table. His crimson eyes seemed to bore into you. Like he knew.  
The boy in question was joking with Denki, laughing at another of his lame jokes. Blushing, you couldn’t help but stare. Mina gasped in delight- grabbing his attention. His ruby eyes meet yours and he grins softly, his cheeks reddening.  
Letting out a choked gasp of surprise, you fall back into Jiro. She tried not to laugh as she helped you sit back into your seat properly. You forced yourself to focus on your food as you felt a pair of eyes boring into your back.  
Mina and Hagurke continued to fawn over their new “ship”, Ochacko occasionally piping in. The bell rang and you swiftly stood up, rushing towards the bin to throw your trash away. Right as you get to the trash bins, you bump into something strong and warm. Looking up, to your horror; you see the boy that stole your heart: Eijiro Kirishima.  
“O-oh sorry!” You gasp, milk soaking into your shirt as you fret over Kirishima. “Y/n, your shirt.” He chuckles, a hint of concern on his face as he throws his trash away swiftly, placing his tray down as he gently grabbed your own.  
Looking down, you realize what he was talking about. “O-oh!”  
“Do you need an extra?” He grinned, blushing at your cuteness.  
“N-no! I-I mean... I-I don’t have anything else...”  
“You can borrow my hoodie... if that’s fine with you. I’m sure Aizawa Sensei would be fine with you breaking the school’s dress code for something like this.  
“A-are you sure? Wouldn’t that be a problem for you?”  
"Of course! Here- I'll go get it from my locker, you go clean up. I’ll knock on the girls’ bathroom when I grab it.”  
“O-okay... thanks.” You flush.  
“My Pleasure.”  
After putting on Kiri’s hoodie you hesitantly leave the bathroom, the crimson material making you look even cuter. Kiri blushed as he saw it. “Thanks again.” You murmur sheepishly, rubbing your wrist nervously.  
“It really is nothing... don’t mention it...”  
“You truly are the best.” You tease, poking his nose. Though you’ve recently developed feelings for the boy, you can’t forget the countless years of friendship between the two of you, making you comfortable around one another... well, until a few months ago.  
“H-hey y/n...?”  
“I- uh... I caught you s-staring... and I-I was just wondering if y-you...” Kiri’s cheeks were a bright red as he looked down at the floor shyly.  
You blush, realizing that he not only caught you- but he was still hung up on it. “D-do I what?”  
“L-like me?” He whispered, his hopeful ruby eyes meeting your widened e/c ones.  
“L-like more than a friend?” You blabber.  
“I-I mean... I- uh...” you flush. “Yes...” you whisper softly.  
Kirishima grinned, wrapping you in a tight hug as he kissed your forehead. “I knew it! I knew you liked me back!”  
“K-Kiri?!” You flush, your face turning a dark shade of red.  
“Y/n, will you make me the happiest teenager in the world and let me take you on a date?” Kirishima asked dramatically, his ruby eyes shining with romance and adoration. Kiri always was quite the romantic, treating you like a queen even when your relationship was platonic.  
“Y-yes. Of course...” you flush. Kiri grinned, holding your hand gently as he pressed a sweet kiss to the back of it, causing your body to burn in embarrassment.  
“Food and a walk at the park? We could watch the sunset or go star gazing... up to you.”  
“Thanks Kiri...” you hum softly, kissing his cheek. 
Grinning, he flushed. “My pleasure, Pebble.”  
Kiri's masterlist | Masterlist | Navigation | You can tip me here<;3
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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finchrambles · 1 month
They’re both set in a world where there is some big bad hiding in the shadows and revolves around a group of teens having remarkably strong powers with one teen in particular having The strongest power thats been past down over the years and will now have to fight the big bad.
ALSO THEYRE BOTH GAY! like sure ones canon (we love the bees!) and ones not but fuck it we ball!
and ruby and izuku Would Be Besties! i stand by that!
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sugolara · 1 year
𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙨 𝙖𝙜𝙤
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ft. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Three months ago, Izuku and F/n were sleeping peacefully, occasionally tossing and turning while Katsuki was on look out. During the night, Katsuki's ears caught sounds of footsteps. At first he figured it was a rotter wandering around, but that wasn't the case as he heard a car and a couple people talking.
To make sure it wasn't his imagination, he peeped out through the curtains and sure enough there were at least four men standing outside and a van with customized backdoors parked along with a truck and its headlight shining. 
The headlight made Katsuki hard to see but the silhouette was enough for him to slowly run and quietly wake the pair up.
The sleeping pairs that were now wide awake quickly reached for their weapons; with Izuku holding his rifle, F/n holding a revolver, and Katsuki holding a bloody axe. 
They stayed quiet for a moment hoping they would pass by but atlas, footsteps began to approach the home. The three mentally frustratedly sighed and took position in case they tried to break in. 
"Are you sure you saw them going in here?" A voice ranged out. Another voice followed, "Positive. I saw the red truck here last time. Look, it's over there!” 
"How many would you say is in here?" A deep voice said. "Three; two men and a woman." 
Izuku, Katsuki and F/n looked at each other. They were watching us? But for how long?
Their thoughts were interrupted as a loud bang was heard. Most definitely a kick as soon they saw a boot making its way through the door. The three then took cover as bullets began flying through the door. "Open up, we know you're in there!" 
With Izuku next to the stairs, he caught the other two's attention that stayed behind the couch. With Izuku signaling Katsuki and F/n, they ran up the stairs as another set of bullets came flying by almost hitting Izuku. 
The three heard as glass shattered and then heard a car backing up. They shortly heard a whistle and a bang. 
With Izuku and F/n sitting at the top of the stairs and watching the living room, Katsuki crawled to a nearby room so he wouldn't be spotted and peaked through the blinds. His ruby eyes widened as to what he was seeing. 
A van began to reverse straight into the house. The house shook as the van rammed its way in and then a thump was heard coming from inside the house. 
The three gasped as shortly they heard groans coming and shuffling heading for them. Quickly getting up, Izuku pulled F/n into the room where Katsuki was in. The three heard laughter and a few gunshots. 
"Did they just fucking trap us!?" Katsuki yelled as he heard the dead coming closer.
“We have to fucking kill them!” F/n yelled with her gun ready to aim.
“No!” Izuku yelled at F/n and pushed her back, “Your wound still isn’t healed. Any pressure or any of the dead fluids goes into your wound, you’ll get infected!” 
F/n cocked her gun and glared at Izuku, “I wasn’t talking about them.” 
Realizing what she meant, Izuku nodded and told Katsuki to help him and barricade the door with anything heavy. 
But the three quickly dropped to the floor as bullets were fired at them. None of them were hit but they shielded their heads as glass shattered around them. 
"We have to do this now!" Izuku yelled and pulled Katsuki up. They began to block the door from the rotters coming inside. Izuku looked around for F/n and saw her crouched near a window with her revolver in her hand. 
He kicked his rifle towards her feet in case she ran out of ammo. F/n looked back at Izuku who nodded and continued to help Katsuki. 
F/n picked up Izuku's rifle and perched it on the windowsill. With the help of the scope, she was able to perfectly aim at the men outside. She was thankful that Izuku hardly used his rifle as it appeared in good condition.
Katsuki and Izuku grunted as the door wouldn't hold out any longer. Katsuki looked at F/n, "Can you hurry up and get rid of them!? We can't hold out any longer!" 
F/n groaned, "It takes patie–!" 
Katsuki and Izuku gasp as F/n's head flinches back and blood shoots out. Panicked rushed through Izuku's face as he noticed drops of blood coming from the left side of her head and glided down her neck, "F/n! Are you okay!?" 
Katsuki then shouted at her thinking she might be dead as the rifle in her hands slightly fell, "Hey, wake up!" 
Their hearts then thumped as they heard a groan coming from F/n and her head shooting up, "You damn imbeciles, I'll kill you!" 
Shots after shots were heard as Katsuki and Izuku grunted and could no longer hold the door shut. Once they heard F/n saying they got rid of the men, Katsuki and Izuku quickly ran towards the window and pulled her up with them.
A rotten hand reached for Katsuki's leg but he had managed to stand on the roof and shortly follow Izuku and F/n. They carefully climbed down the house and exited the backyard as the fences were down.
They sighed in relief and glanced at the ruined property, their lips frown as they had to leave everything behind; their food, clothes, bags, Izuku’s notebook and much more. They heard painful screams and shouts of help coming from the men but they ignored it. 
Hearing F/n grunt and fall on her knees, the males run to her aid to see if she were okay, “It… hurts.” 
Izuku worryingly checks her wound on her back and sees her blood seeping through the white bandages, “We need to find some burning alcohol and clean bandages before your wound gets infected. Let me see your ear.” 
Thankfully, it wasn’t bad as it was just grazed, a small scar would form and a bit of chunk of ear was cut.
Their heads then turned to Katsuki as he groaned and stood up, "Great, now we have to start over and risk our lives for food. Fucking great!"
 Izuku chuckled at Katsuki's whining though it was cut short as a gun cocked behind Katsuki. Deciding to not turn around, Katsuki stared at Izuku and F/n with his eyebrows furrowed. 
"Looks like I–" A gunshot rang as a thump followed along.
 Katsuki's ruby eyes stared at F/n who held a gun and sighed. "We need to go. Anything could've heard these gunshots and I'm not looking forward to dealing with them."
Nodding at F/n's statement, Izuku followed her. Staring at her figure, Katsuki wiped his sweaty face as his heart slowed down. He turned around and noticed a man that was about to kill him laying down. Approaching him, Katsuki grabbed his gun and a crossbow that hung on his back.
He then proceeds to leave and follow his companions. With his eyes on the h/c haired girl, he thought for a moment. Maybe, in the near future, he would thank her for saving him, twice.
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madmanwonder · 2 years
(Ask: Crossover au): What are your top 5 crossover Izuku ships?
Emerald Garden: Izuku Midoriya x Ruby Rose
Green Dragon: Izuku Midoriya x Yang Xiao Long
Crimson Otaku: Izuku Midoriya x Ryuko Matoi
Green Cheery: Izuku Midoriya x Sakura Haruno
Celestial Heroism: Izuku Midoriya x Lucy Heartfilia
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thatanimewriter · 11 months
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➳ request: Can you write a male (or gn if you feel more comfortable with that) reader x Ruby Rose, Izuku Midoriya, Arven, and Penny (all seperately) hcs/fic with an established relationship and the prompt "I love you so much it hurts". Thx.
➳ character/s: ruby rose, midoriya izuku, arven, penny
➳ warnings: swearing, reader is picked up (ruby), mentions of injury (midoriya)
➳ notes: thank you for the request for my boiiiii
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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probably screams
bear hugs you and spins you around
thinks you're adorable
peppering your faces in kisses
did i mention she's bear hugging you??
kinda hard to breathe while she's fawning over how cute you are
might ask where it hurts as a joke, pretending to be a certified doctor when the both of you know she could never-
will probably say it back as well but not immediately after
she's gonna wait until you forget you said it and then hit you with it when you least expect it
because this is payback for surprising her
at least you know you both get to suffer instead of just one of you being in pain
if you're gonna hurt because of how much you love her, you're taking her down with you :))
profusely blushing
won't speak to you for the rest of the day without wanting to hug you
or maybe kiss you
probably both
don't let him kiss you within the first week of telling him this, because he'll just be kissing you all day
you won't leave his bed ever because he's clinging to you so much
tons of cuddles that you will physically be in pain because you haven't changed position for 5 hours
soon after you told him that, you actually got pretty badly injured in a battle trying to save him from a blow
and he was very upset with you for this >:((
"when you said you loved me so much it hurt, this wasn't what i had in mind-"
it's all good, he'd do the same for you as well if he could
just starts sobbing
he's havin a hard time in life, just give him cuddles n let him cry it out
you get a lifetime of subway sandwiches now because this is forever >:((
you're not getting out of this relationship EVER
whatever you've got going on needs to be put on hold because he wants to cuddle with you, mabosstiff, your miraidon/koraidon and him
but sorta literal??
he will make your miraidon/koraidon a fucking sandwich-
arven for sure knows all your food preferences so you're guaranteed a perfect sandwich
and his hand in marriage
he is even more vocal and open about his love for you since this moment
stares at you blankly
very awkward
no clue what to say to that
what is love?? (baby don't hurt me)
probably just responds with
"...ok then."
because she doesn't know how to respond to such an out of pocket and unfamiliar statement
she'll show you that she loves you just as much eventually
but you'll have to wait until she's done overthinking your comment and also how she lets you know she feels the same
you've put her in a weird position and jokingly she's commented on how loving you puts her in immense amount of pain
it's all mental and it's all anxiety related, nothing to do with you
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Prompt: Touching your soulmate leaves a temporary mark that fades after a few hours.
Not original idea! MHA edition part 1:
Izuku: now, his would be an Apple Green color and sometimes there would be Teal streaks in the marks. Your hands would be covered in color. He would draw little hearts on your arms and cheeks. The back of your hands, your forehead, your cheeks, and lips would have color on them because he would always kisses you there.
Kirishima: the color that he would leave would be a Ruby Red color and there would always be Grey specks or dots. Your arms would always have color on them and you face would be peppered with marks. He would sometimes draw little waves with shark fins coming out of the waves on your legs but he would always do it if he had your permission.
Bakugou: everyone knows to not flirt with you because of the “X’s” and explosion drawings and “f*ck off they’re mine!’s” all over your arms in Orange and Red with Dark Green specks. He would cup your face a lot so your face had a lot of color on it. Your hands would be filled with color and your forehead would be littered with colored kiss marks.
Denki: his would be an Electric Yellow color with little Black lightning bolts. Your arms would be filled with lightning bolts and stars. Your eyelids would always have color on them and so would your hands.
Shinsou: Dark Purple marks with Black and Lavender specks would be all over your hands and forehead. Your arms would have little hearts drawn on them. Your face would have a little cat nose and whiskers and your hands would have kitty paw drawings and you wouldn’t mind it.
Sero: Black and White stripes would wrap around your arms and your lips would always be colored. The back of your hands would have a kiss mark and a heart.
Tenya: the marks would be a Navy Blue color with a Grey hint to it. Cloud marks and Harry Potter styled glasses would be on your arms. Though the back of your knees would be covered with color because he always picks you up like how a Disney prince would pick up a princess. And your hands would have color on them too.
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notsunnyowo · 1 year
Your Name
Bakugou Katsuki x Female Reader (part 4)
(part 3)
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Today was an odd day..
Come to think if it.. This whole week has been odd in a way.
"Oi, extra." Bakugou's rough tone sounded, followed by the distinguishable sound of a hand slamming onto the wooden table below.
The blonde was towering over his supposed mortal enemy. His dark ruby eyes locked onto the girl in question, similar to how a predator looks at its pray, right before they're about to devour it right on the spot.
"Fight me."
"I said, fight me." The boy demanded, his tone stern and certainly not friendly.
Ever since the scare with Aizawa, and after (Y/n) got to show everyone her quirk, Bakugou had been pestering the poor girl non-stop about sparring with him. Not a single day had passed without him 'asking' her for a sparring session during training.
(L/n) sighed and looked up at him. (E/c) eyes meeting with the boy's vermillion own. "How many times do I have to tell you? - I'm not fighting you!"
Bakugou's constant demanding questioning was starting to seriously annoy the (h/c) haired girl. This was the forth time he'd asked her and the forth time she's told him no.
Was he dense or something? Or was it that he just couldn't take "no" for an answer? ~ The latter sounded much more like the hothead she had gotten to know throughout this past week.
What's the deal with this guy? Can't he just leave me alone already? I'm seriously beginning to consider the possibility that both of us are mortal enemies-
"Settle down class." Aizawa's tiered voice echoed trough the room. For someone with as unkept of an appearance as him, the man sure didn't act like it. He was probably the most strict teacher (Y/n) had ever seen! And that was saying something!
"We've got another training exercise for today."
This simple and short statement was enough to capture every student's attention immediately.
Another training exercise? Wasn't the one we did yesterday enough for the week? We've only just started with classes a week ago and were already doing combat training?
Then again.. This is Japan's best hero-school. So I guess this is to be expected from the country's number one.
The training exercise the class had done yesterday was the second time the students got to show off their quirks.
That includes a certain 'barbaric' blonde.
During the fight with Deku, whose actual name turned out to be Midorya Izuku, Katsuki didn't hold back. Not even a little!
He looked particularly scary during the fight, as well. Especially when he was about to pull the trigger on his comically large gauntlet. (L/n) seriously thought that he was actually going to murder his emerald eyed opponent.
His attitude sure didn't seem like one belonging to a future hero, if you'd ask her.
It was a much better fit for the typical category of someone far more sinister..
Someone villainous.
"Just like yesterday, you will all be split up in pairs - which have already been decided. Your objective will be to capture the other teams and handcuff both players of the opposing team."
"The last team standing is the winner. ~ Any questions?"
After receiving no questions from his students, Aizawa got to work, disclosing the teammates.
"First team consists of Kaminari and Kirishima. Then we have Asui and Uraraka, Midorya and Tokoyami..."
As Aizawa continued listing out names, and informing everyone about the designated teams, young (L/n) found herself impatiently waiting for her name to be announced.
And boy did she wait. As time passed, the options got fewer and fewer untill there were only four people left. Including her, of course.
Please let it be Todoroki. Please let it be Todoroki. Please-
"Todoroki and Mineta."
Oh come on!
"Which leaves us with the last team."
"(L/n) and Bakugou."
In that moment, (Y/n) wished nothing else, but for the ground to open up and swallow her whole. Out of all the people she could've been paired up with, why had it been him?
As the girl dared to sneak a glance at the scowling blonde a thought crossed her mind.
At least it's not Mineta..
Who knows how horrible it would've been to be paired up with the embodiment of lust, also known as Minorou Mineta. Even the mere thought of being forced to cooperate with that pervert was enough to send a shiver down her spine.
And who knows? Maybe Bakugou won't be such a pain to work with?
"You've all go five minutes to strategize before the exercise starts. Once you hear the bell ring you are all to return here for further instructions. Have I made myself clear?"
With a bit of hesitation on her behalf, (Y/n) cautiously walked over to the ticking time-bomb with whom she'd been paired up with. For one reason or another, the girl always seemed to find herself feeling uneasy whenever she had any sort of interaction with the explosive boy.
Focus (Y/n).. You can't let your feelings distract you. This is training, and right now, he is my partner.
And nothing else.
Taking a stand beside the him, she asked. "So how are we going to go about this?" Her question was followed by a raise of her brow. "Got any sort of plan?"
With a click of his tongue, Bakugou finally looked back at her with an unamused look on his face. "Go in there and blast every extra that comes in my way."
The boy's cocky response was followed by a mental facepalm from his partner. "Look, I get that you think you're all that, but you can't seriously expect me believe that you'd be able to singlehandedly immobilize and capture the members on every other team!"
Quirking a brow, the blonde stared back at her. If you'd look really closely you might catch something resembling a hint of amusement in those ruby gems of his.
"Oh yeah? Watch me."
Without another word, young Bakugou simply walked off, leaving (L/n) standing all alone, completely speechless.
Soon enough, the five minutes were up and everyone had returned back to the meeting spot. Aizawa, who had already been waiting there for his all students to arrive, quickly begun telling each team where their starting point was. Careful not to let anyone aside from the team in question hear of course.
Once everyone was in their designated spot, a loud horn sounded. The training exercise had officially begun.
(L/n) and Bakugou found themselves out in the open. Their starting position wasn't the best, as they were pretty much right in the middle of the training ground. Not the best place you'd like to start off in such an exercise. 
This only meant that the duo had to be on high alert. Knowing their classmates, if someone spotted the two, (Y/n) was pretty sure that they'd most likely attack. 
Provided, they feel confident enough to go face against the literal rage-bomb which was her spiky haired teammate.
Guess there really was something good about being paired up with him.
"Hey, uh. Bakugou-" (Y/n) began, quickly approaching her classmate, mindful of their proximity. In a much lower her tone than the one before the girl then continued. "Taking our location into account, it'll be best to seek cover somewhere. ~ That, or we could get someplace high up. Like on top of some of the buildings?"
Unfortunately though, it appeared that her rational  proposal fell on deaf ears, as Katsuki decided to straight up ignore the girl's logical deduction and do things his own way.
"If you think you can't take a few extras on then don't drag me down with you."
Turning his head back, Bakugou graced the young heroine with a casual glance at her. His smooth features easily managing to send her poor little heart into a frenzy. "I know my own capabilities and I sure as hell won't be beaten by a bunch of wanna-be heroes. ~ So if you can't keep up then don't get in my way."
(Y/n) scowled at the nickname.
Me? A coward? Who's that angry porcupine calling a coward?!
Just as (L/n) was about to speak up against the name-calling boy. She caught sight of something behind him. 
Or rather, someone.
"Bakugou, behind you-!"
Almost instantly she opened the corg of a compartment in her utility belt, while quickly activating her quirk.
Katsuki was quick to spring into action himself, quickly turning around to face whoever, or whatever had caused his partner's sudden distress.
Only to be met with the hardened form of none other that the redhead who simply wouldn't leave him alone.
Ejirou Kirishima.
With a vilanously grin quickly taking over his features the blonde activated his quirk, launching himself straight into the air before sending an attack at the charging redhead.
And it seemed that he wasn't the only one with such an idea. A stream of water flowed out of (Y/n)'s belt compartment as her hands maneuvered the seemingly floating water with practiced ease.
Her quirk - Waterbend - was pretty self-explanatory: It allowed the user to "bend" water, or more precisely control and maneuver any type of liquid. However, the now hero-in-training mostly used it on water, hens its unique name. 
As the shockwave of his blast met with the oncoming water 'whip', the two attacks seemingly "merged", forming an even more powerful one.
This in turn, sent poor Kirishima staggering back, his arms and other vulnerable body parts hardened by his quirk.
"Go for it Kaminari!"
Ejirou's shout startalled the two.
The electric blonde sounded as he immediately powered up his quirk, with a loud yell. "All out shock! Two million volts!"
Just as (Y/n) was about to counteract, she felt a metal sensation in her mouth and before she knew it her whole body felt like it was on fire. Her muscles spasmed uncontrollably as her body fell to the floor. 
Well this was just great! Not only had she gotten paired up with the same person she wished not to be her partner, but she had also let her guard down and gotten hit! Some hero she was..
As her mind slipped in and out of consciousness, flashes of images from the past raced trough her mind.
"No, please don't go..!"
Her mind was fuzzy and her libs numb, yet the vague scene played out in her mind as if it was a record put on loop.
"Promise me you'll never give up (Y/n).."
Her whole body ached from the shock of Denki's attack. But something in her stopped the girl from slipping out of consciousness once more. Her vision was blurry but she still tried to focus on the targets at hand.
I won't go down without a fight..
Her body shook as she tried propping herself on her arms, (L/n) tried her best to stand back up on her feet. 
Thankfully the members of the opposing team were too distracted with her own partner to register the girl getting up.
Once her vision had cleared up, she could make out the tree boys battling it out with their opponents.
Bakugou was busy avoiding attacks from Kaminari while Kirishima charged at him. The blonde was doing a skilful job at keeping a good distance away from the two but his opponents were giving it their all and not allowing the blonde to find an opening.
They haven't noticed me yet..
(Y/n) thought as she quickly oppened another compartment in her utility belt. The girl always made it an effort to keep a reserve stash of some type of liquid in her belt. It was a request she'd made to the support item team when giving out the instructions on her hero costume. 
After the cap was out, the girl could feel the sense of alcohol invading her nostrils.
Not only was it useful when treating wounds, but it was also highly flammable. Which if used right could be of great help to her.
Now all I need to do is coat their bodies with some and hope Bakugou blasts them while they're distracted.
With a quick motion of her hands the girl managed to splash the two boys with half of the ethanol she had available and used the other half to make a rope like extension towards Katsuki, giving him access to the flamable substance.
"What the?-" One of the boys questioned, while the other turned to look back at their opponent who the duo thought was out cold.
Before any of them could do or say anything else, the sounds of a loud explosion filled the air. The ethanol had come into contact with Bakugou's explosions and caught on fire burning the boys coated in it.
It took (Y/n) and Katsuki a while to handcuff both males, and once they did a loud horn was heard in the air, followed by Present Mic's voice.
"Team Kirishima and Kaminari - Eliminated!"
Guess they're the first ones out. (Y/n) thought as she approached the handcuffed duo in order to take their handcuffs.
With an apologetic look in her eyes the girl crouched down, looking for the metal objects. "Sorry for burning you guys up so badly." She apologized with a calm tone.
Kirishima shook his head, a slight hiss of pain slipping past his forced smile as the girl's hand brushed against his bruised up back. "No hard feelings (L/n)."
Seeing the disheveled state the young heroine was in, Kaminari sighed. "Sorry for knockin' ya out."
After finally finding the handcuffs (L/n) smiled and got up. Turning to the electric blonde, she spoke up. "Don't worry about it. Your quirk's super powerful. Maybe we could train together sometime?" She smiled, her offer immediately easing the gilt Denki felt for actually hurting such a pretty thing as herself.
The light mood was unceremoniously interrupted by none other than Bakugou. Or to be more percise, his abrasive comment. "Tch. If you're done chit-chatting, we need'a get goin'. There are still other extras that need a good beating."
Bidding a quick goodbye to the two boys, (L/n) walked over to her explosive comrade.
Let's just hope the others won't pose as much of a challenge as these two did.
(Part 5)
Author Note:
Well that sure was an interesting fight wasn't it?
Perhaps the next fight wont be as tough? Or will it be even harder? Dealing with our lovely explosion boy can be quite distracting after all. ;')
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gglitch1dd · 1 month
HIIIIII!! I am so glad the anon feature is back Im so shy!
could I please request a small little blurb of Izuku beating up kaachan just overall tired of getting berated and things like that from katsuki. idk im rewatching the series and just want Izuku to put katsuki in his place one time for the one time! ORR a small story of reader, Izuku, and katsuki being friends and growing up together and reader always stood up for my boy Izuku.
pink and green heart anon (im on my laptop and can't access my emojis)
Ooooh Someone speaking my language. Hello 💚🩷 Anon!! I'm so sorry this took so long to answer. I've been busy IRL and with my main fics so I haven't gotten to all my asks but I'm sorting through them. I hope you're doing okay sweetheart :)
Fuck you
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
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You sat in the common room of the dorms trying to think up of a plan for this years culture festival. Being in third year UA High School, the past two years you had always done something musical themed, but now your class wasn't entirely sure on what to do this year.
"I think maybe a combined project with Class B could work." Midoriya pitched in. The green haired hero had certainly changed the past three years. He was taller now, with added muscle gain too, however often than not you barely noticed unless he was shirtless. His emerald eyes looked over at the group of you that stood around the table. "They are good at plays and we are good at music. Together we could put on something that caters to both and inbetween audiences."
Iida Tenya nodded his head with furrowed eyebrows. "I can talk to Kendo-san but i doubt she would be opposed to it with them."
Asui let out a ribbit as she smiled. "That sounds like a great idea Midoriya-kun." She stated.
You nodded your head as you looked at the green haired teenager in your class. "It is a brilliant idea. We could do a musical!" You suggested. "Why didn't we think of that before. Good job, Midoriya." You praised as well with a light shove to the side of him.
A light blush went to his face but he just smiled, grateful for your support. He opened his mouth to speak but a TSK was heard.
Leaning back in a chair around the table was Bakugou Katsuki, who you were even shocked was here in the first place. Judging by Kirishima (the big man he was starting to turn out to be) was standing behind him, you could only guess it was his idea. "That's a stupid idea, but no surprise considering it came from Deku."
"Whoa dude." Denki let out surprised a the unnecessary friendly fire.
"Bakugou, don't be so rude!" Kirishima hissed down at his best friend. His ruby eyes moved up to Midoriya who stood with a frown on his face. "I'm sorry Midoriya."
"I'm not." Bakugou let out as he stopped leaning back to sit up straight. "The last thing we need is a combined project. It takes too much time and our two classes have different scheduled times too."
Momo had her hands holding her arms as she kept her sweater tight around her. "I'm sure we can work around it." She suggested with a gentle shrug.
"Not with the way Aizawa has been grilling us into the ground. I mean, really Deku? Joining with Class B? A fifth grader could have come up with that!" Bakugou shouted.
"Bakugou, just stop it okay." You said with a frown. "Leave him alone, it's a good idea!"
Instead of looking bashful of shy or ashamed, Midoriya just stared at Katsuki with emotionless green eyes. Midoriya had started getting more and more fed up with Bakugou's antics and the two started butting heads more and more. "What is your problem?"
"You fucking heard me, don't make me repeat myself." You had to double take as you looked to Midoriya, shocked that you just heard what he said come out of his mouth. He kept his hands in his pockets as he looked down at Bakugou in half disgust. Iida was shocked himself, not even trying to correct Midoriya on his language.
Bakugou paused with a disbelieving look. He closed his crimson red eyes and let out a light scoff as he moved to put his hands on the table as he stood up. "My problem? If I find an idea stupid, I'll call it stupid."
"No." Midoriya denied with a shake of his head. "No, this is deeper. You have an issue with me and I want to know why? What did I ever do to you!?" He asked as he put a hand to his chest.
"You coming to this fucking school." Bakugou specified. "You trying to act like you aren't the same quirkless little loser that you were four years ago! A hand me down quirk from All Might will never change that."
"Oh my God." Midoriya laughed in disbelief. "Why won't you grow up, Kacchan! How on earth you can feel threatened by me is something I can't even try and understand!"
Bakugou's eyebrows raised. "Threatened by you? Oh no, Deku. I can't be threatened by nothing."
You gasped as you snapped to look at the blond. "What the hell!"
"That's not very nice, Bakugou." Todoroki let out with a frown and furrowed eyebrows.
Bakugou just stared at Midoriya. "I preferred you in middle school. At least then you knew your place."
Midoriya didn't move for a moment before he slowly started to nod his head. Almost like he understood where Bakugou was coming from. However, not even a second later, Bakugou was on the floor and there was a flash of light.
Midoriya had pinned Bakugou to the ground as he raised his right hand up and punched the blond again with little to no humanity in his eyes. The green haired boy, seemed more determined to kill than anything.
"MIDORIYA!" Kirishima shouted as he tried to pull the green haired boy off of Bakugou.
Bakugou grinned as he laughed with a bloody smile but just managed to get Midoriya on the side of his face. A spark of his palm was aimed at Midoriya's face but Midoriya easily dodged with One for All, before punching him square in the nose.
Suddenly Shinso's binding cloth wrapped around Midoriya as he was pulled off of Bakugou. He frowned with a similar expression to Aizawa Sensei. Sero quickly managed to tape up Bakugou to keep the blond away from Midoriya as well. With the both of them restrained and restricted from each other.
Midoriya let out a frustrated growl as he fought against Shinso's binding. Bakugou let out a laugh as he grinned. "You punch like shit!"
"FUCK YOU!" Midoriya shouted at the blond with thin small pupils as he untangled himself and walked out of the common room.
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frie-ice · 4 months
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This crossover ship collage of Yang Xiao Long and Katsuki Bakugo was inspired by the artwork I have seen of this MHA/RWBY ship. Since have already done ones on Shoto x Weiss and Izuku x Ruby, it only seems fair that I do one on Katsuki x Yang as well.
From what I could tell this ship has quite a few titles. "Explosive Hot-Heads", "Blond Bombshells", "Dragon Bomb", "Exploding Dragons", "Fire Dragon", "Hot-heads", "Explosive Fire", "Tsundere Fire", "Orange Fire", "Orange Flames", "Orange Embers", "Dragon Fire", "DragonMight", "DynaFire", "DynaFlames", "Explosive Flames", "KatsuYang", "YangKatsu", "Yanski", "YangBaku", "BakuYang", "Fire Bomber" and "Orange Dragon".
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sakuraaachan · 1 year
Just Gold - Izuku M - Part 1
☆.。.:*"𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓭, 𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓹𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓰𝓸𝓵𝓭." ・゚゚・。 Y/n L/n loved the sparkle of a jewel, the reflection of gold, and the icy feeling of heavy diamonds on her neck. She always wore gloves, black silky gloves that comforted her hands perfectly. With her sexy body and ruby red lips, she could have any man she wants. With just a few flirty looks, and a couple of sly words, the gloves slide off easily once they make it to the hotel room, and once her bare hand touches the man's chest…he'll freeze and become gold. 𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓰𝓸𝓵𝓭. 。・゚゚・
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Rating: mature, abuse, criminal activities, some sexual mentions
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This is part one!
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Chapter One
The L/n Family
One thing about the (L/n) family is that they were greedy. Sada L/n was a man greedy for power, he would do anything to feel above. Isa Misaki was a woman who was greedy for a family, she longed to have a child of her own. But you can only greed so much in life before nothing will satisfy you, and when Sada (L/n) reached that point, he took it out on the people around him. His family. Isa Misaki would never get what she longed for, and she was extremely desperate to get it too.
It was pathetic. She was pathetic.
“Please..don’t hurt me!” Isa wailed. Her husband stood above her, smacking her into absolute submission. These days the abuse never stopped, it would only get worse. Y/n could hear it from the living room, Isa’s agonizing cries were louder than her cartoon. Screams turned into spaced out whimpers and the beating finally stops, but only for a brief second as Sada finishes his beer.
Y/n would always watch, though she wasn’t supposed to. Sada had no mercy towards his wife or his kid, Y/n would be next if she made her presence known. But despite her best to stay invisible, Sada notices Y/n stare and he walks over to the living room.
“No!” Isa screams, “No not my baby! Anything but that.” Foolishly, she grabs onto his boot. Her begs would do nothing but cause more trouble. Sada throws the beer bottle on the floor, and it shatters upon impact with the rickety wooden floor.
“Shut the fuck up!” He shouts, kicking off Isa weak hold on his shoe. Y/n cowards on the couch, bringing her body as close to itself as she could, each of her father’s heavy footsteps sinking her heart into her chest further and further. Y/n was afraid.
Sada stands in front of his child, rolling his neck before he crouches down to Y/n’s level. She was struck with an uneasy feeling, the pressure from his gaze enough to make her want to melt. 
“Daddy?” Y/n says. Sada’s hands grab her head and force her to look at Isa, she was injured from the glass, her blood flowing out her hand and onto the floor. Y/n would probably end up having to clean that later.
“Look at that,” Sada says, “look at your pathetic excuse of a mother.” Y/n knew better than to cry, so she clenched her jaw. “That is exactly what happens when you fail to satisfy a man,” Sada turns Y/n’s head back to him. “You know I love you right?”
Y/n doesn’t move, and Sada presses his hands into her head harder. “You know I love you right?” He repeats with more pressure, “I love you and your mother, Daddy’s just teaching you both a lesson.”
He’d always say that. The words became all too familiar to Y/n, she thinks to herself. If this is love, then I don’t ever wanna be loved. But responds to her father, “yes Daddy, I love you too.”
Sada lets go of her head, and walks to his bedroom down the hallway. The slam of the door shakes the house. Y/n walks over to her Isa, she’s on the ground whimpering pathetically.
As much as Y/n hated her father, she hated her mother just as much. Isa looks up at Y/n, a tear rolling down her bruised cheek. “Be careful darling, there’s glass, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
She scoots closer and pets Y/n hair, smoothing over her (H/c) locks and smiling. “My beautiful baby girl, you are so wonderful.”
Y/n stared at her mother with a blank face. The pity had worn off years ago. Y/n could only look at her mother and feel nothing. “All I’ve ever wanted was a child of my own to love,”  a couple tears fall from Isa's eyes, she laughs pitifully. “And you look at me with such hatred.”
The bedroom door down the hallway slams open, and Sada enters the kitchen with a cigarette in his mouth. He looks down at Isa and grins, and the woman’s expression drops.
She shouted, “No, no, no.” But Sada never listened, he just grabbed her foot and dragged her down the hallway to the bedroom. Isa screams are louder than they were before, but the agony is muffled when Sada slams the bedroom door shut.
The sound of their metal bed squeaking was nothing new to Y/n. Sometimes the girl would wish a hero would come and take her father away. She’d only heard about heroes from the news channel Sada would watch every Sunday morning. They were supposed to keep people safe, and save them from evil people.
Y/n walked back into the living room and grabbed her toy, one of the only gifts she had managed to keep out of sight from her father. Sada had the habit of throwing away her toys.
“Here I am!” Y/n whispers, mimicking what she imagined a hero’s voice would sound like. “Sorry I took so long, but everything is going to be okay!”
She imagined the hero flying over houses and landing right at their front door. They’d kick the door down and take you and your mother away to a better life. Something lavish with rubies and gold. It was a foolish fantasy, that would never happen.
Y/n jumps when the bedroom door opens, and her father enters the kitchen again. He’s shirtless, giving sight to the bruises and scratches on his body. He opens the fridge and grabs a beer, and before Y/n could sneak away, he catches her.
“What did I tell you about playing in the kitchen?” His loud booms throughout Y/n entire body, she hated when he focused on her. His attention was the most unsettling.
Y/n turns to him and lowers her head. “I’m sorry Daddy,” she said.
Sada pops open his beer, taking a swig before he speaks. “No respect. I need to teach you some respect.” He always had the ability to make others feel small, and just staring at his timid scared daughter fed Sada’s ego. “When Daddy sets a rule down, you follow it or there will be consequences.”
He puts the beer down on the counter and rubs his mustache. He’s thinking, a sign that Y/n’s punishment would be worse than usual. She tightens her hold on her bear, and Kada notices it.
“Give me the bear,” he demands, his hand stretched out.
Y/n shook her head, her knees almost giving in from the fear inside her gut. Kada clicks his tongue, he didn’t appreciate a disobedient girl. “Give me the fucking bear!” He shouts again, “when a man tells you to do something, you do it!”
He didn’t like having to ask three times and grabs the belt he had beaten Isa with earlier. Y/n stared at the ground as Kaba folded the belt in preparation to hit his daughter. He mutters, “you’re just like your fucking mother.”
It was common for Y/n to space out during beatings, she’d imagine what her life would be like if she had been born in a different family, or maybe if she hadn’t been born at all. Y/n awaited the first strike, but instead her ear rings from the loud sound of a gun fire.
When Y/n opened her eyes, it was like everything was in slow motion. The way her father’s expression changes, the belt dropping to the floor as well as Kaba’s body. It makes a loud thump that echoes under the floorboards.
Y/n looked down the hallway, her mother stood there with a pistol. It was the only time Y/n had seen her mother look so determined and confident. “Mommy?” Y/n whispers. She could hear her mothers heavy breaths over the cartoons still playing in the living room.
Isa doesn’t speak a word, turning the gun around to her chin. A second fire is heard and another thump echoes in the floorboard. Y/n walks over to her mother’s fallen body, her steps imprinted on the floor by her father’s blood.
“Mommy?” Y/n repeats. Her teddy bear falling into the pool of blood around her mom, the cotton soaking the liquid up. The girl falls to her knees, and she calls for her mother again as she shakes her. “Wake up.” She knew her pleads would go unanswered, and that her mother would not be waking up anytime soon. Probably for the best that she didn’t. Yet the little girl still calls out for her mother, “please wake up.”
Though the windows were covered by curtains the vibrant blue and red lights of a police car flashed over the two bodies. There were some footsteps before the busted doorbell rang through the house.
“Mufasa Police Station, open up!”
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