#it's actually almost scary how much I relate to dark alley
it's like. everything happens so much. it's all happening right now but at the same time nothing is happening whatsoever. it's a liminal space of an existence. it's slowly crushing me under the weight but when I look up there's nothing actually bearing down on me. there shouldn't be any weight. something is wrong but nothing has happened. I'm simultaneously overwhelmed and utterly bored. nothing is happening and maybe that's the everything that's happening. maybe the everything is the nothing. we aren't there yet but it's all so imminent. either everything is going to crash down or nothing is. I'm just waiting to figure out which.
#I refuse to be upset at anyone. I have so much love in my heart#but I'm going to pack formal clothes for my sister in my own bag just in case. she doesn't need to know that.#you couldn't pay me to care or to stop caring. it's cognitive dissonance#because I know this won't always affect me but it's my whole world right now#I say I don't care and I mean it but at the same time I care more than anything else#it's actually almost scary how much I relate to dark alley#not in a ''I'm in a mentally dark or dangerous place'' way but in a ''yeah I compare myself to others too much'' way#and then I try to make excuses so it can make sense to other people so they won't think the worst of me#like literally I'm trying not to think about fall but it's right around the corner and I'm. falling into it I guess#pun intended of course. I don't want to lose all my friends#I want to be one of the kids who gets invited to people's houses for lunch after church and I know I never will be#because that's the kind of thing that's only for the kids who are going someplace. not the ones who stay#I'm feeling very selfish and it's probably bc I'm tired lol this happens sometimes#I'm gonna make dinner for my family and then I'll feel better skskskskk#Lu rambles#sometimes I think I could write poetry#I feel like once my vacation is actually imminent I'll feel better I just haaate the point we're at right now#which is like. it's SOON but not THAT SOON so I feel like I can't do anything bc I'm just waiting for things to get going :/
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spamtonology · 2 years
hi its the same anon here Again (i think i can just call myself sm anon so i dont have to introduce myself every time)
I just wanted to talk about how spamton's complex character and personality is generally greatly written making him very special character, as promised in last ask
When first encountering, hes only shown as a silly weirdo Trying to scam kris, but after you enter his shop (Which not everyone did while their gameplay) youre introduced to his darked side... Hes a lonely and desperate man, with very impulsive decisions and with his mind fixated on strange robot in queen's basement, the feeling around spamton immedietly changes from funny haha meme scammer to "oh my God. He is NOT ok" but Even with such weird and uncanny atmosphere, spamton still tries to be hopeful and funny, example the famous KEYGEN bit where he's parodying youtube poop video, or how generally hes generally making jokes relating to his possible Trauma (i wanna talk about that later possibly too. Special interest moment) or When he's Talking about freedom and heaven, as much as it all sounds concerning, i think he shows euphoria and hope (Which is more sad to think about after we later see how he ends up)
Thats what make him So special i think!!! Hes scary, hes probably sad alot too, but hes also hopeful!! He has so many dreams he wants to accomplish!! Even if its shown trought being absurdly desperate and strange, spamton hopes, he has good hopes, which WE know he doesnt achieve in the end, but he believes his life can get better, he never gave up, and kept going till the very end (and what he did with kris wasnt good btw, what i mean here is that hes just very hopeful and believes hes going to have better future, not choosing good ways to achieve it thought) and i think toby fox did generally amazing job making spamton character
I have So many thoughts i wanna share about spamton.... But i dont wanna write too long asks!!! Im probably just gonna write few diffrent asks someday yas (Also theres a chance i didnt properly write things i was thinking about So it could lead to some misunderstanding, if any confusion please lmk!!!)
Hello again! As for an identifier, I have seen anons use an emoji symbol as a way of identifying themself, you could use one! Any is good.
Something that’s notable about Spamton’s character is that he is almost entirely skippable: if you defeat him on the first fight, he will complain about how rude the player is and leave for the rest of the game, therefore locking his story out. It’s very interesting that the only way to proceed with his arc is to accept his deal and show him mercy!
So, yes, if all the player did was defeat him and move on, the player would simply see him as another weird quirk and not think much else of it. They would be missing out on his story. While the notion that he’s purely comic relief is blatantly false, I can’t say it comes from nowhere, people who only defeat him and move on probably do think that.
The shop isn’t where everything begins to unravel, it’s actually earlier on, first in the alley when you see a poster of “BIG SHOT AUTOS” where Spamton’s face from his better days can be seen.
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And shortly after meeting Spamton you can also mention his name to the Addisons, their responses vary and some simply don’t have any lines programmed.
The encounters in his shop are probably the closest you can get to knowing Spamton as a person (outside of NEO), and here is definitely something deeply wrong with this man. At one point he shuts down and appears to be taken over by a different entity, asking if anyone can hear “them”. Asking him about the Knight causes him to glitch out and the option is replaced with “friends”. He also seems to shut down at the mention of Mike.
Both the shop itself and his sprite in the shop have an uncanny feel and look to them, and the “exit” button is replaced with “RUN AWAY”, heightening the fear the player and/or Kris feels around Spamton. Sure, he’s funny, but he’s also deeply unsettling, and Toby does such a good job at balancing out these aspects of his character.
That ending of the NEO battle when he’s so happy the strings are finally being cut, then all goes silent and he flops motionless to the floor, is one of the most jarring things Toby has ever created. It doesn’t help that it drags on for a relatively long time, so you’re forced to look at the “corpse” on the ground there.
He might seem hopeful, but I think it’s more desperation than anything. He is definitely stubborn and determined to reach NEO at all costs, in such a desperate way that he’s willing to do anything for it.
What do you mean by “good” hopes? As in, morally good? I would say his hopes are rather selfish, but understandable otherwise. He only ever wanted to be free, and was willing to cheat, lie and manipulate to get his way to freedom. As a failed salesman and overall unpleasant person, that’s the route he decided to take rather than seek better, safer alternatives that wouldn’t further damage his reputation.
But...Well, it’s perfectly understandable to feel sympathy for him. When he’s written that way, and you know his backstory, you almost just want to give him a hug, and it can be rather disarming which is why it’s so important to look back at the canon source and analyze his canon behaviors, not what fanon says he should act like. One can feel great sympathy and understand that what he did was not good.
He needs a break. Some reprieve. He gets consequence for his malicious actions, but no closure for his want of freedom.
Death of a salesman, indeed.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Another thing I love about foreshadowing in asoiaf is how its layered. Catelyn's heart had turned to stone -> She will become Stoneheart. But wait Sansa is Alayne Stone, so it also relates Cat to Sansa, like her other moniker Mother Merciless relates her to Mercy/Arya. (Inversely both girls' aliases Cat of Canals+ Alayne Stone make Catelyn)
Funnily, Jon's heart had also turned to stone-> means he will die+resurrected like Lady Stoneheart. But what else does stoneheart foreshadow?? 🧐
Since I actually don't think Jon will physically die, there is only one actual foreshadowing in this for me.
Actually, no. Apart from the Jonsa, the whole scene where his stone heart is mentioned, gives us a casual preparation for RLJ, Elia and Aegon VI.
(Yeah, the laaaaayers. <3)
He looked out the window once more, hoping against hope to see the singer hurrying home. Darkness was falling across the secret city, creeping through the alleys and down the canals. The good folk of Braavos would soon be shuttering their windows and sliding bars across their doors. Night belonged to the bravos and the courtesans. Dareon's new friends, Sam thought bitterly. They were all the singer could talk about of late. He was trying to write a song about one courtesan, a woman called the Moonshadow who had heard him singing beside the Moon Pool and rewarded him with a kiss. "You should have asked her for silver," Sam had said. "It's coin we need, not kisses." But the singer only smiled. "Some kisses are worth more than yellow gold, Slayer."
That made him angry too. Dareon was not supposed to be making up songs about courtesans. He was supposed to be singing about the Wall and the valor of the Night's Watch. Jon had hoped that perhaps his songs might persuade a few young men to take the black. Instead he sang of golden kisses, silvery hair, and red, red lips. No one ever took the black for red, red lips.
Sometimes his playing would wake the babe too. Then the child would begin to wail, Dareon would shout at him to be quiet, Gilly would weep, and the singer would storm out and not return for days. "All that weeping makes me want to slap her," he complained, "and I can scarce sleep for her sobbing."
You would weep as well if you had a son and lost him, Sam almost said. He could not blame Gilly for her grief. Instead, he blamed Jon Snow and wondered when Jon's heart had turned to stone. Once he asked Maester Aemon that very question, when Gilly was down at the canal fetching water for them. "When you raised him up to be the lord commander," the old man answered.
Even now, rotting here in this cold room beneath the eaves, part of Sam did not want to believe that Jon had done what Maester Aemon thought. It must be true, though. Why else would Gilly weep so much? All he had to do was ask her whose child she was nursing at her breast, but he did not have the courage. He was afraid of the answer he might get. I am still a craven, Jon. No matter where he went in this wide world, his fears went with him. (AFFC, Samwell III)
Singers who abandon their duty to the big picture, abandoning young mothers for supposed romance and adventure and their songs. Children hidden and exchanged to save their lives. Grief and loss. Children who don’t care for the singers and their songs. Hidden, scary truths. 
There’s Rhaegar and Elia, Lyanna. Jon and Aegon. Even Catelyn with her grief, who cannot weep tears, only blood. 
The emotional tapestry here, of disbelief, shock, grief anger and fear... All of that is going to surround the RLJ reveal. 
Catelyn’s Stoneheart will be soothed when Mother Merciless is reunited with her little Mercy. 
What will soothe Jon? 
Let’s casually remember when Catelyn first encountered a certain Stone...
"Mychel's my love," Mya explained. "Mychel Redfort. He's squire to Ser Lyn Corbray. We're to wed as soon as he becomes a knight, next year or the year after."
She sounded so like Sansa, so happy and innocent with her dreams. Catelyn smiled, but the smile was tinged with sadness. The Redforts were an old name in the Vale, she knew, with the blood of the First Men in their veins. His love she might be, but no Redfort would ever wed a bastard.    (AGOT, Catelyn VI)
It was about an impossible love. A theme that Sansa keeps continuing in the Vale posing as a Stone. “No one will ever marry me for love.” 
Hmmdy hmm. 
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Five boys the Batfamily scared off (And the one boy who helped Marinette get revenge on them all)
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This is actually based off a prompt/ask I got by #vixen-Uchiha
Okay, believe it or not, I’ve in history of all my days writing fanfiction (I just turned 27 and have been writing since I was sixteen); I started when Twilight was still at the height of its popularity. (All that work has been deleted, burned, and doused with holy water; don’t ask questions) But even with almost a decade of writing fanfiction, I never even considered approaching this fanfiction classic.
Until now.
Wish me luck. And don’t judge me too harshly.
Note this was also inspired by a poem I loved called To the Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughter by Jesse Parent
 Marinette always knew Tom was her step-father. Sabine and he married when she was three after all. And while she considered the great cuddly bear to be her dad, she still had a great relationship with her actual father: Bruce Wayne. And all her brothers and Sister.  She spent every summer with them and every other Christmas in Gotham. She loved her family. She just wished they take a chill pill.
And stop scaring away her freaking boyfriends.
Lê Chiến Kim: The Boy who swears Marinette’s related to the Boogieman
           If anyone asked Marinette now if she would ever date Kim, she’d have died of laughter. Kim was like a goofy cousin. They were great friends. Their moms were best friends. She just didn’t see him like that.
           However, it wouldn’t have been so funny to six-year-old Marinette who ran from school with a Daisy in her hair and a big smile her face.
“Daddy, Daddy,” She’d squeal to her Papa later that day. She barely noticed he was still wearing bat uniform, except the mask. Or all her brothers were with him.
“Hey Sunshine,” Bruce smiled lovingly at his youngest daughter. “You have a good day at school.”
“Give ‘em hell, firecracker,” Jason called from the background.
           Tim and Dick laughed. Bruce just shook his head amused.
“I got a boyfriend!”    
           That day would forever be known as the day all the smiles died. Seven-year-old Damian just blinked in confusion. He didn’t know what had happened but he knew it was bad. And that it involved his sister. Was she in danger? Did she need help?
           Before Bruce could process or respond to his precious, baby girl, who was way too young to date (And what the hell was Sabine thinking?). Dick literally pushed him out of his chair like it was nothing. “What’s his name? Who are his parents? Where does he live? And where can I find him right now?”
           Marinette, being too young didn’t notice the threat in her eldest brother’s voice and the look of murder in his eyes, had no problem telling Dick all about her best friend Kim, who was super nice, and gave her a Daisy, and kissed her cheek.
           When the call ended, Bruce brought up the picture of the boy in question. A nice-enough looking boy to most, but he knew the truth. He knew the evil in his heart.
I have been waiting for you, Bruce thought, not just to Kim but to all the boys who would day date his daughter, since before she was even born. Before you took your first steps, I was preparing to make it so you’d never walk again.
           However, Kim was still just a child. He needed a kinder touch. He looked back at his children: Dick, Jason, Cassandra, Tim, and Damian, and made his choice.
           When Dick showed up to walk her to the school the next day, Marinette didn’t think to question how her brother got from Gotham to Paris so quick. (Cough, misuse of Zeta beam). Or why he was dressed in all black with a scary biker jacket on. She just shrugged and let him help her tie her shoes and carry her bright pink, hello kitty, and backpack.
           He held her hand the entire way to school, where Kim and his dad were waiting by the doors. Kim had another daisy in his hand that he gave to Marinette.
“This is Dick,” Marinette introduced her brother. “My biggest brother. This is Kim, my boyfriend,” Kim preened. “Look, Dick, Kim got me another daisy.”
           Dick beamed at his sweet little sister, “I see. Hey! Isn’t that you’re friend Rose? Why don’t you go show her?”
“Okay!” And she ran off.
           As soon as she was gone, Dick’s smile quickly disappeared and he glared at the little Casanova, and his father, who felt like someone had just walked over his grave.
“My sister is a little young for a serious boyfriend,” Dick hissed. “Don’t you think? Don’t want her to grow up too fast, right?” The two could only nod in fear. “Good. Don’t hurt her. Don’t make her cry. Because I’d hate to have to have another talk with you, Chiến. It might not go as… nicely.” And with that, he left to go find his sister, leaving two terrified people in in wake.
           That conversation would be the reason Kim broke up with Marinette over recess but to the girl’s dismay and why the boy wouldn’t allowed to date for another ten years.
           Looking back Kim would swear darkness and shadows started to fill the schoolyard. That Marinette’s older brother’s voice got deeper and his eyes turned completely black. He had been a living nightmare, one that would haunt his dreams for years.
Marinette wouldn’t get another boyfriend for years.
 Chat Noir aka Adrien Agreste; The Boy who just didn’t want to Get Neutered
           Marinette never considered Adrien or Chat Noir her boyfriend. He had been her best friend, her partner, and for a long time, her crush. However, before Marinette found out who was behind the mask, and he earned the title of her best friend in the whole world.
Chat Noir had the title of Guy who can’t take a hint.
           They had been just thirteen at the time. Chat had been spending for more and more time flirting with Ladybug and joking around then actually taking the fight seriously. And when he wouldn’t get the response he wanted from his Lady, he’d pout or throw a tantrum and storm off. It had been getting to be a real hassle. And as much as she liked Chat, she had been seriously considering Master Fu’s offer of getting her a permanent partner to replace him.
           Then one day if all change. All the silly behavior, most of it anyway, and the constant flirting all stopped and never started back up. It would take Marinette months to find out why.
           Unbeknownst to Marinette, her Papa, Bruce had been keeping a watchful eye on the deteriorating situation. The flirting, his daughter’s frustration, the lack of care. It had to be stopped. Chat Noir had a few lessons to learn.
           Bruce glared harshly at the image of the cat-themed Superhero. He was proving to be a useless partner for Ladybug. And a prime example for a sexual harassment claim. “You’re sure you can handle this,” He asked son.
           Damian scoffed, “I will teach that alley cat the true meaning of fear.”
           When his son was gone and Bruce was once again alone in the Batcave, he smirked darkly at Chat Noir and all other boys who would come and go. “When you were still playing war in the school yard, I was perfecting headshots. You can’t catch up at this point.”
           One night, after a particularly hazardous fight with an Akuma, Chat Noir had been running home when suddenly everything went dark.
           He woke up, tied upside down, and gagged. For a few moments he thought Hawkmoth had finally gotten, wondered if this was the end.
           When a sword pressed against his throat, and a chilling voice whispered in his ear, “Care to find out just how many lives you really have, fleabag?”
           At the moment, Chat Noir no longer wondered if it was the end. He knew it was.
           A boy, Robin, he realized glared fiercely at him.
“I should kill you,” Robin sneered. “I should rip you limb from limb and leave your head mounted on a spike to show the next fool who thought he was worthy of my sister’s hand. Ladybug is too good for the likes of scum like you.”
           Chat Noir gulped. Sister? Ladybug was Robin’s sister. Adrien’s eyes widened, that meant Ladybug was Batman daughter. He was going to die. He was just going to disappear and his father, or most likely Nathalie, wouldn’t even notice until he failed to show up for his next appointment.
Gorilla would notice though, Adrien thought, he’d miss me.
           Robin pressed the tip of the sword to Adrien’s face until blood was drawn. “You will cease your incessant flirting with my sister. You will train harder for your battles. And you never, ever, leave Ladybug to fight alone again. Am I clear?”
           Adrien nodded his head earnestly. He’d never flirt with anyone again, he swore. He wouldn’t even celebrate Valentine’s Day. Or anything.
“And if for some miracle,” Robin hissed, “My sister deems you suitable to date, you will treat her will respect. You will never touch her without permission. And if you hurt her, Consider my genes a mark of Cain; you will suffer seven times whatever you do to her.”
           Chat Noir whimpered.
           A smoke bomb later. Chat Noir’s bonds were released and Robin was gone.
           It took a long time for him to stop shaking.
           He never flirted with Ladybug again. He worked harder and became the partner she deserved.
           And when Adrien discovered Marinette was behind Ladybug’s mask, he only managed to stumble a little.
           However, when Marinette told him that her brothers was coming for a visit; she couldn’t understand why he paled and stuttered out excuses for photoshoot he never mentioned before in far, far away countries. That same day, Adrien had his father taken them to Australia for vacation under the threat of Adrien dying his hair pink. He wouldn’t return for a month.
Jon Kent: The Boy who, in retrospect, really should’ve known better.
           Marinette’s first real boyfriend was the son of her father’s best friend, Clark Kent, otherwise known as Superman.  She had been only fourteen and it had been a summer romance while she stayed in Gotham. She had thought Jon was perfect; handsome, kind, funny…
           Invulnerable to most weapons and had amazing healing factor.
           Plus it’s not like her papa would kill the son of his best friend, right?
           It had all been going great… until it wasn’t.
“I welcome you in my home,” Bruce hissed at the picture of Jon Kent on the bat computer. “I trained you. I trusted you. And you betrayed me.”
“Let me speak with him, father,” Damian demanded. “He is my friend. He will listen to me.”
           Bruce shook his head, “That’s why I can’t send you. You’re too close to the situation. He snuck past all our defense. Now I have no choice but to do same. J?”
           The Asian girl smirked, “Little Superboy will know dread.”
           Jon had been visiting the fortress of Solitude when… it happened.
           Before that day he had never dreamed the place would be anything less than safe, anything other than secure.
           His dad had just flown off to help someone in Brazil. Jon waited patiently for him to come back while he dreamed of his beautiful new girlfriend. Marinette was amazing, perfect, and the nicest, sweetest girl ever.
           When suddenly he felt a tickle in his throat, and he tried his best to clear it but it just got worse and worse. Until Jonathan Samuel Kent, Superboy (now that Connor was going as Krypton), fell to his knees as he struggled to breath.
           No matter what he did, the more breaths he took, the worse he felt. It was like his lungs were on fire.
“Do not struggle,” A voice said. Jon looked up see Blackbat, Cassandra, standing above him. How did she get into the fortress? Not only could only a Kryptonian open the doors but only a member of El could be let in. It was impossible. “Struggling makes it worse.”
           Jon coughed, “What?”
“The air,” Cassandra waved her hand around. “It is filled with dust. Green dust of Kryptonite. It has disable you and your powers. It’s concentrated. You will not die. The alerts of the fortress were disabled. No one is coming to help you, villain.”
           Jon shook his head frantically. He wasn’t a villain. He wasn’t a bad guy. This had to be some mistake.
“No, not villain,” Cassandra corrected. “Not yet. A thief who thought he could earn my family’s trust and then steal away our most precious jewel; our princess. And do it without consequences. I am here to teach you better.”
           Superboy flinched at her words.
“You will not pressure my sister,” Cassandra hissed. “You will be the gentleman we believed you to be. If you cheat on her, I will ensure you never have children. If you strike her, I will know. She will not keep your secret. You can’t make fire feel afraid. And I will come for you. Do you understand?”
Jon nodded, fear in clear in his eyes.
“Good.” She leaned forward, right into the young superhero’s face. “Some say you and your father, your cousin Kara, and Connor, are invincible. That you can’t be stopped. That you are gods among us.” She scoffed. “Let me make this, if you break my sisters’ heart, you will learn, boy of steel, that even gods bleed.”
           And then she was gone, and with her all traces of kryptonite. It didn’t stop the chill that filled Jon to the core.
           It was to no one’s surprise when Superman showed up at the Batcave not long after. “Bruce,” Clark asked with his arms out. “What the fuck?”
           Marinette’s relationship soured when suddenly Jon was too scared to hold her hand, her be alone with her, or kiss her. She got the hint that he just wanted to be friends and broke it.
           She found out a year later what really happened.
Luka Couffaine: The Boy who decided he didn’t want to sing his tune yet.
           Luka had been Marinette’s first serious boyfriend. She was sixteen. They had been together for months and were getting to the ‘I love you’ stage.
           He was cool. He was funny. He was a budding Rock star. He had dyed green hair, tattoos and earrings. Luka went onto tour with his band every summer. He was older than Marinette by two years. He had quite a few previous girlfriends. And he hadn’t been scared off by the normal attempts by his other kids.
           In other words, he was Bruce Wayne’s worst nightmare.
           And the nightmare got worse, when for the first time ever, Marinette was bringing a boyfriend home for Christmas. It was all the confirmation he needed that the things were serious.
           It was why he knew he had to send the greatest soldier he had. Luka Couffaine would rue the day he decided it was good idea to ask his princess out. “Are you ready?”
           Tim nodded. “I’ve done my research,” he declared. “I know what makes him to tick. I. Will. Break. Him.”
“Excellent,” He drawled out the word like it he tasting fine wine. Not caring at all that he sounded like a superman.
“You really think he’s a threat, dad?” Tim asked. “Because I can take care of it. I can have him eliminated. Ra's al ghul owes me a favor. It’ll look like an accident,” He promised. “It’ll look like he just… disappeared.”
A sense of pride filled Bruce. Tim was his most capable and resourceful soldier. He would make a great batman. Any of his kids would.
Batman stared the picture of the boy on his phone as he fought the urge to crush it in his hands. “No,” he finally answered. “I’ve known plenty of rock stars and so called bad boys in my day.  Angel’s smart,” he said using Marinette’s codename. “I have been routing out indifference apathy from her life, her childhood was filled with love and affection. There are no daddy issue for his teenage talons to latch upon. Just… make sure he understands who he is dealing with.”
“Understood.” And then call ended.
           He looked up and saw all the other Justice League members staring at him with expressions of awe, fear, and confusion.
“…Marinette’s got a new boyfriend, huh?” Diana asked when the call disconnected. Amusement in her tone, she knew Bruce would never seriously hurt a kid.
“Poor guy,” Barry said with a shake of his head.
           Clark pinched his nose, “You can’t keep scaring guys away from her forever. Eventually, she’s going to find one who isn’t afraid of you.”
“And then she’ll marry him out of spite,” Dinah added.
           There were snorts from the other league members.
“Like that’ll ever happen,” Oliver said with a shake of his head. “That kid would have to be the biggest moron in the universe. I’ll pity his family.”
           Marinette had constantly warned Luka about how overprotective her family was. Luka hadn’t thought much of it. He dealt with overprotective fathers and brothers before. Eventually they grudging begin to like him. Or realize that if they actively hated him, it would just make the girl get attached.
           He was excited for Christmas, excited to prove himself to the girl of his dreams, and impress her by dealing with her entire family. Luka didn’t understand why Adrien looked so afraid when he told him. Or why he asked what type of flowers he liked.
“For the funeral,” Adrien shrugged. “I need to know what to buy.”
           Luka had laughed, thinking the blond was joking. He had already met a two of her brothers; Dick and Damian. They had been growls and threats but nothing he couldn’t handle. But Adrien didn’t laugh. He just shook his head and promised he’d be there for Juleka. Luka thought he was overreacting.
           However, nothing. NOTHING. Could have prepared Luka for the first time he met Tim.
           Luka had been walking home with Kagami, his long-time friend and one-time rival for Marinette’s affection. It was board daylight, there were tons of people around, and then they had made the apparent mistake of walking by an alley, when suddenly they were pulled into the back of a van, hoods thrown over their heads, and their hands bounds.
           He didn’t know how much time had passed. Or where they were being taken. All he saw was darkness. All he felt was fear. Was this how died?
           When the hoods were finally removed, the two teenagers found themselves in what looked to be a deserted warehouse, bound to their chairs, with a teenage boy not much older than they sitting across from them, looking absurdly comfortable given the situation.
My name is Timothy Drake-Wayne. I am Marinette’s older brother,” He said. “Let me make something clear before we begin. The last hour never happened. This conversation never happened. We never met. And if you say otherwise,” Tim’s eyes narrowed.  “No one will believe you. I was just by dozens of witnesses in Mexico with my boyfriend less than two hours ago. But if you do tell anyone, there will be consequences. Do you understand?”
           They nodded not daring to say a word.
“Luka, Luka, Luka.” Tim smiled an eerie grin that should look more at home on the monsters from Horror movies, and not on such a handsome face. “I hear you’ll be visiting us over the holidays. Must be so exciting for you, meeting your girlfriend’s family. Are you excited, Luka?”
           Luka swallowed hard. He never thought he’d hate the way his own name sounded. “I was- I mean I am. I am.”
“Good,” Tim said. “I just wanted to offer you a bit of advice. So you can know to expect. You see it call all be a bit… daunting to newcomers. Some people don’t understand the Wayne family’s unique tastes. Okay?”
           He nodded.
           Tim still smiled. In fact he never lost his smile the entire time. Yet his eyes were empty like there was no real life in them. “When you first come to my home, you will see the bone carving over the doorway. It will be hard, but try not to imagine your own femurs so expertly carved.”
           At this Kagami’s eyes widened. She had done her best to remain calm but somethings were too much.
           Tim smile widened, “There are one or two rooms you will not be allowed in. However, accidents happen and we understand. But we do ask that you pay no attention to our… ample crawl space. Or the smells that can sometime come from it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Luka stuttered. “Sure, no problem. Man.”
“Try not to go into Father’s playroom,” Tim continued on. “It will be easy to spot. It’s mostly empty, apart from a rubber mat and a drain. He gets so testy when stranger go in there. You’ll hear strange noise from time to time but just ignore them. That is just father… playing.”
           The green-haired boy just stared. Because what the fuck.
“Just follow that advice, and you should be fine,” Tim promised. “Though you are a pretty one.  You both are. And we like pretty ones. Oh the things we do to pretty ones”
Luka whimpered. Kagami felt tears build in her eyes.
           Tim laughed, “Now, now, none of that,” He said channeling his inner Brucie. “We’re not going to hurt. We’d never hurt Marinette’s friends.” He promised. “We would hurt people who hurt Marinette because people who hurt Marinette are not her friends.”
           Red Robin looked over the two, “What I’m trying to say is. Break my sister’s heart, and we will kill you. I will kill you. You won’t see if coming. You won’t know we’re there. And if you’re lucky, you might not even feel it. Clear?” They nodded. “Excellent. Now you’re going to leave the same way you came. Remember not a word.” He smiled got even bigger.
           They felt hands on their shoulders.
“Oh and Kagami,” Tim’s voice rang. “Should romantic feelings spring to life between you and Marinette again, just know our sister Cassandra is much scarier than I. And a much better shot.”
           Then the black hoods and complete darkness came gain.
           When they were finally let go, in the exact same place they had been taken, neither Luka nor Kagami spoke for what seemed like forever. Their minds still wrapping around what had just taken place. However, it was Kagami who finally broke the quiet.
“Well, it appears I dodge a bullet, huh,” She shrugged, her face not betraying the fear she still felt. “Sucks for you. I’m going to go propose to Chloe. I know can I take her mom in a fight. And that she’s not a serial killer.” Kagami then gave him a grave look. “Happy holiday, Luka. I’ll send best flowers to your funeral.” And the she was gone, literally fleeing down the crowded street, leaving Luka alone with his thoughts and sense of his impending doom.
           He broke up with Marinette an hour later.
           It would take weeks before he would willingly be in a room with her again.
Kaldur'ahm: The Boy who regretted ever walking on land.
           Marinette had met her next boyfriend through her brother Tim. Ironic, considering she had just found out what he did to Luka. She had gone in for some extra training with the Black Canary when she spotted him. Kaldur; aqualad. Marinette had never talked too much with him before but found he was a very calm person and level-headed. A good leader, no matter how much Tim complained.
           They had spared together one day. And another. And Another. Then he asked her out. It was sweet… While it lasted. And it didn’t last long.
           Batman had looked at Kaldur’s picture, scoffed, and said, “Jason?”
           The sound of a gun clocking was heard, “Little Mermaids going down.”
           Unlike his brothers, Redhood had no time for mind games. He went for the quickest route.
           Aquaman burst into room where the justice league meeting was, “He shot Kaldur,” He roared to Batman. “The Red Hood shot Aqualad!”
           Bruce didn’t bat an eye, “Is he alive?”
“Yes,” The King of the seas said quickly. “But that’s not point.”
“Seems like it is,” Bruce said and went on with the meeting leaving a stuttering, red-faced Aquaman still standing there.
It was to one’s surprise when Kaldur dumped Marinette and was gone. Disappeared to the safety of Atlantis. And when he came back, Marinette was barred from Young Justice Headquarters.
It was on that day, that Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Wayne decided enough was enough.
 Roy Harper-Queen: The Boy who should start making better life choices
           It was weird to say but Marinette met the boy who would turn out to be the love of her life when she was ten-years-old. And then sometime after her eighteenth birthday, she would team up with his clone to go rescue him. They became friends, went on missions together. It was a year later that he asked her out.
           Roy was pissed at the world, ready to die for anything if it meant he’d went fight, had a rude mouth, feared nothing and no one, and didn’t play by anyone’s rule but his own. In other words, he was perfect.
           Marinette just never meant to fall in love. She certainly didn’t expect to say yes when proposed.
           They had been keeping their relationship a secret from both their families for over two years. They were happy together. They loved each other.
           But more importantly, they could plot revenge together.
           And revenge was sweet.
           It all played out during a Justice League meeting. Roy, Red Arrow, and Ladybug had been full members for quite some time. The meeting was just about to close, when Roy stood up, “I have an announcement to make,” He said. “Red Arrow will be withdrawing from missions for the perceivable future. As will Ladybug,” He looked at Marinette who nodded firmly.
“What’s going on, Roy?” Oliver asked his once wayward son, with a frown.
           Batman eyed them suspiciously. As did the other members of the batfamily, all were present. Apart from Alfred because Marinette liked Alfred.
           Wonder Woman frowned, “Are you going solo again, I thought you were happy.”
“We’re fine. We’re very happy,” Roy said slowly before taking a deep breath and doing the bravest thing he ever would in his entire life. “Ladybug’s pregnant and I’m the father.”
           A few seconds passed before the words were processed in the Superheroes mind.
           Bruce’s eyes widened, his mind stopped working, and then a snarl ripped form his throat as he moved to attack. The batkids joining him.
“Alpha Code Angelbug” Flash shouted.
           That was all the other league need to go into defensive positions around Roy, against the batfamily. Marinette remained where she was with glee in her eyes. Superman stood in front of Roy, blocking him from view and potential danger.
           The Flash, Cyborg, Black Canary, Wonder Woman, and the Green Arrow stood in front of them. Oliver aimed at arrow at Batman, “Don’t move!” He yelled. “Don’t you dare move, Bruce. I’ll do it. Roy’s my son. And I won’t let you hurt him.”
           Batman growled, “He. I. My daughter!”
“Get Roy out of here, Superman,” Wonder Woman ordered. “We’ll hold him off but we can’t do it for long.” She stepped towards Bruce. “Marinette’s a grown woman. She makes her own choices.”
           Dick shook his head, anger clear on his face, “Dude, you were my friend.”
           Damian snarled, “Harper’s a sneak and a coward.”
“No honor,” Cassandra agreed.
           Jason just looked at his best friend, “I love you…. But you’re dead.”
           Tim just growled.
“No one’s dead or dying,” Marinette said as got up. “Because I’m not pregnant,” She said loudly, drawing everyone’s attention. She walked to her boyfriend and pulled him out from behind his shield. “But Roy and I have been dating for almost three years. And we’re getting married. You can be happy for us. Or I can never talk to you again.”
           Roy grinned, “Pops,” he said to Oliver, whose face was torn between relief and fury at it was prank. “We thought you and Bruce could be the main wedding planners. With the rest of the Queens and Waynes helping out; you know now that we’re going to be family. ”
           With that the two lovebird left the room, leaving the chaos they had created.
           Silence filled the room as Batman and Green Arrow stared at the other.
           Oliver gulped. He let out a breathy chuckle, “So I think a wedding in Star City would be great. Lots of Lilies. The Queen family loves lilies.”
           Batman’s eyes narrowed, “Gotham, roses.”
           Black Canary crossed her arms, “Star City would be safer.”
“Gotham is far more beautiful,” Tim snapped back.
           And just like that, battle lines were drawn. Justice League members’ face turned weary.
           Whether they knew it or not, that was Marinette and Roy’s last act of revenge.
           Forget Batman vs Superman.
           Try Bruce Wayne versus Oliver Queen: billionaire against billionaire, father against father. Elsewhere, thousands of journalist, photographers, florists, and caterers trembled and they didn’t know why.
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
eek also this is a lot but ikeshot for 7, 14, 26, 33, 39 or 43?
Angst in general.
You have a scar and I asked about it and it’s really angsty.
I thought I lost you and you need to be more careful you dumbass.
You fought me (verbally or physically) and I am s h o o k.
*cracks knuckes* aight then.
I haven’t written ikeshot yet! This’ll be my first time figuring out how I wanna portray their dynamic, so we’ll see how it goes.
I’m gonna do all of them except 33 cause that one doesn’t really work with the idea I have but I can combine all the others.
This wasn’t the first time Ike had stayed the night in Brooklyn, but it was the first he’d been woken up by a jolt.
It had taken him months to get this far, the point where he was sharing a bed with a Brooklyn boy, where he was pretty sure he was in love with said Brooklyn boy, where he was even welcome in Brooklyn after dark.
It had been a long and confusing road, starting a couple weeks after they won the strike.
See, Mike did this thing with his lover where they were super paranoid about getting caught. And yeah, that was good for safety, when courting a boy could get you killed or arrested, but Mike and Jojo took it to a whole new level, almost never even sitting on the same side of a room while outside the Lodging House.
And as much as Ike liked that his brother was keeping safe, this was also really fucking annoying, because it meant he had to deal with the pining.
So, he’d asked to tag along to Sheepshead with Race for a day, figuring a day of alone time with his boy might tone down Mike’s annoyingness a little. And Race occasionally took a partner to Brooklyn with him, anyway. He hadn’t done it in a while, but nothing bad had happened before.
And besides, since the strike, inter-borough relations had been better than ever out of a proud kind of solidarity. No big deal, right?
Wrong. They’d split up for maximum efficiency, and barely an hour later Ike was getting dragged away from the entrance to the races he was staking out and into an alley across the street, by which time he was getting thrown against a wall before he even got a look at who was dragging him.
Then he’d looked up, already raising his fists, and seen probably the tallest boy in New York.
Ike had remembered seeing him at the rally, this kid about his age who usually stuck pretty close to Spot Conlon, and he’d made the mistake of lowering his guard.
“Hey! I remember you! You’s Brooklyn’s second, right? What was your name again? Uh... Heat?”
This kid smirked, “Hotshot.”
Then he’d punched Ike in the face.
It was hard enough that Ike was knocked to the ground, but he was on his feet again in an instant, raising his fists again.
“I’m Ike,” he panted, “And I’m here—“
He’d been cut off by having to dodge another punch, trying to throw one of his own, but only getting kneed in the stomach after Hotshot blocked it.
Still, he’d raised his fists again, coughing as he tried to ignore the urge to curl in on himself.
“Don’t know when to give up, do ya?”
Ike smiled, still gasping for breath, “Nope! Don’t mean we have to fight, though.”
Hotshot just punched him again, “You’re on the wrong side of the bridge, Manhattan boy.”
“And that’s grounds enough to soak someone?”
At that point, Hotshot froze, turning to see Race running into the alley.
“He’s with me, Hotshot! Jeez!”
“Well, he didn’t say—“
“Ya didn’t give me a chance to,” Ike interrupted.
Race had helped Ike up, glaring at the Brooklyn boy despite how Hotshot was much taller and stronger.
“I ain’t gonna tell on you, but kid, you need to learn to think before ya start swingin’. If Spot asks about me, I’m sellin’ with Albert today.”
Race had helped Ike get home, then actually gone to sell with Albert, but on the way back, he’d answered Ike’s questions, about how someone that young and hotheaded could help lead the biggest borough in New York.
“Hotshot’s young, you’re right. He’s your age, actually—14. And yeah, he’s defensive. But I’s known him a while, and there’s more to him than that. The short version is that he’s either a good friend or a bad enemy. Once ya got his loyalty, ya got it forever. That’s why he’s Brooklyn’s second. He’s one of the few Spot actually trusts.”
With that description combined with the way Ike had honestly never met anyone who punched that hard, he was just a little intrigued. Maybe it wasn’t smart, but he’d went back to Brooklyn a week later, not selling this time, but just looking for that one Brooklyn boy.
He’d found him, selling at Coney. And Brooklyn boys usually didn’t sell with partners, so Ike hadn’t had trouble sneaking up on him.
That was the only warning he gave before putting a hand on Hotshot’s shoulder to spin him around and punch him in the face.
Hotshot had wheeled back, raising his own fist.
“You got ‘bout four hits on me for no reason—I thinks I deserve one free shot!”
Slowly, Hotshot had lowered his hand, still glaring at him, but not as much.
“Fair is fair. Now go back to Manhattan.”
Ike was going to, honestly, but then figured, ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’ and didn’t.
“So, how often do ya beat up kids from other boroughs without askin’ for their story?”
“Are you completely fearless, or just stupid?”
“Both, probably. Ya gonna answer the question, or punch my daylights out?”
“I ain’t decided yet.”
“Well, while you’re decidin’, I heard you’re close with Spot Conlon. What’s he really like? Is he always that scary, or is it just an act?”
For the next several weeks, it was like that. It was Ike coming over, finding Hotshot wherever he was, and annoying the hell out of him.
And Hotshot always said he was going to punch him, but he never did. Slowly, he started actually answering Ike’s questions, at least a few of them, and asking a few in return. Ike wouldn’t necessarily call them friends, but they definitely knew each other better, now.
“One of these days, I’m actually gonna punch ya,” Hotshot grumbled once, when Ike asked a question a little too personal.
“Every time ya say that, I believe you less,” Ike said cheerfully, “Anyway, I’s heard Brooklyn’s got great sunrises. Is that true?”
Hotshot actually smiled a little, “I dunno if it’s any better than Manhattan, but yeah, we’s gotten some pretty nice ones over here.”
It took a couple months, but Ike started figuring out that by even talking to him, Hotshot was letting down his guard, little by little. He let it down a bit more as he started letting Ike touch him, allowing a handshake when they met up, or a punch in the shoulder in a friendly way.
Once he realized how much Hotshot was trusting him by doing those little things, Ike realized that against his better judgement, he trusted him, too. He liked spending time with Hotshot, probably too much.
Definitely too much, with how he was stupid enough to walk through a November rainstorm months after they met just to see him.
By the time he got to Brooklyn, he was freezing, wet, and disoriented enough that he’d ended up passing out in front of a random store, just so the awning would keep the rain off.
He’d woken up in the Brooklyn Lodging House in the middle of the night, with Hotshot holding him in a bed.
Actually, he’d kind of jolted awake, and apparently woken up Hotshot with him as the Brooklyn boy whispered an explanation to him.
“Hildy found ya damn near frozen. By the time she got ya back here, you were almost dead and needed body heat bad.”
“Oh,” Ike whispered back, almost too terrified to move or even speak.
“That’s all ya got to say, you idiot?” Hotshot hissed, clearly angry as his arm around Ike’s waist tightened, “What were you thinkin’, walkin’ here in a storm?”
Ike was still pretty confused, and for once, he couldn’t even think of something to say.
Then Hotshot sighed, “I thought you were gonna die.”
Oh. So that was what this was about. He wasn’t angry—not at Ike, really, at least.
Ike had finally let himself relax against the taller boy’s chest, enjoying how warm Hotshot actually was.
“Ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
Hotshot had exhaled kind of sharply, and Ike was praying to a god he didn’t believe in that he wasn’t misreading things, but he’d rolled over so he was facing Brooklyn’s second, their faces barely inches apart, though it was so dark that Ike couldn’t really see him.
Beyond that, he hadn’t wanted to make the first move, mostly out of fear. In Manhattan, it was pretty common knowledge that many of them liked the same sex, but Brooklyn was different. It was less of a family and more of almost a gang. Ike wasn’t sure how Hotshot would react if he did anything.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to do anything, because yes, Ike liked boys, and he’d made peace with that, but being with one made it dangerous. Mike wasn’t the only was who was terrified of getting caught, for good reason.
Then Hotshot’s hand had come up to touch a scar on the side of Ike’s face. One he guessed he’d probably never noticed before because their faces had never been this close.
It had been from a pretty bad wound, but was so faded that it looked minor now, because he’d gotten it so long ago.
“I didn’t give you this, did I?”
Ike shook his head, “No. I’ve had that scar since I was 8.”
“How’d ya get a scar so bad it still shows now when you were 8?”
Ike had taken a deep breath, forced down panic over events he’d rather forget, and decided to tell him the truth.
“My brother and me,” he whispered, “Our parents died when we were really young. So’s we got brought up by our mom’s sister and her lover... her lover who was... also a woman.”
Ike paused there, waiting for Hotshot’s reaction.
There really wasn’t one, and he’d felt a bit of relief at that.
“They was good at bein’ subtle,” Ike continued, “So nobody suspected anythin’ for a long while. But then when me and Mike were 8... some bad people figured it out and... and those men came in the night and set the house on fire. I guess we’s lucky to have made it out at all—our aunts weren’t that lucky—but...”
His voice trailed off. Ike didn’t like admitting that he wasn’t this happy-go-lucky kid all the time. He hadn’t told anyone about this, ever. Mike had told Jack, years ago, to explain why they had bad days sometimes, but Ike had never been able to talk about it.
He’d felt Hotshot take a deep breath, and then the other boy had pulled him closer, right against his chest. He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination when, later, once Ike was halfway into a dream, he thought he might have felt a kiss being pressed to his hair.
Ike had known right there that something had changed between them, and though Mike gave him hell for staying out all night the next morning, he couldn’t say it wasn’t worth it.
He didn’t know if they were... what, did you call it courting? He didn’t know if what they were doing had a label or if spending a significant amount of their free time together qualified as being together.
But, after that first night, Ike did spend the night in Brooklyn a few more times, sharing a bed with Hotshot under the excuse that he’d lost track of time the Brooklyn Lodging House didn’t have one to spare. In reality, he stayed over because sharing a bed, sharing warmth with Brooklyn’s second... it was nice. It was somehow different from crawling in with Mike if nightmares got bad or huddling on the fire escape with Crutchie and Jack if he didn’t make enough to pay for his bed one night.
Sharing a bed with Hotshot was comforting even when nothing was actually wrong. It was safe and warm and it made Ike feel all fuzzy inside and...
Not that he knew how to say it, not that he could say it, but Ike was pretty sure this was what falling in love felt like.
It was scary, but he didn’t want to stop falling.
Of course, he wasn’t planning on telling Hotshot how he felt. Not unless the other boy made the first move. Or unless they decided to get drunk for some reason. Or if it happened to come up in conversation.
Okay... maybe Ike really wanted to tell him, but he just didn’t know how to go about it.
Well, he’d been sitting on this for a long while already, so Ike still really didn’t know when he was going to tell him, but he still felt the need to follow when he felt Hotshot jolt awake, just before rolling out of bed and leaving the room.
Ike followed him out onto the fire escape, finding the taller boy staring down over the edge, a death grip on the railing.
“Hotshot, are you okay?”
Ike moved to stand next to him, making sure it was clear and visible what he was doing as he put a hand over Hotshot’s on the railing.
For a few seconds, he didn’t react. He didn’t even give a sign that he’d heard or even felt Ike touching him.
Then, slowly, he let go of the railing, flipping his hand over so he could intertwine their fingers.
Hotshot exhaled shakily, most of the tension leaving his frame. Ike took that as a sign that it was okay to lean his head against his shoulder.
“Ya gonna tell me what this is about?”
For a minute, he thought he wasn’t going to.
Then Hotshot took a wavering breath and spoke, still staring over the edge of the fire escape.
“Ya once asked how many kids I’s beat up for no reason,” he said quietly, “I don’t know. I get in fights a lot. I get angry and... and usually, Spot tells me where to aim it, but it ain’t always enough. I always have more and if I don’t put it somewhere, it’ll just build till I... till I explode.”
Ike nodded. He understood. He already knew this about Hotshot. He’d figured out that anger was his drive a long time ago.
“I... I learned that from my folks.”
Ike froze. In all their conversations over the last few months, Hotshot had never shared any personal information beyond the fact that he saw Spot as an older brother.
“They’d get angry,” Hotshot said shakily, “And when they’d explode, they’d...”
His voice faltered, and Ike touched his arm with his free hand, trying to ground him. He could read between the lines and though it made him angry and sad as hell, he knew there was nothing he could do about it.
“I... I got myself out when I was 12,” he mumbled, “Finally just couldn’t take it anymore and ran like hell—ended up here. And I know it’s been a couple years, now, but... but I still go back there some nights, when I’m sleepin’.”
His voice was shaking a little, by the end of that, and Ike tugged on his arm gently so he could turn Hotshot to face him.
He wasn’t sure he was going to allow it, but to his relief, Hotshot hugged him back, leaning down to bury his face in Ike’s shoulder.
“You’re here,” Ike whispered, “They can’t hurt ya here, Hotshot. You’re safe.”
Hotshot wasn’t crying, but he was shaking a little in the cold. It was winter, for crying out loud. Winter at night. And though the Brooklyn kids did wear sleeves like reasonable people in winter, most of them didn’t sleep in their shirts.
“Can we take this inside?” Ike asked, knowing that he was cold, even being a little more dressed for the weather than Hotshot was.
The taller boy nodded shakily and they went inside, curling up together in that bunk, the closeness for comfort as much as warmth.
Feeling brave for a minute, Ike leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on the Hotshot’s forehead.
Hotshot went rigid, but the expression on his face was pure surprise, not any kind of disgust, and he didn’t pull away.
Ike offered him a small smile before rolling over, so as not to push things.
He definitely wasn’t complaining when Hotshot pulled him against his chest to sleep for the rest of the night.
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dangan-happy · 3 years
I would like to say thank you to mod taichi, mod rantaro and mod komaeda. I am the anon who was desperate, the one who struggles with academic issue, keep sleeping past midnight because of extra chores, and struggling with executive dysfunction. I don't know how to refer myself haha
It's funny, I saw the notification from your blog about my ask when I was REALLY in need of comfort unexpectedly. it was one of the worse day, I failed the selection to go to college I'm aiming for. there is an alternate way by taking a test but it was a huge and important thing for me, because other relatives would talk (or possibly brag) about how their children are doing wonderfully in academic stuff to my parents. I don't want my parents to feel embarrassed because of me. so of course, it gives me a LOT of anxiety. my heart is beating rapidly that my chest hurts so much.
Then I receive your response to my ask. It's very comforting, it calmed me down. I may teared up a bit. I really appreciate the advices, encouragements, and hugs. (I love hugs) Especially mod komaeda's advices. Thank you so much, I appreciate them. They really mean a lot to me. I didn't realize how much I needed all of these. To be honest, when I was re-reading my ask, I almost can't believe I typed all that. I didn't realize how much I struggled and desperate I am. It was truly a moment of weakness lmao
I've been struggling to respond your response because,, well. I'm still struggling haha. Unfortunately, after I send that ask, things are getting hella rough for me. It was one of those unlucky phase of time, where your days get worse each day, except this time is WAY worse because I'm going to graduate in a month and I have an important exam in two days. Then I got hit by other problems too like a member of my group project doesn't corporate so we were late to submit and it was even half done (it happened just a hour ago and it gives me an emotional breakdown because it was an important one but I'm fine now), I got blamed for something I didn't do (this happens a lot anyway but I'm very drained mentally and physically), I accidentally spat something that I've been keeping to myself to my parents and made them angry (I don't want to talk about my true feelings to them bc they only make me feel worse or worse, they get upset), more homeworks to catch up and more stressful stuff .
Basically anxiety is on my ass 24/7. It's the worst time of my life.
But whenever I hit rock bottom I would re-read your response and it lifts me up, you know? It always cheers me up reading your kind words about me, and as cheesy as it sounds, it makes me feel hopeful haha. But I never felt this hopeful before. So I'm very thankful for it, and thankful for the other mods who work hard helping other people too who come to this blog. Because even though I'm still struggling and facing the worst time right now, I'm not doing as bad as before.
Is it alright if I ask for another hug? Sorry, this whole ask ended up with me venting again haha. But I really am doing not as bad as before... I guess I'm doing better. Step by step maybe. Again, thank you so much!!
( By the way, this is out of topic but... hopefully people who know me don't recognize me on this blog for this question haha (if they do then oh well. shrugs): which one does look scarier for you, Once-ler from Lorax or the character designs from the movie called Cats (2019)? I'm not hating the movie, my friend and I are having a lighthearted discourse about it. u_u )
(Neither. Neither one is even that scary at all, for I fear nothing ~ Mod Hajime 🍊🌈)
O-Oh, welcome back, kiddo! Whoa, that’s quite the ask you got here. But it’s more or less an update, i-if I’m correct, and a decent one at th-that. Like you said, it’s all step by step progress, wh-which is still progress no matter how you look at it.
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I-I hate to hear that there’s been a few extra bumps along the road since your last ask, b-but I’m at least glad to hear that you’ve been making some sort of progress. Progress is still progress, no matter what. I-I’m just glad that you came to us. I-I’m just some average programmer, but I will agree that Nagito and Rantaro did amazing. Nagito’s... quite the interesting kiddo, but he means well, and Rantaro’s a brotherly figure th-that everyone likes, one way or another. Me? Ah, well... I-I can at least give good hugs, I guess?
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S-Speaking of hugs, I’d love to give you one. I-I can at least do that right, heh. I’ll give you as many hugs as you want, kiddo. I personally don’t mind at all.
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Hey there anon, you don't have to worry about referring to yourself, I remember you just fine! Hey, how's that for awesome timing huh? I'm glad you could read our answers when you needed it. I'm sorry to hear that you were having a worse day, but hey, it sounds like there's a way to make that test up a different way, so I'd give your all to trying that route. Don't give up just yet ok? Damn, yeah, I'm no stranger to the whole family bragging thing, that's a whole lot of pressure I think both of us can do without. It's really thoughtful of you to worry about your parents in this scenario, but you can worry about yourself too ok? Regardless of what you do, they should still be proud of you, and if they aren't, they're completely oblivious to your intelligence level and the amazing things you can do. Aw, I'm smiling real hard hearing how much our response helped, I'm always worried that I didn't help, or I somehow made it worse. Not gonna lie, this did give me a confidence boost. Hey, it's ok, you were in a more emotional state. It wasn't a moment of weakness. Everyone breaks down like that from time to time, and I'm happy that we were here to help you at the time. So don't feel bad about that, you're only human, and it's ok to get like that.
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You don't have to worry about having the perfect response either. As much as I wish we could, we can't automatically fix any anons' problems, we can only toss our two cents in and cross our fingers that it helps. The good news is that you came to us with your struggles again, so we can try to help some more. Eesh, yeah, those periods are never fun. Pretty sure Komaeda knows more about them than I do, but I can understand at the least. First of all, congrats on graduating! That's real impressive all by itself, so hopefully you can take some pride in that. Ugh, ok, wow, the second part of that. Damn I got hit with all the feels. I hate it when group projects go like that. I'm usually stuck with all the work, or the one who's up at one am trying to finish the damn thing. I think I'm getting kinda incoherent, so sorry about that. I'm glad you're doing better on that end though, hopefully things work out with that. Aw man, I'm really sorry to hear about the blaming thing. Is there any way to prove your innocence? I'm not saying go all class trial or anything, but is there any way for you to argue your case? Even if it happens a lot, that doesn't mean it's ok. You shouldn't have to get used to things like that.
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Yikes, yeah I can totally relate to the last part too. I'm also the type to clam up about my feelings because I don't wanna make anyone mad, but that happens some times, and honestly you had every right to say how you feel. You're keeping this all in, and it's gonna take a toll on you. Yeah, that's a whole lot of stress for one person to carry. I'm really impressed you haven't crashed and burned under the weight, seriously, you're an amazing, strong, resilient/ person, and it just blows me away. Trust me, you're gonna get through this stressful time. You're getting close to the end of it, and I know that you're gonna make it through. Damn, I'm smiling and blushing now. I'm really really glad we were able to help you out that much. Good! It's not cheesy at all! I'm glad you're feeling hopeful! The little steps are just as valuable as the big ones, and the fact that you're at least doing a little bit better is fantastic. Of course you can have another hug! It's ok, we're here to listen to vents, so say whatever you want to, no one's gonna judge you, I promise. Yeah, step by step, that's how you do it. 
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Oh damn, that's an interesting question. Honestly, I unironically love the Lorax movie, so the Oncerler ain't scary to me. Cats however...that was a trip. I don't have a better way to describe it, it was just a trip. So the Cats designs are way scarier. Like if I met the Onceler in a dark alley, I'd be just fine, but if I saw a cat-human-thing in a dark alley, I'd run for the hills. However, if I met the onceler fandom in a dark alley, that's a whole other story. Ok, I think I'm rambling again, so I think I better stop talking. Keep making those small steps forward ok? You got this.
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W-wow... my advice actually helped someone? Please tell me your joking, or better yet pinching me. I can’t believe my little words could affect you so much.... I think I’m tearing up... hehe. I gotta admit, Rantaro and Taichi did a better job than me! What else do you expect from two amazing Ultimates! Anon, I’m terribly sorry to hear that some things have turned up and made your life a bit more harder, but I want you to keep your chin up ok? You’re doing amazing Anon, I can truly tell! Having a partner that doesn’t help with group projects stinks too! It’s ok that you vented again, it’s always good to speak your mind when you feel bad! Helps to let other people hear to so they can help you! And hey, compliments from Taichi? So nice of you! Never heard myself being called an “interesting kiddo” it’s cute!
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I thought you’d never ask! I’d love to give you another hug! As long as you’d let me, I get worried when people want to hug me since I’m utter garbage, but if it makes you feel Hope, then I’m happy to oblige! Ah, and the Onceler or the designs of cats? I’d say the cats, I remember everyone having the hots for the Onceler once, so he can’t be that bad, right?
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levyfiles · 4 years
helloooo!!!! since you are my fave blog about shyan content, i must ask: what are your favorite fics???
AHhh! I–OK well, Lately I’ve been finding more and more fics that fill my heart right up with every gorgeous headcanon there is, but If we’re talking all-time favourites, I have finally compiled a List from the moment I started reading shyan fic in 2018 of fics that have ruined my life; all of them here in no particular order.
Be All My Sins Remembered by spoopyy
Summary: In every lifetime, they find each other.
Review: This fic manages to take you on a long journey through what feels like a series of AUs and they all weave in and out of the wealth of their relationship with some vivid descriptions of the historical settings their journey takes them through. As someone who grew up reading Anne Rice’s epics through historical events, this fic is right up my alley. A vampire Shane passing through the wave of human society’s climb searching for a reincarnated Ryan again and again, trying to hold on to him and keep him through great tragedies and timeframes that just don’t let them be together. This was one of the first fics I read when I was only a lurker and to be quite honest, I need to give this one a nice re-read, maybe for the book club which would be loads of fun. Either way, 10/10. Would be Hurt in the heart again.
Perfect Fit by @beaniegara
Summary: There’s a legend that says anyone able to take all of statue Shane’s cock will summon the god to the mortal realm. Given the statue’s excessive size, no one has ever succeeded to prove or disprove the story.Until Ryan that is.
Review: Listen. You wanna talk actual fandom legends. This fic is one of them and it pulls out all the stops on being delicious and evocative. Also features one of my favourite incarnations of size queen bergara. Good stuff and you’re really rooting for Ryan in this lol. 
Everything’s Weird and We’re Always in Danger by the beethechange
Summary: Ryan perches on the edge of the bed, an indistinct shape that Shane can only just make out in the dark, so he turns the lamp back on. He wants to see Ryan’s face, wants to know that he is alright. Ryan’s cheeks are damp, his hands fisted in the hideous flowered duvet.
“It won’t go away,” Ryan says miserably. “I’ve been like this since we got here, basically, and it won’t fucking—”
“Ah,” Shane says. “Well, you know, sometimes fear…adrenaline…they can affect people. Physically.” He waves his hands indistinctly crotchward. “It’s a, a scientifically known phenomenon.” Shane feels a little better staying in the realm of scientifically known phenomena.
Review: Word of advice. You see a fic is authored by beethechange, run don’t walk because you’re absolutely always going to be treated to the best of banter, the best of prose, chemistry, organic execution and feels right up the bottom end of your heart. This fic, this changed everything I thought I knew I wanted out of a bed-sharing fic. It’s got a little bit of two treats here. You got a sex-pollen-esque situation mixed with bed-sharing and holy fucking damn that is more than you think you deserve, but read this because you do deserve the best of the best. The build up, the dialogue, the surprisingly hilarity of it, the hotness woah, and The Aftermath. When you think you know what you’re in for, you’re wrong and you’re most pleasantly surprised. Get this fic in your life and honestly? while you’re at it, you could do a clean sweep of every fic in her list of works and while my less than adequate reading time management may still be short on some of her most well-recommended pieces, I have an adamant faith that Bee doesn’t disappoint. Go get y’all juice.
Maelstrom by thewindupbird
Summary: Here’s the thing about driving halfway across the country to see someone. You can’t really deny, after that, that you’re pretty much head over heels for them.
Review: Listen. One morning on a day off, I just laid in bed and read this– all 40k+ words– while lying there clutching my pillows, hurting and loving every moment of it. The descriptions of Americana, the slow steady metronome rhythm of Ryan’s feelings as frightened and helpless as they feel when you’re relating deeply to them juxtaposed with the deep-seated struggle of understanding what it is to be with someone you love so much but your mental health is burning quiet holes in your ability to express it in a way that can be understand. Ryan’s fierce determination, breaking through the silence of their non communication is really Everything to me in this fic. i think I really left my heart in the scene in Shane’s parents kitchen. That finished me. Read this fic and understand the deep relief you get when you’ve finished a fight with someone you fiercely care about and they understand you and you understand them and it’s OK; it’s gonna be all right. Augh. 
A Burial on Box Hill by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: The Celtics believed that the yew flower symbolized both immortality and death. Meanwhile, for centuries, the buxus flower was seen as a symbol for safe passage into the afterlife.
Or,Shane and Ryan were never the same after investigating the Black Forest of Germany alone.
Review: Let me just quote my bookmark comment here. Usually I flee from tragedy like a cat spotting a cucumber but the brevity and the prose dragged me in and now I’m a functioning mess. Bless this fic. Oh my god it’s short and reads like one of those quick horror stories you’ll read to your friends just as the scary stories are transitioning from the urban legends to the ones that feel real. Big warning for main character death but still read it if you appreciate a good story told.
Body Farming by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Failed suppressants and a surprise heat: the worst of cliches, and here Ryan stands, living the trope on location with the alpha he’s hopelessly in love with. Even worse, they’re spending the night in the famous Bell Witch Cave, completely alone and with no way to contact the outside world.
Ryan knows he can survive and keep his preheat a secret, as long as Shane will stop being so protective and concerned. After all, it’s not like Shane wants to bond with him.
Review: Now judging from the reactions of many people I’ve spoken to, big heavy ABO kink is not popular here but guys, GUYS. This one. Let this one in I promise it is not what you think it is. The dynamic is organic and the worst side of the trope is subverted in all the best ways and lord help us, the smut is hot, like swelteringly smoking. It’ll stay with you. 
Believer by cellard00rs
Summary: Some demons and otherworldly creatures love climbing up the power ladder. Shane is not one of these. He likes where he is (thank you very much) and has no interest in moving up. All he wants is to give his friend Ryan a nice birthday gift. So, naturally, everything goes to hell.
Review: This fic is another fandom legend. When I think demon!Shane. It’s this and one other one that always pops right into my mind. This was my first exposure to the bureaucracy meets the supernatural!Shane trope and I was sold from the get-go. The Shane in this fic is everything I imagine a demon!Shane is and his ginger care for Ryan, the concept of their bond and how even though Shane is a demon and responsible for keeping the supernatural a firm secret from Ryan and the rest of the world, his skepticism is relayed through his status as a demon. I want to talk more about it but I think so much of the enjoyment comes from the surprises as the plot unfurls. 
Heartbeat by quackers
Summary: So the guy Ryan sits next to at work is a vampire. That’s no big deal, right?
Review: I could talk your literal ear off about this fic. Vampires, man. I love the trope; you don’t know me as a person if you don’t know this at least. And this fic kept me fed all damn year. It was a readable garden. If there is one thing I can guarantee about quackers’ work, it’s that their world-building is a festival of detail. The realms and alternate universes they work with while still managing to keep Shane and Ryan’s voices so familiar and real is a talent not attributed to your everyday author. This fic propelled me into wanting to write more and more because quackers makes stories so much fun! Reading their work is, to me, not unlike the feeling I got when I was younger and finding series that speak to my need to escape this crummy existence, made me want to believe in fun spicy things like a vampire that lived through centuries, cynical but still searching, navigating a world where people are still people, adjusting to differences and prejudices, finding comfort in a guy that understands that and more. I’ve talked about this fic in more than a few different posts so I’d just be reiterating a lot of things I loved about the more historical aspects of Shane’s journey, the way Ryan is so firmly curious and inventive in ways to connect with Shane. Look, even if vampires aren’t your thing, I can promise that if you visit quackers list of work, you will find something for your supernatural-lovin’ palate that speaks to a gentler side of your own curiosity about monsters and the jocks that love them. lol.
I’ll Crawl Home by carrieonfighting
Summary: “Shane was almost unnerved by how quickly he’d settled into this body, this name, this life - his friendship with Ryan was the most time he’d spent with any human before, and yet the man fascinated him.”
Review: This is the second fic I think of when someone says the words ‘demon!Shane’ to me because ohhhh my word, this fic is a masterpiece. I really am hard pressed to find anything better than the feeling I get when I think of demon!Shane headcanons interwoven with the irl Buzzfeed reality and the idea of the Ryan as we know him being protected and watched and loved so deeply by a demon that found him so long ago and wanted nothing but to protect him. I feel an almost vicious glee reliving that moment when Ryan and Shane are on goatman’s bridge and man, I just really love canonical fic mixed with a slight twist. The writing in this makes it work so well with lines that still haunt my heart and soul like “Ryan liked popcorn. So did the demon. Genuinely, not just out of a desire to please the human – he liked the way it crunched between his vessel’s teeth. There were some aspects of taking a corporeal form that were…nice; laughing, coffee, feeling warm. Ryan made him laugh.” FUCK! The beautiful agony of it, watching the demon fall in love with Ryan through the eyes of his vessel. Just stark with pain and unspoken, well-written angst and pain with a perfect ending, I wouldn’t change for anything. I love this for us as a fandom and will always love that author crafted this piece and shared it with us. (Also every time I hear Work Song by Hozier, I think of this fic again and sigh).
Like I said at the beginning, thanks to @skepticbeliever-bookclub I’ve been discovering and re-discovering some fics I hadn’t had the chance to read and or have never even heard of before and my bookmarks list is growing with each new week. So if you get through this list and need more in your life, here you go. Every fic in my bookmarks deserves the community’s attention. If I can just make one special request of you guys? If you do happen to click any of these and enjoy what you read, please take the time and tell the author what you loved about it. It really changes the game out here for fanworks and fan-creators like you wouldn’t even believe and the people who shared these works with us worked hard to make the stories what they are and put a great deal of emotional investment in sharing it. Share more than your silence in return. 
Hope you find something you like here, nonnybabe.. 
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marscats37 · 4 years
ranking the tma entities.
I wanted to examen the entities on the magnus archives and rank them based on how scary I found them, or how much they “get to me.” 
None of the low rankings are at the fault of the creators, it’s all my personal opinion and obviously what I was scared of or fascinated with before the podcast is what’s impacting my opinion. We’re all gonna have different opinions on this, and if you listen to the magnus archives, I’m so curious on which ones are your favorite.
To keep this fun, I’ll also list my favorite statement related to each entity. Also, I’m sorry, but I won’t include extinction on this ranking. It’s not really touched on until the end and I don’t have a solid enough opinion on that one.
We’re starting at the bottom.
14. The Hunt - I mean, the hunt is cool, but like canon says, it’s hard to relate to this one due to the fear of being hunted not amongst most people. I don’t have a strong enough opinion on this one to really give it any chance to be higher on the list. I’ll give credit to it being the entity for some of the coolest characters (Daisy, Trevor, the Montauks) 
Favorite Episode - 109 / Nightfall. Despite the low ranking of the hunt, I really love the montauk storyline, and it’s exciting to see julia and trevor team up
13. The Desolation - This one only ranks slightly higher because burning is the given for most painful way to go, but this one doesn’t get to me. It’s just, mean. Maybe if I worried about losing the things and people I love, but it’s not something I think about. 
Favorite Episode - 067 / Burning Desire. Not a scary episode, but I have a soft spot for Agnes, she comes across as a tragic character. I’m also biased because I associate this episode with a good atmosphere I was in when listening to it for the first time.
12. The Slaughter - I think I feel similar to the hunt as I do this one. It’s cool, but I don’t have a fear of violence. Plus, the slaughter is often associated with war, and I've never been a fan of war imagery. 
Favorite Episode - 042 / Grifter’s Bone. This is proof that I’m not put off by slaughter - related statements in general, because I freaking love this episode. 
11. The Web - Ranking this one so low may be unpopular since a lot of people seem to love this one, but it doesn’t get to me ! I’m not scared of spiders and to the metaphorical sense, not scared of manipulation or control. I dislike it as much as the next, but doesn’t hold a true space in my nerves. 
Favorite Episode - 081 / A Guest For Mr. Spider. I’m hard on the web, but there actually have been some spooky statements, especially the ones involving cocoons. But this episode is a special kind of creepy, and statement aside, showed us an even more vulnerable jon, which I loved.
10. The End - I think the statements that revolve around not being able to die are actually scarier than the ones about death itself, but I think I just have that natural fear of death, I think this is really just another neutral fear for me. I don’t really have much to add.
Favorite Episode - 121 / Far Away. Not a scary episode, but I really enjoy Oliver Banks, I love his statement, and you know, it was interesting to see him visit Jon. 
9. The Corruption - It doesn’t seem fair to rank this one so low, corruption is so cool and creepy ! But I kind of got over my fear of bugs and gross stuff (with the exception of roaches. I still scream at the sight of roaches.) so these episodes just mostly serve as really good visuals. I will emphasize that I really love the corruption, I just simply love the other ones more. 
Favorite Episode - 032 / Hive. The Flesh hive is my favorite aspect of corruption, and I really loved getting Jane’s side of the situation (sort of.) Plus, trypophobia is actually really unnerving. I just googled the word to make sure I spelt it right and now I have goosebumps. eeeesh... 
8. The Spiral - To be honest, these episodes aren’t super intense, I don’t have a fear of going mad. It’s ranked high enough because of how much I love the distortion. I’m giving the creators’ credit for this one, the distortion is really the only reason the spiral has any impact on me.
Favorite Episode - 101/ Another Twist - see above.
7. The Buried - Now we’re getting to my fears. I got claustrophobia, babey ! Also I have asthma so the feeling of not being able to breath is a familiar one lmao. 
Favorite Episode - 015 / Lost Johns’ Cave - I think this is a popular one amongst the fans. It’s such a good episode and I think about it a lot still. 
6. The Eye - If we’re getting personal, I’m a private and paranoid person. So naturally this one is a bigger fear of mine. If I really think about it, I can scare myself over intense eye contact too. In a visual sense, I have a bias towards eye imagery. 
Favorite Episode - 120 / Eye Contact. this is hard to answer, there aren’t many eye-centric episodes, although technically every episode involved the eye. But I like the references in this episode, and story-wise, the finale of season 3 is my favorite. 
5. The Vast - It’s not fair to rank the vast higher than the buried, since I’m more scared of the latter, but the vast is just so fascinating to me. The only negative part is that I get vertigo, but I find the empty cosmos and the large ocean almost comforting. Idk, I like this one ! 
Favorite Episode - 051 / High Pressure. I just think this a neat statement ! I also like how being underwater does had an element of the buried, so best of both worlds.
4. The Lonely - I feel.. conflicted on ranking this one so high. On one hand, it’s not that scary, it’s just the fear of being alone, but on the other hadn't, when the statements hit me, they hit me the most. I love isolation and being alone, but these episodes make me feel like I’m only conditioned to love those things due to them being my comfort. 
Favorite Episode - 170 / Recollection. This episode made me cry. I know it’s centered around Martin, but I also found myself relating to it too. Also, I love Martin.
3. The Dark - I can stand being in total darkness, unless I think about it long enough. I think that goes for many, but I still think about the dream where I saw a completely black patch growing on my ceiling and I actually screamed myself awake. I don’t recall another time I’ve had a scream-induced nightmare like that. Especially at my old age. I also think the creators do a good job making this one scary. I remember one Q & A where the writer said this was the hardest entity to write for. 
Favorite Episode - 086 / Tucked In. By the way, I had that nightmare months before I heard this episode. This statement naturally stuck with me due to the familiarity.
2. The Stranger - Another popular entity, and rightfully so, the stranger has so many opportunities to be scary !! No wonder two of the season finales involve this one. I don’t think I can add much to it that’s not a given, I love how creative these statements can be. We have the “not them” we have nikola, the angler fish, etc. 
Favorite Episode - 034 / Anatomy Class. I mean, as good as many of the stranger episodes are, this is my all-time favorite statement. The students are like an innocent form of uncanny and the professor’s fear is really felt. 
1. The Flesh - if you follow my twitter, you might have expected this one. The visuals are so gross and interesting, I’m biased towards body horror. I even like the meat statements, I was surprised there were so many of them when I listened to the podcast for the first time (and tbh it’s helping me towards my path of not eating meat lol)  I don’t have deeper reasoning for making this one my favorite, I just think it’s neat (and gross.)
Favorite Episode - 171 / The Gardener. Yes, the newest episode to the date of me making this post. So far season five has been really exciting and I love the format it takes. But oh my god guys, the visuals for this one ?!?! The metaphors of negative body obsessions to something so grotesque yet fascinating to imagine. It’s not an episode I can listen to over and over (remember, this is a horror podcast and my nerves need a break) but it’s one that I’ll remember. It’s right up my alley in terms of horror content. 
ANYWAY. This is not a final list, Most of the episodes I’ve only listened to once so I’m sure if I had a chance to revisit more of them I’ll change my mind on rankings and favorites. I genuinely like how everything is categorized, but these are based on my preexisting fears and fascinations, as mentioned above. The statements in the podcast only amplify them. so yeah, this list is very subject to change. 
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knamjooned · 5 years
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ღ min yoongi ღ part of the Soulmate Series
34D 14H 46M 57S. 55S. 40S. The soulclock seemed to be skipping numbers, counting down much faster than the other’s soulclocks were. As it began to skip minutes, Yoongi realized he needed to find you before time ran out.
Pairing: SecuritySpecialist!Yoongi x Photographer!Reader Genre: Soulmate AU / Non-Idol AU / Thriller AU Words: 5.1K Warnings: mention of porn, mention of drugs, cursing, bit of violence, unedited
If you want time you must make it.
Having a drink after work with the guys was a regular occurrence. His boss, Kim Namjoon, shed his CEO persona and turned into your friend you’d known since the two hit puberty. Jeon Jungkook, the young intern Hoseok had to deal with, always seemed to be eager to have fun, at and away from work. Jung Hoseok, the face of the company and CFO, was reluctant to join each time, only because he couldn’t hold his alcohol.
The bartender, Kim Seokjin, knew them well by now, after all the times they’d come into the place. He placed their usual drinks in front of the four men at the bar, grinning as Jungkook showed the soulclock that was on the understand of his wrist.
10D 02H 18M 23S
“It’s almost time. Fuck, what if it’s someone I hate? Or ugly?”
Seokjin snorted as he walked away to deal with another customer.
“The whole point of this soulclock is to point to the perfect person for you, looks and personality,” Namjoon sighed, looking at the youngest as he took a swig from the glass of whiskey. He glanced at his own wrist as he sat down the drink, a thoughtful look on his face. Yoongi glanced at the numbers there, and looked back up at Namjoon’s face with raised eyebrows.
“When did it turn to zero?” He hadn’t said anything to Yoongi, but that was usual. Namjoon was the type to analyze before confirming.
“Last night.” After staying silent for a moment, Namjoon realized the other three were staring at him. A faint flush came to his cheeks as he cleared his throat and straightened his back. “It’s complicated.”
“See?” Jungkook interjected, eyes wide with worry. “He’s not happy about his soulmate!”
“I didn’t say that,” Namjoon corrected. “It’s just… inappropriate.”
“It’s the new assistant,” Hoseok gasped. He grinned, leaning forward curiously. His hands clasped the beer bottle in front of him. 
“That’s hot,” Jungkook commented, sipping at his mug of tap beer. Yoongi slapped his arm, narrowing his eyes at the intern. “What? It’s a well-told story of boss and secretary porn.”
“Shut it, kid,” Namjoon growled. Yoongi smirked as he saw the shy and amused smile on his friend’s face. Namjoon didn’t mean it in a negative way. “And yes, it is my new assistant. We’re going to talk about our situation tomorrow evening.”
Jungkook opened his mouth, but Hoseok spoke before a sound could come out.
“Mind out of the gutter, Kook!” Jungkook, looked away, muttering in annoyance as he gulped at his drink. Hoseok turned back to Namjoon. “It’ll be fine. You own the company, you make the rules.”
“How long have you been with your partner?” Yoongi asked curiously, eyeing Hoseok. 
“About two years. And they are exactly what I want and need,” he answered, looking pointedly at Jungkook. The youngest rolled his eyes with a grin.
Yoongi chuckled as he glanced at his own wrist.
45D 4H 23M 45S
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You stared at the photos hanging in the dark room. They were strung above the developing station, where you liked to do it yourself instead of taking it to a professional. The room was barely lit, but the red tone was enough to know the photos you had drying were going to be trouble.
Gulping, you closed your eyes for a moment, hoping this was a freaky dream, but when you opened them, the evidence stared back at you. 
“Fuck,” you murmured, pressing your lips together anxiously. 
You had a few options. One, you could just rip them up and forget you had captured anything while shooting the alleyway. Two, you could head straight to the police with the photos. Third, you could hope no one saw you taking those photos, and still use them for the city photography competition. 
Unfortunately, it was clear the shady men your friend was talking to had noticed something. You had a few shots of him looking straight into the camera. Still, there was a slight chance you were going to be fine.
Your intuition told you otherwise, though. 
“Fuck,” you cursed again.
As you sat down in a chair near the table, you caught a glance of your soulclock. 
41D 10H 05M 12S
Something positive to look forward to, right?
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Frowning, Yoongi listened to the report on the TV in the break room. Since Jimin was in the security room keeping an eye on the cameras that watched over the RM Corporations building, Yoongi had decided it was a good time to get a bit to eat. He chewed on his food slowly as the reporter spoke in a confident, factual voice.
“New studies have shown certain soulclocks may not be related to when you meet your destined soulmate. On a rare occurrence, these clocks may relate to the death of your soulmate. Fortunately, it seems to be very rare, with only 5% of the world population estimated to have this. On our screen we have provided the SoulClock Hotline for those with questions or concerns.”
Yoongi found himself looking at his own mark on his wrist. 
34D 20H 02M 44S
Which one did he have? How could you tell? He glanced back at the news, but they had moved on to another report. Yoongi shrugged to himself, going back to eating his lunch. It was rare, so there wasn’t anything to worry about. The seconds ticked down on the mark, the normal action a comfort to him.
After lunch, Yoongi had a meeting with Hoseok and Jungkook, who was only there to be a coffee boy in all honesty. They talked about the cost of updating some security equipment, and the pros and cons of actually doing it. Jungkook listened with earnest, taking notes. Yoongi was actually impressed. The kid seemed to have a hard time concentrating sometimes, but right now he was focused and calm.
After hashing out the details for that project, Yoongi found his way back to the security room, where Jimin was standing and stretching as he kept his eyes on the screens. When he saw Yoongi enter, he straightened and sat back down in the office chair at the desk of screens. Yoongi smiled and nodded as he passed Jimin, heading to his own desk a few feet away. He had a few forms to deal with before doing a few other projects.
After a few moments of silence, Yoongi jumped when Jimin started to talk.
“So did you hear about the new studies about soulclocks?” 
“Mhm,” Yoongi confirmed, eyes still on the papers in front of him. He used a pen to initial and edit some things. 
“Are you worried about it?”
“Not really. It seems to be pretty uncommon.” Yoongi kept working on a few pages, then looked up at Jimin, who was biting his lip and wringing his hands. His eyes were on the screens, but he seemed to be thinking about other things. “Why, are you worried?”
“Nah…” he squeaked, clearing his throat. Yoongi raised his eyebrows at Jimin. “I mean.. a little. There was one story about it that kind of freaks me out.”
“Eyes on the screen,” Yoongi reminded him with a soft chuckle. Jimin straightened once again and gazed at the screen with renewed concentration. Yoongi continued as they did their work. “What’s the story?”
“The clock starts to freak out. It starts to countdown faster than actual time, which tells you your soulmate is going to die, instead of meeting you.”
“It could also mean the fates have decided to push up the meeting time,” Yoongi countered, leaning back in his own office chair, taking a break from reading legal documents.
“True…” Jimin murmured, seeming to relax.
“What’s your clock at?”
“Soon,” Jimin nervously chuckled, holding up his arm.
23H 12M 05S
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“I’m sorry.”
You took a deep breath through your nose, letting it out. You still were tense, anger causing you to fist your hands at your side and press your lips together tightly. Your friend stood across from you in your apartment, looking guilty as hell.
“Sorry? Sorry! Why did you go to them, Taehyung? Why didn’t you come to me?”
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m not going to get you involved with my shitty life!”
“Well, looks like I am now!” 
While you seethed, Taehyung kept his eyes on anything but your face. You could see the guilt in his features, the sad eyes and old habit of licking his lips when he did something wrong. 
“Just get rid of those photos. If someone comes to you, you won’t have anything, and nothing will come of it.”
“If someone comes to me? Are you saying they’re looking for me?” 
“Just in case! I don’t know what’s happening at the moment!”
“I love you, Tae, but you knew dealing drugs and being a middle man was going to get you into trouble. You didn’t tell me why you bailed on me for the third time this month. You didn’t tell me anything, so I followed you!”
“You shouldn’t have followed me!” he cried, throwing his hands up in agitation. He put them on his hips as he started to pace. You felt your anger slowly diminishing, turning into worry for your friend.
“Maybe not, but I didn’t know what else to do,” you replied quietly. You took a calming breath, finally relaxing and letting your anger go. “You ignored me everytime I tried to help, you bailed out when we had plans, and then you go down a suspicious alley?”
“I know,” he whispered, closing his eyes and shaking his head sadly. “I’m sorry, I really am. But we need to figure out what to do with these photos.”
“People could get hurt if I don’t turn them into the police.” You felt guilty for even thinking about turning in Taehyung, but this wasn’t just a little mistake. He was selling drugs to kids, and dealing with some scary people.
“People would get hurt if you do turn them into the police. They aren’t gonna like getting snitched on. Even indirectly.” He chewed on his lip nervously.
“What?” Taehyung’s eyes widened. “You’ll get rid of them?”
“Yeah. I’ll get rid of them. You gotta get out of this, Taehyung. Find a way. Please.” Before you get killed, you thought.
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His wrist was burning. Yoongi thought it was a dream at first, but then he woke and realized his wrist really did feel like it was on fire. Hissing, Yoongi looked at his soulclock. Blinking and shaking his head, he once again wondered if he was dreaming. As his sleepy brain began to wake up, Yoongi jumped out of bed with a curse.
“What the fuck?” 
His soulclock was doing something weird. It buzzed with whatever energy had made the soulclock. Yoongi hurried to the kitchen and put it under the kitchen faucet, letting cold water run over it. It soothed the burning enough for Yoongi to start thinking clearly.
Something was wrong. Watching the changing numbers under the running water, Yoongi’s heart beat picked up speed with panic.
34D 14H 46M 57S
34D 14H 46M 10S
34D 12H 12M 42S
33D 19H 29M 02S
Sucking in a breath, he realized with a jolt of alarm that his soulclock was counting down faster than it should, skipping seconds, then hours, then days. Trembling, he turned off the faucet, paced the room for a moment, then got out his cell to call Namjoon.
“Pick up, pick up,” he murmured, trying to steady his breathing.
On the fourth ring, his best friend picked up.
“Yoongi? Is there a problem? It’s Sunday morning.”
“I think they’re going to die.” He didn’t know why he said it like he did, but Yoongi didn’t have to sugar coat his worries with Namjoon. They’d been through too much together to accept that.
“What?” Yoongi heard rustling on the other end and a voice asking what was going on. Shit, he’d interrupted Namjoon’s time with his partner. Namjoon said something about an emergency with Yoongi, then put the phone back close to him. “What’s going on? What are you talking about?”
“My soulclock. It’s freaking out.”
“How so?”
“Counting backwards. Fast.” His heartbeat rapidly as he glanced down at his wrist. It had stopped, but he had lost a lot of time. 
12D 02H 25M 31S
Swallowing, he felt his heart slowing down. Still, his stomach turned with anxiety.
“It stopped. But I lost about three weeks of time.” Yoongi flopped down onto his couch, head falling backward onto the top cousins. 
“Lost time? That’s… impossible,” Namjoon replied. Yoongi could hear his frown.
“What if this is counting down to their death, not us meeting?”
“What if it’s not?”
Yoongi felt himself snort with amusement at remember the conversation he had with Jimin just the other day about this. What if it wasn’t what he thought, what he was panicking about? Just like he had told Jimin, it could be just moving the time of meeting up. It’s not unheard of…
“It’s not common, but it’s not rare, either. Yoongi, I’m sure everything will be fine. It stopped, right?”
“Yeah,” he answered, looking down at his wrist. The numbers were counting down at a normal speed, now. “Sorry, man. I freaked out. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.”
“Don’t apologize. Remember, I’ve seen you in worse situations. That’s why we’re friends. Also, we were getting up anyway. Want to join us for brunch?
“if your soulmate says it’s okay. I don’t want her to kick my ass.”
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You felt confident now that the photos were ripped and thrown in the trash. Taehyung decided to treat you to some food, which was always great since you were the one to constantly feed him. You teased him about it on the way. You were both laughing as you walked into the establishment and sat down at a table.
You two sat at the table near the bar, the evening crowd not quiet there yet. There was at least another hour before it started to get too crowded, which is the perfect time to eat and get a few drinks in. Taehyung wanted to do karaoke, and you supported him completely. You weren’t going to do it, though, and no matter how much he pleaded, it wasn’t going to happen.
A slight tingling sensation, like that when you loose feeling in a limb, centered around your soulclock. Frowning, you looked down, wondering what was happening. It was glowing, but nothing else. It continued to tick down in a normal manner. You stood and walked to the bar, wanting to order one more drink before having to stop to drive. As you stepped up, your shoulder brushed against another’s. You turned to apologize, and stopped as soon as you opened your mouth. 
Meeting his eyes, you wondered what caused your breath to leave your lungs. A slight throbbing, like a heartbeat, started beating at your wrist. Swallowing hard, you turned to face him. He did the same, although his look was more curious than surprised.
“Hi.” You didn’t know what else to say. Your mouth became dry with nervousness. You cleared your throat as you glanced at your wrist. Frowning, you realized it had skipped a lot of time. It was now down at 0. Completely 0.
“Congrats,’ the man said softly, seeing your wrist. “It seemed you met your soulmate recently.”
“It seems so,” you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. You stepped closer, then saw his own soulclock on his wrist.
07D 05H 11M 49S
You stopped yourself before you could say anything else. It wasn’t him. His clock would have stopped. He still had a week to meet his soulmate. What if the fates were wrong? What if they were right? That would be cruel, meeting your soulmate but not being able to be with them. You looked back into his soft brown eyes, your heart beating rapidly as he gave you a soft smile.
“Sorry to get in your way. Were you getting a drink?”
“Yeah.. yeah, I was.” You forced a smile on your face and turned around, trying to hide the tears that were in your eyes now.
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The day after he felt his mark burn, Yoongi was back at work, doing a quick morning walk around to make sure his security guys didn’t have anything to report. As he did, he thought about you. The mark had tickled when you were in the bar, and had burned pleasantly when you had brushed his shoulder.
Something had stopped you from continuing the conversation, though. Yoongi glanced down at his own clock, and sucked in his breath as he watched it jump once again forward
06D 11H 23M 43S
05D 01H 10M 04S
He had lost another day. Pressing his lips together, he thought about you once again as he made his way back to his office and the security room. It was you, wasn’t it? His clock hadn’t stopped, but it had warmed, which was a common sign of meeting your soulmate. He hadn’t seen yours - he wondered what it had said. Did your mark stop?
“Fuck,” he murmured, causing Jimin to jump at the camera desk. He looked at Yoongi with a frown, but Yoongi waved it off. “I gotta do something. You can handle today, I think.”
As he walked out of RM Corporations, he sent a quick text to Namjoon, telling him he had an emergency and he’d be back later. Yoongi never just walked out, especially without telling Namjoon, so he hoped his boss and friend would let him do what he needed right now. The text that came a few moments later, while Yoongi was getting into his car, confirmed that Namjoon would let him be for now.
Yoongi drove to the bar they had spent time at last night, where he had first spoken to you. It was too early for it to be open, causing Yoongi to curse in frustration as he glared from his car. When he saw Seokjin around the corner, coming out of a side door, he quickly got out and made his way to the bartender.
“Seokjin! Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?”
Seokjin blinked, confused at first with Yoongi being here at this time of the morning, but quickly shook it off and smiled. His confusion turned to curious, cocking his head.
“Yoongi? Sure, what do you need?”
“Do you remember me asking about the woman last night, the one at the bar?”
“The one that ran away? Yeah, why?” He narrowed his eyes. “Look, she seemed upset. Maybe you shouldn’t be looking for her if you made her cry.”
“I didn’t! I swear,” Yoongi quickly said, shaking his head. “I think she’s my soulmate.”
Seokjin let out a huff, thinking about the request. He took a moment to look off into the distance, pursing his lips as he thought. Yoongi stared, taping his foot with impatience as he waited.
“All I know is that she is friends with Taehyung, although I’m not sure why. That kid makes some bad decisions,” Seokjin added, shaking his head sadly.
“Taehyung. Okay. Where can I find him?”
“I think he’ll be around tonight, if I heard correctly.”
Taking a mental note, Yoongi went back to work.
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“Sorry, can’t make it Tae,” you sighed into the phone, curled up on your couch with your favorite ice cream and television show. Your had cried yourself to sleep last night, and now you were pathetically spending a day moping on the couch. This soulmate thing was a big deal. You felt like the something had been pulled from your grasp right before you could hold it.
“Are you alright? I know you were upset last night.” You heard him getting out of his car, probably in the parking lot of the bar. He was meeting a friend there, a friend you knew would help him get on the right path.
“I’m fine. I’ll be fine,” you rephrased, not wanting to keep secrets from your best friend. “My.. I met my soulmate last night.” A lump formed in your throat, and you swallowed to try to make it go away.
“That’s…! I mean, what happened?” 
“My clock stopped, but his didn’t.”
“Oh.” Taehyung fell silent on the other end for a moment. “Y/N, are you sure you don’t want me to come over?”
“I’m sure. You need to talk to her. She’ll help you figure some things out.”
“Okay. Text me if you feel worse, promise?”
Hanging up, you blew out a breath and kept eating your ice cream as another episode started.
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Yoongi was just about to confront the man named Taehyung, but he stopped as he overheard the discussion he was having with a woman. A personal confession about addiction and trying to get back on the right path. As he hesitated, the two got up and walked out. He cursed to himself, but didn’t follow them. Instead, he went to the bar and saw Seokjin. 
“Can you give Taehyung a note?”
“Sure…?” The bartender raised an eyebrow, curious but not saying anything else. Yoongi ignored the look and wrote on a napkin.
I need to speak to you about your friend. Her soulmate clock stopped but mine is still going. It’s an emergency. She only has 5 days.
He wrote his name and number on it, then folded it in half. Seokjin took it, not attempting to peek at the note at all. He was a good man, Yoongi knew.
That evening, Yoongi’s worries increased.
01D 00H 23M 21S
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You didn’t know what happened. One moment you were getting into your car after work, the parking area lit up with lights that turned on as soon as the sky started to get darker. The next, two pairs of hands grabbed you, one holding you tightly and the other putting a cloth of sort to your mouth. You vaguely remember tumbling into the trunk of a car as your mind went to sleep.
Groggily, you felt yourself waking. You were in a chair, and as your mind began to slowly clear, you realized your arms were handcuffed behind you. Your legs were free, but the four big, scary men surrounding you made any sort of plan dissipate as they glared at you. You gulp, mouth and throat dry. 
“Water,” you whispered hoarsely.
“Right here, love.” The voice wasn’t one you knew, with an English accent coming through. You tilted your head up, seeing a extremely handsome man in his 50s, wearing an expensive suit. He held a class of water with a plain white straw. “Sip slowly. Trent, hold the glass for her, please.”
One of the four bodyguards came toward you and reached for the glass. The obvious leader handed it to the guy. Trent held the glass to your face, and you tentatively sipped slowly. You kept your eyes down as you sipped, taking these quiet moments to clear your mind. Something was familiar about one of the other guards.
“Thank you, Trent. Y/N, is your thirst quenched?” You nodded, trying not to shake with fright. You took a slow, deep breath. You glanced over to the guy who looked familiar. Fuck! It was the guy in the photos! “Alright, now we can get to business.”
You watched the man stroll toward you, casually starting to circle you inside the square made from the bodyguards. When he slipped behind you, out of your vision, you tensed. Nothing happened, though, and he stepped back into your line of sight on the other side of your body. The cool metal of the handcuffs intimidated you further.
Finally, he stopped in front of you. Your eyes rose to his face slowly, your heart beating fast.
“Do you know who I am?”
“No,” you said quietly.
“I didn’t think so. For some reason, it seems you have become involved enough for me to know you.”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I run a business, the kind of business that should never be spoken about, even with those that may be trustworthy.” He tilted his head, hands clasped behind his back, studying you. You gulped and forced yourself to keep your head up. “Unfortunately, you are too curious for your own good. Where are the photos?”
“I tore them up and threw them out,” you replied quickly, squeezing your bound hands into fists behind your back and the chair. “Really! Taehyung saw them in the trash!”
“The trash,” the man repeated evenly. “You put them in the trash.”
You nodded vigorously. The man sighed, shaking his head at you, making you feel like you were missing something important. 
“Who has access to your trash?”
You opened your mouth, but shut it. Fuck, he had a point.
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Yoongi’s heart pounded in his chest as he looked at his mark. Taehyung stood beside him in the empty apartment, where you lived.
01H 02M 33S
“Shit!” Taehyung cried, pacing the room. Yoongi wanted to punch the guy in the face, but that wasn’t going to help him get to you. He forced himself to keep a calm tone.
“Where would they take someone to interrogate?”
“Fuck. Shit. This is all my fault. Fuck!”
“Hey!” Yoongi cried, grabbing Taehyung by the shoulders. The man stared at him with wide eyes, quieting down. Yoongi glared at him. “Look, you believed me when I showed you my mark, told you that Y/N is in danger. I believe you know exactly where y/n is.”
“Downtown, 132nd and Ernest. Big building, car shop.” Taehyung seemed dazed, voice shaking with large eyes. “Fuck. If y/n’s hurt, it’s all my fault. I fucked up.”
“No shit,” Yoongi growled, pushing Taehyung away and hurrying to his car. It was dark now. He left Taehyung to do whatever he was going to do, breaking a few laws as he drove fast toward the place Taehyung had mentioned. He parked a few  blocks away, running through ideas in his head. 
He realized he had no plan, no back up, no information about this. Yoongi’s eyes fell to the soulclock once again.
45M 12S
Cursing, Yoongi got out of his car and started to take everything in he could see. He was in charge of securing the whole damn Kim Corporations building, he could handle this. He had experience with bad guys even before Namjoon hired him a handful of years ago. Yoongi wasn’t dumb when it came to illegal business and the things bad people do to handle their business.
After looking around for about ten minutes, Yoongi realized there was only one option in the time frame he was given.
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“Poor, innocent, bystander. Curiosity killed the cat, it seems.” 
Your cheek hurt from the slap he had given you moments ago, stinging violently as your blinked your eyes to get your vision to sharpen back to normal. You tried not to make too much noise as tears rolled down your cheeks, tasting blood in your mouth. It seemed you had bit the inside of your cheek. The metallic taste made you want to gag, but you didn’t want anymore attention. He probably got off on seeing you suffering.
“if only you had burn the photos. It would have saved you so much pain. Now you’re a loose end I really need to tie up.”
“Please,” you murmured, keeping your eyes to the side and down, lips trembling. The blood in your mouth was building, so you swallowed before you could think about what you were doing. Tears continued to fall. 
“You have no worth to me.” You heard the leader of the gang take a step back, then four sets of feet slowly stepping toward you. “Trent, you and the boys take her to the back. Get rid of her.
Panic seized you whole body, causing you to stiffen in shock, shutting your eyes tightly. Maybe if you closed them long enough, everything would go away, like a dream. You didn’t want to die. You had so much to do, to see, to feel! You let out a choking sob as you waited for hands to do whatever they were going to do to you.
Suddenly, voices came out of nowhere. You opened your eyes. The voices all became a chorus of demands as the thugs that were coming toward you were tackled by men in uniforms and bulletproof vests. Relief flooded your body so quickly that you passed out.
You vaguely felt a presence next to you in a moments before you lost consciousness. Your mark tingled, a warm, comforting burn as you heard someone murmuring your name with heavy concern.
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He had saved you. Yoongi had no idea what was going to happen to you if those men had been able to get to you before the police came. He was grateful he had a close relationship with people on the local police force, people who could drop everything and come to the rescue when he called. 
He watched you a few paces away, being looked at by an EMT, sitting on the curb outside the car shop. There were dozens of people around, some officers, some bystanders. Suddenly nervous, Yoongi wasn’t sure how to approach you. He had told them the truth - you were his recently found soulmate, but you had never really interacted before, so you didn’t know him. 
He wondered if the EMT had told you what he said. 
Taking a deep breath, he walked to where you were perched, the EMT nodding at you before stepping back. You had an ice pack on your cheek and a  blanket around your body. The night was only slightly chilly, and Yoongi wondered if you were really cold or if you were still in shock.
“Hey,” you replied softly. Smiling tiredly, you patting the concrete next to you and gestured for Yoongi to sit there. He did, keeping a bit of space between your bodies. You closed the gap, though. The mark on both your wrists hummed and warmed pleasantly. “You saved me.”
“I got lucky,” Yoongi murmured, flushing a little. 
“What’s your name?” He told you with a chuckle. You replied with your name, then the two of you sat in silence as the people moved around you. 
It was comfortable. Yoongi reached out gently, hesitantly, toward the hand you had laid beside you on the sidewalk. As you both gazed at the stores above, his pinky touched yours. You returned the gesture by sliding your hand under his, putting your palm up, and lacing your fingers with his. 
Yoongi and you shared a glance with shy smiles, willing to enjoy the comfortable silence for a little while longer before moving forward with whatever this was going to be.
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It’s okay to be afraid
Fandom: MCU
Rating: T
Relationships: Miles & Peter
Characters: Miles Morales, Peter Parker, Aaron Davis; CAMEOS - Jefferson Davis, Rio Morales; MENTIONED - Ben Parker
Summary: Peter saves Aaron Davis’ life once again and meets his nephew. Part 1 of the Miles in the MCU series.
Word count: 1,965
Also on AO3!
A/N: Decided to post this fic here as well! As mentioned above, it’s the first part of a series; to sum things up, Miles in the MCU is pretty much what the title says - a take on Miles Morales in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Here, he’s about nine years old while Peter is a teenager. Most elements are based on Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, though, with one thing or another from the comics.
In total, there are five stories planned; for now three have been posted on AO3. It might be canon divergent by the fourth, though.
Well, I hope you like it as well! The other two stories will be posted shortly :D
WARNINGS: Murder attempt, blood and injury, and past character death
“Miles… you’ve gotta get out of here…”
That day was supposed to be a fun one. Miles had a great time hanging out with his favorite uncle Aaron, the two spending time at the latter’s home until they decided to go outside and get some ice cream not far from there. Aaron was possibly the best person to go to when his father was busy with police officer business.
But now he’s facing a horrible jerk, who isn’t physically built, with a gun in his hands and his shot uncle in front of him, their ice cream cones having fallen and melted.
They were heading back home when some creepy dude arrived threatening Aaron about something weaponry-related �� which is crazy, Aaron wouldn’t get involved in those things anymore, having changed after leaving jail – and now Miles is frozen, hasn’t moved since the moment he heard the trigger and the yell his uncle let out. Aaron is on the ground and his shoulder is bleeding so much, he only sees red. Miles’ stare shifts from the criminal to his uncle and the red in his white t-shirt multiple times.
“Miles,” Aaron calls him again and his voice is so weak that more tears fill the kid’s bright brown eyes. “Please…”
He winces in pain. Aaron’s are almost closing, and he isn’t breathing well, and he’s in so much pain; yet he’s trying to get his nephew out of there before he can, too, get shot.
Seeing as though the kid isn’t reacting, the criminal heads towards his uncle, who struggles to protect himself. He hears the trigger again, and Aaron yelps silently as he shrinks and—
Before Miles realizes, he’s standing between Aaron and the thug. The latter, at first, is surprised; but now a twisted smile forms on his face, sending shivers down the boy’s spine.
“Miles, no!” Aaron yells. “Get out of here!”
“You better listen to him, kid,” The shooter warns. “Go home before things get ugly.”
Miles pants and doesn’t shrink at his threatening tone, nor at Aaron’s weak yet protective protests. The boy knows he’s trembling and won’t stop the tears from falling, but rather than running away and leaving his uncle to die, he steps towards that monster and takes a deep, shaky breath.
“I-I won’t let you h-hurt him!” Miles speaks up, voice more vulnerable than he meant.
The guy laughs. “Wow, trying to be a superhero?” He eyes him with a smirk. “Alright then, I’ll start with you.”
He points the gun at him with no remorse whatsoever. Miles doesn’t move, like a deer caught in headlights. He can hear his uncle screaming behind him, begging him to go, but Miles won’t take his eyes off the weapon that is ready to take his life.
“Pretty brave of you, kid,” The guy says, not sounding like a compliment to his ears. “Too bad you wanna die for that prick.”
He pulls the trigger.
 But then he hears a voice yelling from the distance.
“Hey! Go pick on somebody your own size!”
He notices a white substance thrown right at the thug’s face, whose scream is muffled. Although he’s not sure what’s going on anymore, the black-haired boy can distinct the red and blue swinging around until they kick the criminal right on his face. The colors form a familiar suit, a red spider symbol illustrated on the back, similar to the hoodie he’s wearing.
“Karen, call 911,” The voice is… higher than Miles expected from the actual Spider-Man.
It doesn’t take long for the hero to turn around and rush to the boy and his uncle; he notices the white eyes widening at the sight of Aaron, which causes Miles to realize he has not made any noises since Spider-Man arrived.
“U-Uncle Aaron!” Miles cries. “Uncle Aaron!?”
Spider-Man places his fingers on Aaron’s neck, muttering, “Karen, vitals”; he would have asked who this Karen is in another situation. Seeing as his uncle isn’t answering him, he begins panicking.
“Please,” Miles sobs. He turns to Spider-Man with pleading eyes. “P-Please, you have to help him!”
The hero seems to be… taken aback, taking a few seconds to reply before Aaron lets out a pained noise.
“Help is on the way, he- he’ll be fine,” Spider-Man assures. “How about you, buddy? Are you hurt?”
Miles shakes his head in silence, for now not caring about himself – Aaron is bleeding in front of him and there’s nothing he can do but wait. What if they don’t get there in time?
“It’s going to be okay,” Spider-Man insists.
Miles stares back at him. He knows the hero has saved Aaron once, so he… he tries to believe him.
Sirens are heard in a span of minutes. Soon enough, they are echoing in the empty alley and several police cars arrive, as well as an ambulance. Peter calls for them and takes the unconscious thug to the cops while the paramedics make way to Aaron Davis and his nephew.
Although he’s not showing it, Peter can’t help the shock in his chest upon seeing the same guy he interrogated when he was searching the Vulture, injured this way. Worse yet, he wasn’t expecting to meet the guy’s nephew in such horrible situation – one that the brown-haired teen has unfortunately gone through nearly two years ago.
He did see what happened. The boy stood up for his uncle, knew he could die, but wouldn’t leave like Davis was ordering him to do. It was horrible, seeing such a young boy get almost killed like this. Peter offers himself to accompany the boy, seeing as though the others can’t reach his other family members. Apparently, his father is a police officer but isn’t patrolling in the region that night and his mother is out to work, too. Until they arrive, the young boy is dealing with everything on his own; it’s the least Spider-Man can do.
Of course, this means he can’t take off his suit – so he’s pretty much at the hospital, as Spider-Man, at the waiting room. He can feel weirded out glances at him every now and then, but he doesn’t give them any attention with the worried sick boy beside him. The latter hasn’t said anything since the authorities came in. Peter knows, looking at the kid, that he’s feeling guilty. The teenager is no stranger to that feeling, which has not yet faded, no matter the tremendous progress he’s made since Ben’s death. Nightmares of that night, his uncle’s blood in his hands are still vivid and traumatizing to Peter. He’s talked about it with May and Tony and does feel less ashamed of his struggles.
It doesn’t mean that it’s stopped hurting.
And with that little kid there, worrying over his uncle, it’s bringing the pain back inside the hero’s chest.
Peter hasn’t talked to him the entire time, knowing to give him space; but he doesn’t want the boy to blame himself. He’s so young, too young, to deal with this much pressure already. On the other hand, it can be admirable that he wanted to save his uncle, in front of a scary, armed criminal. Even if he could have been killed himself.
The younger boy is staring at the floor, his feet barely touching the ground. His cheeks are still stained with tears, even though he’s no longer crying. Peter can’t help his sorrowful glances; though he partly wishes he can take his mask off so he can get closure, but he’s unable to, when there are plenty of people in the waiting room.
Still, Peter doesn’t think he can leave this in the quiet.
“You, um,” He tries to say, sounding more awkward than he expected. “You doing okay?”
That’s a stupid question, he thinks soon after. The boy doesn’t appear to be annoyed, though. Instead… he shakes his head and whispers, “He got hurt… I couldn’t protect him…”
“No way, you were really brave! I saw you standing up for him—"
“No, I wasn’t! H-He would have still killed him, because I couldn’t- do anything. I just… froze,” Fresh tears threaten to fall. “Maybe if I weren’t so scared…”
Peter sighs sympathetically. “Hey, that’s- that’s nothing to be ashamed of. If… If that makes you feel better, uh… I get afraid pretty often when fighting crime.”
The kid looks at him in surprise. “You do?”
Peter nods. “Yeah. It’s completely normal – everyone is afraid, even, like, Iron Man. But even when you were scared back there, you tried your best to save your uncle. You did what you could; and it’s not your fault that he got hurt, it’s always the bad guy’s, got it?”
The boy contemplates his words and, finally, nods, no longer looking so defeated. Peter admits he still needs the advice, having gotten it from Tony many times before. It’s a good reminder, and he hopes the kid gets it one day, too.
“You were a hero back there,” Peter tells him, smiling; he hopes he notices it underneath his mask, though. “You’d be a great Spider-Man – you just need the webs!”
He notices the dark, yet subtle blush creeping in the other’s cheeks as his bright eyes look down at his own red and blue clothing, a non-licensed Spider-Man hoodie (unofficial since he's not a worldwide hero like Iron Man, but he's flattered regardless).
“You really think so?” The boy asks.
“Of course, buddy. You did great.”
Finally, Peter appears to find a small smile revealing itself. Soon, the nurse tells them (while sparing a weird glance towards the hero) that the patient is doing fine and will be recovering for the rest of the night, given the blood loss.
Minutes later, he hears a panicked couple arriving – and then he also meets the parents, who greet their son in a tight hug. They enter Aaron’s room while Peter stays outside. He peeks a bit, seeing the boy hug his uncle with joyful tears, which brings a smile to the teen’s face. Deciding to give them privacy again, he turns around and texts May to let her know where he is, so she doesn’t worry too much about him on patrol.
Eventually, he hears the door opening and finds the boy again.
“Hi again,” Peter greets him warmly. “How’s he doing?”
“He’s okay, just tired. He… told me to give you something.”
“Oh yeah? What-?”
Before he can even finish his question, small arms wrap around his waist. Peter lets out a heartwarming, quiet laugh and returns it, ruffling his black hair.
“Thanks for saving us,” The kid says once they let go of one another.
“Sure thing… hey, what’s your name? Silly me, I didn’t even ask.”
The boy smiles bright. “I’m Miles.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Miles.”
Miles’ mother joins them briefly, too, thanking him for saving her son and her brother-in-law. Peter catches his father giving him a quiet thanks while looking... very serious, as if silently warning him he's got his eye on him.
“It’s okay,” The kid assures him, possibly noticing the shiver. “He says he doesn’t really like you but he doesn't mean it.”
Peter laughs nervously. “Yeah, okay.”
With his mother gone back to the room, the teenager approaches Miles again.
“It was great knowing you, Miles, but I should get going; my job here is done, but it only begins in other places.”
He offers his hand to the boy, who gratefully shakes it with a smile.
“Good luck out there,” Miles tells him.
“I’ll see you around, Spider-Man,” The teen winks at him, resulting in Miles’ eyes widening in awe and grinning brighter, if that’s even possible.
Peter sprints to the nearest window and so he webs into the night with a huge smile that no one sees.
Read Part 2 of the series!
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pufflyhallows · 5 years
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Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Request: Request?? If you do DO requests (haha doodoo), can you do one where any of the harry potter characters goes to the muggle world, and their is a mutant? I know, must be a stupid cross over, but they are completely fascinated by the mutant?? Thanks, ❤️❤️
a/n: Thank you for requesting, sweet anon. I really enjoyed writing this one, It’s probably one of my favourites. And I am really sorry but I couldn’t control myself, I had to add a tiny little bit of angst. What can I say? I’m a sucker for it. Hope you forgive me and still enjoy this :D 
Summary: Sirius meets a very special girl.
Warnings: language, alcohol
Word count: 3,438
Sirius shut the door of his room as loud as he could. His mother was the biggest bitch he ever met in his entire life. He couldn’t handle that anymore, he needed some fresh air. After grabbing his jacket and his wand, he left the room shutting the door again. 
“Where are you going?” his brother asked when he walked down the stairs.
“It’s none of your business,” Sirius replied, taking a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it.
The cold wind of December brushed his face gently but sharply as he stepped on the sidewalk. He reminded himself mentally of never listening to his brother again. What was he thinking when he said yes to Regulus and went home for Christmas? He should’ve stayed in Hogwarts.
He walked in the dark night without a destination. Thoughts would come and go inside his head. He didn’t know where he should head to. It was impossible to go to Godric’s Hollow on foot and he also didn’t want to disturb the Potters with his problems during the Holidays. 
Sirius walked for hours, or at least that’s what it felt like. The wind was starting to stiffen his muscles and the tips of his fingers were becoming numb. Instinctively, he pulled the sleeves of his leather jacket in a failed attempt of warming his hands. He crossed his arms. He didn’t want to go back but he started to think he didn’t have a choice. It was too cold. But then it hit him. What was better than fur to warm up someone? 
As soon as he spotted an alley, Sirius transformed. It felt so much better. Every little part of his body was warm now and he could stay longer in the muggle London. When he was about to leave the alley, a girl walked past him into the lane. She was probably the same age as him, which would make him frown if he had that��capacity. The young girl looked around and saw him. She looked relieved when he sat down, maybe she was afraid of dogs. She was shivering from the cold, so she approached an old barrel and opened her hand above it. Sirius would gasp if he could: fire came out from her hand, burning whatever there was inside the barrel. She lit a fire.
The girl stretched her arms around the fire, almost hugging it. Sirius was shocked but happy to find someone like him. She was just a witch, a very talented one, enjoying the muggle London night. So he transformed back.
“Hey,” he said behind her. 
The sudden noise, and so close to her, startled the girl. She turned around and met his eyes, visibly scared of him.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said with a shy smile, “I’m just like you. I was that dog over there,” Sirius pointed at the spot he was sitting before.
The girl’s expression softened. She looked... excited.
“You’re a mutant too?” she smiled in disbelief, “I never truly believed there were others like me.”
“Mutant?” Sirius frowned, “No, I’m a wizard. What is a mutant?”
“Wizard?” the girl frowned as well.
They looked at each other and the girl stepped back. 
“How did you do that?” Sirius pointed at the barrel, “You’re telling me you’re not a witch?”
“Of course I’m not a witch,” the girl scoffed, “I just... do that.”
“You don’t have a wand?!” the boy asked like that was the most impossible thing in the world. 
“A wand?” she shook her head trying to put her thoughts in order, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about this!” he took his wand from his pocket, “This is what allows me to do the same thing you did seconds ago. But I have to say a spell to do so.”
“A spell? Like magic?” she asked, starting to understand.
“Exactly! Magic is what makes it possible for me to turn into a dog or set things on fire,” he explained, “I’m sure it’s the same for you. Maybe you just gave it a different name.”
“But I can’t do both,” the girl whispered, “I can only do that,” and she pointed at the barrel.
Sirius was very confused but he was trying his best to understand the girl in front of him. 
“Maybe... Maybe it’s because you don’t have a wand," he guessed. However, the girl shook her head. 
“No. It’s because I’m a mutant,” she explained, “Each mutant has a special power and it’s always only one power. At least, that’s what they told me.”
“The doctors. They’re not really doctors but that’s how I call them,” she shrugged. 
Sirius didn’t know what to say. That was a very strange girl.
“What else can you do?” she asked.
“Anything, really,” he realized, “But I can’t outside of school.”
“School? You mean like a magic school?”
Sirius nodded. 
“Why can’t you do magic outside of school?” the girl questioned.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I guess they don’t trust us,” he replied, “Maybe they’re right because I was about to do it just to show you,” he chuckled lightly, “If a muggle saw it... Merlin, that would be a mess.”
“Yeah, people who can’t do magic.” 
“So I’m a... muggle?” 
“I’m not sure,” he thought for a couple of seconds, “I guess you’re a mutant.”
The girl smiled. So did the boy. 
“I’ve heard there’s a special school for people like me too,” she told him, “But not here.”
“And why don’t you go there?” Sirius asked.
“Because it’s too far and my parents... they... my parents don’t understand me,” she mumbled.
“That makes two of us,” he gave her a sympathetic look.
They stared at each other until he realized. 
“I’m Sirius, by the way,” he held out his hand. 
“Y/N,” she shook it. 
“So, Y/N... what were you doing here alone?” 
“I needed some fresh air. My parents were arguing because of me again,” the girl sighed. 
Sirius couldn’t believe he could relate so much to someone he had just met.
“What about you?” Y/N asked. 
“Basically the same,” he replied.
“Your parents... they can do magic too?” 
“My entire family can. I’m a pureblood,” he told her.
“A pureblood,” she repeated, “I’m guessing that means you have no muggle relatives.”
“Yeah, exactly,” he smiled at her fast thinking. 
“Does that mean there are wizards with muggle parents?” 
“Yes. Muggleborns,” Sirius nodded.
“So that would be me,” she thought out loud, “Because my parents aren’t mutants.”
“There are also the half-bloods. They are the children of wizards and muggles,” he explained.
“I thought muggles couldn’t see magic,” Y/N said.
“They’re not supposed to but... I don’t know. I’m not the best person to explain it to you. You should meet my friend Remus.” 
“I’d love to, actually,” she smiled, “It feels so lonely, you know? I have to hide my gift from everyone. Only my parents and the doctors know. And now you. But the problem is: I can’t control it completely. Sometimes I set things on fire by accident. It’s terrible.” 
“It’s why we go to school. You should try to talk to your parents about it,” Sirius told her, “And that’s how you call it? Gift?” 
“That’s how the doctors call it. I don’t really know how to call it. ‘Power’ sounds too... scary,” she admitted.
“It’s your magic then,” the boy smiled. Y/N felt like someone finally understood her. 
“Do you wanna go somewhere less... dark and dirty?” she proposed.
“I would like that,” he nodded.
“I know a place where they don’t ask for your ID,” she started walking towards the street.
“It’s a... you don’t have IDs?” she frowned but shrugged it off, “Well, that’s the least strange thing here. The ID is a document that tells your name, date and place of birth, etc. It’s how we prove we are old enough to go to a bar and stuff.”
“Oh. I think my wand works as my ‘ID’ but I’m not sure.”
When the two teenagers stepped on the sidewalk, they could finally see each other properly. Sirius was astonished. Y/N was certainly one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen in his entire life. He definitely didn’t expect her to be that gorgeous. 
Y/N didn’t expect Sirius to be so good-looking either. He had a very ‘bad boy’ style with his black leather jacket and his dark long hair, and she wasn’t gonna lie: she was into that. 
“So... Which way is it?” Sirius asked the girl. 
“This way,” she quickly started walking, being followed by the most interesting boy she ever met.
During their walk, they talked about their worlds. Sirius explained to her all about Hogwarts, his friends, his family, the Ministry, everything. And Y/N told him what being a mutant meant, all the science involved, how some mutants wanted a ‘cure’, everything. They were both mesmerized by each other’s existence but Sirius was feeling the affection growing inside him. 
“This is it,” she stopped. 
“A rock club,” Sirius read the sign, “I’ve heard muggleborns talking about places like this. They never went inside though.”
“It’s because we’re not old enough,” Y/N explained, “But they don’t ask for IDs here, so you just have to look old enough.” 
Y/N started messing her hair a little and told Sirius to do the same. Then she tied a knot on her shirt, making it short enough to show her bellybutton. She felt cold immediately but she knew it would be hot inside. 
“It’s a bummer I don’t have any lipstick with me. Red lips work their magic,” she joked. 
Sirius couldn’t talk, let alone laugh. He was too flustered by the view. Could that girl get any hotter during the night? 
“I think we’re good,” she said, “Now we just have to act cool to pass through the guard. Once we’re inside, no one will care.” 
Sirius assented and they walked through the door. The guard looked at them and Sirius nodded at him, feeling relieved when the guard nodded back without saying a word. They entered a hallway where muffled music could be heard and the excitement took over Sirius’ body as he realized it was the kind of muggle music he liked. When they finally got to the actual club, Y/N pulled him by his hand straight to the bar. 
“What do you drink?” she had to shout at his ear since the music was really loud.
“Firewhiskey,” he answered aware that she wouldn’t know what it was.
“Two beers!” she shouted at the bartender, who quickly grabbed two bottles and gave them to Y/N. She handed him the money and turned back to Sirius. 
“I don’t have any muggle money with me,” he said when she offered one of the bottles. 
“It’s okay. It’s on the house,” she winked at him. 
Sirius took the bottle from her hand quite hesitantly. He opened it and took a sip. Y/N did the same.
“Wow,” he said, “This is unexpectedly good.”
“Unexpectedly?” she laughed. 
“One day I’ll show you what Firewhiskey is and then you’ll understand,” he took another sip.
“You will?” Y/N looked at him. Sirius nodded.
“Hopefully,” he replied. 
Y/N gave him a shy smile. 
“Do you wanna dance?” she asked. 
They went to the dance floor and Y/N had fun like never before. She always came alone to that club since she didn’t have any friends, but the two of them danced together like they knew each other for a very long time and it made both of them forget about their problems and why they were there in the first place.
Talking wasn’t an option due to the really loud music, but they laughed at each other’s dance moves and spilled beer. Sirius couldn’t stop smiling at Y/N and neither could she. 
After dancing to at least eight songs, Sirius had to go to the restroom. He told Y/N and left the dance floor. The girl stayed there dancing and taking sips of her second beer while he quickly found the door to the lavatory. 
Y/N closed her eyes and moved to the beat of the song, feeling the alcohol loosening her up. She didn’t really drink, so when she did, the smallest of cups was enough to make her lose some of her insecurities. She was having a good time until she felt a hand on her waist and a very alcoholic breath say to her ear: 
“Hey, baby.”
She opened her eyes and saw an older guy staring at her body. The panic paralyzed her. 
“Dance with me, baby girl,” he grabbed the bottle from her hand and took a sip.
That was enough to scare her. She could feel her hand heating up when she felt an arm around her shoulder.
“She’s not alone, dick,” Sirius said. 
“My bad, brother,” the guy walked away. 
“I’m not your brother,” Sirius mumbled disgusted, “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes,” the girl breathed, “Thank you.”
Sirius nodded as an upbeat song started playing. The boy took a while to recognized it, but got really excited when he did.
“This is The Rolling Stones, isn’t it?” he asked, starting to dance again.
“It is!” she smiled, happy that he knew it, “Rip This Joint!”
The two friends danced happy that both of them knew the words to the song being played. They danced and sang together, laughing while doing so. Sirius grabbed Y/N’s hand and tried to spin her around, but ended up making her collide on another girl. 
“Sorry!” she said to the girl, who looked annoyed. 
“My bad,” Sirius said laughing and Y/N rolled her eyes jokingly. 
Y/N gasped when she heard the intro of Stairway to Heaven. 
“I love this song!” she smiled, “You have no idea of how beautiful and symbolic this song is.”
“You’re right, I don’t,” he chuckled. Y/N closed her eyes and started rocking her body slowly from one side to the other. The boy in front of her swallowed hard at the view. She looked so beautiful like that.
Around them, couples started to dance holding each other. It was a slow dance, after all. Sirius didn’t know what to do and felt really embarrassed when Y/N opened her eyes and saw him standing still. She looked at how the people around them were dancing.
“Do you want to...?” she asked timidly.
“Only if you want to,” he replied. 
“I do,” she nodded. 
That was all Sirius needed to know. He moved closer and placed his hands on her waist while Y/N placed hers on his neck. Soon enough, the pair started dancing slowly to the rhythm of the song. 
“I could never think I’d end up here when I left home hours ago,” Sirius thought out loud.
“It was on my plans to come here tonight,” Y/N replied, “But I could never think it wouldn’t be by myself.”
They smiled at each other.
“This way is so much better,” the girl admitted.
Sirius agreed and another song started playing but they didn’t dance. Their eyes were locked together until his went down to her lips. Y/N felt her face heating up as the boy moved closer and closer. Wait, her face wasn’t the only part of her body heating up.
“Ouch!” Sirius said suddenly and the girl realized what she had done. 
“I’m sorry!” she said desperately, “I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay,” he said rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Come with me.” 
Y/N grabbed his hand and took him to the lady’s room. Once they were inside, she locked the door.
“Let me see it,” she asked softly. 
Sirius could tell she was feeling bad, so he turned around and let her look at his neck. It was as red as a tomato and his shirt was burnt a little. Luckily, his jacket was intact, but that must’ve hurt so much. 
“Oh, God,” she moaned, “I’m so sorry, Sirius.”
“It’s okay, Y/N ,” he turned back and smiled at her, “It wasn’t so bad.”
He was lying, it hurt very much and it was still stinging. And Y/N knew that. She had burned classmates at school before. That’s why she didn’t have any friends. No one trusted her because they all thought she carried a lighter with her.
Tears filled up her eyes and she looked the other way, trying to hide it. But Sirius noticed and she knew it.
“You probably think I’m stupid,” Y/N said, wiping one persistent tear that had rolled down her cheek.
“No, I don’t,” he replied firmly, “I think you’re really kind if you’re that worried about me.”
The girl sniffed, still looking away. 
“Hey, look at me,” he asked. Y/N hesitated before looking up and meeting his eyes, “It’s okay,” he repeated.
She nodded slowly, still feeling bad. 
“I can’t control it. Especially when my emotions are too... Well, you know,” she blushed. Sirius pretended he didn’t see it.
“I already said it’s fine, Y/N. In fact, I think it’s fascinating what you’re capable of.”
Y/N looked at him curiously. 
“You can’t do magic and yet you can... control fire. That is badass,” he admired, “Can you get burned?”
The girl shyly shook her head. 
“Even if it’s not a fire that you lit up?” he was amazed by that information. 
“I used to put my hands on the gas hobs when I was exploring my ‘magic’. It doesn’t hurt. It’s actually a really nice warm feeling,” Y/N explained. 
“So wicked. I wish I could do something like that.” 
“What are you talking about? You can turn into a dog, fly, teleport, be invisible... You can do anything,” she said.
“But if I don’t have this stick with me or I don’t know the right word, I can’t,” he showed her his wand, “And you can do it whenever you want. It is a gift, Y/N. You should never feel sorry for yourself. Your parents, the people from school... They are the ones who don’t understand. It’s their problem, not yours.”
“Where were you all this time?” she whispered to herself.
“Do you wanna go for a walk?” Y/N proposed, “I mean, if you want to go back there, we can, it’s just-”
“I’d love to go for a walk,” he smiled.
As soon as the two friends left the club, the cold wind reminded them it was winter. Y/N crossed her arms and started shivering immediately. 
“Are you okay?” the boy asked.
“Yes,” she nodded, “I just feel cold a bit easier than most people. But don’t worry, it’s totally fine.”
Sirius put his arm around Y/N’s shoulder and pulled her closer to him. 
“Better?” he whispered.
“Y-Yeah,” she replied. 
They walked in silence, simply enjoying each other’s company. It didn’t take long for them to get to the alley where they met. The fire Y/N had lit up was still there and the girl ran towards it, stretching her arms around it again. 
“It feels so good,” she sighed with her eyes closed. 
“It does indeed,” Sirius agreed, doing the same but in a safer distance. 
“Thank you for tonight,” the girl said, “I wasn’t okay back home and now I feel... happy.”
“Me too,” the young wizard nodded.
“It’s late... I think I should go now,” she stepped back. 
“Yeah...” Y/N thought for a few seconds, “How can I talk to you again? Do you have a phone at home?”
Sirius shook his head and explained all about the owls and letters to her. They exchanged addresses and he promised he was going to send her an owl so they could keep in touch.
“It was nice meeting you, magic boy,” the girl held out her hand, but the wizard in front of her ignored it and pulled her for a tight hug. 
“It was nice meeting you too, Y/N,” he spoke, smelling the beautiful scent of her hair and feeling sadness take over him, “It wasn’t a bad idea, after all.”
“What?” she asked as they let go of each other.
“Coming home for Christmas,” he smiled.
Regulus Black woke up in the morning with Kreacher knocking on his door.
“This note was on your door, sir,” the elf put a small piece of parchment on his nightstand and told the boy breakfast was ready, leaving the room right after.
Regulus sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the blurriness on his vision. He grabbed the note and saw only two words written on it.
Thank you.
It was his brother’s handwriting.
Bonus Part
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therussianmajor · 5 years
Reflections on 2018
It is already 2019. Holy Shit.
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As we welcome in 2019, it is important that we reflect on the past year. 2018, for me personally, was a very long year. It was full of new friends, love, laughter, and a whole lot of happiness. However, it was also full of worse depression than I’ve ever experienced, of-the-walls anxiety, and a lot of scary experiences. Reflecting on your mistakes can be painful, but I truly believe it to be the only way to successfully get through the new year. Luckily, you also get to reflect on the good memories.
2018, for me, started off pretty well. I had an incredibly challenging yet interesting first semester. It was by far my most difficult semester to date and I still managed to keep my 4.0 (for non-Americans: this just means straight As). It was a deeply stressful semester, and it certainly affected my anxiety levels negatively, but I not only survived through it, I thrived. In addition to making all As, I was incredibly involved. I continued to chair multiple student organizations, be involved in my campus’ Equality center, be involved in Student Congress, and moderate honors reading groups and political discussion groups. All while working part-time and studying full time. Not dying that semester was definitely a confidence boost.
This leads us into the summer of 2018. I was incredibly excited about going to France with a group of student leaders on my campus; however, it was ultimately an experience I look back on with sadness and self-doubt. While there were several people in the group who I platonically fell in love with (and will forever be thankful for their friendship), the experience as a whole was rather terrible for my mental health. I cried more than I ever have the first week of that trip. I had to share a room in Paris with a total asshole that many people in the group loved. The way he treated me was such that I hadn’t experienced before (I think I’m generally a likeable guy and haven’t experienced much hate in my life). The was a LOT of walking on this trip, and for someone with extreme scoliosis (which means chronic back and nerve pain), this can be very difficult, especially in mountainous regions of central France. Had it not been for one of the girls in the group who often walked behind with me whenever my back decided to have nerve spasms, I don’t know that I would have survived the trip. The leader of the group, a university employee who I had all the respect in the world for and whom I wanted nothing more than to please, seemed almost upset that my back caused me to not always keep up with the group. This killed my self-esteem. Not because she was rude about it -- she was always kind to me. But she did make me feel lesser-than. When someone you look up to and respect makes you feel that way, it is a feeling I cannot accurately articulate. Just know that it sucks. A lot. However, this trip also allowed me to make several life-long friends who, before, were merely acquaintances and for that I will be forever grateful.
Luckily, after France, I moved to Madrid, Spain for a month. This was the best time of my life. I loved Madrid. I went alone, with nothing but a small suitcase, and I left having not only improved my Spanish, but having made a fairly large but very close group of truly wonderful friends from all over the world. Words cannot express how thankful I am for my time in Madrid. It will likely always be my favorite city in this world. Madrid was a city that made me want to be a better version of myself. Sure, there was some scary moments (2 guys attempting to mug me while walking alone in a dark, secluded alley at 4am being one of them), but I look back on these fondly. After my experience in Madrid, one thing on my bucket list is showing my future husband around the city. I truly cannot wait.
After Madrid, I went back to the States and had a few weeks off before moving to Russia. It was great to be with family and friends and relax. Plus, at that time, I was really looking forward to Russia, so all was well.
Then I actually arrived in Russia. From the start, it was rough. The worst part, by far, was the bureaucracy. There are so many stressful processes for foreign students to go through, especially when you privately rent property here. Several negative experiences related to this have resulted in a LOT of anxiety relating to anything to do with the Russian government. However, if you follow my blog, you know (in more detail than you probably should lmao) all the troubles I’ve had while living here. So for some positive things: THE MARIINSKY THEATER. By far my favorite part of living here in Saint Petersburg. Words cannot describe the talent exhibited in their operas and ballets. I absolutely love going. I also reallllllly love my main Russian professor here and am currently hoping and praying that I get her next semester, as well.
So sorry for the stream-of-consiousness rant-like post, you guys. Writing it out is more for me than anything, so thank you for letting this take up space on your timeline <3
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darkhymns-fic · 7 years
Murder with a Side of Lies (Ch. 6)
Papyrus and Undyne are back out on the streets for their investigation! But as they get closer to truth, Undyne will have to confront what she knows sooner or later... and the suffering people she cares for the most.
Fandom: Undertale Characters/Pairing: Undyne/Alphys, Papyrus, Mettaton Rating: PG Chapters: 6/8 Mirror Links: AO3, FF.net Notes: The sequel to Kidnappings in the Early Evening by Sky. A fusion of detective noir fiction and courtroom drama! All stories, art, etc., related to this main story will be under the tag #undertale noir. (chrono)
Suggested reading music with the return of the rain.
First Chapter Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Investigation Sensation
Nightfall had settled into the rainy city, snuggling close to concrete buildings and the warm yellow glow of the city lamps. The rain poured tonight, letting small rivers trickle along the street gutters. The black asphalt shimmered with reds, yellows, and greens, reflecting the street lights. The grounds themselves appeared to be a beautifully painted canvas, colors blending and reflecting every which way.
I never truly noticed the beauty of the rain until Undyne became my best friend.
Taking my ever trusty Bonemobile, we drove down the wet streets, leaving the courthouse and the bright lights that Mettaton was already constructing for it. I had changed out of my slick lawyer outfit and back into my grizzled detective coat and hat. Since we were now in investigation mode, it was only prudent that I wear the correct outfit! That, and my trenchcoat was quite useful against the rain. Can’t risk my lawyer suit getting wrinkles!
It was a short drive, which was a good thing, as it left Undyne little time to try to wrestle the wheel from my hands again. Before long, we were already jogging towards the dark alleyway where they found Burgerpants.
Ah, the crime scene! To think, we’ve gone so long into this mystery and haven’t even examined where it all happened! We must be pretty great lawyers and/or detectives!
Undyne looked over my shoulder at my notepad. “Or maybe Mettaton is just really bad at his job, too.”
My partner laughed and slapped me on the back, rattling my bones in the process. “Aw, I’m just kidding, Pap, we are doing pretty good!”
Distractions aside, it was time for some good ol’ fashioned investigating! I was back in my cool and mysterious detective coat, arm around my bone umbrella and notepad at the ready!
Although, to be honest, the crime scene wasn’t all that interesting. It was an alleyway like any other; dark, wet, and damp. A couple grimy dumpsters were placed against some old brick walls of an abandoned building. A bit of light came in from the street lamps on the sidewalk, but for the most part, it was dim, and a bit menacing.
Bright pink tape warded off the crime scene, reading ‘Crime scene! (Don’t you cross it!)’ The dogi must have put it up, probably trying to mimic the human’s yellow police tape.
Hmm, I had a strange feeling of déjà vu. This alleyway felt familiar. Or maybe just this part of the city? But there was nothing particularly notable here. There were no shops, no stores that I could remember seeing before. Maybe this was just a really generic alleyway!? Someone should spice these places up!
Without a second thought, Undyne ducked under the ‘(Don’t you cross it!)’ tape and into the alleyway. I felt some apprehension in following, but the dogi aren’t technically the law! So, I don’t think I was actually breaking any rules by going in? But what if they are? I-
“Come on, Paps,” Undyne called.
“RIGHT!” I replied, hopping over the bright pink tape.
The atmosphere changed immediately. Or maybe that was just my mind. Suddenly, it was so real.
A monster died here, killed by one of his own kind. I felt an air of sadness and violence wash over me as thoughts raced through my mind. How could anyone do such a thing?
Undyne must have been reading my reaction. She frowned. “Paps, snap out of it. I know how you feel, but we’re in this now. We have to focus for Catty’s sake. And for Burgerpants.”
Her words were a bit harsh, but I knew she was just looking out for me. She was right, too. If we didn’t find the truth of what happened here, no one else would! I shook off those scary feelings and kept my eye sockets sharp on the lookout for clues!
Let’s see…
I was instantly drawn to the damp burger wrappers near the dumpster. The paper was a mix of bright pink, black, purple, all topped off with tons of glitter and Mettaton EX’s smiling face. Although, after a day of rain, the paper itself was soggy and ruined. Any sign of dust now must have been completely washed away, or taken for investigation.
“He must have fallen around that dumpster,” Undyne pointed out, eye gleaming like thunder under the rain. “It’s pretty dark here. He probably didn’t see the killer, or mistook them for Catty.”
I nodded in agreement.
Our next target was the dumpster itself. A huge gash had ripped into the side of the metal, with three symmetrical marks running across from it. “Certainly looks like claw marks, doesn’t it?” Undyne thought out loud, hand on her chin. “But it’s so huge. Whatever did this, it cut the metal like a hot knife on butter.”
It was certainly strange. Could Catty’s claws have grown so big? Maybe with a magic attack… but it couldn’t have been her! I hoped it wasn’t her. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS WHAT COULD HAVE DONE THAT?”
Undyne stared hard at the dumpster’s wound. “Just one, but…” she shook her head. “No, that wouldn’t make any sense.”
Memories of our last case came flooding back to me. “YOU’RE NOT HIDING ANYTHING AGAIN, ARE YOU UNDYNE?” I asked in a scolding tone.
She growled at that, but let out a sigh instead. “No, I’m not this time, I promise. I’m not sure what else could have reasonably caused this.”
There was something on her mind, but I knew I wasn’t going to get anything out of her on that subject.
I scanned around the alleyway again, finding it difficult already to spot out any clues. There wasn’t much to note back here at all! There wasn’t a sign of a struggle or anything! There were a few cracks in the pathway, especially near the dumpster, but that was more than likely just from the constant rain and lack of care for the alley here.
“Hey, Paps, check this out,” Undyne said, calling me over behind the unharmed dumpster. Reaching underneath the slimy thing, she pulled out a shiny shard of glass.
“A CLUE?” I asked, tilting my skull.
Undyne scratched the side of her head. “Well, uh, guess it could just be trash, but man, it’s really shiny isn’t it?!” She grinned.
Shiny indeed! For a piece of glass laying underneath a dumpster, it certainly looked clean! Maybe it fell there recently? Or…. Maybe it was just really shiny!
“It feels kinda weird, too,” Undyne added, rubbing it between her scaly fingers. “Like… electrical?”
“ELECTRIC GLASS?” I asked, reaching out to it. At the touch of my bony finger, I felt the lightest of zaps. Like a small energy went through my body. “COULD IT BE MAGIC?”
Undyne’s eye lit up. “Oh, you know what!? That must be it! Magic infused glass!” The realization hit her. “But uhh… what does that have to do with anything?”
I grinned a confident grin. “NO IDEA!” I said as honestly as possible. “BUT IT’S SOMETHING TO KEEP IN MIND, RIGHT?”
Undyne nodded, placing the glass in her pocket. “I can’t find any other pieces of it either. Looks like someone tried to clean it up.” She shrugged. “Or maybe it really was just an accident.”
I suppose it could have just been a loose piece of trash. It wasn’t exactly clean back here, after all! There were soda cans, bottles, and all sorts of various trash. Even a few flyers for my detective agency!
But one piece of trash caught my attention. It was near the cracks in the cement, glittering like a speck of gold, sheltered from the rain by an old newspaper. Probably nothing? Or probably something?! I grabbed for the paper-like thing and held it between my bony fingers.
Hmm… soft. Felt as smooth as silk. It was beautiful, too. I could see my brother resting on a pillow filled with these things! It reminded me of something though, but what?
Aha! “A PETAL!” I yelled out, feeling accomplished.
Undyne let out a startled growl, looking as if she had seen a ghost. (A ghost that held a restraining order against her to be specific). “A petal?” she repeated, her question almost begging to be wrong.
“YES!” I answered, much to her visible dismay. “IN ALMOST PERFECT CONDITION TOO! IT MUST NOT HAVE BEEN HERE LONG!”
She didn’t like staring at the little golden thing, I assumed. “No. What could it mean?” Undyne muttered under her breath.
I had an idea, now, but Undyne wasn’t going to like it. I think it was best to just blurt it out! Also, I kind of just blurted it out anyway. I do that a lot. “DO YOU THINK ASGORE HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS?”
Undyne snapped out of her thoughts and stared me down. “No way! There’s no way Asgore would kill another monster!” But, her gaze faltered for just a moment.
Asgore Dreemur. I met the fellow more than a few days ago in a previous mystery. From my understanding, he is a clone of a Ms. Toriel Dreemur? I may have gotten my information mixed up there, but one thing I’m certain of is that he owns a flower shop! I remember he grew quite a few golden flowers in his greenhouse.
“Hey, it’s not like that petal couldn’t have flown in from some wind or just been thrown out by someone else,” Undyne countered, practically reading my mind again. Or maybe she was just arguing with herself?
But it was a fair point! A lone petal isn’t enough to prove anyone guilty! Plus, when I met this goat clone fellow, he was so kind! Possibly one of the nicest monsters I’ve ever met! Well, next to the female version of himself, of course. According to Undyne, (who has a bit of a history with him) Asgore wouldn’t hurt a fly. At the same time, however, Undyne also has clearly been struggling over something with Asgore.
I do notice these things. I just think maybe… maybe I shouldn’t say anything. Maybe I couldn’t say the right thing. Not yet at least. I worry about her.
Brrrrrrrriing!! Brrrrrrrrrng!!
The silent somber of the shade was suddenly sliced by a striking sound.
Undyne and I exchanged a momentary look of confusion before exiting the alleyway to investigate. The streets nearby were empty. Not a soul could be seen for miles. The buildings were either closed or abandoned.
Brrrrrrrriing!! Brrrrrrring!!
“Someone’s calling that phonebooth over there!” Undyne pointed out.
Sure enough, she was right! Wowie!
A phonebooth stood diligently under the relentless rain, the yellow glow of the street lamps highlighting it like a spotlight on a stage. The phone inside vibrated and giggled to itself, ringing cheerfully, clearly excited after such a long time without use.
The ringing stopped.
A moment of silence.
Brrrrrrrring!! Brrrrrrrrrrriiing!! The ring sounded annoyed now, as if it did not like being ignored.
“I doubt someone would call twice on accident,” Undyne grumbled, walking into the booth.
Well! I certainly wasn’t about to be left out of a mysterious phone call! I followed quickly after her, stuffing myself into the glass contraption. It clearly was not designed for two people, especially two fairly tall, muscular, and handsome monsters such as ourselves, but I refused to be left out!
“Paps, you’re elbowing my gills!”
“Did you have to close the booth door too!?”
“Could you at least answer the damn phone!?”
With a determined grunt, Undyne forced herself through our tangled limbs and managed to finally answer the impatient phone. “Who is this?” she asked through gritted fangs.
“Finally, darling, you answer! I thought I’d have to wait another millennium for the cavemen to understand technology!”
I’d recognize that voice anywhere! Sassy! Surly! Serious! Sensuous?
“Mettaton,” Undyne growled. “How’d you know we’d be here?”
The voice in the phone let out a luxurious laughter. “My my! Unlike you folks, I only act the fool! Where else would a couple of deadbeat detectives go when they haven’t even examined the crime scene yet? Of course you’d be here!”
“IT WAS A LITTLE OBVIOUS,” I yelled into a corner, unable to turn my skull to face the phone.
I couldn’t see it, but I felt Undyne rolling her eye. “All right, all right,” she sighed. “What do you want, tin can?”
“Nice comeback,” the phone sassed. “While I am loathed to ask for help from plebeians so far beneath me--”
“Didn’t stop you before,” Undyne interrupted, her voice filled with a spicy sarcasm.
“OOH, NICE ONE, UNDYNE!” I tried to high-five her, but I wasn’t quite sure where my hands were at the moment.
The static voice on the line stalled, clearly losing his cool. “You realize you just admitted yourselves to be plebeians?” The computer composed himself with certainty. “Ah, but we should save our insults for the courtroom.”
“Get on with it!” she commanded.
“Alphys,” the phone said dramatically, causing a stir in my heart and most likely Undyne’s too! “She hasn’t been picking up the phone. I’m worried about her. She hasn’t been doing well since she took the stand. Not that she was all daisies and buttercups before the trial.”
Undyne was flustered. I could feel her muscles much too clearly tense up in anger. “The ‘Marvelous Mettaton’ can’t cheer her up?”
“For reasons unbeknownst to me, Alphys respects and cares deeply about you,” Mettaton continued, his voice serious for once. “I think she’d feel much better seeing you.”
Undyne tightened her grip around the phone, threating to crush it. She didn’t reply.
“Well!” The voice huffed. “I tried my best to communicate with the brute! I can’t be blamed for not showing sympathy for my dear Alphys now!” I could hear him shrugging somehow!? “She’s a smart girl. Alphys will learn one day she doesn’t need you to be happy. Ciao, darlings!”
“Hey, wait, you –” Undyne soon found herself talking to a dial tone. With a grumpy grunt, she slammed the phone back on its receiver. “Ngaaah.”
Hearing a sadness in her voice, I attempted to comfort my partner by patting her on the shoulder. Unfortunately, I think my arm had fallen off somewhere and I ended up tenderly stroking her boot. Close enough?
It took her a while to respond. “We can’t just drop the case right now, we don’t have time for distractions.”
I knew she wanted to see Alphys. Undyne worried over her, but she also worried about the case. She was worried about too much. It was time for a strong handsome guy like me to take charge!
“You sure?” Undyne asked.
I felt a warm smile creep across her face. It was a little unsettling, honestly, because I wasn’t even sure how or what piece of me got there.
“Thanks, Pap. Let’s get moving, then.”
Dear Friends and Family,
I’m leaving. I made a fool of myself in front of the whole city. I screamed and yelled about a stupid TV show during a murder case for god’s sake. I mean, I’ve done worse. Much worse. But this was the breaking point.
I’ve worked myself half to death, and for what? I’ve done nothing but hurt others and lie. I’m ashamed. So ashamed. I never stood up for myself where it counted. Only for anime or manga or something stupid like that. Maybe I could have changed things.
I know what it means to run away now. I know the people I’ll hurt, I know the things I’ll leave behind to die. But I can’t keep doing it anymore. This is the only way I can get it to stop. I’m too pathetic to do it any other way. At least when I leave, it’ll be forced to end. It won’t be my problem anymore, I won’t exist here.
Sorry, Undyne.
Sorry, Mettaton.
Sorry, Asgore.
I don’t expect anyone to forgive me.
“Dude, should we, like, tell him?”
“Yeah, you’re right, defo should tell him as soon as possible, brah.”
Two men in pinstripe suits stood before the apartment door, reading the somber note with shadowed eyes. I-
“Papyrus!” Undyne scolded. “There’s no time to write in your little notepad, right now! We have to go, now!”
Aw. She was right, I suppose. I was running out of space on my notepad anyway, and there’s a time and place for-
“Papyrus, come on already!!”
“Turn here! Here! Hurry!” Undyne demanded, pointing her claw directly in front of my face as if that helped me turn better. 
“BUT THERE’S A STOP SIGN!” I protested.
“It’s late, no one’s out, just go!”
Against my better judgement, I turned left at the stop sign, only slowing down instead of coming to a stop like the law demands. I felt dirty, but this was important to Undyne!
“HOW ARE YOU SO SURE SHE’S HERE?” I asked, tires screeching under the slick asphalt as we slid to a stop.
Undyne was already halfway out the car door. “It’s the closest train station to her house, the quickest way out of the city.” Her voice grew distant as she ran through the doors ahead of me.
I was never one for running, especially through slippery rainy streets. Not that I can’t run with the best of them! But my legs tend to get caught around my coat or cracks or vines or the like. Surprisingly a lot of vines in the city!
After checking my car was legally parked, locked and secured, and the mirrors were still in the correct position, and my umbrella was at the ready, and my hat was still firmly planted on my skull, I made my way into the station.
Compared to the gloomy dark outside, the station was a wonderful golden yellow inside! Although, at this time of night, there wasn’t a soul to be seen. I expected to find Undyne stomping around, shouting, and literally turning this place upside down, but strangely enough, my fishy partner stood silently, staring out at the station.
What could stop Undyne at a time like this?
Through the glass doors, out by the tracks, I saw Alphys, sitting quietly alone under the station’s awning, the pitter patter of the rain falling around her. In her hands, she held a Game of Bones manga, but it appeared she was having trouble focusing on it, staring blankly at the pages before her. A roller suitcase stood lonesome by her side, hastily packed. She rested an arm against it, as if it were her only friend in the world.
She didn’t turn to me. “Maybe I shouldn’t.”
Undyne doubting herself again?! What in the world was I missing about my partner?!
Her body stood still, as if held in place by some invisible force. “What if Mettaton was right, Pap? What if I am no good for her?”
Undyne shook her head. “Not just that. It’s my fault things are like this. The things that happened to her, it’s my fault.”
Oh! Does she always have to be so morose and mysterious now!? I get enough of that from my brother as it is! After all the law breaking, I was feeling quite grumpy, so I’m sorry you’ll have to hear this notepad, but…
That worked, apparently! Undyne turned to face me, a look of confusion on her face.
“It’s not that simple,” Undyne started.
Undyne was determined to stay morose. “Alphys won’t want to see me, she’s made up her mind.” I could tell she was at her breaking point, however, as her claws clenched into fists unconsciously.
It was one of my dream scenarios, too! I wonder if I could recreate this scene with Undyne later?
“You’re right, Pap,” Undyne conceded with a nod.
She growled at that, probably having more to say. “I knew you were right, I knew what I was doing was right, but for some reason, something keeps stopping me from doing it.”
A chuckle. A smile. The Great Papyrus’ cheering works again!
“You got me,” Undyne laughed, fangs forming a tight grin. Her doubt was washed away. That dark shadow that loomed on her shoulders eased off, if for just a moment.
A hissing screeched through the black night air as the train pulled sluggishly into the station. Black smoke left its chimney, rolling delightfully up to be with its stormy cloud cousins. The golden glow of the windows looked so inviting under the rain, calling and lulling all passengers to accept its warm embrace. I found myself craving a train trip, too, even.  
“All aboard! ;)” a sweaty voice yelled. Seems Aaron had a night job on the side.
Alphys’ head perked up, hastily packing away her manga. Glasses stared out at the train, lenses shimmering with memories, both good and bad. With a shaking delicate hand, she gripped the handle of her suitcase, looking left and right, more than likely hoping someone would stop her. No one did. She sighed, and walked forward.
“Ngaaaaah!! Don’t you dare take another step toward that train, punk!��� Undyne roared, crashing through the station’s doors, glass shards raining down along with the droplets now.
Alphys turned a bright shade of white, scared out of her mind. “U-Undyne?!”
Spear in hand, glass crunching beneath her boots, Undyne cackled. “That’s right! I’m not letting you leave so easily!”
So many emotions ran across her face. Most of all: confusion. I think Alphys had pictured this being a bit more romantic in her head, as did I. “I-I um?”
A spear landed dangerously close to Alphys, blocking her way towards the train’s entrance. The cement creaked and cracked under pressure. “Running away is for cowards!”
Is this what romance is like?! “UNDYNE, I’M NOT SURE-”
“I know you’re not a coward, Alphys!” Undyne growled, her wet hair blowing heroically in the rainy wind. “I know you’re stronger than this, I know you’re smarter than this!”
At that, Alphys actually grew angry, too. Her pale scales turned crimson as she gripped the glowing light spear dented into the cement beneath her. “W-what do you know!? Y-you don’t know me! I-I am a weak coward!” she shouted, tossing the spear back at Undyne with the force of a lightning bolt.
The daring detective dodged to the side, her eye lighting up as she watched the spear explode into the side of the station in a flash of lights and debris.
“Oh, but I do! I know you better than you know yourself, punk!” Another spear was sent flying towards the scruffy little lizard girl.
“I-is that a c-challenge?!” Alphys retorted, catching the spear with her bare hands easily.
“Ladies, please, ;)” Aaron whimpered, sweating bullets near the train’s entrance. “You’re terrifying me with your incredible muscles ;)” Honestly, I couldn’t tell if he was upset or having the time of his life.
The girlfriends continued their quarrel, his pleas and cries for help drowned out by their uh, romance? “I know how much you love your weird game, Tales of Kissie Cutie!”
“D-don’t bring that up!” Alphys said, either blushing with embarrassment or red with blind rage as she lobbed another dangerous electric spear back towards Undyne.
The attack proved too quick for Undyne, or maybe she didn’t care to dodge. The magical weapon exploded straight into her chest on impact, scorching her already battered coat, singing the fabric. “Ha! There’s no need to be embarrassed of what you’re passionate about! That’s why I love you! Even if it is something as lame as a video game,” Undyne yelled, eye flaring. “You give it your all!”
“B-but!” Alphys countered, glasses fogged. “I-I d-don’t give it my all t-to anything else! I-I’m running away from everything that actually matters right now! T-that’s proof!”
Undyne’s fangs shimmered under the moon’s white light with a wild grin. Alphys stepped right into her trap, it looked like. “More like proof against it, nerd!” Spears materialized all around Alphys’ body, completely surrounding her with razor sharp edges. “You’re willing to leave everyone you love, leave everything you know to stop them! And it’d work too! If that’s not passion, if that’s not strength, I don’t know what is!”
“I-I, uh!” Alphys stumbled over her words, eyes darting for something to help her berate herself. “I-I don’t know about that!” she yelled lamely, hands curled into fists.
Undyne walked forward slowly, each step smashing the cement under her power. “Well I do, punk!” Her voice was more of a menacing growl now as she loomed over Alphys, spears keeping her trapped in place. “I respect your passion, I respect your effort! But I won’t let you leave.”
The trapped scientist couldn’t meet her gaze anymore. Her words became soft, scared. “B-but what else can I do?”
Spears vanished, fangs hid themselves away. “Nothing,” Undyne breathed, snatching Alphys up and holding her in a tight, loving embrace. “You don’t need to do anything anymore,” she said sweetly. “I’ll handle it.”
A gasp, a mumble. “But!”
“No buts, nerd,” Undyne whispered, stroking her head with the softest touch. “I’m going to take care of it. I mean it. I won’t let you leave, whether you like it or not.”
“I don’t want to go,” she replied through gasping breaths. “I w-won’t go.”
And with that, Undyne dropped her girlfriend onto the cold wet concrete with an ungraceful plop. “Ha! I knew it! I win!” she gloated, laughing.
Wowie! That was so cool! If this is what relationships are like, I certainly need to get my hands on one! Who would have thought the correct way to profess your love was by throwing dangerous exploding spears at each other?! I’m glad I had you around for this, notepad, so I could write all this down just in case I need pointers.
Hmm, now that I think of it… When Undyne and I first met, we had a dramatic fight like this too. Could it have been love at first sight? Oh no, notepad! I’m not ready to face my feelings like this!! Let’s just bury this away like all good grizzled detectives do, okay?!
“Oww! U-Undyne!!” Alphys whined, rubbing her sore behind. “W-why do you always have to do things like that?”
Her face was red, practically steaming, but she continued to laugh anyway. “Romance is lame! I proved my point! That’s all that matters!”
The mousy little dino let out a sigh, unable to muster up the energy to challenge her anymore. “H-how did you find me anyway?”
“Babe, I’m a detective,” Undyne said matter-of-factly.
“W-well, not really, you don’t have a private detective license or anything…”
License? To be a detective?! How absurd! That’s like needing a license to be a lawyer!
Alphys shook her head, as if disagreeing with my inner musings. “T-that’s not the p-point though. How are you g-gonna take care of it, Undyne?”
A whistling screeched through the rainy weather, the cry of the train as it chugged away from the station. Undyne’s grin disappeared like a terrible magic trick nobody wanted to see. “I’ll figure it out.”
That didn’t satisfy her girlfriend. “T-that’s not g-good enough! I-I n-need to know w-when!” Alphys’ voice trailed off. “Or else…”
A shake of her head, Undyne frowned harder, but her eye emitted courage this time. “Tomorrow. For sure.”
Boy, I wish I knew what was going on here! I felt like quite the third wheel! I know third wheels are very practical, though!!
“H-how?” Alphys mumbled, skeptical.
Undyne crossed her arms, mulling something over in her mind. “Papyrus?”
Oh!! That’s me! “YES!?” I asked, eagerly, willing to do anything for my best friend.
“I want to take over the court case tomorrow.”
“By myself,” she added, sounding a little guilty.
Wowie. I, um?? Notepad, I know I said I’d do anything for her, but I really like this case! Besides, how could she go on without me?! She needs me!
“I’m sorry, I know it’s something you’re looking forward to,” Undyne sighed.
I coughed nonchalantly. “COUGH! COUGH COUGH!!! OH THAT’S A DISCREET COUGH!” I coughed, proud of my acting ability. You see, notepad, I was stalling for time, trying to think of how to change her mind!
“Pap, I know you’re upset about what I’m asking,” Undyne said, that eye staring right through my stoic manly form. “You’re very clearly sweating somehow, you’re shaking, and you’re really scribbling down on your notepad.”
Impossible! How could she see through my impenetrable façade!?
Maybe she really doesn’t need me? Maybe she’s learned from all my detective and lawyer prowess, and she’s ready to go on her own?
“I want you to watch over Alphys for me, tomorrow.”
The girlfriend in question stamped her foot on the ground, splashing a puddle roughly. “I-I d-don’t need a b-babysitter!”
Alphys gave my statement a bit of concern. “I d-don’t think I even w-want to know why you-,”
Undyne’s one-eyed gaze shifted from Alphys to me, from soft and loving, to determined. “Yeah,” she nodded. “But I can’t be sure of what will happen tomorrow. I need a big strong hero to protect my princess, you see?”
Nyeh heh! Well! I am quite big and strong! I can see why Undyne would choose me to protect her damsel from any distress! This could potentially be even more important than the trial!
“I’LL TAKE THE CASE!” I shouted heroically.
Undyne smiled at me, a look of pride shimmering in her rainy scales. “I knew I could count on you. You do know what heroes do to protect princesses right?”
That was easy! “FIGHT OFF EVIL-DOERS, OF COURSE!” I flexed, nyeh-heh-hehing. Oh, if only Aaron was still here, he’d be so impressed!
“Nah, nah, that’s totally lame now!” Undyne shook her head. “Heroes these days use cool get away cars if they’re in danger! They drive away as fast as they can, taking the princess, and doing sick tricks all the way!”
Wowie! Times sure have changed! I had no idea that’s what all the hip heroes were doing! “BUT, UNDYNE! THAT SOUNDS AN AWFUL LOT LIKE RUNNING AWAY?” And running away isn’t heroic or manly!
Brushing off my statement, Undyne replied, “Pshaw, not at all! Driving away in the Bonemobile in style is running away? No, there’s no evidence to support that at all, Pap!”
Hmm! My partner raised an intriguing point! I can see why heroes would do such daring feats of driving now! It keeps the princess safe, and it means any evil-doers don’t have to be harmed in the process! It’s brilliant really! The wonders of modern heroism never cease to amaze me!
“WOWIE! YOU’RE RIGHT!” I said with a grin. I turned to Alphys, bowing with fedora in hand. “I’LL GUARD YOU WITH MY LIFE, M’LADY!”
Alphys grimaced. “Please don’t do that.”
A hearty laughter boomed through Undyne’s fishy face as she slapped me on the back too roughly again. “I knew I could count on you, Pap!”
My spine ached at the spot of impact, but I wasn’t about to show it! “OF COURSE! AND I KNOW YOU CAN WIN THE TRIAL TOMORROW! I BELIEVE IN YOU, UNDYNE!”
Alphys held Undyne’s hand tenderly. “I b-believe in you, t-too.”
Her smile flinched, her laughter became unsteady, but just for a moment. She held strong. “Yeah. Yeah! I’ll win. I’ll fix everything.”
Nyeh-heh-heh! Now, notepad, I wish I could write more to you! We had such a great slumber party over at Alphys’ house! We rewatched Game of Bones, all night! Alphys kept yelling at how the show got it wrong, and telling us how the manga did it better. It was such a fun time! I would go over it in detail, but I’m running out of room, and you’re out of pages! Oh, darn it, and I can’t find my extra notepad anywhere!
Well, I’ll have to find myself another one sometime later. Sorry I couldn’t tell you how the case ended! Anyway, we’ve had some great times, notepad, and I’m confident things will be even better tomorrow! This is the end for you and me, but I’ll keep you close, and your new brother will join you with new stories soon enough! Write to you later, notepad!
The Great Detective Papyrus!!!!!!!
6 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 7 years
To Survive is Not to Live, C1 - Esminey
Chapter Summary: Katya runs into a bit of trouble, The Haus of Edwards get separated, and we get an idea of what happens when Justin, Jerrick, Jeremy, and James get into a plane. Also, hey Adore, I just saw Adore gurl!
A/N: Hey, so, Sharon doesn’t appear on this one cuz reasons. Her story continues next chapter. That’s all I really have to say so… don’t forget to review, I guess…?
Trigger Warning for the whole story: Blood, Gore, Tragic back stories, People that are trigger happy, self-harm, smut, etcetera etcetera…
Chapter One,
Your Inner Saboteur is Calling
Katya paused from driving when he heard something like glass crash on top of his truck. Slowly, he lets the tainted window down and moves to look outside but stops when he hears a gunshot.
“Barbra, Should I go outside and check?”
“I don’t know, did you even watch The Walking Dead, you fucking retard?”
“But I have to see, Barbra. Trish, you agree with me, right?”
“It’s dangerous, you have to think about your mother!”
“What if they’re surrounded? What if they’re bad people? What if they wanna feed you to the undead?”
Another gunshot.
Katya only then realized that he was in Greenwood, Indianapolis. A place that he thought was supposed to have less people for the bad typhoon Indianapolis went through on November of last year.
Katya looks at the flamethrower from the passenger seat and clutched the revolver on his belt tightly. Cautiously, he climb the side of his seat to look at the roof. What he saw wasn’t glass but a broken glass bottle of Pabst beer.
Another gunshot. This one was louder, more closer, but from above instead of from the ground…
Katya looks up. She sees a three story apartment building that was wide enough to cover one half of the block.
“Barbra… I think someone’s on top of that building…”
“So what if someone’s on top of that building, Katya? You can’t help them-
“But what if they’re shooting and they’re stuck and they’re actually good people!”
“How are you even gonna get up there?”
Katya paused from his monologue, looks around, a few seconds later, he spots an alleyway.
“That alley must have a fire-escape…”
“I’m not walking all the way there.”
“Fine, Let’s drive, Barbra!”
Katya gets back in the driver seat, the window now pulled up halfway as he slowly drives to the alleyway. Katya surveyed the alley…
“Trish, is it safe?”
“No flesh-eating monsters… yet, Barbra…”
“So let’s make this quick, Katya-
“Wait! How should you plan to do this?”
“Take a peek first, if the person doesn’t look… suspicious… then we can try, like, asking them if they wanna join us on our mission to get to Charlotte.” Katya says firmly
Adore woke up with a gasp, cold sweat covered him, and the anxiety started to rise. His older brother that was in the bottom bunk felt the the sudden jolt, and knew immediately what was needed to be done;
“Danny… Danny, calm down. Danny, it’s okay. Breathe, Danny. Breathe. It’s okay, we’re gonna be okay…”
At times like these, Ernie felt most helpless- and he had a reason as well, that reason being; Their beloved mother was now dead, and their two older siblings weren’t communicating. Add that to the fact that Adore and himself were on the verge of a mental breakdown.
“Why are we here? What are we even doing? What’s the point in living now, Ernie?” Adore asked as he sobbed on his older brother’s chest.
“I don’t know… but we need to keep going, you know that. We have to. For mom.” Ernie said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince Adore.
Adore thought about the irony and smiled a little; “We’re house hopping, stealing from potentially dead people, and you’re saying this is for mom?”
Ernie chuckled. “We’re almost in the Los Angeles Sanctuary, so we can’t give up now…”
“You think we’ll be there by the end of tomorrow?”
“If we get a car, we’ll be there before noon.”
“Okay… I’m okay now, let’s go back to sleep.” Adore insists
“As long as you don’t have anymore nightmares.”
“How much longer to Tampa?” Alyssa asked
“Tomorrow morning, at best. We’re gonna stop over for gas somewhere in Loxley later, momma…” Shangela answered
“Finally, I’m so hungry, I could eat a cow.” Plastique responds
“Me and Mike could scavenge.” Vivienne offered as he looks at Mike that was asleep, leaning on the window.
Laganja spoke up; “I’m with the Danehoos. Gia?”
“We should find someplace to rest up for the night once we get there.” Gia says
“Yeah, it’ll probably be dinner time when we get there.” Shangela adds
Loxley, Alabama;
“I’ll help Shangela get the gas, and get some supplies here. The rest of us has to scavenge, find a place to sleep. Meet back here, before sunset. Keep the group together and don’t go far.” Alyssa tells them.
Tiara, Gia, Laganja, Shangela, Vivienne and Mike all gave a nod.
“What time is it?”
“It’s Four Seventeen.”
“Alright. Before Sunset, Everyone.”
The rest of the group starts walking away from the empty gas station, while Alyssa and Shangela tried to figure out how to work a gasoline pump.
After a phone call from Tabitha, Alyssa became… robotic wasn’t the word… driven was more like it, but emotionless was a good word to describe the usually emotion-driven drag queen. Only one thing was for sure, Alyssa’s sister and her family was on their way to the Tampa Sanctuary. And Alyssa was all for planning everything so nothing goes wrong on their way to get there. It was the nearest Sanctuary, and all their families were going there, except for Laganja’s parents- Laganja’s sister and her wife were the only ones left of Laganja’s family, even Little Dabbers didn’t escape Dallas unscathed.
Vivienne could relate though, Alyssa told her that Marco proposed and that they were planning a small, private Spring Wedding- not even Laganja knew yet. Marco was Alyssa’s world, his everything, his rock, his best friend, his soul mate, his muse- Marco was, in a word, Alyssa’s secret. And Alyssa was Marco’s everything as well. Seeing him get bit, as Mike and Marco held off the zombies from their trail, it was scary because it could’ve been any of them.
LAX, January 5, 2021 - Tuesday (before the fall);
“Gay Things - Drag Queen Diaries, by Jinkx Monsoon and Alaska Thunderfuck… What a title!” Jeremy compliments
“It’s not official yet, darling. If we can impress some people in the Alexander Kasser Theater, We’ll be playing our first act in PAC.” Jinkx tell him
“I am so excited for the both of you!” James wiggles in his seat in excitement.
“I’m nervous for the both of us-
"Skype Willam or Courtney, Alaska.” Jinkx suggests
“They’re in Dublin with Lady Bunny though, do you think their show is done by now?” Alaska asked
“You never know if you don’t check…” Jeremy tells her
“Do any of you want anything? I’m gonna grab a coffee.” James asked
“I always end up needing tea before a flight, can you get me ginger tea, no sugar?”
“Will do, Jinkxy, Jer? Lasky?”
“Black coffee.”
“I have a bad feeling about this…” Alaska confessed “Maybe we should re-schedule our flights, I mean… look, there’s obviously something wrong that they’re not telling us…”
Jeremy, Jinkx and James looked at the airplane. It’s true that there were more employees attending to their airplane than normal.
“Maybe some really important Government official is boarding the plane?” Jeremy suggested
“Come on, Alaska. It’s probably nothing, you’re just nervous cuz we’re really gonna do this!” James gushed
“Yeah, it’s really happening…” Jinkx smiled
“Okay fine, let’s go. Let’s do this!” Alaska cheered
‘Half an hour into the five hour flight to New Jersey and Jinkx was already asleep. Figures.’ Alaska thought. He then turned to look at Jinkx’ best friend, James. Yeah, he was also asleep. So Alaska turned to Jeremy, his best friend, who was also apparently asleep. 'To think they were all so much more excited than I am. Only to fall asleep on the way there…’
Alaska re-adjusts her seat to lean back like Jinkx’ seat. Alaska tried in vain to fall asleep- but it just won’t do. It was a nervous tick of his to clutch his curls, or comb through his wig; in this case it was the former since he wasn’t wearing a wig. Alaska then clutched the water bottle next, then deciding maybe some water can help his anxiety. After quenching his thirst, Alaska figured maybe his phone could help distract him.
Alaska opens Snapchat, his eyebrows scrunched together when the app took longer to load it’s recommended snap stories than usual- because that meant he’d have to wait even longer for the snaps to flow in. Alaska records a video; sleeping Jinkx, James and Jeremy included.
“Okay, I gotta go pee now, byyyeee…”
Locking her phone again, Alaska stands up, walks all the way down the aisle, to the bathroom. After a few seconds, Alaska exits the bathroom, glances left, right then center, still feeling a little bit unsure of the flight. A moan came from the curtain separating their part of the plane from the other part of the plane. Curiosity piqued her interest, Alaska leans into the big, thick, dark blue curtain, slightly and slowly opening it a bit…
His eyes widen, and his breath hitched.
The section of the plane after theirs; It’s occupied by two doctors seated parallel rows to each other, both of them with two laptops each, their hands gloved, their faces with the signature light blue hospital mask. But that wasn’t all- no, the rest of the section was occupied by at least ten humans? sick humans? patients? what were they? …Were they dead?
'They look dead…’
Wires upon wires upon wires connected to various things. The humans looked like they were decaying corpses, the fact that not one of them had their eyes open added to the theory.
Very suddenly, one of those humans opened their eyes to reveal slit pupils. It started groaning, but apparently the laptop gave out a beep once, alerting both doctors that one of their patients is now awake. The doctor on the right column stood up with a syringe on hand, then spots the now awake corpse and approached it. Alaska watched as the doctor injects the syringe into his patient, effectively making it fall back into sleep. Alaska felt goosebumps in her skin, he suddenly wants to get off of the plane.
“We’re gonna go for a quick smoke, kay?” Laganja informed them, Plastique in tow.
“Okay, but don’t leave the house!” Vivienne yelled as he helped his husband and Gia gather canned food from the kitchen.
“Let’s go to the rooftop.” Plastique decided
After finishing a whole pack between the two of them, Laganja was just about to open a new one when she heard something metal fall. Plastique and her shared wide eyed look, both thinking the same thing 'Alyssa and Shangela’. Both of them run to the side of the roof where the sound came from, and sure enough, the eight-seater gray Highlander was driving madly off-road. Plastique took hold of Laganja’s arm, her left index finger pointing behind the car- just a few feet away, more than a dozen crazy, hungry zombies were running after them.
“Jesus Christ…” Laganja murmured
“They’re driving towards the out bounds”
“is that a smart move… or?”
“I don’t know… m-maybe they’re driving to lose the z-zombies…” Plastique swallowed aloud.
“Come on, we should tell Vivi, she’ll know what to do.”
14 notes · View notes
Bungou Stray Dogs 24 (FINAL) | Flip Flappers 11 - 13 (FINAL) | Classicaloid 11 - 12 | ConRevo 19 - 24 (FINAL)
I’m currently having trouble with Crunchyroll videos, so it may take a while to get to some of their stuff...
Yellow + blue = green, not blue.
Dramatic falls really shouldn’t take that long.
Get out, Igarashi humour.
Oh! Hell~o, Fyodorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Face stealing aliens…again.
Aww…sweet reunions.
Just one word from Dazai and he (Akutagawa) falls backwards, LOL.
Blue background, white and black text. Huh, nice colour palette.
LOL, Ango. You’re back.
Whoa?! Was that in the manga, that Herman was the Guild leader two gens back?!
Smol whale…aww.
Twain, you dumb butt. Stop working on your biography.
Lovecraft’s eyes were showing just as he dove into the water. (sarcastically->) Creepy.
Why a tomato during the “Cheers?!”
LOL, did I only just notice the ahoge on Kyouka? Yeah…I guess.
That was me…y’know. End of 2016 apology?
Ahaha, sweet lil’ Poe. That’s me though.
What a lolicon you are, Mori.
Whose painting is that? But…Dazai, you apparently once did a horrible self portraint…
Fyodor looks so good animated! Aww yeah!
…Dazai, you mean Shin Soukoku, yeah?
“My friend said to me…”
Teni Muhou is, of course, an Oda work,
“See you…” – Huh? This is even more open ended than “See you next level” and such. It’s a complete “in the air” thing! I wonder, since Bungou seems to be very popular amongst the Japanese fans, will we meet again?
Flip Flappers 11
Uhh…what now? I’m so confused…so Mimi = Cocona’s mother and yet a doppelganger of her?
Bu-chan basically wet himself…eww.
That shot of Sayuri, with Hidaka behind her, was vaguely disturbing due to the angle…(By the way, Hadaka = no clothes whatsoever, Hidaka = the name of the pink haired character. I’ve only now made that connection.)
Ick, reaaaaaaaaally compromising shot there between her (Mimi? Cocona’s mother?) legs.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay. Now it makes sense regarding Cocona and her mother.
Honestly, where are all the guns coming from?! Salt probably had one in his jacket but Nyunyu probably didn’t. She doesn’t even have a jacket!
Back to being confused. Meanwhile, Elpis.
Who is Cocona’s dad, by the way?
A middle aged man bowing down to a young girl? Now that, in Japanese culture, is desperate.
Flip Flappers 12 
I only just realised when Sayuri said their names, but Papika and Yayaka are very similar names. I hope Cocona never gets confused between the two.
That mailbox looks like a mushroom…or worse…hahahaha. Sorry, won’t tell you what it looks like to me. You’ll have to figure it out for yourself.
Yayaka’s got a lot of attitude – I like it.
Hidaka’s EYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSss! They’re NORMAL! Dang, the sight of Hidaka’s normal eyes makes my own eyes BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnn! ARGH!
Yeah…one does not simply have an emergency button labelled “Muscle”, ‘kay?
Idiom mode? Someone get these guys a dictionary.
“Why do you wish…”
That was one of the fastest KOs I’ve ever seen of a final boss. Ever.
That hand in the ED (during the part where Bu-chan becomes a duck)! That’s what it means!
My video keeps stopping at weird spots in the next ep teaser, which shows that one of the images is the muscular monster Cocona and Papika kicked the butt off before, but in blue. Another is a mixture of the worlds, but there’s the kanji for “snow” in one corner. One with Papika and Cocona shows that they’re rough sketches for the show. Oh, whatever…here you go. Some screenshots I took for this express purpose.
Flip Flappers 13 (FINAL)
How did she eat the watermelon with all the seeds in it? I once at a watermelon’s black seed at a buffet…and it ended with me barfing! (I haven’t quite liked watermelon as much since and since it was my favourite fruit up until then, I’ve never really been into fruit since. Haha.)
Okay, we still don’t know who Nyunyu is…
Giant artichokes! At least, that’s what I thought when Nyunyu shot Bu-chan’s brain.
Oh my…that’s some fine Salt you’ve got there! (tee hee)
Scary trees remind me of the ED.
Yay! Beast man Uexkull came back!
Bu-chan…he LIVES!
It seems highly likely Salt is Cocona’s father. My brain can’t quite wrap itself around that fact.
Sailor Lune. LOL.
I think “School Investigator” (School Keiji, shown on a wall while Sayuri looks away) is a Sukeban Deka parody.
Cocona’s in middle school now…wow. Time sure flies, doesn’t it?
Welp, that was slightly confusing, but overall a fun ride. Reminds me of ConRevo, which (at the point of typing) I still need to finish rewatching…
Classicaloid 11
It’s a pretty light episode, but considering that there’s (almost) another season left before we wrap up, it’s allowed.
LOL, I can relate, Schu.
This episode is pretty good when it comes to LOLs - I haven’t laughed like this in a while.
The “JESUS!” in the back was hilarious. (Sorry, Jesus.) Speaking of Jesus…I once saw an ad for this, and Asian Jesus? Whoever decided on that?
What song is this one if they didn’t even use a song this ep? A CLA:KLA song?
“Great Bach says…” – Uh, who’s narrating this? Bach himself?
Classicaloid 12
Ooh, serious mode. They haven’t done that since the guitar contest.
Why is Bach speaking normally?!
What was that, with the beeping…? Cho*bleep*, that is? I dunno.
What’s with those dancers and their makeup?
Hmph. Deep stuff, but I get it.
More bleeping…
Turning point, eh? (Plus, badass helicopter ride. LOL.)
Emails? You weak willed…Sousuke, dangit. Plus, does Mitsuru have a Pad-kun or the Pad-kun?
So Bach is white, as well as dark blue? OK.
Oh no. I just had a hideous fantasy of Schu turning into a fish. It’s more likely Schu will get eaten by the fish instead…or something. *shrugs*
(ConRevo 19)
Terra Australis. I know from history lessons that’s Australia. Magallanica is an alternate name of it.
Uh, definitely not true, Mr Abel Tasman my man.
The ice effect is nice.
Oh, “the tall nail gets the hammer” seems to be a scolding regarding tall poppy syndrome.
Issun boshi aka One Inch Boy. Momotarou…is Momotarou.
The tomb exists. by the way.
Earth-chan went “!!!” at the beam of light, LOL.
Raito’s such a fanboy, albeit a subdued one.
The large object is of course a torii gate.
CGI puzzle…? That’s the weirdest thing I’ll say in a while.
How much would an Equus kick hurt to Koma though? A lot…ouch.
Those red flowers…I recognise them, but I can’t remember their name…*searches* Camellia. That’s the one.
Raito’s face…is so off model, it’s disturbing.
Don’t go around underestimating politicians. (I’m still laughing though...just ignore it…)
Renderer Brace = Satomi, obviously.
(ep 20)
It’s the one Urobuchi episode. I didn’t particularly like it, but when you see what I’m capable of today, I acknowledge I am a hypocrite. The lowest of low beings.
Mekong Delta. That outright confirms it’s Vietnam.
I never really realised how I was so insensitive to POSA colour due to ConRevo…
There’s a distinctly different flavour of story here. Fuurouta, for example, isn’t his usual playful self and is merely a very serious messenger.
Kikko is always treated like a child, huh?
Who’s the bigger monstrosity, Jirou or Jonathan?
At a bar. Just like villains normally hide out.
“National interest”? Global politics taught me that aside from power, national interest is the most paramount thing there is.
El Coco.
The Middle East? Of course, the ol’ fogey saying that isn’t a coincidence, considering 9/11 and such.
“Cursed bogey”? Never heard that one before.
Wasn’t Urobuchi the one who suffered from depression then decided to kill all his characters? Or was that Yoshiyuki Tomino? Update: Yup, it was the Urobutcher I was thinking of, although I got the story wrong.
Those statues seem to be more Cambodia, but meh.
Of course, that’s deinitely the Urobutcher at work now. To think I used to have stories that were similar to his, because I thought I was capable of writing apocaplytic endings and it was much cooler to kill everyone off…huh. Ro.Te.O is such a weird edgelord amongst all of my stories…
(ep 21)
The Kachoudou sign actually says August 31st, not October.
The sign in the alley said “Ko-ruten Street”, but I’m not sure what that means.
What’s better than plain ol’ sakuga? Sakuga explosions!
“[N]one of the things that try to trap us are gone”? The syntax is funny in that phrase.
Yee-haw! Sakuga fight!
“No one called you.” – LOL, Raito.
Judas smokes now. What has the world come to?
Arakawa, eh? They’re trying to make the oil spill be water under the bridge, so to speak…geddit? Haha. (Update: Arakawa Under the Bridge. That’s what it refers to.)
(ep 22)
Welp, here’s the Show Within a Show episode…take it as you will.
Gigantopithecus giganteus.
Semiconductor processor.
Such irony in the “You’re still a boy” between Maki and Fuurouta.
Who’s the girl with the yellow headband with Judas?
(ep 23)
Sometimes I wonder if we all wake up from our dreams someday…I think even rewatching this show and finally understanding it, I’m waking up in my own way too.
CGI Equus. Dangit, I thought this show was above that by now.
I didn’t think about why the iron plate thingy is shaped like a fish. Then I realised…taiyaki. They’re shaped like fish and have those sorts of moulds. Just as Fuurouta says.
I forgot Raito dies…*sobs*
Oh? What’s this? Not a complete episode yet?...(Eheh, I just wanted a chance to invoke a meme or two.)
One helmet with a streetlight behind it looks like a bomb…
ConRevo 24 (FINAL)
Final ep…again.
See? Jiro does look like Cyborg 009!
Daitetsu has grown up to be the symbol of justice for Japan and Imperial Ads and to tear him down would mean even more blasphemy on the state than before, eh?
Waitasec…Satomi is basically the Fitz (Bungou Stray Dogs), but without the blonde hair and the (fake and/or crazy) wife.
Jirou disappeared just like Devila and Devilo.
Mm-hm. I do like me some good shirtless Judas. *thumb up*
Aww, Daitetsu. Being the Rainbow Knight for a new generation. Isn’t that sweet?
Hope we can meet again soon!
0 notes