#it was funny and sweet and fully defined us as a couple
legionofpotatoes · 3 months
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me and the beanie are celebrating our 10 years together ♥️
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addison-dykegomery · 2 days
even their canon ones get sloppy treatment like helm/yasuda? incredible was a waste (why is helm even still there they clearly don’t give af about her) and monica/amelia never gave anything but blah. although i would take blah over the winston shit that was horrible. ik ur rejoicing 😭 bc you want kaimelia back and i love that for you (would love someone other than cristina to uphold their child free stance but im rooting for them resolve the kid thing) but i also don’t trust the writers not to slip a male in there while amelia ‘figures’ things out for like, that bisexual ‘rep’ or something idk. just a vibe i get.
also i so agree about catherine. they’ve always written her as cartoonishly evil but the actress pulls it off so well. everyone hates her but mean women are sexy sustain me and she’s never shit on my fave so she’s okay in my book idc lol. i kinda found everyone else boring this ep. jo/link esp. they need to be written off sooo badly because literally who gives a fuck. duller than dirt and idgaf about their fetus either like but other than zola and tuck, the kids on this show add absolutely nothing. 2/3
i'm honestly not that offended at how they treat lesbian ships because isn't that just... how they treat everything? bc the writing sucks and they won't touch the very sensible advice of "follow through with a storyline" with a ten foot pole. so
(but i think that's because 95% of my ships have never been canon and never will be, so i'm used to it. let's face it i'm simply more enlightened than the writers 😌)
oh girl i was cackling... i mean as a lesbian i was like damn y'all really baited us for the whole season (well they did like. the bare minimum. but) just to have her end up with this man .. like hmm okay supercorp if it did not slay and they had no chemistry and you bought katie mcgrath from wish
yes, back in s19 i fully believed they would resolve the kid thing. because i mean kaimelia's whole thing is that they're not an "ordinary" couple, like with amelia's speech to teddy about things not needing to be defined in order to be loved etc. like, scout already has two parents, sure it wouldn't be the traditional way of doing things but just bc you're dating someone who's a mom doesn't mean you also need to become a mom/dad. imo at least (but i know literally nothing and maybe this is wishful thinking because i'm only into 45 year olds)
you're so right, like nobody wants to watch that 😭 let amelia shepherd eat pussy 2k24 !
i'm like very anti-children and i hate that all my favs have kids EXCEPT for meredith/zola. i love zola. ever since she came onto the show she was the only kid i could tolerate and i grew to love her even. like she was sooo cute, so smart, never caused any trouble, i loved her adoption storyline, and now as a tween/teen she's also super adorable and a GENIUS like hello?? she rlly became a fav of mine these recent seasons because of the giftedness storyline and how the actress pulled it off (PLUS she's the OG merluca hater like it was sooo funny how much she hated his guts and ALSO inch resting how, when addison visited, she was super sweet and kind to her like ok zola really said meddison rights ! )
tldr she's just the superior grey's kid 🙌
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sugar-petals · 3 years
BTS Scenario: Dating a Tall Girl
a/n. inspired by anon who like me is a honorary member of the ‘taller than my bias’ assembly so let’s treat ourselves shall we 💃
warnings ⚠️  none, all fluff :)
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➸ Taehyung Listen, listen. Here is the MVP. I mean think about it. Why’d you not put a model next to the shining man who embodies Gucci, Dolce, Gabbana, Versace, Armani, Prada, the Italian and French spirit! He can’t help but wanting to put designer clothes and accessories on her and show up together with her to stun at social events. That’s a lot of press and praise they’ll be getting. It’s only logical. Presents galore are on their way, she will be terribly spoiled and revered and he’ll admit he’s absolutely overdoing it. And then again, she’s also his number one cuddlebot and girl to hug in his sleep. No longer embracing pillows for this gent, and you can imagine he is in good hands. To summarize: It’s an all-round good idea.
➸ Seokjin Has been praying for a 6′2 queen for years. Being way on eye level with the number one worldwide handsome man sure is like a knighting or hitting the jackpot. Definitely knows how its like up there and will laugh at silly or embarrassing head bumping stories together with her. Tall life is like being a disoriented stormtrooper in a tiny ass spaceship, let’s be honest. Or they go on endless rants about never finding the right trousers because legs legs legs. Some Jinmoney has to solve that problem with a personal tailor am I right. As for their favorite activity: Jin will paddle out on a lake regularly to do some fishing together. Four long arms have a better chance than just two, so. It’s not the biggest ever deal to him, Seokjin doesn’t think it’s her utmost defining feature in their relationship.
➸ Yoongi Our open-minded fella (funny way to put it but you’ve heard him destroying ideal type stereotypes at fansigns a hundred times) who, despite being the smallest in the group, aims high in his usual manner. What Yoongi wants, Yoongi loves, and Yoongi gets. Or... does he date her to feel extra cute? Maybe so, maybe so! If he admits it, he’s a little bit jealous of her height, but also deeply protected. What other gf could feel like home and have such major roommate vibes. In his practical mind, and with time in particular, things get much more sorted out. If she has what he can’t have, and he himself is perky pocket size, why not fully capitalize on it. Yoongi will also draw inspiration for his songs out of her looks. 
➸ Jimin So, the sweet mochi man it is. A more difficult case. Will, as you might already suspect, take some time to get used to this when it plays out in daily life. But I think he’s gonna realize something. Just because he’s the tiny one, it doesn’t mean he’s less loved or gets overlooked because that’s what he fears, not actually being too smol. In fact, he owns his height really well once he knows he’s not ignored. Now: All the heaps of her affection arguably can’t be stored in his height but surely in his fluffy hair that can hold all the compliments in the world. So there’s that. What is gonna be immense fun to him is doing athletic activities with her. It’s always a sexy thing to do couple yoga or latin dance as a height difference pair. I think at the bottom of his heart, Jimin knows he makes the best little spoon.
➸ Hoseok What he thinks about her height? Swag! Looks up to her literally and figuratively and he enjoys it. Meanwhile, a lot of situational comedy will arise, I’m telling you. Hobi is going to tease her a bit for her occasionally lanky dancing if he dares. Maybe after a beer or two. She will simply say it’s ‘exquisitely Namjoonesque’ and call it a day. Nobody in their right mind will argue about their own jopping skills in front of Jung Hoseok. Now, in all seriousness. If his mixtape is blasting she will unlock new levels of moving her body, what did you think! He is definitely impressed by her physique and you know... the making out will be steamy out in public because this girl makes Hoseok reckless oh my god.
➸ Namjoon Talk about Joonie. We’ve heard he likes tall girls. And hey, the man is equipped with delicious logic, he got this figured out from the start. You gotta make the couple proportions work you know. So of course he won’t hesitate to ask her out once he worked out her character and if he’s her taste. Past that point, overcautious Namjoon is out the door, RM will take over from there. All of town quickly spreads the word because this double tower power simply cannot be overlooked strutting down the pavements. And, man. If Namjoon doesn’t come along with someone who can’t pinch his dimples, all that architectural efforts that God exerted when creating RM was for naught. Yeah boy, this is what a viking couple looks like. 
➸ Jungkook Frequent things he will say under his breath in reaction to her: “Just like Tyra Banks!” — “Blake Lively style!” — and even: “That was like Namjoon did it!” — Long story short, Jungkook can’t really hide his mixture of complete adoration and envy. How the world is like in her eyes is the most interesting thing to him, no wonder he’s always found by her side. So, it takes him a while to settle for a more moderate feeling about the height difference. He’s the kinda guy who formerly wished to be taller but has started to accept that he is somewhere in the middle where it’s actually a very comfortable spot as he learns. He likes to sit down with her to brush her hair or give a back massage.
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art: Windflowers (1903) — by John W. Waterhouse
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eurekq · 3 years
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>be me >today i will make a height chart for my da protags and their love interests >okay maybe ill make it an outfit and color reference too >well i dont want it to be too boring to look at >draw this
so here we are with all my sweet little ladies and their lis :]!!! from left to right: cassie cousland, marian hawke and anders, aoife lavellan and cullen, rhiannon tabris and alistair, cecelia hawke and fenris, melly cadash and sera
LOTS of extra stuff under the cut!!!
lovely da protag templates are from marian churchland!
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dear sweet cassie, partaker in the forbidden non-romantic alistair marriage that the game never knows how to acknowledge. very much the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss. and by that i mean a genuinely bad person in the sense that she tends to toy with peoples feelings. had an extremely public affair with anders during the events of awakening. It takes a good 5 years for her and alistairs marriage to be anything even approaching functional. extremely savvy, ambitious, and charismatic; a great politician and an extremely effective ruler. morrigan is her closest friend in the world (yes i know i never had her in my party. thats because im bad at video games and needed a healer.) and they’re like sisters.
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my default hawke. 6′2, buff as shit, slept her way through half of her friends before finally settling with anders. she’s a blood mage and her first use of blood magic was during a particularly nasty fight where she got speared through the stomach. she carves herself up for mana; anders puts her back together. does things in anger and impulse and then regrets them (see: giving isabela to the arishok, never reconciling with carver after leandras death). mean if you dont know her, intensely protective if you do, but takes betrayal extremely poorly. constantly taking action, even if it doesn’t turn out very well; she is physically incapable of being a bystander. her and anders are my fave da couple ever... ask me about my post da2 hcs <3 theyre happy and have a daughter named bethany :] she punched cullen in the mouth at the end of da2 so hard that it left that scar.
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literally is there anything like your first dai playthrough being an elf. aoife is... remarkably well realized in my brain for a character who’s life began as my friend chanting “goth elf! goth elf! goth elf!” over my shoulder while i was in character creator. very affable and friendly, but extremely politically adept with a capability for subterfuge that even she isn’t fully comfortable with. huge history buff. solas was like a big brother to her and her faith was extremely important to her so trespasser was crushing. very curious, especially about magic; definitely learned some blood magic from hawke after hearing dorian and solas talk about it. dorian is her closest platonic friend, but cullen is her rock. as in he is literally so normal compared to everything else that happens to her and she loves him for it. also her and hawke are friends and a scenario that lives rent free in my mind is them hanging out while anders and cullen attempt to kill each other in increasingly looney toons-esque ways in the background. she turned out remarkably pretty for an inquisitor... look at her
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....and that’s it for my canon timeline. onto the secondary timeline!
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DEAR SWEET RHIANNON. 4′8 powerhouse with a sword longer than she is tall. i first played rhiannon with a friend who was very new to rpgs and she picked all of the mean dialogue options because she thought they were funny, which led to me discovering that alistair reacts oddly and kind of hilariously well to being made fun of by a female warden pre-duncan dying. rhiannon is fun in that she literally gives no shits about conflict avoidance; if you start something with her, she’ll see it through. disliked alistair on principle and poked fun at him when they first met, but after the events at ostagar bonded to him extremely strongly. very close to him pretty much at the exclusion of all her other companions. extremely strong willed, laughs loud and smiles wide, no real concept of subterfuge except for when she’s hiding her own pain, generally goes in the path of least resistance if it gets to her goal faster. #1 arl eamon hater. she looks pretty different when i draw her compared to how she looked ingame but this screenshot of her doing the like. dead deer tinder profile pic pose is extremely powerful
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cecelia is the truest tragic hawke that i’ve played (rip cecelia. you had the misfortune to exist in the warden alistair timeline). lost carver, lost bethany in the deep roads, lost her mother, believes that fenris has left her. act 2; a real rough ride for cecelia. aside from all the tragedy, she’s tough as nails, direct, and extremely blunt. very cautious in combat, even more so since she lost both carver and bethany. plans upon plans upon plans and prefers to strike unseen and unheard from the shadows. DEEPLY in love with fenris, best friends with isabela and merrill. aware of anders affection for her and keeps some distance for both their sakes; after the chantry explosion she helps him fake his own death on the condition that she never sees him again. when terrible things are not constantly happening she has a very dry wit, part of the reason her and fenris get along so well. too many bad things happen to her for someone with such nice thighs and such a stylish cape. her save file had some weird bugs with companion like.... staring???? in weird directions???
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the absolute energy here. she also turned out very pretty in inquisition.
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melly is easily my most powerful da oc. not in terms of in-universe power (although sword and board reaver is like. unkillable.) but in the sense that she is a catholic (read: andrastian) mid-40′s widowed mobster milf. she’s very close to cassandra and vivienne and consults them for advice before she goes to her actual advisors. even she was surprised by her relationship with sera; she finds sera’s unique sense of humor very charming and really likes pulling silly pranks with her as a reprieve from her everyday life. when she’s not with sera, she tends to be very pragmatic and logical when making decisions for the inquisition and has a very defined sense of purpose. she takes her role as both as the inquisitor and the herald of andraste very seriously. she’s very warm and soothing to be around during off hours and random inquisition members will often drift towards her for life advice. first draft of her and sera in this drawing had sera wearing this
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criminalmutantsins · 3 years
My Top 10 Favorite Ducktales Characters
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NO. 10 Hewey Duck
At number 10 is Huey!
Hewey has been my least favorite triplet for most of the series; it by no means he’s a bad character or any of the sorts, Huey is more down to earth compared to other characters. It’s hard to say much about Hewey other than how he’s a sweet, fun character I’m glad is around.
His development in season three was good, though the weakest of the three. Kinda half-baked and rushed, as if the creators thought, “we have to add some Huey development since this is his season.” With Dewey and Louie’s, it felt like their respective seasons revolved around them instead of the other way around. The only episode I really think perfectly gave Huey development and at the same time move the main plot forward fluidly was the “Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!” with the whole Huey vs. Violet rivalry. Y’know what also sucks. Huey wasn’t even that integral to the finale. That annoys me to no end.
Now, I’m going to end this with positive notes.
What got Huey into the list was his sweet nature and how integral he is to the team’s balance. Every team needs someone who represents order and Huey is just that. Plus, his innocent love for romance is so cute. I love the episode where him and Webby were setting a date up for Fenton and Gandra.
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NO. 9 Scrooge McDuck
Scrooge is probably the most interesting protagonist I’ve ever watched. Unlike most of them, he’s more of an anti-hero than a pure hero like Steven Universe or Luz from Owl House.
I don’t really have much to say about him because I don’t love him as much as the characters above him. He probably has the best development- Lena’s rivaling his really well. In the beginning, Scrooge was a grumpy miser but now, thanks to the kids, his heart is softer and more open. His cheapness is annoying, but the good qualities overthrow the bad.
Scrooge most likely would’ve been higher in the list if “The Life & Crimes of Scrooge McDuck” didn’t happen- or at least occurred in season two instead since humility and hard work was the main theme. The writers went overboard showing the audience how bad of a person Scrooge was in the past, especially with him taking advantage of the poor villagers and leaving them in their states-without even helping them. This episode downgraded Scrooge pretty badly.
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NO. 8 Donald Duck
Although on the lower half of the list, I still hold so much love and respect for this version of Donald. He’s such a massive improvement from his previous iteration. The creators made him kind and strong-willed but kept his anger issues. Though, they turned that flaw into a more comedic and positive aspect of Donald since he uses that intense anger to protect his family. Speaking of that, his relationship with the triplets is absolutely adorable. He loves and protects them like a great father, and I’m still a bit peeved that characters didn’t acknowledge that more. Instead, their relationship was sidelined and pretty much haphazardly... replaced-I don’t know if that’s the right word- with May and June.
Another thing that annoyed me was Donald’s voice treatment. The creators pretty much portrayed his speaking problem as a joke, which is terrible. I hope to goodness that children with speaking troubles don’t take those “jokes” to heart because there is nothing wrong with having a different voice. It’s also surprising how much characters mostly don’t understand him when I can seventy percent of the time. This complaint is more towards season one since that was the season where most of the jokes happened.
Anyways, I hope this Donald will start a new beginning for the next iterations of him. A nice guy who has anger issues but means well. Same with him and Daisy’s relationship-another massive improvement the writers did. They are such a great couple from the episodes we got with them and this dynamic should continue.
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NO. 7 Webby Vanderquack
Another character who was massively improved was the great Webby Vanderquack!
In the original series, she was a boring damsel-in-distress with no personality-pretty much like the earliest Disney princesses. The ‘17 creators did such a great job molding reboot Webby into a character who can kill you with kindness or impressive fighting skills. This pink-loving queen is probably the sweetest character I’ve ever met; I just want to hug her.
I love her optimism and caring personality. She was able to change Lena for the better and not give up on her when almost everyone did. Webby is the best friend you can have.
While I’m not fully on board with the Webby finale twist, I really liked how her interest in the McDucks played some big part of the finale. Do I wish it was in different circumstances? Yes, but I’m still glad Webby got an important moment for herself. That interrogation scene was very emotional; seeing Beakley fully breakdown like she did was shocking and really set the mood of how pivotal that moment. I literally almost cried seeing Webby so heartbroken by her grandmother’s lies- this pink baby deserves all the love in the world. At least she found out the truth and gained a parental figure in her life.
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NO. 6 Louie Duck
I’ve gotta admit; I did not like Louie that much at the start of the show. Greedy and selfish characters usually don’t get my love, but season two changed. A lot more depth was added to him such as his insecurities and anxieties. I struggle with these issues and it was nice to see a character show that as well. One of my favorite arcs was Louie’s trouble connecting with Della; it was realistic and not rushed. While watching this season, I was often having trouble connecting with people, even old friends. Sort of having someone experiencing them alongside me made me feel less insecure and lonely.
His development was really good too, from beginning to end. At first, Louie was someone who was willing to execute every angle no matter how much it could hurt his loved ones. Yet, he grew to be a humbler person who now knows the consequences of his angles. A favorite episode of mine is “The Richest Duck in the World” because of this development. Seeing Louie clean the Bombei’s shoes with Scrooge made my heart melt.
What lowered him down to number eight was season three. There were a few episodes that backtracked Louie’s development like “The Trickening” and “The Fight for Castle McDuck” episodes. He was a real jerk towards Huey for no reason. It frustrated me enough to affect this list. And I also prefer other characters more.
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NO. 5 Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
You can’t expect me to not put this quirky and adorable dork in the top five! He’s one of the best boys in the show. Him being voiced by the great Lin-Manuel Miranda does add some bonus points- you can tell I’m a big Hamilton fan.
Like Webby, Fenton was drastically improved. He became this sweet, scatterbrained scientist who only wants to help people. I instantly fell in love with him. And it got even better when Fenton became Gizmoduck- my second favorite DT hero. He deserved so much more screen time, especially in season 3; “Beaks in the Shell” was not a good enough episode for Fenton and his relationship with Gandra. There should’ve been more. The finale moments he had was not satisfying enough, particularly him and DW sort of team up. It was rushed.
If a Darkwing Duck reboot takes place in the ’17 universe then Fenton must be a major character- at least show up in ten episodes a season. A Gizmoduck and Darkwing crossover is essential, and I will riot if it that doesn’t happen. And more Fandra, my fifth -maybe fourth- favorite ship.
I also had a big crush on Fenton back in season one. You can’t help but love him this sweety pie. This pretty much influenced thirty percent of his placement.
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NO. 4 Launchpad McQuack
This muscular dummy is amazing! He brings a sense of comedy and light to every episode he is in. It’s infectious as h*ll!
I liked Launchpad instantly. He’s kind and wants the best for people. Optimistic characters are almost the best characters. They are great reminders of how there are still many good people in the world. Whenever I’m down and watch Ducktales, LP makes me feel a lot better with his dumb yet endearing moments. My favorite jokes are literally LP sending Beakley an invitation saying not to come and when he tried to make small talk with Gosalyn at the window; I can never stop laughing at those moments.
There are times when Launchpad’s dumbness irks me, but his good qualities overthrow that. Though, I wish he wasn’t used too much as comedy relief; LP had the potential to gain more development than what he got. I’ll give an example. Learning about his family would’ve been great to know- an appearance wouldn’t have hurt either. It could’ve opened a reason to why LP cares about Scrooge’s opinion and cares about him like a dad. Maybe there’s some bitterness in LP’s relationship with his dad and that’s why he doesn’t talk about his parents. Loopey not being introduced was a missed opportunity. Big brother Launchpad is all I need.
I also have a small crush on Launchpad, though mostly for his personality and voice. He’s still cute *wink.*
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NO. 3 Drake Mallard
We made it to the top three! With the dashing caped crusader Darkwing Duck starting us off!
It’s funny how much I love a character who’s only appeared in like five-maybe six- episodes enough to put him in the top three. I had some trouble defining many reasons why I love him; it’s this weird connection I have with DW. He’s this dorky dummy who loved a big part of his childhood enough to make it his reality, yet I love him so much.
I think what made me fall in love with him was how similar we are. Like him, I was a meek person who got pushed a few times- either physically or mentally. Those times also inspired me to grow stronger and be an inspiration for the next generation. I can be pretty clumsy too(lol). Characters I see myself in are usually really high in my love list and it shouldn’t be surprising that Drake is one of them.
His kind and genuine nature was also what drew me in. And, I just made this realization, this is the first time I don’t prefer the original iteration over the latest one. I still love ‘91 Drake but he’s too arrogant.
Unlike the original DW, Drake became a hero to help others- though a wish for glory played a bit of a part too. This clumsy, stuttering actor took a step to become his hero and a future one for children like him. That’s admirable. His lovable personality also being so cute enough for me to want to give a big hug is a good addition.
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NO. 2 Lena Sabrewing
Hands down Lena had the best development!
She started off as this distant loner who followed the gray area of morality. Now, Lena is a part of this loving family and her own person. A few of her episodes are my favorites, such as “Friendship Hates Magic!” and “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill.” They are well-written episodes and hit me in the feels.
Like Louie and Drake, I see myself in Lena. There are times I’ve been afraid I’ll take on my family’s bad habits or turn like them. That’s why I love “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!” Watching Lena try to be good enough and feeling insecure reminded me of the dark times I usually think about. There are even times I have dreams of these issues. The creators must have been inspired by me (lol). Though, I am kind of jealous of Lena because of how great her friends are. I want friends like Webby and Violet.
Even so, I do have some issues with Lena. Her magic arc was not written as well as her previous arcs. This might be more of a personal opinion than anything, but I’m still going to say it. Lena learned to control her magic too quickly, and it was treated as more like a plot device. And a shaking one at that. For example, in “The Split Sword of Swanstantine” Lena was able to stop time and send her and Huey into his mindscape. But, somehow, she couldn’t conjure a burst of energy to attack Steelbeak; granted, Huey mentioned that, yet Lena’s reasoning was dumb. Attacking someone with magic is way easier than doing what she did. I’m a little lenient on this since that idea lead to more Huey development, though I’m still going to critique it.
A great thing about Lena learning was her temporary outfit change. She looks absolutely amazing in light colors, which I didn’t expect, and her hair design is what I saw she would look good in. The eye shape is kind of weird.
Lena’s magic mode is in my list of cosplays.
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NO. 1 Dewey Duck
Finally, number one is Dewey Duck!
Dewey has stolen my heart since the beginning. His positivity and fun nature always make me smile, even during the toughest times.
In my opinion, Dewey has the best arc/development of the triplets. His arc trying to find out what happened to his mother was what kept me watching Ducktales and helped me see why this show is so special. Many of my favorite moments are in season one, specifically ones involving Dewey. For instance, the scene in “The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!” where Dewey was willing to risk his life to get the last piece of paper and possibly solve what happened to Della was emotional. Hearing the desperation in his voice while pleading with Scrooge to tell him what happened hit me hard. I can’t imagine how much pain HDL have gone through not knowing what happened and thinking they aren’t allowed to ask. It would be terrible to experience.
Another moment I loved was in “The Spear of Selene.” It was when Dewey was hesitant to know what happened as the possibility that Della was a bad person grew more prominent. He looked so defeated admitting that realization and it reminded me of myself. There were moments when I realized that my parents were not as good as I thought. It hurt me a lot. At least sweet Dewey didn’t have to go through that. The scene when Dewey started tearing up seeing his mom in the sphere was also heartwarming. I wanted to give him the biggest hug.
Dewey’s insecurities of not being good enough and to be loved is what I struggle with too. Its kind of different because I have trouble believing anyone loves me while he wants everybody to like him. Confidence is not my forte.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 36 S4: Seto Joins Dragon Wife in Hell
So I dunno about you guys, but 2020 aged me like a lot in just these 8 months, so I figured it was time to embrace the feeling of being on death’s door and I decided to learn Mahjong. So I could truly embrace the ancients and vibe in their natural habitat.
Anyway, once I learned some Mahjong lore, some parts of Yugioh just open up. Namely--Seto’s dragons. Like a whole lot of stuff about early Seto Kaiba that confused me at the time just makes so much more sense now.
But unfortunately, he dies this episode, and he never pulled out his Blue Eyes White Dragons, and it’s just like...
...but my Mahjong deep cuts...
Like every episode I’m just rubbing my palms together in anticipation that someone will die, but like...I never get to talk about how in Mahjong, there’s only 4 white dragon tiles, but if you have 3, you can steal the fourth white dragon from another player’s discards, and that when you that, other stuff happens...I don’t get to talk about that because Seto’s hella dead.
So lets just get to the death. Dartz decides to make all of our soldier frenemies attack Pharaoh--because that’s all he needs to raise the Leviathan. Like Dartz doesn’t even really need to finish this game. He just needs Yami.
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Seto picks up that these friend (and Pegasus) soldiers that Yami refuses to kill are probably going to end the world very quickly so he decides to do something about it. If this were a blog where I talked about cards instead of Mahjong, then I’d dive into the intricacies of what that even was.
But, we’re not, so lets just talk about Pegasus.
(read more under the cut)
This guy harnesses some psychic energy he’s got leftover from S1 and communicates directly to Pharaoh’s mind.
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So, hey, what was that about Pegasus not having powers anymore? Like? He’s still doing this? He’s still psychic and he very clearly can still make blank cards so like...I guess you can take out the eyeball and make him nicer, but you can’t take out some of the effed up magic side-effects. (like there was a comment I didn’t respond to (which, sorry about that, been a little nuts over here in California), but apparently there was a movie in between seasons where Pegasus saved their lives--so he’s legit good now...there was a DLC where character arcs happened.)
Which kind makes you wonder about Marik, but we’ll probably never see him again so o well, save it for the fanfiction.
PS Yami is totally fixating on that eye we can’t see, right? Like...it never outright tells us, but does this spiritual Orichalcos manifestation of Pegasus still have the golden eye? A human eye? Or no eye at all? Just skin?
Not like it matters because Seto does some sort of card shenanigans that undo the whole friends that are soldiers thing like it never happened.
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MMMMM I don’t like these weird legs on Yugi. Don’t like the thighs it gave to Joey. No! I’m seeing like this skin-tight silhouette of half an ass right now and I really don’t like it.
Along with other card things I won’t go into that consumed most of this episode, Seto finally got hit by a...well, I mean you can clearly see it in the next cap.
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So, in Mahjong, there are 3 types of dragons: a white dragon, a red dragon, and a green dragon. I used to think it was really lazy that we’re just calling monsters straight up “white dragon” or “red dragon” in this show, but now it makes more sense because this whole time it was probably baby’s first Mahjong reference but I’m too Western to know that.
Anyway, the white dragon is funny looking because it’s a white tile--just a completely blank white tile. I thought it was a wild card at first but nah--it’s a white dragon in a snowfield--which is a very funny Dad joke from 200 years ago we’re still doing today. But, often, instead of a Dad joke, they’ll just make the white dragon tile a drawing of a blank card, like this:
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Kind of funny that the guy who’s shtick is white dragons, ended up with his soul in a blank card. Was that a mahjong reference? Probably not, but I noticed it.
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And mahjong aside, the show paid it’s respects to Seto dying and so he took his sweet time passing on. It’s still not that much respect. We aren’t gonna get that amazing Joey death sequence from S3 that took like half an episode of scene-shredding for our mains to recover from, but like...Seto was very determined to keep going, despite not having a soul.
He even finished his turn of cards, as if to just spite Joey Wheeler for that one time Joey hella died before killing Marik.
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Shippers rejoice, it’s a Yami and Seto Kaiba death sequence. If you squint really hard, it might even be an embrace. I mean they both have very sharp duel disks on, and if Yugi’s closes for whatever reason, it’ll snap Seto’s head clear off, but what other “hugs” do we really get on this show?
And as for Mokuba, he was quite tragic this episode. I mean it’s Yugioh, so it’s not like you’re gonna cry or anything, but Mokuba just doesn’t really have anything else going for him without his brother so it is legit like...man Mokuba gets a lot of crap thrown his way and even when he’s happy, he still has to live with Seto so just...Mokuba...
Again we get this bubble effect of other people trying to enter the Orichalcos which happens just a Hell of a lot this season. Like Dartz probably has never had a single person WANT to go in the green zone in 10,000 years and then these bizarre children happened and they just want to bounce off that thing like a jello pudding.
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I think it took over 5 minutes for Seto to die, and he was very, very, VERY angry the entire time. Just fueled by literally nothing but rage. Could probably go a couple more episodes if he had taken a nap in the KaibaCopter, but alas, even Seto Kaiba eventually runs out of fumes.
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Anyway, another Mahjong fun fact. The dragon tiles are considered an “honor tile” and how many times have we heard Seto--who is such a scumball--go off about his honor? It can be hard to use honors tiles because their rate of success is lower, so when Seto’s like “I have to live up to my dragon’s honor or I can’t keep these in my deck” could he be like...making a Mahjong pun as well as a literal reference to whatever he defines as honor?
...Again, just a Mahjong reference I noticed, but probably not what they intended at all. Which is Good Enough for this blog.
After he tragically passed on, and Yami delicately put his body on the ground, -- Dartz decided to make this moment very funny for me, instead.
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Not as good as Yami the both times his body was chucked casually across the screen this season--but a very good toss, nonetheless.
I have made so MANY clips of this season!
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Tristan and Tea kinda just stood there this entire episode while this was all going down and like...I know they can’t really do anything else at this point but like...can someone give Mokuba a hug???
I can’t believe Valon was the only guy in this entire show about friendship who knew how to hug people. He was in prison since he was 9, and then was raised by freakin Dartz, why is he the only hugger?
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PS, apparently Seto’s yummy soul was enough to make the Leviathan open a single eye-ball in curiosity.
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Mokuba out there flinging so many insults that he got everyone else banned from watching devil cards. It’s like sports competitions in Middle school with that one kid who won’t stop cussing. That one kid who is the reason everyone else has to sit through a boring ass assembly about sportsmanship? That’s Mokuba.
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Now that everyone is ‘passed out’, we can get to the juicy stuff only the olds talk about--which sounds a lot like I’m about to do another segway into talking about Mahjong again, but I’m actually all out of the Mahjong juice. Again, I’m ass at Mahjong.
(and like...the peanut gallery died in the original version, right? I know to never trust a “they’re just sleeping” line in Yugioh.)
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Dartz telling me he dragged that ass length blue hair across Egypt?
I would say that it must’ve really thrown people, but then again, their Pharaoh looked like...that.
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So Dartz ended up wandering the earth for 5000 years, cursed to live immortally, unable to revive the great Leviathan, wallowing in his failure. Sentenced to suffer the entire existence of humanity that he never wanted to see survive anyway, unable to die himself.
That’s an interesting plotline that I wish I saw more of. I really like the idea of a supervillian who is already past his prime, who’s already burnt out, who’s so far removed from what happened that he’s fully accepted his demise and is just wandering around out of habit. But, most importantly--that changes my math. That’s like...5000 years he wasn’t slurping no souls because he was too damn depressed. So I’ll append the Deathcount. One second.
OK so we can just subtract 7.3 million from what we had, leaving us with: 7,805,844,047. Barely even made a dent but...eh...when you got the current population of the Earth in there it’s really hard to make a dent in that thing.
PS I still have that google doc where I keep track of the deaths, we have 55 lines of entries, haha.
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Yugioh is interesting because you do have some racial stuff going on here where Yami is SO OLD that he doesn’t remember not only his own name--he doesn’t remember what he looks like. He’s even seen it a few times in hallucinations but like...Yami legit doesn’t know what it is to be an ancient Egyptian anymore. It’s been a hot minute, and he still sees himself as a pale skinned Yugi clone when he spiritually manifests in the show. Because the modern day, set in Japan, through Yugi’s eyes--that’s all he knows about life.
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Dartz was so impressed by Pharaoh’s magic powers that he knew--he just KNEW that this Pharaoh with the worst hair would be the yummy soul for the Leviathan tummy. But unfortunately...
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This is a show that has had so MANY overlapping apocalypses that I did have to sit back and kind of count off on my fingers which crazy person this would be about.
Honestly? Either Seto or Bakura...guessing Bakura because we haven’t finished his storyline yet and I know that he’s the big bad of S5. But man...Dartz was just like “oh...no thanks to that guy. I’ll just take a nap for 5000 years, BIG no thanks.” and it does make you wonder...
...oh...so that’s why you didn’t bother Bakura in this timeline.
It also helps make Bakura even more of a threat. Again, Bakura is great because he’s just constantly leaving nuggets of what a threat he is and then just...disappears for seasons on end. The Bakura we’ve made in our head is probably way more awful than what he may end up being.
But for now, it’s fun to just fill in the gaps instead.
anyway that was it for this episode, I’m off to pretend it’s Thanksgiving week and will look forward to drowning my anxiety in a 16 lb turkey shared between four people.
Anyway, I brought up the cat that falls asleep on metal rods so I have to do this:
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And for those that are new, this is a link to read these in chrono order: https://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yugioh/chrono
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mvrtaiswriting · 4 years
I have only read one of your stories now, but I am already in love with your writing style! That's why I would like to make a request. Could I get a (fem)reader x Polnareff story where the reader gets jealous of others(girls) trying to get close to the Frenchman. Not knowing that Polnareff is actually in love with (her) the reader. Feel free to change the topic a bit. Write it however you want to. Let your creativity take the wheel!
Je t’aime. - Jean-Pierre Polnareff.
Hello! Sorry if it took a while. I had so much fun writing it, I even made myself blush. Thank you for requesting it, I hope this will meet your expectations. x It is an AU, I thought it would have been too easy to go back to the stardust crusaders! Also, my boy Polnareff deserves some love. Enjoy!
Also.. i would suggest to listen to "Finally // beautiful stranger" by Halsey while you read it🥺
F reader x Polnareff 
Jojo’s bizzare adventures: Stardust Crusaders
Word count: 2918
Hi! Are you a new reader? Check my masterlist for more content!
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Student exchange has been so intense. You knew it would have been a wonderful experience and were expecting nothing less; but you never thought France could be so fun. You arrived there five months ago and since then, you had made a lot of friends. Perfecting your knowledge in French has been easy since you started going out with a group of guys you shared your classes with. You were slowly losing your strong accent, morphing it into a purely French one and people would never believe you when you said you came from a foreign country.
Polnareff has been really helpful throughout this process. He would always correct you when you pronounced something wrong – but never made it a burden: he would always try to be as nice as possible, making you feel comfortable enough to laugh at your mistakes. Sometimes, he would also say something in your first language purposefully wrong, just to make fun of himself and show you that you didn’t have to take anything to heart – and you had to admit it, he was so good at it. He never failed to put a smile on your face. He taught you some slangs to make it easier for you to make friends and join conversations; he even dedicated an entire afternoon to the teaching of curse words – going into deep about their meaning and the best-fitting contexts to use them.
You and Polnareff spent a lot of time together since you first met. You sat next to him the first day you arrived at school. The teacher introduced you to your new class and encouraged you to take a seat. Jean-Pierre Polnareff quickly moved his stuff away and smiled at you, indirectly inviting you to his table. As you walked down the class’ corridor, everybody was staring at you; they were whispering about how you looked, the way you walked, the way dressed – and that made you uncomfortable enough to blush. Polnareff was looking at you, too. As you walked towards him, he never broke eye contact with you and once you sat next to him, he greeted you with one of the brightest smile you’d ever seen as he presented himself to you. Once you introduced yourselves to each other, you both focused on the lesson of the day. You didn’t pay attention to the guy sitting next to you, you were too busy examining the new environment you were in. You started to look around your classroom; tables were arranged in three vertical rows, each of them composed by four tables. You were sat in the middle row, last table – this allowed you to have a great sight of the whole classroom. Big windows allowed sunlight to enter, enlightening the room perfectly. You kept silence as the lesson went on, taking notes on your book and trying not to occupy too much space of the desk you were sharing.
You knew for sure your desk mate had check you out since you stepped in the room – not in an unpleasant way, you could tell he was just being curious about you and he wanted you to notice it. He kept looking at you for the entire lesson, to be exact. His bright, blue eyes were locked on you and you could feel his eyes tracing every movement you made. You then decided to have a better look at the French boy sitting next to you. As you turned around to face him, he almost jumped of his seat, and, trying his best to hide the fact that he had been looking at you for quite a while, he started to sketch some random drawings on his notebook. A little laugh escaped your lips, making Polnareff smile. You could notice a hint of blushing on his pale cheeks and founded it adorable; you also confirmed your first impression. He had a wonderful smile which somehow enlighten his whole face.
His face lineaments were delicate: he had a small nose, the tip of it going upwards –  stereotypically French. His jaw was well defined, and his eyes were of a magnificent light blue; their colour almost resembled ice, but they were beautiful and had a certain warmth to them.
As the bell rang, Polnareff turned towards you and, for the first time since the start of the lesson, you two were now mutually looking at each other. ‘’Got anything to do?’’ he said, scratching the back of his head with one hand. You could see he was trying his best to not come off as shy.    ‘’No, nothing in particular..’’ you were just about to finish your sentence when he interrupted you, standing up quickly from the chair and putting his school bag on one of his shoulders.  ‘’Then come with me, I promise I’ll be a good tourist guide.’’ He stretched one of his hands to you, offering his help make you stand up. This time, he looked way more confident than seconds before. You smiled, and grabbing his hand you got up from your seat and followed him in the corridors. He showed you the way around your new school, and along the way stopped numerous times to greet other students. You were walking arm in arm with him, and you could feel how muscular and strong his arms were. Finally, you reached the canteen. He introduced you to the food they were serving, giving you his modest opinion about it. He was so funny and adorable, you couldn’t help but smile. He proceeded to carry your tray to a table where you two sat down to have lunch. While you were enjoying your lunch, you found out you had so many interests in common. You listened to the same type of music and watched the same tv shows. By the end of the lunch break, the two of you had discovered so much about each other and seemed to be completely at ease. Later that day, you exchanged phone numbers and kept talking for hours after school. You were so curious about him, his persona was magnetic and he had fully captured your attention.
As time passed, the two of you started to spend a lot of time with each other. He introduced you to his group of friends and you ended up hanging out almost every day – and you didn’t complain. The more time you spent with him, the more your feelings towards him grew strong.
You didn’t know how or when it exactly started, the only thing you knew was how fast your heart beat every time he was next to you, how easily he could make you laugh. He would also take care of you in ways no one ever did: he knew France wasn’t your home country, and even when you figured out how to find your way home, he never let you walk alone. He would always make sure to walk with you and ensure you arrived safe at home. He would offer you his jacket whenever it was cold, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to keep you close to him. Everything with him felt magical – from the drunken, loud nights spent with the rest of his friends to the simple afternoons that the two of you spent together in a park, studying in silence.  
However, you weren’t quite sure if his behaviour meant something, or if he was just being nice. He pretty much was a Casanova, always acting as a proper gentleman around girls. He knew so many catch phrases and never missed a chance to catch a lady’s attention, using nauseating names such as ‘Mon Chéri’ or ‘Mon Ange’ when talking to them. A lot of girls gravitated around him and he never tried to send them away; he enjoyed every attention he got, and a lot of girls were simply pending from his lips. You thought about talking to him about it, but you decided to remain silent. You wanted to avoid any type of romantic confession to him, you didn’t want to ruin your beautiful friendship.
And you did. You tried your best to remain silent every time a girl complimented him or every time he simply offered a random girl a drink. You even tried to do the same; if he wasn’t interested, why couldn’t you just move on? You went on a date with a couple of guys – only to find out that you didn’t want anyone else by your side. No one else’s arms felt right around your body, no one else’s attentions could make you feel like Polnareff’s did. No one could compare to him and every fibre of your body knew what you wanted.
You kept your feelings for Polnareff a secret, locking them as you’d lock a the most precious treasure of all. You just couldn’t afford to lose him, and you were happy to have him by your side, even if simply as a friend.
You were getting ready for your usual Saturday night, when you heard Polnareff’s car’s honk outside your house. He would always pick you up. You took a deep breath, before taking one last glance at the mirror and heading out, reaching Polnareff’s car. You saw him with one arm hanging out of the car’s window, his strong hands holding a burning cigarette in his fingers. You were mesmerised by this sight – he always looked as if he was in some kind of movie. You opened the car’s door and sat next to him. He looked at you almost as if he was hypnotised by your figure; the way your hair perfectly framed your face, the way your dress fell perfectly on every curve of your body just made him stare at you for a bit, while a sweet smile slowly formed on his face.
‘’Tu es trés belle ce soir’’
he said in his soothing french accent while caressing your cheek. You smiled timidly, before shaking your head. ‘’We’re late! The party must have started already.’’ You answered, avoiding the compliment the grey-haired boy just made. He nodded clicking his tongue, he would always be a little annoyed every time you denied one of his compliments – which weren’t rare, at all. Jean loved to make sure you knew you were beautiful in his eyes and he would point that out every time he had a chance to.
Once you arrived at the party, you greeted your usual group of friends, which welcomed you with two cups of god-knows-what. You could smell the alcohol in the red cup, but you weren’t quite sure of what drink your friends handed you. Polnareff cheered with you, saying a sweet ‘Cin Cin!’, before gulping down his drink. You were having fun; you and your friends kept on drinking (maybe a bit too much), laughing at stupid jokes and dancing around whenever ’your song’ came on. It was a perfect night. At least it was, until you saw a red haired girl just jumping on Polnareff, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him so close to her. Their noses were touching, and Polnareff had his hands on her waist, and although you couldn’t perfectly see what was going on, seeing your Jean-Pierre entangled in a pair of arms that wasn’t yours made you feel as if something broke inside of you.
Maybe it was the alcohol in your veins – you were used to tame your own feelings and avoid any display of jealousy, but this time you just couldn’t help it. Tears streamed down your face before you could even notice, and you quickly got up, escaping the crowded room you were in to reach the garden, hoping to catch some breath and calm yourself down. You helplessly sat down on the stairs of the house which led to the garden, passing your hands through your hair trying to put yourself back together again. This wasn’t like you. You knew he was like this, you should have expected it.
The sound of the loud music coming from the house and all those complicated little emotions made you zone out for a bit; you were simply staring at the void. All the beautiful memories you two shared just flashed in front of your eyes and you damned yourself for every single time you misinterpreted his action, confusing kindness for love.
This moment was interrupted by the feeling of someone touching your shoulder. You shook your head trying to bring yourself back to reality, wiping down the tears from your cheeks with your left hand. You sniffed a bit and forced yourself to smile. Once you looked up, you saw Polnareff looking at you, visibly worried. He sat down next to you, never taking his eyes away from you. He gently moved a strand of your hair behind your ear; his hands were so big yet so delicate every time they touched your skin.
‘’How did you find me?’’ you said as you lowered your glance. ‘I always keep an eye on you.’ He replied firmly.
You snorted, a very sarcastic smirk appeared on your face. ‘’You do? Thought you were busy.’’
You didn’t even think about the words you were saying: they were simply rolling out of your mouth, easing the heavy weight on your chest. Polnareff was looking at you confused, he just seemed so riddled – as if he didn’t have a clue about what you were talking about.
‘’Don’t give me that look, we both know what I’m talking about! And I’m not telling you that it is wrong or that you should stop, this is your life and you have every right to live it up the way you prefer,’’ you sniffed again, while the words you were saying burned in your throat like flames. ‘’but it’s just too much for me. Seeing you every night trying to get every girl around you while I’m here. I’m here!’’ You raised your tone, desperately pointing at yourself. You pulled the sleeves of your jacket and covered both of your hands with them, as if covering your hands could cover the vulnerable side of yourself that was showing in that moment. ‘’I’m just tired. We’ve shared so much and we can’t stand staying far from each other for more than two hours yet somehow this has a different meaning to you than it has to me. Because every night you try to get other girls’ company while I just try to be enough.’’
You were shaking. You never thought you’d say all those things to Polnareff – and you’d never imagine saying them this way. You felt as if you just made a bomb explode but you just couldn’t keep it for yourself no more. You were staring at the grass in front of you, not able to look at him. You weren’t even sure you if wanted to hear what he had to say.
‘’(Y/N).’’ he said, moving his body closer to yours. ‘’How could you ever think such things?’’ he continued. 
He stretched his arm and grabbed one of your hands, entangling his fingers with yours. 
‘‘I feel exactly the same way – just didn’t have the courage to admit it. I didn’t know if it was okay to do so, you will have to leave and go back home in some months and I had no clue what you’d think about a possible relationship. About us.’’  He paused.  ‘’I’m an idiot. I should have made it clearer to you before instead of running away and making you think you weren’t enough.’’ You lifted your head up and looked at him, your eyes were red and puffy for all the tears you’ve cried. He looked at you and, for a second, it seemed as if he just melted. His eyes were full of regret, sorrow and worry.
‘‘What about that girl then?’’ you asked cautiously.
‘’I don’t know what you saw, (Y/N). I shook her off the second she was came too close to my face. I guess it’s hard to believe, you can go and ask our friends if you want.’’ he said firmly. 
He gently placed his hands around your small face, rubbing his thumb against your cheek.
 ‘’There’s only a mouth that I would kill to kiss.’’
 He said, a smart smirk slowly formed on his face. The sight of that soft smile just made your heart beat so fast, it felt as if it was about to just come out of your chest. For a second, you wondered whether he could hear it. You did not hesitate; you slowly lifted yourself up, just enough to reach his mouth and place a long, sweet kiss on his lips. He smiled through the kiss, pulling you closer to his chest and making you sit on his lap. You jokingly punched his chest, resting your forehead on his.
‘‘Sorry if I made a scene.’’ You said, your cheeks coloured in red as the first day you met. 
‘‘Nothing to be sorry for.’’ He replied quickly, moving your hair out your face. ‘’I’m jealous too. Just better at hiding it.’’ he said laughing, leaving a sweet kiss on your nose.
‘‘Shut up!’’ you screamed back almost immediately, only causing him to laugh more. 
His contagious laugh made it impossible for you to not smile, looking at him with dreamy eyes full of love. 
‘’Can I call you Mon Amour, from now on?’’ he said, raising an eyebrow.
 Before you could reply however, he continued. ‘I will anyways. Afterall, je t’aime.’
109 notes · View notes
jcpostsobsessions · 4 years
As my current obsession The King: Eternal Monarch comes to a close, I want to do a review of the drama with some things I’ve been thinking about. This is all random and coming out as I reflect.
OST that makes me think of the drama: Gravity by Kim Jong Wan. One of my favorite songs from the drama and when it comes on it suddenly brings me back to some pretty epic moments.
Favorite OST: Orbit by Hwasa. This song was and is on repeat throughout the drama for me. Although it wasn’t played alot towards the middle and last half of the drama, it’s still superior.
OST I Didn’t Really Listen To: I Fall In Love, A Quiet Night and My Day Is Full Of You. Nothing against these songs, they’re all nice and I am listening to one or two of them since the dreams ended, but it didn’t grab my attention as the other songs.
Favorite Lee Eul scenes: Gon feeding Tae Eul and her joking about sneaking out touched the domestic side of me and I am living for it. Honorable moment is the neck kiss. I’ve never seen a neck kiss or a kiss this intimate in a drama before. I know he did something similar in another drama, but for me this is the first. I just love how perfectly placed it was. Tae Eul literally gave him her neck to do this. And I researched that neck kissed are pretty intimate and initiates a pretty intimate follow up. Now if Gon was trying to say something, I’m sure we understood and so did Tae Eul.
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Favorite Kiss: The final kiss. The reason I like it a lot is because of how natural it is. Gon leaning down, smiles, Tae Eul leaning in and Gon swoops in. His lips pucker up to meet Tae Eul’s and the height difference is super cute even though she’s sitting on the table. They follow up with more kisses and the happiness on their face is what nails it for me. Honorable mention is the bedroom kiss.
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Funniest Moment: When Gon prepared leaves in case they get stuck in “that time period”. Tae Eul’s face 😂
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Favorite Side Ship: Eun Sup and Yeong. They are both so hilarious and off the bat had so much chemistry. They were definitely a side ship that I was invested and interested in. Their final scene together was their parting and it got me emotional because Yeong broke down his wall and gave Eun Sup a hug which says a lot about his stoic demeanor.
Favorite Ending Scene: Oh man. I remember watching this episode and it did not have the main couple together because they were parted for obvious reasons. I remember Tae Eul having a hell of a night and then everything happened so fast. Gon rode in on his horse, blood shed, tears fell, hearts broken, glasses shattered, epic soundtrack, announcement of future Queen and of course epic hug. And then it was out, next episode. I remember grabbing my phone and shouting noooo. I was on the edge of my seat and the final reunion of the two finally happened and the ending credits rolled in. This was an epic ending scene.
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Favorite Lee Gon Outfit: It’s the simple black look and overcoat, but the material and the way he fit the form, I just really like it. Also he did some pretty bada$$ things in this outfit. So I find myself always thinking about this look. Some honorable mention is the iconic diamond fit, simple white and black vest (when he takes the overcoat off; it looks extra handsome) and then the light colored fit during his dates with Tae Eul.
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Favorite Jung Tae Eul Outfit: Tae Eul’s fashion sense is simple and comfy. She is often wearing baggy and loose jeans, one color tone sweater and a long jacket. My favorite would be this look because she adds a bit of sophisticated with her dress white and black turtleneck.
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Most WTF moment: When Lee Lim killed his doppelgänger self after going back to try and warn him. I was so surprised how fast he beheaded himself.
Underrated Character: Shin Jae. He is the other only character where I was in invested in his story. Kim Kyung Nam did a great job acting the pain and angst of his conflict with his mom. It really brought his character out.
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Characters I did not care for: Lee Lim and Prime Minsiter Seo Ryeong. They both did were the anatagonist, but honestly did not impress me. I was never quite sure what Lee Lim was actually plotting and he just kept bringing people over and killing people. Sure he had the upper hand in some cases, but honestly his greed and lack of planning is what killed him. Idk what he was doing for the last 70 years or so. As for Prime Minister Seo Ryeong, nothing impressive about her. Although the only time she was tolerable was in the new timeline in the final episode where she was in jail and Luna came to visit her because it looks like they’re sisters now. They interaction was sweet and familial bickering.
Character I didn’t expect: Luna. I was looking forward to her character and how she’ll play into the storyline especially with how the cast members spoke about her during interviews. And honestly at one point I felt like she was one of the only one who shook Lee Lim’s core which was super entertaining to watch while it lasted. I liked how peeved he was by her and she just went about her way, unbothered. I also realized how the writer was creating Luna’s character to be good and bad. She poisoned Gon, stabbed Tae Eul, but didn’t kill her father, didn’t stab Tae Eul enough to kill her even though it looked like she did. Tae Eul trusted her enough to let her go and be with her own dad. Luna’s story is still a mystery.
Biggest Twist: when Gon realized that Shin Jae was actually from his world and said he was Shin Jae’s King. 🤯
Favorite Lee Eul Hug: This one. No need to explain. 💯
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Relationship that surprised me: Luna and Seo Ryeong in the new reality. I really enjoyed their “sister” dynamic in episode 16 where Luna had a name change and became a cop and Seo Ryeong was unfortunately in jail, but their interaction even tho they both pretended not to be close, they were. It was funny and the best performance from Jung Eun Chae. Quite honestly I feel bad about where her character eventually ended. Her greed got the worse out of her.
Favorite Side Character: Yeong. I really like his character with his side glances/ glares at Tae Eul and his love and dedication to Gon. I’m glad he kept his promise to himself to protecting Gon. Also Woo Do Hwan did a great job playing two characters.
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Plot I am still confused about: the little boy with the yo-yo. I wasn’t quite sure how he fitted into the entire drama. He definitely peaked my interest and he was obviously traveling back and forth, but I feel like his story never connected to the main plot. Honorable mention was Park Jiyoung, the pregnant woman. Like what was the point of crossing her over?
Character Death: Prince Lee Jong In, I had a feeling he’d died but also didn’t expect it. Honorable mention is Seo Ryeong’s mom. She was collateral damage. When Seo Ryeong called to ask her mom what she had for dinner a code for her doppelgänger, and she answered jajangmyeon, the chills.
Favorite Product Placement: CHICKEN! Man I can’t tell you how bad I wanted korean fried chicken because of the drama. LMH ate this at every chance he got and he made me crave it. They did a great job selling it to me. 😅 Honorable mention is the coffee drink that everyone dranked and man when they shot that scene where Yeong had to throw the drink to Shin Jae and still had to show the product name, lmao the commitment. 🤣
Worse Product Placement aka the one that was painfully noticeable: Okay; almost all were in our faces, but the painful was the one where Tae Eul was using the Kahi lipstick/cheek/moisturizer all in one stick. 🤣 when she explained the product to Jang Mi during a stake out I nearly passed out from secondhand embarrassment. And honorable mention is the CELLRETURN LED mask although when Eun Sup used it to be iron man that was cute.
Overall rating: 8.5/10. There were some choppy moments here and there and some loose ends and characters that I didn’t quite understand or had to really think about it. But it was never enough to say this was a bad drama. In fact it’s been a while I was this invested in a drama where I had to come up with theories and such. Not a lot of drama makes me do that. As a fan of BTS, theories comes as second nature 😅.
There were some moments that happened off screen and later on we’ll realized something had happen prior which at the beginning was hard to decipher, but once I realized the drama was doing that, I enjoyed it because sometimes it’ll be a pleasant surprise. I love how the drama hardly opened up each episode with how it last ended, they always gave us a backstory/content prior.
I think Gon and Tae Eul’s character had growth and progression, especially Tae Eul who had to unpack a lot of herself. The more the drama went on the more we got to see different sides of her which peeled some layers she built up as a detective and some described her as cold. I think with all that she went through definitely shaped her quite a bit. And Gon I felt started off the show strong. He had strong morals, grasped things quite fast, but was also caring, strong headed, dependable and responded rather than reacted. Of course he has his moments of being childish and playful, but it never strayed him from being off or uncharacter like. I think Tae Eul describes it perfectly in one of the episode that he knows when to joke despite a traumatic childhood. She is simply saying he’s grown into a decent man who doesn’t let a past define him, he lives it fully and that comes off in all his actions throughout the entire drama.
As for the other characters, I am glad we got to see Shin Jae’s character development as well. I’ve said it before, but he was one where I felt the writer went deeper into his story. Yeong would be the second, although he remains a mystery even until the end. I never quite understood where he stood except that fact that he deeply cares and loves his King, and in what context, only he would know. The writer has written strong second leads before and sometimes even third leads, but I would say wasn’t her best, but again it’s not so bad where you would say the drama was a complete failure or unbearable to watch.
And finally I can’t wrap up without saying something about the cinematography. Because man there were some beautiful shots, some CG works and some transitions or angles that really came into play to make the drama what it was. I don’t have it, but one of my favorite is when Gon is poisoned and falls down and it transitions to his younger self, that was breathtaking. An example of the angles and transitions is below and it was dramatic and the camera got to play with all its angles. All this for a dramatic handshake and of course my favorite soundtrack adds to the flare.
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natsukitakama · 4 years
Hi, it's long-distance relationship!anon ! I finally have a little request for Armin ! How about this : Reader is a foreign exchange student for this year, but has a little trouble adapting to the high school/college. Seeing this, Armin offers his help, and friendship (and more? 😎) begins to blossom from here =w=
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Author note : Hello Long-distance relationship!Anon (definitely need to find something shorter lol) how are you ? ♡ damn , I giggle like a baby while reading this it sounds so cute, I hope I didn’t messed this request up. Armin si such a sweetheart how could we not fall in love for him ? This modern AU take place in Germany but I apologize cause I know anything in German so. If you enjoy this please let me know ! I need to apologize cause I’m super late for my request I’m so sorry it took me so long I was kinda busy but still. I hope you’ll enjoy this, let me know ♡ 
Warning : Fluffy request as usual / Armin being a little cutipie 
I did write fully the study session since I was kinda inspired by it I hope you’re fine with that. Also I do not own that glorious gif of Armin, credit to the owner. 
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Anxious was the good word to define your currently mood, it was the first time you travelled far from your house without your parent. You never experienced something like this before, and you were kinda afraid cause it was a country you never travelled before. 
You were an artist student and you decided to travel through Europe so you could study a new way to see your art. You were especially a fan of German’s romanticism, so you though studied art during one year or two won’t be so hard especially about something you craved for. 
You decided to join the Shingeki College (I’m sorry couldn’t find a good name) in German, cause you heard a lot of good things about it. You were afraid you might not understand lesson but since it was a foreign college most of the lesson were in English so you were good. 
Basically anything seemed to run its course, but that wasn’t that simple. Of course being the only one from your class to travel through German meaning you were most of the time on your own. It wasn’t like you were introvert or anything, but everyone seemed to have their own friends and the last thing you wanted was to stick your nose in friend’s groupe while they didn’t want you to. 
So during the first month, you were totally on your own and you couldn’t help but felt lonely and started to regret your country’s choice. In face no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t integrate yourself with your class. You thought no one cared about you, at least that what you thought. 
But someone did noticed you. 
It’s been couple of days since Armin Arlet had his eyes on you, in fact one day you sat yourself next to him for an art history on twenties. He quickly noticed you were kinda shy and won’t start a conversation on your own, and as he was about to ask you something he was joined by Jean and his friends. He didn’t want to embarrass yourself by trying to talk to you while he was surrounded by people. 
As a shy and calm person himself, he knows how hard it could be to make some friends while everyone seemed to not noticed you. So he promised himself to do everything in his power, to start a conversation with you and get to know you. 
And that’s exactly what he did, it took benefit of a share-lesson you two have to make a move. Fortunately for him, he was alone on this hour so he knew he won’t be bother by anyone. So he walked close to you and asked for a sit close to you, at first you were taken appart cause no one ever asked to be with you.
But the man looked gentle so you let him not knowing what to do beside he may be your only chance to actually make friends so. 
He sat beside you, and starting a talk with you it wasn’t very deep just a way to him to test the water. At first Armin talked about the current lesson, the teacher, what he really loved what he disliked about it, then when he saw you were kinda talkative he started to ask you question about yourself. 
« I never saw you last year are you new ? 
Yeah, I’m a foreign student I used to study in London but my college propose my to travel through Europe and I thought it could be a good idea to work a year here. 
Have any second thought ? 
We can say that … I just … I have troubled making new friends here it’s like everyone know each other already I don’t want to the third wheel or anything. In addition It’s the first time I travel on my own, and I can’t help but feel a bit homesick. I don’t what I told you that I’m probably bothering you I’m-
You don’t bother me quite the contrary I own you apologize 
For what ? You’ve done nothing wrong 
I kinda did, I saw you couple of times walking alone during class. I saw you have troubled making friends and I didn’t know what to do to help you. I should talk to you the second I saw you I’m sorry 
You shouldn’t be sorry besides you’re here now thank you very much …? 
Armin, My name is Armin Arlet what about you ? 
I’m Y/N » 
After your class, Armin proposed to study into library he then told you that if you ever need any help for a lesson or something you could always ask him. 
You were so happy, finally you found someone to be with you it was such a relief for you. Of course you couldn’t just stick around with him just like that, but he sounded so friendly : maybe will be become a friend ? 
Days after days you started to walk around with Armin, it was so easy to be with him. The man was genuinely interesting, he was nice alway happy to help. He was so curious, there are so many things he was curious about. 
You couldn’t help but find it extremely cute, he has this smile when he was talking about something he loves and the way his eyes were so bright never failed to melt your heart. 
You decided to keep this strange feeling on a side of your brain, for all you know it could have a significant other moreover the fact that he was kind with you doesn’t mean he was into you. 
Armin sounded like a man who was genuinely kind to everyone, not only does he help you during your study with his note but he also introduced you to his friends. You became friends with most of them even with Armin’s best friends Mikasa and Eren (even if you didn’t understand their dynamic, they seemed good friends)
One day you asked him about it 
« What do you mean « why am I friends with them ? » 
I mean- don’t take me wrong they are incredible but… Eren has no chill I can’t count how many times he went on a fight because of something ridiculous especially with Jean and Mikasa … Well she literally sweat Eren I’m not even sure if she is interested on something who isn’t Eren’s related … And you … Well you are so kind … so sweet with everyone and so smart and courageous and and -»
You couldn’t finish your sentence cause you heard what seemed to be the sing of angel : Right in front of your face, you saw Armin holding himself as he was laughing. It wasn’t just some snorts you made when something was barely funny but you didn’t want to kill the mood, it was a real laugh, a cute one. You never heard something so pure and sweet at the same time. Then, when Armin was finally able to catch his breath, he started to reply back 
« Well first thank you for that, but I don’t think I’m as brave as you thought I am. Nonetheless, I got your point we aren’t alike right ? 
Yeah kinda, all of you are incredible but you are so different especially you, you’re the smartest one 
Yeah about that, I’m gonna confess something to you but it’s gonna be a secret ok ? 
Of course ! 
Alright, for a long time … As long as I can remember actually I always thought I did not deserve their friendship in fact they were always here to protect me… I-I used to be bullied when I was a kid you know ? I wasn’t the one to start a fight or to reply back, I always thought it was useless. And everytime, no matter what happened, Eren and Mikasa ran into me to protect me. I used to feel bad about it, like I was burden to them but then we went to college together and they made me realized how wrong I was. They never saw me as weak, they valued me they always did … Do you understand now ? People saw us individually when they should see us as a group » 
To say you were breathless was an understatement, Armin always had this power to impress whenever he was talking about something deeply. You couldn’t help but feel a bit sad when he mentioned him being bullied, I mean who could hurt such a precious boy like him you wonder. But you got what he mean anyway. For a brief moment, you felt bad for judging his friends and you wonder if he was disappointed by your behavior. 
But when he asked you for a study session on Saturday, you realized how wrong you were : Of course Armin won’t be sad for something so petty like this. But for the sack of your consciousness you apologized. 
You have more in your mind anyway, he asked to study with him on Saturday does that mean he actually asked you on a study date ? You weren’t 100% sure but since no one seemed to be invited so. 
Damn, you were so nervous. Not only did you want to impress him by your knowledge but you also wanted him to be taken-apart by your look. You couldn’t explain why but the idea of him telling you how gorgeous he thought you were made you feel odd. 
Why did you want him to find you attractive ? You were friends and this meeting was purely professional… Right ? You should find a cute outfit just in case. 
That what’s you did, cause you couldn’t shut your little voice inside your head telling you to be presentable for once. It won’t hurt to be al dressed up ?  
Much to your surprise, Armin was actually breath-taking even if his outfit were pretty simple : a black pant with some brown derbies, a white shirt with black jacket. He did look incredible handsome especially with the way he was smiling at you. But it wasn’t a study date right ?  
It was definitely a study date, you just weren’t aware of that yet. It’s been a long time since Armin wanted to do something like that with you. Of course he knew better than to go in front of you telling you abruptly how he feels about you. First because he wasn’t sure himself how he felt about you, he tried to talk with some of his friends but every oh them were pretty awkward when it came to feelings especially Mikasa (who he thought could help him since you know…). Then, because even if he was actually in love with you he wasn’t really sure about how you felt about him ; after all all he did was talking to you once, then you two became friends easily and most of the time he felt like you were the one who talked the much (and he was 100% fine with that since he’s kinda attracted to people like you in addition he really appreciate your voice so he couldn’t complain).  
So, Armin decided it would be good for both of you to go out during weekend claiming it would be for study. It wasn’t an entire liar tough, Armin did plan to study with you cause he really loved when you came to him for an explanation. Just having you close to him, listening to him very carefully to fully understand his lesson damn you looked far too cute for him : how your nose cracked when you frowned your eyebrows when you were focusing. Just the sight of you working hard for your study was enough to melt his heart, he loved when someone tried their hardest to do their work ; in addition he was kinda jealous about you cause you worked so hard in a country who wasn’t yours, surrounded by people who barley knew you. When he introduced you to his group of friends, he was mesmerized by how well you were with almost everyone, he just couldn’t help but smile at that thought. 
But Armin also planned do other things such as going into a coffee shop just to get to know you better. He thought sharing a hot drink with you would help him to know if you were into him. Indeed he was afraid you might think of him as a friends, in the end you were just sharing some class you never attend to stay any longer (or at least that what he thought) : it won’t be a surprise if you just saw him as a school-friend someone you share a class but that’s it, he couldn’t be angry if you saw him that way … He didn’t actually feel like he could be angry at you at all so. 
It took the opportunity to dress well, if he was about to seduce you (or at least try to) he has to be presentable. He wasn’t very fancy, but he definitely knew how to dress well. He tried to look good but not too good, cause for now you still thought it was just a meeting with two friends, helping each other. He didn’t tell you anything about his true intention. So he has to be discreet about his intention, the last thing he wanted was you discovering his plan. 
When Armin met you, he had to think twice though : were you aware of his plan ? Did you dress like this just for him ? When you greeted him, he had to swallow two times cause you were breath-taking ; Armin was the one to think physical appearence is important but he had to admit you were very attractive in that outfit of yours. For a moment he was about to confess right there his feelings, but he knew better, he has build a plan and he had to respect it. 
So as you two agreed on, you walked together into the library for some studies. During your walk, Armin was pretty talkative (part of his plan he actually asked you a lot of personal question but always did it furtively) which you didn’t mind, it was good actually it made you think you were getting closer to him. When you were finally at the library, you started to work but none of you were actually into this. Everyone could tell, something was radiating from you  : was it attraction ? Was it nervousness ? No one could tell, but it sounded like you couldn’t work properly. 
« Should we go out ? Let’s have something to eat maybe we could try again later ? » 
You thought he would never say that, you couldn’t explain why but since you started to study with Armin you felt nervous it was the same for Armin. He used to be so confident when he explained you something, but today he seemed pretty shy and you didn’t know why and what to do to help him keeping his school. In addition, it seemed like your heart wasn’t on a better state, you could literally felt it beating against your chest you thought it could go thought your chest. You didn’t know what to do abut it, but you were agree with Armin both of you need something to cool off. Nothing would be better than a hot cocoa with some sweets. After ordering what you wanted, you were just staring at each other not knowing what to do. 
Knowing he was the reason of this awkward situation, Armin took a deep breath as he remembered his speech. He knew they won’t be another chance and that he won’t be able to took his words away : they’re no going back after he was about to say. So he had to be clear, he had to tell you everything so he won’t regrets anything. He couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous, he was afraid he didn’t understand you, afraid that everything was a misunderstanding ; the last thing he wanted was you feeling uncomfortable with him. He cared about you far too much to let this happen. Deep down, he was a bit confident after what he saw today and the way you behave with him he was hoping that you were sharing what he felt for you. Nonetheless, he won’t know if he don’t do it, so here we go. 
« Look Y/N, I’m sorry for today I was kinda nervous as you can see. It just, I had something to tell you but I was afraid you might not enjoy it. I was afraid, I might misunderstand you cause you’re incredible and full of surprises. I was about to give up when I realized that for once Mikasa and Eren won’t be here to help me, so today I decided to not be a coward and told you everything.  You might guess what I’m about to tell you, but still I want to do this properly. I’m in love with you Y/N I really do love you, it took me a long time before I could finally realize what I really felt about you. I just love everything about you from the way you laugh to the way care about people. You seem so caring and I know you are, you’re so kind with me … I-I love when you come close to me when you don’t understand something, how you always seem curious about everything, how you listen to me carefully when I talk to you about my passions. I love how gorgeous you look today even if I told you it was just a study session and now I feel stupid for not dressing properly, I love the way your nose crack when you’re focusing on something, how you analyze everyone, I especially love your art. Romanticism suits you Y/N it really does. There are so many feelings in your art I really love it.  I know you didn’t plan on staying here, but I would really love having you by my side. Everything seems simple when you are with me, but I won’t force you to do anything you didn’t plan on. I love how brave you are for travelling here on this country with no one with you, how hard you worked to have some friends to be a part of this college. I’d love to help you more and forever » 
So, what would be your answer ? 
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ethanramseyyy · 4 years
It’s back!!!
Wow, this chapter was actually one of the funniest and craziest chapters of both Open Heart books. I mean there was kissing, impersonating your twin, stealing patients. I thought it was amazing!
So the opening scene with Kyra’s scan was so cute and heart warming. The fact he knows when we need him is the cutest thing about MC and Ethan’s relationship. I don’t know why but this scene was just so cute to me and weirdly enough I think it’s one of my favourite scenes between MC and Ethan. It just seems so genuine! And then June had to come in and ruin the moment. I really can’t tell if she hates MC or likes us but to be honest I dont know how I feel about her either.
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I LOVED Kyra’s response to hearing the news about the spread of her cancer. I think it’s really interesting that choices decided to develop her story and follow her journey whilst suffering from such a horrible disease. As we all know cancer affects so many people and I think having a game that shows the reality of it, is really cool and much needed. I also believe her response was so so badass and brave. I think choices have done an AMAZING job of showing that cancer doesn’t define who you are. I just really enjoyed this scene 😊
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Ok so I’m undecided about June’s character. I feel like her response to MC was very uncalled for. June walked in as MC was crying about her friend who is dying from cancer and the fact that Edenbrook might not be around for much longer and she had the nerve to say suck it up. Like I get that sometimes constructive criticism is needed, but surely she could have been a little less rude. And then she had the audacity to ask if we wanted her to slap us. Like BITCH WHAT!?! NO. I don’t know how everyone else felt but I just think she seemed a little rude. See if that was our main man Mr Ethan Ramsey, he would have comforted us and told us everything is going to be ok because he’s just that in love with us. A girl can dream.
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Ok now moving onto the BEST part of the chapter. The Mass Kenmore mission. Undeniably the most fun and crazy scene in this book so far. There’s just so much to this scene. Ok, so let’s begin with the part when we had to actually get into Mass Kenmore. “She’s with me, obviously”. When I tell you I DIED AND CAME BACK TO LIFE, I’m not being dramatic. The Ethan Ramsey who basically told us that ‘it could never work because he is our boss and it is forbidden’ is deceased. And I’m glad. I just can’t deal with him. And that’s not even the best part.
So the next section is when MC and Ethan are hacking into Mass Kenmores system to try and find the Senator. It’s crazy to me that he can literally hack into a hospitals patient system yet can’t work a phone. Anyways.... We find the Room number but then a doctor enters the room. So the logical thing to do would have been to make up some excuse or let Ethan charm his way out of it. But no. Our Husband KISSED US VOLUNTARILY. Now not to be dramatic but he kissed us. He grabbed us by our scrubs and kissed us. Without warning. NO ONE CAN TELL ME HE ISNT IN LOVE WITH US. Ok? Ok. I do have a question though. What does he do if your aren’t romancing him, does he still kiss you because that would be quite awkward.
Now I can’t really remember the correct timeline to this whole scene but I’m just going to focus on my personal favourite moments. Baz is literally one of the best ideas for a new character that Choices could have come up with. I love him with all my heart. The fact he dressed up as his twin brother just to help us steal a patient is commitment. I also found it funny that he forgot how to be mean and couldn’t remember how to be like his brother. I’m still waiting for a full scene with both of them though. I feel like it would be so funny to see their interactions with each other.
And then we arrive at the senators room, convince him to come to Edenbrook because we are the better hospital (obviously) and the mission is successful. But then as we leave Tobias spots us. And to be honest this section is honestly the most light hearted bit of the entire book. It sums up MC and Baz’s friendship so much. We run for our lives and then another one of my favourite moments was when Ethan appeared in his car and said “need a ride?”. How can you not adore this man? He’s actually unreal 😍.
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Now let’s focus on June a little bit more. When she admitted she was sleeping with Tobias, I didn’t know whether I wanted to slap her or stan their relationship (if you can even call it that). I kinda see them making a sweet couple but she is literally sleeping with the enemy. Like you go girl but also how dare she sleep with him. You know?!? I just can’t decide whether I like her or not. She’s a really difficult person to understand. One minute she’s being nice to us and then the next she’s telling us to stop crying over our dying friend. LIKE MAKE UP YOUR MIND WOMEN. You either hate us or not. But also like wouldn’t it be fun if Tobias got attached to June and wanted an actual relationship but then she just binned him off as soon as Edenbrook is successful again. If she does that I stan.
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The final scene with Bryce, MC and Kyra was so so adorable. I feel as though Kyra’s battle against cancer has all been put on MC and the other friends haven’t really been involved too much. So I think it was good that Bryce was there and it came together as a really sweet scene where we found out that Kyra was willing to fight and have the surgery. Now, we know that in the end of the book someone is going to die and I might sound stupid for saying this butttt I’m not 100% convinced it is Kyra. I know, I know its stupid but I feel as though the first scene of the book was so shocking that it seems silly that they would basically confirm that it is Kyra who is going to die from her cancer. It seems a little bit TOO obvious to me. But maybe I’m just overthinking it. I want to know who everyone else thinks is going to die because I’m still not sure.
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Rafael stans. I’m so sorry sweetie. Choices literally removed him as a love interest and now removing him from the book altogether. I can’t believe they would do that. I swear if it’s his new ‘girlfriend’ who is convincing him to leave. I’m going to kill her myself.
Overall, I thought this chapter was amazing and I’m fully aware I say that about every single chapter but Open Heart 2 really is THAT BITCH.
I’m sorry that this post is a little all over the place but I’m just getting used to writing these again so I promise the next one will be better. Let me know your opinions about the chapter and the characters! Thanks for all the continued support, it means the world to me 💛
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true-blue-megamind · 3 years
Daylight and Dark Ch. 1 - First Night
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Photo by Joe Waranont
Read the full fan fiction HERE
This is an excerpt.  Due to Tumblr’s regulations, the second half of this chapter is only available on AO3.  The full fiction is not child-friendly!
Summary: Months after Titan's defeat, Roxanne faces concerns as she and Megamind's relationship grows more serious. Soon, however, she learns that may be the least of her problems. Metro City's new hero has a dangerous past, and loving him comes with as many perils as benefits. Mystery, drama, romance, and humor.  RATING: Explicit.  WARNINGS: violence, sex, language, references to prior domestic abuse, and rock n’ roll!
f I should labor through daylight and dark, Consecrate, valorous, serious, true, Then on the world I may blazon my mark; And what if I don't, and what if I do?
                —Dorothy Parker
Roxanne Ritchi stared at her reflection without really seeing it.
Tonight. It was going to be tonight. She had waited, fretted, but no more. It had to be tonight.
Perhaps this moment had been too long in coming. It wasn't as if she didn't want it to—she adored him, she was undeniably attracted to him, and she was completely unbothered by their physical differences—but there was a part of Roxanne that had been affected more than she liked to admit by past disappointments.  She described her approach to relationships as "circumspect" and "judicious," but, if she was honest, she was, in reality, a coward.  Not that she was afraid of Megamind, of course; that would have been ridiculous.  Her concerns were harder to define than that.  What she feared was, she supposed, perfection, or rather the relentless feeling that anything this perfect had to be inevitably doomed.  After all, past experiences with men had all ended in disaster—she was either too aloof or too intense, depending on which of her exes you asked— and it seemed that the better relationships were in the beginning, the more spectacularly they failed in the end.  In fact, the reporter had already resigned herself to a single life, throwing herself completely into her work, when along came a certain blue alien.  Now, deep down, she was afraid that something would go wrong—especially when their relationship was already complicated by its very nature.  Perhaps that was the real heart of the issue: her love affair with Megamind was complex in so many ways, even more than the expected difficulties entailed in dating any Defender, and some of those issues revolved around things neither she nor her blue boyfriend could control.
Even so, she had made her decision, and she wasn't going to back down.  It was going to be tonight.
A knock snapped Roxanne's eyes back into focus, and she frowned at her incomplete makeup. Hurriedly finishing her mascara and applying some russet red, long-wear lipstick, she swept all her cosmetics back into a drawer.  An extra spray of perfume for good measure, and that would have to do. Fanning her mouth with her hands to dry the lip color, Roxanne walked briskly through the living room to her apartment's front door.
Megamind was standing in the hall, eyes fixed pensively off into the distance. It was a look she was growing to expect whenever she left him waiting too long; the double-edge sword of his massive intellect was that he was always thinking, always wondering, his thoughts never still. The sound of the door brought him back to attention, and he smiled. She threw her arms around him— their usual greeting— and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
Nerves sang and sparked. She hated that she was as fidgety as a maiden bride.  While she believed that, like alcohol and tobacco, sex should be "enjoyed responsibly," Roxanne had slept with a respectable number of men.  It had been years since the idea of it had made her jittery.  Until now.  Maybe it was her long hiatus from the dating pool—very few men were willing to move on a woman supposedly dating someone with lasers in his eyes—or maybe it was Megamind's charm coupled with the intensity of her feelings for him, but, whatever the reason, something about the city's hero made her feel like she was in high school once more: heart fluttering and stomach slightly queasy.  If only that were the sole reason for the butterflies beneath her skin.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," she smiled again, looking into eyes so green they glowed.
His expression was tender as he turned his gaze down to her's— something that, at only two inches taller than Roxanne, he only managed to do when they were this close. And when she was wearing flats. For a moment Roxanne silently praised the work-sore feet that had prompted her to opt for more comfortable shoes this evening.
Clearly, the blue alien had been on duty today as he was dressed in his familiar dark leathers. For a short time, Megamind had tried wearing white— had even gone as far as to build a new super suit that imitated Metro Man's powers— but thankfully Minion had convinced him that it was better to be his own brand of hero. And he'd been right. Not only did Roxanne prefer her boyfriend's bad boy look for reasons of her own, but even the most hardened criminals had grown to fear the black-clad Defender of Metro City while citizens had grown to accept Megamind for himself.
Will that continue after tonight, if people find out? Or will the same public that praises him today turn against him tomorrow?
"Don't worry, it's alright," the blue hero assured her. Roxanne startled for a moment— how did he know what she was thinking?— before she realized that he'd been referring to the wait. "I was just considering how I might turn one of your windows into a transparent glass monitor," he continued. "It would require some creative engineering, but I think it could be done. Then I could build you a smaller version of the supercomputer in my lair, and ta-da! It could function as a window until activated, and then you could use it to communicate with me in my workroom, or research, or to—" seeing her quizzically amused expression, he caught himself in mid-thought and cleared his throat. He and Roxanne had agreed to just have a normal, relaxing date, and it seemed to occur to him that this might not fit the description. "Erm, these are for you," he finished sheepishly, proffering a bouquet of yellow daisies, orange and gold cosmos, gardenias, and red and white roses.
He always brought her daisies, ever since she had mentioned once in passing how much she loved the ones in Hill Top Park.  Bouquets turned up at her office every Thursday like clockwork.  She didn't even mind that some of the interns got all girlish and giggly about it.
Roxanne accepted the flowers, inhaling the blossoms' sweet scents before saying: "They're beautiful. Come on inside." She pulled him in, leaning up to give him another kiss as she reached around him to shut the door. "I've always wondered: what are these?" she continued, touching tiny white clustered flowers with one hand. "It seems like they're in every single bouquet I've ever seen, but no one ever mentions what they're called."
"Ah, yes, that's Gypsophila, Baby's Breath. And you're right, it is a common addition to bouquets... I think for artistic reasons. What's wrong? Do you dislike it?"
"What? No, not at all..."
"What is it? You look like you just smelled something horrible. I can take the Gypsophila out."
"Oh, no, that's not necessary. It's nothing... just..."
Baby's breath.  Oh God.   Roxanne tried to ignore the skittering tightness in her heart.
What if she got pregnant?  What would the world say to the first half-human child?  She was a responsible adult, of course, and she wasn't rushing into this unprepared, but even so... Sex was designed to make babies, and no matter how careful a girl was, sometimes it did just that.  Her cousin Theresa, who had conceived her third child while she and her husband were using both pills and condoms, was living proof.
Realizing she'd been quiet too long, Roxanne thought quickly. "It's just that that's an odd name for a flower, isn't it? I mean, it doesn't really look like breath."
"No stranger than Forget-Me-Nots or Grandmother's Lace." He shrugged. "Flower names are just weird."
"At least Grandmother's Lace sort of looks like lace," she laughed, more at herself than anything else. "But you're probably right. Either way, these really are gorgeous," Roxanne smiled again. "I love them."
"I'm glad," he grinned. "I've been studying Floriography."
"The language of flowers."
"I didn't know flowers talked," she joked.
"Very funny. You've read enough classic literature to know what I mean."
"I do, and you're very sweet," she answered, retrieving a vase from the small china hutch in her living room, and leading him into the kitchen. "Let's see… Roses are for love, right?"
"Love and affection, depending on the color."
"And these colors are?" She asked, setting the vase on the counter and turning to face him.
His cheeks flushed a little, the expression of shy pleasure at odds with his tough-guy persona. It was unreasonably adorable. "The red ones mean: 'my love for you is passionate,'" he explained. "And the white ones mean: 'my love for you is pure.'"
She felt her heart do a happy, ridiculous little flip, and turned her head to give him a smile that felt embarrassingly shy and girlish. "Oh."
This was always his way: thoughtful, charming, romantic, foolishly sentimental… Yet he never begrudged her her independence; never complained when she had to break a date for a hot news story or an overdue deadline. He just told her to stop by the Lair on the way home if she had the time, and sent over a packed dinner via brainbot with a note saying something like: "You won't forget to eat, will you? Love, MM." And then there was the way he fully embraced her for who she was, skipping typical dates in favor of afternoons in bookshops, long days in the park, weekends exploring quirky little-known museums, and dinners at hidden gems serving unexpectedly excellent cuisine or wonderfully authentic international dishes.
"Are you sure you're not telepathic?" she asked, only half in jest.  It was something she'd questioned him about before.
"I think I would notice if I were."  His expression turned teasing.  "Perhaps, Miss Ritchi, you are simply too... Predictable."
"Jerk," she laughed, trimming the edges of the flowers under the running tap.  
"Villain," he corrected, gesturing to himself.  "One of the good guys, now, but still a villain," he moved close.  "And a devilishly handsome one at that."
"Hmm.  I can't argue with the last part."
"That's because you have excellent taste."  God, why did his smirk have to look like dark secrets and wanton promises?  "Really, though, Sweetheart," he added, his smile gentling.  "I know you because I love you."
"I love you, too."
She truly did, and the fact that someone as brilliant and charming as Megamind loved her back sometimes still filled her with soft surprise.  More than that, however, he respected her.  He trusted her.  Following their defeat of Titan, Megamind had not only granted her nearly unfettered access to his secret Lair— something unheard of in the past— but, keenly aware that the sudden cessation of her regular kidnappings could affect her career, he had also allowed her to join him in some of his more noteworthy heroic battles.  While her blue beau insisted that she steer clear of the dangerous Doom Syndicate, together they had taken down two minor would-be villains: the first an ex-model with a scarred face and a terrible idea of revenge, the second a balding science teacher with an insane plan to make the pigeons in the park emulate Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.  That last had been a monumental failure even by Megamind's standards.  The chemical compound the man had fed the birds had only succeeded in giving them explosive diarrhea.  It had been an incredible mess.
Thank God for brainbot cleanup crews!
"And just what are you snickering about?" Megamind asked her, cocking one eyebrow, green eyes shining with curious mirth.  "It's mean not to share," he added, adopting his best Hero-Giving-a-Life-Lesson voice.  Roxanne laughed harder.  That particular part of his new persona was definitely a work in progress.
"I was just thinking about the bird guy," she answered, turning to fill the vase from the faucet.
"The bird—Oh!  Ravenous!" he gave the word an odd inflection, putting an emphasis on "raven," just as the aspiring villain had.
"That was it!" she chortled.  "God, even his name sucked!  He got so mad at you for pronouncing it wrong, too."
"Excuse me," he grinned, leaning back against the counter to catch her eye. "I was pronouncing the word ravenous correctly.  It's not my fault he had an unnatural obsession with avians.  And, as I recall, it was you, my Dear Miss Ritchi, who insisted on pronouncing his name wrong—or rather right— on air, until you had the whole city doing it.
"Me?" she couldn't hide her smile.  "Look at this innocent face.  Would I do something like that?"
His laugh rang through the kitchen.  "Oh, yes, you would.  I always said you would have made an excellent Evil Queen!"
It was absurd how much her heart sped up when he said that.  "When did you decide to learn floriography?  I mean, it can't have been just for this," she asked, arranging the bouquet with more care and concentration than was really necessary.  "I can't imagine you taking an interest in it before."
"Yes and no.  I did learn for you, Roxanne, but," he seemed to swallow his sheepishness, "I've studied the language of flowers for years.  I... I used to imagine what I would say to you if I only had the courage to leave a tower of blossoms on your table after a kidnapping.  I never did.  I didn't want you to feel... uncomfortable, frightened, but...  Roxanne, I revolve around you.  Your smiles have been my drug for a long time."
She swallowed turned her head back quickly.  Her face felt like fire and she knew she was losing the battle for suave composure.  Damn it, I'm supposed to be the one seducing him!  
How could she not love him when he said things like that—said them and actually meant them?  Surely that was too much for any reasonable world to expect? And if others might not like it, well, so what?  She'd endured criticism of everything from her political stances to her hair, and God knew Megamind was no stranger to animosity.  Whatever storms this might brew, they would weather them together.
"The Gypsophila represent purity, too," Megamind informed her.  She could hear him grinning at her blush. "The cosmos are joy and harmony," he added, moving closer again. "Yellow daisies are for both true love, because each flower is actually two joined as one, and for new beginnings. Gardenias, now those are interesting. They represent feminine beauty, and can refer to a secret love, but," Roxanne nearly dropped the vase as he leaned against her back to breathe the last words against her ear. "Gardenias also mean: 'I will always protect you.'"
"Megamind," she breathed, gently setting the vase on the counter and turning to bury herself in him. He smelled like hot metal— he'd probably been welding something earlier— and expensive cologne, but beneath that was his familiar musk of leather, spices, and something warm and woody.
He began kissing along her ear and down toward her shoulder— something he had become extremely good at in the last few months. His goatee, warm breath, and gentle teeth were sweet torture against her sensitive skin. Clever fingers tickled up the nape of her neck and slid around to gently tangle in her short hair, making her shiver. She sighed his name again, tasting the syllables like a prayer.
Megamind. This was Megamind: fiercely loyal and endlessly affectionate. Of course, he would always protect her. Let the whole entire city, or even the entire planet, turn against them, and he would remain steadfastly at her side, determined and immovable as stone.  Certainly, they had had their share of arguments—what couple didn't?—but, in the end, he always had her back. He'd probably even do his best to shield her from the worst of people's biases.  Because that was the sort of man he was.
To hell with what people might think. I want this, now and always.
Roxanne leaned back just enough to kiss him with thorough passion, giving his mouth the full and undivided attention it deserved.  He matched her passion, tongue gliding past her lips to tempt and tumble against her own.  Almost of their own accord, her arms wrapped about his slender neck, pulling him closer, urging him on...
And her stupid phone timer went off, shattering the moment with an annoyingly jaunty little tune.
"I… um… I have dinner in the oven," she stumbled over her own words. "It should be... ready… almost... almost ready."
Mercifully, he took his cue. "Oh-ho!" he laughed, giving her one last peck on the lips. "Home cooking twice in one week! Just what are you up to, Miss Ritchi?"
Although Roxanne had learned to cook at her grandmother's elbow, she'd rarely felt it worth her time when she was single, preferring quick frozen meals she could leave in the crockpot or even pop into the microwave.  Since she had started dating Megamind, however, she'd dusted off the old cookbooks she'd inherited and started making meals from scratch once a week.  True, the hero had Minion to cook for him— and her skills were nowhere near the henchman's gourmet standards— but this was one of the ways she could show her affection, and it always seemed to please the blue alien.  Things like that had become important to the reporter as Megamind took up residence in her heart, which is why she found herself constantly making little gestures like buying him a blue teddy bear in a black leather jacket, or texting him funny pictures and thoughts she knew would make him smile.  So she had gotten into the habit of planning one special dinner each week.  But, up until now, it had always been only one.
I'd hoped he wouldn't notice.  I should have known better.  
She gave him her best calm reporter stare. It was ruined by the fact that her face still felt like it was glowing red. "Why should I be up to anything?" she asked coyly.
He lifted an eyebrow, his grin playful.  "Your wiles won't work on me."
That earned him a sultry look. "I was under the impression they were working pretty well just now."
"Wicked girl," he teased. Following Roxanne across the small kitchen, Megamind opened the oven and sniffed eagerly. "Mmmm... Lasag-na. My favorite. Now I'm definitely suspicious."
"It's lasagna, silly," Roxanne corrected fondly, moving past him to set her bouquet on the dinette table. "And can't a girl make her favorite hero a nice dinner without him getting into conspiracy theories?"
He only grinned at her again. "La. Sag. Na." That was one of the things Roxanne loved most about Megamind. He never let himself be embarrassed. Most people would have been mortified by constant mispronunciations, but he brushed them off with a smile.
Giggling, Roxanne swatted him playfully out of her way and found two oven mitts in a drawer before retrieving the dish from the oven. "Maybe I'll make you learn to say it correctly before I let you have any."
"Oh, you could never be so cruel!" he answered over his shoulder as he selected plates from the cabinet. "I should have brought a bottle of wine."
"I still have two from the last time you came over," laughed Roxanne. "I think we'll be okay."
"You make me sound like an alcoholic," Megamind complained, but he couldn't quite tame his playful expression as he began setting the table. "I simply couldn't decide what would compliment the dish best. Besides, I wanted to make sure I had something to eat my breakfast cereal with in the morning."
Roxanne loved Megamind's laugh. He was the city's hero now, but his rolling chortle still had a dark ring in it, and something about it sent delicious shivers down her spine.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding" he assured her.
"I know, but... Ewww!"
He laughed again and motioned her to her chair. "Alright, okay," he said, helping her into her seat. "Whenever I stay here overnight, I solemnly promise that I will not eat cereal and wine for breakfast."
Roxanne tried to giggle but found her throat suddenly tight. Funny how that comment brought the conversation to the matter at hand.
Come on, Roxanne.  For God's sake.  Just ask.
She looked up at him, his face still glowing with humor, and gently placed her hand on his.
"Megamind, I was thinking, what about tonight?"
He looked confused. "What about tonight?"
"For that. For you to stay over. I mean..." she sighed.  Ugh... Why is this so hard?   "Will you stay here with me tonight?"
"Of course!" his easy tone implied he still didn't get her meaning. It wasn't as if he had never stayed over, after all... It was simply that they had never done any more than cuddle.
"No, I mean, will you—" Oh, God, I'm going to have to be specific, aren't I?— "Will you sleep with me? Will you spend the night here as my lover?"
That finally did it. His eyes widened in surprise, and then he glanced quickly down, trying unsuccessfully to hide his little up-to-no-good grin.
When he lifted his gaze again, however, his expression turned serious. "Are you... sure? I want you to be sure, Roxanne. Absolutely certain." He lifted his free hand to push a strand of her short hair tenderly back from her face. "No regrets between us. Ever."
She smiled. Doesn't he understand that that's what makes me so certain?  He's always ready to put me first.
Yes, he was an alien. Yes, she was going to be the first known human to sleep with someone from a different planet. Yes, in a society where too many still objected to relationships between different races and same genders, sharing her bed with an extraterrestrial was sure to stir up trouble. But it didn't matter. She had given him her whole heart, and after five months of dating— more if you counted the dates with "Bernard"— she wanted to give him her body, too. The time had come. Their relationship couldn't continue in this state of limbo. Either she stopped holding back or she broke things off, and she couldn't bear the thought of the latter. No matter what happened, no matter who judged them, no matter how many snide comments she had to hear about Stockholm Syndrome and tentacle porn, she would not—could not—let him go.
Fully meeting his look, Roxanne let her emotions— love, desire, trust, longing— fill her blue eyes. Her hands caressed the sides of his face as she pulled him down for another slow-burn kiss.
"I'm sure," she breathed when they parted for air. "I'm very, very sure."
He smiled and leaned back in, kissing her again, letting years of contained passion spill over her.  The chair skittered back as she rose, tangling her arms around him.  Clutching her, Megamind ran eager hands over her back, cupped her hips, and pressed her close to feel the proof of his desire. His kisses were hot, desperate, as if he were drowning and her lips held his only salvation.
Panting and flushed, the hero was the first to pull back. "I'm sorry," he said, motioning to the cooling meal on the table. "I don't mean to let all your hard work go to waste, but—"
"I have a microwave. We can heat it up."
He grinned. "Well, in that case..." he purred. Scooping her up in his deceptively thin arms, Metro City's blue hero carried Roxanne to the bedroom.
Tonight. It was going to be tonight.
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tachyon-at-rest · 4 years
An insanely funny story of "domesticated" dogs reminding us that they are still kinda wild.
From: Edward Hume <[email protected]> Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 20:40:36 -0500 Subj: Dogs in elk ____________________________________________________________
I edited the follow-up thread
The original is here:
dogs in elk Posted by Anita z8 Seattle ([email protected]) on Fri, Oct 22, 99 at 14:44 The following apparently appeared recently on one of the newsgroups, rec.pets. It sounds pretty believable to me--though it's so funny, I'm not sure that I care. It's pretty long, but it's worth it. ---------------------
Anne V - 01:01pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1318 of 1332) Okay - I know how to take meat away from a dog. How do I take a dog away from meat? This is not, unfortunately, a joke.
AmyC - 01:02pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1319 of 1332) Um, can you give us a few more specifics here?
Anne V - 01:12pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1320 of 1332) They're inside of it. They crawled inside, and now I have a giant incredibly heavy piece of carcass in my yard, with 2 dogs inside of it, and they are NOT getting bored of it and coming out. One of them is snoring. I have company arriving in three hours, and my current plan is to 1. put up a tent over said carcass and 2. hang thousands of fly strips inside it. This has been going on since about 6:40 this morning.
AmyC - 01:19pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1321 of 1332) Oh. My. God. What sort of carcass is big enough to hold a couple of dogs inside? Given the situation, I'm afraid you're not going to be create enough of a diversion to get the dogs out of the carrion, unless they like greeting company as much as they like rolling around in dead stuff. Which seems unlikely. Can you turn a hose on the festivities?
Ase Innes-Ker - 01:31pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1322 of 1332) I'm sorry Anne. I know this is a problem (and it would have driven me crazy), but it is also incredibly funny.
Anne V - 01:31pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1323 of 1332) Elk. Elk are very big this year, because of the rain and good grazing and so forth. They aren't rolling. They are alternately napping and eating. They each have a ribcage. Other dogs are working on them from the outside. It's all way too primal in my yard right now. We tried the hose trick. At someone elses house, which is where they climbed in and began to refuse to come out. Many hours ago. I think that the hose mostly helps keep them cool and dislodges little moist snacks for them. hose failed. My new hope is that if they all continue to eat at this rate, they will be finished before the houseguests arrive. The very urban houseguests. Oh, god - I know it's funny. It's appalling, and funny, and completely entirely representative of life with dogs.
Kristen R. - 01:37pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1324 of 1332) I'm so glad I read this thread, dogless as I am. Dogs in elk. Dogs in elk.
Anne V - 01:41pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1325 of 1332) It's like that childrens book out there - dogs in elk, dogs on elk, dogs around elk, dogs outside elk. And there is some elk inside of, as well as on, each dog at this point.
Elizabeth K - 01:57pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1328 of 1333) Anne, aren't you in Arizona or Nevada? There are elk there? I'm so confused! We definately need to see pics of Gus Pong and Jake in the elk carcass.
Anne V - 02:03pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1329 of 1333) I am in New Mexico, but there are elk in both arizona and nevada, yes. There are elk all over the da*n place. They don't look out very often. If you stand the ribcage on end they scramble to the top and look out, all red. Otherwise, you kinda have to get in there a little bit yourself to really see them. So I think there will not be pictures.
CoseyMo - 02:06pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1330 of 1333) "all red;" I'm not sure the deeper horror of all this was fully borne in upon me till I saw that little phrase.
Anne V - 02:10pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1331 of 1333) Well, you know, the Basenji (that would be Jake) is a desert dog, naturally, and infamous for it's aversion to water. And then, Gus Pong (who is coming to us, live, unamplified and with a terrific reverb which is making me a little dizzy) really doesn't mind water, but hates to be cold. Or soapy. And both of them can really run. Sprints of up to 35 mph have been clocked. So. If ever they come out, catching them and returning them to a condition where they can be considered house pets is not going to be, shall we say, pleasant.
CoseyMo - 02:15pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1332 of 1333) What if you stand the ribcage on end, wait for them to look out, grab them when they do and pull?
Anne V - 02:18pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1333 of 1333) They wedge their toes between the ribs. And scream. We tried that before we brought the elk home from the mountain with dogs inside. Jake nearly took my friends arm off. He's already short a toe, so he cherishes the 15 that remain.
Linda Hewitt - 02:30pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1336 of 1356) Have you thought about calling your friendly vet and paying him to come pick up the dogs, elk and letting the dogs stay at the vets overnight. If anyone would know what to do, it would be your vet. It might cost some money, but it would solve the immediate crisis. Keep us posted.
ChristiPeters - 02:37pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1337 of 1356) Yikes! My sympathy! When I lived in New Mexico, my best friend's dog (the escape artist) was continually bringing home road kill. When there was no road kill convenient, he would visit the neighbor's house. Said neighbor slaughtered his own beef. The dog found all kinds of impossibly gross toys in the neighbor's trash pit. I have always had medium to large dogs. The smallest dog I ever had was a mutt from the SPCA who matured out at just above knee high and about 55 pounds. Our current dog (daughter's choice) is a Pomeranian. A very small Pomeranian. She's 8 months old now and not quite 4 pounds. I'm afraid I'll break her.
Lori Shiraishi - 02:38pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1338 of 1356) Bet you could fit a whole lot of Pomeranians in that there elk carcass! Anne - my condolences on what must be an unbelievable situation!
Anne V - 02:44pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1339 of 1356) I did call my vet. He laughed until he was gagging and breathless. He says a lot of things, which can be summed as *what did you expect?* and *no, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog.* He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home. Thanks, Lori. I am almost surrendered to the absurdity of it.
Lori Shiraishi - 02:49pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1340 of 1356) "He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home." So he can fall down laughing in person?
Anne V - 02:50pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1341 of 1356) Basically, yeah. That would be about it.
AmyC - 02:56pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1342 of 1356) No, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog." Oh, sweet lo*d, Anne. You have my deepest sympathies in this, perhaps the most peculiar of the Gus Pong Adventures. You are truly a woman of superhuman patience. wait -- you carried the carcass down from the mountains with the dogs inside?
Anne V - 02:59pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1343 of 1356) The carcass down from the mountains with the dogs inside? no, well, sort of. My part in the whole thing was to get really stressed about a meeting that I had to go to, and say *yeah, ok, whatever* when it was suggested that the ribcages, since we couldn't get the dogs out of them and the dogs couldn't be left there, be brought to my house. Because, you know - I just thought they would get bored of it sooner or later. But it appears to be later, in the misty uncertain future, that they will get bored. Now, they are still interested. And very loud, one singing, one snoring.
Lori Shiraishi - 03:04pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1344 of 1356) And very loud, one singing, one snoring. wow. I can't even begin to imagine the acoustics involved with singing from the inside of an elk.
Anne V - 03:04pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1345 of 1356) reverb. lots and lots of reverb.
Anne V - 03:15pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1347 of 1356) I'll tell you the thing that is causing me to lose it again and again, and then I have to go back outside and stay there for a while. After the meeting, I said to my (extraordinary) boss, "look, I've gotta go home for the rest of the day, I think. Jake and Gus Pong are inside some elk ribcages, and my dad is coming tonight, so I've got to get them out somehow." And he said, pale and huge-eyed, "Annie, how did you explain the elk to the clients?" The poor, poor man thought I had the carcasses brought to work with me. For some reason, I find this deeply funny. (weekend pause)
Anne V - 08:37am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1395 of 1405) So what we did was put the ribcages (containing dogs) on tarps and drag them around to the side yard, where I figured they would at least be harder to see, and then opened my bedroom window so that the dogs could let me know when they were ready to be plunged into a de-elking solution and let in the house. Then I went to the airport. Came home, no visible elk, no visible dogs. Peeked around the shrubs, and there they were, still in the elk. By this time, they had gnawed out some little portholes between some of the ribs, and you got the occasional very frightening glimpse of something moving around in there if you watched long enough. After a lot of agonizing, I went to bed. I closed the back door, made sure my window was open, talked to the dogs out of it until I as sure they knew it was open, and then I fell asleep. Sometimes, sleep is a mistake, no matter how tired you are. And especially if you are very very tired, and some of your dogs are outside, inside some elks. Because when you are that tired, you sleep through bumping kind of noises, or you kind of think that it's just the house guests. It wasn't the house guests. It was my dogs, having an attack of teamwork unprecedented in our domestic history. When I finally woke all the way up, it was to a horrible vision. Somehow, 3 dogs with a combined weight of about 90 pounds, managed to hoist one of the ribcages (the meatier one, of course) up 3 feet to rest on top of the swamp cooler outside the window, and push out the screen. What woke me was Gus Pong, howling in frustration from inside the ribcage, very close to my head, combined with feverish little grunts from Jake, who was standing on the nightstand, bracing himself against the curtains with remarkably bloody little feet. Here are some things I have learned, this Rosh Hashanah weekend: 1. almond milk removes elk blood from curtains and pillowcases, 2. We can all exercise superhuman strength when it comes to getting elk carcasses out of our yard, 3. The sight of elk ribcages hurtling over the fence really frightens the nice deputy sheriff who lives across the street, and 4. the dogs can pop the screens out of the windows, without damaging them, from either side.
Anne V - 09:58am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1401 of 1405) What I am is really grateful that they didn't actually get the damn thing in the window, which is clearly the direction they were going in. And that the nice deputy didn't arrest me for terrifying her with elk parts before dawn.
AmyC - 09:59am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1402 of 1405) Imagine waking up with a gnawed elk carcass in your bed, like a real-life "Godfather" with an all-dog cast.
Anne V - 10:01am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1403 of 1405) There is not enough almond milk in the world to solve an event of that kind.
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ofgeneticperfection · 4 years
Scarlet’s chain of sweetness
Courtesy of  @madamdirectcr
1. Indomitable - She pretty much does what she wants, how she wants, whenever she wants. If she wants something? She manipulates her way into getting it. She doesn’t stop until she has it and hardly anything will sway her otherwise. She’s extremely hard to control when determined and set on a task in mind. She’s hard to control period. She’s got a streak of wild, impulsive, and loves to toy with others be it malicious or just to tease.  Her will is near impossible to break and she never believes that she can’t do something even if it is the impossible. Atop of that she’s fairly hard to defeat physically, she’ll bring more than a challenge if ever attack or if a loved one is ever hurt. I’m not saying that she can’t be brought down because she can, but it’s going to take more than a couple of hits.
2. Emotional Depth-  There’s not just one tier to Isrieal, there’s a million and it’s a labyrinth. She comes off as cold, arrogant, prideful but that’s the main wall that she hides behind. She’s strong and will exude complete confidence most of the time while being sly, cunning, coy, and whatever else she can throw at you. These are the emotions she shows to the world but the rest she’s buried so deep inside that she forgets they even exist. Inside she’s broken, sad, lonely, tormented but she has her ways of hiding them and biting back the pain that feeling these emotions brings. It’s from the conditions she’s been stuck in for her whole life at Hojo’s mercy and the lies she’s had to tell herself to make it easier to handle. Of course, this naturally makes her volatile with bursts of anger or other strong emotions and if she let’s one slip out they all come spilling out sooner or later. She does have a tendency to use special sedative injections to subdue these emotions whenever she feels any starting to well up. Deep under it all, however, she loves with all of her heart once she is sure that she will not be hurt. She’s always afraid of that in a way, but there is no in between. You have her all or you have her nothing. But once there she is quite passionate and protective and more soft and innocent then she’d originally lead you to think. 
3. Manipulative - Life is a game and she plays to win. At least that’s how one survives in ShinRa. She learned from one of the best manipulators out there and now she’s known to even manipulate the Professor himself. She rose herself from experiment to assistant Director by playing him and she plays everyone around as she sees necessary in order to get what she needs. She often shows what she wants to show and nothing more, near every move and every article of clothing is precisely calculated towards whomever she is meeting with. Of course, only if you don’t know her well. 
4. Deals with the Devil- Oh yes, she loves to make deals but don’t worry they’re mostly fair and she is one to keep to her word and her promises. Despite her demeanor she is quite loyal when she promises something. If you work out a trade or a bargain she’ll do her best to uphold her end of it, getting you what you want in return. There is a lot that can be traded between science and other departments after all and she’s not afraid to go behind the Professor’s back here and there if it means obtaining something she’s personally after in the end. 
5. A.I Alien - Lastly, yes I love the fact she is a hybrid and loves to play with quantum theory and A.I in the future. I always love the sci-fi aesthetics and concepts and the idea of something beautiful having a monster inside. She’s at conflict with this part of herself, often not knowing how to fully accept it but at least she is in control of the cells and not the other way around. She’s also always been focused on uploading consciousness and prolonging and bringing others back to life since she doesn’t age. It’s from there that she gets pulled into quantum theories and eventually breaks through to a system A.I that she makes a deal with to her own advantage, but this is a plot I haven’t touched in a while. Really I love everything about her but these are some fun and dominating concepts. 
1. @animus-inspire Where do I start? Seriously. This was unexpected but yet one of the best things that has ever happened in my writing history. I love love love this ship and all the AU’s of it so much! And beyond that, it’s so rare to get me to talk a lot but I can’t seem to ever shut up around you xD. But, I LOVE talking to you and the connection we have and the fact that we have so many stinking ideas all the damn time and they all get played off each other so easily and that we can share the same obsessions and YES WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! But you are also one of the sweetest and most full of life people I know on here and I absolutely love writing with you, you’ve made it so great :3. And you are seriously best Reeve and have made me love all the Reeve. <3
2. @thefirstthaumaturge I’ve known you for about like, well.....well over 10 years xD And I love you more as the years go on. We’ve survived drama days together and now we can laugh about all the stupid RP stuff we did in the past. I also enjoy all of our new RPs and how great its been to see both our OCs grow and thrive in these communities. I also super love talking to you and playing video games with you and watching WestWorld and movies with you. Basically, you make everything super fun and I don’t know what I’d do without you around. I also love how we always manage to say/type the same things at the same time all the damn time xD Digital sisters but its as real as it gets. 
3. @shinraweirdscience @xbroken-science @insidious-scientist  I love all of my Hojo’s that deal with Izzy’s crazy ass and put up with me so thank you guys! I’m always down for crazy plots and all the trauma that comes with them so don’t ever feel bad about throwing anything at me or damaging Izzy. It’s what makes her her after all. And I find it all a lot of fun. I’m always ears for ideas so let me know!
4. @sadistic-second I don’t write a whole lot with you here but you’re always good company in the voice chats and you make playing games a lot of fun as well. I like our little group we have going on to do all the stuffs. I love all the gifs and icons you make, and the paracord is very creative as well. It’s always cool to see what you can do. Of course I like all the funny things too.   @apathetic-ruler  I have to say you’re writing is amazing, I love it! I haven’t wrote with your Ru but I love past life Ru xD One of these day’s I’ll figure out what to do with a Rufus I’m sure. 
5. @ivory-paragon We don’t write much but I love playing FFXIV with you and being in all your groups. It’s a very fun and enjoyable atmosphere and you make me laugh all the time. If I hadn’t found you I wouldn’t have found any of this awesome community and my great shippy ships that have come out of it. @rikelusshinra I love all of our RP’s and stuff too. You have a super amazing OC that seems to fit right in and I’ve loved writing with Rike. Even if you are busy now. It’s rare Izzy finds ships that work but you are one of those lucky ones that she fits well with and I love all the ideas we play with as well. So to my FFU peeps! Even if we don’t write on tumblr much I still love you both. 
Honorable mentions:
@cinderella-gurei God, you are the best Chadley and you break my damn heart all the time in our RPs. Izzy will never forgive herself completely but she’s glad to have you around and so am I! She will protecc forever. <3 
@madamdirectcr I love your Scarlet! I want to see what happes :3  @makeupandmateria Another lovely Scarlet I had to mention as well!
So okay, I’ve thought about this all day and I’ll do a few categories. Since I revolve around music so heavily and no lie have hundreds of my own music videos in my head for every song I’ve ever heard, yes I’m one of THOSE people. xD
So I’ll start with what I’ve been listening to lately that really fits in with WestWorld Izzy and Logan!Reeve ShinuestiLos xD I can’t seem to get Poker Face out of my head for her and a couple other Lady Gaga songs that fit in  Like this one too. 
Also I really love these songs but they are so random. This one mostly thanks to ARI, but I can never not listen to it when it comes on. Also Mortal Kombat. This song makes me so fired up every time I hear any variation of it xD. Even now! alkdjfsldjfsdljf, but I do really like this mix. 
Then we can’t forget those emo day songs. Mr. Brightside is one I can never resist singing. It’s just so damn good! Then there is Holiday by Greenday and can’t forget Miss Murder by AFI xD 
Now I have an extremely long list of electronic type, synth, darkwave, trance, whatever the heck categories they fall under that I just like to call my Robot music xD  Here’s a couple with AI themes that I’ll just throw out here. We Appreciate Power and quite literally A.I 
And lastly this one reminds me of Midgar so much and Izzy, but I always see her singing this if she ever made a music video. (which apparently she’s made many) But she’d definitely be in front of wall sized windows with Midgar in the background and the labs, and its also why she sometimes refers to it as Electric City, idk who the guy would be singing with her but if you want it to be you just let me know? Lol.  After all she is Indistinct. Ill Defined. Uncontrolled. Unconfined. 
Tagged by: @animus-inspire (this took me forever Reeeeeve x.x) 
Tagging: @thefirstthaumaturge
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
“It’s okay.” (Tom Holland blurb)
so its my first tom piece, hope you’ll like it! inspired by his absolute lack of ability to use instagram
drabble list masterlist
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Tom’s giggle is the cutest. It’s melody to your ears and with your eyes still closed you wonder what’s making your boyfriend laugh now. You stir in your sleep, burying your face into the pillow for a moment before turning to the side to see what’s so funny on the other end of the bed.
He is sitting with his head against the headboard, his bare chest is almost glowing in the morning sun and his hear messily sits atop his head. An absentminded smile tints his lips and the urge to kiss him is hard to resist. His phone in his hands shows the Instagram app open on the screen. His eyes are still puffy, it hasn’t been too long since he woke up either.
Tom landed home just yesterday evening, you welcomed him with home-cooked meal, something he said he missed so much during the promo tour, and then the night continued in the bed. For hours.
“What’s so funny?” you mumble, your voice still groggy from the sleep. His eyes flicker to yours and he gifts you with a bright smile.
“Good morning, babe,” he welcomes you and leaning down he kisses your forehead softly.
You push yourself closer to him, the silky sheets sliding down your body and exposing your almost fully naked back to the warm sunlight that beams through the window. You have only a lacy bralette on that doesn’t leave too much to the imagination, but it’s one of his favorite attires on you.
You lay your chin on his chest, eyeing the screen curiously where you see a silly video of a bunch of puppies bouncing around.
“Just Harry sent me this post,” he mumbles under his breath, an amused smile still on his lips. “They are so cute,” he comments in a baby-like voice as you watch the video start from the beginning. His adoration for animals is so sweet and pure, it’s one of the many things that made you fall for him almost immediately when you met him.
Once the video is over you turn to him, chin still on his bare chest and your fingers run up to his defined jawline.
“So, what do you want to do today?” you ask knowing he doesn’t have anywhere to be in the next few days. A playful grin curls on his lips as his hands fall to your bare back, his fingers tracing all kinds of patterns on your skin.
“I have a few ideas,” he smirks, eyes moving down to your lips.
“Mm really?”
Pushing yourself up you throw a leg over his waist sitting on him, palms laid out flat on his chest as his hands slide to your thighs. He brings himself up a bit to meet your lips and you giggle into the kiss as he nibbles on your bottom lip.
“I missed you,” he murmurs against your lips. “I missed this.”
Both hands on the base of his neck you deepen the kiss, your tongues melting together. You feel him fumbling around with one hand, but you don’t bother yourself to check what he is doing. You arch your back, pushing your chest against his and you are just about to take this to another level when he abruptly pulls away.
“Oh shit!” he curses and you almost fall to the side from his sudden movements.
He has his phone in his hands, furiously taps on the screen, but his face is getting redder with each passing moment.
“What?” you ask a bit out of breath as you try to figure out what’s going on.
“I-I uhh— I accidentally, oh fuck!” he rambles, but doesn’t get to the point and you’re starting to grow impatient.
“Tom, what is it?!”
“I posted a pic to my story!” he shrieks in panic, his fingers still working on the screen, his chest rising and falling in a rapid pace.
“What pic?”
“It’s uhh— Okay, it’s gone. I think it’s gone,” he says and you grab the phone from his hands. His Instagram is open and you go to where you can record a story and open the archive Instagram just added to keep your recent stuff you haven’t even posted. There are a few selfies and snaps about Tessa and then there’s the most recent picture of you and him, making out just a couple of minutes ago.
It’s pretty blurry, he took it mid-action, but it’s still clear that he is shirtless and you have nothing on but the bralette, your hair falling forward while your hands are grasping onto the base of his neck.
“You posted this?” you gasp as you give his phone back.
“Babe I’m so sorry, you know I have no idea how to work Instagram a-and I just wanted to-to take a pic—“
“But why did you use the Instagram app?” you ask in confusion.
The problem is not that he wanted to take a pic, you do that all the time. Your phone has plenty of shirtless Tom lying around in hotel rooms or the two of you being all handsy, these pictures are what makes it better when you miss him and he is on the other side of the planet. But these were never meant to be posted online and even though he deleted it, you’re pretty sure tons of screenshots were taken and reposted all over the internet by now.
“B-Because it was open and I-I don’t know! I suck with Instagram! Maybe I should just delete the whole thing,” he growls, mad at himself, clearly blaming himself big time.
His head falls back to the pillow as he stares up at the ceiling with a “let me just die” expression on his face while you still sit on his waist.
You’re not mad. You do think he should have been more careful, but it’s not like he posted a full nude of you which you hope will never happen. But it’s just a picture of you kissing, showing no more than on a beach picture when you wear a bikini.
“It’s okay,” you gently say caressing his chest, but he shakes his head.
“It’s not okay. Why am I such a loser with this damn thing?” he angrily questions tossing his phone to the side.
“Tom, it’s fine! That picture is not that bad,” you assure him and he peeks at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“So you’re not mad?”
“As I said, it’s okay. It’s not a… good picture, but it’s okay. We might end up on Tumblr or something because it’s something hormonal teenagers reblog on there,” you chuckle, trying your best to lighten the mood. “But you really should start learning how to properly use Instagram.”
“Zendaya tried to teach me so many times, but it’s just… not for me,” he huffs covering his eyes with an arm, while his other hand finds its way back to your thigh.
“Hire a social media manager who does everything for you,” you say teasing him.
“Might be a good idea,” he chuckles as you lean down and lock lips with him shortly. “Who knows what I’ll leak next time.”
“You better not leak a damn thing!” you give him a warning look. He has some pretty juicy stuff saved on his phone for sure. You don’t shy away from sending pictures whenever he hits you up in the middle of the night with those ‘I miss you so much, babygirl’ texts.
“Don’t worry,” he smirks cheekily. “Don’t want anyone else to see what’s only for my eyes.”
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the-light-followed · 4 years
“It’s vital to remember who you really are.  It’s very important.  It isn’t a good idea to rely on other people or things to do it for you, you see.  They always get it wrong.”
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Rating: 7/10
Standalone Okay: Yes, but more fun with context.
Read First: Yeah.
Discworld Books Masterpost: [x]
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Magic!  Sourcery! Death!  The apocryphal apocalypse, the Apocralypse!  Puns!  A cowardly wizard who can’t do magic and who takes it in turns to run away from, and then toward, and then away again from danger!
Over the course of the story, Sourcery literally and figuratively rewrites reality and magic across the Disc.
Sourcery feels a lot like a second start for the Discworld series.  Much like The Colour of Magic, it introduces many of Discworld’s major locations, characters, and themes.  It even stars Rincewind, in all his cowardly, unmagical glory.  But unlike The Colour of Magic, Pratchett has locked down not just the look of the place, but also the feel of it.  The Discworld, as a setting, balances on the knife’s edge between absurdist humor and poignant sincerity, and it makes sense that it took Pratchett a couple novels to get the blend just right.  I feel like the first five books in the series mark a slow path to the Discworld that the rest of the novels will occupy comfortably, starting with the purely satirical high fantasy nonsense of The Colour of Magic, shifting through the more original concepts of Equal Rites and Mort, and finally settling in place with Sourcery.
With the arrival of Coin, the powerful Sourcerer—who unlike a wizard is a source of magic, not just able to use the stuff—the balance of magic and nature shifts, wizards and towers rise and fall, and the Things from the Dungeon Dimensions briefly push very, very close to the Discworld before they’re driven back.  
By the time the story ends, magic is revitalized and permanently changed through the arrival (and then departure) of Sourcery, and the balance of power between city-states is permanently altered.  In fact, it is strongly implied that because of these magical battles, some of these places have entirely ceased to exist.
We get a solid cast of characters for this one, coming together and splitting apart again for some really well-paced storylines running alongside one another.  There’s Conina (daughter of Cohen the barbarian, hairdresser by profession and warrior by genetics) and Nijel the Destroyer (son of a grocer, but he read a book about how to be a barbarian once), the Unseen University wizards (who put all their skill points into magic powers and absolutely none into common sense), the Librarian and his flock of books (the books literally fly like birds to escape a fire in the Library), Coin the Sourcerer (parented badly by the ghost of his dead father which is possessing his magical staff (no, really)), Death and the other Horsemen of the Apocralypse, etc., etc.  Even the Archchancellor’s Hat has a pretty solid role to play.
And, of course, we’ve got our main protagonist, beloved run-away wizard Rincewind.
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Western media trains audiences to see and expect cowardice as a negative trait, usually given to villains, traitors, and failures.  But although Rincewind’s cowardice is as much a defining characteristic as his lack of magical ability and his misspelled hat, I see him as one of the kindest and most genuinely likeable protagonists on the Disc.  (As opposed to my other faves: Vimes can be too intense, Vetinari too terrifying, and Granny is some unholy combination of both those things.  Moist is, quite frankly, a little shit.)  
Rincewind has ‘runs away a lot, usually from things that want him dead’ as his main character flaw, sure, but I can’t honestly fault him for that. Let’s be real—it’s just a logical continuation of the all-important survival trait, which Rincewind has in spades. And at the same time, he’s also knowledgeable, sarcastically funny, kind in his own way, and totally, completely harmless.  It’s almost sweet, even, how utterly nonthreatening this man is.  Like Coin the Sourcerer says: he’s like a funny little rabbit.  How can you not love that?
I also love that Rincewind’s cowardice doesn’t stop him from doing what has to be done, even when—maybe especially when—no one else seems to be answering the call.  Despite all the infinitely more powerful wizards up in the tower with the Sourcerer, it’s Rincewind who shows up with no magic at all, just a half-brick in a sock, ready to at least try to stop the inevitable unraveling of reality and destruction of the Disc.  (I’m standing by my claim that Rincewind might be a terrible wizard, but an excellent accidental witch.  See my post on Equal Rites for the distinction.)
Anyway, in the end, it turns out that it’s not Coin that’s the real problem, it’s his staff; Rincewind immediately turns to protecting Coin, a literal child.  When he and Coin are pulled through to the Dungeon Dimension, Rincewind uses himself as a distraction so Coin can escape, even though it means he’ll be trapped there with terrible things that want him dead.  The book ends with him still trapped in the Dungeon Dimensions.
That’s not great, obviously, but one thing I really appreciate about the Discworld series is that even though bad things happen or threaten to happen all the time, you can always trust Pratchett not to be cruel for cruelty’s sake or even just for shock and awe.  Things are scary and bad, but they will turn out okay in the end. Pratchett’s not about that grimdark bullshit, and that’s a promise you can take straight to the bank.  He understands people in such a real way—none of his characters are purely good or purely evil, but on the whole, when pushed, they tend toward good.  They think. They reconsider.  They try.  Even when it seems pointless, they fight back, and Pratchett always rewards his characters—and the readers—for that.
Sourcery, a prime example of this, ends on a pretty solid cliffhanger.  Knowing as we do now that there are four more books that star Rincewind in the Discworld lineup, we as a modern audience don’t need to worry.  But in the context of 1988, where there are two full years and three full novels before Rincewind is mentioned again, we have to take Pratchett at his word, and the man really does do everything in his power to reassure us that all will be well:
“Silence drifted around the remains of a hat, heavily battered and frayed and charred around the edges, that had been placed with some ceremony in a niche in the wall.  No matter how far a wizard goes, he will always come back for his hat.”
The Rincewind books were actually some of the last ones I read of the Discworld, my first time around, to the point where I already trusted Pratchett not to mess with my feelings for no reason.  It’s always nice to hit a cliffhanger and know the author will give a satisfying, well-written payoff—he wouldn’t have written it as he did if he didn’t intend to go somewhere with it later.
And now, having read all the books several times over, I have the satisfaction of being certain that even though it takes him a while, Rincewind will make it back to U.U. in the end.  Any time I read one of the Rincewind books and start to feel bad for the poor bastard, I can reassure myself that despite every time he’s forced to risk his life or dragged along against his will on a wild and crazy adventure, eventually he will be given tenure at the University, and he will have the most boring job imaginable, mostly involving sorting his predecessor’s rock collection.  It’s all the man has ever dreamed of getting out of life.
As a final note, I have to sidetrack into something that makes me very excited: in Sourcery, Vetinari is finally given a name!
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[Paul Kidby’s version of Vetinari from The Pratchett Portfolio.]
Admittedly, this is not the first time the Patrician appears; he’s been around since The Colour of Magic.  It’s just that he’s now officially been named, and with that naming comes more and more elements of his personality.  Unfortunately, this does not mean he’s now fully, entirely, um…Vetinari-like.  (Is there a good word to describe what, exactly, Vetinari is?  Let me know; I sure as hell can’t think of one. Machiavellian, sure, but there’s a lot more going on in there on top of that.)  He looks like Vetinari.  He’s got some very Vetinari-sounding traits.  He’s even got Wuffles, and let’s be honest, ‘unreasoning love of dogs’ is one of Vetinari’s easiest-to-nail-down personality traits.
But he also dramatically misjudges a situation with the wizards and the newly-arrived Sourcerer, Coin, to the point where he is turned into a lizard for the rest of the book.
On the one hand, this is clearly an object lesson in human-slash-wizard nature that Vetinari takes firmly to heart, because I can’t think of any time in any other Discworld novel where the man fucks up quite that badly.  One of Vetinari’s strongest traits is that he gets people, he understands them and what they want, and the reason he stays in power despite all efforts to the contrary is that he knows how to work that to his advantage.  Future Vetinari is a lot more cautious and delicate with both his demands and his threats, he pretty much always gets what he wants, and he is never again forcibly transmogrified into a small, angry reptile.  That’s character development, folks.
On the other hand, I think I’m so used to Vetinari as the all-knowing, puppeteering chess-master that he seems wildly out of character for the relatively short amount of time he shows up in Sourcery.  I don’t even think I’m entirely wrong in that, because, again, Pratchett is still figuring out Vetinari as a character at this point. He’s been around since The Colour of Magic, yes, but this is the first time we see him as a real, concrete person and not a mere device to drive the plot.  
Somehow, he doesn’t yet feel like the politician slash assassin that we’ll come to know and love.  Sure, we all know he’s secretly got a hidden sense of humor and a live-and-let-die approach to the whimsical absurdity that pretty much runs the Disc, but he doesn’t make mistakes.
By the time we get to Guards! Guards!, though, Pratchett will pretty much have him on lock.  Maybe we really just need to hold his brand of cynicism up next to Vimes’s in order to put them both in the right light.
But we’ve still got a few more books between then and now.  Next up, we return to the witches: it’s the Shakespearean-inspired Wyrd Sisters!
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Side Notes:
Rincewind does exactly one (1) magic in this book, and I am very proud of him for it.
Something I missed on my last readthrough: the Luggage apparently coughed up the Ottavo after a couple days.  Last I remembered, in The Light Fantastic, it had swallowed this most powerful grimoire on the Disc and showed no signs of ever giving it up.  On the one hand, there’s nowhere safer on the Disc to store a reality-warping spellbook than inside a murderous suitcase, but on the other, Rincewind and his awful luck don’t really need that sort of risk following them around on hundreds of tiny legs.
This book has a really solid message: a person has to decide for themselves who and what they are.  It repeats throughout a lot of the character arcs: Rincewind, Conina, Nigel, even Coin the Sourcerer.
Rincewind might not be great at magic, but he’s got the most common sense.  For example: it’s not Rincewind’s magical powers that make him able to fly the magic carpet.  It’s just that he’s the only one to notice that they’ve set it on the ground upside-down. I think this serves him better than actual magic would in most of his escapades.
Favorite Quotes:
“‘I meant,’ said Ipslore bitterly, ‘what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?’  Death thought about it.  CATS, he said eventually.  CATS ARE NICE.”
“It was quite impossible to describe.  Here is what it looked like.  It looked like a piano sounds shortly after being dropped down a well.  It tasted yellow, and it felt Paisley.  It smelled like the total eclipse of the moon.”
“It’s vital to remember who you really are.  It’s very important.  It isn’t a good idea to rely on other people or things to do it for you, you see. They always get it wrong.”
“They suffered from the terrible delusion that something could be done.  They seemed prepared to make the world the way they wanted it or die in the attempt, and the trouble with dying in the attempt was that you died in the attempt.”
“There are eight levels of wizardry on the Disc; after sixteen years Rincewind has failed to achieve even level one.  In fact it is considered opinion of some of his tutors that he is incapable even of achieving level zero, which most normal people are born at; to put it another way, it has been suggested that when Rincewind dies the average occult ability of the human race will actually go up by a fraction.”
“Rincewind rather enjoyed times like this.  They convinced him that he wasn’t mad because, if he was mad, that left no word at all to describe some of the people he met.”
“Despite rumor, Death isn’t cruel—merely terribly, terribly good at his job.”
“The truth isn’t easily pinned to a page.  In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap, and much more difficult to find.”
“The day had, in fact, reached that gentle point when it was too late for housebreaking and too early for burglary.”
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ramonadecember · 5 years
You /know/ which ship I wanna send you 👀🔪
ship thing.
yes. yes i do. you only ever want one thing from me…. :P here’s some cullen/dorian nonsense for y’all.
Gives nose/forehead kisses: this is the only one i’m saying both for → cutesy kisses are the easiest way to get dorian to stop pouting when he’s in a mood, and the easiest way to distract cullen when he gets too in his own head.
Gets Jealous the most: dorian → cullen doesn’t even realize how stupidly endearing he can be (even if it’s his own very cullen-sih way) sometimes and how it makes others swoon and dorian WILL (ง •̀_•́)ง if he has to.
Takes care of on sick days: cullen → mostly because for it to be the other way, it would require cullen to actually take a sick day. plus you know dorian is dramatic as hell as soon as he gets the sniffles, but cullen is fully willing to indulge him.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: cullen → initially at least, and then as soon as dorian is over it with cullen splashing him, he’s going to use his magic to near drown him. :’)
Brings the other lunch at work: cullen → dorian is like a whirlwind getting ready and bound to forget. and if it’s for dorian, cullen is more than willing to take some time out if it’s for dorian. 
Tries to start role-playing in bed: dorian → but i don’t think either of them can keep a straight face or follow through with it lmao.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: dorian → mostly because he LOUDLY explains the details of that scarf dance for all to hear. 
Firmly believes in couples costumes: cullen → as much as dorian would LOVE to pick out some clothes for cullen, he thinks couple costumes are tacky and thinks cullen isn’t funny after the third time he suggests ‘sexy _____’ as a costume.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: dorian → all he wants to do is spoil this dude who thinks that if it isn’t the bare essential, it’s ‘extravagant’ and unnecessary. cullen deserves nice things, and dorian is bent on proving it to him. 
Makes the other eat breakfast: dorian → cullen wakes up and gets right to working, probably wouldn’t eat at all if it wasn’t for dorian’s ‘nagging.’
Remembers anniversaries: dorian → see above about the spoiling. always tries to plan something elaborate, sometimes thinks cullen forgot, but cullen always comes through with something that might be small, but it’s always beyond sweet and thoughtful.
Brings up having kids first: (you mean their mabari children? >>;; ) dorian → and by that i mean he doesn’t bring it up, he just brings home a pup and cullen is floored. because it’s dorian, so cullen never thought a mabari would happen. but what kind of dog lord doesn’t have a dog…
Kills the bugs: cullen → they’re never, quote, ‘normal-sized spider’ and dorian is not dealing with that. and maybe that’s why he near shrieked like that.
First to define them as a couple: cullen → dorian’s anxiety over this ‘thing’ between them is clear (example: the nervous laughter after he calls it ‘the thing between them’), so cullen is going to try to put his fears to rest as quickly as he can and assure him that it’s definitely a real ‘thing,’ haha.
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer: dorian → he’s sneaky, let’s cullen ‘bust’ him doing something slightly embarrassing so that cullen thinks he knows all his secrets while still carefully concealing whatever the real guilty pleasure it.
Snorts while laughing: dorian → but he swears he WILL set cullen on fire if he ever mentions it, and that’s if ya can even get dorian to admit it happens.
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