#inner punk
emberleesblog · 2 months
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All that came to mind when I saw this tweet today was this image
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Can someone with a scrap of artistic talent please recreate it? 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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solarpunkbiologist · 8 months
Ways to Solarpunk-up your neighborhood
The "punk" part of solarpunk is, of course, defying societal norms and governmental laws in the name of building a better future.
Isee a lot of great things happening, such as community gardens, climate protests and more and more people going vegetarian/vegan etc. I took a walk around my neighborhood yesterday to find things that I like about my town. I love to see people planting fruit trees in their garden. I love the little shops in their driveway/front yard with their harvested crops, homemade jam, fruit juice etc.
Public art
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I love this artist, who, every few weeks, puts up a new string art piece. It's weird and I doubt the local government likes it. I'm friends with the artist's neighbor, and she says that they want to "decorate the town with art". That's a pretty punk statement that I definitely can get behind. It certainly is fun to see what the artist has come up with every time I walk past.
Mini libraries
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Mini libraries can be found in every neighborhood. People place them in their front yard. This one has a little bench with it too. I love it so much. Access to free books, all day, everyday, almost everywhere. Tell me that isn't such a solarpunk initiative. They've sprouted up the last decade like weeds and I couldn't be happier.
Give & take cabinet
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What's a better way to show your community you care about them than a give & take cabinet. Clothes, shoes dishes, menstrual items, shampoo and more. I'm planning on tidying up this cabinet soon and adding some stuff of my own. As someone who is pretty tight on money myself, I'm very happy to see a way I can get stuff I need if I'm in a pitch.
If you want you can give it a twist, you could consider making a tools library or a food cabinet as well.
Let's take care of each other and take care of our planet! We can build a kinder, better future if we tried. Love and Peace💚☮🌍
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chronicallycouchbound · 5 months
I wish I could go back in time and give 16-year-old me a hug and tell them that when the doctors say that you’ll be in a wheelchair in your 20s, that it’s gonna be okay and you can put stickers on it!! You will love your disabled self and be so happy in your disabled body and feel the love of a beautiful community that welcomes you with open arms. You will realize you were disabled long before you used a wheelchair but never knew the words for it. You will create accessible spaces that not just allow disabled people, but celebrate disabled people. You don’t have to cry or think no one will love you. You will be okay.
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punkpandapatrixk · 9 months
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🐶The Moon’s Message to Your Inner Child ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
This PAC is in collaboration with @faerytreealtars and her part of the PAC covers a message from the Sun🌞Check out her PAC to get a full circle reading~🍃😉
["Wisdom from the Sun" – how to reach your divine self]
‘Do you like to draw with crayons? I’m not very good at it. But it doesn’t matter. It’s the fun of doing it that’s important. Now, I wouldn’t have made that if I’d just thought about it. No matter how anybody says it is, it feels good to have made something. The best thing is that each person’s would be different. In a way, you’ve already won in this world. Because you’re the only one who can be you. And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.’ – Mr Rogers
SONG: Take Me by Miso
MOVIE: Finding Neverland (2004) & Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017)
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Pile 1 – Kinder and Kinder to Your Younger Self
VIBE: BAD MODE by Utada Hikaru
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your heart’s secret desires – XIX The Sun
You are actually somebody who believes deeply in world peace. You desperately want to see the world become a sweetly welcoming place for all, especially children and animals. You have a belief that children and animals are so deserving of gentleness and safety. But you often forget that all adults are just as deserving of the same kindness we bestow children and cute animals.
At some point if Life, you grew up and became tough. I think you thought that you needed to become so. I think your environment made you believe it was important to become so tough the world you wouldn’t beat you to it. You’ve experienced quite a bit of hardships, too, so it was rather easy to fall prey to this cruel notion that adults must all toughen up.
‘If you’re tough with yourself, the world will be gentle with you.’ ??
Though it may seem like those words contain so much practical wisdom, deep down, your heart is terribly disturbed by it. There’s just something that’s not quite right about it. If everybody is hard on themselves… how can anybody be gentle with someone else?
in your element – 2 of Swords
Irrespective of what your Moon Sign is or where in your natal chart it is placed, you’re technically not a person who wants to toughen up. I think you’re a deeply sensitive Soul who still believes that patience and compassion can solve many of the world’s problems. Because in fact, your Higher Heart knows this to be true. You’re somebody who can make real compromises to accommodate the needs of others and you’re genuinely capable of real charity because you’re the type that tries to understand wholeheartedly where somebody else is coming from.
When you help others, you do so with their best interest at heart and you don’t even expect anything in return. When you are useful to other people, when your existence can improve other people’s life situations, you feel most like yourself. All that you hope for is that people are at minimum grateful because when people are grateful, they’re really only increasing their own ability to manifest even more ease and abundance. You’re not even expecting them to be grateful to you. My goodness, you must be God🤩
But uhm… You sure, honey, you’re not compromising way too much because you’re also somewhat people pleasing for a lack of gentleness in your childhood?
making dreams a Reality – V The Hierophant
See, The Sun is no.19 in the Major Arcana; that reduces to 10. The Hierophant is no.5 and this is telling me that you’re about halfway to manifesting all your dreams of ease and world peace. The half of your manifestation is already stored in your Higher Heart and you have nothing to worry about it. What you do need to focus on is learning to be kinder and gentler with your own younger self. You’re so kind and accommodating to others but often forget that you need tender care yourself.
There’s a possibility that you grew up with stern adults who didn’t know how to be gentle with children. You grew up being a victim to this kind of behaviour so you overcompensate by being overly nice to others because you don’t want to become like them. But you’re still hard on yourself because this is like already programmed in your subconscious, and if you notice, you have a tendency to also be quite stern with those closest to you. And wow… that often kinda gets messy.
Can you imagine if you became a parent yourself? You could become a perpetrator of a cycle of old people pointing fingers at young people who are still trying to figure out their place in the world. I don’t think you’d be happy with yourself in your older years when you realise you haven’t broken this pattern yourself. I believe you’re someone who wants to leave a legacy of a more peaceful nature🍂It begins by creating a new world by creating a new you, after forgiving yourself for past mistakes you made when you didn’t yet know so much🍃
balancing logic and emotions – Silver Astrologer (John Dee)
speaking with conviction – Priestess of Inspiration
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Pile 2 – Baby Venus, You Came Here to Beautify This World
VIBE: Forever by aespa
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your heart’s secret desires – Ace of Cups
You are for sure a Lightworker. Maybe even a Starseed. Or something of a cosmic mystic. Could also be from the faery or elven realm. The point is, your Soul is deeply connected to a realm other than this Earth we perceive consciously right now. That makes your heart EXTRA pure and sparkly because the essence of your being is more refined, baby!
What does it even mean to be Human? Often you don’t have an answer to that. Only thing is, a lot of things about common human conducts that seem to denote their humanness don’t seem all too humane for you. It’s like you’re wondering, ‘If these are the traits that make people Human… then what am I? Because I certainly am not that harsh, deceitful, destructive, or whatever else!’
You have a strong morality about you and you should damn well honour this. The Human world is ugly, indeed, and from your place of beauty, your Soul volunteered to be born here to teach Humans about beauty. Beauty is nice. Beauty is good. Beauty elevates the Human Spirit and if only more people would open themselves to the possibilities, surely everyone would be a lot happier than they are now.
That’s your philosophy, more or less✨🪷
in your element – VI The Lovers Rx
You may resonate to a large extent with being an activist of sort. Whether or not you call yourself an activist or are involved in any real activist project, you know deep down that you’ve always been an activist before even knowing such a term exists. You want to fight for something good in this world. You want to bring an end to all these uncomfortable things that you are witnessing being perpetuated in the Human world. Problem is…
It's been quite hard for you to find people who are on the same bandwidth of frequency as yourself. I think you have a lifelong mission to find your Soul Tribe whilst being incarnate on Earth. I mean, your kind is far and between, honey. It may take some time to find each other and unite for a good cause.
Although you may feel misunderstood and lonely from time to time, the way I see it, you could view this whole journey to finding kindred spirits as a wholesome adventure story. Like a fairy tale, you know. After all, you are a faery. Your Life Story has a purpose to beautify the human spirit later when all’s weaved together to create a grander story with your kindred spirits. It’s all written in the stars already, so might as well enjoy the story writing itself from now🧚🏻‍♀️
making dreams a Reality – II The High Priestess
For you really aren’t of this world, I sense that you actually possess some kind of a superpower. Sure, others might think you’re a weirdo (even a freak for some of you) and that your interests and hobbies are strange and taboo. But what do they know? These mortals are prisoners of their own fake realities.
Since you were a kid, you’ve always known there are holes within this perceived reality and somehow, you’ve always believed there are ways you can bend reality with thought alone. You kinda just didn’t know exactly how that works, you just know it. Like breathing—unless you’ve studied biology, you wouldn’t know how to explain how breathing works but you just know that it happens and how it feels. Something like that.
Your connection to your personal spirituality, your personal occult practices, and everything else of that nature, holds the key to making your Divine Dreams a part of this mortal reality. It’s a beautiful process that only you can experience in your own divine ways, so I can’t tell you what to do exactly to manifest your Destiny. You’ve just gotta keep going at what you know to be your truth🧜🏻‍♀️
And the truth is, you are a magical being who doesn’t even play in the same dimension as the mortals😉Keep doing your magical shit!
balancing logic and emotions – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
speaking with conviction – Priestess of Illumination
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Pile 3 – Don’t Kill Your Dreams No Matter How Wild
VIBE: Anata (Darling) by Utada Hikaru
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your heart’s secret desires – 5 of Cups
Hellow, wildchild. It seems you’ve been through quite a bit in Life. There was something in your childhood that erupted in ways your child mind couldn’t have anticipated and it broke you emotionally and spiritually. You’re a pretty logical person, actually, so there’s a part of you that’s been wishing you could get over this heartache. But it hasn’t been easy, at all.
The reason for that is that you care too much. Because you’re incredibly sensitive and kind, you couldn’t help but care. Your heart gets easily disturbed by any small distortion you perceive in this Matrix Reality. You have spidey senses for this kind of thing. Your inner world is so expansive and this is partly why you always feel like you want to help. You want justice to win over evil.
You tend to feel like you’re the one who has to be strong and prove everything to everyone. Not only are you helpful, but you’re truly heroic! That’s how I see it😎The problematic thing is… human beings are not exactly a grateful bunch, so… Maybe being so helpful and heroic isn’t always the best way to nurture your Soul whilst living in this human world?
in your element – Page of Wands Rx
I’m not saying you should stop caring and become a coldhearted bitch. But perhaps posing to be one is a good strategy to preserve your sanity?😜The truth of the matter is that you’re really too precious for this world. You know when people say, ‘We don’t deserve this man or woman or dog or cat.’ You’re exactly like that.
Your passion for making the world a better place is often used against you. I’m kind of thinking of someone like Elon Musk in your case. He was bullied badly at school, but look what he’s doing now. He’s making attempts to improve the lives of everybody that even those bullies are bound to benefit from his passionate work. The haters today are probably gonna benefit just the same, right?
Well, I’m a coldhearted bitch, so my petty view is that these losers don’t deserve to benefit from the works of Elon Musk LMAO But what do you think of yourself? I know that in this lifetime you are going to make great leaps that will improve the lives of those you care about. But what about your heart? Will you be able to forgive those who have made hell out of your Life? Or will you become a vengeful barbie bitch who shows them the door to hell of their own making?
It’s up to you and it should be a very exciting spectacle to anticipate👻
making dreams a Reality – XII The Hanged Man Rx
The Hanged Man is a card that has some relations to The Lovers (to think you even get the Priestess of Love for the bonus content🤯). The Hanged Man often talks about compromises and sacrifices. It’s like, when you love and care so much you’re bound to make sacrifices because the world is far from utopian. In an ideal world we wouldn’t have to hurt just to manifest blessings and abundance, for ourselves or everybody else. But… this is what we have, so…
But although this world is messy and hurtful, it wouldn’t be wise for you to reduce the brilliance of your dreams just to avoid heartache or disappointments. You’re avantgarde; not that many people can see the value of what you wish to achieve with your talents. Never kowtow to the convention. Although you’re helpful and a very pleasant person to be around, you’ve got your own big dreams that are needed by the community. I think you just haven’t allowed yourself to fully embrace this idea.
Know that you’re supported by the cosmos in pursuing to improve what you know to be your true talents. One day, the world will be so grateful that you never gave up on your Light. But when that day comes, what’s your care? Gratitude is the least of your concerns. Basically you just want to live on your own terms and create magical pathways for the world to enter into🌏Whilst at it, might as well do whatever you like🌞
balancing logic and emotions – Gold Historian (Raphael Holinshed)
speaking with conviction – Priestess of Love
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knightowlet · 7 months
Twitter voice: Ummm ACKTUALLY watching Fox News and being republican and conservative and supporting only heterosexual and Christian beliefs is SOOO PUNK! It’s what society DOESNT want you to do! It’s sooo rebellious, you guys! Who’s Dead Kennedy and Ramone?
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maxsix · 2 years
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Growing up…
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I think it’s such a sad thing
That I rushed towards adulthood
Without truly knowing what it means to be a child
I didn’t know what it meant to be a child
I wasn’t permitted the innocence of a child
I grew up not knowing a thing
About what’s truly important
And whose fault was it that even now that I’ve grown up
I still know nothing of adulthood
Without truly knowing what it means to be a child
How does anybody even grow up at all?
How does anybody begin to know Life at all?
Fuck all your ops
I’m growing up all over again
With my own Love
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x-heesy · 10 months
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#xheesy #glitchmylife #glitchmafia #artsyfartsy #artfuckery #expressyouself #iphoneart #popart #appforthat #punksarentdead #newcontemporary #worldoffmusicon #trallala #Digitaloriginal #photoart #photoartist #photoartwork @bethanythestrange @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut @bko69er @derflaneur #photoartistic #photoarts #blissfulphotoart #photoartistique #photoarte #photoartistry #contemporaryphotoart #photoartists #photoarty #photoartgallery #photoartspirit #urbanphotoart #darkphotoart #photooftheday #photographylovers #aesthetic #photographylover #ilovephotography #photographyart
Soundtrack: enemy inside by six feet under
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kaleidoscopek9 · 1 year
14 n 16 for punk boys please
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14. What is something that never fails to get them excited?
No matter how many times he’s performed, a show will always get Sun all buzzy with excitement. He loves playing, and giving his fans what they want. Meeting up with fans gets him all giddy as well. For Moon, he gets excited about new locations he can explore after the show ends & he’s able to sneak out. It’s always in the back of his mind while he and Sun are performing. He can’t wait for it to be over so he can sneak out and check out all the new scenery nearby.
16. What is the most romantic thing someone has done for them?
Of course, the boys have gotten the occasional “love letter” from their fans, or little heart-themed gifts that they keep. They’re always touched by these things, and they love to tease one another whenever the other receives a gift of that caliber. They definitely know they’ve got simps, lol.
For Moon, there was an anonymous fan who wrote a small song for him, and mailed the sheet music to him along with a letter. It wasn’t a love song per-say, but it touched on how much they looked up to him, and how his music had changed their life for the better. The music had made their life just a little more bearable, and they had wanted to show their gratitude by writing a song of their own for him. He knows the tune by heart from playing it so often on his bass…
For Sunny, he received something similar, though this one’s got a bigger story attached to it.
There was a girl who was a fan of their shows, though mostly she came so that she could meet up with Sunny at the end, during the fan meet & greets. She was a reoccurring sight and Sun grew accustomed to seeing her after all of their performances. They both got along incredibly well, and she treated Sun more as a person than as a celebrity or a machine. He was very fond of her. One day came though, where she said she wouldn’t be able to come to the shows, or reach out to him anymore. Sun was heartbroken over hearing the news, but the two of them were able to say their final goodbyes before she left. She ended up gifting him a CD as a goodbye present, with a recording of her singing “You Are My Sunshine”. It’s one of his most precious possessions, and he’ll listen to it whenever he’s feeling low. He’d never trade it for anything.
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biancabelairs · 1 month
watched the video wwe put up of punk and orton watching their mania match and i'm crying at how it's part two old dudes talking about wrestling like you'd expect old dudes to and part couples therapy
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crmsnmth-journal · 5 days
5/6/2024 11:00 PM
I always seem to forget how boring things get when I'm not at work all the time. Every year I find myself looking forward to when the hours drop so I don't have to work as much, and then after the first week or two, Mondays and Tuesdays just drag. It doesn't help that I live in the middle of the woods, and I do not drive. I can't. I get really anxious and nervous behind the wheel. I've even had panic attacks. Even at sixteen I wasn't all that excited to get a liscense. I didn't care, and I still don't. But not driving means you can't go anywhere, and there's only so many laps I can make around the property before the actual beauty of the woods gets to be just the same ol', same ol'. That bothers me. In principle and in theory. I don't like losing the kind of wonder being out in the woods still brings me. But when you know every step of your forest, it starts to seem stale. All that means is, I need to cross the river and hike that side. And eventually, that grows stale as well, but by then work will be back to more hours. And hell, I may not even still be at the Alley. I mean, my goal was to find something else by the summer's end. I've got extra time to look and redo my resume and get a linkedin like a professional adult. I'm not going to find a new job by just wondering around. The days of that are long long gone. I won't say I miss filling out application after application. Auto-fill is an awesome tool.
I did fix my hair today. It'd been awhile since I touched up the bleached side and the black side. At least an inch of new hair's been added, and I don't really like that muddy look. I did mess up today though and did the bleaching and the black dye at the same time. I got the bleach in it's half, and then did the black on the other. A few specks of black ended up on the bleach side and put a bluish silver streak through it. Total accident, but I kind of really dig how it looks. Retouching up stuff like this always puts me in a better mood. I used to do different colors with the black, but I started doing white and black last November and it's just kind of stuck. It's not my all time favorite that I've ever done with my hair, but it's the most me I've felt from my hair coloring. And I'll take that as a win, because half the time, I don't even know who I am, let alone how I'm supposed to feel.
Now, I've got The Munsters on because, why wouldn't I? It's one of the major reasons I made a Peacock TV account. That, WWE stuff cause I will forever be a wrestling kid, Old SNL from when I was a kid and thought it was the funniest show on Earth, and to be honest, Peacocks Horror selection is not something to scoff at. Hsving Cannibal Holocaust alone is worth the price of admission. And all four Toxic Avenger movies? I'd love the rest of the Troma catalouge, and their are plenty of them on it. I'm going to stop now, because I feel like I'm peddling for a streaming service, and that makes me feel very conflicted.
I'll write for a while, or at least until my meds make spelling and grammar a thing of the past. I don't have a lot of phrases to work with today, but at least I can get a couple squeezed out me, I think. No matter what, at least one that I started about ten minutes after I woke up. I think I've got that one pretty well figured our and arranged.
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intotheclash · 1 month
Inner Terrestrials - Boundaries
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paul-marrane · 1 year
Unrelated but I just watched the Ted Lasso finale and the utter amount of balls these writers have is mind blowing to me.
Not once but TWICE did they make the choice not to make the most obvious and popular ships canon.
And they even deceived you at the start into believing the opposite. It’s just insane to me because I’m so used to shows basically going down on their audience and approving as many wishes as possible. But nope. They really went out there and said:
“Listen up, this season Ted is going to leave even though everyone wants him to stay, Keeley will be canonically bisexual, Coach Beard get’s outed as a former meth junkie, one episode will just randomly take place in Amsterdam cause why the fuck not, Rebecca will get together with a random Dutch man, Collin will have a whole coming out arc and then this random cocky guy named Zava will pop up for a couple of episodes only to later leave the club to start a wholesome avocado farm with his wife.”
Exactly nobody asked for this but they did it anyways and pulled it off in an amazing fashion. That’s about as fucking punk as a show that’s on AppleTv+ can get if you ask me.
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Pretty Girls Make Graves - The Smiths
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蝶のようにひらひら chou no you ni hirahira/fluttering like a butterfly
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Moon Day 6 in Virgo/Waxing Crescent
day’s V I B E – 5 of Pentacles Rx
If you’ve been dealing with a lack of energy or inspiration, you will find that today all of that comes naturally to you. The way I see it, you’ve been analysing many aspects of your Life so, of course, that kind of thing eats up a lot of your spiritual and mental energies.
As the Moon continues to wax you will find that your sense of place in this world becomes stronger with it. Today, you can let yourself breathe. It is a good day to read, watch a movie (old or new), play chess, watch a documentary, reply to text messages, magickal rituals for strengthening your resolve or manifestation, cook something delicious at home, eat a cake, and also exercise a little bit as you beautify your body.
The 6th moon day is not a hard day at all, so make sure you don’t complicate things just because you’re not used to feeling at peace😉Take advantage of this easy energy to take care of yourself on all levels, and you will find that the inspiration to get you out of a rut comes naturally to you like a butterfly floating freely in a garden🦋
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Priestess of Inspiration
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m o o n a v i g a t i o n ♥︎
‘The first ingredient for a beautiful creation is the harmony of my mind. When I am calm and peaceful, I am able to channel naturally the great wisdom of the Mother God. The Goddess aenergy, too, favours beauty above all else. When harmony is achieved within so the reality without reflects this essence of a balanced co-creation. I am a medium of the Divine Feminine. I command magick of the purest quality for the highest benefit of the one and all.’
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