#if i wanted to stay you don't mind; you're a true believer (season one)
campfam4lyfe · 10 hours
I get that Brooklynn is your favorite, she used to be mine too, but what are your thoughts on her in chaos theory? Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it. I don't like her much anymore.
time to do my job as a brooklynn defender lol, alright here goes:
Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it.
So. Thinking about Brooklynn. About her death. You mention how she faked it. except, I don’t think saying she faked it is really an accurate or fair description.
Brooklynn didn’t fake anything—here is what we know, and here is what I mean. The facts that we are presented with through season 1. limited as they are, are that Brooklynn was at a Dino Drop, the allosaurus escaped, and that it "killed her." Except it didn't really kill her. It is framed as an accident--a random Dino attack. But Ben shows up and suddenly it's clear that maybe it wasn't an accident.
So let's run through the facts one more time. Brooklynn's 'death' at the hands of the allosaurus wasn't an accident. It was premeditated. The attack was an honest to goodness attempt on Brooklynn's life. One the camp fam--and the people who targeted Brooklynn in the first place--believed worked. You're going to want to keep this in mind, because now I am going to address the other part of your ask.
Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it.
Brooklynn's character has not, to me, been destroyed.
We see little of Brooklynn and what she was doing throughout Chaos Theory, because we are learning about her again through the eyes and memories of the people who loved and mourned her--we are gathering bits and pieces, parts of the narrative that we, as the viewers, can piece together more efficiently than the actual players, because the knowledge the Camp Fam has is disjointed in that they are not all privy to the same information or how it connects--and it's not their fault at all! They are not working under the same information we have--that Brooklynn is alive--and so, don't know why certain things are more important. Even we don't have the full picture, although what we have is a little clearer.
But from what we see of Brooklynn throughout Chaos Theory, there is something there that you believe is not true to her previously established character. I disagree. I think what you are talking about, when you say that she is not herself anymore, is that Brooklynn is too invested in her conspiracies, so much so that she has thrown everything else away--her "life", her regard for her friends/family and her relationships with them.
But I think, that when it comes to Brooklynn, being obsessed with a conspiracy or mystery is in fact a major core part of her character. We saw it all throughout Camp Cretaceous. She sneaks away when they visit Wu's lab that first time to snoop--and yes, maybe it was for her followers, trying to find something juicy before everything went to shit, but what she saw clearly stood out to her. She was hooked, she reviewed that footage, and it stayed with her so much so that when she saw the label E750 again at a later date while on the security cameras, she lingered over the shot before having to move on to help the others. And even then, it was clear that it stayed with her--whatever Wu did, whatever E750 was, it was a mystery and Brooklynn wanted to solve it.
And we see the others are aware of this! Sammy recruits Brooklynn to help out in her quest to find information, and the mystery consumes Brooklynn so much that initially, she was steamrolling right over Sammy's input. We also see Brooklynn's thirst for mystery solving when she becomes so focused on the frozen flowers, something she mentioned so much so that the other campers could quote her on it. We see it with her suspicions regarding Mitch and Tiff, and even Mae. We see it again in the final episode, when we catch a glimpse of the campers as teenagers. Brooklynn mentions the Lockwood Estate, which, for those who don't know or remember, is where the later events of JW:Fallen Kingdom (timeline wise, this is three years after the first Jurassic World, so three years after the kids first got left behind in the Park.) The events at the Lockwood Estate and what was supposed to be happening there wasn't public knowledge. That was Brooklynn following a lead, as at that point in time when she brings it up, the dinosaurs hadn't been set loose yet.
The reason I mention all this is because I really don't think Brooklynn's obsessiveness or drive is new. She loves investigative work, and she's good at putting together pieces too. She's also been shown to have a love for mysteries, loving Esther Stone and having her videos following the pattern of being named "Brooklynn unboxes x." She likes knowing the whys, whens, wheres, and whats. She literally says that she is trying to make the transition from influencer/vlogger to investigative journalist. Which is why I am not at all surprised with her being so focused on this Dino smuggling rings, and why I believe it was in character.
Tying It All Together
Now I know what you may be thinking. "But she neglected Kenji! That's not good girlfriend behavior. She faked her death! That's horrible." Valid, but also, not fundamentally true.
I said earlier, that by "not herself" you might mean that "Brooklynn is too invested in her conspiracies, so much so that she has thrown everything else away--her "life", her regard for her friends/family and her relationships with them." I don't think she has though, and if it has ended up that way, it was never her intention.
Take in all the Brooklynn scenes from Chaos Theory. Each member of the Camp Fam has an interaction with her that is shown through flashback or hinted at. So let's put together a timeline.
Brooklynn is dead at the start of the show, but for how long, I don't actually remember. I will put it at 6 months to a year, but if anyone else knows for sure, just let me know and I'll fix it. Anyways. She is dead for six months to a year. And in the months leading up to her death, she was investigating something, but they don't know what. We know that it had something to do with Dark Jurassic, Kenji's father, and Dino Smuggling. We know Ben introduced her to Dark Jurassic. We know Brooklynn stayed with Darius, left her jacket at Sammy's, and visited Yaz.
So here goes a tentative undertaking:
Ben introduces Brooklynn to Dark Jurassic and she visits him at his college. He hasn't dropped out/left yet. She is mentioning conspiracy theories, some as a joke, but its clear something there has caught her attention.
Brooklynn gets deeper into Dark Jurassic, and at some point reads about Dino Immersive therapy, which she recommends to Yaz. She visits her at some point, but when, is unclear.
Brooklynn visits Sammy. She is on Dark Jurassic so often that when Sammy has a flashback of her, Brooklynn is visibly on the site.
Brooklynn is with Kenji, but has been so absorbed in her mystery that she has started to neglect Kenji, but doesn't realize it. This goes on for a while. He breaks up with her and they are both devastated.
Brooklynn stays with Darius. Is still embroiled in her mystery. Asks Darius to meet up with her. "Dies."
Now, at some point before 4 and 5, Brooklynn visits Daniel Kon, gets a secret apartment, and is undercover within the Dino Smuggling ring.
We know that she did not tell her friends, or her boyfriend, any of this. Why? Especially Kenji! He was her boyfriend, one of her biggest supporter's, and his father was the guy Brooklynn went to so she could get her in to the smuggling world. Kenji has always heard her out, like when he was the one who stayed behind with her when she accidentally hurt Darius with the 'cool dad' comment. Kenji is the one who agreed to snoop with her regardless of his feelings because it was important to her. So why would she not go to her biggest supporter?
I believe that Chaos Theory tackled the kids growing up and their respective trauma very well. Not all of them are dealing very well. Yaz is the only one who seems to have gone to therapy, while Ben, Darius, and Kenji are all isolating. Sammy is dealing with repression and toxic positivity. It's very possible that Brooklynn was also dealing, and not very well at that. It's possible that her trauma manifested in another way. Maybe she needed to push herself into a project so she could ignore what happened--or maybe she needed to push herself into a project so if something happened, she could be prepared? We don't know! And it's because we don't know that I am going to, for the time being, ignore this, and focus on the possible reasons as to why she didn't tell them from what we do know.
Yaz has PTSD, and struggled a lot with the hopelessness of having to put the dinosaurs first and it costing them their way home in the later seasons of CC. So maybe Brooklynn didn't tell her because she didn't want to halter Yaz's progress. Still, she let on that she was investigating something and about Dark Jurassic.
Sammy is worried about Yaz, and so maybe Brooklynn didn't tell her because involving Sammy might mean involving Yaz, or maybe she didn't want to put stress on their relationship by having Sammy lie to her. Still, she let on that she was investigating something and about Dark Jurassic.
Ben had college. What, was she just going to disrupt that? Still, she let on that she was investigating something and talked with him about Dark Jurassic, which he introduced her to.
Kenji. Kenji was her boyfriend, her rock, THE Brooklynn enabler. who has always heard her out. The only time he didn't hear her out immediately was when his father was interfering. The same father she would need to go to for a door into the smuggling world. The same father who Kenji lived close to but never visited. In the last season of CC, Brooklynn, when investigating Daniel Kim, says that she won't break Kenji's heart without a good reason. Maybe, she did not feel like going to him about his father was a good reason--Kenji was in a good place, how could she hurt him like that? Maybe she thought she was protecting him. So she doesn't tell him. Still, she let on that she was investigating something.
Darius. Darius is my biggest "Brooklynn's Fake Death Can't Be Classified As Willfully Malicious On Her Part" card. Because he is the one that proves that Brooklynn did not in fact get sucked in so deep in her mystery that she tossed away all bonds and relationships. Did her death fuck him up? Definitely. But guys! She called him there that night, they had plans, she was "going to show him something!!!" Guys. She went to Darius. She was going to show Darius. Do you get that. In Chaos Theory, they say "Brooklynn was there to buy the Allosaurus that night." They are heartbroken. Yaz and Sammy say no way, and Darius says it is true, that she had a secret apartment, cash, and a note from Mr.Kim. But guys. She was going to show Darius.
Every time Brooklynn is called out on her behavior and shown how her obsessiveness hurts her friends—the way Sammy called her out when they were investigating E750, or her feeling regret over the “cool dad” comment when investigating Mitch and Tiff—she takes a step back and reassesses. She starts to investigate again but with changed behavior. That’s growth. Kenji breaking up with her may have really been the catalyst to her trying to show Darius what she was up to. As Darius says, Brooklynn was really torn up about the breakup and it is so visible on her face that she is devastated—she loved Kenji. She loved her friends.
So Brooklynn’s behavior, it was not Brooklynn cutting out her friends. Was she 100% honest with all of them? No. And unfortunately, the one person who she was going to show what was going on, didn't get to make it, and Brooklynn was killed.
Except she lived. So why not tell them? Why let them stew in grief? Why abandon them? Look, I think a lot of you are forgetting that the kids are very very good at improv. Are we forgetting Darius and Kash?An attempt on Brooklynn's life was made, and she somehow miraculously survived. She adapted, and made a plan on the go, lying low, somehow creating a trusted network, while being unable to reach out to her friends--it would blow her cover, and also possibly put them in danger. Who knows? Besides. Let's not forget, Ben was not the one who called Darius in that first episode. I don't know, but I do think it could have been Brooklynn, or someone on behalf of her, like Ronnie. (Or it could have been raptor lady to make sure Darius was home but who knows!)
Look, ultimately, you don't have to like her, and I'm not forcing anyone to! I do love her though, and her choices are ones I will defend. Besides, I know we are talking about camp fam trauma reactions to Brooklynn's death, but guys, flip side? We have a character who was going to tell her friend what she was up to, only to have an assassination attempt on her life causing her to lose a limb and go into hiding, not being able to contact her loved ones. I cannot even begin to think of the trauma Brooklynn has.
I hope this answers your ask anon, I feel I rambled too much lol!
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erosmutt · 2 months
☆ thinkin' bout . . .
. . . just arguing with husband!anakin.
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𖦹 cheating, make up/hate sex, anal, doggy, asshole anakin, anakin refers to reader as 'bitch' once, specifically season 7 clone wars anakin (i won't be taking questions)
𖦹 accompanied by All I Need ⋆ Lloyd
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"here we go," anakin mutters. you two had been at each other's throats for who knows how long, yelling like you'd lost your damn minds.
you glare at him from across the room, arms crossed over your chest. "yeah here we go anakin," you begin pacing again. "you aren't even listening to a goddamned word i'm saying, anyway!"
anakin, also with his arms crossed, shifts his weight from foot to foot, eyes narrowed. "you're acting out for no reason and you know it. you always want something to fucking complain about. always mouthing off. i could barely get in the house before you were bitching at me." well, that was true. you were waiting, itching to see him come through that door so you could lay into him.
about what? his infidelity. you knew while he was 'at war', he was fucking girls left and right. the smell of perfume you most definitely didn't own would cling to the fabric of his robes when he got home, and his bitchass didn't even try and hide it. he had no reason to, because he knew even if you did stand up for yourself and stop taking his shit, you'd come crawling back. because no one could fuck you like he can.
"am i wrong, anakin?! am i wrong for wanting to confront my husband about his little wartime adventures?" you yell, making him roll his eyes. "you're delusional, you know that? delusional!" when he says that, you immediately get in his face. "delusional, anakin? so i'm just imagining the stench of another woman's tacky perfume on you?" he chuckles and shrugs. he puts his hands on his hips. "might be. you're always cooped up in the house, probably starting to hear things."
"oh fuck you," you turn away. "those girls can have you. see if they put up with your shit like i do." he just smirks as he watches you, head tilted as his gaze fixes onto your hips and ass. "they don't," he begins in a murmur. "i don't stay long enough to give them a chance to."
he was so fucking cocky it made you want to bash your head into a wall. or his.
"is that your poor attempt at reassuring me?" you scoff. "spare me. just go away." anakin walks up to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. "come on baby, don't be like that." he caresses your shoulder, moving his hand down your bicep, to your elbow, pulling your arm back. "i'll stop, i promise." you knew better than to believe him, but he had a way of reeling you back in. no matter what you did, no matter how far away you went, you always ended up back on his dick.
he uses his gloved hand to move your hair out of the way and leans down, his soft lips pressing against the nape of your neck. "anakin, i know you-" he exhales softly. "you don't wanna give me a chance baby?" you feel him smile against your skin. you place your hands flat on the counter in front of you, voice wavering, "anakin,"
"ah-ah," he chuckles, a low vibration that draws a shudder from you that most definitely isn't lost on anakin. "i don't wanna hear anything from you." his hands end up at your hips, thumbs hooking into the waistband of your pants. "don't you think you've done enough talking?"
getting the hint, you go quiet, but still try to resist. after all, he did just come home after bending over who knows how many girls. with a heavy sigh, he pulls away from you. "so you're really gonna play it like this, huh?" anakin laughs quietly to himself. "you're such a bitch, no wonder i'm the only man who'll put up with your stubborn ass. i do so much for you, and you can't even give me the time of day?" he scoffs. "seems like every goddamned time i come home," he once again hooks his fingers into the waistband of your pants, and snatches them down. "always giving me a problem," he mutters under his breath.
"maybe if you didn't give me any reason to, i wouldn't have to sleep around." was he really pinning this on you?! "you act like you don't run me away. it's like i have no other choice but to find comfort in another woman." he was removing his glove, discarding it on the counter along with his belt. his mechanical hand was cold as always as he grabbed your asscheek, artificial fingers digging into your flesh.
"anakin," you try again, but he doesn't let you get a word in. "yeah, anakin anakin anakin, you don't know what else to do with yourself besides bitch and whine." he spits down onto his flesh hand, then lubes up his cock. he smacks it onto your lower back, then spreads your ass to see your puckered asshole. "never letting me get a word in."
as his tip prods at your tiny hole, you gasp. "anakin, 's not gonna- aughh..." your words get caught in your throat as he tries to push in, and he can't help but smirk as he's met with resistance. "maybe you're right, but that's nothing a little force can't help. is it?" you swallow down a moan, and shake your head. "no, no, it can't," you let out a strangled moan as anakin pushes his round tip into you. you felt like you were already stretched to the brim, but his tip wasn't anywhere near the thickest part of his cock.
he leans over you and smiles, then presses a soft kiss just below your earlobe. "now let's try that again."
ᝰ.ᐟ @102hannah
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grntaire · 10 months
good omens is an allegory for queer deconstruction from an abusive fundamentalist religious environment.
i've talked about it on here ad nauseum, probably, but i haven't fleshed my thoughts out on it fully. this has been my interpretation since season 1, and season 2 just solidified it for me. so here goes.
it's about the choice that all queer people in an environment like this have to make, and both choices suck and end with loss.
choice 1: stay with your church community, your friends, your family, the world you've always known, but never be true to yourself. because they will never fully accept you if you are true to yourself.
choice 2: embrace your queerness, live your authentic life, and leave it all behind. you're torn from everything you've ever known, everyone you've ever loved. but it's what you have to do to be happy. aziraphale is stuck between choices. crowley never had a choice. his was made for him.
heaven are the church elders. the protectors. the ones who say they have your and god's best interest in mind, always. they don't. to them, hell are the blasphemers, who are both unworthy of redemption yet can only be saved by it. they are the arbiters of what is good and right and bad and wrong.
aziraphale's story is one of both learned faith and earned faith. learned, in that he's been indoctrinated his whole life. been to church at least twice a week since birth. earned, in that he's seen the good that the church can do–they feed the hungry, shelter the unhoused. how could people who do such good be capable of cruelty? and surely, when they are cruel, there must be some greater good to come out of it?
crowley was faithful once, too. he loved god. loved church. but he knew he was queer from a young age, and asked questions about it. not because he wanted to make trouble, but because he wanted to understand. to understand why something he knew about himself to be so innately true could be wrong. but the church didn't see it as that–they saw the embodiment of sin, questioning them. their authority, their virtuosity, the fibre of what holds their organization together, and he was cast out. was kicked out of his home, alienated from his family, his friends, his community. he fell. and he now sees the church for what it truly is.
as for aziraphale, he's accepted the fact that he's queer, but had faith that his elders had his best interest at heart when they spewed homophobic ideology. he never believed the ideology, not really, but he had to believe (made himself believe) that the people who spread it meant well. that they meant it out of kindness, out of protecting queer people from damnation. he wanted to believe that not everyone in the church was like this, that not everyone in the church thought all queer people are inherently people of sin. that is, until a mentor, someone he trusts, perpetuates it too. he's had moments in his past that chipped away at his faith: he'd stayed friends, or whatever you want to call it, with crowley, and crowley had tempted him into trying new things that the church wouldn't approve of. things that aziraphale loved. but this moment with his mentor is when his faith is truly shaken. it's the beginning of his active deconstruction.
and so he leaves. he leaves and finds crowley and they build a semblance of a life together with what they have. they're happy. he's learning that he doesn't need to go to church to be holy. that he doesn't need to be holy to be happy. that he's allowed to indulge in the things he loves without guilt and shame.
that is, until that mentor shows up at his doorstep, offering him everything he's ever wanted. insinuates that he knows him and crowley aren't just friends, and assures him that they can come back to church together. that they're going to change things in the church, and that aziraphale can help. that they need aziraphale to help. (they don't. they want a pious gayboy to help repair their image. it's performative activism at its finest). aziraphale is being offered his family, his community, everything back, and crowley can come too. preying on his wants and desires, manipulating him back into their control. so of course he says yes. they'll get to be together with everything they've ever known and aziraphale doesn't have to make a choice between losses anymore. (deconstruction isn't linear, and abuse is cyclical.)
but crowley makes it for him. crowley tells him no. he doesn't want that life and doesn't want to go back to those people who hate him so much. who hate them so much. crowley knows what the church is about and sees it for what it is. they're not about god, or moral good or doing what's right. all they want is control. it's about the optics of the organization. it's about influencing what serves them and their agenda, and crowley knows that aziraphale is just a pawn to them. ("Why would we go back to them, when they think that who we are is wrong? Is vile? They think us the embodiment of sin and you want to go help them with their PR campaign?")
but aziraphale doesn't know that, can't know it, and crowley can't make him see it. (aziraphale knows that they cast crowley out, that he was kicked out of his home. crowley never shared with him about what happened after. the nights on the street, the things he'd endured to survive.)
and so crowley kisses him. he kisses him to tell him not that he loves him, because of course he does. he kisses him to tell him "This is what you leave behind. We would never be able to do this there, to be this there, even if they say we could. Our lives are here, our safety is here. this is what you're giving up."
crowley has been through it and experienced their cruelty firsthand. aziraphale won't be able to see it until he experiences it, too. he won't be able to realize he's being played if he doesn't even know that there's a game happening in the first place.
i can't recommend watching the show through this lens enough. it makes aziraphale's story that much more heartbreaking, because there's this intense duality of indoctrination vs. deconstruction that lives within him constantly. (imo it's also the main difference between book aziraphale and tv aziraphale: book aziraphale is significantly further along in his deconstruction journey. it's why he's a bit more of a bastard. tv aziraphale is set back a bit further, which sets up his deconstruction arc beautifully across three seasons.)
it's why aziraphale has the ability to peel back layers of himself and his train of thought depending on the situation at hand–he literally has two trains of thought happening at once. the indoctrinated one, and the deconstructed one.
and when crowley kisses him, it's the first time in his existence that both trains of thought have been that present simultaneously. it's both trains colliding full speed with each other. it's why we see both livid, hesitant frustration and fierce passion and longing at once. it forced him to confront something that lived so deeply within himself that he wanted to bring to light on his own terms, but crowley was desperate. the kiss wasn't i love you, please stay. it was look at what you're leaving behind. we could've been us, we could've been this.
and i think that whatever happens in season 3, whatever heaven does that makes them finally irredeemable in aziraphale's eyes, it'll be a beautiful ending to his deconstruction arc. not that deconstruction ever ends, not truly, but for the first time in his existence, he'll be able to see heaven, hell, and the system as a whole clearly for what they are: a bunch of self-righteous dicks.
[if you're curious about religious deconstruction and what it means, this video by therapist and social worker mickey atkins talking about deconstruction in reference to shiny happy people, a documentary about the duggar family, is a good place to start. cw for pretty much all types of abuse imaginable, fyi.]
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keen-li · 7 months
Only one | 02
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Warnings: toxic relationship trauma, trauma in general, mentally broken oc, manipulation, yendere jungkook. [Still more warnings to be added]
Psychiatrist jungkook x patient reader
"I can't do that" you shake your head, your heart being strangled by his statement.
"I don't think I'm able to do that Mr jeon" he looks into your wide and teary eyes. He knows it's hard for you to stay here any longer but you have to for this to work.
"You can I believe in you. You're a strong girl" your heart throbs when he says that feeling a little motivated but no feeling can beat the feeling of having to here any longer.
"But why do i have to?" You ask him and he finally stands straighten out his clothes and arranging the watch on his wrist.
"You know you're not fully well right?" His tone goes between a casual and professional tone.
You lower your head finally knowing your progress. Fiddling with your fingers you nod.
His raised brow lowers as he smirks.
"So if I discharged a girl who is clearly known around to be unwell"
"Wouldn't that suspicious?"
You understand what he means but it doesn't make the information anymore digestible.
"So if you stay a little longer and prove that you're well enough to leave. It won't be so suspicious when I tell them you can leave."
He's right but staying here for another month is too much. You thought when he brought up this offer he'd take you out of here in a day or two, but a whole month??
You sigh thinking about it for a little longer. A month shouldn't be longer than the time you'd actually have to spend here without his help. This is your best option, it's gonna be over before you know it right?
"You said you trust me right?" He walks towards you one hand in the pocket as his slow and confident steps take him to you. You breath heavily as his figure towers over you darkly. You use all the muscles in your neck to look up at the man, your hands grip the material of your clothes tighter.
He hums asking you the question again,
"I do" he smiles at that.
"Good. Then trust me, trust this process." He talks to you lightly and gently, pressing you to agree.
"Will you?" Why does it feel like you have to agree to this, like it's your best and only option inorder to leave this place. It is your best and only option to leave this place quickly.
"I will" your lips break into a smile which he silently chuckles at.
"It's gonna go by so fast I promise"
He walks away from you going back to where he left his stuff.
"And don't tell anyone about this. It's our little secret" he grins as he says secret, which you nod to smiling unsurely and awkwardly.
"I trust you can keep a secret"
He goes back to his original spot wearing his glasses and holding his notebook in his hands.
And just like that he goes back to his professional Mr jeon, as though you didn't just talk about him helping you escape this place. It's not really escaping though. You continue your session and you seem a little off but he doesn't.
"I'm glad they've given us something new today" you hear one of the girls at the table, where you sit silently, say.
You eat your food, making sure to savour the surprisingly seasoned chicken. They're must be a special occasion today, cause they never put much effort into making food for you guys.
"I heard there are new sponsors" the black haired girl sitting next to you whispers.
"Really? They must have alot of money. Cause the previous sponsors didn't do shit" She whispers the last part dramatically looking around hoping no one has heard. The last thing she wants people to hear is her talking shit about sponsors though everyone knows it's true.
"Yeah. But I'm not sure if it's new sponsors" the girl next to you says not wanting to be blamed for any rumours.
"What do you think y/n" they throw the question to a dissociated you.
"Huh?" You look at them confused mind clogged with others thoughts.
"Sponsors. Do you think we have new sponsors" you honestly
Couldn't care less about who sponsors the hospital right now, your mind is just on the fact that Mr jeon is going to help you leave this place.
"I don't know" you say turning your eyes back to your food not giving much care to the topic. They notice your uninterested demeanor and give each other confused look.
"Y/n are you okay" they ask concerned. No you're not okay the fact that you're living every day here waiting for the end of the month is killing you. You know that very soon you're gonna leave the few friends you've made here makes you sad cause you can't even tell them about it. you really do wanna tell them about it but Mr jeon said its a secret, and you have to keep your promise to Mr jeon.
You may miss your friends but at the end of the day you still miss home and wanna go back.
"You've been off lately. Unlike yourself"
At her words you give a small laugh hopefully soothing her concern.
"I'm okay. I just-" You wanna say it. It would really help to tell someone about it.
"I've just been missing home lately nothing serious." You give another laugh.
"That's serious y/n. You can't let thoughts like that eat you up alone, you can always talk to us we're your friends"
"Yeah she's right. Don't suffer by yourself it's not good."
You smile at them warmly. "Thank you guys I really appreciate it but seriously I'm fine"
They give you an 'Okay' nod as you all go back to eating your food.
As you continue to eat your food and count the number of days , hours, minutes and seconds are left before the end of the month the attention of the diner is called for.
The whole diner including yourself turn to look at the familiar face of the diner guard who speaks. Looks like an announcement, you never get announcements during lunch.
"So.." the man starts "tomorrow We're gonna be having a carnival day" when he says that a series of murmurs are heard in the diner.
"You'll receive leaflets on the events that will be carried out tomorrow" and as he says this one of the nurse hands everyone at your table a leaflet. You stare at the colourfully designed leaflet, the large words and pictures displayed everywhere. This is definitely new, a carnival event.
"I was right. There are definitely new sponsors" you hear the girl still stuffing her face next to you say.
You place the paper into your pockets not staring at it for long unlike the rest of the diner.
"What? Are you not excited?" She asks noticing your dull face again. You're really acting different.
"I am saving it to read in my room." You say. You don't want your friend's last days, sounds dramatic, to be of your being gloomy and moody. You wanna enjoy this time with them, and this event is the perfect opportunity. You don't even know if you'll see them again anyway.
She nods at you and everyone goes back to finishing their food.
You walk around side by side with sycily, the black haired girl from the diner. You both look around with wide eyes at the brightly decorated event, you both gasp and pull at each other's arms when you see something you like. You're both behaving like children.
"What should we do first" it's a free event so you can do anything for however long you want to but its hard to choose when there are so many options. You look around hoping to have an answer for your wide grinned friend. You shrug your shoulders not able to choose.
"Maybe we can-" You're cut off mid sentence when a bearded man in a stand calls out for the two of you.
"You can start here" you look at him then turn to your also curious friend asking with your eyes if you should go. She agrees and you both make your way to the booth. As you approach you notice the perfectly arranged bottles and the rings in the man's hands. Its ring toss, you were never good at this game. The man smiles warmly at the both of you which you both return. You can see the large variety of prizes hanged around the booth, you hope you win so you can get the cute panda that you've got your eyes on.
"You looked lost, so I thought I'd give you a helping hand in choosing " he hands you the rings picking you as the first one to play. You take them into your dry hands feelings the texture of the rings and their weight.
"There are so many fun games to play, so I understand if the choice was a little difficult" he smiles glazing his eyes over the scenery behind you which you both do again admiring the beautiful place once more. These sponsors really made the plane, large and boring looking hospital ground into something in a movie, plus in less than three days. We never thought we'd be having a carnival when we saw people working on the grounds. Movements were restricted as they built this up, everybody had guesses but not this. The hospital is pretty much a boring place besides the hobbies and clubs they have.
"Okay you can have a go" they man says pointing that you should start tossing. Sycily watches you intently as you nod and turn your body to the clear bottles.
You hold one ring at the tip of your fingers as you prepare to toss it. You don't want to over think it and just toss it. Your throw is weak and doesn't go far, it doesn't even land on the bottle. You hear sycily laugh and you send her a death glare.
"The further you throw it, the larger the prize" he says, and it feels like he's laughing at you.
You run the second ring on your fingertips as you prepare to take your second throw. You only have three chances, so you gotta think it through if you wanna get that panda.
You groan as the red little ring lands at the end of the booth, past the bottles.
"When he said further he didn't mean that far" sycily mumbles avoiding your glare.
"I'm gonna toss you over these bottles next" you threaten as she giggles at you. You can hear the man laugh at your interaction as you're trying to focus on your next and last toss.
"You guys seem to be very good friends" he says fondly and sycily nods.
"We are but she's getting on my bad side" your tone is playful but with a threat behind. You give her one last glare as she avoids your gaze once more making you smile.
Now back to the game, you need to get this right, you really want that panda.
You've always loved pandas. Or maybe it was that time when you and your parents went on a trip to China and saw those cute pandas. You even got the chance to feed one of them.
"You know you're they same age" the care taker of the panda said when you told her you're five years old, lifting your tiny little fingers to emphasise. You learnt that by yourself. And maybe that's why you felt drawn to that panda, and all the other pandas. You were both babies being held captive.
"Take your time" the man assures you snaping you back to what you're doing. You sigh as you throw the little ring. And just like the rest it doesn't land for a second you thought it landed but just like everything else in this world, it mocks you by making you think you've actually won.
"Argh" you groan frustrated.
"It's okay you can try again later." He comforts you but honestly you don't plan on coming back to try again.
You give a practiced smile "thank you" you say as sycily prepares for her turn after she gave you a warm comforting smile. Can they see how hard it is on you to lose the chance to get that panda.
The man walks to a tiny basket filled with things you can't see from where you're standing. He pulls out a green beaded bracelet as he hands it to you.
"Here have this" you look at him confused to why he's giving you a prize when you didn't win.
"Don't think of it as a prize, but think of it as a thank you for giving your all to a silly little game" you don't know if you should be offended but he smiles so warmly and you know he's just trying his best to comfort.
You stretch your wrist to him as he places the the bracelet on your wrist. You give him a small smile and thank you as he goes to stand by where he was standing when you were playing. He nods at you appreciateing your gratitude.
Sycily nails all her tries, unlike you, but you're too distracted by the bracelet to notice , you can just hear her cheers and claps.
It's actually a very beautiful bracelet the beads are pea sized and the see through crystal green allows you to see the elastic string that passes through all of them. Your attention is caught by the little silver tag, that swings when you move your hand. You pull it closer to your eyes so you can see the word engraved on the oval shaped metal.
Must be the name of the sponsors cause you've seen it on almost everything here. You don't give it much thought cause there's nothing to think of. Just a company flaunting their brand during an event which they sponsored, nothing new.
You let your wrist fall as you eye a celebrating sycily who holds her white bunny in her arms.
You clap as she walks to you all smiles and giggles.
"Let's go to another booth and win you something" She pulls your arms as you walk away. When you do, a group of people approach the booth you've just left, they're all smiles and laughs too. It's nice to see people having fun and enjoying a day at the hospital.
You and sycily play some other games and luckily you did end up winning some prizes, but no panda. You guess the pandas are only at that booth. You don't want to be gloomy because you didn't get a panda atleast you had others.
You and sycily did also end up getting some food, which was so delicious and FREE.
"Ahh look at me" you hear her whine as she's trying to get rid of the ketchup stain on her hospital clothes. Yes, you all still had to wear the hospital clothes so that you didn't get mixed up with anyone who never belonged to it.
"You should go get cleaned" you see her struggle with the stain.
"Yeah you're right, the day's almost over anyway" She says letting go of the top.
"Plus we can come back tomorrow" She was right the carnival is still gonna be there for 2 more days. You both walk back to your rooms arms locked as you say hi to some of your other friends or sycily's friends. You never had much friends sycily was your closest friend. You never cared about having many friends, you were used to being alone anyway.
You and sycily became close cause you both shared similar problems; toxic family, toxic relationships. You've both experienced it all. Trauma bonding. You two trauma bond alot, and that's why you trust eachother. Knowing that you're gonna be leaving her alone in here with no one to confined in makes you feel bad especially the fact that you can't help her and you can't stay longer. "You're the only one I trust and can talk to like this." She'd say each time you'd talk about your pasts. And now thinking about it makes your heart ache.
Maybe you can ask Mr jeon to help her too.
You're seated on your bed staring and playing the with green bracelet you got at the carnival. It's been three days since the carnival ended and you can't help but think about the closer the end of the month is getting but sycily can't stop talking about the carnival. You can barely hear what she's saying clearly cause she's saying alot at once. But you're distracted anyways, it's been a while since you've had something to look at.
"Are you excited for the art exhibition?" She asks you and it's clear enough for you to hear and answer to.
"When is it again?" You're genuinely curious cause alot has been on your mind.
"You can't remember?" She asks you disappointed that you couldn't remember the date. You shake your head genuinely not knowing.
"It's in like two months" Two months.
"And I know I'm too excited for something that's so far away, but I just can't wait for you to finally see it"
She hasn't allowed you to see the art work she's been working on cause it should be a 'surprise'. She's been a part of the art club from ever since you knew her, she tried getting you into it but it wasn't your style. Atleast at the moment. The only club you've been able to join and be in is the book club. You loved to read books and talk about what you've read and what your opinions are of the story.
"I can't wait for you to see it and be there." She says giving you a giddy laugh and all you can do is give her a low and sad grin, knowing you won't be there. She continues to express how excited she is.
"Can I tell you something" your serious and concerning tone cuts off her rumbling. She stops and stares at you mimicking your sad look.
"Yeah sure" She moves to seat next to you. "What's the problem"
"Promise me you won't tell anyone"
Taglist: @ane102
You can dm the if you wanna join the ONLY ONE taglist. No ageless blogs allowed.
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pink-amethyst-tarot · 5 months
💌A Message From The Universe💌
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P I L E 1 ~ P I L E 2 ~ P I L E 3
How to pick: Take a deep breath and choose between the three images above. It corelates with the message that is meant for you. Trust your intuiton; only you know what is truly best for you.
P I L E 1 ♡ ~ A New Perspective
Ten of Wands, The High Priestess, The Emperor, The Moon, Eight of Swords (Reversed)
You feel burdened. You feel disconnected from yourself and your intuition. I feel that the man problem, is that you don't trust yourself or your inner voice. Let that voice guide you. Listen to yourself because you know what is best for you. You don't have to listen to everyone who thinks they know what is best for you. With it being the holiday season and Christmas is days away, you may be around family that isn't all that supportive of you and what you want with your life. They have put you down since you were a kid but know that you are not that kid anymore. You are capable of standing on your own two feet and it's time to stop making excuses for their bad behavior. You don't have to keep that kind of negative energy in your life, even if they are your relatives. Just because they are blood related, doesn't mean you have to call them family. For a lot of you, this person is a father figure in your life, but they haven't treated you the way that a father should. You were a kid and you deserved better then, and you deserve better now. Your anxiety around this is very loud but you know what you want to do more than anything. You know what path you want to take, and you know what people you want to cut off. Let yourself be happy. Go into this new year prioritizing your wants, needs, desires, hopes and dreams. It's time someone chose you and who better than yourself. Open up your heart and your mind to new possibilities; a world where you can have what you want. It's time for a new perspective.
Channeled Song: I'm Tired by Labrinth ft. Zendaya
now the tide is rollin' in // I don't wanna win // let it take me, let it take me // I'll be on my way // how long can I stay // in a place that can't contain me // hey Lord, you know, I'm tired // hey, Lord, you know I'm tired //
if you feel called to tip, you can on c@sh@pp at $oddlycozycottage and on p@yp@l at @oddlycozycottage
If you want a more personal reading, you can see how to book a reading here
P I L E 2 ♡
King of Pentacles, Seven of Cups (Reversed), Four of Wands (Reversed), Nine of Wands, Ace of Pentacles
You have been doing some spring cleaning around your life. You have been making changes that you saw needed to be made and it has really brought you back to reality; almost like you are sobering up. You could also be on a sobriety journey and if you are, know that I am very proud of you and I'm rooting for you. If no one else is in your corner, know that I am. You have been doing a lot of hard work and you should be celebrating yourself but, for some reason, you aren't. You may have this mindset of believing that you can't celebrate because there is so much more work to do. That may be true; we are all works in progress. That doesn't mean you shouldn't celebrate and be proud of how far you have come! I'm so very proud of how far you have come. You're looking at all that you still have to do, but you aren't paying attention to what you have done. You can rest, relax and bask in your victories. Take a break because you have earned it. You are meant to be prosperous, and you have new opportunities coming in and you should be confident in taking them because you worked hard to get them. Again, I am so proud of you and all that you have done. Keep going and do not give up.
Channled Song: A Brand New Day by The Wiz Cast
everybody, be glad // because our fear and dread is gone // freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully // just look about // you out it to yourself to check it out // can you feel a brand new day? // can you feel a brand new day? //
if you feel called to tip, you can on c@sh@pp at $oddlycozycottage and on p@yp@l at @oddlycozycottage
If you want a more personal reading, you can see how to book a reading here
P I L E 3 ♡
The Star (Reversed), Two of Pentacles, Four of Swords, The High Priestess, Ace of Pentacles
Your head is not in the right place, right now. You are too focused on the negative and it seems that you have lost hope. You're working to balance things on your own and that is only making things harder for you. You may feel like you're at sea and the boat going up and down with the harsh waves. Let go of the things that you don't need and ask for help with the things that you cannot. I'm getting that you are very overwhelmed at this time. I'm seeing juggling and everyone keeps adding more and more balls, making it so hard to keep up. You don't have to take it. You are allowed to rest and to have some peace and quiet. You may be feeling like you can't take a break right now because, if you don't do it who will? I'll counter that with, why was it set up for you to be the only one who is able to handle things? Why is it you or nobody? Why can't people do it themselves? Sometimes, you just have to say, "if I have to do it, it's not going to get done," and that's that on that. You know that these people are capable and able. They just know they can rely on you to always do it. Stop being reliable. They need to learn to do things on their own and without you because you are not going to always be there.
I don't have a specific channeled song, but I am seeing vacations, beaches and just relaxing, which you deserve, so if you can get that, I suggest that you do.
if you feel called to tip, you can on c@sh@pp at $oddlycozycottage and on p@yp@l at @oddlycozycottage
If you want a more personal reading, you can see how to book a reading here
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THESE READINGS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. no guarantees are implied. These readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
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gunthermunch · 1 year
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[Transcript under the cut]
Lilith: what happened to your bike? Ernest: i think snow got stuck on the wheels. sucks. Lilith: well i think it's not a day to bike around. or… hang out. Ernest: it's never a bad day to see a friend Lilith: … Ernest: what is it? Lilith: it's… um… Lilith: … Lilith: you look fancy today. Ernest: oh! my good clothes. my father in law is coming over later today, i need to look decent. Lilith: that's… nice.
Ernest: hello!! Ernest: …Vlad? hm. Ernest: there you are- Ernest: oh. oh my god what happened to your eyes? is your diet messed up? Vlad: if it was, you would know. Ernest: … Vlad: there is something bothering you. Ernest: ahah. very true. Ernest: originally i wanted to, spend some time with my friend. practice on your pipe organ some more, maybe. but now i just want to talk Ernest: did i ever tell you what my two novels were about? Vlad: no, you did not. Ernest: they were about things you could find in the dark, and good vamps. you see i used to find comfort in horror. Ernest: i… want you to keep them. maybe you'll find in them what my boss didn't. Vlad: why…me? Ernest: ah, it's just- another one of my gifts. Vlad: …thank you. Ernest: hah. my mama would be so mad at me Ernest: she said my stories had a light the others would be grateful to see. but i just don't see the point on writing anymore. Vlad: you have both a great mind and great words, what could be stopping you from sharing them? Ernest: oh well, I think i am…out of the loop, friend. Vlad: …? Ernest: ah, how can i explain this to you… Ernest: a little more than a decade along, after she died, things got… strange. tea was too much, music was not on time, everything made me feel like something terrible was about to happen, even my own words. i was… slow. i went to the medics, thought i had some kind of vitamin deficency. Ernest: they told me i was depressed instead. Ernest: i was given a bunch of drugs, and even got institutionalized for a few seasons. Ernest: i don't think it was only because of her passing away. i think there was always something wrong with me. Ernest: sigh i got better after my son was born. much better. i thought it was finally gone but, no. Ernest: it has a hold on me, and it will not release. it's unbearable Vlad: who? Ernest: my whole head, i believe. -ernest walks around- Ernest: even if i just wish to break away, i don't want to keep making Mila sad anymore. Ernest: ah…ahah. god. things are too much all the time …but, you know what, Vlad? Ernest: even if it sounds stupid from the mouth of someone as tired and worn out as me, Ernest: i still believe my children will make their days shine, y'know? they'll go far. because i want them to have beautiful lives. Ernest: …i wish you were able to understand. Ernest: well i- clears throat thanks for listening, you're good at it. Ernest: i talked too much. Ernest: agh- i'm just having bad thoughts. i need to be an adult and not run from… everything. Ernest: … Ernest: it will pass Vlad: ernest, wait. Vlad: stay here, stay in the manor
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kimbureh · 11 months
TBB S2E12 The Outpost, Crosshair & Agency In Suicide
I haven't seen anybody talk about this specific aspect yet, but in truth I avoid reading TBB meta because I haven't finished watching season 2 and don't want to read spoilers.
"The Outpost" is an episode about being trapped in your position, even if you're ready to move on from your role. I've seen it pointed out by others, and indeed it was my first thought also: Mayday talks like Rex. Behaves like Rex. Is capable to adapt to adversary circumstances like Rex. But unlike Rex, Mayday is not given the chance to reform his life. He dies on Barton-4 without fulfilling his true potential. (But Rex has been gifted this chance, while he is acutely aware most clones haven't, and chooses to rectify that as much as he can.) The Outpost of Barton-4 is the epitome of being abandoned and trapped by circumstances. This will be important again in a minute.
Regs symbolize everything Crosshair feels ashamed for. I have talked about this before, but I don't want to pull a Tech and assume that's obvious. So. Crosshair is as grating towards regs as he is (especially in TCW) because of his projected self-hatred. He's a clone too, but at least he is enhanced. "Superior", as he says to Hunter. Showing kindness to Mayday, a reg, is the first step for Crosshair to come to terms with his Clone identity. I interpret Crosshair's arc as one of developing self-acceptance, and treating a reg with kindness is the first step to treating himself with kindness. And it speaks to Crosshair's developing sense of self-acceptance when he pleads (!) with Nolan to please help Mayday (the name here is telling!).
In another meta post of mine I outlined the two possible paths of Crosshair's arc: he either manages to develop self-acceptance and leaves the Empire, or he stays and self-destructs.
In his interactions with Mayday, Crosshair clearly veers into the direction of self-acceptance via Mayday as proxy. But the circumstances don't allow for the second step: leaving the Empire. Think of that tiny backroom in which we meet Mayday and his skeleton crew for the first time. Barton-4 is not a place you leave alive. This place is a frosty tomb, the rows of trooper helmets and the raider left behind in the tunnel are grim witness to that truth. And Crosshair knows this, knows he is trapped in a very real sense on this planet, at the mercy of a cruel superior who sees him as a piece of "used equipment". And so Crosshair picks the other option left to him: self-destruction. He knows he cannot get away with shooting a superior, not when he's weak, without his helmet, trapped on an icy planet with dozens of TK troopers to hold him accountable.
Crosshair's decision is not naive, not entirely hopeless either, it's coming from a place of self-empowerment despite the dreadful desperation. There are a few excruciating moments before Crosshair draws his blaster, moments in which he does the calculations in his mind and realizes there is no way for him to survive this. But he has the freedom to make one last decision: and that is bringing down Nolan with him.
This is Crosshair's tipping point. Through the interactions with Mayday he allowed himself to care for someone again, only for the Empire to immediately take that from him. They took his agency, but in what Crosshair must believe to be his last action, he regains some of his agency and avenges Mayday. In the face of death, Crosshair defends his decision to choose self-acceptance.
A more tragic story could end here; but Crosshair has more homework to do, and it still hasn't been revealed if he really doesn't have his inhibitor chip anymore, or whether he was implanted something else in its stead, and where those searing head pains are really coming from if not from the effects of the (a?) chip. I have a few theories, but we'll see (or maybe we won't).
(pls no season 2 spoilers, I haven't fully watched it yet)
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morgane-art · 3 months
The vampire Diaries ships as Taylor Swift songs
Delena + Stelena
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"He is sensible and so incredible
And all my single friends are jealous
He says everything I need to hear
And it's like I couldn't ask for anything better
He opens up my door and I get into his car
And he says 'you look beautiful tonight'
And I feel perfectly fine...
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain,
It's 2 am and I'm cursing your name,
So in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you."
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"I never trust a narcissist
But they love me
So I play 'em like a violin
And I make it look, oh, so easy
'Cause for every lie I tell them
They tell me three
This is how the world works
Now all he thinks about is me."
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"I've been breakin' hearts a long time
And toyin' with them older guys
Just playthings for me to use
Something happened for the first time
In the darkest little paradise
Shakin', pacin', I just need you
For you I would cross the line
I would waste my time
I would lose my mind
They say, she's gone too far this time."
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"Church bells ring
Carry me home
Rice on the ground
Looks like snow
Call my bluff
Call you 'babe'
Have my back, yeah, every day
Feels like home
Stay in bed
The whole weekend
It's nice to have a friend."
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"My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something
You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world, but with you, I know it's no good
And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would
Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain
Cause' I see sparks fly whenever you smile."
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"No matter what you say, I still can't believe
That you would walk away
It don't make sense to me, but
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart ?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart, now ?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar ?"
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"Ladies and gentlemen will you please stand ?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man
to be my lover
Look in my eyes they will tell you the truth
The girl in my story has always been you
I'd go down with the Titanic, it's true,
For you."
I wanted to add some 'The Originals' ships but I'm only on season 2 so I'll do a second part when I'll end the series.
Also I had 3 songs in mind for Klaroline it was hard to choose just one lol.
And the song I chose for Bonnie and Enzo was so crystal clear in my mind, when I listen to 'lover' I immediately think about them.
Feel free to tell me what you think !
PS : This post was inspired by a tiktok from @itsariedit who used the song "The way I loved you" for a delena edit and I thought it would be funny to pick a song for each ship of TVD
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thegeekyartist · 10 months
"Because you and Mr. Fell don't ever talk to each other... You never say what you're really thinking."
I know Nina and Maggie are talking about Aziraphale and Crowley's romantic feelings here, but I think it goes so much deeper than that. Crowley and Aziraphale are both so good at assuming the other person just knows what the other has been through. They never give the reasons for the huge decisions they make for the sake of one another because they assume that the other person will just immediately understand their reasoning.
Crowley never told Aziraphale about what Gabriel said before casting "Aziraphale" into hellfire. He didn't tell him about Armageddon 2.0 or The Book of Life. In fact, he didn't tell him any of the things he learned about Gabriel in Heaven.
Crowley doesn't trust Gabriel to be in the shop again - why would he? But Aziraphale doesn't even understand just how personal it is to him because Crowley never told him.
Crowley is too afraid to do a single thing that could harm "the peaceful, fragile existence" he's carved out for the both of them, that he never gives Aziraphale the full picture! He gives enough information that allows the two of them to continue living in the same manner they always have - working well together to save the day while avoiding the big fucking whale in the room.
Even after Maggie and Nina's intervention, Crowley still isn't saying what he really wants to say! It's why he doesn't outright say "I love you" to Aziraphale, even if to him it's clear! He's trying to lay everything out on the table while essentially saying "it'll be just the two of us, just as it's always been and everything will be fine."
And Aziraphale is no better.
Every. Choice. He. Makes - he does so with Crowley in mind. Even before The Beginning, we see him try to protect Crowley, to get him to stop asking questions so he doesn't get hurt.
Aziraphale has always believed Crowley to be good, and he knows how miserable he was in Hell after he Fell. It's pretty clear both in the first and second seasons that Aziraphale doesn't see Crowley as a "true" demon - he's always been a good angel with the wrong title.
It's why he's constantly trying to get Crowley to admit that he's nice, that he cares - he's saying that he knows who Crowley is on the inside, and wants to help him regain the status he once had so that he can act on these feelings without punishment.
And yes, I believe Aziraphale includes their love for one another in that.
So when the Metatron tells Aziraphale that he could reinstate Crowley's angelhood, that he could give Crowley back everything he once had AND stay by his side - of course that's what finally convinces him to say yes.
But Aziraphale never explains any of this to Crowley. He expects that Crowley will understand, that he'll know that Aziraphale is doing all of this for him - to allow him to ask the questions and make the changes he's been talking about from the moment they met.
It's why the "nothing lasts forever" hurts even more. To Aziraphale, it means, "I don't need the bookshop if I can be with you and make you happy again", but to Crowley, he's saying "We were never going to last, no matter what we did."
If they just talked to each other, none of this would be happening!
I'm gonna fucking scream.
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smellofemale · 5 months
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songs that remind me of my dr s/o and gives me motivation to shift ^^
i found a reason by the velvet underground
"i found a reason to keep living and the reason dear is you, i found a reason to keep singing and the reason dear is you. i do believe, if you don't like things you live for some place you've never gone before"
it truly grounds me and reminds me when i am down that i do have a reason. there are infinite realities, i have infinite people waiting for me there are infinite people that love me. when i am crying in another reality he is holding me.
i love you more than words by Karen Dalton
"you've got me in your hand. why can't you understand? i love you more than words can explain."
just imagining myself dancing with him to this is so ahhhhh!! it gives me so much motivation :")
april come she will by simon and garfunkel
"april, come she will when streams are ripe and swelled with rain. may, she will stay. resting in my arms again. june, she'll change her tune. in restless walks she'll prowl the night. july, she will fly and give no warning to her flight."
it reminds me just like the seasons, no matter how long i wait, they will always come. even if it doesn't feel like winter right now, it's still winter!
time is on my side by the rolling stones
"time is on my side, yes it is. now you always say that you want to be free but you'll come running back."
it's really just an affirmation in itself haha. time is on my side!
i'll be your mirror by the velvet underground
"i'll be your mirror, reflect what you are, in case you don't know. i'll be the wind, the rain and the sunset. the light on your door to show that you're home. when you think the night has seen your mind, that inside you're twisted and unkind. let me stand to show that you are blind. please put down your hands cause I see you. i find it hard to believe you don't know the beauty you are but if you don't, let me be your eyes, a hand to your darkness so you won't be afraid."
i think this one is quite self explanatory.
(till i) run with you by the lovin spoonful
"i used to be blue then you showed me that love was near and that's all i had to hear. i can't believe that dreams come true. 'till i run with you. now i can't sleep at night, 'till i run with you"
just makes me feel SO HAPPY and reminds me about my love of shifting!!
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ok that's it :)
i am definitely gonna do more posts like this. it was so much fun and i am super passionate about music!!!
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hii, I love your writing and you're so very talented!!
Please, feel free to ignore this request if you don't feel comfortable writing it 😊
I was wondering if you could write a Lady Lesso x Never!Student platonic where the reader has depression. The reader has no motivation and everything seems like a chore - even eating. She would feel so terrible that she would phyically get sick and nauseous and tired all the time. The nights are the worst because her mind is plagued by dark thoughts, the nights seemed to never end, she's afraid she'll do something stupid so she rans down the hallway knocking on Lady Lesso's headquarters' doors.
She's afraid of Lady Lesso but she's afraid of herself even more.
I suffer from seasonal depression that lasts from like February to October and I'm tired already-
It gets to the point I even think things that aren't even true. Like... I'd mix reality and thoughs. For example - I'd be thinking my phone cracked and for some reason I'd believe it. I get so confused xD And I'd isolate myself from people not even caring. I wish I could feel bad because I stopped communicating with them but I just don't.
Hey lovely anon! <3 thank you so much for your support and kind words. I hope this is what you were looking for <3
Save me from myself
*Authors note| This seemed very fitting for my mood today so I absolutely have had a blast writing this.*
Trigger warnings~ food issues depression self harm the whole lot really
Prompt~see ask^^
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Depression is a strange thing, especially when coupled with anxiety. It's like you have no energy to do anything but your brain is going a million miles a minute. Yet it makes perfect sense, your brain is whirling so many thoughts that it's draining all of your energy. Self care goes out the window, anything that really requires any physical emotional or mental energy goes too. Why does life have to be soo hard? It feels as though everything is getting on top of you and pushing you further and further back into this dark place.  The dark place being cold and lonely, two of the things you wished to not feel, yet they surround you all day every day.
Food isn't on your radar, even the thought of food makes you feel nauseous. All you want to do is sleep for the rest of eternity. Yet your mind refuses to allow that. You know that staying in doors, in bed, is not helping you. Yet getting up is much too difficult. Sleep seems to evade you. Taunting you as if it knows your desperation for it to claim you. The lack of food, sleep and your overwhelming feelings seem to control your everyday thought. You know it's wrong and that you should ask for help but the energy to do that is missing.
That's why you turned to an older coping mechanism. You didn't mean to. It was a moment of weakness and not one you had planned to do again. You felt guilt as sin. Yet when you did it god the numbness was something you craved. But you couldn't do that again, it was a dangerous path that was extremely hard for you to crawl your way back from. Scars littered your arms now and they served as a reminder, self harm was not and is not the way forward. So for days you focused so hard on not giving into the urge, it was draining you but at least it worked.
As a never it felt wrong to even consider reaching out for help, it was weakness. Never's aren't weak. Weakness got you in a vulnerable space, something you really can't afford. Yet for some reason you had bonded rather well with the one and only Dean of Evil. Your recent slip into your seasonal depression had you pulling away from Leonora, something she didn't take too well. At first she assumed you were unwell, after all no one can stay in perfect health all the time, but soon it became apparent something darker was lurking behind your dorm room door. Something perhaps you were trying to hide. She trusted in you to find her when you felt ready, she had told you day or night she would be there for you and had truly meant every word.
Tonight, you broke. Fighting this battle alone was terrifying, and you didn't trust yourself to not fall back into that bad habit, you knew what would happen if you stayed in the room alone. You knew where to find your collection of sharp objects and how your control would dwindle fast just by the sight of them. You could feel the sensations of them on your skin. This was dangerous territory and you knew it. So without thinking you fled. Seeing the outside of your dorm for the first time in days. The candle light seemed awfully too bright and overwhelming from what you remember, was it always this cold? Briefly, you considered going back to hibernate under your blankets and just wait this out, but the sensations on your arm reminding you just how much of a terrible idea it truly was. So you ran.
Your body mindlessly taking you to your safe place, your home. Before you even knew it you were up the hall standing outside of Lesso's chambers. A luxury only had been given, for this exact reason. Yet here you stood, willing yourself to stay put and knock. Yet your mind was telling you to go back to the room and give in. Give in to the demon that plagued you. You need it. But you don't want it. And that's what makes you knock. Small timid knocked in a carefully designed pattern alerted the older women of your presence. And when that door opened, you felt your heart shatter into a million pieces.
This was absolutely terrifying, but you were more scared of your own mind right now. Your body reacting instantly by seeing the women, you threw yourself in her direction causing your body to slam into hers. Sobs tore through your body as she brought her arms around your quivering form. At this point you didn't know what was real and what was in your mind. Was she holding you? The words you hear, are the created by your mind? You didn't know, and truthfully you didn't care right now. You needed her and she was here, in person or in your mind , but that didn't matter. She was here when you needed her just as she had promised to be.
Soon enough you had settled on her sofa in front of the fire being cocooned by her strong arms and words of reassurance and encouragement being whispered into your hair as you let it all out. Tears and muffled apologises for pushing her away, hurting yourself and not being strong enough. Each and every fear she squashed and by the end of it you had snuggled closer and fallen into the first restful sleep you'd had in god knows how long.
Word count~ 1170
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vatnalilja · 1 year
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Leave Your Body and Soul to Me | Hanamaru
In the midst of the rainy season, you and Hanamaru find a bit of refuge from the downpour in each other's arms.
It's just short fluff for the mansions #1 ダンディ! 1,145 words. No smut.
I wrote this with a feminine reader in mind, but it is gender-neutral. POV 2nd person, present tense
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After your long, warm bath, you collapse in bed and stare at the dreary gray on the other side of the windows. The rainy season has come to the mansion and has had various effects on the inhabitants. Though stuck indoors, you enjoy the soft pitapat of raindrops on the glass panes and the flickering candlelight's cozy mood. You bunch a pillow under your chin and watch streaks of water trail down the window until your door creaks open behind you. You glance at your visitor, discovering Hanamaru holding two steaming teacups as he lets himself in.
"My Lord, I have some tea."
He pushes the door shut with his heel, then brings the cups to your bed with a shrewd look. Though he only brings you tea, he makes the act seem inappropriately decadent. You sit up with a smile, take a cup from him, and warm your hands on the ceramic. Without asking for permission, he sits on your bed and yawns.
"The rain has a way of making tasks difficult, doesn't it?" he asks.
"You're saying the rain makes you even lazier?" you ask.
"Perhaps, but I think the Lord might like to lie around as much as I do," he says.
You sip your tea. "It's true I've been feeling a little down lately."
"I wasn't judging you. I was merely observing that our interests . . . align."
"I haven't forgotten about what you said, you know."
He lifts his brow. "Oh, really?"
"About being the one to warm my bed. I can't believe you just said that out loud. In front of everyone."
He laughs in a way that conveys he has no regret over how he acted. It never truly bothered you; besides, he only articulated the desires of every man in the house. Crudely, but honestly. Perhaps that's why no one yelled at him.
"My Lord never objected," he says.
"Days like today are meant for climbing under the covers and relaxing, don't you think?"
"And you'd be the perfect company for it?" you ask.
"Your words, Lord, not mine."
You tut your tongue and set your teacup on the nightstand. It's unclear why he developed such an instant affinity for you. He claimed to have a rude personality, but upon meeting, you felt no distance from him—a distinct difference from almost every other man in the mansion, most of whom took their time warming up to you. Perhaps the reason was that for the past several years, his only company had been children.
You crawl beneath your duvet and flip it over you until you disappear. After several moments, you feel his weight shift on your bed as he inches closer to its head. When he's at your side, you draw the bedding back and give him a grin devious enough to make him pause.
"What are you doing, Hanamaru?" you ask.
"Checking on my Lord," he says.
"Just doing your duties, then."
"Absolutely." He slips his hand under the duvet, and when you don't stop him, most of him follows, forcing you to the center of the bed. "Should I get comfortable?"
"Only if you want to stay," you say.
"How long will you be in bed?"
"If you're wondering whether you ought to get your sake—"
"I am."
"Then hurry and fetch it."
Pleased by your response, he stands and backs out of the room with a lopsided smirk. You occupy yourself with a book from the library while you wait for him to return, and when he does, he's barefoot and missing his tailcoat. His hair is wet, and he's holding a large bottle and two small cups, all proof of his run between the house and the villa.
"Where did your things go?" you ask with a laugh.
"I left them at the front door—they'd yell at me if I tracked water all through the mansion," he says.
He sets the sake down next to you, then turns away and shakes the water from his unruly hair. You're already pouring two cups when he lands heavily on your bed, causing you to splatter several drops.
"O~to, careful with that." He takes the bottle and finishes pouring for you.
"Maru, are you allergic to buttoning your shirt up the entire way?" you ask.
"It's a lot of work, isn't it?" He hands you a cup.
"No, it's not."
You savor the flavor of the sake. It's much nicer than you expected, with a crisp taste of apples. It was meant to be enjoyed, not hammered at until drunk. You weren't sure what he'd bring, but it defied your expectations.
"Maybe I should take it off so I don't get your sheets wet." He works the bottom buttons free and lets the front of his shirt fall open to reveal the rest of his well-defined chest.
You finish your drink and reach out to set the cup next to the bottle, letting your arm brush against his bare abdomen. After peeling his shirt from his body, he drops it to the floor, then slides under the covers again. He brings a comfortable warmth with him. When you cozy up to his side, he curls his arm under your waist and tugs you into his side.
"Maru . . . "
He hums in response.
"You may be unsophisticated—your words, not mine—but you're a good man."
"Oh? What did I do to deserve such praise from the Lord?" he asks.
You huff and poke him square in the chest. "Just accept my compliment."
"Ah, cute." He snags your finger in his hand and squeezes it beneath the duvet. "Which is exactly why I want to protect you."
You try tugging your hand away as your ears burn, but it's useless. Instead, you push as much of your face into your pillow as possible, refusing to look at him. He chuckles as he moves his grasp to your wrist and shakes your arm.
"Come on, now. Show me your face. When you do that, I can't see the Lord's shy face very well, now can I?"
"I'm not being shy," you mumble into your pillow.
"Then what is it?"
"I'm being annoyed."
"In that case, I like it even more."
He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and lets his weight sink into your bed as he rests your hand on his chest. You lift your head and watch him for several seconds, studying his facial features. Breathing a soft sigh through your nose, you rest your chin on his shoulder, then let your eyes flutter shut. Before long, the soothing sound of the rain lulls you into a peaceful state. His heart taps a slow, gentle rhythm beneath your palm that blends with the patter of the droplets on the window.
"I wish this could last forever," he whispers.
Though you say nothing, you agree.
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fullstcp · 2 months
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: Season 4 Sentence Starters
"We're back together again."
"There's magic here in these halls."
"Amazing how it comes flooding right back to you."
"A lot has changed, but there's some things that never do."
"Let's have the time of our lives all over again."
"It don't get any better than being here together."
"I can't believe how time flies."
"These are the days we'll remember."
"Let's make some memories together."
"You're the only one I wanna chase."
"This spark is here to stay."
"Just call my name, and I'll come running."
"Life gets rough, but here's my promise: you'll never walk alone."
"There's no one more loyal true."
"Puppy love's the love I got for you."
"Maybe this time, we do it for real."
"Nothing to lose, why don't we try?"
"Life doesn't wait and it kinda feels like the last chance to get it right."
"Everything's changing, can't you tell?"
"It's all about us, so let's keep this to ourselves."
"The future's gonna do what it wants to."
"Let's live in the moment, letting go, but also holding onto hope that it'll all work out fine."
"Wherever we're headed, I don't wanna miss a second."
"If the lesson is to enjoy the ride, I'll try."
"Maybe this time is all that we get, but we've still got lots to figure out."
"I'd love to control what happens next."
"I'll give you my all right now."
"Don't look back, just pull me closer."
"Nothing's certain about this journey we're on."
"Beyond the horizon waits a new dawn."
"I'm trapped in these feelings."
"I could lose everything."
"He's/she's/they're/you're the reason I do everything I do."
"My mind is screaming."
"Feels like I'm pulled between my wildest dreams, can't they all come true?"
"No escape from reality."
"Nowhere left to run."
"Now the fear is taking over me."
"No more tricks up my sleeve."
"Watch my nightmares come to life."
"Which heart's gonna break."
"So many feelings inside. New ones that don't wanna hide."
"So here we go. Hit the ignition, I'm in for a ride."
"The monsters in your mind ring louder over time."
"Are we friends or something better?"
"I'm a little famous for ruining everything."
"I hope if anything changes, it changes to you and me."
"Right now, all I know is I want you."
"All at once, I'm feeling new."
"Fingers crossed you feel it too."
"Courage is a hard pill."
"Can't ever say quite what I want."
"No, it's never enough."
"I'm so sick of my past breaking me like glass."
"I keep saying I'll change, keep staying the same."
"Can't seem to let it go."
"I'm screaming out but I don't make a sound."
"Don't wait for the moment just to keep missing out."
"All my excuses, I overuse them every time I open my mouth."
"My walls, they know the worst of it."
"Now I gotta face the feeling."
"Don't wanna walk away from this."
"Don't wanna be a sinking ship."
"The anchor on my tongue won't let me swim."
"Don't wanna waste a moment more."
"Don't know what I've been waiting for."
"I'll never get a chance like this again."
"Don't look down."
"You've gotta jump."
"The whole world's waiting."
"No more hesitating."
"Who you wanna be is born in belief."
"There's no guarantees you'll land on your feet."
"Just jump."
"The mirror is your oldest friend."
"Right there is where you jump."
"Spread your magic all around."
"Trust the light, let it lead the way."
"You gotta fight if you wanna win."
"It's your move."
"I wish I could turn back time."
"Don't know how I could be so blind."
"There's nothing left to say."
"I know that I'm a mess."
"You should have nothing less than my whole heart."
"You deserve happily ever after."
"I don't deserve a second chance."
"I swear that I'll be better."
"I know that this is worth it."
"If we fall again, we'll make it through."
"I'll be there to carry you over and over again."
"Sometimes you make me mad."
"Sometimes I treat you bad."
"You see right through my fears because you know me."
"When push comes to shove there's only heartbreak because there's love."
"All I really want right now is for you to hold me."
"Let's live inside this moment and forget about forever."
"No matter what you say or do I'll be running back to you."
"I feel so lucky to have found something this real."
"I'm lost without your love, my love."
"You taught me how to feel."
"I will love you endlessly."
"I hope you're my forever."
"Can't let it end this way."
"Everyone seems so okay, but I can't let it all go so easily."
"Who says the curtain is closing on the time of our lives?"
"I'd always know that dreams don't die."
"I'm never gonna stop believing as long as I've got air to breathe in."
"Got nothing to lose, so I'll fight."
"No one can take that away if they tried."
"I've been wishing on a fallen star for too long."
"I've been running, I don't know what from."
"You and I've become a sacred kind of home."
"I'm in love and I know it."
"I've never been more sure of what I've got."
"This is so much more than puppy love."
"I'll say it first, no matter what the cost."
"Here I am, full heart, full stop."
"I never knew that I could feel so sure and so strong."
"How can three old words feel so brand new?"
"I'm staring at the only thing I want."
"I wanna finish what we started in the stairwell where we met."
"I wanna live like I have never even heard the word regret."
"I wanna scream what's in my heart and I won't ever take it back."
"And forever after that."
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batgirlsay · 5 months
Unspeakable Love
A Playlist for Obiyuki Do-Si-Do 2023 by @snowwhite-andtheknight
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This playlist went through many edits over the year as I discovered new bands (The Beths) and remembered old ones (Mae) but the theme of hiding feelings stayed consistent. The title lyric comes from "The Maze," and I’ve been waiting all year to share these perfect Obiyuki songs! Also looking forward to reading the final companion piece by @jhalya!
Unspeakable Love
Knees Deep- The Beths My Answer- The Natural Lines The Maze- Manchester Orchestra A Scene That Will Never Die- The Natural Lines Giving It Away- Mae Do You Want Me Now- The Beths Alex Bell- The Natural Lines Telepath- Manchester Orchestra True Blue- Boygenius
Summary lyrics are posted under the cut:
Knees Deep- The Beths
Watching light through water I want to bend the way it bends You slice like a knife through the surface But what a thrill to see it mend With no scar, no memory I'm envious, why pretend I'm not
Wading in up to the ankles The cold speaks straight to my bones Whole body and soul hesitation I am a coward turned to stone I stay there for centuries So all of history knows about it
The shame, I wish that I was Bravе enough to dive in But I nevеr have been and never will be I'm coming in hot then freezing completely
The shame, I wish that I could Say what I've been thinking But I never have done and never will do Still only knees deep, I'll never be brave like you
My Answer- The Natural Lines
My answer to the night is maybe A little danger on the side of a mountain
The flame lit face reveals what’s obvious
We will be strange We will be perfectly out of place
Maybe we’ll lock eyes Maybe we’ll meet Nothing has to happen Creatures inconceivable
The Maze- Manchester Orchestra
I notice you when you're noticing me Breaking the habit, you're watching me sleep, oh Give me some time, let me learn how to speak I'm a maze to you
First of a thousand to write on the wall It's only beginning, it's swallowing us Somebody said it's unspeakable love It's amazing You lift that burden off of me
A Scene That Will Never Die- The Natural Lines
Starting at the summer’s end When the nights get loud
We were searching for the words The lines that don’t feel like they’ve ever been said before
Sometimes we lose it Sometimes we don’t end where we meet
The ghosts keep flying overhead Changes are permanent Because the chemistry connects Because you sit in the passenger side A scene that will never die
Sometimes we lose it Sometimes we don’t land where we mean
Giving It Away- Mae
By the way you brought me here It makes me believe that the best is yet to come and I don't want to leave
Forgive my hesitation but I'm learning to trust in you Help me to dream these dreams because I don't have a clue
If you'd be honest and say what you mean You know I would promise I'd do anything Because I know that without you I'm giving it away
You've introduced me to the moment But I'm looking to stay for good
Do You Want Me Now- The Beths
Just a question that keeps me fast awake In the dead of night I'm a condemned site with light on Tell me what you decide on
Do you want me now? Or do you wanna leave it out We can talk about it I wanna tell you something but I don't know how
Being patient's never been my forte And your waiting room is hard on my esteem
Alex Bell- The Natural Lines
You were here, you always seem so far away You’ve become someone out of reach
The seasons keep me running away with myself I want to get an answer from Alex Bell tonight
I loved your laughter when life seemed impossible
No one wants to hear my silent speech I’ve become someone out of reach
Telepath- Manchester Orchestra
Told her I don't have a lot, babe, but you can have my soul Baby, do you want me? No, no, no
Everyone I know is slowly falling in the ocean I don't want to be the next to row, I never learned to swim Baby, do you love me? No, no, no
In my mind, you are the road I chose to travel Might as well have been the very last thing I decide Half the time I'm lost, afraid that you're just borrowed It don't matter much to me, man, I'm not afraid to die You're the one I wanted, want now, want when I am old When I'm falling
True Blue- Boygenius
You say you're a winter bitch, but summer's in your blood You can't help but become the sun
When you don't know who you are, you fuck around and find out When you called me from the train, water freezing in your eyes You were happy and I wasn't surprised
You already hurt my feelings three times In the way only you could
But it feels good to be known so well I can't hide from you like I hide from myself I remember who I am when I'm with you Your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue
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Sonine Prime ... Part 7
Hi, everyone and welcome back to Sonine Prime! The part of the show when I come out and talk about Sonine (and a bit of Sontails) in Sonic Prime!
Last time we covered the first big scene in The Grim, and now we're so so close to finishing off Episode 6. This time, I'm hoping to move on to Episode 7 and hopefully reach the end of this season, but we'll see if my hopes are cut short by the tumblr media limit again.😂
<< Part 6 | Part 8 >>
(Essay/thoughts/analysis under the cut)
So, starting off where we left off last time. I will note that Nine just informed Sonic (with a serious face and a frown) that he's going home right after this battle (essentially giving Sonic a second chance to join him in the Grim before Nine closes himself off forever), and Sonic responded by being so happy that he knew Nine would "come back". Keeping this in mind is important. Why?
Well, after being so frustrated and disappointed that Sonic didn't choose him in the Grim, and after just posing sonic a new choice ("You can either stay here and I'll seal myself off alone in the Grim, or you can join me there in the Grim")...Nine can't help but smile in regards to Sonic again.
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"I'll take em low, you take em high!"
"Already on it."
Once Nine makes his point to Sonic as best he can, they fall right back into working together again. It's been so long since they last fought together, and both seem...happy for it. Even if Nine doesn't actually want to be here, you can see on his face how much he enjoys cleaning house with Sonic (not surprising, given how much he perked up in Episode 1 when he believed Sonic was telling him that the two of them used to fight the Chaos Council and win).
That also being said, despite the fact that they (chronologically) hadn't actually spent a lot of time together in the first few episodes and spent a while apart, it really is a testament to their relationship just how well the two work together and continue to. You get the impression from this short little scene that the two don't need to say much to know how they should fight, actual plans be damned. Yes I think one can extrapolate that Nine has already been forming a strategy and Sonic was largely planning to wing it, but the fact Sonic didn't need to say much says that they trust each other (and that, at the very least, they both think the other understands an unspoken plan).
Now, when Sonic and the Rebels celebrate the defeat of the last of the Eggforcers (and what seems to be the Chaos Council's retreat), Renegade mentions that he doesn’t know what happened to Nine. While we as the audience know Nine was captured by the Council, Sonic hasn't seen Nine since he jumped off of his ship. Neither he, Rebel, nor Renegade know where Nine is.
However, here's what's interesting about this scene.
"We're good. Not sure what happened to your "friend" though."
"I don't like this. The shard could be anywhere."
Rebel and Renegade still have no solid reason to trust Nine. Even if it's true that he came to aid in the fight, they didn't see him finish it, and they have previously expressed the concern that Nine would hand the paradox prism shard over to the council. While they're not as convinced that Nine has traitorous intentions as they were earlier in the episode, they still are afraid that the shard is in the wrong hands or could be. Whether Nine is traitorous or not, it's concerning to them not to know the whereabouts of the shard.
"You're right. I better find him before he portals outta here again."
Now, I think it's clear Sonic agrees it's good to have a good eye on the shard, and that he is meeting Rebel and Renegade in the middle (so to speak) by offering to look for Nine.
However, what's important is the focus. Rebel and Renegade are focused on the shard. Nine's well-being? Not so much. Sonic? Sonic is focused on Nine himself. The shard? Well, find Nine and find the shard, right? Sonic doesn’t go into this expecting Nine to be in any danger, and Nine had told him earlier that he'd be leaving after the battle. So, if anything, Sonic’s concern is exactly as he says—finding Nine before he leaves.
Since Sonic never makes a reunion with Nine here, it's hard to say for sure what would have happened if he did. Or, rather, I feel confident that Nine would remind him of the choice he presented earlier in some form, forcing Sonic to choose, but I can't say for sure whether Sonic's intentions were to convince Nine to stay, to make sure he knows to keep the shard safe, or what. All I can say is that...Nine's absence at the end of the battle seems to leave him focused on the fact that Nine will leave soon if he doesn't get to catch him and see him beforehand, not so much on the shard itself.
And we are finally finished with Episode 6 (an episode that has now spanned three parts😂)!
Onwards to episode 7, where while looking for Nine, Sonic accidentally portals out of New Yoke.
"Okay, stay calm. One minute I was looking for Nine, then I saw that gnarly ship, and then, somehow..."
Funny, huh? All 3 times he was transported to another shatterspace after his original arrival in New Yoke, Sonic thought about Nine's whereabouts just after arrival. This time, he was looking for Nine before the transport, versus the last two times, where he'd at least briefly thought about doing so after arriving.
Okay, so just like with Thorn Rose in episodes 4 and 5, I'd like to talk about Knuckles the Dread for a minute (and not just because he's my other fav).
While I can't pull a "wow there are some surprisingly direct parallels here" as I did with Thorn and Nine, Dread serves a different purpose for being brought up. Simply put, Dread is also a character who forms a fast relationship with Sonic, his story is a bit more complicated than "guy who is secretly evil", and Sonic's relationship with Dread shows the audience just how much Prime Sonic can handle when a friend turns on him.
Now, since we're only on season 1, we won't be touching on this last point until later, but I'm going to compare and contrast Dread and Nine on purpose.
So, let us begin with the first meeting.
Sonic was specifically searching for Tails when he trailed Nine all the way to his lab. This was the beginning of the show and he still didn't know much about what was going on, so when he entered Nine's lab, he assumed that Nine was Tails. He acted friendly off the bat, entering the lab and turning Nine's chair like he does in that flashback depicting him entering Tails' lab. However, as Sonic was a stranger to Nine at this point, had intruded in his space, and called him a name only thrown around by his bullies, he ended up in a fight with Nine.
As for Sonic's first meeting with Dread, he isn't specifically looking for anyone before this. When he arrives in No Place, he recounts what he was doing and what happened before he landed first. After this, while he does wonder about the outfit change for this shatterspace, he's largely focused on his own safety. This can be seen in the number of times he puts emphasis on how much water is around, how many times the camera focuses on water as Sonic darts around trying to avoid the pirates, and how panicked he gets trying to argue for his safety in front of Batten Rouge, Black Rose, and Sails.
"Aharr harr I don't mean to harm, ye. I'm just a wayward hedgehog, looking for a way home. Agh! Water."
"Listen, I'm not a part of any crew you're looking for. In fact, I've lost my crew. It's...a bit of a sore spot, actually..."
"Wait, you're leaving? Uh, you can't leave me here! There's literally water everywhere! Uh, where you going? Somewhere with a lot of land hopefully?"
"I'll row! I'm a great rower! I'll bet you twenty coconuts I'm the best rower you've ever seen!"
"Or else...the plank? I can assure you that this hedgehog has no interest in planks. Captain's orders. Got it! I love captains.
As for Dread, even beyond the fact that he's surrounded by pirates, Sonic has good reason to meet Dread assuming he's (Sonic's) already in danger (in contrast to how he'd assumed that things would be all okay as soon as he found "Tails" in episode 1), even beyond the fact that Dread is a pirate captain.
"I say we pirate!"
"A-But...the captain's not here! I-I don’t think he'd approve of us—you know—pirating."
"What kind of pirates don't pirate?"
"Well, you know how the saying goes Rose. Dead men tell no tales."
While it clearly throws Sonic off that the pirates would be under orders not to pirate, I'd say if one kept in mind the trio's actions, it's not hard to conclude that they may fear going against Dread's order's. After all, they reason that they can cleave Sonic to the brisket as long as Dread doesn't know about it, and as long as they think Sonic is from "the old crew" (who do periodically mess with their ship and steal their supplies).
And given how happy Batten, Sails, and Black Rose were to attempt to "cleave him to the brisket", even though Dread's orders are not to pirate, I don't think it's a stretch to say that Sonic could preemptively assume Dread will be harsh on him or aggressive the way these three were (which is to say, happy to deliver harm).
"All right, all right. Enough's enough. Gather the coconuts. The captain'd want us to get back to the ship without takin' too long. Leave this scalawag for the buzzards."
A bit of urgency to get back (which one can assume is either or both because of captain's orders and for balancing his disposition), and essentially a "let's leave him to die".
Then, when Sonic asks where they're going and says that they can't just leave him...
"Back to our ship. And we don't take scallywags."
"You know... With all that speed, this landlubber could be useful. Swabbin' the deck. Raisin' the mizzenmast. Rowin' the boat?"
"Agh. I hate rowin' the boat..."
In short, I this little moment conveys to Sonic that they don't just take people onto their ship, and that if he wants to leave this island with him, he'll need to prove himself useful. It's pretty clear that he's acting in the interest of his safety and not being confined to this tiny island, so it makes sense that he'd try to argue that he's useful.
"Fine. I, too, hate the rowin'. But there is one condition when we get back to the ship. It's captain's orders. Or. Else."
And judging by Sonic's understanding of that being "or else you walk the plank" and insisting he by no means plans on disobeying the captain, he understands this threat for what it is. He needs to be useful and follow orders (or at least suck up and pretend he will be/do these things) so he can survive and/or have a chance to escape and continue his search for the prism shards.
However, given how causally Sonic comments on Catfish drinking "a few too many coconuts" and about how the pirates should consider cleaning the poop deck (essentially, how much more casual and less on edge he is) compared to his disposition change after he learns that the captain is a Knuckles variant, I'd say that once he feels assured that the crew isn't going to kill him or leave him to die, he settles back into a more casual attitude. However, once Black Rose and Batten Rouge introduce Knuckles the Dread as "The Dread" and Sonic sees that he's Knuckles, he flashes back to his meeting with Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. We can clearly gauge by the flashback that Knuckles was strong, assumed Sonic was a threat, fought him like one, and stubbornly refused to listen to reason after listening to Eggman. Unlike how Sonic was bewildered by the idea that "Tails" would fight him in Sonic Prime Episode 1, after all of his knowledge of Knuckles the Dread he's gotten so far comes to head, he no longer seems as confident in his safety on this ship.
"The Dread is...Knuckles?"
*Queue flashback sequence*
"Yeah, does make sense. But you're pirate Knuckles. I'm not taking any chances."
So, to clarify, while it bewildered him that "Tails" would fight him when he first met Nine, the idea that Knuckles would fight him (especially a version that doesn't know him) is not at all surprising to him, given that he assumes that Dread will be aggressive towards him.
So, interesting I suppose that we have Tails (someone who Sonic can't fathom wanting to hurt him, who he feels more okay around), Amy (someone who is sweet, but nevertheless is someone who's not beyond being aggressive towards Sonic), and Knuckles (someone who is not beyond being aggressive towards him and has done so in the past).
So, while Nine pretty quickly gets defensive, preemptively assuming that Sonic wishes him harm, and thus tries to get on the offensive, Sonic does the same with Dread. The main difference here is that Nine reacts quickly, treating Sonic as someone who wishes him harm and actively fights him. Sonic holds out a sword, showing that he's prepared to protect himself, but he doesn't rush into battle. Rather, he makes it clear that he has a weapon, isn't afraid to use it, and that he doesn’t trust Dread.
With this, while Sonic fought an uphill battle trying to convince Nine during their fight that he meant him no harm and that they are friends, Dread was able to talk Sonic down in a more peaceful setting, which he does instead of treating Sonic like an aggressor or getting angry and attempting to get rid of Sonic. Needless to say, it's a bit out of the expectations one would have, given how the crew had talked about Dread and that he's presumed to be just like Prime!Knuckles at first.
With Nine:
"Yes! There's my two-tailed genius friend. Surprise!"
*Nine growls*
"Tails, it's me, your best–"
"What did you just call me?"
"Uh... Tails?"
"The name's...NINE!"
"What do you want?! Who sent you?"
"Woah! Heck! How many tails do you have?"
"Tails, stop! We're buds—amigos! Best friends!"
"I have no friends!"
"'No friends'? You have the best friends!"
"You've been working out? Heh. Who's your trainer? Ow!"
"I was trained by the misery of life in this foul and heartless city."
"Snap out of it, we go way back!"
"All my best memories of Green Hill have you in 'em, and you're not punching me!"
"Don't you wanna go home? Blue skies, sunny beaches, palm trees?"
"I don't know what kind of mind games you're playing, but it won't work!"
"You...saved me?"
"I've been trying to tell you that we are friends."
"Fabricated stories won't keep me from beating you back, intruder!"
"Stop! Just...stop. We're friends—best friends. This has to ring a bell."
Of course, after this Sonic and Nine have a much calmer conversation, but Sonic can only seemingly convince him he's not a threat, not fully convince him that the two of them are friends (though Sonic does recount times with Tails and soft events they often partake in together).
With Dread:
"The Dread is...Knuckles?"
*Queue flashback sequence*
"Yeah, does make sense. But you're pirate Knuckles. I'm not taking any chances." *Sonic sniffs the air* "Fire? Fire! Wait...dinner? Dinner!"
"I'll trade you that sword of yours for this nice, shiny apple."
"So you can stuff it in my mouth? Uh, no thanks. Uh, you do know hedgehog quills are a choking hazard, don't you?"
*Dread and the crew laugh*
"Don't you worry. The fire isn't to cook you. It’s to welcome you!"
"...Definitely not the Knuckles I know."
"Besides. Have you seen your legs? I've seen more meat on a starfish!"
"Wait, this really is a party?"
"Ha ha. Sure is!"
It's worth noting that relations become more amicable after both of these events. Nine is still a bit prickly, not completely sure why he and Sonic would have been friends once before, but he is no longer fighting him, he let's him into his lab, and he does help Sonic out and worry for his well-being. We also know that this leads into Nine's attachment to Sonic. As for Sonic, once Dread convinces him he's not in danger and throws a party, he calms down, even proclaiming that Dread is his favorite Knuckles.
And this entire scene with Dread is very interesting. Though he doesn't actually act like The Dread of the seas anymore, it's still strange given how the crew talked about him that Dread is...taking everything so well. It would be one thing if he had just decided to let Sonic attack like with the old crew, or if he was just getting on Sonic's good side so he could use him, but (first of all) he actively (and calmly) talks Sonic down from being defensive, and he hasn't met Sonic before now. Dread doesn't yet know about Sonic's speed or usefulness!
We can infer from Sonic's first meeting with the crew, and Sonic's finding Catfish asleep on the dirty ship and surrounded by coconuts, that these days Dread only gives his crew orders when needed. We know from later (when he decides to have another party for the second day in a row) that Dread is trying to keep his crew happy and largely out of danger by his doing. And, even though Dread mentions that they "don't come across adventurers that often" as a reason for throwing a party for Sonic, it says a lot by the fact that his crew had assumed Sonic was part of "the old crew" pestering him without real proof.
I think we can safely conclude that whether Dread had planned this party in advance for not, the idea that it is for Sonic specifically is something he decided on the fly.
And why?
Well, the simplest explanation is that since Sonic is neither necessarily someone to be brought into his crew, nor someone who wishes him and his crew harm, he used his words and demeanor to take control of the situation so that Sonic the adventurer may pass through peacefully. And frankly, I do believe that this is part of why Dread initially acts the way he does.
But...I don't think that's all. Rather, like the way Nine and Sonic take to each other fairly fast, I personally wager that Dread initially gained an interest in Sonic beyond any particular usefulness he'd have.
Well, and that Sonic takes to him fairly well too, if you consider the return of this expression (being leveled at Dread this time) significant of anything
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"You're officially my favorite Knuckles ever!"
For the sake of the tumblr picture limit, I've compiled a video of some clips of Sonic and Dread interacting (mind the quality) that take place after the "You're officially my favorite Knuckles" line, and before Dread gets a firsthand demonstration of Sonic’s speed and fighting prowess (i.e. before he learns that Sonic is or could be useful).
Of course, the main reason I compiled these was to show off how...touchy Dread is with Sonic for someone he's only just met (not to mention the limp wrist gesture😂). However, there are a few other things I want to point out from these clips.
So, just to begin, I'll emphasize once more that Dread does not know about Sonic's speed yet, and he’s very much at the moment trying to distance himself from his past self that was willing to work his crew to death for the sake of getting the blue shard. So if there are any ulterior motives as to why he's focusing on pampering Sonic, then it can't be because he wants to use him, and it's unlikely that it's because he's either trying to push Sonic along and out of his life peacefully, or because he's trying to recruit him for the crew. For the former, if he was trying to peacefully push Sonic the adventurer towards his destination for the safety of himself and crew, then he wouldn't be (frankly put) as in Sonic's personal space, he wouldn't have tried to rope Sonic into a second party til sunset on day 2 of knowing Sonic, and he would have talked at all about where they can drop Sonic off so he can pursue his mission or adventure. For the latter? I'd like to explain why I personally don't believe Dread intended on necessarily recruiting Sonic into the crew.
The short of the "why" for why Dread is most likely not trying to recruit Sonic into his crew, is because he's treating Sonic even a bit differently than his existing crew members. Earlier, while writing this, I considered the idea that perhaps Dread pulled this whole "I threw a party for you!" routine for his other crew members back after losing his previous crew. I considered that Dread picked them up originally because he was in need of a crew (and didn't want to leave the high seas), and because they were wayward souls (so to speak) or looking to become pirates. However, while all of this is plausible, there are two things that came to mind regarding Sonic.
Presumably, Dread doesn't really need more crew? He doesn't know anything that would make Sonic stand out from anyone else ability wise, he clearly doesn't care for recruiting someone to help with the old crew's plundering of their ship, and he doesn’t offer at this point to recruit Sonic. He merely treats him as a wandering adventurer. Does he even need Sonic for upkeep of the ship or for getting supplies/food or even for steering/navigating on the ship when he has crew members already who can handle it all?
That Dread has clearly told his crew members his tale of woe (because they seem to know a bit more than simple rumors), but not only does he skirt around telling Sonic, he gets angry at the prospect of any of his crew telling Sonic the story of Dread at his worst. If it's common knowledge or something that Dread told the rest of his crew, why would he not tell Sonic? In fact, if you check those clips, when Batten goes to tell Sonic about when Dread used to be a "not so nice" pirate, Dread is not only quick to angrily shut the talk down, but he moves much closer to Sonic to ask him about himself instead. In addition, as you see towards the end of the video I embedded, when he emphasizes that Sonic should leave the story and shard be, he glares at him, pushing a fist lightly into Sonic's chest (again, physical contact).
So Dread doesn't know about Sonic's speed. He knows that Sonic isn't from his former crew. He doesn't need more crew. While he's very nice to Sonic, seemingly focusing on him and doting on him, he's quick to get angry at the crew if they try to mention his past to Sonic. The crew knows Dread's story. Dread doesn't want Sonic to know his story. Dread keeps on switching the focus on Sonic or trying to get him to party more, and he neither talks about recruiting him nor about Sonic leaving at some point. Do you want to know what this means to me?
Dread is acting the way he is about Sonic, treating him differently than his crew, trying to learn more about him, being more "physical" with him so to speak, neither trying to make Sonic leave nor make him a crew member, trying to pull him into a party again or incentivise him to chillax on his ship, trying not to let Sonic know of his backstory of being "not so nice"...
...because he likes Sonic.
Dread doesn't need Sonic or anything, he's not making it clear he needs Sonic, but perhaps he just wants him around, and not in a way that makes Sonic his subordinate. He wants Sonic to think of him as this nice pirate captain, not as the guy who lost his crew over his obsession with a jewel.
Okay, okay, let's take a momentary breather. You're probably wondering what everything I just said has to do with anything. If Dread met Sonic and decided he wanted him to come along with him, no responsibility attached, as a "friend" after barely knowing him, what does this have to do with Nine (or Sonine, for that matter)?
Well, there's something I'd like to remind you of. Just like with Sonic and Dread in S1 E7 (to the point that Sonic assumes he and Dread are going to fight the old crew in tandem), in earlier parts of Sonine Prime I mentioned that Sonic and Nine really haven't known each other for very long. In fact, before Nine picks Sonic up in S1 E6 to take him to the Grim, Nine doesn't actually need Sonic.
Nine has two prism shards at this point, and (as we see later in S2) he has the power to start molding the Grim into the home he desires. By the time he goes to fetch Sonic, he's planning on staying there, closed off from the rest of the shatterverse. He's planning on showing Sonic what he's already created and living here alone with him. Nine doesn't even care about gathering the other shards until he has to worry about what the Chaos Council will do with even one shard, and once other characters besides him and Sonic can jump between the shatterspaces, he actually has to worry about keeping his new home and his own life safe.
But back in S1 E6? Nine doesn't need Sonic. He doesn't need anything from him. Not his speed. Not anything he possesses. Not his connection to the prism. He wants Sonic there to build a home with him, even if Nine can do it without him, has everything already lined up.
Likewise, early S1 E7 Dread doesn't need Sonic. Not his speed (that he doesn’t know about yet). Not as a crew member. Not to fend off the old crew (he wasn't preparing to fight them). Not to get the blue shard (which he explicitly didn't want anything to do with or for Sonic to know the details about). He just wanted him to come along and hang out, party, relax.
Interesting, right?
And also funny that Sonic ends up rejecting both Dread's offer to continue to hang back and relax on the ship and Nine's offer to stay and build a new home with him in the Grim
And so ends our time in S1 E7: It Takes One to No Place. Now we will finally move onto the last episode of the season!
So begins Season 1 Episode 8: There's No AARGH In "Team"
So, like with Nine, once they're on amicable terms Sonic begins to form an idea of Dread in his head that differs from how the Echidna actually is. While we can see this sort of come to head a bit in episodes 7 and 8, one major moment I want to talk about is when Dread flees the sinking Angel's Voyage. The once mighty Knuckles the Dread, who Sonic had thought of highly due to first impressions and of certain traits of Knuckles' he assumes of Dread, is a coward.
But...that's not all that's going on here.
There are miscommunications abound in this show, and Sonic has a pattern of listening to people's backstories (Nine, Dread, Thorn, Shadow, etc), thinking he understands this person and their situation, and trying to help what he believes the problem is at hand (in a way that's often pointed towards his own goals, and leads him to assume the other person wants the same things as him or should). For Dread, Sonic got the part where Dread lost his courage when it comes to pirating. Even when his inexperienced crew fought during episode 7 and at the beginning of episode 8, he yet hid and hung back.
But Dread is also scared of something other than fighting other pirates or death. He's scared of himself.
"I don't care what version of Knuckles you are. You don't give up. It's your most annoying virtue! This shard is my only hope of finding my home! I need you. Your crew needs you! You're Knuckles the Dread, captain of the Angel's Voyage! Dreaaaad!"
Sonic thinks that Dread has simply lost his courage and pride. He needs Dread's help to get the shard, and he can't do it if Dread is gone. So bringing "The Dread" back fulfills two purposes. The first, (like with Thorn, Prim, and the scavengers) is to "make things okay again" (also known as "the right thing to do"), and to restore Dread's courage as a captain. The second, is to get the shard. The Angel's Voyage and its crew have a proud captain, and Sonic gets the blue shard. It should be a win-win, right?
"I gave up years ago, blue, when I wrecked trying to get that shiny rock yer after."
"We can still get it! With your captaining and my speed, you're not gonna wreck on those rocks again!"
"He is fast—fast enough to get me past them rocks..."
"We can do it together! And I can get home!"
"And I'll finally get me treasure."
"And you'll forever be known as the legendary Knuckles the Dread. The legendary Knuckles the Dread!"
"Aye. The legendary Knuckles the Dread."
The part of Dread's tale of woe that Sonic missed (or perhaps ignored), was the part where he was so obsessed with the blue shard that he lost himself and put his crew in danger. Dread lost his crew because he showed that he didn't care about them, not because he failed to get the shard. So sure, it makes sense that Dread is afraid, but for Dread getting that treasure became tied to being the "Dread" of the seas. The fact that he even took a crew on after that, tried to make most days fun and relaxing, and forbade them from acting like pirates, I don't think it's a stretch to say he was trying to keep history from repeating itself.
Because being the great pirate he used to be means going after his white whale again, and he'd responded to losing everything by trying to keep it from ever happening again.
Dread, like Nine, is the type that does care about people, they just both tend to place their goals and their well-beings over the innocent. Nine hesitated before leaving Renegade, Rebel, and Rusty Rose behind, ultimately choosing the safety of himself and the shard. Dread took in a new crew, got a new ship, left who he used to be behind, and focused on making the days peaceful and fun. He stopped going after the shard to protect himself, to keep from hurting anyone else for his obsessions, and so he doesn’t have to be responsible for the deaths of others (like his new crew).
So Sonic M. Hedgehog pushes Dread to help get the shard, because Sonic wants it, and because he thinks Dread will become a great pirate again if he succeeds. He convinces Dread to take this path once more, perhaps not realizing the outcome that convincing Dread to go for the rock (that "brings nothing but pain") will bring.
Okay, so I'd like to back up for a second and talk about both Dread and Nine.
Both of them have a wish, a great attachment to something they wish to get, but initially believe is impossible to. For Nine, it's "home", and for Dread, it's his treasure, the devil's lighthouse. Home and treasure. Neither of these things are inherently bad to wish for.
Nine isolated himself as much as possible, tried to contend with just being alone and protected so he couldn't be hurt again. Dread locked away his love of pirating and his want for his beloved treasure, not wanting to drive himself to doom and lose everything again in the hopeless pursuit of it.
Both created a life of safety for themselves and reacted based upon the pain they'd experienced and struggles they went through. For Nine, truly all he needed was to create "home" for himself, but the trouble is that he never would, because he believed this to be impossible, and because he doesn't really know what "home" is. For Dread, truly all he needed was to move on from the shard, focus on his love of pirating and make his crew feel cared for, but the trouble is that he never would, because to him there is only one choice that can be made. To Dread, there is only getting his beloved treasure at all cost (which would likewise return his reputation and status), or there is keeping the days fun and peaceful, suppressing his desire to keep himself and his crew safe.
But then Sonic arrived, and he each made them believe. Sonic made Dread believe that he could succeed and get his treasure without losing anything. With the shard, Dread reasoned he could have the treasure he'd so desired and have his ideal life again. Unbeknownst to Sonic, who assumed he'd be able to just leave with the shard and take that step to restore his home, Dread's dream is tied to that shard, and he's willing to hold onto it no matter the cost now (exactly what he'd feared before). Sonic made Nine believe that he could finally make a home for himself. With one shard and an entire shatterverse, Nine reasoned that he could finally escape New Yoke and create a new home away from everyone else. Unbeknownst to Sonic, who's assumed that Nine has the same goal as him, and will eventually hand over the shards so they can restore his own home.
Dread stood aside. He gave into the stubbornness of Sonic and his crew (especially now that they'd banded together), allowing them to choose to sail straight towards the light that brought him ruin without him having to reap the consequences (since he didn't make the choice).
With the shard in hand, Nine found a new, empty shatterspace for himself. He intended to move forward on his path, and create his home, isolated from everyone else. He intended to leave the other shatterspaces to their fates, let the people there deal with their own problems that they caused.
Let's go back to the scene where the ship was beginning to sink, taking Sonic and the crew with it, and Dread responds by fleeing alone. Let's think back to episode 6, where Sonic and the resistance were fighting the Chaos Council for their right to exist, and Nine takes Sonic away.
At this point, Dread left, not willing to be doomed for a goal he did not pursue (or rather, to die because his crew decided not to listen to him, decided to follow Sonic towards the shard instead). Here is the first main difference between himself and Nine.
While Nine had also decided to leave the resistance and council to fighting, feeling as if none of it was his responsibility or fault (since he owed nothing to the city), he very explicitly chose to take Sonic with him. Both he and Dread had found out the way they believed they would be able to live a peaceful life (with Dread spending his days on the seas partying, and with Nine spending his days alone in an empty world), but when they each left others to their fates (deciding to leave and pursue their immediate goals), Dread chose to leave it all behind, while Nine chose to bring Sonic with him (even though Sonic had involved himself in the resistance's plight too).
Think about the crew being left to sink with the Angel's Voyage as Sonic went to bring back Dread. Think about the resistance fighting a losing battle with Sonic gone in the Grim.
"I need you. Your crew needs you! You're Knuckles the Dread, captain of the Angel's Voyage!"
"We can do it together! And I can get home!"
"Look, Nine, it's incredible but it's...it's not going anywhere. And those rebels really need our help. Come with me. Help me finish the fight."
"I hope I see you in New Yoke."
And then, as Sonic lost hope that Dread would return, believed he had fully given up, Dread swooped in to retake his captain status and fix the sinking ship. However, Dread didn't come back for the crew just to save them. He came back because he reasoned that he could use Sonic's speed to get his treasure this time.
And then, as Sonic fought in New Yoke with the resistance, as it seemed like they had lost, Nine swooped in with his craft and freed Sonic and the others. Sonic proclaims that he knew Nine would come back, glad that he chose to help these people with him. However, Nine didn't come back just to save the resistance or to fight the Chaos Council. He came back for Sonic. He came so he could give Sonic another chance to choose him—to choose to come back with him so they can fulfill Nine's dream of "home" together.
And now, Dread needs Sonic to acheive his goal (what, with the map leading to The Devil's Lighthouse gone, and because only Sonic can guide the ship past the rocks), but Nine explicitly does not need Sonic to achieve his. Whereas Dread decides he needs Sonic to get the blue shard, Nine simply wants Sonic to be with him when they create "home".
Random other interesting thing, the first time Sonic really mentions Nine when he arrives back in New Yoke after seeing the Grim, he says that he knew he would come back. This contrasts how we see Sonic (onscreen) talk about how Dread has given up and left, before he later tells Dread that he knew Dread wouldn't leave his crew. Interesting that we can see proof that Sonic didn't fully believe that Dread would come back, but there's nothing to prove that he didn't actually believe that Nine would come back, isn't it?
Now, let us shift our sights back to Nine. During the second aside of S1 E8 where we see Nine with the Chaos Council, Nine discusses Sonic with the council.
I'd like to note that as of right now, Nine should have two goals: keeping the shards and his technology out of the council's hands and making an escape plan. As I said earlier, Nine clearly believed that two shards were more than enough for molding The Grim to his dreams. He only cares about being alive and being allowed to exist in his new home, so of course the Chaos Council gathering shards and endeavoring to take over encroaches on this. It makes sense that he'd endeavor to gather all the shards from this point forward, if not so he can keep the Chaos Council or anyone else from intruding in his new shatterspace or having the power to turn him into a victim again.
"Tch. Eliminating the hedgehog is a bad idea."
"Arguing for the life of your friend? What a shock."
"He left me at your mercy when I needed him most. Hardly what you'd call 'friendly' behavior. But you'd be fools to get rid of him before the shatterdrive technology is perfected."
Sure, Nine's not really wrong. He's making a decent point as to why the Council should keep Sonic alive. Perfecting the shatterdrive technology and learning more about the shards can only aid in the Council's conquest.
But Mr. Dr. Eggman has a point here. Even if Nine is bitter at Sonic for being left at the Council's mercy, there is nothing in it for Nine if he goes out of his way (essentially beyond the scope of his position) to help the council in their goals. Making them keep Sonic alive so they can use them to perfect the shatterdrive technology does nothing to keep the Council from getting more shards, it does nothing to keep the Council from taking the Grim, it does nothing to keep the Council from having power over him, and it does nothing to get him closer to escaping. After all, when we get to season 2, Nine will make Sonic give up his plan of saving him (Nine) in favor of working the council from the inside, confident that he'll be able to aid Sonic and escape with the shards from there. He doesn't even seem to necessarily need Sonic to help him escape.
So, why would Nine argue for Sonic's life in the same breath he tries to make clear how bitter he is at Sonic for leaving him to be captured? The answer is clear to me. This is because even if Nine is bitter and angry, he still cares about Sonic. Even if he doesn't need Sonic, he wants him alive. He's still holding onto that dream of building a new home with Sonic.
"Tch. It is perfected. We traveled to another shatterspace."
"You sent your robots to another shatterspace. Big difference.
And right after this, something shifts. There's a notable change in the expression Nine has on his face during most of the interaction so far (image 1) when he begins talking about Sonic again (image 2).
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"You've only barely accomplished what he's done without any technology. He's a living shatter battery."
"Til we know why he gives off this power, we need him alive."
And it should be worth mentioning here that after Nine praises Sonic to put the council down, he quite literally raises himself up to Dr. Deep's level and speaks seriously to emphasize how vital Sonic theoretically is to the council's mission.
He puts on an act, he risks getting shocked for insubordination, he tries to convince the council that Sonic is vital to their mission, all to keep Sonic alive.
But if the viewer doubts that Nine is trying to save Sonic because he cares, or believes he must have ulterior motives for wishing to keep Sonic alive, the creators added in body language and face shots of Nine to show us how he feels about the Council using Sonic.
"The rat's right. Too many questions for us to start playing exterminator. At least, not until we wring every ounce of shatterjuice out of that blue varmint."
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Oh yeah. I'd say "unhappy" with the idea is an understatement.
The way he droops down, like he feels terrible that he even gave them the idea. The way he grits his teeth and averts his eyes, like he's frustrated. The way he takes hold of his expression, stares forward, and glares.
And with that, season 1 of Sonic Prime finally comes to a close, as does Part 7 of Sonine Prime😂
While there are doubtless scenes from episode 8 I'll be referring to in later parts, there's nothing more of immediate importance to talk about. And even though I haven't yet hit the photo limit, I'm going to give this part a clean cut to end the first season.
This part accidentally became a lot of Dread character study, buuuuuuut hey I felt like I was able to point out some parallels I'd really wanted to talk about, so it’s a win for me! And this won't be the end of the Dread parallels either.
Thank you all for reading! I'll see you all in part 8, where we'll finally begin tackling season 2🥰
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hearthandheathenry · 3 months
Hi I just saw your post and was wondering if I can get a 1-card reading from you. My question is what kind of energy should I incorporate in the content with my sister on social media? We’re leaning more into being an influencer but it’s hard to create content that gets people engaged and interested in us.
Hey there! I totally get the frustration on content creation, I think all content creators feel it! Truth be told, I've heard that the algorithms are designed to make your first few posts successful, then it's a little harder to get views, so they keep you hooked and trying to make the next viral content, so that you keep pumping out content for their website! I don't know if it's true, but I've noticed that taking the stress off your shoulders and posting what feels authentic to you, and actually enjoying your content creation, tends to give the most insight and helps the process feel more successful! There's nothing better in content creation than seeing something you're proud of and love get the attention you want! Rather than things you hate making. Other tips I can think of is definitely utilize hashtags and SEO as those things help your content get seen in the first place. And definitely find your niche! There's no rush, so play around with what you like and see what takes off. For example, the witchy stuff on this blog gets the most engagement, but I still enjoy posting about cooking and such!
As for your card pull, the King of Pentacles popped out for you!
Literal meaning: "The King of Pentacles is an honest, generous leader who has worked hard and achieved great success. He upholds his duties and traditions, and respects his ancestral heritage. He is kind, but has high expectations of others and believes they should have the same work ethic as he does. He is humble and self-reliant."
Pentacles also represents earth, winter, and years. It represents money, work, talent, reputation, achievement, stability, and the material realm. The court cards tend to represent people, so the King is most likely a representation of you.
My interpretation of the card: The king is a representation of you or who you need to be to achieve your success that you're after. Keep in mind the qualities that it is describing, as these are most likely the type of energy you need to put forth to gain what you want. Hard work, honesty, generousness, self-reliance, humbleness, and respectfulness of traditions. Success takes work and the good type of success will take honest and kind work. No one gets famous overnight, and many influencers have done some shady things to get to the top. If you want genuine engagement and success, this is telling you to keep at your goals, to not rely on others but your own efforts and merits (as in not expecting others to do everything for you, but theres nothing wrong with help and collaborations), to be kind and generous to others as you climb to your goals, and it has an additional message of tradition, so maybe there is something in your ancestral lineage or heritage that can inspire you in your work. Perhaps its educating others on something from your history, or maybe its a lesson learned from the past. It says that he also expects others to have the same work ethic, so in regards to working with your sister, make sure she is on the same page of hard work and other qualities in order to reach your success together. Since the pentacles represents years, achieving your goals may take years instead of a shorter amount of time, so again, don't expect instant success. With it representing winter, perhaps something will happen in winter that will bring you good news on your success, or that may be the season you reach your goals. Stay diligent, learn the tricks of the trade, and find your niche and what you enjoy creating. You'll get there! The king is the highest card of the suit, so you will definitely reach your success in the end!
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