#i'm team a in the first question and team a/d in the second question
leatherbookmark · 1 year
oh, but also, no poll because i can’t be arsed, but when you see abbreviations of the names of cnovel/cdrama characters -- like wwx, xy, jgy -- do you
a) read them as full names,
b) read them as acronyms (jay gee why?), or
c) other/it’s mixed? (i assume it’s easier to go ‘jay cee’ in your mind than jay gee why)
when you say characters’ names in your head (or outside of it?), do you
a) say them the way you’ve heard it in the drama (possibly even in a character’s voice) or ggl trans, with all tones present, all sounds correct, etc (or at least as correct as you possibly can)
b) say them in a roughly correct manner but like not stressing about it
c) your brain/mouth can’t really process those sounds/tones :(
d) other/it depends on the situation?
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steviewashere · 1 month
Balls in Laundry Baskets: An Apology
Rating: Teen and Up CW: Bitchy/Mean Steve Harrington, Mean Eddie Munson (Both Briefly and For Good Reason) Tags: Post Season 4, Post Canon, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Arguing, Steve Harrington & Lucas Sinclair Friendship, Eddie Munson Gets Put in His Place, Lucas Sinclair is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Protective Steve Harrington, Emotionally Hurt Lucas Sinclair, Emotionally Hurt Steve Harrington, Established Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Means Well He's Just Defensive, Hurt People Hurt Others
This is chapter one, which also includes the first two pages that I already posted. Please keep your expectations low, as I'm still working on the second and final chapter.
Read on AO3
Read Chapter Two Read Chapter Three (Final)
🏀—————🏀 “So, you and Eddie, huh?”
Steve startles at the sound of a voice, deep and hushed, from where he’s been waiting in Hawkins High’s parking lot. Hellfire was supposed to be out by now—6:50pm if his watch is correct—it’s their first time back since March and it would be cordial. But it seems that only Lucas got that memo.
“Jesus Christ, Sinclair!” He yelps. Holds his right palm flat against his chest, trying his best to rescind the spike of panic that is crawling through him. “I thought I told you to quit doing that,” he harshly whispers, rubbing his palm against his shirt. The scratchy material of his polo a balm against his nerves.
“Sorry,” Lucas sheepishly murmurs. Speaking at a normal volume, he asks again, “So, you and Eddie?”
He rolls his eyes. “What about me and Eddie? Can’t I just hang out with the guy without being pestered?”
Lucas shrugs. “You can do whatever you want,” he states, but Steve can already tell there’s somehow more. “But I didn’t think you two would be…buddies. Considering how he feels about, y’know, sports and whatever.”
For a moment, Steve considers Lucas’s approach. His fidgeting hands and his slightly closed off eyes. The hunch to his shoulders and the general unease that accompanies talking about Eddie. Which, that’s particularly odd. Aren’t they buddies, Steve questions himself. Wrapped up in the Hellfire club, their mutual interest in Dungeons & Dragons, the ragtag group of nerds that they are—all of that is perfect for their oddball friendship, at least Steve thought so.
“What’s wrong with you and Eddie?” Steve asks, beating around the bush. He doesn’t do cryptic. And he especially doesn’t do it with somebody like Lucas, a kid already smarter than him by several margins.
There isn’t an answer right away. But Lucas’s shoulders drop. His eyes go from frustrated to…sad. “Remember my championship game?” He asks, though it seems a bit much of a topic change. What does this have to do with Eddie, Steve has to wonder.
“Well, yeah,” he answers instead, “I was there. Had a pathetic date with a girl I hardly enjoyed being around. Mocked Tammy Thompson with Robin. Watched you get that winning shot. It was a, genuinely, awesome championship game.” And that’s the truth. It’s the best one he’s ever witnessed. Which is saying something, considering he’d played several championship games. All of them, though, were major losses. He’ll take those to the grave with him, with how often his previous basketball teams teased him.
Lucas gives a harsh single nod, a small smile that whisks away as soon as it appears. “Right,” he mutters, “I remember.” He leans against the Beemer’s bumper, shoulder brushing with Steve’s. Looks forlorn towards the high school’s doors, where Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire bunch should be spilling out any moment now. Steve looks on with him. Listens as Lucas’s voice drops low, nearly angry, fully spiteful, “I begged Dustin and Mike to talk to Eddie about my game. To see if the Hellfire campaign—which would be happening the same night—could be moved. And I, look, I understand that D&D means a lot to all of them, it means something to me, too. But I was really hoping to see my friends there. If not my friends, then at least Erica.
“They didn’t move the campaign,” he states so bitter, Steve tastes the words on his own tongue, “apparently a game where you’re shooting ‘balls into laundry baskets’ is too…mainstream and norm-ie for Eddie. He refused to move his precious game. Then, get this, instead of getting some random kid to play, they egged Erica in.” Lucas drags his eyes away from the school, head turning slow to look at Steve. He follows suit, eyeing Lucas back. His stomach churns with the vitriol painting itself unsubtly across Lucas’s face. “Color me surprised, I guess, that he’s going out with a jock,” he states, voice carefully blank of anything.
Steve stares on at him. He didn’t know this was the case at all. Remembers getting the phone call about Dustin wanting him to play, but he figured that had something to do with him bugging Steve for the millionth time. Because that was something Dustin wanted. For Steve to play. And, granted, Steve refused because it was too nerdy—unimportant and embarrassing. Yet, now he’s looking into Lucas’s face. Where hurt etches itself like solid lines of chiseled marble. Being told, instead, that Eddie’s holding his own bias.
Maybe he hasn’t removed his biases towards high school nerds, not completely. But he’s coming undone from that mentality. Considering Nancy and Robin and Eddie—Dustin and Mike and Lucas—even Max, they’re all big nerds. They all have some sort of interest with Dungeons & Dragons or theater or video games and math. And he loves them all. Though, Steve’s never stopped to think about the opposite side of the coin. Tail-side, where balls in laundry baskets is considered taboo.
After a deep silence when Steve finally digests this information, his eyebrows furrow on their own accord. Mouth downturning into a harsh frown, one that he feels to the bottoms of his feet. He stops himself in time from balling his hands into fists, but the urge to do so snarls in him like a newly unmuzzled, wild dog. A dog, he thought, that he trained obedient away from his anger. But it seems like once the teeth are bared, they never truly hide away.
“That ass,” Steve snarks. “What—so I have to reconsider all my biases surrounding nerds, reconstruct how I view everybody around me, and realize how awesome it is. And—what—Eddie can just get away with that…bullshit? That’s…What the hell?” There’s a little bit more of a bite to his words than he had anticipated. But it really isn’t fair. The table turns and he’s better for it, sure, but Eddie just…That’s not fair. The dog growls louder, drool burbling in its chops, a bark forming in the back of its throat.
“That’s what I thought,” Lucas says, “and I know, I know, that Dustin and Mike tried everything in their power. And that Eddie was the one to, y’know, be the asshole. But I thought that maybe my friends would be on my side. That they’d skip the game, show Eddie up. Not get my little sister involved or have fun without me or…I don’t know.” And the way he says those last three words stings something acidic inside of Steve. Corrosion and battery acid hot and alive in his stomach. Anger reaching the surface of his skin, words crawling and resonating in his mouth. 
The doors to the school open distantly and Lucas suddenly perks back up, blossoming from where he was wilted against Steve’s car. “Doesn’t matter,” he chirps, though it’s all fake, “at least I can play with them now, which is awesome.”
But before he can stride away, to where his bike is parked and locked up, Steve snakes a hand onto Lucas’s wrist. They lock eyes again. “I’ll talk to him,” Steve swears, “he’ll apologize.”
“Steve, you don’t—“
“You used sports as a means to fit in, right? Granted, popularity’s not all that cool and you know that especially now. But it was a…a—“ He snaps his fingers, searching for the word. “—A cover, something to find security in. And you had that. And that’s what the D&D game is to Eddie. Sports is my D&D, too.” He loosens his grip on Lucas’s arm. Neither make any sort of move. “Just because you were trying to find your people doesn’t mean you can be…” He chooses his next words carefully. “Ostracized or outcast by those who you found safety with before. Especially when those guys orbit around each other for the same reason. I’ll talk to him,” he urges, “and he will apologize, or else.”
Lucas gives him a softened look. “Thanks, Steve,” he mutters, “I wasn’t looking to start anything, but I appreciate you having my back. It really means a lot.” And then he shuffles away, towards his bicycle, small chat starting up with Mike and Dustin.
When Steve turns back towards the school, Eddie is sauntering towards him. Eyes wide. Smile big and easy. Yet, his soft features are all too nauseating to Steve’s chest right now. His heart aches. If Eddie thinks of Lucas’s interests that way, what does he think of mine?
He tamps down his annoyance and anger. Because Eddie takes his hand and is looking at him as if the world belongs to the two of them. But that hurt on Lucas’s face is like a dagger impaled in his brain when Eddie greets nice and low, “Hi, baby. Been thinking about you the entire time I was in there.”
Steve smiles, though it may come off as more of a grimace with how Eddie falters. “Been thinking about you, too,” he echoes. Though, thinking positively isn’t what he’s been doing, as far as anybody’s concerned. Beat around the bush, he tells himself. He takes a steadying breath, posture straightening, demeanor changing. Says with a sour tone, “I, uh, I think we need to have a little talk in the car, if that’s okay? It’s not a breakup thing, but it might make you…somebody might get mad and I don’t want to cage you in at my house.”
“Oh,” Eddie breathes. His eyes go distant very briefly. When he refocuses on Steve, something has hardened in his features. Steve’s throat goes tight. “It can’t wait until after our date night?” There’s a low amount of ire in his words already and Steve is momentarily caught in it. Until he lets his eyebrows scrunch down his face again, giving in to that tightness in his throat.
He sighs, annoyed already. “No, Eddie,” he bites without meaning to. “I need to talk to you now. I’m already upset about it and it’s not going to do me any good to just brush it off.” His hand releases from Eddie’s grip, falling heavy against his side. He turns towards his driver’s side door and stares back at where Eddie is rooted. “Come on,” he states lowly, “you were the one to tell me to talk about the shit that’s bothering me. Can’t ignore it just because it has to do with you.”
Bitchy is probably not the best approach to all of this, but Steve is already cornered out of options. He pulls his door open with more force than necessary. Slides into his seat, key into the ignition, and honks once at Eddie. Jarringly gestures at the passenger seat. Thankfully, there’s nobody else to witness the potential torrential fire that’s brewing in him. It’ll be just the two of them; though that realization stirs something sickly in Steve’s stomach.
Eddie gets in silently. Places his school bag in the footwell. And keeps his face pointed out the windshield. “What’s wrong?” He asks, though his voice is devoid and edging on irritated.
Steve rolls his eyes, though Eddie can’t see him. He sets his hands firmly on his steering wheel. Squeezes the leather for comfort, an instinct. And heaves a sigh, urging himself to be calmer about this. “I had a talk with Lucas,” he starts. “About, uh, about his championship game back in March.”
Next to him, Eddie immediately tenses.
He continues without acknowledgement. Keeps himself as leveled as possible. “He told me that you refused to move your game for his. That he was looking forward to having his friends, which I’m assuming includes you, watch him play. And I—I know how important that championship game was to him. Y’know, it’s one of the bigger—“
“Are you mad because I didn’t want to sit at some jock event?” Eddie interrupts, question clipped. Though there’s also mild amusement in his tone, as if Steve being upset is poposterous. He continues without any regard for Steve. “In a room full of, mind you, people who hate me?”
Steve tenses more than Eddie had. His shoulders hiking and his stomach knotting impossibly more. Finally lets the dog bark, gives in to whatever it wants. “You know what, Eddie?” He bitches back. “I am mad at you. In fact, I…I…I’m so fucking angry that you…you make this whole deal about ‘lost sheep’ and herding them in to play your game. You concern yourself with making a community for people who are lost to the crowd of cliques in that school. And it’s just—Lucas is one of those kids! He is, even if that means he wants to play basketball!”
The passenger seat squeaks. Clothes rustling as Eddie turns toward him. But Steve doesn’t rip his eyes from the windshield. If anything, he leans more towards the left, creating a deeper, larger space between them. His hands instinctively tighten on the steering wheel again.
“Yeah, I do pride myself on that,” Eddie spits. “I do. Which is why, honestly, it irks me that Lucas would pick a crowd full of assholes. A bunch of people who would never give him the time of day.”
Steve goes rigid at that. He was an asshole, too. He knows that. Eddie especially knows that. The Munson Doctrine wouldn’t exist without the inclusion of asshole jocks, Steve being near the top of the list. He tries to tell himself that Eddie doesn’t think of him that way, but it’s hard considering himself. Who he used to be. Instead, he takes another breath, this one longer and hopefully more steadying than the other ones have been.
“He went out for basketball for a sense of security,” Steve states slowly, verging on impatient. “To find somewhere to belong to. That’s all a freshman looks for—a group to be somebody with. And, you know, considering that he’s already sort of singled out for being one of a few black kids at the school…Belonging is kind of important to him.” He settles back into his seat, arms still stretched to their full length in front of him. His stomach is turning and his heart is racing. And why won’t Eddie just get this? “Even if the basketball team has a bunch of assholes, he still wanted to do it. He was celebrated for his skills, who he is—even if it was for a moment. Playing was, and probably still is, important to him. And you—“ Steve finally turns his head towards Eddie. Knows his eyes are shooting daggers, can see where they lodge themselves between Eddie’s ribs. He raises a finger and accuses, “—you made his game feel unimportant. None of his best friends came because they were toopreoccupied with your game.” His face grows unusually hot as his voice drags passionately. The words just tumbling, splattering between them. But he carries on like a fire fed, “They even got his little sister to play yourgame. And, you know what really hurt to hear? Lucas wanted at least Erica to watch. And she wasn’t there. She wasn’t there because of your game, Eddie. How do you think that looks to him?”
Eddie has the audacity to look cowed, appalled. His mouth agape and his eyes as two large craters on his face. And for the first time, probably ever, he is stunned into silence.
Steve looks away. Bitter. All that festers in him now is hurt, ache, sadness. He chews on his lip, inhales softly through his nose, and opens his mouth with a silent word. Finally, he murmurs, “When I came to the high school as a freshman, I did the exact same thing as Lucas did. I joined the basketball team. Not because I was good. Or because my dad forced me to, like everybody seems to think. It’s because I wanted to fit in.”
His eyes are stinging. Cheeks flushing even more with overwhelming, consuming emotion. Continues, “And, though I let the feeling eat away at me, it felt good to be protected by a camaraderie like that. Outside of the nerdy friend group I had in middle school, going into high school. It felt good. And—It’s not the same as why Lucas joined, I know that, but I can understand.
“On top of that, I never had friends or family members show up for me at my games. So, for me to know the hurt Lucas feels, that would be an understatement. What’s important to note, though, is that he had people in his life to be there for him and they didn’t show. They didn’t.”
The fight is draining out of him, but he has to solidify his point. Has to finish this or else. Thinks briefly that maybe he should quit while he’s ahead, but he can’t make himself do that. The ferocity engulfing him from the inside out all too much to ignore. He’s been beaten down before for Lucas, literally—oh so literally—but he’d do it again and again and again for that kid to find his footing. Including this…spat? One sided argument? This argument with his boyfriend. 
“Even I was there,” he says, hollowly, “cheering him on. It just would’ve been nice, for him, to have more than just some washed up, ex-jock, nobody be there. Right? I’m sure you get where I’m coming from. You can understand what I’m saying.” He glances forlorn out his window. Can’t even muster the courage to look over at Eddie. He’s basically drained himself. Being vulnerable isn’t his forte, but he can be for the people around him. Even if it’s at the expense of his own well being. “Well, I thought you’d understand. Wanting to have a community, people to lean on, to make something of yourself. No matter the means. I just didn’t think you’d be part of the reason that Lucas feels so…so singular.”
He takes a deep breath, ignoring how nasally it is to his ears. And mutters, a final thing, “I didn’t think you viewed something that Lucas and I are into as so…nothing. I try my best to be better about what you like, but it seems that you don’t make that same effort. That’s not fair, Eddie. You should know that.”
Without much else to say and with Eddie’s eerie silence, he starts the car. Puts it into drive. And peels away into the silence of the long and stretching road.
Briefly, he thinks about turning on the radio or cranking down the window, but the air is too thick to move through. Even the slight turns of his steering wheel is enough to make him feel sick. He’s sick with how disgustingly to-the-point he had to be. Though, there’s no other way that Eddie would’ve listened. Not with how defensive he immediately got.
The original date night plan had been to go to his house, but he finds himself pulling into Forest Hills’ driveway. Past the dimly lit trailers and the striking quietness of Max’s home. He parks in the vacant spot next to Eddie’s van. Which, the van is broken down right now—the main reason Steve is even driving Eddie around. But, now what? Is Eddie mad at how mad Steve was? Is he going to realize that he doesn’t like Steve because of his interests, who he is? Is this it?
A gentle anxious thrum runs through Steve like the very blood he needs to exist.
He silences the car. And just sits with his hands in his lap. Looking blankly at Eddie’s front door.
“Your stop,” Steve murmurs.
Eddie takes a deep breath and sighs heavily through his nose. But he doesn’t make a move to open his door. To step out. To walk away from…all that Steve is and has been.
Steve turns to him, gestures loosely at the Munson’s. “Your stop,” he reiterates.
“I—“ Eddie musters, voice croaking and rough. “I didn’t realize that…I didn’t know Lucas was mad about that. I didn’t think it…mattered.”
“Of course you didn’t,” Steve bitterly states, “It’s not like you actually cared.”
“But I do,” Eddie insists, “I care so much about Lucas. And I care so much about you. I swear!” He finally moves, tossing himself in the seat to face Steve, flailing. His face a mournful thing, downturned and sad. Skin pale and his hands desperate and his voice urgent. “There’s no excuse, I know. But I just…The reason I look at jocks so awfully is because they’ve always turned on me, you know? They always downplay my interests and mock me and tease me for what I like. Which is why I have to show myself as the bigger guy, that I can take it. I just didn’t realize that I was doing it, too.”
Slowly, Steve crosses his arms over his chest. Fingers tightening over his biceps. “Real life and your friends are more important than biases, Eddie.”
“I see that now.”
“And I think that you…you love me? And that you like Lucas. But it’s just hard to feel that, for either of us, when you adamantly refuse to involve yourself in our interests. Even if it means attending some jock event. Even if it means sitting in a room full of people that hate you. Which, by the way, that isn’t true because Lucas and I both like you—I love you, even.” He faces Eddie again. His face a sure thing of great ache, based on Eddie’s own crestfallen eyes. “Maybe just…give us space for a couple days? Think about this. Apologize once you’ve given it some thought. I understand where the whole hating jocks thing comes from, but just think about how that hurts, too.”
Eddie takes a gasping breath. “But I’m sorry now, Stevie,” he swears, “I am. I’m so sorry.”
There’s part of those words that soothe Steve like aloe to a sunburn, but he can’t accept them. Knows that the sure sting of the burn will still be there if he lets Eddie do this now. So he collects himself, mulls the words, and defends himself—for once. “I’ll accept that when it doesn’t feel like you’re saying it just to make me feel better. I want you to mean it. And I want you to apologize to Lucas first.”
He watches Eddie nod fervently, sharply. His hands twisting together in his lap and his eyes wetting, shoved harshly to the side. “Yeah, okay,” his voice trembles, “okay, I’ll fix this.”
Carefully, Steve takes Eddie’s hands. Tugs them until Eddie looks at him. Involuntarily, he makes a soft, sympathetic noise. It’s clear in the wetness of Eddie’s eyes that he’s determined to change this, to make this better. It’s clear that he didn’t mean to hurt this severely. He presses deep into the back of Eddie’s hands, tethering himself down to the earth, away from the cloud of anger that threatens to swallow him whole. 
“Hey,” he murmurs, “listen to me, baby. I know that you’re sorry. I know, okay? But Lucas won’t know that, he’ll probably think you’re saying it to get on his good side. And…maybe you are, a bit, but it’ll be better if you really mean it. Trust me.” He swipes his thumbs over Eddie’s knuckles, massages them to ease the tension. “I still love you. I’m still learning, too, to love your interests with my full heart. And I know that it’s hard to let go of stupid biases, but you’ll be better for it. You will, Eds, and you’ll find you actually feel good.” Steve runs his hands up Eddie’s arms, to his shoulders, the sides of his neck.
Gently, he cups Eddie’s face between his hands. Presses his thumbs underneath Eddie’s eyes.
Eddie softens, loosening. Breathes slowly onto Steve’s wrists. “I’ll make this right, Steve,” he promises quietly, “I want to love both of you guys right.”
“I believe you,” he whispers in turn, “you’re a good guy, Eddie. You’ve got a good soul and a good heart. But you just need to relearn some things, baby.” He leans in, softly pecks the soft tissue of Eddie’s facial scar, and pulls away. Reaches up and runs a hand through the wiry ends of Eddie’s curls. Finds that he does mean the softness in his words, even with the bitter edge in his chest. He murmurs, “Let’s cool off tonight, because I know we’re both upset. And we’ll reconvene in a couple days, after my shift. I’ll help you come up with a good apology, promise.”
“Okay,” Eddie mutters, sniffling.
“I love you,” he feels the need to remind.
“I love you, too, Stevie. And I mean that. I really do.”
Taglist (Open For Chapter Two): @wonderland-girl143-blog @tinyplanet95 @sharingisntkaren @ghostquer @practicallybegging @croatoan-like-its-hot @reinedslys-central
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zombvic · 20 days
VROOM (harry lewis x reader)
summary : in which y/n and harry get invited to go to the silverstone formula one grand prix (2023)
face claim : no one exact
notes : im an absolute noob at writing fics so please excuse the quality lmao. im petrified of posting on here but ive been thinking about starting a blog for over a year. im open to feedback, opinions and any sort of questions/advice is welcome! i happen to waffle a lot so just skip those parts if uninterested. this is my first post so enjoy 😝 also pls request because i have the creativity of a koala so id appreciate some ideas :D
pairings : harry lewis x reader , lando norris x platonic!reader
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"WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?! Are you actually serious?" You asked your boyfriend in genuine shock, followed by a laugh from the man dressed in head to toe in Ferrari merch. The red and yellow colors clashed hilariously with the sleek, orange McLaren paddock pass hanging around his neck.
"What? I thought I'd support the winning team." He shrugged, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. You and Harry got invited by the Mclaren F1 team to watch the Silverstone Grand Prix from the paddock. As a Formula 1 fan youself, you were excited to see the cars upclose. To watch the mechanics to the pitstops, engineers do their things (idk what they do lmao) and to watch Max Verstappen overlap the whole grid like seven times. Even since you were a little kid you were amazed by those cars driving freakishly quickly. Now, several years later you get to experience it right infront of your eyes.
"Look, there's Lando!" Harry pointed out, spotting your friend talking to a group of mechanics. You approached Lando, who broke into a wide grin as he saw you. "Hey! There are my favorite YouTubers!"
You beamed. "Lando! It's so good to see you. How's it going?"
"It's been wild but amazing," Lando replied, glancing at Harry. "And I see you've managed to get Harry in the right gear this time."
Harry laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I had a little help with that."
Lando gave you two a playful nudge. "So, who are you rooting for today? Besides me, of course."
You laughed. "Well, McLaren, obviously. But I'm also excited to see how the Brits perform. It's going to be an interesting race."
"That's the spirit," Lando said, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Alright, I better get back to my team, but I'll see you guys later? Enjoy the race!"
You and Harry found a spot in the back of Landos garage, it had a view on the screens but also the pit-stop. The whole race went by fast. The moment the lights went out Lando tried his hardest with a deserved P2 at his home race.
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Liked by mclaren, f1 & 1,002,485 others.
yourusename mom, i got invited to the silverstone grand prix.. still lowkey in disbelief like wtf.. me?? anyways, tysm mclaren 🩷 enjoy my lovely film camera dump raaaah.
View all 2,547 comments.
user harry looking fine as always😍
user y/n and lando finest friends
wroetoshaw whos the first fella hes fit
- yourusername he has a girlfriend..
user i can imagine y/n just walking around taking pictures of everything and everyone 😭😭😭
user i almost melted when they came on the screen
- user me too 😭 forgot i was watching f1 for a second
wroetoshaw i still think i shouldve worn my ferrari outfit #hater
- yourusername youd be sticking out like a sore thumb youre lucky i stopped you #loser #youalmostworepajamapants
user y/n looked so good there 😍
user i LIVE for y/n and landos friendship
faithlouisak i cant believe you chose him over me..
- yourusername im sorry bae.. next time im taking u
faithlouisak finest woman out there
calfreezy wtf fake friends.. theburntchip are you seeing what im seeing ???
- theburntchip bunch of fakies😔
holy what a yap fest lmfao please someone REQUEST something 😭 cause this is too plain.. !
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brainrot-goes-brrrrrr · 2 months
Savanna Squad Presentation Night Headcanons/mini fic [1/3]
splitting this into three headcanon parts because my god its long
eat up :]
Part 1: Taylor & Logan Part 2: Ben & Tyler Part 3: Aiden & Ashlyn [WIP]
Ashlyn's POV
So the question is: How did we get here? Simple answer really. Taylor. She was always the one to suggest these kinds of things, team building hang outs, though last time it was just us.
The rest of the boys had plans. Tyler had practice to attend, one of the late kinds, Ben and Logan had a project together due for bio in a day or two, and Aiden, for some reason, had a late dentist appointment (much to his dismay). Only Taylor could make it to the graveyard early. Initially, we were just meant to manage our resources, which was manageable with one person, but it was always easier with other people to bounce ideas off of. That's all it was meant to be, but Taylor had other ideas.
"Girls night!!" She had cheered, and we just hung out.
And I had fun.
But as Logan fights with his laptop to mirror on the T.V for the presenters, that being us, I can't help but feel like I'm going to regret this one. Especially with Tweedledee and Tweedledum in the background yelling about something that I don't want to know about, but will probably learn against my will.
Just as Taylor and Ben come downstairs with blankets and pillows, Logan's T.V finally projects the wallpaper of his laptop.
"It's set up, thank god," he sighs, with that last part being under his breathe. And as we set up in his living room, Ben dragging Aiden and Tyler from the kitchen, both with bags of snacks in their arms, and Taylor handing out blankets, we finally sit in our places.
The next question, however, is Who goes first?
Taylor Hernandez
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Taylor goes first because she's the one who planned it and was the most excited about it. Aiden tried to go first, but it was collectively agreed that he would be going last for no reason other than to piss him off lmao
Anyways, we love a STEM girl (be still my own heart) so her presentation would be all about her tools and work for the mechanics club. She takes this club seriously, not only because it's good for networking, but because she genuinely finds it fun. I like to think that there are two levels to the club where one is just a standard club and the second level is a competition team, and she was shooting to be a part of the competition league (totally not projecting because I'm a robotics kid)
Her presentation is so well done. It's not only really well organized, but it is just so pretty. It's the type of presentation that teachers would drool over. Avid Canva user b/c it has a lot of customization options that she loves.
What's a toolbox tour without the actual toolbox that's just as decorated as her slideshow. And she takes care of it, too.
Her presentation is so fun and sets a fun tune for the night, and she manages to make this topic really engaging. She would have a little quiz at the end, too, where if one of the group gets a question correct, they get a piece of candy
shows off tools like she's filming a makeup tutorial, I saw this on tumblr, and it's just canon at this point. No criticisms are accepted because it just isn't possible.
Group's reaction
Ashlyn and Ben are the ones who pay the most attention to the presentation. Ashlyn also gets the most questions right at the end of the quiz.
Logan asks the most questions in between slides, but not in an annoying way. He does get a bit lost, though, considering just how many tools there are.
Tyler and Aiden are still bickering a bit. Aiden can't sit still for the life of himself, but he swears that he is listening. Tyler would say otherwise.
Aiden is, though, and he ends up getting Taylor a really nice tool set that she mentioned she wanted when presenting just because he can. He is her favorite for a few days. He absolutely would have a shit eating grin looking at Tyler to just say, "See, I was listening :D". Tyler would then say that he could go fuck himself /hj
Logan Fields
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Logan is next. The laptop hates him, and it's old and shuts down multiple times in his presentation. The group then had to watch this man fight with a busted 4-year-old laptop and lose several times. Have you ever seen your parents fight with a printer the night before you have a school project due? It's like that, and the rest are concerned.
He is an astrology bitch, and I will take no criticisms. But like, not in the way that it controls his life, he would not be caught dead saying that the stars told him to do something, like not let him eat alfredo on Sunday or something like that. He's more interested in the concept itself since the idea of zodiacs have existed for so long. Its his comfort research topic.
Absolutely went HAM on researching each and every one of their birth charts. Ask him to show you his notes, and he would not show you. Why??? because he took up an entire notepad (it's one of the smaller ones but still).
"Logan's so innocent" "Logan's so sweet" "My boy can do no wro-" NO!!!! THAT MOTHERFUCKER WILL READ YOU TO FILTH AND I STAND BY THIS. ITS LIKE HE LOOKED YOUR SOUL, UP AND DOWN, AND EXPOSED IT FOR THE WORLD TO SEE (something tells me Tyler gets it the worse. idk why it just feels right)!!! If he feels like something doesn't fit one of the people in the group he is clear about it
"Here is Gemini, a social butterfly. Here is Ashlyn. A Gemini. I love Ashlyn, but like a year ago I have actually seen you jump a fence to avoid a group of people who go to our high school without thinking, and I would say that needs an intervention but you'd also avoid it by jumping a fence." "..."
The presentation itself is long as hell. Like he goes in depth about everything that he talks about, and if you interrupt him, he will shoot you with a spray bottle. Did I mention there's a group spray bottle? Guess why they have one.
Somehow, he is still only the second longest presentation.
Group's Reaction
Taylor is his biggest hypeman. I feel like she'd also enjoy astrology a bit, too, though she's more of a casual fan. She is also one of the few people who is free from Logan's jabs.
Ben is also free from his jabs because he helped him with the laptop, which, thank god, because Logan was about to lose it. I don't think he really believes in astrology. The most he knows is his sun sign on the surface level. He is invested, though.
Don't think Ash is very interested in astrology either, and at some points in his presentation, he just loses her attention.
Tyler gets sprayed at least twice with the spray bottle because he gets defensive. Surprisingly, I do think he would be somewhat interested and knowledgeable about his star signs at least, mainly because he had to deal with Taylor when she went through an astrology phase (let me tell you it was brutal).
Aiden is also interested and engaged in the presentation, but maybe a little too much. What I mean is that he interrupts at points and is the reason why the spray bottle exists. Logan is flattered, but istg Aiden if you interrupt this man one more time...
By the end of the two presentations, the group is in pretty high spirits and having a good time, despite the fact that two of them are a bit wet.
Logan's laptop, however, is not, and just as they were setting up Ben's powerpoint, it decides that it was a good time to perform a mandatory update and restarts.
Absolute silence.
You could hear a pin drop.
And all eyes go to Logan.
Long story short, the presentations have to be postponed for around an hour and forty-eight minutes (maybe you never know with computers), and Logan is taking a walk.
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pastanest · 3 months
Spencer Reid x gn!reader
A/N: been gone for a hot minute due to personal circumstances but just wanted to drop a lil something (that anyone who watches Doctor Who will be able to tell I started writing a BIT ago given the references here lol) to let you guys know I’m still kickin it <3
warnings: slight hint at an age gap but nothing specific
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A Smile
You can imagine the rest of the team would be floored to hear that Spencer has actually exchanged texts with you on a multitude of occasions, outside of professional settings. Numbers were swapped on your first day, naturally, and to begin with you only dared text Spencer if you had absolutely no other choice (if another member of the team could text him, you’d busy yourself to ensure they would, rather than ask you, to save you the embarrassment). But, ever since the first occasion that you texted Spencer a random question out of hours - regarding trivia you definitely hadn’t spent a concerning amount of time deciding on before you sent it to him - you have formed a bond that’s unspoken beyond typed words.
You: so, are you looking forward to the 60th Anniversary? :P
As you hit send, you roll onto your bed, grinning giddily down at your phone. In no more than a few seconds, your screen tells you that your beloved genius is already typing back to you, and within a minute, you receive the paragraph you’d anticipated.
Spencer: Absolutely. The revival of Russel T. Davies’ era, coupled with the return of Murray Gold’s legendary scores, are sure to ignite the spark of nostalgia that the show has been missing for some time. In particular, I am looking forward to seeing how Russel will format this new regeneration of the Doctor, and how many references to his predecessors will decorate the anniversary episodes, especially. I take it you are excited for the anniversary episodes, too, hence the question?
His formality and enthusiasm being conveyed in a way that is so distinctly Spencer, even over text, is enough to have you giggling. You know by now that if you ask something about one of Spencer’s interests, whether it be facts, statistics, generalized trivia, questions, literature, Star Trek or, in this case, Doctor Who, there is no way he can downplay his excitement.
You: knew it! :D and yeah, I'm super excited!!
Mostly, you are thrilled by the thought of discussing the episodes at great length with Spencer for weeks after they’ve aired, but you keep that safely in the subtext of your conversation.
Spencer: Of course you knew. Perhaps we could share a live commentary on the anniversary episodes, if we’re not otherwise engaged with a case?
Only Spencer Reid can make your heart stop with a suggestion like that. Before you can consider any consequences, you are frantically typing back to him.
You: I’d love that! will the commentary be by text or call?
He is typing the moment your message reaches him, his ability to read at what you consider to be the speed of light making for a wonderfully speedy texting partner in every conversation you have.
Spencer: Either is fine, but if we aren’t away on a case, I must admit the idea of experiencing the episodes together in person would be most preferable. It eradicates the risk of our viewings not being synced up or our call connection potentially spoiling the immersion. What do you think?
And just like that, he’s stopped your heart again. In fact, you truly have to consider whether Spencer Reid has figured out a means of reaching through his phone to yours, to snatch your heart right out of your chest. As though he hadn’t already stolen it on the day you met.
You: I think you’re right, like always, Doctor Reid :P
That’s a rational reply, you think. Not too eager. Not the resounding ‘yes’ that every fiber of your being is screaming. In the chess game that is how-to-text-Spencer-Reid, you have marked yourself as the queen. He’d tell you that’s not how chess works, but he’d probably also agree.
Spencer: I’m far from right “always”, but I very much appreciate that you think so.
You’re about to reply, when another text appears on your screen.
Spencer: (:
Doctor Spencer Reid has double-texted you. And, not only that, he’s sent you a smiley face. This is unprecedented. Your jaw drops.
You: omg you did not just send that
Honestly, your life is flashing before your eyes as you lie on your bed. Is this the power of your influence? Could you truly indoctrinate older men into sending emojis? Could this really be you?
Spencer: I most certainly did. I’ll even do it again.
Spencer: (:
He had to send it as a separate text. He couldn’t just add the smiley face to the end of his original message. No, of course he couldn’t.
You: omg who are you!!
You’re laughing now. Actually, properly laughing at the ridiculousness of this situation. Wait until Penelope hears about this.
Spencer: I don’t think these suit me very much, but they are fun. What about this one - 🙂
This is going too far. You’ve played God. You’ve flown too close to the sun. You’ve created a monster in the form of Spencer Reid using emojis while still being so formal. Still, you can’t deny that this is perhaps the funniest conversation you have ever had, with anyone, specifically because it perfectly demonstrates the unique humor shared between the two of you.
You: woah! careful! don’t push it, genius!!
And, in response to that, Spencer Reid is left with a philosophical question he has never before pondered: how does one convey sincere laughter via text? This reply takes him the longest, because he has to consider it very carefully. He wants it to indicate how funny he did find your message, and does find you, in general. He wants it to be obvious in its intent and impossible to misunderstand. So, after four minutes, you receive a text that has you laughing so hard you very nearly fall off of your bed.
Spencer: Haha.
Sometimes, that’s simply how your text conversations with Spencer end. While he does, generally, prefer a more traditional ending in the form of a goodnight text (that he actually makes the effort to sign off with a “- Spencer x”, like it’s a handwritten letter), he enjoys the nuances of an open end, on the basis it means a conversation with you doesn’t have to end. Only has to pause, temporarily, until one of you picks it back up again. There is something poetic, Spencer thinks, to the notion of you being his constant both in metaphor and literally in a text conversation that isn’t formally closed. That door is left open to you, much like the door to his heart is.
And that night, he closes his eyes with a smile on his face at the thought of you, everything you are, everything you make him feel. Everything that makes you, you, and how that makes you everything to him.
A text could never truly convey the heaven that you bring to him by existing, but just like proposing plans to watch Doctor Who with you, it’s a good place to start.
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 days
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Just the tip (18+)
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Word count: 2,911
Warning: Smut, sexual game, Unprotected sex, Creampies, Squirting, Grinding, Teasing. Postions: Doggy, Missionary, Reverse Cowgirl.
*Y/n's pov*
Me and Lucy were hanging out cause we got bored of our roommates. We are in her room, we kicked out her roommate and we are now watching Netflix.
Lucy smiles and pauses the show. "You excited for the Game tomorrow?"
I look at her confused on why she would pause the show to ask me that. I nod, "well I wouldn't really say excited, I'm more nervous than excited." I reply.
"What? Why are you nervous Y/n? You are one of the best players on the team. You are gonna do great, there's nothing to be worried about." Lucy says.
"Yeah I guess, I mean we are playing one of the best teams in the country. So yeah I'm a little nervous." I reply.
Lucy sighs, she gets up and sits next to me. "Let's forget about the game and just watch the tv show."
I smile and nod. "Yeah I'm definitely down for that."
Lucy smiles, she places her finger under my chin and gently turns my head to face her.
"I can hear you thinking love. Relax, focus on the tv show." Lucy says to me.
We were watching stranger things since Lucy has never seen it. I called Lucy crazy and turns it on.
Lucy's face was a bit closer to mine. I nod, I look down at her lips. Lucy looks down at my lips. Lucy leans in and kisses me, I'm shocked at first but then melt into the kiss and start kissing back.
Lucy climbs on top of me and straddles me, she smiles and leans down and continues to kiss me. It turns into a mini make out session. I place my hands on her ass and squeeze her ass a bit.
Lucy moans in the kiss and bites my bottom lip. She grinds against me, there was a rumor going around about me having a dick. I moan in the kiss as she grinds against my lap. My bulge rubs against her ass from behind.
Lucy gasps. She breaks the kiss and looks at me blushing darkly. "S-So it is T-True." She asks stuttering a bit.
"What's true?" I ask playing stupid I knew what she was talking about.
"Y-You do have a d-dick." Lucy says.
"Yes it is true. I do have a dick." I reply.
Lucy bites her lip and reaches down. She rubs my bulge over my shorts, I moan as she does this.
"Mmm you feel huge love." Lucy says. Lucy smirks for a second as she thinks of something.
I look at her confused. "You okay bronze? I can feel your wetness against my thighs." I giggle a bit.
Lucy blushes darkly as I say this. "Yes. You wanna play a game?" She asks.
"A game?" I question.
"Yes, a game. It's called just the tip." Lucy says.
"Just the tip?" I question. This game sounded familiar.
"Yes just the tip. Rules are simple, I take off my shorts and Panties. You take off your shorts and boxers, you put the tip of your dick inside me, anymore than the tip you lose, you loose your balance and go all the way in you lose. You pull out before the timer goes off you lose." Lucy says explaining the rules.
"Game sounds simple and easy." I say.
"Come on then, let's play the game." Lucy says.
I smirk and nod. "Okay, you're on."
Lucy smirks. She gets off me she locks eyes with me, she takes ass other shorts and panties and tosses them off to the side. She lays on the edge of the bed and spreads her legs giving me acces to her pussy. I take off my shorts and boxers, and toss them off to the side. My boner springs out and at attention.
Lucy blushes darkly, she bites her lip and checks out my dick. I smirk as she checks it out.
"See something you like Bronze?" I smirk and tease her.
"Mhm your fucking huge babe." Lucy says rubbing her folds as she checks out my dick.
"What's wrong? Scared you'll lose?" I ask teasing her. I smirk and rub her clit with my finger. "Mmm so wet and turned on."
Lucy moans a bit as I rub her clit. "N-No you're gonna the one W-Who L-Loses." She stutters
"Mmm really?" I smirk and slip in a finger, I smirk and kiss her. Lucy moans in the kiss, and squeezes my ass. I moan as she does this, she breaks the kiss.
"Come on put the tip in." Lucy says seductively.
*Lucys pov*
Y/n strokes her dick making her self hard. She grabs my thighs and spreads my legs a bit more and slides the tip in.
I smirk and watch her, the friction felt so good and made me even more wet. Y/n moans from the friction.
I smirk. "Is the tip not enough?" I ask teasing her. God she was huge I wanted to feel her inside me.
"Y-Yeah game is easy." Y/n stutters.
I smirk at her as I come up with a good reason to feel her dick deep inside me. "You sure? You wanna put the whole thing in don't you?"
Y/n bites her lip. Y/n looks at me deep in the eyes her eyes were filled with lust, I smirk as her knees were buckling a bit.
"What's wrong baby? Scared you'll loose your balance?" I tease.
Her shirt runs up a bit exposing some of her abs. She was ripped and all tatted up, I smirk and continue to watch her.
"You good with your balance?" I ask.
Y/n stops and looks at me confused. "What? Yeah why?"
"It would be a shame if you tripped and lost your balance and went all the way in....... Like this!" I grab her shirt and yank her towards me.
Y/n dick goes deep inside me. I bite my lip and moan as she's balls deep inside of me.
"Whoops. Looks like you lost." I giggle and moan as she still balls deep inside of me.
Y/n pouts. "You cheated! You pulled on my shirt!"
I moan as her dick is still deep inside me. Y/n moans as she notices her dick is deep inside me. Y/n moans and slowly pulls out.
God she felt so good deep inside of me. Y/n moans, she gains her balance and pulls out and stands back up.
"I want a fucking redo, you cheated!" Y/n says pouting like a child.
"Okay you big baby." I say.
*Y/n's pov*
I gain my balance. I take a moment and then push the tip of my dick back inside of Lucy's pussy.
Lucy moans as my tip is back inside her. I was really fighting the urge to just say fuck it and slide my dick deep inside her and fuck her.
Lucy smirks. "Is the tip not enough?"
I smirk and slowly move back and forth with my tip still inside her.
"Fuck." Lucy moans and looks up at me.
I continue moving back and forth. We both moan from the pleasure.
"S-Shit Y/n." Lucy moans.
"What?" I ask.
"J-Just put the whole the in me." Lucy moans.
I nod, and gently push my whole length deep inside her, me and her both moan. I lean down, Lucy moans and wraps her arms around me and holds me as I'm balls deep inside her.
I let her get use to my size. "Tell me when to move."
Lucy moans and takes a moment to adjust to my size. "M-Move." 
I lean down and kiss Lucy deeply as I slowly thrust in and out of her.
Me and Lucy both moan. "Faster."
I go faster and faster than before. Lucy starts moaning louder, only sounds in the room were the tv in the background, our moans and my balls slapping against her skin.
"Yes....Right....There." Lucy squeaks out with each thrust.
I moan and keep going, I go a bit faster and harder. "Mmm fuck." I moan. I turn a bit and go at an angle and start pounding her g spot.
"Ah fuck yes, I'm gonna squirt." Lucy moans in pleasure.
I moan, I stand up and continue to pound her g spot at an angle and take off my shirt and bra along with Lucy's and toss them off to the side. Our clothes littering the ground around the bed.
Lucy moans loudly in pleasure screaming my name.
"Fuck...give...me...your...load." Lucy squeaks out with each thrust.
"Are you sure?" I ask making sure she's okay with me finishing in her.
"Yes, I'll take a plan b in the morning." Lucy moans.
I moan and nod. Lucy screams in pleasure and squirts like crazy. I keep going but go faster and harder.
"Ahhh I'm close." I moan.
"Me too don't you dare fucking pull out." Lucy moans.
I moan loudly as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampie #1:
Lucy moans and cums on my dick sending me over the edge. I moan and unload my seed deep inside her pussy. Lucy gasps and moans as I unload my load deep inside her pussy.
"Mmm fuck." Lucy moans as I continue to fill her up.
"God, it's so good." I moan in pleasure. 
Lucy moans and grabs my ass and helps me slowly thrust In and out of her as I continue to cum in her riding out my high.
"Mmm good girl. Give it to me, every last drop." Lucy sexily moans.
I moan as I continue to pump her full of cum, Lucy moans as my warm juices continue to flood deep inside her. Lucy was super tense and now super relaxed once she came.
I moan and come down from my high. The last of my cum shoots deep inside her. I slowly pull out of her pussy. Cum coats her folds, cum oozes out of her pussy and drips down her pussy and asshole and floods onto the bed.
Lucy Moans and pants trying to catch her breath. Once she catches her breath she gets up and moves to the middle of the bed and gets on all fours.
I smirk and move behind her, I rub my tip through her cum filled folds. I slide my dick back inside her cum filled pussy, Lucy moans as I slide my dick back deep inside her.
"Mmmm fuck." Lucy moans. Lucy grabs the sheets and take a moment to adjust to my size again.
"Tell me when to move baby." I say.
I place kisses on her neck down to the middle of her back. She was beautiful, so toned and god she was amazing in bed. Definitely knows how to make a girl cum like crazy.
"Move." Lucy moans.
I hold her hips, I slowly slide in and out of her tight cum filled pussy. Cum drips and runs down her thighs and drips onto the bed as I thrust in and out of her.
"F-Faster." Lucy moans.
I grip her hips a bit more as I slide in and out of her faster and faster pounding her g spot. Lucy moans loudly in pleasure as I pound her g spot from behind.
"Right.... there..... daddy." Lucy squeaks out with each Thrust.
I spank her ass as I thrust in and out of her faster and harder. Our moans fill the room as my balls slap against her skin.
"Oh my god baby. Your pussy is so good." I moan out in pleasure.
Lucy giggles and moans in pleasure. "Are you close daddy?" Lucy moans in pleasure.
"Ahh I'm about to cum." I moan in pleasure as I dig my nails into her ass and fuck her from behind. Lucy moans and cutely grips the sheets as I continue to fuck her brains out from behind.
I pound her g spot fast and Lucy moans loudly in pleasure.
"Ahh I'm gonna squirt again Daddy." Lucy moans in pleasure.
I smirk a slap her ass and go even faster and harder than before. "Yeah daddy's dick feel good Inside you?"
"Mmm it feels so good." Lucy cutely moans.
Lucy screams my name and squirts like crazy all over the bed and sheets. Lucy moans and throws her ass back against me sliding back and forth on my dick fast and hard.
"Gah fuck." I moan. I slap her ass. Lucy moans and continues to slide back and forth on my ass. I moan as I feel myself getting close to cumming.
"Mmm fuck I'm close babe." I moan.
"Hehe is daddy close." Lucy moans she slides back and forth on my dick faster and faster. Her ass cheeks clap and jiggle.
"Mmm bronze your ass is fat ass fuck." I moan.
Lucy giggles and moans. She throws her ass back her skin slapping against mine as she slides back and forth on my dick faster and faster than before.
I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Lucy baby I'm gonna-"
Cream pie #2:
Lucy slams her ass back against my dick and makes me bust my load deep inside her. Lucy cums on my dick. Lucy gasps and moans as I bust my massive seed deep inside her pussy.
"Mmm yes." Lucy moans, she closes her eyes and throws her head back as I continue to fill her up with my load.
Cum oozes and shoots deep inside her. Lucy shakes and buckles in pleasure as I slowly thrust in and out of her slowly riding out my high and making sure every last drop is inside her.
I help Lucy ride out her high. Once we both come down from our highs I pull out.
Lucy flips us around. She makes me lay back on the bed, I giggle and squeal as she flips us around. Lucy rests her back in my tits. I get the hint, I spread her legs with mine and reinsert my dick back deep inside her.
Lucy moans as she slowly sinks down on my dick taking my length back deep inside her cum filled pussy. I place my hands on Lucy's hips, Lucy wraps her arm around me.
I slowly thrust up and down into her pussy, Lucy moans and grips my shoulder a bit. "Faster."
I kiss her boob from her side as I bottom out in her pussy faster and harder.
"Ah fuck.... Fuck..... Fuck." Lucy Squeaks out as I thrust into her soaking wet pussy faster and faster. I moan and grip her hips a bit as I keep going.
"Mmm fuck Bronze I'm gonna stuff you full with my cum and fill you up to the brim." I moan.
"Mmm do it daddy. Fill me to the brim with your cum." Lucy sexily moans.
I moan and go faster and faster, my balls slapping against her skin as I massage her boobs roughly.
"Mmm fuck your dick feels so good deep inside me stuffing me full of cum." Lucy moans.
She leans down and captures my lips with her as I bottom out her pussy faster and faster.  I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer to busting.
"Mmm fuck I'm close Baby." I moan as I keep going. I hold her ass cheeks as I thrust up into her pussy faster and faster.
"Yes yes cum in me cum in me." Lucy moans.
Lucy squirts like a fountain as I pound her g spot. Lucy moans loudly in pleasure her legs shake and buckle as she squirts.
I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampie #3:
Lucy moans loudly and cums all over my dick. I moan in pleasure Lucy cumming sends me over the edge. I moan and unload my massive load deep inside Lucy's cum filled pussy.
"Mmm fuck." Lucy moans in pleasure as I paint her walls white and shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her.
I slowly thrust up and down into her as I continue to fill her up with my load, her pussy is overflowing with cum. Cum drips down her folds and drips down her thighs and onto my thighs and into the sheets.
I help Lucy ride her high. Me and her both come down from out high as I fill her up with the last of my cum. I slowly pull out of her. Cum pours out of her pussy.
"Mmm fuck." Lucy moans. The cum pours out of her pussy and leaks down my dick and onto the sheets and bed.
Lucy moans and lays next to me. I smile and kiss her. Lucy melts into the kiss and kisses me deeply. I reach and pull the covers over us. I hold Lucy and cuddle her we turn off the tv and end up falling asleep.
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
I think I've seen something like this somewhere before but I'm also not sure so if there is already something like this, I'm sorry.
WARNINGS: Mentions of Character Death and Grief, Implied/Referenced/Suspected Child Abuse, Depression and Self-Harm? (only implied, but non-graphic) IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING, I PROMISE.
Danny Fenton was dead.
At least, that's what everybody in Amity Park was told after something happened in Fenton Works. Maddie and Jack Fenton insisted that Danny was dead and that a ghost was responsible. Danny's friends and Sister were weirdly quiet though, but not grieving.
Grief was never an emotion that Dash Baxter saw on any of their faces. Instead rage took it's place. A rage that seemed to be shared by Mayor Masters who sudddenly started cracking down on housing laws, regulations, and other issues. He changed is mind of 'Ghosts are the enemy' to 'Ghost Hunting is no longer permitted' much to the annoyance of his "friends".
Dash didn't understand what was happening, what happened to Fentur-Fenton, or why the all the sudden changes but what confused him most was how he felt about it. When he had gotten the news he felt physically sick. He missed two full days of school just because he felt sick. When he went to school and heard some wanna-be A-Listers spreading rumors about how Fenton was in a bad place and had just taken himself out.
Before any of Fenton's friends could even think about shutting them down Dash shut them down by breaking one of their noses.
A few days later he sat with Foley, Manson, and Valerie at lunch. They were surprised and asked him what he was doing there while his friends acted appalled but Dash didn't reply and just put his head down on the table. It wasn't until near the end of lunch that Dash finally spoke.
"I'm sorry... I'll try to be better... for Fenton."
This surprised all of them. Even Dash but what surprised everybody even more was when he started to cry. In the end it was Foley who came over and put his hand on Dash's shoulder.
Nothing was said, but it was enough to comfort Dash and leave him with more questions.
Why weren't they the one's crying? Their best friend had died and they were comforting him? This was bullshit! He didn't even like Fenton!
It was later that year when Casper High went to Gotham City for a football game against Gotham University. The game was going well until half-time when Star approached them while they were on time out.
"Um... hey guys not to totally like throw off the groove or anything but... isn't that Danny?"
Every member of the gootball team and the cheerleading squad turned to where Star pointed and Dash's eyes locked onto a familiar black haired, blue eyed kid in an expensive uniform. Dash had a split second thought of 'There's no fuckin way that's Fenton. Maybe a look alike?'
But then the kid shrank down slightly between two other teens one with curtained black hair and one with darker skin and Dash knew.
Dash threw himself towards the fence, climbing over the fence and onto the bleachers as Danny held up his hands and stood up quickly. He was pale and anxious, the two teens with him looking ready to fight as Dash grabbed him by teh front of the shirt in front of his whole school.
"D-Dash! I can explain, I-"
Danny started rambling out a frantic and bullshit excuse but Dash was just hearing static, ignoring the two teens next to them telling him to put Danny down. Dash then hugged him with a pissed off growl while Danny went stiff.
"We thought you fuckin' died, Man. What the hell..." He whimpered, tears burning his eyes as Danny relaxed and after a moment hugged Dash back.
"Sorry, Dash."
Dash was about to yell at him more when he heard Mr. Lancer shout out.
"TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, WHAT IS HAPPENING, BAXTER?!" Dash let Danny go and gestured for the teacher to see which was when Dash heard his teacher actually swear for the first time ever. "What the fuck?"
"H-Hi, Mr. Lancer..." Was all Danny could say as an awkward reply.
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hard-core-super-star · 7 months
Ngl, being able to edit things here is cool, other media don't have this option so all you have to do is delete or slowly die every time you remember that mistake🥲
WELL– in that case it would be really fun to see Yelena just being a big softie to reader and end up getting caught by her friends doing so, then everyone would make fun of her or something (it would probably be their last time making fun of something in their lives, poor souls.
I saw that you still have things to write, so no hurry (and good luck with all this-). Also, Your writing is really good so it will be good anyway, but I'm sure you'll get it!
passive-aggressive magic tricks [Y.Belova]
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pairing: yelena belova x reader
summary: a fun game night with your friends takes a turn when they realize how much of a soft dork the russian turns into when she's around you.
warnings: none, i think [except peter being verbally attacked every other paragraph lmao]; so much dialogue; a weirdly written game of uno; just...so much chaos; never written for yelena before so feel free to yell at me if she's too ooc in this one
wordcount: 1.2k
a/n: this gif makes me feel things gonna start this off by saying that this is meant to be romantic but you can read it as platonic if you want. i know everyone has an opinion on yelena's sexuality and not everyone will agree with mine and that's okay! [just don't be a jerk about it. i personally think yelena is a demiromantic asexual so do with that what you will] ALSO, this is so chaotic and borderline nonsensical and you can blame 🌟 for making me think about yelena playing uno that one time. ALSO ALSO, thank you for the vote of confidence, lovely anon, this was actually really fun to write and i hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
“This sucks,” Kate declares with a pout.
“Don’t be such a crybaby, Kate Bishop.” Yelena’s words only make the archer’s pout deepen which makes the whole situation feel even more ridiculous.
“Yeah, Kate,” you jump in. “You’re the one who started talking shit in the first place.”
An offended gasp escapes her lips at your accusation. “I wasn’t talking shit! I was being honest about my skills.”
This time, Peter cuts in before the blonde gets a chance to make fun of the archer again. “Guys, I thought we decided against Monopoly so we wouldn’t fight.”
“Fighting is Yelena’s love language,” you reply with a shrug.
You pretend not to notice the way the Russian’s lips quirk up into a small smile and instead focus on Kate and her awful decision-making skills. It takes her a few extra seconds and she still manages to choose the most annoying card in her hand.
“It took you two minutes to throw in a plus-four?” Peter questions, clearly doing his best to not sound judgemental.
“Shut up and take the cards, Pete.”
The boy grumbles something you don’t quite catch but Kate is quick to punch him in the arm, earning herself a kick to the shin. Their dynamic is certainly…interesting and you can’t stop yourself from wondering how much of it comes from being two only children attempting to one-up each other.
Yelena leans in toward you, pretending to whisper. “Why are we hanging out with them again?”
The pair clearly overhears her considering both the glare and the pout that gets thrown your way. You merely shrug in response, attempting to shield your cards from her expert gaze. “It’s…entertaining, I guess.”
“You guys are jerks,” Kate says, speaking the thoughts Peter is far too nice to vocalize. (It’s definitely not because he’s terrified of getting on Yelena’s bad side.)
“And you suck at Uno.”
She rolls her eyes at you but decides not to reply. The small moment of silence allows Peter to take his turn and the game continues…until Yelena decides to betray you.
You’re not fully paying attention to the strategies each one of your companions is forming which means you don’t realize it when they decide to team up against you.
You’re only four cards away from winning and the blonde beside you can’t stop herself from sneaking a look at your deck. Kate somehow manages to catch her in the act and the two stare each other down until the archer raises an eyebrow, silently asking to be a part of the Russian’s plan.
A plan that quickly leads to Kate placing down another plus-four card and Peter being thrown one of Yelena’s under the table. 
“We can stack, right?” He asks, mainly in an attempt to keep you from noticing what they’re doing.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you reply with a shrug. “Just don’t be surprised when Yelena pulls out a knife from her boot.”
The joke gets a few chuckles, and a slightly concerned look from the young Avenger. 
“Do not worry, Spider-Boy, I promised y/n I wouldn’t threaten you…again.”
“Right…” Peter’s clearly not convinced but he throws in his card anyway.
You turn to face Yelena with a smug smirk. “Sorry, babe, but it looks like I’m on my way to winning this round.”
“You sound like Kate Bishop.” She playfully rolls her eyes at you but the glint in her eyes shows off more amusement than annoyance. “I hope you handle losing better than she does, though.”
“Hey!” You and the archer both voice your protests, albeit for different reasons, as the blonde slams down the last plus-four card needed to ensure you won’t win any time soon.
This time around, she’s the one who looks at you with a smug grin but you’re too busy being dramatic to fully appreciate how good she looks when she’s being competitive. It’s genuinely just a stupid card game and yet you pull out all the tricks you’ve learned over the past few months to get the Russian to melt into the huge softie she is at heart.
“Oh, come on, that was mean.” You pull on your best impression of Kate’s wounded puppy dog look. A look that includes slightly wide eyes and an incredibly deep pout.
A pout Yelena has never been good at resisting. (But only when it comes to you, much to the archer’s dismay)
She, literally and figuratively, keeps her cards close to her chest but you catch the way her free hand twitches slightly, almost as if she’s fighting to keep herself from touching you. It’s strange how affectionate she wants to be with you when she’s always been the first to pull away from a hug, the first one to scoot away when someone sits too close. 
Being guarded had always felt like second nature to her until you came along.
Her hand reaches out before she can stop it, landing on your knee and giving it a soft yet reassuring squeeze. It's a subtle reminder that underneath all her sarcasm and the rough edges, she cares about you. A lot more than she ever thought herself capable of.
“It’s just a game, sweetheart.” The words are a mere whisper but somehow the person with the worst attention span you’ve ever seen manages to overhear them.
“Did you just call y/n ‘sweetheart’?” Kate blurts out, clearly far too shocked to worry about her safety. “You actually have feelings?”
“Wait, did she really say that?” Peter’s slightly more cautious but there’s both awe in curiosity shining in his brown eyes.
“I heard her!”
“I think you hit your head too hard on your last mission, Bishop,” you reply, trying to steer the conversation away the second Yelena starts glaring at your friends.
Despite all her other skills, Kate is still awful at reading the room so instead of accepting the safety you’re offering, she decides to be stubborn like always. “Don’t lie to me, y/n, I know what I heard. Yelena’s just a big-”
“A big what?” The blonde cuts in with the most threatening glare she can manage. Which, considering she’s an ex-assassin, is quite effective at shutting the archer up.
“Um…” You can practically see the wheels spinning in the brunette’s head as she tries to come up with something different to say. She clearly fails based on the words that come out. “A big softie..?”
“Oh, Kate,” you sigh. “You’re never going to learn to stop poking the bear, huh?”
“What do you mean?” 
Her confusion lasts for about a second before Yelena shoots up from the couch and lunges toward her. The archer gets the message pretty quickly after that, expertly ducking out of the way and taking off running in the direction of the bathroom.
All you can do is laugh and shake your head as the Russian chases after her. “Go easy on her, babe!”
“Yeah, Yelena, listen to your girlfriend!”
“Kate!” You and the Russian yell out at the same time, leading to a fit of giggles belonging to the biggest instigator you've ever met.
"So much for a chill game night," Peter mumbles, placing his cards onto the coffee table. "You're gonna go help Kate out, right?"
You shrug. "I'll think about it."
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lara-cairncross · 2 months
Your TMNT fairies are so beautiful!! I have plenty of questions if you don't mind, sorry if it's a bother haha.
1. How did donnie damage his wings? Or did he appear with it damaged?
2. Did they come from the same laugh? (Probably, but since don's wings, I'm confused.)
3. Is it like the fairy camp situation with april?
4. Were they born at the same time? I mean, if they were born in the same laugh they can't be born at the same time, because it has to be a baby's first ever laugh.
5. What is Splinter's role here?
6. Like the lair games, do you think they participate in the yearly pixie hollow games?
7. Does donnie have his own workplace? Tinker fairies usually work in pairs or teams, right?
That's all for now! I'm so sorry if this is overwhelming, when I saw your AU I screamed because Tinkerbell is my favorite movie series and I love love LOVE the turtles so much and I was so excited and thought about all these scenarios! Sorry, I'm babbling. Anyway, I love these so much! No pressure though, sorry again once this gets to you. (Another apology because I feel bad)
Not a bother at all!! The fact that you're interested enough to ask me questions is a huge compliment 🥹🧡🧡 I'll do my best to answer everything!
Donnie was technically born with the damaged wing! The dandelion seed he was created from got attacked by a bird during its trip to Pixie Hollow, and as a result, his wing was severely damaged by the time he arrived. The wing brace helps him be able to fly, but he's still a much poorer flier than the abled fairies.
Yes, Leo and Donnie came from the same laugh! Hence why they're twins :D Their wing patterns are the same, but Donnie's is damaged on one side. Raph and Mikey, on the other hand, were born from the laughs of the other two babies! All four turtles were created from the same set of human triplets, just a different baby each time :)) Raph was created first, Leo and Donnie second, and Mikey third-- all on the same night!
I wouldn't necessarily call it a fairy camp? The four of them are just very adventurous, and ran into April a long time ago. She was lonely, and the turtles were curious about humans, so they all just kinda got along! And now they hang out in her garden a lot :DD
Kinda answered this one already lmao, but to recap, nope! They weren't all born from the same laugh! Instead, all four of them were created on the same night from human triplets :D Donnie and Leo are the only two who were born from the same child though.
Splinter is a bonafide rat in this au! He's kinda the turtles' surrogate father??? Idk, he basically just lives in the walls of April's house and occasionally goes to rescue them if they do something stupid while they're out on adventures lmao
I think Mikey and Leo would participate at the very least! Raph could also probably be convinced, and it wouldn't be too hard :D Donnie would probably be a lot more reserved about participating in front of people though :((
Yes, Donnie has his own workplace! He actually has two of them: one at Pixie Hollow, and a fairy-sized one in a corner of April's garage! She provides him with basically whatever human materials he needs (lots of paperclips lmao). And, like in the show, Donnie usually works alone on projects. He doesn't really have a "team", but he's not against working with other Tinker Fairies if they're having trouble with something, or if he finds the project interesting.
Hope that answers all your questions so far!! Feel free to send more if you have any, I'm having SO much fun answering these! No need to apologize ❤️🧡🩵💜
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loveephia · 1 year
YOUR POSTS ARE SO FREAKING CUTEHEKGISNDBEKDBEJAJD I LOVE THEM anyways can you please make a fluff of kenma and reader and their first kiss together 🥹🥹🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
:¨ ·.· ¨: ハイキュー!! your first kiss with kenma kozume . . .
`· . ꔫ . . . suna ver. | sakusa ver.
+ kuroo ver.
⚠ warning/s: none.
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- you were the cute second year of class 2-A, a girl kenma had unwantedly fallen for.
- people have told you that you could be quite charming; shy or confident, your schoolmates just adored you!
- kenma, on the other hand, preferred to do things on his own. he was a quiet boy. so quiet that his schoolmates didn't even know that he joined nekoma's volleyball team.
- they don't know how or why you got into a relationship with kenma because, as far as they know, you two had almost nothing in common.
- (which is not true at all??? you love playing video games with him after school, you two bond over the silliest cat videos, you cuddle when you're both feeling tired, etc. 😔)
- and some people had even started doubting your relationship, thinking it was fake. that theory was further supported when a classmate of yours asked if you and kenma had kissed yet, and you truthfully said no.
- you didn't want to pressure kenma into doing something he didn't want to do, but the thing was, he did want to kiss you.
- he just didn't know how to initiate it. 😭
- honestly, with all the taunting comments on how kenma hasn't kissed you yet, he's grown irritated. at himself included.
- while on the walk home, he devises a plan to kiss you later. he's so deep in thought that he doesn't even realize that you've been staring at him with a little smile.
- when the both of you finally arrive at kenma's house, you comfortably sit on the floor, leaning on the foot of his bed. "let's play metal gear survive again!"
- thinking that this could be his opening, he bends down to give you a sweet little kiss on the cheek.
- his lips landing on yours was not a part of the plan.
- he slowly pulls away and watches as your face blooms into a wonderful shade of pink. your eyes doe-like as if a deer was caught in headlights. an adorable sight, he thinks.
- "i'm just going to go and get us a snack. i'll be right back." he walks out of his bedroom, sliding the door shut behind him.
- he now lets himself spiral down into a panic because WHAT. WAS. THAT.
- so yes, when the question came up again about if you and kenma have had your first kiss, you couldn't give a verbal answer as you were in a daze, thinking about that exact memory with red cheeks.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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i-willstealyourtoes · 21 days
May I request a TF2 head cannon? Preferably one with all nine mercenaries with a Male or Gender Neutral S/O who is the medic on Blu team? Maybe how they meet S/O and what the y thing of them being a pacifist no killing kind? Their only weapon is their medi-gun and they also practice safe medicine unlike medic and how do the mercenaries act after falling for S./O?
Ofc, I got you! I think this is an interesting concept since TF2 is very violent so let's see what we can do with this :) I think because this is about them first meeting it can be viewed as platonic too, I only realised this later on TT
RED!Mercs with Pacifist!Medic!BLU!Reader
- As soon as he saw you across the battlefield, he had a hunch you were different
- It was the way you carried yourself, it brought a different energy to the fight
- When he got a little closer he couldn't help but notice how you never hurt anyone and only healed others
- It was strange to him honestly, but somewhat endearing
- It was certainly interesting enough for him to try and say hi when you were alone
- The first time you two met it was a little awkward, considering you two were on opposite teams
- "So, you don't kill at all? Why, do you not know how to or something?"
- He can be a little insensitive with his questions, but he's appreciative of your legal practices of medicine
- "Better than my doc, that's for sure. D-don't tell him I said that though, he'll probably saw off my limbs. Again."
- When he gets back, he can't help but want to talk to you again
- You're interesting, fun to tease and actually seem to want to talk to him, so that's reason enough
- Please excuse him if he tries flirting (emphasis on tries) with you, he'll probably do that for the first couple weeks he talks to you
- When he first sees you, forming a connection with you is not in his mind at all
- But he does notice the way you act
- At first, he's confused; why are you refraining from hurting/killing others?
- He had to investigate
- And so he does, by flanking your team and killing everyone but you
- "Alright, cupcake. Who are you?"
- If you try to run, he will grab you, his hands gripping the sides of your arms
- "Nice try, but I'm not letting go unless you tell me who you are or kill me. And the second one will just make me mad!"
- After explaining (either in a panic or perfectly calm, he doesn't care), he'll seemingly just run off (as in, he will rocket-jump away), pleased with his 'excellent interrogation skills'
- After that, he'd maybe check in now and then, since despite the fact you're on the enemy team, you also seem kind of... fun?
- He'd ask you more questions, some random, some about you as a person
- Sometimes he'd criticise your medical practices, despite not being a doctor himself :/
- "You know, my doc would never take this long to patch a wound!"
- (That's because your Medic prefers speed over any sort of genuine medical practice)
- As long as you stay friendly with him, you might form an unlikely pair!
- He'll spare you a friendly wave if he sees you outside of battles :)
- In fact, he might just run up to you to try get you to participate in some adventure because everyone else on his team refuses
(I headcanon Pyro as they/he/it, but bc not everyone agrees we'll keep it as they/them)
- Pyro doesn't have any sense of enemy team or anything like that, so they aren't immediately hostile to you in the first place (unless you do something to get them to be)
- They probably noticed a nice accessory you had, choosing to not-so-sneakily catch up with you and ask about it
- Will they burn all of your teammates just to get to you? Probably, if the accessory is cute enough
- They'll point at the item and either give a thumbs up or even clap depending on how nice it is
- If you're really wanting to be kind, give them it!
- In response, they'll hug you (they are a tight hugger be prepared) and run/skip back to their team happily
- Next time they see you, even if you're both on the battlefield, they'll wave at you excitedly
- You might even see the accessory on them (if not, it'll be in their room)
- Either way, you've already managed to earn this mercs favour :)
- During ceasefire, they might just show up at your base, all your teammates terrified as they come up to you
- Turns out, they just wanted to hang out :')
- If you're okay with it, you two can meet up in their room (the RED mercs won't bother you since they'll have to go through Pyro first)
- Heavy normally wouldn't talk with the enemy team out of professionalism, so you'd have to seek him out most likely
- It'd probably happen during MvM, when both teams work together and you're put in the same group as him
- It'd start off with short, polite conversations, generally asking about you and so on
- "You are other team's Medic, yes? We have not met. I am Heavy."
- He, of course, trusts his own Medic the most, but he certainly appreciates the fact you use legal practices
- He's a pretty nice guy to talk to, so as long as you aren't annoying/loud all the time, he might just start to enjoy your company!
- Once the mercs get back to fighting, he'll make sure to let you know he appreciated your conversations
- "Heavy apologises for anytime Heavy kills you."
- That's as good as you'll get for now, since he'll still kill you on the battlefield
- But he might just start talking to you during ceasefire!
- He probably won't come up to you like Pyro or some of the other mercs, but if he sees you he'll strike up a conversation :)
- It'll usually be him checking up on you generally, making good conversation
- If you guys are close enough, he might just tell you the gossip he hears in his base, especially if you tell him yours ;)
- He finds your outlook refreshing, considering that everyone else here was murderous and/or insane (not that he isn't)
- He might not talk to you for a while, since you're technically the enemy (although he doesn't really care about all of that)
- But like Heavy, he might try to strike up a polite conversation during the MvM-era
- "So, you're the other team's Medic? Nice to finally meet you. Can't say I've been able to see you over all the bullets flying normally."
- He might know one or two things about medical practices, so he doesn't mind discussing the science behind that!
- It's nice to have someone who's studious like him, it's a good change
- He's a pretty easy person to get along with, and isn't rude unless you are
- So just be genuinely interested in what he has to to say and he'll come up to you more often :)
- Even more so if you're less chaotic than his fellow mercs
- Not that he hates them (sometimes he does), but it's refreshing to have someone not be shouting in his ear and breaking things all the time
- Once the ceasefire's over, he probably won't talk to you for a while, considering how he's actually a professional
- But if he sees you during a ceasefire, he might just give you a friendly wave, or even come up to you and start up a conversation!
- It's not that he hates you or anything, but he doesn't want to compromise his job
- But if you come up to him yourself, he doesn't mind talking to you at all :)
- Tavish doesn't have too much of an issue with talking to the other team, since he already has friends on there (ex: Soldier)
- So if he sees you outside of the fight, he might just strike up a conversation with you!
- That is, if you haven't angered him in any way during your last battle
- If you're shy, he finds that sort of... endearing?
- Everyone else here is quite loud and outgoing, so this is new (in a good way)
- But he will try to liven you up a little, forgive him if he makes you uncomfortable (just tell him to stop)
- Ask him about his interests, he will have no issue carrying the conversation if you're not the greatest at talking
- If you are good with speaking, feel free to exchange banter with him too :)
- He'll ask about your own medical methods and be shocked when you're quite the opposite to his Medic
- "So... you don't inject your team with radiation? Huh. Must be nice..."
- Either way, as long as you're friendly, you might just have a new friend from the other team!
- He might even spare you a smile and a wave before the match starts!
- But just know, he won't go easy on you still, at least not until you become closer
- He isn't a social person himself, so it'll be very rare if he comes up to talk to you himself
- As a self-proclaimed 'professional' he'll try not to talk to you
- But he does notice you in his scopes, and can tell you're different
- He has yet to see you kill someone, and for once, you actually practice safe medicine
- Although, that won't stop him from shooting you anyway (if he's smart he'll pick off the medics first so)
- If he does talk to you, it'll be during MvM like some of the others
- He might occasionally have a brief conversation while you heal him up, mentioning how it's 'not as quick as his own Medic' (that's because it's not safe or legal Sniper)
- But eventually he might warm up to you depending how long you treat him for
- "...sorry about killing you all the time... no hard feelings, right...?"
- He's a little awkward at first, so you might have to carry the conversation
- You might not be able to tell from his relatively stale expressions, but he enjoys your conversations!
- You will be able to tell by the fact he comes to talk to you more and more often
- During ceasefire, he'll talk to you if you cross paths too, which is a big thing since he usually doesn't talk to people anyway...
- He either likes you immediately or kinda hates you, depends on the situation
- If you're new and you both meet in MvM, he'll introduce himself to you!
- It's nice to meet someone else who's in the medical field
- But then he notices the difference between you two
- The difference being, that you actually practice safe medicine
- "You know, you do not have to stitch it like that, you could use this glue here! What? It should keep the blood in!"
- He finds that the only thing you have in common is the frustration and exhaustion that comes with being the only medic in a team of 'idiots' (bar some of the mercs)
- But even the way you react is different
- "Do you not get mad? I know I do, that's when I 'accidentally' misplace one of their ribs!"
- He might try to get you to be like him, so maybe try to avoid treating people near him
- "He'll never know the difference!" (him trying to convince you to do God knows what)
- If his team meets you first, he might actually be a little jealous(?) at first, because some of them might mention how they'd prefer you
- Like, how dare they think you're better! He might just make their treatments worse on purpose!
- But either way it'll probably end with him becoming friends with you regardless of your jobs being to work against each other
- Just, maybe watch out a little because he will try to corrupt your medical practices
- You're such a breath of fresh air he has to at least give you a welcome
- You practice safe medicine, you're not a brutal murderer, and you seem less insane from an outsiders point of view
- So when he gets the chance outside of battle, he'll come up to you and say hello
- He also may or may not try to charm you immediately depending on how you interact with him
- The whole being on opposite teams thing? Eh, not too big of a deal to him if you're an interesting person to be around
- Although he won't be as active about as it like Pyro or Soldier
- But he'll maybe have a little conversation during ceasefire
- Feel free to gossip the whole time because he will eventually start doing that too
- It is mostly just him complaining about his team
- "My team are a group of imbiciles... especially my Scout. Yesterday, he.."
- Also, unlike some of the others, he won't ask you insensitive questions about your medical practices or abstaining from killing
- If anything, he probably appreciates it
- At least if you don't kill people, he doesn't have to worry about you as compared to Pyro
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reallyromealone · 1 year
I am so sorry for requesting again before you had the chance to write my last request but I had the best idea. So bonten x son reader (platonic ofc) Trying to get a job and he ends up working at draken and inui's bike shop. I'm sorry if your busy. Please drink lots of water and I hope you are in good health ♡
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Omg yes
"Can I get a job?"
The table went quiet as the Bonten men looked at (name), the teenager glancing at his dad's awkwardly "why?" Mochi asked bluntly "is the allowance not enough?" (Name) shook his head "it's not that, it's just I was told that having a job or an internship would be good for university applications along with volunteering" (name) said pulling out a folder he kept on the floor beside him "please look at these, I did the research on how it could help advance my chances in getting into good universities!" Bonten wasn't shocked that (name) came prepared, they always told him to be overprepared than under after all.
"As you can see, it would be incredibly beneficial for me to possibly have a part time job"
"What about your extra curricular activities and would this affect your grades?" (Name) tried not to perk up at the questions Ran asked seriously, all of the Bonten members in dad mode as they looked over the papers "I already have a plan for that! I would only be working weekends and my club doesn't run on weekends and I would do any homework on breaks and after or before work"
"You really have this planned out..." Mikey mumbled before looking at his son "thoughts?" Mikey asked the others and the rest glanced at one another before each giving a thumbs up, voting yes albeit a bit begrudgingly as they worried about their son.
They found voting systems worked best when it came to (name).
"Then...you can have a job, but the second your grades slip you quit"
"Thank you! I start this Saturday for training!" (Name) said getting up and giving his dad's a hug before running off to his room to no doubt text his friends the news.
(Name) kept to his word, keeping his grades up and come the weekend he started his first day.
"Thank you for hiring me Mr.Draken sir!" (Name) said enthusiastically, excited to start his first job as book keeper for D&D motors "no problem kid, we could use the help... Sadly my associate and I aren't the best with that sort of thing"
"Well I'm glad to be apart of the team!"
Draken enjoyed the teens enthusiasm, the young man reminding him of... Draken didn't want to dwell on that.
He noticed mi--(name) was really good at what he did, fixing their problems "my dad is really good at money management and taught me how to save, he said "you never want to be in a situation where you desperately need money but don't have enough"" (name) said happily as he and Draken ate their food, the teen doing his homework happily.
"That's solid advice"
When (name)s shift ended a black Rolls-Royce parked infront of the shop, none of the Bonten men coming to collect the teen after learning who he's working for as they didn't want (name) to try and be him and... Try and fix the unfixable.
So they had a driver collect him.
"I will see you tomorrow Mr.Draken!"
"Get home safe kid"
"I will sir!"
When (name) got home he was practically vibrating with joy as he made a beeline to the livingroom where his dad's were lounging and doing work "today was great!" (Name) practically yelled, going on a verbal rampage about his day and his dad's watching fondly, glad he enjoyed himself.
"That's good, you do your homework?"
"It's right here!" (Name) confidently handed Mikey his work and the blond hummed as he looked it over "good"
"Now, go shower you smell like motor oil"
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memyselfandmya · 22 days
Jwct countdown May 16-17 -> post-nublar shenanigans:
So, I had so many ideas for this prompt, and ended up only doing two. I will be writing more of them and maybe I'll put some of them on tumblr but a lot of them are going to go towards my fanfictions. I'm not used to this multiple point of view thing with limited action and so many characters so the 1st part is a little wonky. I really love the 2nd one; it's shorter than I'd like it to be but I'll probably end up lengthening it later on. Enjoy!
“I mostly play with the dinosaur mods,” Darius says. “Can we add—”
The loud chorus of “No!”s is unmistakably noticeable especially with his headphones on. He has to lift them from his ears for a moment while the group settles down.
“No offense, D, but I’ve had enough dinosaurs for a lifetime,” Kenji tells him. “I’m gonna make the server.” 
Brooklynn groans. “Don’t name it anything stupid, Kenji.” 
“I don’t even know why you bother,” Yaz says, propping her bandaged ankle up on her desk chair leg rest.  
“Too late,” comes Kenji’s response. “I just sent you guys the server invite.”
Groans are heard all throughout headphones when they see the server named “trauma-craft.”
“Really, Kenji?” Sammy questions. “That’s not even remotely funny.”
“Yeah, yeah, just join the server.”
“Hey, guys,” Ben says. “How do I join the server?”
Brooklynn sighs. “Oh my God, Ben really?”  
“I’ve never played!”
Darius and Brooklynn give Ben the run-down while the others join the server. 
“What I’m most surprised about is that Yaz, of all people, has already played minecraft,” Kenji teases. He’s loaded into the world but so far it’s just him.
“Shut the hell up, Kenji,” is what Yaz tells him. She’s next to load in and the first thing she does is punch Kenji.
Sammy giggles. “You have to admit, Yaz, you’re not the type of person you'd think plays minecraft.” Her character spawns right next to Yaz.
Yasmina scoffs. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, Darling. Don’t worry about it.”
“All right, I think I got the hang of it,” Ben says. He, Brooklynn, and Darius finally join the game. 
“The gang’s all here,” Kenji says triumphantly. He makes his avatar run around in circles as he sips from a (non-carob) juice box. 
“Well, I think it’s obvious what we do next,” says Sammy. They all respond at once. 
“Go mining,” Yaz says. 
“Build a house,” comes Darius’ response.
“Make weapons?” Is Ben’s suggestion. 
“Explore the map, obvi,” Brooklynn says.
There’s a moment of silence. Then comes Kenji’s voice. “Guys, guys. I think it’s obvious what we do first: punch a tree.”
“What I was going to say was we should go looking for a cute biome to live in,” Sammy answers. 
Hey guys, Ben texts the group chat one day when he’s visiting Yaz in South Carolina. Yaz and I are going to get our ears pierced together.
It was a completely random decision that they made. Ben’s mom just so happened to have some work in South Carolina to take care of so Ben tagged along to pay one of his closest friends a visit. They had been hanging out at Yasmina’s house all day, just chilling and playing games, when Ben says, “We should get our ears pierced.”
Yasmina looks up from the deck of cards she’s holding. “I already have my ears pierced, Dummy.”
“Okay, well yeah, but I’ve been thinking of getting mine done.”
“Sick,” Yaz says. “Do you think your mom’ll go for it?” 
“I mean, yeah probably.” He flops down on Yaz’s bed and stares at the ceiling. “My mom has been crazy nice to me lately. I think she feels guilty about sending me to Nublar.”
“Sending your kids to their presumed death will do that to you,” Yaz hums. “But yeah, my mom feels guilty about it too but it’s not their fault. We should be blaming Wu and the maniacs who made that place.”
“Oh, believe me. If I ever see Wu’s face again, I’m jumping his ass.”
Yaz smiles. “Perfect, we can tag-team him together.” The two fist bump and Yaz sets down her set of cards. “Now that you mention it… I wouldn’t mind getting a second piercing and Mom would totally let me. Do you think Sammy would like it?”
Ben laughs at the question. “I think Sammy would like anything you do. You could shave all of your hair off and she’d still love you. Have you guys said it yet, anyways? The “L” word? And no, I don’t mean lesbian.”
Yaz clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Yep, we have.”
“Yaz!” Ben exclaims, gripping Yasmina by the shoulders and shaking her while she fights the smile growing on her face. 
She ducks her head down to hide the blush creeping onto her cheeks. “Anyways, let’s go ask our moms about getting our ears pierced.”
And that’s how Yaz and Ben end up at a tattoo parlor (don’t go to Claire’s, kids) sitting next to each other as they wait to get their ears pierced. 
WHAT!? OMG SEND PICS WHEN YOUR DONE, comes Brooklynn’s reply. 
When Ben sets his phone down he begins tapping his finger against the seat’s armrest. “Is it bad I’m getting kind of scared,” he asks, watching the man prepare the needle.
Yasmina rolls her eyes and laughs. “Man up, Pincus. What happened to the Ben who defeated Toro?”
At that Ben’s face reddens. When he said it back on the island a kajillion times, it was like a badge of honor, but back home on the mainland, whenever he told anyone they looked at him like they would a person who just lost an arm in a war: with pity.  “Yea, yea. You’re right,” he says. 
Their parents are waiting up front so it’s just the two of them until the piercers come up to them, needles primed. “Are you guys ready?”
Ben looks at Yaz for a split second and then nods to them. “Hold my hand,” he says, stretching his arm out towards Yasmina. She groans but holds it anyway. 
Ben takes it like a champ. He hardly even notices when the needle pierces through his skin and the earring he chose is placed in the new hole. The second ear goes just as smoothly.
Yasmina isn’t as lucky. 
She’s gotten her ears pierced before, back when she was younger, so she’s relaxed up until the point the piercer disappears behind her head. She’s right by Yaz’s ear and on the very edge of her sight to the point where Yaz can’t even see her, but her presence is certainly there. 
Deep down, she knows that she’s not on Nublar and the woman right next to her isn’t a dinosaur coming to sink its teeth into her neck but her mind is a sick little thing that loves to seize her with fear. Yasmina closes her eyes but the image of Nublar won’t disappear and she’s certain that Blue is approaching her, hunting her. She has to run—but she can’t.
Ben’s calm until he notices Yasmina’s hand tighten around his and he glances at her to find her eyes shut tight and her knuckles turning white from gripping the armrest. The woman finishes with her just as quickly as Ben had but even when she walks away, Yaz is still hunched over and what hair that’s not in her ponytail shades her face. 
“Yaz,” he says, hesitantly. “You good?”
“Mhm,” she responds, but Ben can tell that she’s not really there. He doesn’t know why he bothered asking when the answer was so plain to see, however he does know that he has to help her in some way. He knows Yaz isn’t one for touch but when he tries to pull away, her grip tightens around his wrist. “It’s over, Yaz,” he says. “You’re okay, I’m here.”
It takes a moment but eventually Yaz’s grip loosens and she sits up a little straighter. She’s still staring at the floor, though, and avoiding his gaze. 
 “Do you want some water?” Ben asks, before digging through his fanny pack which he still makes a habit of wearing. He takes out a mini water bottle and hands it to Yasmina who accepts it gratefully and downs it all in one gulp. “Thanks,” she whispers once she’s done. 
“Of course,” Ben tells her. 
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stormoflina · 7 months
Domi interview, part2
About his friendship with Trent:
(The interviewer is actually so messy, because he even mentions Robbo lol. In his long question, he even says: " He [Trent] is a scouser, he obviously knows a lot of people, gets on with them brilliantly, and yet it seems you two have an even better connection, better it seems, than he [Trent] used to have with Robertson."
JAIL! Justice for Robbo! )
Domi: " We are only 2 years apart, so we don't have an age gap really. We have similar mindsets, both on and off the pitch. We have a great understanding with each other on the pitch, he said so as well.
It was with him, that I had the first story [experience], when he said, lets go to Manchester to have dinner, pick up some food, let's hang out here or there ( my translating skills are not the greatest, but basically, he says "ide-oda-amoda", which is first, a very cute thing to say, second, implies that they went to a lot of places together. So not just a one time thing, but quite a few!)
So yeah, then we became close, sometimes I go his place, sometimes he comes to mine."
Then, the interviewer recalls one of Trent's recent interviews, where he was mocking Domi how he fired both freekicks to the wall. He asks about the competitiveness between the two of them, asking if they indeed have it, if it's healthy or sometimes stresses Domi out.
D: " No, it's healthy. If I had [and missed] my chances against Wolves, then yesterday, so did he against Everton, they just didn't ask me about it later on [laughs].
I: "There seemed to be a lot of thinking between you, Trent and Salah about who will take the freekick..."
D: "No, it was going to be him [Trent], we were just talking about how to do it. Salah wanted to take it, because that would have been a surprise."
The interviewer then really bit onto this. Domi then explained in a sped-up and therefore not understandble cut, how they had usually three options about it (he asked them not to show this), but in the end, repeated how there is no problem about it. They all have an understanding, it's usually in the situation itself, when they decide who will take it.
About the competitiveness of the squad, if it's better or worse, than it was in RB Leipzig for someone on the bench to get into the starting XI:
D: "It's hard to say. There was a time in Leipzig, when I didn't play much. I trained very hard every day to get into the starting XI, but it still didn't work out under THAT coach [Tedesco]. But that didn't make me a worse player, in fact, because I trained every day, twice as much as before, because I wasn't playing, so when the next coach came [Marco Rose, the current coach of RB Leipzig] I was ready.
But it's normal, nobody wants to sit on the bench (...), or maybe, some do, I have heard some stories, before I came here from the others, I will not say names, they were comfortable sitting on the bench."
About the changes of the LFC squad, mentioning Henderson, Millie leaving, who were "big voices" in the team, a position, which now VVD or Trent has. Asking about if he feels secure in his position in the starting XI, if Klopp has his go-to midfield or not, or he has to fight for his place with the rest of the players:
The interviewer says he feels like Dominik became a stone solid starter in the 8 position on the right, even if at first he thought it's good how Szoboszlai came into a team, where he will have to fight for his place. He mentions stats about how Dominik played for most matches, barely subbed off.
Dominik says in a very long answer how there is a constant fighting for the starting positions, as everyone wants to start. When asked about his rivals, naming all the midfield players to choose from, Dominik says it's all of them, repeating once again, how they all want to play.
D: " I want to play at every match, even if I'm a bit tired."
I: " Even at the EL?"
D: " Yes, in every match. FA cup, PL-, EL-, Carabao cup. [...] I'm at my best, when I can play it all, when I play on both Wednesday and Sunday. It might sound stupid, but in this case, there is no training, but matches, then focus on rehabilitation. For me, I feel like, this works out the best."
I: "It seems like Jürgen doesn't even want to sub you off."
D: "Well, I don't know what he has in his mind, but hopefully he can keep this good habit. [laughs]
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occudo · 8 days
Hi Occudo!! Just wanted to say your aus are my favourite thing ever, especially the Archivist!Georgie au! Your world building is fantastic :)) Also, how do you think the ghUK team would meet the archives? Maybe one of them came in to make a statement or Tim and Danny both brought their friends to an event??
Hi! Thank you!
This is a very good question! I'm not sure- Most likely the second option, because I don't want any of them to make a statement- that would mean they get into the actual spooky stuff and they get enough trauma in the og story imo. But they should meet… I only figured how Jon and Martin first meeting goes, but I will think about this!
Also I like the idea that Melanie secretly a big Ghost Hunt UK AND WTG fan, but can't stand Tim, nor Jon when they meet :D
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snootlestheangel · 8 months
NikGraves? They’re slowly becoming one of my favorite ships
This is gonna be a lot like the last one just without Price so it'll be interesting to see how that changes the dynamics
Feel free to submit ships or other questions about the ship like "Who takes the hottest shower?"
Who was the one to propose? Graves. He knows when he likes something and isn't going to shy away from keeping it
Who stressed more over wedding planning? Still Nik. I can see Graves being stressed at first but then he mentions it to a few of the Shadows closest to him and boom! He's got like a professional wedding planning team.
Who decorated the house? Graves. Nik wanted to but Graves has so much gifted to him from his Shadows they had no choice. Of course, the only stuff that goes up is stuff Graves likes. He's got class, after all.
Who is more organized? Once again going off the idea that Graves is really good at keeping up appearances of being organized, but it's Nik that's keeping track of stuff. They make an incredibly well-functioning duo which scares people. Truly a power couple
Who suggested kids first? Still Nik as a genuine topic. Graves gives in pretty easily, especially when they find the cutest little girl and take her in. Now, all I'm picturing is Graves waltzing into Shadow Base with their little girl just proudly showing her off. Idk why this is a thought I had with this, but Graves calls Nik his "big bear" cause like, duh? And it kinda sticks until they adopt their daughter and then suddenly he's "Papa Bear" and she's little "Pooh Bear". So of course Graves got her a little bear onesie complete with ears on the hood. And she's running around on the base, and the Shadows are all 'screaming' "There's a bear loose!" and it takes a bold Moose to rein the terrible monster in *I am not sorry, Mike :D* Another super cute idea relating to NikGraves and their toddler: Graves, holding her up like Simba in that one scene: BEHOLD, A CHILD! *cheers and screaming from the Shadows. There are some of them crying* *Graves could not be happier*
Who's the cuddler? Nik is still the cuddlier one. Graves gets dogpiled a lot during the day, but poor Nik has no one to cuddle "except for you, lyubov ;)"
Big spoon/little spoon? They interchange a lot, but Graves does his best to be a big spoon, even if he secretly melts when Nik just wraps around him from behind.
Favorite non-sexual activity? Horse back riding. I dunno I just see them doing that for some reason. They continue going to the same place after adopting 'Pooh Bear' because there's a special program for young families (ie families with small children) and she's just giggling madly while riding the cutest pony. (This idea has possessed me. This is your fault, @mike-like-t-scream all yours! We're just trading brainworms at this point, aren't we? First it was you with Moose, then me with the fucking YouTuber AU, and then you with Graves, and now me with NikGraves and their toddler daughter)
Who cooks? Graves. He knows how to feed his man. Mostly cause his Southern ass would drop dead if the love of his life hadn't eaten properly all day
Who comes home drunk at 3am? Nik on the rare occasion, but if there was a party with the Shadows, it's Graves or one time it was both.
Who kills the spiders? Nik, but he's under watch. I genuinely feel like Graves is the type of mf-er to have been like "Oh, yeah, guys I got this" during his recruit days, only for him to have been bitten and break out into a horrendous allergic reaction. Nik and Graves both don't to risk him having another allergic reaction like that
Who falls asleep first? Even though Nik is a pretty chilled out, sleepy looking kind of guy, he's genuinely so bad about sleeping. Look at that man and tells me he gets the recommended amount of sleep at night, I fucking dare you. SO therefore, Graves always passes out the second he hits the mattress. He's either 100 or 0, no in between.
A head-canon? Graves actually has a few siblings, and he's still relatively close to his family. Close as in he enjoys visiting on the holidays and for special occasions but other than that, they don't really talk much. Not for bad reasons, just more like he and his siblings all grew up and have lives of their own now. His family members were not fans of Nik, at first. Especially Graves's parents. Hell, this guy's probably a good ten years older than Graves if I had to guess, and which means Graves's parents are about the same age distance apart, assuming they were in their twenty's when they had Phil. It took a while for them to all warm up to Nik, which he probably expected, but they were never outright mean to either Nik or Phil. His mom definitely voiced her concerns, and his dad definitely threatened Nik (to which Nik treated it with such seriousness and he like shook Graves Sr.'s hand with a grim "With my life, I will protect him" to which Graves Sr. is like "oh yeah, this dude's chill!"). ALSO Graves is definitely a middle child. He gives off such strong feral middle child vibes to me, I just... He's the middle child, I promise.
Do they have any rituals? Graves's rituals for safety, fun, and winning during the Shadow Olympics and Nik's stretches for safe flying.
Who has the most patience? Nik, obviously. This actually concerns his parents-in-law cause let's be honest, the Graves family is probably a bit messy and they all have pretty short tempers with each other. Meanwhile Nik's just chilling, he's vibing with the old family dog while his husband and brother-in-law are wrestling over the last burger, as if they both aren't in their forties.
Gif that sums up the relationship:
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*is still sick* Hehe cats
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