#immediately convert the whole sentence in english to chinese
leatherbookmark · 1 year
oh, but also, no poll because i can’t be arsed, but when you see abbreviations of the names of cnovel/cdrama characters -- like wwx, xy, jgy -- do you
a) read them as full names,
b) read them as acronyms (jay gee why?), or
c) other/it’s mixed? (i assume it’s easier to go ‘jay cee’ in your mind than jay gee why)
when you say characters’ names in your head (or outside of it?), do you
a) say them the way you’ve heard it in the drama (possibly even in a character’s voice) or ggl trans, with all tones present, all sounds correct, etc (or at least as correct as you possibly can)
b) say them in a roughly correct manner but like not stressing about it
c) your brain/mouth can’t really process those sounds/tones :(
d) other/it depends on the situation?
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