#i’m marrying 2 natashas now. natasha romanoff and natasha trace.
i’m claiming natasha “phoenix” trace as mine. you all go find your own partner and back off, ‘cause natasha is mine now.
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world-of-aus · 4 years
Behind the Screen - (Timestamp 3)
Author’s Note: Three more chapters left, OH MY GOODNESS! I can’t believe how far i have gone with this series, like wow and to think i wasn’t going to upload this at all. I hope you’ll enjoy this timestamp! Thank you all for reading!
Warnings: wedding floof, smut 18+
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“How are you feeling, you still with me?” Natasha questioned giving your exposed shoulder a squeeze as she appeared behind you in the mirror you were currently sat at.
“like I'm about to throw up and cry all at the same time,” you replied through a teary smile.
Natasha laughed, her arms wrapping around you from behind, careful not to jostle your pinned hair, “you’re already crying you sap, as for the throwing up please save it for after the vows.”
“Natasha!” you laughed patting under your eyes, your hands squeezing her arms where she held you.
She pressed a kiss to the side of your head, “it’s okay to be nervous,” she murmured fingers rubbing at your exposed skin, “but just think about it, you’re marrying the man you love in just a few minutes.”
A shaky breath was leaving your lips at her words, your eyes watering once more, “oh y/n, babe,” Natasha pleaded, “please don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry too!” she grunted her arms falling away from you as she fanned at her eyes.
“Natasha Romanoff if you cry, you’ll only make me cry harder!”
A choked laugh falls from her lip as she tugs at your hand pulling you up, her arms encircling your body as she pulls you in so close, “I’m over the moon for you and Bucky, there’s no one as deserving of this as the two of you.” at her words you squeeze her a little tighter.
“thank you for being by my side for this moment, it means so much to me that you’re going to be right up there with me,”  
She pulls away from you slightly to get a look at you, “there is nowhere else I'd rather be.” she smiles hands leaving you to wipe under her eyes. “look at what you’ve done,” she laughs through a few tears, “you’ve made me soft.”
Your pulling her in for a tighter hug, the two of you swaying slightly, “look at us a couple of saps,” you giggled.
“If someone were to look at us now they would never think we’re trained assassins,” she teased.
Before you could reply to her teasing comment a knock sounded just outside the grand French doors. Natasha and you shared a look before she was pulling herself away from you to make her way over to the door. You watched off to the side as she opened the door the slightest, single crack to peek out.
“oh no,” you heard her say, and you raised a brow at her tone, “no Barnes, you go back to your room, I am not letting you see her, you’ll see her when she walks down the aisle,” you heart skipped a beat in your chest at the sound of his name.
You heard Bucky groan, Natasha laughing lightly from where she stood guard at the door, “just want to talk to her, I won’t even look, She can stand behind the door with it slightly cracked, please.” Your breath caught in your throat at his plea and you swore your eyes began to water once more.
Natasha looked over to you brow raised in question, and you found yourself nodding your head, feet leading you to the door. Pressing yourself against the wood Natasha spoke up, “5 minutes tops and then you need to go Barnes,” she warned pointing a finger through the door.
“That’s fine.”  
Natasha was moving out of the way then, “five minutes you two, and no more, you’re due down the aisle soon,” she calls out over her shoulder. Your pressed up against the door manicured fingers laying flat against the wood. You felt the door push against your fingers as Bucky’s hand appeared through the crack. A warm smile tugged at your lips as you brought a hand up to intertwine with his through the door.
“don’t tell me you’re here because you got cold feet Barnes because I'm sorry to say but you’re a little too late for cold feet.” you teased a smile pulling at your painted lips.  
A low chuckle sounds on the other side of the door one that has you shivering in anticipation to finally see him waiting for you down the aisle, “s’nothing like that doll, I promise by the end of the day you’ll have my last name, just really needed to let you know I love you.” he murmured.
“and that couldn’t wait for when she met you at the alter?” Natasha called out a grin parting her lips when you turned to scold her. Natasha raised her hands before turning back to the mirror where she had been adjusting her makeup.  
“I love you too James,” you replied giving his hand a squeeze.  
“Can’t wait to see you sweetheart, I-”
“It’s only been a day Barnes!” Nat cut him off.
“Natasha!” you scolded.  
Laughter filled the area both inside and outside the door, “anyway darlin, just wanted to tell you I love you, I have no cold feet, and I can’t wait to say I do to you, and the rest of our life together.”
Your eyes flooded with tears, your heart constricting in your chest, “I love you too Buck, here’s to the rest of forever in just a bit.” you murmured giving his hand another squeeze. How badly you wanted to just rip the door open and fall into the arms of your lover.
“god sweetheart, you have no idea how much I just want to push open this door and pull you into my arms,” how badly you wanted the same thing. You could feel yourself squeeze his hand a little tighter, almost as if warning him. “sorry doll, just miss you so damn much,” you missed him too.
Natasha appeared at your side, her hand falling to your shoulder, “it’s time,” she mouthed, you nodded.
She peeked her head through the crack widening it more, “Sorry Barnes but your time is up, you’re needed at the alter lover boy, we’ll be seeing you very soon."
Bucky gave your hand one more squeeze, a last “i love you,” before he was removing himself from you, his feet taking him down to the reception area.
Closing the door fully Natasha turned to you, “oh y/n you big sap,” she chuckled, looking at the several tears rolling down your cheeks, “you’re making me regret letting him talk to you,” she warned running a tissue under your eyes.
“m’sorry,” Nat you chuckled tearily, “just didn’t think I would ever be here, especially with Bucky, it all seems surreal how this all began.” And it really was surreal when you thought about it, when you thought what the two of you had gone through to get here, to really think about everything that started all this, what would have happened if he hadn’t found your laptop, hadn’t found out what you do, what you still do as a pastime.
“Honestly y/n, the only two who didn’t see this coming was probably you and Barnes, all of us could see how taken the two of you were from the very beginning so seeing this day happen it doesn’t surprise any of us.”
You went to respond to her, but another knock was sounding at the door, holding a finger up to you, she opened the door a crack, “Everything's ready, whenever the two of you are ready to come out we’ll be waiting,” you heard Sam’s voice call through the door.
You didn’t hear Nat’s reply as she shut the door again, hands still on the wood, her eyes on you, “It’s time, you ready?” she questioned with a warm smile. Your heart fluttered wildly in your chest, the butterflies erupting in your stomach threatening to make their escape. It was time, you were finally going to marry Bucky, the year you had given yourself had finally ticked all the way down. The days, hours, minutes, seconds had finally passed you. It was time.
The next minute that passed you was almost a blur, Natasha’s hands laced in yours as she led you down the porcelain hallway, the wooden doors at the end of the room drawing closer and closer. You heart was beating in your ears by the time you reached them, Natasha appeared in front of you, “deep breaths y/n, this is it, are you ready to become Mrs. Barnes?” she questioned softly. You nodded your head numbly, as her delicate fingers traced over your face.
“I’m going to be right behind you, then right by your side if you need me the rest of the time, I'm going to push open these doors now once you hear the music play start walking, try not to faint on me, not sure I could catch you and this dress in these heels” she teased.  
You held your breath as you watched her push open the door, her hands giving yours one last squeeze as she moved behind you. The music seeped through the room, your feet moving on their own, as you moved forward. All eyes were on you, as you walked down the petaled aisle, Natasha behind you, hands on your train. Your eyes sought him out the closer you got, your knees nearly buckling when they finally fell on him.  
He was wearing all black, his long locks slicked back into a low bun, fingers clasped in the front of him, a wide smile on his face despite the tears threatening to spill over. You watched as he leaned back a little the farther you got, Steve patting him on the shoulder as the first tear fell from his eyes, his hands coming to his mouth as you closed the distance between you. His hands were immediately reaching for yours as he pulled you in the rest of the way.  
“you are a dream sweetheart look at you,” he murmured, voice cracking from his tears, “you think we could just skip to the I do’s I would really like to kiss you right now.”  
You chuckled pulling your hands from his as you fanned at your eyes, you would not cry, “as much as I'd like to kiss you, I really want to take your last name first,” you grinned.  
More tears pulled at his eyes, “I really am the luckiest man alive,” another chuckle fell from your lips as you wiped under his eyes.
“Are we ready to begin the ceremony?” the officiant questioned, you and Bucky nodded eyes locked on each other.
“right,” he hummed as he cleared his throat, “We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments, and to cherish the words which shall unite James Barnes and Y/N Y/L/N in marriage. The officiants words were drowned out as your eyes looked over Bucky’s features, nothing else mattered than this moment except you and him. You watched his lips move softly the words ‘I love you’ falling from his lips, your hands squeezing his. Bucky was squeezing your hands back in turn when the officiants words rang louder, “The bride and groom have a few words to share.”  
The officiant was turning to Bucky, “would you like to share your words first?”  
Bucky gave a wordless nod, before he was turning back to you, his hands held yours tighter as he moved in closer, he took in a breath composing himself. “Y/n I tell you this every day, but what better day to repeat it then today. You are the love of my life, my best friend, my lover, my inspiration. You make the bad days better and you make me better. I promise to love you unconditionally through thick and thin and sickness and health. I promise to tell you I love you every single day for the rest of our lives. I promise that as we adventure through the rest of our lives together, I'll always be by your side celebrating with you. I will always put you first and give you my absolute best for the rest of my days.” Steve then moves up from behind Steve passing him your ring which Bucky gives a cracked ‘thanks pal’ as he turns back to you ring at the ready as he reaches for your hand, “y/n, please wear this ring, as a symbol of my eternal love for you, a love that transcends all our yesterdays, all our todays, and all our tomorrows.” you wiped under your eyes as he slid the ring onto your finger, a perfect snug fit.
“Y/n would you please recite your vows,” Natasha stepped up next to you ring at the ready as you plucked it from her fingers.
You were turning back to Bucky as you held his hands in yours, a teary smile pulling at your lips, his expression a mirror of your own.
“James the love you’ve shown me is beyond anything my childhood self could dream up. It’s heartwarming, genuine and fierce sometimes all at once. But at the same time your love has taught me to find what I spent so long searching for within myself. You are my bestfriend and the love of my life. I vow to listen, learn, laugh and cry with you. I vow to value our differences, to put all my effort into this marriage, and to give you the best version of me. James Buchanan Barnes, on good days, bad days, rain or shine I’ll love you forever. You bring his hand closer his finger meeting the ring as you recite the same words, “please wear this ring, as a symbol of my eternal love for you, a love that transcends all our yesterdays, all our todays, and all our tomorrows.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the man announces from your side, “you may kiss your bride.”
“Finally,” Bucky mutters as he pulls you close lips crashing into yours, arms wrapping around your waist.  
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“You look absolutely stunning tonight Mrs. Barnes, I almost don’t want to undress you sweetheart, but god do I really want to see what’s waiting for me under all of this,” he murmurs, fingers running over your wedding dress.  
You and Bucky had opted to do your wedding night a little differently, you had had an early ceremony so the two of you could escape to your honeymoon destination that same day. Bucky had surprised you with your honeymoon destination bringing you on a five-day getaway to Turks & Caicos.
A grin pulled at your lips, fingers running over his unbuttoned tux, “already planning on undressing me,” you questioned, “not even going to show me around our lavish hotel?”
His fingers grip the sides of your dress, inching it up the smooth expanse of your legs, “would you really like me to show you around because I think the first place I'd like you to see is the bed,” he murmurs pressing his lips to the underside of your chin, “James,” you drawl you head tilting to the side as he explores over the expanse of your neck. “Don’t deny me sweetheart,” he murmurs feet leading you through the lavish room, “I haven't had my hands on you in hours,” A breathy chuckle falls from your lips as he backs you up into the bed, “it's been a day baby.”
“a day too long,” he growls as he pushes you further, your back hitting the cooled sheets, “been needing to have you wrapped around me, a writhing moaning mess under me, for hours now,” he murmured dropping to his knees as he hiked up your dress, your response flew out the window his lips trailing up your legs, beard rubbing against your inner thighs. He continues to bunch your dress up around you his teeth nipping at your inner thigh making you jolt up the bed.
“Fuck Bucky please,” you murmur body quivering as his fingers leave your dress dipping between your exposed thighs. “What do you want baby,” he whispers index finger trailing over the crotch of your lace panties, he looks up at you then, “you want my fingers baby?”
You’re nodding your head though he can’t see you from where he’s perched between your legs,“ yes please, I need them, I need your fingers baby,” you purr, though it quickly dissipates into a low moan as his lips press themselves against your lace covered pussy, “F-fuck yes,” you moan.
“You want me to keep going baby, or would you like a tour of the room,” he questions, fingers hooking into the side of your panties exposing you to the cool air of the room, “because if you want me to stop,” he murmurs tongue peeking out to run over the slick of you folds.
“s-shit,” you hiss head falling back to the bed, “or would you like me to keep going” his tongue pushed passed your folds circling your clit. Your hands press down your dress finding their way to the back of his head, your own thrown back in pleasure, “please, please don’t” you breathed a whimper escaping past your lips.  
“that’s my girl, my beautiful girl” he murmurs into slick heat of your fold’s lips, a moan tears from your lips as his mouth flattens against your heat, lips sucking at your clit. Your head thumps against the bed once more, toes curling in your heels, “holy f-fuck just like that,” you moan hips rolling against his hands. He continues to bring you pleasure as he works his mouth over you, tongue dipping into your heat. Fingers tangle through the loose locks of his bun as you push into his mouth body falling over the edge. A loud moan tears from your lips, as your orgasm rocks through you, “oh g-god Buck yes,” you moan sucking in a breath, walls fluttering as he continues to work you through it, your body thrumming with pleasure.
Your body goes lax against the bed breath coming out in warm puffs, your dress fallen around your upper half. Bucky kisses his way up your semi dressed body, lips finding yours, his tongue gliding with yours letting you taste yourself on his tongue, a low groan falls from your lips, your hands wrapping around the back of his neck. Bucky swallows the moan that falls from your lips tongues dancing slowly with one another, hands roaming down the curve of your body, fingers pressing into your waist as he pulls his lips away from yours, a gasp falling from his lips as he pulls air back into his lungs. Your hips are rocking against his needing to feel the weight of his cock against your aching core, a shiver rolls through him at the low moan falling from your lips, his dick twitching with want. His head presses to yours eyes connecting, a warm smile pulls at your lips, fingers sliding across his face, finding their way into his hair as you pull him down. “I need you Buck, I need you to fuck me,” you whisper lips brushing against his. He wastes no time as he works a hand between your bodies, fingers working off his pants, pulling his cock from the confines of his slacks.
His hand hooks around your thigh bringing it up to rest around his hips. A moan is falling from both your lips as the new position allows for the head of his cock to press into your folds, his hips roll forward the tip brushing against your aching clit.
Hand leaving your thigh it snakes its way between your bodies to grab a hold of his cock. Dragging it through your slick folds he presses into your warm heat, a moan is falling from your lips as he bottoms out, your lips connecting with his.
“Fuck sweetheart,” he moans against your lips, “always feel so good around me, never going to go a day without you.”  
He doesn’t move at first enjoying the feeling of you fluttering and clenching around him. He’s lost on you and how you feel around him, everything about you is so damn beautiful. His wife.  His hands come up to cup your cheek, thumb running over the swell of your lower lip, “so fucking beautiful, y/n I love you so much baby, so fucking much” he murmurs.
Your breath hitches in your throat, heart swelling in your chest, “please move, I need you to move, baby,” you reply your own hands running over stubble of his beard.
His hips retreat from yours, cock sliding out from within you till only the tip is left. His lips are pressing to yours, hips surging forward as he builds up a slow rhythm. Your hands leave his face to wrap around his back, fingers digging into the warm skin there pulling him impossibly closer to you. Low grunts are falling from his lips as he fucks up into you, your other leg hooking around his waist to get him deeper.  
His head finds its way to your neck lips searching out that hidden sweet spot that will have you coming undone in his arms, his thrusts have picked up speed, a steady speed which draws the sweetest groans of pleasure falling from your lips. He could listen to those sounds falling from your sinful lips for the rest of his life if you would let him.
His lips draw away from your neck needing to see you fall apart from him as he continues to bring you closer to that sweet release. Your lips are parted open, eyes covered over in lust, but there’s something more there, something that has his heart stalling in his chest, because he swears, you’re looking at him like he just hung the stars for you.
“gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous,” he whispers to himself, “look at you sweetheart,” he grunts hips picking up speed, “you’re an absolute angel,”
A moan is catching in your throat, “I love you Bucky, so much,” you murmur voice wavering with his thrusts. His hand searches for yours on the bed grasping it in his as he pushes you deeper into the bed, his whole body consuming you.
He’s thrusting hard, deep, burying himself in you, your walls fluttering around him as your orgasm approaches. Your head pushes forward, lips finding his shoulder as you kiss the scarred skin there, an intimate motion that has Bucky’s head reeling.  
“Bucky please,” you whine low in your throat, pressing warm wet kisses into his skin. He picks up speed needing to bring you to that release, a particularly deep thrust has you falling apart around him, your body falling over the edge, your orgasm washing over you. Long low moans are falling from your parted lips, fingers clawing at Bucky’s back as he fucks you through the pleasure. His name falls from your lips in a silent prayer, you’re pleading, you need to feel him, you need him to cum for you.
Bucky pushes your further into the mattress, his jaw clenching as his orgasm washes over him, his stomach muscles tense, as he spills into you, warm spurts filling your core, he never wants this feeling to end, and it never will he thinks.
Your arms are pulling him down, his head falling to your sweat slicked chest, your heart beating away wildly beneath his head. Your fingers run through his chocolate locks, lips pressing into his hair, “you going to show me around the room now?” you question in your post orgasmic state.
He chuckles breathlessly, lips pressing to your chest, “how about we get you out of this gorgeous dress and I'll show you the shower?”
Timestamp 4
Behind The Screen Tag-list: @ladifreakingda​ @georgialeighc13​ @racewife2004​ @multy-fandom-lover​ @otvlanga​ @sailorstupidsblog​ @wantingtobekorra​ @gazzan-a​ @clarinette07​ @amanda-the-fangirl​ @im-sure-its-fine​ @sagechanoafterdark​​ @heyywestman @runaway-escape​​ @ilovesupersoldiers​​  @unlistedpond​​ @rayofdawnworld​​ @badassbaker​​  @fandom-basurero​​ @krabby-tentacles​​ @sassy-pelican​​ @lizlepuffs​​ @jaywolf840​​ @xoasalxo​​ @buckys-henley​​ @buchanansebba​​ @the-cry-of-youth​​​​​​​​​ @ladywinchester1967​​​​​​​​​ @barnesjustice​​​​ @kseniiafirebrace​​​​​​ @b0nkybarnes​​​​​ @bucky-cinnamonroll-barnes​​​​​ @pinknerdpanda​​​​​ @dezzylou24​​​​ @therealprinceofcrime​​
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Tower: Unexpected - 7
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The Tower: Unexpected An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist Previous //
Pairing:  Avengers x ofc, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2229
Warnings:   pregnancy, angsty stuff, smut (m/f, vaginal sex)
Synopsis: A little over 2 years after moving into the Avengers Tower, Elly finds herself pregnant against the odds.  While some are excited, others are terrified, and pregnancy that none expected to happen causes rifts through the group and threatens to end the relationship.  
Author’s Note:  Written with my salty little jelly bean @fanficwriter013​
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Chapter 7: Sam
As my pregnancy progressed the morning sickness got worse.  I don’t know if that’s normal with twins or if the stress of everyone just noping out of ever speaking to me again was adding to it.
I started becoming hyper-focused on what I would do if the others didn’t come around.  Natasha, Wanda, and Steve wanted to be part of it but I couldn’t figure out how that would work if no one else did.  Steve wasn’t going to choose me over Bucky nor would I make him.  Natasha was the same with Clint.  Wanda might move in but could I stay here in the Tower if most of the people here didn’t want a kid?  If I did stay where would the baby go?  I had a one bedroom apartment.
I began sorting through my wardrobe under the premise that maybe the wardrobe was big enough to use as a nursery.  It was stupid really.  It didn’t even have windows, but it was large and if I downsized I could put in a crib.
I was also showing now.  Not a lot, but none of my jeans buttoned up.  So I started by putting away clothes that I wasn’t going to be able to wear for another year at least.
There was a soft knock on the door and I opened it to see Sam.
“Sammy?  Why are you knocking?”  I asked slightly confused and on the edge of being relieved to see him, but also worried that he knocked because he was about to tell me something I didn’t want to hear.
“FRIDAY said you'd be here. I wasn't, I don't know…”  He said running his hands over his head.  He looked tired, the way he did after a long mission.
I stepped out of the way to let him in.  “I was just sorting out my clothes.  My jeans don’t button up anymore.”
He reached forward to touch me and then quickly withdrew his hand.  “You look good.”
“You can touch.  I don’t mind.  You won’t feel them though.  It’s still just little twitches only I can feel.  Wanda is really annoyed.”  I said poking my stomach.
“I didn't think… I haven’t been here.”  He said.
“I know… but you had things to deal with.”  I said with a small shrug.  “Come in.  I missed you.”
He stepped inside and walked to the couch though he didn’t take a seat.  “I’m sorry.”
I closed the door and came over to him, moving in for a hug.  “You didn’t ask for this.  You had to figure things out.”
“I'm getting there.”  He said, his arms closing around me.  “I should have been there for you though. You didn't ask for this either.”
“Are you here now?”  I asked.
He nodded breathing me in for a moment.  “Yes.  I needed… Can we sit?”
I nodded and sat next to him and he took both of my hands in his.  “My family are really religious, El.  I never told them about this.  They knew I wasn’t straight because of Riley.  They thought I was gay and I never corrected them.  It was enough that they could find it in their heart to accept that about me.  Then this all came out thanks to Tony and they were so mad at me.  They could accept I was gay if I still fit the convention of monogamy.  The fact I was bi, and poly.  They said I was going straight to hell and every time I talked to them, they told me I had to stop living this life of sin.  That if I was bisexual I could choose to be with a woman.  That I could choose who to love.  I needed to settle down and have kids.”  He let out a breath and looked up at me.  “I could deal with it when it was just us.  Everyone here is from such messed up families or they don’t have them at all anymore, it wasn’t such a big deal that they felt that way about my relationship.  But if we’re having kids, I want them in their lives, but not if they’re gonna be like that.”
“Did you get through to them?”  I asked.
He nodded as his thumbs ran over the back of my hands.  “Yeah.  I think.  I mean… they wanted me to find out whose baby it was and if it was mine to marry you.  I said it was my baby no matter what and this was their time to choose.  Either they could be a positive part of their niece or nephew’s lives or they wouldn’t be part of any of our lives.  They still don’t like it but as long as they can accept this is how it is, that’s fine with me.”
“I’m sorry,”  I said and leaned in pressing my cheek against his chest.  I wish you would have talked to me though.  I’ve been so alone.”
He pulled me a little closer and his fingers brushed over my stomach.  “I know.  I’m sorry.  That wasn’t fair of me.  I just… I didn’t expect this to be the way my life went.  I had to sort through it.  I should have been better.  I am here now.”
“Well then,”  I said sitting back.  “You might want to brace yourself.”
“What?”  He asked a slight hint of panic to his voice.
“It’s twins,”  I said.  “That’s why I’m showing so early.”
Sam blinked at me a few times and when he spoke his voice came out in a monotone.  “Okay.”
“The doctor... she said they're fraternal.  And there's a chance they could biologically have different fathers.  Steve's pretty adamant we don't find out who they are.”  I explained.
“They could be…”  He said, blankly.  “Okay.”
“You okay?”
“Twins.”  He repeated like he was still processing it all.
“Yeah,”  I said.  “Are you out again?”
He gave me a look like I was being an idiot and I pulled back from him.  “What?  That's something I'm not supposed to think?  I haven't seen you for a month.”
“Okay.  I suppose it's fair.”
“Do you know how hard this has been for me?”  The pain and hurt I’d been feeling bubbling over.  “Aside from Nat, Wanda, Steve, and Hulk everyone has been avoiding me.  I'm starting to wonder if we'll even get Bruce back at this point.  I've been throwing up at least twice a day.  I used to work in a lab with Bruce and Tony.  Now there is no Bruce and Tony has locked himself in the engineering lab again and I've been denied access.  I'm going to have twins and it wasn't exactly like I planned this either.  You know my first thought was when that pregnancy test was positive?  I thought 'I'll go get an abortion and not tell anyone and then they won't be mad at me'.  I reacted like I would have when I was living with my abusive parents, instead of in a relationship with people who are supposed to love me.”
“Honey,”  He said reaching for me, but I pulled back.  I didn’t want him to comfort me yet.  I wanted to be angry and for him to hear it.
“I know that this is hard to come to terms with.  I've been struggling with it myself but I didn't get the luxury of running from it.  I don't get to go out flying while I process my feelings.  I just get to wake up have the smell of my shampoo make me throw up.  Hope that Nat's drunk her coffee before I get out of the shower or that will make me throw up too.  Watch as my jeans get too small for me and then spend the day alone in my lab.”
“Honey,”  He repeated.
“What?  You’re gonna patronize me now?”  I asked.
“That not what I was doing.”  He argued.
“Then please can you talk to me?  Say how you're feeling?  Reassure me or something here?”
“How I’m feeling?”
“Yes.  We're in a relationship, aren't we?  We're supposed to be honest with each other and trust each other.”  I said, my frustration with him now getting to me.  I felt like I was talking to a wall and right at that moment, I wished he hadn’t come back at all.
“Right.  Yes.”
I sighed.  “You need time.  You can just - “ I waved at the door.
“No,” He said.
“Then say something then!”  I yelled.
He looked like I hit him and then pulled me into his arms.  “I’m sorry.”  He whispered.  “I’m sorry.  It’s just… twins.  Do you need a blood sample or something?”
“Um... If my doctor hasn't asked for one or doesn't ask for one then you're probably okay.  Unless you specifically want to know, but then there will probably be a tell if either of them is yours right?”
He chuckled.  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. They’re my kids, Elly.”  He said nuzzling into me and putting his hand on my stomach.  “I may not get everything right, but I’m here.  I promise.”
“What if they’re Thor’s and we get a repeat Thor/Loki thing happen?”  I sighed.
He leaned his cheek against the top of my head.  “I think we can do a better job than that.”
“I hope so, but I don’t exactly know what I’m doing,”  I said.
“Neither do I, but still, I think we’ll be better than that.”
“I do want this though.”
“And you'll be great.  Trust me, El.  You’re one of the most nurturing, patient people I know.”  He said.  “And we’ve got you.”
“Do you want to see them?”  I asked looking up at him.
“Can I?”
He followed me to the fridge and grabbed him the print out of the babies and showed him.  “This weird little blob is one,”  I said pointing at one of the babies, and then moved my finger to the other.  “And this weird little blob is the other.”
“Twins.”  He said again.  “And you’re what?  Eleven weeks.”
“Closer to ten.”
He smiled and put the picture down.  “I’m so sorry, Elise.  I’m sorry I ran and you’ve felt so alone.  We’ll figure this all out.”
I leaned in against him again and he kissed me slowly and deeply, his hands going to my jaw.  “I missed you so much, Sammy.”
“I know.  I missed you too, princess.”  He breathed.
I ran my fingers down his chest and over his stomach, tracing the lines of his muscles.  He smiled down at me and ducked his head forward like he was going to kiss me before pulling back.  “What’s wrong?”  I asked.
“Just… do you want to?”  He asked.
I nodded and he kissed me again, hungrily.  The tension we’d been feeling evaporating as we moved our lips against each other’s.  He ground into me, pushing me against the counter.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him take control.  Needing that from him.  Needing him to show me how he still wanted me.
I could feel him hardening against my pussy and I just wanted more.  I missed him.  He had always been a rock for me.  Like one of my closest friends as well as my lover.  He was always there for me and him leaving had felt like a fundamental part of my world was gone.
I shimmied out of my panties and he lifted me up and put me on the counter.  We continued to kiss.  My lips going numb from it. As I felt myself getting wetter in anticipation I fumbled to unfasten his pants.  He pulled me right to the edge of the counter and with a thrust he was inside me.  I gasped and threw my head back as I clenched around his cock.  His hand went to my jaw and caressed down my throat, tilting my head back to him, so he could ghost his lips over mine.
“Did you miss this, princess?”  He said as he thrust into me.  He moved in this slow and deliberate way.  Pulling out most of the way and then slamming hard back in.
“God, yes.  I missed it.  Please don't leave me again.” I pleaded, wrapping my legs around his waist.
“Don't worry.  I'm not going anywhere.”  He said and kissed me hard.
He kept moving in that slow deliberate way and I rolled my hips with him. We kissed constantly.  My lips grew puffy and numb from it and the world around us seemed to cease to exist.  His thumb came to my clit, making the mild buzz that seemed to be swirling through me, feel like a strong electrical current.
I moaned against his lips and dug my fingers into his back.  My body stiffened against his and I broke the kiss with a cry as I came, my back arching and my head rolling back.
Sam held me in place as he moved faster.  With a sudden jerk forward he came, his cock pulsing inside me as he released.
He pulled out panting and for a moment seemed to admire his handiwork before helping me off the bench.  “Let's go get cleaned up and then I'll help you with your clothes.”  He said.
I picked up my panties and for the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful.  One back.  Just four more to go.
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wlw-imagines-blog · 5 years
There is No Ending For Us (Part 2) (Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader)
Part One Here
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Major Character Death, Endgame Spoilers,
Word Count: 1.5k words
Summary: Reader remembers her time with Natasha, and mourns the deaths of the two famous Avengers.
Tagged: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
A/N: thank you everyone for the feedback! So, at the beginning, this is after the battle with Thanos at the destroyed complex, but before Steve goes back in time (at Tony's funeral). Also this isn’t going to be any happier than the first part.
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Hours passed like minutes. You let Steve carry you into a hallway before pulling you into a tight hug. Your hands landed on his back, tears blurring your vision. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” you heard Steve say, voice aching. You had said nothing, silently weeping in anguish. That was all you remember him saying. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
As the Avengers worked on the new gauntlet, you forced yourself to leave. You couldn't stay. There was nothing else you could do. A taxi drove you through Manhattan, stopping and starting in rush hour traffic. Upon returning to your apartment, you crumpled, sitting on the kitchen floor, crying. 
Everything seemed to blur together; the return of those who disappeared for five years, a destructive battle at the Avenger's compound, and the untimely death of Tony Stark.
There was plenty of loss in the newfound joy the world was experiencing.
At Tony's funeral, you stood there, watching Pepper and Morgan set the wreath into the water. Your chest was tight, head aching from the tears. It was strange to see so many people who had fought against each other at one point, standing together and honoring a man they barely knew.
After the ceremony, you found Clint by a long, winding river, near a large oak tree.
You threw yourself at him, arms wrapping tight around his neck.
"We did it," he choked into your neck. You could feel his tears seeping through the fabric of your jacket.
You pulled away, eyes shining. "She'd be proud of us."
"She is. I know she is."
Your brows furrowed, mouth twisted, threatening to submit to heavy sobs, but you grit your teeth.
"Y/N," he said, face heavy with guilt. "I tried to stop her. I tried to take her place but she beat me to it."
You nodded, swallowing thickly. "I know, Clint. It's... it's okay. She made the call."
Looking past him, you saw his wife, Laura, and his three children, all dressed in black, standing close to their mother. Laura offered you a kind smile.
"She wanted you to be with them," you managed to say. "They need you."
Clint shook his head. "If anything, I need them."
You smiled at his family before speaking. "I just can't believe I'm never going to see her again. I thought, after the Snap, that we would have more time. But, everyday, I could tell she thought about that day in Wakanda. What she could have done to save everyone, and how they could have beaten Thanos. It was tearing her up." You let your hands shake. "She would wake up in the middle of the night, crying about it. It hurt to see her like that."
"She wanted to make it right," Clint whispered.
You nodded again. "I just wish I could've been there with her."
Clint regarded you. "She loved you. Before Nat died, she wanted me to tell you that."
Your mouth twitched as tears ran down your cheeks. Clint hugged you tightly.
Emptiness swirled in your stomach, curling at the back of your throat, choking you alive.
When you become an 'adult' time seems to pass a lot quicker. In elementary school, recess was about ten minutes, but sometimes it felt like thirty. When you grow up, you can occupy so much time with your life, and make hours feel like minutes. But when you dread something, it takes forever for time to pass.
It takes three, stagnant years before you visit Natasha.
Within that time, you tried to find balance and security in a world that had seen tragedy and celebration. You tried to mourn while everyone around you celebrated.
The first five months were incredibly difficult. You often stayed inside, too sick with grief to leave for work, or meet with anyone.
Th people you least expected came over to visit. One month after the funeral, Wanda Maximoff showed up at your door, looking displaced and uncertain. You let her in, and the two of you spent hours talking and weeping, before she left. The Tuesday after that, Stephen Strange appeared, and you asked question after question. Was this the only way? Could they have saved everyone? He answered everything you asked. A young man named Peter, who you learned had been Tony’s protege stopped by, eyes big and already red. You let him in without asking anymore questions; besides, the kettle had just boiled, and you preferred company when having tea.
You spent more time than you thought possible at Clint and Laura’s place, sometimes even staying the night. They became a second family to you. You could confide in Laura, and the kids found your fun to be around when the sadness was not so thick. 
Steve visited once a week. Sometimes you would meet him for coffee, or hang out in the evening, but he became something of a constant for you. He was solid, and grounded, especially when you felt like you were sinking. This was all until he told you his plan for returning the infinity stones.
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Steve?” You asked, finger tracing the rim of your cup of coffee.
Steve smiled to himself. “I’m not if it’s a good or bad idea, but it’s what I want.”
You thought about Natasha, and how much you would give to be with her. 
You looked at Steve. “Then, go for it.”
Three years and two weeks after Steve left, you found yourself in the middle of a forest, where the trees thinned and opened to a vast field of wild grass.
"Um, hello, Natasha," you said uncomfortably. "I know it's been a while. I'm really sorry about that. I-I guess time really does fly, huh?"
There was no response. Your voice seemed too loud in the empty meadow.
"I thought this would be a nice place for you," you continued, hand tightening around the bouquet you held. "Plenty of trees, and grass. You would love it, in the summertime, these orange roses and violets blossom in the field over there." You nodded to your left. "It's so pretty, Nat. I know you'd love it."
You crouched, placing the lilies at the base of the headstone.
"Fuck, Nat," your voice hitched, shaking when your dropped the flowers. "I still love you. I should have said it more to you. I should have done a lot actually. I should have forced you to leave the compound more, I should have taken you away; to Morocco like you always wanted. I should have called you and spent every second more with you. I should have gotten down on one knee and begged you to marry me."
You knelt down, fingers brushing the headstone of an empty grave. "We should have done so much more together. And I know, I'm going to live with that feeling of regret. Holy shit, Nat, sometimes it's so strong, I think I'm going to be sick. It keeps me up at night, and I'm not even kidding!" You wiped your nose, not caring how hysterical you sounded. "Its been four years, and I can't sleep the same! It's just so empty without you, Nat. And honestly, I'm ashamed to say that sometimes, I curse you. I get so angry, and full of hate, and I scream! I just go crazy! How could you have left me? When everyone came back? And you stayed dead! Everyone was in the streets, celebrating, while I was trying to figure out how to bury you without your body!"
You were shaking all over. Minutes passed as you sat, hearing nothing but the crickets and buzz of bees in the field. You wiped your nose with your sleeve "Fuck. You would hate to see me like this, wouldn't you?" You said ruefully. "I bet on every star in the sky, you'd say, 'stop being so dramatic, Y/N. Pick yourself up and get on with it.' Well, I'm sorry, Nat. I'm not like you."
You pressed your forehead to the cold stone. "I could never be as good as you."
"This is going to get easier," you sniffed, pushing through the tears. "I know it is. I've got that hope you always carried around with you. After this, I'm going over to Clint and Laura's for dinner. They really miss you too, Nat, we all do.” You were standing now, somehow still talking despite everything. “Bruce has changed, he's so distant. Thor's gone for now, Steve's gone too. Tony... well, he's up there with you, isn’t he? Tell him I say hi, we miss him so much."
You pressed your fingers to your lips, then rested them on the top of the headstone. A weak smile danced on your lips as you pulled away. 
"I love you, Natasha. I’ll, visit again soon. Really soon, I promise,” you breathed, air pressing against your lungs as though you were breathing for the first time in a decade. You felt the ghost of a hand against your back, helping push you forward
 You walked back to your car, and drove away.
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the-dork-overlord · 6 years
His Name (Bucky x Reader) Soulmate AU #2
Prompt; you are born with the full name of your soulmate written somewhere on your body
Y/N stared at her neck in her bathroom mirror and scoffed. Written in black lettering along her collarbone was the name; James Buchanan Barnes. She pulled the neck of her shirt back up over the words harshly and looked at herself. She glanced over the dark circles that now lived under her eyes and sighed.
She knew who this man was, the man whose name was written onto her skin forever. A dead man. A man born in the 1920’s. A man who no longer existed.
Y/N couldn’t help but wonder what kind of joke this was. Fate had to be pulling a prank on her.
Y/N grabbed her work bag and looked up at the clock that was on the wall by her front door, she was a little too early to be leaving but she thought she’d just grab a coffee on the way to the office.
 She thanked the barista that was behind the counter as she took the to-go cup that was held out to her.
Y/N sipped her coffee as she then proceeded to exit the coffee shop, her mind drifting back to the name that resided on the base of her neck.
Some part of her wanted to have hope that maybe it was a different James Barnes, but there was a voice in her head that told her that wasn’t the case. Fate had meant for the James Buchanan Barnes to be her soulmate. Which meant that she was destined to be alone. While everyone else was allowed to meet their soulmates, possibly get married and live happily ever after, Y/N had to mourn the loss of a soulmate that she had never even had a chance to meet. Stupid fate, idiotic soulmate pairing system.
She let out a groan and opened the lid of her coffee cup, trying to get the last dregs of coffee from the cardboard container.
As she passed by the doors for the tower that was owned by the one and only Tony Stark, they were suddenly flung open and she was suddenly pushed to the ground. Y/N felt herself crash to the ground, the coffee cup flung into the street and her bag thrown to the side.
“Are you okay?!”
A voice called out to her that she recognised.
Y/N looked up and into the blue eyes of Steve Rogers, who looked down at her in concern and guilt.
She nodded with a sigh and placed her hand into the larger one of the man that stood above her.
“Um, I don’t mean to intrude, ma’am, but can I see that?” He asked as he looked at her with wonder.
His finger pointed towards her neck and Y/N immediately knew that he wanted to see the name that was printed upon her skin. She knew the significance of Steve Rogers in the life of her soulmate, but she had never thought that he would see the name. Never know what her own significance was.
Y/N reached a hand up and delicately pulled down her shirt collar a little to show the name to the blonde man who towered over her.
Steve reached out his own hand and lightly traced the name that belonged to his best friend. His eyebrows shot up towards his hairline and he allowed a smile to slowly stretch across his face. “What’s your name?” He asked quietly.
“Y/F/N (Y/M/N) Y/L/N.”
“Of course it is.” He whispered and picked up her bag from the ground, before taking her hand again and pulling her into the Avengers Tower. “Please come with me.” He said and Y/N simply followed.
She forgot that she needed to go to work, forgot where she was going, this was much more important than anything that she was going to do.
 Y/N sat patiently in a conference room that Steve had led her to, a new coffee sat before her on the glossed vanish of the table. It had already been half an hour since Steve had gone.
She stared at the clock in front of her on the wall and waited for another five minutes before Steve decided to reappear again, along with three other people and a small stack of files.
The three others shook her hand and introduced themselves as; Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark, the latter she recognised.
They all took a seat and Steve sat beside her.
“Miss Y/L/N,” Fury looked at her blankly. “we didn’t know that you had come to New York.”
“You’ve been watching me?” She asked and raised an eyebrow.
“Of course.” He stated. “You are the soulmate to the Winter Soldier. We had to keep tabs on you.”
Steve sat up straighter and coughed. “You knew about her?” He asked, surprised. “I thought Y/F/N Y/L/N was a girl who died in the 40’s, or at least that is what you said.”
Fury glanced over at both Y/N and Steve. “We thought it was a better way to protect Miss Y/L/N. If the Winter Soldier knew of her existed, he may have tried to find her and if Hydra knew of her existence, they would have tried to kill her or capture her.” Fury took a breath and watched the emotions that crossed the face of the H/C girl in front of him. “We made sure you were kept off the system and under the radar.”
Natasha and Tony sat silently and just watched the exchange. Tony would occasionally glance at the soulmate of Bucky Barnes in curiosity, while Natasha kept an eye on Steve.
“Now that she has found her way here, she can help with his rehabilitation.”
Y/N smacked her hands on the table in front of her and stood up. The other occupants of the room looked at her sharply.
“This is crazy. Absolutely mental.” She took a deep breath and turned to pace back and forth. “Are you telling me that my soulmate is alive?”
“And is the Winter Soldier? The assassin that was in the media?”
“Metal arm?”
Y/N stood still and felt Steve’s hand come into contact with her shoulder, she moved her own hand to cover his and smiled sadly at him. “He’s alive?” She whispered to Steve, she needed to make absolutely sure. Steve nodded his head at her and she felt tears cloud her vision. “How is he?” she asked him.
Steve let himself smile at the woman in front of him. “He’s okay. He got a new arm, his mind is almost his again, but he always felt like something was missing. And maybe that’s you.” He said quietly and slide his hands down the woman’s arms to clasp her hands in his. “Please. I need you to help me, help him.”
Y/N kept her eyes to the floor and felt a whole mixture of emotion fill her.
The whole room was silent for a few moments and then…
 Steve kept Y/N’s hand in his the whole way down to the floor in which Bucky resided.
She couldn’t believe that he was alive, couldn’t believe that she had a chance to meet her soulmate.
Steve stopped in front of a door, that she presumed to be Bucky’s bedroom and knocked.
They both waited patiently for a few minutes and then a quiet “come in” was heard on the other side. Steve gave her a small nudge and nodded to her to go in alone.
She slowly and quietly pushed the door open and then stepped into the dark room, closing it behind her.
She could see the outline of her soulmate by the window, a part of her was terrified and the other part was anxious, but excited.
“Hello, James? Bucky? I don’t know what you would prefer to be called.” She started and was met with silence, he didn’t even make a sound. “Um, well, you see, my name is Y/F/N (Y/M/N) Y/L/N. I’m your soulmate.”
There was a very long pause, when the air was still, nothing moved.
Then there was the sound of footsteps and she felt a hand reach to touch her cheek, the hand was cold and metallic. Another hand reached behind her to turn on the light switch over her shoulder and all of a sudden the room was filled with a soft glow.
Y/N looked up into the blue eyes of James Buchanan Barnes, eyes that looked down at her with awe and wonder.
Bucky used his flesh hand to move the collar of her shirt, his eyes piercing into the skin that presented his own name to him. He then moved his hand to pull aside the fabric of his t-shirt, showing her her own name that rested upon the base of his neck.
Y/N reached a hand towards the flesh that cradled her name. Lightly tracing the letters. Never had her name looked so beautiful.
“I thought you were dead.” He whispered.
“I thought you were.” She countered and looked back up into his eyes.
Bucky rested his forehead against his soulmates and felt tears escape his eyes.
“You kept me waiting too long.” He said and smiled.
“Well I’m here now, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I wouldn’t let you.”
(Don’t forget to send in a request, my box is always open!)
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imaginarylifetimes · 7 years
what's your fav stucky fanfic of all time?
So I only started bookmarking/reading stucky fics in, hm, December-ish, and then super getting into them in the last month or so. I mainly started with a small handful of writers and read a bunch from them, so a lot of my faves are from certain writers because I haven’t read a ton yet. That said, let me give you an impromptu Fic Rec Friday!
( Ok I realized after making this that out of 32 bookmarked/read fics, I’m reccing 10 of them. I think my star rating system has evolved since I started it with TWolf fics, but the takeaway is that I thought these were really good??? )
- Six Stars (out of Five) -
NOT Just Married by relenafanel  | 7.6K | M 
“Don’t worry,” Steve says, clasping his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. “I’ll take care of you.”
“I’ve heard that before, too,” Bucky points out in a sarcastic tone. “Look, just… don’t let me hook up. With anyone. No matter what I say. That seems like the safest bet.”
“See you on the other side,” Steve says, downing the first shot of many.
Bucky raises his own in a toast.
“You’re both being overly dramatic,” Falsworth tells them.
(Famous last words, Steve thinks.)
Also known as the feel-good fluffy ficlet relenafanel promised after the end-credit scene of new Bucky feels from hell... Because I have your back and know you need recovery comedic AUs about BFFs being dumb in Vegas.
- This is something that I 100% could see happening in a modern setting
A Myriad of Misdecisions by Darksknight  | 21.1K | M
c-is-for-circinate’s AU: “My parents thought I was working for an insurance company in New York when really I was joining the CIA so I just sort of never mentioned when I met you on an assassination-gone-wrong and now we’ve been married for five years and they still don’t know you exist, this has gotten wildly out of hand and you won’t stop laughing about it”
- The premise and execution of this is hilarious
4 Minute Window by Speranza  | 87.9K | Works: 10, ongoing | E
"Look, if they catch me," Bucky muttered, "they're either going to kill me or they're going to put me in a box with a little window and—Steve, I can't."
- I cannot stop thinking about this series, and I’m looking forward to whenever it updates again!
We Made Ourselves by notoska  | 153.2K | Works: 2, ongoing? | E
Then Bucky licks his lips, tip of his tongue just grazing the sensitive skin of Steve’s ear and Steve moans. Nothing close to the surge of lust behind his ribs, but a tiny, breathy sound all the same. Bucky doesn’t react—he must not have heard. Though a minute later he curls his fingers and extends them again, moving just slow enough for it to be a caress.
Just tip your head into his touch. He’ll take the lead and trace the folds of your ear with his tongue until you can’t keep quiet any more. Then he’ll smother your desperate little noises with his mouth, fingers twisting in your hair. Kissing deeply, tongues reaching to declare your filthy intentions. Find his knee with your hand and slide wolfishly up his thigh until you reach the bulge behind his fly. Palm him through his trousers until he’s panting in your mouth, until he’s pressing his forehead to yours, hips bucking, and you can see his dark eyes, glinting in the screen’s flickering light, pleading—
Steve jolts back to the present. The credits are rolling and Bucky is reading them as well. The screen blacks and two fluorescent lights buzz to life. Bucky loosens his hand from Steve’s head, welcoming the world back in.
- Like I said before: the slowest of slow burns. This could be the template that all slow burn fics look to. . . And then the second part delivers with 1000% intimacy and relationship porn (and porn)
- Five Stars -
The Way Out Is The Way Down by Speranza  | 17.6K | E
"We’re alive in defiance of the law, now,” Natasha said bitterly.
“Well,” Steve said, and pushed his plate away. “We’ll just have to break in and get them.”
“Right, let’s take it from the top,” Natasha said wearily. “The Raft is a fully submersible supermax prison—“
“We can do it,” Steve said.
- If you were left wanting after CA:CW, this is really satisfying
Sparked Up Like a Book of Matches by Sena  | 26.7K | M
Steve lives in Stark Tower and doesn't have much to do when he's not going after Hydra strongholds. He attends charity events to make Pepper happy. He goes hiking with Sam. He hangs out with Clint in Bed-Stuy and watches Dog Cops. Sometimes Tony gives him super alcohol in a sippy cup. Sometimes he sees Bucky out of the corner of his eye and wonders if it's real or if he's starting to lose his mind.
Alternately, the one with terrible jokes, a foot chase through the Lower East Side, and a tiny little robot named Shitcan.
- Steve’s characterization in this is aligned much more with how I imagine him to be, also Everyone is a Good Bro
Sweet & Simple Things by Allecto  | 42.5K | E
It's 1870, and when Bucky Barnes arranged for passage from Russia to the United States for himself, his sister, and their good friend Natasha Romanoff, he didn't know there were strings attached. Now Alexander Pierce has informed Bucky he's to be married to a rancher struggling to raise two orphaned boys. Bucky's job is to make the house a home for his new sons -- and whatever else his husband asks of him. But when his husband turns out to be none other than his childhood best friend, Steve Rogers, Bucky discovers that maybe, just maybe, his new family has made a home for him, too.
- Here, have a Western/Historical AU with kiddo!Tony and Rhodey
Out of the Dead Land by emilyenrose  | 62.7K | E
Someone is building machines that look and act like people.
Meanwhile, the Winter Soldier tries to be Bucky Barnes.
- Kill your robot double! Also I think people forget that these people are spies for a living
Winter's Children by Neery  | 66.8K | E | AO3 Accounts only
When their attempts to recreate the super soldier serum failed, Hydra started trying to breed Captain America clones from his genetic samples. Unfortunately, the serum's effects aren't passed down genetically, so instead of an army of tiny Captain Americas, they get a bunch of tow-headed, asthmatic, allergic, immuno-compromised little Steves.
And then the Winter Soldier stumbles across Hydra's failed experiment...
- I just love this so much, so many Steves and Bucky has to deal with them all going fiGHT ME
THE Steve Rogers PROBLEM by relenafanel  | 83K | Works: 4 | E
Meet SSA Bucky Barnes: Hostage Rescue Team member extraordinaire. He loves his job, his body, and hooking up. He hates civilians and local enforcement officers trying to do his job and fucking everything to shit.
Meet Bucky Barnes: fan of the television show The Howling Commandos extraordinaire. He loves writing fanfic, creating fanart, and staring at Steve Rogers' ass. He hates the long journey of doing the necessary physical therapy on his arm (and also that no one told him he knows Steve Rogers).
Meet Bucky Barnes: Steve Rogers' boyfriend. He loves Steve. He hates the idea of that being his sole identity.
- Bucky is one of us, and understands us, and when he doesn’t he still has a Steve Rogers PROBLEM
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