#i’d love to go back to school just to study those for fun
persesphonestears · 1 year
More cod incorrect quotes
A/N: There is an obvious pattern cause I used a generator lmao anyway
C/W: uh swearing? i think thats it for once
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Ghost: Favourite horror movie?
Soap: It
Price: Saw
Gaz: Annabelle
R/n: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Price: You're a loose cannon, Ghost.
Ghost: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Soap: I think you play by your own rules.
Gaz: No way, they think rules were made to be broken.
Price: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Ghost: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. R/n is a loose cannon.
R/n: *smashes a chair*
Price: Good morning.
Ghost: Good morning.
Soap: Good morning.
Gaz: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Price: Where's Ghost, Soap, and Gaz?
R/n: They're playing hide and seek.
Price: Where?
R/n: I don't think you get how this game works.
Price: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Ghost: Several traffic violations.
Soap: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Gaz: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
R/n: Also, that’s not our car.
Price: Nothing in life is free.
Ghost: Love is free!
Soap: Adventure is free.
Gaz: Knowledge is free.
R/n: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
R/n: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Ghost: ... Your what?
R/n: My friends.
Price: Are they saying “friends”?
Gaz: I think they're being sarcastic.
Soap: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, R/n! All of your friends are in this room.
R/n: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
Price: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Gaz: Rude.
Soap: That’s fair.
Ghost: Not again.
R/n: Are you going to want this back? Or can I keep it?
R/n: Is having a penis fun?
Ghost: It has its ups and downs.
Soap: Sometimes it’s a little hard.
Gaz: It’s a pain in the ass.
R/n: Oh, Jesus, fuck, guys, come on.
Gaz: That's it, we're gonna go out and find what we need!
Price: To the city?
Gaz: Yeah, no matter what!
R/n: Well- How exactly do you propose we do that, exactly?
Gaz: I... I don't know!
Ghost: Oh come off it, be serious!
Gaz: I am serious!
Ghost: You're insane!
Soap: Why, if only we were all wiener dogs, our problems would be solved!
Price: What???
Soap: Or maybe it was a basset hound!
R/n: no no maybe Soap is onto something..
Ghost, panicked: YOU'RE ALL INSANE!
Price: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what R/n will and will not eat.
Ghost: Grass? Yes!
Price: Moss? Yes!!
Ghost: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Price: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
Ghost: Worms? Sometimes!
Price: Rocks? Usually not.
Ghost: Twigs? Usually!
Price: Soap's cooking? Inconclusive!
Gaz: How did you… test this?
Price: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it.
Gaz: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
Price: Are we really going to let R/n keep the cat?
Gaz: Hey we kept R/n.
Price: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Ghost: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Price: Three of us saw it, Ghost. How do you explain that?
Ghost: *points at Soap* Sleep deprivation. *points at Gaz* Paranoia. *points at R/n* Delusional personality disorder.
Price, trying to convince R/n to join the task force: You know... I thought it'd be good to have someone alongside us who's really... smart!
Gaz: And loud!
Soap: And grumpy!
Ghost: And oblivious to reality
Price: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Gaz: Tubular AF!
Soap: Mood to the max!
Ghost, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
R/n, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.
Price: Tf
Price: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Ghost: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years
Soap: Oh wow, my innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Gaz: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
R/n: My entire childhood and happiness, is that you?
Price: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Price: What does 'take out' mean?
Soap: Food
Gaz: Dating
Ghost: Murder.
Price: Anyone d-
Ghost: Depressed?
Gaz: Drained?
Soap: Dumb?
R/n: Done with life?
Price: -done with their work... need to get Laswell to get you all therapy …
Price: So uhhh... question: my ‘friend’ keeps on going into the pantry and grabbing handfuls of fettuccine... uncooked...
Gaz: I would hope they're not grabbing handfuls of cooked fettuccine!
Soap: In your pantry!
Price: Yeah... and eating them raw, and they keep calling them 'chips'. ... How do I make them stop?
Ghost: Is your friend here?
Price, motioning to R/n: Yeah.
Gaz, to R/n: You're a monster! Words MEAN things! >:(
Soap: Does anybody remember- I haven't been to Olive Garden in many moons- but they DO have a like- fettuccine bottle that you can just- grab em out of and chew-
Everyone else: No.
Soap, to Gaz and R/n: YOU FUCKIN BASTARDS
Price: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Gaz: 'Prettiest Smile'
Soap: 'Nicest Personality'
Ghost: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
R/n: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Price: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Soap: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies
R/n: Socks are Feetie Heaties
Gaz: Forks are Stabby Grabbies
Soap: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties
R/n: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies
Gaz: Stamps are Lickie Stickies
Ghost, annoyed: You are disappointments
Price to Ghost: You agreed to join the team.
Soap: I’m an idiot.
R/n: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.
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This stupid long omg, uh anyway I used a incorrect quote generator cause I'm lazy but edited most of them so the make some more sense :>
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odinsonslut · 1 year
Reformed pt. 1.
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⊹ genre: fluff mostly
⊹ pairing: draco malfoy x female Hufflepuff reader
⊹ themes: slow-burn 
⊹ summary: reader returns 6 years after the war. To her dismay, draco is her new supervisor while she trains as an auror. He had also managed to integrate himself into all her closest friends’ lives, making him unavoidable. Also unavoidable is the building tension between the two.
⊹ warnings: mentions of death, the loss of close friends, nothing explicit.
⊹ word count: 1.9k
⊹ a/n:  eternally terrible at writing summaries, but this is a storyline I like way too much to leave as a standalone. It might be a two-part situation, maybe even a mini-series!! I don’t have solid plans for it yet; just trying to perfect building tension without moving too fast or being too overwhelming. 
It had been 6 years since the war, and since you didn’t complete your last year of study with your graduating class, you ended up going back to school after the war with a few of your classmates, being a small group of students, it gave you the opportunity to connect with Hermione and Ginny. You really hadn’t seen much of either of them before the war being a Hufflepuff with barely any classes paired with Gryffindor. 
The three of us found comfort in each other during the difficult period of readjusting to school life and feeling alone as Ron and Harry went on to be Aurors, and I was only able to keep in touch with Madeline, my best friend, who was in Ireland practising extensive herbology research to come up with more effective antidotes to those still recovering in St Mungo’s. The rest of the group just sort of dispersed. I’d have thought fighting alongside each other and experiencing shared trauma would have brought us even closer together, but the rest of them couldn’t stand any memory of Hogwarts or us as a whole, and I really couldn’t fault any of them for that. Losing our friends was difficult, and we couldn’t just be a group of fun-loving kids hotboxing in the astronomy tower’s store room anymore.
The girls took me in early on. Ginny and I bonded immediately over quidditch. As my team’s chaser for the past 3 years, my affinity for the sport nearly matched hers. We’d spend hours practising on the open field together, preparing her for the scouts attending the games this year. She was a shoo-in for the Holyhead Harpies, and while I’d have loved to pursue a similar career, I wasn’t nearly as talented as she was, despite her efforts to help me succeed alongside her. 
Hermione was pleased to learn that I shared her excitement for learning and punctuality. We’d spend entire nights discussing, sharing, and reading books together in my single-occupied dorm, and since we were N.E.W.T students, we shared most classes, making long nights of studying in the Gryffindor common room all the more convenient. We grew closer the more comfort we grew to find in each other. We’d bake together in the kitchens with the elves once in a while. We spent a great deal of time mapping intricate policies that could be implemented one day in favour of the house elves’ rights movement we aspired to achieve. The three of us would often spend nights in each others’ dorms playing exploding snap, some muggle games Hermione and I introduced to Ginny, doing our makeup, and just being the young, carefree girls we never really got to be. It was freeing to heal parts of me with them. We had been inseparable ever since
It had been four years since you graduated from Hogwarts. You achieved exceptional N.E.W.Ts results but were never able to keep a job for longer than 4 months. You’d finally set out to Germany, where you’d spent the last three years in the Aurorial Appraisal program once you finally discovered your passion, and since you fought in the battle of Hogwarts, you were accepted with little difficulty. Upon completing the program, Hermione, as the deputy head of the department of magical law enforcement, whom you’d kept in touch with over the years, managed to secure you a job at the Auror office. You were to be a trainee appointed to a practising Auror for the first 6 months of the job. 
Since the couple planned on moving in together but couldn’t quite afford the rent of an entire apartment on their own, Ron and Hermione invited me to move into the common room of the unit, to which I graciously accepted. 
After a week spent unpacking and finishing our apartment came my first day. Hermione and I travelled to the ministry together since we both avoid apparition outside of dire situations. We bid our goodbyes as I made my way to the Office whose Auror I’d be shadowing for the next six months. I knocked on the door twice and stepped back, expecting the door to open for me. I waited two minutes with no response. I knocked again and again, no response. I huffed in annoyance, pulling open the door for myself to be met with a slender man sitting at his desk, the newspaper open, shielding his face from me.
“Excuse me, sir. I’m here for the briefing and introduction to my supervisor. Didn’t you hear me knock?” You couldn’t help but include the last sentence to what would’ve otherwise been a perfectly suitable first impression. 
“I heard, just wondered how long you’d spend standing around wasting time before taking action”, replied a smooth, steady voice.
I scoffed. “Just thought I’d practice decent manners, but it looks like you’re out of touch with the concept enough not to recognise it.”
He chuckled softly in response, seemingly refreshed by my blunt responses. Finally setting the newspaper down, he extended his right hand towards me as he introduced himself. 
“Draco Malfoy, a pleasure”, he spoke with a friendly smile. I was shell-shocked. His gentle aura seemed so unfamiliar to me. His eyes seemed to convey friendliness. His cheeks were lightly contoured with smile lines, and all I could think about was how it was possible for a man like him to form them. The only thing that looked familiar to me was the way his nose scrunched when he smiled, as it contorted into the same position when he sneered, which is predominantly how he addressed me throughout our years at Hogwarts. 
“I remember”. I spoke harshly, allowing his hand to float awkwardly in the air as mine stayed glued to my sides, refusing to meet his palm.
He dropped his hand eventually, his eyes leaving mine to stare at the floor, hoping to think of something to alleviate the tension. My demeanour softened. Even the aversion of his eyes seemed like such a vulnerable display for someone like him whom, before this, I had only seen cling to his pride and perception. I softly told him how he should address me, and he nodded curtly in response, not wanting to say the wrong thing again.
My day was spent in the ministry itself. Draco took me through the theoretical aspects of training to begin with. Our conversation didn’t stray much from the work discussion after our initial friction at his conversational attempts. 
Hermione got back home 3 hours after I made it home due to the additional responsibility that came with her position, I deduced. 
I bombarded her before the door even shut behind her. 
“You will not believe whom I’m training under for the next 6 months”, I practically shouted at her.
She kicked me in my shin with her sharp heel. I immediately keeled over, ready to over-exaggerate the pain I was feeling, when I realised her reasoning. Malfoy walked in behind her, straining his signature awkward smile that really only seemed to make its appearance whenever I was around him. I returned the uncomfortable smile before turning to Hermione with a pointed look.
“I figured the two of you would have bonded today. Guess assigning you to each other with no warning didn’t turn out the way I had hoped,” She spoke apologetically. 
“Draco works directly under me, which is why I trusted him with you. We all get together every Monday for dinner. Tonight’s our’s since we’re breaking into the new kitchen; Malfoy makes a solid saffron-infused risotto.” She continued.
I could barely process any information when even more people walked into our now cramped entryway. Ginny ran into my arms as we both fell onto the floor, where we settled in a tight hug gushing over seeing each other. 
Draco shuffled into the kitchen with groceries and a fresh baguette in hand, the rest of them piled into the newly furnished living room, and Ginny and I settled on the floor, refusing to detangle from our now loose hug while we caught up.
“It’s so surreal to me like you guys actually hang out with Malfoy? Sure you don’t keep him around as a makeshift house elf?” I asked, motioning to the kitchen. 
Ginny and I had finally made our way to the living room to join the rest. After greeting Harry and the twins, I joined Hermione on the only beanbag she begrudgingly allowed Ron and me to tarnish her architecturally detailed living room with since it was a neutral tan. 
Hermione rolled her eyes. “He’s changed a lot as a person, and you better get used to being around him. You’re still due to be partners after your training program, you know.” 
I groaned immediately. “Why couldn’t I have been put under Harry or Ron?” I whined to Hermione 
“They’re already partnered with each other”, she consoled. “Plus, you two have a lot in common. His food’s even better than yours,” she joked.
I gasped and smacked her arm. “I know where you live, Hermione Granger”, I fake sneered at her. 
“You should join him in the kitchen”, Ginny spoke from the couch beside us “at least make an effort with the man before deciding you can’t stand him”.
“Though I’m sure this makes for a priceless view, you could make yourself useful. It is your kitchen.” He spoke, jolting me from my fixed position at the doorway.
“You haven’t left it long enough in the water,” I said as he lifted the saffron-infused water. 
“Take over for me then”, he smirked as he took a step back from the stove.
I was taken aback by his newfound confidence but refused to let it overpower mine, so I walked up to the stove directly in front of him, taking the wooden spatula from his hand on my way over. I lowered the heat and allowed the dish to simmer to deglaze the wine, entranced by the warmth of his breath down my neck, the heat of his body just millimetres away from touching mine.
“Are you actually going to do anything?” He whispered just above my ear, tickling the skin surrounding it, the feeling moving all the way down my spine.
I failed to respond to him. “Looks about done.” He poured the saffron mixture in and picked the spatula back out of my hand. He stirred the saffron in, not moving from his spot behind me.
He moved, and I immediately exhaled at the blow of cold air that came with his absence. I didn’t miss it for long before he was right back, just a hair strand away from me. He dipped a small teaspoon into the dish and put it up to my lips, I tilted my head up, looking at him questioningly.
His soft fingers took hold of my chin, moving it back down and tapping my lips “taste”, he said. My mouth immediately opened in response. I nearly moaned at the soft, rich, perfectly seasoned risotto. He chuckled a breathy laugh.
“I’ll plate these. Why don’t you tell everyone dinner’s ready” he instructed, once again detaching from his spot behind me.
I went to do just that when I was cut off mid-announcement. 
“What on earth did he do to you to leave you such a breathy mess?” asked George almost incredulously
“breathy and positively flushed” Fred chided
I heard Draco’s hearty laugh from the dinner table
I glared at the pair, ignoring Hermione’s inquisitive smile
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caffeinewitchcraft · 1 year
How did you find the courage to start posting online?
Finding courage is actually why I started this blog!
I’ve always loved writing. The first book I wrote was in high school (and very rarely sees the light of day) back in 2010. I gave short stories to my family for Christmas in 2011 and I did write a little bit of fanfic back then.
But I never tried to query my work and I never posted anything online. I felt like my work wasn’t good enough for a multitude of reasons - too short, too long, choppy dialogue, not interesting, wrong punctuation, etc
Then I went to college and I studied English/psychology/writing for a little bit. One of my writing professors really pushed me to consider publishing (at that point I was on track to get a psychology degree) and I realized that that’s what I wanted. I wanted to be a published writer
But I was too scared!
I was frozen for years. I would write all these stories for fun and never had anywhere to put them. After I left the cult (lol) I ended up not having many friends to read my work either. I had my sister and my best friend from high school (both of whom I owe a lot) and they lived in a different city for most of that time.
College was a really bad time for me all around. I don’t talk about it that much because I very dearly want to be someone who can heal from trauma. But my writing at that time was viciously angry. I felt like I couldn’t share it because it would show everyone how awful I was. So I didn’t post online then either!
I left school and became an EMT with this idea that I was going to be a writer but I still couldn’t bring myself to query. “I need to experience more of life to write,” I thought. “I’m not good enough yet. The things I write are all too depressing or too escapist. One day I’ll write something amazing and I’ll know it and go from there.”
It was during that time (around 2016) that I honestly got sick of myself. I had a lot of insecurities and life was very difficult. It’s hard to explain exactly where my head was at. See, up until the creation of this blog, I was putting writing as a low priority in my life. I was going to keep driving an ambulance. I was going to go back to school. I was going to only engage In The practical side of writing (copy writing) and do other Meaningful Work like driving ambulances or maybe going to law school
But I wanted to write. And I knew I was scared. And I knew that part of what was holding me back were all these expectations from my family and from myself that I needed to focus on finding a career rather than in what made me so happy
So I made this blog! “No one I know will see this,” I thought. “I don’t have to tell them. I can write whatever I’d like without having to worry about hurting anyones feelings or making anyone upset.”
Well, I did make people upset! Hahahah, for some reason 22 yo me wrote a prompt fill of God trying to set up Satan with a guy. A looooot of people (like 6 which seemed like a lot at the time!) sent me messages about how awful I was for writing that and how I needed to take it down
Instead of taking it down or stopping writing, I looked at why I wrote what I did. I’m Pagan. Wby did I feel driven to write a story about God?
The prompt used language I disagreed with (I believe it called satan “a homosexual” like those old anti gay propaganda films) and I wanted to write something that was more positive and nuanced. The story accepted the idea that, at one point, being gay was a sin (I was just coming out at that point as well.) But I also wrote a God that was flawed, who recognized their flaws, and admitted that they made a mistake by trying to control love like that. God apologized to Satan for making him feel he was wrong and that he couldn’t love who he wanted. That story meant something to me who, despite being from an amazingly supportive family, still worried about people being jerks when I went out in public with my girlfriend.
And after looking at all that, I stood by my story. That’s important to why I keep posting online. I stand by what I write. Even if nobody enjoys a story, I like it. And so it stays up.
(Though I will admit that some aspects I’ve had to improve myself on. I had one person point out that I only used Anglo-Saxon names for all my characters. Meaning I only wrote white characters. So, after a lot of googling and reading, I set out to diversify my work! I wrote Firebreather after that, starring Nadezh and I am so obsessed with her.)
I kept the God prompt up and started receiving positive comments on it! I started writing more prompt fills. I’d write after hard 12 hour shifts. I’d write while in the ambulance. I wrote a very popular story from my phone!
I’m very, very lucky! I’ve always received very positive feedback on my stories here. There are people who won’t ever know it but they supported me through very difficult times.
Why have I written all of this? I definitely haven’t shared everything about my writing journey, or my life journey, but these are the highlights. Why share such a long answer to a very straightforward question?
Because I want you to have the context for when I say that the courage to post online comes from a deep and unending love for writing. For your own writing. For the magic that writing helps you create, for the excitement of finishing a story, for the thrill of understanding yourself a little better.
For me, the creation of this blog was an act of self love. I’ve said that on here before. I took an amazing gamble and I won! By posting online, I forced myself to confront my writing head on. People were seeing it and commenting on it, good and bad, and it forced me to interact with my work in a way I hadn’t before.
I started being able to look at my writing from a distance. There were some warts, for sure. But I looked at it and loved it all the same.
I stopped being so ashamed and fearful. My whole family knows about my writing now (that’s actually how I came out as bi to a few of them lmao) and I’ve self-published my own work.
I will say, that I’ve been very lucky on Tumblr. My experience doesn’t seem to be very typical and my blog is a bit more popular than I ever intended! I’m very grateful and blown away by it still.
Courage comes from confidence. Fake it til you make it! I used anonymity as a shield until I gained enough confidence to own my work proudly.
Thanks for the ask and thanks for bearing with my long response. I’ll most likely talk about how posting online affected my mental state and career more at a later date :)
Tl;dr: Love your writing unconditionally. Accept its flaws and know that you have the ability to improve it.
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thatgirl-yn · 1 year
PLEASEEE write something about paris fashion week jeonghan and reader!! i’d love it if they could be in a relationship but whatever you choose i’ll be happy with!
Character: Jeonghan x reader
Genre: Fluff, bestfriend!au, model!Jeonghan x baker!reader
Word count: 970
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You are in your bakery greeting a customer when you felt your phone buzz. It was Jeonghan, your high school best friend, who messaged you saying that he is in your city, you two got separated when you went to Paris to continue pursuing your passion which is baking while he entered the modeling industry in Korea. You hadn’t contacted him for a long time because both of you became so busy after graduating from high school and going your separate ways. Your journey studying and living in a foreign country wasn’t easy and it was a big adjustment in your life, you have to adapt to their language, culture, and lifestyle. Nevertheless, it was still fun, you met new friends, and most importantly you established your career. Now you own a bakery in town, it’s pretty popular among teens. You replied to your friend to meet you near where he is staying.
You wore a basic tee and jeans topped with a trench coat and walked to the hotel where Jeonghan is staying. You saw him waiting outside wearing a black shirt, and black jeans topped with a black coat. The wind blew his long hair gently. It was the first time you saw him after many years but damn he is still as hot as you remembered or even hotter. He looks more mature but he is so handsome with his long hair. You heaved a deep breath before you called his name in which he turned in your direction. 
“Hey y/n. I missed you” he hugged you and your heart may or may not have skipped a beat.
“Jeonghan, long time no see. And I missed you too” you replied then smiled, happy seeing your best friend.
“How is your life here?” he asked you with his usual head tilt.
“It’s great actually I own a bakery near here anyway… Welcome to Paris, so what brings you here?”
“I was invited by SL to attend their F/W Men's Collection” he replied nonchalantly
“Wow, that is big! You’re a big shot now huh?” he chuckled lightly “Eyyy, no that’s not true” he responded with his usual line, how you missed him it brings back memories of you together in high school. Truth be told, he was your first love, but you kept it inside you knowing he only sees you as his best friend or his sister. You were partners in crime, doing pranks on your classmates, sometimes cutting classes just to go to the rooftop and watch the sun setting down. You did a lot of silly things together and those were the memories you treasure the most. You didn’t have the opportunity to tell him how you feel so you just left with your feelings hoping they would die down too. Seeing him now brings back everything like you are back in high school. You snapped out of your thoughts when Jeonghan called your name
“Y/n, come on tour me around the city, but I want to see your bakery first” on your way you two catched up and talked about your lives and you have missed being separated since high school. After you arrived at your bakery you offered him your pastries and coffee.
“This is so delicious, as expected from you, I always knew you were gonna be a great baker” you blushed a little at his compliment because it is true, ever since then you would bake for him and he always say that you are going to be a great baker.
“Do you have any plans tomorrow Jeonghan?” you asked the man in front of you because you know that the SL event is at the end of the week. To which he responded, “No, I don’t think so, you have a plan in mind?”
“I want to bring you to good restaurants here, your face has gotten thinner you need to eat,” you said jokingly then laughed.
“Just say you want a date with me, but yes let’s go tomorrow.” You both laughed.
You toured him around the city. It was already getting dark but you know that nightlife was just getting started. You went to a club and drank while still catching up and chatting with each other. You were getting a bit tipsy so you two decided to go home before you get lost due to your drunkness.
You arrived in front of your apartment. “My room is on the 3rd floor you want to come in?” you invited him in which he accepted. You arrived at your door and you faced him wanting to say something. “Jeonghan you know I..” you didn’t get to finish your sentence because he kissed you. HE KISSED YOU! Your best friend, the man that you loved for years, Jeonghan kissed you. “I know you love me” he whispered your ear and it sent shivers to your spine. He knows??? “how long have you known?” you asked in a small voice still shocked by what happened.
“Ever since we were in high school” he smirked while still leaning on you
“But why didn’t you say anything” you asked him, he knew even before you left for Paris why didn’t he say anything?
“I don’t want to stop you from achieving your dreams” he said then brushed the hair to the back of your ears. You are freaking out inside you. “and for the record, I love you too” he added before he kissed you now in a deep and intense manner. You kissed back the same intensity as his. You were running out of breath when you finished the kiss. And you realized you were still at the hallway of your floor.
“Let’s continue this inside shall we?” you smirked at him and you shrieked when he lifted you inside.
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yandere-genji · 2 years
Omfg you’re bully!Gabriel had me weak in the knees!!! Please make a second part! I’d very much appreciate it!!!
hnng after writing these college au prompts i am actually convinced this is peak content//fem!reader in this one homies
The semester had started just a few weeks ago but you dove headfirst into your studies like a madman. Carefully studying your textbook and making notes for chapters well in advance, this was the part of your studies that invigorated you the most. You truly enjoyed the material and what would seem like a chore to anyone else was an odd thrill to you. Not only that, but studying was enriching and you hoped your future would benefit from your dedication to your field. Still, you missed socializing with your friends.
In fact, since your encounter with Gabe, you had become a recluse. The last thing you wanted was to chance another run-in with him. It must’ve gotten him off knowing he had such an effect on you, but you didn’t care to indulge him any further than that. So, you continued your studies but never stayed on campus long enough to fraternize with anyone. After class, you went straight to the comfort of your dorm, where you were sure to be safe.
Your dorm mate, Angela, was your only source of interaction. The two of you got along well, both hardworking students. You understood each other, it had been a blessing that she was assigned as your roommate. And she was happy to be your shoulder to lean on while you were keeping to yourself, allowing you to rant about your courses and professors as you pleased. But to your dismay, Angela had grown concerned for you. Obviously you had undergone a change of some kind, one that was affecting you for the worse.
“You know,” she chided, “I can’t be your only source of comfort. I love you, honey, but what’s going on with you?”
You sighed, not wanted to go through the stress of explaining anything to her, “I just…I don’t know. College, I guess.”
“My God, you’re a terrible liar,” she scoffed, “Am I going to have to mother you like this the whole semester?”
“I mean…” you rolled onto your back, looking up at her from your mattress, “am I so needy that I’m becoming a nuisance?”
Angela giggled and sat against your mattress on the floor, meeting your eyes with her icy blues, “I’m just worried. We should go out sometime together. You know, somewhere that’s not here.”
You shrugged, “Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. But I have some exams coming up that I have to study for…”
She cut you off, “You’ve been studying for those exams for weeks. Come on, it’s Halloween season, you know. Ana is hosting a costume party and I’m just dying to go, I have the cutest angel outfit, wanna see?”
“Jesus, it’s almost November, and then December. Angela, before we know it, the semester’s over!” you propped yourself up on your elbows, “Ugh. Whatever. I kinda wanna see your costume, though. What’re you going for, like a Victoria’s Secret vibe or like Catholic school stage play angel?”
“That’s the best part,” she jumped up, headed for the closet, “it’s both!”
Seeing her so excited made you match her energy. It had been some time since you dressed up for Halloween. And you’d never been to a costume party before, let alone a college party. It sounded like great fun.
Angela emerged from the closet, glowing brightly from the sequins of her white dress. She looked radiant, the corset of the dress fit snuggly around her waist and the short skirt puffed around her hips. It seemed like the dress had been made for her. She flashed you a beaming smile, “What do you think? Isn’t it cute? Oh, you have to come to the party. We should have matching costumes!”
You were never as giddy as when you were with Angela. She brought out the girly side of you that laid dorment whenever you were enveloped in your coursework. You stood up and fiddled with the wings attached to her back, “It’s so cute on you, Angie, but I couldn’t pull something like that off. Plus, it suits you better.”
She pushed your hand away and began to take the wings off of her, “Try it, at least. See if you like it.”
The pajamas you had on would certainly look silly with the wings, you thought, but she insisted. The elastic bands pulled at your shoulders and chaffed your skin. You examined yourself in the mirror, clearly uncomfortable.
“Seriously, Angie, you’re much more the angel type,” you started, already taking off the wings, “I don’t know. I think I’d like to go to the party, but I have no idea what I’d go as.”
She hummed inquisitively, examining you like the fairy godmother of your dreams, “They have those Halloween stores this time of year. Why don’t we shop around today, get you ready for the party. It’s not until the weekend anyways, plenty of time to get you dolled up.”
You agreed, no longer hesitant and finally ready to leave your books and pajamas behind. The two of you set off to a large strip mall just outside campus that had been decorated to theme. Purple and orange garlands framed the stores and pumpkins littered the ground with the vibrant fall leaves. Angela led you by the hand to a large department store full of costumes. Witches, clowns, a bloody nurse, a zombie maid, and a very tempting banana suit. But none of them seemed to appeal to you.
“Oh my gosh, this is perfect for you!” Angela almost squealed in excitement.
“What is it?” you asked, discarding a pirate wench’s corset dress.
She lifted up a plaid, pleated skirt shorter than your own underwear, “Slutty schoolgirl, what do you think? I mean, it’s basically what you wear everyday. Just slut-ified.”
“Great…” you groaned, turning away from her and averting your attention to a werewolf mask on the make up shelf next to you.
It had masks and palettes with artificial blood. Strange to think people willingly put that stuff on their face. Lord knows what was in those things. The palettes were cheap and certainly weren’t made from the highest quality face products. You could already feel your skin breaking out just by being in proximity to them.
“Oh,” you heard Angela raise her voice behind you, “what’s this?”
She picked up some sort of pencil, it looked like an eyebrow pencil but the tip was a much darker black than what you had seen. She looked at the pencil, then at you, then the pencil again. Her brain was brewing up an idea that you weren’t sure you were going to like.
“You know, there is a universal Halloween costume that I know you will like,” she began, “something so basic but so cute that you can’t possibly say no to it!”
You were not sure where she was getting this newfound confidence from, but she had your attention by the way she was selling her idea. “And that is?” you asked.
“A black cat!” she opened her mouth in feigned shock, “My goodness, what an idea! And I could be a witch! Oh, that’d be so adorable! Oh, let’s do it!”
“What about your angel costume?” you asked.
“Oh, well. I mean, I just had to buy the wings, I already had that dress from my sweet sixteen. Or was it prom? Can’t remember,” she shrugged, “Come on, let’s pick out a witch costume and see what else they have for you, my kitty.”
Angela was already getting into character, there was certainly no swaying her now. Besides, going as a cat wasn’t so bad. She was right, it would be cute couple’s costume. You sighed, “Alright, let’s go.”
You felt like an actual pet being led by Angela as she scoured the aisles looking for accessories for the both of you. In the end, she decided on some fluffy cat ears that tied around your own, a thin choker attached to a leash and a flattering black skin suit fitted with a fuzzy tail. For herself, she found a short witch’s dress with matching gloves, a hat, and a wooden broom, of course. Both of you went into the fitting rooms to try on your outfits. Your suit hugged your curves and complimented the shape of your body. The leash, in your humble opinion, was a little much for you, but Angela insisted upon it. You were surprised with the quality of the costume and were content to wear it for the party. Angela was too, happily praising her own styling intuition. It was beginning to darken outside and the two of you headed back to your dorm after a successful day of shopping.
Your days were starting to look brighter. There was something to look forward to and because of the busy fall season, you were able to keep to yourself. Angela wasn’t pestering you about leaving the dorm and your anxieties about Gabe were getting weaker by the day. If this was becoming your new norm, it wasn’t so bad.
The party came sooner than expected and you were nervous as ever the day of. To you knowledge, only Angela and a couple of people you knew would be in attendance. Ana was an acquaintance, you had seen her at the library cafe from time to time and waved to her, but the two of you had completely different majors. She was close to Angela, but you didn’t know much else about her.
Angela said there would be boys too, much to your dismay. There were two suitors of hers she was anticipating to meet. One of which was Genji. You shared your comp sci class with him and he was a good guy as far as you were concerned. He was cute and seemed like a good fit for her. Then there was Jack. You’d seen him with Gabe, and that was as much information as you needed to know about him. He seemed cocky, probably only wanted Angela for her looks, something to show off at parties. You told her you much preferred Genji, and she agreed.
“But men have to earn you,” she said, “or else it’s too easy for them. It’s like playing tug of war with a puppy. You know you’re going to win, but it’s no fun for them that way.”
“Um,” you started reluctantly, “I don’t know if that’s true at all.”
“Oh, what do you know about boys, you’re still a virgin!” she giggled at herself and your cheeks burned red.
“Whatever…” you replied, “how big is this party going to be? I might have to cling to you.”
“Oh, you’ll definitely have to cling to me. Why do you think I insisted on matching?” she said, patting her face with blush.
“You’re okay with me being so clingy?” you asked.
“I’m well used to it by now,” she smiled at you, brushing her hair.
“I’m not usually like this, you know,” you started, “it’s just been so weird lately.”
“Dont worry about it. If you need me, I’ll be here. Let’s just enjoy our time tonight, yea?” her words soothed you and the two of you agreed to ride whatever wave of emotion you were on until it subsided. You weren’t sure where you would be without Angela holding your hand through this. Her words about you being a virgin reminded you again of Gabe and you wondered if he would show his face at the party. Jack was going, sure, but probably only to met Angela there. Gabe definitely didn’t seem the type to go to a costume party and you doubted he even knew Ana or Angela very well if at all. You deserved some time away from all the drama and stress of college, you thought. This was the perfect opportunity to decompress and allow yourself some fun.
Once the two of you were dressed and made up, you eagerly drove out to Ana’s house in the suburbs. It was festive, the lawn was decorated with skeletons, bones, tombstones, and a blown-up haunted house gated the entrance. Ana was waiting outside, dressed like a pirate with a fake parrot over her shoulder. Her smile was inviting and she welcomed you with open arms.
“Argh mateys,” she mustered her best pirate voice, though it wasn’t very convincing, “are ye ready to party?”
“What is wrong with you?” Angela scoffed, “That voice is painful.”
“Fine, but you can’t tell me this isn’t the best pirate costume you have ever seen,” Ana retorted. It really was, you had to admit. The neutral leathers of her belt complimented her white blouse and flowing pants.
“The boots are a nice touch, with the heels and all,” you complimented her with a smile.
“Don’t entertain her,” Angela chided, “it’ll go right to her head.”
“Not as fast as the rum will,” Ana opened the door to her house and gestures for the two of you to come inside.
The interior was just as festive. It was illuminated by purple string lights and tv screens playing old horror movies you didn’t recognize. Bottles of liquor and fruit juice lined the kitchen along with bowls of snacks and candy. You were tempted to drift away from Angela that instant, but she pulled you by the hand to a crowd of people on the couch.
There was Genji. Dressed as a flashing neon green power ranger, smiling from ear to ear and looking directly at Angela. He was like a fool in love, it was sweet to witness. With him was another man who looked a couple years older than him, same black hair but longer and tied back. He wore a beautiful black suit, Men in Black, maybe? There was no obvious indication of what his costume was. Across the boys were two girls, one with a high ponytail in a graceful ballet dress and another with a striking duo-toned black and white updo that flattered her pained green skin. Bride of Frankenstein, easily the best costume you’d seen yet. You didn’t recognize any of them, but Angela was quick to introduce you.
“Scoot over, Genji. Make some room for us,” Angela patted the spot next to her and you sat, “Have you met Hanzo before? He’s Genji’s brother.”
Hanzo gave you a curt nod, said something to Genji, and returned his attention to his drink. You met the attention of the girl in the ponytail across from him.
“Hi,” you extended a hand, “I don’t think we’ve met, what’s your-“
“Amelie,” she replied before you finished, her tongue was sweet and smooth as silk, “This is my friend, Olivia.”
“Friends, are we?” she laughed, looked at you, “nice to meet you, heard a lot about you.”
“Me?” you asked puzzled.
“Uh-huh,” she rose from her seat, “excuse me, there’s someone I have to met.”
Something about her tone left you feeling uneasy, like there was some nefarious plan you weren’t left privy to. But Angela kept you from thinking any further into it, offering you a bottle of beer.
“No thanks,” you said, “I don’t know if we should be drinking tonight.”
Her and Genji laughed, “You’re at a party, honey,” she wrapped your fingers around the bottle, “live a little, yea?”
And you did. Although Hanzo seemed stone cold, he loosened up with a few drinks and was eager to chat with you and the group. He told you stories of his childhood with Genji in Japan. There was a lot to learn from him and Genji often interrupted his brother before he was about to say something extremely embarrassing. You and Amelie bonded over a few drinks, both of you being impartial to beer, she offered you mixed fruit drinks instead. She had you giggling like a school girl as she played with your costume.
“I wanted to be cat woman,” she explain, “but didn’t have the time to prepare a proper costume. You look exquisite.”
It made you blush, though it was hardly noticeable through your drunken red face, “I think you would’ve made a great cat woman. You’re a beautiful ballerina.”
She cackled, very amused at your joke. You didn’t quite understand what was so funny, but you gave a light chuckle to entertain her, “Look at you, you’re laughing and yet you have no idea why.”
You weren’t sure if she was mocking you or genuinely thought you were endearing, “Sorry, maybe it’s the alcohol.”
“Well, you two are really enjoying each other’s company!” Angela remarked, “Wanna go outside for a bit? I have to touch up my makeup, the heat in here is unbearable.”
“Sure,” you replied, you weren’t sure what she had in mind, but she came to the party with a plan and you intended to help her, “Amelie? Want to join us?”
The three of you took your leave and left the two brothers behind. You followed Angela to the back of the house with Amelie in tow. It was much quieter and intimate, a nice relief from the crowded party.
“Ugh, I’m starting to drink too much,” Angela bemoaned, taking a breath of the fresh air, “if Jack doesn’t come soon I might just fall asleep in Genji’s arms.”
“Jesus, Angela,” you reprimanded her, “why even bother with Jack? You’re playing those two boys.”
“I admire you, Angela,” Amelie said and turned to you, putting a gentle hand on your shoulder, “those two boys need something to play with or they tire quickly. You’re too innocent, dear. These are just the ways of a masterful seductress.”
The two girls laughed among themselves. You sighed, “Not you too, Amelie. This is just cruel. Genji is so sweet, he really brings out the best in you. And Jack…he’s so upity.”
“Why don’t you just take Genji for yourself, then,” Amelie suggested.
“What? No way, he’s not even into me. I’m not into him, either. But him and Angela really make a cute couple,” you said, looking to Angela. She seemed to be eating up the conversation with a satisfied grin.
“Oh? What are you into, then? Not the nerdy type…maybe the jocks? Oh, don’t tell me, you’re into Jack, aren’t you?” Amelie was being obviously playful, but you weren’t sober enough to detect it.
“No! You know there are more boy on this planet than Genji and Jack, right? Ugh, never,” you leaned against the wall, arms folded.
“Okay, let’s see. What about Hanzo? He’s handsome,” she remarked.
“I don’t know, I don’t really like to think about boys like that. I’m way too busy with school,” you said, fiddling with the leash that dangled onto your chest.
“I think you’re getting somewhere Amelie!” Angela was engrossed, hanging on the every word.
“Maybe not Hanzo. Then who else can I think of. Oh, of course! You go to the same school as Gabriel Reyes, don’t you?,” she spoke intently, closely examining your face.
At the sound of his name you couldn’t help the way your body responded. You froze, almost shuddered, and you legs involuntarily squeezed together. The heat in your face was almost unbearable, “What? Why would you even bring him up?”
Amelie chuckled and coiled a finger around the ends of her ponytail, “Just curious. He’s the biggest name at your university besides Jack, thought you might know him.”
“I don’t,” you practically snapped, like a cornered dog, “I’m sorry.”
Your own reaction stunned you once you directed the rude reply at Amelie. You had only met her just a bit ago and were projecting whatever conflicting feelings you had about Gabriel Reyes onto her. It was embarrassing. You didn’t dare look at either of the girls as you excused yourself back into the party.
It had grown louder since you first arrived. Something had changed the mood, everyone was jumping energetically to the music with alcohol in hand. You tried to make your way to something familiar, but you were lost in the sea of people. Navigating through the house seemed impossible, but you managed to stumble your way into the kitchen, holding an empty red cup close to your chest.
“Hey,” you heard a familiar voice faintly next to you. Turning your head, you noticed Olivia trying to get your attention, “You’re Angela’s friend, right?”
You nodded. She smiled, “You’re not with her?”
You just shook your head. Olivia offered you her hand, “Wanna chill?”
The two of you made you way through the crowd and up the stairs. Most of the party was below you now and Olivia took you into what you presumed to be an office of some sort. There was a computer desk across from a leather couch, occupied by a rugged man dressed as a cowboy and none other than Jack Morrison dressed as…himself, presumably.
“What in hell took you so long?” the cowboy spoke with a deep southern accent, “I was nearly about to blow my damn brains out.”
“Shut it, hillbilly,” Jack retorted, “don’t you see Olivia brought a guest.”
The sound of his voice was jarring but you followed Olivia into the room and sat among the men.
“Certainly, and what a lovely lady you are,” the cowboy extended his hand and you placed one on top of his. To your surprised, he rose your hand to his lips and gave a gentle kiss, “Name’s Cassidy.”
You blushed, unsure what to make of the man or the situation unfolding before you, “Nice to meet you.”
The door crashed open, Ana stood in the frame and raised a six-pack of beer, “Hello, old friends,” she smiled at you, “and a plus one! Perfect, a beer for each of us!”
You counted five people, including yourself. Ana handed you a beer and you held it against your chest, unsure of when or where your red cup had been discarded.
“Where the man of the hour?” Jack asked, opening his beer.
“He’ll be here shortly,” Ana turned to you, “do you need help opening that?”
“Oh, sure,” you shyly replied, not really wanting anymore to drink but perhaps if you just wet your lips…
“Don’t tell me your drinking without me,” you heard a voice speak from the open door. You froze.
“Well, shit,” Cassidy chuckled, “get yer ass in here, Reyes, I’m workin’ up a thirst sittin’ next to this jackass.”
Fuck. You wanted to jump up and run away into Angela’s arms. But something kept you in place, staring down at the beer in your hand. Your costume was beginning to feel all too revealing in front of the man you had been trying to avoid for weeks.
“Here, you can have my seat,” Olivia spoke, sitting up from next to you.
“What a doll,” with all of his weight, he plopped down next to you, making you jump.
You looked away, thumb playing with the lip of the beer bottle and eyes fixed at the hallway outside. Even when you weren’t looking at him, you could feel him staring into you.
“Yo,” he snapped a finger at you and you turned towards the sound. You couldn’t believe your eyes at first. He had really outdone himself, face painting like that of a skeleton. The hollows of his cheeks were black, same for the rest of the areas not painted white. You stared at him like a deer in headlights, “what the hell is a prude like you doing here?”
You blushed and took a breath. Before you could reply, Cassidy spoke up for you, “Shit, if she’s a prude wearing that little number, I’d like to see what the less modest ladies are wearing.”
He and Gabriel shared a hearty laugh and Ana rolled her eyes, “Now that you’re here, Gabe,” she started, “let’s have a little toast.”
Jack rose up, holding his beer out in the air, “To good company,” he looked down as Cassidy, who was beginning to light a smoke, “on second thought, to debauchery.”
Gabe laughed, shaking the couch, “That’s something I can drink to.”
And with that, everyone took a drink from their beer. You took a small sip while Gabe downed half of his in one go. It felt wrong, sitting next to him here and enjoying a beer as if nothing had happened between the two of you. And Cassidy’s comments weren’t helping you feel any more comfortable with the situation.
“Thank you for letting me drink with you guys,” you spoke shyly, “but I should really get back to Angela and see if she’s okay.”
Before you could move, Gabe put his arm around your shoulders and kept you in place with a strong grip. Your eyes met his and you couldn’t hide your anxiety any longer. He could undoubtably see what he was doing to you, a smile growing on his face, “Don’t be rude. Finish your drink.”
“Wait a minute, Gabe,” Jack interrupted, “you said you were going to find Angela?”
You nodded. Jack might be your saving grace yet.
“Let’s go. I’ve been meaning to find her all night,” Jack said, lifting himself from his seat.
“Fine,” Gabe relented, “I’ll go with you.”
“Looks like it’s just the three of us, ladies,” Cassidy sent Ana a sultry smile, to which she responded with a slap to the back of his head.
Jack began out the door, motioning with his hand for you to join, you and Gabe followed him to the party downstairs. The party was still going hard, it seemed, as the floor shook with the feet of the dancing partygoers. You searched for any sight of Angela’s blonde hair or her witch hat. It didn’t seem like she had returned to the party.
“Where did you leave her?” Jack asked, almost screaming to cut through the noise of music and guests.
“We were outside,” you explain, matching his volume, “come on, I’ll show you.”
“Fine,” he said, lowering his voice. You made your way through the party guests and opened a sliding glass door that led to the backyard. Sure enough, there was Amelie leaning against the wall and scrolling through her phone.
Before you could ask her where Angela went, Gabe greeted her, “Wow, Amelie, you’re really enjoying this party, huh?”
She put her phone in a clutch bag and turned her attention to your company, “Well, I was wondering when you would show up. Looks like you found yourself a little pet, too.”
You blushed when she smiled at you, you were really regretting going along with this costume. You cleared your throat, trying to get back on topic, “Do you know where Angela went?”
Gabe tugged lightly at the leash dangling from your collar and you looked up at him, “Don’t you know it’s rude to interrupt adults when they’re speaking?”
Amelie laughed and you slapped his hand. Jack was growing ever impatient and spoke, “I didn’t come to this party to watch your fucking foreplay. Where’s Angela?”
“Her and Genji went to the basement,” Amelie replied, “with his brother or something. Probably playing pool. Might be caught up in some other things, though…”
When her voice trailed off, Jack made a bee line into the house and disappeared into the party. You started to follow him before Gabe pulled you back.
“What’re you doing?” you asked, frustration obvious in your voice and he seemed all too amused to hear it.
“You’ve been drinking like a damn sailor,” he said, “I can smell it when you talk.”
“Oh, please, Gabe,” Amelie chimed in, “cut her a break. Heaven knows the last time you’ve had this much fun, right?”
You weren’t sure if she was referring to you or Gabe but whatever fun you had at the start of the evening was beginning to fade fast.
“I just want to find Angela and go home,” you confessed, “it’s getting late.”
“You know she’s been waiting for Jack all night, there’s no way she intends to go home just yet,” Amelie reminded you, walking towards you and Gabe. She put a hand on your shoulder and said, “I suggest you make the most of your time here.”
“I’m just going to follow Jack, then,” you said, hoping they would let you go, but you should’ve known better.
“She really is rude, you know,” Amelie said, patting your shoulder before making her leave. When she opened the door, she turned to chide you again before leaving, “Be a good girl, now.”
You looked up at Gabe, that same feeling in your stomach you felt in the locker room came back again and you were suddenly reminded of what you had been hoping to avoid. How could you feel so alone and vulnerable in a house full of people? It didn’t make much sense, but your heart raced and you hushed the urge to cry. His face was concealed through the paint, even the line of his lips was difficult to make out. Still, he stared down at you with his hand still holding your arm. Your face burned hot again knowing how tight your costume was against your body, it was suffocating when his eyes trailed downward.
“Cassidy was right,” he began, “for a prude, you’re really dressed like a slut.”
You tried to wiggled you arm away from him, but he tightened his grip. Annoyed and anxious, you spoke, “Stop it, Gabe. I don’t want anything to do with you, and if you don’t like me so much then maybe we should just leave each other alone.”
His eyes met yours, rich ebony that bended against the outline of his pupils. They kept you frozen in place, like the stilling darkness of a bottomless abyss. No light reflected through them.
“And yet here you are,” he said after a brief pause, “Little miss perfect, drunk, at a party, dressed like she’s looking for a good fuck that’ll leave her senseless. What a sight you are.”
“Shut up!” your voice cracked and your words couldn’t reach the volume you had hope, “I didn’t even want to dress up like this, Angela picked it out for me. We’re matching! She’s a fucking witch and I’m her cat familiar, asshole!”
“Jesus Christ,” he rubbed his temples, “you’re such a fucking dork, you know that? Can’t believe I-“
He paused suddenly and looked down at you again, eyes trailing down your body. His stare perverse and he licked his lips in sick anticipation like a hungry wolf, “What am I saying…look at you. If only you’d shut that pretty mouth of yours, you might be the finest piece of ass I’ve ever seen. Hell, you even give some good head.”
“What the hell?!” you spoke up in an attempt to stop any discussion of what had happened in the locker room, “You’re sick, for real. There’s something actually wrong with you!”
He chuckled, “Come on, don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy yourself. Poor thing, you never did get off. Maybe we should finish what we started…”
You crossed your arms in defiance and tightened your jaw in an effort to conceal your frustration. Truthfully, you wanted to slap him in the face for being such an insulting, patronizing, annoying creep. But you didn’t want the confrontation. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of ruining your night.
“You’re nothing but trouble, Gabe,” you huffed, “maybe you should stop following me around like a puppy and just pretend like nothing ever happened because I am not at all interested in playing your sick little games.”
He clenched his jaw and turned away from you, a sly smile growing on his face. The muscles in his arms flexed through his hoodie, clearly what you had said cut through him. You didn’t regret it, what you said was true. He’s bad news.
Gabe turned to catch a glimpse of you. In that moment, you thought you could see right through him, piercing through whatever barrier that concealed his true nature from everyone that know him but you. He liked to play with your emotions, to dwindle down your strength and take control of the situation. But now the tables had been turned in your favor. It had stunned you, to think you could disarm him like this. And the atmosphere was tense, silent and still for a while.
It wasn’t long after that he regain his composure, straightening his posture and bridging the gap between the two of you, “What do you want, huh? Want some desperate boy to feed your fucking ego? Always talking about how I don’t like you, like you want me kiss your ass and tell you whatever bullshit you want to hear, is that it?”
He laughed and his chest rose heavily. Staring up at him, you remained aloof, “I thought we were friends once, Gabe. Then you changed your tone quick. You’re mean, actually, you’re cruel.”
His arms suddenly gripped onto yours and he forced you to back up against the wall with nothing more than a squeal of defiance from you. He moved a hand from your arm to hold your face, smearing whatever black makeup that it touched. You felt that same paralyzing fear you had felt before. He crashed his lips against yours and you denied him any sort of entrance to your tongue. This didn’t satisfy him, his hand went to grip your throat and the tight squeeze caused you to open your mouth in an attempt to breath. He took the opportunity to lace his tongue between yours, and a tear rolled down your cheek. It was sickeningly intimate, like the reunion of two passionate lovers. And you were anything but.
Your hands wrapped around his wrist, pulling and tugging to release their grip but it was futile. He didn’t move a muscle as he continued to assault your tongue with his own, both your lips wetting with each other’s saliva. It disgusted you. But why did you hips stutter when he sucked on your tongue and why did your fingers squeeze around his wrist in reaction to the burning feeling in your core? Why did he have to be so perverse, so debauched in his thoughts of you yet still lure you in with his hoarse voice and beautiful visage. It was as if he were the devil himself and you a victim of temptation.
When he pulled away from you, it was sudden. A string of spit connected the two of you for a moment, breaking once Gabe stood at full height. He towered over you, a shadow of a man eclipsing the moon. You wiped your mouth, surely smudging your makeup and drawn whiskers while doing so.
“What a waste of time,” Gabe spoke, “trying to talk sense into is like talking to a wall. Just as dull, too.”
“You’re vulgar,” you spat through heavy breaths.
“You’re in denial,” he scoffed, wiping his lips with a swipe of his thumb.
“You ruined my makeup,” you almost shouted.
“Yeah?” he chuckled, “Wouldn’t mind ruining the rest of you while we’re at it.”
“Gabe,” you felt him staring intently at you like a bloodhound, “let’s just go back to the party.”
He looked up at you from whatever part of your body caught his attention, “Fine, you caught me in a good mood tonight. Just know I’m not finished with you yet, princesa.”
He brought a tender hand to you cheek and rubbed it endearingly, sending you a wink as he walked towards the sliding glass doors that lead inside. His sudden gentleness reddened your cheeks and you walked beside him into the party, trying to find some sort of sanctuary in the arms of Angela or perhaps an unoccupied bathroom. Whatever presented itself to you first. Before you could bid farewell to Gabe, he had already left you, somewhere among the crowded house. A part of you was relieved but another unsure what to make of his sudden disappearance. It was a tendency of his to come and go as he pleased and take whatever it was he desired from you while doing so. You felt vulnerable, even when you sent curses his way it barely seemed to make any difference. He was going to take what he wanted from you and you were powerless in your efforts to stop him.
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marmorafarms · 1 month
The Hazards of Love Ch 3
I have a bonus chapter for you all! I ended up getting super inspired, and decided to split the chapter into two instead of doing one huge chapter. I hope you enjoy!
The song mentioned in this chapter is a real song! It's one of my favorites, and is called Kun Anta, by Humood AlKhudher! I translated the bits I put in as best I could, but I might not have done the best job ever, so sorry to y'all who are more fluent in Arabic than I am!
Pairing: Labru
Word Count: 2098
Chapter Rating: Teen+
You can read it down below or on ao3!
Ever since the concert with Laios, the two had become almost inseparable. It was hard to find one without the other, both men seeming to genuinely love being around each other. Even though Laios was a little odd, Kabru found that he really didn’t mind that much. He might be different, but he was passionate about his interests, and it softened Kabru’s heart to hear him talk about his two passions—exotic animals, and cooking.
“You know, I’d love to cook something with you sometime!” Laios said one day, seemingly out of the blue. The two were studying in the library, Laios looking over his notes for creative writing, and Kabru working on some math.
“What?” Kabru asked, confused. They hadn’t even been talking about food, so he wasn’t really sure what had brought this on.
“We should cook,” Laios said. “I think you should meet my friend Senshi, he’s a cooking instructor, and can make an amazing meal out of anything! I was just thinking, I want you to meet my friends. I’ve met yours, so you should meet mine!”
Kabru winced, thinking about Laios’ introduction to Rin. She had been ice cold, but either Laios hadn’t noticed or simply didn’t care.
“Is it because he’s pretty?” Rin had asked after hanging out with Laios. Kabru glared at her.
“Probably,” their friend Mickbell said with a snort. “I can’t believe you want to hang out with that blond dumbass,” he continued. “He’s friends with Chilchuck! Don’t you remember that weirdo from high school? Ugh, I can’t believe we have to be friends with those chuckleheads now.”
“It’s not that,” Kabru said, trying to keep a cool head. “He’s nice. Genuine. Maybe he’s a little strange, but that just makes him even better. He’s himself, no matter what. It’s beautiful.”
Mickbell made a loud fake gagging noise, and Rin rolled her eyes.
“Whatever you say,” she said grumpily.
Kabru hoped that meeting Laios’ friends would go over a little bit better, and that hopefully none of them would have rude things to say about him behind his back. He had agreed to meet Senshi, which had overjoyed Laios. He gave Kabru a one thousand watt smile, and clapped him on the back.
“We’ll have so much fun!” Laios said. “You should bring some ingredients!”
“Like what?” Kabru said. “We should probably come up with a meal first instead of just bringing random ingredients and hoping it makes something.”
“Hmm…” Laios said thoughtfully. “I’ll ask Senshi what would be good.”
Kabru nodded. “Okay that sounds--”
“Oops!” a feminine voice said as someone bumped into Kabru. “Sorry!”
Kabru turned in his chair, and saw two people behind him. They were both blonde and very feminine looking. The shorter of the two was who was looking a Kabru in a way he very much didn’t like. She leaned against the table, a sly smile on her face, eyes hooded. He recognized this look. It was the look of someone who was going to try to shoot their shot, and Kabru really wasn’t in the mood.
“It’s fine,” Kabru said, trying to sound as disinterested in her as possible.
“Oh I’m glad I didn’t bother you,” she said. “Hey, I think I recognize you! I think you’re in my stats class! With Professor Jakob?”
“Maybe,” Kabru said, “It’s a huge class. Sorry, I don’t think I recognize you.”
Her face fell, but brightened as she continued. “Well, my name is Fleki, and this is Lycion,” she said, nodding to the man next to her, who raised a hand in greeting.
“Great, nice to meet you,” Kabru said. He turned back to his math, but Fleki continued to talk.
“There’s a really awesome party coming up next weekend,” she said, sliding Kabru a piece of paper. “There’s my number. Call me sometime, okay?” she said with a grin. Kabru gave a forced smile, and felt relieved as she left.
“Are you going to call her?” Laios asked. “She was pretty.”
“She was, but that’s not enough to make me want to call her,” Kabru said. “She was so rude, just butting into our conversation. And I did recognize her.”
“Really?” Laios said, surprised. “But you told her you didn’t!”
“I know Fleki by reputation, but not by looks. At first I was being honest, but as soon as she said her name, I realized who she was. She’s a druggie, always high on mushrooms or LSD or shit like that. An awesome party…probably just wants to get high and mess around.”
“Would you want to do that?” Laios asked.
“Want to get high and fuck her? Hell no!” Kabru said, shocked.
“No, I…I more meant the idea. Getting high and messing around with someone,” Laios said, sounding slightly flustered.
Kabru blinked. What?
“Um, I don’t know?” Kabru said. “Maybe if it was like, weed or something. I don’t go any harder than that. I’ve never had sex while high though.”
“I have,” Laios said.
“Really?” Kabru said, and Laios nodded.
“I don’t have a lot of experience though, not many people want to go that far with me, but when I have--”
“Oh that’s bullshit, you’re hot as fuck!” Kabru burst out. It didn’t take long for him to register what he had just said, and felt his face heating up, wishing a hole would open up in the floor and swallow him whole. Why had he said that?!
“Excuse me?” Laios said, his cheeks tinged with pink.
“I…” Kabru floundered, trying to figure out how to save the situation, “I just meant that you’re a good looking guy so it’s hard to believe that people wouldn’t want to do it with you!”
“Oh,” Laios said, eyes wide. “Well…I don’t have trouble getting dates if it’s on an app. Girls seem to like how I look. But it’s after that’s the problem. Once they meet me, most of them don’t want to date me. I weird people out,” Laios said sadly. “So meeting people in person is pretty much out of the question. They meet me and are instantly turned off.”
“That’s stupid,” Kabru said with a frown. “You’re great! Anyone would be lucky to be with you.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re a guy!” Laios said.
That line.
Kabru sighed. Having said that stupid phrase, Laios was probably straight. If he wasn’t able to consider that a man could have feelings for another man…or maybe he was operating under the assumption that Kabru was straight? Well, the band aid would have to be ripped off at some point, might as well say something now.
“First of all, it doesn’t matter that I’m a guy, it’s obvious that anyone would be lucky to be with you. You’re a great guy with a good heart. But secondly, I happen to enjoy guys just as much as those girls you’re talking about.”
“Enjoy guys?” Laios said slowly, looking confused. Kabru wanted to slam his head against the table. Why was Laios so slow on the uptake?
“I fuck guys,” Kabru said bluntly, and Laios choked on air.
“You’re gay?” Laios said, after his coughs subsided.
“Bi,” Kabru said, “but yeah, I’m into guys. You?”
“I…I’m not really sure,” Laios said after a moment. “I think I’m straight but…”
“But?” Kabru pressed, and Laios looked away.
“I dunno. I’ve never thought about much until…” Laios paused, the apples of his cheeks flushing once more. “Well, I was talking with my friends and then my sister’s girlfriend, Marcille, called me ‘heteroflexible.’ So…maybe I like guys? Sometimes?”
Holy shit! He likes guys!
Kabru felt his heart flutter. Was being with Laios an actual possibility?
“But that just means the amount of people who don’t want to date me has just doubled,” Laios said with a bitter laugh. “I’ve tried to be someone else, a whole new person, but it never works. I’m just…me.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. There’s this song I like…it reminds me of you. It’s in Arabic, but it says basically that if you’re yourself, you’re beautiful.”
“So, in your opinion,” Laios said slowly, “If I just let myself be myself, I’ll be beautiful?”
“Yes,” Kabru said firmly. “Don’t forget that, okay?”
“I won’t,” Laios said with a soft smile. “I promise.”
Laios sat in his car, wondering if this was a good idea. He hadn’t asked beforehand, but it was visiting hours. He desperately wanted to see Kabru, even though he had no idea what he would even say.
Laios turned his music on shuffle and hit play. And then it came on. The song, their song.
Pulling up his GPS, he put in the name of the hospital and began to drive. This was probably a stupid idea, but Laios didn’t care. He needed to see Kabru, even if it was just for a few minutes, or even seconds. Even if he was just looking through the window…he needed to see his face.
(in order to keep up with them I imitated their appearance. So I looked like someone else, just to brag. I thought I had become rich, but I found I had lost, for these are appearances)
لأجاريهم، قلّدت ظاهر ما فيهم
فبدوتُ شخصاً آخر، كي أتفاخر
و ظننتُ أنا، أنّي بذلك حُزْت غنى
فوجدتُ أنّي خاسر، فتلك مظاهر
Laios’ breath caught in his throat, and he both wanted to listen and didn’t want to listen all at the same time. He didn’t speak Arabic, but he could still remember Kabru telling him the meaning of the song, telling him how much it reminded him of Laios.
كن أنت تزدد جمالاً
(Be yourself and you will be more beautiful)
Kabru had told him this line on that day in the library. Told him that as long as he was himself, he would be beautiful. But look where being himself had gotten him! He hadn’t been able to love Kabru, and now his friend was in the hospital, dying. Sure, Laios had a plan. But did Falin have a point? Could he make himself fall in love with Kabru, or was it a lost cause?
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he drove, listening to the song. At the next light, he put the song on repeat, letting it play on loop as he remembered the first time they had ever listened to it. That moment had been everything. It had been the moment he fell for Kabru.
But clearly, not fallen in love.
God, how could he say he fell for Kabru when Kabru was coughing up petals and pollen? He felt like he was in love, but clearly something was off, something was wrong. Could something be wrong with his love? Was it not deep enough, or maybe…maybe they weren’t meant for each other? Was that how it worked? Maybe you had to be soul mates.
Laios had spent hours researching Hanhaki, but unfortunately there wasn’t a whole lot of scholarly articles about it. Most of what he found were random people speculating or telling stories that truly frightened Laios. One article in a newspaper he didn’t recognize spoke of someone who lost all memories of the person they had been in love with. They had had the surgery and completely forgotten the person, didn’t even know their name.
Could he handle it if Kabru completely forgot him? Completely forgot this song? Completely forgot when they had…
Laios shook his head. He couldn’t remember that now. He needed to focus on what he was going to say to Kabru. He had to figure out what the hell to say! And what to say if Rin was there.
Rin was furious with him. She blamed Laios for Kabru’s predicament and clearly hated him for it. She had burst out in fury at him, and now refused to even look at him when they were in class, much less talk to him. She would probably try and stop him from seeing Kabru.
And maybe she would be right to. Would Kabru even want to see him? Laios hadn’t even considered that until this very moment. Maybe seeing him would make things worse. Maybe he’d die on the spot. Laios gripped the steering wheel tight. He sighed, and pulled over. This was a bad idea. He punched a new address into the GPS and headed there. He needed someone to be brutally honest with him, someone who wouldn’t sugar coat things even a little bit. Someone who wouldn’t give a shit about his feelings.
He needed Izutsumi.
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solar-tl-27 · 3 months
Solar, how are you? It's been a while since you posted anything
Oh my goodness HI
Overall doing pretty good! Currently in between jobs trying to see if i wanna go back to school or get a different job ….but doing pretty good atm!
I sadly have….. not been interested in winx even a little😔 the hyper fixation ended
But iii have been drawing! Lemme grab some recent art!
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Currently focusing on redesigning some of myyy older characters including some that are from way back when i was ten to 2020
I haven’t really had the energy to post here… still trying to figure out what my plans for here are! Especially since a lot of my art is more study focused atm.
I might post more of my original projects from time to time now that I’m focusing on those more. I have finally started actually rendering pieces again like… a week ago 😭😅
Maybe i’ll do original projects maybe I’ll focus on doing more show redesigns! Honestly might be fun i’d love some recommendations on that!
But for now 😅 sorry bout just disappearing i have beeeeen super super busy
Hope y’all like the new art tho!
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Off to College!
Hey man, Can’t believe you’re making me drive Two fuckin’ hours to come see you In your school’s fall production… But I’m gonna be there. Watch out.
Dude, I have that class on those mornings, too! We’ll see each other then! … What do you mean your class is at 7?
Woah, You got into that school? Hell yeah, dude! I’m so happy for you!!
We will probably never speak again, And I am devastated by that thought.
Yo, Saw you in the hallway today, But you were looking at your phone, And I didn’t want to distract you. You looked busy.
So fucked that you’re moving next week. Why did you have to pick a school so far From everyone else?
Oh, shit, I have that class too, It’s just at a different time. Maybe we can meet up in the library To study sometime?
We will probably never speak again, And I am thrilled by that thought.
Yeah, it is cringe that our schedules Clash that much. You’re absolutely right. We’ll fix that going forward.
No, I know what I’m going in for, I’m just taking it easy this semester. Yeah, I’m not sure where I’m going to transfer. I think it’ll be alright. I’ve got time.
Holy shit, I haven't seen you since 5th grade! Hey, you're going here, too? Man, that's awesome. Maybe I'll see you around.
Oh, I took that class over the summer. It sucked, yeah. I can help you if you want. Sure, I don’t mind.
Hey, This class looks pretty fun. Do you wanna take it with me next semester? Next year?
We will probably never speak again, But we never really spoke in the first place.
Saw a kid that looked just like you on campus today. Jumpscare, right?
So, I know you're across the country right now, But I don't suppose you could fly back in For my birthday party this month Could you?
Aw, I’d love to go, But I have a class at that time. Maybe next week?
Okay, Mom, I'm serious. You can keep taking pictures, But I'm walking away now. I don't want to be late on my first day.
Hey, I saw that you were listed on the roster, But you weren’t here. You dropping this class? Can I convince you not to?
You’re the fourth person at this party To tell me you held me in your arms When I was a baby. I don’t mind, though. It’s kind of endearing.
If there’s a reunion in, what.. Five… Ten years… Would you go? ‘Cause I will, But only if you do.
I hope we do speak again. It was nice being in high school with you.
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honourablejester · 14 days
Fun With Spreadsheets & Pathfinder 2e
A while back, I thought it would be amusing to plug all the D&D 5e damage spells into a spreadsheet and see what damage types were more common and at which spell levels. And it’s been a long, stressful couple months, and these are the things I do to amuse myself, so I thought I’d have a peek at Pathfinder for something similar.
So. I went through Archives of Nethys and put all the PF2e spells available on the main 4 spell lists into a spreadsheet, arranged by spell rank, to examine the damage types. I can’t show you a screenshot of this spreadsheet, because it’s huge and evil and wouldn’t fit, but here’s a piece of it:
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I’ve noted the spell lists each spell is available on in brackets after it. This is because, unlike 5e where I’d have to go through all the class lists individually, PF2e has just four spell lists, for the four traditions, which made it a lovely vehicle to study the damage types prevalent in each of those schools. Which I decided to focus on.
Now. Some caveats. I picked the right wrong time for this, while PF2e is in the middle of the remaster, so there’s some weirdness.
Firstly, I’ve been using the remastered damage types, which are mostly the same until we get to the fancy ones at the end: void/negative, vitality/positive, spirit/alignment. I’ve used the new terms (void, vitality, spirit) and wherever an old spell on AoN had one of the old terms, I just swapped it to the new one as in the remaster guidelines. Give we’re mid-remaster, I’m not sure how many of these spells will be sticking around in their current form, but I’m just going on what I’ve got now.
Secondly, some spells deal damage in funky ways. I’m not counting spells that transform you into something that’s going to deal one of the physical damage types, for example, but the lines are a little blurry, since I used the Mantle spells, for example, which could be argued there. I also included spells that do bleed damage, even though that’s almost always only on a crit fail on the enemy’s part, so bleed damage is its own little category with its own little rules.
There’s also a bunch of multi-damage spells that are included for all the damage types they deal, so they’re in there multiple times. I’ve also put the spell in at the rank it first appears at, not counted them for every rank they can be learned at, which has resulted in at least one case where the spell doesn’t deal one of the damage types it’s listed until a higher rank than the one it’s listed on. I cannot remember which one this is, but the damage types by spell rank might be slightly skewed because of that. I think it’s only the one spell where that happens, though?  
Right. With that out of the way, some results!
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The most popular damage type, by far, is … not fire damage, for a nice change from 5e. Fire damage is the second most popular damage type. First place actually goes to bludgeoning damage in PF2e. There are a crap tonne of water, earth and wind spells that just smack you around. The top five overall damage types, in order of top to bottom, are bludgeoning, fire, piercing, mental and poison.
The three least common damage types are vitality/positive, force, and sonic. I had expected spirit/alignment damage to be down here, but that is actually not in the bottom five. Although, granted, because I’m using the new terms, all alignment damage is getting bundled together. If I’d still had it separated out into good or evil damage, they’d likely be lower. Poor sonic damage doesn’t get a good showing, rather like it’s cousin thunder damage in 5e.
When we split the spells out among the four traditions, it gets kind of interesting. (Note here, each tradition counts all the spells it has available, so spells appear in multiple traditions).
Arcane and Primal have very similar, but not identical, profiles for damage types. Both favour bludgeoning, fire, piercing and poison. If you want to throw acid damage, though, you’re better with Arcane, and if you want to throw cold damage, you’re better with Primal. Although surprisingly, the Divine spell list also has a decent number of cold spells.
Going through this list, I’m developing a slight aggravation at the Arcane spell list in general, because it just has more of everything except the more esoteric damage types. It’s the closest to the overall damage type profile. Because wizards get all the bloody love.
Both the Occult and Divine lists are weighted heavily towards mental and void damage. Divine obviously has more focus on spirit and vitality damage, while Occult is the only list with a strong sonic showing, which I’m presuming is because it’s the bard’s spell list.
The lowest damage type in each tradition is also fascinating. Primal gets absolutely zero mental spells. Not a single one. Druids don’t mess around with that mind-magic bullshit. And Divine, fascinatingly, has zero poison spells. Which is such an interesting choice, thematically. It has void damage, and mental, it can absolutely rot you from the inside out spiritually and psychically, but not physically. No weapons of physical ill-health.
Arcane’s lowest type is spirit, which makes sense. The raw forces of magic don’t care about good and evil, they care about possibility. It’s low on the esoteric types in general, with vitality and force also on the bottom of its totem pole (though void, because it’s spooky and cool, gets higher). Occult also disdains vitality/positive damage, presumably because occult is mostly in favour of the sorts of creatures usually damaged by that. Occult also disdains the cold, which I find slightly hilarious. What, no deathly chill? Pansies.
I do still find it fascinating that Divine has a decent smattering of cold spells. Swallow Light, Chilling Darkness, Moonlight Ray, Eclipse Burst, Moonburst. Definitely a theme of the cold and the dark in there. I’m assuming its partly because of some of Pathfinder’s more popular deities, like Desna, the Black Butterfly, and Zon Kuthon, who have a bit of a ‘void of space’ sort of theme.
In terms of damage types across spell ranks …
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If you want to have a fresh new spell that deals acid damage at most spell ranks, pick Arcane. If you want a decent choice of elemental or physical damage spells across spell ranks in general, Arcane or Primal. Also poison. I do find it weird that Arcane gets more poison spells that Primal does, and across a better range of spell ranks too.
If you want spells that do mental damage, Occult is your first choice. Both Arcane and Divine dabble a bit, but Occult gives mental damage pride of place. If you want to do void damage, it’s also up there, although Arcane is very close behind it, and Divine beats it soundly.
The Divine list, as is often the case with god-adjacent lists, is very specialised, and doesn’t do a lot that isn’t void, spirit, vitality or mental damage. Or force. I’m gathering that in PF2e, force is less ‘raw magical force’, and more … well. Before the name changes, I would have guessed that force would have been the closest to what I’d consider ‘spirit’ damage? Arcane doesn’t touch the stuff much, but Divine has most of it, followed by Occult.
In general, if you want spell options for most damage types at most levels, you want the arcane list, followed by the primal list. The other two are very specialised. I think I prefer the primal list, myself, and not just because I’m irrationally peeved that wizards get all the love. That being said, they do share a lot. Typing the spells into the main spreadsheet, a lot of them have (AP) after them, because Primal and Arcane just have a lot of the same (damage) spells. Divine and Occult, while they do share a fair amount, are further from each other than Arcane and Primal, they have different priorities. Occult is sort of half between Divine and Arcane, with some things, like the wealth of sonic and mental spells, all its own. Primal does borrow a bit more from Divine as well, making it a bit of the opposite corner of the diamond.
And, some last general thoughts:
Cold damage needs more goddamn love! Every goddamn game. I’m beginning to irrationally hate fire damage almost as much as I irrationally hate arcane/wizard spell lists. Sonic/thunder also needs more love. And acid! Acid is mean, use it more!
I’m a bit surprised by poison damage. While it is high in terms of number of spells, it tends to feel very specialised? Almost like bleed damage. It’s its own little thing off to the side.
Speaking of bleed, one thing I do find amusing is that Primal favours it. Arcane technically has more spells that deal bleed damage, but within Arcane’s own internal rankings, bleed occupies the same place as it does for Divine and Occult, eleventh most popular, while Primal, even though it was one less bleed spell quantitatively, ranks bleed damage as three spots higher, eighth most popular. Primal also ranks slashing damage higher than anyone else. Primal is the school that just most wants to physically mince you, you know? Smash you and slash you and stab you and bleed you. Lets kick this old school, with tooth and claw and razored coral growths and giant stone teeth from the ground. Heh. I like the Primal list. It’s also the best for cold damage as well. Which has nothing to do with my liking it, of course not!
Also, random other note, PF2e just has more spells, like, in general, than D&D 5e. Which might be why some of them, as I noted previously, are a lot more specific and specialised.
I do find spreadsheets soothing, you know? Apologies to all. I’m very frazzled the past couple months.
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cutieeeszn · 11 months
Hobby’s to pick up:
Okay, if I’m being honest. I am very inconsistent with my hobbies. I end up dropping them all. But having hobbies and activities really help you in multiple ways. Finding new friends, learning new things, disengaging from electronics. (I see y’all) so here are a few hobbies to look into. Some of them ive tried/been trying to get into. And these are the ones I’m most consistent with. :)))
Crochet or knitting is so calming. And really not that expensive. It’s simple to learn. And you can do it over playing some music. Let me know if there’s any crochet tutorial accounts you’d love to know!
- ah. This one is simple. Many tutorials available. I’d say, begin with finding out your art style. Experiment. Go crazy. You can trace some drawings first, as practice. Slowly move on to actually drawing. And remember, be creative. Finding your own art style is so important and influences how good your drawing may come out.
Learning a new language
This one is fun. Duolingo…my best friend right now. I’m doing French. It’s a beautiful language, and after a while of learning French. (3 weeks) when I’m listening to songs I can understand some parts. I also find it so entertaining comparing them to English words and how they link. 21 days forms a habit. So, doing duolingo. Kind of an habit now.
Again, calming. It’s beautiful to see how the images end up. And it’s more fun when you draw your own images. Really cheap I believe, varying from where you’re from. But making pillows, frames and little pieces is so lovely with embroidery.
Writing/ Poetry
This one is good and interesting as a hobby, personality trait. And for your mind. Training your brain to express its thoughts in different words, sequences and hidden under other meanings. Is so beautiful.
Digital scrapbooking
My instagram is filled with these. Actually, I only have one post. But it’s a digital scrapbook. Using CANVA and 17v28 to make these scrapbooks are so fun. Not messy, and so easy.
Not only does it look snazzy. Dancing has so many health benefits. Hip Hop to ballet to jazz. Now I think about it, I miss being a dancer.
Be a book warm, have no shame about it. Really. Let me know if you want some book recommendations. Books take you into another world, let you view things. It’s trust beautiful when you find the right kinda book.
Creating a tumblr blog
I just started this. It’s fun though. That’s all I can say.
Fashion Designing
I sewed a shift dress. Well, kind of. It’s so fun making clothes. Although, fashion design was a school subject. It’s very fun to do. You can remake clothes at home. Turn an old skirt into a shirt. Go crazy. (Btw, when you take classes you start noticing fashion design features in your clothes. I noticed seam allowances, overlocking.)
Learning to play an instrument
I’m guilty of picking and dropping instruments. Currently, it’s guitar for me. I was really good at clarinet, and eh and piano. But now, I’m going back to guitar. Learning and instrument has many benefits. Study wise, talent wise, im pretty sure mentally too!
Normal Scrap Booking
Same thing as digitally. Just pulls you away from the screen ;)
Capture those moments. Cherish them. Post them. Print them. Annotate them. Write about them. Just capture them.
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
Would you consider doing a Benny Miller x gn!reader, friends to lovers oneshot, with “is that my shirt?”, “you look better in my clothes than i do.”, and possibly “i didn’t mean to say that but yeah, i love you.” (Ben would def slip on and say smth like that)?
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My Clothes
Pairing: Benny Miller x gn!reader
Word Count: 670+
Rating: Nothing mature in this one, but my blog is rated Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: None, but I’ll leave my standard warning here. Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes:  I’m so sorry this took me forever to get to! Life and hurricanes happen sometimes. I hope you like it!
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Benny Miller Masterlist
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Benny and I have been friends, best friends, as long as I can remember. He was always there for me throughout school, literally picking me up out of the mud when I fell flat on my ass in a giant puddle, and beyond, eagerly accepting all of the care packages I sent him while he was overseas, putting in his own special requests for certain snacks that I’m fairly certain he was using for trade. 
Whatever made his time there easier. 
When he came home for leave, he usually stayed at my place. It didn’t make sense for him to have a place of his own as he typically shipped out just a couple of months after he’d come back. It was either that or more training. He was always on the move. And I had no problem with him leaving his stuff there, often stealing one of his shirts or jackets because he has the warmest ones during those cold months.
And also because they smell like him.
This time, he was home for a month before having to leave for training and I’m making sure he has all the fun and relaxation he can stand. We’ve already done his favorite activities, mainly paintball, axe throwing, and going out on a rented boat, and eaten most of his favorite foods. Tonight was the last place on the list - takeout from his favorite pizza place. 
After dinner, he turned on a movie and got himself settled into the couch. I was feeling chilly so I went and grabbed the shirt off the back of my desk chair in my room, pushing my arms through the sleeves as I sat next to Benny on the couch. Several minutes pass of the characters doing something in the movie. I’m not sure what because I keep feeling his eyes on me but whenever I look, he moves them back to the screen. Finally, he spits it out.
“Is that my shirt?”
Shit. I’d completely forgotten this was his.
I look down at it and try to act innocent. “Oh, uh…yeah. I think so. Is that ok?”
His blue eyes study mine, flicking down to the jacket and back up. “You look better in my clothes than I do.”
He says it so quietly that I’m not sure I heard him right.
He looks like a deer caught in headlights, eyes comically blown wide. “N-nothin’.”
“No, you said something about me looking better in your clothes than you.”
Red creeps up his neck and settles onto his cheeks, his large hand coming up to rub at his neck. “I..I didn’t say that.”
“Yes you did.” I slap his arm playfully.
“N-no. I didn’t.”
Turning to face him fully, I sigh with fake exasperation. “Yes you did, Ben.”
When he doesn’t answer, I pick up the couch pillow and smack him with it square in the face, laughing at his shocked expression. He retaliates, smacking me back and we escalate, smacking each other faster and faster until he gives in.
“Ok ok! I didn’t mean to say that!”
“I don’t believe you!” I pull my pillow back to smack him again.
“Ok ok fine I said it!”
I shake my pillow at him and he flinches playfully.
“Why would you say that?”
“Because I love you!”
“Well I love you too Ben. You’re my best friend-”
“No.” He sighs and I lower the pillow, my head cocking to the side at him as he fidgets with the pillow he holds. 
“I mean, I love you.”
Now’s the time to confess.
“I love you too, Ben.”
His eyes snap to mine, looking to see if I’m telling the truth. I nod, smiling at him and he chucks his pillow across the room, taking my hand in his, his thumb rubbing over the back of my hand.
“Say it again.”
“I love you. I always have.”
The sparkle in his blue eyes tells me he’s felt the same and that he can’t wait to make up for lost time.
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @Hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin 
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Lust Or Love - Chapter 1
Other Chapters
Chapter two will be posted in 1 hour :-)
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I remember the day he left. He left Boston for Columbus, while I waited back in Ann Arbor. We were headed down two different paths so I don’t know how two souls so different and challengingly different could have ever strived to attach. Him being back to graduate is too much for me, although I didn’t watch him leave the first time, the thought of watching him leave again even if it is just passing by hurts.
Nick was the captain of the hockey team, the popular guy. I was another sorority girl amongst the thousands of them, that didn’t really care to be a part of one. My mother wanted me to be a part of something so that is what I chose. Never did I think a Greek life party would end up breaking my heart so bad.
~October 2021~
The Frat house down the street was throwing a big party and everyone was going. I loved to party but it got exhausting. Tonight was one of those nights that I’d rather just lay in bed but I couldn’t. 
“Come on lighten up, it will be fun!” Tori, one of my roommates, tries to perk me up as I finish putting my makeup on.
“I know it will be fun, for everyone else” I say to her, “But I have to study”
“Oh my gosh, you will get into vet school, your marks are fine and your biology test is Tuesday. Tonight is Saturday, which means we party” she says to me, making me chuckle lightly, “if it sucks,” she continues sitting beside me on the bench and taking the lipstick from my hand before leaning into the mirror, “We will leave”. She applies the lipstick then pops her lips, “Plus Amber doesn’t want to go either tonight but I’m making her go too, so you guys can be miserable together!”
She smiles at me and gets up before telling me I have five minutes and leaving my room. I get up and make my way over to the closet and grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a navy bustier top to wear with my white converse. I put them on then walk down the stairs to see Tori, Amber, and Kali all pre-gaming in the kitchen. 
“Y/n!” Amber shouts as I reach the bottom step
“I thought she didn’t want to go out?” I say looking at Tori
“I don’t, but this is the only way I will be able to tolerate the night!” she shouts again, “Here! have a shot!” she says sliding a shot glass beside her to the empty seat. 
I walked over and sat in the empty seat and took a swig from the glass. I made a face as I set the shot glass back down on the table and the girls all laughed. We pre-gamed for around an hour before we eventually headed out and made our way to the frat party. The house was only a 4 maybe 5 minute walk from our house so we weren’t out in the cold for too long. 
When we got to the house it was packed. You literally had to push people out of your way to get through the house. I ended up losing the girls pretty quickly and ended up just trying to find anyone I knew when I noticed Nolan Moyle, a guy in one of my classes this semester, close enough to get to. I peel through the sweaty bodies in the house and make my way over. I usually bump into him at parties and have known him throughout my 4 years at UMich due to partying at the same houses and being in some of the same classes. 
“Hey Nolan” I said loud enough so that he can hear me over the music pumping through the house
“Hey!” he smiles widely when he sees me, “What’s up?!” 
I stick around with Nolan in the house until I can find my friends. We aren’t super close where we would call each other up to hang out but close enough that we would hang out at parties if we bumped into each other for the whole night and not talk about our classes. 
“I’m headed out to the deck out back, wanna come?” he asks me shouting over the music
“Sure!” I say 
“Grab my shoulder!” I hold onto his shoulder as he makes his way through the crowd. He is polite in an odd way as he maneuvers through the crowd by pushing through. We eventually make it to the back deck and it is almost just as packed as the inside of the house. Only difference was you didn’t have to push people to get around, you could just squeeze past them. Nolan found some of his friends and made his way over and I followed behind him. 
We made it over to some of his friends and I catch one of them staring at me, he gives me a shy smile before looking away. He is cute, I smile to myself and look down at my feet. When I look up again I catch him staring again, this time Nolan notices. 
“Nick, Y/n. Y/n, Nick or Blanks, or Cap, you choose” he says and we both look at Nolan, “Well you wouldn’t stop staring at each other waiting for the other to introduce themselves first” Nolan continued before looking back at the group and talking to them. Nick walks over to me and tilts his head pointing it over at the railing of the deck. I follow the motion of his head and walk over and lean my back against it.
“Hey” he smiles leaning on the rail beside me
“Hi” I smile back
“So, how long have you known Moyle?” 
“Since freshman year” I tell him and he nods
“You a Senior?”
“Yeah, you?” I say and a light bulb turns on above his head
“Oh yeah, wait I do know you I think. Well know of you” he starts, “You’re dating Kyle, I was wondering where I’ve seen you but yeah, now I know” he says and I give him a toothless puffed lip smile like he hit a sore spot
“I think I’m going to go” I say nodding my head then walk over to Nolan leaving Nick over at the railing.
“Hey Nolan?” I say catching his attention so he turns and looks at me, “I found my friends, I’ll catch you later! Thanks for keeping my company!” I say and he smiles back
“Cya Monday morning!” he says before I disappear into the scrum of people. 
As I push through the people I finally find Tori. I wave my hand up to Tori to grab her attention as I walk through the crowd to her. When she sees me she smiles and reaches her hand out over the crowd to grab my hand and pull me through the crowded deck so I was closer to her. 
“Where did you go?” she questions me
“Where did I go? Where did you go? You disappeared”
“Oh opps” she says
“Where is Amber and Kali?”
“Amber is wasted in the bathroom and Kali is helping her, I was just helping her but vomit makes me sick, I needed air”
“Is she okay? Which bathroom?”
“I think, and the one on the left as soon as you walk through the door” 
I take her directions and walk into the house pushing through the people and make it to the bathroom. I knock and tell them it’s me before opening it and locking it behind me. I walk over to the toilet and rub Amber’s back as she continues to vomit in the toilet. 
“How long has she been throwing up?” I ask Kali who is sitting on the other side of Amber
“She was pretty sick around 20 minutes ago then stopped and started again just now when you walked in”
“Wow, nice. I revolt everybody” 
“No she is drunk, and Kyle was an asshole” Kali says referring to my ex that broke up with me last week. Oh yeah, maybe I forgot to mention that as another reason why I didn’t want to come tonight and the reason I left the cute boy out on the deck probably wondering where he fucked up. 
“I’ll take her home” I tell Kali and she gives me a look, “We will be fine, You need to stay and walk home with Tori so she doesn’t end up at some randoms or bringing a random home or walking home by herself”
“Are you sure? We could always walk back after”
“No I think I’m done partying anyway” “Kyle?”
“Haven’t seen him yet, don’t want to see him. Don’t care really” I tell Kali then lean forward to try to make eye contact with Amber, “Hey Bam, You want to go home?” I ask her and she slowly starts to lift her head out to the toilet bowl. She looks over at me and nods her head slowly and I stand to my feet, “Okay, can you get up on your feet?”
With both hands she grabs both sides of the toilet and tries to push herself up but she is extremely sloppy. I look at Kali as I grab one of Amber’s arms and Kali grabs the other as we both pull her up to her feet. 
“Help me walk her to the front, I’ll need help just getting her down the stairs”
Both Kali and I put one of each of her arms over each of our shoulder’s and walk her out of the bathroom. We end up having to go out the backdoor as there was no way we were pushing through all the people in the house to get through to the front. We walk her, but practical drag her out the back door then to the back deck stairs. Kali and I were having huge difficulties trying to get down the stairs, we just weren’t strong enough. 
“Fuck, where is Kyle when you need him?” Kali says laughing then immediately stops realizing what she said and stops her movement to look at me apologetically, “Oh my gosh, I’m so s-”
“It’s fine” I say trying to shrug off the shitty feeling inside of me, “Just help me get her to the bottom”
“Yeah, okay” she says with guilt still ringing through her voice. 
We continue to struggle our way down the stairs without speaking. Before Kali’s Kyle comment we were at least telling Amber when to step and praising her when she does, but now we are just silent. “Hey Y/n!” I hear from up on the deck as I finally reach the bottom, I look up to see Nick coming down the stairs, “You look like you need help”
“Well I’m going to go now, you sure you are okay?” Kali asks me
“Yes, go have fun, I’ll look after her” I tell her and look at Nick, “I’m good” I smile then turn to basically carry Amber. 
Nick stands watching at the bottom of the deck stairs as I try and struggle greatly to get my drunk friend to just put one foot in front of the other, she can walk fine, she is just resistant to leaving the party all of a sudden. I finally give up and look back to see Nick still standing, watching me struggle with a sly smile on his face. 
“Fine” I say rolling my eyes, he smiles and makes his way over to us.
“Here, I’ll just carry her, '' he says, bending down and sweeping her off her feet. 
“Hey Bam, this is Nick” I say and Amber just nods her head with lazy eyes
“Hey Nick, urrrr cute!” Amber exclaims
“Thanks… Bam?” he says and I nod, “What’s Bam short for?” he asks her as we walk to my place
“Amber” she replies sluggishly
“That’s nice, where’d Bam come from?”
I walk beside them as he continues asking her questions to keep her talking
“My name” she answers, “Amb is a stupid nickname so I moved to b for my exhilarating personality” she says slurring each of her words. 
“Exhilarating huh?”
“Yup” she slurs, “You play hockey don’t you?” she asks him bringing her finger up and pressing his cheek
“Yeah, I do. Do you like hockey?” he asks her
“Don’t ask her that” I say, shaking my head laughing already knowing what she is going to say, embarrassing herself. Nick looks at me and laughs at my expression
“Just the boys” she says and Nick laughs
He continues talking with Amber the whole way to the house which wasn’t very much longer, then he helps me put her into her room. I walk down the stairs to grab a glass of water and some Advil then walk back up to Amber’s room setting it on the nightstand for her in the morning. Nick and I walk out of the room and down the stairs. Nick then makes his way to the front door but I stop him before he can leave, “You don’t want to stay for a bit?” 
Nick turns and looks at me questionably, “Are you sure?”
“I have a full bottle of Titos and a roof I like to sit on” I say walking into the kitchen and grabbing the bottle out of the cabinet before reappearing in the hall, “You wanna join?” I ask lifting the bottle up slightly and shaking it. Nick nods his head then follows me up the stairs.
Tags <3 : @woodruff-edwards
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Hey, I realize you do like maths. As someone who didnt go through highschool but got a highschool degree with only REALLY BASIC maths knowledge, I wanna ask: - Any advice or recommendations for someone who wants/needs to catch up/go from elementary to highschool maths ASAP many years after dropping the subject?
It seems to be an interesting subject but I had teachers that were so bad at teaching and so good at shaming and traumatizing that it blocked me and made me avoid maths like the plague, I do want to start over with maths and try again while making it a good experience this time, I need advice. Pls help. (anonymous cause embarrassed to admit I can barely get around with the basic 4 operations and begin getting lost when it goes into fractions, decimals, porcentages etc, and as a college student I should know advanced stuff like factoration and complex expressions by now)
I am incredibly blessed with the fact that I love maths, and had great teachers. I don’t really know how to get good at maths because by the time I was actually conscious about liking maths, I was already pretty good at it. I never had that thing of having to be better, because I’ve always just been good at it, and the things that I didn’t know I enjoyed learning so I just learnt them.
The problem with having to relearn something is that you FEEL like you’re better than you are. I stopped learning Japanese for a few months, and when I come back to it, I’ll have to go over basic kanji again, my brain tells me that I know it, but I don’t. I need to go over the basics, but before I learnt the basics with the spark of learning pushing me through. Now I’ve got to essentially revise something I forgot. It sucks.
What I’d recommend, is by jumping into the deep end. There are lots of maths videos on YouTube, and they’re really interesting, but you won’t understand anything. But that’s fine, because the things you don’t understand, you can watch videos about those. And the parts of those you don’t understand you can research into that. It may not be the most efficient way to learn, but eventually you will. Trial by fire and all that, and it might be more fun because you’re looking at stuff that interests you! You’ll find that the simple stuff actually has rather complex and interesting explanations, which I find really cool.
If you want to relearn quickly, then you just have to study. It sucks, but that’s just how it is. I don’t know what elementary school is, I assume it’s 11-14, and high school probably means gcse, which is 15-16.
Some basic tips:
Think of the operators as logically as possible. When you see 5x15, literally think of 15 added together 5 times. Think of 6/20 as 6 lots of 1/20 (which itself is 0.05. Maybe even think of it as 1/2 times 1/10.) basically just think of the operators as simply as possible until you’re able to think of them as their own thing. Then you can start introducing indices, square roots, etc.
Don’t be afraid of using a calculator (learning how to use a calculator effectively will massively boost your mathematical literacy).
write everything down (don’t rely on your mental maths. If you literally have to do every single equation on a piece of paper (assuming calculators aren’t allowed), do it. Never trust your mental maths until you’re certain that you’ve got good mental maths. Seriously, 90% of mistakes come from trying to make a shortcut in your head and messing up. Many people, my self included in the past, see writing down your working out as a sign of weakness, it isn’t.
Try to avoid the divisor symbol as much as possible, it isn’t actually an operator, it’s shorthand for fractions (the dots are placeholders for the things in front and behind). Honestly, you should prioritise getting comfortable with fractions. They’re really useful, especially in algebra.
If you get good at algebra, you’ll be good at almost everything maths can throw at you. Being able to rearrange equations is a skill that you will literally never not use. It also helps you with regular number equations because you can think of the numbers as variables. It sounds weird or as if you’re complicating it, but it can help.
(A/B)*C=(A*C)/B. It’s surprising how useful it is, and how often I’ll forget about it lmao
Look into geometry! Everything you do in maths can and has been described with shapes. And for some people that can help them visualise it! If shapes help you with maths, look into shapes! Geometry!
Factorisation is essentially just the reverse of multiplication. (2*5*7)=70, therefore the prime factors of 70 are 2,5, and 7. The same applies to algebra. Just think of what could be multiplied together to make x^2+3x+2. And hey, there’s a really handy formula for finding out the factors of quadratics that I highly recommend memorising if you think you’ll need it!
And most of all: try and have fun! Basic maths can be very tedious, but think of it like learning a language. Once you get the alphabet (numbers) and grammar (operators) out of the way, you’ll start to see all of the complex words and phrases you can create, and understand. And, best of all, you will NEVER stop learning, so you may as well start now!
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its-dean · 5 months
Hey just wanted to say that this while Odyssey thing looks Really REALLY cool!!! Forgive me if it's already stated elsewhere, but how do you plan on releasing it when its done?? Like is it gonna be an emulator thing or more of a standalone type of thing?? Also I Love the character designs you've been putting out, and I think I followed you a while back just for those lol. Anyway keep up the good work and consider me excited!!
Thank you for reaching out, you’re very kind! In terms of the things I’ve been posting, everything that I make is simply for fun. I just enjoy getting to share all the things I come up with, and it motivates me to make what I share feel that much more interesting.
I don’t have any experience with game design, and I don’t have plans to develop anything I come up with to be part of an actual fan-game. I like creating vivosaurs, giving them stats, and imagining what tweaks I’d make to how a Fossil Battle works, but I feel like I’d be in over my head if I were to try and program any of those things. It simple doesn’t interest me enough, and I’m nowhere near experienced enough 😅
However, very big big however, my biggest passion with Fossil Fighters is its story and its world, and that’s what I want to work on with what I create. I study filmmaking in school and want to go into some kind of career as a creative writer, and my biggest personal project is Fossil Fighters Ofyssey, my own idea of where the story of the first 2 games would go from where they left off, 9 whole years later. Since I finished developing my cast of original characters and vivosaurs, I’ve been trying to shift gears to thinking of the story I want to tell using them. I’ve worked out outlines and currently am working on writing finalized scripts (some of them I’ll probably post here), the dream would be to someday illustrate my story in a manga/graphic novel format, but again I don’t wanna go further into video game territory.
I apologize for the really long-winded response, this is just my biggest personal passion and I’m really appreciative that there are people who enjoy seeing what I share enough to ask me these kinds of questions. Thanks for hearing me out on all of this, I wish you the best as well! 🙏
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mindful-of-ideas · 2 years
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“How about a play,” you asked.
“A play?” the Doctor said.
“Yeah, like theatre. I like theatre!”
“Sure, but theatre’s history is long. Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Plautus, Albert Camus… when do you want to go?”
“Surprise me!”
“Surprise you,” the Doctor said, suddenly standing still, like he was in disbelief, “Well, hang on to something.”
You barely had time to get ahold of the railing before the TARDIS launched you forward.
You had been travelling with the Doctor for a few days now, and you already felt at home. Yes, this had been the most dangerous thing you had ever done, but it was also the most thrilling thing.
Soon enough, the Tardis landed and you regained your footing.
“So, where are we?” you asked.
“Go ahead and find out.”
You opened the TARDIS’ door to one of the most unique views you ever witnessed. The TARDIS had landed right by what seemed to be a fortress wall. You were so high in the sky that it felt like being at the very top of the world. The city below your feet didn’t give much information about where or when you were. You turned around trying to find some clue when you saw it. The Parthenon. Your heart skipped a beat. This was what you had been studying for the past year at university. And it was there, complete, in all its glory. The outside columns were all standing tall and followed the Doric canon in their number. And the metopes, oh the metopes they were all there, completely intact. From where you were standing, you could make out the scenes from the fight between the Centaurs and the Lapiths. You had to see the other sides, the ones that were destroyed. How did they represent the Trojan war on there? Or even the Amazonomachy?
“Care to take a guess,” the Doctor said, bending over your shoulder and cutting short your daydreaming
“Ancient Greece? Maybe Athens?”
He seemed so excited. You knew he was probably dying to show off what he knew and explain it in details to you. That’s what he always did, and you loved it. Seeing someone be so passionate about something they seemingly care about always brought a smile to your face. That’s why you loved school. And learning, learning is just so fun when it comes from the right person. Looking at him now, you knew it would break his heart a little if you told him you already knew a lot about this place. Still, there was one thing you couldn’t really guess.
“And when exactly?” you finally asked.
“Well… you know the Ancient times of Greece…”
“But like, month, year?”
The Doctor put on his sunglasses and turned three times on himself. He then suddenly dropped to his knees. You were sure he was about to lick the ground, as he had done already twice since you met him, but he looked like he was only listening very carefully.
“What are you…” you started.
“Shhhh! You’ll mess it up!”
He got back up and picked a fruit from the basket of an Athenian who was walking by.
“I’d say end of march, maybe begin of April, 405 before,” he said, throwing the fruit your way, “Well, that is based on our Gregorian calendar.”
“How did you know?” you said, barely catching the fruit.
He had a really shitty aim.
“Educated guess,” he said, “Oh and everyone is excited to see Euripides last tragedy. Should we get going?”
“We’re going to see The Bacchae?”
“Oh yes, he’s amazing, you’ll see.”
Together, you walked down to the Theatre of Dionysus. You couldn’t believe it. You were here, walking in Athens in Ancient Greece. A place you studied and loved for so long. You dreamt of going to Athens, the modern one that is, this couldn’t possibly be real.
You finally sat down, almost centred with the orchestra.
“How did you know it was The Bacchae?” the Doctor asked.
“Educated guess?”
“Right! So you see this place in the middle, it’s called the orchestra. This is where the chorus is going to stay for the entirety of the play. You see, once they’re on stage they never leave. They’ll get here by walking through the eisodos, well eisodoi, it’s plural, it’s those little passageways on each side.
You nodded and smiled as he said all that. Of course you already knew it, but he looked so happy.
“And right at the back, that building with the doors, is the skené, where the actors basically go and change costumes.”
“Well, it’s a bit more than that, but go on.
“And so you see tragedies are always presented in groups of three… wait, what did you just say?”
“No-nothing, go on. I’m listening,” you said.
You didn’t even notice that you had cut him off. You saw his smile fade away as you looked down embarrassed.
“Do you know about this?” he asked.
“You can keep explaining, I won’t cut you off again.”
“That’s not my question Y/N, if you already knew everything I explained, why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Because you’re always excited to talk about stuff you know and to explain it to me. I didn’t want to… to take that away from you,” you said, looking back at him, “And you seem happy when that happens… you rarely seem happy…”
“Oh… Y/N… I’m… you’re right, I love explaining things to you because I see how much YOU love it. You can explain it, it will make me just as happy.”
You looked at him, smiling softly. You knew this wasn’t true. You knew you could never make him truly happy. Something or someone tore a hole in his heart a long time ago and there was nothing you could do to fix it. No way you could patch it up, but you could always try to ease the pain.
“Right,” you said, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, please,” he said, putting a protective arm around you as more people were coming in, “I promise this trip will be just as fun if you do the explaining and I do the listening.”
You grabbed the front of his jacket. People around you were now pushing, trying to find a seat.
“You’re sure you’ll be fine, only listening?” you asked.
“Yeah, yeah don’t even worry a little bit.” he said, smiling at you, “And Y/N don’t ever compromise who you are for me. You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. You don’t have to change who you are for anyone else.”
“I’ll try…”
“Thank you. Now, where did I go wrong?”
“Okay, so you see the skené is actually part of the play, it’s basically the backdrop. It tells us where we are and most importantly when the actors enter the skené, where they go. Because, yes they change costumes, but sometimes they leave because their character is doing something inside the palace for example. Most of the time, it’s dying because no deaths are represented on stage. Also, tragedies actually come in a group of four because the author also writes a satyr play. And we are so lucky to see The Bacchae! We rarely have a god as the protagonist, so this is exceptional but also you could say that at the end of the play when…”
“Maybe don’t spoil it for the people around,” the Doctor whispered, as the first tragedy was about to start, “we can talk plenty after.”
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kitty-kat1919 · 6 months
Armin x Reader oneshot
(This is based on a dream I had, it was the best time)
It’s getting so close to Christmas time. You are so excited but you also need to start studying for your exam before school lets out. As if on cue Eren calls you to study with him and Armin tonight. Of course you agree, the chance to hang out with your favorite blonde and be productive, count you in! You tell him sure and start getting your stuff ready.
You arrive at Erens before Armin gets there. He can see that you’re excited.
“Geez, y/n are you ever gonna ask him out?”
You looked at him like he just killed a puppy.
“You know I don’t have the courage to even do that, plus I’ve never been asked out before, I don’t want to do it this time.”
Eren laughs.
“You’re so predictable.”
Eren has known your secret for a long time since you and him were friends first. He was the one who introduced the two of you.
“You know Armin hasn’t been with anyone, I’m not sure he’d ever ask you out.” Eren said poking fun at you.
“And I’m perfectly fine with that, living in my fantasy world that we’re together.”
Eren sighs,
“You’re no fun.”
You keep bantering back and forth as Armin shows up. You smile to yourself. Even if there’s no chance you get with him at least you get to spend time with him. Eren opens the door and Armin comes in.
“Hey y/n!” He beems with those pretty blue eyes of his.
“Hey!” You say extremely happy to even be near him.
We all get right into studying as this exam is one of our hardest yet. We’re going over the specifics and writing down each other’s notes. You honestly wish school didn’t exist. You start to imagine what it would be like to kiss Armin instead of thinking about school. All of a sudden Eren switches topics and starts talking about Mikasa his newest gf. You love to hear their stories. They are just the cutest, but a small pit of jealousy also forms when it gets brought up.
“Ugh. I wish I could be like you guys, Eren” Armin says.
“Haha, it seems all my fantasies start with you Armin.” You say jokingly not even fully coming to terms with the words that just left your mouth.
Armin has a shocked look, but also laughs a little with a slight blush barely noticeable to anyone on his face. You quickly realize what you just said and you have to abort this place.
“It is getting pretty late I’m gonna head back now.” You say as you quickly gather your things and hide your face of embarrassment. Nothing is said as you gather your things. In the most awkward of silences you rush out the door, but before you completely leave to start walking home through the Christmas decorated town, you look up in the window and lock eyes with Eren. He nods at you and says something to Armin. You can see Armin rushing to find his coat and you stop in the crowd intrigued by whatever is happening in there. Armin rushes out the door screaming your name hoping you haven’t got too far.
“Um yes?” You say as he finds you standing on the other side of the street now.
“I just have to tell you that you’re really pretty and I want to go out with you!” He says blushing.
“I know it’s out of the blue but I also have those fantasies about you!! So will you please go out with me?”
You’re so stunned, you sincerely didn’t think this is what he was running out of Erens for. You want to know what Eren even said to get him to do this.
“Of course! I’d be happy to!”
Just as you get that out Armin hugs you and you get to feel just how muscular he really is. You knew he had them, but damn, they didn’t really show. You can hear his heart racing in his chest.
“So you wanna come back inside?”
Eren says watching from around the corner. He must’ve known you only left cause you were embarrassed af. Eren knew you pretty damn well. Whatever he said to Armin you were grateful for.
“Yeah I’ll come back” you say laughing. You get inside and Armin lays on your lap while you read together. Playing with his hair feels like a dream. It lights a fire in you that you never want to end. Eren must’ve felt like a third wheel now cause he called Mikasa over too. You all had a great time chatting and studying for the rest of the night.
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